The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 16, 1858, Image 3

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    |jttsbuv(!| iajtttt.
THU £SDA? MORSDKI, BEPT. >6, 1858.
Pity and News Items.
KAtioiiL Bkmociaixo Cosviino*.—Pu« a *
»ni to previous call there Vas a contention or
thestraightdemocrat*who ore opposed.tothe
principles set forth, in the platform of Edw.
Campbell, jr., and CM- Gibson, yesterday w
the Snpreni Court worn. B. D. Kerr eritod
the meeting to order and Jno. B ,
chosen Chairman of the meeting.
ad tha objeetof the contention, and eMeithe
hextbustaeento' ha, the
Barrell, JameePaUoS;ir.,of.Allen'>«»7v§“ W^
of Pittabnrgh, chosen aa Vice Preeidettß, “
Jno. 8 Morrtr, of Bonth Pittsburgh, “ d Edwin
A. Boberta, atBtdWard, Pittsburgh ,-u Secre
taries. »• H. Serr tncted that acomrftme of
fire ba appointad to draft reeolntioMexpmssi™
of tha .euro of .the- “honest democrnOJ’ »££
gheny county. The chair nppointtJSnUiMom
mittee aforesaid, B. U. Kerr, Chu. Barnet, Wm.
ilazlett, Jon. Birmingham, ana
motion tha contention adjourned noltl 2o doeb.
Afimaem &,*«.-». Oontenlton re-mcn
bled av 2 o’clock. whsn B- 11.
Committee on BckUiUous. flnbmitted Jhe
port, prefaced by a speech. Mr. Kerr wasland
la one of the sinton pure demoorsey; he endora
ed the adminietration in mU reapeota. He read
the rasolotionsond then went on to apeak of
them MparaWy- a » '“’"i *' u “? »° m * |
honesty in theee men who hold themself es up j
as models of purity in these railroad matter..
He was net IneUtmd to follow at the heels of
anti-lax men . who had reeelred a bonus for
“Harrisburg expenses" while boring for rail
roads. He rode on- free passes whenerer he
oould get ’em. As for Mr. Williams, he thought
it would.take all IheVyeast in Campbells Brew
ery to raise him totes enough to send him to
Congress. Ho asked whoso business it was if
he did ride on e free ticket. If Mr. Williams
should lntile mo to ride in hie wagon without
coil, who had the right to eay anything about
lit If he should iutlta me to dine with him,
iof whloh, said thaBpeaker, tbtrti to no danger,
as he netet inrites any body to dine at hti ex
pense.) whoso business would that be T Should
the democracy pass aTeeolution against thatt
- He was and le a pure Bnchanan man; he was
opposed to hie nomination, but when that nomi
nation was made, he went for it. Now look at
the men who are cryingoot againet the manand
hia administration. Here is Forney, who re
cently made a, epeeoh alTatrylown, bitterly op
’ posed to the administration! Ho had eaia there
that tho democratic ticket wonld be beaten in
this State, this fall, by 40,000 majority. [Hero
Dr. McCook, Sr., interroplefl . the
stating that ho (Kerr) was slandering Col. For
,ney. Kerr then read from-the
Pres) to substantiate what he said. Some sharp
shooting passed between the Dr. and Kerr.] He
was for potting down aUfluch attempts to -dis*
tract the party. If Mr. Williams wauls to join
the Democracy, let him,come oh and subscribe
to the doctrines we hare tbis day laid down.—*
Wo will put him on probation, os they do In the
Methodist Cbdtoh, and when ho ehall hare been
found worthy, we will perhape send him to Con
gress! Much more, said Mr. Korr, In the same
■train. Bat here aTe the resolutions:
RuoUed, that the Contention celled by the
action of the Democratic committee of oonwt
pondence assembled in August presented aticket
disregarding etery principle of democratic sen
timent, contrary to the usages of the party ond-i
withont precedent. Therefore we cannot recog*.
nize the power or authority in* snob to trample I
under foot oar time honored .principles norjwiU
we submit,* such imperial dictation that- the
cherished principles of 'democratic faith shell be
set aside for any new issue, for the mere dera
tion of man to place and power, which they
fear to reach by an honest adherenoe ‘to sound
Democratic principles, pablldy expressed and
declared. . , ~
Ruolced, lhat the Democratic sentiment should
never be overlooked or disregardedfor sordid
gdn, and we now; so hereLofore -expressed, de-;
olare ourselves In opp&sftwn to any lax either
'’tor railroad or olher ’parposes which law will
Slot probably sanction.- We. therefore, pledge
ourselves anew-to resist the- payment of-the
interests on the coanly bonds, until soon time
as the Taw of the land declaresitlegalandright.
Rejoiced, that, we are .in favor of a modifica
tion of the present tariff laws, with incidental
protection to oarmonafeoturefc which will secure
ample employment for' oar people, a tariff on
the basis recommended by the patriotic Jackson,
would ftl this time euil ail purposes and keep
tbo trade In fkror ofAmoriean industry. E*ery
nrinciple of justice and economy demand -this
-Rejoiced, That in James Bocbnnanjre reeog
nil.thewisoand poro'etaleeman. ThepnMlc
affaire, both foreign and domestic, folly attest
his ability at a pure American patriot.
Thiriu Vice President Breckenridgi,
whoeo eloquence, strict integrity ofcharacter,
patriotism, fuUy qnaUfy hm for snypo-
Hf* tbe of the nation
fee^prond tha gallant eon-of. old Kentucky.
' pfialrtd That men iWho, fall to exprtsa their,
belief in the principles if the ltomoerailc party
Should not hold cgwefrom Oiooo they seek to
it to ntorr manly to Mjeet than be
inxaot"J, IB* infaror oranyetab
lHhment of awbrkbonw.wbere ragrxntsand
others committed for potty off.n«. may bo put
wor x In plaoo of aending them to jail, where and rise Are an jported nt the expenoe
ol the lax pajeraoflhepoonnty..::Thb reform
s, demanded by tha.nonnens same y«to dram ,
ftnm the ootmty by the Sheriff and
othera in uking eharg. of eity offendera.
Saoltti, That we feel warranted in expreea
iog the opinion thnt no place in the- Weel ton
tltae more hidnoomtnto for eotabllahlag Uio Con
templated Western' Armory, thanJ’tttebtmghr-J
coal inoxbaneublo, riter and railroad*, the lat-,
ter from tho Atlantic to the Paciße, ia.llmg
trarel and ea«/ transportation of troope aad
munitions of war, nlloTerourextended etmotry.
Raolccd, That the r Dtmocracy ofth. count y
feri deeply Indebted to , “ a *'
faithful manner. he repreaented them iweyery
iorition which wait entrnated to him; bia lopg
tills him to our wormcst gratiindc., ; ■
i gJalvuL' tti* the State nomineea are werthy
of tManppert of aU Drmocrate.and wc urge
of .»• .SWaV?
“T|,BW o Ttwlntt\m« »«• adopted witlisnt n
8 o nVe ada reiolnlionas fol
'°”«oI«i, That we doom
nominate a tioket and we the tick
l.t nominated on tha 18th. _
MrJ Kerr mured the following ptoriso:
j Provided, That they oobteribo to thoylatform
Mr.'umbawMr then, epCko-. -He proteated
ngfinat tho of «*W.ttoor«tofc.
They cama hern toirebuke the men wh* had
dareddioown the faith. • He word.
fortheVlatform ofTeffermn; he a
to any and aU'ihnOTatlon upon thawanted prin
eintoiof Dwnocracy. Be vont forhu pcTt mitt
hpU tof «A» < Wrt mmincui by the Vmottaey,
dike believed that the eanitiitet teert Maim dll
.. t ibfrttfh fAw had Mirf solW on W*
i oonld rote the ticket withopl
CTdotaiMriieplatform. , They cam* there .to
day to pot thtmeolyea right bofor*, the *prid-
Mr. Bmbatatter epokn eloquantly and »t aomo
i<a*iffth After he bod concluded, the resolntion
ofMr.' Barnett and the prottoo wns adopted
< 4 W,
• i.
