: - lmlTOvb bXrXBDIS'rBr C6.v MDJTOmS ••* PMOrSIXIOMB. PITTSBURGH; MONDAY MORNING, SEPT!" 20, 1858. airvnioAi state ticket. roAtxmnvjVM*,. JOHN M. MAP, of FhfltiMpSa. • . _* . veaomfc oosnumm. TOIUM K.fEAZKT^FijrSti *•' 'f- *M } IBLICAN COUHTT TICKET, - ■ - roa cewovne'flavwsmor. act. JAtng g. MOOPgAP, PtttAorrti. oososma—SCDnuneicr. .. BOBgBT HcttWlOtlT, SnerfaaDv Cirr. ■ tsuToa, ..... SOP. P. PBHHBT, Plttatmrgh. % narailD, Peebtaa, P. ZOLuS; BOBEBT P. HcDOWKLL, AU%mir. JAMxa l. aßhHUh’anviiaiT. • nonewMET, . DARIKL ARMSTRONG, Pittsburgh. UCBXUS PATTKBSOV, Indiana. ATOttoa, JOHN U. LARQiBB, Charters. • ' oaowa, CHACNCBT B. BOBTWICK, Xawraesvffle. Masons or tod. : B0BX2? 11. DAYIB, Ohio. “*• Tnoiiu WouAHt—H u 7 lhb f were . nNd*d to Jutiff th< eoune ire hare punned lowmrdaMr. Willmoj, it ia.to too found inhia. ■ - proaoat poaitbn u the cudMito of the demoo , my of tho 224 diaWct for Cobgteaa.. It has boon He eludled effort of Mr. Williimi to crooto Uio UiiprcMitm that wo hero made w»r upou him bocauao bo iu employed as the altor * . ney of- the city and county against tho railroad bondholder*; but bo knows better. Wo bare no quarrel with him for ooutceting boforo the - Supremo Court the legal liability of tho city and county ; on tho contrary, wo bare always . thought, that hewas the' man who ouyitr lo con test that liability, and aa a member of the Fi nance Committee of Councils the writer of this article Toted to employ Mr. Williams for that purpose onbehalf of the city. If hehad confined to that lask,'and kept the question be 'forq the Courts, while it belongs, instead of canfying it into politios, where it does not be long. ho nerer would bare reeeired an unkind or opposing word from ns. It is simply because he is striding to make a demagogical use of that question, to injure and break up the Republican party that we hare felt bound to.holdhimup to publio condemnation. We hare oharged, and wo now charge, that Mr. Williams has taken a position of hostility 10 **• party, not beoause that party on the Tax question, hut because it to nominate him for Congress. Possessed, of an inordinate Vanity which leads him to be liere himself the gnat man of the age, and an itching palm for gold,' the office of Congressman has beta a templing.priie' to him, both for the ’ $BOOO salary and the chance it would afford him for airing his oratory before the astounded rep resentations of the nation. Bnt baring failed to get tbs Bepublicaa nomination, he has sold -himself to the locofocos, bargaining to carry over the support of himself and friends to the loeofoeo county ticket in return for the looofoco support glren to him for Congress. The tax question is the pretext for this, but is only a pretext, the grand end aimed at being; his elec tion to Congress—a placo in which he can be of no use whatever in settling the tax question. Wo will give a fact or two to substantiate what we say. .. ;.On the Clh of January last the Republican county Contention which met to nominate a candidate for the Legislature .in place of J. B. Baokhouse, deceased, passed the roilowing reso lution:; Roolttd, That we ars opposed to the payment of interest on railroad bonds issued by the coun- I ty until the whole question as to the liability of Ute county on said bonds has been passed upon by the Bupreme Court, Wo are in fktor of leaving the whole question to that tribunal, and' of wailing for its decision before any further - steps are taken by the county towards the pay .ment of said interest. " This resolution received the entire and hearty ooneurrenuof Mr. Williams at that lime. Ha expreaaed hltfleclf satisfied with it, and voted for Mr; Scott,' the Republican nominee, on tho ground that the platform on which ho.was nom inated was all that could be desired. ' The' itepublicaaparty has not changed ground since lt bee not repealed or modified that resolntion. 6n the contrary, tho Cstmty Com mittee, in their address, took occasion to reaffirm H in foil, and tho eandidales on the Republican ticket have all expressed their concurrence in it. ,Tho Republican party atonds, .'therefore, just r« it stood in January last, on this question. vdßsea Mr. Williams was satisfied with its position; but.notc ho assails it and its candidates with all the opprobrious epithets he can command. And why! Not because it has changed ground, for we hare shown that it has not. HU opposition, therefore, docs not grow out of principle; and there can bo but ono other cause for il~disap pointed ambjUon. We need not siy, here, that if Mr. Williams had been nominated by the Republican Conven tion for Congress we should have supported him* /cheyfulJy; nor need we add, that .if he Aadgo t / that nomination, thdt hi would have supported our whole ticket, and-stumped thocounly for it. He would have been perfectly satisfied with the position-of the Republican ticket on Iho lax question if he hadbqbn at the head of.it. And yst> to ayj man possessed of the spirit of honor and devotion to principle, the position of the Republican ticket on that question is not changed one whit by the w ihet;-tbat he is not a* the head of it. We may mention, here, that Ur. Williams vu preeat daring the session of the Bepubli. can convention, and used his personal influence with several delegates to get their voles for Ur. Moorhead ; and we may. safely say that it was the exercise of that influence whioh secured Gen. Moorhead’snominalion on thesecondbal lot. He knew, then, what views Mr. Moorhead entertained on the railroad, question, and was apparently anxious not only for his nomination bat eleotion. Yet he is now, without a particle of ehaiage oD the part of Geo. Moorhead, en gaged In attacking, abusing and traducing him; and is one of the parties to an arrangement by whioh the votes of his anti-tax friends in the Republican party are to be transferred to Mr. Barks,.