A Bmuy, W—At 0.0 lime when the Xu. A’cn Aibaty Ltiger, „Hch andperjured despot of France sought to Leeompton constUulionbut faUr*npportS the frown an English Parliament into base subsor- English btfl,sajain that bill “the Leeompton, rianojr to Ms will, and to secure in thataueusi dated with ft small anger hole Assemblage tho passage of an act which will be Mr EnJuli 611 We advise “if 7" ">*“"« - Bpiracy-to-murder, we took occasion to make a i for himself and crawl into it and pass the rest Sir- —— - few remarks relative to the noble independence his life there. If he has broken or worn ont The Tl.tatf77i" "•““•‘P" l *- ' exhibited in the elect of Enjiland, who deepite V‘" g 'V r ’ ,be snalle! " sorl of 4 **■»>* »'« do. -the Tictcry of the People oeer the Bach.no,, , the frowns or allurements of no., , ,~ L • W ' ptety Bt the recent election in Philadelphia for , the bill and over-turned the ,7 , I, .* n ‘ l lB mttn r wiih tu succcu. Tbo j. - * P® 8® B demoralized block a false and perjured ruler n . ' tl p.r bjtUo, o, r!i b«ti„ mr ,5, bj th« pto. ki ft< wVri it ,v b ' 8 f“ 8 ° haTe bcen CoDaect ®d in London with the conspirators in ' P r,ett ”- B ENJ.PAaB,Ja.,A SlaanfactolnjnJL aaocked out of them at ft blow, leaving them France—Oreini, I’ierri aad others—who soutrhi , cenUgt * ftD ‘ 1 ChemUu.2: Wood etmt, between lataodSd domb-founded and powerless. Tho Pennsyha- the death of tho Emperor Wo « v « f ' ,U^llabuTih - mdPmggliti gengmlly. a,y7 : d*wF ntm—tht organ par ncdUnre of the Leeompton extracts- skotllder hitters, loafers /Vcm ,A, Zmndbn 7Vm„, April , and thimble riggers of Mayor \ auxa’ policeforoe Immediately at the conclusion of tho sura- : has very httla to say about the election. It m * a S U P» bofor-e the Jury had retired, 1 KAacncmnw or gireBno figures—no listp of elected or defeated WA v?®,J )nßo ? er ’ l with “ ncb warmth of tone. hhintiro,job and all kinds qv candldafts—but contents itself with abriefpara- exektaed' 0f l 8e !r!,M 0 a “ d r4 P i d' l l' ofutteranco, W Happing PAPER graph which tails the aionixihg story, without have been spoken or“ uotad by h thiT o JuiL W £ith : w “ r ' h« used in Paris. ' J. H. chhibty, n. D ., nal mustered strength and courage suffioicnl ta not meunmS evidence here, beoause lam 1 “ Tkird Strr.t, rni,bur } h, p„„„ deUvoritselfof the following, ? ** no°t°a P h r^^e“ofasS D ' !, resulted?“ h ic ‘P al tlccl i“u *u our city yesterday ‘ bot 410 : “ bo suitcd on his trial in Paris 1 »"!■» l„ "nniioai. sN P DMEDioi r rc*s’l‘!’ r " r ”'’I°, 1 ° ,! ‘ l tbo "“OOO 6 " of "'0 People’s ticket for b, “''' r Mb od to he sect .0 Ontini. I declare 8 City offieere Apexasdee Hesit is elected J baT , O not hired assassins, and that of the ; R "' " "••si I 00l wu«m UcOacdt™. Mayor,-and tho balance of the candidates on the b ° ol * °f ! be victims of thel tth of January there ' s*l; Vii' t McU * n n “n n. A. Wurir, eamo tioket aro also chosen. The coalition was WM nothing in my heart more than in thatTf 111 ?«• I •’■.“sham, most thorough and complete, and although™ nny one here. .My only wish i, .“ rush dca Jacob ,°y gh 4 P bl T“d manfully to the P«'>sn. and tyranny everywhere. To effect that, W~H E tTi7jj H & H Ort’R end, still they were overcome by superior I have conspired, and I will conspire ever h P ‘ I» fl OH 8 numbers.” cause ;u ie my duty, my eucred duty and the MEDAX -;»«r>m.« Mm tiles of tie people of Pennsylvania are with the * lh ® n dcacribeB m tie most graphio ' Machine stnebw th. opponents of the 'English-Leoompton Fraud. lh * "*“• in lho C _ 6art room »«!•' Plneet or Conrftoat Fabric •The csueee,”eay. Col. Fcruey, in the fullness ? J r l"' reOU ; : J lhewholora!t,rea P Mlte dwith! Atu ,. o mmc lor , h . fk „., v , of Ms joy at tho glorious result, “which pro- ihs”taeeta msol T“ and b ° y ’ : ““ 1 raa6 ““V«icmtc U ruH«SKi to dtteed til# are so plain that they may be un- »„» r u a n oid Bailey surging with >»My, ud ««booming indl«pro»bl#for Ounflyw. dsntood by all men. The test that the nm. ?i eftdS Con7erBati « a . going on in sup- j ">»r obtainM by j«b« port of a mleerable swindle should be TdoT, U,e h °“ r lnJ »!»■ 0 ' Ko *"■ . and the scandalous charaoter of ibis swindle o ame r * V** l * 9 *? 4 P *M- they Bill jabes CLAttKE-8 * itself, in their effect upon other organizations, j tho 7W qUOle from CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS! paralyzed the democracy, on the one hand, and ' Mr n»rL- ,w . Preparod iro« • pmcripUonof Sir Joan cUrk*. it D organhed, conaoUdated and strengthened a now I the jurr wid Q^l 0 Arrtk^ns - addressing tm, t 0 Qaftta - PMty on the oth«r ’* Th« si . i“„ Ge °tlemen. areyoa agreed opon Mej caw although *povr«rfoir«o*, k . e “ 5 f tbeJr de ßght. Vainly did the Lord • AJ ! D EAB — Dr * °* R* Partridge, from pbUadd< backed by hia own immense patronage, and by Cblef Justice endeavor by voice and ecsture to **“*» 11 B °w wa a visit t*» ibt. city, »n« dmiag hia *uy, that of the Federal Government, and by the pres- 8111 tbe tuma!t - and os powerk-es sten * Tc partlcular ,tt<:ntioc » to th. treatment of the above tige of the party nomination, yet it is clear that l ? nan lan S 9 of Mr. narker, thoush exerted in Aian ”* D# u weil kno,rß oi ihedtisea* thousands of Democrats staid away from the tbe utlDoSt * lo restore silence. The Drisoner Bf PUutmrch, 0 f ib.m h*ri fl g Uen p*ti«,t> of w. on poUs, or openly voted against him. who was oxtremely exoited, flourished his rocket f**'*'- Mr. Henry, on the other hand, was nominated band kerchief over his head, aad several time. r ,Ji! T .