- - _ _ _ ~ ?,■ '■ : ■ A ;-■■>• " : '' v ■ ” ' '. ■ -4 i ■' if ' ■ ' *• .»_... •'' - . • • .U ' ESTABLISHED IN 1786. v \ ' Bruggists. MACKEOWN t FINLEY, Wholesale laiMunlmown of Oirbeo 00, Vo. 167 ytea*. PUtebcrgh. Pn. J43odyd L. FAIINESTOOK * Co., late ofthefinn • A A.' Fati&eeuOc A Co- asd eutoeaort to flcadot taiQiit' 80. 60, comer Wood And Fourth A. FAHNESTOCK * 00., WHOLE a tte Druggists aad Haautkotorer* of White Lead, I and Litharge* comer Wood aad Front, street*, Pitta* . mch7 JBCIIOONAIAKER, MANUFACTURER • of White lead, Bod Xood,Z!ac, Paint, Lithane, Put. - ty andWbolenta Dealer la Painty Oili, YarnlihM, Turpco “oe, dt, No. Wood oeajyd^ JOHN IIAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO lAS. IHQ•BtOWhol'Uleßefell Drugfct ui Detier la PaiaU, Otta, Djcetalfc, *C‘ confer Wood and Bfelh atroete, Flttabargn. Agent ftrPr.'JoftMCodSdßo. apP J~~yitN,P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL ffiaDnp. 'VwhUhtt and Djratull*, No. wo Liberty etrwt, Pittibargh.' All ordere trip rwdn prompt attwitlcn. d>yAfofcfarSct«adriPanaoalcByrqp. taartfcljdaw r **wwtr« um, t>RA(JN 4 REITER, WHOLESALE AND XJ Ecfell Draggle U, comer of liberty and 6t Cfelr eta, Hn»bW|fci. JOSEPH FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. Wilcox d comer'UarxKttreet and Dtetnood, keep* oonjUntly oa hand a fall and eonnleto aiaertmentaf Dean Ifndirlnaa,-Hadlelnt Cbeefe, Purfamery, end all artlcUoper- Ulnlnrto bis btuisMß. • ...\ AV’njridaiu prcecrfptfona eareffetty eompooedodataU kom - • *• . -'. \ ■Jafcly Ihk UNO. 11. KEYSES, DRUGGIST, J 140 Wood etreet, comer bfWood atreet and Virgin 17, PUlabergfc, Pa, . •* JPy>>u» JBralcis. *-* Ttw, *4i , r , Mt' I,*' 1 1' m ' • -«•- a.lkxch. T ERDfIA HUTCHINSON, Commission 1 J and Fcrwanllag tferchaate, dealen to Weetern Re, terra Chenn Hoot, Ftob,&doa, Rrttcr, limed Oil, Pot and Pearl Autex .Frait, and Prodoct geaeralW. Deetbraade FtraHyF!oor‘»lwaju;on hind.— Agent* for thecal* of Madkoa Co*« celebrated Patented Pearl Sferifc. •Noa.US tfecoad' afcdlto Tint itfc, "between Wood aad Baittfcld dt, ffttabargh, Pa., ~ ' apfclyd CHEESE. WAREHOUSE.—HENRY H. 00LLIN9, ForwardlDg aad Oatuniaeloa Uercbant,BDd Dealer Ja Oh»iaa, Better, Uki Fieb aad Produce generally, 28 Wood ei, abac* Water, ' rnjg JB.- CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, • ODtlOb Ooaimleetoß and Forwarding Merchant, and Wholeeale Dealer la Wee ton Boeerre Cfcecte, Butter, Pot aad Prari Alfa, aad Weelera Prodoco generally. Front li, etween Bmlthfleld aad Wood, PUtebargh, David, c. merest, flour,* pro dac*>froriai6oad CnmaUrion Merchant, No. 297 Liberty street, corner of Hand, PUUbiuih. cites his atten tion to tb« ule of Jloor. Pork Bacon. Lard, Cheese. Belter, Grain, Dried Fruits, 3eeds,'*&;*e. " T ygMSoytynmeotaraepoctlhitraondted- A rFuRSYTfI, tSUCOESSOB TO XjL A Beott,) ronmrdlas knd Oommlaloo Her* cbut, Mr lajrtoi, lIIiIm, Flour. Bucn, Lard asd Lard Ofl and Pfodgoa rurally, Ko. 7> Watar at, PUt»lrert*>, Pa. t'AGLK. WAREHOUSE JAS. GARD* Pi IXIHL _De*Jrr In* Flour, ProrUrai and STt.** rally, No, Xtberty ■D'l 3raltti&«H,?i!tiibargb, p£ .JWTWitt ewh. RIDDLE,: WIRT3 , A CO., General Com mission Morshaatsaad Dealers Id Groceries end Pro duee, N0.1*5 Liberty street, Pttttbtnh, P*. soUdted Mid satfshctory leluiMgaar ateed. : delftlydawT iiwurantt agents. R FINNEY, AgentEdreka InsuronoeCo., a No> 9 Waierstrect. . A A. CARRIER, SECRETARY Penmjlnull* Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, ■Jonas* Bonding, foorthsacet. ’ QAMUSL L. MARSHSLL, Secretary Citi- Q eene* lnsotaacai Company, 84 Water street. 1 M. GORDON,'Secretary Western Incur e anc*Oo«np*ay,MW*tar«treel.- J, GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank e tin Pi re Insurance Company, NortSoast conar Wood aad Third streets. I i A. MADEIRA,'Agent for Delaware a Matoanasaraac«Oo^4lWaterstmt. UIOS. J. HUNTER, Agent Farmers'and . Mochanka* Itnmraaco Ox, 90 Water street. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent Continental InzuninctCon St Fifth stroat. WV POINDEXTER, Agent Great Weat • «rn Itunraoca Fipet strevt. ROBINSON A CO., Dealer in Carpets, Ac., W0..83 flfthatr—fc • ILLIAM McCLINTOCK, “Dealer CuwU. N’o. ltU Market itrwt. \ W. D. A, U. A’OALLOM, Dealer in carpets, oil cloths, KATTIXpSHtc. Ho, 67 loartb rtreel now Wood. ftttonuss. IRISH AMACKEijiIE, Attorney* ai Law, Ofa3o !fo.»Tourth Streep PitUbarsb, Pa- Notary Pnb Ito and Ohio Oommixionr-r. ‘ OBBttT STKNiairr, ATTOKNKY at > lAir.aod Solicitor of the Banker Pittsburgh, Ho. 110 gotulli etrert. WtUbortfr. • del> Joseph's. * a. p. mokrison, at • turosfs'it Law. 00c* N«v SS Poorth rt., near Wood, pitubargh, Pa. • mjfil Eta Goods. C~~ u' LOVB, Dealer in Staple and Fancr DrtOoo-U, aignoCtheorigliial Bee-'IIITe, Kofi M*rtot etnwt. Plltnbargh. ; - . nrlO \,rUKPU¥ A BURCHFIELD, DEALERS IVL tn Bilk# and Ladlea? Dreea Goode generally, Ctoaka, jWmM and Shmwla, Jbmbrolderieo and Staple Oood*, fcr bmilr o*«. As nontilijr extend re amoitaeat In all the *boTsdepertae&UJ(i*trecetTed.aad edUag at tbo tout cor, fourth and Market eto.’tE ; . oc3 U. PALMBK, No. 105 Market Street. • Dealer la Bonnets, Hat#, Straw Trimming#, w BtrawGoodageoefalljr.• att atatnagw. Bewetttp-Bre Saw tad Ittnd Band CARRTAGES AKD BTJOK3TH3S, whztfs xroposrroxreV . TWO MILS BUN, HKAIt XJIWttKaOkVIIXB. fPHE.tabsOriber offers for sole, orcfflff> B eicbangt'otithemost ree#OD>frle flaoaamtmnt cfßeroacbaaande#coad-ba»dßaggtea,i&ade bp Wstjon, of Philadelphia, some bat little ased. Also, tv»Bt7’Oo*now Boggle*, made, la mjr, own shop, from the very l«et material porchaeed la the aastera market. Aflne h>t of Trotting Wagooa, &ew and eeeoad hand. Alto, a lot of Boat Wagoaa, Jenny Unde, Oenaaatowa Wagons, Jersey Wagon# and BoCfcawaye, two fine Phaetons, eeato tor tour •anoat,ooeef them Waieoa*!make aadoeeof tbem-Hew i York oak*. TwafioeSalkiee,ooemaide byMr.D. Rodeere, "Philadelphia, and a tow common Bontoa, ealubie tor Ugbt marketing. The eobacrlber Batten kuneilf be caa make ft to the latereetof peceoof withlng to pnrcfcaea,to give 10m acetH Tba cetablUhimat Ucoara&tent to the dtp, the Steel* ■torOmnibciUpe Coaches patring the door enry too mla •tee. -■ ♦ . ’• mrO-oaw3qiT Gtrdtvgr and wtgdn Manufactory. &£• L. STEPHENS, Agent, Cbraer SmltifUld Street oad Diamond AlUy, ■ \%r OULD respectfully inform Vf pdHto that bets now located a# abort, Sgaaw** ud hM rammed the badaeae of Carriage maklngio alt it# Tartettoa, and la alee prepared .to, execute order* ter Wagons of all dwcrfpUoaa.'laclDdlßgaUwot’k Jbr’lroa Merchants* i&s of floe, work. ■ gy ft rmiil mm irfniiint of tmrj eriwtrn ia oa baad.eaU- All work vanaaled tor Umootna. gg»ParUcaier atteatloo girro Ui repair*. ; Jalfclpd Ooaeh and Carriage PAetorp. > JOBHIOB, BBOTHEB * CO., . Cbm* qfStlnmt mi ftick -’• ALLBOHKKT CITY. CTTOULD/RESPECTFULLY IN- YY torm thetc frtooda, and the public railr, lhal Chep are auanttetarlng Carrtagea, baroocbee, p r b>^»y, wmf-, f **”!"