■ —=fTT- ; w»y tbwiMMn—» i ■*'•■^saj a amt c* aehbic ttd draatac Mnta >* i ” > li»AMlteb!adN«sttattfic3o*atb»«pl&*ia«flftpp* ’ ; MfefeatfHtttttevtataiehtadtMwtu.’inueotfuDdaud SMB4( PuJfcdu*»ekr&U t**t . anttnrfpttf toeuwrv. Jddrttt J" -—■:■- ■•-». GBO. IL KHYSBR, 140Wood■L«p1ttaMi* > k, ", ; aplLdawT Bign6f itoGoidon'llortar. * I KIOH GLOBS X KtA!r.R’v„ r > of beauty,!! flaunt exist wlfboatalctheadof ba&, \. . tbenraad Um tailoring, and if yon 4ak more, an circular araadwife bottle, and no one can doubt. •pBOnSSOR WOOD'S HAIBBESXORA ■.JL TITI>-»Vt call the attention of all old and ytjcg, to uDa vonderfo) tarn badtto Unoriginal color, gray hair—carer* the head of the bald with a loxori . . Cat growth’—riooTee tberiaadrafc itching, end all cuUn*- ■ oneemptiooe- c*a«a4 acoctimal flow of the natural flulJe; : CftOlf BwJu a regular drawing for the hair frill premrvalla color, and kaep it from tailing 10 eitramaold age, In all Itinataral beauty* WeCalllhenojrtatbabaid, : * . the gray, or dimmed In actlp tooae It;and enr-nly thayoong •i. -.V/.' value the-Sowing lock*or.thewitching . ~ v.-r'. v -'r i , -i . pinian,»ttii l flTO|.ig Twv.Woot - Dur SIR Yobr Bair Baatoodxra'l* proring' SWtbmida] to too.' C>* trout, and alao tlfo back part of. ay handling** tort Us corartng—ln bet sun. 1 ban wad bottwo half pint bottle* of year and bow - tbaßpotnyhaedlawallrtaddadwtthapramlfllQf cropof . • yqQhgh*||,aQd th# front la nlao ceoEtaog its benaQt.■ •W.. a«T» tried other preparation* wlthoct.eoy braaftt. whaler* f i lndfiratoany other* to try tt. Yonra* raapactfolly,.. . _.. [;■', v.n.fapitAts t . i . Yuctaau,'Johc£2»lBs3. / T'.. nor. 0. 7. Woolr—A* you art. about to nmnfactnre ahdwand yoorraeantlr dlaoormd Hair Baatay*in,l will. ■Cats ]br wboauoervr It may conearn, that X ban n*«S:U. and known other* to na* it-thit, 1 ban, for aetaral yaara, ft-' banjft tha babitof ndagotbfer Hair Jlaf orattraa, ana that X BaifOMrraaUy. wpcooe toany othar I know. It entire ly rtranaa* tha brad of daodratt and with onaaocth'i ar naa win raa toraany paraon’a hair to tha original yoothfal odor and torture, gi ring U abealtby. aoftaod gloaayap paarantj; and all thia, without dlaeoUirtng the banda that apply ltfior tha dra«pa Which It drope., 1 would, therefore, raoamand. It* u*e to erery oaedeetronaof-haringefina "s •- : 5 *v. '’s4- stA-Kl^vvyw .-,\v..'-s', ■ ' 4 S^-1 l.* *- spii ;SL ; ..v; v P-' r si :■- ■•. :• -« 1 *■ C--'' \ coßsea Kin asd wtlik stujskts, \ QtTIJOOq ANDiMASTrO WORKER - OiCtTcsparticnlwattantloßtoall ardenfor work inbn Qsa. i , QKffnUSjßßd ORNAIIEfTS of all kind* fantobad • short epglriyd- *r : Piriri ßEAMS ATKAWIViIAPPING PA 'l r «JUv/p*ss.»b«w»ocbire f »wi»StoTO>»< - . ' ' Aojaiititotafjra’priMMbWff j -.j0t... - CO»TKBMwfcMW»ag*r ‘• v*,vj'}>‘.-:‘; ‘7- V ->- ; •.*> ~ «A 0A&K8 CONCENTRATED, W OU taSSSS BmMW ll«.c n ynrUr.M»»* CkniM YtUov, 130 4o*. Btkbll BOO lb«. (rtm - to “* >d ~ l, “M J icgrofa 't touxt. j vf* ' \ ■ . i _/1 HEAP WALL PAPERS—JL n«T ,BUp pi ‘ ofMW MttSTM tar Mb tiy mlSl W.P.nmSiUU.iCO.,67 Wtodft p /ES, ' TT/ ■•' v IBS® ran •, . . • /jj| ■ t 'Kws', ' - ...s - —AOKKRK6-50 bbbC iygo j »*"* M*wte, i -—• L „ “W - PAfJBK-V"? | - iji. • / *.. ' •"jfeasasssfc-^ '••■ ■ ■:•■■;<:■.'■ 1 WB?i*Wl‘SltWl - ‘W" iVintT—Hit If ' > &ilM'X'',::-:i;S'z’l-y -• ‘ - ■»“. %•, ,-. , «■„ >-r v " < j -«**— . .• "-- '*■ -,v * JOT TO THB ApHlRBRl|;.Ot ▲ ITNI HKAD OP BaapactfUly.yoctn, ■ > WILSON KINO. ToraalabyOEO.XLKßTfiSß,UOWeodat. Pmaboreb. tf.J. WOOD * OQu Proprietor*, Sli .Broadway, jt. Y> (la the gnat W.Y. Wire failing BaUbJUinant) and fit Market and kodbyall good Drag ; . . : ngaOiTyd**hflh : l .u -ttM&fSQte CTUawottg. ' ; ~ Tt ' r ?'Stiae46' W.*a9fc«iV -' j'A.tisi o^»«a, laloa Brdrtailo Ccmtnt« VTpHE FAVORITE MAKE, used and-ap* I nrwmd by Railroad Gntracttn, Brfdy* -UtCtTf BoftMn for year* put. Wainatad ofUat qaalltyanMT- - ■- " ;■ , J«a T OST—Oa Saturday, between/Washington li BtrMt, AU*th*sy dtf, ndXfbvrtjrfMtt;HiUtergh, saobkncntdbraaatpln. TfceflfadM- srfllM Üb«r*lly n mMb; cmilUtf *t ill Übwty ftwt:" '' JgjQ ••. ' ‘ ‘ •*• & IL&uIU. ‘'ST- A oh'Tr OSx—Oa S&tnrd&j eteniftg laifc; oirTi&u 4 i «tr«et tetwmi BflUtUdd *»d Bt. Cl«tr,»lnSj*s Utetf vlUitflTCrboeUf. -35»i finder «Hnw WttaMjr rewarded bytawingthenneetU>le office.' -"Jettdtf YWERY DESCRIPTION of dress goods IllSuwl*. M«Um, Hoaraiag Good*. WkK* Good*, Ho* QDNt>BIE3—3O bb]>.nrim» l*td; • £j. .-• 16 fa*giy**tfaff«: l ® ** Wool* CCHENOK'S PULMONIC , BYKUP—A v Sfc»«asftstt , TaftaSter. jvm ~ nuimipj ml Mu kit it - CORING EXTRACTS—Ai large aip, _ - puor Preitoo Wmlli'a ccUbrcUd fliroriun uclncttf tar Urn emm, ctku, pltiy ic, cowttatJr sajhuidai . , jtfp < , —ir—j ; 308. PLKHIHQ'a. "DOIATOES—SOO tnuih; Beds, Nabonnocka .JT'ilf talnm nctf per unmiSS''?""* ““*• IsS MB SWEKTI.Y—The. latest: anS . meat (raersnt pnrfoM, OktilUd from lh» w»fl known Up flowtr. ceututlj on hud M ; . ' JOS. ILDOHO’B, • I poretr DUtnood nod Mtrktt itmet. . /lIGABSI qiGAUS!!—3O,OOO genuinelia- A~J nu Onti gftfc* “S-nlc*," H3oocUt«, N «OomUtf*. mi *fatNjMelM* bwAtJot ra'd l>r MS. FLIUINOj T7INK HAVANA CIGARS t—C«le«to Im r nm, Ckrou Dncal* Mim* Coburn*, Ibran, poo H«o -miAhAwfAtmr fip* bOßdlrfOWHf ”S> T.:*P.RtH«HABTVKn. 139 WooJ rt- S’ rOE AWD' SILK MANTLES, ITANI* m UnM 1 Una,SM4b Work Cdlna, ttvim, omSSooo Stiztk. *na illklstfi ct domaUe IWM jUnS^O-WtOH U'AMli.t FLOUR—IOO bbU. whita wheat 1* AnflyYloarJacine'd And for Mia br r . ~ |«i T.UTTLK 4 OQ;iagiWopa»fa*«V ■ - A I*bLL and Complete Stock of all kind* f\ tst DRT OOODSt ucUtp MtbeycMWAmbAaijr (wyISJ- - - BAWBOH lUtKit tf. IOTAIOEs, ak» Prime 4 -U*re*l PoUtoi*. * flri&«mla ariklfe Jut ncttni wwl jawoxWiMSAoo, - **B&M»K*V*™* k * aos LQT^tfMwkrtK. wassSSSSES!Ha V-- :V; •; • Ptp«r D«*!m, 6TWoq*»tff»t. OF pmaßUKuu A^im ,;,l: .1 :,- ■;..: ‘ . WWHw* tmvi’U**?- ■.OBPEEFINEFEOU S-r-1000 bbla.» a TTi ; KINDS OF MOURNING; GOODS, TiTßmirt’S franqxpanni oiir-For hudftt •,.' .. •: ■ r i” - Ck' ■w„«glA|9 " w '< - i. CQfcil Jo* Btfmb^nr>6matiooMFkctvß<»p«,.*c,.. i '.nMvwbiscmtxtn utkMof cmm TiripUcjiL olaVi ' IJHItttIK»M.ITWHUHCAU!S. ; fTHE tinderairaed !ra»ingbeon ex | X dvHiin&tanrtluMdaofutiHtvltUwwlMAw, littMMfftetWd by tf» orifftaftl InTeutor*," It- i 7.1X111* :8AI«S * Oo,rap4eUUlrtaTUe Ui. orih. U;- lr^^nijiijiiiiil^lris^*T i n tT^*^ t T ~ r Bc*le*y*«sf *ll .*s£* E*t# iwn retyecto-J tu iBSIBca«U c«i throuswrai UtA world, *ad tbalr nnlferm' Aoconcjr durftbiUtj wtn.d fbr thetntlia rcpaUUoo of beta* THKBTASiJ- S^>^wincnTiiiaaccASJifi?oli , PKAL.; ■ ..