The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 24, 1858, Image 3

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    • PlTTES3ittril,-43•2EL'i
077107 AZ PAPA'S OP • 2'l7S 0171".
td I
W No i# l .-4110 viewers appointed by the'
Cleart,it the of Dimond Alley between
Satithso.l awl Graaf etreete, awl the extenelon of Union
ua treet; all! meat at the otlce of the Geardlans of the pwr.
Pott 4 ll43trost, et 7% o'clock e. u y Jane 24,13: S.
. Court of Quarter aesstons.
- -- leontleoeo.)
Tax PeILIJMY Case.—Com. vs. James Ross ;
indicted for pe jrury, on oath of Wm. B. Ross.
Mr. Swartzwider for peosecution offered the
affidavit of James Ross , deft., dated in 1855,
to prove that he bad an interest in the eighty
six acres of Land for Which the ejectment suit
was brought in 1851.
... Mr. Ilempton objected to the admission of the
affidavit, because if John Ron did make it it
was not:sufficient In itself. The Court overrated
the objection. The paper sets 'forth that Kelly
was indebted to Ross in the sum of $5,700.
Mr. Woods was recalled and was asked what
was the nature of tbo claim in the ejectment
• case. Mr.•Fenlon objected and a long argument
ensued, and a great number of cases were quoted
Swartzwelder. Mr. Collier read from
Greenleaf the-authority for bringing a witness
to show the posture of the ease.
The Court ruled that testimony bearing on
the title of the land,pould not be admitted, but
. ouly "did ho on the role' dire swear falsely as to
'f, his interest in the land in question!"
.. ,(3 ' The prosecution then showed Mr. Woods a
copy of an agreement relative to certain St
acres of land'on which an action was brought in
1 .46 the District Court in 18513. An argument arose
li on the question whether Mr. Woods should say
fl that the 8 5-acres of land mentioned in the agree
?. meat and the land in the ejectment suit were
the seine. - Mr. Hampton contended that this
- I was only an opinion of one of the counsel in
t the case and was no evidence. A good deal of
.'• I
spirited repartee arose and considerable feellig
between counsel. Mr.'llampton said finally that
4 ,11 he would go into the matter by calling Mr. Wil
' (-...,: llama, counsel on tlio opposition side in the trial
5.7 : ~- of 1856. Mr. Woods then went. on to state that
r." . --:
:all he knew about the land was what he learned
:,:: from the papers and trials in these cases in
4 which he was engaged as attorney. A release
. : of Amu, Ross to . James Kelly, under date 9
, 4 November, 1852, wits then read, in which it ap
`Peered that James Ross had made this release
more than a year subsequent to the time when
,1 he 'had sworn he had no interest in it. Sheriff
Trorilli's deed in 1835 to James Kelly of a cer
1, - tain tract of land of 85 acres of James Ross, I
co Ross, Joshua Roos and John said land being in 1
I' Pitt and Wilkins township, was then read.
!,:, On the cross-examination Mr. Woods said that
t ' , the' question of indeatily of the land in the
.., i,6 agreement exhibited before tlincpert,•and that contemplated in the Sheriff's deed of Nov, 9,
..l,:. 1835, was the question at issue in the trial of
~••• 1856. ..Mr. Weeds made - a statement of the re
f' rions diirisions of property and that the dein; in
,• ..E. the &ellen of ejectment was for fifteen acres of
1 . 1 land.: The testimony taken in the case was read
4 :••• showing that it was in evidence that James
.. f Kelly bad held possession of the land since 1833.
• ••,._ i 'Benj.- Kelly, sworn—Has residedin Penn tp.
' . ..1‘.! 50 years; the land purchased at Sheriff's' sale
,73 'was . formerly in Pitt township, bat in subse
ais iittent divisious of the townships the land came
, ' 4 into Penn; Mr. R 099 never owned any other
-.• ,
, land there besides the Camp tract and this 85
•,: acres; believe it was the same tract of land tha t
4 , ~ was in dispute in the ejectment and I hat in the
.. ,i 0 Sheriff'o deed.
,'! Christian Sairely,sworn—fleside in Pent, ip.,
idulltare tired there ail my life. know the piece
' ~.I. ' i of land in question arid surveyed it in 1851; ran
~4,1 , th th e lino afterwards between the Rose and Camp
• ;..'! . . ' 'q' tracla., The deed of dames Kelly and wife to
~.. 1;. Coleman , •
ibulman & Co., of the 86 acres of laud
..!:., , before -- mentioned - bears date Deo. 13, 1853.
~4. i ~ Wm. B. 'toss, sworn-,Many questions were
„*....6 .o tasked to test his memory as to-witnesses on the
....,..1 trial /1.1 1851; wha they were and how they took
~ f. „ she oath; how the.defendata in thiscaie swore.
>, 1 -An attachment was issued for W. Pi Baum.
-?: -,i Mr. Swartswelder enbmitted a letter dated
•:-•'- .1 Munster, April 28, 1839, and directed to Wm.
. 1 P. Ileum. In this let ter there is a Statement of
certain facts in relation to a settlement of ac
counts between Messrs. Ross and Kelly. This
... 'letter covered a copy of the agreement already
-" >1
~1 in evidence as above elated; he wished Mr.
'Baum to use his influence to sell the land, set-
?:1 1 Gag the price at $65 per acre; he stated to Mr.
,:.11 Baum that he could given good title. I
.: ... :11 Mr. Baum was then questioned and said that
the tatulxnentioned in thelatter was that sold at
~...- Sheriff's Sale and the Camp tract; property - was
i . called the !toss farm; Mr. Roes and I frequently
:',,:•:, , conversed about the sale; Mr. B. then detailed
•'.':'•: . the conversation ho had had with Mr. Ross in
41 relation, to the mile of this land; the property
: . ...:•li about which this correspondence took place he
.;,...:,. nederstood to be the same as was afterwards
2 sold to-Solemao, Heilman & Co.; said he was
indebted to Mr. Kelly and was anxious to pay
, '.', him; said the deeds were Mr.
with Kelly; un
--".j.g.; derntood that after Mr. Kelly was paid and other
- '•a debts that he, Mr. Ross, was to have the balance.
On cross-examination Mr. Baum said lie ye
!' ';'11 derstood that Mr. Kelly held the deeds to this
I. :ip. land; never heard of Jane Hennings' title to any
..‘....A part of 'the land; know nothing about her; never
.:. ~ , q beard of her claim until recently. The common.
`'•.." wealth' here rested and— , .
'1 Mr.-Hamplon opened the case fur the defence
in a clear and powerful speech. Ile Oct forth
:-..*, all the facia in the division• of the property;
-% rah/teal/to character of theprosecutor in no very
,:.:. ;.. pleasing colors; alleged the cause of this prose
:.: 1 cation to be malice, eta.
....:•": ;The first witness called was. Daniel Negley,
r., eon of Jacob Negley ; know ray father's hand
,; • 1 writing; think the writing on this plot., of the
:..:,... N lands is in his hand writing; was 13 years of
.0" age in 1815; don't rememberthat my father said
-.'.lhe had surveyed this lank know James Ross'
: and never heard bin truth doubted.
•;',. ;Lit Mr. H
evideilamton then offera the old dra o
ir . ... , 7 1815 in nceoinder which to introduce ft
i'i timony to prove the identity of tholand. Mr.
:,.‘,l Swartzwelder objected, but the Court overruled
~' •::
the objection, and the paper was admitted:
~.. ' Robert Ireland, sworn —Reside in Penn town
".' ship; 'have lived there fifty years; know the Ross
:,*:, i
farm; knew John Ross and Jane Henning; lived
:,-4 on John Ross' sad - Jane Henning's part of the
....... farm, when I lived on the land; rented from
IL..` Samuel "Henning, as agent for John Ross.
' i[Showed the jury on the plot of the latulthe
part be occupied.] Do not know that Jane
Henning ever claimed any other portion of the 1
land but what I occupied ; lived on. the laud five i
years; paid rent $lOO and taxes; far back as I
can recollect, James,Ross was owner of the land; I
know John French; ho rented of lames Ross;
-• Allen Ross lived on the Camp place, about 1851;
never lived to my knowledge on the Ross place;
',' rented the land in 1841, and lived on it five
years; don't know what part of the land (in
, ' .',:'.rented
acres) Jane Henning owned; Allen Ross worked
. L . - . 13 part of the James Koss and part, of the Camp
place; Wm. Shade lived on the R 0139 part in a'.
:.- - cabin louse. .
';-.,•• .1
Mr. Hamplan then offered a deed from Jane
.- :1 Henning to Samuel B. Rosa and Wm B_Ross,
~7. .., dated April 30, 1847—800 k 78, p. 376. The
deed was then read, setting forth the boundaries
. - of land, containing 100 acres, more or lees, be
' ':
A Lag the tract of land occupied by Jane Henning
'!,';:;gand John Boss in common. Also offered, pro
-I,ceediogs in partition, in whiehl Jane Henning's
-.'.portion of land was net off—Nov. term, 1847.
...: .4 Court adjourned. '
. ..:1
1 4 Das. C. M. Prrot AND .1. , 1F. Sruna.—We re
...`..ceivtgl from our agent in New York, on Saturday
Alec, an advertisement of Dr. S. B. Fitch, of that
;city, attacking the character of the gentlemen
l;whose names- are mentioned above. We called
k-at their office, on Penn et., bat found Dr. Sykes
`'absent on a professiona/ vita. Feeling that, in
.':;:this—community, the private and professional
-t::character of Dr. C. M. Fitch and Dr. J. W.
was above suspicion, and that au attack of
kthis kind, from whatever motive, would fail of
. ;!.its purpose, wegave it the desired insertion. Oar
% ; readers will observe in another column that Drs.
;Fitch & Sykes are boilable and ready to answer
rill", and all almilar attacks, from whatever
f:sourne. Bee their article.
