The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 07, 1858, Image 3

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    pishm-g| ia^ciic
p «TBBTJ ROa .
fbiday mobothq. may 7 ,' 1g58
city and News item
nine’s. < £ >raT -~ Bcfol ' e J “ d BC Williams.
■Mir 1 B . isber Ta - J “>M H- Hiya. This case,
ded up last Monday, and concln
waa a proceeding upon an appeal
rom tne report of viewers appointed to oscer
/ a lateral coal railroad laid oat by
wuuel Rlaher was necessary and useful for pub
lic cr private purposes, and jo assess the dam
ages sustained by the defendant over whose
J ground the road was located.
/ . -The parties own adjoining properly at the
| six mile dam oo the Monongahela 5 the plaintiff’s
property comprising valuable coal land, mills,
j distilleries. Sic., at some distance back from
the river; and a few acres on the river bank
valuable for harbor privileges. Between these
P ro Per of Hays intervenes, and to
men the river It was necessary to cross his
land. In pursuance of the terms of the act of
'A regulating lateral railroads, Mr.
\ Ktaher located a railroad on the ground, and
\ presented his petition to court: viewers were
appointed, who, after careful examination as
sessed the damages likely to bo sustained bv
Mr. Hay, a t =3lO or loas. From this report
Mr.Haya appealed lo the Diatrict Court, and
tie Court ordered throe issues to bo formed
Tf’ O, bo »4 Mr™ h 4"
to . UB *>«tog, that the Plata!
tiff owned coallands within three .miles of th A
river: the second, that ih* j lll1 * 68 of the
“e thta?(l°o r P . Ublio ? nd . I" s ”** P^posraTaud
™tlfs t^ m nZ or - b «
titkto np , on th ,° ! ri “ ! P ro, ' eil ‘hot tie
thei th„ ™.d 53i<m lho Uad * mre hi him:
Si forart jS W “ reUOnab] - 7 Mtteeeary and use
v , P ur P“«.". and that tie damages
adrautages, would »t
b “ dred doUora Of thereabouts.-
2“?*® “toonts endeavored lo raise a constitn
« fespeol to the act, and to show
that the property waa valuable for building pur
sl4 000’‘tZ/t “a* 08 worth S I3 .W» or
btataii. clmr *' d ‘he Jury favora
bly to the plaintiff, yesterday afternoon, and af
thenW stiff 5 ‘he Jury found for
Ihird^Z^r.Z 0 l "° and upon the
mSeiai 10 lh °
The OMO was ably managed by Robt. Woods
and H«l A W. Loomis, for plaintiff, and
o S , thl d r m, s “ n . d G “ r «° P- Hamilton,
tsqs., for the defendant The great interest in
*!•““ was owing to the fact that the defond
“ of ten miles cf river front,
and the allegation of plaintiff that it was his
ri “ B “ M Pr * ,C ° l woeaa to the river from intc.
nor coal lands, unless upon his own tonus.
m?' C - T,C ° DRT — TUa c<mrl ttM<’tnWe I l
yuterday morning pnrsnnnl to adjournment
W. Rehard was called op but
aJd W ! ln “ ae3 !or defence—Eli Cope
w£ Led fof r a o nd^amfd“. b “' nl ' “ oonU “ a »”«
,he hills in the caeee
sehn B "*«h. dad the Same »,.
h^ mg u“' 1 ’ h , e defendants in both cases
JhiL k ? ° har *' d V th hogu. com.
no farther bnaineaa ready for the
the 1 fi °f thecotirt, the same waa adjourned tUI
thA?l m 8e P to,llb ' r . at ■which Umo
tte same jurora are lobe present, without far
ther notice, who were m attendance this week.
,Mr pf* 7 F ““ School.— The Million*™
i hliM™5 l f Pap "’> for lho “rront rreek,
has a highly interesting article relative to the
above named institution, founded through hie
B^tS?”' a “. UtT !li‘ great d 'Bree, at Zelienople,
BoUer county. The work on the buildings was
commenced in the Spring of 18G4 b
F.; *'7 lhe lMd ' “>« Directors house, tho
,T, S ' h " 01 proper, tho necessary onbhouses,
P erm aucnt v jmprovements hajproba
bly not been leas than from $22,000 to $23,000
-it lhi “ >“!!• «m. together
irith the daily outlay for the support of fn in
creasing orphan family for the past sir years
W Th« «»?H° f i ,' a friendß h “ b «“ upon
riven k fira ‘ do »ation was a single dollar
given by a poor German, and three yearn elapsed
7a “Other was added to it. But He whose
aro the resources of the universe, has given it
day by day its daily bread, and through His
great mercy, the debt on the property has now
- C-,k ‘ o, s l ‘ r" thousand dollars, which,
sB*Boo r h 111 ‘ ,U, ' r deb “- trill amount
' V “ hi ° gton ° r Wed -
On Wednesday oflnat week, Mr. Fisher While.
Ml ftged and respectable citizen of East Pike
j Hun toirnship, while at work with bis grandson
in a field, was sodden!/ emshed beneath a rol
ling log. Mr. White was aged 84 /ears.
Asat Bboebs.—A colored boy named Man
ley, about nine or ten years of age, had his arm
broken on Friday last, by a fall from the trestle
work of the Hempfieid Railroad in the outskirts
of the borough.
A Handsome Present.— I The Associate Pres
byterian Congregation near Bavington in this
oonnty recently presented their pastor, the Rev.
James G. Rankin, with a valuable Gold Watch
as a testimonial of their appreciation of his de
votion to the interests of the Babbath School and
Bible oiass connected with the congregation
. N A Mrarao Co.—Tie Directors of the
North Amertctm Company held a meetinr in
this city on Wednesday, to devise trays and
means to carry on the operations of the compa
ny. A committee was appointed to co-operate
with the annual officers reoently elected, in
' s2°.°°o on a mortgage of the prop
erty held by the N. A. -Mining Company. The
fortunes of this concern hare undergone strange
mutations, the stock at one time being quotld
high figure. We trust there are good days
in store for this company. The location is to
ail external appearance one of the best in the
Lake Superior country and there may yet be
some valuable deposits of copper discovered
there which may compensate for past failures.
Tub Mosuoiext—The Commissioners named
i? -ij- 0 " c t *of eur legislature to supervise the
building of a monument in the Capitol grounds
m honor of the men who fell in many fields in
Mexico fighting the battles of their country, will
meet at Harrisburg on Thursday, May 13, 1858
■The names of the said Commissioners oro os
Gov. Wm. F. Packer, Gen. E. C. Williams,
Gen. Peter Frill, B. M’Demit, Esq., John £
Shryock, E»q., John Brady, Esq., Capt. E. Dan
“■ °- H- Rippcy, Wm. A. Todd, Ea,„ Adjl.
Gon. E.C. Wilson, Col. James Page, Hon. John
W. Geary, Gen. Thos. J. Powor, Lieut. I. S.
Walcrbury, Gen. Richard Coulter, Robt. Ander
son, Laq., Hon. O. Nelson Smith.
Cojciets. —Wo learn from an advertisement
in our columns that the managers of the Pitts
burgh Theatre hare procured the eorricea of an
EtUojiian Company to give a series of their pe
oulinr performances. When this company wm
here before they drew crowded audiences. The
troupe consists of Morris Brothers, Trowbridge
the renowned Dick Sliter and other r.n.iii.l
names, with two Utile youngsters, only 11 and
lu jews old. Their performances are said to
abound in genuine wit and! humor, and at the
same time lo be entirely free from the vulgarity
which many in the same line are accustomed to
resort to to induce applause. The box office
will bo ppen for the sale of tickets on Monday
1 I T ’’ A kt - —tlno of the moat charming
playa that lias lately been produced is this one
named as above. The plot is from on. of Charlce
Read a stones, and it is very well worked up,
contmmng -iot^ of capßa, hita which bring out
the best points of MisaDayenport’a acting 8 It
Waa well placed upon the stage on Wednesday
evening, and Mas D. waa well sustained by
Beiley as Squire Oldwortby. Wo think it one
of the most chaste and racy pieces we bare
seen for many a day.
Mabt Moisrrnx, First Ward, made an in
formation for surety of the peace against John
CordeU, who, ns the deponent alleges, came
to her house, bunt open the door and threat
ened her with bodily injury. Cordell was
arrested and in default of bail was oommit.
to jaiL This Same man was fined yesterday
* or disorderly conduct, and not having the
needsnL was sent to jail for fire days. Both
those oases were befora the Mayor.
t l .^ a * rD *‘ l «r» bom *•» Allegheny and
tad th*lr 4.000 or 6 OOG Co ' Uto clo8ed »
labor elsewhere "*
business on the good , “ r ’*
-ssurftgsusK -„s
and vicinity was set in operation last Thuredl.
A large number of people were present tolm’
ness the first moympents in Caredo of that pow
erful machine which has effected such wonder
ful changes in the mechanical and manufactur
ing world.”
