littslmrglj tfocltc. 11.I 1 . WILUAXJ-..D. L. KATOa . TT’yrtt OEIT Si. RIDDLE & Co., EDITORS and PROPRIETORS PITTSBURGH: BATDRDAY MORNINQ, APRIL 10, 1868. Aj* EstiaHTCßEn Teacher. —“The school master is abroad;’’ and if any one grants to see him, they ;can hare a eight by visiting the Capi tol At Harrisburg, where he occupies a seat as therepresisntative, iathe House, of Wayne county, flis patronymic i 9 Stephens, anti he is a Hard shell Lecomplon democrat. His face, when we saw him, was rubicund; but that was probably owing to his perspiring efforts in delivering a set oration of an hour’s length oh the beauties of education, and we rather incline to thick (hat his natural color is green, la spite of his' ru bicund fafio he seemed to us to t»e tbo most Ter dant of men. This gentleman informed the House, on the occasion referred to, that lie had bean for many yean a teacher; and he doabtlcss procured his election to tho legislature for the purpose of enlightening the representatives of the people, and radically reforming the school laws of the State. His bill for that purpose, which he has nursed and tended as the pet of his soul, is a great and we laid hands upon in copy for the purpose of showing what stuff a Wayne county teacher is made of. It sets the English language at absolute defiance; treats grammar as if it were one of the forgotten sciences; and brings ns to the vernacular of the backwoods as the truo language for tho statute book. If Lhe bounty Superintendent of Wayno is at all equal to his business w® do not wonder at Die anxiety of Stephens to abolish that office. As a speci men of the language of Ihe bill, wc submit tbo following 2. That every dollar of said school fund shall be appropriated to educate the chil dren of the State, and not one cent shall be paid for County or State school officers except tho five- per centum of that part which gooa to tho counties of the State for to pay the normal school inspector.” When this seotion was beforo the House Borne one moved to strike out “not one cent” as being too refined, and insert “nary red;” and auother raoredto strike out “for topsy,” and insert “for till pay. ’ Tho bill broke down at this point and was sent to Coventry, and hence there was no chance to get at the other sections: but we add a specimen or two: “In the spring of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine those parts of the district or schools where there is more than one director to a school tho directors who were elected prior to one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight shall resign.” A rather expeditious 'and certainly original plan of getting rid of obnoxious officers. Con gress might take the hint and legislate upon it to the relief of the President. Again: “Where there is less or no more* than five v ■ schools in operation in one district the teachers ~ shall form one committee; where thero is six schools and less than nine in operation in one district the teachers shall be divided into two committees; whore there <> nine and less than twelve into three committees; where there in twelve and less than fifteen into four commit tees, el cetera.” Tho persistent disregard of Liadley Murray, here, is something refreshing, coming from a teacher. *Again: “The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall make out a.State table by counties, comparative statement, and a list of the aggregate number of eoholars county, together with a state ment of the city and ccrtinty of Philadelphia; these several reports and .statements ha shall band over to the State printer for him to print one and one-third times as many copies as' their in school districts in the State for tho use of the Legislature and their constituents.” But enough. We suggest to the legislature the propriety of appropritiug a few hundred dol lars to send this man, under tho direction of the State Superintendent, to some one of the ordi nary common schools, and keep him there until he acquires the rudiments of the English lan guage. ; He may ia time be tnagbt to spell, rend ,and write • ami aftpr that, if Wayne county will have him for a’ representative, it'jj# to be hoped his experience will make him more modest. The Was in India.— lt is very evident, we* think, judging from the nature of Iho latest advices from India, which we find iu 'he Eng lish papers, that the brunt of the battle with the Sepoys is past. The fate of the Ex-King of Delhi, which we have already again ami again recorded, seems to seal tip (he account of (ho royal houses of India. In Lis banishment—-a fate to the Indians worse and more dreaded than death—we heboid Uio extinction of the royal race of Baber and Arungzche, and the very shadow of the name disappears in bated ig nominy. Bis fate, bard os it may be consider ed,'’fs fair. . Perfidy, such os was disclosed at his trial, lasting through twelve days, deserves nothing better than such a fate. lie was saved from the extreme penalty of death, only because his life wofliguaraotiad on condition of bis sur render. The King of Delhi was looked upon by his subjects with a species of adoration. In spite of all his weaknesses and imbecility they had an abiding faith in him, which their new masters have very effectually dissipated. The King has gone and the war still goes on- Bo quarter is given. A late dispatch from India Stated that 1250 of the rebels hod been cut down, With a loss of only three men; while a recent letter says, We oro hanging them by tho dozcas» every Bepoy, without his discharge, is hung a 1 onoe, and any man concealing aSepoy is at once executed. The editor of the India Hail says in a late number,'that be hoped agaioßl hope, that Mho first bunt of fury would pas 9 away and gWe place to ft stem, impartial sense of justice. Vet British