The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 23, 1858, Image 3

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rc-oMf® a?-e.»tna oiij' J
City an<l News Itemn,
To numerous city frien«ls
are requested to send la their advertisements if
possible» .before Go’clock, p. ji. It is frequently
thecase that ire are unable to get them in oar
next issue after; receiving them, because of the
lateness or the hoar at which they come to baod.
Thot© who donot find them in the paper on the
r next mofaiifr after they have been sent in at
atght, will know the reason.
QaASD HAtit.—For several days our reporter
has. regretted the dullbess.of. tho weather and
the dearth of news about the city. Feelerday
the dark days gate way to clear sunshine and
a cloudless sky and the dull times to a regular
break down and haul up among tho lottery deal
ers.- The Mayor told usoß : Tacaday that per
haps before tho week was over "something
would turn up.” A hopefid man is he—the
Mayor—as hopeful as ercr a Micawber in his
rosiest mood, and euro enough yesterday some
thing did turn np.
The finl arrests were'made by tbe Mayor and
Messrs. Hague arid : Wrsy yesterday forenoon,
Messrs. James Toner, and Morgan O'Brien being
the victims. With them were also tbe evidences
of their traffic lir abundance. Mr. Wm; Force,
who resides at Oakland, and who had ah office
in'BaCayette Hall, was also arrested tat no tick
ets nor drawings were found with him. Joseph
MoCinrg, of Birmingham, went his bail in the
eum of $lOOO. Toner's office is on tbe corner
of the Diamond and Matket street and O’Brien s
in the old Iron City Building, 6th street, ffn .
Bennett, Esq., of *'Our House,” went bail for
O’Brien, and Samuel Hcrsey and Bennett fer
Toner in $lOOO.,
Officers. Richardson, Biddle and Reed also
look their batch. Mr. Williams was taken at bis
office in the Iron City Building, and also tickets
ond achethea m tho Maryland, Georgia and Del
* awaro lotteries. Reese J- Thomas, Esq., went
his bail in a $lOOO. . Hugh Kelly, also arrested,
got Adam Wood, Esq., to go his bail in thesam s
.u earn. B. G. Bteckj:*‘lron City Building,” got
sins his bondsmen Jacob Snyder and F, R. Drat >
slooo.' .. • • • ' • -
Officers Hamilton,Wilson and Bogan capture
Stock and also Mr. Alexander Short, office oref
Bravo's store In tbe Diamond: Short bad pro
cured no bail 'last evening.
Officers Clark and Patterson secured Barne, '
) Perry and tho implements of bis business iii
some profusion. ‘ Mr. McClorg went bis secu
rity. At the office’; of Mr. Williams officer)
Bostwiok, Knox and Moon got J. McCormicl;
and Sir. J. P. Bwearer, .of .Brownsville, who
werote: thb het of "purchasing.” They wore
beld-as-. witnesses. The whole thing has been
done very qniellj and Uti& large number of men
evidently caught napping. Wo think that a
thorough-going city executive is a very excelle it
officer, and in Mayor Weaver we have found the
man himself. ./
Barney Perry.
William Forco..’..
Wm. Williams......
Morgan O’Brien..
J. A. Toner..
B. G. Sleek;:
Alex. £&ori~:
, do . ;
•J/Soyder St F. U. Dravo
' ' i ‘: Adam Woo^.
No bail
' ‘ Vi\\
J. r. Swearer, of Brownsville, (oaml at Wil
liams’ buying tickets, gave K. R.'Balget as bail
for his appearance asa witness..
J: Romally, Robt. McCone and Joo. McCor
mack, found-buying tickets, are held as wit
nesses. -f......
There we several other dealers in lottery
tickets whose names, wo have, who ore down on
the list for another, day, but who. have not yet
been arrested. ' \ .
Laks (Sopkriob Lnra.—We orb to
refer par readers the advertlsenieot. ia an
other colatnn, of the boats composing this great
business and'tourists’ Line, and their dates of
sailing daring the season. In point'or comfort,
speed , and., appointments, the boats of the line
are unequalafi; while, for a summer excursion, ’■
the UpperAakes offer rare indaiemcnlslotha
tourist id search of health, pleasure, or business.
The voyage is amongst the most picturesque
afforded on the Continent—including LajcoDric,
the beautiful rivers Detroit, SL CUirand Sl
Mary’s; over hakes'SL Clair, Iluroo and Supe
rior; passing tho Island of Mackinac, the "Pic
tured Bocks,”—immortalized in song—visiting
hlarqnelte, Portage Lake, Copper Harbor, Eagle
River, Ontonagon, La Point, Bayfield, Superior
City, and indeed every point of interest on (he
leave ChvcbnJjOD .
as advertised > 43JUBfto
ally at 8- o’clock, P. M-, making Ute round lrlpf
io Saperior city and back in eight days. Suffi
cient time is afforded to those who are desirous
of visiting' the .great copper and iron mines of
Superior. To health tfmT-pleasure seekers, tho
cool and bracing climate, tho attractive and ro
mantic scenery, the banting and fishing afford
ed on a tour like this, will prove attractions
hard to resist. With the facilities which we
have for reaching Cleveland, comfortably and
expeditions!/, nnd tho attractions offered by
each a (our around the Lakes, we look to seethe
Eastward tide of pleasure and health-seekers
diverted into this North-West channel.
Rn.iaiou9. —The Accessions to the forty Evan
gelical churches in Chicago, since the commence
ment of the current religions movement, is
staled at from one thousand to twelve hundred.
Tsa Cincinnati Gazelle says ii is a significant
fact that since tfco “Revival" has been in pro
gress, the number of driokiog abop9 has been
materially lessened. Within a week, two or
three establishments, In the Immediate vicinity
Qf a churchwhere Union Prayer Meetings are
bolden daily, have been compelled to close.
The religious movement in all the churches of
this city of Pittsburgh is very marked, and
prayer meetings are still attended by great num
bers who manifest a deep Interest in them.
We learn from the Preacher, that tbo worthy
nail excellent Rev. Dr. Douglas having signified
hia desire to visit Europe during the summer,
leave of absence was granted, tbo Presbytery
voluntarily offering, to supply his pulpit as far
as required. Dr. Douglas is a gentleman who
will travel to tbo great advantage of all who
may have tbo pleasure of gathering from his ob
servations thoughts touching the institutions and
prospects of Europe, whether religions or polit
We leant, also, ihat the Reformed Presbytery
of Pittsburgh met here recently, Rev. Dr. Black
acting as Moderator and Rev. Geo. Scott, Clerk.
A Committee to which was deferred the rubjecl
of establishing a newspaper for the advocacy of
tbe views of this branch of the Christian Church,
reported in favor of Pittsburgh as the place of
location, and Rev. Dr. Black, of Sewlckley, as
editor. '
Revs. Drs. Guthrie, Black and Douglas, and
Messrs. G. R. McMillan, A. M. Stewart and
John Nevin, Bidets. Messrs. John Stevenson,
Tbomaa Smith, J. N. Ewer, A. llarabaw, A; An
derson, A. Barr, and James Waddle, were elect
cd delegates to the General Synod, which meets
at Eden, Illinois, on tbo 27th of May.
Twenty persons were received into the M. -E.
Church at New Castle list Sunday; 13 into Mr.
Bradford’s, and three Into Mr. Swift’s. Both
Keys. Bwift and Bradford, who have been sick,
are again convalescent.
Tons Down.— Another of those unsightly
frame buildings, which contrast so unfavorably
with tbe many elegant edifices on Fifth street,
has been iSra down, (o give place loTft modern
brick store-room, of large dimensions. The
frame to which we allude adjoined otit office,
and has been in a dilapidated condition for years.
Wequoie the above from the Union* and in
deed it Is »■ subject of congratulation that we
bare prospect of so fine a row of buildings
along from Smilhfield towards Wood. But what
do you' make of the structure next to the Old
Theatre ? Is it to be of wood, of brick, of etone,
or of all thiee together?-fa it to be one story,
a story and a half, OT two stories? Wliat
to bo asd whatfor ? . ?U la nono of onr business,
bat-we’have a -
The wiath**, .yesterday, was qnite two
and Springlike;, after the wet, chilly, muddy
experience of the patt few woeks/wO were led
to exclaim,'> “how -exceedingly pleasant?. pur
pavements and street# are clean and:: dryland
now la the time <o doff the winter garments,-and
lo don something neat, scashsble and comforta
ble. Oar friend X3sar, of 62 St Clair street,
with his accustomed good taste, has waited on
tbe season, aaff. now ..offers to ,hia friends and
customers his Spring selections Cloths, Cos- ;
simeres and Voatlogs, of every variety;‘and- of
tbe latest styles, all of which he is prepared to
make up lo order, on short notice, in o truly
artistie maimer. " •. • V
Tub Allegbsst Rrveu rose aboul three feet
daring Wednesday night and yesterday, and is
still rising. The workmen at the St Clair Street
Bridge abutment have a troublesome time of it,
keeping the water out of their pit. Bhould that
river rise another foot, it will prevent steamers
r from ascending or descending the Allegheny.—'
What with bridges abovo and sand bars below,
* steamboat navigation on the Allegheny may be
said to be exceedingly precarious.
jgsr. Ds. 1 FxaQtmoff, late Professor of Lin
kages in WashiDglon.College, and a graduate
ofthe : Dniwwity of Edinburg, Scotland, has de :
dded to live among us, and intends to giveles
'‘acas In the Clasrics, at' Duff's College. .Our
22tre will remember, by notices they mayhave
seen ofhlm In the Gazette, that be delivered a
«rt pfeaSint' course of lectures at Excelsior
fltftSStt* ftapoetßOTi: f ]
TikStat* tAXXL— Hoi’DavidTaggart. P«**-
of the Stale Agricultural- Society, and Judge
Heister, Secretary,io company with the Mayor
and other gentlemen of the city/ called ou our
citizens yesterday to solicit subscriptions for
the State Fair to be held here next September,
provided $2OOO can bo raised. There is no
doubt but we shall hare ihe Fair hero judging
froxa the success which attended tbo efforts of
the above named gentlemen yesterday afternoon.
Tbc following is the result of threo hours trial:
John McD. Crossan, Monongrtbela House.. $lOO
Henry Shirls, St.-Charles Hotel 75
Wm. C. Connolly, St. Clair Hotel -10
Sim'l. Ilaro. Hare’s Hotel...
B. p. Marker, Scott House.
Geo. Anrcntx, Mansion do
Jno. McMosters, Kagle do
Jos. C. Foster, National Theatre.
R. P. Gordon, Red Lien H0te1....
Over five hundred dollars in three hours in
“good.” The Committee will call to-day on the
Merchants and Manufacturers of the city. There
were some $2OO more promised last night which
aro not recorded above.
—Sioco writing the above, we learn that tho
Committee of tho State AgriculturalSocieiy,who
are now in the city, have met with such encour
agement iu their efforts to secure the subscrip
tion of $2OOO by our citizens, as to warrant them
in closing their arrangements with the County
Society for the lease of the County FairGronods
Several judicious appointments were made by
Lhe Committee last eveniog; among others Capt.
John Young, Jr., tho worthy President of tho
County Board, was selected to have supervis
ion of the Fair grouud during the Fair, and
Capt. James B. Nogley, tho well knowo Florist,
to have charge of the Horticultural department
Tho officers of the Slate Society have deter
mined to give liberal premiums and, what is bet
ter, sco that they aro punctually paid. They are
determined that old abuses shall be eradicated,
and that everything that is right and proper for
the advancement of the objects for which the
Society was instituted, shall be done, as far as
in them lies. Relying upon these assnranccß
we hope our manufacturers, mechanics, farmers
and horticulturists will resolvo to make a credi
table exhibition at the SLoto Fair of 1868.
