..uZkli ..-aginoni materia] tor the t&aoD MacjOai Compmie* ,*i. loonier to thrir coatomer* with* So • t *noaSo2tfeaUrflJ fr«from all draw a aa rofuac *ab ’ - .1 oio, lu Brilliant niomlnKljs Oaa _ 1 Tbaireaier original awt of the apparatus for the maim- STB toc£«3wtlgM together with theattentionandelWtue , targe amount of tlw«aa««» WK required, and the difficulty,!! cot imjxarfUHri' - - “*' IO T P ric • K mTWn.Po-tOOM, near of entirely separating the onwholoeome, McUrtov —potatoocraddressthrough cUcwire (?»», 'generatedio coal, reficler. thpJ*'*’^ PUulmrgh, 1 willreceiv eln the APPARAxOSebeaper and moredealreljl*^^ Order* can be left at °°r Meade*JfeSjgLgJJ wm Broa!lwßTf - rnUrrwSntotor ~ .ag-agpi ’' Per ‘ —,:i Vox Fan Planting, obnn DWAkF CHERRY, 2 years,! OQUUfinrleOa, Jj4 - lftloo Bttnd*ri2*adSjws,2s wlcttet. 2y»oße«eb,iftT»xtt*jfc*., 60,000 tmffteat, of fine I •et. With tinge QsldcM**' ftiirnb] BaillteS ytindnM tnddwvt ;CaimtSi»Ett the pubUeto their large and ratal esaortmeat of^C- VruJt Treefc fibnibbery, BTergreens, Plant*, Ac. " . Norwry Ground tourand .half mile from Pitturargn, the old Waablngton Rend. Garni T*r» Post Onto. le2&lywTnaiP Allegheny county, Pa. Hflilatitlpfria atbtrtigtmnite. Screw Preaaes. . POWER AND HAND. PRESSES, for Woolen, Cotton arid Paper Manufceturerij, Pnnfart, Lithographer., Boolt*Blsaor. and Tallow Cbaodlora; Copy lngPrw»r* extra size, for PorwardlngJßnaiw. r«t OmcM. ItalroadCom panic*, I7in.by22, and 12 by 34; Letter and * BON, Coiner Bread and Quarry Strata, nnirrfmd-daS) f PUILADELFIIU. AXLES a HBBD)hBS,r'7N-. jr«j.S3 4SwiA TOtnwi, Q'Sovth V*#* Srtet, -P HI L A.D RI» 5 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN OILS, Candle*, Starch, Ac. A fall assortment on hand to which the attention ol dealer, la respectfully asked. \ mrfaQj : .\ ■ •••.;• •'' _____ ISattimow Sirtmttemnrtß. C. OTQBS9 Aakl3«AO^— T - MOO® ARMISTEJU)* RIGG9 ACO., A GENTS FOR THE SALE OF VIRGINIA A. ' MAHUFACTURED TOBAOOO, \ JSb;2J Exchange Place, BiOimart. _ •*_AMaT.oßhand'aUrgeitock,which they distribute iSfio».ltm«totprlcM. «paajd* Dr. McLikNS’S ' CELEBRATED TERjMIE-IJGE LIVER PSMiS. Two of the Twit PrcpartUom of the Ape. They 'are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what tHeir name pur ports, | .The f Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system,-has also .... been administered with thejmost satisfactory results to various animals subject t|o Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure “of Liver Com plaint, jail Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. , r Purchasers will please '*■ be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated -Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by 1 " | I '' Irs, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no otlier, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge , and Liver . Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at nil respectable Drug ;v&*i£ Stores. FLEMING BHO'S, A't O'iD r,.. lT r 'V: i' The Golden Prize FOR Illustrated. 1858. THIE NEW YORK WEEKLY GOLDEN PRIZE!» onoof the Urgartend beet lltererj d*r, * An Impcrlel Quarto containing cam o( cntcrtmlngocslnO OP QA.NTLY IUXITSO-KD CYorj WOtK 'fiS&d&t.£S»“r'.«%« .r .■». .ab.cr.p ‘tioawoney. TERMS; ~ Out copy toonoyenr g On. copy for two yon". g 5S> S 3 JKJ On.copy tbrtbrwyc*" '—g On. copy tor tiro yonra $8 do, onaoguw. A*J> TO CLUBS Threecoplei,6gilU Firs «■(»«, o» ”V?£ Wanrl » ««<*- Trn err,,lr«, en» j<«r.. na »na O gUH. ■ Twenty-one copies, oq» ♦ w y* V, B Tboarualea to fadlittilnitedara comprised in UiowU toglljt;— —. . °'T- rT “'rrrr«. -g 10. do do do $iW 55’ **^s TOPftUnt Lover Hauling Cued Wolches~.|loo 00, each S °2f w t to ::::::::::=::::::::::::= IiSSSS -WO d,» do ~ ~ $5O 00, each - “aoo fadies* add Watche. *35 00, each 200 Wtror WantingCa»d WatChea..—.......-. $3O 00, each &00 gliver Watches...— ....... $lO 00 to $25 each 1000 Odd Oaanl, Ve*t and FobChaiua4lO 00 to $3O each * Odd Locfects, BraWleU, Brooches, Bar Drops, B««t PJiw/Gttff- P« *». Bleote Buttons, Ring*, Shirt SUjOa, Watch Karl. OoUl and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other arti cle* worth from 60 cents to $l5 each. lvifcJ3nj»«?«g . ' -- . urnnnfl WOBJIBHI $ ■. ,; ' * {iroajracooUier. It is 8 ?- r-L_rf. •*» : - r " . ; icX '" .". A '"■•■ ,ff "° JC,llttr,« - - AMERICAN HOtJBB- Aiiijacrtijoa jr o*. <*j n-"' ’Z*Sff?ea LEWIS KIGE.PaoPEitToa, rts eoWU-tgß f> »nnmin<«l«i>thß liMi'mnaifldlha W jHffM , of oiftMseaMotf W U cxlsfedt *Jtor* ths rectat Triil oftiifl Earopeao STitesd n lA<* £btd, prows, ;;SsS.«*»* siTMjg-^ o. hSu. 1 u . b6^ er ' ' iry?«T?i~iriiTfif»lnflimi' ini' eoo’wnl/oees ct tbs boots *fs, ,woaa « ..>••: ~ £>7vVbSObuubfßAto. spSoifr . 20(W •••:;••• . tbjJWflSoiL .-jjirtffarorj tray. _- afjjtaf^varky hit*dflTQ’>o*l hl» -j« jnftjsofiCctannnd nloof PortaWo o*l bu«jMUUl7 c»U» the attention of tb* ... cojsplete and «*Bd«nt maehlno. fr&etwWielltrßtottOFnrehaaef guaranteed tn ***ry jSTTOTfarttocrlnfijnnatlonaiMrew _ • • •■-S"'COAfBS,BM-Broedw*y,W«trYork; _ -itfoaurtiy IrDATOH. gILMAHa.WtMimiiH. NO. SO MARKET STREET; NKIB THE MARKET, jnl! bIl iffiprag CHILDRENS* BOOTS and SHOES; MENS* CALF, KIP AND COARSE _ 1 BOOT^SHO^OgORDT^J DOTS* AND TOOTHS*. A very superior article and toy neat, J Direct from the which he wffl •*“ vJ lw pirn or fackaGS at rery rcdnccd price# fc*ca«h. . Thfa'ttock cnmprfaee one of the largwt assortment# to o* found in any city, suitable for city and country ealea, and haring orer twenty year# experience In that ho can now suit all tauten. Ho rw P ec H Invite*, a I In want to e JL. assuring them that thoywQl bo pleased. mr3D--#al6 . AYER’S WORM CONFECTION is plenß anttotoke. ny«t*a WarmCqpfoction contain# no CwonaL Ayer 1 # Worm Confection 1# purely vegetable. -• Ayer 1 # Worm Confectloo will not aieken. Ayer*# Worm Confection launiojurioos. Ayer’# Worm Confection fa the only safe Worm Remedy. Ayer's Worm Confection la thaonly efficient Wonnßeniedy Ayer** Worm Confection onlymoiressn introduction Into families to procure for itoetf universal favoritism. .Oagy 1 “ d for ” 16 - WbO ’7oUNHA rT A a , t ja. • corner of Wood and Slitfa Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works JNO. £>. MATTHEWS, Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter, JOBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, 4c.— Eqlt«w gdasorsand lUxor* oround, Knife Blade# 138 Bm.tM..d S tr«.t, u«r S.^ firm 1b prepared to make anything in the •bape of an edge too!, or do any kind of smith *Gikvhat •rer, on short notice. jy2a;ljd pALL AND WINTER— COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, QRATES AND PENDERS, ' , „ FIRE IRONS, SCUTTLES, And other seasonable articles In my line, for »le to relt STOVES! STOVESII STOVES!!!