- ■ 1 ■ awsai*- THE ESTABLISHED IN 1786. If'' impotteawiiu,, Groceries, *e. I. & W.OEERY, sos ami mua, uotuWimt, taw rax*. rm ;. ! V‘, tßW>lhb»d 1801-1 AND DEALERS IN’ FIRST offsr to'tho Tnulo, Hotel* *ho an chafe* in their Usto,and Sterrfaa, ftrtt. Hack* da, > tot old •nd high lo origin domyohns, m*g . P 55? *oa bottle*. s*®™;' i .K^OES t IBR*s CLAItCTS. „ CnAMPAiaNjI-sfce, * Chondoo'. edit Imp! Vomiioy. do do ■ do !S““> JP'f*' * C ’'*CT» ortjlnol „ ftooAitoo.Aid.rtt., KoTotaßUmTiE - HALT LIQCOIlS—London DrcnniStoeL Scotch tod toßlldj Ale*. * j gs.tc /.*. . ■ CJQARS-Ajarietr of choice brand*. • —Knßlleh end French. s^2sKr F#r «*• Con*, O^ißfcttiat,- Ac * gHttSg-Statqn, Ch«Ktw,iSpl,TfetOTia, Prince AlUrt, Grnrere, Bapeagoi Web and and American. SCO ABS-—Loaf, Crashed,Pnlmteed, Ft. Croix, 4e., Ib bar - half ' . HAHs—Weetnhalia ao& American. OrLS—OUre. Sperm and Whal«- wameted unadulterated and of oar o*n Importation. • • fe&dtfr druggists. MLACKEOVm & ■ FINLEY, morale Progiia fcod Hanttfrefargn or Cwben 011, No. IGT u.L^ tt /»tfpet r Ptttttmrgfa.P«.- , A. FAHNESTOQK Jt-CO- WHOt*? *.ta«DniHjlrt» u>4 SUini&rtmw oT.TlTrtt* liniiv •nd Lkhirge, corner TV'ood 'And,Front #ircet»,'PlCtK tmrgb. ~ i.~ :. . .'t neh7 J' SCUOONMAKEK, MANUFACTURE R • of Wklte L-ad, K*l lad, - tj Uil Wholesale Dealer Jn Paints. OQa, Yawi*h»*Jurpeii- Uae, fa, Wo,.Wood at, Plttabargh, Pa. j • TOUN if AF2V Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. iraßOiri}WbdleMl«ud Setafl' l>nurebt'sa4'X)ca!rr ,; J* *2 and Sixth street*, rittaprirgiLi •••'•— •■**•'• j, 4Hf»BcgiJar Agentffar Dr. FbrffrMcdlrins. »p2l JOUN IP. ’SCOTT,. WHOLESALE DEAL ertaDrng*»PalnfcOils, Tarnishei.and Drcstnflb. No. 296 EWrfyTitrwt, Pittsburgh. All ordertwillMcelTeproxnptattention. Ag»Agrof forfiebsocre Pulmonic Syrup. mar24:lydaw wnra mn—— oeoxoi amta. T3RAUNA REITER, WHOLESALE AND JL# Retail Druggist#, corner of liberty and St. Clair its.. Pittsburgh. J~ OSEPIL FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. WUeoxA Cb.} comer Market street nnd Diamond, keeps constantly oa hand afull and complete assortment of Drugs, Modidnpa, Medldne Chest*, retfdiaery, and all articles net? talulngtohla business. 49*Phy«hi*a* prescriptions carefully compoondcd at oil boors. -: (• - Ja9:ly T\R. GEO. 11. KEYSEr: DRUGGIST, «r«-«..... iittrtmre Staitcß, CnEESE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding tad Commission Merchant, and Dealer In Cheese, Batter, Lake Fish and Prodace generally, gfl Wool above Water, Pittsburgh. rayll JB. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, * OHIO, OotnmlMlon and Forwarding Merchant, and Wholesale Dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Bntter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and'Western Produce generally. Front it, between SmithfleTd and Wood, Pittsburgh. ’BANE & ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A. A A. Mcßane,) Dealers In Floor, Grain and at. Commlltfon and Forwarding Merchants, No. 124 Bacond strceet, Pittsburgh, P*. [Jan. yg7ally]jal3 David* c. herbst, floor, pro daca, Provision and Commission Merchant, No. 2C7 Liberty street, comer of Hand, Pittsburgh, glees his atten tion to tbt Hie of: Floor, Port, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Batter, Grain, DdedFrxdU, Sews, Ac!? Ac. ’ AgKkmtigflmmtarnspcctftillyßoaclteiJ- aa&ly A lexs* Forsyth, (successor to a~\. FnrSytb'A-Scott,) Fonranllng and Commission Mcr* titant, Dealer Ip Wool, Hides, Floor, Bacon, Isird and OU and Prodoco generally, No. 75 Water it. Plttsbargh, Pa. Hriddße, general commission • Merchant and Dealer la Groceries and Produce, 27 mm street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Refer to B. llaxotos, Pittsburgh, BaQAIXT, Cokeatx A Co., Pittsburgh. AsrConslgsments solicited and entisflutory returns guar '»<«*• del&lydawT IJOBBB® HUTCHINSON, COMMISSION XV Merchant,'for the sale of Western Bourn Cheese, ' Rati«r, lord, Bacon, Fish, pot and Pearl Ashes, Salmratos, Oils, Hoar, Grain, Seeds, Driod Fruit,and Prttdaco generally, no. 8 SraithflelJ street, between First and Water. ap3 {"IHARLES ■ B. LEEOH, FORWARDING V/ ond Oommhion Merchant, Dealer in Floor, Grain, 11a. con. Lard and Better, and'all kinds of Prodace, No 8 Smith field street, betwacn First and Water. «p 3 »A(JLE WAREHOUSE.—JAS. GARB- INEIt, Wholesale Dealer In Floor. Provision! nod Pnxlnw generally, No. 0 Seventh street, between Liberty nQdSmlUjfleld,pUt»liCTgh, Pn. (Satptts. William: Mcclintock; Dealer Carpet*. Vo. 112 Market street. W.D, * U. U»CALLOU, TAEALEU IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIS, •1 : r-tfAHHiQB. to. Ko. 83 Fourth street near Wood. attonujns. Robert m* knight, attorney at Law, nod Solicitor of the Bank of Plttsbnrgb, No. 110 Fourth streot, Pittsburgh. dels JOSEPH S. & A. P. MORRISON, AT tomey* at law. Office No. 99 Fourth en, near Wood. Pittsburgh, Pa. zny34 HARTZQORN & lIAZEN, ATTORNEYS at law. Office la Odeon Building, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Utß Gootia. Morphy & Burchfield, dealers In Bilks and ladies' Dress Goods gonorntlr. Cloaks, Talmas aad Shawls, Embroideries and Staple Goods, for famltyiue. An unusually extensive assortment In all the sbor* department!, just reerlyed anil aelllug at the lowest prices. iarNorth-east cor, Fourth and Market »ta *yy a. a. oases * 00. nrtaa'o.„.~„c. l. ajttho.yt a co- ». roat A A. MASON & CO., WHOLESALE • and Retail Dealers In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 2& FlfUiatraet, Pftttbugh. Carriages. Carriage and Wagon Manufactory! M* Xi. STEPHENS, A|jen t Corner Smithfield .Street and Diamond Alley , WOULD respectfully inform g, pnbtlethat be is now located as shore, and has refttmod tha bnainesa of Carriage making In all its ▼arleUes, andisain prepared to execute orders l«r Wagons of alLdoacrtptlona, including all work lor Iron Merchant*' Soliciting a continuance of the patrons go so liberally be stowed anon him. whß* at the old stand of •'Bigelow & Co.” -ho would assure his friends that the same care and atten tion will bogtrenloaUhls orders as beretobre, haring so cored the services of the best workmen, and having ample apartmentaelaewherefor the finishing of fine work. 93*A good assortment of heavy work, now on hand, »ult able for Spring see. All work warranted for lg months. jQrPartlalar attentionittven to repairs. jalhlyd Oeaeh and Carriage Factory. JOnNSON, BROTHER A CO., Cbmw of Belmont and Btbecax gh-uti, . v ALLEGHENY CITY. VSTOULD KESPKCXFOLLY IN-caFBUt f f fbna thelrfriendi, and the public mllr, that the/ are macnfactariDg Carriages, lUrmicho*, Rncravays, Baggies, Sleighs and Chariots; in *Ji their rart om styles of finish tad proportions. All orders will bs executed with atrlct regard to durability and beauty of finish. : !t.