Sos•Braolut.--A man 'rho appeared to be a
~Herman, was picked up in Diamond alloy, bear
Wood street, yesterday, where he had been
r otricken down ,by the powerful beat. Ile was
9alum to thillayidstolfice where Dr. Shaw waa
jelled and tried his beet to get some medicine
pomp him, and to do something Wiener! him,
lout alas akin appeared to be frititless. The
'soor man, whose name even it was iMpoali.
Ole to learn, was taken to the hospital apparent
in a dying state.
Diowszo.--A little gil, aged about three.
, ears daughter of lir. David Torrence, of Jef
...raven township,-Was drowned in a spring, near
4 ,,er father's residence, on Tuesday evening,
s h il e in the act; of dipping a bucket of water.
•',titt water was not more than lb inches deep.
limn discovered by her parents, a neighboring
;yield= was immediately neat for, and every
;. eine used to. resuscitate life, kit. 'without any
081 AT A T llOO .-00100! Gina, who 0001 on
bit of a spree on Tuesday night, caught a man
w Grant street by what, purported to bo hie
;air. IC was,t-howerer, a wig ao4 came off of
ours% The owner of the wig after a minute
'idea at hie despoiler, whoti Giblin cried out
one st a time. gentlemen; I
.Will a:teatyou, but
cannot deal with a bald-headed man and
as with bilk 'll/1 •_- =
Dna. hear & Snres regret exeeedinglY that the 1 BctiOoL Exesnasnotts. a examination at
thelnalplitade and rapid increase of their business, and , the Female College ea to-day at nLie
conmeturat falling off of 8. 8. Fitch'. praettees I o'clock, in the Seminary, rear of Christ's Church.
gien him so mach annoyance. fled tett hit "" i /t will be continued till to-morrow afternoon.
cent charge th at they are Impostors should fail to D° ring Friday
aftentoonthe exercises of the
have its due weight, th ey would call special atten- "
Lion to the following statements, shotrusg the manner ~ gra d uating ohm, howliating of Misses Era C.
in which they hare "unp osed" O p en some fi ft een itwown and Anna W King, of Allegheny, and
randd fwd... „„. t ßliss Cornelia Mather, of Manchester, will occur .
Case or R. AL DOv - NET, Ego —Copied from Mei The whole exercises vill be, doubtless, of a high-
Mr -alien ...Wrenn.. Ily interesting character. The !school is in a
Dear Sii —Those who hare mar known the sof- very flourishing condition, there having been
feting attending sever. spasmodic utbma, will, I during the achool year 27 pupils in the collegi
facts of more than ordinary ate, 125
think, find the following
in the preparatory, and 20 in the pH
interest I hare been an asthmatic from 0111141110.1 d
• marydepartment making a total of 182 The
When three years old, an attack of whooping cough, President, Rev L D. Barrowa, has done a good
followed by a cold, left me with this relentless do work • •
ease, which continued till I was nearly fon
grown, I there and is justly appreciated by all who
have an interest in this excellent college
when it abatal for a time, but soon returned with
redoubled severity. For the last twelve years myl Mow &moot, —The annual examination of
sufferings were, most of the time, intense. I fro - applicants for admission to the Pittsburgh High
quently suffered so much from want of breath, that School, will be held on to day and to -morrow,
it Boomed as if I could not possibly live an hour, andl in the High School building, beginning at nine
twice I have fallen down as suddenly as if shot, and A BL, at which time all applicants should be
became Insensible from Fadden congestion of the I present This examination is open to all per
lungs, my attacks usually came Cu in the night.— ; eons under the age of 21 yearn, and having a
For years they have been regular once a week. or 0 ' legal residence in the city of Pittsburgh, whether
little oftener. At some seasons of the year I vs.
in attendance at any of the Common Schools
better than at others, but null never entirely well .
Daring my attacks I usually raised some extrava- I Or Bet
sated blood. The spasms were so severe that I not
only could not Ile down, but was compelled to stand
In the cold air with coat and test offs and, while
every ono was ehirering around the fire, I would
struggle for breath, till the perimiration would pour
down my person su streams. I had used emetic.
until I had nearly mined my stomach ;
and smoked
stramomam, salt petro, paper, loathers, de , Ac., to
got even temporary relief. I had not left home for
ton years without an attendant. After some unusual
labor, es an attempt to speak is court, I was sore
to have an attack, and usually a severe one; my ner
eons system was greatly deranged, and my stomach
seriously out of order. Is this riser I apply. dto Dr.
9. S Flea, of hem York, mho afforded Pooh idol'
ti my ne:rousners, bid,although I rontinned hot treat_
tent, e i l i T. ' r 7. yeary si I i :o r „ "1 „ ~Usti-,‘ 'A' co " , " „ 1 i d „ „ one,(l ia :r " ;y l :l i a " I r
as oefore, with their atteudant violence. After this
I concluded to try Dr. C. K. Fitch e treatment, and
accordingly wrote to him at Pittsburgh, in May,
1556, whore ho then was. Dr. C. K. Fitch gave me
hat little encouragement of permanent cure, a. I had
been Aid( so brag, but .Said ho thought ho could re
lieve me. I was pleased kith this honest, guarded
answer, in many respects different from what I had
board before, and at once placed myself under his
care. In less than throe mouths I had experienced
greater relief than I had over found from any source .
The month of August I passed with loss disease, and
slept better than I had done before, in the corro
spending month, ten years prestos.. In November, '
In consequence of exposure and over-exertion at
court, I had a Blight attack, but it passed oh, and I
hare had none since. I hare slept more in Lod, and
with mom comfort, within eat months past, than in.
ten years before. Indeed, it seem,strange to me
that I can go to bed and sleep as other men. lam
not in agony and oppressed as formerly, but I sloop
like a child, as quietly and sweetly as I could desire .
I am satisfied from what I hare seen and known of
Dr. C. Fitch's system, that his is the tree system of
treating all forms of pulmonary disease. lie strikes
both at cause and effect, and by his use of inhala
tions, reaches the seat of dues.), while he giros also
internal remedies to affect the general system .
I wish to draw no invidious comparison between
Drs. S. S. and C. K. Fitch; I feel gratified to both,
lad the tr,thtrot of C. Jr. Fitch sm. that latch net
my rag, I should not feel as if I were doing jostle°
to the afflicted, as I was, were 1 not t 3 make these
facts known, and dyne think them of sufficient in
r terost to publish, their insertion will oblige your
friend and subscriber, R 11. DOWNEY
Refer to Ron. Chas. Shator, Pittsburgh; N. Ewin g ,
Uniontown, Pa.; J. L. Dew, Washington, Pa .
Casa or lasers TVIMET
DRS. Preen st SYKEs —Graf/men I have ire_
proved greatly in health the past winter, and am now
better than I have been for a long time. My stom
oat has been growing gradually stronger. i My
thr is very much better. I have passed the whole
of last winter without colds, notwithstanding the
severity and changeableness of the winter. But I
still have a little soreness in mytight leg, although
my cough has entirely ceased. Isbell beep you ad
rssed , and intend to continue treatment till I think
lam perfectly well. I have, certainly, gamed much
mere help from youlhan from any physician I hove
ever employed. I ma, under De. y .0 Frteh's run
tors year, awl, although I roe in some respect, Gru
ated, still he fuiltd to eerie, Ity donuoh, notional.
I tir.d his mrdersnes moot/urchin/1y Indeed, birder
tam m ietidilyprwresered, and rny ittnp been re 01,1,E1
vide I teas tahiag rot, mrrisrm. Thankmg seat
mach for tbo benefit I receiv ed ,
I remain, sin, yours truly, JAM, Teaser .
Notwithstanding tho shove statements, Drs. Fitch
A Sykes feel ronrinecd that S. S. Fitch '
.s mode of
treating pulmonary disease. is Inferior only to their
own, and they would urge Eastern invalids who can
not come to Pittsburgh—those in this vicinity whose
admiration for said S. 8. Fitch exceeds their demo
for the best treatment—to adopt his seethed at once
—avoid delay, which is surer more dangerous than
in diseases of the lungs, hut others, whose Intelli
gence enables them to uppreciatalhe value of the
discoveries and improvs nimts ef,Drs. Fitch dc Sykes,
they will be happy to sin, at their °Wee, 191 Penn
street, Pittsburgh, ,•A.,.e1, ..i. permanently to.
The charger that Sirs. Fitch A Sykes aro impostors
is grossly unjust and libelous, nod they hors It in
couroleraUon to seek legal redress, but they desine
to do nothing in a retaliatory spirit. If they bring
an tion for lib I, they will do so only for a more
tom Leto riadication of their own character and
bond.. At present, they foal that remorse to law Is
scarcely'accessory, as the verdict of the many cies
seas hero who know them, together with that of
thousands of patients, and tens of thousands of their
grateful friends, will be more valuable than the de
elpion of a jury.
Gro. pare.,
AARON horn,
. L. 'Mau,
Ciro. W. Qms+
An, Petrov .
q the Republican Convention met in this city, a
I call was left at one of the newspaper offices in
I this city, by a postmaster, for a convention to
I put in nomination a ticket for the county. The
primary meetings were to be held on last Satur
day, the 19th inst., bo. history has no record of
any such event having ever oocurred. Our re
porter made anxious inquiries, and instituted a
vigorous search on that occasion, but the pri
mary meetings were not found. We beard of
three patriots meeting In an upper chamber in
a lonely building in the vicinity of Hard Scrab
ble, and one being appointed chairman; ho send
ing the other two as thefruits of the primary meet
ing for that ward. However, if there were no
primary meetings there was at least a conven
at the Court Douse yesterday, in addition to which
there 'was a °Native" Convention, the delegates
to which were elected secretly. The delegates
were made up of that same element which need
to howl around the street corners in 1859
"Americans shall rule America." This was the
substratum of the movement, as might be seen
if we should give the names of the delegates.—
There was a nominal delegation from the 9 wards
of this city, from the four wards of Allegheny,
from four boroughs, and from nine townships,
making in all 52 delegates. Dr. Allen of West
Deer was elected President of the convention
and a young man named T. F. Wilson, student
at law formerly, and a gentleman named H. P.
