IPttskrgf©alette. 1 r. l iaic* &.xoi B. RIDDLE & Co., EDITORS and PROPRIETORS PITTSBURGH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 7. The Tosjuoe Tax.—Wo arc assured on the j' best authority, that there is ho probability uf ' tbo passage of any act repealing the tonnage J tax, by the present legislature. Aside from.the j fact that a largo amount of neoewary legislation \3 to be completed in the few remaining days of the session, the proceedings of the late informal meeting of the Senate so damaged the case of tho pro-rcpcalcra that a much longer time than • yet remains until adjournment would not prob* j ably suffice. We are informed that Senator Gaizam £id himself great credit before the scp- j cion aboTO alluded to, in the able defence of the t rights of his constituents. The principal point . which Mr. Hirst expended his eloquence upon In behalf of the repeal, was tho same which the late meeting of Ohio and Indiana stockholders of theP., Ft.- Vf. & C. K. R. in this city, pat forward with so much Tim—to wit: the ttneon- Btitutlon&lity of tho said tonnage tax. Senator Ooxxam met him here by propounding the sim. pie and obvious inquiry and pressiug it home— “ Why do yoa not go into tho Courts and get a decision that this (ax is as ycu assert? or get a decision one way or the other ?" Sure enough! i Why not? The Courts aro open. Wherefore with borers and all other sorts and kinds of ma chinery to influence legislation .are these peo plo waiting at the doors of the legislature to procure tho repeal of an unconstitutional law! “Answer us that and then unyoko.^ This argument is urged too in New Vork against the re-imposititm of ike tux. W« in Pennsylvania are behind tho times. New lork discovered In 1851 that the* tax was wrong and repealed it, but has st length in 1658 discovered land beyond and is hastening to reimpose tho tax at the same time that we are talking about removing it. The New Yoik Tribune says that petitions from every city and village in the State aro pouring into Albany asking for a re imposition of tho toils, removed some seven years- ago. It is evident after an experiment extending throngh the lime named that tho great advantages promised ly the railroads as a con sideration for the removal of the tax can never bo realised, and now the people ask that the impost bo re-levied as a means of reimbursing the State revenue without a resort to direct taxation. The offers which are held out here, no enu can find placed in a reliable form. We challenge the to bring a definite and direct promise in block and white that the P. 11. R. hat ever given, touching a discontinuance of an odious discrimination &s a return for tho removal of the Thetax once removed, that corpora tion writ* be at peace to continue the present policy of discrimination,| and the people to pay by direct taxation what now is gathered into the State Treasury from the unwilling coffers of the railway. We do not, however, tjelieve »q hiring either u or a company of imen to do what is not right. The railroad has no right to make us pay the losses it infurs in its. competition with roads West of ns, and tho State hat & right to impose a tax upon the read us a return fur the wide and beneficent privileges it has granted and the security it ensures to this great im provement. ’ ; TanWonx Moves Ox.— Henry Ward Richer conveys a great thought in the following spark ling apothegm: “The abettors of Slavery are weaving the thread in tho loom, but jGod is adjusting the pat tern. ■ They are asses harnessed to the ohanoi of Liberty, and, whether they will or not, must draw it on." To 'so noble a eo beautifully ex pressed, no one could nddanyihingwhichwould either strengthen or adorn U. Our political history is, however, daily developing illustra tions so numerous of the truth of Mr. Beecher’s deduction 8o strikingly expressed above, that time and space would fail U 3 were wo to record a tithe of what U rushing now upo u our mind.— Why need we refer to the vain attempts ox’ the last twenty years to stifle discussion on this subject? why to the shooting and maiming of men for expressing their opinions ? why to the vain efforts of corrupt arid shameless adminis trations to gag cr seduce men into the support of thlssnm of all villainies? why to the sacred bleed, shed by violent hands on the floor of tho Senate, or to that other which has flowed upon the soil of a land long devoted to liberty: In spite of all the efforts pf a united and determin ed aristocracy, supported by all the prestige and patronage of powerful >nd determined adminis trations with millions of moneyand of servants at their beck, behold how God hath wrought! and against all the nUd schemes of liberty haters, the car of freedom has moved majestic ally forward as ifindeefl these struggling thous ands around it, attempting to obstruct its pas sage, were working some unseen mysterious machinery which through hidden conduiin of power coufouuiei their puny efforts and made them but as fools who would strive to stop the progress of a grand ship by standing upon her spaoious decks and bracing their puny bodies egainst her mast. Vain man! Doyou n&treal- Ue that the mighty work of human progress moves on like the stare in tbelr courses and car ries us along whetheriwo will or not? Work away ifyuu will r.t wEat seems Important in the plan of ambition or of worldly desire or of in justice! Tour efforts are vain, for God sees the whole plan from the beginning, and you are blindly turning some wheel in the machinery, egaiust yourself. Your efforts at reopening the Slave-trade only excite the horror of the clril ixed world and separate from your support thousands whom you cannot spare! Yonr ef forts at extending an institution which has its root in injustice, into lands where it never can go, have built up apartyin opposition that stands a wall of fire against you! Nay, more! there is a diversity of interests springing up between the olif and the new Slave States that shall, within the next ten years, disunite them and bring the former to the side of freedom. It Is n contest which shall arise between you who breed and you who buy slavee; between you who desire to confine the Slave-trade to the home market and you who would go whew you can buy obeapeet. Providence, out of the elements of wrong, selfishness anil Injustice will bring His plan to perfection which we have reason to believe is the elevation in the scale of moral being of every intelligent omtnr« Hla hands have made. “The mills of God grind slow, Bat they grind exceeding fine.’ Thb Bill recently reported by the Bank Com mittee at Harrisburg, vacates the offices of pres ident and cashier of every bank in Philadelphia at the next election of directors, in all cases where these officers have held office for a period to loughs three years, and limits tbo terms of these officers to threoycarsboreafier, und makes the holding these offices for a longer period a crime, and any person convicted of it in a Court of Common Pleas “shall bo removed from his offioo of presidium or cashier by a decree of said court, and shall thereafter be ineligible as pres ident, cashier or director of any bank in tho elty, and shall bo flood in a sutn not less than $6OO nor more than $2,000, at the discretion of tho court, and the vacancy or vncaocies shall he filled aa in case of death.” Why not mako a atringent enactment that all hunk prtsiJenta and onihMw »- I’hilaJeipUia, ehaU bo honest men and as ptHiko.Mr- dllibonc as possible? _ Thb Hon. Billy Modill has written a lo.ter, advocating tbo admissien of Reuses nod' l ? lhe Leeompton Constitution. Billy, like the Pres ident, knows nothing of -'dotnctio institutions, Sin* on “old bach" of tho most confirmed kind. It is not surprising on the common counts Ha is aLecomptonite: and as bo is an cfiico holdor,(s3,ooo per annnm)what should, might, could bo do, but sustain Lrcompton. ■•>lso people of St. Paul have jnstvotcd to , - ilUn nf 000 to complete the bridge tIC Constructed over lb. MW * ~,z The eetimated oostls 5140.000. It ted lone to* during tbe cooing waaer. T*T AOAIK.~We have never seen, ?icre we •• A Wonderful Remedy.—Mr D. D. Wcai*. l»*e ’ , , Justice of thoPeacj, East «ny< . ... iTe Men connected with ® P “I have bean afflicted with o of tiic tt-Ttnack. nab AppointmentKxtendedio let. sal a spirit of rejoicing manifested, as at the , ritation o rtbehcart and m-rmsu btadadit. f r D ,ariy U DRB. C. M. FITCH «fc J. W. S VKKB defeat of this Lecompton Swindle. Is it not - &ad havr spent tocnnhaodredi cf d<>liw« i& orW it Wilt remain stthrirOElc*. homiliatine that a government which is supposed effwt nenre, bat to m.pnrposo. Abcr bavicc cwd three N"'». 191 Street. , f .. 1 ps, ou M of votir Hollaed Ritter?, I aiyiclf «*ntlr*s» r*- of*I*OSITB THE BT. CI.AIR HOTEL. PITTsBCROM, to be the creature of the people .power, aho«.d U ,. u awi „ tWttd t „ B> ttort . r/!.1.j < .v E F!R*T ! s5 . attempt to turn arcund ami snug the bosoms that Bne , wlth [ir ..: W(jala u wr4 fi W- r««»a*a;*nd.: t .*ll And urn? be daily, (except Sunday? 1 warmed it iuto life: The people every where tb«i.o *rr nunii-ly r.fflicuJ' Or Contumptloa, Bt»ncbltl< -md arercjoiciog. firing palates. and displaying fire Cj.rao*:-De wMoU a-~ nr u-Aiau Hu- chronic Compiaims .•ion-i «.•&<•* works, as if we bad been delivered from some tA "‘' " I ” 6prf '■ r , ‘i ,v * tarit - r “■ ••' ,l •— iu - lt,L ’ h* - ( C aa«in< !>»#«<»*•. taeitvliM dr traded foreign fort as ,f .he feel cl ironic ~i rdl!V3i ,,. ' ■' bloody marauder had pressed our r-hor-.s .\,r the «rM., }i.uiuUtim«K Ph«rm»* llini , ll( , u u | jWJ flit tnCt oi»t ind *Ar.«y succeed ecu McuppouJ » few ezeerp-.s P»- ■»» »'^ T . < •- ..d .Uo, Wc, £.OUI the best informed of loner Sputa l JlaUffa. . .h. ,y«a. ir,rt Ucc, ib-r . writers, the first being from the N\ Y. 71‘ri^.r;— - • HKmci::AL inhai_\tl‘'N.»iiicli thrj vahto t-oi ! ‘•Presidfent Buchanan yestciiiay expressed %%t c j _ «tiLrt :a a * «Uidi w»vd utou>* .«• cMrafi.-/ crcul confidence il.e.ttho Kansas bill will final./ .*'•" ‘ ~ ,y', . ' ", tv n c l -cr>,.uJ o.aiioi..u e «nMI>. 11 IJ I N 4 .11 ILbr. U J , . t;.o p,^, u „, ..rcurabimy on.nj iraim.a: b."J fess confidence, based "nllic idea that the Dons- fovxdf.RS AND riACIIIsisTS, U,b>«U'.b« f«l» Uctbat tb.i«u»( las Dcmocrals Trill permit n Commitlee of con- XV AS II INGTON WOUK.C. 1- r. .-he. lis . Jl m l.jr lubaUMer ference to lie had. The opposition expect to Pittsburgh, Penns. AS-So .liu.go f,,.. c^unuiLitwn rarry a motion to adhere when the bill rumoa nrace, So. ‘2l Market Ktreet. * '*■ fl or «ao:.i »i!I»» np—which would end the business." MnnufHrjur* i.ii i: ! . •- '-f ?t<-;un i nucimh- 1 ,M . y i 11 r * ’ r -.- _ _ The r»» takes a little different rb-w . FM »” ' U "” CHU »A. GLASS ANb QGBENSWAEE. “No vote will be taken on the proposal to aJ- auJ »».*»--«..s*- ,. vi] nivr , ni]>i , Jl7 {hn!l i, y «nv .nh«r moiWJ.~ Umpittous ri/iynV. Keitt has not gono farther. ’* yj,,. -f i>«im «i.- xi.ci «ir»win"h«r» ixvoti Tub Baltimore Sun* “X' ? still sticks to hi? fir?t un.i. u<-.-.»tuUv .« my .-ln**F«. Itavics i« iuy prediction: I> -»««pr»ion u t-tr.jr «nn>rot»>l Uiat 1 and will become dear to every n .tional man my n-■.•m* “iu *«• r.-K.o’n-j to \i> ii Fifth puho from (ho very dangers wii h widen it r >'n beset. • titranrt* >-1 -»• *-»."« N<-w l*b. toEia[»li/c i.«il«ry Tlu-m' tl>r and the odds and euds of all fractions who op- Mi:itiia«r; ,i >r PortrHit ai a naxl«i Tm-itilm.ir- JOHN .\. (3LOGGKK. “lon of tlie samo panev «oy9- .. . . .. WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT Congress is at sea again upon the Kausasif.tes- “ wr * lion. On Monday the House will probably insist upon their substitute for tho Senate Mil and ask a conference. There is little hope, at present, it ii: IXKIM A. X isc MKY K A N that the conference will result in anylhiug but a renewal of the discussion, and a farther compli cation of the question. A National Aemout.—We observe that claims BATCHES arc being set up by the citizens cf Alexandria, Richmond, Wheeliug, Virginia; aleooMVash ington City, Georgetown, Cumberland, Ellicoli’s a//, t /.A’ jLA D PLATED WARE Mills, Weavertown and several other places as FANCY G-OQDS, suitable sites for the receutty proposed National Armory. Now if such a manufactory of arms is to be established, we claim that there is not in iheso United States so favorable a location for it as Pittsburgh. Here we havo immediate command of the very best iron ores: here, in exhaustible supplies of coal, that is without n MITCHELL, HERRON & CO rival for excellence in tho world; hero, the most or skilful and experienced mcchanicsfrom all pans > Coulcinc. Parlor and Heatmu of this State as well as from the old world: here STOVES, slsi, all sorts of machinery for the work, and (J ra l c ].' r oi|ts, FcßJcrs, Looßillg RangtS. i.r., last, though not !ea«t, a climate where men can 104 Liberty tit., I*ttt»burgli, P». labor through the year ineonveuienoed by no _ exlremesof heat crcold. s i'ON’h WuKK^. . • , ,i ALEXANDER BRADLEY, Another crowning advantage is our central .... JlAHfAt' l i. tut \M* OCAUtE IS EVUY T l-tttt and commanding position. A$ the head waters ' COOKING, PARLOR AXU BEATING STOAES, of the Ohio, we aro m constant intercourse with „ , , _ _ _ _ , . _ .. . , ... . . . , Plain and Fancy Orate Fronts. &c. the mighty Talleys of the Ohio, Ml«fss.pp. and , wholesale AND heiail. Missouri. We are by rail within six hours ride p,, lia jn u AtirgbMiv tvr.