*• Va sts uvpareS'ta fill Ordftrft lor winter, PpriabKlwr*. «*bt:z6&c»in, nur; curaty* *» *i»nitt»3u r mDt£ "" HUBSEY* VEILS, ■ iTa. ISLOttrfy Street,CAmtaerddßov,.,, —lTdyd r•- ■ • • > • • • pjtt»linrnh.TfPßa. REASONS- forbuyiDg*tko«re in place of from San Etdltn: let. jraftoUCbaßylrMalut fill *t from 31> to,.UlCfiiiU -thfttibftythftrgft&MtoTAfcenftifor. Apple (2d. tattpedbi'. where true?' " .’i- . JOHK MTJRWXM, Jr. mrnflbwtfr Httebonb ftml o>fclkwl Wamcrto*.- SUNDRIES— , K» fo VobM«vbMt -BOkepiYlf•— do ■: -* ‘9o‘ *0 6t«u& *• . . '29boX^HU k t &o *P^ lkY * w^tb ’ itOhfcfaeeteaopevtorY.H.todUUckTeM; ■ • >■• prime • 10 do Grain Pepper, ■lO do do r Alepicet ..'. SOO.bxa. Oropad Pepp«r» Alepfce end Ginger, 100 do nperior Lqadrp *o4 A nsriMQ Sju»Urr); 60,000 (Hnan brandy 100 bo tee Palm turn Iloeln Batpe;. . ~90 do QsmaCbemtc&l da .... 90 do 8W Ceodjw; _ 35 .da BmU .do Tonthor vith ftgmml mmUaant or oil good* la our lioa, •M <6r nb ot ndacod prleto for cub, bj , . . -... . 4.00., No.mß*cond»t. . SUNDRIES lOObbli.lrcrgQNo. 3 Mackerel/ 20 bble. No. 2 Mackerel: 90bC001a.N0.2 do Abbla.No.l •' do' 25 do * 1 -do 160“ Pickled Herring: 2frbbls.Lahe fctap. W. FUta; 10-.-*--LakaBalinoa; - 60hf. a do- do do? ' ' 6 drama 064114* 10 bble. Flint Hominy; - lObbtfcPMUtaeb; > 100- “ WbitaUmer ■ 16 ,u IlydnralleContact; 60boxes.Pearlfitarcb; 250 boxes W.R. Cheese; 25bbli. do'-'do; *0 * »o*. Dairy do? 156 bba. Dried Apples; 100 boa. Oarer Seed; 100 **• SoallWhita Beane; • tO In store cad far ole by :- - ap23 •••••;■•- -- J, D. CANFIELD. QtINDRIBS—IO cMks Challt; ; _ C 5 60 bbU. Spanish Whltiogt. 600 ibe. iUtract LogvooJ; 3caakaUadl*n '' - 20 hbiijgtatpemlne; SO blit. Linseed Oil; 6 do French Ochru; . .2? doj yeUoK-Ochxe; ■. i 100 gram 50 dozen Boerbaro’e Holland Hitters; Joat rec’d by „ my* • * 1 - MAOBBOWN A FINLEY; 187 Libetty Mreet: iMaysa •12 bbls. primeniteftfhr-Butter; 40 do ' 'l^ ( 10 bo*. choke PAred poacho*:.'", .• ~ ’' -1A do do- tmpinid 1 9o 1 ' ‘ ; 60 do Dried Appke-- • ■ * 100 H>*. cholceGooee ftethere: 360bn6he16 Peach Blossom and Ne* ■hassock Potatoes, rac'd and for eate-at-No. 186 Liberty sL ; .«p3T » »■•• o RtDDLH, WLRT3 a 00. just recemogand instore.— !\jT.4oobac>StoCD&e?..- SOOpkge Dl&da; . - . : ~SO tieroea prima Bice; 200 here N.C. Tar; • 100bids,dueStXnpa: ... 400bt*a.N.O.Helafa; - ; 200hbda.N.O.Sugar;. jfcreatoby nyS BHEIYER ADTLWORTIi. bales NavyOakom; ~ : O '* -t >. 100 Ooflsaaaorted sltos Hrßope; \ >. ■ SJ, V *-* 26bbU.Piteh; - i 2 ' .40 m. BJW.WhaIaOO; 26 M No.lUrd ;« On band and tor ssla by . - . . Ha. 141 Water street,pear Chany alley. : QTEREOSCOPIO YIEWS—The subscriber iObaajoit rac'd byexpreaa a large amortment of now, Ibeaatlfhi and vary perfect Engthb; Preach, Irish and Ital ian Views, on paper and on gtaaa J. 8. DAVISON, ~..r. •• .No,PlAl*rk«t*treet,i«arFoartb(V J' : »yBole Agent bore for the Ji. Y. HtsnoacvptG Co. \ ■ XSTRITINO FLUIDS.— Arnold's, Kirt , \f|,' land’s,Maynard k Koye's,.DavidYend nibbert’afue '■tie at the Stationery Warehouse of , W. S. HAVEN,- . • PyO '■ Oornac Market and Second-Ko-ot* ; k TKiyg CELEBRATED J\ 30 DAT CLOCKS, forOonatinf Bodds wodTai lor. rc>{9 ! Ana»orlmsat in BaMWood rises; e-lstint patterns ghy; aptnjoatyudandfct aalo-by • 'J. R. UEBD k 00n l7r . !' : frtifcdtf.— , , 1 Jewsiati, No. CS fifth sUt+L# JJELL HANGING! OBSAT BKDUCTIOH IK PHICKI! : r , . 1 1 Door Bella at $2,60 ' aadopgardfepotapinthebaststyUby - J. D. MATHEWS, daU*dtf> ' .. i - 138 Bt. ■ Railroad Stocks. TOHE SUBSCRIBERS -mil exchange $5OOO X of K. B.KTDCKB fcrWBjTE&X LAKCIH Those ct> the Übuari river pnbmi Brian/. bbls. N.O. Sugar; ' ' ; \3r 100 'do do UouKwt • 80bb)a.tn»b»d wd po»der*J Sugar; UO ban print JUo CoOa», in ator* had for ; ayirT- ■•• T.UITLK 4 CO., l*S Socoodatrttt. GRAJJT’S'OHEWINO TOBACCO.—'My Kiitm fio* pobod<.T»C*fT*d'nn cob* • , apa*.. . .. ~ .- - . • . Ko. 128 Wood at. ; /SUT,.BUGGY-WHIPS —An assortment of \J| beaatlfßlQiitWUpaJaatfinlaheU, 6, OU.and? feat; also a fcw 9 Cm* lubj. Hbn will b* foaod U»o imtMtaad 1 moat «IMBBt nhipß (or tii* woo *ter wtd la thta city . a»2B RIPPLE AOQ„ 80 roonh it. HIDES— 30Oprime dry Flint;, MDO cmn'nUed'Cal/SEioi: 100 do do Xaitor* *ad for said by . B.IUBBAUOH * Op, J*l. - Ha. 225 liberty street INDIA BOBBER COURT TOMBS—AIso 1 atarr*a*aorta»t»tcf DmalofcTack aod LoorCcabL lar aria at tb*lodla Bobber Depot ot J.tn.PtnLLlPa. 7| Hospital sheeting ofanwidth* and b«ct quality for sal* aftha India Bobber Depot, 24 aod g» 81 Clair atreet. Jell- -~J: AU. PHILLIPS T\RY GOODS of every variety, ns cheap efl JLr thevtaatefooodaoyplac*. C.HAffSWf XOVE,- ; j )*lt • ■ ' : KotTt Marketstreet rTtfUS best aasorted stock of Fancy, Staple^ A iForalfß asd DotaesUc Drr_o»4s ln4he*cHy. : I’h*a*»' c£u«odaMth*a. . aUAJt&JNLOVK, 74M*rk..t«tr**t.i i CITEAMBOAT STOCK— oi thi gplendld md&efcht packet iIKTBOPOLtd ’ tot wiobmi tormi by ■ .Jett , • UITCnCOOg.MoOREERY fc.Cftfr- /"tHEESE—22S bxa. English Dairy Cheese \JlntUntormStbr J«S3 11KITBT D.OOLUNS. j LIME— 150 bbU. Louisville Lima for Bale by " J«22 BE3RY If. OOLLINB. ; E LOUR—3S sacks SammcrMiUs'£xtralnp ’ tinn, Flow Jogwrt oo cwMboiiDMit ter.iwJe by jnt ; ROBERT DlCgttY,m Fronted nw V>t»d< O PL{\ TONS CHARCOAL PIGM£' <%>t/VAIJS da .tet'JssUU Bloom*, Sft?4 *od for —l>by - • J*B. JUBOBiapy 0 A.SACKSDRY APPLES; iv t/ 2 blits. Um* Pork; . . •300 bos. amftU «W*s B«u». . • • ' _ J for rtls by j«ZI BHBIYCT k DILWOBTIT. QABBLS. BALT. IiBKKING; > (CUffl jo - Ltfaelfo. 8 Mackerel. *' ftftoby- 1 - jell r ,gnaiVgßA- DILITQBTIT. TPiIESH BUTTER—IOO kg* choice packed r &ittir: 7fl flAAni friah Ttblft baHtr. from th« twit Bstt« Coast? ißDUo,Tac«tf«dfijr®U»tNa.lW LltoertytweU, . ;fr2L . CO.; XJAILEX'S-'PATENT CURTAIN FIXt JjTinUS—Tbabeefiatu* joit reeM *fid trc mU et.Jfl -i>4BWtcuirrt..;. jeii ~,; j.» H.pmmjea.; AIXXtR MATS—The best 1 ertfcU lantiblriiM'tt lbi ladle Bobber Depntbf Heit j, » n. paimPB.[ BACQNr-IO.OOQ Ibs-flacon Shoulders; \ j«n ' b«ona »t| AClft BOS. PRIME' MERCER POTA rxiv/\ATOKS’toind(Ucfrj . ] : bm : .....- tMaise*As«tt.m3»oiiii»tj 3«JAS*S AMERICAN VERMILLION for ituty J.ll " ~ B.LHinigaroCKAOo; 1 BALE LAVENDER PLOWEKS for Bale A i«ia A mmaaroon a coi lbs.'.Country cured' Shoul- ARD—In ken sndbomljlbr fate byM jt9 - T -•• •- l \! ATygU^t»BßjtCOi i APPLES—2S :dcß;'choice‘Prie iforsaUtg j jeffi t ATWELL, W*OOJ JfiNN. iwkr Styer Spring Xxtn lb»uy j*nrl4b3J»i fiosi «t*u»f JentleOmy efirby ■ &. t r;ißAiAgPiCK3nr> Oct 1 f7A rB&L&pfIN£ FROUR kr> A * Uktmbbr - -irpAWi AAyj^Bi | t>KRFDiIEJBYr-I*abiiL , B f ßMm , vWrighVB ! JT Santioafß Bstraetfrfer U» Wkt,.a i- HM** uO. QStmhand and forialabj -'.' BIDIHAWiaraAOO;' ? gQBBI&iWt wflr ' •' £*du TepnVllei TOSChod- 1 /?