- (lactic. ;-,gIT!TBPTJBOHi FBIDAY HOJOTHO, AUGUST 20, 1838. ;j Mux3fainUTrus~ob««rTiUona la*ra at Of tl - £**+■* -tr*-±t===% '" ■ i , ~ oo M - Grand VzHovrnmotf—Ccltbration of .the Suctstt of 'the Aflantie ' Telfyraph.—Ytßlcnlhy evening wm a /grand gala time in our city, honor of the of the Century. To attempt to give ahidea - of the celebration in detail would be almost iui . firgrybody appeared . elated and Vv crerbody appeared anxious to contribute to the' •v-V-gwitrit display. TbctOlUngand clangor of wt : -:erdhundred tolls/the firing of salutes from numerous field pieces, the sounding of brass in struments, of trumpets, bogles and-trombones, of drums and fifes and. bass viols, almost, ren <’ dered bearing Impossible. Tbo. noise of battle - - and tho clashing of a thousand, blades of steel/ ' could not bats produced a greater dio, and lbo discovery of a nrfqe ofgold could scarcely bare ' producedngreater'.sensation .among the great iaasse#ofhuminit/44iat passed to and fro along . Oar thoroughfares, v - The “glorification” pfoper commenced at four o’clock lathe afternoon, at which hofar two pieces of arUtidry, one stationed on Coal QiU, opposite the tnouUi of Wood street, and tbo other . on Cllff strcot, in the Seventh Ward, commenced firing n Salute of one hundred guns e€cb. They were each/under (lie oharge-‘of a. non-commis sioned officer, kindly detailed for the service by ...Mijor' Blmlngton, commander of tho U. 6. Ar - flenal atLawronceTinc. The guns, were fired at ■’**' Intervale of 000 minute each. Theprincljul business houses elosedV that i -bour, and all declsrod tbems circa ready to par* 1 tldpate in the glorious carnival of science. '.Tho programme published yesterday was then -commenced, the bell of Trinity Church at.eighl o’clock pealing forth in thunder tones the signal ■; for (ho main events of the evening to commence. Tho: tbrchdight/ proceesioa was a splendid affair, and as tho longJiue went gleaming on it almost outshone the glimmeringlights that ilia- ' rolniUod Uxr windows on every side. ..Georgo W. • Leonard was the Chief Marshal, and Dr.Hardl meyer/Wm. v WhUoandCharies Kall wero Aids:* There were the Turnerv. Free-; men-Clubs. Lilcrary Associations, Hod Men,l J3onfl;xif Malta, nod a number of others. The procession commenced moving at 8 o’clock, j and after followlng'lhe long route of procession, re-, tamed id the starting point about.Ojt o’clock.' . ThoroalcwM BS follows; ' After forming on ".Liberty side, tbo. right .resting on ... -Fourth;. cotratermirch up Liberty toPitt; along , PUtio.Duqaesne Way; along Duqucroo Way to • v '.lhn Point;- along: Water to Scodthficld; along 6mSthfleld , to Third;, down Third to Wood; to Fifth; up> Fifth to SmithfiolJ; up >' ! GthHbfteld to Liberty; up Liberty to Wayne; along • Wayne to. Venn; down Penn to Hay; along Hay . iolhe.poinlof-eUrtiog. _ The Illuminations of some of' the haUs sod ~ ' publio • buildings' were certainly dazzling and magnificent; and.the; smaller.buildings 1 add pri vate dwell ingsdddedtheirquotato theglittcr v . iugdisplay'. -Pedpleappearedloptrttheirwholn ' ' heart In the miller, and Cyrus W/Jfield was the >' ''-hero of the day, and-was.hailed aathe spirit of _ tho grand achievement Ja science,- which was the occasion of'tbe scene.' r hloltoV and'TUscrip lions were prominently displayed from the dif ' ferenl buildings, suitable to tho occasion. The newspaper offices or the city did their share in the illuminations—every follower of Franklin doing honor to the final fruition of that - experiment with the lightning, mads by ‘ f*teniuylvpttia , a favorite typo,”, who, through ' .•• the inspiration bf Divhjiiy,made the eleclriciiy . of the .universe to tho necessities of.: tbe people of ihVeiVtb* K : ‘ i - At flavcn's printing office, corner of Market! r and Sec ond st ret Is/'/r om ft/rope extended dia-: gonally across’ the streets/ faa suspended n > large national which. WM’tho inscription, < ‘Tnß t, Cam.w'Aiih tub Vuess— j : Foasklu; a* i> Fsbi6.” , the second and third 'sLdricibflh'o Second street front of Hie bnild . - ing, c'ompasiDg 2 Udrgc windows, were brilli- , antly illuminated with tho sentence:'“Glost 1 to Geu in tub HifinKsr! ” At (no Market street j front were portraits of Franklin an# Field, in [' ' two of the, windows, , * . j 1 The lights in-ilTo-wintloirfi : of Iho/W build*' \ log were so arranged ns.fo form letters reading I - ~*‘BzcoWori>3ubmorinC.'Telegraph.” Sioger -1 . ley’s bnilding, on Third streelf-nlado’a very fine ' - ''.appearance. 1 : f'fi- u A terjr neat device was auspefided in Wylie • slrcetjtrrqmr lh.e: resldtud.erpf Esq.-rtho American and Driiish flagn, united by a wreatb. cmbleioatie vd the telegraph: . Flags anfl banucrij wavod iu all dircctlooß,and ' ilhit*ioatcdr tnwwporenctta, witli~Jinaeriptlons, were numcrons.* Every llilng appeared favoras* ble to lb e 0 % the very elements 1 appeared' td have 1 bcenr‘eostrollcd by Divine . agency*. ? The weather could not'have been more ‘ pfopitiodsr'ftnd the‘gboa feeling that prevailed , .aroongqtalLfiallefied.ns eo ' • gsged la-iW'ftffstf 'dtd rt> as-fi tribute to Ihe, .• genius and ptsdom efj t.hose in whose name (ho ‘ 'festivities werh Inaugurated. l The regatta, as per progrnmmie pub - r was tho grand features of the evening, and imtnensecrowds congregated on tbo levees to seo tlie^cseela. .Of the illumin ated fisgt skimming over the. bosom of the V il wnUrs likaßthv i thSt glided, as the fabft tells us t -on the.crystal lakes of fairy land. Ii WAstn beftopiral ri^hj,'indlbose whowithessed , r it will keep ft longfin remembrance. . r ' able display,'niuminatTng'their armories, etc., :, .1 and baviDg.iheir r b«ftds'playihg (bo evc v "niog. “’ ' ‘ ‘ • • ~ l-Tho fireworks seat off iq different.porta of the ’ Aif* fcdded a grcat deftl of animation lo the gen* erai/unibs.Oo Fifth Btrcet, at several places; n)Olj.os, attracted a great deal In* addUiob to the illnminn lions of fho large bolidings. windows and. '.. dome of the Court Houeo #ere illuminaled.very •: J iiaddsomclyr'and thh oQ beD. which'arc noUeeo ' ■ r elsewhere, jwss tolled. The Custom House, Iron , ‘tl CUy.Coliege;.haU.v,business were also splendidly lighted up. Asso <;kcUUlop,' beald cfl ih e ! , the words, “Giory*b« toGbdfO'ihejpghest.asd*' 1 , j fin Karlhf towardaJMen^At " fepes,fbTmrng (li© ** • :.T. , ' jfas, bdrnrdg'/ajm tiamcrous perforadons, were 1 ~. arranged, and looked ver/ hacoaome. At Shaw’s 1 r '- : . and at'the Symposium,'a saloon beloV, were die- 1 /. solviog ,vrews, which .ajUipctedt.crowds. The Calhedralwas lighted up with gas, and added considerably to the animation ,of that part of I - Ihecily.