The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 31, 1858, Image 2

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    ltttshir|| fajciie.
»■ r - WILJJA *5—-D-L. *iro*.„^fl.ii DDU —*o*3Hi hutt
8. RIDDLE & Co..
Freedom In Rnulk,
Russia la about undergoing a great eecinl
revolution, which in time must have a beneficial
effect on the whole civilized wnrM. The Em
peror leads off in this grand movement, which,
if successfully carried oat. ns it must be, will
odd more enduring renown to his reign than the
brilliant triumphs of a thousand bloo'd-slained
battle-fields. His mission bids fair to bo a glo
rious one for Russia—for its down-trodden
peasantry—and for humanity at large; and his
example will be, to all Christendom, worthy of
emulation and deserving of all praise. Our own
Republic, blessed as it is with its many noble
institutions, designed to eecnro the happiness of
a free people, might study with profit tbe dis
interested philanthropy of this Potentate, who
• / but a Bhort (im? dincc was regarded as a despot
nud a ./rant. Under the auspices of (be Ciar
the twenty-two millions of serfs ia Russia are
I about to have conferred on them Ihe inestimable
I and sacred privileges cf Freemen. They ore to
bo placed in the position which God designed
every one of hia creatures to occupy in the
great human family. The Committoo of Eman
cipation have had Lhut great Bybject under care-
consideration, and arc now prepared for
action. The policy of effecting a change in the
condition of so largo a number of persons, who
have never partaken of the blessings of freedom,
without some preparation, wa3 duly considered,
and the contingency provided for. Measures
have been finally adopted to bring about a gen
eral, permanent and absolute emancipation of
the serfs of the Empire. o?r a ha«i? at once
liberal and just to all classes of the people. On
the action of this Committee the (’zaf has issued
his, embracing the definite regulations, con
sisting of ten chapters, in which each article is
explained, and tho rights and privileges of all
parties declared. By these articles serfdom ia
forever abolished in Russia, and can never again
bo established under any form whoever, and
tho emancipated serf, on their confirmation, will
be placed on an equality wi It the other classes of
citizens. The following brief synopsis -of- the
Imperiat document is given in the correspond
ence of the In&ptntltuct Ildyc:—
“Tho name of teigneurUl peasants will be
changed to peasants by contract, that is, they
will treat freely and at their own pleasure with
the proprietors concerning the condition of their
work. But until tho confirmation of definite
regulations they must be made lo understand
tnot they must be submissive, and cannot leave
the land. Then the ukase orders a
be prepared, according to which (he peasants
can change tlioir position so as to outer, for in
• stance, into the class of citizens. Next the
■?: duration—-and it must in every case be short of
this transition stato preceding their trial eman
cipation—is lo bo determined.
'Anu finally, the Imperial ukase peremptorily
commands that there bo inserted in the new rtg
ulation a clause compelling the proprietors to
cede lo their eerfa the inclosurcs which they oc
copy, together with their houses, besides a cer
lam quantity of uncultivated land, greater or
umallcr, according to circumst anccs.”
Kassil has boon eluded among the barba
roaa or aemi-civilizeij nations of ihe world, and
the coarse of-the Emperor is, therefore, on tha l
account, more remarkable. The spectacle of
this great empire giving freedom n its toiling
serfs, when contrasted with the conrscof a certain
class of citizens in our own country, who are
struggling to increaso the number of slaves on
this cont inent by re-opening tbo odious traffic
with Africa, speaks little for our moral orebris
tian superiority. Nor, indeed, are unpleasant
contrasts confined entirely to our own country.
France with its Cooley trade, and England with
its apprentice system, wilh all the enlightenment
and tlic refinement of the nineteenth century
on their side, suffer from comparison with iho J
land of the Czars. Let nother glorious example i
be lost on the world—let her efforts in behalf j
of enslaved humanity especially cast shame upon I
our slavery propagandists iu (be i-obth, who |
would become robbers and
.Ttayriduio tacirown wealth and power
The efforts of the Russian Committee of Kman*
cipation will stand ns a bright recor d on the
pages of history, when the Southern commer
cial convention agitators will 1.-» nxerrafed hy
all lovers of universal freedom.
neied paragraph from .Jho Washington corres
pondence of file Pliilndelpbia /Vr...,-
"Vou will smile, l.ut it is the fact [l:at the two
great orators picked nut for your campaign in
1 ennsylvania. this Fall, are William Bigier and-
Jehu Ulancy Jones. They nil! l,e welcomed by
crowds to alt quarters. The special champions
of the grandest cheat that ever insulted any freo
people, they will hare a most agreeable jaunt of I
It, and will go from county to county, followed
by admiring crowds 1 What a blessing they will
be to the Lecompton members of Congress who
a want help!" b
The above shows (o what shifts the Buchanan
administration is compelled to report in-thcse
troublous times. So, then, .rebu s field of ora
tory will be transferred from (he balls of Con
gress to the hills and valleys of the Keystone
State. Hitherto, clanam Berks monopolized the
great man a powers: but ia this trying emer
gency—in this the hour of the “favorite son's”
greatest extremity—tbo whole Commonwealth
will be favored with his luciJ reasoning and his
matchless eloquence. *\Vo pent-up Utica will i
contract” the politician’s powers on thb occa- I
sion. His associnte, Mr. Bigler, is to air his
philosophy on the same great migs ion, and will
aid his frieml Jehu in “illuminating” the under
standing of the people, lie has a fine opportu
nity to place himself right before his party, by
taking back all the fine speeches with which he
was wont to delight his fellow-citizens of Penn
sylvania in favor of popular sovereignly in Kan- ■
sas, and its right to become a free Htaie, should '
tbo will of a maj uily of it* people so order it. 1
These fine professions must be swallowed us „t>
many bitter draughts, aad the dogmas of tbc
Slave Aristocracy of the Soul U—of Toomba,
Stephens and Clay— must be recognized in
(heir stead as the doctrines of the times.
The odious aad illiberal sentiments of Southern
socessionists and traitors must supercede
good old-fa»hioncd l\-nns,lTinia nolions, on
our own soil all became Jan*s Bticitanat, has
sold himself to tho Mouth for a chance to be
President a second term.
Pennsylvania confided to the care of lli g l„
nnd Jones—tho weakness and imbecility 0 r the
present Administration personified : These are
the blind guides selected to teach our State to
• lore and venerate its quondam •favorite son.”
They are indeed but feeble props to a falling
house. Let them come—the people arc ready
for them ■
—Speaking of the Ucv. Jehu Jones
(that's his name in ful!) another correspondent
of the J J rcts says : (
“Mr. Purviancc, of Pennsylvania, was )»?l
night in the House, after Jehu (i. Jones with
.the sharpest kind of a stick, in the course of
his remarks, he said:
“My colleague,” (JchuO. Jones,) “may feast
and fatten at the Presidential crib until the cra
vings of avoracious appetite have been appeased
and quieted; but he must not, when gorged with
Presidential viands, assail the motives 0 f mem
bers acting under tho obligations of an oath,
merely because they may desire a reduction of
the expenses of the Administration, now becom-
ing so enormous as to beget a very general want
of in Lh& admioslralivo talents of
those who have iL under their control.’
“Jo conclusion, after alluding to the manner
in which slr. Jones had borne himself as chair
man of tho Committee on Ways and Means, he
remarked that whilst Mr. Jones, when he got the
floor, could only find for his subject the Presi
dential dinners, and speak of them with the air
of. h tho million nnd moro of misers
and laborers in Pennsylvania, (of whom a large
number were the constituents of Mr. Jones,) who
were dependent upon the reinstatement of iho
tariff, were left in hopeless despair.”
Thb Indiana papers aro commfent iog on (he
fact that tho President kaa not yet sent into-the
Senate the nomination of Gov. . Wright now
serving os Minister at Berlin. There isn sus
picion that,-inasmuch as he was a very active
agent in securing Mr. Buchanan the vote of
Indiana, the Ex-Governor is to share a fate not
uncommon among the more devoted followers of
the American autocrat. i
$ Khodb Islaxd.—We taio pleasaro ia chroni
cling the election ofilEf»T B. Asrnorr as By
8. Senator Grom Rhode Island in place of the
locofoco, Allen, who now disgraces the-seat.
Mr. Anothny Is tho editor of (he Providence
Journal, and has done more than any other man
to build op the Republican parly in Rhode Isl
and. no possesses ability cf a high order
and will make an excellent Senator. He adds
one more to the phalanx of freemen io that hith
erto besotted body. '
The Presbyterian General ASsembly-s.
School. \
Fifth Day.— The special order of the day was
Lakes up, tk: tho case of the complaint of Re-?.
