IBooks. STANDARD LITEKAtUEE, Flnt: Edi- Mrids —Tidtcor M Co’s Household Wartrly, Ulostraudi finaid* EdUlonWarerly Norris, 27 tola, ** Boston Library edition, C 7 “ *• Irving's Works, library ed., is *■ Cooper's dt select novels, la ** the Modena British Essayists, 8 •• ,Tbe Ancient do do - - -Etnenon's UisoeUancooi Work*, i “ Hugh Ullta** «L> do 6 •• Rott* AabrosUna, edited l>j hr. Mackt-bzie, !> vol* Ths Miscellaneous Work* c-t Olirur OwUsiniib, 4 . Addison's complete Works, Edgar A. Poe's Mlscollttbcc-aJ Works. Coleridge’s J.« do Hood’s choice do ChsrlesLamb's d< Leigh Huai's do 4 “ TU*C?clop© Dujekibvk. _ toLs The do. Edrllsu t-y Chsn.b-n*, - ~ njyia KAY A LO-, W> Wood ft. N" EW JSOORS Spurgeon's Sermons, ,4th *crtw: , „ . ~ ] TbeQreat Awakening ofl&f-S; NarraUrc* \ot n*aiar.kabla OunTtnlt-u* aii] Revival lufctilants, w. C. Conaot; Womens’ Thoughts about Women, by author of J*uu . Haliikx; ; JUUaaTear* Among tlic Mormons—narrative of Mr*. ; TL RmltV.; i Life Tltonzbti, Henry Ward Beecher—no* supply: ' Lire* ofllavelock, Dammocd and Vicars, do j Zenobla, Aorelian, Jalian, Partlienia. Hypatia; I . Bayard Taylor** Northern Travel; 1 LlTingatoao’a Africa, $1 and I The licecrt of Sinai; Tte Land of Promise, Bon*r, Htjgh MRlertWorka, 5 voir, Epargeon’s do; 7 *.m the Declaration of Independence to the Baltic of Ban ker Dili. Tbis volamc contains a splendid portrait of Gen. Joseph Warren ou steel. Knrratlveaof Remarkable Conversions and Revival Inci deata, an account of the rise and progress of the groat awakening of 1847-8. By W. C. Consul, with ao introdoe tion by Henry Ward Beecher. Memoirs o* Captain Hammond of tho ttiflor-Brigadt; Ron Away to Sea, aa Antoblogniphy for Coys. By Capt Hsyne Reid. The Ptloce of the Huueo ofDavid. For sale by myl3 J. L. HEAD, 78 Funrtb *L A GREAT WORK—Hoaii Mil.lee—.Just published from early Gla*gow Sheet*, by special nr- [ rongetnent. The life and Times of fltigh Milter, author of 1 ''Tsattmonj of the Rock*,'“ “Old Red Gladstone," *’ font- Stints of the Creator." “School* and Pclioolraavtcr*,” Jr,, c n pKlflircd by Ihutna* N. Brown, the eminent &»l'h Dtha*. Muslin, 12m . Pri cent"; t•«-rfe form $1; tnonntod and varnished $1,76. OBAMDFIEIiD’S I’ATKIAKCILAL CHAIN t>P TTIK BIBLE, .printed fn four mh colors. I'n.e Tfi cents; uiomu ed and varnished S'— _ CARPENTRY MACK KA?Y. By K. 8.-11. Tlir work coQUlos abont kVrt) Fu»ir». lr—s iutti>rr,.o- I*»v gracn. ef'rica $3 [*r ropy, i^Mpaid. yy»Anr of tti<* Rboco works will --tit by until, paid, oo (bo rt»c«pf of tb« iriail priCP£I... JAKC-i Wii'K EIZ.VKY SATLTS. DIP£E| BECK & SAYIiES, Bankers and Brokers, 3 »»*»<} O Devonshire Street. B 0 S T 0 X. DB. & S. givo particular attention t*.» the t Mto** of Lake ?uj>mor,«mi nreprtparnJ L. furnish teliabli inforniWtr.o rssp*-ctinj» them A intatii.o« of all the Cm tent SeciirUitw will t—ut !•* ur.y nd-lr*** d-firi'd mj3jlyble. Poo Syrsipe. 100 I'bH. N\ 0. ~0 0 Jf. 0- Gutter; Ml bUa. cru«M 4 tu.flm* Filler, for mlo by d u :i SUKI V'Klt 4 UILWoItTM _ SUNDKIKb —IUU bales Navy Oakum; IC r'j (nils assorted HZJJ4 M Vi* hUt. Pitch; 4-j *' B. W. Wlwlo Oil; •• No. 1 Lard ** Od hand and fjr enl* t>y jOXKS A COOLER, jn T 3 Mft. 141 Water *tiwl. DcarChtrry alley. XERSOSCOPIC VIEW'S—Tlie subscriber kujrot rec\J byexprr** * forg* assortment of new, be&otlfut and ?ery perfect Kngilih, French. In»h ond Jtai tan Vibw» i on piper ami on gl*u J 5?. DA\IsON, No. 61 Maiketstrwt, near Foartli, toys Sole AEMit l>ere for the N. Y. CV WRITING FLUlDS.—Arnold's, Kirt laod’a, Maynard 4 Noye I *, Darld’s and HiLbcrt'e for tale at the Stationery W&reboJM of W. 8. HAV EN, Corner Market asJ dec*-ud street*. ATKINS’ CELEBRATED O^. VO DAY ODOCK3, lit Ooaotlng Room and Parlor. ftyfl A£a**ortm»ot In Honowo.nl caoesjafogaut pattern* set received and for »»ie by J. R. HEED & CO-, JeSfrdtf J*.»reter*. No. W Fifth ttreet. SUNUKIES —-4 bags. White Tenn. Wheat; 4 ZiX d'i Red do do 4 bids. Jtunlly Lard: 2 »Ur.d» family Laid: 2 W« do do H ««ks Feathers; 1 roll old Copper llfi Mils. S. Springs E ?. Hoar 11 bbU. Uuioo E. Y. Flour; lid bags do do do 1® bags do do do W '• Key do do 136Teas.Blown, to arrire oti »te*mer S. P. HibUrd, lor aalßby m>i9 la.UAil DipKKY A Co. AKE FlSU—auo bV. l.bls. Whit.! Fith; I>o do Trout: do ialnion; do l.*kn Ilerrltip. lII".NitY H COLLIN. 3 . Aec'd and fur mlb t j inj 10 MANTf LI as PARASOLS, Jcstrccrirtd at mrCC-.diw? C HANSON LOVE, 74 Market at. T)ELL H ANOING! ; GREAT RSDUCTION IN PRICE!! Hour Bolls at s'i.rA> aad upwarttvpul n(> lu tbs lest style by * J. D MATUKW2. dslL'dtf 1M HmiUifivW He JOB PRINTING— Cards, Circulars, I'tlo Lists, llllts Lading, hhyw Bills, Lal-el*. UeaUr, i-:.. Priat»-t ioxiperioi style abshort nntl:<-, by WM.U. JOIINpIoN A CG, Printers, ButtiHioriatiil lilanSi M*uu(.u:iMwts. myl N 20 do Cboio*> Wfaoto Recsired and for sole at 135 Liberty st. RIDBLR WlttTS A CO. ROOERIES — 4 Oil bag'i Rio Ooflcc; 60 baas Plmtuto; ly) bsw P-pocr, 10 fry!* CloTts; WO frails Nutnii-pr, lOTkecsßiCarbSids; ISOlif-chstsY.M.Si! P.Toa; SAiUrMN if —— fG ilu Bluets for«lfby SIIIUV£Ii£I>ILttOUTH._ fpiCKNOR & .CO.'S HOUSEHOLD WA- X YERLtf, new Tolume*. Fevorfl of tbe Peak, 'i rots, with gastritis ns. (rnyll) RAVACQ- st. SUGAR AND MOLASSES— W hli&v choice N. 0. Su£ftn ' ' L 3 bbl*. •* " Mol&wtS WIL MITCIIELTHKK, Jc... i UUO. for aala by EXTRA FAMILY FLOUIV on'U»d~ and for Mlo, wttolenle mod rtUUI, by my is RIDDLE, WIKT3I frj., N„. A 5 LiWrty *t. pKESH BUTTER—O bids, prime fresh Roll L* Batter r«M ao ■>• —PKI&TS and other Domestic I>reas FomTl, lor, Bn*.. B°. 7< «»*»« ■■- IrSOTTOV—£6 bales middling Tenn.; I \ to « ordinary Sf. indl o|r Br»m«»m« M«mo„ forri. mj2Q S' JUS—I have just received a largo lot rior Bathing Sponges of otery «ut and pnc*. good article lo this line should call and ex* . o to. n7 .«Jt& P a re h W , 6 mySO SfJNDKIiiS —170 BaotaTvlicat7-lcaii. ilc<). 30 bbls. S. Eptlnga Ex. V. Flow; 3 u Lard,Np.lF*inUy;'. 1 fc*l«> Cotton; OortauaorP^d.ta.irtT•“JJ^g 0 j [SI4W , FOt/kTH SALE or ‘I.OTS, r A.T AUCTION, ‘ ' bt the Emporium Beal Estate and Sannlntlnring Co., nxovsrs cm, pulatkx Cotui/y, yJV inois, i OM TUESDAY ASD WEDNESDAY, | Jcse Ist and 2d, LBSS, ( 1 EMBRACING A LARGE NUMBER OF j 'j eligible locations for Building purposes, whether f<»r | residences, store*, manufactories, or other purport*. Also, j Bereral House*, double and single Frame Cottages, recently : erected, in modem style, and ready for occupancy; »U w 1 which will be offered upou liberal terms, and »o»d, without reserve to the highest bidder. ~ j Moond City offers indocements to person* desirous of lo- . eating. nnequoJed by any other point at the West. IW ng j situated upon a high, bluff bank of the Ohio river, «ia i aboro its confluence with tho Mississippi, it is free fr n mtamuk ™pon, I, »t tb, M of •;», | [ river furlargw stammers, In aewtms »*f j-atnir. <. i or or drought; It Is connected w ..b th* wb.le N-rth. Bwd . and West, by means of th** _„. trT>r ,, n 1 MOUND CITT RAILROAD : I Wbieb mikes funr dsily eons.