The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 10, 1858, Image 3

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    K , r
littsbargl (feajcttc.
City and Nows Itemw.
llttroxoM IrtiM3.—Tlie Grand Assembly of
be Presbyterian Church in the United States of
America will hold its next meeting in the First
Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, on Thurs
day the Gth ofi May next, and will be opened
with a sermon by the Key. Conrtland Van Rens
selaer, D. L)., Moderator of the 1 last Assembly
The following Presbyteries meet on next
Tuesday, AprilUSth :—Tho Presbytery of Red
stone will meet at McKeesport. The Presby
tery of Blairsville will meet at Unity, (near
Latrobe.) The Presbytery of Stenbenyiile will
ipeet at New Hagerstown. The! Presbytery of
new Lisbon will meet in the church of Bethel.
Twestt-fivt*. persons united with the Presby
!® r^an church In New Castle, onilast Sabbath.—
fhe meetings are still carried on in this and the
Baptist church, and many persons aro still in
Tun Philadelphia MoUiodist Conferencerafsed
for the missionary treasury, iho last conference
•year, the sum of §2G,OM ltd. Its contributions
for “necessitous cases” were st>i4sl GL ltsin
creaae of members 4,501.
Tee English Methodistsreportabont $OOO,OOO
missonary contributions the last year, a great
advauco on the preceding year. They arc about
to celebrate lueir missionary anniyersary, in
London, with increased interest and efforts.
. Tee Examiner (Baptist) reports the conver
sions during one week as 17,000 among tlieir
own denomination, and 2i\ooonoioog tho Mcth
Tee following congregations of Washington
borough have united in holding a daily prayer
meeting: —Presbyterian, Rev.Brownson; Meth
odist Episcopal, Rov. Williams: Protestant
Episcopal, Rev, Lee: Protestant Methodist,
Rev. Phipps; Qamberland Presbyterian, Rev.
Brown: Raptist, Rev. Boyd.
Tin: Cask or Mary Snmi.-rjWu gave an ac
count a few days since, of the case of Mary
Seim, n poor girl, who had been converted from
Catholicism to Protestant ism. Her father utter
ed threats against her, and, as w/u alleged, tried
to spirit berawoyfrora Mr. Oumbcrt'sand finally
fried to get hor committed to the House of
Refuge. Judge McClure put the father under
bonds to keep the peace. Tho Pittsburgh Cath
olic has a carefully written article of two col
umns about the matter, from which we make an
extract or two. The Catholic says:
“He only threatened, and that under the ia-.
fiacnco of passion caused by the daughter's dia
obedieuco and apostacy, “to split her head open
with acanc,” a strange sort ojj Injury for such
an Instrument to laflicL This was the solo
ground of tho indictment; and! on this ground
the learned Court was pleased tb decide that the
father's authority over the child should practi
cally cease.” • * *' *
“Mary Seim is only one of many Catholic
•’hildren who have lost an eternal inheritance in
tbe same way. Parents leave: children in any, rectlcss of all else provided they get
good situations and fifty cents a week, confi
dently anticipating that they will grow up good
Catholics, and stoutly resist 'all attempts at
apostacy. They see to them but seldom, and
only to draw their wages. They never inquire
whether they attend Catechism, or to Mass.
At lost, they hear they are going to meeting, and
in a fair way of becoming Methodists,
or something else of the some sort. At their
own convenience they institute ioqniry into
tho matter, and are surprised! to find that tbe
miscjtiof is already done, and beyond a remedy,
and tho undutifnl condnct of the child is sanc
tioned from tho bench, as in the case of Mary
* Selin.”
Fayette Covsty.—At an election held in
t'onncllsvtlle on the Gth Inst., the following mu
nicipal officers were chosen to serve the ensuing
year:—Burgess, Joseph Johnslon; TownCoan
' cil, John Fuller: School Directors, Abraham
Hhallenbergcr, Jonathan Enos, Aaron Bishop,
Matthew Seaton; Constable, James Stafford.
Tho Connellaville Enterprise \ says the Pitts
burgh and CoanellsviUo Road i* commended to
tho attention, good wishes and valuable assist
ance of all Pittsburghcre, by every considera
tion of interest and commercial foresight and
. self defence, and Us completion isccrtainly only
/ a question of time. By (hat route comes our
commercial salvation.
Washington County.—The faculty of Wash
ington college have concluded to permit the
students belonging to the Washington and Union
societies to haven contest during the comiog
rammer. We are informed that the affair will
transpire sometime in July next. Question for
debate:—Are all mankind descended from one
pair! . [ •
Lawrence Co.—We learn from the-New Cas
tle Oourant that Mrs. Breokenndge, who resided
. some"Toar miles east of New Castle, was taken
rick very suddenly, on Tuesday night last, and
died in a few minutes At the meeting of the
New Castle Council, on Friday evening last, it
.was resolved to take down the market house,
and to build or obtain an engine house. J. N.
Dickson, was appointed Treasurer: J. J. Cook
Collector; E. Sankcy Regulator; W. H. & G. P.
Shaw printers. An assessment of five mills was
directed for ordinary purposes A son of
David Sankcy, Esq., was near being killed, hav
ing been thrown from a carriage.
CoßßTiiurstTEßs AttttKSTsp. —. Yesterday,
Robert Arnold, Alderman in the Third Ward,
Allegheny, was arrested by Robert Ilajpie,'Chief
of Police, citarged with parsing and Tending
counterfeit coio. An amount representing $2O
in American.qnariers and $lO in Mexican quar
ters was found on bis premises. It is alleged
(hat he was accustomed to rend this bogus coiu
fur forty cents on the dollar. After Arnold was
arrested, he told the MAyor bo pjroouredthis coin
from a mao named Henry Moore, who' formerly
lived in Allegheny, but now resided in Miners
Officers Hague, Moon, Patterson, Knox and
Hamilton immediately repaired to tho house of
Moore, which Arnold had described, and arrested
.Moore. They found on his premises o large
quantity of coin, new and old, and a full Bet of
moulds, in plaster of Pari3. ; These had been
made with great skill, and tho weight of the coin
which appeared to have been made in them, ap
proximated that of genniao coin. Tho officers
found in Moore's bed a ponderous club, and
under the bed an ax. They brpnght Moore, the
moulds and the coio to the Mayor's office. Moore
was committed for a hearing sjomo time to-day.
Moore Is .a young and very man.
He weor3 a heavy black moustache, end was
dressed with caro and neatness. It is said that
this house in Minenville is a sdrtof mint, where
bogus coin is made and vended to as many as
. desire to enter into the business of using it.
Cnoics Books bt Catalog up. —This evening
•on the second floor of Davis, new auction Build
ing, Fifth Street, is to be sold by catalogue a
special collection of English and. American Books.
This sale Is ono of those opportunities for obtain
ing rare works aad excellent editions, which en
ables readers of taste and research to make val
uable additions to their Libraries. The volumes
Are now arranged for ezaminaiion, and compriso
tho bcßt authors in English anti American Liter
ature, -History, Science, and the Arts, with the
i>psf translations of standards ancient classics.
Iruh City Land Association. —At a meeting
uf tho shareholders of this Association, held on
Thursday, at the office .of Alderman McMaster,
the following officers were elected*:
President—James I). Kelly.' Treasurer —An-
drew McMaster. Secretary—A. M. Brown.
Directors—'Tho*. Mellon, Graham Scott, Richard
Hope, Daniel Negley, Andrew McMastef, E. N.
Wright, William Anderson. J. U. Earkofen, W.
I. Ilenry, A. M. Brown.
Death Warrant Recalled. —Tlio death war
rant for. tho execution of Jpbn Lull, has been
recalled by Governor Packer- It-seems that the
Governor bad not received official notice lo the
effect tial a writ of error bml been granted by
the Supreme Court. This pccounls for a seem
ing irregularity in signing fche death warrant
hefrre the case bad been reviewed by the Supe
rior GourL
Ohild Burned to Death!—A child of Dennis
Urennen, shoemaker, in the rear of No. 84,
Smithfleld street, was sp severely burned on
Monday Afternoon,-by Us clothes taking tire,
that it died in twenty-four hours. The mother
was absent at Ibe hydrant, and returned to find
her child enveloped in flames. Her hands were
severely burned in putting out tho fire.— Union.
TncCASE of James M. Kkllt.—Upon tho ap
plication of E. Snowden, Esq., Chief Justice
Ixrwrie, on Thursday, granted a writ of error io
the esse of James M. Kelly! under sentence of
death for the murder of Henry Weissman. Tho
writ is made returnable on Friday, May 7th, at
which time it will be argued Iheforo the Supreme
Court, at Harrisborg.
Jailor Phillips left for York, Pa., on Thurs
day night, having in charge Perry Hartman,
against whom there is an indictment pending, in
that county, for murder. Hartman is a colored
man, and the same who, a few weeks since, at
tempted to take the life of a young girl named
Louisa Williams.
Wp are requested to remind our readers that
the sale of the extensive 6tock of furniture &c.,
Of the Perry Hotel, on Duqucsne Way, will be
c a ß uaen«d this morning at 10 o’clock, by V.
M. DnyhirAccUoncer.: j r -
Wednesday test* Judge Gilmore sentenced
Ter Prater Meeting tor Business Situ.- |
It is a little hard to realiie the fact that men will .
tteetjtogether in the very hours of busioes3 to
pray to God. It indicates a desire in the part of;
men to spend a portion of their time in devotion |
to tho true God rather than allow that false god, |
mammon, to have all the hours, and the days, |
and the years. Theologians tell us of a millenial !
period, and we, imagine one of the character
sties of that “good time” will be that business
men will buy and sell, barter and get gaiu, not
that they may lay up fortunes but that they may
acquire to expend again for the advancement of
the Divine glory. It smacks a little of millenium
—this recent idea of business men's prayer meet
ings, and we certainly have no other desire than
that they should continue and be mightily inslru
tnefltal in weaniog men from tbe wild race for '■
gold and the forgetfulness of eternal realities. I
The prayer meeting on Friday, at Lafayette !
