*i*’ 1 ■» ■' ESTABLISHED IN 1786. Nifw YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS t’ronmsSOttßll, OWEN * CO. OewtmiL Nnr«?\prs At*- From ff S SCHEM/S AdTHTtlring 11..r»p, No $Vi rrartslsa Iloras, {Applrtou’* flaildin*,) .Yn 34‘i «j>-/ 4« I way. fooa&Maf'&arort • **' I - - A X ENERGETIC BUSINESS MAN CAN Imported Wlnei ( Groeerl««t Acc. r\ mnke. in anr part of tbo United State*, from tUtvo-t.> r e. w ftPOBV fjT(« .foliar* a day, hy ecllms from aaajilo “THE PATEN! 1. A W. Utihftl, tNDJ4J:UM!KU SAFETY FLUID LAMP," with nil ini fctf c*rrnL FTtRm, AXb 713 gst>U"*.*x. x"®*- prorod Itnrtirr. Frvry family who bmMVfgard Jcr lif-. pcr ,-B.ubn.hM iWi rSi!rr^ia r sr**** v m rof "***• IMPORTERS aXI) DEALERS IN FIRST liAWXiiußari mott. A Quality Pamilv Or -ccri-'J. o!l«r to the Trade, lio?«da, Patent*-*-* ami •'xrtaaiTn Maauftciur-ri. Prirtta Families, am! all who nro la their tn»t«, «nd _ n*.ivtlmd:-t 09 Fnltoo strw\j|n**.Cib , t V.-r/cnny menu, have ohLlfow tho higheet premtrmL Ttifi Pui-t.l Ihi Usldaeifik, (1 If. Mtimro'* dt> do do Arch Wrot PlanK, Which i» owned end naed only by u». olQUOßS—Urauilict Runta, Whiter. Gin, Arrack. Ah- ; guarantee*thtirffUmdlux in tune lnngor than auA «hrr in •ttttlio, Kirteb; &&s£&, t* original packages.al»oCiir»'<*. ; utrument; wlflatheir nnprece.mi Stool. Scotch and English . A liberal dlu-on nf t.> IVrtsyinPn, School* bd.l the- trade Ales-. _ j JcAjlyd-j CTCTAJiS^-ATTirtoifsjf choke br-.-’U PlCKLES—KaHiidinrul French. PACG£s—ffvr fcfah. Corrk. flw warranied Qualultcratod and of our g*Bi«farteti»gfc. ' fc&difr ' Wholesile or Cartwn IW '»t«q Wroat,* ■ -J«3» MunnCaeturvra ut Lead iiul UUiArgc, 04i/i)f r TV*, ftp. Wood »t-, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocilyil JOU.N lIAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO J AS. M’tiaffcy,)\Vl]9l»«a]cnn-J Retail Druggist and D*alef in PnVntt,Oil», I'j-KgtnfT*, Jtc, corner \7ftnU,Olla, Varnished and Dje»tii(U, No. *2M Liberty «tr«rt, Pittsburgh. All orders will receive prompt ut Iciitlou. 49" Agent for fichanck’s Pulmonic Byrup. ratoetucs rtaY5......... ............ ......atoua mm. Braun & reiteu, wholesale and Retail DritegUU, corner or Liberty and St Clatr ate , PitUbnryh. '*• TOS&RJI FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. t/ Wilcox 4 Co.lcorotr Market atreotaftdiDtamand.koepa eotutanUy on hand •foil bji>l ootnplet* amortmeatiif. Drnga, Medicines, Medidno Cheat*. Porfmarry, and *ll article per-; taluincto hla buaineu.'- >i V pre» i»pti.m» carefully compounded at all hour*. JO9-.Ty D«r dpo. keYseh. drUSBISt, TTo.J auwel au.l Virgin AUey^Plttabrt^uJ^ft.. Ptotiure J3fatrrs. CUEESIf '.V AiiEUOUSE.—HR Nil i 11. COLLINS, FdrvrartlDgamlCbnimlialoa Dealer to Oliorso. Butter, Lako Fish and Produce generally, 26 Wo»l at., nhoro Water. Plltahtiryh.., , * inyll Jli. CANFIELD.-LATB OF WARUEN,: * OnHAOoainiliJiou and' Forwarding* Merchant, sod. Dealer in Weftcrp Cbteae, Entur, Pot and P.-arl Ault, and Wertrrn Ptodnea RctJermlly. Front'.itv between SmitlifleUl and Wood,'Pittsburgh. Ml HANK & ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to K. k A. McDono,) Dealer* In Flour, drain and Produce. Commiwion and Forwarding Mrxclmnta, No. 121 .“.‘cmd atreeot, Pittsburgh, Pa. [Jan.l; , !>7tdly']Jal2 D'avid c. ' herbst, flour, pro dc«, Provision and Gcimmlaaiou Merchant, No. £O7 Liberty mrwt, corner of Hand, Pittaburgb, gtna b!« atteu livii to the mle of Flour, Pork, ll.rfv.ii. Lard, Cki-etc, lliitbr, ijr.nn. Urli'd Fro its, S»«Js, Ac., Ac XQHlonJiimitientA respectfully aolbtited- «uMj A' “lex; forsyth, (successor to Fornyth 1 Six>tt,) Forwarding and CommlMlan Mrr cliHiit, D.'.