^ oc,or Baj u found “ l tb » moxoroabbla as the anti-Lecompton candidate. He and his al( emptod to speak. By this time, the verdict D ° rsEfor Ulfe *7*o k « ‘ friends went before tho people armed with the Uad reacb ed the ears of ihe crowd MsenhlNi 1 . J , ‘ IaIUiB togenion* Uul. (n.tmoeot ofgwt record of the scandalous frauds in Kansas, the ol J l ? iJe lb © Old BaUey, and the rapturous cheer 1 >^^- n r * rUin fonTU of «fiS3-2wd« . prijscriptions and tests of lho advocates of Le- b^cb raised, and after repealed could be - SAMTTEIXj GBAY oompton. Their speakers and thoir writers made dlßtincl, y hoard within the Court. The Judies M EHOHANT TAILOR, Uiia the burden of their appeals. Tbe result is QDable aad perhaps unwilling to check this Xo ' 62 sr CLA2 * 3T*££r t before the world. spontaneous ebullition of popular feeling but Pittsburgh, penna , Suoh is the penalty which Ihe Democratic ye*- not liking to sanction it by their presence j ts P re P ared to furnish hia customers and party is compelled to pay for this unfortunate f,°? e *° de P art - The look of Lord Campbell at i ba T* n E*>nera2ij, with th® i.te« ami nQ ®t tuhtouihi. “sn»E • P °.E° y - , ‘ bl ’ “ r itself a study. Slightly 1 «W'*« r -"Pri0 S . o d Santa..,:Oocu. JVU,,, whki Baoh is the popular comment on the grave f™* ** tbe d *fiance which had been shown to : he wUI Bp t 0 to the entire »tWtci*on of thoto otnolal argument that, by forcing the neorie of “is authority, his Lordship still rrtMn*H : wt,d tbesi with their t*tron*«>. SSSl 10 .!? 0 *?-*J* » ofal Con ® ,ital iOß, tbo issue £ ood hamor.and seemed disposed lo vield n mo- N\ HOLME3 & SOTStr would be "tocakeed:” mentary homage lo the rox popuh h may l e : wuum »® BONB, ..V*^, »»“ tndifftrent to tho result of a trial in which : 8 “ UOmt,Ue of Eiehange, the people in October; it is awarning to all men, “ e «ad played so conspicuous a part- but what r *RTincATEs or deposit, thftt sileaoe or- equivocation on a great principle ? ver feali ßgB may have been in that resDect ‘ wiHnoverbe submitted to in Pennsylvania. w&9 .impossible for a spectator to divine lhom this great verdict will put an end to from b “ eonutenance. _twta and lo ; proscriptions remains to be seen.” Bernard at length made a successful attempt Tho Ledger, which is a sort of guerrilla in the k u d ’ and * addreBBij Jg the jury, said, with «r»lre of th. dominantparty console, itaolf with Tbat ffi.reffocU.n_ that though “Mayot Vaex i, gon.y badly beaten, —^“a resultnot unexpected,”--Mr. end always will be liberty, which will crush tyr- Hkjrat, .the Mayor elect, will be “pressed by wba * eTe r and wherever it may be. All that Class of men," who first embarrassed and b ° D ° r t 0 M Ed 6 ,Wi Ju *7 ! [Renewed cheers.]'’ ruined the administration of his predeces* SOT, The Ledger says : “As soon as the result of the election became known, last evening, a procession was formed in the Fourteenth Ward, and, headed by a band they proceeded to Third street, and serenaded the newspaper offices. At the office of the North Avitricsn, Mr. MoMiohael, on being called for, congratulated tho gathering on the signal vic tory gained. It would, he said, strike terror into the hearts of those assembled In Washing ton, and in 1860 he hoped they would erect their banners in the White House, with the inscrip, uon, ToAmorican Labor.’ (Applause.) This consummation could only be effected by a con tinuance of the present union. Mr. Charles Gilpin also addressed the multi tude ; after which the line of march was again taken up for Mr. Henry's residence, I’ine street, above Fifteenth, when Mr. Henry appeared and thanked thorn for the honor they had conferred on him by electing him to the Chief Magistracy of the oity, and he hoped, with the help of God, to faithfully discharge the duties they had im posed upon him. In regard to the electioo, he considered It more than a mere municipal con test; it was a contest which showed conclusively to those in power at Washington that the rights of freemen could not be invaded with impunity Mr. Henry T. King, R. J. Conrad and William B. Mann then addressed the assemblage.” The North American, usually circumspeot and GBQtioßs, says that this result, accomplished in tbo face