.jITTSBTTSOHs TUESDAY* MOBSIHq, PEB. 2, 1868. .6 > nrnCLAL PAPER OP THE C77T.*^ft Efewß Of the City and Neighborhood^ , ThS Auxobckt Coimre Jail. —Webavo taken oociilomaa we believed duty calledu*» to make »om* remarks in relation to our jail ana its management, and hare thereby called down opon-US a moat strenuous and dirty defence everything connected with * V' 1 * ,“.S from It ha* been charged upon ns thatweacted_ft« spite, or because we werdemcd P"«' c e e 3 ‘“ i5V' » piece, by the way,; where wo hove been •»o fortunete «» not to require any la We/hive neither personal “P a ,° "f aU t o any one about the jail. TYedo.bowe * . . any “an of any party wbo has been elected to office and neglMts to do his doty in ,‘ h3 n '; Wa think the jail a most perfect abortion, from beginning to end, and that it is a Bchool of ] ’that the coanty would do Well to tear ont ila Inside arrangements and build it on some other and brttcr pljiiL Tie ha?« heretofore taken- occasion to Intimate, and w* now eay this: Allegheny County jail m a dis graoe to tbe buildera and planners of it, and in tbovery teeth of nny thing like reformatory pnnlahment. We anner a short article from tho penof a visitor at tho jail, which a fneod has notions. It was written before the present Jailor took hi* pkuse: , . . , yThU jail combine* all the fault* and abuses otfthewrttt county prisons in this Stall*, or in the Hulled' States. Hoping to find something ! Mdseslnpin it* earlier diaciplino and govern ment; l deliberately and patiently entered- upon iOTfetUntlon, but the nature of the revelations these Inquiries brought to light, obliged me to rtUSQulah the Work to those whose more imme- bring about a reformation. Sht prison WU9 built in view of the separate im nrttftnift*"* jflMu»flcpilop T and employment of offenders; instead of, which I found transgres torffltnUhffe*, colors, eereaand degrees, pro aticuousl/: anociated; little boys listening ocedSy tn wray-headed, time and crirae-harden- ZTconricth; tho youthful transgressor learning new lessons of Iniquity, from those whose view only kept pace with their crime*; here the sick were tmauended, the Ignorant untaught, there-1 pcntftnt (if any) unencouraged, and the insane fttgolten. The area, stairs, and passage* wore ‘ unscrobbed and. linswept; tbe cells and beds yet WOtev uncleoned; and some of them perfectly ilSwable through foul air and negligence. If it had been, the deliberate purpose of the citizens of AUeeheny county to. establish a school for the iinkidoK.' < sf and" obliteration of every ’conceive 'that any means they would more certainly have aeoored these result* than those I ** opereiiod In th* jolt On my second visit thinp TO, » nttK belter outward aspect, so far as the nM of the broom, some clean blankets, and somewhat abr* decently arranged apparel, were conildSWd: ■ TH3, tbe work or an hour, waste lUtbateffaTithevißitwaa prepared for. The aide Mma.of ttn opportu nttTfor yariona litt]o'*w*JrWskill andlogo m*v _fbr«cffltating oral pommunlcallon, when brnStfetauTorby dsy a part, should be locked intoth?cells.-The-pastimeparticularly referred to WM 'catting the doors in pieces, or rather cutUngsuehapertures through them, as m de fault of clairvoyance assisted vision and promo-1 teSVeoclal fedlng, by increasing focilnles for conversation. -I waa somewhat struck with the remark of one of the prisoners, n forger, and a man of some education, though ho had failed in the uee of its advantages—‘a man who comes hoc- will lose mi reßpect for the law, and for those.vrbo adminieter It; and all respect for. the officer* and those.who. appoint them; and bo wHI goout indifferent to orery restraint, and it Un chanoeif he docs not belicre himself ns good as thosß who are iastrumental in briaging him hare.' 