The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 25, 1858, Image 4

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    D B. A: .
• Minos of tak.
"reliable Information ro»p>
‘of the Block andlloney Mar..
■ * . • Current Sectaritterwlll be sent to
_ , : ' , fiydr«nll« Cimt.
• Xkllnwd Contractors,Bridge uj Cu
lv BadMa liXTßtnpMt. of beet quality ead fo.
- v a*4*ai th#rery lowest niarkst price, by '
•»« No. 114 Second at. Rod 146 Flret at.
LIAM McCBTCHEON, 195 Liberty street, Pittsburgh
kenna: ' *
,25bbta.largnnewNo.3 Mackerel:
25 htdo do do do
* 60 begs Rio Coflee,
, 20 boxes Grant’s Tobacco:
* 80 half chests Young Hyson Toa;.
20 do' superior .black do -
100 bids. No. 1 Salt;
10 casks Potash; -
100 box** Chew. ... . J*22
JX)HN THOMPSON & C 0. t 135 Third st.,
hare jmt recdred and for uJe a tog* lot of
English V«QeUa& Red,
Rochelle Ochre, - •
Vermont Ochre,
French Zinc, - . *
American Zinc,
s*lo - and Whiting.
bbb Baltimore Herring.
25 bbla Halifax Harrier.
20 do No. 3 Mackerel.
10 do No. 1 - do
'2sOf do No. 8 do
25 Hitts No.l, 2 and 8 do
ICO package* Lake FUb, reeolved and for aale by-
Jelß J.P.OAKtiKI-P.
Sundries —.
100 colls assorted store Manilla Rope;
150 bales best NaryO&kum;
. -'25 bbls. Pitch;
40 do B. Winter While Oil;
25 do W. 8. No. 1 Lard Oil,
On band and for sale by JONES & COOLLY.
j"22 No. 141 Water near Cherry alley.
JL/08, CHEMICAL I'OOD.—This preparation Janotin
i tended aeapopular remedy, bet .is respectfully sntnaiUed
*‘ v to the knedlcal CecnUy as a nutritive tonic, well snitedAo
• supply the vast* of elemeatary.sutter in the Unman sy*»
'tax daring the progreea of chroaßcesee, nuticnUilyjs
Dysjwpala and Consnmpticn. TbU preparation is pleasant
. tothe*«e,agreeabletDtheUitaaadgraiehil to the storm
• - *eh, and doee not hahseate by protracted use. Bold whole
■elevcnd retail by JOS FLEMING, ,
Je22 . • corner of the Diamond and Market #t.
Jl LIOBT3, that born Oil or Groaao without
the moat economical and brilliant Taper erer inrented,
emitting neither stack* nor sparks, for a) eat FRANCK'S
.NevJTamilyOrocery and Tea Store, Federal street, Alio-
• . . ..
's • Oa Saturday,-between Washington
• • -AJ[e»aaet, Allegheny city, and Liberty atmtfFUtibnxgh,
. fcOo ”s , Tbe Under will be.liberally re
i#* - «t 211 Liberty street
_ >~ TLH.KINO.
LOST— On Satorckay evening lost, on Fifth
street between BmltbflS<TM*d«t. Uatr, a lady 1 * blvk
velvet belt with ■ttrrr'bnckle.' The Bn** win be suitably
rewarded by leaving the same at this office. jt££dtf
large supply of this retebrated remedy for coughs, eoWs
aaleoaramptioo, rac'd this dsy by JfHL fLNSIiNO,
j»2 ‘ corner Diamond and Market >t-
AKX FISUL—IOO hlf bbla Wliilo Fish,'
CO 6n ■ - Trod,' ■
COO bbla White FI»H, fat t*l« by
;OAXAWiSa UKANDJI— A.Iatgo Bapply of
"Umltt etMrtUil CattvU Bnujdy i«e*d
(hit d»f by JOS. FLKHlfiq, •
JaJ2 - coratr T>ii>mn w> t-wnim -
~¥?lX)Oil Oik OLOiIU-S—A line stock of our
P ©wnaod Matern mibutaetnre. frcaS-t to 24-4 Id
vidtb. cut to fit *ny ■i*'* l rD ' vt,l#
SbIT J. U. PHUXTPfi.SUnd « St.gUlr rt.
' „ iT;u bags prime Kio Coffee itt
-y mr. M for ,e,l, J *7; T. LUJIsV^M
IV g : MO^S£&>-
other.Uooda, ;for
I^i»Vvwe»r —agood MaortroenL
-"Tu« . . O. IIASsOJT LOVK, 7 * Hwket *t
<r '
AAXK Olti.—l hare just received a large
of Por« OUra Oil,i. far taUs voi, of rh«/fliu»r
btMd* (a tbocoontry. . > Jod.yi>lQ(U<o»
js2t '' .- ~ ewoer BuuaaaJ —d Market itwt.
• 1 l»bl« Fiour tcr arrivo and for salo .br
- I<V jo2l lUTCHCOCK» McgRESRY k 00.
WHEAT, WHE AT.-r'We-will pay cwh for
toy muatUj of rood clean Wheat,
jtfzi micncocK. mcukekrt ;
»- . O nc«*.Orgßfidi*«,L.Mra«,X>teM«nUravsobUmbrelUa l
BoopEklrt*,CofMtta,J>a»l«» l^J J
■ J«33 / , . T4MAffcfetntrcti..
Crreaud Fleered Cortaioa.’fljrwle at'wbolrnle
aodirtvllby W, IyMAROHALT. A CO-?" Wood tt.
' ATIVE PAPJSR&—Tester Circle*,
JL/nraßouil Prints,: SUta««, Moulding*,
JJortkrt of rrcnr description, f-<r nUo br
mrn • •• . v. p. matishaUiaco.
Buckwheat seed—ur boa. in • *tore
aadfotaleby . DAVID C. JUE&IIST,
JalO - . conw of Liberty and Haod it*.
Seamless baos—2. -2i und 3 bush, in
■tore and for»al*»l racaccd pricea bjr . . ,
j|T D. C. HERBST, car. Liberty and Hand »t«.
E‘ AMILY FLOOR—SO bbls Extra Family,
aObblibtleSuperflne Floor ftfiaUl-f
injtt . RIDDLK. WDlTfl * CO.. KtU&S Liberty it.'
ply of Preaton Warr ill'* eeWfc rated ffarortor extract*
for k* ere**, cmkee, pki.Ac, cotuttntly cm hn>dat
; je» . , . . V JOS. VITKMiyQ’rS- !
F 3T ATOJS S—soo busk Redo, Neshanuocks
•ad Pfskeyca.ree'it per ■feaawreßdpeHereiid'pladl*' jJcUAIOIi'ANJER;
• • yo.m Second •
vUV/PISS, Doable Crown,' BlOffle Crown and Vedhun •
Jot re&irwS And fir tale at maaufeelurer** nrfc« Riper
VanhaßMof W. B. UA.VBN, -
JtW ' Slarket-and Byootxl Ely
I»S MJfi SWEETLY—Xfib latest and'
■jMMwt fragrant perfnm*;<H"tniM from thft welUttown'
4>9loirer,«enit*ntl/ bindlit
- • • • ZfoB. FLWONa’B,
eorftc-r Diamond tsdMifketKrwt. 7
/HOARS! CIGARS!!—3O,OOO genuine ITn
\J yuxiClaju ofthe **Seni«»* KJonchlu," “CooMtta"
Md Acctoi 1 * bnui | l« t Jmt wt’il liy JOS. yilUflMO.
pero, Ctatou Doc*!, Him* CribAaofli lbtnM, Do* Hen
,• i/. • H>o*ii|»nd Ttriou* other fin* brand* of Cinr*.
■*. s}''' W. *P. RINgTIADT. T?o 129 Wood »t.
-Lf 1 • SwiMMtulln*, at ptryini,
AU aark«d>4oirb at ch*L&jr out «aI» of
' > A I*L KINDSOF DRYGOODS arc soiling
*t clmldr out mU of
* - J»q3 .V . - murphy* burciifield.;
KJEGS G WIST TOBACCO for wfc by'i?!'.'.'-" , •; aintirgß i pn.womlt.j
" ' 1 QAA BAGS-810 COFFEE in store and for"
‘a ’ OGV/nl'' , >ti3 STIKTrEIt * DILWQKTH.
4 * «:•. QA Tons Fife Metal and Blooms for sale by
2* * BBLS. DAMAR VARNISH for"sale by
> l2 jjrß.h.PAimiarrpcß a on.
>S. SUGAR-arriving-wt»d fbr-eal<
\si\9 j ' OARDINKU
Y-'> W
>»itJ«ily>»lfer«i>l*by RPDUyWlltfilCO.
TWACKAHEL—2S hn3f M)!*. targe nhi
fjrWU by ’ i - R.I)ALXBH« M CO,
•f, £'tODFlBH—2tc@. in ctdro and for Bale .bj
CLOTH CRASH—A.good ivsw)
\J toftridth* tsxA »tjU* it Krad £9 St. CWr »t.
' -Jai7 ,-j. A-n.pmupa.
' OTAHCH-300 bn. Pearl Starch >st we'd
*i . - wiO fIKHiIT tI.COM.INB.
*;* ■. vTJRIMK LAUD—I 7 ticrcesNo. 1, tiOwlaud*
y.'f*: for »*I« W *
C- * TOlftTiUS. : WHITE BEANS-ond 30 do Mr
;; •: ' , V r«M mM ft. »»>» by a. Kowtow* ort..
. TVBIED APPLES—IOO, laihrta'stofal ind
■J’l.r I *. i f «■.»!■. It i.. j,H' . ■
.TV ‘
iTAKCfI-—4O-boxestmdsobblsv Pearl' Jo
Ittnw wjtof ■!« by . ; J. 0. CA?»rtgLP. ; -,
wO* by ; ~ <•-fo-.-fl ' B. L. TAUXSSTOCK A CO. ;
bbls, fresh. Egg*-jurt ree’d and
!VWUl>r > T f jc2o ‘-i A-00.
rf>OTATOKS— IOO bua. -to: arrive.-and for
-’ygagw; •- 'w» _j J.n- caxfxbij.'
•* I *
’LIST—SO cak*, a prime nrtide, for wilo
V-.-jtlft.y-.- . 1 ,J.B.<TAN*HELP.
