The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 08, 1858, Image 2

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o. t.nuiuß. —immiEiiirr
- B. BIBBLS * Co.,
SDITOBB £l*l9P?■
x» ia:a? sbubob -
plundering the Treasury*
ThSnillonal government, through the Secre
tary of ‘War ban made a contract with a firm
under the etylo of Russell & Major for tic tom
nortaUon of stores to Utah, for thc.nac of the
armr which will enable' those gentlemen to
plunder the gorernment to their hearl'B content.
A Washington correspondent of.oneof the New i
y or £ journals furnishes a specimen of the prices |
allowed by gorernment to these contractors.' A
barrel of flour carried from Leavenworth to Salt
Lake city, costs, under this arrangement the
cum of $42. In the event of the trains being
cut off on the route they are to he paid for it by
" the gorernment, with an Indemnification for the
freight, the same as if they had been delivered
safely in Salt Lake oily—an arrangement, which
simply gives J the contractors a premium for al
lowing these trains to be cut off! The St. Louis
Democrat gives the following graphic descrip
tion of the gentlemen to whom is entrusted the
carrying out of this extraordinary contract, it |
wiß be seen that they are the right material to
plunder.aadif needs be, impoverish the national
“Billy P"* 11 *" nnd Tom Mtjor, bo it
bered* are great pete of the pre font admin istra
lion “border rumana” of the choicest stamp, and
•who are wont to nod assent, if the powers thnt
be, say black is white, or white is black.
Billy is a Vermonter, bom in tho town of Sib
ley; and when be was a boy bis eyes would flash
fireit the eight* of a silver dollar, and since he
rfcaicroirx) to be a man Madeairoto be possessor
: of**de'monish” has in nowise abated. Billy,
with hie oily, Yankee tongue, canid in o flash
conrince the present Secretary of -War—a ver
dant Virginian—that a barrel of flonr would ac
tually cost him nearlys42 to transport it to Balt
Lake City; and . leave him only about ten per
cent, profit on the job! Billy himself has so often
—when hie was at stake—been convinced
that white was actually black, that he baa learnt
the science of conducing others; and we have no
doubt that Mr. Secretary Floyd actually believes
is getting his army stores transported
“dog cheap;” bnt Vermont Billy will, when his i
contract for delivery is completed, as easity coa
the'Secretary .that he (Billy) has in his
million dollars surplus—earned
without consideration. 4
The government officials say they'.can’t “stir
* peg” without Billy Bussell, and Billy says he
can’t stir a peg without Tom Major, and when
they pull together, Billy says, they are the
strongest team in the world, to-transport army
atom, and get paid three prices for doing it!
Some time slnee, Billy and Tom disagreed,
and they dissolved partnership; but Billy aoon
found'that transporting army stores was no go,
without Major; for he, being a Methodist min
ister, had the happy nack of keeping their
numerous teamsters in subjection while wiey
were crossing the plains with their 3000 oxen
■ : Tom -ia a 'raw-boned Kentuckian from the
Green rircr diggins—a kind of half horse, half
alligator chap, on week days, hut as mild as a
lamb-on Sundays, and his place (when tho tram
is on'the march) is at the head of the teamsters;
and on Sundays ho halts tho train to spend the
Sabbath, keeps the whisky out of sight, puts on
a black, straight-cellared. coat and white cravat,
sleeks £is hair down with bear’s oil, and then
mounts'a wagon and —preaches to the teamsters,
the army escort, and to thdjhdiahs, if there be
When it is remembered that the traaaaction,
in which the above described worthies are en
' gaged, ia the work of an administration, which
was elected by a party that has on all occassions
professed itself to bo in favor of an economical
government, we cannot suppress our surprised
the patience and endurance of the American peo
ple. With professions in favor of a" simple gov
ernment, founded On the doctrine and practices of
the fathers of the Republic always ondhtjr lips,
we find Democratic politicians engaged in the
most Stupendous (abemes of peculation, and
hcading-die most reckless forays op the public
treasury- Corruption them seems to be
the order of, and.funder their manage
ment the'morals.'thc reputation and the wealth
of the nation seem to be alike undergoing de
struction. Are the people indifferent to tho
weltkre of the country that they view these
monstrous wrongs with so much indifference!
i Or is a day of reckoning close at hand, when
! these unfaithful and wicked stewards shall be
[ driven from the plaoeß they have prostituted to
S their individual aggrandiiement? While tho
! revenue of the nation is crippled, and rendered
i inefficient by an unwise and a pernicious Tariff
\ enactment,' its expenditures are Increased to an
p almost incredible amount. One fraud on tho
I gorernmont scarcely ceases to be a subject of j
i comment before another Btill more startling and
| nnacoonntable shocks the minds of the people.
I Public officers, not content with tho legal cmol
ij ' aments of their stations; take advantage of their
| position, and bleed the treasury to tie amount^
>*4V. ' :Tvo- .
&?••■} rW? ■;•!-■ •■
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__ DlAtr ot lht Union, .
' Tmionalo oSlUemdbatM elation, tte
Democraii.profcssei'to feel> great araietyjor
the atfSyofthojnihai TSW w*ert«Mmi»«-
It that ifTlr. Buchanan was not elected to
. the Presidency, that this great Republican fab
i r io would, fall to, pieces, and that out of the
■confusion and bloodshed which would ensue, a
new Southern Republic would spring up, which
would eventually subjugate the North. The
great panacea for this evil was the success of
the Democracy and the cohs'equept defeat of the
Republican party. It seems however, tbatthese
political scera reckoned without their host,
when they indulged in these dire prognos
tigations, for notwithstanding the choice of
the people falling on “Pennsylvania's favorite
soil,” the danger has not boen passed. Accord
ing to the statement of that individual himself,
the Union is 'os much in danger now os it ever
i was, and the only hope fo* its permanent exist
ence is the fhmoua Lccompton-Constitution. Let
Congress endorse that precious instrument, and
all will bo safe.. Should that body, however,
differ with the President, and reject it, overy.
thing will fall in confusion, and the Union will
i tumble to pieces. Seriously speaking, this hum
bug cry of danger to the Union, so popular with
j democratic politicians when they are anxious to
I carry a point, is becoming rather stale, and was
j never anything clso than supremely ridiciilous
i It has had its day, and hereafter it will have no
other effect on the people than to elicit from
them an expression of unqualified contempt.
