-' ?PT rrr sbur cm= '■ FRIDAY MORNIKG, JAN.’ 8 r 18*. M3* OFFICIAL-PAPER OF TBS CITT-SM TTowa of the City and Neighborlux)^- , c -.. Yhs following communication should have ap peared yesterday, but was unavoidably omitted: OrncE op Ft. W. & C. It. R- Co.l * PiTTSBCBon, Jan. 6th, 1858. J The announcement in a morning paper that "J. Edgar Thompson, Esq., President of the Penna. Railroad Co., had accepted the position of Chief Engineer of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, with a view of proceeding at onco to the completion of the oighty-two miles •• between Plymouth and Chicago,” although not -literally true, may perhaps be regarded tut ?nh *tnnrially so? The Board of Directors, (of which Mr. Thomp son is a member, and was present,) at their last session just closed-, bad specially under consid eration this subject, os they regarded the com pletion of the road to-Chicago os the solution of the financial difficulties now surrounding the Company. The work west of Plymouth has jiprcr ceased through all the disastrous times, • • jgpY we hope coming to o close. With the assets, '■Ml aside previons to October last, to be devoted ’to -the completion to Chicago, and the material aid 0 f (ho poblic-splrited citizens of Porter -Lake counties in Indiana, the Company has been ablo steadily!although with a slow pace, to push ’ forward their work; and in this thoy ore very "ugreatiy indebted to the persevering energy and' -'■wand discretion of Hon. Samuel Ilnnna, a mom ber of tbn'litjard from Fort Wayne. . . • Thu rate of progress of the work for the past six months .has not been cqual-to tho vast in terests alreadfinvolved in this line—direct in . tercsts-to tho extent of fifteen millions of dol lars, and contingent interests to an equal extent; -. besides the demand of tho ‘.‘Articles of Consoli . and of the commetco of the country, : that the road shall bo completed to Chicago. It was this aspect of tho case that induced the Board.of Directors to look beyond-their, own [ ; present means,'and to offer inducements to ener "igetic capitalists to oomo forward with their cop , .ital and join it with certain valuable assets of tho ' Company, ajid complete tho road to Chicago the ... coming summer. • To carry out this plan, the Board of Directors ■ ••have tendered to Mr. Thompson the post of /vCbief Engineer of tho Company, with ample - powers,-and, as they believe, means, to accom plish lht>‘ object. Although Mr. Thompson has jjot formally- accepted the trust, I have good rea son to believe-that .he .will, and at onco enter u£oa the duties assigned Kim, in which event, as everybody knows, ,with him, to undertake is to accomplish'--';. : - WitU thiii road completed from its own depot --gftttnifoin the City of Chicago to the track of ,the Ponnswßailroad in tluscity, I believe it tho voidable property of the kind for its cost and length in this county, and one the least likoly eu- bfripjariously affected by tho constant ii j£M_ | jd/'l'i 'pi i n eommerroand trade. ' I hesitation in placing this opinion upon record,although the enterprise has been carried blpng,.from its very inception in 184&to the present-moment by on unceasing struggle, and this struggle must continue until the goal for .ttitichthfr Company set out is reached, when an ample reward will be found for all the energies ' and means expended. Tho sacrifices of tho past have fallen upon the stockholders: those for tho short future (and it need bo but short with pro pep eo-operalton) arc expected to be borne equi tably and fairly by bond holders and general creditors as well as stockholders \ mite from yach will accomplish tho work. Although this announcement is unofficial, l subscribe myself, • G. W. Cass, President. The following item In regard to the officers ' and'committees chosen for ’the ensuing year by. ,the Horticultural Society, and that also relative to the election tn-Uid Agricultural Society, were crowded out of our paper yesterday by the /Governor’s Message and opross of other matter: > . Pyesidentr-Roberl M’Knight. •/’/..VicePresidents—Geo. G.,Negtey, John Mnr* Jf., James -Reed. Corresponding Secretary—Jeremiah Kuos. Recording Secretary—Alex. M. Stevenson. Treasurer—Chas. Lockhart. Thefollowiog committees were also appointed: Finance—G. G. Nrgjey, 0 L. Goehring, J. G. Coffin. 5 ./ Library—. Jeremiah Knoi, James Itced, B. Bacon, Robert M’Knight, Randall Morton, Thos. Aiken. T Vegetables—Win. C. Dunn, ltolit. Cummings, - David Geisler. C. L. Qoehring, Alex. Negley, A. J. Woolfllayer, L. Spabr. John Young, Jr., J. MX Snodgrass. Printingh4J« Wariirop, J. (5 tioftin, Finley Torrence.. McKaiu, James Wardrop, James Murdoch, G_.G. Negley, James Itecd, J. G. Coffin, John Ferguson, Geo. M’Hatty, James S. Neglcy, John ITenderson. F. M. Gordon, and A. 11. Gross. 1 Frmts—-Charles Lockhart' J. Knox, James Murdoch, 'Adam Amon, It. M'Knight, W. S. Bisaell, Janies S.' Negley, James Lamnnl, and John Murdoch, Jr./ •--^^yprggmentg—Jeremiah Knox, J. M'Kain, CmSn£~ Heiry ; ii!>Vte?._i-»= kl, . a,I A *<*«» A. J. Woolsliycr, Jaoieir'Mocdiafa-Atex-hegtai ' J. o: coir.n, W. f. Dnrni. Thomas AiUeu, ÜBiW S " Scta'umis— James WarJrop Jamca AlcK.m J. Knox, *r»@^!JW6£fc£ hart, Adam Amoo,'Jam f!q *-* ltntgg.Ctnr’r~? Corair AoßicixTrEAL Society. annual meeting of tbo Allegheny Count j Agricultural Society was fyeld on Tncsday, at the Society**,rooms, Fifth street. ben. J. MoE. Snodgrass in the chair; O. p. Sbiros acting as Secretary. Oh motion, a committee of three sras appoint ed to nominate a ticket for Board of Managers for the current year. The Society then-, balloted with the following 'resalt: President— Gen. Snodgrass. Viet’President —Benjamin Kelly. Secretary—T!,. McKnighi Recording Secretary—O. P. Shims JVrajmr—James Heed. BOABD OT MANAGE!*®. Agricultural.