The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 03, 1858, Image 3

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    Jittsbnrgl ©ajette.
ear official paper op tub cnr.-fi*
News of the City and Neighborhood.
Thu Cestbal Pbeseyterias Church.—A
new church with the abovo designation is to be
at ouce organized to worship in the here*
tofore known as the Fifth Presbyterian Church
of this city. The Presbytery, under whose
jurisdiction it falls, has appointed Dr. Jacobus
to be pastor there for the ensuing year, and, as
we are informed, the church will be regularly
and thoroughly organized during the present
week. When this shall havo been effected, ser
vices will occur regularlyeach Sabbath morning
and evening. “*,
'For tho. last two Sabbaths, they being the firet
iu which the newly appointed pastor has officia
ted, the church has been crowded. The build
ing is situated iu a populous portton of the city,
and forms, as it were tho nucleus of the church
edifices of the city. Immediately around it, or
ai least in thftt same ward, we believe there are
no less than 27 houses of worship of all denom
inations. The entrance, and the only entrance
to the Central Church is from Smilhfield street.
The entrance to, tho main bodyiof the church,
after having asceodcd a flight of stairs, is by a
stogie door. The reason why we refer to this
more particularly L«, because wo thought on
Sunday, after service, when the large congre
gation were slowly winding their jray out, how
terrible a thing afire, or even a false alarm of
fire might bo there. j
Wo trust tho above remark will be considered
by nobody os conjing from aoy other feeling
nor as moved by any other motive than the real
ono which has prompted it:—we mfian what we
havo said as a hint to the preventive measure
which is necessary to render the church entire
ly comfortable. Tho doors should be widened
or additional ones put In so that the house
might bo emptied from all the aisles at once.
We oxpect - and hope that the new church may
be built up strong and united under the pasto
rate of Dr. Jacobus.
Tub Scott Leqioh, met in the Armory of the
Jnckrou Independent Blues, Smilhfield street,
Monday evening, for the purpose of further per
fecting their organization. The meeting was
largely attended. After the disposition of some
preliminary business; on motion of F. H. Cool
ley, it was resolved to form a military organiza
tion, to be composed exclusively of persona who
have performed military service in defense of
the United States. The meeting then proceeded
to the election of officers, withrthe following re
sult: «
Captain—Alexander Ilays.
Lieutenants—First: Robert Anderson; Sec
ond : JaSnt9~C. Hull.
* Capt. Hays w&s lhe first Pennsylvanian wound
ed in the Mexican war—in the battle of Palo Al
to, under Genera! Taylor, flo-wos In the regu
lar service, and is a graduate of West Point.—
After hia wound, ho joined the
army under Qeneral Scoxt-jttod after serving for
a short he resigned his commission. lie
haiCbince been engaged as a civil engineer iu
this vicinity.
Robert Anderson was a member of the Du
quesne Grays, in Mexico. He loft as a private,
and. returned, after peace had been declared,
Second Lieutenant, to which post he had been
elected during tho service.
Jas. C. Hull left for Mexico, when quite a
youth, in the ranks of the Jackson Independent
Blues, Ue was promoted to a sergeantship during
the servico. ITo is an exemplary man, in every
respect, and is highly respected by a large num
ber of acquaintances.
The officers elect are empowered to appoint
non-com missioned officers. — Dispatch.
ConRT or, Oxer & Tkrmikxr.— The cose of
Lutz came up yesterday in this Coort, on the
motion for anew trial. Lutz was brought into
Court at 10 o’clock. Judge McClure reviewed
-the grounds of ihetuotion at great length. The
principal objecliou taken to the bill of indict
ment, by the counsel for tho defence, was that
the ..wjjfds, “of which mortal wound,” should
have been repeated, immediately preceding “tho
said Richard O'Leary did languish," &c.
Th.' Judge showed that the objection was
merely technical, and overruled tbo motion.
Then ho told John Lull to stand up, and hav
ing asked him whether or not be had aught to
to say why the sentence uf the law ebould not be
passed upon him, and having received a negative
answer from lb© prisoner Judge McC. proceeded
to perform the solemn and painful duly of pro
nouncing sentence of death-upon ihivwayward
man r altcr whtch he was remanded to his cell.
Thus ends another of those fearfal dramas of
which our Court has beeo the stage for the past
year. Arc there no lessons in tire proofs -here
given that the sword of justice is not borne in
vain, to those who still persist in the ways of
folly which lead down to ignominious death?'.
Eeecnov. —The Annual Election of the Pitts
burgh Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Co. was
hebl al their rooms yesterday, when tho follow
ing gentlemen were elected Directors for the
'* eurrehfc£sw :
Robert Galway.Marshall. Alexander
Bradley, John Samuel -M’Clurkan, Do
?id Richey, Joseph 8. Leech, David H. Cham
bers Joseph P. Gi?.xam, M. D., James W. Hail
man, Nathan F. Harl, Robert 11. Hartle/, John
Scot!, Charles Arbutlmot, John Fullerton, Wil
liam Carr.
This Company has, wo ldhrn, been eery for
tunate during the past year, and enters upon
the new one under the most favorable auspices.
F. A. Rt.’ibhabt* Esq., tfho has served the com
pany in the most satisfactory manner for the
luastjpart of lastjear, and who previously was
cGtui«ted s wit3i.the Insurance bnsiness, will still
he ffcund at the Company's desk, as Secretary.
Cunc of Deafness.—Mrs. Mansfield's treat
ment of Deafness rests npon a very attractive
and promising basis—that of removing the
muses of ‘disordered action, especially in the
nerves and drum of the ear, by gradually re
storing a natural circulation to the organs of
hearing, so that a healthy local condition is in
duced ; and as the thickening or numbness of
the drum Ls lessened or removed by her reme
dies, noises in the head are cbeoked as the
nerves of the iolernal ear recover their proper
actlon.-fo-that all the organa of hearing gradu
ally regain their natural condition, and the deaf
ness is then substantially cured if there is no
Mm M. has had on extended saccesa m this
method of cure, having thoroughly restored
hearing.innmny instances which had often been
treated by others without benefit, and iix some
ciscs which had been treated by tbe'Brst-aurists
io Europe. Consultations at her rooms at the
MnnobgahcU House are free.
Lecture of Mr. BaADFonn.—Rev. A. B.
Bradford, of New Costle, will lecture In. Excel
«ior Hall, Allegheny City, on Thursday (tomor
ow) Evening, on “The Philosophy of Reform.”
The effort is in its ohject purely benevolent, the
proceeds to be applied in behalf of the Ladies
Benevolent Society of that city, than which no
thing more practically benevolent offers. Mr.
Bradford’s antecedents, as a man and os a speak,
er, are 100 well known to demand at our bands
any extended notice. He has ever been the elo*
aneot defender of liberty to all men; he believes
that the yoke of ibe oppressor should be brokon;
h.- is a minister of the gospel of frecdoiß, which
liu)U> upon all men as free in the truth. He is
in his style, eloquent, clear and impressive, fie
always treats bfcrsubjects with candor and fol
lows iho truth wherever it may lead, regardless
or consequences. Wo have confidence that such
a house will welcome him as his great talents and
merits deserve.
Tire Cookuaks.— The following interesting
incident, which occurred at the Green Btreet
Methodist Church on Sabhath evening, the 17th
instant, i« given by, the Philadelphia UulUtin.
'The crowd to hear the llev. Alfred Cookman
/ preach was so great that it was found necessary
tn open the lecture room to accommodate those
„Ho could uot gel into the chiirth. To tbl»
second congregation the Bev. John Coolttnen
nreached, while bio brother was preaching to the
congregation np stairs, so that two brothers were
, preaching at the same time in the same church,
an occurrence that docs not often happen. The
Tonnger Cookman wos converted last winter, and
has recently entered the ministry. The father
sleeps, hot his mantle has fallen upon his sons
The father of tbeso yonng men was the eloquent
Oco. Cookman, who was lost in the President.
Isos Ctrv Com.ror.-Tho Annual Soireo of
the Iron City College will come off at City Holt
on Friday ereDiog. An excellent timo.will of
coarse ho expected. Addresses, mus c. vocal
and instrumental, will roako up a good ptn.or
the evening exercises. An excellent collation
will bo spread,-and all iho exercises and-enjoy
ments of the occosiou wUlBe such as to combine
the useful with the agroeablein tho moßt pleas
ing proportions. All the arrangements are such
as will ensure the most perfect order and regu
larity in all the hilarity of the occasion.
Festjvalfob the Isfiumaht,'*— Oar readers
will not forget that this pleasant entertainment
is continued this afternoon and evening in the
.City Hall. We regretthoi the weatberifl agoinßt
the benevolent efforts of the ladles, but we hope
that charity will prevail, and fill the Hall to
overflowing. Persons dining in town will find
an excellent dinner served up on call by tbe
Wa acknowledge tbe receipt of a pamphlet
copy of the “constitution and by-laws of the
Pittsburgh Gymnastio Association,’* one of the
institutions of our city numbering over two
hundred members. We hope to see the associa
tion prosper.
AwaiTEBSART- —The Fourth Anniversary of
the Young Men’s Christian Association was cel
ebrated last evening at the Third Chnrcb.
R. C- Totten, Esq., the new President of the
Association, was in the chair.
A stirring Anthem was sung by the choir led
by ITarry Kleber, who presided at the organ.
Beading of the Bcripturea by Bev. D. W. C.
Byllesby.of St. James Episcopal Church: Prayer
by Rev. Dr. Jacobus, of the Seminary; after
which the congregation joined the choir iu sing
ing theSGlh Psalm—
Thy nervy, Lord, Is to tho hcav’ns.
Beoj. P. Bakewcll, Esq., tbeu read the annual
report, one of the most interesting papers it was
ever our good fortune to listen to. We would
make extracts from it at this time hut for lack
ofppace. The principal portions of it shall
appear at another time.
An address was then delivered by Rev. Prof.
