THE DAILY TITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHEIf IN 1786. 9BW YOHg ADVERTISEMENTS lh#B. I> SCHELL'S AdTettfring nooses Ra 825 Broad **J* A N ENERGETIC BUSINESS MAN CAN jOl In any pm of tha United State* from three t© SSSteA^^yyiang from «a?j7^rUfiPAt£jrr proifjHlßßat SAFETY-FLUID LAMP,” with an to. prorad Bcn»M'. J *my-6ual]T vbo La«Kr«Mi , <>rI | •00, property or economy will purchase them: p«r Infix’- i r x^cntlßST * JH7rr , Patentees and exclusive Manuthctarere, . BoWdmda • to Fulton etrrct. N<" » orB _ LIQIITE, HKWTOS 6 BBADDUnFB ( 431 Broom* Strtd, Sen York, "•jTAinirACTPKEHS of the P.itcnt Arch JXL Wrwt tluk ptujo Sana. cdrtaMO fcr SSSffW^Sft*SSs«?SS!2gffi£ fttaa the greatest musical celebrities cf J™*? •vtryfrlr, when bronchi In competition with oJwr lustra* H»Uts, bar* obtained the highest premium. The Patent Arab Tmt Plank, whfcb l» OWMd ond used only by ns, gsmutaea their standing la tnoeloogw tbananyotberin* ■teMteubwbltotbsteußpracadfntrt dernandln all parts of ttMomßtrylaamfieleni proof of their, wperior ttorflooea. °** tT4da - Wray 1 J?ruaotetß' ACKEQWN A FINLEY, Wholesale Drggfittt tjifiweitglsctmlc of Carbon Oil. No. IGT T Street, Pittsburgh. Pm Ja3o:lyd XI L. FAHNESTOCK A Co., late of the firm Wk-it'A-’ FalritteteA' * Co, and successors to Fleming No. laycorner Wood and Totrtfi S A. FAHNESTOCK. A CO., WHOM • sekDragglsU and Uahu&eeoms of White I*ad, «ad mhsT|e,«orn»r Wood and Front atzsetx, Pitts* ~ i < ;•zncb7 JSOHOONMAKER, MANUFACTURER • of White Lead, Bad Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Put- Sind Wbolmla Dealer In Pain t», Oila, Varnlibec, Turpen* a, Ac, Kq Wood it, Pittsburgh, Pa. oc&lyd TOHN HAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. Retail Droggiat and Dealer la.Paints,Ofls, D/eetufls, Ac, corner Wood and Sixth streets, Ptttatnon, _ ' AgentfbrDr.Ford’e Medicine. tp2l JOHN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL •r in Drags. Paints, OU* Tamlihee and Dywtnfls, No. PC liberty street, Plttsoargh. 11l orders millracclraprompt attention. AyAgttl IbTflchsadrs Polmonlc Syrnp, margfclydew vunxucx aaawa . pane©* axrrxa. TJRAUNA reiter, wholesale and Mm BetsllDraggtat^cornfrof Liberty and St, Clair ste., %*63Et>H VfiMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. {F Wilcox A CftlCOrtJtT Market street and Diamond, keeps eoostnUy on hand a ftaU and complete assortment of Drags, lledjclnsa, Medldnft Gbeati,.Parftun«7, and all articles per tafoisgtahis holiness. •f PlijakUxrt preacrlptioca carelhlly compoesded at all hoarc.’- JnD.ty StL QEO. H. KEYSEP.; DiIUGQIST, lift Wood Btraat, censer of Wood street and Virgin , Pittsburgh, Fa. • iJwliutt Stains. CHEESE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY 11. OOLLTNS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, and oeaierin Checaa, Butter, Lake Fish and Produce generally, t$ Wood abora Water, PitUborgh. mydl t B. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, V .* OQlOtOttSnilsaitni and Forwarding Merchant, and Wholesale Dialer la Wwtarn Reeerve Cheese, Batter, Pot and Paari Axb, and Western Prodace generally. Front st, between Bmlthfleld aal Wood, Pittsburgh. SJBAIJfe A ANJER, '(SUCCESSORS to L A i Mcßums) DealentnFloor, Grain tod s#, Qnwnglsalon god Forwarding Merchants, - So. 131 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. [Jan. 1, '67:dly] Jal3 I AVID C. HERBST, FLOUR, PRO- 19 PrarUkm and Qammtarfnw Merchant, No. 287 Liberty street, cerniT of Band, Pittsburgh, girts his attca ties to the sate of Floor, Pork, Bacon, laxo, Cheese, Uniter, Grain, Dried Froltx, Beads, '' ■ q*OoaslgnmautstaapactCulyaol idled* an3:ly Alex, fursyth, (successor to Yonyth A Booth) Forwarding and Oommiulon Mer , Beater in Wool, tildes. Floor. Bacoa, Lard and Lard Oil and Prod geo generally, No. 76 yftter sL, PlUslmrgh, Pa. B "RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION ,• Kerehant and Dwder in Groceries and Prodace, 27 strsaCPlUshtirgb, Pa. Bsfscto £. nawiTtct, Pittsburgh* BIOALKT, OOSQBATI A Pittsburgh. AB-OonslgamentsaoUdtedfcnds&tUfiictory returns gnar- Bteed. , delftlydawT EOBERT HUTCHINSON, COMMISSION Merchant, for the sale of Westers Reserve Choose, r, Lard, Bacon, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Salasrates, .. OBa, Floor, Grain, fiwda.Dried Frnit,and Produce generally, Na t Btnilhflold street, between First and Water. ap3 OHARLES B. LEECH, FORWARDING and CbsU&ldoa Merchant. Dealer la Floor, Grain, Be. COO* laid end Butter, and all kinds of Produce, No A Smith ' fleda ktraet, between First and Water. apS TJAGLE GARD- 11l IHKB, Wholesale Dealer la Flour, prarlaioas ami .pSfnfle generally, Kb. d.Sereath street, between Liberty •ad PltUlrOTgh, Pa. . A^-Temsciiah. fflarpttß. TYTILLIAM SIcCLINTOOK, Dealer in Yf Carpet*. No- ITS Market rtrwfc. fr 2 “ < W. D*4b U. fII'CALLUM, IN CARPETS, OIL . CLOTHS, •1 * MAin»aa,*c.Na.g7rtiorth«tree» near Wood. attonuss. S GREET M’KNIGUT, ATTORNEY AT Law. aad Solid Lor of tho Bank of Pittsburgh, No. UO h street. Pittsburgh. TOSBPB 8. * A. P. MORRISON, AT tf. torn*y**tLa». ODc# No. 83 Fourth «t, nmr Wood, flllsborgh, Pa. m J* 4 StJJ ©OOUS, GH. LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fancy • Dry Goods, of the origin*! Bee Uive, No 74 agMJPwt. •Pttubaruhe 101-19 UKPHY & BURCHFIELD, DEALERS In Silka and Ladled Cro« Oooda generally, Cloaks, i and Shawls, lSmbralderioe and Staple Uoods, for oao, AttoansuAlly extensive assortment In til the above departments, just Medved and selling at the loweet f*!S»Hortb,« fc—batineM of Carriage makingin ell its Tarietta. and is alee prepared to execute orders l»r Wagons tJell descriptions, including «H work for Ire* Merchant* "floUddoc*continuance of the patronage so liberally kc atowad upon bin» whfle at the old stand ox •‘Bigelow a Co-, be wouldeasure hie friend* that the same care eud atten tion will b* glvcatoall hia order* at heretofore, coradthaearrteooftho hart workmen,, and baring ample a&artiaestaeiiewVtt'ofor the finishing of floe work. - of heavy work now onhand.»nlt •hie fer bprl'!« see. All work warranted for 12 month*. JKa»pHtUcttUrattaaUoa gfrco to repairs. JalUyJ OaiUk uA Carriage Ptetory. JOHSIOS, BILOT HER 4. CO., Cartier if SdMotU and t AIAEOBENT CITf. tTTODLD EESPECTFBLLY IN- rjrcma, WW. ftya thrir friendly and the public gqo»i£eg§afe. . imHy, tint tbe?: af% mannhcturing Carriage*, Barouche*, Hottawajs, BngglM»SWiib»*nd Chariots,ln all their varh ba^MSTrtttatrietregard to durability • beat ftatern Ehafia Poiee and Wboel stuH they feelcoafl* 4ant that all Who (kvor them with their patronage will be ,1 • aatlcfled on trial of their work. purchasers ar* requested togire them a call before pnr . ooSslyd ■PgAT.WTTT TTAT.T. BEBTATTBANT, ifjxnma porn B7RZXT. /OSBPB PRIOKEB, >bopbietob. A LI, THE. DELICACIES OF ft TU» BEAMS, prepared br tb*"*** perMOad eook»,»wrfw«p*ttk* shortest, do ' nee, firoa ! gXXCPCLOCK A. U. USTIIr-TWKLV* O'CLOCK P. M. lU titld«* toth6 lias, pecalltr to the Sat, West or £o«Sfa, roctind duly by Repress, >nd sewed tip to order.