|HEKBE—2OO bin. DuihsunEwmto airiye .TT-Utah* t <\jmftc»i.i>r »ig . nptTiKOQMJMa-, •«Uf£S£ S?^.Mss ^•wfasssfr; • Tv? r -T££^wna»*os, * -• .;Vv-» •. r '•..'**• », " *- ,; ' -,- •■.•?»,•••■• '•k; -V v?*-; :*,*■>' .. ' • •** :.•>&**'%'• •■• •«. .*-•'• .. • „'- ; y -: " '*-*;i \t *■? \ £ 3,~ 0 “‘pJ-'TOffCgnta^r' ' i letroil, Portage i 1 r®*F?r* -. v/ .'•• I * "in. /’oiaf l?ajy3fT«settger And FrrJffct Screw Efwnaort •"jnnx CrtV, lifcreßAL JIOCK.I OKK.TAIJiJII, ‘ ■ I Cilrof Cleveland tuvei CJcTelwUi .i MONDAY. V*T a,..:.——— «* 8 6’doelr, P- M. THUttSDAT.Umy 13- ** * MONDAY, M*y 21, - *• THURSDAY; JuneS,- .. - MONDAY; Jaw 11-.- —- THURSDAY, Jaao ?t -• MONDAY, Jdy 6*- THURSDAY, July 16 r MONDAY,•Jalyja* TUURSD A Y, August MONDAY. AagtatKs?-....—w THURSDAY, Augusts*,.:; ; MONDAY, September 0....; ........... THURSDAY, September 10; -MONDAY, September ST*..-...-..........; ; ; THURSDAY,'OctoberT,_ ; MONDAY, October .... THURSDAY, October 5• ingdercluKitTcnwxzzthroagbtbeseewti. irt» ‘orrr of-Cleveland- and "iilinois* hat® been fllted up eiprcsalj for tlie travelingpublic; being ac knowledgvd| OUlo* . N. B.—Mark all Packages: “Cars Hcukt A M'Duos, .Cleveland, Ohio.’* ap2&fimd 1858 LeSSa* 1 1858. CHICAGO, MIX/W’ATTKTCEI AND LAKE SUPERIOR LINE K. 11. TOMPKINS,Com'r. | Jon J, Tatlor, Clnk. LtattiCkieuyn lfiJ«eauA/<,l Lcatxt Saperiar. ( A t_B o'clock r. M. j At 8 o’dacfc i. m. [At 6 o’clock A. M. Monday,...Juno ailTufaday..,.Jnne ■ttl£atQrdiy.~Juaa 2d Tlmr»day..Julj 2| Friday July 3) Wedoevlay July 7 f Tneadny.. •• 131 PUjsurt Trips ta OMixgvxxxl y a»i> > tArctiijJi (.Satanlay “ 31 ) G\iirgian Bay w, and Has been , seiestsd by .hbasaiL axpnwalv fur this market. HetYalso - prepared to both! Burial Tattles, ancloo* Bat Lots with Her* lie ux Stone, anJ to execote any other work in his! line, o anyor tboCcOirtrrie# adjoining PiUAbargh. ursu at rxunaao* to : R*t. T. B-Lyruan, KotartMvir f ßiq, tL.-n.Wm. Wilkin*, John OhWett, Esq., Jin. U. Ea], W. I* Riomll, Esq. Cbartasllrewtnvi&sq., J. 11. RQL Kaij, ThomasßooUy'Kaq. • A. B. Coritoc, Baa, ,ff. P. Banin, Eaq“ O. &. White, Kaq. Tb« Trad* furnished with an kinds of Pomiptsnd Dorns* tfe Barbie, attber Qnisbod or in Ibarongh, at Wbulasah pries*.. Hshasaboauklaamncaaents with the manofhrtnror* of the bast brands, Ur a constant supply of Ifydraslto Cfr meot. Water and Lsolsrtlla Lime, anti Plaster Parts, both tor Land and Stncco Work, all of which be Is prepared to famish at short notice. tublkdly FATrY FLUID MATERIAL. The man illuminating proper- TIKS of-Gas from Raiin tail oleerißAta nbitiani hevoaimy* medo them ft Cevurito aaterLi far the manta bct&nof niaialoitttogQftft. Han y- •tMce*, mad yields at race, IU Brilliant UlanlDfttlUß Om. Ha a greater original ev* «r Uw apparatus for the rnsaa (hetore of coal gas together with the attention and expense constantly r«tnired.fti>dthsdiaicnlty > U not impossibility, of etUltrly separmtraf the eniritolcseine, drieterloos end afltailve mu, generated in ctai, rander the IIOSJK OIL APPARATUSdnper sod more desirable iuevery my. B.OOAT£S,of 376 Broad wsy r !tew York, has devoted hit entire attention to the-mennlac tare and sale of Portable Qm i Apparatus, end be reepeetfolijr calls the attention or the public to Us present complete and efficient machine. Perfect satisfaction to the purchaser guaranteed Id every ■4O. For farther information addreas 8. COATES, 370 Hr<*dwry, New York; or&AYIDlI. VTLLIAMH. PUtsbargb, Pa. Jr3o:2»»4fr TCTB WOULD inform pur customers west, IT u RUSHES—A large supply of Hair/ Flesh, IF Tooth and Hall Brushes of the finest doaltty, constant ly on hand at JOS. fIiKMiHQ’B, ny3 earner Diamond anJ Market atroot. bush. white Beans; 1W bnsh. Dry Apples; 10 bbta. Dry Peaches; 5 bbla. Country Lard; 10 do frreh 801 l Batter; .10 do CrohHggs;. fioopde.FUx; In store end fur sols by mylO . feITIUTEB A PILWOBTIL 'C'KF.NCII CAMBRIC COLLARS, in-white P end«lorad Embroidery,Jastrafc’dby - - MURPHY' A BuECRPIKLU, Who hm also raced rod a fnll aasatlm-ut of aUthe.mw style Embroideries In Collars and Sstia. , V • tby7^law> T3LANK BOOKS, of all kind*, . - -- • —- BACON— 1 caak SbooWera, Sidea-&Ham» r -“„ ' WiUcontpoM tb« Um iur l&Ui~ STEAMER LADY ELGIN. Fair*. nict, Steward. of ovefj variety aoi) form; ALtO, Centre I'tvr, Him-an OAB FROM ROSIN OIL To ths Whip Trade. THE Tfll jm/mta pcOTOMS are offer cd to Urn which tutdl. e*i«cra&Cß~E>frtgfrrfc«-jfc Tyit « t^int lit* tloeflwt ThU i* the perfection ofmadleihe. ItteanUso tdetictodlae^»lMi^ln9W...l take them With impunity. If they. tbgy wHlchj• them, If «• Well they will dd them POgfr*-; ,■ . .... Givi them to stew patient " ]th batana compUfat: ss»nu beat>«p, tattendyfottn straighten with strength again; see Id* lon£Ji»t«tfpettto*tt«ii; «oe hiechuumy feaiarer.tdosaiin iotoheptth.: Gtvo .tbmn to woe sufferer whose foul LlocJ la* wtfst out In scrofula till hie shin is covered Vl(h *nr«; who stands, t>r aits, or Ilea in anguish. Ilehts teen drenched Inside and out with every • potion which icgoooity could auggrst. Gir * b,ra *«» Tills, and mark ttia effect; too the. scab* tall from lua body; ew.thoocw, GUcikfo f >>n » ?rowa tm. nngoments which tbeeo Pills'rapidly cure.' Take tht-m peraeverlngly, and under tbe council of a good Physician'lf yon can; if not; take them Judiciously >by such adrioe *a wa give. you. aad.tha distrening, Jangeroua dimosot they core, which afllctso.manymlUioas of the batnan rioe, are cunt out lllto the devils of old—they must harrow in the brutes and In tho fiett. Tries 25 dents per box—S boxes for $l. Through a trial of many years and through every nation ofdvllixcd men, Atca'a Coxut Pxctorai has been found to afford more relief and to, euro, mora COSOS of mtlmonaiy disease than Any other remedy ' known to mankind. Caws of apparently* settled consumption hare : been curod by it, and tuotasandrof snffertirs'who" were 'deemed Iveyond tbe nacli of hntnm aid bare been restored to their frieodsand asefulnets, to soaud health aud the enjoyments of libs -by this ail-powerful anttdele*tp diseasoa of the longs and throat tier* a cold had settled on the lnnsa The dry, hackbl&coagh, the glassy eye, and the pile thin fbattfresof hlerwbo was Igtsiy lnsty and strong, whisper to all but him Ouasnmptioo. HatHeseVhrythiogtbiitthedUcaseisgnAw iug at bis vitals, and abowails fatal symptoms maro and more over all his fnune.. lie is till Ini; the Cherry Pectoral now; U has stopped his cough and made his breathing easy, his sleep is sound at'night; hu appetite rcrnrnS. and Wtlb it htsstreegtbx The dtrt which pierced bis aides is broken.