•• ■ «tttdu—imm aun 8. RIDDLE * CbV. rt>7.TOX3 **4 rtOPUIMTOKSr PITTSB U ROH: TtTE3DAX MORSIScT SEPT. 21, 1858. pgppstloAl STATS TICKST. mi irruai jruii. . joint U. RXAD. of Pfcnwfeiptrta. rot uiui ooaattuntin, WILLIAM t rtUlßß.orr.yrtU. |UPi;BUCAI COCHTT TICKET* row o»adttrn tin or*met. <■-; OCT. JAMS* &. MOOHaSAancttbenh. ■ entitcr, - totssi hckkiobt, jobs r. mmcrfnwbn^i. njycp »Jt«£ , Sfbnr* XUAB H. tßttn, to ?n ?,£mh "AjAMHVMeS, JUlita U ORAH . &ASIXL A&9UTROVQ, Htttbsrsb. ouiMtsePura, S&OXUUB TAttKMO*, Indiana. —JT” acwtm, JOZpT S.LARIMBR, tihtittaf. COAUaesr XL DSJtESk; Uwn&eertUe. /WWfßtn. OO^J.OMa 00 *' Wanodereund that Mr. Tnamas Williams, Id fabUto T#£aperancevUleßp»ecb7 mad® a lame •pokgy for hlfi present dishonorable position In opposing tbs gentleman who beat him for the nomination—to the effect that he was not prop* orl> a candidate, andtherefore, as a gentleman and an. honorable man, was not bound to sup port the choice of the convention to whleb he hsd.nnbmitCed his claims, Now, ire wish Mr. r; to answer the following questions: 1. Bid. not Gen. Boblnson eall at your back office, a few daja before the primary meetings, and ash you to withdraw from the can rasa, as the fight was between him (fhe General) and , M'Knight, and yon were only interfering with I the General! 2 Bidyon not reply to this, “General, Ido not Ihlok that yon are in my way—l consider M'Knlght my onlyformldsble competitor”? Bid not Gen. Robinson, daring tbe session of tbs nominating contention, make several visits to your office, togetyon to write.a letter •S* dseUnatlsn, and at tho last visit hurried you Op, because the convention had gone into a bal lot for Congress in the 22d District,.and if you woold help him yon most be smart about U? 4. Bo yon think that a letter sent into coaven i l * 0Il » * T ® n Wit had been presented before the balloting, (which was not the fact,) would re- Wms yon from the dishonor of opposing the nominee—after tho election of delegatee, when yon found yourself defeated? Noir, we would be glad to have Mr. Williams' Miwers to the above, over Aft own tiffnatvrt, or if he objects, will he agree that others may state What they know—please don't let any delicacy to tbe General prevent a plain and brief reply. And possibly Gen. Robinson will answer whether or not, on convention day, he did not Mother candidate Into a private room, and try to bargain for Au friends to be torned over to beat M’Knight. Now Messrs. Williams and Boblnson, arccdea. 9Mbro t which, freely rendered, may read tort Aeadi AotA/-if cither of you had been nominated by that convention, what would have become of the anti-tax hobby and the looofooo ticket? Mr. Srxraxw Msacsn’e Smelling Committee tail adopted the following resolutions: Ruiflted, That the answers received from Andrew Burke, Thomas Williams, Samuel Me- Thomu Donnelly, John &L Irwin, Barnes Ford, Alexander Black, Thomu Farley, and wo. Alexander, are eatiefaotory, and entitle them to our support. BmUid, Thai io the absence of written re pitas from Messrs. Phillip-. Stevenson,. Hobart Awa»w, Augustus Uanje, John Marray, and \.i 60 ■ J^*» lbB Committee having reason, from information, to believe that their' answers would be asii.foctory, do not oonslder Uneetesaryto ' J*w ,«*J change in the ticket u framed by the Convention, and therefore recommend the whole ticket to the eopport of all voters friendly to the Ami*o»uroad Tax cause. Now, why not give the answers of these men, and let the voters Judge for themselves? We Venture toaay that the committee dare not pub* lish those letters; at eayrsto we volunteer a challenge for their production. They will not be furthcoming, for the reason that soma of -'them, at least, would disgust and drive off\the votes of those who are expected to support the tiokel. Produoe the. letters, or acknowledge yourselves cowards as well as deceivers. And where Is the evidence that those who did not answer are all right? None Is given ; bat the people are expected to swallow thea'a!* upon the ipfi dixit of Sir. Bmoiff Msecs* and _ Us shadow of a committee. was tbo has, wt may ash, of laltrrogal* ing thee* men at all? for whether they Answer Dr do sot Answer, their position is Assumed to be All right. - We tell the Anti-tax Republicans of the county that these fellows ore trying to hoodwink and humbug them. Io order to get the locofoeo support for Mr, Williams for Congress it was necessary to get the support of anti-tax Be* publicans for the locofoeo ticket; and to assure them that the looofooo candidates were all right oa}the tax question and the other questions in* Tolved, a committee was appointed' to loterro-. gate the candidates. The interrogatories have bo*u publishedsome of the candidates answer •nd others remain silent; but instead of giving the people the answers, and the evidence of the petition of those who. are silent, the committee comee forward and aays in a fewrrorda that of; the candidates, those who answer and those who do not answer, are all right, and recommend them to the support of all anti-tax men. A com prehensive way of discharging a grave duty, truly 1 Did it never occur to Mr. Stephen Mer- o«r sad his oommiiUo that the people are as ca> Tpable of Judging of these things se tbemsslro, and that the/ would rathar.hase the document* than the mere say-so of a committee f Pro *flooe the document* or stand convicted of a hue attempt to oheat the people. The answers will sever come. We know that, seme of them are directly