< i .jj,
v\ ; -v:
; .'ws m
■ '
1 J-V. i*l
s* "
1, ’“7.2*"Hailelt moTeithat a committee be ep-
V'L br the chair to ascertain ahelher or not
IScSn l ™*!* ll,lll *"***.+>***
oby this op j Mel to this resolu-
H had »o much confidence In lh« pure
l l " , ; f^™sd e m«r«y of the ticket yrHch had
‘“5 first by.tbe Democracy and
bM». Ti,. .<anU-tax" Contention that
u> go it Hind. Th* edoptionof
ho *» jj, ia|y to play lnU> the
Lhat reaoloJl^n; * , ),* WIl one 0 f thoss
b“ d »“* DtuHcrat via. 10«
oSSa awNSiws- ■ Pf* l ’ iem ( lt ‘’
to the norVonltedly and rots tie ticket «m
Si her.
in. warned Uio candidates to_ aland
•«pnroßnohanan platformwhich theyhere WOr
a a-nted, and If they did not they oonld not h»W
‘ tote. [Applause.] Kerr aaked Capt. H«*'
ilsti to withdraw hi* resolution (cea aboYo) that
Ik* might offer one.. CapL Batleti did so, end
K*fr mored that e oommUlee of one from
I «eoh election district in the county be appointed
| by cheir as » Committee of Correspondence,
Inrho should question the candidates end here
to, appoint-others inthe piece of those
. * ?Seir nominated, in case any of them should re-
.v .' ]j yiia< to adopt theprinciplesWd down in;onr
'Mf-s Sisolations to-dey. Thls iras. edopted, -end
m *■• "’thereupon the Contention adjourned »iw du. .
f _• |rAftertheedjoornm«ntDr. McCookmadesome
JL/ :' __fi jSnpore remarks to the crowdin which he de-
XSSS danced, in the most bluet terms,' IheadmlnU-.
Q f • Jaioes Boehauto.; and Vhohed end
•wished to iee the Lecompton party beaten vriry
Iwhere—beeten from the biggest dog In It down!
r—- fJo the smallest pop that hang* upon Us skirts.” j
i»n poetor wes eloquent and tehement.;nnd
Son round* of *»!*“• f «>®crowd/.,The I
: : - Mwm Wow thelPxramVjuuSun Fant.—Weare informed
Te» Cueai mem- by the Secretary, Judge; Heieter, tbet_ »Fpe»r- |
Snow of » nutoh ptoyri b«t«en nine-1 enow are most satisfactory for a large dup'nyo ,
bers of the Olympia Club of this iY a ,hi D o- i stock and manufactured articles- Already mo :
| teen members of tbs it yes- : than half the stalls for cattle, sheep. and »«*■*>
ton, on Monday last. We oo.tten y „ keß up; - ¥A norrow the largo tent, 110 by
—— ,iseaw«tt*?3gsi
sggg== i i©ss='»! CTSSKSS SliWAajj I
e®&«K9s= IsS&SaiwssgSSi
tSSte !»£=='• ssawttsm&gß
j.Q.fiproolbCbUdiu. J all the expense to make it exeelthe grand Horti
wm. lit* *< 0 “’— • i lf0 * - ooUnr »i display at Cincinnati last year, we may
a; \ restaeanred there is a rich treat in reßerre for
a visitors at Floral HalU
He is-now in correspondence with Mr. Rftrejr,
nowatSaddusky, to give an exhibition < >f b*
power peer the horse. If onsuccessfol in that
quarter, he wiU apply to others who hare had
oonaiderable experience in practicing upon that
system. He is also making arrangements for
the amusement of a large portion of eisltora
who wiil attend with a slew only to enjoy a good
hearty laugh, by haring a donkey race, the last
in to win the silver cnp. Each owner to nde
his neighbor’s mule.
He is also in correspondence with the aeronauts
James Alien, of ProTidonte, R. 1., and Mr.
PauUin, of Philadelphia, to add to the interest
of the occasion by making an ascent, independ
ent of (be Society.
Bj«s ®
Ltgßya* ■ ~
Wide*- *
-No Balls 6
Total- - 311
i ■ Second Innisigt
lb Loomis 1 b - .
Ic and b Looml* .
bllcCabo... V
b Loomii c Djrou J
bLoomi* j
b Loomis - 0
l Eon oat
x First Innings.
Child* bMcOebe.~
S.A, ClaxkbUeOsbe. 0 1
Bealett b MeCebe- -... 2
flwe«i*j b McCabe c Earl. S
Diehl b Loomia. 2
Buckley bLootnU-i..~-~, 0
UDUtsnb McCabe o
■ Wmtnptnn- 0
Kerr b Loomis. 2
Smith. not ont : 3
Templeton b Loomis lb* o
Reed b LootnU~>..~
Diosmon/ 6 McCabe o
Miller b UeCsbe 1 b « «
Stsos b esd e McCaho—•• 0
D.Clark c ByroobLoom** -
Wltem, Sr, c 4 b Sktoto 0
Eiiiimin c kb WcCib.--- 0
WiIJOD, Jr., c* b McCabe ■ 0
b Loomis- r
bMeCtb® «
b Looml* |
b Looml*.- “ |
b Ju. Spronl “
Ran 0at...... "
bnndcMcCobo- - ®
b*ndcUcO»bf- *
to Hampton—— *
b and iileOabo— ®
Not out ... - J
b McCabo c Hampton...... o
Leg Bjfi
No Ball*.—.—
First lunlagt-.
The Olympics winning the geme by 1-9 rune.
The “Oranges," although amateur cncksters,
are yetersa ball playera; and while not folly
op to the Olympics with the bat, were perhaps
fully their equals on the field. With a field of
nineteen good men against them the Olympics
were required to nse their bate in a truly solen
tlfio manner to make theirruns. Viewed in thie
light, the score of Mr. L. Loomis, on the open
ing of the Olympic’s second innings, when no
succeeded in making 54 runs, we consider a eery
extraordinary performance. The entire score
of the second Innings, 144, made by ten wickets ,
against a Teterau field cl mneteeu, will cnal*
lenee the admiration of cricket era. |
After the clubs had completed their first In
nings, they retired lo ft eumptuons dinner pre
pared by Major G. L. Hammond, proprietor of
the Valentine House.
On Tuesday morning there was a woona
match played, in which Mr. John IfcrVof the
Olympic dob, carried his bat through the entire
Innings, scoring 62. >’
era of progress no one doubts* and one peculiar
ity of modern progress and improvement is the
practicaltendency of such. We hare recently
been lamenting over the warped andjtwisted
castings of what was once (and not long since)
an excellent cooking slotc. The competition
which exists between manufacturers b»s re
duced the price of stores to such extent that
manufacturers hate been compelled to reduce
the weight of castings materially, and an ordi
nary modern stove is so thin that the healing
and cooking process soon causes the centre
pieces to warp and rink down. When this l*** B
place, ah all house-keepers know,|ihe draft of the
stove is very, much impaired, and it nill not
bake. , ,
We have recently examined, and morereoent
ly tested in our own kitchen, one of Ur. Alex
ander Bradley’s Tropic Cook Stoves, with
Spear’s patent double top improvement, which
entirely removes the difficulty, and will be reo
o(mixed as a truly valuable improvement. It
consists in a set of hollow centre pieces, con
necting with external openings, by wjbich open
ing a current of cold air is passed through the
eentre pieces; the air becoming heated in its
passage, and escapes through numerous small
holes oaths under side of the centre piece,
thereby preserving it from the injurious effects
of the heat, and from warping and sinking, it
is an ascertained fact in chemistry, that a ton
of cool producing ten thousand feet of gw re
qnires one hundred thousand cubic feet of air
for thorough combustion. The invent ion of Mr.
Spear, as applied by Mr. Bradley, therefore,
not only adds materially to the durability of the
store by preserving the top castings, batit con
sumes the gases-omitted from jbe coal, by fur
nishing tbe necessary quantity of atmoepbeno
aire throby eaviog fuel; the combustion created
by these jets of air being introduced all oyer
the fire, creates a flame which passes into tbs
Sacs and around iheoren, produces a more in
tense heat than can possibly be produced by any
non-gas-consuming stove. The advantages of
this improvement aT© obvious—the P r8 * e ry*-
Uononho centre pieces, a great saving of fuel
k and much quieker and hotter oven from the
same fire. ......
Mr. Bradley has secured the exclusive right
to use this improvement upon his somewhat
celebrated stoves. We desire, here, especially
to direct public attention to an Invention which
Is go manifestly utilitarian in its character. The
Improvement, as attached to a stove, may po ex
a mined at the iEtna Stove Works Warehouse,
, No. 4 Wood street. - i
EtPUBUCiU Mrerrhos.—The Republicans of
this eoonty sro wide awake. On-Taeid»y^h««
wsra fear meetings, .U enlhnsiMUo and burl- I
festing the rani spirit that foreshmdowa the ava
lanche to eome upon nil this pie-bald loiofooo
craw. Themeeling at Beer's eras r °^? ,oo °
township, was organized by colling to tJl f
that honest truo-bearted, veteran republican,
CoL Ferrce. Our friend: Dr. Peters acted as
secretary. Eloqaent addxesKa were made by
J P. Penney, 3. K. Moorhead and R. B. Gar
nahan. Eeqs. Thebeetor feeling prevailed.
