The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 29, 1858, Image 2

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    (gnjeite. i
8. RIDDLE & Co.,
The citizen* of Allegheny county who arc <jppo«a<l
to the National Adtninistraiinn, are hereby relocated
to meet in their respective Wards, Boroagh*, Town
ships ami I’rceiocta on Satitumy (he 2Vtb day of
May, 1655, and elect two Delegates from cnoh to
meet in Connty Convention, nt t.,0 Court House, jo
Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of June,
at 10 o'chrck, A. >t., for the purposo of nominating a
County Ticket.
Tho primary meeting.- 1 will he held in the town
ships between the botm of 2 and t< o'clock, r. u-at
the usual place* of holding fmoh meetings and in tho
Ward*, Boroughs and Precinct*, Utwecn the hours
o{|4 ajid Br. M. tty order of the Cotrimitt* r.
Host. I’. Nr.vts, Chairman.
Do not forget the Delegate Meetings to night.
They open at 4 and-closc at 8. Let overy 'Re
publican attend.
Clay of .Alauaha.—Pbentice, whose pencil
/as a sketcher of our public men,is as faithful as
his wit is keen, in an article in reference to the
course of Clay, of Alabama, who has made him
self conspicuous in his efforts to repeal the Fish
ing Bounty Laws, thus speaks of that sapient
“Were o strauger lo Beat himself in the re
porters' gallery of the Senato Chamber anti ex
amine with scrutinizing eye the faces of the men
cu the floor beneath, it is not improbable that,
of all the ill-looking faces now congregated on
that spot—and just now they arc by no means
few—*he would pronounco the illest face of all
the sixty odd to bo that of the Senator from
Alabama; and were ho looking for a Catall ne or
a Judas in that body, he would not very likely
look farther than that same swarthy and sinister
countenance. Diminutive in stature, emaciated
in form and features, hi« head and face buried
in_a wilderness of night-Msck hair, with a sul
lon. Hiifipiciou.x, discontented expression never
relieved by a smile, and with an evil eye gloam
ing restlessly in its sunken socket—the science
of a Lavatar or a Fpurrbeim would' hardly bo
deemed requisite to read in that bad face a'cor
responding character Fortunately-the ability
to perpetuate evil ia not always coaimonsurnte
with the disposition, and to opr detestation of
wickedness we have generally to add our con
tempt for weakness.
It ia not our purpose in this article to go at
any length Into the merits of this question
which the Senator from Alabama has thought
proper to raise as the first of a series with a
view to exasperate the North and weaken the
ties which bind it to tho South, The niero
amount of money paid for these fishing bounties
is not worthy a moment’s consideration, and,
doubtless, it is so regarded !.v the very man
who proposes to abolish them, t’ompared with
the indirect bounty uti sugar Ifcvicd by means of
the heavy duty, on the imported article, it is
trivial. As a nursery for native seamen, en
coftragoment nf the cod fisheries has, from the
days of Washington, been the settled policy of
the country : and rarely has there been'a time
when American seamen were needed more than
at present. The vast, majority of seamen on
v American ships in foreign commerce are, it, is
notorious, of foreign origin.’
Mr. Clay aod his Southern friends may live
long enough to regret the course they have seen
proper to pursue on this <|uestion. Their oppo
sition to the Fishing bounty Laws was entirely
on sectional grounds. Their avowed object was
to punish the “abolitiuuistsof Massachusetts and
the North,” and at time carry out are
vengeful feeling in the South. AH this may
work to their satisfaction no*. but Uio time will
come whcnjhc operation of the U? will ■
••not be so agreeable to their contemplation. They
will be taught, lo their own sorrow, thal
OtTf i.i u iVorth, aud that it is able to avengo
wrongs wantonly indicted upon it by slave
driving demagogues. In his cbivalric efforts to
a punish the North, by striking a blow at a few
fishermen, this Alabama fire-eater was support
ed by the representatives of Louisiana—a State
which enjoys a ••bounty" on ii« sugar, compared
with which that in favor of the cod fisheries of
the North is a mere tritie. Should the people of
Louisiana, iu tho course of lime, find their staple
attacked, it is to-bo hoped that they will not cry
out against ••Northern aggression,'' but sensibly
cast the blame where it belongs—on their own
representatives. When J. tlloncy Joucs, the
v. President's Congrepxioual fugleman, was asked
what plan the government would adopt in order
to procure seamen for its vessels, since it re\
solved to dispense with sailors from the fi. bene?,
ho replied, with the impudence of a minion
whose place was secure, that the government
had nothing to do with buying meu for the
service. The Mow, it is evident, was aimed
at the North, without a thought as lo io con
The Bbiti: u Oi-traues. —The burden of all
administration songs at present is—“ British
Outrages." We yield touooce in adc9irctosee
our national honor sustained at home and
abroad—on the land and on the -ea. Wewoald
like of all things to see tho finances of this na
tion so husbanded that the Treasury might be
supplied with “the sinews of Var.” We would’
feel proud it* we were aide to look over our Com
mercial Marmc aud feel that in those fishing
smacks aud coasters are the men to whom we
could look, in a moment of danger, to run up the
flag of our country, and, nailing it to the mast
head, to dre on lhe red deck defending it. When,
however, the sad spectacle in witnessed of an
Infatuated du'.ard squandering millions of the
public treasure in acluise after Mormon woman,
and Ia n raid upon Mormon seraglios; when we
see the treasury not ouly emptied of its twenty
two millions of a year rince, but actually in debt
to-day in tbe cnormftis sum of S3G,O»'i(V«X);
when, after the idle babble of Bigler, we see
a law passed, with the hearty concurrence of tbe
pro-slavery, distinmo, Lecompton, “Democratic”
Administration, which carries ruin to the cod
fisbtriea, and breaks up at one stroke tbe great
school whence the forecastle was supplied with
all the true native talent, skill ami courage it ever
pusso-sed. it \* dithcult to escape the couviclion
we entertain that the whole cry about “British
outrages" is trun.p«td up to make 3 great noise
and withdraw lit.« attention »-f a long-suffering
and an outraged pcoplefroin the miserable, pue
rile and ridiculous proceedings that offend their
eyes'tit home
Tbe case of the vessel called the New Era,
“fired into and hoarded,” has beep already tele
graphically magnified, UDtil the arms and legs of
our poor bluejackets descended in a perfect
shower before the rxi-ited imaginations of all
who ever read
‘The uu«irierre. u Iriguto h.-IU.
* Well: the New Era has arrived in New Vork,
and—as ber captain has informed the Ttmsx—
has not been boarded at all, nor ia any manner
disturbed by the British cruiser*.
No doubt, when the whole of tbe prevalent
tales of outrage come to be sifted and examined,
they will turn out to be like that of tho New
Era, or if not, full and free acknowledgment of
error on Iho part of Great Britain will bo offered
and speedy punishment inflicted upon those wbo
have dared to offer insult to the American Hag
while ships under it were carrying on a legiti
mate commerce over the open seas.
Tue IIEcrsANT I) em 01 "hats. —There are indi
cations that tho tight betweeu Douglas and the
President is to be made up, and that the latter
baa given up the purpose, firm entertained, of
making war upon the Ami Lccumpion members
of'tho Flouso who may be renominated " A Bu
chanan convention is called in Illinois, to meet
June 7th, to nominate a secon 1 democratic
ticket, and the Chicago Times, the leading organ
of the Douglas democrats, makes a direct call
upon tho Washington l -iion, to know whether
this meets fbe approval of tho President and
Cabinet. The Union disclaims auy authority to
speak for the Administration, but says for itself:
“Wo would counsel our friends faithfully to
abide tho decisions of democratic conventions,
and earnestly and truly seek the election of their
nominees. .To this rule wo never knew of nu
wxoeption which iu our judgement was sufficient
to justify a refusal to obey the laws of party. —
Again, at tho time especially, do we insist that
democrats shall unite against tho common ene
my; and, we will add, that if heretofore it
could be said that it was wrong to wroogle and
quarrel, It is criminal to do so now.’*
Falling off is Immwhatios.— Tho total num
ber of immigrants arriving at New York this
year is, up to this lime, but twelve thousand;
and it is estimated that tho whole number for
the entire year will not exceed thirty thousand.
TmMississippi Slave Trade.—Tbe Char- j SnEßirrALTv.—Messrs. Editors:—Mv at- h *
lottcSTille fVfc A Advocate says: . totitoaibuib«ncaiw to* card la your paj»T cf ytiu-nUj .... ___ . JLfU) 3iOorrttSfintttts.
_ ' ' v ! fro *> Mr. I>ariil Jraja,of IWbIM tuwnihtp, ia which b«* re- -p a - Jf n n *■ n ffl r- n -wr/vru-vr- ... v
“We have seen, once or twice, recently, news-: ter» to tLo county, ttmcbicg hi* permanent uucc. jVurui-.
paper parapraplu. .a tie effect that the African , ™^ I C.nnpijin. with the ur-.-r., rr., =t ..( h„„- _-■* <i
slave trade was successfully carried on with ; wy *t t fvT lb4t n , imlaia i™ ” -i.-ir . n „.
some parts of the Gulf States As these reports j Mr. Irwin u*nru that then- .. no troth In ib.- IjHh. < t*rr< ”U .v .r. W. SVIv KS
were subsequently denied, and because we could ; eh ’ lrr, ‘ ma-ip thathf (truing ofT-r-t t.>mu hi*
oot think that snch a project could he success* ! r,rwnJ,fJ s'v mu *-' oj I*KU si xentlv i.\ PiTTSutit^u,
ful io this the nineteenth century, and in ovi- '' I haro no <!t»p< ?.? ; I:: . r} .. re , t t »-i- i , :i l , i ~t ;i.-.r .
dent violation of the laws of the United States i •eha-mr* ofttw uiam-ut ruit.u.uu-- f. r ,-h-r.n. t-.n N'.>. 1o l i* f »nn St r *•»*-1
and the sentiment of civilization, we concluded ; Till >r. 'till n-n:u
that the reports wero unfounded. Such is not, ; pnMifty tint ih.- ri aars .. >;* in,,.,. ..i t>. i. a> . consumption, a.i itina.
however, tbe fact. We are. told by a most relia- ' " tirom-hm. # „.i mi ..ti.-. ci.rowie (ompuinu
ble gentleman, wbo was an. eye-witness of what , j :ni>o ulu'iTi’r'. ■ -ti-i „., tl r,.
he speaks, that several cargoes of native Afri- : *bhh i iii.--.i-r wli’ :j u. v .t ~i t„. n or i. j,i' J 1 ,'.,-,' r - ■ -
cans have been landed within the last twelve !*£?*"* ,
monlha upon the banka of I'ear! Itiver, Minfin
sippi. They were, it is true, brought over , UtUtn*. ami »n t»i« .-..numi.i
under the mere pretrext of indentured appren- ! *' l fh » *accntion ! r.-p-et harin- t.. u-j. t..
ticcahip: but no one doublathat they are and !
will continue to he. Blavea fmrvcry seure of the i tion. >:i*nie •» >-
word, and for all time. These uegroes were
scattered through the southern counties of Mis
sissippi; they were told at a low figure, hot still
high enough to make tbe enterprise a profitable
onefortboso engaged in it. A- soon as they
aro placed in the field, the master eelccls some
reliablo negro man of own force, to whom
the newly imported .African is chained, and
whom he is compelled to imitate ard follow in
the day's work.”