* I*eeompt4D, free* trade locofoeo. Such Is .the bargain %hichhe has driven with the loeofocoa. "f have oiled these facts to show, as they do ■iwcvtly show, that Ur. Williams' hostility amd party is ho t onto of principle, that not grow out of the position of ■ is jut. the 1 , the tax question, for its position he was entir as it was in January last, when «hoe is nXair with il; and the infer because U refasM war on It simply . Hence the justice of o&e him fer Congress. . . W* ire anlhorhed by Mr. MoKnight lo elate * dirtluctly that ho has had repealed conTeraa- Oom with Mr. Thooaa William,, when hopro fund to b* • friend, in which ho (Mr. McK.) told him that one .ground of discathfecUon ho . had with thoDlrectore of the BteubenTflle K. K. Co., and ono maio reason of his retiring, was that.he. eonld not get'the Board to push the bogus subgmiplfpna. Theotber falGecWges, no freely ueerled; in tho Prus, are beneath notico. . . _,7 ' 1 • -Tun DAicltßST«iri: Coiiresiafbi.i-Tho;,chief ; manager at the Bakoretdwn JobofocoConference Qen. Kobinson, of Allegheny. He manlptr all Iho conftrbei, f had 'pHTafcwhbpbrfbg with thnm.andTarrahgtaißrwhole pfoooedingd iit-Miy-uncUbn. with the idmlnoii ' Jameo v\o Gibson. This explaiDshow, *. end for whom t ;lhe lhlng waa dofao.- Thedrao etau Of the 22d diolrietanut fetl prond ot snob • a loader. ••• reetfmd h«i!w" n> Vl ““ «*»<« cb«i ditpatckra i. DuStiWnbm W*” ff™ 1 * §kfeKSS©&s2£Sa vr,-_w 1 .;•• •■ •--■ ,/ ' ' ■ < ■ •“■^w^SssefiSsKS^^^; Xttvsjilbifiiit - • loot! wMcliattrwteJ atte&tito£7' *peeci« at OtUira ond at Freeport were ; copij& ▼ery extensively by .the press, and iftad by* tnMiomr. Oh the rSthlnsUmt, the third en counter between these champions—Douglas and Lincoln came off at Jonesboro, the county town of Union, and about thirty mll«j north of Cairo th “Egypt.” It will be remembered that Doug* Ims waa intending “to trot Lincoln down into Egypt and bring him to his' milk,” to use the severely elassio phrase of tho Liule Giant. Cut the “milk" seems to hawe come from the other sldo of the house. Mr. Doaglae repeated his old speech, bat Liacoln took a position of attack and “carried tho war into Africa” as well as into Egypt. _IIe produced ; platform, after platform; resolution after resolution which the so called de mocracy passed in 1850, some in favor of the Wil mol Proviso, and some in opposition to the Fugi tive Slavo Law, some against any more Slave States somein favor of entire equality of therighls between tho black and white race, and having read them put tho question home at Douglas, whether or not they were not his platform.— Douglas oUimed instantly that Lincoln had no right to, infer that these declarations of remote and obsouro districts were tho sentiment s of the “Democracy.” With that declaration he Btrack from under his own feet all tho groundoif attack he has ever assumed against Lincoln. : As a specimen of the argxtmentum ad homineix we adduce the following from tho conclusion of the Jonesboro speech: “Now, my follow citizens, I will detain you .only a little whilo longer. • My time is very nearly out. 1 find a report of a speech mado by Judgo Douglas at Joliet, siheo wo last mot at Freeport—published l believe iu tho Missouri Rrpublican —on the Oth of this month, in which Judge Douglas says: 4 “You know at Ottawa, T read this platform, and him if he concurred in each and all of tho principles set forth in it. Uo would not an swer these questions. At lost I said frankly, I want you to answerthem, because when I got them up here where the color of your principles Is a little darker than in Egypt; I intend to trot / yon down to Jonttboro. The very notioe that I,* woe.golng to iake him down 16 Egypt, madehirri tremblo in the knees so that he had to be carl tied from the platform. Itelaid up seven days; and in the meantime held a consultation with his political physicians, they had Lovejoy and Farnsworth and all the leaders of the Abolition party, they consulted it over, and at last Lincolii came to the conoloaion' that he would answer, so ho came up to Freoport last Friday.” Now that statement altogether furnishes 0 subject forphilosophical contemplation. [Laugh* left] I have been treating it in that way,'ana 1 -hare really come to the conclusion that I coh ex* Jloln it no other way than by believing the udge is crazy. [Renewed laughter.] If ho wasTn his right mind, 1 canot conceive bow hk would have frisked disgusting tho four or five thousand of his own friends who stood .tilery and knew, as to my having been carried frqm the platform, that there was not a word of truth" in it. Jcdgs Douglas —Didn’t they carry you off? Mb. LnreoLa— I There; that question illustrates the character of this man Douglas, exaotiy. He smiles now and says, “Didn’t they carry you off?” Bat ho said then, “He had to he carried ojf\ n and ho said it to convinco the coun try that he had so completely broken me down by his speech that I had to be carried away.