IRON—BO ions for eato by-;-
r » - ■•••; HgxaThicdfcii#g£
juni receivedhritf-fdriH
■.-■1 ■■ ATWELL. LBE ArQQ
-f‘ I'VliT-* -I and for.ttlttby
iiksrt 11.1301.mf3;
.. _•
'S^'" -
looth | icxui!^
20 keg*’.,
30 do «U.-
20 box** *4 lb. iu irendleh Ibtacro:
ftOJifdie*t*RTparltn a. U.anti Mick Tr**;
100 boga primo Rio Coffin;
10 do Urmia Pepper;
10 do do Alrpfoe; -
£OO bx*. Ground Pepper, Almpicm and Ginpn
100 do snpftifar London ana'Anierlcah Ma-dArd;
60,000 German Cigars, bnt brands;
100 boxes Palm mod Jtoein Soap*; ■
30 do German Chemical do
30 do Star Qu^ln;
25 do ilOold’do
Together with a general assortment of nil good* in oar line,
mad for. male at redaced price* for c—V by
wy27 T. LITTLE ft CO-. No. 112 Second *L
QUNDRIES—IOObbIs. large No. 3 Mackerel;
020bbl*.Xo.2M*cker«1: 20hf.bbla.yo.2 do
20 bbla. No. 1 do 25 do “ 1 do
150 “ Pickled Herring: 25 bbl*. Lako Ecp. W. Fish;
30 w lakeßalmcu; 50 hf. “ do do rtn;
; 6 dram* Codfish; 10 bits. Flint Hominy;
M bbla. Pevrtaeh; 100 “ White Urne;
75 “ Hydraulic Cement; 50 boxes. Pearl btnrrfc;
2f>o boxes W. It, Cheese: 25 bbl*. do do;
60 « Eu*. Dairy do; 150 bn*. Dried Apple*;
100 bn*. Clorer Seed; luO * a Small White B, an*
20 “ Onion*. Id (tore mod for sale by
»p 23 J. B. CANFIELD.
SUNDRIES —12 bbl.s. prime Fresh Butter;
40 do tmh Egg*.
10 bo*, choice Pared Peachy
15 do do on pared do
M do Dried Apple*:
100 lb*, choice Goo** here:
- 350 bushel* Peach Eloavun nud N>-
1 bannock Potato**, rac'd mod for sale at No. ISS Liberty *t.
apg RIDDLE, WIKTs ft Co,
jußt receiving and in store.—
: •'VJT <OO tags Rio Codec; 1 200 pkg* Pi Soda;
.30 tierces primo Rice; - »X> kegs N. C. Tar;
100 bbla. fine Syrupc 400 bbla. N'. O, Mala****;
200 hhda. N. O. Sugar; > 100 bbl*. cnt»*d k coift* Sugar,
for «ml* by . myB SHRIVEIt ft DILWOUTJi.
SUN DRIES—-100 bales Navy Oakum;
100eoQsajmorted"*t*e* M. Rope;
25 bbl*. Pitch;
40 “ B. W. Whale Gib.
25 " No. 1 Lard “
0a hand and for *al* b)r - JOSES ft COOLEY,
xny3 Na. 341 Water street. o*ar Cbury alley.
Stereoscopic subscriber
hwjnst rac'd bjr cxprraa a large assortment ofn«w,
beautiful and very perfect English, French, Irish and Ital
ian Vlewt, on paper and onclo** J. S. DAVISON,
No. G 1 MArk*t*tr®*t, near Fosni.
ayl . Bolc Agent here tor the N. Y, Stereoscopic Co.
WPJTING FLUIDS.— Arnold's, Kirt*
laid’*, Maynard ft Noya’t, Darid'a and fllbbcrt'* fot
•ala at tfaa Stationery Waraboasc or W. S. HAVEN,
tnyfl Corner Market anti Second street*.
Coanting Room and Parlor. R-"ta
rAoa**ortm*ntlnlUaewtx>dca*w;elegaoti-aUj!rii« v»v
act raedred and for *J« by • J.'R. HEED A Co n
Jeweler*. No. 6% Fifth street.
. ' ‘ , ■ „ Itaor Belt* *t £2,50 i
■Ait tpnrds, put op Id th* led sfj*
<tetfo>d .Btocla.
Tilii SU USCRIBERy w lit «»£sj) m S5OOO
tba Miawmi rin*rprebrr«L-
VX •. 100 do do kfoUaee*;
30 bbta.CßaMud povilntd Bsgan
160 baft pete* Kio Ooflws in store nod for ml.< hj
Pryll T. LITTLE A CO- 1»S Second street.
boxes fine pound*, received no rooslgnmosti from lit*
laannlartniMr, and vnritias bnpd* irf 6>ajwt»r*a« hand
mitt wUj bo wld at 100 prirom H*. A D. W.VKIi.IIiT,.
E-BESII ,BUTTEB —Prime fresh- Butter
TaUa Batter expressly for family oea, received daily.
Choice Family Groceries; extraqoality Grom and. JUaik
Teas, constantly on hand aid for uU at No. 27 FI Oh *t_, by
riAFE Island flounders i—Cali and
we this Tobacco, black, rich and sweet, an entirely new
article, Jast opened. W. A J). RINEHART,
f apgf No. 12> Wood at.
GUT BDGQY WHIPS — An assortment of
beanUfbl Out Whips just finished, 6, and T ■ foet;'
also afaw 9 feet lona. These will l>« found th« neatest and'
most Hegxat whip* for the season ever sold in this city.
' apftg ' WKLLS, KIDDLE A CO- SO P»oreh st.
HIDES—3OO prime dry Flint;
COO green salted Calf Skhis; _j.
100 do do Kir"!
Inttore and for sale by . ; B. IIAKBAUOn & CO-
Jel ' Tie. 265 Liberty vtoVc
,a large assortment of Dressing, Tuck and Onnibv,
lor salt* at the India Robber Deputot J.A U.rillLLlPS.
Hospital shl&jmno of aii widths and
beet quality for sale at (lie India Rubber Depot. Ce
and 2d St. CUir street. Joll J.-A lI.’PQILLIPd 1
"HRY GOODS of every variety, os cheap as
JL/ they can be found any place. 0. HANSON LOVK,
i J»IS . No. 74 Market itrnM
rpilß best luworted HtocUoC Fancy. Staple,
' Jb-Foreign andDotoeetic Drw Goods in thecity, piatua
MJlandeee theta. - •>. C.HANSON LOVE, Ji
i Jel7-dAwF .4 Marked street.
STEAMBOAT, STOCK.—One-eigbUi ol the
splendid pasMagaFand freight jacket MCTKODULIS
Jur sale oa easy terms by '
326-bxau English B
, Store for tale by .JcCa ‘ |IENRY^
•T I ME—l5O hhliji' XfOuisvßJe Limc lor sale
T?LO Sommer Mills Extra line
JJ Tens. Floor jasi ree'd on consignment fur t«!o by
i Jell ROBERT DICKEY, 134 Prootst., near Wood.
/vt/V/ lJs do be*t JanUt* Biooiua, .
Rac'dand Jot—Joby. .. ~>• K.KOI
2 bbls. Mess Pork;
800 bus. email white Bex on,
Torraleby >i; jetl.:- .-aHBIVEK A Dl]
**\J So do \Wwlt«.*sli<3k*iBl, .s'
: Pot tale by Je3l flllttlVEKA DILtFOJITfI.
; IAKKSH -BUII£R-r«10() kgg cboico packed
A. Batter, 75 firkin* froth" Tails Hotter, from u« b«it
,batter; Cptmty la for a»ie at 186 Liberty
k Je» . WIRTS A 00.
T)ACON—3OOO lbs Ctofcr Country Sides:
X> ; ■ : 2t»oChbl«« HKmliler»;
i ,lfiOOlballams, rac'd andfor wtoet So. IS6
Liberty straci.; c—. JtIDDLH. WUtTd A 00.
EU-r— No. 3 Large Jdackeral, L&lcti .White
ah, EU lying end TrouUo store end (or sal* at No. 185
street, >3l, .. EIDPCB.WIUXSAOU. ...
jastrec'daDd for «t!e st.2G
sod 23 Bt. Clair at . , Jell; , J. A 11. PHILLIPS.'
srtids la aeeibrsaie St tb. India Bobber Depot of
teU- :■ i ■•r.'i r H. PHILLIPS-/
A CON—lo,ooolbs Bacon' bhoullcffi;
► " ”30,000 do. . Skfek "
SOOO Chwr SidM, ter MI. br
3 , Y. LITTLE A CO. No 112 ?.rr,nd
I & r S^ I:R po^
.'..fcgt:.y; ,atbanßaanjbb,!^second^ 1
Isaftir .':u : a do;
1 by lett
T) ACON—SOOO lbs’. i Oottntry- cured Shofrl*
X) Sldseiod Owsuilo store Sort for sslo bv J
j* 9 '. •' r >-rMri3TOiA > ttiAoo.-.
T AlRU—Iu -kegs .and barrels for sale bv*
X iKiftvfuMlJ Mo hjuUog rwa Ann ‘Jlnth aSr
BBLJi' FINK FLOOR in .tore om
' mrei j-VWMmet.ilOMtf.
p£BF U MERY—Labia's. Bazin's, Wright’s
X;mlHUTteilUzirKt,UMl>s bdlcC, toantutlriia
MM.;;"—-JJOS. lUOtmatf
IUAMOIS.i' SKiftß—-3 doj. inreo nid
1 bMTylmWd b, W. 8. HAYKN, SmiliMr.
Xi SCSI KSlVUrfbtp c k,nd *t ■.: ,‘ " ;
JW- ■ .j g. 8. CUTgN'a.'cor. MirUt mid .U,
'-- V.t.UAfEK. BtbUdabr.’
IORNiBROOMS—IOO dos. Bupcrior just
>rtf*a>d tedW. br ' ”T. : trmw SOP*
>EACIIIS-20‘ bus. Xcmn'Dried Bencb'es
Ja-rtoretlUsemawcodSfa.: ROBKR^DICgKY,
to, amViifor
■ '■‘4^:l
-r~IHJCESE—SIX) bxs prime erftam fm- imieliy
iVJSJiil*'.-. :i B.CMHEUu.
