.r Jp. A P'K K■H H N OSr !' -* Aj?;eir. ;- bin «pm*fot tupaetbo : ud <•!*■ ****** ■ viuoit BALI 4 bimna } ■. OKIL TXa PK * '■ ■" [ lltn.y taUnlj UT; r ix Window ' v • ■**! '• • r •'*) ?* mIMK XI. . sraeoo Woi*«r, ' | jamjsb COBIfXB ZZ.UAXO Tfrux JSTBOtTS, STUOCO AND MASTIO WOBKBK gfrMpvtleo]»nUtMtloßwof* w tti OEHASLKSTB ot til Uadio >O, J.. eftcrtaottot. •*"••* ’ ' -• Lffija. mu.nrn mc»—•J""’ DWCSt BBOK * and Broker**. - ■ 3 CAd G Devonshire P**’®®*’ - -. BQ.STOir* ..,' r\ . B. & s. givop&rticnlarattentionto too *• ; : . '■'■_• ■•■••• •■■--->—- r."*'.. Cnica’By«TMU««*«nt‘; " The favorite^ rnnad t»y K»llro»d . «l.«tb« ■~rr>»*<*4m-.*” 4 m» mt - "!y ■ 'kf *! ~ TOHN THOMPSON & CO:, 135 'TMri «t. ■Vv. tl hrr* Jtutf v ■ v MUh V«bMnlH :' BochslteOchr*, t Ywmsut Oclix*. 7 • --■ ErwjchZioc. • . '•* . Whlutakdj-' 4Bd_WbUlng- !■. ■■ * ¥pv?, >T-? : •- » ”♦ ♦ **>* K J*‘ ■ ‘ '« A O - - - •’ .: > 4 .-; ti- •'i s TL’ ,-*Wvsg C*. X'vt- : ' -t j. ■<•» -' ?. :rf ’ "■;; '-W.- ..,. 'ty ; :« *f ■■:)'irL : ':!it 3- r ,i!;'. ; ',A§:i3 ■ :•!,: 3-ji ijsl - \" V ' J 5 : * ' v/‘ ■ ' ,; 4#S] "■/•)! H - - ; ‘ :; 'i f»S :-• • •*.y* ,> -%J|f' .''Si si:-’''' till 3^#Sl £ v;£» v? ‘••'Nyv •&&&& !\ r 4s*s. : • -ip;X:yV:^ k* IV i , ... . ! 4U.t V? '* ' • »'. •5 * ' *.'7 ■ r'r**- ttfi "■ ; fev^ ISI®V W m* •>< ■« Ure* ' ashtdo do do do .Mtep&toOoffCW, . _; 99 bua o**»rt ToUccc ’lQaifkaVtotaab; lgObo»wCbww> tS»ISH—SO hbU Baltimore Herring, §1 estMiiuUbXlUniDA ■lo do 'Ki3.?rim« voir: \ , >■ . • 1 • . ' Bo.Uoilwfrom>U*m*T**‘fSSlSl&TiCO. OHENOK'S PULMONIC _SYKU£_f of ihUcelotiTmtsdrtTMrfTtorooczWhCDW* CSQOITO BAKS—2J, Jttj iKR FISH.—IOO hU hbl» White-F»b, i • 60 • - do i urSiKuFUFHBBMER OOOUS eeTI- \j •'torrid Lj , *|g£j uoin ja. , 4?;"* “ "j.T.LTT.au’pg «a s'- <*« -■ .SSgSEIlii? INKN CHECKS.'.and' other Goods, for Ll***' OS^jssswi^ffiSF iV w <* °°- IOiB :' ' g^^^SVa,ooCTftl*» ; / jlttM itrecC. jg@2?Eg£P® jfftfan ofrf«l VuSSHAIt. * 00. ; mzl-i -■-■■! gyrriJLSUIU *»» ***• bam“ d ? ’? I*** »t •“■ ‘hole* now landing from J ttmwrClimio-fc' “'* mAIAU picket'* CO. O'* ,«”d» Of Ur* I UowU VV u)vt.-:i lhijo•< ,#V(WxS®SK-. . rM4PI»k 7 «.fK.!p*r AN? • DgT, asd toe Ml* b J hq. JJ4 Second *t«*t* - • id * socsss^sgassS »«"»•' ™ M r Muke t *o-Wrs. . , .fcss&i—' 1- Uir:.":*.!'. *..•' "•• ~.-.{.'.i -■->■■ ■■ ■••>i»'5 1! d lU)ioO9nS>®-Viue»,l* Wfotki,; . ■ --• X • , ‘ SUod«i^3S*-. BCAI*ISB. rr«TTP «naeTriimedbavingbecn appointed.ex* . <*w^celsUr»toWOAt*TS». teSSs.St»»32«f® , » of u «» B^““ ,er * u I olb«tv til** Inn'nUKled to tbo BEV^ISt, iSSEgSS, I fegg? t EASnws forlbitfingat homoiap l ?™ ol W-«E5S^£-'£&& , 5R ■ffiSß-SSS“!“■•’“"H 5 J. h ?o " M°» fl»r ™^ ,1 “ J'sfti.**- «rer r '“ ,tm ‘* OTt Ibcow l«t wbe U JOUN MCBWCU, J»? SVwbowiii«tt*5 c “; 100 bw ptUM Bll)-0° lr ”- JO do QralßWp l !**? ' l» d ° l , d 0 Affif*!’.- il >r -, rT .~initv.ren , x.s a -.3 ~ 30 do -G«n»MiCh«®kal «t 0.,. 30 do' 3^S r .«U. I J™riUot ? »»t of nU P»4. i« o-r li* i "‘ErlsfSp- •*^SSKSS? ! : i so “ Onloo*. InOorewul^^j^cxkTlELD. •P» • ~ - ' S' UN DRIES—I 2 bbln. P”j““£ rcsh * iu * tcr! i ?obS.ch6l£6T»r«4'PMcS<* I , , - i 5.4 0; do ts6p« . &U)tMßheU : rMch Dlo*«to-»nd «► ; . lopaT . •< > ■ 1 (S KOCERIEB jost MC6iraeWta_«otto.- -• i; u jOil: Onb*M tnJ ff.nr »°°r- . ms '• r»frRITTNO FLTTIPS: — ' Kirt* a< TRIES* CELEBRATED Vf‘V LN ? :V.... ; .