—Tho Tropic Cook, the beat Improved, as well as the heaviest oi thowize now made; the Parlor end Chamber Store; The ‘lda,” which is conceded by all who hare «eon U to bo the most handsome and ornamental Stovoberecr eleewherr* - - Call andsce them at the Iron City Stove, Copper and Tin Warehonaeof T. J. CRAltl A CO-, *l9 No. VA Wood at. NOTICE- All persons haring claims against QEOROE E. ARNOLD, or In any wise indebted to I,lm, will please call at once and pay to, or arrange the ianT*, with ROBERT DALZELL, at R. Dalzell A Liberty street, or A. S.DELL, No. 103 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, j.« lm.iw»ia Assigns* of OtQ- E- AagoLß. DUNCAN'S BUSINESS AND OBNA MENTAL PENMANSHIP, just published in six nrum beta,quarto demy sire; being tho mo*t complete system extant, andaltogetbcr inperfor in style end quality to any hitherto ofkrod to the public. Each book contain* 24 paps, and will be furnished at the low price of eta. A liberal dlaeoaut will be made to wholesale purchasers for cash. WM. O. JUIINSTON A CO, publishers^ BL-utb Book Manufacturers and Stationers, j a 13 N 067 Wood street. Sew fork and Nan Pranclseo Steamship Line, via Panama Kallroad* TIIE first class steamship Northern LIOITT. 2,500 tons. F.. L. Tlnkrlpansh. Ua*ter,2fiß will sail from pier 3, North Ilivuc. on WEDNESDAY, March 10th, far ASPINWALL. with the amt steamship ORIZABA. two., J. 11. Btetcbm. Master, leaving Sanfrandwn March sth. For passage and freight, apply ONLY to * * D. TORRANCE. Agent. frHnyl No. S B«>aHoc Upnui. New York. SYRINGES —1 have just rcc’d a supply ul Mattson’s Celebrated s»jruiget, proueranced tol» supe rior to any other now in use. Those wishing anything of this kind should call and examine theee before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, f O 9 ehrner orDiamondand Market*trw*t. STATIONERS’ lIARD WARE, — Oopyinig Pices cs and ftxrniture for do. Stzmpmg M Office Calenders, Bill Files, t; Cancelling Files, $ “ Hammers,* Bill Head Boxes, Knenlop, ** 3 and 4 parts, Twine “ Poet Office “ Tin Cotters. Dusk Weights, Pen Rscka, a great variety, English Slates, with sqr. and oval frame* Gorman. Iron and porcelain Slates, Pocket Knives, Erasing do. Jnst received and lor sale by W. 8. ILA YEN, oc3o Market and 2d street. /~1 ROCERIES—IOO bga primo Rio Coffee \JC "0 ht chts. Y. IL, Black and Imperial Teas; 60 boxes 5s and 8s Lump (Tobacco; 200 kegs Nails, snorted sizec 100 boxes Window Glass, assorted flzcs 50 dor. Zinc Wash Boards; 100 do Corn Brooms; * , 500 Mia- Straw Paper, _ 200 bxs Olive, Oleine, RnjijjMgKflßßSßw' 100 do Mould *"'* ~ For mte by TZBTjF K- ROBISON A 00. f CHoffN’O*^AcTor copaiva & —tsAß^ffffilLLA—Another supply of this celebrated Lngtfiff remedy Just rec’d by fc'J JOS. FnKMINQ. ATS _ -300 bushels just received and for gale by M HENRY H. COLLINS. I tv-on c t and tor sale by M PRUNING-TOOLS.— Sawa, Knives, Chin els, and all varieties of Priming In*tn»»ent* for the garden or orchard*. ja2Bdtw*g JAMES WARPROP. lONGRESS WATER—A new lot received t thla day and tot *t JOa. FLEMING'S. onGRO.PATENT CARBON OIL LAMri XiU b T ).« VACKKOWN • PISLKY TOCK.S—Bank, Bridge, Insurance and co. «%J>obUc Sala THURSDAY KVEXINGS at tb. Mor chants’ Exchange •»*** Leather belting—a good Burfpiy of the beat Kattera Manatoctorc, on hand lor wle lov by j. 30 JJE pniLLIPS, 26 and 28 St Clair at. I ACE LEATHER of a superior quality for J nle br J.tR PHILLIPS, iliiidait CUlr't INDIA RUBBER BELTING—A largastock all .Iz«, 2, 3 and 1 plr tbiet, at tbo India Bobfe Depol 20*od 28 Bt Clair rt. J*3o J- * IL PUILLIPB. DRY APPLES--200 bus. prime Dry Ap plet for sale by HENRY IL OOLLINB- S" UORTS—496 sacks Shorts in store and tor tale by BPRISOER HABBAOGH A CO. -q 7 No. 296 Liberty Street. S~' UODLDERS —3 caska Bacon Shoulders in etora and tor sale by B. HABDACOU A CO., No. 296 Liberty Street. Sundries —20bales cotton; 291 b»c)u Wheat, white ud red; 1 bbl. Lard, Sh t IC KEY 1 CO. _ SUGAR— 100 hhds. fair to prime N. 0. Su gar In store and for by JOHN FLOYD A CO- BUTTER— 10 bbls Roll Butter for sale by ja-ja JOHN FLOYD A CO. OA hhils prime Sugar landing per stearaei wU Aurora for Bale by JAP. GARDNER- 1 AH bbls prime Molasses per Anglo Saxon, L UU K> do Baltimore Pyrop, for cue by 1n1 , 3 JAB. GARDNER. Illustrated. COUNTING HOUSE FURNITURE.—On hand or made to order and foraiibfd 1,23 S 8 and 40 Bmlthfleld gtreet. TJURNINQ FLUID! BURNING FLUID!!— 11 You can bay your Burning Fluid, much cheaper and Wlfer Uua any pUio, at JOS. FLEMINGS, j.-v, corner Market BtreetamUh* Diamond^ CONCENTH ATEDLYE—SO-eaBes on hand and for *ale by U. L. FAIINK3TOCK A CO. 1 E ANS.—2OO bus. for sale by I j*4 HENRY 11. COLLINS- OO prime No. 1 Six Twist Tobacei /vU cn consignment tor sale low by lals BUIUVER A DILWOKTH. Fresh butter— -14 bbU fresh 801 l Bolter for table tm-, 600 lbs No l Leal^Cird, Rcc’tl this rooming and lor rale at No 27 Fifth TXJUI/TRY.— A large lot of fresh Poultry X Torkies, Chlcfau, ">* «■»* "f' 4 jSSaLK' 1 InSma far .1 N 027 FlOb.tnrL 11, RIODU.. ITjKS AND FLU IDS-Arnold's iW *ann, KlrtUod’..nd M«r«“d“"Jj''"" 1 Noe. 31. S 3 and 35 Matk«-t «o. pOTASU-2U c a » k S b,^ TVfOLASSES—IOO bbls N. 0. Molasses Mid 111 Synipfor mU** by ]iW JOHN FI/>YP _ APPEE SNUFF— Fresh only at , MS job. >UHISS'B TIMOTHY SEED.—6O bgs. asnporiorarticle In ffrtf ami for ■!» by (nolB) ATffKLL. LRB h 00- ICE SPURS^ - r OP VABIOUB SIZES, Tor Bale, \njoliwalo and Betail, by W. 0. MATTHEWS. A.iyq SmitbflcM stmet, near With. vi.aTftl’S VERMIFUGE AND LIVEI PU.LS —lOO groat on band and (or aalo by » SUjha ' IW o. ji, f AiiSESTOCK A OQ-, ,« - ' . coreaa of Wood and Foortb Btrewto. TJ^^f’SBGLLANMmTER^-IQO rSmr Flat ttd Wood «tn»U ' JfcW «•*.•- " rrouijys PATENT SPiUNCJ BED.-We Female Bemlaary A EXT TERM of this Institution vnU JL commence on MOXDAY, Feb. IS.* . I'optu will bo charged $7,50 per term, «i will eel»c the ■todke they wish to porvoe from the following lift. Eoadlng, Andcnt History, Zoology, Ennndatioa, Modern ** Artroooiny, Pronunciation, Slap Drawing, Nut- Philosophy, Spoiling, AndentGeognphy, Physiology, Modern “ SOnminu, EjCompoaiLkm, Physical T ”--‘"nc l CLemlitry, BotMj, Trigonometry. . „ Tor Greet, TjJilt, tUIUn, Bp*nl.h, French, 0«roi»a, Swedish and Anglo Saxon, an additional charge ofsl wuim mailo. . „ Plano, per eonr"** of twenty lessona •*“ Dee of Plano per term 2 Drawing, per course of twenty lesson* * OH Painting u « « ® A German lady, an excellent jriantet, ralde* inthelamily, and will giTeleemußan the Plano and In Oermaa and French. A fcw pnpUi will I* aerommodated in • the family of the Principal. Board, with fuel and light, eXelnrire of waahing, $3 per weelcr' All payment! are to be made in advance. fcLL-wifcUy JOSHUA KENDALL, A. M., Principal. • " stucco Worker, JAKES OWENS, CORJfER ELM AXD WTLIE STREETS, STUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER giresparticnlarattentiontoall order* for work In hi* and ORNAMENTS of *ll kind* rarniahwl o .hort notice. ROOOBDAI’S BCtIPSB . PATENTED ADOPT i&etsn-tidl UU «* nltebl* ik*itfWQkii»Mi«nfiO wgVT art* mn*f,«_jr*u *• v***- mm »»\ ktlea are. r’iner an ■BkJwe^lV tt * COj to wn»mm « *n sawaa^ssuirs&iTOiss