A Southern journal—tho Gazette
—seems to bo getting tired of this stale cry of
political demagogues, and at the same time It
has opened the eyes to the inconsistency of the
party that elected. Mr. Buchanan to the Presi*
dcncy. The Gazelle in a late issue says:
*‘Several Democratic presses of the South have
lately not hesitated to indulge in the most gloomy
anticipations as to the continuance of the Slates;
and somenf them go so far’as*to assert, it is a
“fixed fact,” that there must be a separation,
and that the whole courso of the government is
leading directly to such a result. Now, we be
lles# all the journals to which we refer, and
whose remarks havo attracted our attention
urged the election of Mr. Buchanan upon the
ground that his success would certainly savithe
UniciwJiaCT&bt the election of any body else
would as Certainly effect what they now say,
even with their hope’s realiicd in the success of
Mr Buchanan, is inevitable. Forourselvoa we
do not believe that the union of these States
ought to depdqd upon the election of any man
as President, if he be chosen according to tbe
Constitution. But the case before ns show, how
extreme sectional politicians must often violate
their consistency, and place themselves ir»oppo
gition to their recorded opmleus. There was much
of wrongdoing atthe last presidential election, m
this very matter, and many parts of the country
weredeceived insomeof the issuespresented con
nected with the Presidential election. It was
but the other day that Mr. Hickman, of Penn
sylvania, a friend of tbe President*?, declared m
Ihe House of .Representatives, that tho Kansas-
Nebraska bill was alone acceptable in Pennsyl- j
vania, because they were told that under it Kan-1
sas would etrtainhj' be a free State. Now, in;
portions of the South, Ilia undeniable, that/it
was strenuously contended that under the same
bill Kansas might, and probably would, be a
slave State. The President thus .suffers from
The arts and designs of sectional parliranarona
cannot have justice done him, on their account..’
That is strong language fora Southern news
ier to use —but very sensible.
By Last Night's Mail.
Tire FlO ITT. —-T lie papers from all parts are
fall of Iho “free fight" in Congress. The light
nings scattered tho report to every corner of the
land,-and at this moment millions are reading
abont it, a,nd discussing it ond wondering what
shape “Democracy” will, next assume. The
following is from the N. Y. Trttupt ■
Wasuikotos, Saturday, Feb. G—l A. M.—The
House presents a strange and impressive appear
ance nnder the mysterious-looking yellow light,
tliat descends from the pictured ceiling from the
ruddy ond golden interior of the qalL The
members, worn- and sleepy, are stretched in
various attitudes upon their chairs and desks, a
few fortunate ones having secured the sofas
At-lhe sides of the chamber they hre unusually
quiet, and answer languidly to their names os
tho everlasting call of the roll goes on.
About a hundred spectators
moßt of whom arc lying, down,.and some appa
rently fast asleep. One Intrepid ladylingera in
1 tbo gallery, patently watching the scene below.
The seventeenth vote on adjournment was:—
' Yeas, 70; nays, 102. To 'the call of the Ilouse
! 185 voices responded., . .
! ah the Hew York delegation hoa surrendered
j to the adversary on the Lecoropton question,
! with the single exception of Mr. Haskin. Messrs.
| Coming, Clark, Searing nod Sickles are greatly
j exercised, and may fnnlly be absent.
1 A great’ deal of comment was excited to-day
i concerning several Republican absentees.
: Senator Iverson says that Georgia is prepared
'for a dissolution or the Union, and will make
the adoption of the Lecompton Constitution,
without condition, a strict test of her
' oqce. lie addß that other States are ready to
i co-operate, t . *
’ The Pbu&delpha Bulletin of Saturday after
noongives ns the lafest by mail:
dn the oontest between KeUt and Mr. Grow,
there was a rush of members from the opposite
side of the Doll, and from oil quarters. Mr.
Barksdale, of Mississippi, raibed m .’AjST-l;:
arnte the
2s)tc;al jaofitw
Headachet-Pursui Ejcomt ■
grvat pleasure luiajingto'joa that I maii artofßoorb* Te • ,
Uoltanil Bitten, wdf*mdapparent relief. oraMTenbead
■d,®, from which I luul lon* suffered, and I bcilcte they ;
were of •erriee to me in reUertns m y «omach and bead.
Ilt.vDicu* iMr. SUM j Useombd, of Bir
mingham, »aj.: "I base found In Borrlu’ro’* Iloliond Bit
ten. ■ mnetly for ll«daeh» and Debility. My wlfo bM
also need it with the greatest beiu-fii.”.
Mr‘A B. Xlchotsoa, of PiUsburjh, also rcumils that bo
bu Qiperteoetd much relief fro« IU oh for Brodocbo.
iSoWU 11per bottle, or ds bottle* lor* by thepn.
Jel 1 MiOotbewriug Pturmo-
Htttbunjh, P*-. «nd Drn^!**^ 11 ’
erolly. Be* fclTcrttoamrnt. r«a.ii*w^
Dr. 4. .Ho»t«tter?» Bitten with pwt C*-
Tar** rdmedle* fc>rdl«eaaeof the Stomach, and »Uolhor
disease* (irUlng from a disordered «iige*tiTo ij*t*m; aud it«
• eomponsntpart* being entirely I*JJ£
Ihaatbcordinarypreparation*o&rodto theP“ ul ®r*“ ) i !"
Unpleasant effect ou the sytam reader* It rarity •POP*I*' 1 *'
. withtboae who use It. Br. n«tetter’a reputation I* wido-
I spread, md tbo caro with which ho prepare* bln niedlcluo
1 idcnrva It always safe and reliable. The llllter* are meet
agreeable !u flarnr, and. « It contain* notUnff that cac' l “* t
pair the health, but,ou the contrary, It* t"«
disease*, and we sincerely tnist that our reader* may to«t
ererywhore, and by IIOSTETTER *
fIUITn, Sol* ProprtotorftgCT Pennit. >U " T _
So. 18 Pine Street, St. Loutr. Mo.
