The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 10, 1858, Image 3

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wrosESDAr mosniho, marob \ lm
.*^ orrwuL^^r^r^^
g«w. of the City ana Neighborhood.
wTL* C ‘ Cr^T
, Court taSie'rmtirta'rtß mII- 4 * 0 ' W ° n of U "
■ Pared and *+*a k_ Pi® 8 Itwaspre
morafna. *l,. r? Q<^£ e Hampton yesterday
City asked fnr npon the Major and
BendafliTt ™ *’• H. Hampton, Esq., a com
£L be JSfk ** ** Te ftt tbc limc ’ Is as
7 d Been by a perusal of the following:
*; J—The bill sets forth the act
.7? Jr& inoo n>OrtLling the Ohio «nd Pena-1
BJirenii Batlroad Company, approred the Uth
to various supplements,
iSi tot * n Ml bearing date the 16th of I
April, 1866, bj which that Company, together
ri 0 »-^ er companies in Ohio, Indiana
SSL. . S’ wer * b y TiTiae of the kg* l ®nact
imf* ™ those St Uea respectively, consolidated
«‘p?»°«v 8 Co fl )or ation, known bj the name of the
r * tta ° nr S h » Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad
voopanj, possessing and enjoying all the
«gnis, privileges and franchises granted orcon
*rk u P oa original corporations.
That under their original charter they eon I
™ ld fron C " !lUnc I m thoVtlio
or Ohio, to Federal street, in the city of aiu_
« h '7. Tb “ b J f™ of their chX
“•JX" bonod to connect their road —wjT
the Pennaylraniaßaitroad at or near (h.
PiUabnrgh 7 That in order to
connection as speedily aa possible, and li «
»m any difficulty between I XtMelr- anY.?'
°f T of^', ,Übttr * b > ,he 7 cppHedfor the
oCan ordinance by the latter Thl.
of January, 1864,' 011 tbo ; h
P'aling them So’right wu !P“'' d
street* to connect with the P*nn t 01 * 0 ? * >enn
road on Liberty Rail,
ordinance * i .^ ud , cltJr - Thlt "aid
proTls ° lim “ iD « ‘h» ‘imo 1
fromSS Sf Bo n. C .°. n °' CUon J 10 , ’ ro 7'*"
«l«U.n of one of SK*^,2?fhfrSS
within elx month! thereafter. That br a
jsf S Stjfi
“P«o« to erect. bridge a™,“ ,
riTer, and conetruot theirTorf r r ” A 'l e £, hel, T
-££ {“ A > b «7 «ity ( te n the
street, in the city of Pittsburgh and it,.,
w “ completed and opened for nee in s.n
£V« d b “ be ““nstat u“ e,P;
r v a
£ SStio^SSpod l^
pended the sum of $l2O 000 in fta< * ® x "
of the work. * U,WO ln prosecution
O JI ‘bat on the 27th day of J.n- ,
compleUng the connecUon. apreTra,Kl ’ from
•aid d«fe^^", < K P ” Jr Co “ r “o enjoin lh e
■uoanaadants^'their eerranla and agents from
toerfering wtth their aUeged right, in'hepre”
Tr P -“«”« lbe coMtrnction of
Tt, °r.:,“’ ,<i . fr . 0m , usit, B “ » b «n node,
belnir T^n^ et a f °rf h lbB complainanla’ bill,
being renfled by the President’a affidarit and
fl^a'clearly «ÜbsThed O,“ £“ 6
to IV down th. track of"K ’ac™
1 n£? 1 i§ ?* lmed 00 two grounds:
lft j£ Ua£l * r charter of the 11th Anril
1854.’ aDd Jt " flu Ppiement, pawed 14th ife^’
i SSSrw^SS?
j SSrteT ‘ Ci DC7er «“«l i» the
: t:rc° I
I imi with pT Pany ' i° caso the y failed to
S f£J e , ?/ he cu 7 00 U»e terms upon which
•1 th!f, i sb f croM Penn oLreet, was bound by
\ pu‘ r . t 0 »PP ] 7 K> «» Com. of Common I
Thi “J? appointment of newer,.
- WiU h—■» **
ir/c«y 7 Cot“l/ ightS “” der ll, ” or
P « nn V°™ol*CMri and
- 2™J*» *»«wad. In tbe City of PiUobnrgb, by
f- ereoung lts proposed bridge across the Allegheny
i °L th ' Canal Aqueduct now
Ji^“ d n h "\- Th * c ““Pany i» prohibited
gom approaching nearer to tbe Aqueduct or
boudred feet, at any point be
tween the Collector’s office, in Allegheny, and
■ lr ”W i * C‘ty of
out tboconseut of the Canal Commissioners. .
bf.SrfJ!f rpOW<l P“ w by the charter
” cor P» 1 «Uon. either in express terms
h» th. neCMSSry implication, may be exercised j
In ~ '““Pany, hnt beyond that it cannot go I
!° th .“ ¥ nd of erant ’ lh « ordinal
I E& of construction is reicrsed, and the charter
is to he construed bberally in faror of the pub-
L°;S a r h ‘ ‘ l lToßgly »® ains ‘ “• P*nteL P A
donbtfoi Charter, or a doubtful power under a
- Whta tb »PC*" io ox
.**•» c “ room for doubt;
eo when the implication arisen naturally and
neceaaaril/ out of the express-powers, the right
* lf the powers or priyileges be
ooopled with conditions; thSy must be stilly
S tat if no condition, be ann«s
the powers granted may be exercised in a rea
aonable manner, baring duo regard to the rights
thereby™ 0 "’ inl ' rMl > "V be affected I
In tlm Commonwealth rs. Erie and North-east
a railroad by a straight line, between two dcsic-
Mted points, this implies the right to run S 1
ftCroM * * U streets or roads which
lto in the course of such linn Bo also when an
•et.of incorporation directs a road to be made
between certain termini, by each route os the
gran ter* of the pririlege shall think beat, it may
A. ha located on an interrening street or other
fta“ oonll te llw ay, if in the judgment of the di
lwrtore, it be necessary or expedient to do eo. ”
M?;KK?“il3 , ?*. rnta , of construction to the
S"™*; l 05 inquire whether this
‘i>o right to cross Penn street and
»ad?n With lh " p o Dn *yirania Rail-
Thst L^ 7 “s”* 1 V claimed in their bill?