— John McKelvy, W. P. Fcrrec, W. S. Bissell, John Young. Jr., Moses Chess, 2. Patterson, W_ Oliver. Horticultural. —Win. Martin, Sr., Jno. Mur doch, Jr , J. S. Noglcy, C. L. Goehring. - Mechanical. —A. Speer, Sa'mnel McKelry, 0. H. Thurston, Philip B. Kincaid. * Tho'ißocifify then adjourned. , The Board elect mpt and organized permo acutly bjrithe unanimous re-election by.accla mation of Capt. John Young, Jr., as Chairman of; and S. Schoyer, Jr:-, Secretary to the Board for the year. After the transaction of some nnimportant business the Board adjourned. Accident.—We hate again and again called attention to tho fact that tho plicff of slopping of tho cars near Federal street in Allegheny, la exceedingly daogero.us, and suggested that a railing or something of the sort should be made on the side-towards the:canal to prevent ac cidents. ' Several hiTc already occurred there. The latest case occurred on Wednesday night. Mr. fttutberry, a citizen of Pittsburgh, formerly a book keeper nt Mr. Haven’s stepped off the cars there oh the night aforesaid'and on the side next the canal. lie fell ovri* the side of. the platform a distance of somo ten or twelve feet, headlong among logs and rubbish, breaking his jaw In two plactt', cutting a gash in his neck ana Splitting his nose in a frightful manner. Such a neglect of necessary guards and pre cautions in such a place Is, it seems Jo-us, not only censure Me bm actionable. Fsigutfcl awn Fatal Acoiiiest.—An engi neer, U&med Wilhelm, who has been employed inthe mill of the Messrs. SUoeubcrger met his death in afearful manner yesterday. The mill had just started on Monday—Mr. Wilhelm while at his business about tbo machinery, re ceived a blow upon the head with tbo pitman which _ dashed him head foremost among the revolving wheels. LI is hand was caught among the cogs and his arm drawn in and mashed in a frightful manner. He was taken out, crushed and torn in a fearful way, and breathed his last in pbout aqpartcr of an hour. Tho unfortunate man has left a wife and three children to mourn his untimely end. Mn. Pabsavaxt, in ncknowlcdging the receipt of a large number of donations from all quar ters, says: ‘•By these various rills of benevolence, we hare been enabled to sink the debt on the Farm School another $lOOO, and arc settling off the bills of tho last six.months, as fast as donations are received. To ono and all of the benevolent donors, we render our eincerest thanks—but we desire especially to be gratefulto the Father of the fatherless,; for giving this feeblenndertahing •favor In the eyes of his people.” PnorsssOa Febguson wishes us to say to his audience .of Monday evening and to the public in genera), that the remaining portion of ihe lecture will bo delivered as soona* Ejeelsibr .Hall isnot occupied. Tho proceeds - wßl.be appropriated for thercKef of the poor. "A collection will bo taken up at the close of the exercises for the purpose. The Professor con sidering that ho ovfes his audience the remain der of .thelecturoaskfl nothing for himself. , .TsElsAEGtraAnos.—Tho members of Council the Mayor's Office this morning, at to organize, after which Ibey-wiU Pjocttd to Lafayette Hall, where Mayor Wcpror W N in due farm. Asovnza CnutlSAX Tsul.—3The trial of Frederic Breninger for the murder of Matthias Frank, was on trial yesterday in the Oyer and Terminer. * The alleged facts ts this case will doubtless be remembered. The affair, vhich resulted in the death of Frank, occurred on the 18th of July last. A company, among whom were the prisoner and Frank, had been at a lager beer saloon in Reserve tp., and on their return Home, all being, as said, more or less in toxicated, a dispute occurred, which resulted in a fight, and Frank receiving a stab in tho neck, was killed. lie stated, however, as is alleged, before bis death, the name& the party who had stabbed him. So mnch for the history of the mutter. Breninger was brought into Court and tho following jury empanneled to try the offence whereof he is charged : _ 1. 8. P. Ilullis, 7. William Hill, 2. Robert M'Ferron, 8. William Bell, o. Jacob Bown, 9. George Erdner, 4. John Voeghlly, 10. J. R. Hague, 5. Thos. Gcoghagan, 11. Martin Hine, C. Samuel Connor, j—l 2. Samuel Dahlien. Mr. Coltior, in a clear and pointed speech, opened the case for the Commonwealth. There after Satuae! Wicklin was sworn—Stated that on (ho night aforesaid he had heard—talking and altercation among a party; heard some one say, ‘Fred, what have you got in your hsml;’soon after I heard some one say ho was shot; Frank came running up to where I was; asked me to help him, that he was cut; caught him and put my hand on the cut; held him there until the doetor came, whcn.T let him go: I was with him lilt be died. Mr. Collier said lie wished to prove the dying declarations of the deceased, made a few seconds before Ms death, as to who cut him. Mr. Collier to Witness—Did the deceased make any declaration to yon ? Witness—He did; he told mo ‘‘Fritz” cuthim.; Mr. Collier—Did ho know his condition ns to ‘lds approaching dissolution at the time. Witness—He called a man In tho room here, and said, "Goodbye, Fred, I*m going to die;” he told him in ray presence that Breninger had cat him. * Cross-examined—Did not. hear any person hallo, "My God, is there no one to assistme;” heard tho mnn that was knocked down say, "Oh, oh;”-Frank appeared to be ft little scored about the cut AFTERSOON.SESSION Samuel Wicklino and John Wicklino were ex amined. The latter testified that be was with Frank ami Beckett on his way home from town at ten o’clock nt uightf Frank, the deceased, stopped nt Gertz'a undirected the others to a glass of beer; there was of persons siuiog at a table singing- pongsm som, came back and asked where Frank was; wo went alter Frank and found him in Mr t»*-riz's yard; etnid there about 95 minutes, till the iv- ior came, and then went after Frank's tint-li-; when we got back Frank was dead. . . . .