The Committee will continue their visits to
our prominent manufacturers and merchants
Fas*well Abearance of Miss Cubbma.n
To-night Miss Cushman takes a benefit and np
pears for the last timo upon our boards. Tho
principal play selected for the occasion is Guy
Mnnnering, in which, as Meg Merriltes, Miss
Cushman has carried tho highest honors that
critical praiso can bestow npon the members c.l
her profession. Not for nights but for weeks
tellcct&nd fashion of Loudon crowded to
remarkable rendition, and while she
remained) the street In which tho theatre is situ
ated was rendered almost impassible by the car
riages belonging to those who throoged to pay
their tribute of applauso to the “American
Actress;” What Jenny Lind was in New York,
Charlotte Cushman was in London. It is. there
fore, not surprising that on excitement to which
our sober community is generally a stranger
exists about her last night among us. Every
one has heard the echo of the fame she has won
in the part, and every ono -wants to say they
have seen it, therefore they tbroug to the box
office eager to secure seats. Under these cir
cumstances it is with gratification we learn that
Miss Kimberly has determined to abandon lhe
intention of selling tbo choico at auction. A
Urge number of people have requested her in
stead of doing that to advance the prices for
this night. r To this she has acceded, the tariff
of prices being in view of the unusual attrac
tion quite reasonable. Mr.-McDonough is un
derlinedfora benefit to-morrow night.
At the National Theatre lost evening there
was an excellent house, and Mr. Bennett played
with excellent effect. He appears in a first rate
character .this evening.
Bail. (
Mr. McClu^g.
ft. J.'Thomas.
.AVm. BcddcU.
Maoazikps fob Mat.—Hauter's Monthly
is promptly on our tablo from W. A. GilJeo
febny’s store opposite the Theatre. Its illus
trated articles are peculiarly rich and attractive
In this number, which is for May. “A Winter
in the South,” “From Sinai to Wady Mousa”
and “Tiger Hunting on foot in India” are all
finely illustrated.. This monthly is so almost
.hniversaliy read that tbc public ooly need to
know that it is for SRleantlthey buy it.
’The Atlantic Monthly. —This magazine for
May is also on our table from Mr. UUdcnfcnney.
It still retains that-pecnliar beauty of typog
raphy that defies competition. Wo have read
with a somewhat critical eye every number of
this magazine so far, and we do hot remember a
single “priuter’s mistake.'’ As regards the lit
erary excellencies of the work, they aro undis
puted. It gives forth no uncertain sound on
any of the great living issues of the day, and
ia all matters purely literary it is already recog
nized as aa authority. There ia a striking arii-.
cTcintbib number-bo “American Antiquity’*
cndnulrong ono ou that man of men, “Henry
Ward Beecher,” suggested by that book—“ Life
Thoughts”—to which we have already alluded
in The Gazelle. The writer says :
“Mr. Beecher belongs to tho Church Coo-,
structanL He is one of its most eminent mem
bers, its most popular and effective preacher
No 'minister in lhe United Stales is so well
known, none so widely beloved. He is as well
1 known in Ottawa as in Broadway. lie has the
largest Protestant Congregation io America and
ah uhgalbered pariah which no man enn num
ber. Men look upon him as a national insiiiu
libu, a part of the public property.”
[Get the Atlantic Monthly.
twaaxsY.—Yesterday morning at about 8
o’clock, officer Hague arm led a man named W.
Bl Ross, charged with forgery, on oath of M. .).
Henderson. Ross had been at the Monongahcla
llo&se for two or three days and yesterday morn
ing offered the clerk of (lie bouse a check pur
porting to be drawn by David Atlen & Co., for
$46, at the very reasonable price of $4. ‘ ‘Kra
mer’s Sz Rahm’s houso,” ho said, “was not ycl
open aodbe was in a great hurry.” Word was
quietly sent lo the Mayor, and Hagno»od colored
mnn of the hotel, after a sharp race after Roe 9,
who “smell a rat,” caught him in a foundry on
Second street, where he appeared lo ho much
interested in tbo purchase of some stores. —
McssrS. Kramer & Itahm pronounced Ibo draft
a forgery on inspection. Ross was weariog
some of the clothes recently stolen at (be Red
Lino when ho was arrested He wai committed
for trial. _
.Sales or ;>toi ks, £«\—Tbo following storks tic.,
were sold last evening at tbe Merchants Exchange,
Messrs. Austin Loomis A Co:
'. 8 Lawrence A Co.’s bonds, SWM) each... 23 pr rt.
8 shares of Mechanics’ Bank $54 73
ICO aero Land Warrant (per acre) 01
10 bonds SUorpsburg’Bridge Company
(S2soeaen) *-lpi - •
10 shares Sbarpshurg BriJgo Co I <*ii
32 do Lswrcnccvtlle P. It. stock.
6 do Pennsylvania Insurance Cu. i 23
40 aero Land Warrant (per acre)
$2OO Mortgage, duo in 1860....
$673 do 1867 ...
1 pew in St. Paul’s Church;
—The General Assembly of tbe Presbyterian
Church meets in New Orleans, on the Clh of
May. Dr. M’Kinney, editor of the Banner and
Adcoeate, and Rex. C. V. M’Kaig.of Washington
county, are the ministerial commissioners from
the Ohio Presbytery, and Rev. D. A. Cunning
ham, from Allegheny city. The ciders are
Messrs. Samuel Rea and M. B. Brown, of the
Ohio Presbytery, and Robert M’Kmght, Esq , of
AUegbeoy city. Most of Lbo commissioners
started yesterday, via 8L Louis.
Oku enterprising neighbors of Iho Iron City
College have caught tbe prevailing contagion,
and have a strong force of painters at work on
the rusty walla of the College Building, corner
Fifth and Smilhfield streets. In a few days we
hope to Boe a derided improvement. We feel
“symptoms” of au attack of the some disease,
and should not be at all surprised to seo the
Gazelle, Building looking bright and clean, un
der the renovating influence of the Painter’s
brush, one of these days. Sinco our neighbor
Clmmictti’s “recovery” we have felt badly.
Tun ladies of Pittsburgh will find the new
store of Mrs. Taylor, corner of Third and Mar
ket streets, a most available one. It is certain
to become a favorite resort, for while the stock
of fashionable dress goods, millinery and dry
goods is unexcelled in this market, tho attend
ants are ladies and gentlemen, adapts in their
profession, and their establishment is pleasant,
airy and commodious. Coll by all means and
examine tbe profaae assortment presented hy
Mrs. Taylor. __
.“Veeha 11 !—Alfred M’Caluiont, Esq . of this
city,has received the appointment toan important
Clerkship in the office of tho United States At
torney General at Washington. He made tho
leadiog Lecompton speech at Harrisburg, in
which he commiserated Mr. Buchanan for having
taken “some ill-brcwcd drink" and coming
near to his death by
4‘A cdjlol eolil piien.”
“ Thepathosan<Mhe speech were touching. Tho
appointment is in hand. Well-
Fine Clotiiiso &c. at Auction. — A very su
perior quality of ladies’ and men’s ware, such
as Silk Dresses, Fine Lineu Garments, etc., will
be sold Ibis morning at 10 o’clock, slDavis’ auc
tion rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, by order of Jno.
Wish, late of the Perry Hotel. Also, Feather
Bed, Beddings etc.
Inquest.—An inquest was held yesterday by
Coroner Alexander on (he body of a child named
O’Hanlon, in fhe Second Ward, (Hardscrabble )
The child, as it appears, fell ant of its cradle
two or three days ago, and wm injured. After
an vxaminaiion-of the facta the/verdict was ren
dered that thq child died from neglect. « :
Libebality of] ParsicAxs.—lt is often asserted'
by miserable quacks', that the medical profession are'
bigotod, and hence throw lh« weight of their influ
ence against good and useful compounds, put up and
heralded to the world as woaderfal discoveries; bat
it is so fir from being true that they are unwilling to
award tho meed of praise to anything really posses
sing tho elements of true discovery, that you will
find them always ready to speak well of such a prep
aration, and even use it themselves as well o 4 recom
mend it to others. Wevxay this, because •runt and
hxmlich, not to say within tho last two
»r three years, havo been infinitely bcnefilted by
their example and influence,.in using a preparation
got ap and acting perfectly in accordance with the
principles and laws of nature, in curing all cutane
ous eruptions of tho scalp, removing all dandruff and
itching, and causiog tho natural fluid# to flow
through each particular hair, thus pc-rpetuating its
mo/..,-,./ ruhii, as well as re* luriutf it tr'ir„ 7011 c ; al#j
affording tho natural nourishment to make it grow.
We mean Prof. Woods* Hair Restorative. Reader,
with all these testimonials in its favor, will you com
mit Ihe unpardonable folly of neglecting that most
of all lioautiful ornament, //«»• /.•».» You will find
it nt nil 1 bo Drug Stores in the city.
Committed. —Robert White, charged with
stealing a boreo and harnesses in East Deer,
whose case was alluded to before, was yesterday
committed to jail to aw&it bis trial.
t Her advertisement of “Union Daily Prayer
Meeting” in another columu.
Paris styles of Gents' and Boys’ clothing, care
fully transferred from tbo best French report# or
fashion, may now ho seen at Carnaghan’s, Federal
street, Allegheny City. Great care is taken in tbo
manufacture of ovory article, and buyers may readily
see the peculiar neatness of stylo, anil perfection ef
workmanship, with which each article is prepared.
Custom work for men and boy* carefully made, and
a full stuck of shirts, glove#, hosiery, £<•., kept on
hand. -3 t
Stranger is Tows. —We have boon gratified by a
call from Frederick Ayer. Esq., the buMocwt man of
the firm of .1. 0. Ayer 1 Co., Lowdl. A short ne.
(juaiotanoo with tho gonllemaa convinced us that
not the Doctor’s skill in compounding his tucdiciues
ia ulone concerned in tho immense consumption of
them ; but that it take# business talent of no ordi
nary measure to pass them around tho world. Mr.
Ayer, manifestly, has theso abilities and tbo success
of hi# bon#e shows that bo uses them.— i/rwnhit
Wh;.j. t
An Imuknub Diamond.—Mr. Gay P> Matthews
has deposited bis great. Virginia diamond, estimated
to bo worth not less than two millions of dollars, in
the bank at Charleston, for tho inspection of tho
curious. Wo havo no diamond of that ralue in this
city, but no havo sorno perfect gems in tho way of
garment.#, that may l>o reen at any time at tho Brown
Slone Clothing Hall of R..rkhill A Wilson, f.Off and
Chestnut ••irect above Sixth, Philadelphia. J
Pnor. Wood’s Hair Restorative.—This Rest'
relive for making tho hair grow, stopping its falling
uut, and restoring gray hair to its color,
becoming celebrated. All tbo qnack nostrum# are
giving way before it. Tbree-rourths of tbo mixtures
tor restoring and beautifying the hair, do it more
injury than good. They burn it up—destroy tbo life
at its roots—make the hair fait off, and produce pre
mature bslJncss. But Prof. Wood’s Restorative
may bo relied upon as containing nothing which cun
in any manner be injurious to tho hair, while its suc
cess in accomplishing what it pretends to do, ha#
been verified in hundreds of cases. We advise gray
heads, and heads getting bald—ail who wish Lo save
wool or obtain a new stock, to get a bottle of Wood'#
Restorative.—A*. Y. Democrat.
Bold by all respcctablo Druggist.#.
No Wonder he was Tlunkfnl.—K/u m
Jupui ruu Yocssclvcs.—
Horuesrca, October 10, Isj'J.
Mu-ara Fumixj llhw —Ueutleaiou—Ration expert,-uco«l
the bem-Ccial cflivti of Dr. MrLaue'a Colebrntml t.lvt>r Pill*.
prfpnt«*i by you, 1 take great piooanro in rccuuuuruJlu*
them to tfio public, i lout warranted io naying, that ibey
are tt < erlaincureJor linir complaints and all fo/uu; dit
-aus, no matter tuiw difficult or lona Biaudiug. I u.yAutf
wasalllictedtrilh thia dreadful iliaeaao for over tu» jc«t«,
awl oh-’ how thankful lam that I heard of these Pill*. I
purchased of one of juar agcuUtbrpe boxes, aod before 1
bad finished the third box, wa* cocupiotdy cured. 1 vuttly
beiiuru, bnlfor Ur. McLaue's Liver t’Ula, 1 should have now
t»-«u iu tu> grave; but ss it is, 1 am Dow tnjoyiug the best
eriiealtli.siul nUud s tlvinx witness ol the etTlciewy of Ur..