> n..uu*»«i ,*• of Cleveland and thence with all the Labes from ivi:ij»vt>anuk pnmnevr im*' l the St. LawTouca to Fond du Lne. What other city in the Union (. ■Tcra such a combination of advantages' If any, will sor.:?hody name i'? E.solasu .ud Franck. —We see it stated, bat ou how good authority we are of course unable to Bay, that it is the opinion in the best iuform e-1 circles in Washington that the English ami French alllanco has been fatally damaged by re cent events, and no lc.-> serious a result t i.ui actant wnr between the two countries is even predicted by persons well versed in the diplo macy of Europe, end especially of the English and French Courts. From a letter which we published a few day? since: from a great and suggestive ••loader" iu ti;e London ct latest date received r»nd from the recent rebuff cf Louis Napoleon in the llriibd. Fariiament. wc infer that there is good ground for tie pre vailing opinion above alluded teas r.f« a’. v»-h- Will thlv Never bror '.* was tLe > t ue:tioa that forced itself upon us ye e, crJay ha we read that the lUpuhUcaos had carried Si. Lomu iu her municipal election by I2uo majority, and Connecticut hy C'thMj majority! Tho Ac!i-J.e- comptou sentiment has swept ‘'iueiutr/i by an astounding majority. l-hat iM glory enough for one day. Locofocos * be knocked 'l>*wn again Who comes next Thi.nua that Nccn No UcrENat. Kli Til tycr made n telling speech iu the House on the day of the Kansas (jaestion. Iu opening h*j* remarks be referred to ceriain things that In* never de fended, against the attacks cf the Southern fire eaters. as follows; It may tie expected. Mr. i!h:urmui. that at this time 1 should say fomething in defence* of the Pilgrims, and of the Stale of Massachusettu for they hare been repeatedly assailed on this floor, within the la-it two we**kr. lint i shall make no defeuco. There are some things which 1 never attempted to defeud. Among these are the falls of Niagara, the White mountain** of New Hampshire, the Atlantic ocean. Plymouth, Hock, Bunker Hill, and the history «f Masn* achuaettfl Any man may assail either or all of them with impunity, so far as I am concerned Any words of disparagement or vituperation di rected against either of these objects, by any as sailant, excite iu me feelings very different troru those of iodiguatiomwhether the ossaiUutcomes with a bow a# long aa that of the hold Robin- Hood, or with a bow of shorter range, like that of tie gentleman from Alabama,(Mr.Shorier.) — [■Laughter.] Scxnb in Cucncii. —On Sunday, within the last hundred years, tbe service had commenced in a coantry church, a few miles from Penrith, when in walked a woman in gray cloak, accom panied by two half grown up urchins, with eyes and months both fearfully agape, and the triu look their scats, in modesty, near the door.— By and-by the clergyman gave out his text — “Jesus I know aod Paul I kuow, but who are yeV The gray cloak was agitated. The text was energetically repeated, and tho minister’s eyes seemed cast toward the party seated behind the door. Our friend in gray stood up, and with ihe voice of a shepherdess on a Westmore land Fell, replied to thi9 pointed question— “ Please, sur* Use Petty Jones’ o’Wetsleddale, ah’ this is our Rob an’ our Peggy, an’ we'se ga'iiu to Penrith to see-our Nancy, an’ we tlioirt we'd just com in and ee what ye were malten, aud git a mat.” —Carlisle Patriot. luroBTM or Drt Goods. —According to ibe Journal of Commerce, the imports of foreign dry goods at the port of Sow York for the month of March are $15,000,170 less than for lhe eatnc pe riod of last year, lea* lhau for March ISoG, and only s'V.i(),23o less the very small to tal received in ih«* same period of IS'<‘> The withdrawals from warehouse are twice ii-j Large as for the same peri '-.l of either of the previous two years, while ihc entries for warehousing bare been very light. The Journal adds: We look for larger comparative receipts during the ensuing month, although it is hardly piotm ble Lb At the gain will be as rapid as many seem te anticipate. The total receipts of foreigu dry poods for the nine months of tbe eurmii. fiscal year are sdB,G9o,s'»t> against for the same period of lha preceding year, onU $r«S,. 184,032 for the nine month? ending April l ; t. ISoti. MnMJ icLNT BmjL'L.sr.— Mr. Charles Mc.Mik en of Cincinnati, recently deceased, has be uucathed in trust to the city of Ciooiuuau 000 for Lho endowment of a free University in that city. Tho Testator wills that orphan chil dren of either sex, from the age of fico years to fourteen, shall bo received, reared and educated out of the income of the property devised for lirit purpose. The University is to bo modeled after the best institutions cf the United States, the Girard College being tbcsourco from whence Mr. McMickcn derived the basis of the iu-titu tiem to be established through his liberality.— It is to be complete in all its departments, from the primary to the highest collegiate course, with professorships in all the science? taught in the best institutions. Mr. McMickcn was boro in count v. Pennsylvania, in 1782, and was need 7*‘. years when he died. In 1803 he crowed the Alleghen ies, with a horse, saddle and bridle, which wore then his entire properly. Wb are orodibly informed that neither Mr. J. G. Campbell, who is U. 8. Marshal for the ; Western District of Pennsylvania, nor Mr. 15. : Dougherty, bia only deputy, were at BluirsrUle 1 on the ,l»VM»tching Mcuraion of which wo | HI;I , PO v nAV gate an account on Saturday. The man who \ mink oaiilk. nersonoted the Marshal was of course an im- honk uuitl.v and the attempt to ( JtUnjP » 4«Uer in , atfc tlf Bln rtvtlle ™ consequently without shadow of Jn)M ,^, tJ , 0J pri „ IftV. 1 nvUsdfc M'OOBO * 00., in Wood street. >o. 4*2 Fifth Street, near Wood j.ilp had 1‘ -tail Denier* irt /' ;.Y t: (r oJ. 1) A K D SILVER JEWELRY, WATCHMAKERS’ TOOLS NV r C II M A X K U 1 A I AT EASTERN PRICES, tarlS lv.U'i'T Oitico imd Stiles Ruom, Tir 12:i vir. .No, 4 Wood St., Pitta burgh. P*. PA.YNB,” BISSELL & CO.. HAttcrkCTtsaLs vt 'J Uwir Mucufactcrias K»liiWi.ilimcut,No.Ulr« in ; Krcct, wbfrottmy a ill U* I'ics-Val W nve.va lisctf ffirO'l% j *p?7:lj u.'i v C~a.p*u;«.rapt.irutwj of hi-br»t iiaudlr-c- CL.vi-rH Pittsburgh Steel Worka. JONKS, BOYD J: CO.. t. a Carriuk. M....isf»L-tnrcr«..! CAST STEEL; a!