„ Cfoxa-examined —l>rntik ‘five ’or nix glasses of beer dm-tog the night; was boxing with John Wickliue that cveniog: didn’t say that if 1 wnß 1 coaid get tho belter of you; did not be have badly at tho house; did not break glasses; lid not nt uke the counter with a chair. This witness was sutj)iiU.ted to a roost searching cross examination, extending through a considerable time. His testimony as taken before the Coro ner’s jary was brought up, and the question was pressed whether be did not say before that jury that he "heard Frank say, ‘Fro shot,' and that’s all I know about it.” The witness was very un- .. UtirmwTfnair i rj-* > T i, '‘ ti - witness and ho bo asked if he ernrrrynnfilftTvliar may seem inconsistent. This point was argned a little and then the defence proceeded. W. H. Whitney, who was ono of the Coroner’s jury was examined in brief and tho Common wealth rested, after Mr. Hampton pro ceeded to open the case for the defcnco in which ho stated what they expected to bo rble to prove. His speech was clear, energetic and connive At about 9 o’clock Court adjourned. A Speciai Mx£Tnta or Councils was held at the Mayor’s office last evening. In Select Coun cil, President being absent, Mr. Galway was called to the chair. Members present were, Gal way, Kincaid, Little, Mackin, Martin, Moorhead, Miller, Morrow, Pollock. Phillips, Reed, Ynr duqi, Wade, Ward. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Report of Auditing Committee read and adopted. Oa motion of Mr. Wade, the reading of accom panying documents was dispensed with.. Mr. Varnum presented a resolution authoriz ing the printing of the Report and documents one time in each of tho papers nuthrized to do tho city printing. .Mr. Miller moved ns an amendment tbat tho printing be done under tho direction of the Auditing Committee. As amend ed tho resolution was ndopled. Tho Mayor was authorized to draw his war rant in favor of W. 11. Whitney for $3O in full of his services as clerk. Mr. "Galway from the Committee on Fi nance presented tho report of the Committee and accompanying resolutions. The report was read and accepted, and the resolutions approved. Report of Aqueduct Committee was read and accepted. Rcporiof Street Committee read and accepted. A resolution was passedibat the members of the Street Committee shall consist hereafter of three members from the Common and two from the Select Council. A resolution to abolish the Committee on Claims and Ac-. counts, was passed. In all tho action of C. C., R. C. concurred. In Common Council, the President bciog ab sent, Dr. Ahl, on motion ef Dr. M’Candleea,-wos called to the chair. Members present: Messrs. Ahl, Barnhill, Bennett., Berger, Black, Brown, Fitzsinjons, Henderson, flerdman. Holmes, Lay ton, M’Condlcss, M'Cargo, M’Clintock, M’Collis tcr, M Farland, Meyer, (jnlnn, Robb, Boss, Shaf fer, Sjnyaer, Taylor. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Berger, from the committee appointed at lost meeting relative to the right of way of the l*., Ft. W. Sc C. R. It. Co. across Penu street, presented a report, with an ordinance relative to thcl\, Ft. W. & C. it. R. Co. The report was accepted. The ordinance was read twice and laid on the tabic. The President f hen appeared and took his seat. Mr. ITerdman presented the annns.l report of thc Water Committee, which was accepted and ordered to bo printed with the report of life Auditing Committee. Tbo chair presented a bill of M. Eicon, with the following resolution: Resolved, That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant in favor of Michael Einan, for twenty-live dollars, in full for services in keeping door at' the market house during sessions of Councils—and charge the same to the Contingent Fund. Read three times and passed. Mr. Smysor presented the following: Resolved, That' the thanks of the Common Counoil be tendered to the *'President of this Council for theU&irnoss on o’clock. The flames * were soon extinguished, however, wilhent doing any great doqpge to tho building. Mk. Guoitnr. Seobist, the attentive Treasurer of Mr. Foster’s Gaieticswill take a benefit, this night. A good bill is offered in our advertising column, which see. Mr.jFoster himself will toko a benefit-next ck. Mn. Stewart, Member of Congress from the 23rd District of (his stale spent the holidays at home in Mercer and returned to Washington on Saturday last. 1»b. Jams* Kimf Fort Snolliug, which consists of Burnett, Morris, i III.,) Morrel, Faulkner and PettiL To-morrow being the nmrivrrfary of tho Battle of Now Orleans, it wus-ngreedlhat when tho Jlouso ad journ to-day it ho till Monday. Tho Houso then went into a Committee on tho I’residoui'* Annual Message. Mr. Thayer maintained that if no wish we can and nhall Americanize .Central America, hut hnvo Du desire to do su at the expense of our national hotaor by violating treaty stipulation* or laws of tbo United States. The only proj*er way of effecting tho object was by peaceful emigration, as tho ouly method, and he r sapor, for extra and srt£v for family .In; aAaiiJIM lo extra al 4O and 41 do at ibr cvtr»' anil $4.50 f«r tuutly. GROCF.IUHV-salseol In lilnb N. O. So?er at 7 1 -,', and DO bbls Molasses atSO. CJlUF.Sk—salen of DO.bxsUoshet) at U.anddd'- do W. It LXliK—« Hnteof 10 Lul* I«oub*ville atsU7^. B A^V— «olm at i ecaka-vLl9.lc»tsy:tlJg;ls ton. lot* lo 1l»e retail nude at Side* and plain Ifnmn. Al.l.F:«mr.NV CATTI.K MARK ITT. • Titrouuy, JANfjjtt 7, IS-‘*S RKKt HS— tlu> ‘tupply h largr. ruiitnzii; up to l,lnO and prircs gave way a shad*-. Tb* «ilci antounted tobOO. and the range ot llguroa was from ‘d@4, groo-t, equal to i&H net. Old. (uferkir catUo i-otnatolt sold si 2’ L and medium to cholcv at Di^4. SHrßP—TOOhead were io pens, ot uhi. lt but*her* took 27.*< head, at i'.ross. aud $1.75 ft hn.-ul. liort^—.‘otitinue to (Vine in .frsvly. The rc.vij'la this week nmcmnl to 6.CtX) head, d,D.‘>o4if «rtii*h were sold loro and'the rost were b-ut Ihwt. Ihi.'M rouged from Rn.se, Irmn Iwl 1 , luliii^. UONKTAItYANUCO.naKItCIAI.. Tho f.dlowing ii s roni]stritlvo statemcnl of tho mndl- in.. lUnfc*. iVroniU'r 2». and Jsn.2. .$«7 i tv'. S(U7,W2 Sp.w Ui.tlZ.Oir.* lw. 1.419J57T CitcnhUloi, OJ.VJ.IS7 t,4Uo.4*«y lor.. IDS£I6 tK>|XMiU 7U,I3iVW;- jajSSndai li»c.d!.4W?2:, l inlrattti U i-vuii... ta,OikVffo. 'e&,ica.3G7 loc-.1.e74.0«7 "HS'.Y.Trib, FuIULMIPitU BaXKS. Nut. 1567 Jan. lSi*. -fiUiW.WJ Tnc....s IQ.'iSo .