— Scarcely any neighborhood can be fotmd-whicb haaaot some Hying trophy like tbie.to shadow forth, which hats won s for the Cherry Pectoral an imperithable re'oUwn. But its u*>efalncis4oesnot end here. Nay, ttsc . compMshes mors by prerentldn than cure'.” The' Countlm > colds and coughs which it cares are tba' need which would hate ripened Into a dreadful harvest of IncnrablodiMostt. Influenza,Croap, Brunchitls, lleameneav£lenrisy,.lFheop- Ing Coagb, and all irritations of tbe throat and tongs are easily cured by the Cherry Pectoral, If taken in season..— . Emy ffemny-should bare it by them, and they will find it ■ an iniraimiMe protection front the- insidious prowler which I carries cdTthapareutabosp Irons many a Oockj tbe darling lamb from many a homo. ■ I Anthunticated evidence,of theMfocts,! with. dlfoctionß for the troatmentof each complaint, may to fbund ln Ayer's AmerTcan Almanac,of which we publish three millions, fend scatter th»m broadcast over tbe eartb; Inorderthat the •kb have babro them the (nfcrmatlun it contaipa. Brnggiats and deaisrs in medicine geoprtUyhare them for distribution gratis, and also for'sale tbroo rocue; » diva, prepartd by DR. j; 0. AYBB, IVactlcal and Analyti’ . . cal Ciiemiit.LcfWsU.'Msm. JelrdAwflmT GEa H. KBYBKR, 140 Wood &. A. FAHNESTOCK • A CO, comer Wood and first it, and D.L. YAUNR3TOCK k CO-, rornw Wood and Fourth sh,. Agents/ot PHUbnrqh. THE LIVER IN VIGO R A TOR! PREPARED BT DR. SANFORD, ' Compounded Entirely from CFUMS, IS ONE OF TIIE BEST PURGATIVE and LTVKRiI£DIGINE9 aov Ufott tlj« pablle, tbtt icli ass CUUortic, easier, milder, and tuorecflertnal than an; othar medicine known. It la not only * CWAortic, tot a Xipfr remedy, actfng first on the Liotr to ejoct Its morbid matter, then on'the stomach and bonis tocnrry off that matter, thoa aceotupUahtng two purpose* eflectually, with; ont any ofUmpalnnd.&sltngs experienced In the op*f*Uoni of most tWAonic*. It strengthen* tha sjstem at U» same time tlut It purge* it; ami when taken dally In moderate dova, will strengthen and bnild it up with antuaal rapidity. The Lirta la one of the principal regulators of tha human body, and when it iwforroa its nwedont well. Lbepowcncfth* system are ( ftilty deTplopwJ.ThtFfwiKKA U almost entirely dependent . on tha healthy action o( the laaerfertbonrpperpartbra* (C auc*afUafauctJort*:wbentLe amaachis(tunft,tlM > howr!a n am uifault, and tho v-hofo syfteasuffiusinconseqheuc Qof one organ—the JWwr— bsTtagceawdtodo ftadtity. fortli»dheaaes nf that or gan, one rt the proprietors U humadeit Ms study, in a pracUoeofmorethontwenty psn, to find aom* remedy wherewith toconoteracttUe £ many derangMn’U to which tt U iWbte. . • TuproTetbaltlitaromedyU V atlaatfoondjinyparsbntrua bled with LII'MK €V3& W PL * TXT,\ nm y oft ts fWTn*, haw hot to try a butx#%and ev ronTtctlonisoertaiu. Thro* Hums renulye all V morbid or l>ad matter from tbe*yriein,aup|dyiQglMbcr u. place a healthy flow of Ml*, invigorating the Spy iach. v canting find to diK'wt writ, i*wruaialhuaivhtotbe whole iuarimi«ry Honoring tbeCJiHf of tho dovaMr* a nolicul ct*tw. b IiILLIOISATXJiCKZm 1 btittr. p r e ora ttd,hy I t,ivfr iKigcndor. i OandoMaftereatlngUruf- • and prevent tha food from Ob ly one dose taken before turn, j Only ooa dose taken at gently, and cores On-I On* do*> taken after each 1 of two U*-1 Xck t/tadddu. I Ooa bottle taken fur fo | caaae of tbo dlseaao, >nd Only ooa does immediately , On* doe* often repeated 6 Jforbua, and a ■ presently* t9»only ona bottle la ayatem the effects of medl t&.oue bottle tak*n for lowucae or uunatural color On* dose taken a abort gortu thaapp*tita,Amakea Oue due* often repeated rim to Its worst forma, Awel Oenploinls yfold Oneortwodoase ram at» Siihlrvn: there Is no surer, a world, Bslt.nrrer f*iU. afrk faw bottles mresl absorbents. Wa lake plaaaoro In rocoai* prmnilio for Anr and and atl /terra of a Bd with certaluty, A thooasnda wtmderlnl'vlmwa. jv-ured, a n d vi'h at i t :Ua* iceishmrtl U-c of the Helen? 10 r»IU t ih.-> stccnecli rialhfc anti retiring, • pruwil* 2nght sight* laceen* tbo bowvl tipmetl. tomlwC! dim Dytprptin. tpaeniol* w Ml »1 way* roliei male obstracl'n removes the makes a perfect cure, rellared L?\a!{fi, white awrecnrofor Cholera of Chaleru. 1 Beaded lg.throw «Ql of the doe after a long elcknaea. Jaundict repama all eal from the akin.' time before eating give* vb food digest welL core* Chronic Diar while a&J almnetto tbe first dnee. lacks caused by ffbrms In safer, or speedier Rankly In Drtpiy, by exciting the mending tkiemedldue as a Chill fitter, lout Typ «. It operates are willing to testing to U* All v>ho uftilart glttng Virii favor. «Mn frnotis testimony in ttt nth with the tnriyofaUr, end t&'ifixWalrr in tAcmm twaUoyo loUi. logdktr. The Liver Invigorator very, ami Is dally, wbrhing cures It cufoa u ir by.magtc, ctxn and seldom mure than one hot kind of Liver Oomplalnt.from aopal* to a common lloadacbe, a Diseased Liver. i 1»« lH«cot almost too jpeat to baU#Te. thejirtl dote giving biwgU. t Ue 1* repaired to core my ! the wont Jeandlceor Djkji all of which aswtharaaaU ol PER BOTTJ.*. PRICE 0K« ; I>0L1 DR. SANFORD. Propriety DR. OKO.U. KtVEEit,fe Pa., Agent. r,9lfi Broadway, NeW York. .. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh aps:lydswT QIHRT FRONTS Pnpcrlor fronting Lineu» ' an'l Mn«Hn», MURPHY A tIUIICHFIP.I.It‘B. ■JnU recM at C-DETLAKD wool, SHAWLS, O Fraoch Lace MaptiJU*,' ChanUlly ilo' Beragc flubee a’Qaille, yioancml do Cl6tb Piuttn, i.iaenaml PWd do, Jait rac’d by mygfcrtitwT SlUKHiy* OPKOUFIELD. BALLS! BALLS!! BALLS!!!—A largo as sortment ol Furt, SclU and Rat BallsJtt*t received and for sals, wholesale and retail, at Ilia India Knbtar liepot of myCra ~ 7. A n.PHILLIPS.,Sdand 3 S fit.Clilr sL INDOW SHADES—GoId Bordered, n Plain and Fancy; also. .Shade .Trimmios*, Ac., on hand and for salsby my& J. k 11. PHILLIPS INDIA BUBBLE HOSE, from J to 10 in. diameter.—A Urea supply ,iuat Revived $1 the India Bobber Depot of ' aja . j.all. Piniufr. WALL PAPERS—WaII Papers of- id) hinds fure*l» at redocsd prices by \V. P. MAH3UALL i CO, tny2i -8" WoodstiecL, BLACK. ;LACE MANTLES oE different jranocHHein: DEOORAI*IVEPA4?EBS— rfester Circles, lira Board Prints, fitatwv PaioUiiga, Mouldings, eooto..r.,cr ? 