That act, as we haye already seen, authorized
fc»hm!t theirbbrig 8^g 8 oTer Allegheny
IV?' i‘ now stands, and to construct their
SStoid « wili ‘ h « Pennsylranla
l H»?isCi Ub |? ir . BtrMt ’ »‘ » Point not less
taan two hundred feet from the canal Here we
d£d f«t p ,ly giT,n - onl ya fewhnn
•nthorlied to , Company were expreesly I
ISSt rotasisng Libert? i
this would 'ltrtr a f ty 10 ‘ta Point,
Psrhaps, a down rthw’.ESflJ croMlng ’
- swssstt
. an ,re M ', a . o lSr’b lh ', li *i t .^™“
otherwiothrl' . w °“' d ho clearer implied:
r. Power to conetruct their road bo-
P«oa ih*
or connecting the two given points,
woitrred by the act, become* a dead leUeron
the atatote book.
■This right is rendered still more clear, when
we take into consideration the fact that this
company is compelled by its original charter to
connect with the Pennsylvania Railroad at or
near the city of Pittsburgh; and its route in
order to form that connection, is Bpecifieillv
- designated by the snpplement of Dec. 1864 and
| P.nTilege so granted is not coupled with any
h" whatever as to the torn, on which" 7
»hall be exercised or enjoyed. Thus 1. '
abundantly manifest, that their right to
thi, street, and form the eonneoufn with ,|f!,
Pctmsylr.nia Railroad, on Liberty etreeL Laid
not be more clear, distinct and rortnin i?lh a
power were specifically giren in , lho
But there is another «r len ? 8 - !
I which renders the right claimed hv tk* quefltlon j
(still more impregnable Under company
charter and its ssppleL nt “, " I
form connecLinn onri a ’ , reqairin B to i
they hm e?S tho "«•.
right of way, and property"of' d par ' hMtd ,he
etruoted their roadrt a ./.i dpo ’ “ d co “-
-0? Penn street, wHhta a “w Soft’s 10
intersection with tk* t>„ ew , I °‘ ‘bo point of
liberty XeT iu ta?.T 7IT “ ia on
**ith of a contractii,u a h ‘“ (l b ,' ca *»• the
the »euled doctrine ~;,Me P , bI ‘ C - ; f " “ fa »»»
(3 Casey 309 \ kr,.u r : uslJce Woodward;
can CourtsX. ?»“ ®° gUnd “ d ‘he Ataerb
s^iSiXiS 7 b 7 “ " pkm 1-
ere l i. tl „ t . tio haa not attempted to ei
is claimed by the re.™..: ,? g 1 seem >.
« b aV™ P sr re - 7
refutation PPtn csmM wilh “ its own I
.fSSS^^M, dpUap -‘ heri « h fr
I with fh« 6 Aqaeducf * nd Pennsylvania Canal
RaiSScomna?y M . l J e ° bi ° " d
track (hull l whenever any portion of its
should be adopted.\h ° route b f tb ® aqueduct
hereby ”
piers and abutment* of j tho P^seat
ond Bnbstantial maaonrv eromelf UCt ’ good
with the present walls £ d d "’““"‘ion
PMy h s i hS n b7^ ) d, “K l U,l f t ,h 6 R EdCom r
purposes, without thi other than railrofd
Pittsburgh 6 CODao “‘ of the City of
roa 8 d E bridge 4 npM°eith?rorr Pleli ° n of “ t*'-
within tho corporate iimil,
place where it now stands “ l the
from th 6 W ° rk ‘ hereoD '
I iog on and compleUng said road arr7 '
Company.’" 11 ' PreTen,cd ”“r controlled by the
Jen « r taue'“r W . e ho aye alread7 “ r ° be
granted by the same' r so th.f L P "I egeS
££!££:“• rigbt -
dJ. h 1 ’“ ordinance seems to hare been framed nn-
Z "of *Ohio
by oar own legislature, so’ far as this road *ta
any part thereof, it ahall be ciumm .t
S“ d ““ 2411 Sood^mptTi^f
upon the manner and unon th» tirm.
ditions upon which the some may be used otoe
Compuiy 1 to ose or^occu^y*^"o.^,“°'“'
D » d er consideration was eyi
SSS^ pssgx
th.X."o^L i t?ro^d^„nghfta oad ro. , s 0
XrT!, mtbm ‘ he period ° l two /•>”> in order
itan S.LV C °, n r Cl,o ° "‘f* ‘ho Ponnsylyania
taid.H Liberty atreet, it will not be pro
from ao doing.'' U7CoUldhlTo prcTcn,cd •&>
li„M^° rdina , nC * istob « fcceired in the
Jiti eo f 00 ,? rocl b e ‘ween thecompany and the
etty corporation, nndif the rights aid prieiWs
frSehrfX t OP ° n *s* obmploinants be fot
# b^r mere lapse of time, they may etiil
LibertysfrieT C<,nnMliM ” ou gb‘ for on
nan.rib.f P f rc ' lTcd b 7 reference to the ordi
dMd»J h ‘ 1 “ for ‘ h “g of reyenue was to be
ta,lT.? ; , ,I °a“° 7Pe<!ani "7 adrantage eecnred
to the city by its prorisions. Nor is it alleged
or prored to ns by, or otherwise, that
be City corporation has lost a ainglo dollar by I
rof/--?!' °f the company to complete their
taf.T b '? tbo p eno d °f two years, while on
tae other hand it appears that a large sum of
v° Ung 10 or" a hundred thousand
the faith nf expended by the company on
citizens m , . °° , ‘ trlCl - N » doubt individual
this road nnt i,”* stained a loss by reason of
that lass eunn f! Dg been Booncr completed, but
tan I" s , he "‘op her. by 1 his corpora-
th6 oomplainants' bill; more
taTI„ i 7 ,r, f e C °? paD 7 *™ uow endeavoring
tho rond t 7 * ,pecd 7 eompieliou of
this f . h tata b o"f»cta' rUlBin e< t Q itJ applicable to
The lime hero spooled i. clearly not of the
V bat the city corpora
tion could demo no benefit from ite perfor-
nor sustain any low from its breach.—
Its condition conld not have been altered either
for the better or the worse by the completion or
