The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 17, 1858, Image 3

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    fOhto Cormpoadence of tholhdlj Pittsburgh j
Calcutta, Columbiana co., Ohio, May 1-5.
ElV* Gasr.ttc —As your valuable wifely ,
has obtained a pretty extensive circulation in tUi? |
vicinity, a word from the tamo may not bo amisp.
. .. - , Our village is pioasantly situated about four miles
unwnAY MORNING MAY 17 iur.* I from the beautiful and verdant banks of the majestic
MONPAX MUKHIXtU, ftlA 1 1/, m d. j ohi<l Jt contains many stores, various tncchaxm*, [
; “ a good school house, several elegant dwelling*, in |
OFFICIAL PAPER OF tho immediate riciDity, five eburebo?, and an Indus- j
trinus and enterprising populaton. ......
j. Tho location around, is indeed delight.ul. the -
greater protion of tho surrounding population consists :
Tub Grahd Cohcket.—Everybody will re- of agricalturists, who till the ground, a “d reap the
member tho important fact that the sale of tick- i fruiL - ‘ ,r lhc faIUC - ln P« aco - MaQ y ? f ihcm arc of
eta to tho Grand Concert bn Thursday nieht will : German extraction, and these are pocuhary noted for
commence thU -♦ iiT 7 ? V i their remarkable industry, and their strict integrity,
stnrn nf Tt»- 1 tQno am L Mu: * ,L Among the fanners, republicanism predominates.
rC v Oll Wood street. Wo iltJ j M ancccisary consequence, tho tono of morals
® a y* Thalbcrg and Vieuxtomps wero hero j js tj lo farmers anticipate an abundant yield
in March last, that /trofah/r/'lhcir concert never o rgrain?, tbo coming harvest. Tho late warms rains,
had been and never would bo surpassed in this which s:i!l continue, havo brought on all kinds of
city. At that time, wc hod do idea that lt'Aogri grain with unusual rapidity. The wholo facts of
and tho heautiful American singing-bird, Miss uaturo i? n..n covered with the m«?t Invariant vepe-
Juliana May, would join this troupe. It ib so, , . , n .
liimevoi, and in addition to U» gnuid mazes of * r “" K T "*'V IUM h ° ' ' r "' ! .''’'V-inii,
rouaic witicltliTc under tho master totioh of Thai- Z
berg *»4 of “Old Timea,” wo bare ibo .wetter , J,., ,$ Aundnnt m,p„of apple : .tor,.
charm, which dwells-in no instrument of mm a ,
device—the melody of the human voice. Of i t.v** itnr.—The folioning Extract j
h'Augri aud Uaradori wc haTe already spoken. ru * al j vo ,ho concert of ThaJberg and hi? tr«»npe is
Their reputations wero made before the great f r( , m tho Philadelphia .VortA Am> 1
and critical audiences which throng the coucerts M. Thalborg's eighth grand concert, «>» TfciirsJoi .
'•f musical lialv, whero melody breathe* in the Evening last,'was an occasion olunu'ii-il t-rtUinncj. ,
vvrv air and “ouly roan is vile ’’ tho representatives of the world having made a gr*oi ,
Mis.l Juli-ma May. m everybody knows, is a sortie to welcome tho great cantatricc Mine. Uena
r.'.-r.' Of , ac „„„ '-craft," tho worthy Mr. ! U'Aosri. prim, dona*of tbr • ;
Sptoa, ac „,o *- | Srrr-oi, .. have
ho.- nt. la !-r -Irbnt in Italj. abont two years ,j„e,,i„ s . Madame It tarn
ago. rt-ivc ttl.c l.iul studied unJer tho best h, , hand.,,me lookmi- kr.inMto, with feat!,rra eapn
~' n " -of the [>rn. The critical press of that ll[c <lf CX p re ssing ciory shade of emotion to which j
:*it Tt.rc ,!i ecstasies, and paved I lie way, j ], or v,.ico givos uttorum'O. Thp fir*l few note* actu
• !ic-r rttcr"'? in I'aris. where she wad enthusi- : ally startled us—they being ol such remarkable opt .
-v , :i - vtlv ri • -vr.l and where BliO fully sustained and richness r a? to -tacito the greatest worn eruien
sc, self and e.,,n11, .| tho high.-, rwpc.nllona of - th-« TrU/to a.ekn“,ml«,l' s e
>- , • |»]itv of her voice was luiler, and tho
' «»«••* f -s «,m? grand concert have already , jhan j..--rbnps any of (ho famous cm- .
• i bettpu-ncn in largo number?..and those who I u j,.. r heard. Her enunciation,
• -ild nor* -to neat." will no: fail to be on hand at ; j. j- cr ,-. •, ; m-l throughuu: c.n •‘English r.-ena
.•• eirlie/it hour in wiiich :hev will "be for sale ; . in j ri ,,,.t., m -r, ••ren-lcn->i by her, not n single word i
•.imbruing. iw;v«] -t. Wc may add that her dress was in »• \-|iii-iio
'la •. i • '-v i,.o ; t uuignilicor.t .li;itn-‘iol
INTr.Bt't.KAfiKB Act. —liatcucd «>u
jrsday about ono hour to nn eloquent nod
-*-ent member of ottr bur, who was trying to
«n the forco and bearing of the Sheriff fl
rpleatler Act to Judge Williams <\nothcr
i-leman of both literary and legal atlaiumcnle
l views ■‘quiie antipodal, ’ and in thccollision
mtigh many eparka of wit wero olicitcd, to an
• :iside barbarian, there appeared to be
annihilation of forces that the two arguments
met —crash, and fell down, just as two bodies of
equal momentum, moving freely through space
and enmiug slap-dash upon each other, certainly
vcmlddo. The Judge didn't nppear to agree!
with either parly in their views, and we left the
f’ourl House quilo mixed in reference to the In
terpleader Act. Tho Judge gave a verba! opin
ion with regard Co tho Act ou Saturday, but as
we have not the points laid down in a reliable
f-jrrn, wc will not attempt to give them
fitislntvg! ©iijtllt.!
City- rmrt N6\vb Items.
Prater, ash Conference os the Sl’uject of
Uelioiocb Revival —A convention for this pur
pose will bo bdd in Dr. Rodgers’ Church, Alle
gheny city, commencing this - evening <vt 7J
o’clock. It is expected that a large number of
delegates from the Associate Reformed, the As
sociate and Reformed Presbyterian Churches,
will bo present and participate in the exercises.
The opening address will be delivered bythe
Rev. Dr. Guthrie, of tho Reformed Presbyterian
Church. The convention will continue in ses
sion during Tuesday and Wednesday. The exer
cises* will no doubt be highly interesting io their
character, as a number of important subjects
will bo discussed, such as The True Idea of a
Revival of Relig'uin—the Means of Promoting a
Revival of Religion-—the Sins of the Day, as im
peding the Progress of Religion—Sabbath Dese
cration Worldly - Mindcdnesa Slavery tbc
Influence of a’frue Revival of Religion on the
Church and tho World; on the Literary aud Po
litical Institutions of cur Country and on the
Painfcl Accident. —On Saturday afiernoou
a freight train on the Pennsylvania road, when
passing along the Liberty street track, in the
Fifth Ward, ran oveF a little boy, aged eleven
years, son of John Tcndam, Efiq , and of course
killed biro. The wheeis of the ponderous loco
motive took effect nearly. across the middle of
the body and Bcvercd it. ' The child was play
ing in the street and was, as we were informed,
called to by tho engioeerandolhers andapprised
of his danger, bnt not in lime to escape this aw
ful death. A coroner’s inquest rendered a ver
dict io accordance with the above facts.
On Friday a train against a carriage ou
its way to the cemetery, and knocked off or
broke awheel, but, fortunately, without causing
any damage to life or limb. Wc think the great
privileges accorded this road, in allowing it to
s run its trains through a whole populous street,
should of Itself bo a sufficient gaoranty that un
der noclrcumstanoes should such calamities oc
cur. Look to it, gentlemen !
i Du. Pabbisu proposes lo have a portion of_
the school house for the (raining of idiotic
children, called the Pittsburgh “Wing,” no<l
succeeded, wc think, in getting such encourage
ment'here as will authorize him in saying that
ft number of our citizens will endow it wiih a
valuable sam of money We mentioned on bat
urday morning the highly creditable bictthai
$l5OO wctc subscribed in ilie Hall where be
drii-vred t.i* address on Fridaynight Tbebal
t.irt- neci'tsarj 10 misetbe sum to three or four
11 „ l!t nd d.-Unr* w:’l probably be obtained with
o much ;r..u*d i'be matter is inriiands that
-Mon. w-aryiu well doing- L*r. Pnrrish left
r r hnu; .-i» Ss'urday morning highly delighted
■* ‘ Ids it tu-*ur city, and with the warm
we' -;t.r v.- ii-j to him by our citizens.
p. r ; . SvF.l’l- OR Soi.lTloS of PIIOTOXWC
ok lno:i.—rWe invito attention to the advertise'
tn-. tu of the article published under the above
n-iint, in -.iher column, and believe from the
f N |,|/.ri; jr. *:s favor that if 1 !? wcrlhy'of the con
• of those who may’be'afflictcd with the
* which it purports to cure. It is n tomc
' alterative, -imfis highly recommended for
. • - of «he digestive system, such as lhjrptp
\ 'irnlgii i, Liver Complaint, local and general
SJ.$ J . .Vercous Debility} deteriorated condition
o blood, and those prostrate and cachectic
of the human body where tonics are indi
r The tnAss of respectable testimony in its
places it for above the usual charge of cm
made against popular remedies. I>r.
jLo/-t:r, of 140 Wood street, is the agent.
Bbayks County Bank. —Wc quoted from the
New Brighton Timts, of 12lh »n»t., a statement
relative to tliis bank, which wo arc informed by
tetter from the President of said institution, is
calculated lo convey a false impression. The
facts are as follow:
The receipts, over the current expenses of the
Bank since its organization, aro at the rale of
;; per cent. 0 mos. The Board, at their meeting
May 4lb, passed the dividond, and placed the
earnings to contingent fuDd; and, instead of
ordering a new plate, they ordered some new
notes to be printed,'suspending the use of the
tint-plate, and substituting a red letter, on a plain
black nnd while note of the same plate.
lon Cream.— The days when ice cream nnd
comfort go hand in hand Ore now nearly upon
as, and, in anticipation of it, our excellent friend
Mr. J. B. Hnbley. has fitted up anew, in elrgapt
taste, bis famoas rooms on Fourth, near Ferry
streets, in the samo old stand where he has offi
ciated so long and so entirely to the satisfaction
of hosts of friends. Everything that is neces
sary to make ice creams just what you desire,
and to secure comfort while you partako of
them, is combined at Mr. llabley’s. He has,
moreover, A choice variety of cakes, confections,
ete., etc., all of wbioh may bo obtained at any
hoar'between sunrise and eleven at night. We
commend him cheerfully to tbo public.
Da\Ta or \ John T. Whitten. —We announce
wilbjfegret this morning the sudden and unex
pectedjdenlh. of Jons-T. Whitten, Esq., who
expired on Saturday night, after anilfeessof a
unJcr a severe attack of inflammation of
the longs. Mr. Whitten has been foreome years
—Clerk of thq Select Council anil was, until re
cently* Clerk to the Mayor. Uo was an efficient
officer, and iris much esteemed by a wide circle
of personal friends. lie will be buried to-mor
Oektoal AsseMnir.—The General Assembly
of tho Presbyterian Church, now in session in
Now Orleans; hare decided upon Indianapolis as
the point at which the Assembly will meet neat
pear Dr. Breckinridge’s resolution, sustaining
the American Bible Society in returning to tho
old yersion of the Bible, was passed unani
nioasly. 1
Personal.! —Salomon Schojer, Esq., for a
long lime a famfal and reliable reporter on the
Gaatte, baa,(after a thoroagh courso of law un
der ibe direction of Han. A. W. Loomis, opened
an office on [Fourth street, bolwccn Bmithficld
and Grant, jlfe never can haTO any greater buo
ceaa, in the honorable profession ho has chosen,
ih&n we wish for him.
MoHosQAtrfcLACtTT,pA.-Mr.Wbile, machinist,
of PiLlaburgb, while putting up a moulding ma
chine for Klddoo & Moore, got the knucklo of
his forefinger Broke by one of tho hits flying ont
and hitting him. Had Mr. White been standing
in front of 'jthc machine, he would hare been
limed, at* some of tho pieces flew past him half
ricrods the large mill, and dented a hoard to tho
depth of a quarter of on inch.
A kew frame house which was built just at
fhe turn In the road about midway between Soho
Bridge and Oakland, fell down on Saturday.
The conSfUifly-rccurtiog Tiolrnt rains under
mined i' ;-o ccmpletclj that the cataf-trophe fol
lowed. Fortunately, tho building was tenant
less. ' - 1
The Report cf tho Secretary' of the Orphans’
Asylum may be found on our first page this
stonis* j r
>i n<:i- »i Oi'KnAriKS.-J-The Wooster
» capital mi l reliable paper, notice* r. -kil.T..!*urgi
cal operation performed in that city by l*rr. 1 ireston
A Robinson. They removed a tumor fr un the eve
of a man named C. T. Lcpnld. Thu tumor was sent
vil directly bank of the glM* nr ball lof tho cyo.and had
grown to such a site as to forco tho ball nearly out
of its socket. The pressure of the tuymr had catired
so much inflammation in connection w ith the displace
ment of the ball, ns to render the eyo entirely useless,
(•lilomforin wosjidminiaUTcd to the patient, and the
operation was complete in an hour and five minutes.