*■, >■ rmrV 'ooeaOkeof Bmsiand propocttooa. . . aiiLtea win be axecated with etrlclregard to dorablUtp iiilliiniitTirf-f* 4 *** ; Repairs win alee be etteededtooa Sa meet naeooablo terms. -CMsg la i& Chetr work the ” ghaßs, Ftolea and Wheel tbep feelcoofi* S2a tkatellwtwfaTor them with.thelr patrtmege will be TLStr mttafledoa trial of OKtr work. ' rTTiiftin —lhest a call betee pox. ■_ i -pui. O’BRIEN :OAN, BE ..CONSULTED gj. I I *»iv Sattlri.cocscslßtfc Md%afthfl«Urt»*t*,cQ J«Xfclyd* Vtssitians. Baftttns. jon twxwgk~—~-~vc. nun i JOHN THOaiPSON A; , f TTODSK PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND I It oft Artus, is& rmu> sx&iucr. Bi«uP»i»ti*t wucaiwd fIOMiMH «ad 4topncb. )fix»d • Tmwotw; Taraitb, J*pmao4 Engirt .fattn* DH«*» I’BblkvtiricMZloo,* rmry •up*rfflf trtfcU Philadelphia , JJd Pltainafrh Wktt* aiv»7t on band and tor **!•«*- ' W«ar*pwp«»d»oOTlfcJOolociC» Ptiaten, prtuflstaor <*h«P +' _*•+*** notice m ir* bmi mUTwhlcb iSguarg ”• -■”? -hj3& .PKlatin, . tOHOALAKE, Bouse and sign painters 4 WAUnjT HAIiLHBSXAUHAJtT, { / ' - iiusomo niLLirmn wrßM*r. 1 iosaPH PBiQKBa, / PEOPEIIIOR. . 2A Ii THE DELICACIES OF 1 /V.THI BBABoJl,prepend tythsmoat*fc* 4flP|Jfe lMMindcDoti > Kmd«ptttbi u JtMIK ! ctcujck p. m. ! *« Inlholtoo. penUor to tfe* Xwt,ir«*» or «ZgS*fs*]lTW ¥nii>ii >n(HafT»d ttplo erdtr.— |Sd4 £•*•«• *t WALKtJT IULL OH nd^aftijr XXIS, or Atuuite Sole mglff!r IDmMS V. ' <- HE DAILY PITT! uxuxum tnci mwM . josx l. lttci ~~Joe. #. ltoOb. JOB. EL r.TTECH A CO., ~ Woa.aaa ASHl,il>«rtyft.| PUtibur|h,Pa. WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS El FZ*OUR AND BACON. Tin Plate and Tinner** Stock. AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. JylLdir miMO acuupQn-.n»NJKKT* f. nnrt.-mt. n. vameu, SPRINGER HARBA.CGH 4b CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, •. : DEALERS IN Woo), Hides, Provisions & Prodnco Generally, Jel2*° 2^5 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. FORWARDING MERCHANTS' Lewie mad Wmatilnrton Awenai, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY, RkfEBENCBS: deeepb.K Leech A Co* aad Pittsburgh Merchants goocr •Hr- , JyllalAwlyT Qktii a. a. smxmu.*, T EWIS 4 EDGERTON, (Successors to D. JJ T- Mwpn A Co,) Wholesale Grocer* *«<* OommieMoa Merchants, 107 Wood itmi, Pittsburgh. mrt Henry s. king, (late of the firm of King A Moorhead,) Cotnmiedoa Merchant, tod Dealer la Pi* Metal aad Bloom*, No. 74- Water street, be> low Market, Pltttbargh, Pa. >plp A A. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO ILAR • dy, Joaee A Co.)Catamleslcn aad Forwarding Her*, chant; Agent of the MadJma aad IndUnapoU* Railroad, cor« her FI ret aod Ferry eta* Pittsburgh, Pa. JaSfclyd ' Edward t. megraw, general CoamlmiOß Merchant, aad Wbotamla Dealer ia Menu* betored Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Clean. Bhuff. Aa. ff-t N 0.341 Liberty street, oppoeite the bead of Woodjpitts hergb. Pa. iahl2dy WOS. UTTLS TUO9. Lima. n. T. LITTLB 4 CO* W TXTHOLESALE GROCERS, FT. , COMMISSION merchants, Aad dealer* (a FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, —FISH, OILS aod PRODUCE. Ho. 113 Seoomd Pittsburgh, Pm. liberal adrapcee made oa copttfhments. airlS ROBERT DICKEY, Wholesale Grocer, Produce and Commission Merchant, No. 134 front efaoet, near Wood, Pltttbargh, Pa. •' apCJyd DAOALEY, COSGRAVE A 00., JL> Wholesale Grocer*, Nue. 13«5d20 Wood cireet, Plttm Alexander king, wholesale Grocer aod Importer of Bode Aah, No. 278 Liberty ■tteet, Pittebcrgh, Pa. aplHyd* •TO. B. JOWW L. COOLTT. TONES A COOLEY, WHOLELALE GRO v CbhS aad Boat FotalMien, dealer* in Prodace and Pltttbargh Haaa&eture*, No.lU Water street, near Cherry Alley, Plttibargh, Pa. my3Q V. TOCT f. MX.WORTB. QHRIYER A DILWORTU, WHOLESALE O Groowa, No. 130 nod 122 8«cood nnet, (b«rl«ThaßU,and Deaton la Produce. Me. OBERT H. KINO, WHOLESALE GRO JLV CKR, Ooamtoriou Merchant, end Dealer la Feathers, Fish, Flour, and all kinds of Coontry Prodoce, No.' Til Lib erty street, month at Sixth, Pittsburgh, Pa liberal ad vance* mad* on caarignmeatß. Jetolyd at—tMtim ~,hmm • wunrw pOBERT DALZKLL 4 CO., WHOLE. Xi BALB Grocer*, Oommtosion and Porvardinc Mer chants and Deaton is ProdocaandPltlaburgb Maoufiket&m, No. 251 liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. my 3 WILLIAM WARD, Dealer in promissory notes, Baade, Mortgagee aad all aeonritto* far maney. • Persons can procur* loans through tay Agency, oa reason eblstenns. Tfcoat ariahing to Invert their monsy to good advantage, era always find-firat and aoeond dan paper at my oOoe, tor sale. PCS UU il WS. RENTOUL, 20 St. Glair street, • Dealer la Religious and-Miscellaneous Books, and . Depository of j meric an Tract Society’s PubUoattoea. • . WM. Q. JOHNSTON 4 CO., Stationers, Blank Book Maanbetnrart and Job Printers, No. A7Wood*tre«t,Pttt*biirgh,Pa. aeBo T? 0. COCHRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO Fla 0. Sadler,) Whotsaala and Retail Dealer In Books, Statkany and Paper ECangloga, Federal street, Cth doorfi. B.of Market Square, Allegheny,?*. JOHN 8. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND ' StaOooer, successor to Davison A Agaew, No. 68 Market street, near fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. : - : ■ RAY 4 CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STA TIONER 3, No. 6$ Wood street, next door to the cor ner of Third, Pittsburgh, Pa. School and Law Books con stantly on hand. • JL. READ, BOOKSELLER AND STA _ e. TIONBR, No. T> Fourth at, Apollo BoflAinge- Hunt 4 miner, bookseller and Stationer, Masonic llall, Fifth street JOHN U. MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD ST., between Diamond Alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent fcr CIUCKRRING A SONS’ (Boston) PIANO FORTPS, MA SON a HAMLIN'S MODEL MBLODEONS rad ORGAN HARMONIUMS, and Dealer in Motto aad Mnslca) Gooda. Jag jj g KLEß^J^R°.,^o^s3 & Fimi ACLARK% (New Torfc) unrivalled Grand and Bratr» PIANOS,and OARHART A NBKMIAM’fI ftmtint 11KLO DB0N8 and OBOAN lIARMQNICMB, Deaton In Mule and Mestoal Instruments. • . U 6 pHARLOTTE BLUME, MANUFACTUR- V/ KB and DealarU Plano Totted, rad Importer of Mask aad Mnatoal Instruments.. Sole Agent tit ute HAMBURG PIANOS, also tor BALLET, PAVIA A CO.’S Bostou Ptouoe, with and without Jktora, Attachment. 