- lT.ggEmmafc-p<
* to 40ccdU
,2.1 cla*»)l2U
>t they charged
' iour* after they
*e woary hour* to
jr* they reach the
i still about to correct
.ml (takland Nuiwii*
No. Vl* \k'.-w-1«.
)ainr Chceso
jitSON a co
ERS'for sale
-Sr.*ks. v ! cl«aco^‘Drie
• , 1858.
JCHIKQ AT, Marquette, Portage Lai--,
.r, Eagle Harbor, Eagle Hirer,
fan, La Point Bayfield
.id Superior City.
-leoilUi Fast-Sailing Low-Pressure Steamer*
• NUT.-Muter. (JOHN FRAZER, Muter,
itti'il up passenger and Freight Screw Steamer*
•to. Mu'r|J. I*. Rntca. Mulrr|G. Stom, Muter
Will compose the Line for 1858.
tty ofCtevclaud learei Clevelands
.DAY, May 3 at S o'clock, P. M.
CIUUSAY, May 13 u «•
sNDAY, May 24,... i - “ “
HURSDAV. Jimoa _ ♦*- -
dONDAY.’Junu 14 * k
THURSDAY. Jane 21 „
MONDAY, July 5... _ * •
THURSDAY, July 15 -
MONDAY, Jaly 2* - - * •• “
MONDAY, August I<V - “ •* “
THCKSDaV, August 20, “ *• “
MONDAY*. September 6... *• “ “
THURSDAY, September '•
MONDAY, Septcmtier “ *■ “
THURSDAY’, October 7,..- -
MONDAY, October IS, i -
THUFISDAY, Octolwr 28,... - “ “
MONDAY, November 8,... “ “ “
Illinois leaves Cleveland!
MONDAY, May 10
MONDAY, May 31
TUURSUAY'. Juno 10
MONDAY, June 2]
TUURdDAY, July 1,
MONDAY, July 14
THURSDAY, July 22,
MONDAY, August 2. ....
MONDAY’. August 23,.....;..
THURSDAY, September 2;..
MONDAY, bepb-mber lR.i;..
TUURSfIAT, ScptemWrii,.
MONDAY’, (>ct«lH:r 4, ....
THURSDAY, tVtober 14, L.
MONDAY, October 25, ;L.
Leaves Cleveland. Leaves Detroit,
At 8 O’CLOCK r.M, ;. at 10 o’clock a. m.
do do D> do do 17
do do 2ft •!,< Joly 1
do July 14 do do 15
do do 23 do do 29
do Auij.ll J.> Aug. 12
do do 25 do do 2d
do Sapto'jfts do Sept. 0
do do -Z2 do do 23
d.. Ck t. ; f. do Oct 7
do do'SU -do 1 do 21
do Nov. 8 do Nov. 4
do do'l7 do do 19
With tbo Screw Steamer* MINERAL ROCK,
andGi.N. TAYLOR, tuakiugTHUEß BOATS lear
iugCU'Vcland aveur vrkexthrough the*ea*on.
Tbo -Cl TT OF CLEVELAND** and “ILLINOIS'* bate
been fitlu>t upcxptiwily.Lr tha traveling public; bctagac
bn.)Wiod|;r<l tu print of speed. accommo*DtiODs,and appoint
uictiis, t<M;caPAt»En. Tun “IRON CITY* canM ant com*
plciely i'■unrated; her Cabin being extended her full length,
giving her Oral cUm PAaiiongrr accommodation*; while her
Frvishtiug facilities—with the “MINERAL ROCK** and
“GEN. TAYJ^JR'’—are admirable.
Fur a i'ieaanre Trip, tbe Upper Lake* are becoming each
•uccreding acason m*r« popular; none affording the tourist,
seeking either hnsim-sV-liraltb or pleasure, so many attrac
tion*. Leaving Ck-velan<L the traveller passe* over Ltk*
Erie, thr»ngh theD*9utiTnl rireri Detroit, St. Clair and St.
Mary's; »u 4 over Lake* st. Clair, Huron and Puperiur. pavs
liifi lti« IfJaud t.fsLickltiar,and tho Pictured Rocks; visitlug
Marquette Portage Ijtbr. Copper ITarbor. Eagle Rlvrr, On
tobixfjn. Iji P,4ut, Bayfield, and Superior City, with tuany
other localities of iutentlt; ci'iug Ihe scientific and enter*
t>risioK*aUirieutopportttnß> rhHQng tho Cupper and
Iron Minas; the *rcfcer<>f health theevoi and bracing cth
niate, and aUructlro ssaoery; and fhe sportsman and lover
of tho romantic, th« mMt Inviting Licit Itira for fishing »»■>
TheJ?ie*rn«-n» make Uteroond trip lu eight day* Rosrai
for any of the trips can la* wcaml by addressing
Forwardinc & Commission MEacoANTe,
Clevciaml, Ohl*.
N. B—Mark all r*ckig»t “Car* UvaMT A M’ItUPS,
Clcralaod, Old.i.*’ —ipAhtod
LAKE superior lire
RIL TOMPKINS, Com'r. | Jeax J. Tatlos, CV»k.
Fxih. Kica, th-Mrar.l.
Lenm CAicjtj# . {
At 8 o’clock r. m.{
>loo*l*j_. Jum iiT
Tbnraday.-July ill
'TacjJ»j.. ~ 131
j Learn Milwaukee, I
I At 8 o'clock a. «. |
ilo»*Jsy.„Joo® 'Jxi;
[Fridar July a{
j Pleasure Tript
1 - _ h through
{Saturday •* ulj Gurrgian ZJjy <Ciinwsrf Superior
lloodaj—Au£_l<iiTo**Uy_.An g . 1J S»t.inUy—Auc. SI
JVW»y - r. Saturday.. - 2: Wcd»e«'y~.Stpt. 1
Toe*tl*j—JwpL 7 Jfriday S*pt. ft Sunday ** 12
B*taiday_ ■*. lS|!iu»MUj - 1» rbttr*d»y_ 23
I“rJd*y...-..«ct. I|£*w£»)> Oct. 2 W«ln#»l«y..Oct. ft
TfolMMUy. 13JThund»y. “ 14 Monday *♦ in
Tuf*s»y-- v dftiWftJbM’r. »• 2; ftuoday * a
Monday.—l*uT. S|rar*d*y-»c*«.. ti »*rurd*y„.XoT. 13
~ riwinwmry Marble Works,
No. 333 .Liberty Street, below Wayne,
,UI TT 8 U U 11 U II , PA.
\\T IS HLS' Mason,
T f fiimi tin frlrhde sml (be public IN
hes ImsvO tb<> eb»v« premucn, tor tbe manaCtttars sod m!«
of #»or7 of Mitrbls Wurk, «acb ma
Monnmonta, Tdtnbs Tablets and Qrarostones,
i.f every whtjr mil Umo:
W«otl« Pl«e*&,
O-nitf Ttf.u,
y*er, DortM *
■iid Wash
£U&d Tups,
tFhtcb be is offering Mlowes anyothar
of thoraouoUitM. Ills stock tscoHrvly new, sod Lwlk«s
•elected by htm»li; expressly fur tills market. He u elsu
prepared tolxaild llorhu Ttalu, eadoee Bar Lota with Mon
Me or Stone, and to exncote any other work in his line, n
my of tbeOenieWrins adjoining Pittsburgh.
acrxSs £t rauuswai to
ner.T. B. Lyman, Robert Galway, Kaj,
Una. Hn, WHkius, ; JoliaChiileu, Eiq,
£ad. 1!. ghoenborgrr; W. L. JUngiralt, Bwi-
Chnrhrs Brower, J. If, mu, Kjq,
Thomas Scott, Ktq4 A. It. Cnrllnc, Eu ,
w -E-Bsnm, O.IL While, Esq.
The Tnwfe ftirnUfied with an kinds of Foreign and Butnee
tic Marble, either firiblied br in the rough, at 'Wboleaals
• lie has also made arrangements with the manaCrt:tnreri
Of the liest brands, lot a constant supply of IlydranUe Ce
ment, Water and Lodlsrllle Lime, ana -Waster ParLi, both
air Land at id Stucco Work, all of which bets prepared to
foruWi atehort Quito?. mhl& dly
; on oTnn
of Oas from Itmln and oleaginous itiUUncM
haretUwayemad© them > fsrorlto matortal for the nianu
act are of Xllnmlnating Oas. ManyOos Companies use Bos
in with coal, hi order to supply their custoouirs with a So
i BtfSlN OIL il entirely free from all dross and rofneo sub
tt&ncea, and yields at once, lU~BdlUant Illomlnatlng Qaa.
i V* gtjMnroriginalCMt ef the apparotns for the maou.'
fKatare of coal gas together .with tho attention and expeaw
focstantly required,andtbo difficulty, 11 not impossibility,
Of'entirely separating • the ncwhoUabren, deleterious and
ganwaUa i* ; «sd, reo«W th-HOSINOIL
APPAKATUa cheaper and more deslrablo inetery way.
8. COATED, of 3? odl road way, New York, ha© doroled his
entire attention to the manufacture and saleof Portable Oas
Apparatus and .he rwpeetlhily rails the attention of the.
p«tbUctohUprwnt«mf>lete*iid eißcient machine,
l Perfect Batufsctlnn tothapiirchascr gmnuiteu] in *itrj
Cftstu JTorfhrtbtrinCir&mUouaddresa
& COATRB.37O IS road way. New York;
JygQtgaWdly or BAVIMI. WILMAMa. hiiteinnwli, P<
To the Whip Traae.
WE WOULD ioform our customers west,
and other* interested, that we have purchased the
entire stock and good will of the firm of UAZLKTON A
MOOKB, of York county, Jn this State, who rrotu this dale
decline business in our laror, and have toft thi lr notes ami
accounts against parties West of tho Mountains with oa for
rollccUvu. Wewlll.sssoonos possible, wait
Xomneond thoeeof tbe Into firm, for the purponelif coTl«wt
-4ug theamounts Hue,and receiving their unloni far further
; Oor atock Is rovUrg* sad w*ll snort**, coaprlalae
trrry rttUstf ot BupfM Wiipx, Wagon Whip,; JUding
tSmtoftetand X4tfi/t;*n4 Id ltw« oik ibo sttsauoa of deal
‘“ ' - WJBtte, UI&DLE *<£>., .
No. t» Fourth atrwt.
Safety aaA Eoonomy la Llgftt. .