non completion of the road within llie time. If
this bo so it follows, of course, that equity would I
not decree a forfeiture of the rights of the other
party, when the delay has been satisfactorily
accounted for, and when so large an amount of
mosephasbeen expended in the part performance
of the contract in good faith, and when the
consequences of . such forfeiture would be so dis
astrous to the complainants. Snob a measure
could only be insisted on when the opposite
party could not be piaoed 1 n statu quo', or com*
pensatedin on the damages for the loss he may
(2 Story’s £q. I. p. p 771, 2,, c
This OTdinance4hen being still in force as an To Theological A »n __
agreement between theparties, exceptingmerelT Wobus, comprising » Terr ralnuhu^i^n**.? 171
?omS° n J, f v‘ i ? e >«*»■ aa full fromdhe libiry of 1 «' cU ° n
fmodU?- ‘J I ,' nth •««“<* ‘he «l ! re- * .old by dialogue ou Ybo °r
—-mi.-. oa th ® respondents. Darts’ new auction buildings Fifth etrfL*°V f
Shy ,to • SuHtowii 111 ' oomplajiaania are on- morrow owning, arc now arranged for mjJi!' I
■ 1 * ’■ ■ ■ ■■■• ■ ' »•?. ’
< -
f S»S^sr^fa6aMs«ans W ; ( ■
high nay haj teen .nan*. 7 or oticr pnblic I b * r = lie decayed add decaying roote, and then reading, ■»->■,!. .1 frr» r ” paucd ona
etsewhwc as to ? “««ted here and l w ;'h ‘be aharpest of axes, cot array with all hie Pre"°a vfH« d *“P°’ t PM“i for the
cavil. It ha* k ®®? Foom for doubt or ■ m The Philosophy of Reform in A m «»s* vicu, -parsed finally • 358,relapre to insane poo
! sSttttifatSSS ! r;|
■lf" 4 1 a*: % Joli »?■“’"•■: ffi'Ssr ■K'cSrf “•?,“• s SSk.'ks 8X Si* 3K ”
contends, th^kbouSTth* i h ° reaponJeDls siet75 iet 7 cease to forge books orer the namJTf em~ : fhTr 7 " X ” a Com *>“J; a bin 'mESSf
, this powir 0 «rthe Po39MseB ! ! aent .? r “ U » “«■ it condem“f o ££ i relative GaS “ d r Si
wealth nni. it **® highways of the common- ' ln railroad and h*wv officer*- ?•* *» ***7 1 • ,“8 Overseers of the Poor in raw*.
S’srarSS 1 rl“- *£ m & £SI S£«?K2^=£
time of the Rrrr/0i,,.- 48 not confiscated at the ' churches cease to recognize slavery with it* «« ° ' aQ d Steubenville pn r P*^ m g the Pittsburgh
°ot 6 Tested in th e ‘S' thereto * as I «»*«*«»«, and fts
quenlly, the legislature and conße ' i Infla '“ CM . “ d ‘ben its condemnation of ' * ft “ . b " ta ® ’’ eloeJ by ‘bo Governor' 3^'?* 5 ' u, 1 ’
when n ril'th nd th ' e “ 3 ' i V** T «7 caption'of “Sot 3o .. i ,*" I B S? ed **
s r«„ f r j ;=/ &w : :r: g ° f
‘P ‘b. pablic '“ d Whlch 18 80 —'W °“ r Rented townsman h M n“ d oobt~ I -
in ni 1 l t g^e e rn P mcnt°.“o«r“ l iT f
ut^t^rtb e co n p. , . h :bT:” ; d i i 1 10 ’' llicl, poblic romor
Tr:^ r “^tr°o p f e tb for ,
agent of thf° °» l^e Btate * a ® the organized
ber Pe ° ple ’ exlendB 10 etenr foot of
parted 1 * pe^ha P s - wbeTe - she has
tioos Ihereofto^ \ P ° r '
connected with .h unu ea States for purposes
geneSTo^rnmeot 0 ° PeratioDS of
domZ k ™ I ITZ d ,ha ‘ lhe^ht ° r eminent
.Tcr^t;rSc% b^e fa „th”° ttibseSf “ nn^a ””'
sntion be made ad «ln»‘e compcn
hSd"SSi3 d f„ h i rd ,f oUDds aB T ,cd tbB
already been 2±f>
examination of th* ni*i.*fw* a . poBed of in oar
charter and a. %£Z%? P Zed" ’ bZb ** !
councils. passed by the city 1
W'e have thus disposed of all th* «« <• I
° f ‘ h ° Pnblio -' e ™« '
depot,„ t 'heother aUled m **» tnm
and nn enemy to the pence nod gold orZr nf 3 r
Ce n r f 3 ai : ba r e « ia3 l t h ead;'^”“ d
i p “^. o ,vr fi yr e “ b °^
b P «<mn«l noder
with »l“aJ the . com plainants file a bond,
pproTed security, m the sum of S 10,000.
T> **
y Conferences in those countries Buh
“l l ° t pre ‘
bu t "‘ iutprc con,id " im^red
infto«!r d *' 1 DWinc Sunday mom
g in the new Methodist Church (Dr McClin
‘o'k'!.) “ Jb. Fourth avenue, wk.™ ho we,
JJ™ { P"** l br ? lorgo circle of friends, and
when a most affectionate mention was made of
bm return by the Tenable Dr. Bangs, thTcon
Mftind^ 11011 " 3 in TlDg thank ’ ‘o g Ood for his
«we*ad prosperouAjourney.
re.te e rdar f eW i Vort for hi » h >™ in this city
ye.terday morning, and is probably hero now*
mi c «*—In tho-Court of Oyer & Ter
J K ' Ujf r “ lh '“ Mied by the
Judge if he had anything to soy why the eeo
nn»"Jed? el " Bho “ ld ° 0t bB renounced, he
‘Tea, sir, I have a few remarks to malt* in
Mold Bt him‘thaM b 7° k ? charda awo ™ h ™
i tow bio that I struck old man Welgman fi* A
The Jridge then said •
Md on nlghiT":' Ifc'Hon™
The new canitltution end bv-Law« _„‘ e ;
amended and adopted. * ‘
ronJin 8 ?"' 1 ' 1 ? WM also instructed to hare the
"rsr»“ ~ ■*•
“t "ibo’/n ““ T0 V’ tho w “ ts "t Associa
f“Uo ’ 1 “l? ■» ‘l‘° Committee Messrs.
CoUmgwood, McCurdy, Mon.gemcryTd
MoX^r‘;r n Je b nt n m^,r Cd " Blil “
Bonne.—Ellmakcrre. The County of Alleghe
ny and the Penneylrania RaUroad Company In
equity, and now to wit March Cih, 18S8 Me
caee haying come up for hearing, and after hear!