111 Wood street ■2* l : JAMEBW, WOODWKLL. Ft CnAIBS, Soitable tor • « PARLORS, CHAMBERS AND DIKING ROOMS, Equal to any in NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, •^^■“’r^isss o "“ aoniI “’ . BOTttfl ADD SWAMBOATB . poiAtobadallhaaborttotnottoe* - M K,.N^77i».»T g g^ < Ml rn. turn *• TWW T. B. tOWfIAW. xunruiiiM ..wo rURNITDRE AND CHAIRS Of Erery Deocripoan. /; Wuebtut—Dot. 18 fctl InitiDeM It* QTEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—W* i~«nactiirtii|! nsuaou oabih 22?S25JSffiSiisL.‘"’ 1 “«- ■«^ 1 “ °* . ■■ ■ ■ t.i.TaoKa*oa. : fyjow OPEN-ThabW ««rted and cheap- X* «* itoek -of I>m. o<»tu. MmiCw. mm «We* tosqua, in (ton, ad ■ J.aauEniLD, ' * S Commtttsion, tit. HITCHCOCK, fIeORSERT 4b CO., [Succtaeon to'Satteian, M’Creery 4 Oo.) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Aad Wholesale Dealer* la Preducti Flour add Wool, .Vo. 153 JV«tt RTn_™....w.*. Mitsisma. CRIDGE, WADSWORTH 4b CO., Manufacturers of Patent Oscillating Engines AND Portable Knginos and Boiler 9 of all Sizes, pinsDUsan, pa. Work* it Notra En ov tsa AQmtrcr, mylOJy : ALLKOUKNY CITY MOORHEAD « CO.. * rican, Plain and Corrugated, galvanized sheet iron, Tor Boofloff, Gattericg. F pouting, Ac, Agent* far JVotxF* Patent imitation Roaila Sheet Iron. a&W*x*bm**—No. 130 A rtt Strut PilUbvnh. mrP:lyd ' . A • IrSY O CT S, ■ (Boccteenrto A-LycaiAOo.) LOOKING GLASS 4 PICTURE FRAMES, AND DEALER IS VARIETY GOODS, dcC„ No. 138 Wood St„ Pittsburgh, Pa. fefcdtf / • MORRIS & COLTART, HUGHE'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORGE AND TRIP RAMXE&&. HAMMERS of the following sizes* «to. made tb ohJat. Ne.l, Lilt 7 is. foil blow, AOM lb*. Price | 350. /. “3, *9 - - - WW 11 “ 450. “ 2, "12 *■ “ “ 116 N - “ 600. * “4, M 'l5 « - - 23056 “ “ 900. “1, “20“ - 41150 - - 1600. “ 6,. “24 « “ “ &1201 •* - 2toa 49- Order* aolklted. Tor pertleaUn eddren UORKK k COLTA&T, J*2lJly PiTTOOQg, Pa. tiLAMUJUL. BRADLEY. Base La**, (Belov the St Clelr_ Street Bridge,) Allegheny City. Ponna., BRADLiTO WOOLEN KNITTING TARN, TOf erary Oolor and Number. ri PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON ifcort cbUc* for eTcry color or number of Tim*. Hit* ug boon ad* of tk« original maau&ctarer* of the eelebrv •a‘'Uradley Woolen Yarna/Ma cunnectltra with my brother, Wm. Bradley; of Wheeling, I would reepectfnlly aoUctt *h*r* of thi order* for Varna, i» abore. ' 4fc#~oMii paid for ghocp Bklna and Wool. J«27:lyd etreet, wfll hare attention. J e2fcly Jtnfis mwis, MANUFACTURER OF CULPiIURIO ETHER; Sulphuric Acid; O Sweet Sfdrltaof Nitre; Nitric Anodyne;. Muriatic AdA. Aqua Ammonia, FPP; Nitrous do fowler's Solution; _ myS May be found at John Irwin A Sou, 17 Water atreet t. o. a. jomrso»„ ~.mt. natitaw. PER&IV 4 JOHHSON,' UANITFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WE. CHILDS * CO'S PATENT ELAS e TIG fIRE AND WATER-TROOP CEMENT HOOPING, ISI To ran Bmn, Pittsbunch, Pa. odtulli ; WILLIAM TATE * >O5, TJLUMBEK AND OAS FITTER, No. 10 Fouitb street Pitubargh, and Federal street under- Death Rxhelrior Hall, Allegheny. deecripbou of fittings tar Water, Gas and Btoam. noltoly JOBS CAMPBELLT Mi N UF a 0 TU R ER OF BOOTS ‘ and SHOES of every description. No. 14 Smltbdold stn*t Pittsburgh, Pa. ceSldyd Uptiolstei]!. Viun f. ntUBiLL roura a. ncottxs Wall Paper Warehouse* WALTER P. MARSHALL A CO., Im* pertcraand Dealers; 37 Wood street, bstwaen foarth street and Diamond Alley, where may be (band an extenatre — intnmut of erery description of Paper Hanging*, for Per lora, Halls, Dining Booms and Chambers. Window M«d«a in gnat Tariety at lowest prices to country dealers. eelfl , ' WALTER P. MARSHALL A 00. a rannasor, „y. ft. unxii. T? EDMONDSON & CO., Not. 9S and 98 _L!i« Third itrwt, near Wood, MmnActarwi ud Dialer* taw ALL PAPER, CUBTAIN 00008, OBN AMENTS, FRINGES, TASSELS AND CORDS, • * COMFORTS, BEDS, PATENTSPIRAL BPBISQ eltsatioa of psrchassi to tbdr largr QTAROH AGENCY.—HAVINQ BEEN O for Pfttstmrgh, by the UADISOH STiBOQOpMPANT, for Qw«l» of their MtelintwiPEAßl STARCH, (which ia warranted equal ia'qoallty to any knows lntblcmarket)areDownraparedtoeopply whnlMala Prat anataanufeetarera’pricM. We invite tbeeiteotiofl of the Trad* in this article* to anexamlnaUonot ~~ir jinanm nock, end wfateb will bobeptoonal to thedetnand. ATWRLL, LU A CO, mjf i j ’ Mo. « Woedetr*. - CHEAP DRESS GOODS.—MURPHY & BURCHFIELD hire reoetved mis; etytea of LidW Dtw podi lately, which they an aelUeg my cheap. Bexa;re for 12}$ and 18|fc: ' Ducats for lsSc. Loella Cloths ISJ^c. Lawns &A and 10c. Alio, many tty lee of Fine Goods at lan than ososl prlcaa. , : t?ISU.—SO bbls andso hlf bbls new No. 3 JT Mackerel, SO this Baltimore Herring, SO do Halifax do. 60 do acd, DO kitu 1,2 aod 3 Ueckrrel, - 60 do Lake Jr tab, in store aod tor file by jrM i J. B. CANFIELD. Salmon, mackabel and halibut joit received at FRANCK'S Family Grocery aod Tea Btore, Federal street, Allegheny. Borne of the largest aad fattest No. 1 Mackerel aod Salmon to be foundin the city. Also, IOQ Iba. Smoked Halibut In prim* order.. ’• Jol EXTRA FAMILYFLODR-300bbls. choice whits wheat Extra Family Floor far tale by JelO • ii McBANB A AMJKA, 124 Second it. 1 a JARS PRIME ROTTER ly 5 krge packed •© do Rac’d and far sale by BHSITER A DLL WORTH, Je2l 130aDdia8*oot>d»t 01 Ai MEAL, Pearl Barley and Oaten '.araala, Ireeh ground and of superior quality, Jnst rec'd end for eelo, w&olenle and retail, at FRANCE’S Family Qrooery and Tea Store, Federal eUj'AlUfbany. JelS SUNDRIES— 30 bbU. Silver Springs Extra Family Floor 13 eaekiTenn. Whcafr-Bmcks FUxaeed; 3 sacks Feature, now landing from eteamer Glen wood for ealehy : Jo 9 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. Qf\ nnn LBS. BACON SHOULDERS; /&\J 10,000 do do name; : 7 6,000 do do Fhles; Sotca.6.C.Hame, Jnet rec’d and far eala by jc2 T. UTTLS A CO. FRESH FAMILY BOTfER wceivcd daily per Express, lo k«gs aad bucket?, pet «p at the best dairies In Ohio, for eale,wbol*tato and retail, by • RtDDLk, WIRTB A CO., 166 liberty etreet P A TT FOR CHILDRRNS' CAPES,. - I\ « Balance. Collars. Sleeves, Shirt Boeoma. Ac. Tne beet ae«ortment in toe city jnet nc'd. Ptaui* call and eoe them. JelLdtwF a HANSON LOT E. 74 Market it. \ ILK.—Sewing nnd Fringe Silks, Traml Orginxlne Embroidery and Span Silks, of all colort constantly on hand aad far aale by the mannfactnrera af the lowest markot tatee. S> lIOQLEY A SON, Podeoa Alley, Fhßedalpbla. JolfcSmdeod MEDICINE CHESTS—Ihare just opened a eery floe lot o( Medicine Cheats, which wia be BU> edu they are ordered, with the purest of medicines. Thoee wlshing'an article in this Um ebon Id all aod examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, Ju23 ' corner Dismoad and Klarkftt etreet ; TpO STEAMBOAT MEN.