~T-= —r t PIXTSBtTBCJH: I c^QßaySo^ TBX-CllTj^ i Newii and.Neighborhood. SEW TEAR’S lITMJf. r*£W. “CT; MCKOIIUt. *CW oat. wiLl boll* to th* RiU okjr,. - Tb« Dying eloha, tho light:. The yoaritfjjlssln tin nighl; iiißgoQt,wjii>eUi«, aodlelUJmiJl*- r oot Utt'oiX ring in (lie mv, • Hrng,’ h*Maf belH atfro« (ho «anw: , TH*j|«&folng, totldto g«. rtQg la (betrue. lUuf unt that Mp* ibomtad, Tor hen vu.tetroo more; n ...Rlpgouttt# fend.ef rich and pavr, Ring lu redraw toll! thalofclad. Slßgontailiwly Jjlng cauw, Aod forms orpsrtysXrife; tUnglQ.tb« nobler i&edM uTlifr, purer Un. Ring oat lb* out, the ran, the jin, ThefitUblasacoldaMs ofUie Uuirr,.- - King'ppt. ring otir my mbarufal ii«YWi lint riog ibe (taller mlsstfvt in. Klug«utW**Pti r - The'COse is., now concluded, and ho may re mark without prejudice:™ any one, that the tlu *r tie? of the officers .of the law.and the full object •-* for which all laws are enacted will not he ai- , tainedunlesstho rod nTjuslico isbrought down . . j Strong andfuttuponlhe backs of a few rascals .<** i. who luiveiiiCeatedlhia community. .-liook-oi tho 1 eriUeaco iatUiTciae ' testimony stands, •; - and-will slaod,be Uieverdict of the jury wh(U j •_ It toay, that ImlzcarrieU on-open «barp*bladeetanceof Uda ' " V..V u hl I / oe eedi £! £> and the sooner the whole kit '; is tootoa .onV .to the last fibre, and.'caused to : ; mthdraw oncsiondforaUifrom the presence of ;• f peacefulioeiely;the better. ! '' ' r r- B t ai:4 ' tniting-the'&i‘jve,.snd ot about 6 i o.clock, the jnry catue into Gourt which hod I conrened for. the purpose, and rendered a ver- I Jiet pf;' , <7u»jMi/ Shuler in the grit D/grtr" • the Ln*;. iThc jury was ■jelled,, and each one.for-himself answered as asare. 8b said; each ami so said they all It • la well ; justice is vindicated. - v-Uibb ICidfaßHtv’s Theater.—The entertain* .laments for this-afternoon and evening at the above establishment are remarkably fine. Miss j's-if Kimberly is commencing the new year iu o’ t* spirited manner. - She not only gives a magoifi* entertainment, bat lavishes presents pro lyl fusely among the* yolmger portion of the audi y' ence. Thlsifl an idea we like; it is hospitable, V it iigeneroaz, and.falls in with the genial ua wre.of-the«ccasicn> engendering a mutuality of kindly feeling that cannot bat he productive of .. g00d... In the- evcnlog.anolher. great attraction - fs offered in the revival of the sterling and gcn~ ' ■ ninely humorous comedy called the “Serious '> -Family'/Janew Tableau, allegorizing the “Old / and thb’.jSew Year;” os a cnlminatlon, the pro* doctioe. of the showy, spectacular, pantomimic epeaklng drama,.in which Miss Turnbull enJ&pes a number of distinct- characters,; called - * tfce»Freneb Spy ” This is an immense bill. ' Go and see it. .TfißliKCTtrss.—.We trust that our citizens will ’act forget the lecture of lion. Mr. Phillips epecemin of a Treasury Note issued by LoagrwjJu lt is a tare dirty piece of paper, stamped as good foe SBO. Tbo mechao icaloxecution of the bill is very bad, and the Congress never found the means tb take it up a! its Cash value. The ‘'hard money parly” are ‘jost lstsuing a new batch of Treasury Notes ’ what*with the war In Utah, and the extension of slavery into Kansas by. force of arms it would’nt be uprising if these notes issued by the “hard money" partyy were, in time, of os small value os tbisreg. • ’ Posfr Offict MiTTcas.—The following an nouncements are made by the Post Master General; , Re-establish office atßawyemille, Butler co , | Fa., and appoint John Kelly postmaster. ■ Appointments—Hetty A. Keatler postmaster atStrattcnsviUe,Clarion co., Pa,, vice Hugh Migmre,;resigned. _ , Thepost.office at Sand Pilch Tunnel,' jsmper 't is discontinued/.; r ,' f ■ .ihfjmww; in the lnnl asan of iis paper, the S!attonenj t fajs: ; -- “Edilpra do not ofitu receive Christines peer. bnl lilaiyeak Wrecelrel one whicli gate *««!! jteunre Uiat 11 deserter apnblie “S S*” 5 ? 1 -'’ m a I»rge. aiid be&ilfdi ?Tr.BkP« ■ the ‘ 6»gU>" Ci‘;*ttjuilla in - work cm S#;. Tl “” '-omuha greal 'K .d«^)P7l ; bf : lthe' < coUc¥be-' form of; oaeiof.oor travelllsg partyi iho'one who, at our starting', seemed the; haleat add strongest‘of us ®?**rour, belojedjjnd.. venerable Bishop Simpson, j. .As yet wa hardlyknow the exactMiature of his Bluess/hufr sftiquslyfear thaV he ja threat--; a .h]UguSi.ffnrcK ..He was jaomewhat jodisposed.on .the voyage betwecnßhodes and Cypress; "but-regarded a himseir'ahle‘ to .flhor^atJlhe4a£ler , fsliwd...''%wcely had-ho left I the however;: which conveyed him'from ; the when lie was compelled' to return, and “during alllhe silver'nighl,” aboyc;spobcn of.hegrcw Tspidlyworse. •- On arriving here the' tnornfng we'procured.tbeittttendahce D *. Dr.,.Vaiidyhe f one of the missionaries here, as soon os possibles Thanks 10-bis'kind-offices, “ e bwhopxiraa speedily traiiaferred to a nice hotel-lodged in a clean quiet; bed, andserred with proper medicines. Under his* care he yet remains.” •*••-■ A postctipl lo (be teller, however, written four' twys later, gives the gratifying information that the crisis was pasl; thol the-feverish syrupfoms had abated;'and that the venerable Bishop might i»e counted convalescent.