Magistrates write exaltingiy of the num ber of misguided men whom (hey have executed. One says, that ho hod already banged 95 human beings, and lbal he hoped to complete the round v hundred on the morrow. Au officer eayß, "Every village wbero telegraph wires or lelegrapb posts ere found injured, has its head man hanged.” After ft bottle in which the Sepoys had heen routed with great slaughter, an officer writes, “We chftmpagued that night, and drank confu sion to the Pan dies.” Tfoete accounts lend to throw seine light upon the manner;ln which the English troops are re - vengiog the wrongs suffered by their country - men- The Governor-General, Lord Canning, has been repeatedly denounced by tho correspond ents pf the English press, because he was unwill ing that an Indiscriminate war should be 1 and that oil the insurgonts should bo pdf to the sword. His humanity, and the wisdom of his 1 polioy are now being acknowledged in England, .while the ridiculous stories regarding bis sympa thy for tho 8epoyB : are found to bo groundless. During.the recent debate in Parliament tho opin- lon prevailed on every side that while tho pro- ' yoofttion bad been great, a terrible revengo had * been Uken—that not only humanity called for a change in the manner of dealiag with the muti- •neere, ftad that justice should temper mercy, bat that It WM not the policy of England to widen . the breach between her and India, since the lat ter was to be governed not by an overpowering . army,'but partly through her own people. This change of feeling will gratify good men every s whore/and will redound infinitely more to the • ctedlt of England than the vindictive sentiment wftoh for ft iime had tho. ascendency; Clemency ' iv a ChiisiiuU virtue; and there is no feeling of *>■ thohurnop heart moroabaolutclyheathcniah than • revenge. 7 ' m , m ■« Aumatio, o* LSMQZ3 OPT OF EcUOOuby „ '• . p t , ,|iy«nh T.Cooper. PbitAdslphii- Pittsburgh, TVd. * j SiNDesrr CITV Electios.—Tlio Leoompton ' • Tto&>Vo J J* u>« title of n Tery mJuoMo UUIo Democracy were defeated In Bamliuky Cilyaml • lUltfonl JMeRi Cooper, Warde,and RepnMic. • fit fafllddrae alvla.-. ftad ' lfi dI- in all bat one. Mr. Weller, • T)4e3 iiitP '"ißtttj elecledJCity Maralial by 205 mi $nH instyuctiTe toaTiwaiion between ‘‘John” *■ LtDWAPous 0. IL—The el ' rtnUtiinibe totalro«i Mam. rj . * r -<-. tonllcrby «n «er»g» mujontj 1 dw^i^Xp^Toii.UwSUEK.Bors!' 1 , - otTCERPIfE, . . —Bisolil tt» Mormons h*r« sent a constitu- - ■ ■ atICEBINB, 4 Hlgli]?j>erfum*■“*»« MmlUe.. Loa of w 1 . . . ji til* *od wcakstn impair thehealth, tad want of activity The name of Benton was mentioned siao by Bide mfckr# tb# mlud diieuolentW * aU U nh*p Py . i» C *J, \ with that of Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and their wbrre old «g« adds its mfluenrp, it u almcat inipoa*ibU t<> compeers, when we first began to be interested | *“J‘ l T >s or boaitb. ami *iihongb many remedto lute in the political contests of the country. Sir. i M U " ul E , o “' Llll: ' s IIOLL f D r • 1 niTTfcnS were known nttj nvod. In every rase where Benton will* not be enrolled on the page Of his- ! t } lP y have Wen employed, they L*r* iowlably given : tory OS au equal in mental power and breadth Of Mrength and restored the appetite. They iuvo t-ecoawa i conception with Mr.' Webster; nor will he erer e™> r " r > l ' l ’ «"■' hr .m p~pl. ; .. . . » . • „ ' Kt»a aro euffonuß froniliMV ..rapjwtite andK«upral doLllity. rank beside Clay m that power of winning and !oCBiM , lf , ollg Blalldillß chroiiic lbey , ct M \ convincing eloquence which made the Kentuckian i j D ri K onitjßg the syrtetn, thus giving nature the idol of (be people. But ftS a gallant, noble- repair phrvicul injuries iiearted, honorable opponent, aud a warm and Cactus-Beireful to nkfor luiand 1iit ..... . . „„ w ft nd ' eer *‘ Tb* IT”** popularity of this medicine bn Induced consistent friend: as o lorcr bis country and , tol ,„ i0 , llf „ UI ,. U lh . ~u llllr , Un „ la g „„ a her honor; os an indefatigable student, aeon- purchasing. scicntious legislator, a laborious and honest his- sl per bottle, or#i* u>ttlo* tor |a, Ly ih*pro. loriaa and a most devoted husband and father, j prIeu.ra,B£NJ.PAGE,Ja,A CO., Manufacturing Pharma* he will take rank among the first men lbsl ™»U*»*nlChomi,u,= Wood>tr..t, b.w.e LtondSd DO Win .a*c 6 ! •tn-.Rtt.tnTKb. and Druggirta generally. ap9:d*wT America has produced. But we forget. We were writing of him as : though he bad already passed the bourne, when j we only Intended to say that he is helmed to bo I rapidly approaching the presence of the King of Terrors. A correspondent of the Tribune, writing | from Washington, says: “He suffers extreme pain, nud is exhausted to J GL«#rini almost the last degree of physical prostration, t oOP*Ctal J»uuv*o. Bat his mind is os clear and as powerful as ever, i mm.n ji mTmVm « ** «*««««» and the high, resolute, Roman spirit of the old MBRCANTILfi AOSNCV, statesman struggles with indomitable energy FOK THE PROMOTION and fortitude against sickness and weakness." { and And yet, while htß breath is slow and difficult — )TKCriON OF ... . ~ . , O. DOI'ULABSaCO>> Proprietor*. and his voice feeble, he places, through an , W( „ , „ ~-m b„ „j hi amanuensis, the last touches fo hie great work, j a LEX AKM3THOS.O, Maa.Ber. the abridgemeut of the Debates In Congress, i EauMUhf.l, New v.-ti. June, isii—Pitui't. March IRO2. which he has now brought down tc the year «ui> orn«. 