of the moil thorough 'discipline of a party perfectly organized, proves tbo determi nation of the voters to secure reform in the city government, and at the same time to administer an unmlstakeable rebuke to the powers ut Wash ington. It oloies iteartiolo with “So much for Lsoompton and Corruption.” The JfrilUtih, the Enquirer and the News all rsjoioe in tbe same strain, congratulating the country on the auspicious result of Tuesday’s voting in Philadelphia. The Enquirer says : “This result is not the effect of a momentary po lities! spasm, destined to an ephemeral exislonce, and then to die out and be forgotten. No! it bis a more enduring basis—it a roots strike deep into tbo very foundation of civic morality, and its feet stand firm on the broad platform of Con stitutional liberty.” To all of which wo respond Axzx 8 -RiDStirircf^:r~ o ' *piroxs ,J« Tola, by a liberal i TjfWera, it it sot H! ' *' • •«*/. >V . - v. r **iro at once. - *v » What will Kansas do* —The Kansas corres pondent of the -V. )’. Tima, in a letter to tbit paper, written after the substantial provisions of the Conference (English) bill had reached Kansas, says that tho people thero trill gladly avail themselves of the opportunity it offers to vote Lecompton down. A very large portion of the people of the territory, he writes, do not desire admission just at present. So far from .considering their delusion a punishment, they will receive it as a boon. They nro notpropared to Bhonlder the expenses of a Slate Government. | They hate been so long and so severely harassed I by the party conflicts which have prevailed, j their business has been bo much interrupted, ] and the growth and prosperity of the Territory j so much retarded, that they would greatly pre- | fer a Territorial rtjimr for a year or two longer ' to immediate admission as a State. They prefer ’ that the Foderal Government should pay their public expenses, rather than subject themselves to taxation for that purpose. The "threat,” therefore, which has boen ombodied in the Con ference bill, is not likely to affect the vote on i the Lecompton Constitution. It i, oertain, as I Governors Walker and Stanton have both as sorted, to be rejected. A BcmieO paper announces tiie appearanoe, in that citj, of a “celebrated English Gjmnaat and Acrobat." The Cincinnati Gvttu asks if it ia Cox? . {»*«CKIO*TED.] E w»«*:—The coming fall election I elßTatin° P . ,1 2" °PP ortanlt y for oocoess, in 1 derating to (ho Supremo Court Bench an op ' f*: 1 ;" I** 1 **- »» Astern anti-Lecomp i ton man be presented for nomination, in riew of taslcrn competing claims, it is very important to put forth n man combining largo experience at the bar, eminent judicial capacity, unblom tahed prirate integrity, undoubted laborious ap plication and unshaken devotion to the funda mental principles of free government. Of the men whom Lhe West could offer for the" suffra ges of the people none more deservedly possess these qualifications than (he Hon. Dasixl Aohew, the President Judge of the district composed of Lawrenoo, Beaver and Butler. Ills whole life has been exclusively devoted to legal investigations and judicial expositions, at the Bar and on the Boncb, eave occupying the re sponsible position as the youngest member of the ConstUioaal Convention of 1838. Though unswerving and consistent as a politician and alwaye active and powerful in emergencies, In defending the right, he has yet declined all nom matioQB for any political honors or preferments and thereby especially, for,above thirty years of successful practice and judicial labors at the Bar and on the Bench, continually added to an active mind and tenacious memory, tbo judicial lore so ready and noticeable in all his forensio arguments and opinions. Though hi, jndioial district would with reluc tance hare him retire from his -present position yet in his adrsnoement to a loftier sphere, its people would feel a just pride that the Supremo Bench would be adorned by his learning, up rightness and Msesreh, whereby the whole com monwealth would be honored by his distinction. Brsysn CoraTT an'lwere troll to prepare the insemination of ely this conve- juveniles will lome prospect v-! -Tii, which will 'utrrent last • f\ ,.*n produ v ' S 7, to ICOJOfCSICIIID.] ,i ltrtrt. K p ilubll^K ALZX. ABMBTEOSO, Manuer Katatitiahed. New York, Jtme, IStl—Plttalpg, Haleb ISS2. dus omet NEW YORK J. DOOQLAgfI A CO. urricis. Philadelphia. J * CD. Chicane.. S' S OOB1 -*** * 00. DobnSno.. S' S? 001 "" * 00. M11wa0kie..........' "S' S« c “hu» * Co New Orleane S' , D ° r °‘"» * Co. Charloetob S' S™"- 4 ** * Co. le.nie.ilie, S' S”™ 14 " t Co. M. Uni. B. BoroLaa. i 00. lfecgues a go. ABsoa&n omc*3. .r - ,01JUU * orncti. LetWtt oflotnxlucUon lo Lo-,,,,,”; roopoolobUfty ta ortrj ooctlob of ih. OiiloSf ‘tau*' foroUbod to aobacribon making IJVh. S o J So. U "“’ lctroj ’ ° *3-OoLLICI10b« ,EO«FILr ATTU.OQTO Lt »lx FlkTI OF ft L'rtlTFß SIaTM M BtITHH Pi,,, Ji'ufr naiTUHBLL, HBRRON"&~COT JUScucTCuu or Cooking, Parlor and Keating STOVES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking Bnnges, &e ID* Liberty Bt., Pittsburgh, Pa. pr22C: lj PAYHB, BIBBBU. & CO., ■uwotectcexm or Cookins, Parlor and Hen tin* STOVES, States, Fronts, Fenders, oto., And MsaaOcteren of tbe OeUbntod CAPITAL COOKING- KANGS, NO. 333 LIBERTY STREET, Jjgfclydfc PIITgBUBQH, PA tauoroxa..