Tin- optic uvne passed directly through the tumor
and vrt the c\crr?cence wa* rent-.t od without injur
ing tho ddicuted mechanism about it and (he patient
t< doing well, and lii< fight rapidly returning
The Ali.i:. iiest Mi rder The report in cir
culation on Saturday that the clothes of Leans,
charged with the murder of his wife, had been
found, was without foundation
The littlo child that was in -the room with its
mother at the time of the murder has since
died, and was buried oo Saturday.
A hundred rumors are afloat about l-'vans, all
of them injurious to him. which will probably
be brought out mi Ids trial, in Juno It is not
the province of ihe press to detail them, r.ow.
else wc might make n highly popular chapter of
Miss Kimberly's Theatre —Tho remarkable
succees last week of the minstrel troupe per
forming in the old Theatre, has induced the man -
agement to re-engage them fur ibis week. We
understand a band of music will perform from
the balcony of the Theatre, between 7 and S
o’clock this evening
Btsnnt* Hopkins officiated at Trinity Church
ycoterday morning andadmiuistorvd the solemn
rites couftnnaliou to 2*.» persons. In the even
ing be preached at St. Peter's Church and there,
also, confirmed a number, but just how many
we are not able to say.
To CoiutEsroNucNTs.—Several communica
tions, touching the claims of candidates to
office, have been in handler a couple of days
which we have been obliged, for want of space,
lolayovor, but which shall appear to-morrow.
The police made a descent, yesterday, on the
house of “iMtlce,” Redoubt alley, nndtookawny
to the lock up the inmates, black, white and
yellow. '
One hundred and -is!y licenses «■» various
partied had been granted by the Hoard ot Li
censers,,in the two weeks preceding Saturday
As lukenhi: Mr. ii,»y I*. Matthew?
has deposited his \ ir-.'ini.i cvtimalod
to he wortli not less than tu-. ruillMiir of in
the t>3ok at Charlejtmi, Tor tho inspection of the
curious. Wo have no diamond of that value-in this
city, hut wo have -mrue perfect gems in the way of
garments, that may bo seen at uny time at the Crown
Htone Clothing Hall of ltoekhill JL Wilaun, ffo.s and
-frtt£> Chcnriiit street above Sixth, Philadelphia. I
PltiST Hass clothing suited to tin: yru.b.n, r*>r
both men’s find hoys’wear, will be toumilnt Car
nahan's? Federal St., Allegheny City. Shirt?,
gloves, toarfs, ties, hosiery: Ac., nlwuy? . n hand, at
Hose rates for cash.' ' 1
DIED —On Sit onlay night, of Coii*umptioii, Mi * Mt HY
ANN, wife of Thomas Gillespie, aged gf t jr:u .
ller tuucnit will lake place tlm afternoon from the (nunly
rcsi.lrnrc,Two Milo linn, near L-iwremwille, thi* < Monday ,
afternoon, at t o'clock Tim fri*ndv and s. (iianitaii c« el
{tic family nn« respectfully Invited tn attend. 0-rri:«g'.*
will !«• in wailing at M'flwen * Liv.-ry Stable. Bitth -treet,
at.VS u clock.
i*n .Similar morning,at twenty miimtes bH. re :t.. Hock,
JOHN T. WHITTEN, aged J 7 years.
Tho fnnernl trill take place from Ids late imiJniC*', No 4
T-iUwcil ,tre*t, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON. the I Mb, M
clock. Tin f;i. ti'l* and «i}naintHn‘-es i'f tin- fiunil>- or
ricjncitd! to :*»teml without further noth
A Ledy of onr acqnnl titaacs, Art. Potr- 1
ell, N - H Stanton street. New York, was troubled with
hwr complaint tor a innjt time, and alter trylur nrtny run
was lulrisrHl to try Dr. STlamcVCHehruted Liver Pills,
prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh. She did so. And
mjs that with otmbnx Hie was effectually enrol.
turn. itopjMg' of th' wsnjsa. o-ltiv'n'U. and tjm’ral irr ;>«-
farify oftiu bonds, are all diseases originating In the nan
pAdiflc cause, as i* also that dreadtnl tcourgo, Diwephis.—
Those who are afflicted with any of the above enumerated
distauwa, may rest assured that tho source of all their mala
dies is in tho lirer, uad for ila correction the best remedy
ever offered to tho public l< Dr. M’Laiin** Celebrated Liver
Pill?. Try there. Tho moony refunded If not icilUtoctory
Mk_Purchiwcra should bccarefnl to aak for DU. M'LAN K B
IlllOS.. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Them are other Pills pun»>rtlng
til be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’LWs gen
uine Uvcr PIUs, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be
lia.l atall n-pcctalde drug stores. Aryt* vrilhmU
tlu rirnotuT.*/ my4:dswT FLEMING Itltoa
Farewell concert in America,
and poaitireljr their last appearance in this • ity prior
to their departurofor Europe. On this occasion
(CanUtrlco di Camera to tho Emperor of Austria, aud Prima
Donna of all tin: principal Opera Houses of Jlily. Loudon,
Paris, Peb-rabmg. Madrid, New York, ete.,, wb »e name
has obtained so wido and enviable a reputation in all tl.e
principal opera Hollars of the world, will m»k«
Her First <i»(t 0»ly .
In this cits, ou THURSDAY, May 2Uth,
at oity iiali.
Tim management take* also great pleasure In announcing
the engagement of the twu celebrated Prima Donnas,
who will jointly with
Tlic programme, on this oacosion, will bo the most attract
ive that ever baa been otTerM tu ouy concrit room. It »ill
centaln. besides other selections,
composed for tho Violin and Pianoforte, porformM by
HENRY YIEUXTEUPS will |ierfurm
ThU cxtraoullnary lUid rut»«l difficult uiusii al roiiipoeiti'-"
has pro>looH tho bwt intense enthusiasm wh'-rev- r |e:r
formed by Mr. VieaxU-mpa, and tiovor baa been atb'uipbsl
to lr« perfiremtd by any other llrtng nrtist.
Pull prugraramocan be seen also on small hitl
f*a~|QiTe of seats commeun* on MONDAY, at Mr.Mellor »
Music Store, when the prlcrt of admlralon, notwithstanding
tho orlditumal and uuprecedrnU>d attrnrbon. *'> lr '^ ual
on 51 former visits here. |1 AH and J 1 OOfor re-
seats, according totbe location.
ar^Cnnrort romisourva at I s o rbs-k'
Hole and Manager J • C PHSTER-
- A. M. Yorau.
Ti -asnrrr Oco. «»E’itlST.
s' ILS or fßtrtfl
l*i iv.iP" Ik.*.-*; to hold alx {xtsoiia... *,
Dresa t.'irvle and I’aDittetb- fJ ,’
Upper Tier — 1
fiT Doors otx nat 7 ./cluck. Ommetire at half pa»L
Engagement for a limited number of tilghla «•! tho leiautl
ful ami accomplished r.immediouno,
MONDAY EYKNINQ, May 17th, UAH. will l>o prrf.irmcd
the celebrated comedy, iu twu nets, culillad
KatT O’SliHl - Mis* Maggie Mit« l.cil
with song Trust to hur.k, and <lacce an Irish Jig.
C»pLOLjnn - M(h .i. u | (M -d
p*s Soul 1
After which the farce of -
fovr sisters.
Carolloo MortotJ- ...nnr ittminr
Ellen Morton p oTir SJstenr, MAOOIE MITCUEI.I,
Eugenia BlortoD.—
“Stu&iViiil-S l.crcrl,tolrt.«.C»f »«sf* '-J
my Side.
To conclude »Uh the farce of
* wa Ur.A.M'Ysoag
CubnsYcrks. • •• „ V - -
May 17th, VHth «ud 19th, w«rs
Every evmlng will appear,the Mars
HI. K SLITER, the champion dancer. *,n.,nT«
feeswGlLßEßT, I‘kvLUt,MABTtP. RENT/., only 13 I l *™
old; LITTLE TOMMY, JI years <dil
iff New and Comic Scene*—New S<-ngR nod Dances—
fan and Merriment.
ChangQ of FrpgruHßO «nry cvtmlng.
[//em* iy our Special Reporter.]
A Consideration von Picture llvntecs.—lt
gives as pleasure to recommend on nrt»*t whom we
know to he an <■ rti*t —whose claim; to that title were
not newly discovered, hut, built up by careful study
and long practice, ami have boon acknowledged f*>r
years and will he sustained by thousands, not only in
ourown city, hut wherovor talent is admired. Such wo
bate no hesitation in declaring b W. C. Wall, the
proprietor of Wnll’» t«allery. Fourth street, tho lar
gest and most elegantly finished establishment «>f the
kind in this section, and perhaps n--t surpassed in
tho Union. It is a sure thing to pntr<>nb.e such an
artist aa Mr. Wall, tr>n,« -j . u " •
and—wo need say nothing further t- tln-se win* seek
Til 1> L’> IN ES SM EM lil. ,KI: V L I-1 • - lIUT lucre h au l.i
nod business uicn will tind » > ro. S» uf ■ h « Y n A Fo.,
tho enterprising Lithographers. nitist* wh> can lur
nbh Show (lards, Hill Head ', el*-. which will nut
snlFor l.y contrast with the Uvi workmanship <*f the
Krai. ‘ The tine print "I I’nstrt * .\jti--nal Ih-mire.
noti.-od a few days ago in ma.' ho luhcu
n: a -'ample id the manner in which they i ,-'-ntc
their ..rvlcrs, and we arc u*-ured f»•.*•> - an render sat
i-la-'i i>m in <• > orv in;dan. rv. here demands iro in iIo
upon ihem The purii mentioned above is a largo
and fntliful dcbm-ninn •>! tho manim-dli building on
Fifth street, got up in tho most skillful and elaborate
manner. U liy may not our merchants and manu
facturer-. illustrate their ?b'-w card-* after this fashion '
V. iiri;E i • i:bt thi: Re t.—Tln--e who Imw l :i
requisition for hoots or .dices will find tho manufac
tory and ;!• ro of T. I'uAsrt.r.ti, Federal street, \llc
ghonv, tho pliico tu get them, if appro, cd *tylo-» atij
loir prices arc tho desiderata. Mr. Chantler takes n
just pride in-furnishing good and durable nurlc.and.
to i-ii-uro satisfaction, personally superintend? the
manufacture of the articles which he sell*.
q-iii etiiim. to Hr t n i s M ism -It will ho routem
bori-d hv our lady readers who are looking after the
“lalcsF bonnets. trimmings, etc,, that llie very last
supply from ibo Last is uti hand at the Miiinc.ry store
of Mi-s l\ Hegg», Federal street. Allegheny, where
tlioU wishes will ho politely attended to and prompt
ly met
A Fi:w tji oriuYS Ax?.w lcko. — It wc were asked
what was a sure cocdu> bot« health, wc would an-
the patruuizing <>f good hoot and shoe dealers:
and lit is verv certain wc would make On- -amo reply
ifa.-tked what steps w/uld most quickly eti-uro a
••re'sJ»cc;. 4 hlo i./.0-,” in cmr.inuniiy. Again, if ihc
que-ition wore ;»»ked whore such dealers inay-«ho
tounjil. we would point out .Messrs. C \itv.\n AF" .
• f Njo. ' : Market St., whose -'"'k *n doom um-\-
"diqd in quality and «tylc.
I’ kit Tort. in l l Tin; l.inn - Ladic-- and gentle
mcrij- parlicularlv tho ladies -making purchase* in
tho Jlry goods lino, will find tbc assortment of .Mcssr r.
Si-rk» R A 00., Js’o. 7,{ Market St . tho latest ami
most varied. This firm oilers a t-pbuidid stock uf
Ir iiHming?. ho: iery. fancy and sLiple diy goods, cm
hroijlorics, glmes, shirt?, rlmnls, luce ami silk man
tillaH, Ac. -f tlie m i«t appro\ ,-d style- and at reasona
ble prices, and m» customers can fail to ho plca - d
with the attention which is bestow cd up n vi.-imr?
3’idllhe rare bargains o’.irrcd nt N->. 7 '
,iii:i,;iMi i i Fill 11 In consul.-m-irg hi- bu-im-ss
at h|'« pn-MWii -t.ind. No. I'd \\ o-d Si.. H St vttt n.
the j\ni*>relypi«l. inaugurated a now »rt.-ni m bis
line*- that of taking pb-tnroi in the best manner at
tho oweet prices, atbirding the Slightest pn-Jitj. The
prin uplo hail been l rii-d in other branches i f trade,
and Why might it not prove ?ucce«>ful in thi* ’ The
resu t. so far a* Mr. Matter t* concerned It i« been
Isis j rail cries art* extensively palronired and he ha«
popidivriaed them among the people '•SuiaH pr .iit«
:.nd quick .sale*," where Ihtro i* im huiulmg. •*
safe Imottii.
Missus. Poi if.i: A 5i.1.11, -Messrs. Porter A
Stuiljh have opened nu elegant otahlishmeut in the
(liraM llon-e, Smithtield st.. a few iloor* from ihc
cnmpr of Third, in which a tin<* assortment of -arti
cles belonging t ‘ the furnishing traJe m*y be found.
»>• tvlcll a? a supply of shirts nowhere «urp:»»«e 1 in
the tfity. They domic ulu-ntmn to the Lit
ter brunch, and we doubt not they will soon stand at
the head of mir shirt mamitn-'turer<. a« their watch
word is "Excelsior," and they are* yuing geril«*mcu
of energy mi l good l.islc.
