THE H ill v PITTSBI ROn GAZETTE. -M. .8.-M. ■—..‘U: -- - ~ JTT~ ‘ mTmn? TYYT.— itfTTMEE . -OTW YbHK ADVERTISEMENTS < -Iron YIZ2UIIW, OWEM 4 00., Qnnu S'SKStS ■ - mTisuoll :vn, rniidtar.) V SW ’ • • - IZrMdtoajb'JVhv Jcr*. Imported Wines, uroc.n,., «c. j I.,tW.OEERY. 1 SO3 uxtL rraxrr, *» na s««f (Established 18M-1 „-J_ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FIRST I QnjJltr family Urwrif-a, to the Trade, ILrteli, Mtitfe FamiU«, Kid nil wh.» are choice in tLcir ««»*, * nd Ueaire A courts* BCBtktutr Oolong, Imperial, Hyatt* tinni>uwdrr. -‘ins ffpnw, £r_, In charts and lta\f cberta. *■' COTFEE-MocU and 3hvr. ~ .. *. TL ., r oU nrrwns—Made Iras, Slimier. Tort*, H * > > origin* p>d«"- de«y..h,«. mag ■ BARTONandQDESTma’BCLARpS i, m-i V«rran*y CHAMPAIGNS—M«t tChaoJou- Cab «1« F 1 '*■“?“** ft .Wk.wl Ke«U.U CIGARS—A variety ot £u>k* brands. PlCKUB—Enrii»*adfnucii. BADGES—For £i*b»Corri*r Gam*. Meat, ® e - 4 ... niiimr ptnnri r h * Al>r - ' tetona* * rincc Aiu-rt, Daub andlaud American, aril A Rft— l>ia£Cniihed, pnlverired, Kt Cn.iX, Ac. t» bar rale aod half barrtd*. - itaWL-ffestphaliaand American. UlLS—iOQr»»»P*na aod Whale. jaOarLhioora are warranted unadulterated and of nar OWOpPfiorfatkin. fp3.dtfy_ Gold'Medal Pianos. QTfiINWAY & SONS, MAN-cgg^n O UFAOTURERS, 81 Walter erect, NewWf'i* l"Vl York, received tho following Fint Prior i I - I , * • i Ibrfdil la eompetttfon with tbe beat maker* In Doatyu, New T T^GFIRST^EI^UEDAIToI (be Metropolitan Fair, - & Uia Cryalal P* l *™* "J'" W vamber/IS&A, (being the only Gold Medal grim for Hanaa "aQOLD MEDAlfaTthe Maryland InrtJlate, Baltimore. 1 tIIRPIBST PRIZE MEDAL at lliu Fair, Crystal Palace, New York, November, 185 fl. Among tbejudgea were the Drat marital talent la tbe country, inch **l. Quit; acbalk, Wallenbonpt and many otbori. St. AS. Haooe (with and without tbe Iron Frame) are warranted fur three years, and ft Written guarantee given. Pianos parked and .hlppri wllhoot dup **-• 4 Bna ; Sole Agents for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. drfSMjdv __m— Druggists. i L. FAUNESTOCK & Co., iate of the firm i-IL A. Fthnenodt A ut) Boccwoor* to Flomin* tlWholßßil* Drugju* No;«0, corner Woo-l mnd tonrtU pi BA. FAHNESTOCK & 00., WlU'f-E -• tale Druggists and Mtnnfartnrera of White Lead, ■n.t Litharge, comer Wood and Frout atrocta, Pitta uatli. mchT JSCHOONMAKER, MANUFACTURER • of WUtoLeaJ, Ked League, Point, ly «ndWhoicwto Doaieria Paint*, OU*, Vaculaht*. Tarpen ting, Ac-, Ko. Wood «t- PltUtwrrgh, Pa. • - .. xbirer'»L4J»VJr. (SUCCEBSOKTO JAB. n-l-n T>m(rci*t toil Dnior • Djralrtfft, &e , con».-r IVoM nnf t*lxt!isfr«n-t«, Agent for Dr. PunlN Mndlrim>. “V- 1 _ TOIIN P. SCOTT,’VVIIOLKSALE DEAL* fj «rld Dregs, Paints,oU«, VarnialiM.nn-1 hyntnfTe, N.» 296 liberty street, PilUbnrgh. E. SELLERS, WHOLESALE DEAL • «In Dregs Polut*,Dyestuff*, Oils. Varnishes, Ac-, 4c-, street, PUUrtmr R b, I’*. Ua«J« Price* low. _ • „_-_ rrT .otosoa ttifiv SSt REITER, WHOLESALE AND If corner of Liberty &nJ fit CUlr ■ Pitttbargb. YOSEPn FLEMINO, (SUCCESSOR TO L. *1 Wilcox * Co.) corner Marks! «trcci tad DUmond, kecpi wuunlly on hand a full and complclo asortmenlof Dmg*, Madlclnci Medidas Chats, lYrfrtmory.ftnd *U articles p*r t^Cr?rhpHa'nspT^:rlpHoiis carefully compounded alall ham. DaTGEOTTI. ICEYSEK, DRUGGIST, 110Woodatrect, corner of Wood strwft and virgin “Alley, Pitubargh, Pa. . » sro'B}tcc - Sealers WAREHOUSE. —IIENUY II (X>LLC«3, Forrodins and CmntnLwiQn Merchai.t t and Dealer in Chec*3, Butter, Lake 11« t» and I’raduro &n;nl\7, S 5 Wood Bt- alwre Watfr, PltUbnrgh. m y- 1 B. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, « OHIO. Coouaiwlao *ml. F-rv4r.lin« Merchant, nnJ Western CUi2e*o, Bn”*''* 1 »Qd Pearl Ash, and Wcatem I'rv-dtieo c uer*Uy. »ruui "i-. bctffcea golihfleld and Wood, r.ttslmrgh. MJBANE & ANJER, (hUCCESbOKS to A. ili. Mcßuuj llral J OomntUjloo an.l iWMuig Saetmdatrocnt, fittiburßh, Pa. |J»n. I, T\AVID 0. 'HERBST, _FLOUU, rRO- I 9 docp, PwtUlou aid Cutmut«.i..n Mfirhant, N‘«- Übwty *tr*>t, ianwr «>£ Hand, «»«• * ttrU ' Uoa to Um sal-jof Floor. P Water tL. 1 I » H RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION , H«rauant unJ D> ;ikr in a«J l*r*o.w». *-* Fifth *tr«rtj Pittsburgh, l*ft- R*fcrto K. UAULto*, DIOiUT, Cu»«**T* * C°-> Prtt*bui*»h. ** J “ , “ tos * , *djSSs3i«sr TfoBKRT UiU, ffn'Ur. fILIAKULb U-LKEC Sl.r«Flonr,OrUn, to. 1/ on<] Frodusc, So 8 Snntb c(»u, Laril Fit and Water. *P 3 !2!slߣb wa:h house.—jas. qakd- T'7Ci INER, WT»ote*iio >alfr in Fl Q, ‘ r r rrorwloM • 0 «trr*L, teI»WQ Liberty ,n.l SmltMi-Id, >, H*. cult. iioUSIKS i BRO., PORK AND W B<*f Padsmind ralrn In Prerlitai, cornj-i■ ol Market aoJ Fnmt street*. tttstmrch. ?»- duo attoucps. Robert m-kniout, attorney at Uv.mad Solicitor of the Baukof Pittsburgh, No.■ »« foorth itwet, Pittsburgh. deltt^ TOSIiPIX S. A A. I>. MORRISON, AT- J tonmjiuuw. OOrt So. OS Fourth .t-, near Wood, u, ,-‘ ARTZHORN £ UAZEN. ATTORNiSrS ,t Uw. omce U 0.1.™ UnilJuw. *” M ' Pittsbnrgb, ?*. '■ Sts ©ootia. fcTURPIIY i BURCHFIELD, DEALERS (VI in flilka ami Dre*» OooJa generally, Cloaks, iSwdepartmßDtJ.Joatrecclfrf awl ** lbe ,wW ®** Fonrth and Market A - *nd Retail Dealer* lu Faucy and Staple Drj Oo.*l», awhh«tr>et t PUt«bogb. —. fflattmgea ''' 'coub and Carriage Factory. jonxsoH, brother * co., Cbmer of Bclauml and Rthecea flirrrit, i ALLEGHENY CITY. ITTOOLD RESPECTFULLY IN- <&&& W Sana Uwir Meal., «nl vabllt rally.that they are laaoofactmlM Carrwg«*, BawaUi«. Boggle*. Slflgln »»4 CbnrlotJ, l» *ll their oatrtyl«eof finish and proportion*. . r . Mi , v AUorJen will ho Mccated with strict regard b. du™™"* uiltontjof tabb. Itepdi. 1 ">£“ tbomortmeoaablo terms. ll«mg in *lj_ r . . _« tS*t&utornEh*ft«, Pole* and'VVheol.atoff, they deat that all who Uror them with their patronage will l acrfcctly *dtisfioJO trill of their Work. _ relocated to them a all before pm ehMlag P(>y ’ tpl Mackerel— „ t , 29 btlf tl)l» N«. 1 Max-tar*!. 33 Qf. do No. I do; tOKltta No. 1 do; ■*S No.lMmi Slacker*!; M’BIUDK k CO, y.n BS Water Btrot. A. - STROiI'S civs PBESIIUM MAO a. 10 DUPLICATING AND ISirUKSSION PAPKII—A principle o( writing P£>» ™ lnm Awarded trt them l> j«gfcdtf PfTNPKfF-S —t*z;s. pnme Kto toffee; &20'fch4l P U Sujmr; COt.Wi itMdar.l Cru» d 10 bbu Powdered - ]£ vr fivrnif ' ’ 8V) « GoldenSyraii; .'