--^* Bustsess Citakges.— Thai well known mer chant, Gbobok Wkywan, Esq, has associated with him, his- sod, and they will continue busi ness at the old stand, under the stylo of-WV, - 5tA-v & Sow. See their notice under the head of “Business Changes.” Another! Dr. Geo. W. Weymas has pur cfaasedrtbe Drag Store of Bekj. Paob, Jr £ Co Dr. Wetuan is a practical chemist, of much sludysnd experience. See advertisement. - Another.— I Th£ well known firm of Wilson, Cufins & Co., dry goods, expired yesterday by limitation. Mr. Chubs retires, and the remain log partners, Messrs. Wilson & Cabb, have taken in Sir. Win. Payne. The style of the new firm thus formed will be henceforth Wllsun, Paynk'A; Co. They will soon remove to Bisacit’s splendid new.bnlhjing, just.completed. in Wood street, below Fifth. Another:—H.'L. Ringwalt, Esq . has with drawn from tho old firm doing business under the name of Curling, Robertson & Co. The business of the Fort Pitt glass-works will be car ried on hereafter as heretofore by the remaining >artoers, Messrs. Curling, Robertson and Jitbripoe, under the same name and‘style as before the withdrawal above noted. Charities.—We were in tho rooms of the l’oung Men's Christian Association on Thurs day morning. .Quite a number of persona of both sexes were present waiting for their orders for fuel We wore informed by Mr. Brooks who was filling out orders, that in the 14 days end jpgon that morning, they had given away uuou bushels of coal, equal to So 7 bushels per dieoi. This has dispensed a vast de*l of comfort. when the bitter frost. _, , ■— r nnikMiW'A, low h Ulcy Jfaw m V n °- t 1,0 The Sons of Malta ore to give oot Iwo Ihoti'- sand loaves of bread from the Mayor’s oflice, to-day,-between the ,hours of nine and twelve o’clock, (o those who need it. They will find customers. Boot's Coin.— A fiood of bogus quarter and half dollar coins has been opened* upon -this community within a short time,- and some of them so well executed as to deceirc even the brokers, except on a very close examination. We mention this lo.put.-honesr people onthfir guard. Mr. Dubois' Benefit.—Mr s. c. Dubois taken a benefit on Saturday evening lie j.re sents a good deserves a good benefit. Iq>bis profession^ e is mnch esteemed, aud in private life baa many, friends. Thin is a good chance for the latter (o *how ihe snbsinniiat character of their regard: We Learn that the' Republican delegates from South Fayette- township will upgo upon the Convention next Wotltfesdby'(he nomination of Mr. George Dickson of tlliu township, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon J l: Backhouse. Oysters. —A”vcry fi? e quality of oysters can be bought at the Old* Dominion Oyster House, corner Hand and Liberty streets. Those wishing the article in shell or con, will do well to call. Lakeaod Enstcrn Gsli juif rcccived’and for sale. Sec odYem?eu»eiw. Ma. Foster offers splendid bills at the Qaic lies to-day. Those 4»bo have not yet eocq Mrs. Farrcn aiftl her daughter should improve* This opportunity. A named Joseph Davidson died at the Mayor's morning, from the ef twis «f ardent spirit a..’ ? Tinl was exceedingly fickle, varying from rain to cold through all theyarious moods ot tempest, shtnv ; squtill and onuslune' Rggsebolb Words:—Tblschoiee Monffily is on our i&ble agjiixL Jta lablb of contents is ex cexungly-richha’ opmuieadat too from U J Xhis^beinjftlij* Jatraafy number, sad sup. tn ate at liberty to imp this a* rou **e fit... Yours, ic, \Y3t. 0. NETTLE. Tbs above isaeimplo of ceftlCratos daily rtvclvc J by.Uu |in>j-ri«t.-irs. flcraldg Bros,'of .M’Lanp** Celebrated Vthui fnjro and Livrr nils. We think wo are *,y* in saying they are lb* most reliable ttid popdlar remedies’ol the day. . willbecarofnl (oash for DR. CELEBRATED TEUMmJUE; manufactured Ly FI.KMINO BROS, of PmsoPEUD, Pi. All other Veniilfugus lu ouiupv* i*ou ar* worthless. Dr. M’Larie’s Vermifuge, alto lii» cclr brated Liver I‘ilJs;can now >«'had at all rcM>oet«Mßa)i tiy eton-a. Non# fmteitirvHl&iriit tht tignatutt of d«2W*wiwT fduhnq nsos. ■ RAPID BUMlfilkHS WRITING, Tit.'QTTT TTTTii TTTE BEST SUCOF.’ 3 .' I IV TUB fthieb bat tript* ih* number-af SBudcnU of any tinila* iV ALEX,COWLEY, oneof the mostfintsii* r> *d and aeaempllthM t**ebert and writers of tboag*. As an iadispatab!**vMet>c* hwt this twaaoti alone been awarded EighUNnl t#i( his work baring actually l\n'nrnf -Ink, tod not|SbgnTMOr Lithographed y a* iuHlio can* of eooi» cOurt daiming xrremumt. • JTvnht ft* Vrntlog,Urn*, unlimited, * 410 For full Oommfcrtiarnwrae, tJm« unlimited,.;.?;....;.. -35 ’> i For partleatard, apectmanx of writing, atod circular ad dxtm - - w. W. JENKINS, • ocia - • • • •-• •• i- <• • Pittsburgh.-Prnna. >voß«isi.»;oßnHii ,wojmBtir . A YkES'-. WORM - CONFECT lON, ii the ol mditeOefcat Worm ■ BefnMy'uf tbe‘ ; d*y.' -Pareoti health ortUHrObfldmi-shAald procaro oaoto^.