PITTSBURGH: SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1858 OFFICIAL PAPER OF TUP. CITT.^% New * of th& City and Neighborhood. A Salve Mas is Teoudle.— Dr. J. P. Wool ley, a professed dealer in a certain all-curing salve, who has been in this city for someday* past, was arrested yesterday and taken before Mayor Wearer onacharge ot inciting to riot. It seems that a large number of the employees of thsP., Ft. W. & C. R. R. vrero gathered near the office on Fifth street, waiting for the pay-- ment of their wages, which had been promised that afternoon\ when Dr. Woolley, to make cap ital for-himself, offered to advocate the claims of the employees with all the beantyof rhetoric and forte of gesticulation, and was proceeding to do so, wbenfofficerHague happened to arrive on the spot, rind fearing that disturbance of some kind woijld result from ■Woolley’s jangle, ho took him inlo custody. After keeping him in the watch-house a few hours, and giving him some sound advice, the Mayor discharged him. A considerable number of the employees were crowding around the aforesaid office during the former part or yesterday Wo heard a great deal of talk atyong many nfen there, who said they had not received any pay for their labor, .some of them, for as long as six months past.— Wo can hardly believedhis statement to bo true, • though' it was repeated again and agafaT IfR u true, then it is a pity, and a corporation like that should erett sacrifice some of its higher offi cers’ salaries, if accessary, and giro the money so saved to the i ten who live by their daily labor. We are, howeve *, going on the hypothesis that theao men havi not been paid for five or six months, which we cannot believe to be true. We j shall endeavor tlo arrive at the facts in the case“! Soieee AT Tnfc HosriTAL.— We had the pleas ure of .being present on Thursday night at a soiree given to the Insane at iho Western Penn sylvania Hospitkl, by a number of ladies and gentlemen of Allegheny. Tho performances were acceptably to those of the audience who were specially invited from the cily, and we have no doubt proved a great pleasure to the unfor tunate inmates !of tho Asylum. The style of music was popular, consisting of pjeasing airs, which were in most instances very well rendered. Dr. Reed, tho superintendent of the Hospital, deems these soirees excellent in their effect upon his patients, and expresses Eis apprecia tion of tho disinterested efforts nf ihn«e ladies and gentlemen who give their time in ceftisi? them up. b Tho insane present, numbering about fifty, behaved with great decorum, and sat from first to last as though they fuily appreciated the en tertainment. We noticed among them Augbin baagh, the unfortunate r-orson whose condition while in thexounly j.ul we refcnxd loin several articles, which our readers may remember. Those who saw him when he was dragged to prison would not recognize him in the improved condition to which kind and judicious treatment has elevated him. He apparently enjoyed tho masio very much. -.These concerts bavo been given from time to time “ u ring the past fall iyid wider,and wc un derstand that in accordance with the wish of Dr. Reed they will be kept up through tho com ing season. Their effect upon the unfortunate insane is excellent. Tjialbero asd Yieuxtemfs.— These eminent artists aro to be in this city on next Thursday evening. .These names stand out among the musical celebrities of tho world, and wherfever they go thpy draw admiring crowds. Those who heard Thalberg when he was here last spring, will recall to mind what a wonderful performance that was of his when all tho great est and most bewitching effects of whole bands of music were poured upon us from the piano which ‘became a tew and wonderful instrument in his hands. In that department there is no doubt Thalberg stands alone. Vleuxtcmps with the violin is worthy of a place beside Thalberg, and that place he now holds. Two magicians are they, charming us with their magical touch, drawing from insen sate wood and brass, souuds that Orpheus con jured with and drpw after him the rocks and trees. But otcq Thalberg and Vieuxtemps are not alone the attractions of the evening, fur combined with them we have M’lle Cairoii, the great soprano; Miss Annie Kemp, the voung and beautiful contralto; Mad. Vieuxtemps, and Mr. Ernst Perring, Abe celebrated English tenor from the Academy of Music, Xew tor\- vbo I was brought over for the production of-Euglish ' opera and oritorios,- With such artist* wc may I indeed look forward to one of the groaiwi musi- j cal festivals of the season. i Tab man named Hugh Richardson, whose leg wa® nearly taken off by an accident last Mon day, an account of which we published yester day morning, lives in the Btb ward, ia this city In our statement, wo said that the injury was inflicted on board the Gen. Laritotr, by a rope '‘rendering 5 ’ aronnd a stanchion, while he was endeavoring to check the course of the coal lug. Such was the case as we learned it from an eye witness. We saw a lelter yesterday, however, from the doctor now attending the suffering man, in which it is stated that Richardson was on the shore when the accident occurred, endea voring to check up the boat by a-sturap. The difference is not material, but we strive always to be scrupulously correct as far as possible In our statements. Wc did not learn what conclu sion the doctor has arrived at ia reference to this man. It seemed probable that the limb would hare to be amputated, bat whether that is the final decision we are unable to say. Tub Gazette. —Our friends will pardon us, we are sure, for an allusion to the appearance ofourpaper. The one thing wc most heartily detest is the* blowing of one’s own trumpet, but truly, fhe excellent paper with which Gen. Markle supplies us from his new mill at West Newton, and the almost new type with which the paper is impressed, should not fail to recom. mend our sheet to all who like clear type and a well arranged and legible journal.* For the many favors we arc daily receiving from our numerous friends we are thankful, and can add there is yet mom. No better medium ol adver tising can offer in this city, as is well known.— Now that spring business is fairly open again, we would remind advertisers of ib'o advantages we offer, and leave the matter for their consid eration. Monet Stolen.— Mr. Jno. Kinsey, of Law reDcevillc, had a pocket-book taken from under hia pillow in his sleeping room at Karo's hotel, on Thursday night. A man named Reuben 11. Birdsell, who slept In the same room, was sus pected, arTested and taken before the Mayor.— The money was found concealed about (he Btairs at Karn’s and returned to Kinsey. There being no evideneo against BinlseU other than what could flow from the above facts, be was dis charged. Tub Streets.