The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 20, 1858, Image 3

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Cit y rind News Ttomn.
Tub Habeas Coartia.—Tho following, which
wo did not have in hooJ in limo to publish
wilhont encroaching unnecessarily nnon the
rSabbath, is n case of some inicrcsl At the
ime when the questions involved ineibis de
cision were raised, wo published Ihc facts as
they transpired. They occurred in .February
■ *'i S? I** 1 ** 8. HxmiUon, a mechanic of
houlu Pittsburgh, (Protestant) died, tearing a
W ‘J* OW » (Catholic) and throe children. _ ln his
will ho expressly set forth hia deairo and eolemu
request that Ibo-chiltlroo, Emma M., Margaretta
V. ami George A. Hamilton, minors, should be
brought up iu the'protoslant faith. To this end
he named a guardian for each of his* children,
in pursuance of this will, the children were
placed in charge of the guardians appointed.
1 hia proceeding, Mra. Hamilton, who is a Cath
olic, deemed both unnatural and illegal, and,
through counsel, applied for the writ Judgo
Shannon appeared in her l>ebelf, and the res
pondents were represented by M \V Achesoni :
t-sq. The matter was submitted to Lho court
upon a question of laW, raised by Judge Shan
non, which ia fully stated In the opinion of
Judge Williams, giren below, which will bo read
with interest.
This writ of Habeas Corpus was issued upon
the petition of Mrs. Margaretta Hamilton,
widow of GeorgeS. Hamilton, of South Pitts
burgh, deceased, to bring up the bodies of
Emma M., Margaretta Vy, and George Albert
Hamilton, minor children of said Margaretta
Hamilton and of the said George 8. Hamilton,
deceased, on tho allegation that they were res
trained of their liberty by Kamuci Hamilton
and Pulton Hamilton. The first named of naid
minors is thirtocn, the second eleven, and lho
last, about nine yenrs of age.
It nppoars from lho respondent’s return to
the writ that George 8. Hamilton, father of the
eaid minor cbildron, died on tho ii'Jtli of Decem
ber, 1857, aged forty-three years; that on tho
10th of September, 1857, bo mado and publish
ed his last will in writing, which was duly
proved before the Register of Wills on tbo 4th
of January, 1858. This-will, among other pro
visions, contains the following, viz;
Seventh. —l db-bereby constitute and appoint
ttov. Henry Ucck and Samuel Hamilton, the Ex
ecutors of this my lost will and testamont, and
t. do also constituto and appoint them guardians
of tho persona and cstalo of all my children
during their minority.
Eighth.— -It is my wish l£at all my children
shall be brought up la the Protestant faith; and
1 direct that my daughter Emma shall be con
fided to the caro, charge and keeping of my
sister, Mrs. Agnes Gebbart; my daughter Mar
garetta, to the care, charge and keeping of Mrs.
Mary Strallonford; and my son Albert, to-the
care, ob&rge and keeping of Bamuel Hamilton,
and my son William to the care, chargo and
keeping of hia grandfather, William llamillon.
It further appeared, that Ihc mother at once
proceeded to t&ke her children from the public
school, in South Pittsburgh, after the do ilh of
the father, and *tbo material facts embodied in
respondent’s return, so far as they were not ad
mitted upon tbo bearing, were shown to be true.
The execution of. the will, os stated in tho re
turn, was admitted, and the desire of the chil
dren to remain with the persons to whose caro
ami keeping they ore respectively confided by
tho will, was shown by an examination of the
children themselves.
The question is—is tho mother entitled to tb.e
custody of the children, and are we bound to
order them to be delivered up to her in disre
gard to the provisions of her husband's will.
* * * * * *
By oar Act of April 3, 1833, which adopts the
provisions of the British statute so for ns they
are applicable here, the power to appoint testa
mentary guardians is confined to persons of full
age, and none sroexcluded from each appoiou
ment on account of their religious belief The
4l&weqtion of this Act is in these words
“Evefy person competent to make a trill as
aforesaid, being the father of any minor child
unmarried, may devise the custody of such child,
doriog hia or her minority, or for any shorter
period.” This languago is too plain to admit of
doubt or misconstruction. If it means any
thing, it gives to the father, without restriction
or qualification, the power to devise the custody
of bis .children duriug their minority.
**'•«* * . » A
In this caso it does not appear that these
children are in aoy way restrained of their lib
erty. On the contrary, it is their wish to con
form to the \lireelions of their father’s wilL I
canootj tberefore, order them to bo delivered to
tbeir mother, but mnst remand them into U»e
custody of the respondent, SamUel Hamilton, to
bo placed In thS care and keeping of (hose to
whose custody they ero specially confided by the
will-of their father.
Toe in Clarion Coustv.—ld the
ClarioD Democrat wo "6ml tho report of the
labors andsuccesses ofaeven ministers in (.'tariou
county during (ho past winter, with 2-1 churches
to supply:
To the pastoral cb&rgo of the Rev. .1 Mont
gornery, tbere hare been added during tho pa»i
winter, 114 persons on profession of th«ir faith;
to that of Bev. D. McCuy, CG ; to that of Bev.
Wtu. McMlcbool, 45; to that of Rev. C. P.
Cummins, fed; to that of Her. 3. Wray, 11; to
that of R«v. J Msteer, 09, and to that of lipv.
J. McKean, 21. These are tho only churches
.under our caro supplied with the Mated means
of graeo.
Thcfollowing vacant churches hare also been
refreshed:—To Botbiada there bare been added
:i2; to Mill Creek 18/thus doubling the mem
bership of this little church; to E mien ton,, 14,
and to other vacant churches, 10; making in
all, over 500 members added during the last
winter on profession of their faith ; and during
the whole year, nearly COO. The increase of
the past year is equal to more (ban one-fourth
(1) of our former membership.
Hotel Robbkrien. —On Saturday night, a
boarder, named Scott, stopping at the Red Lion
Hold, St. Clair street, was robbed of a coat,
vest and pants, valued at twenty-five or thirty
dollar. Another boarder, a student at the Iron
City Commercial College, had bis trunk rifled of
clothing valued at forty dollars. The hclel was
carefully searched, but the missing articles were
not recovered. Arrests were made by the po
lice, on Monday, but there was no proof to hold
the persons token, and they were accordingly
huciHDA Fubiuoe.—W« are informed that (his
establishment, partly owned by President Bu
chanan, and for a number of years carried on
by Nathan Evans, Esq., is soon to be pat oat of:
blast permanently. The buildings and four;
hundred acres of land adjoining have been sold'
to Mr. Lewis Mahle, for the sum of five thousand
dollars. The large body of tho land—hitherto
connected with the furnace remains unsold.
The above we clip from the Clarion Democrat,
a Lecompton locofoco paper. The failure of the
Lecomptoa swindle is probably the cause nf the
blowing ont of the furnoee.
Tan St. Clair Street Bridge. —Workmen
begun, yesterday, to arrange tho steam chain
pump, with a to clearing the foundation
for the new abutment, of the overflow water, let
iu by the spring floods. It is the intention of
the company to vigorously prosecute tho work
on the now abutments and pier, during Ibis-sea
son, so as to have everything in readiness to
speedily complete the new structure, after the
present bridge shall be removed. This will,
probably, not occur until about April Ist, 1859.
Tne Allegheny River is now In fine rafting
stage, and laxge quantities of lumber are arriv
ing daily. We also notice several barges loading
for below,~and large rafts floating past the city,
seeking a mere western market. Our-Warren,
Venango, Clarion'and Jefferson county friends
are making’their semiannual visit. We ob
served squads of them op the streets yesterday.
Ur>._Robert Arnold, of Allegheny
City pot under bonds last week by the Mayor,
lo a'pprnr for trial for pairing and rending
counterfeit coin, was glreu up jeaterdaj by hi;
bail and In default of any other; rraa committed
to jail to await bi» trial, which will probably
■oome on Iu the U. S. Court which commences
ilaaeeaionain thiaclly on tho fi rat week In May.
Ir ia not often (hat aq many advantages can
1,0 -secured with so small an outlay as by pur
chasing a set of Musgrare'sOss Cooking Stoves,
for aalo at No. 75 Bmilbfiald street, uesg Pia
-Hot. Wo adviso all the Indies who hare
not done ad; to call hod nee them. There ia a
number of them iu use in this city, sod ell who
bare adopted them apeak very alrougly iu their
We learn that ala hundred and silly-two
bonda (ono thouaaud dollars each) of the eonoty
Seined to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
■hare been exchanged forelock in Ibatxompany,
I, ,h, office of Cambios 1 Co., in Philadelphia,
who were duly aatborirod by tho Commissioner!!
of this county to mako tho exchange
Tun Au-eanrar Dam:.—Byanadrcrliscmrr.t
in another column, It may be seen that ll.c -Allc
**?“" R.nlf trill hereafter and noli! further no
&7ron“et V bußiness at the office corner of
Third and Wood streets, formerly occupied as a
.bMklog offieofby-Thompetm Bell & Co.
a, jk. i»„ii Quarter,Session* i» Armstrong
. aieoUi ilgiilosp & P'P cr . «»g« P'o
‘.nririlr'e convfcllng lho <rapertis°r»
6 >gcr9Hte ' ■
Tdb Bico*d Cuuaca Property. —A large
Congregational Meeting was held last even
ing in lho basement room of the Second Presby
terian (Dr. Howard’s) Church, B. McLain, Esq.,
in thocnair, Messrs. Childs and Loy, Secretaries,
to tako into consideration the offer of tbo Alle
gheny Bank for the purchase of tho properly
whereon the said church now stands. It will be
remembered that the first offer made by the
Bank was $.‘50,000. This offer was rejected,
and it was agreed to submit (be question to the
Congregational Meeting provided lho Book
would give $35,000. Tho latter offer was ac
cepted, nod at tho meeting last ereuing the ques
tion was submitted by a vote of yeas and nays.
"For the Sale,” and "Against the Sale. - ’ The
result was, yeas 37, nays 1(5, so the Congrega
tion voted to sell for $35,000.
Od motion or Mr. Loy, it was voted that the
Trustees of ihe Chnrch bo authorized to coo
suaimato tho sale.
Gfl motion of .1. L. Brady, Esq , the following
resolutions laid over from last meeting were
taken up and adopted by au unanimous vote.
fitxolvfl. That a committee of five from the
congregation bo appointed to act in connection
with the Trustees of (hi* Church in (be purchase
of such lot as this congregation may designate,
and in the erection thereon of such a (’hurch
building as may he best adapted i•> the use of
the congregation, and an may fteeu to them best
Bulled to lho wishes of this congregation,together
wilheuitablc Lecture nndSabbath School Booms-,
ami that said joint committee bo hereby in
structed not to incre&so the amount of tbo pres
ent debt of lho Church.
Tho said committee may, if tLcy deem it best,
solicit and receivo subscription towards the erec
tion and finishing of n Church building nod Lec
ture and Sabbath .School Knows, wliich money
shall be added to the amount received from the
Bale of the present ('hurch property, on Fifth
street, and usod ns nbovo designated. But in
no case slmM tbo said committee or the trustees,
In the erection and furnishing of said Church
building, iucreasc the amount of lho present in
ilcbtednePH of this Church. >-
The following gentlemen were appointed to
net in accordance with tho nbovo resolution:
Harvey Childs, .lames Cliamlicrs, John M’-
Curdy, W. I*. Copeland, John F. Jennings.
After this, the meeting took into consideration
the question of n choice of lots on which to build.
The cnoico appeared to bo narrowed down to
two, ono on tho corner of Hancook and Duquesne
Way, (near Verry Hotel,) and ono on Lhe corner
of Irwin and Penn streets. Mr. M’Auley spoke
against tho lot on ‘Duquesno Way, as it was oT
made-land, and difficult to find a good fonnda
lion for a heavy.building there. Mr Arnold
was in favor of it. After couHidcrablo discussion,
tho matter was postponed until one week from
this evening, when there will be another uieet
log i > lix upon some lot. ,
PrrrsHi uou Thkatre.— From an adverti«e
(uent in another column we learn that tho cele
brated actress, Miss Charlotte Cuehmati, will
appear on Wednesday (to-ni<#vow) evenlDg tu
Juliet to tho Romeo of Mr. J. E. McDonough.