— -..—.joinr u sots w.ifcuiLocaa. Pittsburgh Stool Works. JONES, BOYD Sc CO, __ U»nnf«clnnnof CAST BTEJBL; aJ w> SPRING, PLOW utd A. B. STEEL; BPRINOB and AXLES, Ottwt Reis and ItritSStrut,t t, Pittsburgh Pa. Kuc rosin 0 . D. B. ROGBKB Sc CO, Uogera* Improved Potent Steal Cultivator Teeth, 1.1--»? F T I S u °" an * ® r ""' «»*»»»,«.• ET7S-.V STOVK 'WOUSS. ALEXANDER BRADLEY, ItAHCTincatß ASPPULXSQICTCKT ruan or COOKING, PABLOS AND HEATING STOVEB. Plain and Fanoy Orate Fronte, *o., kWHOLBSALE AND RETAIL. foomlrr od Allegheny Hirer, two aquam north Met of PomajlreaU Paaaogar Depot. Office itnd Sales Rooxn, mrKUjdfc So,*Woodos.,Pittsburgh, Pa, —■a. dentistry: ~^7~~ DR. J. XALIISEX, mmk SUB GE O N DENTIST FROM NSW TORS, EXTRACTS TEETH WITHOUT PAQ', •Y A LOCAL BZHUUBQIO AQKNT to tsi OUHB ONLY. Tooth on Gold, BUv«r, Platans and Gotta Percha, sod perform! all Dental operations In a tcientlflc manipr, without pals. Terms BOdCXatO. 04 Smlthflald Street, below Fonrtb, jaftdCmfo PITTSBUBOII. J. ILUTTLii, MBBOHAOT TAIL 08, No.. 54 St. Cloir Street, lor.iri.h’.x.trihiuaioj,) prrrsmmaH, pa. J™. »20:Ijdfc ' | 3;* W. 6c U. RINEHART, " - uksvnxmun AntaitiMat Airftfnd* ofTotteco, BanfftadOlgtifi ‘^&as§? Uw7 wfliHjiAio m«!T»thSrfr£S!” Appointment Kxtended to Jane Tat? 1 —- „ DRS - c - M- t’ITCH Jc J\ W. BYKEB TVTOTIPF tL ** ower - Trill renMin »t tbr:r ]\ subscribers, having become nonn-r**.’ f*c?nn Si roel, Mower, for Piaujiniilt, ar Ohio OPI'OSITK THE ST. CLAIR ITOTEt., PITTSOURaB. L.TOI ofuSs, Injj; *» aJJ l f J L ' £ , /■/ v T - 185 s • Hr^ssas.rc!? And may 1* consulted daily, (except Sundays) «ul»hwl *uccc- w over ~«£e & nlS?SSfs n‘V‘’' for Con.a ra p U ° n| Asthma, Bronchitis ami tW-SnS »ll other Chronic Complaint, cmi-11.-ii-d *1 “"•'■S Pnlm-nArr L u ,„„. l„cl«J|r. s Ohio lloi” ° ‘" I ' d “*'«■ Cal'’, " l„b„i. j C' If'i-rli, Heart O.ttatf, Ajtertu.m nf tu- A,..... 1,., J»fp»ia, (7uefrt‘/i<, Co:i)p!aiit!u, f (, . J yiTCU A BTKR3 would imu. that their tnatment «f Consumption U ba«c-i upon tuc £iri that Vit durAtt r ~. ttU intKekioodand tysitsi at larg> t l»fnrr, nnd during it*dtttltipTntaX »a the lungs, aof..n«of th« Mirmnn*Hi it fc T fS!j^ reB * Salt Lake City, * sister ti ' i r '"" v ' belonging to __. Cl Market Street, ooar 4tb together with or srnarat* fp,n ,» a n i' 33 d R, “ T C® sold f sr ß ,.vo STOC* ™ orpKKD, V ON HOCSt sBBS!ft ,, “' dT TBE OLD ZFTABLaiTMEyT OF , J'^| J «Cldof^Uo( r Do^7£ c t C n - nnr JuIIXKKKIf, LH,S ’ 1 ° Y Forfu^rlnfom«io o .n,ow'T£'i'A r ?M“" k Wood Street, Pittsburgh, P»., > Mackenzie'. - “ 6000 « P Attorneys at Law, .Vo US Fourth strvet, ntUbnrVb Wno is now receiving from Eurona «nA v^.^^v. Ilj, °t ßoGk of Household ScW* ~ Eastern Qlta, a chore, assortment of artij. in h„ | * ‘ ' TS £fS° f B^' K I,CC ‘ d * wiil aowand u-iofol ,u,- of Pearl With. : Jlw,'losU.°, C onpl“"S,?'* llh ''‘FP l '”* M., 13ih, IBS»°at 3 «Woc°k%. ‘‘VaoTr..." Tbe tnn t Gold, Lustra Band apd Flower* Pine White Vitn«~t i ’ ; Go do .New <£»* tw*J! Cook *‘T. , contains W teres,more or loss. and include Mont ten ncr-- 8 Stone Table Ware, known lobe the most durable now in ■ MaSi W***• I dwjn/g ou*tto um for Hotels and StermbcuU; French China of new .trie*, i wj7 " ,pt *ook-4M5 KoceipU. I Th» tract contains coal and limestone, and if .iJimW.-mnv In Pure Whita and Gold Ri»mi _!.»,_ i . . ! * CO., 65 Wood street. ;tw suM In connection with 126 acre* of the adlaconi real #•*'. Ptor, Eicbi, silt d«o„ «j Io „ ‘ J„ *° ! (] AKD.—Tho subBcriber7~tbankßn _ t o ~l l er ; S'oVt?*",'’," “” k - ' J hto " iu ..i „ W ioUet S* 1 *; BritUania i V nomerous contomors forthdrm.tt.ti. 1 10 Uer , on 6 ‘ Torab, « *•»"»«. ‘Offers rare iotluconieDU to Gar •uJ FUtoJ Cortot 0.np,,, S1) „ t T „ JU,,. a ho. ihu. early .ihaared h,?“ 1 !"*" " For farther loformation eninire j on ? l^ i la a 6. u.y. » m |iK tdf ru, ‘ “ J,sortmo ‘ it of Bil ■*!*« -nit.. '*Ur,l v OlJd'Sjg, laclndlQ « i ‘ lruo mys iL BOBWOS A CO, 255 Überty at. the It 1 ,IETA '' TCAI>E ’ “ rr '"* ’ c.uSSWf BLD3IB pUBUITSALB BOTTOM'' *tocS ’ ho » ro reepecunily inTite.i to examine this - _ .No-11H WcxxJ «t, 2d door .. JT lOO acre* of this bcaaU.