4RBItALL k IINOTURE GELSIMINUM—O do*, fin •ala by mj3l B. L-FAHNESTOCK* 00, BUSHELS BED WHEAT for salety OOU Jed M’BANE A AHJBR. DUSTERS, in cloth, linen, mohair, lustre „ Hhrpe.nl ■ CAI.T. AND EXAMINE, ouratoct of Fur- Dllnr.lM.lbr, pDrsluilnj .UoDhere. W.lhllilt ,oo wKI pmßi bjlt. ’ T. leeoeNQ *CO *ur» 88 and 40 BaUhfleM street. Fine parlor eurniture of the last styles constantly maabf.tclarlos and Ito; sale at Ibo lowretprlcta. [royiS] ' T;B.YOPIfQ ACO. • 1 KfVBBLS. RYE FLOUR for polo by Je3 M'BAN* * AJfJHL onnn LBS. COUNTRY HAMS foroalo ZUUO k, j«3 »?BASB ♦ ATIJBA TSKANS 6 biiirr email white, for sale by n^.,1.“.. B. PALCT.t,L 1 00 riODFISU-1188 lba.in storo and for halo VJ B, . ‘ EOiIRRT DICBKY, VU Front rt, dwr Wood. ■ UUA KAVANAUGH’S new WORKi ADELE,InI ToUUmo., KAY A 03. M W.P«I «■ BUTTER— 12 bblsi freah May Batter rcofd r " No : 151 ‘■""Smaui, ware a co. 7SrKAM CRACKERS— HaII &. Snider’s \J DkbnM Cnttan OnA.n, comuatl, raedrtw rad arMtoey.: : (mrt) .i •;v A.A.UAAUY. FISH-600 plig* AVhil»FMi.Trout, Sal ■TOD.ee.fa.ii.tr ," nexarnoou.isa. T IME—22S bbls'. fresh in Rood order for JL£iM?r m,g .nß.SKTii.cai.LraB. 1-. „...-*»! IHE-BREATEST '■iiMEmVAL W DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, OF EOXBURY, UAS dlaMTenid lu oa« of oar common weeds, • mn«<]yUnt cure* «r#rr Win.! of Jlamao from the wor*t Bcrefolalofteoiminoa lnotple. ■_> l}ftk»« tri«vi Itln orer datea hundred cfcH*, and HpTrr Atllod except ia two easel (Loth thnailerljiinior.) Ushalniow tn|ilf UMadooonrtto bßsdrni eurtiSeatai of l(*nhi«i all wlUiita twwtfj (she* of Baton. Two ho Ules are nrnn tod to eo r» • ntxnin& tote mcrot b. One to thre« bottles trill cah> the wolit Jdnd of pimples ct the face. ' Twow three bottles will •cvarUie*yfltamof boIIi • Twobottloaara warroatedto cure in tbn mouth and atouiach. Throe to fiVu bottle* art* warranted to cere Clio wnt ‘cose cl erysipelas. One to two boUlraare. warranted to car* nil liumori of the •yte. * Two bottle#are warranted tofd/vraurdogof tl»* i-Ariaud Uotehea among the hair. - four todz bottles am worraut*.d to enre .--dfrupt and ruu-. nJbg ulcers. ' OnoboaioWUltorescnly ereptAtoof the akin. Two to Ultv* bottle are warraoud. tu cur* the iikwlCr-ipr*' rate cnat-a oi rheumatism. I . - Two to threv botlTea are wnrrnhtM to curetbe worst caae-t of ringworm. *• ' ' i .Tbrveto font botUea am warranted tocureanltchenra - Hire to eight botllca wilt cure the worst caso of acrofnta. Alxmelltia ahvftyioisperi.wwl frohi tbe firatl>6tUi\,aa.l a perfect cure U warranted when the abora quantity fa ta kas. ■ Nothing leokaao improbable to those who har* Inyalo e.icd all the wonderful tiiodldnas of the day, aa tliatacoa*. uktd Weed growing itrilie past or «m, and along old stona walls ahooldeureerery huinor in Ihaaystest; yetltfa now nflzed tact. If you h*Te a humor it has toatart. . There are do if* nur adds, hum* or ha*a about the aultihgiMtne'caaM'aud not yours. I peddled over a thousand bottle of it In the vie Inf yol Hasten. 1 koowitaaflccU in ev&ry ewe. It haa a ready dun# someof the greatest euros over dono iu llaass eh'usrftfa T Rare it toehildrrn ortrayeaKcdd: to old people of sixty; I have teen poor, puny,. Wormy lor king children whoso flash tu soft aqd oaul>7, res torod. to a perfect a tats «f health by one bottle. To tboad who ere mlject to a rirk headache, one bottle will 1 always cure It Itginw great relief tn cdUrrh and dtal-' ness. Some who have brvucoiUve for roars, haretakwiand' been regulated by It. Where, the l>ody is sound it works aulteeasy,but wlierethnroiaahy derangement of the /line* ons of natims 1* trill cause very singular fielingt, butyou ; must ootbf alarme(Vrthoy always dlaapposr in from four days to a week. There is never a bod result from it Cutha. .contrary, when that foeUnglaoTwyou willfeel yourtelflike a new person.- < 1 heard aameof the newt extravagant enoo nltasaoflt that roan ever batoned to., Nojchangeuf diotls arer nocessaryj eat the best you can get I hare likeWlae. ah barb, wlifcftiv-when alranuired in rwoetuU, dfebl're&acrct nlons swelling of tlie neck and under tbo ears. Pries ti) centg, Price of . * .; DDIKCTIONB POR 08K/.' , . ; Idolt, one table spoonful per day. Childnm 'dvar eight ;yean,deaaertrpooDftil; chiklrenfrom Are toeight years, to* 1 itpouoful. Aa no direction, can ba «»fV» Applicable to all ’oousUtulioos, take onongb tu operate on tbebowele twice a ; KBTOXDY ghrea peraoaal bad case* ct •acroful*., , Bold Wholesale and retail at l)A. Wood •treat,toroCTof Vlrgln-Alloy, aud J. PiTLEMINO, Alle jghany.- ; ■ ... ...aDin;. • ... RihCTdrdAwf lIELMBOLD’S GENUINE' X’RlCPuVßiyripN. •' j.'OV ‘ Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Buclia, Fl>r tiiuaxt i\f the Bladder, Bidneyt, Gravel, Drvj>:y, i Ksaititt/, Obstructions,- ■■ ‘ J7ma7< Cumphirnts, ami oil Visrastt of the" Sexual Orymrr, • Arialngfroa Ezcosbm and loprudcndea in life, and re moving all Improper Dlschargca from the Illaddar, Kldneya or Sexual Organt, whetlu-r existing In U A L B O u rEit A L B, Pram whaterer causo they may hare origisitad, AHD NO MATTER Of HOW LONO STANDING, Giving Iftotih and Yigor to the Frame, and Bloom to tit PulliJ CKetlim JOY TO THE AFFLICTED til ItcnnaKerrousaad Debilitated fioflurnn, end remotr** all the will befouod ludl*jK»ltioa to Exertion, Loss of power, Lose of Memory, . Difficulty ofßreathlog Gen eral Weeknew, Horror of Dis ease, W«k Nenca, TrorabUng, Dread- Col li«rrarorilMtb,Kig!itB«<«U,Cdd Feet, •> Wakefulneea,l>imneMc>f Vision, L&Bgucw, Uolrex* sal Lassitude ur the Makular System; Often Enormoa* Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptom*. Hot Hand*, : Flushing of tha Body, DryuaM or 1 the Sldo, Rallld CoantedsDce and Rniptioa*- on. (lie Face, Palo in the Back, Ilea rlnaa of the Eyelid*, Vrt»- qoenlly Ulahk Ppota Flying Leforo the Eye*, ■ with Temporary Bufftieton aiui Loot of Sight; Want of at tention, Gr<*at Mobility, ItMtUcuniwe, with Horror of Society. Nbthiaz la more desirableto eurh Pa tients than Solitude, and nothing they mure Dread for feur of tbeairelvee; ho 11-.-poeo of Manner, no Karnettiiem, no Bpecu lalkm, hot a Hurried Tranel tion from ona question to another. The**•ytnpiom*, (fallowed Ui go on—which this utedL cloc invariably rnmma eoqu follow* LOSS OF I’UWKR, FATUITY, AND KPILKPTIC FITS— In one cf which tho patient may expire. Who can e*y that tlu-ia cxretaes are not frequently followed by tliowdlrrfhl dl*e.\»e#—l?fSANl- TY AND CONSUMPTION? The record* »1 the INSANE ASYLUMS, and the melwhoif ds&Uia by CONSUMPTION, bear ample witness toih«*tnith ufthca* AMmrtioiiii. In Lu natic Aaylttmethe tnoaf melancholy exhibition appear*.— Tbe countenance G actually eo-tdwn and quite destitute— nalther Mirth orUrUf evcrvUil* U. Should a sound of the voiev occur, It I* rarely articular?. ‘•'With woful omiair* waadtxpedr Low nllem sounds hie grief beguiled.