' ■WEDKESOAT iIOBKIKQ. SEPT. 22, 1868. . ji . imwiit TTn , BOBS&T UeSSnam, Allegheny City. IOitOL ' - --JOQM P.PBOnttiPtmboritu - -J. HEaOS VOBTKB, Pittsbvsh, > XLTAd H.IKXBH, do DkVrD B. BAYAID, Fwblei, Jones p. sotunt, MeKaeeport, BOBX&T P. KcDOWCLL. Allegheny. sasmT, HVM L. ciRAXIAti;' Allegheny. ; "Xai Baoroild Ta»#a. M - i -TU» 5» » phrase v . common la themouthsof (he demagogues. who ere leading the locofoco the road to rain. TheyeUgmathe the Gazettsahd DjjpfffcA-arpa* (min the railroad interest ; and their organ, 'theliVve Prets, has gone so far as to say that it Is the oolypaper opposed to the repeal of the Tonnage tax and and to railroad discriminations against oar commerce; and that it is the only paper that has exposed the Sunbury and Erie affsir. ‘ Now, we are not in the habit of making Tain I parade of our ooorse on enoh mature ; butevery ' merchant in Pittsburgh, who reads the papers, knows that the Ooseii# has alxccyt been opposed to therepeal of the ionnage tax; that U has ooudstsntly, penisUntlj and efficiently resisted the discriminations made by railroads against our business men and the commerce of the oity; that it has fought for Pittsburgh Interests against ibeiojorooa railroad policy that has been so fatal to them; and that Coring the two legisla- Uveseemocßin which the Sunbuiy. and Eriebill was pending, this paper exposed the whole •ohsae and contribated all possible aid to Its de feat These are facts patent to every Pitts, burgh merchant aadbosinesa man; and all the deohunsUou ut such frothy blusterers as Wil liams & Co. will not change the foots. ' The -Gazette has always been prond to con elder itself a Pittsburgh paper, and we are never so happy ns when we are able, Usongh its col umns, to advocate and promote Pittsburgh in terests. In doing so, we have frequently been oompelled to oome in collision with the policy of the railroads; an ’ when this has been the case, our reader* will bear ue witness that we have not'shrunk from a faithful performance of our duty. - c* • # ■4 :577 : *- 1 V*? 1 • -. ' vV>W - Ilil: I!'#": *4 v «\y-,,y v «u..v-V Is' :t: *O VU »-^•.V^Ut'.'iO • < Tn*' *!*' ; s*r'& Y- .*tY*' : ?| , v . v :-y !;**H;:f -J* *W'" '' .'• •" T T U^’^^vv.yv.v - ' " . ‘ * X-'- • '”"-N-VV -j -' * ftfeS ‘v.c, f-e-.'-v yflak-T'^ft-v, ir-y wmß i i 'H; ■ ■ t';‘ t.^'l P jM; ;>.' NY.tS.Xi a«' -'V.Y v ‘‘i.'«••?• 41 ? * &«<;'•;• :**Jf • * ,s>.«>'• 1 -' •■*• ?.&■ .? jk*;; ' «•' ’ > 'IV .'■‘‘iV Jr.£ & 5 , ; |-N.V. . 1 . .Vi, « :3;‘ point. MirylinJ, Missouri ftotl Delewxre '■ fopurfrccome fret Stales or Buffer from the cures • meat '•"• ' B* L?*-, ; ; f* j - Tin Cukss Coxtz&t nr E*olahi>.—From in-j \ 'foravaeoreoelred bj lfce VMjderbilt vt New I l v.‘ . . -t " k York,' U U MotrUlaed 'thftl Pabl Morpby* the I - ; < joungAxatrieaaeh««s pltyer, vonth* match j n«Wia playing Kith Htrr L-oewenttajUl, Ikesobrt •*-• 't attk*clOM■UadinKthru:*—Morphyo,Loewen« tkaU3, drairn2.Yh«mfcta)iv«afors&oo.:U O : . iaaUo atiOcdtbat Mr. Morpby hvi «ng»ges--io •t. ' T’ 8. BIDDIS * Co.. Huron «.< fL LABXHWL,Cbuti«r». .. oonnn% ~ CQATmCR B. BOCTWIOE, LewwoorriUe, . Kuoraot *oog, « H. OITU,OMo. >, - Wo do not say this to justify ouraeWes ngsins l any.etrietnrce of the lYuePrett or ita but to keep tho facts in the view of a few who eeem, in the madness of the hoar, to have for gotten them. Tlure is so newspaper in tho oonnlry that h> less open to the reproach of beiog a “rallrnad press” than the QaztXU. Bca*cb of Mateeial.— The locofocos of this Congressional district haTe not been able to find a single man within its bounds who is fit to represent them in Congress; they were all, Mr. Burkesays, ‘'tainted” in some way; and they had therefore to go into another district and import i candidate who refused too creams from a railroad company. He dow the "I scream” himself. . Bat badly off as they were here, there are still worse eff in the Allegheny district. There they cannot -.find a candidate at all, although .they have two'countiee to pick from.* They have Moored both and 'gfren it np as a bad job, and are content to take up with the cast off lumber of another party. . Why did they not go to Philadelphia for one t They might hate got Florence, orOwen Jones; anderen.J. Gloncy ' Jones would swap his worthless chance in Berks for the shadow of a chance somewhere else. • What a poor, beggarly party it la 1 Claiming to be tho only national party, and the only parly fit :to iFe hafioh.Jt V.hhot, in a population of 200,000, find more than one democrat fit to go to Congress, and he does not lire in the dis trict ha wants to represent Why, the old Abo lition party,' in the Franklin »nd Lincneter hire taken decided | ground against the repeal of the Tonmgo Tax; ■ and ir» take pleasure In adding that eioilar ! graund haa beew taken b J the Bepuhlloane in all the coontlea along tho Juniata, and that aer " aralßepobliean preaaea 1# Wealern Pennejlra ntaharo also epokenin the aamb behalf. In _deed, outeide of Philadelphia we do not know of • “i single Republican randldutafor lhaleglalaturo ' • who .la In fatot of the repeal. Tho^aenibere ■ :%loctad . from lha went will be a unit on that qnaetton t eo will thoao from the north and the "oentra; andthe frienda of repeal, to tha next - - Boom, will' not be able to tnaater a oorjoral’a '■>* guard. "No cite need entertain a fear on ihlr /ilWfcV;;:'':, ■ . . r,~\rnj CorriACTl}—Th« JUTuouri Dme-A A Wnoii Tinni.Bmjaro.