Metane’s Liver Pills. Besides recovering my health, 1 cou
eider thatl hero saved io porkot some two or three hundred
dollars physician's fees. WILLIAM UIKS,
Traveler In Western New York.
SA.Parchsaorsstiuuld becarsful to ask fur DR. M’LANE 8
BROS., of PHUhurjlit.Pa. There ere other pills purporting
to t* Liver Pills,now before the public. Dr. Jd’Laoe'sgeo
uiho Liver PDU, also bis celebrated Vermifuge, can now l>e
had at all rtwpccl&Lle drug sturoa A'one artntitu without
t*r*onnti*v*r 'ap-iO-dawT FLEMING BROS.
MISS KIMBERLY... Lwu ahu Uoauxkis*
ALTiaATi..,» or Tiar —.-pr.i at 7 u k |\ffortn
awe to r.'iunii-occ et IKC. . offlm, tor *sti* (TTi' knts,
oj»n frotx It) to 3 o'clock *
WL>*> will appvsr in the fn.’xptc*«lLly fraud luipore-Mthin
of Sr Wollrr Fruit's highland Sy bit, MKU MKKKILIK*,
o..ti3l'd Dr tbo eifllornt tragedian '
MR. I. E. M< D(»NOl till.
This being tho only that can over te
b> tho PltUt'urgh publtc of viaiting Uk> cfovuiug rcatilt ol
Miss Cushman’* Unrivalled Ucoios.
Aff-fll’KOlAl. NuTtOE—lu rumpiMuru wilb tbr v. ry
pXjutAl if.|iir*l‘ til lb» U<;i Ultl. o, clium ii <4 f *L* XVI I.D
NOT bu o0»*J at auciiuu, lail nt II u uiu«t paaitin-ly Uu-
Farewrll |v.l .ii.ianro «,f Mis■ Oiubman iu iDh (tu-)--l
li.wiug * ill )■ - (fot tluaaTvulug ..uly) tho
I 00 I I’rivato ikdU ..>O,OO
.._U>c. I Colored 6oc
...'ibc I Cul..r«-<1 Onll.-rr . .-'i'f
* Ma»le .Hcxtt to (‘rival* UuS.fl.jM).
No extra (barge tor accnreij »«.tta, may br »bl»i'ini
>lt fho Uo* OtUce, from io t<> 5 o'clock
SorumJ Tier
Tbtr.t Tier
fHtPAY KVRNIKO. April rU, IM*. th»|..rnji*ti. - »*.H
criUl Hie UtUait al in J Belli,
M«*g McrrillM .. . MU* C'u*htuiti<.
IhJixlin Uirinunt ... Mr. J 11, M'lKiuuugb
liKtirr Ml«i Tarntnil
1 b- »hulr 11. cuudnJo with tbo amusing Lirro tallt-d
Nib Miss Roa* Cline
immense Ut’KHA TKOUBK o( tho t'biladelj-hiu
hu<l now Volk AraJetny <>f Music, under tho Itad nod duw
tlnn of tbo worhl-Tooowuod MAX MAIHTT/KK, I* engaged
aud will shortly give • serko of leu Upcras.
MZr>N„ fiUB Ltrr. oxccpt member* of tlio Prow.
.Hot* Lc»ea and Mauagtr. . ....... J. C. FOSTER
Acting Hud Slag* Manager .. .A. W. Youxn
Trva-tircr. (Ito Simrut
bcALi or I'XiCt*
Private Buies; tu hold oil pc-rsuus ... 5 • '
Dre«S Circle aud Par<juctte
Upper Tn-r ....
ag-Uuut. uptn at 7 Commeuce at half
coN’riisniKX> suot/iuss.
l„.-t Iliuhl but two of the eugageisoitt of tho riulnuut
Ki» K tisbTragwlwn. Mr. JAMK3 UKNNETr, who will (hi#
evening porvooftto lbo grist character of KICtIKJ.I EU, ac
knoerkdged by the (ircea Mid public of loth horolij-lirris, to
1-mii.w Mt h : * greaUst imix-rnonnUuns
PI(H>AY EVKNINO, April 23.1, ISj 1 !, will U perform
til M l.yttou bnlwci '» celchraU-d ]>laj, ill 0 octa, of
Hicln-lu-ii ... . , Mr Jfum-s Itenncl*
Do Mauprat
Julia do Morfeumr
Miss Kmlly Wshb'gravo
T-- roudode with (ho Luce of
Toll! Tapo .Mr. A W VoUDg
Srrairgß Mias Kale Finhcr
X OPERA UOUSK, Philadelphia, will ap|*ar on
nONDAV ICVENINII, APRIL 4(iTII, original Klbiuplan MeUogo aud Urawinr, Foi-ru
Kutertaium.uts. The companr comprifo
WjrTbi* greataaaoclaUoD of tileul will all appear uu the
fßjiio aveuiug. For parlinilara aee small bill*.
Adtniaeiou 2S ct-nla. Doors opeu at 7 o'clock; lo com
mencu 14 lo 8, a;i22;dtr COOI. WHITE, btaga Mauager.
t'ntcm llydrnalle Cement.
THE FAVORITE MAKE, use.l nn.l np.
provt'-l by Jtallroad Cootract'ira, Bridge aud Cistorn
builders (or jreiira |itit. Wai rauteO of best ijaalily nml for
etitual tlio very lowtst market price, by
oj-22 No. 11G Sccoud tt.lnu<l 143 First sf
Received by &
celebrated Sleet Hoop Skirts, while aud
colored; alno, white and colored FredchCorseta, ueolle-wutk
Collars, &<*. C. HANSON LOVE, formerly laire Ilrbi,
ap22 No. 74 Markot street.
Robert Carter k brothers. New V»rV:
1,110 General Karolock; Life Coptalu Uammond, «f the
Rlflo brigade; lassohs frani tbs Great biography—by Uam-
Uton; Mc-mories of Uohuesfarol; Llfo Btadk-s; Shadow on
Uearlb; Panltig Cloud*; Giant-Killer, and fennel; Bow In
Cloud; KoglUh U.-uitaaml ilamli; BibleCompautou; Christ
i.fHb-f->ry; ioEyekiel; CliiUUan RetiremcnL’ Skctrh
book; I'billjpa* bcTolional Onide. For sale try
ap2l J. L. UK AD, 78 Fourth «t., A;>ollo Building.
cals wilt be received by tbo imdersigoed for tbo bnild
lug ol 6.GCO perches of Mos-iury of tbe new Tiers and Abut
ment* of tbe Allegheny Bridrybetweeu uow aud tbo tenth
of neat mouth. Tlaosaml ApodflcAlfotui may beommlned
at Iho Engineer's Otllce. st lbo Allegbeoy end ol tbe old
Alleglx hy brldgo. JOHN A. HUKULINO,
Bp2l:U)td Knglooer Allegheny bridge Company.
SUN l)KI KH —COO cases Soda Ash;
100 cues Uermaa Clay,
jn cates Sulpb. Baryte*.
100 bags Nitrate Soda, ’
100 kegs 111 Carb Soda,
SOUbbls. No. 1 Kosin,
luoo hs* aseotted sizes V\ inUuW I'tasi
ou hand aud loi sale by
DRESS SILKS, Extra Rich Bareges, Orgaodlea, Lawuf,
Mourning Goods. While Uouls, Needle Work Collars aud
Setts, and A. No. 1 clock uf DomraGc Goods, all cheap for
ap'iluUwP tonnwly Lave Urutlieri, No. 74 Marketat.
POTATOES— 200 Lush. Nesliannock Pota
toes to arrive and forea)* by {api!l] U.II-COLMNH.
HEKUINU 50 bbK Pickled lienriug;
M do Dry Salt tin
jr 0 . uloby | HKNKY n. COLLINS.
STAKOiI ::UU bx.H. IWheater Pearl .Starch
foraaleby lap?lj_ HENRY 11. COLLINS.
TO DUY HOOPS MEN.—A good openitig
tor Dry Oocmls bsiineu, in ilirniitiKham. A wcU rata**-
liahet) houae In that trade >*(11 lio rented mi fair tc» m« to a
iruod tenant. tlaqoireof
ALL PAPEK-Pinc Paper Hangings,
Uoil Paper. PaDdlnga, Cheap Wall Paper, Celling
anJ Taler Paper, Vin Board Prtnta, Curtain Paper, Tran*,
mroul Oi» awl Oil Cloth Window Shadea. newSprihgatjlo,
*?” ’ ituoaiof fap!9j E.CCOCUKANE,AIIegheny.
it Paper lluoi
I^LOUK— bib. Extra Family, made of
ilutt ltd Tot oh bf ItOBEBT OICKJKTT,
fljlj ' ' . mFrwtitmVMqrWvod. .
-.Wasutncton, April 22.
rfcNATE.—The-tepurl of tbo minority of the Com
mittee on Printing, propose# that alt 1 the work con
nected with the printing #ball be given !o the luwe-t
bidder j
Mr. Reward introduced a bill which wm read
twice to secure tho prompt construction of a lino of
Telogra|ih across tbo Continent l»el\recn San Fran
rireo and St. Loui#. Refi-rrod to the Committee on
Military Affuirs. •
The Deficiency bill wa# then taken up nod Ji#
cassod for threo hour#. Y*riuus amendments were
made and were still pending when, the Senate ad
HousK. - Tho Houre proceeded to the considera
tion of Mr. MnmllN bill, donating liud# to tbo #ev
oral States for tbo benefit "f agri-jilture anj the
mechanic arts, and refused to lay |du* bill on the
table, by 84 yea# to 10y nays. 1
Mr. Cobb mado a speech against ilio bill which
paered by 104 agninpt Ml. Tho bill grants
000 acres cf land to bo apportioned to ea.*b State,
o. t iial to 20,<hi0 acres for each Seuatof- aud represen
taliVc in C.ingrcas to which thoy arecum respectively
entitled; tbo moneys to be derived filom tho sales io
bo invested in United Stales,Slate 4 or * Ibcr safe stock •
yielding not le«1 than !• per centum; tbo money.# thus
invested to constitute a perpetual fund, the interest of
wbieb shall be inviolably apprupriateil tu the endow
ment, support and maintenance of at lea ft one col
loge, where tbo leading object rhall be, without ex
cluding other scientific or rhi<#ical studios, to toa' b
such branches of learning .■-# aro relalcd agricul
tural and the mechanic art#.
Tho pension bill was discussed, but without
action the Comrailtooruse and the House adjourned.
|Tq".--i.t! Pitpvt -li f.. the ritt&bwrgh Oa'rllf. |
Harpe ci i,n. April 'll
Tho bill providing for the sale of the Canal# to
lhe Sunbury Railroad Co. ha# been rigned by (be
Tho bill rolutivo to Saw Mill Hun BriJgb passed
finally, and needs but the Governor’# approval to ho
a law. Also the Philadelphia Apportionment Rill.
John Crcsswcll, Jr., woi elected Speaker of the
Son ale, having rereived 21 votes ;!Titrsn Coffey r«*
reived 12.
In.the Jlocsc oolbing ol importanco was d«no.
Tbo report of tho Committee of C- nferon'-r . n
i'rivnto Claims passed both Houses. It includes
that relative io Transporters.