-tlrr m Wool. Hide*, Fiotir, Uacnn, Lord ai. l Lord Oil and Produce ip-'curAlly, No T 5 WaUr st- Pittsburgh. Pa. KIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION • UnrcUsnt and Dealer lu (irno-rics ami Pni lnce, 27 Fifth 8 treat,Pittsburgh, Pa. Refer to B. H »rEi.T«»,J'iUal/orgh, rtvmrr. CoMkatk A Ca- Pittsburgh. AT’Canalgnmcnti •'ilieitoU amt •atu.fartory n-toru* guar. ntoed. deltvlydawT Robert hutchinson, commission Merchant, f->r the nlr of lYr«Uru Ucaorve Cheese, Hotter, 1.ai.1, B«cyn, Piiti, Pot and I‘corl Asho, Salwratn*, OiK. Plour, llrain,tewl*. pried Fruit, and Produce generally. No. ** Szsithficld street, lhttr«-.|i Firetand Water. ap3 /-'IHAULES B. LKEUIf. FORWARDING - V/ oud JI-mhAUt, Dealtwin Flimr, Grain, Ila. con, L-inl and Hotter, Aa Lall kinds of Pnrinrc. Ko S Fmith field *trr,-t. I—twaon Flrvt anil Water ap3 Eaolb wakkTlouse.—Tas". Sard n« ilcr in Fluor. Prorl?I->r.» and Producp {p'oecnllr. No. C rf'-T'-nlli etr-vt. I— t«c-u Liberty and Smitbftctrt. pirt»bun:h. I’a C£F*?erm« cash. ixriLLIAM MICLINTOCK VY C«rpohi 30-I>2 Uartut W. D. & (I. M’CALI.IIM, DR/IKHK )•} CARPETS, OIL OLOTIIS, te. rir-w>t HCJJ Wool. attorneys. V) OIIEHT M’KNIQHT, ATTORNEY AT L*w, a nd Solicitor of the Baufc of PitUborgb, No. llo Fourth ttwt. TOSfciPll S. & A. P. MOKKIbON, Ai fj tnrTu-ysntUfr. Ofßrj No. P* P.Miftft ■*-, l*«r WooA fitUMirgU, PC - RU0B1.S0& A CO., WIIOLKSALK • Qroors, Corotniwio* M«rcl*nr»N. nod hralvra In all kiclaof l'rutUJ»>o9, Produr-e and ruHbui ->JkT in lYatlnri, £3C!) MSfIOOB. I Kialu Hour, aud all kindn ..f Cvnntry illU __ .. „ j crly •!><—t. muutb oi ,-iilli. '»d .1 at Law. .tWltf* to-DnttJtng, Fourth ■trtv.t, Pittubargh. 1%. :HV . : ss\T •.‘v.’T?:*. .• ,• -i- , •4‘ \ ” - i- *i'T' l ; &•' *;&..■ *>.-» «*a. .•■•''• . :■. .«*. „ v (.. 1 ,. j. ? ' V 1 , ;■ ' v J,- ’ ■• ;’ V . ••„ : o.: ’ v^ T t- -• « .-,4;.. i /:• :T. . • 1 :.&:■■■ S ; ::a •••vvv.y.-:-- -, ' ■ >■ -I'T I • V THE DAILY DEALERS IN riOUR ANTI BACON, r J.'in* Plate tmd Tinner’s Stor’lc, * AND "PITTSBURG ti • At A N U KAOT U RES. M'-ny . r f ~ McALP XR & CO., fLatoofJ.S. Leocb, McAlpld A Co., Plttatm. ; GENERAL COMMISSION * FORWARDING; ilfCKCIirfANTtf L*v»e and WaiUAgton Avenue, iWYAKDOITIS CITY, KANSAS TEP.!tm>fc V. IttKKRKNCES: Jcrty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Henry 's. kino/"[late of the finnofßiugA Mo-irheadJ Cotnaiaalou Merchaut, mar'Zlily.lsw and Dealer In I'lg Moul and Dlooma,No. 7Q M’attralroot, t>*>- low Market, PUtaburgb, IS. ap!9 a". liaTidY7(sucoessor to hak • dy, Jouee *Co n )Coiunjiu.vlcn and Forwarding Mer chant; Agrutof theMadiion and Indianapolis llallraad, tvr nor Find and Ferry PittaLnrgb, l*a. jailrlj J E* BtYARD rT'riieirAW,' URN ERA L Cvnjinh lion .M;n.liiQt, and MTioleiuln ILialer in Maun factored TVO-t c>. Imported and Dotneaiic Clear*. Suit IT, A.-, Ac., Nn. 211 I. l*efi r Jim t, the head of Wood, Pltta burgb, Pa. rnhUly ' •Brocctc. Baualey, ooSokave a 00.', WhoUa; le Unx-ii, amt '.‘U Wornl ♦ii.-j, Pitts burgh. oea.c. tuts .. .. » » asaota. Reis j. beroeu. orocers and Dealers n ILtcoQ, Flour, CbmNe, lc., Boutb-'Weat cr rner amt Stre,.tis Pitt*- oc4:lyd Alexander icing, wholesale lmporter «.f ? -U Ad., No. 273 Liberty atruat, fUUbtttgb, Pa. aplityd* WM. MITCUKLTKEE, Jit., A KKU. Wliulcialy Ono or% ilrcttrytng bmillr.i *. at-l W ir> ftnJ MdjcL«l)lfl, N» 3/) IjIkiII) iili'u t, J*m»i hi .:*i Juii sak'l r. cDuru .... - a. SHRIVEU & DILWOIVrn, WHOLESALE N.i.130«0J !1- ?«*rn||«| .11, •!.{(- '« •' t. *nJ HmUlUield,PiUkb*irvb. A O U LBEK fj'O N . W UULKsALK --• Orocri wlCnr.ir: • -n Pp«ln- *n*l Pirt«*'orßD Mann; i i, i >.< •. t tHrt, Lllw-rt) *lrc«>». PUMliarph. JOHN FLOY!*' a * o . WHOLESALE Gc.KknW<:,>,«•!«■. JoaIMVATr. —■—r . . inWJi. WATT A WILSON, WHOLESALE UKU CIML a . < Merchant* and De»W*in Pr*>- duecsed Pirtsl.nrLh >l-.i:-f.r-(Mres, No 20* Libeify -J-'-i Pittsbur.l. piii.n rt ....kuUUT I>!CK*< ISAIAU DICKEY & OU, WHOLESALE Grucr-ra, Commission Meridian t«,Hud Dnalrii m l’i -lu.. . No. 00 tYstcr street, nn-l GO Frontstreet, Pitti-bur^b. (Late of tlif firm Kotuauii, Liliir Jk C*» j T LITTLE & CO., WHOLESALE UfiO • CKKS, Produce and Coramlitiuii Mrrsiiaut*, v>l Deal era in Pilt»Larj:li M-uiiifACtiire*, Nj. 112 Second «trwt, PUUbargb. _ jali:jr-j>3 T lt. «*CCTCUP>i« OL. «OiMTO3. (Carpets. Dealer in ft-2 WM. MeCtlToilKON & 00., WHOLE HAI.K Un LAC .........ClUt.AtAtu. ATWELL, LKF. i CO., WHOLESALE liroCt-r». l'rvxlnro auj Cuimalnl-in Nnrtuota, Rft.l Dooinr* Jq Pituburifl) .Uanulacturv*, No. « W.»