-.._ aB . I)ATqLOCKg> AJJX .A*-• -‘ ; Boom and Punpt.. ; .eyy t Tfo. cs nniuirwt^ jgEIL HANGING! ' ORlui ■UEDSCx’IOS IN VWpEII ! ' ' *" ,-OOOT .pnirl*.folop l'" t ' tort HAX IIEW!i. las gnithfl«il? fit- MisS&iSik^ J(WCTII n utsco i 00. •mtf '"attbkU.craW•»»P®*4«*d■«»> . . , ir ■J3 «r~ m r ««Wt» ttoU: bi»W ‘“’'aumvmi * wnrotiTii. o/7»BLS. BALT. UKIUUNO: ; i iiisiiSiiHi *OO, lhHm! FIX- Wrtfci. In oh forwlxMtt* MjQ {r wfiLMPS. ftll. • TiAHiEY’S PATH I D TORE-Jn"'*'" 1 ■ : —: : * ,RIBI> * ApplP* to f ■fcl* PSNN. Fi-bUil—iM9WKk» Silvtr SPF'I'K* 'JtrtS W*--. *• SStSiM. .,-. - )**. .-■■■ -.» ••■ ———— jSBAMOis pisses doz. Memeaaieaeimum- WfINES-i-A' fro(kr»»»oH“ ienl: f Qr Ai-jfi^, •• ■> K-, '. -: j'?r \i )' - V- !. fcAKB iroßßKtt: 1 :>«-• ■ T otara'o :Xr;.A .'..£BSk i Detroit, B** Sl'M'irit, 1- - .' Ontonagon,'. - .W* ‘ Aiui moll fldrf op t""* 11 M ™a, - ; r.< • ■•■: .1 thelina ftflw MONDAY, May■ - do 15 : t t i£iS ' sj- S S' f *?=? ■ , f v - 5o :• **» gl^%3£®2 Imu?. bjcomlolM a, K&SiSSfeMSMSSSSE ofMacktuiCfflul Uu»rscttti»dE®cb*< Tliitlng Ing the HWbor. K»gle R Jrer » Oo- SlarqaftK I goj|wto w- es«ssst&fe ’. t . HVSSSTAB’niIIOB. • FoVwAßDisd 'ieoinnssiM HnaM' tl^wltniijOMo* ■ n:b.-4i«i= .*»• “'r* yaa*' . ■ * • • - less: I^sa CaiC-A-CK).. MILWAUIMK • i'u-:•; : as® * . LAK? SUPBBIOB X.IHS STEAMER LADY ELGIN, t ii. fOMPKISB.Com’r. I Job* J. Tatw*, Clerk. sun. mo, gtoHurj. JsssSi sse*. r ; sss£>i. g S?:v W*to«l>y‘ 1» JJmtoJ- S * “ as?r^. s “a^.* JalSMtd ■ Cometciryi ftlarble Worlts. So. 333 liberty Street, below Wayne, ! iIATTHBW B LAWTON. k vip’ISUES*KESMOTFDLLY T(rIN fiS&££'ToS'SM OravcwtoneB, Wtfcs k« >. wii of. Um mocotaio* "HJ«i«tOdK :"' *“F^'marfcrt.' 'TH# to *toO I gs-«jasr«s»^ KSSemtoto *Qab>lnt *»**«*£ ■ 7 wm n,fa*i»nM t I .:.»_ m ■» twwn’ ;' UnlKrtQ*l**Ji“*t< 1 S*? wSSilfSi. I Jao. IL StwobeciM, *■!■» yj"s£*E?’^' ; 'n» lrS?toS2il .lib JlluifcM W&Z&SSS. UOUrtSTdltet i“'**“ d ° rlD r “* l, > ‘V Wbol—l. wUinor" "ll Cia tb. muiof^^rjr. sa3w»as-%fe“. ) fomkb tttbortnoUCT. £._p*t..£— ’ OAB FHOM BOBIK OIL j ,\.*vcnn»..-- ■• • \ ' 1 -■•; itaTTY rTMXEIIJGILILLUMINATING JL TlßS« Whip .?• 1 •‘W.n.lf •-•■■ \Ko.BoFocrtb rtrwt. _ Safety and Economy in •aleby 'So. 13£t.Cl*Irit^n«TtWW a « B -, : ia-'Beir&r* tit ft cotmtrrfclt elrcetyia U» mi“f**%Kr* wit*simiboiitowfttt ) fr-kPy JSri>W -OOODS I^K"SPUING SALEa^ ftrii dkfljr- jecftltln* from .our °«nftu4 aft™™ : SomK““*’ fSSafcMi* * T^v^r'/ir^iiftiuffrtftiaiegft*','’! ■ JUrr.iwiriU, 11/tii»«kwp*rj w 4 alien re,**“*, SJith .Very ingolsh. Ushu been drenched q^ 0 tlm these . potion which ingenuity coaldsus?^ 8 his bod*; Pills. and mark the effect; see U>ei■*»“ seethe now, fair skin that bai fown£«wiUwm^awwe ! to* ie P*l^at |* elm*. o !^£ , »nWj3nteandbooS , homon[have planted rheomati*® »“*“ i too has been nor. h maadho'screecbes wun wJUI lWmeD u soaked thronßb oTeiwm^t' of U, blood; they ami satves; giro him these PU‘<*° P"”"* «hlohno mortal m., not core lUm, to-, crScho. now, power cau reach; kut mark, Mwaios " , Sd now be walks alone; *»7 sto£ to soar, haggard every ach has long ago eaten every nnue ircra . u moselefrom his body. B** bl i*PCg that wasradiant with his health; see tho nsw man. oert —«theriniawsTV health and loveliness blasted and too d - want of exercise or mental • a *°j*^ i r ol dimgtion, awiml eww, has deranged the internal organa latlon la riUatcd, her health U gone. Glwfcw' Hum «Uto the vital principal l»*® f *22^? l igl£ bkidHow irtmtractions, a£) Infuse • new vtttUtf Mg look egaln-the nits blossom on her <=*£*.