— We are rejoiced iu beiug able to state that some 70 or *OO rum were at work on the streets yesterday wc-ming. \Ye really begin to see that there is some one, or eomo per sons, somewhere whose’ business it is to see to these matters. The filth was scraped in long windrows, and the next step and the most to be desired, will bo to have it hauled array. If it should bo left for a single day it will bo dragged and scattered fur and wide again over the very pavements from which it has just been scraped. Election or Directors.— The following named gentlemen were on the loth iost., elected directors and officers of (he Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company, for the ensuing year : Director* —C. 0, Hussey, Thomas M. IJfowe, James M. Cooper and Harvey Childs, of Pitts burgh; J. Wi Clark, Boston; Edward Jennings, Michigan. „ OJJicert— C. 0. Hussey, Prest., Thomas M. Howe, Secretary and Treasurer. Fisc Family Flora.—Wo think there never was any better flour imported into this city than the Tennessee family flour for sale by P. Dickey & Co. It is made from Tennessee white wheat and is really a superior article. The bread made from it is beautifully whito and what housekeepers call “flaky.” Wc have used it frequently, and hare found it uniformly good and reliable. Those wno use it once always want ll again. For sale by I. Dickey k t'o. . Ooa facetiou's friend Hurd of tho Brownsville Clipper, a paper whicb abounds in good things, h&s a been invited to speak in Connecticut during thenext week pn the political questions now ag itating the public mind there. Wo believe he has accepted the invitation and those who rc- Tntmber bis efficiency on the Btump in days got'c by will not wonder that be should be a favoriie. Mr. James A. Mi'Knhjijt bos been appointed to the newly created office in the Auditor’s de partment «f the P., Ft. W. kC. It. R. Tho office comprises among its duties tho examina aodUing of the accounts of the various agents of tho road between Piituburgh and Chi- Th « people of tibaler Ip. * Preisowortliy iuproTemcnt on tteroai beltrccn 8hBrp»l, U rg nnJ .Shnwlown. This enn.ijl, in an neeUcut flagging instead of Sil? .J''" d ' J ” Vl ' ''"* n laiddoHn for n good a "' l fl "' 11,0 rc!t ‘toy are now work macAdumtjirig » thoroughly. •’utnri-ii.—The religious inquiry wh eh u mauifcbtfcfl in this church pr.nMnues to in crcue. Moruing prayer meetings ate well attended, and the evening meetings show a spirit of groat ro • T lT al ‘ .J**\*n"*S a number were received, to whom buO oruiaanca of baptism will bo administered to-mprwToreßiaiiathtehhrch. The Lost Coal Boats. —The Jacob Poe was lying up close in shore at the time of the tornado on Wednesday night. At about 12 o'clock the clerk heard the shouts of men, who bo soon as certained were on board coal boats which were sweeping down past them. They could render no assistance from the I’oe, for the night was intensely wild and dark. On Thursday morn ing early, a roan came on board the Jacdb Poe to obtain whisky or some stimulant for a couple of men whom he had taken out of the river during the night, nearly dead. The Poe gave them all she could find on board which could ! conduce to their comfort. She also sent some [ blankets to wmp them in. This man who came on board the Poe had saved two men in a 9kiff belonging to the boats of Mr. Draro. Captain Stewart assured us yesterday that the report about ajikiff sweeping down under liis boat and sinking there, is not true. Ilia boat was lying in snug under the shore, near Line Island, and everything which came down was borne wide of them, following the swift curreot and rushiDg past them out of the reach of any aid they could afford or damage they might cause. Soi Tn ASit West Pittsui'ekh he hi their borongh elections yesterday. The tickets which we published at the lime of the nomination were generally elected. We were unable to procure the exact result last evening. Reserve Township. —Tho election in this township, yesterday. resulted in the electiou of tho following ticket: For Auditor, Robert Ashworth; School Direc tors, C. L. Goehring, Wm. Baxter; Assessor, •I. C. Lappe; Assistant Assessors, «I. Baxter, A. Mueller; Judge of Elections, C. L. Goehring; Inspectors of ditto, John Fleiner, Philip Gerst; Justice of Reace, Henry Phillips, Adam Weise; Clerk, Richard Denver; Treasurer, Henry Zol ler; Supervisor, John IVickline; Constable, Val entine Stier. There were three tickets in the field, but the Republicans swept tho whole ground. W»: learn that a movement is on foot at Shtvw lown in Whaler township to establish a postoffico there to be called Glenshaw. A post office is needed there. No less than 10G families live where it is proposed to have this office, and their nearest place to obtain their letters and papers is Etna, a distance of some three miles. We hope tho Shawtown people may get their office. Jons Kino, second engineer or the ill-fated Fanny Fern, at the time of her fatal explosion, was on tnal yesterday again, before the proper tribunals in li 3 clty. We could not ascertain last evening what the decision in the case was, or whether any had been arrived at. The maii. train on the Pennsylvania Road did not reaefi here untiltwo o'clock yesterday. The delay was occasioned by a heavy land slide near Altoona. It has since been cleared nway, aud the trains arc now “making time” as usual. There are how eighty-two inmates in the Western Pennsylvania Hospital. The crowded slate of the institution has rendered the putting up of an additional ward necessary, and work men arc now engaged in preparing it for the re ceptions of patieots. Titr. Greenville 7Vm~-iji*-4*ca, clnsicd ami'-r tho iron-rid n-riu ,»t sumption, bare t>—n nuppewc.) incurable, uml th- unhappy jMtji-nt ••Ih.-w-d to dm. "H bout InMlc.il science to ..rt.-r Into » hope ft recovery. Happily tl>.< can no lone-' he the ca»-. A r.-m-dj lias »~en found with h will mre all complaint". <>t vhat.wr rlu-u-actvr. arising f.-< ni d-rangetm nt «t the Ttie Pill* discovered by I»r. Mcljiu-, prepar.-l by Fn-nun,; Bros- Pittsbtirub. I**. act direc-tlv on tb- hirer, .n,.| '•» r*.m*ctmEii*njH.-ntlion and purlin'll it from di-.a-e cut’s otT aud extirpate* tho complain’*; nln jt„ nr . r o t(1 M , the di*«-i*cs of this nrcan. t3«l*nrch-»MT»ihrt*,l(t U-.-.rvfjl t-.a«!< f, r I'll. MI.AN K S CKLtIIEA ftD LIVER PILL*. nuinnfacturi dhr KI-EMIm. i.f Pittsburgh. P,i. T!i- r<- are other I'ill* [.:in*-"T'tic hi la- Liver Pills, nnw |.ef.,<-<» tt-e i.iddir. pr MT.an.*'« nme hirer Pills, *l*o bis o 1.-mai.-J « -rmifugo. rot Tm-w It, Lad at nil reffpectahia dmo-stuma ,Venc gmmnr \cithfui Vir rLffn.>tur, of tm 1t»«r r ri.KMIMJ HRIIS .£1 in us minus.* V i mij v I «*1 n j, M an ,l 'l’hftllM-*ri£*r4 > OXIiV COACEHT. r pnr FIKST an-J ..111V (aiAXri CUXCEItT X iu which .-inisUfMj hIALBEP.fi, Iu * exjunction With !lE\KY VIF.I'X'TEAJPS. M ilU|.|.c»i in piti-burgh, « ill take pWVDh T H Tll S 1) A V . M \ ItCII 25T H, '• ITY IIAL I. TIIALBERO, VinUXTKMP?, Mil* CAIEOLf, Pnm;« iMoui fruiu llie Inliau '»p«T» Hi.u6.-a, *d>l AcaJ.