1800. lie hovers between two worlds, and aai\ni owns wishes his last words to bear well the scrutiny j n. fiovuux* a Co. of posterity. WiU. no earthly hopes or ambl- 1 £S£Z ISi lions to gratify, no friends to make or mar, he CiarrUud B. Docolass a Co. Whispers ms gratitudo to God, that the enemies I Chicago- b. Docoms A Co. of his country have been foiled in their latest ! H l ?, bu ' in 10, l 0 , S#I9UM5 #l9UM * effort, and declared to a friend that, "Among 1 New Orlm* b. Dorans* A Co. the greatest of his consolations in dying was “mS." .. S' tho consciousness (hat the treasonable schemers j wt - , *‘’ nh B - Dorouss a c«. against the peace of his oountry and her instl- associate omex*. tutions had been defeated in their atiompt (o , trample a free people under foot." lie is now r . r , roacuH ortict-. content to go from these scenes of labor, and , « . u b. Dob«lim a Cn. the prayers of all tho good aro that his last mo- | Kn s Dooauas a Co. menu may bo peace, and hi, future an eternal rest. itooslj furalihcd to *nbscrib«r* making application it the - - ' oCQc«, aUo letter* of introduction to any of (be offleoj 1 named kU>tu. John Mitchell.—There are certain men in • f&oxput ATrtaDt&to ix all piaraor the world I hat have a particularly wiaaing way ! of making people hate them. John Mitchell is ; withrov pocolass wilsos kills*. one of that sort. In 'a recent number of his !ROBI N S 0 N, 31 INIS t MILLERS, Southern Citizen, he says: 1 FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, “I am a moderate man, and confine my views ! ®H IN GT O N "W ORK S. for the present to a Dissolution of the Union 1 Pittsburgh, Pence. Revival of the African Slave Trade—Americ&niza- 1 Office, No, ai Market street* (ion of Cuba, Central America, Mexico and the < Mannfafciun* «ti ktodaof Btc«nEnßino«4DdMiil kUchin- West India Islands—and establishment ofa potent | R: * llro * Stouu Reiter* and Bb«*t iron fcouthern Confederation, based on Slavery; thats ■ Jobbing und Repairing daneon «hortnotice. mriviydic all. As for the conquest of the Northern States, i —I —T“ , _ r“ir - I would defer thae." : Academy of Painting and Or a wing. In another part of the same journal he pro- j l' u^*c are informed that a School for poses that the venerable Senator Bell, of Ten-•V' 6 f* 0 l rRD ? c * °L ,acl ***** lrtof . , «... . April out. at No. 21 FIFTH STREET, Ur tboee who mey nessce, be hung and bnrned m effigy m front i* deairom. f obtaining a practical com** cf initmcttoo of the State Capitol, at Nashville. Vet this . There will ale* b* tsoght the uiot.f the Frtnch Crayon brawler is not even a citizen of these United > Etching on Coppfr, LiOtographic Drawing, (one Mono) suits: Queen Victoria I,no done daring her ! T Jf' U * 1 "I' 4 " r . 6 I Painting in Cil and ira/.r Colors, bjr which the pupil lien glorious reign one very foolish thing. *Sho «blcd to euevetd more rapidly then by any other method never should have sent Mitchell away from Bug- j Tho merits of tins stylo of painting aud drawing hare been land. Good lodgings at the expense of the j ,oC « und ,uccw * u, * ted in Haying la my , i •.1 * , | pceaeeeien «t i>rgr and findy tflrcUd roff'Cffon of Ori>jina2t btato was what be richly deserved, nod it was * _ , ... J , J ' J<‘T trrry Iranrh, 1 invite ledice and those who may have unkind m her not to grant them. lawiewa course o! Icsume local' it my Stndi'>, So. 21 Flflb Htioivi: Island.—Our telegraphic reporters • the first of April my patrons are informed that did noL think enough of “Little Rbody' - even to 1 » ill l * "moved to No. 21 Fifth street, tame mention the fool that on Wednesdoy lost she hod l “ '?*•’’ i!" “ ' J iirlnv’ a superior Portrait at a moderate rate are reminded a general election.- The Republicans of course j that my colored photographs received the First Pamium swept the State. There was in some of lhe towns ■ mi th * >wt Fair. mr24-imdfc jodn n. ahoaOER. a little jarring between the Americans and Re-i WHOLESALE CLOCK DE PoF publicans, but it did but little damage. The ticket elected by the Republicans is us follows: ; li KINK MJV M . *‘I.ATEI> \YARh\ When Mr. Alien shall Lmc Keen elected to ! TANCY GOODS, home. Lite New England Slates will pre jSStTin undivided Republican phalani in the i The solo survivor of the Nebraska AN ’b . JnUJrom that section, in TTTe Senate, will have \V A. XC II MA. TKUI A I pjiiil, politically, the debt of nature. j at EASTERN PRICKS. • Top. Leviathan.—-Wo have seen ncaounts m : MITCHELL, HERRON & CO., several papers to the effect that work ilfcd been «u»c»*ctumr»op suspended on tho great steamer. Tho editor of. * , ‘»«»ltins. Parlor nnd Heating the Portland (Me.) A'lffrtU'r «*c-rrects these S T VIS S * f ■hip. That there are I.ToO men hard at work j reun*jlT*ni« Puatngvr prput. upon her, — that her machinery is already in, i Ofiioe and Sales Room, and everything is being driven as fast as man j mrirUyclTc 8f0,4 Wood St., Ptttibnryh. PA. can do it. She is being fitted up in the most costly and desirable mauner. CnpL Harrison had strong hopes of getting her ready for sea, in July. This is good news, and wc arc re joiced to be able to record it from so direct a source. Washington, April 7.—The news of free-soil victories io Missouri to-day made the Demo cratic members of that State look as if they fell the first sprinkling of a coming deluge. Similar tidings from Ohio, lowa and Connecticut have had a most beneficial effect here. It has come oat that Southern gentlemen who, os Mr. Iver son said in the Senate, advised Gen. Calhoun to certify that there was a Free State Legislature in Kansas, were Secretaries Cobb and Thomp son, and Senator Toombs. The dodge has not saved Lecompton and has hardly paid expenses. Mr. Dodger of North Carolina is here, and says that Mr. Gilmer’s district will sustain him in his opposition to Lecompton. Mr. Toombs has returned to Georgia. Ho says that the defeat of LecomptoD will load to an organized demonstration in tbe South. Pn centra, James L. Pettigrew, one of the most em inent lawyers and distinguished citizens of the Sontb, writes to Mr. Crittenden from Charles ton, that the masses of (he Southern people oordially adopt his proposition. Col. Benton's condition this evcoiog, though exceedingly feeble, is comparatively easier than it has been for some days past. lie Is sinking slowly. He has completed his Abridgment down to 18&0, and considers bis work done. lie, has, however, retouobed porta of bis recent labors. In the recent vote against Leoompton in the ITonse, he says that he is now ready to go, having seen Lho enemies of his country over thrown.