Xjif HY will jbu. turn Campheno aud fluid,
T v wheirjoacatigetacbMlxjrabd better tight. Fnre
Keroecne oil, made from* the pw of Cannel Coat, produces
the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant.and safe port
able !Jgbs~.evor offered tothe public,-*od
pksloo;,more brilliant thu gas, aiKLqaHe as cbttqt; lamps
of the must simple and easily managed coastraction. For
\ T. D. k (J. UODKIHBOH,
. . . ; ,KOj 12 Bt. Clair st, near the Bridge.
Beware of neoaQurlettalreedyliitlteiuarkcVmade
from CampUcoe, with a little Goal oil to went it, feSJally
'J» T Wo are dafly fcecelring from out own and Hasten
Factor»a,-additi«iet<iourrtosk,Whicheooifateiapart of -
Floor Ofl Clothe,; * Carriage Oil Ootba,
Fcrnitnre Oil Cloths, Table Oil Clolba,
. Crash OH Cloths, • TpoumanDtpU Cloths;
TransitWindoWghMes, BflffHolttndsand
“ ‘ Übade'Trimfetngi.:
llftrrhitts, uoTHekeepers and others requiring any roods
iqoar Hotrare Invited lo call and examine the eteck'and
judge t>r in /regardto the quality and jirfcea. ;
■■ . 17-VHo.-Band2B gt- CUlritarJt
J ULKS HAORI/S-Eou’ Athenienno Hair
Heoorator reetaieftihe'hair to its ortgiQiU Jlferolor,
anu U Is *□ infallible preserver ofths tight War.
ranted entirely ;fredfto4t ‘toy ihjnrions robs tan w*. For
Wleby . , (my») . 1 JOS. FLkMINQ.‘
TpIRUIT -JARS-i-For Iruit, Preserve? and
•. .
/ JAJt
•ervea and Pitfcte Jars.’ ’ -*r—
_ ButTLB , WAX-For scaling Fruit Preserves and-Pickle
.o - j •B. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO,
i-J 83 . :•- Wood and Foordtaw.--
rerd 3 bblar fresh from the agent. In New Yorfcand
*fT ttWatmNCHUJanilly Qrocvry and Te*f
>1 street, Allegheny.r ; ._. -^T-jnl
THORN'S CpmpiDund Extract of Copiuva
anil S*rMMrllhU-x I frmh *opply'of this celebrated
remedyJmt rQc >1 by :. j. /'(myli) • JQB. FLEMIfiO/'.
T 5 RU SUBSEA large nupply of Hair, Flush,
Jty Tooth and Nall itroabesef the flnciatqaaUty. constant*
lyObittixUt'- 1 .• .l . : ' JOS.FLEiIINC’S, L
tny3. . i.eerner DUiaofldand Market street; -■
T>RODUO£--700: ; |>iii!bu white ,Reans; > :" s
AT' iW ttish/tiry. Apples; • ‘ lOlhis, Dry PoaebeSi c l
5 bbU.OountryXard; lo 'do* freshJlullßattarr
-10 do th^LJtgn;-... 100 pds.Jlax;"“
ara, ° tniinEat iiaWoftA.'
| 1
Wlb have also'receMeAa fall aseortiatntof, all the Dew
atylq KmbwtitoteatojQoiUtaaßd Setta/ ' -
"DLANK BOOKS, of an kituU,; on han^Jf
‘iJ tnaila tu ir,ri,.yori"«btirt'lK)tirtkinßUDftOai ; liUj,ntf?>y
.aw..o,Jon»STON A Oo;- -
- gy Bmtß<»*MiSnttnnren. WJTinaattt,
*tl it'*;:.-y:K,i,\a, ■
T>ACOM—I tatak fthonltifny, tiidea A Alaiaf
rj> fe g*oo.
i|l to llt * public sstho brat, mart perfect, which m«ll
esl sclouco can sfiord. Arzx**4jaTac*no-PU-U have txuu
prepared with th* utmost skill which the medical profraelon
0 and their effects show they have virtue*
which surpass anj combination or medicine* hitherto k oown.
Other preparations do tboro or less good; bat thU cures eucb
dangerous complaint*, an rjnlr.k and so rotvly, aateprove an
uacseyaod n power to uproot dlaeaso beyond any thing
Vuilcb men have known before. By removing the übcruc
tlotuuf the internal organa and stimulating them Into
healthy action, th*y renovate th* fountain* ofltfe and rigor,
—hcAlth conrtts auow throngh the body, and the *irk man
is Well again. They are altnlrd In disease, and (Uva«i
only, for wh*n tak.u l>y one in health they prndnre hut lit
tle effect. Tliia ts the perfection of medicine. It is autago
bUUc todiauose, and no tuum. Tender children may toko
them with imynnUy. It they are sick they will curt thru),
if they are well tln.y will do them no harm
Giro them to some patient who lias been prostrated with
hlu,mm complaint; see his taot-np, tottering form straighten
with strength again: see his long lost Appetite ratotu; aoe
hi* cliunmy features bio««oai into health. Olve them to
*om* sufferer whoso lonl blood baa burst out in scrofula till
bta skin is coterod with sorts; who stands, or xlta, or lies in
anguish. Urhis Ihv-h dreuciird Itirtdo and out wttheverv
potion which ingenuity coald suggest. Mlvn, him these
Pills, and mark the effect; see the scabs tall from Ills Ikhlj-;
see the now. f«fr skiti that ha* grown undue them; writhe
lato leper that is cliaa. Give them to him whose angry
humors bar® planted rheumatism In his joints and bone*
more him and he screeches with pain; be 100 lifts been
soaked through every muscle of Lis body with llnfluents
and atlves; give him tliese Fills to purify liia Mood; Uiey
may not cum him. for, alas! thereat* case* which no mortal
power can reach; kut mark, be walks with crutchea turn,
and now he walks alone; they have cnred him. Giro them
to the loan, soar, haggard dyspeptic, whose gnawing atom
och Las Song ago enteu every amtle from his (Aco and every
mnsrlc from his body, gee bis appetite return, and with it
his health; sec the now man. Svo her that was raJi&nt with
health and londtnwM hlastod and too early withering away;
want of exorcise nr mental anguish, or soma lurking die
ease, ba« deranged the internal organs of digestion, aarimi
latlon or secretion, till they do tbelx office 111. Her blno<l
is f itiated.ber health is gone. Give her these Pills to stlm
ul*t» the vital principal Into renowed vigor, to rast out the
obslrncUona, and Infuse a uew vitality into the bided. Now
look again—the raws tdoraom on her choek, and wherelato*
Jy sorrow sat Joy bnrsts from every feature. Fee thesrreet
Infant wasted with worms. Its wan, sickly features tell
you without dirgulscmcd painfully distinct, that they are
eating it* life away. Its pinched up nose and ears, ami rest
sKa-pinga, tell the dreadful truth In laoguago which
"vsry mother knows. Give it tlio Pills in largo dusoa to
swiM-p these vile parasites from the taJy- Now tarn again
and sen the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is It nothing to do
these things? Ka),oraih*y not the marvel ot thtiogcf—
Ami yet they ate done around you everyday.
Itave ycu the less serious symptoms of these distempers,
they are the easjer cured. Jaundice, Coetiveuwe, Uwwl
ache. Bid cache. Heartburn, Pool Etomach, NaunvO. Pain in
the bowels, Flatulency, l*oes of Appetite, Slug's Kvil, Neu
ralgia, Goat and kindred complaints all or Iso from tlio de
rangements Which these Pills rapidly cure. Take th»m
(•eraeveriDgly, and under the council of a good Physician If
yon can; If uot, take them Judiciously by snch advice its w*
give you, and tbs dtstrearing, Uangerotu diseases they cure,
which aflict so many millions of the bnman race, are cast
out like the devils ot old—they must burrow in the bruin*
and In theoea. Price Cfl cents per tax—6 taxes for fl.
Ttirragh a trial of many years and throngh every nation
of civilized men, Ana’s Cusnv Pwrroaat ha* been found
to afford more rallsf and to cure more rasas of pulmonary
disease than any other remedy known to mankind. Coses
of apparently settled ennsamptfon have been cured by It,
and thousands <>f sufferer* who wtre deemed beyond the
rcsch of human aid have been nwtored to their friend* and
artfulness, to sound health and tho enjoyments of life, by
this all-powerful antidote to diseosn* of the longs and
throat. Her* a cold hod settled on the longs. The dry,
hacking cough, the glassy eye, and the pale thin feature* of
him who was lately lusty and strong, whisper io all but him
Consumption. lie tries everything; hot tbedlsra*» is gnaw
lug at his vitals, and show* Us fatal symptoms nnw« and
more over ail hi* frame, lie l» taking the Ch'-rrv Pectoral
Dow. it baa stopped Ll* cough and made Uis breathing easy,
his sleep Is sound at night; his apatite rctarns.and with (t
bis strength. The dart which piercedhU sides i* broken.—
Scarcely any neighborhood can be found which has not
kudo living trophy like this to shadow forth the virtu**
wnteh bars won for the Gharry Pectoral an imperishable
renown. But Its oeefulfieH doe* not cm I Imto.
rotnplUhes more Ly prevention tlusncurv. Tta countless
cold* and coughs which It cure* are the kcml utikdi would
have ripened into a drandfol hormtof InTOrabbidioea**.
lullucnra,Group, ftrouchilis, Pleorhy. nTboo;*-
Ing Cough, asd all Irritations uf tbw thrust and luugs aro
easily cured by the Cherry Peetorml, if takao iuivasoa.—
Xvery fatuity alumld have it by them, and they will Red it
an invaluable protection ft run the inujdtoov prowler which
rarritw off the parent sheep from Briny a tl.wk. the darling
lamb from many a home.
Authenticated avvWoca of thaMfkcla, with direction* kw
tbe treatment of each complaint, may tie koiud In Ayer's
American Almanac, of which we publiahtiiree mUlKMi*,and
•ratter Ihtm ' broadcast over the earth, iu order that the
sick everywhere tnsy haro before them the tafc'rraatfc’n It
Cvmtaina Druggists and dealers In nodklna cvnerolly have
them for distribution gratis, and ai*o renww
dleo, prepared by DR. J C. ATBR, Fractlral and Analytt
e«] Chemist. Lowell. Mass. ietvlAwfiiuT
G£o. U. KKYBRR. ltt Wood *t_, IL A FAHNUFTOCR
A comer Wood arid First strand B. L. FAIINKFTOCK
A 00. com*r Wool and Fourth St. AgvnW kw PUuburah
.*t SoYK-ck, P M.