SaSlo, 8. OOCHBAB i OD_ Ota. •ftdttUwdmP TT OUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE XjL STORE— noaaekeeping article* Reno rail T Hollow Ware, Table Cutlery, Plated TVarc, Britannia, Bright, Japanned and Trrsaed Tin War*#, Wood and Willow Ware*. JOHN FLEMING, >e »4 No. 47, Market *treet, eorner of Third. FAraDASK'S PLATFORM scales. THE undeTsignedhaYingbeen appointed ex clnslre Agents for the tale of theaecelebrated'SOALES, manufacturod~by tho original Inventors, K. A T. FAIR BANKS A CO., respectfully invito the attention of the bus iness commnnity to tho superiority of these Scales over all others. Theeo Scales havs boon subjected to tho SEVEREST TESTS on all the principal Railroads In the United State* and England, and in ©eery branch of bulbed throughout the world, and their uniform accuracy and great durability hare gained for them the reputation of bring THE STAND ARD FROM WHICH THERE CAN DB NO APPEAL. We an* prepared to fill order* for Counter, Portable, Dor mant, Hulling Mill, [lay,Coal,Railroad and Canal Scales, at BitrnrniHliLV pniftH. HUSSEY A WELLS, No. £l5 Liberty Street, Commercial How, Pittsburgh. Pe tina. GEO. W. lICBLEY, Federal street, Allegheny. BAGS! BAGS!!—Flour, Buckwheat, Corn meal, Salt Ham. Qrain, Dried Fruit and *ll kind* of But. nude from Bleached Muslins, Osnaburg Drill# *nd Duck, neatly printed to order, in appropriate »tyle#, on tho ■nortces umira. ... , UUlenadd other* will find It to their advantage In the aualitf of eood* uaed mod price# ebarjend, to hare their or der# filled at my tnanulactocy. DAVID C. 11ERBST, JaUidaltwF corner Llhertr and Iland »tm-ta._ CO BAGS BAKLEY; »J/V F 7 do Oatr S do Timothy Seed: 16 keg# No 1 Lard; t 25 boxe# Cht*«"; 3UD lb* Buekaheat Flour; „ Rec’d and br isle by 311 111VKR A DILWORTII, UtO and 132 Second street- WHITE GREASE.-In can*, kegs ind barrel*, for grnaalns Dray#. Carta. Car iagra, Oiuot tmicaa a&J all kind# of Machinery, for *al«by ° HENRY n. COLLINS. <•l9 No. 23 Wood #t. SUNDRIES— 20 sacks Dry Apples; IT do and 2 bid# Flax»< «J 9 do Feather*; 125 do Wheat: Id bbls Cnlon Mill# Flour, 1H do Gallatin do. tni do Broadway do, 4 boar# Ere#, On •toamer Poland to armo for aa> by ISAIAH PICKET A CO-* X\f l) o’b S HAIR RESTORATIVE.—A VV l»r -w aoaotity on baud and for nl* try N B. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO. d comer o fFourtb and Wood in POTATOES— 75~busT White Potatoes: 60 do Ncshannock do. 50 do Balt. Bine do, !u store and for sale by Ja7 X. LIITLB A CO TO AGRICULTURAL machinists— We bar* on hand a sample of India Rubber Tubes for Wheat Drill*. They can be fumiibed In any quantity at short notice, by 1- A 11. PIRLLIFB, N«* 26 and 23 St Clair street. SEIDUTZ POWDERS, always fresh, hand s t JOS. IrLEMIXTS, corner Market at- and the Diamond. RESEED HOGS.— for ui.br j»r nx-VBY ii (muss _ RYE bbls. and 30 sacks fur ul.b, j.ll BESKTJLJCOLUXS T7OGS.-S bbi». Eggs just receiwai !m4-for Pj .ale by v ft. hALFEM* ACO- T7i K RA.Vrs-SEI-TzKR AI’KJUEXT will not fall rectore Dyapepaiaor Indignation Ulliona ”uTiiili Heartburn. Acidity of the Stomach. Co*- Affix-tion of ibo Lifer. Only for wde ’ JOS, FLEMING'S. “*J»IC comer of Market atrrat and tha Diamond. _ oYiTBBLS. FLINT iIOMINY far sale by HiUIM J*9. iIARDINEa AT KM lilj UK KTSMiOU dm. in stare and for ul. b, JaS, JUUII BICKSV *CO an/t BBLS. Commercial TVliite \Vhcat Family Floor. 200 bbl». Buckingham White Wheat Family Flour, Arriving ami for tale by Ja!3 JAS. OAIIPINKR. _ 67 MOLASSES—3O bbU prime; N. 0. • Molaaea In atnre and for tale by T. LITTLE lOMI2 Secuwl atrrw.l O SUGAR —211 hhds prime for sale . tnw tor a.h bj T. LITTLE Ioi.IWIW .1 _ SUGAR AND MOLASSES — 22 bbda prime Sagan 40 bbla Plantation Molaawa, To arriro per atuamer Fort Warns, for aaleby JaU ‘ JOHN FLOYD A 00_ 173 Wood street. /CREASE—3I tierce* of Grease receiving VJ and lor a*!- by R- DAL/.*:!.!. A CO >l»> •r.l Liberty at. Hams and Shoulders jus «d for-1. f,BPRfNQER lIARBACfIH *oo_ HAM BAGS, of all sizes, made and print ed to order. Any rjnanUty aoppllod nr>.m tha.hurt eat notics by DAVID C. IILRUST. JalhdaltwP comer Lli»*rty_and jlaiid atrecta. _ G“i bblr choice Win JTter Anplealn itorsand fornJe by j»7 “ T. LITTLE A Ob. No. 112 Second at. TTYn BBLS. PKIMETTOLASSES in store lUUforoi.br _h» __il 9 Jl A 7:?L ! ' E,l -_ 1 an Bus. Barley, J. o B. L. FAHNESTOCK k CO. _ Qfk BBLS. PEARL FLINT IIOMINY; (WV 300 bus. prime Ear Corn, _ In store and for sal*- by Cll. •'*• {*. *■. j a [j No 8 HmUhflrld »tr*»t. P OTATOES— 100 bus! White Potatoes; CO >• I’ltikeye > “ la store and far s*l» by_ dt-U -• T.-LITTLE * CO. ( _ 'UIE£SE.—500 boxes prime cutting Cheese J ..I. hr _ lIENKV .1 COLLINS,, _ 1 c BBLS. FRESn’EGOS fur sale by \_ O | a ]4 J D CANFIELD.^ on CASKS PEARLASTfforsalo by fj V/ )»s JB. CANFIKLD I'GGS. —3 bbls. for Bale by j j.t ifanty n. oou.rhß. RYE FLOUR.—2O bbls. for Bale hy ~l HUSKY tl. CULLINS- HOPS— 8 bales prime Ist sort Hops in stare Mi J for isle by bPKI SUER Ht-UnAlloi] SCO- S’ ENNA ALEXANDRIA-500 lbs in store .cut for i.le tijr li. I-. f AHN b.'TOCK A CO. a SUG’AR.—3S hbds. Good Fair N. O. 1> . Sngnr jurt rrcrirsd *■«{*“%& pqWOjtm, URNITUUE AND CHAIRS.—Of every description constantly tnamifacturicg or mads * ordM, of tbo beat mMortal .nd INDXCiO, Manilla, Oabracao a Benual TOO TO. on b»d »d br 1 CO. —l7 bbls. Union Milln; 17 do Oall&ttn “ 90 do Bro*dw*jr “ Undins from .tern., CO. — X^EATHERS—'J sacks now landing from r^ t ““' r A ” el ° 6 “"“ f0r -aa*n DICKEY< CO. WHEAT 77 sacks Bed Wheat and 48 ski TSRY APPLES—2G bgs now landing froi jy j .u«n.r A- s U>S»x», ‘" D ,c K CT A 00. Arithmetic, Book-Keeping, Algebra, Geometry, JHigctllaiuous, UTTEII—S hble. lresli roll Butter iust re I wired and for sale by _J*H_ R H UTCnINSON. IGGS—4 bxs now landing from ntnnmcr »l. by 13AIAU DICKEYA CO. LAX SEED—IT skß and a litils newland- HIDES— 600 dot. Flint Hides; 31 do Green Baited IUd««; * 4w»DdCirf*l«by BPEINOEB KABBAUGH *OO. , Wo gflfr liberty rtrat. EDFO4I DWATORr fresh* trom tfa KtßrtaiiWdttiid»yty j*2Q ?08.yiaMPfg. AFiIS EXPOSED.