The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 05, 1858, Image 3

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    Ijittslmrgj) ...©ajeite.
News of the City and Neighborhood.
The Firemen's Association held a meeting lasi
evening at Neptune Hall..
. In the absence of the President, D. M’Curdy,
Eflq.» Was chosen President pro tempore. lie
stated that the meeting was called to take action
in regoru to the proposed reduction by Councils
of the annual appropriation to tire companies
from S4OO to S2OO. /rS
B. C. Sawyer made some remarks, alleging
that even the S4OO appropriated was inadequate
to meet the wants of. the companies, and that
bcuginfe committees had to be appointed to pro
cure the annual deficiency. On his motion, a
committee of fire, consisting of Messrs. Sawyer,
Hays, CoUingwood, Little and Gregg, was ap
pointed to draft appropriate reajrtutiong.
They reported resolutions, whifch were adopt
ed, and will be laid before Councils, respectful
ly but earnestly remonstrating against the pro
posed reduction.
J. Brown, Secretary of the Association, hand
ed in liis resignation of that office, which was
accepted, and G. W. Leonard was chosen to fill
tlio vacancy.
‘‘Mysterious” Disappearance.—Terrible
State of Affairs. — Ou ! —lt will be remember
ed, I 'perhaps, if any one read it, that a tragical
event was described as having occurred some
whbrein the neighborhood of this city a couple
of weeks sinco.
IYo clip the following from .the Washington
CoimaontPcaUh :
ilysterioui+Disapptarance. —Under this head
ing some of* the Pittsburgh papers publish a
story about certain parties residing aL Bower
Hill in-Uds connty, in which one man is said to
li&yo secured Mae affections of anotbeHs-wife or
mistress, and then to have etartedthe story that
the woman's first husband or loTer had left for
Philadelphia, while the supposition is that he
has,been made way with. We have been unable
to ascertain any facts warranting tho story, and
therefore refrain from giving it as published In
(be Pittsburgh tpapers.
Tub Lrcrcnr —Mrrßradford had a fine house
to hear his lect ire in Allegheny last evening.—
We were informed by a friend—pressing bosi
ness, engagements preventing us from being
present—that It e address of the Reverend gen
tleman was exceedingly interesting, as we can
readily believe to bo the case from what we
know of the rat n and from the nature of the
subject which be had to discuss. The fullness
and frankness with which he approaches and |
dissects all matters he lrf\., aro refreshing.
He follqws.the truth wherever it may lead, fear
less of the consequences. We are glad that the
Ladies’ Benevolent Society was bo fortunate as
to procure the services of such a champion of
the right.
John Calhoun and “Specky"
Henderson, the leading Haiiot-box atuffera and
returns to Ills Excellency James
Buohpiian iaTTis proconsulate of Kansas, passed
through this city yesterday on some high "em
prise,” m route for Washington. If these
two rascals had their dues they would be safely
under lock aud key in some Kansas prison. As
it is "however, they are called to counsel and
advise wtlli the President, and are hurrying on
te Washington to aid him in the immineutstrag
glo -to crush the rights of Lhe people. They
stopped in Pittsburgh only long enough to
change cars! a
We learn that, on Wednesday night, the dwel
lings of Messrs. J. K. and Max Moorhead, in the
{Seventh ward, were entered by a man residlog
ia the neighborhood, and a number of articles,
such as shawls, coats, work-boxes, Ac., taken
thorv. f r°i n - An employee of Mr. J. K. Moorhead
discovered the man, and, after a short chase, ar
rested hi'u>. Yesterday morning, he was brought
before Ma/or Weaver for a bearing; but, on some
of his friemin slating that he was drank at the
time of committing the offence, and that it was
known to have been guilty
Of stich 8n act,- Ibt?-. prosecution w 33 withheld,
and the prisoner released.
Ball.— The German young-gentlemen of this
city were present with their.ladies last evening
at Lafayette Hull, where grand ball cS3>e off.
It is called tho Lcsovmns, Reading
Ball. These young men hove a library of some
15Q0j»Iufl>es of. French, or German and English
authors in their rooms over“lKb"musJ<f store of
Mrf.Klebor, and there their
leisure fn reading and conversation. Last-eve
ning vyas a sort of celebration'which they made
a very joyous occasion in tho manner above in
timated. Every thing passed off with the great
cat propriety. We are indebted to tho man
agers for a complimentary ticket to the BalL
Tuc watchmea who nftbbcJ in
the street, a few -nights since, as they w£re going
home making no other disturbance than singing
‘•Wllllo brew’d a jteck &* maut,’
bnrc just been struggling in a sea of troubles
ovar.Mrtfe We are "in formed that two addition
al informat\cmß^j»>«'taaiieji gainst them jester*
.day' Those of the original band of ihe gu&rtli*aa
of the night are like sheep withont a shepherd
—tone has left town, one is in jail and several
others nre under bonds to appear for trial.
.CoanEirr It.- The new Cyclopedia of the Ap-
has OQC mistake in it at least, which it
would bo well to correct at once, lest people
may think it is a token of other* It says:—
‘ t Aj.tragy-* r Cur, on important manufactur
ing town'in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, on the
ofiht 'Jlonmgahtla, opposite the junction
Allegheny, Ohio and Birmingham rivers.”
We H7C discovered one or two other slight ge
■.graphicalllo4*™ in il -
' There is a moSl" cnt mßtiog in Allegheny
City to cataUuh aai? Savings Bank there. A
meeting hna been held iirv?h 1° E ct fhe project
! into some shape. Capt. W. VT. t.-i*’ ll eras call*
i ed to tho Chair and tbo object of the
effected by aj pointing a Board of Commissioners"
to take etock subscriptions. The following gen
tlemen were appointed: Capt. H. M. Dunlap,
Alfred Slack, Vi. A. Pi*ed, C. P. Whiston and
w W. P. E»chbat;ra.
FrBB.«»On Wednesday, about 1 o'clock, P. M
the children of Mr. Haggerty, who resides on
- iho bank of tho Monongahcla River, opposite
Brllevernon, while playing' in a second story
room, accidentally set fire to the .curtains of a
bedja the room. The flames with such
TmpVdity that tho building, withitVconLents, was
sooir a smouldering" ruin, the family barely es
* caping with their lives. '
These is now, living in Burnside, Pennsylva
nia, a Mr. Ludwick Snyder, one hundred and
eleven years'old. HU wife, Jane, is one hon
ored and" seven years old. The date of their
is not-given ; bat supposing that Lud
wtek waa twem y one years old at that distant
epoch k ßve been living together as man
•andwife J'Uiety-tiroyears.-rCArw. Reg.
0» SalnrdK V evening a yonng man by the
umbo of employed u baggage mao-
Sres arrested STihe Jcpot to Hartford, uprat the
arriral'af Iho train frorv ProTjdence, on a charge
of rohhing tho mails. The proof against him
geem* to bo conclusive.
“**?esiog at Ur. Swift’s
% *«»to do doubt
-w the
Tm: Oiutoeio w
jel” is to be performed this*.
cbo»’ eh » Allegheny. We hope ana ..
■there F>U be a large audience, aa we kn v .
public to > anxious lo hear this production oi
American genius. Remember the boot, also,
ye lows of musie, and do not fail to hear “Dan
,--i Bonos.—The money article of" the Philadel
phia Ledger, of Wednesday, is mostly a discus
sion of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny railway
It says that *'a suit- b pending, which,
V’. "'uectcd, wfll soon be prosecuted t<i judg
it“ js e- -wiajog the liability of its authorities
?: Terr ™ «* '»•««*
on its bonds.” .
o-i Sunday, Janunry 24th, a new Evangelical
Li.ll.cran Church woe consecrated to “■«'ervioe
of Almighty God in Mon. our county, Pa. The
church clifico la 35 by 15, built of tmek, and
■Bill scat nbont 350 persons, and by a little
crowding it uIH ecot 100-
A lively inures, is manifested among the
Democracy of Hollidaysburg relative to the Poal
Office there, as we learn from the papers. They
aav that there is much quaking and shivering
about the position it *lll bo necessary to take, -
as there is in this city.
The Lohdon Books, to be sold on the second
floor of Davis’ new auction Building, 10-morrow
evening, are now arranged for examination. It
isl by far the most valuable collection of ran,
curious, and recherche Books ever offered in this
city. Pamphlet'catalogues can be,obtained at
the Rooms.
The nature and "accuracy of Mrs.- Mansfield's
examination'of^’lnvalids and theboeisand euc-
her treatmentis attracting muchattention,
being, in some- circles, a prominent topic of
conversation. j
A Nkw Likotehast-Coloski., —A cdmmlsaoa
was received a day or two. since, from
burg, appointing James. D. Cotien, Esq., an A»
to the Qcrrcroor,-with' the rank of, Lieutenant-
Colonel. ‘ • i- -i 1 ' i
~ The ’ Allegheny:OonhciU hoidtjhrtr ngnhij:
... '-rtt oveijina.
District Court—Before Judge Williams.
The ease of Linn Brown, for the loss of a
boat loaded with coke, of which we gave an ab
stract on Tuesday, was concluded on Wednes
day, the jary giving a verdict for plaintiff for
John Aigeo A Co. vs. the Merchant’s Insu
rance Company of Philadelphia. The jury re
turned a verdict for the plaintiffs for $1,600 in
each case.
William A. McClurg rs. Washington McClin
tock, garnishee of James H. Crane. Plaintiff
called, and judgment of non-suit entered.
Wm. K. Nimlck A Co. vs. Alex. Bradley, gar
niahoo of Brown A Losey. Plaintiff called, and
judgment of non-suit entered.
Anniversary of the Iron City Colley* -w City
Hall this night. —A large and select company of
the friends and students of this Institution in
tend to have ono of their celebrated re-union
this .evening. The most, ample arrangements
sre made for Lhe entertainment of all. See ad
Railroad Accident.— Tho upward hound
train on the P. A C. R. R. on Monday morning,
as it approached Shanghai, struck a man named
Harrison Daniels in the side, inflicting au in
jury from which it is supposed be will never
Military Convention.—A Convention will
be held next Wednesday, in Wilkins’ Hall, by
those interested in the matter, to take into con
sideration the advisability of & ebunge in the
present militia laws, and a change in tbe volun
teer system.
Sales of Stocks. — The following Stock? were
sold at the Merchants’ Exchango last evening
by Messrs. Austin Loomis & Co:
13 shares Mechanics’ Bank at $6l 01)
30 do Iron City Bank at 24 60
The Kittanning Baok shows an accuunt of
assets equal to $34,640 71, and liabilities
amounting to $8,410 00. A very “sound condi
Tue name and site of Lhe postoffice at Anan
dale, Butler county, ha 9 been changed to Utena,
and John Wigton appointed Postmaster in the
room of Hiram C. M’Coy, superseded.
We are indobted to the Superintendeui of
Common Schools, Mr. nickok, for a copy of tbe
Annual Report, from each county in the State.