in the teeth of the Interrogatories, and the record shows that those who did sot answer dare not answer those inter regstories affirmatively. But the people most be misled, if; possible; and hence the answers are suppressed; and the probable reply of the non-answering is guessed at, that these locofoco •andidatee, nearly every one of whom we have shown to bo mixed op la this miserable railroad busineu, may be palmed off on soli-taxßepub- Ueahs' a* ' trustworthy men. The trick is; a transparent One, and een deceive none except thoeewho wonftobe deceived. ' ' pabliahed a foir day* aloco ft heod-MU of th*. ,I Democr*ir’ In. which liay ftrt denominated the Aatl-Ux party, and call upon tha pnople to tally for Heir boon and flreildcs. ‘ Thu bill I. bot on, of aa erica A iccood ooe, kaadftd ‘'Damoeralo, and the** oppoled 10 the ‘ *“B* r0 * < * »ta now poatad lnDemooratlo & Tbe oloeiu foot it also teen by the paopla la the foot that thowholo list of apeakera u pubtiahed by them laoMha olmon put, loco - fobo order. - Inla haa worked, agalaat a, n in many lnitaneaa; therefore they paala . pleeeof paper orar the name, and Doha It appear to b'e , an Aotl-tu stating, limply. All kind of dirty trlekft are In Togo, among them at praaent. ! They are playing the Border: BuOau ga mi< and pruferalng all tblnga to all men, if by aome cbtfloo they ttej win some vote*. . m: w if" ;' DtttMCT.—Geo. W. Patton,the dlt'loetive “American” candidate for Congress ‘ .-{ggghe BUlr district, bu withdrawn, leering the . I sty fret for Mr. Blair. Jfe lewa also that ib* oafortooaU differences between the BapobU- Ja Blair are Dear a MUle* *4 B&ninodwlllbe removed before election. - Wh*atV» T***** l **--—Tit ■ ihlpm«n<* tl , : • 'Nrtiaat from Tun., forlhaSut, hil - ----- _ _ , . month, *xceinl*d 40,000 and (her* nr* , i "P***!** W* I^waMOi.— ,t, T . 1 adtr-SO.OOO bdhhrf* th«r»* ajrattlnf :T*ai«»|, sMirt of tb* 89li jEfagr : irtih aagoo load* *UU crowding *Jn,_-* ori*iml '■.■.+■■■ . . v- • * a V-tT-ai* : * \ irV" k =3 : f ,30T„$|TOE.~tfce i ►•-•,.1 of yesUr&iy karticled ifcat ought to .itir j I theblood tetbeveina of every It 1 announces that' the democratic party donot care ; what principles its candidates prefers, nor what; platform they stand on, so long as they are democrats. ’ Auanti-ux democrat will role for a candidate who is in faror of railroad taxes, if j he candidate is a democrat; and vice vtrt&, a railroad democrat will rote for a repudiation candidate, if he bo on the democratic tioket.— They never fly the ticket on these side issues; Republicans, only, are supposed to d!o that.— The Pott says: "We take the widest democratic ground for freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.— It is our right, sod we will maintain it at all hasards. We, In common with a large j of the best democrats in Allegheny county, do j uot choose to stand upon a platform, which looks | for success to % single secondary issue. We pre* fer the platform of National Domocrailo pnnei i pies. Vet those who differ and those agree with os on aide iasuee.are alike democrats, and while 1 * l k our duty, ns a democrat, to reprove the acts of those who hare been willing to placet them selves upon a platform of temporary expediency, which in our opioion, is hot democratic, U ie also our duty as well as theirs to support the regularly nominated ticket of the party as long al aone but democrats are'placed upon it. Komi natto ns made by established meant and with ad micted fairness should always receive the und ▼ided support of the party mwfeiog them. A contrary course always endangers future, as well ae present, success. ' Thcoppositloh in the present campaign have nothing to hope from any supposed dissensions in tho democratic family. Our party is like the Irishman and his wife who i hadtheirUulefamilyqaarrels, but when a neigh- , bor interfered, both turned in end giro him a j thorough thrashing. If democrats differ in : opinion upon certain qncstions, still they make j common causo against the mongrel forces of the Know-Nothings, Blsck Republican, Opposition, which bos ever maligned, misrepresented and endeavored to defeat them in all their patriotic efforts for the good of tho people and of the nation." j Wc hope every Republican in the county will take nolo of this. There aro but two ticket® in the field—the Republican and tho Looofooo, and the latter is supported by tho locofcoos simply os, and beoause it is, a party lioket. Every vote given to it, therefore, or to any part of it, is a vote for loeofoeolsm, pure and simple. The tax question Is a mere hobby, whioh they have mount ed in the hope of being able to ride into office on it. They cloak themselves la anti-tax profes sions, that they may deceive Republicans, allay Lheir apprehensions and entrap them Into tho -support of the locofoco ticket. After the elec tion is over, if they are successful, the cloak will be thrown off and their election claimed as the triumph of locofccoism. The election of Burke, particularly, will be claimed as ah en dorsement of the Lecompton policy of the ad ministration. The national officials, here, have taen instructed to forego an open endorsement of the President by the party, in order thebetier to befog the Republicans, entrap them into the support of Burke, and so, if possible, scours the election of a friend of Buchanan’s in this dis trict. No true Republican can be xnlsled'by such triokery. A New View or- Riliqious Liberty.