*bl tract mrStttadAwT T/RENCH CAMBRIC] rm lAPS • ‘ — rr- TO"2 d '^ part of Ibo Farm lately owned by Hearr - 6 Who based*, received " ,b,, f Lan and will be offered style Etnbrolderin InCcUars ° f SSimT sh. Sh' at 2;-^ o D : d^■^ I .T■ T M rm, ° n THUHBUA ' * =-=*v-. - oj'ted lie. on the north *ide ..f ihe Braddock's Field Plank Hoed, (now in good order.) and about three miles from the city, Ibns being at all times easily accessible from the city by a drive of d*ont thirty minutes. The pro powd early completion of the Pittsburgh A Connellsville Railroad, with a passenger station near this propertv. will afford still further facilities to purchMeni having their nla net of business In tbe city. ' Tbo terms of sale will bo, out-foorth cash, and the residue. Iu three annual instalments, with Interest seuU-annnally tor the defeirod payments, the bonds of the purchasers will be taken, secured by u mortgage of tbe property sold. o " hm to porchow, onmi bntso. wil] be in readiness at t&ecomorofp .ocihaodCraut street., ai 1«, 0 dock. r. w.. o U ibe ,l«y ~fof .sic, to ronti-r them to and ln>m th. mJo, For plan* oi ii,o pnipertv, and further *m.;> m ,. 11 hit Ab V WILKIN.-! _ _ No. 145 Fourth mrw.t. OLD ESTABLISH JiKXt FUiTSALK Owing to the delicate health or IV®. MitcbHtree.tr.bo intend* quitting basinesa to live In the country .re the establishment carried oa by himself and brother I. of !r I Si r n^*;r‘r h ,he "* lurrt » apparatus, etc. »nMT w ni^ h , fOD “? , ack ,tor « (which belong to their uncle) trill bo given to the purchaser for ajmmber of years at a fair rsnb TUs house U well tnotrnand of long Wm by ,btir «d father.— H * 31. 31nch.ltr.owho hare doDo»Um)bQ.la«lait for ST/, ’“a” lf.,aor m,“ chaau.ad rocUfyfag dutlll.rs. Pornoa, wl.hlai lo nt. t.rft.'f.'l-” '!’• «oNLY GOOD fiADCE « AT MADRAS, AuJ applicable to D To hli Brother at K WORCESTER, May, IWI. BVEKV <} "TMI LEA A PKRRINB tUt Q V A ft , v t v thetr Sauce Is highly wtoem- ~ ARIET ' fl) <*J ‘n India, is, In tay - _ qp niKII °P^ ion ‘he most palatable u ! f UF DJ&II. well ei the meet wholesome i _ . Sauce that is made.” j p-^wKiH QIy * U £ dal *»“•*«* hy the Jury uf the Now Tork EsWhltlm, for Foreign Sauce, wits obtained by LfU * rEB , . SIRS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAOCR the wnVui wldt lhme of which haring led to numerous Imitations,-pur «£™L* PERRINS” are Impressed upon the lUtti* , nd “tapper, end printed upon the labels. Bole Wholesale Agents for the United States, JOHN DUNCAN A SONS, . , , .405 Bnwdway, New York. ,a,hir# - A, *°' Qr Muscatiu/ lows, WJ * MaUsck. Philadelphia, ]•*, JuJu-ouT Chle * e °' Ffrl K Lt A« e nt for Ilhoola C.ntraJ —-—1 JftS:6oui£c JOHN COCHEANJ'bkiT. ■AiTTucTtariu or * r ®“ lron Vault*, Vault Door*, Window Shatters, Window Guards, Jte., A’ W». Ta*»*n»~. - ~».n. c. nu*m> VANDBVER & FRIEND, attorneys at r. anv, solicitors in chancery, _ Hhinfi Blodi, Ihibuqur, lovxi. promptly made in an? part of Northern *owa, or Western Wisconsin. *« e nd to the parchawand Bale pf Rra] Estst*. ob- Ulntoft Money on Bonds and Mortgages ►;l:lydfc r s. oiMnk: “~~s: A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Pittsburgh, General Insurance Agenoy, No. 63 Fourth Street, ~ , PITTSJiUROII, PENN A u r V ,mooUj blghe.i .unding. Chartered bj PcuntTiTiula and other StnU*. 6 yire, Marins and Llf* Itiiks taken or all descriptions. JylAeljdfc v >t AIM &C~ t»"o N i Muiufectur»r» no-1 ftwlera in *ll kind* of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, •E. Kcsxiu. A Co J. D. Peatt a Co Pur* A Co LEAP TOBACCO, Comer 0/ SmUftfrU fitrret anti DvimondjiUty, XITrgBCKOII. PA 1 ytu. c. nom.tsoa... HITJUOW MVGLiaa U. fclLtfJl. ROBINSON, 311 SIS i JIILLEKS, PUCSDKns AND MACHINISTS, W 1 ° 1 ° - S ' WOHHS p ‘“>bur E h, Ponna. OOc, So. »l Market lUpwJrlpg doneon thort noHm JAS - Mojuau GirEra Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Pnsrl Oil dolfrdlyfe JVoi. 168 and 170 Second Strtti. ' HENRY B. COUjlNel forwarding and Commission Merchant, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cheese, Butter, Seeds, And Produce Oeaentlj. *wW Ste. 3ft Rftod Amt, Pu&tmrgk. 81,000 Bedard for any Modicino that will ««] PEATT * BUTCHER'S MAGIC OIL, th* only Indian E*mody now sold for RheumaPrm, Xturalgia, Headache, Toothache, Pain in ite Side cr Back, Sf rains, liruiut, Sort Throat, Burnt, Gmtructtd Cards and Hustler, the only Teg. oUble remedy dlacorered that will act epou them and Um ber the Joint*. Thooeajidiof perron* havo been cared of thete cooplaioU by this new dlecoeery. AH are Inrlted to Eire It a trial. Principal efflee 200 Waablogtoo atreet, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pernio by DR. GEO. H. KEYSKR, No. 140 Wood ftreet, and J. P.PLKJIINO, Allegheny. Signature of Pratt A Bnlcbcr on the wrapper, and namo blown is the botUe. apUMawP cmidr«n CutiiDg T«*tn—To Idoraru asd a s_ y ARRIs , CELEBRATED SOOTH 2AQ STS UP. — Thla Infallible remedy haa preserved bun* dnda of children when thought put recovery, from conml ■lans. At Boon as the Byrap la robbed on the goaf, the child will recover. Thlr preparation It »o Innocent, bo tffl. eadoo«, and eopjeannt, that no child wUI refoee to let lt» gome