Amsst or *) Couannrnirxn.—Alderman
Lewis’ police, Wednesday evening, arrested a
young man named- Wm. Stomas, alias Georgs
hiikffirom j£avec*«raisy
!" [ltemt by ovr Special Report'!.] f m _ 1 ,
To ExrrRiHEHTBP..*.—It u too often the that * . " ® *'® w»
j when afflicted by attack* of “cold,” ordi-ea<epol ib© ! n n «. n _’ ' ' '
! throat and long*, men launch forth into a disordered I A vKL 6 81 OXA L .
i system of experiment#, trying this oud that protend- . c Wasbisgtox Cjry, May fl.
ed curative, and getting worm as a general thing, in ' , & - E5^ TR —Hr. Hamlin, of Maine, being still slight
return for their trouble and expense. It gives us - md, - a P c,Sfe d» the Fishing Bounty question tras
pleasure to recommend to all such “cases" the med- P? Bt P° Q «d until to-morTow, and Mr. Ilunter. of Vir
iciae known as BowuaVa Vegetable Comi’ul-xu, ! f ,!nia *' caljod op the Appropriation hill for tho Mili
which, we are wsJl assured, u better calculated to : tO, X Academ J' a* West Point,
j effect a cure than any nostrum with which wo ar« Mr * Uile ’ of Ncw Hampshire, * a i-i the Academy
j acquainted. Wo presume it ean had of anv p *7“ a nn,Ban <*- and better »*neralj cr. u ld l«j cot out
| speefAblo druggist. of a Now Hampshire law -ehool: den. Fierro for
I . XEDrn.— Highfalutin even h.. failed ',ha,’V™„' ’J'V" f ?f ">• "'eat I'ointor,
lin tkßeffort which has been put forth to Jo \V t? d ? b “"
i per justice to that nugniflccut triumnh hv wMf*), ih« * ,r - I *°nst«jn, of. lexa.’, said that Martin \an
human countenance may ho pot upon W-a an.l keut : V"”” 7“ *r" l ’" ,n “ r ' 1,1,1 u doubtful II tbs
ah ,m remembrancer of ,bo frnnre* of the ore, Poilll ' dl “» 1 i°" >* nooded for
or departed. Tho bam truthlhrTt i,can be !i„„ c ?, r |J “ «™X-. Too attention to
simple as Is tho operation, la not realisable in words Tbo m«ko martinets. rather than aol.licrs.
-there i, „„ appreciating it jnstV but 'i° ,7™ , r " ' ™ 22; nay,, 9. The Son
«/on< ; and hore, we must aav .k»„ • ‘ i*. •ding in tho uegslive were Messrs. Broderick
in the bnainea'mor. eomM?.n to V ' K«rk«. Hale, Harlan. J„hna.,n ~f Ten
my Ptyle nr tlWar, M > ,l ' tu " , •" I »“», Hugh, Trumbull ami Wade.
M!„Mr.Rup. tt ie k ..f Aiabnma, Horn the Military
; Committee, reported adversely on autneroas merno
ilnitri Etotea" r * r ° rtlier e 'inipment of militia of the
On motion or Mr. I>oo K los the ,lre ß on bill „„
Mr. Mason, „t Virginia, .aid ho was ignorant
nhotber or not Oregon poaacasca sufficient population
me“° “ ff ° rd '" ri7th ' rh '‘ r ff e -' o’ » MWta govern'
Mr. Douglas said that tho vole on tho Comtitution
»aa seven thousand, which would indicate tfty.fivo
tbrmaand nfa popnlaUon, althongh probably more,
and doubtless ten thousand over that mimtwr with
which we admitted Kansas.
Mr. toward Did I undorttund the Kanaior to any
wo havo admitted Kansas? *
Mr. Dooglaa I will answer the tenator verv
f«fhh>,Wa Congress Is clmcerned
nVil 1 ,r " 1 ’ 1 i,iU ' ,h " 1 "" r action is
no, so desire, then
made no J repi'y.' Ud,d^ed in “ ' ilcm ' 3, '* h - b “' h ”
»' MaiSo, objected it, aJ mD
aton, for tho reason that negroea are citiiona i:
JiUlwW ‘ °l‘““ W o l ' lh “ whil ' 1L ” Oregr
constitution denies them entry. ”
Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois, was opposed i
l««h n an 1 h lb6 re “°" Which bo at some
!m Dlmbei; ,h " ' obJ " t
ia. 5 | Ir '| W “ do^?J 01li “' dn! ' T nHenUon to the clanae
that claaaes Chinamen with negroes
M r - "'lMhaaid that Maaaachnsntts woold wel
it but d " I ’" 1 him 10 r “ l « rcc
It, hut at tho riat of incurring censure even from his
personal friends, ho would refrain from voting for a
clunao m the constitution which ho conaidertd un
which Mr - Wilson sbowod tho in.
in f Vn.7o h h 7' 3ul l ‘ n ’° *" rolu, ' ,,d "Ho" landing
Ihnnnod ' f“* '° adl ’ “ "I'Mted defence of tho eigh*
por°ion ofT ,"™ P h I '“' : “ iun ° ni ““'l*„,ot U , which
sn^tVntfy^'djoumed 1 " eo '" iv ' - ”>«»" *“ d
lh,! , r^';,T- Tho , I - I, '" foo " ~!d °“ lh ” “uiondmenta to
Jodiciai Appmpri,
Tho bill was passed.
Rllc l !io s poko ogainel tho resolution proposing
no TT ° f ,b « Clayton-Du]wer treaty, argu'
mg that . horo wa.s no particulnr emergency which
rcipiirod ,t. Tho treaty, when made, prevented a
collision between Groat Britain and tbo tfnitod States
J"“?7 cd !“*«>• It w„ dictated-by good louse
and good feeling on both aides. The practical diffi
i?ili, "f """“dc* amonnta to nothlngi
ricTty firifolT" “ , " !u,i '- 31 interpretation of ,£
eiceot n ,I,t, 0 ° no rc Mon h'r its abrogation,
a.K.«i!An^i!.l or "' ol '
treaty, ao thf“wlVnVr'wi.lfm Ilu'uDlTbaMfrri'f 1
ry, we may do it lawfully 1 temto
a engirt fo h rT PU ' d ,b V nhrcKntion woold „p,„
a coo filet for the possession of that country He was
tha, Mr. Clingman had quoted S. o,tTn“
“Xn«" r" b “ h 2 looked IS i, ““ d
eitdonee orcovetonsnosa and imhcciiitv
on^ “ r r m ° re ? w table,he resolution, reported
on Tuesday from tbo Committee on Foreign Affirir,
oroposmg tho abrogation of tho treaty. VegaS
by a rote of-i" against 107. J 'egattved
•ecMde, ,^^l^em^’^eda^^',> "”' !mc ” , • 1,111 ,h * i|o “ s c
end “r Wl, eh” .t *" 1 , ' h ° P"" 1 ” 1 - T"««on
ms'and Th. ? resolution w«, ordore.l t„ bo an
grosaed. The vote was > J against 60
irtthout final aeUon tbo House pmieod M rhe con.
of nther burin?*s
cH Mr '.h“!, ki °'' L, v r ' d " llcv'dution whieb was adopt
Cd, anthoriiing tha arrest, for contempt, „f f;,‘birt
1 , L » atb ‘' a - m failing .ppe„ before*,he^
pfr h,.r"f K wV h ° attending^he
p“S«:. ' W ' ,k1 "'''"'’ for fortification
UlTrUrlh'"’',™’ I'™ 1 '™' 1 lbe consideration of theEonate
Mr <Sm‘lh m,, fT° “““'“‘n »“ th. foion.
Mr. ..mith, of I a., made a apeoch again,, ,h.
bill on aecotiol ol tho Alien clause in h!
('•mstitminn. '• 1,1 ine
ri-h'rfr s, “' B, ‘*- d '”i' d 'he
right of .ongrw, t„ in,eff.r. with the right,?
Rlf<*tors in rbo .•Niate*. p
Thu llontno a-ljourned.
«f^i t *. P * l ?* CT,o!, — Whow i» «aj that much
,x. e l° r does not depend upon appear-
P? .i W 11 “duek of a bonnet” was nercr ton
•. f ®stimated # in fashion, and tastefully trimmed
“Jf. 1 a .J’ orld « f baauty in itself. The ladies should
. U 1 tnemselvesof tho opportunity which they en
« 7 ° r T Mcurin K “ th « latest” at the Milliner shop of
Mrs. J. Jcrrßßr, No. 23 Diamond Alley.
No Tax os Sdsliodt.—lt la not yet come to that
unfortunate pass in this country that sunlight is
®. a means political revenue. It is os freo as
when it first burst npon the world, and wo can nil
indulge in it withoot cost. To the artist this is a
happy Incident, as light Is most essential to his op- j
orations, and ho can have it In abundance, gmtir, |
provided he but allows it admission. Messrs. J
Dougherty .t Co., of the Anchor Skylight Gallery. '
Federal street, between Robinson and Leacock, Alle- I
gbeny, bare consulted thnir own and their patrons’ i
interest in this particular, and secured an illumina
tion unexcelled in either city. Their pictures are of j
course superb. These gentloman are prepared to j
frame paintings or engravings in gilt or wave I
moulding. 1
Tnt Moxto or May.—Wo expect tho season of
gayoty and sprightlines will be completely inaugu
rated in this month, for the ladies will not withstand
their natural impulso to smile and be pretty, let
confidence” droop as it may. When tho birds sing
and wood and field drosß in tho matchless Millinery
oTnature, why should the womon not "follow suit?’’