'Yon may learn here;- said aoother, •ovary thing that peoplo outside caU bad; and yonrnay look long enough for the Mad, and not shiit at last.’ At one time, there hail been re ligious teaching by preaching on 'he Sahbnlh but a *cry respectable pious clergj man told me hehadreilhquished lha work from the con T .c_ lion thSftarhOT evil condoct, through want of a good system of discipline so prevailed, dues | ihollyimminogiooffer occaslonal.iMlrwoUon. I know soma of tbe mostintolligent-,of the QiU ianfl of PiUaimrgh are earnest to • Ssngo, which, if*it be not fruitful of gteolcood, ' ' ihaU at leaat.not permit such an increase of positive evlt AUel>t.on once 'hrected to these 1 Lmslrons abuses, re&rmation will be certain to 4 follow in Allegheny Cotrnty Jail. Quastxb Smtoss.-Psiriek CoJ'f lot mprUf» gWin borough. Patrick ’X? Bchwambley, of the 6th word. Indicted tn±£abik a.brotbel, and i}ap for selliog liquor •ilhtratuTiMnSe, ms fouiid guilty and ren- J&to paya fine of $lO. This woman. .5 a hoforitrarmature. She Is loathsome to behold, Kl4ag covered, as to her face, with Bores, and to - nil appearance loot to «rery virlnoas emotion. U uiat a long time since aMocomotire run off the track in her neighborhood, And went rtwgkt through bn house, disclosing all us secrets; bat Mitry from h**r former course qJ Ufc'-'jjpi?lho CoQTt gfttea men were tried for g -n!£ tott th. Ap ssasa^BSSssLs “%SSBas: °!Tw. n r^“ol^«notic. of the book old . « b«0 gSw» il »« h examination os .tspreton "u demand. See adeertisemcnt. Fx»t.Tairo»ißal»mautx.-Tbt»Pin““J ! .ntorminmentcommences aftomoon, and will bo convre noons and eremnga of Wedaead. wfflSssfsrsSiiß SBSUHsr* !il P mtiaed to Ond that in Ibis emergency Mfa. £• Ar and a number of otbor noble women BlMk. Sr., ana w hope Ibal their be hate come to * w with Urge suc navolent efforts may be ce nts. Dinner Admittance to Lhe Hall IV cems .farted up al l,o’d°ek.. J. H»’» Cntt^!hlg fourth at tbo Third to-day and will be duly p. Kranih, Rev. Church this Dr j fto obuB, Korda. Mr. Prot Barrows, KeT. Dr_ prcßent and sSKsSasssffiisis:“ lia' Mnaicai Estxotmsmbkt tbio oxening at UtayaUa BaU wo knowwiU be • * l * l *®“ j from the programme and the talon l theSwlomer»ael2ledfor the occasion ve can untra wnwMiriW entertaining. ” rhiirch choirJia conductor for the OCC * B *® * nttt 0 Market street The Kinraft* has abided >“ quartan, «ad made ilaeU a “local habitation and n namc oo tie etreet of the c ity. Ita engine is notr pnffing and blowing in the new buildings jnsi now crccLed on the lot on Dlh etreet, juet below tbo Post Office Soccese to onr new neighbor and onr oW frleD‘ls. M. M'CosinsXa Elder, James Qormley wd Wm. ll'Clure orji dropped f°™ I ,b '.“ l S htpol '? e ; alleged lh»t they stretched their authority gneiss laail iconfiniug Borne ®f oar respect ' citizens a i few nigm« m\noß. A eh&rcc is also against Capt. Seed of * almilar -iwoic r. j - On the first phge of the OoKlft may be found a poem from tbf Atlantic Monthly. Il will be at ODOe recogniied nsoomlog from the pen of Long fellow, who, perhap. of all our countrymen bn. the truest appreciation of the epbjectß of his beautiful poem. U»ir»tt>'iTTiTn i, ’fi Coroner A lewder held Katural C oases,” was rendered. Wk learn IBM Ur. Fo.tcr baa re»lly that use- 7, D » —The case before JuJge DistVl-'T Loom. . . Tame® Linn vs. nSafißtss ssssss poaterß by tiie Mayor- A List of EwHtftt-'",ta s*, to lie sol if lU» ” lh r' nen auction bolMlng. Ho- M Flftll sl ”s«™. 