—Th« town of •r - • -V- - . .inflTTmy, Mn., hid been lope noted fCT ilsabOUnd Baerliwre'ft Hol land Bitter*' Qtincc,C«ojul*, June 20, ISM. Wo bars no doubt it *Ol tell *rtl ber*. Send u» on* gnu. JOHN MUSSON * CO. Uostualm Canada, July 1, ISM. Bendtu2RTOsi Boerharo’a Holland Bitter*. Wo Want metfceln* of this kind In cur market. , _ „ JOHN Til RICH A CO, Medial Hall. fiT. Pact. Mlnureola. There U oalto a tssJt salo bare for your Boerhavo** Hoi land Bitter*. WM. 11. WOLF, " 1 per IL D. PEAIISON. HOLUDATfBCaO, P*n D*C. ISiG. Send me 3 dozen more Boerhave’s Holland Bittft*. I will remit on Ihancalpt of ■am*. J. B. PATTON. Lswtsrnwit, Pa. Dae. 24,1858. pond me 6 ,k*t<*n Boerbave’s Holland par' K -R -*lll remit, Ims discount. CHARLES IiITV.. WzusDoaa, Vs., Not. 1, ISfin. Send to* anntbor box,3dn*cn, lloerkHve’s Holland Bit ter*. It H taking the lead hero of ail otoer' Toss, Pa., Febuary 4, ISff?. Please srr.J toe, per express, 6 dozen Boerbare’s Bolltsd Bltton. We ant entirely ont. G. A. MORRIS A 00. bociSTUAK, Kj., January 20, 1857. We hare a great many calls lor yoor Bocrhare’s Ilnllend Bitten, and would like to hare the agency. WM. SPIUNGKB A BRO. Citmox!—Be careful to ask for lioerbave’e Holland Bit ten. The great popularity of tbls medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against pnrebaains -49*801(1 at gl por bottle, or six bottlee lor $5, by Uio pro prietor*, BKNJ. PAGE, Jk, ft 00., Uanotactnrisg Pharma ceutist* and Cbsmlrts, 27 Wood street, between Ist and Sd tf Pittsburgh. Pm. and Brogglau generally. selTrdAwP Special Jlotices. ' IBAB.V & CO , Leaders aad Introducers ot Fashion (oi GENTLEMEN’S HATS, A’oj. H, 4 and 6, Aitrr Home, Broadway, New I url\ FALL STYLE—IBSB, Messrs. Leary & Co. beg leave to announce that they *r« now prepared to farntslT their “Pall Style Hat” by the package. Tho well known ’superiority of their fabrics andthe doclJed character and beauty oftheirstyles, have secured f-’f them a patronage and snpportnevetfbelbre obtained by an* other hoose In the trade. With increased {kcilUln hi reannfarturiog, they can, with confidence, assert that their present style will - enrpasa anrtblng heretofore ssnetl. go!3;eod2«ffc CAUTION. —The great success of the American TJTifcA has.led foreign manufacturers not to Imitate It In goceral appearanco, but to counterfeit It— even to the use of onr trade marks. Those who hare had the genuine Watch are not likely to bo deceived If they subject tlio article to a proper scrutiny when offered for aMe. To those, however, who h*T* never purchased tb* American Watch, and era not familiar with its pocnllsri tics, we would say that they never uoed be in any doubt whatever In regain to it,a? certificates rfgenuineness, signed by ourselves, fimm'rtNy accompany erury Watch sold by ns and should be demanded ot evtry person offering these Watches for sale. We have to add that the spurious articles are like our Watch In appearance only, aod are Internally of the most inferior finish, and the very same ajstera that has already foeded the Wuntry with BjfeAtt that are not only rxxxiout and rt renifant source ofexptnte,hut realty Oftferr/o t\* owners. Any petstn who wishes E> porchase one of oar own Watches, will find them with our agrnts, Messrs. BRINK MAN * SIEYRAN, Pitlslittrgh, Ta. XprLBTON, TR *OT A CO. nrlfctydswT—JolO Waltham, Mass- _ fIOTREftSI MOTHERS!! MOTUKRBH Don't ftvil to procure Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Sjrnp for Children Teething. It baa no equal on earth. It greatly facilitates the procesa of teething by softening the gums, reducing alt Inflammation—will allay palu, and is tore to regulate tho bowels. Depend npoti it, mothers, It will give rest to yooraelves, and relief and health to yoor Infkot*. Perfectly safe In all caqes. This Tainable preparation is the prescription of one of she mostexpcrlooccd and skilful female Physicians in New England, and has been used with nrrar-fainng success to mUlton* of case*. We bsllste it the bret and surest remedy in tbs world, In all cases of Dysentery and Diarboea In Children, whether It •rises from teething oi from any other cause. If fife and health can be MtiAated by dollars aod ceots, It It worth Us weight In gold. Millions of bottles are sold every year »c ib* Uultad Statn*. It isau oW and well trird reu.«lj. riUOE ONLY 25 CENTS A BdTTLB. 