The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 09, 1857, Image 4

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    Slittinktittuita;&c ,
Grape Vla
001 - L ion `TMRAMO 17'itaiietas
, rill Wad sl i w o r a , by
1, 171=g - , piji64 iota Odisad ItarserteMs.
• ' - Ititt - Planting..
3800 DWAILF.CIEERRY, '2. years,2
IS,OOO Itterberd 2 =l3 years, Tartest..
03,053 Pee', 40 Terletles.
EO,OOO Ere f is,, dame hardy nuiettss, Cs= imall 148
s ptookest Apple, P..stradart'nd avert—
Nlth a Urge _ _ _
Ildnee,lMe rartalmr,imm,(lmmiiimtettoir,grg..
librabbpsy,Ormak llonm Planm,llMM‘ith.
nom yriablog an cam ertlelo of Mmke..-mrial. Fht
Bad Stu, their lutemstio mambo my Mocktemm
- siadmrtfle JNO MURDOCK. Jr.
. .
1112111-6CC1M0C1L.:................ .....,___--•L,. , . r , ,
Lebanon' n0... -7 1__ ' - . ._
B" * "cicl4' TTE 4luirll
I N th „ li r l uc ",,,, th l r N it t e i k s taika niata; 1
c.. ntla.=,
1ig Nt...... t. t ru m bWi eutd a ban rallreirarl Pitilbtrrgh,' ;
. 211 / 4.
Card . r
, L od Straw eaters are the Most lample c and
la oseittataleat-ths Seed; and:Staataelastt Ware
tweeeraPifta at. ROP.
• filpflt „MILS-4 of flickok's Keystope
MI aid Piro of 1857, In atom sal for sate at coat
ooltatdsatia JADIRS WABDROP.
ING DllLL — Scrwinter minty of
k nktearatint %Italy Pan!
In dors. nal93tda3VorP JAMESVAHDHOP•
.IVOTIOE TOIFAR.M.E.IIS-;lly,or,,the,jiii
lAN proved Railroad Maim Al . 4l44l4 . Pideliveryst Oar
amp, combining tbo beat improramentM Marrantodllitis 3
men aroiß bones to throb 775 bolheli,Por dal t or double
that quantity or cali.ln lboolost - domplato oraar. , Price
WO, nolaattlinvrr Jews.wAanno,P ,
Pittsburgh Undirni Parini Nursatty. •
ky About one pirter snide from tho wink!'
Osie, an the Farmers` nod Idoehanke punk noul.fat Wm
idatiot fourth street, and about Aber and d quarter tnlle
WM. JASIORS 111:114/0 1 *. Zyerndete.
o. sPahr7trr, 11' 1 6.1111 w" 3 fr"'
y -Candles, Starch, Ac."' A fall filo:without on - lAttul td
AlliCtrthe itApption
lialtimore abbatismutto.
C. 6901121 MUM=- - eite JUGOO
AIIIIIISTEAD.111116:10kX 0 -
• • NO. *7 Esekasge Plate, Baltimore.
13161,r0n4a on band largestdari which they attribute
the Iowa& mutat. apAklyle
Two of the best prciptOittotts of the Age
They are - not recom
mended as 'Universal
Cure-ails, but simply for'
what their name pur
The .VF.RMIFUGE, for
expelling Worms, from
the human system, , has
alsp - been administered
with the most satisfactory
results-to various' animal's
subject to - Worms.
The lavEix - Plus foi
;the cure of LIVER COM
Purchasers' : will please
be particUlar to ask for
Dr. C. Mctane's Cele
brated Vixiin , tras and
LIVER PILLS, preparsd by
• fia
bpigb, Pa.: and take no
other, as there are_various
otlier preparations now
before the puttlic, pur
porting to be Vtrmifilge
and jiver Pills. All
othersi. in COMpaXiSOII
with T
. mCLANE S, are
The GENUINE McLane's
Vermifuge • and Liver
Pills can now be had • at•
all - respectable Drug
PL/111111:120 BRO'I3,
Wool) $r
P1M8191017, PA;
Pole: Proprieton.
Offted TjOiftel I • Glitili.- • • • •
Bonito a Dino . Matson,.
knitodelphla, By btlying.fkiNgtrAt4tr.r......... at
once prtmented antra, wor th from wnntibto sloo,con
sitting of Pion GOA Jen nify 'Witches., All'brders by
nun odu promptly tilkd.ntid-UniPtiz• oLprlri ► rrlll tic
ontnyany this' book.. Oar Ust contains oU o p* toots pope
11.1 , 0.5ki thn dal . : and bo sad 'sit Om awns rote'.
tiritei,lnony num Potanos ortating agy
laths thin,
144 wut ardor at tine; and iniPl r ha
gift , -'aitalmae, givittg folk lotannotipt, with
bonkti 44
/ tawleilbp,will tio Mont, zintityeltb? • '
No.titSonlib!- • .-L1: 1 sr.
Agents,aira Unitolpha:::
. azirßazwYrc
/7 1 /Wrir" •
10 1 ' 1, .:1414/ Evinallasegatnary... •
; • ~mskop,.3.Tagasiranx.o. •
...v. a. U. asplay, Proprlota aka Priacird; Ildrc, P. P.
E&.Ph . f, PrlcAcf caxlcsaitatTeachtra.
• - ' IX)111BES OP. EDUCATION, •
TharragiudiyannUepamitocanefexylastab of An or •
comp FREW,
ii.onmodulcu Dazedfuj
Bcunlcr, lOcodica-icalloa, Per , bye coobs.
For .1 nctrtanental Mar, bructuic, Palladia and /IDS.
ernlam e -eager, modnotc)clarpct. '
Vis ant ccistenriOrill toanithceliTsy4ilt. CUtalamet meet
APPlicatba,tiAltiVE4 131112.1.E1.
litunTniss, Pi., , . mayttf
.111. PILLS. -100 ems tot trend entl lor dub, •
IL L. ItAlltilinTOCH
rortienof Woo:lewd gone* wets.
A 7 Tropto Cook,"thn beet Improved, se well es the hardest
attlte lore now motto; the PartOctunl (Umbr Sting The
which Is conceded by ell "rho halt wen It to be l the
moat bendsomend orcomontalEtoreticrwar elnewher
GO and twelhem et the Inca citypore, Copper nod Tin
Warebocue ot . CHUG it CO., •
wino s. • No. 154 Woo-Ist.
Ty - Jizakabetaied maws daclo s (Introit. aril.
lea, formic. by - • ao9 --• I. k lI.PUILLIPS.
t 'rN11:1 .
5 .
8 bbli; trash TM Matta: and tor ale bi
Cll Bb10; P,earl Starch •
swiaiy (oeli) -.ll{.lllNiuin.
PEARL -STAR.OII:-250 . boxes sapenot
read shualui oradviona LA far =deb/
mle ' • ....ATWELL LEE ik CO.
it frignmont,tod for taleloir,t_o
Doll • ,
SEED —s o b
101 x 11".• cream Cheese;
14) . Lttst veteleinlind for late
061. •
pluk l7B
-- A lei irtttodif tOr "kW
.3€0400 3 : 1190S ;
- *NTER APP — 4OO bbls. R ---- usset3a,
(Vitomosmutraether or make quail,
11 1 • 1 1 1 S- 14 " 1 IatnIETON 1 Wool
ocatt_ lEfflah 07 ate
:ItIEDVF=-4 tc& t3,47.Drigaedgit
goal ado 8.80 k
Bros); 10 alo 21 0 WWII> 01 *.A,,,,
• _
VOUR:ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO .L.L. mepen onklendar the dlst Ind. A umnad
the Impend well selected dock of Seaward • or pupils may obtain adralealon. Terms V.L." per erred= of
t13 , 1w04 tordivw iiummutpl taanty.two desk& Isdandtf Vriablyil.
=did a ale,:(Sholraslelmt Add!, by
3.ltkakardS Metr."I3RXELIFt.. erd -,
( Stratum -A tcrWm. Billaber Son,)
Th.eased Flooring, Shelving and Weather
Boarding, Shingles, Lath, Joist, Stud
. ding, Clear and Common Plank,
• Aiiard.4,_ &c.,&e., &c..
the Vardlerirrinagt.o. ato attend the Allegheny
lderkels,lhat daryardS ens the toodconvenient to tiredly
--dirneper Yard only ontype t telrent Ov Maria Irma,
!"d Oz 2 . 4 1 T.trr4i
Cortter - of Sandi:butt St. And North Alley.
44t101.4-Pap DOWN.
ITe hived:lead thoPited'ilTE PER CENT. per timed
and from Ude date to Spring,_ TO CASH BUYEILS
• -oOldterantrd/tlialiesdod to and atthrtection deed
Shipments table to aay are~wible point by Belinda,
:Orders re - craned for SABII,DOORS,SUOTTERS,
,LEAS &Ix/01411.. '
V T Etcluingo and Land {Sanaa% Mori and ...ter laud
eilb cash or orussuino, pay tszakiusett money, mato col-
JorHeas and aitet/ Snot goaranS.