4 made android * tht narrow limits that ral, b». heei intpriVcnmmt, though *™w c *“ h “ noa ' h tbohc :f l ' it be for yom, «m «»miy p tn imponllon le» -v iUeln'Who “” w .•£££,jj.i who fo, paltry upon the ahjh- , h ,1. t] oß ltb and llfo of bia gain could itui trifle with tkeTO p of tope while fellow man-j-take fromhU >'P* J j rf J, 00 on d cheat, ainhing, en 4 auhatitnto an he apnred no would falter at no crime ? r „ b \,«lll extent i» the tt?irfhr™ f .M wary of when, they buj.—OoreWc, Wco, A’, r- i o vr „ TwoDty-ono lona of Ingota Annrvan or Sn-rzn. l e J urdlJi from Sf I ?wa»‘on, Noa. «0S and 1 b ” , M JOHNSTON, 119 ‘"SaLPurehuor.U.oulJ Lrerefol FLEMINU ‘{gST "JuSuOT***- t Utiff*?*”** —-—-aes- booK ' L NYpo~n^r D | order to£»£?2g As?^igss:»W--~ Brr-vKv&Stemss-. I2E2aiE|s§sll 1 Telegraphic. OOKORBSaIOSSL. g-\ Washisotox, Citt, Fob. 1. Senate. The consideration of the army hill ww reiomcd. .._ f ,_ Mr. Houston opposed it. and saw no necessity tor bo large standing armies in lime of peace. Mr. Hooston said it wa a contrary to the theory of our Government. „ . One o'clock wai the h.mr for the consideration ot tho Pacific Railroad Bill, hut Mr. HouMno was al- lowed tn continue by onaulmou* concent. He advocated tho raising of volunteers to meet at oeces-ary emergencies, saying that they were no more expensive than regular troops and were raised some years ago, tho expense of wfcirh was probably something like the twenty millions deficit in tho treasury. What bare they done? Kdtedafswln dian watriors, but women and children. Soon cod dnet reflects but little credit upon civilixation. It * better to treat the Indians like men and elevate them rather than to deceive and rob and then hunt them down like beasts. Do justice then and yon mu need do staoding army on .- UOO, only $12,000 being discounted by tbe director*; Allibone volunteera tbe assnmptinn of this 3ebt;note3 tbe HempCeld Railroad Company for 1259.000 are aDo among the collaterals unauthorised by tbe Jirocbirs. Tbe report reromiaeods an assignment, and resolutions for this purpose were postponed until next week. ' lUotfoho, Fell. I.—John IV. Heymour.tbo Secre tary and Treasurer of the Hartford County SavtugJ, Association, suddenly left lown on iaMtoeu “ tl now reported Hint n defalcation of *lOO,OOO or more kM been discovered in his nceonnte. Themonny wee lo.t in etoclc anil other ipccnlatinni.. Mr.Ssy monr eu nleo President of tho Mercantile limit, which It U soil doea not lose a rent. r Hentronn, Feh. I.—John Miller, baggage master on the Hartford and Providence Railroad, baa been arretted Tor robbing the mail*. He confesses hie guilt. Wasarsotos, Feh. t.—The Cabinet were In extra ordinary council this morning, having for the first time tho authenticated copy oLtlie Lecumpton Con etitntiem before them. The President's special mes sage U* ■ccyaep.ny tl« truasmisSlOO tO CoOgrtlS U* already prepared, bat may not bo codwuaOntcAtoJ t»U to-morrow. . -Gen. Calhoun will bo hero on Wednesday next. Quite a camber of loading Kansas men have already arrived, who, it is anld, will do everything in thoir t power to defeat tho Constitution. ALtawv, Feb. 1. A verdict for $101,900 baa boon , obtained in tho Cironit Conrt ogoio.t MrcTownsend, of Sarroparilla fame, and In favor orthojM*®** I'i : K.w VoW. Feb.l'— TheweeUy bank- etatemeat anecte 8440,000; Increase of circulation tu ' ‘S of nominal deposit. $1,399,000, intwraao-of , undrawn deposits $931,000. St Louis F«h. I.— Calhoun, Cato, Can, Header .on and aevoral others, orrfrea from Lanina J' 1 * 1 "- day, .» route forWarhington. Thoaa gontUmoa «t«M ill at tho Domooratio Stair. ticket “ ', UI! mocrata haro oao majority on joint ballot in tuo Legislature. . . _ Lotnsvtlna, Fob. I.