>l «inct, !«*- ■ Icrwa WaiorauJ Kruol »«„ *{>s3 ' - *®* T - BIIDIAOH 9\Wl«. *i»lilSOfl. 'lit*.' ~5- :>r. I": -V* • v ; u'*# ~ ' . ' S% -V ±-z ffiomiiHscfotn HAIOvLa LtliLß !*....JOttii L. ICZCn J.s ». LTfOH . JOS S. LEECH & CO., A 244 Liberty at., Plttibur£h. I'a. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCUANiS, ►LEV, WIIOLELALK «JliO rurmalnT*. LC NASurjUTIRRRS «>», HUGHE'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORCE m TRIP HAH Ells. Hammers of tho ivtii.nnn" &« tnvifltq firJor I Na.l, LIITT in fulll.lou. 3*K«>» It. Piiro * -a, *• ft “ •• ** SiiOl • " * :i, -i2 u*m •• i»w. •• 4 -15 ■) >• IKSiM •• ” VOO. •• 5 •• -5» ! - •• •• 4115 U •• " I,V«' *• h . •• 24 <143)1 - •• •£» sr> . K£F- Or>iPt« (‘•'Hi itcil IV.r pvtirnlari a.ljrea» MORRIS A COI.TAIir. PITTrfBITSOH. R* WKI.LS. KIDDLE ft CO., nO Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., MAT>u7ACTurr?.B or WHIPS, .THONGS' AND SWITCHES, tmiciYVdlciU'd feciu Il.nlrn-10, and |.ri.!U|ill j «Ui| ■ |M>d as |rt>r uistmrtious ' * Tsai is —Crcuulln, •>! per ccul. ducnunlX-r <«sii. «e2i:lyd±wS JOS. F. HAMILTON JaT t BAMUKL BILAJDI^IC U.\xa LI.M, (Ucluw tho St Clair Strecl Bridge;) AUogheny City, Pe'iina., MiNcrAcrnita or -r miAUI.KV’S WOOLEN SNITTIM VAKN, Of orory Color AnJ , 'NumT)*r. TS PREPARED TO PILL ORDERS ON J short tutiro for er«ry color or tramUir of • Tarns. liar* ug U*q one of Ilia original tuanufurturcra of the celebr*. ed ‘•Brodloj Wc blieep Skins and Wool Je2»:ljd wnutv Bsarmu-t , _i*atn at. eausu WILLIAM BARNHILL ft 00., 01 Peunst., below Marlnwy*, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAM BOILER SHEET Iron Workers, Manufacturers -arf 'Bamhlll’s Patent Bnilpr, Flued Mid Cylinder Boilers, Cbluiueya, Drekluiu, rjrt> ik'd, Strain Plpas, Condenser*, Salt, Pans. -Sngar Pins, Iron Yawls, Life Bouts, etc. Also, Dloctsmlths -Work, Bridge and Viaduct Irons, dona at tho shortest n» Uco. >AII orders from aaflstiinre promptly attended to Je22 • P|Hi(.CUtonJ>UUs, Pittsburgh, Kennedy, cHiu>s*i co., manufac TCREII9 of— Penn A No. 1 Sheetings; * Carpet Clininof all colon sod stnnh-T CcttonTtflnr: ' “ B*tijOHnfs; •• Plongul.ions and J'.-tah C-.id; “ Bopo of all elzrs and drsaiptii.Uß, Batting. ftyOrd'.-rs left at tbs Hardware 9Wire of Ihgati. WtHoa A C0.,*131 Wood street, jrill bgT«»Ueiitlon- jelS.ly - JAMBS IRWIN, '* rx ' MA N C,V AOTU R E K OP ETHER; Sulphuric Acid; SwsotiMrlttof Nitre: Nitric Acid; 1 Ifoftnmn*B Anodyne: Muriatic Acid, Amtco&lu, FTP; Nitrous do < Fowler’s Solution; rey^ 3 o rraatx s. a. jouaso.t «« 4.u..riu*. PEIUUN ft JOIIVSON, MA.N'UFACTUKKRS AND DEALERS IN WE. CHILQS& GO'S PATENT EI.AS • TIC FIRK AND WATKIt-ViIOOP “T'P.MKNT ROOFING. 133Thiad fraaci, Pittsboryh, P*. ..i-ll dtt ~rr” j HUM, WARREN ft I'O.V MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS LN WXUKEN’S IMEKOVED FIRK ANI) . Y.Y Water-Proof Composition Roof* and Ib-itlng Ma larial*. » tfr-Q fflee—it Filth street. • DANTKL"BBNNIfITT~ ‘ - Manufacturer of fanui'cokoh- KD Ironstone Ware, yocfcingUam and Yeilcw Warn. Ac. Office at itie Manufactory, ronrr of Washington arul Franklin street*, liiriuinyhnur, opporiu Pittsburgh, Pa. tnrlftdly* -i.'iis i> U(D|U ; Culon KonaurTei'. t MITCHELL, lIKKRON A CO. WILL CONTINUE TIIE BUSINESS OF 'tin* Uni. m Foundry, at the old stand i>r PI’.NNQCK, MITCHELL ft CO. No id Liberty «i They will moiititv. Mr.., m iL«nal. a lari;e ainl «tio.«la* fc>rtmcut«i CA>TIV».-‘. ooui-ri'liig Cuokiug Si'iuta, UangcA ami Slide ihen-i, <>vriry. a y/> I'akujii nro\’E*. MANTLE ale KITCHEN OKATES, Hollow Wart, IVagon Bpxts, Dog Irons, 9AD IKONS, TEA I'J.siWS A PLOW POINTP, Mill ami Machinery Casting (ir:nemlly. And UA-Und WAVKU PIPL J of all *iy«s tLO, WOV A VP .v. 4 TJ.S OF TITK best bbaxbs\ Shovels, Spaces, Picks, &c.,_ All -r *rhi. h a ill I lul.l ai manufacturers’ J.iU-'s n>r~ ty _ WILLIAM TATK, PLU.MLKL AND CAS FITTER, ;No. 10 Ponrlli fcir.*'-l, near.Ldwrty,fcrwl 4T*J Peon «treet, pell d.—r t.i Ahlerntni. iWUiina'* oduo-.nnd r<»lorn) at , new Ij«i .