The Ohio Contested Election Case. —The
admission of that dirty dog and vile demagogue,
VaUandingham, (o Campbell’s seat., was an act
of mere party tyranny and blindness. Had
Campbell been left secure in his seat he would
have died a natural political death, and the
democrats would hare been forever rid of him:
but they have given him, nc>w, a new lease of
life, and he will undoubtedly be elected over
\ allandinghara in Oclober,*all hough the district
has been close. -The Cincinnati ('oirnu>r.-i,i!
“There is hardly a doubt but he will sweep
the Third District in October next by a rousing
majority. The injustice of the action of Con
gress toward him, will create a powerful sym
pathy in bis behalf among his constituents, and
restore his waning influence. VaUandingham'.- 1
home organs have all been in favorof ••l.ecotnp
ton," and squarely on ih.H issue the tight of
next fall will he made; and we bav« Futiicient
knowledge of the temper of the Third District
to very confidently predict that no Lecompton
can carry it.''
“Bilin' Oveiu" —Some patriot i« “awful’
against the Gazette in yesterday morning's l‘o:f,
becauso we said “General Smith t FVaoe to hi*
ashes) was at one time commander of Pierce's
hirelings in Kansas.’' Such is the ami how
does it reflect in any way upon Get. Smith : Do
the Lecompton patriots so hate the memory of
poor Pierce that they consider it disgraceful to
refer to anything he did ; Why didn « the
“bilin" Lecomptonian of t:.e 7\..«r write a letter
to that paper tbo other morning when it remark
ed, editorially, that Massachusetts still contin
ued to be represented by Wilson and a vacant
scat, and it would bo better if there were more
vacant seats in tho Senate ’ Our Lecompton pa
triot saw nothing wrong in that, of course’
Tennessee.—Where the carcase t« there will
the eagles be gathered together Wherever
there is money to steal a lorofoco is sure to have
his hand in it _Dr. T. N. U. Burton, the demo
cratic Secretary of State of Tennessee, has run
off in consequence of large defalcations in Ids
accounts. The clerk of the Comptroller's office
also is charged with stuffing his pockets with
coupons whenever he was in want r t small
change. Thecoupons were lying
it i 3 said, begging to be houked.
Pennsylvania Krisi orw.j C.invlm'i.
Sfcnrul ljity. —Tko frum i;f jjh.iMJ was voted l,t
Bishop Hopkins fur his services in filling
Potter’s appointments.
Dr. Ilichard Newton offered resolutions of
sympathy towards Bi-hop p„ti ( . r , which were
unanimously carried.
A report, recommending the of raising
the salary of the assistant Bi-hop. and a state
ment of the funds that would be received,
received from a committee to whom ihe matter
had been referred.
The salary was fixed at sd l .’.on, without dimi
nution of Bishop Potter’s salary, fj-l.iHUi;) but
when the plan for rafsing this money was pm
posed, a long debate ensucJ. which occupied the
entire day. A large number of amendments in
the plan proposed by the committee were otlered
but were all laid on the table; aud before coming
to any decision the Convention adjourned.
We learn from Lho report of the proceedings
that Bithop Potter, during the curly par: of
the past year, ordained fourteen deacons, su
pric.-ts, and examined thirty one cftiidiivos hr
orders. He laid tlie corner -tones of two
churches, and hud one burial ground consecrated
by Bishop Onderdonk. lie had deposed B B.
Seaman in the presence of Rev. Dr. l'ucacli* t.
He confirmed live hundred and ihiriv-eix per
sons. Five clergymen had left the iMoccse, :m 1
seven had been rcceivedfrom other states: three
had died. Four candidates had been admitted
to holy orders. Two clergymen had been dis
missed and three admitted. The labors of Bishop
Potter, as noticed in the above report, were all
accomplished in o 7 days.
Third Day. —On Thursday morning the elec
tion for an Assistant Bishop in (bid Diocese n!
taken up. Be learn from the report iu the
Bulletin that the Chair appointed 1 1m- f.jllowiug
tellers'to conduct the election: Bev. Dr. Dorr,
Kev. Mr. Lounsberry, Kev. Henry Potter,
Rev. Dr. Vanduzcn.
The interest in the vote was intense, though
there was no noise or confusion. The number
of spectators in the gallery ha-1 increased until
it was nearly tilled, and animated though quiet
conversation was carried on all over the church.
There was no choice at the hour of this writing.
The candidates are Rev. Dr. Vinton, of Boston,
Dr. W. A. De Wolf, Stevens and L)r. Morton,
of Philadelphia, aud Dr. Bowman, of Linen*
ter, Pa. The vote was published in yesterdays
telegraph news.
The following resolution was adopted .
•Resolved, That each cbnrch in connection with
this Convention be and is hereby required to
pay to the Treasurer of the Episcopal Fuud, on
or before the 31st December next, and annually
thereafter towards tho maintenance of the Epis
copate in this Diocese, a sum to be fixed by a
Committee composed of the President of the
Standing Committee and Secretary of this Con
vention with tbe Treasurer of ibe Episcopal
Fund, but in uo cose to exceed »’< per cent, ot the
ealary of the minister or ministry, or 371 cent.-,
on each reported communicant, as said Commit
tee may decide.
Tub Result of tub Contest. — It is with sin
cere gratification that we record the of the
contest in the American Tract S.-ioiy at its
meeting yesterday. The iil...ral, progressive
party, the Christian anti-slivcry p*uy, if von
please to so denominate it, w-i- entirely virmri
ous, accomplishing all they de-u.d ars-i slopping
short ofanybarshor extremeacuun The Society
here has cleared itself of all responsibility for
tho time-serving course of the New Vork .Society,
and tho contributions of the New England
cburchc* can now be given to the Boston Society
without any fear that they will bo perverted.
We rejoice in this result. It. is a victory of
strong and sturdy right, over weak and palter
ing expediency. It is a noble re-assurance of
the attachment of Now England men to justice,
freedom, and a consistent Christianity. We have
small spaco for comment on the proceedings to
day, but shall recur to the subject again -H»f
ton Atlas.
A letter from a young friend on his way to
Kansas, written on a steamboat on tho Missouri,
May lU, says:
“Emigrants are pouring into Kaunas by thou
sands. Steamboats cannot be made hmg and
large enough to carryall that apply for pa.*-age
This boat refused more than two hundred yes
terday. and still they come. Six boats per day
leave St. Louis, with an average of two hundred
passengers each, for Kansas and Nebraska.”
—We have similar advices through 01 her chan
nels. Kansas and Missouri need to ho inking
tho lead in this year's emigration.
An Extensive Farmer —Jacob Carroll, of
Texas, is the largest farmer in the LTiii<*d States
He owns 2f>,000 acres of land His home pbinta
tion contains about SOOO ncrcs. Col. Carroll
bason his immense ranges of pasture lands about
1000 horses and mules, worth |mio
bead of cattle, worth §>7o*>o; duft hog-, worth
$2000: 800 Spanish mares, worth slf>,ono : .*,u
jennies, w)rth, $2000; !'• jack?, worth
and five stallions, worth $2,300. His ammul
income from the sale of stock amounts to? lu.ihk;
and from tbe sale of cotton to $20,000,
W hbat Cbop.'—We have had little opportunity
from personal observation to form uuy opinion
about the crops in this section. But the infor
mation wo have respecting the wheat ia cheering.
There is every present prospect of a full crop.
Some pieces, it is true, are winter-killed in
spots, bat thero is less complaint and croaking
than has been known at this limy fur years.
The breadth of land in wheat, we are told, is at
least as large as laet year. The weather ’ thus
far has been favorable. —Akron lit,iron.
Billy Bowleus’ speech when “glorious, ” in
New Orleans, the other day, opened richly a?
follows: ’
I stand up hero big chief bravo warrior. 1
kill heap your people before, l can do him again
easy; give Billy seven good men to follow on
the war track and be lick all the Coiled States
scalp big father at Washington: Whoop!
Rev. Mu. Williams has recently come into
possession of a fresh batchofrdocumcnts, which
ho-contends to be proof positive that ho is the
heir to the throno of France.