-mr ■■( Mumc N- w V«*rk. Mlai ANSA KF.ill’. tlio Yoau: AuimcsuC-uiMli.. 83-. JAMPi PKIIKIMj, tbo new Kuj;Ji»l. Tnr...r, Mtux'aJ Dirwtcr M«.I. Vlfl \TK\II*A PIT TSBU K Ij li T II H A T R K~— Ml.-'.-* KIMIIKftT.Y 5.c«.k *>3 J. IIANIXY i-Tv-ie XM..E lT !!"*••» :/T. I I’nt.i,- 1i.,i..Ur h .- Tier Pinal.- ISjs, email. f>,ou Tl.ir.l Tier ... . I V | C*<>- C<»i..r«i H.iilery | • .iV-le S-ats in Pi i rr.Tr-. [l. T. i;K\Knror mk. t iiamjltos. MTCKDaV KVKMNO. March anil t«. acled the Llomrsiic Jji'ili t, rut.tied ItuSI.SA MRAIXtWS —Rosin* Meadows. Mm Helm; Jethro Baxter. Mr T. Hamilton. Dabco . ...Mlm Julta Turnbull. T.i bo followed ly the tuat Comedy, entitled PERFECTION —Charles r.nui'n. Mr. J. Q. Uanley; Cam. Mr Hamil ton; Kate O’Jirxrn, Mia* Lucille, To conclude with tin- Drama, In one act, cl KOUfcRT MACAliti:—K.-t-ert Manure. Mr. Myron; Jacqnss Ftrop. T 11-uuiltou. Vaudrenng; Clementine, Mies infli-rd. aurtion Salts. P. M. DAVIS, Aaetloneer. Comiut-rrUJ Sales Room*. No. 54 Filth Street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Al-i-no* On ttviu-inlay luoruing, March •-‘4th, nt »'i It, nt the residence uf Sirs. Mary Massey, No 1&> OutroAvi-tiini, will be sold, ia* she is r»w>THjg,i the en tin-shekel Household aud Kitchen Furniture, of the la t«-st stjh-s nud best quality, comprising super inclosed Rosewood What-Not, tnurbl- top Pier ami What Not Table*; carved Gothic Chair, caned walnut book cars, mantle mir rura, reception chairs. ?xlre three ply and ioipiun carpets, oil cloth, rugs and mate, afilt cornices, shades and blind*, silver bar f-mli-r «nd sub pun, lire irons and stands, hat rack, hall lamp, »uirn«l«, walnut extension table, mah-i s any soCa, cane an-J ru»b scat choirs and rockers, Chinn class «nd quoenswure. w»u-r cooler, fine waiters. engravings, cushioned arm chairs. finh waluui b-Jstend with ninttr>-i«ea Ac, marble top imhooany dressing bureau walDUt cuban-f luiir ift:ittre»s, ii.i lose-l aud pUiu wash stands, toilet und cliotnlier sets, w irdrobe. bureaus, sptlng seat lotmce, |» .| »ti- td». innttr-»** s. murbr cl.«-k, bi-ivkUst und Un-.h -* n tables, I imps, IliLlcic mi-1 Ktti.heu l urintiir-, c.Mikinn utefatils. patent <.hum, child's bura.'.strp huhlers, stable mid irnrijen t.-ils. Ac. Terms at .»1.-. P.M. DAVIi. Aunt YALU ABLE STOCKS AT‘AUCTION.-- On Tuesd.-iy evening, Mnr.-li 2 'd. at 7 o'diy-k at the Commercial Sales Kckjum. ,\... 54 Vi.Tb will be m. 1.1 f.r cash, tar fuieD: 41 •buns Kvcluice llsnl. -,f Piff.l.iirch; I , •• Mechanic’s Dank --t J’ittsbiucti; ** Clti»ens‘ Hank ■!.) 40 " Allejjb-'ny Hank •' Pittsb’c L K, nud Marine !»«. Co n “ Northern LiUiii-s Utidire Co. »nrl!> |*. M DAVjy. Amt UO(IjRIIOI.L) KUKMTI.'KE, CANAHV Ll dlilU'.- 5 . Ac. at Auction. —On tviturd.-iy iiiuitnnc Man--h SiJlh, at ll) n'tlack, at dwrliing lioc-se No i>iy Penn street, will lx) sold a gencrfil assortment of ilnusi-hold aud K itehen > nrnliure. Two puir superior Canary birds of the sbs-k inls-.d by John Iluut; a nurnbi-i of fine nlerl eepruv inc«,*mofij' win. !i me on*' wl Olympic Crlcart I’la v«*rs. _ I*. M. I)A\ IS. Anct. Daily saLes at no. 54 ’fifth st., At the irow Coiiuiefchtl hales iU-ilns, Nu. .'.4 KiUb street, overy we-k day, nr>' heM public antes ~| gosls in all variety, aiiitod for tho liad> .md cunsumera, from a large stick which Is CrinilunUy replenished with Iresh cunsicii miilltS, that must t-ecloaed fol thw ith. At 10 n’clfs'k, A. M., Dry t».ssls and fancy articles, «itii prising nmrly everyUnuuneiMj.si lu the 1 me for ja-rsonsl amt family use; table 'iitiery. Icirdn-nre. i lothlin(, bi-..U mu) slkm-s, huiies weui. Ac. At '1 o'clock. I’. M., hoUHt hold and kitchen furniture, new and serori'i hand; Uli ,nn] bedding, carjcts, eleiauil linn atone I ’hinil ware, stoves, rooking utensils, pitceries, 4r. At 7 •-’< |u- k. I’. M., faury articles, rrat< hr», cbn-ka. jr»el ry.nm-iiral instruments, icons, clothinz, dr* e(n*D. Usits and shU«. t-s-ks. pUtbuierr. dr. f*. M Ua’vJS. AiKt'i. AISTIN LUO.IILS & Hi., itlfrrlinnh'i Exfliniig^. STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOM IS & C<>, AT TIIK MKItCfIANTa* KXCIIANUK KVKKY KVKNINi!. 1 lank, llri.lkie. Insurnm-e and Hood au-1 Kl Kstate M.-ld «t put-lir sale at Tlr« Mi-rcb.-tnis’ Kn--lihnc l/ —Mr. Bell resumed, and con eluenatc then adjoiirnod. Hnrap..—Mr. Quitman’s Volunteer hill f., r fivo re. gimvnts of volunteers was ordered to ho engrossed for third rending, by 12S against 7-L The Id!I wi,s passed—yeas 124. nays 7;t. The bill authorizes tho President rrceivo into service one regiment Texas mounted volunteers for tlie dcfeuce of the frontier and the suppression of Indian hostilities on tho northern and northwestern frontiers. The President is authorized to accept the services of any number of volunteers, not to exceed I four regiments, the same, or any portion thereof, to I bo organized int i mounted companies or infantry, a- 1 the l-.xe.uiive may deem proper. Tho volunteers not to be accepted in bodies of less than one regi ment, whose officers shall bo appointed in tuanuer prescribe*! by law in tho several States and Territo ries to which the said regiments Bhall respectively belong. The Deficiency Appropriation Bill was taken up when Mr. Letcher explained some items. Mr. .Montgi.morv t lien «p*>k« »n tho Kansas jv.cUt Di«j»teh to th« Pliutiurgb o»/.*u*< ; IIaKtttsu v an, March I >ESArr..—The Seuato bill to remove the AIR. gbeny Bank passed finally and goes to the House. The vote was yeas 17, nays 9. Tho bill relative to tho Judiciary was agreed t*. Tho House hiii rela tivo to the Aqueduct wa« reported as committed. Hufsn.—The Sonata bill fixing the sittings of tho Supreme Court at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, was passed in Committee of tho Whole, micLthen post poned for the present. Th- appropriation hill was •lightly amended iu Committee of the Whole, (to \\ edn«r*«lay, tho hill relative t>> lu'uranco <'.-rjpanie? was made tho special or.h r for Tbur'div next. Cm. March 19.—The au, cut - $n.22j,.- .tn 4 ; < if this. $70.’..H1M arc as exchange, ainl tin- r maind-r to satisfy land warrants; #m Treasury notes wore redeemed. Al.JMvy, N. \ March 19.—The Senate to-dav ps»ry. Cntn ijulel; tales nf 22.000 bn»h. Baron Leary at f-t Uatin, and V B-ef . JU M Purk firm at $ 1*1,30-Aid. no fi.r M-t«. Tallow henry at &-c Urddull Torei-c firm Whisky ha. ad* vnc.-d’ *,1.. at ,ji\ Fugar ttroi. Naval »lorv* ipiiet Tea. at lb" •tie U-d.* she higlu-i grade* of grwn di.-w-d a d-cliar - Freight, on C*>lt..n to Liv-ip.*,! T Sl.a-fc. tow. r; n.lrago and U-.k talaud, Tl<;. IHioota Central P.\ lllmm. t.rntral l-.jid-, \>l\. |.>. („.« and Milwaukl.-. M:< lu gm A»uth.-ru.i;>.. / ; N.T. l.\ ntral, 9I»' ; Rearing flam,-id .MllwunL-.. and Vlmi„,3]*,. Cant..!, ('..n.r.si.r. . 21; Ene.iSe Cleveland and Toledo. 4>i; Mulligan Mae*. 99' Cis. tssatt. Marrh 19 —Flour unchanged and dull: l.tai-j l ldt a»ld ;it • U lil-ky ha* a>i*aae»| t.. i;, *rjtb -alp« of l.