Bill* TO
Murdoch A Dickson, SL LonU,
Day A MallttCk, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Chas. Iluflloid 4 Co- LonUvlNe, Ky ,
F. 5. Day 4 Co« Banker*, Peru, Ula.,
Orrcn * Stone, B&nkors. Mutcntlne, lowa,
Day 4 Matlack, Philadelphia, Fa, . „ .
H. F«r»yth, Chicago, Freight Agent h/r nu ®°' , £j"K* l
Railroad. JaB.bou»c__
Celabrated'Worceetereliire Sauce,
PTo hii BrothtT >t
WUiIOESTER, May, 1851.
A ‘lt'll LEA A PERIUNS that
their Sane® I* hlglilr oiteam-
VARIETY ifi *d In India, and u, lo my
* A ‘ ® opinion th« moat palatalda M
OP RIBU well a« tbomewt wholoaotnt |
Satico that la made.”
Th, uulr l>, lh«>JutJ of Ih.lS'.« tork
Exhibition fur foreign Banco, *M obtained hr LLA A PEIL
BINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE BAUCR, (ho world
wido fame -f which baring lad to numoroualtulUitloua, piw*
chaaor* aro earnestly tiviucatal to too that tho nwni>» °>
“LRA A PERRINS 1 * are laiprcttod opoo lh* Buttl® and
Stoi>p«r. and printed npoti Ibo tabjsU.
-Boßm,^.>pM. j totb. D o«tglsw« i
405 Broadway, New York.
A »tock alway*ln atotr. Aluo, order* n>cvlrtHlf''r dimcl
ablptnriii from England. my-ftlydfcr
•I*l ORGAN UD 31NG1N0, 1 f f 1
As dm*, FrvDCtt endSpenl-li.
Teught l-j CffAS* QUEUE, Ceod.,Tl«ol
»t tl.<* prinrtpel Unite Store*. _ da2&3mdtc
Forwarding and Commission Merohant.
Chensf*. Butler. Semis, Fieh,
AnU Pnxlnc© OrocnJl),
twf .Vo. US IKwrf Stmt, PilltltrgK.
w. «*£>*.
All kind* of Tobacco, Clß*n*
HiTerwroullylftkfOlbp bmldto* N °-,5?° ‘iaTJ^ri!
•ddIUOD totboir>lM.nfoctnrinicß«tal*llalimant,No.i3trwi
Wl*»r*thoy wiltb* torr«lT«tholr frtoncU,
DR. .1. JIACMEEX. *8
F.rrxA<ns tf.kiu vnruorr rAix.
Tocth on P»*Lm «*1 Gott»
Pe7cß»,>rim «U IW*l uperattoa-ln • -cUnllflc
manner. without p*lo.
5.r..., b«.o„ | F.arJb,
The grot mpariorhy of SHiQER’H UACIBSM
Orer *ll «>U»er* tot the oeo of
Clothing and Shoe Mannfaeturcrs, Harness |
Makers, Carriage Trimmers ami
Coach Makers,
□u loos been known end practically acknowledged
ma kkvt Tamil* machine,
XTWcU is a light, com part and highly ornamontal machine,
(doing It* work tonally woll with the Jorge machines.) and
meet Ixrome a farortte for family n»e,
A full supply of the abort Machine* 6>r talc at New rock
price*, hr re. STRAW, 33 Marlcet
‘ • 'PIrtSBCROH, PA,
Alan, the BOUDOIR SEWTNO MACHINE. Price from
to *SO. tdal7l ' UlMjA*
SB w
roiTiintlia iKb iusuFACtu****- 1 '
sjanuvacturino company,
Bridgeport, '
PUtabargb t 6BJ , inb«ta l «e(.
Thla Machine Btltcbee the
Finest or Coarsest Fabrlo,,
Atthe plenreraof the Operator,makii.g with ca» Ont Thp*i
and beautiful and durable Stitehe i per Minute, alruoat noli®.
leoly. and are becoming IndlipoMaW* fat foully
g ™ T “auK?i’amTA?™!
Xo. <a fifth «Xroct, PttuWgb.
vascricnuu c*
Cooking, Parlor and Hooting
Qratoi, Front*. Fonaer*. eto..
And M.nnSctorwl nr tb. Ol.bntwl
jyr&iydfc pirrauuanu. rA.
.johw l. 80rn.., c , .. r Ks'
ihgittantt. ; j l^tyanrc.
lnswanet Co. of Phiiadeiphia. Vumgtnnn’- UumnneeComity
. JKIBKfIXOI*. OF BTA • Erie, February J Pn,,*’ DJ. MuCAN'N, Secretary. AOEKOT OJTICK. No J
&: s v KKS J 32 £> s; -u.
Will continue their Office at . T nar, wilt h* held at their office, in th» dtT <>t Em mi th* Surplus '“ ,tr 'lawafroiu the Ap w,v in this, to romm
- T noi -Pann Street, FIRST MuNDAV IN MARCH NEXT -$*3,42* M W» former potittem ta PhiHdelrhlfcrwetWVjwluna»»
No. 191 ir e | A. 11. CATJOUKt. .“k v. . _,j Mu.iuirad Itisorsand .thank* t «njl iiatrotmof to* office dutlr.K b
opposite the ST. V**™**??™™ ’ : ' i's ORDINANCE Autii.-rhinp the M«y-.r SSSS!»?.
TILI. APB-ll r/«.>7» lilk ' ; /\id borrow Tt»lrtv-Oi«» Thousand D-nlarw. »l»o sgninst tbs peril* or the e«h • , E. <>. Umj- wh.» ha* l.«-,n «pj>.iu:«l by thoiwiml "ih • J “
n 1 usiw fS.mrfnv* J*wn«!*l. IW It ousted by the rtti:,-..* «*f Hu-burgh in • N.rigatlon and w luc: tho hu-duc* in thUc It.
Where they may bo consulted daily, isunaaj * Common Councils assembled. Th»t f>r tho pur- siskctoss. d J ' t J. W. MAKCIf-X
.r f r rau*a»PtlOß« Althm«, Bron- meeting the Bond* ortho dtr. faWnadnc wilbm the tVm. V- IVut, Join. C. M»utgo!n«rjr,*lohn H- I onir«>J, t _.