— THE TRCE SCIENCE REVEALED. Mankind have loug been'engulpbed In dnrku»»* ■*'*“ gards the mysteries of mcdicios, and of deriving s truth n solution of it* power over du-esse, and its proper use tu . >*• trwtmrtit rf , Medicine, as practiced by the recutsr faculty, to ■ “* lu “ i •handle of Improbabilities ana nnrertaiDtiea. Tbe nothing to It* theories on which the physician an f* . certain or fixed; the result* obtained from its ptrsmpnons are doubtful, and in meet caKaunsatUflseUJry. , It is a solemn and start ling fact, of “who have departed this life 1 ’ died victims, ««l ‘® « but to the injudicious application of ihissubu* and tain theory, as practiced by the regular faculty. We hove proved the otter fallacy of the regal** V of medicine, tod the great undeniable truthfulness * R. R- R. over and over again; for, in a tbousawl casta. wbin the regular phytidana have given op their potkntaaa able, and hadin many cM**evsa set the time to «wlj abort boon, that their victim* had to live, Ranwayw ******* Belief, Begnlators or Resolvent, as the ease taay bave bcen, has restored those dying patients to new Iu toe treatment of toe sick by ths B- B- It- ■" Dl tv there it nothing hdt to chaucs or uncertainties, Tor 1 remedies are to prvparod-as to poaera fixed and poritireenr stive powers, founded on prinaplea es Immotabte in to power over disease*, as the laws of gravitation over toe earth. It U therefore, impossible for these remedies to feii in removing from the human system tbedUßcolty tor wmen they may be given, and of restoring th* whole human sys tem to Its normal condiciou of health. . This I* readily seen In ths miraculous officacy BAt> WAY’S READY BELIEF—for the moment tbia remedy W applied to the part or parts of the body tortured with pain, or crippled with Infirmities, all pain and uneasiness ceases, i and toe crippled, lame and wounded limb becomes Invigor ated with renewed strength. So also with the Resolvent. Tbs most repulsive Sores, Ulcers, Humora, and the most o ■tirade of chronic diseases quickly become extinct ait ew dares is taken. , In casre of Dyspepsia, Ounstipation or the Bowett, rangsment ol the Liver, Congestion*, PalpittUonof to Hi-art, Rodway's lie gala tors, in toe form of Pilla, can be relied upon n* a positive and eertaln corrector and regula tor of three difficulties. In casraof tempo raaj Constipation or derangement of too stomach or bowel*, the Cathartic and Purgative Pills given by toe regular faculty, even if they re move toe temporary difficulty, do so at the expens* or Cramp*, Sickness st Stomach,and Weakn-s*, and aftor the effect# or these purgatives are over, too l«wvl» are left res tive and the system debilitated. Radway"* Regulator* will instantly relieve the pahi and distress, remove the difficulty and restore a regular action to the liver, stomach, bowels and other organs—they neither Irritate, Inflame, sicken or weaken the patient, ami lb* evacuations art natural, with oat prostrating toe system arcramping the bowel* These remedies are the only ones that have reduced t e hygienic principle to the fixity of. a mathematical demon stration-invariable in all cases, and proceeding on a settled routine. They, and they alone, have Imparted to the In congruous experience and repugnant practice of the ao call ed “regular facultytoo precision anu invariability which are essential to the requirements of a science. Taking the human body as the problem, and health as its normal con dition, they proceed by flxnl rules to eliminate all extrane ous and deleterious particles, and thus restore the constitu tion to Us integrity, by the expulsion ofthoso local or organ ic irregular tire which vitiate toe souudnesaof the whole. UUUUVM 111 I.MI—. In Cholera, Yellow Fever, Ship FcvsT, Dysentery, Dia rhoca, Typhus and Typhoid rovers, and all ma’lgnant and malarious fevers, Rad way’s Ready Relkfand Regulators are not only paaltlvecnraHvca, but certal□ preventive*. Not only In the milder latitudes of the North have these remedifw cured tbs patients of these terrible maladies, but under the burning eeocs of the tropics, where, in the wildest and most violent degrees, they scourged to* people as s j*-s -tllenco. Witn those remedies you iwsd not (ear exposure to any contagious riumnw or infectious malady. OOSSTtTUTXOSaI BI3KABXS. All diseases that have become established In tho system, called chronic or constitutional. Bad way’s Resolvent, aided by too Relief and Regulators, will remove. Scrofula, Bron chitis, Ulcers, Bores, Fever Bures, Humors, Humors, Salt Rheum, and all skin diseases will quickly yield to this all powerful remedy. , , The use of the Resolvent will. In a few weeks, entlrolj change ths whole condition of the care not from bow many generation* you bare derived your title to tbs diseases established in your bodice, Rad way’s Resolvcut will remove it, and give to you what your forefathers were una ble u>—a pore and healthy body—free from disease*. oojtwoa DISUSES. All discaaee prevalent at this season of toe year, caused by derangement of the organs of the system, sudden sliaugea of too weather, htwt and cold, disturbed circulattou of ‘he bloud—Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Tic Doloreux, Bo« d Com plaints. Fever and Ague, Headache, Toothache. Arties and Kin* of all kinds, UreUwa, hunt*. Scalds, Falls, Inflamma tory Dlsresra, Congestive Diraasoe, Humors In the system— Impure Blood, Reds, Pustule Miopias, Blotches, Ac Liver Oomplainte—Dycpetwia, Kklnay Complaints, and all dissaree whether acute, inflammatory, malarious, nervous, chronic or constitutional, Rwlway’a Remedies will moot positively , exterminate and restore the Infirm and enfeebled system to health and strength. as orm-to tot Drn»o. Ye who have friends now upon the brink of the grave, on whom all bopet of recovery are lost—who have been given op as iocurable by your physician, we invite you to make une more effort to save the valued life of the dying one. A trial of tbr*o m-mi«ll«w cannot do any Injury, and may re store to Ufa and health, even though do hopes are entertain ed by your physician. Over a thousand such instances have cximo to our knowledge: and wo therefore, feel ourtclvesjue tilled in requesting the trial. Surely, after the physician an he can do no mare, his prejudice to your using a reme dy that most do gqod, is criminal. As no of the instance* wo have alluded to In ins above article, we refer the public to tho case reported to u* by Richard Griffith, Esq, well known in Canada Wests* a man of high integrity, and well approved of by his countrjincn or hto high official capacities. _ . IlLxaowsXiTß, FonUaac Co, a w , I June 24th, 1667. J In October. 185 A. my wife giving birth to a child, left her bed too early and caught a severe cold, which premised to terminate her life. The best physicians In this neighbor hood aud Kingston were In attetulanre on her—but all or no vsall —(As doctors hod given her up to die. Fbr term con VtuAre weeks I sat at her bedside, momentarily watching to see her breathe her last. I happened to see a copy of foot paper called "The Moving World," and there read of your medicines. I resolved to tret them a# a last resort. I gave her ths Rodrcnt with the Regulator*—and RoUef-ac oording to directions, and inlhrrt dayi observed a wemder ful faprerretrai. From this she 4s4lyrecovered,andlsnow, tlta&k God, better than evst she was in her life- The rhild, when three months old, canghta bad cold, and dwindled away to a ram skeleton, nothing but bone and *«a his eyes protruded /run* Ail Acad; as if they would drop out, th* physicians all united in taylDg there was no om of at tempting to save him, Aij oast was fwpeUss, as he was too young and must die. But 1 thought different. Your Rem ndl<« gave liln to my wife, while tbs doctors gave hex up to death. I again badrecouree to them. I gave