‘J- ? e ° r *° ®- Campbell, for tho complaln-
/ A h n Larg ° “” d T - "’lllinme fo, the
County of Allegheny, and Thcodcoe Curler, for
the Penneylrania Railroad Company. It ie here
' I decreed that the eomphiinnat ami
tt h af*n t” ° f i he bond ’ iMned b f *J»e eoun
m^bs?u hCny ' J ° wment of “>« eubacription
mad* by the said county to Ihe capital sl<£k of
the Penneylrania Railrood Company, maTaor
render the bond, so held by them .-Phill * But
Moeboe Stewabt Dead.— Thia man who hu
J 7!.?“ e,entfal hiatoiy In the last year, died of
four “dLk in ?ho?0 ™ b ' tWe "‘ thr '° “'l
40 ur ° ,n to® •fternoon. A fomilv h»
whireh D h h h 7 K 1 ” 1 U * P*^»n“nho J S?r
I;?rr b r i1 ’ y***/
s-*tsSS“ 5
!in £CI3IOS — Jnd S e Ague* delivered on opinion
m Beaver oounty, on Monday, of some°X‘?
It wob in relation to roUing atock on a railroad
? h ° !?, T“ of declslon « that a mortgage
is a protection to personal property whetw
appurtenant or as a fixture: that
can^t 9 b D p abl ° P ? iDfS along lho lineofarwd
, cannot be seized in execution. Questions In
Coon!v p“° f o '"' 8 r er " “ r « ne ' J beforo Bearer
t ? on 3-™ »>• 23rd ultimo by B B
K « «5 Judge
b, T pI!„ G 7 eraor ias appointed Joan Mackiv to
term bS ta ° f W “ “p,
». In^r lmo s T ilt moa ‘ ° l our Flour dealers.
, „ P re terred the re-appointment of Mr Culu
but siZn hlmMlf » “oat excellent office?!
with .a • Cannot him. we are pleased
with the appointment of Mr. Macltin w, a,?.
ftSE h “ d , f ° £ —' Fears, cnd este™ h,m
“ db * Te ““ doubt he will prore a pop
ular and efficient officer. We congratulate hi?,
on his success in obtaining this appointment
.thong a larg!
ly fine shirts, n large lot of calicos, two cloth
coals, a piece of red flannel, some knives and
iMra’ubo'th'* bo7 "’ BlMkin P , i e'e- We did not
earn "bother any persona had been arrested.
T "‘' ol< ' 1 earaings of the P., FL W. A C R
for the month of Feb. were $98,152 92
For same month lost year 114 103 78
Barninga for January..
Increase for February.
to»^",Tre%Vp Th M fo D.^ g .„“,' i r ero
at the Commercial Sales Rooms, N0.’54 Fifth'!?'
■> Shares Cilizens’ Bank $5l 01'
?°m La ' ,rtnce c “- Bonds $5OO each *
at .JO per cent.
J D\sm Gallagueb, who was slabbed at thn
,“”h f npne tlouse, on Saturday night i!
said to be in a critical condition. The Mavor
the nurnwho* SSgftJS&TE JSS^
‘^:iTXZ^L lbe ' woonds
Collision. —Two hundred soldiers for
smashod^ 0 ™ b “‘ ‘wo ca£w*e“
ottheJZ“^^“ha& r Sj
o a f vitzr aing - °‘ ,hef ”“
» i ! t h ’*® advertisement in to-day’s
paper it will bo eeen that Thalberg will give one
and only one concert in this city on the
Miu‘r„ U n- ! " : ~-V 0K " ight Rolling
MiU in Birmingham resomcj business 10-day. *
"” P S S T c, ‘ lbM "T ;
Dot'j Raglan, and aack coala, Gent, French
prices an inducement. J 11find J he
dor or tiro The/"!” leport in the course of a
cZXziL 8 .:? s” r
corp<fPetm “<* St. Clair Streets.
prej*n«l lj Fleming Bros: UUK ’
T..j, tTd„ . no r b „,^T 0 « I“'°r 1 “'° r, ° ! “■>" •>'“»
T . „ W " n ™™ Cm, March 9.
wh™ it iT So "“ l0 ,<,ok tip tha Kaneaa Bill
V 1!)"? 10 ■ aiJlh “ t no subject of equal irn.
pnrtanco had boon under con.idcrutinn ainco ha had
occuplod a seat in tbo Senate. He regretted that it
d b f !n .| mi “ l ' " P " r l J becauio there tree
?' A r 00 “ r,h lik » a part; deapotiam. He
now r I S, bu 11 l b ' th “> ko<i Owl he wee a freeman
H"' *} ‘J'a reCord ; ° f bot °”“ Of aim.
liar turpitude had erer been attempted. He had no
eu t>CT to beaten, on tho Union ; It need! none ■ itn
', ,D i 1" P“‘ L B " Ulan re piled to
I the atatementa of Mr. Hammond, arranging hia re
°j“ k ‘ °,k d ' r ‘j"™ di,!i “ cl koadai lot. of
eire S °,^ o “ d .?,“ D '’- ,ho k ' pt iL -'i Ihe cap,.
I city of the South for a aeparute and diatinet o
I u d ' T b ° of the laboring maaaoa or
?o°aho°J!d' I 1 '" “ id „ th f l in *P'*kiug of Uieae pointa f
ho ahould bo compelled to uao tho term the
put into hi, month by th. S.n.tor from
in hie heart he kne. no No“h noSo^S'
I“o°uS*yl,nTl!l'v 1 “o°uS*y l,n Tl!I'v 7* on= common'
country. The Wth mean to gtick to the p„u„.
T/str l ° KooU “' r aaillter Zi
jsssssjs’iiar*' Mr - *»«
pirtmenl hu’dodjtd
fonnor on board olnim that thaj .hoou' ko'entiJij
toMn,ldcrar , .n a> .taffofflcar., and that ih„ JS?