“pecift i«’T4.WI 1nc....1,4 lactum] by titjr miller* tor thrcoyrara, rotupaxo a* follow - ISSi ...LMji. SSO^l’i ISiC .. - “ 41U,95!l IM7 449,«4 Tho rrocipb of Wliewt ami (’yin at tlu*-mm<- tvu, for fonr .vi'iuu. cuniiKirr tl«u»; llhfut. Cum. ISSt lnutit. &U3&/.M4 T.UKl.'tt IS -. - • •• T£3S,W); x^3r7 * .I$3S4,7M' 7,41»,120 Sfnufn*nhr>f itUktutitof. Otr j*nt F*ur fVart: m-. 1. 15i6. I**. 1*57. 1....). t O^%V»2 Coro. - ARJ7..V/J 7,617,1U19.CW 0.814,616 Oai*. *• l.fcWA*’' 1.01047 416,778 Kyc. “ 414C.7 10,21 s M» lUtW, 148.4*1 !»iOVi l»,Gil • 17.09 T, Total..: i-iA-VUSi l i.atib&ts 20J»1,2:ti iu::i4A3B Flour into «ln'ui. 135.1 V., H17.U3:. Total 12,00VZU IG,tiV".SU ift.WauKl ie.OS2.CTS Trir t\m Tzaoz or Cuv&oso.—' The luU! quantity re ceived by railroad* a&dc-arul for the year, amontits t» 331, 3;X) loci. Tl.i' total iakrcxportafbr the year,anu-uoted to 2Z1.0#) ton*, which ii CO.OST luntor I)-.; Y iTnl. li»rr.*»*6 on tho export* of 1 Sib. Tho amount rrrr-irrit la-l yr.ir r*n)r in Itio Mlowini; *'""SyCanal 1.V.,*10 H> flrvclatid t I’ltUt.ursii »L R. 93,02 b lly Clevrlacl * Mati'ining K. R &!,A*a »r from Mouth ■! k^:^xsi.SsSits!i>^.^ antluAHnn I* tan ' m 1 1 i« t: >»• i i wo viil! jiat-k mor.< hoc* lirrc tlnn yc«r, *trl som» think follr on# bun (lml H.oomtvTmore will cotno In. Thin ia proULly ft}*ne a l •■'.liiual'-. (tiiutfh tlio lutrlmi trom Iho turrOtmdltiK i W“nJd rm'lcr it a yUmlM* -no. Th# re*»iptj »lur ! tug It..- \rcek ttnnd uoTf a* follow-. Total for tl--rtt-.l .Ufil’,34l | Ti.ul P.r the «ef-u.n .202,495 tiauiv time last season ....223,855 The w-boh-uutnbm Tf-t-cived thU *vi sirs brun, Holmes; 10 W l bx tobacco, betel* A Kdgerton. CINCINNATI i*t 10 bu soap, Uobinson A eo; 25 bxv soap, 17 do candles* Wray; 78 bdls paper. English; 10 hhds sugar, 4u bbls floifr, Gardiner; 25 tea lard, JasDalull; 100bbls floor, Oraham A Thomas: fiu do, 01 do whisky, McCrickart; 32 do, McHenry; 574 bbls flour, McCnlly; 8 hhds sugar, cwuer; 20u bgs wheat, Kennedy, 7 ban* steel.s9 bbl*beef, 11S9 bbl* flour. 4 hhds tobacco, 73 do hams, 21 hhda meal, 300 kgs lard. 24 hhd* side*. 50 bids I>ork, 430 iks wheat, Clark A ro. UIVER NEWS. The weather was. yesterday, bright and phuaant, eoutlnn itig i.'iiinrknbly pleasant for the renaon. The nntuber of boat* has ui'l eeriotisly diminished at this port for the last three months. The Metropolis arrived day before yester day from til. Louis. Uor tuunifost nay I-*- fouud above Th« Kconpiy came in with a tinge load yeitenlay morning from Cincinnati. We suppose aha is up far the same port nflain Thu Rosalie In now tho regular packet lu con nection with tboCbovoit Iwtwreu bora and Wheeling.— They arc both good boats and I taro et reliant itw-n In their others tm clerks and on their decks as captains .The Jacob l’o>\ Capt Stewart and Jo Brown, cUrk, was all ready t.» leave for Louisville last evening To-day tl>« eleamer Ldzzi© Martin bidnofrom Zanravlllit and will doubt less be ready to leave fur there again at her regular hour on Fatunl*). Bteaaboat Register. AKRlVKD—Jefferson, Brownsville; Loxerne, do; Colonel Bayard, Klizal-i-lb; llorfalio, Wheeling; Economy, Cincin nati; I>EP AllTKD—Jefferson, Browtmilte; I.ur.erne.do; Coloael Ilayard, Kllraboth; llssalie, Wheeling; River 8 foot and foiling Telegraphlo markets, New logs, Jan.7.—Cotton, sales 1000 bade* at an advance of 14; Upland Mrddllog* Jkmrflra; 0000 bble'Mtd.— Wheat quiet; quotations nominal. Corn steady and quiet; bush sold. More Pork buoyant at I*ard buoyant at Whisky steady at 2VA. B«f llams firmer at Butter UQlfl. Pig Iron $26 <327. Linsoed Oil &4@66c. Sugar aetivr, Orleans tas de cllneil 'Affyte aalea at Havana Coffee steady at Orleans'Uolanca 33(3350. Freights on cotton to Liverpool 3-lfl; on floor 2d; on grain fit. Stocks active: Chicago ft Rock Island 73; Cumberland Cool 11>4. locrosso ft Uilwaukle 12; Uich.Sonthorn 20-V; N.:T/oun tral 70J* Pennsylvania Coal Eria 20; Cleveland ftfo ledo 43U; JdUwaukia ft Bflsalsaippl Virginia sixes 01%; Mnaourl sixes 79: Tsnnmao 82. PtaunxLpazA, Jan. 7.—^The foreign can lias .iyi*ed more firmness in Cotton, but otherwise no change. Fhmr l*dullats4iC2%@4,7s|iirn]perflae, and $3@&45 for extra end extra family. By* Flour sells slowly at 34, and (fora Meal at $3, Receipt* of Wheat contlnne email and but lit tle demand for it; sales 3000 bush at for Red, and (1,18<51,20 for White; farther sales of Ryo at 70c. Curs scarce and la requeet; 2,000 trash new Yellow sold ot 08@Oor which Isa further advance; old Yellow dull at 07(5168. IAOO bush Sautbem Oats sold at 34c, and aotne prime at 3A@35. Cloverseed selling slowly at £5. Provisions dull. Whisky rails slowly at 22@22% Cotton continues un settled. CrtcrxyATj, Jan. Arm and prices tend upward: sales DuQ bbls at for superfine; receipts light; holders ffbbky dull at uti; closiox nomlual. liugidoll iad irregular; receipts large aud nrirat ero generally lower; doting unsettled; 2400 sold, at £MO& 4AO, the latter rate for thorn averaging 240 Jhs; the recelpbi durlag the last Zi boors comprise 14,000 head.. Mesa Perk hat declined to tXt, with tales of fob. Lard la verr doD»lT?i@8; TlreenN#«t*Jfc lower; Bulk Meats aranmn- Inal. Baoon-Shouldort OWc; dull. Mooey tight. Exchange on New YOrk and Boston 19 cent, prramam; on PhUadeb phla }$ cent.weou on BalUotora I|t ck dlacoaai; on New. 1 Orlßuit Us' river has faHaa S slhco last evening. Wttdher clear. Mercury CCK • IlatTOfoxx, Jam market is generally unchanged. Exchange on New York % ft cenkpremlng}, * Ktguloc Monoagahela River STEAMER TSLEGRAPn, CiW. J. C. Woohwa*». CiPT.GtoMi CiASk- The above new steamers are now nmnloff regnlarly. Morning Boat* leav* Pitta* bnrgh at 8 o’clock A. Jl, and Brenlng Boats at 6 o’clock P. H. tor IPKeesport, Hliabathtown, Mononga* bf la City. BeHorernon, Fayette, (21 y, Greenfield, OaUfbroU and BnnrarriHe, there conncctingwlth Hacks and Coaches for Bnlontown, Fayotte Springs, Morgantown, Wayaesfcarg, Cannichseltown tad Jefferson. _ .. , ” Passengers tkketed through front Pittsburgh to Ualoo town fbr f 2, meals and staterooms on boats fnctarire.