Callow, were Secretaries.
There was a supplementary convention or
ganized at the same time in one corner of an
upper room, which called itself a Republican
Convention. They went down after la little and
"fused" with ttie Americans under the above
board of officers. Major John Willock and Jno.
Sawyer, Esq., having been appointed or elected
vice presidents. The convention having been
thus jointly organized, proceeded to business.
It was in fact a "natyve" convention and yet,
strange to tell, we saw as delegates in the
"Straight American" branch, a gentleman from
the Eighth Ward, Mr. George Seitz, whose name
and whose accent proclaim him German; also
Mr. Thomas Holt of the Seventh Ward, whose
aversion to the letter "H" is remarkable. Were
they let in by one of Mr. Sanderson's side-door
Well: now for business. This was soon done.
It was deemed advisable not to nominate candi
dates for County offices. But it waa thought
advisable to elect delegates to the Harrisburg
Convention, which will meet on the I 6th of July.
Accordingly Messrs. A. P. Callow, Henry
Phillips, L. O. Cameron, George Dixon, T. F,
Wilson, and James Sutherland, all "Straight-
Outs" with one exception, were chosen.
On motion, the fallowing gentlemen were ap
pointed alternates: W. F. Johnston, A. W. Loo
mis, Charles Robinson, Joseph Irwin, Peter
Weaver, T. J. Bighorn, and Charles Johnston.
In justice to Hon. A. W. Loomis, Hon. W. F.
Johnston, and Hon. T. J. Bighoto, we will state
our belief founded on the best information, that
their names were used without their knowledge
or consent. As to the other gentlemen among
the alternates we are not informed.
The Convention having organized, at len
o'clock, adjourned at about one o'clock. It was
agreed to "meet again" on the 25th of August.
We had nearly omitted to mention that:one res
olution was offered and adopted, which reads an
follows, and which we would have voted for had
we been in the Convention:
Resolved, That it Is the desire of this Canyon
ticcr that the County Commissioners borrow no
more money until they have compelled their col
lectors to pay in the taxes now due, and that
unless they do no, they shall not receive a vote
from the people.
AILIMSTSID.—Three men named respectively
Jobb ilackelsweller, Oeo. W. llacketsweller and
Geo. Grubbs, wore arrested yesterday morning,
charged with; having stolen a raft of lumber.
The facia as. represented are that these three
men took the raft which was fastened to the
shore in Collins township; that they floated it
down into the Ohio below the city. Yesterday
about 11 o'clock, two policemen went down in
the neighborhood of the raft which bad been
Identified by its owner, and waited. Atter a
while the three men above named came and
went on the raft, and were about taking it away
when they were arrested. They were brought
before the Mayor who, after giving them a hear
ing, committed them- to await their trial at the
Octobet term of Court.
ACCIDLZIT.—CharIetI Smith, a resident of
Third street, wash:Oared at the picnic at Linden
Grose, Tuesday, by falling from a swing to the
ground. : Ms leg was badly hurt and a blood
vessel was buret. ills head was seriouely braise d,
Babb condition altogether is a critical ono.
Wer had a moat sweltering day of it, yeater
day.Ste. thermometer gancling_q 90° in fihe
qoulo woo blagyr par.
/--4.-- -----.
• h./MS.—Patrick Moore was arrested on Tues
day, and gave bail fur his appearance at Court,
'charged with fraud upon Edward arGarr, in
..having sold him a pewter watch for silver.
Au aged beggar woman named Shaw, who was .
injured by being pushed over the balustrade in .
the jail, some weeks since, referred to by us at
the time, died yesterday, at Mr. Passavant's
Hospital, of the injuries she had received.
We learn that a day or two ago, a man about
fifty years of ege, named Wm. A. Williams, died
in a train of cars on the Cleveland 5: Pittsburgh
On Friday night last, a man named Martin
Castile, who was lying upon the track of the Bal
timore & Ohio Railroad, at Saowcrcek, was run
over and killed by a train going East. The roan
is supposed to have been drunk.
X Masonic celebration is to take place at
Mansfield, 0., on the 24th inst., on which occa
sion the corner -atone of a new hall is to be laid.
Gen. Thos. H. Ford is to be the orator of the day.
A littlo son of Mr. Matthew Tallman, of Mon
ey Creek township, aged about five years, was
drowned in Muncy Creek, on Friday last.
The following officers and Board of Managers
of the Greensburg Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation were elected last Friday evening: Presi
dent—Wm Dower: Vice Prosident--tYm. Hun
ter; Recording Secretary—Jas. A. Hunter; Cor
responding, Secretary—Chas. Cronemeyer: Tree
surer —E. L Evans; Librarian—Wm. Marchand.
MILITARY Convntivion.—Purenant to call, the
commissioned officers of the different military
companies in the county of Allegheny, met at
the Armory of the Washington Infantry, on
Wednesday, June 23d, and organized by calling
Col. H. Hu_hi to the chair, anti appointing
Lieut. W. 11. Negley, Secretary.
Major Mellhenny elated the object of the
meeting was to make the necEssary greparatioas
for the encampment at Williamsport.
The resolutions were offered by Capt. Negley,
the most important of which are.
Ruotred, That the military of Allegheny Co.
hold an encampment in the vicinity of Birming
ham, in September next, commencing on the
Sth, at 12 o'clock, or., and ending on the Ilth,
at 12 o'clock, it.
It was then, on motion,
Reaolverl, That General .1. TICK. Snodgrass,
Colonel Hultz and Lieutenant Negley, he a
committee to communicate our action in the
premises to the commandant. of the camp of Sus
Resolved, That General J Melt. Snodgrass,
Captains Negley, Hay and Espy, and Lieutenant
William Trovillo, be a committee to make all
necessary arrangements, and extend invitations
to other military companies—Captain Negley
being chairman of said committee.
Tun Salem Republican of yesterday toys:
"Oa the lfith inst., Zadok Street, long known
an an extensive merchant and an active business
man of this place, made an assignment of all
his real estate and personal property, for the
benefit of his creditors. Thomas Kennett, Esq.,
and Hoses Tabor aro the assignees.
"The butter trade has got to be quite a busi
ness in Salem. On the 516 insL, at Patrick's
Butter store, there were taken in 177 different
lots, amounting in all to 3,1:534 Ibs , and for
which was paid in cash, 5117 55."
mittee met yesterday, and after transacting the
business before it adjourned to meet at the
rooms of the Agricultural Society, over the
store of J. Reed, Fifth street, on Tuesday, July
Gth, at IA o'clock, P. M.
the last night but one of the engagement of Mr.
and Mrs. John Drew, and they offer an excellent
bill, consisting of three of their best pieces.
The performance will commence with "Delicate
Ground," to be followed by the comedy of "His
Lost Legs," the performance concluding with
the farce of the "Siamese Twins." To-morrow
(Friday) John Drew announces hie farewell
benefit and last appearance, when in addition to
the regular performance, Mr. Joe. Murphy, well
and favora d lily known here as a vocalist, will
appear an sing two favorite songs. We expect
to see a large turn out to-morrow evening.
Seats should be procured at once. ,
DR. MeLAtte's LIVER PILI.S.—W When the
proprietors, Fleming been of Pittsburgh. Pa., of U. item;
table remedy purchased it of the Imrouter, there was no
medicine which deserved the one., tier the ruts of Liver
and Billions complaints, notwithstanding the great reen.
kneo of Unseen... in the United Fiat.. In the loath
and West particularly, where the lettlent is frequently mete
bin to °bloke the services of a regn 4r physician, some rem
edy was required at once safe and - effectual, and the opera-
tion of which could In no winepress proveprejudicial tot.
constitution. This medicine Is supplied by Dr. llPLano's
Liver Pills, prleared -- by Fleming Woe., of Pittsburgh,as
hos been proved In every Instance in which it has had a
trial. Always beneficial, not • solitary Instance less ever
occurred in which Its effects have been injurious. The in
vention of an educated and distinguished pLysicl. It
, he,
nothing in common with the quack nostrum. lmpsled open
the public by shallow pretenders to the medical art. Fa.
perienne has now proved, beyond •doubt, that Dr. SPLano's
Pill is the best remedy ever prepared for the LJver Com
- •
igyLPurchamcrealmodd becoreful Mask for DR. AMINE $
lON `I of Pittsburgh, P. There are other gills purp p rting
to be [Aver now before the public. Dr. ADLane geo
nlne !Amer Pills, altvi his celebrated Vernothoge, can now be
had at At rtanectable &tag Armee None genuine mahout
fAesignatuer of do wT PL6LIHO elms
- - -
&taco:rusk for /assn.l purposes, of arvery suportor kind,
will bo sent Owe of EXpress °barges, wherever or Express
solo Lnerwe and ........ .........J. C. FOSTER.
Anna", and 8enne...... ..... ..A. W. Young.
Treasurer Oro. SLIGAI37.
BCII.. 07 1111.1CIS.
Prlrate P.m to bold six perms.
Draw Circle end Pargnetto..... ..... ..... 40
opco at o'clock. Commence at lo 4
Pokitivfly the bat eight bet Iwo of the entweTooool
the eminent artists, 511t.smd MR& JOHN DREW.
TIIIIRPDAY EVZSING, Juno 24th,1858, will ho pr Muhl
the comedy, in two acts, of
O'Callaghan. Slr. John Dram [Cherie.. 11r. Et. L. Bascom
.. Mrs. A. W. Young. ]lre. Montague Mrs. gold .