Barrows, abounding Id good, sound, practical
sense and advice to youngmen. The nucleus of
bis remarks was: Always remember that you
are Christians. After the singing of the G7th
Psalm, an address was pronounced by Rev. C.
P. Krautb, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,
so rich iu suggestion, and illustration, so elo
quent, so practical that we would be doing U
and him the greatest injustice if we published
only such notes as we have of it. The idea was
one that is suggested to him daily by a sigu on
a baOding be is accustomed to pass—“ Men
Wasted;” that is the want of. the age; Men,
sonnd, practical, learned, vigorous, Christian
men, who are able and willing to do the Lord’s
After Mr. K. had concluded, the annual col
lection was taken up and the meeting dispersed
with a Benediction by the Rev. Henry Kendall.
Meetino or Councils. —We had prepared a
full report of tbo dolDgs in the CUy Councils
last evening, but regret to be under the necessi
ty. of laying them over for to-day.
The railroad crossingwos up for consideration.
In S. C. a resolution was adopted to submit the
question to a committee of five, with power to
act. Iu C. C. the resolution was laid over, the
Council refusing to suspend the rules.
Report 6f Finance Committee was submitted
and accepted. The excess of expenditures over
the appropriations for last year is $15,030.
We will give the report in full to-morrow
The Theatre.—Miss Heron made her ap
pearance on the stage lost night, as pre-nn
nonneed Her wardrobe, however, had gone
astray Id some manner, and she apologised to
the large and fashionable audience that had As
sembled to hear ber, but did not play. There
was considerable disappointment, of course, but
neither she nor the management could be con
sidered 'in fault. The. play of Massauiello was
put on the stage and very well played. Miss
Heron, after a fall day's rest, will appear iu her
great character to-night. x
At the Gaieties, Coyne still continues to draw
crowded houses.
Iron Citt Bank.—We were fortunate enough
to become the holder of some of the bills
of this Bank yesterday. The plate is a
very elaborate one, by Toppaa, Carpeuter &
Co., Philadelphia, and seems as though it would
puzzle the most expert imitators to produce a
fac simile. The Bank has issued, as yet, but
$4,876 iu (ires and tens. We deem it unnecessary
to state that we take Iron City Bank paper at
Tuk Weather.—The wind yesterday coo
spired with the elements in general tn remind
as that this is indeed winter weather. Tho
walkiog was horrible, the 6ky overcast and wild,
aod the town noisy with the clapping of doors
and window blinds. Theairwasnoi cold how
ever, and vfe think the ground hog had no op
portunity during the former part o> the day of
seeing his shadow cast by the son.
The stockholders meeting and annual elec
tion for directors of the Allegheny Valley Rail
Road was held yesterday. A large amount of
the individual stock was voted, and the following
gentlemen were elected by a nearly unanimous
vote, vti:
President —William F. Johnston.
Directors —G. W. Jackson, F. R. Bruuot, Geo.
S. Black, D&rid Leech, Jos. Buffington and l>
C. Hammerer.
Sales of Stocks.—The following stocks
were sold last evening by P. M. Davis, at the
Commercial Sales Rooms. No. 54, Pi£h street •
53 shares of the Rank of Pittsburgh $55 IMt
30 do Mechanics’ Bank 51 UO
10 do fUiiens’ Bank- 00 00
0 do Allegheny Bank 23 75
20 do ' North Amr Mining Co. 220
195 do do do do do. 215
..Prentice.—-Prentice, the eccentric, the genial
Prentice 6T llifr- uuuismu „. mr, »i>i wCrWitu
us on Frhlny night. The advertisement to be
found elsewhere, announces that he wilU**ftire
on Friday evening, under the auspices of the
Young Men’s Library Association. Thin fort
only oseda to be made public and tho home will
he full.
Slight Fire —The roof of a brick house on
Ohio street, between East Lane and Chesnut,
caught fire yesterday, but was extinguished be
fore more than $5O worth of damage was done,
a wae occupied by ajjermao linuer, named
Sloth. _
Ghaediars or TUE Poon.— Wm. Wooda. of the
Sth ward, ami John Ligbtoer, of the Olh ward,
were elected last night, in Common Council,
Guardians of the Poor. In Select Council, J. K
Moorhead and George Albree, Esqs., were re
elected to l be Board.
A mar named Mooney was arrested and
brought to this city yesterday by officers Moon an
Patterson, charged with horse stealing, fie was
arrested in Butler County. He is charged with
haring committed his thefts in Fayette.
In case of storm this afternoon, at 3 o’clock,
Mrs Mansfield's free Medical Lecture /« Udin,
announced for that hour at La Fayette Hall will
be postponed to the first day of suitable weather
at same lime and plare.
Jackson Duscas Esq., bos been appointed
Superintendant of the Bt. Clair street. Bridge
now in process of construction.
DistmcT Cookt. —The case of James Hun ys.
W\ H. Brown, was atill on trial In the District
Court yesterday afternoon.
Oob fbiend Dr. Baldwin has been reappointed
physician to the jail. This is a good-appoint
Dr.McLane'i CeUbralad l*»ver Pllla<■»«*
pxaiD er Finns# Bao»~ or PrmnJ*a«y~Tliß following is
a sample of certificate received daily from our owndtlrens:
Ntw Vote, Angnrt 1, ISM.
Thl. ta to cvrtiTj that I bare bceu sublKt ai time* to re
vara headache; anmetitne* tbe pain Would bu so "jj*;™ *
could real neither day or night. **«■**“«“* I i r po ? 1 !
Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared bj Fleming Dree- 1 wn *
Mi cot a box, of which 1 took two pUI» on going to
two night*. Thry nUnrtd mt enitrtly. Borne tiro* be*
noi elarred and 1 have had no more trenbla from, elck
M. JOHNSTON, 118 Uwtoaireet-
to ask for DR. MjtAM-§
BROS? of Pittsburgh, Pa. ThereareotberPm»PurppiUng
ta be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M Lane • K eD ‘
S “u”. ffiSato bl. c.lebroled Wmlfoge, <*n now b.
h.,1 «t .11 mp«> A “A'J!ini!u'lianß
mivuwar n.x»nwu nans.
Feb. 6th, ■« Appropriate A,birr™,, by pood
Staring of oriolcl and "elect plrcee, ll *lM.p«‘’!'! , l WTtb
toaft* and aenUmenls, will comjwao a portlou of tbs ever-
SSVfTbSSSSr n. Kl.Uf» Bro. will forolib on.of
Nnnnsand Clark*’* superb Pianos lor tho <*wloi>. Music
by Young'sfnir Band. Refreshments by•that prince of ca
terers Scheldecker, included In tbo co«c of^ticket*.■
Tickets to bo had only at tlfc ColleM Rooms, which
mil* a Gentleman and . ie ‘
BAORED concert
WILL tie sung in the First Preultyteria
Chnreh. Allegheny City,
TM»U »<*.<*, tob. bob U.H the Book uriM.
Stores to both rltw»< •• tlx Druptors of U. P Sch«*
s„r the benefit o( tb. Lillee' Beneiolebt. Society trnJ l
SlibUth School of Ibo Hrtt Presbyterian Chotch. jnSito
P”~"pI , "T"S*B UKU II T lIE AT K K
Uisa KIMUEfttY - .Lusk* axd Msiunr
rue* or ADBOMOS.
ltc. Print* Box, am*» M«
SKSrf I Colored Bof r Me
Singia Sv'ntx ia Print* Box, (1,00.
B*cond eight of the Great American Actr««
In her wonderful and nnrlTallod per«ooatiun of
|.UJ. I" Avcict., -I CAMILW
_ .Matilda IKrron
Min Jolla Turubnll.
'“ ,,e 7 t7 f
me MU* Turnbull.
IrTrehAiml. tlje pe»t tt.Kod; o f MEDEA! Aim VICE
«>» *»*
F ° M.^EPao.«»»».
‘ r,l IN PBICM.-W
r 2£E5=iS3»J S2?.k:
i-nmmliift ftt » o'clock.
■ U.t oi.hl but Ibtea «t tb. “ef'.^E'Jco'vNE”'" 01
lrbbComta*dl*nudVoculUt, UrOAliblbEK
Jciy OTrot, MU, K»W EDbtt
.HI„ K»n, Wfblep«b.
*■ «»£
c 0 y a R e s 3 fox a l .
Wasuisgtox Citt, February 2.
Senate —A message was revived from the Pres
ident tronsmitiog tho Lccumptou Constitution which
was read. It quotes the severe language of Gov.
Walker, declaring that the city of Lawrence is tbo
hot-bod of Abolitionism, end says that tho dividing
line in Kansas is not Iveiwecn two political parties as
in other pieces, but it is between those who age loyal
to the government and tbu*e who are
oring to destroy it by force ut usurpation. It says
that Kansas is at this day as much a Slave State as
Georgia and Soath Carolina, and recommends the
admission of Kansas under this Constitution as the
only means of restoring tranquility ; the people con
amend it hereafter as they think proper.
Mr. Bigler moved the printing of the message,
and that it be referred to the Committee on Territo
Mr. Trumbull was unwilling to let the matter pass
from the consideration of the Senate without re
mark. 110 looked upon it os a perverted and incor
rect history from tho beginning to the end of the
difficulties iu Kansas. Even from the imperfect
bearing of it as rend by the rlerk it-wai inconsistent
with itself. The President recommends that Kansas’
ho admitted under tbo Lecompton Constitution on
tbo ground even that it is in violation of tho will of
the people. Tho legislature which convenes under
that Constitution may provide at once for its change,
and yet tbo author of tha t declaration tells you that
the election to determine whether the people would
haro the Constitution or not is a nullity. He takes
the ground that tho people have no authority to pre
vent it from going into force, and yet havo the power
after it goes into force to change i«. Upon what
principle can such doctrines be maintained. There
was no usurpation on Kansas than that commiUod
by tho President and his army In that territory; and
the army bos been employed there without authority
of law, and he quoted from tbo record to prove tho
Ho commented on the Nebraska Bill, arguing
that tho administration of Kansas under tbo Le
i compton Constitution would bo a violalion of the
principle of that act according to a fair construction
of Its provisions.