_, •
- - B -WA - •
SAI/ItU Anut.,nputtroasurnrcarncirr, Meat
Ono 0) Abe partners has located In Leasoneorth City, and
will tem:mart til Ltudnon col:muted with the Banking and
.Rout Estate bushiest Ear (tose z mordha yet correspondent'
isiltaddress no at DOs Moines. - -
*.t,. 0116 &AWN Dieter rarest, Now York;
Sages; Lamblt Co.,:lPhiradelptda;
• JaMeo, %ant* Santoe;• - . • art
Lafarro -,4145;
Demo)) 4170.,Hankor s '. - .dcr, • • •
Chubb Brit, ITashingtoe City, . •
flou.'E.7. Atklnami4l . deddaditarTressury,Doputtruanl,
Hod. - :IL Ornlalii,'Hasle.P4 .
Maud Shower, Hoy •
Wm.-11. Law, slid David Bier, Hem., Huntingdon, Pa;
Pol2=Ctiesr,,FPittelourgh, Pa.
V. B. flint -
H. e....... .:
- '-4iiserriosnd%offentrionctirsal Beate Broach.
' •••• • '• ; • 1, ! : : MOILS CITY' lOWA.:
Entritscts:—Tioic , J. ~ 5..- 1 3LAcri
13.4-Pw.llati. J. L. Thoretm; Browneellle,
11. I...ll.lclnamd, Esq., Meeltellie, Pa.; lion. Wm. Wirier;
rywaigiere Buy, Iron. cl.,Keepp,_Weeldagtort Cllty; O.Wi
Tort Des Moltiee,lmm Wm. D. Knox, loam
rdertlte Clarki•Es4; Pmeliney; fit: lion. Wm. C. Bradley,
'Brattleboro, Tt.; Carr a Brothers, N.Y.; Clerk Brothers,
.ELT,0314111 , 4 Re:Maley Beck Wends I_l ll * Um.=
Aliumertlit Wade, - Bolt 'lsland; Messrs. Fun &
Routers, Bock Lslaud,lll.' iny=fie..P
-omco—amfor Spare, York, Anna.
Aceamulatedeopltal 51Y.G217
This Company eontinues to insure ttu3 safer
Much of proparty against Ices or dlmigs miss u
low sob consistent with teats•
Davin STaienu, Seey
5 , - ER AND 11.-17 - 0.1. •
Q.ututne Substitute or 21terve;Tonle:
HIS discomed ;by
• my late partner, Relator Tani. Is A cue care for
the esseeßlearder,RlCE-HRAPACITP, trakall other Nor
'tone U=SP, %to Mimic, or other
fhparlohif liWtente. It' etreaßthen. the aYstelaw, tafas
tone to the Streinida;thitiinerattable to DYSPEPTICS end
those etteetest arab Weakness ftreaypett et the System It
is apeclalif rec•c•mmentled to females troubled with
gr=b""lt moot cues;
ellPa; a art =.gergab: et
Qom tehT
the ljnlon..
Sold by the DruggletattisnerallY, end by J. IT. HAZARD,
Whol Druggist, sza We Proprietor, 121 Makin /one,
Hest Rath: . st•
. ielTihneltre
• Paper BOZOS:
ort - ioroia orpgrd ea d' Wood strom,Pittsbargh, P.
Ov Rod .Ikmmiltatedg .7nrelry sad Preserlytha box
ALI kinds of Boxes =Jo to ardor.
H.-At Rodent Rico. oaktys•P
Orphan& Court Sale.' •
)3Y TIRTDE of an ordir (if 'the Orphans'
CorartntAllegheny can I dy, will expose ta aslo,by'
optic Outcry, aj the Court 'loose, to tho Cltynf Plldabb
bathe 14su DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, af
all that carted], lot or piece of ground situate on Stood
etreet, in the city of Pitteboryjt, Veins Iptnumbern W the
anbdivlsloti of lois Marled and numbered ln CoL Mari;
plan of the city of PI ttsborgb, NO, 201,boitilded iniddeserEP
.edasfeillocr aliegintdiskon Second Wed at thidistance of
IZi feet from 'Would. Alley, and rnantugalons ohl Second
street southward: a distance of Ltil -Set; thenco alowiot
Nob on the plan of mid autallrielon aline laid ant by afar:,
aret Goorge„ on a Lino with sold Itodoubtalleyooothwardly
ad'Saak Manitoba a Stealth Second rrtrect - 0) feet to a lot
marked in cold planiof .Pittatiough, Zia ..Jlt the me 1104
odd lot No. tkl3 towards Second altnet, a distance KM feet
to the Sidra of boatman& upon which is erected • Brick-
Dwal ling Ifonesthreestorice high. Bahl property.l4.lml,l
skitaifecril ofperpatuld tomb, and le added to Chat
of_ll thirty dams a yeaturoond tent,payabla semiannually,
ceeillargaret Cesare, /Le.- ANN JAN& _-
I. • notireltreSi . eldnainletratrinof
will bo made to the
Vt-heathelflelebstuter tho charter oral 91:1 1 3QUESNE-
IlliNarelth a capital oflaret HusscfrkflUahod Jfeffarf,
sobjetttothoprosisfous of the general. - D.fmeg =Di
tbstnet =re Ursa onehelf of the icapPialstOckht thy time, :
shall bo toecebel In tho purchase of Ville of rattlatr"
be located Inch° chi Plttsburgh:'f'samtechcll
RY virtue of an °Wei . lamed Out of tho Or
-4,..14=rt or lkittany county, the anat.:taped,
of the Mate Ad !lobed. tl.llaru. -
late of the Agleangli of tarcutnto, ledl expose; toisiti; .• •
gait for cubist Public Outcry. on SATURDAY:Abe VSttdel
of December leirt,;stlo o'clock, A. M. of that Ally, the
tight, tltle, Interest huid dem (Wig the .nsultvided todf
theteon of Robert B. lisset - deolosed, lige or the borough
afasessid. of, In, to, or not C 41211 thsteertaln Island situate
in the Allegheny rlsch'epoculti the borough of Tetentnm.
The ssid pragettytwentyoneudles from Ilittsbittet,
end easy of sums*, rsilcoed, risontanil lue comity:mg,.
The ThrehinniStaddit of the A: V:11.8, is dliectly %mite.
The entire Island cottalns about teUrteOl WT., end is well
adapt., to gardcrdog purposos4 arfor private madam
during the summer tor theet• doing business in the city.
de'Lltd*RlttsP 11kM1117.1, tmecs, roPrer.
13 to hereby given Out therithouttous hare bona op,
panted witeinletrateas even iheeetetentlamearightman,
dee...4 We or Pittobstrgto AU:leeway =onto,. AIL per•
sons indebted are mimed to nuke pal=ms tothesob
, and item having claims win prmmtihom.,dnlyonttion
laded, for settlement.. • RODERT.IVIOMIAN.
• otattetwv - JOHN C: DALLZZL;
XEC TOR'S - On - 0 Find Testa
j 24 mootazira the estate Of. Jmoolli-Etolope Esq.,
tats of Ohio toOlti, deed, bife - LeinGili. to Gm
undenignr:L• Allpanoto iodated SO Go Gitlllzoiko
impoeut hoosedintely; siol Gob' boolOg oGiconlll poem?!
Goof for oettemoot 'ork th ool. NLTIN,Uer,
10G16670 167 Wooly arra
THE onbscriber offero for pale, on reasoriti- .
ble tern., a farm in , gottlnginan townellip,''SVaabing•
tun tionntl, I4ungl.auia.• -It confairui stout one htuntred
amea aeventy•flve cleared, snit under a goodatate of -turn ,
, vatiom the balance 1! covered with excellent timber, south
of which is tecort of a fine quality. The tend flew Ira to
weeny cultivated, and well watered. T .forr4=tatsa One
Ilmnatenc, and probably coal. `lt lies-adlaining Lade of
D!inielparranli. Tags, and la convenient
to chinch; and coal can be had near at hand. Further
lalbrmation ens baba& ef enbealberi who - resides im
• '' Engine and BOtteri for Hole.: • "' ;
yn - F. sahscriVela:pfrei: foilsale "orie:Srikm
' Evarce lust too:Boar , ss,togsgisr. as sprats. :^i t .
seas I. new E la. stroke d 1 Jn. trader -The: g o o.,
ears be vied some bat us sa as now Is * l t. ~_ •
on al4 In. One In oath and mode of Lat. a. m .. .:or%
We &boogie, oar third and gay BUS lad ... ..r01.2
.. "ecru of sand
Dr sale—all In goal repair.
. .
• 11 / I " e ' •sti iittlist: •
0 .3 . 4 am p . . .. eallillaMalrxdrag ildh: :,
_._ ._... or Mica, TrurnbnU Co, Ckda..
41" FW SALET:ihe . . Old l'ildttalitir
1" nrm Is •." -
pheb, rir -.assail (=isle, being sitsisfed dis iiboWasoni;
=O. .sr, sbout one mile slave 'tbd city - Moss Ems,
..., i cans coo bundled and sixty tau more or 10i--4414
tay the property of Junes Whittaker:desessect.. .
' For pietism] ess Inquire of sillier of Mt ginciWing poriii*
, . J. H. 1100IillEAD, .
. Y. W. II AEXWELL, ''
..- • H GE0.17. JARBO:SI,
To gloom and Candle Manufacturers.
Double BetnEing Iron Woo, for tbe:ne• of
Mina Chandlers, made afar Web' ,
'.OIIAIWY9 WFASE, l 501,Thdintelpt.d4
W.13.•:-.lll:klnds of 13crew Prestee, far. f Outer', ;look,
pindon When. aunts and for We wlo rare.,
We refer Co iTitron !_CO. How ildanufdanori, ZOO
Irorgb,ra. , norlatem
ai. Doubly Meithuri,llledluni;Drowia aid Cap Ca• sae, by,
lo , turner Myyliabauil }biota P
11COROCLAMATION.-;—Paryonr thanks er!