*-...... ..iib iB. Il.ii.ou.Un. 1 tral Railroad North and South; a*, aL-o, dally couuoctKrUJ | i Writer with ail the regular packeta to Cincinnati, Lnuu ! t 1116.81 LouU. Memphis, New Orleans, Ac. and Mechanic, Mound City offers | ngr inducements, having now in operation nn exnn *ivC Foundry, and Machine Shop. Marine Railway and Ship Yard, Ktoam Pottery and Terr* Cotta Works, an extensive ! imrrel Factory, Flouring Mill, Furniture Factory. Planing Mill and Saab mod Door Factory, Pork. Packing Establish- I niADt. and several Saw Mills in tho immediate vicinity of i the town, ali of which give constant and lucrative employ ment to a large number of hauy- B» orJ.r ~r “• J. Qribwold, free y. “ FAIKEAKK’S PUTFOliai tfCALKH. THE undersized haTiDßbeen appointed cx- Cln-ITO Agents for the aalo of tbreawlebiutod SCAl.jjj. manufactured hy the .original Inventor., h.t T. *AUI HANKS A CO., ruspoctfully tnrile the attention of the bnn- Innu community to tho superiority of th>*o Swlce over all W *Thwia Scale* have boen euhjocted Io U.a SKVKILEcT TESTS on all the principal Rallro.uls in tho United States and England, and In eTery branch of buaiucM throughout the world, and their uniform tvecunujy and b™* bar® gained for thorn the reputation - AKD FROM WHICH TIIEBJ: CAN HE hO APPEAL. W» are prepared to fill order* Tor Counter, I‘ortal.le, Dor mant, Rolling MilL Uaj,Ooal,Bjdlrojd and 0««1 Scale-, « No. 325 Liberty Street, Commercial How, Pittsburgh* Potin*. AN ORDINANCE to appropriate onJ im prove tbs Common Grounds lu Allegheny City. Section 1. Belt ortlminea and enacted by the'Select ami Common CoanciU of the city of Allegheny, and It l» hereby enacted by the anthr rltv or the same, that the Common Qrounds in Uo cltr of Allegheny bo appropriated for the purpose of Improving and keeping the same unproved, and they are hereby declared to U. appropriated ou paying damages to inch Commoners entltlc-d thereto, as may apply ,o isaSKa , «isss L i»-.... «.**'** u»r, A™oD,oi»lo»„bou.,»-.Wjt g f * * President pro. tem. of the Select Gmocil AtU-at: D. MAcriUUW, • • u,..k 1 UK, S.UC Oo»«U ißustß ojphs. prrtiJuul of tho Cunimou Council. AttesUM.McGoJfJthJit ... . Clerk ot tho Common Council lu ) 11 " > * 11 BJottlS. H'lilUN'CII'S HOTKI firmer oj Frahlfort Strut and City II.iHJijUM.-r, •g.j-uur t he Vity JlaU, After l«rir < THIS HOTEL isconduceetl on the European or Lotwtxo Roosts, and in>-ati «u> the) un*. r l- «.-r derod. in the spaclcn* Refectory. Then* ii a Harbor** Bbop. with Baths (u ..'tim-t.-l.on tlu-ie with This popular hotel Is In the Immediate rirtnity 8 ect. With a large stock of Apple, Peal—standard and dwarf— Quine*, fire varieties;Corriinbs« leren vanrtnw; Gii»i-e Y *«»*, dhrobtory, Green Uouso Plants, lUwao. Ac Those wishing an extra article ut choice tarioO** might find ttto their Interest to examine U»y stock tof-n oidniug stoewhere. seidawtfP JN<* MUltla'Ci:. Jr Reasons fur utYinjiM ii.-mcm pi.n-o nf from Tre* FedUn -I*l. We Sold Churl J Tr-a-la»t l.»ll it ft--«ii -» *- l > r thal they Charged 60 to T-j c.-ul* for Appl- i-l . 1 «*•; l- , : that th-y charged IT lot. Pearl. .1 l-*.. •' "•■■■> > h-r^^l ! _5 (..r au-l Ollier things iu piot-an.... 2,1. You can have them planted « h-w hours u!t. r to'/ I are taken op. while the jx«llars' tr’va !,»•• c wrai J hours to j pass ou canal* and at railroad d-j-oU before they rr.eh the 1 planter. J 3d. If mistakes occur * prepri.!-' >* •li..a»->'U( t■ ■ -rr-cl them, but a wJUr, where is In-’ ! ’ JOHN >IUIt !»■ 'c.ll. Ja , I mrllslAwtf P Pittsburgh and Oakland Sur.. n PITTSBURGH, I'A ©SilaSclptia abbtrtisrmnus. Screw Presses. POWER AND HAND PRESSES, f..r Wixdun, Cottun and Paper Manufacturer*, Printer*. Lithographers, Look-Binder* and Tallow Chandler-; Copy luc I’mn extra size, for Forwarding Hun**. Office*. Railroad Companies, 17 in by 22, and 22 by "■«. L*-tt«r and Presses,Mill anJ Jack .Screws. CHARLES EVANS A fr»>N, Corner On-ad and Quarry Sttccis, nol*:6nid—j»so PIIILADELPUI A NEW CAKPBTS. AT THE FOURTH STREET STORE Have_ just received a very aaanrtrncnt of CARPETS, 01L CLOTHS. k'-, tb* uu>»l stylos tor fpring Trade, cotnpn.urig VELVET AND BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY ANbTHtIKK PL*', SUPERFINE AND LOW PRICED INwRAINS. ffy.il, Dutch, Hemp, Lilt, Rag, Hall and Stair Carpet*, Ruga, UuU, Oucoa Matting, Stair Rods, &«., Ac Aißu, u choice lot of Druggvts from one in tour yard* wtdn beautiful patterns Floor Oil Cloth, from 2 U*24 hurt wide, with all other goods usually in tlr«t clues CnrjKit Stores, all of which wo ore prepared to sell at tb- very low eat r*M for raah. ocS W. P. A. If. McCAI.LUM. iBsa carpets!" lssa THE MARKET STREET CARPET STOJtP., IS STILL PREPARED TO SUPPLY all .temwn.l, f u r Wlret, Umasrla. Tinea ply and In grain Carpet*. of ovory dwcnptlnn, *tyb* a»’l.«>r OHCloths, from 3 to 2-ifwt wide, at lower prices than nr Uv* «rer before offered; Coro* Matting lor oflkra or drorihec; Painted Window Shade*. and erarjlhlnr conned ed with thj Carpet department of House Furnishing. As we anticipate an al SIN UMBRELLAS, UNOIIIKS—IO casks Chalk; 1 00 blls. Bp*nl*h Whiliuy. 600 lb*. Extract Logwood; 3 cufci Bladd'H 20 bid*- Turpentine; W tibia. Un*eed Oil; 6 do Irencli OcUro; SO do yellow Oebrc; 100gro« M’Lane'» Medicines; &0 dozen'BoerUata’e Holland UUten; Jnit rec'd by mys MACKKOWN A FINLEY; IC~ Liberty itrwt: SUNDRIES— 12 bbb. prime Frosli llutter, 40 do Utah Egg*. 10 bos. choice Parwl Peachne: 16 do do unpared do 50 do Drlwl Apple*: 100 tb«. choice Oooae Feather*: 3&i) bo-theta Pencil Ulouom and No abaniKK.l rutaUrea, rrc'd and lur •*!«• at *-io. Liberty it. lip-.'T riddle, wniTi a oa_ ERESIi BUTTER—Prime fresh Butter Table Batter exprcMty for family u**, received dally. Choice Family Groceries; extra quality 0 roc tv and Mack Teas, couslanUy otflisbd an. l tor uvloal No. S. fifth *t . I>y ■p27 _ KIDDLE, WIHTd * CO. DRY GOODS—Those desirous of purchas ing anything lu the Vain SUpto, Vot. ij-Ii or Doidcm lie Dry Goods Him, will pleaeu i»l| u nd .xiwiniio our Ur.o nod woll assorted stock of Spring Good.*, wlilili are no* Lo- Jug sold very CULAI’ for CASH. C. HANSON Lot K, ujrST formerly Lovu Drue., No >4M»tk»t itr>»l. S- Bks. Torn. AY beat; 3 bids. Lard; 'J bales Cotton; St) bbls. fcxtra family Hour, tons Term. On atcamef RoUaacu to arrive lor sale by t ISAIAH DIttKKV t-CO TTANDSOME SILK KORKS. ilieh Barege • fT_ Kobe#, Organdie Robes And a full line ol utt.