69»None geuuin»uolee* tb* facsimile ofCUHTIS A PER ETNB, New York, Ison the outsldo wrapper. Sold by Druggist* throughout the world. DfUOKO. IL KETSKU, Agent for Pittsburgh. juidawlyfcT The Great EngllaD Remedy. SIR. JAMES; CLAJIKJC’S CELEBRATED FIE MALE FILLSI Prepared from a prescription of ElrJamos Clark b, M.D, fhyilrian Extraordinary to theQoesn. This wall known Medicine is oo imposition, hot a ears and safe remedy fur Female DlQcnlUe* and Obstructions, rum any cause whatever; and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. TO MARRIED LADIES it la pocnllsri; snltad. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. That mU hate never been toaejen to /ail wArre fAc iirt> ftot* on t Ac second page t/pamphlet are well observed. For full iwrUeulare, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N, u n *nd 6 postage stamps enclosed to any author! aed agent, will Insure a bottle, containing over MpliU, by return mail. .... R L.PAIINBSTOCK A CO-, Pittsburgh, wholesale agent, •ad fcdd by all druggists. _ •p'riylAw fc T TUB GREATEST MATO 11 TBM WORLD! a fortune made mrn a shall invesment. THOMAS’ PATENT MATCn MACHINE ,da pi*, cheap and perfect Hatch Maker. Tb* Machlt ousts only $116; ie drir*n by hand, and wIU make tho tor taooof the manufacturer to a abort Ume. Where good •rood l« to be bad readily U materially rcdocot the coat. AarSevaral oornitj or Machine priTltegesare offered lor tale at a moderate price. For particotara call at GA2JSTTE COCNTISO ROOM. Fifth etrect. tclMAwtcttT W. nniiaa is All hlßdi of Tobacco, SnolT and Ctgara, liare recently taken the building Ko. 130 Wood street, in addition to tiidr Manufacturing Establishment, No. 43 Lrvia ■tnet, wherotboj will be ploaaed to rscelre llndr friend*, ap77:lydf« * wa*c rosta.. ~ioag t-»«« w.rcouocoa Pittsburgh Stool Works* JOIfES, BOYD CO, ilanuractnrmof CAST STEEL; alto, SPRING, FLOW and A. D.**TKKL; SPBINOSand AXLEB, Gc.mrr Ron and Ftrtl StrttU, ruubvrgh. Pa- , .ac jonn. - --#• *• ao««aa I>. B. BOGKiiS & .004 KAvcrAcmxM or Rogers’ Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth, Onmer Ron and Pint Strati, InMiiydfc* STAltClfl FACTORY FOR BALE. Tho Rochester Starch Factory, tn thorough id complete working order, cepablo of taming oot two ton ofSlercbjiaily. will be told on reryadrantageou* term* This U e r*vorsbteoppoilnnUy for any one wishing to entei into a «*fe aniTprofltablo bmstseo. A goodrnn of custon being already well established, and requiring a compare Orel/ small capital. For farther Information enquire of M&lodfc HENRY H. tft Wood at. FBUtanaIFEOA. WM. McKEE Sc CO. ( Ho. 33 I). Front St. and Ho. 33 Letllla St., IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS, Abe constantly receiving on consignment, IRISH LINENS, bUIIIT FRONTS, iIDKFS, Am, In great variety. Alao, BltmfiH consiatlngin J**rt ol PAPER MUSLINS, VELVET CORDS, BRAVERTEKNft TABBY VELVET* ALrACCAS, CASHMERES, ITALIAN CLOTH* Am Jnl:d3mfe ETNA WORKS. AXiBZARSSB BRADLEY, aasrcratripaui aro MALsautsTssi T *tim or COOKING, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, Plain and Fanoy Orate Fronts, &0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Foundry on Allegheny Riw, two aqnaree north-east of ronosylrania FassengerDepet. Office and Sales Room* ■; mrl&lydfo Ho, A Woodßb, Pittsburgh. Pa. kail road bpxkb company. Joicph DUwortb D. W. C. Bldwell (Sucmum to Pbrttr, Jlot/e <£ Guilt.) UAtiVitcrom* oi RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. MTTSBOMB. PKMN’A. DAWES Sc OLULES Y Hooh, llsn udOrntmtiiUl Painter*, .A BD 0&A 1N B-R St tuuni ib Wliit© Lead nnd Zinq Paintu. *n uad» J u*» tan r * C€^T *ta» ■"Dp* tlco of ihe most ecientlfic of the Medical Profenion of Phil adelphia and elm whore, who recommend It m tnperlarto Dow maanfactored. nay other Onto efficacy an 4 Importance u nramodini in cuet of Goonraiptlob, float, BrenchllU, Asthma, Cbronlc Itbenmn ttom, nail all Ecrofaloos dUcuea, It U mmecewnry to «t»nlfi —thousands of eminent physicians of Europe nail America havtngtcited iti wonderful eamti^epropcrtiee. Prepared only by JOHN C. DAKKR * CO-, Whole*ale Druggist*, No. 151 North Third street, Philadelphia. Bold by ail Druggists throagboot the country. fu£3:utoc3o . .Ministers of the Gospel, of all Uenomina iont, hare oul TTOxon’r - Crlibraletl Jlfadacbt PilU ns u esjsdy for the general indisposition and drowsiness which »ofrequently attends their arduous colling, ond hundred* of them hart) horse roluatary testimony oftho greet re- Uoftheyhareaxperiencodfroo thonsoof this medicine for Indigestion, Nervous UandacheJUid similar ills. Prepared and eold by B. L.’PAUNBSTOCK * CO. Wholesale Drag gists, and proprietor* of B. L. FAHNESTOCK'S YKRIII FUGS, No. 00, comer Wood and Fourth Streets, Pittsburgh. B**fadTerU«menton 4lh page of today’s paper. ae2l:dAwT family SEWING MACHINES. GROVER ite BAKER'S. Tho first place in public estimation is now Justly accorded to the OROVER A BAKER'S MACHINE, for family sewing for the following muons: Ist—lt Is MORE SIMPLE, and EASILY KEPT IN OR DER than any other machine. 