•*». Esc*l»Kif B)rn|i. i 5 bXi 6* aw'd Tobacco', £0 tp 0 torut Tobactw; m >i.v« jjj (jarb Bod*;,r . fiSnfbtl# Soda Satoratu«; iO-bia BadaflateraUng W llertM IUe«; S hfefcttta YII Twrfil«tMflU»K WObdlafilraw ** ** iSSSttßrwmr, WOkep bc»t braodiiNanr. • WbOXOICU* Pipe*; 3 cisk»Ble»c'dWb&lo UU, IfttMiNOTan lo Up Grain P#PT*r, J. AUantea; ‘ 100 bbU largo No :i Mockercl, agF-ws?' ~~ O 800 bag# Prim# Wo Coffee; .190 «Srtl Y. U. and Black Tea* _ ! - -Ift troxtt a#»rt*d brioJ# Lomp S& kta BixTwlrtTobdKO-. US bhdi Porto Rico Bnpr; - - W* bMt Refined Satan £ bbla Yellow Refined Stipe » bbU oaden Synrp; - 80 UrfaßxcaUSor Bjr>n>-. • pO bUi H. O. HolaaaM; • ' 3S keg* *1 Cart Soda; W boxes Bodaßalamor. tOO bdle aaMried #l2e« Stra«*Wrai>vdnS PAIENXOII4 UIXJBES, or Caps, new YORK ADVERTISEMENTS From B- 8. SCHELL’? Arttertininj flou«, X'V KJ Br«AJ w*7. WELLS, HIDDLE ft CO, . „„ , SO Fourth Street, Vittsburf>h, I’a, Tn'energetic business MAN CAN ; THON-GS*AN!> swituues. ! W Onlflti ■oUdlt’jVctn ttn,tm.!o. an-1 [m-mpUy sftn, property or PCouJmy will pttrcliaM them. VVr »u...r- . «e2£.:lyd*wS l, ,».il.‘'“f A \'bl, DtoT ft MOTT. I‘Atrutres ami exclnslro Manr.tacmrrr*, u.wS Ciu.lj CO Pulton street. Now Yutk LIOIITK, SIKWTON & BEADBDHVS, 421 Broome Strut, A>w York, Manufacturers of. the Patent Arch Wrwt Plank PUno Fortes, celebrated for depth. full oeo. richness, parity, and 4 peculiar sinning quality of their towlror which they hare recelred the highest tvnmlamn from the greatest musical celebritias of the country, nud In ercrrCilr. when brought lo competition with other in«rtv menu, hare obtained-the highest prcialam. The Patent Arch Wrest PUmk, which Is owned md used only l»y us, guaranteestheir standing In tunelouger Usan any otlswr *n strutneut; while their unprecedented demand in ell parts or the country Is asaflldcnt proolof tbelr snj>erk>r * ICC * lrD ‘ o ATjberal discount to Clergymen, Schools and the trad* Jds;lyda ? fflommission, &r, Itstoou. utcti .'.jowl.txtcu ** - «*'«• JOS. S. LEECH & CO., Ko« A 2*4Htoertjr«.,P»U*barsl», I»a* WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHAN'I'S, DEAUIE3 IN FLOUR AiTD BACON, Tin Plate and Tinner’s Stools. AND . riTTSBUKQU MANUFACTURES. Jjii'iiy - MnAI.PXH * CO., (Uleof J. 3. Leech, McAlpln t Co., Pittsburgh.) GENF.RAL COMMISSION AND kouwakuing mkkchants, l.eret and IVtlhlngton Avenue, U’YANDOTTB CITY, KANSAS TKUKITOUY, RhFKUKNCKS: Joei.t,!i 3. Ixwcb A Co., and PltUbnrgh MorcbsuU acncr *Uy. JylltdkwlyT THOMAS A OALbAUUEH* C COMMISSION AND FORWARDING / MKItCIIANTS, .Yo. tf O Fiat Strut, St. Louis, Mo urn to SiNocn, lUatuan A Co., 1 JostsA Lautn. Loaum, Stewart A Cc., | KuuAPakts*. Will porchase to order, Lead.Uemp, Bacon, Grain* Ac Prompt attention glrcu to any manlier of forwarding. O HUNGER UARBAUGIi, COMM. - O Merchant, Dealer In WooL ProtUioni aod Produce gen erally, No. 295 Liberty itroct, PttUbnrgb, l‘a. . XTENRY S' KING. (LATE OF THE i~l firm Of Kina * CotnmUdoa Merchant, SdDealcr to Pig Metal and Bloowa, No. TflY. ater itnet, tw lowMirtet,Plttatmrgh, Pa. *P _ i A. U AIVDY, (SUCCESSOR TO lIATt /\ , dr, Jono* 4 C 0.,) CommUslon and! ForardritTftfc ctit* Agvut ..f llio MailUon ami ludlauAjH.Ui lUllnjud, cur uer First buJ Ferry «t».. Ja29.iyu_ T. MKGKAW, " GENERAL , Pj CommU*iot» Merchant, and Wholesale DmloHd Maun tactorwl Tobacco, Imported mid Doinr*tlc Cigars, Ac-No. 241 Liberty itw», ophite ttirfhrad of ' Vo ?'^, uu ’' borgh, Fv mhl^y ©torus. Bagaley, COSGRAVE A CO., Wholesale Gn*rfc}i No»- IS »«'■! 20 Wu.i.l struct, Pitta borgh. A ; - 4, B. DEBOO IS°EISi BERGER, GROCERS AND 1Y Calm la Bacod, Ur 4, Tour, Cho«», Btoomi it., South-Writ curti.r 9tnlthll»l4 .t.J Srctm.t 1 r 'V,*'’, burgh- 1 LENANDER ~ RING, wholesale /V Grocerand Importer *-f S.*U A»b, No. 273 ttrect, Pitlabnrgh, P*- ~ B, __ y - XTfM. MITCUELTREE. Jr., A BRO., W Wholesale Grocera, Rectifying ULMilb-rm and Wioo and Liquor Merchant*. No, art Liberty airwU l-imhurgh. Jn2a . . . - ■ ■ jar. t. room. TONES A COOLEY, WIIOLELALE GRO • I CEU3 and Buat Furnishers, dealers In pr,v,u !^ i Pittsburgh Muuuticturrt. X.». W 1 " aler atreot, near Cherry Alloy. Pitubargh, Pa. _ JOHN S. WLWORTB. OHHIYER & IHLWORTH, WHOLESALE & Groc.Tß, No. \M and Ud S/c.-nd .twUUtwwu Wvod >n d Sn».thftelJ t PitUburt-?i- T “cTIXIiK lITSII N WHOLESALE A „ Grr«ran.i' -rntwi'-L... ••l-ithnt.t.D.Hduriii Produw Pittsburgh. . k , .. .. - william norn. i-LOS 1* , ou. v WHOLESALE J - »*“han«*. No DW-- •«* ~*3 tn-Hry ■«*- «. Piitsbiiif.ti, _ t ia V - - jims «lsojl TATATT aWILSOfe WHOLES ALE GRO- W cKRH eMmiaUaiou Servliants and Dealer* In Pro dnwand Pitl»bnr<;h No. Liberty Pittsburgh. '* i " • TsAIAIT DICiCEY I'CO., WHOLESALE 1 CommipianMerchant*, and Dcalen in Produce, ' *c a t*r Itrw’t, and 63 Front itwit, Pittlturgb. ,n.» 80 Wat*r - —* . TBt'MAS LrfTLA, Jl- T,t ** (Law of th* Ann llubi*; 93 fourth «tr«t. WuoJ. SSrAPSTIS LOOMIS, Notary Public. “it T> McLAIN & SON, Real Estate A J) . .CJ Bill Broker*. Mo. W frairtb -ana rniIOMAS WOODS, Real Emote Agent, No. Tonrth «trcot. ~ —_ Koofeßtllttß, Sft. ffTM G JOHNSTON & CO., Stationers W Otok Boult JlMnfcrtoreni anil J-'t Brlnlm* ,J • t 7 \r„„l .trm, I'nufatirith, !■«- im vs —n COCIIBANE, (SUOCLS&OK iO E. of Market Square, AlUgfaaPTi-P*. ■folTN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND #1 Stationer, toccessor to * 00 ' 1 ' Btr«et, omit Foartli, pUUburgM* rrTi-Tr^Fr »v iDO BOOKSELLEKS AN I* N l XC TIOXEBB, Nn. 60 Wwd |WI »'*• »rTiTOnl,Plli.l)Brsb,FK,. M.ooUoJ U* t) . TION'ER. Ho. 79 Foartli it- Apolloggjj»»^ EU N T * MIN Ell, BOOKSELLER ami Stalloper. Maaonlc 11.11, FIMnWt- fHustc, &c. asMaatebsar Ja23 ff KT v-rvvl k BltO., No. 53 FIFTU H^msasag IIAR-M?NII.MB. B-l." '» M».l.■“> MmUal InsmimenU- anT OTTE BLUME, MANOPACTUII* .I.J Uoalcml piivTS * CO.'3 Bc»Ua ejj3 WfCnAIU>PAHP| • BSAIX&IX Hide*. Leather, Oil and ShoeFmdmge, Jto. 21S PA. " "ffftsssasa *,co, cnrwT Wood «nJ Wf** *** 400 <3o*. fre* l * ?**?