Thompson Bird, of Dcs Moines, against .he de
cision of the Synod of lowa, eoaccrninc the mar
ital relations of Kev. J. 11. shield.-*. '
The case before ihe Assembly ia that of a
clergyman in lowa who married a woman who
had been regularly divorced by the laws of lowa,
on the grouodfl of drunkeness and brutality on
! P art of her former husband, coupled with
; attempts against her life. The Presbytery of
; Des Moines summoned the clergyman—Her J
IH. Shields to appear and make his defence
j against the charge of adultery. Mr. Shields ap
peared, was tried, found guilty, deposed from
tho ministry and excommunicated from the
church. From this extraordinary decision and
sentence he appealed to tho Synod of lowa,
where tho decision was reversed and himself res
tored to tho ministry and the communion.
Against tho judgment of the Synod the Her.
Thompson Bird complains on behalf of the Pres
bytery ofDes Moines, to the General Assembly
—the court of lost resort.- .Tho Assembly was
engaged daring the greater part (he day in
nearing tho records, documents and ‘testimony
in tbo case, and inlistening to the pleadings of
tho Presbytery and Synod at issue
Two points are sought to he mode by the
prosecution in this case: Ist, that the divorce
was improperly granted; and i»d, that the marry- \
ing of a divorced person ia_in itself adultery, j
The defence maintain the negative of both ■
I propositions. ,
j Without disposing of this matter the* Assembly
J took up the report of (ho special aomunuec to
■ whom were referred the communications of tho j
j rinrmony Presbytery and the Tailed Synod of ,
I Virginia, Tennessee, .'xc.
j Per. Daniel Russell spoke in favor of the !
, adoption of the report. He said it was undoubt- j
I edly true that some of the churches south of'
Mason and Dixon’s Lino, would choose to remain *
loyal to the Assembly. It was essential that the \
line should be distinctly drawn between lho=e 1
who remained loyal and those who did not. !
Rev. Wm. M. Cbecver moved lliaf the second i
res6lution in the report be stricken duf It is as i
follows: ] 'lt
family affinities and sympathies anfl because it ' himm allou ’ a,ld P ut an entire stop to bn
hadgh„ C r od"7p"rprt “ .olbc
mind touching the subject of slavery, as wc now i Mon sunkd«n i n fi.'fil lounsb.ngcnndi
are m relation to other moral questions | , Wng l 0 ~s shareholders r '“
The vote was taken on sinking out the rcsolu- |
tion and decided in the negative. J ID'* nsction A Roman in r.M.]y
The vole was then taken on the whole renort I to whatever question might he proposed, began
and decided in the affirmative. ‘ i flaying, make a distinction " A Cardinal
Ststh Day The Committee on Pills and bavin P l ‘ ,Tlt <‘d him to dine, proposed to derive
Overtures obtained leavo to introduce a report ■ Bomc aill,ls <’mvtit for the company from the well
embracing a memorial from the Presbytery of ! known pveMliariiy of his guest, saying tu him
Genesee, praying the preparation and publica- : that hc brk,J im P rt rtaut question to propose; he
Don of a volume containing the doctrines of ii, e 1 >». under aoy circumstances lawful
Preabyterirn Church, in brief. The lUort r*com. I to N* l *** *“ “I make a distinction "
mends the appointment of a special committee I s ! u ' i,bc "If you ask, is it lawtul to |> a p
of fire to prepare such a summary, submit it to ; . Ul ° in tO,, P *R pvneral, I *-ay no • li yuu ask,
the Presbyteries, and report it to Ihe General ! ** to baptise in vnur excellence s
Assembly? . j soup, 1 say yes ! for then, is really no ditlmm.-e
The report was accepted and adapted. ■ *'• and water."
The Moderator appointed Rev.
Gridley. D. I» , Rev Jacob Little.
Peter Snyder, Rider J. Marshall V.
, John Porter such commit i ee.,
j The lowa Divorce case was rc- u
j discussion lasted all day Thus f«*i
f gress of the debate the points ar t .
i members have been these
j Ist. Isa second marriage ever
I by the Divine law duriag-the life of;
parties to the original contract ‘
Hd. Is a second marriage lairfu
divorce was obtained for other catts*,
of adultery 7
•Id. Was the divorce in this rr.»e'gr-vntc lin i . , - >l IrATI:,N Mi-s..rnt —The Missouri
accordance with the Divine law “ I J Democrat and the St. lnteliigenciT have
ith. Does the occasion of tbi* dijrorcc— the j baber V > byen ihe only newspaper advocates of
ground on which it wuj granted—«•« me within ! emancipation in Missouri but they are now join
tho occasions laid down in the Prbabytcriau ! *** Ai>iao )' Courier, the Alexandria Delta.
Confession of Faith, viz: adultery Tind wilful 1 a ?. ,e Gcnunn paper in St. Lonis, making (ire
desertion * j Missouri journals n'l ia of making 'Mi-,
oth. Is the Assembly bound to take tl»e I wouri :i fj Slntr.
: *~rrfainl f court as “videnre cl the cor- j„J} *' u v 1 • ITU. ARw TSTII r.A 1.1 -\
r fyclnesH of uj Vork etv, th.v ,« n.. .'
j I‘xkxa. Eium ocal -The whole : twined ihroupn ti... -IrV^r^ 'J p/,,r,lf bce j, vh
„ T , b “ rS ?“ 7 an,i FrW »J »ccpi..l in (h, ! '-'bo f ,,, k
ellort loelectan Ansiatant Bistr-p. no o I o:h,r ><», M inwnlanct- for on
I Dess heiog tlono. | il«, t . T Tru. T h.
• m »• --1 no wheni tctrrr «t com-
I Vim.isi.iVuw, or .-orniEns Pou.-r -Tho : OD U ‘* icjl In r,,.0 of
& i r" :;r
rnv credit Uc Kichmood I' „i ' r pws* —Me, of ,n
winch for forty y«ue h« been the orgv. of opin , " r, " c ' ,jf in (heir
ioo for that State, she begin,- wriomlv io eon- iid.l'wi'lV'l Ur s'". ue e oW «*- "hirh a
aider whether. ,n ca,e of diaaolu.lon. (l,'o Vorth- I '"‘rmog They alro -orvo oj
ero, rather (ha„ ,he Sou,hero, r„r4r“r ! 7ArrT P 5 " , ' C .».! ,ir.k
would 00l he (he proper place for hrr The fol
I ih W | ln b 1 " fro i” l -7? Brtlele a roreiil number of . fipdo-rt. —The family of (im. Wm. Uraner
Jlhal able oodmaoen-'a! journal | jr... of P,1,-burgh, l>a., arrived hero ro.ierdoy
I ,r„. • ‘' lon! C <,D ;, er 7. ‘direcl Irade' was forgouen. | rr “ m ;"™>ha, and inlend making (hie r':ly (heir
foreign capual ignored; commercial capiial r i s " ,rnj ''—hru-rcoorM r, J
and credit never mentioned, 'commercial cdu- ! Hauiu-hcbu, May —tiovrrnor i» ft u ,
of UO Th“"^°' llh ' r °i , ll,crature ' Mwr thought • •pprored (he -osurp toll ' ora. it ‘
of. Tho Slove-lrado ahsorbed the enlire time M, « "bill roeulating fh rr „r of ;„, c '' ■ '
ofthe convenUon, tothedialractionof (heSonlh, ! h J'b'l»lo I.egialaturr ' 1
and the d,vie,on of her unily; criminnlion and j Toe I;„-„r.r
recrimination were indulged in by one 8001 hern I Marquis of Wellm inter y'’ 1 '"!' "" "
State against another Southern State, until, a. ! ed at t-) (eel tt»
i‘nu elub o '' M< “«"** *"•'
□nited, too man, is it possible, without .li-, 1 .,i 0 „, • WM. a. tm.a «
lhc r T“> 'I-™ laws that ; «:V'..1.M,,| ~,wn, "
| torbidthoSlavo-lrade'— ond.fc Mr ch-oruM. of' A
th, Marc-trod, maprn that U„ South would h, I A l>l>e‘"<- «■>,! Str.ngtl, 1t,.,0re.1.-w.
I yyu/y oj thr folly c,j dtr.r-)ltit'>Oi\, ‘r,'.uh ,/ ' '■ I‘*tt4onr>,-ti. waj a-• A rt.-r |,. tT |„ , ~i rl ,
I 'leasure % ruuld dutrmj (J it „ { )‘, r no> . f * *.-mt ,l:t T » w,u,» i ai« { , n( ., r ,
\laryfst tnisrttr' Then why continue ihediccus I a ((f
I sion of a question that can never be accomt-litih
ed m the Lnion, and for ihe accomplishtm-m t .f *’ '* J " {k rf " : •«■!" f r i.t i r, n i-ha.i ,i„ .
whioh the South would be willing to die-olvc the f " ril M '“"-i ■tn-n i: u, r . t .iri l »», K j L .„
Union ? Why continue to agitate a subject that " " v '‘ «•-•* <;»- ,r, uti .ul.\
divides the South, and di.-traefs the attention of , " 14 * ! '
her people from subjects of more practical im- i 1 *' ;n r .r.fni if.ntfc f„ f
portance 7 . .*-»'• n.r [} r u,t, ~1 ,
Wc can see no good whatever, to be accom- j n " ,, ’ Jr
pushed by the continued discussion ofthia -itics-
Don. If the cotton States are determined to *»* A ''*‘*‘f •m . !-utw.„r«, t-fu.*
revive the Slave-trade, and tbu'-- to ti,. pT,xt ' r * ,l,KN ’ J I’iuk.Jr..* oj. M,n..f4ntinn E
valur of Slavery i/i .r»ry n-jn-r.ui'.n-'/rvn-ttn) State, -’T
t( tcill demonstrate a selfishness of tre L.»- ■ r '' >’*. mini K<>a-r»li7 t „ y
Uex td Southern States incapable.' If dissolution of I T~
the Inton is to be followed by the revival of the 1 S'PfHal /lOtlfCS.