— BtiiONlßtitriDMii the table at WALNUT BALL ell "ihsttbsir eoald dseii*,. - Ok{niohnli Thpotfiir flib,Ouaa end early TsistsTilaota foj? ocllilyd SPEGiax. notice. yinimtlilp Vanderbilt for Europe. fa«iMc*rtirith Oooktil ProrUlpta-'.- ;.T;a LlMlTEDimmber of,3d cksvfgjgfc =“S«B»^Sffla4^2SSlS£ tSTYck.m SATUIIDAV, April 10, ' to Smiliuiiiptoi, tonAoii, --.*** SSMSSfIf" D. TO&BANOK, . * So. 5 Bonitas tf n*n»Egw York, Sundries.— * • lMolb*.«trictljfre«li tabU Butter, ia»4ak&nfrZn* * • 1800 U*. Wo. 1 htmtiAid, • : -s^boabpriwußfUdPeaco®* --1 M ftl jfoonfCbtekan*, r . -ijoctumu, • - W tew fc* Tnriwja. VfedvadttdbraaUbj ■JS. OTABCU AGENOi.—kIAVIiJO BKKN * O tteoistal Irut fcr Pitawirsb, : fflßcnMSlPANT,Carth*«l*erfihsif PKABL «mca,(*WehUw»TT*»t«!ean»liaqßaWr««w/ k «w^n tattUi«*r£*t)»r*t»wpwp*nrf towpptr M*twadutQTWi , pneM< ' - ftiifa lathia a n ctntn lt>Mri>t " nt our preawit rtoca. | H.tKa,wub.b,i w uwtb»d« v? y wiiaapLiMi wmt a shall isvebment. . : . Tnojua- patest hatch machlhe „ !■ a riwnW >t»«p< ami Silk*?. Tho Mathias tolrnbr w. urf '•ill m*. >»• ;lU*af tte.maiiobesanr Ink uott tlmo. When gcod »»» to la t* hat tmlOf It nuirlallr redooei the cc*- M ißiuelcosatjW Weeiilce phrllegoeen offered »> n^eete aedentoprlra. lorp«nfeii«i»,emll*dlKUk,theertreejafcr i»le w~" <‘i ■ enosexa haebacoita 00, . •0 Bo.2»UMrtr>tiMe Commission, Sit. .ilOTaanra.— ioni_mco...... ion mm. JOS. 8. LEECH & CO., So* SU A 94-4Xlt»ertjst M Pittsburgh, I*«. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJT FLOUR AND BACON, Xin Plat* ami Tinr£er*B Stock, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. Jyiiviiy si-kwoct iußOACGß...Bexjuirx r. PCTTiT...w*.n. warncst- BPIUNGER HAREACGH A CO./ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN Wool, Hides, Provisions& Produoe Generally, No. 295 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Jal2 ___ McALFH? & CO., (Ul* of J. 8. Leech, McAlpia ft Co, Pittsburgh.) GENERAL CO3IMISSION AND FORWARDING MKRC: Levee and Wiuhlngtoß Arenne, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TKKHITOKT, Joseph B. Leech A end Pitubnrgh Merchants gener tUf. JjrllnlAwlyT THOMAS A QALLAOHER, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Ah. SO Pint Street, SL Laqia, Mo. um to SISOCB, A Co., | Joxzs A Lacyb. Lotxsn, Srewaa* ft 00, 1 Zoo A Plant. Will purchase to order, Lead, Hemp, Bacon, Grain. Ac. Prompt attentiaagiven to any manner of forwarding. . Jo&lyri* Dxvjsn.trwts d. u. stK>xXTi>s, LEWIS * EDGERTON, (Successors to D. T Morgan A Co-,) Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, 107 Wood street, Plttsbnrgh. rorS Henry s. king, (late of' the firm of King A Moorhead,) Commission Merchant, and Dealer In Pig Metaland Blooms, No. 70 Water street, be low Market. Pittsburgh, Pa- • apM A A. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO BAR • dy, Jones A Co,) Commission and Forwarding Mer chant; Agent of the Madison nnd Indianapolis Railroad, cor ner First and Ferry eta., Pittsburgh, Pa. JaShlyd E" DWARD T. 'MEQRAW, GENERAL Commlaion Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in Mans factored Tobacco, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Snuff, Ac., ftc, No. 241 Liberty street, opposite the bead of Wood, Pitts burgh, Pa. tnhl2:ly T. LITTLE dt CO., TTrnOLESALE GROCERS, YY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, OILS and PRODUCE. No. 113 Second Bt.» Pittsburgh, Pa. 03. Liberal advance* made on conalgntnenlß. tnrlS Bagaley,' cosgrave'a 00., Wholesale Grocers, Noe. 18 and 20 Wt>*l street, Pitta bnrgh. oko.o. aua..... _ .a. a. nxaote. Reis a berger, grocers and Dealers Id Bacon, Lord, Flour, Cheu**. Brooms, At, Sontii-Woet corner Suiitbfleld and ftoooad Streets, Pitts bnrgh. uc-Lljd Alexander" king, wholesale Grocer and Importer of Soda Ash, No. 273 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. I‘a- WM. MITCHELTREE, Jr.,'fc BRO., Wholesale Crod-rs, Rectifying DbtUlers,*&nd Wine and Llqnor Merchants, No. 209 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jo2S jso. b. roxrs— jab. l. cootri. JONES & COOLEY, WHOLELALE GRO CERS and Boat Furnisher*, (Kderi in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 141 Wat. r street, near Chsrry Alley. Pittsburgh, Pa. my2fl 6AM*L p. r , nrthi b. DILWOhTH. SIIRIVER & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE Grocers, No. 130 and 132 Second street, (liotwecn Wood and Smithfield. Pittsburgh. joux ploto sjcaiK. ru>rn~- mtua plots. JOHN FLOYD A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mirc’.muU, No. 173 Wo«-l and 22? Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jclfl Watt"'* wilson, wholesale gro- CERS, Commission Merchants and Dealer* ta Pro duct' and Pittsburgh Manufacture*. No 25$ Liberty slreot, Pittsburgh. Ju2s 15aiah Diatit nicKir ISAIAH DICKEY A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Commission Mercliasts,and Dealers in Pradnco, No. 80 Water *trw-t,aad iVI Front street. Pittsburgh. WM. McCUTCIi EON A CO., WHOLE SALE Grtver*. Produce and CiimmUsion Mercluau, aod Dvsler* iu I'ittebtirgli Maaufm'tnr«l Articles, No. 210 Liberty *tn-et, ovrarr ‘a» t °' [^ 1 BixtUng for office or bar© #TOT Wtadow Shades, and everything couusct . cborcbe*/KSmacntof’llouse Furnishing, edwith in prices after tho Spring Asw© to nurchasers to make thsir Trade opens, and at our p«»nt very selections now from oor large Dines jpcLrNTOCK low Prices. W : n. kiddle, ft* gy rifth streab 30 hbdi. N.O. Sugar, 7. - . 