** . Debility 1» tuoet terrible! atai kaa brought thoomodattpon ; thousand* to-uxthoely graves, time Masting toe ambition of : many uobl* yoalhs. ll eta w cured liy tbe nee of till* TrifMliblo Xlemetly. If ymi an»«n!fi-« ;nz «• »i vre.f the hlm.tc dblniuiug afl umitA.tbe FLUID KXTHAOT' DUCUU »Ui cure you. Try It and Lm convinced nf Us •flioacy. KtIIVAIIEor QUACK A QUACK DOCTORS who falwly Umel of abilities sod refercncr*. CiUauna know ami avoid them, and auto FoHV»lnjr, Money, and Ea pufttre. by Marling <>r culling f<>r a bottle of this Popular and SPECIFIC REMEDY. It allay* all pain and Inflammation, I* perfectly pleasant lu ita tasteaudodot, but iiuOKHiiato to Its action. Helmbold’a Extract Buctm fa prepared directly according to the Knlee of PHARMACY AXD CHEMISTRY, willi the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. Sea PioftwsorDEWP.ES* Valuable Work*on the PraeU-w of Phjilc, aud most of the l»leStandard Workeof Modlcine. «-0100.-rt One hundred dollars will be paid to any 'Physician who can pruretliat tire Medicine errr injured a P*liriil;*rul (he testimony of thousands can ho produced to prove that'll doe* great good. Cases offrom tme klwk to tliitteoU Teara* standing har* been affected. The mass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY In poeMeton of the Proprietor, Touching its rirtneeand curatlre power*, Is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. ... ’ 100,000 Bottlea Hay ©Been. Sold And not a single Instance of a fsUore has been reported! - Personally appeared before me, an Aldermen of tbe city , of Philadelphia, .IX-T..IUiLMIJOLD,. Chemist who being i duly eworn does aay. that his preparatioa-contain* no Nar i cotiCjMtfcofy or lojorioo* Drug, bat arc purely Vegetable. •A - If.T. lIELMDOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sword and mbsalbed beeore a* this S 3 day of Norem bar, 16.74. WM. P.UIDRARD, Aldermau, Price $1 ],*r BottU, or ,Sij> for $5, Delivered to any Addre is, A<• com oanied by reliable .and respqiuiblo ; Certifleatre from 1 Profcwrs of Medical College*, and ether*. ‘ Prepared end told by M. T. QKLIIBOLD, Aocfical and Analytical CVrairi. ! No. 52 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut, Assembly BoUdinps, Philo. £Sr-To be bad o/OEO. IL KErSER, Sett Agent for Pitfburyh, andoj all Drvggiett and Dealer* the United- Stole*, Canada* and British Procincet x '■ BEWARE OP COUNTERPEITS. Ask for UELHIiOLD'S—Taie no Other. CURES GUARANTEED. _rar2Hyd*wF PERUVIAN STREP! Protected Solution of 'Protoiidc of Iron, Having successful-' Ij paued Ilia ordeal to widen dkw illßcorwies In tho Materia cs»ra«atject®d, ian»t now ba cd u an entalilislicd Vriicloa. If* •fflcwjlncorieg xj'irsrßFSiA, Affections of the Liter, Dropsy, Neotalgis, Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies,. Disordered State of the Blood,'Boils,' Scurvy Prostrativo Ef- fecto of Load or Mercury, General Debility, and all Die- eases requiring a Tonie, or Altera* . tive Medicine,.is .fiflw beyond question. Too pruofa of its sfilcucy aro to numerous, to volt authen ' floated, aod of eoeh peculiar character, that sufferer* can ' not reasonably heriuta to rtceim theprbfltiredald. . Th* PcruTian Syrup doee Qot proft-aa to bo a ctiro-all, but its ranga le extensive, because many diseases, apparently o alike, are Intimately rotated, Tand; procoecdlOE mim bus cans*, may ba eared py cue remedy. i i The daei of diseases for which Utnßyrap'proTfdeaaenra. Upredsely that which has tooDepbafflcdtha highest order, ©rmedical >kUL Tbo facts are tangible, the witnesses an aceoadbte, and the atfety and efllcacy of the Byrnp incon trovertible. '* y- ,r - * Those whotgty wish fur on opinion from, dldotenetoJ person* respecting thocharactoi,of the 'Syrup, cannot fail to bo satisfied wltlitbe following, among numeroaa tMtimo nfails in the hand* of the agents. Tbo aignbtarea arotbose of gentlemen well known In tbe community of Boston, ami of the bigheti respectability. qABD. Tlio noderalgned haling experienced the beneficial effect* 1 of Uie“l’*favUn Syrup/* dc not hesitate to racoeamendlt toitba attoatlcn of tbo public. from oar own experience, ei well u from ths testimony of others, whose intotUgenee and Integrity an altogether ooqnMUonable, wehaTeno dotlbtor its efficacy in Cam of Incipient Diseases of tbe Langs and Bronchial ramagea, Byrpep«La,LiTer Cota plaint, Dropsy. Neuralgia, etc. luiispd its efibeta would be Incredible, but boa the high character ofthoee who hate witoeßed thenf,'and bav»-volunteered, their testimony, as »• do oars, to Ha restorative power. Rev. JOHN PIKRPOINT, THOMAS O.AMORY, THOMAS A. DEXTER, PETER HARVEY, 8. 11. KENDALL', U. D., JAMES 0. DUNN, SAMUEL MAY, Bar; T. WnnUSMORB. SOTICE. It la wen knows that the tnolldnal effect of Protoxide ol Ironlslost by etenabrief exposure to air, and tlmtto Kits TAM a aolStioD’of Protoxide of Iron, without farther oxlda> tlon,haabc«ndCecMdltnpecalUa.' •. u Is tlie Peruvian Syrup this desirable -point la atUioedby cbnxi*A»Ki»orAW4tßiwai thiswdutioa ■ : AsMtjet oftbe Stale of U. 8?A: Sold by N. L. CLARK A C 0„ Proprietor*. No. 6 Water etreet, Boston. Retailed by ■ • ’ Da. QtO. It KHYSKR, No. 140 Wood atxeeti den of the Qoldcn Mortar, Agent for Pittsburgh, apU-dawfimT Flttabargb Stamp and Stencil . Worka JTIO. U. MAOTKKWS. . - ■ Stamp,.Stencil and Brand Cntter, TQBBINQ CUTLER, GRINDER, do.— BUdee Inserted: Table Knina Repaired, and - General Jobliog at> tuutodtee LOGEBHTEBAND BELL-HASOKR, > K»* 13f HbfieUfilreet, naav - \ _ :: v • JVTMWfflfifl iU. TWwbove ffra bjnepradl toßukaanythUetß. th* atom* edaa edge loul|Sr do any hfafiuf wA-m wka* * .i-7 '.v‘kii2',>rl‘x il+ ;’>.'!s r .*" “‘-i-i ’• Stiilwrbjr • «ettittiim» cffw T V'i.t. n«n.' jud Port (in r«wti or l>cxf>j Hutward.) I ... > M txnl-aiid LftnfOU. Xafla, £od A A.h, Utr- 4tfc ‘W Da manCUj.'Tar, Plttk, iUfcin.Ae FlAJUlt—-»8c. |*r tb|.Bolil farther noMc*'. GRAIN—In car lco«U Tidier 100 6-*. tin til farther ct4k* OOTTON-VS*- per bats u.jt &GQ Jtm Hrptebt. DUlii fartb.r node*. «3JtL •Itipplß* -from M.y of Philip, phi*, bo-pirttccUr toisart p.-u3r«g*9 idOrwtt/.” :Ail flou»lacoa»lga*.l to of- •t Philadelphia or . wiH. ba fonwnled itiiboat detection. ...,.-1 . ' • * ' rtßtrarAai.w-O.'B. nvajw.WCULy E*i*i«.'/ V. CUrkvNo.2Bstw Hotiwsttnd Ko;-l \rniUi?btr«.t«hd John HclioaiW, So.'aitotJery. Oow Zpocsril]rminiinn’A fir«wrk Cincinnati, a* U. C. s SWi!nuaj- U*Uwn,.lft4r DwSmdSl Hin 4 Co,, uid Curtof k, Jewett, Louisville. Ky • p n ,■£ Itiley 4 Co., Kroxfvilta, Ind.j'lt. P. SajM,&t. Louia, n.i*; ris, AFurroley 4 Co, Memphis, Leech 4 Co. (ThW™ 1«U J-P. Qian, PL W/tyve, E. J;'Sne**J»r7rlrfla- st£ :gr*wA K«nn,B(dUmot«,D4.A.