—• J ; lnidleghc»y,.UM cclebralionyrasnot general,: ■ onftcoohnt arrangements (0 co ; , r operaiewonir' Cnougb^^aotnoparls of it. bow-- ■' ever, appearance, eto., and thd - zihe iorch-Hgbl pro cessiOD, fid also did thrirfinmen. -f . MnUUudea in ‘every part of the eUy, and ffe wasiftaMa imposelblr to stem • tho cutTtnkofpoured, along the 1 Oaly,.n» accidtnt, that we ; one.. .A waaVun over by & buggy on Sfltithfield 'jatjfeet, near Fifth, but he was hot. • . -V : .'/Jla>of ,|fttve^TcVelTsd;/yesterday, an ait -1 : ewer from the Secretary of War, tendering the ' -■ ' ahd amunlllon required from - the 1 v f .. r Arsenal, and aUoanswers. from the Mayors of r. v .--.-tHfftroU cities, aeknowledgin^.lbe-compliment i of r l«vlUtloato hepnaent/and, yeturnipg lheiipj greeting, to his honor; *=' ' •MayOrWeqywr labored uhccasiogly lo mako. “j| the CelebraftOn table, and certainly his ah* • f iicipatloM:nnd hopes were realized. •V;:’. V*i.'i.v ■ ’ r y ; :• -.vV£ •.•ti'----,.... , j . l'.vT 1 “■}*,*.<•! ‘--w Xi -J ?•>& ■: s’J, 3 f.»S*«Vr » '« ‘ 1 v »-V 1 V > 4 : j|UL •; |* • "W-i 4is v v '^ v '' V* J 8 4-‘ : £ •j& i.V J V S VN^ : . : ., ; | v!' rw*' *% jOv# 3 ®: .-.a *&i* *•«.*?*«; a®;-. m ■■■!.-,* ■*?.’.*i-'] v. ■ • ! r * - • * j' •;: * M: •« .•: 1 ; • /* ( Tirs-Ityard of Directors of tho. Pittsburgh Lifei -Fire and -Marino/ Insurance Company, which has its : office 04N0. : 9G Waterstreet, hoa 1 declared ad i? itl end out ofih e profits of iho last .v i. ; sia months,\of tiro dolUrs perabarc. This com t?:/—.pan/#"ire:nndersUnd, is in aYtryflotmahiog ... lbe maimer In which its affairs r , ‘.~: 'aL>y gives assurance to the public of -: —'iis iNdxnra yafe ’ and ;ponnd institution in which 'yf iWure Ufo orproperij. Mr.'P; .A,' Uincbart, i cxpmencedn the a °d tbVtDOst courteous apd ' accommodating tt*vA employed by the companies l of this city, ' . Jare UMjrefore'eupplicd wilV one iS coope-. . . . r.tentfor every: duty rerjuircdinthlsbranchof '■•■ business/- ‘. i •; . A Manure ICosvmtioW »Msmblc “«**. iraion In reratd to Urn - 1,1 ®'F ltm,w i M.jorlnram noli, r•2yS»®l , ,vfsSs!..^S?. 4i »?«»Mo» the tiino !° nontinno: . ■.rßinnlnjtam, et, e pl&co at Brsl lile4 for tbo ' :: en»mpnjonVnoo,'after considernble discussion, . JW’ftWawj'nnd.Yntnw Diei - lr ? c^7f, t " oppolnleJ n oomnUii* , 0 urocuw eobsoriptiobs. - . f ... ." The nndcfrtttudinh'np'pcaml.to he, after dia enssion, that companies inriied would beer/ . 1 ' pedrt tto; i ‘*Jor | n ,Uba.>i l() ; :Y*h«n#el»es, cither in caah-or proti*ipn». : * . . ;. A JiusTHd pf OcnnhnrciUxeui was held al j\ '* ‘.,’>UiedUhenenm wbichtUwas re-; . w - wived to •endn;cqngratuistoMr over Ai^aadstYou . :■& JlaabolrPyfTuhMatlartbeen tboafl; TU org* with m*l to utmost bonnd . - . The slsciiio flash. , Jfot as Xcnt*, wilt chain Inhand, . . iTo Mod th*waters to. tbs land, v 1 BntaodsrtttO'paai;: .' Tba alwtrlc current tow am rsll,- Asd c am news from pole ic polo. Theaartii’sdrcua&ffen£abeingttu>cc»! ! Vbcnltiuyilij, - O’er mountain tep«,ln ocean's bsd, hurried on shall spread, . WilLoat dolaj. Tbo Tvralao Cjrrns great o f jot* Forj«rt conspicuous that ha bore, Id flood lag tubjlon «Uk humxn goro '• To ratio bts crown, Wbat misery Uy slrewed behind, . - grooQi aodiJgba paawdonibe wind / Ot Atsrenown. UutblgLrt- f*r Uwt-aiiar wo yWd • - To modirn Cjrnri W. FiaW Tli« Atlantic Cfcblo at Uat U (**)e>l AucMinn. To Mod, wo Unit, with friendship** band . The human raceot every land, . To last secure. ..AndwbenarUUTiew votalcr, . In ragged kltbi or illrrr lake, ... .. Shall still the prattling toagae rotate . That It was done; * . That work tn tbcgteitest . . In time thafapastpormay beUtcet, > Toatand alow. • _ ~ Slid dibs’ thronf, or ban-oat field. Shall praise be beard to Cyro* Weld. Stood hope forlorn yet woold not J Wd; - ' Uo did eocceod .... In Uodlog the Valeoctaalraml. With woodj beaeh tn NoWwodJlsou,- Triumph, Indeed! And now ttia great Atlantic spaa'd by mtgfatycablsfrom land to land, May friendship so join band In band, Without disdain; Tbeewcinlnfolimrtrtobearitisway Bat pa*M on earth and good will may Forarrrtetgn ■ Now be all prabeand glory circa To 111 m who rote* in earth and Usavtn Hliom smiteon this great achrma was given, Tlistmeo might see m« OrratorSs and Almighty Tower Id mail's extreme and darkest hour On laud or aea. Uuom. Na&uow Ksc.ipb.— ■Last evening about seven .o'clock, as tbo coal train of care was passing from Liberty .-«L to Fean, two _or three of the front tracks ran off[the track after pawing Penn, which caused q shifting of tho train back anil forth in order io-adjast them properlj; -by this time several vehicles bad come np and were detained from passing for some time; finally; a new -wagon and horse belonging to Mr. Henry Kawic, of Allegheny city, attempted to pass, when the train wad backed suddenly without .any signal frogt tho train-hands, or the watch man, and the fiokk result was, that the wagon was literally crushed to pieces, the horse slight ly scratched,' and ~ most, remarkable to say, tbe driver, C. Burgy, escaped without any injury whatever! We'aro credibly ihformed by To •pectable citizens, who were eye-witnessce to the affair, that, had proper attention been paid by the watchman, and those in charge of the train, tho accident would not have opcorred. It is a wonder that the matter was not more serious, as the street was thronged by pedes trians/vehttles, etc., etc.' : ' Police Items.