:il-tf li.uc»Mat Ic Tile Floor, tfur Ctiuivbi-*. Uulls, Colir-i *alol In, Vriljbulea and StOTft ALFRED ENGLAND, Sil»* Agent. TUB ORIGINAL PATENTEES, Messrs Mmlvii i I’u., Lutuluii, tin! M«*in. MilUf A Ciules, Now York, tor I'ilMmu-kli anil ilia \\V»t All work in * aiylr I’Una, Dr»wt*)i* and ran t« w«iu at No 'd Yotn-tli alrw-t, naar Lib> art/. , nulll/J JOHN CAMPUBU. •- Ma n u f a c t ij k k r of BOOTS It* MHIM|.HNjr f rvfT .IrnerljAii.i,. No rj SmltblLld ttroat, ntuharyh. Va orairlyii f nsutancr agents, IVi'E <1 CMIAFFEE Agent* Neptune lusur c« . lAfiiyatltflfAli, eli»rl R FINNEY, Agent Kurrka lii*uni. noCo.. • >••• VYaioi A A. i';\ll Kli; It, SKCKE’i Alt V . l',M„,lHna luiuian.e IM I.' •>< *rt.. Juum' (loil ii;./, 1....ri1i .in-* I -.. ... mV fw&-n tr**" ' v l %t&- •K'i' \i Stf-H'T- v-*' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. |lif(sl)uvg|; (gazette. PUBLISHED DAILY W> WEEKLY BY a. ridd ts-B free. piyauDta'tfeiarktljr require*!, buJ uu p*. per will lx> eeut eft*r tto-time lt«j< to which it wat paid. Hale* .ofMft^rerttaliiv. I Bqnir* of fo llnia, 1 - _ 1 •* '* “ * « ...1 1 ** " “ 3'* ........... «... \OO I « “ “ lTi i “ •* *• 2 r ioo I “ “ “ 3 •» ...U 400 1 ** “ 44 1 month U uu l u .. u .« .. ... - l ** “ “ 3 “ 000 1 *' “ “ 4 « ... Jl» 0.) 1 “ u M 6 « V , w 1 “ “ “ li .-* ..i. - .20 00 .yMrlr^TerUcertArtaßtllMt^oDokioartsclinug »bWkr pleware, per 25 00 price. Tire -Latest and wobVt TTumj Kansas.—The commissioners appoiated.by the Legislature lo examines the poll-boOka returned by the judges of’the election from the ’ Klcfcapoo and other precincts In this county, ate in session in this city. The board is composed Of gentlemen well known for their intelligence and strict moral worth; and, although identified with one or the other of tho politicalparliep; yetlbey are such men as will not violate thej^aUiwhich they have taken, for the temporary of permanent success of' the party to which they belong. They will )>c governed by the testimony given before them under oath (which we ptjhllxh from day to (lay,) and from that teslimony-'they will make (heir report. . The first witness tuiL-J Dr. Morris, a gen tleman well known whose veracity cannot he «yaeaUunrJ. ;ffe (testified to what he saw. .-Uis-JgsiimouyJa xoxrobor&ted by J. C. .'Vaughn, Esq.. J. M.DiekkQOfEsq., Adam Fisher, ajid S'niimber oys toting} the same men voting twee, thrice, and in one instate a dozen time*. Mr. Calvert (noting county' Recorder) personating Mi.-hoel Stokes, Esq,■ •and. .tfpnfVankHn, one of the judge*, (aod a clerk In ibe'Kneorder’s office, ) a boon companion of Calvert’s* calling out to the clerks an he received vote. “Michael Stokes"' and Mr. Calvert, glirylng in the name of Michael Stokes/’ repliek. "Yes, Michael Stokes. " This same gentleman, Mr. James Madison Calvert Michael Stokes was a judge of the election last October at tbe Kickapoo pre cinct, and informed us a fewdays after the elec tion, when the cry of fraud was raised, "that if any fraud was committed at that precinct, be didn’t know it." Bui the richest thing in the poll-books. There we find recorded the nameaof Wnu H Seward. Thus. 11. Ucnum, Edwin Forrest, Horace Gree ley, Junes Buchanan, John C. Fremont, Millard Fillmore, Stephen A. Douglas, and quite u num ber of distinguished gentlemen Who arc recorded as voting there ou tho 2lst daybf December last, swelling the list of voting to;the number of one t'lousand and when in reality there are not over four hundred legal roles m the precinct. Vie arc glad that this commission has been crc ;»!