*’. Rec*d and for —*• » 27 50S"' mo ’ asseS CMMHKEB lanufactutrre. & u. tiKRWIU, stjcnmnai* of ropes and twine, ,'r or pum -xriU Flttfiatll tlrteH, Pilttburjl,£« Have always onmiand a full rapuly of Coll and llalter Ropes, Bed Cords, Sash and Crate Cords: Wool, Bnxun,Cotton ud Flax Seine; Paper, White and Colored Twiue; Ont Lint*, Staging and Mason*' Mum. an'2l:lydAwB WILLIAM HARK MILL ft CO,, G 1 Ponnst., bulow Morbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET Iron Workers, MauuCicturer* of Barnhill’* Patent Boiler, Locomotive, Fined and Cyllndor Boilers, Chimney*. BrelcLea, Fire Bed, Steam ripe*, Condenser*, Salt Pan*, Sagar Pans, Iron Yawb, Life Boots, el<\ Alia, Blacksmith* Work, Bridge and Viaduct Inins, doua atvtlw shortest n.v tico. All orders from adntanee promptly attended to. Peura Cotton MllU, Vm»bur*li. Kennedy, oiiiLDs a uo„ MANUFAC TURERS of— Penn A No. 1 heavy 4-1 Sheetings; Carpet Chain of all col-ir* and shndr». Cotton Twldc; *• lied Cords; •' Plough Lines and Fa,h Gocd: •» Hope of ull slie* and deATipti'-u*, lulling. fg-ihil-n. lift at the Hardware Star* of l. . j«»i. W*i*.>u A Co , 131 Wood street, will ham attention H JAMEM IBWIS, UAMJI’AOTURKH Of SULPHURIC F.TIIER; Suhihuric AciJ; Sweet Spirits of Nitre: Nitric Add; •Flullmnu's Anodyne; Muriatic Add; Aqna Ammonia, FFF; Nitrons no Fowler’s Solution; jTm. PtKiuN a. *. jotiasus- jubv-on. PERRIN ft JOHNSON, MANUFACTURF.IUS AND IN WE. CHILDS* CO'S PATENT ELAB - TIC FIEE AST) WATEIiPnOOF CEMENT ROD FI Ml, IfCtTninn Hrastv, Pimbnrgh, Pa_ __ . V‘ l . - ~ ii. 91. W ARREN ft CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DF.ALKH3 IN WARREN’S IMPROVED FIRE AND Wul.-r-Proof Composition Roots atnl Roofing Ma 4&>offlcv —24 Fifth ifrMl. "OANiGL BE'SNKTT, Manufacturer of fancy color ed Iromtc.n© Iw locklnstam •i»l '>Dow \V.r«, I *o. Office at the Alannfcctory, corsf-r of \\ adiingtira aiul I franklin ttn*e!«, Birmingham, ojij>*»lh> Piluburph, Pa IMISSION I nriotdiy*- ‘ 0. a. ft 0. i. tabu.-. uvrus rof» TAKER, POPE & STREET, KAStTfAeteams or OSCILLATING STEAM EXOINKS, BOILERS JLXD MHJ* WORKS, Salem, Colambiaiua County, O. "VATIUTMANA REED’S PATENT OSCIL- I w ' X.ATINO engine* of Buperlor worfeinaaftldp, con -1 ntantljr on band and made to order, with Soaring, Shafting, ! Ac., for Flouring and Saw 11111*. and <»th«w imrpovs i Alsu, Manufacturer* «.f Ol'hmlnl f’/'-rmior ! Tj/iv, and Agent* r..r .tllams. Kiel, ft C.. . Maclu»<«t»’ , TonU. lu.-lu.lii,< »i.d ••« «»••'> J -1 acription. i Common Slide Kngiur* maJo lo order tuo*Afl KtTriiM. jobs »• ntnaos (Tbion Foundry, UiTCURLIi, HERRON * CO. WILL CONTINUE TIIE BUSINESS OF the Unlou Fucudry, at llioolJ *un.l of VKNNOCK, MITCHELL A CO-* No. VJALibertv *l. They will MRQcUctore, u usual, ® large »od gencr®! «• •ortmc&t of CASTINUS, comprising Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Slide Uveas, (jfryiCK AXD I‘AltlOK STOVES, MANTLE & KITCHEN ORATES, Hollow ffurr, Wagon Boxes, l)og Irons, 3AI) TIUlNrt, TKA KEtTLEA, PLOW'S A PLOW POISTP, Mill uuJ Maihiniwy Costings Generally. An-l WATKIt ~l .ill J L',A. /K/j.v asp y.tH-sor Tiic itKxr //am .vi Shovels, Spades, Picks, &c., Atl .if will* U will »«• M«t a' tnrT:!v ..... WILLI A .H TATB. P UMBER AND HAS FITTER, X»>. U) F..«rth rtr.M. »<-nr nn-l 4TJ P*»u noil ,|, >)r |„ AMrrium ISiVu.-h h uilW.«..‘l » H . n**r La.-orU 45-nv-ry .1, Bttum. "f Killiiiffn It \Vi»!of. tia* »uJ : * "Knra-ustic Til* Floor, P..r Cl.nrclirt t -!UlKo.»nj.-«»-uciPi»^wtil‘nlM ALPIIKD !>XtiLAN'D. Solo Ajrent. THE OiIKiINAL PATENTEES. ‘ Meur*. Minion A Co- L-ink.ii. »>rJ Mill*r * UaitM. NVw Vi.rt, f.r PimUu*L uul th- W .-n. AH nn.ik ulr tJn a «ii|-n..r rtyU> Pliii-u DtrtwiuA* an.) W~n«« X- V-iril. -tr,.., U mr L.b •rtj. ... _J^V: lyd - JOHN OABfPDKMa, MA N U F A 0 T V H K H UK liOO'iSß?^ •ojailuti-r-w, K»=* dultUi'U I Lr.V: 1, PlUsborsK l‘»- ' insurance agents He. L'LMAN & CO., General liwurauo.e , AgenUan-l In-mnt.rt- Bn.knr.. .N’« 1-> »Vrnt ?fa »t I Pituburgb, Pa. T‘ TTEXcHAFFEK Agents Neptune Insur ance Co.. Hill. Wt.-uire.-t. R FINNEY. Eurvka InsuraoneCo., , So. l< WaUtf»tr*-t. __ v a' CAKK*IU‘ SECRET AH Y J\ , IVnusylranU Imnrstuo o»tn|>-mjr »f |*itt»bnr>;h, Konrth street. _ O AMUEL L. MARSIIEI.I., Secretary Citi **>na’ Iwmranco .Company. HP ■ Secretary•~NVe g t«*rn ln»ur- J • III) Fire Iliiirlu!.-.. CoWHm y.^ jJ TUitJ sprout*. P A. MADEIRA, Agent fur Delaware # Muliul Insurant-* lii.. U Water .trevt. T"HOS. GRAHAM, Agent Howard Insur ance CoDipauv arul Pitttboruli I.U* luaurauc© Cutnjuiny, curuer Water *uJ Uarket atreifts. rniios. J. HUNTER, Agent Farmers' and JL’Mccbanha* WW»t*rstr«t. _ . . JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent Continental Inmraaw Co., Fiftti »trout. tq DEXTER, Agent Grent West era Irumnuicu Co., 07 k'ruut atrwt. turar. babsuiu _ W»H I*«P*r WtrthooM. Walter p. marshall & co., im* bcrtir* ao.l iMtlrrm. S.iiHADBSwKIDLINDa,MATTRASSK^OOMPOKTHj CORIIIOKB, Ac. Particnlnr attention l>aid to Htoami-oal wortr. Carpeti fitted and laid to ordWi«rul S,6d»ofot Wfluand I’tmta. Arrow Warfhoosp-Not. 18 & 10 Smith field 81., STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—We »r» ci-oatautly majintieturlm: BTKAMBOAT CAOTN VURMTUILH and CHAIRS, and in*lU> *»>" attenll&nof lh 2SiatS t " 1W “"' t.B.vorao*qa JAJMKfI W. WOODWKLL, C'AMXKT yURXITUItE MA XUFA CTVB HR Nos, 97 &. 99 Third St., Pittsburgh. : JW W RESPECTFULLY INFORMS . hi* fiiemM andcuMoroer., tl.nt he bo-Jiut emupWed bU «.,rk of Furniture. wldch Mecidedly thoUrgcst and bet «tr otf“r.Hl f u r«!o In ihl.Hty. An be i.det.-nnlncl U. u - bold bh Ktor-b. with wa*™*! nwterfciU, •nd newcatd*»iKaa; itud from tlio extent of bid orders and facility In m*nn(ac«nring. be la enabled to produco warrant* «d fc’IIRN’ITCRC at tbe lowest price*. ir« trana at wan on band tbo groatem variety of every dMerlpttonof fnroHnre, from theebeapra aad pUJoeat, to u“ .Ict.ut .tid ‘hjqi. boo», i.r .nj ofoWH to «*!■ m.nnhrt.itol '•gjj"!' to order. _ DR R T. FORD still continues hia new VEUKTABLR PRACTICK. Ilia oOlce, West end irlranla Arenne, (Fourth Street U.« 4,) Kail end o Diamond atreet, Plttaborgb, Pa- Ilia unlimited snecesa in Acute and Ohronio Dlaaaae* can not be equaled in any of the ine-lical TVR O'BrUEN CAN BK CONSULTED | I .t Dr.BmUb , i,corner Fifth KnJSDAYS, WEDNK?DAYB nthl SATURDAY?,from lUlo 1 on Ibo Brownsville Road. Je23:l)rd* GOULFSPATENT SPRING BED-ffav inzparcUued tb# wclmlto right to a.ll -QoqU’* Patent Spring Bed," In th® county of Allego®* cbMo*/ow priced, chtap anddimiblfSpnng Did. W' "®“ ax&mioe them at onr Wujbeuao-TteJ mt bcdfcUad totlremoTwl llierelftm it pltMnra- cw*o> tStTSSiS, lumlilvd *lU*U*i* •“?