Miss Cushman has attained a world-wide repu
tation os an actress of great attainments, and
wherever Bho has appeared, whether io England
or in America, has won golden opinions. She
is engaged for three nights, only. She is now
playing farewell engagements, previous to her
final retirement from the stage.
Tub National —The celebrated actor, Mr
Bennett, played the pari of ••VirgtDius’ Ust
evening to a tine haitnc Ho was very well sup
ported, and the whole company did themselves
much credit. Mr. Bennett will appear this
ing as "Othello,” in Shakspearo’u great tragedy,
when he will be sopparled by the whole strength
of Lhe company.
Godey’s Lat»t’> Book, for May, in out and
for sale by Messrs. Hunt & Miner, Masonic
Hall, Fifth §l. Tt is, as usual, profusely illus
trated, and will be of peculiar interest to the
ladles, ns the Spring and Bummer
HuisnnoLb Words, for May, is also received
and for sale by W. A. Gildenfcnny, Fifth St.,
opposite the old Theatre. .Mr <3. keeps All tho
latest pipers aod periodicftls.
• Miiu built in 1857, 220 churches, worth
s4oo,ooft: eight hundred school houses, worth
$400,000; twenty county buiidiogH, worth
$300,000 The State has nino .State huildiogp.
at $4,000,000; two hundred county buildings
at SS;OOO,(HK>; fourUiousand churches at $lO,-
000,000; and ten thousand school houses at $5,-
000,000—aggregate value $24,000,000.
A new bridge in built across the Clarion
at Clarion It is to be a Huwe truss bridge, !'.'<•
feel span without upier in the river, on the plan
of the Kittanning bridge. It will be no obstruct
Lion to navigation, tun! will be much moredura
Me than the ef-er-ie* ~{ bridge-* heretofore built
on the Clarion,
T|in: McKcc?pcrt Standard rajs (Lai within
ten days or two werks ac(iou will l»e resuni«*d io
reference to the Monongabela B»uk. and it -will
ebortly bo put. iu operation.
A list of valuable Bank and Bridge Company
Slocks are to lie sold ibis creoihg at (be Com
mercial Sales Rooms, No. M Fifth street, by
Mr. Davis.
Pnov. Wonn> Jlaik Hkstorativr —This
rativc for makiug tho hair grow, stopping its falling
out, and restoring gray hair t» ils original color, »«
becoming cnlcbrutod.. AU tho quack nostrums any
giving Tray it. Thren-fuuribrnf tho mitlnrcs
Inr rt-itoriag anil beautifying thu hair, do it ta»ru
injury than gvod. Tboy burn it up -destroy tho tile
at iU rooUw-tnako tho huir fall <>(T, and produ.-o pro
mature baldness. But Prof. Wood's Restorative
may bo relied upon as containing nothing which can
ia any moaner In injurious to the hair, whilo its sue
cess in orcomplirhmg wtant it pretends to do, his
been verified in hnndretls of ruses. IVo adviso gray
heads, and Loads getting bald —all who wish to aave
wool or obtain n now stock, to got a buttle of Wood’t
Restorative.—A’. Y. /fcwornit.
Sold by all respectable Druggists. I
Stranqer ix Town. —We have been gratified ly a
call from Frcdorick Ayer, Esq., tho business mao of
tho firm of J. C. Ayer A Co., Isowell. A short ac
quaintance with tho gentleman convinced us that
not the Doctor’s skill la compounding his medicines
is alone conccrnod in the immense consumption of
them; bat that it takes business talent of no ordi
nary measure to pass them around tho world. Mr.
Ayer, manifestly, has these abilities and the success
of bis bonso shows that ho uses them.— Mnuphi*
\ni.j. \
Paris styles of (tents’and Boys’ clothing, enre
fnlly transferred from the best French reports of
fashion, may now bo seen at Carnagban's, Federal
street, Allegheny City. Great care is taken in the
manufacture of ercry article, and buyers may readily
806 tho poculiar neatness of stylo, and perfection if
workmanship, with which c&cb article i.i prepared.
Custom work for men and boys carefully made, and
a full stock of shirts, gloves, hosiery, Ac., kept nii
hand. 1
No Wonder be wu ThBnkfal.»llun as
JuoosroK Yocr&kiaes.—
RoaitSTxa, October 19, ln£*L
HiX)n I’LfXtxa Uxor—Gontlein **ll—Having evpcrteun-d
the Lcut-flrinl r-flerU o( Dr. McLnue's Celebrated Liver Pills,
prepared by you, 1 take great pleasure to recommending
them to the pnbllc. I leol warranted In mylng, tliat they
are a certain cure fur ti>ir c-ont/dain/i all Minus Uu
tavt, oo matter how difticnlt or long standing. I uiVK-if
waautTUcted with tills dreadlal disease lor ovnr two y«»rs,
andobt bowlbaufcful I ain that 1 heard of these Pills. I
purchased of ono of yoar agents three boxes, amt before 1
had finished the third box, was completely curfd. 1 Verily
lietiere, hot for Dr. McLane'e Liver Pill*, 1 should hare now
been in my grave; hot as it is. I aui now enjoying the best
of health, and slaud a living witness ol tho efUdeiify of Dr.
McLoso’s Liver PUL. Besides rocovetingmy health, 1 con
sider that I have nTed In iKU-krt sumo twoor threehoodred
dollars physician's fees. WILLIAM lIIBU,
Traveler In Western New York.
be careful to ask for DR. U’LANIC fi
BROS., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting
to be Liver Pills, now before tbe public. Dr. M’Liue’s gen*
alue IJver Pills, olvj bis celebrated Vermlfago, can now be
had at all respectable drag ntorea. Non* genuine withcut
tie licnatmr* cf oiiOOdawT FLEMING BROS
Solo l4>tsoe sinTManagor.. . J C FOSTER
Acting and
btali or nurrs
I'riTAte Oolm; to hold six jw-ra.iiw JO
• Dress Circle and Pwqnutto - i
Uj.por Tier« open at 7 o’chtrk. Cotmuouco at hslf past.
Second of tlu> uigagomont ol tho eminent English
Tragedian, Mr. JAMES DENNETT, whufci reri-plibo last
uvr-nlne by a fntl and foahlonat.le ntidionro, was ol tho moat
enlhualaatic dtecriplion Ur will fljmear tonfght iu tho
preatHliakiprrLn cuararter rf I A (i 0
TUESDAY EVENING, April 2otl H HM, will lie pre
sented Shaki'pear’aTnju’djfin live acts, of
laro ... - Mr. Jamra Bennalt.
Othello.. Mr. Walter Kwdrh-
Caulo -» .Mr. Henry l> Bascom
Deademoua .. . Jolia Si. Cooke
Favorite Pus Foul ~Ml« Emily Waldegravn.
Toccnclndc with tho nautical firco of
Wr Matthow Scraggs Mr. W. 11. frilLy
Tom Tape .. Mr. A. W. rung
Bally Ecraggs Uiaa Kale Klrl.-r
89-To-mnrrow, MU. DENNKIT will ap|irar.
TrSTt T S ifu IT ti ll T 11 EA T H K
I MISS KIMBERLY Ltnre sxn MsxxnucM
U. A. WEAVER Stsoi Usstuxa.
AiTinsnox or Itoor»opcn at 7 o’cl.wk Puif.irm
aoco to cotuuienre at 7^—Bm ofliee,|rjr tulv of Tickets,
open DotalO D> 3 O'clock
The manoaeroent take* rwclal plmnrrc tn announcing an
IWog her farewell prcriotis to her final retire
tnent from tboltacc
Tlio celebrated Tragedian,bu Ueo w>«»K* d *»Baj-port Biles
CnrbiMu, bciop lib An* aililwManc# fwro toreigU were
WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 2l«t, IMS, will Iwpi’i
formed Hhakam-re'e play of
Will, iljo following powerful cast:
Ikiuteo MueCuahunn, I Juliet
Blprcntlo...^.Mr.M , Doooiigb, I Peter
Friar lAarence—Mr. Wearer, |
Anri all tUavtlirrcbaracten e.|ually wtll C sjj <^ Xarnbnll
To'conclude wiili a popohr Fare*. >" wliiel* Hum KHnfi
andtba oM*t>trlcO»rnetUan, Mr. Kot.hwo, will "| , IT 4 1 r ' , ,
OirTlie Uarn&ov OPERA TRUUFK or Or* tbUajklPljia
uad New York Academy tbo
lkmofliiuW«ld-iflW>w*“4 MAXUARiaT-tKK,iyeßg%“3.
•tuS wOlabortly (fro aaeriM of lou Opera*.
*y*No fn» JjfT, except aw to here vl thv Itco.
Wasdixctox Cjtt, April 19.
Berate.—A request was made by Mr. Trumbull
that a eertiCed copy be famished of tbo cviJeore io
the Indiana contested election caso. This afforded
Messrs. Bright and Fitch the opportunity to sly that
they wished the matter investigated and settled hs
soon as possible. The Deficiency Appropriation Hill
was then taken up.
The Deficiency Bill was disrassed. The section
respecting extra allowances to officers of the House
was debated, but nut strickoo out as tho Committee
recommended. Mr. Hale spoke in support of hi’
amendment. The Senate adjourqed.
House.—Messrs. Florence, Phillip?, nnd bandy
prosonled memorials from citizens of Philadelphia
lor lho ostabluhmont ot an oceanic steam mail route
lictween Philadelphia and Southampton.
Mr. Florence gave notice of tho introduction of a
hill to establish certain ocean po9t routes between
tbo I niUd Stales and Europe and the regular trans
portation of tho mails, ~and to reduce the expense#
lborei-f Tbo Hoaso adjourned.
iMspatrb t>* tbs Pittat’Orgb Qnr-tt« j
Harrisburg, April 19.
Sujmte —Tbo Houso Hill, relative to atu.-h
monts of vessel?, passed finally, but having been
amondod, goes tu tho Houso for concurrence therein.
The r'cmito Hill providing Tor tbo rediof «.f Samuel
Hiird passed finally and goos to tho Houso. Tbo
Houso Militia Hill passed a eocotid reading slightly
amended. Senate Bill changing the venuo of suits
ou bonds in Lawrenco and Butler counties passed to a
third reading by a vuto of 21 again»l 7.
Tho Senate concurred in tho Houso amendments
t ) tbo Vehicle License Bill.
n«»r#B—Tho BUI to abolish the Canal Board
parsed finally and goes to the Senate.
Thu llouso concurred in tho Senate nuioudmcnlA
In the Bill relative to lho Railroad Bridge over tho
A llogheny. The Moose also concurred in tbo Senate
amendments tn the Bill relating to lateral railroaJs.
ThoSenatoßill to protect insectivorous bird* passed
finally, but having been amended, goes to lho Senate
again (or concurrence.
The Rpocial Committee on Kansas reported. Air.
WTlliston moved that it bo mado the tqrcriHl order,
which was lost,yeas 23, nays 62 ; our representatives
voted aye, except Mr. Scott; Mr. Irwin bemg ab
sent. Tho report was laid on tho table by a vole of
63 against 29 ; nor representative-! voted no, oxccpt
Mr. Scott, Mr. Irwin being absent.
Tho Senate Bill relalivo to Sheriffs' Halos ha? been
signed by the Governor.
/.Y«*>ni»7 —Skhate.— The Rill changing
tbo venue on rutin on bonds in Lawrence and
Butler couuUea passed finally, but 100 late fur
notion in tho House this cession.
lbiufo Bill relative lu Insurance passed a second
reading, slightlv amended, by u wiioof 17again?t
T.bu BcuuLo Bill to fix tbo rate id interest nt 7 per
rent, was passed by a vote of 16 againrt 1.1.
Moure Hill Iwing n supplement to the act incurpu
i»t log tbo Western Transportation C’«*. passod filially
and Docda but the Governor’? signature In bo a law.
Ib'iren.—Tho Bill to establish Guy’s Ferry pnr-cJ
tinally and goes to tbo Senate.
Washington Crrr, April 19.—Tho joint Commit
tee of Conference on the Kansu bill mot this morn
ing, all the members bciDg present fur tbo first time.
