j |i!tislmrgl) fitirtfc. PITTSBURGH: THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 28, 1858. M9* OFFICIAL PAPER OP TIIE CTTT.-&. |T Wewi of the Nel^borhi^kL I I' e 5 TC S ular monthly meet }?st®f ****** of Managers of the Allegheny County Agricultural Society was helJ yesterday morning, President Young in the chair. Present, Messrs. Shiras, Reed, M’Kelvy, l'oung. Chess, Hodgson, Murdock, Ncgley,, Thurston, Kincaid. , minutes of the annual meeting of the So- j ciety, and of ‘lho organization meeting of the | "Board, were read And approved. A nmnbei-ot.pocksge3 of new and rare seeds from the Patent Office were distributed among the members of the Board. The Chair announced the following committees on Premiums : Agricultural Department —Moses Chess, Chair man; Messrs. IJodgson, Ferrec, J. M’Kelvy, Bis sau, Oliver, Young, and Patterson. Horticultural Department—J. 8. Negley chair man; Messrs. Murdock, Martin, Goehring. Mechanical Department —o. P. Shiraa chair man; Messrs. Thurston, Kincaid, S'* M’Kelvy, Speer. Captain John Young, Jr., read the following paper; \ “I have heard considerable puffing in tbo city i papers about large birds, big beets, long pars j • nips, overgrown pumpkins, many grained ears ! of corn, &c., produced in Baldwin, Fayette, Moon and Findley townships. Now this ie all right enough, and lliko to see a spirit of emu lation and competition aroused amongßt the r- farming portion of the community; it looks like advancing instead of retrograding. I delight in those things myself. -But at present I am ex , perimenting in the production of inUch cows. The amount of hatter produced by six cows in one year, commencing January 3d, 1857, till January 2d, *6B; both'days inclusive, was eleven hundred and four pounds and five ounces, (1,104,6 oz;) average per month 92 lbs.; aver age per cow, for the year, one hundred and sev /"enLeen pounds six and five-sixths of an ounce. This is exclusivo of a considerable quantity of cream used in our family daring the year. I a cow on trial some time ago to test her *j “ilk»og properties ; the time of trial was from w£ ec - l 3 ** an - 21st, both days Inclusive. The ~quantity ofl milk produced by her in that time' was twelve hundred and one pounds (1201.) We are now testing her btfftcr qualities. In fifteen % days she Eos produced twenty-three pounds of j butter, lacking one ounce, (22 lbs. 16 oz.) The ; cow we have been testing was six years old the | 6th day of Nov. last. She is a short-homed i Durham. The greatest amount of milk she pro ,! ducod in onedajydaring the time of trial, was j forty-two pounds, an Buffalo Times. ' How to Toon a Pcsst.— The vesper sheet of the ciij issued two editions yesterday, the,naJy difference between the first and second being, as far as we could see, that the latter had an arti cle in it touching the OazeJte. No doubt that magic word served to sell the Chronicle. We rejoice with its -disappointed editors that they are able to hawk off their paper on the simple name of the Qaiette. Go on children! In the words of Mr. Turveydrop, “Strike home and he joyful.” Caroful study and observation may make the Chronicle quito a respectable paper in the course of time, and secure it as many readers as the Gazette enjoys. We shall endeavor as occasion offers, to do our part at “licking it into shape.” Festival roa the Iktuuiary.—We learn with pleasure that a numbpr of ladies contem plate holding a festival for the benefit of ibis Institution, in the City Hall, beginning on next Tuesday afternoon. This, wc are sorry to say, is absolutely neces sary, as the treasury is some $1,200 overdrawn and the war da-are filled-with sick. The legacy of Mr. Avery not coming into the hands of the managers at present aud .being probably de signed for the beginning of & endowment. We hope s generous public will nobly sustain this exoelleaUcharUy which is accomplishing a vast emount of good among the suffering at a very small cost. Tux Grcenaburg Herald, of yesterday, relates the case of an Irishman who was attacked with a sudden fit of insanity in the County Poor House, where be was adjourning, and who, while in that case, seized a little child and killed it by a blow upon its head Tbo same paper re lates the case of Mr. John Thompson, who re sides some 2} miles from Grcensburg, whose clothes were caught in a threshing he being drawn into it thereby, was instantly killed. Quarter Sxbsioks.— The Court was yesterday occupied with the case of Commonwealth vs. Dixon; indictment larceny, on oath of P. Merit. Dixon stole a lot of shoes from the proseoutor. A verdict of “Guilty*' was rendered and he was remanded for sentence. Com. vs. J. N. Miller; three indictments for illegal sale of liquor. Verdict of “Guilty” in •ach case. Lecture. Dr. King, a gentleman of fine lit erary and scientific attainments, delivered a highly interesting lecturo in tbo Lutheran church At Rochester, on Thursday evening last. The third of the series will be given on the 28lh iaat. Tbo citizens of the villages should not throw -Away the'opportunities thus afforded, of spend v On Goss his Head.— Mr. J. B. Sherman, one of the Inspectors In the Philadelphia Custom House, came to Chreensburgh lost week to report W. A. Stokes' speech at the Democratic meet ing, held in the Court House on Monday even ing. We learn from a Philo, paper that onjiis return ho received his ‘‘walking papers” from Mr. Collector Baker. Mr. Slokes made a quite telling Douglas speech, and he and Forney owe Mr. Shoridan his bread and butter according to every principle of lsw.| Amusement*.— The Sea-of Ice is still on at the Theatre. It is a very decided success. It attracts good houses each night. The singe ef fects ore excellent, and the whole play is worth seeing, See bill. Qardincr Coyne, who is no bogus article, still attracts immense houses night, after night at Foster’s. ’ Injured.