< ly sorrow satjoy bursts from arary. fsatortw w». . infant wasted with worms. IU kffg" gj yon withont disguise, and painfully dliHncMhat thej_«* eating Its life nwkr. its phichodtipW »nd rert less sleeping*, tell the dresdful troth, fa to ®^** every mother knows. Qlv.lt the Pills •weep these vile parasite* from the body- |J ow .Vl™¥"L nnd see the ruddy .bloom of childhood.. Is it these thing* U»T. are they not the marvel oi tbisag*.- a , sfiift^iissss*S^S£ and U the aos. Trie® 26 cenVper si ■SS^SMaMlyypsf-^,15; this all-powerful antidote to diseaasilot tne»n k» | T W 1 B£SJrSS^^iSf3!ISTSK colt's and cooghs whlcb it «n» w*' haveripenrftnto adrvndal bamat^taegeww wu^“rsnSi.vi.diiD l! . ~ SHSEktfiiSgSSS “nWTtb. parent sheep from many a fioek, tbejlullng , ’ 3i£SS3 JSsass?Sr stsxs syssßS2g3g^a?bsws S- 4vS. B ?'a A“'^PrSSl”^s"iS»- (IEO. U. KBYSEIt»IW Wood st,,»• A.,'^^X. “ * “ Oestr* T»tl«s . Pier. Ilinu *o4 W«*b gttiia Top% IJOSION & FARINA CKAOKJJIW-Just al itrwt, All^b^Df.~ __l!— - HOKN'S Compound Extract of naudtlat rtcSlW ■ (mil) Jpa. miWU. IfcRDSiIES— Alaire*Biipply'of Hwi, Flesh, }xo°«h*f NMI Bnabw orihV 11 UOK —700 bush. P Itfvwh.lSy ; '““'■KWS. ■ 61) !i!l. CoU ntry Iff #> f««h Eoll Burtwv : -> ; . ■"■■■" jjgJgHiFTMlr. iaiWwuMtuWag; =Oi®Noiro®SSl^JgsSwr ; ia W hiu> ... jtSk'BOOKS, of aIIkUKU, bnjhani.or S'“f AXIoSUB*- of f« doffffi tesSSil • jHrtfc THE liver IN VI G- 6E A TOR rUEPAHKD BT DR. 9AKPORD, _ l 1 Compounded Entirely torn GUMS, I s ONE OP THE BEST PUBOATIYE asd 4jYEB SIEDICISE3 00* bofcr* 0" r£“jS\ „VCbiAartte,resUr,milder, *»d ottermaUeltw **»*»■ * Unr ranwJr, roting 5? ttei matter, then on the itomtfh oad Bowel* to earn|«* 333S®SSSk5H E£S£>'l+‘&ft gKjfflfgj^ fted&ssg • SsSSSSSSSS * ifSStoftotin#’ o Sat or k*rln*c»iedtocki Jtednty. bUetady, tn • l*o, ob* ot lb* proprietor* P .mm- to 6bd / Than Gum* remote all ’ lbe«y*t«a.*opplyiDalothM ■ iaftfOrottaC t*» ftaa*ch, Puri/yinf IK*Jllcoy X aSs Urot . tod promt tte trod from Oalyonodreeukenwjot* kt lot fmrdjnj M.AlftT,tD4ay< On. wf U.* ilueaee— cor ed, and«»«‘[* the occarfoaal uw of U» RcicnltorrUftfslh^rturukcto rUlns aadaonriag. retiring, v r%T * aU Olgbt, tWHOr lb© CtWNCtt. _ ' . meal wilt cure ZljJprjm*. tpoonfoU will alw»J« rdi*" Ooiy oo» do** »otlr,*nd cor»« G» *, onodu* toktn aft* r each • ggrOnodoao of two W* aWkStocfadie. ■ 0o« bold* taken fur fc fy.«» of Ibo-dUe*** »“d Onljrone.flo**ltamedl*t*iy Out do** ottco l> Jfcrfru*. “>d • r'”*° tsT u MuOnlr <”** b<*tl*l* ■ni«i& Um effacti of ®*or 7 yyOao bold* taken Jjt lowwoad* onnatom tolcr On* do** taken a *hott •or »* thonppMtt*, * nuke* Oce don oft*a repeated rftt* a la It* worn tom*. iUtef CdmfhOUJ jW< Oh*drtwodoa*a ear** *t- Chbdttt: there 1* »« f“f. tb* world,** It netrr /&&*■ lew bottle* euro* obautbeat*. VJ» lake plpaeor* In reecm* firmUt* fot ***** ®*7 P'”*/ »«*• "■ ! *”&wi KWcri" (tojlto** ««» »».