Also, for Mr. H.’s report on the samesabject.
Tbe Allegheny Bank.— A petition is on foot
among the Stockholders of the Allegheny Bank
to have it removed to Pittsburgh, and has ob
tained a good many signatures.
Two young lads were committed to the House
of Refuge, Wednesday, by Mayor Siuckrath.
StnvEP bin Right.—Simouds, of Si. Louis, who
made and sold a counterfeit of Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral, has been placed within tbe narrow limits that
•honld catch all scoundrels. Imprisonment, though
it be for years, can scarcely punish enough tbe heart,
loss villain who could execute such an imposition
upon the sick. Tbe wicked rascal who for paltry
gain could thus trifle with thS health and life of his
fellow man—take from his lips the cup of hope while
sinking, and substitute an utter delusion and cheat,
would falter at no crime, and should be spared no
Duoishaenr. Some of his trash is still extant ia tbe
West, and purchasers should be wnrv of whom thev
i-UT -—O-iwtte, Utirn, .V. )'. .
ARnrvAL of Silver.—Twenty-one tone <d ingota
of silver arrived at tbe U. S. Mint, yesterday, from
New Orleans. This, when coined into money, will
make eight hundred thousand dollars, a pretty able,
bodied "pile,” ond sufficient to ciotbo on army of
civilians at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rock*
hill A Wilson, Nos. 003 aod 005 Che.«tnnt ftrwet,
shove Sixth, Philadelphia. ;
Highly perfomed. Sure cure and prevcntaiire- nf
Chapped Hands, Face and Lips, for sale at
comer Penn and St. Clair Street’
Dr.fileLeae’s Celebrated Liver Pills, m
fired sr Kuuusu Bao3-, or Pimacxmi.—The following is
s sample of certificates received daily from ourowu rliDens:
Niff Tost, August 1, IM2.
This Is tu certify Uist I have been subject it tituca tu •
vera headache; sometimes the pein wotild Ih* so severe I
could roat oetthsr day or night. Hearing of In M'l-stie'*
Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared—by Fleming bios., 1 -cat
sod got a box, of which I tool; two pills ou g»iug !-.• Is d, fur
two nights. They retiered vtf entirely. Some lima has
now elapsed sad 1 have bed no more trouble from sick
headache. M. JOHNSTON, lIS Lewis sUret
becereful to ask tor DR. 31’LA N E’d
BROS-, of Pittslmr-b. p*. There are oilur PHUnurporting
to be Liver PUR iw* btfur* tiu> puMic. Dr. sec
nine Liver FUR *i*-> hi., relubratc*! Vermifuge, con now l-e
tivl at ell r«s|»it*lal.R drrt< stores. A '*** penatn- u-i'thaut
DANCING A C A D ffi j\l Y •
Corner of Fourth and Liberty Stm
"VTEW CLASSES now forming fur Gentle-
VEN on Tueaday, Thursday aadHaiurday kvanioga,
for second quarter.
Now classes now forming for MIS3ES and Si ASTERS, on
Tneadays, Thursdays and thtfonlay* at 3 P. for »ocond
Naw prints dMM oow forming for LADIE9, ou Mon
days and Wednesday*, at 3 p. a., for oerond quarter,
PhOF. COWPBRwfU giro prlvatv lewotia at an) time
when not engaged by classes,
N B.—NoVilfo Rail for rent on Mondays. Wednesdays
and Friday. Apply to [frAlwd] FRuF. COWPER._
DR. BIJKLEIGII trill continue hia
and interesting experiments <m RECENT ELECTRI
CAL DISCOURSES, this cveolne, at tho North Hall of the*
Iron City Collage. Admission 15. cents. No hall price.
Door* open at Gjk. ex«rin** begin at-7 o'clock
Ncrxoc* Disease* may La rellaved hy Iba Doctor a
new anil improv-cd Magnetic Battery.
Office hoar* at tbo Hall,daily,'from & told (.« fril-lwdj
Fob. sth, '5B. Appropnafc Addressee, Ly good * posters.
Singing of original and select pieces, interspvrwd with
toasts and sentimenta, will compose a portion of the exer
cises of the evening. U. Klober A Bro. will furnish one of
Nnons and Clarke’s auparh Piano* lor the occa«h»n. Music
by Young's full Band. Refreshments by that prince of ca
terers fictieldeckcr. luclodod iu the cost of tickets.’
Tickets W l"! had only at the Collar© Hoorn*, which ad
mits a Gentleman andacsompanying Ladies. feF -
WILL be sung in the First Presbyterian
Church, Allegheny City,
Ticket# 25 sent*, to he had at ail the Book and Music
Btcraa In both cities, and at the Drugstore ofH. P Schwartz.
For the bensfit of the Ladles’ Benevolent Society and (he
SahhaUr School of the Find Presbyterian Church. JaSO dtd
IC HALL.—Lessoo and Sl&on'jr JOSEPH C. FOSTER-
Acting and Stag* JJonager, A. W. i
Aire ratjow or ‘iiw—Bonn open at ty- performanrsw
commence at 7 o'clock
Farewell liefieflf, and pcaitlrely last night but one of
the engagement of the eminent Irish Comedian nnd Vo
FRIDAY EVENING, Feb. 6th, 1658, will he performed
BLACK FORREST.—Deamond O’Roke, Mr. Gardiner
Coyoe; Frwierick IbeQreat, Mr. Harry lADgdon- Rosalie
Jolla M. Cooks.
Favorite Dance Mis* Rally Waidegrarv
After which, the farce of THE IRISH SF-CftETAßY.—Pad
dy Fitzgerald, Mr. Gardiner Coyne.
To conclnd* with the laughable exlravsgaax* of C'iYNE
Coyne: Jituaie, Mr A W‘Young. ■ „
. 43T*Ifefc£itl for tale at, the office ot too >7i]ton,
- wlitcu flmiu iaay.hajecurtd.
' pxict or ißtuasro*.
Buies ' 60c. | Private Box, large .
Second Tier 16c. Prlrato Box,'smell . V* o
Colored Gallery 23c. | Colored «oi r
Single BraU in Private Box, >l,om
Third and Last Night
Of the eogagement of the Greatest Artist of U»e Day'
’“'WNO, Feb. sth, will be present*-! ilia cd»
FRIDAY EV». .. tragedy of
brau. -
M B D. a"
Dance, Mlsa Julia Turnbn-.
To conclude with the ever popular Farce of the
X O O D L K S .
Tho “Plonsur Patriot" will be speedily prolocci*.
wsjnrrscTTßtu Aim pcitaaa nt
All kinds of Tototcco, gasflaad Cigars,
Have recently taken the building No. ISO Wood street, in
addition to their MauutacturingEstabllsbmeDl,No. iairwis
street, when they will be pleased to receive their fri«u<is,
apgrlydfe _
EARM FOR SALE.—Tho old Whittnkor
Farm b offered for sale, being situate-) ou the Wonon-
U river, about onemilo above the city Alms Ucnse.
oo*hundred and sixty acres, more c.r loss —form)
erly the property of Jams* Whittaker, dsemaed.
For particulars inquire of either of the full irw lii r *° n T
oc29n*taplcbrF JAfl. ANDERSON.
Metropolitan Gift Book more.
Rooks usually told at $1,25 for $l,OO.
A airr wirn sac a book,
' Worth from 25 cents to $OO.
A NY person sending an order for ten Books
A .111 £«lma B»* »n “fiin -in. Ertrr will
ra MtUfaetloe to those who may kvor us with
BUI. Otln Mrattot. l.k.n ■; [*-• C<-
J4O , m ,
arfKtawrr (*- ts=cit7ieoi,L^Jj!^_
"KTOTICE is hereby given that lettera of
lndebtedwfu plasse call arid make'
- Exchange Bank, Fifth
-.v;;; . ■ ,
lB7 Fourth stmt, Pittsburgh.
Washinoton Citt, Feb. 4.
Senate.—Mr. Jones presented a joint resolution
from the Legislature of lowa, instructing Senators
and requesting the Representative* of that State t.»
oppose the admission of Kansas inti* the Union un
der tbe Lecompton Constitution, for tbe reason that
the instrument has not been submitted to a fair and
honest vote of the people of the Territory, and re
questing tbe Senators tu resign if they cannot obey
"tbo foregoing instructions. Mr. Jones said be pre
sented tbe resolution as s matter of respect to his
■State, and not because bo had tbe most remote idea
of obeying the instructions. He believed that the
people of Kansas has had ample opportunities of
expressing their views at the ballot !>ox, and if they
refused to do so it w&« their own faplt. His ( ,tm
mind was made up !•' v->te fur the :<dmis<i<m ot Kan
•as under tbe Lcciimptou Constitution, mile?* j.iuie
stronger argument could ho inode against u ibun
any which be bad yet beard. The resolution- wore
adopled by a strict party vote, every member of the
Democratic party in the Legislature roting against
thorn. Although be was inclined to think the ma
jority of the people of lowa might now endorse tho
resolution, ho believed that after a thorough exami
nation of the subject they would come to a.different
conclusion. For bis own part, ho intended to do
everything in bis power to sustain the Administra
tion upon this question, beliering that Kuuaas and
Minnesota ought to )>o admitted as twin sisters, in
tbe same way as was dono with Florida and lowa.
On-motion of Mr. Stuart a resolution was adopled
instructing the Committee on Printing la enquire
and report to the Senate what amount had been paid
aunually during tho last five years to each of the
establishments of Washington for printing and ad
vertising of any kind for tho United Slates other
than that ordered by either bouso of Congress,
whether done by direction of any department or civil
or military officers thereof, and whether tho samo
has been paid under tho provisions of existing law?;
and also to enquire whether any Amendments in the
existing laws are necessary in order to secure proper
economy in the expenses of government fur those
objects, and report by bill or otherwise.
Mr. Crittenden, from tho Select C>>imuiit«(>. im
ported the FrcnMi Spoliation Bill, whirl) wu* made
tho special order for two weeks hence.
The Senate took up the resolution providing for
taking testimony in the Indiana contested election
case, when Mr. Trumbull moved a substitute that
the Senate now proceed to n final determination of
the right to seals of Messrs. Bright and Fitch, and
spoke against those gentlemen retaining them.
Mr. Bayard said that tho Kansas question wi«
more important, and the Seu&te should not now con
sume timo in discussing contested seats. On hi*
motion tho subject was tabled by 21 again.-t U.
Tbe consideration of tbe Kansas messago was re
sumed, when Mr. Douglas submitted a long resolu
tion culling an the President for information touch
ing the number of votes cost at tho various election.*:
the reasons for rejcqjing tho votes given at tbe »-Uv
tion of the 4th'of January. It embraced nil tho par.
ticnlars, with the correspondence on the subject. If
all tho information hereby desired lx.- not in tho pos
session of tho President or Executive Department,
then tho necessary orders and steps to Ix> taken to
procure the same, lie deemed this information ma
terial to tho consideration of tbe question, and asked
its immediate consideration.