Mr. Green, on behalf of tho majority of the Senate
Committee, propositions, amending
tho Senate bill, none of which proved acceptable l«
tho House Committee. Propositions were then solici
ted from tho House Committee. Mr. KnglUb-rospoo
ded that at the next meeting of the Committee be
would submit a new hill, the preciso chapter of
which bu not transpired, butitjs understood to bo a
proposition for a substitute for tb« Leeoapton ordi
nance, and that the question of admission ander the
Isocoupton Con*titat»* u i w itb sn amended ordinance,
l*o referrod to » flUr vote of tho people of Kansas at
an early J»y- If tbo majority votofor it, Kaneas is
to f*aie into the Union under tbo President's procla
mation. If against it, (ben tbo bill provides for the
formation of a new constitution whoneror the popula
lion there equals the number required fur a member
in the U. 8. Houso ofr Representative?. Tho com
mittee adjoarnod over till to-morrow.
There is somo reason to believe that Mr. English’s
bill will bo agreed to in conference and pass congress.
Tho Sooate to-day confirmed John Cadwalladar as
Judge of tho Eastern District Court for Pennsylvania
riro Kane deceased.
PuiLAi>Ei.t-uia, April 19.—1 t ia reported that the
Rqv. Dudley A. Tyng died at hia residence in
Montgomery co M this afternoon, from tho ofleers of
a recent accident.
Tslegrsphlc Itlarlceia.
Nsw VviK, April 10 —Cotton. 200 b*Vi sold, tb«
>lo«mg fery dull. Flour Oioi; 14,690 libN sold, Ohio nd
T.vnn-1 f<: otlr* st ft 60031*70 WtMWthumry; BuOO tusti»U
ndJ; Soulbcrumlgl IJ©! ‘ArrwhUc $1 37 Ji; Chics*.-
.Hpriog Wheat 96; Western white |1 2oei}l i>. tWo Brin.
42,000 bus
mixw) iiotalnsL Prortston*: Mess Pork declined Hv; ult*
at ft? tUKjl*: primeh«e atl*o docliocd 10c; -**!•<• at *l4 (£t±
14 76. Baron Aim; llama
Lsrd ri'^l2 1 cloatnl bnoyant; in l>ldt WbOky
doll. Tcbrrvu ateady. Tatbrw <JuO at sugar bnary-.
Muscoroito OJajrfwT Ooffceijnlrt. Molaoec* »jnl«t Fralght*
(toady; Cuitoa u> l.lrorjMdt ytcor to Liverpool Is X! (h.
Is 4'; Onitn to Liverpool Stocks dull, hot nfli-i
tlio lxeard they toiprowd; IlllrmisOntral hoed* H«fc Mich
Kuctb«iu N ’« C»:otriU f‘vnoa Coal 71. Rendtut;
>a. % . Wilwankl" arvt Uloivalppl 30; Canton Co VI; tlalnu
Krlart*-,; TVnnrvw SvmM-V; ilirhi^.m
PnrL»ii*LMiM, April l 4 * —Flour Oim; n;-*'rt doruaad lici
llisl, isd only IUM hbla dupard vl at 4«o fur Auparfin**,
••yi.i.-J 7'« t»r Utri. md f>Jj tor .-atra family Jtj#
Hu*ir *ud Cc-ru Meal aewrea aud firm at ii. VVhaal dull
•uJ frwei islb-r nunttb-1; aalrs bOOO hut ul >*U to |1 for
lufrrv/r «ud piioi? rr-J. an-t fl Vi for white VouOt us
Ry» *->td at 7i»- iVirn rontium-a in iWinaud, aoJ 90u0
bii« >eU./** t aIC at, soi l at Tiir Uwta cwnimoiul 4'jc. Pork
firm at (Is, cash. ButUr doll at slL<#l4 fur aolid pa-k-I
"dd roll 1V0.,; «.xtrvui(*ly *juiet and price* rather favwr
hayvn tVhukj firm alXlc.
Ci.v«'t!(NiTi, April ly Flour sola* ItuO Lbts
»t fi Ciita'J To Whuky rather dalt hot but tow«n lauo bbl;
•old at lo'.ij. Thera la bo vaaaatlal chaoga tn Pruviakuit
aati-a luou U.l* Mew Pork, at La Fayette and O.tUicotUs. at
$l7; city hraoda ar« bald out cf the market LanS euld at
to t-*> drlivared May Ist Th»-r»> la no clmop<‘ 111 Uucou
nr liulk Moats. Corn la mrca and in domaod at 3Cc. Epia
Tiir|isuUu* advauti-d tu U*c. Money market aaay; excbati*t*
im-mi.-mx, April !«' —Floor steady n't $4 10* $ for City and
I* -5 for Howard and Ob to Wheat: low grades dull at <k)r
(tf-l; primp on demand a| <1 026} l 00 for rod, $| l&rtt !»6 for
*bile Corn ycDow 07n$i« Wbistj clr**d
•t.njj -it -JIjJCIJ j I’rnTUli.tls Ann
Tiih Diamond Nkcklai.'S.—-The «>i
the ♦'DneouV Diamond Necklace," whicfProade mi
uiurli uuLio just Lofuro tho outbreak or the’groat rev -
olution nf 1779, in about to c6me ou agaitp before the
court* of Puri*, the heirs and represcDlaiivua of
iki'htnor and ttonnangn, llie jeivollers wbo’xuppiied
the necklace, having brought so action again M the
beira and representatives of Cardinal du^Uohan. —
This necklace i* almost an famous iu lu way an the
splendid ganuonts fur gentlemen aud youths, made
at the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of itorkhill A
Wilson, Nos. f-02 and fios Chcstaat street, I’hlla. t
I\TO,TIOE. I have tbia day, April J, ISSS,
Xl ■<'lit my <'ntln> stuck ofCull«rj,Nurglcal liitlrumenlt,
4c,loMraaro. W. W. YOUNG and YVM. CAUTYVkIUHT,
who wlllcoutiuue Uts busl&csaat the old stand, under ths
narn* -vf CARTYVKIGIIT 1 YOUNG. My brother, Win.
Cartwright, bn* teeu engugod with iua fur many yaars, and
rnlera iu tbr new firm with n thorough ktiowlivlgu id the
IhihlU'Ws. i <tiu<ifully rtcuniuiund tbo now Arm l<> uiy for>.> bare tisrolnforo on HU-rul)/
patxouirod my «snlJ»bU»hmetit. JOHN CARTVVRIUIIT.
CO-FARTNEKSII [T7— Tlt .■ undenugned
liiito this day formed n pnrtnerablp uudur thn luiuo uf
CAtITWitItJIIT A YOUNG, forth* purixne of nianufartur-
Ing mill dewllug in Culliiry, Sorglcit Instruments, Ac—
They bar* purchased tha stuck ul Mr. John Cartwright, and
will contiuuo lliu Jiiislhcm at Ni>. SO Wood street.
April Ul, ISs^—epl&ilmd
(duccew-ra to John Caitwright,;
MANUFACTURERS nod Importer* ..I
Pcckat anJ Table Cutlery, Kurglcal and Denial lo
atriunrnta, Gun*, Pist-ds, Fishing Tackle, Ar„ No to Wood
•treat. They giro special atluullun iu llie uauufitctnrinc of
Truaaea, Supporters, Ac. J<il>!>iu< aud lUpaJug with punc
tuality aud Jrspalch. ‘ npl.Vdly
POTASH.- A prime orticb*, junt muMvrd
by apif; mackhuWn a finley
MACKEOWN & FINLEY arenmv receiv
ing a Urge lot of I'alota, Bruch** and Varniabt’*, at
■P>6 _No. IK7 Ulwrty street
Extract of ; eoqwood a very i»rpt
Inruica wiling at vary low prices by
PRINTER’S CARDS—In shout# or pauk^
fur aide by YVM. G. JOUNBTON A OU.,
ap)7 Praters in Printer*’ Material*, 07 W<««i etix-i
apt? Stationon, 57 Wood struct
BLANK BOOKS—AH sites and styles of
ruling <>n hand or mado to order iu a superior manuer
•pi" .■ Blank Dook Mannfactnren, SZWoodtt.
J OB PKINTiNO—Cords, Circulars, Prioe
Idtta, UUI tlaads, Ac., Ac., ezaentod with dispatch in a
aupcrinratyto ly YVM. O. JOHNSTON A CO,
ap!7 Priutonandstattooan,67 Wuodstreet,
APPLES —200 LUs. common to choice
Green A pplet jast received and for sale by
T\RIED FRUIT—SO" bus. Dried Apples nod
1 / 16 do llriud Peacbee just received and tor eate by
apt 7 U. ROBISON A CO.
POTATOES —400 bus. Potatoes just recM
and fur sale by apt? R. ROBISON A UA
CHEESE —24() bxs. prime W. R. Chet»e
ju«t received and for sale by R. fIQBTSON A 00.
B'~ UflW^l>~EGQS—lo bbls. Egg» and
0 bbla- Roll Batter jnvt rac'd and for sale by
api7 o. nomspN a cu.
BACON —150,000 lbs. Ilams, Shouldersand
Ridee iu smoke huuaeand foreala by
LARD. —15 kegs Leul‘ Lard, in store and
for *al-i liy ap!7 iIRNKY 11. COLUNR
AKK Flsu—lso"half bblt). white'fish.
76 do do Trout.
30 do do SolmoD.
•J> do do Herring.
Received and for sale by apU UKNHY If. COLLINB.
LIME. —200 bbls fresh Limo received nn«l
for sate by np!7 HENRY !!. COLLINS.
-1 & BLK CATTLE POWDER for sale by
aplO corner Wood *ndFonrtb streets.
*tor- end for aale t>y B. L. FAHNESTOCK AGO.
Ojust rccMand for tala by R'L. FAHNESTOCK A 00_
Q/V CASITy SODA ASH in store and for
A\J sale by spiff 11. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO.
Off CASKS’ SA L' SODA 'fopsalo' by
llpIC" No. CO, corner Wood and Fourth its.
Mis* Kimberly
Ur. Kublaoti
POTATOES —2000 bus. purewhite Neslmn
noek* arrlviogsnd for sole by
aplO DAVID 0. HERBST, cor Liberty A Hand sts.
tMJV/ la •torAAnd ornilog for «aJe by
■OT>lfl,. v - v DAVID C. UElUlgr
IVVFOTATOE3 In store *nj arriving .for aaU by
y Baumrr. V,‘l’, Johh J. Oillul’is. gtucsi. Bfixivn,
Joarj’ii It. iluvrra, Al>Tin L*»>Rl- ; .
Weekly Review oftbePlttibursb Market.
[ ftrpartrl tjrdally / *r C.e JMUhuryh Gaiftte.]
husliivatrucitiniii*? mi-lorntcly brisk, but «i;b no apucbl
activity’t.* note The rivers remain in goM ovd-r, and
Irciglitlng ia kc-pt np steadily; bet nates are wry* low, ntid
tb<> amount of guol? gniu; west i»|by u tncsug
«.iiir wbolrenli* xrncen and pdiliore are enjoying a v<*ry
Itno nio of rouotiy erdrrs, andtbcsr* hraneboa of basinew
weru i»ov«r ddlug better The produce tm.le is rattier dull,
and tho iii'inofiacturlng ioteccst ia by O" means bnoyant. •
The Weather cantinnes favomblo fof ■•otb (lie tall nod
-pring crops, being neither Ux> warm nur too cold, ami
vugotatlon is coming lorwanl aiuwty l.nt nU-adilj The crop
lutelligenr* fruia all parts of tiiu ouutry is cheering, and it
no backset nrcura *• abail liar« one of the meet prudnetivo
seasons oo record.
Mousy ia iu dctnan.l auJ the market may be
cailvd'qnlle easy to good t*urruwara. Tho hfiiika areexicnd
tug tluur diK .out tinea very ntowly tor-want i.foUerlogi
The Pliiladnlpbi* North Atooriran says'.
“Th- iuun«*y inuket i hulidoo- oo*y, and primo |.ap»-i
is scarce and wauled at b cant t* amnim, the banks lak
■ ng all dm g.*u.l nr«im».i.Or-rsd."