A New Ski i m;nr.—The new lialtciy occupied by
Ca lU-* .V Pn , No. 21 Fitih ?t , l,a« lately opened
and constitutes, with the reception r - *in on the first
floor, a iery well-arranged and h.-m lruiuc establish
tuent. Mr. Cargo is ccriainlv mi oncrgeiic nrlirt -
thc ; proprietor now of two gallciie-, 'he one rmun*d
above and that at N->. s .l Market -tr**s-t, well km-wn
to cilirens as ih„ ••Snnl*eani liallery. 11c i?
determined (o *cr»e the public t.- the utm - -f his
ability, and wo most cordially cue t him th*- <• **h"
defire first ratepiclures at suli-fact-TV pri'-i-s
A I I.KGIi KM 1 Hi SINK'S. Time? ill - -I. T»•t<•T Cl t /
of Allegheny arc as active :H on thi* si Io •-! the
river, and her merchants arc quite l -i»y. Among
the enterprising hu?ine«« men n tm make up th** das?
wbi* - h ihu cun boast. P. Mki:t/ . n h»le>.»le and retail
denier in lb»oia and {shoe*, on Federal street, near
the I*ianmtid. inaint.iom a liigh position. His store
is at present stocked with a very heavy assortment,
and he is .is aticntiie a.“ ever to his cust'-mcri'. The
public can procure the latest fashion? oflutu at prices
which in ike it an object i-i palroni'o hi- i-?taidi?h.
Nru I■ i:t i. Sr„i:i .- Mr. I*. Minis, dr., ha*
opened a drug <tor* in the House, Snulhtmld
strerL Hi* i.« tilted up in the most tasteful style
ami tho vKth.xl ..f the cslal*li*hmcnt evince l a tlmr
oqgii knowledge on tho part of the proprietor, •-! the
business in which ho i* engaged. Nor will the ' i»i
tor who forms hi-' opinion upon praetical ohsenalion,
liku uar i. be miftakon. Mr. Mims i- a thoroughly
odiicated phvsi-'ian, it graduate i f a leading medic-il
college, and p-iy-cssc' no i.rdinarv experience, hav
ing practiced f..r mnuy years in hi.' | r»fe«si«*n. We
can commend him. unrc'crvo-lly, to the rotiiiden*'* ot
tbo community generally, and of ami nth
ers whu desire pure drugs.
M.. 1 Aln •. ■, i>i i .O ifl.if, All
gltony < *nuty. tints Janr K A.Min*" WiU-n and
Api'l-'t<■ n \ViW.m,l.yi oimnir r-min, Ivor,*: Mutil-hi:
Trlmhl- and *<mu-l T Trin.l.l. ...t -u».H .
li.wa, tWI«* gtrtratt. .»! Nr* Urt-ht»n. IVt.n* . I.jdia \un
Sttwart, Kninn .fm<* j»t*-wtrt. Pnnolla Kmwart.
tit rw art. Mntilkt Mm ail, Charloa Sli-wui t.
MrKoo f'tpuurf,l ;,- "i:- A|>(*lol<»ii Howart. r|i||,Jrrn ol I‘tl»-
tlllt Slrwnrt. Into of S> " H*i(rht»n. *!■■■ 1. Iltntm CWw
and Latira Matilda Cl*>a*pr. • f Wat'palo, lonian <■ -intr.
Iowa; :*u«in I*. Dr I'. D LMmenh.ff Bininriyham.
AU«-Ul>ri.% "'Utity. IVnn tl»>orj:« K A|>td-ln:i. .•! N-w
(million, rent.:. , h‘lM and Th-iunm
R|M-nf4-r, Into >'f Allegheny • ■•unty, di» -, d
Tbf jiartm* tUirc nimrrt, arid all • thru inl.-t.-rU-d, w ill
taka untie* that in j>tir«i)*iiip «•( a writ id I'-u mion. i*«n rd
•at of tin* ilridnitn’Cneii t i.i Atli-t-ln-nr r*anty, IVbui . an
lu>|tii*ltlon will l>o hfhl >■» tbo Rj'itl K.»l-»l<-nl Ttmmv.
Ppcnc* r. ilrrM. heiug » triu-t of land nitu*t« In Baldwin
t/iWDshiji, noj-atioK laud* of JVUt Detlin, Thomas BrVg*.
Sir* C. Unbait ami damp# Hay*, find ntiUiiimg atwnl
olrhty atrra. <m TIII’KBIiAT, lb* -0 th d-.y of Maj.A l*.
1-C.S, at luo’clo. 1.. A. M . at uhirli tlm- and fla< " )o» fin
nttrnd if you think ]>rr.j- r.
writ 4t» V ftODT PATTfIWON, Sb-ilfT
Tarm for Sale.
THE heirs of I>avi<l Cnnan, <lecM, oiler at
private axle Iheir Purw in Krinxvden township, Alio
jjUeny county. I* i., nu Hit- c.ld PiUabnrcb and Washington
rood, «N.iU y mile* I,om Pill"bnr<h. It contain" lu7 acrva,
aliont liu acr*-" rlearol, xvell xvattrcd, under gfted fence* and
in fine condition. The building* nro a larjn* two tf©ry
Brick Dwelling, with ton loom*;a small Frame Dwelling,
not Vjoito iiolehed. and a new Frame Barn, :.b by 7o feel.—
There li al«i a good Haw Mill Them are a f»w fittlt tnw*.
Tbe soil ta of tin. fit at .|ualitjr nnd the lan<l ho* tci y woll
For term* an<rTurtber pmflculsis eqnmreof the heirs, on
Ib. nr..mi-c«, .4—l J W. V WNITK, Alfy at Lax*,
apl:a-Jin*y Ittf Fifth "tie. t. PitUhnr«h
ligent. nrtiTa deaf and dumb lad of 16. an orphan, who
baa had aix years of tuition at the liiHtltiitl-iii In Philadel
phia, and rmi rrwl and »rlt>-, ta now at Urn Allegheny Or
phan A«yium. The mnoJrfrri denire t<> bind hltn t*» a fann
er, or to learn mm» other prober o> cnpallnn. and barn no
doubt the boy would he useful to whoever may tabu him
He la himself very nnxiotta to pn to a farm, and it Is loij».«d
thla ti'itlce may attract the attention of fttnn farmer »le>,
while bomdltlnn himself by s-curlng a naefnl etnjdoy-o, will
alio lu-lp tin- orphan. Application tuny In- made to MM
HOLM KB, KfJ P«nn «trrx*t, Pittsburgh. -,r Mr*. 11. 8. iIAYh,
Sd bank, Allegheny. n.r2i wtfF
(Country pa|xir» am requested to copy |
tii obtnin a good country lorati-w. As I atn dralpuia
<-f removlug to tbe r11y,.1 will *ell my property, ailo.-tted
alnxit Itm centre of Moon towaihip, 12 mllni fi-»n Pitts
burgh an-l a tnlb-s from Hay's Station on tbe I* FI W. A
C K. U. Prir«,sl:Wo—lerms easy; f..r lurthrr particulars
i<n<pitro of Dr. li.urge Mil'nuk, Fifth ultwl, rilCabnfith, or
the R'lticcrilN-r, on the premises.
mrlb:»tfF JOHN T. PKTKRB, M. D.
published from early Ula"gux» hheala, h) special a
rai>i;enient. Th- Ulo and Times or II nplt Miller. author
"'Testimony of lh« IU-cUi." “Old Rod Baudntoh",’* "Fo*.
pi lists of tho Creator,” “AcJkkilb and He liooluia«teni.'' A<
Ac., prepared by Ibumaa N. Bn-wit, Ilia • tulnent Sc-dr
Divine. Muslin, 12m . Price If. For sale by
mylli JOHN R. DAVJFON, «l Markotat.
C-u-J", Circulars,
I'll - I.lel*. Hill* I.vlln*.
Blioxr Illlle, Lab'-l".
letter llrad* i.
fi mi,-; toeiijM-rior style al short notice, by
pi ii,|i-t a, St *1 loner* nml ittauk 11. nk JlixiHilaoliic-i»,
ID) l N<*. f<7 tVieel "trie
. MANTI.I3 ofall-ju-vlitlir., rnnpim; In prtce from {;: to
taV, haiideoruu IJan-£w*i»iid Orpnndn-aand utlu r Drueatimale.
nty«i 0. UANtSON IA)VK, 74 Maiki t *L
QC BXS. FOX'S STAROJI just rccM iinii
/CO for ante l.y my 7 11 1.. FA UN BhTOCK A C«l.
<CO Ju»t n-c'd nod for I'tleby
mj-r H I. FAUNKSTiVK A <*»
O INO STAllt'll, ueeirtiil. in "tore nml fur wile by
Affc DBJiS. WHITING j»t*t rtu-'d nml for
•JUanlel.y my 7 It. L. FAIINKHTtKIK A CO.
1?IRK BHIOK, TILE A CLAY, of the Wut
’ quality, on hand and for aa'.e by A A. HARDY.
l*nl- 10 caaka Tenn Ilncoo now lamllun from
atmuner Br Ixmiafor nl* by IBAIAII DICKKY A 00.
B ACON—P) ensks 10 do Shoulders;
6 do clear Bldrur, li'i tiercea K. C. Hama, recrlvlnt: this
■lav and for aal" by T LITTLK AOU , 112 8.4-ond «t. _
rw\ "/'W W\--For eheaji Wall Ptiperd from
&\J ». \ /Lev/ H to PJ'Xc.. call at h 7 Won* I «lrM.
» pW S \V. P_»IARBIIALL A m.
WRITING PAPER, of every description,
f-.i ejle uiml.-eftle or retail, by
WM. «. JOHNSTON A 00..
my 7 Paper Dealrn, 67 W'«nd etri-et
FLOUR —Extrsi family, in bids, ami sacks,
eir>res*ly fur tnmlly one. In "lore and for anle by
tnyll ROB RUT DICKKY, IJI Front at, near Wood.
OILS —Lard, Linseed and Neats Foot Oils
roiutartly on hand at JOS. FLKMIM£._
R~ YiTFLOUll—iob'Wila. in «u,rc nnd fur
A -Sir’ 11001’ I Just rec’d and far
n 1.1., (invtl) T. LITTLE 1 CO. _
SOO Alt CURED JHUED BEEF-- 111 tierr.-ii
reoolvtnft thli day anil fur tale by T. LITTLE AOh
ARD 01U *2O hhln. No. I, winter stmin
rtl, and for «al» by T. LITTLE A CO.
ODFISH —IIXB lbs. in storo nnd for sale
by ROUKKT DICKKY, IIU Proutat, near Wowl.
TCLIA kavan augu s'new work,
tJ ADKLE.IO I Tul, 12 mo. KAY A 00.. f>6 Wocd at.
1 n ÜBLS. EGGS—WeII packed, for Balo
l\Jbj my 7 LEWIA A EDO Eli TON, 107 Wood V
Window sash—l2oo lights, 9*12, on
ccssfjU&fSb firfftlhby ROBE&TDICBXY,
Wasisotuk, May 15.
s DUI , _Mr. li‘vin. of California, presented a
memorial from liio Lcgulature of California catli.,;,-
..n ifac HxecuUre to Uko up lb« ‘ase or Juan Knxy,
*bo w.v soiled \»y ao armed band <-f .Mexican.- in
Antonia, and carried to d'-n-ra. where he b Mill
held a captive. The lubject wilt referred to Urn U.m
tnitlcoou Foreign Attaint. ....
Mr Seward of N.Y., intro iu.-ed a joint rcsulu
li,.n u nuihorixo the President to gtv o notice to the
government of Hanover for the abrogation of the
treat j of m«5. which imposes rentricliotuion com
mcrco 1.. f U Hi-trid Columbia bill.- wens
1 H -rhK. —Mr. Morgan, <>l N«w Wh.nuid bcun-
UerttiMilthai the members were ‘lining at ibe Presi
dcm>h-n.e. Tho .dfieers ‘d ibis body had K ono
th‘-n» f>-r tlarm. butthny w.ur refused odraitUner
lie iliikiol,; it (•ntraijc<tiiP ib.ii gentlemen •bnnld |,<>
tu» l..rar. * ■■=f«nol
l. > r „ yingltouftlvc. Murli HONMUUU
< iu«el bv nrndpntnl humorous mrhmntai rctnnil.c
m. ui ibo r«.ur.*c of a debalo t» the propriety-I
ihc«i' tiroeociling". 1 'nc riJo icnJ* d that it it«uM
i.vull in hpoi-n;, while others oumpUincd
mem'. r- -h-uld be oompclhdl In attend an.l tr imm. i
bn-iuc” in order to adjourn on Hus 7Ui of June.
Seven !’cnn»>’tranm members who bad been .|m
it,,» with this President, rendered o\ni s cs for their nb
; „,.l ;,t h-tll !' »-•>> wsvon uVlnolt 0»o lloiuu ad
Tho Mi»ne*o(n Senator* have drawn bo- lor the
lern. ..f olbeo. Don. Shields drew tho term oxpiriug
Mur.di lo.'d', and Mr Kbe drew tho tom expiring
Marrh. I Slid.
ll«o relief' i ItareWy. Lixingst.m and
others. In refund datie* »n merchandise destroyed by
the great tire in New York. in 1 1 ’• wbj, after do
bate. killed lf> majoriix
Thft House adjourned.
(.1 K\ ki.isk. May I S -An nmdeM occurred ..11
iho l.ul'iiyctlo and Intiiatiaj*oH* Kailroad, lust night.
Ah the Cincinnati night express train, bound North,
wn.- I'f-'Hiuj' the bridge, 22 miles Last of Lafayette,
it c;m; wav, precipitating tin* xvlmlo train into tho
water. Tbo'lircnntn and engineer wvr« killed. ether*
aivi reported kiilod and wounded.