Mr. Douglas said be .should reserve any reply
whiah he might havo to make to what bin colleague
had sold relative to the Nebraska Hilt until a future
Mr. Toombs said but for tbe character of tiio as
saults which Mr. Trumbull had thought proper to
make on tbo message, he would havo been content
to let It go to the country and vindicate Itself, but
such had been tbe nature of that assault that be
felt It to bo Ms duty to take this opportunity, to ex
press hb hurty co-operation In that policy the Pres
ident has indicated, and at tbe same time ‘express
his gratification at tho signal ability and power
with which tho grea( princlplo lying at tbe bottom of
that policy had been presented to the American peo
plo by the Chief Magistrate, who recommends tho
admission of Kansas under tho Constitution just
Semite adjourned.
House—Mr. Harris, ut Illinois, gave notice that
he would to-morrow move to take up tbe contested
election case of VaUsndingham against Campbell,
in order to dispose of tbe preliminary question in
The Houso resumed the consideration of tho Print
ing Deficiency Bill.
The Hoose spent several hours in tho consiJcru -
tion of the Printing Deficiency Bill whioh appropri
ated $790,000, and after amending, rejected it by f»7
against 1.15.
Tho President's mcSsago was received and read,
when Mr. Stephens moved that it be printed and re
ferred to the Committee on Territories, and os tbo
hour was late, 4 o’clock, he thought that thoy had
belter adjourn. *
Mr. Harris, of lllimd«. hoped tti:it (hr
would not adjourn. tirow and. Ilugho.-* struvrgluJ f-r iho floor
which was accorded to tbe latter.
Mr. Harris wished to submit another motion. It
was proper that it should Ixj made.
A voice—lt is for a Select Committee to consider
the Message.
Mr. Hughes refused to yield the floor.
Mr. Harris—Very woll; all will have n show at
this thing in a very short time.
Mr. Grow said if Mr. Hughes did not want to
ipeak now, let him yield tho floor that others might
express their views.
Much confusion and exciUmcot prevailed.
Mrv Washbume, of Maine—i want to say a few
words now myself.
Mr. Hughes yielded tho floor t<> Mr. Letcher, who
mode a motion to adjonrn which was not carried,
tho vote being 105 against 109, the friends of the
Lecompton Constitution generally voting in the af
Mr. Harris again made an iuellectual appeal to Mr.
Hughes to yield the floor
There were impatient rrios for the reading of Mr.
Harris' proposition.
Mr. lluge.H wanted Mr. Harris to indientu what it
Mr. llsrn- • ••mplumcd yf * want »f ■•jiiiU—.v on
tho part of tbo gentleman (ruin Indians.
Mr. Mcljuecn objected to Mr. Hugho.-yielding the
floor and nus called t<> order from (he nppoMlc .-side
uf Ibe ball.
Mr. Hughes submitted a resolution proposing to
rubmil tbe message to a select Committee of Id, to
report on propriety and expediency ot tho admission
of Kansas into the Union, with power lo report by
bill or otherwise.
Mr. li..cuck moved an adjournment, which was
negatived by 7 majority.
- ein 1 1 u, -- *4—
floor for a motion for a call of tbo House.
Cries for HugbJs to K . with his remark*.
Mr. Hughes owed it to hlmscll loptmcw* \,
right. An adjournment was a matter of indifference
Ut him as he did not wish to detain the Houseegoinjt
their will. As to the request of tbe gentleman from
Illinois to y eld tbe floor, be simply asked, first, to
be informed' rhat was the nature of his proposition
to snob u rc* ueti. Ho received o« answer, aod tear
ing that be i lisunderelood the gentleman he took the
'trouble to gJlo hi* r«ul end there tonnd hi* under
standing to pc correct.
Mr. Harris replied that be did u«»t tle«iie the gen
tleman's approbation of the prop.niti>,n ho would
Mr. Hughes—Wilt you iufurm uje nb<ti it i« T 1
Mr. Harris —ThuCs my business.
Mr. Htlghds— I The guaitewan asked iuy i -.iirlesj
Mr. Harris—l ask n<> courtesy of you.
Mr. Ilaghes—Aud I ark ol you.
Calls nf order and touch excitement prevatlod.-
TLe Spanker demanded of the gentlemen standing to
resume their seats, and knocked with his hammer
till they did io.
Mr. Hughes modified bb resolution *o ns simply
to refer thQ message t<» n select Committee of 13,
without ins ructions, if such Committee be appoint
ed he did dot wish to l* its Chairman. He asked
to print, Without speaking, some remarks m refer
ence to sotao affair* in bis own Piute.
Mr. Haris objected. .
Mr. Hughes—l hope hereafter to hear nothing
mere about courtesy after this objection of my col-
He to speak of frauds io tho ballot box
iu LB6A by ib'e same Republican party which pro
fesses an much love for tho Union ; the sacred rights |
of tho pn,.ple and the freodom of elections.
Sfr. Grow called him to order. The frauds in In
diana bad nothing to do with tbb question, bnt tho
trauds in Kansas hare.
The Speaker ?ald that Mr. Hughes bed not pro
ceeded for .enough to enable him to deride whother
his remarks were irrelevant.
Mr. Humphrey Marshall wn* satisfied that no good
c.utd grow out of these proceedings, and appealed to
the Hooso to adjourn. A
Mr. Grocabcck hoped that Mr. Hughes would not
bo interrupted but would be allowed to bare his full
Mr. Hughes sp»ke of the mischievous fanauciam
which incites to anarchy, and of Oeo. Jiui Lane as
having been prescot in the Indiana Legislature to
direct the Rcpoblicans what coarse they should pur
sue in practising thoir frauds, similar to those enact
ed in Kansas by the same party, which was composed
-of renegade Democrat*, Abolitionists, Maine. Law
fanatics, political preachers and strong minded
women. He most decline to march in that army or
follow the tribe. After passing a brief eulogy on the
President aod his Cabinet, he referred to tho Kansas
Nebraska act in justiffcalinn of the course of the Lc
compton Convention and fully endorsed the position*
assumed in tho message.
Mr. Harris, of Illinois, offered a resolution that
tho messago of the President and the Locompton
Constitution U referred to a select Committee of 13,
to bo appointed by the Rpcaker, to enquire into all
_tbo facts conneetod with tho said Constitution and
laws, if any, under which the Convention was held.
Pending tho proposition the House adjourned.
Washington, Feb. 2. —The Herald’s rorrespond
suce states that it is reported here on good authority,
[bat Mr. Buchanan cooteraplatus withdrawing tbo
troops from Utah.
Mr. Bcrnheilol, tho Mormon Delegate, has sub
mitted propositions to tho Administration, indicating
tbo willingdess of the Mormons to vacate Utah and
o.loniio on sumo of tbo Islands of tho sea, outsido of
the jurisdiction of the U. States, provided the gov
ernment will purebaso at a fair valuation tbo Salt
Lako City improvements.
Mr. Burubciici asks that Commissioners be eent
out to arruoge terms ami details. Should these be
agreed o» Balt Lake City is to become a grand Mili
tary Stalioo or depot for western troops. Tbo Ad
ministration confidently expect that Kansas will he
admitted as a State with the Lecomptoo Constitution
and that there will be !«>•« opposition from the North
ern and Western Democratic mombers than is gen
erally supposed. Ureat calculations are made on the
consolidated veto of the South. It is understood that
the Leeotnpton Constitution will bo referred to the
Territorial Committee in tho Senate and immediately
reported upon; with the bill for the admission of Min
eaota attached, and that they wUI bepassod together.
Similar arrangements have been made in the House.
An exciting lime is anticipated in both houses to
The Tribone Correspondent says, that the statement
in the Herald about tbeTarifflorestigating CommU
ley, U a mere fabrication made up from conjectures
und floating rumors; there Is nothing in Mr. Stone a
testimony which implicates Mr. Banks in the least.
The Herald's $7OOO in the old aflalr of the $7OO loan
magnified ten fold.
Sr. Lonis, Feb. 2.—The rim has risen over six
inches since last night, and continues to rlso at the
rate of half an inch an hour. The channel depth to
Cairo is full ion foet. There is ten feet in the Mis
souri, six feet in the Illinois, and five and a half ftet
iu the Mississippi to Keoknk, and all rising. « ealhvr
cloudy with indications of rain.
Ci.evki.axd, Omo. Foh. 2.—The Asl.tal.uU CO.
lofinnwy at KingrlUe was burned to night. It was
set Tun fire by an inmate. was lost, bitty
paoperfl were made houseless.
AcoosTi, On-, Feb. 2.—A "hoi. square of bultd
i »■ was destroyed by fire at Rome on Friday last.
TbJ IMS is estimated at *lOO,OOO. Tbo bnUdingoo
™pied by fh. "Southern Press," was among those
Mu!., Feb. 2.—The High 8ch«l
bundine' in this .(Uca'wu “«rly dotrojea byflt*
bat although con;td.r»bl. ctmftt.ion [.re
railQd, all the scholars aicaped.
[Special for tha Oauttt
Hap risk L’ bo, Feb. "S.—Remonstrances were pro
tented by Mr. Wilkins, from South Pittsburgh against j
the vehicle license, and by Mr. Gatiam of similar
import. Petitions were presented by Mr. Gatzam
from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Wilmington, '
(Del.) in favor of the rechartcr of the Merchants and
Manaiacturers-Bonk; and from tbe Councils of Pitts
burgh relative to the aqueduct
In the Senate the supplement to the Iron City j
Bank charter was passed finally, yeas 17, nays 10.
House.— Mr. Seott from Allegheny Co. was sworn j
in as a membar. The bills to incorporate tbe Wash -
ington Infantry, and requiring the Pittsburgh and
Steubenville Railroad to construct an arch or tressel
work foe* public road in Smith township, Washing
ton Co. were considered and passed to a second read
ing. The -Canonsburg State Road bill, after being
slightly amended was passed finally. The charter
of the Odd Fellows Jiodgo in Mercer Co. was also
passed finally.