-SUn'ArtjPUtoharabk -• a. IL, HOUSTON, Um.l insight Ain.aU Phila. -T. A.!SL’OTT,?n|iUAlli»)ii..l>. Z)*Qs. ', V2?sviv;i^y l . u i^ A , rrl V;?w«»>" iraj. Souic^^S^iSll3iaßaEaßa ttud ftfti-r nfU'nin \ u ; L«r6Chic»co*e;^iuv.uin4o»:^.Jttiii : ia3aK u • . Arnrqpt &3».*s m. and ; Kfc> r fc' ' • . .... .. UaTO Eait St. twiij aL~~-&(W 4. a. * n 4 420?.*. • • irtitA i.t a,k0.10:45 a. «. - ->i - CONNECTIOSTB!* «. •.- • ••■'• liarfc | * u ' tfwUte * t Ifortierb' OiT* kl»nd /Uijix>fld Wiat, aiid “On*. j JgJ** 1 - Uorifagtoß-aDd intinoeS Central Italbvul, Kr«. “ • t SlcJwu can bo ebtaloU •at Rmho prtntfpfl- Railroad r. .. _ *3uTnrodBh TickpU jand Freights as low u by anyother » if flftftnsr/5; l i iTenerai •K M. GOODRICH floa/Eastern Agent:' mr?:dly S 1 Kiflroaa. 1858.. UMMER ARRANGErKK'ijn^ra^ SIBNT—On v «wJ after HarMlavCTt^Bywßw^^cS* .. KWKT D*IMr^BAI»Bi- ;{ THE MAJ/j, IKAIN ..loar*»> 'Smiion Mery morning, except Sunday, tatJO.OO o’clock. PitXvbnreh time, niririnir In Philadelphia at 11.00 ». j*. . . TUB FAST LlNK.diily, except Sunday, ul ar rifiug is PtUio • nTn/atWO, . . • i , ; : The'Jobnstcnrn ACcominiidatToii train IroVesPlttibursh daily, racepl Sunday, at •ftWo’cloek, I*. st, stopping id all ‘ •Übnoa, and running-a» Kit -as Ooheniatigb." pfm Aoroa imhUtlon Train fonTurt!eCn«kllrid g o,-| t **f«daHr > 'except 1 *™d*7,V 10.40 am.. TJ>eSecondAccommodation Train for V l ?** le * Tea daily, Sunday wtieptod- aU:2Q P. ,4L«— Tbs-Third Accommodatleb Train lor Tartlo Creek laaros daily, except Bnndsy.atfcfiH*. if," 1 '••■ • - t • BctamlnttTralnaarrtre in Pittsburgh aefollbwc—lmpress v 45 Pr,«w■ iUO* 100 a,. ID4 Fait Line 2.2 S aim.; JoWmtown Accominodatiotilla.ing First.Tnrtlo .Oraek Accomtnpila*! turn, OJO tum.; Second Accommodation, li-Wp. mi Third Accunsmodatiao:&lon.'m. Trains for ittalmilfo-end Indixn* connect at] CloimHle Jatoneetion With Hall Train Jtart, E*pr«a Train Westland •tho Johnstown AccommodationTrain^sstand and OonnelLtville Trains, stopping ut sltHtn tlonstm the and CoanoUivllle Koud, lease daily, Sunday excepted,** follower—Holt Traln'.T.OO a. mißxprwa, Train, 3;IW p. m. Kvtorning Trains from' Pittsburgh and CoanellariUo .C-joJ, ariitaat Piu>hnr"ii,-8.43'a. to.-and ftiop.m. : .. r:.‘ Tbe trartillog j.ubUc will find it greatly to tlifrir inlereet, In going Kast or TVmt,'to InrTel by thaPenn«jfl?wih»lUil roul, a» the acccmmulatiotui now otft'rod cannot bo »urpai> «J on «uy utiutr route. Aetberoari la' ballasted with BtgnA.' •ml lsooUrely frpo from dnst, we caupromise infirty, epced and comfort tonJl whs may tayor, Ihiiread-trith thcir-oat- WOMB; ' , _ rare to New York.. ...-' ■.♦.'.yiS on ■* “ I'liitulolphia. W “ “ lUltunore..... 3 60 '* ** Unewtar —8 60 ** Kiimaburg_^.„ A ,»...„ 745 thockr-.} io Slattern 00 the l'oQaajtTaoU Bail ami to PhUft-klphie, UallituVto and New York. foamagerß purchasing tkketo 1a cm will b j charged Ten OeoU in addition to the Station rates, axeept fn un Sttttlona where the Company luu no agent. Notice—ln cnee of lues, tho Company trill hold the to* **ltm r>'»7>(UiHTt>le for p?ra6i.n! baggage only, aud for an amoont uot exceeding iIOO. •N. B.—»TUe RxeeUior OnjniboaUne has been employed to cuntey I'mwoogert sod to and from the Depot, al nchargv not to exceed 23 ceul4 for each naaMsgor and baficaga. , Kor Tici-U apply to ). STIiIYAjIT, Act, At the P. KJH. Puaengof Station, on Liberty and Granl Bf*. j«&-lj»l—my9 .KAtLRUAO NOTICE. ' ~ FT.lsrWtsassc JL WAYNH ft CHICAGO RATI, «g VBgpngggg fUjulD COMPAQ V, wit 1a Itearaftls BotUnggfoek'fctiil equips mint, audit* tlmaißh connection*. 1* petpamleo tintißpmt TMKucruand i'rcicla from PUtloJefplilaaod Pituburgb to CMcngb.gt. UmU, I Qillnn.-»poU». Cincinuatl, anil all pLicufl W«t and tfoutli want, with a greatdffreeyrreipitarUy aud expedition. The tact that Ihl* read t>nu« a dlrctt and •xtnaAlldabvl in* between LMtinborgliatKl I'hlcago, I* a •oflctent poar* ‘uta* that lt» Xraina will nuiko givd time, aiu tc&oecUooa villi Train* nil oth«r Roads. • PAsSrsata TRAINS lUTI ~ ‘ PlUebwgh. 1 Creetllho. FLWayne U. a. Mail At K. 5.07P.M. : ut etpn>ss._ :.... U.JO.P. a. htijoor.M. s.oop.*. U „ - P. W. 110:23 p, M,. diOjuiL. Ei P r «* 7:C0A.«.,2d Kxpresaai Lwa Pitts. Ar. Ar. St. UQb. . Mrrnlng Exi?rcs..*L4t> a.m. £>->J p. m. 8.00 aI k. P. 51. do ..2.15 p.m. 'J/-LS i.m 4i»3p,M. AH Trails niflke clow connection* at CreatUne lot Coluai bn«, Cincinnati. Indianapolis ad 4 PL Loois; aUo, at Fort Waya» witb-Truawon Watmh and Woetern Railroad for Uf«yTtt«,CcDlmniHooUan(l gfc LonhQitbn, at Forut with Tndu»oaU»M ; R.AL.K.R.K_ and At Una with (ndne oq Daytuubtid Michigan Bailnwd. . ..' . : WTinunsd. * _ B t 7 lk^Co, jPL WajDe.jCrcartijM.jArr.PHtsVg 0.8. Mail—Vtoftp.a 5.3Q1.M. |l2Jop;m. • 5^,2 r. u. iCor. M. e.iap.w.J 6JO a.w. t&FtyS+r ». J . ■-I ■*»*•*. ».isp.-m. Three Train* make cloaeconuecUona with Trains for pJiUa dclpbiii,Hidllnion> andJJaw Fork. Train* from tomakeelujowflneetbajatCttrtUiia'Mith-anratamlQp TraiM. At Ft. tt ayua, Tralnaffea St Mooli, Central mj twia, Labwtt*v and inujimfSUate placM.Qo&Deet«lth«bmv Tcalu*. At Forest, coanocti muora made with Trni«i toand from ttncfooatl, FpHbfrlMd and UajEE. ThouTs. jH from PUUfaarpfata erwtlfo?,-bcingi tulnfor local baal ne*a,iaotMtitrnfttOreaUin»liy the2J Kxpretr 1 •• AccouaoDAnoJt Ts.uire—Lear® New Brighton for‘Alb -l*2*3s'*»**•. All* gheuy for .Vdw Brighton at 9.30 . fnrtbCT 1 'lnformation apply to QEOuQE : «tS* nErr corner Idfierty. and Grant •**n®j/* PATRICK, Uo. 30 Dearborn gw oroottta Tre- or to Uia AgtnU at. dW statioiui along th and Fr 1 1 Art. ?' AgenLChicago.< , j 3. II MOORE, Bni» t. _ ' jj 'll* Cl A n: -O.CQI JtAlMlOi HONDA! PrtmijUi :ieT«K«nd» Ptttabargta 4 WhecUn^ ratila 0*«tr»l RatjMul *• foljo**; 1 - K ' >••• 0.45a.m. t h J’w^ T * Uod ’ Buflsld » D«troiV, Oitoco, Md &3&F.IL 'and min«mp*cia«ta*Ttfkrid'tsitVl>itri.U Hap cf 4-00 P. H.| For all wAD, • ■ CHANGE OP TIME-—On -anb aftek Mon a.,.* .MlttsSiWa&w* •* . ----- I’mkiik cr laypolat tlcfcot* - .TUrangh lodad&uitl vthont chunof can. Srs daaiilag ta gp .toOoJomlaa,Clncfiiaatli.ciii ka btyonifCol ambus tla StaubeavlUe, nbitaak 'VU StanDafaTilU.. ' JAIUSS VARiIHK, S6perint*mJOfflg,Qtm«nHfcki»tixwnt. ««4 ConaciiTin, jEtaUroui. and after MONDAY, frr;mr^ummnn ; : ' ■ ;' H.