— Now he seeks to dodge it and oaks, “Didn’t they carry you off?” Yes they did. But, Judge Douglas tchy, didn't you tell the truth? [Great laughter and cheers.] And then ogaia, “He "laid tip for seven days.” Ho pats this in print for the people of the country toread as a scriohs document. I think if he bad been in his* sober’ senses ho would not have risked that barefacc* edness in the prcsenco of thousands of his own friends, who knew that I made speeches within six of the seven days at Henry, Marshal County; Augusta, County, and Macomb. Mc- Donough County, including all tho neccsßary traveUo meot him again at Freeport at tho ond of the six days. Now 1 say, there is no charita*' ble way to look at this statement, except to edn olude*thai ho is actually crazy. [Laughter] There is another thing in that statement that alarmed me very greatly as he it, that he was going to “trot me down to Egypt.” ; Thereby he would have you to "infer that Y would not come to Egypt unices he forced mt-f -that 1 could not come here unless he. giant like, had hauled me down hero..' [Laugh ter. That statement he makes, too, in tha teeth of the knowledge that I had made tho stipulation to come down here, and that he himself had been very reluctant to come into the stipulation. [Cheers ! and laughter.] More than all this, Judge Doug* j las, when he made that statement must have j been crazy, and wholly oat of hts sober senses, or e)so he would havo known that when he got me down here—that promise—that windy prom ise—of his powers to wnnthUKi* me,'wouldn’t amount to anythiog. Now, how little do I look like being carried away trembling? Let the Judge go on, aod after he is done with his half hour, I want you all, if I can’t go home myself, to let me stay and rot, here, and if anything happens to (he Judge, if X cannot carry him to the hotel and put him to bed, let mo stay bore and rot. [Great laughter. ] I say, then, there | is something extraordinary in Ibis statement. I ask you if you know any other living man who would'make soon a statement? [Cries of “No, no." “Yes ; yes.”] I will ask my friend Casey, over there, if he would do such a thing ?' [Ca sey dropped his head and said nothing.] Tub rosl of Saturday is indignant at the be trayal of tlie democratic party in. the 22d dis trict by Gibson & Co. It exhibits a great deal moro independence than we gave it credit for. The apparent alacrity with which it camo (no* minolly) into the support of a ticket which it abhors induced us to bclieTc that it would swal low Williams and go the whole figure. But we were mistaken. The Pott actually rebels..{lt calls on “the conferees appointed at the National Democratic Convention, which met on the 16th : of September, to commanlcetc at onco with iho sound Democrats of Butler, and place in the field a Democratic candidate for Congress in the Twenty-Second District, or let the Democrats of the district themselves put a candidate in the field." It Insists , that “the democrats of the district odhero to their party organization, and select a Democrat whom they shall deem it ezr pedient to vote for.” It adds: “If Butler county wishes the nominee, lolher bring out Jacob Zlezler, a good man and a true Democrat, or if Boiler yields her claims, let the Allegheny Democrats find a man. We hope the Democracy of the XXIld District are not extin guished like a farthing rush-light, by this un heard course of their conferees. Let ns hear from them." Tec Uniontowa Genius of Liberty (what; ft misnomer!) says: ■ * “The vote of, the member from this-District la the next Congress is likely to decide for whom the tote of Pennsylfania shall be cost for Pres ident, end by the vote of Pennsyhraniais likely to be decided whether a Democrat or Bepnbli cembali be the next President of the United States. This is not mere epeculailoD, but it is a stato of affairs which the signs of the times indicate as likely to exist. What then U your doty? If Jonathan Koight should bo elected do you think he would rote for the Democrats candidate? On the other hand/if Montgomery should be elected is it not absolute ly certain that be would voto for the Democrat ic candidate ? Then go to work /or Montgomery, remembering that upon your present exertions may ' depend the success of the Democracy in the next \ Presidential contest. 11 ~; We hope thatthe Republicans ofS* 1,,e will remember this, too. It jr admonition to •, Pbyslrfan Extraordinary to the Qocen. This well known Molidneta no Imposition, bat * *O7O and aafo remedy for Female DlflcolUes and Obatroetlons, tom any cause wliatoter, and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hortfu! to the constitution. TO MAKRIED LADIES it Is peculiarly suite*!. It will, In a short time, bringon tbe monthly period wUh regularity. •n*r« mii have nertr U.cn hioton lr> failwh’Tt (ht direc tion!.on the tecond page 0/pamphlet art wDobtervtd. For AtU particular*, g*t a pamphlet, free, of ib« agent. '{. B —sl and 6 pottica atampa.eucloeed to uj anthori ted agent, will inaurs a bottle, containing over 60 pula, be return mall. . B. FAHNESTOCK A 00., Pitlaburgb, wbolwale agent, and aoid by all drnggtat*. ap27;diw fo T THE GREATEST MATCH MACHINE IN THBWOBLW A FOBTONB MADE WITH A SMALLINVESMENT. THOMAS’ PATENT MATCH MACHINE la a aUuplo, cheap aud perfect Match Makar.. The Machine coat* only $116; la driven by hand, and will tha for* lona or tbo manafactum In a abort time. Where good wood la to bo had readily it materially reduce* tho coat. county or Machine privilege* are offered tor •ale at a moderate price. Tor particular* call at OAMII COUNTLNO BOOM, Fifth afreet. lelrf&wfctfT W. Ac I>. RLNKIiAJRX. *a«Cf ACTCEIM Aire MiUUU All kind! of Tobacco, Sanffud Cl|«n ( UlTerecenUy takenth« bonding No. 130 Wood etreeLlo addition to tbeir Manufacturing ketabHahmeotjNo. 43 Irwia ftroct, where they will be pleated to roccirs tbeir friend*. ap37:lydfe -i mi*" ia I»»« I- MTU-——W.ITCCIIOC) Pittsburgh Steel Works. JONTES, BOYD Ac CO., Utoufktorenof CAST STEEL; alto, SPRING, PLOW m0t - » Pittsburgh. P>« £iPIRB COMPANY. ~ P^*! W< ’ ,th - Di W. C. Indwell, \aOccu9on U> iferfer, Bclfe a SuklL) rw Tr _- ' KAUCMCnJMSS tf “AIL ROAD SPIKES, CUAIHS ' AND BOAT SPIKES. PITT3UDKQE, PENN’!. DAWES 6c CIjXJXjBjY uetite, gjgn and Ornamental Painters, .. AJt&'aitAlJfEltßt ‘ • - MUBtS lit .... LoadandZlno.Paints. ™> Ml kind* of Paints, Oil*, Yantinhoa, Window Glass, .