*palni will also be attainted to on the dost reasonable tmos. Using In all their work the beat Eastern Shafts, Bqtes and.Wliecl staff, they feel confi dent that all who faror them wlih their patronage trill be erfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Porchasersare requested to giro them a call before par chasing elsewhere. ort9;l/d QUNDRIES—3OO bgs. prime Rio Coffee; 20bb(l* P K Sogsr; 30 bbls standard Crat'd Bapn 10 bbls Powdered « 15 “ Coffe*» *, S? JL . OoU^2?T O P t 25 44 KweUlor Syrup; ¥t 30 Ices « t .rut Tobacco; 25 cask* fflttrb Soda; 25cfbbU Soda Saleratn*; 60 bxfl BodaSalentos; SO tlnrcea lUw; 60 bf chests Y 11 Ttsj 30 tiff-heat* Black Tea; 00 caddies ass’d “ • Wrapping Paper, 100 bis eas'd sixes (Uses; 400 fells Straw • 160do*Own Bitotxu; 600kega best brands Nall*; 60boxes Clay PipM; 3 casks Bloac’ii Whale iJU; ?6bbl*NOTar; 10bagsGrain Pvppor, 6 beg* AlUplco; •*' 100 bbls large No 3 Mackerel; *Bsoddes Sole Leather; 60 bbls me«l “ “ Is store and for sale by WAIT k WILSON, m!4 No. 208 Liberty et. r TUNDKIfeS ~ ' bags Prhna Bio Cofloe; 190 chests 7. IL and Black Teas 75 boxN snorted brands Lamp Tobsccu; 25 kegs fill Twist Tobacco; 25 bhaf Torto Blco Sugar; M bWa Refined Bnnr, 55 bbls Yellow Refitted Segar; 60 bol*o{tfdeoBjmjp? • - - 50 bbls Btrelilnr Sjrron 60 bbls N.O. Molasses; 35 kegs Bl Garb Soda; 60 boxae Soda Salaratos; ; UO bdls snorted sixes Straw YFrajtplag.Paper, 15 tiercea Bice; 3)0 EMea Sole Leather; SO bbls pore Fish 0(1; 55 bbbßodnOO; 25 boxes assarted Window alau; ISO dona assorted Brooms: - _ ®0 kegs snorted Nells. loitoniitdlornl«l>/ » 7 JOHN TLOVDiCO. "***■» DOniMIOS OVBTKU HOUSE, OORNERIIASD LIBERTY STREETS, BBODTED DAILY. Cv CAS AND SFIELL OYSTERS, K *"" n **•». **• , AG , E , N CX^-UAVINQ BEEN a,“M" to lopply WholTOl. Lta.l - prW w. ln,iu> i..ttooUo» oftb. PM» tool. gUda.K’Mom'ilinHoiiot oar pre-m itoct. • and «Ud> «iu b. krpt epaal to thodmao/L ' ATWELL, LO A 00, ” y 8.,- ; -' Mo. A Wood.tr. 19 PMME KOUi BD'ITBK Bgj* R«cetTedthisdayaudfqrnlobj « ’JOSH ngTOftOO. TTATLY IMTTSBriMJH GAZETTE. HilVy YORK ADViIRTTBUMTiN'i'S Prtan IL B- SCHELL’S Adrcrtislhg House, No. 335 Broad way- j£'-' AN ENERGETIC BUSINESS MAN CAN. moktv la *O7 part oftbaUiiital States, from throe tn fITO dollar* a day, by from sample “TIIK PATKN'T INDIA ttUBBKK SAFETY FLUID LAMP,'* wilh an Jm prnred Burner. Every fund/ who has regard for lift*, per dod, property or economy trill porchaM them. Fur Infor mation by mail, iodoto stamp, to lIAWXIJURST A MOTT, Patenter* and cadastre Manufacturers, C 9 Fulton street, New York. LIGHTS, SBWTON & BEADBUBTB. iSI SnomeStrteitJTno Tork. ' ,7ITANHFACXOEEIiS of tho Patent Arch iTA-Wretf Eertct, celebrated for depth, filli n'** riebnea, pority, singing quality ofthelr Whs, for which they liar* rerclTcii the highest rcoruiums from the greatest musical celebrities of tho cotjotrr. and in •Tcryfttfr, wkenbrqarht in competition with other ia. °i , . Ut P < *f the highest [imnimn. Tho Patriit Arch Wrest Plank, which Is owned and used only hr os, gnarantcCT thelr sUndhig In .tuno longer tb» any dther In strument; whilotheir unprecedented demand In all parts of the coontry is aanffidmt proof of theij-' superior excellence. A dijw^DT,t Clergymen, Schools and the trade. JoMyda . fflotmm'ssion, fit, MALCOLM LEXCR JOtHT 1.1 C0M!..........—.J05. S. UXCO. JOS. S. LEECH & CO., Bos.ma & 34-1 Liberty at., Plttihnrgh, Pa. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION ]\IERCHANTS, DKALEIIS IN FLOUR AND BACON. Tin Platt« r»ntl Tinner’s Stock, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES Jriwiy_ _ . McALPIH\« co., (iAtaofXJl. Leech, UeAlpiwACo,ritUborgh.) 4 AfKBBALWOOMMISSiOH y? • . * FORWARDING 1 MERCHANTS 1 Levee and Washington Avenne, WYANDOTTK CITY, KANSAS TKUWTuUY . REFERENCES: Jian-ph S. Leech A Co, and Pittsburgh Merehanla c"n«r _*• JylhdAwlvT THOMAS A GALbAbHGIii COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ,v.. 30 Km Brat. St. si* trrsa to Pixom, Haiitwi.x A Co, I MuA L.umi. LoMXTi.STeWAn? A Co, I Zco A Pamtu. jnil purchase to order, Lad, Hump, Karon, Urdu, At Prompt atteutiou given to any mauncr of forwartling. MTU il. LEWIS.. li. tPG£Bf'* T EWIS & EDGERTON, (Successors to D. Jj T Morgan A G 0.,) Wboleaslo Grocer* anti Commission Merchants, 107 Wood street, Pittsburgh. mill SPRINGER II ARB AUG 11, COMMISSION Merchant, Dealer in WoohProriaions and Produce wm erally, No. '.Si Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Henry s. kino, (late of tele firm of King k Moorhead J Commission Mervhiuit, and DvuUt In Pig Metal ami Blooms, N 0.70 Water street, be low Market, Pittsburgh, Pa. » p ia A A. JIARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO HAR • dy, Jouc* 4 Co.,)C«. H ami 20 Wood street, l’jt burgh. OM-O- »ns.; .aTb. Biannu T>EIS & BERGER, GROCERS AND o t Pr°’ er * 16 Bacon, luml, Flour, Choose, Brooms, Ic, South-West earner Smitbtiold and S«coud Streets. Pitt* ‘255: o3:ija Alexander king, wholesale Grocer and Importer of Soda Ar-b, No. IN3 Ulx-rty str,-.-t. Pimhurgh. Pa. aj.l;lyd« WJI. AIITCHFXTREE, Jr., & HRO m Wle.Ueale Grocers, Rectifying Distillers, and Wine "fjpw Merchants, No. 2iW LiUrty Mrisf, Pittsburgh. JSO. B. JOSM ——— JAS. l_ OOOUCT. TONES & COOLEY, WUOLELALE GRO v CEKS ami Dont Furnishers, dealers In Prodnc* and Pittsburgh Manursrtmvs, No. HI Water street, near Cherry Alley. Pittsburgh,J*o. rar .>rt 1 **• SURtTEET. JOHN B. PllWofcTU. OHRIYER tt DILWORTH, WHOLESALE kj Grocers, No. 130 and 1;:2 .'icnml «tu«t, (between Wood and SmithQel(l,Plttibar^h. AC ULBERf S u N , WHOLESALE • Grocrram)Commission M.-MianLDealcrln Produce and Pittsburgh Mionfartnr.d Articles, luS Liberty street, PitUdiurgh. Joint mctni.n ri'nn william norn JOHN FLOYD & (Jy,. WHOUvSALE Oioeersaod Comtai-L-irtO .MerchAntS, tefftTWooTand £l3 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jel6 joun wart.. Joua wilho*. TXTATT &. WILSON, WHOLESALE 0110- VT CRUS, Commission Merchants ami Dealers in i“re duce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 263 Liberty street, Pittsbanrh. j n -”, imuu wcin „ pmttEkT mosrr ISAIAII DICKEY A CO., WHOLESALE Grocer*, Coramiasion Merchants, and IVnlere in IVodnre, No. SO Water itrn-1, and f!3 Front ptrret, Pittsburgh. *B OMAfI LITTLE, SB Tuonan UTTLS, J B. (Lute of the Arm Uobinon, Little 4('o ) T LITTLE A CO., WHOLESALE ORO • CERS, f*nx!ar» and Commitiion Murclunts, and Dtmlrrs In Pittsburgh N.>. 112 Soeotid rtrwt, Pittsburgh. WW. * - CCTCH»n-« ' It L. ISoilToS WM. MrCUTCHKON A CO., WHOLE SALE Oror.T*. Prndnrn and Cnmml**!nn Merchants, and Dealer* in Pittsburgh M.innfai-tnred Article*, So. 219 Liberty street, 0,,rn.-r ..f Irwin, IMtsbnrgh, Pa. «it 3 JOHN iTWXLL A ; Lf* Cll Ul. ATWELL. Atwell, lee a co„ wholesale Grocers, Pro.lii.-e and C»uiinia*inn Merchants, and 1 Dealer*in Pitti-burgh M-tuulVlnr*-*. No. 6 W.««d nrert.l**, twe«n Water and Fi»ut »t., Pituhijrgh. aplS BOirr. itni:r*os - sui'l d.r*uiu»o!». Rkoblsun a co, wholesale « Grower*, o>-rnml«ftion Merchant*, and Dealers In all kinds of j*nmnions. Produce and Pittsburgh Manufrcture*, No. 255 Lllicrty street, Pittsburgh. Jallhlyd Robert il king, w 1 FiJlesale grR CKR, Commission Men-hanl. and Dealer In Feathers, Fish, Flour, and all kinds of Country Produce, No. 211 Lits erty street, month of Filth, PiUat-nrgh, Pa. Libera] ad vaueea mads on consignments. Jas:l yd BOMBT D5LTZLL.......... JAJSRS K. UREADINQ Robert a co., whole- SALE Grocera, CommiMiun and Forwarding M»r chants and Deal era I a Producaaud Pittsburgh Mimnfactinrs, No. 251 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. my 2 Ural I£etatt agents. WIL.L.XA9I WARD, . Dealer in promissory,^^notes, Komis, Mortgages and all securities for money. Persons can procure Irwins through my Agency,on reason, able terms. Those wishing to Invest their money to gn.*d advantage, sn always And An>t and second class paper at my office, for All communications and Interviews strictly confidential. Office GRANT STREET, opposite St. Paul s Cathedral. Jel.-dtf ACSTIIf L00XW.............. TBM. 6. LOOMIS Austin loomis a co., dealers in Promissory Notos, Hondo, Mortgagesjind all Fecuri ties for Money. Money loaned on Check* short dates, with collateral ■senrities. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOOOTTT AND SOLD. Persons desiring loans can bn accommodated mi nsw*.liable terms, and aipltnlist* can be fnrnisheil with good aoruritirs at reniisncratlvo prices. Also, attend to the Atl.i, Renting and Leaning of JUnd Estate. No. 02 Fourth street, above Wood. J®“AU3TIN L 003113, Notary Public. mrt ijoofcsclltts, &c. WM. G. JOHNSTON A CO.. Stationers, Rlank Kook Manufacturers ami Job Printers, No. 67 Wood street. Pittsburgh, I’a. #o.TO ~C. COCHRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO • S. Sadler,) WboLnalo and Retail Dealer In Hooka, Stationery and Paper Hangings, Federal •tn**:l f Cfh door 8. K. of .Market Square, Allegheny, pa. JOHN S. DAVrsON, BOOKSELLER AND Stationer, soecemor to Davison A Agnew, No. 03 Market street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, |*a. Kay"tea,’ booksellers and st a- TIONER3, No. 55 Wood street, next door to the cor- ner of Third, Pittsburgh, Pv Fehnol and Law Books con* itantly on hand. J" L. BEAD, BOOKSELLER AND ST A • TTONRB, No. 78 Fourth st., Apollo Building*- HUNTT'Mi N E IC’BOOKSELLER and Stationer, Masonic Hull, Fifth street. ittusic, ire. JOHN 11. MELLOR. No. 81 WOOD ST., between Diamond Alley and Fourth street. Sole Agent forCUICKKiIINU A SONR’fDoatob) PIANO FORTES, MA SON A HAMLIN’S MODEL MKLOPKONH and ORGAN HARMONIUMS, and Dealer In Music and Musical Goo trade, sjiJ promptly abii> p»a u per Instruction*. 1/1 TI S , ?T? BonthB > 6 per cant, discount for cub. •c2Sujd4w9 " JOS F. HAOILTON A CO M KN "G-INEKES ,j. SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, for Grist Mil la, Brow-erica, Printing iUublUhmcats, bu■-, in, fo 1 1 -* mrb, HalUr Rupe, Broom Twine,Petrlntr SfcSsa."’"* s “" ,h,w r. 1. DOißi —. . " ' ’* V U flUTtSOoar. BTTSHA & GUTBNDORF, UASUTACTCUBN or STEAM BOILERS AND ATJi KINDS 0* SHEET IKON "W OKK. Penn Street, near Water, Pittsburgh, Penna. promptly attended to. fr'J4:nuui A. . LYONS*, " (Successor to A. Lyons A Co ) | , XATmcrcßxr or LOOKING GLASSY PICTURE FRAMES, ANDDKALKRIN 'VARIKTY GOODS, AC, l*». MORRia Ac COLI’AHT, aott MAjrmcTciinM or HUGHS'B PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORGE INO TRIP lUJIMERS. HAMMERS of tho following sizes. mmlMo or I, I.lft 7 In. foil Wow, 3005 Uw. $ 350. •• -j, •• g.. .. ~ „ 450. *■ “• •' ll'lM “ •* tOO. " 4. •• 15 “ - •• «3otiB “ •• 90U. “1. "31“ “ “ rt colic* for every color or Dumber of* Yarns, Uav* been onoof tiin originalmanufacturer*of thecolebr^ ed “Bradley Woolen Yarns," Id connection with' BT brothefL Wm. Bradley, of Wheeling, 1 Would' tuspectfbdjr shore of the orders for Yams as above. * • 4£'Ca*b paid for Sheep Skins and Wool. Je27d/d 5 nuxui MBsinu,— - -..jiam a. »c^b WILLIAM BAASOILL A CO., G 1 Penn st, below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Po. O TEAM BOILER MAKLTIS AND SiIEET kj In.n Workers, Uaunticturer* of Barnlim’e Patent Boiler, Locomotive, Fined and Cylinder Boilers, Cblmoeysr Brekhen, fire Bod, Stoam Pipes, Condensers, gait PartZ Also, Blacksmith? ” or *» •’” < *K®*»d Viaduct Inms, doue at tbo sburWt ao> orders from a distance promptly attended to. Js 1 -* K.P«nn Cotton Hllla, I‘lit.bor.h. T ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., MANtJFAC TOREBSof— Peso-A No. I heavy 4-t Shooting* ibiptt Chain of all colors acid Cotton Twine; f “ Bed Cords; “ Plough Lines and Sanh Cord; ** Eope of all sties and descriptions: Hatting. , l«fl »t the Hardware Btom of Logan, Wilson A Coital Wood street, will haTe attention. jnS&ly JAMBS lUWIH, S MANUFACTURER OF ULPHURIC ETIIER; Sulphuric Acid; Sweet Spirits of Nitre; NUrie Acid; noflmau’s Anodyne; Maria! ic Arid; Aqn* Ammonia, FFF; Nitrous do Fowler's SuloHon; m J. 0. PEREJN...„ a. A . JOHNSON.’... ’ " W*. JOILVSON. PEHHIS A JOURSOSI, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WE. CniLDS A CO’S PATENT ELAS a TIC FIKE AND WATER-PROOF CEMENT KOOFIXrt, 133 Tana Sjxdct, Pittsburgh, Pa. odLUtf H. M. WABOSS *.CO^ MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN TXTARREN’S IMPROVED FIRE AND *II Witor-Praof’OOTjposfttuß-Roofs end RooSti* T»c- 4RT‘Oflso—24 Fifth street DANiKL UEN.VETT. MANUFACTURER OF FANCY color ed IronstnDß Hahs, anJ Yrllow War*. * c - Offleoatihe Waiiistirtory, cone— of Wa»l,in£too acd Franklin serwts, ot.i.aaiu PitUt-urEh. Pa. mrlOidlj-* ** ’ ruuMxs Miraui_ jous i*. uueu.i w*. ctztebsob. Union Foundry, MITCHELL, nERROS A CO. WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS OF th.- Uoion Foundry, «t the old stand of PKXXOCK, .sUTUUPI.L 4 CO, No. m Liberty et. Ttiey will m.smttarturr, *3 u»ual, a large and uoneral as sortment cf'CAST ING3, comprtHlng Cnokiug Stoves, Raoges ami Slide OFE/i'E A.SU FARLQH STOVES. MANTLE & KITCHEN GRATES Hollow Wait, Wa:on lioui, Do; Irons SAD IRONS, TKA K CTTI.K3. PLOWS k PLOW POINTS. Mill and Machinery Castings Generally And OAS and WATER PIPES of oil .be*. 0100, IROXAXD X.t.'LS OF THE BEST BKAXDS,, Shovels, Spades, Picks, &c., All nf which will l* oold at manufacturers' nrioo. «>’7:ly WILLIAM TATE, ’ PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, No. 10 Fonrlb «tn-et, near Liberty, and 472 Ponn street next door lo Alderman Parkitwro’s Office, and Federal ■( near Lacuck Allegheny. 49“Ertry de-alptinti of Flttlngi f.,r Water, Oaa and <#*•- m,3l:tj I Eucwnatle Tile Floor, For Church.-a, Halls, Conaervatorim, Vestibule* and Store*. ALFRED ENGLAND, Sole Aj-i-nt. From the original patentees, Mean. Minton k Co., London. and M«**r*. Millar A Co,te», New York, for Pittsburgh and the West. All work executed iu a superior ntyln. Plana. Drawings and ftjwciiniinH can tw* soon at No. 2 Fourth street, near Lib *rty - [«P25] _ tnrlSrlyd M JOHN CAMPBELL, A N U ¥ A C T U K E R OF BOOTS I^- and S u °p ~f l V " r y d-ecript/ou. No. SI ginlthfield sßTwr, Pitubnrgh, Pa. ocMrlyu fttsutance Harms. TITE A CIIAFFEE Agents Neptune Insur ance Co. LaLyetto Hall, Wood street. R FINNEY, Agent Eureka InsumcneCo., • No. 9 Water street. A A. CARRTE'RrSECRETARY • Pennsylvania Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Junes’ Building, Fourth street. SAMUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretary Citi rens’ Insurant Company. 94 Wafer street. FM. GORDON. Secretary Western Insur • anre Company, 92 Water street. J GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Frank • lin Firu Insurance Company, North-east corner Wood and Tliird »trr-**U. PA. MADEIRA, Agent fi»r Delaware • Mutual In*nmnre Co, 42 Water itrwL TIIOS. J. HUNTER, Agent Farmers’and Mechanics’ Insurance Co., 90 Water street. JOSIIUA ROBINSON, Agent Continents] Insurance Co., 24 Fifth street) RW. POINDEXTER, Agent Great West •cm Insuranra C0.,97 Front afreet. Japjjolstrrp. WALT IK t. MAKSUALL JO3XVU B. UtIQUIS Wall Paper Warcbome. Walter p. marshall a co., ira porters and Dealers, 87 Wood street, between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, where may be (irand au extensive assortment of every description of Paper Hanging*, for -Par lor*, Ualls, Dining Room* and Chain be re. Also, Window Shades, to great variety at lowest prices to country diwlero. WALTER P. MARSHALL k (X). i. inuuNtHOß.... .. w. a. B At e«s». EEDMUNDSON & CO., N.m. 90 lind 98 • Tliinl street, near Wood, Manufacturers and Dealers In WALL PAPER, CURTAIN noons, ORNAMENTS, FRINGES, TASSKIJ* ANDCORDS, COMFORTS, BEDS, PATENT SPIRAL SPRINQ Would solicit the attention of purchasers to their large and varied stock. ap'Akfimd J SEIBERT, Practical Upholsterer, s .Vo. 100 Thini Street, PUUburnh, Mnnnuctnrer and dealer In CORNICE, BANDASHADESsnd BLINDS, MATTRABSEB, COMFORTS, CUSHIONS, Ac. Particular attention paid to Steamboat work. CarpeU fitted and laid to order. mrlfhlyd Jfutnitucr. iousu— ...... Tu o*. *. tot lit® rißcia l. toubo T. D. YOUNG A CO., ■AscracrnißXßs or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. FACTORY —Federal TJtyw and /Vrmo. Jvtntu Warehooie—Nos. 18 k4O Smithfitld St., STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—We nr» cntutanUy manofsctnHnß BTRAMDOAT CADIN FURNITURE and CIIAIRK, and inrita the attention of those Interested In furnishing boats. •eSOrdAvS T. B. TOONO k CO. JAMES \V. WOODWELL, CAfUSKT FITRXITTTRK SiA SUFACTURER Nos. 07 k 90 Third St., Pittsburgh. JW.W. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS • hi* frieuda andciistomers, that he has Jnst completed his etock of Fnrujttmi, which is decidedly the largest and heel ever oflbredfcwiialoin thlerity. Aa he Is determined to uiv hold bis stock, with seasoned mate rials, best workmanship and newest designs And from the extant of bis orders and facility in manufacturing, be is enabled to produce warrant*, rd FUBNITinUS at Ibe loweet prices. Ue keeps always on band the greatest variety of stmt description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most elegant and costly, thalfi house, or any part efone, may ba furnished from bit stock,or mantxfmtnred exprmriy to order. rarSO Thirdly, they established an easy, simple and uniform process of naturalization. The change of the balance of power from tho Stare States to the Free States, which we arc now witnes sing, is doe chiefly to those four early measures of national intervention in favor of free labor. “■> -• It would have t iken place much sooner if Mr. Pebsjdest: Eight ago we slew the tiie borders of the Republic bad remained Wilmot Proviso in the Senate Chamber, and unchanged. . The purchase of Louisiana, buried it with triumphal demonstrations under and the acquisition of Florida, however, were the Floors of the Capitol. Four years later, we transactions resalting from high political ne explcded altogether tha time-honored system of cessitics, in disregard of the question between governing the Territories by Federal rules and free labor and slave labor. In admitting the regulations, and published and proclaimed iu its now State of Louisiana, which was organized on stead a new gospel of popular sovereignty, the slave-labor settlement of New Orleans, Coo whose ways, like those of were to be gress practiced the same neutrality which it had ways of pleasantness, and fill of‘whose paths before exercised iu the Stales of Kentucky and were supposed to be flowery path's of peace) Tennessee. No serious dispute ‘roseunUl 1819, Nevertheless, the there shall when Missouri, organized within tho former be Slavery or no Slaveryln ibo Territories, is! province of Louisiana, upon a slave -Uhor eettle again the stirring passage of the day. Thei went in Si. Louis, applied for admission R 3 a test less Proviso has burst the cerements of thel Slave State, an.l Arkansas was manifestly pre grave, and, striking hands here In our very] paring to appear soon in the same character'.— presenco with tho gentle spirit of popular sov-j The balance of power between the Slave States eroignty run mad, is seen raging freely in our and the Free SLtiies was already reduced to An halls, scattering dismay omong the Administra- equilibrium, and the eleven Free States had an tion benches in both Houses of Congress. Thus equal ropresention with the eleven Slave Slates an old unwelcome lesson is read to ua anew. the Senate of the United States. The Slave The question of Slavery in the Federal Territo- States unanimously insisted on ao unqualified rles, which arc the nursery of future States, in- admission of Missouri. The Free States, with dependently of all its moral and humane cle- less unanimity, demanded that the new State meats, involves a dynaslical struggle of two should renounce Slavery. The controversy antagonistical systems, the labor of slaves atfd seemed to shake the Union to its foundations, the labor of freemen, for mastery in the Federal ftn( l ft was terminated by a compromise. Mis- Union. One of theso systems partakes of an eouri was admitted os a Slave Stato. Arkansas, arlstoratio character; the other Is purely demo- rather by implication than by express agree cratic. Each ono of the existing States has nient, was to be admitted, and it was afterwards staked, or will ultimately stake, not only its iadmitted as a Slave State. On tho other hand, internal welfare, but also its influence in the Slavery was-forever prohibited in all that part Federal councils, on the decision of that contest, iof tho old province of Louisiana yet remaining Such a struggle is not to be arrested, quelled or unoccupied, which lay north of tho parallel of reconcUed, by temporary expedients or com- 30' north latitude. The reservation for free promises. labor included the immense region now known I l,always engage reluctantly in P 3 «-ho Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and I these discussions, which awaken passion just in deemed ample for eight, ten or more Free States r“ B . «gree- that their importance demands the The severity of the straggle aud the conditions impartial nmpirage of reason. This reluctance tb e compromise indioated very plainly how deepens now, when I look around me, and count ever, that the vigor of national intervention in the ablo contestants who have newly entered the favor of free labor and Free States was exhaust- 1 lists on either side, and shadowy forms of many cd. Still the existing statutes were adequate to great and honored statesmen who once were elo- secure an ultimateascendeucy of the Free State quent in these whoso tongues have istkrvbstios ih favor or slavery since become stringlessinstruments, rise up bo- The policy of intervention in favor of slave foro me. It is howevei*, a maxim in military labor and slave Slates begin with the further science, that In preparation fur war every ono removal of the borders of the Republic. I cheer should think as if the last event depended on his ful, T admit that this policy has not been persist-' counsel, and in every great battle each one should ent °r exclusive, and claim only that it has been ' fight as if he were the only champion. The aud yet is predominant. I am not now to do principle, perhaps, is equally sound in political pl° re the annexation of Texas. I remark siiu- 1 affairs. If it be possible, I shall perform ray P 1? * fa at It was a bold measure, of doubtful eon present duty in such a way as to wound no just stitutionality, distinctly adopted as an act of sensibilities. 1 must, however, review the action intervention in favor of slave labor, and made of I residents, Senates and Congresses. I do, or intended to be made moat effective by tho I indeed, with all my heart, rejeetthe instruction stipulation that the new State of Texas may °f political science, boreafler be divided and so reorganized as to I which-teaches that all -men are bad by nature, constitute five Slave States. This great act cast , /btß.tqgy will not fail to show this deprav- a long shadow before it—a shadow which per kily Wfittieter'lhey have* fair opportunily. But plowed the people of the Free Stales. It was , J«n*oualj aft&ecutivo power is a high, practical tb en that a feeble social movement, which aimed , Tiriawto'Uapablics; and wo shall find itbardto bymoralpersuasionalthemanumissionofslaves deny the justice of tho character of free legisla- gave placo to political organizations, which have , live I odics, which Charles Jame 9 Fox drew, ever since gone on increasing in energy and ex -1 when he said that tho British Ilouse of Commons, tent - directed against a farther extension of Of which he was at tho moment equally an orna- Slavery in the United States. The war between ment and an idol, like every other popular as- lb e United States and Mexico, and tho acquisi -Bemhly,,znast be viewed as a mass of men capa- tio u of tbe Mexican provinces of New Mexico bio of-toVmuch attachment and too much aui- an d Upper California, ibo- fruits of that war moflUjy-capable of being biased by weak and wer ® 3 « immediately and directly consequences even wicked motives, and liable to be governed of tbc annexation of Texas, that all of those by ministerial influence, by caprice, and by cor- events, o fact, may be reganied as constituting nplioo. . . one act of intervention in favor of Slave labor Mr President, I propose to inquire, in the and Slave States. Tbe field of tho strife between first pl&co, why the question before us is alien- ,bc systems bad become widely enlarged.