**,* I”T !°* T. B. lOUf.-O*CO-MBal’lHWll Ql' VDRIF.S—-00 tibia, choice Apples: OOO boxet W. R. Cheeee; 10 bbli. Roll Butter; 90 “ tclld packed Better, ilSalzeluco, 251 Liberty etrert. lueLor«M»l f*>f * fcl ® TNMX'EHBBER BELTING.—B 42 ft. of I *> 3 », sl | 4f»l*Oxlci,fKanlto2olnchoiinwUth t>r RCsiESlorlSsB nt •StrtiowrrWtrdJTOM cor .-Market andrtistet*, U, RrDDLK. _ i Spwial iloticcg. pttslm-gl) ! oSKHSfflStegilE3 1 i«m tl» Alk* r jSm, C ! t ££2 PUBLISHED DAILY AND WWW BY s A a 0., " -k- _■■ ■ ■ JMUIBII ■I TV Firm «**»• «OT* «m*niu>. . «-J7IA DAliraApETTKilOudA'Xt •V™_?”P' r '” «' ojmtndoamaitiio dw. S'SSSjSjs «»*» <• S-raEKBO? OJtZHTTE Ii (uotl nvr» BM» r i,fS S„rJoy, on i loro- Wonirl iteluJ ■" addition to IA. n.w» o/ tD " I, a c^itUs / rrrp “l~,.nt .',ll ~* n^.» . jfjrfrw*. cOTmDTddlurtu manrtory <*/• ■ \&tpapn‘-w*i*9 * lUf U,t Q }mmerria! A t * ol P i, T* r '" ; ffrjf. .JjLHO U. CRUSH ptu.y—nit Dollar* per annora, payable Li ailranre, or cral* per weefc, to tlin Carrier*. WKf&l.Y—rwo Dollar*. P«r annum, payable lu niraurp. Club* are furnished tnofullowloi l*nK , =, IWnr rople* on# ytar—~ * "ju m) * 20 oo And cu«« ti> the w*t«on RdOn* uj. Ijieclub frw. «S-Ad*ann. payment* areWrlclijr reMlnd. and uo J»- po ~ill b* lent after tho time »np to vliMi U paid Hate* of AdvcrOtlnK* 1 Square of 10 llnM, 1 tlnir -- 1 * “ ; - « .. s - 4o s > ; : :: i"? 11 * { .. « « 0j- ~»w Yeai ly admtUer* arc to une equariscbaujp ablaut pleasure, par «« “i^-»s“c J a«»lr»»«Uv While favoring somo modifications oT the l cur rency .system, and especially the abolition of small notes, so far as il can constitutionally be done, the Governor yet looks lo the Federal Government as the proper power to furnish an effectual remedy. Ho says be “cannot doubt the power of the National Legislature to pro hibit the circulation as money of ony substi tutes for coin.” He thinks the exercise of this power, in the prohibition j)f small bank poles, “would be wise and salutary.” He accordingly regrets Ihe “cannot do much’’ position of the President on this subject, and regards “the issue by the General Government of a large ad dition lo the mass of paper currency in the form nf treasury uotes,” as no favorable indication lu respect to such reform. Ilosuggests a whole some reminder on tho subject lo our Senators and Representatives In Congress in the shape of instructions^' • The message (hen gives particulars of the great linnsLis-Gtßsop defalcation, and of iheproceed ings had with reference thereto. The Governor think* no candid person can question the justice of the conclusion arrived at by .Mr. Thomas Si-achom, “that JonsG. Übkslin abstracted the money from the Treasury, and that William H. Gtusov, by concealing tho defalcation and deny ing its existence, disregarded (ruth and hlssworn official duly. ' Pursuant to the conclusions of this report, the Prosecuting Attorney was called oo to bring the case before the Grand Jury, who indicted both these e.\-Treasurers. Gibson gave bail: tied to Canada, and conld not be reclaimed, since iho terms of the Ashburton treaty were not such ns to entitle the GoTtnjmßnt to demand-his extradition.' CUfl anils, on Itieir official bonds, have also been instituted against both offenders, on the trial of which “it is hoped that dome further light may be thrown upon tho ii.-efl made of the money abstracted from the Treasury, and that a considerable portion of it, nt least, mny be recovered.” The method of raising money to meet the July interest on (he State debt, is then detailed. An arrangemeul with the Trust t’ompany, in accom plishing this purpose, “resulted in unforeseen advantage to the State,” by creating a debt to the Compvny more than equalling dues from the latter which frould otherwise have been lott.-- Further measures for the protection op the Treasury arc recommended, and a neaftJWJ> proach lo the independent treasury V - 1., At the close of the fisciOjyear 1R54-9J liibiui.L. ijv an available balancwJl££lo.V»"O 80, os reported ] by the was a real deficit of sWoSSOfI:’ In addition to this deficit, there 'irtre debts contracted in 1850, “the greater por tion without warrant of law," to the amount of $039,065 75. Adding the two former sums, which show the aggregate of losses through failed banks and bankers, and of sums retained for exchange and unlawfully abstracted, the Amiiimt of ln« l« .........$803,004 .*• Add the amount, rrt*lnwd as «*< lungr'l for January tnt«Trst#, 155 C....... AN., tin' amount <>( drlttn-'f uupUd KTETSSBOK. it Jur r.-jiw aptjolßtrq). .JOSIPO & UO4OES jfurnitutr, Haitians. TEBISRi Tlit- total amount U. This immense deficit may he set down as the parting legacy of the Democratic State Admin istraliuti to its Uepublican successors. The subsequent financial movements and detail arc carefully given, down to Nov, 15, 1867. trom the statement* it appear* that the expenses of 1850-0, and 1860-7, have been met from the rev enue of those years without the aid of any bal ance from the year 1864-5: and that an actual deficit of cash means at the close of that year of $99,4.73 90, has been supplied, and debts con tracted in 1854*5*t0 the amount of $519,005 75, have boen paid, with no means derived from : that year, except $141,098 09, from bank taxes and the Dayton Bank deposit. Bat for the de falcation, notwithstanding the extra expenses of organising the Farm Sohoolond the Asylum for Idiots, the Governor thinks the means in the Treasury would have been ample to meet all demands, including the debt* of 1856. Or, if there had been none of these illegally contract ed debts, the defalcation would not have caused any sensible embarrassment. Both these com bined wore too much to get along with. There is now a balance unprovided for of about $350,000. An increased tax of half a mill on the dollar will meet this burden, and it is deemed the best method of doing so. Tables showing tho taxable property valua tion for the years 1855,’G