Thursday try girth's your Emilia sa - can or Odra!,
111.F8I1 OYSTERS sr - lore ?Cost* Salt nyourvdtivimq -
Tokol,chkreer:Daankoann:kc. , 'dab Ton. will'Oud
suzquurallies, aa No. las strut. •
W GOODS receiving t..dny et-ZUR•
Etna Alrord Im; pawls, bnpnrtrit
livery Cutup Vlanoele;
Ealladialn Itiuot dm,
Grey Trrillril dq
Winter Moe.: •
Alm, =other caw, of those rery attverlor: eat Anhbod
13beettrualn0 per yolf, eZtrtl: Dui, rialucad
, 'Flue Llama Uneas, all Irlizod loss yarn, at EurUarast
learner Tourtlrsud Ilartrut its. . • sgEll •
WISH Ikkga men blackened now."
• .1:80 yoze bear many Of your tklesulimtotiantig , Tall
31,igna to buy Motor [catch Libeling from .1026 JILE.III3O,
rand_ a& WO do pot gad blacklag mon tban awe
Mall tor It at. Use emuerllatkot at. sod the Marmon& 00
I MS4ED U USTor.nale
fAREENAPPLES-100'bble. for sal , by
,01.1 bble. . day ree'd 'and
tale-by.del 11. COLLINS.
v siiaadteirradi wniton;
Zartala Dern • . •
lugs WM Teaks, ;
htecotreatsim2 15x mato at No, 27 7lftb mt. IL MINX
_ _
LEE • co.
hkesitrazti sitaTntratt.);-d:Rxiiir..
IDIPTA.TOES4-100 Us. choice .WellitackcTok
Pousotr, 2obbla. Toiroowlotat =us fatale ,
Aced and For Ws 4.: 44 IE BID
:4 " i ' • • n • . y
SUM:Mar. Totniollakkens, SS
'an• tor faiaa.No.v illthstztet, - -B.SuMWAL
MrNM!" . 4 7 I
:11[E21P SEED-414
1 /Fnp i
: canaorwo eett
:.eto 741121281= k CO.
UTR-2ble Bail Bodterillttleied
sad tar sals 6.1 R. LIIITCTIINEION,O amito Sal
LARD OIL—Pr:Ca k . o4mbell's No, 1
cnitutly art ale 11 II A. TAIWArt9CA s CO.
•!.13.81.15TW00D." •
AL pitfrATt - fus L ABDuto SCHOOL tit
Mr. JOB. P. TAYLOR, A. M., litcros.
Tho Winter Tirol BM:begin ottIVEDNEEDAY, Noe. Mb.
Boys o.bnitte4 at any Limo onJ Bakal ctrargrni from 46 1 ..
a.trance. • .
For eircalaro, addrett tho Rector, at Mr unirlence, mow
Brighton, PA
The city patron, of this Shoot, to winunreßrOnco may L.
I.Lm. Tboe. M. ricarp,
Roe. T. B. Lyman,
Geo. fi. Boldori, Msg.,
In ac IL'Potunxic,„Bon.,
Pleadvaler Fa malo Seminary.
THE NEXT TERM Of this Institution will
commence on 1110NDIT,Nia.
Pupils 1101 be ctingeds7,so per term, antwBl pelt: ths
studies they wish to pram from ihs (Zoning list.
Ancient finery, Zoniuglr.
Enunciation, Modern " Astronomy,
Pronunciation, Map Drawing . , Nat. Philosophy,
21:1114: 'tit .r grµihL
Grammar, Arithmetic,
Compcsition, • Phyncal lks.k.Korming,
Itltc.riz, Chemistry, Algebra,
Botany, Cleometry, •
For Greek, Latin, Dalian, Spanish, Premb, Unman,
Beef heed .datlonio chniv apt whit
lUD% perearrnof tunny
Cm of Piano pertunn... .. „..
Drawing, parowtriintiw — eLityleasuja......
011 Painting ‘I
A Gomm isoyoui oxeetipoi plaulatoMidenin the4cit4;
leirsoYaq the Para lialff MN:dm dad Tion4.
Ater right via accommo d ated to theintsily of the
Akan , 1,, cud itglit,oknooT . Orwutslog,
II paybusa ars to bombs in advisicei
felinntadly • JOSHUA KENDALL, A. Pd., Pri
1, 1 ff t
Media Delaware Count,. Penns. '
rillsslearla L. Eastman, Ftlncipal.
j, delight:Ml and beautiful vi:l‘e of Wks, thirteen
'miles from Philadelphia by UaltrmA. Oilers to young ladle
tae ince:tint:et wourdM;UMn of adtauftm for the attain
mewl of a tborcaigit and acomplehed .mtiont
The andhcontradlons 'btalletglitely'tweeted, cow
mining latttultacalsin aourenietexe of Why pa; Sr, Is,
:want - Its exteculvcroundt, a mcdel In sll that pertains to
the health Pmfart,rellnentent and improvement of the
phyilyt t :„..lhyreplcity
an sogenosre4ty well mutilated, snilf
coW.Mrt d - ele 'and but-two, pupils
oltagigtlusiade aplitcneht. nrunber ,'of rails br
'halted triftty, wham . teachers aro' etaployed—
:The meet faltbkl initrUction le 'elm in all lye - branches'
taught, while moral and rellgtonrpritelphaue constantly
loc&Ated lilr theory and practiet • ' '
Ibtrbanne of bitrtictlaii ecouptisis • jwriod kilt
yearsAad-iiiitploma Is aßeibled to all aim paw througg.
The Bight ilp. A: Potter, D.. L: T., lilehop of
Tontwytrantly says -1 431 M ELL. Pasumnotho propows to
;Open • Yottagladlnie Seintderyleilledis, Delaware county,
=frada,ltrifiePteillk.illuusbeed bkolni O.
r Lyrae:rand years past s hoe re pra: •
berOOPM- 1 aincieucl .PdottaMbohltlel .ws• Act
educedor...BlmTsi Larva• yup audenceasefuluparlencer-
The btlldlng %Mick
' Maya erectad will «mOl 01.r1
cammodalkm.Themand :siirrounding country ate
clisfingtalted aka beauty; and, the nib, 1
srylhetbas couldenoft .thah tam:entreat • their
V • e 6l l LaskiMa harkno cum - to regret Mt
I 175 ... laallasgu Is tanght by a Parisian lady mild.
tog Milts family, ,• • •
,Th. usa. Italian l.4.4ra, ...-
wive due attention,': : :
Tha plateral Belmati siw . lineal aid . of n taiga
. . •
, The wiled • tattle radar the &up bay:
onilstebtlyef - Milks witusticayand all 'u prefer to
to Wight on the Paper zinging by a gentleman, ban t.
"Isaias tencherfrant Ph il adelphia.
Drawp a nd Painting aro under the direction of a lady
&mom In ' '
The all Term manatencenBeptember
llealEalkyouthisthellbetly relertothe following pre;
tis ~ D m oo lLlgh e a m t - Tri - .l.Poller,lllMopolTanusylearda.
nPietas, owlmaident of 13. 8. •
A. 1111.41E4, Presidio:4.
11. C. =AN lt co, APutAr
No. 7G Fourth at.. Flttaburgb
Virni. P. Juhost , "
J. R. Shoenbarger, Esq.
A. K. Lewis, E.},
800. G. P. Cheap, Governor erOhlo.
Cl l rg n e sa h r t , .
D W a h p. a , r P on, n Els e Philadelphia. iladelphia.
GaGel•li Xv9v I,Ve fir' •• • '
0 sWe-g o: 13-t c h ,
HAS established a greater celebrity than
bsir emu. been obtatupd by Ara other Starch.
=Uhl" beel l .4 ll . Mcdt,Of its marked superiarit7 !wpm!.
d Us iia
stied,* nultormily.
il lh a' Plasblit powarad oflbncoutinmoct of flux Idgh
dandeird nowntddished.
• The production Is over Twenty Tone Dilly, end the do-
mend issefeztended thrnegtotost the whole Milted Stab;
and-foielp countries. •
. .
irddang - thus one tory Page anlo. end.smder • rigid
Syytetu,.they are able to secures purfect-lasifortnity the
quahlythronghoutthe yter. aide mat Danderedust
In Easr thanakirtg, and is radinst nosoforybefiret
ThedfutYleet nes‘ohlbat care botonstn, =1 no o f 4
allteir.enutted by coneumers, ant bo supplied to
then rho stTOCISS, el WO MI their GU510213.11 have 10.71!
ea :latch is thebentoaut Lek fot lt—otheterlontboy.wonle
to Mayen got that article ass erbkh the largest profit con
ldr. Ingefonl has been ersgood In .rho nossaufecture of
14= c 7sInsnund k tifelbi=eenss
ruder%l during th e
bm been, beyond coy queetton, thebnat tberosiket, Fdi
thelintar , hid the thesti of ties works
..04141-0. at which. petiod be Invented the process of
tbemernifecture of Dom Retch. • •
X"Vorers Mara, W , flaw On Aas
been le Jbr d= anotherfadsry.