2d Sittoof R**l EoUtc, oh lalnltift Mob*? no Boadj *i>4 Mwtgmw *el:tydfc WTC Y MAN ec MON, VsenhMnr.es RQd DotleTl IB ill Kind* Of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND; CIGARS, AND LEAF TOBACCO, Carntr cf SmitSfltld Srr*t and Diamond *o**, PITTSBURGH, PA- wrrHacrw nocaitaa ~iqizox wiixia. EOBISSON, MINIS & HILLERS FOUNDERS AND HACniJfIST», washing-ton works Pittsburgh, Penns. Office, 1f0.91 Bfarket street. Manafactnra all kind* of Steam Knrlne# and Mill Machln err; Carting*, Railroad Work, Bt«nn» Uoltere and Bi»*»t Iron Work. JoblrlD; dooeou short notice. atlSlydl^ M."K . G I L L JEC 89 I? I DENTIST, Extracts Teoth without pain,' by an intißE ur in Anasathetto agrnt applied to tho teath and gumi only. Twth tnxa com to Ibft *atu tnacrtod on tha wioaa maUlUobuea. Re iliolutrti Utth on cntiTf Fovcrfa ls ban with conllnooet gum, which In beaoty.deaDUneaaarid JorabUlty cannot Call to pteua. Call and oxamlno aped into*. Ko. 61 Fourth itml, Mem Market, (aeCoud »tory,) PHUborgh. J»7:lydfc BAMVJCL ©KAY MBROHANT TAILOR, JTn. 62 ST. CLAIR BTRXET, pirrauoßflU, pknna, la prepared to fnrnish his customers and Payers generally, with tb« lain! and moat fashionable atylA or Spring and Samcur Ooodl of every rarloty, which bo wHll mako Op to onl«r to th« entire sal it faction of tho w «b<> may favor them with thalf patronage. ap23.-«lfo PAYNE,' BIBBBIiL & CO., MAvoraeroanta or Cooking, JPnrlor and Heating STOVES, Oratoft, Fionta, Fondora, eto. k Andilaoutactcrwriof tho Corobratod CAJPI'rAJL. COOKING ItANGK, SO. a 35 LIDEIITY STIIKBTi jy26;lydfc PITTBHUUQII, l‘A. xSTCHELLT"BERRON & CO., HtacrAcicana or Cooklnu. Parlor and HisaUna ■ STOVES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking Ganges, In 104 I.ibarly St., Pittsburgh, Pa. mr22fcly POSThEI, MKIiSON 4 CO., Manu/QO'urrrto/ OUK BARBELS, SOLIt> BOX VICES, BOBINBON'S BOLID OABT ETKKI. BCVTHKB—Warraßtod. Cart 5..1 and Hamered Sbartlt o*d Spadu, Boa, lI, If and i/onnr. Farit, Halt, BaUotlt, da. W.rahon>aSo. 17 Strtd St., nrtllmfo pirtßllUßan. PA GKO. H. ABDKUSOBI, A'o. 181 Libert]/ Strut, Pi (t.S«r,», Pa. Kunmomm *rn> wnoixstLi i* JSrvry Variety of PATENT AND ENAMELED LEATHER, Shoe Leather, Spfitt, Morocco, French trad Country Calf Skint, Solo Leather, Carriage Oilcloths, AH of wbfch will ha farnUbed at tho lowest Caah Prices. WH I DBS WASTE D .‘a* ~ eiobanob. SIOUX BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, SHMttMAN A CO., ON TRE ONION BANE, LONDON, IN 60M8 0V ONI POUND STERLING AND ‘OPTFAIID3. AUo, Bill* on tbo principal dIU» and town, of ?rmn«, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Bt»aU ami olhar £unp«o lUnhgf*. Wood corntir of Third. PITTSBURGH PASTOR* I>. C. HHB'B ST. Corner Lll)«rty »nd Bond Striciii PITTSBURGH: FA n Muinfactnrer of ntt kind* of light Bags, anUabie fer Grain, Floor, Mod, Dachwhoat, Ball, Hama tod Grocery nee, printed In neat acJ appropriate dealgna lo order. A-eoMtantwpplyofßeamiew Bagi.onHnd, and Grain Bagafbrhlra. MER*Pricoaaalow Many inthiUnlott. All . BBNBY H.'COiililNß. Pbiiwfllrig ana Coimirtwlon Merchant, &ch> aataißements. TO-LET— The upper story of Dr. Irish's new building, So. s 4 dt. Clair airwt, ccrt»inW« f room*—one 50 L>» 30. Water matl Gas in the rooms. toqu>raot Dr. IRISH, in tka building. a*22:dlw SJWEBT POTATOES—IO sacks -large new O Jersey Potatoes; 20 tibia do do, recoiled and for sal* at 186 Liberty street. m. 22 RIDDLR. WIRTB * CO >GGS—BbbU fresh Egzs rac’d and for sole I aX 135 Liberty at. KIDDLE, TTIRT3 k 00. B OTTER—900 lbs fresh Table Butter recM *ind for nle at 185 Liberty straeL •eg : RIDDLE, WIBT3 R CO. I Public 8 ala In Sewlckley Borough. - TpHE undersigned will offer at public sale JL on •haprtaU***, |n gewicklcyßonraih, oa Sttßt* Imt.u l o’cioeJtf P.H., «go»*r- baa just rvtnnud frora Philadelphia, New Turk. Bo»ton, and tome of the Manufacturing towns tn the New KngKrJ Mate*, eo u P» get a portion of OurDOMES* TIO OCH.»Pd direct from tb* manufacturers, and earn one profit in receiving them In that way. Our stock of FOR* KIUN t«OtJt)d hua never boen eo complete. DRKB9 GOOODS VERY RIOII DRESS SILKS, in Plain Black and Fig’ll: VERY RICO DRESS BILKB,Field, Etripedandßroetdr. VERY RICH SILK BODES jjlack and Colored. YRRY RIOH ALL WOOLUX)US DELAIXB. ' VERY RICn ROBB MOU3 £E LAJNS. VERY RICH COTTON AND WOOL MOUS DE LAINS. FRENCH MERINOS COBOR. G S , Th« largest stock In.lb* city, ud BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE, TiLur CAN UR FOUND IN ANT OTHER HOUPB WEST OF THE MOUNTAINS, DATING B CSS BOUGHT AT AUCTION ltf LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COST. SHAW&S AND OLOAEB, Of entirely new deelgna, neb a* the TALMA SHAWLS. And many other ■ • NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. W* never bara bean able to offer' *o large and varied itr.