30 bbla. Golden Byrap MolMses , . - 1000 kegs Nalls. a«rted lUO*, 15 bbU-RoU Bolter, 2000 Prime Codfish, 900 bushels Bye, 100 boats Window Glass, SO coils Manilla Rope, ' 60 balesNavvOakum, 60 doK Eloe Washdraards, 100 do. Patent Buckets, 8» do. Cora Brooms, la*tffl*«4fors*leky (k2i) VAST * WILMS. , RLPBRENCESi Grams. DtESinans. PITTSBURGH, “WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1858. JHanufartums, WELLS. RIDDLE * CO., 80 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., HAHTJTACTEEXiA cr TirillPS, TIIONGS AND SWITCHES. YY Orders solicited from the trade, and promptly ship* P*d as par tnstrnetlons. Txxuu—C months, or i pt-r cant, dlscwuci t: cuh. _sa2silydAwfl ■ •JOS. F. UAMILTOS fc CO., ENGINEERS Ac MACHINISTS, Comer Fintand Liberty Stt., Pittiburgk, Pa. C UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, for Grirt r atid Bow Mills, Breweries, PrinUug BsLtbUsbmena, Maunnctories, Ail. mado to order. Th-y il*o rontinna the manufactureofthelr Celol>r»»«d MAOIUSISTB' TOOLS, Surb as Turning Lathes, Iron Plcners, lbiringiunl Drilling Machines, Ac. AUr». Wroncht Iron Shafting, with Pullevs, Hangers. Ac. s«Sa;lydaly> ' ' |*r HENRY GERWIG, 3To. 459, comer Penn and Walnut Slretle, Manufacturer of Pittsburgh HEMP AND MANILLA BED CORDS, HEMP ROPE, from In. to V/i inch. Halter Rope. Broom Twine. Sellring Twine, Wool Twine, Flax and Cotton Reino Twine, Sash Cord, Torrr-d and Packing Yarn. t®»A.TuU supply of the abort* constantly on hand and for salu at market mtea. }a27Jtnd F. J. BC3HA—. BUSHA & QTXTBNOORF. HAivcrAcnjuu or S'T BJ A BOILERS AND ALL KINDS OF SHEET lEOW WOHE. Penn Street,-near Water, Attsburgh, Penna. ftD.Allordera promptly attendedlo. ft24:3md A. . LYONS (Successor to A. Lyoni A Oo.) LOOKING GLASS A PICTURE FRAMES. AS I) DEAERIt IN Varikty goods, tec.. ■ So. 138 Wood St,, Pittsburgh, Pa. fe3:dtf MORRIS 6c COLTART, sols luscrxorcuaa o? HUGHE'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORGE AYD TRIP HAMMERS. HAMMERS of tho following nze, Ac., made to urder No. 1, Lilt 7 Id. full blow, 3005 lbs. Price $ 350. “ 2, ** 9 “ *• “ 5C98 - “ 450. “ 3, “12 *• « - 11099“ “ GOO. “4, “la “ “ - 23083 “ •* 900. « 5, -20“ •• “ 41150“ “ 1500. “ d, “24 “ “ •• Cl2Ol “ 2CUO. Orders solicited. For particulars addma MORRIS k COLTAUT, ja2l:vo at No. 2 Fourth street, near LaU arty. [op2s] mrlKlyd ' JOHN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer of bootsi^ and SHOES of Wall Paper Werehoaie, WALTER P. MARSHALL & CO., Im port on and Dealers, 87 Wood street, between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, where may be found an extensive assortment of every description of Paper Hangings, for Par lors, Halls, Dining Rooms sud Chamtwra. Also, Window Shades, in great variety at lowest prices to country dealers, selfl WALTER V. MARSHALL * CO. b. tDKCxneo.v w. Biveasa. EEDMUNDSON & CO., Nos. 9G and 98 • Third street, near Wood, Manufacturers and Dealers In WALL PAPER, OURTALN GOODS. ORNAMENTS, FRINGES, TASSELS AND CORDS, COMPORTS, BEDS, PATENT SPIRAL SPRING MATTRESSES, Ac, Would eolidt the attention of purchasers to their large and varied stock. ap29:flmd JSErBERT, Practical Updolsterer, • Ho. 100 Third Slrret, Pittsburghf Mannmctursr and dealer Id CURTAINS, CORNICE, BANDS. SHADES and BLINDS, MATTRABSES, COMFORTS, CUSHIONS, Ac. Particular attention paid to Steamboat work. Carpets fitted and laid to order. mrl9-.lyd JFutmtutt. joint s. Totnw—.tbos. b. votraa raacn l. tous« T. D. YOUNG A. CO., uiumcnuu or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. FACTORY—AWeraJ £l. bettoee n IFylw and Benna. Aeena« Warehouse—Nos. 18 & 40 Smithdeld SL, STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—W« are constantly manufacturing STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE and CHAIRS, and invite the attention of those Interested in furnishing boats. •*3o:< the best Commercial iftuipaper in tie W'jt TZBMSi DAILY—SU Dollars pur annum, payable in adrauce, or L2U cents per week, payable to the Carriers. WESK LY—Two Dollar* per annum, payable to advance. Clubs are furbished oh~tne following term*: Ftht eopfee one „.lj 00 Zto u “ “ - -Jo CO twenty “ “ “ ——2 O And one to the person getting up the elnb free. M^ Advance payments are strictly required, and no pe per will b« eent after the time It up to which it was paid. Bates of Advertising* 1 Sqosre of 10 Unei, 1 time —... 60 i “ “ “ a u ™ ™ i oo 1 “ “ - 1 week... 1 T& l ** - “ 3 * ——s a oo 1 “ “ « S “ 4 00 1 “ “ n 1 month —& 00 1 “ “ “ 2 “ . 7 00 l - “ “ 8 “ 9 00 l “ - - 4 “ —JO 00 I “ “ “ 6 “ . ~—l2 00 1 “ “ “ 12 “ . ...30 00 Yearly advertisers are entitled to one square, ebang ableat pleasure, per annum— with Cuts treble nrico. A oo Letter from Sew Orleans, CorrfgpOQ-loucu of tbo Pittsburgh Gazette. New Orleans morale—Sunday desecration and amusemenU- Character of tome amusements, etc. Dear Gazette ; The peculiar customs of ths South, especially ( fu New Oilcans, attract the notice of strangers, everywhere they may go. L is easy to perceive that there is a strange mixture of French and Yankee Ingenuity in many things. New Orleans is a bad school to learn good morals. We ofton think of the remark of the old Dotohman to his son, while traveling where the Warm Springs in Virginia are located, who, on stopping (before they were used as a place of resort) to. give water to his horses, it was hot water, and exclaimed, “Drive on, Han*; hell is not three miles off.*’ So of this place; Its affinities with that place of all others to be shunned, is pretty olose. We don’t Wonder the placo is scourged by “Yellow Jack,” as it is a kind of modern Sodom. The fact is, that the Scml-Infidel-Frcnch Catholic element isso strong ly infused into the community, in imitation of Parisian life, that it is no wonder the morals of the place are so detestable. The American, or most moral portion of the residents, have ac complished a great deal— all that has been done. But the city has been so long under French and Spanish inQucnce, that moral reform will be slow. There is some hope of the young Creole populatiou coming up, though the old folks lire to such an old age in the French partof the city, that the only fear is they will torrupUthe young store. There is only one thing, which we tell somo of the good and virtuous citizens here, that will over prevent the entire destruction of this wicked oily, before the world is finally destroyed—that is the presence of a few devoted, God-fearing persons, ns you will remember lived in Sodom aod Gomorrah just before the destrnclion of those pheea. We hope you editors read the Bible—well, presuming you do, you will remem ber.ibat if there hod been ten righteous persons, it is written, the fate of thoso two iU-fsted cities would iu all probability have been different, tieriously, we believe that the presence of de votedly religioas people hero, is a check on the wickedness of the place, and it is hoped that ere long remo eye-sores to the religious residents, as well ns strangers, will be removed. Such a large majority of the community Is bent ou pleasure that they are apt to make Sunday the lime of giving Lee reign to the promptings of terribly depraved natures. It seems to us that this holy day is the day selected, or rather night, (it is sail—wc have no experience) to hear the best performances in the theatres and other places of amassment. And, in passing, we re gret to say that, so much is