Compounded Entlrelj from GUMS,
LIVEIt MEDICIN'KS now befor* the pulJlc, that art*
as a OzVtarhc, eoaWr, milder, and more sSrrtual than any
other medicine known. It t* not only a raHorfic. tut «
Ltoor remedy, acting first on tbe Lwr to eject - Its morbid
I Anted Superior.
[At % o'clock i. n
i Saturday-. Jun» 30
jWedcewtay July 7
«to QXliupwod
DUttrf, then itt tba
BaUcr, tfctM kccumpiubiajt l
oni euy vfthepelatel teUnp
of noel OtUvtfa}. Iliuroj
time tb«t U |«r|ia U; »i*< *1
dm*, mill strengthen «q<l bol
The Urn is on* of the
baßtan Uatj; aoj wb*o it
tbepowcrioftb* munui
U elmaet entire]/ drfM«Seot
Liter fur the p roper perform- I
, fhanachiAatbaiMhebowtU
gnu, use oi lb* prppyUß*?- .
prertJcc of more tnaaiwent/T
wherewith toeoui»}<r*etlhe
it to Itobte.
To U
Thon Goats retnoTtTßtl
the sLiauch,
f'uri/yiug Iht ttlood,
whole HMcttinor/ reoK<rlD-!
effectiop m radical car*.
6<t f« r, prevent td,l>y
Lirtr Innjmmtor.
Om dt«e after eating total*
ud prereot the food from
OolyooedmeUbeß before!
OtJy ona ikw* takao at
/tolly, anal curt* 0»
On* daM taken after each
«?*On* Cam of two tea-1
&eJc Headache.
On* bottle taken for fe
canae of the rilacaae, and
•' Only ooe duoelmmerfiatoly
Ooe doe* often repeated (a
Bnrinit, and a pmenttr*
«9t.001y one bottle la
tyalotn tba affect# of zoedi
botUe taken tot
lowraa or oonatoral color
Ooe doee taken a abort
fforto theappetlte,A makea
One doee often repeated
ln ita wont forma,
Bowl Complaints yield
Oneor two dose* ram at-
Chlldreoc there la no vnrer,
the world,aa It newr fads.
AA“A Taw bottlea ctinu
W« lake plcoanre In recotn*
piwothe fbr ‘ mrr and
«fri all fivers of a Bd
«itheertaibty, k tbotuands
AO *oio ate & an giving theft
49*JKs Ifbterin ihtttanlh wi'iA fA<i lnvigoralar, an d
nwrifow froth together.
The Liver InvJgorator
Scientific Medical Discovery, and la daily working cures
hlnwat too p«t to believe. It cures mif by tnagic, teen
Ihejlnt deu giving benefit, nod seldom more than one bot
tle is repaired, to core *wy .kind of Livor Complaint, from
the wont Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Unulaibe,
all of which are the resnltofa-DbcMed Limr.
DU. SANFORD, Proprietor,MS Broadway, New York. .-
£Dft.OEO.H. REYBRR, No. 1« Wood street, PitUbuiW
R. t AgenL ap&lydewT
Tonic, Cathartic and Antl-Dysp+ptlo
n. E.. FAUSKSTOCK A 00.,
Aad VroyrUioTrrtf D. L. ftthnutocPt Vermifuge.
HqJX), corner ofWood and Fourth sta, Pittsburgh, Pa.
AS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient
tonic, cathartic and *i»tWysp*ptio marine, these
’PiU* are riicfrtuaended to fhb public by the frinher propria
'tor(Dr.Wiboo)wnh a coufldeoco men hn long continued
.and careful trial of them lo an ample practice warrants. la
: their operation as n cathartic, they influence m<>re th» me*
■tcry and.loa the •berating powtr of the bowel* than any
soiher combination to cotrimphnw:
AS A TONlC*—They agree with the meet dellcato stoc)-
: ach, rombringnauaw, pain and debility from that orgkih
ana through it Impart lone aad.ricur to the whole ftysUio.
! AS ANAXII-DYSPIIFTIQ.—They neulrallte and Inter*
; ropt the formation of arid*, check fortueutailon. andpre*
veatlhnelimlniUkra of gnseatran the food iu the ftomach r :
| —theAfreet *bp*fqocooea of chemical action,—an actlou
i which abouM never eilit in the human etomaob. From
! those peculiar!tie* In the PlUs, fr fnnon taking thorn mn^
: expect a ffee,fbU and > uatural evacuation of the bowels,
wltfaoatpatn,Miisea,k>calorg«ienO debility,or that dis
gusting ale knees or cosUvenroe—the Usual effecto which at*
Und or foUdw tbo use otothar rurriw.
Haying retired from tbo prartiee of medicine, I maybe
penalttea to say .that It ha* fallen to the lot of but few per
nuns tobaro enjoyed aoliberal W large a share of obststrfr
cal pactiW as mf own h»l be«s for the last thirty or forty
,l Tb# elpeqafloe of that long jeriod of actlye life, aod the
fact of my haring been twice, Aboo 1830, MaecUUd with
Dr. A A. WUeoo, In the praeti® of medicine, fin both a
period olßreyeerStJeoabiesinh to Jodge fully oTQie. merits
So ecmtenieat, w> effldeni. ail yet so safe, did I eeteew
these pill*, that few the fast fir* yean in praetke, fortbe
cur* of chitmio diseases ol wbatteer name, and Uum of fe
male* In purticnlnr, J har*us«duon of thm-shu all oth
er naedidw*. Llk* every other msd kina, these must fail
in *ome InstancwL but in my bmda there haa been icssdfa
appointmentasdlnor*satwactba latheadmlnUtmtion of
Ujl* On* remedy than pT .aH cdhirs,—lts good rtfocta some
bto, -"J”*
brtbr.VSterWnuW4|i, tb. Wlliod’. FBI. wtr. joiltl..
liitapnOT-ctaefcmtoaif thy «fc>tMdi, 6n»blirt
with »«; »r“j te*
*» .mmtmpp., th.
dlfficultfci tndiciUtiff'a dlrtmbaseeof the eteritfton' ted
*ecwtoryfysUmi,aßOoyrdmypatl(!ntat Urn two of life.
yet all requir* that eomtnoa nd, Sr«k** ?t
nwdidn# and A*
pn I-Uo toS»?d«id«ny aaduncoadittcrnally, thattUWU-
WePOls QtTMWjM. vUh
in my long cirane of prartieo ®y thE.
Witaoij 1 * Do urti by<mr ; advwti*iogeoi:
umua that theea pilu have* r*w®n*ndaDoojao» vaiuav
bl* than anywhloba common
Dr. Adama, who attmtr* th*V * • t«iflemm van known
tomaHyofourcltttena.„tloid.aP l cr*l*4»n.w f®J"* fepat*,
u*t UmrU u> carry ud that
>1 pnqxws eAxtueUy, with
tXperi#oc«d in tTIr uprttllntt
mu the >yai«-a at lt»e same
sen taken daily la uwxirrate
i it up with unusual rapidity.
Iprinripel regulator* of the
tperfonna Its fuoctktue well.
on Ute healthy actioo of the
•aceof I la fa ncU«7*Ww Iu nlha
•r» at taolt. and the » Uol*
, of owe organ—the Liatr—
iFor the dtieiei of that or
' jhaemadeit htaatudy, tu'a
I mauV eo«e retnMljr
| —’••lowblrh
• attastCound,auyper*oDtrua
I /’Aj/ any of iie tonne,
l onovlctioh la certain
J or bad matter from
£™®?*7’Mthyllowof bile,
«U*ltlg fooo JJ, w „,?
i rtv«n6i-^ea«iL_Aj, tes2 J
the f..Ov of t!.« JaK” l
cuiij, enj ici «( f 1
, the occiwlooal use of the
Sclent tortiieve tbs stomach
rising and scoring,
rotlriog, prevent* .VijrW-'
lsaeene the bowel
meal will eure Pgtprptia.
apooufu is will al ways rallet
maleobatniet’o remorrsths
make* a perfect cnr*.
relieves CkoUc, while
a euro euro for Choir r
needed to throw out of the
doe after a long sickness.
Jaundic* remove* all sal
from the skin.
time before eating gives si
food digest well.
cures Ckreafc Pier
while Juaraer and
almostto tho first dose,
tacks caused by fl’umj in
safer, ortpeedirr remedy iu
Prrj’ty, by exdtln; th«
mealing ibis medicine as a
A-gue, Chill Fever,
Urns Type. It operates
tro wining to testing to iu
unaniounri testimony 10 its
divruvered In one of uur common pariura weod.v a
romody that euros every klo.l ..f linmau from th» worst
Rrrofnlalo a noismnri Fiiui.lo.
Ueha* trinl it in over <■!■•?,-ii hnudic-d ensra, and nevt-r
falL-dctc-fU in t«i.civau«fK'Uj tlmuder humor.) He ha* now
In his poswarionovirr lao l.umlrwl o-ttiheates of its value,
oil within ta-euty milm of lb«it.iu.
Two bottle* ai i- warrauUM! to enrv a nursing *oro month,
tb *r to,lir * H ‘ aril cure U.« worst kind of pimple* of
Twoto thr«*> will s><iur Oi«- system of boils.
Two tattles are wnrranh-d to i m-o ;ho worst canker In the ,
mouth and sLimnch.
Tbnt) to liv- lioUhs Kf* wisrrsotiHl U> onr* tbe worst case
of tryeip*-!io>.
Ol'o !<• tw„ botMe* ai-» wnr»>.nt~l to cnn» all honivr* ol the
Two Uit ties aro - Mrs au«
bi'itr.lirs among the hair.
Four to six bottle* an> warranted tn core corrupt aud rnn
niag nicer*.
0»o Udthi will care *ruly cruptlou of tbo skin.
Two to three bottlwtare uarmntH to cure ll>o moat despe
rate cues of rheumatism.
Two to Uim. toll-. tb „
of ringworm.
ThrMlo fonr bottle* are wiu-n\u!«d UirurosaUrhecm.
Five to eight bottle* Till cure the worst cose of scrofula.