Tli*. Ni"v Y.jrk esys:
-Iliere Is on new fsatare luthn money market U> aotlco
this »ock, and lb" teoil.mry noutiouoe toward greater ease
It la diWcult to pla< n Imns eveu at tho low rales now currunt
On calMhe regnbir rnnrket rai-a are about four tu flve V
cent, the former tvlniu partire are seokiug to fund amt til"
lattar to those who arn ncgcitintiag to UuruV. Tltera ia a
iiuiveraal complmut iaith amouv. bank oltl.-vn *Dd privalo
dcali'i" i>l th.' war* il tof pnja-r. Tim current rates are flvo
tn MX cent, and nil g*s*d odviingH are cngcrly taken at
tboau ialci. but there are Imp .ilunt trauaa* Uuns at lowrr
«ay ilowu t..three uml a li:*l( "p* . uni, at which a
principal private kinkiug tiuUvu I? sui.l (o be difr’uuutiuir
tin iiwn obligntioua not yet inatur*"!.'' ,
Tliv Tiiuea saya:
•• Advices had tieeti reo ived tn Jnii oU.ur
low KirhiiQgm, and the Africa brings in return {dio.ouu iu
gold, to !«• •uct.-cod'-d by w.ino fur{bri sums by tbo next
Tliercodpta of fugar at Nuu <nleans to Uie Uitb were
17ii,710 hlida, agiiist tia.Tdb la*t, and of Molaaaoa, liM.Hlii
litiia, agaluat *B.lOl laal year. Sugoi wns quoted at b* 4 (.i,7,
fait to fnllj fair, and prime UuiaMea 27<<c2»
ASIIK3 -Ttiero is but tilth- doing: an oxasiuual sale
transpires of i'ots at £>jX, cub, aud I‘earls at iMb nnd
time. Bodn Ash (teadyat 3%{dA.
APFLKB—The seasoo being nearly ovei. the ms* ket ia not
an ocUtb; a few aalesof lot# tu gobdcoD.lllluaat
as in ijuallly.
BU'iTKR AND »XltlS—As tuual, in the season Utwecu
bay and gram, Uatter ie very ncarce aud prices firm; lire few
lots of prime roll received have aold readily at lb. and
romtuou ut I2i4'sl I Kgga have been aud ara tery ptvnty,
bnt the euteru dotnaud baa k<-i*t the uiarfcat clear, aud tbo
market is at H. Ttio ii'*-eipla for tbs rut avungn
I'JUU to IMM bbt# weekly .
UAIJUN—Tho mnrket is firm and steady, witb aa upward
tendoucy; aalea *>f Hboohlcrs ut 7Ui-uT-H; Fi.tna at
W* »ti'fu Uaoia at mnl city do I0j4; tugar Cured
do \t%
IIUCKWtIKAT FLulJH—Ouo oi two closing out aalca
barn becu >.(k'Ct*-'i at 7fic %k Ilk) Ibe.
HKANfi—There U a modcrato ui.jniry f<n pi Ime small
IVblte ihnns at {l,lJtln Kmall Into; largo Wlulo are
•piote.l nt ft,oo,and mixed at Ttau-SO.
BbOKCTt 1 AND TU 118—Tbo follcwlnß areni»uuti.-enrera’
rales ut Fallsloii: llimlu-ts, < .uim»u and J hooped, (.1, CO
nnd »I.N); extra Inrgc Tnt>s. V nnd 3 hoops, su,7b aud }7,7r.;
No 1 Tut-". 4b.wi; .No. No fi do, f 1.76; No. 4
tin, $l,OO hooters, No- Ik LV.76 —iwhb, parfon*!’* . w ali-i
of Bucket* tu tho rotnil way »t s'2,^,lV.
BJlooM3—there la n lair supply, unit piicej nuji- fruia
(1 Vi pur duaua f«*r romtuou to 4-1 for druko extra, iutorin«-
dinie grades ntuglng H. corJiitgly
MauiiU It.-j H.-, r,.;t, tl c yt lb Manilla,Rups, cot, 14 c -jt lb
ilemp Ku|"., "oil, 1& c V Pi Wldto Rope. cut. Id r V < b
Tarred Rope, cot), 14 c V tb Tarred Rope, cut, tb c >i th
Parting YauLtiue, 13 c 'j* 0> i'nrkiug Yam,Com IV c >i lh
BKD CORDS—Mnuilto, |I,S7. $2,»1@53,7» > d-^
Manilla, ret], lb els.» Dv
llemi*, $1,87, V -1..7
Huup, cutl, 14 eta Jt>.
PtAJUOU LINKS—/itauiUo, b 7 eta <1 doa. Ilrmp, 70c
COTTON YARNS—Brice? roipain asLeforti quctvrl;
N 00.6 to lOluclasive 22 c ft lb No. 1b...-.
Ncnl 11 1 12 KlcV B> No-17...,-
N- 13 24 c H ft No. 18.....
No 14. 2i c>i ft No. 10
No 16 26 c|tft|No. 29. ....
N " « *ftr*yd
CtIKFSF.- a Hunted lu.fiiiiy Irum tbo retail nn t i-'nutr y
trade el Mb, f..r grmd W R.
CAM»l.t> AND SOAP—Ouidtoearestmdy at our quota
tious —iti|*)>ed 12, mould nod edamautlua 2>>
Swp renniin* as Iwtore, steady at 5 lor riimrtmn, f.n
Palm, and 10 (or Sawyer's Toilet and-Caatila, t r do olive, nnd 7 fi>r do Qermaipf
DKIKD tlKKk—Smallaalr# rd n*w by tb" tl-ics at I2' r
DRIED FRUIT—A fair rapply ( f Apples and mar lo t
steady at with wall nb-a at f 1,37(.r;j.1,4i
Tea. In* aru scarcoat s.l,t>(kss3,7t> 1
FCATIIKRA—' we not a antes of prime wwrtern. on arrival,
at 43 hut only in (mall l»t?; bum store they are huh)
at bu
FKKD— W«* qortf- ?«*•<}, ..0 arrival, within thn rji.*a
H ii'w'Ml fir llran, Shr>r(c, fitil]»alntTc nml McMllopc
HS’fl— thrreia•ltrit*moil rt>£nl*r dvioanil far Mark nr* 1
V.i .1. larp\ at an alranro, ait.l wo quote i»ow at (l‘2><r f IZbO
V i*M. «»»J V»'lf »‘hl; Halifax lterriu K
\Vlnt» Kl*h, orslinar/ (KVffljH; t,»Uw t*ijji«<nni cl.•
jli half <!•> <iniln-irT «*> l.»k» Pupui ter, jfi.iK)
u.}t\Codfish 4i^o
Kl« M3K -Tl.. r<« for ta!o bar* ui n ijutte hylil. and llio
inatkrt I* * iUm-uI i »nlrt of aoi«or, on nrmitl a(
ami vitra 91 £1.76 Prom aturo, antaa of tapat
«t f.t.rt.rrlra at nuil family <U, at
>•* , **i f*lnn( Hyp Floor from iterant $3,2i
tl K 41 N— Thar** t« h moderate aapjdy uml prlroa n'mmn
nuallirrd'. tnlmi of <)»T3 nti arrival at *J7 and UottW t>l 4‘V.i t&
llir >• In at<>«ly Kir <liatitlati.,n. am) Mtra nti « tiai f
•ml ai canal nt M. Ilimi la tot uflaring t„ mijr .'li. ut,
-i'h »l aUioi IiMM Ima. !*i>rlt<Koti antral at ib, and r»u i.ui
i.nin.- Kail n( .so WwtAT ranp* from ftoni r.i«»
lianda, and 76<a0f> from atom
OllOOKItl KK— flu car i< firm, uni (aim nra inn kmc 11’"
rrtall -anil r,.on try timfa at H.'rfV{. M«las*<a i< m-Hhi* to
(uuntrj nt tVtrw i« Mrm at ami Kt.o «t
5 5 <l
UAH ripr--tt.* f .ll.>\»lnc ih. ■juota'l.'iia for rrcrmßlit
lr~o tnt'lnc
Per Pouf.
t£ It»rh <>*■ 7 ct»
K •• *• * -
K - *» . »•<--
i, n-M «
!-* ••
t • « 17'4
W x - . 2il -
!*«ihj«rt to lh<« raatotnar; «U*
HOMINY—a lipbt .tamnixt. <
(it {6.00 \> Lbt.
It A V—a tairaupply at aralc:
UUjKS— I There is uu'
0 f.'r iliM'ii mill '-‘j tor (trrpa
acliuig Irwly nil trvak'at I
iDMtv •. UU‘ Ilian u-.i.l
IKON A NAlld* them i*n
am michangnl. nu-l w« i
mo*, ae.
O.mitlun in., t.-nj-.t tb i\
JuulaH *• •• . 4s
li-.. H..w YVliir* •• 4l J
• * flaba - .4
likl !.-> 1f..1 Nall* Lng N.frir
K.l 1.. 0.1 •• line is
A Fro.-.- Nad* * kfg .
fid a 7-J •* . 4,i6
Ih| •• •• . t,6(»
4.1 -4,7 b
Sd . 6,7.'.
%\ •• .. 7,00
Cut Splkca D fo l>/ 4
lurli ... 4,tit>
•• h 1., tt 4,76
YYru't Splkea 0'/ 4 iuob
all twiKttm f.'.
•• Fid •• _... 6t?
•• ...„ O'.,
Udl.r ft Ui O';
OliaST UuH.
N“« 13,14, l. r >, ins 17 Ytlh 4.*^
“ 18,-AJ, •• 6
- 20 *• 6l 4
LKATHEII— Mmki-t dull au.i uu. btug-d
Itid SpeaUli Polo ft lb
Slaughter “ ••
Upper Leather ft dot L’tOCaJ.'W
Bridle “ - . .. s;«Vflt4U
Skirting L<*lli*r ft lb 2tk9‘.2i
lUrneia ...
l, A till- J*el«a u( r.tiii.lry In am nil luls nl l* 1 Gil) N» 1
la bnlJ firmly at lo^lo^
I.I.'MiIKK -Tin aui.Mtut sold hrru i« foi 11.- biukll.
aud lliv IrauaarUuaJ eo fax Lave been oiaiuly at fi'J aud #U cotuuu-u aud dror, a frw iota selling at {ld aud $'JO
Hbiuglcv, un ralt,(2JX>V M.
MICAS I*ORK—Hu advamid. lioMi ri ui.i m>w asllu)
|l7,otk<<|n,—l; In the imallway, aaleeal sl7.t*<>uf)6
Oil.—lard Oil No 1 Uaelliug iteadlly at M Llnaued ht*
«'l»ain r.| to 70, and in now held tiirely at that tl^ure.
POTATOES—A freeeii|iply, I.nt turolpU aio dia(Kwd ol
on arrival at3lfts33 for Huda, In bulk and iu *kt, aud 4u for
N(-»haii(iui.-k« From vtoi«, sMei uf Jludi at 3t>, uiikcd at 4o
and Neelianno- ka at 46
J’lO META I. W.. I.rar »f anluol 100 turn Allegheny N«
1 at t-'S]. mid Inn du M:dioiiiu, at e» »>*’ O'lrlwvl al»>.
■<< n aalu of OOd toua TenUcaW-o Iu ai rive, at J.l. uii.l «uu)<’
fol* i.f Antbrm:il« Nu 3 at J./O -all •»« linn- •
PKKIH Thrr*» lo a guod dtnuaud for Ch.»«- fiwin at. i<- at
and in tha auiull way nt Tlotull.t i» uuinltinl at
I’J.iKKif,f.'.V.'i Flai im Him aud in io.jncat at Jl.ln
SALT—a aluady demand und ailrs ut pruvlon# rain*—
II.U-i for No I and 11.76 for extra
TAl.UlW—<ndtw of rough at 0 aod K'u.h-r.-d ati>
WINDOW— pii.-ea arotliiu, and «« m-i<a! i.ui
quotation* lor Ilia small *ixc«, city make:—ixS and 7i9,
13.0 U; Bxlo, m*:.; hall to Uxl I and 9xl2toYoXlS, $4.36,
said to UXl3and 'JXI4 to 10x16. Tbnan aro n«tCA*h
prires; omutry brand* 6O n-i.U F> box lom. For thn
■uccowlfiiK rondimu aiuw, 10 F r«t>t diwont utf.
WIUTB LEAD—firm aod in atnedy demand at t‘3,60 ft
kog for pure iu oil. aud dry Pi- F D», (object lo tho usual dis
count Red unt, and Idthargo 8W
WIIISKY-Salr. u f Raw at KecUflid instnidy
VO -&T1. I
ST iJfUI.H jx-r James W«km|—SSs bid»s.*6uo tb| iluiir. 43
Lis pnlirioa, CbX fur*, o*i cak baron, 10UO bid |ejik, 210 do
lard, '33 aka poUtore, 060 alits boiler iron, 22 fo.llei beads, 30
kgs rivets, 7 bbl, 00 ska dr peaches, Clarke A co; 11 lea grotvn
14 stent stubs. 13 plow wioga, luiughlin; 3 roll* line, I du
carpet, Gordon, frorsksalt cake, Tboiupsuo; I trunk, 1 kg
«yi up, 2 roils line. 4 bbl flour, owoer.