— Xavier Karl was held to bail by Alderman Donaldson, on a charge of keeping a disorderly house is the Fifth 'Ward, on oath of S. Shreilingsr; „ A. young, girl, found in tho house, was committed to jail tea days in de fault of payment of &fine of $5; . Washington Venom, a pilot, was committed ten days by tho same.magistrate for abusing his wife. ; Xdwird.HcOafferty. was committed by Aid. lingers, charged with making an assault upon Patrick McCullough^wlih"a knife, on Webster last evening, . _ . The Old Coubt House Bill- Probably the oldest bell inrPUtaburgh, (which.for manj years huDg‘on the old - Court House in the Diamond, and afterwards on tho new-building, but was displaced daring the fire at the jail some years ago, by .(be burning of the belfry,) was yester day attached to tho jail by the Coooly Commis sioners,, to be rang for tho aseembling of the Courts, etc. A belfry has been erected about the centre of the building. The bell lias lain in the garret of the jail since it felL It weighs be tween four and .five hundred pounds and was cast in Philadelphia - Tue PaYisa Law. —Tbe citizens of the Eighth Ward, we ore informed, have appointed a com -miitee, (consiating of Messrs. C.-Magee, Jas. McOinniss, S. Morrow,Capt. W. Ward, D. Reed, A.' McTlgho, A- McMaster, Andrew Oyer and George Gumbort,) for (he purpose of soliciting 'subscriptions from all owners of property ia the city who arp-opposed to the paving law; the money to bo applied to paying counsel and otber expensefl iu,Jesting the legality of said law. A Grako Altsical Festival le to take place at Mansfield, an Tuesday afternoon, Ibe 24th Inst., when there will be a convocation of some twenty or thirty glee clubs, from various sec tions of this anil Wsehington counties, which have been under the instruction and supervision of Prof. Burgees, of Allegheny city. Tbe Fes tival WiU break up.with a grand display of fire works ia Lhe evening. Election.—At the annual election for officers of the Jackson Independent Blues, the following persons ve?eelcctcd:_ Orderly-Sergeant, Hamlet Lowe; Second, U&rtm Kemp;—Third, P. Clark; Bosigo, 8. Dobbins; Quarter Master Sergeant, B. F. Blood. Corporals, Jobn.Jobneob, David Hackwelder, John Richardson, George FJugh. Thfc post'of : Fourth Bergeaot is still vacant. We learn from the Juniata Sentinel, Uiat Mr. •Wm. C. Khoxdied In Juniata co., on tbe'lClb Inst. It is but a-few weeks eincc Mr, Knox passed through this city in an im> paired state of health for the above place, and we regret to lean of his death, no wasa com positor fo> a longtime onlhe Commercial Jour nal-oZ this city. jV A Collision occurred on Wednesday, near Shousetowo,,between an express and a freight train, v Ho one was injared. ■ > The locomotive of the freight train and two cars were considera blysmashed. G. 8. daVssxMia, formerly a rollingmill man ager of this vicinity, is in custody in ;Bleubeh ville, charged with forging a note for $5OO, on which he drew 1 uonoy from one of the banks of that city. ' Ds. .welearn,. was \uot so seriously Injured by. the accident whichwc noticed yester day, asvfae'iit'first anticipated. He is now re- Mteripg. : v l ,y«»-I«Dvipr Paid**.—-v ' • “Tb«)or*cfpr»i*s,~liowe'ef donecaledTjj art," » ' Reigns, mCre drless, and gtoWiai'crcry heart;. The proud, to gainit, toilsoa ; ioils endcm>, The modest than ii but ia nuke it mnt M • .It Js our province to"praise the garments ipade.at the Brown Stone Clothing'Hall of RoekhUl A WB* ■on, Ho. COS and erjtr st short noiWby '•'-WXWMODtBftOOU;*:- . aala : •, •. ■ BOi'onrtb«lr»*t, , TIDGGY WHIPS, GOT AND THREAD iJP 00V8KED,—Tb* botl Whalebone Whips In the West •^ornrnnrlftyDfitjtekndii^ubtmniltt * , . WELLS, &IDDUS A OQ, ■*•••; .. ■ ■ •. . .:••• - BOPonrt* bW«.Kim*amJy Floor tram, J? 1 qrjrt BBtS. S. OiMOI.AiJSESjavSSd' 'rt, WL .i ;,. . ' Btnuno *w£ir.( ff T^,;j l-VEME. - -2 bbla froabgroundcatmint attaperior quality, Jo*tr*e*lf»d»ftd. wbol*. •to cr nmtti ■fc-JfHANOVS F«mll/9mcnrfta4TaaBlar% - K -jR i»«aaBjiß«Bsaagi^ r '-''V* The GiVmtßn-gll«H Remedy IIK J&llfil; CLABKft’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLBI Prcpered from A'pnacripttonofoßlr Jams* Clarke, M.D., Pltytidan Extmrtinsryto the Queen. This writ known Kettdaets uo'iropositiou.but a ton and aafr remedy for ..yemidelHJßeulties and OUtruedoni, nn iaf niie '«ljltiiT9jW (iUboogh o powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful hjihe constitution. TO MAKHJEir LADIES It Is jwmllariy enltrd. It vtn, la • shortlitne, Drfngou Ae monthly period with regularity. - laim J\Bi Aa«»cwr been l-new* to/.til wArre tike ifirce tioruon(kttectmdpage ofpampXUt are mHe&served. For fall particular*, get a pamphlet fre*,oftbeag*nL N. B—sl and C postage stamp* enclosed to any author! zed agent, will Insure a bottle, containing over 60 phU, by retorn man. B. L. FAHNESTOCK A-COVilttaburgh, wholesale agent, aod sold by all druggist*.. apTT;tlAw fc T THBGRBATKBT MATCH MACHINE IN THE WORLD! A FORTUNE MADE WITH A SMALL IN VESMfcNT. THOMAS’ PATENT MATCH MACHINE Is*simple, cheap andperfoctMsUh Maher. The Machine cost*only|U&;ia drirsoi by hand, and -«rHl make tlie for. tone of the manufacturer Us a short tit?. Where good wood la to be had readily it materially reduce* the ec*t. county ur Machine privileges ue offered lur sale at a moderateprico. For particulars caIIatGAZKTTB COUNTING ROOM. Fifth street. JebdiwfctfT MOTUEHSI MOTnERSt! JaOTBBOSItt Don’t foil to procure Sira. Winslow’s Sooth ing Bjrup for Children Teething. It has no equal on earth. It greatly Csdlltate* the process of tefthiog by aoltening the ghtas, reducing an Inflammation—will allay pain, and (a ture to regulate the bowels. Depend opon U, mothers, It will giro net to younolTsa, and relief and health to yoor Infanta. Perfectly safe In all ease*. Thli trainable preparation la the prescription of one of she mostexperieocod and skilful fomalo Physicians la Now England, and has been us) with novcr-Calling success tn millions of cases. We b«Uera it the beat And turaet remedy }n the world, In all cam of Dysentery sod DUrboca ia Children, whether It arises from teething 01 from any other eanao. If Ulie and health can bo estimated by dollars and rent*, It (a worth Ita weight in gold.:' MMloos of bottles are sold story year In the United Btaiea. ft 1* an old and Well-triod remedy. PRICE ONLY 2J CUNTS A POTTLE. CFNons genuine unless the fhc-slraiie of CURTIS A PKR? EINS,NeW York, Ison the outride wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the worn. M.OKO. n. KETSKIL Agent for Pittsburgh. JnflrfawlyfcT ■ • # J. Mi LrA’A’is Bi j mrT=IRQ3E3CAJPTT TAI[X,OrJ No. 54: St. Clair Street, (Dr. Irish** HswlUUding,) **3o:l ydtc ‘ ' PlTT3mrt:QB, PA. ELKN\RY~H* COliLONti, Forwarding and AMD WUOLKSALB DSAJ.KI IN Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fi«h, ■And Produce-OepermUT, k-*9 flfe. 2ft HU' ami. Fwlhnk. W. Ac I>. JRLNIHH-A.KT, ' WAStTrACTUAxie Aire duuu is - All Uadi «f Tobueot Snuff tad Cl|at Uare recently taken the (wilding No. 130 Wood street, ta addition to their ■treet, where they will be pleated to receive their frienda, ap2T:lydfii ■*■■■■ ) v-» ' - . ! ; JAB. MCLAUGHLIN. Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Foul Oil, delfcdlyfe Jfoc.ldicaimaweadgrart. HKLMBOLU’B GENUINE PREPARATION. lIELUBOLD’S Genuine PREPARATION. - UKLUBOLD'S Geuaioe PREPARATION. USLMHOLD’S Genuine PREPARATION. Is prepared according 4o Pharmacy and ChomWry, with the greateatarcuncy and Chemical knowledge deTotod to their combination. . HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATION—For dlmaeca of the Bladder, StJaey^Grareland Proper. READ! RKADI ;BKADJ—“Va nfflicted'"r*ad,’ 7 'tf>e follow ing ccrtillcataof A cqro of orer 20 years* standing: . IL T. Ueunou>r-Ztea(&r; 1 h*To been troubled with an affliction of the Bladder and Kidneys for over twenty year*. I bare tried Physicians Ja rain, and at lait conclu ded to dre your cenqlno Preparation a trial, u I had beard it higmjr Spoken eC.‘ll; Afforded me immediate relief I Bara used threa bottles, and 2 hara obtained sure relief from lta eiXecta and feel tusch batter than 1 h*Te for twenty yean previous. 1 bare the greatest faith in its virtues and curative powers, not tludl do all to my power to fautke It known to the afflicted.; Hoping this may prove advanta geous to you in Maiding you.to introduce tbe medidue. I - uly- - an (mlj roara, Leaut£wn,p4~_Jan.2s«l&7. .. ShoqM apy doobt Ur- ifatcmcnt, hr r*fcr» to the following gentlemen r Hon. ffm. Bigler, ox-Governor, Peatu^lraiiU. . Hon.TboflL flortnee, PliiUdeluUl*. lion. J. C. Kt>ax, Ja<)gta of d.ulcc guru* art roots, ' -. V Tha Oraefottberg Health. Pill cate* acid itomoch. Tbe Graefenbcrg Healthful cures nommsiiMa. Tbe Graefrnbtrg ItaUtb-Vtll Las cured hundred*. . TheGraefcnbergllesllh PUI will curs where spill can core. !' 1 The flraefenlwrg Health PHI acts on the Vidneya. The Graeleaberg Health Pill combines the virtue* of moat oilier pill*. The Graefeabergireallh Pill* are tonic and not weakening. . TbeGnefonberg Health PUI can be taken at night. TbeGraofonberg Health PUt can be taken after dinner. The Grat&nberx Health Pitleoutalosa dose in one pill. ' Tba. Gnwfcnberg Health Pill is takan by tbo weak. Tbe Gnorfeiiberg Health PCU b taken by the bilious. Tbe GraefratmigHealth Piltcurw Jaundice. The Graefrubenc Uoallh Plll-Cnrea permanently. For a full account ot all tbe Graefoaberg medictOM, see Almanadi,' wtileh can be bail cratiaat tbe amta. Price 2S cents a box. DR.GBO.II.KKTBEB, No. 149 Wood'etmt, aadJ.P. FLHHlftO,'Allegheny. mytMlwT • j~. f?f -tmi ?????? Trasses Tor tike Care ofllernt o or Raptare* UA ESQ’S BADIUAL CUBE TRUSS. Rimn'B PATENT MUM. . . moirs SUPPOBTHB TBUBB. SEtf-Aiwusnira-TBugs. ' Dtt. nANNINQ'S LACE or BODY BRACK, lor U» cureof ProUprosUterL PUee, Ab4oml»al «ul Spinal Waakneasas. DIL gi 8." PITCH'S SiivOTTialed Supporter. ■PILE PROPS; Ibr tbs support’ and core of Pike. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, Ibr weak and varicose veins. ELASTIC KNEECAPS, forwetk knee joint*.' ANKLE SUPPORTS, for weak ankle joints. * SU&PENSQRT - j . .. • BRLP-INJ XCTING SYRINOE% - alao; averjr kind ©t Byriajpa.-.o \ :v . ; i PR» KETEESalsd.baaaTnuawhlch. vSI radically cue nerniaorßapw*./ • ----i.- OSes at hli llragstofts No. 110 Wood street, sign' of the Gol.tea Mcrtae. .v;>xf.Kr~ . . ... . Si,QOO JigWARu ibr any Medicine that will exrt PKATT A BUTCHER'S HAGtOOIL, tbeonlf Indian Remedy ttov aold fbr AArimarm, KcvrxJgiOy Uiiadackt, •TUoCkaey.iTt** SUctrr Sift, BpiaiHi, BruUa, Sore 'Cordl sad'jfwelMjtbe only veg discovered that will act upon them and lW bcrtlieJolots. Tbqanndsof persons have been : cured of jheeecotsplal a t*bjr thlaxnr,4isaov«ry,'-;AI| are invited to give it a trial. Principal oQlee 800 YTaabiogtop street,: Brooklyn, R.T. ‘fcrtaaleby DR. OKO. H. KKTSEn, Mo 140 Wood atnet; and ! EignUore cf Pratt A Rubber oa the wrapper, aad naaa blownin tbebottla; 'i apUMawp' 'JtsrssM tf Nadentwry mepta ire gtMßtty experience, * 4nU. beaTTSccaaUooiutho bted, which unfits them tot eUher labor or f Wiltnfi .majUckt Pttlt are V cdrtalu cure tbraSbcfloM oftbli kind.' The experience of Uooauds who have used,them tnjeuit stteaUUietrexceUanM In alt complaint* arkiug from a dis ordered etomacb. Beo.adrartbwtMDt tbWpageof b> day’s paper. Prepared and sold by< ILL. PAfINESTOCKA' CO., Wbol*eaio PrtixhU, sad proprietors of' A Ji. FaJuu*- fook’s r(rworpr, Mo. fd,icornsr Wood and Pourtfa streets, 1 t L-'i tnfcdAwT ' GALTAHtC BatTEET, Oe EIXCTRO MAGNETIC tf a very superior Und. .wfU hsaset frue ofExpiess cbergsik- wherever an Exprtes rum, upoe a r—Umnca of Ten DoUars. Addrose X>r. GEO IL' KHTaXR; No. 140 Wood *A. PlUktmnth. Pa. epBriawP ’ To SierwoWA retired OenUemao hartaßbeearsitocM.; to; health in a few-dayv, after many yean of nervoe* nfferlnff, will send (free) to aaaliiotbnrs, a espy ofthopnncriptkmandascpplyor the remedy, on re cemng a stomped anvelope bearing the Direct the Rsv. JOAN M.DAOKALL.IM Pulton street, BrooklynfNew York.: i - : apftamdeod*.lmwT : Wttfc ARD lIA&VKT * CO. i 84 MAIDEN LANE, AND 1? DEBAR STREET, NEW--YOWL: PAPER Irtry doaerletlbfl f-f ’ .* ■ rkißnmi and irtuxiNQ . ' PAPER, OH IUHOOtt irAOB TO OBSBB, ' FANCT, COLQUfiD AND nssim PAPERS, Darmsa>APißB, KN YKLOPEB,; 1 "• E****** BdMdi. * ••- TWINS HOUSE. WILUBtt M/UIVKV * CO., 84 Jfaitlcn and .11. Cedar iftreH, ■ ■ V NBWYOR*. , .• ~ . -HEMP. OOTTOIfi PL AX AND LINES T'WTN.'B'Bi ; ~ • HffortO 1 4HP MI»PF«CTB»«n— -oohedaq-e • • ' * or *m* dmripchm COTTON, JDTB, MAVIUA'AND' AHBIUCAN HEMP R OPE, ■ Tim-day. . Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 19.—The loss by tbe late fire hero on Tuesday night ia estimated at $115,000, upon which there was insurance amounting to $103,- 000. Among the bnlldings destroyed was tho Third Presbyterian Church. ' ' ; St. Louts, Aug. 19.