— j ded by .real or apparent dangers. Indeed, it was now continental. Tho amazing l think our apprehensions are in part due to mineral wealth of California stimulated settle the Intrinsic importanerfof the transaction con- n *cnts there into a rapidity like that of vegcln ccrncd. Whenever wo odd a new column to the lion. The Mexican laws which prevailed in the Federal .colonnade, wo need to lay its founda- newly acquired territories, dedicated them to free lionssqjfirmly, to ehapo its shaft with such just labor, and thus the astounding question arose for proportions, to poise itwithßUch exactness, and the first time,whether the U. S. of America,whose to odjustdtfl cannections with the existing -true- < ‘onstitntion was based upon the priciple of the tur ® Woefully, that instead of falling prema- political equality of all men, would blight and tnrely, and dragging other and venerable col- cu ™e with Slavery a conquered land which en umns with it to the ground, it may stand erect joyed universal Freedom. The Slave States de forever, .increasing the grandeur aud stabilii jof n >ed the obligation of these laws, and insisted on the whole massive and imperial fabric. Still their abrogation. Tho Free States maintained tbe admission of anew State 19 not necessarily them, and demanded their confirmation through or even customarily attended by either embar- the enactment of the Wilmot Proviso. The Slave rassments or alarms.. We have already admit- States and tho Free States were.yet in cquilibri ted eighteen new States without serious commo- um - Tho controversy continued here two years, lions, except t.» ibecaapsof Missouri, Texas and Tb * *eulera of the now Territories became itu- California. We aro even now admitting two patient, and precipitated a solution of the ques others, Minnesota atgtQregon; and these trans- Gon. They organized new Freo States in Cali "actlons go on so smOolhly, tfßTwnly close ob- f»™»a and New-Moxico. Tho Mormons also servers aroaware that we are thus consolidating framed a Government in Utah. Congress, after . our dominion on the shores of Lake Superior, bewildering excitement, determined the mat land almost at the gales of the Arctic Ocean. ,er by another compromise, it admitted Cali : It is manfest that the apprehended diiiiculties furnia a Free Slate, dismembered New-Mexico, jin tbe present case have some relation to the transferring a largo district free from Slavery to. dispute concerning Slavery, which is raging Texas, who-o laws carried Slavery over it, and within the Territory of Kansas. Vet, it must he subjected the restduo to a Territorial Govern remembered that nine of the new States which nmnl, as it also subjected Utah, and stipulated have been admitted, expressly established future States to be orzanized in those very, or tolerated it, and nine of ihetn forbade T 1 d he admitted either os Free it. The excitement, therefore, is due to pecu- States, or a 3 they should elect, liar circumstances. I think there arc three of 1 pass over the Arrangement them, namely : which did not bear directly on the pci?Bt4n con rirsi That whereas, in tbe beginning, the fl>ct. Tho Federal Government ascendency of the Slave States wasalsolule, it i.s compromise to the people, as a comprehensive"' now being reversed. final, and perpetual adjustment of all thenexist • i 0”" That .whereas, heretofore, the Na- tog and all Juturo questions having any relation i tonal Government favored this change of b,U- to the subject of Slavery within the Territories Hnce iron* the Slave States to the Free States, it oc elsewhere. The country accepted it with that has now reversed this policy and opposes the proverbial facility which free .States practice ch ™* e ; TU .• I*. . . when time brings on a stern conflict which pc.p 7W-Thal national intervention in the Ter- “lar passions provoke, and at a diatanco defv ruories in favor of slave labor and Slave Stales, This halcyon peace, however, has not ceased to is opposed to the natural, social ..d moral de- be celebrated, and labor required an opening of ▼elopements of the Republic. the region in the old provinco of Louisiana north It seems almost unnecessary to demonstrate of 35° UU' which has been reserved in 182(1 and the first of these propositions. In thebeginning dedicated to free labor and free States. The old there were twelve Slave Slates and ooly one that question was revived in regard to that Territory was free. Now, six of those twelve have be- and took the narrow name of the Kansas question come free; and there are sixteen Free States to just as the stream which Like Superior dis fifteen Slave States. If the three candidates charges, now contracting itself into rivers and now here, Kansas, Minnesota and Oregon, shall precipitating itself down rapids and cataracts, bo admitted as Free States, then there will be and now spreading out its waters into broad I nineteen Free States to fifteen Slavo States.— Peas, assumes a new name with every change of Originally there were twenty-four Senators of form, but continues, nevertheless, the same ran- Slave States, and only two of a FreeBtale; jesfic and irresistible fbod under every change now there are thirty-two Senaioraof Free States increasing in depth and in volume until it loses and thirty of Slave States. In the first Constl- itself in the all-absorbing ocean tuuonaj Congress the Slave Slates had fifty- bkimsal ur thf. Missouri compromise—tus nb seven Representatives, and the one Free State ijraska diiv. had only eight; now the Free States have one No one had ever said or even thought that the ! hundred and forty-four Representatives, while law of Freedom in this region could be repealed, I the Slave States bavo only ninety. These impaired or evaded. Us constitutionality had changes have happenedm a period during which iudeed been questioned at the time of its enact thc Slave States havealmostuninterruptedlycx- ment; but this, with all other objections had erciaed paramount inflaenco in the Government, heon surrendered as part of the compromise II nnd notwithstanding tho Constitution itself, has was rrgnrded as bearing the sanction or tho pub oppoßod tho well-known checks to the rclnliro lie faith, as it ccrtainl/ had those of time and increase of representation of Free Sln|cs. I acquiescence. But the slnreholdiog people assume, therefore, the truth of my first propo- or .Missouri looked across the border, into Kan *"J on - , . . s, »“• nnil enroled tho Innd. Tho Slavo Stales I suggested, Str, asecond circumstance, natfte- could not fail to sympathize with them It iy: That whereas, in the earlier age of the He- seemed as if no organization of Government public, tbe National Government favored thin could be effected in tho Territory The Senator change, yet it has since altogether reversed that from Illinois i Mr. Douglas) projected a scheme policy, and it now opposes ibe change. Ido Under bis vigorous leadiog. Congress created not claim that heretofore tho National