Wasbisotom Crrr, Fob. 2. —Tho following is the
concluding portion of the President’s Message
Every patriot in tbe country Hhd Indulged in the
hope {hat the Kansas-Nebraska Act would put a final
end to the slavery agitation bt least in Congress,
which had, for more than 20 years, convulsed the
country and endangered tbo Union. This act in
volved great and fundamental and, if
fairly carried into effect, will Eettlo the quoation.—
Should (he agitation be again revived; should the
people of fhe sister States be again estrayed from
each other with more than their former bitterness,
this will arise from a cause so far as tho luteresi of
Kansas is concerned, more trilling end insignificant
than has ever stirred the elements of a great people
into commotion.
It Li, moreover, nu trifling consideration: we shall
then be enabled to withdraw the troops from Kansas
and employ them on a servico much needed. They
bare been kopt there on. tho earnest importunity of
Gov. Walker, to maintain tho existence of tho terri
torial > government and secure tbe execution of tbe
laws. Ife considered at. least 2000 regular troops
under command of Harney as necessary.
public life will terminate within a brief period,
and I havo no other object of earthly ambition than
to leave my country la a peaceful and
condition, and live in tbe affections and respect of
my countrymen. The dark and ominous clouds now
impending over the Union I conscientiously believe
will bo dissipated with honor to every portion of it,
by the admission of Kansas during the present ees-r
sion of Congress; whereas, if it should be rejected, t
greatly fear that these clouds will become darker and
and more ominrms than any that have over threat
ened the Constitution and tbe Union.
Jambs Uivuanax.
New Orleans, Feb. I. Walker"appeared
iu tbe U. S. District Court this morning. Judge M'
Caleb said that there was nothing against him, the
Grand Jury having refused to find a verdict. Waj
ker was anxious to be put on trial fur violation of
tbo neutrality laws, but the Judge refused. The Dis
trict Attorney said there was nothing against Walker
unloss now instructions front Washington cbuuld bo
New Orleans, Fob. I. ‘mi Sunday morning a
largo fire took place, coir mu mg tbe Magazine Mar
ket and adjacent stort.-. Lu:x over $50,000. Another
fire took place this umming un Canal street. Mostly
covered by insurance. Supposed both to-be tbe work
of incendiaries.
Springfield, 0. Feb. 2. —Tho agents of the Spring
field, Mount Vernon and Pittsburgh Railroad Co.
have taken up all of their tracks buf ono and hare
given notice to tbe Mad Hirer Co. that lhey_cabnot
pass over it after to-day unles9 thoy areede r to tho
proposition to permit tho former Company to run its
trains to Dayton. Home considerable excitement ex
New Voax. Feb. 2—Cottou Arm, 2000 lutes aoU. Floor
firm, *SOO Libia Bold. Wheat Corn dull l'
bn* filial n decline «f \c, «'U White. Sugar firm. Coffee
lutii. l. c « »,| l | at byj£ll forJJb}./MuU*»«» autel at Bi
Honllxrrii S V Central 84 l _; Itratlui*
Knc-l’U' ,; ir.-Tol.iiul A Tolnio 41; Mllnraokle A Mhnl*sl|>v>i
M j.-k.un Siir» >54 - i Stxw &'>,California Serena
Cincinnati. F*b. Flour dntt at |3,fl\'a'3,7o for soptr
line Tbore is no .bum;* bi (lrnio. Wlmfey IV. Ilogt
firm and advancing. " ith wiles at Provis
ion* nrw heiil for a farther aOvunr*, with «alea it f-'r
hulk NhonUm and Sides packed. Hid'd Ltrd *’.i. tlrvvn
llnin* 7c kirns Pork saleable at held at (1".7^14
rugii mil Mol.itsra firm. The riser bin risen »*• vrn luchr*
DR. .BURLEIGH will continue hi* lecture*
and tnt«rrstlr»r, experiments on BECF.NT ELECTRI
CAL lil^('i»UßSE. J . fins i-Tpalng, at tbe North Hall r*f the
Jion City Collrpt. AdmlsHtou IS rents. No hail prlc.-.
ikm* opwii at .'Xcrcitrs begin at 7 uYl»rk.
fIJ-All Ninuia Diseases may be re!!e~i>l by tim Doctor'#
n-w and improved Magnetic battery.
Office In,nr# at the Hall, 4tolo * u. fr'2:l«d~
Allegheny County, aa.
THE Commonwealth of Penn.HvlvnnirugWgfc
to the Mierlffof anid county. Greeting:
If W. Hoilman, Alleu, KdwarJ Hahm »nd
franci* Ralini,p.irtn«*r», Ac- make you wtnrcofpnnccuting
their claim, thou wo command ymi tlial you »uimii»u b*
)r»«l and lawful Bummnm-rs, I»hUU Unh.-wn MacfarUml, i
William 11. LrXi and Samuel Ilardi, aotlut they lu an I
appear U-1.-iv our JuJ;;c«. at Pittsburgh, at our District
Court, there to (hi- Fourth Monday of Jannary, l{d,S
t<> slow *her,.‘£>re vhtn-u they the said William Coleman,
.Imiri W. Ilsllman, Alton Krotm-r, Kdwar.t Hahm ami
Francis Rahm. partner*, Ac., and the Mid Isaiah Onkruu
Macfariamt, William 11. Ixas and Satunel Harsh, together
and ,lo bold all that certain tract of laud aitnatn
In MilKlua townshlji, Allerlicuy county. Pcnruylvanla
bounded and dcacrllwil as follow*, to nit: Beginning at a
■tone in a tauoleaJinsfrom the rittabnrgh and Greemlmrg
Turnpike to John Stager, thence 8 f»S° Vf 237 perches to a
fkMt: thence by land of Mri.-McMillen K 2° K 73J) prrchd to
ajwMUlhencc'S perrhre to a post, tbrftre N
WV'S prrr hn, to aatonr; itreore ?t W 13 pro.
io a rUiae ufat the flr»t of McCall's steps theucs W 34‘ Vi
(vrehaa to a |»«*l on tho able of Mild township nnd, which
ERWf &l iaftd .V>liO‘3L»?i-|,t‘hifiiLi VjMsCaUtVwr
i,« Unduf John Wager and others.*. M’ W I<o perchc* hi
the ptacw of beginning,containing two hundred and hflj-one
acres aud eighty perebca, strict tueainre, eacepting aud fo
•ervtng fherelrotu tho surface■>*» the following. iwopk-re* of
land embraced within th«aU»re boundary and boonded and
.h.Mribe.l Mverali m fnlkura t.» wit: (Ist) a tract of 31 •*:«»
and 80 twrehea, Beginning at a »tol>e in the turnpike ajnre
aald at the corner nf other laud of mid Chnlfaut: thence N
liiJ Wl3 perchca to a corner: tbenc* N 3i°W Su i*.rcbw*
1.. jTc»nier; Iheurt' 3C6}£ 9 W lo ll.lh-laud's
land. Ihonre 8 64*C J KCI 4 perehea to « cut mr <m 11. Chal-
Unt’s land; thence along Uir «*<* N h porches to
tb-nlacnof beginning. stocond A tract«*f wte< .. foods
«ndOui*r. hfa, Beginning at a stone, corner of Und of
Bh»fUr and l»nvis; throoo 8 31 '■? >2 I4d perches to a poet;
A Wi‘4 J W :t7 toVHKJ prelu to tho center ..f lhe»n»w
p.ktn iheucoalong tha turnpike N 31° W I*l CcMuiprrrherf
thcncc N 23° W aloug the eame ten perchce; th.-nre » 3‘...
W a i-r. u-. il...nrrv S KJd |"“T>h«; tbrnce N 'it'-?' r.
Xt ns Hmpirlia «..thp |>lae«o7t^%h',n*ncfMrl t *<'lU tluTi-of bo
iwe>*n them Iw? mails acronlUig to tUa i
iI.U ronimoowcaUh and
piovbled, do punsay ami the aame tola* >)f
very unjnstly and agaluvt the aald lain
Mtunid, Ac . and hare >on then at v
Iti-ioa- anii>m..ioT» and thl» *iit.
win,.-4 tbr H.rn. \l<«*l w
e.tld Court. Of KtU-'ldllgh. tliU’.lat dnj V.,—
fnpy.J<>llS IMHMtNnH\M. I'l. tli’y.
Hour l , *rTKK>:oe. Sheriff.
Tho detciidniiln ai«'*e naimil will take notice of the
ibore writ. iMlrtHwP KODV PATTtiHSftN, Sheriff.
Cowroonwealtti of Pennsylvania, |
*' AILI-HE'IT CoU>m. #S. t
t), *( .Unnwj t«TU». 1*
Juhnßrnwn. I
Lli/*l>utl« It. Ur ami Audrr« lirlar.hur j
husband. Hflor Harold, husband of |
Parab Harold, dw'd, and »:ii/al*th ]
Harold, (leorg. Harold. Uwl« liar J ftw <*' Htrht.onr
old. Wary Harold, l.arima Harold, > Abciemfti,
Michael llandd,Sarah Harold. and | No ■»*, Parlilb'ii
- Jwo Harold, children and heirs oi j 1»- t-*
Inw of «*id Sarah, Philip Deim the
huabond, and Lewis Uetar and Mary
Jauo Detar, heirs of Calhariu* IH- |
tar. droMKd. i , , '
Tbo plaintiff and defendants «boT® namod am liaici-y tw
tlfl-d that th* at>o»e writ will beeiecuted on tbo promises
therein deseribod. to wIL A Lot on Sandusky hi tlia
Third Ward of the Oily of Allegheny, Doing fx-t Nj< n in
the plan «nnM«* to tha Writ of Partition, or No. It of said
borKt-t, 'wherein floorgi* Roiter plaintiff and Itarfd
Kitcbi® and other* aro defendant*, on SATURDAY, the ‘iClb
day ol March, IHiH. at 10 o'clock A. M-.whw.and whore yon
mav nttnnd If yon think proper.
may «t«iu j i » WDV pATrERSONt Pherlff .
snrnn's Orrtct, 1
Pittsburgh, January 30, IKSB. j JaSftttir
Executrix's Sale of Real Estate.