-k ol all kind* of SHAWLS and CLOAKS. NEEDLE WORK« COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, FLOONCINGS, EDGINGS, INSERTINQS. ETC. MOUBINIO BLACK DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CHAPS VEILS COLLARS, GLOVES ASD EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE LINE zooiiKMma goods. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACHED AND UNBLKAQKKD MUSLINS, TICKINGS, CHECKS GINGHAMS, PRINTS, KENTUCKY JEANS, TWEEDS, SATENETTS. CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, And otpry other artlel* tuoally kept in a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GOODS. Aemanf o( the above goodiliara l*een booght from tb* MANUFACTORIES and AT AUCTION FOR N*T CASH, wo ar» enabled to fell tbetn u LOW AS TIT AY CAN UK PUIICIIASKO2N ANY OF TUB WHOLF.SALK HOUSES in the Kastern cities. In short, we bar* barer been able to offer bu large and attractive a stock to ear samara* costo m*ra and tbo publio generally. Jtfr- NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. C. HARBOR LOVE, FomiMlj Young, Ftereoßon k Lot*, tod Brotbtrs, No.T4 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ultlradAwT AOTWT7AI. STATD FAXB. orruß Pennayivaaia State Agtlonltoial Society. SepUmberSStb, 119th mad 30tb».*' - and October let, 1858* Fair Gronndt, nintb. Word, FitUbnrgb. Annual addresses Friday at 2 o’clock p, 1L Awards of Committed annranc*d Im mediately afterward*. . . Article*’for aablbUiot) addramed to A.O. HIIBTB B, B*c rotary. If caongahal* Ilonse, FlUabmgb. All articles and etock founded tor exhibition transported free of charge. Office, No. fit Fifth • treat, where entries will be received and exhibitor* 1 defeats furnished. Books of entry ckeed on Tuesday noon. Premium Lilts anl llttof Jadgta tarnished on application. -49*Uembm , Tiekets,tl l 00. Singleadmlatloo 25cents. anet become membem .* A. O. HEIBTBR, - Satoelarr State Agrlcutteral Societj. DAVID TlOQAßT.Pmlitot ' eefcdAwtdT /"IUAMOI SKINS—I have’juet.tecM a large V-/ enpply ol fine Chamois Sklna. Thoae wishing any thing In thla Une ehooldcoil and examine my atoefe Define pmenasfog etsawhere. JOS.-7LKHINO, e*l4 corner Dtamond and Market sU. B AIR OILS, POMADES, 40.—1 have ; Just rac'd* large'and flos assortment of Aba Hair Pomade*, Ac. Also.afiaeassortmetit ofgenulu* Ab- Uque Ol),on»oftba beet now In use forbecoUfytagtbe hair. ... JUS. ! as!4 . corner Diamond and Market eta. IFG AR—>3o bhds N. 0. Sugar in store and I for uit by art* , : K, ttOBIKSOH * CO. S*RUP— 40. bbls Syrups in Btoro and for atleby* ’ . mli ~ R, noUlNfeOK* CO- HfI’OLASSEtWa bbls N. O. Motoerm dyJLitpni andftjwit by ... ~ v TLttOßiNßpy. T) ICE—IO tea. ftesh.Kioa jußt reo’dandfpr XVaaleby ;* «eU " .-Jt.ROHIRgQM JiOQ.. BUTTKRr— tfOO lbs. fresh .tabl* Btttfer,re celteU ui loreat* by. j wl« s .V * 80, 186 Liberty ettedfc wto jpOR BE XT 'a store on market street. I'OiTRENX—A three rtorj Dwelling rT ,. ll ?^*f l oa VifUi .trees, (No. 100,) contalntlf » MB. ™um*,Uatde wash home. Ae„ withfin* bride ttableand This beuseis nppU«dWith bot tienSidSS'P*** **•» * nd Wng »» renkn^ f IDC *T ,0 tbewaotsof • profemlonel EF* *£ SSfiL**?!? for * '*™ of years to a good, tsa* Mt. For further if nrlg ALEXANDER B3KQ. furnished dwelling X with all inodernitapTwretntnt*—torrent low to a good tenant. Jnl* HITCHCOCK. UcQKKAAY * 00. FARM FOR SALE.—A small Farmcon tdtdocSS kni of land, all under cultivation. with Dwelling House, .containing 12 rooms. Then Is a rood ▼•in at Coal on theprernlsee, sod a bank in operation, with* la 4 mild of tbs dty, on Squirrel Hill, Peebles township, adjoining lands of tha late uon. Walter Forward, and com* tn-nding the finest Tie* In this region. For farther' par* ticnlsrs enquire of L. J. FLUItKO) ' . on the premises. J. R. OARRISON. AMILY HOKSB FOR SALE—A hand ■ome Roan, six yutraoM; a paber under the saddle and . trotter l»Lu««iU petfecllj Mlofor • Wj ot rtlld to rid. or driTK irilt not.KV® « th«lo=omotl,e, mnitYJ or u, dtr Mritement; will «t»od wiibcot brio j hitched, .od uSnmnud rwrtecUj.Cirad;to b«.old onljbrwwnt of Ed,ttlr. ri tire 00,131 Wood lt . OR SALE—Ten acres ofland, four miles from Allegheny city, on the Parrysvfll* pUak road: tmproTements good; new tana turns*, with. » good wul of water at the door, now frame stable, and a nm of water through the back part ot the ba sdd ati a bupto.' Also, few lots fnEaet Übo ty.dOby 1M feet each, wUI tie sold low. Apply to GEO. W. BUNN, sooth side of Ohio atraet, 8d door west of the Piamood, Allegheny city, [eelfl Valuable City Property for Bate. THAT very demrobl* lot on Water Street and Redoubt Alley, oext to John Irwin A Son* being 120 fret on Water sod Front streets, and 160 deep along the *lt will be eold together or iii lota ot 20 or 24 bet eadw For term a, (which will be made easy as to payment,) sjk ply to JOSEPH 8. LEECH *00.,. mrialtr liberty Stmt, Pittsburgh. Liberty street property for BALE—Tha Store-room, and Dwelling, situated on Liberty street, near