Tbo Senate Bill providing for Inquisition i.n iho
pruporty nf bankrupt Bridgo CctnpHniev ha# beon
sigued by tho Governor. ••
R.jth Uouacs tbo usual roifilution# ul thanks
to the Speakers and other officers, nnd after tpeerbe#
adjourned, nt noou, «i»»c »/*•-.
|ln behalf <>f the Pittsburgh pres#, the reporter
returns many thanks to Messrs. Sees, Wilson nnd
Harris, telegraph operators at Harrisburg, for tbeir
-peeial caro in forwarding dispstchc# during the
Friiisunzi i>. 111., Apiil LM. -’lTic l'.u-'han..u and
i'oaglaa Dcmucratic Conventions mot here to-day,
and organised separately. Tho furriTer had twenty
eight countiei representc.l. Resolutions rirougiy
endondng tho Aduiini.itratioQ wore passed. Tho Ut
ter had ninety -seven counties represented. kos>du
tionp, endorsing thecotirso of the fllinoia delegation
in (Ningress, were patwod without a dissenting voice.
W. U. Fondey was Dominated for State Trca?uror,
and e.x-(>uveruor French f»r .Superintendent of Pub
lie Instruction- Tho Buchanan Convention post
poned tbeir nomination# until the bill of June next.
Waroinoton Citv, April 22. —Tho Scnjto Com
mitteo of Cuiifcrenco on Kanaay still hue Mr.
Eogliub’s bill under consideration.. It is believed
that they will report on the subject cither faroraklo
or that it, tho .Committoo, cannot agree. A report
will bo mado to morrow.
Mr. English gate notice to the Huaso to-day that
he expect.# ti» morrow, at one o’clock, lo report tn»m
the Committee of Cottlerenco «*n tho rubject dn
agreeing \ ot«*# rclativu !■> the KaOrss bill.
Sr., April 22.—The rirer is not lui Irutn
etalmuary :.t -hi# point, but :m addil'miial rise is ex
ported, n« tbo Illinois and Upper Mississippi aro
swelling. Heavy rains-hare prevailed in the North
aod all the upper stream# nre risiog. There is noth
ing from Mio Misst.uri. Weatlicr' cle ir. Thermom
eter St' t, April 22.—The weather L- u.n clearing
np, but there is no indication# of tho apprna It of tho
Canada, now in her thirteenth day out.
Telegraphic Market*.
Niw l April 22.—Cotton l» advaonnx; v, • lui,?.
»id ul au ailraureof io rooaegimir.' *d n-lrir^-
from UpUmiii Mtddtiogs are <|<u>ttsl nt I J
Ffoiir heavy; RS.QOO void" at |,.i Stale, a Jo
cllou of 6c. Wheat heavy; bus White Suntlieru »old at
tv-*: 1 ;. infvru.r Indiana wfivat*. O-m hnu; -I.U>h>
bach poik firm; ulea tibia Mean aul-l at
IS.2U Huron Arm. I nrd t>uoyn»t nt llj I ltutD i
rteaO) i'|.| unit now Ohio 'fallow better call* mi
tol'jiltoioljc. W'bi»kj rluaeit firm nt Siu*#i Him;
Muscovailo Coffua alendyet .MuI.-u- b
OOH'i ao i iirni; Musonado, In bid* Freight*bD-3.1v.
i-D tlrsiii to U»rr|>««i| 4Ulj-d Sfocka bl|Ji-i ." im-l
llu.fc Island, 70; CucifoifomJ Toal. N. Y-Cotral, WU,
I'unii Coal, idßfAtiiag, 47; Milwsakie ao<l MWiiesippi,
'•l-’-j. Miatond St ,ca, ClciwlandAnd Ciuctonati, (M: n<>
•aluof Locrowe Uud grant*, tbo Tee mU« to-Uy «vjo
cOspiritnl. aud tho caUloxuo ol Bloirk waa largely with
drawn, tbe sale Ms vory unaatistartorv. Ataßocnrmnc
tioo -*ou N 0. were a.4d at I>IA. and i«>
Tkxna at 4
Pi.iLH.ti.rui*, April 22.—Ttia Hum markH r -.otiou- »
firm, and Uierx t* niore ioquirv tff (Xpori and homo cun
emoplfoo; w*lr# 2uOU Dl.l* nt £127Vj«34 4o tor BuporOno.
$4 76 for oxtra, sod ffi for extra family; Rye Flour and Corn
Alual Wheat dull aud pritfoo rather ntj»*UW
SOW hue jolfow OoenaolJ at 70Q3ff2c Oat*aUa.tyat
U*m I'ork fim*t (is 60,but hare.
Green Meata and' lard aro In at full rafoa'
Whisk r i:-pruved. and now held at 'SZr 'p gal.
Cixcixj»*ti, April 'il —Fluor ntifh-\npi-.l; I.CoO bbl#
nt {'tJ:) t-r \Thi*ky at*-».lj ut (li,.
deuiai.d l» equal to tb« r—PivvUiom .ire
11»K, |K"t, m-alruMf nt ii:.6o, l-Ct It lx held at $l7,7 f .(al V
l *rd !• lu‘4.-, bnlLnlul.l higher Not!.iq/Dm
be* ti ifoue >u either bor-n ~r bnlk nivnt#. wlii'-h or» iuM‘;tiVe
uodur tbo ndvicvß from New Orl-an*
lUiTiu-}i£, April -H.—Yl'.ur «U-a<ly. H- <*»».! «tn?«t $4/".
<)S4,:r iteßily *u.l Till, l.uiixr'! Coin,
111 : trll.-w •Jr Pruvisi.-DH i<U'.)BUt uml B. ll»r
.1 (i iin s. s ii a tt r
IjM** J":tHro:..lw:iv,Nf‘\v Volk.
t’rioi l<> his retui n t.>N-w\ ork
44~Ord'ra«<.ot bi N.. 0-» SPUINO AM.KV.or iJA'/.KTVE
OFFICK. juoiuptly all.-udml ly. ap)4
Coal by Wclglti.
THE sub.-oriber i.-> prepared t.. del.*.<r in
Al'egl.euj 01 PltUtu.*li,
01 Hi'.-I'V»l'(UalitT An all Oral delivtmd by uic i> u .)
pm i« mu iriy ud trilling foil niensniv Ainu
tV A JiIcCLUIU), AII«Kb«-uy Oust bcput,
mi .I Corner Andtiwju nt. and Railroad
IRISH & MACKENZIE, Attorneys at Law,
Ortire No. (jO Fourth street, Pltuburgb, Pa. Notary Pub
lie and Olth> CumminaiuDar. npu
HA\ ANACIOAKS—I have this day re«*’d
a largo lutolre of gvuulno HavauaCigara ..f the flues!
brand* Tb<w« wiidilng a U>l of g.**! Cigars ntiunldrallnm]
examine my rl.-k L-lute j-nreluixltig elsewhere.
■pl« > JOS FLKMtNO
I have constantly on baud a litrpe supply of superior
Burniug Fluid and Cumpblue, whlrb I will sell cheaper
thaucaD be ttad elsewhere in the city. JOS FI.KMINU
OILS— Lard, Linseed and Neals Foot Oils
rooslantly on Land at Ji|S FI.KMINU
POTASH —A large Mipplv of very tine pot
ash wM thin day by JOS. FLKMtNO,
n|.l9 cnruer Maiknt at and the liUimmd
3 TONS EASTERN LEAL), an excellent nr
tirle, l or*J and for Kilo by
Bpl'-l JOHN THOMPSON A tM . IV.TI.tiJ atn-tt
MIXED FAINTS of all Colors always on
lia>'.l ami fur sale by JollN THOMPSON A CO
4 U\ t OIIKKNon hnud aud for kUo by
Sir. Walter Kceblu
Mr W 11, Bailey
lulia M.C\->ko
aplD JollN THOMPSON A CO, I.V. Third a*.
POTATOES One car load Red, this day ar
rirnighyt* ll' II K , ami for aalo by
BACON MK) pcs, country cured, hi slore
end t»r «ah« t.y |:»|-1 J | ATW K 1.1.. LKH A CO
GTIiSKN APPLES.--U) ijl.i.s clioii'eapples
f,. r a*l»by api: HKNUY H. Cobl.lNA;
iu Drills, Tweed*. .Icnnn, Caasiinete*. Fuller'll", Cloths,
Ac., rec'.t at apU.dswF MUIU'IIY A isUItCIIHKLD'S.
NOW OPEN-Tlic lieat as.Hurtcd and chcnp
f»t Block ol Bras* (locals, Shawls, Maottin, While
Uu.Hln, Mi-ntuii.g 0,«»l«. Needle Work, and b. m.vlir'iu
tbe city. Please rail cuide«?lhem. C HANSON LOVK,
opl-l foruinly Ij-vo Dm., No "4 M»ik<-t street.
MEDICATED LYE. or Ai.kaunk Soi.u-
Tnm- Al excellent remedy !• r Dyspepsia. Ueart
bum, A. I'lilt ol the Htuuierb, Ac A targosupply mi'ltrJ
Ibia day by JOS. FLKMINO, rur. Market .1. A Dki'd.
supply of thin celebrated MeJirine, for Coughs, Cold*,
nu.l Consumption InM t.-c’J by aplf JOS. FLKMINU.
SCHNAPPS—Aw>»h*r fol,nl this cilebrafod Toulr:
Ditlcrjii"! rci’d l-y _a|44 JoS KI.KMINO :
C’IATAXVBA BttANUX.—I i.avejtist rec'ii
/ oui-tberaupi>ly oftbla flbe Breo-’ly fdr uicdlciuat pur
runon Tltuso wialiiue anylbiiiglo Hd* Hnocan olwaya pur
chase it at apl4 JOS. ri.KMINU'S.
Founuhv run kkn’t oii salk.—
ofTur the Koterprlao Konudry,Sanduaky alrcct, Al
legheny, for root or caK with all fb» inarblarry, lu 11 rM
iate order l‘oM«rlou cm le'hnd Ituinediat.dy.
»pU ||. HOUISON A CO., Liberty at.
NKW SATIN I’APEliij-Ata) and2sct3.
porruil f.iriMln b, CT. P MAKSIKI.I. k CO,
New gold raeek -At so «mta, ru.
Uj,i r *|.o r. mr-nuix l cj,
Statuary anu tainting—Ticturts
ora.,. 8arh.1.,11, ““i' I ?''' 1 '
Ac n for sole by . Niii H . I'. M AllfellA LI. A CO.
HIDES.— ioOO prime Dry Flint, justrec'd
•ud fur sale by V I’fIINUMI AI CUlI_& CU
I’ _ ?Loirß- -P2OU Mda extra ('nmi!y in gtare
; and for ,«!» by aPRIN'JKP ftAKHAuHtf A CO.
saeks just reo’dandfor sale
SUMAC— 20 snekn now landing Train
rtuamrr Krouemt for ealo by
rpKNN. FLOUR. —sacka in Mora and
1 tor aalu by (aj»l 3)
B pl7 Stationers, 67 Wood atrert.
COFFEE, &c. - USH Ijgß. I'lioico Rio Coffee;
UK> Dali Syrup Mulaasca,
Arrt»ln« and tola by mrlu _ WATT* A WILSON.
ERKSIi BUTTER—b bids, choice "Table
Bnttcr, Jnat reerin-.l and Tor »i»)o nt N 0,27 Sibil.
mr|3 1L ttIDDLB.
Glycerine auamphor soap—lgr
of thl« (uperlor article jott rtc*d and (hr cate by
HEMP —-4 bales choice Kentucky, for
nrlno tnaken use, just la&diDeiad fcrkalo by
SULPH. MORPHIA—GOpza. on hand and
fur ulo by . »}>* B. L. f AHNL3TOCR AOO.
¥ Ji UnvxoT.jV. p., Joua J. Giuxam. RufCCk Siuivut,
JoaLt-n l:. iiwjrik*, AcbYnr Looaii.
1 forth* Kfir&irnjA (MM.V |
Pmsavkon, Fbit>sv, A put 23, 1565.
