PITTSBURGH: MONDAY APRIL I'J, 1858. ■ OFFICIAL PAPER OP TUB CITY. City an boarding bouse, but recently turned mto a lumber house and planing establishment. This is one of the old buildings -of Pittsburgh, having been built for many years, and showing in the firmness of its structure, marks of the substantial and careful style of the earlier times. - The fire must havo been tho work of an in cendiary, as there was nothing about or in the house to..tease combustion. It conght in the second story of the part above alluded to, and the fiamos were bursting oat of tbe windows when discovered. The **L” was gutted, but the walls are still standing. The engines played upon the main building, bat the fire common!- citedto its roof and burned that. It extended also pretty well about and through the upper .floor, but was extinguished without material damage'to the main body of the house. Mr. W. F. Richardson and Slack & Co., carpenters and builders, had just commenced their busi ness here. The machinery was not all in, but a large amount of. planed and seasoned lumber was ih the house. Such machinery as was set np, escaped without material damage, and so did the lumber. The house itself is -owned by Mr. John Renshaw. We learn, that the policy on tho . building as- a boarding house had not expired, but we. presume this would not cover. the premises .-for its present use. The damage will reach some $BOO. The engines were early on the grooml, and to tho active exertions of the firemen is due the Salvation of the building, ns . far as it was saved. / ’ : PfEE.—i-Tbe oil mill of Messrs. Cbas. Thu nun & Bros., at Bochester, was destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. The fire canghi at 9 o’clock, from an explosion of one of the retorts used in the procesaof extracting oil from cannelcoat. .WOldid not Jearn what the loss would be, but we trust tho Messrs. Tbamm, who do business in this city, will soon be able to go on with their business at Rochester. Toe WesteUs Mail.-Wo trust that our worthy Post Master* Mr. Anderson, will bo able to ef fect some modification in tho time of closing the Western, mail Since the new schedule took t-fect, we have been annoyed by daily com plaints from subscribera-in the various towns west—Better, Bridgewater, New Brighton, New Castle, Mercer, Salem, Massillon, Wooster, Steu benville, Wellsvillc, Sewickley, &c.—who com plain that they rarely reccivo the Doily Gazette -on the day of publication, although wteeparate our maiCsending all Western matter to the of fice not later than 2:20 A. M.—one hour before the train starts. If all our morning contempor aries suffer the same annoyance, which.is doubt less the cas^,—will they nut unite.with us in an effort to iudaco Mr. Anderson.to procure n change in tbehour for closing the morning mail to the WeaL- If the way mail could be started at 7 or at any hour between that and tho present time of starling the morning matter, it would be ; a very welcomo change to the morn ing prefo, add their. thousands of readers. We beliovc rtjajt if. it is in his power to do so, Mr. Aoderson will effect tho desired change. We aro constantly -receiving sncli letter? as the following, which' reaches U3from Sewick feyvillo: \ V -• *'. * . “I, am not sure, that you con remedy the maUcr, but the irregularity of tho Gazette, fiinoothe nctf -mail arrangement, is a great an noyance. Al paper which we esteem bo highly has until qoitorecenlly como so very rogatarty, becomes a sort of daily necessity. Whan'our. mail: comes from' tho office in the morning, and the cry-of ‘No >QazeU«? comes, the day does not eecm to start right— Apstt woxther, full of caprico in its first days, Is beginning to learn propriety. It bos settled down at last into a becoming consisten cy, and when it is bright at [nine o’clock, it is safe to conclndo that It will continue so uu til ten. Friday:night brought us quite; a frost, bat we could hot hear that it had done a bit of dainage-ov The; weather of j Saturday had a smacK.of chill in it, bat upon .the whole it was favorable; to the growing gross and; opening bads.; Letters from various parts or the coun try tell-ns that the spring 1 is ■ about four weeks earlier than 1 usual, and that everything promises a season unequalled In fruitfulness. Tins; Everting ChronicU says of Henry Werd Beecher:. *fA man; of many; faults, of decided views, and violent prejudices, be Is yet univer- x sally acknowledged as a good, a strong, a zeal ous and. -jut. untiring man. jHe has.for many yeava.batUed mok- manfolly sgalnrft the armies ofsini, error and superstition.” • la it troe that Henry Ward Beecher is a man of many mills? We confess that this is the first lime that fact ever camo to! our knowledge.— Those who knot/ him best say that lie is "a good, a strong, a zealous and an untiring but they do not acknowledge him “a man of - many faullg.y • . J. j Err. Giotto* W. Sioah, who will graduate - next week from the: Western Ideological Semi-, jury lm been appointed to a mission in Wash ington Territory, by the Presbyterian Board of Missions. He wiU leate Immediately after the exercises at the Seminary Tor New, York, where herwHl embark.for*San Francisco, and from . ' thenCe beViUoake his way-to Washington Ter ... ** RerTPelerVeedar, or Allegheny Cit/, also * \ mduttto of llio shore Seminary, Is established ' . as oastor of a church in Sacramento, Cel, und "Us muoh pleased, as we learn, with lho eiluslion ' and the people } Bun*—to yiow of Urn arrange ' »Uh«; mnjorUy of our Slalo yair-m^cra, • : ;-lv.tho liquor leOgueito ramose all restrictions '"' to free trade In tUs accursed traffic, we learn nuito « number - of noir' «rabU»Juneaf r«e pre • paribK.tocoiiiqienco'thqKilD of Hfiuor.loileed, so confident are most of tko presont dealers, ' ihat tboy hare not applied for nrencwaloflbcir license, although the. proper ,11100 oM-Orrirea to do eo: When legislators aro abontrl, they bad better- enect it law allowing two additional judges to assist Judge hlcCtare,ln slew of tho ‘accnmnlatioa of crime hereafler{u-fif. Accident.— A lad in Ibr Ninth Ward bad ltis leg badly fractured on Saturday Dr. D. Corn mao, of the Fifth Ward, set it. nnd he is doing as well ns enq be expeefed. .Straniier is Tows.