X * ,h "
’,l U‘ *>■• id gj
DeTRoiT, March 9.— Tbo propellor Glol*. hai n *
log to the Great Western Railway wa, SlSliS ?£
wnk while loading lire stock at the 31 C R t* d
JTiarf this afternoon. She had orer 100 head of J '
Sr. Locns, March 9.—The nrer isstatlonarr with
good stag* of water to Cairo. NotbinirnZ' iw™
upper streams. Weather clear and milJ? B * froin
>ua«teu°. ; : v <"•“■*•>«» u “ r -
Ap=: Fltan s "y
Conferonco to-*!"resoivoJta^^'' l E P“™P«I
lo P*rtto dUri™ ih. paM ic mi„d 0^f h ,; D " r »P»P«r
lomlj cUmW ~,40,00°, J b an^f^
T«l.*r»phle Oaikau.
rii z b °££s
Had. andsl,2B<3*IJT>for W»,i» * ft bui for goo]
con, i. rSr s,°„ ,rr i- 1 ■?£
SSS. 2£ZUtfL JSs^-' ■» iST-Sfl on”
«iI,!?S-'whfS' l ‘(sji, ' rt “ l *“4r “ tI.H
*nd V«llow tt toof2Cl ffhi»v»J?'n W « af at &9&CO
«*lm of Balk S3t li V. 21 *W.l„n.fln£
Sld»; Bacon Shoo]drn?§' ll nii!M OU o?5 4 ’,* nd *6*% for
ftrm tt 10. n “ ‘Me* *>.!•& Mms Pork
>‘yr. »»• r u - n °“
sssrsekk b £
Oil boj adrancw] 2c; «aJ#« a t avaui* <1 T B Kf'^® klnaoad
Whitkey TZ £S®J l * • Thllow
•tcadyat 9‘*aiJ V. sale* at 22. Coffee
Cotton to -
Oilcago k Rock hUnd ft- £J22' J* J”: „. Stock » Arm;
Milwnpkl® IM£; Mlehlean Sn^fv^^. o**l 0 ** 1 2l > k
Ualena k Chicago W^^Rrfogiu? l^ N Y Antral 91%
Cleveland k PlttibcmS 11. k Toledo tss
Midori Bln, * MW.lppi <J|
, ‘* k ‘ .dnac*) SUt th.Yta, C*™ ll "* 9%
r‘^ry^T D Pr «,7003,75 for ,u
-*l5. Clorerseod 11 fim ,' POTk
SSo. OromiMtaJ;.;. q L ""“ J 0U «t
»s >@] '^oorjp3i„r°‘ l °°:„‘‘° a ' x "
$15,950 86
. 94,665 95
. 3,486 97
t«*r*n DicitT. V. P «• , r \, FEBIIUAiU.
D*n o
.BinrUd Specially f„ (h . Ga„ U , .
nM *-r>*”r mu ' vrct,^i ' r - iy, , v .v
S'" Or..
1 ■ Jo, at J 3.90. From.tor. « “ nJ
' ltra $1.10; i', do . P’ 6 ' lij 11
™») d. ,t „j (te - J» -Hr. ud
-K; JS
iwwili, *,s,v' “• !«..
L »» ***> *t 1W «nd I<jo do at 30. I *' f,ow ,u *«. 10u
)IS2S E !o LbuJSmtau “'‘f* “Wfr ■• ' "'J »Jo .! 71-.
M, tmo „„„ " Um “*> *..J 3o and Is do ~
DKIED APW.B<_a «J.„ f la-,,,. ,
jo., »»* * d„..».„ u r. i .r.;"^o-“. , n *d' s-s
at “ I, “ d '*"*@* U t‘to.. and Ado -tr.»
sS g,"™ «* «».
Sldea aod PI4 far nm,, * ' or ' f„ r
doTfaasa ' *“ ,<, ‘’ f2 ”'-U‘i^tin,da t 2,. „d d „
■' «®i “s D do K;;
*»D CO MEIIa .,
u*e« buoyant atiiOc—tCln Gu *’ W “' ll,n < at Ac. .Mo-
*i;«0.905 »ijSg
Total tor the
82SS& SiSff
SSSS -"-“•Sr
tod iinct* J*u, 1.- * k lo flj rei ? n port* r«r the
ToUl tor the w<*,fc *i IWS.
Prr.lto.!, report*
•$10,310,742 |102i7:.;3i
Y Trib.
“"P of ,5, h .‘ i!^f”', pl, „ U ,U " k ‘
Capitol mSSJ; ,VV* ’ >
4,'isitoS {“• tKI.IOO
Du. to other m. iJSJj,, f luc. 103,678
Duo to other lit. 2,013 f IV D* 33,002
“"“'•Du" 1,808.;31 iMiS-* !" i "’ 2M
—(PbdUull. lnc sT.GfI
, h , import, by H.llro.p,
m: 221 Ml. paper, ie^ k '^” n £"fr- p ‘«lP*. Carr 1
papor, Perkin. 1 eo; ! be, « Ml.
« dootti, s 11*11; 6i ik -r T . ?jt p /i 3 1,0 **■“■> 3do rjc,
bUhoik*. Edmopdaon * 24
Uni, H Rohleon k c«? 300 bos u »,}“*(. bB, Ur, Ido
* Dllwcrtb; 1 do, Atwell > h t, ,L gutter, Shrlrer
Uerlat » do. lf.l'.r'folf'.rn » C
«»tr, Lo,<l i e„; 27 ut, L c . lO bM *
«onr, Bmnn 1 Klrknatrlek? d '’“""•"I. 10 bbl.
“do Dour, P WUnSHwi h “ ££,7'“r S bbl « ' b »™«i
apple., Alalrm; 230 bu7o£bi D M.~? M D» Pua
Oaxaeed, 1 bbl buttar, 1 5A* I '~ m ' ’ "k.
raja, Cha.l.lcki i bbl. butlUT; “ * TO 1,,k "
c ar lptnbar, On-, 17 bbl. app|~ IVhtotonO.“S * M ' K "1 1
owner* 27 bb'« baiter 10 do 04 r<
Kennedy i Bro; 2700 do, 138 **.*s!’ ?*¥ bai wbfat .
220 bn»fl***eed, 10S2 bbl« flour M 400 *** ae * t -
•’niter, CUrke A cx>. Po r *» I« do tieani, 7 d ( >
falling, |j^rMh"iJB l aSd*ii«i£ I Li nb * rU^‘ l r,T<,r * wero
wu Iron CinciDMtl.Sd new fUm D r d,t,o °; Tbo
I«m«1 Citiro on Tburadar for Lonfavlll*.
and Antelope f or Lou|* r if| e Orleans. The Kmpreu
I‘rmlrie Roau from Si Louli * k>r and
Friday h , ***’ *"*** on
“J» «n tb# Mb, C,t F- l,roke
Sliwoari rlrcr on Fridar ml a *, rt L°til» for the
Mierod that the tWr V. * rocr * ll T
The jorga at Canton waa rerr 0 10 Ku<Jkt *«
The Lockwood, reconii* i.,‘, r „, aO H Ou *nothclil long,
feot long, 3J fret beam 'ifr a* * JCiU " ‘ ,ow Albany, was 230
Laiuothe'a lots will be rerylArr^n C *t' l
axjieueu of nearly hl» whole fiirintl't . ,? d *° M to the
and fit her out. She »«*^ bM,M «>•• Lockwood,
Would not bar. tuffered by icrr *•«*. and
!>aa*cu£er steamers now r«nnl^i^,k^ ,,, * Any of ,ho
■|wed or elegance. She waa built bJ n,U ‘ Pr fa*
"t H ber 00181 *1 thS pla£ AU MS
.if.” Ssttfzx?* irmL *■*»
■toa « tt . „ <d ,“ [IJS ■«■«. api Co, 1.