“ltd* J warranted ‘not oDTy r eftkfirtit but entirely hamlr*t,eofdby and foraaU Wbownlc and r«airattliß'Drngwor»of ..V , »’V i ..-..»JO!IN;TIAn7.m; • ’ d*2S Cofner<‘fyoddand-Cth ttrret.'' »: APPLES—2£> f bbla. 1 . of aa extra. Vjr qaali'y toraalo by , • rSIIENRY ILCOI.LIhF^; . -• 11. tnt^ H*b SupeySpe Mijr;iV ''■f-.-.-r Ho ' ’ do; cvi ,’ fiO .do d* Famfly do; 60 sacks Borlnriteal ' du; JoKre«lT*d *ml foc wU* by y BiTlObEaN * Ctk> : tiinf^ rived hero with' fJohn ‘.Tahir;idftbr or tho'EUKfci-- ragoanese,. passenger,-, who. has.- consented to open the meeting for to-morrow evening with a history of the capture of Walker,’ and presenting following oyents.;; The indignation is increasing. Somo favor reinforcing Anderson, in spite of the government, -with over a thousond stand of arms. One thousand men arc willing to undertake it. St. Loiis, Doc. Hl.—The RrpvUicnn learns from a gcnllemim who left Kansas on Saturday iast, that the Lawrence Convention adjourned without making any nominations. The mntter isnol regarded as disposed of however, and the nomination of a tickeL before the election is deemed probable. St.Looik, Doc. Sl.—The river is stationary with 7 t/TU'er-t water to-Cairo. The Missouri and Uli nois arc low with much ice. The Upper Mississippi .is Still falling, with considerable ice above Dubuque to Alton. Thero was a heavy frost last night: weath er cloudy and cool. NV.n V'»hk, Dec. 31.—Cotton: sales <>f duo balc.-d declining: Uplands Bs@fl. Flour firm; 9iot> bbls sold. Wheat dull. Corn firm; 11,100 bushels sold. Provisions dull. Stocks firm; Chicago A Rock Island 72; lUinuis*Cuntral S#}; Michigan Southern 10}: Michigan Contra! 63; Erie 1«- Cb-velnml \ Toledo -12. I»ktuuit, Dec. .11. — Mr. liuyfoote, President of the Farmer’s A Mc-hafJic's Hank, oT this city, was found dend in his bed this morning. The weather is moderate; there was a little snow. The river is free from ice. t. utt'ACo. Due. 31. Intelligence was received tu luu city, lust night, ul the loss of <1 largo Calling bwal, off Little SuuLlu: the crew. consi-MiuSxd time wi-rv jll **«» . Tclcgriphlr Markets, \ Piii Liii;■ i.i’Hii, Dev. 31. Bii.-iaca" aLout sua 1-OL.Jed to-day. Flour market very dull, notwitlf standing the favorable icnor of the Arago's advices: suies MJO blls. at ss.for extra, and for a lot of Kentucky extra family; supcrGne can be bad at SL7 j, which is a further decline. Rye Flour dull >*t $«. Corn Meal Grm at $3 for print®. Wheat searru, and commands $1,12(3)1,13; a lot of choiro Tonne?«eu and Kentucky sold at for red, and $1,30 for superior white. Bye wanted at 70 cents. Corn scarce, and new yellow readily commands 63 (a Oats steady at _Xo change in Uro. curios and Provisions. Woufvcry quiet; sales of common at 2j(ii,3oc, und quarter blood nl 3U(di3s. Whiskey dull- sales in bld«. nt*22@23. Cincisiuti, Doc. 31. Flour dull: IIUO Lid? sold at $3 50@3 CO for superfine. Whisky steady at 12J* dull and drooping;. 1000 sold at £-1 60@4 7$ v *aajVa.»vf •-y n drr thn ndrirrri tprcfpw , nominal at $l3. Bulk Meals and Sides C.Ku.Cj. Lard nominal. Money very tight; thu demand is pressing. KxcbaDgo is unul. lured; Baltimore is rather better. Tho river baa ri?eu fire iurbe* fin>“e nnoii. Weather Heart thermometer 4V deg. Bai.tiuoiik, L)ei*. ::l. —A\ heat nominal. Com 47 Plonrdull; Howard street and Ohio quoting at $4,02, and City Mill* at $1,50. Whiskey 21 @22. hictmiigc uu New \ «rk 2} |>cr i'eut (ircnnuui. New Oni,K*\o, l>«c. :tU, —C»Hnur «&lcs-46Ui» i*alcs att»|. Sugar firm. Lard very dull, atii.de cliiie M ‘v. Me‘j Turk $ 1 Western jirodc 'e dull. Other armies unchanged. KAl.l. ANU WINTKU TUAUK, B. h TAHNESTOCK & CO 1-r.lr ~t tt - ftrn. ..t t: \ K»l.ttcar<«k A ('»,■».] •llrr Ma ..tkt< w firu .h:h a i ih *<:cj ists, No. HO, corner Wood anil Kimrlti Hlrrcta, /■frr.'cnrv.'uM, f y \ v 4 ra'inr; subsukiukiis have just he- JL tumid Iron* I tie Ka.feiu ulioe wltti >u cSl*ii-.vo..f.xk wLiictlia bv‘<*' otl 'itJ I I |I.C tr».lv ut DRUGS, i’ll KM lOAL.S, PAINTS, OILS, UVE STUFFS, TURPENTINE, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Etc., Etc, Width, together with their aljrady lai£» stock, comprise* upeoittui oioat cstvosire and Best Assortments in the Country. Tb- lr for supplytog WHITE LKAI> ANO ZINC PAINT Of any quality ar* Sit'll os to euabt* tiieni to **ll VERY CHEAP. ftg~Cvantry end City Mart Imtils aud th,* Trade grncralty arv inriud to an »xaniiu*tl<>u <.fom *t.H-k and prices l~dor* pit rtii aal Og «1 ms w h ((*. B. L. FAJINfcStTOCK.A Gu„ No. Cu.cur. \VooJ ami F»urtli Btm-Js P 3 FIiUUANK'fS PIjATFOHM fcCAIJeS. - TIIE undersigned having been appointed ox tloairr Agtot* lirthe **lo of theMCulvlmtcJ ?CA IJW. ruwaufocini.d by ilie orianahiimauon, ±L A T. FA IK 11 AN US A 0., rnlu'ctfully loT»ioUj*atU-ntk>aof tbs fco*- ScaUauvur all :T>£Ttiuu%M ttio :«uUiugUnU. •itdio oierybrnach of*ttiaow throorboot' dUa vurt'l, ai(ul;Uiolr uniform McarihCT rail great dural>iUtr •YV*aro-pttpar«i L) flli order* ltetaL4o»lfar*i - moat, Helling Mill, Ila> Goal, lioilrood uid Gu«l SaUa.lT i MiscrxcTOiißa’ rucw.