We confess that sioee the nicest plans of finance
nave "gang agio," and businessis still stagnant, wo
look to the ladies for an aehievment which has pro
ved too much for tho genius of men—tho setting in j
motion of the monetary current. The busv throng j
to be seen every day at tho fashionablo Millinery I
i and Dress Goods establishment ’'of Mr.s. Taylor, i
corner of Market and Third Streets, lends confidence
to tho opinion which we have suggested above.
CoyKtnciAl. Ei.rr JT ioj.—Thoro is no lock, now
ol facilities for business education, and if half of the
Commercial Colleges which haro been pnt in motion
since the first school of fho kind was established are
patronisedevon moderately, there mast bo an iui
manse amount of mercantile ability (such as it may
be) ground out annually. But still in tho Trent
10 b ? "TO?* <* “> influence,longstand
ing and the undoubted qualifications of ita teachers
?°V“ 1 re C> P ‘ MEP - cn «T»' College, of lW
.L- r eanDot recommend a hotter echool than
it (h/ne? 0 W*™ 110 " "•■icli youth requires to lit
' f " U . ' r<L , 11 “ “"rough in every depart
mont, and its professors of Pcnmanihip, Law, Ethics,
Book-keeping, Ac., the most eminent of tho country
■■"•aaTiot.._Tho cause if
Philanthropy w„ never more enhanced than by tho
mrenuon of tho dewing Machine, an article which,
" rnce * bl ° “ “™<. haa haen perfected and
rendered the meana of saving untold labor and
wretchedness. Messrs. Singer A Co., the celebrated
manufacturers of N.w York City, weU deserve the
r.l..„rT',“ ° f r.'** 111 wbich tb « r »P u 'T iucreusing
sale of their machine is yielding, nud we trust that
tfc, i °i*y. R. Straw, Esq., corner of
Racond streete, may find a demand for
rr‘ ImaMUty to supply iho public
S. H ” b " j“ st rooaivad a new family Sowing
Machine, enclosed in an enameled ease (cabinet )
which, as an article or fnmiture, is highly omatnen
tal, and as a sewer is considered tho very best it
win pay the lady readers of tho fr,unre, and all
others who are interested in each improvements, to
vlstt Mr. Straw s. where a variety of tho marhine
may Le examined and soon at work.
„ ** E if,°, i!rr RstanLisflHßsr.—The line Milli-
Sr! f"t‘‘ I? ’ M C ‘ *•«'■ street.
Allegheny, affords advantages for the ladies of our
re^ C i UC ? no9 *”* The proprietress re
turned last week from the East, which she has al
ready visited twice this spring. Her second assort
ment is very extensive ami embraces tho most fash
ionable styles of bonnets, trimmings, £c.. which she
J* enabled to sell at prices unpreedcntly low. Call at
her elegant sale-room. .
oni ° n VTardrop, Htoul
and Williams of thir cilj-.. Iho well-known agri
cultural manufacturers, bare become sole pro
prietor, of Hus celebrated Mowing machine.-
" a practical mechanics and
scientifio agriculturists will be mfccicnt guar
"techier, ms.l- h 7 them win b,
found perfect, and adapted,,, ,|.c io(< , nJ .
eci. >«o j lieir fl<i vortHorDeiii
from lho railrnad bridge, ever the
iDlegteny River, on Viedneeday, nnd m
Sfe™ L' V y' d no ' , leKn ; his Arrive
' J". h ‘ TO bee “ “*■<« 10 find the body, but
l«ei h l ° r not J ™cces»fut wo have „ot
learned op to tbe time of thia writing
orw‘«hh?it y 0f ‘o' i 'r olMlanl Episeopa] obureh
or Washington, la., bavo elected Jimea M'll
?‘° e V to q ;'. a 7 de . ,e P“' >o Ike annual eenven.
uon or that denomination, lo be held in Phila
delphia on tbe 2oih of May. Rev. R II Lee
T : L ' ?-T* clor of TrtolJ charch, will also
be in attendance at ibo convention.
IT may interest etrengen visiting Allegheny Cilr,
a p th ,‘"’ , t 0 K°“" lhnt “ »“P«ri"r article ofMriiT
ind Bojri clothing, whito and coloredlehirte, under,
tbirle and drawer, glove,, hnelery, ±c„ can be had
it Carnjtghan e, Federal etreet, near the Poet Office
, °7. f ° r '" h - K ' eT F garment sold In the
atabli,ament u warranted well made. {
,( (hi»ibu» p.otunt Meqnim'.r," or “wo labor
for the good of all, ;s the inscription or. one of the
chime of bells given by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co. to tbe
city of Lowell. Thai!favored place may bare the
ocl|a, but they cannot entirely monopoliro tbe Doc
tor a skill which is made available by bis Chorrv
Pectoral and Cathartic PUls to all alike-not only
in this country, but in all countries where
t.on rmd commerce have gone. While we admire
the liberality aod taato of those gentlemen In such
a donation to their native town, we will remind our
readers of tbe hallowing influence a chime of bells
spreads over the whole community that hears them.
Theyare few m this coontry, and tfmir inflnenco is
Uttle known, bat ask the exile from bis home in
Germany, Entoce, England, whether the chime on
Trinity Church does not make bis heart leap into
his month, and his eyes in tbe recollection it brings
of the .olemn note hi. childhood, hi. boyhood, aye,
hi. manhood lovod to hear at the .oft approach of
evening in his native land.
Wa with oar generous whom lied ba.
blessed with mean., would consider whetherwe too
cannot add tbi. one more attraction to make our
children and ourselves love dearer and stronger and
longer tbe place wo call our home.— l„d
liftntirr. ,
As lumbhse DiAUosn.—Mr. (lay P. MaUbotr*
has deposited his great Virginia diamond, estimated
to be worth not loss than two millions of dollars, in
bank at Charleston, for the inspection of the
carious. We have no diamond of that value in this
city, bat we have some perfect gems in tbe way of
garments, that may bo seen at any timo at tbe Brown
A^ D r* t ClotblD S Hall of Rockhii! 4 Wilson, 003 and
805 Chestnut street above Sixth, Philadelphia. 1
Trosses tor Rupture. —I ttn applying a truss
* »d‘cal cure of hernia or rupture in a
very short time. A gentleman, writing a few days
*^°’v. ,ay Y . F troM 1 a little over ono month
ago has, 1 think, entirely cured my rupture: it made
Ter7 r r° r f’ r n,ptorehM Dot
1 I am well. I had been told
of the wonderful effects of this truss, but did not be
lievo ituntill tried it in my own case." Applied
by Dr. Geo. ii. Keyser, No. HO Wood street ♦
•if *N . acq ?* lnlaace * ««• Pow
h™*™? ? t ? u , ton ~ trw! *«* York, was troubled wllb
llrer complaint fora long time, and alter trying many rem
tryt>r.M'W.C*lebrate3 Lire?
EEtS of P |lt -har g h. She did -o, and
“£* w,th box sho was effectnaliy cared. Indict
"«"«*■ grvrral irr-ja-
ZT,'X,y the { * nce f*> oil diseases originating In Urn aamo
pndWc «.ue, as is also that dreadful scourg*. DrsremA.-
Tbowwho are afflicted with any or tbeaburo enuniemt.d
“** rre* “onred that the eonreo of all tbelr taiU
* h ® , ‘f* r - “d for It- correction the best remedy
MU tl,a Ci. W,el,Dr - Celebrated Liver
hol, none/refunded if »r.t aatislactory.
,oftJlk for Pit M'i.ANE R
oine Liver Pin- .1-. t,., , 1 , * P u , wle - l>r. sTLane's gen
had at all
18M. OARFBTS. lass
X all demands for Vslrct, Brumla, Throe nT,
ealnCorpeU, of every description, style andqiSity
Oil Cloths. from 3 to 24 foot wide, at Ur p?wi
bare ever before offered; Cocoa liattmv Mr r,l
churches; Painted Window ShatW, and evfryth«Dg?onnf^t
•d with the Carpet dspartmeot of Oonn ParuUhine
As we anllripale an advance la prices after the Spring
Trad*Opens, wa would aoggest to purchaser* to make tbHr
■elections now from oar largo Stock an.) at our prrfrnt very
low price*. fc22 W. M’CLINTOCK
Proposals for castings.—ProiH
sals for UiQfiOO fret of castings for tbe new Allrgbrny
htapesxlon Bridge, will he received by the undmihtmJ
between now and tboTenthof May, These castings are (.>
be manufactured from tbe best mixture of cold blast char
coal pig. Bidders will pleato stats distinctly the brand* of
metals they pro peso to use. None of tbeso castings will be
wanted before next ytar, but tbe time of their delivtrymay
be agreed upon at an earlier date. The plans of tbe cast
ings may be examined at the Engineer’* Office, at West end
of old Allegheny Bridge. JOHN A. BOEBLINO,
apgfedtd Engineer Allegheny Bospenslon Bridge.
Proposals for masonry.—Propo
j*^.l be tcceired by tbe nndenlgned lor the build-
SLta o 1 Mwnry of the oew Pier* and Abat
er next BrU **» b * {WMD “®» »»1 Uw tenth
*t the Enxli»^r'. l nt2* * n<! mey be examined
All•*benTnr^^^<»-^ aie,, “* tho Allegheny end ol tbe old
Bngfneer Allegheny Bridge Gempany.