—The river Is telling rapidly at this point, as U also tho Mixsonri and Illinois.— Tho Upper Mississippi continues to raise, and has risen one foot at Dubuque since yesterday. The weather is-elear and cool.. New Yobe, Aug. 19.—Tho bark Japoniea, from Philadelphia for Cuba, has been wrecked off Berry Island. Capti Sheldon and crew, together, with tho cargo, were saved, and arrived .nt Nassau, Nv 11., oh the sth iniL Rochester, Aug. 19.—The Tool Factory, on Brown’s Race, and adjoining buildings, were des troyed by fire last nighti- Loss $30,000, upon which there was on insurance of $15,000. ' Montreal, Aug. 19.—The steamer Lady Egllng tob, from Galway, with dates to the 4th 105 t.,, arrived at Qoebee yesterday with 105 passen gers, , • Albakt, Ang. 19.—Tbe American general com mitteo of this county .declare its readiness to unite with any party that wilt go for the admission of Kansas into the Union as a free State. KISS ME SWEETLY—The "latest "and mo«t elegant perfume, di*tillM from tbe Tulip flow er,rorulct>y JOS. FMCUIHO, uu9 cofaw Diamond and Market street. HANDSOME Dark Wool D« Laines at Twelve and a half cents per yard opened tide day, also newstylre daHc Print*. C. U. LOVE, auto ;• 74 Market fit. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE Dry Goods, a good assortment always on bend, C. HANSON JyOVK, *u4 73 Market street. TRANSPARENT BUFF OILCLOTH from •“12 to M ladma • ido; a m parlor article Cor sale by _J«l7_ J. A H.rUlLUPB.2oand 28 8L Clair st. QPZ TCB. FRESH BEATEN RICE for sale by BHHIVF. A DILWORTH, aul3 No. 130 Second «tr—t. ■RJTACK.AKKL—2S bbls No. 3 large mnek- XIX are!; 23 bill Bn. 2 iU, rec'd eed for sale by anl2 , UENRY lI.CuLUNB. HONEF —1C boxea 1 White Clover Uonry tor sale at FKANCITS Family Grocery and Tea Store, Federal etreet, Allrgbcny city. >uLZ SEASONABLE GOODS—PaIm Fane, Hooped Skirt*, Orgnede* Laws*. Barege*. Ac,» good HrKortmotit. c. UANSON LOVH, PAX ENT LEATHER FLY NETS.— A.. ib«*r inroice of tbee* elegant eud durable Net*juvt molret. comprising four varlotir*, and sold either singlr or fn pairs. WELLS, RIDDLE A CO., wit _ RO Fourth street. /^llCiAßS—Another supply of genuino II&- Clgan rec’d this day by JOS. FLEMING.. WHITE aWKED TENNTWHEAT— -1321 sack* now landing from steamer Ida May for satoPy, aqfl IBAIAHJ)tCKEY A CO. Dark fall de laine eciiiog off at agreatrnloctlna at MURPHY A BURCHFIELD'S dosing .out sale. *uH STRAW WIAJPPINO PAPER, all sizes, at manufacturers prices, forsale by W. 8. HAYES, Paper Dctkr, •ul3 No. 31,32 and .33 Market street. A large map of “our country,» with Btatiw, Territories and Cwj'ntlre, distinctly de nned, for mlo by W.S.tiAYEN,Stationer, , aul3 comer Market and 3d streets. fiflrt OREEN SALTED CALFSKINS in storearul far sale by HOPS— 9 bales Ist nort Hops. just reo’d and far sale by SPRINGER nARBAUGII •Ota No. SOP-Llbertlf strert. 1 WE . ARE CLOSING OUT.. out Summer Stock Tery low for cash C RAMSONXOite, • ■■...,'. , , {formerlyLorsßroiber*,} - ■ • tola 1 . -Mo.74MarketUiwt^ 1 HALEiCUESTS, Y. IL; » v , hlf. do O.P. Tea; . . :do ...do" Black Tea,:all of tbe la test tmportatkm*, Just arriving and for sale by . . -.toW , • , . SHRIVEB ADILWORTH.■ ’ THORN'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF OOPAVIA, Sarasparim* and Cobebs. Aootbtr supply, ut this Cflebrat*i) English remedy we’d this day by an» ,V .... . JnB. FLEMING.' . .rnOBACCO —50 kegs wartonted Vn. 6 twist; A. 30 bbls. Cat and Dry Tobacco, For sale by . - LEWIS A BDGEBTON. Agents, ■> n>7 Woodatrtei. MINERAL WATERS—I hnve -just rec'd a tre*h supply of Bedford, Blue Lick, dnngrsea and FiupUohpriog naior*, Xu Mulberry barrels, for sate by Ih* barm, golloa or glass. au2 JOS. FLKMINQ, ~- pRESH BUTTER.—2,OOO lbs. Fresh Table |_ BuUw, received andfar sale at Mo. 133 Liberty street anfcdaw , , • - MDDLE,WIRTBAOa PACKED BUTTER.—SO keggin storo'and farsale at 185 Liberty street • ealtdair - RIPPLE,: WIRTd ACO. SUGAR.— 12 hhdfl Prime N. 0., Sugar, ro erived and for pale at 185 Liberty street. . ,. . •. RIDDLE, WIBIB A 00, WILLOWS—Basket Willows for sale by TT . aa7 HENRY n.OOLUNB,No.2B Woodst. TTENTDCKY iIEMP.—IS bales, suitable ' IV' for TsriDe-msker’* usa, on coaslnment and far sale low to'dose, by . jolT ATWELL, LKH A 00.. EQoB.__6 bbls. Fresh Eggs, received and ft* sale MlB5 Liberty stmt. __ BIDDLE, WIETBAOO, EEMO VAil—SPRIbOEB- HABDAUGH & 00. have rsCßOvsd to No. 8W Liberty street, near Irwin, •eutidtr ’ - ? ROWN'SESSENCK OS’JAMAICA GIN GEIL—O grouthleday rac’d by JOS. FLEMING, mni. , ; fomsr Dbupond and Market street Inn. WHEAT—JBB »ka white; . .BW.- do &*d. Now landing from steamer Mamora, far safa by M u . • - ISAIAH DIOKKY A CO. HERRING.-Prime Potomac Ilerring fUr ta>C I ° tr tlJr niTOnOOCg. MoCHEKHY A CO. PIG METAL.— IOO tons Anthracite Metal tod Bloom*, for rtte »t 0 month* ot for ewh low by tug • - ’ fIiTCIIOOCE, McCBBHBY A Co. T>OTATOBS— IOO bosh to arrive on Gin- forMlo ty mTOIIOOCg> UcCTUtKRTR CO. OUNTUY BACON. —2000 pounds choice LARD—74 rierceBHo. v l uniforincoope> mnaUvrhi^fo^.^eby '1 0 H.T' O SUOAB.— bhda. juat receivod J\ „• - i»U' v-vitzxu. * co. BRANS. 50bMb-'pri»owl»t6iii,atoreiMiii forfttotr ~ J-aflAKyntLP. ENNESSKK FLyuß.—lB6 nicks '- Extra DOW .rrtrfns lfuin «y bus. on hand and If fog—to todo»ert«liartm>vhr*!i j!4 JqU . * > '.' l, ‘ ■ fc Op» J »‘i f Cdnimeircial. : 4 ooiourm oi; arbhraikhi roR august. liiua PiccxT, V. P. C. IL Pauiacs, 3am Qutim, Dana Caxrixu, .Aurrnr Looks.. . r :j,[B^«ried3^eeiaßfforUuPSttabiirgkOuiMti.) I . - . Prwseireaw. ?mmt. liinm trLilM. noURr-Tbar* mn do aalee' from first hands. From sforv, the salra reached COO bbU, varices lota at $3,23 for sbptr, KL3O for «xtn,andsl,ts@sB,oo for family do. ' GRAlN—Scuooly any cooing on; the law aull lota of oU Oats oQsrlug are bun freely at 42.' - BAQQS—SoIe* of T/M fia Ebodden in) Qmi it T ud ’ \ atae*laaof 6lead*,atkS&ilCLCOaton. RGOS-Aaalocf 4 bbl* fresh at 7. . WniSST-fialea ot 14 bbU nv at 20. Wisconsin Moxxr.