illfssnMittms.-1 iitaCCO Warkert ' - JAMBI OWENS CORM KLICAND WPM iflarrA 9„ TM:TOO:AND MASTIC WORKER • istmparnagarattenuontoal ordmtar .cnk In nin • IZINTItEIazd.ONA.MENTS of all - kind. funabed shalt notice. vztard numbirru-.—.....--resa mot emus. DUPEE, BECK & BAYLES. Bankers - and Brokers. 3 and 3' Devonshire Streets Bit BT O AN. B. dr. S. giveparticularattendOn to the • Alba of Lake Superior,und are prepared In furnish sellable latormstion respecting neon. A monthly rectos of the Stick awl Money !Must, with the Current /headline sill be sent to any whine delesi. 037tlYstra7 ------------------7i—. lUul sa 11 ydraull e Cannon HE FAMITE BLAKE, used and ap• THE by Mazola Contractors, Bridge end Cistern . 2,lo ars for pars past. Warranted of beet quality and for lade at the very lastest marks i Mr iummiom 5 1, 9 22 1E5-11zia 11zia 5. 1 T0b.. M0. , 116 Boocad et. and 145 Vint st. 1 best brandg • 20 kegs Mg do 20 do etleht do 20 boas 14 lb. lump Wendish Tobatele GO bravest. superior Y. 11. and Black Teas: • 100 bags prin. Mb Maroc, 10 do Grubs Pepper: 10 do do Abmice; 200 bra. Ground Pepper, .111.p1co and Glingel7 KO do superior Load= and A cloricati Mustard: CA, oo Garman cigar.. wa t0...* 100 bausio Palm and Rosin Soaps; 30 do German Cheuda , l do 30 do Star Candle s; 21 do Mould do Together with a moral assortment of all :cods In our Urns, and for sale at reduced prices for cosh, by - myW T. LITTLE & 00. No. 112 Second st. triI.AIBERG'S PIANO COMPOSITIONS. Fantasia on ifEllai d'Amorra " Don rutima. Do a Don Joan: Do " Lucretia Borgia; Do " La Boronambuta; -- Do " Leo Illtigenotn Do " tdaaanielica Do " !domain Itgyp4 Do " florae Sweet Flo= Do " Last Soso °lBt:amen Romance, rlth Tarlatans; La Tarantella; The Art of Singing applied to the Piano. l 9 numbe Jut receirsd and for ale a the Meek Store of enyM SOWN 11. AIELLOR, 81 Wood stmt. LAKE FISEI-25 bbla. Lake Salmon; 25 bbla. Lake Superior Whits Mb; 50 Id bbla. do do 25 bbl.. Trout; hf do do 20 bbla. Lake Barring 60 hf do do do 60 laf do do 31ackerol. An extra article, 1828, to abort and for sale by iny'2D a. IL OAriIi7ELD. bI"FARR bbls. Sqlmon; 25 bble. Late Bap. W. rah; 20 bbl.. Trout; Sobf do do do 60 bt do do bble. Herring; 25 Id do lberriag, Eteint goal ty, VMS, J tot reed and for redo by myB .1. D. OANITKLD G.IIOOERIES just receiving and in store. 400 bags Rio Colifete, 200 pkg.. Ni SAN 80 Wrens prime Rim; 200 rage N. O. Ter; 100 bbl,. Due Syrups 400 bbl.s. N. 0. Slettsses. bbd.. N. O. Eagan 100 bbl.. srued & coffee buts for salo by my 3 9 MAYER & DILWORTII. SIINDRIES—M bales avy Oakum; 100 assarted 612.111 L Lope; 25 obis. Plteb;, 40 “ B. W.Wbsle Oil; :s , °No. 1 Lard Ou load for sabo by JONES & COOLEY, my 3 No. 161 Warr rtrect,nettrCherry y. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS—The subscriber hes put reed by erpress a large assortment of nen, beautiful and very perfect Englhh, French, Irish and Ital ian Viers, on paper and on ghout J. B. DAVISON, No. 61 Market street, near Fourth soya Sale Agent bens for the N. Y. norecacopie Co. *BITING FLUlDS.—Arnold's, Kitt lend's, !anyone{ t Noyo'e, David's end Wbbottl fo sale et the Stationery {Vetches. of W. S. LIAVEN, myß Corner Market end Second streets. ATKINS' CELEBRATED • so DAY CIACHS, for Counting Room and Parlor. 5.1% 44 Anassortammtleflosewoodmsegeleh'wmtpatteras '77 • act remised sad for sale by J. IL - RRKD A CO, jeUleief Jeweler. No. SO Plltb street SUNDRIES -24 bags. White Term. Wheat; - =4 do Red do do 4 bbl.. tamUJ Lord; - 3 stands tonally Lard: kegs do do 8 nek. Feathers, 1 roll old Copper, 118 bbl.B. Springs E. F. Floor 11 bbl. Colon E. P.Floar, 118 bop do do do 19 bop do do do 68 a Rey do do 111 Tenn. Blooms, to arrive on Warner 8. F. Illbberd, for oda by . royl9 Din All DICKEY k CO. L AKE FISH-4(10 hf. bbb3. White Fi 1.50 do Tronk 75 do Salmon: GO do Lake Bening, Reed and for tale by myld lIENRY H. COLLIN:3. LACE MANTILLAS, PARASOLS. Jost