—This morning J. Ba . r! “f Co’s alcohol works wero bnrood. Xbero was full in *Tbn of the M House diad to day of Consumptloo. Caicaoo, Fob. L—The wai.hoorc orThomp.on i t_V , of lowa City was destroyed by Ore on Tirarsday night. Loss $lOO,OOO. Tho nmonnt oflntnrance It not known. . . Teteffraphtc Market.. . New Year, Feb. 1.-Cotton b« *djaneed, !’i» USE Ji u»-- «"7t o “°l ® mu' SSW/£^S»SS; dcmcq eixea 893* *l7O/513 75 . i?.». 1 —Flour doll at 5VU(«a.<-» Gr»cim»ATt, Feb. l rtoui Btcai jy. Hogs for tuperftne. Oram anehaoK advanced to .CMC., and tS’V.fJit °joo 000 tba were aold et 61 ??rAung £& .bare «• »“ a „d it i. net. raining _ B c „ ntloll0 doll, Pnl “”w? uud«gone no change. 1,1)00 barrel* bet pncea have ooafdg obia Flour ,uld for or mperllno Peno.jl.an't “ t $1 811; fancy poll at $4,50, end $ 5,5»®5,T5. Bye lot. are Mll'bfi 1 4DO bbl. Corn Meal eoldat $2,9t Flour dull at * ’ , , knl there 1. not mueb Wbuat enine. fo ” J, MO bid. good Penn.yln.nia domaod for it, ’j , 20 0 kua b cboire Tcnnes rodu! * l i\ U^., 'ih’l.o *1,20 to *WO. SCO do si *M/> *"* c £ rll dull, bat tbe receipt* Kyo Fell, treely ■ , b , e llotr »t 5(1?@57, h.v. fallen od,“£*£ dß i ,t SS@J4. Clo in .tore, and Me anoat. o[ !|)|( to IoU al verseed bot advar.'. , second band, at $4,60® WW. “ a “!Jn s*l™ Timothy doll at $6,75. Flaiwed ’mo Porb eJ’ffilb SO’ oftlm’e; fielded Ham. in let. at at*li,2u@'s,so.o d Shoulder. OJc; .mok.d 9@ole; S.de.7l®7| , BiJcj BJi> „, a Shoulder. nm” WbUkf-toady at 20J@21c for Ohio,and _op for Floor dull. Wheat $1,05@ BiLtmon. Ybb. i. »»««1,2 for white. Coro; 52Q550, e“ J X&i* ' Vhi ' ky 2 “® S, ‘ Provlatons quiet. B-ourth A.nniver«ary Meeting. , . Vnuiifl Men*’ Christian Atsoaahon. P 'WWIKOJreB. a., AT T octook: W THIRD PRESBYTERIAN “m». prof, barrows, COLLKCXION taken op. *&s£3%snj!sr- M T W. U. KtNQAID, 1 U. P. bakswell, B. D. JONES, \V. W. MAIH, fr 1 \y ul* <** riUll b 'y *• UaOKSOWN 5 * n^LSV. jaCQ > . Commercial. COMMITTEE OF ABBIiaATWi* FOE JANUARY. Jobs L. Boyb.. B PBC9tosi JOff*" jaa's. Cosgjla\ rt^kljU.Tl.woftto.P'tt.bur.bH.rkM 1 Burial <*• Om»-l prmBCMH, TccsoiT, fino i»i iISiS. smarts JlhooAuwr* to njof «tipplng,. i» « little ia thinning out; but ib* andlb«.cn,«dof jh* wwthetf "">*? I. more " STthtos lit. • real wInUW. Onr,notations below are scarcely changed lt extremely nice Honey U to uto . TbaUnka about tbo cU «nd their lirt of lom* rifSS* m*" l - in “' u “ otb '" B uk ' menu yesUr&y, ahHtSiii lure rcf-mplrto Hank without w»*J*vjV w jjbi»i difficulty or. dinger- SSSSSffSS^S^s^^sSffS For lira week ~n=?SV eo«ll,Ji» |72WU FMereJ It tiro |»tt *swAi'9 (rO£3o Thrown on ma/tet. + llia . Since Jan. 1- n*Mni aIOIBCUTII thMCd** 1«~ W“M»* TLo the Pork "■Ther* fp tm Jt clo“ yo Ci r i\uic«iEa— ‘ There fata beta COMid stable moranenl In , 9i^Es gSg&sriwbtK» a 1? jaar .artt'd m,. M l.ftVd bMB DO tranracUOUi 10 P ut * W Paarls this weak. »tir quotation* * M ®f )ta,n * J . ** l7w Vi '* *«*■.« «»•* * h 11 11 s «' ut» on * b * rr *’ * ,J “ -■-* 1b the bttttar oiarlwt con- « MJVSS? bucket* hrM eopplj.aod ptkee rw il 25 per dorco farfommunto *3 i*-choir* extra, Iwtrrrn • dlate grade* raogiog: accordingly. B I S SjBSFER a BISS b i s sbyassß i s s lUmp, »1A7,|2,7b@|3.7i? Jon lltoip, 9 eoU, W eta ¥ B>. PLOUOII UStS-fiiuK 87 «•**»• jump, ,0c cams YABSS—«««™ not mUUrf of toy ortti. e|, 011,0 In apUTAOmlcontto^oarßOololloii.. N" si it » r 5...- sa« V ® N«»- u -2*ii * mcs«> so- >»••■• * tocro T*M. No. W 0........-.- e * ft N0 .f100... jfc Soo.--.'_- HO * » No. 1000..