— Three men employed on the brick work of the new Pennsylvania Railroad shop, now being erected at Conemaugh Junction, were considerably bat not seriously iojnred, on Wed nesday lost week, by the breaking of a scaffold upon which they were at work, leaving them to fall £5 feet. Jas. B. Dodge, a young gentleman with whom we are well acquainted, brought a suit for libel against a Mr. Clark, for a little publication in the Dispatch. It all arose oat of a queetiou re lative tp a ball-ticket. Better Cx itup. Ax accident. of a serious nature occurred in Moon township on the 21st inst. Mr. Joseph Aten, while building fence, was io the act of carrying a rail when he missed his footing and fell, the rail falling on his arm and breaking it. Dr. J. T. Peters dressed the wound, and ho is recovering. Serious Ajtrat.— We learn that in an affray last week, at Freedom, boweon Washington Car others, the latter was struck with a stone, and injored so seriously that fears for bis life ore entertained. We would cal) the attention of the public to the auction sale of Stocks (his evening at tho Merchants’ Exchange by Messrs. Austin Loom is & Co. Ok Friday evening, the Rev. Sam’l. W. Reed, ® will deliver an address in Seminary Hall, New Brighton. Cot. Friceer has just returned from the East With all the delicacies of the season and of the country, for Walnut Hall. Arrival or Silver.-— Twenty.one tons of ingots v ,UV " arriTed at tbe r. S. Mint, yesterday, from ?«®w Orleans. This, when coined into money, will make eight hundred thousand dollars, a pretty able bodied “pile,” end sufficient to clothe an army of civilians at the Brown Stono Clothing Hall of Rock hill 4 Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. j GLYCERINE,*" * GLYCERINE, .. GLYCERINE, Highly perfumed. Sure care and preventative of Chapped Hands, Face and Lips, for sale at SUPER'B DRUG STORE, t corner Peon and SL Clair Street... Whatdotbe Ptiyaaetana mmy of U'Cane's Vertnlfogr, pupiata bt Fnaiusa Baos?—lJaten to tt»* testimony ol an cmineut physician In Estop ofMcLane’e I ermifogp, which i» uo* unirarsally wVtiowlpdg*! to be the beat lu n.*>;e»en monitor., of (he medical faculty (who “E ** *"«*» to the u*. of patent medicines.) cannot withhold (ho approval of this invaluable remedy; I ixt>, Stark Civ, 0., Jan. «. IS-t9. I have u-w.l Dj Mcladt a Worm Specific, prepared by Fleming llrwi., lltisburgh. Pa , tu my private prattles and a ?, P .T > , I ? r * d 10 * 3 3 ,th “ lh » uuiar.lteW nmn with which 1 have prescribed its use. both far children sad adulu. induces me to say the moat in iu favor of any specific or patent medicine ever before brought t«> my uoticu The tawlo of administration, tbs smaltoe-s of the dose, aud the oertaintyof |u efficacious effects, give It. In my opinion, a decided advantage over any other medicine of tfao kind U faro the public. will "rvfal to ask for DR. STLANE’B VKKMIFOGK, manufactured by FLEMING Bltoa. of InrrsatTMH, P*. a U other Vmllhm lu compar “f n ar» worthlesa Dr. M’Lanr's guuuino Vermifuge, also hl« celebrated Liver PlUs, csd now be had at all respectable arQ X ■tores. Aoneprtiui'nr wtihvut the signature of Jagh.UwlwT FLEMING nROS. jamuannrnts. PITTSPURQH THEATRE. MISB KIMBERLY .Lc-scc asi> MsNAonici! IMMENSE SUCCESS Of lU urß PUy io fire a. (a of iutea.e and lf inter* entitled TII P. ?RA -J F 1c E Which has bwii nightly „(ib ful | h-ceveand lh« the greatest enlbu»i»4ni MISc! KIMHKItI.V i.\ in.) CHARACTERS ' Theluecbankal c.-»at..tei.,.-5.i...J .11u.i.mi.,1 thUepleadid piece, abounding to .oT.vt. .•! tl»« luost m»,l aud sUrUiua imtura, emU..»ymg ail .he which the mven- Uvo genius m the a*e baa »< liirr,-.| i„ dramatic effect and Acenir di«pUv . uud fully develop, u* Uio of this weti appomti-t eitab!u>!uin>tit, were prepared after the orlg. imit iwodrla of the .day. scenery BO d eSects, itiacoufldemty rlaiuict to be tho most brilliant ami effective play over i„ P.tt.bursb. it has l,a.i- , a run of aeveral wt-'fcs i u New York, PUiladrlpbu li»lij mora,CiDciutiA(i, Ac , ±r. OH THURSDAY EYcNI.Yj, JANUARY 28th. will t* presented for tbe fourth time, a romantic j.lay, called the SLA OK ICE with nil 111 beautiful scem-ry «ud thrill ing effect*. Louieo doAaaamra, (Wife of the Captain,) Min Kimberly. OgariU, (the Wild FluWwol Mexico,; Mias iClmbeily To conclude trith the Farce, called NATLKE.iSD P 111 I, i) g,jJ> u y - C -Mi« Turubull UOSi'Eit'S UAI ETIES!—MASON- J 1C HALL.—Leeaeu end Manager JuSKI'U C. FOSTRR- Acting andEtage Manager, A. W. YOUNO. IN PRICE » PARQOETTE .SAcenH. ' UPPER TIR!L....—U cant* La»t night hut ttroof U»o celebrated Irish Guuadiaii and Vocalist. MR. GARDINER COY NIL THURSDAY EYKN’ING, Jao, 23, IWB. wilt U performed tha now and beautiful drama, entitled TFIK HUSK uF KiLLAKNEY, or A MOTHER'S PRAYK.it—Wander • liigDavy, with songs, Mr. UardiLcr Cojue; Robert Lmtrier, Mr. Harry IjUigdoii: Alice, Julia M* L.>ul.e: Lilly ' Lover, Mias Kate Fisher. Grand Poa Eetil i ..‘...MBs Emily WahUgraTc. To conclude with a uew Circe, entitled THK IRISH oU* RA.NG-OUTANO. or Ml’M’B TIIK WußD—Larry O'Ltnn, with tongs, Mr Gardiner Coyne; Blddr. ill— Kata Fisher. Valuable aud Desirable Perm for Sale* THE subscriber qfibre for sale his farm, containing aa pi, situated about one hftlfmile jj'Jgl north of Salem, between the Ellsworth and Berlin all tillable, except about ten acres of Umber, on which 1* a splendid growth of the sugar maple, ta a high state of culti vation, and under a good fence. It has altu on It a thrllty jonng orchard .containing a varietyof choice frtnt tree*, car<« * Jiy Selected with a view to thrlr exrutleut and superior Aleo. pours, peaches, plums anJ cherries hi abun- The buildington (be premises are good, large and eunven lent. The house ii a two story frame. ruuunodiuun and well ; finished. It Is very desirably situated, aod In fnll view of | town. There is a good well aul cement asturu at Ibe door, I which furnish an ample supply of water. There are two ! horns, connected by a abed, making plenty or room for the sheltering of cattle and stock ofall kinds Also, wagon and cmrrisgeuonse, and other convenient buildings—well pt wa ter In the barn-yard, Ac. There is on the south-east corner of uid farm, a small frame bonso, with garden, fruit tree*, etc., suitable for o tenant. Jf. B.