Mr. Mason objected.
Mr. Brown resumed hi* remarks from yesterday,
arguing generally in favor of tho Leromptno Con
olitution and calliug up Messrs. Douglas and Stuari
in response to a reference made to their position.
Mr. Wilson reviewed-tho frands at the elections in
Kansas, sharply replying to Mr. Brown and denying
the charge of the mrtionslum »l the Republican
Mr. ureeu distended the. people of Missouri from
Mr. Wileon's-irictured and wanlod facts not mere
Mr Wilson ier-|.- ri'to.l ih ,1 h« t.« t pt.. .r I-,r all
he said.
The .*barp shooting <*outiuued t->a tare L <ur, when
tbe Saual£ adjourno-l till Monday.
Uopse.—ln the House, the r a*c nf Mr. William-
SuD, attached in New York-a* a witness in tho <-a.«c
of tbe Lawrence d itonq bribes, was up nil day.
After much discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Wit-
Uamsou sboald bare leave to withdraw his answer i<>
tho Fummono, and submit an amended answer to
morrow, and the meantime he be remanded
to the custody of tho Sergeant-at-Arms.
Mr. Geargu Taylor presented a petition «.n tbe
froedum of the public lands, signed by tbe Mayor <•!
Brooklyn and a thousand others, llcferred to the
Committee on Public Land*.
The remainder of tho day was hpeot to considering
lhe report of tho Committee on Election*, and against
allowing Mr. Campbell to have further time to take
testimony in <>hio on tho contested election case: but
there was no >|Ucs(i -n tal.uu ntien the House .ul
Special Dispatch fur thutß/allc
HABHisAi'Ro, Feb. 4.—ln (he Senate, nothing of
local inter«-»f was done.
Uot’HC.' —Petitions preconted : D > Mr Fouler, f. r
the re-eburtur of iho M. A it. Bank from lower .M.
Clair township relative to vehicles: from Lirric Ha
gan for a divorce from her husband; for a change in
tbe mode of election of Supervisors in Indiana town
jhip; by Mr. Irwin for a redaction ofriour Inspector!.'
fees. Remonstrance; were presented by Mr. Foster
from George Bascoro against a change of venue from
Allegheny to Jefferson C<> ; by Mr. Irwin, from Bir.
against the repeal of tbe law relative t«.
vehicles; by AD. Scott, against increa-sing tbe tolU on
the PerryfvHfc
that the Kansa* Committee report un the 10di of
March, carried by a vote of 53 ugaiust 37, Mr«ar*.
Abrams, Biorer, Calhoun, Houtr, Jackman, Ui»uj‘«-y.
Warden. Wells, Lloyd, Longaker, Democrats, r uing
in the oegative.
Mr. Calhoun m>>ic*d f..r the discharge of the com
mittee, which was lust, by a \ole of against 52,
Messrs. Lautnun, Smith, of Berks, and the
named Democrats, except Mr. Longaker, voting aye.
Mr. M’Clnre moved to refer Mr. Buchanan's message
tu the committee; lost by a vole of 23 to S-l. The
Act relative to the Pittsburgh Aqueduct was report
ed by tbe Committee, with amendments. An Act
relative to the election of Supervisors in Indiana Tp.
was reported a« committed; also, relative to Alder
man’s fee<; bail, replevin, mid notice to tenants.
Tbe Committee unanimously reported tbe nmeod
uents to tho Iron City Bank Charter, as committed.
Hi-iUN.iS'te.Ln. Omo. Feb. 4. A largo l>er <»i
Ctiueu? met last .-vening, m..l i.eyetsd „ re»i-lu(»un
in favnr of a railway between SiiritißhclJ'
-an-1 Ciiicinoali, by way of Dayton, asi rudGiininß the
riHirpo of tho Sprinßheld, Mount Ytmoo ntul Pitta,
burgh Cn. in up the Mad River nod Little
Miami connection. Spcerhe* were made by the 11->n.
Dunbar, President of tbo S. M. A P Railroad ('-> and
other*. The lone of the meeting vra3 concHtat'-ry
bul firm.
New, Feb. 4.—Tho Grand Jury have
fouDd a true bill against Walker, Anderson, and
others, for violating the neutrality laws. They were
held to bail t<> appear ou tho fourth Monday in April
CniLioo, Feb. 4.—The local mail agont arrested
Henry Vim Guiren, a clerk in tho post office, lust
bight; on a clmrgo of stealing registered letter*. 11 <-
has confessed his gnilt.
Telegraphic markets.
New Yonk, Feb. 4.—Cotton (inn; BUO bales sold:
stock limited. Flour firm; 9000 bbis sold. Wheat
firm; 6000 bush sobl. Corn henry; -12,000 bush *->l-1.
Mess Pork 25c lower; sales nt $15,75. Prime i!’>c
better: sales nt sl2(a) 12,25. Sugar Grm. Coffee steady
Molasses firm; 2000 bhls sold at2fsfg!27e. Freights
firm; Tallow firm at 10$e; Bacon steady atB(«j,Sl.! for
Hams and Cc fm Shoulders. Whisky steady. Stocks
lower; Cumberland Coal, 17i: Illinois Central, 901;
Lacrosse and Milwatikio, 10}; Michigan Southern,
X. Y. Central, 81}; Heading, o?$; Galena and
Chicago, 60; Michigan Central, 04; Lrio, 23:; Cleve
land and Toledo, 42; Missouri Sucr^H.l-.
Pbilaoeli'Ull, Feb, 4. Breadstuff- come fur*
wAr»l/rMly, bat the market is devoid of activity.--
Sales, Si)*'bbls Western extra family Hour sold fur
export at $-5, 4pd 400 bbls common nuperfino at
$4,50. A fair inquiry for home use from $4,62} up
to $5,50 for common auA arlra family brands. Rye
Flour dull at 83, and Corn Meal at $2,91. \Vbcat
contisno* to meet with Lnt limited inquiry, nod
prices are 2c bash lower; sales 1800 bush at $1,03
@sl,lo for ordinary and prim* Red, and $l,lC@
$1,30 for White. Rye dull at 09c. Corn meets u
fair inquiry, and further tales of 4600 bush made al
i; c in itore and 50c afloat. Oats are lower; small
sales at 33<7u34c. Coffee is held firmly; 300 bags
Rio sold at 9j@lo}. Provisiuns quiet; tales 100
bbls Western Mess Pork at $15,50 on time, and 130
cska Greon Meats at 9@9sc for Hams, 7}@7| for
Sides and 6i@C3 for Shoulder*. Lard firm at 9@
9) in'bbla. Whiskyraeils slowly at 20@21e. Clo-
Tertcod in good request, and -190 bush sold at
$5,374@5,60. Flaxseed has advadeed to $1,35.
Ciscishatt, Feb. 4.—Flour Armor but not higher:
superfine $3,60@3,75. Whisky bas advanced to
15}. Wheat firm at 78@75 and White nt hs@oo.
Corn 32@3H. Barley 68@00. Rye sfi@Co. OaU
?5@35. Thero is a belter feeling in Bulk Meats,
bilt'pricej oro unchanged; Shoulders 5c and Sides
6J, ]ue*e. Pork dull at $13,50 for Meas. Lard 4c
lower. Hogs firm at $6,G0@6,75; the demand ex
ceeds the supply. Molnetev firm at 23@24 and
tending upward. Sugar firm at- s}@fi}. Clqver
soed $5,f10@5,76. Tbo river has risen eight Inches.
and Deilrable Farm for Sale.
'-ntiPF offers for sale his farm, fjW
■« attuatcil al>ot)l one halfmito
VUjr^r ll ' *nd Ucrljn roads,
* tloibcr, on wlilch is n
' l|4t« of colli
' * thrift)'
THE FUl>*.
nintalulng 58 *cr .
oorUiof iUlcm, between »l><*
all llUabl*, except *V ml “ n “' re ?
tpicurtld growth of tl>« «UK»u- ln »»£
riOion, and under * K or.d?«nc«. l« ha» aUu£ u '
*Thu baildlngsnu »bo promise * u , d n^, ,, l'' l ln
ien u The I«£» i. * two story rv ne - c r m! v
finished H U Tsry desirably alth.' 1 * 1 * I >°‘ l ,D
town. Tharo Is ngood well and cem fc ' ' ,t *^V I ft ‘ '''* ‘
whu-b (urnUb an ample supply »f wu cr - * * Jurß *' 1
2SS byS died, iikinx pl**J of room for the
sheltering of cattfo and stock ©fallklnda. X] ™' *
cnrrlun bntuo, and other cnnvonlsnt
ter in tho barnyard, Ac. There is on thu sm
of said form,a small frame bouse, with gai-de*'. rrun ,m *'
etc.. siilUbUfor etcnanl. ,
N U- —Tho above described proulsea, being * u n •T™
community, and in sight of a business and onta.'l , n«°K
town, era eminently calc aisled for s fanciful eouutr/ *«h
for any one who wishes to retire from the din of a pops,
city, to more domestic Ufe. It la also well adapted
tiding and selling In lots, being conroniently located Ik:
tween two public roada. For further Information address
• JnllwlmT On the premia**. _
Excrntors’ Sale of Uesl EiUtc.
subscribers offer Tor sale a voluft- ESS
L ble Farm.sUustedJUmllMSonth-oastofEalem.JpgL
lombiana eonnty, Ohio, containing‘«OS am*, and belong*
jDgtotbeestateofWm.F.Fawcetl, dec'd; al>oat ICO ams
of which am cleared and under a high state of sanitation.
There it an atnplo snppty of good timber on the premiers,
and several nertr-faiilng springs of water. The Improve
ments consist of a good aobstantial dwelling bonne, with
bydrnnllc fountain in thekitchen; »>*ru,*ljoep house, <mt
buDdlnga,orchards, Ac.
Tbe soil of said farm la very fertile, and well adapted to
either firming or grazing.' There are, porba|»,as many
advantages combined In the tract of land as any In this sec
tion of country. Tmont desirous or wearing a pleasant
hfTmtyln a haailhy and enterprising district, would do will
to examine tbe premises si an early ’data,'** they tuust be
sold. Application made to either of per
•onsny or by letter, will retain prompt attautiou.
Terms of payment mada assy.
-• a.':. • . josmvjijcm,*'
•- ExfCCion ©fWm. T, Fswsslt, dcc’d;
F. E. Bw»t, V. P, <l«w- -tuitv L Rotj. E
Pax-res, JoksS. Cosoaxvx.
, Rrporifd Specially for Pittsburgh Qaxt/>. ]
Pittsburgn. Fxbroart 4, lsti
FLOUR Sales since our but I were smalL The J.illoffiD^
•alee were m*d&—7s bbls extra at f4JiO. 150 do super at
$3,87 extra $4^5,60 ska (100 lba> extra fair $2,25 per *a-k.
50 bbls store extra fine at $4,50.
SUGAR—Saleeof lObbdsatOJ*.