— Boati returning from BiuwlstOlb tears at 8 o’clock in the morning and sin the evening. For ffarthcr information"en noire at the Office, Wharf Boat,at the foot of Omit street. *us G. W. SWINDLE!*, Ao»ST. Regular tri-weekly WHEELING PACKET.—The fine paa-JSsfifli •sogro steamer CHEYOIT, Captain J. Murray, will leave for the aboro and all intermediate ports on Mondays, Wednesdays ami Friday*. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to and W. B. WHEELER Agent, No. S Wood »t. Regular Tuesday pack- ■ (!».» ET FOB ZANESVILLE.—The fine steamer EMMA OBAIIAM, Capt. MCJtsai Anas, will leave fbr the above and Intermediate ports EVERY TUESDAY, at 4 o’clock P. K. For freight or passage apply on board. oclO FLACK, BARNES AOQ.,^Ag'ta. Regular packet for cin- r res?* OIXXATL—The splendid packet EUNICE, Capt. Robt. Hunter, will loare ptusborgb (or Cincinnati EVERY- WEDNESDAY, at 10 o’clock a. h For freight or passage appiyon board or to df2 FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agte. T7OR MARIETTA AND ZANES-. IBPr », _C yiLLE—The sow and beanUfol steamer JgLSgßjgja LIZZIE MARTIN, Capt. Bxotrv. willlea re (or the above and all Intermediate ports, EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 r. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to ocia FLACK, BARNES k CO„ Agte. FORWHEELING.^-The steamer f JCSLa ROCKET, Capt. Wows, will lor tho above and all intermediate landings on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Batardaya,aMO o’clock A. SI. For freight or passage opplr on board or to FLACK, BARNES A CO .Ag’ts; oc2o No. 87 Water Et. REGULAR MEMPHIS PACK- ■ IBS- „ ET—The splendid new steamer, COM* Jg&SjaL UODORE FZRBr, Capt Perry Brown, wIB loave for tho aborsaodaU intermedlatepomoa TltlS DAY, Jan. Kth, For freight or passage apply on board or to oc!9 A. 0. McORKW, Agt, 8(1 Water st FOR MARIETTA ANDZANES-, IBP* > VILLE—The steamer FORTUNE, W.Reno—Clerk, J.F.J. All Ison—will leirro-forthe shore andoll intermediate p YILLE.—TI)o splendid steamer ‘PO-JgSSSK ToMAC,” Capt. riarry, will leave fur the teriuediate port? on THIS DAY, 80t Inst, at 4 o’clock P 11 For pasatra and fraicht apply on board or (e jab _ FLACK, BARNES A 00., Agts FOR LOUISVILLE—The elegant [ JELa steamer JACOB POB, Capt Stewart, wUlie@lafi3 leave ftn the stove and all Intermediate port* THIS DAT Bthinst. F**r freight or panage apply on Iward or to .1. A> FLACK, BARNES A 00., Arl« FOR NASllVlLLE—Theelegarit, (Bg* > steamer UJ.KNWOOD,’ Capt. McOowen, will learsfcw th? above and aillntenasdiate partitas Title DAY Sh'lnst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. For passage or freight in* ply uu hoard ..r to FLACK, BABNKH A CO., Agtv. Sn. K 7 Wafer «trrel. * iTuii NASHVILLE—The ele-.i gant paoengi-r steamer fi. P. HIBBARD, Capt. Groce, will leave f?r the alwre and Tutermmiate ports on THIS PAY, sth instant, at 4 r it. For freight or passage apply on board or to de'jy FLACK, BARNES t CO., Agent*. 1?01l ST. LOUIS AND KEOKUK., IBP- > _ Capt. Ilerdxnan.wiU leave for the above and alliDtermedT* ate ports, ort FRIDAY, the Bth Inst., a£ 4 F. u. For freight or passage apply on boonl or to jai FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agents. EOK ST. LOUIS, —The fine new i (Cgf ,fw steamer FANNY FKKN ( Capt. W. .tUrtin, will leave- £jt Iheabuvo anil all intenuedtate ports cn THIS DAY. Sth lust, at lOo’clork A. >l. For freight or |A-uago apply on hoard or to JiD FLACK, BARNES A CO„ Agents. FORStTLOUIS, DUBUQUE -a> KEOKUK.—Hie elegant steamer CROSSE, CopL John Derinnry; Clerk, Janies M. Voudcr (n’KTe; will learo Fir tbu nboro and all Intermediate ports on THIS DAY, Bth liwt-,nt 4 o’clock, P.M. For freight or passage appiyon hoard ir to ilc29 FLACK, DARNRS * Co. Agt«. Foil ST. LOUIS—Tho splendid i fTT^ •It-omor MAiIINEH, Copt. Bravo, will jSaSsfiaL lear* (or tho above ou-1 all in termed lots ports, TUIS DAY. 3ih Uut. at 4 r.N. For freight or passage apply on tMoruort* del • FLACK, BARXE3 A. CO., Agents. FOK ST. LOUIS—Tho fine new i ICffr -ta, steamer ST. LOUIS, C»pt. JEFSIE will Irare for the above and all intermediate port*, on TIIIS DAY. sth last., at 4 P. u. For freight orpaeaagn ap ply on board nr t-i del FLACK, BARNES k CO., AgU. Jleto ©cleans, &c FOR MEMPHIS AND NEW OKLEAXF.—Thr tin» new itMuaer J. ££2»£2x£a \V. M. llayi, will Isara and all ivenß«Uata j Moiiniitn-, " ».l!Co'Nl>‘~^yT^?%SS? P ’ rßlr '£ OF aMRSHIO*. ‘V*’", Wc. I Print* Box. lory- *3,00 Hrcon.J TW lie. Private Box, small . . 6,00 u.1a,r.1 liulli-ry .25c. j Colored Box MV tieateln Private Box, s!,<»>. -M I SF A X U R |. a 8 B FT O N, and l»>t Xf'twarinr® but ona, 00 which occasion, h,i Patlirr. M U . JOHN S* K y T O X will perform. , KRII»AV KVBNINU, January «tb, IS6S, to cuanum..'* klih * new and original military Drama i-aiUd -T. (< J: 0H U F A NB TIIF. I1RAIIO1) N a^° rg ° Ml* Angela Safton. Tim Dragoon Mr Johnson. Tu Allowed ty the very successful i*nonath>n i-iace •nibra-ioy every satiety »f cnterlafiimsnt, vall.-d ’ M'LLE. ANGELA, UR rilK 1-EMALE ADJIIUABU: CRH.HTuN. * M'lle AUgclrl, , Dorniniqna, a cuuotry Boy, j Katy. the Virandkr, r •*■'** •'t»t;ela Tchi»K Ka, a Clilueae Princess. ) with a Soh» .... U,e Violin' ami tirand Cblu**o Danao Dr Pr • - • - .Mr Jehu Seli-o. Hlio will also jp, through -the whole of the parade am) eserrisa of the £maQ Sword, concluding this charartoi with :i evolutions of the Musket Drill, lurlnd hig Loading and Firing Tin- i-erfoimanres to conclude with the |-..pnl.r Domestic Drama of thu GULDEN FAfIMEH, uR JEMMY TWITCHER IN RNfiLAND. ; Jemmy Twiuher.- J.d.u SrfWo. ' SttimUy, Mlsa SefUiu'a last appearance in her Native city, ami Sctonth appear* nee on any Stage, when "he will act a Comedy Character aod lead! thu Oivheattu. FOSTER'S' 0 AIKTIES!—MASON fC tl ALL—Leasee and Manager JOSEPH 0. POf*TKR Acting and Stagu Manager, A. W, YOUNG. OBJIEDICTION lit PIUCKS.-EU The Manager beg* nwectfully to Inform the public, that in mi (lire, tin} prices of Admlldon will lie: PAHQUETTE iirenle. | UPPER TIRIL. l.'