9T UR! 19 per Great West—36 bbl whiskey. IUH tea haul
1356 bbl flour, 52 bgs wheat, 1 bx mdz, 74 tra ford, 0 bU
hair, 402 hides, Clarke A co; 14 csk hams, H do ahoulders, 17
do meat, W U UoluiM A co; 32 bga rag*. Bradley; 6 bbds
nhuuldera, Uricr; 3 cedar ebrsts, M'Urnw. 2uo dr bkdm
Oruetruyer, 20 ale Lida Rhodes A Y'arnar; 76 cak sail raho
Thotnpsoa; 17Vdtall brooms, dinner, Hartmau 4 co, 2 .oiLw
rupo, etc, Jouca A C<x.lej
. y T LOUIS por Metropolis—72 ll* hemp. U 92 bide*, AVI
bbls flour, I rsk, 1 bbl whiskey, 20 csk ahouldcm, Odubam
6du sidna, 360 ska jKitatixvi, 650 l>x ktax h, 2 do quioiiu.'
CUtke A co! 6? ate bids, Wood: 20 bis b.-tup, Gordon: 66
axles, Boyd A co; 223 bbl floor, Taylor; 10U dodo, Barbour
A M’Known; 600 do do, M’CttUy; 60 do do, Myers A M'Dvvitt
13 csk glass ware. Canfield; 10 bid whitkey* B A Fabneatock
1 caso trees, Murdoch; 10 bbl potatoes, Cuo|>«r. 10 do do
Fetter, 60 nhd angnr, IW bbls tuolasscn, 31'Osudlt-es, Mcsus
A cu; 453 iks potatoes, Uerbit; 143 pc hollow waro, 30 dog
Irons, 44 bdl wagon bxs* Anderaou.
ST LOUIS pet Dr Kano—loo bbl lYonr. Bsrbunr A M*
Kcuu; ISI bg> wheat, Brown A Kirkpatrick; 47 pkg* mind
Bagalt-y, Cosgrove A co; 3 pkg* mdz, Como; 24 hr csk sides
142cskharDs,43bXaampaiiria, 37 rolls leather, 167 bbl
whiskey, 330 bbl floor, 100 tea bam, Clarke 4-co; 10 hx abt
lead. 0 csk lead p!ps,3rull«,Gord(>a;4l>l>g« wheat, Vocpttloy
47 bbl Soar, 1 bx, 4 iks ■uodriej.,6 bbl hemp aeed, Shrlvor 4
I'ilworth; 20 bbl, S lea grraae, V ttellet* A «>; 300 bbl flour
l'ajlvn 1203 hides, 1 coil rope, YVatt A Wilson.
PEORIA per Mariner—2B <'*k «hnuUgbi,*22G7 pcs d», (l<
cak ham, IOUU dr hidua, Clorka A to, 3702 hauu, 3737
shoulder*, 1166 sidxa, 33 hbl, 07 tra laid, 4 bbl rumps, K
Robison A cu; :nk» bitirt, U Dal irll A cu; 199 du du, Jfoolhe
3 colls tope, t/CuDUor.
The rlvar was falling yesterday with 0 feel in Ibachanuo'
Tha arrivals ou Sunday were tho James Wood from St Louis
(not NeirOrlsru* as wa aUteU yratonlay) tha Mariner I rum
VeorlS With almost an eullrs load nf bulk meat, the Metrop
oils from 9t Louis, and the Great West from the name port
All these b«*U hod excallsnt cargoee and tho dischargtug
of them mode quite a stir «a the laroc.
The remarks io the (bwift ,«elal|ve hr the deception
practise*!, self alleged, by aal ram boat captain and Uierlfiirts
uf our excellent mayor to coitcci the matter, made quite u
atlr among the steamboat raptaiua. They arasnnaUvo, and
jn*Uy ao at bcihg charged tn marreuthey liave been, with
the faults of a few. We think they may feet assured that
say effort which Mayor Weaver may be called upon |o put
forth to w»t the name* of unworthy men fairly before the
Community be will make. There ora probably not m*ro
than about flro captains tradiugwith or miling-from this
port who would bo guDfyflr A uTkhsturtttttr MtloQ,-ur wb»
, would wtlUnglri-vocHce deception fur: fbe ob
' toluioz passengers Thsgreat snaiaof them aroxvuUnmni
who do bus!now on tho square, and whose word Is as
reliable aetbntof Übj tuea iu the bits!orescumuinuUj. that
to, perfectly relteUe- TheHiytr'oT^tiilscl tjTi tfia last mas
lo the WWW who would attempt to mix all thaw me* up la
a tnaw e&<3 pti&lth or call to account- hanarablo meh vrho’
note* TJIRJf. (
.tCrp.U>i|No. 800-
llt? do/ Nr 900 ..
10 <■ p JovlNn irKxl
lif> -lor)
Per Foot
H-J le*h Om Pip© .Sit ct»
2 •• 00 »•
2Lf- .. .. uo ••
i . I ,'A
:i»< •• •• ) .iv
4 1.u.1 •
a, and i*il*a at flu4lo p ti-n
< ID Utcen, wturii ai«* Rxiug at
Salted; hij Flint have been
I !•« iii'iub) l.*>iuK l-ueu
Tnrv li*hl .fomand, but rar 3
rv|-*at i.iir .|iK>tati.»i«'
aniua inure.
IVt {wrtjnd .. _ ... m. 4 ,n»lU)
Hiiunu *ho equstr
">■ h V 1» =.‘l
5:: ; ?*
« - ...: - ! ,
• LAV UA a.
Uuisu {(bun i by 47 In
aud iucii
Dandy 'rue. lf-4 t>y '/ a ,
7-loand *.l Inch .. 6 l - 4
fblddlu Tien I*4 aod 1%,
by 310 and iu 4
J.> JI aud U- 4 ■
by 0-10* i 4 in 4'i
Import* by Idvcr.
*re only guilty of not going on IbeaxftCtdsya'Jvertiaed.fpr
the very good rutaon that they are unable to do so.
Tiie st-amer James Wood brought here Grom 8 L Loo is (V<C
aheeta of botlrr iron together with boiler headland rivets to
fill an order from California! Soch a shipment ought to
astooiah this city <•! steel and iron. ShipEn-ntscflrcn from
Et. Lcni* to California through Pittsburgh is one of the
strangest tnnu of trade! Certainly Pittsburgh can Ifabe
will, boat Ihe worldio this particular department of jator,
Hnd enjoys peculiar advantagesnnd has in operation the best
of mscblDsry I'** lor making boiler iron. If St, Louis is In
the market with this arlido one would look to bam her
aetid It t--> California ria New Orleans With this route
eastward however, we hare no reason tn complain
The tow-Unl Grampus. left here on Saturday for Nashville
with si* bargci in tow. hve containing 37.0UU l-us of coai,
and thu other carrying C.OOOhn* of cofee
The steamer Dr Kane arrived jeat-rdiy mnnilnj; with
a g«»i load. o#pt. Shuman, with hi* 11-ttsl alacrity uon
hatulngais randy t > recciro freight at oura for Citirinoall.
We are pleased to »-«• an Inre-are in tin* amount of freight
going this porl to that.
The only d-pnrluri< joaterdsy was the Chervil for Wil'd
lr >g .
Tile arrival* were tho Dr. Kane, and prebahlj- in the
•Mining, me Gladiator from Cincinnati, and the Ktmni
Graham from Zanesville. Thoy both tclograplx-d thal ih-j
would bo hero during tho afternoon bnt had not arrived
wii»n hit the river at ho’clock.
Theie t« nodonbt however, that the Emma Graiiau. will
U< rc.vlv t« leave this at h»r usual bonr. of 4
oW.vt The i ii*diat<-r, is tho regular packet Cincinnati
tod»> The Key Cap! K» «n. will also l-ave f..r
St I’nnl.and the U>« li—lm, Capt Ni-*re mil probably get olf
for llie eanu, jn.rt.
Tho Cin.Uaz of Monday *ay»
‘•The Marmora, S.r wiu Wullare, Neptuno. ft
Now Yotk and ilonry lirad have > acla arrived from Pitta
■•nrgh einen onr with good ti ipa Th- Wallace, Nrptunc
and iUilianm continued on to Ft !<.».> md th- New V..rk and
SI will The Marutorarwdiippod her Luiua
villo fimgbt uu (ho J II Forl>, iu from Wh-elinc, and will
return t» Pittshtirrb from this point. Th* Argyll-. Clara
D-nn , Arctic, Dacst-h. Glruwi'oJ aii<l liraulte State, each
well i"adrs], Imivo left lor Pittsburgh. Ttn{ la from
St. Louie, uitha full freight, will go up l.wlay Th- Ke
tian<e has gone on to Nashville.
St. Loti*—The Fml Tron, Altsmont, Joe Cmiu, Vixen
and Shcnango, from Cincinnati, and Com Perry, from
Davenport, urrivoc ou Thumiaya nd Friday Departed—J
Traiber N'nl Hulmi-s. for Pittsburgh *'
From tlm Missouri Democrat we clip the f •llowlog:
Acciouft TO tol FAtlfl Cm at New o«lcaks —Ou Thnre.
•lay morning, tho head oi tbo stonm drum on board the
Poll* City buret out, or a Joint »>t it gave way, which Would
have t>cena trivial matter hut forth* fatality which attend
edit. Tlio private dispatch-* to which wn reicr, give the
number <•! kilied'&t aix; and the natao of only our, that of
Willie, a god four or live ywriw, eon of Mr. Worrkk, clerk of
tbo lioat It is mid that hi* waa tho only life lost in the
raliiu, and tho probability is that the other*killed and In
jured wero theuock crew of tho Falla City, and some pot
•otia on the adlolaJng boat.
The Falls City would no tbo detained more than a day Ly
accident. The John Cituonds was injnred by tho explosion.*’
The Greenwood arrived at Cincinnati on Saturday, on ouo
wheel, bound for Pittsburgh fur repairs The Wabash bad
risen 7 f«et at Vinconnea, from Sunday to Tuesday last.
l*he Umpire No. 3 wrur to haro t*ecn eold by the Bheriff at
Vincennes no TtmraiUy Under tho efT-eta of the prewnt
rl»e, Ibe falls will donbtlua* be again navigable for ascending
steamers nj> (be Middlechute. . Th* Messenger,Capt Kil-
Icn, will leave Cincinnati on her first trip io the Cincinnati
and Portsmouth trade next Thursday evening.”
There hta bren a great talo of boats and property of tho
Lake Navigation Company, as we It-mn fr«»m llic Buffalo
Commercial Advertiser:
“Th-sale of tho effect* rif the Nevigntion (Company
waa r>>ntltiu»d tbit fnrvuoon attbeofllreof the Coinpauy.—
The furuitniT, safes, Ic, together with Ihe ir.-u work ft>r
veae»-l», uuchora, elc , went ul nominal prices. Tbo remaiu
dri'<>ftlin vesodtand tugs unsold, it woe expectmi, would lw
put up after dinner. Tho wile has resolliil, we think, favor
ably f,*r th- ceruotatlon, all thiufe taken Inte counideration.
The deproeiatiou In the value of vr**»lH from th-ir coat,
ao-l the priro brought, leave* hardly mure thnu ‘Jf» }»r rent
ir.inrti,.ii from thelrtrue value Th- aggreflle of the salo
is About s4i..uou. with stock .till uusold tu the neighbor
ln««l of {l4o,oo'} It was the moot important sale ever el
focud iu this city, and wo are pleased tooherrve that onr
ritDeiis have bought tbo largrsl portion ot the
AKRIVED—JoffcreoD. RrownsTille; Lnxerno. do; Colonel
Eayard, EJUabeth; Chevmt, Wlieuling; Dr. Katie, St
DEPARTED—JcfT-rs-n. Ilr.nvti.sviH-; Ln/orno, do. Colomd
Bayard, Elizabeth; Cbevoit, WhroDo*:
KlTor 9 feet —falling,
To niarvoas KafTerc ri«—A retired acntUmon
iiaylng Imwu rnatoml to be.lth In a few daya, after many
years of uervon* snn-riog, will wmd (free) to awist others, a
copy Oftbafiivsrriptiun andacnpplyof the rwmedy.ou rn
reiving it stamped envelope >■eating the applicant's uddrea.,
Direct the Rev, JOAN Sr DAOS'AI.L. IsflFnttoo atreet.