MOLASSEF—SaIes of 3S bbls N. 0, at -J7.
POTATDE3—SaIe* of 150 bus Neahanu<»ck* *t 55. do
nt 50.
SKKDS—SaIes of 10 bu» Clorerwed at $5,60 V bm
UAY—Sates of 4 loads at the •calc* at jlOfcijlU V ti"i
The rranniptiun of the fmp>rtnnt firms, who suspended
•tniin;; the recent crisis, of Uowon, WNaniee X C<», Francis
Skinner A Co. and J C Howe AOs RaunnnncisL It is also
jtnted that Mmsi- Thom-i« Wilson A Ch, of lUlHmoic,
whose *ruii*en«h>n took place on a' cuiMen cinergency. a
wcul. in two ugr, tniTo reMitni-.) paymeut.
The State of Pennsylvania half-ytKirljr Interest adds about
$400,000 to the prescut remittance. This was paid in Specie
or Exchange, through tho PluladetphiM Books, and tbe full
resutnptiou in Specie of all payment*.bv those institution*
annouuced to taka place in » few (lays. The Baltimore
Banks also resume Ibis wwk. And the domentic uxdi.tnges
with each otlier of tbe five great trading citica nt the
couutry, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
New Orleans are all once moro substautlalty at par. wit),
an aggregate Specie reserve tu tank ot fifty six milll.<ne
diillan—(N Y Times,
We annex a comparative statement of the Kxpirt* (<>x
elusive ot "pech'j from New York tt>foreign |e.vT* f,.r Ibu
week, and J m. I "! '
lS5d. ’ 1857 1 v.s\
Total f..r tbo week $1,«1H.342 J1.242,-4Jd *1.:;*7.:t10
Prerion-ly n>i»vrtid 3J15,Cf7 3.213,721 oJi'X'.JSS
Since Jan. t $4,733,90S $4,440,170 $1,f.;i.u44
At a lereat aunual mertiug nf the L'RR Qo, a resolution
was adopted Instructing-the DlrrctnrstocxainiDi l Into end
reported the condition and circutustaocce of tbe Marietta
and Cinciunoti Railroad Company, also, npnn the protalde
coat nf computing tbe lino, tbe prospects of its completion,
und generally as to whether any meaMtires slionbl bo adopted
by the Ponusylrasia Railroad to secure the advantage* con
templotcdby the snlwcrtptioQof theSUrtetta stock.
Hie Steamship Company alludod to l.y us yesterday D the
Vcu York and Liverpool (Collin*) line: The boats ut this
me, we understand, ore for nb. We bant tke ttooiiug debt
•■f the Company 1* stated at nbout that tbe
Adriatic coat over $1,200,000. Tbe loss <>a litf voyage was
$25,000. The Journal of Commerce say* that It Is nnderatood
tbe Government has declined tnentertalu any negotiations
for a renewal of tbe mall cuutract which axpiras fa Jun -,
and an officer in tbe terrlc* ortheComp-mvWohtont in th>-
Baltic on the loth nit, to see what conhl M done toward
effecting a sale of the vesuD-in Kurope, says that
the tones of the Oomnany have used np-their arailahte
means: and that their bankers, Messrs Brava, Brother* A
C«, Imvedecllnedtomakefnrthor advances without addition
id neenrity .
The Jonrnal of Cumueree of yesterday lias tho following
modification of tbe above:
The Collins Line—“We bare authority for saying that the
reports concerning the Collins liuoorJgiaatod in a misuudsr
standing. The company la somewhat embarrassed by the
" ithhidding of the money dne them by Government fot
carrying tbe malls; but they have no Idea of abandoning
the enterprise which baa reflecting »o tnorti honai on the
American marlno. ConsequcnllT. th« story tlinl C.i|>iafus
Ci>ui*l-m-I: and West harogunc tv England for tbe purpose
of ranking »alc* of the Baltic nod'AtUuttg is untrne. Th*
Atlantic willlcaro New Yoik cn February 13lh, aod Ibe
• •ther simmers will fullmt >n teguhir socceaiion.''
Tlo- Cincinnati Onr.-nc i f Wednoaday says -
•Tli« iio-oey mark.' h-u not undergnne any oixieriml
• bange siiir* Uie dan i -mr last weekly review. The do
maud ha* been fn'lv -|iial to tbe supply of capital, bat first
cl«3s paper bft« not '--»<i difficult of uegottattnii ml !<K2I2
V lent.'
Morr- Tli- j«u king opuintioiis Will cuutlhne for wt.-ml
m come, and the imsineM at this place pr.itnfec- t . I--
v-rv nearly if noi -jnlle n* hoaVy as that of ISIS, when tbo
• uuinr reached 47M**)hmd l beiag tbs largest nusat<or ever
packed tn this city. Webavennw reached 422,483, and «i<
averagonf IT.finu por week, forttireo weeks, Will iberrao- it
import* by ntver.
i Yrrnrr; 1 bx. AdumseX; 1 )>hlapples,l ak wool. 50 bid,
Oirnr. Swindler; bM* Wood, t kgs lead, B I. Falinratnck;
-’ bbls whisky, Jacobs; 3 bid l*«!ter, 3 dodoegs*. 4 ng*
Grec*:; bids spj.lse Ward; 2 rar-wbteli, Snovdsn, f. l x
s (rea,; .... Ul»v:
U'ltKl I.IMI Uu.ttllc- I l>X .rT..,)j IMC liu.lal
1 bx 0 Md egg*, I do butler. 3 raacbihcs,“o bb roltuu
i bdlsarka. 140 do pe|wr, la ab> rage. 23S do tw’rley, 1u do
Jo. 4t dn eye. *A» eke flour.'i do rxr. .U bid* flour 7 bx, I
Kt-1.32 skrf barley.
CINCINNATI per MY Hailciai. ti l.|». D. bide oil, bx
l-vike, fJTS sks wheat. 16 tee, Ti hhja beta, -ukt bide floui.
Clark X c«; 100 bbls flour Mcicer X Robluson; 2 b ham .
Williams A Jrtbniun; 28 bte raodlc*, 2tc t>esr, 5n DM. oil,
P Otlltre i re; \ bid oil, 2 bx cADdtee, Swindler, l bbl ivory
MvL. ’rtiompaon. 200 bl>N floor. Carr A cc: < bide alcohol,
.-Vott I*2 bid* flour. Gardner: -U*> hfJea. Utlaugc; 1 bbd
sugar Keymer .4 Amlrnton; .’Mi’isktflaXßeedmcaJ, 1
Simpson i Kl-Ikiu; c> bbds sßgar, M’Clurkxn k Ilerrou; 4 do
do, Graham A Tbmnas; Vj bid* wlillky. Black k Woods , iu
Jo do. 50 do floor. M’tfenrj; 62 bbls whbk> M’Cuckailr '
kg* t -, ,*bmvr X DilwuitJ>; 22 bt rat dl"*. Ifetrelfi.ln
bt-ls oil. 11 A Fahnestock; tUS *kl flaxseed meal. Ilalbsugh
i c«»; a Ml* oil. 41'C.imb-; '.•» t. iallow Floyd * «... 3 bbd,
«'ipar, Wallace; 79 bl* roltou. CbiMn A ra; 1 ot Lain '• id,l
win*. 4 l«ll abcrU, Cerr 4U bbl do but U-r, Uo*: 2
bid i'fg*, I Jo bnltrr. lx-«U A tblgcrtmi.
l iters is m.i much doing el Ibo rieert Tl»- vrater ai .n.!>
at idiotit 6 b-et. Tlm- mtmliet of boats not fl>'|tfoi-in!"
lo any rit-nt. The lUmUe win in from Wheeling yrelri
d*> -nd i!•» J W Mailman from Cinciauall, tbe latter with
a *«> y Qn<- loud. There were nil tbo nrrlvaJs. Tits wuotlter
>« is • iad but tuoal dcflglitful yeaisrday— We trarn that
tl>. various geutlciHen connected wlUs Iho ataatataute and
vicaniiaai iotcrratstiere will imwtat tbe Marius Aavoclatiou
room-- >i 1 j post 12 o'clock and proceed tlienco in a i>i attend U>a tnneial or the late Mr un
lortnuaU- »li»ib td (be llbaUrred FRtcuy Pern. Tbemideuwr
■•1 Id* irieud* is at Royfeetreet, Allsghruy- .TbeOnvoli
inttc Wbt-riingitacket f-u this day and (he Lls/io Mart.n
i« dn» todav Irotn /jtnsavllla. Flu* will leare fi>-oiurrot> on
bar down Ui|< .......The splondbiateOinec J W Ilaitnian is
-tßw nywtM-rWaturday Clrw innsK>hippct* aiol
trawlferswfll dj*arril tAJ/tutbth ( j* PuTTr..,'..l.fbeToßi'
ot yetting ready a* rwpi.tly 'a* poaefMu TW ft IxtaK, Cupl
Moot*, a getitlaman. J* in comrnanJ ... The-# P Itltd-crd
(UU-.1 certaJnly lints KOUeu ofl Uniglil lor SostiVilfe
...Tlia fiuoeteaincr Minerva Capt Gordon a 111 lrar>- foi
Clni Itniati Ibis tncrulng.
Sttambaat IDsl*ter.
AllltlVKib— Jefferecoi. ftrovruSTflli'. I.urt-u.-, .1., C.. 1 o.rl
Itaynrd, EtiiaUflb; UoatslM l Whenllug, J IV Hotluiau Cin-
Foil fij'ft LOUIS.-rThe fine new ,JE2»*
fadt running paneoger steamer lOWA,
Ca|>t. Moore. will l«a*e fat ihe iibore cunt all lutertnaluta
port* .hi TIMS DAY 6th in»t, I*l 4 v. x. Fit freight or
l«vat|-ti i.ii tKMrJ or ;*>
LACK. BAKN LS A Cl), Ages t».
FOU ST. LOUIS. —The fine now < fTT9* ,i*
uteam.r M.IItKNQO, Caj.t. MrCttllam,
»«II leale (or (lie am] all inturnu-iiioto j>oro> on
THIS DAV, 6tli ln>t ,at 4 • ■Ylock I* M. For [•anage or
fruliilit api*ly on tu.inl <>r t«.
DEPABTKn— Joffrrann. Ilrowuivitb-. l.urenic, do. Colour!
Marard. Kli»t*-ih: Koxxlir, Übri ln.^
Riv.-r 6 fijet, fulling.
Corner nr First asuFirkv sthkt-.
H ‘'M Ttn '■ I■ 1 : •' r
Nn . T 1- \V ATF. R ST R F t X\‘
»'T rsutißoii, p.\
At Cmnhniia^.
lion. Tnrnnm.tnPsuo\s. I.L b., Dane f*roles*>i.
lien. Kmory Wasuduks, LI.. D, OnlversJiy Prob-HMr
r ••tjurpeof instruction «*inbrju:cfl th«* vu
X rtons branches of the Common law, and of Equity,
Adtulioliy, ('omtuercfol, International and Constitutional
and lbs Jurisprudence of tbs United Stales. The
Law Library consists of a boa 114,0 ft) sol times, and as new
works appear they oro added, and est ry effort is made In
render It complete.