“'aiu. 00 "-"' C " M ®»lk Met;
1M Irai Dr, ippu.: M '” Potl: '
2,000 ltw.c<nmU7 coral Bacon
1nK0,..! m,3 SHRITEk
tr4s H ,s«To.v Cirr. May r, Although iho U u ,,se
,L u L ' n *?■'”"!’ Z rderv4 ,be "Minion proposing
r,h ,1 , CbJ !° n ' 1, “ l ’" r *"•* •»
,ho lh,rd 'h" cot. on retting
Ml f r'ccL' 1 “ P th> “tonreou
Ui, >9 repardo.l a.* a decided expression sgaiost iho
former tuenrurc. This.motion wa, m.jf h, jl r
Sickle., n mcmUr m the Committee no Foreign Af
ralrs, who i, agatnat the resolution which b now on
the breaker. tahle. Il i, .Menu to p, reached
and map be regarded aa killed hr indirection. Thi
“W •V* 1 " 1, ™P° rt,:J without eonrolla
1-IM^h.?,°b‘ »nd haa no prerodent ainco
Fraere h 3U ' C * »b™gated a treatj with
France. The admini.tralton Is opposed to tho reao
lution at thta time, became n W o U ld emharraaa he go
tions now pend,ng for the settlement of the differ^
ences between the L ntted States and lireat Britain
and force upon the President an aggressive policr'
unraiorablo to the peace of tho (woconnlri;, red
disastrous to the selllemon, „( tho Central Ameriean
The Hot,re Committee on Election, to-day were
aogagodod the Ohio contested election case. Messrs.
Lamar Steven,on, Phillips, and Boyce ruled that
tL'A”?'"' 1 ?? ? Mli,M •» “ M»t and Mere.
Odtner, fftletm, ( lark of Ct., and Waebburne of
srn V, u “• 7m f Mr ' CampWl retaining hi,
„n,* / r * li * rri * Hhaou voted to vacate thoseat
aod refer ilie question back to the people. Three
reports will accordingly bo made on Thursday
wuX°, g r b r° ““"r"* 1 ' 0 "' “ Jay by the fienat,
wa, that of Judge Loring to .apply the eaoaney in
'idcbrisL l f C alm! ’ wrca aioned by the death nf Mr,
[Spectat Dispatch to the PJlteburgh Gesotto j
t,re,™T o—The number of delegate.
{7” I Th h “ l rc,l, y" r, “ laneral Ae»mbly i, very
SS- , T p'’,.“ p °? I,l g sermon wae nirellent. Ret-.
< ’ lo ' l, ” l Moderator, and Mr.
w? l hL2"?' lh ”,l'r» e,! «J“K* thu. far hara been
'ery harmonious and delightful.
[W. are indebted to Dr. M’Kidn.y for the .bore
dispatch. £<(*. o\jz.)
Ciric-too, May c._A man named Henry Jam.
pen. was arrested net night for th. murder of .
woman whoso remain, were round In . barrel at
Hudson Hirer Dopul eome time since. He eny, she
hung borsolftn his room, but bo confesses that he
cut up and shipped the body, not knowing how dsi
to dispose of iL °
and rtV J ff Ll f A! I"' MaJf - fl '“ Tbo crevasso continues*
7,; f,^ ta l ? SU, P ,l , £0 «“ to be abandoned. The
t ,wn of flretna is entirely submerged, end Algior. it,
ho™, ./.*. 1 l' “ Ibat there U great
q«rlr f I 11,0 P ' c “ t =» mile, abore!
ntgar "° C “ rr ° d M ° W U ‘“ cit * *» “>«
preadmg. other very eorfou. ahoro in.
So "all! ” 10 "° P '- Tb » river ■ b »">
Jj- ? " Tbo riser is elill .welling
here. The Illinois is reported riling, and there is
‘l’ "™° T Mi *»>“>Ppl for any
class of boats. H oather cluer. Thermometer OS'?
1.0r.5v , , , r.,.Ma, C.- T heriterb slowly
i ‘ '\v ,i" lh r •" Ike paaa on tbs
Ij«. Weather clear. Thermometer 70°.
Telegraphic fllarftete.
J "““ d “ adreoce.
Samt smrei'd'iii. *££?£%>■« «' «<*«•
frclgbla to Urerpool a. Ift
Lirerpoot.®, Mock, CiUcatm iTtSc ilire™7«£
Miehiß*o buutiierb 26}.- N. V.Central *** 'ff
j]’ 'V* Krl- U. ft. 21*2; ToWo
•M. California »n«u* Locioam laud grants 31*
Pttlt«.SLrnu, May f..-Th. Breadstuff* markcU* foec
tirr. and for Hour there l» #omo espnrt dboiaod wilh utea
° f I * n J'* rfln '' t " l V.fa 600 bbls on,, family at ujm
aodSOOhbla fancy brand*at SA,OH p et bb) Th.uWrf
Immn use bare teen within tl.o range nfJUO to 1C so .Jr
bid for common and extra fancy brand* Rje rfror and
Corn Meal scarce and held at t*>r bbl. Tim* i*^ Q t
mnch Wheat offerlog. aud th*ro Imre teen only a fair ...iJ
f, ;, rrel « d,, ’ 2w3U2i fCT wh “«
declined and fella at CSc, at which 400 bu,b I’eDDa bare
l>ccn *o!d. Corn In mo-ltrate mqoeal and ft.oo bu»*i Booth,
orn and Pcnno. yellow bare bwu afloat at :<*. on, rfnt T
rale* of 0000 bn»h at 3Vc if r busbsl for Southern and 39fi40
for I ennn., iocludlog ote-t of the latter in atore at ci itrr.n
prim* jots Whisky unebangrrt; ulu of bbls at 2lSaa«Z
manti; r«:ejpt a l |tebt; Sb-T r*
• upsfOnr. and |3,fc®M for extra Whuk.h f “L
srassF STcSsj i&*rz
premium; th* demand is limited. T k * * ,H
m ”“ ■"* J T- Veltow
L“»^»*3S.’ , K.Sirn
Tliegreat «np*riority of SIXOEIfS MACniNES
o*er ail otfaera for the oaa of
Clothing and Shoo Manufectarera, Harness
Makers, Carriago Trimmers and
Coach Mahcrß,
He. lons keen known end precttcatl, vJmowt.teul
Which I. . Ilsbt. nomp«l end highly ornamental machine
(doing It. work eqnelly well with Urn turg..meeklne,.) end’
must become a favorite for family tm.
A foil tnpply oftb* above Macbinee fur tale at Now York
pricea, by E. BTBAW, 38 Market gt,
AU.U tb. BOUDODI,SEWINO [d.l7] .o™?,ofc
20 Wall PaporeTSin
** «' Wood Street.
•f« W. P. MAUHAI.L a tv.
T. R.Bncsor, V. F., Jobs J. Qnuspir. Siam gjaim
Josrnr R. Hwm, Acsns Loo*n.
l' Rtpvritd Specially far Vu Pitttbvrgh fiifttr.. ]
FlrOrß-flna l»nt unchanged; a. sale from first hau-If of
32) I>M« at $3.50 tor wiper and $3.90 for extra. From am™.
30 and 120 bbU at $3,70 for aapor, $4,12 for extra and si_to
tor family do; 100 do at $3,05, $4,20 and $4, JO, end 60 l.bli
aaper and extra at $3,62 and $4,00
GRAlN—a.ij« from first band* of 2Xi but Oal* at hud
ISO bu» Inferior Southern TFhtt* Wheat at 83 from »t*oro
HAY— Sale* at scales cf 5 loads at £>@sl4 a | on
BAOON—Satea of 2000 E* country Shoulders and Uan>9
at 7 *nd a, and 1300 fiw country llama,very nicely trimmed
at 9*i aud 4000 Ihl Shonlden and Hams at 7ld and ov .J
Sins Fork, 10 bMaat $18,50. *
POTATOES—SaIes of 300 bos from store •( to ftUt j j JMI
do- Niahannorlts from Qrst bands at 41.
HIDES—A aalo cf 200 dry <>n private terms
IWTTKR & BUGS— Butter I* pleotier aud dull, salrs of
- bids fair roll at 14 Eggi are plenty and ter* dull- w.i-,
••t 10 bbia at 7
RAO?—A ole of 10 hales at 2*4.
Til* Dumber of c*ttl* offered thli weak «U comnarelird
\] tmall, ouly amounting to23l—of which 221 wefiT2,M »«
city batchers. .BcUncoflO) (lrlrea K«t. Pric
a ihftd* from lut week's quotation*, but th* market »aj
EilKß!'.— The nnraber of Sheep offered was <«a 0 f w jjj c h
220 were sold to batch* r», the balance left oror; ulu or cm
•horn at S3,Ts@fl,fiO > grata, tod thorn at s2,:s&iX2s ««.
H00».—76 offered and told to bntchen attl »<
grots; demand limited. vh-x&t*,. a,
N.B. The Kasiern thipmuoie of Sheep fc nJ Hr,-, w _
largo this week, and of Cattle iraell. The followint tea ,i«-
tall of the eales of Cattle: *
No Offered. Bj Wbotu
IS Joe. Mfore & Bro 23
3) Ctoom A Orcce ...Uu
-6 Scott A C 0..... ...W
22 John Mono 22
8 D. llarrls 8
10 \V. Carr Itf
2a John Kenoar 23
1* U. A. Merrick IT
10 P. Ilartman 10
10 C. Kreratt. 10 Cut
4 Jehn Harris 4
7 Job DUion.
21 &Urki£ Co .. tl iuuX?