BY virtmt of thn Inst will of Robert Linn.
dcc*d, and In pursuance of an order of th« Orphan*
Court of Allrghoojfconniy, Pn.thu uuderolKi.inl. nirrtvlug
Executrix of the said will, will sell at Pnbiie Sale, *m th«
promise*, on SATURDAY, the Will of January. l»oS. at l
o'clock P. M, Two> Farm", each coutalulng about
13d acre*. Tbo farms are situM* *n Pewlckley t»wjishlp,
Allegheny enmity, Pa., on tbo water* of U*tlo ► ‘-trickley
Crwk aIMUt ono mile front the borough of Suwlckley. On
one of the farm* there aro two Dwelling !lo.wea, two lUn.a,
t«u Orchards «>r Attplo-Trcta, with other fruit aud other iut
iiroTeincitU. Ou tua other farm aro a Dwcllli* House,
llaru Orchard and other Improvements. Tho tormtnroli
•rood condition aid well located Tor lormlug pnrpnww, and
can ba diritl.vl fotoanialler tractalhrcountry ivsideucM. Tltoy
will l»® Bold separately or toother, nr In smaller lots, ai may
l *The term* or sale will be.nnMltinl of lhc> purchase mom
®v on receiving thodw-d, oue.third in otm year fhnu day n
•ilr with lutere«t,andtb«othcrthird In two yeati. from
day of arde, with annual Interest. Bonds and mortgage* on
tbo promise* to be giveu to accnre Die laid W" 0 "*!; „ ,
For furlltfr lofbnnalion enquire of J. IV ,P. WUtTR. K«p
100 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, or of ,l *
Borough or SewlckW*. _ . .
ihJt:4twF Par. Btecntrix of R. Lino, deed.
HCKRT - * D4 “ -
Lebanon Nonery.
I lb. public lu tholr lug. «ul wrnval
•issfesr**- a,,^,~ c i
( l i of Third rad Wood ,rtr.ct..Pl&sJ»urgb, P«.
Srf, Sp ™iS.£ Jewelry .nd bra
AU kind* i*fPap*r-Ik»M*niAd# to order.
N. It—At Kmteni frit**-
ntAirivllle Fem*l® Semluary;
H ~ p - "■
Thoronnfa and .}rt«mn«e, embracing ovcry branch of an ao
“TKmodX ““SSr B»ri.n,
»n In a room. mare;
ii n . TnltJoo. l»r «"lon of O’* month!,
IMnUngan.l Mod
arn modcrata Calnlopi.a rant
—ARDKN SKKUS. MJU'ltrt*.—Our stock
Hotbeda, einbreeing the m
of oany B*m» tor . n eu |tlT«tlotl. la ready. Or
protedand winkle ӣ2* or promptly filled,
dera from i t™’nKnf Warohonio. 47 VMtb atmt.
from the Bred aud ImpUmrn* jaMRS WAKDROP.
Jfcnjiwf.rP T
Y^lfuM'FOirSALE^-'ri' 0 old Whittaker
F rli
ARrXiN ta West/fn poQaijtn&U,
ptnoin tot M >m | profltmtla bjr tend In* out
I l ,cs'&“ ‘V-
T~ARiroiL— ffi"bblß on. R. F.Sa£S,toar
fl-g>l ISATAIIDICgBT A 00.
—‘ennTWHEAT— 43S ak» ' now loiidini
Btewner. br io> fc > laAIA „ mC KCT * CO.
F R. Barvor, V. P., Edwturo Grlgu, L. Boro. B
PataTos, Joan 3. Co&oairr. \,f
( Reported SpedcSg/or the PitUluryh Gazette.]
FLOUR—The «a]w ln>m tint bands, were 40 bbli roper at
$3,70 and 23 do at $3,75. From atom, aalee In lota of 300
bbls at previous ratPS—$4JM for rater, $4.25 for extra sod
$4,50 family do.
GRAlN—Saleson wharf »f 200 bos Rat Coro at 42 and
100 bO3 Oats at 29.
GROCERIES—Steady ules of Sugar iu ooiall loti at
and Molasses at 27.
BOTCBH AND EGOS—Tbi supply of Butter continues
large, and tbi market U very dull; sales of 0 bbU prime
Roil at Kg,! are also plenty and dull; aales of 10
bbls at 10.
RYE FLOUR —Firmer, tales of 5 obis from store at *3,37.
SEEDS—Clovereeed is firmer; toms iota were delivered
yesterday on old contracts at $4,75, bat holders generally
asked $5,00^5,25.1
Flrll—Uarkaret tu better request: sales of 12 bid* No. 3
at $11.50. ;
llAY—Sales from scales of 15 loads at ft&l4 per trn>
APPLES—Sales!on wharf and from lint bands of 150 bids
ouumon at *l7 Jd and 45 and 50 do prime at $1,124x51,15.
POTATOES—HeId at belter figure*; sale* of son bns
Nes turn nocks to gOont of market oo private terms.
TALLOW—A silo >•( 50 bbls rendered at IU.
WUldKKT—Sales of 100 bbls raw at lCb£ and 50 d>*
rectified at 20;
COTTON YABNS—»• are advbed of a mJnrtion In
figure* end alter otar quotation* accordingly:
. I rovsD Tats.
Noe. 6 tolOiaelaalre 22 c ft lb No. 14-..
Nm. 11 * 12- .....23 cylbNo. 17....
Ne.13..~ ~-24c%11b N0.'18...
NO. 14 /L-JBefl* No. M....
No. 15..... L.~2S ev tb No. a 0....
....12 cfbKo. 800..
.~Uc *llb No. 000..
.10o%llb No. IUOO.
. 9cVtb
No. 400
No. £-00. ...
No. 600
No. TOO -....i.
Kheetint’* No 1..
No 2.
Mouey t* abandnnt, toa point of uoeasinen, on the pact i
of those who or* firtunito or unfortunate enough to Lor*
lftrge Burnt at command/ Paper of the highest grade flodi j
ready *ale In tlia open market at from 7 to 9 and It j
taken without hesitation at the banka, and signature* of ;
acceptable cliaractes pais with ebont facility at from
9to 10. *The*o are the only clasaetof paper wbirb afford a i
fair rriterlon of the market—dirtrurt of -many names :
formerly taking a fair rank in the market; contracting tin
circle or money negotiation* to narrow limit*, except at '
figure* which compare with panic rate*, and which era
evt<teuce* of the (back whtcb credit has received. rather
than of tb* true conditionof the Money market. Ou call
the supply U excessive, at rates ranging from 4 to 7 y cent,
according to th* atanding and facilities of the Imrrower, and
tbe character of the securities , offered on hypothecation.
The bank* are Increasing In apede and deposit*, and grada
ally extending loan*; taking moro freely of good (dock col
laterals, lor lack of dealrable buslueu paper. Prespectively,
the evidences appears to foreshadow even more favorable
rates for the borrower, taking th# rapid progress of money
accumulation lu turope Into due consideration, and there
soeua to l-e littlejprobabllily ofa more active demand for
mutiny, until tnuie throws rdf Its profound apathy and . all*
capital from it* ndut* of ruur«DtrnlioD~|N Y Trlb. .
We aunex a comparative alateoicut of ib<> Foreign Import*
ut New YiJTk for the we*k and •lore Jan, ):
For the w«k. 185tl 1857. 1853.
Dry <iu-d« t2.571.5T15 f2.8U1.779 $721,511
General Merchandise... 1,194,811 1,180,211 1.083,459
l\dal fortlie week 5.3,931,990 ft,804,970
Previously reported 1126435 11,103,811 5,085,644
Stun January l $17,030,641 $15,090,801 $0,990,014
We anuex a comparativu statement of the Exp-rtv (ex
elusive uf specie) from New Yiirk to foreign |«>rn for the
week, and siure Jen, 1:
1800. 1857. 1858.
Tula! for tbe week...... 41,784,740 $388,230 $1,419,097
Previously rcjMrtod 1,930,687 2,825,488 1,904,031
Since Jan. 1 $3,715,027 53^23,728
fterrease of Import- time far this year $8,200,187
liK-rraoe of Kxj«*rt*thn* far Ibis year 110,004
W> L»»« Walilaa about $4,400,000 In apes'l* till*
mouth ouira than ms Jauuarji last y«-»r..
Tbs- el|Nirt Ilf iriartv from tbl* (sort for til" work rn.b
tbl* day; aod fur (uo year IViS, wa* a* loljnw
Total for this work..
I*r**iutmly rci»ortrO
Infaaorof tbia country
Total, ISM.
—fN Y Trlh
Import* by Raltroact*
I’. F. W IC, R, H.—M l>r* etareb, II <1 Coljlne; 73 Wla
paper. Sbeu A I’orklua; Is bble tipple*. (IS do* 'l>u<-krte, 32
>ks fl.ix, lsdoz brootua, P lMer*osi: 23 pkga Hour, U fcbo
ai. 7 eke tL-ixeeed, l! A Falmratork Ans 12 Mil* butler.
J Floyd A ru; 4 do, HI do cloter****d, I do M’Gmdleaa
M«no« A n>; 2 do, 4 do butter, G I‘erye A c<r, 1 rar lumber.
Hall A Bpcur;7tl pkgs *ersp Iron, ShoenburgerilQekeclorei
teed, 4 bM* pork, liiowu A Kirkpatrick; 9 Ida huake, W
Nobier 30 aka b w fl<»nr, 21 d>> rb.reraeed, 2 l<Ma LuUrr,
MClunkan A o>, rk. bid flour S Uarbangb A co; 50 aba
barley. GW Smilh; 5 bid* tallow, F Seller* A r'l S 3 hbia
apple*. 10 blda dour. J Craig; I'd aka barley. U A C*ui|d*dl
•Jcnnalntee, Urubtaker; 5 diia t»l>*,3 bid* ImtW. Sbilrer A
l’llvortb; 12 bgs l> « flout, 7 d u-otnuxal, DC Herbal; HO
*kn dr apple* IS bbla rgca, Ken; S car* h»ga 0 do retL'e,
owner*; 00l aka <l> apple*. 41 Lid* cg£*, £5 d.> Apple*, 55 do
butter. 1200 bua w heat, 12 aka ctoaerieed, 45 MG* pork, 117
t. do, 4,< Ira do, 17 rh# do, 7 bide lard, 22 »ks l*«.\aa. 'JIM bide
Itotir. CUtk A c.