In.the evening of the «ame day, the «me
| speak era addressed a aery largo meeting at
I Depp’s tarern, Robison township. Over that
I meeting, Johußiddlo and ■— Edmundson,
I Eeqs., werS chosen President and Secretary.
I There, too, the spirit of 1866 was abroad.
I Ini Pino township, at Planksrton s, Messrs.
18. H. Irish, T. M. “Marshall and Robert Mo-
I Knight; addressed the people most acceptably;
and at Lawrenceville, on the eatne eeeaing, r-
I H. Collier, Esq.,, spoke with bis usual point and
Ipower to a lsrge meeting of Repnbltoano at
I Bobxuioa Hall.
. Accidekts. —Charles Crelgan, a lad of _lB
yearehad bis leg frsetored, od
•bora lhakneo; alao fraotarad and Joiot dielo
caled at the eoltle. The soft parts were much
injnrid, the bone protruding through the akin.
He waa engaged in hauling logs in a saw
wLlthe chain to which a log wtu, attached.
I broke and the “Bog Hone" ran back on him,
I causing the accident.
I . Junes Miller, shoemsUr, in Second street,
I while wrestling with a oompamon, dialocatcd
and fraotnred hia left elbow. the fracture ea-
I tending into the jtdnt. Dr. McCook wae oslled
I in'attend to both tiess cases.
»Pn« AllpghenT CoxmoflJ held * meeUng on
T«Bd.J^ißgf4whi C hcoiurtd.r.blobu«iai«
SSd?W&t nole of tpeclal importance, «-
wpV pßrfaap* tMflJ’Whioh was only an attempt
iftar aU '
iered the following:
he City Solicitor bo and he ia
(to take the neosaary legal
P„ Ft. W. & C. B. R. to pay
i under the ordluanoee and
kht of way through the city.”
[on conour... •
The President of
•'Resolved, That
hereby rUstrooted
steps to* compel the
the money now 3d
contrsctafor their rl;
l Adopted. S. C. i
Mu- Maouabt.-
let entitled “Memo
opinions of the pro
tbnt she will shortly
I na4l«noo,!to gWe »
Bhe is highly exlolll
I sro hue rend. We
I nodlsnce of onr be«
I wo shall heir her, i
1 deetrte.
order turned outlast night
ad paraded the streets on
vtre 182 In their cowls,!
id their masks. The horsea
"dressed In while and decor
a Malta.. The whole town
tem and Id beak the band of
s '' r ■ • • .-• •
1. O. 8. M.—Thie
in lergenumbere, *i
horetbeck. There
thelrwMle robee «n
they rodfl were else
otedwithtbe oroea
•u oat to eee then
nmiib tbet led titer
cdor*^ l l£? , jStaon *elwraflof -Catering.the
P^SSSiSrt‘ n> io K«ser?c township,
Muring In » 0>»»‘
| *lao lssaed-, •
w* •&.
000 «li«ns PiUoburgli Oa
emulng *llb« u ” cil J nt * ?. I ° nilnswrtai*-
Losmte.fc'Co... dobing to
«tpob» will bo r«o«l«a Inn
»Tiil themielw of thl»"opgorttuiJ*7 of “r° »
odTonlogeoas polcor-opto time of ■
tin PAIXTI9OI), heldT. Pnttenan, » UTtrn
jJir'iithfDUaJtfd, in *2,600 toil; to .ppwj
ScoSt nnd um> n <*«*• or Mwnli »d
b»UH7 *W>l <lt * nt to'kill, .pitbndngnlaM :< Mm
jlri ihot-ljj,
U 3
Tufc Central Board of Edueational held a reg
ular meeting on Tuesday evening last.
The Principal, D. H. A. M-’Lean, of the High
School, read hie monthly report. It seU forth
that the following numbers were admitted atlhe
late examination of candidates: —238, lut>,
116, 246, 80, 81, 219, 165, 21, 113, 242. Per
sons holding any of tho foregoing numbers will
report themselves to the Principal, at the
officp of the High School.
On account of tbs large number of scholars m
attendance in the Primary Department of the
Ninth Ward School, an additional teacher was
allowed in that department of the school.
There was also allowed an additional teacher
in the intermediate department of the Sixth
In consideration of the Fifth Ward having two \. gr Lou , B( SepL 15 ._a dispatch from Independ
school houses, and there being a necessity of : OJJWSf dated the 12l h, per the United Slates Exprws
having male teachers in each building, the sal- company to. Boonvillo, says that. tha £•* Mexico
of on# of th. intermediate l.scher. was filed : 8 ,n., with dele. to
rate of $4OO per ten month., bo at, to ! &
enable the Board 10 employ a male teacher. ■ reported!** ‘ h ' '"L t between the command oC
The salary of the Orel assistant in the Third | tie'having , b VXavajo Indict,:. Th. Indi
wnrd was fixed at the rate of SoOO per ten mos. heretofore, declared that they would not fight;
Batten Wabrast CASB.«-Judge Hampton | lhilJrtJ’al and
.was engaged yeßterday in heanng >.■> which if done, would doubtl.M cause a collteion be
whlch R. J. Corson, late a merchant doing buei- j lbc „ »„d the troops. The Indians hero of
ness on Wood street, was before him on a bench fe „ d Major Bcooks M »eral 4omandeh»n *d <me
warrant issued at the instance of Mr. Atwell, thousand pontes, to indemnify bun
:*Xfim of Lee fc Atwci. of thi. city. The | n.gro KconL^
ease Is Ibis: 'Some time ago Mr. Carson opened tide, ettempte to jnstitj ih.lnota
a liquor store on the street shore named, and | w ato , ClTIi Sep t. ti.-The President ho.
Mr. Atwell gare him the use of hla name for ■ ordenld , he fnrtbcr postponement of tho Kansas land
somo $1,600. Bnbseqnently„ao we are told, [ „ IoJ ti U July nest. Tho reason for this is itatad to
Carson became embarrassed nndfsolieited farther j in thfl f !nnl , c ;,,l pressure in the country and tne
furors of tho same hind, which Mr. A. refused to ; inability of the ■atUeja to “ijy
grsut him. Shortly afterward, Mr. C. mad. an f „ t tb ‘- pre-emption by th. Urn. fixed by the preelj
assignmsnt to C. 8. Irwin, who was a clerk in , cation ordering thei silos in November. The la da
his store, and to whom it is |lleged herowed | no. land office to
$B,OOO. About $l,OOO was realised off h 8 I b “',. bl " b d d ta Xow Mexico to ho located to
Block, while he has accounts remaining uncol- bo cstablubct
lected to the amount probably of $3,000; hut , S " d ,y received bis final order: be-
Mr. Atwell holds that the assignment was fraud- | fo ' r tb „ now military district of Oregon.
ulent, and ho had Carson arrested yesterday, SB , Ko | o ft this city for the North.
stated, with a view of having the whole thing ;
set. aside. The case was not concluded last eve- B alum on*, Sept. lh -A fire oecurre< !- l ! n l“ 0 ™:
ninir* the speeches will -be made Ihia morniog. ' iog io tho U. S. Custom Hoase. causing d, | ai *Jj e
defendant. ; £ a f er —The fire commeoced-beforo daylight, bav-
rr, TT - :cvj inc caught accidentally, from the lamp of » watch.
LtWATic Aukstid —A lunatic, named Skins, ln^e mM scnger’s room. It burned oat tover
who had been confined in the county poor house a[ oJ {hc offieM| wilh lho T aluable statistical records
escaped from that institution recently, and was of tbe a nd imports at this port. The dam
arreeted in the vicinity of Manchester. Justice , age , 0 lhe building is considerable, and the total low.
Boss and Sampson made the proper order, and ■ 5t if win reach $40,000.
the unfortunate woman was placed in the Penn
sylvania Hospital.
i PoßTLisn.SopL 1 j.—Uomll.tho RspnbHcan can
• . ; Jidale for Governor, has been re-elected by eight or
Am«a M*bix Suttlbb. the unfortunate girl i n ino thousand majority. Mr. French. (Uep.,) has
under arrest on a charge of havuig ““ rd £* : re^ro8 E Me Sed to indicate. The delegation confo- |
his wife in this vicinity in July last, , f((ntinQM »n Republican.