—The above described i.remlacs, Udng in a good community, and in sight of a business and euUrprisiug towu, are eminently calculated for a fuocllul twnntiy wt, fur any one who wlsbv* to retire from tho din of a populous city, to moro domestic life. It is ulso well adapted (or di viding and selling in lots, being conveniently located be tween two public roads. Kor further Information address or iuquir* of KDWAHD JKNKINH, JoJltwlmT On the premises. T 10 OWNERS OF COAL JUNKS ANL _ PKTROLBUAI BPRTWtS .tin United Klelrii Caoede end the Krttieh ProTioce* —Tbe l£eri*»ne uil Com piny 1* prepared to rer-We propone!* fur eapplle* of impurl Wnol olte, oocediatitUif from the erode ter, wlitiuu chemical treatment, ami fm petroleum iu Uie natural stale. Ail proposals must state the lowest terms, os writ a# the quantity that eau be furnished monthly, and should be or companled by a sample u( not lets than onepoilon, represenT ing theeutlro yield from tho piodact operated unou. Freight and charges ou ull *upplie* to be prepaid. Address Secre tary of the Kt-rueeiK Oil Company, £>U Bi rt.t street. New York. JalC.l wd BAGS! BAGS!!—Flour, Buckwheat, Corn mual, Salt. Uam.Orain. Dried Frnitaud oil hinds of Bags, mado from Bleached Mnsllti*. Ou>abnrx Drills and Duck, ncatJy printed to order, in approprinlo stylre, on the shortest notice. llitlers mid ollun will fiod it to their advantage In the quality of goods used and prices rhnrged. to hnv« their or ders filled at my niannfurtory. DAVID C. HKRUST, jal4: Toothacux uj instantly cured by afew drops of Dr Eeyaer’s looth Ache Remedy. Preiiarrd and sola s tb« drug store DR. KKVHKR, 140 Wood st, fwMuliwa f *{*» a# the Mortsi TO EXCHANGE.—Wo bate some finely situated properties iu and near Uiecily which wo wiil exchange tor County bonds, stocks. Ac. Pcrxonstiflviog unprofitable securities of this character will And an opportunity to dispose of Uicuj to advantage. B. BI’I.AIN k BON, Jail £>S}£ Fourth street Nh. SUG AR.—35 l.hds. Good Pair N. O'. • Sugar just received and fur sale by jnfl SHRITKKA DILWORTII. Telegraphic Markets, New Yoex, Jan. 27.—Cotton heavy; IOUU bales Bold- quotations barely maintained; Upland Mid dlings 104- Flour heavy; 0000 bids sold. Corn ad vanced; 15,000 bush at CS@7I for white. Pork heavy, at $t5@15,25 for mess, and $12@12,25 for prime. Paeon heavy; Shoulders 6c. CattU Jlarkrt. —Beeves 4c lower, with Vat little inquiry: prices weak; 2400 received. Sheep un changed; 7000 bead sold. Swioo unchanged; 1400 bead sold. Stocks higher; Chicago A Hock Island 67J; Cum berland Coal 15|; Illinois Central 94 j; do Poods 94; Lacrosse A Milwaukio 104; N. Y. Central Slg; Oa lena.A Chicago 744; Eric 22: Yirginiasixee 90; Mis souri sixes 554. CiKcnrxATi. Jan. 27,—Flour nnchanged; there is very little doing. Whisky firm at-15J. Hogs dull andonseltled; $5@5,25 offered, within which range 700 were sold. Provisions dull and lower, and priees irregular; sales of 4000 plecos at 5, 6 and 7c for Shoulders, Sides and aud Hams were slop failed. Mess sl3, with buyers. ' The river has (alien twotnHies since tooq. Weatbetcloady and cool. Telegraphic. Lateat from Barop«i *f KW \^ R *» an * 27.—The steamship Kangaroo armed this evening, bringing Liverpool Oates totho 1-th Inst., being four days later intelligence. Lrrr.npoot., Jan. J2tb.— Cotton Market— The salw for fte past three days have been IP.OOu bales, in cladingj.4otl on speculation and the same quantity for export. The market was generally unchanged and closed quiet and steady. Richardson, Spence outh have borne with patience the iiltack? made against them, because they lore the Union, but will not much longer submit. lie had more ro*peot-ft>r tho Abolitionists than Precaoilers, on tho same priu etiial that tho assassin meet? his victim in upon day, while tho other mbs him while asleep. Tho only dif ference that in fart ovist? is, that on© i« a grooter robber than the other. biddings asked whether tbo gentleman from Mi?-L»sip{ii would curry this desolation into the \Vt-?t**rn Reserve. Mr. Davis replied that that would bo tho first puiut ho would strike at, because thet was the residence of tin. moanoFt and worst Abolitionists in tbo country, i Laughter.) Mr. Harri?, of Illinois made a partial report froui the Committee on Election? declaring it iucxpcdieut to allow Mr. CumpbolJ, as he rvqucjted, further tiuio to take aiipplimeutary testimony -affecting bi? seat, whi'-h is couifjted hy Mr. \ allaudiugham. Mr. .Stephens, fn.iu the same Committee, offorej a resolution which was adopted, admitting Mr. Val. landingbain to the flwr, duriug tho proceeding? in tho Ohio contested olerUun Co*©, and giving him the privilege to speak h« to it* merits. Mr. lUms mid bo would .shortly call up the sub ject. Thu adjourned. ScsATt—Mr. \i iUi.Q introduced a resolution au thorizing the appointment of a Commission t*. oxam ine into u(fairs of l Uih, without resort to fom*. Re ferred to CoimmUt-o oa Military Affairs. Mr. Pogb prescuied joint resolutions of the Legis lature of Ohio. Mr. Wade declared that they wore disreputable in their character. At au impatient demand from several icnator* they were read, expressing enure confidence in the '_ n t c S r 'ly ui:d ability uf tho chief magistrate. They ■»V^P~H‘rtd C U l,^;, .;l r ! tli " n romtDßnJfl iKeir cordial Ciucinuati jilalforoi; in regard‘d*’ ibu r«tu!