Induction is given by oral tatane awl expositions, (awl
by recitations sndexamlaattose, in connection with them.)
of which there arc teneTery weyk. Two Mont Courts are
also hidden In eaeh week, at each of which a cause, previ
ouxly given uni, is argued by (bur klndenU, anilon opinion
delivered by tbe Presiding Instructor Rooms and «.Uier
fariiltle* are nl*o provided for the dnb Court*; aadanAs
snuibly is held weekly for practice in ,di-bate. and arqnlrln-r
a knowledge of parliamentary law sod proceedings.
Students may cuter tho School In any stage of tLclr pro
fe-vlonsl studies or mercantile pursolU. and at the com
ini-DCemetif of either term,or in the middle, or other part of
a term- y .
They urn at liberty to elect what ahullta they will punue,
according In thoir view of tbrtr own wants ana attainments.
Tbe Academical year, which commences on ThoraUy. six
weeks after Uie third la Jnly, it divided into two
terms, of twenty weeks *ichL with 4 varathm of sit wwkn at
tbe end of each term. dL
Pnrlngtha Winter varalfdb, tbs Library N opened, warm
uJ and lighted, for tbe ns>- of llir members of the School.
Applications for Admission, or for Catalogues, or any fur
(brr information, may he made toelther oftheErofoMora at
Cambridge. Ja3o-.lawd3wi»
Bxecotrlx’a Sale of Real Estate.
BY virtue of the last will of Robert Lino.
dre’d, asd lo parsnance of an order of the Orpliana*
Cuuit of All>*gbeuyomnty, Pa,tbe underslgtual, surtiviug
Executrix of the said will, will soil at Public Sato, <h> the
premises, on SATURDAY, the IGlh <>f January, IH9H. at 1
o’< lock P. M., Two Valnatde Farms, «ach rootoluing ale>nt
lUdacrev *rh» tarutt are ailnatA ill BnwJcfctoy township,
Allecbcoy c»nnty, Pa, <m tbs waters of-LUt]» Bavickfoy
Ci cck about one mile from thelMUonffli of<.Benkldey. On
one of the forma tbero are (wo DwoQlug llonset, two Uarus,
tun Orrbarils or Applu TreeJj Wlth other buttauilotber im
piorsiucula On tl^*other uhn aru a
llarn. Orchard and other improvuments. Tbe farm* ate In
good condition acd well located for forming purposes, amt
can bo divided Into smaller traefof >r country letidonca. They
will be stol l.wpamMy wr togvther, or In smaller lots, si may
Tholermaol Rile will bc,“no-llihJ cltbe purcbii.vt mon
ey on receiving tho dml, ono.tblrd in o»ycar from day of
sale, vrllh Interest, and Ib4 other third In two years troin
day <d uls, with annual lulorcst. fomila and mortgages on
tbe proiqlw* fo 1)4 giT«D toXeemß ths last |>aymentJ.
for further lnfonuatl.*i anijuim of J. W. F. WIUTE.
10(iFifth airret. Pltfobprsh. <>l of lh.i nnderslgned In the
Borough of fiewickley. . RKBRCCA LI.V.V,
dall:4twF gur. Executrix of U. l.lun.decM.
Comraonwealtla Of Peunsyl
AutoncxT Cotrrrr
ty. at January tarm„l6i#.
Jolin Drown.
lv*nt(, (
rT, as. |
T for said roan
Klizaheili Deta'r and Andrew Dutar.her
UuslAbd, Peter liandd, Imtband of
HaraL Harold, deg’d, and KUrabatb
Haruld, George Ilarohl. Uvia Har
old, Mary Harold, Jjfvlnla Harold,
Michael llarold, Harold, and
Jem Harold, children and belt* at
of laid Sarah, Philip Detar, the
{■ UwlalteUr and Myy
b flr * !*-
<£*■ I'dAßhnaiMtP^ o wuuod ar« hereby t*v
♦ r T VtSt thfaviro £lt »H 1 I* njefllUd on the premia.
Jl r ‘v«tn diiribrd ” nH: A Lot un SanduAy *Uo*|. la Uit
lrt Ward ufthd CIH Allo»himy. being Lot No. II In
H L toV Writ ntPartlnou, or No. IT of
tlieplananno juitnr U plaintiff nnrt David
R^f, on ‘tUKSDAY, the :wth
Itoii uJStIWS >» a *'’" r * sr ""
m*y *tu-ud if you H? >* pr ‘J[J l ; Y pattkrSOV, Mu-riff.
rau,«“,«".V} . ft"**
, * Q TTlc iM>n!f r Spiart, }WI-, l*nna.
v C nl' *l ld— 4177,217 23
Vhi« Company continues to insure the safer
ntu as
tMonalaicßt witbtotij.
\ A. KIUBRR, PraM'iiL
David Snuk* Lt *» B+c’T-
U. C. CLUA.N 4 <X), Ageota,
*e'-3rwlj'F’ No. 75 Fourth iL. Pittsburgh.
T~ANDIPOII"^t*K*“A , bout'6o acres
I i ijuiil (ado<n»S • t)»n», btni and other loiproT»-M=i
i« graakUn township, about 12 mltoa from
' .MfrStwt No?tM Fifth «U*et,PlttibuEb
—.— ; 'jpsp«r Boxes. : ' r
•r cornecof Third sad Wood •tmta.PittalmrKh, Pa.
prtA pntinot Bora: Jcwtlnr hod Prescription ho*
I itSK-fc FOR . flSr*. *
iMSmt Missouri River Direel, nwmfrgjtf
A RireChftm-« to Ptmngcri 1 Shipper*.
IFIfl go Through i cithoiil Rf-thipyii'y. to
THE splendid new and fast running Pa>-
langer ttoamer SKY-IiAUK, Capt. BEN. JOHN
SU.V, will leave for theaboTe and All intermediate ports. on
Monday. February first.
For freight or paaiage apply on board 01 !•*
Jn'Jt Office, N 0.57 Water street.
Monongahela River U. S. Mail Packets.
Ctvr. J. C. U'oot»WA*t) Cur. (Iroitot Cuak.
I now running regularly. Morning Boats lwr« Pitts
burgh at 3 o’clock A. M., and Evening Bouts at 6
o'clock I’. M. for M'Keesport, Elizabethtown, Mononga
lioln City, BetlcTcruon, Fayette City, Oreenfleld, California
ami Brownsville, there connecting with Hacks and Coaches
for L'niontown, Fayotte Springs, Morgantown. W
C'aimirhaoltown and Jefferson.
i*u-«n'iigiT3 ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Unioo
lownlorsJ, niouls and state-rooms on boats inclusive.—
Boats returning from Brownsville leave al 3 o'clis lt in the
otoruiugaad 6in the evening. For further information en
quire at the Office. Wharf Boot,at the foot of Orant street.
_aus Q. W. SWINDLER, Ac tv.
Regular Tuesday pack-, to*.*
steamer EMMA QRAHAM, Capt. Mestoi Anas, wilt leave
Car the above and intermediate ports EVERY TUESDAY,
at i o’clock P. M. For freight or passage apply cn
U»rd. oclo FLACK, BARNES k Co., Ag'ts.
Regular tri-weekly , rn> ■*.
ecu geo steamer OHKVOIT, Captain J. Murray, will leave
for tho above aud all Intermtdinte ports on Mondays,
Wednesdays And Fridays. For frii ?ht nr passage, npplv on
board, or 1..
auO W. 11. WUKKLEK. Agent, No. MVood st.
Reg u la u Wednesday , jes^i
Cue imw steamer J. \V. IIAIIJUAN.Capt. M. Hava, will
leave for the uiove and all intermediate ports ou EVERY*
WEDNESDAY at 10 ..Vl..* k A M. For (wsvageor freight
apply ou hoard or to
For marietta andzanes. , ir> -
YII.LK—The new and benntlful atcamor
LIZZIE MARTIN,Capt. Urowt*. will leave for the above
and all intermediate porta, EVERY SATURDAY, at f! i m.
For freight <>r pamago apply on board or to
oclti FLACK, BARNES A Oil. Agt*.
iCmnniiati, &c.
ate*m<-i J. AY. lIAII.HAN.JsSs3mI
Capl. lUy>, wilt Imvo for tin* «nd alt intcrmrdiato
porta <>n FRIDAY, Stti in't. *t 4 o'clock, P. 3J. For frolgliA,
..r paSMgu opply on hoard, .>r to
FLACK. LAUNK.' A t<>, AyenM.
1 VILI.E—-Tbo »jikndiJ Mourner
VA, Capt. Gordon, will l*»Te for the aboro ahdall int«T
mrdjate purta, onTlllti DAY. Mb in*U at 4' o'clock, r
u. F<>r fn'lglil or (uunage apply oo board or to
J»2i FLACK. lIAKNKS A CO., Ajri-iitv
F' ~o!T Cincinnati AniTloi , jtsva
IBVILLE —Tbe fine (Mainer AItOON ALT'. AsgfcSSfc
Copt. Gm, U &Irl«sn, will leare for tboahoTr irxl at liufT
{>.:• ta. ou Till' 1 DAY, Mb inat.. at A r. m For
In-lgbl "f |«4m;h apply uli board or t<
KLACG. n.MINKS t C*J., Atf.Dt-
Fcm CINCINNATI,- -fhp fine . fPfr *
ntcsuer UKI.NOTTK, Capt. A.
will U*a»* for thn aWra mul all lutormr<llat« p.n i« »n
THIS DAY .'.lb intt. »! 4 ■ •'elork, p. m. Kortrrislit <-r |A»»au»
apply .in hoard or >o
j*U FLACK. BARS'Ki* ± C<> Ajj-iil*
tXm C INCINNATI & LOUIS- ■ fgff» *
r VH.LK.—Thr •pl*-ndl.| *i«uiin "RATdggjccn
CITY,'' Cnpt. Miller. «ill leave f*r tb-- .vl--v- >i»l all in
lormotiutf p..rt« uii flllf! HAY nil, tint at 1 lfel* M
Ki.t p%-«»t?e «'“1 apply on Ik>jt J <.r t“
I*. Ft.'tCK UAItNKSACtt. Act-
yiasljlmir, &c
. tlraiurr HASTINGS, Cnpt. J\»rier. *ill«&£s£2S'
Irnvn li>r the al>ot* and all iutennwliate j»>rl» naSATlilt
llAV. l"th lovt For fr*ig?it or paaaage apply or, hoard, or tc
Jiv _ _ _ FLACK. JIARNKS ACO , AgeilM.
