~;yF~'. r-'Jljusbargl ;■ _ Jj^iirT:i3Hj3:Kp.»a.v MOBWHg; SEPT. 6, 1653. Pfi or in* cn r._ »‘p'.:-.l QsuljXfewß Item*. ; v »UJftninßUlVll^-ObWTT»ttoiMt»y ( mmt Sbtw’BOptl. B•» - Fjuwnla Paxapk,—The Tigilant aod “"iir iff*-Smart' of this oily «» d « » aplendid hot (Hu Ihlheir.. annual piratic on Salnrday. Tho da, was auttetl to the oeoaslont not too worm not too cold, but just the hsppymcdlnm. Tho '‘Old Eagle Company hcadtd the lmc, and Bobort Miller, Eoq.,h«ided the Eagle Com pahy.'so Uiat the procession was load by him. Wo do not know whether or not wo got the num bers of those turning out in each compooy right, but we counted them as they P* 8 ®* 1 . Ferry aid made the Eagle.beys 43; the Columbians-; lha Allegheny 29; tho Euqueano 31; the Nep tune'2s; the Old Keptunc. ournamed the "Star of, the West." 35f the S.agara 42; the Volant 55; the Gooddntent 42; Independence 30; Feir . mount 62, and Relief 40—making a total of 462 ntei)e’ : N ,-•••; •• - The companies except that which hauled the Old Neptune, were drtsied itt their neat and ap propriate uniforms, and made a splendid as well m appropriate parade. The Eagio'engino was _ drawn by six ridden,by boys, the whole making a fino cortege. After this came j Young.'* full band, dressed in gray nniform. ! Their, musio waxas usual—first rate. The Alle gheny, was hl&r drawn by six horses, and both - eogineand hose carriage were finely deoorated witlt 'flags and flowers. Tho Duquesne, which | is haying a.flfac eogino-houso built, appeared in , goodly number, their eogino and all appurto- ] nauoes to complete order. Tho Neptune boys, : dressed in white pants and while shirts with bine collars, looked neatly, and as if they were fit for any service, in the way of squirtiog water, whleh the eirenmatoaceft mighUleaend. Tho Niagara turned out 42 good-looking chaps qs one need The ship tint laid the At* lanlio Telegraph was represented In this pari of tho procession. But, without making any invidious compari sons, wo tuny say that tho feature of tho proces sion was the Vigilant Company, with their mag nificent new engine. Sho looked so clean and -so beautiful, and shone so in theiun, and was eo tastefully decorated, that she drewall eyes upon 1 her. She turned cut the largest number of men and as fino-looking set of men as ever labored to save property from the devouring clement. The Good Intent, h sterling company in limes of labor and danger, turned out their 42 men in good condition. '• Their engine was drawn by six horses, properly caparisoned. -Thfflndependencc decked with flowers, turned out a crow of stalwart fellows: The Fairmount boys with their neat uniform and ample equip ments made a highly oredit&blo appearance. Last but not by any means least came tho old Relief drawn by six horses and attended by her eompaqy. As a whole we felt proud of our fire department, and think .Messrs. CollihgwoOd and Thomas as chief and second in' the department, " and all other people who ossiiled in arranging the programme of tho parade and in carrying it out so well, deserve the thanks of Ute whole community^—not.so much either for the-parade, as the great fact that is behind it—the active and elfiofentjorginlration of which tho parade iqa guaranty. _ , A Visit to Swibsvalib —On ft recent visit to thlschaemipgplacewc thought there- was nt>‘ otlulfypet in the immediate vicinity of Pitta burghihatcould surpass U in all that can invite or delight a visitor. Situated among the charm' ing hilbecencry that skirts -the Monongahela, --you catch here andthete throughthe elnmps/of aims, ravishing views of the river, nud beyond that, the lofty bills clad with verdure that stretch away to the horizon. It is a spot of - historic interest too, equally suited as a dwell ing- for the student! the antiquarian, the mau of wealth and leisure, Ind the lover of nil that is " pleasing injandscape scenery. ' Hr. -jWisshelm offere for sale in this modern Arcadia; a fine dwelling house and, if the buyer desires, forty to firty acres of land in a body, containing that famou3 pic-nic ground tbroagb which floire a never-failing stream, and on which there are springs of delicious water. There is alsodhfibeiorchard-of peach, pear, plum nod apple trees, all thrifty. This is but eight miles frotti-toirn, isnd- there is a depot of tbo Pennsyl waaia'Cenbwl Bailroad within ten rods of the house now offered for sale. The neighborhood'; is also one of the best Huy of our worthiest citlxeDs have made them' selves hotnes ihereV which are tho envy cf tb« jiinokerUried dtniitns of the city. Messrs. Alexander and Franklin Gordon, Sir. Haven, Eobert Finney and It. 11. Palmer, Evqa., and ethers, make ft liuto village of themselves, which, any ©ue might be glad to lire in. The charms of refioed society thus find a roost oppro priaic home amongst the charms of pence end prosperity dwell there, and he who Would enjoy them all will do well to lake possession- of > tha place now bo opportunely offered by Mr. Bwisshelny PeoDAßtw Murpee ftxn Attempted Suicide. ~-Th« citizens of the Sixth ward at the head of Wylie street; vete thrown into ft great excite ment, oh Bunday, shortly before nooo, by the repcrt-thftt ft cbloredraan named Lewis Jackson, (*wbll*.*Waahot by-oocupation,) living iu that Ticinity, HEd'CUt'hls*wife’s throat with a razor, end had then'trled to cut his own A crowd was «ogn collected around the house, and upon eomuof ‘them entering, the woman was found with tin ngty gash In her throat, extending more than half aroupdher neck, and the man with n similar woufid/ though not so extensive. An old razor, with which the deed Was committed, was found-in the boose. The citizens took Jackson ln r custody, and gave him into the hands of AWißogers' police. Bis Wounds, which ore not considered dangerous, were dreaaed by Dr. Hopper* and 'the' Alderman oommitted him to prison Torn-forthcr hearing on the I4tb Instant. Whisky was the cause of the affair, as we arc in* formed. Dra. Arthurs and M'Creary were sum moned to attend the woman, who it is thoogbt may possibly r scorer. Bedxe Jaix-.—Oo Saturday night last, fire prisoners, alt there were In our jail, broke out and escaped. , They were not'missed till Sunday morning.- By some means they got possession of a 1 ship-carpenter's auger, With which they borediheir way oUt of one .of the lower cells lototbe .open the House, from which they made theirway into the cellar, Jifld ihenoeinto the State at large. TheTfloor U of-whlte wood limber of .more than a foot In thlckden, onwhloh are laid, straps of lineh Iron. They bored between these strop*, then broke tho bar from. one. of their bedsteads, with which they removed a strap and made themselves a very-oomfortabla . way : Of. escape.— Ashtabula (O.ySfnlvttf. r. .. : met,:named Daniel Kings bury and Thomas Darns, committed to the Pen itentlto'dferi-jeiw ago-—4he first sentenced to ■five en d the second to three years* imprisonment —mads their’escape from ; that institution on Sunday>saoTabii.about 7‘o*clock. ’ We are in fowned thaVthiTnJght watchman had Just gone off duty^and,these men, whobad: previously .through. the roof, sealed ftaenUrlWalls by means of .rope ladders mid* theniselvts.' They took eutthePcr rysvitlomd/eud a number of officers and ciii sens wentln pursuit of them. ■ •Tob Nsptuhb,-—Wenolioed about awefck ago, - the (hot that & rplendid sew Engine for ourfire | company “The Heptane,” had been built and haring been tried proved all she was intended. tabe. It was built in Baltimore. , "fbc ‘‘.Reliance Boys'' gave us three cheers os they passed .homewards from their parade on Batart«rT' "Wo trust we may never have any oo oaalou for the services or. the firetneq, but If wo should have, we know of no company into whose hands we would rather giro the subduing of a .iiwthttii Into thpge of »‘Beliance. ,T -W* Jairai/roßi ilia MoaongahaU BrpvUkm Wi i ”3¥s^. bir ml"' 1 at WOT«nag..