—The non*/ brokers wbotookadvao tag* jeeterday efthe public alarm, caused by throwing oat tbo notre or certain Wisconsin banka, by half a dosed book* era of the city, reaped qaUe a harrnt. liny of tb* bills wnr* *Ol4 u low a* eighty cents, while Urge amounts worn exchanged for gold at riguty-five to ninety. • This la all on* Decenary. aodfooUih: and many of them wbo hare «üb taiUedto this unmerciful shave will regret their baste be ore the week 1« over. The promrlbed on tea, though not as i :ood m are well sreantt by iatersst-paylog Btate »*’ V*?;**,., 1 ," olhfr rmp*«U compare fsrorably with ,« ®/ llUnole correocy io gnwl crediL Without « oQbt, ,ll: is bal enough; but In times like tbeee it ii folly to Trib b * d 90n * hj cn,unJle " BDd absurd alarm.—Chicago tte only excitement at the rlrer yeaterday wae the At lantic telegraph, and preparations for the celebration last night were going on vigorously. The scene on the river tut night wu baentiral in the extreme. "O"- M..MIU IU UI, miwur. The river la too low for either arrivals or departures. We have, therefore, notblngto report. The Western mail wae not diitribnted at a late hour last night, and we have there foro nothing to add by mall. «* Telegraphio Barkeuit New Tors, Aug. 19.—Cotton firm; aalei 1000 bales at 12 7-10 for middling upland. Floor has advanced; sales 14,000 bblx Wheat has advanced; sale* 33,000 bub; South ern red $1,20; white Sontbem heavy. Corn baa ad vanced; ealee 31,000 bushels; mixed white 82AS5. Pork steady; satu or mesa at £17,23. Lord heavy: sales at WhUkoy dnllt aalea at 26J4&27. Bacon quiet for Hide* and Bhoulden. Uidcs armor; Buenos Ayres 26}{@27. Tsuow firm. Sugar firm. Ooffee qnUt. Freight* qatet. Blocks dull; Chicago A Rock Island 73%; Mich. Southern 22%; N. Y.Oratral77&Bead- MUwankle A Ul». 16}£ Galena A Chicago 83%; Erie 1.; Cleveland k Toledo 34; Tenneaieo Sixes 61%. pHitanELPDii, Aog. 19.—The Flour market is firm but quiet; sales 2000 bhls at $3,73 for fresh ground extra, s 8,000 Iba. eonotry cttrod Bacon, ■ In eta real myB SHRIVKR A DILWOKTQ’S. QYRUPSOFPHOSPHATES—AJargoeup. O ply of Blair A Wye the' Syntpa of Phosphates wmatant* ly cm hand and for aale wbolmaleand retail by any JOS. FLEMING. ALL KINDS OF HOSIERY selling at less than naoal price*, at MURPHY A BURCHFIELDS during Out Bale. Jo2T A LL KINDS OF GLOVES BoUing at leas J\ than wtial prices, at dming Oat Bala of Jus7 , , ... . mpfIPHY R*BPBOtfWRLP. TTTHITE AND COLORED COUNTER- If PANES eetyitig at leea than nasklprice*, at Coring Oat Sale of jaZT MPRPtTY > BURCHFIELD, MATHER’S PRINTING INKS—Notts, Book knd Oolbred Taka for aale by aa7 % WMi Q. JOHNSTON A CQ» ST Wood at. IpLAVORING;EXTRACTS-/A largo. as .fasrimast of dJ&eroQt makes reedriaaby \ ,--anT:-:- : MAOKKOWN A FINLEY, 187 liberty at. T>UBE WINES ANDBRANDIES-rAlargc -XT’ Inwfca of-caielolly selected Llqitondbr taodldnal narpoeea always on band and for ule by •■. ao7 ...MACKEOWN A FINLET. QUO Alt-25 hh*. N. 0. Sugar; 0 ; 2<> ( do Porto nko do. In a tore anJ far aala by Jo2T T. LITTLE k CO. T)ACON—2O,OOO lbs. Shoulders; If 20,000 do Canvassed and Plain Hama; ■ 6,000 do , beat Borer Cnfed d B aka. featharet on steamer Corn* marto to arrive and for sale try IBAIAff DICKEY A 00. T>EATnERS—9 Books now landing from X. steamer Neptone, for aale by' ■nil ; ISAIAH PICKET ACO. ; PRINTING AND BOOK PAPERS for sale JL attfaoPaper Wareboowof . W.&BATIK ' JbW ' Noe. SI, 33 and 88 Merkel at' ■jg'OURTU ARRIVAL OF SUMSIEK D£Y JD GOODS now opening at C. 11AN80N LOYES,7I Markaiit. - /"IUEESE—2SO-bxa best quality _W. R. cdt tlngcb— .TaaSandfoeaakby n. IL COLLIN*. T' EAi>—2oo pigs No. 1 Lead far sale by XJJoW- ! ° i:■ HENKY n OOLLINB. BRIEU APPLES-1,000 bush fur sale by JnlJ J.«.CA»tiroD. i~lHEES£—lOObxs primo Outtibg Cheese V; tornlct, a. noßiSmaoo. STARCH— .'SOO bxs PcarbSturoh, reo’d anR toTHi«br. »oia nmavn.oou.iSB. QHfIA ALMANACS, 185'J, for Halo by OUUUjosi , . j.t,siiD.as.n>a TNSEKD OlL—Gbbla. forsalo by Jao2 .: ; , r mSNBT,TLUOLLTNA ARD—PJO tcs in «tore.iand forjmle bv I anil : 18AXAH THCKKY AOQ. ri ROUND NUTS—SOO socks in stole and yy fc.Mi.tj taautt picgn k 00. - A LL-’KINDS, of Dry Goods aSehcap can be fmad kny pace.' tfc HABBQNXOYx.: :1 mm Q Ji UOCOFFEE •‘PRIMES mik hy&gMTKEAimiwoaTH.^ JDEAN^—^OOtbush,White fopißla Monontmlielji Hirer tJ. 0. K*ll Facktta grmtmT«ijßßAPH. r i.irm»m nmsKS, jJSd ‘ ' JifiUl - I'Qif. BBrnTBUBt, AflOT, R EQULAR MARIETTA AND j l ZANE9VILLH PACKETe-TLo SoeJdMEK Itllt drut*ht IMw LIZZIE M ARTIS, Cpu Drown, Uke* MOwartLwUl l**r* ftr the ibora anil nllintcrninU- M poctl ITEBT SATURDAY AFTERSOOT U 4 o'clock. For traigbt or pamg* apply on board «to FLACK, BAKNKB* Ok, Agtati... ffifnrinnatt, etc. oincjnn^ l and.st: . «b>» fc - —The floe puuager «taam6r JflflHfiE BKQBA, Oipt. J ♦ K. Bhoak will Jmt» S»W ™ . TUIB DAY th» 20ih in2.*t 10, °^r A ' M * For freight or passage apply on board or to v *° U yLACK.BARNM A 00. F°v?,t? l^ CI . NNATI * LUOIBi fgft.fc JL VILLE.—The fins new regular meket -jraNIH GOAY," Q*t J.-rSSeTSII iSHFIfc f*» T » Intermediate portion THIS DAY. the 20th bailor to C ° Ck,P ' M * For freißht " pewage applj on aolO TLACK. BARNES h QQ, Aimti. St. S.ouis, art. OR ST -• LOUIS.—Tho fino t _ ■ tanner CJAZEL, Capt E. Brans, -wmiAMQK for the tboto and all TIIIB DAT,the2oth Inrtsnt.atlOj.K. For freighter nas ■age apply on board or to . , 1 »°* FLACK, BARftKS A CO. JSfeteUanrous. BALTII! GRACKU and.bbavtyi Ooabmd on the Ladles by msrteg DOUGbAS 4 IBERWOOIVS CSLBBB.ATSSSKXB.TS. The nnparrJlaUd ssceaMofthe. NEW EXPANBIOK SKIR'i? (120,0000 f wUdi b» v *b>eßao)d(huiaff(h»UatlbßrmoßUui) hw indotod tfa* to make ammgeiatnla tl»*t will euaUe them ».