remind a my2P4&wP C. MANSON LOVE, 74 Market et. ELL 11ANO1NOI GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICEII Dwr Bella at $2,60 and upwards, put tip In the beet style by J. D. MATHEWS, 138 111121112110 d 111- JOB PRINTING-. Canis, Circular., Prins Lists, Rills Ladle, Snow Win,, • Letter limas, L. printed losniseiim Mlle at short-rotten, b. 7 - - - Tr9. - 13. JoriNiiTON & CO., Printers, Ptationera and Blank Book idannfactnrars, met Na 67 Wood strna. SUNDRIES— fresh r. 6 16 do do Muy Hotter, 10 boxes du do do 600 bosh. Mercer and Realm:mock Potolorvii 100 do Peach Blossom do 200 do Red do 21 do choice vrlicdo Pevichu, Received arid fur side at HS Liberty et. myB RIDDLR, WIRT'S k GROCERIES -400 bags Rio Coffee; 60 bags Plmentrn 100 bags Popper; 1 f 00 trail Clovers 400 traits Nutmegg - . 100 kegs Bi Carl, Scda; I:slblehrds Y.11..1 O. P.Test; 30 times Wm; - 75 do Block Tea for .ale by turylo) r lIIIRIVIM * DILWORTH. MATTSON'SGELEBRATEDSYRINGES 111—Thole BJringe• are prunes:axed to ho =Pet+y to any syringe now in urn. Those wishing anything In this HIM &odd 001.4 ninth!no them before purchasing rises wham tool 30g. VLEMINO. Railroad Stocks. a liE SUBSCRIBERS will exchange SSOO T O lt. IL STOCKS for WESTERN LAND'S. Moe on the Sileenor/ Over preferred mnt:dtf MOWN S. LRECTI A CO. L2F: - TICKNOR & CO.'S HOUSEHOLD WA VEELY, new volume.. rmrn of the Peek, 2 Tole, vdth Illustrations. (mill) EAT & CO- LS Wand et. SUGAR AND MOLASSES -66 hbcta.cbcAce N. 0. Sacul 63 bble. " " blolasaer; WlO HITCLIELTRSE, Ja,tBEO. Tor sale by ' A s • on formic, wbolesale sad retell, by hey/3 DIDDLE, MAW t OD, No. 185 Liberty it. FRESII BUTTER-6 bbls. prime fresh Roll Baba riled sad for .41. by spa° RIDDLE. RUTS S MOSS Liberty greet. CHINTZES, Organdies, Lawns, Oranges, Crap° Ike Caputo, Duds nod o splendid stock of Do morel% oil dump for cub. C. ILA NSON LOVE, ordE) 71 Market street. DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Mantillas, Mourn hag Gaols. Table , Lione, [inert Table Oaths. White Goods, Needle Work and Dal:nestle Goat, all of which wlll be selo very low (Jr cool,. C. lls.Nso:: LOVE. myll . N0.74 Morloo ANURPHY & BURCHFIELD have just .111. mired largo latof !madam. Dacia; rye heap. Whore also is to to foam w hits P. H. at all prim. myll EIV PRINTS and other Domestic Dress opened WE =ran 411 or ',bid' itl bo .old very cheap for nab. O.IIANSON DM, siatedaerT Formerly la. Brae., N0..74 Markel et- COTTON -2G bales middling Tenn.; " ordinary Now landing from Warner Marmara for 8010 by my2o HAUL! DICKEY ft OD. SPONGES -1 have just received a large lot °lmperil. Bathing Sponges of ewer . inae and pica— Thom wishing a pt.! .tlele In thls line should all and my stock before porshas,ng elsewhere. my 23 JOS. FLEMING. SUNDRIES -17G eneks Wheat, Tenn. Red 33 WILE. Spingl E. P. Mout; 3 " Lard, No.l Familr, 1 tall° Cotton, Oa steamer Poland. to arrive end for sal ia.p) ISAIAII DICKEY & co. G ROCERIES -100 bbls. N. 0. Sugar; 100 do do btoluta.; 30 Ltda. combed and powdered Ongs.r; 160 bog. prime Rio Cone, to etate.and for We by myll T. LITTLE & 00. W 2 &Toad BACON—spo It.. Country Cured Shout don,A." Eider and Mans .tore and for eke by ATWELL, LEN O. W. LARD—In kegs and barrels for sale by 1.9 RIEI) APPLES-25 slim. choice Dried Apple* fur Wl> by JO ATWELL, LES A 00• TENN. FLOUR-245 sacks Silver Springs Fatra Family no landing from otointoor aray ar man by JsS ISM A II DICKNY .11 CO. 175BELE. F m FINE F UR in tam, and I r Web) m 731 & &N.M. PERFUMERY—Lubin'K, Bazin'n, Wright's sad !Unison's Extracts fo r the Mkt., constaally panel at iss Jos. FLAMING. 6. CHAMOIS SKINS-3 doz. largo and booming reed by W. 8. HAVEN, Btalloner. 11110 ODGERS & 140UENLOLME'S Eia• SURE KNIVES away,. b.d at le7. W. S. TIAVCSI4,cor. Market and Earond .t.. OOKET lIONES—A good assortment for -I*-taiitkr S. RAVEN, &dioxin. Q 11,141 BROOMS-1 00 doz. superior just teed and for =le by Jr. 2. T. LITTLE 00. 