him the Ba sed Vent internally and need It as* wash externally to his stm—ho 1* now a laughing, hou-ty. cralUtng child, enjoy ing th* best of health. Vunr n~* iJ*lfeut aadgratoftiJ nicnARD QRmrru. The above, reader, t* but ou* out of tboasa&ds of similar cases iu tb# world, whore hsui the verdicts of the physicians been relied upon without further trial, death would hare its vkUßtofc Do uol therefore give up your friendsou the mere report ofyw» *hy*ldans who ssy they can do no more. When you are told tbi». wsortto our Rrmedlea. RADWAY A 00-,162 Fißtoa street, N. Y. For tale by HUNT A MINER, Masonic lUII, Pitta. R. It R. Remedies are sold by Druggists, Merchants arxi «toraka.'pera *nl® fel^ ,S ? wlTy _ RADWAY'S READY RELIEF—S groca on hand and for sale by R. L. FAHNESTOCK A 00., 0C26 coriK-r of Wood and Fourth streets. Tbt ur«at«i( Htdleal DUeottry or the joe. . _ Mr. KENNEDY. OF ROXBI’RY, HAS djK«T«n4 In ou* •( onr common pnattwi* * core* eeery kind of Unman from ll»* wor*l Scrofula to a common Pimple. lie baa tried it In orw elcren bnndted ca»o*, nnd n ß » r ' failed except in two c»*e* (both thunder hem-*.) llebaetm* lixLii riomrirtli-n bondred »rliflcaU-e of 1U ratae all within twenty mile* of Beaton. Two bottle* ere warranted to mre **■?■,‘T".,* 0 One to three bottle* will cure the worst bind of plmi tl> TVoto three bottle* will «mrth*«T*t*ro of botla. Two bottle* mn warranted to core the worst canker In thi month and etocsacb Tbww to in bottlM nmnt*l to cor* tho wont ew °* OaJtoVinjtxX&c* ut wamatod to car* all hanon of tho bottle* ar*■■ mated to en re running of lb* •*** blotches among the hair. , ronr U> *lx buttle* are warranted U> cur* cormpt *nd run- olng nicer*. . One bottle will care *c*ly ernrtlon of “*• ,kin Two to three bottle* are warranted to care the mostdreps* pt« cue* ot rheumatism. Two to three bottle*nr* warranted to corethe worst caee* of ringworm. . Three to font botUe* tn warranted to rare salt rlirum. Fire to eight botUre will cor* tb» worst rare «f ecroful*. A benefit is always *xpeTlenc»d from the first bottle, and • perfect cure is warranted when the abos* quantity u ta **Nothlngl«©k»*olmt*robnbl* to tbow who base In vain rled all the wooderfo! medidoreof the day, aa that a com mon weed growing In the pasture*, and along o d atone waUa should cure wrery humor in the system; yet It ti cow a o*J*d fact If yon hare a humor It has tostart There are no ill nor and*,'turn or ha’* ahont the railing *o»e care* and not sours. I peddled m» In JU«a; ebusotts. I rare It to children over a year ot* to old| PJ«£* of sixty. I Base re*m poor, puny, wormy looking children whose flash was eofl and flabby, nwtered to a perfect slat* of health by one bottle. .. , . ~ To thorn who are subject to a rick headache, one bottle win always cure it J l give* great relief to catarrh BjJteJ aces/ gome who hate »«-n costive taryears. ha»o taken and been regulated by It Where th* body I* ™ n V, h( Tiw quite easy, but where there l* any derangement of theflme- Uons of nature, It wilt cane.- scry •‘ngulw fi+Utie* bnt t m most not l* alarmed —they always duwvimir »«* .[ dara to a week. ThrreU never abad result from It Outhe ooulrary, when that fcellng la oxer yon will f«d yoursHflike a D»s|«nui. I hisird some of the most extravagant enre. alums of it tlmt man ever lUteo-d to. N« change of diet U ever nereenry; ret the tart yon can «*.«- 1 J an h«rb, which, when simmered in sweet oil, dlrt " ,T '^* cn alous swelling of the neck and tinder the ear*. I rise BO cent.. Price of the Medical WiWgF DIRECTIONS FOH UBK. Adult, on* table snoonfhl per day. Children over eight year*, desrert spoonlU children from fire to t« spoonful. Aa no direction caa be made constitution*, take enough to operate on the buwtda twice a KENNEDY glsp* personal attendancelnbadca*** of “fcU-WI«U-l.™l~ull .1 ML KKYSKKTL UO W«rf “ d J - p - KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVEBY— * 00. ocJ oorear of#* wri aod Faurtb street*. A WOHDSBFVL DIBCOVKBVII TTTHJCII HAS BEEN THE STUDY AND W r***rcb of tba beat medical men that erer Urwl to fl’d a rSSTthat would euro the Dyn-P-K .hlch be. be™ reem.lj t j‘ ) b j p _ Of PITTSBURGH, rzNIJA. nr. laborious March and research in lbs Vegetable King* dom lor eltfit or un Jim, bee bronrht mW^JT’ihkh SrSlfesrfJWiss. “SsirSr: „,£ploo.l, on tb. Interfere—the Bodkin* oUmf* ddn* Itt dotj-nlled BE. B. T. FOED'B DYBPKPBIA . What kind of dfceore wIU PlTgl* l * !*“”£ g»^ Sure EoiS, Mr, ninkj or Mon s££S£s?§feK Alloftbaabori&aHnp may or will be PWdnwlfrOT* Dyspeptic stomach- From that organ all gsaeral ~*®**?* wiUbe produced, [ir this statement Utrne, »Mch mmm mind wh dmrf lUj» «&£*£*!• ‘KaVSSbSS : ■talcmnit to b« trne from experience, • «« or neTmngwi I It U to a poorpaticn* who bean bring Cor many yearn, to point him to » relyon, and radically remora the canee that has Bide him 32. thsfirit Bold bj tbo Proprietor, Dr. mm JEfiSg'SE irffe ssaw'«s®ffi'«ft©*S2 Irn niilftiw T~rtrr biottottfea WBHMfI /Hrttral AYER'S PILLS. 1 H}B. PcDU«rlv»aia lB5B. ARE partiirularlY adapted to doniniremenU TITIKTER ARRANGE of the digratm apparatus, »n«l diseases arwag from * i Sl£XT —On andafterMondayCTirw* "V™ "* ir i»v of the btood. A larre tiart of *ll the complaint* Jannary lSlh, . _ .. tbixaShct mankind originate in on. of iW, and con- TUKPAST MAIL TRAIN l^‘b e ?u^oo ou.ntij tbra IHK .t« r»noJ ™ nn-7 TufctlM ol .T.-rJ O tto o cluck, I ltisbur.h ; ' time. amTing in Philadelphia at 11.50 p. i L 55Jd..d«™ «««■««<» (•■«•«*»« lit TUB EXI-KESS TRAIN tara tb. Sl»Uo. "'rj j o, U..U .fa** rnT>it . i Acra.nutd.tta t»i> 1««. PU.-burcb Prom Dr. E. TT Cartwright, «f S'*- OrUaru. 1 AaUy. except Sunday, at 3:30 o'clock, P. M-, stopping at all *-Yoar PIUJ are the prince of pore**. Their excellent rtatlona and ronnlng aa far aa Couemaugh. Firat Arrom oraline* surpass any cathartic *e po—-aa. They are mild. ; modntioo Train for TartlrCreek UrUtgr. Isa*« dally, except hot very certain andeflectoalln their action on tho bowels, _ Snnday, at 10.40 am The AiXumnuaUUoa Train for which make them inrolnaM. 100. lu the d-.il > iroatra.nt Turtle deck leaTe.dmty, Sunday P. U-- , , * ! The Third Accommodation Train for Turtle Cr™k leaves oi ilwua J.BWBJC axd atL Lrrc* CostPLiisTa. ; daily, except Sunday, at li:2a P. M. „ *jj> . »-eu» luri Citu Returning Trains *rnte in Pittsburgh a. follows:—Express « 70U7 OUA | ssruT trJ.°z r - rßsarfe»:a«rss^^ prmctlc v™„rf no™ ° 1 ,ute,rclj lot,™rata with Jl.il Tnun Cut, E.pr„. Tru. JVctd,,nd ptorti Lhta ..j onenmolj l m !»“*««;.1 ■““?'» Juh „ town icra.mnd.lta Tr.l. IA-t .n.l W.ta mlolc th.t w. tar. .1 talrtb . F“;b™'"*’'‘ , l.h *• Bicunrtb tad Co.ii.ll..tl]» Tr.uu, Kopid.f u .11 fl» “>• ra.lJcnce nf th, prefemta tall*. pco|,l« lumbm.li tad Cbnnollnilk tg^ianUlr, *' Atau Sand,, ..."ptnd.Mbillow..—Sl.il Train, 7:oo'..ra4E.p™* _ ■“'***?’, i m _ h*t* been Train, 4i'-W p- m. Uetnminz Trains from Pittsburgh and u«d. .niJ., .ha- InHj .. .ilrtardtanrj ndlclil io]££ nSn.T.I...