-—ln looking over a Tolnme of Brownson’s Quarterly Review, the organ of tho Church of Route in this country, our eyo fell upon a review of Ban eroft’s History of the United States. The said review is quite lengthy, and in one portion of it there is an elaborate argument touching the question of religious liberty, suggested by Ban crofi’a sketch of the life of Lord Baltimore. Brownson defines roligioua liberty as follows: ' ‘Religions liberty meaos the absolute free dom of religion from all human authority, or the full and uoreeirioted right of every man, ! without let or hindrance from the state or any human power whatever, to w orahip God in the voy and manntr God himaatf ordain* This Tight, or religious liberty in ihie sente, its true and •only true sense, the Church nod all good Caih ©lice have asserted with even supernatural en ergy and consiaaoy from the first.” What Mr. Brownean’e -views are respecting “the way and manner God ordains,” wiilappeor from the following: *‘Ko doubt, Mr. Bancroft nnderstaads by re ligious liberty, not the liberty of religion, free -1 dom to believe what religion teaches and to practice what ebe commands, but the liberty of hereey-aud unbelief, the liberty to and blaspheme religion. But tf be tieea, that la ho reason why we should. The age ia whioh we live no doubt agrees with him, but we are not ; obliged to err because the age errs. We.do not [ cooauit the ago in which we live in order to learn whs* is or la not the truth. Tho freedom of religion Is one thing, the freedom of heresy or anbelief is another, and wo cannot fall into the gross folly of confounding tbs one with tbs other, because an heretical and unbelieving age, or an heretical and unbelieving historian, does. The two liberties are essentially distinot, and rest on very different grounds, and should never be confounded one with the other, or .ceiled by one and the same name. It is their confusion that creates the mischief, and gives to heretics the effrontery to call themselves Lhe friends" of religions liberty, and to pretend that the Church is a spiritual despotism. Religions liberty is the natural and inherent right of every for both by the natural sod divine laws man the right to render unto God what God requires of him,--the right to do his duty; bat the liber ty Of heresy and unbelief is not a natorajright, lor by the law of nature, as well as the divine law, eTery man Is bound to be of the true reli gion, and bos no right-to be of any other. All the rights, the sects have or can hare are derived from the stale, and rest on expediency. As they have, in their character of eecta hostile to true religion, no rights under the law of nature or of the law of Godp they are noither wronged nor deprived of liberty if the state refuses to grant them any rights el all; for wrong is done, liberty is token away by the state, only when it violates rights which ore held under the law of nature or or the law of God, independent of the state, and which it is instituted sot to concede, but to protect. The protection of tho stela In the pradios of their heresies is never cn their side a question of right, but it Is always a quit* 'ion of simple expediency; and so it most be, till yon can obliterate ail distinction between right and wrong, and establish the iadlfferendy , of truth and error. Heresy and unbelief, if really heresy and unbelief, aro contrary ,to the law of God, aad therefore have and can have.ho rigbte of their own, nod then none that ths sidle is, for their sake, bound to concede or to pro tect.” - r The meaning of this seems to bs that the Burnish Church, having been established, being infallible and all others fallible, it nan in no manner be ooneldered persecution if it sbhll use the sharpest punishments, the bloodiest racks and the msst loathsome dungeons upon the heretics who In God's plan have no rights they oan claim from-tho State. In fact Protestants have no rights which Catholics are bound to /eepect. How ths Befbbuqabs Canaiso Mains.- The New York Evening Pott, referring to the brilliant viotory in Maine, says: "Maine has a very large extent of sea Boast, and a more formindablo army of custom-house officers la the service of tbo AdoloJstratlbh, io proportion to her population, if wo aro not ots* taken, than any other Btate. The victory oVer this well-trained, unscrupulous horde, equipped with unlimited supplies of federal money and other electioneering ammunition, muei be air tribute* lot a large measure to the active and thorough canvassing carried on by the Bepubli* can party. ' Emulating the taoilcs of the adver. aary, they have kept at their Central headquar ters a register of the number of voters in every town of the Statc, carefully classified according to tbo shades of their politics. From many towns they had a list of the names, a statement of the polities! antecedents, eto., of every elect i Uol land Dluers. _ . , • QoiStC,Canada, June 20.1814. We bare no doubt It tut Nil well h*rr. Beodoiooe **»•■ JOiiN Muasos a co. e . . „ ilfimua. Canada, July 1, ISM. oanduiflgrosi B-'erhita’a Holland Bitten. Wo want med,-clc« of ihla kind In car market. JOHN DIRKS * 00, MT«. a '&, IS6O. Send tea 3 :ea moro floerhave'i Holland B't'era. 1 Will remit on the receipt of earn*. 3 U. PATTON. _ , l^tn»TOWji,r«,Dec.34.!Mfl. Send me d doj -n Boorbaeo’a floUand Ulttwa, per It H.