50 BBLS. EGGS (in bald and for sale by RIDDLE, IVIRTB 00., No.lBB Liberty VErIIENT-264 auks 'Fenn. Red now . in: from steamer Jeunlognatis[Mtgy y co. AND SUGAR—DX) laid.% N. O. engin 400 lusffc ror m 7 Q ußtmc t D _ILWOIMIL' UM:ULF FLOITR-50 bbls Extra Family, bbls bbls Supernal Emu Gn. yak by mr.r. RIDDU, WIRTH& 00., N 0,185 Liberty rt. LARD 10001bs. iLNO• 1 Lard reo'd and for wawa 1851 ,1 b.rtl ""ma't 00. OTASH-10 blals. No. 1 reo d and for sae by W3f42d,CUMN. No. 105ILLIbeirti GOS.-20 bble eggs for rale ey e I over . : MUM ISM BAClON‘—rcalik. Ohouldast Sides & Hams in Korn is els by IN gazßAvaati 107= WILICZNICIEVeIik °TES's. arrier4 tranlifarg EVed oaf 9 . ..ra/2 Iropaare, flpofga Tnas ism:ducted= thoEuttorsmi pu , 0 , LomESO $00213, =de US they may be or dered, In the Ilarboffi Tho slYadvfms Beed="l , • 'There las p, trlthJ3albs bactrnimation theta Tbla pegmbii-boßel h in.the immediate vicinity of =ramble64llnm, and the pail:toll* pbweaorarowannent, and offers eyed thaw who consult conren fence and scorway. Thom golden to California or Europe wlllbslorolahed with all the Infortnatko they troly desire, and also be protected from impfeition In the pumbuse of passage IL FIIEMCII, Ihrprietor, N. 5.-13eware of Stamen who say we are fall, mn as uy Entarestal In saying so. mrll:3m. arbostruttuxat, az.c Pittsburgh and Ositless finrserle.. SPRING- F.1...A.NT1N 3000.""Func.".T,':•.0 2 . fueatrital city. 100,000 arape Tines, 17 varieties, 111,0t0 Standard 2 maul 3 years, ith varieties 20,000 Pesch, 40 mitles. 60,000 Itecrycnates, arise hardy varietioa, from email to 8 eat.. With a tam stock of Apple, Pees—etandard and dwarf— (Woes, five variatiacCorranta,eleneri tarictior,Grape Visa, Shrubbery Green ii013B• Planta, Boom, ke. Throe wishing as extra article of choice varieties plight Sod it to their tamed to examino toy 'trek before ordering eisschers. ' aes.lsectfl' ixo. IMILDOCE, Jr. iSAIRBANI KM PLATFORM SCALES. TILE undersigned havingbeen appointed ex cluder Agents for the sale of theseceletruttedSCALlM, manafactered by the neighed invantors, S. d T. YAM. BANES AXL respectrolly invite the attention of Rebus. bean rommentily to the superiority of thew twee over all ahem • These Bade. have bean reinjected to the SEVEREST TESTS onall the principal Rallromla to theEnited States and England, and in every branch of business throughout the erM.d, and their nniibrm accuracy and great durability nave gained br them the reputation of being THE STAND ARD ISOM MUM TEENS CAN ES NO APPEAL. Wear. ' , append to fill orders for Counter, Portable, D e r. mart, Bang WEE Way, COST, Iyallroe4 and Canal Scales, 11112114.10/131:13 . =An 'HUSSEY d WELLS, No. 824 Liberty Street, Commercial Roe, reltelyd Pittsburgh, Penn, Q.UNDRIES-100bbla.large No. 3 Mackerel; bbla. No. 2 Mackerel: 20 ht. bbla.No. '2 do bbln No.l do 25 do " 1 do 160 " Picklod Herring: 25 bbl.. Lake Sup. W. FM; 10 Lake Salmon; 60 hi." do do dm' 5 drama Codilabi 10 bble. Flint Hominy; 60 bbl,. Prarlaab; 100 " Mblie Limo; 76 " Hydraulic Cemont; 50 bores. Pearl Scarcb; 250 bares W. It Meer= 25 bbl,. do dcr. 60 " Nog. Dairy ;Re, 150 bor. Dried App live 105 boa. Clover Boca; 100 " Small White itconor " Onlorur. In .taro and for sale by s py J. IL CANFIELD. E.ASONS for buying at home in place of XV from Tree Pedlar= Ist. W. sold Cherry Trecalast fan at from 21 to 40 cent. thatthey charged 60 to 75.centafor. Apple (24 class) 12% that they charged 17 for. Peach at 12% that they cllerge 25 for and other things to proportion. 