1 lu> an-idont happened at «<no o'clock? this morn
ing. ’1 he night was very dark. Tho high waters
hud undermined the nbutmcnl* of tho bridge. The
train \va“ running at the rate of l*j tulles per hour,
and the engine had reached the cud «f tho bridge,
which m »■> .'"X feel l»ug. "hen the wlitdo gaTe way.
da.*.di Lurtonger. engineer. - - Mahoning, tlrctnnn,
und darue* Irxvin. conductor, worn all killed. The
pas-enger." are sale.
Si. 1,..t is, May I l ’ A V ioiutit tornado blow (ho
pa • enjfor tjain «>t the Chicago. \lton and Su Louis
Kailway i'll lhe track, near Lexington, Illinois, mi
Thursday night Several person* were rerioiinly in
iim-l. The towns of l.e\ington. I’cDria, Juneti..ri,
and I', wau*ia, snllered severely; half the In-use-In
tlo'in were pr-'-tra’.i-d Three men were killed at
T"wand.t. v»-Uwdny. Another 'term of like churn-,
ter pas-ed oxer the legi. n bot.xeeu Oleomingtoii and
Spnngtitld. doing much damage. A large number
1,.Hi,,-* hi KlUhart and Willi&miivilln were demob
idted, one them falling n ami mushing a l.imily
ot f.vp per- .ns to death.
i I. 1 i-. May Id. Tho Mispcnded banks in ibis
. •;j r<-. Min'd piytnrnl yesterday Vln' t'hiuiibrr "(
(Vm tiier'C of tti i J eilv rep.-rted m lav- r ot the e«ub
’i»bment of ore-in mail service betwcen. the l'nile-1
States and the Weil Indies, Unuil and the Argrn
line KcpuLli-'-. a« promised in the memorial ««i John
0 xrdm r. tn-w before I’ongrt'-ss.
Si Lulls. Mar |j. -The river hi’ (alien ten
nii'lio.' within the U.-l to hours. The I p|*cr Missis
, ippehas fallen I fo»i ut llubmjue. with 7 feet »n the
bar I'he Ulitnwc and Missouri rivers are abo re
eedme- Weather showory; thermometer .’»> .
K\n<x* Cm. May Id, »ia Ibwinville, May l.>
Intellige’ion was rrreivod here lost niyht from L«
I'empt 'ti (o the rtlect that a band of maunder* Imd
>*outin it ted depredation* in that ncigbborh 1, on
the llili robbing several settler- util the (loro of
Min S Wells, liftcen Utiles from luvomptun. The
gain; i- sai 1 to number lixty men. Completely nniu d.
and it i« n*“.wled to l* the same win* recently p« r
l« |r;itp I the robWnes an l ! tinirder* at Fort Se.,n
N'. | 111 lilt ua- atlempted.
Nr'i \ «•!,),. May If. Alx n C-s trotn I'ort lami-w,
n nth |.> the I tli, stale that an express had arrived
tri,ni t';nii|, ;.m|| with letters dated April loth. The
Mortwns are r«;p.-rlcd as leaving Salt Lake City for
the White Kix er Mountains, and (iox. Cum tiling h»<
g iDv t • tiro oilv by imitation.
W a-uimjton i trx.May l;>. The Sonata in ei
I'i'Uinc vesMoii eoiilirtncd the a|>|H>mtiu-iit ol Joseph
M illiam* a* \-'o, iatc Justice iu Kama*, and those
ut l'osim uters in M j'j.s.i.'hus'ills, including Cap-n-d
lb' t"U
!,..i im :i.i t, .May 1». Xl >l ' Nif.hxillo .vlc.xmer lny
n| 11uiit• x iHr >uhl, ..n Wednesday night, at Palmyra
[•land Sin- i a total loss- Ten lixr.s were 10-l N*>
M..HT....X, r:i: i , Ala., May I i>. - The session ol the
Southern Cou . cuti- n has been nearly wholly occu
joed whli -peeelois. No aetion ba< yet boon taken,
and i imtiiber id dolegales have 101 l for home
t ri i, M.iv I • - Th« rmlift «»filjo C'‘r*»»fr Mmv
\ tin' LiHc.l I>v ihe rtvcut railway .icei lent, <*«n
if - il><! N< w \ ork Central Kailroii-I t'-mp-iny >• r
i hm in>; the properly examine l
Ttlrkrapble Market*.
Ntv-' V-'Sx. V-*y It —d>x|fou iJoprt**»-d; »al<— '.no t-x|.-« at
- fur tpt xiid* Middling" Flour brtn. bid-"--Id
1,.-Itiirm :,l ixai bush -.ld; tVeMem WJ l.a: v ' .1 -
11; !..<«*> hll.t. eobl lull-.I 71.ri.:. ?.!*•.I Ir-iu
pfli-1.. Ilico ‘i\4tG 7 -,. ft". .(liiot. t-ul
~,dj hiitt-t iiiitl atlpflfjw- it'if-j-I, liter Freight" d,<
.«-L" lugbor; I'uinb. rlxlid oi-al, 17; Mirl.igau N-uiherii. 1
N I i'«-titrnl. htii Ib-ailinx*. 47*'.. Mieiouri St*e-».-xf,
Al.. n a rtii.l fine igo, ifH,. »d1".24-' y , (*fe>elai.d and Toledo.
I ~m *:J. 1 ni«. Vl2j 1- The th.ur nieik.-t .- U u<n,u.a r i
ti -m.--H tl-ill. with nil litlle exf-irt d-ruau-l. and the miu
ket iri-ttk inlegof l.taKi hbU "Uperflnvut }4,6xEd,(Ul bbl" ex
ti.i At |1 .t’•l't-’ 1 i"h and extra family at f-V Tliete
I- nothinit dr.tiv in I!) e 1 l-..u amt Corn Meal. There i« lit-
II- u.> demand l.» tvheul, IteJ a t!" u | fl.tart. t |.ns. nni
White lI.If. lire held firm c-ntuni. * in t>« d r--
ijii. at. »nle« 1-i.iMX) l>u«h yellow at all-nL. and mu tmab
while at uv < -utß -lull at XmIIS fu> Delaxrare, and Itt'-Jc
fi-r I'etin’xlrnnia. \Vt-i>Ly "tntdy. aali- In bt-l< at 2h.%22!-.
mul In lihda at 2)i'-y:. Piuxiii.ui* dull; p«n-<-a droopini;
I'U ixxin, May 1;- - Tho hlpbcr Trade* of Until *l.ll teiiJ
npwixr-l, hut «rdlunry auperfiuo lailiill. Tbajaalea wet" lotai
bull at fn.uypC.t'-i f»r and I.IJ. 1.. i e*tra,
6,K> l ).|« irbite tVbr.xL rxtra, «oldat tbn latter rule Whin
i j firm at 17c with aalea of 1 i,U*i bW» Then- wu*-®" de
mand t..r ilesa Putk at |lO, but tbn made hol-li-rs atltler,
and thev >efnrrd In » this »at- Money it «.i-y L*
rlianjfe n una!t":-*l.
lUiTiv -ar. Miy l - -Flom atea-lj. U'li-lit unchanged
and lower trade" heavy. Suleg of tttuto t\iru at ('-OtiCn.". and
y..11,-* At l/U'b. Wlusky nominal at
i*r- ri«i<»ni droopinc
Steam Marble Works.
M.V RULE MANTELS.- A amlbeau
tilnl sl-1.1. alwaynou baud ami maoutactnreil
by Mitrhtn-ry. "old at very luxx price*. Unildera'owunxa
•d Ileal Kn'ntr-, Contractor" and i-lbera, whether they want
bi piirx hiee or not, aro In tiled tocall and namiue onr *t<>rk
ao-l a*, ertain nnr prlree at xxc art wiling plain m-at Man
tel* -> low aa to put them within the reach ot aluu.vt every
Moiinnionla, Tahh-U, anJ IJrare a »bwk al
u*3 . onluxud. Furniture and Wa-h eun.l T-.p- nn-l Ira
pi>"ilii; Sbuie* manufactured by marhlnery. nml sold al the
l-.wntpiuea. Marble of all kind* add low t„ the Trad-
I’urchaeer" are iux ite-l t>> i all and examine onr to k at .'.il.
it'i i I.ibelly "trert. I’ll l"l-UI If li.
iii> lii dtu i'.uiT W. W tv.u.l \« F
The Krtv lirlßbton Larntter Ynrtl and
Haw Mill.
THE subscribers having had tho Saw Mill
oil tho Next Race pul in p>od rnutilng order,
the) ate now prepared to fill all urilera for Lnmber <m the
Hunt favorable t.-ruii. We now harn on hand a general a*-
•ortnieiit of .‘w'jjftoi/ Pin/ and Oak l.utni*-r. Worked l*h«,>r
in,-. Sidln-:, Fencing lloanls'.Bhlnglee, Plasterlmc Lath, Ac
W« exi...-t to keep the twal ijuallty of rl«>.tr an-l M rommuti
Ltnnl-er rou«tuutly on hand. T. A W WALTON,
n{kVxx:im*F Reaver ruiinly. Pa
Flaalcr, Idme, Cement, &r
IJLASTER PARIS. f>r Laml nml Since
Omnnl f-r Cistern.". Firo Wall".
liouißVllie Lime and Roman O.uenl:
(Jnndaton-e —hual qnatity nlwaya on hand at lilt* Lit.
•rty itreel. W. W. WALLACK.
1)INK SIIIN<iLKS, B*»ftr<lw. Joists and
Prautllio; A Inn, Pinn *o«l »»ak Plank for »«li- at Sltl
Uteri; at., Pltinteirch
Shingle Machine*.
MeUEOK(«E’S PATENT ulwavsnn hand
At :th» Uhfrtj Btrwt, PJtt-I.urgli.
m>lo:d*«3oiT W. IV. WAIJ.ACK.
ntltl PurnU>iin|{<
STEAM ENGINES, TvarnintM hct*t *juali
lT, ftlwnji mi han'l *n«l m»Jo ti> urjur. UoiUrtand
.Kill )ltns, f'irr Uriek if<tchin.r-t, Fuginr Outingt and
Mill Omrintj mwl*' lo or«lfr. Mill Imm, Out Iron
SUifTt, htmeh Harr and laurel lhll Mill Siontt, [killing
rtuhi <tn<i Smut Mnehitirt ninny* cu Imm! *1 :il!» I.H*rty
utm-t, I’Ulftbtirgli, l*;i.
in) I<> ■t&w.'buT
portable Mill**.
thnsimir.wit iwl brtt nrtltle of th* kind In the conn
tiy. They run lifiht, jti inJ U»C am mwlljr k< |,t in order,
tn«%fc* as Kwil work u the larfirsl mill*, nnd *l»f> firnomi
satisfaction, alvtn)s iif hnui). Also. r«rlaldo Mills
K..r pur ti<:nlart> cull at MV MUrty si. l , ittrUir K l.,
4l«-.Uw3mT _ 'V W WAU.ACK,
Urate D>n.
AM. SIZK.S. always on hum] at Lihcr-
St, PH.sburfil. myio W. XV W A 1,1. AUK.
DRESS HOODS, Shawls, Mantillas, Mourn
luff<]*K«is, Table l.luen, Lto*-n TabU* (Bolin, White
ll<«*ls. N.islle Work and Dome*!**' Ooodr, nil of which will
be m,M vwy |*>w av»h. *•
niJ j| t ffu. <4 Markf>l_ijrc»t
TENN WHEAT—T'.'O rn.-lu, Red ami
rpENN RED Wff&AT—lln Mirks on
l j .n.,„rr “"*'^' u l^7 CKE y i CO.
MUlipilV A BUiICHEIELR Imre just
rtctvrj „1 W 1.l oMmrfmn. B» ***» rb™,..
» .1.0 is 1.. U r.MnJ'*b»« P. K »l »n prlrr. ibjU
/'I KEEN APPLES-- Id i>bi». clioien, Ibr
(jr±bi_ w'S . l : /. K u.«co
Bacon— ‘A''uw it«. ci«.r i? , ‘| 1 e . 8 : i!’' 1
SbroMot., for 151. b, E- !>-*UitA-1. i <X>_
rre6h Wd H f ''^'A y *'»
country HffifeSli'g,
BEANS--C bags small nbito, fur sale by
juyj.i K. UAL/.hLL A Cl),
ROLL BUTTER— S bbls. fresh, in rolls,
festal, a. pAi-znu. « co.
T - ENN. WHEAT — 2fl‘- sacks now landing
.-Anno- '".^HDICKETACn.
('S'UEESE —200 |>xb. in sU>ro and for sole by
POTATOES— 200 bus. Neahannook Pota
ton to arrlTQ and for Pin bT nSKBY U. OOLUNii.
CLOVKR SEED—SO bus. in store and for
nylO J. B. CAMroaP
jgi|7A?C— store andfogafUc
Commercial. | Uubuwjws ©Sangcs.
""ooM>UTTKKnPAHjiiTRATTON for uay. 1 Dlaßolation of Partnership.
J..UU! l'i'Sn, *. I*, Ki>w uu> Ou>.<i, C 11. I'*! r r PIIE FIRM OF R. KNOX & CO., wa> dis-
W. W. Mur, Divtr. ; J. ...UeJ on tb.- Qnt of April. ISSS. All thoac Indebted
H»' vl<i firm will |iloaw- settle with JAOOO B. DUDLEY,
»ill li.-n-nfler <\>:i.lnct the Coufcetiimary bueinets at
t!.' h•••11L!:•'» a ntnrv.l, a! " Y«arth drcct,
I h' -pfrU i SptcuiHy for th' IHlUburjh G±ulle \
I’irrsuCAiju, Monday, M n 17,15;,*.
t'l.OUR— Sal<*d utt wharf nf :!l3 nn I !» bl.Usm--r nt fi.frt
§tort>. sale* >■( 1.0 MJ« nt J-l.i'J fur «i:j»*r. $4,1:! f.M
..»lra nnJ Si>) f»r faiiiilydo, M do on j.mal-lorm*.: . .1 .