- public mill «..l It grallj to Ib.lr l.ltamd, jd. P Wtoti,dl™c.orIk., hnmta ivet, to tr.r.l bfth. IbnuuflfUbßeN plaints for which yon recommend them. 1 DT.crrnti—Uuiebxv—fUux I racs g®- trim Dr. J. G. Grtm, qf Chicago. I **”“ to **Yoar lTLta hare bad a long trioi in my practice, and I hold them in esteem at one of the best aperient* I hare- errT found. Their alterative effect upon the liver ninke* them an excellent remedy, whpn riven In small doee. for bdimu dytentny anddiarrham. Their TOptr coatinr make, them very Bcceptuhle and convenient for the two of women and children." l.VTtfiSit OuSTWCCTJOS— WuMtS—SCTPWXSSTOS. JVom Mrs. E, Stuart, «c hojtmeticu as a Pitytieian atul Mid ■ tpi .ft in * ‘1 And one nr twolirxept!r Urn*. or* excellent protnotiTe* nf the natural ■wcn-- tjon when wholly or psrtniHr suppreascd, anti also very ef frcttml to dwuiae the rtomach ami exjwl worm*. They aro jo mnch the h »it phystr we have that I rronmnm-i noothoT to toy patient* *' CoswiFAnos—Costive* tas, Prom Dr. J. J‘. Vvutghn, Montreal, th/übiu “Too moth n&unot t» nl genitor of others that aro worse. 1 bclicTu cotU reo«M to originate in the liter, but yonr Pills aflect that organ anil core tUo disease." lupcamta of rut Blood—Sat/tm-t Estvitela* Salt nitrrn—Trrttß—TtnroEa — RutimAT.su Gorr — Nicraloia- From Dr. Eubiel Hall, PhdacUlptea. “Yon aero right, Doctor, Insaying that your POLSpurVy Oir blood. They do liiat. 1 hate nwd them of late yean in ray practice, and agree with yonr statements of their efficacy. They stimnlat© the cxcretories, anil carry off the imparities that stagnate in the Mood, engendering disease. Thay stimulate the organs of digestion, aud iufuae vitality and rigor into the system. “dnch remedies as yon prepare are a national benefit, and yon deserve grunt credit tor them;" Foa Uiadacue —Sica Headache —Fool SIOUACB- —Pu-cs — Deo pst—Plethora—Pasaltbtj—Fits—Ac. FVom Dr. Edward Ibyd, UdlUnyyrc. “Tina Da. Area: 1 cannot answer yon uhnt complaints I hare cured with your Pills better than to say aU that ux over treaU'lvnth a pvrgatix disease. A* time makes th.-m- l«’t* wider and better known this medicine has graduallyM-conm tho best rolianreof tho afflicted, from the log cabin c.f the Amcriran peasant to the tsdaces of European kings- Throughout tliLsentirr country, in every state and city, auJ indeed alui.-t rv.-ry hamUt it . amtaius, Cherxt rinotiAl is known as the i«t of nil re mo di,* for di«.*.«c* of the throat aud lungs. In many foreign countries it i. extensively used by their must intelligent nbyth'lan*. If there Is any dependsneo on what men of or, ry station rertity it lias done ror them; if we can trust our own senses when wo sue the d.vngvruns affections of the longs yield to it; if wo can depend no tl.o assurance ol in telligent physician*, « hose busiuoss is to know; in «hort, lf there Is anv reliance upon any tiling, then Is it irrefuUhly proven that this modicin* thrs cur.'lbe clsal of diseases It is di-sign.il 111 lK.von.l any and all other remedies known to mankind. Nothing hut it* intrinsic virtue*, au-l tlio unmis takable hr n« til conferred on tlumaamls of suff.irara, cooid ewirinateand maintain iho reputation it enjoy*. While many interior remed*, * have been thrust upon tho ttinimanlty have failed, and been discarded, tliis has gained friends by every trial conferred benotlis on thn aflUetisd they can never d.rget, and prodncod euros too numerous and remarkable to be forgotten. .... prejmnwl by DU J C AYKK, Practical and Analytical Chuxmst. Uw. il, Mass, and soli by nil Drugglots and Deal srsln Medinnes evertTwlu-ro. CtU drlaliwlvF ALTERS "oil Eii.it Y PECTORAL AND /\ PILLS run *s> bid, n-taii, at a. faunvjitock a co s, og2n corner of Wood and Fourth st*. UftUb ana fftrcngtti Mast Initlttbly Follow 11l Vlt Baßrhave'a Holland Bitters. TIIH CELEBRATED HOLLAND REM edy for Dyrtwpala, of the Kidney*, Lltct Com plaints, Jfrakneaa of any kind, Fever and Ague, and tlio va-. noua affection* cvnaoqnrat upon a disordered Su.mach or Urer. ?nch na Indigcatioo, Aridity *»f U»aHtomac.b.QoUcky palua, flcartlmm, Lm of Appel it*, Despondent r, Ctwtlv*- CtenTolind and Oleodiuß rtlra. In ail Mcrroua, llhmmatic and Neuralgic Affection*, it ba* In onmrrou* inatanea proved highly beneficial, and In ether* affected a decided find* no new enemy to combat, wlththl* delight Ital tonic In thoeyMeui. Itt effect* ara atmort maglral, yat tbo care permanent- It cummunlcate* no violent •hock to tha *y*tem, hot by arousiug It* vital energy to normal ae tlon, enable* it to tluuw off the cause, and tbo* thoroughly eradicate* the disease. When it* medicinal virtue* are ao uni*«r*»llT acknowl edged, and particularly here, where It ba» become *o popu lar ae a family medicine, that it i» *>dd by many of the gro cers a* well a* by all the druggists, it Would wero noedleM to offer farther evidence yet a* there are doubtless *om* who bar* tried many advertised remedii-a, and atill sailer from I>y*pepaial a one or more of Its .lr "artful turns w*«ub •dJn the following certiorates, the authenticity of which cannot bed.icbto-l, coming a* they do Trom persons ao well known. wnAT HJ, J 8 poß tHK SICK. nuat 11 io • Wm-Srhuehman, Esq-the wall known Lithographer.eay* . M bar* frequently o«ed B.rrhave'* 1W1.n.l |mter*,*nd fiud I It invariably relieve* indignation end debility .” . R«» Sunuel Balwnck ear* ”1 found relief tKim It* ne* fore .over* headache, with which 1 had loug »oP 3 W. WoodwaJl, Eaq., nyw “1 have need Brnrhav*** Hoi and Dnt/re myaelf, and recommend It to other*, knowing H to bejori what It U represented." Aid. Jonathan Neely, of Low,* St. Clair. a*yr “I harada rlrod gn*l berwflt from It* ana for weak new of lb* *t©m*cn “After *everal phymiclan* bad failed Bowbave'* Holland Bluer* removed the pain from my heart and (Me, art* In it from Indirection" The editor of the Kittanning Fr*e Preaa. »y* “After one of the be*t phydclana to thl* place had tallwl, Binrhare** Holland Bitter* cured me of the *.<*« form of Drinepma. Fraud* Felix, only manufacturer of the original “Rxtract of "l know that yonr Holland Bitter* i*onaol the beet medirine* lo tl>a world for a dUordemd ■tomaeh or llrer." Dr. LodwJg, editor of the racket, Baltimore, pronounce It ‘•a medicine dim itng the confidence of the public.” Hr. Kdcrhart, the leading Herman phyelriaa of I'enna. ha* nreecriU-d It fnejm-ntly during the peat there* year*; with marked encow* tu debilitated etatte of the dtge*liv* organ*, Ol ot the V «u-»1. n hand and for sale by It. L. FAIIN ESTOCK A CO. nojfi cornrr pf Wood and Fourth sm-et*. DELAY BiOT, Ye who Consider a fine Head of Hair NATURE’S GREATEST ORNAMENT, but ere It i> too lato use SANDER’S SCALP TONIC, wnicb reauire* the healthy condition of the scalp, causes hair to (tt>«w on the bald, and checks auy tendency toward itsfalllnjifcrat, and brooming thin. A»“F--r sale at the principal Drnggirts, and by the Pro prietor .SIXTH STREET, two door* below Hmlthfleld ft. mylft _ 1“ NDIA RUBBER 1105 E.