—We will sell JLoae eighth of thssplendld pises nger packet HETROP> OLIS, eery low end on ease rirms- Jolt . HUCHOOCC, McCRRARY A CO. {STORAGE TO LET—Two large dxj Ceb tore and Second and Third Boon, on tsTombtotoraa. Inquire of . HITCHCOCK, MoCRBKRI A 00- Jal = . No. 133 Second and 163 Front streets. fit) 11X8. WOOD'S PEARL STARCH in \J\J store.andfar sale by ; , * B. L. FAHNESTOCK A (XX, ntyT . . . ya.eo,cceaer Wood and Fonrth sts. Blair a wykth’b chemical food. Ah*L* «nppl, net thl. Tenn Pi «.t,, DnoU, floor IB itat. ud far Ml. h, ~Vi aoßCiTcicg«T.wr>q.<^.ii^-w w a. O b*gi:FJuaeed; 3 doFeatb- San udo Tm. w>«t» a.»ptto«r» Ldtidiafci " s • ' #a^tc. pCblibukd daily am> wkkklt bt 8. BIPPLS Get O 0., / mm i mar. awn tmnnt. / (Corwpondeooe of the PitUbcrghflaretw.] Altooxa, Pa-, Angus* S> 1858. J/eur*. Editor!: Away up a* °tha top of-tho heights,” at the word “Altoona” is. laid, by aomt who profess to know, to mean, we have hem think ing about you, BDcT’aipceUlly about the promise made you Id a moment of extrema pliability, to giro you tome account of mattera and things in this local ity. Had not that pledge boen given, yon would most probably here boon spared the labor of deci phering very unsoemly.chirogrsphy, add yoor read ers would hare escaped a column, of dull entertain ment. For the very thought of pen, ink and paper is by no means-agreeable to us-jnst ndw, while the very idea of continuous though* or labor of composi tion Is repulsive; we shrink from it. This dope not arise from the fact thst we are unaccustomed to toil; far from it; we know well wlut it la.to bear the heat and burden of the dey. In early youth the duty of work, in both apbysicaj and moral view, was carefully inculcated; its perform an oewas strict' ly commanded; and we bave stUl a fating recollec tion of at least one application of the rod for neglect to comply with this very reasonable and proper de mand of parental authority. As timet-passed on, labor became a necessity, and threagbthe force of habit it has bcoome a great bapplness/to oar very being; for we are so constituted that wb can grade* ally ioro and cling to that whioh we oould not en dure at first with patience. But never did the eehool boy long more for the approaching vacatum:'never did his heart beat more joyously at the thought of laying aside the dog-eared hooka for a time, and of having a fow weeks of reprieve from the dailyrou tine of lesions, than docs ours heave in anticipation of e very few days of rest from ordinary cares, of change in our customary objects of thought, of in nocent abandonment of the grave, stern, but yet plowing duties of onr ordinary lift. Bat when in quest of a place where rest may be-united with'en joyment of invigorating breexes, of natural objects of grandeur and sublimity, •whilheg could our thought* so instinctively tend as to oar own Alle ghenies, wUh their cloud-capped summits, deep val leys, rugged sides and tumbling, dashing, roaring streams ? And where eonld we aeposltoorself with more certainty of eomfort and a most bountiful sup ply of every thing that gratifies the appetite of the hungry than at the Logan House, kept by those gentlemanly, accommodating, active find generous proprietors, Messrs. Millar A Bows, so well known to the traveling public? The very suggestion was enough to determine out action, and hither we came, highly gratified, as every one is, with the construc tion, appointments and officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has no superior, if thy equal, Jn the United States. < We found the “Logan House," as fiLSual at this season of the year, well filled with visitors, though Its proprietors are very modest and unpretending men; they issue no circulars; do not telegraph to j»ther places of public resort that they* have a few 'rooms vaeantend would be glad to accommodate any disposed to leave tbeir present quarters; nor do they tend abroad any plausible promises suck as will only declare the unsuspecting. Indeed, if they were men so disposed they have no need to resort to sueh ex rdieota. Their house end the manner ‘in which U furnished and kept is theirbest, recommendation, their best claim to publlo patronages The -bouse itself is a model one; the rooms are large and well ventilated; water is ebnndant, end the table is well supplied with every luxury end delleaoj of the sea son, prepared in a style to salt the most fastidious, while there is at the tame time an entire absence of those things which present strong inducements to dissipation, injure morality, offend good taste and prevent the very intention of. relaxation from lo grolling pursuits, for it eahnotbe denied successfully that not a few of tiso retorts so much frequented are the very hot-beds of vice. But here we have so drinking, no cerd-pleylug, no billiard room, no faro hank, nor will qluet people have their slumbers' dis turbed by the dancer’s step Atrthe musio of the crack ed violin. But we have* chHdboqd’t merry laugh, the attrebtlvo conversational Httle and. mule's In spiring strain in tbeir place, fbjliaed by' sound and refreshing slumber, while dojfiwtho 4*7 there is every inducement to scale thajMmUln )dde,plunge: into the deep fores together tift'-tiaTy lowers that spring np amid the greet meditate on ihe wondrous eoenery ell around;-. Then kKX-tbe sports man may gratify his propensities, hatha most oome [expecting to endure the hunter's labors and the fish erman's patience. - • J - Henry Werd Beecher said, nu time ego, that one or bis itrongeit objections. lo TTfflniwnstby m rf>iit»r in the feet, that to take ita perecripUest inquired no nerve, no self-denial, ne df eharadter. Go to the true bom sportsman; hunting had fiihiaa would be divested of maay.oj-lhelr reeiw If the •ttomUat nttnovedT Ttfran who eome here teem toimagraetbafgeiff*ffcjiljtldbeBritb-~ In gunshot of their roasts, and trout Ida tab at the door, ready far the hook and line. - y If yoa would capture the finny yon must seek tbe stream. If you would beg the woodcock you most go to the mountain side. If doubtful of yoor ■kill in tbo latter achievement, fint giro a hint to' Mr. D. It. Miller of your desire for bis company, and you will not return empty, nor will it be known to whose shooting your success was indebted. AmoDg tbe notabilities here at present are Messrs. Joseph K. and Charles L lageraoll, of Philadelphia, with their families. Prof. Porter, of Franklin U( i v. r _ shall College, is here, with Port-folio under his arm, clambering among the mountains in pursuit of bo tanical specimens, and returns in the evening with weariod limbs and shattered boots. Tbe Rov. Dr. Smith, of Balimore, is rusticating at Iloilidaysburg along with his family. Bat Just here my reluctance