«Rh her child, sent to the County Poor House . 'l ueni, y '
for safe-keeping, as a witness in the Inal wbeu [ Washisctos, Sept. 15.—1 t ii understood that
it Shall come off. Gen. Denver has resigned tha Governorship of Ran-
, . 1 to take effect in the-coarse of a few wtow. it
Amuseuests.—Trowbridge's troupe had ai pr obab!o that be will resume his former posulnn as
splendid house last evening, and their muaic was j commissioner of Indian Affairs,
firet rate. They appear again to-night. j Senator Benjamin, of Lonirana, haa declined tb
The Theatre drew a large audience last even- j mission to Spajn._
ini, notwithstanding tho attractions elsewhere. J LascaSTßll> s« pL Id.-Tbe Democratic County
The company them sustains itself admirably/ , t . l>nTcnt j on noimci*tcl James M. Hopkins for Con
• - " • (fres*. by acclamation.
Thn ticket office at LouisvlUo, Stark co .O , ; . ••• - tKrM
on ih. rF.W.& C. R. R:, was tutored on S.v.ns.k, Sept. is.—Th. Mayor
Sg,SU 'night last and robbed of a small | deoth, from Tallow favor, dur,n B lbo winding ™
amount of money and about $4OO worth of j
tickola So oln. baa barn obtained to tb. rob- ; a (|a , iIOtICCB. :
Had—The Undine Bom Club ku accepted IiKNBV 11. COI.IJNB.
liio challenge o( tbs Cooke Club (or s lri.l ot : Forwar dlng and Coramianlon Moiobant,
niiotd over the Monongahele oouroo for a purse . , ND wnObESAhkdualkium
or two hundred dollars, tbo race to come oS on ctl „„ s „, HulUt.'Sciklb, Fiwl
Thursday ceeniog. the BOth inst. A’:*„r;'"runini t
A Reusor for Hot WeaTHiß.—The very best *
rsmedy for Ibis bot weather U to drop in at Hown e.
Federal St.. Allegbeuy.and treat yoursciftoa earner
Of their delicious Ice Cream, or a glass of sparkling
ice cold Mineral Water, flarored with die choicest of
Syrups, and drawn from a fountain In eieelleol or
der. Their stock of Cakes and Confections are ot
the best description-; manufactured from good mate
rial, and got np in tbeneateft style imaginable. Hire
tbem • eills- *
Taa place to aeenreßaaaeer or delicious Ice Cream,
16 cool off lo B well Mutilated and Ipaurlooa saloon,
fitted ni- In the neatoat atyle, tb» pis'* to • I *’! r “
honr’a chat with Jtrar wife or aweethearl, while aip
pinc the cooling aod healthy injury, theplaoe where
the beet of eahea and confectionary, family b™adaod
lea Cream are made and told, the place la Ol ITXH a,
8L Clair at., pear Liberty. T
A Gkeat Pill. — , . k
The Or*efrnb«r* Ilealth Fill <We h*«irt»chft.
%£SS3S2S ssssspr
Til. Hnltb Pill eorw rty-prf-iU.
Ib« HMlth ItU P"rP« P* l ”-
Tto oSTfrbbn* n~llh Pill do» Ml «rt«-
: KlsSffi^^JrrSß«23
Litx* Complaint.—'This dangerous and of- j Tb#an»fenUr,t U«ith puitanw •<> s
Ua fetal dtoe— lot* *»“■* U n ° f SExX* ! ”?& Owf-nWr* IbaUh Tilt core* utt etom»A.
emtaent phjetcUw, when the dUcorerj ot JP.w**'* 15! n!L.faob*r*Henllh Pill cnroe nerrooinaM.
Li»r yv»«ealredthedlfitealt}*endpmented to the world The Qtnef ti—its Pillheecntwlhuodrnde.
smm i »„ ..« -
— ' e/ « Ih'teawd Wcer.—Pelo In tba right ride, , other pill*. i_ rir niieHh PilUareWßlc andnotwea’
iml eomeUinw In the left, under the «d**of j S" n^hSuMIlH Pill can be taken et night,
mtlentbelnx rmlj atta to U. on the left; p-h» ■?»•«*“•* PUUM*» **•" efter dlni.
Mil.., but" f^vJ* 1 |«'ol n.niorj, , .«h | Tt, Om-fci.W U«Utb Pl]|«"• ■ , ““',™ntlT
ft» ■» m. b^bp^ottb.^^,! arr n,. or»teb.; roi
lamlwiJtailUßH® I tat coU | Per.tallkotidl ol »I 1 th. latMlrabarj meoum™,
"pSWS '<
taj.kfarDß H'LASEB
l*u”ffi.£hl.«»«l V.nalfbg.gba;.^
ttSJKT "SMBS l aSSf -
: Bora’ clothing, plain ui fancy, men . dress aad
frock costs, business end oysrcoats, »« “ d
handsomely osdc end ttumned. noer nady
nugbnn’e, Federsl street, Allegheny. Gents end
bolt’thiits, nnder-ircsr, glows, scurfs, tios, .ho»;i,
Ac, a full rtrietj at close rates for etsb. I
nond>7 Ewenlni, Heptemfier 13tn.
Morris Bros., Pell «nd Trowbridge Minstrel*,
from (ha School Stmt Qpem Home, Boston.
*»iAdroU«ioo,Uhc«BU;OhUaren, W. Door* opto »t
T rfdock* eommane* nt'B o'clock. U» im
1 - Btulccf Itacagwa.
I li t. 0 LIMAN, Dinette of tie Aa/Kpj of Hew
U ‘ York,- ha* the honor to anooonc* that
*'* To A sir fOSMBi,
Articled »“*““«■
TltA ib thU dty.oa TUUUBDAY
r "11 pertjeotan to futon
adwtl— moL
-Wo hM* rewittd a .
r of Mrt. Mocmdj,: with
g ’* and an announcement
appear before a Pittsburgh,
icriee ef Dramatic Beading*,
d In all the opinions which
lopo sbo will draw a lurie
ad speak of her asher merits
' Bou UMi* IKD MiSiOUl
j BtXQt tnsxmot— ——
•gSSKS ’SKilm Bgt-.b-gttj jj“£.
benefitof Mr. J ILXAXI^Bj;
prices Oipaffinos*,- .q^
Drew Circle andTiniinU*..~~. -r 1 $ u\
family Ctole«~*r«*«**«v»**rr ?*>
Ootoroa Ga11ery—........ „.,..••—••■"—••? 6ft « :
Colored Bax»«.-~— r[ M
Tlckett to Print# 80ne...... - ‘*.25 «
WboUßoxn...^ — 1-** «
>t7Htfciocfci coiingftclng^tBtffio<fc^^
»bbls. *Jo. I Shad jn storo and,
fcrffßMTwnlAi'K,- and straits oIE
Q i*A ra»i»i°t f 1 **** nmn,>
Tjfiypq. tyßS—adotforßalelowby
- •*■*- Leavenworth dates to tho
fara BooaTn ’ e t 0 ,h '
“ «*'■»*? I--
ino ri*e r*a■ Two companies left for the
j R 'P° m tom ti " the Welt folly mb.
Prominent ft. „l Ito „ce of
orate the prenon* statements »» _ t
rich gold digging. In *» . hundred penon.,
The Pike Company, nnmwnnß .it *
left KaniaaCiiy niTfh.^K
E“"T Wn s f*. 1 "' lie river. I.aae
Eton™? *•“»*« Blago_ Comp»nr,»rrived her.
yesterday for * h ” to e ton J the’.tnge lino
ing necessary arrangement* to *■*
• from Fort Riley t<j Pike » ***•
im &£»«?,* X £?Mo2&
|“r'u®&Tl^c“ n a.peceh of.
sir JL^'rs'SSSS
Mayor «u not a member of tho Convention.
p ..•„_ _At the session this afternoop,
: thc Vic-o Presidents and Committees on Contested
Soats and Resolutions wereitjtpoißtta.
Sreeion.—The Committeei on Contested
Soot, reported this evening In fn«r of the .d„,,„„„
of the entire Tnmrnan, delegation. Tho »«1 mon
have ell nithdrann from tho Convention, under pro
Dr .1 Hostetter's Ceeiiirated Stou«ch
niTTta- I.r Hie cure of Feecr snO Ajue, » be,cud aU con
mleTnrlh, eefe-t ad b~t rriued, lost could be used b,
.ffl'irf, C. .11 disuses f the .tore n.Ur,,. ™
, ibi.d.-eedrul d case hire often been prs
tb» trwtmrnt of Peror *od Ague, for •
SSoWtton of their entire system, eheuld act fell to use tie,
83OTU. Sec. 63 Wetorof M Frontttt.