< , IIUSiiK? A wctt-h/- •„ : Ho. Liberty atr«l,CoinjacttMKo». - _«*;l7:lyd PHUborgh. Pcintt. •r. MXl'Mli*- —— MERCHANT TAILOR, ,\rttcnf>!i'-uu'ril Dir* -l till' Jb»» JOHN M IHONATI No. ,W Fulton V. <«rnl 11udc -ijf grj.tttu.lo <.vrr any , Un, it .eitAJoly ha* U.vr, with tboau who baTe ujo.l •||.| trtlwl th, wo are iufortm-d, that ibo Doctor does not rrcrire frma aotiw, rweut heart ml.krn and Midtons rar»ut, t n.thn, .later, or frnmil, some testimonial* of and ear n«*t platitude, for hi. iMjeory in tr*i., r lnK tobMlh au.l wotiOsi vitor.eowi. kimlrrd. For the mm or Dy.pefai*, rratnlenry.Con.tlpatlon, Urk of apatite, and all Uiltoni ten.WSjid.-a, aru .ipeedlly corrta-ted hr the iiV t« U O l> S Aiiil li.ivp tuSui at fur Ilutiday Ultt»,ii >VU:F!\ •‘IIAWI.B, HII.KS, All-4 olhur Ufess at luV I‘iuli pdc^. Alv, N. « Print*, ( titbt •»•* nud lialHuc.-a - vJ low prunu UhitiJW; • ]■• Util t'hfjti V. Jl- liapoc i»l ami fcla- 4: T*»f . "5 bjxti Si aifl I* l.iimji r i i.Ti« •. • f*Ti..i bI.U X. <>. M.,lai«r SW .111 Hy ill},; * iwi I-.X.-B l- .ri liliT. IMiu 41,.1 U..,m S.at. •*/ do Hlnr ■ 'nti'ltr— i" d.. 'am 1,.-- * \ iil, ( ni vu liil kl/t-*, K -f h*l» l.y H. A C •-triniiK, lir. :?Nt, lKi",a4 7* jti’ciucl:, Thu M-.r(ir»fro (’.m*lriuii..n Bond* comvrtßdi* nf U.u I’ 9. ff.l C. K It, Co., 7 Jn-runi. uil.rtnUlur llmni v * c ] i - AUSTIN LUOMISAOO- , _ Stork tuiil Niita llri-li-ri. I>s Tuurtli l-'t' '"a.o.ucoke'w STKAItfBOAT ANII GENERAL AGENT. Watergirwt ntii» dtMf abr.Tw Markt't. . aoltkdU . TUEGREATKsf MATCII MACHINE IN TUB WORU/J i A FORTUNE MADE WITH A BUALI. IN VESMEN7. . . THOMAS’LATENT MATCH MAOIIINE Is * felmple, rlienj. nn<) t Match Makar. Dia BUchia* coaUumiy $116; 4a drifcn l.y hand, ami will mako tli« f„r tnuoof tlie oiauuljcturcr hi a atiort lima. Whtrv «uod •owl Uto U> liail readily it tnateriaUtrwlncea tbo coal. ' ■tt*Serrr»lcunoty ocJJarliuo pmflrgwara offmxl ttf f. 1 * n»jjdfntoptka. Fur particular*. call at GAfcKTtJI COUNTI Nfl KWM. Fifth tlrwt... . JMdAvifirr tMPIIOVED PATENT ELASTIC-BANDS' ofoll(je«s, jmtrpc’tlaod Cor ante by -i .1*"™.... : >„ W. 3. UAYKS.- If you value your Teeth and a-pare breath, hnaltby fQUuort, and ootuhlrlataoelb, £D t a &HYSBR*A IW Wood atmd, and buy a UoUla ©f Wattfa Toon Was abrI:TPQTB PuwMa ■ • - . . lefibJAw*f [ONEYBEANTOBACCOot ? ~~ _ s - : - Jog.-Flemings. . •EANS- bak9 3Vhite.Beana-ui.etbTo-^3 > fotjailoUr , d.O ,; , DAi'AKLL * QJ.~ ICJS.SMJjBS-*-'”-’"'" • *c; . ' . pif rAnio.ussizni,; ’j ' For cilivWt(us<9al]fr atid 1; •'H '-1 ■’ v ? } • v ' : '\i ; ; l_ "■ w, p.;>UTnimra j [ lt! : V .j*W£ Etfj'Ti:ii. T -l,lilils.‘ fr6«li' r6U imMb'rtolftLjf -*iii29 • It, HI?TCIT7^ f ?V~T* JZi foraUaJ>y‘ y ‘ d>*j9 • , *" J H.^(DX~ T rrr : —— eH-BKSE. —juo boxes Oorvjudfortatobx ... -PrmBVBG&BAttkfiTV/' •-• : '1 **. I,?*. m* >• 1 Juumh i,t&. & tl ’FtOUß—lb6amiH?roatiifii«-UngtrrJ, widrw'ttUihwl- Uw tuil txmUr '&}'Hif HSfaria'M too Jo qt 44J3 ftflAS&tetalTO'iMtxtra frail!? *t 44$* " * ’ -• ■■***•'*; * ' ”ABlU9»4' bU if SO lom Aili ta prihtt ttfoit ••BSAI?;—Botldog Bofl*ta Oifa^Cejta-Sto^toash'mr'iJep-* ■'■ : * v r* “ . ALiEomDnr CiWttjttittcßr.,’ v ' 'A »BKEV£s—the fQppjy.wuiirgpr this tat'v&fc; taunt* vu atauoolight, urfstteij£im« finasiw .•fan tos®B}£ t»pitna Were-fewrli-.k-a - 5OO were oßewd-andilieae were nit taken by batchers at £*.s<2.l, groan, the latter figure ruling. llOQS—the receipts this-week-bare been Urge,'again, aggregating £?UO head, ioctadiog those driven it> and those i reovired by frail. Hackers andXntcbera took 3SW head, in• I farionv iou, an.l the rert wen* East. Prices ranged from’ S V£ 4 ’*«- ft™**- the tmlk-aelltffg at 1 parkert at' the were not offering ovot 4t- + . MONETARY ANOCOJVMERCIAL. Tin- lost mail received fnuwthe Coutiuent (by tfao Persia* a L-w day* since) brought advioe of tbo refusal o( a number of bill*, drawn from this sldo-tu November, on Hamburg and Amsterdam, .io ODO .or more Instance*, tbo bill* sue undervtood u> have been tnadoagnihi-tconfirmed yet njfiisrJ acceptance on account of the prevailing ttnrvn*. cial embarrassment in £orope, and the apprehension grow ing onl of it that tbo bills could not bo met at maturity if ‘ tbc rams dilib ulty should continue 20 or ft) days. —IN. V. Times. The resumption of speciepayments l*v onr banka is be-' liaved to be at bond—probably within tire nest two month* Preparation baa been bnvy by all lit* city bank* Air the de sired event. * We understand there Is to bffau awemt.lane In till* city oi tbe principal ofllcereof the.country banks tn-Oav. Tl»- “ruiler law i* giviagtliem noma trouble, and the gathering bore is some meaii«,tv© IwHevti, to get out of the , difficulty that Is frit to Ijv tightening around them. —{Phila. Lodg. Tbe rocolpts of hogs for tiie wtvk. the lesson, up to yes terday, stand a-rfollows: Total for the Week .. 39,050 Prerionaly reported. '' ?TV* JI I OnmJ Total 2CIJJ.M Rome time In 18CG...7: ........ ....... 313J02 The whu|e ntmiber parlied at Louisville Up to this eve ning. e* we learn by telegraph,is 200,000. The whole Horn ber packed there last reason va 244,000.—*Citi. Pi b cTor Imporu by River. MONONdAUKLA- NAVIGATION Cl) -5y bl> - 1 bbl eggs, 61 bile flour,Swindler, 8 this flnnr, UmUrt A ghip tun; ua bxs glass, Hwwct; 45 kg* ndils; Oliphar.t: 1 bbl ay H'’V Lx> 1 20 b *» ««•> Forsyth; 150 bdU paper, Bara ? hxs 100 bbls flour, 121 bnsh oats, mm tts feed, 10 bits flour, 34 eke barley, owner; 121 bxs gla-s. Miller A oo: 107 bxs Rian. Flack: 17 pcs casting, Id bills apples, 7 bids poultry, Obis t-dding, l sks feather*. 5 do rage, 2 bxs-egg*, 34 bg* .orn, owners; 115 bxs glass, Hip. part; Id bbl* flocr. ownsr 40 bdle uaper.fCulbcrts.-.n; bids flour,-oa ner; 4tk bgs corn. Watt. .* '' l^ £ELlStj t*r Rocket—l kg li4llor.2i.gs spice, own.-.: >u «JI3 paper, Jlaana; 57 *ks barley, Rhode* A Werurr, 70 do do. Crrnrd; 106 do do, Smith; 2 bbl* eggs, 4 ale barrel-, 3 Imirs. 49 bgs oats, 45 skapotatOe*,3l sks rye. Importaby Rallronu. Ft. W. A C .R, U.—lo baskets produce, 82 find, -oata. Kki biuhcmn, 25 dewbeuf, 21-hidas, owners; to bbls npplos, K balzrll A cu; 0 do, 4 basket* poultry 1 bbl butter - k 1 l #le « ou » i bbl butter. J Crmim « kgs lard, 1 bbl do, \v McCulcbeou; 30 sks b w (lour, J McCulty; uuu bnsh poia ******* h Mairr. 7 bbls butter, 24 Iks rloveneod, J D Canfield; 32 d.«, 12 do b w flour, 1 bbt eggs, McClurkan X i..- 7 . «rs stock, IT dohog-,s!idreaaed - bog*. 17 bbls apple-. 14 bbls butter, owuers; bills Whisky. N bxs j-onltry, Clarke k co. . It. R —l5 LW» beans, 2do butter, Shrivsr A Lit- ii Ik, . i VS i r[vi IJ w,. Holmes 4 Collins; a bbl* flour, CO Ilnasey A co; 101 sks oau. J H-tbert; 3u bxs dwiw, J 11 CnufleM; 47 do, Jl llobi i** - tr » U ’' 1 Lfata - bnll#r - 4 6k» beans, J . .£, b Kea; ICO bg* - flaxseed, >;»er A •o. -» bugn, 4 bbl* butl-r, It llutchln»ua; ! 2 can shick 4do , n beitWro sk* dr apples, 37 bbls bntttr, 13 do eggs,.« do flonr, 8 blul# bacon,73ig* bud, 13 l.kla pork. By -ks riovorsued, Clark A co. • RIVKRSEHS. \ij,TtiUi4» tuwning the wind wxs high and llm snow blew in strong flume*. Tbu rain it over. The riv*. »«» *t 1.. fpit ndd tu water rising tart. The Jtelmont came In with someTlvignt-We suppose. She bad nn manif-t sod no ooi- on L-*irU knew anything about ber load or ber trip as w« Cwuldbud. U e observe*! tomobairrala being rolled out; Ui«y might bmc held molasses or whisky. Tbeltalmout Is v.-tKlove.rnm, Cim-iunati. .. w ...Tbeltuket was in from «Un with a good Itvigbl ..-Tim Jteuon rf *l,-U U-t. h.id-nmil freight* down, t-xat* are diN-harcinit tieight which hcrvtotun>, owing to the violent rams, th--v Iwve beiHi unable to roll out Th*. M. Uwrence i$ T,* r i w *ll *"»»» ep*-*Jily lor New Urieana.— me Jam-s H«*l i* getutiß b»r freight on boar.l alto hbe has been t,-re ever virwe tbo Hl» day of July last.— Th« lUj* and Alma bare been heiv Icng-r even tbsn Ibal aiul neither of om siuno. ha* Inrned a wheel in that tune. Tbr Ciuciuuaii liaretl- «)*; “bv.\X>v,U.t.— Tiie 1-haiion. f u r Nashville. |onrJerk ..u sevetwl of our steamer*, died at his reside ore to A isWdays since, id.brother P t l v^,' 'J %V“ lLr t-{* wal ***P*cto*» died at bis roaidencs wu Walnut li lla. it has beeuiuggntod (b-H tbs colors of Iba tteaniers in port l>e displayed at half mast on toooc v-a. on of the funeral of the late Capt Free. N. Outhrie, of • lurh due notice will be given. ’ Jfc.KSi Urtaui bj Ih. .hulir on tbe 23ih inst, for Slo£so. the wasbnilt at Louievllle, Cwat aU ? ul * W - M0 - The dt'hls against the MrnststoM ore upwards of s2U.uou. "The h>tch»nch«, /sx..Umiujcle says lb a cue tract for Impruvecuht of the kails of H«1 River.at AUaaudna. Las »«u awarded to Mr. K. Wrss-U. at lha price of $1 46 i-r cubic yard. Tbe engiurcr odimate* tdl witbiu the enpro prUtlon made by Urn last J>gL«ileiar« New Vor^fromCiurin nati, and Woodruff, Adriatic, ORlcvby and goutb Westoni. ir«uu N-w,Orlcuos, arrived oo Monday.*' Steamboat Register, AIUUVKD—Jt-fiintOD, Brownsville; Latino, .Li; (\>totiri Bijaid, UiaUtl,; iUrter, Uelmoat, Cinciooin. DKPAKTKD— BrawnwilUiLMwmc.ilojCulucfl Elizabeth; Itufkrl. jtiv.r l:i{' fprl. au <4&irihsTi., f**u, par funds. i i - ' - '*JO - sl.*M,*B*nkofm*bunU: > , '-., /,- . A « • w hr- ••■ E** 1 ?* 0 10 Eureka Iraurancu (Airntojiy, ; . -,•,. National Mining. Alto, *Lare* Nurlb American Minin# Co. dl Detroit which bare beeu declared forfeited lot uoti-uiyiacntuf at *p<-«munli. Jal K JJ. DAVIS, Auct. - A SSIGNEiS'S SALE OF BOOKS^AXI) -Li. PAINTINGS— Uut-ntnrday ereuiug. Jao. Jd.at ball put aix o'clock, will U Bold, at tbc Ownmerofol Raiee Hoorn*, No 51 Fifth by order of A. S. Doll nu] Uobl Pul/cR. Assignees ol Georg* iL Arnold, ft huge uad select colWtlou of Jf.s, el.liu.K.us Hook*. *ll in es.olfent wmdUhm; alto, two gill frumo oil Fainting., undone gilt frame uul Mi,rof - . J»] l'. M. DA Vlj3, Auct. MAGNIFICENT NEW FUKNITt r KE’Ai Arrriov—On Friday morning. Jan h *t 1i» ~'d,*ck will lit s-ld, lu order of printed catalogue, on the il Boo’i of tb« n.