—3500 ft. from a/ to lo incltea in calibre, :t and 4 ply thick, suitable for Hydrant,Steamboat*, Fire and LocomoUvo Engine uttrpoaea, for sole by iaOV|lffW«4oaK KaiUoaSs. N«« York Philadelphia. Baltimore Uutrvtrr Harrisburg - Uaggaps checked to all SUtiun* on the Pt-tui*ylTK«im Rail Road, aud to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York pM»npn pore hiving ticket* Incur* will bs charged Ten Cents In addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company ha* no ap*nt. Nonet—ln case of loas, tl»*« Company will hold them- H»ln-s responsible fur personal baggagu only, ai.4 l-.20 a. x. • gspo-a* ClHl A. M.| 12.0 U I-. X. (1« os r.X.[ 7.1» A. X Train* make i iiKVk itl. fi-aln* l.i'-w Vt>rk. Train* from M. ls>uKii*diiini»|j*>li«, Cincinnati and Culuiti |, O , nt.tko i.juu-'f li'MK at Ci***tlino with all u-turning Train* At K. Wayne. fTrniriH fn.w Si. LmU, Central Hit* , i>ui-, Lnti_v<*tto. Intermediate' e.»nncct with ixlxivo Traiu-. At Konut.coui|«uinu» are madoxviUi Train* l" and firm Cincinnati, rprtogihdd and llayWU. AccasfxOßArii'M Teal-TS —Learo New Brighton for Alle gheny at 7.WJ A. x.J 12.80 r.U. Is&re Allegheny for New Brighton at 0.45 aL B, and 4Jup. K. Baggage checked tkniugh, and no charge for handling. F»r tickets nn-J furtluir Information apply lo A T. JOHN* gTON, Agent, at the tirtial Weatera Railroad ofßee, directly on the rorner of tho MahangahbU Uotuo, Pituhnrgh, or te 1 (JKOltliK PARKIN, Passenger shown, Penh SL betavot j Waynu and Hand ; It. Ki PATRICK. No it) Dearborn St. I opposite Treutont Cl.k-ago, '-t l tb« Agent* at the j SUtlousalang the line.; To eninmmio- ~r» MONDAY," J.uuury 2Uh, »ud catione until farther uotn-e. J. J. HOUSTON*. o**n. PnM*r »».l Fr't Ak*l. H W. Uosf<, Affeot, Cliieap*. J. II MOOttK. Snp't 135 T. Winter Arrangement. 1857 ST. LOUIS, ALTON ANDnSigßg^gj CUIOAGO RAILROAD—Out all the principal I Railroad Offices. —— ; . .. I *s_Tnrougb Ticket* and Freights as low a* by any other I Route. A. Hi MOORE, General gaperintendeot. R. M. GOODRICH own. Eastern Agent. 003 mrfally Pennsylvania Railroad. TRE GREAT CENTRAL rg: mb nggsgßan Rente, evmnerting the t citMw srtth Was tern, North-Western, and South-Wee tern States by a continuous Railway direct. Tbi* road al*o con necta at Pittsburgh with dally line of Steamers to all ports on tlie Western Hirers,and at Cleveland and Pandnsky with Steamer* to all porta on tho North-Western Likcr, making the most dipert, OftapftU an 4 rrlwMe routs by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to ami from the Great IPtf. rates between Philadelphia a pm>Bi'Utii FIRST CLASS—Boots, Shoes, Hats and | Cape, R..nk.a, Dry Goods, fin boxes, bale* I aod trunks,) Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs. A<- SECOND CLAW— Domestic bh~tin«. Blurting and Ticking, (in oiigiual bales, Drug* (In casks,) Hardware. Leather, (In roll* or Uixre) Wool and Sheep pelts, Eastward THIRD CLASS.—Anvil*. Steel, Chains (in casks,) Hemp, Bacon and Pork, salted (loose or in casks,) Tobacco, rainnfacmr ea until further noli COTTON —$2 per halo not exceeding 600 lb* weight, until farther notice. Te shipping good* from any point east of Philadel phia, be particular to mark package* “ria. /Vniuvfrania Saurcai.” AU Good* consigned to the Agent* of tbi* Road a! Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, vrQl be forwarded without detention. FkflOHT AflUTi C. K. Evan*. M Kilby street, Boston; J- F. Clarke, No. 2 Bftor House, and No. 1 William street, and John McDonald, No. 8 Battery Place, New York; Pierce A Co-, Zanesville, 0; Irwin A 6x, aail-Springman A Brown, Cincinnati, 0; 1L 0. Meldrum, Madison, Bell A Gv, anti Carter A Jewett, Icuirville, Ky; P. 0. O’- Riley A Co., EvansTflle, Ind; R. P. San, SL Louis, UO4 Har ris, Wormley A Go., Memphis, Leech A Co. Chicago, III; J. P. Glass, Ft- Wayne, Ind; R. J. Bneeder, Ma »rww A Room, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. U. HOUSTON, Gcn‘l Freight Agent, Phila. H. J. LOMBAEItT. SupL, Altoona. Pa._ Ja6:iy Pittsburgn and ConnelsTllle Etilrotfli THE PITTSBURGH &nCinBßffig3n Conoellnnlln Railroad I* CBV opened fur the tranxportatiuu of pawopri and freight to %zt& from Pitubargb and Connfll»v(Up. cotiut-rtiog with tbo pmna. Outral Railroad at Brinlou'a Station. Arrnnc mooUi have also tc-ea made with the Penns. Central Railroad .by which through freight to l‘hi'.r»o llipmu Train will leave OonneUrrille at 6 o'clock, A. M-, connecting with Jthe Blairsville Aceommo dathm Train on tbo Psnna. Railroad width arrives at Pitts burg at 11 A. M. Mail Train will leave Oonnellrrille at 2.-00 P. M_ and ren net* with the ItrinUm Accommodation Train on thu Pcnua. lUilnwit, which arrive* at Pittsburgh at &00 P. M. Freight to and from Pittsburgh and stations on the Pitts burgh and CoanellsTille Railroad, will bo received and de livered at the outer Depot of the Tenna. Railroad Company. Bunting A Hall'* Coaches for ML Pleasant, Uuloutovn, Prostburg and Cumberland leave ConncllsvUlu regularty on the arrival of the trains. Mail Train connects also at West Newton with cutrhem by the plank road, with Mount Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, Bandpateh, Cumberland, if. Tickets can be bail from the Ticket Agent at tha Pens a. Railroad Passenger Depot. H BLACK TOM R *—« S SUNDRIES— -2UO bbls No 3 Large Mackerel; 100 hf bbli “ 20 bbli iNo 2 20 tafbbls “ 20 bills No 1 “ 25 hf bbls “ 150 bbls Pickled Herring; tOO half bbls White Fish; 50 •* Trout; 25 bids M 1 25 “ Lake Salmon: 10 drum# Oudfiah; T 5 bbls New Orleans Molasses; M» “ White Flint Ilominy; 50 •* pearlash; 200 “ White Lime; 100 “ Hydraulic Cement; 100 boxes Pearl Starch; 30 bbli “ 1000 boxes prime W. R. Cheese: 2D bbls Kggs; 1500 busbelsDried Apples; 100 bbls No 1 Leaf Limi; • 100 bushels Clo Tor Seed, For sale by J*27 J, B CANFIELD. Atkins* celebrated a— -30 DAY CLOCKS, tor Coanting Room and Parlor, n .Mnrtmmi Ip nneewaod casaweleflantpattern* XIF Inst received and for sale by J. R. RKKD A JaSOnltf Jewelers, No. 68 Fifth itreoL^ JOB PRINTING.— CARDS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADINO, P ° ST p^PHLETS, ’'•SSkE HEADS And every description of Job Printing, plainororcUnrob J, prompt! y»nd»» (007) IMntm, Blml.r. til BttltoCT. W Wood 9 _ JUST received— -760,000 German Clpen 14*000 He Tana “ > bzs. VtrslnU llann&rtorcd Tobacrti. • Tbe lATireet Macrtmen tof Ctgare end Tobacco rrer offer «*J b tbla city, ta now open foraxittlnatfcmand nla, at GSOEQB WETaiAH’S cor. Smltbfield street and THemand Alley 5 KEGS NO. 1 LARD; 3 bbls. fresh Roll Batter. RecH and tot aU by • BHRIYBB * DILWOBTU. 