Atanofft isttln-ay*-xp. frura the first tattle, and
is wli. i. the ulcve quantity Is tv
, Nothing looks so Improbable to those who have lu vain
B ried all the wonderful inctiicinui of tli- day, as thatacom
won weed growing la the 'pasture*, and along old Rtone walls
slioiild <mr* every humur In th* *ystotn; yet It Is now a fixed
fact. If yon hare a humor it tuu< to start. Thera are no ifs
nor and*, limns or hi»’a about the suiting somera*:* und not
your*. 1 peddled aver a thnnwtnd tattle* of It In the vicinf.
yof Boston. 1 know it* nfb-cta in ev»ry cast'. It lias a
readydoue soiintnf tlio greatest cares ever Jooe iu Massa
choS>'tta. I gave it tochildren ornra year old: to old people
of sixty. 1 hare **-«o jmor, puny, wormy looking children
whoee lleeh was soft and fiabby, restored to a perfect state
*f health by uim bottio.
To tlioMo whoaro subject to a rick hoodoebe, oa« bottle will
alw*y»cure it. It give* groat relief to catarrh and dinxl
oo**. Some who Imve bconcvwtivo for yean, liars taken and
been nigiiL-itcd by It. VYlmrn the laxly is sound It works
(jnU»«a*y, but wheie therolsnny ilcrangenK-nt of thofnne
tion* of.nature. It will rtinse very sincnlar feelings, but you
must uot l«e alarmed—they always iliaapprar in from four
days to a work. Tliere is never a Lid result from IL On the
contrary, when that feeling I* over y<>n will fr*-l yourselflike
anewpenxm. I heard some of the mo*t extravagant euro
alum* of it tliat umn ever U'U-ned to. No chango of diet is
ever necessary; rat tbe best yon can get, I have likewlra
an b«rb, wbkh, when simmere.l tn «we«*t oil, djuxolvvi scrol
olons swelling of the neck and under the ear*. Price &0
eenta. Prw-o of the Mediral Discovery kl p«r bottle
Adolt. one table sjwonfnl per day Children orer tight
years, dessiMt spouafnl; children from ff«,i to eight yrara, tea
spoonful. As Uo direction caa he mndo applicable to all
teostltutlcu*, take enough t<x.|ierHte on the Iw.ireU twice a
Mr. KKNNKfiY al-endonreiu bo>| caass of
Fold Wholesale wid refvl «t 1»R. RNYBKICa, ltd Wood
itnvt, corner of Virgin Alto}. p. FLLMING, Alh
gheny hi.Sd mta'TiU.tA'.F
(Uglily Concentrateil Compound Fluid
fixtract Uuchiii
F-t l>' of f*« /iUtdder, A"i tineyr, <7r'tu-*f. Drcpty,
———— frnxrf/
j. and all /Jum.-es of
Seruat O'y.W},
Arising from Excesses sod Imptndenclos tn lift*, and re
moving aIT Improper I‘lsthsriT* trmn llie ltla-Kl. r, kidney*
or Faxual <>rg«ns, eilsflu- in
From whatever cane* they nn y have oiiginatsd,
f7»riny IJtalth orki Vigor to (Is Frame, and
Bloom (i» ike Pallid Cheek,
ttcnraa Nervuc* e>u| Debilttatol Fuffi>rai*, and n-movra all
tbe Fympbxr.s, will ta found
to Exertion, Liim of
Tow* r, Lo*sof Sieinorj,
Difficulty .it Breathing tl«n
era! WeUiMws Unrror o( Dis-
Mae, Weak Nerve*, TroatbUbg,Dread
ful H TM oftksvh.N’iclit Sweat*, Cold Fret,
Wakelulne**, Dimnrasof Vlsfon, LangtvT, Dniver
*nt taesitnde of ttm Muscular Fy*t*m. Often knormott*
Appetite, w«h f»y»p>-plic PjtnpUan*. Ilot Hand*,
Ftnstung the Uwly, Dryneee of the Skin,
Fall!-) Countalanc* and Eruption* cn
lhe Face, Palo tn ttie IL-wk, llcv
riuras of the Eyellda, Fre
quently .Black Sped"
Flying Wfore
tbe Kyra,
wuh Faffurivn and Lou of fright; Want of nt
teutbwv, lirisl Mobility, EouLsw.uoh, with Horror of
Kvjely. Nothing Is tn<ire dcvlratdo to such l*a
ttaita than talltude, end nothing they more
Dread Air fear ot themselves; no Repose
of Manner, im FUruestnera, m> Ft—*»i
latino, but a Unrrkd Transi
tion from owe question
to another.
Tbe«* eytnploma, if allowed to go gd—which U>i» iiwJi
dnatntftTObly rotnerves—soon fallows LoSd OF POWER,
FATUITY, AND EPILITTIU FlTS—iu one of which the
f»U«nt may expiro. Who cun eay that thess ctmwm w»
uct fis-iocotijr fallowed by Unwed Ireful iliwtwc INSAXI
- AND CONSU»irTtON7 The records ol the INt»ANH
ASYLUMS, sixi tbe uw-Uocbniy deaths by CJONHUMITION,
bear oraplu witness to th- truth of tneso assertkiua. Iu Luj
natle .Anylome tl.*> most niubindxdy exhibition »tjTW** t
The conntrnaiioo Is actually r, Ittou and >»<’ .
neither Mirth or 0 rfofevar ‘ h
*’■' '•ttrtb’k’oJul nu-asiiiea wan despair
Low suilen soundshle grief W
Debility U most and has brought thooaaudsupou
Utoannd* to uttimely graves, thus MavUng U>e ambltu.o of
many noble yontha. I lean be cored by tbn qsa of this
iuCtlliblfl Rpinody.
IfjMn an-suie-riiiv with any ~f (he aU>ve distressing all-
FLUID EXTRACT UUCUU Will cure you.. Try
R Is ci»riMvdoifbeSocy.
wbofafaS®' Q u *GK nostrums a qdack doctors
an.l sroldiiwS 5 *al-llltie* androferencea Citixoas know
Helm bold’s E*w act Bnchn
!« r>n~«l -IlnctlT to |b , Rn|c# 0 ,
With the groatest afeuraej and CTiomleal and
earo devoted In iu combination. Sew Profrtsor SwwS?
Valuable Workson the Practice of Physic, and tucwvLf.v.
Late Standard Workaof Modkiu*. “"^flhe
One hundred dollars will be |«Sd to any Physician who
can prove that the Jlodlcino ever injured a Patieut; and the
tostlniony of,> thousands can b* prove that it
din-a great good. Caaos of from one week L) thirteen yean*
en The man or VOLUNTARY
TESTIMONY In of the Proprietor, Touching its
virtuee and curative newer*, la immense, embracing name*
well known to '
100.000 Cottles HaveßeeuSold
And uotasingle Instance ofafallorehas been reported!
Personally appeared Iwforo me, ua Alderman of the city
of Philadelphia, 11. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist, who being
duly sworn doe* say, that hi* preparation contains no'Na£
cotic. Mercury or injurious Drug, but are portly VwUldo.
... B.HELMUOLD, Sole Manofacturer.
fiwiwu and subacribed brooro me this S 3 day of Noma
ber, I6M. WM. P. mBBABD^UdenMo.
Prico %lper £o(th, or Six for f 6, Delivered t*a>*y
Addreu, - ;V
- and rosporudble OertUcuka from
and other*.
Prepared and sold by M. T. HELM BOLD,
Practical and Analytical OhrjiiiL
No. 52 South Tooth .Street, beluw Chestnut,
Assembly Buildings, Phila.
f&To be had of GEO. U. ILEYSEH, Sole Agent
for Pittil/Hryh, and of all Druggiii* and Dealcrt
throughout the ITnited Staler, Canada* and Ilrituh
A»k for JIEUIDOLD’S~Take no Other.
Protected Sointlon o( Protoxide of Iron,
-t-t- 1, pW«i tho orOo«l lo which
new dlocoT«rl»a lu thn MaterU Medb /S'
caaro *nbji>rta<], tnuit now be n>c«lT<U v&ißasl]fly * I
«J m «n mbtbli«he<l Mcdlchte. Il* VjJsSggPJf
efficacy Incurtng
X>^srST*Bl»Qljft. p
: Affections of tho Liver, Dropsy, jf enrol gift,
Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies,
Disordered State of the Blodd, Boil»,
Scurry and the Prostrativo Ef
feutaof_ Lead or Mercury,
General Bebility, and all Dig-
eases requiring a "Tonio, or Altera-
tifo Medicine, is now beyond question.
. “no proo£» ofiu efficacy wo *o nomcroue, «u wall anthen
Ucaiod, and of nub peculiar character, that aufferera can
Do *' e “ u *«tljr Imitate to receive the proffered aid.
« “• ?f, ™ rUn Bjyop doea net prnfaa to bo a carvel!, toot
faaaHmmauydlaeaaea, apparently
onlike, are Intimately, related., and ptcSeedJncVrom qm
catno.may beenred by ooa resDedv.
Theclaw of dlaeeera fbrwblch tLe.gyroD'proTldea acute
t>** *o often baffied the higbaat order
°‘ ikl J l - Tbe (acta ar* tangible, the wflncam are
aud tbo safety and efficacy of the Byrbp indon
Tboee who may, with for-an opinion from dlrinteretted
pereotu rwpeetlng the character of tbo Syrup, cannot foil
to beta tun od with the following, among nanwronstestlmo.
BUliln the band* of the agonte. The elgnalnrcaarethoM
or gentlemen well known in the community of Jfoataa. and
oftfleWghelt rapectabimy. . “ : i. y *
..V: 'caud. - ; ‘
Oteoadaraigned baling experienced the beneficial tifttn
ofth<r«Permrtaa Bynrp,"do not batata to recommend it
to tbo attentloo'of the public. '- - r. -
rrom oar <nr&i»xperieiK<ae welt aa from the'tectlmony
oTotbera, wboea tateUlgaace and integrity are altogether
??32? ,t £2^^fa w ® odoQbt ° f ita efficacy in coaeaol
TbciptentSfeMkea of. the Imnga and Bronchial-Panjuren.
pyepepeU, Lltbt OompUfnt,Droiwy,- Neuralgia, etc.lndeeQ
iu eObct* would be Incredible, tot (rom the high character
ofti»oee whohave. -wltnemed them, and hare TolDnteered
ttelrteetloon*. uWe do oar*, to iu mtormtire power. .