the very atmosphere tainted with the love of pleasure, that even many of the virtuous and professedly religious of the citizens are somewhat lax in their principles, and do not rebuke the spirit of tho Sabbatb breaking part of the community. The character ol many of the amusements are somewhat different Xrcm .thasefc*itneiacd in truly American cities and towns. Besides the pleasure loving spirit of the French and Spanish portion of the city, there is a large class dr wild, rccklcs9 fellows, connected with business in terests in ono way and another, blacklegs in battalions, and crowds of young men, who arc led by the nose into forbidden pL-arure by thesr persons, who, if living in any community like Pittsburgh, would be intimidated. But as they arc here where there are no law nor preponJera ting religious influence, they go iaio the full rounds of dissipation. The grog Bhops of this city turn out more candidates for the terrible abyss of ibe botiomlcss pit, than perhaps any community in the world. The greatest compet itor in this trade, we believe, is San Francisco, California. And yet with all this, take away the abominations aod the unheallbfalnesa of some seasons, and it is one of the most highly favored countries in the world, for ~ climate, fruits, dowers and other products of the soil. Let us enumerato some things quite common on Sunday: Quito a large number of business places are open for the transaction of business for selling goods, and office duties; steamboats unloading, drays hauling; theatres hare the most attractive pieces performed; markets are more plentifully supplied with provisions, and, strange to say, that os the Catholic Cathedral is quite convenient to the largo French market, many of those who go there stop at that place and mumble over a few printed prayers, or count their string of beads, and are, oocording to their theory, absolved. Sunday night is the best night for a grand fancy masked ball. Sunday used to be frequently the most popular occasion for Soldiers' and Firemans’ parading, but we have seen none such this wtntor, though frequently at former visits. Political and business meet ings are less common than formerly. But one of tho worst kinds of desecration is the prno tice of boree racing on the Metaire Course, bull fighting and cock fighting. We have beard of no ball-goring this season; bat tbe last lime we were here, two years ago, the French and Span ish were frequently gratified with that kind of Sunday amusement. Baloon ascensions have been very common this season from the French district. Wo stop the catalogue, not because the list is exhausted. Notwithstanding to much vice and immorality prevailed, and so many spend the sacred day in such a riotous manner, yet, we are happy to record, that very many do not en gage in these things, but on tbe Sabbath aro found worshipping the true and living God. In tbe second manimpality or Amoric&n portion-of the city, the Sabbath is observed pretty well. Tho friends of the Sabbath are hopeful that the time will come when tho day will be more reli giously observed. Will. JVrt c Orltant, March 22,1858. “I do not care whether yon call it slavery or sorvitnde; the man mho ha* menial office* to perform i* the Slave or the servant, I eare not whether he it white or black. Servitude or slavery grows out of the organio straoture of man."—[Speeoh in tho Senate of Johnson, of Tennessee. The Nashville Patriot quotes this, and says: The idea that all men who perform menial ser vices are Blares, is abhorrent. It is worse a gross libel npon hundreds and thousands of in dnstrious, hard working men in all sections of tho country—in the South as well as in the North in Tennessee as well as in Ohio. Mr. Johnson has worked his way up gradually from What lie afreets now to consider a servile condi tion in others, to an eminent position, by pon dering lo tho passions and prejudices of tbe class whom be denominates, “slaves.” By the votes of these “slaves” he has been placed in high office, and it ill becomes him now to Btig mnliie them. Tbe day laborer on the farm though he may own no land, though he may not be able even to rent, and is compelled to perform menial labor for pay, Is not the slave of his em ployer, or any one else. He is the peer, if he be honest and virtuous, of any man in tho State— aye, of the proudest aristocrat that sneers at his title to manhood—or of Andrew Johnson, the Philosopher and Senator! So also are those bum . ble men and women who fill other positions in which menial services are performed. They have neither wealth, nor any great degree of power, but they have control over their own ac tions, have the same rights, and are os essen tially free, as is the Senator who disgraces Eis robes hy making such ungenerous flings at them or who debases bis ioteilect to the serfdom and slavery of party, Elevation beyond his deserts bos been unfortunato for Andy. If this is the way he Is to attempt to make character in the sSenate, he will cover his best friends with shamo §ind humiliation. _ Tns Irish Ikjuqratios.— An Irish paper— the Belfast “Banner”—states that emigration In tho present year willbemuchlessthonin pre vious years, in conseqaence of the” American distress. In slk months, it says more persons re turned from America to Belfast than emigrated from that port daring tbe whole of 1867. At present there are but two vessels ready to sail with passengers for New York and Qnebeo, While formerly more than twenty lefUhere with •migrants daring th* nine season. Testing Seed Cons.—There Is so much dam aged Corn year, much care will be requisite in selecting such as is suitable for seed. I have seen in your paper and elsewhere, several modes suggested for testing its germinating qualities, but they are inefficient, impracticable, orattended with too much trouble to bo generally useful. The following mode will be found simple, practical, and certain, abd"can be.&ppliedtoany extent desired. Pat the shelled'corn in a ves sel or vessels of such dimensions as ore required for ibo quantity to be tested. Pour water over it of about the temperature of milk from the cow, until it Is fully covered, adding to the water, from time to time, if the absorption and swelling of the corn should raise it above the surface. Set it ia a moderately worm place and let U remain twenty-four hours. Then pour the water off, cover the corn with some thick, cloth which must be kept wet, and let it stand in a mass, still in a warm place, until it sprouts.