£f Lecooipton Convention to submit tho Constitution to the people as unfortunate for the peace of the Coun try, and declare it to be their unalterable judgment that every Constitution of a new #tato of the Union, unless otherwise directed by the people, ought to he submitted to the hnmi fide electors of such territory for approval or rejection, and conclude by instructing the representatives and requesting Ibc Senators from Ohio to vote against tho admission of Kansas under the Lccumptun Constitution or any other not clearly expressive of tho will of tho people. Mr. \\ *de remarked that the reason why ho stig matized ibe resolutions iw disrcpntable was that they •lid not speak out with that manly iodepoudeuce with which the legislature of a sovereign Stale should always speak upon any question of sufficient import ance f.,r expressing-any opinion at all. These reso lution# endorse the President, and pledge themselves lo support every jot and tittle or the administration when they intend lo conclude by instructing their Senators t., go uguinsr the only great darling meas-- ure the administration hi* presented. Why not come directly io tbe question at issue, and with that calm dignity which becomes a sovereign state declare and announce their purposes and their will? Why go crouching like miserable slaves to the adminis tration, and hypocritically declare that they have 1 tho fullest confidence in it when they mean lo end by declaring their slcrn determination to oppose the ouly important measure it has brought forward ? Tho President not only announces his determina tion not to allow the people of Kansas (o make their own constitution, hut force upon thum one mada by their enornie*, and compel obedience to it with tbe point ..f tho bayonet. Mr. Wade proposed, if it should come to that, t.« resume (be same argument where our father? left it. Tho South had uut upon their plantation.- u uiote craven set of people than those who pus-e.l these resolutions. (Laughter.) Of rourso there was no necessity for their instructing him how to volt). (Kmowcd laughter.) If tho ex ecutive should persist in this policy he was a tyrant, and deserved the frowns and opprobrium of every man. The resolutions call Ids policy unfortunate, hut he called it downright knavery and tyranny, which demanded not argument hut action, ft tends to a breach of the penre, and to stir up civil war. Notwithstanding all this, they do not lose their con fidence in him ; they say although wc adhere to him we instruct you t<» throw his message jn his face, and fur ono, bo, Mr. Wade, was ready to do it. < Laugh ter.) Tho.resolutions were not the video of tho people of Ohio, and mot witii mr sympathy or acquiescence from the Republican party; they were crowded down the throats of tho Republicans in the Ohio Ixsgialn turo by a cowardly majority, undor tho gng rule, be cause they dared not face tho scorn nnd contempt which would hare been heaped upon them bad they permitted tbe liberty of speech. Tho brave and gen erous people of Ohio would have spoken nol directly without catering to favor any mas; boldly and indo pondcDlly would thoy hn*o pronounced their will. The resolutions were nursed under a statement that hasto was indispensable, and yet more than tea days have elapsed, during which time they have slept in some man's breeches pocket. He was willing to go with tho legislature and resist to tho duath an at tempt to lop'o the Lecompton Constitution, or any other that Is not the will of the pcoplo, upon them. This is tho first attempt since the American rovolu tiuii to tuko away tho liberties of tho people, and it must be tho last. Mr. Pugh would not Interfere with tbe special or der by making a speech now. When the Locump too Constitution Is presented ho would express his views of it at length, and take an opportunity to correct his colleague iu somo matters of fact. Tho resolutions were tabled and ordered lo bo printed. Mr. Davis presented u bill os a substitute for tbe Pacific Railroad hill embodying the views of the minority of the Select Committee. The Senate proceeding to tho consldoratiun of tbe Army DU), Mr. Owin submitted a substitnto provid ing f cir fivo new regiments according to the recom mendation of the Secretary of War. Rojoctod by ti against 39 votes. Tho Senate adjonroed. | Fprctal DtipAtcli lor the Oaultc | HAnntsnuon, Jan. 27.—Mr. U&zxam read a bill relative to Nolnrics Public. Mr. Herniod, one rel ative to lateral railroads. Mr. Imhrie, to tax chorcboa owning over 816,000 estate. Mr. Kill re ported a hill to repeal the collateral inborltanco tax. Air. Rose, to charter tho Mercer Udd Fellows’ Hall Association. Mr. Crawford, a supplement to tho Zelinoplo Plank Rood Charter. Wa.suisgton C’itt, Jan. 27.—The hill reported in tho Senate to-day by the minority of the Select Com* mill** on the Pacific Railroad, as a substitute for that of the majority directs the President to advertise for proposals for establishing a Railway, and to con tract far the transportation of (be mails, troops and supplies of (he army and navy and all other govern ment service; tho road to be constructed la ten years. It al» n appropriates ten milllons of dollars to be paid, as the road progresses and alternate sectloas-of land for six milM on each side of the road. 1 -•5 —•— Taylor bu arrived from Acpinvall, bringing Cali- ■ (CP*. ' FOli a* furnia odviees to the sth init. She connected at the ; ££are££s£ Miuuinri River nir»»t Isthmus with the iteamer John L. Stephens. The JU BIUP UiffCl. Tft Taylor ha? on board *1,500,000 in specie. The prin- A R»re Chance to Paiaengera & Shipper*, cipal consignees are as follows : Weils. Fargo A Co. • n,IJ **" ri,rva 9 !l uni'-cr.i Brthipjnn,), to $515,000; American Exchange Bank. SCO,OUi); Free- . EOoNFVru.K. BRl'N.ovics. LKXlN'uton. tVKMwN man A Co., $81,000; Ilotrland 4 Afptarrall, $95.- Tsn 000; Kelly A Co., $47,000; James Patrick, $100,000; ; * i»m AItA Vl t*??’ rtM U u : n fl'Tf 4 C «V**ft 2 ’' splendid new and fast running Ihu -000; Hogo A Co., $40,000; O. Q. Hobson. $32,000; , X’-»ap'r ttramer SKY-LAUK, Capt. BKN?JO!lX Ros?, Falcener A Co., $25,000. ; SoN.'rrill le.-ire for theahoTo and all intormedJati; .n Oregon.—The official role at Ibe late election in \ MONDAY. FtiUKUAKY FIRST. Oregon shows a majority of $5OOO against slavery. or or pa**aß* “pply on Ward or t" There was also a majority of 4000 in favor of the : i a ->i * .AOK, BAlt.vw i tXi , Agent*, ConetituUon and 1,000 majority ajainri the admi,.