.iwnta- Benefit of SIB. aEOItOKSIKURIPT. (Treasurer.) Three great pieces. PIUDAI EVENING. Jan, Bth. IJttS. will ha i«erfor®ed Kolzchuo’s play of TUB STRANGER.—Stranger. Mr. Harry Longdou; Mra. Haller, Julia SI. Cooke RatGesnake Jig, by tbo.» chaxnpioQ dancer Master Jonny Ward. Alter which the musical drama of TUB DAUGHTER OF TUB REGIMENT.—Serg’t Supllco, Mr. Mcßride: Mad. elaio, with yoDcs, Jolla M. Cooke. ’ Favorite l>as SeuL JHb Ktnily Waldegrare. Bong—“ Bobbin Round Julia m. Cooke. To conclude with tho rare© of BKTBBY BAKER—Mr. Mar madnkeUooaer, Mr. A. IV. Young, Botsey Balter, Min Kate Fiahcr. Orphans' Court Sale. PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' county of Allegheny, bsldat Pittsburgh, TWfiKTi ' PIRST DAY op novksibbil a. dVww will be exposed to Public Bale, on MONDAY, the eighteenth dayof Jan™ A. D, 1858. at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the Court House, in the City ofPitUburgh, all that ce£ tain lot orpleceof ground iltnatointbo Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny, and being lot number sixty aoren (No. C 7.) in the plan of lota laid out by William Robinson Jr, and reeordedin the Recorder's office of Allegheny coum ty, In book toI. 60, page 403; said lot commencing at a point on the etrtern side'of Goodrich street, 120 bat north wanilr from Robinson street, containing a front ortwaoty feet (20) ™ K Toet ’ extending etutwardiy by a Uuo par lt» fcet, more or i«, to the line , ‘2J h *»?^r? ***** °PP° 4iUs Pittsburgh, . * being the MLine lotwhlchSytTtoni Lothrop and wife coo- Teyodto imgh Thompaon,decefawi, and on which thero is erected a two story Brick DwelUngHmue. Terms made known at the time of sale. • . .. GEORGE t. DIQM, de2&dts _ Adto’rofltagh Thompson, deceased. W. LOCGBREY, Q Watch and Cloek Uak«Y» 3pV IMPORTER OP &\m) INE WATCHESAND JEWELRY, No. 28 Fifth strwt,between Wood and Market, Pitta eurgh. Pa. attention paid to the repairing of’ Watcbaa and Jewelry. . Jg»All work wernmua- 1 A 8 Prinio Rio Coffee just received * and for aala by BHRITEB APILWORTII. , Of\ hhda. Sueur in store and forsala by < >w/V/ de23 JAB.QARDNgft- *‘ ?URE LIQUORS for medicinal purpoairTt la corner Market street and Uw - UTTER.—4 bbls. freah roll just received icdferwUbj d. id perfectly. All there thing* wo will guarantee qQ ‘ ct,y end Jt may be used on any table, stand or sholfln any room or story, and will be furnished in any amount fro®'*Al£. j,, prico of a Single Burner Stand, to $75,00, for an Extra Mahogany Stand with fire Store* complete,' which will Isantlee* gmnt ornament to anyrentleman’s dining room. ... Please call and Investigate, at LAFAYETTE HALL, second floor,Wooi>BXßEET,crl4S THUD STRUT Wh. Tite, Secretary. se!4-dly OAS COOKIN(SSTOvE COMPANY. E. CHILDS & CO’S PATENT ELASTIC FTRE AJTD WATE&PSOOF CEMENT ROOEING. MHURX2T _ No. 133 Third street, between Wood and Smlthfidif WM. JOHNSON, J Pittsburgh, Perms. lhave made a chemical examination of some npocimonsof W. R. Clll LDS A CO'S ROOFING, left at my office, the re sults of which aro as follows Ist. Tbo material Is compounded so as to remain pliable for a great length of time. 2d. Tbo consistency Is not readily Influenced by the temperature; consequently it wonld not be liable t.< in.it ami run off from a roof In Bammer, or crack In Winter,!, o. extremes of natural beat and cold would hot injure U. 3d. TbocompoclUonle not acid bnt slightly alkaline. II would not drelroy the canvass, but on th« contrary protect It from the action of the weather. 4lb. It Is Water and to a large extent Fire-Pct-.f; that U, upatke and fire brands Calling npon It coold hut In flau\e it- In my opinion wnch a roof trill la»t far reareifinn on csreftdly end rcolvlng prompt attention. Respectfully, JOSEPH M. LOCKE, Chemist, IjUmrritnry No. 123 Walnut street, Cincinnati, Ohh> .Cincinnati Aqinct Royal Ins. Compel, flth, isj? ,{ I have exaouusd W. E. Cuxlds A Cu's Elastic Fire and Watsr-Prouf Cement Roofing,'end as fir as I can judge, consld&r - Its good invention, and ant wilting to Insure buildings thns protected npon tho same termaas I insure those cxivered witli m«UI. apl:lydswp fStgnedj JNO. 8. LAW, Agt Rojul Ing.Oo,xhd Liverpool. Flexible, Fire and Water-Froof Roofing. ADAIIt Ac GRANT, Proprietors, No. f»7 Water Street, rittalmrgb, rind P. Peterson^,-Allegheny. ’ riHIIS IS AN ARTICLE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE MARKET,, it i, n-e,i A »*itpnslve!yin New York and Philade]idiia,and Is yrell approved, It Inapplicable to covering •* ; Foundries, Dwellings, Warehouses, Bridges, Steamboat.'and Railroad Cars. It will loft longer than&letaincllooQagorSbinglea, and rtalsii tho rorton* rltangee of rllmstc—imlthor ufhvlej by cold,heat ot damp. lUprinclpaJingmUanthfofan bitnortlitiArv'luj/tV ballin', mid It nrter I Through to and from tin* Eastern Cities. Wo ran assure our friend* and all those dtfposod to phtfCfllre the Penna. Canal and Railroad, that no pains will U- spam! to render general satisfaction to SHIPPED OF EASTERN AND WESTERN FUKIOIIT. •• • The Avuidanee of the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad Will give increased despatch to tbo transtniMloo of freight- Office Penn Street, at the Canal Rada. teHtljA LLOYD t 00. , 1857. CANAL NAVIGATION. 1857. KEEB’S BOBTABIB’ BOAT UHE, rt, „ „ la«ttJcfl33 VlnPennsylvnnia Canal and Railroad. B&ESSSSiI Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Montb Each Way. OUR FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION HAVE BEEN LARGEIiY INCREAS ed daring the past Winter and we can cow offer to BHIPPEES the superior advantage of a DOUBLE DAILY LINK to and from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia nod Baltimore. Onr line being composed entirely.of PORTABLE BOATS, but one transhipment la repaired. Merchant* ge&ding Freight to onr Line can rely upon its being pot through. with aU posalLl •peed end despatch. WAREHOUSE, CANAL BASIN) OC7T»rr of Liberty and Why at tiraeU, PitLtbvrgh, Fa. feSCtljd Ki.kß A METCHELL, Proprietors. autlion Salts. I*. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth Street. A DDITIONAL FINE FURNITURE,— i\. WiU.bc added ta the catalogue sale of masniQcent Purmtnre, In tha second floor Sales Room of the new unction buildings, on Friday morning, January 6th ,at Id o'clock, a large lUt of elegant articles, making the edet st 3! Inara tarlfd and extensive. Among the (ulditiont'tU'e Rosewood and Mahogany Centre Table*, Rosewood and Mahogany Boreaos. Koeewi.otl and Mahogany frame*! Looking Olnsui Ac. Ac. The room n now open tuvi«il<'r». for the oxamination »f furniture Js7 P. M. DAVIS, Acct. BOOKS BY CATALOGUE.—On Saturday evening, January Otb. at 6*6 o'clock, will be sold at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. C 4, Fifth street, a collection of valuable Books, Including works in almost every branch of literature. Among them will be Sound Benson s Bibles, 5 voir. Scott on the New Testament; Konrick’i Ancient 2 voir. Lane's Modern Egyptians, 2 vyls; Arch itect's Magazine, *jbc Builders Guido, qto; Practical Arch- Reel's Guide; fitair Builder’s Quid*, Poets of Connecticut, Pictorial History of America. Universal Pictorial Library, Delve's Uerodotus. Life of Napoleon, Stunn's Reflections, Dill's Village Dialogues. 2 tolk 'Baioe's Wars of the French Revolution, 2 tuU; Thief's Consulate and Empire, 2 toJk Works of Hannah Moore, 2 vols; Works of Doan Swift, Charles Lamb and Lawrence-Bteme, each 2 reds; Addison’s Spectator, 2 vols: Landscape Gallery of Engravings, Ac. Ac. Jafl P. M. DAVIS, And. Magnificent new furniture a» Accnov—On Friday morning, Jan. s, at 10 o'clock, will bo sold, in order of printed catalogue, on the 2d floor of the now Commercial Bales Rooms No. M Fifth street, an variety of exclusively elegant furniture, made la ‘ or'”salfstoy MUmdance of ladles. This will be founthA&p n»«i «iIV " Utftaalo of magnificent Furniture ever offered la this adctloa; comprising articles of Rosewood. Mahogany, BUck Walnut and Oak; many of them carved in l**uUful m«» ner, and flnlabed with fine upholstery work of Hair-clothi Plush and Brocatdle. The catalogue comprises llesewood B1 “k Walnut and Mahogany Tete-a-Tetes; Leather, Librv ry, Plush, Lasting and Voltaire Lounges; Mahogany Kosewood and Black Walnut Ann Chair*; Black Walnut Arm Rockers and Easy Chain; Voltaire Library Chain; Black Walnnt and Mahogany Oino-ecat Chain; Rosewood: JUack Walnut and Mahogany l*arl o r Chain; Rosewood and Mahogany Card Tables, with marble tops; Black Walnut corner Stands; Black Walnut Book Shelves, Ac. Catalogues will be ready early neit week. p. M. DAVIS, Auct. TTNCLAIMED BAGGAGE At Auction.— \J On Saturday afternoon - . Jan. 30th, at 2 o'clock, at (he Commercial Sole* Rooms No. 14 FUth street, will l*M>ld. hy order of Wm. Young, Trustee, sundry Trank*. Valises, Carnet Hags, Canvass Bag*, Coats, Ac n Ac. t» T . . * b ® T< *' wlu ■rt* l to pay charge*, Ac., due the Eagle Motel. unlssN previously redeemed by the owners. J™. P.M. DAVIS, Auct. Dairy sales at no" m fifth st., AI the new Commercial Bale* Rouuix. N«. 54 Fifth strwt, every week (lay, are held public sales of goods io all variety, suited for the trade sad consumers, from a large stock which Is constantly replenished with fresh «.«uiV»- mrnli,that must be closed forthwith. At 10 o’clock. A. Mm Dry Goods and fancy articles, com prising nearly everytliingneoded In tbo line for personal and family nrc; (able cutlery, hardware, clothing, l*iots and shoes, ladles wear, Ac. _ —- At 2 o’clock, P. Mm household and kitchen furniture, new and second hand; beds and bedding, carpets, elegant iron stone China warn, stoves, cooking utensils, groerrhw, Ac. At 7 o’clock, P. M, fancy arthta, watches, docks, JewM rynmskal Instruments, gaus, clotliiug, dry goods, hoots nd shoos, hooks, stationery, Ac. P. M. DAVIS. Auct’r. To Nervous Sufferers A retired Clergyman, restored to health in a few days, after many jeanol groat nervous suffering, liana ious to make known the means of core. Will send (free) tbs prescription used. Dirac* the Rev. JOUN M.DAUNA LL No. ISA Fulton street, Brooklyn N. Y. «o:2meod*3uiwT. BOOTS A m SHOES, JCHRAP FOR CASH. AM E S KOB B, . NO. 69 MARKET STREET, NEAR THF. MARKET, ’ _ „ . _ lias Just mwlTinl his large Fall and Winter stock of LADIES’, MISSES’ and CHILDRENS’ ROOTS and SHOES; MENS’ CALF, KIP AND OOABSE . BOOTS, SHOES, OXFORD TIES, OAITERS, OPERAS. Ac. BOYS’AND YOUTHS’BOOTS, BnOESTAc. “FORD'S" RUBBER SHOES, A very superior article and very neat. Direct bum the Manufacturers, which bo will sell by the pat* or ractaas at very reduced price* for This stock comprises one of the largest assortments to bo found in any dty, suitable for city and country sales, and having over twenty years experience In bujing, he trusts that he can now suit all tastes. He respectfully invites all in want to c dl. assuring them that they will be pleased. BWl) eelfl OTICE.—MR. DAVID G. NEEPER, watchman on the steamer J. 11. Conn, fell overboard on WEDNESDAY morning, and was DROWNED. Said Nceper was In his shirt sleeves, bad a silver watch and chain la his pocket, was about b\C feet tall, and was heavy built. Any person finding his Cody will be suitably re* warded by leaving word at any of the following placet— Reporter office, Wm. Chamliers, No. 11 point street, or at W. Neeper’s, lIP Bmlthfield street. dellrrtf TO APOTHECARIES.—A Young Mao, a first rate Prescription!*!, indwell acquainted with the effects and doeee of medicines, has had eight years experi ence in Great Britain and this country, will be disengaged on January Ist, wishes a aituatlpu iu or near Pittsburgh,— The moat satisfactory reference given. Address, careMotsn TRABEBA AUBERV, Cincinnati, Ohio, for L H. B, de%3tdea ' ; , AYER'S WORM CONFECTION is pirns aat to take. Ayer’* WormOonfcclloo contains noCalomtl. , Ayer'* Worn Confection is portly vegetable. Ayer** Worn Confection will not lie ken. Ayer'* Worm Confection i* uninjarioa*. Ay»r;« Worn CanfecUooi* the only safe Wormßemedy. Ayer * Worm Ooofrctloab (he only efficient Worm Remedy Ayer* Worm OoolocUon only rcantre* an introduction into (azniliee to proearo tot itself otuteml ferorttlra. Q>mpotjnded anl for els, vholenle and re tail, ai tha Drnertoroof JOHN HAST, Ja, ” u corner of Wood and Slxthita, Pittatrargh. jgELL iianoing: great reduction in price:: • Door licit* at and opwards, pnt the best style by J. D.MAXHEWfI, deltaltf 12S ftffithtuia g HOLIDAY FURNlTURE.