Fl/JUR—.So sab's from Soil hjnd.% Imm *torr, 2.10, 50,
‘Am .ml .kJ bht* nt <3.'2 for superfine, **.l2 for "*ira and
s4.s>'Mr extra family
GRAIN—NoMIes of o*l* Kyo. uW bos at depot and
i~aual at bus do at 63; 2U>y busdotmm atorvatitl,
wo time lUrl. r I'.SJ (ins spring at depot, ot 45. Corn, 309
bin at nt 42.
UHOCKIUK.S— Sdm ..f 6 hhds Sngar at 7 » Lids Mo
le savant 37. cash. uml 17 bbl* at 37.^.
INjTATOK}*—Sal*- 400 bo* N«*bano*>rki on a liarf to go
east, ai M, 210 bus <l-■ hi same; 3UU bin mixed at depot at
X: 300 Hu Nr-lmumxka bum ab>r* at 65; 360 bn* mixed
HAY-- Salea at *r»l«r» of 12 Mads at jliu vl4 f* l-n, 4 tuna
I iW on wharf at *t2-
BACON Sal** oi 4.0 W tha Shoulders and (lam* at 7*4
and'*", 4 ireS.C llama nt Vl*/,.
Will*-KEY— Sales CO bbls KwtiDsd at 21x(522. 1 1 L-bl- do
at 1<» par fund*; Raw at 17
1U mil! AMI EUii.*— *>.Uri ol 4 bbl- prune itoil Butte)
-I I.- 4-1 Id- id -
The Mila* in< i.s irTunipsralivo »l«h'nmnt o( thu Fij*oit»
(••v.lntire nt »|«. ..Mfr-.’.ii New \.il. to F-u n p_»i t» l»t the
w«.k -M..1 t
!'.{• I-.,, is-s.
T.itjl 1»l 1 1.(1 Wi. L it.l.'l.UOn «t,2lU,b-V -1.230,35'*
|*n-v» rcp.-i 1.--1 1*604.261 VV,617,72i 10,257,1:20
C 1 I- It. ): - l Idd i.Qttrr. I b\ b*on. pi*, c^l
Kiddlf, W ills A in !» ska [lolatuufl, M'Li raw; lit Dbln eggs
t) Knot. U bg* oat?, .1 Craig A <*u; 22 do potatoes' SI pc bimu
2 bbl pork, 2 kg* lard R Kobison A Co; 71 bbla tlour M’
!!*u® 1 Aujt-i, 6 Ms hope, lioQnian. I*6 bbl* fish, U 11 Col
lin*; Is I Kits chairs, Young A Co. t>7 do, Ijeiuou A co; 300 bin
|->t;ilo.i«, ti bbl butter, Atw.-li, hr* St co; 20 bbla tlour. It
Dirhrv; 130 bln liupa, 133 aka rye, *1 W Smith A co: 2U bbls
appln.. I do tK>rk, Marsh; 2U bbla dour, 44 do ryo do, 2 do
uieitl. T Little A on; 2 do eggs, Shrivcr A Dilworth; 2 do
buttvr. 4 do eggs. M'Cumllcas, Means A or, 2 do egg* Vot/er
<2do apples, Uratcr; 17 »ks scraps, U A t'abuoitock A Co; 3i
l>g» potato.-*, 2 bogs' M'Karlnnd; bg* rye, Ido Ix-aus, .da
butter, 1 do eggk. I do dr apples, !i Kiddio & ru, 1 bbl butter
.1 Itoiia; 15 bxa do. 367 boa i-otntocs, 3 tks di pcacht-s, Leech
A ilutrbiuswu; 122 bxs cheeso, owner: 21 pkgs wagou stud
M'Whloney A io; Id do. Letch A Main 8 bbls apples, 3 pkgs
Ur.l. 3 do eggs, .1 Herbert; 14 Lgs etoverseud, W C-oi>|wr A
2j bs* ciieeae.'W M’Ciitclnxiu A ru; 11 cars oro, Rceeo; 4t)
bids eggs Rea; 3 bdls tmoa. 76 do snesthes, 1 car catdo
• undry onirnipnecs; 122 bids eggs, I'.'3 aka potatoes, 260 bbls
flour.!' kei lard. 12 r,b* l.ui-on, 2 1 ' bbls apples, 2 do butter
Clark- A . o
I.iibl.-l IbUK per Clara Dean—o hhd K-bu. .0, linn, 35
-be f.salh.-ts, 3 pbp.s ekitiK, ACUride; ldbu» tmlbers. Mint
land A Connor; 3 r«k cnll.-l, 1 bx, 'llakrwrll t r..; 2«0 bbl, M'Cuudleas, Mean* A ro; l.Aldodo, Myers A M
4isJ kgs w lead. It L KnbussLu k: 17 hcssi rap, U A
Fahn.-sl.e k; Tb'.ska |kiUiloom, 11.1 tr hsui, Io blot »h">ilJ-i »
4 pkirs, 4bx siiud. 12 mils leather, 7'.i be- nb-ut. Id* In (up
SoA bbl Hour, 45 hhd tuburco,Clarke A to
llelM-rtoii; 4 Mil, 2b\ moling, owner, l.'/i bbl whiskey
Cl Idd Horn , C. bbl U;'g*. 0 kg* Innl. 2 b< moving Kw Itidhir. It)
bx glae* . M Ci>o.|b-n A .... 2 be*. 2bx nind. Miller; 26 bbl
* hi.key, Allu.. 127 bps cui n. W >rd; 172 bx glass, Hack
20 (">•* ui tul. N lll ni-k, Md. tiny, (Jiliiu>te, 422 plow handle*
Arnul -ug. 2ts> hx gla.«, Rrrrv; Id bg* bg«, Doll; 12 bgs r..rn
tloj b. Irt bbl flour, Ibm**; Id do do. .'a) Mil paper
CollH-itsou; 4 ) kgs oat*. M Cully
AYUKKLIMI |>er Kuaalie—lll sks ■•ots, lUg.xn, 25 Jo do
22 do tyo. .1 Milb-guu; 25 dodo, UiUbt.a k A M'Crcnry; ICO
do barley. Kb.idfu A \ crDi r. bo do do. Hinitli A co; |:i bbls
wblekey. .1 llyers A >*•>; ID bids afsanud butter, 2*ka apples
Riddle,’Wert* A ro; 6hx tnd/, 12 bbl* apples, Clarke t co; 6
Ll* wadding, Wilson, Al'Klroy k co; 12 jan butter, 1 bbl
plcklsa, J iierl'ti t; H ska beaus. 2 bblil our, Fot/er: 2docgn
2 do apples, .1 U Caufield; 2 bx buUrr, 10 bid apples, 7 do
eggs, 0 nks dr upplre, 3 du ram, 6 calve*. R Calhoiiut 0 rmp
bbl*.3 di>kegs, Stvaeney: 4 bbl eggs,.xlirllt.»; 1* tinpt bbls
A hid tipples, on Di'f; 2IW tragou hubs. 4-elu ing. 6 ttdr wjne
4 d i xvhifkrT, 7 sks puUtocs, owner
i'Leic use U. 4 much doing on the levee y«a!,j.My i t,e
i .rot u nilh cMv-n tret ef water. Th« only an ivala
wm* tlie lUwaliefniin Wheeling and tbe Clara |»ean fnon
Mm lev Hie, Thu An-tic was et|K-cted nt nigh, ntid tbe Jennie
'•ray was at Caltleabuig when b*t heard Iroiu.
The departures wore D.e AlesseUßel fwl CIIU iuUat 1. tl.e
Msalie fioiii Wheeling, .tnd the iU. hrtter Mr t=l I'unt.
IJiAViMi To i>it—llie Mim-rva, Cnpt U.ird 'u will Icavs
t-> day (proUddyUi.r Ciunnuutl Also the Argonaut for St.
M'liia iti.J lllutids river, a flue boat under the rouiuiauJ of
Capt M'l.cau, a I'entltinan ol t-iperiuncu and worth and
with exc-llent and no oomnalating d.-iks Now n y..oi
-The IJ/sln Ilaitin, Ibaket, CniiuiMirc, F'ul? u City,
' sod S.ijmi lm si e eti route Mr tbi* < ity
We Icuru iiotu the Now (Jriesiia Picayuaa of last 'Tuesday
I hat the cr-iny— nt the plauUliou uf John M. Bell on Hie
opposite aide-.f th*> fiver, mi-asnie.l two hundred f.-ot In
width, mid the i poured through at a Lsulni rale. The
tuai.le lev re I* cut ii rly rovernl, nnd the water* at* besting
againat the,ns if it would sweep il Ironi
ita Inundaiiou every nuool- The track tf the Opel..hum
IbiilrtsvJ bm k of Iho Migar-bousr. is ururly three lis t under
water, TUa rutile ou tbe plnniuiion hare gained Iho moat
proiuiii' iit p.inl* and huddled together Mr protei’-
tinu. No one i-in eetmiat > the amount ul damage which
will l.e done. ..f tile auiouut which would bo rt-iuired to
atreut il. The* which naro lying oiilaidt* went
lbroU*li the . revaxae, aud w hich were dualled into atom*
N. efMrta wt-ru Lung made lustop it. Then- nro upward*
•■1 lm ty • r»-vnx*ns 11..111 Najs.hou d.nrti. In Arkansas there
were ilui teen plan Lull..ns under water, and ..u Ihe Mississippi
Md- twenty lun The u.-stru. tii.ii uf tm.|- ily i* Imin.'uao.
fbo lu-pul.iic repoits the rise shoiy Ihr Loner
*l..wly nbiting. but up at New Madrid they mol nnolhi-r
Qikkl. the iinoi having iimui ten t.-.-t si that j-nli.i, and atill
rt-b.g r.tpr Tcijiltt ol the MUiiiUi.:i, rofrutt* the
HV.-I ..t Memphis Msiinvmg n—II 1.1 Ihro. betoi the
(•>■ m. r freshet, and still rising, wuh a lic&i r n-r from all
tho lower IfiLularics of the Ohio, iocluding the Waliaali
Uy o. wind at New Urlranx but Tundsy, tha rivet
receded a h>ot from tho wharf and thecitiv«asb*ftantothiuk
the n-> wo* no great tbiugs at l«*t If it had Mllen there
aud iu far cp ua VickaburKh, Iho ctln r rise t.t.ts f«u to catch
and It iu:«y >st gue NewOrMau* n durkm;;
lAiu;iviLti —Tho t.>w boat I. L. Hyatt came iu from I’ltts
isirgli on C-ntiday willi five largos iu tow. all laden with
■ adiurxd iron Mr tho Nasbvilla KailrouJ The low r-onXistad
of 1,276 b*u» of rails, a heavy consignment, and euoagb to
oxieud th« rwad n g..,»l di-.taure nmar.l Its destination
( N.isuviux—TboOmnb<-rHud vu sUtKi&ary ou tb« Ibth
With <burf«*t on Uir *btrHU Th« llndaon. from PittaUm-flr
wriwtJ i’ll Iho 17th ami OuakoM'ily wil» (m,ih|j rxi>*c(rd
-'L'll Cv.H.
ht I.m i”—Tbo I’tI! Htilni 'ni mu J 1.i.-i ■»:><• itriiv«d
••ii livpi'rtt-l-Prtruiit, U.r 2*r Hmul Ttw Vixrn
wui tan gun bad amvrj at St L>>m-» mi Monday *uJ wrra
S»Ui>- >iu t.i U«.ir |M>rts with hue lri|-s Tb* Cambridge
C*p« Ik-.ii! wsu to lone HI. L»ui*fui h«ru .. u Tnt-edaj So
Haa lII* Ii K Sa*M.