Hall, tho initial of a series under the direction
of the Young Men's t’bristian Association, con- !
vened at ll! o’clock, Robert McKuight, Esq _
acting as leader. 'On opening, Mr. McK. read ;
a number of rules which had been adopted for j
tbe guidance of tbe meetings. These limit the
length of prayers to three minutes : the hymus |
to three stanians; the scripture readings to j
eight or ten verses: the exhortations to three
minutes, etc.
The religions exercises began by singing the
IGlst hymn of the Union collections, which
“t « race ' 'tis a charming theme. .
Harmonious to roino car :
Heaven with tbe echo shall resound,
And all tho earth shall hear."
Mr. McKnigbt than led in prayer, invoking
the presence of tbe Spirit of God, and praying
him to put it into the hearts ot men to come to
the house of prayer and to seek for salvation
through Jesus Christ. The prayer over, he pro
ceeded to read from the LI. vhapleror Isaiah -
“Ho! Every one that thirstrlh, come ye to the
waters and drink.”
The meeting now being open for general
prayer anil exhortation; Mr. Samuel Lowrio
presented for tbi* prayers of the meeting the
case of n Christian mother who was in deep dis
tress on account of tho condition of her two
children whoareunreconcjledtothcir “Fatberin
rTeaven.” Mr. L. led the assembly in behalf «f
the weeping mother and her wayward children.
A gentleman from Cincinnati made somo in
teresting statements in regard to the business
mens’ prayer meetings in that city, and the
great good that is resulting from tbern. Hero
ferred also to revivals in Newark, Liverpool and
Prayers (alternating with the singing of
hyniDß) were offered by It. C. Totten, W. Bake
well, Mr. McMastcr, Rev. John S. Brown and
others until the hour of adjournment.
Tho second meeting will be held to-day from
12 to 1 o'clook, and tho exercises will doubtless
bo interesting and profitable. \Yc trust there
will be a large attendance.
A Swindling Game.—A married lady of this
city, Mrs. Eliza Boyle, was swindled in New
York by one of those infamous emigrant runner
thieves, out of $l4O. 'She was on her way to
California to moot her husband, who has Leen
there for somo lime. In New York ahe*fell into
(he bands of one of the sharks who. under
tence of taking her to a gentleman in that city,
a friend of her husband, to whom she had a let
ter, brought her to another of the gang, who
represented himself as her husband's friend, and
sent her to a bogus olfico to get her tickets
She paid $240 for a passage for herself and
little boy, but on handing the clerk in-the office
tbe money, be declared iL short sixty dollars,
aod demanded, pnd obtained $OO more. The
next day she was told that she could not get a
passage on (bo steamer unless she took n berth
in the hold, ner boy at this time became sick,
and frightened at the prospects before her, as
well as by the threats made Against her safely,
she agreed to return home if they would refund
her the money she had paid them They de
clined, bat she threatened lu lay the matter be
fore the Mayor They then agreed to give her
back 1 GO, aod she a stranger and alone, consent
ed to take it, and left at onro, on its receipt for
Pittsburgh. She told her story to Mayer Wea
ver, and he immediately counseled her to return
to New York with a friend, and lay tho matter
before Mayor Ttemann. Jle gave her n letter to
MayorTiemann. She left yesterday afternoon
for New fork.
r.xtitßtTiGN. —The commander of F«»U Jack
son, Capt. F. T. Hutchinson, will give a free ex
hibition on the 22d day of April. lie will send
twelve letters (o ib.g Major nnd other gentlemen
in the city, promising not to tire any guns. He
will appear on the rM-.-n-ion in the uniform form
erly worn by Cul ,s. W. Black, and upon the
whole we may expect u novel entertainment.
Rrv. Jiiiin Dm ai.«, I). I> . will preach ascr
men in the First Associate Reformed Church,
Gib street, on to-raorrow (Sabbath) evening, at
71 o'clock, in behalf of the Sixth Ward Union
Mission Sabbath School, mi which occasion a
collection will be taken up to aid said school.
A Nstv Dugan. —The Second I'peabyicriau
Church, Dr. Howard s, has purchased a magnifi
cent organ. It is one «tf great compass and
-elaborate finish, and has been brought !<> the
city within a few days.
An old fellow was put in the lock up last night
for turning his wife out of doors. The wife ao<l
six little children were at the Mayor's office last
night at ten o'clock.
8010 Letaao and Manager J. C. FOSTER.
Acting and Stago Manager - A. IV. Youxu.
Treasurer.... Otn. Sirußj«T.
Private Boln; ti> hold six persons Si <*'
Dress Circle and Panjueue - -
.Upper Tier. • - L»
open at T o'clock. Commence at half past.
TbP public is respectfully informed that this nawlj irul
pj and magnificent TEMPLE OF- TIIK DRAMA,
In tho construction oT which tho iu<wt LAVISH EXPEN
DITUKE hu* been incurred, being now completed.
Deaigued by tbe celebrated Arch itect, C W. BARTBERQ
ER,Eai|-, nod executed bp ABRAHAM PATTERSON, E*q ,
constructed on the inoat approved principles, and with the
rfew of Insuring to every person in lh« bouse a perf-ct vt*»
of the Stage, has boon At ted np in tbe mo»t
manner, and will compare favorably with )!•«* of an y
Itioati* in tbe Union, and Is divided iul" a
Tbe whole aOording ample accommodation I f seaiiur,
Isoqs uf the LARGEST IN THE UNITED STATE-'. being
©brio feet; Is furnished with
and fitted cp with machinery, appointments, in which ail
tbomoat modern improvement* hays boon introduced. thus
affording the amplest means fur the employment ol those
Introduced wita such brilliant sttcccis la the London and
New York Theatre*. The whole boa b«n constructed nn- i
der tho Immediate and psreuosl soporlntoudeoco rf tust
well-known 91achlol*t,Mf. WILLIAM R FOSTER.
rne ansif act drop
designed and painted by LEWIS BRAUN. ol tb*j i J •
tad tba celebrated Scenlo Artist, JOHN LEaLIE. E«*i-
The Kewand Magnificent Scenery by Mr. J Leslie, Mr.
M. Ward and Mr.D. Leslie
Tbe DecortUons by Mr. 0. Foster. ,
The Qm Fitting* and BnreL-hed '• •H M- •n tuw* by
phtllipe A Co., First street.
Tbe Upholstery by Edmondson A C -
TUo Iron Work by Marshall & Bros
The Iroo Cotnmnaby Anderson A Co
Thu Oil Painting by Sir. William Nel«->'>
Tho Machinery by William R. Foster.
Tho Properties by J. K. Chsbao. Tri m iii» Rnidway,
Theatre, New York.
Architect of Btindiog—C. IV. Bartscmcs, F ■-<
Carefully selected and complete in every depot tioeub has
been organized with the view of producing la lb* best style
the pieces of the numerous FIRST CLAES BTARS. who
wlll’eppcar in rapid succession daring tbe season, end will
consist of (be following talented ladies and gentlemen :
Tbeputmlar tragedian and leading actor,
from tbo Now York, Philadelphia and Itidtirn.-rn T'l-Tirrw
The bigbly talented and popular Imjwrsonatut ui «.W
inra'l rbaraaters, MB. W. U. UAILIII.
his Grat appearanro her* t.i two years
Mr A.W.Voong, ! Mr.H. L- Husain. liouj ,l "
Mr. M. Mcßrido, i Eastern Th«<*tir«
Mr. B. B. Maglntey. flom ilu- Mr. H. W JUuttK «‘.c
Sonthoro Theatre*. j National Tb.-aire. I-oaton,
Mr. IV. Alexander, tr«iu thejslr. W. Pag**,
New York Theatres. >Mr O. S. Park**. Horn the
Mr. JidleuC. Howm.l, | Nutbmal Theair... Uoetou,
Mr. W.0.T011-.t. Mr J II rr..m the
Mr. \V. il. lianreii, Am Musetttu, .**••'» 'orb.
Nanoukll'hMlro.Ci., Mi.T Rn-il.
Mr T fireman. .Mr n
_ Mr. t* Wldokyu.l., tti. J. D Hlj. t.
Mr. J. Rarreit, ;\| r v,
JuliaM.CuuLu, lmui ■■i»'Tl» ,, a
. Mrs. A. IV. Young. i ro , Cliu:iDo*tt.
Miss C. Fostrt, Ml«s Rato Fisl» i.
M. Stanley. il.Magloley. *••>»•* <•'»
• Miss Emily Attwo.*J. ; H.juthern Theatre
Misa Julia Bates, .Mrs J Barrett,
MissK. Mortimer, |Mf*» Alice B*c*a
Miss ltactie) Uuntlngd-tj, |
1 Premiere Dsnsenae . . .. Mias Euilly \\*ldegra»e
Prompter. Mr. W. I!. Howl, from the Arrli Mi*et ‘lli*"i Uf.
(\,intH*cd ->r laletih d artists, has been engag<-l
* leader of the Ocbwtra .Mr I' /.itn t-aii
Pruvluus to th« commencement of tb* |.erf'»rmanre«
(written by » gentleman of Pittsburgh) will t-r;iWiv..n>.l by
(written j t JVLIA COOKK.
Th. ]«.l..nn*u™ “ i "'
7 b *%. K. W. U«atU,.
s, r OU,,r
Trail. Mr,. I'.ral,
(Her first appearsnt* here,)
gopportedby tbe full strength uf thea.m^ny-
PailSipagnoMlA Mudhdtana.) ...Mias WaJdrgray
Aft.-r which Tar. NaTIOHaI Antosm by the wlioleot the
i)rio<t Oveitiiio bv tb« :...Ocb«tr»
T.j condc.t- with a laughable far*-* o«r» acted U»re
TUB POSTOf nos<m.
ColitlK Y lifts*. ...
Tol>y Sklppa-- -
(First ■ppcarcoco her*.)
.Mrs. D. It- Slaglnlej
(Her first appearance her*.)
Trndeben- ~ - MtaKals Fbfa«r-
EVEWIBG. the popular tmgedla, Mr.WeiUr
KmUo, will tdaka hUfiratappearmac* is tbia city.
Tbb world frroowowl Sbokaperlas comwllfls, Mr, J. 41.