Utnilj extra at sU‘Jucs».So and tJl ' ** f l ' l '
iiltAlN fr.*m br*t baad* "f -2> bu« R>
Wheat, h*J t u-Southern Whit,-at-.C' l’.J t-u- l.j fi .01
itiire nt !>’£i loi hu* (.►»«*», front wharf, at JT; 1-t bus io
fwriur, trum wharf at .’1: I'd bu* Jo, fn»ai et-a.i. nt ■•■>. -
I»Uh Corn, front «top at btn
ME&i I’OltK—A»le» 12 l»b>n at JH
HAY—Sale* nt *,»!«•* nt Jll(i«|t4 y ton
SUliAK—Sale* of f- W.. - nt aoJ 12 J.‘ «< • 1 /•■ ' \
MOLA»rRS-s«l 34 i.M- N <'.utSil' v
HAJI— 12 bbh No. o MilChcrel I.IU« »!
iiJ.Tf.; 2n half l-'.U do at V half l’'d. ! " bait l-M'
Mrulon nl il.Sa. i:t Ni|"'ii. i Wl. :
.In at ; l.’O
|.l UK o,i |,t,u l.cii.'Xili, -.1 $)...» {‘i-'.l
ell.. • uI• . 11• i.I !* Inr t N ■ ! .1 tl. .»*li
! LbU
Wlfl.vKKi : al. . I«t.j i !!> 1 1 itir,l «t Any..'." .
7 . an.l .1 .II .n.tat •' . .iln !
A '4!, .fi t 'l,* tli.ii. IM ::j 1. -tl
iC Jrli. Mr.l
im|>o«la li)' Ilallru4i|
r r \ t U K Ur.J. .1.. .. r -i - . i'"* -n t. .1 .Lt, c.«-t*
iuj.ik ’’■ i: -VIANI F.H’TI’KKKS «».| ..i
, ; .. . JXL r-m t.m, cm.i„-
i.. |V „ u- il. : «"“J~JJ u -i"- T.M., *-.X. W W... 1
•l> • • i •i|i. ,< ... I ~i 1,, «. i.•, i 1 i«t » i,ii. »ii Tlf) i'it f >ii 1.-nix .n i., ti,.. iiLttiiufAfturinir of
VhX \ I'- '‘ * '' " • Tn i -<~..S<i|.|w«..n..A.- J 1.M,,. o i. 11l pun.: «rth porn
cip n i: i : i. ii-. iv i .j.i.« *. .> .i.. •. ■l'-i"**-ii
; I \ ISSoM 'TIU\ Tlj.C"-l‘:trtiier-hip lit'n*-
CantiuM MI. t*« -dott. M\\ lurinri X.. . " I.M Piutri .1/ -xi-llnc l”-tt> n 11.- m.d. r-1 4 -ti--d. ‘...dor tlx-
M Miami".. -ill'’ Uiirdn.p, :'->i |.u« •'C' 1 '’ " r WIi.KIN.-ON A 1 JUKI>T'• T, m t !.-• Unthrr.
lwta |.,„ j |.v lou.-n. Atwi 11, !.*••• A. << 7 '2 lit* i).\ 11.*. bu« j N’ l '' , ““ 1 0,1 «i .*«»••. w-n J.-n.l'-d . n tl>.- IW,t ■ I April t.>
j i-nr.-: a I l.*. ...1 m-a>. |T Ml. . -t ml | rnu1u.1c.„ 1 ..., 1 (. W)| \\ 11. KI NS' >N ill. i.iiii.i’i.- t.> c.u i t
Millil.ii. U l.dU lud.-a. S liar li»iu:li A. i. Uli j.. « U*-..rj. H , '' ,l u ’'' ’• U,K “ ■•'‘•'•'i.-.i i/i nil iU l-nu.. Ilk. „i tti-OI.UM AND,
M'CiiHoufli I'" 1 I bid i-jjjjii Her l-t I: 'J dn, T! I. • » P.iiior i * !«• y *t>‘ *t, nml (<1 DhU.N N. IH tSVJ-ToT at Hi-
Orllilx ii X. lull* bull*, i.rr. hA M lir- i: nit- jKjUt.n-r.. 1 NK ' V -“TANIA. »*3 Lll-lty »trii-L -.Ti.rnl il.n-r lxd.,w ll.iu-I
Kr-t/.-l i:U.«k«rj.-,K.iLpntnrk; A I V-i" irk* <-orti, IA. >-» ■, Ulf , n tl»r- l.r-k. <rf tin: -M l.rm n ,11 iM.rouuJ.
A K iilriik r-i U.h I! ..... V. -I. .-«» •: ,1.; br.ller. 1 WM. WILKINSON.
Clark*’A i ii. April Ifi. 'o »;.l *lm (1 N. HoKFtfTOT.
I* Kl w AC It K -•’•il'l.l* .-Kj-.|. -Jl >i<» luitl-r. d
litr.l. Ho I.IjU * «k» Iln I, i < nr- «t»\ m, I rail) Inin «lira I
l.'lnlki’ A an. 17.’> Inin l««l li*), do ryn, ll'Hv StuiOl A m;
;[ XI Im* » II nkn <ll :>|>|>lrn, 7 it" I A < 3tn) |..itaLoi'«. HuHuiun, M'Cn ar) i m, I I.M- n|-|.l<-a. 17 pr
l.a.,iu. pki;« J", 1 kj; lard. Atwell, lao A r.,, ] I tLIn •-Ktfi,
■J ili. liult.-r, ltiil.ll.’. Wli In 4 i-"|'i. 7 il"7 liriKinn, 13 do iulh
l-Biol-crt A Wilpmn. - lildn Oflf*. Oroham A Tlionia-, 13
Jikt» wire, Toxrtinrinl A fi>; t'Ji dol tril.n, II Dal "I I A < .r, J'J
do l-ii. k> tn, M ill< r A tlx ki tnoii* 7-. bid- i'|ri;n, 1) do Imx'""
IK>. Alli-Klii-nj *ta(x.n 7 Mdn 3 do l uU--i .'.nil
(Iraliam A ■ -i; :;J nkn ]-r>lal»’-n, H >ltri rr; I'fJ lion limni-il. ji)
■kn d,i. K*it a. ro. ;ihi Imn potnloon, lim, 4 Idd- -fn,
do bt'tlxr, ft tlyxi. Ii «i ntati’-. L»ml-«. t A Sln|doii - .tl lie
o.ila, *4l li i • rlii-nr, M-ic-r A Kolunulj; 7 J akn tvlimt. !in (km
luuniii, .1 ('rai;;. -7 do. b liLdn <•£/;*, 43 I nn onln. 7117 l"i- |-.ln
l.nA, rjn do trx, L riderxin: IKm lm« (adaL-'n, Man-. :»i|..
K Dorr Am. Til lit* i liix-imi, I, Tarry; 41 bid- 11-or, !' |*< Ur
*-u, 1 . f»i ■in 111-. t di> iiml, 'J do nlnrrl. .VJ bbln xtltt 1 * 1-7 'I"
t.iillrr. lit liopn, |:u i'al tut, I K() liuk <>:■!*, TIT I do |».1n1.« 13
•J.j I ),- :;i| do u lirnl, 4» Mila i>|i|dr>, til do i, i -
I in (torts by lll\-er.
,-i JMII., n 11l' 1 ' . Itlli.l, 1 1.1. l .
■ mi, Il> i; l-ti iii i i lil 11l "ir, In m-1.. >
WHKKI.IN'i j-i '*rl. - •! • Kn i
Hi*. «'• l.tfn 1-iUU—. :•:>!•■ -allo.ti.ic-, I In I'lill
‘Knrluml, I l-ll liiillir. It > I lii.Mli-, lt-1.1iu,«
Idil rni-i-rinnfc. II l. I'alili-nlo* k »•- Id-1 wh- nt, US •!,. -i.. 1
\oi-tlitli-) 17'nt loxiji 1- a i* A K l-.-f t- »7-k«]i.ti -
fn ,-r 17 l*t« Imt. II >t;n n. II I. II rni-l 1 «. Tlo l-dl-iu. r- 1
IV -.1 .1 ITnwln: I SH M-l«. Hallow »" l-t« »li*mH. M Hm- .1 1
Aiij-i, l-i- tt It—ur. I t d l.r-« m . <•» j» 11-i l--i I. roll- 1
l-nln-i, llnima; v I nk- w|»- tt. ■ i-tt > • i. TT3I do I-sHm .-iinlli
-ti 11.,nr 1.1.1-. Hr-iwn A U ir k j-t It x W. •’I.M »l.i-!,- ■ . Km >r ,
i v. : ! Li- r; l-bl ns-pi-. • d<» r
RlVKtl ftKU’K.
A t-rfild-- fkni|-mt .1 o iud.' tin. mi-1 1.4-i - ’ jl » i to.. ’
iitt on 11 i ln t ;l.t. I Strut d*- tl of I am !• M -i, t !.- 11
iinx- Tin*- mi i -till -lan 1< m-ll op I - I o 1.--I 'll.- ’
r mi Sttnrdny wm tnj |4'-t<’inl mill t U I-i-l- (
l ilt In si n-l nl tn < rnl-l- t" I'li-mi'M ot »*lt|r'll 11. :» «x o .l 1
in-.- ti d-mc -n.-f- »-ir ri-i arrlnnln or. Snday •> ;
.( tljo i lili. from wii
.-■J Uaxl Tlnll intallx I- lit tins t;ji |,< r darnn-x-l ill .*»'?. i
•iila-in and will •>l■ -’TIII or. llir r■ -'il—
lli iro w>r» no oil’d- up to 1 oVI'- k on .‘‘ ■tnrdty no li.
i>oi|H-<> ofiuir lor tlo ilii Thr 1.1771** Marlin -lii- li>i<
nll Idny I.*-* o•!ti > i »"--l ’-ti Pat nr dar 01.d.t I o
i L -0 It-.1».t 11.-r-ni- >l.lll "In-- in 11. - ii,’li 11..
.11.....] i-n t • ii.t Mim
Tin- mu VM-.1. |.r.l r-'-rl'i'V Ml. I -1.
m lit» nf rij . I (.tlliiic Ti. - li*.,i i.: f*-l ■!.. w
tii In k**)i II <•(< | "tll »••!} Tl-- ?.t WtA!
:in tnlni. U. lit rmlm-wi n n 1.««l»-.1 in k[ til--
i-«t«-t >!.«> tn !•.}• • -fl In I l .k.l i.-i I'l nil- .li.n >
npplDK f"l (■lti.'• i.ii >l. t'-itiirn} I>ul in jp-iift i
•ry ]illl>- l-n«Ui~' '•ki nt. A fine 1. t nl it«
iali fi-i all |'M* nim '< it-- »•! rt i«-.| in ur i 1.. u
•llljvli f~t . r W.ilei |,y |„.-i
■.HIT .lining tl». lin.inlfii;. I i'l
lioa «I I’r-1111l -
Tli« li-«t and Miaul .(ill H- tr.i. i Kioiik 1.1 tl.a. .. C«pl-v
A) I of, arrived nb-’til 4 .. l-ik m tlx all. rrx»-n. e.r uI» I
Tho Vi illiv*.ii It
i<algr, INf*- *»• N<■*»'•, !
u.l lb- Oi«-*i>il,frum til »n
>xt lt»ul* >U|l|>lLralltt J
Tb<* .*4. l-.un |!<*ni'«-nt
rl..i ni thi* (.I*..- Ml lit-- m 1..-* m ii.. [u I'ni> i- ~i
b>-ur« tl illl’W l«4t rrruiui, Th«- Km-ir. Il Hi M
i’ltul. n-(Kitl- Hi-- - -t--r ftillhi; fail In Hock Itlin-J. ntul
»)..«»!) I.rl-.w Ami.»!- 1 1 •• in lli« lllui-.i* rr(-i-i t t! *li >iai
UllifiK rnj> llv Tli- i-itni -it lb" f—ffi-m *• I -5 .* ] li.
rr|>->* l« lb" Mi*' ->uri (ailing tantrr , f«’rbap» tlj •)■ it i"ll
l-ct-i*. ni" •«-»..r.»l hunt pU'ln tin- ctiainir-l. mnl
n j - 11 i--(i '•! ilit I he- jit--i i Iti (I lli-- < Uap- »• -tri dr I tin t* t-l
intt ii;uli-i|< Tb-'la I- --nil • -in- li irl «t itnJ ill. lIIt
f- r • I ti"! ••
Tli- • • • m
•ij t l*ikr, M«*ir iifl K. •* t Miit..' •«
■t nitii r«'i;w». nn-l lull <■(
The Kagla n atv-itl tiuMiiug her prvp»»ntim»- I n
ti ,p to C.-rt Cierre. ami tin. wntli of the \i-H<.v-!..ii.>
I.r- will pr.dmldy go I.mJii Hi- U. mplote-l in the w-i \l. e
f the American Cur t'wtupnui. and lake- up n -li -ns i n <
f Him who will I-- ml., the in.o.num*. 1.. hi.i.l
i.*l 11 »(> The .''pioa.l K-tglc •* v.-ry light <li;t..elit, in
l.argo.if an i-tiwiieiirel i, itiL-al.u I the waten>..l the ui
ii|ijwr Mi-wmitl, nnd wnl l.« g..n.- k.nnc month- li. :» l-w
Jay- th- Twilight. »> "! .*li*«r.wii; «r*n
mi 4 •mill u expedition.'