to writing over cornu, and I most yield. Yours, sincerely, flioiru. [Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gesett*.] VAL* ColmokT—The Annual Commencement of this College occurred on tbe 28th and 29th nit The Graduating Clus numbered 99, which although in numbers smaller- than is usual Tor Yale, yet It is the largest -graduating class of any College in -the Coiled Statu. The number of Alntnnl of Tale is now 6708, which estimate does pot include the Cler gymen, Doctors, and Lawyers who hare also pursued their professional stadiei at Tale. TEe members of the Tale Alumni who hare de ceased during the last year were 48. Tfaetrarerage age is 61 years and 8-10. Among those who deceas ed daring the nasty ear are the names of Horatio Seymour Ex-U. 8. Senator, Clark BUsell, late Gov ernor of Ct., W. Dutton Ex-Senhtor of Mass., John Woodruff late Judge of Supreme Court of NT Henry Dwight, President of tbe A. H. M. Society, Bennett Tyler, late President of Dartmouth College Prof. E. A. Andrews, whose latln Grammar has passed through sixty-five editions, David Prentice, Prof, of Geneva College, N. Y;,J. B, Kane lata U. 8. Attorney of Pennsylvania, nod' U. 6. Distriot Judge of Eastern District of Petina., Hugh Halsey, lata State Senator of N. Y., H."E. Peek, late member of Senate of CL, JohnM. Clapp, Editor of Charleston ".Verrury,"Charles Wheeler,tas Philadelphia Lawyer. The oldut graduate present at the Alumni Dinner, was Joshua Dewey, who graduated T 1 years ago, audit now 9i years of age. He madeashort speech. Ha spoke fluently and bore himself erect while speak ing. Among other graduates who spoke on the oc casion was Me}- Barnard of the V. 8. Army, 'and -other political notables. Senator Trumbull of Ti!., received tbe degree of LL. D. W. A. Butler, Author of “Nothing to Wear," read n Poem be (ore the Phi Beta Kappa Society, entitled “Two JliUion," which was full of entire and wiL Presidentßarnard, of the University of Mississippi, an Alumnus of Tale, delivered an Address before the Alumni. Emi nent politicians from the extrema Western and South ern States assembled beoeath tbe grand old -clmr -of Pole, to forget sectional jealousies and review the friendships of college days. Among the Graduating Class of 1858, were the following Pennnlvanimu .• M. Abott, Phils.; D. G. Brin ton, WestUbciter; O.E. Chamberlin, Great Bend; M. S. Efohelbeirw, York: S. T, Eliott, Townnds; G. M. Franklin, Lancaster: W. A. M’Dowell, Union to wo; Isaac Riley, Montrose; H. Royer, Trappe; G. F. Smith, West Chester. Many other young men. of Pennsylvania are now members of the lower daises In TaU College. Of tile Alumni of Tale, 141 have been Member* of the U. S. Congress; 37 U. 8. Senators; 27 Governors of Slates; 94 Judges of Supreme Courts; .147 Pro fessors, and 41 -Presidents of Colleges; 10 hsTu been Members of the President's Cabinet; 11 Ministers Plenipotentiary to Foreign Courts* ... John C. Calhoun, John -M; .Clayton, George E.. Badger, Prof. S. F. B. Mona, Whitney, the in rent or of the Cotton Gin, Noah Webster, Perdval the Poet N. p. WUUe, Cassius M. Ulay, John" Tin Bunn, Profs. Btlliman and Daoa, we'also graduates Of Old Yale. Yale College is now erecting a luge and splendid building for its Medical DcpsrtiuenL - Great has been tbe influence of TaU in post year*, and tho College seems DflYer to have been more flourishing thau-now. - ir • Maacaa. ' Pat or CosaacssiOHAt RaroaTXas. r-By an extra Daily* Globe, which publishes th;e laws passed siuring the last session of Congress, and the various appropriations made, inelndlngtala ries, fte., we lean that the following sang lit tle sums are paid to the ahort-'haad reporters wbo take down the speeches of members whioh are not written beforehand, to wit: UT.HXATS. For reporting ptnoeodioge.. ■■■■'•»«- ....flO,OOO 00 To pay to tbo reporter* of tbo Senatethe usual extra oompeontioo for tbo third . mm ion of'tbo Thirty-Fourth Congfe**, -• eight hundred: dolUr* ea0h..«»—3»200 00 To pay to the reporter* of the Senate th*' ; usual extra compensation' for the Cm * session of the Thirty-Fifth Congr***, - eight hundred dollars esnh.B»2oo 00 To pay to thawpcrtars of.theSenete the usual extra compensation fortbeMOcea eessioQ of the Thirty-Fifth’ CoagreM, - j eight hundred dollar* eteh*..»••••»“** ** 1,200 00 tW ffnn»» nw nr»lilimTlV|i< Forreportlng the debate! of th*' *eoond session of ft* Thlrtr-™* Con*W W 0# For the usual additional eompentatten to the reporters' to the CongreMjonai " Gleb# for reporting th* proceedings of the House of~Beiua*wtalir*a. ... .nextrejularMSfionof th»Tblrty-FlAh Congress, eight'feundted dollar* to eaob reportsr OO Ttms wo hete the Tminry rf- Unde too wiiie TwssTT*Frvx Taocaejro TwoHuxsud. ftrartfn about **rta hoot* »wtt*r • -*far :»••* t- r-'_ i c URGH I Wekb thsm Stupesdous FaXuDSonHO*?-—The ▼ote polled in St. lions yesterday was enormous; aoiwe have met with do one yet who doc* not , declare his belief that gigantio frauds were per petrated. Whether ballot-stuffing and double Toting were resorted to, we know sot; but certain it is that the door was left wide opes for any frauds of the sort, and immense sums of money were leried on Federal bag-holders to “carry on theeampaign.” Messrs. Busmx*MaJO*sfcCo., U. 8. Contractors for Utah,were assessed $5,000, and U was paid. And every Federal office holder was required to yield op some of the “persuaders.” To show the unaccountable increase of the vote, we hare only to compare (be returns for . two years past. In August, 1850, when Blau was elected, Blau, Kanrirrand Reynolds running the vote stood (in the city:) Blair Kennett.. Reynolds, Total.. 11,768 Io April, 1857, when Wlmer, Pratte, and Lane run Tor Meyer, ihe rote stood; Winter ..5448 Pratte 8769 Lane 2Q31 Total .. 11,288 In April last, (1868,) when Filley and Tay lor run for Mayor, the rote stood: FUley ...,7024 Taylor ;...5995 At the election, jost over, the vote in the city (omitting the xcett&n precinct t in Ftnt and Second TFarJ*) stands thus: Blair .. 6,696 Breokonbridge 4,887 Barret 6,994 1 Total . 16,476 Every one knows that, the eleotion, last April, was a very exclUog and hotly contested one, and the city thoroughly And that election occurred in the Spring season, when the city is always fuller than To the Summer season, for we have hundreds, of absentees in Summer. And yet it appears that there is an increase of nearly 8,600 voters In St. Louis between-April and August—juet four months..? Who believes this'locre see is honest.