«r Dfcsa alio Crape Bt*lla and other Shawls, all of which wIU ho sold as cheap as the cheapest for cash tpa C. HANSON LDVK.74 Markets^ ptAPE ISLAND FLOUNDERS!—CaII nn't SCO this Tobacco, black, rich and sweet, an entirelynew article,Just o(>ened. W. A !'• MNKHAIIT. fc p24 ■ ‘ No. 123 Wood *L_ UT BU GG Y~WII IPS— An assortment of beautiful Gnt Whips Just finished, fourth *t BATHER WAGON WHIES— tnaeiuned —The regular Pennsylvania Whip, manufactured ex clusively now by apCG WELLS, RIPPLE 1 CO. DROVERS' LASHES-jWliiU), iirmvn and Cock Leather, and all lengths, from oto 1C feet. For sale to the trade to any quantity by ft p2G WLLLH, RIDDLE h tY). *.> fourth »t. Half gross quern's god'liver OIL JCLLY Jast rec’d and t>r sale by B. L. f AHNEBTOCK * 00.. No. CO, corner Wood ntul fourth at*. LAKETfFSH.— 125 hlf blj'ls WhiteTislT, 100 do Treat, do ELalmou, 2b do Ilomug, g«i-*dTddinafc*«»l»bf ni:NUY 11. COLLINS. AGON—IOOO lbs. country Sides; 1000 dd Oo . Shoulder*; - aOW>- dO : - ' ~3° _pnd city Ham*, 4 NeC A L L U 31 D. I II iatEtrllancous. 1838. 1838. j r. a ttti svpzmxoa uars. TOUCHING AT Dr'rait, i’aut Sir Hafir, Harifaellr, Parlarjt I.air, Copper Harbor, Eagle Harbor, Eagle Hirer, Ontonagon, La Point Po'jhrhl a nei *S’w;*!< riut City. The New and Splendid Paat-Saitlng L.>w-Pr**tur* Steamers CITY oTCIiEVKIsABiD,; ILLINOIS, J. M. LUNUY, Master jjOHN TRA7.EU, M;i»ter. And newly fitted np Passenger and freight Screw Steamers IRON CITY, 1 MINERAL ROCK,! QEN.TAYLOtI, J L TCTurea,Mas*r|J.P.RTl>E»,Maflcr|G. 8ro»t, Master Will compose the Lina for ISSS. City of Cleveland leave* Clewelundi MONDAY, May 3, 1,1 b ' J ‘ cl ‘ ,ck ' p M TULKaDAY.May 13, _ 310NBAY. May'2l, THURSDAY. June a, ‘ MONDAY. Jano 14, M a TaURiDAY, dune M MONDAY. July - THURSDAY, Jnlyl.\ MONDAY, July TllCliaDAY, August MONDAY, August 111. THURSDAY, Angus: 2d, * ” MONDAY'. S-j>tonibt.r d THURSDAY, September IG, “ MONDAY, September 27 THURSDAY. October 7, ** MONDAY’. October Is - THURSDAY', October 2d “ MONDAY, November 8, ** ** llUnols leave* Clevelands MONDAY, May 10 THURSDAY, Mey 20. MONDAY. May 31, THURSDAY, June 10 MONDAY, Jane 21, THURSDAY, Jnly 1, MONDAY, July 12, THURSDAY, July 22, MONDAY, Augsut 2, THURSDAY, Aogsut 12, .... MONDAY, August 23, THURSDAY, September 2... MONDAY. September 13, THURSDAY, Septembor 23, MONDAY, October 4 THURSDAY, October 14,... MONDAY. October 23 With the S-tkw Pteamem IRON CITY, MINERAL ROGE MidOKN. TAYLOR, making THREE BOATS leer ing CleveUal tvtKt win throagb lb<> season. Tb<* "CITY OF CLEVELAND" and "ILLINOIS S ” have been fitted up expressly fc>r tho traveling public; being ac knowledged tupoiuC «f ej**-d, accommodations,and appoint mrnts, vsm RPaaaxn. The "IRON CITY” comt» out com pletidy renovated; her Cabin being extended her full length, eltlde her lir»t clam Passenger accommodation*; wbllo her Freighting facilities—with the “MINERAL ROCK* and -OKN. TAVI.OK”—are admirable. For a pleasure Trip, the Upper Lakes tire b -coiuing ear h succeeding aou«on more jvipular; none affording the tourist, M*klng either baainres, health or pleasure, no many attrac tions. beating Cleveland, the traveller passes over Lake Erie, through the bountiful men Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary’s: and over Lakes St. Clair, tlarun and Superior. pass ing the MaitJ of Mackinac, and the Pictured Rocks; visitfug Marquette. portage Lake, Copper Harbor, Eagle River, On tonagon, l.n point, Bayfield, and Superior City, with many other localities of interest; giving the BdenUfic and enter frlsiug ■uffleientopportnoHies for visiting the Copper mid ran Mtmvi; the seeker of health the cool and braclDg cli mate, and attractive souery; and lb# sportsman and lover of tho rnoinotic, the inunt I anting facilities for fishing and exploring. The St*ann-re make the round trip iu eight days. Rooms for any of thn trip# can U* secured by addressing ,y &, m’Diiide, 5310 N Merchants HUSSE Form .\kdinu & Commis; Cleveland. Ohio. ‘C*ro Hi'Mir & N. r.—Mrtrk nil Packages: Cleveland. 1 Cometery Marble Worlt*. No. .V>3 Liberty Stroet, below Wayne, PITTSBURGH, ha. MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTICAL MARBLE SI A P 0 N , WISHES RESPECTFULLY TO IN farm iii* friends and the public generally, lhalii bu leased tlie above premises, for the manufacture and sole of every variety of Marble Work, stub os Monument*, Tombs Tablets and Oruvehtoncs, uf every variety and form. iLaa, Mantle Here*, Ceulre Tab!-, Pier, Bareaa and Wash Stand Topi, Ac„ Which be m off. i ilk *a h-w a* *ny uth«r establishment West of Uu» mountains. 11 in stock is rutirelr uew, aiul ha* been ►deslej by lltmeelf, expressly fur tLl* market. lie !• %leo prepared ti> bnlld Burin) Vault*, enclose Bar Lola with Mar bio or Shine, and to execute any other work in hta line, 0 any of the Cemeteries adjoining Pittsburgh. Her.T H Lyman, Robert Galway, Eaq., Uon Wm. Wlltelus, John Chislvtt, Jno. H. Shnenbcrjcur, E&J-, \V. L. lUngwaJt, Esq., Charles lirrwer, Ksq., J- 11. Hill, Ikq, Thomas Scott, Ksq, A. B. Curling. Ksq, W. P. Baum, Esq., O.IL White, Kaq. The Trade ftirnian*'! with all kinds of foreign and borne* tic Marble, either finished or iu the rough, at Wholesale prices. i He hat also made arrangements «!ih tbe manufacturers of tho~beat brands, for a runstant supply of Hydraulic uent. Wafer and Louisville Lime, and Piaster Paris, both for Land aud Stocco Work, all of which he is prepared to famish at abort notice. mulS.dly GAS FROM ROSIN OIL u’A'i v nr iris trio autkriaL, rpilKUHill ILLUMINATING PROPER 1 T ir.S of Una from Rrato and oleaginous substance* haw always made them a favorite materiel fur the n>anu factomof Illuminating Qas. ManyOas Companies use lto» In with cool, in order to supply their customers with a Su perior Quality of Gas. RoStN-v'tL Is entirely fro* ftotu all dnwa andinfus* sob stances, and yields at once. It* Brilliant Illuminating Gas. Tb* greater original cost of the apparatus fur the Diana* futur** of coal gn* together with the attention and as perms r«u«tuntly required, and the diOictiltj, It not Uupcwnbility, id entirely separating the ur.aholc-soiae, Jelcteri'-us and uiwir* es-», g-u.-iut.d lu coal, rrndei th* RiySLS OIL AITAUATG* cWspei and m-.re .lndrAl.fa in every way. iif 3?tl Broadway. New York, has dr ruled hi* entire stlmilon to the manufacture an I s-douf Hurtalils Gas Ajijnratun, and he respewtfhliy calls the attention of Ihr public ti. Lis present complete and efficient in*» luiie Per f"«-t LntUf.ictioti to lbs purchaser guaranteed iu errry Kur fuilher lokrtuatluu *ddrvs* * O.»ATKI», 3T6 BroadwsT, New York; Jj-juisadlr ..rPAVIim WILLIAMS*. Pittsburgh. Pa COOBINS BY GAS WOltD TO TTIK LADIES. The heated term is approach I.Mi, &mi wv call the attention of the Ladies U tl.