Bro-iklyn, New Fork. aptt-.amd.'<«U3njwF
NOTIOK. —The Purtnemhip hcrctnforo cs
ivling ledwecn Wni. Graham and the underaignrd.
nniler the name and style of GRAHAM* IRVINE, In the
business of manufacturing and selling Fire Brick. Ar . is
this day difl»ilred. O. M. IKVJNIt
(Xanielisrßle, March ‘JSth. IMJ*—nir'J'-.1l m
Lhlc -lSn Broadwuy,N«w Yorlc,
Prior to his return to New Fork.
*<rOrJonr>eM L. 1 Nr..54 SPRING A LLKT.orU A7KITI
iiFFtCR. promptly ati-ndrd to. »j,14
kj in Drills, Tweeds, .leans. Cassimerv*. Pjtio.-us, Cloths,
*••, m-M at upl4.d»wF MURPHY k BURCH FI ELD'S.
NOW 01 ‘BN’-Tim Lest uswjrtiU anti cbnair
e«t elnck of Ihevs o ovals, Fl,awls. Mantles. White
U,a,h. Mno.Mlnc, Work, and Dormstirein
Ih- Hy Ple 4 se .-all and e«e them. UA \FI>N fJUVK,
"|dt l-riTH-) I v l-.*r Hr,, . No ~,i Maiket strett.
MKO|OaTKI» IrYK. or Ai.kaune Soi.u-
Tloa —An escelbuit r-m-lv f..r Dy.i-ja.ia, i(.-..t A.i.liti -I Ai: A iergoaupidy r«a*lrwi
this day by Jt*F. rI.KMiNG,. Maik.-t .1 A Dia'J.
sojrply of this '-J-lirat-,1 Jhabcino, f,. r o.»ugh«,
’•••isOinpliou (U-.I li-i:'d h| ap!4 Jl*F. FI.KMJNi*.
SCHNAPPS—Aiiothei l„t of tinscvlcbrntsai Tonic
Bitter]nst rccM 1,,. spit JOS. FLEMING.
(TATAWBA BRANDY. -I have just r"ev 7 .l
J au -lhcr sujiply of thij flu- Uraudy for nivdlciual pm
l-oe— Tb-•*> wihhing anything iu thin liuerau always iiur
«;hase it kX apli JoF FLKMINQ'^
Foundry'for rent on sale'—YVe
«4f*r lire Eutlirpriso Fouudr>. on haudusky street, Al
logbcay. U>r rent or sale, with ail fUo machinery, in dm
l»lo order Posevaslou c:m be hail iomK»tutelj.
«pu n. KOBIFON * Co.. >&;, uurty st
Mess pork.—igu hhiaTMcss Porkr^
reiving and for mio by R.KOIGFUN *CO
-D —icj bids, and tea. A T o. 1 Lard to
* U *‘ ly Ik KOBIJjON * Ca
Ct KAI'K V INKS—A fow extra large Vines
J for yards, *r,nnl.,.F.,MH*anhouw l , 4; F.IU, street.
PLANTS.—Brinckfes* Or
aoge Jnst rec'd lor sal-by JAHE3 WARDROP.
F Lower .SKLdS—A clioice collection f<f
Annual Ul,-outing Flower Ft-id*. |*ackrd fur mailiuy.—
Price $1 lortMTanplire. anil JAMES WAUDKOP.
RitUUAKB UOOI'S- 50 liooL-i of Mjatt’s
Victoria ,*r Uasnuolli IVic.. {4 j*-r duz at the Sued
and Uortkultural More, 47 Fifthsi J\? WAKDKUP.
Cll IiBSK boxes choice W. K. Cheese
joat_rvcvikitig and C.r aoie by IL DAI.7.IILL A CO.
PLUUK.—LIUU wicks in store aud
X tor e:de by (aj.lo) ISAIAH DICKKY * CO.
SUMAC. — 25 sacks in store tuid for stile by
HOU oil PUKNISUIaV'G.—A large aseort
m-ntyi iWnrcsi. itaroinxl, jsianuod and phuiulod
Tinwarea, Uriltamua and Plated Ware; Hollow Ware, fins
T-aTiaya, Wooden Ware; a great rarhly of Kitchen UUn
aiU, Ac, low price* for cash. JOHN FLRMINU,
apPJ comer of Market ami Third atrfrsta.
Sommer DrewUoods, Shawls, Mantlet, WhfU G<>odx,
Mourning Uu©»i», Nt-vdlo Work, and Domestic Oivls, allot
which will be Mil tery cheap for rash.
Cu»imcres,nnd Doeskins. Alec-, SIJo Stripuil Fancy
Caasiraercs, odw open nt store »f
la email amount*
mri-llt KnrMlma THIS OFFICE.
of llilw •111*1 lor arlirli-Jimt rcr’U aud for tale t-y
HEMP —ti-i huh** »-hi>iee Kentucky, fur
ta lar maker* nae, just laudtni; m-il for »)p by
wrii ATWKLI.. LKK A tX>.
TOBACCO oUkegM lis. Twist Tobacco,just
r«4-«iT.<v! BI«I Tor •*)« by T. LITTLE A CO,
■ |>>t No. 1 li Second *t
CORN BROOMS —IUU du/.«'D, oxtra finish
ed,just wM «n.l fc.r <ule by T. LITTLE A 00-
(). MOLAMSKS- WO 1.b1.-. rhofw Oak
a (Vx-l-’rajjr, Ju*t re.-'d and fur *al» l.jf
npU T. LITTLE AOii. 112 Second street.
O/C IlllDS. prime N. O. Su^ar,
& 2» bbla d.. do Moluswt,
Received an.l f..r Mo I ) LKKCII A HUTCHINSON,
op? ' No. Ilf- Second A 14. r > First ate.
LARI) - lOut) lbs. leaf Lard, in store and for
aslant No. I*s Lil-rrty street.
LOUR—Kitru family in store ami foroalc
}by ROBERT DICKEY,HI Front at, Dear Wood.
GREEN APPLES—SO bbl.s. choice Green
__ Apple* Just recM and for sol., by T. LITTLE k CO.
FLOUR— 100 bills, extra and white wheat
Family Float; Co bbls. Ryu Flour in More am I for sale
by - af-0 T. LITTLE A C0,.112 Second sU
SUG^R— SOdiiids. N. 0. Sugar, prime, just
receiving this day au<l for mIo by 1. LKItLE k UO.
CASHMERE ami Oriental Tapestry Imita
tions on Wnll paper, of French and German truumfso
ore, fur tala by if \V. V. MARSHALL A CO.
DRY APPLES —16U bunholfl Dry Apples
for tale by (ad»)' JOHN A CO.
SYRUP— lO bids. No. 1 Syrup for Hale by
GREEN APPLES—I2O bbls. for sale by
LIME- conulnntly on hand; fresh White
Uni.-, nmrariur to auy brought to our market.
I SACKS POTATOES; 12 ~bagn Rye
*J\J rac’d f..r aala by LEWIS A KIXiEKYON,
aplO No. IU7 Wood street
‘JA BAGSjWHITE BEANS for sale by '
OW apio SLKWIB A KDOKUTON, lu7 Wood et
BUCKETS— 50 doz. for sale by
aplu ROBERT DICKEY, 104 Fcontsl, near Wood.
S' "UGAU—lO'h'hdr nVr'saTcby
apto . Robert dickey.
RICE —no tierces prime Carolina Rice for
mI»Jj (apB) JOHN FLOYD k Otl
ruc'd and fur aala by B. R FAHNESTOCK k CO.
LYON'S KATUAIIION—An oxcellejitprtP
pamtoo for preerrriog, re"toriug andbcauUfrlnff tho
hair, fur sals by apti JOS. ILMHntf.
Mineral waters—a largo supply
or troth Congrrsaand Blue Lick Water* Jmt reedby
■pfl JOS. FLKMINQ. cor. Dlamood A Market at.
IIUSTniUEI) APPLES for saloty
OU ,jO JONiy i COOLKT, »t Watrfat.
i, n»b. O HASSON LOW,
a(>l:dawT furmurlr L-v*' Brother*. N<>. .4 MarketM.
GLASS —500 bis. *llO, oxl2 and 10112
Tt>r^,el , T »1>: HENRY u COLLINS,
COFFEE— »0 bags prime Rio Coffee, with
in a**»rtinPOl of (IncetHf*. tor sal» by . ex'
rar2o -i 1 - N<f^O!>-IJbortyiityc«f.
FLOUR-14 bWI, Wiite' in store
and for gala by jfafrtlS) • ATWEUyXRRjI CO.
EGGS— 5 bbla.“Creßh and for
\ . H. RIDDLE.
BEANS-r-2ii bbls and 24 'sks, for eale by i
Regular Shamrts.
Uonongabela River U. S. MaD Packeta
iJESLa • ns*-*
Cipr. J. C. Woodward. ' Capr. Ototo* Cuxk.
TllF, above new steamers are
now running regularly. Morning Boat* teavo PiUe*
burgh at 8 o'clock A. M. and Evening Bcabl al 6
o'clock P. M; for SPEeciport, (Hizab«4btowii, Mooungo*
lielaCity, B-dleVernon, Fayette City, Urcenfleld, California
and Uruwnarliie, there runnecting with Harks and Cknrhea
Rw kniuntowtg FayetieSpringa, MorgruiUiwu, Waynesbnrg,
Caruiit haeltuwn and Jefiertou.
Pawictigers ticketed through fr-m Pilubtirgh to Uulon
fown for $2, meals andvtnte-nvun* ou U*U inc!u»ive
Ik-ata ri'tiirnlDg from Bruwnwilla leave tj s o’clock In the
m-rningaud ft in tlm evening. For fnrthyr Intirmation eo*
quire at the Office, Wharf Boat,at the foot of Grant atrreC
»n 5 0. W. SWINDLER. Aocrt.
. TUESDAY PACKirr.— I The alegant
wheet jnu-nger paeket UL.VDIAIOH,Capt. Uoorgo Moore,
will lo:n- lor the alK>ve and tnt-rmodiatc porU everyTUKS-
I)A\ st 10 o'clock, AH. f*t freight or paaaage apply cn
iKvsrd, or u> (mrlU) FLACK, UARNKS ACO, AgU.
7.ANR4VILLE—Tho fine
Bleain-r EMMA GRAIIAM, Capt. Mtmioi
for lhe > aUive and intermediate poyt* KVKKY TUC3DAY,
at 4 «• cluck r k. For freight or nnwc* apply on
,h ' n . r : l ' . FLACK. BAKXiat A pt.. Ag’ta.
Cincinnati, ,Vc.
X* VILLE—The (Ine-t.tea.Tjer DK
Cajit. Shaman, will leave f<r the nl-iveaod all imTrmodiate
port* on THURSDAY, 'Jil in»t, at JO o'clock, a m.
For freight or |>e<wag- apply nn l««rei. nr to
»?■*'_ FLACK. BARNES A O U Agent*.
For Cincinnati And'notLTnstT
ISVILLE.—Tho line steamerMlNKßVA,jgJgjSJ
Capt John Gordon will leuvo for the above ruuTalMiitlej
mediato porta on WEDNESDAY, *ilsl instant,‘at 4 o'clock,
r. U. For freight or paasage apply on boanl. or to
nplh _ FLACK. BARNES A CO, Agenta.
For' Cincinnati .v Lous-, ns?* „
VILLB.—TIIO fine atenmer IDA
Capt. Mat, will teavo for the above and all luteraHdiate
porta on TUESDAY, l»tb liiiUat 4 o'clock, r.K. For freight
or juisaigo apply cn board, or tn
_»pl« FLACK. BARNES A CO„Agenta.
jaasftbtde, «rt.
FOR NASnYILLE.—Tbo fine stoomcr S.