—T)u*n»«iT«car.l ,_n Jn:r. U •-l uml < it. • 11*.
daj. It i> m h.-.w:;,: .y.i /j.Vm-.-I. ami Tum willtn; t.. M i.bli. i\t,.t\'Ml.tTl A. v. ;,i I,
rp*l roy a«»»r{i-.n \» it!i th*t wi,.. n , )ttv rlu;a.-- l, *'j »- /
tor lias Livn mali.-m-.!. *t..! hav- :!.-rn Jh l-.'iu ,-n H
MAURI KI) —' *u Thor-lur. May •,’Tili. f.y |j. \. f\ j,
WM. 11. to II K.<n:R lIAMYi* ,1
Appetite and Strength lU«tore(i.»Uu ' v ‘" ,U '\
Y,i»ci,<.f Smith I , l tuLur|'!i 1 «n»«: ‘'Aii.-r!.-.] A f 't','"',. 1 . u '. ilu*-. w ..I,••..• :• n
f>r tmral .U>i with a mm! .ii-mv-inn mu.kof Bl '*t <i« I»1•-1 < < • r. mvV‘ U«!i if K
Dmh.-A, li,urclia-Mnt-,iile.,r i-- rhaT«-« U..1K...1 inr CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARD.
Ua-!-. It t-birkM tl«.- >li *..•.«•. an, 1 n-titi.r..] in> , ?l'lt! S'O cth'K J r.*T t>l‘K Sf. i>,
bowrU !'• jvrft rt orJ«-i. l-!ntr I lin.-lii'.! tl,- t-tth I AT ruy , , A/> A.vf.t/.7. tt/H/AW? »y
MuuJ m.» .ij-jwtit- k:>.| ati i-nttli r-mi uitij:. M-I-v-.r tiEISTRY H I O J 3 V
wi»rth> ..f ,h«»ch»iart.-r ,\.»u niv,. it, .-ml «lmll n--.nm.Mi.] I*!4 Woort Street, IMtlal»urfih, I»a., ’
'iitir fr.-m Fair >]•<' an-!
tor*. Tin-Croat |i.>j>ultxritj if !hi> m-li inc li;h ni-lur.-,! : ' H '* *" 1 1
manj iuiitutiunn. Mill'll lh«- |..|( !•-'l „imh| - I ’' ti' « * !, *l tv-t* > <ll •!. ■I - ' '
|mrrhMi» c ‘ T "' v v ,r "- ' l '" 1
«»*S..|.Uetl K rU.if.. .. MU* «... *<.. t., 1 ["**’ lt *" '*" • M i '"" ’
prlotLr*, BKNJ !’ Ati K, .Ik., A I.M . M .oiitu luriux I’lmruia* '' ' <r ' ’ 11 " 11 *’** * '
r*M:ti*t**u<l Chemist*. •” Klu.-t, l~ ixrifji Ut-4t..|‘it ’ '
•ti.. Wttnhurgh, P.», uinl Uiy'.!' , :dA » K
Special plotters.
S. B. & C. P. MARKLE.
i i.INTINu, .'ill: AMi A 1.1. KIM-- UK
W It ,V I* I* 1 N C* P J> K. u
\V i* rrhoutr. Nn.
'7 Wood Street,
l- u-lit at market price*.
PMSTI.KY, .NKLSU.V <fc to,
V.u. u hutur'-rs >■■!
IMtltN.-O. 5? PvUDCAa'fSTLfeL SOT I IKS— U'wraul..!,
.'•Ufl anil llainiiifrnt Sh-a-i't mai Si*< I ■
//«)••, li. 11/ nml .t/umir- f'.-ri*, !’{.
Warclioni*, No. 17 Market SI
ti!> i i.-tiiii .-nTsitruun, i*a
J. 11. (’IIRISTY, M. D.
I.W n.V./ Sir.,'. -r u h. f‘
Hrttii.i- lii.) iho ndrantHp-o c f £aM<
}-,t-U, nn i•. v» Ti-nrV prmii.r. iS. i. 1... p
kuiti,-. ritUIC.M. AM* MKl'U 1 u r*-i>
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Mon II A U'«..u.-j
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! -I-,|i>. H. M. ii.-r. L~,
JHt’tii> M.-r. u.-t-r. K
The Great EngllsU Remedy
lr-im n pre*< r Ipimn of Sir J.»ui< * Clnrl.,. v n
I’lijm.iau nttrm*n!inur\ l.» th-
TM-»-l! kn.'Wn M. .Ikiuc In.| i t ~|p
anJ Mf-* Mhrlr f-. F-m-il.- Ptffi.-uUi.-* a «»<] ut-i, n, ti.
roin any riin*c n l.*irv.-t; *rv| <i j».,w.-rt.»| i. jn-xly
tfw*y foot'iiri uotiiiny hnr*fr.| t.. iht- . • '•utitutinii
T<~‘ MAtt KI #■' 1» I.ADIKS it c |—i uliat ly |i will,
in a t t im- 1-ni .• in t..«. m.intUly j--i i..| u Id, i,» iij miv
Th*<t Tt' l~r-t i n.'ti-n !r> ’'ii/Vr.-d,. ■l,
: ii j-Hiij-lil't. fr■
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himl r >M l \ n.'l .T.-IA * i'
PR( >TKCTK >.N' ()f ’.rR,YJL>K
ii. L)Ol (>Ij.\SS & t'O., Proprietor*.
■r H.. ,/ „-..i / ■)!, .m,__ /.
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I'll.. .1,....... .
*.»•!». t- . r iMi-Ul,, ii. V, i„ U„ jV r , ..I I. U O • ,i-|.
in .*• i v ,»i 1.1 I),.- I u ,H I- V.U.
r 'll.. fUi.«ail«u unk.m; ufj>|..mien „r ih
ri k'i.-nj alx.irc.
Tin.' fre \l :..i tty ..f FINOKK*.* MACNINF.'i
' Ivrr n!! i[l»«r»luf Mi>* iih<> <.f
and bin*o Manufacturer- 1 , ilurue.-v
M.ik«Ts, Carriage Trimmer* and,
C- uch Maker:-,
lix* I Lii'iwn mill }.r*cu.-nll) a. Ln..v»J..1,<..|
Hi.- Ni:w FAMILY MAUJi.M:,
tvtii. li u c.mjpu-1 an.J u.
ii.i work r<ju»)lj Vl,'ll vrulj n,,. ni.i.-i.iu—* i
ro'Mt favorii#* for Unillj im.
A full auj.j.lj I.rtlio kU,\,. Mu.Jiin.K l.„ ;l t \+w v„ik
li.STH;VW,:!y Mrtrl<.*t mi„
I'lTT.<l:li;um l‘\
A!»>. th*> IIitUDUIH sKl\ i.V<» MA<lJ|\k. i,.„ u
1 1« 1* : *..lir|,.i|r
Tula Machillf .StitcUtu t)„
Finest or Coarsest Fabric
AMh* uitli >K «. r>ru
arut trnvliful un-l ilurnl-'* It'i ;>/r .Vtnu-*.
ui'l art l.«*cowinit in<l««j»>tf J-r l 4 :nil>
Ftill u.f->nr>»tioti m»y r.« •*tjtiun*-rt t>\ M|rfr<“«n:tu: Jam. a
au:\ n ukmi.
Foreign ami llomeslir Hill, nf Kiri «r
I \Tf> 1 1 V JiE|’a*lT,
r.r.i: \orr an
mu{ri:t i-tiu.k r. itit-h K.,n. m
,n« n% >i!
■«.’ U... l-i.u-t •m-.
»*!rrr..i,-iri, Mnruin .-irun vakictT ,-r
Plain and Fanosr Grate Front*, &o .
iWJIfIJ.KSU.K A S' L> I* FT tit.
F »M«r I-'". •«- -I"-:. - ....
>' t I- I- ■>
Orti. c ami it.*,,,,.
nirUUjdf.: No, , Wood St., Pit t.hurg It. p„.
f.’ookinji. Parlor :m<l
•irate Fronts, I’cntlm, Conk in: liauan, ir„
...tta.l, 1 '’ 1 ■ '■"•■“'■'Kit, p«.
M A N U f ALTfUtha Of
C’ooki ri£, Parlor nrul ll.„,liuu
Grates, Frouts, Fenders, otc
Atul Mnoufaetuivra »•( Chr> Ol.'Uim.-I
iTrrj'iiiuuM, fa
m m
s v itf:o x u wnti« r,
KATitALTX rn/cr/f WITIIOI T /M/.V,
U'l A L'*CAL AOKNT T.| TnttlLM.'liM.y
■o«riti».iu tli ..ft 0t.1.1. Stiv. r. I'laljui.-t nn.l limu
1 t-rcliv Atitl jh-rfiti u>« all ho:,ml oj— rtiliotnt a, w <•■ «<tiiifl.
onuitt”', wtltiont (min.
*») .Term*
5 1 Kuil|liflcl«l street, below Fmirlb,
FISH! FISH! \~\ ■
'wNn?!™, " AXI !' 1 . * ’" X S, ' l ' l ''V i
WJIIIh HSU, IRUI T, U.<- <lra*r,<nl>fi K H-ullli I’ill nrr' l,.«l I,
fc’ALMUX, PK’KrRI’J ' i Tln> Unufi-i.lMii,; IKallh IMI Uul l-rx-.iil..
iitMMMVi’ 1 1 ti... Hf» o roi l i„.i K uoiiti. rtii iomiw.
4*T'»r.l-r», , 11- Cl r IMI «-«i. <*» roll.*,- f nii:<i M I'i N H V |l li.r l.rn<.|ri,|„- t( . I’ill ciin-a J-Hfa.
,n > ,4:4 0y1 | •U-r.rv.|..„|,., ri : l|„ a lih HlUi.r.-.Jvr. M-.-
ISAJCM.m JUII.IL ....Jf. «*\ iLu.„,L.. ' .l!"Ilfnilli Till I'lirK*** w-ilt..* l ’* |H,ti.
. Plttaburgii Steel Works. 'j r.;:; 11^!:::!^^
JONES, JJOVU.V: < •() I .]! I ‘* lle.ltli l*lH <•*„ I* tak-n Ht «i..i k
Munurvlurt-nuf CAST OTKK1 4 M,' t;."' U...1
A. 11. 3TKCL; lifJU.Ni;* u „.| AXUi.*, J Ik, tirifU c »|ili J ii: m ..l clm.k., gum* ui>,
Corner /?wi and *\rtt Slneit, IVitlmruh /li I
v • 1 Jl. BlUi I*iU i-uni noil 1..