20 Traoaiuot.. • 2t> aSfTC^
B. Doatbett, extra eoU to Geo Ereni at j <P hundred
to be fed. Thu obore rate* are groaa.
Importa bp lUw«r.
CINCINNATI per Eoonomy—lD bbla oD, I Uerc* J
DalsoH; 60 boxes soap, Watt A Wilson; 7 bbla acraplron
Jones A Lauth; 3 bxs books, Becd; 2 bdls deer aklaa, 1 Los’
fur. 45 bides, Spang A co; 0 bskta champaign, Scott Hbnar
0t bbla floor. Be/nor, 4 bbla glaaa, Lyon; 100 bbla flour
Blackmore A Devitt; 6 tea Lama, Fra are; Kfl bdlatpuka,'
Bhelpi, Park A co; 192 fag* potatoes, 1 pump, Fetter l&J
bgs abort*, Liggett A co; 100 bbla flour, Graham A Thomnr
31 bbla oil, 16 bhd* aboulders, F Sellers A co; 60 bbla flour*
4 bdla aacka, Simpson A Nelson; 100 bbla whisker Black*
25 do do, Schmidt; 72 do do, Carr A co; 100 bbla flour Wal
lace; 6 hhda, 1 bx tobacco, Mantrie; 170 *ka wheat, 73 aka
potato**, Hitchcock A co; 300 bg* whaat, Kannodv; 20 bx*
soap, 10 bbla oQ, Baas; 10 bbla peachea, Shriver A Wlworth
-119 bbla oil, 10M bbla floor, 10 do beat, 7 bbla, 1 bx tanma*'
9 bbla, 33 flrklna butter, 63 tea, 37 bhda buna, 0 rolia hoe*
■kin*, 144 aka potato*, <5O bags wheat, sundries for Shelter
A DUworlh—Clarke A co; tfrtO bbla donr, owner on board
3o aks potatoes, Monongah#!* Douse; 1 cak.lbbl 87 sack*
r»p». Lippisoott A Barr.
WHEELING par Rosalie—lls bdla paper, Perry A as 125
d.> do, Johnston A co; 101 «ks corn, Hagan; 48 do potato*.
Smith; 15 bbla knot*, Ltrlngston, Oopelin A w. 10 duren
broomi, PeUen 4 bbla knobs, Jonas A Wallingford; 2 do
r . 2' kega do, Hussey A co; 3 bbla egga, 2 flrklna do;
Kiddle, WJrta A co; 6 bbla egg*, 3 bxa do, Uaaleton; 3 ban
bcana, Patton; Cdo rags, Carr 3 bbla eggs, 2 bxa butter 2
aka rag*. Calhoun; 8 aka rye, 2 bbla egg*, 2 btktt butter’ D
Dougherty; 10 bbla flour, iUbben.
LOUISVILLE porjillDerre—223 tea hams, 16 bhda do, 364
bbla flour, 100 begs wheat, 9 boxes, 1 bbl, 300 boxes starch
Clarko A «s 1000 bgs wheat, Kennedy, 20 bn of bam.
Smitb: 194 bgi foed, Leech A Hutchinson. Ditchareed 160
tern at Parkersburg.
Import* bp Rmllroad.
P. rt. W A C. R. R.—lo boa potato**, McFarland; 9
Ltdi egg*, l bgs beans, 13 dci broom#, Brown A KlrFnat
rick; , i.g, scrap*, B A Fehnastock A eo; 4 bbls egra, Ji
roll 1 ct>; 6 do, 1 do buUer, Stanley; 1 do, 160 aka rra. 36
do barley, McChirkan A co; 1 bbl butter, Hkrirer A DU*
wortb; 2d do. owner; 21 aka flax, U Garwig; 6o bxa candle*
Uagafoy , Cosgrare A co; JOdcz brooms, 6 bbla egn. 1 bbl
bacon, SuMtlaa; 6 do eggs, I do butter, Leech A Uutchlo-
UD 'i cat . tle * o do hogs, owners; 190 bbla rrgs, Rea; 161
do. 150 bbl* Whiaky, 2t bdla dm bark, IT bbla flour,
potato*. 2<»i bus wboat, Clarke A co.
I.eteiJey moruiDg It rained again, and it rained bard
° f .W 1 ?° U ‘ I »S iolQ, oa the, Th. cnl.
*"'V VI? ?" ft “” wb “ u "W .04 lb. Economy!
iV 1 "'” ‘“fbko--". from aaclmmU. Sb» h. 4 oa. of ,bi
i*Tg»t freight trip* that the baa brought into port this aea-
• «.T]f M T?‘. rS f*P ,r "’ C *P t - Ol) rdoa, arriredin c. n We-l
otgbt with a good load from LoolartUe.
The Fulton City, Commerce end Rosalie were the only de
■ •” rc ™ w ' rau “‘
excellent eteamcr Mariner, Captain
t E™ 1 ICHI * T fail ThslMe
gste. Capt Slaratta, will probably l**»e, but w* do
not know where abx is going.
' foJSt B r^^ St? ’£‘ r, V r * DCb ' U lottdi °fi “ Ulho can
, for St Lc^a.....‘n 1 e R. f Sass, J. 11. Conn, CambrUfoe
J? 11i D ?, t M^L r ?, tor i ,n ’ a ” fortho Upper MUatafJ
• fr ,7“/ b ' c dtfratch. The Ualuotta is gat ting rapidT
n , of "P afr “d *iU bwd for Bt. Paul. etc. The
Dacotsh, Cent. Etockdalr, u the only boat in port now up
Th' TV nT I °» L “"»»• " »TSt Loau.
np-« "
«»rwt.ecry little river new. golug theeo
‘S™ X,»y “ Ch “ S " n '
lb, EadH'ra Tb'TSS./TSwJW”' 1
burgb with a moderate tr |p. The Lcbeno^^ti^n
w v fIU oot ten 10 for
irith J? r h' fro ® St> n ? for ]StS‘ n „ h
Tho Ohio Bella and
arch arrived from New Orlaaua. We uadentand the Utter
came throoah the new cut off at Lake Point Bend. It Is
° r H <l *t* rterof .* ? ll# wltil * tremendous current.”
* 'i j, MOAI * —T* l * *t*amboat Eunice was sold
rl^n^° d Bs Z” t< L rd f 3 ’' tj tho r s Marshal for tbU dia
k°°ckcdoff toCapLJohnMcdura, ot Wbeel
fe f f b !, wa * buJtt two year* ago and cost *17,000.
v-Sl n?i h , «ys;-‘The Eunice la.mly two
years old and coat g-I.bOO, and on Monday last came off the
4e ' . Th " '* ,ho ««■*»« bargain in steam
boat stock that »e have known for «,n« time The
b£n ET *°* rmo > Dadocah and Cairo, bu
t for i n * r <xrt >*r«‘ora, and from and ifUr !
theToß, Scotr «iu U pot in the trade as a regu
lar mail locket The Itateevllte (Ark.) Balaoee men- '
tbina the tect tbet the MonongabeU Belle, a small black-re-
White for iSe 1
1 . ,M < * mtr V*«3 aeuffleieotamountor IndebtednMs
t<i Justify leaving that trado We leant that one of a i
pair of eoal-boata was sunk last Wednwday moaning, Just ,
,tr,kljl * * «** ortho wrack off be A. .
i “Ted bj the othfr boat*. We '
lea* n thot the boat and conUnu were owned by a party in 1
f* aa, . wtjo ,7“ Proprietor of soma ot th* coal f
annk last at HawesvUle. Ilia foes will be heavy.”
BUtmtH)at lUilitar,
rut! 1 /,! 1 no - P ro "Q» T aiv. Telegraph, do; Colobel
' n '” U ” ir - E “»“»l.anvh.uait
DEPARTED— Luserne, Brownsrillo; Telegraph, do, CoL
-' “j'B*l
Soie Le— enj Marnier. J. 0. FOSTER.
Acting and Stage Manager a. W. Yooxo.
Treavurer q m BtMUST.
„ , _ scals or raicxa.
Private Boxes; to hold tlx persona— |& (
Dress Circle and PxrqoetU _ ,
Upper Tlei "
open at 7 o'clock. Commence at half past.
RIDAY EVENING, Maj “lh 1534, will bo p ream ted (Brat
tlmo In two mn,) Uie celebrated dram*, la thro* acta,
founded on Sir Walter Scott’i Dorai, entitled
.Mr. Cbarlee Faeter
Mr. Mcßride
■ Mr. A. W. Yoong
■Jolla M. Cooke
Ikut. the Jew..
H'amba, the fool.
After which
Orand Fancy Daoe* Alla Emily WnldegraTe
*’ n K Mr, J.a.Aj&mor.
P 8 Mn B. R. Marioley.
pong, -Dobbin Around. Julia M.Cooke
Comic Dauco Mr. Bamtl!