*•<««"*"•• " 4 •(MUM tofll . . „ ■ . Inirigoritor * fcSSt and SldSn ®«o on* hot* kind of Uw Complaint, from £a3SssEfcmT** - PXIC OKI DOI.M* PM BOTTL*. nnl «»NK>RD. TmtMa.tit Bio*W,.Bw™«- Dt oro. n. KITBKU, nT««tb# ellntr* «»“ i«ir*core for Choltra jf CheUr*. . , DM^ed-1© tbrowoot of the due after a lob*««*»■»• /auncKce rruuT« »U ©a*- from the «kln. • tlm« to*t»« eating gira© Icnrc* ©br© »ee IHar* ilwbU® Sunmtr and UlooattotlwftrrtdpM. ; liltacka caaaedtoy Wirmf In 1 aafrr, or rpffifcr mn«ly la jDrqwy, by asdtSng tba I metal lux (bUmadielbe M * \Tau£ C.Uil ****** llotu Typ *. r It opetatoe Imre willing to UaHogt* •» ngTiTA. wiLaotfa T „„, c.lhutt' »nd AnU-t^.p.pi>o ; pl IjX* s. pill# ABED XXO 80W BT B . t. * - U7/o££&<££ tfRECff/STS, . j njj.rijfan of D. t. J . No. 00 corner of Wood «nd fourth *Ui 3> *^“^ r * h ’ ?*■ J J f'fSTEFFIOIBNT.BafQ and ctovcmept ud »r»fnl lrt»l *’SSuSJtbM |Smb» moi» Uie mo tg2r2ttZ3%P£2*s*'Zf' ps?*. itom. nipt tbo formation of acw*. ln (be •tonucb, wot the el tmlp»ifon | #c «Uoo —the direct Kmeequ***"-" ttdmacb. •,from. ;l»b|d»*iOTW|WT« pcnnn takingthrm mey •mmtiohbftthoboeel*, rrpect *fr**,ftilt -«» 'n“°* QK# j (jtbUity.cr thef dl*- wlthootpiln, omtlettwrU which »t -sSsa^-SSS^h.-,•:.•,••,• i : v ;,v: •* lUriwwm* l lot* hnt for petv permitted to w. **?*Ln-mwriU'or large a ihire of oUtetrk eotu to tore enjojod eo ”***J^ n fcTihe Uet thirty or forty. t»l practiceM my.own hM wen i«i year*. . "fthatlon* period or artlte lift,Width# The experpnce ofth*t‘°?B wwocltted with fact of »y h»rtog of medicine, (M both* ss ■ 1 to com* iuUneei, *** *®SLstott in the edohjlttmtioo of SffSSSf^®2y^ ,n^ tt * ttann quit* ipfl rieift medicine, either | ''SSfflSsSfl^sS£S^S^! I** 1 ** ' »SS.B««».»«»bSSSSk»4 .hu«OllU,*o»U >»’ "thßn> u,«i Uyuij otterirorfji be eared mote readily "i,7?d oatied letory, bat why it u msymtflnt * greet many penon* •Ojii n dUTmnScmuM, end P~ 1 «' * *>l bUwlnp, .fflssKsiss^aSßjssaM tn~h> long cfrim of P r * c rx~ r -, -.yi,» ••• v\:. . " r comtre or rpertfic JUW) ADAMS. , -JYonra*Ac, by wir *drertWn*eaV , mmeertu . nnuta that tbtoo ptß* mold er*r attain/ hl*th*nimy which»eom^J I *i* -_ fn jj Mam known 1 4ndh#afiUadT*rton» l"* IW w - jaSdkwlyT ferry* Morning I\xL • —— —— S" | {l . ' ' • jartttar. .. I ' ' - THE GREATEST ; .,, | t_ m m g*i * «*p i eittei with kTk>cop» MEDICAL 'SSHSfJSgsSS DISCOVERY iSHSS&sSSfeai? ’ | BATKS BETWKEN wnr.lt> RLPgDL: A FITTSBuRQU. VS f- : TU C : A fr p 1 HBBT CLASS—Boot*, Bhow, Hat* ttd) • • • O F I tit Or», Bookt DryGooda, (la ictt*, t»l<« f - ■RTR. KENNEDY. OF . youthen, fun, ; ***. ~ 1 bbb£££to cf ,U ” I °'' TIUBD OIAsS-^SjrSSroEtfntiio J ss*asi2ssss JEr““' a,ra -"-’r'r T»ntAthrMl*ttla»wiU*cuurtho*j«toinort>oa«. »mi Tork(lnd*k*or boxes, EurnrJ.) TwobotUeTarenmnttd tocuretho wont cantor In tb« and Lanl Oil, Asli, Qcj mouth*nd*tora£di. ' ’ m*o Clay, Tar» Pltcb,*«—•—•— uiuuui *uu r«r M-L until farther noth _ ThreeTo flToboUlw ar* wnmutwl to euro. bottle* are warranted to car* *ll htnutreof lb* #l TwobotUe*ar«w»rranU.