<. reduce 200 dozens (2,400 Eliirts) p*r r - ! - '•“* of June, Jnlj end August. They also call attention to th*;r NEW LINEN SUPERIOR SKIRT, Tor traveling, which Is receiving universal cvtnmemlaliOD from the Ladies. They are the tab proprietor* of 0 1< only “Patent Adjustable Bustle’Mn use. Deware of the many imitations offered' in the’market, u they are aQ either infringements of our patent, or worth* They also aa&nbctnre over 70 Other Different Style*, «cdA and wirtoitf the “PatentAdJcstable Bu*Ue>-' 1 bo * n f*owng>«>ded by the 7HOH JBTMEDIOM< AUTHORITY u being thebestarticle for Ladia uu that hat ever ban offend forte public. Xone genuine unless stamped DOUGLAS * SHERWOOD, _ MANTTYACrURIBS, NE* YO*K. For kale throughout the United States and Canadas, .jelTflmda PRUPEBTY HOLDERS, ATTEHTJ nnuun a nsmon Having (acreated their facflltlea to r aann&ctoring applying W. B. OHILDS Sc GO’S PATENT ELASTIC FIRE AHD ' / WATER PROOF CEHENT ROOFING, ARE now prepared tofexccnto ordersfor any description of 800 ft, steep or flat, at the shortest do Uoeand with the ntmoet care, being determined la pat on Booth that cannot be enrpased Ibr Cheapness and Durability. Our Booth are too well known to require any eulogy from os. Testimonials In (hvor of this Roofing and samples can he seen by calling at oor Office, No. 76 Bmlthfleld strobt Buildings covered with the above be men at H. Nelson’s, corner of. Wylie and IXlgh streets; J. Beck’s new Hotel, comer of Grant and Seventh streets House of W.O. Leslie, Esqj Diamond alley, opposite Patterson's Stable; Store of R. Straw, comer of Market and Second eta; also House of B. H.Boeoop, same block; Brownsville Wharf Boat; House of Robert Flynn, Congress, between Webster and WyUe streets; StoreofJ. M. Mcßobsrta, Webster si, Stable of A. Bradley, corner of Water alley and Sandusky street, Allegheny; House of H. B. Wiki ns, Esd n Wood's Ran; Home of A. Negiey, JohaScolt, Wsl McCall and Mil Ooon, East Liberty; sod many others too nnmeroas to men* Won. PERRIN A-JOHNSON,' sp2atowlyT No-7.& Bmllhfioldsh, Pittsburgh, Pm. LATEST NEWS from all partsoftho world, Bee the NEW YOBS DAILY nETULD, TttIBUNE and TIMES; PRTLADELPIHA DAILY PRESS, PUItLIO LEDGER, and CINCINNATI COMMERCIAL, . * ' Delivered to «rerj part, >flho city, by tearing year addnaa at HUNT A MINER’S, Haaontc Ball. IclU Trade applied. BOOTS AND SHOES, OfitXSik.jp '.IPOXi-OASIX, JAMES ROBB, NO. 89 MARKET STREET, NEAR THE MARKET HOUSE, Oujutmthtdlibbrn •Spring atoek of 1 * nJ CHILDRENS’ BOOTS «nd SHOES; HENS CALF. KIP ANDCOAUSK » .... ..oirwAltfA BOOTS, SHOES,OXFORD TIES, BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ Booa?SHo3fi*?* , ? 4S ’ *°* A Tory enperlor article and wry ttcat. Direct from the Uaantactorera, which be will aall by the MU or fackasi at Tery reduced pricce furcaah.. Tbla Mock comprise* one oMh»Urge*ta*aortiaen{a to be fbaadihanydty.atiltablelbi' dtp xndeocatrywd**, and haring orer twenty ye»« experience la baying, h# mute that be can now nit all taetee. He respectfully inriteeall In want to o ill. Miming them that the* will be nleaeed. • mr29- myl" Q.OOD DARK PRINTS, . ' USUALLY SOLD AT 12% CTS^ SELLING AT 9 CENTS,at store of MURPHY A BUBOHNELD. QLOSINQ OUT SALE OF BREAD SAFES, MASiER'S CREAM FREEZERS, At reduced price*. Not* ia the Urn* toenppljr.yoorteirft j. T. OKAIQ IQO'S;W Wood it. D ucaLs - FORLADIBS* PRESSES, REDUCED TO V i2>iCT.j. psb irXw>; *t MUaPHYADCKfIHFIBLD'S. ¥TKEFISU~- • T JJ JMhaUUW'iFhltetiahs ,; :U ■; 1 \ 1» «1* ;T|tmti. fi 100 du Salmon; ,• .. ~ .•,••• |• . 90 do • Herring; : ! \ 20 do Pickens!, . Tbta day rec,d end tor sale by HKSBV lk COLLINS. G UNDRIES—>IBO Socks Extra Tenn. Flour, O 2»wekxHogHalß • r 4 do »Dry Apple*; L.i . 2 do , , ' 74 bbU. No. 11 lard; : 1 ■ 18 balMOottob; ..J to nrrite on Clifton, fsr vile by" iX& . . IBAIAIIptCKKY ACO.- ARLOR FURNITURE, ’ 'V , . CHAIiBERJUBFUTURB, , LIBRARY FURNITURE, 4 -. ; ontwa Roosd furniture, . OFFICE ! . Of enr own manufacture,' and warranted, . T. B. YOUNO4CO. jo3l, j oor. 3d and Salthfield eta. CIGARS! CIGARS!!—-A largel6t of -genu locHtTaabClsanofthe’ k ‘‘Con* chita,” and “Entre Arto*”. breads lin'd thl* day. Tboee wiahlngabox of good CtanchohU call and'wxamln* ay Mock before purchasing euewhtre;: JOB. FUMING, ItfORPUY & BURCHFIELD have rec'd JLtJL* to* offifmdSwta }ug»lo. 1 f AUa, P»qa* wdLJoen OolUn, lower thAnjiraal. And w« «r» aow oßirtaff crar Bengea n( Qmidb JbUotßttelftytßf prk«T on luuuj njitjerepply of pw 'Wld4*»q4 Llqaori fix modicliiAt patyfic*. Tbow Trtahiof tnythitHr In tbli pur* trtltU nt - • 1 ‘ - 1 • v : Jo&fumnro'B > - : ■ Jql2-, . FjfHHK ONLY IFRESU STOCK Of DRY J. OOOW |n t!»atf > ißi» opwitai. Ktw atyU Frtau, tor Ml. ißdtba.tidlfciffh.mit of ill Undid amilli -Phr Goodrinthsdty., v- i Jal4># * O.IIANBONLOVS.T4¥srk»I>t. rE*. WHBATAAND LARD. 4 i -i&Ssacks Wheat,While and Rid," ? 17 iltratliuiL On steamer Donleltb, t* ffrtr* tad for sala'by : *o». ■■'y' / i ISAIAH PICKET *OO. SUGAR OCRED HAMS * ANDPRIBD BEEP. krocalvod 6 ttarcn Gardiner, Phipps AOoV . 8.0. UAHS and DRIED BEEP, at TRANCE’S Family Grocery sod Tea 8tor», •: JalO” ! federalStmt, Allegheny. TWFEW HALIFAX DRY SALTED HER- Airings,inbbu.wjdEjJfbbi*, jQ*t r*cdt«i*nd tor 2a, whciinlaor ratall, at YRAHOroNe* Family Orocaty and TSaStota, federal street, Allegheny. ; J«34 POTATOES —100 bus., at 250 to ?closo lot, •onwfrand rood. ' Jos JgSecondsadlSlTProotrtrtete. •’ UAMILY FLOUR—Chpico white wheat in 1? bbl. tacks for nle In lots tontU,by V i' JOT P. g HKRBST, tor; liberty tad u«gj it 1 bash Wheat for salebv ; IUUU nnCHOOGS,«bCBttttTIICO. J<» v- ;! lgflse—dnadlgllTOßtmost. Linen check,Russia*DCOKondafi UwUofffMds veu’; Also, Ism, Bom« aadanklodsorSammergoods. • JsSfcdAwT ailAEßOllimyfcHJUrkKt NO. 1 LARD.—44tierce& irregular cooper 'M : \ doln.torr, Jj-” . : *.«. YODIMiCO. ;„. - . ■ T7B.iaujatooL J > . '\f*ACEEREL—SO bbls. No,&iir£or : . -AIL - ' whfdo. * V AnW4mifcriilib? !■; nßn«w» •" ©TTOMANSutrariouaeiWiifcishodttnd fawtofey,.;, . U»a) ... .T.B.IQTOOIOO. , iggggSPßP 1211§18151i .2SP' Ta?& i% ' - P •'■'■>**.