at the month. lua becn^m/i*^ 1,111,10 curroD ‘
~*‘ Bg unl
Leader. who w u ,° f tU Sl L«fa
conflagration, waa a brothw „f jJSfhn r , ‘ a ?.* cUk Hotel
r It* »lr Ooary had SSSd J'F 7 ’ ut
hU daughter, Inhaled the hSafr wh£h!?? 0a r,,uniilJ * far I
fatal. Ilia brother Las toit\oB?i£*?£V? na r P">*«l
tho rotnalns. * Loou to take chargo of
IN tuih city on
AT *
Pittsburgh iheatlF"
MISS HISJBEHLY. t Jtt * A * K E ‘~~
d. U. UANLEY un Maaeauusa.
STIU« llANiou.
n. ]T „ ABWSSJOIf.
B,conii TUr." S? I SJ**“ SS,OO
Third Tier S' ,1' *«• ■"«“ W»
Oiiorni 5.i^:::::::::;:;J£;| 00,0r '‘ 1
filDgi* tfeatsln Titrate 80x,51,00. j
LiS"iWK le, !! , 5 l iS B -5 ,0D ~ flrrt ,lI « ht of lb ® st*r siiui>
°* W*»eol*a for the third time Id Pittsburgh, s
remarkable pUjfnllof fan, flub sod frolic—wit and
menment—dancing, singing, minstrel*;, etc—organ
grinding, bantu pU;lng—ail the well known popular
songs of the <l*y—Urn works, bonfires, Ulotulantiom
sto—shaker dances, pawnbroker*' shops, fashionable
gambling bells,fortune tellers andestroJogieti-conclnd.
log with a grand carnirsl and muqoe ball entitled the
EURNITRE Oil Cloth—beautiful strip* n (
fltfond »ad Imitation of woodi ForiS, trr IC * °*
fcJ4 J - * H- fmr.T.rp, ,
— J. *H. PmET.TPff
Monongaiiela Hirer TJ. a Mall Packet*
' lJßßji '
o’dbck p M aL, and Evening Boata at 8
treUCitjßdieSjJ rK "«P”' t . Elizabethtown, Mcnonfa
end Bruinlm! T"' 1 ’ F *Je>te Cilj, Oreenheld, Caiifortila
tor Cnimtoi nKteu>d
CemidadtoJ',, j 's£*’’ M “'E«"<n»n,Waj»f!bnr gl
town Pitteburgb to Union.
Boat, returning i OO < “ t * indnzlTe.— I
morningand sli the ~.,7,1 o'* , “ T ' “ 8 " dock In the
■juireat the Offlce, ITharf Lrtfu iw’? en-
ill,? - STODLER, AotTT.
Missouri K°“r Direct.
B«xrv,l?^SLT s V?“rTS'^ B^ PP ""’
Tmr , J ° J MA,rA city ’
Ub splendid new and fast rnnninn r,-
"o*«r Iteorr SKY-L AUK a. . 1 do ‘
WX. will Iht, far thoabore *, Capt - .P®*' JO «K* ,
THIS DAY. Sth in.lT J 1,1 ,ntwmedim <* Port*, oa
* or frei « ht or pM«**e apply oa board or tu
jail FUCK ’ BARNM A CO, Agaata,
ce ’ 87 Water (tract. j
F o vL C e^ I ' n ?' ati 4 t-oi'is*, [nsf „
JEVNT ORAT Cant.?n P n |V ''i ,#nß, ‘ r ,tfarop r^^^^gT
■ad*ll I n Urt n ldSj t t D m Du o n ' a f: i . ,r<n ] T°
r g^fsmmz^
F^™ A "vvxvriSrz I
»?“*-- -.7”. fln ® ■tcanwr GAZEL. fs n . .IgCßlty
Poro, m TUIS “p F^™”P"
apply on board or to P ‘ k ‘ Fo * fn*i*btor
FLACK. lUR.VE3 A CO.. Art.
Kvn.i.?l?, CI ; NXATI 4 LOUIS-7 ICZ~Z
°° ™ ,s Bir “" h
fell f "rP'j "■• t*.rd t. ' '
FLACK, BAJt.VKi A CO., Ac™,,.
■DOR NASUVILLEI-fhe 'fine /'ins.' .!
11A V loth limt t ~r r r " lt l, t " 1: PorU °“
fri litnL P"«JT» »pplr OD board, or to
FLACK * bahxes A CO.A^dU
St. Uouib, ate,
Kg*®*., ''ALENA,
or ,pp l, „„ S'"* »/ »«*•«••.. F»r
=Fwnr-s- —•—£tl o JL B _ 4RSE ' I on.
F PKrMA r bo.VXI (f p rit.nh F rt'”'-]' 11 Steanier
lnlermiidUtoTCrt^.h 1 ’" 1 ' *', '" v " ,b ‘
"Z,J' ar ” r <•-£ *®'r ™ ffl
C*pt.(n T.II. Griffith* will ,Z ?* r P£m *lNA,
mediate ports oa theunonin r * ”* r **** a k° r * and *ll Inter
.“ply on uirPorT U3r,gatioa - height"
T\fu, — vrr, Hack, barnes a co., Agonts.
UOK M. LOUIE KEOKrik' i*^" -
<» M V *Stj£ OT Fo“r ■*'“"‘■"nedi.t^X
FK» ANI> Ml >>s6irr?pr^:
?,rV , " r^g
*U iQtrrmedlatu ports on ih« ’?J*. *‘ at * or
a;, , *. c.p.JS!’«UJlsfc
tnr9 ru'gat ur passage apply to
T-. nl , -,. IUCA A JONtS.
rnr-v --^SUttf
w" 'l ^, Bp '°r ndid
FOR ST. LOUIS—The niri«ndi<i it-
X Steamer EMI'fRK CITF Cat.t V..., i I wSStoA
grtff. will Jcsra f or the aho ; , I J] l\
t:<F n ‘"" Tu,s B -' v ' ,uti * i“-HS,7 P v /
fn-ighl or puug,. ,pp|v on bonnt or to *’ P M ‘ For
F.. . rlack, iurnt.3 a co,
F°l?r T A, t OOL'-aSTcS? O^jj?