P. niBBACD, CapL George IV. Rood, will leave for
ttw above and all Intermediate port*, THIH DAY, the
£otb ioat .at 4 o’clock, p. k. For freight or pnnago apply on
l>oard,orto (mrlC) FLACK. BARNES Agenta.
St. a.OlllO, icc
a sTu "““ia
Acnkuk, Ifnrmjiort, OnUnn, Dnbuqur, Ln Crone,
Alilhcatrr, Hutting*, St. /’at//, ami the
lull* of Suint Anthony.
r pilK new anti elegant hide wheel passenger
X steamer DKNSIARK. Capt lUchard C. Grav, will leave
1.. r th<* nbuvo nortaon WEDNESDAY, Slat and will
jxeiiUvely go tlirougl. n« adv-ttiM-d. Tho D.-nmark wa*
loiilt evprrsHly f.-r tbo trndivand oQora superior arcommo
datlonn. For furthor information, apply to
M*” FLACK. DARN EH A CO. Agents.
For 'st: Louis, ualena &., nse. >
DUIUJtJUK.—The fine passenger BtruscrASsSoK
GREAT WKST, Capt. McCullough, will leave
and ali InterrareiiiUeport*, on THIS DAY, aHhiniL,at4
o’clock, i-. u. For freight or poaagn apply on boara or to
OUAS. REA, Agent.
FOU ST. LOUIS.—Tiie fine new » ICffr -ta
pajßcngor steamer MKTROPOLIS,
Calhoun, will leave fur tho nbovo and all intermediate poru
on THURSDAY, the 22d at4 o’clock v. ft. For freight
or pM—go *PP»7 on board or to ap3) CHAS REA, Agt.
FOR ST. LOUIS—Tho- fine. fp>,rr
steamer lOWA, Captain
will leave for the above and ail
WEDNESDAY. 21 »t lust, at 4 o'clock, pM. For freight or
pawage apply on board or io
■l*l9 FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agouti.
For st. louis and illdTj^-t
NOIS RIVER.—The Quo atenmer AitGo-Js92SK
f»AUT,CapL McLean, will lt<e«n for ll>o
Urmsdiato ports on TJHSDAY, 20th IniL,at 4 o'clock, p.ft.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
_«pl- FLACK, B.ARNES A CO, Agents.
FOU st: LOUIS, kEOKUirTjn&Jh
A ST. flue new steamer ANGLO
11. Baker, Master, will ieavo for U>e above and all (nterme*
dlaie port*,on THIS DAY, 20tb Inat, nt 4p. «. for freight
or paooage apply ou board or to
•I'U FLACK, BARNES k Agents.
REtrr.- The fine steamer FORT WAYHB,
i 'apt. Muifurd, will l-ave fur the above and all tnicraeuiato
jovuon THIS DAY, 20lh initaot,at 1 o’cloek,r.lf. For
freight nr paAiugn apply on Inard, or to
For MEM'riu's' n new' or. . s
LEANS,—Tbo fin- it-am-r ARG
Oi>pt Cole*, will leavo f-r the above and all iul.T/uoliat
p./t* ou TUESDAY, 2uth Inst, at 4 o'cb«k, i- m For
ir-ight or pa/mgeapplv <»u Iwaid. or t>>
«pld FLACK, BARNES A Oi. Agents
Corner of First and Ferre strets,
Proposals for Paving.
Proposals will be recieved by
I'** nnd«t*lgtied until PRIDAT, Ibo3otb day of April
iuetant, for CUiUJINU and PAYING that portfouor 01d»
■iroet, ..piKrtho tbo Western Penitentiary, extending west
vwJly from W.Utrr street tu Urn Railroad UriiW
Alh., for l*A VI NO WITH BRICK, tbo Bide Walk, or
F->ot«ny, fi-mUtn; on tbo Peuitentlnry Grounds, on Aid
Tba PittpcMala will stateth* prica rwr Ihiokr fcwt for tvrli
(ng, and tho sire and character of the Sbrao to !« naed for
thatptirposo. Tliey will also stata tbo price per s.-jnar®
yard for Uis Cobble ftouo or Strool PavcrnnuU,auU lh^price
Jn-r sqnars yard for the Brick Pavement. The Pavement
<>f the V.kjtway lo of ban! chertybrick/of such (reality
ns shall b* appro ml by U» VTmden. >•.’ '
The prices Wd, as above, to tnelode gIV tbe Sand, Graral,
and other material*, and work nncawaiy to comideto Uio
couiract lo tbs satisfaction of the Inspector*.
Iu aJilition u> tlw bidding for the Work,A» aboTomcn
tinued. wbii'ti will tx*considered as being made f.»r cash, on
the completion of tlisconiracfotbs proposals will state at
what j»ri«v* tire work will ba done on a credit of Twxtvr
Movms. a. JONES.
- Trwaflurer c< Western proitsutiary.
Wotlce of Dissolution. ~
ALL persons intero.-ted will please take
noiico that the late firm of LORRNK, OTERMWi a
t\», havitig Im dueolvotl by mutual cous*-nl on tbo first
■Uy ..f A. B-, IhiJ, and I here Wing still of
said firm tramming noaetlloi. we, ttie uujeraigued. surriv
i«ig partner* in.l Ann haw appointed Bt ,J sulbon/ed
KOBERT U. STKIUJNU. nun of Lid partners, tu itllo
fiu-diy cluarnp Uir said business. All (wraons bavin- on
ssttlial ncrountn or boaiDora with said Arm ars reqnesUil to
call upon saiil Robert B. Furling, at bia effleo. No. 113 Wa
ter street, and armnye Hieaanio m soon os powible ,
FurTiviugparlDcrs of late firm of Loreoz, Sterling k C<<
' W. D. & U. ReCALLUr
Have just received a very
large aesortment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac,
the latest sty toe furtSprinr Trad 9, ccmcrialaz
Wool, Dutch, Hemp, List, Rag, Hall and Stair Carpet*
Ruga, Mats, Cocoa Matting, Stair I tods, Ac, Ac.
Also, a chulco lot of Druggets from one to lour yards wide;
beautiful patterns Floor Oil Cloth, from 2 to 24 foR aide,
with at) other roods eroally found in first rlaas Carjct
Stores, all of which wo are prepared to sell at It 10 very low
art rates tor cash. oc& W. D. A. 11. MrCALLUM.
HKLEBER having just returned from
• Uio eastern dtica, where be has selected a rboico
■lock of superior Pi&uus, fur the Spring trade, would re
spectfully invito tbo attention of pursuers thereto.—
They were chosoa with great care from the entire enstrro
stock, and are considered among tho finest instmmonU
over brought to thia city. Pnrchasou are solicited to oil
and examine, as this la an excellent opportunity for obtain
ing a firetebus and reliable Plano Forte.
*p2 IT. KLEBER, No S 3 Fifth »t
New Rochelle or L;
iawton Blackberry,
ngementa with Rev. J.
'UtrU of Ibis valuable Blark
■aU are oficretl at tba lolluw
HAVING made atTaT
KNOX (orft supply otl’
berry, StXOUU alroug Uirifty Pl»
iug price*
1000 plants ~.... 4125 00 25 plants-.
600 “ 05 00 12 ** ...
3.1 00 0 ** ...
16 00 3 “ ...
8 00 1 “
Onl»ra oddmsrd to Ro». J. KNOX, or tlra tuhecribor, ac
companied with the cub or a aaitabU reference vhoro tl*
partiosara oot known, will be filled in theorder ia which
tboy&ra received.
will ho forolnbed at the übm price*.
tnrls:d*wtTT No. <7 Fifth (tract, Plcuborfch, Pa.
H~~ OUSE FURNIsTnNQ~d6QDS"~of every
description, Maneillea Quilts, very handsome; alsu,
Dimities, Chintzes, Ac., for spreads, oudall kinds of Table
Linens, Linen and Cotton, and all kinds of Drca* floods
Shawl*, Ac 0. IUNBON LOVJt,
apt-da wT formerly Lots Brothers, No. 74 Market aU
.1 Uooi)S—Those desiroaa of purchas
-—/■ log anything In tlie Taney, gtapto, Foreign or Domes
tic Dry Hood* line, will plow call and elusion cor lar, e
and well kuortM flock ofpprlog floods, which an now fee
ing eold very CHEAP fur CA£ll.
irmpriy Loro Brot, No. 74 Mtrtuit slcc«i.
loObtuhcdsNoabaonoek Potatoes;
76 Jo lares Whits do;
60 Jo do lllne do*
26 do do Usd do; ia »loro and tbr Bale by
_mrt7 T. LITTLE A CU., No. 112 Second »lro<-t.
POCKET MAPS for 186 b, of Pentuylramn,
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska. Slt**oari,
lutra and for tale liy W a. HAVEN,
at>3 , ! Corner Market and S<-cond olreet.v
CEMENT —100 bbTa. Hydraulic in atoro
_ _an«l ft>r uU by mrlO J U CANFIELD.
SUNDRIES —31 bills. Grease, 343 nark*
Wheat, whit* and ml; 214 do Hops’ Hair, 28 tuna Pig arrire for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO.
TJoTATOES. —50 - bush Neshannock Potn
a t*V«, 60 do Red, rrceired and Ctt ante by
mr3o j HENRY 11. COLLIES.
NEW WALLPAPERS, Cheap.—Stilltliev
cwne. at *7 Woodst. W.P.MAHgIUl t | < A Ct). J
N' EWSATIN PAPERS—At 20 and2scto
perndl fotsale by W. p. MARSHALL 4 CO. *
N£W GOLD PaPEU—At SO ccntT for
■*!. for »p 9 W. P. MABSIIAIX t CO.
‘LOUll —l2o&bbla. citm. « D «t ore
yd far m> by BPRiaORR HaSaCOH I'gy
A nil descriptions
•X> to be bad vholealo or retail by . ** '
:— • . B. L. VAtnreSTOCK* m
' Corner Market tin j fraopdit^t
r k S B - White fish. Trout, Sal
im»i,ee, fofwl.lj inmay nunr.n«ir
QIJQAB—UO frbUa. prime N. 0. SuatFTust
£JredttJbrf.b, R ROBISON JrcO. J t
F* SacL “ ¥ T Sa^ le
Uroadicay, tenter oj Franklin Street, •
The Hooruo nrr nil S'ctrly GtrfteUti,
The rarnitnre mid I!jJ» arc Si-jin l,
Amt the Italhr t'ntv pns**'i.
IJorotsccncentrab'd all the comfort* if v home "i**. ''
luxuries of * palacu.
Cura moods so Unequalled
V i o w o 1' n ro :i d w a y .
THE INTERNATIONAL it the iao»t central of an)
the Four Cuss llotcu for Lumui.v., or place's or- nuu**
ment, and oflVr* nnsnrpssvsi ndr*ot««p*i to ami
Gentlemen visiting New York.
apMmdv ALFRED FREEMAN. Pionrn-U-i
KKKBCirs llOlliL.,
Oirnerof Franlfort Strr.-’ and lit ’/ ;j-
the •\t v l A,/,-, A>|« luv.
THIS lIOTEI. the Ecr.orEAX
!’U.t or l/.Kttij Rooms, aud m.-nl. in thuy tu.«r Ihsoj
Ui-rcJ, ttt the •p.-M-iMiH i:. f.-, i..n .
Thero ii a iforl-er - * M...;., « ,i;, |;,ufoi u. m.v. t!.r: o
with. Tbi* popular h.-t-t i-. in U,„ imtmrduito ti. ,suty id
mercantile bniiti.'*-, and tin- |.i iocijyU j,lacr,.,{ an.iiK-uforit,
and oiTort every u> wl;,i o-n-nlt emteu
ienco and economy. T!..—» g.iiLg In Cil.f.udi or Et:t»pr
will bo furnished with all tin- ; ii..pinaii..n th-y ln , ? jp 9 i r ,.,
and also be protected from im|<mtmn (1,., pun-h-**' •>
paasatr" tickids. R. FRENCH. Prnprfot.n,
N. U—Beware of Runner* w }»•■“ i\ « >• ii> lull, w nuaj
are interested in saying *o. uull iicui
Health of American women.-
For many J»?r» I have teen trout-led witli gvtu-ral
weariness aud languor, KUi nivnUl nnj phyvicui; caprkt-.
listlnuiirift, (lull lioa-brli--, pain in tb- head mid tempha*,
eoMocc.t and tendency to atilTm:**, iii .u uf thv iirji: .
very easily fluttered or excited, appetite <amble, wtomaci
and bowels der.iogcil, with pain. Any mi-utat or pbyti’ t!
exertion wtiiore to bring c.n nil tho symptoms, andl im !