«Ttini>i™i es32sSJC^_iJ^*‘k iilpiStt ■ » • 4 t ii i| i * ( *RxTft'a* m . ■ Anrttogut wtrti*iU~;JL!23Xw6 ti • ■ : > Cw»bftuSSfrtc,*ad With rur Mti PJel^tJfeoSertct, _ yrelght-to»ncirrbQs'Pitt»barKti 'ai&abrtjois cm UxaPltt*? burgbend Oennailrrtlle .RaOrDad, Brill ;t* UrerttUnPitUburgi, at 0» “Baldwin Depot/'-opjxutt* the Daqnetaa tPrpot. excepting each. uok Iron. Lumber, : Stonr, etd., which will be loaded or cnloadnl-at the Outer ; Depot, or at tbe'cnal Depot, winur br amat»d, lHtf» Freight Agent, Peot»»l?a£l»Ranro«rf, at?ittfburgh.'T - PTIO H HLAOKSTOgHfIopt ,1 p A P B K II AN Q ISQS. OurWoek of pjwp®R- ; Is s«» opsß forlo«p*ctf nr tAd&ls. Ktj)t» a 1 PABLOS, JtOOXf CHVKCQ C~X T ti.l G' J*£&£ jj. /■ >u»r nthjt, imp, ■--fe i.*BSS ~•.**.«! .«mjvmmpiiis .üßfc* ' | c Clertlanj, Detroit aal’ taSe' ; Snpnfor One. | Tbo frvrcito and tut Strainer ' »•• NoaTiLSTAHi B.e. Street, Blaster. - % „ TtiocpleoJld Mtßcn* Steamer NOR'TIIKRNI.ICIUT,J.Bp*Hiai 2 \ Tha well known Thsp*Dor :! MAJfILVTTAS, O, CUdwtU, Blaster. THE number acd character oE these B«ats ,»Ul bo B Jcnaramt* Ift the pafcllc Of «p«rt,*»retT mad prcnapUiaiw iu carrying pumtgri* ami frtfubt to all poiataon Lake Superior. Vor pa*cD?<*a Ual!c«d« trritcr , comfort and speed Uiau liaartcr busa vnendtotbavobua ou that matt-. F.ir freight cr infortaatfgn. aniilv W IFAKNA, OARULTSOJf ft CO-Acta I'cn-rarUicrhilftttiaticm apply to: ' .. ~ , ■ ' y - KNOWI.AM), AgtDt, ... t\ .1-3 MnnoagaLi'ljv TTotiie, or cor. Wsyeo A liberty ala & T IiEDUOTION OF TO EIfROPR. . . .''SBffi.- Frxm Ktif Jerk to S&ilh- To Sew nipfoa. Mam‘rr fireman anpbm; ITavro or 2>t*en - f3 O. Fir»tC«Uo--.._4aw-: Btr*T*Js* a ' St«ra£* ''' XltUuttint.chu* saddle tfhee) steasefcrp AntfcL< *OOQ ivp*» C. lXJrfiJlow, commoner, end NORTH £TAIC UH tOtis.T'.dwardCuTrndj,commander, lo tail from nlat Ho. NtrQi lUTfcr, ainoon |'twbt!y, carrying the (7ott?Bbf^' fIUU,Ti2S~ .. . 4 i:‘. 3:. n>i' Ltat* New Fork for . - , i yyni Bremen -J" •SbiCAamnewt ' far Xhdfirf AtieltSatuidey.aUtihSO. • > April 17. ■< ■ ■:■'■< Antfl'Sl -- 1 NorU4gur ■?* April,. 17,, May .IS. . , - y a * lfi . ■ 4 5J™7 35. Jane 12*- Jowls Jane* 12.' July 10. JhJy w ,} ' : Tt»ee M«Ljn»liipt tnacb at Harm. Ppcde MMMtoaand for peuajm or frrJabt apply in-., J>: TOUUASp, Agent, NojG Boiling Green,"New Vbrai.' ’• ittoiufarß. JROHTtO 2 O'CLOCK,, Bni &*day *roniag»,'frcaa May, s* Jcmw) December. lntnrpfef «u tleclared at iliarnt&cf ‘ u mb«r,-iws, *|~ te Juu * and Coccnzbor, ISSO. and Joae'and D«;Mal*r.l£w • Ifltcrot;ifnoid»*iitmt;ttp)ae©dtotb« credit ihed>" •poaftor Mpri«l]»nl,anJL«OTiy.»3matntfcrmtteibfeeflrß> . * : days of June udJ>ocetsba»ooiDpoaDdlag:,tMric*a «ttta - oottroabliog the depaitar tft call or oven to tim*nV.b(e p&a toOt. At this nt©, money will doable ia mm thin 13 yean, making fn the aggregate xwor anon aAirva* tm a TXA*. . •.; -‘L'v B containing the Charter, JJj-latb, Roles and C#fn» 4 lationefarntabed gratis, on applicattoo at the odicaS'.. ‘ ", '* . PTctidmU-GJSOSGEALBXEK vicv FBtsocns; • John H. SbocDberga)*:: Iff. GraHaa'Murphy, Igaac M. lVnnock, JunetlX Uelley, . •Tune* JU&doiMt? Jolid S. Cw£n.T*j nopcrreU Hepburn, Jaraw ghldla, Alexanderlfr«dh>y, Robert Cobb, _,:i William 8. LaTßlsy, / tWHUaxa. Jr Amies*® John 0. liacknfon, Albert'CuTbrrtton, -Johnlb Canfield, -Jamoi .W.Hailmaxv ;. , Chariot Koap< * • P.X Madeira'. - • John ll.'MeHnr, ' ' ' Walter P.Miu>h>lt, Wileob MBlur, A’. 11. Tolled, M. ll llcnryL.Riiijtwa’U,'- ..JohnALfiawytr, . GoorgolLSeiileii, "Alexander TJuiUjv" . ‘ Theobald: Cnwtaeltfr, >' .Gwrgn JLWbUr. ;- n CHARLES U. CVLTOX. Gardner Coins, JLienso A. Carriu, David Cahipbolt, ‘Charloi'A.Oottoir, William DungJua, Vrapclti Falixi CMorgo P. Oflniore'. - JemaiS. fiooa, . PfUliaraßrllnveu, 1 fieerttary and Trt-itura au1:l yd —jaii2id» w V T> A R KIN 0 UOUSUS OFJU i ft libGG. MsDronp,..-. ...; bedfoiuj do,'.. ;■ BOSmWiK'i*,-..*- SOSIKRBFICO., ! MOUNT PLKABAN?_ ....WKHTMOHE’D CO, . OTXNKLLBVILUV—— FAYETTE C 0.,; VPeun* UNIONTOWN^— ' “ “ , , NEW BRIGHTONji 1 ..FAYEPTB 00, j 1ND1ANA....... INDIANA “ Dupceiu recrivM, DlnconnUi iu»de» Draft** bong ami collected. Bosk Note* «id. Specie luttgbt, *i Blocks, Note* and other Been title* TxrujjMtnia iqU n|l-wlnn. Comapondciico and collections eollciiod Dr. Mc!L A jSr'E'K: \ '■ cr.!.r;r.;iA'ri:r) . y'ERMOtr;G'EI c ; LIVES PILLS. T woof the best PnpuaUaiuoftlie Act* They are, not recom- . f mended as • Universal ! Cure-alls,-but simply for what their name pur- ’ \ ports- • •: 1 The Veimifuge, fox. | expelling T from 'jj the human system, has'.! f also been " idministered ; ■ with the most: satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills,, for , the cure of Liver Com-" r laint, all '! Bilious De rangements, Sick Head?-: ache, &c. Purchasers will pleasel be particular to asfc fbr-> Dr* C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and 1 Liver Pills, prepared by^ : SOLE PittS- '.-I burgh. Pa., and take rib . other, as there are various other now before the public; pur-' porting to bp Verniifuge; - and Liver Pills. All - others, in couiparisorL with Dr; 'McLank’s, ! ate:-, worthless. '' .AT The GiiNurNE McL'anc’s'l- Vermifuge ’ and 1 Tjfoi- Tdlla rah now be had at* ai! respectable Pin- i «oies. ; i - Vi'r. ,ii ‘7’’ /.'iVi-: >,• • w - . *’. ■-. £“i m'*). 1 -.* CUN^RXES—6oo'cjtfca Soda Ash;^ ( *^ r . KJv lQOcuerGenaasCUr. •.• -• ■•••• 20 cam Ralph, ftambt, , lOOlwsiKitntofiodß, 1 * WO keg* Bi C*ri) Soda. •. ’ - . . . S3obbt».N Gsonas wsniAK%' . • oc&rtf- •• •wtf,_gai|U)fl*MrtmtaadJH>nK»odAll«y ■* T EATIIEU WACOM WHlPS—lnsetted pputnyinmj* 'Wfrfp, muonftctttred m- ClUaWelypoanby- : *pSO - .»'kLLS,BJPIiLB B ROVERS' CASHES—White, Brown and J BackX«H)rt , ,»wJklUtactlM,frataC tolSfert. tor Half gross qukrn’Scod liver OU» JBtLTJo»tpecM : an!tfar'4aleby' *•-•■ . B. XhFAHKSSTOCZ AOOV’ '-*' apSS : , No.M,ccgocr Woodaodloprtfr*** • LAI&FISH.-J2S hit bbl» White tfitt- " ;• . . ' lo?. -to- Iroat, • ~ •.. I; ... i»». do;:;, &iaKrn,-.\r ; , . do* *HttXUB * «te.lToju,itorMbt T ' I«t,ai gßCT'g~ ! ■ i WOO do •. do.; v- 1 ' •!l ■"*«**»* jay» . .v/ i ; aiPDLiL wraTa *t»;} BACON— 1000 lbs. Country Sides; ' g> tw, ■ . Pi .1000.. do- .. do W«»y,‘ • . t. >•• Brfa Mlfctfjle >t No. 185 I&rtr «u“> .. •. iv; ••■» • Jtyw-r - ' BIDDL*. TnßXSii 00. », TiOCKETRLedg efB r JanrdaTg, Ray Onkr.JßObif tarM la ird nudo to order by '--->W. g. HAVKf, mylft Book Hoaßftctqrtr,3l,B3*33 Mgrktft»- TO ACON HAJ4&-T-4000 jLf.ttoioby*. >i: mf&'-Z -• * E AKE FISH.—"OOhIf bbla.WiiiUrriX, ' ' r \ 180 do .do Trout, ■ - *'■- *s. ’ 1.-.. 100 ■4s..',do-BobßMi f infrodMdtefc v-;; iL.oocaj»gj OMBODHD SYBUB 'itaftrjifcti B.bvuaowcooc* flKji •. ! ;i^££s>r . j SbVeold ltd sold. London. te for ialb KOFKBTDja