*.. MMU.SC, I’LoW ao-1 jTlOtlr.lf< » * CAU..I Vlt A. il. STEEI4 =! LINUS anla:iiilntto.ihr Oi-M-mlol f CAPITAL COOKING- K.AJSO-K M>. 933 LIBKItTY BTRRKT, riTTSRUBGn, r.* XJ. is, iUKrKjtS Sc CO., liuprovcd Pateitt Stcei Cull ivator ’lVolh, it /'irV .s/r-y.'y. I JOHN’ UOCUKAN .v HRi > Iron nulling, Iron Vault*. Vault Door*, Window Shutters, Window GunrtH, ht, y.M. yj .Srcm.ll A:r.-.t .1 ...i •« TV.iru’ Strr*t. : W,-,} an-1 Marlut.l I'InMIUIWH. I’A Hv- 1 z 1.4u«l i, * k r>l> •*t I*. * i’IUTM. ut.. v i»vt |.l: *.l.r.iliJv‘ f.-r all Particular aUuuUOi* palU t-> Gra»e U.r«. J.'l-Muc 'Avi» at •hurt m*tioe. mi' SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. ,11; .rlotii j . ! MNHKIfS MACHINE* Irf the nse 'T Clothing und Sb./e Mttiiufucturers, llarne* 4 * Makers, Carriage Trimm *; - und Coach Maker-. H *. i.,„i u tt.oun ami |»rvt,«-*i> - -> him vmv family .fX .'.jQaUj- W. M a fi.:t -.1,.; .. : th» Ml*.».. 'I *• i. • jv* 1•> --*l. «t n-* v«Tk K.a'ruA^'..'ty.Mai , it*'i »«-. l-ITTSiiI lfill, r\. K 1... i>. .flciu MACUIXK. Ft." lr tn ..trt:, .uHUY.Hr & E**W" I 2ST C 3 -A. C H 11ST ESI TOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS. WHEELER & WILSON MAXUFACTUHUNO t''oll I’ANV, .Bxiilaeport. C'cmi., IMtt«bur|;h,CB Ftftli Street. TLl* iLiehiuo Stit. he, tl:-- Flnoat or Coarsest Fabric, Alihft j lcMuruoftliY Optrr.Uir, i:i»Viiik vttli «•:*»* 0«« Thvut a-td I'Autiful andduraUt SUlcun Mtnntt, aii'l «n*t>occ.miU|? ina«]*-u»al.'r lor fuini.i u*r Full iu£t>rtuntio:i *oay l*« uLtiUlwJ l.t JntuM ALEA. K. RKIH). A«<-rit, No. OS Filth itTY* t. t'Unbur^l.. JC PERIiINS’ Coiobratod Worceatcrahlre Sauce. PRONOUNCE!; DY - EXTRACT CONNOISSEUR? *q UK A U.TTKII VKOU MKDICAI. GKNTLhMAN ,SLIT,Mb .-ALT.. 0 AT JI.W», K To bis liruliir-r at .\u,i tj.f.liwl l- K VY‘>KCKSTER, May, HA. <• Tc!l LEA 4 PEERIN'* tt.nt tlirir Sauce is highly cstwro* VaKI K T V fft o-i in Icf jowa. ,ir >VVit(«a*ti Whcuuwn. Will attend U> t)i«« pitrcliii'ri* ftii'l s«l**of Ibitl Ksim,. *•!>• Uii'lnv Mmi'T nn IV-nris uii-1 M'lrlK*);** *,d:lydf I'XIKEIGN EXCHANGE, SIO II T B I LI, S If KA W N ll V JUI'NCA.N'i SHKIt.HAN cfc CO., 0>: fUK UNION I.ANK. LONDON, IN nNU fill’sl» eTEIU.TNO AND UPWARDS. At*., BLN uu ill.* Jilin-Ij.nl dll** -iiiJ Jww/:* of franco, tk'ltrfu:. ll;,lil5.T». Wond «tr>—l. i-nintrof Third. MATLACK & ROGERS, COMMISSION* AND FOHWAKDI.VU MERCHANTS, No. IS IMue Street, St. Loula, Mo. r. r r *k t •. Murdi A Co., ivm. 111... .liven ti hUm*\ Uasiki-rs, Mtih. ilri'-, Vay A Aintbmk, I'htladcJpbU, I’n, 11. Forsyth, IJhbnvu, I'idirhl Agrut I .r UluiuM Central j. M.ianrrLic ikiismoii-A-asrx tailor, No. b\ St. Clnir Stn-.-t, (Dr. Irish'* New Building) ovWilyUc- WICY M A N K «o x . Maaa&cuim* and Beulun In »» km t» u TOBACCO, SNTTFF AND CIGARS. AND leaf tobacco, rv.-n-r r./.SiaiVA/Wif Sired and Diamond All**, Kf.nrj.-im PITTSBUROII. I’A FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! F’OK LADIES MISBHIH, EMBRACING Sprtmi flotiffs * srmvo mock jcst openeh, AT THE OT.H ESTAHUSUMES7 ''>F l‘d3 Wood Street, PI«r»I)or?h, P»., | Who U now receiving from Europe twitl Eastern Citj-« n ch-.-.',c“ ni*orfnent •>! article* In hi* lie*. c>.mpri«lnp m-ir and tn«ti*rul ♦hap * <•( Te.irl White Mout- Tea. Dining sort Toilet W.ire, nud lh« mm« in Plain, O'.M. Lustre BaDd and Floweret Pirn* White Yitriflod Iron J’tone Table Ware, knowD t't he t!i» m«u durable now Id h*" f.>r Hands and fteamboatr. French China of new »tyl cs, In Pure White und tMI Band, either in *ftts nr single pl»l« Mate; Jappasied and Decorated Tin Toilet Sett*. A leu, * complete and full Aasortmcut of *ll article* suita* l ie for the COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE, at prices to please the public. who are respoctlolly Invited to txamlno (bli •»o-k mr2£3mJ*wT Jobn C. Baker & Co'o GENUINE COD-LIVKR OIL!! This Medicine, prepared in the most up* prowl manner, and bottled by os, has received tbo sane* tion of the meet sclentlflo Of the Medical Profession of Pbfl* adelphia and elsewhere, who recommend It a* superior to any other now manufactured. Of It* efficacy and Importance a* a remedial to ca*ce of Consumption, float, Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Rhouma tism, and all Scrofulous dUoaies, It is unnecessary to »i»ak; —thousands of cmlnuat physicians of Europo and America hating tested its wonderful corativo properties. Prepared only by JOHN C. B4KER A CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 164 North Third street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists throughout the country. fo'J3:dtociW MESSRS. CHA9. A LEWIS GREBE, -y’—Tni b. TEACHERS Op THE fSft PIANO ' VIOUN '^mS 1,1 1 ORGAN *s» SINGING, 1 • * ■ •* | ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES ! A* Gris't, Utiiu, Herman, French and Sp«ni*b, Taught by CIIAB. GREBE, Cand. Tbeol. *fr*Euqu;re at th • principal Music Store*. d-3R3mdfo DENTISTRY. gm, I DU. J. lIA LUKES, S§s& j BURGEON DENTIST. I t'fiOM NKW YORK, LSTBACTS TEETH WITHOUT I’AIX. BY A U)CAI. BENUMBING AQBNTT' tat LJL'Mi u.NLY. o"la*crli Tceib on fluid, f'ilrur, I'lstwrt and GntU r-tcba, *d<] pi*riormi all Dental r.p«j-Mloo» 1D a •rUiitHlt | ntantict. without pain rm« raodonxtr. , 04 SmithJleld Street, liclow Foorlli. j jaC.dOraf.' _ PITTSBCHGII ,TAS. MoLAUGKLIN, Mi-SCFiCTLitA Cl \ Akuflol, Cologne Spirits aud Fusti Oil 1 AVi. lil« anil ITO S»i»< flw'i. W. Ac X>. RINEH-fVKT, H \*r>.KTVllUtf ASP I>CIL*.R« fS l>AWi£S fisCLULKY', [louse* Sign uid Ornamental Palntrra* A y D G H A I.v E R S ; nCiLT-KI IS Whit© Lead and Zinc Paint**. AJ»j, *:i kiiio, Oil*. V«rnMir«, Window UM f*n*ty, Hrr.'h'-*, 4r , (44 W-rmi St*"!. ttnt rlnrtrt al*n+ DUtnurwd A‘Uf. -rri7ItY H. UOlililNS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, AND \7HOLE3ALK DEALER IN ChPeae, Sutter. Sewla, FMwta. And Produce Generally, k«V Vo. aft Mbnt Arret f\JUnurj/‘. S-A-MUKJL, GFLUA.V MEBOHANT TAILOB, .Vo. 62 ST. CLAIR STKKIIT, HKI.MBULDB OKM'IXK PREPARATION IIKLMItuLD'S Gunn :oe PREPARATION HELMBOLD'S Genuine PREPARATION UELMUOLLPS Ueownc PREPARATION. It j*rt pared according to Pharmacy »nd CbamltUy, with the gaateat Hccunur and Chemical knowledge devoted n» then combination. _ _ H""KLS!BOU> ; S GENUINE PKRPAKATlON—Fordtreaae* of the Bladder, KJdneya.HreTel and Dropey. READIIiBAV: READ:—“Ye aUllcied rend.” the billow lou certrneatn of a cure <>l over SO years’ etandlux: 11, T. IUhMEOLn U«ar Sir I ba*» tx-ea truubled with an affliction of ttm Plodder and Etdney* for over twenty ye.