— We hare Lccq gratified by .1 call from Frederick Ayer, Lsq., the business man ot the lirm of J. C. Ayer. A 00., Lowell. A short ac quaintance with tho gentleman convinced 03 that not tho Doctor’ll skill ia compoanding hb medicines is aluDo concerned in the immense consumption of them : but that it taken business talent of no ordi nary measure to pass them around thoiworld. Mr. Ayer, manifestly, baa these abilities and the soccers of his boose shuns that ho uses them. —SUmphU mi u . \ Paris styles of Gents’ and Boys’ clothing, care* fully transferred from tho best French reports of fashion, may now bo scon at Camagbaa'e, Federal street, Allegheny City. Groat care Is taken in the manufacture of every article, and buyers may readily see tho peculiar neatness or style, and perfection ef workmanship, with which each articlois prepared. Custom work for men nnd boys carefully made, and a fall stock of shirts, gloves, hosiery, Ac., kept on hand.. t | Tun Diawo.vh Necklacb. —Tbo famous affair of 'tho ‘'Queen’s Diamond Necklace,” which made so much noise just before the outbreak of the great rev olution of 17Ti>, is about to come on again before tbo courts of Paris, tho heirs and representatives of Ba*bmer and Cos?angs, the jewellers who supplied the necklace, having brought an action against tbo heirs and representatives of Cardinal .do llolian.— This necklace is almost as famous in Us way as the splendid garments for gentlemen and youths, mado at tho Brown Stone Clothing 1101 l or KockhUl & Wilson, Nos. 602 and 60S Chestnut street, I’bila. 1 Worms! Worms!!—There la no disease more com mon among children, aadyct dodo which ao freqocntlvbaf. floa tho skill of the physician, as worm*. They are highly detrimental to Uio conalltnthm; and their prcaenco aliouUl. be cnrefally goarded agsipst-hy parents. On tbo first mnn- Jtnteiions of symptoms every means ahonld bo used to expel them prompt!jrand thoroughly. M'Lanc’a Vermifuge, pre pared by Fleming Droa., of Pittsburgh, is well established M the mint certain, safe and speedy remedy ever offered (or thistroublMomo anil dangerous malady; and all who have the management of children ahoald keep this Invaluable medicine on hand. In addition to Us pe rfoelsi&ty, it never fills to produce tho dealred effect.' OUPurcfanscrs srfll he «i refill to ask for DU. M’LANE’S' CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, manufactured by FLEMING BROS^ofPmurtuwn, Pa- Aiiolhcr Vermlfngea in eompar (soa are worthlottNltr. BPLaac’a genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Liver Pills,can now be had at all Kepectabla drugstore*. Nowffasmuwilfumt Ihttignalurt tit FLEMING fIKOH- jlmusniunts. PITTSBURqiI THEATRE.— MISS IiIJIIiKULY 1 Lmsu *.to Manaoceeca MISS KIMOEKLY renpoctfully am»>:inrei that bavhjg engagement with tho GREATEST LIVING ACTRESS, MISS CIIABLOTTE CUSHMAN. FOR POSITIVE ONLTTimEE NIGHTS. And alto with the’lleserMdly popular actor mb. j. e. McDonough. THE THEATRE WILL REOPEN NEXT WEEK. On TUESDAY EVENING, April 20Ui, ISM, HU. M cDO No 0 G 11, • Will appear in one of hiv most celebrated characters. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING?. CHARLOTTE COSHMAN.n illappear. V3»Seats secured for each and every night of BUSS CUSHMAN’S engagemeut, can be had at the Box Office of Theatre on MONDAY. ap!7 FOSTER’S NEW NATIONALTHEATRE. Sole Lessee and Manager. J. C. FOSTER. Acting and Stage Manager A. W. Yotw». Treoxurer J . o*i>. .-iitokisT. Prirato Borer, to hold six persons 00 Dreta Circlo and Parqnstt* M> Upper Tier Yi. open at 7 o’clock. Commence at half past. GREAT ATTRACTION. Tho management has much pleasure ia>annoonctng on engagement, for a few nights only, with the emiuout Engr lltb Tragedian,MU. JASlkd BENNETT, who will makslifa flrit api*earaoeo in bl* great part of Virginias, in the rendi tion oPwiiteb bo is acknowledged to bo without an cqtuil, MONDAY EVENING, April loth, Ife&S, will be |«r formed Sheridan Knowtes’ (nmly, iu Sm arts, of VIUGINICSj or, THfcTltOW AN FATHER, Virginia* - #UL JAAtttJ UHNNKTi' (bis first cppoauico lisra £>r two Tcon.) Julia*....— »•- ......Cleary L. Dwoo Virginias. ......Mr*. A. W. Toaag . Parorito .... MlasUmlly WablegriT*. . Tq coaclado will* su entirety new Cairo, uuier acted Lore, entitled aVSTIRO A DBIGtiS. John joatUtan ttodcuicr...... Mr. A. W. Yoang Bartholomew Briggs—•“ ••• Jlr.W. D.Balley •. MU. UUKNEIT will appear. •>7 TirErnrcat popularity of Ilostetteris Stomach Idtfcn nrcparcd by tbr eoilotnt pliy.ician, Dr, J Uuefet leria nuUKroded. Daily doc* lie metis* the tolunUrj tw tim nnl*l* l>l Uj* sßlJcfctl, wbo bate been cored or long ffiSdSewU Ihmußh lb* «o oftbo“BUlere,”wd dnT lTSi«|o ollSimcdWMU increasing. WJdejlendlng its «2sfuln« *W9ng sofliTing iiamsDlty. For re- Su7 “^ )?* procoraa botUoof * &S I Wnosreirm * SMITn, Sol» Proprietor** Nos- M Water ox 68 Float yU. ' mrZ7aU«T - ••• : *- c* UKASE—A superior article for carnages, l_T tc, I. c,.* bp or QUNIHUKS—KIsbMs. Silver Spriij" Extra --lolly Fioan «do Union do dig Vtiaekn Wheat and —atonrriTo im steamer Melro*" C/r sal* by _ _•'• ' •! MSAIAHMPKEYtCU; ' UKSTOUATIVE—A targe lot ot 'lea**nkbratMHair nnrtorerrc«%lthl* dajr •pt _ JOS.FtB2UNO._- '’•'Ter 'o»y.? -:4ov ■ wcsltbj ua fr>r»u liy. *. - fcjoscn ft auTcmusoa/ /ir email- white Beans for ■ BEm Telegraphic CONGRESSIONAL Washikgtos, April 17. _ Seaate.