; l?? i ' *, ,?*!?iiirtttlo Affection* conuecud : ye*r IMS, ib* Mayor. w, and he is hereby .i.uhoricd i- Mot Sim. k. f. winner. K-no Ouiil.-n, Roul- \ p‘t £..£ ! Manufacturers Insurance Company
, Chills aniaU other borrow, upon tho f»lth of the city, the ...... «f Thirty-»n- a. Marshall, Charles U. Wright. John J. LtUr*.n. . l} ,..s C V-«tFFU>r n„ .... u VTFU *»tp PET .
I With, or predisposing to P«lnloH*Ty Dli***®* Thou>ft , ud Wuri.andtol«.«eUnud. th.- K , WI „, r . , nit( . v . ' !
; dhs. m CT »iu.yjr„?s: 'ssysttgirrwsewjk**-. t ,ik su* hem^-t
j*Tor U« frequently oiliftO m ,i\arY DI^BAUF—it. per annum, payable semi-annually >*u the flr-t da. uf .lu!j Pwkiht J McCass, Secretary. X ,U,! J ‘ v •‘ ,l - lU *'''" !‘ ’ 1 ' ‘ url "[ Mr J - " M , A *'
DAXQKII OF DKLAt LS ■ POLUONARY OIsBASI. U* » uA cftcll y „. r . „t the Rank *f America. In th* m«m. : fIKX. ar.J hope* by atf.-nta.,l V r.~» v r.
I symptom, ofumavom *»trifle mW U?scl * dr,ulHVt ■ city of New York, withont dcdt»eti«.n fot nor f»«i« <•* Help r. Unrh A niiln.MpMa , ae !!«• I-.*: -‘I 'dhc.t . «.*•!.» •. un ,
• , „'.w dlaesu Is mnkitlu rapid pro- . State taxes thonron; said l-.'rnU «o imo.-iI .lull be in nms of j tUt & d«. j ico. ~ . , , , t t, ~ i\i’r»,-..rv
log of safety «Ten wills»» d wxltu 1 One Tlnmasnd D..llnr«c*ch,made. payabU to the bearer, and xru.u, Ihu. A 0«, «'■> Tlir piompUic.. and t ‘Sik''V„
gress, nod lb* patient BielecttUlmAsUtdl e ! .hallbe *icue.l hy tho Mayor, and counter.. SLeihy the City pommy. Caldwell & Co., d». ! INSI.ItASt I. Ol I
Impossible. „ • Treasurer, ami shall be m.i,-, :n*hle in thlM.v )»*r»from the A T (, xrttt k d,, ; wttljni . Uu,llkm •* r.. TU» 1 «r. t «jb
omc. •>"»'-*“ «• 4 *-"• ' fJ „„r,™ water et«e« , ~;-'r
tti-No charge for cooaulUtUm. , tt of Ulocltyj ouli m,,-, are h< r<-by s-.1.-ninl* t-W? nltti . Au H. W.l*vh\l'N\ThlL Ac-_nt- , J. 0 , r; ,„ 10 ,, lu tho oaniuunitt what » «u..t - j
A list uf questions tirth. * ‘ F j * , 0 r the redemidlou ol the bond* Lcrrbj auth.-itsed l u b-; ~ -- |n ' insurance Company «f j ' KI»WAKP U. BELL.
>U AiUnu DT4 aM. mo.. Ai. W. ETKEE, ! ■= U.,. /’ntLADELPHIA- “
tSr.u,T 3 rn y.. *■ »- BAMUi , L McKe ,w. ! ”hL w.s.hv^rr.^n.,
B P. BHOPD, ; Pri-al'lL-iit uf Cuuiiu-Ja ■ iT^ACTIEC^??'
mkhouant tailor ,
lua Third pi.t.horgh, Penn*. |
latest Pattern* "f good* •»**>• •* 1
madoto order on the n*o*t reaviwblo term* tor
1 work warrantwl.
business titljanars.
THE partnership hcrotnloro existing be
t.eon ll.« ondor.lnn.d, under tbo n.ufu,»l ett'e °*•
LVU.NS k CO, wee ill.wJrr Jby ineitoeel ronee | il.. - Ilf 1»lb
of January. 18S8. Tbo bneloeea of Ilf Orm will bo rontln
ued ae h.retolora by S.TVIINB Ilf obi eland, b. »l»»
payment! moit be mail# ol nil dobu tine ibe J* r ”''y ()Ni j
feSdlw ' H." 11UY1).
A. Ih V O N =».
(Suewiaor to A.Lyona ACo )
uAxvrAcrvntu or
HD W*l9» I N
vAid ic.rv goods, ace..
No. 138 Wootl SI.. IMltaburgb, *’“•
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is lierehv given tliat the partner
ablp lieretufura luVi&tlug between Uie
Urocar* «!ud Produce DAfen, ambrthe n , rta ,£ f M
ROBINSON, baa boan dheoftodthU dafr by ihe withdrawal
otEOCLKS UOBINSON-oadtbet ai* book«»t. > •cwuou
of the firm wilt be found lu tie Immla of a*M lUblneun (wbe
will HUod exedoil rely thereto! at the Old bund, Mi P«<ler»l
•treat, whert tlu<ao biddiWd will P luflM cm!l , ■ n ’ J •* tUo
out delay, oe the eocoaoU will b* placed In
a»a,r""' U °”' “ 1 ’ *TE.^v"s.‘k^{ I KB ' '
jAoonry'lStti, ISSS. *• UonitlsuN.
«n.Tho uudm!ittieJ*M Lsjnliiitto tho bn*iue«a at the old
•U\tnl on Podvrel alroot, Allegheny. where the wanta of tic.
old cuaUxuara and all vtlwr* will loatleodwl t.. as u»«a».
The bttatnoaa will Iwroaftor bo cnndin-tiil ..t> tli* prliici
'jggSST ,WB CW “' • STRPUKS* MKItCEB *»,
- • !|i N |oi'.lJTiON.