C 2rt?^ASL£.?? XIKB * PBTEnUiRVBT,
lTailalned by
£S2JKS t^m^M®*** 0 * 11 * eolation
< Wafer
Retailed by nllDnirxiiU. . • •
nJ No * ,-W atnwt, atgn of the
pcJdeo Mortar, Agent for Htfohnrgh., apia d>wstaT
Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works
__l ! Stamp,. Stencil and Bnmd .Cotter, '
nrOßßllia- CTTTIiEB, .ORINi)BR.~ 4b0.7-
W Kuna, Sdaibn and Bsaon Qrbaod. ;
. tenJMtttf IOCEBMiTg aVn nW.T-rra wnpp,
$ *_♦» 139 nctr
abora fimteinpand^to maks anythtewtFtta
- «tm ods»tool»o*doaay Had aCtesihn*ar?fo,«*
■ . ~CJ- -a> Wn'i£i
Peimaylvanla Railroad.
JL R»ut«, connecting the
with Western, North-Western, and: Soath-Weetenr
stated by a cuutinnou# Railway direct. This road also colt*
Ucct» tt \»ith difiy ||pa fir KlftStafFß to afl port*
iiu ili« W wteru UiTer<t,an4 at Cleveland aud Sandnsky with
m wooers to all ports ou the North-Western I*k« wakrar
'""-“ySi, direct, cAeopert, and reliable nuit by ijhicS
BMMmmntS! - fto,n tk " Gr,at mil '
run-ABELPntA * Pin-annum
«BBT CBAB3—Bqou, EhoM, Hja «nd
&I«E 80..k>, Bry Ooyds,(ia l»l„
»oJ Irontj.) Drill,., (i„ [„„„ ,„7 UM
Feathers, rum- Ac...-.....;
«hiritu« aud TictloK. (in ordinal bal*T)
(ln c*sk.\> UnraHawL Leather,
Jin roll* or boxes) Wool and SLoep IMu|
<*"*">) Hemp, Huron and Pork, iialiwl
(loose or tn cask*,) Tobacco, manutactur
e.l, (except Cl pirn or Cut,) Ac-*c~.
FOUKTUCLASS.—Coffee, Fiab, Bacon,
au<! Pork flu cuts or bores, Eastward )
Lord and Lanl Oil, Nails,' SwJ a O, r
mati Clay, Tar, Pitch, Jtosia, Ac........
FLOUR.—76cI pur Uil. until fairthcr VioUco
GRAIN—Iu ear lou.U tlsc j->r 100 Bw. nilU , fa rn . lir
COTTON—S 2 |*er bate not electing 500 ttw
forthsr nollco. • ’
shipping goods from an* point «*kt of PUlUdel
pUta, h© particular to mart package a rU. Anntylvonia
Railroad." AN Goodaconrtjjuod to the Agent* of this RnjJ
at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will ho forwarded without
Fauanv AoevTir—o. E. Evans, 64 Kilby street, &*tou; J.
F. Clarke, No. 211ator House, and No. 1 William street, and.
John McDonald, No. 8 Battery Place, Now Yurk; -Pierce A
Co., Zanesville, O 4 Irwin A Ou., and Springtutvn t Brown,
Cincihanti, O 4 It. C. Mcldrum, Madison, IIIJ4 HomestitL
BWIAtX, and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, Ky 4 P. O.O'-
Ulley A Co., Evanaville, ln«U it. F. 6ase,gt. Loai», MO4 Hor
m, Wonuley A Co, Mompbi*, Ten a.; Leech A Co- Chicago,
J. P. Oloms, FL Wayne. IIMI4 E. J. Saeeder, Putlog Mn*
graw A Koons, Ilaltlmore; D. A. Stewart, Pitts burgh.
11. IL HOUSTON, Geu'l Freight Agent, Phil a.
„ .... _ _T- A. SCOTT T 6n|.uAltooi»a.Pa. Jafcly
St. LouU| Alton and ChlcagoTuU Uoad.
ATEW DEPOT, comer of West Van Buren
jLi uiul (\na| Street, Chicago.
ware Chicago at. IhOO a. M.aad 9:16 p. ts.
Arrive at St. Lo»ili -.11:46 v. m. and 1:43 a. u.
Leavo East St. Louis at 8:00 A. u. and 6.-00 p. u.
Arrive at Chicago at 10:30 p. m. and 7:10 a. u.
Leaves Joliet at 7.00 A. M., Chicago at 6:R.» P M
49-All Trains now run over the new Lino between
Ghtcugo iiikl J«;ikt, pn-iug through DruluCpoit, A then, olid
At CHICAGO, *lt!i all tb* Croat llasturn and Northern
Ltnea. _
At JOLIET, with Hock TMnnd Railroad IVeat, and “Cut
Olf,” East. r
At PEORIA JUNCTION, with Peoria aad TV pinwia Boil*
read fur PmirU, Qali-eburgii, Darlington and 1 intcnmniiate
At ULOOMINdTON, with fllin-ds Control Railroad,North
aud South.
At SPRINGFIELD, with Great Western (lU.) Railroad,
East for Decatur, *C4 Went f or Jacksonville and Naples.
"XT ALTON, with Torre Ilauto aarl Aftim Railroad East,
aud aL-aniifa on the River.
At ST. LOUIS, w ith Ohio ami Miss. Railroad East, Wert
l»y Pacific ItaJlmail and Mifounri Rtcanwra to Northern Mi*,
aonri. Kan««* and Nehnuka. Alv., u all point* on lbs Illi
nois and .Mi»sls>lppi rivers.
A’if'Thrungh T.ckuta can In- wbUjuml at all tho t.rfudnal
Railroad Office'. * *
AS-Tnrongh TtcVrta und Fioightn oa low na l>* any otiier
A. H. MOORE, General Superintendent.
i.OODRN.H Gen. Uaatcrn Agent. noS 1 mr7;dJj
-J I ?,® Jf;/'* nn ■ V 1 v«n»a TlailrowarTNs»7
S mkxtJ-,1;
July 6th. ,
THE MAIL TRAIN leave* the Paaacngir Station
every wm-tlng. except Sunday, (attt.OO v'cl&ek, pjttatmrsb
time, arrtv lug m Philadelphia at ll.Ou p. it.
THE FAST LINK dally, except Sunday, at l£6 r.-w., or*
riving in Philadelphia at sa.s, and stoppiug ouly at prin
cipal alatiODO.
THK EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every rtw
oing at 9.60, 1
1 he Johnstown Aiconunudaiioa train leaves Pittsburgh
daily, except Sunday, at 3:30 u’rlor.k, p M., otopj.lug at all
station*. aud running on far a* Coocmaugh. First Aectuo
ln>K>*it|i)U Train tor ITirtleOeek Urtdgvs, leave* dally, except
Sunday,at lt).4l>ara. The Second Accommodation Train fer
Yurtlo Crwk leaves daily, Sunday exarpted, at4£o P. M-
The Thirl Accommodation Train fur Turtle Creek Uavos
daily, except Sunday, at fe2o P. M.
lLturnlngTrnl ns arrive luPirtiborgh a* follows:—Expreaa
1.46 (>. 014 Mail, a. m.; FaatLltio 2.26 a. 1114 John*town
Accimim.idatlon H 0.104 First Turtle Cnek
tluu, 0.60 a. m 4 Second Accommodation, 12.40p.nj4 Thin!
AccommodaU-ra,> p. ni.
Trains for llUiracille and Indiana conn«t at BlalrsviUe
letcrwvUou with Mall Train E«*t, Kxprws Train WceLand
the Johnatown Accommodation Train East and Weet.
Pittsburgh and CyunelUrllle Trains, stopping at all flto
lion* on tho Pittalrurgh and ConmillariUeltAad, leavedoily,
Sunday exempted,os fulioww—Mail Train, 7*o a. Dl4 Exprew
Train, 3:311 p. m. Itotumlug Trains from Pittabnrjth and
Coaoeil.vmo ihvwi, »n ire at Piltebnrcb, 8.46 0. ni. and
The trawling public will find (t greatly to tholr tntenwt,-
iu m>ing East or West, to travel hy the Pennsjlraniaßail
road, as th« accommodations now offered cannot be surpao
ed on any other ronte. Astheroa.l is ballasted with slone,
-I Is entirely free from du»t, we can projuUKraafety, speed
'v-ntirt Wall who may favor this road with their pat-
* «re tQ New York ...» „ ,<l3 00
“ ** Phi1ade1phia............ 00
, / u “ Baltimore- 960
“ “ Lancaster % 50
M *• Ilwrtatjcrg..... 7 45
B* shocked to ail Statlnon cm the PeunsylTatila n*n
Rostand u> Philadelphia, Baltimore tod New Turk.
n_~ liTaatfjs'iVtbWS.TiM ™isr:s!Jf ii^raslSl
•mUftf the Coaipnoy hat m> a#uot.
- Notici—lu c*«e of lots, the Company will bold them
*elr«» rapoaailda for personal baggage only, and for ao
amount u..t exceeding 6100.
N. D-—Tbo Excelsior Omnibus Line has boon employed
to root-ey I’&atengen and lUggage to and from the Dsput,
notu>exceed 25centa for each paseenger and
For Tickets apj.lj n. J. STEWART, Act,
»as-1r! nik • At ttlc 11. U. Passenger Station,
Jaa-lyJ—m) % no Liberty and Grant sit.
Sift 22S p S ~r * V th ,u •^StiSSSS&XnSS'
Bwatjaadlu through connection*, j« prepared to transport
tonXS"*?? 4 ! >Y^g . bt ., fro “ PWUdelplttanii Kttslrargh
aUj Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and all place*
SSltJl WMt ’ w,UI » *"•? d *F« ofrejTxlaritj and
Tho that this read forma a direct and consolidated
I > Qr js,«d Chicago, is a snfldraifernS
rxBsnoxa nucra lxati .
n n I. 11 Pittsburgh. CreaUia*. I
D. S. Mail 7.30 a. n . 7.07
l.t Express. 2.10 r. «. 10.00 p. u.