- Wlll remit, Iwa discount. CUAIII.ES KITE. a . . . „ .WrujncSo, Va, Nor. 1, UAO, eena me another box, 3 doteo, l»oeruev**i Holland ill ten. Itle taking the lend hero of allutltar IMtnre. WM. U.KinKKlt. Youu.Pa Film ary 4,1867. riaaao send tuo, pw express, fl rfoxm BoetheT«'a Holland Bitten. Wo are entirely ont. 0. A. MORRIS A CO. l-octircut, Ky., January 29,1857. W» hare n gro.it many call* tor your Doerbaro** Holland Bitten, and would like to ban the aaency. _ WM.BPUINOER A BRO CUtmos!—Be oanful to oak for Bjcrhare’i Holland dm. !*"• The great •bpnUrlty O f this medicine bw induced punbaat« t,oM ’ WUCh lh * pUb^ C • hou,J RQard again*! «»“Solrl at fl per bottta, or alx bottles tor |6. by the pro pd*.h. rt ’ B ?^ J PAQE ’ J^A Manutkerertni PhJ££ ceutttUaodChemists,Wood street, between Island*! Fa, and PfOggtsts generally. scl7:dAwP Sptcial /lottcfß. £39A&7dtCO, ' Leaders nad Introducers of Faihion for gbntlemkn»B hats, Jet. 8,4 and 6, Attof Hi n*«, Broadway, lie* Fori. FALLi ITTLE.IMB. Messrs. Leart A Co. beg leave to announce that they are now prepared to faraiah tbalr “PaU Stylo u»t” by the package. The well knowu anperlority ortb*lr fabrlsi end the decided character and beauty oftbelr styles, bare secured f.r thraia patmeegean.l tnpport uarerfbefura obtaloedby aa, other bouiolnibe trade. Wjth locreaaed fadltUca to maouia tnMcg. they can, with ccnfldenco,osort that their present atylawtli anrpaw antthlng hfretofora '” Uf>d - aetfceodSwfo C A U 1 lON .—The great euccoss of the .Aiwrfeui IRitcA baa led foreign manataetureri not only to imitate it la geerra! appearance, but to amUrfeit It— *Ttn to the use or otxr tiade nrnka. Ibcie who hare had the genuine Watch are not likely to be decelred if they nVJaot tbo article to a proper aerntiny when offered for •ale. To those, boworer, who hare nerer pnrehased the American Waub, and are not familiar with its peenllarl ties, wo would eay that they nerer need be In any doubt whaUrer la regaioto it.aao crU.ieatarfffcnuinaitu, atgned by ouraelrta. ircjrtcNy accompany erery Watch acid by us, and aboaldU demanded oterery person offering three Watches for sale. Wo bare to add that tbo apurljn* articles are ilka our Watch In apparanct only, and are Internally of the most Inferior finish, and made upon the rerj same system that baa already JUoded £Ae cotmfry vKI ITj£cA*i ttat are rtOf Only vtzaiau and a coortanf rourra nfexpenit, but really itufsu to (ht'ovnert. Any pwsonwbo wiihe# In purchase on* of our own Watches, will And than wub ocr agents, Messrs. REIN'E MAN t ÜBTBAN, Pittsburgh, Pa. APPLETON, TRAGV A 00. mrtfrlydawT-HolO WaUham, Maaa MUTHBIUI MOTHERS!! MflTUgn^r Don’t fail to procure Mrs. WiueWß Sooth log Synip for Children lathing. it tiu no equal on earth. I» greatly CidlllatM the procea# of teething by eofWaiog tkr gema, redndrg all t&fiumnsltoe—will altar r* 1 ", sod la tore to regelate the bowel*. t>epeod upon it, mothers, It will glee net to yoemlvee, aad relief and health to jtmr tnfhatß. Perfectly tats In all cases. Shi# saleable preparation ia the prescription of one of ebe mcwtcajH.rieoeed and skilful female Pbyetelans la New ttogUud, and Las been used with oenT-falUag enoeese la millions of csA~t. Wo bellcre It the bat acd rnreit remedy lo the world, la all oum of Djeincerj and DZaxboea ia Children, whether It ariaea bom teething ot thus any other cause. If Hl# aad health can be estimated by dJtare and ceat*,U ts worth tu weight ta gold. MLUiuaof bottiae are sold etery year la the United Bt*tss* It l*«a oLI and well-tried remedy. PiUCC QM.T 26 CENTS A BOTTLJS. W“Non® gvnuiOftualrMtbe he-*JnOJ*ofCUaTia A TER' UJ>B r Ke* \orfc, faou th* oatald* «rr»f?*r, IVwd »>y thtoii*hcot tbe «vriX Dlt. Oco. 11. ISXtbUU, A((ent fur rtuahurxb JujMtwljkT Th e Ore at Eng 11 an Remedy Bin JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLSI Pnpvti from a prwcrtpttoo of Sir James Clark*, H.D i’ayit.fan Extraordinary to tb«Quqcn. This well kucwQ Medldo* la'no Imposition, but a ran and aAfe remedy Tet FesuOe. DUHcoUIm sod -tfUtnicUoni, ran any am wbiiarer; aad although • powerful remedy, they contain nothing bafiful to (he connlretfon. Tv) SMIUtfED LADIE3 It U peculiarly ralttrf. It will* In * allot i Jme,bHDgoatht monthly period with regularity. Tfcoe J\Ei knt uror fan known to fxUtehero the ditto- Uoru on Mettmd page of pamphlet art weft ehnrted. r<* toU nutlcvlfln,g«ia pamphlet tree, oi tbeegeot. H. D —JI and e postage staape *uelo«rd to e&v author! Bed agaot, will insure a berth, eontaiaJo* over M phis, br return Brul. ' ' •K L. FAUNCSTOOS A 00.* wbolamle umt. auu aold by a>l dmggim. ( apglrtSw ft T tue grratkst match machine in TOE WORLD! A FORTUNE MADE WITH A HMALL INYESMINT. THOMA? PATENT MATCH MACHINE I« a wrupla, Cheap und perfect Match Maker. TheMachlae ecaucmly |US;Ii drlT»n by hand, aod will taake lha for. tuoaof the maouheturtr Jo a «bcrt time. Where good wood Is to ba had mdfly materially reducea th« cost. OWSetwa! county or Machlt* prlrUegeaara offensMor nla at a moderate price. Forpartleolart call at OAZSTTI QOU.VTLNO ROOM. Fifth struct. tafylAwtctfr W- . KtNiCIiAJiX, ... . . uiuwn All kinds ofTobaceo, Sauffsnd Cigars, tUnrseeoUy taken the buOdlur No. ISO Wood street. In •ddiUcmto tbetr Manukctnrlß*UtahSUhßi«t,No. 43 Irwla ?^J lt b*F.wiU ha plaaaad to rasalva their fnc&Ja, apZ7:lydfd auc;om„— i.gan> w-Wcro,y.»