•••■• . 'Putty, Brushes, kc., Virgin Miff. , ~XJU&j3KA~ SAXiOOIV. T~ Liberty SL, opposite 7tb f r i’-'" V Py PIERCE * IIOLOES. . tunchcvery aaj'firomlO fa llJ4o’clock; owy craning fromoto 11. . ; ' nii-tf ; JASI MoLAUGHLIK, . 4 : .•: jttirorsgmsaof ■.. ileohol, Cologne Spirit* ami Fuwl Oil, IrtMljfc JKm. Mol HO Aam, Strut. " . . ."O'. M.X.KCTA,IC - ■ TwmßcraAjNrr t.ajcx.o», ;. .- ' No; 54 SO’ Olair Street, ' i ' .(rftirbnffovihiiMbfc)* ■ pmraTOEoß.'pA. ' .. Permanent Office Compiling with the urgent request of hun dreds of their patients, DRS. C. M. FITCH&J. W.SYKKS : Hate emielndod to remain . • PERHANESTLY IN PITTHBVBCn, And may b» consulted at tboir oflice, No. 191 Penn Street, OPPOSITE THE ST. CI.AIK HOTEL, Dally, except Sundays, rorConsnmptl o *’ A*tl»m«, Bronchitis and all other Chronic Complaints complicated with or causing Pnlmooary Disease, ioclndlu- Catarrh, AjZcclion* of the Liver, Dye- peptin, Gattritia, Fetttaf' Comphinti, etc. DR3. FITCH A STILES srouM state hnt their treatment of Consumption ia bated upon tn® fad that hr. iiU in theHood and system at large, both bifort,no during its development in Ittngj, and they therefor eoutloy Hygienic and Medicinal remedies to partly the Mcwd and strengthen the aystom. IFiM Oust, they nae MEDICINAL INllAIiATIONS,trhlch they value highly,bet only u FaUiatitcjy {haring no Curative tjfeet what used alone,) and Invalids are earnestlycactloned against wasting the precious timeofcerabSUty on juiy treatment bssod upon tbo pUa*lble,bnt false idea tb**- tjbe**seat of.the disease con be reached In a direct manner l*y Inhalation," for as before stated, the ttat of the disease it in the blood and its rjftcU only tn the Inugi. 'O.No charge for consultation. A list or questions will be neat to those wishing to con stilt ns by letter. my3fcdawfctfP John C. Baker & Co's GENUINE COD-LIVER OIL!) Tins Medicine, prepared in the mo3t ap proTod manner, aud bottled bj tu, his received tho sane* Uflu «*f IJio most scientific of IbeMedical Profession of Phil adelphia and elsewhere, who recommend It &■ inpcrior to any other now manufactured. (Hits efficacy and Importance as a remedial in out*of Consumption, Qont, Bronchitis, Asthma, tlam, and all Scrofnlons disease*, it Is unnecessary to >)>eak; —thousands of eminent physicians of Europonnd America having tested Its wonderful curatlre propertiw- Pre pared only by JOHN C. UAKEIt A CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 154 North Third street,Philadelphia. Sold l»j alt Dmgglat* throughout theconutry. fe23:dtoe3o S’ A. M I X. ~ST SEWING MACHINES. GROVER c t BAKERS The first place iu public estimation is now Justly accorded to tho GROVER A BAKER'S MACHINE, for family sewing for the following reasons: Ist —lt is MORE SIMPLE and EASILY KEPT IN OR DER than any other machine. 2d.—lt make* a soam which will not KIP or RAVEL, though oTery third atUeb Is ent. 3d —lt sew* from ordinary spools, aud thus all trouble of wiodlng thread (s avoided, while tho samo Machinu can he adapted, at pleasure, l»y a more change of spools, to all varieties of work. 4Ui.—Tbo Mm« Machine runi silk, linen thread anil com. moa • pool cotton, with eqtul facility. 6tb.—The team fauelutic as tbo mo»t clastic fabric, so that it Ufroo from all LIABILITY, to' BREAK in WASH ING, IItONINO or oilier* ho. 6tb.—Thoetitcli made-by thl* Machine b uoro BEAU TIFUL than any other' made, either by band or machine. W. C. ELLIOTT, Agent, AT THE FIFTH BTREIT SHIRT MANUFACTORY, riTTSBUSGU, PA. 8. B. * C. F. MABKLB, XiOTTiCTCUU or ruIXTISO, JOD AND ALL RINDS OF W RAPPING FARE Rii WarehoniCi So* 37 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PJ. my-Ulfc Kaf ■ boogbt at market J. il. CIUUSTY, n. D. f 163 Third Street, PUltburgh, Peaua., llsrlug hid tho tdranUgcs of Eastern Colleges aod He*- piula, ud torccsl year*’ practice, offers hi* professional •orrlcee Jo BUHQICAL AND MEDICAL CABFB. Her. W. D. Iluward. UeT. D. U. k. McLttu. t. n. eut, e-j. J. K, Uabtcr. CoLWIIaoo McC*nd!wKi. Hob. 11. A. Weartr. lido. T. J. Bleb am. , Jolm IL Uellor, Ea<]. Jarob McColliater, Kaff. my£l ydfc N. HOLMES As SONS. DUIZU Cl Foreign and Domeitie Bills of Eieimnge, CERTIFICATES OF DBrOSIT, DANK NOTES AND SPECIE, no. « market street, wttsburoh, pa. t3»CoU*ctlcn* madooa all tlio principal ritie» through oat the Dnltfd States. ar>£^-fcly JOHy cbCHRAN as BRn; KABcr*«t«uor Iron Bolling, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window Slinllen, Window Gnards, ie., JCn. 01 Second Strict and E 6 T\ird Strcti, *C talaing Money on Bond* and Mortgage* selitydfe WBYMAN Ac »ON,' Uancbctarm and Dealer* In all kinds of TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, AND LEAF TOBACCO, ' Corner pf Smitftfkld Strut and Diamond AUey, pnTßßumm, pa; **-c. actus so*— .....T. ». w wiraaow wmms »n»t RODIKSOS, MINIS & 3IILLEKS, POUSDBHg AMO MACHINISTS, WASHINGTON WORKS Pittsburgh, Penna. Office, No, 31 Market street, Hannfiaeture Ml kinds cf Steam Bntfnea end Mill Slacb lo •rr; Castings, HaUrwd Work, Steam liailera and Sheet Iron Work. Jobbing and Repairing done 09 abort police, mrtStlydfo M l . B. OILLBSPna DEWTIST, Extracts Tooth without pain, by an extirk tT Anaesthetic agent applied to lbs teeth and gams oa!y. Teeth from os* to foil setts inserted on the various metallic L>s era. lie also Inserts teeth on entire Porcelain ban with continuous gum, which in beauty, cieaslitKM and durability