TUB partnership horctnihre existing hc
twaeu the aodentgued, *np»gi“l In 'hp m»n|if*Hnr«-
otitopaaod Twlue, uodar Uiaatylvof J. A II UEltWlfi,
wa« dlHolvod by tnulnil conaoot, dating from Janoar* i"t,
1861' thoflra wtt)
Taaw rt “ r * H«a» MBwio.
No. 489, cm utr Penn ami Walnut S<r,.-u,
Manufacturer of Pittsburgh
nr.sir A-str mash-la bkd conns, iikmi' noio..
from ■.} In. to I>4 Ineb. llallee nope, broom Twin. .. -”l
Twlue. Wool Vwiuo,.U* nod Col Seine Twine, . aeb
Cord, Tar ml awl Packing Yarn. K . .
§3.A foil aapply of tbo *!».*« rou.Untly uti and
for Mlo at market yats*.
7“~¥ Jen. Uth. 1858.
I HAVE this day associated-with rae Benja
min p. rmu and william 11. WhiUcn in the p-nrral
Commlßilon, Wool aaAProdoce Bnslocaa. The style ©Him
firm will bo SI'BtNOEB IUBUMntt^RBAVQH.
srnrwia u*Ki>Vi;ou...BaJAiUN t. rmu-w*. a. wuruenr.
Wool, Hides, Provisions & Produeo Generally,
No. 295 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh.
JaM .
WE have this day associated with us JonN
It. HOLMES retiring troni the active nvapMiii
bmlowa Jt&U* * • HOLiU-3 A SuNb.
80 LO!M cx&uccnuniuT SOUGHT,
1 Gray Hair to ila original color, rottis luinrlautlj the
J bead; remove* altJanJiuO. Itching aod all
tcalil head anil all antptlom; makm the hair soft. healthy,
jad flows and ,jrßAj>n>*erT* » to acyimaginable age.
ttmOTat. ar if E&SBften tlotchw, At, from »bo tow. and
•Ss?SffltsSr2SWVToual. < adiid.e. Bee circular and
the following* .
T DOTia, N. ll* Feb. 2. 18£7.
Paor 0 J Wooa JT.jCo —denhe Within a f«w
hare received eo oft*? erdtt*and call* for Prot O. J.« ood ■
flair Restorative, thet unlay w* wen. compelled to *md‘o
Boston for a quantity, (the 0 dozen you forwarded all being
SS while order a qoaiuty from yon Every
total** hat* p*d*em*t»hart j rreducrd LKrte
and theanpribatlon. and patronage It rewire*
from the most aubaUntSTand woribydiduu»d« T) cl "'
Uy, fully convince u» tl»t It t» A MOST \ ALCABLK PUB
Seoduaaaaooaaa maybeone grotaof J 1 efre; and one
*»“ * “ W&YI’LSnXt CO.
llickoitGsovSa St. Charles Co-, Mo- hor. 19, ISM.
Paor.O.J. Wow—lfoV dir-. Homo time la*t aummerwo
wereindoeed to use aotne of your Ualr Hcatoratlre, and it*
effect# ware aif.wnmferlW, 'we fool it our duty to you and
the afflicted, tb fenss*'K> , ,
Our little aon’ajusad for some ttana had been P«rf«eUy
covered with aotea, and K>me called It ecald heed. The hair
almost entirely cameofflnconwquenw, a fric*?";
1m hto^O-Miu^aJrite^neiijjis^yoaTti-w^’^
•oe-llh lltth* but, to ear aurpvb®, *fd Uin
v:*eryfow application# removed the di*-
a, •s' 1 ~ new and Ininrlant crop of hair *oou
c*ni»w*ay that our boy,btaaa hojUtby
%>« crop of hair a* any other child—
- hereby recommend yuur lh-tore
ifdy forefi dCweeroof Iheeceip end
zy**!?-. ;.T^.*r^oTi *: -
Co 4 v'
jlrto SUrtuttiscmtntS
Chat Ira W. llan.kut. I Adolph C. BoiW-.
n«grjo W. Richards, [ Samu«l Giant.
Xliuimu* Hart. i David S. Drown,
A.JI. MILMJI, Mordecal I>. Lewi*, Jacob U. Smith,
PrwiJeUt vr y tin OT Select CuOUci'. T.,ldn# Wagner, l Morris l*atlcr»>u-
Attest, John T. WutTTaji, CUAItLKs N. UAMCKLK, President
Clerk of Soil-. tCoun. il- i CUAiaeo U. RaSCKCK, ?eorelary.
J\_ passed the 21th Jar of Norcml»-*-, IH-.-., entitled An D{ _ Bt an low ns an- consistent with s's-iiritv.
Urdiuanco prvacribliii; the duties aud power* of the Coo- , (>,, lU p an « hare reserved n large contingent
trollcr." , t . which, with their Capital an I Premiums, n»tH> invested.
Stcrios 1. Ue it ordtlm-d and enacted. Ac , Hint fr ont and nm .,|e protection to tho assured,
efb-r the passage of this ordinance. It la made tho duty of , \swt* of the Company, on January lrt. is..l,i« |>i -
I thoSuierrlntendenlofthe Water Works, to present a month s ,, rwa bly to tlai Act of Assembly, »«'- **
ly payroll t» the Water Committee ruuUiiulug the aanu-e .
and service* ot all persons employed under him in tha Wit- ; Mortens”-
t*r Department, tbc nm.mut of Co»l lurnlshcd the works Kstale-.
during and a IM of all purchases made or ou- Ten.i«rary lx-uu* ......
thomxd by him, together with the amount of each .hum tftork*
fur services or supplira at the of <-n.h iii.-iitti. And »(• _j
ter tho list has berrn approved!.) the «<iter Committee, tho
tatno shall bo probated the rvmlrnller. by the Sui"-r- 44
Inlendopt, or, as lie may dedinnt", any portion of tho same . aitlC)( tho j r incorporation, a period of rrenty-ono yew*,
shall l« probated bj the persona furnishing such portion ot h^TO upwards of Oua Million, Poor llumlrod
thn services or supplies. , . tho Land Dollars Losses by Cro, thereby affording fT) l, '‘ n °s
HkCTIOM 2. Be It further ordaln.-d that all warrants drawn of Uio advantages of Insurance, aa well aa their ability and
on Ihe-Mavor l»y tho Water Department shall be to the or junoalllon to meet with iiromptOM all linldlitlea. '
Jrr of the Chairman of tho Water Committee. atte«t<-d by ; J fIAUPNKK COKFIN, Agent,
Clerk of tho Water Department. Office Southonat cor. Wood and Third sta.