21 You can base ti:sr:A , • e ntod • few hoar. after they an taken up, while th e trees hare weary hour. to petni mnae and at depots before they reach the IfSd. If mistake. wear a proprietor le still ,boot to correct them, but • pedlar, where to itt? JOHN lailBliooll, JR, larllaikertflP Pittsburgh and Oakland Nureeries. QIINDRIES-10-=aks Chalk; 60 bbl ..Spooleh Whiting: 5001 b.. Extract; cosius Madder; bbla Turpentine: 60 bbis. Linseed Oil; 6 do Ersitich Ochre; 03 do yellow Ochre; 100 growl sl'Ltine'a Medicirier 60 dozen Boarbarria Holland bitters; just reed by mys 6L61:781601i7N t FINLEY; 107 Liberty turret: SIINDRLES--L?. bbis. prime Fresh Butter; to do h Eggs. 10 bun choice rend Peaches: 15 do do or:pared do 50 do Dried Appian 100 lbs. a:oleo Feraborc 850 bushel. Peach Blossom and guano& Potatoes, reed and for aalo as N 0.1154 LiDorty at ap.l7 RIDDLE, mina a CO. CI_RANT'S CHEWING TOBACCO.—Fifty Doses hue pounds, received on consignmentfrom the marostacturnr; and various brands of is and Ci's, on !mad and will be golds' low prices. W. &D. RINEII ART, sp24 bie.l2P Wood et. FRESH BUTTER—Primefresh Butter Table Batter expressly for fanny nstyreceive.l Choice Fatally Groceries; extra quality Green and Blast. Teal, constantly on band end tor We at No. 27 F/Itb it., Ly RIDDLE, IVIRTs h CO. n RY GOODS—Those desirous of purehas ijr hag mytbling dm Fumy. SiwPioi Sorvigu ur Dodo. tie Dry Goods Um, will plea. cell and exnuilue our ler, and well saaortwl .tort or Spring GaAs, wideb are now lie- Ins told very CHEAP for CAUL C. HANSON LOWS, tar= formerly LOTO Brow, No. 74 Marked street SUNDRIES -277 sks. Tenn. W heat; a bbla. Lard: 9 bale. Cotton; 30 bbla. Ext. Yamily Flot, 291 tow V.... Blooms, Oa ideal:mar Reliance to arrive tor We by .929 ISAIAH DICKEY a Ca H.ANOSOME SILK ROBES, Rich Barege nob*, Organdie Cohn and a toll line of other Itre,et Goods, also Crape Stella and other Shawl; all or which trill be .old as cheap as the cheapest for cash. C. HANSON L0Vg.7.1 Market . CAPE ISLAND FLOUNDERSI—CaII and see MD Tobacco, block, rich and aweet,ao entirely LIGIN nude, ast opened. IV. t D. PLIDEILUIT, .p 24 No. IT) Wood eit. GUT BUGGY WIIIPS:LAn assortment of beantifulOnt Whip just anlahod, 0. 6% and 7 6.14; also a few 9 feat lan& Shun will La found the noatest end mast idagaat whip La the mason am anal la this city. ap26 WELLS, MIDDLE a CO., ho Yanrth at. CIGARS! CIOARS!!-1 have just received thl•dity • largo lot of genuine I toport. , l flavana Ci. gars of the old nod aroll.kno•ru “tloolt.a . " crtt.l. Thep., vrieblng • boo of good Claw, •buold an 1 , 1._ r lll,, anstti , 1 .. —• corner Dlarannd end llark•t tdn et. H r , a r0........—L._' ~, 111DES-300 prime dry Flint; COO realm tatted Oil( Ski.; VA do do Mpg Inhere and Fut tale by S. lIARILIUGLI S LL, Jol No. 315 Liberty wool 4EATIIEIt WAGON .Inseamed Ito reenter Penneylran). Whip. reanoruenred rely boar by apPll WELLS, RIDDLE •i; DROVERS' LASHES—White, Brown and Buck Leal/Irk, and all length., from 6to 12 fart For Ws to the trade In any banality by ap26 15 - .6.LL3, RIDDLE: k CO, BO Fourth at. ICFALF GROSS QUERN'S COD LIVER i OIL JBLLYStot reed end Cu. tale by B. L.FAHNESTOCIi t M. No. CO, unruer Mold nod Fourth oh. LAKEYISIL-125 hlf bbls Vhito Fish, 109 do Trost, 75 do Falmoo, VS do Herring, Received and for tale by [sp2a) lIV.NICY 11. CoILLINS. B ACON -1000 lbs. country Sides; um do do &Joni,tem 2000 do end city Rona, Reed and for We at 195 liberty at. mya RIDDL2, 15 - 12T.5 0 CM. BACON -1000 lbs. country Sides; 1000 do do Shouldorr. 1000 do do Hum, Dodd sod for ran at N 0.185 LiboTty myl.ll RIDDLE. Innra, k CO. DOOK'TS, Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Ooh Books, Ilwobs sad Ord.. Woks for sale .rd ma& to order by W. & RAVEN, myl9 Mara Book liungfacturer, EL 33 B h Market et. BACtiN ILLftIE.-4000 Ins for 'sato low to [kat, by atra ROBERT DICKEY. LAKE FISH.-200hlf bbls White Fish. 150 do do Trout, 100 do do Salmon arrived and for ado by my= fJENEY COMPOUND SYRUP STILLINGIA-50 11. m. far eslo D. L. YAUNZSTOCX & CO. FIRE BOARD PRlNr v iß p. fvjEAll t b i l — a, co. HERRING -100 bbla. extra Halifax, 1858, tut Arrlvlvlng •nd far ado t 4 J.ll. CANFIELD. 