«H Pittsburgh Steel Works. JOPTBiB, BOYD M CO, Mumf.ctum.rf C.BI STEEL; .bu, STBIMO, FLOW .dS A. a STEEL; St* mj.au «od AXLES, Orrner Rou mi Tint Strutt, YvzAxtrg A, /V. I) B. KO&Kj*S &"££>„ Holers' Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth, I CTVtnrA &rKU ‘ *«»*"**. /U~ BTAUCU VACTUnV rOK SALE. The Bocheator Starch Factory, in thorough end ooapta* working order, capoblo of turning out t»o ton of£Urck dallj, will batotdcn TcryadfintagMua Urmi. Oil* J* • bnmblir c/ppartnDltj for *ay cm wuhlog to onUr Into * info asd profiUU* bnifom, A good rid of cactom bolxig alreadjr roll ettnbllibod, out! nqutring • compart. tlTilj null capital, tot fartbtr ln(or nation enquire of ooftiadfe mway u, ooujyg. wo. a& >t. >^lLAniiT,nnfl WM, McKBB & 00., ao.aas. Prouist. •nd no. aa L.im. at., IMPORTERS OF FOBKION CJHY GOODS, Aei constantly receiving on coneiaaniNT, mien linens, smat raoais, nnaw, tc i„ rul.tr. AUo. BRineu (MODS, auuHior in w , PAPER MUSLINB, VELVET Conus, LCAVLnTRKNn, TABBT VELVETS, AIPACOAS, OASIIMIUEBnTALU« CLOTHS, Ac. „ , Julfrlsma - A L Bid N*D RADLEY, luworacicEoa a»© DiAuauirnr takktt or COOHIKO, PABLOS AND HEATING STOVES, Pleln and F»noy Grate Fronts, do., WHOLESALE AND RTTAIL, foundry do Alleghuy Him. two oquoroa oortb-Mit of P«iuwyl*«iila Ptmopr Dopot. Omo% and Sale* Room, mrlfrlydfc »o t #Woo(llL.Pmibi.> l RAIL ROAD aPIRB COMPACTV. Joiaph Dllwoub D.W. o. OldnelL (SWewior. to terUr, Eotf, tf giant) unnornua \.i RAILROAD SPIKES, OUAIRB and boat spikes. PiTCanuEOB, tbnica DAWhig & llomaa. Sign andOruniMul Painter*. AffiD GRAJJTXBSi mini i* Whit® Leadud Zlno Paints. Alto, *ll klsd* vl Vemtobea. Wlßdmr QUw, Put Vt tenmu*r 144 Wcv4JßnttilWod*n9b9H*.Vbvfn MU*. mlfelrrtfe ' ■ • girmwiy ft ffA So. »7T lilborty »«-, oppoilli Teh, ' Br PWKO* i» HOMES. lunch bm 10 IoUJj o’clock ,emj onotoi ’tromOtolL - •’• •'HlLif JAU.: MoLAUO: AlMtol, Coltgßt Spirits tod Fasti Oil, dslfcdlyte . J. M. XAIIOU, Mo- Hfl*. Aits ;«t TOBSTOa'M, pirma i gan6 Statements. nna r< . . _ Loans. Bill* and Discmifta.... DRS. O. M. PITCH Ac J. "W. 8 YKJCS R»»> Estate and Oround licet. - H«to concluded to remain Stocks and Miscellaneous pbr-abbstw .« Pittsburgh, ssftssr* S3ssrrk“s= And may be consulted at th*lr office, Note* No. lOi Penn Street, sp«-:ta orotdand •dnrj.l OPPOSITE THE ST. CLAIB HOTEL, except Sunday*, torConnumptlon, Asthma, uronchttia and all other Chronic Complaint! complicated with or causing Pulmonary Disease, including OitnrrA, Heart fit§raie, Affection* of (ho Liver, Dys- P*P*ta, Gastritis, Femal' Complaints, etc. DRS. PITCH A BYKES would stats hat their treatment of Coosumpttoa Is baaed upon tne fad that h* ditaiu ts i*t* tn theUood a?»d system af lergt, both bercrt,a» iUdevtlopwmt fa i\f fangx, and they theeloi rmnloj Mechanical, Ilygitinia and Medicinal remedies $q purify the u^r W,d rtr * D * tb#B * b « *Tstma. inti tSett, they Q * e MEDICINAL INUALATloNB,wblchthfly T.ilne lilghly.but only as /Wiiotf ptx> (no Curative effect when artd awns.) and loTallds are earnortly cautioned against wasting the precious UtneofcurabiUty on any treatment baaed upon Uw pUnslhU.but (also Idea that the “seat of the disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," for as before stated, the trot of the riictau ts fa the blood and its effects only In the lungs. for consultation. A Hit of questions trill be sent to those wishing to con ■uU us by letter myttMswfetrF Joltin C .Baber A Co’a OKNUINK COD-LIVER OIL!! Tins Medicine, prepared in the most ap pro K'd manner, end botl Why os, has received the «ai» 1,1,0 of **»• “«t ecteaUfio of thelledlcel Profession of Phil •dolphin and elsewhere, srbo recommend it as superior to any other now manufactured. OfU* efficacy tad Importance aa a remedial (a caste ol OonrompUoa, Qwot, BronchUU, Aftbma, Chronic Rbouma ». »nU ill Bcrofulou*oi«ca*e#, It Ii unnocoMary to --llioaeaade of eminent phyticlane of Europe and America aring totted Ita wonderful corali™ properties Pnpared only by JOHN 0. BASER * CO, Vholeeale Nurlh * lrct ' t - Philadelphia. Sold b l™ Pnuntteu thrtmghont the country. frk-dtwCO Ministers or the Gospel, of all donomino tau, liar* BMd miion’t Celebrated Htzdicht I+dU ai n »*ujr for (ha gancral IndlepualUoa «aJ drowsiness wl.irh •o fro<;tuaUj attends their arduous calling, ead hundreds orthii&bara boroa TolnoUry testimony of the gmtro- Haftb«jb*T#asp*ri ence d from theuseof thismedicine f«.r indigwtloa, Karroos Headache and •Imtlir ills.. Prepared *io vuld by D. L.'PAHKBSTOOK * CO. Wholesaling proprietor* of B. L. VAQNESTOCK’fI VEBMI- No - ®°»Cjrnor Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. on 4-b p«g»»of to-day*# paper. ssairdlwT i’ -A. -M. 11. Y SEWING MACHINES. OROVffiR Sc BAKKH’9, Ihe first placo in public estimation it? now Iwtly accorded to lie GR3VSB A BAKER’S MACHINE, for fealty aswta c for tha following nweon#: lj MORE SIMPLE end EABILY KEPT IN OR- D£B Ih&o aa/bthar mscbloe. 2d.—ltmakaaa nui which will not RIP or RAVEL, though OTM7 thud stitch le cut. Sd—ltaewa&umcidluary spoils, end thus ell trouble 01 winding thread li aroUed, while the tame Machine ran tw adapted, at pleasure, by a mere change of spools, to all varieties o( work. 4th.—lbo sama H&hlaa run* ellk, linen thread and corn* meo spool cotton, with equal facility. ttb.—The eeam It aerlaaUoaa the mo»t o’astio fkbrte.so that It U free from a’] LIABILITY, to BREAK IcWlfin- OWNING orothi-rwlae. *nm»w ' * UtCl * m%d * by thi * iJac:;!EO 11 “ore BEAU TIFUL than any other maJs, either by band or maciimo. W. C. ELLIOTT, Agent, AT TUB FIFTH bTRHITT SHIRT MANUFACTORY, anyblydfc PITTAUUHGH, )pA.