and'7, are given, together wkh the amount of the several taxes during those years. A modification of tho law, BO os to provide for the assessment of property employed in banking equally with other prop erly is recommended. A semi-annual collec tion of is also urged, The t'» " ,r '"nlVlii. jl:0 _ . Orncc or tmx Pm*rß«» a* l ’ T , Ecv 1 *V fl 1 Pittsburgh, December 21, • 1 rrs-TIIE Annual meeting of the block- UiSp bolder* of the PUUburgh end Btool«cnTiUo Rail Road Com Mar will be bold at tbe Office of the'Company U4,Tobrth«r*at PUliborgb, on MONDAY the 11th day of JANUARY, ISSB, between the boor* of ° c !"f k K £ t & »nd l o’clock P. M„ at which time and place an KlecUon will behold for a ProaUent and twelfe Director*, towrte lor “*§S5”“ r MMnnfßTesmasnoßW,W._ i>iviD»ab. Cmnss* I*rsnisci Comuyr. i Pittibanrh, Dec, 18,1857 f _ President nnd Directors of th» Company bare thl* day declared a Dividend of Dollar* per A are jpou the Capitol; Tlirco Dollar* payabj* to the Stockholder* of their leipU rc P r^*° taliT ®f?" ao'd after Tbnreday the 21th ‘«t ? ud Three Ddlare credit to their Stock, (deltebcatt) BAMUEt. L.MUtSITELL. Ome* Mososcamu Navroatios Owtaxt; 1 Pittsburgh. Dec. Xt.ISSI i TO STOOKuOLDEBS.-The on nnat mating of the rtockholderaoftheMonopgahelr Navigation Company, will b« held at the pany. No. 75 Grant atraot, In tba city of Pittsburgh on THURSDAY, tin* 14th day of January, IMS, (a* rwinlrod by law) at *J o’clock P.M.. The election for officers of tba Company for tba pinning year, will 1.0 held between the “„,,r;ol'i“'l 3 P. M. WILUAM baK EWELL, *S,. BUREAU. —AN EX PEP.IKNCED EDITOR, a successful Author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary will; twenty fire year* of the drudgery of Dally Journalism, ha« deter mined to hire out or aell bU brains at retail, to those who may require their services, In any honorable way. Merchants, BiislnesaMen, Inventors, and dealers or every kind will be supplied, off hand, with AdTertlsemonfn, (po etical nr otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Clrrolara, or any "po cim of article desired. _ _ _ Politicians will be supplied with gpcechna, .Reports, Rea olullon*. Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Articles, Communications, and every other sort or Brain wort, Which they may find In Inconvenient or troublesome to do for themselves. , . Ladic'saud.GeqUotnen, of t-tcry rank in society or occu pation 1n llfrt, can bar* Letters written on any subject, whether bnslhou or sentimental. The advertiser will oLsorandort or translate Correapon ilmceof every kind, either English, French, Bpanlsh, Oer- Acrostic* for Issdles' Albums, Notes, Billet-doux, Monodies, and Cooipoaltiomi of the most dellcatoand confi dential cbaraetef.lnddcntM every possible circumstance or event in Itfe, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by trriHn E l- , towing Work* In b new and magnificent tty l«. < Dr. Livingston's Tratel* in Africa, calf— lUoitrated. , The Puew of the IGlh Century. full calf—illustrated Barth's TraveU in Africa, - voi*. s *»>. Strong* Harmony and Exposition -■! iloepeU, aut.s6,tw. Standard English and AmeHran Pool* 8 to. aut 1 ict Nation*! Magarlne 1U voU. rslt fin# taper. Mathew Henry'* Commentary, full calf. Fuinilv Bible*. In Velvet and Gold, $6O, and Morocco s.*»>, Prayer Docks, the fineat editions at redared price*. Album*. Morocco and I'tnler Macho, binding*. L P.wtfnll.w.fln- fllnslrated Juvenile*. with colored plate*. The lni«*t Mi-ollanuniwi Works in plaiu binding* for sal* 1 J. L. READ, { j e oj Fonrth strove. VEARS.-Dupii- II cute supplies of un« of the moat popular Holiday liouk*. Late tones ol A. S. S. Union Tract Sedate, and received thii wfc. A fine assortment of Bibles TMUna of David, Presbyterian P«*lin» and Hymn*, Premium Book*, Reward Card*, Ac., lor School*. Paper DoU* 7 Noe, Furniture, Roy* delight, *0- fresh nppllea. A lew choice article* far v ew Year*’ Present*, third «nppty of Livingstone * Africa at the Book Store of K. C. COCHRANE, {jp-a • Federal street, Allegheny. I “JUNE PRESENTATION BOOKS atKAV . A CO'S. C-'» Wood itreet Ock-pm'. Works, uniform ed., halt calt antique, •»! »o!k Irving'* '• “ .. Ik. Life nf Washington v extra. * " PUakspesre, cabinet ed s Edgar A. Poe’s Work*. * [' S'octt s Ambrneianae, ’* •* Bancroft’* United States. full calf, antique, o *• The Slodero BritUb Essayists, lialf calf, antique, 8 ' The Ancient •* •• edited by Chalmers, is - The Ladle* Historical 1 ihrary, half Turkey, H Cooper’* Sea Tales, '* “ '' Appleton’s BritUb Poete,edited by Gilflllan. full cal!. Perry'* Japan Expedition, halt cal( 1 *»>•, royal ( Apple too'* Cyclopedia of Biography ■; " Together with a large assortment .»f flue editions of the Poets lu every variety of style and binding. Finely bound Family and Pocket Bible*. Prayer Books aud Hymn Books. "'We invite epedal attention toour large stock of Juvenile*, Toy Books, Linen Toys and Game*. Writing Desks, Tort FoUos,Backgamu»t»u Boards, Albums, Ac. . up KAV A CO., 65 Wood street. TVfEW" BOOKS AND FRESH SUPPLIES. \\ Poets of loth CfUturj, 'lovable Toyr, Randolph’* Va ircr Koruittir* and hot* to make It al*o. bis Paper l>oll Fam ily, ONoa.: Parton’iLifeof Aaron Burn The Book of Job, Illustrated: City of tba Great Kinjf. CUia Howard, or Heart tin- Uumwh and Abiding; Here ami IJereaf --“f M «..Uvr»J Krk*/id*,.s Lecl ut iii on the tf&Tltly Ul lAt* fCVjQ » ‘ ' , _ mcntary on the Psalm*. by author ofPllftVn*—_ . ifj >t» tbe Gmpoli; Mr*. Browning’* Poetry,newed, BineaxnlGold, ti role Moorish* Reign, by Her. Or. Uanuey; Dr. Eobhwoa’i Palestine or Rwmrchr* in 1858 End ’52. S toU and maf* Our Christian Clonic*, by Dr. Hamilton; UrlsgjrtODe** Atti ca, cloth and boIT calft Barth’* Africa, 2 toU; Word* and Mind of Je*n«; Memories of Bethany; Too Great Biography, by Dr. Hamilton; Churchman’* Diary for ’iS; Headley \ b car*. Hr. Alexander** Plain • Word* for VoufSg Oommunb cuit* Holiday Boot* of all kind* for young and oldfor sale ‘by Jal J.&DAVISON, Cl Market •Unear*Hi 1 _ ‘IARiES AND ALMANACS FOR ljBsB. —Blank Book* of *ll kind* on hand, or made to order, a fall supply of Writing Paper,Counting Hon** Stationary, Article* of Agreement, Deed*, Mortgage* and Alderonu’* Blank*, Ibatk-Bindlug and I’riuUug, " ’ E. C. COCHRANE, * Allegheny. i«6 npift GREAT WORK Ob' TUK AGE.