Alter. which, by request, the beautiful cemedletta of
5angfr0id................ ........................... Drew.
To conclude with (first time (hte season) the fares of
. Jolla Draw.
t m rl o n n i f s Ta ith ' the Siamese Tel Iv
,!E IL TOMPKINS, Coml.. i Joan .1. TAYLOR, Clerk.
Vim, Runt, Steward.
. . ._.
Leaser Chicago L.gre., Nthorgukred 1, ,, r , 1 .Yrsp , ri;77
At 9 o'clock P. 21.1 Al 8 o'clock A K. iAt 9 o'clock A. K.
ilOuthiy,:...iiiintiiliTneaday ..Jorsi 2218aturday...Jutio 2il
Thursday July 211 rids, .. July 31 Wedueaday July 7
iTUMidisT " 13' : I 'lrusure , Tf ills to an i npacmf
ARO through
li fiaturday " ill ftkor g iun Bey &around Lake Superior
ands)... hug. Iti Trunday...Au , g. 17 Saturday... Aug. 21
Friday " 27 Saturday. ' 21 Wednesiy _Stip, 1
Tuoeday... Sept 7 Friday... Bask o
Slladay. .. " 12
ValOSltly... .. IS :Sunday._ " ID Thue ee t., o c.. ,
Fridny......oct. I
SaMirday..llaL 2 Wednaialay-Ort. u
Wednesday " 12 Thursday. " 14 Monday .... " II
Tumidity ..... '•2O Wednes'y. " 27 Sunday...... "'AI
Monday...-Nor 8 Tuenday...Nor. 9 Saturday...NOT. 13
lIE following Lots aro now offered for sale
on my liberal tonna m 1 Inv prices, slsi
Ist Plftom Lots fronting on Ender meet, In (Ancona.-
alllo,lmordistely opposite the "rano, Allegbony Cairipenry.
Each 1021 fort front by 100 to 121 toot doop to an alloy 20
feet wide.
2,1. Fifteenlots roomer the Allegheny dyer, each 21 feet
fronton Pearl Erect. (60 feet wide) and emending In depth
114 feet to an alloy lb feet wide.
lid. Fifteen Lots nearer the river, each 21 feet freak on
Pearl street, directly opposite ove, and reloading lu
depth towards the river 114 feet to an alley At feet wide.
4th. Fifteen Lot. nearer the river, each 21 feet front on
Broadway, (which he 80 feet wide, and through which the
Allegheny Valley Railroad rune,) and extending in depth
114 feet to an alley 20 feet wide.
Lth. Fifteen Lobo oppealta the shove, got nearer the riv,
or, each 24 feet front on Broadway and extending in depth
/10 feet to ensile, 20 foot wide.
6th. Fifteen Lola nearer the river, each 24 feet front on
Dell etreet (60 feet wide)and extending In depth 110 feet to
an alley2Oteet wide.
Tows of sale as folltronn—Onethlrdof the whole purchase
money to remain on bond and mortgage—lnterest payable
annually—ono-61rd of the balance cult la hand; the re
ooybder to ho paid In fonnegnal annual Inetahnents, with
interest, payable atumally, eecnred by bond and mortgage.
Parehaaare to pay for deed..
Plans of them kb may be seen at the follow/us plea:
Bailey, Drown ft Colt, tYlLara Oo'a Olam Work',
P. Sellers Co% Coleman, Llailittan /tOde,
A. Bradley I ClO'it, Whitenrectory,
Krutp Wade's,_ Pa. B. Worka,9th ward.
Ehoenberger A Coht, " Allegheny Valle: -
A. Wood, Agent for Phoenix pot,
BreiaMl, , . lAt the OATTieOO.
Noameyer GM, Smyiro
Park, AlaCludi a ...a Popper Works.
For farther part( alartapptyto
Waw TORE, Jane 23.—At S o'clock,
this -
noen, a ire broke oat at the lumber yard at 3fessra.
Bullock d Many on Water and Orange sta., An a . y.
Owing to the high winds the filmed spread rapidly
along the piles of lumber and extended to the ad
joining lumber yard, Treadwell's for factory, La
ther's exteruiro coal yard and the freight depo t of
the Central Railroad. The efforts are directed In
ward,' saving the latter, bat the boat is se
to reader it almost impossible and it Is greatly fear
ed that tho exertions to prevent the fire from spread
ing etill farther will be futile.
Pp to the present time (8 o'clock, P. M.) mpony
valued et $50,000 has been destroyed, and the Ore is
sun raging.
Sr. Loma, June 23.—The river fell only 6 inches
yesterday, and is now receding ebout et the name
rate. All the upper streams are on. the dorline. Tho
weather is clear and dry, and vary hot.
Lonny:L.l.E, Juno 23.—The river is falling alowly
with 5./ feet water on the rocks over the falls. Weath
or clear. Mercury 94 degrees.
IRUTARAI'ULIR, Juno 23.—Themoeratie Congres
sional Convention of the 7th District held at Terre
Haute yesterday, nominated Henry Segrist, a strong
anti.Locompton candidate for Congress.
i IT witt, well repay any person who contemplate
the purchase of a Sowing Machine or wishes to in
spect a piece of perfect mechanism, to call at No.
t 69 Fifth street, the. head-quarters of Ah.x. Reed,
the agent for Wheeler ot. Wilson, of Sew York A t
this elegant and well known establishment may be
Seen samples of the various machines constructed by
the firm named above—neat, ornamental and user.;
apparatus which has received the highest
olals of merits ever rendered an improvement of this
kind, from the ablest Journals and the ablest pens of
the day; from scientific, mechanical and agricul
tural societies, and from the great public itself. The
points of excellence which characterize this machine
above all others we may enumerate an follows:
Beauty and completeness of stitch ; from its pecu
liar firmness called the "lock-stitch"; economy of
thread; simplicity and therougzress ; portability;
speed; quietness of operation; strength of seam;
applicabilty to all kinds of sewing; elegance, de.—
Every family which eau at tle purchase, (and Its
cheapness brings it within the reach of all,) ovary
shirt -maker and tailor, every general seamstress
should possess one of these invalsable Improvements.
It would even be policy and oisdom for people in
the country sad villages to club together and pro
cure a machine, as with it labor may be abriged
thousand fold and the slavery of domestic life re
lieved to an incalculable degree. Remember they
are to be had in this city only of Eir. Reed at 69
Fifth street.
As genuine, fashionable, dorabo and es cheap a
supply of upholstery as any potent can desire to se
lect from satisfactorily, may be fond at the stand of
Meerrs. Robert+ er. Rue tri94-, Nu. 15 Fifth street--
Both members of this firm hare had considerable
experience in the business and are in every way
qualified for the position they occupy.
S 4, OE FINE DAY, when the calmness and equanim
ity of the sky Is reflected in your countenance, pay
a visit to Gfirsror, whose Ambrttype and Photo
graphic Gallery occupies a portion of the front in
the "Apollo Baildings," on Fosrth street. Yon
will come away assured that he is a first lig: opera
WATKiNS, at No. 23 Wylie street, personally
supervises the manufacture of the fine assortment of
ladies' and Misses boots, shoes and gaiters, which he
offers to the public. No this brunch IA
more deservedly popular than this gentleman. lie
is always "up to time" in his patterns, and his prices
ore not undersold any where.
We will hereafter present a few eertideates—a few
of the many voluntarily tendered—of the virtue of
llownwn'a Vegetable Compound, In lung, chest and
throat complaints. We are convinced that among
modern remedies for diseases of this class it has Dever
had a superior. We can conscientiously recommend
Tho Fish and Oyster emporium which is so well
known as the '•Old Dominion," at the comer of
Liberty and Hand streets, maintain. nobly the high
reputation which has been earned for it by its ener
getic and gentlemanly proprietor, Mr. //co -y Lfolk,
When fresh fish are desired apply at the "Old Do
minion" with a moral certainty that you will not re-
g-ret the step.
ter, whose visit to (70M0. , , rivaled no little sen
salon in the gossiping circles, has returned, and re
ports the speedy and honerable adjustment of the
"Styx" difficulty a not doubtful fart On dit, that
ho is about receiving an addition to his stock, which
will enable him to furnish still morn satisfactory,
pictures at his cheap gallery, No. 93 Wood Groot.
Spruce et' Co., No. 73 Market street, pre
sent rare inducements to those who purchase Dry
Goods, etc. Theirestablishment is a largo and well
supplied emporium of all the articles comprised In
the trade, and their assortments are invariably of
the best description, purchased for coon by Mr.
Spence himself, a dealer of the widest experience.
No customer of this house has ever been heard to
complain of want of attention or impoliteness of any
of its attache*. They are all gcnrirnscn.
It is not so much a question with the individual
who deals will a Merchant Tailor, upon whom shall
p,,..tr0ng e .,,0 as it is, who can best sup
ply my wants? Without invidious intention we
will venture to assort that Mr. . 1 1..ontltr , of No. 23
Market street, ranks ono of the firtit'efothiera and
furnishers in Pittsburgh. His assistamt, 'Jr. A. L.