- B. B. & C. P. MARKLB; PRINTING, JOB AND ALL KINDS OF AIT IN G PATER, worthouie, So. 17 Wood Street, . . „ PiTTSBURGn, PA. Rage bought at market price*. tn*4:tffc J. U. CHRISTY, n. D., 1M Third Strutt, Pittiburgh, Penna., narfng bad the advantages of Extern CoUeg«e aod p Hals, and several yean* practice, oCm hla professional •errlcee fn BUROICAL AND MEDICAL CASES. _ „ . Mranat. Ret. WT>. Howard. Col. Wilton McCao.ll*m. McLean- Uon. 11. A. Weaver. T. n. Bill, Keq. Um. T. J. Blaham. J. R. Hunter. ; John H. Mollcr, Ea-i. Jacob McCotltgier,Eaq. myB:lydfc N- HOJLMKB ec BONS, DiiLOS 0 Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exeitange, CERTIFICATES OF'DEPOSIT, , BANE KOTEB AND SPECIE, NO. 67 MARKET BTREET, FnTaBCROn, PA. «3L.Ocll<«toru made on ell tho principal clues through ont the United 6u*m. • ap22-fcly OOCURAS <9C ' J sasuTacrnuu or from RaUlaf, Iron Vault*, Vault Deort, Window ahwtsrs, Wiadow Guards, if., A’vf. PI .Vcenct Stn«i and *tu TlurU Sired, (Between Wood and Market,) PITTSBURGH Pa na-a * r*ctoy of uvw r*tu-n», ftmcran.l plain, *j Jjt ? W V ar "H Particular attention paid to et>- claingum, Lota. Jobbing done at thort awtica. mr# wk. tajuxto. ; —*.«*. a rstsss VANDBVER A FRIEND. attorneys at la w *n SOLICITORS in OMAMCBRY, __ -’*• *. Block, Dubwp", leva. Wilt tttentl to tlie pQßhue end S&J* of R«d Cfttta. cb> WBlßt llwoej on Boode eo3 Mortgagee toiiljdfc W & Y Al A M ac oON, HnnuAwtaiwa and Denim In nil kind* of TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGAHS, AND maf tobacco, Corner «U Sral and . . PITTSBURGH, pa. wm. a utosoa. ». a. miin wiraxow .wmos whth BOBISSOS, M ISIS'S JUIUBBS FOtJSD*RS AWD MACHINISTS, Washington works Flttabur g.h, Feooa. Ofic«> Io.JU nirktt •treat. Manobetare all kind* ofgteam Bmdfieaand Mltl ilacblo* Cutlaga, Railroad Work, K team Dalian &ad Sftfcet Iron Jobbtagtod R»p%lrtnjtdooaonthottaotlca. mttttlydfq M- K. GI.LLEbPIK DEUTIST, Extracts Teeth without pain, by an entiki tT An**tbeUo agrat applied to the ueUt and garni X*etU trcm ooa to full aetU Inserted on tLa earloas. metallic base*, Ha ata? Inserts Wetb cm entire bate with cootionoui gym, wbltli la bendy, rimullrirai cnd : durability eannci tall ta plaaf*, Call oad axsmio* »p«l* man a. Jfo.sl etraat, below Market, (lecond Pltubomk. JeTilydfa SWUkI UKL GKAY MBBOHANT TAILOR, Ae. M .51. CZAllt STSHET, PITTBBOIUM, VkSXA^ is prepared to furnirh his customers and t>tijera wltL lho Uttui and moat tuhfociblo •tylM jt Spring ud Hnuuar Oc-od* ofarary Tarlety, vhlch b(*l!ltuki sp to ord a»y f«Tor tUani with thplr pwtruaaga. ap2Aal{a PAYNU, HIBttELL 6oit, etc., Abo MaoufacttfToraof tbo Celebrated CAPITAL COOKING lIANGK, SO* »3ft LIBXERTV IfftEßT, jygfrfMft rittsnuuou, pa. mitchbll, hbrron Sc CO., vosrutß&iu or Cooking* Parlor and HontinK STOVES, Orate Vronti, Fenderi, Cooking Bangu, it.. IVB Lilrtrip Bt»i PitUbnrßbf p*. mrSSAily _^*oSs'XEv: iSO A * CO.. JW4n nfadvren <\f OUN BARRELS, SOLID BOX VIOES, ROBINSON'S SOLID OAST BTSKL nr ranted. Cait Steel and Hammered ShovtU and Spade*, Uon, Hay and Manure Fork*, Picks, Mattocks, Ac. Wurilionn. Noi 17 Vtrkct St., tntil.gmfp PiTTfIHUBOU. PA OKU. 11. UlPlSttilUlir, ATu. 181 Liberty Strut, Pittsburgh, Pa., MurcractOAi* uso waouuu cuua is Srvry Variety of PATENT AND ENAMELED LEATHER, Shoe Leather, Solid, Jfurooeo, Freneh and Cbmkry Oetff Slfins, Solo Leather* Carriage Oilolotho, dro*. All of vfalcb will b« fumiifaedßttholowut Cub Pria*. 49*U 1 D E 8 W A N T B D.-GS , ‘*B f OIUSION FCXC*£A-MC3-B. HIQ lIT BILLS J)R AWN BX DUNCAB, IUCBaMAOO., ON TUK UNION BANK, LONDON, IN SUMS Of ON* BOUND BTIKUNa AND CPWAHDS. AlWjßLlioa the principal cltfu AodtcwniofFrahc*, Belgium, Holland, Germany, SumU And Vtbar Jotopean Statu, constantly on band and feraala by * WM. U. WILLIAMS A CO., ••tetyafe . Bantera, Wood etrut,earner of Third. nnaaniuiß uau r*cioßi D. O. BSRBBX, Cornu Lltortyr and Hand Btr««ts, ' FiTTajnnto&.PA, ' MmmCuttuer of all kinds of light,-Begs snltAbta for OMo, Floor, Uaoi, Unctefbcat, Salt, Ilimiaod ‘ Groom* OMjpri&ted la nut and appropriate dealgnato order. r • * • pne Common wealth, * ?-?.U f, itcn.nra tt,quu« vf L. J. iatMl.\G. P Wu«od UlKotmta,.... _ . ..■*£**** • ou the w»mU«. —4™ » family ridKSB luid- Ualted Stat** r w«« Kcwi, »tz Jcfcrs r>!J; a pacer coder tbs »aJmou,c, mttitajy or koowMgeaod belter ,» n J®v°^ la be« of my , r-ay rttyoidtonimt; w>U ataod wttboot hitchod. and Sworn tad i^r^^VL‘ fa warranted perfectly Bound; to be toll of A. D. IBM. fc,2t * p °«T n ®> 0,11 3»*** * b*pt. «we. ZJqnire et the Store warchotui'&C - J -_ F - NoUrjJ’ublfc. ! «-4 __ T. J. CHAlii k CO, 134WbcJst statement KaoHWiiTDSHlrMP^b'i. Jo«» anJ t&Sfi'S 3 - Ka&l Katat*.... —.-{1,390.6«d 19 fp«le Id Vault. 3?J? S? V. 8. Trotrarr Notes ?!] il® KotejanadjoctaoroOier itita;''"" ’ai?S S Daa by other Banka ttgj f, >r Car ValMDie^^rropertyTbF^alo! THAT very dosirn'ilo lot on Water Street *n'd IlMoubt Alley, next to John Irwin A gom, bring ' I’JO f-ct ud Water end Front strwU. and ICa dsep iv!<»cic the • Alley. . It will ha sold tog9tt.fr orJnloUol 23cr24fc*t each. ..... lf • For ft-ms,(which will bemads easy u to paytnant.)ap. I certify that the alwre atarement U trS’VfSl , i p,J ~, ;03£PU 8. LEECH A CO., m^ UOW '^ K : * nd WJ *' U. M. Sl&SttAr ttSTi ° f *-- tf Liberty Street, Pltftbnrgh. ‘ j T IBEP.TY STREET PROPERTY FOR —• ~EBT‘T ‘ Jtota n f Public. Aj SALE.—The Storeroom and Dwelling, rftuatod oa Libj-rty tier St.ClAir, kuowa en No 183. The lot U about 22 fret frost and T2O feet -extending back to 1-Schangt Alley, <» which I* er»cieda 6fcitiU and C.uriaff*. bonee. The property rent* readily for $OOO. and wtUbeaoM at a bargain and oa uccommodaciDgtvrms. F:>r particular* encjnlre of it. ||. KINO, »P]7 y». 