«»i bid*. M—l I'c.rk 14 active; :Id. IsOO «>ld at U. Clorerwed ha* do-lmrd b» s*2.'. and i« -lull. Or.xvri.-ji : are nnchangc-d nml firm. Tb* money market is um'liungr*. i There u a good d-rujnd for Exchange on the Eo-taud eoiiU-. i the prices t« ing flrtn.ir but unchanged. j Pmuprtfitu. Mar-h 19.—Flunr I*etm-dlnelr dull, and j prir«« ar* drooping: shipping brands are oflereil at J4.ST*..;. : eitra at f 1.?i i f bids at IliUiMuaE. March IP.—Flour i* .|iii. | and u... hangi-l Wheat tirm at for red. and jl/J'J'ji.l.'.S lor wi.lt.- a »ery choice lot sold at,51,40. White Cuni'M.'* V.c. t«d|..w Whi-ker firm. Sugar aetiTß and l.uoiunti.» Car gu or J’ltfto Kico was wild at 7c: sales Potto Ric’-. M .Uw* "I 32i'\i-ions l.iu.-r, l-nt qaoLuioii- uuchanred. FOII SALK, . 1,400 ACRES 01-' CHOICE FARM IXO LAXOS .At n VALUAULE HILL PROPERTY, Ai/u.ife 111 one of lAe mosf henhhy nml /«c/i7c portion* of th* Sluts of Ohio. I WILL SELL AT PItIVATE SALE,a* Mid on Kiicii t-rru* ae to ca-h and rredit. n« may 1- DO -gi-e.i UJH.TI l.etwe*in mjaelf, the |-urcbJ«(Tl and lieu hold er-. the following re*l r,trite, lu uli: Flouring Mill, Saw Hill uml Olaiillery, Cr..s«’Station on the Mad Hirer an-l Lake Erie R«,| r r.«d, ai-'iil •!x nul-a w»*t «.f tin- city of Sprltigh. Id. d TKi- >••- t aMI-liment ii capuhle ot maouf-wtunng pc-r dai, i.l-nil on l.ur. l* «,t th.ur. di.tilling from Inn to :kei Ui.ili.-t...( grain and -r«ini;2.i»e. feet ut lumle., A.-- Holt raluahle prr.j...| iy known u* th- WOUURt.'RY MllifsH, .Vrtuofr II j/l/rs .V. K. of tor City of f),l it,.11 I'u th- Mad Hirer Fuller Turnpike, In th- inidst .-I o„-< the mint produ-tirr and Wat gruin L'ti-wiug region watera of ,«Ud flivi-r. Tb<~- mill* i,..» in ti--I nmiiin; ml. r , 4|r .,i,| »f maUn.i: JHT ilay, to> lATiilifl.rtir mi.l irm i(KI to IiUI buvhrl* of £iiun. till mill. !•';:■«)!■ aH-l tin: I ol Mart wu. 1 will r»-nt the ■mm* or l Ulicr o| tto-m, re**i>in * i|, u, «rll Hum, *ul.j«(t t.> I tin ritlit* «.t m*« twinnt.'’ Tin r< v-iliulil" fiirmini; l.iml* in tin. Umutit.l vail, j ..I )ln in.'iit: A. .n* nmy !»• iu’r-*t it|x«ri m xfoi t-naiil. A* the An«invio-« r.l bavni Crow, I am at Ml times r«**.l to rccelt- |.rif ,«{<• l.oii. I.v mail «r otbrrvrnu*, on mir of tl. üb-.v.. projivrty, anil will cnainiunicaU. to ail |«'r»nnn derli iimir, i-rornj.t ami hnl inforimuinu touchmi; Urn »iun<*. l*i«t ..HI.--, Knori. Clmfe county, iJliii Jill 1 t.l»'Uu p lommonurnlili of Penmyl A f Count IN THE MSTKICT COOK' J. ty. at Janiian Is'ij. John ilrown. Elr.Utl. D-Ur *n«l Aiftrnw Dwar.l.fi hiiktvxi'J. Hnrt'M, hmliai.il of S»niii llamll, .Iw’rt. anil Elizabeth HniiiM, ticnm- Jl.v.lil. I,wn liar "M. Mary HaroM, I-nTlnly U*ri-M, Midiiu-I [!.ar..M,S:» .h Harold, ati'l Jp*sc HarnM, rhllilron ami h«-ln at Inwfof aaid Famh, I'liihp Ifetar, tl»*> hnxtmiid, and Lewi* liri»r and Mary i i« not rjuiln >i* «« it win when tb« b- i " p Writ from a late nuiiil» r nf ilip New <>i 1.-una tlfi. -l Unit tti« ntx.rr Writ win be executed inj the prriui«vi ' ‘l*"'- tint the iilrcr M«»>u w» borne I £nti.]*y uoelc ne»r therein ile*rnl*rd. to wii: A Lot on ihvndmky sire-1. in lh« ' Hm.vmi iii'ula. Pin- had Iwcii Jdwii to baron *Pjn. 7 wo* im Wed tie* Jay, at ill Working nt may Hltend if you tkluk proper. t tin- Wo.Klrnff Mt.» had uu-reedod lu rnislngtlio *«.\v u f tin* ItODY PATTEItPII.V, Shcritl : "'rtlfcrti Uml, and lie bull l« now r perfectly clear nf water Sjirnirr'* Orni-E, l rstn.ui dip »tctu to the after end ol tbo t tilers. a Imlthrnd PitUbnrgh, February 3,is&k. j fe4:i*.twP j "»u* being built aft of the wlit-ol*, and nn attempt waaabout ' -•— ~ j being made to pnnip out the •tern. The ltodulph on lor r* the District Court for the comity of ,\lle- ’ k,t rxtnl puntptotlw Sabmnrln- Mi'-ujr, and State ..f Penn«vlva»h «t Ai-iil Term I rtfort i* bring mad* to *aTc the Wwdrnff. «V1 W » Q 1501 1 1 | no late new* froru the C Dealer. Tha Submarine N'o, l‘i j| I'nUtmoo, , | | still working ot hor. »s. j The following item* wi« gnthir hom yoturday'* Coin- Edward Iludge aud Margaret i ninrcinl; • Hiulgn. his wife, iu right of i‘<«iUt|..n I»-kk«-t No.-1? I A do<-Uland, named Tboiua* L- Hall, (ell throng!) the ► •id Margin t, Augustus !.. i**- ' ", forward hatch oftbe ittaro wit| be taken to flUii- I'rui-loj-o McCrea, Jan* P. Me* *H<» f-r interment, where the family of the drewstd Crea and Edward L. MrCren, : rwide chlidrod nnd heir* of James I The Emma Dean encountered tl<> storm in all its fury lit McCr-a, d-rcox-l | Indian Kentucky and at llooglind'a, whera trre« were Tin- i»;irii.*n, iilnintlJl, «o>l (lelinJaii'i lumid nr«- ' 11 d*»t*ti, and tlu* Hrrr tallied Intj mighty WttTts. lu-riliy nc-uru-J that rbo above writ «ill l- ci«nic.ltliu I A flM ’ l of ''''a* ll * l "- Including tbe I‘oUmjac, Mnaonccr I’fuilm n tln-rriu 'lf«-nb"ii, t u w „ ; j x , t x«*. Zj and 4) In ' Cn-«et»t, Courier, Neptune, Bip Wm. Wallace (be KPn'Tnl «.f th* Hiy <.f pjtut.mgh. nituate on tit- Cv>i jvnu »uprt at Jo w Plliaburgh, nu«i InUniicdmto points. Tin* fi‘ i .•‘clock. A. 31., od MONDAY, UtaSdth day of April. A. II ; naugo mbs Uw lint arrival. 186 S, when ami where those totcmlcd mart** present lH _ h^ml „ ' i tnrlMtw? JtODY PATTJiRSO.V. SbertiT I Ste*u»Oo»t Ilcgtater. ; “ a j_i . ~~7 —; i AKUlVKD—Jeffcrson, Brownsrlllr, Ltuwrn«.d(r (Vlo M I Administrator s Notice. i iu,.rd, .in Vork. ft u u i, ; jlSivK* J‘ ETTERS of Administration on the cstnto 1 I Jot tVIUlua liajT, uto ol Wllklc, towiuWß.Jecr.icd i A I> “" 0rl “ M I,J - C - v ‘ Sc Lo “ | 1 tiitknon, 00. | re Wes granted in due form to the aotaeribcr. Allr*ill DEPARTED—Jefferson, Laxcrne.do- Colonel | aontiadabUd to Mldeatato will make patmaat I Bayard, Elizabeth; Henry Graff, Cincinnati;' Jlarqwm, t ly,»QdUtoM haalßg claims wOljwwnt tteft &}*■*' if TOirrnl ®L A, J? k> ®“ 0B - 8t Lehigh. ctotiweti. ' thonticatedftor •ettleawntwiitootoaUT. . 1 • | CheToltl Wboellcg; 1 JOBH oHAEmß,ld»’r. Birrr lb# fcel,taMag ‘ - COiI.MITTKK OF ARBITRATION' FOR VfiB&UAUY. F. n. lit: V'T. V. Jotc* J. HILLUI-tS, SXREEI SnSli Jol£l-a K. lil NTIS, At STIN I»U«1S. PITTSBUKGII 21Alt.tt.ETs. U’p-irUd Specially for the i\tLttiuryh Gcj*!tr.' Pirrsccinn. Satvriut, SUeoi 2Q, : fT.’d.'U—Tii- i.urk-t wn» dull aud th-re wrrr but h-w ' «t>eralion>. from first hand*. MVn.trdsalm of 21 ru, l 13 hhl« toper on wharf at »-'t,oo, 45 dodo at *2,10. 4,1 du mr* ! from wa,"in i»t $3,02, tad 42 do »up«r to arrivo at ! Some 3i«i Lhia on the upper wharf wem probablr difpoowj !of la>t mgbt at currrat rates. From ttorc, 90 hbls at $2.37 ! fur mp-r, $J.w lor rxtrn anti *4,50 for famflr do; J2O do .it [ j32>o, s4.(h> and <4.. i' > : and 150 do extra and taninj J.. at i f4.Wandf4/2. GRAlN'—Market unchanged. *-des oi ulurf md fiotn - fin: hands of 150 bus (.Wu nt 42; IiAW do to arnv- at a-**nc; | 3 do at 20'.„ lSarby 100 bus rn.un store | *t 40, i FKF.n—Ssif» from mill nf 3 tons Bran at -'>o 1>) <].