Hictott. fa «apw<l. Mil «m Itotlr »ro«tr- : - -.
H.*.'nSnSßßawn®*™**®**™ ‘•“.SP*-
Mittht. Vtb <M ratmtfeu c{ tin vn~t-
Latest from Europe,
Halifax, April 9.—Tho steamer America arrived
this afternoon at half nast three o'clock, with Liver
pool dates to the 27th|of March.
Liverpool, March 20.—Cotton—The sales of Col
ton during tho week hare been 65,000 bb, including
4,500 hales to speculators and 9,500 to exporters. —
The market opened at an advance of l@i, bot the
Ameridan advices received by the Anglo-Saxon,
caused a decline of & in middling and lower quali
ties. The closing quotation.' ato id lower for infe
rior grades than the sales quoted at tbe sailing of
the Persia. Tho estimated sales to-day are 7000
bales, including 1000 to speculators and 1200 to ex
porters. The market closed quiet at tho following
quotations:—Fair Orleans 75; Middlings 7: Mobile
7(, Middlings CjL Uplands 71; Middlings f. 11-10.
Tho stock of Cotton in port is 402.000 bl?. ol which
299,000 are American.
BreadstolTs continue dtril. Provision.* arc quiet.
Livrni*o«u..— Flour dull and irregular: Western
21*<Vt.22s: Ohio, via North, 235@255: do, via New
Orleans. 2 26s Cd. Corn steady at !>2sCd(ifiH«.
Wheat very dull and unchanged since Tuesday.
/’.or —Beef dull and quotations barely
maintained. Pork steady at 70s. Bacon quiet and
dcvlioded f-d(o>ls, but closed more active. Lard
firm at 47sC$51s. Tallow unchanged.
A now India Bill is to be introduced in the British
Parliament by Mr. Disraeli, the m&in features of
which are similar to that proposed by Lord Malmes
bury, though tho details aro different. Tbe House
gave Mr. Disraeli leave to bring in tho bill, tho pro
\ irions of which be explained.
In the House of Lords, on the2slb, Lord Malmes
bury in referring to tbe case of the British engi
neers imprisoned at Naples said, that Mr. Watt had
arrived in England and Mr. Parks had been liber
ated on hail.
Mr. Roebuck brought forward ia the House a mo
tion for tho abolition of the vice royalty of Ireland.
After somo debate a motion for tho previous question
was negatived by 127 majority.
A medal is to be granted to nlHlio troops in ludia
and a clasp for those who served at Delhi and
The appoiuimunl of Gun. Pelliuier a* French am
hassador at London is highly satisfactory.
Tlmj Paris correspondent of tho London Times seys
that Pcllissicr is a warm friend of the English al
The returns of fhe Board of Trodo show a falling
off of theexporta of February exceeding two mil
lions sterling, compared with the same month of Inst
A telegraphic dispatch received from Madrid slates
that the government had introduced a law abolishing
slavery ia the Spanish territories.
The supply of money In tbe tnnrkel ie very abun
dant. There was no increase ia tho applications to
tUo Bank on Friday, but a belter demand prevailed
in tho opeu market, and bills were freely discounted
out of doors nt 24 24 percent. Tbe terms for long
dated paper hud, however, advanced i 4. and even,
in roujn cose-, to fl per contain.
Hoi sr..—Mr. Luvejoy made an ineffectual ofiort
, to introduce a resolution calling on tin* Soeretnry of
rAVar to inform the House how many army officers
j wuro absent from their duties and at the seat of Gov
ernment and bow many hold i-ivi! offices by flection
' «-r otherwise.
Tbe vote by which tho Deficiency bill wus jcftdt
day rejected, and a motion to n>
commit the bill to iho committee of Ways nod Means,
was then negalired.
Mr. Morris, of Ponniyh ania, announced the death
of Mr. Benton, and the House adjourned.
i?jLvUl prfpat h t-i tlm Pittsburgh Gazett* }
IlAnetsDrnc, April
•r;».uR. HuUie Bill No. ..’NO to exchange and
I'ancci County bonds, passed finally and need-* but
tho Hovoinor s approval tv be a law.
Horse.--The Bill relative to the Sharp.-.burg I’.oad
was put on Tuesday's calendar.
Tho Insurance Bill was considered. Mr. <>ucns
offered an amendment calculated u> defeat Iho Bill,
providing that that companies should not purchase
business papers. Mr. Foster moved an amendment
to tho amendment, pro* iding that bariness paper
should Dot bo purchased by companies at more than
six per cent. Mr. Foster’s amendment was lot! by a
vote of ‘iii yeas against 5t nays.
Si. Louts, April 9- The Lqpvcnworth correspond
ent of tho mi says that the |>oiicy recommend
ed in an address to the public, framed by une of the
t’oD'ention Committees, is, that they giro the Lea
venworth Constitution their hearty ratification, and
refuse to Accept nay organic lan derived from tho
Leccimpton Constitution or tho Federal Government.
The addre?s does not positively recognize the Le
compton Constitution ns fundamental law, own
though Congress should rocei-.o it, as without the
sanction of tho people it will l>o null and void. It is
distinctly understood that tbe Convention oould not
tolerato tho policy of any Free State man qualifying
biaiiclfunder the Lecompton bill of rigbU; [and de.
Clares the right of all men to control their own per
iv-nal affairs, to lus inalienable.
Sr. Lot is, April 9.—Tho St. Joseph o’»tt u■ notices
tho arrh nl ia that place <>f Alexander Constant, from
Fort Kearney on the :'.oth ult. Mr. Constantreporta
that Brigham Yocng had notified Co). Johnson to
lea*, o the territory by the 19th of March, otherwise
the truops would be annihilated. Brigham Young
had tendered to the army sufficient provisions to last
them to-fha States. Mr. Constant mot a supply train
iff one hundred and sixty wagons, accompanied by
f..ur companies of troops, on the 1 »t instant, ctiLittla
Blue. Indians all iceaMe.
Sr. April y.—The river i« stationary, with
It leer to Cairo. Alt Lite upper streams cuntitme t»
rereil* l .burly. Weal icr dear: thermometer 7i .
\V \ sin m. to\. April y. —Mr. Peter Resanc.m, in a
rwJ published this morning, says that Secretary
Thompson and liiiure f have been for years on friend
ly terms till yesterdayoccurrence; that the meeting
then was of a friendly nature, and that the affair was
unpremeditated, and tbo result of misunderstanding.
No one can regret th > difficulty more than himself,
lie adJa that he ha often visited the department,
and was armed only fir self-defence in anticipation
of an attack from ano her nuorter.
Waminctov City, April —The Deficiency Rill
passed the House, yes sill, nays 07.» asttr, April! 9.—Anderson and Richards
were hung together, ok 25 minutes beforo 12 o’clock,
to-day. Both were penitent, calm and composed.
Anderson died witbotfj a stragelo, ami prayed on
(bo gallows for himself and Richards. They made
no speeches. Anderson’s confession wm written by
himself, and is a thrilling narrative. They murdered
Mrs. Garber and Mrs. Ream for twelve and a half
ecuts to gtt a pint of whisky. Both were drunk at
the time.
Washington Citi , April 9.--The announcement
in the House <>[ the death of Mr. Bouton was prema
ture, He is mill alive, although in a finking condi
CiwixHATt, April 9.—Mr. John Kilguur, an old
citizen and President of the L. M. 11. R. *'•> , died
at noun t<».dny of paralysis.
Telegraphic Uarketi*
Nr*. Voss, April o.—Gotten: the market closed flun
v»Ub an advance of %; Upland Middling quoted at 12%;
salts of 4000 bales. Hoar hoary, 7000 bbls were sold,—
Wheat flnu; 24,000 bus at $1,06 (orGbicseo Pprinir. SI,I N (or
Western Red and common Western Wbite. Corn doth
-23,000 busaold. Bacon dnaed Arm at for Dams
and of«r Shoulder* Lard buoyant at 1U%(510%.
Whisky steady at Z1%®22%. Stocks higher; Chicago and
Rock uland 74%; Imnotr Central It. It. 94%; Illinois Cen
tral Bunds 87; Mlchtran Southern 24%; Heading Railroad
<7; MUwanklo and Mi&suilppi 24%.
PtmjLDSU'tn*, April 9.—rmar coutlnnss dull, but holders
are Arm In their dsm&ndi, as th# inspections for the week
show a fatliog off of over 10,000 this. There la but littls
Inquiry for shipment Wheat contiooes limited, but prices
are unchanged; tales of red at sl,o&® 1.12, and whltatt $1,20
<jsl,W. Corn Is T«ry scarce and In demand at higher prt
rc-r, sales of 0,000 bush yellow at ??®7B<*,ln B'ore, nod 71®
r ia, afloat. Provisions aro advancing; sales of Mess Fork at
£1'.f.0317,75; 200 casks Hams, in pkklc, at 9%@10c; 80
ia.<Vi smoked Sides at loc, auJ Shoulders at Bc. Lard Is
•rare* and firm at 11c la, and l-’®l2>--r In Legs
Whisky dull at 21®21%.
April 9 —Flunr unchanged ami dull; solas
small. Whisky steady; 1000 bbis sold at 10% Mesa Fork
la held at $17,00. but there aro no sales Bulk Pork bat
advanced %c and Bacon lb* saroo, with a fair demand at
the advance Lard active; 1200 hits sold at 10c and 1004*
bids brad and gut sold at Madlioo at 9%; the market is a
good deal excited. Muncy matters *r» unchanged
Capbagqan’s Ccstoh Dcpartuiint—Corrmgban,
Allegheny City, who has laid the foundation of a
heavy trado in ready made clothing, appears to ho
no lots successful in bis custom department. To
this branch bo pays special attention, by hooping on
hand the latest styles of Coo pieco goods for both
Men's and Boys' wear, sod having his cutting ox.
eentod wiih groat ttude and ebill, he furnishes a
good article at a reasonable price, by keeping a line
grado «f goo*U, and selling for cash. Buyer* will
do well to examino bis stock and price.--. ;
Stka.vukh in Town. — We have been gratified by a
coll from Frederick Ayer, Esq., the business man of
(be firm of J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell. A short ao
<iubintanco with ihe-gentlcman convinced us that
not the Doctor’s skill in compounding his medicines
i>( ulunr concerned in the immooso i-unsumption of
them ; hut that it taken business talent of no ordi
nary measure to pass them around the world. ‘ Mr.