- i., -„-••• ~ra™ ' »«■ s ;_» .trret. ■ion of free nearoer. ! MpnongaSela River 0. S. Mall Packet,. Mr. Caine*, the former Governor of Oregon i* ' i .TEAMER JEFFERSON, J " ,J - .k*s?g? ' California.—Tbe Sain Francisco papers jlto bar ren of news. Tho intelligence from tbo mines U very favorable. Business was dull both at San Francisco and tbe interior. ' John Murphy, of Pittsburgh, has been mtirderod in Son Francisco. Tho greater part of the town of Downerilft has been destroyed by fire. Loss half a million dollars. An anti-Mormon meeting has been bold at Los Angelos, and a memorial adopted asking God. Clark for . r >oo mon for tbo protection of the citizens. Tho aonnal session of tbe California legislature commenced on tbe 4th inst. The Governor would probably recommend tho tax ation of the mining claims. The question was ex pected to cause a serious quarrel In the Democratic party. A slight shock of an earthquake wa? experienced at San Francisco on the 24th inst. St. Loris, Jan. 27.—The Kansas correspondent of the Democrat says that the people have dochlcd not to petition Congress for an enabling act, but will pass one themselves, end form a Constitution, which will bo similar to the Topeka instrument, and sub •mit it to the peoplo for acceptanoe or rejection. Gen. Calhoun passed through BoonvUle yesterday on bis way to Washington with the Lccompton Con stitution, and tbe official returns of the Into election. St Loots, Jan. 27.—Tho river is rising slowly at this point, with seven feet to Cairo. Tbo Missouri i» also rising, while tho Illinois..is stationary, with foar feet in tho channel. Tho Upper Mississippi ha? risen six inches at Dubuque since Monday night, and there are now four feet on tho bar and still rising. There was a heavy white frost this morning. Weath er clear. Wasihsotos, Jan. 27.—The Board of Naval offi cers will assemble at Richmond, Vit., on the Ist of April, tar the examination of assistant surgeon? tar promotion, and such candidate? for appointment to tho medical staff as may be invited to present them selves. FOK CINCINNATI AND LOI’- , (Cff- «. ISVILLE-Th.. «... .Ci-imcr 11KXRY MSgfig uKAFr.cpi .ill JBraJS jK.rtK.un THURSDAY, *U» in*t.. at i p. m For trH s l,t or apply ou board or to FLACK, BARNES *Cu, Agent*. Ij'OU CINCINNATI & Lo('fs-, . MI.LE— I TV splendid steamer MINKR RICHUOKb, Va., JftO. }7.~Tb« Waub- I VA - Uur.luu.wlJl !-sre for the abovu ington was unwrapped to-> t KU *1 It—a lot of M-Q t.bl* down rir«r J 1.-m »,M „n wiiai I •I 14,12 fur ultra ami $(47 K>r tamiljr tli Kruin ► L.m. luir. AtauJ tidblla at $l,OO I«r -nper. $4:2.'. W *ilr* ami {4.>i fur family do. U&Al.N—*O healJ of b-> »al#a from 6>»l lnuJv (min -twn*. 200 ami ItW bus OaU at VS; K>«, .V) liu r»i ..5 bail*'* 100 bus Spring at 43. and 125 do, Uifcriur at 40. .... HA Y—•calta ot U load# at{l*«ttli t» . t.,b. n POTATOES—aaIra ia lou Irutn »tor»vl , f .oo !.<■ v*i . j'-u jljulllf, <\f. APPLES—a aiio uu wharf of lu) I.I4», uiuu# at fl ..u ---_ .. scuak-4 ands .i„ A , N A Sll \ ILM-!—T)t*‘»«l*M» r njt tn* * MOLASSES—n laid of W bbla. ■! 4 S _L. »|. am. r OI.KSH‘-a»0. tUo* n .S£Kt> -aka of 2> bill TlOloIlj) nl will 1.-at !••• t'>•• al-and *l. ml nn« .'m 1 ..' u^TTir' HITTKIt—A ulo of 3 bblspriuia lc.-ti aX 11 KAY 2Mli ui-t .*• 2 . . fc. r 11 j T 1.11, 1 .1.11 r CHKfc.Si:—aalr* of 25 bia VV. K, at dibu.lt a( d |4> I<*.; I ..1 t.. I. \l;n Ea A rt* 4.1'. * * TlSli—«il#a of *Lbl- ‘Herring at fti.2.. no.I S Jo N„ J*ls »• v- \y,,' -, MackarH nt 6U2.0. ' ' u ' v! i: L’ou .vjmiville rii.' -ri.>- - BIONEnTAKY ASUUUMMKRriAL. . JL I-a*-r.r. 1 .1-y f H 1 HU Al.p Tli» Bank atatcmunt show* a fttrtW Inurdur o' th# L?, 1 !* 'l'tmi; 'l 1 > v ’’ ll ”‘ iii?3i!lte »?#flu llor. ii.Awiibatainlitiy th# al.lj.tn.iit.. ut ,* £1 2.'.u , J‘' '''" ’ ' "* ‘ ;,t M ' 1v M * " fMplit iwO dnmig lb« weak and Hi* ia Uir . a nb Ttvaanrv *' l| ■' " ‘ 'V.', '. hj banka of {‘AU.OUU b.r lb# «)••» Thu onuiriarUMi - " M. (< h. II U. \E-A yu , A K #nl». wiili la#i *r#k m m lulluvc Jan. P. Jan U. J*u."; |toj,i;u<--4 .... ****• zwn.s.* auatan auo.M Lor!M'ILM;--Tii*<*lo«int , tB? *. J.M9.355 J .Hrilll.*. j AOill |l>K. f,i.l Br,i!,ri lu f .Vi», ,^,^Slvii CU, '“ r "' . *V v «• A^.t.r, ' '' v "‘ : LX>K LunsViLLK.—Thoplen- r fHP- » TM a ii>iui.t« bank- -wn ‘ n T * n -Ml. n»»l, -I i J*. M. For riai».-»r» • twi> »ij.J • tialfiuillluii* of toutitrj oytrr.— .N. YTt .!• 1 1 f" r '**d'' '*J■ J• I> •>•» 1—»-rrit or K-- H.ACIi IiAKNT it Af!« Import* by Kir* r. IIONUN'<»AIIKLA « NAVIGATION ou -U J l.dls CXiltlus; i’l liys until, ;s btd. apple* Clark; M -.k» .cl«. 4 t-hle n-ut, üb-lit; 4 bs* glass. Lm» t» A in; u.k rt.mr. Kwlinller. 4'! Ju *|>J.|fN 10 du du l>rrv; ITT Jo tinor 1 doapplo, 1 du, Ik* |»rd. o*t,er; I* aka wool, ttuckdale; lut Mils Ilvdi, owner. [ WUEKI.INO perCbrsoit—2 bidsbatter, 1 dotard Fh.yd: | Dib bbU apples, Kuliius;..U b** m, 3 du baaus. Brown, A tupkpolrtck; y bbl* apples, btl« roll Latter 3 egg*. Hutchison; J b S s roJTe*. Parti; ti b K -s oat*. 4 be.i VI' I (ll IS Kl'AI, CU T —~~~~ 6 - t bbl hotter.? do .TX*. Oiling N, Ull. ,-.,t>.r 'h -n ... & h “* OK ? K *— { JE&J) il-u* l*V l>td« Uiolusiw*. ln hx» rJudb- 1 l^ w " 1 1 1 .TON OI ahar.i i Tb-Hart*; ?-■> rolls 'ratlrof, Hacker- S l. tf » bn U z.* \*, I,rl, *“ l J V *J" t,r th * al* 1 " •udaTlTitTr. llbMiappS,*. ■* *Lj rye, !M J„ cru. ls|,“o « k . njdT y W- TiUS »A\ Stub foot. *t i o'clock l>. M. be* mrai, owner*. »•>« po-w* -r frcuitjtnprdynabjardorto . .NKW uItLK.IND ~r Aurun—nil *, ~,ur;„. ~- -, ----.- V -H C -? * £O. *eK_ «n *,M» filter. 4 roils ropo.ii bas soap, I bbl ..II Hark X ' U U*‘ 1 - IA)l 15*. — Die fIDO new f I* 4 dO-dl Fli-wim a) d.. li.pior. Utrh*.;JOdo.|u. Allru. Km JL fw»' I’liinii.tr steamer 10WA*jrSS~£?a lll ska potatoes, u»ti.t: I bx ruds. .'0 bid. Capt Moor.. u-ill Uw abort and all tatm-mi?!??!* whisky. 