Import* by Ulvar,
WIIVXUNO |k.tlbwalio —11 bxe *mtdn«*. I; 1. Febne
sti*:k | machine, Jenkins; tl bge livatja. Wallace;,
l In IhUki’ii, Fetzer, 5 bbla lard, Miuervn; '.“J tk* bjfa
M Candle.** 5 aka do Rli.vJra A Yerori: tSbdla piper. Hanna;
:;j »k* barly. Curranl; 0 ndla leal tier, V bide abides. Clerk A
•1.; H*d st* barley, Smith; 10 aka poUbvs. Arburkte; 40
Ull paper, Shea: 5 dr»d bog*, 15 bbla apple*. 7 bbla floor.
KrlZer, 10 Udacggn, Furayth; 12 bga oaU, Adauir, 50 bz
ghus. Flack; 27d0 dx> Smith; 13do. owner; 46 dodo WUgur;
25 bbla flour. Swindler: SbU Isay, Gilmore: 39 bid* apple*.
33 tigs curn.l) ib> cat*, owner.
CINCINNATI per J B Ford—2 bi. iCibtid* atdaa, .Vi bbla
. alcohol. sa-Sdo Boor. IC3tiHU- l Uax Ctut!» .*»•»< **
bad. ... a *r, Hagaly. Co.grafe Ac; 4lake 3i w«?
A 7 bbda tobarco, J Ujae«7 oVa-Mkrurm: Wbs glow. b
t Hlawinz.
Ttir eirvllciit iiiuMr Melnotto. Capt MUo» i* will leavs
for Cincinnati today it 10 o'clock without fait Mr.
M'Canre ii clerk of this Unt and will show eferj attention
to (AMOgerv, N>> totter ebane* ran niter tbau lliis Tor
•Uppers or |>:ifc«ogere The Anglo Saxon. CaptßoLsr
is ii|> tar lauilsv Ills The flue strainer Marengo Capt
M 'Callum It getting ready fast for 81 Louis. Po Is tbe grand
■tramM M-demUrCapt Msiratt* The excellent Jso.b
Poe with our friend Capt Stewart. Jo Br»wn clerk, will
Iw tho first boat for Louiiville -Tlie Kmma flrahara
left for &ide«tlll« yesterday The S V UlhUrd «u
fired up and all ready Cir Nashville last evening —.The
Coe Aims,QqdJ J Robinson will »*reak froui her long
coußnemant probably today and tsave forth* suuuy South,
success tn b. r The Fulton City. Capt Brkketl would
get away for 81 !,nai» add Keokuk last ulght The
Cberoilis tli>< Wheeling boat for today.
“ a* l —*jeeariaflHaasaa!!^^
of month* since wu uiuk .>n
aU.ot 4 iuilr< Mraphli. Sbetasakl to belyiug-badl?
I.til in »••» mnrli water era do not know. Bh* eii eKirUl
...nia $4:1,000, and w*« losuied'kwtlß.UUO In thl* city It I*
derided tlru«- Mooonu-hrla. 11.00U5 Pittsburgh. life. Fire
.>■>.) Marine, Ji.oun i‘iii.’em'. Jj,uu». IVewore Mutm.l
| |W« iidd the following front the Ciuiiimatl (.‘•untuerrM of
, Muphia, Foil, I —Kdiinre Commercial : “The steamer
Stephen Decatur, Capl. Frank Dailey, bound from New
Orleans for Cincinnati, atruck the wreck of the sankon
■learner A L Shotwell, a few milea above MeuipUle, last
night, and sunk. The boat and rargo are a total lota. No
Uvea were lost. She left New Orleans on (be night of the
£ld ntt* her cargo consisting of fire huadrvd ami seventy
five tons,of groceries. Including fourteen hundred, barrels
I nt tunbusea, and one hundred arulflfly Lbdt, of sugar. v
The Decat or was a new steamer, on her second rntunj
trip (Yum Xuw OHearus, She wasbnlU at Pittsburgh line*
moutkiilucf.ni4itntjW.oWJ. Slide uwm-d by Captain
Hank Ualb'y, Clark. Bart. C. helper, and ..then, ol PUfe
burgh, where .be la insured for $lO,OOO or $»-),000. Tb«
to»* of tho boat and gargo Ispetimated at alxty Ihuo-ond
dollar* I Tlk< principal portion other cat go aaa consigned
loCiucisuati tnerchauU."
The Cincinnati! Qsjctleiiij*:
••At NaahrlHo, competition aiuonc the boats
has put tbe prise* down to 15c per 100 tbs, and other freights
iu proportion .Tho Jww Uizrar, on her down trip,
from Jacfcfcinport, W>un<l for Napoleon. »u Wednesday of
lust week, when nbont sixty-five miles above the mouth of
White River, on making a sbert turn round a poiut, flauked
inti, ili* bank.struck slog sticking out of the bank, and
suuk lo about twenty-five furlof water. Sbelmdon txnnl
fiO bales <<f cotton and aW>ut «i sacks of Dour, and other
freight. Tin* Uisl and her machinery U suppuwd to be a
,t.>tal loes."
Tho oflUt-rs of the City of Memphis hare determined !•-
establish a newspaper on board, similar to tho
Bulletin " The press will »mu be purchased, and the paper
forthcoming. Here is a go»>d chance fur a good printer. —
Cap! Kounu will waul nui .The Missouri River Light
uiug Liue Company. aud the Pacific Railroad Company, have
pinchused IhesteaiUrr Uai-an J*pry for one of the Lightning
line tKiata next neanou. Tits price paid waa $35,000. The
lout will pass into the |>oest*iii>a of her new owners mi bar
return from her preseut trip to New Orlrans.
U-uUvilte.—The insurance money dne ou the llainl>uw.
some sl,uuu, was paid uu maturity by tbe underwriter* Id
ImaUvitla, where site was hunted. The money wan du
last Tuesday. we l*>|jc*f-, Mid wet [.aid promptly. Thlrwi-i
at rest tho idtf motor (bat hud gained some cirrolation,
that the Insurance would out lhi pa id.
New Orleans—'Tho Prims iXmim «a- advertised to leave
for IHttshorgh on tbe 251 h. aud tho Quern of the West for
Cincinnati on the27th. The Stephen Dmfio and Defender
lell fur Cincinnati <m tho £l4. The Dardnn .ir from Arkan
sas Riser, arrived na the 241 b.
To Pittsburgh the J \V Uallmun cleared from Cincinnati
with 350 tons of pork, whi- ky, 'ard. Ouur, sts., and u good
l>4i*l liger list.
Steamboat Register,
AKKlVKB—Jefferson, BrowtissiUe; Lmrernc, do; Colonel
Bayard, Elir-abelli; J It Ford. Ciucinnath Key West, Cincin
nati; Rosalie. ITlieellug.
DEPARTED—Jeffeteou.BrownHTtUo; Loxerne, do; Colonel
Bayad]- Kllaalwth; Enitnu Ural in in, Zanesville; Rosalie,
Wheeling; Quaker City, Na-divillc; Alma, New Orleans.
River feet, falling.
unalnted with marketing, and capable of cultivating
some eight acres In vegetabl a and fruit, lnunirc of
fe2 No. KO Water street.
to engage in tbu sale of the tnoet popular selling
Books In America. Invalids, Mechanics, funnurs and Teach
ers wishing to travel, will find this to bo a very profitable
aud pleasant business, enabling them to ace tho country,
aud make money at the same time. Agent! now in tbe bus
iness aro clearing from $5OO to $1,500 per year. For full
particulars aud a list of Banka, address U. M. RULISON,
Queeu City Publishing Uouae, 141 Uaiu street, Cincinnati,
Ohio; or, if living Rost, D. KtJLTSON, Philadelphia.
JJlonejr Getting Etilerill
WANTED.— $8000 of good business or
accommodation paper having from 00 days to 0
motjihfrto nnvin sums frontJlOO to $2OOO, Apply at the
office of nnlO B.U’LAIN 1 SON.
Stocks wanted—
Mechanics’ Bank Stuck; M. and U. Bank Slock;
Exchange “ *• Weetern Insurance “
Mooongabela “ **
To fill orders, by AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO.,
Ja2B Stock Brokers, S 3 fonrtb street-
WANTED— Notes and Drafts having 4,6
or 12 month. I» rnu; $5OO to *10«b a rvv
jalS Sl«<k awl Note Broken, 68 Fourth it. •
) - A< |M ntil ? . f g a iHy,.
WANTED.— Agents wanted meYerytown
and city Id tho United States. Encloan two stamp
and aJJrtaa d«ir)w3TO*F A.IL BIDXKY, Boston, Mw.
•EESWAX WANTED—The highest price
cili] for Bwwrtit P. L. FAHNESTOCK
utpricepftldfbrßeefßlaiUentt '»
fl o3o . . B. L. FABSESTOC& k GO'S*.?
A. O. DeOBEW ' i
cfgtntKn<! firry Btnat*. »aU;dlt
Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Line.
rangement with the PITTSBURGH. PT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COMPANY for the joint useof
their Road between Pittsburgh and Rwheater, nil] rr.n tb*4r Trains daily iSuadayv excepted) as follows, commencing
MONDAY. January 2Stb, ISIS:
Ltiv* mrx aim auks uutt
Pittitmrzh, &« i. H IStnbcDTiHc, 0:45 *. *1 [CwJiuabai 520 p. M.jCin. 10.00 v. a.