«ro lb««t. Mi, dorMuttmunt ot tbo tiuic- Jon.ot nitnre,tt vUI canoe ..r, oinplao freUti&bot ypo omit not be elonaod—tbe, olwa,a fciwt l " lijitoanek. Then lo ww * toa r«lt(rtm|b_Ontb» cootrarr. wboa that fceltaglecwjon jutnolfllta aeewpenon. IboonlKnnoofth. eioMoxtnTHEant oiomi or it that man etc* JUtonod to. So ■m eeneeair. ml the bm JOT eae got. I b«« Ittowti. ■a herb, which, when, atminered In aweetoll, diaaolroiacrol olooa*waning ofthe ntek ahd nndor the ear*. rrlae W cents. Prloeof the Medical Dlsootory « per bottle. . DIKBCnONS wa 088. _ .... Adult, one table apoooftl perday. Chlldre a oror • J ght yean, deaaert ipoonTUl; children from five to elrfit,*“X JpoonfoL Aa » direction can be We “ oonsUtotlona, take eoough t*> operate on tho bowels twice • day. RKNNKPV fiJvrt p«r»ou»l %ttwrianceinl-mdeM** ol * C M II mv. imw>« X' H g LU UOLD'S GENtJINK PREPARATION or nighly Conoent'r*ted Componfrd Plwld Extract Dacha, jbr Dive* (Ae.fltaMsr, Kidneys, <7W. _pnT»>. KcaJnUU, Obstructions. j-htnaU Oneplainf*. and a!* DxttaiuoJ (.V Sexual Organs. , - • Ariatnc frttn Excesses end Iwptodeliclo* ffl llfc, and . «£ nSrlni all Improper DUchareea tnm tbe Bladder, Muo^t MALE OR FEMAJ.K, ■ From Wbitoto cnana th«y m»y h*v, original'.!, AND NO MATTER OF now LONG STANDING, (KriM H«Wli and VTynrto lie Front, nod Bloom to the Paliid- Chtei. 1 JOT TO fHB APFWCTBOm It cam Natroa. ami soi tcootw all tba Symptom*,amo-g*bich ■»!« U* wand Iwli«pu*itkro to K«rocn,Loe*of power, Um of Memory, Ulffonlty of Breathing fDeaik,NtkbtSTmU,C«d K«t, , WtkeftUnets, Dtmnmof V)4m», Langocr, P° » r ’_ tal Umitrdeor th-51*uenlar bj»v»m,onen ” Arpatitavaltb PyapapW* Symptom*, Hot U*°dy Vladilng ol the Body, Vryam* ** lB ’ PalH* Cmintod*bC«’ anil hnrpihjns on the Fve, Pain In lb« Baelu ll**- eineta of tho KtelW*, Tre rnientlf Black Bjwta Flying before ' tt» Kyt*, Aaetetr Nothla* i« more desirable w ruca r*- Uentathaa Bolitodr, aodnothlns they tm-ra Dread fcrfoar of »h«ii«elmrW> **pe»® .eOtaraer, no Jfciwaws* nftS£€«* UliOT, bnt a Honied Ttaart* ' tion from one . quaalloa I FATTirrYAM) SPIIAWIO FlTS—lnonnof which g* mSlSywplw. Whb«n mytbUtbeaa^cmciy* Srt frwentJr?»llo»rd by thoee dWol db*mm-r-n»|A«I T?asJ> OOSBVMPnONT Therecord- SSoSiimluM,»»>*"i SKSBSKTftiS-F-i"?'*- •»* lnMUblo liomwly. * uperhcairri—* In Ita u»le andodor, but burned Into In lt» action. HelmboW’a Extract Buchu t . b pnianA dlmtlj. Kcoriln, to Ui« Kdm of; ' PBAR MACT A SI) CBFBISTRY, 18. U» p~u.ltoow *»1 I djeSSksm AJSfSfjSSS tougundafl Wnrtiof Hodidoe. S2pSeoo HAME. . 100.000 Bottle* Save Boon Sold. I S^?IS3SbSS«S cotlc, Mercury or Bole Mannfactorer. ■•oroemltubwrfixd Iwax* me this SJtfayef Konm WW. V. HIBBARD," Alderman. PriaTi ptr Bottle, or iSST/or *5, Belivtrti to any ' ' AddrWy . , *«oii«nW b, r.tUBI« llrwn No. 52 South Tenth Stmt, below Cliostnut, > AiMinbly. BoadinKiJPhua. ca-To bo bod o/oEO. n. KEYBBR, SoUAgeot oodpl-jM ’*"p*£*2',3Ss3 tbroyhoottU Polled stole., Potto4oe ood Bnheb Pr . BEWARE OF c O U S I |, R ? EIT8 h ( ,_ ' Ati lor IWLMBOL&S—Tokeno Other. CORES GUARANTEED. irifcljdawF . ~ .-■- ,-•■• ■ - : - " pxiati vxAH OB, / Protected ‘Bi>ldttoß of Protoxide of Iron,, Hating soc'CEssrot-t-^rtSsc/;; d«w iHacovvriM la tha Matcrfa'M*ewfegKflKMjNvS c»*r«rat<|«cted, imutoow b» r^l> ‘J rt'u as »t»biui6d M«Bchw, efflcmcytacarjii* —x. Affectiona of tho Liver, ’Dropsy* Neuralgia* Bronchitis ond< ConsmaptivoTenaenoxea,! Disordered State of tho. Blood, Bsus» - . Scurvy and'thoProstraUve’Ef-, i ... ■: fectaot Lead or Mercury*; General DeteUty. and all' Die oases ioquiiing Or Xhhioi or/Alter&v , : tits Medicine,!* nowdwydnd ■ question^ • Tn* nawtoof ito*flb»cy rto tonswrocu, •*> w»» »nurtn ttaSIJ «od®f ■w^“‘ terta*otaßo". 