100 13BLS. LX. S. F. FLOUR for sale by =ln LEWIS & EDOEIITON. IVr ACKEOWN & FINLEY are Agents for tho J. IL bssad of Vorolshas Woretuncole No. 107 Liberty strSeL 1 ACON SIiOULDEBS--5000 lbs. just ur tired per steamer Pt. Wayne for tele by el ROBT. DICK/YOU /met et, seer Wood. E XTRA FAMILY FLOUR—Manufactured out of selected white wheal Indere for sale by Jet BOB?. DICKEY. BLANK DEEDS & MORTGAGES—AIso, Attorneys' =A Justice's Blanks, sold by my2S WM. O. JOUNST)N & CO'S. DRIED PEACHES-43 Man. choice, in afore and for ego by DAVID C. HERBST, Jas corner Molly end Mind ota. CLAY -100 his. German Clay; 60 teak. do QuolGY ..rrootod. JoO ALEXANDEIt KING B 1 GARB SODA-100 kegs Bi Carb Soda real Mast from the manufactory and for Imre to by j 4 ALEXANDER RING. INDIA RUBBER RULERS, Pen Holders, Pencild and lazteada, for .ale by W. B. 11 AY EN, A my LD corner Market and germ! sta. 750 88L5. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR In store and far sate by Jel SPRINGER ISARBAUGII & CO. D OSIN-200 bblz. No. I Soap makers' &m -kt, lo sad MO casks anitialt °Amato Rod. $.3.• melo by ALEXANDER WINO FLOUR -Extra family, in bbla. and snake, expranay for family me, lu dory and for de try myll ROBERT DICEET.I7i Prom it, um. wccd. GILLOTT'S 303 PENS, Perry's No. 27 Paw, Ala ad rifts Tao Polas ao o 7 ' - W. S. lILVEYS, Stationer. H 0 P S-3 bits country Hops, for salo by cart: /L DALZELL A CO. PIG IRON-2.0 tons Charcoal Pig Iron fur mle by 1107 T. LITTLE At CO. I LS—Lard,' Linseed and Nests Foot Oils ...twiny on hind .0 JOS. FLEMING I. UOPS-10 Wm first sort,•in storetinti for 11 tele by OPIIINGEM ELASHAtICILI A CO. ABll FLOUR BARREL .1100P8-20,000 bold quality ter do by T. LITTLA 1 00. RYE FLOUR- - --100 Wis. best quality Rye Mat In .brit and far We by LITTLII Ca BARLEY -500 bushels in store and for =do b 7 (jA) secumaER. , IIARDAUOII k. W. 117110AT—litel hue. Red Wheat for sale 'Ty by Jelo McI3ANE & ANNUL BAdIS-3000 lbg. Country llama recd on o . o.4l4pinett sad for West low prices by )el licitAXE A ANJES, Mt Second at DRIED APPLES.-500 bushels in store, and kr Wm by ' NO J. B. CANTIV.D. ,boxes ass'd 'sizes Window iur Olga, good coz*ry bun& far Wok, LINNIVIC IL COLLINS, GUNNY BAGS-3000 second hand in store sad tar Pk loaf isy22D. O. ITERBST. 5 PLAIN=-BACON RAMS; th itorsa zdfatiedety .1ro1(31 3.4XSS OADZOISIL VA It DWARE , PAYEllB.—Sises 2040, AVE 2 4 2 3 0. Wu , w. JIAVENIL. 7 On linfl÷rcir e Walt Puma 'from 7eiT4oK,!tit•MLi' Agar. - , ~Si~ai?aticas: ---1135 1 3. LAZE SUMINUOR LINE. d iaTOMTIT:CO AT Iktfoit, Soot Ste Mora', Aforancae, Porf eve Lake, Copper liartkor, Nartor, Eagle itirrr, Uotonagon, to Point Battriebf /3 m Superior City. Loa-PreAstire CITY nfULEVELAND,I LUNDY, Moo or. JOAN VILIZEP., Easter. An.l 111,4 up l'aviliangrr rind Freight Screw Stkamera IIION CITY, [MINERAL ITOCK, I GEN. TAYLOR. J olite'rlJ. P. R{ll., Master 0. L'ooo, Mo•ti-r Will comp." the tine for 1459. (Algol Cleveland leaves Cleveland: MONDAY. May 3, at 6 o'clock, P. Al THURSDAY, Stay 13,... ...... . MONDAY. May 21,.. THURSDAY, itlll , l ......... . MONDAY, June 14 THURSDAY, June 24,..... ' MON PAY. July ....... THURSDAY, July 15, MONDAY, July 21, THURSDAY, Angnst 6, MONDAY, August 16, THURSDAY, Angtost 2Q.... ..: MONDAY, September 6 THURSDAY, Septembor 10,.. MONDAY, September 27,....- THURSDAY. October 7,........ MONDAY, October 18,..... _._ THURSDAY, October :CR.__ MONDAY, November R........ 1.1111101. leavi MONDAY, Me' 10, THURSDAY. May 20 MONDAY, May 81,. .. 4 THURSDAY, Juno 10./....... MONDAY, Juno 21 THURSDAY, July 1.. . MONDAY, July 12, THURSDAY, July 24 MONDAY, August 2........... THURSDAY, August 12,.... MONDAY, August September 2. MONDAY, September THURSDAY, September 23, MONDAY, October 4,..._. THURSDAY, October 14, MONDAY, October 25, ■ Cleveland: at 4 o'clock, 1 - .1 I T Y . Leaves Detroit. AT 10 o'oloo6 S.C. THURSDAY, Jun* 3 du ' do 17 do .Inly 1 do do 15 do do 29 do Aug. 12 do do 20 d o Sort. 9 do 23 do Oct 7 do do 21 do Not. 4 du do IS .crs MINERAL ROCK, • ng THREE BOATS lest so through Um season. 12Z 0 N Leaves Cleveland. AT S o'ctocc P. a. WEDNESDAY, Juno 2 do do 111 do 20 do July II do do 38 do Aug. 11 do 23 Sept. 8 do 21 I:0 20 du No‘'. 