- -i * l* n l**n" conflonl to tb# ™ J t* ot wOll IU SS%7*.MaW»t*W.IL jt««»){. UmlaM. ootnOolA K, “"“'A m .oO mtamm.Uo. SA & - H® 9 ? "V nfllEO FRUlT—nothin, doing hold.™ in Arm to alb lo?»l™f” <»«.«» DtWAPPta* Padioom., oo».o. ** SaTHBRS-w. not. min Of ptlmo wntarn, oo mrl»»l, .mS@M, Stillj lo no.U lot-- from nor. tboy m. bold *‘vOKD—TO..- ta» t- $6.,4<£e,00', do • Ti-*uL t>bla Urtfiab 4J4. Frihiß—The ”»^ K f | t r iaoSwCottiili aolii ' wi‘"ni£*»'; i. 'i Slfc2SsSsS»Mdtamllyife tata. AIM of .. 74 andi4,Qo. Iron *Uwa the . J 3; s&swM srrt band* ana atoro. aftAIN-rOni b. 10,1" » on arrlral. conna Cora » ac* . R _- sssfSss-r: OHOCKHIES-W. ta S^AUota».o fonntry trade and «*lo of fW“« Rtoa at 4W®d. 23 OAB PlPE—the foUtmlng are the qOOtallOM wr • IrontnMng: UlachO** Pip*— |j c^*| 1 '• v ;■ “ -—« « j “ u * a. tatan ...a. 0 N «»p“-aS^SS- Common iur lra.p« ft-2X p " 1 '” ,1^, ,", 1 „: “, :s>&•»*- —z::*? •• ♦» Slab* “ •••* Jf* u . ••■”?■'_ *. «? lOJto IMNUta»»•*--*«> J 4 * “ ** Alto M “ l«*l* . A Four. Nall. *ta*—M{ S'” :ci “ -.AW £ - ’•«* •cut a »o 4»4 I . inch •"••T'TT b to ® Wro't Bplke« 6 '4 lach . *“to-.."" S? lUvlter RiWti BUEST no** ?*“ *H| •• Is. 20,22 • 2*... “ J K S*n*l *»d S.m .t onr loota' Hone, u Mbw»: ' .71/826 / R*d StnnUh Bolb - ...25^27 i suogui«r'-‘ .’”’.'“’...."... .^iaa9 Upper LeatUer do* { ‘ BrUl* “ “ £ H/W* gklrtinß U*lher f* M y{yfl iSStritaMßr »•' '• «»“ •»,*• '“£?» 6!^ S“ghs&? cdootr, —Ta 1 > a •H’™’ 6 ’"* !»“*- $1.02 for No. 1 ood VMSiSTio'l tootaoJ WH- T *ys£is'?il.SSS « »™, ->a»» "P-< ■ | WIKB°W ULA63-P«~ t “ dt ,-jn in, I nuoUtto* oxl2tolOxlS, »»,» $3,00;8*10, ttWj**”' JQJJS, Hie* are wtc*h fort h. price* centdi.coont off. incc*dlngß*<“{!«™»iiliQ stead*dwamod« i WHIT® rvOcfllbo *aOj«ttotl»tunaldU kef fc/rproelp S>d LJlhirr. «UL « imVi- * ***** •_*|2o@2l. . import* *, . wivIOATION CO.—Foraltore tot I MOHONOAHBLA , bbl# floar , fi.lQdle ■tenner Awawg JJJSbWW 1« « n P t T,^ l »' *»* * 101 tie gla® ““"J * !r; bet can, owner, lfi& tie rUm, ] cu: 16 «to»«* ownan tl»«iß«rT7;2obK»bexley Boo*? 6 . t^b^, P c l isl!pel>ef-C atfc** Rhode* * Vemen Wi*e naili.Tuuwr. owner, 0 Chorci t— 2 c*k (IIBVUt BOewcUA • wUEFXKiOr &JU Com.loo do ante H«an; coi lOttleHoSSS.'Ybbleepptes, Herbet; 11 eke rye, fuSSSSTw “’■■ ™“ r - 6 ks ‘ bri - e ‘ vi ”' 0»t»" fabla ricoSa. 2 bx, SO Hmw *r? * m®.»w ««( l:walK« “Si h BlMdr, 200 bU. ndUM, i Xa4.ci.“-* S^ IW,,lp ‘' R ' CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD ■♦kS Mjjfcj* 1 bjp**cheJ f M'Olmii#" " ZANESTn*I*tP« EmmfcQr * ll * 1 5"^ ib cu^* r w- t T-W * H tbi- «re«5 1 ’'£• bfcto ■“>»*« I C. W «* **■ RIVER NEWS. •morning, with a Wykito- durlg We bare bad no SS s?s£SS3:igggf£s ninnaM will Jo well to rtmtmb*J this fact. villa boat, S P Hibbard will leave to-day.— — “JdJmUave for St Lonts last evening, and Joubtle** .lid get away. $ Steamboat Bteglatcr. ARRlVED—Jefferaoa, Brownsville; Lctwne,dn; Culonel Bayard, Elisabeth; Chevot, Wheeling; R F Bass, Cincinnati: Emma Graham, Zanesville. D EPAMBfc-Jrffcne n, Brownsville; Lnierne.do; Colonel Bayard, EUxabaih; River fidliPg. . vr'=?»Gß*ifD GosCt£f of Sacred Music at i&aSsrSSHisSSiS SSusMsassssss “SSSf M cents; to bo obtain*! st »»J of the dtj mttsl “dSc (inen »t 1% o-clsclt t Conccrtto commence at :!■ JtSOStxuS AVNTJAIi SOIREJS OP TIIE IKON CITY COMwfERCIAL COItIMB.“ Cls Hadl. Mit FRIDAY KVEHINO, „ 6U?, 'M Adirw*., by good sSSffifesKSsMs ~BA4: pert.rn.an.-e to commence at 7 o'clock. n “vTh MAN—Roll* o*Beardon, Mr OirdU.er Coyn*. 1 Favorite Dance Ui« K®»7 Tb« Prams to be preceded by tbs Fan* «>f TIIK lII*- LION— I Tim Moore, Sir. Qsrdluer ooyne Pas Seal - Mia B«l1y WaldruraT*. '"ijsrssz r.L-jsftvfi'ifc.iS^Sfs; Mr Harry Langdon „ ■nITTS BURGH TIIEA T K K.