—N. Y. Trib. Or the seven absentees, in the United Stales Senate, two arc dangerously ill; ono has not been in Washington since his election, and an other has been three months absent, from sick ness. Mr. Henderson, of Texas, is far gone in consumption. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, is in danger of losing bis eyesight. Mr. Bates, of Delaware, has not been heard of this winter. Mr. Reid, of North Carolina, left for home about the first of January, and was unable to get far ther than Richmond. Mr. Sumner, has never fully recovered from tho injuries received by the assault upon him. New Soobce or Poison. —It is suggested that stalcsausages most havo caused the Notional Ho tel malady, as Prof. Liebig sayß they produce the some symptoms with mineral poisons and often occasion sickness and death, for which there appears to be no known cause. The symptoms of eaussge poisoning, according to the Professor, are "a gradual wasting of mus cular fibre, and of all the constituents of the body similarly composed. The patient becomes much emaciated, and during the progress of the disease the saliva becomes viscous, nod acquires an offensive smell.” Toledo. Election.— A Citizen's ticket and Democratic ticket were run, and the result is con.Werabl7 n.Ucd. The Democrats lost (bo Troneurar and one Constable, end elected tbe Marshall, City Selicilor and tl,roe Constables chosM - 100 m * JOr “ 3 '- <>nl ? one DceomptonUe DIED—On Thursday evening, the Stb Inst., Mr*. ELIZA DKI'U, relict of ijio late John McCllatock, in iha 751 h year ofherage. Hor funeral will take place [ruin the leaiduure of bur sen, Jonu R. McClintock, TBiS } aftusook, at 2oVtock. Carriage* will leave Col Patterson's Liv.'ry Stable, Fourth "treet, at 1 o’clock P M. So. 4‘4 Fifth Street, near Wood, WATCHMAKERS’ TOOLS PATHS. BIBSHU. a CO. mjrcvacruxns or Coolclrifc. Barlor and Hunt ins STOVES, Orates, Fronta, Pandora, oto And Manufacturer* of the Celebrated r J’utt and f-'irti Strtrtt, FdtiLnrgh, A» l UL KOGEitS tk CO., MAKUf ACTCaXM or Itogcra’ Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth, IXrrnrr Sou and Firit SirttU, PitUbvrgh, /V. JuZfclydfc* | JOHN COCHIiAN dc BRO, KAauTACTnxxts o» Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window Shatters, Window Guards, &e., JV'o*. 91 Second Street end 18 Third Street, (Between Wood tod Market,) PITTSBURGH, PA-, Uv-e enhsad s variety of n»w Patterns, fancy soil plain, •aitable for ell jrorpasea. -Particular attention paid to eo cloilcg Grave Lota. Jobbing done at short notice. toft aiHQUR’S BJJWINO MACHHTBB, Tlia great tnperlority of BINQEB'3 MACHINES Overall etben for the uee cf Clothing and Shoo Manufacture™, Harness Makers, Carriogo Trimmers and Coach Makers, lias lung been koown and practically acknowledged. U!3 NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Wbkli (a a light, compact and highly ornamental machine, (doing lie work oqoally well with tbe lorge machine* ) anJ must become a favorite for family use. A full enpply of tbe above Machines for sale St New York price*, ty R. STRAW, 32 Marltet st n PITTSBUBOn, PA, Also, tbe BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE. Price from |4&tosso. (de!7] salOtlydfß • SEWING MAOHINEBI FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS. WHEELER & WILSON .MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn., I'Mf *burgh,Gß Fifth Street. Tlii# Machine Btitcbei tbe Finest or Coarsest Fabric, At the plceearoofthe Operator,making with eaee On* JRou*- and beautiful andduralde Slitchetpcr itinutt, almoat nolle leaily, and are becoming indispensable for family nee. Full information may he obtained by add reeling Jaxnee Eve-lug, or ALEX. It. BEED, Agent, No. 68 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. I.KJV AC PJEUKRmS* Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce, PRONOUNCED BY EXTRACT CONNOISSEURS OF A LETTER FROM TubAthe n MEDICAL GENTLEMAN ONLY GOOD BAUCB. AT MADRAS, K To fate Brother el Awl eppUcabU to H WORCESTER, Uej.ISQL EVERY A “Tell LEA A PERRINS that N lbclr£*nc*U highly caleero- VARIETY ffl in udfeta my Ui oplflloD tbs most p*Utmht»M OF DISII. well U tbs most wholesome Since th*t Umed*.'’ The uuljr Model swarded t* the Jory of the New York Exhibition for Fnrelso Ranee* wai obtained by LEA 4 PER- - *- tVOROESTERaiURB EAUOE, tbi «*oeld- Special jaaticrs. AppolntmentSxtcnded to Jundit. DXiS. C. »r. EITCH&J. -W. SYKES Will repain at their Ofllo. N”o. 191 Penn Street. OPPOSITE THE ST.CLAIR HOTEL, PITTSMJUUH. .TILL J r.YE FIRST, \Si S , And may be consulted duilv, (except Sundays) for Consumption, Ailbma,.DroncliHli ml all other Uhroulc Complaints cumptb ab d with >-■ ruining Pulmonary Disease, includin' (‘.>!or,h, ll„„t hi' r,MC, /tfretiua. ~f Lit: r, /"/“in, f,'a*rrit.*, Fr.-mU Co .tplointn, n -. HRS. PITCU A SYKES wuul‘l elate th»i OiMr iivulinriit of Consnmpti.-o in based tipou tno fait that the ditcate ex ist* in the blood and tyitem at hi rye, I,6th U fore, it ml Jurut.7 itsdf*tlopmenl tn £/*e lunyi, and they tbm-foro cnioluy Mochanlcul, Hygienic and Medicinal remedies to purify (hr blood a»d strengthen the system. IVDA (Jute, they use MEDICINAL INHALATION,which they value highly, but only as Mi/lid&rtj, which used alone hare no ftiraLrc ,-f. fecta, and Invalids oro earnestly camioned against waiting ! the precious timeof curability on any treatment based upon the plausible,but false idea that tbo seat of the dlsua-o can be reached la a direct manner by Inhalation. tEflu.No charge for consultation. A list of questions will In.