FUlt NASmTLLK—The rj.- , ICfr *
K'aut pasuiigt-r steamer S. P. IlflinAUD-
Copf, lime*, Kill leave I>r the -,I‘DV.I iUi I ,nteuii3Tliit7>
port* on THIS* HAY, „th instant : u F i fr >«l,t
iir r.t, l»«r*t«l • r l<>
d-il* FT.AOX. IIAttNK-* A A.-«nt»
UpuisbiUr, Per.
1 Mesnirr JAO til POE. Cupt. Stewart,
leave 1, r tlienU>vr and all interuiodlale
iithi ml, F«>r fn l *l,t or ijw«j«pnidy on hoard or to
JU-JU FLACK. hAeNKS A Co.. Atf-tv
St. Eouis, A’r,
1 OLe ii w steamerr.OWKNA, Capt. Hosier. .siestilLsja
will teat e fui ilm abuvu aad all Intermediate puru uii MON -
DAY, the Uth in-( FnrfraJgbt or passage apply on Liard
or t>» fe‘J FLACK, HAKXKS 4 CO. 4gU.
IX) R ST. LOI’IS.— I Thi- lino new. ( JErfcli
' VMimoip.r atrtmrr, “ASOLO SA Yi»N.
Cwpl Uater, will leave for the above and ail intcriosdiate
pujU lids* DAY. t>tL ioat-, at 1 ..'-Jerk !’ M. F,. r
freight ~r j>as«ig>‘apply oa Iniardorto
r • - fi7 Water sirm.
" ak*«
H.l Sit. |T VTaUr St.
7 The uiegaat »toam-r MODERATOR,—£££22
Ckpt. Maratta. aill leave the above and all iutertnodiato
port* ru TUtS DAY. olli ItuU at 4 o'd.w.U, p. M. For
freight or passage apply nu board >r to
Jaiki FLACK. lIAUNKS 4 tV. Agent*.
jarU) ©titans, &r.
1' nu. 1 ■
ituo.l.*, • • •
ou SATURDAY, Ojo‘ .;«IT ' '
frolphl ..r |«4m K « apply <m bo 4 rU 01 c<> k ' *’ *’ *
PUCK, DAUNfcki A CO.Jk4.Ynll.
No. 87 Water afreet
Ageati Waolfd! New Era in Amerlrau Art.
JUST ISSUED, un Oil-Color Portrait of
HENRY CLAV, Pntit.J J >-om 51,,! 1‘1.,u in 13 Oil OJ
art. Tbli Picture, prepared at great coat and labor, bv an
Important improvement In Art Priqtlne. I* offered til the
people of Italniled States, a' a aurtby memorial of their
eminent Statesman and Patriot, hj- iho I'ublUbor,
J. 11. OYIUU.
Uiillcliu Building, Philadelphia.
Thu f.lloaloi; ate a lew o! the many cooimnDdatiotu thia
rictnre has receive! fri ■m the press:
From Petcraon'x .Magazine.
••That so line a Picture, equal u it is in finish to London
C*J*<r Pi lute, which hare been aol>l lu-r<- for fire And'six
dollars, amid Ik> prod need for the trilling atim of fifty rents,
ia rertalnly an astonishing evidence of Anieriaa pregreai in
Art color printing,and most, we think, rrquir an immense
sale to at all remunerative.”
From Uip Pemuy Iranian.
“Mr. Uyram Las i.rodacfxla Portrait of Hip imiD-rt;.l
CLAY, printed iu colors, that baa all tboiumt ..f a j-amllurt
nml an a work of Art will l-var Die moat Critical Piamina-,
tton. The libcnoaa of the prrM 8 tnlmmau is perfect '*
Frum the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch.
Mr. J. 11. Byram liu brought nnt a Portrait «t Hmry
Clay, printed in colors, which, if we bad not hem ntsured
otherwise, we should hare supposed to l« a painting. It
poswssei ail Ibr brilliancy of Inin ami suttQMß of shade of a
fine water-color porlrek. The llkemsanf ‘llarrv f the
West’ i* eiceljenl.”
From tHulioui’a Magarltu*.
Equal to flue I<on<Lm Prints Hold here f,>i <s, 4ml j;
From the Pennsylvania Enquirer’.
"Jtidyluj: Ly tbh production, Ari printlntf has ntarlo an
important ««q* toward* perfection. The picture is e>->t ..niy
artlsUc in finish and arrangement of mlir, tmt is ralnaM
ass spirited llknne**. ’ lieing at thn i«.w piic* of fifty
cents, thiaportrait must won Leeoun-* favorite,-nn<i t>e
treasured as a most titUmraud U>aulirnl nt-morialli? the
American people.
Siiißl.i copies y.-nl j«ikl paid f-r , r <o cents. To A«-pt» :i
veryjtbcrsi diacnnnt. Jnl^wltnF
Allegheny County, &a.
THE Commonwealth of l*oim*vh tuiiaJ'Jßßb
to the £>bcriff«'f said county, tireetiiq: K^Baß
II JamosM' llaltmni), Allen Kramer, 1..1 ■ .id
Francis Rabin, poitnera, Ac., make you secure of proieriiticg
their claim, then w» .command yon that r.iu sommon hr
good and lawful sniniunjwrs. Isaiah U rah am Macfartiuid,
William 11. Leas ami SAmnel-lUrsh, so that -they i-, Bn {
appear hofon* our Judges, at Pittsburgh,*! ~nr District
Court, there to I* hr Id the l\.urth Mondajn.f January 1868
to show wherefore whoreaa Ihey the said William Cobanno’
James W. Hallman. Allen Kramer, Edward Rabm and
Frnucii Jlahra. partucre, Ac., and the said Isaiah Craiiam
Macfailand, William 11. Las anil Sarumd Harsh, together
and nodirhlcd do hold u!) that certain tract .-f land situate
In WUkinJ township, Allegheny county, Pcuusylvatiia
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning ru a
in * lam> Idling fmni Iho Pittsburgh and Groerisburg
Turnpike to John Stager, tbenco 8 bS° W 237 r«rcbes to i
|*o*tr thonee by laDd of Mrs. .McMillen 8 2° E 73J twrcbwi to
a l>ost; thence 8 64^■‘ l E 367 A lurches to a tmst, tbenco
E W/j perches to a stone; thence N IV Pi nr*
to a stone near tbe first of McCall’s steps; thence W 34
20 porches to a post on the lido of said township road which
Is also a corner of land sold by said Shields to McCall.thenco
by Und late of McCall M. 649 K 3d perches to a prut? theoev
by land of John Stager and others, N. 32° W 140 perches to
the place of beginning, contaiuiog two
acnw and eighty perches, strict measure, excepting and re*
sorclng therefrom the sarlaco of tho following, two pieces or
land embraced within tho above boundary and bounded ami
described scvcndl as follows to wit: (lit) a tract of 31 acre*
and 80 perches, Beginning at a stune in Ihe turnpikeafore,
said at the rorni-r of other land uf aaid Chnllant; Ibeure N
IQ? a 13 perches to a comer: Uuuire NWW 00 \-vh‘i
to a coraer, thence 8 ttUF W prreln-s to Gillelsnd’s
land, throw 3 M*£ E 62.4 parches to a corner on 11. Chal
fant’s land; thence along the eatne N F porches to
lb* tdaco of begiuhing. Second A tract of 37 acres 3 roods
and 60 perches. Beginning at a stone, Corner of land of
Shaffer ami Davis; thence 9 3114 p E 140 perches too poet;
thf-nre 8 66J.j ’ W 37 UO-100 preha to the center of the turn
pike, thence along the turnpike N 34° W l‘,M &2-100peirhe«:
thonee N 2.V W along the urns ten perches; thonee N
yf 8 Perches; thence N 12° E 10 perches; thence N K
M tvluG psohs to (lie place ofbcgluning, partition the roof be
twroulhem bo made according to Ihe laws and customs of
this Commonwealth and Ihe statutes In such caw-smoke and
pruvldod, dogainsay and the aarm to be dour, do not permit
terv unjustiy and against the said lava and ctvjloto*, kc-%
utissald, Ac., aud have you then and there the names of
those euipnauwr* and this writ. . , ~
Wltoeßtlie Hon. Hoses UamptOQ, President Jadnoulltrt
. sahl Court, at PitUhureh, tliU2lst
Cony, JOUH IHItiIINDHAU, Ih-othy.
Bonr PxTTcasow, Slieriff. *
&rrs dt PartiUmr
No. M. ParUtiun
BlairsYiUi *•»*»»»?•
I I ~,,,ivatral Pennsylvania ftallrond. . ,
r H *n. Wwplrjr. Proprietor and Principal; Mr*. P. P.
a,*,.’Principal; sisex«l!entT*£l»r«. ' :
TLonM ,.i,atids]r*temaUc,cmbTacißgem7 branch of an ac
rnmnllahed Fcmala-Kdocatlon. . >
Accoronjodattotn for •erenty Boarding School scholar*—
two In a room.
Boarders, Including Tnilkm, per aealnn of fi>e months,
ICO. Par Instrumental Morin, Drawing,' Piloting and Uod*
* f Tt coaaenca Mar 3d. ■ CstriogUßessnt,
00 application. Jillk&nvF SjUJusl BSZFuBT.
Pittsburgh, Colnmbns and Cincinnati Railroad Line.
r*ugeu«nt with the PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO 'RAILROAD COSIPAW ~ . I ' r the j " D .. .
their Uand belire-n Putvbargh and vrlll m-j 'hi: iron-daily <Suml-»r **c*F*«*t .* Mlow*. comic, r,. ..i_
'!'*N DAY. Jauiui y lisv:
ICAV, U,,r, ... «*■« . .
I'll! I'i't.|.nrch.t Mt.. 'Mi j. m ; Columbia 5:29 r. u. Cm. 10. M r *
wSS,*- • io-4i - :m.-.rA.iiWMi!ci«wUii<i3=» •• (CMVi ;
Cincinnati Espros P u - 7*4 “ jOlnmbnt, l:» x.;Ctc. •">.'*’o,' J*
Stenb. Arronßtiun 7v, •• ' Wellstilh-. 0:M ~ | * jstoob'TnieTriWr. X.! *
The 6n>j u.MiiW !* ■ u. Train* ran through to Columbus without of cm*. making JJr«t connection &•'
, I , ndt ' uu j> otl f- Cinunnati. LoaL'vi!l«, Cairo and St. LouK , . . , .. ul ~ , ~, ,
Th- (x 45 i. *. Train atop# at all Stations, and conntvwat Bayard with tralo on Tuscarawas Branch for Sev Pblladetp... *
and ail point* on that road. At HmK, n with th* C- 1. kC. tt. R. for Cuvahoga Fall* am! At Cle«lan.l w.rb
Cleveland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo. iMroit, Chicago; and at Chicago with all Railroad* ImJms th * Nwlh w ’ ? “
A, £ w ,! t . b . Uke fot Brie, Dunkirk, ISafTalo, .Niagara Falls and Canada. f . . .... ,
* 4 n*;.*' p ‘ ** Trtin * sto P »»*U Stations on the River Line, and connert at Wheeling with lb* Riltioici -
and Ohio Railroad for Cumberland, Harper’, Ferry. Baltimore and Washington Citr. At TMU.r «;th the Central wh =
Railroad lor Zanesville. CirclerUle, Lancaster, Wilmington. * c
The 4 f. m, Stenbenrille Accommodation atop* at all Way.Statfon»
The above Train* will stop op signal of the Station Agent at nn v St-iilon between Pittsburgh and R.vhester t.. take- 1:;
passengers going to tiny point on or beyond the lino of this ton!, ‘ty*;,,, will al«o sto’* to havo inivngtrs rauiittg’ tr m
this Rosa to any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. * '
Passengers dosirins to go to Chicago, or point* beyond Chicago \ m Cleveland m utl atk for Tici.tti r>S<7lrrtlavJ.
I ueaengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati or St Louis, or point* tevond Oolomhn* via StenbeuTiilc, must ask
for Tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal point, and transferred free of «-liarg«*
t- i'; kP „V t . n n . al l ,tlfl,rn^ ioa ' * <»EO. PARKIN, at the Ticket Office. Peon Street Depot.
1 It JnERjN, (n-ooral Ticket AgifDt, Cleveland. :ja2s»* JAMES FARMER,Supt.. Cleveland.
V/ ehiucd lium Importer* and Uannfarturen, which *rr the* f..Uowtn ? firortt*
W H. Grant’s A. No. I6s Tobacco',
ICeimo, Robinson ± Co’s Tobacco,
Eugene Howard's Tobacco,
Grant's Pound Lineup Oavondlsh,
Uaxard and Railroad Brands,
200 Caddy Boxes Half Pound burnt'
OIOA It 8! C 1 a A ll S! ! CIQAft S! ! !
All id which wo offer to the trade at prices which cannot fail to please.
W. E
& Prnprifltorß,
Are now prepared to contract and pot on at teieshortest notice
11..- above Maetic Fins and Water-Proof Cement RonrtnK.'lt Mhe the only article yet invent. <1 that will snrrSMfulH
resist tho action i.f tltr* atmosphere in every climate.
rr rs perfectly water-proof.
And h, t ..,h,t ..fdiiraLility.webeUeTu it laeqnal, Ifnotsupo «r] to any Metallic Roofing UV fan pnt it .-«• »v-i <»ld t
< r «,lmDor Kdnjjlo Hoof*, It making ond ape* how flat or steep tlio root u»ay he. Thi«
Hoofing la warranted to prove as aWreirepreaented. Wa will put it «»■ fir
... ~ , _ SIX DOLLARS PUR SQt -jy»; (TUX P£RT BQVARF.) -- ’
We will ai-plj it iijnm Tin aud Iron Roofs fur TWO IXM.LAKF PHK SOUAKK, Mri* .. ; .,t-t u. dnr*t..hir
cftaapeat paint Unit can be usaL
C9.We invite all who are buHdlnc, and aim, thon* win. wish their Rejuir.4, to call ui ..m i.;i fArnf Sit'tt.
andManunattnmlaaaaii satisfy themselves in regard t.. the .hir-btliry and practicability of this JU-dii,-.
t a jntrvo/w l . PKRKIN A JOHNSON.
•ftirV- 80 ;-’ t >’•> 1™ Third »trwt. between W.<nd and FmithUeM,
WM. JOUNnjn, ) put»bm«h, IVnnt
I have made a chemical examination ofsotnu tjaviniecsoi W. K. CUILD3I CO'S HOOFING, l*tt ? ut my office, I tie re
suits of which areas follows: « 7
l-t. The material*, compounded aoa, remain liable far a groat length or time. *s
2d. The consistency ie pot readily influenced by tlie temperature; ratruu-rjueutly it vnnhl not in- liable t» melt and tin.
offfnmi a neifi'. hummer, <>r crack in Winter. I e. extremes »f nutnral heal and cold wonld 1...1 mjinc it.
-»i. 1h» cein[~M>ii.oi is not aenj t.iit (light ty alkaline, it would nor destroy the ranvass, but on the roufrart i-rotert
11 from the BCtn.ll -I (tie weather
tlh It is Wafer Pr.H.i; and t• a < *t.-..t Fir»epi..,r; that la. sparks nnJ Are brands failing mum ii could iud in
flam- n ]|, my opinion such a roof uin lust f..i are*.-••ifprt >nporvfnHv and rucvirinig prompt ftttnctlua.
KcsjsTtfnily. | JOSEPH M. LOCKK, Chemist,
i fjibaratorj No. I2S Wnluut street, Clnclunati,
Ciscnnurt Aowcr Rotai Ist- cv, Vetv trh, iii;
I bnri' i*.imlne<l W E. CuiLbs 4 t.'o'B Klaitic firr and Wjtrr-Prool l}wm,>nt Roofing. Ati'liw fur m 1 r*«i judgft, ceoßidr*
It a (f«»I intention. nud am wlllin; tc. lo«nr* ImiMingx tlm* jirnUctwl npoa tin uoi«- t«rui» a* l in«»r- trli!
tne,al apiilpUwK jStgUitlj JNO. 8 LAW, Agt. Royal !n« l'-'.. U>n<li<n m. J J.h
\ \•’| T \ OX F. II rXIIn F, h TOXh 1» AI I
mam lloyd & co.,
Having mauk extensive preparations this winter, art*
to >lo a bcary tai'inou bj ' 1
TUion#!. from tl.- E.w*rn W.-rai, «.wtirr«.nr friru.J* vir! all th.*o diai-d t,-, H t,ilio>.L v* a
KUHrmiT''- '"' lt m,n ■ T “ f " ,i *" in " rra ' * n,tS, * r,l “" KASVKKN AXI> i
The Av.iiaun tho Inclined Planes nn the Allegheny Portage Kuilmad
i, *!.«■ inu\»miMinn of firixl.t, Ofllr# Ivr.n Simi, at thr
Will „nr mr.-w i
fr.l’l I , .1
Wfc--jjrrrrtfc ICIEH'S PORTABLE BOAT Z-lUi;,
fMiffriiJJ Viu Peniisylv;tnla Cana] and 1C ai 1 j- . * . I
Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month Each Way.
•-» .Itinoic Ore i>*s! Winter and ffo can n-w offer to SIIIPFEUS tlio «uperJ<*rftdvnutaKtj or a DOOBLK I>Al!.\ LINK
to auJ from PiiuLnrgh, Philadelphia and Our Un- In-inr compost'd eutudy of POUTIIH.K |soA'l> l*Ht
tran*hipnu-nt u required. Mercltsuts ■ending Frrk'ht u. .xjr Line ran rely upon it* Leins pul throujrb with «ul"’ !•.«■*!!.!
•|""l *tid ilrsj.nt 'ti fl A KKIIOUHK. CANAL !tA?IS, corner o f Zilxrt y uu</ Wayne ftTeeelx Ihihlmrjh
KIER A MITCHELL, Proprietor*
JFot Kent.
TO LET.—A throe story Krick Store
•nd Dwelling, ..n St. Clair rtreet, near Liberty.'t.ia-k
Ka-jOlr*- of WOLFF A LANfc.
Hardware Merchants.
TO LET—A tlireest-ory Dwelling House
situated on Rots, between Secoud and Third't*
ALSO—A Store Room on Sinithfli'id vtroet, opposite the
Post Office. Enqolreof ISAAC JONES,
JiX-lwJ Comer Uoas andFirbt ats.
Fob sabe oii beSt.—iwnVwitWffi*-
rent the propertyvlierr I nnti’~residfr, "’wt&lftd Ooßci
Uie Second Dank, Attephcoy City, and give pomaion da-tfce
Ist of April m. HaMITI'PN.
FOR KEMT — The large Warehouse jfjjifr
ttoirttccu|>ied ty W. 11. Smith A Co.. No*. 151 jjyja.
Ftraf anil Second <lrr»l«. Enquire of
jA24allf No*. 149-Pirst and ISO Sr-op&d st<.
FOU RENT — The commodious and PS®
substantial llirvo story Brick Dwelling, Nn 107 JgjS
LSherty street. six doors below Pitt.
laltfdlwd LEWIS ft EDfIERTOX. 107 Woods!.
TO LET. — A two story Brick Dwelling pSj
House, No. 17'» Wylie street, at present occupied
by our Richard Floyd, well fioMied and in ordyr, and
has all (be modem convenience*: water, g:u, ac ; also stable
and carriage hnnso. Apply in
LET—A two story brick Dwelling £*js
. rontainim; 0 room* and finished garret, tdtnate
uc O'Haras*. Enquire or K II KINU.
Jol4 _ X» 211»orty street.
LET—A well finished two story
in nl»forder, containing six
F oWifitV fok. REAiCri«
Fowmar, Penn street, Pittsburgh, formerly occupied
by Freeman A Miller, now by Hall k Speer, in for rent
For terms enquire of ALKX, MILLER. or ..f >L U\-
PKltfrOOD, at the Bank of Pittsburgh. jai4:dtf
TO LET—A two story Briuk DweUiDgdsaj
on Hay street, between Peon and tho river. Kd-jS
qmroof J»ll R. 11. KINO, N 0.211 Liberty »r.
FOli KENT—Two Uesirtihie Houses on sth
st n being tho one I occupy at present, and the new
House next door. Possession given on'the Ist April 18;,s
For n nt. Ac., apply n, ALEXANDER KTNO.
• . 273 Überty street.
ALbO—A comfortable three story Dwelling Ilonse on
Penn strwt. near Wayne. Posesaion can be bad forthwith.
For terms, Ae„ apply t., ALEXANDER KING.
ALSU—A two story Brick Dwelling House un Esplanade
otreet. Allegheny City. Iroruiylbtte prissesaiou given.
ALSO —A Frame Dwelling in tlio rear ofthe above bouse,
«>n Jsm.s street, Allegheny Cltr. Rent low to a good ten
I'fOM KENT. A comfortable two fltorv
[trick Dwelling, with Barn and aUint «(x acres of ex
cellent land, and near lAst Liberty.
i’uasiinioii may I— had Immeilintely on application to
_ 373 Liberty tn-et.
LET.—A 3 atory Dwelling Uouso, on
. hum Street, 1-twren Hand and Wayne streets
itrut luoderaia to a giant tenant, ami- possession Riven at<
cmco. Fur terms apply to ALEXANDER KING,
273 Liberty -street.
! To Let.
Dwolling, sitnato on Washington street, AHe-fejß
1 gheny dry, containing five rooms and flnithedjfarrrt.
1 session ran ha*t imnuvtiatMy. Enquire of
1 JyW 11.11. KING,No.2IO, Litany*:.
Dwelling house to i!ENT.~fhS
rommodtnns and well finished Dwelling House, N 0.26
j Pikastreel, uow o-miplad by tbe Ylw housois
: Di flop order, and has all ll»a modent ronreoienccs. water,
I -gas, Ac., to make it desirable for a IkiDilv Puvsw.iuu «-au
I U badany time sfier thq BrTt of Slay. * Apblv at No. 42
gyarastreet, 6p22nltf JA3. I.ALOIIUN.