—Mr. Foot©, of Vermont, withdrew bia resolution that tho Senate ro-aosomble on the first Monday of November, and introduced tbo same pro posal in the shape of a bill, which was read thrice and laid over fur laturo consideration. &lr. Hunter, of Virginia, mado oh earnest endeavor to take up the Deficiency Appropriation bill. Mr. Fcsicndon, of Maine, ana Trumbail, of Mi-' nois, with equal earnestness, opposed taking it up until the Benate aboil have had lime to cooaider it, Mr. Fessendon saying that tho Administration knew there necessities in January as well os it docs now. Mr. Trumbull said that tbe belief exists that much of this'deficiency arises from contracts bariog been entered into without the sanction of the law, and from an usurpation on the part of tho government in quartering an army in Kansas, and sending another to winter in tbe Rocky Mountains. Finally tho bill was made tbe special order for Monday at half-past twelve o'clock.' Mr. Broderick reminded tbo administration oppo nents of tho bill that the vote of California wasgiren to Mr. BnchaDan on the faith of a Pacific Railroad. As to an extreme Soatbern route, we might os well ■havo a railroad to the moon, inasmuch as it would cost equal to carry U from South California to San Francisco. Mr. Iverson was in favor of Us construction, and believed it to be constitutional to mako each a con tract Tbe government now pays $1,300,000 an nually for carrying the mails from the Atlantic to tbe Pacific. Thus, before thirty years, wo will have expended,'at the present rate, $50,000,000, while a railroad will cost only $25,000,000. Which is tho most economical. Tho Senate and the country can judge. Mr. Iverson then explained bis plan which had been voted down. Tho Pacific Railroad bill was taken up. Mr. Benjamin, of La., considered it obtions that Congress cannot agree on any route. With a diminished treasury, loans and prospective expenses, be could not believo that Senators imagine they can pass the bill. Ho would therefore move as a test rote that tho further consideration of the bill be post poned till December next Mr. Guinn said ho would consider such a vote as an indication that tho administration Joes not intend to give any aid to connect the Atlantic with the Pa cific, and as a violation of all tho pledges of ISSC. Mr. Johnson, of Arkansas, said that the spirit of sectionalism was so strong that there is no hope of a runte offering justice to tbe South. Ho would, there fore, roto for tho motion to postpone. _ Mr. Houston, of Texas, moved that the eastern terminus be in Arkansas, opposite Memphis. Ho spoke in favor of tho El Paso ronte. ISpcriul Dispatch to the PitUburghrGazettc | IlAnnisnrno, April 17. Senate—Tho Sunbury hill being up, Mr. Wilkins offered an amendment that the company at a future timo shall subscribe half a million of dollars to tho Allegheny Valley Railroad. Tho amendment was adopted and tbo hill was passed by a vote of IS against 14, Mr. Wilkins vuting uyo and Mr. Gntzaui nay. The report of the Committee of Conference on the Liquor BUI was agreed to, yeas IS), nays 1). Mr. Gazzam was absent Mr. Wilkins voted aye. House. —Mr. Irwin recorded bis vote ayo on the Liqnor Bill. This being Private Bill day tbo House took up bills on the Private Calendar, acting upon the following, among others: —Bill to allow Isaac M. Penoock, ad. ministrator, to sell certain real estate; bill makiog it a misdemeanor to break hired vehicles, which were passed finally, and go to tho Senate. Tbe Senate BUI relative to vehicle licenses, passed finally but haring been amended goes to tbo Senate for concarcnce therein. Senato BiU relative to tho Orphan’s Asylum pass cd finally and noeds but tbe governor's approval to become a law. Senate Bill to change tho location ot a street in South Pittsburgh also passed finally and needs bat the Governors Approval. Tbe House BUI to establish a ferry at Gray’s Mills passed a Grit reading. Eceniny Sntioa. —Sisate.—Tho RaUroad Bridge Bill passed as read in the House. The bill relative to attachments of vessels was umended to include only vesseb on tho western waters and laid ever. Haiirisbc&g, April 17.—Tbe bill for the sole of tbe State Canals to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company being tbo regular order, was taken up in tbe Senato on Goal reading, and passed finally, yeas IS, nays 14. Was—Messrs. Baldwin, Brewer, Coffey. Finney, Frances, Gregg, Harris, Ingram Mycr, Randall, Rutherford, Schell, Scofield, Shaeffer, Souther, Steele, Straub and Wilkins—lS. Nays—Messrs. Bell, Buckalew, Craig, Crosswcll, Ely, Evans, Fitter, Gaxiam, Knox, Lauback, Mar pclis. MiUer, Turney, Wright—l 4. In tho Uouse tbe amendments of tbo SeDatc to the Sunbury and Erio bill for tho salo of tho Canals came up. Tbo bill has now passed both llonsos, and g<>on to the Governor. Wasoi.sotoji City, April 17.—TheCotntniUce of Conference on tbo Kansu bill met Ibis morning.— Mr. Ilonter vro9 absent, as at tbo prorion* meeting. All the others were present. The matter was con sidered, but nothing transpired showing tho proba bility of on agreement. Tbo next and final meeting trill bo on Monday morning. A general order has been issnod by tbo Command er-in-ebiof, directing particularly tho movement of the troops from the barracks at Newport, Jefferson and Carlisle, and from forts Columbus and "Randall, for Utah at tbo earliest notice. (Jen. Smith la ap pointed to tho command of the department of I'tab. Rev. Diidlkv A. Tvh«j had his right arm am - pntated in .Philadelphia, oa Saturday, as the only apparent means of saving liis life. Tho accident by which his arm was so in j tired as to render this surgical operation necessary wc bavo already referred to, it having been caught in a straw cutler with which ho was making some experiments. Tclegrapbtc market*. Klw Vo**, AprH 17.—Colton firm; 3000 bales tolJ; Uo- Uud \2.y r floor heavy; 13,000 bbU retd; Htate $4 0W» 4 12%; tibio lower at $1 43<54 W. Wheat heavy; 6uoo bos Sold. Coru declining; at,uuo buaaetd; white 2c lowpr at 71 <3»T4i yellow 2c lower, sale# at 76@7(j- Pork tinner and active; «ak-a at $l7 Oo&i; U 5. Lord booyant at lot'(911. Sugar heavy; Orleans Coffee doll. Bacoarteady; Itaxua Hhonldera i%(s7. Freights Armor; oa Cot ton to Liverpool on Flour U. 4*£L Btock» variable; Chicago and Kock (aland 73%; Cumberland Coal 17U; IIL Central iteadiug 40; Milwaukle and Miseimippi 29; Cuntou Co. -ay. Micb. Omtrol C 2; Brie 22%; Cleveland aod Toledo 43>4; Tonnmen 6S-Y; Indiana five* 6M<; Locrusoc laud grants 31J4. I‘mutsa.puu, April 17.—Floor coaUoara very dnll, but price* 00cbanged. Receipts of Wheat have materially la creased, but demand limited, and prices unsettled »nH lower; 8.000 bub sold, at 70<&80c for Inferior; «X&loscfor fair and ctioko Red, and $1 2U&I so Air White. 