Ayer, manlfe.'Uy, has those abilities and tbo success
of bin borrus hows thiil la: uses them.-- '/,-mphii
U'/0./. _ :
No Mode MaiiKIRA.—A Funchal correspondent
~f the London 7V*/ir», suys no more Madeira wine
will ever be produced. All recent attempts to uioh
ulaciuro the wioo have failed, and pumpkin vines
now adorn tbo grape arbors, once covered with
abundant clusters of rich grapes. Well, there is one
consolation ; if wo cannot get Madeira wino, wo rao
■t least got clogant garments at tbo Brown Stoto
Clothing Hall of Koekhill A Wilson, Nos. CO2 and
r.tti Chestnut street. They will never give out. ]
We mink w< are Jastlfleil In saying.
that no other Pill ur remedy for Uvcr Complaint, has goiu
eo, «•< deservedly, Clio reputation now enjoyed by Dr.
ilrjant'i OlrhiUrd /.its-r yitlt, prepared by Fleming Bros,
ofpillabnrgh. As an svldsace that tier will cure, read
the following certificate from a lady residing in out own
cll *‘ Haw Voa*,Jaonary22ib IM2.
This Is tu certify that I have hod the llv»rcomplaint for
dx yaara, and never could jr»l any medicine to un
til I commenced using Dr. Sl'Lino'i Celobrated Liver Hits,
prepared by Flaming Uron. I can now aay 10 the public-,
thatlbay have completely cored me; and I do hereby re
commend them mall persons afflicted with odlsoawd Liver.
Th*-* will cure Try them.
MARIA EVANS, No. 93 Lewis st.
be careful to ask for DU. M'LANK A
CELEBRATED Liven PlLLS,manufactured by FLKMINU
BROS., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting
to he Liver Pills, uow before the public. Dr. M’lAne’a gou
nine Liver PUU, also hie celebrated Vermifuge, can now be
had at all respectable drag store*. Xt'onf atnuinevHOiaut
{LriSM/wvsf mrJOalawT f(,sMlltllBR01l^
we creel yon.
fob two Nioirrsonly, in masonic hall,
IC Tho Original Campanologistsor 8wl» BcR Bln**™, re*
epectfully* inmmoc* two «Vftheir Chaste, Novel
BJailcal KnUrtalamenU, as above, wltba chanse ot pro-
Ttck**sSA cents. Doors open at • U clock. Concert to
comsissMatVo’clock precisely. ' _
he bad at the Music. Stone ud at ths
• • ' Apww • •*
...Mr. A. W Ynnng.
.Mr. B* It. Ma-'luley,
V. R. Bat not. V. John J. GiUtoris. Samvel Saatvra,
Joicru R. Bcsieo, ACfTis jA»ma.
Reported Specially for fAt PiUibursh Gasetit.)
FLOI il—Tbote was a little more doing yesterday, but no
choose in figsrea; talc* on wharf of Cl'Lble »a|>or and extra
at $3,40 and $3,80; CO do super and family extra at $3,49
aod $4,40; 650 dodowu river family extra at $4,37; and 59
aod 100 choice do do at S4JO. From store, 30, :W, 00,50 and
40 bbla family extra at 40 do extmand family do at
$4,00 aod $4,5d; 150 do ats3,C2 for super. $4,12 Tor extra and
$4.50 for family do; aud 150 do at £VW. $4,00 aud $4.50.
GRAIN—Saha on wharf and from first hands of *OO bua
Uye at 53 and 309 do at 60, and 250 do from attire at 56. Oats
30 1 ) and 350 bus at canal at 27; 200 do ou wbutT at 28; and
liOdo from store at 29. Wheat, 500 bua mixed, from storo,
at SJ, end .'.20 bos Red and While at S 2 and #5
UItOOKRIKS—SaIes of 5 bhdf prime Sugar nt 8: to nod
13 do fullv fair nt and* do fair at 7W. Molassss, ton
blits to city trade at Xs< Bdo at and 20,10 and 50 do to
country at 37',{. Rice, fi tc# at s,cash.
PROVISIONS—SaIes of 12,15 and 100 bbU Meas Pork at
itCsjn and small lots to rouutry at $17<%517,25. Lanl, .I*l
btls No. lat «••>,*) and IW tea on private teruit. Bacon,
in lots to retail and country trade of 35.U00 P-t
7 for Shoulders, vj.jfur Fideeand 9‘ / d(R0 ! ?J for plain lUmi
and 3500 th« cooutry cured Bide* at
DRIED APPLES —A sale vr 100 bus nt {!,■«!.', and small
lots at $1,25.
nSH—Sales of 12 bill* No. 5 Markarel ut
10 do, Superior Whitt PEsli atsll; 10 iilf do do at
and 3 trstodtish at4>£.
GLASS—A sale of luO bxsBxlo at four mas
HAY—Sale*of 13 loads at scales at it ton.
CHEESE—SaIes of 70 bis W. It, at
GERMAN CLAY—A sale of 5 tons at s3s—now held at
WHISKEY—PaIos of 40 and 135 Ml*Rectified at2tt.i2l
ASHES—A sale of 3 cks Puts ot cash
PIU META L— Aliali- iff 2S tons at pi, six
moo, fnr railroad spikes.
BUTTER AND RUGS—Butter *> in moderate requenf
soles ol Obxs choice Roll at 10 sod 3 bbls good do at 14.
Egtts are plenty and dall: edetof 10 bbte at 7
CLOVER BRED—Sale* of 40 bus to dry trod* at J
S \ I.T—Pale-; of JOQ bg* No 1 at $l,lO
P. Kr. \V iC. It. K —27 bid apples, Ido ergs, I =.k d r
epplM, Scott, Graham A co: 3 bbls apples. 0 do eggs, 1
butter, 3 eke onions, R DaUeD A <•>; 191 bbls apples, R
Robison A eo; 11 by potatoes,2o do flour, S Dyer; 7 bbls
5 cak bacon, I, Putonon; 40 bbls flour, Ilutchintan k
Is-ccb; Ukgi butler, 11 bbls amdaa, 24 do flour, Shrivsr k
lulworth; 3 libtn ap;>tc«, "ti do Qonr, 25 oka clovcroeed. 315
bos rye, '.vl-Joi buckets, Brown A Kirkpatrick; 100 bgi
potatoes, :-7 bbU ap|ite*. J MuSgrave: Id bbla eggs, 1 bx
butter. ii bbls apples, 300 bus potatoes, J Gruier, 39 bbls
liueed oil, U A Pabnest»rltM ro; 1 car staves aud hoops
Kennedy k Pro; 21 bg* corn, 13 do rags, 8 Hull; 30 do food
10 bns l-t-sos, C Jlcr«'i'r.2t do potatoes. JCralrjW dor brooms
T Little A lac do, 11-LI Collins; 14 iu flax, 4 bbla
clovt-raecd, J B Canfield; 000 bus oats 19 rkj nil meal,
Llgg -ct A co; 30 da* hutfkott, Wm Oormly; 16 pkgs wire
R lownseud A to: 195 bus llaxaeed, M B Suydam; 4 bbls
*7E*> 1’ Peterson; 7 bbls pearls, Mltchslrree k Bro; 51 tl:a
flaxseed, I. Walters; C. 3 ska barley, 24 do rve, llVturkau k
co; 21 «k* rigi, Wtn|>*on k Nelson; 24 bdt hides, U'Qroy k
co; 10 Lbls apple*. U Gerwtp 40 bbls flour, Taggart A ro
309 U:s appU-*, D Usirv; 300 Las wheal, Voegtlcy, 5 bbleggs
L Do'#: 3 car* reaper* and muwera, JAW Has; 25 doz
buckete. Watt A.Wilson; 90do, Long k Dafk34do,RDicker
m> <b. W Bouden; 27 ek« k js, Btockton A co: 0 can coal W A
M 'ClunT >ks barley. Rhodes A Torner, 2 can scrap Iron
Reese; is bis busks, \V Noble; 17 ski rags, U M’CuUoagh A
co. 52 Utl< peiwr, Perkins it erv v 5 bbls apples, 3 do flour, 9
ski meal, DO Ucibet, 23 bbls butter, 416 do eggt, Ren
S 3 do, AJ) bus potato**, 3 cars lumbar, 23 da ratuo 16 do
bogs.CM bbln apples, 473 Jot brooms, 240 bus oats, 190 d->
rye, HC pcs meat, lb bids I.otter. 72 bus wheat, 50 bos enro
owuers. 4 bbls oil, 393 In o?gX, , a .9dwap{)lei, 19 bis wool, 6600
bns whrnt,-J969 bbls tt.>nr, 15 ska dr apples, 14 bbls butter
1319 sk« |K>tatn«,ii,2o2 i>bts pork, 52 eke do, 149 sks dn U)0
I Ids biles, 80 sks timothy *©<•l, Clarke A r .
W*, binoton. April
MUNO.NGAUELA NAVIGATION t'O-3 loJlsic.utt.i, l
ift, 2 setts harness, 42 Ms rosttogs, 2 bbt «pp? , -e, o>*ntn;
100 bbls whiskey, 14 sides bacon, 57 ska rag*, Swindler; s
Ltd ew,2 bx batter, 35 sl« bbls, oernerr, 5o Ltd whiskey
Leecb 1 >-o 1 b>d eggt, 7 beer kga, owner. <1 bid floor
Pollock; 12 do do. HoiiK-.