. It hada 3 , .11.11. b. 6wtgnazv to ocarily may tartot
t.:lllNoB7criU3 James - , •
• o.s,wmno. com.x: sTA:icou,
- -
(eta Mennen, ae,) • '
Ilan °Maims* an equal eelalarilg with then . etooh nu the
Lamaist'. Ths. soden. Is pectoral) yam and les la every
rtepoet, agml to the Loot Dermsala shrroar.Ront, besides
having additional qualifies vatic& t ender Lt Invaluable for
the desert.
potataktinerabbee* ..eatcoldrelitioak.lml toilet
don pinch, and *Senn Dale tropreasicate mmeay.o td
therOill*fritid.t/i OW. Ata , a;.
Preen Its gust Weary and purity; lite owning 01.10 into
extenalrente eta diet curfalanta amd tnaalkka.
The tedscriber Garin been appointed solegent for the
ailed tbei eborecelebrated Laundry'. and Cain Stank, real
Ineptly II:ma:ado at Eastern Wes ertth addition ot freight.
Joirm. S. PkUtRY,
Agent forHinesim Btarck Factory,
Perry Hotel, corner of Hancock it-lend Duquesne Way:
_JA• rATTISk . UOUrr :: ...I :,., ,„ • „
i 1 ISISe-ill• 1111 a.
• Ilittortera lab et makable ' 3 b.-- -.
i ass fterimagetatl Mato /' . ; --''
ZlNZrits an
~ ti . lTar W
. • 1 i ~.,... t ,
' Wren •I P :=
7- 7--- -, 14..irdissamiok. ~..
imissietea raga .ftee .WA 9isint a all
+ alsrl,bailieksatasiSiliausltad
sad Wm ti - Sem di lOA lairai ll =
61124 . 112' & 1 4 1 11. AI astkial aft i= l iren=
, 17; • - ••'•• '• ' • 'R 111111111 11 CO. an:
' astatallai r ' '''.' . . _ '. .: -: • • - •
mutton W A n
gtvea:Ozticultdottoution t.o kilordero for -work I. hi.
.covian,oa •OUNAKILITiI or •11.140,, p 04, 4. 0
-Iqat tiatir" _ .
Walnut 'nail
I dEvalidid a co..
"'"'014 . 10 HALL, PlPf 11 SZRICEZ
dof theviesson lanai op at th e aborted on
1m j-A~tcactm
r v jothrai o'clock la th e meindog 1,012 6,134 at idea.
Business men mid °thane tNllde Well to can in and them.
the our Bill of-lureat any time to milt their appetite.
, Navin si'll'uemverita made to receive choice articles t&
citrelthe, from Daliimere, mid Norfolk,• we cant
Okra fresh siliply of
.rnotrr, Laicg raititnto,
And from the yrrst,,,4 the thou AS reactive of PPAIRTEGAIDD,
. Mann 0:31 :MENA, !tap lUD& do.
which ire taro itheith to invalids or others. k Wheleeeth drc
Ridareitherat the rather of NAND AND PENN STS.,m
rt wiunn ITAIL.PIONatreet. aoLO
I allow Ware,
Table Cutlery,
Plated Warn, •
Japanned and Premed Tin Ware*,
OUN and Willow Warw.'
• J
No. 41. alartet empty
T HE undernlipledliavingbeen appointed ex
plooterttowl el.lte Agonte tbr the tote ofthmecoltbrebealSCAUS,
by, 11* Mahal lowent";1141. VALE.;
DAM k CO, rarpcatu ll y Intl. the attention tithe bultt
lnotttommonEy to, the eupettotity of thnot - Swan Om ell
_nom Loco eubjected to the'SET'EREEP
TESTS ou all the prhutyll Woo In the UAW Stake
Ima Emzundo.d 4444 0 , by.. huslorta tbrupwbout
the woild,wwl their nolforth, berowleYls l O ErObt dumb/MI.
hole plane Ow them the *paten. abaft* TAD STAND:
We ate prOpotel to fill oble* tor Coonletaottable,Dot ,
=ant, Rolling 11111, lley,posLEAßrowl awl amel Scales, tt.
wtoortorobout' num. ROWE A WELLS,
No. eer, Liberty Sc
eet,Crttal Row, ~
ie17:111.1 • - . Plltgairgb,Nnwt_ . ;
Continuo to dad elltrimirely la-
And aro now offering thew nt lox Pry
MIES-: 7 44oiblaiprilno NN. O.' Sugar
1,1146 Cmsboa
15 CoLW do •
16 . Palrerlud.
10 w „ (Inundated do
d .
I•s11 bbli, do do
• • •
120 krgs. do • d do
-ID) tegsprbso filo Carol'
60 Loma Em d u
r 6 Halo o
46 ”-Olive Jo •
DO " Clothe* l'lo4
au .4 Bruce:
'2O Corn Starcb,
In snore and or ul _ naltoEß,
a llconsertiadifiela rod Saul struts;
warriuta • AILILADRA •
icanRTOA,IvE oicErriert 'ROOMS.
RKNOX it GO. announce to their friend°
• tad *timbale this User Boom Aro tiow op en for
tw ssuoinsawngltbooothemilsw.otHVay arta,
044-00/lEa AND CO CO tit
; TbfArinAlweiktsl4l•l4o:ll4 Mud %mamma.
(Ma of Aa TAR. GircUelon.. VIA say bosAAAe
st um boat durlns Ow day &Ad 11115101 to I/ P. X, !Nab%
t/L , Jisaanet7' by . ag 3?ti or Pitirotfa
VOSS Y. MASON, of Vitubitrtbr 6aa ibululuidr•
1115 all Prommtrinbi. and Was to Pittsburgh 'ld=
tannablgthims,lisebbsbits and Mechanics gement. NCI
LAMPIIIACK=-40 VAL warted;
25 111/ do
A. fAIIN 64 7 CO ,
carnot Wool oul WO OA
Tor sills by
R. B.
. •
yt+etloA- g 'in deals,. ea re.
garde thu older - hit a canape", atided .Icriving • truthful
solution of !opener &Mr disease, oral Its proper uto in the
treatment of the risk.
Medicine, ea the rogd faculty, a diduslm
' , hood!. of impeetemadue and ,mee.e.lealee. nem le
' to Its theories on which the physician can rely as
certain or lizeih the multi obtained from Ito prescriptiela
aro doubtful, and to Illost.seinihistiotictory.
It Lin solemn atidstaitlingLita,tberth"l II `"
"Who hare departed this'll's" died victims, .1 to disease,
hot to the inhailichumappliadion of this subtle sod tmcvs
-reinbyt. Wwis•
We hue proved theititter fallacy _of the regular practice
of med kiss, and - the 'great undeniable truthfulness of the
IL It. IL over &odour again; Du, In a thousand meet, where
tho regular physicians hare given op their paileatallo Incur
able, dud had in many caste even sat the time te only • few
short hour; that their rialtos Led Ire, Radway's Ready
Rolla, Regulatori or Ihnsolverd, as theca. may hare 1000,
bed " en° " 4 neeeedYing patients ha new Ithreret heath.
to the sick , by the
thorn Go u thlrtg tat or uncortetallust for these
nmetlics ate so prepared as to..yseme fixed and positive cur.
olive slovens, founded on principles es immatable to their
pow'u 0, ,,, erdheseent,. as the Lure of gravitation over the
tomame, Lmpoesible for these =media W fell
in remOriagfreas the human client theditnculty for which
the./ ins/ lie &Mender restoring the whole hem.. .3. -
We tolls normal conditfoo of health.
This Ls readily wan In the miraculous efficacy of RAD
WAY'S READY &ELI-RP—for the moment this remedy is
ePPned to the Pert or parts a the body. tortured with pain,
or cripplal 'whtf infirudtles,all pain and uneasiume ceases,
and the cuipPled, Woe and mounded ilmblecausi-lortgor .
ated with reneged Strength. ho' also with the Itcsolvent.—
ThemOst reptlltirWßores,lllcere,Ntuneue, end the
silage Of tWealc lensea Quickly - become extinct oiler •
sw doses Is taken: .....
Ice 1 " n! ' o f APPertsta, Constipation of the Tawas, De
• rangemeht of the "].rose, congeetke., rwribdio.of . t ho
Heart, Wear's Reg:Titus, la thaprm of Pills, can bo
renal him... • Paditive and eortaln corrector nod retro!.
tor of theserilelcultica Ice ceseiref tetoporearConstiPatlon
derengamant alb. stemma or bowels, the Caber* and
Purgative PIM &entry the regolar facaltymen If flier..
umee the tertiPmary difficnlty, do 00 et the expense of
Crazily*, Pickneasat glomach,end Weekoese, and after the
eirfCte alb.. Flagellate are over. tho bowels are len co.
Alva asul the vett= debilitated 'Wheel's Regulators will
Instantly relievethe pain and &Arens remove the difficulty
and neloren regular same bathe Mu,. enmesh, bowels
andothar orgram—they withal& Irritate, Inthunn, sicken or
'termitie he ttlerat, and the aracoations aro natural, with.
:oatpotntmttha ilyTtem or cramping the bowels
These remodlee an, /hovel, ones that have reduced the
hi ul
gice principle to thonrltysof .ansatheminical dam,
.01(thtlon—lantrhade to ail mies;and proceniting on a muted
routine. They; and they olono,lito inverted to Rio lo
eoligrodue ouPerietire nod repoguint prim - Rena Mirocall
.ed "regular faculty," tho precision "andinviiiiabllity *Lich
are essential to ties requlreistenta of a science: Taking the
Inman body as the problem, end heath mils normal con
' Olen, MY Premed by fixed roles to etharrate all estraua
mu and deletes:Woe particle, and thus restore the constitu
tion to II integrity, by the expolsion of thorn local or organ
ic irregoluties which vitiate the moodners of the whole.