3 do do 17 WiSN do, PrCLOW Stn. awl GEN. TAYLOR, m• log CHOrritllld STRIP The "CITY OF CLEVEL.LND . and "ILLINOIS . Lore been fittod up expreasly for the trarollng public being ac. knowledge , ' In point of speed. occonimodatious,and appoint. mount, t , sannwassan. Thu "IRON CITY. emu", out com pletely renorated; her Cot In being extended her full length, giving her first cleat Po...lnger accommodations; whilo her Freighting facilities—with the "MINKR A I and •'t7KA. TA ThOlt"—nre aJnifittlAr. . . • • • . For a Pleasure Trip, the Upper Lakes are booming each eaccerilinc erasion more popular; none affording the tnurbil, seeking either huelneea, health or Idoliser., so ninny attrac tion.. I....tang Cleveland, the traveller reams over John Erie, thttitich the beautiful rivers Detroit, Et. Clair and St. Hume; end ON or Indite§ St. Clair, Huron and Superior; pee ing the falend of !Mackinac., and the Pictured Rocker. visiting 3 1 .r7. 0, tt , Hering ,. Lett`, Cid.per Harbor, Magic River, On. tona,gon, l.a Point, Hayfield, and Superior City, sith many other localittesof Interrsr, giving the scientific and enter prising eulticlentoplartunittee for visiting the Copper and Iron ?dintz the seeker of health the tool and bracing o il. mate, and attractive eicentry; and the sportsman and lover of the romantic the moot Inviting facilities for fishing and expiating. TheStrdotem bar round trip in eight day. Enda. far any of the tripe an M eneured by addressing IIt.'SSEY & DVIEIRIDE, Foarr.laioisc di COMMISSWN 1%/ERCII.kNTS, Cleveland.Ohlo. N. 13.-11arl: all Corkage,: Cr“ae 1114112 6 ?I'DazDa., Clevelaud. Ohio: . 510.20:f.d Cemetery Marble Works. No. 333 Liberty Street, below Wayne PITT,BUItIin, PA. MATTHEW LAWTON, O 1 PRACTAL M f , O ARBLE 31AN. Wis E S RESPECTFULLY TO IN t.r.a friez.4. and the inaLlic vuerally., that, I it/L.11.'11,d .b.vr prvtui....e,t , wr the mmiolf,tnr.nn , t nalr of every variety of Marble Work., such ea TomLa Tablets and Orarestmen, t [cry rarkty end form; I=ll erollo Ta.l.l^, r.trrtso sad %Yoh Etititd Tops, Which In. Ps ufkling . iny tat4l.:ishm.l,l We,t Of ammo... Ms. 111,1 y Is nottr,ly rie, rp! . Irmo r‘ T., tide market. Ili. abo prepart.l l ri o build Bratul onrl,o Ms, Itla Mar. ble a:vl el , elln aty nornrt. In La line, n any, 111..t:roniet,rirot ndioiniog PittAborgli. Re , .T. LL Lyrnan, . Robert 41301. y, rei.. Hon. Wu, Wilkho., I John Chhdru., 1 , ...9., Inn. H. lihoonher gr., Kai, W. L Itinivralt, r....q.. Chwi.s, Ka.l., J II 11111, E...q, A. L. Carlma, I G. r.. tcnun E..q. Thomas, W. P. Daum. Esq., The flSZTlillbfd .nth all find+ of Foreign am' wine. tic /Marbly, either botah , rl or le the rough, st Wholexkle prior.. Ile basal.n arrano,mta w!th tbm Innortfrcrorer• of the best brarrtA, forrapplr of Hydraulic Ca. ment, Water and Lcrurrilla t 1.13., nod Paris, Loth for Land and lituroo Work, all of whirl he 1. plepar....l to nil Uully _ . GAS FROM ROSIN OIL 14".A.'1•TY 11,111 L) CI •h:ItI A. I TILE 111011 lI,LII3IINATI TIES of Gas from Rosin end 0t,....a,n sohst.o.ore Leto always made them n favirite 10a1..r1.,1 ler the mean factureof Iles. Many tiar Companies use In with cool, In artier to supply their customer, with • en. perlor Qnslite of Gas. I:WIN WC 1. entirely free Prom em rrftem snL *tenet.% and yields tit enre, iOn lirdliant illuminating Una. The grouter original rest or the apparatus for the manns facture efroal caa together with the attention and erywnse congtantly required, and the dl , l.calty, it not Impessilehty, of entirely erp..ratine the 111,10.101.011., deleterious and offensive I,me. tt,neral,l In coal, render the it,tmN 011. AFP.A.IIATUS chroper and mere desirable in every way. P. Cr/ATl:tt., el Zttl Broadway, New Toes, On, devoted his entire attentlott to the manufacture and ...le of ltertable Gar Aprkiralll6, ant he respectfully oath% the atgeollou of the public to his pr.....nt complete arri rah:tent newhlne. Perf. , l satisfaction to the purchaser a...r0ute...1 In ever) ease. .Per Miller, information mhirtve 370 Ilroxlway, New York: JrZ. ) Zawdly or DAVID IL WILLIAMS. PatAlmr.b, P. To the Whip Trace. WE WOULI) inform our eustouters went, and othen Intrrentt.d, Mat we have porch... 