Hrcrjo* 3. That so much uf any ordinance us Uie ul-ove - -
allocs or supplies, he and tbe same Is hereby regaled.
Ordained and enacted Into n law in Councils, tbl» Mb
day of Pelirunry, A. D., ls.’.v
Attest. Uuoa McMajtsr,
Clerk of Common Council
Continental Insurance Company.
/»<wrpora*«i fry Lrffillctvrt of,
tfAMtKI. M’KKLVY, *mi a
yf C<-tii iiion Council. PERPETUAL U U A JIT Eh.
Altwl: limit McM*rtCft, ,
Clerk >f f\>muiou C.murtl ' A otliortted OqdbU, Oao Million &•»!««,.
A HMIU.KH. ■ fe „™landA«u».hlHoJC.pilAl ““I.MO
I’lf-.i.Ji-u! !■->» ..I holed Council. __
Atte*r, Jons T. \Thittes, HOME OFFICE.
d«Tk .if h*:t.dCMin<-!l. y 0 gi irolr.uf Street, a/-,.* Attend, I’hOadrlj.Sfi-
CILOVER SEEP— IO" !•«•*. l-rimo nOW' ID France on Bnlldioip, rortUtnra, lc.
/ nntl for »)« br !«•'» _ WATT A WILSON. p-uroJij u .
ftrSmSir Tnks-a7ii..m'«, t “
T?N VELURKS—AII sizes uml qusiliticM m*1«) LwruM-t*rm«, t-opniatemwuhwcurity.
Ujby WM .!JOIINhToN A <X>., t
fa< _ Stjiioncrv j. QEOKOK \Y COLLADAY.formerly Itecmdcr of Deed*. * r ,
WIIEAI —*j-> cJW-k- i WM P IWWKKi«! , r..rmßrly Renter of Will*.
, .;. 7 ,i 1., JCHI.V N.COLKMAN.fInnofCoUm*nAKmUh,In.IB^S
I- ?i.-Kr.Y *... u^^-MK.c^tyiJjd-.K N«- a *•«'•
* r atrrAt, above Market, Pblla. w
<1 J,,| H IM.'A IjiT.din l ' fn.m ft.-HIHT < mat, firm of J.«cph Oat A B..n,C.>PP‘*n>ni(t»i«, . »
W t ;«* U , ! .™ „f * M*.-
T ARP ANPIiHKASE 1 M.K Lur.l nl'd ■_ ! importing H«rdw*t>» >trrd.»i.U, X« V-M N ‘ ,rll ‘ IT
(V* sc U “ j,us ''i^ufuin-RCT 1
( t)i;N -- A T *' N^tv o'*!'’i'lsm '' Kigiitii. Pint*
DUY AI’IM.KS -*■<> t ii-h. Prifflit Prv A\*- [
.r «al.- by , ..-s . lIKNPA IJ. COLLINS. •
Bi,- \Vs~"5 lin.«)». ''in:ill \\ Hite Beans nv’d i
*t>r «!- by I IIKNKV H. 00< tl.Ng.__ |
CLOVER SE’EP -:{0 lm.4i.jn.Ht rtv’d and :
f..t .*i* ».T •,»-<] !i!: N l i yj ! : ™ X L I
firnitf <•/ Uar-fl »r«I .~J M.irL-t Syuur'. j
nAHHIS II t: no. I’KSN* I
WTCI,US COVJCKLY. l>ro I .i-i«*tor. j
wntis .Tit t.-l by tl»c JUNKS, in ll«rrubiirK.
!•» tiTin ”1 yenr. l.y 0..- undd
ilKl.o-l, I.Jtikw* It.i* tif th- ull. nU.m uf 1il«
n.-.-Nu.d 0- Ui.r.lUus com...m.i<> |
tb [UTii.u • Front rf Ch,< Hindi.-,1 -.mi l\*hj F.-'l on ti.' j
r r!„rt,.lIJ. »"•' nC /W "»
ATuH/l U Uil'»•* nllraetltrn* w-H m* ,
iariitn««.. Rlmn^-ra.
The CUAUIIKILS »ru of flnr m/. : . w. H r-ntilalrd. »n.I
wiiMlw-n immU-r «i(l. • -mi.r, iuu «n«it-
Injc tUeni f»r funilt. «
Tha II ALI.S -re ■aarm.-l b> Heater.': aoJ evei)
iu.mlitii in fm t, l. u* l«rrn oJiJ.-ii. that nmy
(o llio eiil«*ty. ftrtul'Hl ami hi»i»(»lne**« , t Hi.'
Ymti.ra mnr. 11uref.,..., n-ut luMirml, th»Mb«* “JOSES
liousri*" 1.H9 bii-n ma.l- |»-rfed in oil i*# ajn..itutw«oU—
(hot earl, il. iiortmei.t im* lihue.l In •’( Exp*r\-
*,<*.! unit r.n.< l rUnlF'n<m:— tbal in ev,.» v , ' rtll ,l,ar tl '"
natrm »lii*h ha* N-'n rM .;.t. .l l-y Ihf hr..,.ndo. T 111 «f
t.niu.tlu*r»bom*) aioke It tl.rlr tmnn-. »• K r * *>
yrvo i»f cnlafoTt »* n.4j- V» • obtainM at an* timilar-'tal'U-'h
tnenl m tl.e Slut'-.
To aucure lhi« de-iral.l.? ir*nU. be h*< TumbLc! Ilie Tut.
lie aud I’mote l'miuii lU».m. wub
eutirelr NKW FtIINITUKK; au-1 aim nrranpnl wltliln tl.r
(building, a One ttarl-r* S»loou. Oynter Sal.».n. lirMsing
Room, Uol omi Cold Bailie, Ac.