*o2I.tU»T _ _ -
amtoal state rent
Pennsylvania state Agrlooltnral Society.
September astir, »»tle end 3 ®‘^>
F and October l«t t 1809.
Fair Qroundi, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh.
A Sr. M. Atrerdeof Committee anoraoced lm
““ntJi atdrmrf to A. 0. fUISTEIt, Etc
lor'elbllllloo treneiorted
1 ffsy.~e* IlelotJn<l«.emralAri
! on as*Uomber»'Tlehell,sl,oo. 81ngle admiaeloo Jiraate.
‘ *r-Exhlllturs mo»t Meccano »emwr* o in a S TEB,
PAVfP TAqOAltT.Prerigapt. eetoe
fOOKM BTHEBT,'bntw««nWond nnd M*'*' l * Wttilrai*
aotrotitss pnOTOOBAPn B
Tnkea In .b. n»», nm o, ra. «».
A K r E . r W Ja *
mkl Oontracten will find it to their mt» ‘•b
t«erMla oorpricw. ———
„.j«. ecu
WM. B. HOWUES * lf „
DZALUtaltf Mi P , 2?2IEt atrnt*
Corner Mnrkrt «nd Front
• torSO
*0 ent in m&vM aa }^^ h Mottixm
•iWworgoU,to»ttit noJ th»
eXMIUnt American 'wukU •WATfInJHj»
CABLE and lb« WATOE*a. {H . y^N t iIEtRAN , :
.• . 'r* 1 . 1 .. ■••, 43 fifthetraeL
'SEr;sra ; , tts
’ : i '"“luiABEWlB* wt-a* l !, ,
yaox ttdar *» B«u»* * A«w*.
;. »OSI , '
isilS DCTir. v. p. c. n Paojow, sum Gaincm,
1 ppcm cmpnnx. Army Loomis -
{BtperUdSpatanyfortlu PitUtxvs* CuttU.]
Pirrattlon, TmraMT, Bsrr. IS, 1«M
-FLOOR—There were no -It. ftOT ‘.TSAiTfa^S
IB«RK , ES*ms«
''oßAl!?—Sales Inc. .tor. of *^“*? [ , SS&&VuX@
DAOOS—A UtUO J» tojoirj; W« of IWOOJM
7 lor Shoulder, and 93i@10 tor ”
.17, SV audio; and Odd pc. *»•
ÜBS PORK-A .aloof 10 ME J eSSmi Itin
HAY—Sate. of 10 loads at scale., M f3@»“ ,$ “a so do
PEACHES—SaIe, of 50 basket. .mail at $1,20, .DO
L %VTIIS K 3OO bbla Ryo tot* pUoo at .action
yesterday, and the lot went at the low fignre of SI.
MOLASSES—SaIe. of 10 bbl. N. 0. at 65.
Tbe weekly Bank Btatement is taTorable, In «o
Sow* ft decrowed line of ItabiUtie*. with * {?*
■pecie roserve. The loan# are down nearly $900,000, pw«y
the rwralt of the rnry eoniiderablo amount of rec«t»ftOiee
maturing on the 4th tori . and partly the result of the pay
ok op of loene upon Oorornment etock which hft» neen
rithdrftwnJfrom banks and placed with Inveatert.
The following la a compamtlTe atatement ot the condition
if the Bank* of the Cit y of New York, on the 4th and lltb
.f&.pfmb.r: Sep.. 11.
L125555,«40 $136,011,211' Dec. $ 672,020
CS.M2.fIC2 28,032,495 Inc. 10,834
7 7482149 7,830,6C9 Inc. 82.420
10.1.3*7.811 102*97,654 Dec. ttUCT
87,033,598 86*08,179 Dec. 1,025,419
Cnil'n Dep'
Th* at*t<ia»ont of tbo PfaiUdolphta Bank* prerenta
.JKwloe MoilM M compared with chore of tbo pro
rloit tret:SeSfrt? Koo.Jngtin rf.nk which from aoma
fcaorewadiJ u»t ldarn, wai not Incindad in tha lUt ttaia
gopt. fl. Sapt. 13.
$21,058,15l 5240211,610
0,635,850 6,4*4,768
2,597,525 2AHitt4
3,370,106 3,400,516
17,420,777 16,543,154
2,620,501 2,463,656
Dae frm olh Bk»
Due other Bka...
--tPhil*. Bulletin.
Th. market opened today, with coniMcnblo tooysooy
mttch morn than wee eipoeted, eeeti by the
after Saturday’* doecd. Th* feeling was the rarerw of
MondayUb —business began with tn adranc# In Spring
wheat. No. 2, freeb receipts, which ranged from s2@76c in
■torn better than on Satardajr. Tho majority of«doi
In that er»d« wore at" 4«. Red winter No.l wmaaiaobet*
Si-«haat .08. For No, 2R. W. The
telegraph of the New York market rather dampened ardor,
and orices declined to 72c in atore. at which llgores some
was cold in the afternoon. Sale* about 45.000 boa.
Corn was Ann at a alight advance over Saturday s qaota
tlom Two lota of Hirer Corn brought 62}£e f. o. b„ and
ono boat toad 00c afloat.—[Chicago Pres*.
CoFfita—For Coffee the. market ie active and buoyant.
TFe note ealee this morniog of2,7oobag* good Rio, ex “Beo*
• rletts,’ ‘ Jnetina' and ‘Mondarain,’ at ll@UHc, them figures
being to %of a cent ft higher- than waapald for elmi-
Ur Co&> on caturday. Good Rio Ie ecarce and much want
«l and the market for It ie very strong. The l o **™*®*
are, however, etlll dull. We quote Rio
for common to fair, IH&llKc for good and U^ t2c for
prime. Lagneyra Coflte range* at from Uto l&,andJava
oo at fjomls The stock today l# about 20,000
U pnn.*t>ru-au Csttlx UaasEi,
ioza of Beef Cattle reached eome 16« W bead during the past Warden’s Avenue Drove Yard, and the market,
although a little more active thau last week, waa etlll dnli,
price* ranging at from *6,50®>8,75, the balk of th* ealiw
being at from ST,W@JS IQO file.
01 Sheep some 6000 were at Wardell *, telling at $-^>4
each, accordlngto condition.
Uoos—the receipts at Phillips’yard were 2900 bead dar
ing the week, and price* were rather lower, sales at from
|6@s7 ...
Imports bp ttjUlroad.
P_ Ft W. ft 0. K. IL—B aka rag*, Llegstt k co; 131 bbla
floor, Knox * Sl’Kw; 50 moa metal, D A GHei; pkga
copper, 0 G Huaaey ft «r, bbla flour, Barbodr k M Keowrc
15X apples, 6 bg» potato®*, Patt*f*«n; 48 bbls whUky, D
Wallace; 30 bx* cbee»e,J t* Canfield: » do. Umt»rt*
SMnlon; 22 roll* leather, 33 kg* butter, M’Oandlesa, Mean#
A co- 10 rolls leather, W Wllkfuaon; 16dor brooms, R Rob
t*ou A nr, 65 bo* rye. T Bell k co; 2M bbla Hew. Ujera *
M’Oeritt 120 dor brooma, Miller k Ricketien; 164 bbla flour,
K do rye floor, Leech k Mutchioeoo; 36 ek« do, B D»lrell *
co- 36 do. 1) C Ilerbet; 43 do* bucket*, W 11 Smith 4 co; X#
do. Brown ft Kirkpatrick; 23 pkga wire, Townsend ft co; 28
VilMl>nk«. W Noble: 2M pip l«4Bi rttaejiKk * TO
16 bbla floor. Silt ft co; 23 dopearls. Lyona k eo;S4do
8 Lladtey; 0 bhda tobacco, W ft D Rinehart; 60 aka wool, 8
Uarbaogh ft co; 3423 bbla floor, 140 eka bacon, 60 this
whisky, 600 boa wheat, W bblaeggs, 673 bxa cb«ae,4U do
starch, 167 hides, 27 bales wool, 20 do* broom corn, 3> bbla
oil 10 aka seed, 11 kg* lard, Clarke A co; 69 bdla paper, 6
ski rag*. Petklna ft co; to bbla egg*, Be*; t> cart bog*, 2 do
stock , owetra.
Die eojbymeutof some sort <.f waalher, and*
nee from all business at Ihe wharf as heretofor«
w a iouj
The St Loo la Democrat of Monday aaya:
•‘The riser waa nearly, If not quite, on a aUod l**t evsu
lug, basing risen oxer four feet atnea Saturday. Th'» MhH
aolul rose 18 Inches at 8t Joseph, and alx fret from Grand
riser down-thal tributary hating swollsaeoosldwably.