! 'll*- l n,. d in, I'tll rurrj u..rv«,n»i,o.J..
. Uifliiiynil Irn« riUi'.l huinlr*- U,
• 'lll- ljra».(..n|,rr K I’tll wilt ruro »l-.i- nj.ilt <•«,
! care. :
| Tin- (>nw.r. i.U.,Pill ,ul*..„ l!if V 1.1ii./v.
Thu Orncf. t.!,. r;t It-jltli I'ill coii.wi:.. » !!:•• »■: «}n. - ,f m.ul
j >tlier|.HK
j ’!!!'*mil nrf (Mil.- nn.l .•ak-ijiQ
n...(lrvf,„|, ;>l _. |*,|] ,-nn !«• Lik.-n ut Uirfht.
, T ... u,. lk „ tl ~,ij o»m ti<- luk*-n alti-r .liun-r
l }'*•’ * ■ ■«<*r*-ii|»«T|{ 11.-iiUh |»t|| runLi.uj a «!»*• i|> <>n- (.ill.
‘ /, ..•«.i.u.[..,.u., k . |.,u ~ taken l-y M«* »««k
lUo l.ra. t».:lm rK H.-mi, |tl| Ml,.kill l-v I*.-
T ,«ilf« r |,Lfcu, ) . ||,.»!!(, nil rnr.^..1n,.ii.11.-a
11,-„u,K 11. altl, I'ill ror«M jaTmuifiUl'
>or n full iwvin.t ~j i| u , iJni.-lulibff*: Jur-lu-rtH-t. *,*
~rnfWi6«t K Almmw,. lifctt call !-■ b«*l at ,|,-
njn>Dl». I'rarc-i. rrr,«. |i, x . I»K, UKO. 11 . KJkY^ER.
14U W.«-J „ B .t j c ru;MI,W, Alleplieijr.
njj2y,tl4t»T ’ '
liAiC J»*Ci - |. n 4o . CK<
I>. J*. KOGKKS fit C'f)^
HimifAcn/uiu tp
ttogerc* Improver) Patent Steel
Cult i vator 'j>pt h.
(brrvr Kuu and Firti Xlrteti, IHUiburoh, Pa..
AH hind* of Tobkccoi buafTantl Clgara,
U»v..r,v. uil > tb„ X„. ISO W«.l «rrel.iu
, , ‘." n . lo “*'*•' .urn-inn fc^UWisl.m.-nt.Nv.Wlrwiß
r """' ll “ lr <***•
LiJVlii M.l, (r,.-3h in good order li>r
salo bj m jr, uewKy h. coijjna
f'li- Kit' ll a M Kh.
'"’•'TiMin.' '. n ,W-a—l Hi- • i if- it : ’i' 'iij.-i*- *r
!i "> 'iti.l'i;. . .->i ‘i- •' i. ird d*ru, ;
dt.irr ~
i- t.niF- <.f • iir.t!*i!t'j • .<( U.w« >1
P IK\Vl\ l, «
■' I'm•• Wi.,l.
ki'!!**. Hi..- I. 'i.i II .!» !!•• f I’.irniii
T-h hi..| T«l.|c K,. K.,rl.
r Hn.j T») K* V.iK ii,.l Ji. c . ,nt-.|
AUn, h fi-mjiji.fp ah I full A<«..rCiii'’iit *'f all ;irtKl>.« 3 inr-<-
«-.r »!..• f'll STUY KKTAN. fUAI’K, -<l |,, (u|.|«-iu<«
. »1„. -i,ully t., . v..u*i„- 11 110
j' i-a
n»i Jiff.'
John C. Baker & Co s
cnjj-j.i VKit oil.::
i ins Mmimsi , ]irep:uv'l in l!i«* m
iulrl|-Jiu nli.l , ;.wV. v
an ? <-tli«-r iwv, linfnl.,.
i Cwi*iunj.!i,, u , <■ -in. |;r• tl .
j tifin. »hj ail 13 ,
i „/ .11.,,!• - ji |i! i
■ l*«* hj- .Mi,.N „
, No. r.l N.'tt:. fi„i..
| l-t Ml • Hu hi
'wholesale clock depot
SPKI N'» BBlts -
. '’"""n* ‘ 1 V>| NJ(
: m Ni* \v \:\ .\m .:u,h
* No. 4 J Fifth ncnr IVontl
U I fc,M| I'., Mil N-.1.-r, I,:
! y/.v /* <; f) / /> ay /> $/ /. r /.; /,>
sti.vr./: A\n ri Arm wahr.
! A ! (• I I M A r Is It 1 A I.
A r K A STICK N I’Klir.S
I>/VWKS \ Cl.f'I.KV
1 **«« ni»«l Oninmrni.. I
Whil.* 1 i :»T».t /mr ] A ; n i ~
A l*.>. nil ~f I*. Ml,
M l.t. >J
H (lot 1.1 *sn a ('■>
J‘ U*n.t.<«K A <'
• li. * t_- •.
. li. A i;..,
I: li-i..t,., ,t ,s.
11. I*t.( i,Um A l
• 11. J> 1
11 l’Oo.i A t
is , i r
Ii 1> i.,un a r.
li. l*oi.<.u?* A c*
S. I.- I .. 'filler, 0,.v.
''l r wl.l- I. U.. 1 t.. •«.»(, nl Hi- r*-i, I-,,, ~
II)Eh \v A .N T lu l).
Kc > ICI-. 14 T X K,\i. UaN(. Is.
I‘i II T II I I. 1. •< i> I' A w \ i; V
K ? f :' r»-»•. r .1 r
■I I*. I’K «tt \ (
• • I’katt a i
I>l MAN. Silt-: KM AN &. CO.,
'' Till! I NImV i i> r , \ ;*. r ) \|,
<’i*.MMISSiO.\ AM' l'i 'KAVAi; |i| V
3S/L 2:RO I I jy i\r 'l's p
No. ( S l*» it r Street, St. l.ontH. Mo.
'! M •’ «.!i a L. «■.'!!. M. J,.in*
i‘. • A M«ll.n k. 1';,,, i ,u, it i,
r... K>
1 s. .. 3 , x r... r ;:i
A ILiiiU. r* Mlji. alUi- I -a ,
!»•> A M-itl «<•!.. IV,
i: !'.•* «* IU. (jli- aii", lr« i_tit A . 1!i.
• JOUJM C IH.'illtXM .V Hli.l,
Iron Halting, | ro n Vkulli, Vault Door.
Window Shnllen, Window Guards, fer.,.
~V-s 01 Srtivid Stri-f! nnd k .tl Third .S?r/'.‘,
rttita.i-n U.-i-Ktr.l Market.) rm>T.t'Kr,U, i'A ,
Ha'.iiliavl <» »bii«Ct of n.u Utio .•»»..! j.l.ui
• I.UI 1c f..r *ll *im-*. I’Hjn.-uJar nUi-titmu i.**.l to *1
Cl wine lit««- l-.i- .1 .1.-.,,, ul tor<l
.V. V Vii.i- i l‘ubu-I*-.
inn,lf in m,> i.hit .X -f fl>« r.
|.,w». or Wot. rti Wis... U sin
w if n?I.-i,.| 1., tt.. Im- v-m - .1- .
lalihiil Mcw„ > .». Hint %t..r—
Pitt>hur.;7i, Ijmmktul Ins u nun-e A^eL.'y
No. Ci'J l'nuKli Slim
.1 A'-. M. 1./U’fillMN
Alnihwl, I’uliAiit .'iiifib iiiiti i um’l Oil,
H!•'N Ic N |[. '
Forwarding ,i:jcl t.oruuiiaalcm Merchant.
\ m* h ii.»i.k*>ai.k i/; i
It <1 MT
A- r[. M A- /. ET, j
ri n.-ju K'/ir. i i
Is |«roj•:»|,I ltinii-i) hi
li’lj. >« i'll 11. Ut.M mil H..~t\l ..|,,..i...1.|r
<<»* v... ..f . »my taJi-h, «!.»•},
I.*- uill m.iki- 11,. 1., i i.. u
» 11l 11 f .T-.| I| M |,| ||t| 11.
W Is V M ,v N' .V mi N ,
M.Mi.iN, i,:-. iiinl Li. „11 Icin.lK.if
A > J>
C-rriur :>f Xmttl. (’• til Slir-tand I>uiuu>ml Ali'y,
('OF Mi KltS AM) M ACII tftIPTS.
Pittabuigh, Pouna.
Other, No. -il Mnrkt l atrrrt.
Mii.iir.u-iur. •)) u,,„N of i?tmm Kn-jm.i. ami Mill Slarhlh
t( h 111 • ia* | Wcrl., M-Uln l!v..|l<-ri mi.» Mi.-- t ll,.„
0.-Hl,.| i: II nliuit Witi,v. ■ niri‘l Ij'.llc
.J. M: MTI’liK
i\o. 5-1 St. CTlnir Street,
(hr In-li'n N< * KmlMmu:.) PIITsIM JUJH, }’A.
Spinal iiottcrs.
,n> i Wi.'y llni> f ■!«
-J"~ i -irifT tt.
\i l n:i—l In.i.
Wall, i- hiil Trujuj
Hl-iliU l | llX l.ll.l!
baix.-:' |(ai.i.>:::—a i«,
*>J I n.vji[ ••• i | >..(.! :u..! !.-«l I;.I -,.!•*( r-•• i.. 1,
-•* ] ii i’i: M '
\\ r INfiMJW Ml A i»h.S— iI-i
M »,U »'n..vj.
... i in
A jKI. UIiLK ii ■ .ii . jij in
r.-..'’. r i J i * ii rii i i.i.i
. . i .. l( LA‘ •. M A.\ ! i.K'' •>!
' f- m I
,I '.' ‘ I '•'! ::i ;iv .* jst lii'HKlki.’i.