WHEELING.per Chov.vit—l LLI oil, owners
15 bbt eggv, T Little A co: 19 bbl egt-s, Clarke t co; 2S bdl
paj-cr, Ilnuna; 1 Lbl A Edforto®; 4 bbls, 3bxs
egge, 4 bbl apples, 1 .in, 4 kg butter, Herbert; 10 eks apples
M’Bane A Acqer OJ bbls, bir. Sellerr, 10» sks barley
Gardiner luO ski rye. Bell; i. Ltd r 'g%,i do apples, MTiibbtn
:: sks rags, 3 bbl eggs, .owner
CINCINNATI per Et tauis—4a7 »ts jn-tuttwi, qi bbl
boef, 2uodo flour. to bam,la bhd moat, 55 bbl alcohol
51 bx tobar o. 7 bbl oil. 3 bx mdx, Clarke A <tr 29 bbl flour
Culp: C4> do do. M’Bane A Aojen 40 bbl Soar, 4 bhd bacon
2 bid wbukey. ti.trdlnrr; Cl pkp dniga. B A f’ibnest.x k; 3
bdl sk*.<'tarrarU 11 bis o.ttsce, M*Clurkati A i..; i:a bbl
whiskey. Knox k on: 5C do do, M’Crickart A etc 2 csk loal
Stewart: 4 pfcg eoloring, Galway; 7 bbl rook Philips: 25 br
Man i>, Ur»li«ui A Tbouiu. lu kgs tobsccu, U'Candlasa,
Meaos i v>- 27 pkg tudx, Ilensbaw; lu bx »Urrh, Mills; 4
bd! fellv-ev, Carr 10 bx Blorcb, Ran);1&; 10 do do, Knox A
cm: 10 M l oil, do liquor, T Little k to. 29 bx tlattb
Brsnn d Re.ier , rulb pe|«ir, Adauis & <v; 2 bbl win#
Ur'H>t(: 47 rolls IVirtQ 4 Johnson; 61. X *..»p, Palmer
* pkgs. 5 l beef. .2 l-JI ipokr.v ownet'«; 3u
Ebri'er A IMwortb; 7 pkc. owner, 25 bi lUtdi, Lanilwrt
A Bbiptori; '.'iMinj.,, Mi ml A ano: 5 bid uhlskev , Gluck
44 bl! iron. 5u Lai 1 d>>. W Ins Co' 40 Blubs *U«-!. 1.-iks: 33
broken stone*. I'ayuo. BieMtl .1 co; 3pkgs, Gray
rT. Ij»CIS por Empire City—lvrZl |.l.| bums. do
shoulders, .1 bam*. 4 bbl flour, lilt bids, 4.2 t-gf
[•otaloes. CUrkr A io; .is sks rye, Lewji A. 2ltf7
pc* bulk pork, W li llutues a I!r.. 4>'. tt-si*- barus, U. de
.b.u.l'ttr-, g.*i#4ttr*.
The plcajiant and the rl*ei still laljiug. A
very seosit-U dunlcutioa in ibe namber of l-nats apjmars
Irooi dey to day Tins only arrivals yeMcrdsy were tb*
Wheeling packet l into,! «nd (lie Kmpire City from BL
Louis ;i fur loa.l, Tnore was wry liiGu lutmincss
trannrml ou the leieo yesterday.
DeeaXTCtt—Ttie-La Crmee Uft f u r Et. Pant, the JenoUi •
lir-sy, full of ju-vpln. (or Louisville aod Ibe J. O Fromont
tor N.-w Urleaus. .Tbe ilelmcmt was nrwrly reedy to leave
Lul sbe would not probebly, gat ofl bufure this maming.
By Monday morplog the Ga*el win have UR fbr LoiuV
' die, the R- •n..Qiy fur Cincinnati, and the Stephen Decatur
ttr Mis*,>ui i nor Tbe Neptune will get sway on JkfoxsOwy.
The i>eati (ivtn Li-b.w get io very sdowly. The rirer Is
gsUtfig'liihiou* Tbs Kmpire city rubbed and struck nfiar
Bettor, when coming up, nod the Bhcnaogo going downob
TliUrider At the present rate of doparturrt uud orrlvali, 1
the levee uill b* <|QUe bare In the course of another week
Tbe Si Louis.Dipt.Dnaa had an exrellont freightnp, her
manlCatmay lx< found enpiad st>or«._„Th» Copt
Marmta and Henry GrafL Cape, M'CUntock* am loading tar
Clo- Inß-itl The Ittllance.Capt Reno, u the next boat
foe Nashville nnd then the H. P. Hlbber>l, Copt. Reed-.. .-
TL* eletraol stMutevDenmark,CasLGray willltetfrwttrxl
steamer fur Illinois nrrr. Bbe will prolroldy nrrivi- on
Monday Th.-JAinrlo-Saviju, Sir Wru. Wallor*. W. U. Denny
and P.ndeavxr ere loodinx ns rspidlv os |nas>t>iottr St Louis
and above.
Licr’rsk.v—Tli« Cincinnati Gazette publish?* a full list of
tbe licenc'd pilot* aod engineer*, ut that port for the month
of Much. The Hat embraces 103 nanus, a heavy mouth'*
bufines*. in, hiding one original vngiaeer Ikenseto Urcrg*
Httijnec. «nd eight original pilot llcuaua to Jna. U. Moutaguc
Kdwara 3 Pngg. Tin.*. Kogou, John .M. Cortdy, Jamca It
Crawford, Alesao,!-r U. Fltrh, A g Wiliam-., David
W ill Um..
Lonsrtujt—Th*« J--hn Tompkins Is l.&ding fur Wabash
river at Lonisrille The Idn May received I,lm> bbls
p*<rk at Louisville foi Pittsburgh .Tobac.-w Lu shipment
to New Orleans, U reported s)*nndaot at I’silucah, nt *4,00
p*-r hhd T
NisuvtiLi— I ThoCunit’crlao'l.wiui f.i!tiug oq the 4tb, with
tswit on ths shnals.
.•“f. The Dr. Kane. and Marlay airiir.l .m
Monday, Departest—Denmark for I’Utsbnrgh -
The IVtomso and New fork left Cincinnati tor this j>ort
ou Wr*!ue«day and will bo due here U»-d&y or to-morrow
The steamer llfckennan mode the trip from 010- in Port Smith, Ark , and back—low) miles— iu 20 days
AKfllVKl)—Jufft-ntao, Brownsville; Luzerne, do; Cotim*
Bayard, EH/aU-tb. Che»oit, Wheellou; Rmpii* Citr, at-
DEPARTED—Jefferson, Brownsville; Luzerne,do;Colonel
P-ajitrd, Elizabeth; UCroeso,K( I‘aulnJcnute Gray. Uuli
vitle; J C Fremont, N. Orhus,
River A fort —falling,
Murpiiy & burciifield have just
received new Prlnta, Olnghaos, Irish Linens, Ac.—
New goods rrcelrod every Jew days at uorth east corner ul
4th and Market streota. mr tl
Extract Logwood—s doz. hoses for
oats at reduosd rates by MACKEOWN A FINLEY,
40 BBL 3. LINSEED OIL to orrive for sale
*' by mr23 3LACHEQWN A FINLEY.
Artist materials of all desciintioua,
to be bod whnloaale or retail by
STRANGE'S Superior Pencil Sharpener,
for *al« by W, S.QAYeN,
nrlO CVrner Markctond ?ccwnl strcit.
HEMP — 2*l hales choice Kentucky, for
twine matin n|a. just landlovaud for t-ale by
Every description of dry goods
very ihaaplor rash. G. IIANSON LOVB,
ep3 d>wT f. rmerly Luvo Brotbert, No 74 Market at
STARCH— 100 bxs. Pearl, 30 bbls. do, juat
rccM and for sals by J B CANITELB.
O ACK FLOUR—OO bgs, extra family, iu
store and fut sale by mrao D. C- HKBBST.
LIME —200 bbls. fresh in store and fonale
l*v mrlu J n, CANFIELD.
TAR —20 bhl.i new, fine, for sale by
No. lOC \Yi>od alrii't.
by \V 8. HAVEN,cor Mtrkat ami Second it*.
QUININE— fidO oift nn hand ami lor sale
by up'i H. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO.
/^ONCKNTKATKU‘LYE—3OO ciisea'jmit
rocM ami f..r uni* by >l. 1.. FAHNESTOCK A CO.
SULPH. MORPHIA—6O oz*. on hand ami ealr ii» «j.-J FAHNKSTOOK ACO.
TENN. <iKOIJ.NI> KIJTS -116'Sacks'new
rn>]>, 1 Itlul. amibbU.jjiinw landing from nt<-tifair-r
Economy fnrnal* l>y 18AIAII DICRKY A CO.
LARL> —30 bids, now landing from steaumr
Kwriuiny for nU by ISAIAH MCKKY A CO.
CIOTTON : 6-bah’auuw landing from stenui
Jor fVmtuin.T for nab by ISAIAH HICKEY AC"
C“ 'i UM SHELLAC- ■'Cuscsjugi rocoivedand
5T .nlo 1-y tt|»2 U.L.FAHNESTOCK ACo _
SUMAC- 2<) haekb ' now landing from
ii|rsin«r ►Youonir for fata bv
1 t\ DittJM.S CODFISH fur safe by
iar‘i-1 No. ISA 20 Wood «t.
ITUtKSII iiUTTKII—O bbls. choice Table
/ llutrth juil r.<olTf»l *n.l for «lo «t No. c:
mril ». UIUULIL
Cr? “ rtlc "n‘ rAnN-S&a cn.
MO LASSES—4OO bbls. Plantation and 20
'TiSsy.’ co.
X ito—ilO kcjnt and S bbls. Lardjmt reo’d
■till lur aah* by mr3o H. KOBI6ON i CO.
I Alto —iTwoTbiTleafLard. in store and for
A idoa' No ISA Ulxrtjr ■trwt.
J moa. no. its. u. BIDDLE, mm a CU.
1.1 LOTjil— E.tI r n family in storoand furealo
»b; KOUEET Wood.
"dALiiIIATUS—2O boxes pure Saleratus,
O packed io import(ur "tnHlo*. &r uli by
up? ROIIBRT DICKEY. 1-4 I roct »t, near ffoctL
TAPA NNFD - !'!"f the best quality, for
• f Aml„ut»i>«ao.l titxu Plato*, for salt by
■pT M Jt>U* KLEMIWO.ctr. MtrfatA TUlnl at.
d SACKS Clover Seed, -
4 do Timothy «I«, rooirwJ aud for nit by
.0,7 LKECU h OUTCinySON,
REEN APPLES—IS bbls.ohoice Apples
' rot.ina .oil lor nl. by HBjCCT IL OQLIJSB.