«rt l bare tried Phyftciaos in vain, and at lasi cwnclu d-d to Kirn your genuine Preparation a trial, as I bed heard it Llsblr ejiok-ii i f It afl.»rrfl year* itamllD*. ' Mr. N.W, BIUDOKd, Jwwi’ Hold, I'tula., cured !i> I It of Rheumatism arid Clear on the !■**. j If ,11 IVIieiIIUUIIIUI kpu UM.I* M.. Mr-. MARY I‘OaTU.L, Pißh st. I iili* .rnr»-l of Totter IB erar*. lIKNKY RWKET. •UriCb*.sttinl «i. IvrupH •, u, the Fac*. 14 yn&rx. J \R. M. IIUOJM, West Phlla . Em; Mon -f th. bin-, lli-a«l end Eye*, oflnugstanding. , , Mr. JAMES BROWN, 1W Cm.iruur -t.. F*gl« Hct. :, of Erysipelas. Mr.JAB. 11. PAIUIAND. hM cV-:-at *t. «.mpu .i. v n tb" Face. 2A yenr*. .Mr C. TI'DALR, ?.*0 Smith Front *» , Tftt.-r. 30 >c*r» stumllog. , Mrs. WM. J. THoMFWN, Twelfth and Race »t*., F.rye.p -eIM, ft years. . „ ... Sir KIOUARD DATTUn?, Bmpt»«>o •>« lha lao, l> year* stA/idlng. . . , . Sir. 7.KNAB WELL*, Verando House, llrmil an;, jeorgo ,l, >! N*(l It Ail ASI, N. K, corner >»f Fifth and Arch, Inflamtiuvl Eve*. ... . - JQTDr.QKO. 11. KFarSBU, No. llO\So v d«t., VUmle.sle and itet.il! Agent. mrl ‘ :t>>wF I Children Cutting' TeetU.—To Moiuem a»o U. S. DARIUS' CELEBRATED SOOTH- J.\/l srSL’P.— Tfcw IoWUMe rotn-dy n« prewrv«-1 S.un drt'ls n( rhildreri «lwu thought part rtcoTrry.fmin c-.htu.- • don*. Aj •oouunheßyniplt rubied on lb* gum-, ti.o : eblM will r*cov«r. Thi# preiorntlon Is «u iaaocenl, k> rffi cadou*. ami so pleosiiit. that no child will refuse in let lia gain* be robbad with it Whcu Infitun arc ul the a 6 e of . four months, though tharc is no appoarauoe of tm:th,ouo ■ bottle of ,h« tiyrup should be on the guuis, to 0l«>n the port*. I’ki jqUshould nertr bo without the syrup lu the i.nr «-r.» when, there are young children; for if » chlldwultcs ' In toe night with pains iu the go®". ,uu n, P give* tae« liy Gpenlup tlm Jn*re# nnd healing the gums, then* : by prorenthig conTulsloss fi»e«rs. &c - hy Dt- Smyns A I'Lilia. 1000 tottles u»t recidrej and for sale by the Pittsburgh Agent, nirjn : j lv > k Do. UEO II KUYSEW, HO XVuml ,l pnT.'UCRT.U, i-a SEED POTATOES, | Gennine Rough Purpio Chili Potatoes. I'PIIIS Potato has the reputation of being the • X “O' l productive uutl the hit twblo potato of all the m-« rarietlre tiuw la uae. The eubecrlber has cultieem*! : tUui Urgrly lor (bar years, baa oeror known them u» rot lu j tb* ground or lnttorw. A limited number ef bushel* enn I bo bad el a motlareic nrltw by apyljlßff ,u ; JTLbMINQ BROS, < No. 24 Wood stmt, Pilttinuib, Vm**-of,^eb:r r,e . ,„r" C V AMAT,OX i - l^*S«i.rr=c?R=rsr«-3 EU , )t - f -ftiblc4 »r|.t t?..* f.4im..i.,,'.. lf ucun.nn •;>..•• f- ~ .r■■ ■ H >«*»• -J ' * *“* £,. na ,, , U *'*•'« of * c « K.puhilcw »„.J -hull bv i.rictjy -M- •«*.!; »h.c!i Or ‘‘‘‘ ' **• 1 ‘ im 4 o>, r^«nrWrf—jlrrn \Tv 7 - Pr V’* T ?Z° X l "' Tf -'•‘•» ,r ' ,r,, h L V ,r ' ’ ‘-2J-.lt. r. « U'JUr*. and nf. . C^wl,7 f, L Sii*^ u r fntttr.v- ifiih-ri «nd dtv in v r manner v > ft, - . • v n»:'i, Mt t,n. is « c«u.d;.L»:.. \.. <■ ~ , ...nt.aTT p* r *. - j-s-lir.,; -t.-j■ bi fpt i I.KT —A tw st*irv Brick I»VTC lliniTgg ; ttbrttj- ct:.STti-.x-t t- u.f TJ.%t tf>.. provision* r.t :.n%t»*P'p.i»»fd il,.> Hi. .‘.i’ i:'' >•->’• -1 - ! •»-?'t 5 *t. 'nr r,i rr"-’~L>~ V/n 1r‘ f.vt «•.!)< .p-t cun* r* 1. \- :lif in ..... .Imll -.: T?uK K I.X T.~T!i.» iWi.n,* il-'i-f .v. to L utckl-.-y h » wed..m, t . r i^.,. lrf <• *>» ntnct'T •■tit!T.-f«!: whii li pivtisj.u4-.i-ro-IL-.ir-. .j J_ Tl.n < o>-«> ..•»!;• i"\ •••"•'. ' Ul '- -L-nyc *- Ji “° l ivr-on orpi-r*».ijH «bonlmll jn>»r-i« or mli:;' .1 t’..., font ; :jt- •! if »’ - »'•. t«r -- r«i.!, A.\ ' T " v '" rr- . -• »!•. p. lir»u»* .'r tnil litij( *'lj.'iniHjT t" r ; v-t'i'j - .li" f■ : t • • p-.*ru:rui« vl**ti•, Ui» .-ii.l . itr. shall ' .’l* > tli* «tioe *: u: tl>.- tret t of IU-ir r<*i-*a .mJ .-Ini.. Ati.l it n-i-j-'l. F urta «o t 1 J... a fn*f t.f Jt *baU t.-- u:*'-- Imi t 1 • -.••!- ••• - ft 1.. r etirlj i.ij.l u > ;rv - WVnf.t cur Im-j.t, thuTMt .! v Iron nnd Gslvuiiuing WorUt foiiaJe. . -- —D. C. IlultZ. OlSnor ri"! 11 K Mr.K FKS P( 11’T [M 1 T \TIO\ : klls -tFcr ’“‘tllC. d«*n tcirc-bip. *i.» » raorfiduto fvr lu 9 cQic cf I v., ,’!v. ...J: i Kl .* v a 1 ; I*r>( honoury. rubjcctu ti.v d.c ■! th«lUpubln^ JL ■ -'Hh’.l IKON MANL r Adoltl, Onlr.ir ;:n; .. 1* . ConnlT Contention 4Dl.*-- V. viki an l Sti'ivfi KarU.rj-, Id'KKfe»j*'irt, Liar J’lttst-iir.'.. | ’’OK ALL t ■.! ailJl 'C t* l;it©o. • - ■ r-tii... Tlie>o w.,tis» cill iiuiiui flft-.-t ii hr,:.iirt“t i- j- r * I'' • r.-er .M.ils »;:h Het.w r'« Ur.-.t Patatit p'.T»A«SEiICI.Y L'lCi.v:::, Ot' ! jour. C»al nniiet at the w-r'.m. h‘U-au;l.-..t nmi iomrvad iU( lp.lt, U -itn.K-*.; ih r.nd Elvtut-r. all O'ln- . L>-./ rv.< ti.h. y. - a rass.Wdjt- f r .\-s-ruh. c- oimunicttisa. Appd> to R. It. «IU*IN. .. „. A .i, f, ; M ttli. s i.p. Apj-Jy t» JrcttoUod- I;*; -u a-• i> l-r.r. t,. aiTMtf Wilmington.D-hv. -rr ' \\ }'. sCYI'AM. ":l Mill. ■ J . 1 - A — l."~ 1 ~~r? — —Wm. Bovi'. -‘-l tn.i ijurvl - I;i C UDdvrSlgnoJ ha-j Ur/ WiUtl . AUeitUoy. H a .andl.J-it, i.-r Coxier. r.ij. li_vt>!i tt t-' tij— dfrt«K>nft toe UepnMicm C..nt. nt;on. n'tjk ;tc* ll'l. r.--«i i:ttrh AinrtVt : }P=y»ooßi>vrßt~ ullt. I>. LVjPEU t’f distil —■ • LiVj- Ward, l-lttttrirgli. i* i> ('♦o-Ji'ia'" tw of.l- I? OR SALT —-1-0 :icro-?'.f lau-l n«\ir liulton ro i.jiimitm-U. In tha Ei-htli Ward <.f tit- city cf l-ursbnrgli. Al*o, 1 l.«t ca fli-c.-rnfr "f Peon and ilarhury GLASS —CIUO bxi. Si!o, oli2 Wld IC.X 1 2 J r h"’f'rnc>tlvhnia P-arl for id-li aj.: HirVUY II OOI.LINc. r ur t-ru:- -t- . laouirc ii ISAAC JuNES, -ir2 !m.‘—miC- 1 c run- Ka*« usd tin! rtittbargb. CITY WARRANTS, In «mall njnmjnt.« J-r-u 10..; I'l AD.UIA ISTkatoK'S Klfl ICE-Whttva L«ti-n pi m.li . to the lutinci it• < uiont. 4L-d nil »Ji<. )i..v tißbn* *(£*lu«t B&hl ilita-Ovo*. t«i>l Uji-u. j: autbonrUMid, lor wttlcnj*i»! ■p?;Gt«F f..r _np7_ . iiKNUV li l~ Ii.T.IN GREKX APl'Utt-SOhM*. fir\aU- I.T uji' lirMIY It rnl.t.lVJ LIME constantly on liami. troll \S i;i Lime, laperior to ot’r br'j.'h? t-i nvirfcvt •pr HtNj.v u. rou.JNs T7ISIL—ISU pkgs. White Full. Trout, Si.!- . " . JJ moo. Ac . f.»r *rJi* I>t IliVf Tii Collin ; Uul’sE AX 0 DWELLIXG —A CUNI.RIES-IMbbb. t-aver Spr-tig Jii-Jk 0 Family Flour, 42 da Union do dr 122 w. i:, "l,4r C i low on fpVliitl.. n T.. | 1 bbL Lura towm-i on staamet Melrt>i*.-f.,r inleby __ IIHNRYH CuLLISS. -5 Wood rtrefl : * F ' : ISAIAH “".Ki.; i_L_i j}y AL p n uPKHTy FOR SALE, con ! Hill S. prime A. U. •Algal', /\ tainlßir I nrrci of superior coal and farming land, ■ A* %J 23 bid* •!' .1 M-las*?