< factthat COOKING. IRONING, Ac., C.tn l-y ere (jreyjDif allcht aud delicious flaToredCKKAkl ALK, which Uioy aro aelllugat $4 per barrel, and KKO3 OK TEN GAL LONS each,to arcomiuodale private tamilea. They have abo X ALE at s'i>X-Xat $7, aud auperlor KENNKTat $3 p*r bbl., and emaller casks in proportion. Also rxrcllr-• POKTfcttAXD BROWN STOUT. _ ,(®-Order sent to tbrir Brewery In PITT STREET, receive prompt attention. mrlO-Smirchr _ New goods for spring sales. We are daily receiving from oar own and Knst< factories, Additions tu our *lo«lt, which consists lu |iart ol floor oil Cloth*. Carriaga Oil Clothe, f urcltnre Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Crush Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths; Trdusp't Window Shades, JJuff llolUnds and Shade Trimming*. Merchants, Iloasekeepers and others requiring any good* iu «nr line are Invited to call and examine the stock and judge lor themselves In regard to tho 9 tnrtfl No. 2fi and 23 tft- Clair strwd JuT.ES HAUEL’S Kuu" Athcnienne Hair Renovator roatiirr* the hair to lie original tifo rc*lor, iui-1 it i» An infdlible prraerTtT of tbo Lair ind eight. Wat* rruiuxl entirety free trom any Itijuriona aiibstaucea. For aah-by (rnyll) JOS. FLEMING. TIIOKN'S Compound Extruot of Copftiva ami Hnnapiinlla—a fresh supply of tills celebrated remody ju»t rrc’d l.y (aiyll) Jt)3. FLEMINU. BRUSHES— -A large supply of Hair, Flesh, Tooth and Nall Brush** of tlw Uneat quality, constant - Ijr on band at JOS. FLEMING’S, uiy3 cnnicr Diamond and Market atnwt. PKUL>UOE —7UU bunk, white Hcans; 1W) l"uli. Dry Apple*; 10 bbls. Dry I’eacbra; l> bbla Coaatry Lar.t; lo re and fur sal# by tny'.O SHRITKKA DLLWORTH. DOMESTIC OOODS. —Prints, GingtmmH, Checks,Tickings, BJualtas, Oottonadts, Ac , ami all kiada of handsome DicasQoods,Bh*wU. Ac. C. HANSON LOVE, ■p'.£J:d*wF formerly Lovo Brother*, No. 74 MarketaL CjIIAWLS, MANTLES, IiLAOK & FANCY DHES9 SILKS, Extra Rich Dttragos, Organdie*, Loam*, Mourning Goods* White Goo la, Needle Work Collars and «tetta and A No. I Stock of Domeellc Gouda, all cheap for , 0. DANSON LOVE, apjlnlswF formerly Lora Prathcra, No. 74 Market aL 17 HENCII CAMBRIC COLLARS, in whit * anil colored .Embroidery, Jn*t rac’d l*y * • B,wu, ‘ MURPHY A BURCIIFIKLD. Who have also received a fnU aawrtm-nt of alltho n* style Embroideries In Collara and cotta. my7;u*wf B" ' LANK HOOKS, lnp*d.Th*rioi>wcA Isalmuautulrelydcpendcut l , on the ta-altbv action of the i,irrrforUiepro{icrperfori!i ■[£ 'nuceofitsfnnctioDvjwbrath i »Wmachtaatt*olt,th1 i Purifying the XUoorfJkj Riring tone and he I whole machinery removing l the cause of th , effecting a radical cure. ; S RULIOUSATTJf’Ky'inf cured, and | better, |>r of two tea K spoonful* willnl* Sick Headache. * > Ono bottle taken for fe- H tnale obstruct'd t : cause of the disea«o. uuili makrs a |>erfect i ( Oulyduedoaalmm<-sart>cnU. I We lake pliwsiire Ui ri-»t.-* with certainly. Athonanudsi are willing to testing to U* wouderlut rirtace. I t ] All who use it nre girinj their unanimous in ill .at 6 o’clock. P- M. 9'frMix Pterin l\t mouth with the Invij* -atcr, and twallmo tUh together. The Liver Invlgorator I« a Scientific Medical Divcotrary, aud U daily w«i ki»t;cnro« aluioet too gieut to Ih'llitb. It cure* a* if l') ' rrW the Urtt dote giving henejit, and »eldi>m mote Ih- n uu* i’ ll *- tie !■ required to cure any bind of Liver Complaint, from the wont Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a roturnnn Headache, all of which are the roault of a Diar***-! L:rur. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dll. SANFORD, Proprietor,346 Broadway, Sew Yotk. DR. (IEO.H. KEYBKR, So. NO Wood «tn-. t, Pittsburgh Pa.,ApenL auf« lydawT lIKL.MBOL.U’H GENUINE PRKPAHATION Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Kitract Bochu, For Ihuat- of the Madder, Kulneyt, Orarel. l^.tyr llrul-nrst, (Miitrudions, Female t \emjda i nU, a nd all iHteateiof th <• Sexual Or gam, from Exm-s.j and Iroprodcticina In life, and nr nwvlotf all Improper Dischargee from Uio tlladder, Kidney* or Svtunl organs, whether eiMin* >n Mali: o b f k ai a i. f. , Front whatever cane* they may have 01 igtnated, AND NO MATTER OP HOW LON'I STANDING Giriti'j Heap}) nntl Vtt/nr to the frmnr, atnl ttltiuv i /•< the J’.iltid Cheek JOY TO TDK AFPLICTKDJM itu Nrrri-u' ami Dc-MUtnl-'l {tuff-nr*. «n.t re mo*** *1 :•) lujituii.*, tuin-r-j; which «tU l«' h-tiud Indupoaitk-u L> Bx<*lrU.‘D. laim -f Ih-trvr. U*'ofM-’n>nrj. DilflruHy of Br—«thini; O-n «-t*l Woikocu, 11‘rror ol I>>- ca~>. Wv-tk Nwtw, TnwiMioj:. l)r. ul- Ini Hutrur of l>cath, C--M Wakrfulneas, Dltnn-ws.if Vi»|. u. l uiw l.uotudo uf lh« Miumtlnr <>U"t» Ku«rTu--ui A|>|«tltt\ wtth Dyapt*l’Ue Bol Jlmu.l Plnihlug «.f tb*i Body, l>rjn p * < *>f*tl»* I'ftJlvl Coutitalanf- uj KrupU'>u» id th« K»uiu th«- Hack. 11<-h -rfoi-u of tho titrlidi, Fre quently Black FlyVtfi; Ix-fniv thn Eyea, ti TVmiHfTßry Suffa»tuu nod U** u{ U-iut ■ 4 •ntiiio, G««*t MuMluj, Rt«rtJpcu*pM, wtti» ■> > * SncJ.-ty. Nothißg t» RM-n* dt*tn»hle u< «Hh •'■*- rkntj th*n S*lltnd«‘. *nd nnt&inff thry rnor* Dr'-.vl fur fp*r cl no R of Munrr, no Kanwitnwa, i>‘< l»U«>n, but » ilunxd Tr»u»i tii’O from <•«*• qnr*U«iu to MICtIK-l'. The~c KTmptuin*. If allntred to |f» on—wh'rh this tnMl cine uiTMiatily remove* —"mn follow* IjO!*!* OF PyM MU FATUITT, AND EPILEPTIC FlT?—in io<* <>l whlrh the (■atlmi may expire. Whn ma *ny that these i*xro*w-s »re not frequently Mlowrejliy tbi*»*dtr , 'fnl diMiaaea— INSANI TY A Nil CONSUMPTION? Tl-> tTo.nla »t the INSANE AtJY LUMS, and the meUncbuly -Wths by CONSUM PTIt *N. lawr-ample snttio** in the truth of three a*»<-rtlrirf «.e«j u»if* n .M.oiiMa ► •tind "f the voicv oociir. rt •* r«r. Ij »rti iiUn ••With wofui tu*A»i.r. , U4I, a.Ki*.r Low eull.-n «uoml« ht».tr; >*' Datniity Is mo*f turnhW *nJ h i* l-r'-ujrbt ihon«ai«l» 'iy i«o«»u4* to untimely «*■"*- thus M-Utlnc tnu »mtoll-vo i»n) lii-t 1« youth* It «n !« rtircd by the tn*e cl till* Inlulli t>l«* lv. [f you ar«- autWinj; » ; th any of tbe above .Ji»t rt« Min«? all ut».th» FLUID KXTnACT BUCNC will > 10-Try It and t>« L<>ormr»d IU« flkury BEWAKKor QUACK NOSTRUM:* A QUACK DOCTOR* wbo fal*e|y Uwel of abilities and ndi-rviuy* Cltixcn* know and avuld thotn, and aate Lone SutWine. Monej, and !'.