* sent to ttu*Q wisLiug to roo suit us by letter. mr'J&.dfcuTctf F CHINA, GLASS AND QDBENSWAHE. •alt us by letter SPRING STACK JI'STOPFVFD, AT THE OLD RSTJBLISU.Vt’KT <>F H E N B Y H I Q B 'V , I*3*4 Wood Street, Pildbarßlii !»•., Wuo is now receiving from Europe :imi Eastern Cities, * cbolcn asa-.rUneut of urtir)»<• ia hia tine, comprising uew utxi tasteful *liapcS uf p.-:n I Whitt. Btone Tea, Ditilug and Toilet Warn, and tlio aeon* in Pla in, 0ilaor» alrtst Diamond JVry. mrlfcljJlo GEO. ll.' ASDERHOS, ,\ .1. ISI Liberty Street, I’itt’bueyh, /’ UiNtIiCTtEEB AM* WDoLESALC TitALCK IN tl?«rjr Vulety of PATENT ANI> ENAMELED LEATHER, .V/io< LmXittr, S/ilils, Moroexu, t'< nult tint! Cutnitrif o •lorn. Aa ooon u th» Byrnp la robbed on tbo gums, the child will recover. Tbit preparation is to Innocent, bo effl cadon*, and to pleeaant, that no child will rtfote to let it* gums be rubbed with it Whan latata are at the ageof four moutliß, though no appearanoeof teeth,ono v "uld it (bed ou til* puna, to open the tr be Without theejrup in the ingchlMren; Dr If a child wafca legume toe ajrop tmmedistaly porta andThallng the gum*, there fttva, ie. J. M. LITTLE Or. Zriib’a New Building.) A flon, Philo* ■ 1000 bottle* th*Fttt>bur|b.A|»oV - n&n KgYera.i*ow»oJ»L IKEY, _Gpocer, tiaftrtlfatfatßtr -Jfa. 131.; Vtnt pgkffc. A" tpCJyd '4QtE N. O. SDGAB for JABOABOZSKB. Jirto &fcbrrtiscmrnts Proposals for Paving. Proposals will be recievei, by th«* undersigned until FRIDAY, tLuiath ,l.«y ißiUot, for CURBING and PAVING that pnrti.4 .*OKi' f l rMl ; "Pl-'-nt? the Western iViiltrotiuy. extemtln;: n.*«t ■ ««dl> train Webster street t- the Emlrae-l Bn,!*.- A 1»... f., r PAYIN'.; WITH BRICK, the Sid- Walls -r "■ >■ ThePrv|«—tsls Will j-r 1...: I. . t> . s»ift.*Dd the «lu» ami djarnctrri.f tile Suae t hen*-.! t,, r th*l pan* me They will aUo tt.itr th.- pri.i .-t .mj.,,.’ ratd (jt Jhe Cobble Mom or Street Perrmet.M.Oul tho'r.ri. - l>cr equate yard for the B.kk Ti.e Pan-uin i or the Footway to bo of Itanl chert v brick. ..I »-ui l|u .| ilT «u> ehi.ll lie approved by the Warden. TUji.riccabiil.ji-i aK re. to Include ull the s.unl. Gmvnl ami other materials, aa.l work ne.-ri-urr to .'nm-.lrje th coutreclto tho natlifuctiaQ ~f the Iti'pectort In adiiiUon ,.f n„. »,. r h „ ,1,,,...,..., none,!. wUi.-hw.ll b&oiisidrr.'J as brio,; n.Vlr 1,.r«.h. ,•>, thrCuiu|>l« », 1 1. uilt h-d.. S rnnlit „l TWt. v r M-MTHS. SinvV- Notice of Dissolution. ALL jmrsems interotnl will i,!<■»-.. u l, n..Ui-that the late firm of IwRKNZ, r-TI.KU \> uaTlrß been Ji»~ol»od l.y unittiHl cji.—ijl iu- tu-- .!•? of October, A. D.. H'd, and th.-t. Mo* Bll |i .-t r( ' am , i " iu " »*>**« l«L wn. the uodereigued, enrvjv luHFKtT ‘JtvHi , B J'? l,dVl ‘ '>['ro'Mol Sll d authori.-ed Bn.!!*/ t STF : U, ' INUou "" f —‘ partner*, to Mtllo aod Jmh 'i ? P he !“ ,d,,l "‘ ~MW - All ha*lu K nn et .» °”!' ?7 r firm are re«t.uwte.| i., rail m.oii Bai.l Kob.-rt B. SU-rllnff. at hi* office. No. M 3 Wn 1 and „ r , »..§,• w #nou j |is HENRY HTEKUVI, •l A COB PAINTKK 0 K. WAUNKH. v lUIHT 11. STERLING. " "'""'"i * 1 •• New books:at rentoclsoukai’ Bookstore. No. b*o St. Clair *tr which w* respectfully int.te rom attention, *t No. I ! N». ICo Wood Street, corner of Wood and Sixth, Pift*- Smithfieiditrcet. A A. J )UN’s*>.N A - DRO burgh, Pa. fe9 OffTonoty and City fligbta for «*le. "P^•• Alley. * SPRING AND SI MMER STOf K *lt wllhc ™ld tether or m lot* ol i)or f»-a each. Of FRENCH CAS3IMERES. rialn an * ■ ' r 'H »>o ma.lo easy a« to payment.) ip- MARSEILLES Plain ac-l Fancy Veauw: P l * *<> JOnKPH ?. LEECH A CO.. ENGLISH KMBROIPKKEPSILK ■! mcJ.fif Liberty Street, Pltf>bnrgh FIGURED SILK AND SATIN i t iMlia.Ctuuinirie.", Tweed*utid Linen U.-od* Tin, Cravat., U^ean-1 (ientlciuena' FuroiAhincGood* generally, Takes this method of calling Ibe ait«mi,.a if his friend*to the that Le Is now preparol t<> attend to (belt uantj Qe flatters himself that bis experience to thl* lino is fully appreciated. Thankful for past far.,r», )■« aolidta a cuutiu nanee of ilio Fame, pnarantonng his t«.-st etioru t u render (atltfacth n to all th'.fe vrbo favor him with their order* JOHN I.AUGHLIN, npC Mcr-hant Tailor. r.ii VVoodac, Pirtaburgh. PROPOSALS v. ili be recoiled by the He* cording Regulator, at his ollicn, in Penn 'strcei, until Ibureday. the 15th inst, at 12 M., for grading. parlnj, uti.l •ctting with Curbstone, Wthster Stmt. from Fulton street to Arthurs Street Plao* and h|« iilr!ttunip may be teen lit Ihe office of llie Recording Regulator it is ri'.|iie*trii that tbe aporilWtinn may bo eUnnlrifd bar .re proposal* me bonded id apv.dtd. It. K. McOOU'IN. TOBACCU -iO it ' l, Twiat Tobacco, ju^t ft-fl r. J no.! lor aalo by T I.ITTI.E A CO^ *i’9 ,v. at CIOKN BROOMS—IOU extra Itoi^h > ed.jmit rec'd aod for uie by T. LITti.K « (X> NO. MOLASSJiS— luu bb)<*i-iii>ii o Oak * C<»'|*rrag»*, rer'U arid for tde by ap»_ T I.JTTLE .1 CO., i roei.n.! ,lrc !. GREA.sK- A Minerinr article for earnn^, ilray*. i. , in ran*, i.e;:» nr bstTt-l*, for *ra)e by _»P» __ _IiUNKY II COht.lN* IRISH & MACKENZIE, Attoroejfl at laivr. Office Jfn. • fourth street, Pit {'burgh, p.«. Nr.tnry Pul. lie and Obb» C'nnim>>al..i]ci a j,u SUPEK Ki'.KNCII TWILLED CLOTH, Cauimcrv* ami D>w*kii»f Als.,, ;.i.■ Strijo-d Funry Cassimeree. o-w ..j.un »t stun- of ap9jd*wF_ MURPHY * BURCHFIELD. French lack Mantillas now oik*u store- of MURPHY A ilUttCflKtKLl*. N' KWWAITL PARERS. y epl> W. P. MAHSIIALI, A CO. NF.W CARPETS, AT THE FOURTH STREET STORE. W. 1). & 11. flleC All DM Have just received a very largo assortment of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, A<- tbe latest stylo* forippring Trad.