•pply on board or to * or ' rei C ht or passage
/lack, barites t CO a m...
.« ti&lßaun&r
tbo opening w f Q»rfp»tlon r► ? , * Lt *ro»«|jiu,. jwrM.
- ™ rSTEiK' 7
pOR MI SSOtTRFftrVfcR Th „ ■ £L !v -
X floo n«w .Earner ROWENA.Capt'Yviw
s‘iss *i’S ”i ‘p f
pou ST. I.OUTS.-Th t Tfinc-n^-7r^-
port* oo TEI3 DAY, i
or ,***>** fcpi ; lr nB ££ « ‘l«* P. M. For
~b 2 n^lSiS.'S^
pORST L ODi a :- Thefine t:;^
Will lf*»o lor tha *buY.°li^ pt ;i * ,cC
TIII3 DAY. loth ‘•*^iS i pofJ B !S
fr *[*J* #|, P l * on board or to * 1 M ’ For P“«K*
w»: mJf „i, 'i^.^, r b .'lr; r u j r ,t
on ibe <ipt)Qia K „f •** int«nnediat#
»J'Pjy on twarj or l«, For freight or powag.
- ”*«*• “ARXES 1 CO. A^nt,
"MffiHi Illinois River Direct.
“ I—S .Pflj o. taK°^„ of for
, “ a£ -«AMra*CO. A&U*
poll mem PH IS AND Vf: \v ~'
S2S?SS?S£irH? “ r ■»™£™SE£
*r. lawuexce"(w' r“2 r" h ~'n *' r
I?OR MEMPHIS MimliH* “si?-
hardy & M’ORJBW
Coß\in or First am, Frrrv stress
Nfi\v CAKpSra
H"- ■"• 4 “• MeCALLDfIi
"W* Heap, Lilt, K*g, LUIJ w»J Stair Carpet*
BJi&, Mats, Cocoa Matting, Stair Rods, *#, l c .
v A “?* l ofDraraa lhai one to tour yard* wtdec
bcantlAil patterns Floor OU Cloth, from 2 to 24 loot wide!
with all oilier goods ainail/ found in Or»t dan Corbel
Stores, all of which ws are prepared to sell at th« Terr law
eat rates far cash. oei W. D. A. 11. McCALLCmT’
Riehsrdiou’* lrl»h Linens, DaiaaikPitc'
rpi£E public will t.leaae befir-in mind*thnt
i. the ofe.Nl/IXE GOODS are alwsj. ,«j. d tt m! „
signature of the lirm, » It: J Wta ‘*>o full
S ssaxr&z* dySlwrfM
THE SCBSCRuSI?^ 5 *- .
■h m 1 'V B ™° K ™ E WESM;EN e Svi! ngli 55000
BN LAXD!I Tb>«,o r
MSIXIFSFF lE fH ¥tivi '
Esast iras-
i mrj
I ° i£'&s£&££ übk
1c 22 i!* N «- 1 SStfurt,’
,*® prim* Dri-dPeacW
JSSJST Chkk “-
9* 37 rutb
Cincinnati, atr'
THURSDAY 7 " EVffity
Notes, Drafts « D ,j Lo ttn , R LOOMI? * CO.
"sr*"" '* auJtS iwoMrs^a'r 1 “
B-. - - _ 6 .K^BrnWrvW^rt^
A* K •'■roc.'KS AT AUCTION -Will w
10.1 „h.r., MocbßS'k “St C " 1;
i," ? u “"r *> .lo.'
1. d.. Jr™ City do do.
," M.incheHtiT.SnrinCTPnni!
—: _ _ gtock * Note Uroker, ionrlli rt.
•T.. 1
aud mats tnonej «t the aiD - »im )eT ? 10 wuntry.
iDees ere clrarin*; fn.m tvv, J. now boa
-OSe.% *«• ir&^sa*?—.
\V ( 'f‘-! u -l». (‘ r Skins wanted ).v
\-- , vi- „ , .t CO. «o »a„ h ~
t.-Ai.ut nttSKVioi,
i ' v ° street.
crocks) waxteiT
''J,tS'X’S£ **■:.* g-i «. n. rt *„*
uoFfcrtj luunraj), ,w
To HU order* h v -
" ‘ c , WOMIS * CO,
ttt . . ‘ lOLk ll £’tf-T-. Kuurth >:n,t
VVlV’rf" It<>s antl Uraf,s ■“vinß
T r riir,: fii>j to hr "
jaiq B fAl . AL'-TIN I.iHJMIfi 4f>i.
TTT A vtl' F - k '' t " J N '"’‘ w "ker«,&a KoorU. «t
W jaVs l Kl, ~ A ‘l U:inl ‘tJ ol’KOodsound Rye
"*■ ~'^, Kr;iCP '’ 8 Sno;;Lr ' rß BkaC£3—Frum
A|,ri ‘ ,ae - F ‘" “>»»
ix-n.ler n™ ° U rrt "' u ‘ IJ,, > Woru tb » Washington Su»
140 V £ tnrM Dr - «• K,j*r f of No
h r ny
. * n • » lo fullyw m HoOcjiurj or C u.
to *“
St. Ui,iS "
pand thr eif-t," '^ nI I *° silion «*
lijored br Uj«- ’ bondniUof whom «tb aanuallj
pJSwtfrJi i.S 1 ' M ,°' «onnoa, -sa.m,"
mcaUoned, „ „ 181 / V yf Ke“ T m U , rin « tLe k,ud
t Dr. OfcO. ir KErVfVq u-k i f £s® Sold
-U -Jen „f IL «*!?„ >» Wood
ii u.iriMr JbMMJIwtP
1,1 ''"' n!m, ' hH ,hi ‘ Ihede.f 1- hear la
are laaJ,a„r„t . n p hl „ g
to f
&n * rntJrrly di«|w,^-j
££ Xsr* I ""''' "• *« "Z&'tF.'ii
A~~y'v _ <J - n - it<
• great deal clmatter ton, Tb ; a ”^'“7" Kl
rr ,c °"'"
•mooß.mal “a!, thi to , s ‘“ r ' i, ’'’ r J“t. I
uo2o-.i*«v unrßh * p< *'* •»«! «-y OrDSjrfartrwrywher#.
gJ",',"™ k"" CnV '' r^*>
■-»>j ,„ a r „ ulJ
atoro berejM. gold „t Dr rD!ln:l f fe-
" f •'■'><■•■■“'»»«« S^.‘“
. ~ F “ r "'*"!• !■»>■ I beet, troubled with refer.