— XuiM KIMBERLY - Loan san Mamorwaa. rue* or amthwo*. 8um.,... 50e. I Private Bo*, targe P.J« Baaaul Tier -15 c. Private Bo# small 5.0 U Col.tr*! tialiery . .*>. | Colored Voiy-.- ■«»’ Single Seals in Private Bos. $l,OO. Tbs management in announcing tlio.l they ba*a effected an engagement fur three olgbtaimh »Uh the rre*! act actress of thr day. U ATM. 1) A H t. R K 0 N, Who will make bar Aral appoarancu thla availing andfor lhi« night only in her wonderfully effective per«juali«.t»- oi TUESDAY EVENING, February liu, will b* pite«uU:>i the celebrated play, tu flve*ct*..of CAMILLE p. m ltl a Matilda Hn i.»n. gS* .sius jau» T«r«.huii. The performance to conclude with tlie popular fare* of HOOD FOR NOTUISU In rehearsal, the great tragedy of MkDRA Also \ U.K ltd Virtue and LaoDore. The “Pioneer Patriot” *U> bo speedily pntduco ■ Ktgulat Sttamers. Missouri Bivtr Direct. A BtraCUni to PuuOl Custalo J. Murray, will S'SfSSS S? .U iSLdUtt por.. on Wedoeeday* and Friday!, For frelgUt or pa-as*. »PP>T on Tuo g. B. WIIKHLKR. Agent. So. S Wood «■ b Kao L A R WEDNESDAY iJgLfc TV PACKET, TOE CIKCINNATL-Tli.jBEH Tnuntnaii •>- W. rIAILMAX,C«pt. M. U®J» I«*t* tor ih® ®Lot® md »ll lotennrdlAl® P ar '* on WEDNESDAY ®t 10 o'clock A.M. For p*»s»g®or rr®l®ltl 1 -- ril "'° place EAKNE3 ■«.Agrm®. T> EG ULAR TUESDAY PACK- iJCSgA JAiKT TOR ZANESVILLE.—TiI® Of® srss sS^S*.ESSS:SSftffli^ LV Vtek oc»“ Per fuot. ltf Inch Gas Plpa. «« •• •• •• W “ .. - .-I.SO * nig - » -».« “ J* ,v •* . .1.00 “ 170 R MARIETTA ANDZANES- 1 .IhjTr+fr r YILLE-—The new md nv?re MARTIN. €»pt- Baows, wlHleavator in* awt# every patdedat, .t d r.«. T„ torisht or P-»*o *PP> j »oO.A,l®_ Fob CINCINNATI & urns- iJSSaa 1 TILLS—Si* iplraiU «t«*mer MlKfiß-fiawmn™i “■,J>r fr, ' El ’' " r OK CINCINNATI AND LOU- |J§sm£ SK.U V ..ru, or. THIS BAY, 5 l««, »< <' “ F, ' r - r t CO, A|~u._ mail aoM. KX . Beat quality- ** ®>S toomawwo*** « lach ' "rtat u». UomfiboalbyteMß and U lach S H Dandy Tin, U 4 by tf, Md and Winch... 3*4 &*ddl» Tret IW and Ift \ by 3-10 ana Klu « *| by3-10*Vila ‘‘ T*OR CINCINNATI,- The tine |JgL£ H tIkc&srUELHOTTE, C«pt. A. M ? owiu -fnlwßM* Ai i#*t« for lhi> abovo and all lutrp»*.s. •Djjj, 0 " U * rf FLACS, BARNE3 A CO.. Aged-. "OR CINCINNATI"* LOUIS uV»dU» TIIIBBAY 1 m«. «'* o'd'kP.M. hrputu* .nafrelahl A«l«. JW . sa WnWr as-s • •• * r “ '"" i “ Bt R,NK3 * CO., *P»U POR LODISVILtB-The fine Jjgy ISSEsSSsMBE pnai* »PPIJ °“ b °* nl " 10 jucK, BiKXES * CO, felra ■” ■t SO frr No. 1: Unwed Oil Is r» bear of one or.tvo totsteUlßfcst ESSSw^iP •* -ys^ggSS^SL'iS^ L _ FOR ST. LOUtS.—The fino new;tJEgl poeerepr Mmtt, JrrWjiHk C»pt. Baker. «lUto«™ fortt« el"" “L“l77r» grtieoTaUßSßiy, «k * ° d " k P ' or pueep «PP' j "• '"“JJ » JOSES, Agent., f So. :o Water St. T?OR Si. LOUIS & KEOKUK. | raknES * Co, Agent*. OK ST. yggkg Jottuonln* P"**°SW* B boT**nd *u TcUrE>e3tS) S&StoSm?*?&,«**•*•' r “ fr ' lsU i° r | t“g* “W l * °° l "“* ° r LACK, BARNES t CO, AgraU. Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad lone. mirr m irrf avn AWT) PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY having made an ai- MONDAY, -Hanary 26th,ISM: utift IUITI LIAT * M , * * 'ColumbwfcSQP.lMCto. 10.00P.H. Cln.Exprew :Pitt«bnrKh,fcOO A. M.|BtenbenTtlle, 0.4 j 4. U w '■ - - CtereUnd A) M 10:4J « Wheerg,lilOF* CleTelaadiSe ChTg» ; Wheeling J^ 1 ! * M ! rw ,J «. T.t4« CWamlHa,l*o*-».\Cio.