^-.XhMo will \ti» a promoted maauig wmmeoced ia «b« Cambartaaa- Chtoh ott fiaUrnfa/areuingj Ott., i 11. Jlli*.maaUßgWill ba '*dd S BaahrM WiWamß;Pick..V;.,An>w boat area | UunoUdatHancbcsUr, oa HalarUay, nanedthe ,4 J. 8. Hall, fpt Mr.' Halt of ihe fitqi. of ‘IMbK | Spttt. Bhfl ieeeiAtbbeesplebdlilcr*ft. v ‘ v«’< I B»*cu.icax MamMeeioio.—Tho citizens Of ? r | Brady’* Bead andvicinity turnedoaten inuso on • I Frid*'r*v*ntaglut, to heir speeches from lhat «' hooestohsiDploß Hon.‘Jbo. Opvoda and others: r The proper spirit. prevailain Armstrong. Tbs - 1 free trade fraiujr is entirely exploded, and the ,"2~ | proUoUveTariff men are counted by the ttaous l and. •-We*xpeet tohivegoodnewafrom Arm g . ' H ' WjiiMSreoelTed from the pubUahers.Bry "l :.sht^£Atioti , i > Ainenetn Mercbi&t—Bmagd. . £ ' % Ustistigg > commercial low, if uid lUerttare. Jyia pab f lithed oi tbo Cooper InstUale buildings in New ' ’ Yoth, OT* ay- 1 — think «Stb much ability, at $3 « 1 S nottfettti»:-Aii>l«prlolln imue % 'Joha B.Ttmpl" WMincoro —3 i< Burr'irlUr Mr. BlmtllTThen lh«>ajiiful »Mnltot fe oworrtd, *Mdi deprirrf tlw l»i|« llfo - l t: -er~:..~ ~., r.K: Police ITBIH.—P«nr Denney andJno.Kcmp, both of which goa!irli»« *>«“ charged from tho Penitentiary, whore they hare Berred their time out, were arrested at the Theatre, on Saturday night, for picking pocketa. Ur Edw Gray, fts he waa going into the Thea tre* fcßaomebody’a hand in hie pocket, (that wai Peter Delaney’s hand tkat was in Gray a pocket,) and so Gray canght the hand in.hu, and Turning round charged the scoundrel irilh this attempt at theft. Thereupon Peter Delaney struck Gray in Jho face, and at the same time John Kemp, the notorious, joined in and also struck Gray in the face. Gray made a chargo of assault and battery against them. Samel Bardolph also felt a hand in his pocket and canght tho hand, which was that of John Kemp. Delaney was there aiding and abetting. Kemp had on his person when arrested a letter, which he had stolen from the pocket of Bar dolph. The complainant laid a charge of lar ceny ngainst them. They were committed for trial. A young man named Lindsey was also tried by the same parties. Lindsey felt Kemp fumb ling about him, and turning round knocked Iho rascal down. W. W. Anderson made a charge against a man named Wb. Gore, for drawing a knifo on him. He gave bail in $3OO for his appoaranco. James McAleese wos arrested for cutting a boy named McCoy, in the Sixth Ward, near Penn sylvania avenue. McCoy failed to make a charge against him as the wound was but eligh;, but McAleese was held on another charge, that of assault and battery on oath of John A. Ziodler. He was committed in defanlt of bail. Besides these, two characters, known in thieve’s parlance as “Big Chucks” and “Little Chucks,” were arrested and held for vagranoy. A man named John Hiokorv, employed about theGaß Works, was fined for drunkenness. A motley crowd, streaked and speckled, wero up before the Mayor bcoldre those we hare referred to and wero all dealt with according to law._ James Garvey, who had become Intoxicated iotbe fircmcn'B procession, was ruled out and his uniform taken from .him. He then followed tho procession along Wylie street and tried to raise a disturbance. Alderman Rogers commit- ted him 20 days to jail Esquire Williams, of West Pittsburgh, committed Malcom Huskinß, charged by officer P. Stephens with purely of the peace...... Alderman Parkinson committed Thoa. Hersbman, charged with stealing $2,40 from Jacob Roth. Tea following report, wu presented to tho Board •of Control of the Public Schools of Allegheny City, by a Select Committee, appointed to Dominate teach ers of writing, and by a resolution of the Board, Messrs. Boyd and Farley, were appointed, to obtain a copy and hare it printed in tbe city papers. To the Board of Control of Pjihl tV School* of Allegheny City —Gexti.euen : The Committee to whom was committed tbe nomination of teachers of writing, would respectfully report. That after giving publie notice, that three teachers of writing were wanted for oar Schools, wo bad about 26 applicants, some of whom hod been teach ers for & number of years. Others wero clerks eat of employment, and aomo wero students attending tho Commercial College of Pittsburgh, and bat a few who were experienced teachers and good‘penmen, two important qualifications, which we desired to üb taia if possible. But which wo found difficult to get combined in tho same persons. Many of the applicants, find great experience in touching generally, and writing among other brunch es : but their specimens of writing with n few excep- tions, were so badly executed, that we coold nut nominate them. Although some of your Committee expressed themselves, as having long cherished re- Diet&brances of their old pedagogues, and earnestly desired, had it been at alllronsistont with duty, to have nominated them. Bat when their writing was examined, and compared with others, they wero forced to relinquish their claims with silent regret, and faithfully perform their duly, by voting for those besttqaalified for the office. Had your Committee not succeeded in obtaining persons who were good writers, and also experienced teachers, we would have been »t a loss to decide. which of them ought to bo preferred. Although some of us bcliove a good writer ought to hare tbo preference, on tho principle “ that example is strong er than precupt.” The good writer sets the example, tho good teacher merely inculcates the precept. The teacher who can set tho example or copy before his pupils, ami call upon thorn to imitate him, will excel those who present the product of other pen*, orspccl mcQS of tho Eugravcr’e art, to bo imitated by their pupfle. When pupils see a beautiful copy, and know that thdr teacher has written it hitnnlf.ihey will ho stim ulated to greater efforts, than if their copy was tbo production of others. Tbo idea of employing fcmalos, did not occur to ui, until several good female writers made applica tion, and presented very fair specimens of writing. What could we do, if the; excelled in that depart ment but employ them ? Your Committee bad coir idcrablo tatfi respecting tbe apportionment of Urn city. When the represen tative from the Second Ward raid that they wero well ratisfied with Ml-i Lcvio-v who had boeu teach ing in their Sc!;*'.! and they desired no change.— But still the difficulty in dividtag tho labors of three teachers among five Schools existed and how were we to remove it. It was therefore unanimously agrce<) that we nominate a teacher fur each Word School and recommend the Board to employ Win. McClelland on applicant rrboeo services be had for tho colored trchool and tho School on tbe bank of the Canal, Fourth 'Yard, f->r the ran of two han- Jrod and fifty dollars a year. He h a yoaog man whoso specimens of wririug will compare favorably with those of coy applicants we bare had, and only wauts a little experience, to m»ko him a very suita ble teacher. Vonr Committee selected three persons oat of a great many applicants with very little consultation or hesitation and gftro them tbo preference over all others as combining the qualifications we wished to obtain, being good writer* and having more or less experience in teaching. The candidates we barn nominated are Mil's Mar. tha H. Johnston-for the Pint Hard ; 11. J. Bennett for the Third Ward; Mr. C. C. Cochran for the Fourth Ward. Wo recommend their appointment. J.vs. Dhows, W. M. llbbbox, Samuel L. Marshall, 11. MacrEnnos. Items.