— This will lake place in from thirty-six to forty eight hoars, usually, if tho corn is good. I prepare all my corn for planting in this manner, though 1 know the seed to be good. I plant sometimes with the sprout half an inch long. The result is that it brings the plant forward a week or more earlier than planting dry. This advantage in the fall is sometimes very impor tant. The damaged corn from my field last year did not exceed five per cent.— Cin. Gaz. The speech of Senator Wade, In tho Senate, the other day, on tho Kansas question, has ex cited the ire of the fire epters to an unusual de gree. The Washington corespondent of the Richmond South says: Mn. Samner was chastised for milder insults than thoso conveyed in the remarks of the Sen ator from Ohio; cventhat big sneak, Wilson, had scarcely dared to risk his hide by such bold language; and your correspondent could not help heartily wishing, os be witnessed the old Ohio Freesoilerspoating, and prancing through his speech, for the punishment of bis body by the lash. James Challen Sc Bona' Publications. WM. S. RENTOUL.No. 20 St. Clair at., Pittsburgh, has been appointed GENERAL TltAI-K AGENT for Pittsburgh, Allegheny and surrounding dnrtrict, of the valuable and elegant Now Publications of the uljot. publishers: and will supply the Trado ami community wit), three at the publishers' rates. ■ Hje following are already published: The splendid new work, TOE CITY OF TUB GREAT RING; or, Jerusalem as it was, os It Is, and os it is to bo, I y Dr. J.T. Barclay, Missionary to Jerusalem, with a Steel Portrait of the Author by Aartalu, and upward of seventy engravings, executed in the finest etyle of art, from Photo* graphs and original designs, illustrating the various phases of the city—Ancient, Medlreval, Modem and Millennial,— also Restoration of the Temple and City as Invested by Titus; NoticesoPits Jowish, Christian and ITeathen Antiqui ties; Ita Present Political and Moral condition; Future pm*, pects, 4c-, Ac. Price, cloth, $3,50; balfcnlC mo rocco, full gilt, $5,00; taper Turkey or antique,s6, oo. By mail, poet paid, at the oatne price. New Juvenile Library for the Sabbath School and Fam ily. Titles of Serins No. 1: Bong Without Words, i The Egyptian, Look Up, or Girls and Flow-! ’ Qarnorcd Thoughts, Wings and Stingo, Tho Young Cottager, Isabel, or lodocnce, Pot op la neat boxes f^,6o. TfIBOAVBOF MACHPELAfJ AND OTIIBH POEMS. By James Cballca. Cloth, $1,00; cloth, fall gilt, 12,6 Mo rocco, fall gilt, $2,00. MAP OF JKKUBALKU AND ITS E.WIRONB. Dy Dr J. T. Barclaj A Bona. ApproTed u the moat aecurat>* Map vxtant, by maoy dietiognlihod travelers and writer* on the Holy (Sty. InralTiabto to Sabhatb School* and studcnt/i ti>« Bible. PLalu 60 cents; colored 75 cents; book form $1; munntf(J and varnished $1.75. OIUNDFIELD’S PATRIARCHAL CUAIN OP TIIB BIBLE. Printed in four lich color*. Price 75 cents; mount od and ranilsbed (2. CARPENTRY MADE EASY. By ffm. K. Bell. Tbs work cootains about Forty Plates, beside* numerous Dia gram*. Price $3 per single copy, postpaid. 49*Any Of the aboro works will be sent l»y mall. jvwt paid, ou tbs raci-ipt of lb« retail price. Q3_A liberal discount to Ministers. p A P E It HANGINGS Onr Stuck ol SPRING WALL P/VPEK la dov cjtn fur laipectioa *dJ The titcat itjlfci of t'-ißum, hail, nisivo room, rncßcn CEIL f.V U PAVERS Matty 'iittrely ueir tleaigoa for Fire Window Shari.-*, Testers, Me. E. KDML'NIIaJ.\ A O' rarlSMlf Light Cream Ale. THE subscribers respectfully announce to thrir rust;>m«r* ami ih" pnMk that uaiuf r» the . oneeot Harley end Hope. and in »nlt the ttrnr*, th- r **,• i braving alight and deiicLoa davun-d CICKA.iI A Lt. whi.-h they are at $1 per barret, and KEGS OF fUN 0A L > LONS each, to arenmißodata priratn famtlaa. The? bare i alao X ALE at f*V XX at (7, and luperior ILEX NET at £3 p> r bid, and amaller ciuke id proportion. Aleo excellent PORTER AND RROWN PTot'T / ~ "*yOrder aetit to tb»ir fireaery In PITT STREEf, will receive prompt attention. i“ mrlOimnchr OEO. W SMITH 4CO ' No. W and i*i Third *'.n; A 'RARE CHANCE'FOR A PHYSICIAN to obtain a (pud country location A* lam desirous ui r"iiM>*les to the city, l will tell uir ;ioperty, Minote*. ■bunt the centre of Aiooo towushif. !‘i mile* (ruin Pitts burgh and .1 mile* from Hay'* Station on the P.. Ft. W. k C K.IL Price,|l2lX> isrms sost; for farther particular* cn., .ii, ■■■'. br George MrCV-ofc, Fifth street, Puteburch, o> the • ithivnher, on the premises. tnrif nil JOHN T. PETERS. M D FKJjINCH’S MO'ricL,' Corner f / FranJr/ort Sirrrt and City Hall S/uan, oppoeu’t Oit City HtiU, Nrto JVrA: City. THIS HOTEL is conducted on tho Ecroi’e w I’l-kN Of Lotwwj Rousls, and tn. l *!* u thoy ma» be or deie.l, ill the •parlon* Refectory. There is a B*rb«r J a Shop, villi Baths in r.mnevtiou there with. This popular hotul la in the immediate Tieiincy of mercantile bueineti, ami the principal placet of and offers oeory Imlnnement to tboac who consult conven ieoca sod economy. Those xoiDE to California or Europe will be furnished with all the Information they tnaj desire, and also be protected from imposition in the purchase <•> passage tickets. R. FRENCH, I’topri. tor. N. U. —Beware of Runners who say we are fall, a» menj ere interested in taylng so. mrl I:9tmi Allegheny Coal Depot, Corner Anderson St. and Railroad. CANNEL AND BITUMINOUS COALS, delivered in rittiburgn or Allegheny. •CD-OrJere dropped in the 1», 0, Pittsburgh, tt,« Order Box.corner Fourth and Wood *ts_or left at the Office, Alle gheny, promptly attended to feUyd mrs W. A. McCLURG. JOHN THOMPSON Ac CO„ House painters, glaziers and GRADERS, 13» THIRD STREET. Sign Painting executed with neatness and dlepatch. Mixed Palntt, Oil, Turpentine, t smith, Japan and English Patent Drier*, VtUe Montaigne Zinc, a eery superior article Philadelphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hind and for sale \\ e are prepared to Grind Color* for Pointi-rs, Dru[i P -t«tf ->r others at the shortest nc>Lir«, os we have a mill which grinds by steam. Pointers will sare money by getting their colors ground witq os. tori idly Richardson’s lrisL Ltnens, Damasks, Ac. THE public will please benr in mind that tbeOKNOINE GOODd are alwayserxled with tho full ■iguatare of the firm, rir: RICHARDSON, SONS k OWDEN. J. BULLOCREA J. B. LOCKE, AgmU, 3fi Church st., near Barclay sL. New York. New BocbeUe or L HAVING mad'earraj KNOX for a ropply ol i berry, 20,000 rtrong thrifty Pla toe price*: 1000 plants 4125 00 1 25 plant*. 600 “ 65 00 12 •• *JW “ 35 00 6 “ . 