3d»51lUrl»lI«il£». « A. A. HATES, M. D, flot per 100 lb». nntfl farther notion per bale not 6OO Ih» weight, until furrtcr notioe. • from any point east of PMtadat eliiihoparticular to nark paetagM “rta. iVmmrtranta Alltfoal* consigned to the Agent* of-UO* Bood vr Plltaborgh, wUI befoewnrdedwitboot AoxirTS—O. E< Bran*, M Bflby atraat, Boston; 3. v' «d No. 1 William atreet, »od I Place, New York; Pierce A • lr»ln*Oo-, *■»! Sprtnsm*o i B™r», Bell »(V), .o'! toner * Jemrt, y£, RBor t &>, Breotrille, Iwl4 R ' *• ciTlairo. £ froraW * Co, M»TWf **W JSli^SiSr® III; J. V. OIM-, Ift. IVejne, likM E. j- R nue, “ *raw A Kocma, liaUbuow? D. A. Btewart, Puuwrgy- H?ILUOUBTOK,Gen , I Yrelglrt Agtm l , | TA. BQOTT.S»r>t, Altotma. P*. . J* s4 * .. St. Loul.TAUtm CUlc.go lt » ll U ° ltJ - lgs3 NEW DEPOT, .corner of West Van Buren and Caiul BtmLChJttgO. " QOENO bOOTIL . i«wchto*.rtu_ «;!s*Sg!-5 •"' Afrtw M St- "• «” d • 1:0 *•,l -< OUINO KOBTH. ' Leave Km* gt. Louil at....~ 8:00 A. N. and 6:00 P. U. Arrive at Chicago at .....UMO ».».mnd i:W A. n. • A "“J?I?ET ACCOJIiIODATION. • UarwJeilclatT.W A. Sl,Chicago at 6:30P. «. ita. * with Great Watttrn (I1L) Bailnttd* EMt to Dccator, Aej Wettfor J«k*.nTiUo At ALTON, trithTirre Hants anil Alton Railroad East, and steamers on the Riser. ' . _ . . VMt _ Wm * AtST.LOOlNwlthOhloandMhs. Bailnad t»J Pacific Railroad and Missouri •teamer»_to>'orth?rnHi*- tourfTKiwsaa and Nebraska. Also, ta all-potots on the IW* nolsaod Mississippi rirera. . ~ .. AyThmngh Uriels can be obtained .at all lb« principal 1 Tickets and Freights as low as by any other \ Boat*. ‘ A-11. 110088, QetMral SapcrloUJßdent. E.IL QQODIUCU Qoo.Ka*Ugn AgtroU noS mrtidly 1848. PcnnirlvaalA lUUrowl. 1858. SUMMER ARRANGE-nSiifMR IU'NT—On &u 4 idler Monday gaiy&th. * j£IOUt.J>AILY.T!WUK&- ~ * ’ TUB HAIL TH4IK lt*TM tbe Pamnger Station >terj morning. except Sunday, {at^6.C*o,o'clock, Fittibargn ■time, ■rriTinji Iq PhilcdolpUfa at lf-OO P. *. THK PAST LINK daily, except Snml*T, atL25 ?-**-,«- firing In Philadelphia at bk. aail ittyping only at prln- .., Tltt BXi*aE3B TF.AT3I learce the SUUon erwy«T*» Johnstown Accomnv>dation train leaves Plttibutgh dafly.oxcrpt Sunday, at P-U, «WJ.pU>g itotiom, and rennlnjt us tor “ mcmA jßodutkm Train for TunluCi-ecfcßrUlctvltare* .l Sitlo.l9»a TbrS^condAccoaaodaU* Trainr£ tSStb&W*leavesdaily,Sundaylelrroit Tb» Third Accommodation Train for Turtle vr« the Johnstown AeenrnmodaMn Train East and WwU . Pittsburgh iwd-OonnoUiivllle Trains, stopping at all Bta tiocaoa and “slan Twin, • :00 a. in-»Expt*®* TtSi, 1M t?m. lutiirtiln, TnJm fr.mi <’<“' ,lnr S ! ‘ CoaMllafllla Head, art ivn at. Pittsburgh, a. m. and 6l The traveling public will find It grratly to In »?u« But or West, to tratcV by ■ rwiai the accommodations Ouw o»ttA ***** b ?,I°!S?T «u£ uj other root*. Aa the road la ballasted wUh atono. .fc.l U entirely two from dust, we can pramUo »P*~ .ir-iatorttonll whamaybtor this road with their pat* «e to New York..- *** - *• Philadelphia. -WOO u “ Baltimore. * “ •• « Uneaater. | JJ I Boeiaaato I'lillMelrUU, Baltimore end 2j'ew lock. Y-Zwngvi* jmtrhnlng ticket! in an I Oeote iaSditkm to the tfUttoo rate*, except frwn SUtfoae I eel Tee responsible for personal twggage only, an KlcU»Ml, to J.flTTOiM, Ajjt, lw AK Vi * AiUi«i*.n.tt.P««»nser Station. t,o LlWty and flrmit nU. JaMyd—myl —. KAILaOAU -NOXIC£< THE PITTSBURGH.IiT. Bg'ißgsaaSSß i WAYNE 1 CUICAQO JLATlrfiaßjyP'^W l " W 2. ROAD COMPANY, with Us ample Rollins Stock and equip- I thU read forma a direct and / WBwdUailftJ l Uae bctinwu Plttaborgb and Chicago, U a, saTldeat gnar» | anteo’thnf Its Trains will make good time; *?