4 the metro stock not good will of the tom of LIA ZLI:TON A .110()RE, of Yo, k county. in thl. Stat., uho from this date dotting, Lavin esa in ont tay.,, and 1,4T0 Inn their pot.. and sew - mote againai parties West t.l the Mountains with oaf, eolleetton. We will, areoon us powalble, wait UV.our cow tomer, and Inn. of tha late lirtnh for t.b.lltirpollo or roil. , log the amonot. dun, and recoitiog their order for further Oar duck to now largo and .011 avearte.l. omprielog army variety of had Whips, ;Wpm if Ave; Riding Banta. and /AVICS, and bolt we a.k tha attention of deal 0,111. IVELLS. RIDDLE Jk CO, feandtvrtf No. lto Fourth a troet. Safety and Economy In Light. WilY will you burn Camphene and fluid, when yen can get • cheap, and lvdter tight. rare Kerosene oil, made from the giai 01 Cmnel Coal, vendee.. the cheapest, moat brilliant. vteaily, pleesant end safe port. able light ever offered to ole public, and no danger of ea plosion; more brill Taut than gum, anti quite as clines letups of the most simple and cosily managed conetructieu. For sale by T. 11. & 41. No. 13 Et. Clair st., near the Bridge. Sir Downy , of iscaunterlvit already In the market, made from Campliene, with a little Coal oil in event it. fog/iilly Light Crean. Ale ?FILE subscribers respectfully announce to 1. their customers and the pabllc that ovrtug to the priori barley and Hops, and to sn it hvotrinf; a light and &Wong flavurnd CAKA.II A Li: which they are entllnz at yA le,r barrel and A EGS UP Tklfi GAL LONS oach,to acuommuclato private farad.. They nano alsoX ALE at $O, XX at $7, and superior li !INSET ot $8 p~^t . tad., and smaller taaks In proportion. Al.. excellnnt POUTER. AND 1111. OWN KIVU r. tlawarner mot to their Brewery In PITT STILEET, w metro prompt att. 1.1.1. Mrlo.3rtmcbe GEO. W. SMITH 8 CO. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES. Wean daily receirlug from our ostu and Mete addlthoul to oar goals, which consists Iv put of Floor Oil Cloth., . Curtin:to VII Cloths, Furniture Oil Clothe, Table Oil Clotlas,_ Tranvarent UIl Cloth.; Cr.ll 011 Clnom, Thu:eV' Window Shades, Buff llollonde and Shade Trimmings. Merchants, Housekeepers and others requiring any goods In our Ilse are Invltod to call and exandue the shock and Judge for thetneelece In regard to the quality and price. J. L 11. rI.III.IPS, mt2o N 0.26 and 29 Pt. Clair street JULES 11AUEL'S Eau Athenienno flair /Innovator ...dimes the Lair to I. original life color, and It Is an Infallible Keeler , er of the I.alr and tlgtit. War. ranted entirely froo from any lnitiriona tidoititorem. For sale by (myll) Jon. Y1.6a1N6. effiOßN'S Compound Extrukt of Copnirn and finsamarilla—A frail supply of Ihia rrlebealnl monody foal reed by (null) JOS. 11,MM°. BRUSHES -A large supply of Hair, Fled] Tooth and Nail Cirnabes of the anent finality, collision ly on hand at Jul. 11.1131 I Mira, roy3corner Diamond and Market Wert. PoDucE-7uo bush. white Beans; 150 buil. Dry Apples; 10 LLIe. Dry roach.; 6 bbl. Country Lard; 10 do fresh Roll Rotary, 10 do knell lifen 600 pd. to atone and for rale by mylo DILWORTH. FRENCII CA 5111 RIC COLLARS, in white cud colonel Embroidery. Just reed Ey 3IURPHY 8 BURCHFIELD, Who here nine rnrvi ved n roll extort:Rent of ell the sew ottplo Embroideries in Collars end St•l t s my 7,44 wlt BLANK BOOKS, of all kinds, on hand or made to order on short notice, In morn•rior manner, tpy WSI. k Cu., tuyi Munk lc Mativfortnr.., tO7 W,...1 arr.. S'rATIONEICY. a every description, Cur sa to ntedsssio ur , retell, by WM. O. JOHNSTON k CO., my 7 Stationary, b 7 W tod fired. fiITIiATE OF MAGNESIA--A euoling purptivo. It. ,T...tion, and plonyttot to the trade; Away. f band !malt at Jos siddttllNO . S.. DRIED I'EACLLES.