> Mfldlings. at so nail Id do do at 80^90. PoTAroES—A better supply; *»lcj ut d*-}hii ..f a mixid lot of Reds aod Meshannockn, In bulk, at 45; 50 bus NV.st.au - | nock* on wharf ut 65; and 45 do froru store at 00. i <>KiXEßlEs—The supplier by riTer haTe qnirken-d th ! market; „f loolihils Pugar at 7, "1, and 7r 4 '; 10 do xt 7;* 4 .u»s; 16,3 U and 0 do. at*-/*: Id do at 7> / '^g,7| v . Moliuaei | 3(*i bhla, on wharf nt 36 ; 2u and li><) do at biuuc; 10) do to j country at 30q637j 26d0 nt 30 and 10 do at 37. , A I’l‘LES—CaJeiof 5u bid* in lota at $1,2.V<252 O 0 a- iu | quality. HAV—Sales of h load* at realei at ton utid 20 j bales Timothy at $l6 fiuia»lor«-. I (. I.OVEHr»KED—SoIes of 40 Ims at depot ut aud 126 , do fr.-tii store in iota at s6(§)(6.2T>. i tij I.<—Sales of la aud 7 bhla No. loird Oil, at gnus.', i Rt'TfKil AND EGGS—Sale* c.f 12 Uds choice Roll Lult* r ! at lit, and 7, 3 and 4 bbl» Kgga at 11. i WHISKEY—SoIes of 23 t-hls lluw at 17->4 and 10 do at ! 17',;. and 160 bbla Rectified iu lol* at2U£,.’l. , ASHES—SaIe* of ObgsNitiate Soda at C-!d and 2 c»ks 1 ! Alknh at 7. ' BAO »N A liyhtd<-niMid; -:iV* >.f 27.t>00 Jks to tho traJe ! "t ~li. 0 and and Co<’s) lb* Slumldersat *J.i! i f EaTUEHS—A sale of l.’*trt iufori'if Western at 3-3, j lll't.K MEAT—A sale ou arrival of To tes Hituia lu pickle at C jou Juuds. lUUKS—A aal-! of 12,1 Prv Hide* on wharf, part Flint an l purl Salt, nt l-"-. pnr funds. 1.1 'IK—S:»I-s„f ..■) bids ,n |.,t« at SV23i®il,27] £. MOXICTARY AND COJUtIEROIAI*. The T-aii.-U' jKirlt packing e»taldi*hm,-nts having repr.rted to us the \» hole number of Hogs p-u-ke 1 t>j tln m Curing the season, togeilier witli the cmiparittivc weight, ctr, we now place this lof»rmati»n iu f-.rtn, and mam rvcorJ far tuturo jefep-ne.. The A,- count v. e keep eu.-.h Kiasoo of tho current receipts id fr-jiu wt*t-k t»> w.-ek, has pmerally prove l"-*.t, eng-n>‘d the pruscnt year. The whole nutnm-r r,-j“.r:,sl by t!*•-*•• Iloux-s is 44n.077. wmch is 1* *» Ilian lie nomle-i n-poi led by u*. both rej>ort* cumpu ing a* foil.»w« l;*-c< ip> s* ri-i"-r‘-l in thi* 4t5.7--2 1 In* Jctroward t. iidri-e, ~r lie- l»i ii Exchange* eon tinn.-v mid ile i,.-ire .iili l.u.i t.ed.iy. The market • 1..-.-.] <|,i! I. u id, n li.i'gr siii 'ii! I ~f lulls over. Pocunieiit j-teriing add ns l-'w j. i-u c-m. and hank signatut--a at .a , 1 , .fue l.niik.-rs .**k - 1 ,, hut no *ale* could l«- nn.i-high.-i than {* ~l the 1.-ading signatum For th- n- \i -t -amer. it i« .itirT -if. .«■• I that the top rate will he ti'7 Venn. Fin:,- * ary _.v.i 5.17} 'N ITrlb. The Ai.ieii. on u-. enfiy cliarterad. we barn bus c..io|-i, ied i:* •.rg:uur«fi ■» b\ electing Janies J.-lTc-rv, Es-j. Pi- sid.-itl. •>,..1 >i;-i'init:i.g Mr William Bushnell. t'ashlt-r, It a ill I-- i,|»-ii t--r lb- I I. hi of -ps*iucs.s. in arcordane,- «i i, tb.-ir , hiirier. ine 12tti uf Afiril next. Th-, baukmg r>>..iii«i>,.. -oc-otid 11-e.r of the new Uiarhlu buildings. 172 1t.,;:.in.,i-U Hie i-- a!iou of luia iu»lituti-.*n—}Ualt The nn(-* nf tv- lUdV of IVnn.*,)l»*iiii wore .jooleri yesterday nt 4- r iuion ut the a*«hado«-ed forth, hy the election of apj>rat*.-ra jrt--.ions j \1: f.K 1-r liar Cltr-J- b*-i li.'i.im.i. C 4 nri-I1; ’ -iiiur. 'Wi >r A K-.t.i-*)-); 15 till whiskey. link- & ft I l» I 1.-l nac-ii il IViuk«-I«. Jim i,Li n>ol.ti Mn itri 4 ixj l»bl» Hum, I'hlllpt; J> |>c» bn-< Mijif*, ' :■» I bl Murj.li>; »Lii.b. m )>M Ut I. nvj ; , floi.r :Vk'.. -k» « li*-.a. hhJ. Ibt t >Lhi-. Me Cuttiin. I ..II k*i ; i •. Mil Hour. .i.i crofk-r*. .5 l>t c-u»Jlwi. inrtin, ( 'i- iSi i\il \ !1 KLA NAAKMVI'V <•• • —u ~,t ' Al’./i* A.r. . , .ilu bbl". tnullr 3.'l |.\« jj| t . v Kiri, J IM flour. ]•.’» I'M «4V»- i l>»« Us*. t> .1., r-.ni ! O'T-.u-t.; I bbl whi»k--J , 1'! 1.1.1 Uk,|«u. 01.! 1,- [ -V; ur , 1V..,1 ..'ij U..| ,r. ' 2.T Cl.ul'ii I > 1.l 1.1. i. Il.licrmim, 1 p/i uuj-cL j-viluti'*- • imt. i w u..iiu- * m » Ufc ', r , i tt.i ; o« J >a*»: 4 l«il l l ' ll I'M Smith l -J.’j l.j.' , , _ _ f • •■trUuin, An ,io Jo, hj iiiw |UrWoi;ii in ’ l,i,| OT, ».rnj-ii..n. 61 rrr.c, z, mm, „t Id* ! * 1 KLSs II 4M» KN'fi 1.1 • ->tt in. Arl,iii kl*>: 14.1 iljlo. KouoihJj, Cliil-l* k cn; I'. t,l ;« ° I U>v!r. 1 hiiJ »iijfar. y M.| ni-'U*. ~wncr. CIN'CINN.U'I | -r r.k 4.i; t>x .1.. jnj ' i:.'. !!. ,:r. ’ Tpk fc '«. rurhe £ t -r. 11% l.tl M, J : i'*./..-!.. OJ, w.<\;»r. AO -ir hi,So*. \V llooth;?-! lt iP-•' ' > 1 I. T f I'KJd! lud- M U.Lmfcr. lu M 4 ..il, li L Fwhar-twck i M 1 t* ..Vu.-ur, J 1.41 lino I: I,'.i n-Tir. t, x »o,p, r, 1.1,1 o(| [ Or*han, A Tlioin ,-, Li.:. IV..T. odo laid Qil, U • tr«.l.»iu. Wii IMon A Ilro; Mhf Ui'Mj.iua, k’lj;: Uilk i , , ~ . , ~, ' . VV Jackin. 4: LU«coi.-.D. K.I.H. iVniH.k 4* | W ‘ 1 ''- iA L\ U \--, Ae o LiiJ-Wiilar k JiieUu. a ■ 1. roil.. I-A-lmr. Uerrrrl ht-Wunc: Vt KMTT/hWnm Mttati* f -li— A I'.ro. iii Ms »o-.ii>. J T MV.ntU. M U-N t,,..,, 'C— •I idi .Ml MXain-, li* J A n<-r..U- I.x-andir-.. A, .1., Jr A~. UIU l.i-i.- \v '*JT 5m0.11.-r MM k IVtlfun. ! *' KW iiIU.KANJi j-r |’n:n, Umr.* I! , ; i,'. ir} U -lUnr J tinr-Wi. 1« 1,1,.| *ii*4r, 4 l,ul« lord. MVwn.Hr*. 'I--.",* 4 <•.., (*s in.l »•, 1. iiii-i. J.t.i.w A i',*Arf I..SM 'tir.-h. !>• .!•■ 1'..-nr, Omk- t ct. M |.« i ■* f 11 -*• •* , r I M **il, KK S- lirr' 4 ('* L'». 1 Lbil liaum i» >v •, !:or • ; l.u I M Nnir & c „, |.>, ,1.. J.,r , * A.i-n l- A-, . ;m.|. »Ttn.k«v J mt.-nr»;so U.d. ' LI I JU',U«, SHiiit, r .1 liija .r*J> ’J) lj>t k cn; ?S Ja tlu. Mjrfi 4 M U Mil 1 ■Mil KVN> (--r J. •• -ii-UA. . .1.1;-' It • INN *TT j-rr .Urol. TVe-l 1.1.1 si'lnii|.!c 3 '1 •K l y ... rir.k I.m .Ur.lin-r; 00 M.U ttl.uk.}, Jo 1..»r, i:., ,i, i i.t.| .. tc- 4 ,j„ hotter, n.-»: :r> I.LI ii' •! i«. J 4 r-wlup|.. I. .M |.M* rottnn, f.r J \\ j*..- r, ir > Iro.n 2bx bitters, o»iwi*- N \SH\ 11.1. K »« York • ir.Sccki. 307 I.U fl-ntt .. uiu.Uri.fiiirk. * «v; kto extra •{■line flonr 1. I'fli.Xß.a, I ««lt b.i-*» a x, IhcUjr & or. Ml.Kir-, i 1.-rn t MUc*. ll.4rl.juih A oi. -is bN Cot f.m, At buo-lllr. do.lo K:i.j r J’ctitiovk 4 c-.. 1 I.U 4 1 utl-r. h>t»>r SkU OR I. KAN;* prr Alim-: Li... «at:*r, Uro«n 4 KiH.jMtn. k. (Jo.it lUiUell 4 , kK *j,.. Onrdnif r. ...L. do. Jlaja'-t. r. WKI- »,. i it t .|, cotton, JVntork; l->« h '• >'>'l I'rokro t iarkr a (•... :,'J\ I.LI lll.dllßM-*, Ji.Mi-.. 4i*J d-. ■!<>. L-b-i 1,, M A'|‘tu A or ll*> I.LI M it't.-ltr.'r: '•fi* l .J., .rb, i, do . Cl*rU k Co; IMJti l.l.jrt tl .ur, ko* j 175 lio>.p |Kilri,u»iii r, »> bbls pmclx.*, 144 , * ■'•; ru - u J 5 »k* com. Fot/.r; 4 bbl»#p^»jlO 1 ••!*. A o*>. if bbU l»u>. !o I.LU rgjts, 3 do bu! ti r, 4 -k« triiit, J-himr k Dtiw.-rth; 134 dot * rc-nov Conner; Mil. rrark.t. Html.; 3da d... Fit,ler; h t Ri fcr »n ima. I I 7l M.l« 2 hd c*ttln,.:w i>kn corn, Syu bid* do, li») *liort«, Util; ;*> l’!i|» [.ottttoe*,Cran-; M hd rAtrje :» pki» ,!'J kU . fruit. Hrfi do corn. 220 do potatoes, ovixt*. 'i l.'i 11. ri .11': li Ida tip well and 11,«« rn«h w ,| rnmj i.f l-aj»:faf»4 ..ii tllf lev.— i. • ■airlhtuf-to Imj mnari-d at nfh-r a tini'' i.f Bit. h ntt-i ili nn l »il-nn>, flood*, wan* and iniTi'ti.ni'H/i- l.**~ .*er run t'lfir bound* and rn.