81, t wbnewtock; . rake pearly MKm C ItUds Lamp jiori» mi THIS DA V iTVIi in*t., at 4 «*. ** Ftrr fn*l»ht r*r UaMltOQ, iel bills lllollA#.-*, 10 du nlfobol, lU> do liixlasws Jitsa-I|w apj.lr oil U«rJ nr to B owucnc; 1J tih.l. lUW r, Wiik-r i RiHu-Uon: 4 d-. d-. « i*— I.ATK. BAIIVF-.-A O'K Armis D.alzslk ,tu do du uaninon ID do do. IVunj. 3" dn d lid T'Vio cr’ i. ~ . ■ l.bii roula*»r-. J.u.rs 4i Cuulcj; laa >ohl bunt lunnturr. H ‘ I '' —H»«* IWK* HCW i fPr* *. Caiman. . J? MUIKV-.d. C t t. McCtdlsm.JLgftgfeg * K V^ X “Va™--’ I".I- «h-u,. Tills uTv r 'ii I lo ™ ... KIV KU * Ifi W*. -V ■ fiS- t ux yy A qq flu- Aumra nrr.vrd from XrwOrlMsa. £b*fc- .ti.atiiuii 1 si7,T^^ B ssaSSa^xlV«'i£' ; Yi;r l ri r rItr¥ 1 tr¥ l r tb o V'd’ * LI Uf> * l,i ' t tfl >‘ u ’ and •Jj —Tim inet tUe t*t Uwrriirr el Uniltuliuit;. kititid Th leaii"- •'[■['ly !V I ,n **' freight or passage up tl»e 13th. J WXlffiStm Cyprrsa BrieP lCN.qjiifeM.r .i jnM HICK n.itvp r-. No 4d; nib, Prlma ikit.ua aT?antbi*B«^apT\mtTr u ". .. r l-U. K. It AUN F..i CO.. Afp-nts. Ja« Wood at UmsTiiie ‘ TJ'UK ST. Lol‘lS—Tlic line new, rri>^ TblsU the first trlp.if tlw Aurora, they say all- it H s.-ry -L steam-r .-'T L> >i:t.', C a;> t. JI>MK DK A V-LFfrgMt? swift beat. perhaiM one of tl.e «witn-«t saionz all tlie -t.*rit " , * ll fur H»* aU>m nnd all wheelers «.n tb* riser*. ?jlie uu »«ry t,.-at mbrtatitul rraft. THIS DAV. -nth i«i»t «t 4r. w. I'm frrizJ.t nr i -uwaee «,? and hu wa think done well on h-r fini trial . The pl> on board ~M f 1 ******»!' Cbi\olt wtu In trum IVIn yretrrda, The U.isalm dpl as the Wbrelliift boat fur today.' The whole number o: Uau uow In port is Ti. Writ Kcwru.i—'This is • lowu at the „r uaTi -ndon on tba Yinighiugbeov, il.« prluripal hrstu-h u( M»« gabel*. It Is usually ki.owti-as lb. »i,.n*h" f..r‘,b .rt \>«Mt Newtuo is a uin-qntdt place m (he —rlaJ-ard guaid uf the Hore-I I»*ll frt.m thonHor end of (he boiler, n. itrlv to the itcrn. We understand Capt Foe and brutlier are’the Idiots on tht Neptune, and >|r WMinev. pilot ou the Uar.-t f»cll. The matter has bwu referred lo'Uie L>cnl InatK-rtdn here, who will iloubtluas. iurestfgnte tho matter*. Tlie .torn which prevollod at Now Orluaus, mantl.iti i.f niiirh has already made, extended Inr up the Mbiiiuppi. beynud Ued Ittver, t.lowing a lutrricmie, upnsifiu)* trees, and .iiikun; a number of HatbonU aud wood-boat*. A Rare CiiAxcßron pAsscxneß.s am> Shipit.rs. The new and splendid fast running passenger steamer Kowena, F. M. Doxier, master, i.i uow being completed at this port, and will, no or uhout the t .’dli of February, leavo for St. Louis und all points on tho Missouri river in tho Territories of Kansas and Nebraska and SlAtoi of Missouri and luwn, to Sioux City. The Kowena's hull Wtut built at Klizalictltionn, by Mr. James A. Kukiti, who stands among the first of hi- profession, nlways combining strength and beauty with his skill. Her machinery was built ut the well known factory of Alessrs. C. Proiton A Co., and her cabin by Mr. Chos. Ueariog, oil of this city ; to appreciate tiio credit duo all of those gcDtlcmun for tho performance of their seroral jiarts needs hut an examination from any aud all parties. Tho Rowena wax built expressly for the .Missouri river trade, and posses-tos the ndr&ntngw of all ■),« lat* stylus of building hulls and machinery for the difficult navigation of that river.giving an assurance of safety, comfort and speed to her poseongers. Rcrsous wishing lo emigrate to any point on tho Missouri river (a distance of 1000 miles) in the above States, non have on opportunity of doing so without changes or Incurring tho expense of commissions, porterage and drayages, unavoidable on other routes. CapL Dozier bos bad many years experlonco on tho Missouri river, and bogs leave to assure the trav eling nubile that neither pains or expenso shall he spared to render tbe trip both ploasaut and speedy to all tboso who may feel disposed to secure a pas sage on Lbo Malden Trip oT the* Rowena. Duo notice will bo given several days before tho date of her departure, giving those at a distance , n opportunity of securing rooms. Fur freight or possageapply on board or to FLACK, BARNES & CO., AgcnU Steamboat Ueglster. ARRlVED—Jefferson, Brownxvillc; Lnpwno, da; Coloael Bayard, Elizabeth: fairy Quooo, Cincinnati; Aurora, do. Chrvait, Wheeling. DEPARTED—Jefferson, Brownsville; Laxcrne.du; Colouol Bayard, Elizabeth; Belmont, Cincinnati; Cberot Wheeling. lUvcr on a stand. WHITE GREASE, -rjn can?, kegs and barrels, fur grcasltox Carts. Carriages, Omni burws and all kinds of Uacliinery. fur aaleb* IIKNRY 11. COLLIN? J*R> No. 25 Wood st. ’OPS—B balea prime l«t aort Hops in store . and for sale by BPIUNOER HARBACGH t CO. S' ENN-A ALEXANDRIA—SOO lbs in"rtow and fur sale by D. L. PAHNE3TOQK k CO. rENN. WUEAT—43S sacks on Btern^ Piloccs# to arrive for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY k CO. TNDIGO, Manilla, Cabracas a Bcnuai.— JL 1000 tbs. on band and tor sal* by ~z2i B. L, FAQNE9TOQK k CO Cajt. J. C. Woodtabd. * CAprTocoau* OLARk. The above xew steamers are now running regularly. Morning Boats l«m> Pitt*- burgh at S o'clock A. M., and Kwnlng Bonti Bt 0 o clock I*. M. fur M’Kwwpurt, Elizabethtown, Mononga bola City, BclUvonion, Fayette Oity, - r th« abort. aud lotarmedlau; jiorts EVERY TUESDAY, ■t 4 <>Vi»So»e m*l»HluWtu,.dial* porta, EVERT SATURDAY, at .1 r.ti. tor freight or pa««age apply ou Uard or to .. °4 ln FLACK, BAItXES A CO., Agta. (Cincinnati, Src. i FOR CINCINNATI, — The fine i .t.AD.r, r«,,r. a .\ro..wi., iflagggg I Will r.»r «... alKi.-u an.i all jirrti on lUVvI U Vv . I ’| U m', 1 r 1,1 K " »r 14,4 M.\‘ I, i t• ■ \jp-ut. ; I.NVIN'NA'jji 4 LOUIS. urnirji... 1 “'.n r Vi K, ‘ l‘»—»■*.••• I: Jil «|.Jilv (.|i 1..« f J tr to ■>*-' H.ACK. UAUMIHi CO.. A*l«. FUCK. DAUNKS Jt CO , Ag’U. No. b 7 Water SI JLouislnllr, .Vc. it. Uouib, »Vr. JptjK i> TIM K>l»\Y, it<>tli in*t .at t Cztsk |* \| f,!? IrflifJit ol f-.