be robbed with It. When Infanta an at the age of tear montht, though there Ja no cppeorauoeof teeth, on* «rtU*of vh* P> 4U jifhoold beoaedontb*goaa,tf opkn the Pwvata ehooid asm be without the urnp fa the numry Where there an young children; for If a child wake* the night with pain* in the guaa, tsa tyrop immediately *_'** c ** e kj opening the pom and healing the gtusa, there by preventing cunvulaiana, lawn, So. 1,7 Dr * * Sam nuia, loco bottle* aCtUur *’£ L '7 th * Pittsburgh Agent. mw-ilawP Da. UEO H KJSTSiSIt, HO Wood »L Galvanic Battjrt, os Elxctro Maojtitjc *”■ M# «Uetl purpewa, of a rcry ra parlor kind, w free of &xpr*a* charge*, wbarrror an Expraa wintMc* of Ten DoUirr AddreaDr. GEO. .meK, No. Ho Wocd at, Pimbnrgb, Pa. apfcdaw? Suir»rMfc—A retired OcnUtnao ***■'•> to • fc» Blank Book Mauafactnrert, 67 Wood street OTATJONEKY. of every description, for Ky «»te •holwiJi or r«tg» i,y * WM. G. JOHNSTON' l CO.. - gtillopara, 67 Wood •treot. POTAIOES— 300 sacks, Mercer, Ac., in »U»re and for aaip by (my 7) J. B. CAKFIgIJ). O WfiET POTATOES—SO bbls prime, in k-7 »ton> and for «ato by (my?) J. B. CAygTrr.n LIME —100 bbls. fre&h Lump, just arriving *od for HU bj (myT) J. U. CANFIELD. 6 DRIEI> APPLES—2OO bush, just arriving »pq for«aia by (my?) J. B. CAJTFIEID. C PEARLS —25 oasks, pure, in store and for B * > * b J f«°rTj J. B. CANFIELD. MOKINO TOBACCO—2S bble. Bradford's J Cot wjd Dry fjr uli by LEWIS k ED; 1 -EGGS—WeII packed, for sale x w t»y py ? lewis a kdqekxon. D. niRIS, JR„ fIX. D., Druggist and Pharmaceutist. SivtHfirM Strtii, thini doer Ulow Third, i No, 2 Oirard How,} Dealerin drugs and medicines, Pvrfaacfy, Toilet article*, Tobacco and Clean* Tn*»a * nd “ Jl to u? 0 * 1 «‘ T « *0 compounding PrracTlptloo* at all boon <>f tli* day or night. mjfldwd* , w CARGO A. CO*S A MBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC «CA. GALLERIES, No 21 Fifth street, oppodteDaly**, and Oj’pwlta Flaming** Drn* tier*. Photograph* flciithe.S m 01l or water color*, tinted or plain. Specimen* and Roc*pt lon Koom on tha ground floor. myC:dly TTOD FA-TE-NT XUaIUCK. SAVES WASHING, Suppreeses Smelit keep* tb* babe Dry and Clean, last* a year with car*. i» comfortable to the body. £eat, pro-paid, by mail for M; ln lencr quality .l formerly Lora BroUtera, No 76 Market at. Nl T 1 S i h!*' Store—7 hbla. Moving, m’kd ’“S wlu •»“ u fcr tbac&rgaa. n Q(R paid baloro the dratof Joua. A. A lIAKDV, - - conar front and Jerry rtrwV. Sl Ai iP H “- JuUua J"”Wood' B Ohio *55 kj Starch, oonitanUy on band and for m 1« by . ° >4 _ HABI>Y » corner Tint nod aU. , “ I "vsttss DtIPUB, DECK & SAVt.ES, Bonkers and Brokvrs, and G Street boston * E. *L-LEE£ to the to lotomutkm r^T?.“tDrl^ 1 or U» Stock ud Uoasy MATkft-Vifh jsrssa ll “• “ 'tf'" Prtn. RIW a»smNCltr 8^ ,or “ u !z !=£ JjSviT* m^rlf r ' QUNDRIEB— 100balee NaTyOaW '2? 3Sf Us«* ““ “• »o’[f; F~ '-J No. 2» otTMt. •l#ls BRICK, TILE & CLAV.Tri: the best quilt;, on out tnd for by a.AABAU>T. #lrtn SibtrtißtintntH. 11. L. paiiskStock a 00 , Mo. CO, comer Wood ml fourth )3ERTO.V, 10? Wi»hl g|. 10? Wood ii. DRY goods 9«UIDf eery cheap forra.h iIEDUED PRICES, The subscribers are seeling off their stock at reduced price* pteparawry to qnlUlna hujlDee, comptiling tpme oi Ibe choicest brand* ol 'Jtard Pale Brandy, Sammy do. Pur* Old Irish Wfaiitey, HaldselckCbainpaJgne, fit. Julies Claret, IJaraalon’a 1 Mall Tort iU»J Blackburn's Madeira. *lBO, 01.1 gj» ynukt}, anprtor DMbksHM Wlik.T, Bkckbtrrj, Ulapraad Bom-tic urmndifi, Qlo, * * e . •»*nolrt «nd T«Tern Ere per*, na m]\ u famUlu. liar# now a good opportunity of inpptyiac thtmMlrrs on advan tageous t«rai. NOTICE.— Tho Board of Licensers appoint ed b» mi act of Aoimblj, approved April 20th, 1853, «wUiUd “A Supplement to so act to regulate tbe rate of In toxicating Uattors, approved the 31ft day of Jiirch, A. D-, ona thonaand eight hundred sad fifty-ela," being now fully organised, will meat at the room ofaaldßoard.ln the Court Hou*o,h»thedtyof'Pittabargluon MONDAY, M»y loth, W 5», at ® o’clock A. W n and will continue Id •neioo from a*7 to day (Saturday* exceptad.) Boar* from *J A. M. to lfsL, and from S to BP. 4J. Application* win (A uk«n up by diatrieta, commencing wfita the Pint Ward, PUtabnrgh. The first day will beep preprinted to tba Tint Ward, the eeoood day to tho Second, a «M toon until tbedty ofPltuborgh la gone through with, tfhen the dty of Alleghany will betakes np in lift order, p)oo notice of the time of tip tht> applications from the Boroocha end Townahlpa trill be given. JOHN MURRAY, ' L. H. OARLIBL3S. A.D.BTBTOXBOS, Board of Ucentera. N- D —AppUeantaarereiucttad to come prepared totbow the amount of their annual aalea, together with each eri dance ea the law rtgulra. mj4£‘ D .WELLING- IN EXCHANGE FORS9 WeSZEttH wUhjog to pat*®! chin i commbdioos and tiloible Cu&llj reldcncM wTuifn At* bUIm of (hi city, or detirlng to cictnyr* Tcetern l»n,i far ttw •vat, trill piern enquire ofJ.O. COiIBTOCK **, Sb*ri*burgb,ar WELLS, KIDDLE A 00^’’ 80. SO Foortfa ttncL : TUNE HAVANA ClttAKSMelsste Ito- Xpato,Om Bond, Ulna Cabuiu, Ibrau, Ba Bra w.»