**.l ii> examine ioto the frauds that have been perj.hrated, it will throw the responsibility on thr proper partipH There will be no go-betweens; ihr real guilty ones will be brought to the bar of justice, or. to escape this, will flee the country. We hear of gTeat anxiety .expressed by parties who ure near by in a neighboring State. There arc more persop^flulteringl^ja Calhoun. This commission is a Tceurre«tor'%y the buried; and they will go deep and bring tFftll to tho surface. / - ■l’-un'jrli- Dad y Ledger, Jan. 22. K*x**j..--Tbe Tennessee Legislature has, by a v.ite of d 2 lo o“,rejected resolutions request ing the Congressmen from that State (o vote for the admission of Kansas, with the Lecompton constitution. A man named Campbell, one of the election officers at Oxford, whose name waj •dgned' to the fraudulent return from Oxford, was arrested, and taken to Lawrence, bnt on being arraigned for being concerned in the fraud, he proved that he did not sign his name to the returns. The whole-paper, votes, signa tares and all, was a forgery, and yet Calhoun counted the votes as lcgaL, The pro-slavery man. Stofer, recently shot *near IVyandoUe, is oue of the Senators from Leavenworth, fraudu lently counted in by Calhoun. Jock Hender son, who wan iit Custody at Lawrence on a charge of perpetrating election taken from the hands of the She a U. H. Marshal, in the middle c ii writ of hahfat rorjms, serW buJy of t’. S. dragoon*. into Missouri, and ba.« not r«*. t * - i A Northers editor, referring to the late ex plosion on the Ohio, thinks it “no great wonder that anything bearing the noma of Fanny Fern should explode.” Has be ever been blown up by anything bearing that name ?— Lou. Jotrr. Economy.— When John C. Calhoun was Secre tary of War, the expenses of the Amy were re duced to two hundred and seventy-three dollars por mao, per annum. Coder the present extrav agant -Administration it costs ns over a thousand dollars each soldier. Colonel Inglis, whoso defense of Lacknow is likely to rank among the most memorable in stances of gallantry, is a son of the late Right Rev. Dr. John Inglis, bishop of Nova Scotia. AgeDU Wanted! New £ra in American Art. JUST ISSUED, an 'Oil-Color Portrait of lIKNBY CLAY, Printed Jron Steel Plate in 12 Oil Cat ..pi. Tlila Picture, prepared at great cost and labor, by an important Improvement In Art'Printing, ie offered to the , people of tbe united Slates, aa a worthy memorial of their miiurnt Statesman and Patriot, by the Publiiher, J. 11. BYRAM. Bulletin Building, Philadelphia. The fallowing are a few of tho many commendation* tide Picture baa received from the pres: From Peterson's Magazine. "That so floe a Picture, equal ns it li In finish t-> l.ondoo C..|..r Prluts, which have been *>M here for flve aud *»is dollar*,could be produced for tbe (rifling turn of Ofly rebr*, I* certainly an astonishing evidence of Adlerian progress in Art color printing,and must, we think, reqnlr ■ au linni»u*o •ala to bo at all nunuaeratlve." "Ur. Byram ha* prodoced a Portrait of the immortal CLAY, printed In colon, thsthasall the meritof a painting and a* a work of Art will bear the moot critical examlna-, tiuM. Tbe likeness of the great Stuteetuan U perfect.” From the Philadelphia Snndaj Dispatch. Mr. J. If. Byram ha* brooglit out a Portrait »f Houry Clay, printed in colon, which, if we had not Men aiutired otherwise, we should hava supposed to boa painting. It paucurs all the brilliancy of hue and softness of shad* of a tine water-color portrait. The Hk-otMJof ‘Harry »f the West' i« excellent." “dodging by thj* production, Art-printing baa made an Important step toward* perfection. The picture la not only artistic in floUh and arrangement ef color, but ie valuable as a spirited likeness. Being sold at the low price of fifty cents, till* portrait mnet soon tw-romo a favorite, and be lrea*uteiia< a most fitting and beautiful memorial by the American people. Single copies vent post paid fur 50 cent*. To Agent* a very liberal discount. jaltrtrlmF • Oil THE BLAIRSVILI.E BRANCH OF the Central Pennsylvania Railroad. Itsv. 8. 