*• txaorß, li* wn'liDii »r calling foe • Uiltln of tills Popular and SPECIFIC REMEDY It allay* all pun and inflammation, is pcrbwtly pL*aant In It* liwtr andodoi. but Immodlate la it* action Helm bold'a Extract Buchu la jirepared directly according to tho Rote* i f PHARMACY. ASH CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and Care derated In It* combinsitJon. r*» I’ndcaaor DKWEKS Valuable Workann th*> P:acti*-i* of Physic, and moat ot lb* late Standard Worl.iof Medicine. Ono hundred dollar* will b« paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine aver Injun*! a Patient; ami the testimony of tboaunda can be produced to pnjv« that It doea great good. Caaes of front one woek to thirteen year*' slant ling have Uv-q bIWInI. The maaa of VULUNT.tUY TESTIMONY In pnwwlnu of tho Prcprl.tor, vom-hluc it* virtne* and cnralue power*. Is immense, soibrarlng u-itn.s wuU known to 100.000 Bottles Have Been Sold And not* ilnglo Instance of a failure baa been reported! I't-nw-iially appeared before m>, an Alderman of the city ■if Philadelphia, II T. lILLMBULD, Chemist, who being duly sworn dee* say, that hi* preparation ctmUias n<> Nur U Uanufactnrci Sworn and l««ore ue this 23 day of Nov bar, 1064 ffM. P. HIBBARD, Aldcrraat Price $1 per fiuttU, or .S’lLr fur Ji, [iclitercd lo nny Ad-lrcfi, A coninsnicd by reliable and reeponaibb' Cortlfltatea from Prof. »«. r» of MMlhal Collvgra, Cl«rgjt,icn and other* PrejMrod amt solj by M T. HELM HOLD. yVacfiCjf and AnufyUrji CAsmiil. Xu. ?>‘2 South Tenth Street. l>el>•/ Y,Y.O 11. KKVSKiI, Sole Agent for /’if uKoryl,. „U l>r,ujj»U l*r,iUr, throughout l’in'lrd Shttr’, f.’in-u/'i* tiwi //rifi»A Pr„v,ue,i. DKWAKE OF CnrN'TKKFKITS. •I .d Jur UF.I. MliOl, P’S — Tale ho Oikt. iiir’i', lydawF fi(\ UHLS. LUtiSun bund rani for hul« 1-y O' ' RIDDLE, M IRT3 A IX>.. Ujyl.T No.lSli Liberty »t. A FULL and Complou* St.»ok of nil kiud.* of DRY ii‘«)DS, as I 10-ap ai they ran loimd .-u,y place. [m> li] 0 [IANS'*N LtJAK.74 Market *l. C lillDS. PLAIN BACdN'IIAMSV t-r 5 hoxaa do do do In store and for *ala by ImylS) JAMK3 GARDINER POT AS ll—lo Lblti. No. 1 rec’d and fur .sale by Wsi. McCUlfcnKON, No. IUD IJb-rty *L EGGS. —26 bbls eec» for saio hv nyJ7 SHRtVER A*DII.WORTII. M" OLASSES AND hhds. N. O. Sugar, 400bblaMolaraea; f,.r**Uby mylO _BUKIYER A DILWORTH. French and chantilla lace MANTLES of all qiulillc*, ranging In price from |3 t<> tdtk handsoma Baregiwaud Organdleaaud other UrrrsUood*. myfl C. UANSON lA»VK, 74 Market at. F' Ire uiuck, tile * clay, of thr best quality, tm hand and'for **lr by A. A. HARDY . LAKITaNI) BACON 11AMS-3 bbl. No. 1 Lard; lOcaaksTonn. Bacon ■o.imr for Mila by IRAIAII DICKER A CO. GEO. W. SMITH 4 CO. BACON— 10 oasts llams; 10 do Shoulders; 6do d,u Sides; a tITC. S.C. Uuss. r»eirii, 6 thlf d.T .od formic 1., T. LtTTLB t (XI. 110 Swnd ■' Oft /tniV-For cheap Wail Papers from WRITING PAPER, of every description, t„,..1..h01«51.0r ) r0U1l. J tJ| INSTON my 7 Paper Dealer*. 67 Wood »tr«et. F _ " LOtTß—Extra family, iu bbls. and Backs, expret-ly for tamlly n*e. lo rtoro and for tale by myll ROBERT PICKET. 134 Fioni at. near W ood _ OILS— Lard, Linseed and Neats Foot OUs constantly on band at JQt*. FL .MIN . inn galls, winter bleached 4UU wt,A,. E OIL Id * a.. onn bushels prime Dried Apples; for sale |, y nij-17 1 smiIVER A DU.W<*KIH._ 1 O bbls butter for sale bv 1 & myl7 BIIRIVBR * DILWORTH. RYE FLOUR—IOO 1,1,15. in and fol ,ai. t.y 1.1.111 T. LITTLK * CO. SH HOOPS—I2.OUO just rcc'd and foi ,,^ wra -,„; u , t.uttle » co. UGAR CURED DRIED BEEF—IO tierces I nttl.lDi; thi. d.y .nd ter .ale by T.LI rt LRdCO. LARD OIL—2O bbls. No. J. winter strnin «l, efflrlßi and for .si. t.y T. Llj-tLK d LO. tODFISH—IIBB lbs. in store and for sale /by iiOHIIIIT HICKKY. 151 FtontpL nynr Wfiod. J" ULIA KAVANAUGH'S NEW WORK, ADELILiti 1 *D|, ldTno. KAY A Ob, ba W«sl .1. B“" UTTER—I 2 bbls. trosh May Butter rec’d and foriale at NO.IBJ Liberty *l. _ nylS RIDDLE, WIRTS A 00. *7l REAM CRACKERS—HaII & Snider’s l j odrimtsd Units Orackorv, cooxUstly neclTliis and iHrtttal. out of tlic „f ; • ICbllM*. ||]< ■en ull ml- j **- ©lOO. SCIENCE AND FAME. ffUKS urAUANTEED. RUrtucal. PERUVIAN SYRtTP! 0 U, The great central I Rente, cotmecHng AtUulli^HrW^Tr-— Mg I duv* with Western, Nrfth-Wert.ro, and SgiiiL ; ftataabyacantinuotw Railway direct. Tbra road mlw» con uect.* at Pittsburgh with duflj liar or StrAnirn. tn all port. lb- Western at Cleveland and lkn>dusky» ith . to .11 on the L»V«*; . the m«! dirtd, chKtpal, and T'lvihlt c rn -; f _ < / V n . , h > FILED. JIT can !«• forwarded to and f™ m n RAVES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA .» riTTrni M.H Y HIST Cl.ASl*—l>v»ta, Sli-xai, llat* and j CajM, R<*>ka, Drj Goods, (to but.**, lexica , »,-j f j^, r inn C*. '■ and Uuid-M Drugs, (tU U.l«r» Olid bale.) I Fealhti*. Fur*. Ar .... - J PEC<>ND CLASS.—Duoiortlc Sbivtinc.l * Shiitiwtaud Ticking. (In original lexica) Affections uf the Liver. Drvpsv, Neuralgia, |' ru «?* on u»n)w«. ?* T Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies. Disordered Suvto of the Blood, Boils. tuiiujclass.—aotii., snwi. Chains fin ) Scurvy and the Probative F.f- ££,S£! .** •” 100 D ‘ fects of Lend or Mercury, «*Lfc*e-ptotcar»(.rCut.)ir > y General Debility, end all 'Dis- r,,u ' l T'‘^'T^ ,r 'T- tv ’'' • • . ~ .ml I urt jru ca.ksor U.jre. i-*At>«*ar>M m. i.w t*w eases a lunic, or Altera- Lard and urn oil, Nmi*. sa* .x*i», uw- u * p tivo Medicine, is new bevon.l question. ». Tnr proof* of it* efficacy aro ao numerous, ioweil anthen GRAIN—In car load-L.-. ,--r 1W Cm ujitit further ti<*ttcr Heated, and of such peculiar character, that inftcrcr* can COTT' »N—f- pn t.*!,. mi n, f-OO t>* weight, until Dot U'.-u-onaW) Lmute t.) receive the proibftrt .id furl bar nutter. Tlte Penman Syrup dow m>t prt'fra-t U. 1>- . cnr.-nll, but shipping guod* from *oy point rant of PLiUdul lt» range i« extensive, l»rvi»* many apparently pbu, be part* uiar U. mar*- p-tekagea “rxa. {‘mnsy’.vaniA anlikr, are mtimatrl) nUtcd. and picot-teling from cue Kjilrtmd” All '«...b.eon*l>nn.-d to the Agent* of tht* Road cuuar, may U cared by one remedy at Philadelphia ..r Pituburgh, «ill bo forwarded without Tho clmsa niay wish fur an opinion from dislotcreatod Cincinnati, Oc K. C. Mcldntm, Madiwiu. ludc.Dntnesntl, pora.>n* rrajrrctitij; tho tlmractcr of ttit* Strop, ratinot fell fUdl A Co., and Carter A Jewett, DiUlavUlr, Ky.; P. 0. tT tobraatiatio.l who the Allowing, among numerous toftiitmr Jutey Evananllß, lik!.; It. Y Sana. St. U tut, M»»c liar ui:il« in lli» Land* id th« .unit*. Tb« aigu.turiM are lb osj WoVklry A C*s Mcuipbia, Trnnc U-och A C*i-. Cbirams of gen tinmen well known In the cumin unit vof U<'*ton. and jjf. j p iii’.,« pt. Wayue. ludc K. J. Suetslrr, Plillac M»- ; of till- highetc reapoctablllty. A K.x'tis, Baltimore; D. A. Strwart, PitubttTKb. c Xri> H. 11. HOUSTON. treu'l Freight Agent, Phila. Hi. üb.W>i K ..„l I.nri,is ,rp.n,'..v.l 11,. 1..u,5.-jl .ffn-,. T. A. SCOTT. S.|,l. AltraivJ’.- JaJTj of the‘ IVruTian Syrup, - ’ <1.. n..t hr* tat* t.» i.coioturud it ua7 Winter Arrangement. 