Govern- two Territories—Nebraska and Kansas The moot always, or even habitually, intervened in former (the more Northern one) might, it was the Territories in favor of Free States, but only supposed.be settled without .Slavery, and become that such intervention preponderated. While a Free Slate, or several Free States Tholatter Slavery existed in all of the States but ono, at (the Southern one) was accessible to Hie Slave the beginning, yet it was far less intenso in the Staten, bordered on one of them, and was ro- Northcrn than in some of the Southern Stales, garded as containing a region inviting to Slavc- M 1 of the former contemplated an early emao- holders. So it might he sdilod by them, and cipalion. The fathers seem not to bavoanttclpat- become one or more slave States. Thnsindi ed an enlargement of the National territory; con- rectly a further compromise might be effected seqiiently, they expected that all the new Stales if the Missouri prohibition of 18dti should be’ to l>o thereafter admitted would be organized abrogated. Uongrcss abrogated it with the upon subdivisions of the then existing Slates, special and effective co-operation of the Presi or upon divisions of tho thon existing Na- dent, aud thus the National Government direct- i lional domain. That domain lay behind the ly intervened in favor of Slave labor Loud I thirteen States, and stretched from the lakes to remonstrances against the measure on tbo the Gulf, and was bounded westward hy tbe Mis- ground of its violation of the national faith were i slasippi. It was naturally divided by the Ohio siloncod by clamorous avowals of a discovery river, and the Northwest territory and the South- that Congress had nover had any right to intcr west territory were organized on that division, veue in the Territories for or against Slavery It wafl foraoen, even then, that the new States hut that the citizens of the United States to be admitted would ultimately overbalance the residing within a Territory had, like the thirteen original ones. They were, however, people of every State, cxcluaivo’ authority mainly to be yet planted and matured in the and jurisdiction over Slavery, as one of the do desert, with tbe agency of human labor. meslic relations. Tho Kansos-Nebraakaact only The fathers knew only oftwo kinds of labor, aud nflinued this-right, as it was tho same which now exist nmong ourselves— Baid. The theory was not indeed new but a namely, tbe labor of African slaves and tbe labor vagraot one, which had for sometime gone of free men. The former then predominated in about seeking among political parties the charity this ooantry, as it did throughoutthe continent, of adoption under tbe name of Squatter Sov- A confessed deficiency of slave labor could be ereignty. It was now brought to the font and supplied only by domesLio increase, and by con- baptized with tho more attractive appellation of tinuance of tho then exisliog importation from I'opular Sovereignly. It was idle for a lime to Africa. The supply of free labor depended on say that, under the Missouri prohibition, free domestic increase, and a voluntary immigration men in the Territory had nil tho rights which from Earope. Settlements which had thus early freemen could desire— porfoct freedom to do taken on a free-labor character, or a slave-labor everything but establish Slavery. FopularSov oharacter, were already maturing in those part 9 ereignty offered the indulgence of a taste of the of the old States which were to be ultimately fruit or the tree of the knowledge of evil as detached and formed into new States. When well as of good—a moro perfect freedom In new States of this class were organized, they somuch os tbo proposition seemed to have come were admitted promptly, either as Free Stales from a Free Btate, the Slave Stales could not ro or as Slave Stales, without objection. TbusVer- sist its sednetions, although segacious men saw raont, a Free State, was admitted in 1791; Kea- that they were delusive. Consequently, a small tacky, a Slave Stale. 1792; and Tennessee, also and ineffectual stream of slave labor was at a Slave State, in 1790. Five new Btates were once forced into Kansas, engineered by a largo contemplated to be erected in the Northwest number of politicians, advocates at once of Sla* Territory. Practically, it was unoccupied, and very and of the Federal Administration, who therefore open to labor of either kind. The one proceeded with great haste la prepare the means kind or the other, in the absence of any .amici- bo to carry the first elections as to obtain the paled emolation, would predominate, just as laws necessary for the protection of Slavery.— Congress should iniervone to favor it. Congress It is one thing, however, to expunge statutes intervened in favor of freo labor. This, indeed, from a national code, and quite another to sub waa an act of the Continental Congress, but it vert a national institution, even though it be was confirmed by the first Constitutional Con- onlyamonumentofFrccdomlocatedinthedesert. gress. The fathers simultaneously adopted Nebraska was resigned to free labor without a threo other measures of less direct intervention, straggle, and Kansas became a theatre of the First, they initiated in 1789, and completed in first actual national conflict beiwccnslaveholdlojr 1808, the absolute suppression of the'African and free-laborimmigfants, met faceto face toor slave trade. Secondly, they organized systems ganize, through the republican of foreign commerce and navigation, which atim- aation, a civil community. W ’ v uloted voluntary immigration from Europe. [ro ss coaxrarED.] fittsbuvgl (ka^tc. MR. SBW ARlyB | SPEECH VOLUME LXXI-—NUMBER 170, JF ot Kent; lll^ 0 Warehouse, corner® mr2-3td« MTZSIMOXg 4 MORROW, — r> r.V.TS T 8 Market atreet RENT—A comfortable 3 Rtnrw SSfiT «"^K ln i {f *- rt i , “ ted 0n th * we,; eid><%rß^ wttn 3? kS well flaiihed M d in good order, ud Ua“ £Z*t*?* conveniences, water, ga*. 4c. Rem $3OO/ EnqnE, tf o ' ,ern ISAAC JONES, Canter Rom and ?tret «n«ta. 'OR RENT.—The Dwelling House No. 151 Third street, near Smltbfleld, newly papered and pointed thronghont, large yard, Ac. Poowskloj* inuso- AUo—The Dwelling pert ofjjo. US Fourth itmt near Cherry Alley; dx rooms, good cellar end yard. Beat 4150 per annum. • * AUo The two Office Boom*, 2d itory, front of No. 142 Fourth street, now occupied hy J. 8. HalL E*q. Rent ly to ALEXANDER Kivn ( ALSO—A comfortablu three «toryJhrelUna t ll£inie*on pt-mi street, near Wayno. Poseasion can be had forthwith. .. , t , 2 Ql \ 4c - to ALEXANDER KINO. AI*SQ—A twoatory Brick DwellingHintao on Esplaaado atiwt, Allegheny City, immediate possession giron. MCft a - „ „ ALEXANDER KINO. ALSO—A Frame Dwelling In the rearof tboabore h""!. on James street, Allegheny Oity. Bent low to a good ton m J»9 ALEXANDER KINO, T '0 LET—A •well finished two story £3 _ llrlek Dwelling, containing *tx rooms, No. OJgß* Franklin street. Enquire of , , SPBINOBR UAQB&UOB * CO, No. £95 li bertj street. IpOR RENT—The large Warehouse nowftoenpiisJ by W. IT. Smith & Co, Sot 1M i»H First and Second streets. Enquire of . rtl ! . PARK, JIcCURDT i 00, .Vo*. 149 First end 120 Second *ts. , T° A two story Brick Dwelling fflF . nopM> No> ** s rtroeL afnresent occnolea tSw ».y onr Richard Floyd, well finished end In good ordeSSa “** *ll too modem conrenlencee: water, rat 4c: also stable end carriage hotm. Apply to J* ls JOHN TLOT7J t CO. ' Foundry for kent.—p nffixu Focsrotti, Pean atfeet PitUtargb, formerly oecopted oy rreeman * Miller, no*lij n*lls ftwer, b for rest. • e ZFF '“inJreor ALEX, MILLE&, Kiq. or of JL ON DBUtTOOD, « iho jiaok of PitUlrargb* JiHrdtf OR KENT.