*, romt.ibdng VELVET AND BRUSSELS, TA PESTRY AND THREE PLY, SUPERFINE AND LOW PRICED IXUKAINS. Wool, Dutch, llrmp, List, Rag, Hall and stair Carpoi- Rugs, Mats, Cucoa Halting, Ft&lr Rods, £&, *c. Also, a choice lot of Drncrcts from one to fonr yards wide; beautiful patterns Floor Oil Cloth, from a to 24 teot wide, with all other goods usually found (u first class Cart-ot Share*, all of which wo are prepared to sell at tho Tory low. set rates for ra«h. oefi W. D. A. H. McCALLCM, HIDES. —1300 prime Dry Flint, justrec'd and tor tale hy oPRINOERhaBBAPuI! 1 CO. I 'LOUR—1200 libls. extra family in store and tor sale by SPRINGER HARBAUCH A CO. SUQAIt —125 hiidti. N. O. Sugar for ealo by .. JOHN FLOYD ii C0..1T2 Wwi stnwt MOLASSES —3oU bbls. N. 0. Mnlassca; 100 l>h!s..Easlcru Syrups, for ralu by _*pl» A CO COFFEE, &c.—-250 bags Rio Coffee; UK) half cln-it* assorted JOHN FLOYD i CO. "DICE—2O tierces jirimu Carolina Rice for XV «ale by t*pH) JOHN FLOYD ACO LEATHER —20U8itieH N. V. Red Leather, fur sale by ttpg; JOHN FLOYD A CO- Y \RY APPLES—ISO bushels Dry Apple 3 J_j t"t sale by m hand; fresh While Lliuh, superior to any brought to our market. _»p7 HENRY 11. COLLINS G 1 LASS —SUO bxs. NxlO, oxl2 and 10x12 r for sale by _ up 7 lIENRY 11 COLLINS, FISH— 15H pkes. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon. Ac„‘for»Hle by HKNBY I| COLLINS. SUNDRIES —108hbk Silver Spring Extra Family Floor, 42 dd Union do do; 132 185 Liberty street. •p 7 _ HlDpl.P, U'lKT.s A CO. CASHMERE and Oriental Tapestry Imita tions on Wall Pajier, uf French and Herman tnauiilac ura, for sal* by W. p. MARSHALL A CO. WALLPAPER— SPRING STOCK—fcW Pafer Hanging*, Cheap Wall Pa]*r, at (be Paper* Room of E. C. COCHKANE, No. fi Federal street, Allegheny. A choice assortment at h>w prices, f.. r ilW with bet m l r. Li water. Lath. ca*. 4c., and bein': in a centra! loca n->n i» .iJtmiaMj aJapt.>,l t>» the want* of a prefrwional turn, a lit! wjU If rented for a term of year* ;o a g»nl ten-' «’*t L -T lumlht farti.-nljr* eu.icin* t‘f _ nr • * ALEXANDER SIV-. _ FUK KENT—TV lurjre -Warehouse S 3 t» W II gim'.b 4 0 - S'* l.'lJ*iaL >'t«t 4M.1 S-'-.n.l .fr.'t-H I'<.f 1-ARK. HcCUUDY & CO-. nil E»««l and 1-M Sv..nd -t«. r pO LET—A two storv BrLk LwcUingga JL <*i( IM'!!•••» i Jvi’ii m.J tli.i river Ln-123. ijuim >/i Mti K 11. KIVJ. No. 211 LiU-rtj si. 17*011 LENT • Tli<‘ Pwflbnt; l! 011*0 N’o. 151 Third or-, t •J-mthfl.-l 1. t l( -w!v papered nn.l }«ainted i!i r 'O. • ■**. ) --r•!. 4c. t’«/*.atw*ic.i* liii.t)*'* • lit'-U A‘-.- Hi- i.hi I . I N.» 142 r>r:Mh near i't.. ir> All. v. *:\ i , • .1 . . ;l ir 1 R-„t ttW - :r. • 2-i v, f.. Tit • ! So 112 ted i-i J li-11, K*|. Rent «1«U \ it*'*;• t lot t In 1 1:>* .*>tuth Ward |..r m»l<* nrl»j V ■ :■ * \ iillvv ilftii road Enquire at TU-av U'oi 100 Fourth Hti «a.-t, n IVr.tin A'fDoe, Oftir Magtc street. do n:i Vickroy fctrevt, near llarce ntrrrt. It do do i n Mariastie-it, near Magi t-uainois stand.4o miles fnr i-":»l and fanning land, uuh I ail'V.iy, 11 Lirp,.)«( lung, i»itd CTvrytbttig tn ■ om- I leto u..rkl:i; ordiT ili - cf ptirrliawm it culied t v tho al>ovr pi ,a,i ty. #< K will 1.0 a..ld at a raontlco. uirJt..-jw 1 lU-.Mt\"U I'whUSS. 3i> Wiii I »tr 1 move *r‘t. (.ffers ti.r salr. i.»r txebaago for Woetem prt>|hjrty,i tho U *t Farm in AriuHtrong couuty, within five minutes walk of tho Kituuuiug liridgr, and d&ligbtfuUy Blraatcd on th“ river b-tnk. oppusito and in view of tho Alle gheny Valley Railroad Ivpot. containing abont One linn* drtdAm**. sixty of which containseigbt feel of good Biton>- enonaConl. n nh banlt open, and delivering coal doily in if It tunning at centn j«-r bushel; and 33 aerca of superior ii».-r Udfoin that never overflows; about SO acres under fe&i’o and in the highest statn of cultivation, having receiv cd over 10t»i load* of luaiuiro from tho town, to which a team cun make eight trips a day. There is a largo Log House .'ll) by 4" (•'•;, and u Fratno Ram 40 by CU feet, with rurn crili and uageu hhvl4 Attuched; l.'-O yonugApplo and 100 Reach Trrcs growing: a well of water at the house funl a number of rprings of wulit that at small cc-nld be conveyed f> tbs hotne. Tlii* property poesesaee superior iidrautuge* for rraidpiict-s uml inm or lumber mannCicto riea. All j>er.*"UJ dociioua of realizing u good amt proflta] abht investment aro reqnusud !•> view this property before mixklug any otbrr srlection. Title indlsputublo and tonns easy. Two triins daily from llttsburgh, making it easy of *«> " f..r further jiurticcUrs address tho proprietor, JOIIN PORTSaIOUTH, KitUnnltig. AriuslrongCounty, l’a_, Or. UM. RIIILI.IFA, (ibua Mauufacturer, Plttabcrsh. J’. a— To exibaugo tor Western lands, some buildtnga and bits trlv;ir.(a;*iHHMly sitriatei! in the central part of Kit binning. jaluSrnd J. R. Ohio Land for Sale. THE ttabsfriber offera for salo uetition ten, township 12, range 10. Stark county, Ohio, commonly known «s “Iknvnau's Svctjou." containing &4u acres. Ills sitaatod three miles w*-*t of Ma-.'iliun, uu tho Btatn leading to Wooster, and within about two miles of the pitu bnrgh, Ft. Wuyue and Chicago Railroad. The south, east and north-east quarter* «r* partly clearbd and improved— tbo remainder is covered with superior timber—and the whole is well watered by springs and running stmama—. Tills si'cUnn is cousiderod the finest body of land in the county. It will ho sold undivided or lu quartets to suit Irtirchasvrs. To Ukhu who desire to invest in n*l estatn a better opportuiiity is rarely i.fTortxl. J. B. SWEtTZKR, 101 4tli streru BsttsLurgb. Farm for Sale. TnE ANDERSON FARM, 21 mUesE=3 above th<> Depot, at New Brighton, Bearer L’a n ou Biock Ilouao