1*37. ,0 Vr ".Vi", l '"' ,l ' r „ , ..... ! OT. uilllS. ALTON ANDrrggEEgsgsg ,h, ", SSS’ .Oen 10*00 KAI W*W-ag 04u«U0 0 ,M, 1 ».h.„",...a.. u 1,.„t IU i„ ...■' A 11... I A'l..UEll-XTnlo. wHlrue M follow,. Incipient Dlwa*esuf the Ltmga and llionchial J asaug-a, OOlNUfcOLlil. Dyapejiaia, Livrr Cftnplaiut. l>rui-y, Nrtiniigta. t-tr. IniUd I Ltave Chicago at. U.. 00 A. 11. and 1.. . . .*!«. »™ia b, iucr,4ii,i,,. bn! th, hi e i. a«m . *"•«« -> «• : •v::;;-;.?*!' i; I - W '• ”■ r thoae who Invo witntßaed them, and have Tvlunlcrred ; CUIMI NOKTII. wirtcatimouv, mwe do our*, tu itr restorative i..,*..r , Ua ' ,> Li ‘* t >t - “ l S:,w A - M- p- M- Kct. JOHN VIKHPOINT, THOMAS C AM-UIY, 1 Arrive at Chicago at -*M r. u.aod C:io a. M. THOMAS A. DKXTEIt, PETER lIARVKY, ! ... „ CJNNECTIONs: .H. KENDALL, M J>, JAMES C DUNN, At CHICAGO, with all the Gr«at Rantern aud Northern AMUKI. MAT. .... T "'IIITTK.'b,KK ' U»« OUCTi , v „, „ u OH," ibu*C At PKtJHIA JUNCTION, with Peoria and Oijruwka Kalb road for Peoria, Cutliugtun *od iuteruuHliate plate*. At BtSXiMINUTuN, with (llinois Central Railroad, North •,nd South. At SPRINGFIELD, with Great WeM.-rn (lU.) Railroad. Kaal for ISy atur. Ac ; IVr.t 1.. r JackM.iivillr and N»pU-a. At ALTtjN, with T-rru ILuite.nd Alton RaHriwd Eart, and nta-fHm'i* uu the lliv, r. At ST LOUIS, with Ohio and MDa. Railroad East, W.mt by Pacific Railroad and Misuniri pteainera to Noith.-ru Mis aoiu i. Kiiii-iu* und Nebraaka. A !*.>. to all point* mi fh« llli -4£-Thrnn-:h Ticket* ran In- ohtaiuod .at nil tho principal lt*iln :nl tlftiree. tt-»_'fliMuKii Ticket* and Freight* oa low aa by any other Route _ _ .... ti-w die* - ivt-n.'s in the Materia Med •iu»r« actjcctoJ, most n-m l>.> r< Cd v* itt. e*t»bli'he*l Medirtn* rffl -a.-y inonrinic ID Y S E E !F> NOTICK. Ifl Weil ku.'Ut tiiAt the m*«di*n doomed tin* I’eruTiau Syrup tins d«*sir.ibb- 11.11,1 is altniu.-d by 1.14T10.V IS * WAV BrPOM f«KfIU»S. Kml Hits su|llti<>U replace all the prolo-carbouates, nitnttoa. -•itnl lArtrat-. .. MaU-rta U«lica. A. A. iIAYKS, M. l> Ass«y-r of the Piste of Mass.. U. IJbyN.L. CLAIIK A CO., Prepriet..rs, No. ■*, Uooion. Ketailed bj all Orapul'.ts. l oley. 11. KKYriEK. Su. UO street. sigu of tl> on Mortar, Agent for Pittsburgh. nj»l* tlawfmiT Tb« Urt«l«il Medical Ulicovirj !0 F THE A(i E MR. KENNEDY, OK IiOXBUKY. 11AS iliaciiTrml In nn« ul our cvmm<l It* value, all within twenty milw* ot It-nt-m. Two hottlnd tro warranted t., enr* nun mine B->re monlti. One tothm- iKitllce will nirx the W.r-t kind »>C p»inp'-«ot Ibo face. Two to three buttle* will •'mic tin- »>»trtn burl*. Two bottle* are warmulM In cure th>-»cr«i raukrf lu the 1011th and *inniarb Three toll** buttle* are warranted u< core rb- »..r-t c*»* f rryalpeda*. One to tw<> bottle* are wan anted t>. core nil hnm«.r» .d the •7**. Tw(jboUlr4»fc*arr»nt*sl to cnr.- t!i« ear* tod anion* tb** hair. Four to*ii U>tth«i -vo warrant• '» to. r.rr corrupt an-1 ren ding nicer*. Out bottlo will cnre acnl y eruption of the •kin. Two to three bottle* are warrant**! t*' nir* tb" mo»t iletpo ralacaaetoi rbouraatintu. Two t» three buttle* are war ranted to cure the. wont c*ar>« of riopwurtu. Three to tour bottluft are warrwutM to cure salt rheum. Flra to eight bottles vill cure th* woret c ms «>f ecrufula. A lwt»elit b alw»7»**jerieuo~l fn>tu the flrut bottle, anJ a perfect core it warranted alien tbe above cjuatitity l* t«- k Nothing l«ok«»oimnriihntde to th»»* who h*™ In Tain ; ie«l all the wonderful mtalicltitt of tin* Jay. M Chat a coin* ! „j,n w«*J growing in the |»«i*tur»**, and along old "tone wall* . should rnr- erery himi»r in tin* nyst.'iu; lit i» no* a tixad fart. If y.m have ahum--r il ban n.«iaH. There an. n- Ifa ti..f Slid*. hum* or ha’a aUrtti ths •tlUlna aunie C»a**a and tu t yonm. I j-ddl-d -a. r a thouaund 1-otthw of it la tbe Tiani- ! yof llcwton. I know itm fT-iU iu ev.ry nut. It ban a ri«Jy done Minu'ot the gt»»at*wt HUM ever done In Maasa- j chawtu 1 gar.- it to rinWrvn -wer a y.ar old: to "Id peupis ; ~f Mity. 1 harrM.u|»>or.j.rttiy, woitny looking thiUr-u i whimi* fl-nti wa* aofl and dabby, restored to a (-irf.-rt itato of health by cine bottle. To tlinae who art* subject (a a sick hn*'l»rtia,<>uv l catarrh and dlz/i- Df»» nbo have been costive tor year*, hare (aim and U- a regulated by it. Win*ri* the body is round U work* quite-cany, but where tlwre u atiy di-rangt-tnent of lh«* fut£* Uoua <>f nnUinOt wlllcauw «ery Mttgnlar hading*, hut vnu i mini not hr alarmed—tb-j alwap disappear ia flout I-ur 4ay> to a week. There la never a bad rrwttlt from It, Oi. the contrary, when that t«*rtiiigi* over yon will t«l yimrwlt l.kr toua i-rw-n. I heard •cm*-of th<- ut>*t eitraragunt rnco olmna of It iluit man ever listened to. No change of dh-1 is ever iinu mII I. e*i the boat you can pet. 1 have likewise an barb, whuh, wbcu simmered iu swwt oil, dlssnlrva acrol ulons swelling of ihe neck and und-i Use e\r«. Fris.’ bO Cents. E*rtre of the Mrdim) Ih«e..rery |1 f-r U-ttlc. DniKcTioNS foii Adult, -rai- table spoonful per d»» Children oter eight jewel*, duaeert spuuufbt; children ftoni five to eight yiwrs, tea •puAofnt Aa no dimctiou ran l«* ru.-wle applicable to all O»n»mulioti% take enough t.- operate „u Ih- U.wel* twir* a d- RENNKDY gWre p«r*.:ual attaorfaijcrto bad ra*es cl •''■wrtii*. Wb<.l««a\!* a».d retail at DU KRTr'ER’S, 140 W.rad •trMt, rt-i i.. r-l.S AKK jmrii-.uliirlv adapted b- d^ran^nieutl of tl.- H*«t »i-t’arnt>i>t.«nd Jiumw »n«iDR fico impurity , I tin* l b*-t A urg- part .1 all Hi- complaint 11.-. t afl'irt mankind ..rl»-i„,t.. in -I t1..~s mi-1 cutaie -|l»-t.t«> PIUU-H '-And rr ninny »Wl.'tl«* I »r- from * m- ••iuin-nl j.tirau'xna ,•< lll—tr eU-ctu in th-u pre. nr» A- * l .MTU PiU-1. Prirt* !>r F. H' •>/ «• “Yuwr PIU.S *r«i Ui«- {-ru.. «’l j.uru«-» Then >-»r«*U»*«>l r caitiart >< «1 ht-j ar* uni.l, tmt eery c*TUiii nu.l .'fl.vtu.il m Ui< ir a* ti-Ji on lb* (itch make* tli«-iD ti.valimliU 1 1 in in it>»* daily tiv.Ui.eiil diaeami." Boa Jirswa asp all Lrrca CsriiusTs. >nrm Dr ThmdarrMl,or Xnn V»rk City “Not uniy *r.