:;;lAu;;r' l ■ •
' ■ -.-■■i' iiml-V ''l ■ *■ l i '- 1
/"IAI.I, I\M' !•:, ■.
t ..ii
vo* i K.. 1 !•
H \'i'( 'l IM A K FIRS' TOOLiJ • I'lll >l> «nv llujim--. I'.'ns'-n.ttori n( Jlnw, dll' .Il r
. i»u jf.-ip* •t:in>(mr
K , ']• r». r-l .Mr..,. . M « Jjrrr ,n
l'w*r> \ ii ii I) . I
» »t ll'. U 1 l.i 1 \ \(S A . " .
K« «l K.uif, .-U
•• !
i-r.. i.-vl),,
j'! r ; haring Tj*OK RENT.-A tw- ■ >i. ■:v br.. kl.
„> , u , i . ,7 | l 'J_\ V'."' M<'‘\ O »FFKK nearly low, (••>rtain)!>e »ti r.«.:«i«. •!!(.;
► t rr. rA:i■cß• i> v •I'ir ' l,l> " ,l '"*• *''•** ru ' cw air'l wnti-r. in tlio j-»: s t.
n;-['r.p*-ili.-n I: t ' S I Ll”"* **** ■*' ' '.-t' tWwfijill *lnn-t an<l Ccnlrr AT*nt*\ H'vl Ur-ii
»'.t i'- !!.-■ l‘|- u ; r ‘.\; r lb *">• r >-'> i ■ j,I7S annum. Fcr further v.'xr
■ i.i »u. r‘:n,l Si - ... .... ‘ ! “‘'V ‘' '* ‘• *• Arthnre, C-utn> Avenue.
• '.'.1...,,:!"inn8fi
fTM) LET A comfortable ami \vt>!l-arr.«nc'. , 'i
two-amry I'nck UOl’>K. r-’nlannr.j : - ">•
■' » ■: l> jil :!i- Muvriin'nctu of Ualli-rwni. It -*• »ir.l i---l ; " it- <.
.'iviorr*. rrx'iny cnni-n »»•! y »r !. j !< -•Sn c*’ l.
•m r-il!i- r .nfc- i., th. .'. u
!>v I)ic cr.r',i r ji,
•• f* nii-1 tin | .
H »>-}*ltll ~f 0,,. ]„
•I.P P- •'! I 'll-' S |VT, r uru. I.- ,
r>t i i: ~r '
•• Uiil 'I {r- ■;
- •'
• f.
- A li--L Utiniei.
11%. li.ii. .).•■» .
-] \Mi
'• I l-i I.T 1 \
PARK m cords & CO.,
Maxi|fai'Tu:ki:s nr mi fa'iini;
nr A j| K::S- 1'1.K.-.-H'
d**nt|>t y. ~ ; -;i; .; rn , A( .
j'v. r.« swd Iw.. t ■ u. MKI Vl.> TIN IT.AI K
WIRK. A.- 1.1
Ma- T,.
'-*.}• • -V-. 11 - r..w .. . { i> y ..., .. , •.
| Pitltlmrgii, P«nna.
*®** I ''' ’’J "f <ui l.i .uit ■ -ii.i i i_.r i^t
niTtjlltOCK, .Mct llKfclll Y JL ( Cl..
l - "! n .u|iinij :in<l • "rniii!s*-M.n i.‘ -
j Ahi\\l, 1, . k |,. f,, H ),>, . JJt
I.rodnc*, h'iour nnrf Wool
aM U.l 1 ! '' 1 " J '' r . .
Ail- -j)i. v \j;Vv u.ulro.ul Matii-u. I--iH
Oi i v e.r a Ice Cream Saloon, ••• >•.» i«-i i.t i\ i v>* > <i--cp
(k |*l w 1 f~* 1 w t *i l *rf •--*f » r oml Hi H -"-t* l'*-* 1- 4 foilv
A,,,. 1 ' ' . 1 i''®*' l . l-r vi'. i-< 1*,.--a lit. V « lln/'.t,... r.ti-l -m llj' 1 *..■■ r.u.
Kh iy« <iprn l>. th<- pnl 1 :<•. wtu-r- a. ii->n e -it).
»tt«rl<t 10-. .'HKaM « u . i. M\tv I .. v,u All-wli*..)' Citv. i W ,r.! .
»•«*.*. nt**l njt-rj =*.-.] t-i nt.1..,. f„r_ r„, Uu- urn: i -if- f
**' kiti-l*. 4"l '-1 H.- 1 , .t. 4 iih .-i.r i- l-l-n.u - I 11< >%t K- All »-1 --I I. ui :lu V. ,, il- ■ I'lul.-i-
MAI»h KAMII.V i:il>;.» f> |,. M I.| lr -li ■••• m iurn|-Mi— fr -m —‘ . <..,•) ,u!ti
tll--'Vi-n I "1 fid, |.i.|! iln Und-'-Hi ,
CiKlli,' (•e.l-lt. ,nr<- ir.r,l.-,l |- . lt ,j t> ,„ ir A Trn- l «.</ l.m I r.-ur . V,«-1 r,, -i • <, uul‘. "f
, A I \r t 'I1l"« 1 .in .i.itil M n>AiiiTf«. u. 1 !<• mi l fi-r
T IS Yut ,t< ■!
- * I’.-Ui'iir >[.[ in
is.- I «• j,r»‘
TO UK 111 V K.N AT
ItV TUK rKj.KHk vn;i»
-n-i- " • i »i i.»;
-»t> l i'-r I.- . 1..,: .
>t*»l*-H • 1 ‘Jin-.-.. , Kit
■ f.l ■'?!• • t. 81..1 .11 II • .1
'I« i 'lul.lrvn J i,i , |
! Male and Female Academy.
i.j:\ iikm.i \vi rr.Ki:. i,
u.- ri.i.l.-i.:,
f.<«. r t ,t Tl,
I Tmmi- pM u"f li,. Iri.Jri.-. l-.-ii.i.i,.- r,..v
!f_!.t«. .in.l <•-, i.,(rn. ..r. -l. nl .
»■ r-d, t, . V („• |,j,lr t..*U I u.llu ».)( ,|. . tt,
i balnL' •' n( tin- i I—. . [ tii* .n.
'J i l..~: \v. :i •• i . i m,,t
•■•• i ;• • inlk. Tat k, if. i, il l. . •
A.I: :li''nt .1 M lli.r. h'i. 11, Jmi- ~, j. ( m,
J if M. >
*• ' ft.iliiM l-.irti. ijir.. .> Ur*—
I.K\ il \\ KHI'.Ki: I r:„.
N.-rtli |U-«wr < . .
I . l*iv.,i.r
j Oi;.\ isa 1111,\i
•j O < "I l M It I A U-l >l'
; 1 Al* K I'l.Asr- C U I u
*»• -*■-»« I'f > T«l l-s In:
»':»v i,i.J !■ u...t 1...
«»un.u !• tl.i- ;>r<wnt«* I.m„- I- n— l.
•J( \ |s|sL> ll'iiin!
*/ W :>i ,*
M M K i; -U V.'.nv U-'V.
I '•? 1.11« It V *fl
H \ I’KAl’ikl.M’llAl K UK i.imk
Kii-: i i
!.•];• ( t.. r .f. t
\ lr —li -i.JJTIy jv.
M U KK'MV.S x FIN i./ \
• Heel, linen li
■ 'KSS I'MliK. Me
rtfvl A. 111 ki'CH.«*u rofnlali'i
• U.r «;■ M I.KWT.- a KI-iKUIOV. I;.: -trrfl
' I HO KW'*- *A. S !'. FI.OIK I„r^]cl,v
. I.MVJ.' .1 Kl*i Kl»T*i\
, •)/) HBf,S. Hnt-il.-r.iM.'utanil i>rv
i »>" / If. >• I f.l Ttf-in T..).,.-,-,,. I,f I v
j ‘■i*-’' j.kivi> * !<•: U.w.i.i
. K
| .'in <lu ' l»i*t rt<
j _•’) i; lu«u{' r 0.ii.1-l, T'l'k....
i ; -.1 lit i tifiti «m>rri”r V II uml l>l n L 'IN .i
-i I“'' |.f ton- K|.< L'.-rt- .
! 1“ •• ■ «lr»Ui IVpj.»-i
; I” i ■ .1.. *
U-M La*. <>rnuni| I’epi- I. Al«|mv uml (
‘ Jh" c| . Kuj»>, ij- Lull ]„H ami A nit il< in Mitf-tani,
j .•••. <M> I •rriUnli I l-.*t l.iauJ?.
■ I «’ t’alr.i an-l 1'... m SCaji',
l"- - It- r will II ilrL. . .1 u> _ll ,-wi' 111
im..-.-*: , v -.iu. ~,r i.f
. t i.n ri.t .v o/, u: .....
i N IK i>'
\.J "If
bwKr- -
IVi •< *k.»
»’> M:irl; »■ i Stiw c i
•TlVMlilt <r» Wls. KU \;,v..| R 1P...K?
Am. -rile t
i'V-11 I’K!• I-
1 'f‘f t:\aih r/:K>r.\T
«•! v i: • u irn i.\rn iim.i; n „_,
Qiiii:t rituNTs
O un-l
~ , ~ .'ii|»-n-.r Sluri.i,,; Mu-iina.
-Ini Ml lUMIVA
Nkw ckoi- sucak
- hli.u *.nni- nil,), h.uc* NI) Ki| K tn r
* ' l#«i M(,,| t‘i Su.-ar.
M Ui»i> I'UllUi! M. ( |hkh-», i.
u i “i,“ M
.. ,!• f '" "' ,l " ' ,y WM.MITOim.TItI i- ..I, A I‘KO
I" »»"•••!>• .nr . i .
mv.'.i ~«K C lUNS.IN
--■* ■'x-H" T'-i.n It*—l
' l-'-l- N.. I Uni
Itif-tv 4.. 4..
>""> '.‘"• '•u !■» in i t»i- for
SUKTI.AXIi Wllill, SHAWLS. Mauldin*.