Hun, containing 10s acres of excellent land, rvut y acre of which 1« tillable, and 9>ue surpassed for ChenjmoßS and IDurablUty, Our Roofs are t*"v> well known to reqnireany eulogy from u«- TestUnoniali In favor of this Rooting and cample* can bo seen by calling a: onr Office, No. 75 Smlthflold etrect. Buildings covered with tho above Roofing on be coca ej H. Nelson's, corner Of VVyli* and High streets; J. Beck’s new Hotel, eornrr of Grnut and Berentii streets: House of ti. 0. Leslie, Diamond alley, opposite Patterson's Stable; Store uf R. Straw;corner of Market and Second st*; Sl*v Uonte of B. Il.Sncmp, same block; Brownsville Whtrf Rot; House uf Robert Flynn, Congress, between Webster *n«l Wylie streets; Store of J. M. Mcßoberts, Webster Stable of A. Brodluy, comer of Water alley and Sandusky street Allegheny, Hotue i f H. B. Wilkins, Esq., Wood's Han; House of A. Neglt-y, John Scott, Wm. McCall and HU Coon. Rant Liborlj; and many othon too ntunotoos to men tion. PERRIN * JOHNSON, npiJswlyF No 76 Smilbflfld it, Pittsburgh, I^. Five Thousand Dollars Reward. WE will pay the above rewartNor the res* tontioQ to his friends cf Mr. WILLIAM VOGEL, or any information that mar lead to ascertain hit rata, whether allr* or dead. Ho left hi* Counting-House on tba aftsmoon of Wodncsday. the eth of January but, between 4 and balfput 4 o’clock, and has not been heard of tine©.— It It p returned that on the tray to bit bouse, bo ibaynavo lost bit mind, strayed out of the city or on tfto levee, and way bare fallen Into the Mississippi or embarked on some steamboat or vessel, and that away from home, among stranger*, be may still U disabled from giving informs lion mto hi* whereabouts. He 1* a German by birth, tritb cast ol feature* nod ccraa ton mice Indicntlre or his origin, light blue eyw, light bair, rather grey and curly, fair com plexion, worn no beard. In height about fir© feet ten inches rank* himself very erect, I* dignified In his deportment, •peak* English, French and German, is fifty years of ago, and baa been a rmldent ofh’eU' Orleans Car tbo last twenty three year*. Ho was clad In n light brown frock com t, dark grey pantaksiM, fine Un*m, with gold fancy ehirt sloovr Lnttont, wore patent leather boob! or gaiter toots, and it h thought silk nocks with colored stripe*. He carried In bin Test pocket an English Watch, with a short gold chain fas tened to oneof his button holes. Most likely he h*d about him papers or Tlsitinf cards, by which he might easily be identified. _ SCILMIDI A CO-, Cliai Ktw Orleatia Notice. TnE t*ubdi‘ribrr having entered into a Co* rortacrahjp, dating from the Ist Inst, all thnse indeht | s:lmd THE undersigned baying formed a Co-Part ncrsliip for tramuicliog a GVnmil Cbtnsiwjon, Gro cer'/, Promitn dad Prvdure Buxineu. flatter themselves that with their determination and ability fh keep well In formed and prepared to render to tbeir correspondents cor rect Information of the state of our marketa, together with tho long rad favorable known practical experience of ottr senior partner, 11. RIDDLE, in the bmlnets, that wo can Assure tbikfu who entruist us with boslnres that crerr exer tion will bo made to give the ctmoat eatisr*cti->u. We tbeieioro n-sj-r- lfully roll, it coa«icnments. dps:la«l RIDDLE, TFIRtS k CO. WD.X3 &i CO., No. 183 Liberty Street, (‘•'oiuiimuiii JifercJinnli, Wholesale Dealers in Country I‘roduee, Onxerir.i and ‘Ptttiliirqh J/n«ti/(tcf»fres. CASH paid for Fluiir, Bacon,Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Grain, Fruit, Ac. Hpecial aIU-ullou given to the sale of consignmenta. Ordors from COUNTRY STORES forlirt curies, Pittsburgh Menuhcturea, promptly filled. Families supplied with Rutter, Eggs and Grocerlre at No. 27 Fifth street. . apfrlyd SJKEIi> POTATOES. Genuine Hough Purple. Chill Potatoes. THIS Potato has the reputation of being the most productive and the U-«t taLlo potato of all the now rarirtlrt now The tnbecriber lias cultivated them largely tor four years, has oarer known them to rot In the groQnd or in store. A limited oumber-ef bushels can be had at atm*lers!o price by apylying to . FLEMING BROS, wrg7Jwd*wT No. 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh, p*; New crop suoak and molasses^ M 2 hhds crime and choice N O Sugar, 25 t>Ms Lool and Crashed Ssgar; • Rac'd aod forsala by WM.mTCHELTBEE.Jrr* BRO -1.2 - . - V • • v - Tfo SOD liberty street. *1 ABOXESimd 8; bbls.- prime -roll Butter, A. \J wc*d aad for sauwlc rlwot fotjoty, »nl-jecs to th* urtkm t.r “ County C-DT*ution. 0,0 R *jP®JJ«‘*u Ward. Pittsl-urijli. U a candidate for Slirrifl,.f an fc h e ,.yc.,,L«y. i. th- Itr[mlilKfcri C.n a t£ _ ..___ , ap-dtr* I»R. Wll.l.HM of Se wiekley Ifor,:! *.• t!..- Union County Conrsnticn. p f ff—Jaueh L. Uraham. of Thin! k's£r Ward. AlJejUjenY, U acandidatu for Sheriff of Alle gheny equity. »nf j«ri to the Repnbllcau County Gcnrec tion mrfflhUc* jt^SpProtuonoiarv —James DTllilanm, ;qf 'T'Sr • R««?» township, »* a candidate for Protbooatory, #ijb. ject to the decision **f ibo Republican County ConTtbtiou. ap3:u of iho Republican C>>ucty Convention epoulw’ TT^Corjnkr— J. D. Baldwin, of Fourth Ward, Allegheny, la a candidate for Coroner, aubjort to the decision of Republican County Convention. apfottc P"^»Coroner. —Wh. Bon>, of tho Thin! • Ward, Allegheny, fo a candidate for Coroner, anhject to tile dcdalon of the KepnMlraa Convention. rntCWtc* P^^KJoroner.— Samuel B; Cooper, of Sixth Ward. a candidate for tho above office, subject to the decision of tho Republican County Conreu tion. airKallc Notices, Mens’ Daily Union Peayer aiccnsr.