2,000 bub of Rye bronght d 6,000 bu Peons sold at 40c. Co flee firm; 8,000 bags bare been disposed of at from 10J4 to lie lor Kio, and 12 to 12>$c forLagolr*. Tbo stock of Sogsr is very modi reduced and tbe prices firm: soles of Cuba at 6>s@6 %c. Provisions firm; solos of Mess Pork at slB,cub; Sides st 10}-: and Shoulders at IQ*X. Lard He in bbls and 12'RIED APPLES for ealeby OUan3 '• JONES A COQUET, lit Water ev VERY DESCRIPTION or DRYGOODS - fontatfiy,Xgvohrothtci.Bo.74llailwt»t VIX-AISS—SUQ„Iaa. 8*10; !)il2 »nd 10*12 . -,UE»RVJI«niiK3,~ TWTATOBJ—MO bos;'- Tltfit® Pot Mies in rn Etcro tr tJ opO T, LITTLE k CO, ■ Commercial FOB FEBRUARY. p. a. b*cjtot, V. p, JOBS jromxsnx. Surra firanx*, Joseph K. HusTXB/Acsns Looms. PITTSBURGH OAUKETB. {Replied tyedoßy for the PiUsbtcrgKOtutU.) Pnmoiaa* Montur, Ami iu, ISW FLOUfi The only sole Crutn first bands waa a lot of 10 LUU toper on-hort at $3,45- *? 70 and 120 bbls at s3tf2 for super, Si.W@j4.l2 forextraenJ $1,50 for family do. ..., 0 UKALN—Not much offering; salt* of W 0 to* Corn cm private terms; 60 and 100 bus Kyo at 63; 365 bos Barley at 45; mod 200 bus prime Red Wheat from etora el 85. OKOCUKIK&—SaIes of HhbU BngariU i-J*; 6- do at», and 35 do at 7*£fisB. Mol#***. 60 end £i bbla at 30 @3714 Itiw. 10 tea to city trade at 5. llXcON—Sal<« 0* 2000 ft* Shoulders at i} a ; TV. anj 0000 tbs TT«*«« at 0%. fi i y Sales at scales of 16 load* at JIOcmJJO ton. nSH-S«‘ r 2* bill Ifockarel No. 3 at $l2, and 15 bbls Herring at SG. , , , STRAJtINE —A sal*of 60 bids on private terms. POTATOES—SaIsaat depot of JUO bus Beds at «fc». 30u do at 33; and 100 do mixed at 40. . ... BUTTER AND KUOS—Prime Roll Butter Is firm at IU Evas, sales of 5 bbls at 8 DRIED FRUlT—Satessoo bus Apples, from first Lauds at 11.2 S » has; 45 has do frum stare at but JIRSd PORK—Sate* of 14 Lbta at $17,50 $ Ltd. KIRK BRICK—Sales or 15,000 Bolivar at thousand. HIDES—Sales of 325 Dry Fllutat 15; 71W do on private BKKD—Saks of 20 bus Flax at sl,tU; 30" but Clover at $5 Sales of 121 bbla Rectified ut V 12 bids Cfld Kyo at $L _ import■ by Rallroadc C.,4 p. R. It—lD bis bops, A Wood; 3 bbU rbecsu, J B Coufleld, 2ti bbls lard, 17 kgs do, ?2bbb pork, 21 sks dr frolt, A U Haines; 7 kgs lard. Leech A Hntchiasou; 7 bids clovcrtced, 1 bhl butter, Sbrivcr A Dllworlb; 6 pkgs eggs. I bid butter, T Little A co; 11 chlmnoy tops, 11 11 Collins; 1 bbl butter, Atwell. Leo A Co; 23 tall chairs, Uauiuer A DsuUe; ludo, BiilUkeu; 2kgs lard, 3 bbls butter, U’Cond less, Moons A co; 1 car ore, liccse; 2 rare cattle, ownor; 2UB bblsoggs,3csk bacon, 112aks wool, V 0 bbl floor, 4 da apples 3 do butter, Clarko t co; P. C. AO. R. R.—300 bus potatoes, owner, O bbls eggs, 2 kgs lard, Liggett A co; 4 bbls eggs, Rankin; 2 bblslonJ Sawyers; 11 cars cattle, owners; 100 bbls eggs, 8 do beans lOO.do whiskey, Clarko & c». p. ft. W. AC. B. R.—22 doz buckots, Mnrtland A co 363 bnsbarloy, SOObus potatoes, Leech A Uatcbloeon; 300 bns potatoes, Moire; 300 bos wheat, Vocghtley, 30u bnt potatoes. Grazier; 147 bgt rye. Watt A Wilson; 20 dai buckets,B Dilworth A co; 10 do, Floyd A co; 20 do, F Sellers A co; 13 do, ITCacdless, Means A co; 63 do, Milter A 1 lUckotaon; 60 do, S Mercer, 19 pkgs wire, U Townsend Aco 61 Lxs chose*, Mutter A Robisons 40 do, J Patton, jn 140 IhIU paper, Cochran; 6 bbls eggs, 1 kg butter, K Dalzcll Aco 20 bdis lightning rods, Humbert; 330 bus potatoes, 62 bbls eggs, 10 do bntlar, 7 cars cattle, 20 doz brooms, owner, 401 bbls eggs, 20 do butter* 72 els dr apples, Roa; 6U bbls apples D C Herbst; 0 bbls apples, 13 do butter, 3300 bus wheat, 333 tks potatoes, 102 bbls u11,2G0 bbls lard, 032kgs do* 707 bbls Hour, 120 bxs starch,6bis furs, 62d0 wool, 75.tcs bacon, 117 cka do, Clarke 4 co. • Imports bjr Uiwer. CINCINNATI per Minerva—loo bx canJh-s, 60 tc boms 26 iibd bucoa, 2U3 bbls. 336 *ks potatoes, 1241 bbl Oonr, 18 bbl oil, 5 bx, 1 triiuk, Ctoike A co, 63 bbl wbUkey, 140 do flour,'Wallace; 7u bbl whiskey,‘Carr A co: 25 Lb) whiskey Sohmidl; 04 bbl flour, Liggett; 100 do do, Taylor, 10 bbl whiskey, Hufltuao. M’Crvary A co; 15 bbl hominy, Hitch cock; 50 bx starch, Hazleton; lo do do, Lindsey; 15 do do Painter 25 do do, Browu 4 Kirkpatrick: 13 bx drugs Swindler 3 hhd bacon, 1 doterf, Dt»e; 4 tc bams, Kensbaw 6‘J sks potatoes. Herbst; 3 cak ham, Gardiner, 47 tks potatoes, U'ilane A Anjer: 26 bx soap, Homey A Wvlit; luu bbl mit, Lewis A Edgerton; 1 bx litre. Tanner. WHEELING,p«r itmslle—l33sks barley, W Garrard; Bl> do do, fl W Smith 4 co; 55 pcs Castings, Brownsville W Boat 6 bbls butter, 2 do eggs, 3 do lUxsced, 2 kn lard', Knox A M'Kcw; 2.1 kgs usilt, take ware, II HVollough; 7 rolls test be t, Cl-irko A cut 7337 lbs scrip irou, M'Cskltey RIVERREWR. Them was but little business doing on tho lovro daring tteturds). There were small quantities of gouda shipping lot all puiuts. The number of boats bod dwindled down to 21, when at tbo opening of Livig.iliVn thete were seventy here. TbeStepbea Decatur Went out in tbe morning with tbe largest inp that has tell here for a year. She over 750 tonsot Ireigbt. Her guards were dragging in tbe water, and she was swarming with people. Uer freight consisted mostly of lumber. Th« boards she took aro planed, touguad aud erwred and all ready to nail on to tbe ships of bouse*. Besides these she carried joist, ebingiee, Sooting «!•-. sc that the settlers in Kaunas will bare all tbo material ready for the erection of bouses aron as they arrive in their new borne. Tlie lows, Capt. Moure, is op again for St. Louis Sbo will take freight for any port on the Upper Mississippi, rerillp plng it at fit Louis. Wo call particular attention to that fact She is a good boat aud well commoodrd. Tbs fine steamer Minerva, (Mpt. Gordon arrived during Friday night, with a load mostly of flour She U np again lor LouUvillu and Cincinnati. A very largu number of coal boats were ruunlug onl with the current on Saturday. There is jnst a good stago of water end we hope tohenrof the safe arrival of nil these boats ut their destination. The lioebest.