-t xv;r ,[ ~M on (., ~ 1 LACK, PAKXKS A Co.. Agent,. FLACK. TIAUNfc* A ('(>.. A#,. ilrU) Seirans, vVr. A\l> NEW JEsL* MKTIUjpuLld. faj.f ][ 1 .'wilU.^re'f. r auJali iutrinWiat* '] 11 Id I».i\ , n , t S. i? J tot Ireutht w 0j.,.1v«.n t„ J "’’ i LACK. BAUSRfi Jk A «ti HuCtlOll j?illC0, 1-*. M L) AVIS, C-rntM-rUAI huhi No. M Fifth Sltret. : f AI'AXU SLKICII UOBKS-On Frirfnv J,„.1,.m M -.lock. tvUl U. a..|d, on tU,. ..I H.xT '•( \ tic'l luu No. -’4. I'.ftll si \i <7 m, U “’ *, -omprUln* U-um. Cvo... At*. IUUf.Uu U*lh< Aunmg tb- Lap , Imt*. am uf Uucj stylo. fur Ia.IJcV ‘ _ 1* M. DAVI<. Au.-I. l-VlilKS' KfKS At A [ ctiov — - I.R»t anil e.lii*ini; Suit- Tills fTbnr»ml. an.*ri Sal.** lupins, will bt* nM « vl«< t uworimmt „f , 01.-l, -.4 van,-Uni of Fur*. . __ __ I'. M. DA\Jj», Auct. DUY GOOD*. CLUTIiINU. BOOTS AND MlOi:- At Atn tiui.—.in Tl.ura.lay morning Jan.-isrh at «y orl.K-h at lln; Umuo.-M ml Sal-a ruuiiv*. N... .'4 K.ftli »tr< - et. will l«- ml-i, wUlkuu ipmtti*, an nt.-miMe waort. in«nt of Mitplf hi, l i ~„.-y Jn v i; -U. 51,.*.,, User Imtita' Utrrrnata. Dr. « f„„t Veals anil Panto Iln. 11, „|, r j. MW /-vLrr W„n|. I K,«, Uli. it. i.-ju I*, SI. UAVIS, Al.rt. WATOIIKS AMi .IMVKLHV At Arc tl.is op, J.iu. ‘JMb.at 7 .. <•!. rk. at t>ioni>u CununritUnl Shl.-s Komun No. Flftti street, an •XleuaWe a-hnriim-nt of 1i.,1.1 au,| tDJv-r Watrbev Jewelry, A< ’I*. M. DAMS. Auct. UNI'L.UMKD BAUOAOfi AtAivtion.— Uli Sum..lay an. in ..iijmi, raith, at % i ..Vln-lt, at tlio Coinmernul Sole. 1t...,ns No 54 Fiftli street, will k,.M. Uy unl.T ..f Win Vuiinit. Trustee, -nii lry Trunks, Vali..*, Curt M-c Hars. CaiiTasa C-mU, 1. .. Ac. Tli. n!mv will U- s/1,! to pay .-»iar K c«. ,tr„ .In., tb» Kafir |,rrTi..ii»| v i.•.1.-cinnl l y 11.- .muni. V M. DAVIS, An, t. Daily sales at no. 51 fifth st.; Attlio im-w C-tmn-nlrtl Houma. No 54 Kiltb ati 1 - • • •I, »rr,j k.Uy.arv 1..-H pul-lic .air*’,,l | u nil rarMy, miti’,l for tli<- tm>lo and Cuuaiim-ru, ti»m a later ■ tock «blc|i i«roii M t.tiitly ro|.|. -tiWlt*! will, n< «l* rutulirn- Wfuta. that tiitii! !*• rlusvtl Cut thu id,. At lu o cl.v.k. A* M, Dry o<»al* nn-I fancy c«>m prißluj; nearly civrylhln:: mid-d It, tl,«x lit.,. (~r pomonal and Cunlly uk«; tnlilQ ;cutl<*rr, hnrdwwn*. clothing, Uxda ntnl alio*-*, ludfi-ji wear, Ac. At -1 o'clock. I'; M, household mid kllctmn fiiniltnr», now >uiJ *vmd band: U'di uud Imlding, c.uf*’Lfl, decant Iron •tou<> China ware, ftoted, cooking nlcn«il», p-ocvnrs, Ac. At 7 o'clock. I*. M, fancy Article, w«tdi. a. clock*, Jewel ry mnalcol iiuirirmonta. gun*, clothing, dryccwals, txxita tid ih.ioa. book*. stationery, Ac. P. M. DAVIS. Aoefr. BA.MXJIOL. BRADLEY. U*t* Usr, (tlrluw tl.o St. Clair Btrwd Bridge.) Allegheny City, Perina., MA.iurtcTUßts or BRADLEY'S WHOLES R.tITTISG IAR.V, I„ ur every Color ami Number. S PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON ■lx*rl toiler for erery color or numbor of Varna. Ilnr °t uV’ l \V ,W \ o ,f l \' P u 'Litial manufacturer* of tbocelebra "‘"’'r'] ' W”‘n connection with my brother, Wm. Bnidley, of Mhiidlug, 1 would re-jwctnilty «oli< it a •Imre of the oi den for 1 araa, as shore, paid for Sheep Skins end Wool. Jd!7:lyd U. iH'CALLCIM, EALhK IN OAIIPETS, OJL CLOTHS, Ac. No. S 7 Fourth airret near Wood. Envelopes—" *t _ ~ BUFF, WniTK, AMBF.It, K.UUUSSKD a*i> EVAMKI.LKD, Furaale by WM. 0. JOUNHTo* A CO, Qo*d3 Stationer*, 67 Wood atre.’l. 1 9fl Bus. Burley, A tStyJ 50 bag* Clori-r Sod, 100 boxes Piimo Cheese. 10 kegs bird. *2O bags Beans, fi bids. 801 l Butter, Kecdrcd and fur axle by J«9 SUBIVER k DILWOETIL 1 OH ÜBLS. PHIME MOLASSES in store i. v7Vfnr«al«by JalB JAfl, GARDINER RIO COFFEE —100 bogs choice Rio Coffee* In atore and for axle by Ja7 T. LITTLE A CO. 900() BBS. ail grades Flour in store and .Vl/UIS fcrcaleby JalB JAB.OABDQ7SB. .EDWARD T. ME.GRA W, WHOLESALE DEALER IN‘ ’ TOI3A.CCO JLNT> DTP-A-R.su yo. 241 T. rSEB f T STREET, READ OF ROOD, TRADE A LARGE, FRESH AWDTrlfl^fsfoßTm^STOck; W tr 4 1 “pcrUr. 4ad MinnJarfarer*, among* which are the frlitTVing Until* brandr M ' • ■"■ Ur l f n . t ' B A. No. 15. Tobacoo, OUBe ’ Roblnwn A Co’* Tobacco, tagen# Howard's Tobacco, Grant's Pound Lamp OaTcndiih, • Hazard and Railroad Brand*, 0 / o a h v . „ 200 Caddy Boxei Half Poond Lnxnp. ONE MU *£*t<'iGAXSn cj£A»snf p All (.f wbifb ire offer to tho trade at prieea whM, SSO *?*'i P CM wbich fail to plena. au2o:dAirtfF ! w ' co’s CEMENT EOOFT^ft A KE NOW PREPARED TOCONTRACTAND < PDTO\AT > Tirp«n' A *£'” L '!“ Ilc "■» .nd Water-ProofOenent Roodng, It W™ SII ORTEST NOTICE re*lattb« action of fij«ata>oirpbor* la •rerycUnute. S Gytr,,da that Till sncewrfUly , , ~ 17 Is perfectly FIRE AND WATER-PROOF ■r ““ 1:0 n ‘ rj *"«> B. A. JOHNSON, !. _ . PERRIN A JOHNSON, WM. JOHNSON, J N °- 133 ™"l between Wood and SmlthSeld, 'P E- OUH.DS A CO'S ROOTIXO. left at mj oSct ,W 3d. Tho composition ia not acid lint tilirhtlv alkallni. It Wcmlcl n °‘ injure t. It fro* faction of tbewoatber. 8 7 lL W , OU ‘ d QOt <,€ * tn * the bot ** contrary prr>u=, , . . 'JOSEPH M. LOCKS, Cbemtrt, . Labaratorj So. 128 Walnut atrwt, Cincinnati, Ohio 1 bare eiamlm.il W. K. (Inn »« a r.,>. m o. .... . B CSscasitl Aotsci Eotal Lxj. C H.A.TT •do a -i-k S™ e aj^i" i lSSS I “ d SViSSphSop “Aw» fc i“^nSJ ,„, , Tl,e ' Uu ‘ Jance of the Ixolioed Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad foil'll" P “ ,h ' of Meht. ODe, Pern. siren, el the Ceitl B:a!« 185 ? CANAL NAVIGATION. 1867. kier’s portable boat x-itje ' ™ Canal and Railroad. Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month Each Way f\UR FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION HAVE BEEN LARGELY INOREAS 1* «jVoS IMuLeK rhC^'l.'.e?'^, 0 b f* p “*°" KIEB A MxxCnKI.T,, Proprietors. RhN I Tlio largo Warehouse . t...»«.fuHlv\r.|| Smith 4 Co., Nu, 1M Sng hrfl mid I .u.w». Kifiulrr of I'ARK. MiCUKDY £ CfJ . NV.s. 149 FI rat tad 12U Second *i». Coum rj- |lesl a! . 4 JOUX FLOYD A CO. 