100 •• Ift CO | 3 “ 103 60 “ 800 | 1 “ 60 Order* addressed to Re*. J. HNOX, or the enbecribor, ac companied with the caib nr a suitable reference where tl.e partltw are not known, will be flllod in the order in which they an received. Plant* oftho NEWMAN'S TIIORNLESS BLACEREIIRY, will be farniahed at the same price*. JAMES WARDROP, No- *7 Filth itrret, Pittsbtirsh, Pa. iawton Blackberry, mgements with Rev. JJ Plants of this valuable Dla'k: lanU are oßerod at the follow] mrl&dtwtfT Removal—Bcerhave'a Holland Bitters. WE have removed the manufactory of IUERHA VCS HOLLAND BITTERS to No. Wood itmt, below 6«ooq<1. MCidtwtfT BENJAMIN PACK, A CO. Glycerine* camphor soap—lgro. this superior article Just rac'd and &»r »ale by mrlt B. L. FAHNESTOCK a 00. BAZIN’S PERFUMERY—A complete ..a •ortnunt of I’oruadr*, Toilet Extract*, Perfume Satrh els, etc., Just rec’d and for sale by mrlT B. L. FAHNESTOCK k CO. ROSIN —75 bbls.just rec’d and for sale by mrlT B. L. PAIINESTOCK k 00. Artist materials of &u dosci iption 3, to bo bad wholesale or retail by nif!7 B. L. FAHNESTOCK k CO. STRANGE’S Superior Pencil Sharpener, for sale by W. 8. ILAVEN, PrlO Corner Market and Second street. TURPENTINE —25 bbls. receiving by MACKEOWN k FLNLEY, nirlfi No. 167 Liberty street. OAfJ HU'DS. PRIME N. 0. SUGAR for &*J\J galcep Uniling. (mrlT) JAfl. GARDINER. CEMENT —100 bbls. Hydraulic in store and for sale by mrlu ’ J B CANFIELD. STARCH —100 bis. Pearl, 30 bbls. do, just rec’d and for sale by J B CANFIELD. HOLLOWAY'S WORM CONFECTION— -6 gross on hand and for nle by mrl7 B. L- FAHNESTOCK ACO. BBLS. PJUME n. o. molasses; » UV/ arriving and for tale by JAS. QARDINKK. NEW CARPETS.—The public is invited to call and ses the new Carpets now receiving at the Market street Carpet Store, at lower price* than they' l '™ ever been offered in Plttaburgb, tV. McCLINTOCtt. BLACK. LEAD—SOOO Ib». on hand and for ul, I, mtlT B. L rAIISESTOCK l CO. HAY— 3 tons of baled Hay arriving and fur b , snnivEH a dilwoktii, j 3 130 and m Second st. LINSEED 01L.—24 bbb. for Bale by „ rlB HENRY V. COLLINS. P OTATOES.—50 bushels Neahannocka for sale by («rl8) HENRY M. COLLINS. ATESHANNOCK POTATOES—2S Backs 1> last rac'd aod for eale by HENRY ILOOLLINS. COFFEE —150 bags prime Rio Coffeo just rac’d and for sale by R. ROBISON A CO. TEAS— 150 half chests Y. H. Imperial and Black TeMjait rec'd udfjr nle by v mi» B. ROBISON ft 00 . VOLUME LXXI— -NUMBER ISS. dFcc ixtnu FOR RENT—A three story Dwelling SB lions© oa Fifth street, (No. 100,) containing IIX£L room*, beside wash hoesa, Ac., with fine brick stable and carriage bcuso attached. This heir** fa supplied with noi and raid water, bath, gas, Ar-, and being in a central kwa* tlon Is admirably adapted to the wants of a prctcsrional man, and will be rented for a term of years to a good ten* anL For farther particulars enquire of mr!2 ALEXANDER KINO. FOR RENT.—The Dwelling House No. 151 Third street, near Smitbfield. newly papered and painted throughout, gas, largo yard, Ac. Possession olately. Alto—Tho Dwelling part of Na 112 Fourth street, near Cherry Alley; fix rooms, good cellar and yard. Rent $l5O per annum. Also—The two Office Rooms, 2d story, front of No- 142 Fourth street, now occupied by J. S lull, Esq. Rent $lOO. Vacant lots in the Ninth Ward fur tale orltaae, near the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Enruire of TDOS. WOoliS, 100 Fourth street, fa2o-dtf Or— K. P. DARLINGTON. 37 Wood street. FOR RENT— Two desirable Houses on sth st., being the one I occupy at present, and the new Rouse next dour. Possession given on the Ist April, 1853. Fur rent, Ac, apply to ALEXANDER KING, 273 Liberty street. ALSO —A comfortable three story Dwelling UooM on Penn street, near Wajoe. Posoaalon can be bad forthwith. For terms, Ac., apply to ALEXANDER RING. ALSO—A two stiiry Brick Dwelling House on Esplanade street, Allegheny City. Immediate pottos*tun given. ALEXANDER KfNO. ALSO—A Framo Dwelling In the rear of tbc above house, oa June* street, Allegheny City. Kent low to a good ten ant j»9 ALEXANDER KING. TO LET—A well finished two story Ej| Brick Dwelling, containing six rooms, No. 49jQA Franklin street. Enquire of SPRINGER HARBAVGH * CO* fe2o No. 295 Liberty street. FOR RENT—The large Warehouse ?|*9 now occupied by W. Q. Smith i Co., No*. 151 Jb& First and Second streets. Enquire of PARK, IicCURDT A CO, Ja24:dtf Nos. H 9 First aod 120 Second its. TO LET.—A two story Brick Dwelling PjSF Uonee, N& 176 Wylie street, at present occupiraJQgL by onr Richard Floyd, well finished and in good orderTand has all the modern conveniences: water, gaa, also stable and carriage house. Apply to JalS JOHN FLOYD A 00. Foundry for' rent.—Tho Pno»K Foctoet, Penn street, Pittsburgh, formerly occupied by Freeman A Miller, now by Hall k Epeer, is for rent. For terms enquire nf ALEX, MILLER, Eaq n or of M, CN PERWOOD, at the Bank of Pittsburgh, Jsl4:dtf FOR RENT.—A comfortablo two story Brick Dwelling, with Barn and about six acres of ex cellent land, and near East Liberty. Possession may be had Immediately on application to ALEXANDER KING; 2TC liberty treet. TO LET.—A 3 story Dwelling House, on Penn street, between Hand aod Wayne streets. Bent moderate to a good tenant, and possession gives at once. For terms apply to ALEXANDER KINO, de'J Z 73 Liberty street. TO LET.—The Hall formerly occnpied by the Bo ns of Temperance, on the corner of Wood and CUrdstreets. Enquireof JOHN M’UILL A SON, mr&tf No. 257 Liberty street Dwelling for rent.—a desi-RH rable two story Brick Uouee on Cosgreassdeet, containing 6 rooms, s good yard and newly painto^ana WATT A WILSON, No. 26S Liberty street. papered, apply to ,-fFor Salt. To Capitaliits or Hlanafacton. THE undersigned to move west, off*r* far sale, (or exchange fur Western property,) the best Farm In Armstrong county, within Svo minutes walk of the Kittanning Bridge, and delightfully (Hooted on tho river bank, opposite la view of the Alle gheny Talley Railroad Depot, containing about One Una drelAcres, r.xty of which contain* eight fo<-t ol good Bitum* enou*Cc*ol, wltli bank open, and delivering coal dally in Kittanning at five cents per bashel; and 33 acre* of superior river bottom that never overflows; about 60 acres under fenco and in the highest slate of cultivation, having receiv ed over 1000 load* of manure from the town, to which a team caa make efght trip* a day. There Is a large Loc House 3U by 40 feet, and a Frame Barn 40 by GO fe>‘L with r.wn crib and wogen eht-d* attached; l.'iO young Apple and 100 Peach Trees growing; a well of water at die house and a number of spnugt of water that at small expense could be convoyed t•> tbs bouse. This progwrtj .