‘ *»a.m. Cincinnati Express, “ £3.S p. M.! “ *» p ‘*j Stml»'rSo7:so». X.l Stem*. Accumllou] *• 4:00 “ (WcUitUlp, I ' «•,- TUcd«lt«..mli2Jr. ». T™l„ rao through t. Cotambtu without chans, of an, m«*ius -M*:* connectloia fa Dayton, Indianapoll*, Cincinnati, LonisTitla, Cairo and St. Lottls. New Philadelphia Thefirifi a. H. TnUu atopf at ali Station*, and connects at Bayard withlnun on At Clereland with and all point* oo that road. At Hod-on with th."C, Z. AC. R. B. for Cojafecm iJJ£SjSSKSi. Cletrland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo, Detroit, Chicago; and at Chicago with all lUllroada landing to in Aorta- Alao with Lake Shore Railroad for Erie, Dunkirk, ItoSalo, Niagara Falla and Canada. ~ . juitlmoiw A •«.. & *5 ,w M a 2:35 P. K. Train# #top a\ all Station* on the Rir*r Line, and connect »t » l *h * and Ohio Railroad for Cumberland, ttarperia Ferry, Baltimore and Washington City. At Bellalr with theOenttal Inroad for Zanearllle, CUdaTilla, U&Mter, Wilmington, Ac. The Ibore’Trairui'wllfaiopOTl algnal of Agent at any Station between PilUbnrg h and R ‘ JC,ie4t “ f l^'* k * nalwDpira going to any ortarond Melina of thl# road. Train, wtu.,w.topto teat* coming fm* ,bl. R “ l A'SlS"^ t ,lchtoiphr“iM. bi“nd?h>W vi. Cl.T.tad, a*f„ nt",*,* to So toOolnmhu*, Oncinnatl or St. Lonia, or point* beyond Colombo* tia StenbentUle, mn« axt Panenge™ deaW g go checked tbrongh to all principal iwlnU and tran»ferT»a free of charge, fur Ticket! tU StenlwnrUle. «.uaKago curt Rl s t {ha Office, p« DQ Street Drool. oiuuu: .Min Turnbull. titinrinnati, Set. EoutSbilU, Stt' St. iLouia, &f =rvm ST. LOUIS.—The fine pctt r ftaaowr MARESCJO, Opt., ITrfillirn ■ “||i inn tor th* ibort Kid Ali iBtOTWUtt* P®?* ® D ?UIB »1y72 “o-cta*?. U. forpurv*. » | fLACK B*RME3 I CO. rpENN. WHEAT —435 ska now landing .l. bj IgAIAH pIOBK * w . EDWARD T TOBACCO A.3STD CIG-.AJRS, vn mi LIBERTY STREET, HEAD OF WOOD* *O. .Ml I.IBXKTr a ptrrSBOKGH. PKIWA, /OFFERS TO THE TRADE A LARGE, FRESH AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK, pui O ,b™“L» taforteS enfCoAo.urA W. B. Grant’s A. No. 1 6a Tobacco, Keime, Robinson A Co’s Tobacco, Eugene Howard's Tobacco, ntrf. Wo wOl imUl on tor r , »mle**mln»«an»plMMwl aattefylbemaelTea In reijanl to thodurab ity P pßßftn< A JOHNSON, ta! fomsoi. I *”• ro ™ rJ b '""“ w “ i ‘ISSIaW. WW JOHNSON, ) • w. E. OI.n.DS a CO'S ROOFIKO, tou to , 2?i“,(l l tJm!JSS?SSl™n r Hjtrwi>uU ncl 1» lUbl. 1" m*l>*»A ■»" 24. Tho eouiftcaey li not readily Influenced by ttw Umpeih »»r2n ,l cold would 0.. t injure li. ■"S 1 «—» *• -nm.™. " wmsissx. <**. « r . cim,J M '“ name it In my opinion »nch n roof will lut frr T**r« »f put n rarefijuy JOSEPH M. LOCKE, ChftflUt, We.pectfclly, Laboratory Nor 125 Walnut atrcct, Cincinnati, Oftk. CtscncsA*i Aoccct Both Iss. Cjv, c ( tll > l **j- , I bavr examined W E.OUW * Co'» “““"g" will U» good iBV.-t.Uon. and amjriUiog tr. fruare buiUlngi t ht Co„ London and Litpryool. inetu. apl;l>iU»» |Bignea| ' _ ' TRANSPORTATION. capacity onf. hundred tons daily fefeaaaa LLOYD & CO., fflg® ISOOOKSSOB9 IO LLOVD * LEMON.I TTAVING MADE EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS THIS WINTER, are now V .0,-arc i BdSS£d££&33fi££fiß«fr» FREIGHT Tho Avoidance or the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad Hill Kin il*ip»!cli •■> >«" tr»atmtartr>o offrelebt. om» ft™ Slr«t. .1 lh. C™.l oY „ co 1867 CANAL NAVIGATION. 1857. - KIBR'S portable boat linb, Igfeawjlt vlsFennarlvanili Canal nnil Bailroacl. Vf rJsas * Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month Bach Way. /AUll. FACILITIES FOR TRANSMIIT^AT^W^nAyE^BEEN^LARQELY^INCREAb^ CeS6cl]r>KlSo, 4 COMFORTABLE TWO STORY 3 A. DvallinCt ilmaM ™ WuMog*™ «"•«, 41W-JW ritj. (wntiiiutog fi« "»=» n^n ran I»lnrait li.imnlijLttlr^Bgl HAfiniA* for » b»Hf. KcmuN. rr oTETi-ThTIWI formerly oecumed by T o. Son. ofT.n,p.T.o-. TbirJ*trett«. Etijr _J*2B ■’frr avtED Wo tea and Drafts having 4,0 w v , lg gtoct *ad Note Broket*, 68 Footth U, W^» TED ~ A»“» .JJrtq A-IL BIDNBY, Do*toa, —EEFBL ADDERS WANTED—The high- B UNCAN’S BUSINESS AND ai«on«. . m-ipit Book Jitnnfert l ""MinwiSSw«- JjH— K u.iMV’k No 105 Market Street,- T> 11. UALMER, * °*JVr,» Trtm nJop, uia K. Dmlstld Beon»!