— Dr. X LIVINGSTONE'S JOURNALS.—Just ready, with two Map« by Arrowsmilli, a Portrait on Steel, and unoirroas Illustrations, 1 ruL B to. Price $3.— Missionary Travel* and lUoicarchc* in Booth Africa, Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years’ Resideur,* in the interior of Africa, anal A Journey from the Capo o(,0ood Hopo to Loando, on tho West Coast; .thence acruM the Continent, dinru the River ZamtsNii. to tbo Eastern Ocean. By David Livingstone, 1,1,. U, I) V C. L. narner A Dro»„ N. Y- for tale by dtl4 E. C. OOCBRAXR Allegheny. D"K.' LIVINGSTONE'S AFRICA.-sth supply In Cloth and half CalfJuU received by J. S. DA*llfvN, ,| c -v; 61 Market St. BARTH’S AFRICA.-FiratandSecond Yol* JoatracolTed by JOHN S. DAVISON. 0b23 Cl Market St. Holiday books for new "years: —For Old and Young and all Libraries, tome *tlll lefl ior Now Years’ Prr*-nt». Fraab sopplloa expected daily at DAVISON’S Book-Store, ,j 0 2S 61 Market St. JUST PUBLISHED AND RECEIVED A'l KAY A CO, 65 Wood street, LIVINGSTONE'S TRAVELS In SOUTH AFRICA. Missionary Travels and Researches In South Africa. In eluding a Sketch of Sixteen Years’ Residence in the Intrrlo of Africa and a Journey from the Cape Of (food llopo t Ixjamlo,an tho West Coast; thooce across the Contiurnl down tho River Zambesi to the Eastern Oceao. By Davi Livingstone, LL D- D. C.L, with Portraits; Maps by Ai rommith, and unmerons lllnstratlons. In 1 vol.Sro. del4 KAY * CO., 55 Wood street. SEVENTH EDITION— 24th Thousand!— Dr. PULTE'B Unrivallort and Unapproachable Homo*- opathlc Domestic Physician lias just undergone an entlrs and complete revision (hroflghont, and 1» now” published much enlarged in skeand improved in stylo of publication. Many and very Important discoveries have recently been mads in Homcsopathy, especially in the treatment of chil* dren—a sphere of modical action, particularly suited for d>* mcstic practice. Very Important additions and alterations hate bwn made in thn chapters >nthodiscaseeof women. Every family should purchase tbo new edition in order to secure the important Improvements. 1 vol. Royal 12mo. 710 pagrs. Prlcos2. Poraaloby doll J. L. READ, 78 Fourth street. FEATHERS —U sacks on 6toomer Princess to arrive for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A 00. lENN. FLOUR—OO bbla. Gallntin Mills Extra Family on steamer PrlnCMs to onrlTe for sale by 1 ISAIAH DICKEY ft CO. f|VO PRINTERS.— 1 Stereotype Colendarsfor IR6B. Brass and Metallic Rules, Leads, Cats, Furniture. Colored and Black Printing Inks. Cards, cut Cards aad Paper of all kinds. WM. 0. JOUNBTON A CO, Printers, Stationers and Book-binders, de2o No. 67 Wood street. PEA M TS.—4O sfcs. just received and for ■ale by R. HUTCHISON. I TEMP.—IS bales Kentucky Hemp fa store TT sdJ fbr sale by 'ATWbLL,UCBAJCO, " ‘ -No. S Wpodstraef JFot ftalr or Kurt. EOB RENT.—A comfortablo two story; BrlefeDtreUinp, *Uhßaro*t>4aipnit six serfs of j ccUent Uni, oad near East Lllirrty, Fosrmioa mar b# ti*«l TO LET.—A 3 Story Uwt p eun itrett, between Hand and' Kent moderate to acnod truant, ani one*. For term* apply'to ALE. A COMFORTABLE'TWO STORY® Dwelling, situate aa Washington *»** {Jifl cbonr city, containing fit* rooms and ftnlsbod garret, r “SSf “ hIJ no, i-ivr,, TWELLINQ HOUSE TO j RENT. —That II eommodioos and weß finished DstaUnglfaua. No. 25 Sto street, now occupied by the subscriber. The boowtt la fin® order, end has all the mislern jM-fie-tomake itdoslrabl* for a family. Poysalon can ietadan y time otter the first of Slay. Apply»tKo. 42 nsxtn«reet,Jaa TOOtsintng 0 rooms, .good jard ~ul vZ&uSSfS&I. FOR SALE—A handsome City Reat-gg done®, No. 17 Federal atreet, near Wylie, with the JO. adJoiaingSTonnd planted with ahade tree* and grape «««•. lately occupied by the anlißcriber. Ala©, two Smalt Ilousea, fotir room* each,. and apace for a ttiWe In the rear of the above, with entrance *larcrj deairable property and aituated on a beautiful atreet. Apply to Poawsalon lit April. doMrlwd* Ohio Land for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale section ten, township 12, rung* 10, Burk coonty, “““"ft known as Section,” containing MO acre*. >*” sltustea three miles mot of MamiHon, on the State lending to Wooster, end within about two mflee of the Pitts bnrKhfpt. Wayne end Chicago lUilroad. The »ootb, esat lodnorth-east quarters nr* partly cleared and Improred-- the remainder la cotored with superior timber—*nd the whole is well watered by spring and stwmn— TUI section is considered tbo finest body of land in tl* coonty. It will bo sold ondlTfdrdor in qnartciwto «ut purchasers. To those who desire to latent In Utter opportunity li ran»ly offered. j R BTTEITZER, ocfifcdawtTT No. 101 4th street. PitUtourgb. FOK SALK OK . .—A Lot fronting W feet on Wyllo rtreet, near the corner of Chatham, extending back 120 feet to a 20 feet alley, ou which ia erod ed two elrgantly finished two etory how* with nine room* each. QoodflabUogaod other building*, which now rent# for ifclS a year. One of the handeomeit aitnatlonx in the city. Convenient to the Central Depot, Port Office yd Conrt Honje. Enqnlroat 277 Penn street. ja.tltd* OMALC COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR® O SALE OR RENT.—Cons Siting ofSO acr« utoatedJSaL iiJwcstmoreUnd County, within ifi mOea from CtartMra HUtkin on tbs Allegheny Valley Railroad, The Improve jasut* are, a good tram# boon, containing eight rooma m A fm/W m'u of Cmti'l 'Wnnder -0 "^■h«r .^rtlcUr. ™ I- tJ ON. B‘aM>WIM TOWNSHIP i’uXl land FOR SALi:. -I hare wxeuty-fis* Acre* ol fir>t elart »ud UAItDENISU YaND. aitnated Saw Mill linn V& mile* rrora tho city. Good improvement*. Urge cotuf'ur table Dwelling lloow. Frame Barn and all other neoessarv oat buildings Qne springs of water, joung orchard of boat grafted fruit trees in good bearing condition. The whole pier.’ in underlaid with Coal and ea«y of acceaa, and will be -old at a bargain If application hotaadafoanjt JAMES C. RICHER. de2.> Real R*Ule ami BUI Broker. N 0.65 sth *t. For' sale.— ft BomMMon. Sax. Co., 1500 each, J2i Sbrc AU«h.»7 “*”“'“^ LOOM , B * co. TfALUABLE PROPERTY IN ALLE V anOY CITY FORSALE.