|*.3ni'l J. p. Farm tor sale, THE ANDERSON FARM, 2J miles pg above the Dvp-ot, at New Brighton, Beaver Co-,,fc3i Pa 0 on Block Uouee Ron, containing 10 s acres of excefTout laud, every acre of which Is tlDaMe. and W of which is un der cultivation. There are 13 acres <>f good liiabt-r, 50acres 10 gr-v*»n J pasture, and an abundant ~f coal. There Is an oi graiied fruit tre-i. In aim..*! every field there is a spring <>f .never-btiUng water. The improvtuuentM cunsut ot a new frame Dwelling, at tached toa tn-alhr-r U*ordod leg, a«tua!l tinaiit house and a large fnuno If'irn, f<» hy 2G fret. This choice fWnn iv .ii a high »tnte of cultivation, fences gornl, abd in s relat'd,lo ueigbborhoo>L roavrnleut to vhur. hr*, ochoota. >\.r term*, enquire at 7111.“ OPFICK, ur of J. ANDERSON, New Itriehton. Pa. Ohio Land for Bale. TU E subscriber offers for sale section ten, t.rwnsbip IX range 10. stark cr.onty, Ohin, commonly know;) as N<-tiot\‘* containing s : t* acres. It is •ttna'uil three Olllt* writ of Masaiiloa. oa tilt Bute Ko*d leading to Woueler. aixl within ol«;ut two miles of the Pitts burgh, Ft- Wayne and Chiorgo Railroad. T ha«ooth, east aud uorth-re.«( ijnarter* are partly cleared and Improved— tho reDialn-ler i* covered with su)>crior timber—and the whole is well u atere«l by sprinn and ruouiug streams.— Tui* section is cuusidi-red the Ur- nt body of land in the county. It uillN- *jld undivided or iu quarters to suit purchasers. T<* thoso who desire to turret tn real estate a better opportunity is rarely offered. J. B. SWEITZBR, No. HU 4th street. l*ttt»burgh. uCff&diWtfT Pot Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale, ut agfft bargain, that large doulde Bru k, situated £l~l. at Swisaral* Station. nu the Pennsylvania Railroad. It 1* iK-arly tint, contain* «ixt**ri rooms >-xclr.*ive of cellars, and t* adapted for two families. but with vrry little expense could be turned into a single house. From to 6 iirres o: grtuud will be aold with It. On this there are young frntt trees of every variety now bearing. The property would be *i>ld very low for school purposes, for which it i« well adapted. The I'vation is admirably suited for a Semi nary or Academy, which is much needed and desired la the neighborhood. Fur further Information, apply to tho undersigned, cn tho premises. mr!2:d2w« JAMES BI\JS3HKLM. Valaablo City Property for Sale. THAT very desirable lot ou "Witter Street and Redoubt Alley, next to John Irwin & Sons, being IAJ f«et on Water and Front streets, and ltM deep along the Alley. It wilt be sold together or la lots ot 20 or 21 feet each. For terns, (which will bo made easy a* to payment.) np ply to JOSEPH S. LEECH & CO., mrl:dtf Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. FOR SALE—J Trading Boat. SO by 16 feet, 3 ply roof. C loug Coal Boat Cables, For aalo low for cash or approved notes. Enquire of GEORGE W. DIUM, at W. M'Cllntock'i Carpet Store, nrMiiul No. 112 Market street FOR SALE—A Drug Store situated in one of the beet locutions In the city of Pittsburgh, for either a jobbing, retailor prescription business. Inducetncntsaro iffmod t.> purchaser* containing advantages ot rare rence. Fur information Inquire of JOHN HAFT, Jr, at Nu. \M W.iod Street, corner ■.! Wood nnd Sixth, Pitts burgh, Pa. fed Cemetery .Marble Works, No. 333 Liberty Street, below Wayne, PITTSBURGH. PA. MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTICAL MARBLE MASON, WISHES RESPECTFULLY TO IN form bis friends and tho public generally, that is has leost-d the above premises, for the monulacluru and saJe of every Taricty of Marble Work, such as Monuments, Tombs Tablets and Gravestones, of every variety and form; Also, Mantle Pieces, Centro Table*, Pier, Bureau and Wash Stand Top*, Which be Is offering as low as any other establishment West of the mountains, ills stock is antirely new, and has been selected by himself, expressly for this market. He Is also prepared to build Burial Vaults, endosa Bar Lots with Mar nlo or Stone, and to execute any other work in his Hue, s any of theOometcrira adjoining Pittsburgh. tDIU BT PtXifTSHON TO Rev. T. B. Lyman, Robert Galway, Esq., Hun. Wm. Wilkins, John Clilslett, Esq, Jno. H. Bhoenberccr, Esq, W. L. Rlngwolt, Kaq, Charles Brewer. Esq, J. !L Hill, Esq, Thomas Scott, Eaq, A. B. Curling, Esq, W. P. Baum, Esq, G. R. White, Esq. The Trade furnished with all kinds of Foreign and Domes tic Marble, either finished or In the rough, at Wholesale prices. He has also made arrangements with the manufreturen of the best brands lor a constant supply of Hydraulic Ce ment, Waleraud Loalsrille Lime, and Plaster Paris, both for Laod aud Stucco Work, all of which he is prepared to furnish at abort notice. mhlbidly T. W. IiUtItiURST. the stomath. Itdoca not naoaeato by eohUnnons two. a Urge supply of this Tulaatle medicine rac’d thisday by b ,vl * ~ „ JOS. FLEMING, gm* Corner Diamond and Market strwt. GREEN APPLES—I 3 bbla. Green Apples for nl« by ROBERT DALZELL A OO- No. ai marly rtreot BUTTER— 3 bbls. fresh rolijustrooMby BffU " HENRY B. CnT.T.Typ J iHUSItBI. HAWS fffff XT A B AAIN. } A Fino Nunna&nd Clark Piano, six octa? ixL of Breewood case, but n few ywf* in «•> *IW. Seven Ocwio, rosewood case, round ccroerjlSfl t boa Ft* OctaTO»mbcs*ny •"* On* fiix Octavo, mahoganyowe—-— r ~——- •* , Oue Six Octave, small rite Piano— •—•, ® .. Persons desirous to purchaw an instrument, will , find It. itto their iatortat to call at „ , r . rrn i ii. Tri.KnER k BROS. Matte Store, .•» mT% So. 63 Fifth Street. • PIANO AT A BARGAlN.—lifflw An elegant Rosewood, piano, only in nso thro* months, In perfect | f a # .I ■ order in every respect, will be sold at a very groat bar glia. The owner ia now in the West, and wishes to wUet coco M<* for cash. The enbecriber will gnaraotea the Piano tolw par* foct and unblemished. Apply to .. f«2* JOHN H. ItBLLOB. TVTEW ARRIVAL OF MELODEONS—Just ll roalTCd.faUiupplJof PRIXCKi KELODEOSE. ractK Portable style, scroll lege • s4sto 5 76. Piano cased - - - . 