-invli u|Km tlu< • tr-ei*. A'-itn iln- nrer edge train* , ion.l n|. n r«rli Mil.-I 111 I i|U 1 -am.in, and the linmlaT l, V. Jiirnt that hut an m,h of n-.m remain* The .tamt, l*i„. l.'Uit'! groat clifTictitly in getting a place ri-aterduy morning, ■he laid in tin* uiiijili« i.f tin. river f<.r a’liug time uniting f‘*r »ull|.'t)nuii In gel .lilt Tin* Janie* WouJ nrntril from Xrw Orleans night before 1»m. The bay Cuy, Cnj.t Miller i* Id fruoi !«• *ti A* tli mu* an* no**, t-n Ihjili rome to one guittg away, hul : •> )i.,)m t., m— ««»tne }u*imiii out among them in the course -I i l.u mm in# u—h Till* <•]*.] 101* ■ r U to tuba her {.lnfo *.*>»*.« u regular lm. r ln-tw>-ri li. rr* mill Cincinnati, ebr i* *'i • xrrllrnt nran new l»**i. hi the rr.tir*** uf the day th<* Ainu, Capt Itobinaon. r*uk M. ll.,land Wl.it>*, arrived with a Inigo cargo Imtu N.-w ' n 1-ana. .She wa* among tin* la-l Ik*,:.. tv. Irate here Lwfoi.- Ui- free*-, i)n- Item of her carpi) uji wa» JI7S hbt* of "• da—-*, nil in goM ~rd.-i nn.| rw’ition. Thi* lurK«;«t .••irs-.nf n..||« n» h- li.ul an . xii-llrnt time throughout. lie will leave l--e Hi.- Mine }NH tn« »-m h* In- ran get .-n N 11.. Vw V.rk, Caj.t (ill mote, almoin,a in joatrrdny with ,1 ’.ir (!.ri>,t f|.,j,i N'liahville Ihr I,ir7l<- Martin, ('ju.t lII.MiI. 1.-NM Am -u'l- ram., it, with n lull mrp,. Mitf tbr ~r' f in, >|.in, R from *Uw Mmkln K nrn ,1t ••*. iimg th- la-bi nou i.ttii” in li-.ii. Kt Luiia, we btdicre. WliriiaeWl tli-wi. .tl ,1... WVI* tt)i:n:t.. t .flrrtalßniUlM.| “'in.iuo « hard time , i It. until, le tun li<.atiti'l her Inst night 11.. Lr.tviM, T.-..» and l-.H-v.n,-, I li- l.iH'l.ratvr, Capt Jirttro, for tin* >im« t*nrt* The Silver Mas-,Capt M .'Milan tor St Tin- K r-onant. Cnpt M'i.ain, f-r the •nn«i j«,rt 11.. !v„il„ :-,» (’apt (Iritilth f.irlhrCpp-t Muai«*ii.i., The Knwcus, Capt l»i,7i-r, for th- I pj« i The St lain rm. Cap' C.irtirane, tor New Orlrtuu 1 h»* U-nmnrk .( apt K f* tlrav. with ti-at v n Yiiuttn ir-ntl.-niaii, Mr Incmhutli in the • ;li- *-. •• ,|| j. lP y,’,, Jll.iioia i ir.-r (entirely, nil Monday. Ta- • n B ,«r* ». ill ;ie*.-i fiu-l :x brtlur tliatirrlf they wait till d-Nwi-.U:r. Tlio boat* l-arlng yn-tenlay nen>, nio.-t of tlo r.i fairl, londrd, nllbuQgti frciichl I* uot tut il wsl> last jjprlnp, Tin ladilth went uul and ol*i the 71,-tiry Urnff! ’j],,. ulliua, Auyln-Saicm. Mnrniuiaaod Uicmlt had fivir -arj-ov- VVt- learn from the Cincinnati paper* that the" (Jr.-ti H -Kforn »a» inrurod for s*',. ri,.- ki'«i I'dijise ws- snid at New Offeana on Suturduv liiHtnt pul.ltc hill*. Tho wile «a-J.ietir rv«l| ntlcnd.-d lh'» •n,T. *.lul Id.ldt r »n*ins Cnpt H{* S|k.U« the .S.-wcouit, 'he Has *old f„r the *util ot s2£*,t.tJo. The present riwt t*lvr»JUoj,e* that tho Pari.l Cihiton. Uiat l -'p-ed m the Kails, may Ih- lloat-d oft. Tho rin-r had risen .Itoßoth* r aUnit twenty six Indie* on the Kails; l.nt jet n IN !(. .MII.LKK. nn- Dhim r r> »- tvanla,l rr. Hi ( T for KuiJ roiii) Uttv lt. la. N‘* M. Ik-ka Cfommercial. -oo mn. Imports hy Illver. RIYKRNKUMI. U - Uir .l-iiiil.. lir.i.v f”r r;ii.*iiui;it i i SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. | subscriber just returntM frum N*w York auJ Phil.id*V..4 vdi o»iifldfut t\*t !<•• nui. f f-r INDPCEMENTS Tu KKOIIAaKR;', both in *ijl. yiinlitj- and Pri-'O*. nn.r.rpiM.-.! l-y anv U v u t * We»i ..! th. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS. I UICII BLACK BAYADKKi DRESS SILK-. Kl('H BLACK SILK ROBES. I’L.UX CLACK SILKS, | “ PRINTED RERAOES. ! ■■ ORGANDIE LAWNS. Challuw. Crape De E.ipauees n- 4 ' r** . jjr. < >- ~ I —! SHAWLS AND MANTLES, j j-T nuoi'iii: boki>ekei> STELLA MI AWLS. i:_jPI([XTED BOKDEItKD lie 1 STELLA SHAWLS. | I r's .Of v St \ It*. C« t.. I'il- T" j M.illar i 'khk.wii lack and It? eH A X■ TI L LA M A XTL ES. | w Ttm»<» to Thirty Dollars. t X KKDIiK WORK. IfANL>?‘>MK 9i:TT CuLLIU AXIj .:LLEVI> QjVHRY It I« 'II RK \i, FRKNfIJ WOHK CoLI.AU>., O' | l ►—(..JACnXiir \N*D SWISS I ' HwiiKLiuniKss, 1'!*•; ivc .1 \< IlliTl Ni; > AM* FT. 1 1rN<; 1 .N'i w WHITE GOODS K<>k i:a>mik<. . •ill \ i: AND SLKI-.V K tiki 1.1.1 A NTS. VAlS>uok>, u»H.* H.AcK. ItAK.Vfca * 00.. Am ''l'xu' _ K! ' :ilK ’ l; * 1 . Lfl®^ * r M'M'VH AT’*K, < tratil- MirnllA. uiil tur ;i>-> - »)»•«-<• «n 4 Itia/AY.-.Mtli iu*t . «t i teumi*r I JJ WTU 0-., t. Sli.-J.hvrj. will 1..,*,, f. r n nn-l ,t!| i-.ruo mi t-ATC It ./A Y. t:-* - «Mi tn-t l'-.r .>r npj.lv mi or l.i ** KLAC'K. IJAKM> £ C<' . A;--Mi ■ X -I‘L" ftt»- c VMnntlX-K.O;* SuniM-l l'--,:,, m■ • * ill U.i*-•• l-r lb.- ut •vr ai;J nil i nronm-.1i.-.fi* i. .rt. ~n f. ral> anil o|i\p CASIIMKUEI'TS. ! Pliiiil, Plain and Slnj.od CASSIMKKES. MEIU.Nu, NAN KIN KTTm, CAS.*j 1M EKI’.S. i Linen ami Cotton I'ani >toff»», A j DOMKBTIOB Tilt: 1 Miiit'.HT .>7""r7i IS 77/A' A- many .1 the nU-ve GomO \\«>w l <•( MANUKACU’KKIU* ANO JOBBERS, i.AMn: Ai'crtoss, mn cash, \vy: auk knarled to ?eli. tiiku AT PRICKS JT ta l D t f)) Com D f 111 ia II C*l| and Kjtmlne our Stork before Pur* cliaatng Kleewhere. O. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Loro Brothere, and Young, Stovonson & Love, SIGN OP THK ORIGINAL BEK-UIVK, 2STO. 74 MARICE T SX., «tt»b«sb, Pwuut 10-D vv AR D T. MEG R A-W WHOLESALE LEALLK LV ’ TOBACCO AND ClG^j^s Xu. ill L.bi'RTr STHKET, HEAD O'F TfOOD, 9 PrrXSBTTXtG-H. PEyjjA-. TO THE TRADE A LAKOE, i RE.* II AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK r>ui (r«ai importer* »nd il»naii<.l 'ii-r-. '--'iirli t. -hf f.-U.’w'rv farnrito brand*: ’ 1 " • 11. Grant** A. No. 1 Si Tobacco, Keime, Robioion 4 Co’i Totaccu, Eugnne Howard’i Tobacco. Grant’s Pound Lump Cavendish, Hazard and Railroad Brands, 200 Caddy Boxer Half PodqJ Lamp. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARSIII MILLION ASSORTED 23 A., i . .»!i: hwe o ITO x to the trade at prices which ennnot to please. \V. E. CHILDS & CO’S CEMENT HOOPING. PERRIN «Ss JOHNSON, lVopriotors, An E J' o '., PR^. PAREI) TO CONTRACT AND PIT ON AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE £ l',Z i! “ ! - v *« IraM Ua. am «.««*!U IT IS PERFECTLY EIRE AND WATER-PROOF, Ao.ilf, »r. Maa, Metallic Hoodcs- We can putll Pa o-er Old Tie I . .nju »t Ntlnclo ihn.*, it Bod . tncoLow flat or steep the roof may be. This Ko-tfics;i* ww-jiiuttxl «•> pn-re as ftbsto represented. Wo will not it on for : «• « , ~.,1, „„„ «, I'KH. SQVARE, ( TF.X FEET SQUABE.) [hanJ; tl»„“ " ‘ ** ™° “• ’‘•“ A!is «» w, ( «,«»..« a,» mum, «*. K^ußiS^SL*ilt' , Su.f;'', «*» i « of*. ® rafttj:.smf, J (1 I’KKKIV \ * tt.o.s.iT'H, in t „ t1,..-Irat-jlity andprActicablhtv of this Rode*. V A. .Jo'IIN'SO.V f. I‘KIIRI.V 4 JOUXSON, w M. I Third «tro.-t. h-tweou ITooJ andSmitbfleM, ” Pittsburgh, PennA. •ult*Mi“hS?*^« h Elilr«:*’ Xaill,= * :i=lOU ' * f,i * rp ' vlm ’‘ lllrf w ‘ K.cnaM*CO*Sß‘DoFL\a. lofl at mj cffice.the re| IfL mat.rtal is eomponudoj B-»n« to remain t.toiblo f.r.i crtsit lensth of lima ~s ----- 10 olt ,nd It front tbo wVdtlier 1,111 allt '' l ‘ Uj * lk * ll “- 11 " nil!l1 CJt destroy tiio onrut, but ou tho contrary protect it. JO?KPn M. LOCKS, CbomUt, ‘ I.