cannot Mil to please. Call and examine speeb mens. S9»oH!cb No. 61 Fourth stmt, below Marked, (second story,) Pittsburgh. JeT:ljdfe BAMUBL &BAV TAIXOR, A 5». C>2 ifT. CLAIM STREET, PITTSBURGH, PJ2.NNA., is prepared to furnish his customers and buyers generally, with the latest- and most fashionable styles of Spring and Summer Goods of every variety, which be will make up to order to the entire saUsfacthm of those who may favor them with their patronage. kpgaife PAYNE, BIBSEIIX* St CO., KairuracntaKßS or Cooking, Parlor and Heating STOVES, Grates, Fronts, Fenders, ©to., A ad Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPITAJJ COOKING RANGE, NO. 335 LIBERTY STREET, JyiSilydfc J PITTSBURG!!, PA. MITCHELL, HERRON & CO., nuicrACtcaxu °t Cooking, Parlor and. Heating STOVES, Crate Front*, Fenders, Cooking Binges, it,, 101 Liberty's,,, Pittsburgh, Pa. mrWfcly i/ POSTLKY, BKLSON d& CO., JJ a ' v S• Corner l.llKrt> *»'JL n * nd Btr ** 1 *» ]plftBßUB re lubl.foro^ n ,noUr,>l.',Ba«Wrt~t,Wt 1 1Um,.»4 arocOT- d '* l «' , * l ° •order. ' ' . .••••;. ... '• A comtat inpply of sei#le» <■,*»«,. «n( Onto Bug* for hire. . ■;• , • ' WPrfc*mlowm»»7*» ft.Onlcm. All°rJmmOTpl - filled. : " ; The Best Cork forTvormn, ciUierin'diiL. OrcDor adults crerolfund to OBdonbtodly tlio Terajlfoge prepared liy B> I*. Titiooloclt. Uilrty ycwsipt. porienco has gjtsn HjopobUc»«rt gw*?** t*****^?. 1 "-* perfect!/ reliable awl aafi» nwdfclfte/' It DcrerfiUls t? more worms where' they ex lit Sold bjr o.l*. WitwMt r * Cj, w&olc*aloi]njggi*u,aad proprieUn of WiWOn’e Pills. No. CO, comer Wood dad Foqrti .ft* PHI. advertisement on page of tfcu data PtPcr. - ■ . Teftarvoas Bnadr*rd^>A ; i«(ti«!.tteaUunaQ £HSiS?Sn. , » JO i ! ’ “ BAQsUi, l>6»oito» KW, W«M?»>jjlHrr«l» " -.si-.'SiiKS&'SSiSSf Aftbcrttecmcntg. '4 , _ ; \ PBOOLAM }■ IV iIKREAS, in and by tlio 13th scctioiuof > T T the Act of tlie General Assembly of PsaasvlTank.' ' PW'lJnlj Sd, ISolij entitled “An Act relating to too Rlw tions of this Commonwealth,*’ it U enjoined on the Sheriff ofevery county to give notice of such elections to be held, ftnd enumerate io such notice what officers*** to le elected • In pursuance thereof; I, ItOUY PATTERSON, Sheriff of too county of Allegheny, do therefore uuke known, and etie thUpublie aotsco to the doctors of said county of Allege, i nj, that a GENERAL ELECTION trill to held ittsaldconn lba SECOJin TUESDAY, 12th i)AY Off OCTOBER NEXT, at the several KleetionDlrtricta therein. And n f. directs! by saidlSth section of the Art of July, : V .t * hereby giro notice, tint every person (excepting ; Justices of the Peace) who shall hold any office or appoint* 1 went of profit or trust,nnder.Uio Government of lite United . I ?*“ of thu B f at0 * wof nay dty, or incorporated district, ; whether a commissioned officer or otberwiso a roboroaate j oilici'r or agent, who Is or shall he employed under the leg- l i^atiTo.exccutlTC o rJodiclary department of this State, or j States, or of any dty or incorporated district, ! th ¥ 6T , 0 0; member of Congress, and of the State ] ofthe Sdoc t o r com mou Coond l of any d ty, - ’ ot Cjomtaluioiicra of any incorporated district. £s by law in* ! holding or exercising at the at me time, thccOlce | ,^ > ,P°‘ otmcnt owndgc.lnspcctoror dork, ofoayeleetkn ! o[w n S t ” nm e C,WwUtJi; L aad u “* Inspector, Judge or ! other ofllwr °f any snch election shall W eligible to any ; office to be then votod for ° 3 ' »thatby the4lh section of the Actof April fho aforesaid loth section of the Act °f July 2d. ISS9, shall not bo so construed as to pre- or borough officer from serving u {n tEi ’ l,l *"* S'"" 1 ” ' 7ard °fthocity of Pittsbafghto Ihn r rt ™ u occupi«d by Mrs. Jane Little, at thecorncr of Fourth and Ferry streets, in said Wind. The of the Second Ward of the dty of Pittsburgh to meet at tho Public School House in said Ward. ; J** , Th a district, and known as the River tracts, withln-aud boundaries, ehall hereafter vnto at the general election In the borough of Shanulnuc. at the election j>oU of borough. P*uu*B» Iho electors of Shalcr township to moot at John Shaw* a Mill, in said township. - The electors cfCracnat township to meet at the School House in Shoosetown. S??" 4pl * c, * ,I "W»MBI dretor. u dbrt saidwfll by ballot vote for Houw> of Representatives One person for membor nf the Senate of Penn*jl»aala. Onopersoa for Sheriff of Allegheny county. * _ One person for Protbonotary of tho'District Court and Court of Common Piers of Allegheny eounty, ' One person. for Coroner of Allegheny county. One person for Commissioner of Al&ehony county. One person for Audltorof Allegheny county. ' And they dll also voto,by ballot, forono person for Ca nal Commissioner of Pennsylvania,'and | Onopenoa for Judge of the Supremo Court of Fennsylva* And tbo citizens of the several boroughs and town* •hip* will doct one person for Director of tho .poor of said county. And tho electors aforesaid redding north' and west of the Ohio and Allegheny river, and comprising '.with; Batter coouty tbo 22d Congressional District, wlflTota for one per ■on to represent said District in tbo Congress of the United Statoc. And the eloctora aforesaid, not residing In the above dia irict, willPlrct one person to represent tho Slit Congros wonal District in tbaCongras oldie United Slates. Qlven Under my hand and ral. at Pittsburgh, this IGth Sf^iKsisr BeaOJtdaitwT BODY PATTERSON*. Sheriff. fiI’CLINTOCK’S CAHPKT WAHKUOVBS, WNo. 112 Market Street,'Near Liberty, * £ ato now receiving our first invoice of mens vt"* ,tock,corD P risil5 * the moet extensive assert- and English Tapestry Velvet and Brumli imperial Tliroo Tly, Superfine and Ingrain VenUlan, Hall and Stair Carpet*. ' llampLlitaLdßaßCarpets, *c n *c. J mAh™? 