—We offer for aatt tba valuable House and Lot uow accuptod hy Dr. J. 11. Smith fronting 'A> feet on therostildeof the Diamond and extend ing i,ack W feet to a 10 foot alley. Tho hwweisconvemenUy arranged with extensive back building*, with a amaUotulayi the building could be so changed as to make a flnebuMneiw stand. Will be «old lowand term* very eaay. Applj to B. MeLAIN A SON’S tn 29 Real Estate Office, Fourth at. A’ FINE HOUSE on corner ot Market and Fiat for aide* in connection to an cqnal amount of Caah,ut 6 percent, interest, m be secured on Stock* or other approved eecurity. ... , , ■ , Alto, a good Coal Property on the Monongahela met, (3d pool) with a cash capital ofJ'JQ.OOO to work the mine*, secured on stock* nr improved rity property. D. MeLAIN A SON. Land For Sale. A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF ABOUT seventy acres within a mllo and a half ofTTaah* lsztuu. Pa_ lying betwen tbo National Bowl and the Hemp field ILK- A new frame bouse and other improvements hare teen made upou It. It la tbo best quality of Ida* (ton* land, and haa l-een under a high atate of cnUlvetkrti. It contain! aboot 15 am» of Timber, and llure « running Por flirtWer information enqnlre at tlila office. (aul7:tf XT ALU ABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR V SALE.—Tbo undersigned offers tor aale on Cavornble_ term*, a l are* number of building lota In tbe Bth Ward of the city. The lota front on Pennsylvania Avenue, vTataon, Forbea, Ufost, Maria, Vicroy and Bluff itrecta, are bet a few minute* walk from tbe Court Uonse and will be sold destrou* of aecnriog a convenient and bealtby location fora bona*. or wishing to purchase for speculation, ! tna part of the dty which rout continue ateadfly to Improve ; find It to their advantage to call upon the anbscrlber. 1 C. MAGEE, Att'y a* Uv, No. 104 Fifth street. COAL LAND FOR SALE.—The undersign 'd otfcr. Sir ■>:> OXE mJXDKED .nd FIfTT ACHES of OOAL LAND, aitnated on th® first pool,one of the most desirable locations on tb® Monongahela river. The attention of Iron men, Coal men, and capitalists u directed to this property, a* it Is believed tbe opportunity far profitable investment U such sals not often presented- Tbs terms ar® easy. Fult particulars may be obtained by letter or otherwise, by enquiring of . ~ ACSTIN LOOiUS 4 CO, stock and Noto Broker*, tp3 No. 02 Fourth Street. STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO, AT THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE EVERY THURSDAY EVENING.—Bank, Bridge, Insurance and Copper Stock, Bond aod Reel Ertate eold at pablic rale .. ,L U»S> H AUSTIN LOOMIS * CO. Note*. Draft* and Loan* on licnl Estate negotiated on r»Motu*bl« term* be AUSTIN LOOMIS AJX), ---- - -- -- ;, st.. -yote Brokers. B 2 Focrth ft. WASTED IRIBIEDIATEIIi Y»—-10,00 (TBPiOi i to engage in the sale of the mott popular selling Book! in America. Invalids, Mechanics, furmeri and Teach ers wishing to travel, will find thl« to bo a rery profitable and pleasant bualueaa, enabling them to soothe country, and make money at the same time. Agentaoowlntbe bus iness are clearing from $5OO to $1,500 per year. For fall particulars and a list of limits, address 11. KL. RULISON, Queen City Publishing House, Ul Main street. Cincinnati, Ohio; or, if Urine East, D. UCLISON, Phlladclphia. anlStlydairfcT Money Getting Raster!*! WANTED. —$8000 of good business or accommodation paper having from CO days to 6 mouths to mu in sums from $lOO to $2OOO. Apply at tbs uflics of uoltl B. M’LALN A BON. WANTED. —Agents wanted in every town and city In the United States. Endow two stamp and address »l*l7:w3n»*F A.U. SlDNEY.BostomMass. _ BEESWAX WANTED—The highest price J paid for Beeswax at D. L. FAHNESTOCK AKFB. BEEF BLADDERS WANTED—The high est price paid for Reef Bladders at noOO B. L. FAUNKSTOCK h CO’3. HORSE-SIIOER WANTED—A good Uorse-Sbocr, to go to tho country, can obtain steady employment and gvod wages by applying at THIS OFFICE Immediately. «24dtf WANTED— $7,000 in Pittsburgh and Al leghony Warrants. Also, Buslncsuor Accommoda tion Paper to amount 0r517,000, gilt edge, can bo discount •d at very redacts] rates. salt B.M’LAIN A BON. SA-MXJJCXj BRADLEY. Bins Lass. (Below the St. Clair Street Bridged Allegneny City, Penaa., KAXiiricnmxa or BRADLEY'S WOOLEN KNITTING Y^RX, Or every Color and Number. IS PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON •hart notice for every color or number of Yarns. Ear* ns been one of tlie original manufacturers of tho calebne ed •'Bradley Woolen Yarna/Ma connection trill* ray brother, Wm. Bradley, of Wheeling, I would respectfully solicit » ■bare of the orders far Yarns, as above. 49~Cuh paid for Sheep Skins and Wool. S~IAKCU AOENOY.—IIA VINO BEEN appointed Agent fur Pittsburgh, by ibe MADISON 8T ARCIICOMPANY, for the tale of their celebrated PEARL ffTAßCll,Bn«inmliiatlcmoi ear present rtoek, and which will be kepteonal to tbedemand. ATWELL, LEE A 00., mya ' No- * Woodstr— J' J. WOODS’ PEARL STARCH constant a ly on bnndxnd far sale by the undersigned. Fami lies may be am nred that thla auperior etarch will be ftmnd equal to anyoflhe more expensive forms of Oors Starch In nee, for making delicate Diane Mange, Puddlnn, or Cake. Be particnlar to eiuinlre for 44 Woods* Pearl Starch. 1 A. A. HARDY, anl4 corner First and Ferry atreetr. Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Wort* JNO. D. MATTHEWS, Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cotter, JOBBING COTLER, GRINDER, Ac.- Enina, Bdaeoraand Baton Ground, Ac,- Kai» Inserted: Table Knfrte Repaired, and < General J»bW»« 1 tended t« LOCKBMUH ASP BELL-pA^aEB, *o. 138 Smltbfl.ld S‘™«>££E£!