_ 2 niscanons me -LEM. - •
Chalet.; Yellow Fever, Ship Four, Dywritery,
Tiplami and. Forces, .and maLlpinut and
inalarlopki,edway's Hatay .Rclittlandi.katibiora are
role* racmatiyea, tart ontain irercionvea.
.P.l O tho mildoriatitudes ofdhe North ham' them
ru''''....e",,,,Alike,Pellenta of them terrible meladic., hot
Gild'ir„ macs of the treplcs,whete, In the wildcat
Imo lonttwlOnset we, thoymourgod peoplo ea a pew
Woo.. Witailieso remedial ion awed not tsar ...some
tiny contagious diem. . or Infection. malady, •
. „., .
eeletrtthosat rasm
All dlacaSea thathave bewail) estahla a. In the iistera_
taßedstwohic eanatitotrobal, Rids - ail Resolvent, oide.d
kith. Wide& R4dators, wlitrerhovq- &Maeda, Brom
Mee: &arc4Flroo &Wes, Altaitora, tremors, Emit
ithatmi, 04111 AM dirk:Saes will vilekli yield to MU all
pTwct The Ms 'of the tialeivent will, in a few tks, entirely
thanFithalithoth eanditicinef the body, we care not Crinit
how many genettlidon you hare 'derived your tido to the
dhmaseintaLlLshod poor bodies, Radw.ys Resolvent trill
teMOTO It, and gifa tWiettlitat Oar tyrofatbers welt, tina.
to,llMUSlandhealthitaly—Ree from dioceses.
„ ....-...
4.11. ascot= lumina at this soma of theynar, caused.
bydarancharet - of the enamor tha syetelhooddaa changes
of the. arethec, heat and cold, Alienable) chemist:Loh a thy*
blocel—Pleartaatteavlicuralgta, Tic Dotenny Bawd Com
plgolar, Perm sad Apealeadaao, Toothache; .Acbes Loa
Wm dell Medi, IteaLles. Berta, Smlda, /13fiam...
tart' Dicewjea,Congotteellisceacc, HOMO= 111 do system—
lancmallooidolEthlta, Panels Pimple% Blotchy*, kc. Idnr
Cocrephdala--D3spopola, Htlinay Complaints, and all &seam
vie:thee ocateactamasatom acclarhass, Demo; chronic,
or dmaittalanal,Radwara Vantedles will moat pceltieely
exterminate and teetaratha Infirm awl enfeebled eyetece
health and awned
. . . _ . ..
To who ham blonds nay neon We bring of the gran, on
whom all bops: of recovery are last....abo ham • Men given
tip as Incurableby your phydrian. ao Malt. you to mote
am more effort to uLTO the smltuta lib of tbo dying otka • ft
trial of thosa Remedies mama do any injury, and roo7 Mt
dote to life tad hoolth, emathongh no boom ars antertaLu
ed by your physic:Um. Otero thousand sucb fratances hove
come to cur bnowledmand Ho therefore, fool oureelvespis.
deal In remiestlng the trial. OUrel7,itf.ter the phYdcw ,
.an be do no mom, Ids prejudice lo your using a moo.
• dy that Mull do. gml, is gringos!.
• • Auto Of .the Instanced unbars alleided to to tho above
or thlo, ;Nyder tho prddio to tbo cue reported to us by
'Diehard Orlifitb, Zoo, well lroonmin Canada Weston a sun
of high Integrity,
_and well approved of by his countryman
forllD high official carmine. •
. .Haluornerrimi, Pontotoc Co: (LW.?
Juno 7,114,1157. • II
In Ortober,lBss. y vita giving birth to a child. left her
Mal too party and =add a . Mrere midi which proodsoi to
terminate her life. Tho beet phyrdelans in this neighbor.
hood aodifinmtonworo in attendance on her—bntall of rm
svall—Ma doctors hod guest hoe up to die. Ibr sacs oat.
seruttee tortlg.l at at has bedside, momontatily smirking
to am herbreatbo her last. I happened to see • copy of
your paper called olitz /Meng, World,. and there read of
your medicines. • X norolved to test them as • loot resort. I
[Metter, Um Eminent with thallogalators—med Relief. -on.
to directions, and*, three days observed a wonder.
AI ii.pmessimt. Prom thi• shodolly recovered,and Duos,
think God, better . Dui:hover sh e . twin boo life. ,
Thechild, taken throo mon th s old, amgbta tad cold, and
iada/A away to a serreskekionomildng but boas Stool riga
hie erg Puerotirdinna dds dead; as (flisey. not.ld drop out;
thaionysiciamall nailed to raying Moro ins no 11.10 of at.
•temptlog to soon Wm,. Di mm mu hopeless, do Ai .a. km
Mang. aDdstusi Mr. • lint I thought elidhrout. •Year Item-,
edit:agars Ilia to My adfat, iddlotho doctors gals bar op to
Trrm'- bLluWnr . e t g7nbb' Wotit"=7
"I Ia•-mg e t = o bb
, V.,r===r - its% lT7. l
Mnint alelaßD 011131
cuesnbalwitailer.l• belt one out of thousands of , warn y
cases in .bon all, arbembad dm venbote• of Me pLysiciane
been relied upon arkboot fords. trial. death -stoold , hors
salted its steam Do nut therefore give upyoul friondson
the awe report of you aryaledins who My they ma do ni.
• More. Whon.yon an to ld ibis. semi Moor Reanottes.
' D.ADIVAII ivo.to2 vtatmArtroet, N.V.
sale by. D1D , 11.4 ituNct, .Ibanict 11611, Pith.
The L fi. iiiMoedies us told b 7 Druggivtor Northants
ondgiemelnialam. • anl9 - ' feldNlastly7
.11. ti on hand and for ludo by
• • - B. L. VAIDTIMUKA 00.,
ne2l3 corner of Wood and Fount, etml.s.
Tine Cite stout Beettleal Discovery
Au- dbutrierel in cae of our common mature weeds, •
remedy then Maw , entry kind of !Inman from the want
70,4rogolett. a wanton Pieroptho
ale has trial lt In over eleven bend! e.l come, and never
&Oedemata In two meat (both thunder homer.) Be has now
Li his posemelna over two hundred certificates of Its ‘10.414
all within laver, - Intim of Boston.
Two bottles on warranted to curd • numbly m o v.•
Ono to throe bottles villain, the wood r,yri° ( •
the gene. • „Amman ra
14ote three bottles nil! Moor t'ag a t of Two bottles aro wanauted •
mouth and stomach. oite d %semi canker In Me
• Three to Eve bottle- a ro
of eryelpelae. maid to cure the wont cam
•Orm to tiro‘, . •
• '
warranted to cure all huroors of the.
t' adt i m . -unwarrated to cure running of the ease and
...long the hair.
~..?'r melt Witte ere warranted to cure rorrupt wad rue
Ono bottle wilt curnmaly erupthat or the elan.
• Tanta three bottlesere warranted to awe Om most dupe
:lite Wed ot rheumatism. .
Two to three bottle., aro warranted to cure the worst cases
of ringworm.
Three to four battles aro am-ranted to cure nit rheum. ..
Five to eight bottles will corn the wore use of emends.
. A benefit le always esporiencod from the first bottle, and
a perfect cue le wartuitcd wbenthe nbareßtmulitY la
• Nothing Ware so Improbable to !Lose who 120.4.• le TRIP
tried all the wonderful midleinee of the-day, at that anew
ID= weed growing the pastures, and along old done walla
Should cum eresylomor tre the unteen; yet it /a now a Lard
hirt. If Yen ham aim= 'than ..Thore Are no 16
Wends hums°, WI aboll t the malting game cams and not
yours. I peddlodneer a thousand bottles of it In tbe skint.
ty of Beaton. I butte its effect. In every, ease. It hoe el:
reedy litio'soMb of the . griateef MIMI ever 'gone in Maid.
Chueetta. I gave It to dtildren aeon yearold: to old people
of eirty. I have ssenbaorainny. wormy looking children
than flesh was coil and (Libby, sodorid to a perfect state
of health by - • •
To those whom subject to seta headache, one bottle will
always cure it. Itgivee groat relief to catarrh and disci
nose. Nome who hue been costive far yoms.ltuettaterteled
been regulated by U. MUM. the body le sound . It Path •
nitre eery; hot where there b any. 'derangement of the fu.,
thrian of raftum;it will auto eery singala feelings, but yen
omit Pat alarmed—they piney' .dleaPpear in trete - fora
Avis - tea week: Thera Is never abut reault from In On the
Contrary, whim that feeling hi over you will feel yourself like
•newpereon. I baud some of the most extravagant nun.
nitme of It Raman ever listened to. No change of diet Is
ever summit eat the best you can get. I have literriee
an herb, which, when simmered In suet 00, dissolves ecref.
alomrwalllng • orthe neck and under the ears. Price* 00
unto. Price of the afecllcal Ildaourcryti V , WO.