Slave-trade, Virginia had Letter consider whether l o n «
the South of theXorthern cunfedsraey xrould nolle 8 ‘ D ' & C ' P ' MARK^B.
far more preferable for her than the Xorth of ! K*jiiT*rrt'ittrji <.p
S'luthrrn rorf,deran/. In tho Northern confcder- ' TKISTIXo, Jon anii ai.l kim.j ~,,
acy \ trginia would deriro n large amount from ■ ' v li AI'PING 1' A. J- Ii; it
the sale of her slaves to tho South, and gain lhc j Warehouse, No. uj Wood
increased value of her lands from .Northern cm- -J W ood s.reet,
igrntion—whtlo in the .Southern confederacy, i i«.«m at market „,i„. '
with the African 81are-trado revived, she would j POSTI.Ey, NEI.SON 111,
osc two-thirds of the value of her slave-proper | fi , ’
of'her lands^• D ° alkdit,onak increlsc t 0 I be value (JU MIAKKKLS, SOUl.‘ If.,N VICES
Thesu are bold and significant words t„ b- UJ “-Wuxv wt.riiCAtrrsTKlttscVTliKs- w.„„„u.
uttered by ti.,. Wise's organ.-A’ ' li,J, tW S '"‘ 1 hh.ut.
The damages suatainr,l /W 1;..,
Hie West from ibn iM • K rc,r,l ag crops in | Wareiioat*, jvo. 17 eiarkrt »i
upon our home nnrte.sT' , HS I, ? J cll ' cot i rtmuuit„lt. pa
should we be mvored with e r ; J - C '*«*»TV, M. U.,
thcr such as has prevailed ro’r’ll-' ! UT i ,6:! n,w
tbero will be nothing lobascast,ecu', li? 3 , ' a " l ’ 1 "'"""t l “" 1 “'e adv.nurr.„r 10.. w„ e„ri.. c ..
moot upon; for it i, generally ,' I I,;, ' l VC ' : i ,ll * l ".ei"i«r.™t ~ra,tir.., „r.. r . p ,
with half an average crop of , „r„ 7,1" ,"* al I" "" '» htnuiCA I. ami mkuica 1. c.1.-w
his season, the stock for the otlt : »rrrr.,„„
be more than sufficient to „,p,,l r , "““V j '' ,\ f .» I <'■! M. r-..„j,....
The crop prospects iu Kuroi.e-bri m i? ,An,i :i" j> \[ i M ’ *“ - ‘ U) I n»u n a hv,., r
reS l i Ie u lin r* ilI | Il * inodenucljr ’ J l: ’‘ I llhii n'
vest m tho Luncd States, added to tho ho J * f " h M,r - r . k»., m>/it.ji.
atocks of breadstuffs now in the hands 01 fare? ’ “ ISOE!8 3 SEWINO MACHINES"
bated" Io an,™ ■*«,«*,*„*** «,n,,”^
pated. It is gratifying, however, to know ll m ,
as a nation, we cannot sulTer from low p. 0 r
produce, which result from a snperabundan,
supply of Ihe necessaries of lire. Agricultural
products underlie all our wealth, and the broad
er and deeper this foundation, the marc per
manent will be the structure tub» erected
thereupon.— Cm. (iaz. \
Notei. MriaoD to Prevent Potato Hot
iL e i*' a “ b^s ' “ fe >' 7Ca, i «»« for arnnse
mint mserled eohj pe „, j nto potnloM j p |„ nl .
loi; , T ' ,C rraull »«•?" unusual yield if
iT?" S' '*}*• »onnj !
I offer? .I am J Hh "° were;
!r. d „ AcUl, K on the hint, Mr '.larlcon
i ■ fc ° g V * eTelo P eJ the theory lhal ||,„ po
I lalo, being deficient in nitrogen wont, l „ ?
an cq til valent of that articloVo'n, the i"
! ring Urn time of growing and „ F ’ ''l*' 1
I disease would beCounteracted He h t ?■ “i
the experiment, in.ertinr four or 've "T*
each potato carefully avoiding injury in TbF ’
eyes, and then planting in ihe u*o&! wav T)»n 1 * ul,c , '' ,l * operator,tnaicjnswiih «**.<>*,
nssult was perfect sticcess-an of amMw,/, sumujxt nol „-
I Loth peas and potatoes, and the latter n.Tfectle 1 •*™ twm/ng tkiullj tue.
free from disease. The tabors were : "»»* •>« b 7 *idr*ii o g j™
healthy the next spring, and were again planted i ? ,ur ALEX It. REED, Agent,
with the same results.—JV. y. Ton J m... cs vuthetrset, rttuhargh.
A Nbw CoHnifDßCit.—‘*Why was Lavater like- j ‘ “
iUt “"T " COuM write Alcohof, Cologne Spirit, U(1 p usfJ oj| i
■ * “Wl l A'ei. lMandl7oab»addtre«.
i Af Gcntral As- r
lembly of the Prc-by «i»h Cboiei, vrjiich has 1:
$“» cl “ B . cd I u 5 <raM ? hore,*M a feu able ind f
dignified body, and has made a strong imprea- '
mod upon the pnblic mind. There were' men ■
from every pari of (ho Onion, representing :
vaiota politicnl opinions, and dism.sio- a greal
variety of topics, yet not n harsh iro’rd or an
nngentlemanly allnsion has been heard daring !
| the whole eleTcn day’s session.
I This shows what enlightened liberallir awl a
| high state of mental and moral qualification
| accomplish in a deliberative body. We wish
, Congress and other public assemblies would
\ take a few lessons ia good breeding from the .
I (jeneral Assembly of the Old School Preshyteri
tanChorch. They could not fail to elf rate
themselves in public estimatieD by doiim’ pq
A*. (> Bvll'tin. °
Tun i)i.u» I.r.rrcn Omen.—During a ring}*
1 year, in addition to some soO,ooft in money re
. turned to its lawful owners, there have been
found in the letters and restored, draft.-, checks
and oLher valuable paper* amounting to three
and a half millions of dollars. In the greater
number of instanced dead letters which have
thus been returned to the department, have failed
to reach thrir destination in due course by rea
son of misdirection. This may doubtless be
i attributed to the hurry in which the banks and
! lar K e mercantile houses close up their correß
, pondcncc for the day. One bank Bonds a letter
| covering paper amounting to thousands of dollars
• inside the package is addressed to Nashville.
I outside to New Orleans. Another heavy rernit
! lance is directed to Troy, New Vork, without
: any address whatever on the inside A third
i package was directed on the outside to Louis
ville, Kentucky, I lie inside direction to New
Who Bcrned mr Si rn.v Timin’?': Thai i* now
the question. Tho Washington correspondent
of Ihe Chicago Trihun* intimates that evidence
has been received which tends to fasten the guilt
of the transaction upon the contractors them
selves, who thereby realized more from their
contracts than they would had they delivered
the supplies os per contract The correspondent
writes :
A recent (ravcl.-r from the camp brings cor
roborating proof that the trains burnt up last
\ winterer fall were r-.nlbigrated by the contrac
tors, who would get more by this mode of dis
posing i.f t heir cargoes (Inn by delivering them,
lie say- that the wheels were carefully taken < tt
Ihe wag..,,* before the latter wcrecommittcd to
comh«i-n.,n, which is thought to boa strung that the burning was not the work of
either Mormons or Indians Splendid private
fortuni * will bo made by methods nnnlognui m
this operation, out of tho vast aceuinuaiimi of
maten il* and stores belonging to the esnedi
tion ’ 1
) n r i , SCBrnoM “ A Tf ? on rr^me-l
, D ,- 1 . 1 ,1 V |Jo the hrajerorAlexander comaitu tbef.dlow.
il and KMrr ■ to/«atirtical returns rolatire to landed i.n.r
. |.i | *r\y ami bitls in Hu.-siit. The numWr of f*m - 1
neaan.lthe ; il»"s whoare lan-l ownt-rs amount-to !'7 ucu
in the pro- t Uni of these -<>•> po ,« e „ 'from one 1 <*'«. :
cJ l.y the I ln.ono. .-erfH : J.mii rram om m 1 ,«l ;
. . |*™ a "• frnti, -I In Rui . |
nMi«rt MOh..| ra thnn Jl. T 1... l„,»I „um!.<T of ;
I'o.h of the | rcas.™. .erf. of ih- nohilhj | Vi.- .