1 nuS 1 2 *® wWß.thble Cloths, • Clotbi.gUJr Crash,'China'and Cocoa Mutter, Oil Painted, and plate' Jftfc hoUTtooo.Oavm, Hearth lteg*, SJotta, Wcoten Floor* Druggets, Woolen and Linen Crornb'Cloths, *e? 1 Tha pbovogooda will bo sold at tho lowest cash price*. Persona la want or Ctti-ets. wiU find It to' their advantage to give n» a call. , (»20) W. M’CLTNTOOK? • TWTBWFALL GOODS— A CO. hate'Juai opened a malriiDceat . Kjgonillr^t X AKDNER’a HAWD BOOK 0F NATII JLi B>».jiinoaorOT-wt« •™°r -m t- - .- . &flTWrt^t/ jnrai£S£-~l(JO buxcs Estm Cream for Ont* Voting, toe Mla-ty fTKXRY HoALLtas. A^BERRlES.——lUfebls choice Michigan received ss* for ele at 185 Übertyetrert. • KIUDLE>-\mTB*CO. ESSSjsJS-W>l» Bggsieceivcdond. fori&lontlSj i'rwt. , _--r - - • nuanayren,* $». BEKD.—-gQ hufl pflyno Xu&otby- JLjjw4 rieafttdMj forj>|« UltiUbatMttrmt; -i • ••. mo eimu*,tomb*oo, ’’Jot gjwC-- p'OH KENT— A STOEE OK MAtffcfcT STBEET. «%:leid A. W.QAZZ^&I. 'C'OH Kknt—A three story DweUingSS < So - ID °O conUloloe U J3L t! 01 ’*®’ 4c -» with flrro brick stabfelna •nda>l j ThS boose is nppUcd with hot SitfliaV-y 1 Wn « *?•««» l , la s man, *od will lirwXlfi lo thowauapf ».p*afe*aioo*l - * __ ALEXANDER KINO. • J-1. m?ciS^r r \\°Z T3* JFot £ a ic. FARM FOR SALE.—a Rma ji j,' arj ~ can imuinc2iacrf* of land, *H oud-r culUration C »?i Dwelling lloasi*. cuutiuuior 1" room/ There i» *l’ ‘_*i Trio ol Coslon tbcFrcmifos and a bank in operation mltS. In 4 mile* of the city, on Squirrel IllU, adjoining lands 0 1 tho Into Hon. \U\Ur Fonrwi TWSE* mantling tbe finest view intbif region. For fnei!..*r-Vv?L’ tlcnlar* enquire of L. J. FLEMING on the prtmlMa. AMILY lIORSKIoK SALE.—a Imnd esme Bonn, six yean old; n pacer undor tbe aaddl© and a trottur in barceas; is perfectly safe for a lady or cHfid ( 0 rid# or drive; will h«»t nearest tbe locomotive, military or any city excitement; will stand without being hitcbed.and is warranted perfectly sound; to be sold only for treat of use. Edquiru at the Store' warehouse of : m 4 t. j. craig * co., nnvoodtt. FOR SALE—Tfen acres of land, four miles from Allegheny city, on tho I’errysvillc plank mad; Improvement* good; new farm bouse, with a good well of watcrattbe door;newfrauio stable. And. * .'ran.of water through tbe back part ot tho lot—-will be told at a bargain. Also, fear lot# in East Life tv. 60 by ISO ftst each, will I*o sold low. Apply to IIKO. W. BUNN, south side of Ohio street, 3d door west of tbe Mamoad, Allegheny city. [s#*W- Valuable City Property for Salo. THAT Tory desirable lot un Water Street cud Redoubt Alley, uext to John Irwin A Sons, being ia>f cton Water and Frost streets, and ICO deep (jane tho Allw. It will be sold together or la lotsot 20or Sifceteacb. , For terms, (which will bo node easy as to pajmstrL) an- Ply to.. JO3BPH S. LEECH 4 CO., mr4:dtf _____ < liberty Street, Pittsburgh. , Liberty street* property for SALE.—Tho Store-room and Dwelling, situated 'on Liberty ytroet, near St. Clair; known asNo.lB3. Tbojot U nboot 22 foot front and 129 feet deep, ter tv ruling back to Exclumga Alley, on which is erected a SUL-le and Carriage* boose. Tbe property rent# readily for $6OO, and wIU besold at a bargain and on (wcinumcKfaiing turns. For particular! enquire «f K. D. KINO, ap!7 No. 211 Liberty street. FOU SALE, 5 acres 100 perches of Loud tu Collins township, near East Liberty,adjoining land* cfTboa. Mellon and D. A. Kcglry.. This property Is ele gantly situated fur a private residence, and would "Lit* one of .tho most handsome country scats in the beautlfal volley of Bust Liberty. For prfeeand terms, apply to* AUSTIN, LOOMIS t GO., J 023 -No. 68 Fourth street 170 R SALE— AN EXTRA STRONG AND ; 1 8P ACIOP3 SECOND HAND CARRIAGE, In good re pair, with double sett of harness; may be seen at the borne* stead of the lato Rev.Obarles Avery. For terms apply at “Eagle Cotton Works/' Allegheny;- JOSIAQ KINO. - ’ sel7:."M ; Execntor. t OHIO Land fox Sale. TnE subscriber offore for sale section ten.- townebip 12, raugelCL Stark conaty, Ohio, commonly known as “Dowmsu’s Section,” containing MO acres. liJj situated three miles west of Massillon,. ©0 tbe StaUßood leading to Woos tor,'Ond within about two miles of tbePJtts burgh, Ft. Wayne aud Chicago Railroad. The south,' cast and nortb*eaot quarters are partly cleared and improved— tbe remainder is covered with superior Hmfrfr am] tbs whole Is well watered by iprtngrand running .streams*—' Thlssectlon is cosaidcrod the finest body of land in . tbs eouoty. it will be sold undivided or-la quarters to salt purchasers. To those who desire to invest in real estate a better oppoitoulty is rarely offered. . • X B. EWKIIZER, Nu. 1014th street. Pittsburgh. ecS&dswif? FOR SALE OR LEASE, a lot on Fourth street, betwoen Smithfiold and Cherry Alley, 100 foot front by £6 deep. . . A Lot bn Third street, near HmitLDeW. 