The whole to eoncludo with (Orrt time thla eusoo) the local
drama of
Frederick Jerome, a noble fireman—
MISS KIMAKHLY —. T.r»wr» An Miwihhm
The management anncnocca an engagement. for BIX
MOOTS) with tbe far-tamed
FttOJf THE KUOOt BTRXZt oruu 1101181, atWTOS
Uitlng aplendld Singing, th* beat Dancing, end more for
than ever before teen in any company.
DICK BI.ITRR, the Champion Yemala * n d Jig Dancer.
JsON MORRIS, popular Author, BanjoUt and Comedian.
BILLY MORfUS,'celebrated Tamborlolat, and known in
Pittsburgh aa “The Blocking Bird.”
CIUA. MORRIS, the popular Banjolat and Comedian.
JOHNNY PELL, the great Do no Player.
J. C. THOWSRIDOE, the wondetfbl Baato.
W 11. DROCKWAY. the iplandid Vlollnlft and T«t,or.
B. W. PRKSCOTI*, the great Balladitt-
AII the abort, with the exception of tbe renowned DICE
RI.ITB!t, were fanneriy attached lo 9rdway'« gßolian
Troupe, ef Boat on.
MASTER RENTZ, only IS yean old, the must wonderful
Tener in the world.
LITTLE TOMMY, only 11 year* old, tbe tmalleet Bone
Player. Dmiverand Cimediaa living.
INtIR, May loth, 11th and 12th, the above great company
will appear and give tbeir ebaete and inimitable
The performance will bo varied each evening, for detail!
of which tee the Programme of tba day. Among other
Choice thing* will be given tbo following ;
Opening Chortu. .....By tbo Company
Dance «... ByDkk Sifter
"Willie, We bare Mined You.” By Matter Reals
’7* Wingod Winde” By E. W. Preecott
(Accompanied by the “InvlelbleChorna.'’)
Tbo very beet Polka .. .. -By Peil and Slltnr
CbampionJlg By Dick Bllter
The Anvil Cbom* Ry tbe Company
M Llai«n to tbe Mocking Bird,” By Billy Morrii
•'Elvo Mile* ont of Town," By Lon Morrii
spirit Rapping* By Johnnypell
”Uo~l oidyrienda* Uj/.C. Trowbridga
iDtroducing T-ittle Tommy, Uorrl* Bnrtbera, Johnny Pell,
and all tho fell* Brother*.
Th* whole forming a chaste and amoalng *ntertalnment
foiled to evory taste.
•^Ticketscan be obtained and neeta aacnred any time
through tbe day at tbe Box oda>. Doors open at ?*£; per.
formance will commence at 8 o'clock.
tti. Ten dollars reward will be paid by the management
for iba detection and conviction of any person caught tear
lag down or otherwise mutilating the Posters ana Bills of
(be Theatre—Tor eneb offences are ponlibubl# by fine and
TO RENT—The fafoont of tbe Theatre.
Union Oamint*
THE FAVORITE MAKE, used and ap.
proved by Ran rood Contractor*, Bridge and dstara
Bonder* far y»ais past. Warrsntad of best ooalltw and t<»
«al«* at tbe very lowest market price, by
_ No. 110Becondst.and 145 PlntaL
T Coal by Weight* ——
HE subscriber is prepared to deliver : n
Allegheny or Pittsburgh, ,n
Of the beet quality. AjallocaldaUvizadbyoeiswsiah*d
pßrchasers can rely on geURCg full maasors. Alm^* 9 *
' i - t -'^S?kSSssghs i .
iWir'ji and Qjl,,
iHiscfUancous. i
stTaT/^ 13 Rlvej U 8. Mall Packets 'j
Ea 2£t Eoßii ' n - | stumor joterson, J
|Jg£ ']
r rUE J 'ABOVE“\EW STP?vrSVa"? ViJ
1 n»» mnnin;. S jKAMLRS ARJ-,
at S„\ l, K j, . vr' r , a * , ?K Boats l#*To l’itt/*-
o'clnck P. M. for *‘i.' 1 ,, Beat* it h I
hci* City, Bfllaremcj, ym^tte'cul**’ Motvngjv f
for Doiontotm, Fajrtte gortDrt \r n * ck, * nd lXact-*e« !
Carta iciuieltowT) JdjJ e P M « r P** a ,Tr., B « b - r S , j
town tor t4 S tS»'2aniSio£r‘ 0 f l ‘,^ re J ‘‘j ®“? on - '
*£ *' *** “.s^fSK
o- STFINDLEB, Aosxx.
Ilxii.K iucnwse.l thrlr Rdlities for raknnfsetnriny snJ
Ptroeraoß. Fridst, SUt
ARE now prepared to execute orders for any
wltli tbs nunnst cwre, belnft itrtrrmtncd to pnt on
Kt»n tint cannot l-r surpassed for
I ChenimpHs and durability.
j OurßrwfraretooffWlknosrntoraqnjraanieoUwTfrom
i n*. Testimonial. In tarnr of Ibis Bbokng and MmSm ai ,
7C4U,ngSt onr offlcrt - * No 75 SmithfleU street.
; DnlWlngi rowed wltb tfaeabova Rooangaui beaecn at
i Wjlio and High stroota; J. Beef.
. m Hotel.corner of Grant and ScYenth .treat*. Uotue of
c ‘. l {' o K *d-- Diamond alley, oppoalta Patterson'.
-J “- "< “■ U-gucmp. mm, block; Brownsville Whsrf
2d Wrtta!.‘£2° b ? t C “ l >k™«- between Webster
wSflol 1, if S,or ”“ fJ - a ‘ s <«»»borU, Webster .1,
ftrit w * te «U»J *nJ Snndnikj
Jlntue of 11. B. Wilkins, K», »wi
. ' • 1 many t m nuniorom to men*
, ~r ~n M . PERRIN * JOU.NSON,
. N ” • 4 foiltiiflal IKj . p.tUborssl., Pa.
Tocwit, May B,l^-,« attention of bi* < manner. * H J buyer* jteu.r
ally to hi. largo .lock of
tf-IJ Prlc<*.
4 <s4)2
* ®*K
|is.ugli( .iiirci from Maunkctnrcn iu M*s»ar-bn**Us
T-adltt, Mines uxl Chtldien's
FLATS, and
Mon'i, f'—Ti Yonth'n
Il.ifh' and Yonth’a
AM of which will Im fooud In groat rarlaty
fDjneeroeoU ofbrad to CASH an.t prou
Ordora utirfted and <arefully aeloctad and utrke
tnr27:2md y
No. OG Poitrlh Street,
Touts soos eat or rot sutler pimssiuin
to IS3J, atto atUl eonltooea tintor the attna cu-eful and
Pietiest muicnnuu, which he. as long .Honied ..Uitoc-
""""V 0 iu deyoaitora and ctiatomtaa. Ita
I™," *»dl»ld»allj liable fo, any money. do _
aed teaWaa the money and property of toe Bauk
*** todivlddaily reaponObleto detma-
Itora totoe efcole utrnt of litelr print. iSa„, :
Rotten 0.1 war.
John death n , trailer.
wi,°s°fa' Wm. Tonne.
S.eiJSiS"' Jacob Painter,
U.nry MOemy. Jteeph honey
Jamee A. Kuoi,
ESysT zztxr
JOApph Lore,
TFarm for Sale.
HE heirs of David Canon, dec’d, offer ut
print* aaj* tbelr Farm in Haowdcn township All*-
, Un room *5» Fran* Dwcllld/
?? *“ * f ol “ eJ - *z<l a oew Fram* Bara, 35 by To fwt _
JS! 1 ™ ; s*** fuu. Tt.r. .n.. It »
P r[ ’!■' I"* 1 *'! *nd On Un.l lie. nrj well-.
th.ereS! d <nr S h " enquire of the brio, on
" 1 ' r - *■ WniT*. AU’t .1 lH" ' ”
«pLw2m F 106 Pmh .treet, f> iU ,ttlrzll.
IV °™’ E , n PAil T] TIONf-fo XhSnai
h ’ Allco SlWQCer, ot Baldwin townihin Alla-
XtSeto?Wi J Ii£! , SV ,*• •‘PP'Mon.June. WIISAnJ
C„u H^a'e^
t«a • Pf” 1 " «»d another. intacwt*] will
.nSjlfponthlok rt,Cbtl “ *»l ptace jou emi
_«p2MtwF '
Cl*vs]ind, Fort Un mli • Mhlo«oii CUt; a Wi
Br.tU,l*jm Vr -Chi k i iS?«:,™ v ’l?”™" ? 0 ■>"Jl"r,
St. U)ql»,ifcj.;J.JU ofcn , 4 j * Brothers,
Aioitrorth t Lrnda, R«-k r k J" 1 * 11 ' 1 - til.; W “ d - >"t M— t* rich * Lm,
~ rar*£l:ljr*r*F
B,, *BKr s Ar b " '"■>
Lomt>«,r coMUntfy on h*ad * t w 1?™?“°°
»n4r»3nj»F K«« n A * ~ ”• WALTON,
ft,T Brighton. ii**T*r wonty, P».
»■- a. uuuim ■
JAi. unim«
c„„ fif i £ l Sß ? J,r Paonamxs, *,
mSo M»rhet and Fron? S^aat..