I he I'lliclnuaU (\.mioriri«l ..I Saturday *»\
IUI aait’Si- The C-len.l-r, amt \. g..nant .l r
■I for IbtUbiirgh. auJth- C uiitwr t r -II - tl.
iKaJcrate trip*
The |.nui-t ille I'oi.r 1..| ..| > uJa> aat
I'br tow l>oat», liratnptia in.l Kobiaa>.n, g- I in v 1.-i mi
• Hit . .p#l. Ilia ("i niff ».iti +•■.<««o l-.i.l.eU |..e, Me».r. Cm
leodcli. ami the latter with a larger lot fur the market
rr-nn the Claim We le.irtl th.ll the Lower M.-.igsipp,, 1 1 otJI
New l»rle»na lo X irhahurg, way liiklh i «tl any i.irinn
pei io«l (tiia araji.ii. if not fully aa high a* net wan known,
■ml nainf Tlio Mi—nwippi river hml ■ efedrd •.in- m -Ive
f.-.t or aU.»* McrupbM. hut l-dore tea. h;ug l\un.. 11...
.•18. «-r* i f the lhana an.ii tained that tin* run had .again
na.nanf.i-t ut tatmua t-unt* where they at.-pped The
], »ee» Newr Orleana weir thnmtone.l. There an- l-R"
-iiiita need tinmadiate ,il tent ion, anJ at w I i • a'-r
• til corlalt.l v m, uiileea at oiico aiietiglhau.-d The
'in. innali Uommeuial -aya thereai- a 1 tuant -t> ou. rt
n all the putt- below which would I* glad to lay up . '< i y
•unday at JWO jwr day •» llie City --f UompLi* did
Nt-nt illi: -Tlio Cnml-erland waa t illing on the Idlli. u ill.
7 f».-l on Hi* Sb.rtla. ThrUibbaid left Nn-tn ill- f... Cub
bnrcli on the Htb The I’.d.i&d «*.■> I.umlr |-■ t—l it■ m
Citu li.oat I
Steamboat Itrgliiter.
, AHKIS KD-I.arerrie. Um«ns»lUn Telegraph.d... L-lonel
JJayurd, Klirat--tb; Cbevott, Wheeling; GM-. .In, Kmma
Gtiliiai, ZiUiratillr; U.-lie-ter, <1 Cant. \a bail. n. Cmr in
DKCAKTKI*—Liit.i i ne. |trn»na-ilL\ T-legTnpl,. <|... C.. 1
ilaynrd, Kli/.ntwih; Mil., Wheeling. Smith Amerw.i. ft
b.tiu; Jrnm© Gray. NanbrilK Mn-rti. Lonl-i iHe. Id*
Mat. do.
fU'ru—V feet and falling
fmltli * Life < f 11.--re- Str|.h n... -
Carton - Life .•( Aaron llmi.
llaynrd Taylor- North, rn Tim - 1*
Atkin-on'- Travel* in Ml- 11-.
Herein r a Lift- Thought*.
While Lie*, tiy Oh:irlra H.-d-,
A.lele, by Julia Kaean»' !>.
Ttcknur A Co - - Hott-rlmid Ww.fil. I lb
Pi ak.2 *«!■;
I'nliiant'n Story Library, vul..
Letter* of Madam* l>eS*'.Rn--, edili dby M, i. : itali
.I*llo Halo;
look* A Maybew an (lit- Dojr.edited by Frank Fi.r>-»1»-i.
Frank Fon-ntei'* Manual far Young Sje-rUmen, illn*'d
m) 17 KAY A CO, ,V. W.-d *t.
James Challen & Sons' Publications.
WM. S. KENTOUL, No. 20 St. Clair st.;
t-ittalnintli, ha* been apjh.lnt.--t UKNKIIAL TRADE
AO ENT li.r Pitteburch, Allegheny ami nnrruiinding dlntncl,
a( the valuable *ml elrgnnt Now Publication* ol llio alh.vo
pnbliabeni; ami will stitijHj tiro Trad* and community with
throe at tho pubth-berr rate*. Ttn> Inlhm inR aru
The iptrndld new work. TIIK CITY mV THE GREAT
KINO; or, Jerusalem on It wao, ** It la, nud oi It I* in l*-, by
Dr. J. T. Barclay, Missionary to Jerusalem, with n Stool
Portrait of the Author by horlnlu, and upward ol seventy
engravings, executed lu the fluent *t) le of art, Photo
graph* and original designs, Illustrating the > rirluni phase*
of in* city—Ancient, Medio-val, Modern and Millennial.—
also Restoration of tho Totujdo und City a* Invented by
Tltar, Notice*of it* Jewish, Christian and li<-:t<li--n Antijni-
Uen; It* Preeriit Political and Mora) cnndtli'.n: Future l'r>*
pect*, Ac., Ac., Ac. Pri—, cloth, J3.M); half call, S4,M); m.-
rocco, full gilt. *ii|M-r Turkey or anii'inr\><\<*>. liy
mail, pout paid, at the name price.
New Juvonilo Library for tl.e S.thhnth Srh<--I and Kim
liy. Title* of Series No. 1:
Song AVUhont Words, Tim Egyptii'n.
Look Up. or Oirlsnnd Flow- The Jew,
era, Out iiAr.-d Thoiighla,
Home Life, Wing- nnd Sting-,
liell-d, or Inrtr.em-i., The Voting Cottager,
Tin- Arnh.
Put op in ncul box.— . . .. ..f-.f.0
liy Jaim-a.n11.-n. Cloth, fI.UU, - loth, roll K‘lt, Jl.’.n, Mo
rori'.i, full gilt, s'2,l*o
J. T. llarclay A Sou*. Approved .1* tin- iii.wt lu-cuiate M.»;i
tttant, by many dUtinguUhed trav.-b is and utiicrn .-n the
Holy City, Invaluable to Sabbath School* and Miid.-iils
the lUble. Plain 60 cent*; colored 76 < i ni'!; l--.k Im iu $1;
mounted and varnished $1.75.
BIIILK. Printed in foui liehcdum. Pilre *6 ceule, lnoiint
<v| and vaniialuxl fci.
'■CARPKNTUV MADE EASY, lty Win. K. lbdl. Tbe
work cpnUluß about Forty Platen, Inside* nmurn>in Dia
gram*. Price J 3 |>er single c«>py, |«j*t|.rud
Q*Anv of the almvo work* will be sent by mail, jh-1-
paid, on the receipt of tbe retail price.
09_A liUt»l diu'oimt lo Minister*.
NEW HOOKS — Sorutxnx Itli
Tbednmt Awakening r.l IV.«; Nurr-ii.w » lU'Ui n l*
Coiirrraioiin and ILrviral Incidents, W. C. Cimnot.
Wolurtin' .Thought- about WotlliMi, by M|||„|| |
Halifax: j;
Fifteen Year* Amcuß lit*- naii.,tnv .-l Mu.
K Smith;
l.lfn TliongblH, licury Ward Keet-licr-m-w
Urea of llavchxk, Hammond anti Vicnrs. d«
Zenobia, Anrellan, Julian, Pnrtl.cni i, Hj|..,ib.
Hay anl Taylor's Nnttbrrn Truetl
l.lringstoue’* Africa, $1 an.l f;i:
Tim l>rt<irt of Piuai, Tl>« lauJ of Pi IKm.-w.
Hugh Millcr'a Work*, 6 mlr. B|iu»nron'« 7 >■•!-
Ueu. W. CnrtU' do fi do ?.*•*« .In Ido l..unh't - d
Prcacott’d do 7 do;
Tbc Standard poets. '.'mo, Mnc no I K"l I, 1-m. an I >tf
firm antique and library editions;
A largo assortment of standard an.l new Fu* It- ■>ii,t.“ in
ihorariontdeportment* of literature.
New Tar Idle* of Ptatloncry. WrhJmr Pai-ei' A
raylO K C -t., or _
nLeMft'y'nUlory U 8, vol. 7. embracing tho j*riod
from tbc Declaration of Independence to the Battle of Dun
ker Ilill- This xolome contain* a opt.-ndM portrait ofOeu.
Joseph Warren on steel
NarraureaofE«nark*l»lnC'.nTcr4ii<nannil lUvival lorl
denta, an account of the riae nod progreM of tbc great
awakening of IW7-8. By W. C Conant, wiibanlntrodnc-
Uon by Henry Ward Bwcher.
Muiuolr* of Captain Hammond of the sltle Bri*a.b.
BnnAway to B*a,an AoU.Mogriphy'tor Eoys I’-y Cuj.t
Uayne Held.
Ihe Prince of the Howe of David. Foraaiehy
oyl3 J. L. BEAD, 7» Fourth it
r pIlhSL ROOMS, near the corner <»f K<»urtii
J. t >Vit> .ir.-i-, «„u .u,a f.o..roMs_kn-.wn. at
ii.'W [ "-lli t" th. i.ul.ii,- f,., (1,,. Munnicr whi-ro ill
■ k , *'»»>n. Ir.-Cn-.iDi, Cuol.-ctiDO.", Me
j ■<■■>■■■ *w,u
Hitchcock, ucchbbky .t co .’s,,
I a H liftman. v .1 i\. . Kot <*.«.!(«,„• .•
Mpr li.-Uit.) Mi l H'b .. i..
Kl. HI Atlil Wi...|
HTTMJT'M.ii. UKKKKK.V'K.* ,-v. r:v > •-
S|-t iihJM II vlmiiuli A ' , l ; ,1a- !1 li .: i. \
II CImI-UA I'm, |-I|4 IiILl'Ii: l
.'!• C»ii-llc -«. M< u.. 1 A > K.St-1 lini: i f
il.). C. ■rv • A i ! Ja« Krtit. -Hit- A C
U ar. I ii,ir<.'U a Marlin
I . i\- IS‘,i ■: ' VV «t •i A 0 raliaii
|7<JK C I N C I N N A T i AM) , fgffr *
• t• -.»tii* r KM»K\\<>!t. W. J. Murli-11, will Km.-
(•.r l)i- mil tit intri mcK.ilc on 7LKSDAY Ui«
I-iti inii .»t I .Ylo. kl* M f'jt Jr-mlit <.r ajijily Jui i,, ! U j t.l Fl..trK: JiAtINKS. k OX. Agr-nU.
| I.'YIU.K -TliMin.- •t.-jiurr ItKI. I A M'K.
c,,,t I \ ii. ;..., will il.- UI. I >ll li.t.-riii"
• ’-•rl*. • -». Till* I»A \ . IT ti. li.- 1 , »; 1!• «. t.i
, I. iirlif "i | ij.j-J> on l-uir'J or |..
;ii. K «"li ur. 'll. •inii..-il_. ii, ; S H.ACK.IUIiNf..' i I'.i , Ak-I'l-
. f.ill I t Ml I r N.
Kj. -I 71, .-..i11. A:.
T‘„ V
' k< Ll A
?t I‘hul iwi I M U>i.
-J > rW !<; ",
Knox a Ice Cream Rooms.
JAi>>it It lirilLKY
' •! I' K-r.t-•>. ,i i:. | u’! i
li-.-fj.- M a I Tf i t * ).)! k
1 • | f. Urn*
( A II T U 111 UII T dz VOV S O
tirgulac Steamers,
Mouougaiiola River U. S. Mall Packets
Capt J 0. Wooj.wajui ‘ Capt. Ueorgi CLißh.
n..«- i roirulurly. Slornliij Bust* li*.uvh Pitta
nt n • >'. |.< Ii A. M , and UonU at G
k P. a). |..i M'Ki-vh|»,it, Kliv.jil.ctliL.wn, Mimouga-
Imla City. lto||..»vrii.„i, Kuyi-lU’ City, California
and Hr.* tin ill.\ tti.i.'rniiuiftitit; with Ilack< an.l Cwuhra
f..r l)iii. jit.■» it, Kayc-tl*. rfj.rinKn, ti,
Carrnli liiw-lt.-’Au an.) Ji-Hcrsoti.
IVab. tn Lot.'d tlin.iiKh frnin l > ill«l>urj:h t<> Utti-.n
town l-.r iin-ul* and nil t»>*ts in-lnsm*
e. tui i.iiiir fn.ln Itri.vk hsvillu 1.-AI t- at *» u'i li-ck In lit*
in.'inun.and jin lln- ••!•<■!ll,i,j. K..r fnrth-T liiliirinalnni >i.
•juifi’nl 11., i til), r. U f I'. 'it. ut tin-f.-.l of lira,.t -itrocl.
*n. <1 \V SUYINIiI.KR, A-ifNT
KT V"U 7. \SK.-\ 11.1. K Tli.. 1n...
KM.MA i.i: MUM, ii.|.t Jli Nun* At ti:s. will !.:uv
f..r il.- «i...i.. a,. 1 ii.l. <i.i.-.|i.ti.-|...ii* KM.KV
at 1 . 1. i »• (i. i.ilit ■>r ni'j.'.y iii
i.-ui i. • it- n.AcK. it aus i:s Acu,A::’tA.
iffiiuinnati, 4ec,
UouisbiUe, Jer,
JX)K Lnl iSVILI.E Th f » him-
•t.-.wii.-r l‘ll WANK. Cn|.l .in Khuinaii,
. nr..! nil |...rt*. on
i-t p..e fi-it-.tit «.r j>-»i*»a«o i»|dy
J^nU I.iM.IM 11.LK- T!