—Joseph Iltrtman was held to bail by the Mayor on Saturday to answer a charge of maintain ing a nuisance, at the next term of court. Tho Al leged nuisance was keeping an establishment for making material for cement roofing, and tho neigh bors complain of the fumes from the tar used. On Thursday afternoon John Henry Maxwell, a band in Hazlett’s Lead Factory, Allegheny city, took a bleeding at the nose and month, and in about one 1 bodr he died. Medical aid was called in, but it could afford Mm no relief. He leaves a wife and ono child to. lament Ibeir sudden bereavement. In this whole city, the Lumber of deaths as reported by the city Physician last week was only 16—Meles 8, Females 8. Can any other city in the land show each a record? Tho Mayor has dismissed watch. man Link for declining to aid officer Noble while making an arrest at Mrs. Miller’s on Saturday night. Drowned,—Tho Coroner went yesterday, (Sunday,) morning to hold an inquest on the .body of a man who was found drowned near the mouth of Saw Mill Run. We did not go to the inquest, and arc therefore unable to give any of the particulars this morning. A Race is to come off, on Saturday, 18th inst., oq the usual Monongahela course, between the row-boats David Holmes and M. F. Cassady, for a purso of $2OO, with picked crews. They are . both good boats. QAMRLiKO.-~.Vld. Rogers* police arrested six colored men, on Sunday, while gambling in a house on Fifth street. They were fined heavily and-some of them committed in default. ; W*~4atrn that the Pennsylvania Central Rail road will issue excursion tickets over their road at half tho usual rale of fare, dnring Ibfi contin uance of the Williamsport Encampment.' Rev. Do. Douglass of tho Reformed Presbyteri an Chureh of this city, sends us a budget of tho Loudon Times nowspopers from London. Ho was la that city, therefore, on thc2lat of August. Lidx&autt or Pnrstciaas.—lt has always been eaid that physicians would disparage any remedy, however valuable,' which they did not originato ; thetnselves. - This has boon disproved by tbclr lib eral course towords Dr. J. C. Ayer’s preparations. They have adopted them >nto general oso in their practice, which shows a/Vrillicgncii to countenance articles that have ’ioUjnsic merits which deserve their attention. ThU does the learned profession greet credit, and effectually contradicts the prevalent erroneous notion that their opposition to proprietary remedies is based in tbeir interest to discard them. We have always had confidence in the honorable motives of onr medical men, and are glad to find it sustained by tlio liberal welcome they accord to such remedies os Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and Catbartio Fills, even thoagh they are not ordered io the books, but arc mado kuown to tho people through the news paper*. —JVeio OrUxinw D*ha. J A Bekedt Tor Hot Weather,—The very best remedy for this hot weather is to drop in at Down’s, Federal St, Allegheny, and treat yourself to a saucer of their delicious Ice Creem, or a glass of sparkling ice cold Mineral Water, flavored with the choicest of. Syrups, and drawn from a fountain in excellent or. dtr. 1 Their stock of Cekes and Confections ere of the best description, manufactured from good mate- and got up in the neatest stylo imaginable Give tiftpiacalh- - r t : Tee place to spctmui sanccrofdelicious Ice Cream, to cod off inaortttvontUolod-Mxl Itamjom nlooo, fitted a. In thß.cctest rtjlo, the plncoto .ojo, on boo?. ch»t with Jtrar «ftl or nw»th.«rt,: whU.I lip. ping tho cooling nmlhedtbp; Jnxu»7,rinenwtaj tbo b«t of oOcmd eonfteupnjr,, fwnUj br«d Md 100 Ciown are mwloMdooWi tbc pl.cois Outee i, Su Clolr bL, per Liberty. . . ■ .... T ~Tno.il whom w.rdrobo’reqolrM replonliblog will fifid .t C.ipi S hio’f, Fodofol .tteot, AU.gl.nj City, a full variety of fine cloths, cassiroerus and.vastinge, of recent purchase and desirable styles. Besides a good stock eLwell mado olothiog for men and boyi.t P>» J. Hoctetteb’s Celebrated Stomach BjtUrftfot the cure of hw *nd Ague, Is beyond ell coo« Ltjoreny ibe e*&»t*Da W mqv«i j Uj*t could be u*d Vy £*»®* f **»• •hnr. aator*. The most Lev* often been pro ..veaudby lbs meet this reliable remedy. The **»turs* have been used by Ute proprietor la snexterislveoractke. in ■tt»etra*tg>Cßt ef Fevst end Agne. far a uumher of yms, eed its wondarftu eureure power* at* wed known bun to XhsprtM and tbo pebUe. Those who deefr* atborewtf of thelr nUMssyiteu, shonld not fail (o ust tb* ? %u byProggW V tievwhwiwjnd by HOfllium A j 7 at^ ** M v**-* - q v ■Whm the New York City folks say ofDR. SleLtu's rvryTi«*TT» Vxuxzcax, mura&etaad by Flem lag Bros. , Sew YOU, AuguM 25,1F5*. This Uto certify that lam well «eqi»int©S™ *““ fifty year* of ija, fiw many years a ««Ueat of this. city, who has-been et time* extremely HI, Vnt could not UII Inm what cause, unlew it wnawurm*. Ho toWhUattewJ lujtphysician bu.oepldon*,tatthft phyridanat oncerid- icaleil the idee, and refhsed to attend him any looser- “» son the* mentioned J>r. McLaae> N ermtfuge, and aaked biro It he would take it; hi* reply wM—I nm«t take *ome- I thing to get relief, or die. , _ , r , They ll once procured a bottle of Dr. UeLane » od Vermifuge, and be took one half at one doee. The re tell «u. he pawed upward* of t»rec.^Mart»o/«qor»u, cut op In c«ry «u ‘““S* I *"* nnd I. now .njojlog M .xall.nlh.Uth: uni, 111. th.good Sun.ri liii of old, it endeavoring to telio.o hi. nnlortunu. Drigh hor*. Ue make* It hie business to hunt op and select all omo* ilmtlar to hi* own. that may be given over by regular phyaiclana, and indurea them to try Ur. Me Lane s vermi fuge. bo far he ha* induced morn than twenty penone to take the VennlftJße, and in every ease with the moat happy result*. He i» well aatfafle'd that Df. McLane’a Vcrmlfbge preitared by Fleming Bro*_ of PitUb urgh, ia far superior to any other know* remedy, and that if more generally known would not tail to bsto many valuable llm. For further partlcnlars enquire of Mrm-llardie, 124}£ Cannon street, New York City. .... Purchasers will be eanfnl to ask for DR. MTANFB CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, maonfactared by FLKMIHQ BUOS.orPrmBOMB, Pa. All other Vermifngea in compar> laon are worthleaa. Dr. M’Lane’e genuine Yennlfoge, also hi* celebrated Liver Pill*, can now he had at all respectable drux store*. JVori*pfi*iuEfie witAoaf Aetienaittn <(f ao3l;ri Sotx Lusts *su U*s*aot..- C. S. PORTER. Bt*oe Dixtctor 0. M. DAVIS. First eight of tho American metre**, MIBS CORDELIA CAFPELL, MONDAY EVENING, September 6lb, ISSS, «»» be pfMientcd, the great play in G*e met*, entitled LOVE’S SACRIFICE, IHrck MISS JENNIE IHOtIT. To conclude with the fare* of POOR PILLIOf'DDY, GflJlMl PISCT IHRCK PRICES OP ADMISSION Droaa Cird* tnii Pmrqnalte.... Family Circle..- Colored Uallsry Tickets to Private Boxee. Whole Boxes.. Proscenium Boxes.- f^. oo Door* open o'clock: commencing at 8 o’clock. 49»Yarlotui novelties in preparation. Special Jlottces, nf toman torn t. »ott>......