—6OO cases Soda A&h-
IWewiQtnuaCljir ’
ao caMa Balph. Baryte*
100 kega Bi Cwb Bod»,
«Uobbh. No. 1 Bo«to
»t.nd ,„ r b “ ““rt** ■'«» Wtato. u.„
■p2l '
C«rdf, Circutara,
Prica iiu, Dill* Ladtns,
Show BflU, LaUU,
io ~,1.,t
Gr (nl<r . a , „ WSf -W. JOHNSTON A CO,
PrJnUr*. Stmlloa«rtanJ BUok Book MannUctarm,'*
No. 67 Wood itmt.
*St ““dj prinjo tad choice N O Soru
-25 bbli Lo*j 4ud Craihed Soar;
w * bko,
. No gQ9 Liberty itrat.
— l5O prime Doublo Hec
-1:0 UU - IoW “ononcih.l. R,,
No 200 Liberty >tract.
-Ur. Cbarloa Foa
T?bacc°, "Snuff and cluaks^a
4s»M««a S -i
—— — No. 129 Wood at
r 'tHEESE—2OO his. prime W. R Cheese
Jtut rro dead tor ulo bj R. DALZELLI
______ «treet-
IyTACKEREL-JiO bhla largo No. 3 MackcreP
30 hf. bbli do do do
tyl ""It. DAL&M.ftv.
FLOUR— 100 bbla, choice family Flour:
100 do nVatera JSxir* do
to Jtora tnd far «aie by ■pZC T. LITTLE a
*P : CO.
ERRIXG-30 bblaHalifox in store and for
l>*cca. Concord, Diana, H«rt*ment, To Kolon b p r |«,
“»2Mld *>■ Ort«r. 01W m u,to„ TO ;, T °„ L
D® 1 /® APPLKS—IOO buschoicejust r^c'd
L/Md for «!• by LBDCH ci HUTCHINSON.
-i— No lie Ssoadaodjjs Pfnt »t
BUTTJ&K. —6 bblfl iresh ttoll,
lObza do
JM* nc i.nd ferula by LEECH A HCTCHINSON
L^r 200
-pjOSI.N-lCfj bbls.'No. 1 Ro,iMb7Sr b y
OfißFUMEßY—Bazin’s, Wright's Hanel's
mHVKKS-A fresh sup
rfcd by b trce!le « bwratlflcr of itocomnloton jit
——— n * a joi/lbmkq.
15° bags and 130 bbla
•BtaUwhUatt snarvEiTi dilwoktits.
C«k» No. 1 Potash at
5!Z£ BgaiT SR 4 DILffORTH’a.
155 A keg B Bi. Garb. Soda, for sale by
(fflNlzi AFKONS for 12} and"lB} carts,
«tjlei ud colon. c. lUKBON LOTK.
/yQAßS— Another lot of Imported Hararm
tarf ***** “Coqwiu* ai «*abi» Ac
r*» ftc*d m» day by mj3 Jpg IT.bmtvq.
amall whit® Bomsrartore
mgforwla by m , a R. I>AT.7gr.T. * tn
1000 , B si?-.5-y ILRA family fjloUS
x \zv»y^ia«tßwtodtwbbyß.aAttßAPQn^oa
Linieed and Neat* Foot Oils
5H Wood Strpot, Pittsburgh,
OPERA ‘TIES, ,f-f.
K*BularSt«m«o. "
louisbilir, \-r,
l~« t>r Ih. .W„J £l
M.jr;Wh. »■., lr,.i K 1,t.,,
m»7 n irvl'W on noardortc
flasfjbilif, &c.
Fob Nashville" T'eto^^'W
ileimer JENNIE URAT. c« Z . .Jdfr .lt.
f ° r 1,50 4bore «<1 &I 1 laterti. w ,» l^ ,^flgS3>
DA\, .th inti, at 4P. M For
boanl or to «p 27 FLACK, BAILVKiT^ 8
St. ILouis, fit. f
F2 1 } I ,' AL ' L I>IIIECJ --T U
J fit. Logie. Ktoknk, Burlington. Mna-m/ f Ik
Hock laland, SS JeSSS
Tht Q fl na ’3* J Wio ¥» n «0«>flt»)0, StiMwnf.ffi L*CnSf.
Th* fins steamer MARINER, Cant DraT^* ols 8t - Peal.—
r " °» THIS DAvT7tS[^iri' m lke
B ' ; ' 7 o:: !l °*rd or u* hit For freight
- -P 3 - FLACK, BAR.VES .
I P 0 K ST. LssFs^Th7^^s'-~"
Una aieamer R. p. BABB,’ CanL
Uw aboreporta on TQDRfIDAr *»hu P leare for ■
FLACK, BAEXE3 & 00, Aeu< |
P'OR Sr. Paul AVll MTNKTF mm.
CUM, wttl J - 11 CO.VX, CtptAla
STk. 1 ’ 0 ”’ Tms S?*-iS° d , a 1 tatOT »»-
'"s* " rp *" 1 "*”» twrt „ to' •■“ 4 '■*■ P"
FUCK.BAH.Srj tCO a t ..,.
.Ji23 * ® P * m S *n*ly on board or to
F* P - BARNES A CO„ Agent*
“V £“ J 0-elik “.
puugQ appjy on twd or to r Inlght or
~y*° FLACK. BARNES A 00., Ajrent*.
NOIS WVEt-Tbp fln» aUamrr DAOft. jMßMfetf
ret£liw Pt ' ivin Iprto f, ff t |, o BborS^HsW
e port l o B raiBDAY.Ttl, ««, .t^ k ,„
For freight or puMjt. apply oa bo«rsL or to * >,P *'
pimge apply o&i»*nt or to 0 freight or
W.™ * CO., Agrnta.
X? 2t-Lonb,E»okak,BurUnßton, aitwcatine^ijisSsJ
pßTßOport, Beck laUati, Galena, Baboon** La rv!s§?*S“
noaa,Btll]vataras<l 8: I-aul Crow> We *
ATOB, ?Sr r l M0D1 »
oa THIS DAPTth M.r,i! iT l p nr f S\ Ure P*«« -
7 ” For freight or paaaj*
* p£ BARNES A CO., AgU.
©cleans, &c.
OHLE.VXS. - The fl no new -■---
J.B.PBOBLS. Cpt. W R. brj’keli
abore u>d tU luUmeOiate ports on AXo\n*vV^lr^
t? OH ME M P ifTTi T iTlfil
C*,,ui>, j'oh A n N Lb | T nt.p ,,n ; j „ ,i^ r I
interned lain on MONDAY in.i, tbc tttK,TO a&JT
Vi ,r, " ,E Sv" °' c,oei ’ 1
—j_. - «•«.». 8A8.1E3 Aon. a,;,,,!,.
HARD"? 1 & M’ GREW * rtnnr
steamboat agents
C° MW 0r AND Ferry ETRET3
-ig*- *-»
all descii P ti »^
** B. L. JAHNESTOCg <* CO.
W Knapps A , K S, M 4 TIC SCHEIDAM
-iJSg^y ° f
bbi - rect * aQ d for aalo by
thisd “>- -
£i" ATWtU
HOPS—U’ bales Ist sort in store and for
B. A. i OO
Sanford? iNviGORAToiwr~ KT os«
Q for nle by >i»2a p. A. FAIINKSTOCK * CO.
1 200 5"" 1 prime Whito Cora for
V^Ml 1 many n. ooluss.
)OTATOKS.—4OO sics (pure Mercers) to [« r gf P l.aS 10
for talc by »p3T J. fr.CA-NFTFT.n
8 GUM SHELLAC io~ store and for
W f ur by «jatt B. L- FAUNKSTQCK *OO.
VA'(o. MB «.in«ckio BCh^r«l!i,i 8 Ch^r«l!i,id 1K l,»df < , ri i 10 . *
if! T. B.YOONQ 4 CO.
MUSIC STANDS—A few finished and in
Ware room*. T. B. TOUNQ k CO
ciiambek fuiuniturk^
- *p2o k CO.
-*• or the lounger, in store end for sale
■■££ * CO.
pl= MIU, Treoda,, aLtaUmih.
>c,_ryj_.i .pUidi.r iiuitpinf
1 0 £ A^ S SI< V U^UOliC£i^r«ta^and
- f ° r,,l ° «Pg B. t
5 -^ LAB: lSfer
KJ inti. »nd fa, a], bj , pa j. n mvnmi
kbl* choice apples
V^_ f o r nl6by_ tp!7 HENBY U. COLLLSB;
ARD 25 kegs prime just arrived nnd for
L — by »P 23
4,0. to - v ' s CHARCOAL forge cinder
V for ale low by ap23 WATT * WILSON.
500 BDS - BLUE mercer potatoes
" itoro and arriving for nle \>j
on CASKS SAL SODA for salo by
»plfl No. 60, corner Wood and Foaxth »ta
>EA NUTS.—JO Bk« in stnro and for sale
*>j »p2B lzecii k HrTCHnraoy
K3OS—l5 bblfl. freah Eepi recM and for
I «ale at No. IM Liberty «t. RIDDLE, WIBTS k Oq
FLOUR— 31 bbls. extra family Flour, cure
whiw wheal, ree d and tor aale at lto. 18* Liberty a
-*f' MW WIHTOjrOn
P" 'Sb? n— 2 C “" k8 P"®!™* r'o’d “nd for
134 Front rtmt. of Wood.
-3oa PTJm ® "£**• rc ® r *» In «to» tad for ul« by
P- C- UKBBST, ear. Liberty tad Hand «u.