*» “***• «U MEGRAW, WHOLESALE DEALER IN' An Infallible Cougn dck three tnoolhs, not able to do anything, with * cough «nd stuffed condition of the wind-pipe; I tried sererri of the best physicians in this city without weiring any heuefit all of them sold my lungs were effected. I wee confined to my bed during the greeter part of this! hue, l espectorated a great deal of matter from my lung*. The first two doeea of your Pectoral Setup that 1 took, 1 could not tafco without taring down in my bed. but before r had taken two bottles 1 ;«L entirely cured. Iter* been well aw since. My oew commenced about the first of March, of this y«r ; am now, and was at the time of mysldtneu, lirio*, Thomaa Pattemm**, lo Dnionstreot, near the Dfomond. . ss-sftrj&’&D,. aE o.n M « c sri,o Woudstreet, Pittsburgh. Pe, and by DrogglsUeterywncre. ooShdewlP - Db. Kima’a Shoulder Braces— From PUUburgh DUpatcb, April 10tb, IISB,-For mom thau yrmrt pa«* h»Ta conitintly worn tba Waihlngtou Sui panJer Bnn, mannfitctured by Dr. Geo. U. K«ywr, of No UO Wood street, la thli city, and would heartily rocota mead It to all who am compelled to fallow * sedentary occu pation. A* wo hareUforo nsmxrked, la calling attention to Ito merits, It answer* for a brace-and ituponder*, weight of tho pantaloon* Ulcg eo placed aa to continually tend to brio* the ahouldera totbotr natural portion and ex pand the chest, Women, hundred* of auuually Ilafured by the weigut ot euonnon* •wcirt*. ehonld procore these braces. B* particular In procuring tba Und mentioned a* many of the brace* aold are humbug. Sold S* r .Ol». IL met, rign of the Golden Mortar. jtMi&knf Acownc AcmcLzs—Thw . ! :- • the Off tobrtTln IkeJy tobecome or *O7 rw-u . ...TZy* .* L 1 L'**“ 1 — ofoa trliAdal drum, tb» wnr of beertas •» ,011 m, aup.c«J »«i. Th,, not to U perceptible l» other*, »ntj tn h*rdly wll «*• ■ worn. Apply to | ooA4*w« Twenty Venn BUndecu Cured tty «t> sunanu Kr. lonM—Sta. <»“«! Cumlm., el Tta~r.nc.TllK «rtatatir.lj blind I. fee meni *u I twtatj put tad tool! tairclj «• «ltt <1» otter. Shod, alxnoot entirely cored by on* „ M m I Wood tWeet, tlgo of tb* Gotten Mortv.. PrkayJ cent*. DoSOSdmF .■- rfIHE HEALTH OF AMERICAN WOMEN I —lor way 7**•. palpitation ef tb» bwrt, very e**illfluUor®J or excited, appetite wrieble, ituou* and ba*U. denagod, with pain. Any mctrUJ or exertioD vu tare to bring on *\ the xymptoM, and U-d @SS3SSSsB?£SS «tesM.£SSSS|SSBK : SS' fS^SHra^^.Sfes ICON chanced eoma of tar eymptowi for tbo UHtej-y enl UATtfiTTAt.I/8 BZERUTK CATBGUCAN b*i «j iJfiIJSSSSIr Itrioidoctonaftd "iSiTSKrtow U>n«i-,wb» lew* with *Udrwh* SaSgaSsSassssttMsK; aw^«sssESssaßA™' «r£i—« ' gS^sab^«3Ssss,«s tboM ■jnjpUniu, which I h*re glTtf* *• to i®* SrfSt SeSSof S«Bw3» btt* 1 b»T* known rjmaoy ££?£ onrtown th.tl Cc*i booed toU« joo know. ffiSSS LhoarorimiUriy «<->£g£&sSg£ t % ■ . s^saS?MSs^S3S£?2f'S!iaS' :V -a?tn*d in coapU!ntt»ootn» of which XwfQtnr to cItSToS pSoln the iowttorgtni, »a* feding « tfeono thin/5* goto* to fan oat; Inability .to walk much on #c . sSsffliAfflffiaßasfteg «n« p* l ” I xssßSsas^, owrthing. u I gnppo—d to Ttln.tiof* Mg” ttOaa w.sswiiE I lookluhoping igainrt hop*. MI-tetaMMjTjM”” zsxtiggi Qss. S s^®SSaßwg^»Sffl^lw«r «—. c/Htamiy- «.lJwi»dttr«t.P}tutog^. 1 Slgp of thefloWon j&tftfral. - Remedy***! tied t«n Dr. O. ]L K«YB*B.HOWoo