—W.M'COtWtran Pittsburgh Bteel Works. JOiNKS, BOYD Jc CO., UanuCsctorenof OAST STEEL; alio, SPRING, PLOW and A. B. STEEL; SPRING Bead AXLES, Omer Boss Owl First SlrrrU, Pittsburgh, ftt. I)7b. R()GKKS Je CO-, uaxoracniuu or ILngere* Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth,, . Qyroer Bias and First Streets, PitisburgtLtgn.. JiiWrlydfc* JAB. MoLAD G-HI.TN aißcricma or Alcohol, tologae Spirits and Furl Oil, foffttdlyb* A'n*. 1 RJt amrf 170 SfmsdStreet HELiIBOLtTS ORNUINK PREPARATION. HELMBOLD’S Genuine PREPARATION. HELMBOLD’S Genuine PREPARATION. UELMHOLD‘S Geualae PREPARATION. I* prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry. wilL the -greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge devoted to their HKLUUOLD’B GENUINE PREPARATION—Fur dtamare of the Bladder. KLlncy*, Gravel a (id Dropey. R‘ the follow ing certificate of a cure of over ‘JO yearn* lUndlDa: U.T. UEtIXEOtD —Dear Sir: I have l>e«n troubled with an affliction of tho Bladder and Kidney 9 for over twenty year*. I have tried Physician* In vain, aud at 1a»( condo deii toglve your genuine Preparation a trial, n* 1 bad heard It highly epoken of. It afforded me imntedUt* relief 1 have n»t>d three bottle< and I have obtained more relief from It* rffect* and feel njuch better thau 1 have for twenty year* previous. 1 have the greatest faith in lu virtues and ct: rati re power*, and ihall do all in my power to make it known to the afflicted. Hoping (hit may prove advanta geous to you to amisttag yon to Introduce the medicine, t ■m truly youn. M. MeCoawtcx Lewi.town, i*a- Jan. 24, l&bT. Bhoold any doul. IboOm-fenlh-rj llnblib l*)U bsecnrvd hnmlnHU. The QrsAbobrryllvsUh PiU »Ul eur» wb«r« spill r«n Cure. Tbo Orarfeoberg nr*efcclj*r;H*sUh Pill cep be taken st eight.' Tbs Hesllh PiU c*a b- token after :rg Ilcalth PiU 1* taken by tbs bilious. TheGraefimburg Health Pill ettree JauuJic*. The Gmefenberg tleallh PHI cures iwnnaocfiUy. VwT a foil account ot all tbo Grarfcnberg medicines, s*a Graefenberg Alra*oara, which esn he bvl gr*tl« at the axent*. Price iS cents a Imklyn,N.T. For *alu by DR. GEO. II: KBTBER, No JlO Wood street, and J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny. Signature of Pratt A Butcher cm the wrapper, and name blown in the bottle. aplAafawP Dyspepsia.— A remedy prescribed by regu lar phyrid*ca and prepared by a responsible practlUooer for tbo cur* of headache, low spirits and the long catategus of ills which arts* from derangement of the digestive organa Is presented Id DR. WILSON’S PILLS, which have been approved and used by physicians for thene purpose* for 20 years past. They ore prepared and sold by B. L. FAHNES TOCK A 00-, Wholesale proggist* and proprietors of B. L. Fahoestoek’s Vermifuge, No. CO cornor Wood and Fourth Pittsburgh, Pa See advertisement on Alb page of this da)*’paper. ao3l-d4wT Galvanic Battery, or Electro Magnetic UacmxES, for Medical purposes, of a vary superior kind will be sent free of Express charges, wherever an Exprtm run*, npon a remittance of Ten Dollars. AddnwsDr. QEO |L KJtYBRR. No. lW Wood »U Pittsburgh, Pa. apfcdawp *~To faarrooa retired Gentleman having been natoted to health In a few days, after many year* of nervous suffering, will send (free) to a#%Ut others, a cupy of tho prescription anda supply ot the remedy, on ro ceivi&g a stamped eovrlotm beating the applicant's addreoe, Direct tbo Rev. JOAN M. DAONaLL, 180 Fulton street, Brouklyn, New York. aiiMmdeodaamwT MURPHY a BURCHFIELD have reo’d a lot of Figarod Bwfas MotUns, a decided bargain. Ala >, and Linen Collars, lower .than usual. And wo are now offering our Borages and Grenadian Rwtwwi at inuoh lower prices than aold at early In the season. WINRS AND LIQUORS —1 liaveconstants ly on band alsrge supply of pore Wine* and Liquors far tuediciniil jmrpoee*. Those wishing anyUUog tu this' line can rely upon getting a pure article at JOB. FLEMINO’B, j n j2 comer Diamond and Market streeL OIL CLOTHJ^—A large assortment of floor Oil Clotb* on bind, from 3 ft. to 24 0, wlda, at Tory low pHcM for d«h. W. ITCMIITOCB. huIO . So. 112 M*rk»s itrwt fTVEH-Y description of dress Iji OOOD3, Elmwb. Work ColUra.Ae, aellleg cheap. w 3 G. ITAtIgON LOVE, U Market etrwt. LARGE LOT of Sclfridges, Chocks an< outer Pry Good*, opened lliii day. *ulS O. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market atreet. ON HANDS—an excellent stock of Parlor, Chamber, pining Boom and Counting Hoan feral* tnreat low price. (aa2l) T. B. IOONO k CO. IVTEW STYLES OF FALL DE LAINES Joel received O. HANSON WTB, „2H 74 Market »tr»ot. FAMILY FLOUR—a variety of choice brands lor nl« by M'fIAHK A ANJKB. Bags, BAGS.—Seamless Bags always on bud. ThaU*d,««m>Hpd »t Boston priew; Injgbt Md«b mus nftcncooK. Mcoanror aco. EXTRA FLOOR.— too Bbls. for sale by „l M'BABiS > AMJEB, m S«cn»B,*fcodd tho threatened attack by tho mob be made. Tho naUj of the Quar antine ground, are •Inetlj gnarded by the police. Matthew 7 Carroll, lirery .table keeper W Mailer, lager beer ralnon keeper, nod Chaj. 8. Be Force., Justice or the Peace, hare been amatol. Some hun dred and fifty warrant, aro out. Philadelphia, Bcpt. 4.-Tbn great Sl.rery tour namont between Pnreen Brewnlnwj or Tennesrre. , and tho Rev. Abram Pryuo, of hew England, will commence bore on lueeday evening neat, and con tinoe for flve jncccJiivc evening.. Roth gentlemen are now in thi» city. Mr. Brownlow 1, nnfortnnate ly afflivted with bronchitte, rendotiog it noceriary that his argument, he read by another. Pmi.APEi.rniA. Sept A.—The People. Con gressional nomination, are n. followe: Eiret Du trlct John W. Byan; Second E. Joy Morn,; Third, John P. Verne; Foorth, Wm. MiUward: Fifth, Thomas Black. Sr. Louia, Sept 4.—LeaTenworth dates to the 2d per U. S. Express Company, haro been received at Boonrille, The Pike Peak gold excitement is on a rapid increase. Two old Californians came in yes terday to make arrangements for working the mines successfully. One company left for the gold regions yesterday, and others are now organizing. St. Loom, Sept. 4.— Tho Democrats of tho Sth district of Illinois nominated Philip B. Fooke for Congress in place of Bobcrt Smith tho present mem ber. Seventy ballots were cast.. Wasrinotqs, Sept. 4. —C01. Hector has been in structed by tho Secretary of the Interior to proceed to Florida, and, as soon ns the season wilt pormit, to takomeasures for the removal of the Seminole*, who ore now in tho.overglad«.«. Tho Indians will he re moved to Arkansas, whithor Billy Bowlegs and his band were transferred, should the negotiations prove successful. New Orleaks, Sept. 3.—Tho deaths from Yellow Fever, yesterday, amounted to eigbty.&vc. New York, Sept. 4.—A1l day long the ruins of tho Quarantine building* were visited by tho curi uuafcinany of them from New York and places nearer and more remolo. Tho inhabitants of tho Island adjaoert to the Qoaranttne Grounds were loud in their expressions of Joy at tho destruction of tho buildings. The boats were crowded with people, all talkiag freely of the one all-absorbing topic. Those bound for the city were heavily freighted with tranks and chests, band-boxes and their owners, removing apparently “for good," as tho sayiug is, from tho Island. The appearance of tho Quarantine Grouuds •to ono approaching tho Island from New York, was desolate in the extreme. The Quarantine wharfs were still on Lrb; tho : blackened pillars and walls of tho Femalo Hospital-! and tho adjoining buildings riving out of the ruins i that surrounded them, the blue smoke rising over i them and borne away by the wind from tho south* - l that prevailed ail day. the smouldering heaps of | | ashes further hack whore lb dwellings of tne physi { rians and the quarters of tho laborers formerly stood I —the wholo scene wm in marked contrast to that I which was presented there a few days ago. OS (be Quarantine station some 60 or 70 vessels, of nil t classes and sixes, were ridiog at anchor. When our j reporter attempted to enter the Quarantine cnciu. mre. his was et first obstructed by onu of | 1.5 watchmen placed at each lyeacji in the wall tu j keep persons out Thoy wero them by order of tho ' Colleton Board of Hotlih. U- Qcaravtixr. S. 1., Priday—f P. M.