— St. Louis Neat. Tns Eutcnos at St. Louis—A Onaatnii View. --Yesterday passed of quietly, and without any disturbance. From the returns so far as re vived, it appears that the Rational democracy, orraLher the organization of ths Catholic Church has suoceeded, and has elected its Dick Barret. Oar German citiseos have, without exception •done their duty, and all of them, to a man voted for Blair,, but what coold they,., unaided, do against the priest-ridden Irish and* German Catholios. and to ihe zealous Pro-Slavery men, and Federal office-holders, who had entered into a “holy alliance” against Freedom and Progress. We regret the result so far as Frank P. Blair is concerned; but upon, the other hand, we rejoice that we have rid the party of . all untrustworthy members. The party has, indeed, suffered a defeat, but it is just as strong and as full of energy as ever it was, it is freed from all heterogeneous ele ments, it has no more Arnolds in its ranks, who, in the midst of the fight desert to the enemy, and we will show them, at tho next election, that victory will perehupon our banners. We call upon dur fellow citizens not to take our defeat too much to heart. Thoughwe have lost an election yet our good causo 1 is still the same pood cause, and it will always remain the same, the entire influence'of tho Federal gov ernment, the chest of the St. Louis Sob-Tress* "Qry, the labors of every Federal office-holder, Ihe support of every, slaveholder in the State, and above all, the mighty influence of ArchbUh ■op Kenrick, and the Jesuits, who drove their herds to the polls, and hundreds of illegal votes which were smuggled in; all these elements, working together, have defeated ns ibis time; batr"Ww~ifflt~ teen revenge, and the party of froedom will yeftrTumpf over*air tferea, black intrigues. Courage, German citizens! Be of goodcheer 1 we have not fought in vain, and we will yet retch the goal of victory.— From the Ansagtr. AvgustZd. . ' Lit* is Texas.— Larye CropT&f Qcod Titma. —Q. W.Kendsllof the New Orleans Picayune has written another of hia interesting and genial let ter* from hia farm in Texas. We quote a few* paragraphs. Speaking of the abundant crops, he says : “The wheat crop iaalready of course gathered and the yield la of course immense. The corn crop—much even of the aeoond planting, which was pot in the ground after the grasshoppers had left—la as good as made, and again the yield will be great. Cotton looks well in every quar ter, and from the sugar growing sections we have, no other than the most flattering accounts. Of peaohes and melons we have enough for all creation; onr stock of all kinds—cattle, horses and sheep—it fairly rolling infat; wild grapes, plums and cherries, may be gathered In a pro fusion unknown in other ooontriee; of sweet potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, and other vegeta bles we are rmTsiog all that we oan eat, and our entire population is more than hopeful—it is joyous.' Gov. Bunnels can affqrd to give us two .thanksgivings this year; we can't get.throngh in one day.' Stoet or a Oat.— The Boston, (Mass.) Herd* lulls the following.—“ Two yean and a half ago one of onr citizens, to obliges friend, the captain of a ship abont to sail for the East Indies, gavfe him a oat for the purpose of keepingthe vermin on board in proper subjection. Patsy, daring the intervening time voyaged toCaleulta, thence to Liverpool, book to Bombay, thence to Charles ton (3.‘C.) t and finally to Boston, A few days after the arrival of this Ship in oar port, the : former owners of the eat were sitting at break- ; fast, when in -walked Tabby, the same as if the had never been from-home, and, after a general.: reriew of the premises, she oatae and jampedon the kocc of tho master of the household, as had been her wont in old times. The story is a curious evidence of attachment to locality in the animal and a singular proof of its retention of memory.” Tn* Troubles of Sib and Ladt Bcuteb Ltt tos.—The Bolwer matrimonial fracas has come to a conclusion for tho present,at least. Mr. Robert Bulwer Lytton, the only surviving child of Sir Bdward and his wife, seems to have ef fected an amicable arrangement. The lady is liberated from confinement,* which was not in a “Lunatio asylum,” bot it appears from the letter of Dr. Oofiolly, ofle of the most distinguished of the English faculty, that there was the strong est grounds for her being placed under restraint. Dr. Forbes Winslow, a great authority In luna oy cases, (who w%& employed by the irate lady,) reports that her state of mind was such "as to justify her liberation from restraint.” Dr. Con oily qualifies hia opinion, it may be observed, by approving of her leaving "in the society of her son and femalefriend.” Sir Edward Bui-, wer Lytton is folly acquitted by his son and Dr. Winslow of unkind and harsh conduct. Hfluaical. . THB BALANCE OF AT IPRINQ STOCK fzarro roAxzis, ntm THE IUOTTAOttBT 07 CBICKEHINQ A SOIU, Boston, /CONSISTING of sixteen of their Suvco Oo* V/ UTeanJ etz'sed one llin) Octavo Haao fertea, will be oujaed aal read y fjr eiAmiastlon oa T&URSDAV, JIJNB 3d. TAKE NOTICE.—Tb* Huo ?ortti nureOctond by Chicked tut a Botu, are notthnitihad by them toaay other houw la tbla city, and arf.«fder». moat U (eat and par ctuuera directed to tbs mbtettber. r IOOED END SILVER SOILS .Hare been awarded to - cmcsxkmo 0S » N “ “4 The follow) ns letter from SIOISnUSD TIULBEftOK original manuscript of wlitob cm to Metttolh* war* roonu of tbtmtoertbar, ought to Marine* toy on* of tl>» •nporforitj of Cbktortng A&ma PUao |brfo?£- .... , • fmnnoft March A m Us. Slniot,2—Drcfc Bir—filaco mj wrirsi |q Amwlcft 1 n*r« botutaally twt tha Piano* of Hmot. Chtckcrln* it J **“°*‘*y«P««* to yon (whfl« thaaktacyou tor tb* Pliant you tor# to kin dir fdnlabod for mr am «tti hen,) tbtt whld)l lww so often said toforas.tto in strameataantto toatl tor* nta lo tto United State* and wiU eoopm foToimUy with *O7l haw «rer known. Your- - - vtealy, « *- «_ -VUTIj HIJ vliuly, , B> 1 rr Thaabon lotofPlioa*, la addlttoa tothoM la tfbra, comptiam all tha rtjle* maaotactorad by CbJckniag A Bona. 