I *• 10:15 | VTht'erg. lilO PM jciflTelAnd i 55 u jttu’g* . -
5 49?. a* *' ?:M “ {OolaiDbiu, 1:50 a. X.jCia. S.-QOA.K.
&I 4 “ | |St«jb*?Hle7:so>. Itj
Cin. Express
Cleveland A)
Wheeling I 5 * 411 ;
Cincinnati Express I
Steub. Accotn’tion|
The MO a. K.aud 2:33 t. m. Tralu* run through to Colombia without change of cin. miking direct connections for
Dayton. IndianapolU. Cincinnati. Louisville, Cairo and St. Louis.
The 0:46 A. K. Train (tops it all Stations, and connects at Bayard with train on Tuscarawas Branch for New Philadelphia
and all points on that road. At Hudson with the C.Z.4C.H R. for Cuyahoga Falla and Akron. At Cleveland with
Cleveland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo, Detroit, Chicago: and at Chicago with all Railroads leading to the North-watt
Ateo with Lake Shore Railroad for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo. Niagara Falla and
The 0543 a. u. and 2:35 P. M. Trains ewp at all Stationa on the Rim Line, and connect at Wheeling -with the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad for Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Baltimore and WaihiuctonCitv. At Ecllair with the Central Ohio
Railroad for Zanesville, ClrcleTille, Lancaster, Wilmington. Ac.
Tlie 4 p. st, StenbcnrlUe Accommodatlonstops at all Way-Stations
The above Trains will atop on signal of the Station Agent at any Section between Pitt.burgh and Rochester to taka up
passengers going to any point on or beyond the line of this road. Train* will al*u atop i.> k-ave {msenrvra coming fivo«
t liia Road to any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh.
Passengers dealrtug to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago via Cleveland, muri ail-for T-Xtlt t-ia CUnhind.
Passengers desiring to go toCbhtuihus, Cincinnati or St. Louis, or Joints beyond Columbus vis Steubenville, most ask
Tor Tickets via StenWnvlUo. tB-Baggaga checked through to all principal julnts and transferred free of charge.
For tickets and all Information, apnlr to GEO. PARKIN, at the Ticket Office, Penn Street
F. H. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, Cleveland. [Ja29] JAMES FARMKH. Sept.. Cleveland.
ehosed from Importers and Mann&trtorvrs. amongst which are the following favorite brands:
W. El. Grant's A. No. 1 5s Tobacco,
Kelme, Robinson A Co'a Tobacco,
Eugene Howard’s -Tobacco,
Grant’s Pound Lamp Cavendish,
Haxard and Railroad Brands,
t 200 Caddy Boxes Half Pound Lump
a cub
All uf which we offer to the trade at prices which cannot fail to please.
W. E
PERKIN <55 JOHNSON, Proprietors,
the abort Elastic Fire and Water-Proof Cement Roofing, It being the only article yet invented that will sticreMftiily
realil ib« actlou »f Uie atmosphere in evary climate.
And in point of durability, wo bellsre It iaeqoalidf not tap# er, to any Metallic Roofing. Wo rati put it on olrr» »l>t Tiu
Tar, Iron or Bhingle Roots, itTnaidng nod ance bow flat or stoop tbo roof may I**. This
Roofing is warranted topruve asalwvo represented. Wo will pul it on for
Wo will apply ii upon Tlu andiron Roofs f..r TWO DOLLARS PER SQUARE, being on account of Its dnrabibty lb
cheapest paint that can be used.
Inf lie all who are Lultdlug, and also those who with their Roofs Repaired, to call at onr office, 133 Street,
aud examine Samples and tatiify theatarlrva iu regard to the durability and practicability of tbit Roofing.
S. A. JOHNSON, > No. 133 Third street, between Wood and Bmitlifleld,
Wit. JOUNHON. > • Pittsburgh, Pwtna.
I have made a chemical examination cfsrwno spoclrornsof W. K. CHILDS A 00*8 ROOFING, left at my office, the re
cu I la of which are aa follow*:
Ist. The material la compounded was to remain pliablo for a great length of time.
2d. The cooilsteacy it not readily influenced by the temperature; consequently it would not bo liable to melt and inn
off from a roof it finmmer, or crack In Winter, i. e. extreme# of natural h tat and cold would not Injure U.
Sd. Tbs compoaitfonls not add hut slightly alkaline. It would not destroy the can vast, hot on the contrary protect
it from the action of the weather. . -
4th It it Water Proof, and to a large extent Fire-Proof; that is, tpsrka and fire brands falling upon It eonl.t not In
flame it. In my opinion tnch a roof will lasi for yraraifput on carefiiily and receiving prompt attention.
Respect folly, JOSEPH U. LOCKE, CbemUt,
Laboratory No. 129 Walnut street, Cincinnati, Ohio
„ Cwcixnitj Aotscr Rotit Ins. Co., Feb. 6th, ISO".
I hare examined W. E. Cuius a Co’s Elastic Fire and Water-Proof C*uuent Rootlug, amlas far as I can consider
it a good luvcntioo, aiel am willing to insure buildings tbm protected n|»m the same terms as I insure those covered with
motel. split ydawF fgtgiKMl] J.NO. S. LAW, Agt. Royal Ins. Co„ London aud Liverpool.
m LLOYD & CO., mem
fST.OTS 00
4,ti35,M3 19
.s4,42.VfilS W
to do a heavy business by
Through to and from lb* Eastern Cities. We can assure our frieuda and all those disposed to pair-silxe the Psutia. Cana
and Railroad, that no pains will bo spared to reuder general satisfaction to SfUPPERSOF EASTERN AND WESTERN
The Avoidance of the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad
mu Rite increase despatch to the transmlaion of freight Office Penn Street, at the Canal Basin.
Via Pennsylvania Canal and 1-t aii r on <l .
Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Mouth Bach Way.
nI ilurinc tho jost Winter anti ve can now offer to SHIPPERS tbo mpcriur adTastage of a DOUBLE DAILT LINK
toaudlrom Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Onrliun being comj-osed entlrelr of PORTABLE BOATS, but one
transhipment (a r<>*iti7ral. Merchants sending.freight to our Line can ivljr ajum Its being put through with all putsil-l
•peed and despatch. WAREHOUSE, CANAL BASIN, corner of Liberty and Wayn*tirretlt, Pittsburgh, /*a.
feS&lpl HIER A MITCHELL, Proprietor*.
txtgulat Sttamcrs,
A Rare Chance to Passengers & Shippers.
lIW go Through itn'/'.out Rahippinj, lu
.t-H.X U-*- -TLI TV ... - *.
SON wilt Ust* fur the »b.>re ao<t all InUrniediate ports, mi
Fur fr>‘l'Hitnrp*«jare»l>pty*>u Usanl <*r !•>
j a **l Ofllce, No. ST Water •tn-et^_
Monongabela River U. S- Mall Pacltetß.
CiPT. j. 0. IVOOMUEft. ! Cap!- OtOEnc CLARk.
Tub above new steamers are
dow miming regularly. Morning Boat* leare I’itte*
t>ur<b at 8 o'clock A. M., and Kreulng Boat* *l ®
o'clock V. M. for M’Kewport, Elit*l*lhU-wn, Mouonga
halaCHv, BolluvcmoD, Fayette City, Greenfield, Cali fora la
and Bro'wiirrille, there connecting with Uacfce and Coacnea
for Uniontown, Fayette Springs, Morgantown, W ayueabnrg,
Cannkhacllown and Jefferson.
I’ajucogerj ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Union
town for £2, meal* audatate-roouu ob boot* ■
Boat* returning from Brownarille lease at 8 o clock in the
tnnrnlngand 6in the evening. For further ln£>rraation eo-
Wtnf nm IT tbe foot of Grantatreet.
Re u ula k Tm.wKKKrr?fSsS^s?
•tfWHrr CKRVOIT, Captain J. Murray,
K.r tin nl*>?o anJ all lutcroaiHate port* ou Monday*, i
Wednesday* ami Fri.Uya. Forfrelßlit or parage, apply oft
board, or to ...
acO W U. WHEELER. 5 Wood «t.
floa aaw iteamrr .1. \V. 11 AII.M AN, Capt. M. Uay*»' k _ l |{
Irava lor tha above aud all lulcrmediato i>ort* on r.\ Ek»
WEDNESDAY a! 10 o'clock A. M. For paa'agcor fmlgbl
apply on b«s»rd or t<
For marietta a'ndzanes- rj
VILLK—The aew and benotifal steamerifiS&Sß
L17.71F. MAUTIN, Caf>t. lltowx. will leat© tor tha *Uo»«
alii) nil Intermediate port*, KVKRY SATURDAY, st 3 f.U.
V»r frrlifht «r rm<iaae apply on board dr~to
iCincimiati, &c
JP VILI.K—The splendid steamer
VA, Cajit. Cordon, will l»»vt»&»r tho above nudnll inter*
mediate |torts, o« THIS DAY. 2*l l nil. at 4 » clock, P.
H. For freight or |isoag» apply on tward or to
I~xw cin'clnnatTandXou- i JE&j^
' ISVILI.K—The fine steamer ARUONAUT.sSjSaiiS
Cant (Jeo. L. Mrl<ean, will Iraxe for the aU»te and al 1 inter
mediate ports, on THIS DAY, Cd lust, at 4 r. M. For
Iroleht or iiasaagi- apply on hoard or to
F" OR CiNCiNNATI, The "fiue'i JjjSLfc
atrauer UKLNOTTE. Capt. A. M'Oowin.JgffiQa
will Irate for tlio «d<otoand.aU InturnwUlaU portl on
THIS DAY 3.1 lust, at 4 o'clock, p. in.' Forfrri^Utorpassage
(ipplv uD l«aril or in
j a U FLACK. BARNKS A CO.. Akcql*^
VII.F.E. —Tbn iplnuiliil iteuuicr
CITY," Capl. Miller. will loave forth- ■!>•>»- ond all In
termedlaht port* on THIS DAY !I<l itwt. #t4 oVl’k F.M.