Thera bad Wo beasy rain* and the Upper Mlmlaalpplond
Illioole had rtoenaomo. All the upper riser# ara doubt
less again on a aland, or falling. Tb*iu™ W
liahtfol. tteaioaa* yesterday wa# sary t'risk—the ler»« tw
in* completely covered with dray*and freight.
Uapt- Daltelt, of th*;Cairo aud Lcotirille P* 4 ** 1 * 1 * 1 ?
Cook baa arrlsed here, on root* for bit borne In Daren-
job kni J. 11. LangUUo sunk through »he«r exh»nt
tioo at Memphis, on the 7th tart.waa osar **sen ye*rt
old, »a<l«M(in>ltitr with the While. Arkanaaa, B**l, at.
Francis, and other riser*. M
- ThoUnlesUlo Courier aaya: -
••The riser la now eeseral Inches lower then
mer period thU *eason, with but eight or nto* ,och **^* t "
no the falls, aa ascertained by th* old aatablUhad mark on
the wharf loe* at tbe-tnall boat landing*.
Tb# Dlasnwl. *ad other Wt* which art'’* l !
report but 30 inebaa on bar, and tha bar diffi
cult to batiK*!*."
Lorei no, UrownsrUtt*. I
Tclesrapti, do. f
OoUaml (tarots EUnbctb. |
turn—1 fe*it 3 In- fatlinx.
Tciegrtplile fllarfcete.
Skt Yo*e, Sept. 15.—Colton; aalo* «W halos; d-alei*
ut swung lb* Persia's adrices. Floor i» bnor»n£ salsa
24,000 bbl«*et $4,35<Hi55,50 Tor aoothern. 'Vbe* l b« ad
vanced; sale* 35,000 both; rwl tl,lB@l,o;wblta
Milwaukee Club and Chicago Spring $1; I r ?LfH:
4SU7; white f 1.82. Cora adraoctng; »le* v 4 0<» bash at
tiitf&M for white *nd K&M
Whisk? drooping at .4@2*H. Hagai dull.
qa'ict at rougU aidee SJ-i- st^ser I® 1 * 1 bot eteady.
Hides dollnad Onn at 10’4* . . . liM „r M i.
Cattleilarkel—Besrca beary; receipt*«/X»,elowot«“®*
bat price* unaltered, ranging at. 4KO9e. A
I ranted; receipt* 12,500. U»" market ctoied Ann. Oorn-fed
l t 4 WM3<S;OO, dtaUHary fed *4,75. .
‘ Cr.M.rk«-BUK4..I~Jj; ChlcMO
I 4 Mllwankla, *»; N. Y. Central. 78Js*, 3£la*
wort SUea, Erie. lt*|; To ° QM ”
Central bonds, W& MJcb. Sonthern, 33fc: Beading, 48,G*
Iron A Chicago, mi; CUreluod * Toledo, 33?£.
nnuttuna, Sept. 15.-? lour firm, bat devoid of attirl
tyj ulh to the trade moderate at fOT eXtra
and 45.03 for fresh ground superfine. RjeFlourandCorn
Meal are »u*dj at $4. TThtallu Umlud demand; ealea at
SUStaitSO for fair and prime Pennsylvania and Boothe*®
mfsnd »1,35@1,40 for white. Bye tn ftemandlat TOo for
bmt and .2 for old. TheraUmj tlttlaCorn offtfimaalca
.i/wm )mi taiim ai o n \& »w«a* and 90 in store, and wbtto at
PennaylTania at 50. Whisky d«U at 24>j@25 for Peoniyl
ranla and Ohio In bbla. .
pTraniTL SeDt. 15.—Flour unchanged with a moderate
,5S «E. *» bw. «>» •>
X* at *4.50(34,70, the former rate ftr. uniutpocfodprim*
white. Wheat !• a shade better, bnMenot qooUblyhigher.
oauarelmgn]aneale«ats3@ss. Corn unchanged. Pro- \
Tulona dull- Si»a e@« with more aellen than hnyara, eoma
™7n»ateTem«. hot nnderatood fo bs below Sa
Lard 1054 with aaUe or bM»- Grocer lee unchanged, wiih
demand tn a regular. Uoaay. Exchange firm
at Vi per cent premium for eaatern.
‘ B*LTtKom*,sept. 14 —Floor dull. Wheat dalland lower,
safes of and white at
h*B a dccliniotf tendency, aalai of yellow atB6@BB, white
t unchanged. Whisky doll at 25>i®2«X. PtotUlom dnU.
■n order of tbe Orphan** Court of Allegneny «mntJ»
AiWiieoT ettr. haring a front of 15 ftet 8 inches on Leeoek
street, nod extendlngfndepth on Mul^“* tr ® ,®5.
,0 width, 120 fcet to !torth.*U.r,t»i»S '““jf
ho. 18 lu Anderson’* ptfcn'of lots, on which is erected a two
■torybriek dwelling bouse, with iton* bwemeut,
AUo-Another lot or piece or ground
street. In Allegheny’city, bounded and described a* fob
lows, vtz:—beginning on Moran street, at s•**■*““?{
V’U foot from Perry alley, Jhenoe a] o ugnri*B*
Idyl feet to line of lot No. 8; thane* on the Una of lot No. 8,
78 font; thence at right anglee with Una of lot Ho*J» »
to Perry alley, theucealong Perry J I
Robert George*, thence on tee Una of Kobatt George'* lot ,
I*2U foet, »»d theaeo 7* feet to the place of beginning, the
»£, b.lng »p»toflotNo. J 18-Id Ito, »
erected aamelltWMtory'brlck dwelling noose.-
Also—A certain lot or piece of ground on N unuapr Hill,
lo li~rr.towchtp, fttnllwt» 1 'K'Cth
Praukltn w»d, and running back in depth im faeV»nwn
ilichael Carrol snd JohaanAhls wife. couTjyed to william
Term* at **i*. OUBttBT ALEXANDER,
Extculart Wm. Prodor.dtCiaHa-
Bank 014
Concentrated Snlpborie Ether;
. .Nitrate Bllto Crjetal*;
•" Ohlorftte Fctub;
I Oopperar,
I Quinine”.
Whlto Chalk Crayon**
gar aalabv B. L. PAUNKSTOCK Aoo*
j * y Q . ftp, corner Wood and Tonrih etmta.
eJU i&bMa. N. o. Bogan
40 bbla If. 0. Molmw*.
00 bo »« Msorted brand* Tobacco:
33 bf. chert* T. B. *o4 Black le**;
16 btXM timOy Satertloi, In P»P***l
rSSS££t°t jfe,*'
bMaUfal and dusap'artWfc deal^wl
i.wcUrfiinW'i'.<■' •‘“M.SS'a'tiSlli fcS
dowa wben tb* f£r mmQt of, *ir.—
ootrido obaarralloo, u d cr» on»*
Th*, «!>«*** a wWro£«gj“ at
moulri»• troUMww- For•“*» H-PHILUPS,
M m? 28 Bt ' Cllilrm^t>by ftolo Ag«m for Pltubonb.
/=fnr crofus-A
T«7 loir price* for No jisUftrketctraa**
. wW;’ _ - 1 — '■
c*»b» •.•\ < M 0.113 tf uk«t ttrwt. ’
' iml6 •
porUi-*»«t ce»D«t4ih naJteytitfc
TEBBkTpSTA*OES-OTWi!b tei’dlhu
J 4«J “P 1 * for «!• « rwlccwl DAVID Cl. iIEEDBT,
iln f rATcCT Litxrty *nd Hand «tt—**»
| - - ■
*■ - j
■ - - ■ ..*,• ■«, ■
THESE MACHINES which havo gained such an enviablo reputation over all other
Machines on account of j
JQT 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed.
2. Economy of thread.
3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction.
4. Portability, ease of operation and management.
5. Speed. :a
6. Quietness of movement.
7. Strength, firmness, and durability of sea n that will not rip or ravel-.
8. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials.
9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish.
Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at manufacturer!
prices by ALEX. R. REED, Agent, 68 FIFTH STREET.
"ISuaincsa ®i)angcß.
NOTICE.— The Co-Partnership of Baqa-
LRY,CO9ORAVE ft 00. expired by UmltaUon.on the
flretlnatauL The builnee# will be continued by WILLIAM
BAG ALBY, at 18 and 20 Wood street. who will tattle up the
bralnm. of th, lat. firm" & n B x s.COSO!UYE.