BEAMS-*2O bbls. email white Beans fpr
■ale by ap3 nantT H.OOLLIN3;
TIMOTIIV SEED—IO bags received and
fat .ala by *S&} HESHt H. OOUJMS.
T ARP—SO bbß.ln stare and.ior ealeby ,
PITIOBUIOa. BiTCSSAT, Apxil s, 1553.
Imports by kallroad,
Imports by HtTer.
Steamboat Hegleter.
■■li-OVB'S COLUMN, |
SPRING AND SUMMER Capt. J. C. Woodward. Capt. fliaac* Cuat-
The above new steamers are
now running regularly. Morning Boat* le*Tß Pitt»-
burgh at 8 o’clock A. M- and Evening Boat! at ®
—o'clock P. U. for U’Keesport, Elizabethtown* Monang>
beta City, Bellerernon, Fayette City, Greenfield, California
and Brownsville, there connecting with Macks and Coacbca
for Dulontown, Fayette Springe, Morgantown, Wayneebnrg,
Carmidiaeitown and Jefferson.
Passengers ticketed throagb from Pittsimrgh to Union*
, town for $2, meals and state-rooms on boat* Inclusive. —
THE siilmtTiJ M »r hnrtn<* uist r,-‘turno<i from ! Uw “ t ® "turning from BrownjTills l-‘»ro m 8 o'clock in the
llEi BtlDSlTlwr JUSI niurnou irorn . morojogmdfcjntbeevening. For farther Information ©o
.. . ' .. ~ , , , , <jnlro at the Office, Wharf Boat, nl the foot of Grant atreet.
new Wk and, feels r.-nfident that hw eau of- O.vW. SWINDLRK. Aatjrr.
(i, U !n,an, l p-r1„..„„„, n ,„, rJ M .k. ,
men black bayadeiu:
FOR NASIIVILLE.—The fine steamer S.
I‘. HIBBARD, Capt. Georgs W. Reed, will leave fur
' the above and all intermediate porta, THIS DAY, the
! 10th ioit ,al 4 o'clock, f, h. For freight or pamgfc apply ou
i board, or to (mrlt>) FLACK, BARNES A 00., Agenta.
j NASHVILLE—To fine new steamer
JU RELIANCE, F. X. Reno, Master, will lear» for the
abore and all lotonnrdlato port* THIS DAY, loth instant.
• Fur freight or passage apply on board or to
< 1 mrl! FLACK A BARNES, Vgeiu.
m \ «h3' St. HOUIS. &c.
Ph shawls and MANTLES >h J
Cl] I t ~- | , JCPVfc
K-n1.u1.-. Ho-. >,>*„/. Oolriio, ljuhuovr, I.n Cro—.
! STELLA SHAWLS. 1 | s>. is,. *>.,
Soint A lithonij.
-Z PRINTED IiOHDKREIi y I r |MIK l.w an.l rl.-gant> rvh<-.-l pass.-iig.-r
[ _L steamer DENMARK, Capt Richard C. Gray, will lrn««.
\ CTPI I A mitWl*?! CO lor the above port* on or abont the 17ih fn*t., auJ will
£~*\ ' Ir,u,rt ‘ '* ’jf-H 1 gn throngh as .idvmiwM. Tho Denmark vu
rO : j L | bsllt rvprwaly for the trade, and offers iiiportur ai-rommo-
CT'Ol nvrttv Style, r..|..r ntnl UualitV.-hTj ’ d <“ ,ous - "■rll.'-r lufurmation, apply to
• * I ** | FLACK. BARNES 4 CO. ApeuU.
varvina; in lr. >m Tn-.i in ST. LOUIS, KEOKUK. * fP3?Vfc
• h‘t'o Dollnr-. —H ! INLAND, DAVES PORT, GALE'iA, DCBUQE, LA CBUssE
n iAN OFT PAUL.—Tho floo passenger packet. KT LOUIS,
nnv\TAn . . „ . hwk *Capt.J Dias,will leave for the above and all Intermediate
LACE AM* liJ j potta on TUESDAY, the 13tb last, at 1 P M. F-.r freight
' m ~ > j of passage apply on hoard or to
Oil ANTILLA MANTLES flack, babnesa co., Agecu,
Ai sn •ChallieH. ('rape Ho Kspances,
os Lawns, Ac.
t* ,
Three t-*Thiriv l>ollar:
M;iianu-'isii: sftt
COLI.AU AM'.•[.i:vvi>, ,|p '' poll ST LliUlS. -The One i JES«*
rrl , H-« X. RELMOKT, Captnin Kbtxrt.AfeSS3Sg
Q* VKHV Hit'll KKAI A ■ *'** I“ aT0 I -r *b<» *lov« and a!) |ni<riiiuJtate j>um, on
t 1 THIS I»AY. loth luft.'nl -1 Icx.k. r u V. r ht >t
Pltrxeii ttoHK ■•••u.AKS. y. .'"jp*"" "-“"tLACu, uarsi* a
Q EMRRoIDKHKU I.INUN ; ”17011 ST. I’.U'l, I>l UK> 'T—T.> | JE5^J>
• <<“> : yuiD-y. K<*oLnk. Dmllmjf-u. Mu*cat»m*,Jgs^3^3
ti »vn r pk.mi i I'l’c ■■* K' fk I«l4u-I. I>uT»D|‘ort. Pulton Clir, Qalouj, Dut'UjU'%
3 HAMMxKM " ni> >T* : V,„rn. DnCb.rn. U M.Utval.r and rf Paul.-Tb*
. f' fla« W 11 RKSNY. Capt. Alford. «»M leavefor tins
~J At< 'N I 1 AN 1* S\\ 1.-". jiLovk porn on TH IS DAY. Mtfihnit. *t 1 r-u. For freight
{ -I ur pu*airx upply <>o hoard or In
KlHilN’iia, | VSKHTUN'i.S mr::i FLACK, BAIt.NKS A CO.. Annuls
AND KL‘>r \ S
> i ,
r* ' ~
55 '
** ! HARDY & M’GREW,
j Corner or First and Ferry struts,
w ! ftniMrr Pittsburgh. i*.\
v ' A Card.
HKLKBER having just returned IKiu
• tiiacaatcrn cities, where tie bu> ad»!c<! a rli< ico
»■ ' stock of superior Plan«s, far the Spring trade, would re
, spectfully inrlte tho atlonU'-o ..1 purchasers thereto.—
VICTuRIA LWVN'S. ,1 <* , . I They wet* chose* with great cm iruut the enliro caiteni
yv, ' J 1 stork. and are considered aiuaug tlie fimat instrnnionta
%J 2 \ iiriiv i»f i it. cm t I'lTi • orerlTonpbtt'* tin* ejty. PcrchasCirt ar» solicited to rail
r, ] ' ‘ ' * ami nomine, as Uus. in au ejoellrnt opportunity for obtain*
1 0 1 mg a Oral das* and reliable Waiwr-Forte.
pr and ritintrn.] ap j n elmer, k<» as fhhi.t.
fPIIE undersigned havo tins day entered into
A c<‘ partnerrhip hir fho purpose of conducting a General
Comtulßrfion Tr.-durr Business, tinder the natnoand style i.f
| Leech and Hutchinson. Haring tho ndrantuges ofa h cation
; HOSXI3RY. ! - ! cvumilcnl t« the River and Raitrord Depots, aryl many
'FKKXCII ANIi KN’ii 1.1 Sll
Ml U.S. KV/IS:
I* j . I jeart’practical experience iu iLo t-nsinems, iln-jr (eel <vnfl
(j i vp. j dent tlixt their effort* tnplaosuputtie* who may favor them
% Liu i 4\-i» i <AUtn l't l* i C ')f. \ with c*'DiJgnmenUufrr.tloce formic, will merit tl»«ir an-
r(Mjl« ANI* ( OMrUKI h AS- I probation. Soliciting n share of jrmir patrouin. we remain
>erv truly, I.KEOH 4 IICTCIUNSON.
S( )}STAfENT ’ PttulmrgU. April Ist. I WS.—apiltml
1 New Rochelle or Lawton Blackberry.
j TTAVIXQ made arrangements with Rev.J.
1 * | A-1 KNOX for a supply ul Plants of this valuable BU'k
- • lJ I bcrty,istrooc thrifty Plants uro nib-red at tin* tullow
j ; iu" price**;
'■i as • m m ' • lUKtpbmte Jl2.i tW |Hi Plants 00
zn Mourning Goods : ~ £*. - ** ! 12 1 •• :m..
Z** 1 Hio •• 35 go ; o - \
1 ion •• 15 00 l 3 •• 100
:Cj :.o •• 800 i 1 *• 50
OF EVKRY P KSC RIP T lONJmi Order# addressed tw Rot. J.KNOX.vr tie subscriber, ne
r rowpanled with tbo cash i>r a suitable reference whcro the
| j partle# ore not knowu, will bo filled In (be order In wblcb
J ( Lb<>yare recelred.
! will bt» furnished at (be same price#.
• wrls:dswtf T N«. 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, P*.
DISSOLUTION.— The partnership hereto*
for# clilting between the undersigned, under the
style of Robinson and Minis, was dlssolTctTby mutsal coo
*»ot on the first day nf January, HSL Tb« business of said
j -< tirm will be setth-d l.y their siicvettors, Robinson. Minis A
I ! Miller* W. C. ROBINSON,
• j K. MILLER, Ja.
Blat'li, Blue, (Jreen, Drah and Olive ;
<li *Tj
Plum an«l Stripfsl
Blnck, Blut. (jre*n, Prsil' jimlOliv#*
£5 TWKrns. MERINO.
cAsaiMERRs ;
I.inen &n<l < »(ion Full isoiffa, 1
and Domestic Hardware.
•*Yo. 74 Hood Strett, betirten Diamond al'-ttj
and-Pourtk ttretl, Piittburyh, Pa.