-r. Opt. Neare is loading with u much dispatch os she can, and will have on Tuesday. The Marengo, Clifton, Auglo-fi.viun, Fort Wayuo aod other steamers will soon be ready to leave. fivxnsr —Tbo steamer* Great West, Capt McCullough, and Metropolis, Calhoun, from fit. Louie, and Junes Wood, Kobinsou, from New Orleans, arrived jeeterdaj. A good number of l, i(<|inblicsu of Thursday says “TbeJ.B Carson was tbe oulj arrivul from the Illinois river yesterday; Sim tud a good cargo of prodoco. The Martin Jewett, from Paducah, had a cargo ot lumber, pro duce, Ac. TbeJ W Chccsemau from Ctuciunati, was tilted with people, and had a good cargo of assorted merchandize 1 lie iI ivmirnirul elwnirf, D 11. alurton, came down fr«m the Missouri without freight. 1W Council Bluff arrived iu the same condition film had hern to fit. Joseph with n cargo of 3ii,uuu feet of lumber, pho Is now loodlnx wttb 3w>,ux> feet more for tho same port, and will leave to-iuorruw The Council Blnfl has another trip of lumber, 3UO.««is w 8. Carter’s Ircud, jnat Loluw her. B*>lh boats were bound for the Allasoori, aud loft last evening The Twilight i»-wered Borders. Fire Board Patterns and Curtaiu Pa|t, t°r3l Comer Amfersou sL and Raitroml. f 1 HEABE.—OO tierces in store and for sale VjT by (aplS) ISAIAH DIOKET A CO. NAILS.— 50 Kogd 8d Nails, sliglitly dam- aged, fur gale by sp!2 ROBERT DICKCY. C)(\ KEGS prime Lard, 10 bbls Eggs, recelvrd and for aaie !>y LEKCU 4JIUTOHINHON POTATOES— I&U imtdt. choice Red Pota tore, in store; 100 bosh, choice Nreliaunock’s lu «ture, and for tale at No. 160 Liberty Street. ‘ ap7 _ BIDDLE, WIRT3 A CO JAPANNED TINS.—A good articlo lor Ambrntypea and Sign Plates. JOHN FLRMINO. apl'J corner of Market and Third streets., HIDES.- 2f»2 Dry Hides on consignment, fur safe by ROBF.RT DICKEY, cpl2_ No. 134 Freut struct, at-or Wood. C'TIEAP WALI. PAP>fn—thousands 'of rolls t-> null nt 8,10 sad cents. inr23 W. P. UARSIIAU, A (X>. 1 (\ DRUMS CODFISH for sale by IV/ BAUAI.KY, COSURAVK 4 tX>. No. 1» 4 2U W.kki’nt. FRESH BUITER—O bbls. choice Tabic Butler, just received and fur solo ut No. 27 sth st. mr23 IL KIDDLE SOLUTION OF GITKATK OF MAONESIA —A coxling pnrgatlve, mild In Us tnwrallon and ploaa ant to Uio taste, ruustaotly ou baud fresh at JUS. FLEMINO'g, mr3o coroorof tho Diamond and Market st. MUKPIIY & BUKOIIFIELI) Imvu just received now Prints, Ciughaua, Irish Linens, Ac - New goods receirod every few day* » l north cast corner of 4th and Masketatreets, mrd EXTRAOr LOGWOOD-H iuz. boxca' for •ale at reduced rates by MACKEOWN A FINLEY, C” RINoIUNEXGRASS SKIRTING,^Md all the hew styles of Sklrti, Including tbo Steel Kxtan slomfylpb, Ac-rec’d atstorevf ' BpUdawV MURPHY A BPRCIIFIELp, LAIIU— 30 Libia, now landing from steanlor Economy fer aria by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. COTTON —52 now landing from Kteum er Economy for ealo by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. GUM SHELLAC—B coses just received and for ails by ap2 8. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO. COFFEE, 4c.—250 bnga Rio Coffee; 100 bCfchotiauvtcd . JOIXN tLOYD it CO. MOLASSES— 20 I.Mh. N. O. Molaesee in etotqfcrkialij ROBKET Dlcqir. NEW GOODS — Print Ginghams, Cotton fttlea,Checks, Maallns, Irish Unens, Ac, Ac., just re ceived aod wiling wry chesp fer cash. a HANSON LOYE, t' aplCblswT Formotly Wo.74Markßtr- OOKINU EXTRACTS—A large'lLmjfc of Preston McrrlU's nneqnailed Flavoring coastaptiy on baud at JM. FLKMIMQ’S.I AIR DYK—A largo assortment of Jdfi Uand’aXJuxldHAlrDyeJttstrte’dby. ..;.-TTT: S-. -f . .« • MACSEgffif ft FINLEY. PEARtASH— 50 l)hls. josTreoU and "for tala by - ‘ mtio - J. B. CAIfFIBT-P-i /GROUND vMUSTAiID, Ground Pepper, XT O round ClaOt|u£»,. Qreond Cloves.' and. lou mats : regtfa&dforxafo si wholesale or retail bT■ '■ , ■ or33' : MACSSOWK ftFINLEY, Ho. UT Lt^crtysL! LOVS’S COLUMN SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. rjVHE flubacribcr having just returned from Now Vork oni rhlUiolijblo, foels cooadoat that he coo of- fer INDdCEUENTN TO PURCHASERS, bolL lo ntrlre, Qoalltj ood Price., nosorpoSaed t., any house West ot ttio RIOH FANCY DRESS SILKS, " ROBES. RICH BLACK BAYADERE DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK SILK ROBES, '■ PLAIN BLACK SILKS, “ PRINTED BEIIAOES, “ ORUANDIE LAWNS, “ ROBES, Also— CbollicH, Crape Do Eepanees, Lawns, Ac. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. BROGUE BORDERED STELLA SnAWLS, PRINTED BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, Of every Stylo, Color ami Quality, varying in prices from Two to Fif- teen Dollars. FRENCH LACE AND CILANTILLA. MANTLES, Vom Three to Thirty Dollars. NF.EDLK WORK, [ANDSOMK SKTT COLLAR AND SLEEVES, VERY RICH REAL FRENCH WORK COLLARS, EMBROIDERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS, INSER^INOS AND FLds were bought of MANUFAI’TU HERS AND 30B13ERS, I.AIIOK AUCTIONS, FOR CASU, WE AJtE ENABLED To .SELL THEM AT PRICES STIj a t J3vfy IS oinp {i 111 oli Call aud Eiamlne our Stock before Pnr- chasing Elsewhere. C. HANSON LOVE, Fonnorly Love Brothers, and Young, Stevenson Ot Love, BIOS or THE ORIGINAL iBKB-BIVEp UTO*. 74 MARKET ST., Fittabargb,: Fenna. mrl&dAVltal itranuta. Ktgulat. iMonongaliela Elver U. S. Mall Packets. ' STEAMER TELEGRAPH, ] STEAMER JEFFERSON, idS* I iJßaft Tc*p*. J. c. WOODTABD. I CATT. OXOIOI CUB&> HE ABOVE NEW STEAMERS ARE bow running regolarljr. Morning Bcata leare Fitts “sA * °’ cloc * A> Mi aod Krcning Boats at 6 £furS^'n U » for srK - e< *Port, Elizabethtown, Mononga- Ddl ‘i Ter ? on ’ Fayette City, Greenfield, California ana thera connecting with Hacks and Gjachca uir Dniontown, Fajotto Springs, Morgantown, Wnynctbnrg, Carmichael town and Jefferson. E Puscogera ticketed through from PilUboreh to Union town tor $2, meals and state-rooms oa boats Inclusive Boota returning from Brownsville Inre at 9 o’clock In the morning and 6ln the evening. For further intormatiun en quire at tho Office, Wharf Boat,at the foot of QrantstrMC ■ns Q. W, SWINDLER. FOR CINCINNATI-REGULAR ,J»i TUESDAY PACKET.—The elegant wheel panengor packet GLADLAIOK, Capt. George Moore, will learo (or the shore and Intermediate ports erery TUES DAY at 10 o'clock, aa. Fsr freight or passage apply cn hoard, or to (tnrltt) FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agts. Regular Tuesday pack-, ET FOR ZA XKS VILLK.—The One steamer EMMA URAUAM, Capt. Unnoi Arxu, will leave tor tho above and intermediate ports EVERY TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock p. ir. For freight or passage apply cn hoard. _ o-19 FLACK, BARNES A CO, Ag'ts. ®incinnatt, Set. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOU* I leg> ISVILLE.—The fine steamer MINERVA, Capt John Gordon will leave for the above mediate ports on WEDNESDAY, 21st Instant, ‘at 4 o'clock, p. u. For freight or passage apply on boon!, or to _ap_l9_ FLACK, BAKNES A 00, Agonta. For Cincinnati & Louis-, YILLE.—Tho Udo steamer IDA Capt. May, will leave for the aboro and all intermediate ports on TUESDAY, 20th lnst,af4 o’clock, r.x. For freight or passage apply on board, or to tplO FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agents. j&asfibiHf, Set. FOR NASIIVILLE.-—The fine steamer S. P. UIBDARD, Capt. George W. Rood, will Icavo for tho above and all intermediate ports, THIS DAY, tho 10th lnst,at 4 o'clock, t, m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to (mrlC) FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agents. St. aouiß, Set. Keokuk, Davenport, Galena, Dubuque, J,a Crotse, Hiillteater, Hatting*, Sl Paul, and the Fail* of Saint Anthony. THE new and elegant side wheel passenger steamer DENMARK, Capt Richard O. Gray, will leave tor tho above ports An WEDNESDAY, Silt inst, and will positively go through u advertised. The Denmark was built expressly tor tno trade, and oflsn superior occommiv datlons. For farther information, apply to ■pO _ FLACK, BARNES A CO. Agents. FOR ST. LOUIS.—Tho fine t fCgr fr steamer lOWA, Captain Mooro, will leaTe tor tho above aud all intenncdlata ports, on WEDNESDAY, 21st lust, at 4 o’clock, pM. For freight or passage apply ot, board or to _ap!9 FLACK, BAItNES A CO, Agents. For st. i,olts and illi- . trs> > NOTH RIVER.—The flno steamer ARGO-JsSSsSC NAUT, Capt. McCuan, will leave tor tho tarmsdlate ports on TIiISDAY, I9th Inst,at 4 o’clock,P.■. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ■pi- FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agoots. For st. louis, keokpk. , f GALENA, DUBUQUE, STILLWATER, f2gsS9E & ST. PAUL—The fine new steamer ANGLO SAXON, W. 1L Baker, Master, will leave tor the aboro and all interme diate porta, on TUI3 DAY. 10th lust, at 4P, *. For freight or passage apply on board or to *p9 FLACK. BARNES A Agents. For missour river, pi-. icp> KECT.-Tbe fine steamer FORT WAYNF,d£££S&f Capt. Moltord, will leave tor the above and all lotlnffiu&U porta oa TUIB DAY, Ivth instant, at 4 o’clock, p. u. For freight ui paisa go apply on board, or to ■Pi* -XbACK, BARNES A CO, Agents. FOR MEMPHIS & NEW QR-r fegr .ia LEANS.—The Bno steamer Capt. Colo*, willleavo tor the abovesnd all iotcrmiyljat* porta on TUESDAY, 20th lost, at 4'o'clock, r. m. For freight or po~isge apply cm Uaud, or to ’ ■plO FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agents HARPY & M’QRBW. STEAMBOAT A.G’SZNTS, Corner of First and Fehry strets, PITTSBURGH, PA Proposals for Paving. Proposals will be recieved by the undersigned until FRIDAY, tho3olb day ~f April Instant, tor CURBING and PAVING that |>ortii>n <>f Ohio street, oppuslto tbo Western I’enltenlWry, extending wcsl ward))- from Webster street to tlio Railroad Bridge. Also, for I'AVTNG WITH BIUOK, tho Bide Walk, or K>>otway, truntiuir on the Penitentiary Uroauds, uu said Ulii" street. 5? W The Proposals will state the price per linear foot fur emb- Ing, anil tbo siza and character of thn Btono to bo used for that purpose. They Will also state the price per squ&io yard for (lie Gobble Stone or Street Pavements, and tlio price per square yard for tbo Brisk Pavement. The Pavement of the Footway to be of hard cherry brick, of each quality as shall be approved by the Warden. The price* bid, as above, to lncloilo all the Sand, Gravel aud other materials, and wort necessary to compleb- iln contract to the satisfaction of the Inspectors. In addition to the Lidding for the wort, as sboro men tioned, which will l>oconsidered as being made for cosh, nil tbsc«uploGon of thscnutra'‘t,tbo [truposaU will »t*tr at what prices the work will bo done on a credit of rtrau ■OTTUs. 8. JON KB, ' spUjoodtd Treasurer of Western Penitentiary. o»dble HENRY STERLING, JACOB PAINTER, , U. B. WARNER," ROOT. B. STERLING. Km vtriog patti.ci a of Ute Gnu of Loranx, Sterling ACu •plu laid NEW CARPETS, AT THE FOURTH STREET STORE. W. U. & 11. AIeCALLUM Have just received a very large Msnrtment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTH.- 1 , kc.. the tatcat stylo* forTSpring Trade, comprising VKLVCT AND BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY AND THREE TLY, BUI’EBPINB AND LOW PRICED INGRAINS. Wool, Batch, llcinp, Lint, Rag, llnliaml Stair Carpeta, Ruga, Mat*, Cocoa Slatting, Stair Rod*, Ac. Alan, a choice lot of Droggeti from one to toar yard* vide; hcaotifal patterns Floor Oil Cloth, Crum 2 to 24 feet wide, .pith all other good* usually found in Brst clan Carpet fitecs, all of which wo are prepared to eull at tlie very low. for caih. ncA W. D. A. U. UcOALLU&I. H . thomMcrii clßa,T^a&l>«»»lfatjTSL-„ stuck of supcriorriaaoe, fur epoetfully invite the attention «>f~ n? They wore ckoaeu with groat care from tlio entire eaatera •lock, and en> considered »wnng the finest instruments ererbrouzht to this city. Porehaaere are'Bolld'-ed to call aodoxamloo, u this U an excellent opportunity far obtain* log a first class and rellahlo Piano Forte. 11. KLEBEB, No 63 Fifth »t. New Rochelle or Xn HAVING mado arnu KNOX for t supply ol I tarry, 20,000 strung thrifty Pli lag price*; 1000 pUtits —», too *♦ 230 H •awton Blackberry, ingemente with Rot. J. Plants of this voidable UU:k touts are offcrod ut the follow •4123 00 2fi pUnta. . 64 00 Li ** S6 00 G *• l5 00 3 M 100 60 “ 800 1 “ bO Onion addresatnl to lUt. J. KNOX, or the anlwcriber, ac ompauled with the cuh or a anltabie reference whore tho partloa are not known, will bo filled In the order In which they are received. Plante of ttio NEWMAITBT] will be farniehed at tho aame f 10RNLBS3 BLACKBERRY, rice*. JAMES WARDROP, ftli street, Pittsburgh, Pa. S' OUSE FURNISHING GOODS of every description, Uamilles Quilts, very handsome; alto, lea, ChlnUet, Ac., lor spreads, and all kinds of Table Idueos, Liaeo and Cotton, and all kinds of Dress Goods, Shawls, 4c. a HANSON LOVK, ap4-dawT formerly Lots Pro then, Wo. T 4 Market gl. DRY GOODS—Those desirous of purchas ing anything Id tbs Fancy, Staplo, Foreign or Domes tic Dry Uoods line, will please call and examine our Ur.