-, at Lafayette Hall, Wood street, from IS until 1 o'clock, daily, commencing Friday, April 9th, and continutug uulH fnrtbor untleo. Laymen trill conduct the meetlnc*. l»nt clcrgyinou are earnestly r<-fjui*n dtobe pref ent and take part hi the exercise*. Como in far lire min utes if you cannot remain longer. apSidtf Ornci or t its PiTTMCwa A liono* Mtsrso Co., 1 Pittsburgh, March IS, 1858. / to Stockholders.— The Stock- OcX holders of this Company art hereby notified that the number of shares Into which tho tho Capital-Stock is divided, has thU day been increased from Si* Thaujand to Twrnty TScmand shores, in pursuance of authority graoted by tba'LegluUtnro of Michigan. Now certificates of stock in exchange for the old one* will lie limed at tho office o' tho fecrctary. iu the city <>f Pittsburgh on and after the Ist day ot April. No certificate will be itsced for tho fraction of a abate, but parties entitled to inv-iiacAl shares will be credited therewith on tho books of tbo Company, and acortificatw tamed whenever aasigmaeuts of inch Iract tonal erudite are presented t> the Fecirtary as will amount to one cr more shore*. Iloldtii of r.!J r»rtlii(&t«s trill pU*tn prevent them ft.p ficUango u early after ilm l»tof April may be codto nleot. THOS. M. lIOWE, Secretary Pittsburgh & Bo«toa JdLalag^Co. Educational. Kdgowortb Laoiea' Seminary, SET7ICKLET, PEXXA: THE SUMMER SESSION of tliis well known Institution will open on tbo FLIL3T MONDAY OF MAY*, and continue twenty-ono wests. A more do llfhtfnl end healthful location 1* net anywhere to be found. For eirrnlsrj or further Information apply (4 J.S. Mc- Cord. John 11. Hrllor 7 Water streo'.or Menrs. T. Q. Nn» A Co., 1C? Liberty street, or of tho Principal, Fovlckley rille P. 0, Allegheny county, Pa. apl:lmd*wF Steubenville Femalo Seminary. THE FIFTY-NINTH SESSION of this In stitution will roEixnuuce ,>u MOST)A I', THE ?.D DA YOF .UAY F t t«’nn», «r>p*y H«v C. bEATTV, D. D . SuperictCDtfcaf, .1 i’rof. A. M. RKID, A. M., Principal. auction Salts. I*. 3VI. DAVIS, Auotioneor. C*jranurcii*l Fair* Rooms, No. £1 Fifth Street. ZINC PAINT. VENEERS, BUREAU KNOB:?, Ac., At Auction.—On Tuesday nftanyiot), Aurtl 13th, at So'clock. st the Commercial. Soles Booms, No. &1 Fifth street, will bo sold without reserre, 1000 Its. , Mack and brown Zinc Paint; 20 dcz.JMahogßDy and Valent Bureau Knobs: a quantity of do do Veda«n;2 bdla. Cana for l2bxs, .Plug Tebacco; 6 dot Manilla Bed Cords; 10 do single and dirable bit alee: Window Clast. Nail*. Wrapping Paper, Vnnttre and Hay forks, lc- Ac ■PIQ P.M. DAVIS, Anct "\f ALU ABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION— I On Tuesday evening, April 13th, at 7 o’clock, at tho commercial sales rooms, No. 6* Fifth street, will be sold, 17 shares Bank of PlttslmrEb Stock: • 25 ds M.AM. Bank do; 1 i do Mechanics’ Bsok do; lu do ' Allegheny do do: •0 do Old Allegheny Bridge dm 2r) do Birmingham 11 B. a P. das Stock. »l' a __ P.M. DA\ 13. Acct. Larg e sale of new and second CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, BAROUCHES, In frnat of the newanction building, No. f>4 Flfihstmt * »»Uw* «id atrraeUng Also, one bet box,6corklogcL& •eli.and * corking hammers. P. mTdaTIS, And, F‘* T * AT PRIVATE kJ aut,lalouto»ajtpnrcLa6*T3,l)y . ftpl P. M.DAVIS, Anet,Xo: HPiflU st. AI STl'i LOB3IIS & CO., Mcrchaiits 1 Exrhnn lExecutor’a Sole of Stoolio, AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., ~ nfinxM?* 5* r ,° mi Sonet, riusfcoigi,. r THE Executors of tho her. Charles Avero .-A. «M« U labile anteatlbs Merchant's Eicbanra, In **• d i?onlOTMbar.thn JJtb s 0 d^A,f- u nlbslnnowlßgslociij,nr: * .«« sbarts or tts capitaluockofths Pittsimrai i Bonon Slin.os Company, (CUIMIm, Lots Enperfor.) ComSnj 1 * 1 '’ 1 ' las capital stock or tho National Minins Isbarea Exebangoßank orrittsbnrcli 4°o •' ' Allegheny Bank. •*- '* Uaadatroetßrid^Co. 6G *• IToaongabel* Bridge Co. _ “ Mcnongabela NaTjgaUcn Co. r- fJ!! s K g ' Cincinnati 4k LouiariJle Telegraph Co BirM«.dscrip. *•’** * a to abarasChartists raller RallrtadCo. N"»t"n Plank Read Co. TL^^'T,nfJr Ub " tiU r '™ UC '- r ™- Xon.—A credit trill bo allotted ua PitrahnMii B hj t».. ; w, r o ! i‘Ssii ii; ‘ inB , "> ib™ pSbX ? i» f° Dow * : One-fifth cub, th» ba&se* two » or ’ and °iKbt month*, trlth lcl«r«t: toe stock to remain a* security, and on debolt In payment “7 Iwiallmcnt tba afiionnt ibentfofcrepaidtobelbr- MtedwjdJhocontnttt mclmled orth* pertitaLeMtothe of tits Dot** at tbo option of the £xccctor*. Parchajeraarailinß theioselTM of tUo term* of credit » aboro, to be entitled to tho transfer of any number of ebar** notlesa than fifty up.m (raying tho talanco dno m>ou tbo number rransfmM. Tiros. M. HOWE. ■) war. at. sitLv.v. rtxccnt..^. JOSIAUEUtO, ) [CUronUle, Junm*l, Pott at) 1 ! Colon copy.} FOK SALE.—IO Lots situated onßluffaiid Etflo *ti., a ibort tllstureo from tbo Coart Hoaso. "•* f«t front by 100 d«p. T anULouUYllUT«!<'*r*rh ' 49 shire* Olid fellotr’t fl&Jl Stock. v 10 shim Dank of Pittsburg]), eOtkam Pittsburgh Ufe. lira aaJ MaiJuo Inroraar. Compcsy. v — • • ° lra - AUSIIH LOOSna 4 CO. 1 g” ' [TOCK SALES BY AUSTINXOOMIS^ .J OX, AT TIIK MERCHANTS’. KCHANaEruTT>v TIIUKSDAY KYENIKO^ltouk- Copper Stock* Bond ud Rra! t&teSb ‘ 53 d - Bt pTJbllc “ ,8 K»ta Dr,n, .na U. M „„ tSFgg&gi* * «>; urm. tjr ABSmMLOaMIS.'tCo' 1 te2l Stock Kote Broker*. 93 Ycortfc*t. “ “pointing,” to irorkon on AJomrrmtatPrca. Innnlro nt Si, og&. .ptSt Agents to eel I iatho State of \t HAND POWKK PATENT STCITV two men can wry about ttw field and pall ap toe I*rs?*t plae stoops by bead Is about taro-minute* eaclu Addtfn apfigpd W. HALL. B*o*or, Msld*. ANK STOCKS WANTED by T^" „ AUSTIN LOOAH3 k CO., feQ Stock end BUI Brokor, S 3 koartfa umt. \\f ANTED—Deer Skins wantc4'by -If fc!7 WELLS, RIDDLE AQO, So SO fourth rt.- CTOQKS WANTED— ... / . ; j ijMechantcf* Stock;. H. -tad ■M. Stacie" Zsebaos*: • “ • : 'Wevtaalßraraac* > .*•-< if,.- i_i \ . -■ .• -a To fill order*, by ' AUBTCTLOOJIXS * C 0„ - _