-w Cmirnwrclat Sale* Booms No. 51 Klflli alive t. an orieDtiro nriwy of oxclutlvely elegant furniture, made in thwmuM recent stylraaodofthobwt material*. Tin. arti clei will l». arranplj for examination front Tuesday r*.wu In# until the day of asfe. and cuavcniMica provided for lb« or Hollo, TUI. .ill I*. found Uoi moat dt n . UToaaJrol majruillcvnt Farnltnre ever offered in tbb city at unctfon; comprising artirfe* uf Rosewood. MaLogaiiy, black wallint and Oak; many «T thorn carved id huaotliui tuau fl .°n ‘ e ‘ ill 10 Work of Uair-clolh. »u a n . The>catttlo#n«comprises Kesewood, Black Walnut and Mahogany Tele a-Totee; lather, IJbra ry, Flush, and Vollaiu- Umng.*; sUhog*uy Sober-, Hoecwnorl and Block WalnYit Ann Chair* Wnlm.t Ann Rockers and Kany Chairs. Voltaire Library Chuire- BlackW alnnt and Mal.ngauy Canc-aont Chairs: Rosewood’ BlackWa'nnt and Mahogany FarlorCbaira; Mahi.gnuy Card Table*, with marblo topx Ulack Wulnnt (nrn. i Htunds; Black Walnut Book Shelves, Ac. Catalowura will bo r.ody early next weak. __ _ I*. If. DAVIS, AocL UNCLAIMED BAGUAGE Ar Auction. On Saturday afternoon, Jan, SOth. at o'clock. at'tJw C-.nnnrrclnl Hairs Room* No. 64 Fifth street,Vlll br sold i.yunW.rfWm. Voong, Trustee, sundry Tronks, ValisrH.' Ouqwt llaga. Canvass Bag*, Coat*. Sc., Sc. Tbs »lK.re will bearldtopny charge*, Sc., due the HaiMr U- 1.1. mile** previously redeemed by the owner* J " ! __ P M. DAVIS. Auct. CniiISTMAS PRESENTS At tbe ttorn ofJ.M. Roberta, No. 10 Fifth at rotnir • #Por * on Thursday evening and continuing. each mnrnin f• V’ and vrrrdng. t>r Olio week, at Id, 2 ftud 7 o' /, " C *' will bn sold a very extatiflve stock or Jewelry Go' M * T, ‘ I Ml*- 1 U'aii Ji,-*, Maude Clocks, HHter Plalr,| Ware r ‘ Q< P“ 11- oy all which are of .the tatcat style*, jnit r^‘ p,,re J Irutu N«w York at iniantisly low price*. The-* ,re especially adapted Ibrliolid.iy present*, and inur 7 U ' dU T > °»' -I-f Immediately to,.make room for hi* nr . r •lork. The aUentiun pf tlicXudid* la pnrticn’ del-J p JJ' uy . rig, Anct. PEIBEM PTORY’SALfcf a.lug. boom aud * ll /t*j l^k^t^^’b A <^Ll^! ( l ! [ f l n ' l kitc,lon forullure, new •ml oucond bud; •*«•«» Mm o ,iteuA«*. PAiii, for op the orpjijjv.s of PAUL ’ 8 ASYLUM, ff Ir ‘‘ ® E n£ J*J> IN CITY BALI, MONDAY, TUE aSTU IBJST., ,j /'gyyßlog during Uin Week. dc2a;lw■ AV wheeling rACKCT.-n.vfln. CHEVOIT, Cptain J. STnVr. " illl 1™ for tha abore and all lutenaediat© porta on Monday* anß W. p. WITCELER, Agrot, NagWoodat. ItjEGULAK TUESDAY XVETPORZAN’ESVnXC-Tho flno IftlfflM lg AtbSSBISR T.)f tno above anil Intermediate port* EVERY TUESDAY at 4 o’clock i*. u. For freight or passage apply on I UafJ - «*» FLACK, BARNte^OO^Ag-N. | EGULAKPACKETFQHCIN- > .fCPr.jJ I -*-Vi CCfNATI.—The • splendid packet EUNICE Cape Robe UuotMv »i!l SwStSurS I Tor C.aclanae EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 10 o’clock * *_ cor fn-ight or passage applyon board or to 1 FLACK, BARNES A CO . AgU. For marietta andzanes- , new bcantlfol steamcrAgfffjfeg? eiAZIB MARTIN, Cape .Baoww, will Jmto fMjT?S?f e and alUntennadiatopom, EVERY SATURDAY, at 8 p » I For freight or ptuaage apply on board or to ocl~LACK t BARNES A 00., Agfa For wheeling. —-The steamer < R4> C K ET. Copt. Wc_rt, wiU k.r U>u a'boTo and all intfirmediato landings ofTRSdSyt ThuiwUya aadsaturdaya, at 10 o'clock A. Id. For ftni/ht or passage apply on U. ardor to got f LACK, BARKE3 A CO, Ag'U. No. 87 Water St. Regular memehis rack:'; try Z ET—Tho splendid new atcajofer. COM ;MODO7tE VEIUtY, Capt hnSsS, will SSWk Lot.) anil nil intermediate ports, on SATURDAY, Jan. 2J ror iiTlglit or pamgd apply on board or to • F: ° dll A. 0. McOIUS W, Agt, 86 g.ter .L OR MARIETTA ANDZANES- 7 JE> » VIU.K-Th. Kn.mor FORTtXE, r...r w J.V.J. Alllion-.11l 1«,„ R S ™*j ■ I»>ru, on Tins DAT, Jut. lit it freight tu juiiiago apply uU l>o&r steamer J ACOB I*UE, CapL Stewart, will JtSEgjjml lu»v« | u r the HUnt-ootl all intermediate ports l*t inn >‘..r freight or passage apply on board or to __ *LACK, BARNES A CO„ Arh jflasfibidE, &c. IJ'OK N ASn\ fLLE—Tbeclegant « fEV > •learner ULKNWOOD, Capt. will leave for llio aboTe and all Intermediate DA Y2d ln-l ,at 2 o'clock, P. M. Por pamgeer freight ap ply oti boarJ or to PLACE, BARNES A. CO- Agt«. ‘ Jc * w __ No. 87 Water street. FOR XisllViLLiJ--Th7lle-“r»i gnut pAMetiger Steamer S. P. ITIIIBAMI jfanfta Oipf. Orace, will Imre for (he Above ami inteniSSaS ports on SATURDAY, 2d indent, at 4 f. ii. Pur frrMit or pnsaageapplynnboardorto “ • PLACE. "BARNES A CO., Acetiti. ! ■vTV Ji.vw.. splendid » fIJVT .io, X Klcuucr.NEPTUNß.Capt'i’oe, «ui iaavo J&gs&gX t >r tbp above and. all Intermediate port* on I at lOc> dock, ft. m. For freight or passaga apply on beard |orto_ ideal) FLACK, HARNkS * Co_ AganU. Fou St. Locjis, 'duluque &, jr»*'r KEOKUK.—The olegant .teatner I.A±GZ&*& Jwllo J)oVlni, ' ? r. S?iV?»w I. , ve fcr th * and m intermedia!