«* and «ellasaort*d stock of Spring Goods, which are now be ing told very CHEAP for CAflfl. ' CHANSON LOVE, tnr27 formerly Love Bros-, No. T4M»rk»t street. POTATOES -100 botltola Neahaanoci: Potatoes; 75 do large White do; 50 do do Dloo do; 25 do do Hfd do; Initoraandforaalobj __ T. LITTLE A No. 112 tiaeond atroct. DOCKE T MAPS for 1858, of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Mlaoorl, lowa and Mlam-uta, for aale by Vf. H. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets. lEUENT—IOO bbls. Hydraulic in store > and far 6alo by - mrlO J 0 CANFIKLD. O UNDRIES—3I- bh!s. Grease, 043 sacks O Wheat, white ami red; 214 do lion' Hair, 29 tons Wg Metal, to arrive for tale by IMAIAH DICKEY * CU. POTATOES.— 50 bosh Neshannock Pwta toee, 60do Red, recelrtd ond foreale bj mrCO lIKNIIY ILOOLLIMfI. EW WALLPAPERS, Cheap.—Still they come.at 87 Woodet. W. P.MAIttUULLA CO- NEW BATIN PAPERS—At2O audio cts. pv roll bra, hr IV. P. IIARSOALL t CU- N'TSW-QOU) PaPEK—At .50 cents, for rol.br ,p 0 W. P. MARfItIALL * CO. STATUARY AND PAlNTlNG—Pictures oX CUT. Bochuun, TVrohißElon, FrookUn, OodjMro, *o. far rt 6 b> W. I‘. UAEbnALb t 00- IDES.—I3OO prime Dry Flint, justreo' .roitoroubT bpbisoebnAßßADOn t ou. FLOUR— 1200 bills, extra family in store 7ml br rol. by BPRIKOKB HARBACon t CO. ARTIST MATERIALSof all descriptions, to be bad irholenfe or retail by Bull B.L.IfAIIKBSTOCK*CI>. - STRANGE'S Superior Pencil Sharpener, j lor «alo by W. B.IIAVKN, mrl9 Comer Market and fecoadetrect. ■ISH —150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, Ac, for aale by HRURY H COLLINS. UGAR—llOhhds. primo N. 0. Sugar just I rec’d and far sale by JLfiOBISOS * CO, FEATHERS— 5 wicks just recMandfor saio by _ m*24 fl. lIABBAUOH A CO. BEANS —22 bbls and 24 ska. for sale by mrg> BBRIVEB * DlLTfOßfrll. ILOUR-14 bbls., White Wheat, in store aodfcc aalaby [laiffl]. ATWKLt^LBBACP. EGGS- -5 tibia, i frcslP Eggs, rco'd and for ml. at No. 27 alb it. . ]■ n.BIDPLB. COFFEE 4c.—250 bra. choice Bio Coffee; 1» tSulWt|jrap» , sirSv Arriving end tor Ml* by mrlO WATT A WIL3OM. it.t. yr.EU—gOOU lba. chopped t'cod in jtorenliHbrni.tr mviii qiimigT. S' OMAC—2O Backs now, ; landing from TUB INTBHXATION Al. „ oxp| Broadway, corner cj Fra,Mi; * NEW YORK, UASBRKN RECENTLY BEFITTED The Rooms are all Xctcly Carjxted The Fnmitnrt and Bed* are Superb, jit id tho Bath* riitiH-piujjj TAYLOR’S CELEBRATEDSALOONb ABE COSSECTID WITIttHEHOTTL. Here Is concentrated all the comforts ol a home, wilh it, luxuries of a palace. THE SPLEXDIB LADIES PARLOR Commands as Unequalled Viow of Broadway. THE INTERNATIONAL is tli® most central of any o! the Fnsr Class Uotzls for bmuws, or places of ami.-*: meat, and ofTera unsurpassed advantages to Famfliti ««,» GcnUumon visiting New York. “ J AJ.FItED£HEEUAN, rroailetnr. iiusNcii's Cbmcr oj Frankfort Steed and (Sty 11x11 Souxr.- ct m , IMe City Hall, New lark City. ' ■ THIS HOTELiscondnctedanthcEraoi-BAN Puit or Losaixo Kooia, «nj nab m tlioj mar be o'- denxl, In tho spaclons Refectory * . llarber’.Shop wii Baibalacoamvlioo Ibcre ®Bb- Tbla papal.r hotel Is la tbo Immediate vlctnitv ..t mereaotilo btuloo^aadtboptlarlpal placcsoramasemeat and offer, crorj Bjdneemont to Uu*. »bo omralt eon Tbosogolns to Coßtorala or Eu„,,.. will bo ftmtlahod with all the Information they mar desh e and also bo protected from imposition in tho nnrehass flt paisage tickets. . R. FRKNCU, IlririeLT N. It.—Bewanrof Runners who say we are fnll, asWui aro Interested in saying so. nirll£nm TTEALTII OF AMERICAN WOMEN.— 1 J.For 1050 y jears 1 have been troubled w ith general weariness and languor, both mental and physical; caprice, listlesmess, doll hcruloche, pain in tho head aud temploo, coldness and tendency to stiffness, palpiutloD or the heart. Tory easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, stomach and bowels deranged, with pain. Any mental or physical exertion was rare to bring on all tho symptoms, andi ha-.i in addition, Calling of tho womb, and great pain in that rc gion. Ono physician after onothi r exhausted hisuklUand gavo me op. A patient and persevering nay of UAH BHALL’S UTERINE GATHQLICON fortunately enmed mo and I have no words sufficient to express my thankfnlncw- Mas. JULIA ANNE JOHNSON lean tmJy say that I havo been a sufferer for many years with whites and deranged menstruation. After » while 1 had other troubles, inch as palo face, indigestion, wasting away, general languor and debility, pain In the small of tho back, a sort of aching and dragging sensation, pain Letwei-i, the shoulder blades extending down tbo spine, lot* of appe tite, trouble In the stomach and bowels, with' cold hands and feet and dreadfnl nervousness. The least exritementwout-i make mo feel as il I should fly away. 1 tried doctor* aud drags, and everylhlng, cue after another, without tho Lcr. eflt. One bottle of MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATUOL' CON changed some of my symptoms (or the better, and now lam entirely and radically cored. I wish that every man could know whstit Will do, CLARI&A OllKlt. For a long Uterine complaints wiGi'thefoilou ing symptoms: I was nervous, cmadafed and Irritable; 1 seemed to ohcuod in complaints; Borne of which I will try to tell yon; pain in thelower organs, and a feelings aa if koidc thlng was going to fall out; Inability to walk ,nacb on ac count of a feeling of fullness; aching and dragging,' acd shooting pains In tho back, loins, and extending down tb'< lege the Jolting produced by riding canned p-eat palm spu modic shootings and pains in the side, stomach and bowel*; headache, with ringing In tho cars; every fiber of the i.-dy seemed sore; great irritability; intense nervousness, I c-~ul.i not bear the least excitement without being prostrated for a day; I could scarcely more about the bouse, and did n..i toko pleasure In anything. 