—The stearn rboat I>r. Kane has just arrived from tho city, with I 100 policemen and a six-pouuder. They have also : tents for tho sick, of whom there mre fifty, who hare been exposed to tho wind and sun duriug the day, ' and are uow under a drenching rain. Mr. Bilks, tho second assistant engineer of stcamor Philad lphia, lies dead of yellow fever among them. He died this morning. Ilrs. Uisicil and Walserore devoted to the rirk, tending and administering to their wants con stantly, they themselves being nearly exhausted from : want of sleep, excitement and exposure. | Three sick meu from the ship Liberty, from Now | Orleans, are lying on the pier, there boiug no shelter • for them.—aV. Y. Times. JA7NSS’ SSSZNTBA STOBS, NO. n* KIWTII STREET, P!TTR D V R 0 11 , PA., &. JAYNES. Proprietor. OUR PRESENT STOCK uF GREEN AND BLACK TEAS Was uli-cN with care, and 7a it bared from the tuoat relia ble Tu our U«i <-i> d.«r>jr* towlw (bum Tea* of aej *r*‘r quality, *t th* T*rl.-i:* price*. W> no cvutAtctten wjtJ» *nj- other T«a Bl«re, and »»' n >.iir . <,(tA.iner* »u-1 Mi, |>ubli« «|;ii|«tl UuiiviUiQli. KXRSMIIKH, OUH«NO. 1H On. NKaM WOOr> BTllEirr We are. well with 810 *M> JAVA OiyrßK; Crn*ii*«i, I’d!*m ifrccnU to £S)u, are always on exhibition, In am* pie eliow cum Our New IVtfrlpliv* Catalogue, cnnlato ing * large variety of Book* lb cr»ry d«p*rtm«-nt of Science and Literature, (allot which if» acid «t regular pubtivher’s prices, i and .explaining owe new and Afijriualij/ittzi <>f at lowing »rery purchaser kit own piflt, and retting forth tn«r»|nalle»l Inducements to AOKNTd, wll! be »c&t, post paid, many individual. on a|ip}iralt»e. Aobkatown Rfud. THE subscriber haring the Right to manu facture and Bell A. EALSTQX'X PATENT Of- PROVED CLEARER ASD SIPaRA TuH, be do* of fer* to (ha public a Machine wlilsh be will warrant for ret terial. woTkm*n*liip end draught folly e*|oal. If not’ tnpe rlor to any now in use- Ail Unde of grata lravathrma thine perfectly clean and ready for market. Haring Leon io Ihe aboT* business for upw*r-!« of twenty year*, and having made Mveral valuable impiovementa of lain, Itan confidently recommend them at above «t*U.-n at tha wareupiirei of Messrs. 801 l man A Harrison and order* loft with (Kern at the office of the Pittsburgh Foun dry, Ne. 119 Smithflald street, will bo promptly atumdod to. B JoUN TDBNKH, Noblcetown P.O-, au27;4tw F Allegheny county, Pa Net Caab Dry Goode Honeo. 1858. NEW STOCKOFFALLGOODS. 1858. Eyre & landell, fourth .t arch Street*, PHILADELPHIA, bare is store and daily re cdvtng a fine stock of Fall Dry Good* waited to the Near Trade. BUck.Sllke of all grades; Fashlooablo Fancy bilks; Shawls of all the newest style**, Dress Hoods, in foil variety; Staple Hoods, In Igrge stock; Fancy Caasltncres, Cloth* and Vesting*; Blankets, Quilts, Linen Dacnaaks, Ac.; N. B.—Good Bargains Daily received from New York and Philadelphia Auetioa Sales, g®- TERMS Nrr Cash.a.td Paices Low. ati‘J7:3n>w V To Economical Families and Ladles, Married or Single- FOR FIFTY CENTS oncloscd, in postage stamps, the undersigned will forward,-by return mail, the followfug.invmlaablo household receipts, made without tronhie, and Bill printed Instruction*. For tep cents you can procar* phat would coat atthe store one dollar—viz: liens to mako Poodre Butitlo, for Removing Buperilunu* Hair. How to make Tooth Towder. Ilow to make Hair RiwtoratlTce. H*w to make lloir Dye. flow to make Pomadee. Uow to make Bloom of Bones, to remora Freckle* from the Foe*. How to make Brags for the Complexion. How to make Indelible Ink. How to care Cornil* How to makeOemeat, far mending broken China. ALSO, Harper Tweleetreee’ eeUbrated Washing Becelpt; yortr waeljlngdi.no In half tbo time and trouble. without wearing out jour clothes with the Scrubbing Board. J*efc3inwF DIL CVIUJBU. MOtT, Brooklyn,. N. Y. parmbr ? s - dbposit BANKING CO, Mo. SO Fourth street, Tmu dock *bt or. *nt max or rmsscMn. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS, This institution was organized In 1834, and still continue* under the seats careful and prudent management, which bos so long afforded satigfoc tion ‘l l ' accurity to (la depositors and customers. Its itockholders srs atl Individually liable for any moneys de posited, and besides (lie moosy sml property df the Bank itself, tbo undersigned are istUTianall/ responsible to dopo*. Hors to tbo whole extent of their private menu*; James Marshall, | Robert Oalway, John Scott, 1 Bay Walker; DtM BWJon. Robert Doll, Joha M'Dovttt, KJcUird Floyd, Joseph Lo»v, EXECUTORS' NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given I tut letter* te*»ment*rj opoo the eetete of Those* Uiod, leie of thedty of Pittsburgh, deoeewd, here been granted to the tmderdgncd. AUpereonjjndebtedto niduttH will mebe pijintot, end Uiom hevlogcUtitu will present them, duly nuthefill* caUiJjto tbo lubecriber*. .. ,♦ _ ALKX- U. MILLBB, No. 139 Fourth «t, . ANDKBIFFUSMUW. Bhtth street, ; Bxicotors. 7og.'y. hajujutON a op»> taiSINIiKBS Ac WAOHINIBT9, OoT»trFiTn**dLibtrtySn.,Poontbop..FuW. A C 1L R/ Prica. »13»~-imaa e**j; tor fnrtbtr panictilur* raquir* «( M«om McCook. ■*»•*» PitUbugb, or tb* «bteriWf; OO t£* P r—ui * - '.nnx3 m dm™, ii “ ' -t . JOnN T>PJtTKBS,iI. p.: HAD.—7 bbls. No. 1 Shad in store and fcraUlowfcrca>hftllßSLib«rt)f*tm«,bjr,r. < v-v >• *,2 *_ WULTSrt QO:- OPESiI, WHALEMAN!! STRAITS oid, n JaatweaiTlM » InTOiotfcy *£i r atAOKEOWH k TiKUnr, ■ i- . . ■ ' ■- rrr. IMMII Commercial. COMMITTEE OP ARBITRATION FOB AUGUST. untn Dicxxr, V. p. C. IT. Paciaos, Jakes Qutciii, Dino Cuivku. Avsna Looans PITTSBURGH OUUKBTS. [Reported SpeMaßp-for the. PiUzburyh Gazette.) Pmacpson, Mosdat, Sett, fl. 1558. FLOUR—Safe* at mill of 170 Nil* extra at $5,30 : 43 do extra family atso,lo; and 20 bt-U do trotn first band* ot S3J»7!«, inlJota at $5,30*3:45,40 fur niper, $5,02 for astro, and «0.57*fd,12 for family do. Ry«J Flour, 10 bM» a. mill, at $3,00, and 20 do from More at $4.00. - PEKD a sale at mill In one lot to go East, of 100 tool Bran at «II,OQ ton. and 100 ton* ship feed at $l5. DAY—Sales at acsh** of 5 loads, nt StHj?>slo,so ton. BACON Salw:c*( 1 1.1-s-0 IM Shoulders and Hams at 7 and 10c. GROCERIE?—SaIes of V. lids N\ N. Molasses at gal. CofTee, sales of 20 ling* Iti-► at 12*-j- OIL —Sales <.l 10 bids Lard No. I at 85c, oad s.bbl» Lord So. 2 nt 75 *1 pal. EGOS—Salt* of 200 dozen at 7c. I’KACICK?—SaIes of TO baskets at $2415<352,50. CUKESE—SaIes 20 bxs W. H. at 7@7^. WHISKY—SaIes of fir, bbl* rectified, In lots, at 27@23. WOSETARV AND COHISIERCIAX. Madison C. Johnson haslw-n elected permanent Presi dent of tho-Xorthern Dank of Kcutneky, In place of Mathew T. Scott, d ere used. The Louisville Journal say* of this ap pointment ••The nnroiutroont i«. in every respect, a roost Judidoos one, and will tmi:t t!»- h-Arty approval of sll who look to the sncct-ulnl mnnaxminit oi thu lustttmion «• essential lo the pr.