Adult, one table spoonfirl per day. Children over alight
yam, dessert rpcontbb chtlikan (rani ere Weight years, tea
osurnhtl. As to direction can be rude applicable to all
Conetitutioni, take enough to operate en the bowels twlca a
. KENNEDY gives pommel attendmacelnbadnues of
Sold Wbolowde and retail at DR. REITER'S, la Wood
etreet,:corwer of Virgin olley, and J. P. EMIR(); All..
mtr7Olydawl ,
WONDERFUL •Dvicovicievil
Ty • •liieur.tiqf the beat medical iuseithat ever lived to
And c metal that Weald. :aurally cure the Dppeptla,
which has been recently found oathy . -
' • • DR. IL T-P 0 RD,
alL•kboriouli search' arid research la ths table . . Rink
fdr eight or ten eara, boa brought Or l Vege ig• woerho
Idodkine whlch.will y
nu:Really cure the DYSP E PSIA which
is the List muse of all.eneral disease which the human eye.
boob anklet._ t BAN Ilaterrotr [Stoma%)
bulthy.. WPC all hare good, health andsournet o
sublect ofaay .a nt thanes ' ,' --
' Dr. It. T. TO has been a 04 0 0 "di IwMI dig" ,
blaitak(Dyspepodelfnr eight to ten yogi, and bad Wed.
hunt of capertruents on t o but all in trillits until
his Present d/worety, Whlch has • radlnglY enroll him and
many Others In itx, eight to Moire days, rellhant patio er.
*knees, mowy stutioulant Watt In On elttem, but on
the Contrary, It intlgorntal the anima .Sad ging • healthy
action to arery patt.. wal arA gently, ret copkody on the
• bowels, and giro a healthy ictlan to llos'istomech and two,
Yon can eat and drink yam'. treat ellettrl. wilkh will not
.Intußre--thoteediclue alwaye doty,milted
Wbauttpio.dliosseq wlllDYoPulrels,Prodnal tettfieread
It to tho grit estwo of all gourd &um* LIT.r Affect*
Lt ik u6 , l 4, AMlCtloll, I.6IMIMPT nnned4
grail's= Dkrzlows,lSllltcrAlm a Tnletdd Yere.
Tau and dgm, NgToos Peru, NertralEbb Rama, [Wks,
• **tiro Dowele, Rolls, !kayos Onalraf Oidda
=Wm of all kinds, Aropletc li ,i s t, wit/4.7 t rk , talmg
1 1
31 ' 1: droith,Cc*raitafw of rim Voed. unto Wind.
All of the above footings may or Will b.S PrOductal from.a .
IfMetonsach. Pram that organ in genera!
111X4 LT ibis Mamma Mae. which no sane
mind orUldenhlbecamer all who 111Mb:en Mick knew • thls
otatament to be true from amicrioa, a rick or deranged
atenuell hi Ant • , ,
now liaporterA to tea Poor PeNdarynn hoe De b i dor!
tering for many re g n ows, to Told Wales remedy that bdtaa
rely maul rearm the ansathat bu lowleblm
5idr....410a Mos Maitur laud sipMtha atle!tn, at Omani
glimpse If i nlb i t i tgatti c saeu mw t
sZil by the Proprietors „Ins 11.r.T. EOED. Wasi dad of
Pennutrula I'ICIMN(IFourtb erect Saad i ) end also JONA
' HAFT Jr N 0.116 Wood tarot, corner or Sith; also, Nit
rgu e am, tibar.tx...g.' bei° , St. Mrs
Pittsburgh. Also, Mr. W. A. REM. Anwar!) the coon of
James T. temple a' CM., It atilt* r: it tor net of Federal coral
' and the Diamond Alb:when/ City. And nbn. Dr. Ford's
Anti ;wither. ..d.rt In'Ono.ln radian
Yegeteldellatolinhaent. - • . ...
. Too *one t o ao wnearamnetutallon, is tons.
sands b certify and county will WRY to tbelr Intelostdo.
attalitlcAlmir opal W IPS te
rH. ..n.dAnn. • •
- ---
Vor hlndind u 94 War
2 cross °stimulant' Mr rilla)
B. 10 14u k 00,
ova woo of Wad ad MA IRMA
snarls COATED.)
fooshM, flaws, Mothers, Physician, Philanthropist;
Mout their Ar.f.s,ancljudge of thd, Nrines.
For th e curia IlesAstito,Slok Ilesdacbe Ara Foul Sto mach.
l'rersasaos, Pa, 1,1855.
*l !Dr. ATEC.-Ebt . I hare bora reposioity cured Of Ow
worst loodecleosny baly con have by •dutio or two Oryour
pill,. ft soems to adze .froto a foul atm:each, 1I b they
cleanse at dare: If they will core' othiss 03 they do we,
the Let is worth kriosh.g. Yuan with groat reeved,
- ED. W. PUEBLA, Clept. of Stour Clarion. •
r ~ e~ l ' '.~".
. - - - -
D 12.1111111217 ON oat Latgaloa,
Washington, P. C., Ma 7,1656.4
t3tr: I hare coed your. Pi hi. fd tily 'general a.nd
praitke over fan. Too enide'lliom,ind cannot herdttla to
eay that' era tiro boat carbartlc %re employ. Their ropilat
tog actin on the gimp b quiekranal deeded, c neatly
they aro . adotlraldo rowdy for dorangernento of that or
gan. Indeed, 1 dare seldom found a cut of =ion, Duarte
no °iodinate, that it did not readily yield to them.
Pratornally yours. ALONZO BALL, M. D.,
Ptiyalehin of ttin Mtrsao lloapttal.
Poo, Nov.lo, 7,6.
De. Alta Your PIM well. perfection of medicine. They
have done my wile more gaol ttonl can tell you. not had
been sick and pinhas away, &moths, Went off to be duo.
tared et go ...Agawam, but got. on better. She then ewer
mcnced taking your Mils, which soon clued bee, by earn
ing large gnantitiesof worms (dead) from her body. Ito)
afterwarde cured her and our two children of bloody dys.
eadcry. Ono •f our neighbors had It bad, and my wife cored
him with two deem .of your fills, 'while others mumd as
pall from dye to, twenty dollar, doctrine bait much
time, without being coma entirely even then. Etch a cud
Leine as yours, which:kis actually good and lamest, will be
mixed here. ' GEO. J. 02:1711llV, Postnuostor.
fildiparion and totpureq of Me Rood
From Bar. J. V. 111mMrssitor of Advent Church, Dort=
Dn. Aram I have cool your Fills with extrsordhorymo
one In my fondly and among those I not called to vial In
distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the
blood they are the very best remedy I have ever known, end
Iran confidently recommend them to my friends.
Yours, .1. V. MIMICS-
Vileasaw, Wyom ing Co., N. Y. Oct. 54,1855.
Dear flu. I am using your eftthartic Pills In my practice,
and find Omni en excellent purgative to clean., tire ayston
and purify the fountabas of the blond
Frynpvtat, 6.-refodu, MAO Bra, Thera, TamerS, an
Prom a Garwerditig I.lerc 6badiht
hantof flh Louis. Fita...4
De. Mx. Your Pinsk . , the paragon of all it - 0641
in medicine. They have scrod my !Into daugtiteiof door
on, sore. upon Leer
hands and feat thatlind prayed Ineursble.
for yours. ills mother hoe been lung grimmuslY
with hintehm tad pimples on Ler akinarld In borheir. After
our child he cured, and silo also tiled your ! PE* mad_ they
love cured her. ! .-•-• • and 110=MUll.
Kescrolgt3 -and. Mod.
From Om Ile, Dr. ilawkee,of Ilatholiat IX Church:
MUM Fromm Eavanwan,Ole., JIMA Mgt
lioNaars. es: 'I aholald be namulandPor Ma relief your
lain hag bhmght notzerttoj rate ! to. A.
cold settled In my limb. nod - bran mrentdating
nlglo palm,which ended inchro rheumatlsmi. Notwlth.
vlandina Iliad the Unto( phygichum the disease grew wasp
and woree,nutl4 by Um advice of you excellent agent In
Italtintore,Dr. Mackenzie, I idol your Their elkals
were slow, but sore. Ey persevering ll:Fibbed,* of thcmliim
now entitely wrIL . • •
Pram Calmat, Davao Mama lA. Dec. F, 1 1115 . - •
Da: Arran 1 khare hem entirety =al* b 7 RM. of
tiont—a Waal disease , that ad,h takted me for
For Dropsy, ! Plethora, or kindred Complaints, requiring
an meth* parge„they are an excellent remedy.
For Otallsencas or Constlpallmomd as a Dinner PiU, tiny
aro agreceldeandatfectual.
Fits,.Eupproadon, Faralyele,lrdiatturortion, and even Deaf..
torich - and Partial Illindeom harp been cured by the altehe.
Orem-don of theie Pala. L . _
Matta the pillaln market contain ?Strawy, whlehi
though a tdvAldOrtmedy fu eklllftilharals e larlattipmeos
• public pill, from Modest:OW comegueuces Out fretaltal.
fellowlts Intantioionitt. - These contain do mercury or
minaret svantance whatever.
I .