1 Sa bags Prime Bio Coffee inst leoeive 10U>pdttateby BITBIYKB A PTLWQRTIL 1 /I AH Pound* Flour, weerwUnd l%Uvfcr«l*to BHBIYER*Xmn x\rii ami fur lb.' prompt transportation of Frelcbta be £ ro.N TIA I til V KAIL WA ]" CoyjfKcTlO vs Fnan PL'fTiUUUUH to CLKr ELAND, TOLEDO. DCTRATT CIUCAOO. COLUMBUS, DAYTON, INDIAN spnirc’ CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND ALL Tnr ' U USTERN. xonrrn WESTERN AND sodtu. WESTERN STATES. Freight 1« sent tomoitoftho above places in the same can la which till loadqd at this Depot. Through Rfceiptj m’rm to tiU important F\-i7iLt. For further lnknnotipn apply to JOHN P. QLASS, fc.lS.tf i 1 Agent Allegheny j v ax.le ynur.Tiwrawm ILALLROAU —KEMOYALOF TnLBMTW” WPK FKEIGIIT DEPOT TO TIIE CORNER OF BCTLKU AND CARSON STREVTS, NINTn WARD, AND A GREAT RE DUCTION OK TARIFF) JUTES.—On and after JULY 20ta, 1557. freight willl* retired as shore at the following rater. To Mahouing...- at 2oe. per lto pound* ' ToOmy'eKddy i -at 25c. “ ‘ * T.. R«i Ifcu.fe J .—At 29c. • “ To IfrMds’alJcitJ ...J. - at Sic. “ “ " i'louT—iirreUive bamli and under fifty. To MahoTilnf C. Ale-V* barrel. To ilrar's Eddy - He. “ “ T- Red Rsuk 46c. *• “ T- U«».ly'» R- 1,-I . 64c- “ * f/ot-i*— r'\pp barrel! and over. T<> Mahoning 4 —.-Cfie. * To Gray's Wily i JCc. “ “ To Rod flank [ -Sflc. “ •* To tirade's Bend . 1....'. —...45c. “ » Jj-rLtf K. kl I.QOMIS, ConenC Ticket Agunt. (■real Western ffla.ll Roate. y any «teame of the lino. I _ Coldn. isdJtv, Tliird Clavt s<<>•' Tim* SUAmsbijx ate »ujijilicd with improved Watertig eotujiartmonU, and carry exj-Tlence.! Surgeon* t’enwii* ibmit to Europe, or wishing to »en for Uni- friend* from the id-1 cunutry, ran purchase ticket and obtain all Inf riDatiun by apfilying to J. G. Dale, 1 D».4i'U :*y. N Y Sable A i>rU-r 177 Brtiadsray, N. or JOHN THo>n*S‘lN, 410 Liberty sL, Fittibnrgh kk“l’aHH«ice ccrtiilcates by first clnaa Soiling Packets b»* twiniD New York andii.ivcrjiiaiL Drain Bold by the abore d«>29—apS | iHanetatj, Dollar K«tldri Bank. fio. 85 ArnrfA mretldMiddU Jtooi a, Jtmej fit to UaiMfno OPEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, fcUo on Wednesday and Saturday eveulnga, from May flrMt Jo November first, from 7 to B o'clock; ocd from No vetnbrr Oct to May tint, from B to 3 o'clock. IVi><»Ua received of kll Minis u»t Its* than ou«i Dollar, mj4 a dividend of tlii< f.iufiu depart'd twie* a year, In Jmm and Docvnibcr. | Iniereal «u declftr«*d at thoratool nix |ht cent- i'ct’ annum. In December, 1855, alao, Id Jnw and December, ISWJ. jai.d Juno mul Llocrmbor, 1857.- lutrmst, If not dram* out, is placed to the credit thede poaltor ait principal, and bears tbo rams interest from the flret dayaof Jut)* and Drceml-cr, compounding twice a year with out troubling tho d>i|»>aiUcr to call nr even to present hi* pas book. At this rate, money will double in Im than 18 yfwra, making in the aggregate near avoon BUT Tncot .a hooks containing the Charter. By-Laws, Bale* and JUgo .tluDs furnished grails, on application at the office. . Prtxidtnt—GEOEGE ALBBJZZ. Inn PiiMULNis Hopewell Ilcpbcfn, John Q. Eboenberger* James EliidU-, N.Grattcn Muroby, Alexander lsaac M. Pen nock, Robert ltobb, James D. Kelley, William S. Layelef. James Hertiniao, Hill Burgtvln,- ; J mission. Correspondence and collection* solicited. N HOLMES & SON. DEALERS in for • RIGN and; Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificate of Tv{vr«Ua 't b&s leaded the premise*, tor the maoaflicTur® and salt of erery variety of Marble Work, curb aa Monuments,.Totuhe Tablets and Gravestones, die per 100 ffta. OOc per 100 Ibl oT e'rrj Tariety and (ora; auo, Mantle Pieces, Centro Table, Pkr, Bnreaa and Waib Stand Topi, Aa, Which he is ofierinx an low a< any other establishment West of the mountains.' JLlt stock is entirely new, ami baa been selected by himself, exprvaiJv for this market. lie is also prepared to bund'Burial Vaults, enclose Bar Lota with Mar ble or Stone, and to execute any other work in his lino, a anyof theCemeterietadjoinlngPittsborgh. , auras bt raxissiox to Rot. T. B.Lyman, Robert Oilway, Esq., Hon. Wb. Wilkins, John Cliislett, E»q_, Jno. 0. Sboenbcrgrr, Esq., W. L. Ringwalt, iliq., Charles Brener, Esq., J. 11. Bill, Esq, Thomas Scott, Esq., A. B. Curling, fenq., W. P. Banin, Esq* O. R. White, Esq. The Trade fhrtiUlied with all kinds of Foreign and Domes tic Marble, either finished or tn the rough, at Wholesale prices. < [ lie baa also mute arrangements with the manuffetnrera of the best breads, lor a constant supply of Hydraulic Ce ment, Water and Loahnrilk* Lime, and Plaster for Land and Stucco Work, all of which be is preparedto furnish at short notice. wMMIy Agents Wanted! New Era in AmerieaitAit. JUST ISSUED, an Oil-Color Portrait t>t HENRY CLAY, Printnljroni Seel Plate in 12 OH Col ors. This picture, prepared at great cost and labor, by an important improvement to Art-Printing, is offered to the people of the United States, at a worthy memorial of lhair eminent Stntcjijjan and Patriot, by tho Publisher, J. H. BYRAM, Bulletin Building, Philadelphia. The following Are a fiiw ol tlie many commendations this Picture has received fnxn tho prove Prom Peterson's Magatino. “That *o fine h Picture, equal as it is in finish to London Color Prints, which -have been sold here for fire and ’six dollars, could bcjprodrired for the trifling ram of fifty cents, is certainly an astonishing evidence of Amerian progress in Art color printing, aadrauat, we think, require an lmm com sale to be at all remunerative." ; From the Pennsylvanian. "Mr. Byrara tins prpdnced a Portrait of the Immortal CLAY, priuted In colors, that has all themeritofu painting and as a work of Art will bear the most critical examina tion. TLe UkericM of the great Statesman is perfect." From iho Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. Mr. J. ILByramkas brought out a Portrait uf Henry Clay, printed in colors, which, if • wo not been assured otherwise, wo should have supposed to be a painting. It possesses all thebrilliancy of hue and softness of shadoof a One water-color, portrait. Tho likeness of “Derry of the Weet’ is excellent." [From Graham's “Equal to flnq lamdon Prints sold hero for $£ ng»t $7. From the Pennsylvania Enquirer. “Judging by this production, Art-printing has made an Important step towards perfection. The picture is not only artistic in finish and arrangement of color, but Is valuable as s spirited likeness. Being sold at the low price of fifty cents, this portrait mult soon become a fSTartte. and be treasured as a most fitting and beautiful memorial by th American peopto. Single copies; sent post paid for M cents. To Agents very liberal diacoqnt. jaltwlmf FARMERS AND CAUPBSTEBS ATTENTION Your Attention is directed to the large and well selected stock of Seasoned LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!! On hand [and for sals, Wholesale and Retail, by JA.iyCSS biilt! : £in«rs Charles Snap, P. A. Madeira John 11. Mcllor, Walter P. Marshall, Wilson MUW, A. U. Pollock, U. D Henry L. RSngnlt, John M. garyer, George 6. Seiden, AlexauJer Tindle, Theobald Umitaetter, George R_ White, ' ■CUAHJ.ES a. coltoh. ..BEDFORD CO, 1 .SOMERSETCO, 1 ..WKSTMORKT) CO, I ..FAYETTE CO, VPena* .FAYETTE CO,