I Pittsburgh, July 22d, 1863.—Ju24-dtf
Ros. IB and 90 Wood fltrtotf
ft SMITLBT lathis day dlasolxed. All personshaxing
claim* against the aboTe firm’ will please present them to
JOHN aMITLEY, who will nettle and liquidatei the
AU pereona knawlng themaelxe# Indebted to the firm will
pteaae call and aettle the aame at the atore in Temperance-
Till., »h.r. th. oad..dpirf »nb. mrrjm
TomperancexiUe, Sept. 6th, 186S—*e7r8tdcht>
Monongahela River U. B.‘ Mall Packet*
Oarr. J. C- Woonwaan. Carr. Gxu“*
The above new steamers are
now ninnlnfTegulkrly. Moaning Boat* loaxe Pitts
burgh at S o’clock A. M, audErenlngßoatiat «
o’dock P. M. for M’Keeaport, Elizabethtown,
hela City, Bellerernon, Fayette City, 0 wenfleld, CaUfarala
®nd Brownarillft, there connecting arith Hack* Mid CJcachoa
for Unloutown, Payette Springe, Morgantown, Wayueaburg,
Carmichael towo and Jeffereon. _ . . ~
Pamengen ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Union
town for|2, meal# and *Ute-rooma _on boat* luclanra.
Bcnte returning from Broworrilleleer*at 8 th*
momlugand 6in the erenlng. For further
,t. offle, wh..<
Min FurnUUlng Eatabllahment.
PANS, MILL GEARINO, Fir* Brick, Machlnery,Pol*
Ibti and Cestipga, of all kind* made to order.
Urate Bare, Sari) Weight*, Mill
Anchor Boltlog Cloth*. GnnLand Leather Balling,
' Portable Flour and Com Mill*—the best In use;
Patent Shingle Machine*—cut 10,000 to f* r
Ro*e‘e Patent Water Wheel#, need In 7000 mill*. Saw
aa Iho orer-ahot, and twice as
tha other Wheola la uae. with en equal f*," oii
Catalogues of Wheels glrau to all who want gearing. Of
flee No‘. 311 Liberty street, Pittaborgtu WALIi . Q c
wiL-CmdtwT W. W. WALLAU*-_
Steam Marble Work* Ko. 31U, 3UI, 3U3,
• Liberty Street, Plttnburglt*
MARBLE MANTELS, made by machinery
at low prion; Monument*, Tablet.. Urate Stou«-
» large stock on hand. Furniture uii Wa* Stand Topg
Imposing Stones, Marble and Stone IT earth*, made by
“suibll«sSwtooitrade. O®^ 31 ®
PUtaburgh, ra. W ’ ”■ WALLAOK
eell:6mdftwT ”
ADAMS' CORN shell bb
Luurne, Browns'll
T*l*WT»pb, . do.
001. Bajnrd, EuMbi
THE proprietors of the “Pittsburgh Novelty
Work*” hiring, thtungh- Mr. Adams, (lb* principal
mtcbiuiinl greloi of th. Sm,) oktstaj fctt.iv
17th of Angari, IKS toi . ... 'ICSES'
meat far Stria'.? Cbm, truly noat, a>n?actand partial.,
arttcla at onr work*. Owing to its compact fora it is de*
tinsd soon to become an article of trade to «Tery Hardwara
i Merchants’ shelf.
Tb« Uaehim ar* of two tins*, v*Jgblng only *bon«
aod SO pounds, and may b* seen"* *° *
door, asyas would acoffiM mill- W* add »o n»r^wb«n
HR undersigned -have formed a eo-part
nenhtjs nnder to* ttyU of ShieWott, iTLain «Oo^
f„r U>»edD( th*whol»al»
Wboleiala Detleii in
Xo. 43 tfiwd Strata opporit* Uit St. Charta Hotel.
wPttmd - • ...
WHEAT. The «üb*CTibera bare DOW in«tor«tbTW*J» ,
_ndred bnahela extra quality Bed 'Keditamowß VtMg
of itaelr own imporutloo, direct from one of the beet gram
It 1> believed to be the beet Itticto oTg« *2“ JJWgJji
Intothla country for a number of year*. Ith»a bwn»-
lectedby a competent party In Europe* nlely
| .» “"■"‘£ g |SS* SK 00 '"
No. 103 U«k« Fre p” l !,| , is"phl«.
nunr & joanoar . ( -
H»rin» iMitued'thrtr l»clUtl«tbr mßohcttrim »n 4
■V7*. B. amx*x>s As GO’S
l patent elastio fire
. &n>
A RE now prepared to execute orders for any |
A. da^cripUonofßoob,«f*por flat,at the •JwrtMl no-1
th* otinort eu% being determined, to fat on 1
Boob that eannotbeenrpaaaed for I
Cheapneaaand Durability,
i onr Boob *r» too well known to reflulrenny oology &om
ihlißootliM and aampfra can
l ba*ie#obye»Uiagotoor Ofic*,No.?6 Smlthfisld fctTMt.
COTOTdwith the aboro
I tt oorw of WjUa n*»d High J. B*cPa
I MirTTftHi wpwf at Q»*n*andbTttia ■tr«tK_Hon*# of
1 W 0 Lout* Eaq-. Diamond. alley, oppodU Patteroon*
L Btoroofß. Straw, corner of Market aud Jecondat*,
| SiShoSSot b. ilsocmp,
l rSalb of A. Bradley, ecmar of Water alley and Sandneky
Ia &« •** pssssosr*
I ipM»lyT Wo-16 Emltlißeld »U PUUbgrgh. it.
-Lifttl! mSsH? »cd OTOLDUESfl 1 80018 uul BBOIS
fcnnd In «ny dtj, !n? toying. b* tro*t»
ItKTlns OTBT JuStslb*»p®S£3r »11
C io "
To tii» Client* of A.B. tt’GALUONT.!
u-rtn, un nttatarsh tor«ld. tempomfljlo Wutlo«-
mj wiSnli«l Uwlmibwitattt
MAOKKHZI*, ittomim No.»loaiU.
i«L»«lwna iToopoeUUlj -rtotoT.
T ACE KUCHE3. v. ™ .
I j V mwiEmanras,*-!,
i ErcSww.« Ml afcntn urtvfcr <b>w°*“2d
f a. air it. w
Kigulat Sttamus.
A' mwaataerilMnliAtt idJtd to jhdr:HtlWliTrlßMt
good»toifciC«3»B«w Ufcr« it
trapMainpimcaistsa'U y. r.
I Ar, lnTlt*d to iMOdM «njple», wtlch will t» both
|£tptb»nA MrfceUm,l>r(tl; to idranoof my Unite
| Fwl *“‘kj.^uSsrllEßaON, BMlTB k CO,' <
| - ~i*’*’T a -r’- '•■ - - tt»Bwdw»y. H»w Ycrfc,
Health of asierican women.—
For miny yean I haro bwa troubled with genera
wearincaeand languor, both meat*} and physical; caprice,
Uatleaeneoa, dull headache, pain la the head and templed
coldness andtondoucy to stlflheas, palpitation of the heart,
very easily fluttered or excited, appetite xartable, stomach
snd bowels ersnged, with pain. Any mental or physical
exertion waa sure to bring on all tbo symptoms, andlbad
In addition, foUlng of tfi* womb, and great pain ta that re
glon. One physician after another exhaustqf his skill and
gave me np- A patient and poreererinr «• of
gHALL’S UTERINE GATHOLIOON fortunately curhod »*,
and I hare no worde enfflclent to expreee my
lean truly aay that I bare be*nasvfltatr tor many year*
with whites and deraagsd maurtniatlon. After
had other troubles, such as pale fiscs, indigestion, wasting
away, gsnaral languor and dehility, pain In the «n«U of Urs
beck, a aert of aching and dragging sensation, pain between
the shoulder blade*extending down the tpine, loss of’•PP*'
, kite, trouble In tbe atemach and bowels, with cold bands and*
foot and dreadful nerrousneaa. The least excitement would
Ti-fc® m e feel aa It I should fly away. I triod doctors and
druga, and eterylhlng. one after another, wltoout thebaa
eflt/000 bottle of MAKS HALL'S
OON changed aome of my *ynjptoma forth* h««er, andtrow
lam entirely and radically cured. 1 obkiT
mmw could know what It will do, CLARISSA OBBR-
for »longtime I b»dUterine complaint! with theroUow-,
lug ejmptotu: 1 wai nerrcro*,
■«Sm«)d to abound in complaint*; tome of which I will try to
toll you; pain In the lower organ«,afid ft feeling* a* If topn
to coin* to fan out; inability, to walk Jioeh on at* r
eouScf a reeling of fullae**; aching and dregriog, and
■hooting paftia in lh« back, loin*, »nd extending down the
Imck tbejoltlng produced by riding cauaed great pain; *pa**
modie eheottnga and palm m the ■ldo, itomch apd bowel*;
headache, with ringing In tbs flbtrof the body
aaamed tore; creatlrritahlUty; iuton»e nerronantM, I could
not bear the leart exelUmeni without being prostrated for
ftda*: I could aearcely moTe about tba boo*e, and did not
takupleacure In anything. I bad glren
j#22“saia!s& <s™*s
lyl£tlZuin?<fthe K<**h
or Painful Menstruation, Bloating,
easaaftheßidnen or Urinary Organs, Retention or In
continence of Urine, Baxrßurn,
minting!, Palpitations, Cramps, Stop, vedaU
trouble* organic or lympafArffe, connected with lAe .Vienne
organs. . .• „ •
The price of UanholTt Uterine Calhoticon is One Pcßor
and a tialfper single battle. On the receipt of
toe bonus shall be sen! by express, free <rf charge, to the tsid
thepotiojjlce a ‘ id^ c j*< tavni ?..f
asd TFe wiR guarantee that the Mtdicxnevdlbe rait
" ,md^2S.T3iYa&Wood. fe puub»
apli-dawT ‘ ' Sign of the widen Mortar.