40 feet front by Bft feet deep. NISTH Ward—Tbe square bounded by Butler, Wilkin* ami Carroll streets aud dproce alky, &4 foot front by 130 deep, nearly opposite to Feunock Alijirf'B Foundry. The square bounded by Smallxuan, WUklns and Carrol streets and Spruce alky, I*6l feet front by 120 deep, On Allegheny, Carson and Butler streets, adjoining the Allegheny Valley Railroad Station, forty contiguous Lots, each 21 feet Trent by 130 foot deep." Eight acres of ground in Reserve township, part .of out Lot 225, between the New Brighton rood and IXUldaiaCem*' ctry. Sixty Loty In Allegheny City, Third. Ward, between East Latte and Chestnut street. A Tract of Land in Westmoreland County, on tbe Phila delphia turnpike, 7 miles from Introbe—7s acres in caltl* ration of rich bottom land—£oo acres. A Tract of Land near Ligonier, Westmoreland eonuty.of STSacrea. ; WILLIAM M. DARLINGTON, mrisMtf ISS Third street. a bore Smithfield. Administrators* Bala, of Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order ol’the Orphans Court of Washington county, the undersigned, Admin* of the estote nf David Clark. Ut« of Canton town.' ship. d> ci-mwl, will offer at public sale ca Thunday, Till day or October, 1838, a valuable tract of Laud in Canton township. In said cotioty. ' Tbe land 11 loss than oaa mile from the Xtorougb of Wash ington, on the road leading from -Washington to West Middletown, and contains 218 acres aud 60 perches, about 200 acres are cleared aadtn ablgh sttto of cnftlvatloor-' • - The improvements consist of a comfortable Erick Dwe I lingflonse, large Frame Barn, fora Cribs, Sheep Shed* Two yoong Orchards of valoatde gnlMfrait Farmers aud others wishing (o educate their children!- are especially invited to examine this property, prior to. tbo day of sale. • ■ 4 U If purchasers desire it, the Land wilt bo sold in two muro parcels. Tho sale will tube place Ua the nrca&ca at 1 o'clock, P. M-ufsaid day. I**rnta or Snlc I— One-fourth of i!io purekaso raotiev to U> paid when poMutsicu Is given, and the residue in three Q-]»tlanuual|>avm*i,ta, with totcriat tbfreou. Prarcstion will be delivered this ML or. on Hie first day’ of April next, at the opi ion of Ute purchaser. iel3alAw3T ALM^MISoChI} sf)ilafcelpt)!a Eibcrtisfintnts* ; , AX7XT73MN TBADS. 1808. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE. DRESS GOODS or NEWEST tiruy. SHAWLS, IS EVERT VARIETY. 3IERTNO3, COROBOS, 51USL1K DELAINES. VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS. CLOTHS, CAS3IUKUES, SATINETS, VE3TINC3. PLANNELS,PHINT33LEACIIED AND DROIVN GOODS, with a complete lino of . • i EMBROIDERIES, And olhor styles of Goodsndaplcl to 4 FIRST’ CLASS TBIDE, All of which are oflferetl for tale, cheap, W. O. CHIT TICK & CO, #3B nntkuA #33 EeroßßDt St,, .alTgoJan PHILADELPHIA. SILK.— Sewing ond Fringo Silkß, Tram.- Organise Embroidery and EpunßCki of-all color* cooitantly on hand and for sale by the manufacturers at the lowMtmarkct rates. B.nOOLEY&SON, Jul6:„adood Hudson Alley, Philadelphia. WM. BRICE '& CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 8 SOUTH WATER BTBEKT. „ , . . . : PBTZtJDXLPUIjL We giro prompt and particular nUeotioo to the eela cl Batter, Orson and Pried Traits, CTotot and Timothy Seeds, Wool, Ac. Oar eitensirebusinesaconnection* in this Una of trade enable oa to dlspow of the these goods. Adranccs made on good* or bills of lading. We respect* felly solicit yoor consignments. . ' selilmd BUFFALO ROBES, , By the Bale or Robot i • at .. GEO.F.WOMATH’ B, . _Np3i.4ls& 417 ABOH: St Philad’a. i: p.?nv a lar s® REEortmcntof LADIES FANCY TURB, ofonrown maanfactnro. ' _ • - CA27DLB MOULDS, • ' - AITARR ANTED to W of the best metal, all .TT al»s and patterns,-maunfoctored'and-fer sale by ' , ‘ * JOHN ■CALVERt'KY,- augfcnmd - No. 80S Sacs Etriat, Philadelphia. i WILLARD HAUVEY *. CO. 81 MAIDEN LANE, AND 17- CEDAR STREET, ; NEW YORK - - ' PAPER 'WAREHOUSE, Every description of .- WRAPPING, PRINTING AND WRITING P AP E R, ON HAND OR HADE 'TO ORDER, FANCTt.COLOUBD AND TISSUE vjt>vt?v BLornsa papers, envelopes; Straw and Bonnet Boards# T WIN B EC QUS E. . - .'WaitAßp BAR.VET fc CO., 54 Maiden 'Zane - nnd 17 '-Cedar ‘Street. ’■- ‘ NEW YORK/., ’ IIEUP, COTTON, .FLAX JIND LINEN twines, IRfOltlD. 1 ARP mKOTactifaen. CORDAGE . I amhwii u..— Of .awry description COVlvNi JUTE, MANILLA AND AMERICAN HEMP ROPE, JEJ lEit‘%TO ST, ' r^ OKAVINriJ I»IAJS-0! Iffft is InE if#!! SFLBITDID GRAND PIANO BROUGHT ottby Mre. C. Blume Mat week from the cclebrated macnfactory of s ba LTI tt OR S, la told, she wonid moat respectfully iurite her friends, and. the poblicpaemUy, to caused examine it before being sent away.ms the pnrchassrbas. kindly consented to leavo • it In her possession fern abort time,' and as it la considered to be - SUPERIOR TO ANY EVER BBOUGHT TO THIS CITY ' cnAnLOTTE BhtME, - Atibo << OidXitaMl(hed'PtanoDei>otl M : salfctwd : 118 Woodth, Sd door a bare Fifth.' The CHEAPEST GUN Uf’THEAIAR KET.—Wo 6are an axcellect 'assortment «( tvmiMa ** j*Wn . j”*: ■* omwßtam'ATaiii.o., t -Xj'EA'TMKllti— ipOOlKinetttrotodfDr.alo MIT . ' ■ ■ EODRRT DIQKJST, ■ mu " ; ■■ . . from tamt, otßyr&it, ■, - : pWMH.L_a CM Ju pore Potash imd KontitrotStlfioi - dm inttilmont of pm* Donwyiy ;g”Wg. th» *ac» „- tal Stock of ths Company, will be mSS,?? ft* »•» Oipi co the 20th day of October hot, w ' w ® t °tb« Treaa&rtr —2StS!»™Eo.TR?TO„.R ?TO „. JTS^KrutJiousMtXTiNOS.'-Thero : Hgloai ietTiee* held la Ti»n .. Federal aad Lacock Mmti, Allegheny city, an Wednesday, Thursday and Friday aTtntagt, comtan^* T, ?}.{ o'clock, and on Saturday afternoon at 4wo'clodK%JL' Paxton, ITowardjJacobtta,' Plomoer, and - outers, wflff*; duct the wrTlcoa, Tbo public am respectfully larited tea ! tend, ' ,•. ■•■••■; - - did Oms* of to* rmsscsan **» Berras Mnmw '6auv“- > - ■ • £xns*o*Q8 f &f^t.ZI 1 1898. fTS» Notice.— The Stockholders of the Pitt* T bnrjjhand Boston Mining Company are b*r*b;n> tilled a special meeting will beheld at tbo oOee of the Company. In tbb city of Pittsborghron WEDNESDAY,tb* - '. CtbdtyofOetob*r.at3o'dock.P.Sr > ta conrid«r>Ui»sab% • l ject of organizing an additional eotnpaiij.'irith *.view to a •' more rapid development ofibelrexteniive mining territory. ' ByorderofthoßoanlofDirectorß.l : . ed&dtd TllOg. M. HOWE, Secretary. • *5 {T]5» Union Prayer Meetings. — These meet*- ' Jf’®' lag* are held daily la the Rooms of tbs Tons* Aen'e Christian Association,at7% A. BL, and 6 P.