211 Liberty mroct. ipiUl Stock Conttugent uj Circulation ........... Opposite** Duo to other B*uU* ".7". ".'.!."! .!. " Statement or tile citHWliiSfc— I AsaSra™* 11 ' fcpt 13,h ’ * 8S *‘ Loan* and Dlseoanu Coin In Vault / ; \n tC *,^ ad Cbeckl of wiKtiUneona Account* Ke&l Ac. * Dn» by other Banka”'. iIABOIXIM. OmUngTOt Inad „ d r „ au “ Jn» to other Bnki “ - - 5 ,J» l wST”'"' ” C °™‘ ““S <‘rf^ 7 k»»« _ J F- MAOKg.SZIK, K-M..T Pul.lln. ii=n=r “‘ or U4BILITS‘ I ' S " t,t ' 3> “' lKS - Clrccl&ttao I>n* to other tUniu.. Dqo to UojrOjitCT*. , As,ri4. , ® s ' so “ Billsaod Notei Discounted CfiWflog a Du« by othtr Dmki !?S? it Nolei nl Chock, „r oth„ So* li Bp** hSm ■w'i&sSfaar Mon " 5 »"■ 4 of hitua. ’ “” r A. W. F’jSTglt, Notary Po'jlJc. Bt&tßfgcnt of tli» iron city Bank, «a Discoaala Wl ”5 T' IHifl by ctJjcr Bacilli. .' • ' Not« and Cfaect. of other Boots .d-J Srilf Ur7 * V ‘ itt,a 8,052 00 Circulation ..Si . J. . 163 KO ftO Duo toother Bauki- 163, H° ?? Dao to Depositors j,,i" oi ~j5S» ° r statement of the Allegheny ftSoulc. lc Uib, 1853. „ ASSETS. Noloaru) Bill* Discounted. Colu „ Koto end Checks of’othVr Baats,'.'’***' Dae t>y othtr Banin LIABILITIES. ‘F 1 ’ 257 57 OirniUttou I)3c to '*th»t ttAn^f, | Individual Depcniu I’bpaid Dividend* jXor» u < b.fcr.mi'H.i, *° :!1 J.F.MACgmziE. Kottrj labile. Jilrto a6Br^iiocmntta. TPabilo Sals In SewickioyßoronghT HK undersigned will uSI-r at ..üblic sale ,S 3 In at 1 o’ stock. P.BI. stood crum.i. -m.h.ili , t ”bIJ. 0lX« ol Wolrr, U.teru, t«~u iminlr«j no-ir-c Adolo lrvJl_ . JL.* Coj r-u;ti, fit *et«rrks Ac. IllTso «* c*]UoistU*tl.. n lor • tjur/inl «>iih % ■o«ihe«\t uwcL ° f —Ooe-tl 1 '! death, sod IheUlsacb la two *aba.U wmcoti With late n „ • " “ • n2I:JM • pUiiUC MEfcl’ifl X. BARKKH»IU ad-tma'a .1 niUba*j;»», (wm aid*,) on TDS| *t 7 o’clock, on th» Coming £ied On WKUJfWUAtr M*bL Scotch mu Market norm h At M’Kecaport, onOArOßui X>ITD OQt, KSd ] rood Uotd qu*«:loa j i G 6 . —KXOIA-I OK toting at Uit> DIA3IOM?. pAY Ercuiiif, S*ju. sj*!, ftloß. [•t»5J24, *t? o'clock, tl the fcpt. 20th, at T o'clock near tao truth ca ttrn Kali- I wahlfcgbo f Q.IiAiJD COiNCEKT OF ba&& roaumi. CHOICE RESERVED (EATS roil 0 V af OBA ™ COS CERT, me .r SiSXSSStij'%'* “““ Slorr ' rin l‘V “ 1 JOII.MI.OfD k Cu'llS VTooJ.t WUAWLS AfiDWlfcss GOODS of every ojjAxsos ioye,U fjui.uu M’CLISTOCK'S UAItPET WaSSboCJK No. 112 Market Street, Near- Libert/, U «iui n .Z, tec * , -2 6 OUI ' l!rst of jnrui of t U k| ““PtU^aU.. nmUMsitamn. cts£“° * n, ‘ t "F““v v,:„i , ail „«,,*• n„, „ T . Sc^!n V. ollUn, tWt aud SOjr 0,-^, Ujbi>la« >M Btm C»rp.t.,Sc, Ai. . BX’auros&s’ bazaar and livery stable, DUiiowDsaErr.afiAaiJßSHTT, . Hpnrsßuaaa,pi t. ■ ORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND ...rjitlog 0.5,11, foonl In • lint clua I , ra or fur kM *»* th. w 1 Caj'iki AUESI IUTGQtEdi HQCKAWAYS, piustou, OAnocousa, oigi, A SK2S? io 010 lino ' fto “ EABTBQN MANtJPACTtTRBfIg, Tojttlur »Uk » fuU' M *ortm«at of^ejant • SMtem Hunm • SHSS-SSPS ■£\V FALL GOODS— "“• ™JroHlh • -»ao ■ W™ Imperial, SiiDor fe&-S£aSi£®"fc w. ». HAVEN, o>‘row Mttktl and gta. S’jjuui? I', 1 ', AC * t> LOQ SLATES OP ALT. SlZKa.—Jn»t received ud for tile bj „ „ W. a. IIATBK. Corotr Market «nd gte, [IS? ANUMOUTOAUJiS, PKINTK'i) L/-d brul. bj w Slum,'** Prinar ‘ N “- M,S», and 34 Uuktt 8t WTANDAKU WOHK.S OJb“ TRAVEL * l Amcrkai; * •, i»nir {^rA Tr s T,l,,n * k,ropo-Ddttl * But; Uiirbißi do wo do CO. Wo.&&ffoo4>trnt» “u4L\w^ K h N , A ' ro — : w*CO.Ko y MDMA WIKTMCa.' &*v* «m%* ounSm .5???? X aX'S^^tarroimßiEntoti?; ~ • -WbMJ.mra^CQ. • ' &. .dfat pOB REST— 05 44.T55 82 T. 937 15 101,541 51 _A. W OaZZAM. KVt K —A three story Utt-oUing®® r^a v W^t" t L F ‘L l^ ,trwt - (No. 100,) containing lligfl. Ji! h with Ano t-rkk aUbleand ud eo!.| !*•***• i» supplied with hot lion is ,* **>. and being In a central loc* man, and to tbasraaisof a professional ant. For .J 1 , fop a term of years to a good ten tnrJC Particular* enquire of Af.EXANDER KINO. X ° I'' ° ll furnished dwelling U-QMDt. JuH n r'rn? pt,tl ” fcr rent low tO» pood Ullcnenoa m.o».lmuv ± CO . •OK SALE—Ten acres it land, four miles ] JL fro:aAllo;;h»iiy City, oil tlie f’etTysrilte punk road; ttuprJTeoieata good; new firm boas*, «riih a gaxj w. 11 of Iwateratlbe door; new frusta stable, and a rua 01 water throughtliebscc part m tuelot—will boeoldatab.irgala. Also, four lot* in East Üb* ty. partly cleared and improwd— the remainder la covered with toporlor timber—and the whoie it well watered by springs and running streams—• Tbit Motion 1* coodderod the Ccestbodyof land la'the Hjoty. It will avid codivided or In quarter* to suit rthaaerv. To those who desire to tsTMt in real estate a iter opportunity it rareW offered. ' oc3ftdiwtfT- FOR SAL& OK LEASE, a lot on .Fourth ■:reet,b»;n , B c n SmithCeld and Cherry Allay, 102 ft** I rent by S 3 deep, A L..t on Third vtreet, near gmkbSeld, 40 f«t front by 66 fsetdeep. Njtiu Wxau—The tqnsr<* l-oi.cltd by Boll»r, Wilkins and Carroll str*»t« and ttprocs altey. 6* f*t front by 120 a statecf calUvatii/c. lfle improrementicontlat of a comfcrtahle Brick Dwal ling lloqm, Jurge Frame Bam, Cera Cribs, fba*p fhed-. r^Af * t,nllii,aS *' Two y® 00 !! Orrfiarde of valnable oU>c ," toedWe their ebUdesn, •“»<*!