.wr10e.,.„," , „r U „ > i- t ,th mental end physics!; ' ric „
wwnrss, dull heiiJacbn, juUn iu thA-hc*! an j tc-mnW*
‘° M °‘ m - 1 th. hew,
HjuT , , r '’‘ e ‘ u ' 1 ' *'■'■'>“• eerkd,!,, «on*h
«JU,.e,.de r . nErfi ‘
“*“ -w*-..»*. 4,
goo. OwrtjifrtanMfcr’llSh ‘, Ui I’*'” I '
pee m„ »V» iS, hl.,.km»ml
SnALI/SUIIiIIIAc"TUOU-hS"7*? OS ”* ° f SUB '
•nd I h.e. „„ word, iSorhSt f » r "">dM 1 cored me
eoadcnt lo „pre» thonklul,™
»Bb rtSS'jyiSSJiS"'"™ . eoffcrer for moo, Jc „
•odfeitiid drlii™ h d * lth »M hind.
X r * = ’”-' *X!'“SS2
»T.™ P ,„m. , or S!; rod
jrab l r “ lc * l, J rcor,nl - 1 «ri«h «ut «r,.ry
woauiu could know wbat i( will do. CLARI&W ODER. 3
Ufi\ u I Terilr belier*. | tried doctor* end medicine until
U •f'cmed Dv-lm to try longer, when ’ met with a lad* «*►,„
recommended the Catboikon •ostruiigiy that I dee mmt ;i~.
duty to try It. I w»» raoetij iiuahled with deraomd me/
■ Unauon. Ny •ytuptom. were principally paiua IaSK
arfebdomeu, twin* down pain at thetiieof thalll£-7
bluatius.cohc, u.nuacu, const] ration, frclitur ajlf»£*»"£
and limb* wi re |irni«ed or broken, 8 f*ck
anxiety (li/e «*n>ed to 1* . bSTSSw" 1 ? TCmlWa *
D ««,#bcdderiii*.. walkW S** 01 *
leuce,eonitipatioQ, prcMuroofblnndt^eil“•owningfiatn
-1 especially whin •miping.MSSiwiS?
constant inclination* nwTSm, oT . ]^“PCT.alaort
•fro to wiwp or feel anbaDnr
of W th«e eyraJtE, *Kh i’h^^ tttiro,3r Cnrud
0 "'" J ■ toU "'r*sXsXl'
JngiymptoSn: I th* follow
«»<l to«ho Q ndTDaXS.* macU, f l «“* &*«•««
tfw yon; nXln tb^M? inU » *hlch I will Uyto
““a* wm going to ouSS? * f **f ia 3 -
eoout of » fMUa» a t to »och on ae
Si,Ur ****** without being protSed
not^kfU*® BW *“ r »*y , oow aboot tho ton*,and did
riido^ffiT lrcln^ Wa *' I^KiwnnpWhnTing
mv- 1 ■opposed In Tain, but a Wend caUed
, S all “« hope- iioet iortannlely it cgreJ
{?*>**” ‘ he ™ n «t a healthier or more grataftal woman in
, 1 ‘nut all wiU uaalt •It iftrnly tt» wqom£
Wend In need/ Mit. IXOEKNCJS LBSLEsT
rnoum.Vua ana,.
p _.: a «««a Safes. .
Hsimn YmStrk *« C 5?2f
S.T-K' S ««W2LSS&fi
Door Locks, Spring Utctes, Khltm «n“?p* ? 1
Tw Spoons, !WW.CSorSw^Stt sU>l*-4o°
tort Sadies, sod cSt iLn^r^?** l ***<*«,
toaln. Corn Broom*, Franklin
Iron S*fo, Liquid ujae, P M^fr% B T Ilw *»
theological umuliY^S^
1 DAT FIEXIXQ, MAHOT llarll,fib
eold at toe Commercial Sblb, tunnl 4 0 ' m' fS'L n* 1 *
mnr? ‘snplUfßßd TBlnßllerolSaioo orn[moaln^T ,
KK)t3 „„oirtTßd at rotifß calc fa tSc Sir aS 1
rac £ <bmria “ to "’ P«--l> nnonalr 0 A,n^Sv-
SkaS„“, BrtLT°'f„ 1; "f JTI ?P* t ' i ; Aobtlbbob. u vole:
terror th,Cmtal gii' t^ ,C c° P 'V' , vi S T" 1 " 1 Hla-
Ibc o.w ° o roTT S ,??T'. ? T 0,,: C, " t " > Commentary on
Intrcrtac’tton fathe'SS"' J “c Cttjxnltor, Ilonne'a
ParaMc „3 Mlrccfaa J Zrola; Stole,on the
1 role ScS?. limiT . ’ Frcarb, 2 rote Blair'. SarraOM.
WIUiM Jcj. s ™ '»« « 'old Work, or
"SSScsss asss^-"-""
H- 5 —— . _ I*. SI. DATO. And.
Auuisday morning, March l =ti, nf n , •.L,i CTIO *”'”- 0n
-ill te «,ld J ; ,1a" I £££ ‘ 'rtv^Kr'm^-
harra. a ornamental ctncco. dm.
111 in lhe
ar-one -up- rior : 4 * OD K «*>W&
and yneeusw arp Bedding,
do. T«rn,..,„|a. “*“*'rip' , T' 1 '”i;. K trhr„ L -,„„ rtl “;
of Second a.T'jfatod ° JV? “"-ifiOo
•feel ot at red V- |„ cb “> “"“f * frool on Second
trainee, to.B.knSi I S^ t C 0 7““'I”ok»* era,
P) Ato Y S - ALI;s AXA’O. 54 FIFTH sf~
nu-idr, .oited far tli tratfaind °, f * ll
etoek rftich fa 'T * '"*•
men,. Ihal * l'l‘ 1 ‘ fm "“
pHefa“„°,3£.*.s!& .'ft* orDclnn com-
OunJly qju- table Ajtlrrr I i ° H®* f ,I T pereorul tad
.horafladid.^"; 1 '‘“'"rare, clothing, boott.S
Mid wcond hud;' hMii and** kltcl,en rarnitnr *> o*w
■*«»«* China wire, *u> T V« lSO?*''**s*** *i*t*nt iron
At 7 o'clock, p 3f_ groceries, Ac.
O'-musical jS?JtoJ2 teh 2^ c, ® cfa * J**d
*od .hoes, hooka, iV t lL DA
AUSTOS LOOHIS & co., jUmhanb’ Kciani