11. fihepley, Proprieterand Principal; Mrs, P. P. Sbeph-y, Principal; *lx«xcellentTeachera. COURSE OF EDUCATION, Thorough and oyatemaUc, embracing every branch of an ac complished Female Education. Accommodations for seventy Boarding scholar*—two iu a room Boardt-rn, Including Tuition, per *c*ai»u o( tire mouths, $OO. For luftmmrntal Music, Drawing, Painting and Mod ern Language*, moderate charges. Tbe next aewlon will rotsctenco May.“l. C«tal.t err, at rates a* ow a* l« omsl.ienf with uC-ly. David NrucXLKl. Sec'y. Paper boxes. CHARLES BUCKLEY, MANUFACTUB nr, renter of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, l*a. Hat, Cap and Bonnet Box«-« Jrwidry and Prescription box e*. All kind* of Paper lb-xa* made to order N. U—At Kaclern price. seS&lywF HtNXV BOCXXTOCX ADAM AllMOtt Lebanon Nursery. UOCKSTOCE * AMMON, I NVITE TII E ATTENTION OF I the public to their large and varied assortment .daE liuit Trees, Shrubbery, Eveivreens,Plants,Ac. Nursery Uruimd f.. leYl>.lywT:Cßr Allegheny county. Hr, PRUNING TOOLS.—SaWsp Knives, Chis els, aud all Varieties of Pruning Instrument* for tbe garden or orchards. Jo2B:Stw«F JAMPJS WARDROP-fl Metropolitan Gift BVok Btore. UO\rv SAVED INBCYINO lt(>OKs OX THE ANY [terson sending on order for ten Bo>ka will receive a D->ok ana Gift extra. Every eflbrt will tw made u give satUfkctlou tdtbovs who may ocor us with their Jwder*. BUI* of all Solvent Bank* taken at par. C*4- stogua* •>( Rouks aent to any address. - JOHN ft. ANDREWS. 1«0 Nassau etrerl. d-" :'4nwvV (Near tho City Hall.) New York LEAS ±, nARBH» DA .VK£RS A.SD LAUD AOKHTS, DE3 UOINKS, IOWA, WILL BUY ANT) SELL EASTERN Kxchangv tad Land Winulii select and enter land with mli or warrants, pajr mm, inrest moooy, mike rnl> and attend to legal ItnalDea* generally. ALSO, L S A 8 4 HARSH uniu ASDUuro unm, minwomnn, iltma One of the partner* has located (u LeaTuowortk City, and will transact all btulnea connected with the Backlog aud Kvml Latate Uuiurw. for a tew month* vrt correspondent* will addteet ns at Dm Moinea. VT L. Oilman, BO BcwTtf street, Mew York; Beiger, lAtab A Philadelphia; James, Kent k Santee, do; Lefevre A Serrlllt do; Drexoll k C• mrrr /Hisccllantous. From the Pemisylvanlsn. Frotn Graham's Magazine. -Equal to flOe lyindou Prints sold here for $0 and ST. From tbe Pennsylvania Enquirer. Blatravllle Female Seminary. Onict— SGU. • VOLUME LXXI-—NUMBER 147. JFot Salr. Farm for Sale. .. THE ANDERSON FARM, 2J miles® above the Depot, at New Brighton, Beaver Pa. on biock llouao Hun, rontaiDlog 103 acre* of eXceUaut land, every acre of which la tillable, and 95 of which I* un der cultivation. . There an IS acres of good timber, SQtcre* In rraseand pasture, and an abundanceof coal. There ban Orchard ol grafted fruit tree*. In almost every field there U a spring water. The improvement* consist ot a new frame Dwelling, at tached to a weather-boarded log, a small tenant bouse and a Urge frame Barn, to by 30 fieeL This choice farm is in a high state of cultivation, fence* good, and in a respectable neighborhood, oonvcnlentito cburrhM, schools. For terms, enquire at THIS OFFICE, or of Jal2-dAwtfT J. ANDERSON. New Brighton. Pa. Ohio Land fox Sole. THE subscriber offers for sale section ten, township 12, range 10, Bfark county, Ohio, commonly known as "Bowman’s Section," containing 640 acre*. It is situated three miles west of Massillon, on tgSotate Road leading to Wooster, and within about two mile* of the Pitts burgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. The south, east and north-east quarter* ar* partly cleared and Improved— the remainder Is covered with superior timber—and tbe whole b well watered by spring* and running *treama.