'T'O LET—A two story brick dwelling |fs§ X coniatr.in;: 0 r,»>tn* and finished garret, situate kn.Tl at: . Empilre of K II KINUT No 211 Liberty street. r PO LET—A well tinished two btory PE<} X Dwelling. In nlceonler, eontaiuinj: blt iHw r-ooms and flni*bed garret, with gas. wst-r and t>ath rwm, situate uo » mhlngton at, Allegheny dtr. Kunuire of J r^a It H KINO, No'jil Liberty street, Foundry for rent.—The Ph®vix lovxoar. Peun street, Pittsburgh, formerly occupied l-y Freeman 4 Miller, now by Hall 4 Speer, is fur rent. F‘ < ALEXANDER KINO. JL" o*-"L.!,!L_#3HS23B32SsSSfe Cell'Ll und,au*ty BrU-k House on Congress.UceL fcifi r.MiUun.lll! 4 i.i'in* i g'md yard and newly palntedand |iar-w.-l »pph m WATT A WILSON, No. "JCS Liberty «trr«t. Sffil tints WASTED IMMKDIATEL.Y.— 10,000 Men u! In the sale of the most ‘popular aellinS Book In America. I rival ids. Mechanic*, farmers ami Teach ere wishing to travel, will Ond this to be a scry prodlable uud pleasant businesa, enabling them to a«e the country, aod make money at tbo nmr time. Agents now id the bu«- tue«« are clearing from ShAO to $1,500 per year. Por full particulars amla Hal of Books, addroas H. M. KULIBON rjine-n City IhihJtidiiDg House, HI Maiu street, Cincinnati' Uhio: or, if living East, D. RULISON. Philadelphia. anlMydawfcT WMoiuy Getting Easier::! ANTED.—SSOOO of good business or ar. i.nim.KUition paper having from CO days to 0 nionlliß to rim In sums from $lOO to s2ouo. Apply at the uoll> — B. AI'LAIN A 50N. WANTED— Notes and Drafts having 4, G or 12 month* to tun; $5OO to $lOOO, by tu AUSTIN LOOMIS A 00_ •**l* sU>rk*ud Note Broker*. M FoorUi *L WANTKI* —A quantity of good wound Hve. J»l*_ JAS. OAKDINKn. \\f ANTED.—Agents wnnted in every town T I n, l •'ity lu ttie UulteilSUici. Eoclo** two itatDp au*l address d.dTiw.lm*? A. U. BIOXEY, Bo*ton, Mm*. PEES WAX WANTPn *— .j.hSW’AX WANTED—The highest priee lWi*w»t D. L. FAHNESTOCK iWS. BEEF BLADDERS WANlEDirfhrhi^h ««t price |.f uiv rirkufaa, liriac ut P **n* re?" ie iu UoI, ' D * ,rw-t » »**«■ the Diamond. 8 Pittsburgh, Oct. 2S, *ST. Micasu McArcr. wCT? . m d 9 '''' l hyDr , ' Uri,;s,,l, "“) where. Da. Keyser's Soocldek Braces—From Pittsburgh Dlrpntch, April IC-th, 16M,-Fur mum than 5 years past we hare constantly worn the Washington Sn< pender Draco, manufactured by Dr. Geo. IL Krywr, of No 140 Wood street, In this city, end would heartily focotn mead it to all who afe compelled to follow asodeutary occu pation. As wo harebefore remarked. In calling arimrfos to fts merits. It answer* for a brace and suspender*, tbe weight of the pontalootn being so placed aa to continually tend to bringJhe shoulders to their natural position sod u paadtheebest. Women, hundredsef whom an annually Injured by the wclgnt ot enonnoni ~*airts.” should also procure these braces. Be particular In procuring the kind n J*r^ o £^k B \? IJ,ny of lbe braces sold aro humbug. Bold at Dr.GlXi H. KJSYSER'S, Wbole«|e wSd reet,aign cf the Golden Mortar. Jc2S:d.%u-£F For Dear Persons.— Aoousno Anueura—Tbe«e ewly invented irstrnmenta that enable thedeaf to bear in spite of deafheca, in in advanced anything yet known, or fkely to bworoe of any real nerriee to deaf pereon*. By “ rllflciw dram, tbo power of hearing la aff«ted, and all the drcmnatanws that attend trumpets and lobes are enUrelydl»prn*ed with. They are worn by laidea to ae not to be i-errepttble to others, and are hardly felt when worn. Apply to noG-dawF H- KEYSER. 110 WooJ «t Twenty laari Blindness Cured "t»y tti Ouirmßuo Era Loms—Mn. Charity Carnahan, oi Temperance rill*, vasentindy blind io one..ya fcr more that, twenty years, and ronlJ scarcely see with the other. She is »lm«t entirelr cured by one botilo of Evt £ouon, and U-Ueres that another bottle will entirely re •torobereyee Bold at Dr. GEO. n. KKTSER’S, No. 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar. Mr* 25 costs ooahdawxF THEiIE ALfITOKA.MERIC ANWOJIfiK lor many yeais I hato been troubled with genera weariness and languor, both tncuta) and physical; caprica, listleasneas. doll headache, pain in the head aud templee, coldnaasftnd tendency to etWceM. ]>alpltatkni ef the heart, ▼ery easily fluttered or excited, appetite rarUble, and bowels deranged, with pain. Any mental or physical exertion was sore to bring on all the symptoms, and i >•«/< in addition, falling of the womb, and great pain in that re gion. One physician after another exhausted hl« skill and g?™ A and persevering use of MAE cored mo • lcaairni j mv i k fetmcged znen*trw7^~'A?£^? d i?i , 7*'* —" b*d other tronUea, inch * . WM, generalfcaffoor and tK*h w? 1 “ d dr *K in s*sn»»{too,t*ln between utVtibu '!?’? °“ •p‘ n *.&• or •««- Sr^tSfI°‘ 1 °‘“ 1 ‘ “ d hamU - * lu > ooli bind. “ d r ;rLs. d^., srif?r^37s J s; J ta ? t s?Ki «r«y thing, one alter Mother, without the sss?*:, Gw bottl® of MARSHALL'S CTXRISB CATHo£ ICON changed tome of my symptoms for the better and ' now lam entire and rw&ilyctired. I wilh thaTa “y woman could know what It will do. CLARISSA OBER.• CATHOUOAS ha. aar«t my life, aj I eerily beliera. I tried doctor, and nnt y longer, whoa I met rthaladywS • EJS'“V® C * ,hoUc ®“»o»tronglythat Idetoedltm£ 1" j* *? ** 1 waa ““"Hj 'roable.l «Uh deranged men, atruatlon. My symptom# W6re prindjially-rAiai in the back 11 ? 1 '“. p ” w V* r ’ r™**™tl»nnV»»ndd,. .i f nnh.ppy. Itu not onlj entirely cured oyeelrot ell three eytnptotm, which I here riven ne an b>. SfhJS'™'S? 1 1 “'“r ,olr " I "m but I bare teen nn y °'"' “ ,w ” lh « I fbel hoond to let yon know that other, who are similarly situated may also And relief KMMA VOSBCROII. . * l °'“* l,B * a 1 *»•j r iH* T. tITTLBI 00, U 2 Second rtmt. hhda W 1 ™ for sale « to» for cubby T. LITTLE £ OO, ll2See.«. SUGAR AND MOLASSES— -23 hbdj prime Bcnr; iH JQIIN f LQYD A C07lI3?Foo tierces of Grease receiving VL tnd tOT 1410 B. DALZBLL 4 CO- * _ J _ *.31 Liberty »t IX IDES— 500 doz. Flint Hides; -■P' *■, , , SI do Green Salted IQdoe; * nJ br , “ 1 * l r BPRIKOKR HABJUron A CO. - *** Ko 2N liberty rtre t. QTAKOII.-300 boxes .Rochester Pearl Starch k? fart*l» by jatt iTCMBT IL COLLINS. LLOYD A 00.