Tim Cin Uu/ ul IVednoMlay Kajar
"Tbo HaUmgs lam* in w till a lull [tip. au 1 all.i Ukui £
i»U ixio Cl* uliitl.ey. . |t-aro<l t«>r Naabvill* Tin* llailoiau
and Anno irus d«parl<-J lur Ht aiUi all limy imilj
i-atu Tli* bcii-rfaUi Iron. I'tU-burgli. i\«tti|i)Kid htir HI
funrlil »n Uio lUilUian mi. I It.n. , l.'af J l„i U;ui»nlle'
FaiD.iT, Arnu 'it, |»,i«
iueu.atkri y<'#lr(4.<> > u.w u>( arlir*. an,l , U.avil .lull
ti.v Kilei mail* werv mostly I-. local |«nrrlia*.-ra. Tbotollow
iu<U ii l.*i >.f [}<*.«.-, 011-i-.l mu.l »..|,| B( i,-, i
Uro»* Yards •
n.i <nr.-i.-d i- } ...i.i j> lh .
; .1 Mmkn A Ci. ; ;;j-
I Shiitfa, . .. „t uaM 4
A 'Wiiliamavti,. , rj'-4 av
Cii'ti'o A Good. -'2
.'<> il 'l*, D&ugboity. -,i.
' * J S. Copeleo A Co ». nli *«l
Jn lu>> Ward A C 0.... auld 4 s >. >
U I IK odcrson. i 4 '• ta>
4 TU. Dolnill. . 4 4*{ or
40 .« UUuIl 4» - 3's,bi4'
io». Myem a Uro, •• :t I^4*^
to C Ktccl A .•>, uXcu ecid vp*l
l> J Vettnno, I;'. ...|J :;i ijj-4
Id I'bm South,., 12 •• lb'(£tL;
"■j Kobe Mutton t»n»t .... I 1
'-J Tieusietit. ..27
SUKKP The umuLcr ul Pliceji olUn-d *aa . rt Uu.
than last week, price* nb>ut tits aauo Tbo ounitvr lu
pvua was 2JJ7u, ol Uie*u 42 i weremild lo city buhltera, nod
l.lw), Uiaiulj to at pricm riitiytng from 4 1 }4 1 .'.. gioifa
tbo ii-*! Wuru »!>i(>pod i-aal
KOG.H—w;>o wens <>B«red, and If>o sold lo cily Ihilclu ib at
gu*a; tbe rrst «**u> acut cull.
CALVKi—J6 aolJnt s3,bUi.rtti.ou , i* bead
AKUIVKU—JoD.mou, BruwasTiiW; Ltiutu*, a.*,
Cnynrd, Cli/Klwlli; Hnnll.-, IYU> vliii(r Kocbcalvt >'» I’aul
DKl’AKTM)—JclT>'i*ou. llroiniMvlll.-; J.iircrim, «j... Coloin-I
lUynrd, Flirubiilb; Kosali*.'. Clara Dm.,
Hirer ll lv«t —ruiui*.
Tin:great popularity of llustotter’.H Stomach
Klttna. |.t ri>irM l.y lit* umoent jihysiciao, Dr. i Iluelet
l*r, ii iitiUuiu.k'J Drill) dr«-(i bn »« olr« tb» roluut&rjr tan
tiid>>uial* <>l llio nlllii IriT.'uho b.ivo Dnta cnml of long
Handing ihstHMH, tbroiiy;li tlu> u»u ot Uie*‘UilliTa,‘'aDd dal
ly Hie- fmle of tills mi-dlcti.P i* mcreaituc. audexteudiog Ha
■l.lmroi.f UHcfnhitn tiiiioUß anlf»riuK biiiuauUy. For rc
umriuK till tnorliij inatlur lioiu tlio aloDuudi, rrgtilatltic tbe
l-oaeln, Rlrt-niitlii'niuK tb» ouliro l-ody and Imparting rigor
mil touu to Ibo eotiro liuiuqii aystoui, it cat Dot bfrfqualletl.
VYu wouM rccoiuunuiil all Kboaro nftlirlr.) wilb auj of
llirsA ti.rribir >iiMtn«ca, to hnmi-iliilcly |.ioriiri* a Ixittlool
Ui» liitt*ra,aud ttioir uilumtiis trill tuiii-<li like noorr befon
n acorcblDg aim.
Hold by Uni K g„u r»«rTuh,r*s aod by HOSTKITKII A
SMITH, Sul* l‘ro|)t ictoi*. f.H Wali r or f-H VinotMa.
HOUSE FUKMSUINU. -a Lirge assort
tui'bl •• I Wares, ataoipi-d. J&|>unii<<d aud plauialit-d
Tiuann-j, Urlltimui.i aod I'lalol H an; lli.llutr War*, fluo
TraTraya, Womlmi Wnrr; a great vmiidy <J Kilcbrn (j|«u
aila, Ac .Ar. nt low prlr*H for cat-li JOHN PUiMING,
njild rtiMicr of Market aud Third atreetn.
Removal—Bcnrhave'e Holland Blttora.
WE have removed tho manufactory ol
UIEmiAVK’S IIDLI.ANI) DITTKU.'* to No.n Ho-m 1
Htm-t, bt-lour P*foud.
folKolawlfT BENJAMIN I'AtlK, J» H A CU.
Cl HAFB VINES—A few extra large Vines
J" T<>t yarda, at Ihr S-r.f Warehouse, 47 rUtbctrrct
RASPiIEKHY PLANTS.—Brincldeti 7 Or
ango Jutl r«’d tor sal* by JAMKd WABDROP.
FLOWER SEEi>S—A chuiee colieetion of
Auoaa! l!t»omliig Ftuwer SmU, pocked Air malllps
fur 20 rarirtica. apH WAHDROP.
RHUBARB ROOTS—OU Roots ol Myfltt'H
VicloHi or Mftnimotb Price *4 i>c.r d<«. at tbo Seed
utid Hurtlrultnrat Ftoro, <7 Filib st. jAS WAHDKOP.
S' kOon ii AiuifvalT'of spiti ncT and
?omm>t Dirsalio-ln, SliaulA, Monties, Wbilu Goods,
Monrulog (JroJt, N'redlo Wmk, kii.l lA.inratio Oiii«lr, till ol
Hlilch «ill l-o sulil very rbuap lur nub.
LAKE FISH - •l.'iu half- l»bls. white fish.
7f* ilb do Trent.
2u do do Horruip
R*cU>tdim.riwt a*l* 1-, _n|.n lIRN'RY H. COLLINj.
BACON— l5O,tKMi Hs.lHainSf Shouldcrsand
Kld&s Insntiibo Uodm* and fortnl» by
ft|»l7 _ IL ROBISON A CO.
CIIKESE —50 boxes choice W. U. Cheese
Jon! recdrlpg and'gtr uU by IL DAL7J:i,I. ACU.
SUMAC. —25 Hacks in utore and fur saUrby
POTASH. —A prime article, just received
_by opi:. jiackkow'n a
MACKEOWN & FlNLEY'arenow receiv-
Ingn targ*bd ul PuiuU, Bmabca and VarnWics, at
apli No. IC7 Liberty atm-t.
Extract of Lwiwoob.—a very large
lurolre selling at lo« prtrea by
ij.U JIACKKOWN a n&ttL
PRINTER'S CARDS—In sheets or paekn
for aaln by WM 0 JOHNSTON A CO.
ap!7 D< kters m ITlut«r«’ Malorials. tu_Wogd wtreot
MILL FEED—2tHW lbs. chopped Feet Lin
dh.r* and for anl* by DAVID 0. IIKEBST. ‘
STRANGE’S Superior Penci! Sharpener,
for nlo by " W.'S. QAVKtf, •
mrl9 Cornet Markttahd gocoodrtreet
FISH— 150 pkgs. White Kish, Trout, Kaf
moD, la, for •aUHj HENRY HCOLMN3.
SUUAK —110 Uluis*. prime N. 0. SaparTust
rrc'J«&a forwto ty K.ROBISON A Co!,
mrto , . 2S& Liberty »U^iL
SACK FJjOUR— SO bgs, extra family, in
Irtoro far salebj i_ mt3o . I>. C. HEayST.
linporta by Usllroad
Imports by River.
Steamboat Kcgtater.
•>u Saitnou.
Monongaliela BStret CT. 8. , Packet*.
j-*sshft isSSoS
. Cat-?. J. C. WoOfUAan ! CiPT. GKHOk CLAkk- _
The above new steamers are
.L bow running regularly, iloming Boats Icsre Pitts*
bnrgh at 8 o’clock A. M-, and Sreolng Batts at 0
o’clock I*. M. tor M’Keesport, Elizabethtown, Mooongs
hela City, BellevcruuD, Fayette City, (Ireenfleld, California
and BrovrusviUc, them connecting with Harks and Cuvches
Mr Unioatown, FayotteSprings,Morgantoum, Wayaeibnrg,
CarmlrbaeUown anJ Jcflcraoo.
Paaseusora ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Colon
town for $2, meals andatate-roouu on boats inclusive.—
Boats returning from Brvw&sTltM liwvo at 8 o'clock in tbs
morninganJ6Ju thecToalng. For further information en
quire at the Office, Wharf lk«»t, at the foot of OrsntetrecL
auS 0. W, BWINDLER, Aoorr.
wheel pauengor packet ULADIAIOR,CapL
will leave tor tbe above and intermediate porta every TUES
DAY at 10 i.'clock, aa. Far freight or pamge apply cu
board, or to (turlyj FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agtl.
Regular Tuesday Ipack-TJoTZ.
■loauit-r F'.MMA UKAUAU, Capt. IUONROX ATIU, will leave
f.r tho above aud intermediate port* EVERY TOK&DAY,
at 4 o’, hs k p. to For freight ur passage apply on
board. 0.19 FLACK, BAKNE3 ACO, Ag’ts.
Ctmrinnalt. &r.
_ VILLE.—The ipleDdJ-l'steamer CLARA
DEAN, Capt. 8. Cadman, will leave Mr the
iotennediAlu ports on MONDAY, the Sfith at 4
o’clock, V. m. Fur freight or passage apply on hoarder to
ap23 FLACK, BARN ESA 00.
FOR CINCINNATI— -Saturday . |gS-»
Packxr —Tbe ulega&t aid.* wheel packet
BUPF.RIOR, Capt. Redmond ■> lit ace, will leave Pittsburgh
for Cincinnati ou SATURDAY, the 24th instant, at 10
o'clock, a. u., positively. For freight or pauags apply on
hoard, or to
ap22 FLACK, BABNK3 A CO, Agenta.
VILLE—'The fine steamer DR. KANR
Capt. Shaman, will leave for the above ami all tatenoediaw
ports tm THURSDAY, 23d fnat, at 10 o’clock, a u.
For freight or parugn apply on board, or to -
ap2U FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agents.
ISVILLE.—' The flno tUamerMINERVA,jSEgSS
Capt John Qonlou will leave for the above and alt luler
nivdlate porta on THIS DAY, 23d io*taot,^at.4 o'clock,
f. u. For freight or passage apply on hoanl, or to
apl'J FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agents.
YILLE—The flue steamer IDA
Cat»t May, will l*ovo Mr the ab,.vn and ull TuUrmcdiaU
(lortaou TUIS DAY, 23.1 iovl ,at 4 o'clock, p.w. For freight
oi passage apply on board, or to
epld FLACK. BARNF7S A CO .Acrntv
yiashtocllr. St:.
ij'OK NASHVILLE.—The fino nteainer S.
I' HIBBARD, Capt. Georg« W. Heed, will Mar.- Mr
the atuve and mil intermediate porta, THIS DAY, the
23J 4 o'clock, rM. For (might or passage apply <>n
1.0ai.1, nr l» (nir 1 ti> FI.ACK, HARNKS A Ag.t.ts.
St. Rouib, Sit.