**poriiy i;f the people " Iraac \V. bestt has Wen elected a Director in the same it,- stitutiuu, io place of hi* father, M. T, Scott. Tlie CioHjnati Price Current says that “ the agent ol Bell, (iract A Co, of London, England, l>ai boon here for (be pa>t mouth, we understood, with the Intention of enter ing salt opcitißt the directors of the Ohio Life and Trust Company, with th- view of making them inalvidnallj lia ble for the debt* of the Institution, and It is thonght be will Tu* Grain Tram or Cntrvio —During the last week there has horn p*o*iv«-d ni Chicago 10,984 barrels of flour, 401,7 k 3 br.»h>-is <>t wheat, f-64,053 bnshels of corn, |the great est amount of corn received here in any ono week this m son, ex.'i'edirig e»eu tl*o receipts of lavt week, which were _&89.933 bcshtls,! «u-l 27,443 bnshels of oats, making oner a 1 mif/ioM <■/ t'Ujheh o/ijratii, namely: 1,137,724 bushel a. The total receipts of tin- season are now 250,99 Q barrels of flour, tt.A15.757 bn.liels wheat, 5.597,751 bushels of l,* 750,483 bnshels oat+—making a total of nearly sixteen tni'f iton bathcli oj bls floor, 3,050.000 bnshels wheal, 0,500,000 baabele corn, and OJiLOiXI bnshels oats, making a total of 11,025,100 bnshels ol grain, ami showing an increase in the receipts of this year over those ot last yepr, up to this time of 4,t’152,995- bush ed*. Tbt> shipments by lake during tho last week hero been 7,S*O barrels fl-.nr, 151.745 wheat, and bnsb vU corn, making a total cl <nrt/fn million I'UiheU of r/niin. namely 13,771. MU bur.bel*. Tho shipment* tiiit tune lost year were V 3.000 barrels of flour, t unbels wheat, VIKAO'Xi tmeinds corn, and 180,Qu0Jt>ushels imls, making 5,455,01X1 bn*hels, ami show ing an iuctraw iu the vliipmtou of this year over last year, Up to tills time, of 5,U'4u.5!>l bushels. The grain market has boon )ou the wharf is very Itvoly ; On tba* part nf the levte where the boat* on cc,ah one*, landed their grain, a floe crop has sprung np, and tlie hard eloiiea are cametert wltlvgreen. Weep and howl, oh, Babylon, for grass eprtngeth npju (by market place*. All we want hero now It water. We would be doing a •mashing busluewi at once if wo only had tbe water. There is an übuiidauee of freight, fur a time ai loast. Wo perceive t-y ihs sal-julnedeitract thateoin* buxy-body bss Well trying to d*Utue tTapt. ivlinofilter ’ *• Moaauriai were Ixdngadopted by genltcmen In this dty, to the I'alaeiii-xs and absurdity nf certain charges tu;tJ« reoenily by a Nlumphis editor. Capt. Kllnofcl «.-r, of the ill-UtiiJ when on* or the gentle m»n ailti-U--] to, h.iving tawme ■'eriiuiUy nnwrll, tho matter hits been neglected since, hat will receive atteotioo In duo time, li will ihi-s of the paper money con •alt,«*l jn the *al». were carolully examined, mod thedispo kiti..n Unit sin itudr of the confused tn’ip of mle-shapcn rein: Imw ('.ipi K. tia-l to borrow money b- pay h;s way up th- riTi-t. Alt this, and rr.me, ts to bn cxpUiocd, and tho exfK-dtlon will confound tho srrib-r of the article la quee tlon. and. those who were s > ungearmu* as lo helicva It." Now any man th-.t Kimetellcr as well us we, lil< M|nw-citiaens kumr tDat Ii- list iucapatile of doing my ihing ih>' kind lnutuaUd a< he Uof flying; Shame : onyour Memphi»edi» 'r' Y.-nr xpng of Southern chivalry. I Shame. Capt. Kltn-f-it- r .-tigljl to take >t > farther notice of the matter Lhau t.i reiiuu I tbs tUn-leror how important It is to ke-pa dco-ut pen in hi* harut. No Sale.—Another attempt wss mvlo on Saturday morn ing t<- ~-U the •t-iuri'-r J. W U*Umau, at public nale. The bhidiog *m very lam**.and coatroenced at $ll MXJ, which liyure was ndvsncv.i «>» f ll.SOtt, when tHe bidding wasclosed, with the anuviimvni-.-ut that noeaJejwai made. It was, however, tu'innt.d that «hould certain portles. who appear pj| to be ontracting privaicly for h.ir, cl-s»wl a wtihin a!«w day*, slm wi-ul-l again tw put up at public HUtl’ll The m L-"»ts l»*-f»ub1ifan r-f Friday . •‘The IHdliil-ij-hta np at 7 o’clock, yesterday morning. The Randolph caijis dv>wn at ■r. K, and tl* Osidcti, with two b*rgr« tu t-isr, went tip tho Ohio In lb" iflcrtin.-t! . The N-w V.lb I'll vmi from bt. l/mn st n-x-o. yc*ter ds*.ni- l «iUieavo.-u !l." arrival r.f rde rt»r» this morning. £h- uku f; >ni l.r-re is>9<-r 7'K> Utns of freight including lto- ennr <•( the Ark«n*.u Traveller uad Miutiv.onk*, and The | a wwr.k r.u» fi'm Cincinnati, ai tl»wd at” ‘rl. -li. y-*:--rdsv • vc-ninj. v* till a b.taty frrluht f-»r St, , L'-'-it, 'i!id nlk-'.ii 1.5 tons I 1->»«tU «iM«r. J*T.e- had a bar*« p«'»-t a flat 111 UiW . wut-h situ Uuioaded h.m, *L»d lvaVea lor ; 61. L.-IIIS tins morning. ‘ C»pt W C tliri i-.-n. forinrrly «l tin- J C- H-iOQg, bought the stTHHiri htin-low I.r, a day ot two ago, for tli» sum of $4 • yiQ. At Sheriff's sjJ». Steamnoat Ktgiiler. AtUUVKO DKPAP.TKD. f.nv-'in'-. Itr-.wn**lll» i T« d.i. . j do. C*-t—«■*! Hsyar.l, Hllial—Mi. , C-. 1. Itivrs— 1 U r> m r isitf.v Telegrspiilc aiarketa. Sr* T'dlE, fvpi. Cott'in l>o<>jant: sola* yraterday of 2 600h»'.cs and t-wlij- cf ) iXVj bj!<* Flour doil; 9.800 bbls ■ole, Ohio Jj.?&•.'£() Who*' quiet; fj.iXW insoold: red $l.lB <&I.SO. nlaift (1 Cura dun; 23,000 baa outi!; uhito j<*Uow 90c. WbUkey firm at 'JiUe and holder* domstul 25c. Sugar quiet. Freight* on Cotton ti» Liver 100 l anil Cacou quiet Lrsth-r ts.quint t-nt Heady.— ,ln*o*d'»il l* iDwiiii-. mU* »f 40,000 g*Jt. at 75e. Lard b dntl nt ‘•ofiiiK.v. Ui jrs are tinn. Stock Market.—Stocks firmer; Chicago A Hock Island 7‘A,; Michigan Southern 24, N. I'. Central Kr*-Jiog ij. MltsoTiri Slxct Si-ll; GalenaA Chicago R3|.i; Michigan C-otiol .V?*C En« Tenareiw fixt* 90$'; Indiana ritv«A9} k . * Cjsvt.x.>i*n. Eipt. 4 —Floor firm: u1r52,500 bU*at $4,86 gtifonupcrflnf ir«ipt« f»lr. Whbkey opened unsettled atid bt jeri offiiwl but after the advance of In New York w«s made known cu change vCU bhb ooldot Ulc liottbf market closed dull utthbratr, Provisions are without any essential change; nothing hu liven done ta Indicate any Important f-ature. Linseed 01 ha* advanced to Sec and la *ouJ demand. Sale* 1,2v0 h«ga O’fh-e at H@ 12c. Hualnc** is quits ortlvn. Money l* cv; and In Rood demand. Unhangs on the East hna declined to P* f coot premium and is dull* PuiUJiCJta*,wpt. 4.—'Tho Flour market firm: there la hot little rnqo iry fut export; *ale« extra at $8,25 to $8,50 *nl<*» to tho trade at ss,l2j{ to $5,25 for old stock; superfine s.* ,60 to $5,75 for fr.sh ground; s, Tlcnry’s, Murray's Flold «uid Citrate of Mag nesia, constantly on hand at JOS- FLEMIRO, au2s _ corner Diamond and Market at. Flavoring extracts, com starch Bice Flour, Kurina, Cooper’s Refined Stared Isinglass. b*go, Pearl Harley, Ac, for sale nt FRANCE'S Family Qro eery and Ten Store, Federal st* Allegheny. nu 2 HANDSOME Dark Wool Do L&iois at Twelve and n half cents per yard opened this day, also newetjles dark Prints. C. IL LQVK, onlO 74 Market gt. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE Dry Goods; a good owortnu-nt always ou baud, O. HANSON LOVE, tu4 » 73 Market street. Y* ARNISIIES— -10 Mils. Coach, R do Co]>a4 i do Dnmar, Just rcc’d and for sale by 5 l>Mt. Furniture, 0 On Japan, 40 On Ai|ibaltnm, MACKEOWN A FINLEY CALL nt our Warehouso and examine ou stock offninlturo, Iwfore purcliailiur elsewhere. T. U. TOUNO A CO., sn2l opposite "Olrard llous.',” street. S' UNDRIES—4O:t ska Tenn. TOout; 9 d» FValhers; ou steamer Um pire to arrive, and for sals liy IRAIAII DICKKY A 00. TBANSI*AKENT BUFF OILCLOTH from 32 to Bl lntbea wide; B superior article for sale by jul7 ’ J. A H.PUILLIPii, 20 and 23 St. Clair st. A" LL KINDS OF^GLO at less than usual prices, at Closing Ont Bale of Jn',7 MURPHY A DUItCIIFIELP. Domestic and staple dry goods —A good assortment, C. DANFON LOVE, ? an 23 74 MorkelstreeL . MATTING —We have on hand a large stock of Matting, which wIU b« sold very cheap, ait 10 W. M’CHNTOCK, No. 112 Slurket st. FISU— 50 bbls. large No. S Mackerel; Sohfdo do do do Just rec'd and for sale by T. LITTLE A C 0.,; J 027 No. 112 Second street. W FRANCE, Federal street, near La • cock, Allegheny City, Family Grocer, Dealer in' Flour, Bacon. CotTae, Too, Spiceo, FrnUr, Ac. je!s*Jyd TENNESSEE FLOUR.—IB6 sacks Extra Family now arriving from steamer Clifton. For sale ,|>y ja!3 IBAIAII DICKKY A CO. X\ARK MERRIMACK PRINTS; Cotton 1 / and Wool Muua De I«inc«, now styles, at72J.£ ud 26 cents per yard. C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market a. o c TCS. FRESH BEATEN RICE for sale XfO by SHRIVE A DILWORTH,,' BQ I3 • Ho. 130 Second street. H ONEJ£—16 boxes new White Clover Hooey for tale at FRANCK'S Family Grocery and Tea atom, Federal etreet; Allegheny city. . an!2 MAOKAREL— 25 bbls No. S large mack at»l; 26 nbls No. 2 do, tcc'd and for sol* by nul2 ITOTRY H.COLLIKR ?LOUIL—2S bblaExtraFamily instore and throaleby • . rjc2l] ;■ J.B.CAHFXKLD. lELEESE—IOObxa. of choiea-Cream.GbeeBo f forsola by - tel fa v&.I>A3LanXAOO. V YEf ; W HE E LER & WILSON’S SEWING : M A. OHI IS" ES, AGENT S OFFICE, NO. 68 FIFTH STBSET, THESE MACHINES ■which have gained such an enviable reputation over all OthCr Machines on account of • ' - • 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabrio sawed. • 2. Economy of thread. v ' *" 3. Simplicity and thoronghness of construction. . 4. Portability, ease of operation and management 1 : 5 5. Speed. 6. Quietness of movement. 7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip or ravel.' 3. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials. j * . 9. Compactness.and elegance of model and finish? Are now offered witl all of the latest improvements and advantages at. manufacturers P»ces by ALEX. R. .REED, Agent, 68 FIFTH STREET* A MOST LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN. anJ»:.l*w6»* business ©tjanges. NOTICE. —The Co-Partnership of Baga- LEY, OOSQBAVE A CO. expired by limitation, on the UrstlQfltant. Tho business will bscontlnned by WILLIAM BAO ALKY, at 18 and 20 Wood atroet, who will settle np tho boaiiiMS of the late firm. W. BAGALEY, JOHNB.COSGBAVE. rittibnrgb, July 22d, 1858.—JoOMtf WILLIAM BAGAItBT, WJEXOXsSSAX/B GROCER, Nos. IS and 90 Wood Btreat, DISSOLUTION OF PARTSRRSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing be teen tbu undersigned, under the nuns end etjle of SI'ANG & CO., i« this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner being authorized to nse thenameof the firm in liquidation. CHARLES f. SPANG. JAMES M’AULEY. au7:dlm Pittsburgh, Aug. 6th, 1869. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership which has existed between the undersigned, tram the first day of January, 1866. under tb* name and style of SPANG k CO, was dissolved by mntnal consent, on the tenth day of April last, (April loth, IS08.) Either partner Is authorized to oio the nemo of the firm in settling accounts and receipting for money' which may be collected, bat Charles F. Spang, haring pur chased the entire interest of John W. Chalfani,in the firm, he (the said Charles F. Spang.) and James M’Auley, only are authorized to uae the name of the firm, geacridly, ia liquidation. We are succeeded In business by SPANG, CHALFANT k CO., (composed- of C. H. Spang, John Cbalfant, Campbell B. Herron, Alexander Byers, and- A G. Loyd,) whom we cordially rvccommend to the friends and custom ere of the old Am. * CHARLES F. SPANG. JAMAS H’ACLEY. JOHN W. CHALFANT. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ang. 6th, 1860. au7:dlm ttrgulat Monongahela Hlver tJ. 8. Mail Paokct* ETEAMER TELEGRAPH, STEAMER JEFFERSON, Cam. J. C. Woonwaan. Carr. Uzoaoa Cuak. The above new steamers are now running regularly. Morning Boats lease Pitts burgh at 8 o’clock A. iL, and Evening Boats at 6 o’clock P. M. for M’Keesport, Elizabethtown, Mooonga hrU City, Bellerernon, Fayette City, Greenfield, California and Brownsville, there connecting with Hacks and Coaches for Uniontown, Fayette Springs, Morgantown, Woyneaburg, Carmichael town and Jefferson. Passengers ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Union town for $3, meals and state-rooms on boats Ineloslm— Boots returning from Brownsville leave at 8 oVJock In the morningaud 6in the evening. For further Information en quire at the Office, Wharf Boat, at the foot of Grant street. an& G. W. SWINDLER, AOKSC. THE undersigned have formed a CO-part ncrshlp, under tne style of SbacMett, M’Laln k Co~t for transacting the wholesale Dry Good* business. WILLIAM SQACKLETT, JAMES H’LAIN, HUGH JONES. JOHN AUD AY, T.T. UYLER. BHACKLETT, M’LAIN & CO. Wholesale Dealers an FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, !.Vo. 49 Wocl Street, apposite the St. Charlie Held. au£):lmd N' OTICE TO SHIPPERS.—On and after MONDAY, August 23J, the following rates will be cnarged by the Bailroad between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, on the various classes of freight: First Class 6»c ft 100 Ibsl Flour €oc qibarrel Second « _4Se •• *• Whiskey - Third “ 40e “ •• [Ooiton. 1,40 per bale Fimrth" ~.....35c “ “ | L. DEVKNKY. General Freight A root, P, C. A 0. E. B. line. J.J. IIOOBTON, *txZ7:2ird (hnera! Pieij NEW MAP OF OCR COUNTRY—Pre eeutand Prospective; embracing tbe United BUUa ■ad Territories, tbe Canadju, New Brunswick. Norm! Scotia and Newfouadlantfialfa, Mexico, Cube, end tbe Wcsi lodle IpluJi, CcQirnl ABwrw enr. Base end otbrre,and eU tbe New Settlement*, end even tbe Coos tie* of Returns end Nebraska, each in its proper ell on ' the •imp scale; compiled from Government surveys end . other reliable souicce. Fyrsala by W. 8. UAVBN, eu3o Mas, 31, 33 A 35 Market stmt. Truss and supporter manufac- TORY.—ffcrtwrlght A Tonne, No. 86 Wood street, brg leave to call attention of the afflicted to the fret that they are tbe only MANUFACTURERS ofTRUSSBS and SUPPORTERS In this city. They can consequently take measures, end make to order, these articles, alter the most approved patterns, end famish" them at price* frequently not more thenotie-hatf demanded by mere dealersin them. AII are solicited to rail, after pricing and examining Trus ses at any »tor* In the city, confident that we can satisfy tbs afflicted that It is their Interastto deal with the menu frrlnter. Particular attention paid to repairing. CARTWRIGUT a YOUNG’S, Tnue Maottfitctory, an 3& Mo. 80 Wood street. PROPERTY HOLDRRIt ATTENTION. rasuEor & Jomreox Having inereaasd their fhrilUlm for mnnatkctnrisg end applying w: s. okilds as oo»s PATENT ELASTIC FIRE AMD WATER PROOF OEBTBST ROOFING, ARE now prepared to execute orders for any description ofKooft,steeporflat,at the ehorteet no 'Uceand with the utmost care, being determined to put on Booth that cannot be surpassed for Cheapness and Durability. Our Booth are too well known to require any eulogy from . us. Testimonials in favor of this Roofing and samples can be sctD by calling at our Office, No. 73 Smithfield street. Buildings covered wilh the above Roofing out be seen at 11. Nelson’s, corner of Wylie and High streets; J. Beck’s new lloteL corner of Grant and