Talk of beauty, it cannot exist witbonl * floe head ofhalr,
thf,n reed the following, nod If yon esk more, see circular
around each bottle, nod no one gin doubt. , •
Processor wood's hair re&tora-
TITK. We call the attention of all old and yosng, to
thl* wemtorfol preparation, which tnros back tolu original .
I color, gray hair—eoTeri the head of the bald with a luxurt*.
'wt aro^mi—remorte the dandruff. Itchtofr and, all cnt»n»
i ooi eruptions—<*n*» acontlLualßOTr ofths
I and hence, if used as a regular drteelng for the hair will
! prceerniitecolor,antfkeep it fromfalling to extreme* M
| EpTSn all fts natural beanty. We call then upon the bald,
or diseased in scalp to use to and rarely theyoung
vUI cot, u they T»U»-jbe Sowing l<xk». or tbo wltiling
| carl'erer»* wltboptit. It* pceUe is upon tbs tongue of
■ for Prof. Wood’.Hair BeetonUir* to Hew Ha
i Ten, reeetrod the following tetter to regard to the Reitor*
> tire, a tow weeks etoce: • T .i.« irm
Blip Rina, Conn-, Jnly 23, IBM.
U&. ijUTcnroazß—Sin I bare been trembled a itb dan
i 4roff nresnrf on my bwd tor more than a year.imy baU
' began to &>msont, scarf and hair together. I saw In a New
Uaren rober about “Wood!* Bair Bee to retire" as a cure.—
I called at your etore on the first of
edosabotU* to try It, and I found to my satisfaction it watt
the thing: it retnorad the ecnrf and hair began to crow, U
le cow two or three Inchee to length whert U toar f
bare ermt faith to tt. I wish routo sendme two ootucfl fcr
minbf Hr. Poet, the bearer of this. I don t know as any
of the kind ta used lirthisplaee. yon may hare a market for
"many bottle* after it Isknown bur*. ... nn.m
Yoon, wilt RDTDS PKATT.
Pbxl&dslpbu, SeptflO, 1860.
P«or. Wooft Pear Sir. Tror Hair Keatorattre 1» proving
Iteelf beneficial to tna. Hi* front, and also the back wtot
my head almcat loet IU covering— io fact baiiw 1 have
ued hat two half pint bottle* of year, Rertormttva, and how .
the tip of my head i* well atadded with a promising crop or
young hair, and the front ia al*o receiving it* benefit. I
nave trbd other preparation* wUboat soy benefit winter,
er. I think from my own perron*! recommendation, lean
: lndoce many other* to try it. Tour*, respectfully,
D. B. THOMASiU. D, No.4tM Vine *U
Veicbusxs, Itro, Jane 22, 1868.
Peof. 0. J- Wood:—A* you are aboat t<r manufacture
and read yonr recently ditcovered Qalr Restorative,! will
atatrfiv whomsoever It may concern, that 1 hare raed it
and known other* to n*e it—that, I ham, fcr aereral year*.
beexr& thetnbttofnslnKOther Hair Restorative*, and that
I find year* Ta*yjjrop*nor to any other I know. ItenUre*
lydeooaca the head of dandruff, and with one month’* prop
er oat wIU reatore any peraon’a hair to Unoriginal youthfol
color and taxtnro, gWng It a healthy, toll and gioMy ap
pearan'Tj and all thJ*. withoet diecoloring the hands that
Booty it, or the dm* on which it drops. 1 would, therefore,
recommend it* nae to every one denroaa of haring a fine
eolor and texture to hair. . _,.. u
- BaaitecituUy.yoora, WILSON KINO.
Tar aaleoyQ£o.H.KETSEß, 140 Wood st- Pittsburgh,
O.J. WOOD A 00, Proprietor*, *l2 Broadway, A. x. ;
(hi the grrot N.Y. Wire Rafilng Eatahltthment) and 114
Martn street, St. Icnlz, Ho, and told by an good Drag
«***•" ,ap2o acghlydawleT
bon City Commercial College, *
PUubvrgJi, Pa. —Gkarttrtd 1855.
800 «TOD«*TB ATTIWBISfI, JAM.,1858.
NOW the largest and moat thorough-Com-
Bitrd.l Rfhnol of tbe Patted State*. Toungmea
pceMred for actual datlM Of the Coaataig Boon.
J. 0. Bwth, A- it, Prof. of Book-keeping and Bclancc of Y;
Acobtsita. - •,
Aul. DoCText:, Teachar of Arithmetic and Cotnm&rdal
Calculation. j
| j. 4. n«TT>nnrand T. 0. JncMf Teacfclaraof Book -*
1 Keeping.
1 ~ A. Oorut and W. A. Mm.**, Prof*. or Penmanahip.
*i n—« 4 In «tm, toartatat of baihm..
LAW, arc taught, tad all other wfeJoctanucMaary ■ ~ s
for Uia»oct»*aaMthoroßghe<lac*Uottof apractlcal Liai- - ;
Bata ottu.
• 13 PBMMJtJMS : . /
Drawn all tba pnmiuna la Plttaburgh for tha put Utroo
rear*, alio la thaEaatarn and Woatam Ottla*, tor belt ■*:.
iV'rlUiifc '
Stodent* rotar at any TicMlon—>Tiia« noUmlv .v
te-I—Rerlaw tt pl««nir*—Qxsdoitn awbt«d to oK»idld* <
ItnitUma TnUtim for Ton OomiMrcUl Coon®. tS3,CO—
l2 iroaAi Board, weak—S»a-
Mjnurtm'Mßs ncclrcdathalfErrlr*.; ■ . _
for Ond^-Clrcnltr—Bpedmroi' of B*udo«» “d Oro*r
mental WriUng—tncloa* two •buno*, and addreu •
j *n* •, p. W. JENKINS, PlmMrsh, Peoo^-
Pearl Steam Will,
. r-: •'if -i
Tem*-OASII on DeUfifyVr -• ;
U pnap, mih nrou ebdbir b*ll valves. <j»
jtmpAfcr Milli, Et*mbot«« ,
Aln,w6«a3«&kMli|fXßcinec. - , - ' •
ISwatPnmpt »B!tbxtfir Cram Iweiftf to Jlte htaufrtd gca- ■*.
left*9er.«4»u(eijft4tom thdr ticpildi? of. mitfUjwttWr r ;
•roMmUibU to gat eo« of ardor un «n mart otaflErtpur* /'
•dth«Qaii7oU»rtnuß(A . .
-Ibvfiig boco oppotsMtfant fctAUegbea? coast? «!■•
tfcsp«seSto6,l tapwpMMto&rnUhoayof tha.afco**
Pampfl «sd logino*, ted ttuU
iiilwili oTparchiciQc e»ll tod oxublm than it ay wn*^
s '
- > . " Qcnurof ftost txA Tgrry »treet»._
' . ■ P!ttobcrcP,l»»
us& “cSSpSS - • • -
yJyjffSiSfaSik ',
ZmfeeptM, ■*» wtmfal ■ocwtlo pa****”" ” r-
• .. came Hamad «•»•«■*