100 to 130 Portable etyle, donblo reeds, . Pianocaaa u “ • * 1M Piano ease, with 2 banks of key, donble reeds, 200 The above instruments eembire all the recant ImprOra menu, the Divided Swell. Organ IWodeon, Ac. The Divided Swell can only bo obtained In Melodeon* or Prince’s mannUctnre. CQAHbOIIB BICIIB, . Manufacturers’ Agent. At the old established Piano Depot, 118 Wood street second door above PUtb. nrl7 J. L. Re ad’s, N 0.78 FOURTH-STREET, WE are now prepared to famish the fol lowing Works in a new and magnificent style. Dr. Livingston’s Travels in Africa, U calf—lllustrated, The poets of the 19th Century, fall calf— iUcstrated Barth’s Travels in Africa, 2 this, 8 To, “ Strong* Harmony and Exposition of Gospels, morocco ant. $3,00. Standard English and American Poets 8 to. ant 1 set National Magazine 12 vola. U calf, fine paper. Mathew Henry 1 * Commentary, fait calf. Family Blblee, in Velvet and Gold, $3O, and Morocco $35, Prayer Books, the finest editions at reduced prices. Albums, Morocco and Papier Macbe, binding*. PortfolioadSne lUnstr&todJnrenUa, with colored plates. The latest Miscellaneous Works in plain binding* for cale by 3 L. READ, de24 Foarth Street. STANDARD LITERATURE—The Ancient British Essayist*, Bouton edU;..a, edlled by A. Chal mers, F. 8. A 4 The Modorn British Essayists, S vols; ColerWgo's Miscellaneous Works, 7 rds; Goldsmith's ** « 4 “ Charles Lamb’s “ '* j' * Leigh 'Honl's “ •• 4 M Noctcs Ambrosian*, “ i •• Addison’s Miscellanies •* 6 Dean Swift's “ “ 2 “ Irving's Works, various styles, 13 - Do Life »f Washington, 4 “ Cooper's Works, peoples’ ed, 33 u Do do Putnam’s sol. ed, 12 “ Dickens’ do Blustraleded, 12 “ Do do Library ed. 3 “ Tlcknor A Co’s Household ed Waterly Novels. mriSO KAY A Woodstrwt, BOOKS of a Character, suitable for the limes. Vbe valuable works of Arnold, Baxter, Bitkenteth, Bonur, Boston, Bridges, Brown. Banyan, Nut ler.CecU.Cbaruijck.Chalmcrs, Cueever, D'Auhigne, lick, Duncan, Fox. Pester, Hamilton, Henry, HIU, Dome, Hodge, Jacobus, James, Jay, Kitto, MrCheyne, 3lcCosb. Newton, psylry, Pearson, Pool, phix&er, Ryle, Bto its, Eigoorn-y, Sprsgutv Taylor,Tyng, Touug, Ac. Tba Christian’s Great Interest, Guthrie; Why D-i I LlTe; The Great Question, or Will yna Cons der the Subieet of Personal Religion; Op.-r»- ationa of the IL-ly Spirit; Jay’s Mornfne and Evening Lx erdsee; WcrJs andhiind of Jesm; Faithful Promises and Altar Stone; Tracts and Hood Bills; Fresh supply of Panlm »nd Hymn Books for the various denominations; Family and Pocket Bibles at all prices. E C. COCHRANE, Xa. 0 Federal street, Alleghenv. Stoclc recently replenished In all d— artmenta. Wt2o ORIENTAL AND,WESTERN UDEKIA, BT ATKlNSON.—Oriental and Western Liberia, A Narrative of Bov,n Tears Explorations and Adventure* In Wosteftj LtberU, Mongolia, the Kirphla Steppes, Cblv.rss Tartary and part of Central Aria, by T. W. Atkinson, with 1 map and numerous Ulasttattocs—in cloth and half calf Isaac Taylor’s New Book, The World of Wind. The Laud of Promise, by Bonar. Dr. Sprague 1 * Annals of Distinguished American Clergy n»n,vo)«3 and 4, Presbyterians. Byte’s Spiritual Songs. Footsteps of Et. Paul- Thoughts for the Holy Week, by Mia* Eewelb. King ou the Eldership, Phillips’ DevotloiuU Guides, Alex mdsn' Words to Youug Communicants, Hamilton’s Royal •reacber. Principles of Eloquence, by Abbe Maury. D’lsraeifs Amenities of Literature, etc., etc. JOUN £. PAVTSOK, Just received by tnrU BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, Journals, Cash £ook*,Da; Booka, Invoice iiovts, Check Books, and ait other Blnnk Bocks used In counting bon***, for •■»!« or oi4r to order at abort notice. by ffM. O JOHXSTOX t CO, BJ»nk Boot HacaSicrurers. J 7 Wood street. iHircllancous. tfnifeP IMm! n! 0 SORSIAL. CLASS. The second session of the nor mal CL ASS, at tho IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Cndor the direction of A . B XJ R CD CD i Principal ot the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence On lilonday Evening, February Ist* The Class will meet on MONDAY and THCRSDAT EYL NINOS, and SATURDAY MORNING o{MdAW|i>rPjWi>* tt3,Tenn«, $2,00 An ExcAangeieTcSfS!HS^^ii A i* FAKM in Beaver County SS&'» The farm contains over two hnndrt-d nerve, runs to railroad and Ohio river, and distant from rail toad about oao buodrcd rod*. Tho Improvement* are a rood dwelling boose, barn, and all necessary outbuilding*. *Tbe place abounds with limestone and coal; also springs of pur* water, 1* undor good fence, the land productive and in a Inch ■tata of cultivation- In addition to which there l» wo £d sufficient to pay for half Oio placo. In short, uls not" sur passed by any farm In tho county. A* tho proprietor is not a farmer, la either theory, prac tice or inclination, be proposes this trade for Improved property In either dty. Apply to ffH. A. IRVIN, a. Etation Hotel, Alleghany from Bto 9 o’clock. A. M- or from 4tosP. M. OrStlmood To the Whip Traae. WE WOULD inform our customers west, and others intrrvatod, that v, have purchased the entire stock and good will of tho firm of HAZLETON t MOORE, of York county. In this State, who from this date decline business in our, and have Ictt their notes and accounts agnlost parties West of the Mountains with cb for collection. We will, as soon ns possible, wait upon our ccs ti mers and tboee of tho late firm, tor tho purpose of cultect lt.g the amounts due, and readying tb-Jr oniera fcr fci tber supplies. Oar stock is now Utrp btv.l well assort©*, ecapridnj; every variety of Bugyf *•’*»}», THiffon FFAipt; Jtidwj Sioildiet end LojVmidJ to It w« ink th© Kttcntiou of *00! WELLS, RIDDLE L CO.. No. W Fourth stn-et. Safety and Economy In Light. WHY will you burn Cnmnliene and fluid, when yon can get & cheaper and better light. Pore Koroaone oil, made from thogu of Cancel Coal, pro-luoes tho cheapest, moat hrilllaut. etesdy, pleasant and safe port able light erer offered tothepoblic. and no danger .fax plosion; more brilliant than gas, ana quits u lamps of th« most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. A.* 0. HODKI.NSON, N 0.79 Bmlthfleld stn-et. O' D«ware of a counterfeit already la the market, made from Camphene, with a2l (tie Coal oil to scont it. . fcatdly Sundries-" 7 Libia, prime frrsfi Table Bntter; 8 “ froth Eggs; 75 baa dean Dried Applet, 4 bbls Leaf Lard, 6 caddies fresh Venison; 2 dox Q vails; CO pair Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Ac, dost received ty Express and for aalo at Ko 27 fifth at. U. RIDDLE. HAVEN’S No. 1 Extra Fine Point, No. 2 Flexible Point, Commercial and Albatroa Steel Pans lor tale by \\\ fl. HATTY, fo ~ corner Market end Second sta t^LOUU.— 200 bbls. extra family, 150 do. extra superfine, 800 do. superfine, 125 do. fine. In store and ft'r ml* hr SPIUNOER HARBACOQ A CO., f*23 No 295 Liberty street. OUED'S PATENT SPRING BED—Call at our warehouse and examine this Celebrated Spring Bod, Which we are now manufacturing and.celling at the low pnee ot |5 each. [mrO] T- 11. YOU.SQ ACO ACK.EREL.— 200 bbli Large No. 3 Sleckarel, 100 half do do do 20 bbls $2 Mackerel, 20 half do do, 20 bbls 11 do, 25 half do* IOO baa. kiln dried in store and far sale br mr4 DAVID 0. ngypyp lyrUJ* F£ED—2OOO lba. chopped Feed in JJIa. «tor» tni for «*Io by • DAV D> Q. UERBBT. • IJ YE FLO UK—2O bbls. extra lor JaUTby j'-.y —l'i ’ ~~ - PATH) O.HEREST. USA NU£S.—lO sacks in store aodfor sale ** r . ; : . K STOCHWBOS Cl Uurkst et. J. B-OAKFIELP