Seventh streets; Bouse of W.o. Leslie, Esq. Diamond allay, opposite Patterson’s Etablc; Biore of ft. straw, corner of Market and Second sta.: also House of B. H.Boecop, aune block; Brownsville Wharf Boat; House of Robert Flynn, Ootiarem. between Webster and Wylie streets; Store of J. H. Me&oberta, Webster at, Stahls of A. Bradley, coraas of Water alley and Sandusky street, Alleghany; House of B. B. WlDtlns. Baa, Wood's Run; House of A. NeglsyrJohn Scott, Wn. McCall and Mr! Coon, East Liberty; and many others too numerous to men* tton. PERRIN A JOHNSON, ap&dawlyT Wo.Tft Smithfieldsh,Pittsburgh,Pa. OF THE BEST ADAMS GALLERY, * mylMod LATEST NEWSfromallpartsof the world. See the NEW TORS DAILY HERALD, TRIBUNE and TIMES; PHILADELPHIA DAILY PRESS, PUBLIC LEDGER, and CINCINNATI OOMUSBOXAL, Dolirored to erery part of th« city, by taring your addreaa at IiUNT k MINER'S, Masonic Hall. MS Trade rapplled. BOOTS AND BHOBB, CHSAP FOR CASH JAMBS ROBB, NO. 89 MARKET STREET, NEAR TltK MARKET HOUSE, ' Oat jtutncrfred hit large Spring stock of LADIES'. MISSES’ tad CHILDRENS' BOOTS tod SHOES; MENS'GALT, KIP AND COARSE . BOOTS, SHOES, OXFORD TIES, * GAITERS, OPERAS, Ae. BOYS' AND YOUTHS’ BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. A-rery inperior article tod eery teat, Direct from the Hanafactaren. which ta* will mU bp the pint or paoxaoi ttvery reduced prtaea for cub. Thla itock comprlm ona of the largot aeeortmenU to be found in tap dtp, tollable far dtp tod ecrmxrj take, tod having over twenty yean experience in baying, bt tnuta thatbecaanowanltautaatafe He respectfully invitee all in want to edLawarlng them that tbep will be pleated. miCQ. my!7 • ' » - - T'fcßUOS—Phosphora: 1 J . lodide Potash; CtamßbtlUc: Yellow Ochre; * Host'i Liniment; Lyon’s Ksthslron. u. L. r*iINKBTOOK * oo . No. 60, comer Wood sod Poorthsts. Have the new tore daily UKRALU, * TKIBCKE, TIMR9, PHXLADKLPIQA LKDGKR, PRESS, end . OINOZNfIATI COMMERCIAL delivered to eoy pert of tie city et dej-Uxht, by iMViog ▼oar order et Ilttat * Miner I#, 1 #, HeMmle Bill, ruth etreet, *u3l JOBS PITTOCK, Aoot. T)RODDOE FOR SALE—. . JL 9XOOO lbe. ocontry cored BoOc Meet; JSbbU “ « Meeepot*; .180 btw. Dry Applet: 3,000 lbe.cormtry cored Beeoo* >' lattareet. my 3 EHEITBB k PILWORTgR. TVfEW STYLE CAKPEXS—We are just JLI opflttlnßwjnHJMWitjle BnnMli isd thnHlvU. CUT.U,.tilthwill b.»olJjtTOTtow.^£«.*s ME AL—2 bblj fresh ground oat meal Family Floor from JC Nl«3*4VbitaWWt,Jactr«MtTedftx>dfor wto.br ' .BOBBIZ BIOSITi JJi Trout itmt B»rWcoi» W OULD. you be without a. «prine_bed ■ J'" vMiMtn bmoM totbolewprio*d great pain in that re gion. One physician after another exhausted bis skill and gars me up. A patient and persevering twaof MAR SHALL’S UTERINE OATHoLItON fortunately corned me, and I have no words sufficient to express my thankful pen Alas. JULIA ANNE JOIINSON. lean truly say tbatThavo been a sufferer o witclitug- .. curl, ever be without IL Its prai*e is up«>u tLctonguocf j | thousands. ’ j Ttt» A cent for Prof. Wood’s Hair Itestomtlvr* !o New Ha ven, received the following letter lu regard to the ELestora- . i Urn, a few weeks since: Daw* Ritbl Cunn, July 2S, ISid. * Ms. LziVxxwoxtH—file 1 have been troubled with dan druff or scurf on my head for more then s year, my hair ■. began to corns out, scurf and hair together. IsawinaNew/ _ ! Haven paper about “Wood’s Hair Restorative-*' u a enro.— i I called at your stewo on tbe first of Aprilbut,nndpurtha»- • I sd one bottle to try it, and I found to my satisfaction It was • ithe thing; It removed the scurf and hair began to-riw,U? [ iis sow two or tbrve lochcs in length severs it tear ell t-Jfl I : have great faith in it. I wish you to send me two bottles' : more by Mr. PoqL the bearer of this. 1 don’t know as any ' : of the kind la nsed in this place, yon may LaVo a market for; \ l many'bottles afte-r ttUknown here. I Yonrt, with reepect,^^fiMM^^UrU^^ttMM^jjj| _ ' . .jdx«£Si£* PHHAnap H uflW!rsrisi^^ I. W J J fr ll the l-mk part of ay hood almost lost its covering—in f,,-t 3tljaT»* ' l ,* rd , bnt , two half pint-bottle* of yonr Rucamti' e, and bow the tip of ray beau ij well studded with aprouu>inz cron of young hair, and the front it alto receiving tu benefit. I ban tried otiier proparaUous without any beci-Qt whatev er. 1 think from my own personal recommendation. I can lndn«e many other* to try It. yours respectfully D. K.TIIOMAS, M. D. p N0.4C4 Vine ef. _ «, «- Visctsaxs, Ikd., Jun* 13i3. Pttor. 0. J. WOOD-—At you are about to rodtmfactura and Tend jour recently discovered Ualr Rv-toradr* I will: itate for whomsoever It may concern, that I hava vtedit' and known other* to ute it—that. I hare, for •ovcral yonre. been in the habit of uiiug other Hair RettomUvc #, und that IfindyoureTuUynpetiortoanyotherlknow. It entire ly cleaaae# the head of dandruff, and with one ninth's prop er on willreetore any peraon’i hair-to youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and sioety ap« pearanca; and all thia, without diacolortng the handa »»>hl apply U, or the drew on which it drop*. IwouM, therefore, ractmnand Itausa to every one desirous of haring a fine color and texture to hair. Beipectfuily,yours, •, WILSON KING, . Tor tale by GEO. IL KtCTSER, 140 Wood at- Pittsburgh, (pO. J. WOOD k CO- Proprtetor*, 312 Broadway, A. Y.. In tha great N. T. Wire Balling Establishment) and U 4 ilarket street, 8L Louis, and told by all good Drag gixta. ap2o an^hlydawieT Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, P : WRITING—DETECTING OOUNTBFJ3IT MONEY ' : ■ : —MKROANTZLB CORRESPONDENCE—COMMERCIAL LAW, are taught, and all other subject* necessary - £-<■. for the success and thoroughadocation of a practical bu»i- s' neea man. „ 13 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums In Pittsburgh for tho past threo yean, also In the Eastern and Western Cities, for beet, Writing, . • • NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORT AS T . ISFOOflATlOS; Student* enter at any time—No vacation—Time vbli»l v . ted—Review at pleasure—Graduates aaeitted In obtaining > situation*—Tnlikin for PaU Commercial Oourm, ftBsdiO——^ ; Average time 8 tola weeks—Board, rASO perweek—Ste- -i' tfonery, so.oo—Entire eost,soo,oo to $70,00. "• «3.Mlui(tera* son*received atbslf pricy. Fcr Card—Circular—Specimens of Buteesi and Orna- f' mental Writing—indoee two stamps, afid addma ' ' 0 •p 4 • F. W; JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Penna. 1858. CABPBTB. 1»«f. THE MAEKETSTKJSST OAETET STOBlifcs. . IS STILL PREPARED TO SOHly’ lUAtmii tor TOrrt, BnuotlA Aoi In- 1 hate erer before offoredj Ooeoa MalUzur lor .rrfVM **' 3 TtjJjoiwu, *oimfd roßin lomr*3«iSS'Sis^3f 1 ' lov prices. ■ u - n A: Si'KOH'* 00/» aiAUIO DDPLI ISJ R* 00 ® 00 «** y °w dUbritSiiSiSc . • -- - Ootn«rlbrLek«nd8«coodfir*etßi - FREIZIRS. .;/ , ■ ; . ',~~V UOS3K&*3 PATENT 5 KUNCIK FEBEZERfI* Zh*bMt«&dche«pMt . • :. V^V .- nutEZEß^ixibs- Will b* told at M*anftctaw*prtcß. T. J. CBAIS ACO?, 114 Trpod rt, ..- Fish— 25 hf. bbiB.No.2 wo d 80 do Ji 25 bblt Baltimore Herrin*;; 90 do NO-ltrimmedlJlioj; . • -j IftbCdo do - doi do , r IS M*. do Wlifto Tiab; . 80 fax. do . do do ■, •;; 10 do .;do Tmjt. „ • Httb.Hnr'AliirhtiDn’fiili: ■ i - . 30 do. H.F«:Uorrtn*v • '-h Inttecoodlbrsiloby jelg A VILSON. 1 »v j COM by Weight. - f g-*kis nafaiimto L ia prepared to deliTgr in ; ORBWWIBOV* COAIS ■■' 1 J -- ' ” . ■ ctSS;. • - U1 Jkj.iv, i -yWIA* IMWm. JHfcgfcwjji tiwi - .':wm • floiMf Asdtruvil ud •■•• IJUX)WB—Biaket WLUgira lbr.< Calliodgetonat