TOR TU. SM Cl= en
Cbughs, alds,'l7ctirsen - ers, fiteensel,. Brandeis, Marled
Cough, Creep, Asthma, incipient antremption,
and for: the relief of anuturoptive patient. fn advanced
(tones of the disease. •
We need not spsak to the public. of Ile virtues. Through
owl everylOwn and almost every hamlet. of the American
dudes, Its h ence I pulmonary touipleints We •
made it alread Nay, few aro the Li:milk:lln 'any
dvWsed countryou thls emu/taunt wittunaS name pen '
experience of Its effects; and fewer yet the wth=lttmarty
where which have not among thartaame flashy Of
us victory ever the sebtle and dangerous diseases of the
thmardmt Mugs. ' Whilatt Intl* mottPOwerfur antidote
yeticnolin co .one, for theihrsuldable anderots them. '
of the pulmonary organs, it is also the Pleasantest and leaf
eatremedy that can b• employed for infanta and. young
persom. - Parents should taro it In Wore agaltdathAWedle .
ems enemy that steal* upon them unprepared. .ITe have
abundant gronnda to Waste the Chen yrectortliarat mot"
lives by the dammuptka*lt pre/runts ihtn-tbke .. Oil turne,....
Irenit it Vie% and cureyour colds_ while ahorare arrablsi.
normtglect them Imam) Inman *kill caLtmsstertbs bum
orabTo canker that, 'kW 4 d 'on the yitals, nits your, life;
away. All know thadreadAd Maly oflrmg Alawdere, : and
es they know too the virtues of Ms remedy,tre need net' o
cam than to aware them it is Mill made tlecibeet tt one
We spare AM <OA no oar., no toil to pnwthmilt the most
perfect poatiltla, and thus afford them u relyou It the beat
sgent•which our *DI can Welch for their
I.trad by Ti. J. C, NM; Pritctical and Analytical
girYtioe 45 cents per box. Plea boxes tor $l.
Bold by B. A. FAIWgSTOCIt A CO., Wholesale Agents
Yljtatrargh, and by all Druggists nod ALedlchae Dealer,
'PILLS an be had, orbolesale
r v=t h '
0c"33 . .cornet of Woodud rocab sta.
['swill* tram • Prallbelegth Musa IllatrettaablT
.. • rollout ill 111111.
Etgerhalreffs Holland BlttaDv.
edy for Loppopela, Disease of the Sidney% Livor Orme
plaint% Weakmera of say kind, sad dgmh.f. 4
limn affection.. consonnont upon • dloordosed Unmet. or.
Liver. Such ie Indlipstion, Acidity of dm SioutarlaColicky
Pak% nrtbur% lots of Appall:a, Deep,ondener, CO.:1
LON, Blind and NeMing Pita. In all Perron% LW:mottle
and. Nontaliffo,Lifactiona; km . ovizomms. tsamete
Pf°yrd .bratooitiele weed to •LieraMf....1.3.43,
toifit4l. - 4111, ado eLy
tota in tho;ntom. lto *Coalman almost magical, yet
tho emu pormooont. yt eommonkateo no elotont chock to
dm oyez.% not hp aroma:mum Plod ...wt. oormol
lima wedges it to throw od ,the conee.ardt done thersenhir
cradkatto tho
Men its medicinal thine. are so nalroroally acknoprl:
edged, and portiontally hefty wham - Oboe Income npip*
lar as familymodlotoo, that It le sold by many of the dgrraa
fersotawall ashy all the dmen% ftuncodd was Deakin
to offer [tram erratum yet as that° are draratioraratow
who hero tried many adrorilood rratodies,and still utter
from Dppopatal n ono or more of . Ito dreadtal forn% rola
kin following fortified.% the authenticity of width
aducuttodonbUtd, coming wither do from penal's so well
lowan. _ _
Wm.ficlinehroan,lhobthe well knownLlthographer,myid
9 hare froquently used llaraharifit Nolte:ad Itittoni,and God
It Invariably relieve* Indlguitionmul doldlity." •
Dow Samuel Debark says 9 frarod ,pedal millet from
Ito nee ter a mete boodash4with -which I bud tong- ant
]d." .
to W__Soilwenjtoolgt tit:: 4 usonsoa Beetbsves
I •"' ft" - '. l3, 9 lo, PitkaI L
.Zia It brother; kno w ing
lust atm it 4 . . _
. I ".thPfNcely, of Terarer MD, arc 9 lisle de
%mica' from Its two for %man.. of the sumach
I op') to":,goedon."
J 06.11,11 urphy, ear= °After ravers.' pliyaralune bad tailed
Bairhavoia Holland Ditteriratosorod the pain-from my heart
and ehle,arraing from itidigoitioor -
• The editor of - tha Ilittaarang Prom, ear.. o ,_„..arbio; one
of Molest phyracians hi this place toll limramtl
llolimd bitters cured me of the yarn fonl i o 4 t i retpda.
Fronde Fell:, only menutectniar of MI olhetrera
of Cottoo,9arc know that your Holland Eaton bona cit
the bat =Widow! ja the world tor • 4mb:treed storourat
Dr. Ludirlg,ralibor of the Dirket, 7raltlinor4 pionontrace
it os medicine deseerragthocorifidenre of the yubllO."'
Dr. Edratort, the leading Dorman trayaldrar orPenita. ha.
yrowitilied lt frequently.during the Nat therm reldX with
marked enema In debilitated rade. of Gio,dimtire -maw,
or of the iiratem geuendly. -
The manager of DallottieVintgar Facto% eirr 9 teed
myralf and was therellun latticed to ley Ihi• eSict
My wife, itrarabledarith tho en , Lt &bail?' =mm= to ed
• coraramPtlre hahlt,jandroalty /kb -doing low more good
than onything de has war •
NOTlOkEi r hearor caporal to Mid In Mil 'a borer*/
will be disappointrah but to the elekoreak and lowirplrated;
It will priors a placed aronztle cordial, poiterand of dugs.
I • csvnoN ergmat4lopolarity pf this delightful Aro
, era, has induced =my 'duration:veld& the public' should
fair trial One raiturhioe you how In
rior It Leto all them Imitations. - • ... • -
telfr.saAtri last
WI t iteoll4 s : 00k,y the .
Ammer Duiltbfieldoa Tbird
ntanit £ooool.= aba,Ptiti
Phillubilpida, T. W. Dyottd.Soni r tiraittii litratt Conrad
iitreet; New York, DIM= k l'aX/4 504 • Broadway,. comer
Du l ane; litoltimore,Cuithare Drothers. flay strooi, and: Penn
syraa " Cinch:moth Jn It; Park;
*lay DrOthure, Arent 2l3 Solidi Water oh
"Meg Et...i.RliPl,
Adam. a C.; Non , Orlearw,l, Wright A Co. ,
Jot. P ;li°" "4 tut VehntilasTitra kCO
neta - tornerof Rand nna Fourth ereetn
• thE , Apt nzApts
. . .
.—Tho Great Purifier of the Skid.
ThriSlt eratimesier yerflbr:tfl •'• •
Phythelaria prescribe it,und eres7 am who one It Ls walk..
tog aiterttlermant.. No :Medicine . ear yol offend
.„ to the m en t
al p o blic. boa gained etch
popnlarityln so abort •time its
11. will ram any Oaso af Eliansuattha. . .
It will cum =Lane of Salt Rhemen
It *V einimay tam of Nouralgla..
It willoantunreese drum and Ague.-
Or any Dimaere ansl=7lmpura matte of the Moat
If cured Me niece of the lion. John AUL= Sattei member
of Oongrem, from Tirglnla of Scrofula, idler Um etllf of the
beet phyidelene, both of New York and Plilledelphln, had
Recut-tied In ruin; and It will ears you, muter, if you info
• 1 - Rtitriueriii.nurma
It eared D,Eurritt,Esg.;ofthncinnath at Ethstithento of
fon, year,. standing,-altar all other remake bad sou.—
Ws have handrails of such certilLattra. fin an the agent
and gor a Cook and Circular, and reed foryounialf, *Diann/
tomarkille and argoantilng tures It haunted*: •
The teleteuted Dr. Dutcher maestri tie that bona, two
of the moot severe and thug ateuxllng cane of es &math that
would Odd to mum of. the usual roman. but lie aired oue
Cu.• with els. and the ether with ritne tattier af agues
Houdin Idixthre. limo known it wed In over alleaten
• sad ana, and hay) yet Wheat of • /atoll in any the&
AGUE AND WEE—Do 'not take Ontitlinie gerthan tit
any each nolloun Drage,thrt brat othatlialtelinttru
and ir of Om Bloat Carter'. epannhiumwrintium
-any a n nd eraymiee of Ague and deter.; Wq !ay" trI F
known It to GAL
And for all Mauro ertelagfroas. an Lethninitste. oft the
Itlcod,ree ninthinit humor•yot been Ruud Annum an pal
en start. - -it yea are Mck e -try it at do nutdelayt time
prance, ad health thagnatint of alllsbentnin,wlllinut
width all dials ,
• WM. 9 :
Tor «Luny - B. A:ITAUIaSEMI &004 -aseir=ll
• Art.rmixa, • Plttabarglusa:Draggisto and- Ondary More
cbanta In Wino:U*l ;Wallin& Etetee and
G ood mPPI4 OO . I M IV •- • • ••—•• • -
tail • • emus of Woodandloorlbstreets.
dOusida line - ef ilibe -
y„ bat erre It la too late
welch ?come the'heeltby- ecadlOott of the seer, mita
halt la forme* the beld,ekad checks any teedsory- twat ,
Retelling out„ and Woofs* tbltw - •
elarier ode et, the w•W• pet Dreadetie and llohe Ate
pieta - NIXTII HTIIM, two &ore Itelowihutlhaeld st.-
OORRE 7 -40 aneirrirs
for We by ILA. VAIIA ZAP.:
• mll, - • . corustAxidind tint sta.