& '”-eli^i|--J^j!;^;'>-f;*'‘-;.'V\ J’&zft - ,■£' J,l -7, fj -'rlt I‘l “c' r - ■ -i? wtaclßNittd kagoor, both mental'and pkiS *”“f* ' ' U*tlMßno«,dnll headachs, pain in the twCSJu'- coldnem and tendencyto stiffness, palpitation oj q* veryOMflytattered or stomal •ad bowls, evanged, ; with pain. Any exertion wassure to bring on nil the symptoms, and i in mßßtioa, ftfllng of the wanb, afad greet pain lathat n gioa. One pbjrriden after another exhausted hlrthJU and gave.meop. A--patient and persevering u»of MAfl >. BXZAIZ/8 UTSRXKECATBOLXCOX idctenaftfly cnrn&l me,. andlbiTt nowords sufficient to express TOytbankftrihM* •/ ! *“ Mia. JULIA AX!?E JOtnifeQX. I can truly say that 1 hare been a cofferer r or many years with whites and deranged menstruation. After a vrbilo I bad other trembles, such as pale Tire, indlgietlod, waning away, gvnanl languor and debility, pain Itrtbo nunll of iLe back, a avrt of aching and draggingeenßaUon,pidni<*>tm*tt the shoulder hlndesaxtendlng down tbofplnrs loss ofappr tlte, trouble in the Btomach and bowel*, with cold band# and foetand'dreadfulnerTouanee**. Tbekaste-xcHcment would mskomefeel as l! I *bonld Oy away." I tried doctors aud drugs, and everylbliig, one aftsr another, without tbo ben* - •Bt. One bottle of MARSHALL** DTRRLYE CATUOLI - changed some ofmysynipttmis for tbo better, Bind now lam entirely and radically cared. I wish-that orctywo tqaa could know wbat it will do, CLARISSA. ODER. *•• For a long time I hod Uterine complaints with the fallow ing aymptomc lrritable; I soemed to abound in complaints; some of which I will try tc . tell yon; pain In the lower organa, ud a feelings as If eomo thing was going to &U cut; inability 10-waik .each on as* . < conntof a feeling ©TfaUness: aching and dragging, and., ■booting pains hi the back, loins, and extendiogdowTUlh* legs; the Jolting prod oced by riding caused great pain; epas modk shootings and pains 1q the side, stomach and bo wo Jr, headache,'with ringing in Uie ears; eTe'ry fiber ofTtfie body seemed sore; groat irritability; Intense nervousness,-! could not bear the least excitement without. being prostrated for a day; I coaid scarcely more abou t thh.hoaso, . arid did not talro pleasure in anything. I had given op hope, having trlod everything, as I supposed, A vain, Hit a mend called my attention to MARBIIALL’a UTERLNE 'JAMObICON. I took it, hoping against hope.- ileal fortunatdyir cured me* end there la not a healthier or more grateful woman in •• the country. It install winnsefL Itlstrolytheiwwnna's friend In need. Mas. VLORKNtiIi LRBIiIF, » MARSHALL'S UTEBZNSCATBOLWOV mil certain • }f cm rpUiagcffht Womb. Whiles, Supprutrdi /rrr;r-far or Painful Menstruation, Bloating. Inflammations ana Ihi cases of the Kidneyt or Urinary Organs, Intention or la contmeneegfUrins. nasrtUcm. „ Fhint\ngt,Pa]pitationt, Cramps, Disturbed Sleep# and all ’■ trouble* organic or sympathetic. connected icilk the Uurirn organs. Thtpriet of UanhaLCt Citrine Caihoticon-is One JbAUw and a Hamper tingle bottle. •On the rtttipl of si= d-Jlan Ace battles thsU be sent by expWts, f re* of charge, to the end of the express route. , BeparticulartoioriU.thepostf‘fsc*adtinst t lcio9 t county sndjffate. BZ toiUguaranlee that the JTedictnem'illit isnt m receipt tftke money; ' Address ' ' bs-UEO. n. l4O Woodst., Pittsburgh, apl-PdawT Sign of theQofdeo Mortar. - JOY TO THIS ADMIRERS OK A FIKR lIXAD OF KIC H & Xj O S B Y II AIR Talk of beauty, it canunt exist without a Qnu bead of halri' then read the following, and if yon ask more, eee'clrcular aronnd each bottle, and no one cart doubt.' - >'<- PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORA-. TIVA—Ve call the attention of olieZil and young, to this wonderful preparation, which turnsbaik tbitsorlglußi : color, gray hair-—covers the haul of the bald with a luxuri ant growth—remora the dandruff, Uchlug, aud ell entant*- •' ons eropUoos causes a contlLcal flow of the natural fluids; and hence, If used as a regular dressing for th* hair will preserve Its color, and keep It from tailing , to .extreme old age, In all its natural beauty. We call theu upon the bald, the gray, or diseased In scalp tome it; and eurehr tlieyotmg will not, as they value the flowing locks, or. thn witching carl, ever be without It. Ita pratae is upon the tongue of ' thousands. The Agent jbrFrof. Wood's Hair Restoretivo in New Ha ven, received the following letter la regard to the Restora tive, a few weeks since: . frxxr Rim, Conn., July 23,1859. Mm. Lxavxawokra—Sin I have been trauMad witli dsn draffer scurf on my head for merethanayear,my])A(r began to come out, scurf and hair tugstber. : I ratrlnsKew Haven paper about ‘Wood’s Hair Bostarative” as a cure.— I called at voor store on the first of Aprillsat,ecdpnrehas ed one bottle to try it, and £ found to my eßlstactlon it wsb r the removed,the scarf and hair began to grow, it is nowtwo orthree locheain length it tear oh of. I have groat faith In It. I wish you to send ms two boU!»s - BwrebyMr.Piwt.tbebearorafthif...ldon , t know many - of the kind fa need In this place, yon may b are a iuai k?t far many bottles after It tskeown here. • - Tours, with respect, • RUPtJS PRATT. PnaADO.pau,Bept.lo,lBSB. Pior. Woon—Dear Bln Torn- Hair Restorative la proving itself beneficial tome. The front, aniLahu) the back part of my bead almost lost its covt-ring—ln.fact have heed but two half pint bottles of your ll«itorati*e,‘%ud how. the tip of my bead ts well studded Withe promising crop of young hair, and the front Ir also rocoivhig It*, bwiotit. 1 bare tried other preparation* without any In hfifU wtutor- - er. I think frotumy own personal recommendatleh, lean - lodacemaDyotfaeratotrylt. . Your*, wspecifnlly, • j’,* D. R. THOMAS, M.R, Mo, m Yhia «r.. :' ; j: Ywcuraxs, Ijn>4 . ■' - Paor. O. J.'Wooc - —Aa you are about to mehcfiictare - and vend your recently discovered Hair Restoration, I will . state for whomsoever It may concern,, that Ihare"rwd it : and known others to use H—that, I Jiavo, for tavrral years, 4.. been ia the habit of using other Hair Uastorallvas, and tbpt - ~ I find yours Tastly superior lo any other Iknow.; It uutire ly cleanses the bead cj dandruff, and with one mmitb’sprop cr use wiUrestoreany peHon'a hair tolhooriginal Toothful . colorand textsro, giving soltand glossy ap pearance; and all this, without discoloring theliseds that apply It, or the dresaoo which It drops. I would, therefore, recommend Itansetoevory one drtirous JL'4lhdkw)r<>nubndh ' m CANRKO OR BiTUMjidns'ti/Ais * . , COKF, LIMB, FIHK BRlCKjSn’cniv'’ vr -^“‘SS“-"l^S^Sipo,. Owa.r AnJenon Blend RrihSin £J A K D " ToUl ® Client* or A_li,|irnATimvT« / h«mIjofnUBa*MLJCKEHZIK.JIIi m tr l !? n ' !1 “ ‘ " ■^^^SSSSSSS&&- V - f‘ ; t- Jni y ;i»(t,iKa,4 o^wy l ” RyilY **®CimKtD «V, OUNUMBRELLAS, ~T >V . LAWNS, ' , , • ’ , kind, of Drew Oolwod > U - ■• C.llANanv j., • ■■■,■' " - .■ •■ 4 , S t> d *>. n^ioK « >do . dtt SdSon, -r, *g» ‘ ' 1 W .^ I L'.VKS-ilFa^ r (h „ T . )ni . ‘ OOLI2HB t ICE CREAM FREEiLR MADE * * ■ Call«t>4 getonu ht T. J.CRAIQ k CO'B.lUWood «t >"*