Prmerr, who superintends the tutting dnd fitting de
partment, is a young man of the highest ability and
Patronise young merit and eetcrprice. The liven
of tho best men the world has ever - .own seem em
phatic teachings to this effect. Among the worthy
artisans of this city we take pleasure In commending
to public patronage Jfre•re. Don-ea , d- Tho,drin,
House and Sign Painters. Their shop will bo found
on Fifth, near Liberty street_
Stn . :l,l,k, of the. Excelsior Restaurant, No. 11 l
Wood street, still continues to improve his splendid
Lining Saloon. We may safely nay that it will be
as neat and elegant in appearance. it is substantial
in fact. Pittsburgh requires a fir.-class saloon of
this kind, where meals are served up per order at
any hour, in the host style. That requisition is well
met by the !Llxcelsior, from the supplies of which
there is ontliing solid or epicurean in the line of hob,
fowl, game ol,r vegetables, but may ho had "on the
A responsible, reliable and honorable firm, en
gaged in the Liquor trade—an old and well estab
lished house—is that of Jai.. Bryer d No. 155
Liberty street. From them pun Liquors ran be had
invariably—a consideration of t-iluf importance--
and the purchaser will always enjoy the advantage
of a well assorted stock from which to make a steles-
Tun. Gents' Furnishing Eetal.lishment and Cloth
ing Hall of 1 r. (Ire r, at No. 88 Wood street, a[.
fords very superior advantages for the purchase of
Gents . Youths' and pop' gartnente. While In style
Mr. Chester's work is invariably wo fair, its charac
ter for durability is second to none turned out In the
city. A very large and elegant assortment on hand
gives the customer a fine opportunity of selecting to
his taste.
Sivor's Scoring Mcocki.e, ono of the earliest are
tions of the kind, and by many competent judg
now considered the best, improved and perfected
every stage of its history, is well worth examinatle
at the hands of those who contemplate purchasing
apparatus of the kind. Me. R. Straw, corner
Market and Second .treats, agent for this city, ni
take pleasure in showing the different varieties t
any who may desire to inspect their operation.
TIM Love or PRArSE.-
"The love of praise, homier concealed by art,
Iteigur, more or less, and glows in every hoar
The proud, to gain it, toils on toils endure,
The modest shun It but to make it sure."
_ .
t is our prOVill,tlto praise the garments made a
the Brown Stone Clothing hull of Itnekhill Wil
son, So. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth
Mum kid gloves, white silk gloves, white silk
and Marseilles resting, white duck pent stuffs and
costing, now on hand at Carnaghan's, Federal St.,
Allegheny City. A fall stock of ready made cloth
ing for men and bokic adapted to the season, and a
general stook of piece goods for custom work.
1 00 BBLS. N. 0. MOLASSES;
60 do Golden Fyrop
75 do S. IL de "Baltimore,'
76 do Excelslordo
In elute nod for sale by Jen WAIT WILSON.
6 kep pecked
Bred nod for eau by BFIRIVER & DILWOIiTtI,
.ie2l 130 and 133 Second et.
. 2
Ude. Mna. Pork;
300 bull email vrblto Rect.
For sale by Je2l azinrvEn. a DILWORTH.
20 .BBI.S. AL
go N T..11 3
5 1.;:B i ltf i NO;
FREJII BUTTER--100 kgs choice packed
Rutter; 75 MO. (reel, Table Dotter, from Om beat
Dotter Cconty In Ohio, received and for eels .1 185 Lib erty
somt. Dal RIDDLE, WIRTR A 00.
BACON -3000 Ihs Clear Country Sides.;
2500 Choice Rbouldort;
100011. 11. in., reed and for sale at No. 185
Liberty .trod. Jesl RIDDLE, WHITS tOO.
FIB.ll—No. 3 Large Mackerel, Lake White
Flab, Herrin g atul Trout In store and fur a.D. at No. 185
Liberty street. Jell RIDDLF O WIRTB & CO.
TaILF..--Tho best Iu am Jun[ reed and fur We at :57
and 28 ELMO .L ROI J. & U. PHILLIP&
Cill.rESE--,50 tag new W. R. Cheese, this
A..,/ day arrivin g and for sob, by I'. LITTLE A CO.
ICON-10,0011lbs Bacon Shoulders;
10,000 do Bid.;
1000 Claw fide., for sato by
fln 1 LITTLE
_0 CO, No 112 Second at,
vw TOM to awl,. and (real. by
Je2l 11'EIANP.1 &WIER, 124 Second et.
To bids fresh Eggs recd and for
_,U/ for .alo 185 Liberty et. RIDDLE, WIRT'S /I CO.
20 kegs prime No. 1 in store and
L AR for ale L 7 je2l T. LITTLX k
250 8 U- RED POTATOES to arrive for
sale Gy , my3l WHANN & ANJ&R.
EMENT.-50 bbls Hydraulic in store, and
far solo by Jai 0 J. B. CANFIELD.
FOUNDRY METAL-80 tone Soft Metal
korimte by my 27 lIENRY IL OOLLINS.
Al' A'4 a Is 9. large an
ainnam Ira furies by R. DAIZRLL App,
lIMAO.-16 bags just received. For sale
BACON. --10 mks Shoulders in store, and
An. ado Ey j.IO
PADREs_a• bus. Tenn.' Dried Peaches
in star= will moll low to dom. 11088 ET MCKIM
9A OASES SAL SODA for sale by
ewtoNl2 7L L.ItAMMTWI lb CO.
1 BALE ANMEED for elle by
//la B.L.rWlaTou A 00.
[ltems ll one Special Repor
&or/ Mart.t.—Stucks doll lint tact. Chicago A Berk
Island 710„. 71. T. Central Penna. Coal 7.1!.,:,; heeding
413-j, klisanirl skew 61!4;; , lalena A Wria 174,
Cleveland 0 Toledo z.v.4. Tenons.. slim 931 i.
PUltauctrimi, June 7.l.—Tbe Pinar market continues in.
anti,. add prim. drooping; .1. to the trade at $4,25 (or
superfine, extra $4.11714, and $56 - 0077., for extra f.uily and
fancy toy miles him ° bbls weatera axtra at $1,42,;. Rye
Flour and Corn 11.1 steady at $3,81.,.; fur the tonne, and
13,3754 for the lath , r. Wary little duniaml for Wheat, and
maiming forward slowly; aales:l,lko both Penna. rat at $lO
sl,oh; 1,1.00 boot prim., att. at $41241,31. Ilyoatealy
6.9 for Noll. Sal Ga for Delaware. Corn scarce and wanted
sales 3,300 hush Yellow at 73.C174 In store. Oats meet
Awl imtlry; 3000 bath prime Penna. add at 41c. Whlaky
lees firm, riles In bblv at 21c, Mule at Zt and drudge at 21c.
Provisions no change. OrOferfell steady without change in
picas; rid. or Cuba Sugar at 06 so
G!, and some Trinidad
Hobo.. at h'7c, on limo.
CIIMMATI. Juno . a—Floor Mall at $3.0043,70 for am...
flue, and $300,01(r rains. Whisky and dull Corn
In fair demand at 49450. Wheat of fair gmtlity, 70c fur
red and 00 for albite. Pr. - Min. very doll, small sales of
prin. hart - chat Lard at 10,-„ Bulk Shoulders On Ilea Pork
nominal .1115, with it few boys,, at $l4. Sugar Its. ad
vanced Molt.. firm at tier gallon.
Ilatnxnt;Jane 2.l.—Plour dull but eteady. Wheat firm
at $1,02 fur red, and $1,1501,25 for white. Corn active and
buoyant, mixed unonng at 73c. white at 74(M75, andellow
4766077 c . Reef quiet Pork +broody. Lard dull. Whisky
dull at _205,31 r.
THE SUBSCRIBER, having obtained per
ea. imitator, lo remalo about two wooka longer la 64
Warrroorno on Firth etrael, offer, Hie balanco of No stock
during that tint,. of FITE PEE CENT. Lbt,ab THAN !HARE
ED PRICES. Tbia b , the Nat: clutnre rar golfing Foruitztro
at and below cost.
11. 11. RYAN, No. Fifth etrect.
1858. CARPETS. 1858.
1. all demands for Velvet, Bronx-Ls, Threeddy and In,
grain Carpets, of every description, style and quality. Floor
Oil Cloths, from 3 Co 24 foot wide, at lower prices than we
More ever before offeredi• Cocoa MatOng for oaken or
<bamboo Painted Window Shades, and everything connect
ed with' the Camped deportment of iIOCIe. Furnishing.
lie an antlatpate on adriuice to p prices after the Spring
Trade opens, we would sumit to urchasers to mak their
selections now from our lu m gs Stock and at oar present eery
awn priessa fe22 W. ArCLINTOCK.
Steam Marble Works.
MARBLEALINTELS.—A largo and herm
it". tlttil stock always on hood and being manufactured
by Machinery, sold at very low price.. Bade" owners
of Real Estate, Contractors and others, whether they went
to purchase or mot, ore invited toad! and eurnineourstock
and ascertain nnr prices as we ars wiling plain nest Mato
tots no low es to pot them within the reach of almost eresy
Monuments, Tablets,and Otero Atone. • large ethyl ,
naT on hand. furniture and Wash./Rand Tope, end In.
posing &on a mannibeturod by machinery, and sold et the
lowest piens. Marble of nil kinds sold low to the Trade._
Purchasers are Invited to call and examine our stock at 321
.1 1- M Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
myllbdror2mT W. 1
Portable Mills.
the simplest end beet &Mile of the kind la the coon.
try. hey run light, grind fast, an easily keit In order,
make ea good not k as the largest mill; and give general
ratisfactionn,, always on hand. A 1.,,, Portable Ben KUL,—
For pat ticulare call at 319 Liberty at Pittabbrgh.
mylikdity3mT \V. W. WALLACE.
1111111 Farnlahlpg,
S TEAM ENGINES, warranted best quali
y, always on bend and made to onler. Boiler, and
Sall /Jou, Fire Brick Machinery, Engine Ceilings and
Yiti Gearing tondo to order. Irons, Out leen Pray
ff '
Sta,French hum and L.,: Hal min Stones, Bolting
Cla,he and Smut A/banter alertly* on hand at 310 Liberty
street, Pittsburgh, P.
fu C r e m
Laenndt , & d
Camoot fur Cisterns, Pita Wails, ac,;
Louisville Liniu aud Itinusu Camatit;
Orin.;Wows—bow quality always on hand at 210 Llb
arty street. rnylliAser3all. W. W. WALLACE.