TIIE subscriber is aow oponing a Inrge und
veil selected assortment of Foreign and lnmeatic
Hardware, sad will be sold oa as good terms u say home
In thi* city. His assortment embraces a (tenoral assortment
of Uardwan,Cutlery, Carpenter Tools. (Union Plnnet.) Sc.,
. 4c„ to which ho Invitee the attention of Merchant* and
| other* before (npplying themselves.
1 oci;9-dtr— nirlU _ PA.M'L FAIIN'KSTOCK.
New goods koh spring'sales—
Wear* dally remtlng from onr own and Ka*».ro
Factories, addition* to onr stock, which consiata in part of
Floor Oil Ciotbi. Carriage Oil doth*.
nmnv >.f the niiovo w«ri* Imtiyltl of Furniture Od Cloth*. Table Oil Cloths,
Crash Oil Cloth*. Transparent Oil-Cloth*;
Tranip't WlnJow Phades. llnff llollhods and
Shade Trimmings.
Merchaut*, Housekeepers and other* rrquiringauy goods
iti onr line axe invited to call ant] examine the stock and
lodge for tliPtnwlvLj In regard to (he i[Oality and price*.
No. 2C and ft» SL CiaJr atreot
i.Aunt: auctioks, for cash,
Ij a t Bit'ji Ulotnp rtitiOH
ill anil Kiarnln* our Stork before
chasing Blit'W *»«*•*■
Formerly Bovo Brothers, and Yoons,
Stevenson & Love,
raro- 7*4 a-iLikMuaT st. p
• Pittabnrgb, Penna.
"v[" •; • _
Monongahela River IT. S. Mall Packet*.
will leave lor the ■ iKitr- ami Intermediate! port* ©TrryTUES
DAY at 10 o’i-lork, * K. F**r freight or (image apply ru
Imar<l, ..r to (mrlt*> FLACK, BARNES it CO-, Agt«.
R" "eculak tuesday'pack- . to*.*
ITT FOR ZANESVILLE.—The tine newJggggSl
•learner EMMA ORAUAM, Capl. Mchkoi Anilj, will leave
for the above and Intermediate port* EVERY TUESDAY,
at 4 n'cU-l; !• «. For freight or passage apply ou
board. r<* 19 FLACK. RARXKS AGO.. Ag'ts.
(Cincinnati, Sic.
VILI.E.—The floe p.xivnger
DELEGATE. Capt Manila, will leave for tbo^tbov^aud
all intermediate ports on MONDAY, 12tb lust. at I 1’ M
Fur freight nr pAMsgo apply ou board, or to
npy _ FLACK, IIARXES A CO., Agents.
F'~ OB "CINCINNATI t LOniT, ~[p>, k
VILLE —The splendid steamer IIEXJIYiCg=aL£SC
' URAFF, Capt. 0«n. L McClintock, will bare far the above
and all Intermediate |Kjrt* on THIS DAY, tho D*th instant,
at 4 r. M For freight it pas-age apply ou board or to
jaastjbillc, Srr.
For st. louis, keokuk. , ie» >
j a ST. PAUL—The floe sew steamer ANGLO BaJIuN. W.
11. Master, vrtJl bare for tbo above and all intenno
; dlate ports, on TUESDAY, 13th Inst ,at4r, .V For freight
jj or passage apply no beard cr to
; , N‘ 9 FLACK. BARNES tCO Agent*.
; , J.. RIVER—'Tlie Cnestcatnrt Sir Win WALfgjg^ggl
1 LaCE, Capt. lingh Campbell, trill tearo for the above and
* intermediate ports <m SATURDAY, 10th at 4 o’clcrb.
I*. M - For treirht or pasaage apply on board or to
ap«> '•* FLACK. BARNES A CO- AgT-.
:r. iviissouni river packet., rcsr- >
*' ' ill—For JetTmon City. Rooucrille, Olaa
Kvw. rtrunwn-k. L-xtogton, Kama* City. Wyaadott, Lear
euwortb. St Joseph oiiJ Omaha Cit^ —Tho lino steamer
STEPHEN DECATUR. Capt. Frauli Bailer, will leave for
the above and all intermediato ports, on THIS DAY. April
loth, at 4 .•Ylucli p it For freight or pasaago applv on board
or to iar;.l FLACK. BARNES 1c C-v/Agenta.
"POR MEMPHIS—The fine new i JEr&*a
J? sU-Jimer ENDEAVOR, Captain Market,
• . will lr iTM f..r the hlk.iv named place uq SATURDAY, luth
i itjit. at 4 ,lu<-k, j* «. F->r freight nr passage apply on
board or in (ups FLACK, BaKNES 4 CO., Agents.^
ji.irtnci>>liiii of thft umlorsigtH-d was
jL diMulYtd tbla <IbJ by mutual CODMQt, (tin! SMI).' Id
luto effo *t fi om ttiu ft rot d»y ••{ January, ISiS )
I’. 11. MILLEB,
Ciu-I'AIITXEKSIIIP.*— T h r uoderaigucd
> haTlcr formed a partnership under tlie oatno of T.OB*
IN SON, 511X18 k MILLKttS, (ih«utßo to dais from the Ist
day nf January, lS&B,)haTo takru tbo eeUblltluncnt for
merly occnptc<l l<y the firm of same naans and will continue
the Imilßora of Founders and Machinist* at the old stand,
South Plnslttrgb Offle*, No. 21 Market street.
Wrubtoaloo Wot kt, i WILSON MILLER.
March Uth. 1563. > tnrCLlmd
lurosm *7O otatnt in
PAINTING. —Am the season for repainting
li now commencing, tbe undersigned wlihee to Inform
ib*lr customereaod the public that they arc P M P* r to do
any amount of painting that may U* required of th*ni at
short notire, ami at u low prices as the »aa»« quality «•*
w ork can be doue by any *bop in the city. ’
To our customer! who bare had graining dona by
would say wo are prepared to do more of tbo •*“» ‘““j
To those who have not Men our graining we lot£ w call
at our shop and see ip«lm*na,which w» v __-_? Yaa j n
cannot be equal.-.! byany »hop lu cu/IKV.
turMtlwd _ .
r\KY GOODS—TIkisc df.iro'i? "f I’urclius
Ingeold'ery cnKAP for 1 c HANSON I.OVK,
formerly Loto Bras,No TdHtrket *tretil.
Oir2T _
-100 biulieta Neehonnock PolaiOra;
do large White do;
tO do do BlOe do;
Ui do do Red do; inttoroeniKbrikleb*
torVT T. LITTLE & CO., No. 112 Second itrwt.
New, handsome andcheapdress
GOODS, flbawl*, laco Mantles, Nsedlo-Work Betts,
Cullar», *c,c* daily being reosiyed, Also, * full assort
mantof Domestic and SUplo Goods,tU of which will be
sold s» cheap as the cheapost. Please rail and seo them.
mrgfcdawT formerly Love brothers,No. 74 Markets*.
LOST. —A check, dated April 2d, 1858,
drawn by Bailey, Brown A Co., on the Pittsburgh
Trust Co., for *OOO, The payment of raid check has loco
■topped, and aU persona are cautioned against purchasing or
negotiating it. A liberal reward will be paid If it ia re
turned to the subacril 'ers.
ap3:d>f BAILEY, BROWN h CO.
FEATHERS-s 5 sacks just rec'daudlor sale
by m*S4 8. HAItDAUOIT * 00.
HAIR DYE—A largo assortment or Jules
Usuel’s Lfirnld Hair Dje joit rac'd by .;••••. *
PRAftf.ASH —50 bbls. just rec'd and lor
by* . mrlO B. CANFIELD.
/GROUND MUSTARD, Ground. Pepper,
vJTGround Cinnamon, Ground Clares, 'and IQO-mats
Caaia,rrc’dß&d for nla at wholesale or retsfl by' -
men MACSSOWK * fINLEY, No. 157 Liberty it.
lirvudrcay, comer of Eranklj n btr+e*,
new yore,
hasbeeit REC&yri v uefittev.
Tire Room, arc oftferfy Carpeted,
! Thr rumitWPanl Bedt are B*l***,
■ ' And the Baths Vmurpaietd.
are coxKtcrm tarn Tin noro.
Uore ia concentrated kit tho c»>mforta cf a lutau, with l* 4 *
Injuries of a palace.
Tin: splexdsd ladies' farldf.
Commands an Unequalled
View oTßroadwaj*.
THE rNTRRVATTOXAL n the moat central cf *ajv>
the Fust Class Hotxlx for business, or ploceaof aons**
meet, and offers ousnrpioaeU advutilaje* to Families and
Gentlemen visiting »w York. .
apStlmdT ALFRED FREEMAN, Prssrfctcr
Corner of Franif-yrt Strrrt and City foil Squirt, CppSFh
tfu' City foil, Sfir lort cay.
THIS HOTEL is <*on*luctr<l on the Ecsop£a>
Puy c.r Locmlnu Rooms, and os they may hi or
dered, la the spacious Refectory.
There is a Darker’* 81m;,, with Rath* in connection thexo
with. This popular boU-l ia in the ImtuoJiate vicinity ft
mercantile bastneas, and tbs principal places of amusement,
and offers every Inducement to thoaa wbo consult conven
ience and economy. Those going to California or Europe
win be fnrnisbbd with all the Information they may desire,
and alio be protected from |rnjv>Mtion In the purchase of
passage tickets. • 11. FRENCH, Proprietor,
N. D.—ilewuro of Runner* who say wo are foil, as many
ore interested in saying *"• mrUamd
O'ni/r <■/ Ausxasi and Frankfort Str/i-ti, eppositr th-z Pjrf.
and Oily foil, XEIV VORK.
celebrated is still comluitedg^
I on tho Enropea- Plan of I.odgtijg Room*, atidiSiSL
meals,as may be ordered, in the large and spacious Rtfecto
ry for ImJus, at trrff .ia Gmilmm, haring recently added
an Elegant Parlor for the accommodation of Ladies. This
popular Hotil is in tho iamadlrto vicinity of Business and
places of Amusement, and effers every in-iemneut to the**
who consult con vooicnceand economy.
Parties going to California or Europe all! Vo furnish'**
with all the Information desired, and be prelected in th*
purchase of tickets.
mrtWSw CHARLES URoWij. Proprietor.