«>-»niHU*T|iSiiawoo4it, JFor *Unt. FOR RENT—A three story Dwelling PS House os fifth street, (So. ICOJ containing Id ruomi, beside wash hen**, Ac- with fine brick itableand carrtaco house attached. This boose is supplied wuh hoi and cold water. lath, gw, Ac., and being in a central Icca ,,on is admirably adapted to the wintaof a prufes-m-na! man. and will bu rented tor a term of yearn to a good ten ant. For farther particular* euqnire cf, J uf! * ALEXANDER KLNU. T? (> R RENT—ThfI large Warehouse jjjjS A n<.*«ccnpl«lby W, H. gtoiUi A Co . No*. 151 l»El * and Swnud strret*. Et»quirerywf R. n KING, No.2UUberty“ Liberty street property tor SALE.—The Storeroom Mid Dwrllltie, «itumrl ou Dear rt. Clair, known a* No I S 3. Toe lot U about *23 r> <-t front and J2U frot.dw'p, cttoodlu/z back’a Eichnnc'Alloy, »n which Is rrt-cieda guble and Carr'r-r -hoow. The j-i j*-m rrnu nwlilj for SCOO, and wU] bca'id at a bargain and • u t.-rrn*. For rwrtlaib '» enquire £. It KJNG, FOJI SALE—A Drug itore situated in one of lho beat location* it) the city of Pittaliorßh, for either * jn»hiti & retail or prescription tmrtnnro. IndoccmenUnr* oDercd to purebaiwr* containing adrantasw of rare occxir. !? aC "i , i.« P S: lr ! rt^ Oiation ,a 'inlre of JOUN HAFT, Jr, at b bTr WOOd etrwt ’ eorc * -r of Wood an< l Pint, Wife- Valuable City Property for Sale. r pHAT very desirable lot on Water Street A *? d B S?°" bl A, ] e * MSt t 0 Jobn Irwin A Fone, being AMey ° D " F " nd Frol>, " !rrft '- and d«p along tbr It will besots ingether or In lot* of 20cr24 feel each, ror trrms.f --111 h will be mado cofj as to payrount,)op. P l * l * JOSKPII 8. LEECH t CO.. _ dtf Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Oblo Lana lot Sale. THE subscriber offon for sale section ten township 12, range 10, Btw k county, Ohio, commonly anowo as-itowmant Section •’containing OiO&ara. It it situated three miles «ral of MaasUtoa, oa the pule ltoad leadm* to " onrter, and with/n ebon: two mile* of tliej!ii**. bargh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. The couth* and north-ea« garters ara partly cleared and iravn'vH— the remainder 1* covered with superior tlmbc—-aii-J ihe S^li!r. WeU « Wfct,^, by •P ri °P* R * running .tream#— Tme section ia crosi Esq- (mem data far ,oT rc*bip, ua eacdj vamiop. ce caanty Coo- p yu^tc* Ttm be a Republican Com.ty ConrcnUon, and wm? oly •*&*« ‘b** thoeo who are disposed to representation on tho ticket. n — - ■ ■ . •pSfrdlw Assembly.“ George Dictsoy,- of s on tH Fayclta Cowcjblp, t« • e*Bt!iJatc f IT 4*mM. I oflhtt jr^SiiEßirF—Aixxa-vdeb McCllxtock nt thf. Stwad Ward. rmsbcrgb, li a candidate t-. Sheriff of AUccbeoy Conatr, rebjccrto tb« dtclikm of th« Colon County ConTrotlon. TBy&dftwtc*T n^Snsairr.— David isms, of Peebles ltwmlili), fa » cmdhfafo for Sheriff of AHeehenr ootintj, reject to tb** Repsblican Ooonty Coareatioa 7 npltdtc* : O^SuEßirr.— Hakrv \ WTJT Feeble* 1 *" t * E ‘Wfa>h oofoiiutfan for Shpilffof AUcgbepyconafy. apfbdtc £F?“ e:l ‘ , , rr ,-- C - )'• B , iTC “ ELO “. of Peebles .11 f UUp> " * . Republican Count, \ - -—: ■p&diwtc \ ff^ , |” E . R L FF -— c * Maces, (Hatter,) Third ! rt „, r P, "V b , , ”' El ’ > “t “”“»<« for SherfitotAlle- / Count, C.n,™,Sn J “ * st,o ° ““ BoPttbllcao / [■Q? ?,“ n ”' l ';r - , -V :EU M. Brush, of the Sixth ! glieny c-unt, Mibb-et’’.* I '/,' * candidate lor Sbmffof AH* I Unn. ""l" Republican County Oouren ■p2aUc* f ' Vr "- u -' a of Se- D r T hir ,i Ward, Allrchcay, I. a candidate for Sheriff oraii Sh«.y county, aohjac «, the luipnl,lte.„ c£s£",!' _ [r^PKOTUOXOT.IRV.—D.t.vici McCss?~oi P | *« b "'l!M» a candidate r»r Protbonotary, lO ’i.j«, 4®;£22f ° VU ,S ' lmU,c *" C " m ’f CooV,„£, [ra^PnoTnoxorAitv—James I). llilakkj. 0 | Knar townahip, lea candidate (or rrolhonalorj, tub Jl ?ptolte ' " f ““'“TiUtari County Conran tlon. t! 1 - 0 ! w ,!i ?^ AII ’ r— * ,A!flEl ' Arusihoxo, of , , Plunl Ward, la acandidate tor Prothonoury of 11 Icgbeßjr connty. aubjoc* 10 Ilia decialonof the JEttdfabHcae Coanty ConrentJoD: _ [rS-PRomo.voTASv—P. C. Holtz, of Snow dap township, wtn he a candidate for the office ol S^^g'nlton?” 10 ““ Ct Buck, of the 2d 7X ?"?• M<«nasb, «„i b. « » ndlda; „ ror of Coun.y CyminlMjya , ’ r , subject th» dccUioa 0 f thvfcc pablicaa Coonty OouTotiUon. mjCsJ*wtcT [rg»Coir Ror*~~ commissioner.—Robert ALLixoaur. of . .V. Th > 1 Wl,rd * I’lttKbflrisb. 'will be • candidate i7 l r u CuramialotiiT, «bj«t to the dedrioe of tilt* RepaMlcan County Convention. op2ltc;*r Sn AU-j^TShalor Township, %iH bo a catulitUt* for County Comm!*- ssasr* gtfssssp eonoxEE-WiniAn TUcket, former ,trect» no* of tb# ftrarth \7ird. ! * .