.PINE SIIINOLES, Boards, Joists and
Scantling. Alsn, Pioo and Oak Pleok or was of .219
Litiarly at„ Pittsburgh.
EoR always on hand
al 319 Liberty 9treat, PittsbarE9l..__.
[ 9,10919•93+91.
ALL SIZES, always on hand at 319 Libor
-44, Pittsburgh. mylo W. W. WALLACE.
1114E00MS-100 doz extra Corn Broome just
44.1 reed and for sale by
!P.L. traft FINFTFLOIf h - -1000 bbls. - Ohic — Tro u _
rave . band end for sale by
Jeld BlellANN k ANJI2II, 124 Second el.
PLAIN BLACK SILKS.--A large lot just
received and selling cheaper than they have aTer
been offered In thie city. Pieria roll and are them.
lila:dart Cl. lIANEON L 0111,74 Martel street.
Haim l'orataLing (loud; Whits tloode -GO
neck oaken Uaair, Phawla, &a.
,and A
_ C. HANSON LOVE 74 Market ht.
OINITY for 059 and 1889, by Marital; tor nan
W. S. WAVNN, Stationer,
corner Market ana&cond .meta.
1(1 OASE—SOII—ROME GIREar -- for saloby
D. L. INUlNZercem &
by JBl2 B. L. naraPrroca ICO.
bf feu B. 1 . rAnNEIMat CO.
e article to motor rate rat the Indts Doo_t
P. a. Divs., V. P, /owl R. Cosouva, PasErE. Basavia,
J. D. essrizo, Dann MEa.nousa.
&Portal spec'ay for fka Pagth.v,
Pr:roman. Tornoro44, Jean It, 1.258.
FIX/UR—The market has been Inactive during the past
throe day., the des being only of lots sullikiemt Meet the
city demand. Buyers do not appear deatrucut of parcbuing
to any extant at ths present figures, whilst holden do not
appear dlaposed to roam down. The I:Bowing are the sales
that rune under our notice: From wharf, dm of It, 100,
LB and 100 664 at 42,00 bir fine, $3,85 for super, 65,65 for
extra; from gore, too, 35,40, S 4 add 144 do at $3,60@121,62
for rupor, 0,00 for extra, $4,50 or extra family.
—Sales of 10 bids No 5 Itarkeral
Of d o at k 6,60; 8 hbla Baltimore rierring aat
:,50.8450412,60; 12
CIIRRNE—SaIett of 60 be. at 741734.
BAREMarket Inactiree only h i. seal! ay at
35e for Nprlng; a large lot would Oct bring that figiare.
worth — The
o 111.VZI RI. were 45; the amc ao
nantld was not
WIIRAT—We note 'ale. of 160 boa Mediterranean from
wagon 0120; 500 do Boothern on privet° terms .
FLIISICEY—The rotes of Raw hare declined; we note
gales of 3o Lb 4 nt later to the day, 20 do mental.
peed of at 1 0 %3 brie., tend downward.
BAY—gal,., from males of 14 butts at $10e31311 ton
Import. by River.
CINCINNATI per fluel-1 pkg gum- C 93 bbl. fluor, 52
bbd tobacco, It/ Ids hemp wed, 10 bs cod ,dl, 110 tea bum,
Clarke A co, 1101 lfs fathom, Kennedy, fu bid limo. Pbairel
IlesE bbds. Ibe tobacco. 122 ski ,, detoes, Hoyle; I bbdl Lx tobacco, Fullerton: 10 bbd,, boo do, Or,. II Ws
cotton, King, Pew:lack A co; 10 bgs bgs, Llggefx
NASHVILLE per Goody Prlends—l bx braes, Hussey; 311
bbl hoer, 402 Ors "dust, Delay .4 co: I bell paper, Scbucb
mug 1 bo wine, E'en:dna; 50 tone pig iron, Lerma; 3 dodo
(heir to; 5,1 of coalbout lines, Jonsv k Cooley.
Them ts none. The Gaul need Goody Friends were the
only arrive]. yeaterday and with fair loads. The Dr. haze
and Goody Friends are both advertised in OW 03 / 1 10111.11 this
p mo or r t u ning let the upper Misalialppi and afford anexcellentop
nity for pensons desiring to tests the air of the cool
regione of far 1110111.0ta to take passage. We command m tooth am first rat e boats commanded by brothem, each
of whom know their briefness well. There Ina nothing St
all doing at tholes,* yesterday. The day was most extrem e .
ly hot tad the parements gave forth a but that wail score',
hog to the fee:. The Metropoil• was oil ready to leave hut
week. The Chevolt Wm the Wheeling packet of yeatarday.
The river Is hies than 5 feet, sod failing. Freights ought to
advance under the lament pamper& of low water. They
mn advance a little without robbing shippers in thalami.
All the Weatern river. except the lower Mirelolppl w
, at It ere
billing fast at one last Motes, and thereto, no doubt
will cam/mace falling t 00... The Last brat up reports th
Mississippi Mill rising betweeteCeiro and Memphis, Lot the
eurplua water was No rapidly spreading over the I.da on
,orb aide of the river, that below Metnehla it had come to a
stand. The great break at the l'areo pass honoree themfety
of the Sonthern country, ae the surplus water being conc..,
it reaches the comt.
Ilined, will waste away ever the swamps ant low land, before
The Repablkan of Sunday may, :
"The river at this point is falling at the rata of imirly
hair an inch an how It mended eight imbes In the twenty.
fat, hours ending at U o'clock last evening, the whole de•
dßoe up to last claming had been within a fraction or two
feet. Tho toper edges of some of the vide walks mode their
appearance immerging from the water, end Borne 01 the
floors which are rowed above the aid. walks are dear of
alter. Alt the upper flaire aro reported falling, the Meads
sippl from II Paul down. Rome of thee:and bare neir St
Paul have mails their appearance. Tho Illinois river is fall.
lug slowly, mud the Missouri pretty rapidly. The weather
is flue, and tory warm."
The following items we clip from filo Cincinnati Gazette
of yesterday:
"On Monday at Louisville, u c.soltsua. belonging to Dolmen
4. Foltz, with 7,000 bas of coal was mob by a =atom, he -
longing to 8 P Hale. The batter eon Malting the boat down
.hen it came In contact with the coaltnoet and gunk it.
th T hDee lt im i e th D ls e o toss
a G n r atth Wet
nmuwmt n M Of rotomn eS f t o . r
The Superior for Gus vane port, left at noon with
MO tons and a fine Runge trip.
The Glediatm with Capt. Shepherd in command, came in
from Pittsburgh with 250 tons of freight, CO cabin and 40
deck passengers. The Gladiator left,Pittsburgh on Rotor.
day, Jane 10, at 5 o'clock, P.M_ Met tbeoal Hill, above
Freedom, withent her tol, having C
ona of her
engines someplace below; met Argyle at Freeman's Imiting
20th met Mmlerator in the fog, helms Steubenville; foamed
A F. Saes at Denwordo
The officers of the Southern.five elate that 'bone e
msre still at
Memphis, over eirventy of ths wonndad victi, of the
Fennsylvania. The mom of them ern Improving, though
two more death. bed occurred
The Southerner relieved end ream.' many families from
the woolen during her trip, and at a point below Dickman,
after getting a planter, his wife and children life on board,
was offered • yoke of steers and utber live stook, if they
mold get them on board That wee impossible; to Doty
were lea to their fate.
the Cumberland thorn was only four feet water on lb
sheets, reportnd We have homily word to ray retell
to (mighty. There is but little offering. and the rates
extremely low, with an upward tendency to ell points,
water living the muse of the contemplate' advance "
Steamboat Register.
ARRIT RD—I no, Drownsallle; Telegraph. du; Color)
EliaubrEle; llaad, Clamant/. thaaly Friaryht, CI
DEPARTED--Ltiv•rno, Iln , wmvllln Tri , rmpli. do, C
Bayard, talzabele; Chovoit. Wheeling;
RIVEN-5 f,el—talllng.
Telegraphic !Markets.
iqta Tot., Juno 73.—Cotton firm; 1000 bolos void. Flour
dull; sales 111,b0d bids sold: Stale be lover: at $3,3005..3,90e
Wheat buoyant; 00,000 bush sold. Old Southern red at
filtitt fili s i l : old witiLe S.L 2 UQL 3O : mt , sl,6o(gtLetr,
(Urn° Spring 71485. Corn firm; rale. 7.3,0u0 bush white
at 74477. Dotson steady at 7',.,ACS for Sides, and 11%46 for
Shoulders. ?dolman dull; Muscovado 21. .4410- Leather;
average plos, with no quotable change. Hides firm; amt.
ern 17. Tobacco quiet. Tallow. dull. Whisky firm at 244
00:M. Boger quiet; Orleans 71., Muscovado (1!,94.6%.
Freights ou Cotton to Liverpool 3-164.2,7.173 ou Floor to do
rattle .Ifurkrl.—The receipts Vet! 4,1,0 Beare', taa.lo
and Lamb. and 1.E.L0 Swine. Boar., Lase docliaed 194 e.;
pal, at r.V493..i, ar.rnge 8 4 ,, d.". Cow.; a Lotter bualwedw
done. Weals In good demand at 4'4 , 44134. Si.c.ep and I.amb•
Mm docllued Swine are ita moderato demand at $4,60
anniciazirrum AGENCY,
B. JDOIIGLASS & CO. g Proprietors.
Corner Wood and FiflA Bb., Pittsburgh, Pena.
• AU. AIMB=OI4O, Monage.r.
&tabll.l4ed. :Vela York, Jam, 11911—PIttsb'g, March 155.2.
MUD am=
NEW yon g..._
Cleveland— ..
Detrolt— —_
Near Orleans.
St. Lands
manna OPPICIP7
Montana!, C. ............ ..... ..... B. Donauss & Co.