TXJ LJ-T. —The Hail formerly occupied by
JL. _theßc*v of Temperance, on the eortisr'of Wotsl and
ThlnUtreets. Knqnireor JOHN SEGILL A SON,
N 0.267 Liberty street.
DWELL! NO "FOR* KENT.—A d.-si j 59
i sUlo two story Brick ilno»o <>n Congi-emstiret, JJ{3
containing G moms, a good ynnl and newly {wiiuled rutd
papere-1, apply t., WATT A WllJSo.v.
ja-'i N«. 2ti» Lllwrty street.
qushited with .marketing, and capabts of cultirating
some l ietit acres in veeetabl s aod fruit. Inquire of
f,.J No. MJ Water str«»t.
b> engage in the sale of tbe meat popular selling
Books In America. Invalids. Mrebaairs,farmers and Teach
ers withlug to travel, will And this to be* very profitable
and pleasant business, enabling tinim to see the country,
aod make money at the same time. Agents now lathe bus
iness are clearing from $6OO to $1,600 per y ear. lor ftill
particulars ami a list of Books, address U. M. BULtSON,
Queen City Fablishlng Uonsa, 141 Main street, Cinclnnan,
Ohio; or, if living East, !>. IIULISON. PhlUdcdphia.
Money Getting Bailer!•’? _
WANTED.— of good business or
accommodation paper l«a r *oß
month* lo rnn In iudu from f l*» to rf**'; Am»l» »t Ui«
Officof _ **>!!> B. M LAIN 4 SON.
Mechanlc*’ Bank »*xK;fc: M. m>J M. Bau1; Stock:
Kxehany* Wwtern Inauranci'
Uuuougahrla *• ••
Stock Broker*, 69 Pohrtli street.
T.> All orders, by
WANTED —Nuterttuid Drafts having *l, G
or Vi mAnth* u> rna; fUK) to jlffK), by
Stock and Note Brokers,&3 Foartli at.
WANTED —A quantity of good, sound Rye.
117' ANTED.—Agents wanted in every tnvrn
YV and city In tho United States. Enclose two stamp
and address J»»l<:w3m*y A.O. SIDNEY, Boston, Man.
BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price
paid lor Ikoswai at B. L. FAIINESTOCK ACO B.
est price paid fur Beerßladden at
ilui .'•*»*»
Lebanon Uatierf.
invite tu e attention op®
I th.pobUoUlh«lrUrpuidTKtol_M»«-;o»»‘‘>'— :
An lufaliible Cougit Rcnttily.—] bad i-n.
>«-k three months, nni &ble to do anything, with n
*u<J stuffed condition of tin* wlnd-pijK*? I tried several of the
i*lir*:r«Ans iu tliii city without rocvitlng any benefit
»1? of them tubl tny lane* were affected. I w*» rotil!i».l
my 1.0.1 donna the greater j«art »f this t inn?, 1
a groat deni <4 matter from my limps. The first two doses
of yoyf rector*] Syrup that 1 took, I cuiiU not take without
my I had taken two bottles I
was entirely i-tireS. I hare been well ever since. Mvshk
near coainivnc d about the first ..t, March. .*f this J
am now,mud wnsai the fluie oj my dick until, living si
Thomas Patterson's, ill Unii-n street, now the Diamond.
Pittsburgh, Oct. *is, '67. .Micuii.l. Sir Av**r.
Prepared and eohl hy I»r. (IKO, li. KRYitKIVN-s Ho
Wood street, Pittsburgh, !*'«.. tiu-l bv Druggists rvnrrn her.
Da. Xefseb's Shoulder Bracks—Prom
Pittsburgh Dispatch, April 10th, IShd,—Fbr mow than
yeara put wo bare ruustaotly worn tho Weahlugtiii sin*
ponder llrai-M, mannfitctnrud by Dr. Gct>.'l!.'Keyst-r, ol So
140 \V»H»d atrrot, fn itii»dty, Junl would heartily recniu
tnondif to all who are«-Urd to a sedentary occu
pation. Aa no have l-:-fur* rvnmi fu calling at:<>ull<>u
to its merit*, it answer" for a t>mr>- and »usj<>iid* , r*, (tie
weight «f ttn pantAlxona
tend to triug t)ir tdiuiilder" tiilUmr natural position and >•!
l»uid the chest, Women, bunilrt-tsof whom are oor.unil)
Injured by th« welgui ol mormons ~sKirts,” should ul»o
procure them bram. lie particular In pmenriog the kind
mcuUoned, as many of the hruxs sold are humbug. A-dd
at Ur. UEO. 11. KKYSKH’A, Wholoeah" Druggist, 14il Wood
reel, sign of lit* Golden Mortar. Je2o:diwKF
For Deaf Persons.— »AcoyBTie acticlks—
S*WilkUtffttitcO it'atnimenla that enable thedraf to hear in
means ofan artificial druiuTVikT {Z* rV .'.V ‘—'
and all the circumstances that «ti*«d tnim7~i»
Aro entirely dispensed with. They are worthy
not to bo perceptible t.. ..them, rm.l h.irdh fell when
worn. Apply t"
. jKKVdawV ’ Dr. CL IL RRVSEILUO W0..1 ,t
Twenty Years Blindness Cured by
Oa»rrrccFE*r. Krt LoT, o »._ Urt . charUy Carnal™, ol
TemiKTancoville. w as cm imly blind iu one eye Tor more than
twenty yoor*,an>l ri.nld twareely st-wwith the other. She is
almost euUrely one bottle of Kst
Lonon, and another buttle will eoiln-lT re
store her eyes. *«Td at Dr. QF.O. 11. KKYi?KR\« N.,' ltd
Wood street, sign of the Golden Morur. price 2.'. i-.-nt*
—For many years l have Ixvn tronbird with gsuera
weariness and languor, both mental and physical; caprice.
lUtiounca. dull headache, pain in the bead and temple*,
coldness and tendency tostiffneas. palpitation cf the heart,
very rosily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, sto'rusrh
and bowels deranged, with pain. Any mental or physical
exertion was sure to bring on all the symptoms, and f had
In addition, falling of the *enib, and great pain fn that rm
poo. UnopbysicUn after another elLatwied bis skill «W
«td pefwwrißg use of MAR-
fortunately cured nit
ami I hare no words sufficient 'to express my thankfulness
I can truly »ay tliat I baT# been a sufferer fee many years ’
with whites and deranged menstruation. Afler jTsrhihv I
bad oUtcr troubles, such m pale taco, indigwtian,' wasting**
***!* EP-ywal languor and aebUity, pain in the email of the
Iwrb , k »ur/ of aching and dragging sensation, pifa between
the shoulder blades extending down the spine, loss nf wipr~ '
tite, trouble in the stomach and bowels, with cold baud*
audfi'ot and drnsd/iU tmrvousDNß. The.lpaat MdletaKit
would niaku me feel as if I sliould fly away. I tried doctors
end dnig*, and eTerytMng.ouc an*r another, without Ihp
benefit. Ono bottle of MARSUALL’S CTEIUXK
ICON changed *>.mo of ray symptomi for the.better, had
uow lam entirely and radically cnmL I wish that eicn . '
woman rtniH know what it will do. CLARIB?A OHKR.
life, ns I vcrilv believe. I tried doctont and tacdkineuntU
it v.une<] oseiMi to try lunger, wlicn I mcVwlfh s lady wh-.>
recsanniendol the Catholiron sostroasly that I dectaed itmy
duty to try it- 1 was mostly troubled wfth doruxed mnu
stniatiou. My symptoms wt?e priodrally pains In thebsck •
sthl abdomen, tvasrlng downpam *1 Ahf tints of ihajllnsss,
bloating,colic, nausea, constipation.ibelioffMtf.lhe bag*
ami limlwi were bruised or brokrn, ♦.mrUtionsandtmnltins: ‘
anxurv Qi*. sermnd to u * bnrd-n,) dirhjrlk-d (hyys faint
urw. slmdilcrlugs, fatigueon walking in tlw ttundh* CntO
lenr.N, eonstipatvon, pmwnro ofbiood in tbs hsad. dt-Tn^f.
.especially when »t<wping,groat IrrHabiUiyorierntwr, almost
ccuxtanl inoUnauon tor**. nstU«ni«ind de
■ire W weer> or fe*l nuhappy. I v.Wuot -nly enttrrly cured
myself of all these symptoms, whit*. I h»rs gfren os an Im
perfect account of my inSerin», l-ut I have known so man*
others cured iu town that i r.-oi bound to let you know “
that others who sre sisilarly situated may slt-> find retfef ’
For • long time I had UioriaecompbdoUwlUilha follow
log symptoms: I was nervous, cmwiittd sod Irrilshh- -
omod to sbonod in complaints, some of which T wVto-r tn *
B iw you: psin lu tbe lower orgam, aoda feeUojr u
thing was going to fall out; Inability to walk morfi 0 *
coontof a feeling of fnlloms;aching and drscrinz. and
shunt! ug pains is the back, loins, and »k
‘n- trridiD, £oi<, era’ JIK a
YujaodK .tootfnp iua polß. i» u,. bo.. .
Jjlxataiy.rtlbriDgto* Luirn; .r.r, t".
T 1 FV lr L itabllJt r. 101 cm. MrrSii ,
1 k«»I, HOT, .Urn! tho hm^s,rs3
«iiulopl«MOTla*i>, ttlnst. I La.J
rled everythiug, as l sur.Twsed iajndn, lull a
oiy attention to MARBIULL’S UTEItlffE CATUOLTCGN
I took It, hoping against hope. Start fortunately it cured ,
me, and there fa hut s healthier or toord grateful woman i n
liracomitrjr. I trtistall will oa» it; ItUtmiy Umwoman'*
irii-udin need. Mrs. FLORRNCR LB3LIR.
lyctirt Hintzfo/tA'.Wmb, miiu, fnWar
or Rxin/ul Jiautrvalw*, Bioaiixg, InJlasmatuAu mm p,,.
roitt of Uin Kidnrvs or Urinary Organs, Ettmiian or Inca*,
tinavx of Urine, IltariSorn, ChftfMim, Ifervmanm, lUint
ingt, ftlpitatioip, Crtmjif, IHtturUd Sleep, and ali troubles
organic or rymrof/ir/iV. connected with tht l tcrinsarM*.
is One Dulisrand a Hi if per single buttle.
On the radpt qf tis doftan fit* battles »hallbtt*ht by no
press, free of charge, to the end of 44s express route. ? *
liegarticidjr tu errife the post ofio* address toeor^cemni y*5sl„rapToT)acco; 7 - r '
JL do, > . f-
__ j.l ? * : JL ROBISON* CO.
WNE--S()0 lb, aHdlt-r .
J.» • Corner Ft,.T«4
au2d:d<lwtf H
Y .
I I. "YD A 0i»