—A comfortable two etory l! 11 “tact «cttt or«. wuciit land, and near Kut Lilarty. PoawMlon may be had Immediately on application to ALBXANDE& K1N8; 273 Liberty treet. Tb LET.—A 3 atopy Dwelling House, on Pfnn afreet, between Hand and Wajne atraeta. iient moderate to a good tenant, and postenlon iriTea at once. For term* appl/to ALEXANDER KING, ?73 Liberty rtwU. To Let. A COMFORTABLE TWO STORY F& Dwelling, ultnatfl on Washington str*d, Alla. KB Bheny city, containing Cto rooms and finished nuioL iS ■Maiun can bo bad immediately. Enqniro or •fr 3o r. n. siyq, ,Vo. 210, Liberty «t. T 0 — Tho Hail formerly occupied by X the Soru of Tempo mnra, on tho eornar of Wood and TlditUtreeU. JOIIN M’QILL A 80N . mr2:tr No. 257 Liberty Minot. Dwelling FOR RENT.—A de's^EeSt pablo two ntury lirkk llonaoon Concrcaaafreet. Kg cmUiutUß 0 room*. a Rood yard and newlv palntwliiod pajK-rod, apply tx> WATT A WILSON, •I* s No. 2tiS Liberty afreet. r pO LET—A two story brick Dwelling CEB JL containing Grooma nud tluisbnl garret, situate °c 0*llar« if. Eurjuire of « II ElXor™* r * lfl Xo 2U Liberty street. TO LET—A well finished two story |“S| tlrick Dwelling, iu niceorder, containing iIxJeS room* ud fluiibedgarret, with gna. water and bath room, •Itnate on Washington st, Allegheny city, Enquire of ._{«W _ B n KINO, No 311 Liberty street, TO LET—A two story Brick Dwellings on ll»y street, between Penn ami the rirer. .pilre uf MC k. a. KINQ, No. 211 Liberty «|~ fHrtical, Dr. Ketseb's Shoulder Bracks—From Pittsburgh Dfspatoh, April 10th, 1838,—For more than youre past we hare constantly worn the Washington Boa pender Brace, nmnnEictnrcd l.y Dr. Oeo. If. Keymer, of No 110 Wood street, in thUcity, and wonhl heartily recom mend it to all who are compelled tofollowaeedentary octo potion. Af hare before remarked, In calling attention to its merits, it answers for a brace and enspetxJere, tha weight of the pantaloons being «o placed aa to continually u-nj to bring the sbonlders to their natural position and ex* pand the cbeet. Women, bhndredjof whom are annually udared by the weignt oi enormona -mama," abonhl el«o procure three braces. Bo particular in procuring the kind | mentioned,aetnanyof the bracee told are bwnbag. Sold I at Ur. GKO. 11. KEVBER’S, Wboloeale Druggist. 140 Wood »«fL *icuof_t h ! (1 oldenJl ortar. Je2«:d Awr f An Infallible Conga .•ick Hire® months, nut able to do anything, with a cough and stuffed condition oftho wind-pipe; l tried eseeral of the beat physicians io thia city without receiving any benefit all or them void my lungs were affected. I waa confined to my bod duting the greater port t.f this Ime, 1 espectorated a groat deal ofuatter from my lungs. Thu first two dose* of your Pectoral Syrup that I took, 1 could not take without laying down in my U«d, but before I bad taken two bottles I »a* entirely cured. I bare been well erer since. My rick* oca* commenced about tbe first of March, of this year 1 am now, and «»« at the time of my sickness, Using at Thomas Paitemon a. in Union street, n«ar the Diamond Pittabnrgb, Oi l 2V«. Uicnan McAtot. Prejwrci and add by Dr OEO. H. KETSKR, No. 140 Woo.l «tn-et, Pittsburgh, pa, and by Druggists everywhere. », UUnair. l r> ; ear* «ln* Cared by tb nxiioiQ En Lotiox.—Mra. CWlty Cernehao, of *'rs|J b^u d la oo«eye for more than with iheotfier. gliola "GrarJJmberg Eyt 'Wlifc»caUrcly re> '■'"•"ssgjgl jtmn, uni cmld almost oiiUri lj currd t»y who Uto -sud MlrrM (list *notb*r SwMrnt Dr. GKO. - Ml °' ,bo H " ld '“ u " rt "' For Dear Perioni...acoustic" acmcim—Three °.T T ! a n ttmi if ” trtun * uu tb -‘ «»w. ,O hsar , B spite of deafness, are In advance ef anything yet Iki'ly Uj become of any real service to deaf penoo*- By mean, of enextlflcial drum, the power of hearing U affscteA ati.l all tho circumstance* that attend trumpets and tube* mtw entirely dispensed with. They are worn by (aides ao u not to bo perceptible to others, and are hardly felt when worn. Apply to 1 nort-daw* l)r. Cl. 11. JtKTUn. 140 Wood at Tub health of amehican women —For many y«ai* I bare been troublad with geoera weariness and languor, both mental and physical; caprice, listless Den, dull headaches pain in the head and temple*, culdnres and tendency to stiffness. palpitation ef the heart, rery easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, stomach and bnwelederanged, with pain. Any mental or pbyalcal exertion was sure to bring on all the symptoms, and I had In addition, tilling of the womb, and great pain in that re gion. One physician after another exhausted his skill and !??. T ?. ?'* A P*Uent and peracrering use of MAE -3 hTLNINKCATUOLiCON fortnnalcly cured me and l bare wo words sufficient to express my thankfulness Mrs. JULIA ANNE JOHNSON. Icnlnl, *ay that 1 hare been a s offerer for many years With whites and derungod menstruation. After a while I had other troubles, gnch as pale face, indigestion, wasting away, general languor aud debility, pain Id the small oflhe bock, a sort of aching and draggiugsensaticm, pain between tins shonhler blades extending down the (nine, leas of anno- MU. ln.aU. lk,»»H rtl and foot and dreadful nerrousneaa. The least exdtoment would make me feci as If I tbonld fly away. I triuddoctun and dnigs, and everything, ono after another, witbont the benefit. Oue bottle of MARSHALL'S UTKJUNK CATHOL ICON changed some of ray symptoms foe the hotter, and jow I am ontirely and radically cored.. I wish that every woman could know what It will do. CLARISSA OBEIL MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATHOLICAN ha. saved my r«-, as l verily believe. 1 tried doctors and medicine until U seemed nsHeas to try longer, when I met with a lady who rerorameuded the Catholiron sostroogly that 1 deemed U my duty to try It. 1 was mostly troubled with deranged men struation. My symntuuu were principally pains In the back and abdomen, t •earing down pain at the time of the lllnoss, tdoatlng,colic, nausea, constipation, G-cling as if the hack aml limt* were bruiw-d or hrokeu, eructation* and Tomkins anxiety (life seemed to he a burden.) disturbed sleep, faint, wens, shuddering., fatigueun walking in the morning flato t«urn, constipation, pressure ofblood In the heed, dluiun. eajo'Cially when stuping, great irfitsbllity of temper, almost nmsunt mdinaiion tn pass water, groat roatlwanees and de Sire to worn or feel nuhappy. I was not onlyoutirely cured tuyjwlfol all these symptoms, which I have given u an Im perfect account of my sufferings, but I have known so many otlwrv cured In our town that l fool bound to let you know, that others who an? similarly situated roar also find relief. kmma vosßtman. i« Por JI.^ aK ““f 01 hmd Uter l»»complaints with the follow log symptoms: I was nervous, emaciated «t>A irritahi*- give* ro m* S?b 1 J lb C 7 mplalnUl • ome of which I wilHry to give you. pain In the lower organa, and a foaling ai if tome thing was going to fall oat; InabUity to walk modh sc conut of a feeling of fullaoa; acting and dragging, and ah outing pains iu the back, loins, and cxtendlimdow£ »h* lep, the Jolting product bFridlng shooting, and els; headache, with ringing in the ears; every fiber of the body seemed sore; great irritability, intense 7erro4Sa I n.uld uot hear the least excitement without being prostrated for a day, I could scarcely move about the house, enddJd not take pleasure in anything. I hadjrtvennnhohe havine Tied everything, as T supposed fa vain, bat a friend eaiuj ?LZIT^* A rk LV * UTEIUNE CATHOUCOSL 1 took It, hoping against hope. Moat fortunately It cored me, and there U not k healthier or more grateful woman In 1 trD * l M * UI D -“■ 1‘ I*trnJy the friend Itfnood. Mr*. FLORENCE LESLIE. VARSnAI.L'S c TERL\SCJLinOL!COXvna to-to,. Btodtay, SaToS «oim <{/ tA« Xid««j or Urinary Organs, Retention or /neon. hneneeof Crint, Jlcaribum, a>stieenets,AVenmurun,fhinU ingt, hUptiaiiont, Cramps, DisturbedSUep, and“•< °Jf' “ «*"»«, t°«k, canty Hi will guarantee that tht Medicine will be tent em Add,,,, ta-OKaT kKsSR. ** H&fr^SUdrta. HIM of tbe naanftctam^! o^^.,* 111 ®** #olB w owl Uto be hadreardilrlt *^ a *' Wb*rs good jW-Serml “» «*- tinSh«tSSP r "* ,e * IUtOAZETT » jeiddwmrr MmS'L^2?