In arlditioD, talliag of the wutnb, and preol fain in th.-it rr
gion. One physician aflur another exhaiuUsJ hi* »kiJl amt
gave mo Bp. A patient and perocroring um of ST Alt
SIiALL*S UTERINHCATUOLICON fortnnatclj curue.l me
and I bare no words intßeient to erpn** rav tlmutfuluri.*
1 can truly Say that I have been n unfi. r-r >-r rm.-n >• u*
with whltpe and derang'd menttnmtinn. Alter > «UI- i
had other troubles, accli aa jmle {.« «•. ind>gvnrlc;i. nnatno’
away, general laognor and debility, puio in the oiunll <■( tL.
back, a sort of aching arid dragging'-•'isaUoii.puin tetnn n
tbo sbonlderblailincxteuding down the l)dnc, lo«» of ap|-
tita, trouhlo in tho stomach and bottrla. with cold hands anil
feet nod dreadful ncrrntisnres. Tlic l-i»t (gcitiment Wottld
make me foel aa it I idnmld Hy away, i tried docU r< and
dntga, and everylhinc. fl nnaß>ir nrutlin, without tho ben
CON chanced tome of my symptoms l»r l bn better, and i«<u
1 atn entirely and radically ctirtvi. 1 with Hint «?%.•?>•
man could know what it will do. CLARISSA OHKK
For a long tiin« l had hunts unti,ilo ; t(. L'. •••
ing lytnptomi: I wna utrroiiH, .-m.cintod and irittsM- . '
pwniwl toaUmnd in compUdotir, »->tue of übieh I will ti >
toll yon; pniu lu the lower orgsna, and n f.-elingn as it ~uj.
thing was lining to foil mil; Inability to walk until uiinr
count of a feeling of fulluess; aching and ilrargiug. atoi
eliooting pains In the tack, loltm, and exteinlinc ihmu tb»
legs; the Jolting produced by riding n»u:Al great j.alu; ff<st
modic ahootiDga and paina in the bide, sUxuacb uim! boaeU.
headache, with ringing in tbo nann every fiber of tho Jnjdy
seemnd norc; great irritability; .inteiwo iierrt>n«net», I c»uU
not bear tbo least excitement without l<eiug jirmtmiod (■ i
a day; I could scarcely more aKmt tho liotnw, m.j did n ;
take pteasaro la anything. J irsd r'"'D t;p hope, bAving
tried 1 supposed, in vsm. but n frk-nd < Mlro
my attcutioa to MARSIIALL‘B ITKHINK
I took it, hoping against Imjie. Most h.rtnnately it cnir.l
me;and there is nut a healthier or mere gratufuj woman it.
the country. I trust all will asc H. It i- truly the wotaAti’n
friend to need. Ulh. FLOKILSCK LKSMIi
tf cure Falling of th* U'onh. WhiUt, S'uppruttO, trrtynlo
or Paistful Menstruation, Bloating, InjlatntnaiUmt cna Di s.
tatao/Uu Kidneys or lYutary Organs, h'ctrnticn or In
amtinrnce of Untie, Ifrartburr, Oistireneas, /ierro<:m> ti,
Piintinys, Falpitationt, Crtrmpi, Ihsturleil Sleep, a,.-t <«,v
troubles organic or sympathetic, connected with the t':-nn
The price of MarshalTt Uterine Calholiron it One I}JU>>
and a IJatf per tingle bottle. On the rec-ipt of tin «/o.7.<rV
Jive hotUetshall be tent by arprett, frte of charge, to the tu.-.
of the ejprttt route.
Iteparlicular lourrilt. the j**if office address, town, coun-u
and Stale. Wt tcili guarantee hint the MalunicwtU he r/r
-on receipt of the money. Address
Bn. URO. 11. KEYBER.WO Wood »L, I*lU«b«rit)».
apU-dqwF Sign of the Hnld-o M.»rt*i.
pbecviah svjiirr!
Proltetcd Solution o( Prolusidr of liou,
Having succf.ssfim.i.v fas^kiuip.'
ordc-al to whim n-w in Hie Medi
caarn snhjrctod. must I- rrtxWcjrm «a tstnblishnd
St*Nlir.ine. Its cfTl< ory inenring
Affections Of t|ic Liver, Drop-jy, :v cur4lj;i.-
HMncliitiß ah<i Consumptive 0 f«.
I>)sordcrcd SLile of the Elood, EnD>.
/ Scurvy and the Prostrathe Ef
fecto of liOiwl or Mercury,
General Debility, and all Dis
ease* requiring n Tonic, or Altera-
tive Medicine, is now beyond question
Tno proofsofita«!licscy arooo unuierou.l, «o well sotb- '.
Healed, and of such peculiar cluirartrr, that *ofltjn.r.H cji:
not rcasousbly Lenitati> tu ix-oiyb tlir- protfexed aid.
The Pcmvian Sjmp rwd pn.f«-r« t«. I— m cnr«.-n»l, br.:’
iu ntQgo is extensive, t«can'o ninny *!*-• os<», oi pnirialy
nntike, ar* intimately related, |n<« ; ~,u
canse, may In' citrcil by 000 rctnMy.
Tbf* class of diseases for which, tin - Rymp ’prvVidva n.-nu
tnprvciw'ly that which hassuoften baiilvdtlK* .rr.r
of medical skill. Tim Ct< t» are tangibb-, tho wiUi«->-<a zi*
■eccoeiblo, and the oaf ty and ctUracy of the Syrup .omt.-
Tb'>s*j who may wUb for an opiinou li. iu dinu,t. i-ft. .i
pcTcons respecting tbo character uf thr Syrnp, cann -i foil
t>> t>entisfic«i srith the following, among nmnciuns testmio
Dials In the hand* <d the ogohts Tlie -ignatnr<-n srn ihtiL
of gentlemen well known in tbo mn'ttmmiy M
of tho highest n‘*]icctability
Thennderaigned bavingexporienu'd tb-h-UeUCln’ r (Ir ~
i.f tbo ‘•Peruvian Syrup,” d.i not ln*»«latc l.t i-vct.ui.m-irl ;l
to tho atu-otion of the puLLc.
Prom our own evperienro. as v« tl oi rn>m the t iMimni.,
of other*, wbost> iutelligtmr<-and iutrgnlv an- ajt" t ;rliu i
un<ißMHooaUe, wo have no.foobt d iux tHc.icy tu ra»eeot
Incipient Bisoases of Ih- f.nnt”' arul Rrouclilal I 1 j’.-si-.-r
l)y«I>-peui, Li%-er C-implaint. lir-psy. NtnraU*i.t, <■{<• ludi-.,J
it* effects sntiM l«e iucrvdiM-, but ln>mtfo> high cltarar!<-i
of who bar.* th. m, aud hut. v lt;id' rr- '
their toetimonv. as tte .lo i.nri, t<- ih ri iw e-.-r
It Iswell kll'jwu that the me.lii-iii:J effrrf of Pr .1.-rre*- -
Jri’tl is fost by «Ven a brief t-> :.»r. <.i*l ; lx.if i.. M , n
TstA a solutkid of Pr»ruxide uf |run, without l-u :her oaid . 1 * l«cn deemed Unpe*>ihle.
lu tli»* IVrnvian Syrnp Uii*dr»ii:il.l- ( ntfamrd i.
COWDI34TIO3 at A Wit U*USE LKKaOVK; arid Itiiseulafi.
may replace all the proto carixin.vL h. uiiniit--. * !; ! tarimt.
id the Materia Meriica. A. A. HAVK?, M. !•
Assayer of th*- Stall* cf33no., &*t„n V "a
SoU by N.L CLARK i CO. rr.|.rut.. r ’,, .v. ;,\\.u
street, Roeton. Retailed by at! Druggists.
In. OEO. 11. UKi’SHB.Nu. 1«J Wooil
□ olden Mortar, Agent for Pittsburgh. * uplU JawOm'r
sou) m tub
The ke.stouative or ritut. u j
WOOD for rvsloriug hair perfi-etlv and ]»Tnie>>M>il.
has never yet bad a rival, vuitmio after volume l
mgivon fn.ui all part* of tho world and fruim tho must mtollT
cent to prove that tl tr a Hrrbrafu-;r rbrafu-; but read tin'
circular and you cannot duul.l; rrad a bo thu hdk*u in.
Tb» Hits.—People bare for enntnrif>« Wn aftlo ted wn!,i
Laid bead*, and tho only remedy, berctoforu known. Lai la-.m
those abominablo wigs. By a n*sotdiscsttry«f ProftJ- ~
Wood these articles aro being Cut dispense*! with, but a
many persona still patronize them, Lkv« bow’
m often imposed upon by llair Tbolcs of different kiud-
To allsnch persons weearnrctly ruako the rv<}ui»t. that tj. v .
will try once again, for in Wood's lUau-rativo there U
■ncli thing as fall. We know nf n lady ,vlu> was bald, nt,
need the article a abort limn, nud bur bc;ul it now cot>ici
completely with Uiotiniest and most beautiful curls in.a -i
Bablo. We know of tintueronscaaM* where hair »ra« mr>!dl>
falling out, which it restored in greater than ,u
over hod been before.
It is also without doubt one of thu best aiti..h- a f, ir , r .
Ing the hair in gaod rondltlctj, matins it eoft and
removing dandruff, and has proved lfttio em-mi
to a>l tho ills that liair isLidr to.
It Is tho duty of everyone to improve Ibelr porauu-vj «>•
pcarauce though some muy differ in regard to tho ««>».,(
doing It; but every ono will admit that a beautiful ht-adui
hair, either In man or womau, is an object much lr» h* d.-
sired, and there aro pomeann Uiatsliouid be left umt-hd . .
obtain such a consideration.—llbmcm'i AJcoajfe /Vii'u
Cosnocto*. Ohio, Nor. 17
0. J. WOO 3 4 A* I have Wn «d^»-y,i , u
•oiling year lliir lUatoraUve tbaUatteaaon forcoan? '
local aganU (E. M. Uacklwon.) Md having emerienrea
the beneficial effect* of it I would liVo to obtain ■
•ronev forth* State of Oijo c raom* Stat» i u tbe V.e-t
■hoold yoc wish to B*k«%nch « Arrangement, as I «n
ewavinced then ii aothiwj effual to it in the Vnitetl State* t n l
rettoringthe hair. Iha to been engaged |„ tho Lrnc
nets for »ovcnU year*, and naro mM nrlotu i.ret«?«»i .
Ibr tbbhalr, t*nt libto found nothing that rt*to„L ,»“
cmlr.orgm. or lniton.l.-, ibo nolp „ „n „ "
ing lolly convinced that your rt-McniUve u what vu.i r-,,
•ent it to be, I wooltl like to rugago iu the tab, J, fl r ,
tu aatlafled it nzaet toll. uuollt ’ f " f '
Toon truly,
p.0r.0. j.
of your lUIr yo, l to'cmt'''
finding my tor griming tl„„, „ * c j| V iSh,,
c«l from «b*l I read nrnl heard, to tr» theYri'Ji * 1
by yea, to promo to iu powth * ch*^re;t, Pr< 'P an '' !
t »uln yontfi, toll, or «Lt.:h II 1,,„ -irj' “
Io Ui. opomtion I linn 1L |.,,ii , 1 “
«al« by GEO- 11. KKYoKIL 14.) uyTY'? P n. ANCf -' <
0. J. WOOD * CO.,
Go th« pefttN. Y. w»r« ,' ,adlr * i '' * Y -
Wet L<t LouU, Mn„ b *> lU
gbU. fr*<n •uMI.y»U K-x-d Urnr
— *u‘-»:lyd*wl«Y
° U Woo *> Strnel, jn iiuijui .^
‘nrltmlh, nu.ntiono, BllJ ~
hii Urjje rtock u f
NKW BI. K[ING <i()ons
,C ° m s '«“»to»rnr, in
<>TRl:.\ TISX .! I
HiUH lo<J Childirti't
FEATS, and
Men f, Coy»' (ltd Youlli’i
LEGHORN- ' • •
I’anamaV :
•WOOL aiul FOUJIA-ra
411whlti *lUHp.ra*ia e ,„,