SOO / 1. "
Ordon addnssed to R*r. J. KNOX, «r the «o»
.omponlal villi tbo casb or a saltabU rtltrr
portico are not ksovs, will bo filled in th
thayaro recoiled.
Hoots ef the JiEWWAK’STHORJT*
. .... wfl!baAimisb«il*ttb»M»prir'
apss D. L. FAHKSaroeg* co. I
MILL FEED—2OOO ,lbs. chopped Feed Is
■tor* and for ■>!» by DAVID C. HERBST.
jjtroag Brinchltfa Onuiy.
"DRUSHES—A large supply of Uair, Flesb,
II Tooth Asd Kail Bnahwoftlffla—l quality? cooataat
ljf ea bud at JOtflBIraOl)
mya anw TUtmond udMaxSct street.
TyrEW PRINTS usd other Domestic Dress
<>wto.opM*C wSleh wIOW
'•Vui r - "
A ~i, P®*ona interested e
J»T of Octoier, A. D 1553. -fi? >aeat 00 Srti
•old Arm reaalalng oo^“ d iJ?IL boiioWß o!
lof fartner. of «HdflrS^
a £SSS n
do ~ °P **» «id b iXaL AiF£S * •*«• «'»
“{tied accotmti or boifaea tt £» l -«,E?* ,n# nu
call upon said RoUrt a StMUn. ? n 2,* r * **V«ted t.»
0- B. WAJCTEkJ •
Snrririnffpartßcri R
aplOlind * o, ‘“® flr ® < ’flc*TD7,9tCflin S 4Cj.
cesaor. »-
-- . „ • -OREKRY~&'CO., Su j:
WTTsamusß. r.KFKnpvm.
Ii- CbildiA Cto., j
McCfcndleH, Mean* £ Co- ' >
G. W. UaiiiJ, lqq. •
, „ cacanuti.
\ * B. Fenton Jt Brw.,
enter* in th© BewSa^Sh^SS^? o .^ reartnn4
InjJneM. I cheerfully kno*rtcJg9 0 f tha
«nerp4tn>o*an^Soilfc»h? ? h^ t i e D .®s firia tomjfor
p»>rad»Jn ,j„ !U j il & mit wiiScAEnniioS!'-'
w=nfesSiSasSS' J s
w. vr. tounu.
April lit, 1853—*pl5riinil
(3occ«aon to Join OKhtrt-l.t ) ' ’
■treet. &ey *““•» *<>. EG WooJ
Treves, SBppSrtorP*?" to nuumfcctoriog or
tQAIUjr *nd D S Ilepiing with punr-
SSi 57555 S dS"
nmtunl consent, m mtrrsi/?S tb '„ orrt or l,j
oa the —Ttif bail qm> in w, *l continue to can »
met ’ ” ier *«» u * ,iJ
_ Pltutmrgh, Apri, IS, 'ig-opl^ln,
S ™ WANTEICrn a Uanimrc
tio dtJ«m,.nu’ot T SSJ° lto°Xi ,I, u , ' l *
Book* In A meric*. Invalid*. xr~J! *? o** 0 ** popolar telling
en wiihlagtoStßL i^^tll^ < V knnerian<l Tcaclf
and Pl««f t *? “ Wprofiuw*
Md makemoaejiuth*«m#UflJ le ?J?. Wti " country,
tnen *re clearing from S5OO to"it * aUl ®^' ns
particular* *ndi •*£ 00 J o * s- - For fall
Qoc*in Citj PublliSSr JL SK *®USON.
Ohio;or, ifllTiag^SC D R&uiv a^,, fr? k ? ««=*""»»
anlSJydwfcT BUUSOIf, Pliiladolpbix
\V to sell, in the StattTof
For nanj jam I barobnoi troubled ilii
woerlneunnd tensoor, both moot*] , nd .tj!! ”
lisUcesneea, dull bendecbo, lain In tbe b«/Ts\
r mon to V,o g r.“,
in »ddltlon, aaugor tbo Boob, ml srj
pon. On. Phjsklu, nltnr enoth.r enb.ti.tod kb , tra .
>»“•“ *»«■ „:^ 3 U„
“* ! h»re no trorf, .nffinkn, ,n eIST
the faultier b Ud M elm te , hrTrQ
trouble ia toVdJ
fret tod dreodftal nerrotuneea.
make m. f«J JifFJSSia, , ££^ tWOQ,J
drug*, ami eTerythioe one aff»r doctors ind
® 0n« botSTof giiSSSb?' feXEcimoLl nl ' S^^cSir
not h«- the IStSSZif •?!?„”? nOTMiMW, I could
• ■)«* 1 could .c.reclr m” „ .r. S,k t' 1 ” 8 P rat ™“« for
take l.lea.arc luinT kC liS3 ,L ‘ ““'’,. ““> ™ W
irlcdcr.rjtl.lo- uIZSjL,i "P b °t*. In«»£
•nj.ttcouon tomaksi/au/s raaS'»lc\xnuLicri?
hope. Me'fSfnSSJIuISS, 1 u1SS,
«*?|S ierop taor * snrtefti! «roaMJa
Will taeft. Itiaernfy the woqu’i
*■ ‘ ~ IT OLICO.Y wifi certain
■'- "•■—• '-!<?*« and Dis
'••W or In-
ly cure\ -
or PatT\ful ; k '.
'•tutnfUu KUtu t V ‘.•"•V
cvnti,„ nc *o/ Uriru, "Li. \
FaxnUns,. c -
Wfc, V
.3‘ p S'? r °t Mar iw
- Sign °f tho Qol4en Mort-»r
A FINE irg*n OF
0 f !»•«/, “ cuoot exirt without, 800 or Sah
pmerrsits color, udbeen It froa&Jifi... • ITi . ll
•s*. fa *ii n. iuii3rwTSThL o
asj" "•*"&* &».Mgsir
The Agent for Prot Wood’s H»lr JUatareU™ in K*«m
St KSS£ KT ku "'» fa &53Sr
H.vtn paper about “Wood'. Halt lKtoratlvJ"^
H“*» «”'i». "»oi^ii
ji* Po#t ;! b * b<!are,o,ttl *- I don’t know mast
»-; ess ssttfr r h "° * “" k ' tJ
Yours, with respect,
„ _ PfmaDnrHH, Sept. 10.1548. •
iJSr f' W 22Tr D ** r Sil L Tonr Uair nettonm* is proring
u«irben«lid*liome. The front, and also tho back part of
oy b«ul almost lost its covering—in fret I 'hare
J .. but , tv ®pint bottle# of roar BostanUre, atul bow
i» well stoddaS with apnaalSgenJof
y ung hair, and the front is also receiving fra benefit I
“ 2V her Pnvntioaa wltbont any benefit wbatet
le.'inrv!! * fr ?. m m 7°wn personal recommendation, I can
Inilaco manyothers to try it Yoore, respectfully;
D. R. THOMAS, M. I>, K 0.464 Vine at.
■ tw.. n . _ 'wcdsd, Jtm«22,lSi3.
an^V F ,» 0 ' J ‘ WooD '^As joa are about to maaafrctnre
and rend yoar recentl* discovered Half Bmtorattve, I Will
S^iw« I JL h °? ,o ® T * r ‘ lm *y eone * ni » !!*»*> rsedlt
£**??• *? *“* *<—«*“tl b*Te, for several jam,
*•** of nstoe other Hair EestoreUm, and that
i mUyrep«riort o any other I know. It entire
|j ‘ i * o* Vf l|“d With one month's prep.
U . r^f?f2?, p4r / !,n 8 Mir to tb# original ycnthfuL
roloraad texture, glringlt a healthy, son ud aiomrvb
porance; and all this, wltbont discoloring the hands that .
*Wly it, or the (treason which it drops. I would, therefore .
recommend it# nee to every one desiroos of hiving a j£e •
color and textnre to hair. 8
•feSRSS&HSinu. wffiKaSw
* T T"B fourth street store.
Hff;, D. 4 B. HcC AL L lIJS
Inmutol 522i“V. f Ir sF' t * ter J«rd« *W<;
SSin Bk***™ P J !>= '°“ OMI4 Irons to2l em, «*. ■ -
mmirteid ta Or»t duo CW'
Nr La- '
taw Kochotto or
Having madeu..
KNOX fiir.fe supply ol ]
twrry, ttroßj thrifty Ph
looopliata — 4125 00 1
too “ as 09
350 w S 3 00 j
iwtoo blackberry.
jgementa with Her. J* "
iaoUoft&U ralcaUa BUrfcp i
ata «r» oCfend H ib« -
£5 pU0ta........
12 *> -.-.. v
o»*>W«.Ho.2 B'
20 bbl*. SaL ’
l&o " pick*
10 '■•’is
r# « ;v
-60 * E»
looted gu
iEN <>S : !i *
; vronell* Doney,
f *£■’ pmusxunu
Kww, Sterling *<*>..
J«. Sent, State* a <v> 4 ,
Oatma A Martin, -
” MW a Oraluuu.
. IT. 10CIS. -
Joecpli E. EUrr, ’
fVntoo Him. •
Burns PBATT.