-vVor-c r.l So-123 Walnut stmt, Cindon-itl, Ohio ROHES. I .Uva W. f . Ciiilm A cov E.neUc Fire and Wator-Pn a:. '"Star tßßssasflagßSfes < i—« w K rou la Streamers. | MonongaheJa River U. 3. Mail Packet*. I „ '' . ' ' Tr . , ! STKA>]KUTKi.n;n.vrir. t:\MEit ! UE,skm - s J etteu Ui,\TME?.T.--Hoi>.kill« I rr> k. ff*T> _ ! T-u.-r (Piiirm-iit fTin-U r,„jFv!T. ' 1 Mr. J*M>» V. SttVUMlißl. «, lluto. ....UT.J I'irr liw.l I.'WS .if r.tl.T, 1% jmr. .laudinc. r l’ilK ABU\E SEW STEAMERS AKE : Mr juux Vanderbilt,rmh »„i or.™ run., JL ti. «r> •in.-i; n-Kui:»rlv. l:.*.:* run- ■ ’ "T' ° f £ ’ ?frr 'J’*' 1 '” ,tan'liaC b-.r-h at - • «-k a. M.. ,u: i Kv. nr- ,-.s 0 .... >1 U.-IvKM/i! OINTMENT cared ‘Mr. CharW Pblpr*- ! "’cluck I' 'I. i.r M'Ki- --j».tl. Ki;/.»U-t;i; .« n M-v I.*-*- ' 1 :,!ri * :,, "i Arcli »t.i.. KrnpiiuD of tb- K*ce. 1 4 vi-sn. I li.il. ri:,. UiHii. T„r.„. 1 (•,„■. , . Mr. tIAUIJAHITT LEISTER. Sriiool itrcot. brlrirrTirinlfr.' »mi Jtr.AA line ill! , 11; r* u::’i nv;.rs , t-r I'M.rijt-m-n. R.v. - m -1 .. .rt .l.nr' ! ' ir N " J«nrV Il.u 1, l'liit.v, wmcp^Lj | CiiUin h.u H.iwn .-r.l .1. :b r- •>. :l ■ ! Iltifini,m«in at..( I ir.-r mi t‘i» I*-*, j t 1,1 }' ' i, ' l ‘ " l, ‘ l '‘ t ’ r,, ' ri- 1 iv*Veirj. MA:;i 1 ' 1 1L1 "' st -' fbila^caret! ut Tctlrr i IS.AIH n;i.rmn.Mi„i„ !\- , , () | U !. llV( . at ' mil... ’ p,,*.* ' [* i ECK!:T . >-'■! , 1 < CheiUm: sL, ErDptl-n On ibtf 1 GliJ-l'wu.'f'lt -is. -Vt I „ J y-i, l [’liili. Kn.;.liru .if Fart. ! Hiu ri W .<•, JV i 1 I »il ale l h'-ji. of I tt.tldirn;. ” ‘ ' • ' ~ | .. ItHtiW.v. !•»•. rr,-«tnut -• jfgtc.l, «.f , arrnemnatt. *r. FOl; OIXCISXATI AM) LUI'ISMLLK. i ■».; —Tlic fin*-»:•..n,.t MIVVKVA. .1 I "Ma-liti.- 1 "II lutrmi' ih.tl.i |..rL...n MT- I M.- »M J 1 IMMPSOX, Tir. ;fih m,j JUcv .L. Er , ! 1 HL/A i. Ai tli lii.>l, ai 4 n ■ !iK-h. rv. t'.ir tj t.r «I >'.*i \ .-ai *. ' , t ,; ni . | -• ; tjHiK CI'MJINN Al l—Moil.'- , JCr- ». „ Tl'h.'DAV PACKET —TI,., . t. -H. J-fiZfgflfSr I i-avuTij-nr parkot M.\DI AHm. Coit m"!?!* I. T?uK i: INOIX X A T 1 A Nli r &*■' % : 1 ; " L '-' 0i ! ..—1 b..ve v 0 hand a larp. _i. I.'»UI.'VIL,|.K--Tb- t>. 'v i.!,! i ‘l'p'.' Ut-.-r Oil, which i\ warrantttj frr«h ia<| jitjjr, I l *-" -ft 't.-am-r KNDK HoK t V, /. M.U • ' r • '- r ''Uiit, by th- j ini or ptllou Thin aUI I; r:-. < ' Till** DAY U.-» : «** U-on , fur u.. r ™t !«,**»». by t 1,., Ml rVi.M.. "'m’’ Ft VT V\ Pm. '* r , T Tv' T“' 1 I l-liyieiuni in America fbr I!,* run-, f ‘ • n *'" K ‘ l-idirt,. 6<;r<-r.iln, Drouchiti«, Tetter, Ultl Sores atnJ l-cor. J 1 Ir- i„ wa3l . 0 , irntntl o„‘ JiUalJUlllf, vV t. -in I • rrrr Krm of puJm--r,4rr r 1 *: L ,tr ,u ■ i ' nTo? * * COD LIT EH OIL. u: J>r GEO . i‘ innuAM). ro |(l .w. win i. %r .. f.- r , , K v'H'-'- 111 "’” h! t-. • »’l ivl. rw.-lM"- j. ,n Ml, <\Tl RDAY, the ■ k , ' l ’ Li:u ' ,lak, ‘ r ‘ lu.l .at -1 u\l.« k. i u. I‘mi . r al ply • '! i * ‘ 11 I- ‘-r * * m: I H.A'.Mi. HAKNK- A C-'. A^-nta. fT'l ’it 11,Lh * l•' lino new steamer X KKUINCT. F. \ Im:s.. . «ill 1.. 1T .. f. r t »,„ t.Mii K>r .'t fcj'j-lT r-|; .>r to * Sf- ILouis, »Vr. "Ij’OK Sl'. I.(H KS—sril<‘n>ha , n*s > u '* -i, u.il *<• i,.r the 'V.- ar..l all int.-rTi.L |mr’’« i'ii M'ADAV. lb ii.»l .nt 4 1 - };. P. 'I For l.r-cl.t .... Im.k.J , r t -»»- FI.Vi'K. lIAKS' • r > A.-.-ut*. ' l TAOK sr. Lulls i\ KKuKI'K. . a» • '-I Tim* lit!. it.-.im- • KW.To.V L'ITV. Cant tSfesSsSS I*- I! llrt "kif. w il : i> vr f. i tli~ «l- \•• it tji l nil • -- - - , p- r: ' i..-t. u: ;.i ~v]„r t . fr"l*;lil ..t a} j.lj ! t. l« >.f to tnr - 1 H.At;K. UAilNlLj Co, A,.tDU. I?OEt KFOKI’K. , 1 ilOCli IsLAM'. !• AI,K.\.V .1 Dl :;f:-it. —n<«' fill*- I'tt'iM-urfu #Uiiuiaj LA (J Ultra F, C_£lLiuvunm\. i * ill lr.it i* f. >r tlf ufi.iv.i m-i nit ihi print" !■’)(«• j.„j . I' IY, ::W lußiaiit. ,u l d, i v. i‘ .* I fi.h; -.r i. :i ...^ * u L MUli, ul !««-C n*H- H.ACK, IUK'K.' A C- 1 . . 17“ K ‘ sT - IS.-Th,* lu.e, JSLJ> r-4 IJ. ‘tmni'T I'll KANE. s. Shun.rm ; n-lU ;-»nTf f..r tilt* 3*KHV ntid ull I n l.'l Ili-tIU,!,. l-Yl-I o* *jf : Tills I»AV •JU’li *t 1-j cVl.vk. a v. F-r ih-i-1,; «r __J I' I.« ■ *!’ FI.AIIK. JIAKVi-y A (YiAjji'tit*. , w Sr. LUIIS, K KUKI' K, U.VLEX V ' X DIUfyUF. AM) Si. I'Al’L —Th« r ' . It AZLL DKLL. Capt Uk-«. will f.*r Hi- n!ilo FLACK. II UIMIStA CO. . T7OK Sr. I/JTJS.—The M>l»’inli.l strrur.er : X I‘KIMA lfc >N NA. Capt F->f ort.' :ly on K-nn! or i.i ~ i M'rl" FLACK. HAUNKS k CO. IjK)K ST. I.uUIS. KEOKI’K. iJEtA .1? BtKMNUTON. Ml sCATINK. IP iCli JfiSaSSi »*I.AM>. I'AYKNPoJtT. O.U.KW. DUUMiUK AM) ? I'. .. t I'Al'l. —' Tin* On* new « earner CANADA. Oi.pt. ' .1 Ward. ni l leave f>r tin- :»!>..»•• uu.l all intermediate poitrt ,? "!i t!u- i.|~ old jof rnrt-atinti, lor tfrith{ or apply ~ ..li hufl. or ! . f.-uT. M.ACK. lIAILXKS * CC, Act*. Ij’hK'Sr. LOUIS.—Th»* ciVlrii.li.l , JC£Ls ite*oi«r MKTlMPiU.l'vOiptnhntnlh • will Wt» f>r tlx* above nil I uil int.-mi-dUI- (nirts on tllr opening of Navigation. y.f freight or pasa.-isn apply to KKA A .1 .VKs. ~ “ T?OK Sr. LOUIS;—The sphsulnl i . fTtrf i> A. *t earner MKI.N'OTTK. Capt. A. M.-i .ouan.^^j^jj^gj will leave for thr ,it-.i «• a.l aii Into: mi**! into jmrl* oU I In; opmi'g .if Nt» icntio:;. Kir freight m [i.sa-,. apply im Iwi.rt ti;:' H.U’K. ItARNKS * CO. rr V o[i S>T. U'CJS.-Tho I'ph'ininl i [TTr?* w . ' X? Illoatlior OKIt. I’lipt W«T Mill above itii'l all ln»-*rnie.li.itc portion Tills* at 4P. M K.ir fn-igl.t or passage aopH on UsirO or to »>r-i 1 LACK, HAKNKSArfVi., A c t* FOlt ST. LOUIS & KEOKUK.— . The tin park.-: J. H. fMW.^gggl* W-otlburn, will l-avefor the a!' •• • nud all ht^T^tuit.. I ’■•ft". *•:> 'hr opcniug ••; -|,t apply ot, bunlor |o H.ACK. BA UN 11.4 .1 OO..Airt*. ST. LOUIS,—The tine new . fljgjh I. ■trainer OKI!AT W l, .-tli'- »l u t- rmuh.itr port. • Ih- ..j-'iiuii: ,-t Iroi-vl-ii K..r !iri_-'it or ;**.r.tv oi, iMinnl ..r to . oirt I 1.. H K. i:U;N |.> x i"t ». Ag-rit«. ' 1?0K MISSUL-lU' lUVRK.~The , fiTT . li-»- i,r.,v .»«•!,111,-t I!M\VKN A,f\ l |,i !>.,?■■ r u ill f.-r 1 in* iil..,vc and all Intel i>< .11' un Till' PAY, ih< iMth >n-t. 1-r fn-ijilit >-r n|i;.ly t(| , •'t*’ I*‘- Fl.triv. IiAKMIS A i'ii. Ajrw. FOli ST. LuLIS.—Tho lino now i fT-Tr* f—' i.Miiuiu* fttc‘aii:.r l-iWA.-Uy-rftj. C«|it M»»>r«", wll Ui" r«.t *!,<• nl- t.-nn I ft !l P-.rt, .ti Till.* bVY »Ui-. u. Fur fu-I-ht or pj«-,> apply mi nr M 1.A1..R. r.AKNf'-.i ('>»., AtfnTn. afeJUsit Ulinols River Direct. TO I'FOKJA. l*KRr. I.\ SAI.I.K, AN U A U.JVT ?»«?- r POKT.s ON 1 fie ILLINOIS UIYEIt. I now ami hide Mfi=is.>n"er X »t.-ann*r DUNMAIiK. C-apt Ili.-hard C. Gray, will " r 1 “ Uirr !'•'!?« <»n the i'|u'oius of uriri-olon. For tiPijKt nr apply on bi'ard or lo mrl FLACK . UAU.NKS £ cri> and nil iu tr*nnv>iini-f>..t in>u'TL'K w HMlnij', at U.-M.-cL. a U. F-.r fi .-ritoMaco apply cti Lnurd, -,r p, mrl -' FLACK. 11 UiNC* £ O'. A;rr,it.. T? U It MK M I'll IS k NK W , mrr^K J OHLEANJL—Thefiii« »i* updy on t-.jar.l, or i<> ' '»rl» FLA'.'tf, 11A UN Hi A CVi.A'rnt*. I’ jloli' MKMPIIIS AM) .vkwT fil>T nllllANs.