- your lllls admirably adapted «•» their purj»-4o a* an apnrtvnt, tut i find their beneficial vlf-cts upon the Liv*-r Tory marked indeed. They bsvv in my practice proved dote effectual for tin* cure of hil'utut c/ofc plaint* than any uue remedy 1 cau mcutlon. I sincerely rejoice tliat we bare at length a purgative wbteh is worthy the roufi Jence of the pro!t»»)ou mid the pccpl" " Dtspstsi* —ljn>i<»x»no!n >Vwn Dr. Henry J. Kma, of fit. Isitnt “The l*nm yuo were kind enough to send mo hare been all used in my practice, and havo aatwtied me that they are truly an extraordinary mrdluuo. So peculiarly are they ailapted tn the diw'awsof thr human * y«lum, that they set-m to work upon them alone, 1 hm*e cured s<«m<- coses of dyt pel ina and indigtitum with them, which luid resisted the other remedies we commonly u*c. 1 u( tho beet ajxiriuuti I l.’»»e ev*t found. Their alterative effect upon the llvi-r makne them an exrolleni i--medy, when given In «iuaH tor bi’mut dytrntery aud JutrrhaA. Their sugar coating mai:e« them Trry accel-Uhle and convenient for iho use el women and chlldr*u. a Ixtiusal OmiTaccTioa—WScpmxKUbfl Prim i in. K, Stuart. uA« protect or a /Tiynaun and J/iJf ‘I find one or two hi. K - d.wea of jonr Prua, taken at the pro|“ f tnu~, air e»,-«di< ni pi--motive* of the natural seen tion when wholly nr parti illy *uppiewM-l, and also very cl fi*rtual to chwnse the eU-tn-nii and exjx-1 vri-rm*. They are •o mnrh the i*e*t physic v.e have that l roc.-mm- a-l n<"-liter tv my |«lienta ’’ CosaTirttios —Co(rrivctu.m FVi-ta /»/- J. /* fiiNo in, ilx'fitre’U, itinada “Too inoch raiitn-l he too.l of jniir Pills lot tho cine vl rai iiir«nett If othrr* <>t our fraternity have found them MfO)c:uuoQ«aa l lun -.they should join. me tu proclaiming it tor the benefit o| tho u.iilmod-s who suitor from that roniplaint which, although bad enough in ilaelf, is the pro genitor of othera tliat are w.-r-n-. 1 te-ln-vi- r-jfftmieii |o originate in the liver, but y.-tir Pills aflart that organ and cure tho disease." tl iKiTtta or tni IfLOOtv—PcK-irtut RBTarrLAS —Halt Um.rn—Tcmn—Tenon*— Rusuhatism Gout— NtCUAUiIA. Prom Dr. EtelisJ Hill, PhiUsAeJphta. “You were right. Doctor, lu Baying that your Pill* pur\fy iVUmd, They do that. l havo used them of late year* iti my practice, arid agree with yourstatenicutsof their effleswy. They stimulate UieeXcretorlea.atid carry uti tho Impurities that stagnate io tho blood, engendering diaeaxo. Tliey stimulate tho organa of digestion, and infuse vitality and vigor into the system, “Shch remedies as you prepare are a national benefit, and you JeeorTH great credit for them.'’ For Ukatuciir— Pics Ftohacu— Pills— Dbop^t—I’LSTtIOUA—PABALTMS—Pi T9—AO. JYrm Dr. iilioard linyrl, Jtoltmnrr. “Daxa DfL Aria: I cannot answer you toAnf complainta I hare curnf with your I*ilm Wtter than to say all tA.it w peer trr.aied with u y-urpa/riv maiwimr. 1 place great d<'je-u*l ence on an eiTocnuU cathartic io my tneven ry <>r iuin> < rai suhstanci-a whatever. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL Uas long Nwn mauufactOrrd iij a praclicul chuuuxL, and >-v ery ounce «flt under his own eye, with Invariable accuracy and cans. It is sealed aud protected by law from roun terfeits aud consequently can I— relied on ax genuine, without adulteraliou. It supplies tho surest rv-nirsly th<- worldhos ever known for the cure of all pulmonary com plaints; for Coughs, Colds, ll».trsone«s, Asthma, Croup. Wliooping Cough, iironchitls. Incipient Cuufuaiptiou, and the relief of rciiHuniptiv* ratienu in advanced stages of I lie* disease. As time makes these facts wider aud U tter known this medicine has gradually become the best rellauco of the afflicted, from tho inpesbin of tbo American peasant to the palaces of European kings. Throughout this entire country, ui every state and city, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Coxut PxctoEju. it known as the Lost of ail reme dies for diseases of tho throat and luncs. In many foreign countries it is extensively u*»d by their most intelligent physicians. If thorn is any dependence oti the community have failed, and boon discar\lc«J, this has guiumi friend» h) every trial conferred Ilucis t(v> Wfasifv mrt JOS. PLKMIXO Railroad Stocks. THE SUBSCRIBERS mil exchange $5OOO of R. R. ETOCKB for WESTERN LANDS. Them on toe Missouri river preferred. Bit-dtr Joseph 0. uzca * w> Kailroals pmaijilrtnli Railroad. A. 11. MOORK, Ocditbl Superintendent. K.M.QO»)l)IUCII G*n. KmUtd Agent. n«>3 mrfcdlj I*5M. Prnmvlvknu Railroad* 1858 i SfMMKK AKRANGE-rgteßrFi^^T 31 KM—Vu and after Mr.ndaiCMlWlejO» 1 "’«!Zl May, I'Uli. Kl'iilT DAILY TKAINS. TIIK MAIL TRAIN l«nw lh~ PiuiM-nger Station *r.‘iy tii-TDtntf. nu |>t Sunday. o'clock. Pittsburgh liw. nrrivi'iß 111 rinliul<-l|>hu al ll ■’■•} v. M. Till' VAST LIN K iUiU, ojc-j-t t»und»y. al 1 liA r. u., ar- MTintf 111 I'ruUil- l|'lil a. m. and Mop m. The Iratvlins public will find at greatly to their Interest, In tr oiitr K-t-i -r Went. to trnv. l by the Pennsylvania Kail* rn.nl, a.l th<- now offered nuinot bo sarpaa* m! on but other route. A» the rood 15 ballasted with stone and i» entire!* fr»tu dual, we can promise eifaty, speci ami, . uif 'rt to all «iiu may Liror this road willi their pat Fare to New York .. " •• Philadelphia “ “ Kaltinrure.... “ *• Ijincartar. .. •• u n»rrisbare P.aggwge checked lo all Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail Kir-jii. and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and ,Ww York. Paawngen fmrcha*inj tickets In curs will b s charged Tei Cents m addition (< the station rates, exc< pt from Station* ! when- tln< Company has no agent. i Verier —lu can" -v IVsW'iigcrs and Baggage to and (row the at a iharge t;o( r> vud Jio •-■•uti each iixwuger and K.-r lilSv«u to J. STEWART, AjrL, At the P. !L 1L I'luwuKtr station, *U Llttf'ttl IT!<1 Ulftht l<'iiscr» and Knijjhi from J’lijlail.-I|ihi* and t.i rhuiitfti.M. Luij*. Ituluuii-'ln, Cincinnati, and all placet* U'fit »nd bonth w*-«t, v«tL> :»£!-« nt nfrt;"ilarily aad t in-rdltli’ti. Tl>* tut tli*t iLU r«-ad f.>rmi a rtir«t arid ronaoUdatnl lino Wwwn I’iruhtirph and CWcm;n.ij a auFieicnt guar thnt it* Train* will make in»-l t:ui*\ nm ttiunKtiooa a.Ci Triitnunn "tiirr KoaaLt. FA’-irSiiKk Tllltj LtAT* IMU-Puish. I Crrxtlino. 1 Vl. Wayne ... . TuO». st i 7.07 p It i-HI r It. |louup. u. | SirtP.M. •J li P ~ lijfii P. SI ! 4d.il i. U. ■ Kapi. '• ni t >.O ». M,il F.ijirofa at C 8 Mail. 5.1 E«|.r«. K. n.ti rill. i.r.ii V u. Uio Piu«. M. rmu,' Exj'rin. U.-iu a u. i'. M. 0-. -1 lb r «. All Trains make closi- ucmectioot at CreetUne for Coluta hus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Loais; also, at Fort Wajrtir «Tth Trains on Wahaxh and Western Railroad tor Lat.ij* tte.Outrai Illinois and St. Louis; ai«o. at Forest with Train* on tbn M. K. A I. K. U. IT. and at Lima with trains 11 n Da)ton■ nd Michigan Railroad. From Chicago. J Ft. Wayne. jCrortlin*. j Arr. Pittsb’g 0 B. >I«iL. . !(>«<> r m fi.SO a. m. jiitor. *. 6^r.s. Imtxpri* .. wn.s p. »t. I P.12r.«. 6.10 A. it. ii Kxprrta... | | 6:25 a. u.| 1.15 r. st. The*.