— This section is considered the finest body ot land tn the coonly. It will be sold undivided or in quarter* to suit turchasers. To those who desire to Invest in real estate a etler opportunity la rarely offered. J. B. AWEITZER, Nn. 101 4th street. Pittsburgh. oc2o:dswtfT Land for Sale. FOR SALE CHEAP, ISO acres.of.Land in Marathon county, Wisconsin, near Marathon Cltv. Apply to Rot. C. MACRKADINti, fritlwdb Milwankin, Wisconsin. FOR SALE-At Jackman’s LrveryfT\_— Stable a fiue bay FAMILY UORSK, sound reliable Iu ererT respect. LEWIS A EDOKRTON, JaP 107 Wood street VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK.—-The undersigned oflera Ibr sato on favorable term*, a large number of building lota In the Bth Ward of the city. The lota front on Pennsylvania A venae, Wataon, Forbes, Locust, Maria, Vlcroy and filnff atrreu, are but a fbw minatea wait from the Court Homo and will bo told very cheap. Persona desirous of securing a convenient and healthy location fur a hunee, or wUhing to purchase for speculation, ta a part of the city which must couUnueiteadU y to improve will find (t to their advantage to call upon the subscriber. - C. MAGEE, Att’y at Law, myghtf No.loi.finh etn»l FOB SALK—One Barge with two how?, 130 feet Eed, 22feet Beam, {feet Hold, bottois Plank 3 ruches, well (attorn'd and everything of the best material and workmanship. Also one Keel Boat, 110 feet Reel, 44 Inebeo Deep and Cii feet whla, enquire of WATT A WILSON. Ja2o 208 Liberty street. COAL LANb roil SALE.—The undersign ed offers for sala ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY ACHES of COAL LAND, •ttnatfdon the tint pool, doe of tbenmit deiinib'i* location! ob the Moooagahelft rirer. The attention of Iron men, Coal men, and capitalist* ts directed to this property, as It U believed the opportunity fur profitable investment iinchutinot often presented. The termi #ie easy. full particular* may be obtained by letter or otherwise, by enquiring of AUSTIN LOOillS A CO., Stock and Note Broken, _ap3 ■ . _ No. 93 Fourth Street. STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO-, AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE EVERT THURSDAY EVENING.—Bank, Bridge, Insurance and Copper Slock, Bond and Beal fcstato eobl at public ml* at the Merchants' Exchange by AUSTIN LOOMIS & 00. Notea, Drafts and U an As sembly la held weekly for practice In debate, and arqulrisg a knowledge of partlamentary law and proceedings. Student# may enter the School in any stage of their pro fiwrional studies or mercantile pursuits, and at the com mencement of either term, or In the middle, or other part of a term. Thev ars at liberty to elect what atndlea they -will ponur, •AfTqdlng to their view of their own want# and attainment#. " ’• ••• commence# on Thursday, six. Musical. fffllPlANOS.fffHl FULL GRAND PIANO S. THE PAKLOR GRANDN>IAN < ) S Jlrto Sfglr Spate pianos. From the Manufoctory of Chiokerinsr Ss Sons, Boston, JUST received from tlie Manufactory Chkkcriuj: k Soot, Beaton, fits following desirobl* ana elegant atock of Piano Fortes: One-Full ScTen Octave GRAND PIANO FORTE, with superbly carved cue. Price f One Full Boms PIANO FORTE; <-le rant Rosewood cue. Price One NEW PARLOBORAND WSVKN OCTAVE PIANO, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, yet occupy lagonly-the room of an ordinary Sqnare Piano— Pric0.~.~....~.-.. cos* SQUARE PIANOS. Two Fall Carved Kosewoed Louis. XlVtb S«-ren- uu Piano*, with carved desk and Get work. Two Rosewood 7 Octave, CUflbrd style. * Two do 7 “ Car Ted moutdlogs. Foar do 7 “ Plain round corner a Three Walnut 7 “ . Froot round corners. Four do “ Front round, corner*. Puw Rosewood 6}*, “ Front round corner*, filths aboveareof the new scats,and with fall. Iron Frames, and now Paxzxt Actios. These instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and are the first thatisave bwu Drought to thl» city. Thetr superiority wUI Ufat once discovered by any ouoacqualnted with th* mechanism of * Piano Forte. / For sale at the new and reduced price list by JOIIN 11. ■JJELLOR. No. 81 Wood Slroet sefcdawP Sole A| ent for Chick: T>RINC£ & CO'S IMPBOVED*£&h— JL PATENT UIILODEONB.