* port* on THIS DA Y, id .art, at i. o'clock, tjc. For freight «J>pljou Uarderto CK, (.apt. Corhran. will learefor (be alwrYand all iu u-ruwdUte portion THIS DAY, tbo lit tart at 10 a it For freight or pmnge apply on boanl or to -** M FLACK, BARNES k CO. Agt*. poll MEMPHIS AND NEW OK-. •I'toodW iteamir JAMES WOODS, Capt. Kobhurn, wll! letro for the t«TOHsh*le|*rU«Q TUlfl DAY, lit tort., .t 4 r. *. For rreiKtit or |«mp apply on board or to no;a . 1 -i . FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agtv v flmuscjnentfl. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. -MIW SI^LBBRtY. RE I^oollo if OP PRICDB •-l.mii ash MA.i*r.cmsa. SECOND TI SB, 15CTS. ' pwci of uacWios. rjPiiv*t® Box, large .... Tirc —lie. i Private Bax, 5m51..... (-••lunfl tUr lost Mmo. In tbstaaotlfa]lndian Drama of the ’ WKHT OP am WISH-TON WISH. iTKRXOOy. JunnATT lut, lfu3, will *>• i.r*a.-Uei WBPT OF TtlE maHMYp biota fli.Himu W.lcuji,. kvevino*s hill. a<*tor, Urß*U*lHJßois^'wJoao^axcolhn! A,npri “ n unload for him tho nlf huT nt' 1>r * u, *> i Wof d th . h ?">‘ * D .v.r*,,pc«r„] tta p, Inb f r * r “'«™ ™ R CW “. OF “°«| 1U . outiUed THE WRIT OP THE TnSH.TOX-WISII. J< Vc H! n J V S G AI E XIE MASON HD.HEDUCTIOJ, IS PRICES.-** "•« ■» PAROORTTR ~»Mab. | UPPER TIER-.......15r0n1. . A BAPPYXEW&EABXQAII. J '*** ‘ r 0E ,Tb ' E no LI DAT! '^ : ssssse^igss^ss^^ 1 . After wbfch KfJMttiraftninswSrV ’ To cooclndi wllh tWfrrce of DOSE FOITTITE-TtM *h *Va I —PaUicr, •■ -?S2^!Sz^ T JL^B^te^pr»? v r ' *■ n rTimnc (fu,- iJi» KaUThW ??<«». iim. ; ED. W A rDt.M E fr&A W V/ ' - WHOEESALE nfciTTH;-fy" > . . ; . laraatV Pound Lamp OavendUb, Haiard and BaOroad Brandi, -' An of .h it b „ o ff „ ,0 0» ** «*. S^J. : The Theory of Cooking by Gas X- now firmly established, »»a "f J*”.. , many of the most ste>lina and reliableVSi 111 ° r ' h '»'«™ Gentlemen in jeittsbura:h.,'^? e “ nna y '' MUSGRAVE’S gas COO KIN GSTO v F AlUbwe things ve will guarantee!* prpdneea do *nn»fee, no soot, no diet, tutd vUI cook' Shkhjj «d price of! gnat orn&rieut tb eujroatl.«nui I , adiaing room! txtra^**°c, S Stand with omipkt*, wtkhwUl beauties- Viv TlTe* * Seo TPtnrv* **®* * e ' * l IIALL > »»coqJ floor. WOODSTREETjcrIW THIRD STB BET -l -- ITg > beoretaf y- sel4-dly GAS COOKINGSIotsCOMPANY^ w. E. CH IL D S & CO’S PITBZT ZLASJW FIRE AXD WATXB.PROOP ' CE M E 3ST-T EOOElliref. A™ PREP AKBD TO CONTRACT AND PUT ON SiaBSnORTESTifOTIOE , 11 IS PERFECTLY FIRE AND WATER-PROOP, iloofinK js warmitod toproTOMttfT. aqMQUd. W* {riU ra* it on far fl! A.‘ JOHNSON, l , ?***«* W ™. . * WM. JOHNSON f No. IC3 Third street, behreraT?ootJ and Smithfleld, ’ * _ Piminrgh.Peaa*; W. K. CHILDS *CO'3BOOHKO, ten it m, e iV* Jv! “ al »rlal f* compounded io»i1o remain pliabl* for* groat length of time oirrtom a roon^^St,%TJSi‘ n , Wii“?T 1 . I 'Mtram« JSS hSf’T'K “ *l5“ “ tbo “* bl ’ ™* Koijiectrulls, JOsfcwi M. LOCKE, Ctanllt, Labaratcry ho. 123 Waltwt itrretTuneinnatl, Ohio. I liar# examined W. K. CiULM * Co‘b Elutic Fire and W*>»r Pr~J^l^f rX^ t T»' Aa T r.n °m dttmp T. !»/««• and it nerer luosn thli dtfticilr It further ««* W “ te^- 1857. transportation CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED TONS DAILY LLOYD & CO JSBBSSb * HIBUCCZS3OHS TO LLOYD 4 LESION! * 9 ' .■■■MBI * AYINQ MADE EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS Tills WlKTi^i? to do » Le»ry by v 11V * 1 ° 1 ulb >v TER, are now pi epared will I T r 1110 Inclmed Plane 3 0” ‘ho Allegheny Portage Railroad LLOYD ; A 00 1857. CANAL NAVIGATION. 1857 £j£K3E£3i[ KIEE ’ a PORTABLE BOAT r.T7vra=i • . ' " ' Ca lr"^ :r iir ania CaTlal ana MfeCTlil 0 Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month Each Wav ” 1 U , K , FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION HAVE BEEN LAlfaFrv minor.c ed during the past Winter aod wo can now offer to SHIPPERS ihn ,„ . LArtUJ'jLi INCKEAS* to and from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and tUltimore. Our lini t * g ?&£,S ODBLB UKB transhipment <> required. Merchant* ending freight to oor Lm oF WMUU BOATS, Lot ob* U-ARWIOtWK. CANA,. BAsln, w™, ./■ *“ KIES k MITOgfcDL, Proprietors. HOLIDAY ADVERTISEMENTS. : FOR THE HOLIDAYS\ KKINKJVIA.N Jr 3UHVBAM, No. 42 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. yyOULD DIRECT THE ATTENTION *.( parclrasura t.» their largo and raluabU m.irtinent of tiOOD*, compmdng, in part, the following. GOLD AND SILVER WA T 0 11 F or srtar stvlr and finish: CU AI Nr I.LH.K KTS, BRACELETS, CAMEOS, MOSAIC HR EAST PIXd, EAR ANDFIXUER lUNOS U> tvuv CHARACTER AND BEVRIPTIuN Uul.li AND SILVER SPECTACLES, SPOONS. TUISIBLKS, RUTTER KNIVES, UOI.D AND SILVER , PENS A PENCILS, And ovary other arth-ianf Jewelry. Price* moderate.,*® •nit the time*. aeZldtf G4F T B O 0 K S Jv Lv Read’s, NO. 78 FOURTH BT-RE WE ore now prepared to'furnish - tße .ToV lowing Work* fa a now and magnificent afrl*. Dr. ld*Jn*«ton> TriTeis iu Africa, calf-lUoatrattd, ■at. $5,00. fAtnerlcan Postil to. ant t., U "”' m *-«"*'*°»* Work, in plate binding, l^!. deVi J - READ, 1 __ _ Fourth ■trwt. B™. KS ' t C " FOR -''■EWVEAiiS.