CUottlly 4o
P.M** H'yuiili-.
Clolti l'nsl>-ri,
i,,.,.... 1 in>.|i ,m 4 l-hi.l ...
".i2o,ii»T Minii-nv* in
S T w?„ . W ’ AR { : - ' KI TTKI;
K_> rwi.\ .n.n.v luamifaPtim-i l.» Unm A:-fN. o_
r..r »a!c- by Hi- UllUtl.l ~ \\ | * u ,
IIH Jlf v i.ii. '
- A.. l.iUrtv
PA.MII.V KI.O(:U .Ml M. 1.. Extra Ft, i
l>u. |.|.H Hour for tail,. |,y
. lUDIll.t; WIUTKA (Ij.. Nn, K-, Li-s-ny
500 v'. hIIKLS Potatoes. Pinkcv,--.
, . •'’‘'■lwO-iU «U'l liun.l U 1.4 f,,|
Will ft* A in
_l_J nti . f.T ». k |,. ij U 11,L)1.K. yr jm s A c ,j .
i - 55 imlr- iu tin.l J„ r |,v
m> J ' l K* AI.VII DICM-Y A Co '
BEANS-- 1. hi,-- .-mall w!m«, |,,r . Sil j« |, v “
m> ■ K riAl./.au CM
( \LI» I’APKII —A SH}., ri.,r lot nl'LfUor IV
ihL *£». n.ui'-'.VViZ'it 1 *' ‘ m *' l '" r •*
'VM 13 J'HINSTiIN £ (\.S
,l,v -' l*«f» r W aivlmiiM-, W... 4 auV. «
'"I 1 ' j A R" o ' l ' anid.. j„s, r ,..
A ~ ldd ...1 l. r „l„ i,j W.K.IU vis.
U>rti..r nml -iitl
■jl/rUI'ILAIiE Put up in iin.l pint
"7. „ , , w. iiaVkm
. • ‘aU-'X.-r.v H i*rt4i<n:*<i ror. Mar k*t ami S*-*-..i»4 •!»
ENVELOPES. ENVEOPES-ln (.rent va, Jasl ni riTr.l;n,.| li,r oleby \V. lUVKN,
. r.i..1,«41.T mk] sUittuarr.
IJ. ISH—rum ~kK „ . Whit,;,' Trout, Sid
. moo, 4c., f.>r ulu by HKNKV lICOU4N3.
poi: i:k.\t
•I ’'Mr. A . ivtt.l I-!'•:
\V 1 > K l v
FUK SALK nli I.KAMi. !.. t
»t|o.-t. In'tW.-VIJ Mill till., 1 I 411 . - li. i
ft..i.« h *»■
A !.■•» mu Tlirr.l •ir.-.-t, i-i: ' ,• "• ’!.
Wt <i.—l<
Vim il Hi k [.— 11. * >-)ii:ii •• i •••.Hi!- t I•. l: m
■1... tH'iLTlr t.> IViini*!, ,t lt«i; -K . i
••jiiAtv l>r .'in.ijltnriti.
iirr.l .“pitJC' - a]l«a. •>'■l f.-<l lion* la I."
r,-. WII.LIAM M IMiil.iMir'i.v'
to ? .ji» I .:., m. i. t’.n.-i.i •
DK Al,i ilri' I'iUKSK TOR SALK. -.A _
A tii.o liny II i *• , I.
lu.'ti, »< ll b' .. »o.l> J. I.lj. . t..( snlo ia
, I. K‘ >|i*>i >\ .» r.i .s' I.i .iit ,i
QLI> H.M'AliU>ilMK\ I- 1-"!. >al>.--
ibx Ji i> l. o.i • i.v ti. i.- him I- „u.; i
V. A M Jf.j. l.’ |tr. • « 111! li a (.» „
viuv ns % wiii
' li-i.i:! *..<l ntr ilialllirr* 111
fiuo- ••in !«• ihr t>i ' mi!«-s ai.cj
t .• ••)•;»> >iiir "i li><-
.i: I- fc -.*ii «-i:h* r r
•i.r .SMH-k i«t Fii:
\\ •• Tliii.h j v
( : -. l i W liM i'in-n at»d <:••• •
wstJi ntt.i 1.-nm ttj.•***..*v -
they " 4i.i t.' tfln. •• tli' i' •!
S’ U - \l| j— i ■,-ir.. lint.
[■4l.| "i. t)
r»*«rtfrili rn ( ii«; t
Ohio liana lor Sale.
TUP. “iihrcrilipr f->r kil<‘ rwtiori ion,
!•:. miJSf in, >tnrfc rutmty, uhi •, commonly
1 Unnwri M StcClum.'' iVlfi *rr«-« Jti.
'itu:it«d Hip*- inil—wMlof Uiuw.11,,1,, „ u U,., eui- K.vwl
l- H-illlf t.i. W and within n!..|jt l«.. Mil.-. ~( tj, r
; I'iirk.n, H. Uaytw and Chicago JUilr.uui. Th-ivutli «xni
j »tid ttuill.-ast'inarteniu-M partly and Impr-v^l—
-1 tin; romamd'T m r<'T«:r**il -with .tipd-Kir tlrtihor and tb*
, u l"’" l» well wati'txl by apt inland running ulr- 'Uii -
i* llio iLiif"t U»ly of -'land in tb.
Coiiuty. It will be nohl nndlri.l'.l .>r in qiur'. m :>•
pun iiM-r». T« tlina.> wl»r* dr*ir.. t<. in T tl ■?-.»>< ,
h.-ft*-r of.|-.rniMty in nr.-ly
1 J* WT J T
Purrn For Sa|r.
r PHK A \DEKM)N r i'AK.M, 2*
X » 11..- I'.-I-I. ..C [••>!. I: av.-r C ,j£2.
■ Hi., mu M.vii ll.Uni,. /i,-rr« ..I . . •i.-i.t
-\-r\ »it« • \* lil. li H lil-in.l «1.. h i- in.
• iiilii«4ii.>ti T! '‘U a..- I K-r« f ..... < r::ni— n...<
in tr.- .... I n.,.1 .n xt .■ Th- r. »mi
Hi litM ..i :m!!i ,J Iru.l . IfitliiH.Jt. r ij- !.•].! tn.-rw
• Korn. 11l l.y f«-ri.
11 i 1.-. r ' i-.i ii. in « «tar«< of rtiltivnii.ui, f. ( ».
-vli I 11. * I ••[•joi ln-nj. • IIii:I■ Ctu
. lint. h.K.-r twniH. >•».nITMI.« IWICK,
■ ' • ' J AMjKH.hdn, NV« UriuM.-a. »*».
Valuable City Property for Sale.
r P!IAT <l«-siruKle I -t on Water Street
JL *l>'l All*?. iimjl'htl Ir«ln4 I.i-ing
J J- f- 1 ..|j \V.«I. > Kr..|.l -•n.-t*. nn.l !•/) U„.
|..r t- i:n-. i-. Uh. h « .11 !••• i-vj itx 1.. li.jnt.) aj«"
r'v t. >• ki*ii ? t.Ki:eu a i <>.
“ : i“ !.i(-rty Slr«-T. I'i! !-' J,.
K l<, P >AU')-i»ne • W:iilu< c’h Patent
I. )■ M. .1, „,,h |>nnr,-, Utl.t
MUot e-t. tun*. |:..n 'H.ltiiu O'.llx nit-l Jli a:1 .m
|l.' . ■ . -I.|_» 1-r ~ tli in; up Aj{ 1 v l.i
W II M.'W*AM. Oil Mill.
;l K . f .V <r*l k ’ «*.„ n/O; ,
| IIiFK'H STKKKT I>!IOI'FKT\1 > !10I'FKT\ Full
lj .'.U.K.-rtu- M..;p-i -.11, 4„.t m.
1.,1-rtv -rr-.1. >t f. ..., Ki...* <■ m N.i I*3. Tl.r |..f
i-nU-ut fr. tit (I’l-I I.l* f.-ri .\I-I.4int |p-iti, |.,
K\ All- ..|1 ttln.’i I. rr-iti-J»fui.l»uii.| tVr..w
t- u— Tli*- lj i-u I- r l r fn.i »■:,) ».j; j.'
j ; I, J.;,; '
*1 !• N‘» 'Jit—rt) «lr—l
Ij'oli IvYLK- A L>ru£ N re riiuatetl it. -m**
V.*--»«- i' It I, I\t *•> f. i tl -.-t
in. 1-1 I , jmpi hv, i ■ . ..u1.».!, DpllimiUlpH U!,.
\ " V *\v * ! J* ''l'lnii” .-i,\ tun . Ji.. *t
F U IIISTIT u I ill] !
$30,000 WORTH
r J^ 1 1f K MBSORIBKii UAS So!,[» nrs KX
TaN'D rU’KMTI I;»: w \);KK(Wr>j» Ktfn. or. -1,at..1
Tli- Kik- ri>-unil lu .-.
Tl‘ Lb !• A Y.. M A Y I - T I!
■\ ’i'i v> ill . übliliuu f.if tin,-,-. *m• .-k.'
1 h-- |>ru - f w.:: tf uiarko-i ui pint. iijurc>
s'di*. tiiat v 1 -it*
Ci KlilAT U A 1((..V1.\S OKfKUkli.
Tit*?.—All muu k«Li ti,
«]<••*« Ji, 4^0.•••.!»{ ..I s.xty «t» w-.H
"»<Uwl' N'o. : I Fijih S-.r*»«*t.
jayutbs’ fexezx? sea' store,
MO. -5-. Kliriv. HKF.T.
/• it t /• -•a<; ii ( r A
S. JAYKEb, Proprietor. *
-»* •■•'l- • " 11 L •'xr*i, ar.'l porcb»at‘l In-m th» mw
Tr 4 Mok li4iii ’ iii N. iv Aci k nin] I'>il.||.hi», m,.)