®^ SERVAT^E . BiCfctb. Boot, Epsom Salta. row'd.Bln. M.„, d0,0.1d.„ a«j/ ,, “ E ' IITOEn,KK - Qua Tngacaath, Pwfamery, Boap*, Toilet artiel<>.ji£ jEj W, * D J B. L. TAIXNKSTOCK t CO. | R: * Oorner fourth u 4 ffood stmts. J iSußital. I Arrival Pianos. LJ KLEIIKR & BRO. 1A« JcitreeoiTod u Additional chialnNHl •took of Hanoi from tbo JActorieaof |T *f ft STOSS t CLARE, Kr» Ton, and ■ I BTEISWAT tSOH3,Kcw Ttm. Bock farm. Urn mo*t “UgvocoUoaioo ofPIANO FORTES over boforo oSrrid or J*?* aro known fa hara no anpatJ. 1m t “ d tbeir ln*tnmwnt*a» fast roppUm- U the mn».«s*ii or . wl^cr *‘ * n coaiJdamioa of Iho pre«mn* tn H market si trill »cU low and on accoaunodat- D. KLKfiEH * BfiO, No. 63 PifUi atreet. a bargain.— ITjna, oo!j”Sl£“°|' id ‘'jwffSWß crdtr In .rcrj r«^i^” l T l ’ , J\'' 1 If rf »«l *" M * Tb®own»riiiwnrtati* W«t d _? t .* TOr7 Kmt b * r P“°- fcr cub.' Tho ■ob*cribe^»«i , S^^f?J?s llßt oar * “<* 6ct MMtßßblointahsd. AppJj^ U» Ptono to txper frJ4 _ _ NEW, MUSIC—We’II Smile and bo Hamrr .rtftoa b, Horace r “'"' Wedding&U*—Btade do Salon, bt L. Weljr Ttm lor# an no’erforjet; with rariatlana, 40c. ’ B^owa *** n - Bo»H(>a, 25c, »I*W EHQI in OB# ■nrj>'» T . ny ’ ’ Water witch Sebottfach. 40c. * HiTTett Home Scbotttsck ssc. Aoni Jamn*'# PU*te^-s.Bandfcrd 2Lc Ktbertil Bcfaotttach—W. H. Keflbr, 25c mrnr botmd In * ntJ ,. ***•• CUARUJTTE BLCME, , Old ErtabJUbed Pluo Depot. i*o 118 Wood it, 2d door abort* Fifth. J3oofcs> J. L. Read’s, N 0.78 fourth street, VV * m ™w prepared to famish the fol >l %J_ lowing Workilnm new and magnificent stylo. Dr. Livingston's Travels in calf—Rlastratod, Si £? e £S_? f 19111 Oantwj-fWlcnlf—lUnitnSd Barth's TrtTeli In Afiita, 2toli, 8 to, « iaMpS-^ anBOD7 *“? of a °*P eU t morocco • Stanford RngiUb and American Poet* 8 to. ant. 1 «* NMtoaiTMmrin* 13toI«: Ualt fine p*«r Biathcw HeoryeCommantary, fn» mir, ***•?. pu*. The latest MisceHaneons Works in plain binding* tor «!• d«£U J. L. READ, —,.. . Toarth street. N 7 a EWBOOKS-Life of Dr. Kane; Beatrice 1 OeacttMaitersaad'WarkßieD.aworfc tor tha'timna: ****£r£c, noHSaz M^E*Rn^v*H tee “ Ytkn "ooßjlhJ Mormon*, MnßtailtlijTfieD 0 * in the Clond,lMicDmr; Garter',New J^£hLf nS? T ftM B^^aoniViiLcasoiuabout S 5 r P l ' at Sngby; Tbo Cbral JiHnd*;. Uopava. Esqaemaai, by anthor of For Trad v.fnlV^!i 500k * : £‘P cr l F J°»er« and bow to make i," Oort 0 ?* 1 * Boa ton Series of piper Dolls aadFnrnUnrej Wew.Datearablc* Ur* Browning-, Poem,, Tf 'l*.blne uJ gold; Partheaia; The dry of tbo o«at King*. Idrlngitoae’s Africa; English Hum and Bog- Sr«rr n ?* , « a *7, W l * Ut * Publication* and (lock rt punished in all department* by resent purchase, tn tho eactera citiea. Now Tarietieeof Stationer? E. C. COCTTRANE, 6Federal Allegheny - New Spring Stack of Wall Paper opening. mrs MISS SEWELL'S NEW WORK— Thoaghts for the Holy Week: I The Wonli of Jews and Faithful Promt**. I rot. STraa Step* to the Altar, a Manual of Derotfonr | The Devotions of Bishop Andrew*, j Warning* of the Holy Week, by Hot. W. Adams; South gate’s Practical Directions rcr Lent; Hobart's Companion for the Festivals and Taste Do do do Altai; Spencer’s Christian Instructed; Do Practical Christian; Sutton’s Lem to Lin; Grwly’s Portrait of an English Churchman Bewan’a Family Prayer*: Do Derotion# for the Sidt Room. Hwbart’s State ofthe Departed; ILe Martyr «f Uieposgaa, by Her, Henry CaswoJL For sale by f«27 A CO, 65 Wood rtra*. "XjIUESII SUPPLY—Livingstone's Africa; ! -4- Barth’s worth Africa; Lucy Howard’s Journal; Read's White Lira; •' Alex. Bzaith’a City Poem*; *= J- YALUABLE NEW BUUK.S for Rale by J. 8. DAVISON, Cl Market, new 4th a. The World of Mind, by t—f Taylor; «.i^ leSp:^fl 1 CoB T ae,Tt ,n America, and its relation to the Ilistory.of filarery. aad to the government of Colonies, by Arthur Helps, rol 3. Also, fulTseta, 3 roU. J Coemogony, or Mysteries of Creation, being au analnis of the Natural Facilitated in the Hebntfc account of the H 0 ® 1 *°pported by the developments of existing of God toward matter, by Thomas A. Davies Gieseier-, Church lUrtory, rol 3. A!v> full eels, 3 tola - Debit and Credit. Bealrice Ccnd. Kane's Expedition. VALUABLE NEW BOOKSV-The E^diS* Cyclopaedia, anew Dictionary of Universal Know!- wipe, by Charles Knight, The City of tho Great King.by Dr. Barclay, for male by , _ JOHN a. Davison. _ 61 Market, near Fourth street. A VALUABLE GIFTfor aoy season, and of permanent ralne, U Webster’s Unabridged Dir tioowy ° “It b&s mt«U os time enough la one jcar's nse topej for lteclC eud that most be deemed good pro[K»rty which wilt clear itself once a year.”—if«j, Lift 800 l Webster 1 * Unlrendtj Dictionary: Webster a School and Coonling-Ilouw Dirtionarr; Webster’s Quarto Dictionary; Webster’s BTO Dictionary, Webster's High School Dictionary: Webster’s Primary Dictionary: Webster’s Pocket Dictionary. For sale by fc!7 j. l. READ, 78 Fourth st. B RIGUTLY'S I>IGEST of the Lawsot the united States, 1789—1857; Brightly'* Pardon's Dipest, 1700—1557- Do Kqaliy Jorisprudencs; Do on the Law of Costs; Burn’s Jnirtfr# and Rniiness Man’s Lera I jfftfchyjfaUi edition; h * »tan^j^TT^rl^^rroelgHNri^ Elan ( ® oo^D«r _ s* JHicfllanrous. (§/go^ SORJUAL, CLASS. T?SK ESS “- VOF TUE KOI!. IROS CITT COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Under Hie direction of ’ -A.. B U KTT Prt.Klr.lol U.., mu. VfcrJ Public Schools, .01 On Monday invenlng, February i, t will meet on MONDAY and TOURS nav ptv XIXOS, tod SATURDAY MOUKINQ of eiS, ETt aS-Tonng,s2,ooperSc«riottof‘ Jt£9 W Safety and Economy in "idghtl HY will you burn Camphene aDd fluid When you can jet a cheeper and better licht t*,.' aeroeene oli, made from the gaa of Cannel Ctmf _^ H Pnro plorton; md£ brtlllsot thso snd or .b.„«, top b c„d , _ JPalnure. tOSOftLAKG. OP SB AND SION POINTERS —*^ ai *°* QAocated in e aapedor rtyla. mh27:lyd ’ ... T. W, bUUGUIIEY. —r Watch and Clock Btaker. 9fflv Frxrr, IMPORTER OF * r H.^ TCIIESAND Jewelry,'fcS? r'“ bW ’"" Wood “ a «•*«, nE. .Sir 1 " p*> d »> lb. repairing of Wuch« wort wwitm. ,T j• WOODS' PEARL STAEOIImnsW V • ly on hand and for aale by the undersJnMd. Ummay be assured that thu annertfli* f*mi eqnai to any of the more expensive forms of Cora lrer?k^ d n*v for making delicate Blanc _ J^j n Be particular to enquire for “Wood? ftjj gjjjgj ** ****• ; _ A. A. HARDY corner Km and Ferry street*. sktt~ m aCTCa “"S-.JS,"'-*"- 4 'TSSS ssssgTi a*- 63 Eogrth ttreet. boat*, hntfti *^ d I S therefrom at pleasure. fileam pSJ hotel*,4c, tantfihed with thU Mil. rrry lo- mU T. & TOUgQ AOO 38 Bml»Me»d rt. HANGING! QREAT RKDCCTION IN TIUCEfi . . Doer Bdl* at $2,50 npnrdi, pot up in tb» t*st itjl* hj J. V. IUTHXW3, 138 SaltfcJbld St CONCENTRATED LYE—SO cases on hand V * Dd forKUe h T B-UFAHSMIOCK * CO, ,c *" ’ Corner Fourth *ad Wood rt». Scoop'S IIAIR RESTORATIVE—4 gro. 1 x>n baud and fbr aalebj ~ D- L- PAgyggTOCS A CO- WUITE WAN—3 cases just rac'd and for **i«by fez? a. L. pirofEgmrg Aco 1700 V E i S ' JCCKWHEAT FLO UK re- STIRTYKn & DTLWORTH. “ bbl*. fresh roll this AV «7 n?& &ad for «*] 9 by UUrar H.COIXIVS. JQKSTtI. MELLOR.