■ *, aiol (hose of ihe crown rr> '•Oiniimhi
■«'.oro tho , There -to. therer.-ro,-'t.7..,, rrßons r
tbfiu llint wsitnif f.'t an »h»j-;j-..v«»mm.ui >"aa»iion
/W,, .1 !.,n, ,f
I -a-Mfor 11.. ~f
i '» nni» anU .Shoe Matniriirturera, jlarnnsa
■ laker*, Carriage Trinnwr** and
j „ , Makers,
(j U i„ K u.
rmj« fhvorit* Uit family
A fllll f Clf 1 lln AhoTH .1 ..
P..- K. s-1-ri.v w. :u. M ,X7„ t ': k
vnnuu “T™ SSSSSTUfi^
WHEEL B R 4“wiL u'on’b ~
This MnchlD. Stltcbf* th«
Finest or Coarsest Fabric
I ; jltto atbcttiscmmljS.
Permanent Office. m«-.b a k e"&"a » ' -
t'Ompijmg witlithc urgent request ofiran- i . • rcvmu i* 1 *
* S’Jonr. Grain and Protlucf.
GAL PITCH &J. W. SYKES j i-onnuission and Forwarding: jicrciiantr
PE«ISASiE!im.T IS riTTSBCRGH, | n,y;; : lr'°’ /’.HaWjJ, P„.
No A .° : ptnn A I.L KINX>S OF
“PiV.-jtk tiik st. cram hctkl.
M *T.« , X'.qir .'■.n/laj-, fii Consumption. A»tHns,
Bronchill ( w j »n other Chronic Complaint a
ootßpltffttej with orrsorAnr; Pulffiocify Pivsw, iu-rlujli.;
Catarrh, Heart fiiwn**, ; ■■/ the Liter, By-
P*p*in, Oa »<n7:V /V;/«.»/«; etc.
DR * FITCH A FYUfcj w»a!! •* Dial their trcatn^T
of'.'jtmmnptkn is bxv.j j iHjU I.■ fu.i Jut i.v
‘ "/,W at '.l J”, l~.fare.ti’ w/ during
t'n itft, an-i tbcjr tln-rvf.irv ’-moloy
cclun-cAj, riysieuio »h.j Mrdfeioal rcmeJin 1.. j.iirifj- the
l<lno<t »uj »:rpiia"tbcii Dig »y«t* , m. tfJM thnr. th*-y nir
■ ‘KT*fCIXA|, rNHALATIO.viHIiI.-li they value Itiphlj, but
only a« ruliitvirej, {having m Curatir- r>r,n , r \.wt
<iit>i:e.nutd Ihvr!;,!* ;» r ,. r.irnrftly cautkn«sl »cvnH wait in"
'k* r * Cl, ' ,n, ' *>bw«l curability ••u any ir-ntmrnt bv -i
! ° e I.ui f,u, ij..„ that the -**at ..r.tlie .Juu-teP can
ber-acl.«H„ r bv l mI.sU-i.-d." f t m MV..
•tatM. (|„. ~
in Dip luu,
*VN" rtau-r r.,r
a ><*t. r .iii,.. tl .
II- I.J r "
CHINA, glass"and queenswarb'
111 J? It "3T KCIGBY,
-.4 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
i ~u r>"\v fr.-m Kun.j.t‘ and
K~".n, :l ~ , a llis
'‘••"•rn-t.r „,«• »dJ ttWHu! -r Wlntv
■ '«’!'«• T.-*, l) inins Tnilrt W -. ir> . an ,| ,l, n , anj) . W|(>
l.iHtr,. ,llll} (,•] f-'ir, • Wl.itr Y lint':. .1 hun
M ""* TaU* W;m, knu«M to lie lUf t.i n JniuM- n .>w in
,<jr N-MnvrJ; Kroiiclt Olnm of new -tvl.-s.
M'hiu nn.* ( I K;i,n!, rith-r in ..-IP, or
I' K 11. If 1.,, | p-..fjt.-il T. ji-t >.•[■< ItniiAUnin
*»'l I'Uwl Ca.torr; UrniMii mU.t |.-h T»U- A, lir
*.*'il*-r.4r .|.|i,|r.|}, ~U„r. fir,.. lv..rr farming.
»» «.<T,IUk I r.» . „.,l To.,*
_ T.I 1.. M..-, Iw-I mA t-m-lcd
n " I S.-tu
‘ v " , H , .rr*:w..| (Mil n»*.-irt<„--Trt if all artirW mil-,.
w ' t ' NTKV i:kt ' !i -thapu.-t r vn,v.
( ' n -r, i v k n o i i,::
Im'.' Meihcint, in tV m.»i ;i|.-
H ‘■•‘•l iimitoor. nit<l J- tii-.J i. v n*. I)ft» r.v.-i»,-| iJj- -.•.0,-
l * 1 "'" 1 ,il " •M-i.-minr -I lWr*m» „t H,l|.
"••••'j'hiH mil] t-lm-u |„ , r _ „ } |o ;r
a«'J “tlit-r r...a ti;r ..,i
‘’"’'■l".", '(ml 1,1,.-. A,,' ~,.’ ( 1,r..,„, '|11.7,„'„7
"""■ “" l
Hu,..,.. ,„.l «...
il' »-..|..1miu1 rnr:it,»“
iw2S‘f7 d K'" , R I, J-' 0 " xr - niSK,: *
t, TirU!^.",','“'rT'-vV 1 '" 1 s " 1 ’ 1
Tile Great Engßali Remedy.
Slit .lAMKS (LARK K.’S
CKL E H I! AT E 0 !' EM A I, I:' p J L-l. s:
I'.i'l'Am-l .. ~r. ..-r. i .11..e ~| .1,,M |,
T1...U.H M
>lll.l („ f y |,mi, i>(t j ,
t " tn "**l *hAt.-%r,.»uA A].
•I'".' * *'lit »i'i hn. ;iti l t.. ihc.' fliraituli.-f
_ T«> MAI;llli.ji ).ADU.> lt „ Imm,
i m *!<'"< I Hu.-. l,i im;..n Hu- :,i.tJ.Jv {"Ti.-I silh r-
r,., 1Y,r.,„
-r fiul 2“t * pAUi|>lil-t, fr-.-. Hi- ao-t.l
<-ri!nsix*K* * ro. i-.ii-i.
*°* li Ftrili «lrf*i,nf»r U oc»«l
I'' K ! M A N .V M K Y It AS'
A i; n i t, j v/* .9 / / vr n
' v '‘ •' I[ r !•: ui .m
h KAsTER *>
j ami Howestic Bills of K\flinmrr.
rkti i ir. \rr c up dj;
.1 , 'V V ' V h " r) ,v .
I'""”’ S 'K’‘ ”“>>
f «--• 1 > ■ t .
( l •* .v
r, '-t T . r '' S /. 1 .. A ' N, '/; NA ''' i:i ' K " ! - EAli!i --<
M‘-l" 1, • >11,-1.., , v ,
' *’ K S " A ' T K I)
l-'ORKUiN >-X<JirL#VNCrK.
> I <'• II T It I Lr, S ]I K \\y N li Y
IU N« A.N, KIIKUJIIA.V *. co.,
' V T,U ,A|, '- N »ANK. U.MH.V. |N i, N -y
c ' , „r, i ot j vr
• »•■»«—. <• ti<i4tnir |. an ,| H ,;.| f„ r
f V,., , , ' v '» »- *rn
lUu.-r,. H.. -t •irrr't, r..f u.-, n.u'.l.
<’< 'M M ISSIn\ A\o F« 'KWA li L>l X<
merchants. '
.No. I*l sirfK, si. 1,0111, \|
11 ‘ K. .
' t ’-' M ■*<•••. It:UiU-«H. r- • r.. |||-
"* A. 1!,,.Ur,. il.i*. I .
* l - i, 111 i.-i; in, i
M, '‘- r '’ • A.- i ; it)
■ioJllN CurllUAN ,v UK..
Iron 11*1, v. v „„„
Wimlovv MiiiHi ri, Wimlon
A *' !f 1 >*’ *’• V-S/V T I, A , t
sin.niroim i\ «ua rvc Kii v. j
r 'll .."'V!*':. I ‘"' " f • V ‘' f ,b "* J j ** w> •- H U'SiN Lm\ K.T4 lU.fc, , M ,„„,
UIU n “*• l-irr-tri*. a,„| ot- j \Af A.\|l LAUD
‘ * ' •»»*««* ' I Uir.t
' 1M.1.. .1., ,1,.
iiij-.'T .. ■'?