1 had given up bopo, htirinv bled everything, as I supposed, in vain, but a friend railed my attention to MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATIIOLICON I took it, hoping against hope. Mont fortunately It cured me;and there is not q, healthier or more grateful " ainau n, the country. I tnutaJl will use IL Jtistruly the woman't friend in need. Mas. FLORENCE l-KSt.l k. MARSHALL'S LTKRIXECATHOLICOS ten'll certain ly acre Falling of the Womb, Whiter, Supjrustd, Irregular or Painful Menstruation. Bloating, Inflammations and Pis eases ofthe Kidneys or Urinary Organs, Retention or tn continence of Urine. Heartburn, Chsiieenstt, Xerrovtn- *3. F\iintings, PsJpitationt, Cramps, disturbed Sleep, a’«t a’.l troubles organic or fynpal/iWir, connected tri/A the Ut-ri’o organs. « The pries of MarthaJTs Uterine CatAoUcnn is Oh- r gnda Half per tingle bottle. On the receipt uf :ir ~ five bottles instil be tent by express, fret of charge, f.» rr..( of the express route. particular to writ' (he potiojlict address, tou.n, r- ;«f,fp und State. IT< will guarantee that the Medicine wilU" r .n.' on receipt of the money. Address Dn-UEU. 11. KEYBER, HO Wood »t., PitLsbur-b. aplWawF Sign of the Golden Murlni PERUVIAN S O R, Protected Solution of Protoxide of iron, Having successfully passfjui.h ordeal to whim n<>w tti.*coT'-ri<-B n< tho Mati-no M.,l■- caaru BUbJecfbd, n.UAt now 1.0 rcci-ivi-d iu uU «—rtutili -ti< I Medicine. Itn rlScacy Incuring Affections of the Liver, Drojisy, Ncuiull'ci Bronchitis untl ConHumptive 'JYmlcmti- • Ilisordcred State of the Blood, Boil--, Scurvy and the Pra-itrativc Ef fecta of ur Morcurv. General Debility, and all I)if cases 1 requiring a Tonic, or Altera tive Medicine, is now beyond question. Tbo proofs of Its efficacy aro so nutm tons. *■> w,l| miiliot. Mealed, and of such peculiar character, tlrnt iuift-iirs.ii. not rcasuuably hi-tdlato to rtvt-ivn tho prolforL-d aid. Tito Peruvian 8) rnp does n«t proft-x t to t o a enre all. I ni Its range la extensive, Lrcauso many discnir*, appsii-iitty ualiko. aro iutlmabdy related, aud {•rorevuliti:- u---u cause, may bo enred by onu remedy. The class of dlaaawa for which the Sj rnp pi i vi.i.i arm . Is precisely that which baseoofu-n baffled tho <>rcrr of motlicaf skill. Tim facts aro tangible, tim witor**<-H ci.mmnuMv ol lti»i«n | of lh« highest nupcctatiility CAUU. Tbeandersigue.l haring cxperieiu-od tho K-n. of the‘•lVruviaii Syrup," do but tn r.cninuj(p;.l ii to tho attention id tin- public. From our own experience, as well its from Ihe t ►“dim. !.) of others, whoso tutelligvnrv and integrity an- unqusstloiiahlc, wulraw u» ui>t its efficacy in cu. -i . t Incipient Ulsoaaos of tho Lunga and Bronchial I - **-;*,:--- Uys]>opiiia v Liver Compluiut, lirojiy, NeuriUgia. et. . I od.-t .t its effects Would ho incredible, but Imra tha hl”li chnrs, tt-i of those who have wituwst 1 '! them, and hat e vojunt' rv-l their testimony, as no do onrs. toil- n-stoiaiiv<* |*i>w i Rot JOHN PIKIirOINT, THOMAS C. AMORY, THOMAS A. RENTER. I’ETKR UAKVF.Y, S. 11. KENDALL, M. I>.. JAMia C. DUNN. SAMUEL MAY, Kov. T. YYIIITTEMOV. V. It iswcll bncxTO Uist tbo mnlidsul cfleet of I’rc.toai.i' vi Iron is lust by oven a brief oxpvsnrp to wr, au<) that to u.mn rant a solution of Protoxide *f Iron, without farther <\i>l > tiou, has been deemed impenible. In thu pornxlau Syrup IhlsdosiraMo point i* attain. <1 1 y COacIJUTIOSIH A WAT UtFOBE UNKSOtTO; ilbd tills Ho!lit...’ may replace all the proto-carbonatrs, nitrate*, ntcl (>ru v! of the Materia Medics. A. A. HAYfcri, M. L . Ansaycr of Ihi Pol.! by N. L. CJJJjg IER, No. 140 Wood Elrect, eitjn of tW for Pittsburgh. aj»l2-Uwiai'f ;j,taiOßß THAN 500,600 BOTTLES stmt. Boato] n«. QlMrf returned from NEW K;NGLANX> Sfl'A'l* KS IN ONE VEAII THE RESTORATIVE OF PROF. 0. J. WOOD for restoring hair pyr&ctly ami pcrmmeutlj. has never yet had a rival, volume* after volume might be given from all part* of tho world end from the most intelli gent to prove that it U a perfect Restorative; hut read the circular and you canuot doubt; read ulso tho followin'*: Ta* nm.—Pcoplo bar# for centurion been afflicted with bald headland the only remedy, beretoforwktiouu,baa two thoso. abominable wigs. By a recent discovery of Prot«B. do aired, and thereon no means that atiould be left untried to obtain such a consideration.—in*««n*« Aic-cMe, J'hilj ’ Cosnoctoit, Ohio, Nor. 17,1850. O. J. WOOD A Cot—OcntK As I have boon engaged in selling jour Hair Rcstontivo the lost season foroue of >Olll local agouti (K. 1L Uacklnaon.) and having the beneficial effects of it myself I would like to obtain a U agency for the State of Ohio or tome State lu thr \\>-d. auoald you wish to make such an arrangement, as T at-j convinced tAcre is nothing e-wtol to if tn the L'uH&t Slates f K)T tutoring the hair. 1 bare lwu engaged in tho Drue bii»i ness for several years, and have sold various preparation-, for the hair, but have found nothing that restores th* cretlveorgans or Invigorates the scalp as well u jronr.. LV ing fully convinced that your restorative is what you rapri seDt It to be, I would like to rng»£p iu the &Ue <*! it, fur I am satisfied It most sell. Yours truly, S. T. STOCK MAI* Wavund, Mml, Feb. fi, 1527. Psor. 1). J. Wooa * Co :—llaefng realised the pood effL-cta Hair Kartioalive. 1 wish to atate, that finding my hair growing thin, «w well as gray, I wa* indue <*l fa>M what I read aud beard, to try the article prepared by yoo, to promuto iU growth nn«l change ;t» color a» It wm in youth, both of wbffh It h#j effected ronjjdtU'lr - In the operation I haro o»rd nearly throe bottle*. 3 YonniAc* „ waijw JAMK3 FKANCIS. For aalci by a 80. 11. KEYSER, lit) Wood st. l > itMLnr~ii 0• J. WOOD A CO-. Proprietor*, SIS Bread a V (lotto great ».Y. Wire UanJog EitaMishmoan’aud in llarket ■treol, fit. Loola, Bltx, and iclj by all good Dro<- gjzt*- fcs) *n«OJy4a»UT & JAMES P. TANNER, GO Wood Street, J?iit«btu*ah, attention of his customers ami ally to his largo stock of NJIfW SPRUNG GOODS, Boofibt direct IrwallaotifacturM* is HumUturni BROGANS, OUTERS, , OPERA TtES. Ladies, Mine* tad CldJdmi’s ! BONNETS, FLATS, ajui FANCY HATS. . Uea’3, Cots' iuh] Yuolh'a 1 PALM LEAF LEGHORN, PANAMAand STRAW HAT lieu'#, Bey* 1 gad lotah’* WOOLont^ ill of which wm ho forod („ jro, UdccJOici«U oDVtj*. BUYERS. aurally 6ii*t •nrSTCati .. .« JHrSirat. KUP! notice:. SOLD IN THE