-Tlu. fin.. i.;tain*r ALU l 1 lA.pt. J. ht, A. trill Iraro for tlio * t. rni-di.it.- }»-i t» on r-ATUUDAY, *JUih in*:, at nt -J o'clocl; i-. it. For Hvi;;ht oi peunßu apply oa hoard nr to ' _ . .FLACK, jjov. MEMPHIS ’ AND"' NEWTf«r pa***;;-apply ou hoarder tif " :U oD ‘ frciglrt or ■ FLACK. UAKNES A D) . Air.'tiu I - n. 4011, IIARNEa 4 CO.. A S U j t- KITBT a. C. axmu. J , ACKSO * A CABIPBELL, <*ntnl Land Ayr.-J.'i anti Jital iUIdU Broken, SIOUX CITY, lOWA. ETTSItENCES:- -lION. J. S. iiLACK, .'•.in. i'««, r.t. IL .tj .1. L. Dhu kod, llrownstlllf, I‘n_, ii. L. Ki.J.i:,\{ , ivillv, Hon- Wm. IlittVn w»'t«in.-t,iii r-,u. ij..„ i i, kn-ipp, WashingtoDCity; U.TV’j ClrTct-Hf]. X*»ri Lk-» Al-.m- v 1..V81 Wm.P.Knoi, lowjiCitj”, Molt iti t.l.aV, L«.|. I’.-tilii.t-y, LIoq. ffn. C. Bradle j t UraitU-L. 10, Vl; Ch-rk & Protli.-rt, N. Clark A Crotier», St. Loitl*, Mo.; J. J. Bock Islarnl, llL;Mesm. AJaraorth A Lyrnl*,' Bock Island, Meura. Fl«h k Loa. Eanktn, Buck Island, IIL to^StA^n*f r A TEXT ELASTIC FIRE ASD WATER-PROOF Mr. Y.y.S A- wn.i^ • • • Jr. J,. Mr«. A.WGRaHAM, N*K., ~,r w i ~[ KiM, *«<] Ar rwenij’ 1 citra ililudnctt Cured toy tit OwrrrrsFCE'j Crx Lwes—Hra. Clr.ua> C*niaL..n, of lem(H'rnurfiiiiP t uiH.-nttrrlj bl.nd in on.-rjr | r nu.r-tini. twnutj jours, and could scarcely m-» with tltt. otti»r. t»h». u al:no*t entirely enrod t.y one Uttlo of “Gra*j}>nh-~g L\i Lr!tr>n,“ wl Ud. -s-s that ‘Uietl.-r Wtfl« \ri;i outiioly rs *!i>re inT eym. at Dr. GK‘V 11. KKYriKH No. 140 V. Mr*.t, «igu of tb» Goideu Mortar. I’nc- 2a cent* I. i'J"- !i>riiF K..AiJi£ A MKMI.v r PHE HEALTH OF A ME RIO AN JVO.M EN i l-T many jvais 1 have In-on ur.ublixi with c^ner* v t! - -.. nc 1 ‘T'guor, Doth uuntal and physical; cuiiru*'*, ISi*tli*wnr 9 s. dull Lra-iuh", ; ;d:i i:i ;1 L.-jU and ..c :n!no«a and t( ud-n- y to nUflnrss. palpitation *f ;Jie heart, r* i, i .i».. v flu**er»'u 1. 1 oirited, appetite vari'ildo, atomurli and bowels dir.»ng»-.J, with j«un. Any mental or pbyfftcnl oJ.ttl.Ti \r.L4 *..:•• r . br!r;t on uil |[;r *} nipt"3is. :«nd I hr. 1 Ui addition. Itlhsig of the womb. aiul *iont ]>aio -in that i t‘Lf pbr.ia.ui utter number uirnusUd lit# nk.ll m.U in r Ti r l '!';., v T ‘ uM n-e w mah ?‘ll Al,i. ft LI h1.1.N Ki-aTU*>L».'ON fortunately rnred xn« a ... * n:.v« n« V;rl« sufficient t.. rtfir.-s? my thankMilnera Mrs. JULIA ANNK JOUNBO.V. l'»rk. a. m. lor I .in rrul. »it that I harp been n fttfTVrcr t>r many year* • :t!i u I ,iefl 1*41.1 d. r»!i;;e.l iiu-natmaljun. After a wlft’e I h i t ns pale wee, indigestion, va*tinA vaht, g.-m-ml r and d-.biHty. pain in tho small of Ctt. , k .' 3 ' 1,0,1 tJru p£*n};....nAatiou,|"Ua between ttu «.t. -:)•.* i !.!.».!••* cati down tlie spurn, lou of wppo t:ie, tr.'i.l l-- ii. the -toa-trh i.nd lo>\vt>U, villi cold liwmD and i-ot fad ur> .dful uervoutmo*. 'i'ba leaat W Ilia mako roe f*l as Jf I shutiM fly away., i tried doctor* and drij r -». and ev-ry one after anotticr. without Uu> 1-:.. fit one little -t JLMt.-UALL'S UrilKLVi: some ..f my«>mpf nns t-~ tiiI. T t'. i\ ; i; CAT 11«>14C.V..\ bn< biiyM my !. f, as I verily Lf'i--*Tv. I trie-,l doctors auviimiaend*-d tli«* CaU.-Aiei-ti 9..«tri-ii.;iv that I deemed it my (iu'y i.i try it. I vaiiimslly troubl.-ifwitti d.-ranged mw.- *trua:i.*n. My hytn|.toir.» were jTitif ip.-vlir pains in the bark Rii 1.-iti-iom.-ii, U-a,-in« down p.,jn at ilin time of the tllnesa, nitrating,roll.-. tiauiMM, Ci.nmpatji.n. ft eling n* if liio tack mvl w. re tinii'-.-J nr broken. eructation.* nod roimtiui; auxirtr (I;'- M-ftni'-ti to !.,■.* bnnl-uj disturbed sleep, tUnt n<-«-<.!tlimi.itTiTijrs tatipu-nn'wiflfciiic in the morning, flatu- Kt.tv. ri'rKtlj.niinti. pressure of!.I •>»( m On. hond, ilmineas, «-;*•< wily when supping, great irritability of temper, alinnat r..ii*tnni iitrlinatj..ii tn jnu* wairr. great re»tlcraneaii and wrp wtt.-p «.r feel nuhapj.y. Iwa not only eutixdr myself ot all tlirw. symptom*, which 1 b»Tft, *U r-t-ft-ci a,T..r.nt of mi hatllaTekstjWjKsjOfr i.tln.r«. nri-il in wit i.rxa ' - ' that other* who arc amilarly ini • fA For a long time I had Ctorint.co3-f.hdnU v -u, , h „ r, n Wig symptom*: I ww n.-rv..tit, .J . , f ‘ ,| f ,ow . erm d i.. abound in complaint*, ,.f i diTf you: {Mill Iti the lower orgumi. and * ; ia .. " f •'•' ,f> tlmii wns poll.? t.. fnll o,;t ; inability Slll , count Of a fecliug of acluua ,i, '*' fl n .hoouo* ~to.» .b. i.„k. u* “$?, I''* "T J, , ,IU ”F r-ru.B,r,.J |.yr,.lin K cnawl TT*'' ml"" In tk. ,in,„«|, ttd ri< rth nnnns in .h. or, tra? I.bn? „f « „ "■'.T ”T' p' -31 '"'“‘"‘llri Int.n.o , rnnia not bearth. leastradtomi-nt without Wing nrr.trate.l for b-lay. I could nauxoly ruort. ftlmnt tho t !|. t take filranirt" iu auylhing. I had jhvMint, t„ i* 1 '"‘ l nod everything, m I ia !"•' “St'-Ktion to MARSHALL’S UTKKIXB CATIIm in>N l tivu it. hoping against hope. Mcmt f ortunately H tn-. an 1 tl.rr.. is not a healthier or tm.ro emu-ful wonwu'7-. he cuntry. I tnwt all wtlt u.-c ,t. It i« tnjlv w (ruudiu ntfl. itm. FLOitlACii LESI.Jr. MARSHALL'S !'i LHISK CA TUO/.IfO V u-7f cr'n , iycur. Sldlinjo/th, »bw*. Khiut. ‘ '"?n ?T “™'i» Ji. Ini's.-, liintibns art Ihl fU'S -J ihs Kubuyt or C.-tnary Or.-.ms hbtnjLnn " f Ow IMrtn, KiX”' „ CJ T,&^ : Or ■!„■ r':r:pt of iu- r/.*7ut, r “ - ui * ,Jr ” Ur ' ' “ 1 ‘ S ' ~ ‘ i “ tirr3s » to jc’i, muwy t”../ oucranb, (hat '!,< iM.rine ict7 l bf ml o n r ,. n ., AJUrr.i l»a OF.O. U. KJiVSKR. ' ' . , No. liO W«hl atm.t, VitUbjirah if of tl,o(Joldr„ HJ ortAr MORE THAN 500,000 BOTTLES x w i :;x ulaxd b.tt s; h IiEtSTOUATIViC OF PROF. 0 J _L ''-ML' f.r r.storing l«ir f-Tfitily uml penjjauenilT* lw. uct-r yn h.. l , rivi.l, volume utu-r rolnmc tni-bi t*' git t-n Irom uli paru of the worMaud iroci the moatmu-lli sent to proveUiat UUa jkt/kI lbtU.rntiw, but .»!Tal Circular and you cannot doubt; read al>o the folbwing; T:i’. Htir.—P.miUo bare tircanturiialwtfafflicte.! wiili HKI articUs ar» U-Ing disjwnwid wiL, lut! cnvii n.iuiv perrons st.il jMinaaiz.: tL.. w . u-cause W •.•..ttrnimptMsdupnuby Uair Tonic* of diff.-»„nt kLn ‘- V r **™$ ly ?**? U *“ «utu,..y 1, Ml. 'L ~ J ' Wki * H.:sUrraiivu ibcrn is n a im I *'. / 1 ' ' ' V< ‘ k . uuw of ftladywho tra* InM trho n*-l ihe artid-a short turn., end lmtul U uowa.ru«,l SK^-ITS!?, ~™ rr Han ,1 It ia »U« Without doubt one of tin- beat art!,-!,.. , . to pUI th.- ilNthat halrlahetr to SeU,l ‘ o *»«a7 Ur, r.U.rr In aui , r »nl'n i' M ‘, 1W ' nt,l » 1 b “I„l .',cr.,i4n.— ir»CT«* t Adxocaic, J‘hiUu o, j. B onn 4 C*_ ora 2 !^?‘?'i®^ s '‘-‘R' , ««.' ym Unix n-sturatWethobuta^i? 0 “ local « B t.nu li t’nil.tt Stal^/ur /ally cnnvinr, I Uhl ' Val t' M »
r,-J.rf n.w Mm Ui„ ; h. =< , w* t Mam ,Si.- Tlh'T'Tr 1 k " * ! nurth ml evto* <4 4rli ■*.••» Market streota. m Jd Paper Isozcta - v f'lllAilLES BUCKLEY, MAXUFACTBB jVf rl’ cor V« ° r Third and Wood rtTMtaPitubarfh*T». Con£ * ft Baxca; Jrwu&xand. ftracr/ptloß***.' „ J^ a ‘isori*aprrßoxr*maJ*tot>r