Tlie Culinary Ucpariuiet.i and Dlnins noon, will r.-e.-.*r
th-r«pecLil ftitenii.m «1 tlia f*r»<|>ri**t*-r, »l.n ti be tru»t<.
wifllie tt*uffloieut Ip.ftm.tce taate* all "HI be bui I^l.
Afn r rrtiirnlug I.h lit-artlclt ll.auke «•. U.» old Irkuda and
natriMot, Cur tb«. ecn-rna* jifttnn>ft(» !»•*»(* eaten.!".! tvbin.
at Ihe "CoeeTlv ILinac." and ftleo to bis fricnde and pfttrona
at til" C-lsi (aland, during lbo »v**tift «rt
ISC.'.. In- . 1 fully *>'llcits a cot.tlnnsm- ;of It at tl.c
“JONES H“US»: ■ I.t.coitlm] WEUI.> COVLIILT.
MONKV 'fo LOANwi Not»«.Draft*. Bond*
all J l.y *WTIS«»yi* ACO.
tv6 Slock and Kill Broker. DS atruct.
Moult IiEAD’smau. plaster cm imni
ana fur sale b r B L. r*IISE.«TOCK 4 CO,
kn Comer Fonrtli tn-l Wood «ta.
LINSEED OIL—3U l.bls. (.11 hand and
B!l) „ t,y B. I. FAHNESTOCK * CO.
C"~ AS?]'fLfcrSUAp —Jol.xs. on imn.lnnd Tor
«aS?by fHj 8.J.. FAHNE'-TOirK A_o\
bills, on hand and lor sale
r .A n i. v a iiN>:yrocK * co-i}
,S ii„i i Lio I.J ii 1.. (aiinrstock aco
V_/ ]. a ,nl mill r..r mil- by HI- KA lib K-STOCK IOA_
ALTaMMONI A—1.500 lbs. on lmnj null
LJ.b, r.« lb ■- l.imMittlco.
ENO VENETIAN lIED—2S bbls. on liand
mil lot ml. by U 1.. FAIIXMIOCK A (»._
W. MiliblNjoCk,
... fu.:n; :s
... S3.IKWS IT
ei.M’j uy
&4,M0 Hi
dun tfiuoa. Secretary.
mr-Jtdljfc No. M KIM. «««■ /"P
Honongiihrla In*or»nc« Company.
Orriijt^—JAMES A. UCTCIIISON, President
11ENHY >l. ATWOOD, S^crrUrj.
Ornce, No. W WAtz* Bzzzrt, _
n,jj fnttirr Ayaimt all li*dJ rtf Firr and ifartnc lit
ASSETS, NOV. 20tb, 1807:
Ptock DurHUU, p.jrnbhM.n d. nund, »ectirc«l t>y
BUI. Brndrab!" - •• jijog W
70 .h»M Mrtbuiio&jfoiik _
Hirminra Not«
Offler Knrnitm*
Book ArromtU
Wtn r. lldm-e. Wm. A.ChWwII,
!(„(,[ u-U'-U. Wilson Hiller,
Wm U **■»'££••
Tlio* S.CUrkis Ueo. A. Derry
J»ipm A. Llntchlbon .
W:.Ul»r.v-m.'HhSw.l JIBSUY M. ATWOOD. S-cj^
Pennsylvania Inanrancc Company
octee No. 03 Fourth Slree
Wa-le Ilauiptm.
A. A. Carrier,
Robert Patrick,
J. IkJuxim,
Henry Spr«ml,
Jad>b Painter.
Uei>. W, Smith,
A. J. Jones.
Roly I‘atwrmm.
J. |* Tanner,
l. GrbtrEpnml,
\V. I». McHriJe,
C. A. &>lton.
Niehoio* Vorflitlr,
Jones 11.
. token of si! descriptions.
/T3«riro a Oil Slariuc Rinks I
ptwliVot—A.A. Cai
Vlw PrwWcnt —Root
Secretary »ini TftwAUfei
ir—l. Units .SpEor.u. noWtt.
Wostem lnsunmoo Company
j f. 11. GORDON, Secretary.
‘tarFICK, No. 92 Water street, (Ejan; A Co.'« Wsrcliotwo.)
np cUin, Pittsburgh.
IFi/l InttiTt oyatKif all ItinJj n f Fire and H-innt Ruts
A liw InxtUulum managed try Ihrreim. vU are xodl
l-notcn in the ctmmunity, an>i who art ae/mnineu, Ujf
promptness and Ixltrality, tonwiiilam the character Whtefi
Otry hart assumed. as ujtring Me l*st protection to More wltf>
desire to lx insured.
stock co
I’lll* ItrCrtVuMc...
Uftice FuniiXuro...
Opcu ArcounLa—
l'rvtuluin •
llilH IMwv.inW
Wm. SlcKnlgbt,
Nathaniel HoluiM,
Alex. Nimicb,
David U. lx>ug,
William U. Smith
0- W. lUckctsou,
Georgo Uuntil
- It. Miller, Jt
J.W. Duller,
0. W. Jack*»n,
ic* McAaley.
lander Rpecr,
W. A. niM»«h-f,
A I.i|»pine'*tt.
Jniurt I’. Smith
On-. ,1.74‘i0M.
Win. ,\r>l
I John 1' Siti
I ,1. IMmUft' Sauk.
' Thrnvn- It'll.
: ' >l. i:..,!i:trJ- Mnctin.
Citizens' Inmnnte Comp’y of fiUslinrfh
WM. BAOAI.KV. l‘To'«l'i.t,
PAMliia, i. MAKSItKLL, S-ccrrtan-.
Of\C' 'll Ujfrr ,»r»!. Uarktt and WcM
UKU > -ti tb* 1 Ohiif'wud M.»
IltiU n:il C;>l i
taiplii lUvera, au«l TriUiUmva.
®F*lnsnrp« nir» !<■«• <*r OntnttS' F.m-. Al |*
icl—rilsuf the Sen and Inlnntl Nnviimlton ««>1 1
W.n. Itoli-J, | CnAM.rk Pt, ,lir C%
ganiu.-l Kc*, . I ~T' , rlh
Jae. M. Cixipcr, John iv DiUortV ;
SS.W&* I
yfss&w J,
John Calilwellt r -
The Great Western Fire and Sarinc lnsY.Co.,
op rmi.AitELi’iiiA.