London, Xng ... ... .... . . Docrieass & Co.
Lotter, of I ntroduction to Lawyer. of high standing and
respectability in every elation of the Utdon, mill be Band
! ! toady ft:muddled to subecribers making application as the
office, Also, letters of !zeroth:m:lo. to any of the office,
named abase.
TPA Um. Brans awn Barns, POOMPIONP. apPlitf
AU:sib:wet Water Cure Establishment,
DlSEitifiaLccated at Myna, Station, on the Pitt. •
burgh, Pt Wayne and Chicago Railroad, la non newly ne
fitted and improved by the erection of • Gymnaliam and
Bowling Ailey, whkh will afford agreeable and bealthfid
eserciae and annuetnent for patients and others friendly to
our system, .be may wish •to spend some time
during the. hot weather. iddross 800 ISOI, Pittsburgh
.1. LIERPORD, Id.,}
1.214 elm/. FREASR, D,
No. 42 Fifth eeeeee , near Woody
WA T M 'V i Ft IA I
4 atte ntla liPO n. rdere, acompanied by the cosh, will meet prompl
Z Wood street
40 ElaGNit, - --7:------
Porwardlng and Co COLLINS.
mndaafon Merchant,
Chaeae, Butter, Seeds, Flan.
And Produce Onnandi
!Iv Nek 25 Mai &wet pl tNb. '
tehnrgh, General Insurance Agency,
No. 03 Fourth $ r
Companies repreeentod of, hi ghost stand PENN4-
ing. Chartered
by Peons,lrani e and other State..
Fire, klarine and Life Risks taken of all deecriptlone.
FL 8.
Ail kinds of' Tobacco, finntrand Cigars,
Wave recently taken the building No. 129 Wood Inroad, it
addition to their blantifaettiringErtabliaboteni,No..lalrwia
Ftnet, a
:i when, tbey will be pleased to melee Unlit friends,
0927 ya
JAS. M0.4.A.L7 G-12tia:NT
111 .111ACIVES1 OF
Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil,
delfofisfe Nos. 169 and 170 Smoot Me m.
• .... DR. J. MALIKEEN, Sa .
stinG . moisi
4170-Insorta Teeth on Gold, Sitter Pietism end Gotta
Perdu, md performs all Dents! openttiom in e arlentiflo
manner, without pain.
ittg_Testes msterate.
54 Smithfield s jetblamfe , below Fourth,
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
Alanufactarera of OAST STEEL; also, SPRING, PLOW and
...MOS and
Conner Ron and Fir= StredA Pittsburgh, Its
L. B. ROGrlial.S Az Co,
acme., Improved Patent Steel
Cbruir Ron and Pint Sheds, Pittsour,./t..
J. M. Laavl`.L.l3:
No. 54 St. Clair Street,
(Dr.lriell'e New Bolldlog,) PITTSBMIGIrt. PA
Utgular 2bttamera
Morsingahela River 11. 8. Mail Packets
lead Jag
Can. J. C. WOODWAII. , OZOL4II Cusik.
_I. now running regularly. 'donning Boats leave Pitts
burgh at 8 o'clock A. and Evening Boats at 5
o'clock P. M. for liPlieespoh Ellsabetbtown, Blotiongs.
hobs City, Believer...lo, Payette City, Oreeneeld, fhlifortda
and Brownsville, there unto:M.llm with Man and Coaclma
Otfor Uniontown, Fayette Borings, btorgantown,Wayambrag,
ratkhaeltown and Jefferson.
Pamangen ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Utdois
town for $2, meals milatateroonsa on boats loch:Wee.—
Boole returning from Brownsvill• leave at 8 o'clock In the
morainguid sin the evening. For further infarmatiou au
yearn at the °face, Wharf Coat, at We foot of Ginant amt.
aus O. W. SWINDLER, gam.
steamer EMMA 0 ILLUA2I, Copt. Iltieraos Arne, gi li t
for the above and intermediate porta EVERY TUESDAY.
at 1 o'clock P. k. For freight or p. appl y
apply mi
board. FLACK, BARRIO CO., dela.
incinnatt, &c.
VllLE.—Theeplendld stammer B. P. ma.
0.0. W. Heed, will lease for the • ye an all
Intent:L.llMo porn oo SATURDAY, 20th lost, at 4 c'cluck
r. r. For freight or passage V& on WWI or to
FOR CINCINNATI.—The regu- j a gM tip
lar elds wheel packet sunition, C. t.
2. Grace, will hare for the, above and alletr i
porta on TIIII3 DAY, 2/th hut, 12 o'clock, 10. For freigla
or passage apply on bcankor to
m 720 FLACK, DARNED & 00., Agents.
summer INDIAN, Captain B Greenlee,
.111 lean for the above and all Intermediate porta, on 11 •
DAY, 24th: luta, at 4 P. M. For freight or tamp apply
on board or to ip.49 FLACK, BARNES 11. CO. AO.
/Louis, &T.
MISPI RIVAL—The Sae steamer
Dd. RANI, Capt. Simnel Shaman, will have for the ve
and all Intermediate porta on SATURDAY, 30th Inst., at
r. for !might or passage apply on board. or to
g .
MISSIBBIPI RIVER .— The fine steamer
LACROSSE, Capt. John %stoney, will Issve for the shove
and all Intermediate posts on THURSDAY, 30th Irpt , nt 4
o'clock !. IC For freight or passage appltott board or to
je24 FLACK, DAMES & CO., A gis
gbmn—The fine ateamor DR. RANK, Camelia
arlll leave for the above and tann
on board or on THIS DAY
to , 24th Mal. For freight or postage
J 024 _
.plendld demur GOODY nnow
pt. Brdata DA an, will leave for tha arm, peer4ol
W the 30th fut. Par freight or mangle are
D oo board or to
St. Louie, Hookah, Burlington, 111.
catlne, Davenport, Rock lalaad , Glalena,Dabogre
Wenona and Bt. Paul—The tine steamer COILMERDIS,
Captain Ilendrkkgri, will leave ter the above porta on
MIS DAY, 21th last, et 4P. K. Per freight or pinnace
ep e e on board or to
Bt. Loot; Keokuk, ItarilogioN
bosoport, Rock Ich.d, INA.Soes L 44 4#
r... 49 and . ill ack—he nos steamer LOME?, Captain
Chu. Horst, lea. tor the above ports os TRIN ,DAY
24th hut. at 4P. hi For freight or 5.N.80 .pply cm bout
or to DOI n,AOB, BARNES • CO, Agfa.
PAUL—Theephoodld steamer klAßlNKß4Oapt.Draro, .11
lean [or the above and all Intarmallate porton TUTS
DAY, pub hut, at 4 otkick r. K. Tor freight
apply on
Ft I .e ..a new
struawr lOWA, Capt. Moors, trill Imo
for the about sad 411 lotormottlato pinta ou Om
lustard at 4 o'clock P.M. /or frolittd or passage apply
oo board or to (Jol) FLACK, BARNES CO., Amts.
FOR Sr. LOULS.—The_ . nlendid li ag i o
!downer JOLLY 0. TREMOST, Captain
btockdale, relll lease for the' at.. and all nterrl •
port on THIS DAY:44th teat. at 4 o'clock P.N. For
trolgbt or peusegaapply on board or to
FOR Sr. LOUIS, GALENA, Kr i aigt
lALIA, DM:CP.—no Ans paoeegar steamer
POLO, Dept. It. tMou sal Yare tor see above sod sU
Intermediate ports on TIIIB DAY, Rib toot.,at 4 o'dsck
P. IL For freight or pavanes apply one
or to • •
toy 26 EA. Art..
POE. ST. PAUL—The She '
-a: Inagua ammo VIXEN, Chaplain
Vv. Oar tlto atom oral lattamadasto pore on
Mb loot. at aP. M. /or ,ht orapseaca way
or to • MCA BA=Pa 196, Waal,
Dotuness A CO.
62.1L.Nal Mt=
.B. &muse t Co.
.8. Bonus. t Co.
Dovocan t Co.
_H. Dorm-Las t Co.
Dououos A Co.
Dovraoso Co.
--.8. Dooouso Co.
....._........_...8.D0c0na5s 41r Co.
Dorman A Co.
•esxura amts. Co.
&um a 00.
D. purr & Co.
—Pus" & Co.
Wholesale tad Retail Nacre in
J r .EVT3E3I.II. - Y"
F ISII--2:5 ws. rtis,i,,si
:x) do
:5 bldg. ilaltimoie Deno,
:lo do No. I tralnnuolSLU.l
do d o
IS bbl. do White Pad..
so hr. du do do
IU do do Trout,
bbla. Nev Alewivem 5:1
20 do N.Y. llerringa,
In store and for wile by jell wAre
S ti 17
— Coal by Vlfcl,7llt.
'FIFE subscriber is preparc,l
Allegheny or Pittsburgh,
Of the beet quality. As e11er...1 delivered:43,le i*w.s.,b*•,
parch:men CIO rely on getting fulleatemerw Also. .•
W. A. U.:CLUED, Coal
mr3l Corner Aodemon et and Prdlreat
TO INIIO !s, C Third
u bale just received and for air n bore lea of
Englbh Venetian Ilea,
Rochelle Deltre,
Vermont Dubin,
?much Owtr,
American SIUZ,
II hire Lead,
Fl5 ll. -5U bbls Bulti um , Herring
:5 bbl HaLtax Warrior
:0 do N 0.3 alma erol.
10 do No, 1 do
25 Elf do N 0.3 do
ID Kitts No 1.200.11,1,,
package Fate 51.5, tw , eiv••l rod La sole 9
f Job Printio Lade, sod witty Lt., 1
g executed with hotte seciaracy and diseatch.
671. W . 0 jormsrox
Job printers 57 Wood et
pound. Conntry Bacot,
3.50 bow plum. White Weans,
bbis. No. 1 Lard:
10 kegs Fresh BUM.,
1 boo Deer Skitter.