, nss* .STOBBRlftiyilAilll iJBSLB
Kei‘/:nk, Jjiti rnjrmlGutnnt, Utiluaiie, La Cror**,
Sltlliral'-r, Hautin<jn t St. i’tiui, find tfir -
I’atU of S'niiit Anthony.
new and elegant side wheel passenger
I steamer DENMARK, C*pt Richard C. Grey, will leave
Mr iho above ports on THIS DAY, 23.1 iuit-, and will
positively go throngh as advertised. Tbe Denmark was
bnlll expressly Mr the trade, and oOcri superior accommo
dations. For farther Information, apply to
apt! FLACK. BARNES A CO. Agenta
1 TOR ST. LOUIS.—The lino new . JCPrj,
. passenger steamer METROPOLIS, Oant.AS3epßtt
Calhonn, will leave Mr tho ebovo am) all Inlonuediate ports
oo THIS DAY, the23J Inst.,at 4 o'clock i>. U Forfreight
oi passage apply on board or to ap2ti CIIAS REA.AgI.
i?OR ST. LOUIS.--Tiie tineT
s’ ntcaiuer I (MV A, Captain Moore,AmSsShD
will b»ave fir the al*ovo and all iiitormediati) ports, on
TUIS DAY. 23J iust. at 4 o’clock, r il. Forfreight or
pa*«ag*> apply on board or to
apl'J FLACK, BARNES A CO.,Agents.
ij'Oß ST. LOUIS AND ILLI-, rgg* tw
1 NOLS KIVKit —The Quo steamer
NAUT.CajiL McLean, uill L-ave f..r the
t-ruuJiaio un THIS DAY. 27W lust.,at 4 uVlork, Pto
For freight or passage apply on board, oi to
epl2 FLACK, BARNES A CO. Ageuta
1?0 ll MISSOUR RIVER. Dl-. fCS> m
DECT. The fluosteamor FORT WAYNE,
Capt filulfurd, will leave fur Ibo above and all latTrweduto
porta on THIS DAY, 23d instant, at 4 o'clock, r. to. For
freight ur paeengo apply oo Ixiard, ur to
li’Oß ST. I'AUL DIRECT—Tu , fpa> >
J* Ft. I-oufi,Keokuk,Bnrliugtou,
DaTeu|H.rt, Rook Island, Oal'-nn. Dnbuqiio, La Cruse,
YTenona, Ited Wing, Hendvrnun, Stillwater «uJ St. Paul.—
The flue steamer SJ AitINKIL CapL Dravo, tvjll Teavo Mr the
above ports'on MONDAY, 2tUb last, ut-t r H. Forfreight
• t possßgn apply on board ur lu
ap23 FLACK, UAIINF7B A tn, Agents.
St. Loui*, Kcuknk, DaranporL
Island, Galena, Dubtiqiie,LaCroaso.StlllwntcraudatTTaUl.
—The floe steamer COMMERCE, Capt. Hendrickson, will
leave Mr thu above porta on SIONDAY, 2flth Inst, at 4 to. A*
For freight or pusaag-o apply oo board or to
ap‘23 FLACK, BARNEY A CO , AgenU-
/ LKANH. —The flno ste&uw ARUYLK.
Cnpt C.di‘4. will ianvn Mr the above aud all luteriuediata
port* «>ti THIS DAY, 23.1 Inst. at 4 o’clock, r to. Fur
freight or psrsageapplyxu bomj, orto
uplfl FLACK, BAKNRS A Co , Ageuts
Corner or and Ferry sthets,
\V«>oil Street, Pittsburgh
tu'.i’iU,- .i! trnt ion ui liia . uatumurs sit 1 tmycr* j,u*i
ally to ln» largaatuck uf
I—u/ht In--.ft. m .Mauufj.tari. 1.1 AlaJjb. Luklm
L/;o-,A.\\S, I
un.ita ; u:>,
t M■«<*«• « tol Childi vii e
FLATS, trad
M • • t‘ .» «>■■! Tooth's
M... «uj Youth's
An i-t which will (>e futiu.) Ja great variety.
AVGroat iii(ia»m»i)t9 f.fferei la :tmi
Orders sriMluJatid f-arrfnNy r.-1.-rt.d aud L.
wt 27 2uid
THE euhscriber having eutertfd into a Co-
Partnership, dating from Che lit I nit, all Uioo indebt
ed to lilu will pleara call and utile the tamo, at tLe old
Hand, No. 27 Firth street, wberetbese having rlaimasgatust
him can preeent tbeiu for nttletneut. U. KIDDLE.
THE undersigned having formed a Co-Part
nership for transacting » General CVcmtitfon, Gro
cent, iVorificiji and Product Dutinrit, flatter ibcataohtt
that with their determination and ability Id keep well in
lot turd nod prepared to render to their contepondcsU cor
rect Informatlou of the stale of oar market*,'together with
Ibo long rod favorable kaowu practical exporicnco of enr
senior partner, 11. RIDDLE, lu the basinets, that wo can
Harare tbi>4> who entrust us with business that every ex*r
ttou will be made to gits tbo utmost sat (a faction. We
therefore nwpcrtfuUy solicit consignment*.
npQ:lnd KIDDLE, WIRTS * On
1 No. 185 Liberty Street,
! <'..MiuiMstofj .Vrcti<i»if#, Wkolttal* Dealer* in Cou.itry
1 Prod tire, Groceries and Pittsbxmjh Manufacture*'
CASH paid for Flour. Bacon, Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Grain,
Fruit, Ac.
Special BtlouUon given to tbo isle o! consignments.
Onion from COUNTRY STORK 6 forUrt reries, Pittsburgh
Maonfarturva, Ac., promptly filled.
Families supplied with Batter, Eggs and Groceries at No.
27 Fifth street. - ap-Ylyd
New Rochelle or Lawton Blackberry.
HAVINQ nmdcnrracgemonta with Rev. J.
KNOX for a supply of Plaols of this valuable Black
Leiry, 20,000 strong thrifty Plants an offered at the follow
ing prices:
loot) plants $125 00 23 plants. $5 00
too “ Gi 00 12 *• —.3 00
230 •* 35 00 0 I
100 •• 13 00 3 Ivj
50 •• -8 00 1 * tO
Orders addressed to Rot. J. KNOX, or the subscriber, ac-
I'lmipaolod with tbo caab or a suitable reference when tbo
parties are not known, will bo filled In lbs in which
they are received.
will be famished at the samo prices.
tarlEMswtfT No. 17 FUlh street, Pitubnrah, Pa.
DISSOLUTION —Tho Co-Partnership here
tofore existing between tho undersigned, under tbo
stylo of WILKINSON A tfl tho Leather,
Uido and Oil trade, vn dissolved on the first of April by
raotnalconsent. WM- WILKINSON willcontlmistoearry
on the same business In ail Its branches, at the OLD STAND,
217 Liberty street, and GIDEON N. IIOPYSTOT at hU
NEW STAND, 265 Liberty at met, second door below llmnd
vrect, whore the bcoks of the old firm will be found.
Pittsburgh, April Ifl, 'CS-oplß.ltu G. N. HOFFdTOT.
dwcrlpHcn, MoueillM Quilta, **rj baml*aree;-al»t»,
UimitiM, CiiintiM, *c, for apreail*, and all kinds of TaMo
Llocns, Llorn anti Cjtlou, ami all kinds of DrcMOnmU
Shawl*. *C- 0. lUKBON jjtfVJi, ’
apWawT furnutly Lova Urothcr»,Wp. 74 Market tt,
lOObtnlioißKetbauoixU Pofatoer,
“£» Jo largo White dot
to Jo do lilDO Jo;
Jj a, J »°. JS'L . dt>; <0 Iloro tad k»r *il„ t y
Lll * < T. LITTLE k CO H No. 112 Bocgad itwi.
POCKET MAPS for 1858, of Pennsylvania'
Obki, lodljaa, ItlJnc!*, Kuasu, Kctirukt: Miunmi 1
Mluiksclo, for «!<■ by ■ W.B.HAVEN,** ‘
Corwi aUlkettod Seeood atrecU.
/'lluMKNl 100 bjjls. Hydraulia ia store
V/Mdfornlpbj n*rto 3 B CANFIELD.
S^S^L LUM; d^e ' WMska
uil&W3‘ , ?“W ;J ‘ ,4 * !i> U*lr, 2SIOWPJ* »rtlTa for«tf »by IUAJAU DICKBT* CO.
POTAfOES.'xSO bush .N'csbannook Potn
tOo9,6odoß*d,mejT*"lrttil fr.r«»UL» ,
POTATOES— r-2000 bun. iiurewhite Neshan*
nocks arriving and for *aUs by
■Pig DAVID C.HKRbaT, rot Liberty *M*gj.**«
MESS PORK.—iGO bMa.' Meat Fork.;;-
reiving and for nk by * _ K.EOBISQ^A
lARD— 100 bbla. iuhTi™. N»A.U>
J«rriT. Pt lla [I tUIBIfiO-N
- w.t.tuiat)
VILLE, PA —Tlisoewly-buim *padoMe mi .
lyfomUbod lloteU will ba cpoacd on JltfNDAi, April SblAj
tor the aecontmaUtion of ihe paMie. la proprwtor JffU
not'Uaktpm to ta»Vo ha Hotel ■ rwatt f Jt tic*» wbaukp
to «peo<l » finr honrt tn tb» poroatnwFpbrreof tLo ch*na
loclAWfODceTilk. ...
Bweoottosdepirtttcotb anJerlb© cir»t>r *n*spCTH
tattd rook. All thodelfetriM of tbe«»*» *“ •SSEl 1 *
hiO [«l>2l4t] KRNESTSTtKfU.
Brand tsag f rpn?«*r oj Franklin Stmt,
NVEW YOliK. . .
'kt Kdo.-us are nil *Yci clif Carpeted,
The Furniture and Beds arr Snjurb,
Anti the Baths Vnsvrpnslx-J.
Here ij C(nireiitrat«sl nil th«) ol * home, W4lii **>-’
luimlee of * iilaop.
Tin: sri.Ksmu i.Amtis fa in <"•’
CuinmiuJi *u
V i o w of' M r o .*• (I W V -
TtlK INTERNATIONAL .-,11,* iuo** central of.nay of
(lie Filar Clibs Tor or places©f aiuttw
uient, aoJ oflou iiu»nrpANM->] uir.iut!»g«o to Fatilili-t esit
Ueotltiueo New WtV. (
ALFRED FitKKMAN, l'fuprioLx.
F\RE;isrcn\*s mothjlj,
Corner n/ Frankfort Firttt txn-1 A7y //j7I S/vor',
Iht (.Sty U.ill, AV»p I'orl (Tty.
TIIIS HOTEL isconduotedonUie El kwi'kan
Plis or Lcnarra Boohs, and meal* ei tl»y may bo oi.
dered, tn the spacioni KefSclory.
There It» Uarber'e Shop, with Bulbs In connection there
with. Thla popalar hotel Is la the Immediate vicinity of
mercantile basinew, &n<l the principaljJaceJufamuwnKtit.
tod often ovory Inducement to those who consult coavutv
it-ureand crouoiny. Those going to California or Ku rope
will bo furnished with all the information they may desire,
and aleo be protected from Imposition In tlio purchase of
pi»K» tickets. It. FRKSCII. I'mpriefhr,
N. U.—Beware of Knancrs who eay wo aro lull, ns many
are Interested In saying no. turll:2bid
« 1 C n O I.OMSY H tX I K !
Talk ol beaoty. it caunut uxist uilb.itil a iitic hoad of lo.i ,
then read the following, and If you nsk rmiro,s»-<> divnla'i
around each buttle, and no one can doubt.
TIVK.—We rail fbo attention ot n)l old and yenny, t->
tliln wouderful preparation, which turnaiuiek toln ui i/ionl
rulur, gray hair—covers the head of Uio bald with a Inaun
sut growth—ruinoren the dandrtfif, It.’iuiii:, itml all mtauo
dus ernplioiis— cause* a coutiuiinl do" «,t Uio natural tluiib; need us n regular dressing toiitn-hair "’ill
prt'serve it* color, and keep II from lulling to extreme •■ld
age. iu all its natural Ix-unt) . Wo cult thou upon the bald,
the gray, or diseased in malp t-> o-v it: iiud biiirly tlieyoiiO(t
will nut. na they value the lluwini; ImLd, nr tin- witr.bhu'
curl, over !*• "Itti. ntii lu j.i Vi*. i» up -u u,> i. n-uci.t
Tin- Agent to< Plot \V„..d , lUli lUri.,i:iii» u IU
on, reccivrd tin* following UIN t In i. gutd U< tin- Itr-dol *
ive. u f.-w Wxt-kirjdurv:
Dur Ktvcr.. Cvuu, July
Ml. I.t*VE?iWOBTU—Sir I linvu hern tronhlwl wlllf ibin-'
limit or scarf on my head for more than a year;iuy hair
Iwgao to come oat, veurf and hair together, I saw iua!xVw.