* Cftndida> -o for Coroner, abject tMba decision of the Republican Qp2?rd&THcT jr^Coßoxza—J. D. Badmrix, of Fourth rx i, a eandl&.e for CorcnerfSbS« 1 to thclaclrtopof nrpobllcan County ConTcnUoo. apfcjj * [J^KJoboner.— Wu. BoroT Of the Third V Ward. Allegheny, is a candidate for Coroner. raMeet to th» doetsion of the Republican CooTontlon, p^SSS* Jj^Coßo.sEß.—Samuel u. Coopxr, of Sixth .ettafcUtoforibonbowSS anbjrct tit i be decision of the Republican County Conren ;<>D~ mrfT.-dte MxcaisjCß’ Bam, > »r» D ' ~,^ or G L - M *y 4th.18&8./ ihe President ami Directors of cfiis Bank i a l. ' a**Kfcod of FOUR PZE CENT. 0 n lllO or Ibrir lent r**prea«niatlvei«. on and a tier t b« Wth lust IIEORCE a. McCRSW. Cmbto- No. 211 Liberty sli^t-l. or nor VTa?m i.\«cau»c* Co, I Slay 4Uu 16W. f .1 v ,IJEXI *-—The President and Directors or tIJO Western lusorniKuCo. ol Pittalmrsh, hsTe tin* day do clarcd a dividend of i OCR DOLLARS AND FTTTVrtvTSi «M*w"« on ti ‘°, C,prt * l atock * T *o DOLLARS per share of iv. 7» * A*l!a 0 ?PP*j c<3 M * credit to atock accoaou, and TWO FIFTY CENTS per tharo to be paid In cash to stockholders on or after the 12th Inst, * jays:diw F. IL GORDON, Pfg'y Aitzunurr mss, I rr t> , , Fittaborgb, May 4111,1855.) J Hie Bank has this day declared a dividend O THREE on tie UplUl E^kpaidS,^ Moat the Banking ITooso, on or alter tba Utli Izwt J. W. OOOK.CmIU«. Cirizcta' Bam, > ... i, , „ _ Pitubiuxb, ai«r 4th. 18SS./ iue Beard of Directors of this Bank have U.U a», a diTidend of FIVE PER CENT, cnt ( ° rUje profit* of the last eight months pAr-nMo nn dnsatul. ayfcltdtcbc L'.D. JONES Cash’r Bane op Bnrascwa, i. T-n. n -j , slaj tta, ISSB. J Im. 1 resident and Directors of this Bant ; J‘ r^ thl9 ? n " Jerlarwl » dividend of FIVE PER CENT on or^hM^f 11 wh,cl * Tplu ** Pal-* to t'uo Stockholder? or thetr legal repr«raiafire« on or Alter the Hih -OOaX tUBPEBTCuhIer, F-icuANcr Bans or Phtsbcbob, [ Thi President and Directors of’this Bank bavo .Jedired . dividend of FOUR PER CEST. on the CwJ tel Stock, ont or the profin of ths test viz aonih*. B vS- mill \ * ptl id onSS terjho Uth Ini,. mys:->wd 11. M. MURRAY. Cathter. ~ , , rrTTiECAGB, Haj fcb, . * Merchants and Manuihctnrers'-Bank PER d « Urwl * dividend of FOUR "’Capital stock, oat of th* pro Sta for the m #i . x “ oolh *’ payable on or after the 14th iart. W. B. mßnre.orito. Ikon City Bank. » .* T„i> TV . PllUlarsh, M«y4ti,lSsB.j 1 Dir e , : t ore ° r du» Book havo this day de °J I S?^¥ PEBCBNI '- opoalh. dLul pnld In, payablß to Etockbotderß 'or their lent nmrM*M> tivoe, on and after tho ISth ineL reprewnta _myf.:dtd jogy Magoffin. caahier. Prmrtacu That Compact,] n m Jiiy 3d, IWS. r ihif§T? I i e .Ji ,r^ BPBan RUST have Uil» day declared a dividend of FIVE PER PiEVt* *t 2£ lul8 >“V«»'«» able oa and after tho 10th lp«t UUJB » W mjW.tchf JOHN D. SCULLY. Cubinr. ijSSTA Prater Meeting is held in tlTo Thinl mradng U 8 o'cloctiLi eoXnin "ffir m SS^illS affectionately IJTllrf to attend. ‘ ,terD'n.v PiuiiK Meet.su at tho roomß of Young Men • Christian Amodstioo, Fiitb >tn«t iQo* LeP^ lOmce ' PROM 7« hSyMoe!v -Q* public are e*rnc*Uy luTltetl toltUml. spSS-dlw Iftoa Cm Bask. ) n- . riTTsniman, April 21Ui f 1858-1 - sp “‘ JOHN MAQOrm. Cashier. Omct AmnagfT Vuirr tun ri}uf t tSX-T>„~ Pittsburgh, April 2Sd, US£BT^/ 0F RAttMADtO «£»X V.Uey "£ Itaflrcad Ijlng t*et»««n Klttanalnff and month of Mahon £fti dht r ,^. ofto "" l, » A l*o»for cro»tt« tslbUrs, «ptkr« and chair*. Bids are solicited for doing raid wcrkls Mctlona of one or more miles, oad also for tho whole work B*parata bid* for graduation and raaaonry, bridging, cress-" -sssassfiasfl*ssuas^a to bo weired at tho otfloe of the Company until the lGtb of Slay next. By order ofthoßcanL **&&'*& W. r. JOny6Q.V. president. P. M, DAVIS, Auctioneer. Commercial Jales Booms, No. M pmh Street. V STOCKS at AUCTION— T Oo Tocdaj inning, Jlsj ia . t7 i. t " commtrcinl silts rooms, No. si tad slratt wm SSflfld ° 15 ibinj Dank of Pittsburgh Stock- ***** U D * * >ld » 40 do Exchange Bank do * 50 do M.&M. Bank An .'■’o do Citizens' do Jq 1«) _do PcnnA, Ineuiaac* Co. do •J'-.'J. DAVIS, And. A DMINISTItAXORS SALE OF ET/R. V . Noble, deceased, an exicnjlve rwk oi . elegantlornitcre. Of tbr bm the choicest material, and in the Tiebest tlijaeatylM, co»pri*lD|-alMh« wiotlee M^ 40 * £2*2*?°* “ Dd b * u ssgssssssi roeewooa ana mahcysuy, marble top, sci* rna**«~« secretary and book-case; mahogany wardrobe*: "narW« irm mahogany dressing bareas; 'pErniid fcedsteS? marble top mahogany endow! waahatahd-- towel «tanda; rowwowd, marblo top, able board- extension table; wk halt rack and and * b oe4D J The artielea will be 'Rmogot for cxamicalloa. audits catalogues t<*dj. on UenJaj morning. °’> 4 P M. DAVIS, Aactlawr, S' I'OCK 1\ Ft. W. &C. K. K. ITpmtat* ruz. In Jon to #n!t pnrcbißm, by **lL P.M.PAVIB>Aoct,Ko. 44 Pifti, mi Daily sales at no. M'Drasrst" AUho raw commercial Sale# Booiae, JJ®. U ■ml' «“1 ' nr T «"k