-D^pi;: i£*«. uTC!o”rort“l °i H? l “ 0 £ UolGv rwclfcd Z w t ! i S ■ *■ taiu « Tract-Society, and Darld, Prwfcwi', Ftato£^S ft S* ntof *“*•«. *"*“» of B»»y« delight, Ac-., fiwb •uoDlitJa't^ 11 V J^fonrftnw, . New Vear>’ Pr^^,h?rsv m |. A w rM Ul “ 4rt,cl « ' a ‘ *»»• Store of pplj Z* o * nftn£i^ frfc * I —. .. SfiilthnHilitrwl C" Miss KiililhtU Mi»* Kiti MJb*. ->lmbarh . fo KlmUrlv Hr Jotiuouu -•* oil! miSTMAS PRESENTS.— ' “ OOLD PENS, in handsomo Case** FANCY INKSTANDS: PORTFOLIOS; CASES OP MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS PEN KNIVES; PAINT BOXES; FANCY NOTE PAPER. Ac., Ac. WM. O. JOHNSTON A COv ; SUtlooert, 67 Wood street. OLD DOMINION OVSTER HOUSE, COUNEU HAND AND LIBERTY STREETS', RECEIVED DAILY. C/ xSP CAN AND SHELL o V S T K K S, L,k ® »n«t Eastern Ftah. &e. nnlS;d4w T^ I ?, E , AND WAITERS.— ~ -1_ rfn» rmne, tiller Plated Selta, . £»» SSS^EV I''j r “'““i‘>»pri«.b,. : * .mi, 4, , comer M&rfcet and Third gt. Shoulder* Jim recelred *nd for sale be ~ . ' B.'iOBIaOX-* 00. 1000 S'Wj'Cbwce wiute W heat IUVV iw 8 Fine Floor. 100 aaeks b. Wheat ' 1000 Kentoekyerrivloff amllo store fcrsalt by de2£» . . JAS. QAKDpIPTf, House furnishing habdwaSb E,crj ofHard*w», ffollomn, W«re,BriU»nuU Ware, Jaaumed, Sumbed and plain Tinware; Broshes, Wooden Wern/M.by, ‘'•““T’forfurßlfhlngfcbowe. , JOHN Ctai Comer Market and Third atAeg.^ 2Q W>J». Sugar in • Arr: Tol ' l4 sg TE t•ile - P W *.0.c 14 . , ,, 4a.- L - Douiztm-g c -, MEE= VftKjCJv, -..r-yJcsWawiiS t. FHisceHaitcoun. PHOCIiAMATION. / T ' City or .Pittsburgh, ss. * IN accordanoe with the provisions of an Act of tb*Geu«»l Aawmbly Of th* OoamooWMlthof Ptun— jQf»Tßnia prorlOJog for the Incorporation'of the City oTPiai-" bnrßb.and of thejTarfinm implements to said Act,?, Hmi A. Wutkr. Major of said dty, do isme tbia my proclaim **% ontiwFIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY, A,C, ISM, being tbe oth day of the month; tbo “freemen of each ward of said city, qualified to tota for member* or the - lloaaeorßeprcjentatiresorthU CommonareaUhA-arlllmeet * 1 **{« ***“*»! pl*t'«,orhoUlttce]eciii&»h] theirW-rtirr wdsimd pr«c t o«i.anff elecrbyTafioToader the prorilicc* * of an Act tff Aweatiy pawed 3day ICtlu A-D-1850: One person to*enr*M Mator oreald city. One person to servo At Casnwizxa of said city, and OnejieraQntosorTßasTaisairaaibfaailctty, - Loch of whom abalt bold their offices for two real*. The person timed a* Mayor must, according to the provisions u , r S‘; Acl ’ -‘•**dti**Qof tho United states, and bare re* sided four year* uext preceding bis elect ion within tbit • Commonwealth,the last thret years of which be shall lutre in said city.** Tba person* elected a* Controller and Treasurer ahall be citizen* of said dty, and qualified to b* . elected me mber* of. the Unoso of HepreaentstiT** of t&l* Commonwealth. {. On the same day in conformity to the befordreciud au thorities. and alao to tba Ordinance of GunnellstfctlrfctlnA. * uidcity.tbecitizcnaaftbe • ,‘I > v . First llurrf—Wflbekotby balleton* person tolW a-mwa- Ur of the Select Coe aril of said city, aadfiaar persona to be ' member* of tb* Common ComeiL Sxondjr&d—Ov* person to be a member of the £etoet.- aodUiw to Una*abef»artb»Ootoaoa-Ceoadi: rhird nara—One person to be • member ©f the Mart,. '• “W^ l *** '• J-otrrtA Hard—One person to be a member oWQe Select, Mil two Dorsons to ba menjhnf af thy (Vf— f\flb Ward —One perm toi*** member of tbe Select, eudflTepereoo* to bememberroftbe Common Council. ' •«■ SixiA IHird—One person to bo a member of the Select endfaarpenonatobeoeaberfoftheCoiataoaCraciU.' SnmA IKrni—One praoa to bea member of the Seta! - : - r ' ii im i , f*So-UAgg*"wtg: "•'•tbrCsJect sadtwa, tftejiiber of thav_jj.fr lota cathead ■. . sE@£SiSi§». ssfeasgsgssr named are Toted fbr. oineetfcr which the jwrsun returns thrrsct eccardiO" to .hs>g^ ! !Si ST"? JnIJ ““S”.^^W.“ h ?- t,or v tblnj-olnt, sntUUd *tAn Act iSSSStoiffl Coanromsosm,/’. sod it. tmpuSt* £ 'f *?- r . jutf* l °r prsclnct sre conntsd. dmtSstoV of the AldertMi,* *"*&&*%* •haUljeUlipoeed ofu plveororJltTOT return-of thjivcrt* ' ToancQTetope aLitisi tlu^U'he«d “Hcction>"ns^c Uteroon Instead or tbs • h * ll “ »rtttia enrolopasluUl bo farther WrS 4 , 0 ®?!' I '** ll ofsrllcb dKttoo srntln* their f«pc?us */' Uts oOci. Ot Uts . thsrrtf, sod .bit boddfrSSb'".■“»» scross.tbs-sssls ' , M, on the next ancceedint: dnj; Utros-o'ejtrtt, or coundlmendull Its hrntisd tvillS rtttnrns nr kjection ■ ortltortnpectiro CettaSuHtthlSr dSiKE U> ' ,l “'*■** Jrilisj, st ten o'clock, A. Mr snd l«-llio next SSSSHS^y®^ . AttbeeleeUontobeheW J "*> sth day of January ,JL Thaelector*of the r ; '“ School non*. In The a lectori tttmfL p!”* ■ gayS?-- StOß^gg^^^, i Wartl. wfllfr.-afr■» f^\^~\P^k.'fxicloct r Vo. J- cf «>. MMtof ™ iho' 3 sPB2^SasgtSKS«fe ,, B S’™* „ .The elector* of the Fourth' J7*rd/wniTDfa>i School qodaato au Ward., f. , W j>- ‘ Precinct. ■*'*' i | Wl .*taap‘> Of tbnfMu, ►- *“*“'*»• sc c' p^ ! „” 1 '