No. 331 Walnut Street.
entßTir. rcurmrit.
X rJߣ^ysi T nAyC&-i'** %t ™* <-r ImiiU-d, niaJftio t©»“
■ «r rtuititrr on ar*rtT dwfrrl|iti«>» •>! |.rvporty.
IXLAND INSURANCE* *<u Uu.*l« l.y C.u»»l,Vku m»•
IjinitCarri-uiP, to »U pnrta of tho Union. “
i&b&TXK ixSCXANCE. on Cnrsnnnd Fro
w. DAUUNO. Vl*» Pwidra
J.»cdU J. UnckrL Secretary and Tiwumr.
j 11. K Awixtanl h^n-tnrr.
directors: '
Cbarlca C. l-athr.p- 4.~ Wninot - •• • *
Uon. Ifmry D- Moor*. !f> W»hmt strp t.
AlMwul.-r WbiUH-n.-Mrrr.hunl, U N.»t«h t f»U
JnlmC. llnnt*r.linn of Wright, linutrr AO-
K. Trarr, Arm of Tracy &*-r. v - 3,
John U. McCnnlj, tirtn «f J-m-N W Hiir A McCurjly^
S. P. Hiahon, Ann of Ut«hip. Punfnnf V..*.
Jo*. It. Smith, firm of J«s.»» ?m'o. *Co
Tht*. L-OillrupUs firm of t; ili.-apt'* *
I«nc llntlohurst, Mtoro-v and Ountolinr.
Tb*n.W. ItaVrr. G-hUniilh'* fUU.
Stillwell B. lli'Uoji. fil m of lUxliop, Simon* * Co..
WlUbun U*rlin«. fh‘to *>f U-A.llng.l %
John KJce. DO S'Uitb Front «trwt_ ..
K. Harper Jrffror*. firm of H'ro- J *i p l ’- . ■
1 i: ■ It. Vil>oraDE3CrEK,At«it,. .
*pL-fio>—ap» ‘ - 07 VFnUrjdmmt*FiU*»itß*
Piltsbnrcb; Life, Fir? and Maricr His. 10.
Office, Corner Market and WnrcrStn.,
ROBT. QALWAY, Pntfi.Umt. P. A. P.»»uia»t,
AsnitEW PLKXirra, Jl. I'., rt.vHcou,.
TM» Company nvdic* every lumrauco tqipcrUunm-to
connected with LIVE RISKS. -
Alto, agalxvrt llnll and CarßO Rmk*. <>n the Otito and
MisfUalrpi ri»«T» and trilmurlea, nn«l Mar inn lllslt g*»
And against I*** nr mro;»Kf I>j i ue.
And ngiun*t thv IVnU nf the f-:» nod inland Knvfjpitlaa
and Trniu«|*>rtatM‘n- <
Policies ie-aed at lonwt nlm ceWntfiit will: entrtj
all parties.
k t Alexander Hratllry,
Jus*}ili S. Leech,
John Fullerton,
jlausfu M It Urovr,
IKriil 11. Clmiiilkt.
William Cnrr,
Kn)«rt 11. H:»rt!fy,
Jolin M'flUl.
Hebert Qjiitray,
R.TLTnnt-1 MeClmkl'fi.
Joseph P. Ombuti.
JvllQ Sd)U,
Juni.-a Mar*lullL,
Davi.l BlUirj.
Jaim-it W. H«-ljav.\n.
Cb«. Ari"* l ,||,n<>t.
frh->— r,y2,\ s
i%ilatioiphin nntl Jjift'
No.. 149 Chermut Street, •
nppoSlTß TUB CUSTOM. iPlTtr 8 B ;
Win make *n kind* of InMimw*. • 10.. T «
Un,iU.1...0. v..fy.|. l i|.lion «t P.x-perly or Mcrtl.AH.llw,
nt reuftiaM" rat.-» <>f premium.
lIOKKHT. p. KINO. PrmMi'tit.
M. W. UALimi-N.VIc-Pn-i.l-nt
$31« r 015 02
CWl<i I*. liny*-.
U B. Knyli-li,
I’. It Sarery,
C. Sherman,
8. J. Metfarpn*.
y. !!ue* burse. Secretary
Special plotters.
OmcK or the Nviiiii Mistso Co. or Dstkcit, )
I‘irtacucou, I’a , January 30, Ibis. >
are hereby juuiiictl that an-AsscpH
nu-n: of .In- lMlar nn<l Fifty C7i. taper Pham h*n
b«oii levied uit tbe hKk of Uiin Company, payable at l ha
efficraf llio Tn-wnrrf in L*iii*h«ii I :b.«.n ti.»* w-eomt .lay of
March, ISiS
Br order or the Bean! of Drrxtnri.
The Annual movtincof iho .‘•trwfcUriUJ. r* »f this Company
will be. held at tho P««> of the Company In the city »f
l*itt»bnrpli, on tho Sddny of March, lbtf.jjcaiW-naiißat
-ff icragjST valuer. ;w' r .
“ ornca or the inroorais ns© Bostus Stisisc Co, f
I’ilbtbnrch, January CQlb, J
Notice.—The Board of D :^ r( . c _
t«>r» of (he riffiburffH and Jlotlm 2,'inijtg t*j
(Lie day dinJarod a Dividend <il TKh' DQLLA AH pm:
PfIAIIE, payable to the Sh’Cktv'likr*, oc their renro*
•eulativrs, on and alter MONDAY, tho ISth da*/ c f pe-hniA '
ry next. Eastern PlockhulJer* trill receive t’/Cir iliridiJut*
FKBItUARV NKXT. tom 10 ».j,. to
4P. M _ .vml continued Ilf iicxvjn) ficm iUv to attyXor
•U day*. «t U.e raimi hour*. J J
4.1C1 K 7
240 uu
P. 478 04
14,841 4i
40.248 69
126,000 “
$317,041 48
~ 'll
I K. li. Coj-j
I >s. I'nnl.
| Jotm CUaj-Jen*.
I K. Wilnr.
J. <J. 0»TI», Afp-nt
'•'t.i Alt.
V j «