—Tbe EdaLllshnmt in the Unifrd Slatrt and tAr*l ® V I* Larprst in Die Bbrf d. The latest Improvement in our Ueindnta is the DIVIDED SWELL, Secured to us by Letters Patent, 22d May, 18i6. By mean s oftblsswellTStfe/tossiMesmay lie played with the full pow •roftbe Instrument, while toe accompaniment is soft and subdued. Uereafter, all Melodeons onuJe by an will be fur nislied with this attachment without sxTxa cnaaoß. Agents fur the sale of our MelodieoDs may be found tu aU the principal cities end towns of the United Stales and tin Canada*. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO, Buffalo, and 87 Fulton street. New Turk CQARLOTTE BLUME, MR Wood street, 2ddoue above Fifth, delB Manufacturers Agent. gUPK RB GRAND PIAAO^^^^I From theFfttlorj of STEiyiVAY «f soys, Xno York Kl. & DRO>i take plauara ill atmonor in« to th» public tbat they haTeJust reoelvnl a SPLENDID FULL GRAND PIANO, From the Factory of bTKDTWAY k 80N8, New for exquisite sweetness and volume of to do, lightuen* and elasticity of touch, and a moat tasteful and elegant exterior is considered tbe/In/rf Grand Piano ever brought to, tbl» city. The mechanism ii a double repeating action, a patent edlnvoMloa of fiteioway A Sons, which combine* with the utmost promptness and delicacy of touch a degree of Uuru blUty but rarely attained. We respectfully invite the pub lic, ono and all, whether purchasers nr not, to call and so* this unrivalled Instrument. 11. KI.EBKit A DIIO~ No. &3 Fifth street. Sole Aet» for Steinuuv & Sons. N.B.—Also, jtut received a fresh lot of Nunns A Clark’s Pianos. . ds!4 CHEAP PIANOS TO CLOSE^c«a— A CONSIGNMENT.—A superb wood 7 octara Piano, with foil Iron Frame,! | ffr i.f I carred Music Detli and Mouldings; themaanfUcUiturr price in New York bofngftOO, will be sold to elre« a consfc&iarnt for $2OO. Also, a Rosewood 6% octave, “round corners, and sliding desk; a very elegant Fiance the New York factory prices3io, will be Bold aa above at $SBb. »•; The above are the net cash prims, In par money, and will be boxed for shipping free of chars** Also, a good second hand Plano, with Iron frame, fl oclav*. In good order. Cub, current funds, $lOO. A. Mahogany 0 octave, modern Style Plano, an exrellsn InKrumouL. Cash, curreut foods, A six octavo second hand Baltimore Piano, sso. Ado do do do Philadelphia do f IS. dn Piano, very handsome and nearly new. on X and 0 months credit, $220. Tor sale, together with a splendid stock of new PUno« of all styles from the msouCactury of Cblckerlng k Sous, hot* ton, by nofl JOHN 11. MF.LLOJL SI W.«d it. iStscfllanrous. '4)i NORMAL CLASS. The second session ok toe nor mal CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Under lb© direction of BURTT, Principal ot the Ffth Ward Public Schools, will commenre On Soaday.Lvcnlng, February lat. The Class wUI meet on MONDAY and TfIORhDAY EVE NT-NOS, and SATURDAY MORNING of each week. t3.Term>, per Session of Sixteen Lewonsc JaSB JJ. WOODS’ PEAEL STAilCUioMtant • ly on lumd and for sale by the undersigned. Fami lies may be assured that this superior starch will be found equal to any of the more expensive forma of Corn Starch In nan, for making delicate Blanc Mange, Puddings, or £dce. Be particular to enquire for ‘•Wood* 1 pearl Starch. A. 4. HARDY, an!4 corner First and Ferry street*. LEDGERS, Journals, Day Uooltß, Cash Cooks, luvolce Books, Order Books and Dockem for sale and made to order by W. 8, HAVEN, I*lB BlanJrMnnofactnrer, comer Market and Second st*. orriMEU j-j •k Sons. Boston