M.) l*"i I ' 1 t-ti.i
m,: KI.ACK. ll tltN t> * OU . A.'«-m
St. Homs, Arc.
|X>K ST. 1.U11.5, KKUKL’K. ■ [Pfr *
1/ l;i kU.S‘.T->N. DAUMvIIT.
1-I. \M>, ..AI.h.NA. Ul IU K, LA CKOc.-K. W KMJ.NA,
\Sli <T I‘All. It.- lm>- aui’ i AKt/.-'MA, Cnj>! 11.-j -
-1,1,1, «in l. a ,I i t|,r nl»<i • Jii'l .ill 1111.-f ini-- ]-,»t Ls uii
11115 liAV. 1211. lu'liul. .t 4 K. K.[ ft-itflit
h; [•!> li ! "ir>l ,-r t
MISSUI 11l 111 \KK PACK, KT i jPft.ft
-ro cAISr LuUI.- AND
K 1 \KU 1 ti** '!• *ll- i I’KOIA IhsNXA, GtkpUiu MjUb!i
K'iJ. «.11 |..r 11.. «i.'i .11 mt.Tmr.lntf piTls. uti
TUI.-; I'W. 17U. lii't .it ; i K f.T LT
.1 l-h "I. I
KI.AUi. Ii.VCNKS X C 0„ AitcuLi
1 Si U>ris. IUMKIIv.
Ml *< ’ATI S K l'\ » KM'I'UT. KinTK ISI.ANO. UALKNA,
i»ini'.‘t.K, i a rn-ssK. \vv:NtiN \,> ri lwatkk and
,'t I’At'i. iiw t n it-1 -U'.iiii-'i st !-■ >i is, r»i't jt—
[l, .Ui, v\ 111 I,lie |..( 'll*' nlkiH' all.l .ill ItiU't llintlatr
~i. THIS WAV. ITUI I'.'iUk r u K..f fu-stit ..r
-‘IT 1 ' uiil—vr.l "f ij
nr. I! • ‘ •
H.ACK, UAKNt> A Ci>. Ajj.-lit*.
ij'UU ST. I.OI'IS Tlu- Hn.* pas- i JEEtU*
' k .. K-c Me inter SIIKN\N«iO, Ci|.f J- Il
FkCVi' taill let'- I.'l lb- nl.'.t- ~iel lit Intel isrdialc |iuru
•i: THIS BA. l.'ib ii,-t., it t I* \l f.>r •» |-iv
m I-.... I .< ! • M.\< K. K \KNKS A Ob,
Hi) I A^enl-.
J,M>K Sr. I,ol'ls. KKOKI'K. . ICgr.%
l-"KT. Ui'CK I .-UNO. HAI.KNA am. lit: IJlujl! K—The
line aieaitiei It. F SAS", l-npt Wm.T liar. »ill lea'e 1,.r
tbe.ib v-j-.n. .... Tins lIAV. ITU. n..L <il >.
r I li.'i.-1.l , t-n.-f ai-|.l> ,-n t..«itl t.r t..
U,l a >'MCK, 11 \U.N KA A. i'i). Att«
L\)i; r.xrii and aiixxk-,
i Ai*T\. HiiKrrT't.Sr UHiA. K
111 111.1 \i. I'uN. M I'.-CATINK. li.n’K IM.IMi, DA\ KK
l*i *KT. l. \ I.K NA. I*l lll'llK. I'l'M MTll, I.Al'liO**K,
M'KNoSA. 11 ASTI Nii.', ri 1 I.H'AThK At. I'AUUKr
UKi) Worn* Tli-- tj.t. ni.inii.-r .» 11 f’»NN. 1
Cl. i, u iII 1.-uti* I f lli~ nl-'ii- iii-l nil iMt- i■iii'-
.li.if |..iii .i. Till.' DAN. May 1,11.. I. w. 1-..1
llflltit r :i|| T >.|i Ixml .1 ■•! I
FLACK . UAHNK.** A *.'<!
r?UH>r. LuUIS. 11ANMUAL. , JE2IJ>
_|_VUNCY. KEoKI K. I)A\ K.Nl“ußl.Js££gg£“fc
NKSOTA Rl V hit. DIRECT— I Tli.> .t.iinjrr 11A
KI -1> KI. 1.. C*i-t K K-v-o, will l«*av.< fur tin* atom nml all
j.orls''ii THIS DAY,May ITtli. at I ..rink
p u Fur fn-l. lit pTutn ip* apply <>u U»iril «.r t«.
upi< FI.ACK, HARNRS A d» , A*l<.
ill llL!N*lT'»y. MIiSOATINK,
»t->im* r MKLSoTTK, C»pt A. M«-(Jowi*u. will Ixuv** for tin; an-1 all lnt-*rm-slisi<* |>orU »n THIS DAT. ITth Hist,
M I r m F--r freight or paj*»Rr :ipplr on Unnl *-r
«.> nji'JT FLACK. KAIINKS A Oil.. Aj:U.
li’UK ST. I.OITS AN Li ll.n- , (Eg? >
1 NolS RIYKK —TlirDn-' ntnamor
TAll.Capt. Hto.kilnlo. «>ll l'-iiT<-f..rtln>nboToTnXdMn
termnlifili' port* on THIS DAY, ITth in*t, at 1 .-'-•lock, !• M
For C(xl«;lit or «|>|>ly <<n tunnl, ft to
n|.J| FLACK, lIAKNKS A CO. A-.-i.t*
I,X)K S’l. PAUL DIRECT. -To , JT&h
J ’ <■ I„,iim. Keokuk. Mn-.--atinn
l>,iVMi|Hirt, K-H'k Ihlaih). ()ul»-iiA, l)iitni.)ii. , |..i Wi
n- na,StilltrHt>-r mul Ft Paul—Tl.n line M<>DKR
I AT'»K,Cn(’t Flank Mitr-tlin. will ImvMoi the • jM-rtx
-a THIS IIAV ITlti M»v. »t I P M. For Ir-ijit -n p.«igr
jftcto ©titans, &r,
WILF-ANS.--T)i« tin" now «t"auior
.1 .S. I'BtNOI.E. Capt. W It. liticki'll. «ill lnr« lor tin
aln>\>- mi'l all ]Mirtx i>ti Til PAY, tint I Till
inet. Pm ii i-n-hl nr pan-uti?" apply on Ixianl or t»
ni]«i FLACK. BARNK3 A CM.. Aicln
-1 LF.ANS.-Tin* fitio .t.-anirr AlfilolU,£ggsQX
Crept Jon, Gnrtnlrey, Dal"-s Clark, will lmv»
and all Inlfrmi-'llut" jiorln on TIXIS DAY, 17th Innt., at
l-M'Kuk, r m. Pur frolclit or pansagr apply <>n board, oi In
tn>s FLACK. ItAKNKS A CO., Acmta
OKI.HANS.- -Tlu> lilt" sli-anu i ALMA,
Captain John, will li-avre tor the aN»o ninl all
Intrrmrdiat" t« .m Til 18 PAV. I7«li hint, at i <»rlnrk. p
11. Fm I ri-lirht "f pannail" apply (>l> I'oard, nr !.•
mj.'i FLACK, BAKNKA A Co, A;;i-tit«.
Coal by Weight.
Tl! E sul»>orilier is jtirjuiivU t<> deliver in
A I'i’phony or l’itt*bur>:li.
ill lli" (xml quality. An allOaU dvlivert-dby nu< in
|"ii ' liH«'-rt can r«dv on ip'Uitii; tnll moonim'. Also,
W. A- McCI.UIUI, Alicijlitu) Coal D» |n.l,
Cm lift An.t.riuiii at. nml Kaili on.).
mi;; t
O "•*> Mil*. fi' *h Kkr.
HI do do Mn) Ihitti t
ll) IkiXi-h do do do
f»iy M«-ic*-r nti-l iMoli-i
d« iVucti lllitv^oin
-*tM do Hi-d
'JU do chou-o w 1i..|0 l’«a. lo"
Uoroit.d itud 1.. r -aIo at 1 UU-ity «t
IUDDi.K. WllU.'' A U>
DKYu u o d s
Nil lii'i Fai,. ». M,. t 1.. I m.i 1 >.>m. «lj<
M< li.iv, <> i} ill* «|* I' * ““•k
imi lk»l 0 HANSON MMK. T • Mrv.l.
‘ J«\ /\ 7 u‘i|Al V (>l l. m •t.-n- and I'T *“ 1 « h J
‘ . WI,A , t I. I’AIINKSTviOK * HO,
Mtt'K*-- rl ■>
i-u.f.i.. a» .to v
J u l ai ri' me uiJ («•! *al | ' l<y I>ASHiLI).
/ 1 KO'CKUIKS- I"" Uio CotFcO:
In fA> hag* INmrni.: UW bags P«‘pl>er;
10 fr&iH Clom * 4«m frails Nutmeg
iftj til Curb t*» • l*i. I‘JOhf-clisUY. [I 40.I*.Tea;
M lien, a Hire; *6 do Black Tra;
f,f talc lit [tuTlOj __ SHRJVRR 4 bII.WOHTII.
NEW I'itINTS ami other Domestic Dress
this innrntn? all of which will l*e eold
T»Tf cheap hit • *«ti. O.HANSON LOVK,
oj'WiUwT 1 Formerly Lot* Brow, No. ? I Market at' •
fpiCKNOR A CO.'S _ TriU Si; I [OLD ~\Y A
-1 YRRI.Y. m« vcldtur* IVwril of Hit* l\-»h, ‘i Tola,'
with illnitraliona. iiujll) KAY 4 INY W.«*4 »t-
Whh.h ih.-leo N. o. Socmr:
i>Z bids. •• M«m».
For sale l«y \> M. MITCH IH.TKKR, Jiu.i BRO._
MINERAL WATERS—a supply of
frtsh Erojilre, UoßffresJ »nd Bine Lick ‘* Qat
recviml by * * '
myll cotmt Diamond au<l Market
-bjlo 0, E ” z ° r ' ““USHBmsK*ij7U-WWTII
Healtu of American women
For many jx**ri I Lats t. tu „.. , 4
wtarlaceJand htb coctal aaj j-kydcit 4 - ,
lUtl<-s*n>>«> dull tiurt-ii. im, paj'ti la iLe B tt .j t, r ,
ColdQtwa and tpndrucy to
verye&*i)y tJ uttered ir ufp.-uu> \.u iv'. 1-.
ml bowvU iJrraz>s©J, uitbp«Ja. Ac; utv„ul .r [
curtioa nurfMixv tn I'flajj on all :ho serf j t
iu nJJJtica, of (Lf wuali, ar.J "rvn:
slon. ou~ j>lij*?cbn iQott
ei!r*2s:.o! Li*
i-iTr- w-* up A !»:■ I' i*cro-v nag ti*--
jsIIALL - .- UtfciiilXK CATUOUOd.S' brtnaotrdy tt:i
LliJ I hnic H" W • -•> suCI.L ■ Ui\ tSiOiii
1 can truly **y that I have bwa asn.trr. r'.»r many »•-»< -
with white* and deranged Afinr ouliU* I
hid other trouble*, tnrh ns pals face. iirtllgtwliua, t»a*Lii»s
•way. general languor and fc t-ilitj-. |*».a la the (tsail of the
l-iui, • -art ci orlmii’ and ••(•caalU n.naiD betwrt J
tin- <li.iul.lfi hlsJo* .leu u the rpinr. I.x* of wp| •
*itf. trouble m the ati-ravh and h-a. Is, w >th trend ■ .u. '
l« t ,iud dreadful ii-rriMHu~>«. Tie- h-.-t • wii.-mrUt w. •-'*
mak-l.ic t.,i ,a It ! sh-.ii1.l tl. | i. ,ej •
-It'- •*. and fTffyn,.,.,. , an 'III. r >t .thoul Chi- 1-
1.1 O.iaUHU.. ..1 M.M^UAl.t.> l~rKi;tM:
IMS rhang-d -m.. cl iu. it,..U-tt,r. and „.
1 imeutirHy ati.l ra.Hr*ll, . I U.. 1, Hint .>••)•>•
man ...uld know wi,p %u , ,i Cl. UHSM «
y " r .U« . ~.*...1. »,u. u.. Ifc
rn< SVtllptuUla. I «.ie li. . WfUtated U.. 1 .1 1.1 a.-l.
a.-r-mPil to abound ;uwmi,l4un, -. u.e „f whu h la. ill Uv I
Iril you. pirn in the lower and a I.tMiii;* -j if -.'-n.
thing ivasgoiiiK fall luabdilj 1.. nU . h ..n a.
count of u frclil>k «d itl.J drtpgiu • a; , .
shouting polos lu the lack. luiii-.'oi.d ecu a im, 0. - n Hi
l< K*; the Jolting produced ly nJiuj; rau.-inl great'jam. ».
mode- .hooting* am) puns lu the iido, ahiDiach nn4 bowt-P.
headache, w itb ringing in iho «rs; every Gb.-r oi i 1... ;
m eased .or.-, great imtabilityrJnU’afc.' nfnc.u-.H4i*., i. ~<4 i ;
liut bear the (-xciteuu-nt without bring pre-tr «l»-*l 1...
u d.»y; 1 coulJ hcarcrly moro about thv houf., an ! did l.h
t:ik<-plfanun-iu auy tlnng. 1 li.ul givou up ni'pc, l.,tvia_
irn-.l i-vi-rytliing. as 1 «n[<t*Mi-il, in Vnin, but a friend mllH
1 i -A it. >.oping hep*. Most Lirtnustely it cnrti)
tm-;and tlicri. n n<>t n bcalttm-r .>r niuro grateful woman in
tbr i-oontry. Iti uni all will ust . it. It U-trolr tlm wuman's
tfirtnl in nrtil. KLOUBXCK I.KSLU;
ly curt byUxnQoflht U'cmb, ir/.if«, Suppretetd, Irr'guU.
or Painful Htmlruaiioii. fikxitinij, !x.'lacxn\:i!intis and L>, .•
tiiwsnflhf Kidnrys or f'ntuiry org-rru, R.-'-nlicr. t r /.
ennUn'V'. of IVinr. UsarfLuru, o“tir'nr;i, .Wrrj-tm-:•
Miin(in,vi. ralpilaltom, Cral>,sturlx‘l &!>■/•, nnd a'.'