For i«a«ai» ami frwißht apply on boirJor to
' piut p&sieager steamer S. P.
Cant. llraca, will li*nro f>r t!i*» above and iuteruiediate
ports on TIIIS DAY, 3d iuntant. at 4r. u. For freight
or pat>snro apply <>u l>oar<l «.r to
<£*. FLACK. UAUNK3 A CO., A^ot*.
ILouisbilU, .V:
new (teamer J. U, I'OUI>, Capt. .lobn JfigißMflß
l.ut, will leave forth* above uod all luteruifllate jwru on
THIS DAY. 3d luaL* at 4 o’slocL I*. M. lor freight or
passage apply on board or lo
atcomrr JACOB POE. Cupt. Stewart, wIUdSsSSSft
leave for tin* above aud all lutrnnodiate porta TUI3 DAY
3d Inal. For freight or passageapply on beard or lo
For Missouri RivER.--Th<’ i JEggfr
Quo tuw ItollicrHU>TKNA,l* f r!, ‘
»IU ton brlln «U,v..»d .11 <SK“ toSl
T7OK ST. LOUIS.—The tine new iJIjSLa
*■ «• **
freight or °^ Cii BARNES * CO., Ag’U
, , „ No. 87 Water Si.
eUgaut steamer MODERATOR,-jBggSS
L >. nt \jarsttCviU l earn for the a bore and all intermediate
porta no THIS DAY, 24 Inst, at 4 o’clock, P. M. >or
rreirfatorpaßageapplyon board mto „ #
Foil ST. LOUIS.—The tine new rjgj**
Cut running passenger steamer
Opt Moore, arUl leave foi the above and all lotermrilito
porta od Tinfl DAY 3d Inst, at 4 P. m. Tor freight or
laanpa apply ofi board or to
ja2l Fl J LACK. BARNES A CO, Agents.
FR ST. LOUIS.—The fine new .TES**
aUamer MARENGO, Copt. &IcCallam;£j££2fiES
will leave for the above and all intermediate ports on
TQIB DAY, 34 lost, at * o'clock V. M. For pamgn or
freight apply on board or to
£tto ©cleans, Sit,
floe itoaacr • AURORA, Capt.'John S.JbBBh
tt&odra, will leave for the above atwUn lutemwdiate porta
on SATURDAY, the trt» Instant**. 4 o’clock, P.U. -For
Ui No. 17 Water meet.
An Infallible Couga Remedy. —l had bwu
■ick three months, not able to do anything, with a cough
and stuffed condition oftho wind-pipe; I tried sereral of the
beet physicians in this clty without receiving any benefit
all of them sold my lQOgs were affected. 1 was confined to
t»y l*od daring the greater part or thitliA*. Lexfinttm < l ~*
a great deal of matter from my lurt£| w s?'uoFtake without
uon commenced about the first of March, of tbi» year. I
am now, and was at the time of my aickheos, living at
Thomas Patterson's, in Union street, near tho Diamond.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 13. '67. MrcHiix McAvor.
Prepared and sold by Dr. UKO, 11. KKYSIIR, No. Itu
Wood street, Pittsburgh* Pa., and by Druggbtseri<rywliau<.
fiaspillr, tec.
St. Hoiiis, See. F
LLOYD'* 00
£>«. Keyser's Shoulder fl-tAces— From
Pittsburgh Dispatch, April loth, l&Ad, —For mom than.
yuan past we hare constantly worn the Wushinglt-u Sue
ponder lirace, msnnbctured by Dr. Geo. □. Keyser, of No
UO Wood struct, iu thiscity, and would heartily recuib
oioDd it to all who are compelled tu follow a nedcularj occu
pation. As we bavel-efore remarked, lu calling atteuttmi
to its merits, it atiswora f»r a brace and sutiMndegs, the
weight of the pantaiuuns being so placed aa to contlunaily
tend to bring the •tumblers to their uatural position and ex
pand the cheat, Women, hnndredsof whom are annually
injured by tho weignt ot enormous “sKirta," should also
procure these braces. Be particular iu procuring the kind
mentioned, aa many of tho braces told are humbug. Sold
ewly invcillrtl li-alr»t„.,nl. tuZlV,V4i'l,. ... L * J nf * j '
ipite of deafaoaa, are in advauc-eor anything yrt
Ikely to become of any real aortic* to.deat jitinu. My
aeana ofati art ifirial ilrom, the power of hear! tig 1* affected,
and all the rlrnunatancm that attend trmnpeta and tube*,
arc entirelydiiponaed with. They are worn br ]ald*9 eo a*
uot to be perceptible to are hardly felt when
worn. Apply to
Dt. O. 1L KEYBKtt. lift Wood .U
- Twenty Vein Blindness Cured i>y lh t 1
Bn Lotto* Mrs. Charity Carnahan, of
TetupersncevUle, war entirely blind in one eye for more than
twenty yean, and routd scarcely see with (bo other. She it
■irnost eutirrly cured by one bottle of u {lrafffait*rg Eyr
Lotion,' and bollevea that another bottle will entirely re
store her eyes. Sold at Dr. UKQ. 11. EEYSER'S, No. Ho
Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar. Price 25 cents.
oo2oSl*wcF -
—lor many years I havo been trembled with genera
weariness au<l languor, bolli mental and physical; caprice.
IbUcesocvs, dull headache, paiu in tbs head and tempi**,
coldness and tendency to palpitation rf the heart,
wry easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, stomach
and bowels deranged, with pain. Any mental or physical
exertion was sure to bring on all Iblreymptoma, and I had
In addition, falling of the woods aud'grrat pain in that re
gion. One physician after, another olbaosted hla skill and
gave mo up. A patient and persevering use of MAR
SUALb'S Ul'Eßl NEC ATtIQLI JON fortunately cored me
and t have no words sufficient to express my thankfulness
1 can truly say that I have been a aufferer for many yean
with whites and durangod menstruation. After a while 1
had other troubles, such as pale taco, Indigestion, wasting
away, general languor and debility, pain In the small of the
back, a sort ofachiug and draggingeemotion,pain between
the siiuuldor blades extending down the epina, loss of appe
tite trouble in the stomach and Unrela, with cold hands
aDdfcet and dreadful uerroasoeo. 'The least excitement
would tuaku mo feel as if I should fly away. I tried doctors
and drops and everything, one aßer another, without th<-
benefit. One bottle or MARSHALL'S UTERINE CAI'UOL
-ICON changed sums of my symptoms far the bettor, and
now I am entirely and radically cured. 1 wish that every
woman could know what it will do. CLARI&3 A OBKR.
life as I verily believe. 1 tried doctors and medicine until
it seettsd wires to try longer, when I met with a lady %ho
recommended tbo Catbollcon so strongly that I deemed it my
dutv to try U. I «u mostly troubled with deranged nuu
■tnuloD. Ujr .jiaptam *era priocllall, leia* InUij Met
,ud .uioimn, Unrtas toni late at It, timo of lio Hlnc«,
LlcntlnK, colic. nanw* wniUpatloa, feeling u *.**-- I,
eeitecially when stooping, great irritability oftemper, almost
constant inclination to past water, great roUeasnete and dr*
tire to weep or feel unhappy. I was not-only entirely cored
myself of all these symptoms, .which I have jpven as an Im
w-rfect account of my sufferings, but ! have koowneo many
irthers cured in our town that I fetl Umnd to let you know, , t0U ,.l
For a loug lime I had CtcriDOCompUlnts with the follow
ins Bjmptonu; I was uemms, emartaUd and irritable;
emcd to aboood ia complaints, some of which 1 will try to
Sre yoa: pain in the lower orpins, and a feeling u ifsome
iug *w going to fall oat; Inabflity to walk maeh on *c
count of a feeling of follnean; aching and dragging, and
•booling palnaio the bach, loins, and oxtunding down the
lrg*- the Jolting produced by riding caasod great pain;
spasmodic eh cotinge and pains in thoeido,ato:nadi udW
cU; headache, with ringing io-theean; arery fiber of the
body seemed sore; great Irritability; intenae oerrousness,. I
coaid not bearthe toast excitement without being prostrated
fur a day; I ccnld ecarcely mote about the boose, atx!'did
out take pleasant In anything. I had Risen ap hope,baring
riod ervything* as I suppoeed in rain, bat a friend called
1 took it, hoping agahwt hope. Moot fortanatcly It carad
me, and there Is not a healthier or more grateful woman la
the country. 1 trostall will use it. It la truly thswumsn’*
friend in Mrs. FLORENCE LESLIE.
ly curt TaUing of the TTonvi, XYhiUtf Sbpprtaed, frrtffuiar
or PuinfuUlcnstrvatUm, Scaling, Inflammations ana Die
earns c/thsKiflntyt or Urinary Organs,Retention or Incon
tinence of Urine, Iltaribum, Cbltimttu, Nervousness, /hint
ing:, Fatpiltriitnu, Cramps, Disturbed Step, and all troubles
organic or sympathetic, connected with Uit Licrine organs.
is OmDbßarand a Half per tingle beUle.
On the rtceipt of rfs aollart fire bottles shall be sent by - **■
press.frts of charge, to Vie end of tits express route.
to terile the post crilee oJtfretj, town, county
WewiU guarantee that the Itedicine lgfll L* ami 'em rerrirt
oftto nancy: Address D*. QEO. U. KKTEEK,
No. 140 Wood street, Ptttsborgh,
SfgnofthsQoldsts Mortar.
fTOBACCO-50 bzaSslamp Tobacco;
: JL~ ' 20 do SoAltedo do ■
•• ' 25auIdybt»}/njdo do
13 do doN»tnr*ri**fTob*eco; •
'■ 1 ' • *BOtooOtwlrt • i ’ - ' do,
ja!B . R.B(ttISOXIOa.
HSU *tore and for ssl«
by Jia •. v XK%r FAgNiaTOCK4»C
dor, for nd* fcy ~1 B. A. rAlDflm'OCg * CO- ? a
j»3O Oorn»r finl .tad IFood*W* t H'-