-. _ *-uh rutlwaj, ttp[d<\-ar»,d*el!tng ar.d erarythln* in com | Received and for ••tin by LKKCH 4HI TClt i '■• *• ■'• -jlrtv working •>! ler 'lbe utteutton of purebaaara li calltd p *r- No. *l3 fee .ml & li i K.':i *:- j., ij.. ~1*3,., I>r . a* It will bo add at ai&cndc*. OH KEGS prime Lard. ‘ henry h cum>a. g» Wood .»»*._ 1 1C bbij n-c«)».iinrdi. r.,i. by TX)R SALE — I Trading Bnnt.gOhv IGfeet, 1 ap7 - l.BEUUftliCTClll’-bv' p anlvronf. 4SAOKS rinVf— S,.,*d 0 ! ..TigOui Ib.at Cabbi. SAUIVS UJ Hr. .. «ea, ... . . For »*l-b-v t.u .h.li i-r »|iiirc-v<.d nntc. i-ii.jinro rt ‘4 .I-i limotby 1.. r.-ir.l ;.n.l (t »,.!o )v OKU HUB F. DUIIL i n l‘“ LEECH ft UU IVII 1 N- 1 IN, R i W M'C!mtock’» Carpet Store, ’in BOXES and fe bhU. prime mil Buner, No n-2 Market 11 U rrc'd »nii fnrui« by leech * HUTCHINSON, 'fj'OKSAl-K A 1 ’rug situated in one *P~ No. 110 Second kUS Front ► ><( . „• , , >ttr ,. t> , . r: , , r _ \y, | Bf! .| IMtt- POTATOES— 150 bush choi.-f* Rol 1‘ • Vi£ s J!'..!’t ' too*, to fterf. i.«j htisii. i iivi:- Nf-h .rr •••it o >;« <- Valuaole City Fropctty for Sale, ood for nio .1 N,. iw i.,wht .11.. t r ,, rpn AT verv .!• .iral.le 1: t ~n Water Street - -‘— — ; - B firnl Ki-'t.-nl': A1,.'7. T..-Tt tn .bilro Irwin * Saier:if:-. To Capitalist* or Mannfaetors. iwcked id papers for resiling, n»r euu to , 1 . , , , . . . * p : KOUKKT DICKEY. 134 Front »t. Drtmootof CAKi’ ;.’i oi l- *- Lol il - over I>>v •!• •■»»! -■•! tn lr- 'fii th« i« ,r n. f " hielt a thn lat*»t *tyh>» fm t-piii.* i'rt;d-. ■ j.ii.ln,- i. 4 t„ .n„ • ight ti 1j •. n d.v Th-r- i-. :« lArp Lf'g YK!.\ KT AND lua'Sctii-S 11.-i.v- *' hj 1"t “ f rmi..-Bvtt 4<> hr o) Wt. with TtlT-TRY ANBIUIfrK HA U.|">'W. utturbe.!; !M wing Apple and ■»rF»:r*riNK AM' 1 11/1 !*.•?»■•»» wtll of vaster r»t the house nod a HUCUI l\u!.\t.\.v Uumt*r .I'*pnc;r*--f w-tr.-rtlißt nt «mMI lonhl »«3 ,v„ bu: ll> -t.j-. liar. Hail mkl i..sir C-rfM*, --.axcT-..'. i • *;>- TW |-i opt-11j *n|*riiiur j aM» w i '-t, rtn. a'l •>• < mi> J-■ ii ■'! profit*} natiwi." KV-.’r n.i .‘loit.. tr-.ta 'i «•* .4 I- • * ««>*, *b’.„ In- r«t- '.r. lo rt.w tliti projicrtT K-£or*> all ,\in- 1 *.*•,•'* »*u-;'v ! -iii i i!. ilr*: < Cartu* ! ir.nbuw *;:!• Titlh laJicpiiUble huJ turn*# t« a'! of *.Juct» *■< t■>•> " et lUv 1. ir- e rwv. „ o.!> - A. l{ MrtlALl.i.'M a -:. -- J -.i .1-r r '-Ur* adJi.»s Ibe pr-prirtor, — JOHN POUTPMOL*TII, lvi*?ai -lnr, Arm*troDg County, l'*., <.», tVM. rilll.Lll S. UU’M llat.af.utorcr, PitLiburgh. j* ; T*> nrl.nns- i'.r W r«u>ni moi* balldlnp.i ati>3 v situate*! id lb* neutral j*art o( Klt taniiiuj. j*U'>:Sio« „. ►-. : \uthtn al«.nt tv.. mtU«vf ttiej’ltu -I*vmil the fiiJtllAM.U A.-ra . ( mI ... j., n ß .uv an.l Clilcuzu liAilrvail Tbo aouth, cast >: " 1 Knvi'tiiOrrrii, >t" W»_ »u«i u..:t*i-on..i\;u»rtcri *r* partly chared aud Iwprtired— ill.. T'-nu.in.'.'r i- cvv. ml with superior timber—-rui'l the * vbr ;,• <- nril u*t< ml i.y sprints and nmtung streams.— ’ Thm-cti -: u r..tjslil. r<*Uh« fitmsf body of hiod to the county It »m 1.0 aoUl ur.divitlod or in quarters to null i port'llTi.' U.'t«e who d.-slr* u> invest in rv.J estate a better •-'pp-'ituoi'y i« rue!) -'Cvrt'l. rpwo TONS N. YfiRK DAIRY CHI'.K.-E, a ftr»t ijuaUi i. 1.,: o:> fn?t of I’itt •!. »j,62t,i« .• v mtow.v LAIUJ- this. in •?: >ru and i->r sale bv a;/ J-Al.'rJ ItU.lv-V a'";. OKK LS W Y, t. FT(,»7TT6: W.y U'..-o- O* V.t- v.Ar;, f.-r ule i-y ap C I" 4 AI All DlClttV ROhLiti DLCICEY, Wlioleivah' Gr-ct»;, ! i’rodiiooami Comnu-iioo *>!>-nl..l. *jjij 131 \t and for aale by aj>d T. LITTLE - C'-X I^LOUit— 100 bbls. extra and white wbeut Psmdv Floui: J 0 »-b • live ri-rar iu *t.ir* and *=ti> l/ .j.fl T UITI.U tCO.'H? rond rt SUGAR — 2u hhjs. X. 6. Su>fsir, i ritne.^u recrlring tb;» day and for «nle It i' 1.11 TI.K HAMS AND REEF— 20 tcs. S. C. liauis. nad CO do 3. I>r!r»‘» i'. LI i f Ll. A i'O LARD OlL—Htirekhordt A. CoVCincimuit* u No. 1 wintvr Sirainad Urd Id' o nstantly iu itiiic and for nlo by np*i 'I, Ll'l'l'LL A CQ. COOKING EXTRACTS—A largo sup^iv of Prrsti.n Merrill's noa«lualied PlaTcntig Extrncii, J.jr lex crruin. ic . couetantly on nnnd nt JOA. FLRAIINGT*. LYON'S KATHAlUON—Anexcellont pro* perstl 'D far preferring, reatoring nod beautifying the hair, for sole by nfifi JOS-PLcMING. Mineral waters—a i&rgo uuppiv offrvfh C>'ngrr»»»nd Kluo Lick Wateiajuat irc’uby apo Jud. fLh M IN 1 1, cwr. Diamond A Mnrfccl ft, HAIR RESTORATIVE—a large lut of Mr*. Allan** Celebrated Hair Reitonir ret. J ill* d»y by apd JOS.FLEMING. iiISKEY—ISO bblfi. prime Rec* Ufied Wbiakey and 20 bbls. Old MoDoiipulitln Rye Whiskey, with an a»9ortmeut of Foreign and D>'mr*tt* Wine* and Ltiinora, for snlo at tin* lnwcat markrt price* by WM. MITCULLTKEK, Jr. A PRO., mrCO No 2.d) Liktrty etc-et. lOFFEE—SO bags prime Rio Coffee, with I an aseortiDent of Orucerlea, fur «-aU- by V.'M. JIITCUKLTUKE. Jr. A P.RO, ir2d Liber'r rtrext. HKLEBEH haring just returned from • the eastern dtler, where hn lias aelactod it Lcku ■ tack of l’ianoe, for the Fprtng tra*. would ie •peclfuily Invite th« attention of puttlmrere thereto.— They wore cLo-toj wiih gtcit roro from the entire enetein etocl, and nra i'tiaidured umoug iho flneat iiietnuiKntv eTerbronifhlto this city. Purchascis ms »..‘lriled ta eall and examine, a* this i» un cxc-llei.l uppoitunity Lr I'btuii log a first cbter and rallablo Piano Forte - ; pi j 11. liI.EBER.No I Fifth t Five Thousand Dollars Reward. WE Trill pay the above reward for lire res toration to ills friends of Mr. WILLIAM VOQKL, or nay information that may lead to ascertain Lit tale, whethtr ali’eor dead. lie left his Counting-House on the ullciu .ou of Wednesday, the Olh of January Lut, between 4 and half put 4 o'clock, and bat unt been heard of tio'-e.—- , It U presumed that on the way to his house, bo stay bane CO»PAIiT\’ERBHIl > . lust liia tumd. strayed out of tbe city or on the leTte, and THE underpinned have this tl«7 entered ioto may turn Ulleu into the Mississippi or emtarked onsoms co |mrtder*bip tor th. j-hi i-n.p of cmduciln. . .ummlmM or t.,,.1 aud tbnt .m, Iran ta», .moos Coo.mli.ot. FroJut.,Bu.,oU. .it,.!. , .1... a.,d .tjlr of .import to m.J u> 1 oo Ulmblod loom tfrtas Ittormo lomoh .od HutoLtnton. 11.. log U,. . Inodj.. ol . lx»Hon Ura uto 1.1. .brrr.bum.. Uo Is . Omo b, Mitb. mill ronr.olont to tho lUr.r mol 1U11.0.d Urpo:., ...1 lonor Wol fclorto.i.l ooiiot«ou.c Indict... o, hl.ortclo. V0...’ lino. Deal rlpr.lrooo m lb. tmdam. 11.., I.tl ! »«bt bluo 0,r., Ikbt lrnir, r.lh.r gro, .ud oortj. bir com dent that their effort# topUesc pa»tU-s who may fa*or them ; i-lexlon. u* beard, In height about five foet ton inches, with consignment-of I‘rodme tor sale, will a.