£ai. o-rh..bor. era ilupßofan ods. tool, or do .or Wnd •* ra!,b ’™‘ ■wirTon ihort notleo, JytSflD /GROCERIES—I&o bags crime Green Rio '“MOtaSctaß vonn, nylon Te** 55 •* “ Gun powder do; 4j « it papered and loose Black Teas; 100 bxa. of the various standard brands Tobacco; 75 tibia. Grocers* Kew York Syrup; 25 44 Loverlng'e d« 90 “ • Eagle, Hew York, do; too 44 H.CiTar. SO 44 Winter Bleached Whale Oil; 20 44 Tuners'Oil, wio... «on»o«or.n °' b «^Yi> r n‘wo*TH f ndG - Wamiao and IS3 Second »«• WARDWABB. rAOVBL PABIBSTOCK, JVb. 74 Wood Strict. HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF nmriffm. which h* will sell rtty low to CASH. IQfc4dS^S)tisliOcJci,UiiwEnltwand TV H. PAIiIEB,Uo. lUsJaarket-gge« i BonDet*,ll*t*. Ptr«w .Wauaißn"" 6pJ«rOood»t»M»>Uy» - OLL HOTTER:—C btofl P"™ <¥^'* U> trrlTf tod for nl* trj ATWSLU «nT f^IIPIAKOS-fffhl PULL O.HAND PIAHOS tr~,i_ j TFTK PABLOR &SUjtNS>3’IANOS ™ ot to Stijlt- Squairpianos. liberty «tmt. Chioltflrlng & Sons, Boston,^ JU&T received from the Manufactory of Chicked ng & Rota, Beaton. the followib£‘d»*irabTs and elegant stock of.piano Form- On# FoU Seven Oct&re GRAND PIANOFORTE. with tnperbly taivisdease. Wa ■$ Qn#FuU Sevan Octave GRAND piano FORTE; «U -gant Rosewood caw. Price.. - On# NEW PAUL® GRAND SEVEN OCEITSPIANO. nearly equal in power to a fuli Grand, j«t ocenpy- Ing only tho room of an ordinary Sqoue Piano.— i SQUARE PIANOS. Tiro Tall Carved Bobewood Louis XTTth n*t*o Un Pianos, with carved desk and fret work. Twoßoaewood T Octane, Clifford ttyle. Two do 7 “ Oared aonlrilagi. Four do ‘ " Plain round corners. Three WalnatT ** Front round corners. Four do * Front round corners. Four Rosewood 6>* “ Front rotxsd corners. All the above are of the Ktw scitt/and with full Iron Frames, and new Patct? Action. .: .. . ■ Theso instruments have been finished specially wt the robocriber,aodaie the first that bate- been bronchi to this city Their superiority will beat once discovered by any one acquainted with the mechanism of a Piano Forte. v For Ml* at the new iynd reduced price Ustby •lOIIN H. MELLOR. JAS. M. BROWNS, Prrhanjf Bank. teflaltyg SolaAj Prince & co’s improved«£S» PATENT SfELODEGNS.—J7«e XiiaUitAount in the Vailed Slabs and ttef | F V 11 Largtil in-the Iftrfci. •• , , The latest Improvement In dor slelodeona is the DIVIDED SWELL, Secured to ns by LcdtotaPatant, 23d Slav, lKte Bj of thU swell SJomuao's may bepUyed with lfa£U P««; «r ortho Instrument, while the arocapattimeu t Irwft subdued. Hereafter f nUs!elodoot»a»debyuawiUbot<»r Disked with iliia Atta^nwnt •• WttUOlT EttUA fIUIOE. :• „ Agents for the tale of onr SWcdeom I ££ l 2j2s2?iS*l "“'■ , ‘SmTpßSoS*s>rs Cu and St Fulton street,-NewYork. CHARLOTTE BLUMHr. 11S Wood street, Sldoorabov# Fifth. .$ Manufacturers Agebt. gUPF.RB GRAND PlANO^*|ggj From tbe Factory of sTEiywAK- soys, .y<«. r«* 11. KLKBER A BRO.* take pleasure in annonnc [b" to the public that they harejart reerlredo- - npi-gVPTP FULL GBASP SUSP, From the Factory ot STEINWAY * SON% Scar York, *blcb for*xquljjteiwt*tnes»and elasticity of touch. aod • w*t tastefnl .and elegant «Xtarh>r SwoSSered tbffiuJi Grand Piano *rtr brought to IUI citr. The mechanism fto dovW*repeating «e*on, a patent *l loreMion of Etehmay k Eon*, which combine*with utmost promptness atnl delicacy of touch a degree of dnra- UUty but randy attained. Wo respectfully Invito thopuL lie. one and all, whether purchasers or not, to call and si-« thli uurleallod instrument. 11. KLBBKB s BItO., No. 63 Fifth street, gole Acta for Stelawar X Soti jf B.—Also. Just received rt frrehlot of Nunn* i Clark ■ PtaoM. _ r tha mano frctnreof IllmnlnatingGat ManyQeeOompanlet.wßos- In with coal, Id order to supply their costomerrwlthe on* l°/entirely free from all droa and reft* ant* and yield* at ©ace, it* Brilliant ElnmtoatiagUsa. The greater original eost of the apparataa tor the maon factor* of coal gas together with the attention expense constantly required, and the not; WpoHttiUlty. of entirely separating the unwholesome,' gbMrknt end : oSemlTa gases, generated in coal, render theBOSDi OIL APPARATUS cheaper anil more desirable In every way. i A COATES, of ST6 Broad aray. New Yark^haideTOfrdhls entire attention to tho manufacture and-saleof Portable QM : Apparatus, sad he respect Jhlly calls the attenttoQ-of the . public to his present complete and efficient machine. Perfect satisfaction to the pnrehaser guaranteed In «T«7 case. Por further Information address 8. 00ATE3, STS Broadway,' Nov \orlt; JyakSawdly or PA YIP IL WILLIA3B, Pittsburgh, Pa- OUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY.— Writing Ink, Inkstaml*, ..Psnd Boz«* and B*o-1, I/!«d P«ndli» Enl«rs, .Madlac*, Steel Pea*, Knal&f Bather. an Hats and Capa. _ JAMES WILSON is now receiving hi a rm FaU Style# of HATS AND GAPS, tte Oeoli n «L Flaxiblo Bilk Dre* Hat*, *ad Ladle** BWmgJUO! • Q«W Soft Ilat* oT Tarlona kinds—llungarlAn, PUnter, Artm/le-, Yonth'* and Children’* FincyEata apdCap«.Ui gre*i.TC» ety Gentlemen and Youth** Bilk Plush Caps, stzttjlet" - Painters* r. . "TT OUSFjTsD SKJN PAINTERS, M^^JSSJ^ffiSSSSSSggE CARD— In consequence of the financial de roopomeots ofthe toootr*,tho'rer/ gtoints&y trfttioo of bortne* iria:.£ tbwofnra, ooUtt&njfloohM H* ■t tbo Umo of tbo retool a IT- It S«g°f Barchfleie, lo tbo flno of Uorjihjr S: b» been umalled, and the. btjllom yHtjogggjff* fonoorlp, uniler the title of Jiul.pnr, ' j. *M. pCBCDTELIJ. FISH 7—50 bblfl. N0.,3 Largo Mackeral, lOObtft. . , 30 bblf. N* l 20 **• u ■ lobbli. prime Pickled Herriogt lCOhltt. kbit, WhllflSlib* • » ** - Trout, • ; 30 bbl*. * „ 3 " l "“ w “ o> ' w ,'^'&snrL» Groceries— -10 hbdi. Se» Bsor, W> bbls, ** . UoUmt, 30 ■; Golden Syrup, li “ Created ic., Iw, 100 lass Bio CcSee, Arriving ud tor sale by . delT JOB PRINTING.— OAUDS, CTRCTJLABB, BILL HEADS,"'J, •: BILLS LADIKO. - ’“Ski**: . ' HIAP3. A»J extcaled E«lly. *®a£*r»*2*‘»* joS *COv • dd« Prijun. t)ln^FT * ttll^Bateaea ' '• OPRAP Composition nod MetolUtt Uuno :l ; . Ct c hhEPrteeSagtlr,landiag&oniEteower zOv irnhaeg. *nd Bit»rofe <&a terttfaby*- , 3jLyß3 OABPIKZg.. HOPS— lObaleaWcstern Hops Just receiv «d tzsd fur ml* lcnr by - ' Vr'-BiXBSCn, Y aii ..... So. S BpUhflridgtrggU- SPRINGBEDS— We ore picrfrtnmwfaetur tad witUa* u Oculd’« Fztsat Spring %t& x Jor m priCßQf t&,~ftr«altby (delft) T. B. ¥0175(3 A CO- TNDIA BUBBER STEAM PACKING*??. 1 £>7£ Ite.fU!irfczullQzeO, : l!ram^ttflla^laP>tca&ar,’ Musical, From the MaanWtoryof Mo. SI Wood Street tot tor Puckering A ft>M. BoMoa. STEIN WAY A SONS, iHtscellaiuous. ~ - ti;:a AM. ARTTCMHI OP STATIOSIRT, wjl a. JonssTON a co. Stationer*, &7 Wood St. :h. Oct. 2*. U57.~-ooS WAIT * WUfiOJi, y». 3£3liberty a*.