200 bids Dry Apples,
In store and for dale by SUMTER A bil.Wolt.TH
GROt'EKIE— N. Ci.Su g li
2.13? bbls. N. 0. Atelasarw,
Ta boo Tobacco. 'ration, brands
-15 kegs G twist Tobacc;
Bewared and for dale b 200 boo. Window Gls.; need co,
y Jeo R. 1101.11805 i tCO
cifre, Lawns, Needle Work Colors Iloeterv.
Mitts Hoop Pkirta, and 011 kinds of doteado good,
Jests , ed, C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market Street
ARINIONIUMS—Just received from Eu•
rich threw
gulps, doable bellow., rte. They ere to depot r
ows of
aimed ram, and for folloom sod rtchnoso of tOOO mbo
torptimkt. They ere aeloptellm roll kr mein charrhm a.
for the parlor, being I most olmoot robetitele for tb crerE
Price, VT& IL HLEBER t mco,
rro. 03 Fiftb etn•ut
50 Doses • _.___
oxes Corn Btarcli,looU errant Tartar, MO the
.Chrome Yellow, 123 doe Baking Townie, , On !Le Quin
Araldc,gor 'deal wholesale and retail by
-- - _
T3IAAILLY FLOUR--100 bbl . white wheat
war Flourjast. .'stet for male by
eT. LITTLE .4 CO., 11-T Serum' atm.,.
A FULL and Complete Stoek of all kin&
of Dity GOODS, as clamp as they cos be tolled an r
trayl3l IIANSON LOA E, T 4 litarert
-- A new
of new patterns lor sale by
W. P. MA @SUS WtyF o
Mr= Potatoes, a Cat-rate article, jam n rti,..l•rt
1111 i/, LE:t4c.l.ll,srapo.b. 9.,
for ode by
11fANTLES °fall qualities, rani., W prieu fr.=
Ikeegeannd Organdies Ind ocher Gree, 0,01,
0. HANSON U)IIS, 74 mazk-1
_ _
le< • 4%
FIRE BRICK, TILE & CLAY, of il° 1,0. t
cpality. on band sad far ea'. by A. A. If.IIIDT.
F LOUR -a) bblg. Extra Family, made 61
- J
Belated Whitelileat, elplanly for Ism ily uso, ,-.:
Ran end for ale by ROBERT. DICEri, . .....
_ ..
ipl9 • • 17.4 Wont. tree; mar 16%44.
VIGABS! OIGARSU-30,13Q0 genuine Ha
N„) run appars or bea n cz "Cnrichlus," 90. rttth,"
and "Entry Amu?' s Jud rred by' 'Jed. III G.
_ _
meaning and beautifying tba hair constantly r. Yea nratrso-s.
ES s 00, Amts.
A GOOD assortment of — all kinds of
41 Goods, either Yam% Stn ,l 4., r0rt .1 771 w 1,17 . 1 eL .
pelting you low for ash.
J.7a* C. ITLNE;O7I LOVE, 71 MarletAf. _
T N-
ignite brabogaby EztanslooDlacy,T.bkiotrub”
*VIA bah)* Audi= sele by _ T. B. TOUNO a YO.s- .
VLOUR—irbbla Fumily and Extritri:
tee by T. LITTk6 6 CO-.
Om/erred on the Lullta by wearing
aaLassazaa EUEZEO2,B
The unparalleled of the
NEW EXP.A..N3dON Shplll
000 of which here boen sold during thole. (cur meal,
hail !unlaced the mannftmturem to make annnnetaent s
will enable them to produce WO dunces 17.4t15) °taw
I day dminy, the oxalis ofJune, July not c.n.t
They she call attention to their
For traitLtzhieh is reseiring unirersal al i s ,
from the
They ere the role proprietors of
'Patent Adjustable Rustle"'in
Beware of the teeny imitations ,Trrt• I in tin murk., el
they small either Infringements of see pstent„is sin ;
nay also tnanuacture ores
70 Other Different Stylea,
.ith and seithoul the "Paten: A Sjustnble Dnstla.”
These 9E1628 Imes been reteunmn.l,l
MEDICAL A LItIIWLITY as Lelng v,. ! ",
ass Chat hos seer Ss-, no-so! s, I
smanlne unless stanTed
Fee ask thronghont Via United States and Conatlos
PEIIEtR/17 d 3022177E10N
/Wing Increa"-J tb,lr for nmnfa^tnrics sti L l
Cl-1/DDS co.Ft
WATER PROLIX, CE3IENY Ittl(14/1 la 47.
A RE now Prepared to PICCUte orders for any
description of Routs, steep or flat, nt the short oa
Meant' with the utmost care, king, determined so rot en
Roo& that carrot ho surpassed for
Cheapness and DtlEabil its.
Our Roofs am well known to reqedremlyenle 7 , ~ t
na. Teetimoubd to favor of thisHoolas and samPios rot
be seen by calling at oar Office, No. 75 Smithfield etre,.
Boilditage C0Vt33,1 with the above n.4(4 can be ;nen et
a. NelzoiN corner of Wylie and High street& .1. 1133;.'i
- new Hotel, corner of Grant and Serentb Itreetn !fru,. of
W. 0. Leans, E.q., Diamond alley, opposite Patter, 0
MALIN Store of B. Straw, corner of Mecko.t and Second ate .
else Muse of B. H.Succop, tame blocfti Brownsville Weer/
Raab Homo of Robert Flynn, Con,„erese, I.etween Watts,-
and Wylie streets; Store of .1. M. Oteltathrtle. Webster 'et •
She/oleo( A. Bradley, corner of Water talky nod ran:lulu
greet. Allegheny; House of IL B. Wilkins, Ilotie Wood'.
Run; Ronne of A. Negiey, John Soot, Wm. MaCell ant M.
Coon, East Liberty; mot many odicre too nnmesons to etc,
apthdasrl PERRIN & JOHNSON,
yp No. 75 Smithfield et., Pittebtorsch, Pa C_
sr, N. 3 —The subsoriteare beg leave to informs the
public that the above well known and popular est:Atilt?,
ment will be opened roe the receptit.n of limbers on the
I last. This extolls/re bedding hoe bean con o treeted in the
~ moat approved modern etyle, with specion l mei airy chant
1 berm, din i ngd .tensive corridors, . Unitedr33lne I corn...
1 and •all et.orpasaed 4, the //tales. Ibt,
furniture Ls of the most costly end Insurions de, ciptiae,
and they confidently promise that th.lm who nay far
them with their maaspeny shall enjoy ell the comforts,::
renlences and refinements of a first efts- numetreolitar. to.
tot Congress MB Le beautifully Monied In the wider of
grassy lawn, stretching directly to the see ale, and cOLt
Mazda an iminterupted now of the ..,orin I trending r. keep a Dent class hotel, in every 5en,...1 tut. wor i, the
charges will On the mane as lest oent,u Ceen--t. I e ,
the esdabliahment Is a Telegrafdlic ctr.. 1.4 a .....0, .e.'o , •,
with all paste of tho Union.
jesA2amood WEST t T11'07 , 111 .'ti, Ps,. tt t.. -.
This establishment will he opened f r tbet"eYrapta. c'
Visitors, on THIMISDAY, June 10th, 'EY.. It is lamb , I
In front ot the Oman,
[h ands enrrounded by e Lawn, whi, 1.
extende in front to e Bosch. Privete elates will be fur
nished to pertles who may claire them, st 41 Dinner will tv
served at 2to4P. M. Owing to the pre Gitlin usrfoi,
T kir
the price of DAM will he rednesd. Boa 3au be °opted
and every other information will be giv upon ittgiury.
L. HARWOOD, rio.all3. Walnut 11,,,
P. S.—Ettetvive Stabllv g on the premtpea
1 ,,,
PtilLldelphia,lSe ttber preparal tg, Mei and execute or
doh,' for off nixes of IVICOOGHT•IRO , SOLID AND
length., fur Piroproor Building, and Brid .
Tracings and plan of using. together w tb taLlv ebo sin,.'
' capacity of Beanie, will Le turned:led gr !foully upon ni
plication to P.A DUEL .I,REEtillii, Vice Prectivat,
inyl6wwilml.d. p L 610 IYalttka Street, Plata
LOST OR 3IISL AID— A ii - tirtideztiv fop
23 share., ba Dio Enclisinge Bank Of Pittsburg% to
the fume of Thomas Livlroton, Nia. W-1. Notka la horeLY
glron that application Lop been mule to We Bank for o
renown' of sold certificate. 2 4 . L VD:O2EON.
Adm'r of o iodate oriboa. Llringefan
Pittsburgh, May 11th, 18 3--oplibpirfrrsirt itr
LATEST NE fin all part al t c.if id
WS be i.
800 the NEW YORK
GAIL 1121181.1 i,
1, 1 ,.
°raw city, by !caving your . clroct et '
11.4".PC.11.1. lIUN A MINIIII' , I , ! a..E,;, 11.11
LA _
51 0 SSEIVS PATiNT ~ , 11` , ..J1 r. 1. , 1 . 1 :1 ..
The Iron:SOO ri/Cartqa
t CH E -01 flExztlg
jet 9 T. J. ellaig 5.:C.0 . .1. p 131 sr, ~.) e-Te
RUSS 3IA N U FA 63:0 R l'—rf,• „
„4,11,,- 1
N with hernia amnia tr tire that tre re Ow ..m1 rrs.
ufactnrers of Drumm and Sm. :tn.,. Iti ti :a _.t.. IV- .rthem at a far leupri, than t,. Inert ~ . ..r 1, n.' in rt!Ci
[fon can ht themaccurately Iron the trca er. a
Tito, i•r
necestity for the public pa? in the prln. hr)i..... im:,
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