S,. . I>AI All I.|. KKV X (\t
Wciul. MIAMI„s
f'trryjino;/!, r.t.
HIJ-1 tf (>■
1 11•■ l *ur"!i. (li-ncrul lii»iirnm-.i *V
r-ll Kowrtti Street,
, riTTSUCIio tf, Fr y V.<
■> I *ini • K»-r
Klr ' * l.»l- Klirh « Ukfti ..f nil
..... A A CAKIURK, .
,T,ft lv ' ,f ' A S IMIIUIKII. I_, <i( IMai.l .
H HLVUY M.enMilNM, ; 7‘ 7 IH'HV a KUKrimixt*
Forwarding and Commlaalon Merchant, i l<‘'b.LS. HALLS” RALLS”! -A ian»o i«
»M. WIJIII.tHAI.E I.K.M.tKIS i-iT'..b-V I ‘"1“', ! Ut J"" ’«
<»-—. u,»•«. J r;i
.v., Nil ADE.S—GoId" I!.!riTer(’-l,
•*=>AlVn cYj£,.A.Y t " j lin,<t n „.| t*.r TJ!. 1 aI *“; Trlmmmc,. 4r
MERCHANT TAILOR, T V’llW u 11» ul* i» lr.' * M ~|niXl^
.v.. y; sr. cl aIR STKKt:r, X' -a from put lu in.
rirrsm’,, ; Uuu>.rfv,7( j»<t nvoivod u t the
1 ' furttl-h liis and i T>LaCK. LACK >r V vi-f ft" I * ll 'r"
*'».y»r» tri-nornliT. u-itb U,.. Mr.l «n.l m-t jX> ■«> 1.-. * ,' r ~,
«l) ■-< <>l flonnni'r Q'>u<!s of <'*fr7 rarii-tj. whirl, | V"? MIKPIIVA THIU’IIKIRi.Ii.
b*-will ruako u,. loofrfrr ( .f u, wi<l I Hi ninth ' lititMi im.l. i- I .
»h., m*>- thi-nj w „., ,„,,r p1r...,.,., 3;dfl ; JU «>* pUni. laL
w J«; vM A N .V, »O N , ! Mtmi'llV A imR(’HMKU»
MAMnfActurrr- »n<W(r4Ur» in nil kln<la of ( 'ALL A\ i > K.\ A.MhXK uurslu.kuf
TOBACCO. SNDFF AND CIGARS, i *'***i™~. w* «„uK
AM! , , u ;i, • C KYOINO AMM
TOBACCO, T7INK +'S-uubn,i.i
u^i./.w,^,,, tSttrflAU , yt ;Jr . AKU,K 'urmture or 0...
I'ITTSHIfKUII, I’A- ! mnmilncAiirj,,* flir
'! h iT., i-. ,ni:r ' ; T u ■vorm;*c...
1 SJ* RlXii (Jimiii \> •
, iuj „ ■ ** i ati.'iii i>nnn"
1 30 /i's-H,'”: 1 ,
I r. f-imk. I'r-r.i >1 <>r»,r..
j i ;,V;7" V "‘ B M4OKKOWX * MXtBT.
H;. r 1 l-lU-fty utrroi
I *'iK ‘ ;
I | 'ii,, Chlornf. rm ,|,J
I A Ir^h .„j ~;“X^ vl ■ u ‘« «-"'■% |
!_“!*; - . MACKb»WS * nxtKV
j J.TJL mna ahonlWn Hun., I„ " lluln »
! ‘"j? 1 ” t >*wis a «■"'
130 “ LS V KraJfi'rd'sCut and Dry TuJht,
-J- - - . * KLK3*ItTON, 107 W.hwl.i
I Ti'i in , J!*"- ,h-> Llbfrt.Tßtrwl.
JU aubiNbbi^if I^^^ —bills Kxtm FainilV
b b^^rtno *lour for nl* l»j * ’
“ ,a wiEis ioo n No, m ut.,.,
WU.C. R/wtawjM P „ j^iLuiiT
W j\ts 3-t I Q. ru x VV OU K H
Pittsburgh, Ponna.
Offlre, JUnrkrt •tree**
••r»- hll of Mtiun huiriDcw »nJ Mill ilAchitj-
Wo'rL * 'Vorl;, Meani Uoili'T* mid Mun-t Iron
.lol.t>«nt? aM 11-jiivj r | tIJ . *hwjt m’lW. mrC' ly«lfc
•J. ax. u rrrij'K
MERCHANT tailor,
N f V 51 St. Clair Street,
< u/ N m^wT , ' V ° V ,UNn ‘ * H'l.l. STI'I’I.T OK
Attention. 'P*!*'"! I.jthecath, will meet prompt
j] i-- —ut i i in— h> «L*!iiu2 to c.‘u-
John C . Bakor & Co a
SUYF.!: A ,V/< /•'..! /* /- U. 4
\s i i.'ii :•] ; .R.y i dul.")
SJ - Hui.MKy .v
■* v t> n i; i / .\ r : a
«*KO. ||. A A DKiI.OX. —~—
I-’ • /,
v r .
n R ¥ <; o O i i S
Vfrj rhcip fnr CA?n.
KKXT-a iww
_*•»» «»T__ W>T»; M Jl4.k« ...... A Li,l, v.
500() A ’ OErT s" ClS ’ TtlrSi *' !| " 4 “ v r:r:-
v i-Tratiom. Aj--nt» bare nude or-r ::.’,(VO ' »'"i o-lj water. Lmh. t,,.. * ~
ohod-*.— belter than iUI other similar agsiucics. S*'nJ tm. *' •« n admiral h a .i a . r.-.| • . *i
*tani| s ami pi t W png.e partiniUrr gr»ti«. •tn;.n. *->1 «iM t,
:;n.T_ rrmuiM bROWX. Lowdl, Mw. »nl. For f.trt:.. r ... *
ALL trkmUoi Imt.eoileaud Feeble-niindoi] alk3Ani
tiniJim J*teaa. procure rintolare gratis of LK f—A two f-i-iry Brick £«
—m>..l.woaiT Dr GEORGS BROWN. Rim-. M.».- 1-u lUj .ifmt, l-t.-m nmJ J,
S 3-4 IS O.NB m f,l,i «»■
~7 r, ««.ar»-d ly azenta. retailing n.r pati-ui* - .*> .» . ' i
.v-ml i namp-. tor lrtier« and Ur*-u. -If(jr
K ItiOU.V, !,.n,;|. V.,,.' : - *1 |
/'IOMMMtCIAI, LET lEK PAPEK—Vrrr "R* 011 SAI - K —\ alve Simon En-in<>.
V"""P"*"*-. "> ruin ' & TV' V" 1 l ')iM-r
HEAVY LAID ENGLISH LETTER P\* r '* f 'f i.f ill.-!■-•{ qiiai’n' v Ul< '
I'EK-t akdaod |.Mn— f-r M U by " ' *’ «iilksol,!|..u »t,.| ~n Wi _,
“H U . s. HAVKN.ror Market and iid «« I" •*** ;!** r ;c»»v. ei.m
Ell ~ i . Urni» nf w»l«< w mI U- ui:«J>- km.*n
» r AI LK—^ \\ hue ami Bine, John ikuiN a tun*
rfT»hU'iPf »av»;n TjH)K SALE"OK LEASE.* I'lliTK^rb;
ffi •.I*-- I APEK-S. Sizes lilhc.'jO, J? Smilbfl.-M sml t'brrrr All v. lui f.-,i
°' ,x ’ l -“t \V < IUVFS'f fre-nt li>--Wp
nill:Al> UALI. I-AI-KKS-A itn .»„pl f ,A " r “"' “™ ‘'
' - .*.• 1 ’LU'.JIUU. mi, »n.l Oirt.-U .1 »n,I Spron- i.11.-v, fTr..-, , ,
—Bnr-1-ri Uinl (’ir, 1- i *r
llwikMli.l., Ill% ;n u - ,r , f ‘ H * t,m ‘ -ju‘r.- t>y small man, WilbiniLn.l i ,n..|
1-,, , • iAKsiIAI I.* i O ■•ri-t'-.*i,(| .‘-'pine*'M fn-ot I'J l-u
Alhh IJOAJ.i* PRIMS lor Kilo iiv "ti Ali-«li.-nj. r.irstiu and Duller Mm-t*. Mi«-
»n>-l \y j- M a i'4ii *r, , , d'-sh-ny ali-y lUllr,>*.| Suti-io. f.-rty r».i,t} a nvo*
... K ‘ IMU ‘ K 1,1 ->*»' fr.-nt l , I.‘i-I„ t
ALLLCJIC PRhi’.A K ATIUN'S A tfr-uml.u I«rl ..r ,-ul
Ji Mipl'ly "f 11*1 MnUrt jii't rei'J aiij r..r aalr j,. ' . la ‘ l " «h<‘ N-w r.uuj and IlilM-ili- Ci-m
a. V.AIINKSTIKJK t ' ,-tr J .