'ALL THE TIAKO TORTS 3. maan&ntand by. CHICK *BQjQABOMfI * ' ARE WAR BA NT ED. JOHH ' U. UiiUiß, BoUAnolbrCbklurliif * Stm*for Htotarili andWcil. . wn Wnotylrmta. JtfdAirT * ■pßraCE’B TjaalVAttHD MELODEONS, A LAftOB ABSOKtJfSSjF OBBIHUAI , - -jl--. •/ M AH OJ4CT c»*J»-*V»*a*s. ' •: \ » - GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXI— -NUMBER 202. , insuranw. Merebuti’ lunnaee Co. of Philadelphia. WU. T. Rim; Prat ,J>. J. McCAHN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid la and tnTectod~~f2Q(y)oo 00 Pnrptw,, m . irl -. U Interna Cargo Bbka go the Ohio and ttnafsrippfirieara and lnsane against looa or damage byflr* alto against tho peril* of tba flea, and .Inland Navigation and Transportation. .. KUCCUU. W®. T. Petit John 0. Montgomery, John K.Punrpy» D. J; Ueftim, S. f. Wltraer, Sana. Gullion, BanJ. L» WocUtcn, John A. Marehall, Qiarlae B. Wright John J. Patterson, HwoodT.Pa»ey. WM. T. PETTIT. President, _ , = R«P. WITHES, Tie* Preeldeat Dwight J. McCuoi, Secretary. Belger, I*mb A Oa, Philadelphia. Back, Morgan A Bttdibk; do. Truitt, Bro. A Oa, da PtnnroT, Gel dwell A Oa, da A. T. Lana A Co, " do. Btrfnmiti,Juittee AQq, do. PITTSBURGH OffICE, Fa 87 WATER STREET anWtf B. W. POPIDFXHB, Agent Praakila Ftra Iniarapct Oonpaaf of PSILAD SLPHTA pmoms. Charfee W. Bancker,- Adolph B. Boris, George W. Richards. ' Samuel Grant Thomas Hart, David 8. Brown, Mofdecal D.Lewia, Jacob B. Smith,' Tobtaa Wagner, Mania Patterson. CHARLES S. BANOS EB, Freridsat OaaatM 0. Banana, Secretary. This Oompany continue* to inaka Inserancaa, paraanant or Halted, on ovary daaaiptiou of propart* in town and country, at rate* aa low aa areeousiftex* wOn security. The Company ham naamd a Urge eentiugeat fund,, which, with their (total and Premiums **Jbly invested, aflbrd ample protection to tha aaeured. Tha I Mill of the Company, on January Ist, 1861*aapuV Ui&ed agreeably to tbs Act of Assembly, weresa fellow^ Kortagao ~.~~~~..4nUa 08 Baal Estate...—_ TB Temporary Loam— SUM IT Stock* — .... 6tBMOO Cash,Ac.. OtSMU |tSU,TO9 44 Since their incorporation, a period of twentyone yean, tbay hara paid upward* of Osa IQniom Your Hundred thenmod Dollar* Isweee by Bra, tbsieby affetdlag evidence of tba advantage* of Insuranee, aa wall aa their ability act disposition to meet with prooptuera all liabilities. J. GARDNER OOfflF, Agent, aplw ' OQce Boatheast cor.Wood and Third eta. Continental lunraset Company. faoarporaUd bf the LegUtatwregf ftnajyktnrio, with a PERPETUAL OBi RT SB Authorized Capital, On* Million DoQan,~„~, ....^41,000,000 BeperedeadAcmmfilatMnapttal - ~ , 63R60Q HOMEOFFICE. A'ol 81 Nhiaid Stmt, above Stand, Philadelphia, flta.lnacranca.oo Bufldinge, furniture, Merchandise, Aa gvnealty. - Marine Insurance on Gargobs and freights, to all parts of tba world. Inland Insurance on Goode, Ac* by I*kcs, Rivera, n.n.l. and Lead Carriages, to all parts of the Onion, on too moat fcvoroble tarot consistent with security. amorous QXORGB W. OOLLADA7, formerly Recorder of Deader Ao. WM. BOWKR&Jbmwriyßacbtarof WHla. JOHN M. OOIiBMAN, Armor flolamatt A Smith, Importer Hardware and OntlaryMacchuta,Na 21 North Third street,'Above Market, Phils. JOSEPH OAT, Arm of Joaaph Oat A Bon, Oopperstnitha, So. 12 ftnarry atreatPhflq EDWARD V. MACHXITE, firm of Maahatta A BalguaL loportliig Hardware Merchants, Fa 1M Forth Silri otraet above Baca Phlla HOWARD HIXCUMAF, firm of Urlnaton A Oa, Produce. and Oeantnhahm Merchants, N0.27§ Market at- above GEOBGX W. OOUiADAT, Prealdaat Gain Wqjo*. Secretary. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent mrtfcdlyft Sag< Fltth street /npstalre.) laaongahala Ixunranea Company, OP PIRSBUBGIL Omoba—JA3lßBA. HOTCHIBON, Prealdeht HIFRT 1L ATWOOD, Secretary. Omc*, No. 88 Warm Sraitr, IKS Avrvn. JjainM aO kistde qf fire and Bf~ ASSETS' MAT SOn, 1968: Stock Qu* Bill*, p«j*l>U on demand, secured by two epprored . $140,000 CO Pnohm 47,003 29 Bills 0.966 SI ll&sliuw tfoduniiea* Bank Btoek—oo«t~. 8,930 00 80 do Bsbk uf. Pittsburgh do do 2,760 00 49 do . Ezsbson Bank > do do 2,060 00 100 di. Cltlxstw' do do do ...... 6,176 00 Bslsom-oT Book Accounts- —BX66 89 Offlco Farultaf*— 690 88 Ouh - ; 7B Hc&nlgfat, KathinM Holmes, Alex. Hlmick, D»Ttd It. Long, William U. Btattb 0. W. Klcketwa, itorti w._ ft. MUl«r, Jr, J. W.Batler, O. W. Jaekm, JaoMMcAalcj, _ ,Aluuod«rBpMr, 'Andnv jUklty, ktollfc F. M. GORDON, Bee*/, Pittibnrgl life, Fin and flarin&i&i, Co* Offioe, No. 96 Water Street. PHTBBURQIL FA. „ „ EOBT.GALWAt, Pr«dRisks,o* tb* Ohio tad MiMtalpid nmul trttmtari**, and Marla* KUk no •rally. • And agalast L*« at Dam*** by Fir*. And ■gtlart tb* Peril* of tb* B** and MNnd Narlatio* ud Transportation. -w—~ Pollde* tan*d at tb* lowest rate* *ooxl«tmt with nbtr all partlea. Robert Qalwaj, Baomel WcQnrken, Joaeph p. Qazzam, il. d Joba Scott, Jaow* Marshall, David Bidm, June* W. Juilmaa. Cba*. ArbathaoC fclfr—mylt-ly Alexander Bradley. Jueeph 8. Leecb, John Fullerton, Nathan F. Hart, David n. Chaabere William Carr, Robert CL Hanley. John irani, rke Great Wulern Fire and Somelni. Co. 07 PHILADELPHIA.*. QSHe* in Company t DaOdimg, No. 405 Tfolxuf, oomtrbf forth Strmt. . T* . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL _ .A&OG.QOO. Capital paid in;.;..... *223*00 00 * Borpltu, Jan nary Ist, ISM- O6 or Perpetnal.”^*’ 6^ NARINE INSURANCE, oa Vessels, Oarroend FroUfat*. INLAND INSURANCE by RiTcrt, Canals, aad Land Carriage. - S2BCCYOU: Ch*rUaC.UtW>. 1123 WalnotrtmL WilUta Duliu, 1410 Pit* street, Alexander WhiUden, Merchant, 18 North froai la*o HuMont Attorney add OdoomUct. JoboO. Hunter, firm or Wright. Heater A Co. • J^lAPtf-^W.AOfcfOoMMdIhVIUIL Ju.B. Bmlth. Arm of Ju. B. BmHh ACo Hon. Haary M. Foliar, offlco 227 Booth Third street. John office corner ofSarenth asd Ssotscm. Jsnea Cashier Bank of Tien Allred Taylor, cffloo Cairo (Sty Property. Jona J. Slooom, office 220 Booth Thud street. & **»Man». LEWIS GBEQOBY, \ * °* V“£* M,den * Becend Vice Pmidi; «**«i Office,* Wall it, N, Y. JAMBS WRIGHT, Secretary sad Treasurer IL RICIIAItDSQN, Awristmt gecr«Urr. R. W. POINDEXTER, Awt 7 S 7 Water street, Phttborgh • FlilK INaCRAMCE/ JIT IBS Beltun fintnal ioinianes toniuauy af t Bit iM L p H I A On BoUdings, LindtsJofpfpettfU.Mwghsndlw.yunritoo i In Town or Ooootrj. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. First Hongsgs on worth ' donbia ~.T „ 00 Penn*. Railroad Co's 0 psr cent. Uortgsgs Loan,. 030.000, dost 88,100 00 Altfghca/ eoontr 8 par cent. Psnoa.R. R. U»n. 10,000 00 Fnu7lT*6la&sllnwdOo , iBtock._ IfiOO 0® Stock, of tbs Rsllaocs Mutual Instranc* 00.~... 10,180 00 StockofOonatj Jlxslnsnrsocs Ijo6ooo Scrip of Sundry Insurance OotDp*n)*«,..»-.....~. 476 00 Bill* BscstTsbis, business £2,711 GO Book Accounts, sects ed Intarsst, etc............. I£SO IP Cash on band sad In img » cum THtmir. uncross. > - Bnaasl Bfapksa. Babattßtm, WUBsmMnMr. tt&se*..-... Ohis, LslsaL ■ • a«sf»- ffissnsssr* QUmTlacUji Wm-B-Ttwop**, DstM S. Brows, -(XBUTUiaaB, Join B.WomU| Q. IkOsnoa, \ BobortToUad, ~Mom Johsaos, a B. Wood, Jibm B. Woodward. 7 - KotUm»l«r»«r Feunjlnut iJuuruHfc«inu» -. .Tt» - iisas& S- ~ **>*% . ; ssaar nvir. Jk, .ferV.JV’?. 'HT'r* -> 'rrgrrc'>'.~~.- Faraen’ and Meeianln' Fin and larine - . Ininranea Company. . - , '.’