•u 2:15 p. u. 10:23 par I
1 Jolp'k Express at 7dio a «., 2d
Jlarniug BwESnOZ &?£
..2.15 P. u. 2.35 a.x. 4 53 tn
bus, 1 SiS* connections at Crestlln* for Ooljun
:S>- Lmlr, .1 sT rt
Lafayette, Gentraiuu 0 , Western Railroad for
oa Day ton and Alichigan lUur&? a “ ** Idffl»'»Rh trains
&QSr •**•- “"•«• Pg“ -SS£S-
Kssrr ii£ '*
’’■JiSSSSS; *±?™ U| “ tv °“'.
*•*ilrlgliton*tD.OW..'"lilE Mp AII 'S l “"‘»to
i K U J ?'Sr.'jSs , tol»n, «™.r Uft.j >Bl
sf&a? 85 - "«3.5. Ws=
JnSSSC “ O,n>AY - 10,b ''■*• »■> “■>"»•
•i n. ci. T .iand,Mulbu,gn *, Tyi».«li„e
A Srin,n™ T^sM!ESWtaßßH^p
M»n». totroit, Oltojo,«d
mr.x. i^Wnt.”' 1 Btodt, Ohta«o .na.
/uSS 11 tl * l ° ®? nn<c tait tJiawlind nib Droolt lino of
*ii 1 w *tr BUltooj 4Q tt» ami Da*
rMseojan dMirlag to go to Obbum, or point* bereoil
Chicago Ti* ClGTAtoad* .nnut nk Cl«r«£ad;-
i»ii3?(SS%S2a^ias. u “ B ' poto,u,< P ' D "-
zssr.M. Asayr!£ ■ ■ st ****> ,*»<<:*!>!»<•
BnpcrUitenaent V. O.AQ :
4LLK»CTiMV Vittuu—.l
‘T t ,
To Brodj 1 . ■ « "
To-Grav'iEdd*.. *•"*'••*•—•——s “ >
To.Bafßiakl '~~’y'r?rr? r-rrffiv
Toß nij'B Bon*. , TTr.’/t'Tg---- y r
Jratf, , , R. n. LooKtiy<Wnu TicktA^ofi
P'Uobar jD Mi,, ConaoliTlUolUJlroad. .
J 0 '"® WJy (tteept gnmUjo.) from lhol , 0OB*7l«am
“‘“OftdPmmagurDepot,nfallow*.- - yy
moil Train icarce PUUbnrgh- ■ —••-*» *- ■» >
ExptteaTroia « «
MTCKxnror ■ <■■ • • ■■■ - u *• v
Moll Train kavee Cw»*ll*Tfll«.—. 2*»*-■•■'•
' a;l.'
S&priwliiii itoUraU Tie** oi&,
Both Train* oonooctoetOonDeUertlle with Banting Amti» t
Ooacbe* farCafcmtowxr
otWMt ■
. freight to ahditatioMoa tiu Pitt*-
baigb ■ndOomwiWilO* JKeflrnadt ftoiftad and'fe. ■
Kwed In
Dagamoe Depot, excepting *ach wT&oW:tZSS. :
Stone, which will £» loaded «
Depot, or al the cud Depot ujawiTnTt^
_Z!ZZiiL—_I a.m^agaioagißopt'
1 " P*IAH PlCKglWto; j
bbls. LouisviUofor saiobv ' •*
pEAM.ABH~SObI)Ii far MlHy '
. y 1 s 5 8.
Cleveland, Btljoil wi L.te s B p ttiw
ThofmritoandUrt Etnoatw Wf 1,1110
NOKTH STIUI, B. Q. B W « t , Bm
~£be iplondld. new ihrw Steams,
. The well known Propeller
IIIASUATTAH, C. Caldwell, Saatir,
THE number and character of these Beats
wilt be a guarantee to the public of speed, sa&ty u,j
promptness iu carrying passengers and freight to all
points on Lake Superior. For passengers It affords greater
comfort and speed than his. ever bean offered to U>e public
on that route. For passage,freight or .information, apply
to UAN'NA. G ARRETSON it 00, AgU.
For roriber infortnittlon dpply to*
y. KNOW LAND, Agent,.
ISAMnnongnbola Houw, or cor. Wayno A liberty
a;»l4:il3m _ •
Great reduotionof FARE>-»i»*
TO EUROPE.— "Sitfirtlff
From 2Cvc Tork to Soulh- j To Ji'exo Xcrrlc from South'
dnirfon, Havre or JJremen.\ampton, Havre err ifreneit
Hr»t Cabitf;. ~$SO J First Cabin .-.sloo
Second Cabin 60 | Second Cabin..—.—.—, .fit
Steerage.-—3O | Steerage4o :
In the first class paddle wheel, steamship ARTEL,' 2,000
ton*, C D. Ludlow, commander, and NORTH STAB.-
ton*, Edward Cavpndy, commander, to soli from pier No. .
North River, at ttuon precisely, carrying -tho United State
mail, viz:—
-76 c per 100 lbs.
Bflr p*-r 100
•Wk»i>er 100 Bvt.
40e p.T 100 Le
lstrr*. y e u> Tm-k for . .
Swdirtmp.'oT*, }fu.xy* . JJremtn far ■ ■ SottUmmpU
tiwi Jirevtm. JSouthamfitoA. /or-'JVew ltrl
Ariel, Putntdny, March CO. April 17. April 21
North f tur - April IT. May *l3. May 19
* ri 7» * May 15. June 32. . . June Id
N«vr»b Star “ J uu . Jalj 1() . Jtxly j*
Tb*«* »t4Mra-tiipj» touch at HaTra. Specie delifcredi
London and Pari*. l\>r or freight apply to
D. TORKANC.E, Agent, .
No.& BowUngGreen, Near Turk.
; Dollar S»Ttn R » m tt U t T
jSo. #5 fourth .‘Street, Middle Aoota, Jane? j\7» BuHdina
V/ also on Wednesday and Sstxndsy from Mat
first to November first, firm "to 8 o'clock; & u a from No-'
renter first to May first, from 6 to S o'clock.
Deposits roudTM of till sums net less than one Dollar,
tod a dividend of tb* profits declared twice .year,! a
June anil December. Interest, was declared at toe rate ot
six per cent, per annum, 1q December, 1855 j nlso, in Jobs
and Ducombor, 1S&8. and June and December, 1857. •
Interest, if not drawnout, Unlaced to the credit-, the de
pnsjtur os principal, and bears too same Interest from tlteflrsl
days of Jane and Do<*roU>r, compounding twice a year with
ootitroubliu); tbe depositor to cal) or even to present his
passbook. At this rate, money wfll double in Ices than 12
years, making lu the aggregate atom im Ojia ruor MX CXBT
Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Roles and Begs'
latibns furnished gratia, «n application at the office.
Praulcnt—GXO&Gg AJJdMJES. . ~
Hopewell Hepburn,
James Shidle,*. r
Alexander Bradley,
Robert Robb,
William B. LnTrUjr,
UIU Bnrgwin,
William J. An-li r»ui.
John <3. Backofen,
Albert Culbertson,
John B. Canfield,
J. Gardner
Alonso A. Carner,
David Campbell,
Charles A. Colton,
William Douglas,
Fronds Felix,
George V. Gilmore, •
James S. Uooo,
William 8. listen,
BmUtryand •Treasurer*
Banking rouses or jo
nbao. ;
Iteporita rwc*(rc<l; DlaeouiU marie/Drafts
*n<l collected, Batik NUfa.a&d Spcdo boarht «i
Stocks, Net** *m'. other gccndtlwUjagfit and Kid
mtolon, CMTpaponJeDoo and ceUectkaa* solicited.
Trro of tba l>«st PnpttttioM oftheAg^
They are not recom T
mended as f
Cure-alls, but simply for
what their figme pur
ports. ■ - . ./j '• "
The VERMirtroE, -for;
expelling Worms from
the human system, has
also been administered
with the most satisfactory
results to various animals
subject to Worms. : ; -
The Liver Pills, for
the cure of Liver . Com*',
plaint, all Bilious De
rangements, Sick Head
ache, &c. , -r l .
Purchasers will please * !
be particular to ask for
Dr. C. McLane’s Cele
brated Vermifuge and,
Liver Pilix,
burgh, Paiv| and -take no.
other, as mere are various
other preparations now ;
before.;, the public, pur
porting -to be Veroiifuge
aha;|:Livef Pills.,, .All
others, ; comparisbri ’
with Dr.' McLane’s,' are -
worthless. - . .. V ’,. .. .
Vermifoge .and. ! /Liver ‘
• Pills ,can,iip\v be ! KcLtirac
all . respectable: ;,: : Drui.
..i -rciC- r r. ; . * ‘-.Jr " .-J'c. ‘f.
; W6ou p (
*'•••"•*v'i i-'irsvvr .•> Jr.' :■ w-
-.'’, " SOO.twtl'Ko.l ~ x, “ c '.
'VI > “/IWObt*
"i*iSX. REO£lvil>-
••-.I V:*SDoftxv.l n bYiai*lUira6eiai«irbbatfe«i ~
Tm iTtwrt MtuiiiMiii nf fffir*r»amTTMlMiinmm fifftrwl
~ocfeW 1 - 1 cot. gbHtfdUMrtrdrt abd pf mßi aTWt"
7J&'! - .•^OT3«-Ag^m^44j rOTrrT
•jt •■' FULLaPd' Cotfpletftfftjy»Vv>r. itt-fri**!,.
*° n • w - p.MAßsaAit* aktfwiiit!tX
.to Prim.
; ,-.t^Tgasgs&i&h.
■U jtfrfibooto bib9'ind !br«il»W'
: jew t.-r-r v.:\
ff preflcnrteg «nd b»antiftiag;Jft»hidr «BWtt}y««
bydat • • JcB ;• - ■
'SS bbij
iUr SUekertlarrlrltitr tadfori
j»H- WAT? ♦ WKJ
fTOi> cuk asst **
John IL Hwenfccrg***
N. Grafton Murphy, .
EuaeAL PenoocY, • .
James D. Relief,'
Jamca rfonloiAo,’
. JehnB.oa*E»T*»
Junes W. Hallman,
Uhorlea Kuap,
P, A. Madeira .
John IL Mol lor,
q Walter P. Marshall,
■f "Wilson MQlor,
A. iL PolloCk, ALD
Henry L. EingwaU,;
"John U. Sawyer, "
Georgs S. Holden, -
Alexander Endky .
Theobald UuitUtt-Ucr,
George R, Whitr,
JJMifORD.OO, ) •
bis, Ohio.Sa-