_ n> '; -1 '*-• **-». r.-riK-r fit" Wnod and Koiirili »t- - 11 . v 1 - , |y iu Alii jli.-nj City. Tldr I j
n'JMl'urvn SVU.M- .STTM.|.\(;]a_:„i ; -„u,» j
'L 1 " 1 l-y II J. K.UINKSTI-CK ACO ! tnrup.ko. T mil.-, u-m UtrvK— a r-a 10 n.1!.-
T^'7' ;Kt: ,,iv ■
• m ' ,l I- FAIINKSIOCKACo - WILLIAM 51. HAK 1.1 NO li»N.‘ |
I>Ei:SUA\ \\'.\ N'TKI»— ■The I.ri,-e m> - I-- Tliir.l »1.. U imul.lirl-1. j
XJ j'ai'i n> I -J I- FAUNK-Ti.< K 4 (.•.'j . IVtAUi.IIT HoRSE FOR SALK. —JiN '
- " 1 ' ‘-i ir- i U an.l K--urth nirc-t., Ii,IH lb*y l|>ir«a, j-t-arn ~M. m rl j; i
I 7 A BBI.S. KINK K 1,1 )J•|J _ 1 n cf , , l ‘ l - 1 '- tuirll. wuL. t—ntlf. v«li- |.y |
1 / t)|.,r,,|,.|. v * 'in -l M llU'- 1 1 T -' !l1 " ' : K'ti:i.«»V A CO. | ;».. r , y K ,_ '
•)( llin L!3< IJ \(’o\ H\ Ms — NJKI , ! - 1 ( hOKsALK.--!
vUUU.,t«u, \ in More|,,r ; V. * '• tb-'J-'ii-M. i.. \v= >i,r.-is. Ui.-,. r .i„- •
r, ' n -* , s:niiirnt ini.-tid- <|nitt •»« • t-n»i ••••«•■ l.> iin- in tin- omili y. Ta, r -i -r- ;
} M RANK aA VI Lit f| i- —.l.«t.|i>«il ram-d on l>« lnrn«-ir ami l.f'tli. ri- „I
i) BBLS. PRIME RuLI |!|:tTFR r r l,r^l '" f lb- lirtum. U.Tlilvi«!r >*j. r .»r;.in«.
~,v m Vl-I.v. " r '■ ll ° rr .... :w„l ,„,:k ~ |H, ~„l r
M IMU k \ *..l t:i: .m. t. , will !■. pn.iiu. 111,. |.. ir . 1,i„.,r f,.r . ni, m ||,. r f . ~.,1.
4.0(1 i‘l -s. H)L Til I.K.N UIIITK AV'h “ !'" rri,u l '.' -r i.»«
M./V / j;); j) ( JJ; iri , , . . * V ' * ’ l""ir.c l—-n |.y tlu-lr nn.-k- nud father—
my.;i \| llt V; 'V. .... ” * ' lin ' t **l:r.'«-vliM bar-d-.n<-a large bn lorn ini: for
r\~f~ .■kl* I. .. , '■ r, ‘.. ; 'T’ ,y ir ‘V kT.K-er-. vihc nnd li-jimr or-
V 7! I *•’' •**’ Lr. 11 li l l A T( IRN 1.1 -,rri\ <• l<-r c li * nf * : * , “ l r-xirfying -Imulh ra. IVrm»tii to t*or
***-■''' ’ -al- l-v l , VNt . :•! tb- premises and wock.aaineam it.nn*
1 r/ v i> i» j I'iyine at the Moir, No. -.*oo LiN-rty I We- •
I ;)( 7 . ■ 1 "lure awl I-- wilirr the Ist June or l«l Joly. 4^s'r ( -
~r ..*>!■ * A.S.IKK uiei ' i, ': r,,K ' - 'l- rii merrLanta »ill la. '
«Hh ailkl.-.,,, iheaN.r,- T ,. rv f lTlir3 (,i,. , I
tlm, -HI,I to rMnr,. the., 1...,;,', „ jlllrc | la ,,. r . J ;
v ... yAI Mir-:»lKLriu:K, Ja.. A IliJO. i
i , ' r u f “on- l-a\ ins i laim- j|,.. i, l: „ ui|| J.~ ,
, P»ld Oh nt;it | BU ~f |*„. lr . nni , ,|. . J;j , hr | !
,v ‘- 1 -"■■l- i.-.r.. 11
i-akk sr»*t:iii
s ■'i i<; !,T i .v <
'"'y" i: ; "M*«.Ti'irm, I„r
rr.u si"l I• • Kao.- 'I .*•,,]! Until. r-ul.(.r Ar
' lI'I rx., 1 1211 x,.;, ., t
SOti,? >*—. -
S nr'«•*»!, r-, j.. JI iifluiHt,. AC- i
*'• ' .ir-iinp; nn.l Men-hnno.
-A l|i| W 1101.-ki],. l>c.l],T» li
Prmltice, Flour nn.i Wool,
Oliver' B. Ice Cream Saloon
1! * SSI. ( 1 :■% i r St ro^l.
’> the puMif. wlif-r** a. 1m , e
- t K „,U I— tcj.: ■
Hi 7; it£r£r£
A i.
Male and Fernalo Academy
'■» v, JIi.NJU' UM.iifcH. I'lOsaj-*!
I oi'.m;u iu., rp _
IJi 'i. •;i".ULi.;.> i2lt „ No , l L u .| N,„ jsij.i, u >i> *m.
Ir-.tu «jl . *V,,
r? 4” ...,‘r.rr
• , (tl rujjufrr.tLTistha** o rM»r
•■' >-"•» ■( ntiji-Otnt*.
K-I. I Jml*D J**rk. Allegheny: OtJj. \T. Jjnviniti. j r
J - 11 .G,i’
> .r furt>.. r finriK-nlir*. n'JHrrM .»
KKV H. WEBBER, rricci*ij
SY-rlil Ito.nT Cj; IV
O (.VI.I 'l!!UI|.n»:,
_ CU'fc ISLAM*. CAPV^ kv .. ,
Tim :.. h t mil It f. <c W ~^AT,N.J.
\i«ior»...n TULIttDAY, Jnoe Usih. ““f! iU.k-hu, mikJU , ' '.''"l
r»t-txi. In lr -lit 1., U»- "»«•• ti
nMirvl ht {KirtiM w|,.» m»» ‘ 'V * w l " f '' , '
.M. Onns t&Fl'l'' ’ ,"‘ r Wllt l T
• Ur ~r,r. of Uourti wdl ° Uf W* 3 '
•nJ -vr,, „n„ r 1 1.fynu*tg*"Yi u » „ Ci ‘ n U '
I u ui^ 'I' 1 l,f irUrn inquiry.
ggSwßsiftK)!*. N'> 311 \VnJuat strict.
_ <.n tli* j.r.-nii*'-«. tny2S-'inri»i
SrNb'RißjL. - - - -
i f,) !m*p» fi«T. j k.f-nn,!,
V" < O C » *l*
■u- .1..
I’;*'” -’s l, ‘- T..W*..-
•i.fclH-*u» U p«ri.rrY. II *,„! i..,..
I>’J 6aj» priflM) KioCofrf-;
!•’ <iu IVf.jx-f:
I" 'I • <I.» Alsjiicr;
7**| rtfiper. AU,.i.„ .Ji„;r n
w ..| t w ..,.-ui urt 4,:' j
»0.lW! I „„„ Clwj.lwst 1.1 »,>.)>
Halm aii.t IU»Id I
-Ti •}.. O*mj»o On-ini'»l ... I
•! « .»l*T Q*o.|J.*; I
• > ilii AluttM -Jo j
EfSlffS SSZfcz; S' •»—■«!"»•■>
_ T urri.K t o.i. n., uis<* un d.f''
JUKI'S: [i. m.KS:
VX gift., ■ .
o,f -' .. ..-.KO
,rr * __ I:<M>Bs!
KV-rY.N'e* .V ( YVH,
■’ '* *• M:*ri: r J S! r <• p t
AI-- m. lwifMufi.tcf
-lllLC*! It.. t..«.. t
i'»*n i-iiTi'T;
with ti,n Ik '' ° S "’ h '
i Hunts
•«r- *■«..» .-Mm,,,..
MLiij’tiv x iirurim ku-
: jVKtt (.'Kill' M ilAi: AMiAhi|.\SSFS -
1 ■ LI ?,
■■ I”-;-1 ,i,
" , 7 ■'.»'■■ 5..,.r II ■
m-V .1, i IHK,
1 ‘ N>o*i l.llwrtv.lN.t
' r 11.% \ I *>< i\] (,s ['
STufK Of rttlST
> >.»: till; ,l„
H-tw K.g M „0„.n,.