■■irfci 1. W. Conurlnutirnd « ; pnxtADBLPSiJ.. ~ iSSEIB- i. : 4S2MM. 1' Pltubmr«HOnle«, No.eoW»WrStr««t. J:“< laosus 3. ncsrra, is*t. •» *VS Tbs Mlowlnrllrt will-iboir lheamcmnt pav st w tns. PittsburghAgeccjribr kmt*frcm JonslSMt* April 1858: , .... £oo OOTb. BIU A •» fiX- fr*tf Wat. 6i4d«n..~~~_ £OO 00 Rochester BUnaLCh 1B W • 'i'wi£ Frank Wolfll 400 00 TTof. Magee ..- CO 00. Jj M. Ha*.. 196 00 J. Howard A CO-.....2500 Off 'Si *5 W. W. MoOregor.— 800 W. Dllwcrth.'Rsq.—LLtfi 00 -J".■> '.V.; to*. Jobs Heath IST M J.M.lnrin,Xs;&■ Jamea MillingsrXCOO 90 Adams AftTGlilitock.''49oo - \ i-.k W. HcCnlly A Co— 760 00 D. Barnard*——. 64 90 \ . iax - if § -4® Total m*—mm.B4 SrasorPz33mT*xu,Oit7 ofPittJbnrgh,n. r i Bafora ma, an Alderman la and for tald «Ur» penonall£ . f camaTbottaa J. Hontar, Agent of tbe Vanacrr and siachaa- • Ic*' Inmranca Company, who, being duly nrorn according. ; to lav, doth dcpoM and car that tba foregoing at&todiast it tma- . THOS./J. HCNTBB, Agent. . ) Sworn and cobaerfbed before ma, April 7,1858. ~ myUdly Ltoatanß.Jonw, Alderman. ■■■ Eureka ißinrance Company of Pennsylvania* Office No: 99 Water it, Pittsburgh, ASSETS HAT 1,1858. Stock- Doa-BUl*—payoUt on demand m> enfd by twotpprored namca £7090,00 Cash in Fittabnrgn Trnft Company- 62,280,37 Pramlnm got— OS;W3AO BWa Rec*frable_.„ 15,9801 183 Eharaa Exchange Baak Stock—ccat.— 0,950,00 09 do Meehaafoa* Saak 5t0ck—5,490,53 300 do Iron City Bank Stock—am'L paid.— 900 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 6,000,00 Book Aceonntt . 13450,84 5256,84145 J.H. Shoanbcrnr. W.K. Ximfek, John A. CknsbtT, C.W. BatefcAor, E D. Cochran, June* J. Besnatt, Wm.J Boor. Fiskxt, Boc’y. Delaware Hntnal Safctf lniiiranee Company, v , lacorporaUd by tfte LfffUloUtrt of Anruyimnia,! W 4. Office, S. E. Corner Third and Walnut etn., . _ PHILADELPHIA, . . : - MARINE INSURANCESozx ynsob.OtfKD.U'i Kitlrfit totneartsof tbeworDL . ■> r . .. • i- Vi ' INLAND INSURANvhS on- Ooisda.br : LUm 4nd L*M Ckrrisges. tonO parts or the Union. ' ' THUS INSURANCES pn Menhudlsc nsenllr.«<4& ■ Stores, Dwelling Houaes, Ae. . AtteUof VteOmpa»y, Nm. 2d t \ib7.-. ■ . • • -< t goad* Mortgages, and R«4 1,330 Oft - Philadelphia City, and other Loan* 137,011 95 Stock in Banka, Railroad A Imaraoc»Coa.. 19*608 00 Bills Ksfewirabla 990,991 00 Cashoa hand , 38,80360 Balance* (a hand* of Agent*. Premiums on ‘ Marins PolietesrecsLtij Uaood, and oth- ' er debts dne the Cnrajatpy 99,730 57 BnbsaffpHon _ 100,000 00 WniUm UartiD, Joseph H. Seal, Edmond A. Soodn, JohnC. Darla, Johnß.raoross, Georgs 0. L&ipcr, • Edward Darlington. Dr. R. H. Heaton, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, SpencaarUcllTnln, Charles Keller, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones Qkani Ltutes, Secretary. aptjyd—>l3 Cltlxcns’ iDinraoee I‘omp’y of PUtsbnrfti, YT3I. BAaiLKrTpmlilexrt, SAMUEL L UAHS HULL, Secretary. Office 9* Water Street, between Market and Kbod S!t Hall ADilOugo Kick* on Ui* Obio «uJ MU ( 1 - «i*ipplfilT«r«, and Tributaries.- - t.v .. 49*lcfores*gftiiut!onor■ offeKKEa-- -g: ’- s ?'v;r- T H“^ ID « PTII,! v . ri Beastt»*orpOit»{*on rwalptofprfe*. ArdU wanUd. FRBDKKIO a, BBADY. .1 ' myzO^md—an2 1M Kama Street, N. Y. New books received by j. l. READ, 78 Fourth street: OsiifcrnU life llhumUd; life la the IttoenuKT: Ufa la th* Laity, PubUo Prot Whedoa. D. D 4 , Bmcoib's MUceJUieotu Lecture*: ' Hibbttd OB PstlßK The Trno Women; ' ~ • She Object of Lib, • •• .SSC a * co,, ~ llo “• aMo^ rf •*■»»*• • s - WBwtbilUlnCnrUtMlmkteLn' - i fit* Slept to Honor, do do - ‘ Bwitßadd,the Toang Missionary,do do ■ M- UttldTrmnk Unity, do do - ... Child’s fltUwth Dty Book. . Z? . ' . L‘ J. L. READ, 78Fonrth st. Get tub best webstrr's una-" Lt A!’ BRIDGED QUARTO MfcriOSAllY, wmhlnii»U ApoUoßuUdtßg. ■ V. y- L I>OOKS FOR SUMMER," READING.— : / *•’ P’ COCHRAN* No. 0 Federal ttrettt All*-' : gsypy > iarite* fctfnUoo to tba cholc* mwrtmowrur ., ’ • In U»b TirtotadeputmenUof Standard, BolltlonmPoeUaJ. - * V ami Mb«lU»©u* Lltmfnre, to which N«w PnbHeatlonf -' ‘ » - ~.- are coutanUy bring added. In the collection are many ta - i ■■ * V- *" unalninf work* for mmaer reading. Jut roodred Lord Montacw-iPoff^ o . p.r.j.jbm* Dewbo , >k . T|j# cmUoof . " ~ Tbo Life end Work* OacooU, the Seminole,Oapt. a£ayn« Itoid; CaTalUr»of> Henry .>.■ W. Herbert; Floral Home, nr Pint Tears in MinnaeoU; . . ■ , ] Urmia, a tale of Coon try life, Sowell; Preacolt’a Work*: Irnng’a deft Ticknor*aedition*of the Poets, 30 tolr, 3ina. ■ •« .-■•s blae and gold. f-, ; . . .j w ?t .. New books at kentoul’s, no. 20 Si. OUir »treet: liuth UiUer’e Mew liook, TbeCrvlee of the Dr,t*y, or •Sam s’®;* Ramble amcmt* the Poalllterotn of tbo llrtrldee; with Rambles cf a Oooiogltf; $1,25; (mallei Hadji la Sjria, or, Three JYV “,B. —'*»»*— /can in Jenunlem,hjMrs.B.K. a • . Joensoo, daegbUr of Dr. Barclay, aUmlowj W J«roaa • . • leir, wilhjnaay elegant plataa,7fi canU; or gl in blcaand _ fold, (inaijedl?c*!) k r«Uei of Infidelity, and Tscteof Faith—* Series of Tracts on tbo Absurdity of Atheists, Pantheism,. Ac- byKer.ZL. Patman; of CMcaro; by mall 63c. Aunt Sally; a Nuratln of SJare Lift; 40« by mall 45t: with all Mm pubUcatfonref the American Reform Book and Tract Society, suited for Sabbath Schools and &mi* Hos. J jySalAwT /CHAMBER'S SERIES— ‘ \*/ Chuabm Fipm for tf»» People, 41 toU, . Do ailu6llfta7i.loTDls; Do llomo Book, or Pockrt Übcellioy, 6 role' *■ Do Kcjkdtcry of Initnsctiro l*»per* Do Ordovodlaof EngtUh UUnuin, 2 Volk Do lufornittioa for tb« PbopJe,' jjv;. - Do LU« *uJ VTarkr of Hubert Barn*. 4 viJ*' forwltby Java £AUC(leftwoSiU Ti/TtJiJJGAJJ'S GRAMAI’IOAI* STKUO- - -*'■ wcafej'Br^t; •mi*« Trortw on Poaetatfop. KA\* pp. ffnSh a * *•"■■ V jn *. 1 —- Wo. 61 Market strict. ■ ' ph /£fi ** Ulwwl ISSt "€P Pwu »>- < .-J5 - ■' .- x T. W, I.OCOHRET. ' •; •. - Wotek end Clock 21ak«r Wooatta ■'■ f t Ja^»tol«Ut ra UoopridK ) ti, rtp*lrlflgcrf w«fdiM ntmtM. i.;’'?' 30 < £? l \ a fiXTRA FAMILY U ll,llTCTri ““>• ««4 W-MJj PAPEK—FimT . TT HiD.h(v, ; AuidiaaLChM«i »P!a{&. “4*■*» S*t&n*Tiovs?Ptb£t? OnupK ’Bsss&gsg^sagi,'”'.:. ., lopaw* ~ : ixauxam. DmreroM. G. W. Cus, W.W.Msrtfo. B. T. Lseeh, Jr, Dsrid M’Cafidlees, Qsorgs B. nderaoe. H.SHOENBKRGfeR, Prte’L . py4;dl«i ■ , . 6709,789 37 wow James C. Bead. . - Theophilns Paulding,, JamesTrttjueir, William Eyra, Jr., J-P.Pariaton, • Joshua P. Kyre, - Samuel K. Blokes, Henry Sloan, James B. McFnrla • Tbpma* C. Hano. , - Robert Barton, Jr., John B. Semple, PituVc, D.T. Morgan, « J.T. Logan, ** a ARTIN, President. v .a HAKD, Vies ProsJdbnt ». A. MADEIRA, Agent, . . .95 Water street. Pittsburgh; - "■** Ca(-t,Mnrk BUritzg, '.'t'-•- <-£ : Ja “ i **>■ -*'* sit [MV-V > ■ t , >- IS - — : .'.Site te m 'iWM m :lIW. i-Sg ■. ■" Si ; . i s '-'# •• m. > Jjjl ' ; i .> V ■ ''VA'..,.'£ jl@!§ •„*4 ■gig m