Bt. Clair, known as No. 183. The lot is about 22 fret front and 120 feet deep, extending back to Exchange Alley, on which is erected a Stable and Carriage home. The property rents readily forgfiOO, and will be sold at a bargain and on accommodating terms. For partlailan "g° f FOB SALE, 5 acres 100 perches of Land fa Collin* township, near East Llwrty, adjoining land* of Tboa. Mellon and U. A. Negley. Thi* property la ele gantly altoated fora private rwddanee, and would Bake on# ofthemoatfaandiomttfiraDtryeeats lathe beautifulralley ofZutLlbtrtr: No. £8 Fourth etreet. OH SALE—AN EXTRA STRONG AND SPACIOUS SECOND HAND CARBIAQB, in good re pair, with double sett of barbcs*; may be teen at the bom* stead of the late Rer. Chart* Avery. For terma.apply et “KagleCotton Works," Allegheny. JOBIAH KINO. \ol7-Atd Executor. FOB SALE OR LEASE, a lot on Fourth ■treet, between Bmlthfield and Cherry Alley,loo feet front by 85 deep. A Dot on Third street, near Smithfleld, 40 feet front by M —The square boonded by Duller, Wilkins and Carroll streets and Bproca alley. 64 feet front by 120 deep, nearly oppaeite tupennock A Hut’s Foundry. The square bounded by Smallman,' .Wilkins and Chtro! streets and Sptuce alley, 264 feet front by 130 deep, ' . ' On Allegheny, Carson and Butlor streets, adjoining the Allegheny Valley Railroad Station, forty contiguous Lota, each 34 teet front byl2ofaetdoep. Bghtaemof grcnndln Reserre township, part of out Lot 235, between the New Brighton road and Hilldale 0«n -etry. ~ Sixty Loty in Allegheny City, Third Ward, betwoen East r.nn< and Chestnut street. .. A Tract ofXhnd in Westmoreland County, on the Phila delphia turnpike, 7 mllee from Latrobe—7s acres In culti ration of rich bottom land—soo acres. ATract of Land near Liproier, Weetmoreland eoonty, of 875 k™. WILLIAM SI. DABLINOTOS. mtls:dtf 165 Third street, aboro SmithflalA. THE subscriber offers for sulo section tan, townehtp 12, range 10. Stark county, Ohio,. commonly known aa Section," containing 6W acres. ItTs situated three miles west of HasaQlon, on tha State Road loading iu Wooster, within about two milse Of the Pitts burgh, Vu Wayne and Giieago Railroad. The south, east sod north-east quartern are partly cleared and Improved— the reuiaiuder is covered with superior timber and tbs whole (a.well watered by springs and;ronnlng stream*— Thlssectlun' is considered tha- finest body of -land In the ooonty. It will be add o adl Tided «■ In quarters to suit purchaser*. To those who desire to invest In roalestataa better opportunity Is rarely offered. J. A BuauTnn, ocgfcdawtfT go. 1014th street, Pittsburgh. IPfltlalielpiMa Sitatisements. -' AUTUMN TRADE. ISBS. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DBESS GOODS, MERINOS, OOBURGS, MUSLIN DELAINES. > fg TILVET3,SILKS, ALPAOAB, GINGHAMS. CLOTHB, CASSItOSUES, BATIN RTS, TE3TESOS. FLANNELS^IUNTa,BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, with a complete line of EUBROIDERIEB, ' And other styles of Goods Adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. AH of which ate offered for sola, cheap, W- O CBXT7IOS A OO . 436 flarkst* 433 Berciumt Bh» auSTreodSm PBILdDKLPBTA. SILK. —Sewing and Fringe Silks, Tram. Orgtntlne Embroidery and Span Silks, of all colors oousually on hand and fur sale by. the .manufacturers at the lowest market rate* AHOOLEf 480 N, jul63mdeod Hudson Alley, Philadelphia. WM. BRICE & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 8 BOOM WATIR STRICT. . PHILADELPHIA. We glee prompt and particular attention to the Mle of Batter,'lAtd, Cbeeee, Egge, Greed and Med Truitt, Clorer end Tlmotlij Seed*, Wool, Ac. Oor extsneirs bnilneae connection* In tide line of trade enable ni todtopoeeof theUrKeetqaantitlfoartbese good*. Adrancre made on good* orntlle of lading. We retpcct* (hliy eollcit your comignmenU. wUmd BUFFALO ROBES, By the Bale or Robe, QBO. F. WOUATH‘B, Noe. 415 k 417 ARCH St. Philad'a. N. B.—Also, a largo assortmontof LADIES F ANCT FURS, of opr own maootactare. aogTdmd CANDXiB MOULDS, WARRANTED to be ofthe boat metal, all •iiM uk) pattern*. mino£«*Br*s *nd fcr«*leby JOHN OAJ.VKRWT, No. 305 B*o» Btntet, Phfl*d«lphU. WILLARD BAPVJCT '* O. 84 MAIDEN LANE, AND 17 CEDAR STREET, NEW TORE. PAPER WAREHOUSE, „ Ertry description of WRAPPERS, PUNTING AND WRITING OV HASDOB MADE TOORDBS, PANCT, COLORED AND TISSUE PAPERS, BLOTTING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Straw and Boxttet Boards*. TWIN E B O USE WILLARD HA&TET A CO., 84 Afafcfai La** arid'Vt 'Ctdat Street, NEW TORE. EEUP: COTTON, FLAX AND LINEN TWINES, noosnft un KUtcricTcus OOBDAGE . .. Of er*ry description COTTON, JUTE, UANII&A AND AUERIOift HEMP ROPE, Tarred Staff, Railing Lines Gming Threads: SEISEIffIfIES. SHOE THREAD, WlCK,and all Unde of ' CORDS ASD LISES. au»i«meod • FALL GOODS— BURCHFIELD k CO. bm jut openad a magoiftcaat •took ef DRESS «od STAPLE Good* to which they lorit* ■pccUl Attention of porch Men, it north eut corner of4ih ud Market itreeU. »e2O T^EATHERS—IOOOIbs in store and for Bale J 3 by . HOn£RT DICKCT. ttlT yront .ttrtei, paw Wood. POTASH —3 casks pure Potash instore one forMtolow toclaMcamrigßawßt. B.MCKIT, ■>l7 . , . , - front rtreet, Btr Wood. T?EATHEHS—ISO lbs choice Gooso Feathers X' rcceiTKi tod for t»l« *t 155 Liberty street. ■■ft) ' ; ' RIDDLg, VTI&T3 * CO, EGOS— 2 bbls fresh Eggs just rac'd and forwl* ly h. BuBIBON a 00. GOFFEE —150 bags prime Kio Coffee re oMpf and for by . R, &ODIN SON 4 00. AND BUFF OIL J. A H.PIIILMPfI. CHKEBE— 100 boxes Extra' Cream for Cut tloy, for «fl» by ' ■ - HENRY U.OOLLTNB. riRANBERRIES.