« :rtsoc«on« I with Iftalet on other Roads. y.qMMt «mt UiTl , Pittsburgh. j OmtUno. I Kt. Wayno I 0 8. Mail.. 7.30 A. K. J 7.07 P. It* I l*t RxpnM...- .... 2.40 f. M. 110X0 P.*- SXO T. K. IJS - ...„ )lfe23P.H. | 4.60 foil. , I Krach CUlcago—Kxpr.-w.ai 7;00 1. K-yIM Express at | 133 P.M. Laite-pittn. Ar. Cin. , Ar. St. Louis. • 1 Morning Eiprw-2.40 fo ti. &.i JP. **• 5.00 fo ». |F. 31. - do -8.16 P. *. • 8.25 A Jt. 4X3 P.«. . *i ' All Trains make class cuooecUoos at Crestline tor Oolina* ’ IbQs, Gneln’iiAU, 'lndianapolis and fit. LouUSalsOjat y Taaxsfo*-InaißNew: Brighton for Alle* ghsny at 63Q A. IL, L*ew jUlaghsoyfor • SewßrtghfonalsXO foK.auds.oor.. . Baggtge chocked through. and no charge for handUng. Tor tickets and farther inforaatton apply t® OBOBfllt PARKIN, Passehgm'station, earner Xlborty and Brant ate- B. P. PATRICK, No. &0 Dearborn fit. opposite Tre must House, Chicago, or. to the-Agents at the Stations ‘'Sfewnmmc. da'SlOSDAV.iptli, Irat, Md ionUim* ' antS farther notice.- • ■ - - - '• . -J. i, HOUSTON, and Ft*t Ag*t, . DiW.BOSSiPee^rAgent,(Siicage. ;- j J.nMOOßl.fiiiprt. . ~ • : _ Tb« CXiTtland, PlUibnrfh fo 'WheillnK . Railroad. AND .-gmSBUROH, recap Efcsasm A. COLUMBUS * CmCTMHAI idlM flr S3LROAD LXXBv—CUASCLfi OF XIMK-On aodoiur StUNDAY,IUy 10,1338,lrah(i*UltaaTetfe* Depot of the peonrylraalaCentral Railroad** fcUorti •’ _■ •*.■;, Tor tßtfvala&d. Bofitlo, Detroit,* Chicago, aod ■ Waa*. * : ■- '•• [•!,«.-I .fordaratod, Toledo, Drtroit, Chisago and r jKf*Thlatralo ceobmU at Cleveland with DotroUU&* of iJOOr.K.] ForallwsylUtfooi«nth* Hint Lias. ■ • n paiwogen dwiriogtogo to Chicago, orpoinU bojaoa Chicago via Clevrttad, mart Mh tor ticket* via ClaieUttd. rrrifißraan, oolumbvT"and -raNcnprATi, (rfa ■ StAOboavitIoj)DAILRDAD,. ■„ , ■ CHANGE OP TlME—o<* ahb am Mos. PAT.lIay 10, lßsS,traloi will leaTo the Depolot tho F*ao fjlr«b.ChßtTrtßrtlwad*ifollow** '■ \ • ««. .il forßhmlwanli*, Colataua,Dayton,lodlsoap* Lmj*j,iiu,CWro,»i«nrhl» A Wo* Chlcan*. - I -for CktelnnaU and 81. urate, and all polet* 13S».*.|8(mthandWa*t.,'!■ Through 10 Clcchmatl wthontchanw of cam v. niradMliing to go to Colombo CiricuuiaU,- atfc, lots bavaid Colombo* Via Steebeavfll*, mualoak svia Btaobenrlll*. ■' '. ' JAMES IAMtKH, : flopeclotaadnit, 0. A P. K.B.Qav»laod. . ... . If. W. BAGLSY, : BoprrintaodtotP.C. AC.lCß.Oolomhqe. .j A LLEGHENY Y ALLEY RCaaaMi ! A fSSIQUT DEPOT TO TUB COBHK& Qtf UUTLK&-AKD OAUSOH BTKEKTS, NLNTH WA&D, AND A OBKATUB* DUCtIOX OV TAEUf*. tft«rJOLT?)ra> ]B6T t freight will bo rocalTod m ftbor* »t th« following mini, . ,ToH*liaolnK— porlOOpdond*. I ToGnr'a Eddj.. “ * *• . To Boa Bmh— ggp. *» M " ' .. ToDr*dy’ftßeiML.~... " “ ■• ". •' : Floirr—(^Jittb*rrtU**iltnderJJty. par b*tn\ To Boa Boa*— 1 ..—; “ . Toßr>dy*i *• ftaw<~l\fty-.b«mU saioocr. To Wthtmlng To Groy’a ....•••• . To Etf . ;»• jyflif-* H. P. LOOMIS, **»«*• jjgjf! 1858. - m I Mmtafr-Betniti&'Ukt' I * l M ** ~ % .. yhofatqdt»«a4tMtßtMiiwr . ■ 7 SOUTH STAR. is ' Tb*lto** ategawr. ’. -OHTHKBHMOiT,a.Bp.