- Trains make dose coonecLions with Trains for PhUa ifdidiiv Baltimore and New Y'ork. Trains front 81. Louis,ludianapolis, Cincinnati and Colom bus make d<>aeconnections at Crestline with all returning Ti-vics. At Ft. Wayne. Trains from St. Louis, Central Illi unis. Lafayette, and interun-tUato piaree, ci»nn«ct with above Trams. At Forcut, connections are made with Trains tn sn.J from Ciociimatt, bpringtield aud Dayton. Tho D. P. Mail fi otu Pittsburgh to Oresllino, beings train for local bust ness, l« ovtrtakrn kt Crestline by the 2J Express. AccvMitoDATtos Txajnb—l .cave Now Brighton tor Alle gheny at i’..40 a. lidi r.H. Leave Allegheny tor New Brighton at a. u, and 5.00 p. st. il'iggogo'cli-vked through, and no charge tor handling. Fiw tickets and rurth.-r tafiTinabon apply to OEOUQE PARKIN. PawCH®cs^^SvSsß2n COH-MBI B A n.\lU;i».U» LINE.—CHANfIK OP TIME—On nod after MONDAY, May 10, 1.«5H, trains willleave tho Depot of the Pi-nus)ivauiu Central Ratlrond as follows: u 4:. a At < ’'* t ‘ Tt ’l ,4n '** Dulvlo, Detroit, Chicago, and „u ' nr Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago aud tb«-West. train connects at Cleveland with Detroit lino of steamers. 4nop. « | F»r all way ststions sn Ui» River Line. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points heyend Chictgu via Cleveiahd, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. PITTSBURGH, COLUMDCB AND CINCINNATI, (via Steubenville,) RAILROAD CHANGE OF TIME—On and after Mon pat. May 10,1SJS, trains will leave tbo Depot oi the Penn sylvania Centra] Railroad as follows: "no a m I ior fit *ofcvnvllle, Columbus, Dayton, Indlsnsp v ’ olis, Louisville. Cairo, Memphis A New Orleans. For Cincinnati and fit. Loui», and all puiDti 'i.X> r. x. | youth and West. i Through tu Cincinnati wthuut change of cars. PsMcngors desiring to go to Colambm, Cincinnati, etr., nr uuy points Colnmhue via Steubenville, must ask J..r ibkcU via Steubenville. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent, C. A I*. U. B. Cleveland. W. W. ILAGLEY, >uyl- EupMdntendenl P. C- A C. ILR. Columbus. Allegheny valleYniiuaagagßP RAILROAD.—REMOVAL OF FREIGHT DEPOT TO THK CORNER OF BUTLER AND CARSON STURCTR, NINTH WARD, AND A GREAT ItE DUCTION OF TARIFF RATES.—On and after JULY *Joth, 1357, freight will lcr 100 pounds. ToGmy'sEddy jtt’Jfic. “ • “ Tn Rod Bank “ “ “ To Brady’s Bend at Sir. “ *• " flour—OvtrJiet UamD ami ttiid'T/‘fly. To Mahoning -41 c. per barrel. Tooray’s Eddy .ole. “ •' To Rod lhuik 46c. - “ To Brady's bend 54c. “ flour—fifty barreit and over. To Mahcolng - - „S6c. M “ To Gray’s Eddy...— uJUtc. “ •• To Red Bank —36 c. “ •* Toßrady’s 8end...—... —45 c. «• o JriEbtf IL B. IJYOMIH,GeneraI Ticket Agent. I'llUbarfo and CannaUvlilcßkUrbad. ON and after MQNDAY.r^-f-.riu-.^.-.i —s,-. thf> loth tnat., pAMengcr Train* will ran daily (except BumUj«o from the Pi-nnaylTanU Railroad ra.wng?T Depot, ai follows:—. • Mail Train hare* Pittsburgh. Erpre« Train “ Mall Train le ave* Conn<-ll*vHle ... iOO a. *. “ “ 5:00 A. K. Arriving at rittehurch h;i& a. *c. Ticket* to lw had *t IViinaj Irani* Railroad Tkkat Office, Mall Train ennnrcta at Connel turille with Hunting A 11*11'* Coachr* for Unloutnwo- Frr»thnrg, Cumberland, etc-, and at West NdTon with rmi-h***, for Mt. Plrsmint, s''inct*ol J Derlim-ie. Freight to and from ritt.ihnrth arid «utton*on the Pitt*- burgh and ConnuUvritle Railroad, will bo received and da lirrnxi In Picuf.nrgh, nt the •‘Baldwin iK-rot.” «*• I)ii']u>*stip IVpnt, i-Tcvptins Aiu-h rvi I'lg Iron, Lumber, Stone, clr., which Will W* loaded or unloaded at the Outur at the canal !>epot, *a tuny lx* arranged with Freight Agent, r-nusrlTtuua iUilroad, at PitUburgn. .-•A—mrm I? BlumtBTONK.eppt J) A P EH II AiV'OINGS Our Stoclr*( SPRING PAPER I' n.-w cpon for Inspection and ftjlc* til TARLOR, BALL, DININR CHVRCH *rd/ CEILING ■'/£*** S Many entirely new deign, ££*«•*«»*. Shade*, Testo?*^* & pftKUXltfOK k CO., No. Qiiiditmt SttamsSt'ps. uPh» 1858. & Cleveland, Deteoii anil Lake Snperior Lint. Tb* UToritd fcnJ fut St«»ro<* JfORTU STAJt, B. O. Sweet, Tbs- «v>«o * cuintntc* u> th* public gaiety and promptneu lt»_ nurying and trduht to all point* oo lAko *op*t tor For paaseegw. u ifforti mater comfort «ud ‘baa Lu eTer teen tSrred to (bo pnMU on that ronf. Ft |«Mn, ifrd c bi.-n- information, apply to HANNA. OaRRETSON:4 CO Acta. Foi further inlurmattuti apply to ” F. KNOWt.A_ND, Ajwat, IS MODOnpifcol* llr>3*s ct.r. V7»yn« & Liberty at*. aplLJoiu __ TH REAT jiEDUOTION OF It to edrope.— Sfifiasib yZm Veto Tort to South- | To .\ae Tori-fro* “nc-MT"" % I » 2O | fcteerage... ... 40 In tbn flr*t clasa patldlo wheel atealDahlp ARIEL, 2,C00 roil C D LmUow, commander. and NORTE STAR. too,, KJwurf OiTcodJ-, connnuoJor. to “II from jjjKo 3 tko Dntlod *»«• mail, Tit— * Lfaoe AVe Fort fiv SntAajnpton, Hurrf amt JSmun. Ari.l, Satnidaj. March *). North Star " April it- Ariel, - May lk North Star **_ Juno !-• , These ktfAmihipi touch {.oudon and Pari*. For p*ri Dran** for Southampton SeuXhantitm. far .Yew ltri- AprillT. April 21 May IS. ' May I**. June U. Jaaeifl. July 10. July 14. it Havre. Specie dcliveret'd age or freight apt ijr to D. TORRANCK, Agent, 5 Bowling Green, New York. iTinK* Baofct i> s£n, Jontf -'J* iOM 9 T TO 2 O'CLOCK, .1 d fiamrdny ..eninFi, ftflm SUy 90 T to 0 o’clock? and from No* Dollar Sa, A'o. « JturfJt Strf/t , Afidd OPEN DAILY FK »1m on Wednesday ni flmt to November first, fro reinUr first to Slay first, f Deposits received of all and a dividend of tbe p June and December. lot ■ix per ceuL per annum, ii and December, ISM. and 1 Interest, if not drawn on poaitor aa principal.and 1* dayl of done and Decumboi, out tronbling Uie d*l*»D pan book. At tb(a rate,' jnn, making in tbe aggt * SS. cmiuliilng .t. Ctato, Kolc. B.P .tion. rurui.hi.l 1,-nali «“ l'rtjidmt—itSOJ£GK ALBREJm vica ruasnusr* . , John H. gboenbergm' N. G ratten Murphy, inf SI. tVnuocx, James D. Kelley, June* Uerdmao, John 8. Cos gram, um i Id H o'clock, nmi ofi le*i thin 00# Dol***. oflt* dxlared twU'o * 5** r i 1* rret *t tUral*ot 1 December, IbM, fclioJuJune obo »ml December,lBs7, ,i.Oo a. x. lUr.x. Purchasers will please )e particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele srated Vermifuge and -/Iver Pills, prepared by sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no’’ other, as there are various other preparations now j before the public, pur porting to be ! Vermifuge and Liver Pills. ' All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING- ERO'G, Wood Vrrr-t-.rp."?:, Pt Architectural — dare A MOSER, A&ciutzcts, No. 112 Smithfield street, Opposite new Poet-Officv, Execnte Flans and Specifications for all kind* of Build* inps and enperintcad the erection of the ramp. Mr. Ban also continues to attend to tlio measuring of builders’ work, and Mr. Moser to the preparation of patent patera and drawing*. mrll:gawdltn*2mwF SUNDRIES— GOO cages Soda Aeh; 100 case* German Clay, 20 case* Salpb. Baryte*, 100 tagsNitrale Soda, 100 fcega BI Carb Soda, 200bWi.Jfo.l noshj, lr