%nt tnoirsp- | carries himself rery erect, U dignified in his .seportmr.t, rrobnUon. lUnga short-o> your patti.tvite, we remain Kuplish. 1 touch and German, is> fifty years of eg*. * vcrTtni)T " LkEi'tl A Ul'Tc ill S&i.\. ; and has bi-ou a rea-deut of New Orleans for the last twenty- Htubnnrh. April Ist. lfeSu-oj-lkliud i lh.ee He wo, riwMn * light brown frock coat, dark — 7Z7 —,r. -L. --.--7 7 . grey nautohyna. find linen, with gold fancy shirt ilwn I OST.—CItY Warrant--, No. *J|‘‘.hi, dated ! nmum*, wore i)»b-t U*;h<.r bools or gaiter boots, snd It Is I j *w,emb«-t itli, ISiT. i 1: -prlHti->n V l .. 11. Ir-’i:*! tv 1 thought silk socks with colored stripes. ■Ho carried in his Hugh Kl'-banUon.ior Silt- vn Ti-lO) Dullare, (Jill l 1.). All ml t* ekrt mi English V.'atch. with a short gold chain In*- I“.riIi£KT I. WPI.HTY LOST. -A chock, dated April lid. ISSS, drs'.vn lijr U alley, Jlruwjj £ Co. <-u iLI- Tiu>lCo.,for fctrM, The payment <»i «;uil chcclv l:*i» hov«> (topped, oad all ptilOi.a are cactioncd purcl->»tng or nejculUtln* it. A liberal rewuni «i!l )-■ i li It U rv tnrn«d to the ■>ib«crihe, apijlf LYOX’S MAGNETIC POWDEK-Fur tl.c | „ _ aMtrucuuu or encti t;« i-h Tuaotli.iacrd, 2CK) bxe W.it. Ch-v*-,in store ! «»IALZKLL x CO, 251 Liberty si ; *®,ute tbps© who entrust us with business that o*crv rs~r fj() bus. inuSD apples hr.j-.Ti~ »I‘S JuNKS* COOLEY, HI Water »t. , ai-fcloul KIDDLE, WTBTB * CO. WALL PAPER—3PKIXG.STOCK—Kino I pm-nTTI iSimwAril Paf«T Hangings, Cheap Wall Pnpvr, at the ftper • IaI2)SIB( WI&*8 Ci CO.j Hoorn of E. C. C'ucnttaNK, Wo. ft Federal street. Allegtn-nr. j 9fo. 185 Ltbirty Streett lags, Imitation Oak, atoms nod Fr. •«< ?v«.trra. ; Produtt, Grcetnet n;id Ptlttliurijh Jlanutaci'.Kt- Plain Batin ned Colliuc rnp- r, OolnU«d with Butur. Eggs and Gro«rl<>»«t >o. ' *7 Fifth etrret. Bp * * 7 - GEST“nT _ ;v.SI>E'HSO.\, .V.. 161 Lii*rt& Stretu Piudurgh, . j uAxcrscrcitya **t> w#otssti* tsv.ui i.« DHESS SILKS, Black and Fancy Unrarcr, i F>«ry Varietrof Orpaudl-e Twisted Silica, Chintz*., Ti>rea-'«. iJwrs, r, v TF,\*T AND ENA3IDLEB LEATHER, fillkllaotics, White 00-.-di, Motirulna Outsls, V> rk. 1 1 ' A , . ~ , Voru-co F.tntk un.! and» largo nud cheap stock of DonireUci. ’. V * tUr > Mon. t-, /..nra un.i 0. HAN‘SO7? LOVK. Co«/afry Co{f Skint, Formerly loro Rrw.. ,\o. Vi M- t fcrt v. j q c j 0 Carrier© Oilclotli*, Ate.. ' All of which will be furnish*] at the lowest Chsh Prkes. 49>U IDES W ANTE D.-fca . BEANS-- 20 bhN. smalt white Rnnns-lor apS-diy —- L .. '' • sale by a, ,3 iilviiy CROF AND MOLASSES— n™ m I~ K t^fiSSS»2£S^-L!.. J. for sal© y »r-3 HtSRT If. - OLLB»g. jyo prime PlantationUclane^t*k«KJ|*t*gt;• T>OTATOt£S—SO imckfi Neshaanock9 rec’d * S 3 “ St.JamesSDrarHottwUoluere 'OT\RV—JXiNUL AHifSTnONC. I»f (i- n .f»i :> .r IT-t - - Iht/ ThirJ Ward. >» Inr I’lvthgaotat* i.:* A1...'V,1 ...'V, 1 'L' r V , F -irfi -trr~i Wlifny wnnty, rahjwf u> tti-> tow.ncf the Krf.uMl'ao i* V l>\'a:.wr \ "••••’ nrret. CcoTgatioo mrgfruu* Fulf^W.l^ fji." |;nV I'alUi' In-b v ill I■» :riudo cary as to payment.) np- JU3EPII S. LEBOU A CO , IJbert? Street, Pittsbn>-(rh. ‘ J. li. SWEITZhK, N. I■«( Ith street. PHtsNorijt. eeSlkdawtl i Farm for Snlr. THE ANDEiibON FAHM, 2J miles pj3 *bovo the IV f»u at New Brighton, BcftW Co., JEs, pa., onT'Lck ilyu*o linn, contAlnlng 10? »f«i of esculloot Uud, e»ury a'-re of which Is tillable, au-1 65 of which U un d*r cultivation. There are V acre* of pood timbei. oOatres In grassuu’J (mature. and an abandonee of ecsi. There Is an Orchard ol ctnltod lnilnr«» Iti almost eT,-ry lislJ there it a tyring id Mtcr wat'T. Th« inipruvcirouta consist ot a n f » frame Dwelling, at tach* ' to * woalher Nmriled lop. a *maM tenant house and a U.-pe frame Barn. ;0 hr 3d f-ct. TUM cbclcis Um Is In a high state of cnlUTatloa, fencts r , -1, and in • rv»pert:ihle neighborhcod, rrwreuteat to ctitits.'lic», t>3- terms. *ri»;*tir«‘ at THIS OFFIiIE. or-if jilU-Ur.nfT J. AhDiIR.SJN, N\w HrlgiiUm, Pa. Farm for salo. THE heirs r-f David Ocean, dec'd. ofi'er ftl private sola ll;* ir Farm In Snowden township, Alle gheot county, pa .f t, the old Pittsburgh and Washington rjad/nh'-uc » miles from Pittsburgh. It coutnin* ItC acres, ul>oiit SO m rri dewid, well watered, under pood fencesund ia ttn« c-i-n-llth/n Ttie I nddinss ar- a l.irpe two story BrhH l**ell'!i.-. nith t*-u i.-om*;* email Fume Lmrlllog, not jn ; t-flui’lird. and a n«w Frame ilat a, S 3 by <>• tec*,— The*.! !» al.«.i n p h-I s-hv Mill. Th-i- me af. w li mt trees. The e-jji is of tbs Cl *t vjur*t 11v and the laud lies Vciy well.— For leriu« ai.d ttutiiw pvrticuUrs enquired the heirs, ou thepKmis.-*. ,1 .i J W. V. WlllTh. AU’y at Law, * a;-If U. 11 Wilkins, E*i, Wood's Kul; House cf A. Neg U-y, John Scvtt, Wm. McCall and Mi Coon, Kaat Übi-i t’; kui many others too nameion* to men Ucu PEKRJN A JOHNSON, apSidswlyF No. 73 Pmlthfleld it-, Pltuborgh, Pa. 67 fit Charier Notloe. subscriber haring entered into a Co- I partncnhlp, deling from tlio let tost, all those Indebt* «' !•.„{*»••« TWJ. Ali'cli.-ay. I’ » c-ma-d *:•; u f ; k ; k . to lha m Toanty^kiiv : -:ii I !•*- d-°- Pbavir Meeting vi !! be held in tJio “"O' Lector© of the Third i‘r- s*> ur«a& C'bcrtt every morrmic »t “ ■•Vl.'.k. to t.isitmua :• -a ,:ijjU-:5 of mo hour. p' “ ~M Orn.Tn i*ii Ifrrtivscii .t U r :7v« Mi.\;v3 < •_• . •** I'lltshurgh, Mer-.b IV l‘.«. ' n-'FpsNoTiCE to Stockholders.-—'The S:c--k- LSi/ holders of tbl* C*>t:ij-#nv h:.. f.er-l-> o-.iiuv! tl-t Iho number of shares Info *t»ich ic« tbf i *-»j ,I*l 1« divided, baa thfa day Un-i. laureled from .i.z ?:-,•>«mf to Tvcnty Piousand shares, ,lu pi.uuai..:.. v? tat.joriry granted by tbe L«l*iat-r» of Michigan New certificates of stock la for the old ock* trill be Issued at tbe ofl.wo' tbs reerctary.ln the city of Pittsburgh oaond after tb«l»td«yol April. No certlfhate Mil 1.-e hvued for tbo traction of i there, btjt parties entitled to fructtonnl elrenr* will U> credited therewith ou tbe books of tbe Corapaffy,and*certificaie lssoed whenever assignments of each tr»rUonal credits «re presented to tbe Secretary m will rto’cval to ccecrtccre eborts. Holders of cdl certlScAfca *lll plcs-s i men*. tLen for i «-baptri u* »it!v offer the Ist of April as may bs coavs- l algnt. THUS. if. IIoWE, Secretary mrls:;l3w I'lttsbnrjili A Boston Slicing Co. Sewlckley Academy. A CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL 110.UIDLN0 SCHOOL FOR IMY: 1 12 mif-s fi.m Puiotrorgh. BsT. J.S.TRAVELLI, AM,Ft «■ =r-■' rLtf_7Li:tv se.