Cl.,it, I»n.Urv
FOK RENT.-A two story bri'-k
urart/fiit-u, cuutainlng six rcvin*. -ct>;
»u<J wati-r. in the nioei |d<-M»iu)t part . f
tu.lhill -crrrt afi-l CV litre A»**uur.L
flTi p*r annum lor further particular*
itiitdi.- Arthur., t’-tjlrr A’lniif-.
R >>" 1 “ i MKNKV '
TO LEI—A c"Uili<rt:ib!'* au<i \v •
“'•x'fr u tw.-vtnrv t<nck lluU.'K. contl
'l-viivm,, nr,. ,-f h-t ,
rv fi r - tt.r snj. i, yirii. pi.* ,
• “ 1 ' fr* J 1 •vi . Ki r t-1 r*i* Hr Uj'i*?*r
' , IMHr I;T 1- .
1,1 *• *tr— i,
t'ft'.U MIT. I,
VS’ < » il li «
‘ Olilo Laud tor Sale.
r pliE MjLs,-ril.or offers for sale section ten.
• ,o V St, ‘ rk roiiinu.iilv
! , , L“?i ' cor.iainiojt Me ann a. H, P
; u,.sw il,m. n.>K.« «Mt„f Maa,,|l„u, tI „. gUN . , Ulltd
. «~H W—t.-r. and within « in-., mil*, of U,„ Pm*
bnu-)., H Wajrw and U.iuwa. linilnuui. Tl.f. w.uth .■**
ami «.-riiM-aM.,„.,u-o. n r- partly c l.„ and impr-ved-
I tb« .* nm-Psl with s„p.. r iwr tm.ln-r-a.,.] ii, u
wn.a.. I, w,H Uy spring and ninnin; .rr.n,.„».—
,t.i,., tl,» H„e„ U-], ~r landiu H„.
r-.imi,. It mill- wdd undiTidi-d or in .inn t- M U. suit
| K,r ' Ims-r*. To th.<w who to inv>,t in r- .l rrCdc s
r •>p|H/rlunity is rsr-l» nfl* t—l.
TKarm ror Hitlr.
Hi: ANI'KRSON FA KM, 2» mil,. HS
tU“ At N..«r l|.|. |,t„|,, 1;.',..-, t... J«9
ii ..u ]<!.« k lK'ii«e It'jn «.• t... n • lys , u u-s ..f ..•- J ...t
land. « h, t ii i. mi.« Nl j ..r
i > ultnaO n Ti.r-i.- A... ’■! ri »• I it'--J tiui
<*ti tj kf<i ..1 I. 11. tII |II aim i'.-l CV.'J
i* « -i'l-lci* tioipi tiilniL' wit-r.
I Th»- irr«prvv«>ni.>nt!. !•<.],.„i „t ba-lim,, „t
-: l.*cJi««l t-.« ai-tthvr I- -wd-d 1. j. a *:n mint tn,.i-»- and a
' lar.-o fmnir Jlart. id i.y .m (.-.-i
1 Tlii< o.V'i'.r hrm um . Inch t »» f ~ <>f,
■ {?•>ni. and w. a rt^|aa'taidf* ,on vi.nii’iit i*t
i chnr.l,..*, W.IK* 1.. » u r t.rF'. at Til lit U^KU’tl
, <•< of iiiJ.ldv.tlT .1 jM-'tfi.'"'.'. N-t. hrivriit.,l,. J-a,
• VaJuaole <3ty Property for Sale.
Til Al* \ tic r Je.tjrnlile ]-.t on Water Street
•t'.d .»• '"-ti t • Jvhii Irwin A i„i,.
, !->• f-ri or " iltvf •*-d >'ror.t slr-cls. 'vtid 1»,;d«p... u • U. e
Ali... _ “
If «il! L.C *• i 1 t t m[ .u iut. ..! (
.. r 'OH:.JU
|/UK s>ALK—On.j ..f WaiJu.c
J J-.-rui i-n J! 5i.i1,. «i:i, . ,
\" mt K,!i. K .it.i.s Cl-lt. .u,.J \
M'll-.r H 1,4 rvauj f r ..villa;; up A(«»•! vu,
"• *' MAT'AM. ...j
- ik'J,* " ,f *u„ All. K 'Lr.,) L ,IV
txt-tMKv AH./, oa v»iitcii U i.jV.rT
Ww. Tlie propni) rrnu. jeaJUj- w -tit KtfV 1
at a LairaiH au l -a ntcommo-naa- U-tUia.
ta., turgor £ UIKU
. .. . X». ‘-11 UUrty gtrrrL
SALE—A l>rug Store situated in ono
■ i-rtii,- l>-«t in thsjitv of i*ittnbon:h, foreitbrr
nj* , r-uilor [ifV<rfnp'! v j- trarmeM. InducrmnnttKrO
-n. to }.urrUM«nico»tatali, s ran> occur,
v '" > , r - n , < 'l ria!lUoa Iriqciro of JOHN HAM. Jri*t
Wr-h CTl|#r ot IYck.l au.l tfist»„ >ftt*..
830.000 WORTH
T H R E B wB B K S
Trxsl ' a nntsirwius ™j,
Imtftp - j TB IK» WM i nn t , f )Ut , t( c I =i[)i of
Junr. .tori; (TFrilMTUi'. E .Ki.i Oil AIIIS
Tll> J* »l- OIXIBHII'I'I vri
An.l * ill rout.lino for 11, m w.-tV.,
I ti*' |>rt<-e will bo murko-Jin plain
■'l on.’h article, ho lliat visitor" ran ; ,t
rtßßr Ail -oms lr** than 1100 ram!,. ,
| i r It » . ~lil ~f .Uy, win hr . f, r
,p. t . wi>U .i.1i0.l
! rmi'V4ur N-o. :u Killh Stroot
i ■taykes’ peshttsa store,
.vo. sttj khtt
!■ I Vr.S /; / j: f , u t ~ A
s. JAYNES, Proprietor.
~ 1 " U - 1 ‘•AT.-. .u:.l p«,r-U«-.l u,.. ( ~h a.
tI- T>"f« M-.rhAM- *..« V ..,k and ni ,.| .
,br •>**-« ~,,1 T, .i
itii- matkH. U'i< trill m-ii
ir mu. i: sai. r. ax„ T , ,
Mile .iK-iHi.r-mt,, ttilli CoMulru,, . ,„l, ~„r u „ ,
H. h*,. no,,: ..ub »n V oih-.-r Ton Si.-r, «i,d
»:.rn - r. «... , 1K „ 0 „
HOH»IU>:iI. ..UK Ml. „ Km
»,ll am, jala O.EPEB;
Crushed, I'tilri-i iuhl, n ihIImI au.l \ u y|,|i|.d
tm<oiA.c)f:oA ...mciioo'LATK. kllldu'S
T"* h "r S ? R , ,BI S RS ARE SELU.Nfi OFF
A 11. ir ttm ka( rolm«N| I.ricffl l-i.-tvtrnl.Tr i<. ,t
foreign Wines and Llqnors.
« t.Xun.iNHE FOKgS
K. TKi.N J.AM’—|Vr»..n» wi,h.u< to pur
\wo»o uiiim are iirriiMi "m ion- su.f Utnilj o-uujii
~j„ M
, ■ T.VIHA lii’Bßi.K KULKRS. iVu'jluldcra
!i. >r L. luvutinl «„1 luLsUud*, for l>j W. S. !f A VKN,
■ “‘.“SM- MU4 bwa„u. | m ' l » . • carn.-r Mirkrl; fWor,.] ,’ tfc
Hu 11‘iri MLiTav.r,. kT’ 41 ’ ic ; I».\S. Durbum'Fnt-ra to arrive
u 7“* ltr '»«- " . )/ ) JiL biIELS POTATOES, Ph.keW
Wm. MITCHKLTHKK, .IK., <k BUG.. ! N.-i>luu>..< k« and IUsl«, nn hand arxl for «sl«t>v ’
‘JOU Liberty Mrrrt, t - .. tUUDLK. WIKTSA CO.
•• ! P'U* KUTTKK AND CIIEESE «m"hand
*u»iei..r KMDUS,WJ.KTB4CO,
1M Uh*rrty «rpit
. .. C’AltGO ft, (|)s
• u AI.Lt.UIK.'. N.. -I and , __ -
! i ,ru -1 ?i«r- / lOfToN—'.j holes in store and for «-.i» > ;
fir 1,1 “* *’ r tm:.:.. t 4~u. \j mvil NAKlinirorr. - V
i ll i «,nn.n t hrj:n.>i i 1. .; :i.-r «r>»- *>lr ' , . rAI * D *CKfcT 4 CO.