Haven paper about “Wood's Hair Restorative” ae • euro.—
1 called At yoar aturoon tbe Qr*t of April last, sud farrimk
ej oa»bottl»to try it, aud I frond to toy aaUafaetuju U wa»
tba tblog; it retuoraiJ Ike KOrfaod hair bejpuj Iw/;r»vr, (i
is now two or tbraa Inches in length Mert iUca; ullO/T, I
have great faitli iu It. I wish yon to aon<J ran two tottlii
more l>y Ur. Post, Ibe bearer olllib. I don't hm.n •« an)
of tbe kiod la uaod iu tbiaplare, you may ba\o a uiatkri !-r
many boil lea after it la knowu In-ro.
Yuan, willi reaped,
FIULAUfU'UIA, r*l|»L, 10, I3iu.. ~
Paor. Wood—ltoar Sit. Your Ualr Ueitoratir*i»
itatlf U-DrlkUl to nit* Tbe front, Mini alio the bark v»rl ui
tuy Ill'll almual 101 l Ha iovt-riDg~lii tact hil». t liar*
used but IwotnUf (iiut U>i|l*a ut your lUntomttve, nuU bvft
tbe at my litod it util itudileil wilbn cr.,;i „1
young halr.aud (be front 1* aUo ill Lcntlif. J
uavo tried oilier j>rc[>»jitidu» without any bMi.-lU wliat* r
er. I Uihik froai my uwu porintial iccoiuaM-udnUui, 1 rtt<
Intluro many other* (•> try It. Your*, r<<s|x.«:tftiHy,
U. K. TUOSIAM, Al. !*., No.AU Vluo
F«0( ii J. Wooli —A» you ar© about la luauufa'.hu
and vend your rt-eeutly dlifovurtj Uiiir ltc»turn(hr, I will
■tala fur wlumi»uc»«;i‘ II may eourern, that I hate usrj h
and known ulbeiato uio it—llmt, i hare, lor several year*,
been in ttie habit of using other Unif Kestorutive-, uaJ that
I Dii<l yuiira ruiily *u|*.-ru>r I" any oitu.'i I Luutv. It eotir<i
ly fJoansen tbo bead u( dandruff, and with ouoU)odUc’« t-nvji
cr tike will reaturoany person's hair yoothtul
rotor and texture, Kiviog it a healthy, *>-U and f.loaty Bp
pranusee; and all thia, wiihnnt tlisroh<ri»£ tb«lisiHl* Ilia!
apply It, or the drees on whirl) it drop*. I would, Iber-tart
rwotnniothl it* oae to ever) one dttirong of having a tine
color and textnro to bair
Itcipeetfully, yoiu*
bjGKO 11. KKYbLH. |p> tVw>o<]»t r l*it^Utir*lj
O-J. WOOD A CO., Proprietor*, 3W Broadway, *',■ V,
(lii the greet N. Y. Wire Hailing EatsblkbinentJl divl' IfA
Market street, St. Loci*. Mo, omi told ty til gU-J Drit»-
gtata. apg) an2&lyd*»laT*
Health of amekioan -women-.
For many jean 1 batolteu troubled with gcutr-.i
rfoesa and languor, Lolb cuDotal and physical; caprice.
listlc39DOM,dall beadaebe, pain tu Ltu> bead arid temples,
coldnetii and teedtney to ttiflnets, palpitation of tlx? heart
Teryeajilj fluttered or exclL-J, pppetife tar fable, stctflacji
and boweia dtrangod, with pain. Auy mental or pbyaiciu'
ftXtrlloß waianreto bring on all tbe ajtuptnnia, and / ti&d
to addition, faillngof tbo womb, and groat pain la tbit ir
gion One physician after another exhausted hit skill acd
gave rue up A patient and pcmvi'riug DMbf UAK-'
Hit ALL'S UTLIUNKCATUULICO.V toitnnatrly niru-d me
and I Lave no words aaSkduut to rx|-re»a tny thaKbfalnes-!.
Iran holy aay that 1 have l»«na.eatJ*rer. , tjr miu>
Ula wblted.aud dcraug'd A Our a j*hlh« l
hat! olbcr tn>oLtc*,aur!i' is |mls farti'; wseliifr'
away, groeral languor ami debility, |«un It, U.«> I u < 11,b
back, a *ort of aching and dragging Ri&salt.iu, pain U;i wn.
the aboiildar hUtW««it«uding;ilfWß tb o ■!•> cl npp.-
llt«, truulila In the atouiarli and wiHi'<■.-tittiiiiO-a r.Tpf
feet ami dreadful uerrutunrs*. Th« rjiitcioout wcnli
ike me feel ult I should tty away, i ti Ivd iloetuts au>t
lit'*, aud t'eryllilup. nue alter '“ith.iut tht- I ,<i>
tilt. Ouoholtlo .il MAKrHIAI.I.’S UTtICI\K UATHui I
CoN chju>K*d iKiiue ul toy eytup>«nta*tbr (ho better, and r..«
I atu vnUrcly and radically cny«*d. I' w'»sh that *■'>: v'•
ifiaD tuulJ Luv» what it will do. Ct.AKItl-.l nur;l:
Kuf A lung time I b.lj L'trritto Cutti Jilutlli V llh' tht»r..|'iov,
U»g eviuptu (us. i waa uer*ou<k rouK'iaUd'aud inilsl-ln: t
accrued to abound tu cun>|iLuuCo; eotn? -if which 1 wilt try to
let) you, i>3ju uj tbclowcr organa, *ud a lucling* us if sum,
thiug was tuiug tu tall vul; Inability to »*IA uui;b uai.-
count of a feeling vf fulluMi. aching and draegin?. asd
shooting paina lu thu back, lotiis, and cituudin., dowu tho
leg»,lbt> jolting (rtoJucvd by riding greet jiaioi spu-
Uiudic shoutings and t-anis to the vuk*, stouiactL :ind bowel - *;
(icajacho, with ringing tu lbt> cars; etacy tilvi .1 the l~.J>
wanted ecru. great irrilabtbty; int**coo uci «uu*uum, 1 could
not bear the lout excitement without being yrcwtrali.u i_s
a day, I cuuU scarcely mote about in* bouse, isdai-1 n>.t.
Uknpluatraiuanything. 1 had gtroa up
Died everything, as I snrpcaed, in vain, tot • friend cail.'J
I look it, hoping against trope. Most fcrtcuately it cored
me and there is out a healthier cr nacre grateful woman n,
the country. I trust all will use It. Uia truly Uie njiuiu",
friend in need. KUa. FLORENCfc LESLIE
/y care flitting of the Womb, Whiles, Ouppmsed, Irrtgula r
or tAxinful Menstruation. Blending, Infamnalicns andDts
tasrsof thr Kidneys or Urinary Organs, Jtr.'mtum or In
conlmencs of Urine. Cbmretun, A'crrournrs;,
f\ilntingf, riilfritaliont, Cramps, Disturbed Si* p, and all
trembles organtc or sympathetic, cornezlni wiLH dhe Uterine
The pries of Marshall* Uterine CithoiicJn is One DJlar
and a BsJfprr tingle bottle. On. the receipt of sind-tlar:
toe bollletshall be sent try repress, free of ei.arge, to the
of the express route.
Bepartiaslar to write the. postof-tt address, lomn. ou.-nty
arid State. We trill guarantee that the Medicine v>fl be
onreeeipl of thr mr.ury. Address
Dp. UKO. 11. KKVSKR. tlO Woudbl.. PilUbnrgh,
Sp]4-dsi?7 S>icn of thuUoldeo SiurLii
Protected Solution of I’rotuxide ul trua.
Having successfullytasseu u...
ordeal to which new Oisrorcrh-s lit tbo Male] U Modi
caarweobjrtled, most now bu rt-ceiri-l ss nil e»iaMi»l:i,j
Mediciue ItscCicacy iui'Oriog
13 YSI» E LS IA. ,
Affections of the Liver, Propny, Wcuraljni.
Bronchitis and Consumptive , i'einleuot < *“ 1
Disordered State of . the Blood, Boil'
Scurfy and the Prostrative Ef
fects of Lead or Mercury.
General Debility, anil all Dts
eases requiring a Tonic, or Altera
live Medicine, is now beyond question
i'ue piuofi vfita«fficacy aro no uiimciuua. auwcll au(i.
ti<*at«xl, Bud of auch peculiar rbsrurtcr, that auCeTuVa rs:
nut reaaunnhty bcailate to m-rivu the pruQcnd aid. ' ,
The PeniYiau Syrnp dura nut inofcasto Wi unm-ait hot
,iU range I* extensive, tircauso many diavaara, •ppairulli
oolJke,»reltiUmai*ly mla ted, aud j*rocw«.]|Dg-froßt mu.
caoar, may bo cured by one remedy. .
The ciaaa of dbeaaea fur which the Symp |iruil.le» a m,.
UprerieelrUiat which hasajoflro Uttodttie Ulgbiet orfat
of medical skill. The facta are tangible, the wflOMrfaaiv
acceaihla,aud IhoeaU-ly aud cßJrary of the Svruu in-,,.,
trorerUUe. , ‘
Tbowwhotuay whU for auopini.m fnm» dieiutsi-ral*.!
ponooareepecting the character of the Ryrop, cannot fall
to beeatiaflwl with the loHowlur, among numerous teetlmr.
ulele In the bauda of tho ngsuta Tho aiguMur** am thc>?
of goat lumen well known iu tho caunnmi’ily of R,«un au,i
of the hlgheyt rnpcrtibiliiy. T “ • '^'"' ,l
Thounirralgued Laving experienced (ii^l*i. r n. i\| nY.-•
of the •‘Peruvian Syrup,” do u,l hea.Ulo lo i*roionm.l .•
to the attention of the public,
Proat ear own experhurt, as wall RR Hum the tUihri-u,
of othera, whoxo Intelligence au<l Inu-grttv are
we have updonbt of ItaefilcAcyin cjL.,.,
Incipient DUeaeee of the James Rn.f Rmucl.iil Pfc-, lVcs
D/api-pa,*, Llvj-r U-mplalnt, Neuralgia, etr ludl,
ILa would Im> tncn-Jible, but U.m clmH.-tl
.if tho* who have wilofased them, and hav- ,
theirtcelfuiony, as wo do onre, toitirculorativn tviw .
TtmiWffSSJS 1 * totowsaiißST
»v L> M ' D > O. DUNN.
hAMUFX MAY, r Rov. '
UlaweUkttnwuthatltomedicli:n|.6rtlul »•
ir« « J? ® T 2«* brU! CT l«“»rs to nir, mi l •
tooofPrutoxilief Iruu, wllhiiit '
tloo, baa l>eca deemed iui|>ts>ibte
Pyrupthiadmirabl,. , ~i .
rountWTiosia a war mto»B rarj»ow«* " ;
may renlare ail the prots nrh*jr.Ve*.
oTthe M.tert. aPa
Ar«aypronlir «ta(
SuUbyN.L, CLARK &r
*«mt, lJoelon. Rctnlled .
to. ÜBIX U. B£Y«E*
Holden Mortar, Agent
loaUnt, fur Cl'f
etreot, oppoalb
wwnlly from '' ‘
Also, for
fisAway, •
Ohio etreet,'
The P"-
lug, a*--- - .
KLTU9 I'HATi', Inn., Juue'£i, 1 *.»i.