*■*•* <•! nM lb' l ililivli'tit tlivur. an.] of T>wt ) r.<n?:lit 1..
thMmsrk.t. \V»aUli..|}
k , 1 IkL
h' nn/. t: sai. /; i.v /* i: /; r.i/ /.
AT Til S
i 'nr . nmy. with cu0i1.i,.... rt .|y „n <nr 1-y.t tu
tlravoti In kiv.. tti-m Tun nl »np*»rltir unality, a I tin- Txrvm«
Mirlmv* n.. . ..tin,-c tioi, \% ,m anymbur Tn St/uv, *tid
«.irn nur. nn-J tb»- public lmpcsiLinn.
W<'ar..*,-|l mippli.-ij with ittn ANl> JAVA CMKFKK;
C.u«b.«l. f'Urtlird an.l i> ft OH ARS. RA ft EK'S
Uh-OU. u>COA atnl CIIOO iI.ATK, mylalistf
I. ih' ir nt.x L ui riHtucm] j.rii m |irr|wxntli<ry t.. i|iiiinn K
l •' n. r. »<rnie „| ttif i botcJ-st I nunU of
Foreign Wines and Liquors.
ABOSQ Wllli‘ll ARE
Ot-u.l I’nir Urmi-|y. Hau..-.., f* nri . f.j,, lri .},
11.-i.lsri, k tll.umtsil/uf. St. Juti«i]('Ur< !. lUriali'ii'-
MUi IV, i „„.l jlla.-..[.iiru's .Madeira.
'll Rjv UhiMk.-y. Sn|—ri..r Ik.ubk lb* l*li<M
Ulimkr-.. UUcklsiiry. mid IMa-rUc
Urßiidl. s,
«j-11. b l mi.rr*Trru K.- jH-m. m w-ll «s f.imill—.
th wnt;.«-l<,,,[H.ftuint\ ol >ii|i|.|yii,n thrumrlv.-i. <m mlvan
t*r<s.iu irfina.
-AX. <iALLKI;Ii:.-t, No. Ul Ft (111 atlnrt. opjmmln D»I>V «*»«•
iii'jH-Kf. L'riij; M.irr.
f*ni»h«»l I or walcr < nlurs or (.lain.
»o-l on lli« irronn'l i> trrvfi:cily_
-_-m>ii.i lt>*. cuiinii j cHulk llr.ii;
|.|,u •• Al**»» Tori.
I.'c l.uv Dr >
Iln rruuiuj • ur'*"}
| ML-KPUV A KIHriIFIKI.D !mo tvinmcurtij n-cb •
im: tti- ir Uur-l «'f N> ,w Uuuls, atvl will Uj Dj-.-ula?
u*w ftKvl 1 !, >*«*ghl at tnui priM and irlUny chtapfi-r
. oiA. *c N->r<li fiu-l curort Koiiriii and Market »U. ai)JI
NOW OI'KN-’i’he Uwt jwvosttti and e)n»ap
t-t ».t.«ck of Dr—s Gor«1«, Bbaula, Slnnllis, White
W.--U..M N«-.iU- Work, and Dvineftlr* in
Uic i try. r ,,, ae: .-alt un«l ilicoi. C. HANTS’ LQY£,
»[*U f.'rmeriy Love Hro, \t>. 74 Marfcrt aired-
FIXE 11AVANA ClUAiiS!—Cclcsio Im*
pan. Cinm* Doml, Mini* CaUnni. iK«n^
» other floe brmntli of Cletra
W. ft D. RINEHART, No. l» Wood it.
JFor Krnt
MY.-Ur \->r fVMnr.
A thr.'i'Pivoliii.:: j*j3
• 11 J&.
• (al'U ai> 1
,!«!!!, t>-t
1.1 - at V- ■>•
•i -R:if
V- t'-v'. 'f.
. a-Ui in- 1
AI. K \
•rv ilri.-k 1 t\\fl!in^^3
• ; ’i. nr).: r!>- ->- r »:,i ££*
.if or ~a!r,
A \ Sf«•.f:>i Kn^ic*'
' ; * >llh k 11 e.
V •r• I, I’lM-'-r rj»}j > ..
. oulitr -.»i(.<-<•* i<> t'..-
Ot/uiiij ('•njiciiiixii.
n3»SiiEi;tir-.i.inu> M.'Birsn, of theSi*t.
U '* i ' \\ :uii, h a for Sheriff i A!l*
ulirlJV d-HUty. -'..-j'-Oi 1.. 111.' ,1, o"Utjly t'l.lju-
P.'^* i 'UEK[rr.-
: L->.y kl ,. x ,t. t
/. Count r. »nl.j.-rl tPe I'.itii.-v (.’••I'V, mi
it th- in :n u il! i I nu II It. •
iriiiiv: j-iir
L. .ilii] It-urn liir t-iiii*
-ii .» j'urdjrtJ< »
S.. K>l ill. •ir.'t (. !'j:'»! HI .1
'JO <>r 'l\ fi-vi c a,.h
.k-itUMri iiK.,,l iiAU:
au at
11. li KYAX
•400 Liberty Street.
iiolitiral Contis, fee.
1,1 'lif I'nils unit loir fur his Dclrsatrs!
. >-• > - u
: ::
S'" r,:; 1
'• 1 “» I'V! r>.„
Wtu. It- „ ,
it >s. ,s \
' • r i r {« „, F
frii-lirt* t»i .1 rr 11 ... r,> it j,,. ' v., 4
f)’^T5 3> o»*N<.KK>s. - Th** ni;iii v , • i.
“"V Mr N m .wr. F.'j . ■■! r, 4 ,. wlU ‘ 1
clajisu ni-umnticn in ili«> rJ.| 1 " l 1
aLU>;ukl m
p" '7y*r«lNi:Kt
pii* .--.-t t • tl.
u11.11j11.. I'.T l j 0 ;>l .
■ isj. ;i i tli- JL.-j.ut.U*-an u'i:nt\ .
. livr.. A. U . Lom
■'S u ;,i’ s>
;r<ui'Vir»u !C< {•«■.! (• iu C» •:* t <l.r flm
JUm fl .
• ; cr f U»s..i;t..'> —U . 11. .\eci Er, Ivs.-. Lll? ,
U ~' C I-. ..I Hsr.iJ.fPiu L.-liifi >
•!-: t : t • IIM
U. S. KVMTK, of Ply ‘1’...,
ft Mm- i t t!.
K» i'lil-iicjM'. «nf \ O’TiVrun... nt),! i *.*:
'.'kMtiM. P. ZiH. i IK, - >l' *:> j\ , .
i .• * f,.r .V-
j_ »il 1
> 'i" T ' '•'*i'**• •* t" «?i* M lb*" tlrj h iu i.v*{
K JHokpox, el' t.
• t »,,• ,1 • | * ' ~ I: * A*«*"ln i; j
| Ml ri.iN TO-S.
fTS»SuiiEirr.—liaih. Inv. ,v ,
„,.1 .Ml. . 1 “• U- :
fr —IJa*KV Worn-. IV,.
B—ka Ibf J:*-l t< !: ...j ln.u,iu.«r ,
-*\ W. Ba iciii:i.<>k, t-r iV-cl li
.1 - .j.l;.tu.i 4J- n.jniili»l:Cli (or ft..
...c lU;*uHioan
« 'r
I-. Ma-. 1-., < limtcr.) 1 L;r«
"" ai. l.Ja:.; t'j i ifl of A.).
v< U,c li.-]*uVllra
-i'K. \V H.1.U1! H «>f £>|
fi.r -»,.T,:T.-t‘ A I
r v a Miriurr~James J.. ilimimh, of Tf.
~ J \\ al, A Itivlu-.iy, j* .a r.u Mu-riff 0 f />
:-h-ny .■••• i-j.. t tb.' Kbj.hMi , u . ntj Q. n.
rr^^rnornoNuTxßv.—hAsiri. -ilct'up.rv. «.
*h. i« ;i fur sul-i.-.*
tu :b“ ilwi>inii i.f ill- n->! I.i'fiii* l!i':tn C"»intt Convent ■
jj^?r’ruoTHoNt»T.\KV—James R Hilands r
t .wu.M].. i*.. •'nudiiUtii t.. r l i >'l>i.n*torj, •«!,
j«*t l't thi- il--"ini--n i ' ill- !li ]ni!-lii-n:i <' iioty O-iivnit•
-■‘} c 'l‘!:nTrinNi.r.\RV--l > VNIF'I. AkMST7JO\«, O
" T ' / 1 bin! \\ :<x !. 11 r —vii.:i.l -it.* |.t /l'r.itl,riDclnr» of .A!
1.-.rli.-riv fi-HT.n i—r . th-' -u of tbn Ik fmbli. > i
, _ tut-Ji-dlc*
j;"*,■ —\). c. ~f iSn« v.-
• .!• «, t U ,m!1 1... n .-an-kUn* !,i ll„. i ffi,.. .
r/,anl7rlmv^i.t*"' J ’''' 1 * *” 'h* Urpobll.-ii
.I.ame.s Black, of the
v..ud. will l*. .! fHn.Ii.UU- r..r »L«- rftic
"I ( Cotrmiuii.-ii-r. aubj-. t t.. u.-< .k-rlsi-.u ~f y.« y.
publican Count? mjnViw:.
frjs*^oajiityj«»NEU.—j;<*ii£UT Alunoiia*
Ihn Tl.inl Uuni. JUtHlmr?!;, will hr n
J..r tV ..ill,-. <-i O'lt.lj to Ihr .1.
»i Iht-Ji. ].ril.|i,-4n C-.iiUiy <ViuM*ntio[r. nj-2rvi(-.i*y
JnlfS SilsW, of Shfiit-
T.-wn.-iti-p. will I- it nt-l-.1.H" for County Cnnwt..-
uiwiia-r, nub,- t.. u.- J.»-r-n.n ~r it ; - ({.-publican Com. ;
C-'in- uu-'n aplM.diwtrxh.j-r '
CtMfNEi; -William Ma« key, ibrji^r
ly.f W.-v]-tr.-L hut n-vr.,l IW rtmrth War I.
fit? 1 'f l’iiLabnr^li. l-> h fi.r C*»ri’tt«-r. Vtihjrrt t- t'..