PKOM/OVfOK SAl.fc- ; Ht,,; 5-0 '»>K» small Wfcut», furiSebT
-ii.(*ui u.«. couniry cnrt-d bulk . j ' -- . PAL7BT.I. A C*Q>
I iosi £2£&TES*■
ii«ii( Ili4. riKJDtrj ciirrii i tbu rttan, rnl-1 rr nUIn at *]oaDutj for hy
In »!...,• m I,„; lUllim: * DlLtVftKTirs. nr p,»m, u
■ . . nil. G. JOILSSTOS A rwa
I’l'UIIlU) SUPPLY UK NEW UOOUS._i ..■»>=*. Wnrehom.. «IroodiS*.
_L Miritl’HV A ltlKl’IlKIKLI) t .uum-ucr.S rw«J, . nPYEK AIETAI* A
»OK di.-u UntJ of N**w Ooikl*. un.f will t* ujjtuinc I cclteJ anJ C>r a. A a rtldc j UHt re
ratk, af Ni*rtb iwt o>ro<T !■ Mirth awl Murkul m*
NOW OI’EN-Th.! In-St rrsnort. d nnd dirafh ! ."P “ M“a« andnint
bj,j «i. M k.J I»t< sh (5.-le, Shawl., Mantle, Wbfu> 1 Us<%,n S*** s VsJ t . lr " w,tl ‘ tap and hnuheL for
<*••>.l4, Motirnlts: O.K-t«, N*—lle Work, and Dum-.llcp in c. .» , W. &. lIAVJEX OT
lhc»i ity. i'leaw rati and C. lIANSON LoV>* Stationery TTarthogye cor. Vark^M^
_»•* i”™ ! .' l i-n l ii,n,ji. ± T i u„tn l .t,« t . TS.N VELOPEOn V EOPES_I^-^~‘
jFot firm
!- \v''i **• frcn* the
- * I )•• »l friM„U ~,r f «i(( l-c •.unprtrU'd 1>TI:«
-• nrc of K. ~ ICO ALUXUi T.
_ >UK'cncr, S |: v many trlonJs of’ Roeekt
..,j • ni <- f' f °'OlT. will prr»(>nt M«
• “* <'*'n‘ri TV> hittrh'L, 1* •
*** wm-Wirt* l ' UL ‘ : ‘-*“V..u^. ul)> , a .
■«' . . ALLBIHESfT^
, “'"'••■'•ujt.K,,,,;Moorhead
F]S»C«\.;RE>.V_ H on * •
.y w .m'.poAVi rIV of
* pr”“tiS [T^Co.VGRES.s.—>v. IJ. Vvtx^i,
’ *r—<l K-n- 1 UrofruutMirvh (niem
: <Ut. for C*«sm». .ul V «t u, fu r„ .n* “ * ««*<.
. rvatlon. e| Cooaty j?°\
P^Sevatt.—o. KtsteX of Pin
' tl *lnp. i.i a candidate for St»U Stn*Xe .ni,,. T° Wll ‘
d<'ci*f.>r.,.rti... R<'ps:Mic«n(\ f unijC..n^u!^.
P^A^embl^-.— J. F. Zm'ltV7rfcK7 < J?
!*«, Will ho « candidate fc*r Awnhi* Vw£~ r"
Republican CmntT (onrentlon. pjsl *-flj *?»*
thi—e who nr* >l>«pnaoi (.. giro - _ 1
r»'j,r«»aent.itinnpii Hi** ticket.
Tit. EivK3
1 Lil-rfx »u
)<U 4t!j «i r«—i,
f i’iilt-nt
iciest I’.u-i,:
H. 11. RYAN*
! iiolitirai iimirfs, »Vc
P^Asseuiu-v. —(Jeoi
FnyelU* ib »
Ji-f.l t*> Utc ilfv-i*ioo of ih*» llrj
G*/* s l n uti rr—Aixxa.n not AcCuxjirZ ni
r. Imvid Iruvrk of"
J tu ‘ , '" Ouvmii.m. *
'V°°°K Of PccMe*
; StM-rid'or Allrtiii *j‘** lidin mmjioßti.>n f.-
: l^™ r i . L , of it.-!
: SiSSr* —*• -MM:
**£» - f «££■.
cl.»"; ™i»~. 1..11,.. i;.. ruW i^„
' - - -
Or**"'"'"'.— I‘n. William Wiods, i,r
, i:..n«nph. I« a entiJMaif IW Stii>ri2T»f tii
roQi.ry. *„ (too OtJDtT C- t.v. nti.. o ' '
- iAJ,K3 Übaimw, nf Third
i .'m < i f,r s k*nffof All®.
I “ , ‘ ' J "‘ 1 »'■ Gctitvn*
, „ 1 rtMl-nrcli, I, » r.. r lroH,.,aoUrr „ .
I<> Uio •(•i'isluu (.1 (In. j, j-y... , „**
aj,a*J*« lcP i.-|.«Ll.eao Oowitj c\.ou-an«n.
g^i'r.OTiioNOT.un-j . 111E3 t> ; mUxMTTf
A.iUSTHo.NCi, (..•■
-f TLml Wnr.J. i» a-1.. r Pr,.n.„*, UrT ol ’
ITB'pK.,iiiuv,»r.u,i _D. C. Haiti, „f fi n<lv /
-r d-n tor u„. on!-, ,r
cSSSSSkK'’"**' *' w
[k. ' h >«wismom;u --James Hi. K. I.f thu °Il
*■« i
publ.nm C..uiity Uouv.>bii..i> JH)
K,man A“u^£lsnj
ot t 1... K*-|'iil.|ir:«n »>.«,„?, ■ »jCO:lc=wf
Mi" ms r j>
mil-'-- I i
•initN SiiAtv, of Staler
"..ti.i.tlr* t«.r U-untyComini*.
11 ttM * Kep\iblio»o County
i.\m M
' "/'V" i ~ , " lormer
i ' ' • ’* lt ‘"'** "1 Hm ruutiU u
I ' ,r ' apStdiwccT
. * uu “ ,tn L,,,1 * , 0 UojvrtiUoii.- mpli-ilic
IQ^C->*>SE».-B AaCek B. COOI’ER uf SlXtb
»n «, ■„ ,L.. of ,>p ul , licM
■u‘S r , L ’;; l l f RS ' Iv, 1 v,v ‘ ; ' i BJ-'-k. X". 05-Fourth
o ;
J ; 1 «•><• A <.'OI.TUN, nmmJUr
m V?-. I ,”', v'''" MV.BTOO vf
Oj ' - -
sar _S^gS3!' l -
t. 11.' s«y
"... auction Sales.
jf y r|fllj Etroei
Baxic stocks aSt a ! .' 1 riiiv ~
tcesbatevexu-g, Ji,.].,.,. ~ ,
#olJiat tiw.nettA&ffimtMfclijatriro.,,,;, vst hili "1 U U
5 *s?£gs& * Bar-- -■
-- da Citizens' , ,
=3 do Eichnnre ,
P.ll-T)AvY<» a—«•- "
T- —•- ■ ■ ■■■M.jiiD.-.Aiictr
KADK SALE OF &I»lilNG ANlTsrTftr '
SIERCLOTUISti —On Tf'E<l)AV MrtMCTvn » "
; &sv°N°.' c, s k Fmi; t r »■?*' oSSgtiszu^
=i?i~ f.M.DFYi£.i„ cI V
tl*>n hon»o, >v.. .-.4 Klflh ir«n-t tvin »* ft ri " w ’ al> '
«—«.«* i-~t~i k.\i SJSSSjJft
wolllcnoirn ui tLr « ,ik- 1*,.., L J ‘m Irem, K^;.
WVijCoiuhi *!,. in t|„. l-tr.l Unr.l on tlj.
."sayassr* '" n,,!r ' , "'“"' -v»n.‘
*&X£,XnZ^JZ'VS7?'- , r*‘-- <-“»*
rn.,.11, , twolmcdr.,! ™.l r „ "= »»J r ">
irn lo.tWu ° tf “ hu,, ‘ 3r ‘- J ‘"J Trrty
(PRK I 'I:i'I!K"i 'l!K" STOCK A',
Hindi oti.-U \» .11 br .•r,tn''~l t *’" > ° ,“** * Uit PUrdlMeii
S -»«, * w.- K «'Wvat«
‘ 4 - ‘‘ M "A'W.Aart.V., M f.-,f«b«.
Al STIN LOOMIS k C 0. f BlrrrJiagtV Esrliansc.
M,>cfc Xoto Ilroktrtv. ft* f\t«rtlfit.
i.... 1 rJ| S V K IT‘i A — Thc m< -"' “wMcHme and
...Ula tl„. „l ~, , | k ,,“ ~r , . ‘"'l’"**'"" «»»« ap to
issii s™- V*? 5 ?
fm„, , r ~'1 . '. *"• , " nr ''»nc fn.ta <liv»x-9 m^ior
S.ltl V i rV' tn “ f± ' ,hva!j “<* Wl or in n»X
SMITH k.,1 t,w 7»»»e»S MdbrliOSlMTfii-*-
m, IMiJj 1 r "'' riMm x «- M W.tor i M front m