—IO bbls choice Michigan V*/ Craal*rrl**r«*iTsd and for atla at ISS liberty ■(!«•*. m3O • r . “ RIPOU. WI&TBACO. EGOS.— 15 bble ,F«aKßgga received and tor Mia at 185 Liberty aimt* —*«««-**m m3O ■ ninPLE. WIBTS a CO. rrUMOTHY SEED.—SO luo prime Timoth, n*.lrrt.a4 fbr «1. ca ISSES’ BOKBAUS, With Bf*od*iwl Otal«* l “***jfo£i VJUOTO *OO, -K0.178 Wooditrat* L‘ —k atheß.— 2so. a Idea Sew „ York Soli »13 JOHMrtOTD tea riPBNN. WHEAT—S26O neks TOute*“ v:«; I •'•'.iai-4- do M; M r“ a «at& * co. PE aKLAEH—2Oraks and 20. bbla.. pore ytkWnc’daodftcwhbr ,• J.B. CANfIKLD. (T(EMJtNT—SO bbl» Hydraulic, in atoieand \J for ..1. by h 8 . J. B. CANFIELD. tbi» aunt A. W.OAZEAX. dFot Salt. OMo Land for Bale. At WHOLESALE. OF NEWEST STYLES. oHA w XjSi IN EVERT VARIETY. PAPER, ANTKI) I—lo,ooo bus Bye, ibr vhioh thehtchgrtmarkrt-prteewaibvgfTss: • ’>■<* ....... •' v * • luoa* nim>niß«>!r, w - aMieMtriWhlW. TTS»Kotice.—The fir* meetmr of the Auo* V'O' datkatknown aa the nhag Company, la tha dty eC a w theClh of October, at So'clock,pTS^-MSSSSStha pos» of electing Dtrectcn and adopdng bwaM oL. l £ gorenunent of said M*oclatlon,and the Sremaottca ofcneh Sherburioem umaypropcrly TUOB. BAXKWKLL, W. BAS ALKY. mmu9 *' C.O.DDS3EY, ; YHQa.lMiawß, n. CHILDS, * *dwardrabS. eeZbdtd . : - f : • . < ■= AU«|h«nfßritf|CCoapaay. ; ~?r Jr’S*lnstalment Notice.—ln’pursuance iKSX a Beeolaiioo of the President and jfaaagerwof the Company for ernttag a bridge orer tha ARffhaor rirer, oppadts Pittsburgh; In thacaaaty of Allegheny, tha aoe> oudlnsUlmentofTHre IptatMT ,h *S**s islBtockof the Company, will be p*j»b« to the tmimir on tho 20th day of October aol.^• _ - _ . ’! ee2odawlwd WM. BOSIBURQ.Treuurer. """" '*“"~BSSSSSSSIw®K ; - Notice.— The Stockholders of u» burgh aad Boston Mining Company are hereby** tlßid that asnedal meeting will beb*Mu theoßeetftha . Company, in the dty of Pitts burgh, the •• ethfday of October, at 3 o’clock, P. 11, to coadder. tfceeub. jxe! of nrg»wfalng aw additional company.with fcwlewtft a more rapid development of their sxircalT* mlatng Csrtilasy. Briorderof tha Board of Directors. _ • _ . sel3.titd TIiOSM. HOWS, Secretary. O* UNiosPßArißMißtiKOS.—There meet 'ion are held dally In the Room* of tha Toang Men’s Christian Assacttt!oß»at7&. A. 1L» and 6 ooounnlng for threw fourths at anfiour. All persons are cordially tnTited to attsod. Ladtaa are aAetlouataly tart* ttdfobepietsnu Cat ferjSre mfireto. if no fonper. tßSanta. WANTED. —25,000 Bush. Wheat, - 10,006 « Oats. t HITCHCOCK, M’CRECBV A. tel ~ 122 Beccnd and U 1 First Bta.’ 11 1 ANTED—The highest market tmc« TT . paid forßeaewms by B. L.FAHNESTOCK. ACC;’ aoSl No. 60, cernet Wood aad Focrthstt. 11/OUL WANTED;—The highest marks! FT ■' price paid forWobl, by B. HABBAiraRAOO- JelB : -Ho226Liberty street WOOLr WOOL!!—100,00an». Wool-wnnt je2l:dAwtfT 122 Second and lfil Finateta. MADAME APPOUHE TETHDCHJX’B FRENCH AND ENGLISH Boudlnf «xd for Toanf 1 - 'XMUc>« ."118 Tku&ttvut) j.\ y THIS School designed on thepUn of .French Schools In Trance, tod aodifladaa to tha Knglhbd* pertmeouon tbs plan of Trench Schools 1q the United Btstft,offers to youngladies, btsidess fall Bogllshcoam, tha beat opportunity of thoroughly acquiring thsTranth language sad liters tuns the Principal haring mM* dasrrrsl years ia Trance, and being assisted by Ur.TetedouX, a nail ts or Paris, and a graduate of the “OoUeg* Charlemagne.” French and Latin will bs inlegral parts of the course.' Tbs Tina Arts wilt be taught under the suparlhtendanee ol llr-Tetedonx, a pupil of the Oocsemtor * of Parlsi Arrangements hare been mado lor young ladles who bas ing already gona through a regular count of studies, still may wish to know English literature morn .thoroughly, acquire more facility In speaking tbs Treneh language, ana UnproreJo the Fine Art*. . School will open oa the second Monday of September. • JBmnusbjthitermof TYee ifentA*;—Bosta $100; ,Tu Ition $3O, Treal lluaic $23. in classes $l5; Piano $25; uss of instrument $5; German and Italian, each $25, lneiaateaslo Drawtng, in clasees $10; Oil and Water Colors at the Pro* ftesor's price. AJlcbarges payable in admire. . . . Tor. drcnlan and fortnar particulars, spply to ths Principal. aal dence.No. 1307 Sprue* itrnt, Philadelphia. \ Kef«mc«>>uoo. WAf. Janos ud