—Misses'Bu wi& Tablet, Bedsteads and Chairs, taefbl pi want* tor-theholidays,fcr sale by - T.B.YOUNGACO, < r ‘ dais Bmithflald street. ;• CONCENTRATED cases, for V/nlebj- IL A, FAHNESTOCK *OO., de3l . -•- corner Wood and First «ts TVT O. SUGAR.—3sihdj. Oo«l Fnir N. 0. ii • Snetr Jost received andbr eslaby jto . rSHsmit t Duwo&ia. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Grsttltade***lfkraUttide'wasev«revlaeneea among any class, it certainly has been with those who hero need and tested the extraordinary virtues contained in DtJ Hootettert celebrated Stomach Ritisiw. „ Bdtrcely"k day posses, we are Informed, that the Doctor doea. not receivo from tome recent he art-stricken and solid to os parent, brother, sister, or friend, same testimonials of deep and ear nest gratitude, for his agency in restoring to health and wonted vigor, nme kindred.' For the cure of Dyspepsia, Flatulency,ConsUpatldn, laefcof all Bilious tendencies, are speedily corrected by the uta of these Bitters as per directions on bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere, and by HOSTETTER A PMITH. Foie Proprietors, 267 Penn at. dsLkdawT Dr. Ritefe's Shoulder Braces— From Pittsburgh Dispatch, April lOtb, more than 0 years past we bare constantly worn the Washington Bus pender Eracc. manufactured l»y Dr Geo. Q. Koyser, of Ro 140 Wood street, in (hi*city, and would heartily rccom mend it tn nil who are compelled to follow aaedentary^co-'^ patlou. A» we bavebeforoTomarked, io calling attention to Its merits, it answers for a braro and soapendsn, the weight of the pantaloons being so placed a» to continually tend to bring tbo shoulder* to their natural position and ex pand the cheat, Women, hundred* of whom are annually injured by the weignt ot enormous **surts, M sbonld also procure these braces. Be particular in procuring the kind mentioned, as many cf the braces sold are humbug. Bold at Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER’B, Wholesale Druggist, 140 Wood pact, sign of the Golden Mortar. jsMaISwKP An Infallible Conga Remedy—l had been sick three months,ncialilo to do anything, villi a cough and stuffed condition of the wind-pipe; I tried several of tbs l*st physician* in tht* city without receiving ony benefit of them aold my longs were affected. I was confined to , P*! * h 1 • I espeejorated laying down in my bed,baibelbrrt waa entirely cored. Inara bwm well over - naas commenced about tho first of Marcfa,cf this rwirTl am now, and was at the. time of myaidtsem. livinaat Tbomaa PaUeraon’s, In Union street, nemheDSaond. Minim McATOr_ and sold by Dr. GEO, H.- KEiBBB.-Ho. i4O p* 1 bDr^l ' Drnggista everywhere. For Oeaf Penona«-»AcovTOc Acaicixa—'jTieS* ewly inTentod iwtrnmente (bat enable thedeaf to httr in cpltoofdeafooa, are in ad ranee of anything yot'knbvn,c>r Ikely to become of any real aerrke to deaf portoas. fiy aeon* artificial drna, the power ©nineringli W«ted. and ali the drcumitaicee that attend irnmpct* and -(abet, are entlftlydlepewwd with. They are wont bylaMweou not to be perceptible to «rther*. and are hardly Mt when worn. Appirto ' nod-d*w¥ Tweoty I'Mra Carcd by a iTKniNB CATITOfr- - ICON changed some of WT symptoms for the better, and now lam entirely and radically cured. I wish that every woman could know what it wQI do. CLABIfidA OBEXL; MARSHALL’S UTERINE CATUOUCAN has cared ay ! lifo.as I verily believe. I tried doctor*and medicine tfbtu it seemed oselem to try longer, when last with* lady whp>' recommended the Catholicon m strongly that I deemed It m« duty to try it. I was mostly troubled with deringed men>i-' etruatlon. Mj .ymptems were principally paiaa in the back “ and abdomen, bearing down pafn at the time of tbe Illness, bloating, colic, cause*, constipation, feeling as If th» tack and limb, were bruised or broken, eructations and vcmlfinz.-- anxiety (Ufo seamed to be a burden,) disturbed sWi faint pe», shudderlngs, fatiguaou waUting in the morning flsto* . ieocAorostlpanoa, pressure ofblood in the heedTdininaeiL, - stooping, greet tiTitabiUty of teapervsSflSv coMtan t Inclination to peas water, great reUmueasand do*/ “I **** *d*VCJi I we notjonly entirely curuX. mraelf of all thcae symptoms, which.! hare jlt*o as an to* ta^? 1 Others cured In our town IhatXfcel bound toJ« yon know, that nth»r« who nrr .ImlUrlyatUiatcdinay also find rellet -;.t\ - EMMA YOSBUIUHE ' For a lung time I had Uterinecomptalnts with to* follow Ing symptoms: I waa nervous, emaciated and IrritaM* seemed to abound in complaint* aomo of which-1 wflltry-to . gtre yotr pain tn the lower organs, and a feeling ss Ifsome thing srae going to fall out; inability to wallr much on Ac - count of a feeling, of fullireee; aching tad dragging,' and? shootlntr pains in the back, lalna. and toe legs* toe-jolting produced-byriding cssaad great pefic spasmodic .hooting* and pafp. lq the ■**», and haw* tls;beadacfc*withrinjgiig.!a theears; arrry fiber of the-'. * body teemed sore; great irritability; Intense nerroesnes* X ‘ could nc< bear the least cxtltwoact without being gnttxtUGr for a day; J could scarcely nurew abort the house, and dld- ;t - nottako pleasure in anything. •••> tied eTcrythihgi'aalanppased la sain, bet a .frieud called myatte&UmtoUABfUAIX’SUTSaZNE CATHOLICON. I took ft, hoping agalwt'hopfc Moat .fortunately It cured- -... me, and there is not a healthier or mora mtaftd woman Iw. the country. I trust an will naeiLlt 1s truly the woman's - friend la need. __Alrs. FLORENCES LESLIE. MARSHALL'S UTKRLFECATHOLICOHi wffl ctriaiß* . fa ears Jhfltog gfflk wawAWAfa* fireprmwi, tnaUcwr mpaSutic, conned wAh ' *» *rite Oupost IF*win puaraxift tSar thi wiUUtni eartteitt 9fibz*umfif. ■. Adftrtu i :, Dm. QEO. IL KBYSER., No. IttWoodetneLrmatMrgb,.-' , aT.-dawtF Sign ofthsOddcs Mortar. - 1857 JBlrtlfal. Dr, O. IL REYfIEB. 140 Wood