-oud ocfslon win enaimenee . Moy 3.1, Ist.3 Kor Circulars and other purticnlur* i n-'.i’tr* ••! .leu* Isutrt A Scv.s,iT Water itrev ,or T H.Ntvut w ACo . b 7 Lit*crtv street, or rf ih© I’rinciptl. ' »• «* l'*l» l« > • \*ll- P. " . All«sb»*ur ppiiaty. IV. • -t; l F Steubenville Femalw Seminary. The fifty-ninth session nf ir. tlltutlon trill commence t u MOSDAY, THE DAY Of MAY Fj r term*, applj t*> Jiif. C. l\ KEATTT, D. J>, Sopcrinwr..J-M, mr3o:3t • ur i’rof. A. AI. KLII>, A. jl., r/incij'S!. Auction xahs, P. M. DAVIS', A.tjcl ion* or Coremvrcii.l U /•> •"» :>i YALUABL£ LM’.LISII AM) I r J.VN WOlili.' ~r, o.u i Apni Jet 4, 5 "in •“'"1. l-> -:>u; . ’-a tit* uciUi.l IL" r fi' the new Mtii'jr I'uii lini; N<•. -‘-i Unit t'nvi, a of Kncll*h and Auk-i .t :»u \V. * Aoim.,' Ua-ai Mil l e f»i:r.d Th-' AuierlcaDCHizoti, by Cudnp lli-j klur, >Jciii M.-ibl at;.l lit ttlloctoal Izivondiy of Racvs; Dictionary u db&lapeaua:; Quota!lnti.«: Scottish O wl.br l.ocar: \Vvtia; Livy a Home. 1* rid*; Coiuph ta "TRa >•( Tli"Jii:u I>teS.-J vn]._ Mfvrf'i Edition ottfce Works o! Lord Ityron. { *cls. Oi«*ll imri llotuati Classic Potts hr Elton, Ivre-y’* in-uquer. r AncVr.t Pwtiy; Kint-ht’* Pi* torul Hal! Hour, £ vci>- kra. - tif.il .'U-chajic'a r.t.d Luplnccr'e M.i|:;c-f - < ommt nl.»t y oi. tbc New Tu'Um. ut, d v !.•; V.' rldof SsSwir*. .trCand Irjdu*- tij. 1 vcl. foil.; It- A Hi' rican Enclscor, J>r:.i;-lit.stn.»n um) Machinist’* Companion, by Olhur L«rn*. I \ol, quart.. Ktitpp’i Chemical Torhuoloyy, U voir; }i urrst '•> EiK-ydop-ir du ofO.«?v:i|ibT, 3 volb, «ud « hit?'* mr-rtv of yilur inter csiiDq works. OjuU-.'-moa sro now r< :u.d iho booir will be ojxu for'i samianiljr. oo MtarJaT mo/tiirt;. _*p7 _ P. ~H. DA via, Acct. v« ortihlljli raent, embracing Mahoe.tay tioUs, Dl" c.tit Endue Frcpch Piute Mitrort, litt-'s!r.{; *:.d I’bila ’.’•ctc-u*, V.*i.rd:oii-?, Stanthr V'enttiaa Dlln-I*. Chandeliers; Carlo:, Ckant-cr «n llell CirpHs and Oil Cloth*; Hipb and j’c.t IJ.-clotr«-!j. Feather h«ds, Huitratser, Ccddtnp, Dicing Ito.r; Fttrsitar , Ohlus, Ola.** and QuscDswure, B»r Futures. (\ outers ‘-o larjre tooklns Stove and Futures, Curler an.l t'.-,- M-.vcs, Eitcbcn Kunilturi*, Ac. Xbe »*lt> is jKwltlvo, i»Ld '••:K bo coatlanedtXQtil all is io!J. Xtraa at saJc. mnp7 P. >f. P.WIr. At;ct UUCLAIMEi) BAOOAOfc, at Au,-. tton—On Slondsy aftmjoca, April 11th, at d j'clo^t;, at the comsserclal tale* roouis. No. 44 fifth h, Mil L-oeold, byordrrol Tb. Sihapler, fortacrly of tbo Idusmcd House, dow of th« National Hotel, on account cf nhcro it may cot. • to pay churtw, 3 trnnkr, £ v.V.its* tnd 2i tn-u-Hog i«K* Mlh tbelr eocUnu. cno hat l*ox, £ trrLmj cLis sols.sod 4 corking hammer*. P. 11. DAVIS, Anri. STOCK P.. Ft. W. £ r=!E?r. < ;.d t-.d.-s N->. u pin;, street, every Wwk day, are held public of j;wli la eil variety. suilod fi r the trade and o>.iu»niii*-r«. trotn a t«i/« stock vhl«~h Is constantly replenished vith Irt-m c.n-'pi;. menu, that mast be cloud forthwith. At 10 o’clock, A. 31., Dry Oootlaand fener art;!*, omi. prUipg nearly everything needed in the MnMVr j . rx*aliuiJ fondly u»cr. tabie cutlery, hardware, clothing, bouts tod shoes, forties wear, Ac. At 2 o’clock. I*. ‘M- household and kitchen furniture, new and second hand; bed* and carp*u, 'decant irca atone China were, Korea, ceiling ntcr.sila, yrootturt, Ac. At 7 o'clock, P. 31_ lancy article*, wateb-s. cl -.1:3. •T,musical instrument*, puna, cb/tbiuc, drv goods, l-rot* rud chuva. books. «Utlonvry, Ac. |\ >l. 1;a V IS. A oct’r. AL'STI.X LOOMS £ ro., fUerclianis - Eifhsnrf EOXfS A'i AUCTION—To v.-iiuM it lav ooxcrarr—inil U) e-'-td on account of Jt cuy concern, ou Thursday e*« i.'.t.g, April sib, ei u.» rooma'-i; tbs Merchants’ Exchange, 3 iioud* of tiurj i-nrb, urn, Mortgago Construction Honda, convertible oftb i P. Pt. V.’ and Chicago K. It. Co, 7 per cunt, per annum, ynj able July to January Ist In tborlty of Now York ned rvdvemiUsh. n< N. Y. January Ist, 1887, coupon dita and ccpald Jnntmr) Ist j.-'-s with each bond. AUSTIN' LucJJIS A CO Side ol' Stocltn, BY AUSTIN LOOMIS i CO , Ptcck A .Sato Droksrs, No. Li Toartli E t«t, rHuhornh THE Executors of the hov. Charles Averv will offer at public sal*at tb«Manjhnat'j ln th« dty ot Pittsburgh, on TinJHaur, tm» Urn vroznso. at a o'clock, P. M-, tbe fallowing stocks, ti: • • * 2WO share* of tbs capitalstockof ths Plas'n.i-li s. taK. o Siloing Company, {Cliff Mine. Liko Capniur.) 1000 share* of tbo capital U-vfc .'I the Nations! Company. , i shares Exchange Rank 0/ Fill-ilui-.h Ct •• tVlltiushorg A \Vm Newton Phut iti r . i “ Scholarship Pittsburgh rcwalu l ollr*. TUO3. SI. UOtrs, 1 WSI. M. sm.v.v, .Ili-.-ni.-- < JOaiAH KISQ, ) FOR SALE.—IO Lots Situated on Bluff nod Eagle its, a abort distance from tho C.r:;i U , U y. feet front by 100 Jeep. 10 shares P, C. and Louisrilbi TrS«.j,-r»vh l,v 40 iturti Odd Fellow'* Hall Site*. 10 shares Dank of •JO iharrs PiTtsbanib Lifo. l'ltu nnd Company mrC3 STOCK SALES liV AUSTIN LOOM la"* 00, AT TEE aiEBOUANTi* EXCHANGE EVERY THURSDAY EVENING.—Bank, Bridfr, Ti-tfuinne* «..• Opper Stock, Bond nod Reel Estate ea!J at tiuMic »«i -at the Merchants' Exchange by AUSTIN * r<). Notes, Drafts end Lean oa Ktid Estate nrgerw.-: • re*. Su» dm*. Ageut* r.<>w Intli* hi* tncss ore eloartug from £mJO to sl r U>» i* r ,^v r . >Vr toll particulars and a Hit ol Books, address 11.'m. RCLIto.N, Queen City PnMlihing l!«.i>*, Hi MjJu . !r _ Ohio; or, if tlvlni; Enet, b. UtfUSON, ;-h.i.uir. stnUilydtwfcT -••-t, y« w Oriutm WANTED —Agonta to sell in the Statu of PsubstltseU,my HAND POWER-PATCNT j'TUMI I MACHINE, that tsj iuJ u> hr AUJsTia U>oilld * CO . fit-** «.id Mou> Brokfra,M fannli »u ’ANTED—A quantity of good sound Kve i* lB Jas. gauoinxu. Toe great popularity of llo=tetter*B Stomaeli Bltiors, prepared by the eminent phyeirian, !«• j Uo*'rt ter, la unbounded. 'Daily does be trcclv, ♦.».» vrdauurv iV.* ttznc-ahils cf th« aEjctitl, who lisra of lons sundlogdlataso*, thtuoßl* the use of A% f ly the tale ofthliniadidcoU incwueU:*, and extending it. apfctre«f oaofnlnesaamong Wificrtnj; humanitr t tnoelug all morbid matter Irorn tbo atomacb, r-xulatiro- tha bowda. Strengthening the entire body aD U ttnurtine vi»r and tone to the entire human system, ft catimt be equal .ed )'• M vbo «” afflict*! will, any of these wmbl* disco**, to imraedltuly pt«.,r«i a t«tn.-of the their ollae&u -ill toidh like scow up aaeereblngwu. x *' ! " ror27al*wT " ** u - EVEBYDESOKimON 01’ DKY GOODS **T*}**ptor ctih. C. EAKSON LOVE. «pM>wT . fctatilj Loto Brothtn, No. 7t Mnrkrt <' '/" 'S'SSSSVt StS®- rml - ®? /'iotitrs. isiucational I*. .)!. DAVt-, A«ct..U AUSTIN LOOMIS A c EH ants Pt«.id Bill Bfukuf, 1 • wnU \V»eseru li*jur«ituv yut-'figiilich - AliTlS & C '. itock f>v ■if'-*-