IrouUr: vrjani' or tynpalhrtir, icii'i
Tti'pric* of Marsha'rt Ci rin'. CjLWi-:i,u is Or.t
anda Ualfp'rtin-jULaUI-. On th'rrmpt of m
lire OotU'tshall lw anl by •■rpr" of t.Vai'pe, f,> (Uf utJ
of thf ej-pras routf.
/>particular l" writ' Us /»<;/ adJrr't, toiotl. oidi:!y
and Sate, ll'e will •/uaranOc luat Un HrUt.:nt iriUis t.r.;
an r'triplof thf mtm'y. Address •
Dr. uKt►. ii. KKVdKi:.unv.~..i,.t,ritUbai^l.,
apl 4-dau V (1... (ii.UicD AlortMi .
J O V T O TII K AI) II I 11 1C It S <> P
men (ii.ossv 1 l a i n.
Talk ~1 b.-inty. it ••-inn 4 -\i<t u
Tl\K W.Tslltl,.. ut. Mi.-r. ..f nil i.M and > .«„ . ;j
tlii • m umlri tul pi ii, » turli tm ii- I'm k l-■ it« ..i i” i:.„|
ci-l-ir, may linir—i .ivrr- tin- lim.l tin. 1..14 uitli n l<i\im
ant i;iii»111 r«-iiniTi-n tlif d«ndruil v it> biiig. and nil lUtan.-
»**>■» ft .-Huai-* a L' flow nf tlio natural iluidi.
anil lii-nf.-, if ttM-d :is a regular drrnilm; f..r lb>. liair will i
pn-st-rii- it-, and ktvp il froni foiling to extrettin old i
age, in all it- natural U-auty. Wo call lin n up..u Uio bald, ;
Uif tray, oi di»-, in scalp tot--- it;and surely tlic-ynuii),
will os lb.-y Table tin* lluwing haks,».r tin- uiubiug I
rnrl, i-i.-r b-> without it. It- prui-t. is up->u the letii-ne ut j
Tlio Agent for Prof. Wm.l. Hair It. ..torn:,
Ten, lecetTeil the following b-tttT It. r-traid
tile, a f.-U wS-fks “Inc.
Dili 1 Until. Ci :izi .July ... iv.ii
Mr l.fc«U l hair Ik. It tl.if.Mi -I w il'i •l.n
■iriil! or iciirf u:i iiij li'-ail for mt.rr than a fv»r, tuy h&u
■ •"•iCm to <\.u»* mu, •rnrf at*! huir t %.iw iti*Nr\»
llnn-D i-tjK-r nhmt “Wml'i Hair Kcatnratiie''at a (’Me -
I call ml ut jour atom mi the of April last, ami J,cr<hnH
<->l mir buttle to try it, m,.t 1 f.'iiirl to my KatisfarLiuji it nu-.
the tiling; it rHiuirml the ncnrt amt hair hrpvn to prow, it
>1 rmic Ibo or tlirio inches in length t uh<rt il urn; all of/ - . I
h:tv.- great faith in it. I wish you U» mini tan tim I*.til- •
tnmr by Mr. Uml, the hearer ul thN. I ilnu't in nny
"f the kiiul id ine.l in ihl* place, jmi nny have a mat U- l t
many l«/tilc« after it Is in re
miri. willi rn»jK<t
Pniunur,in, Sq-t U>, 19v
I’luir \V''-yij—t-n: Your Ilaii Restorative i* [■r.ii in ’
iliu-lf Im-iii IWol t<. mo. Tho front, and also the 10. Y |iiut i
my h>*vl almost l-Ht its rovoriuß—in fuel kal«. 1 h.n
j If lit t».. hntf (Uit Nitth-a of y<mr Koitunith.? m,.i h. ••
lie- tij> of iny head is m l] <itn<ld<-tl with a piotiii-inj
y '•nut: tiair, airl tlo* front h also nv-h iru: In I- t. I
'•*• Iri«4 olbrt pri-fkiraliuLm without any ill «h:»l.
! think my mia |~ rr-<»ual ri. >mtu< mlatiot:, 1 .
In'- tn my ether* to try It.«, nwjKvtrallj .
D ll THOMAS. M. l>. No Ml Yin. -t
\*, Im> . June tM. iv. 3
I’a*-* 'i. J S\ odi.— )>>uiu« about t*‘i nmimfurtili ••
ii'l I'-u-J y-ur recently diw.ven.l il«ir iD-etoraUve, I u<ll
l*l M for »li"iii!..'ii i it may < eiiceni, that I liavo i’h-JU
>n»l known tnu* it— that. 1 h.m*, for letetul year*.
“ i*ii hi Ibo habit of min,; either Hair UestoralJvi-i, nml that
dll.l yours vastly itaperior l. auy other I ktio*. It . ntrnv
y i I hi- loa.l ol ilaridmff, and with iw niuiiU. * j.j.y.
•r Mill re»t..rr any }*.T*uii's hair to the .u Initial v.lJ.ii.:
1 1.-r ami Lilian*. ct*iii£ it a healthy, coil and y»l,*»y u|>-
K-Jt ill.*'; auJ all this, oitbuut di<ul.ii jJj«- bishJn that
ij’l’ly It. or Ha- Jr.'iou übiib it drop* l would, Ihri. f. i•.
'Kumtui'ixl ita u*o"to ry ujv J. •iivin hmiiif i hi. -
•. U-: mud texture to hair
Krspeetfullv, tour*. WI U 1 Nu
f.-r e»l<* by UKO. h. KKVtSKK, Ihi ,t , HiM ui-h
0 J. WOOD 4 CO-. I’nijirh-toi*, 112 llruadwuy, J?. V .
(lu the *:r.-at N. Y. Wire Ridlim: LaUl.lL-hiueul) a:..! ) 11
Market itri-«*t, Ft. U ium, Mo, and tol l hy all p.w .1 Din;
gists. u|>'2o »D'2i>lyJ»>*n'l
To Hunt Builder*
WANTED, by the loth <*f Juno, tl»v* hull
ul-v-uuill. likl.l "U-ttaUvii, ta U ilu- \ a _>
l-'HI *L-«Bi>oid tuiiiU i; Ilu- l>'Ut;lli i>l lli«- loci In I'o lu) |«vl
I.* .1 fcrl io tridlli. t■ 11..>in i.lanl. U'.ij mcln -11.1. k, tnitb
ull tli** timU-r-, mi l u- - (nl-ii.. 1.. tn.\U.- li..
attoiv an.l An\ .-outratlur v» idling tl»«*).*l. t'.
a r»"L»omtl>lt* i ate. w 111 |.it .i»v u.lilr*-itH C STKI NOVEL! j»VV .
l’ uili. e, .iu.l ulu-tc In* i.wj- u- r.uuJ tor Lu
llirt U-110.1 HIIU&l. luj 11 ltd
WANTED — t<> sell • in the State in, my HAND PoWEli PATES T STEM!'
MACHINE. that tw.i iiK-u can curry about tliw- ti.-1.l ali i pull
ti|. Il.c lari;, “i |.iuo .-lunijM L.y linn.l m i.lh.ul la., mil.til.-3
vu*li. AjjtiiJ a[iO,ouiil W 11ALI,, Hunger. Maine.
t» .•mjapr* in tin* Halo of tlic m.n a t fi.ynlitr i»*llin£
U-»*l« ill America. li.vhli.lh, M. ., h. Ul lf.. »H nmi j't'iirli
(rn tu Iruvl, will rind Uiia le* n v-ry jiolifabl.*
ai.<l jiUrtaai, l liiiHiifi-wt. clit 1,1«li.; Il.ilu 1., ~«-c 11.,* . • .i.i.ti >,
an.l make money ill l!.i* Harm* linn.. li.ov t},, 1 .1 ■ -
lima art! drill ui£ from f.’.iw 1.. fl.Mx) |- r j.-ar. t .<r li.ll
pititiculnia ni..l a li-l <>l l:.«.k«, lul.lrcna II M.'KL 1.1.-uN.
Qilc— n('it) I‘nMKliiiu; 11.. oho, U 1 Mml. *l l i'r... i-.i, »ti.; or. M livli, 3 >:*,i, |> I’li.U*!. 1;.1.ih
an H I yd* » IV T
llavim: in. roai.-l tli. lr r.vcilitios for mfinnfivtu! iiu' wl
W. 23. CHILDS &c GO’S
A HE now prepared to execute orders for any
denrriptxiu of Kocf*.*t< < p »r tbit, at tl»r> Bluntest nu
tlet* and wltb IliO ran*. Ireitij; dflrrßiinrd to put on
lb*»f* that cannot Lc «urpa—- -1 f-a
Choapnnssanil 13urnJ>iliUv.
Our lUxifa aro too well kn»wa h< rr.juire any eulogy fioifl
ik. TinUmubiali iii UtuT of Utii K.utlut: and call
U> *.i.« by calling ut our uGl.v, No 75 Snuthfleld street.
Rnilditipa with the nl...\v Koohn,; <au !-• «*b at
11. NeUoii'x, rumor of \\ \ l„. Nl ,j ||, L |, iirii U; J. Jlck'x
new Hotel, cm u*r <-■ lirant nn.l Seventh Ktioets. lion** «*f
U O. Irfv-tv, Kxij, fhamnnd alley. op|«-ilte Patl-Ta-m'*
{‘lai-lr; Store »f K. .Stiaw.i orio r -t iln ki t and Si »u.i etx ,
Ifoim* of It. Il.ifucrop, »*iu>- bl.s-k; Hr.-w ui> tllo Wliari ll.niio.if Koli'ii C.-rigi-n, between Wrbstei
and Wylie sln-eta; Stni. ofJ. W. McU.-Urlx, Webster st*
Stable of A. Bradley, £>rn« r of Water alley uc 1 Cwndiiiky
street, Allrcheny, Ilon-to of U. II Wilkin*, IN-j.. WondS
Run; Uoose of A. Nejtlry, J..lm Scull, Wiu. McCall and Mtl
Cooti, Bast Liberty; aod lu.luy otlien 100 uilloof.iiis U> iie-n
No. 75 SmithUeld nt. BiUnbiiri;!!, l*a.
mi.' diwli P
■>U \V«>o«l Slroot, X’i 11 t-hnrab.
lin i!«-s tli'' itU'i.ti.m [if hi 4 ;us l >r« n<'r*
ally Uj luii l.\rgf Ntorh «.f
NKW Sl»RIN<i C; i >« H.iS,
iliri'fl Itintt M.»iitif;,rior« t» .M n»*rt.n'v M-
/;/.•( m a .\s,
1-ji-Ii- * an.l Cliildirii’n
FLATS, an.l
Mi !• •> Ik.) n‘ *ll.l Youtll’l
Mi i, *. U<>yV aj). l Y«ulli'»
All ..1 * Inch will i- f«n .«•! 4
**>d i'lua
Oolols ih»lril>-'3 *»,J ►* Ui ti U a:ij j,;„
New Rochelle or Lawtou Blackberry.
HAVING madetirmDgemonLs with Rev. J.
KNOX for a supply ol Plants ol fhi-i \ .tluaMr Itla -y
berry,‘Jo,olA) strong tlulfty Plants ar.- ofl«r- t thu follow
liix prices:
IUUO plants
00 2.1 plant*
. tii vi It -
. 35 00 il ••
15 vU w M
h Wl 1 ••
jjnlt f* to llrv. J. KNOX, or the •utwnlacr', ac
ur-iuii&uiul with lL« t-wli ~r a »ulUl>l« r> fir*nC«i u Iktp
f Jrti.-* are not know u, nni U> lill-si (it tL<-. rd« r in which
ttfry nra ro<Tiv«il.
wilt be (nruUlml ut the niuc prices. ’
mrloaUwtf T _ N«. atract, l , jtul»or«l i , IV
•.■*l,ooo Km. country cured Unit Meat;
'to bbl< •• »•* Mi-as I‘orfc.
160 bin. Dry Apple*:
I£,ooo H»*. country cnrM han.u,
hi store at tuyS HIIKIVF.iI A iJILWOTiTtI'S.
X MimPHY * HURUHHKLD h k n» cotnm^f^a w’«iv
intJ Ih. ir third *n;>|dr of New Uoodt. and wilt M CDcnfe->
ilAily new L’uyM ,it j.rirti <ind ultir.j e.\ t „ p f,'.
North esirt corrn Fourth and Market *U.
NOW OPEN-Thc liesl n-ortwrjii'Ji',
f*t Block of Drn-1 flood*, Pliawls, Mai-']—• - 1
<Jc>od«, Mourtdog Unud«, No*dl„ Worfc, '.•>'■•
‘“•city. Plpmo call and (* t|>,v •
- *-*ii*_ formerly l*.v«* lir.i V 1 ;
I?£ne HAVANA l ' *f ■
PVo. Cnran* Dural. »’>; J- ■•' . »
m-t \ ntii'tn o*’' l - *'
R~Kb t r '
IU’FU.' l‘i: VTT
o/'f./M rnSf*t.