£ continuing for ' three-fonrtbz of on hour. • Allpenonf ate' ~ cordially invited to attend. ladies are affectionately favif V-i ted tobeprezent. Come far fire ttinuUi. no longer.' GSants. W ANT Wheat, 10,000 « 0»!». urrcuoooK, aroassiirA oa, v 122 Second tndl&l Viral Bfl "W”highest tnarkot -price "l I>ij BirAmtKTocKibo, V- — corner Wood*adTouithf<»*: \v - - ; JSliucatfonal. Jboctut Grove Tonn|L»dUi, LA IYRXm&VILI&, nnHE following. arrangements have; been . JL made for the ehaolog jean- rr Rhetoric and Moral Science, Ror. azOfiOß T. IUSI&, A.v > AcademlcDopertment, ilia HKLIUr." «•**•«*>», havilh Malvina lk \ SR, from r«rU,and for the lw»three, with Wra.ORILL, £ s&l.JfrK&t German, Vocal Mhiio and Pbuo!' ' !**££? MBlaK s’ E Bpu ° r DLDcMf, Breelao, and.. ',• U*d|lla Mdlemaan, Bofld. -TcrJUocQtionandtlMOrKan '• ■ ■; Mr. 3SDMPIPIL BUS3K.L. .for.. ttdSgjSm ral part ofthaconraa. and betpokaaln th* Central Hit* School cf \ \ Pittaborjtb, bega leans to loform bt> friends and (be nob- * lie, that fab Is now prepared to tcinme hta Imocs laths' • Mr. Clement Tetedoox ~ A NNOUNCES to the pnbliC' that lie hie ‘.VS;/-' ■ Fenn Inatitut* : iTtORNER-of.- Penn and Hancock' Btrccta.— ' \J Tbo eniuiiic tom will commence oa TOTtSDAX; 81*t “**•. A Halted camber of papiUmsy obUla udmiariafc Tehne&r Tuition nod Stationery. t 22 pgreewtoa . two week*. • J. U.SUiTn, Prihnlii pRENCp AND ENGLISH ; BOAUBISO AND DAT SOIIOOL ! ' TlaMlSaja CABCDsma .MW£fflS2.%iKK tl,eir Stbool Jon MONDAT, Bnptmbir denco, No. 1307 Spruco itreet, Plifltdelphl*/ • • •• . _ ReferencM;—lion. W*. : P. JcnwoH end W.'n n>w* Bl ™ t ' J “jSi5S *■; !r! CABMEN 1 TBIEDQUXt to .*M P?, bI i c ,faat ts taken tip liia reAdc&M ta - ~ rituborgh, stnd Is now prepared to' dto leanu in Tool rilttiic, ■ ' ' .••--r-: i- y ■■ For taroaand farther partlcnlara apply Co Jobs n. Xal-v f lor. Moaie fewro, jio. 81 Wood-atreot. - »^'' auction Sales. 3?. M. DAvig, AaotioneSr;'^l? Commercial Bale* Room*, No. H fiftb l' OAKLAND COUNTRY SEATS At Aufr \ lion.—On nmridaj afternoon, September 23i |t tr : w : O’clock,on tb« premtocs, Will bo aold, thirteen VMTO*ad-i ’ •omo sltw fcrcoontry teiti, amtalnlng from one to® “ acre* each, adjoining the country. maiuJon of; Craft, £a q , which ate oarjr ©ficccw, and far beantroTi Bcenery are not snrpaßsocl by any .to Uile ctamlri Jkn*‘" may bo seen at tha Auction fiooma. .•*, : -tonaa—Ono*u»niU caib; rtaiduo In nine jejrJi’ewmeiite •! with lntcret payable annaally... P.M. PATftsAuc. * CITIZENS’ BANK STOCK At Auction— On la««a*7 tranloj.S.ptunborOliL M7Uo'elock,«t rnttommercdnl tale* room*,.No. 64 Fifth *tfUt, wilFb* . IAHPn AN S COURT—ADJOURNED KSAZ. SStATS X2TBOOTU PITTSBOBOEL -—On Tueadav evening, September 28th, at .VA at t , valuable lota of ground-aitnate In South Pitta, bnrgh, bejagmarked and numbered.-88, S 3 and SBta the. pl&uofaaidbarongh. . i.\ ;SoTenlatiefgronndtntbepUn oneta * sffls^s^jssas^-Mg^ ■§SR^^-‘Sffiis6HK?& l S : t ttndljt tick 100 feol to Wolaut .Itoj? MofclSf Et EL* oKhb.ilßja frOTlofOUiet oo W»toto s to».ttort««!w2. tending back 100 feet to Spruce allay. s • Title Indisputable. Term cub. p. Ayt, STOCK P., Ft. W. S C. K. B. ir rcmn liUt in loti to nitporcbiint';tn . *j2 p.M.cAYis,Auct,Ho. ttnntrt:. AUSim looms & CU„ Mcrctiaiitinftii QTOCK SAXES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS'C'. C 5 oo- AT tids merchants* KxcnAKaiinnocr - TITDESiAY -Urlite, iSSftS (S' NotMj DniJt* and Loana on itwif WMOMble toraa by AUSTIN LOOHJBA CO* ■»*J - Stock - Wot*Broken.62 Yoartbsi. v •; & J±Zil4 * DRY GOODS AT C. HANSON LOVE’S,/ No. 74 Stoylcet strctt, ' EjrrWKEN* FOURTH STREET AND TUB DIAMOND, * PITTSBURGH,PA, SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE HIVE. - v^°si l f cllbcr , hi, - fsui: tctan}cdfromHn*d«Tph!*,N«v . * ojp> QfU>»Ttf«nnftrtiateg town* in th* - ESs?? ; rSTS. «E. DRESS GOOODS: VERY RICH DRESS SILKS, In Plain Black iadPlgU. VERY RICH DRBJJS BILKS, PlaW,Btrlpodandßfocade. : VESYJUCHBILK ROBES, Block and C(4ond«< • TEHY Bion ALLWOOLBOUB BKIdUKB. ".VS?--. vest eioh noßti iiora De liras. bV- > VKKT EIOH COTTON AHD WOOL MOUB DE FRENCH MERINOS n-i i-. v '■>' -■-»** i c O B BROS, •; '.ft'.'-' Tbs Urgfst Itocfc In UiecHy, ttad # -'' v l **'” BETTER GOODS FOR THE PRICE, = »'» - . OANDE POUND IN ANY . OTHER IIOUSE WEST OP THE MOUNTAINS, . aATiso.stts ..*■ ~ , BOXj GHT A-TX A.T7OTION V'2 • IN ' LARGE QUANTITIES AT, LOW PRICES, AKoinutt'UMoiDAtAn&r ‘ SMALL ADVANCE ONXASTEEN COST. SHAWLS ASSCXiOABS, • . TALMA BHA. W Xi'S>j"( - Anluuajr other KOYELTIRS IK SHAWLS AKD CLOAKS, " We cercr hATub» n able toolferjio Iu« tlia:»»rW itcck o! til kindi of &HAWLB wvl CLOAKS. NEEDLE W_OJt3K» '"** ' COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES,.' - - FLODNCINGS, EDGINGS, ' * f . . ’ INSERTINGS, EW- M O U K|N I O' ’ <»• O OlTi: BLACK DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS,, OUT* YRUJ COLLARS, GLOVES,. • "'"if?/ ■" EVEBY OinBBARTICLB Itf THBLINE/ ,:a*Otrß3nwd;CWi^'v" DOMESTIC A!rD*TAri,XCOoi)gt lIUUCILKD AND U.NDLEACIIID MUSLIMS, ~CHECKS • „ V’ 'is oisaiiAMs, - PRINTS, 1 . kentdckyjeans, TWEEDS, fIATIRETTS. CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, - And er?rjoUi,r ajllcLa ujcillj fcept tn» ’ WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GOODS. laiboHutenicttkß. In ibprt, valuta oo»er UeaaMtla - i “w*»U»tind aUnctiTtaitock fawr aaasroni estto ■ mtnftndloopublicgaterallj. - • ' *&■ NEW (IOCTDS REOETyRO DAILT. ' O. lIASSOS LOVE, I'.; "■ farswilj Tonx^BUmi|oi.*ttn^.Ov ; -'.;‘i. fe.xv-Y; - ' ' ' ' . Ka7lMAl(K^tal99n^V'. ivi —lfcloJiyf t f7£ATH£B& r .l&o ft* chwceOppmErai tnd fer nk ■-* . mm:-'- :