«Wta„M..«.r Wife. i ifa*wrilkno»nProp*ll«T. . rfiHE number ana chwictto olihefte Banta point* “* imSoM «• «»P»™» comfort aod ft^Atoe“lnfoita* a «V appl? on that root*. For I”^ J /*gfeprrfioyfcqO-. Agta. For farther Information n3*^Q^LAHI^ 123 tp!4:d3i - ' fsc l*er 100 ®». 00c lOO ka. . WDo p*r 199 tM. O REAT KEDCOXXOS OF FAKE^g^ t §£ ' •Isaflttw York for . /„ Soxdham ptt • &trf*a»pfo», ifatre &**£J ?gr2Uwf£* and Bream. April Z 1 Ariel, Saturday, March 20.' {£“2l* May W North Star *• April 17. JUT *“■ •JunoW A»M. “May !&.. J«“*j •- Jn\j 1* North Star « Jut* li- /"Jj,!?',. finoci* ielltarwH Tfcwa ateamihtpa touch at Hsrrfc . w 0.6 Bo«Unsarcc»t NtT Yotfc. • «o |v.r 100 ke r^iu.liTlll»W Ut<>t *'_ : /~VNimd slier. MONDAY, V/lhft'lothiß»t.,P»B*e riser mSlrtto.daUT * >g>tb * • B*llre»dPMWnß*r Depot, *■ * :ooa ,i».. Hall Train leavrs ;„.*3o r. x. ;. I ExpresoTraln ** ' ;y_* • . gpnirn.oouUHt. i&QlUt3t£* ’ ~ '•> D«Uu t&TlB|« BuKi,. ... , /a . Ko. » JVurtA Artec. iliddk JUxn*, Sous' rVPENJJAIIS FROM 9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, t 1 fin Wedntdty tnA S*taxd*y woUigt, ftwa »»* SESgsgSESSBEsg 55^§S~3SS^ KSF’ . : SJS2. 1 d.m51 nft.ni.l Juat* Qrrdm*i>» ■5SS?5J?™^*'’ 'iSSiSSvmi'. BBlßnigiHo, ‘ «gn,i«™ T AtMcrayß l | p”a! ? h£!B tlb.rtMb.rUm, fJ^ufSr, * John B. Otofleld. | y.whtii, J.OtrdQOT Coffin, j Miller, AUmto A. Ctrtjar* • a. JL Pollwac, M. D Oariet 3obn».B*wj»r» ; W“* Ooorg. B.Wdwj, , s«orgt ?• Citoons TheohWCtMtocUw, JiateaS.-HooDi ' Oaent* Bi’SPWt** ; JSayd-J* 22^** tjanking houses OF JOHN Hi __„„EEDIORD CO USIOSTOWN,-.. „ " ■:,>■ op, ; ? J ui SSjcirf, jiLS^riac/Sigiit^•oia oo ««• Dr. P?2cli A£T B’S CHLCUr-ATCI) y E E M I F'TJ U E OVER PSELS. Two of llu but preparation* of fits AG r. They are not recom mended as Cure-alls, but simply for « what * their name pur- | ports. I The Vermifuge, for | expelling Worms from f the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory j results to various animals . subject to Worms. \ The, Liver Pills, for j the cure of Liver Com- 1 plaint, all Bilious De- j rangembnts, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please ■ be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by SOLE PROPRIETORS, PittS burgh, Pa., and take no , other, as there are various other - preparations now yj before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr <; are . worthier M 'xs'-'-' '• V' ; TlpEjiu^rNlcLane’s vei Stores. • ?LSMiKGBHO’S; iTr-v-v-Ji:. V ■ > 1* rxV»>i- f-■ 'll***’ - ; •■'•loo*»fiWOsrt>Wa»> ' wiedtf* O1s0« . . IOQO.bU WWftKl •»■ ”“ uw . oa tana *bJ tar ulo hj A TTnfiypasmyQ- _ JUST RECEIVED— . T«WW>o*nM»api* nlhl»etty,UM*p|««^f» m * B SOTa*w»T»UJra , „ j iif TfITER^WA^Q^; * ! gay^^agasMai»-« HjSs GROSS QUERN’S COti LIVER OIL- JKU»T lB»t«C»d »nd fer mlb by __ . __ . B.ikfABZnaSOCKJ!OO^ i- a p-« ■••-•• • :' {foiOOt’ecßNrVoQ&ttk&Tooxtfetti. l~j . . 100 \do ; Troot» . • .••••'*. ! vr-w - • ■.■••>■ 15 -Ay :■■ Hanfof, *'• BactfvAfcndforMtehjr {«p3BV IflfcSHY-IL OOUJSB-_ BACON— 1000 lbs. coturtry Sides; - MOO to '-to ' amides* *OOO do '. r do{ . juiiJpltyHttJt, myg BJPPI3. WIBTS * P*. BACON— 1000 lbs. Country gito; • 1009ft> do Sbotilden; 1000 do . . •; 04 ißa^g^-.sasg • | j ■ • " ■ ISO d» do-SSwoV.,-.-, JSSiprtimftfrrfLifr MflißSg^ CaSnSTw wwp«f» ■slab? ; t ft94oraa*>