Read what tueFsay of
or. swa rxFs coxporyr> emu?
Tho Original and Genuine Preparation!
Disorrifrnl Stomarli, Liver, Breast or Langs
■•ores performed
1) this invnluablumt-i
•• ine, l n Pulmonary Co.*
SIiIPTIO.V, Cough*, Colds, Ait.*-
m>i, Bronchitis, Intlnensa, Whooping '
Cough, Croup, ~f Blood, Ll*«i
Complaint, Pain iothe Bido and Broitt,TicL
i tig or raising iu the Threat, and all Diseases cf th •
Lungs, and Breast have excited the aataaLt.
m*-nlof all who have wltuetted its mar
Telltma rQcct;'tl>ere Is no sccoUDt of
:« medL'lUH, from Itw rfir’ire'
.lire*, fnmlihing i>
parn 11 o I.
Tho reports from all parts cf the world, where they cuke
use of Pr. Swnyne’s Compound Syrup cf Wild Cterr, ct-A,
questionably proves it to be tho great retcc-Jy < f :Lc oga
Wo think there never no* been e medicine which bus gn
eu inch universal satisfactions* Dr. Compound
Syrup Wll-1 Churry. It has stopped night ••treeia, check*!
deep seated ulcere of tho lai,g*. i aised whe ware fait
declining with great wi-akr-rv all ether mt-sci r'= T
ed unavaUiDj.
PJ’. J 11. ULLI.-iiN. Frank. 1..•< •inty, Er , writes l
bfiv® Leon t-mraged In no active practice cf Iw ff lre year*, Red
ri>c«:iimccd Br Swayr:o'aCvQjpc,tiu l cf Wild CU?rT7
in prefevj,. pi . nil wthor fn-eillvi. In thi much d;salel
Pneumuai.v. or Pieta«t of tho Lungs, auJ the alormlog Csroi
In wh,. hit opf-an ,ti Ker.tuckr. I regar litsr en in~lon
bU rptiu-dy
C ,*«- "f Tho in- P.ioii Over i j j k - u.. t i. J
• till remains u hearty man.
Krv JAMES It. DURROROW, Paster cf Berlin c'/cq’.i-
Biiltimr,:o Omfereiup. and all tho principal mer rkaefs at
p. int of He* ks, Md.. have teitiCed to Ihe following
A’.Y77Mf>i?o/Asltf I’ CURE.
Potsi or Rocu, Frederick cmnty, iIJ
l>a.—Dear Sir—Balioving U a duty I otra to th«
public, and in justice to yon, 1 bare thought proper to mat*-
known oneot the most eitraouiloHry cures,! a my own case,
that bni ‘-ver lwen truly recorded. In tha mbnth c<
her last, 1 wat afflicted will) a a*vero gathering la my breast
which formed n large abaceaa, end also commnulcatad t<-
my Lung* and very rnneb afflicted them, sed discharged
Urge cjiiantftire of corruption, <*xlercal and Internal M)
breath couhl alaopcj** through my I.ungv and out through
the cavity of my breast with apparent cano, attended with a
violent cough, day and eight, lore of appetite, and extrema
debility, *<> that tuy physicuns tbooght my r**u entirely
hopeless and beyond tho power **fm**diclr.e. I romilned in
tills wretched coudidon for a lime, until I was waited
t*i a mere skeleton, and there seemed in La no hope Cor mr.
but having rwwl in lh» public **f the many n or.dcrfal
cures perform,>d by your Syru.>»f H'./d Cherry .
1 iimnediat' ty sent to Baliimore for live bottles, and Com
menced its u.-e, and to tr.y groat uti|'uctiuoaud that o, my
anxious family, the abscess or op. nhig in my lucre began
to heal, and the coagh subsided, end ,-u ufileg trn bottles 1
was restored to perfect hoal'h.
Over live year* ha< o elapsed, aud I »t»ll remain a perfectly
hrmrty man h* thit date, dntift-•!, lfiv. I !:vv» a-i bad a
(lav's slckuosi fur tho last eigbeen months.
lMeta-j accept my grateful acki^wlodgmenta.
Your., very TIIOiIAi MXO:-
More wuudvrful ctirr, liar- aud are daily j.\
Dr. Sway lie's C<-!ii|n-uod Syrup of Wild Cherry, than by ec j
msdirineeverdbicotereJ: composed t-olely <.f re-ettbla t-.
pTvdients, iic-«u l-a usvd with perfect safety.
OK CAltt'Ft I. tx rriiOHASIXu.
To obtain Ihc original and only genuine |-(*-r l arit; a
\VtM> Cbf.rot. which must have ihe portrai' at.J irignntnt.-
of Dll. SWAYNK ou emrh wrapper around the »>ott!o.
This invaluable remedy, prepared rmty l»y IV. 2WA YN 1'
A SON’, Seventh st, second «1.~.r üb.-.vo Mat »»et, phlla.
lilt-OKO.H. UKVSKIL No. 1 i j \V.ul street, Whole-v
and Ketail Ajpnt. njrUT.dsa’J'
N K W K|N(rI,AXI) 1
J. WOOD tor resti-ring hair perfectly and poruauouliv
liiu» Dover yet bad a rival, voluuto after volume U
given feutn all part* of the world and from the most luicili to prove that tl ft a perfect Ral&rittitt; but re-ad tn,
circular aud you cannot doubt; read also tho following:.
Thi Halt.—People bava for centuries bees afflicted With
bald beads, and the only remedy, heretofore known, has beau
those abamiuable wigs, By a recent discovery cf Professor
Wood thrao articles aro being Cut dispensed with, but a great
many persons still patxooizn them, because tboy have Vasa
ao often imposed upon by Bair Tonics cf different kinds.
To all such persons weearnestly make the request, that they
will try once again, for In Wood’s Restorative than ta no
such thing a* fall. Wo know of a lady who «u who
used the article a short time, oml her need is sow covered
completely with the tiniest and most beautiful curls imagi
nable. We know of nmnerous rasra wbsrehalr xras xspidly
falling out, which It restored la greater perfection than t:
ever had been before.
It Is also without donbtone of the beet articles for keep*:
log tho hair In g»od condition, making It scitasd glossy,
removing dandruff, and hes provod itself tho greatest enemy
to ail tho Ills that hair tehelr to. the duty of evory ono to Improve th*-lr personal «p!
pcarauce though torn* may differ in regard to tbs ways of
doing il; hot every one wUI admit that a beautiful beadof
hair, either In man or woman, ts an object much to bo de
sired, and there aj«* no mean" that ahmildbo loft outriod to
01-iatn atn li a .Muvldrnitli-u.—lfriTnon'r Aiii-or-v/*, Pt. J-i
Cesnocrox, Ohio, Nov. 17,1565. •
I'- J. Wood A Co:—Gents: As I have been engaged in
•elHog yonr llair Restorative lbs last season for one of your
local agouti (IL M. Uacklnson,) and having experienced
the beneficial effv:t» of it myself. I would like to obtain aa
ogeocr for tho Bluleof Ohio or sumo Sum In thi Wait,
should yon wish to mako lucli an arrangrtneut.'-ai I am
convinced fA<r« i: nothin? tqu ul fo tf vi the Cniiat Statu for
rcitoriapf As hair. \ bars been t-ngagsd in ths Drug bust*
ness for soTural years, and havo sold rtrioui preparations
for tho hair, but have found nothing that rasioro ths so
cretlve organa or invigorates the scalp as well os yours. Be
ing folly convtoced that yoor rostoratlra Is what yon rvpru
; sent it to be, I would Ilk# l" mrvje lr, the rale of It, for l
1 am satisfied it must cell.
Wati_uta, Mail., Frb. A, ISA 7.
1-EOf .0. J Wood A C«.:—Gents: Having realised tho
rood effects cf your Bair Bcstcrativo, I wish to itstA, that
finding my bair growing tblu, as well as gray, I wwlisdc?-
•dfrem what l read and heard, ta try tho ortldo prepared
by yoa,to promote Its growth acJ chaagu la cotoraa
ft was tnyonth, both of which it has effected -omplesd/.
lirthe .•pvratlon I have osc-1 nearly three t^«!ra.
Yours, Ap.., JAiIE3 FR.AhCIA
IVr sate by GEO- 11. EEY3EB, 1W Wood sL, FlDabnnh
O J WOOD A CO-, Pn-prletors, SI2 Droadwav, Y n
(In the great N. Y. Wire lulling EitabUahmcat) aodlli
slarket street. St. Mo, and told by all good Dnsg
gjitl. l*M ao2o:lyd*wt*T
,".r; wood Street. Plttebtargb,
li.utri Mir ititenliuu of .his customers and buyers gensr
ally to his large stock of
Bought direct from ManufoClurcrs iti Matsacktlßtt*,
UltOtiAXS, j
U.Jim.* .md ChlldituS
FLATS, nnd
«, H ,y» tin] VocthV
hoy*' toil Youth'#
WOOL and FUR Hats.
All or which will be fount! tn great riristy
*>Kjrcat iMucmesti fifferad to CASH *ad proa
Onfcxiaolicltedaad c*refulltitlccUl andr-y»wf- ; -.Lfi .->*
- , *- r
WRemoval-Bcor&aye'* Holland Bttterau; '$
Jli' aTo ._ r ' mo ' re<i tho mairnfactaro! :
, te ,S“S MLU!n>
fdiiaUwtT llENJAltrs MOB, it, a CO. ■
S^f K 7. h .'" J “- rrimoN.O. Sugar ioat
rac'dand for jalo t T SJtODISOS fool
- mrM • aatdbMtcurairt,
ILL FKLI) —2OOO lb., chopped heed in J
. «toro and for ytle by DaTIBC. BgßEfir*.'■ ?
Bacon snouujEiiMsopiM^eoaati'
nirtd,in»tor*uidfor«l«ljy - •* ,kr
; - h , ATimL>aJEB*W> -
'MUBuQ bills.; White -Wheut, in store
*&dfcr cabby [arts]':.. ATWKLX^EgAQP-"
jKmmtoi to »i* w. ■**» -; s*”*^
t etockmat.