•1- I-1..11 nf Cl- Ju J Ilhli.-tui Coriv-ntloU aplTTMlyrtcT
r^« '.ticuNF.R—J. I>. Ualmvin, of F<jur;>
War.L All.-zliruj. m:i fuiiih ltu- f, tr C.-macr. mf.T-.
!•• tli. -i-*< in--ii -•( K.-pul-ii' .ii C-.niity
-Wii. li.ivn. ..f llio~Thii.j
'.V. • * • t.urliiL.f.- 1.. r I ‘.-r.ii.rr. • |
■ ui-ii.-ui. C.,nvvi»ii..rv
-CuHON F.r.
l - " War,l All- j
LC/’ A, " K,,N ' rB ‘““^ AMI K,J L,, " rPR '*l SlSl.
4r.i, i« n c-juiiwUx-(<•! i!i>- utatTr
• t.. lliv <! ,-4»-J >u »,* llio JiuUtatj lurilitr COUW
tiotl. ••tr' y - •
tea? ■pfi.i.iK cmvin;:? Bank-, .W t,.> I’nrirrh
.'tr.H |, , s iu w,*u tI.H U..r,k
lir-t ■:.!, ..i ,!r.\* J,r. r.-t f. ...
A C Ti.—
r-;r 'l'iik Ku.t i u< MrtrriNi; -i
: ii t }■, .'J r*s .* LilTu-ti* ' a .*> . • atiu.n \» i,
'V.h'l’ ' V ,L “ V.U>,r’r r ,t.o: t}. ;
T Ii- I'Ul.i*., »j» ..o,ia; . r,!.,>tv i
MI JAA.W .Ml-AKi.ANJ*. S-, y.
" .. M..-*...V,utCLI iNji (.'«•»|
Mny Iv>.
UivibLM*.— Iht; Pr.-'idoui aml j Mroc
l.u. -fib.. 1,,,,,...,,,.. ,
“*'• Uus dai >KiMc<i nliv,.b-ml TWn tx>U.AH'<
ili'tre. to U‘a|-|.tiv.i to tlir \ 1
'"-'--'ll t lIKNftV M. ATtt-n>|>
k. —An adjourned niueim; of tb<
MivklioWrM .-f th.- .Sorili American Mum; (wL,,.
« .11 t- »>|.| atth* i-rhc w , the * WEL
•*» , the luh «.f Jim»- h-» I, al I‘* • ■'cK'cA 1 jc
M 3 :il:,ltd T. li. .SKVrS. aec-j.
auction Sales.
I J . i\l. A'jot.oaw
M fU
■Hi!’l nt [!]•• It* I. i. ■;,! aj. I •il , u , I \ •1 L .l’ H * *
.ut'tM ' .f.-Juu. A n'lnr-r- U-tti.
... »S» Aurt'i.
TltA]»;: SALh 01- M'ill.Vi AM) Si >f
mm: cumn-v. ll K ., IIAV M .>uvixo,
ut lu »ill bo -.1.1 at iU o.i«u»rnsuU StU-
Uv«.tu*. >n, ,V| FtUh stn-ft, a -pl./t ,r ■ , '
ij.nns wl «nu.u. r Cloil..i, fc maJ.. lhr i„,„, «... Cl,ou.S'p^T,
K i^VV
. . KU. DaVJ.s. Aucfi.
city. U» tius Wfcsi cuii,,;' !;
,-' T I “-u** TI-EiDAY *VO C W.“»V,; , £
. o U.a la ...!•» K,,„, tlir uev a.»-.
“ ,n ’* ' ‘ ' 4 lltfl ««i‘ »*■ ««8U that v«ry
w-.lhuuwt. .Mil' \Uls' l*n,|*n>. .|?n:u~l uti tl-o
«.«.lCoa i Jii,ii,t:. U,. *ir,l Uord, AIU-almijr city, which
l " ,aof •*«•»!»,, U.c Ua,.r (uacA-h.-
..f itaaller lor comfuctaMo lu.siciinufr. viz
. ia lbt* U'. st Cuttnoti or Irwin A»cnu
l.-tvM-n «tri. t an-1 Water lau-, twvutjfivv (ea i
(rout, u.-k nn» hnndr.d&od nim-twii-bt fret t.,
.. t*cuty fret ulli-y • * p ” l 1 ’
.Siiic L.»ta. fumlm,; on Ridge and Central ilrrt fa; (each of
>rblch » miy f-»-t, vnd Lots Nftig aboutfifty fe*t
Itoctb y iwoh'it i3n-J and light y five f w r iu depth *
Kb-ten Lot< rnrh 60 Wt front, and on- lot aufot 80 f, t
front, on Central »t. • och extending back VOO fewt, to a -in
1.-r-t *t. on the lino of the property ..f Richard Jlowe,. K*,
K.irtv-threeLot*. each iw-niydlvo l-et front on CenualVr*
••Tton.i.Dp back tnvnnl Water Uuo one Ihrndred and fom
fool to It [WI-tlty f.s;t aH-y 1
| Kor th- ;-.ttn>riwtifo of pvrhaaari tin- lota hare Urn
I K.-tk-d off and nnmh-r-d. -f u hi. f ; pi*,* oan he bad at (ha
I no-tion • l.«r«* ami th- preixii-es shown on‘application.
I r* 11. DA Vljt. Auct.
.'•'KCOND-H A\D CL< >TII l\(!-&On Wednesday Th--
.my, Eiiday and .Saturday, M»jr i-*olb, Sih. 23th atil 2>nL
i.l 1 and -<• cl.rh. ea.-h day, will b- ...Id, al tho CutlUßm
-014J SaJot rooni.i.N'. M K.fUj utrert, awry large .tuck ■ I
. h -i.e and rateable Ch’thinc. ueir and m-ooud Lati.f from
Kaaiorol I'.wnl-ruk-r which must UtUil r.ithvuiir
.••nv,ou the,».!>« Th- Mock comprehends eveivar
tiols of OecUi-m.’u <■ M oar. in exienaite voi i. lt ..f material
nod Htyle: sup-rAn- Mack CVth Frock and Utm Coat*,
hqht fancy Curlm-rc Coat*. BUr L Ckdh and Cas
fim-ro Pant*, fancy Ciu*!nn-i<\ Limn and T«ml ]*ant.
Sik. fettn and fh-th \ eel*. wn.l a largo .it** of Summer'
Clothing of every atvl-i and tarn tj.
l* M. MV IS. A arc
820 000 deferred stock a.
,y?, , U Aoctiuu.-i.n Tuesday .Tu.lnp.Jw
l-h ats (/doe* at tho Coaiintrcial fcalen rooms, Xu. 61
Fifth rtreet, «II! toroid. by order of Meters. V. Ibtnsen and
M. W. AchosjD, Sai,ofW uf preferred alack. Ju the IttrmJetp
ham and I’itUhnrch Bridge- Cn„ in lota to suit purchoawi,
winch flock oil! be entitled t-i a dividend of IP per rent, per
annum not ot tho toll* of said Brid-t, before any dividend U
paid "ii tbeuth-r stuck by said Conipanv. *
“»>-* * l\ MrDh Vf?, And.
STOCK I’., Fr. \V. A: 0. Jl. R, at privatx
RILE, in l"f»(•. »uit jiLiuliaxT*, by
upl P. M. lIAVIS. &1 Finn .f,
\ rSTIS MfreWls' Eicijanrr.
THCIu-DAV ECKNINO.—UauL, tiri.Jgr. Intaranca arxj
o’(‘|K-r .''t/>ek, and I>al »tale sedd ift public aa)«
at th- Mervliauts* Eich.tng- f<y
APynNhooMrs k co.
Not-a, Ilntfls ai.l Lnaua on Rnal EUtate '' rcr
rjjiK>iuL|n Uiiiw l*t AUSTIN jAhJlile a Ctj
*O-1 .«u*:E Noto Brokers. Vi Koortb’at.
—Tbe m«i«t tronbb.‘.-t*me anti
j>ni>:'nl aJI it U 1j«-v 0.1: i*; t Ifccttv*
utiT r.iri-l. M.ui» luvo t—;u tho preparations Ki ,itrn op to
attain tit.l‘ut wiili-ini ».}i»ry • in-ptHt,
lirvi. all h.nv Uil.-U of Ou-ir ptirp-oov Dr J float-tur'*
ft.-rntr-ti IUU. r.htrrwl to, l,ot* t I.„,
*iK-»i an inttilnal.:.- for rti-tast-* <./ «»,- »i... nai ->,
tht.lT... ntif at nil cmvrrs.tnl vitb Ita Luio.-y, uiU ,mr S Ucn’
*"* rftjracy to CMiM t.f tbt> nirtil tilannlpjjebwKtfr Thu - -*.
an-U. t<j? U>e frt>.,ncnt n*. nf tbo Litter.., tm»o -nlnred a.,
'sjtiaily rtjicwJj ati.ltlTrctual restoration to phy«tr*l „.J,
aml>» i ,n,r. All who «>» nifT.-rii* from i^ ia Br w
from a foul stomach, ahoold not Uil or hen.ut* in im i t 5
L y Dn,2^,ta *'«7'**»*ts an.| Lr UQSTV'IT»T> >
SMITH, Solo rruprivtora. W» W.Ur 9,0, *
hit* wT
LAND.— -taUu lK to
ciia»n a cumtU' dtom au.l r.lntLlo family
flro uiiics of tho dty. or to cicuao-'f •»tvr* rr . l \ tllU ,
I.r 1U nmc, wai*. ct J. 0 CcfjlSToiS vS*
u ' E, ' or . WJtLIS, BIUUUB 4
_*' _ ' ■» atmL ’
£“■' DuihiunlVrm to airiro
Ml tor Kit b, n,2T BMBV ILOflM.iV^