—U Villttks Tennessee Pr bee Jest arrived and for stile by my= ROB LIST LICH FY. CLIOPPED OATS-2 tons in store and for We by roy2l D. C. 111:11DST. POTATOES -144 sacks Nesbannoces in .tore end for kilo by my- D. C. II ERDPY. DOTASII-10 casks No. 1 Potash at DO SHRIVED. & DILWORTH'S. WINPOW SASh —l2OO lights, 0x122, on amelgrunoot. for wile by ItOBEILT D ICKEY. FANS--5O btu!. small vbito just rec'd and for oda by naylo d.D. CANTIELD. DIE-100 bbls. fresh white just arrived and fin tato by tor2l CAMEO. ASTIILES DE PARIS-1 pro. on hand • and tai smic by • IL L. ELIINESTOCILik CO: EGGS ---45 Ibis. fresh Ekg,B reed and for sale at No.iss Liberty st., lUDDLA WiRTS k CO: onnck 4LBS. BACO HAMS in store for Aft, yu , eau law Welt= constipmest. 1 • Amu. ittebical THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED DT DR. SAIikORD, Compounded Entirely front GUMS, IS ONE OF TILE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER 3IRDICINEd noir before the public. that eats s a thlhortia.thalir, milder, and rave eilectinal tam any a other medicine knot.. It is net , oily a Osthartu, but • hirer remedy, actlnglirst oa the Liter to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that manr, Ome eutemnplishing two rimy... effectnally, witio out .y tithe painful fi elluga exforisteval in ths perall.s of most titihurtint. Ibetrengthe. the ale em " Me 53. " time theil it m ud whom taken daily in moderate dos., will strengthen and bell d it up with tommal rapidity. The !Arra if oar of the 'principal regulators of the 1..... 1. 41 and alma It iporforms Its Inactions well. thy powors o( tam w m als= are , tally tivrsivl .4.Th ' z '""' h le slmeirt entirely dependent .on the healthy salon of the Lime for the properperforar. glanceofitsfunetiouserhenthe stomach Dat f.I ht Lie Wadel lam at Emit, and Itie whole system suffers in cOraloilleOClo !of one Dram—the i ir '''' — her lag craved ludo its duty. trot . the diseases of that or. gm, one of the prom istore ;Eel has mule It his study, in a pr.:loved more then[ amity I years, to bind some remedy wherewith toe - on - lute:art Violet l man 7 d rum ge nits to Is Lich it is liable. To prove that thiarentedy is 0 bled with LII - Itti COL- I' h. bat to try a hottlo, and ii These Gums remove all ',I the eystem,supyly is In therfe Invirmtlng the stomach,l Purifying tAe /Mead, whole machinery removing i effecting arrant:al cm, I! /WEL /OU.SAIni odiEere I hy better, yrerented, I Liter kirigoroLor. I One dose after ratiny, is sub i and prevent the 11.1 front Onlyunedosetaken before mare, Only oao done taken at gently, .d ea re• air. Ono doso taken after each eSit - Ouridoss of Ma tea' SYck flecuLacht. One bottle taken for D eanse of the disease, and Only ono dossimMediately Ono doter often repeated D Mort. and a preventive • mouly Ono bottle is Oyetrln 110 effeae of mein u3.orie bottle taken for loamess or unnatural color One dose taken a short gem to the appetite, a make. One doeo often repeated„ flora In its VOW forms, Bawd Comjdfaintt yit Id Omer two doses cares M ehl:drew there to no sorer, the world, no It tamer fails. .QA few bottles cores absorbents. We lake pleasure in recom-I . preventive for }leer and' and all Ruen of a Rii• ' with certainty, d thonseeds seondertul virtues. ATI who we it are pm ng O. favor. et lest fonot,ony person tmei PLA INT,l4.yoftni form', cora - nano ls certain. morbid or bed matter from place a healthy tow of bile, d food to digest wen. el giving Unlearn! h tLk tattle i d, cense ,a thn 11,...,6 lc area, and had 1. tho occanonel so of the firlent tnrtlinru the etomsel rising mud sensing. retiring, prevents Night- night. lease. the bowel. ripeness. meal will cure Dyspepsia. rpormfuLe wilt alwayerellove • e obstrnern rem... the , makes e perfect cure. 'relieve. (Nadi; while a ;ore cure for ckoi