W. IX. Dott> 5 Pittsburgh; Jisl W. B»ow», Eeq., Arm or Je*. W. Brown * '3 00-, PhlUdwphU. “ ~ .. -■ -V ‘ JngTamood.'s | Mr. ClementTetedotuc : - . ANNOUNCES to the public that he hB I taken'op hU realdeoca Id Pfuabnrfb,asd hBOVfUr ( panxl to giro le—onila. Vocal Moalc. ... ■ ■ | Vor Urnu and farther perticnian, apply at Job H, | BMlor'a Sfoate Store, No. B 1 Wood at. • aalMlU *" | Penn Xnitttote, ; \~p . CORNER of Penn and Hancock : Theenealng term wniccmroeDceonTCESDAYjfW Inst. A limited nnmbtr of pnplle mey obtain -^7= Term* for Tuition and Stationery, *22 per»e«toa Thsptetnxs* er» all mounted in appropriate stjlasof Qiltaadßosewood frames* and will be open ferctaarimtidd' on Monday usd Tuesday. The public ere lartttd tonait thtorlcb collection qfarts. - P. M.DAYIBABet. OAKLAND COUNTRY SEATS-A* Abo* tioa.—Oa Thursday afternoon, September 04, eiS o'clock, on tbs premises, •will be told, thirteen samo altce for country Mtts, outalnfcig.from otttirtj£‘ acne each, adjoining the country mansion ofJsosa S. - Craft, Esq., which ere easy ofeccea, ud for haaotg (f scenery ere not eorraeed by any la tide comity, .flea may be seen at the AncUort-Booma.'. • Tanas Qae-tenth cash; ratios in nine yearly payments with Interest payable ennoaUy. P.IL DAVIB, Ana, t ORFH AN S COURT—ADJOURNED j SALK OP HEAL ESTATE IN SOUTH PITTHBUBGII ! —UoToeediyertniog, September 28th,at o'clock,-at j the commercial salesrooms, No. 44 'fifth enact, will b» •old. by order of R. Biddle Boberts, Xs4.. admUiistxatar.nf ' 0. O. Gregg, (we’d, wBl be sold— ' - • J Three tunable lots of .ground situate in Sooth'Pitta* ' j bargh, being marked and nombered 88,83 and-60 lath* • ! plan of nid borough. - -- -• j Berenlota of ground JutbapUu oflcU laid out byhelrs - offiregg, In the borough of Birmingham, silt. lfoa^9l«fl • \ and63ruTingeachafrontof24fte{ouCarton stnwLsnd t extending back 100 ftet loan alley. Bba.l7TandUB»t»Tr. lag each a front 0(34 feet on Washington street, end ex* : tending back 100 feet to Walnut aHey. NomSMnadSUL ■■■ , each haring e front of 24 feet on Washington etrnt and ex* 1 ■ tending beck 100 feet to Spruce alley. •- '-y Title Indisputable. Teras cash. P. M. DAVIS, loot. • • STOCK P./Ft. W. AO.R.R. AT pkitaw | BAU.lntotatoauitphrchaaeTa.by . •'| apl P. M.PAYIB, And, Wo. M fifth at -; AUSTIN MIOSIS k CO., Merchant!’ U(kll|r» ' 1 STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMS I? I CO, AT TUK XJRHCnAHTS* EXCHANGE WfMft'- ■ ÜBSDAT EVENING.—Bask, Brtdg*, In*ai*n» % \ Copper Stock, BooriaitJ Real Eetateeoia at pahUo.aal* . ' •ttbe'Uercbsbte’Bicbannby AOBTIKLOOMIBAOCr.r Notea, Draft* ami toaua'en Real Bstata neanllatsii oa 1 i maesabl* term* by- - AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO, j : R& .. Stock Note Broken.o3 j V . r • v No. 550 Broadway.: N«w * Tork» Annonnce that they hare secured theantlra ,; ATIiSTIC TBLEGBiPU. BUBIABIRB CABLE| •• Now on beard Jbe'V.-'iv.'. > '■•'■'■ij'-i V* B* Stesrm Frigate Htagara* IN ORDER to place ' it within the reach of .■• an claasM, and that erery family in the Unitadltataa may poeaeeaaepT-eimeoof thie'won&rfht'.ttechaftlMlcoe rfoalty, they propose to oottha.Oabfp Into piecae of four tochealn length, and mount them neatly with brsaa Hr rule*. Ji/ ' •• | Kachpleca will be accompanied with h'COUfyrigMßA ftf I simile certificate ofCYRUdW. PlBU)'Bm* tißAKUtat 4] from the genutuscabV Twenty sailai of jibatabeaw he .1 toall} submerged *nd taken up f;otn the j Oeean."Thls will be fleet sold In prarlailf Ike niiiiinTWlii v which the gnat cable now line In the W Batall price 50cenlseacS. • - • " i • r>\J The cable »Ul betoltl In the condition in which H Caße ' l ] from the Niagara, tb leogths of4o fmt aud DtV tIIBH .cents per foot. SmiUlerciuantitlNalllpevfoefc, ■ Ewh order roost l oaccmnpaotod by tbs mcmey, tatgads :■ .x; enrrent In New Yore, as It willnotbapoMihle tespe* -..ai •ccoonts. ‘'S' ]? CAtmwrl—Attention Is rsspeetfttUy iaeiteddo * lowing IsUsrfrsm Cyrus W.slstd, bq. . - - - - • New Tear, Aug.«,JS, Unns.HmnA Om—Oentiemen: • At yoor . andlnJosttcetoyoeLlYmbound to»t(4s..iWXWW , . of the entire bahnwe of the Atlantic Cawe. (stts... o *®* steam to your top, . } claims to hare any portion thereout! Broat ettasr haw :,v. been procured from or fromibasttiUWedmws ww wen distr tbuted on board before the eaSe wsw lam* V* SSw!?fWOl tb “*» : «®ches the pec* ■ XiABQB zmroxcß :... or jSUPERIOR PIANOS, JBOU.fin BSIT BfAKKBI OF THII GOmTUff^' . acca AS STBZBTWAV erfcita4trdtaUe lh - Da* notice of tbtir arrtrtl will bo flno. ..■>*■ Vox-- J : . tLKLSBEftirpSa; ' - iro.urabMi^. :^r .«- it* tor the eborw wrNatotfyllwOa*; CHEESE.-— 50 boxes Cream ■ Chceee, eztn quality, r*c«tv*diaidforaft}« by 'j : ml£ RIPP«.WIWg«OW; IILA'ANIiaiA ROP*—Full awortmedt'Of if 1 KasllU Bop*ob fcn4 artfor«*!•by > 7 -\-' ma JoSm A QPOEBT. IT* I4T,%lfcg UnA IXOHvAND.OAKOKr-aOQtal*-£■* HaijOabaHßSffeSlaPUeli aabart «ai tirriftfeftf mil' " f IFo. '