# this property, prior, iq If parcbaaen dccfre it, tfce Land »«! fro ao!i lntso or ff* p4rtej. •*}• *jW tie premia:* At 1 o'clock, P. of nla amy ***"*• ® r B «*e .trtb orth* pnrchtw money »o»e t»ldwbebiv«,e*«i. >n t * trteuu. *m! th-rstldae la tliree o nd abonal pa> toeitt, wltli latemt th'-rpr n. r *«» be cJiliTer.fJ ihia tail. ur oaUi*£:at aay of April next, at tVp rpM-in rf lb» nircbuar. . *l&4ftw3T } AJi-nici^rjlcr'a. ?3!jilai)Eip?jia anjccttstmenis. It. QARBISQX. WM. BRICE & CO.. PBODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS KO. 8 EODra WATtU BTIIKET. Si“ SSTwifol'” 3 *“ d trltl >™“. _S?t r . *‘*‘* n * [ , T ® *"»•*««• wnwtfoo* In thli Ho# of trade idnatti mod* oo podi or blUi of l*dla«. Wo muo. fullr «clldt your caaajfnupEtp. ««p¥.£pr - BUFFALO ROBES, T - By tba Bala or Kobe, OEO. F. WOMAIES, Bos. 415A417AR0U St. Philai/a. tjScvi™, ?’ a lar of LADIES rAKCr f ÜB3.cfogrowo aAoatietopß. • CAJJDLB MOTTUDS, \\f ARRA2C .I£D to ba cfLhe beat metal, all IT UM asd p&t;*.-!!!, nuiit&cuiral mod far nj 0 &t *r OALTERLKY, Baca fltnat, PhOatUfphla. Hamilton's Improved Voting America Grain Srill. T U v E of Farmcn and all others Jwt lotcreittd In the jrcyram of aeitaltiirA] I*^?** 1 **^^ £ to U» ebon implement. It iininn Sf of “ d sSeiSielndli^S; B ?®* Bwby, Timothy, Ciom-, Hemp, ZSth^.»h^7 ,1 i q “‘ P* r «cre.topJan»Jt ctctroSr 1 "W* oo * chcugo oHUtam, without frn, * Thb DrU! eajt» butclittl* over faclftb* price el - . t» csurcn pb <• ■;• ;• . > .eumrottjroant. EVER BROOGUT TO THIS OITT CIIAR.LOTTB BLPiifß, As tU Wild StUliUibed Plaoo Depot,” IAB Wood at«. 2d goqr rtore Fifth. C I I, ? APEST QUN IN lUEMAR ft *a eit*ltent Mjortmfnt of Donblo ** ®* n ‘ V® *IU 'vurtpt then foanioo,’and to bo “£ 1 W«;>, “f-OM feral, ■li . : o»KTffHlPotMh ifaafcireaad A wrtthlow toclo** e oa , i*nmtaf. ; ——l—l frost ttrm^nctrTrooQ. ; BAGS tUO COFFEE; - vV/i5bU s.K.O. flcnn ' " ; ;40bbii ».a.aJu«*K '= s- .» ■*■, ■■ is “ "*«««! r ; rcjKUnf Willi IdlMortnioot Of iploi, Wrirplaß * e-10. ; -— -lT j>_ AIHJ< McOiu* t £ON. P fnALL i l rn MAKGIKGS — w - p - MAJR UU«,ofgood de>i g ai. CoswudM^ »M i • ■ ,-■ „ , . K0.«7 Wood «*•«*♦. hare just reo'd a large o» floo Cbimo4» BklM. Tbooo wtiblafi ujj. , tlitoi lu Uia lioo aboold uU ttd «JMnlo* ■took befen.; jweWof *l»»w!jprp. . ; •eU - v .corpwPtocMb.lkod . AIK oils; iPOMAWfS, 40.—1 haTO juat rw'd* Urn >tul fIM MnrtaMtit otto* Bair to. r A&O, • fiM MMtßual .of fmvl&a An-. »>I4 • ’ 'corotrlH«DQirf>i>dMMlitiMT, tuAii—aotSa I far oh by ,->' ; »tl4- UiUP—4tf bbiv,3jrups. m-> rtore and for - . . . AQ>. A/fViUAS&Sar^ A BTORE OX SIARKLT STREET. OMo Land for Sale. J. U. 6WEITZXR, No. ICI 4tb strori. Pittsburgh. p/So&ar in store and 4 - BTHOIUKgOX A CO. OMtine Of Aooo* will be b-*ld attbe office ofo.?«*?* cu fXi*i»o Cbmpcay, ntng Company, in tbs and Boetee Ml the Stb orOctaber, at S £>’cloetS^S r^ h -«» WSDNXSOAT provisions of the laws of Mirblf*! a -* *a> Baww Mtcw T" . .. Pttobcioh,B*pLlL,igjTv } By ttf.Jertiftlia Btitrd of Director*. “““Oftempry. " ,s “i ll - - tups, a. noge. imii. Or U.VIOS r«4TS* •r , /Jp£* f* 6 held 4*ltv la the. Room of the tmin Meo e Chrlatiea A*pflitlfln. it ttf j u .Jft WH m, ©Hants, W Bush. WhS”~~ " „ io.to - oJ, : nncuxKK, trcnsEßr too. 02 Bfrtood «>d Xsi few jfa *' 3l NeDn Bnd Hancock Btrwlijw agK^aarr^smffg^ French LciiobiT MR. OLEMbmi- ibxeboiS, announce. to tli* public Uut bu takea to hla mMmim *_ now* SKSJXS srt5 rt « r .E* rital, “ , *l , l | U’ to John D. Ket lor. Untie btore, No. 81 Wood street. soSQtfthr auction SaUa. P- M. DAVIS, Amrtlonoajy? Oonitncrdtl Bmlea Kocau, Ifo. 6| fUtt 'StMM. Fr NE i Vnf SA J NO -95 WOOD STHEET Corner of Diamond Oa tyttfriMd.-r nT*?t• Stpt. !2J,« M ddoct, mu bTJoJd l£s£i , . mdnlaj, flc«coliect}on of Pratafd*om»laM. cal.ltellfioo«,audllaßwrtmlk ****** »*«*• K -i . r.M.DiTis',»w* 0« K u °UNTKt SEATS AtAn? tion.—On Tboredey Afternoon, SrptembecSLiTl o clock, cb tb« prtmiees, irll] be sold. ttlrl*ea.»£i?ifLi •ostd litre for coantry •oats. CCDUIaIM from joining the country tautioa qC Jv*JFb. Caft, Hjq . which era 6MJ ofacceee, end far beomrof **“2? noot *>y Bay Intuie Tecttou. aIW. JioElßiadUlM? iu*«*ch * front ot 24 f.*t oo wiklaS^ , Jta2*.*2y , ff ‘ t«j»l»re.a fbgiS«fc PALI DRY GOODS c. HANSON LOVE’S, Ko. n aukgt Street, BETTOE-J FOURTH BTSECT 1m m nr.t,mm rrmuvuan,p±, ...'. biqh op the original bee hive. t* 01 ?? ,c ®® of tit SUouftctuna* toini in u* *»» «**>*■ UEBSB OOOQDB : „??3 DRS3S BILKS, la FI»fo Biacji »ad Flit test rich cuaa biles, JSJI E i™ 3ItK ROBSB,BUesaadCoS&J. VERY RICH-ALL WOOL SIOUSDBLAIRS. ■ VERY RICH ROBE MOBS DB LAIRS. VERY RICH COTTON ARB WOOL 2IOOS BE Miw FRENCH MERINOS .03 . ..■ 00BTT R a 8 , TbAltiErttAacß taUi»cit,,«B4 . BETTER GOODS TOR' TfiffiPßlOß CAR BE FOUND M ARY OTHER HOOTE WSWOI THE HOCNIAIRR ” dirwo uut BOTTCFHT .AlTAtronou ' ' - IN LARGE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRIOEjg, ASaAILIIt TXAT ■ i' .i‘ ’ SMALL ADVANCE ON EASTERN COSt SRAWLSAItS O&OAII OfraUr.l7 W ,* tim a«diMtb. * TAX. Mail BBAWLSi ‘•Aad nuojegur ROTtinb tit skiirij jijb ciioiu^i, 1 ' vr * o««r h«T» tma abla tooSW',o ■tcckct HI klcSi of SHAWLS «al CLOAKS; NEEDLE WORK i . COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES. ; ; TXOUNOINGS, ■ ; • • EDGINGS, INSEBTINQS, ETC. . MOrNitriij ooODSi-i RLAOH TRUSS GOODS, SHAITU. CRAFI vati'a /■-’■ ’ OOUABS, vOLOVES r -AUK ' EVERT OTHER ABTIGEB IN THE LINE uomursro oooss. DOMBBTIC AWO *TAPJ4® OOOo** BtKAomtoAwpp.fßinucaßDstirßinfj, - TXOKIKO& • ■ • «..•»- •'? .... . • : - CHECKS . 2* • - . , - i.-flijoOT RKWIS, KBHIOCKYJIAKS,: TWEEDS. '. Mimxss. OASSIMSHESiCtOTHS, ASSOBJED S!SQOK OF GOODS uu»*olOT •llymiliwT 1 r?- 'i .... w°p'ain»i«ito.s > v «w«« «aa