SPANISEIBROIy4-,-25' bb=abz
I)CRIMEA FLOUR-50 add, 501.1
j°4 "fa 6°' x `4lllo7T
Lrma a ax
pep now ma directly to
from Elttsbargb (Perm Etreet Detest) red Cleveland Iritleaut
tha_g oab474l4
On and alum DIONDAY, Oct MA, the Trains far Clare
land and Chlcago ran dally, .(Sendays vscepted,) as fal-
Inerc • •
Leave Olt tiburgh—
i Arrive—Ctrrraaon ILd r...
8.00 A. M. us calc"° WO l :« A
ti:,;,. , ....k f,
Med", Zandusky, Detroit, Kris, Data irk,
Bal)go, Niagara Falls. , •
Al to ...Milno!, Kunnas at Toledo, Itroatre.s at Chicago.
Arrise—Ctsmann,SCZO P.,to. • ~, •
Dilatory 200 P. it.
2'3° P. AL .B y this Train corulections aro iriale. tot
• Toledo; Sandusky, Detroit, Kri.s.thintirk.
Bulfalo - juiA Niaintra Fella.
Sapper at Bayard, Brostfot at illii to brow; Diann al
PA3ST—TITSF.9 VISIIIXiII TO OD 1. taiTl HOO7l NM /101 . 702
The above Stains connect at liodsan:with C. Z. a C. It. B.
Trains roc Akron and Clayshegs Fall.
Passengers for New Philadelphia an& Stallone on the
Towerawaa Branch most taco the 8.00 A. U. Train.
Baggage rbwise.lthonth:to Cleveland, Toledo and Chi.
Plitsburgb, WI
no g d. and Chactinanti
Arnre--BrEcararwur, &SO a. V.
3:30 A. M. Comoro, :A r.lll.
4:30 P. Y.
By this Train couneciluno ere made for ColMnbal,Prwin.. l 4 D.Pao.ltulLaspoll•, Tarre
Uants sad St. Loafs TOD 'aux rocs No, Dux ro MUM
VELOW annum - as oS Isss.
• •
Artiro—WALLSTILLT, 18. at A. AA
8.00 A. M. Brasavctttr, ll:ls
IlatootitOaf„ MS . Y.
Rittman, 1.07 r.
Arelve—Setr., td:I0 P. Y.
2.30 P. M. I Rettgara,
Centaxstra,lol a. Lt.
artuntlabiTtl, 5,45 A. it.
By tbis bola CoAtiedoult tiro made. via Stanbenrills and
Bonassi is Zanessillo,,Niirark, Coltimbus, Dayton, Indian.
kratikaocre liante,eluintastiand St. Lords. •
gtenbetalller-with RtanbenvOlo and Indiana Railroad,
for Columbus, IndlAnapblis, Terri Cincinnati wad
Bt. Leath,.
Beldireport—vith Baltlinoosand-Ohlo Railroad, for Corn
horland,Raltlmore Itn4 Waskington City.
•—iettb Central Ohio Railroad, tor Senessille,tare
Ceder, CLeelevllle,'Neerark; °dumb., Inillanapolie, horse
Maw Cluctosottl and at. Louis.
ErPAASongoramtehlog to go by this routs, meet Aso. for
Tlekete tin Stenbeikellle az Bell cow.
Ticket to all points are eoldat the Ticket °Rico In Pitts
burgh and Allegheny City.
PArsongere ono got say Information concerning this lime
at the oilles of the Company, (Ilotiouvthela liouS0) Pitt.
bnigh. R. P. GLA.Sq; Ticket Agog Penn at. Depot.
i• •. J. Y. O, • '
• . .
ocrl2--molo 3onongahrl A-CAVORE s. PRlshltratt.
l e Lao~►ri N&Tidrrl',;
MITE Pftnif(JßClllaggittige
-wArica-k ttuototi.
IWAD COMPANILattIth Its ample Itolllidg Stock arid 'cyst:.
mint, audits through connections, is pre parod to transport
Passengers and Freight from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
to Chilhgo,St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and all planes
Fe and Studs-slat, with admit &gree otregularity and
.V 't'ar4
Lac/ that thli SiXtd:Lirrits a , llrect and COllllolitbaed
Ilns tetirl= Pittebtrich end Chicagn, Is r rifflelent guar
antee that Us Trains WM trunka good time, and crinnections
with Trains OM othor RP4da
CrestEno. Ft. Wayne
11. S. Mail. ....... 3.30 tat. 12.00 is. 7.10 r. x.
I;rvreas. .. 2.15.9. at. 10.05 v. M 6.45 a 14.
Elsa Praia loam Pittalmrghato.2o a u.,arr ring Jo Chi•
oago at alfa. it.. Ettpraseat - 2.00 0. 3.
Ittatti.•Ctstedraff—Kall traho at . 0.13 r. u. Expross
tiwbaat fatja,
The 8.46 am:Train from Pittalootch being a Trato [orlon'
,Ittubmit'brovertaton Crlltxt ll:press train from
RiMborgil aC2IS mit"
AU Troll= Mato alote.coLdnictioataat Creelllne for Colour
tat; Cinainnatl, Italiartapolla nod EL Lout% also, at Fort
Wayne with Train. on 'Wabash and Western Itallroad for
Lafayette, Coutnit Illinotsand 8t Lome; al., at Fore+t with
Trains on thuAL ILL la E. 2Z.IL
Prom Mark Ft. Wayne Magpies.
11. R. DOL..- 6.46 r. 6.30 a. it. 'Dm r.x.l 8.60 r. r.
600 a. N. 2.60 r. D. CZ r. u. C.OO a. Y.
Thaw Trains maid atom wane:Com with Tettna for Pettit.
' , 4ellll9,Baltisnote Wed NelrTatk.
Trawl trom EL Denta,lndienspolter,Clnclattatt and Canas
ta:mamba clow aaCrestllnee with all nparning
.Tralat. ' AtYt. Wayne, Tralna froth t. ,1443,_Oentral lILL
.note, Lafayette, and Intormedlata phew, nitinentnrith
Trains. At Pons; connectleautua =dont& Trial to imd
than re , Bpriagdeld.itadDayton. • ,
ACCOWiraaillad ,Taa.L3B-I.ITO Now Rrletton for Ahe
eean) it &40 a. sfyl.36 7. - Ity, and 6.24 P. it. !. ! eave..kilcslatay,
Raw Ilefghton at to a. sr, and LICIP.
Baggage awned thr=gb, and no charge for handling.
For Latta and thrthrtr I . m.ttose apply to dR. JOHN.
DION, Agent, at tba Oman WeaWrn Raitrpad oftlee, directly
iciaw%re p e j t a Zo 3fonontrah r ela . Ho o nee, P Plta
t b 3 Th e t : e to
.Wayna Imd Mandl it. PATRICK, ?fo. FA Dearborn S ' t, '
opposite, Tremont Howie, Chkego, or to et. Again, at elm
&Abate Wong tho
To commend, op BlON p AY,Novembar =4 and =time
unt.ll fmiber notice.
3. J. 1:10179POK, Con. 141.9314 and Fel mt.
D. W. 110.4.9,1taa'r Agent; Waage.
J. 11 - 14001 KP. Dupl. my 23-047
1967. 'Winter Arir . tuagalaana..... ..... 1k157
and after OCTODKIt TIZILLII WI (anima
aorsa sotrra.
/aura Chicago 1140 4411. and 1042
a. EL LaaLL...:...-..1519 lot. and 1:^ r.
LeaVo East ELI-ends A. Y. and is r.
/Lain AF nab...oAL v. and GAS . A. la.
At CIIIVAGO; e'ith eltlhe Gioat Eastern end Nortf
r itrn
30L1LT, with Rock Island Railroad Wert, and "Cut
road 4a Pearu , 01N1O . P h ION, l ß ti. r r li .ogia und,Ckitas lo HiaaltlsurSh. ongton and intermn -
LOOMINGTON, withlllinols Central Railroad, North
At SPRINGFIELD, with Or WeatAret (IlL)
-East for Decatur, he: West for Jackiainrllle and Naples
At ALTON, alit; Terre - ltrods owl Alton Railroad Rant,
edni stesmnre on this Rhea.
At SE. WWS., ultlo Ohio sad Ulm Railroad East, - .West'
by Pneillo Earned and Minorca stamen to Fare= Ear
odd; Km= arid libbrailts. laid, Id all palate elf the MI.
nob and Allatasippl evert.
,far through Tickets eau bo 'Alta:led:at all the prlusipal
113.Toropet WitiVrolgtat its low by soy other
Route. -
. 110011101etteror gaper hatandmst. •
E. GOODP.ICLI Oen: Suicaa.igad. ratuni
_ _
Horde, connectinalles AUlosa
teas with Ifeatern, l'iortb-Westani, and binGeMsatern
Stateaby a acelGunona Ramey' direct. .Tlifs ft)dilso con.,
• - at Pittabornie ern daily line of Stemma to all ports
the Western akar; and at Maitland and SandalatTwahl
Steamers to airports on the licatbaridero lakaw meting
the • nod- dilYd, nbasprzt, and yetteible ~ a nte by wb.
PREICfiT can ba Snewarded to awl from tho Great Wirt.
FIRST CLASS--Doota, Shoes; - 11 ala anal • •
Copa, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxed, bales I
and tronk) Drop, (In bore. and balsa)
! Feathers,
SECOND OLASS.—Domestie Sheetim.
Shirting and Ticking, hrt orient! balee.)
Drugs Oa meta) hardware, leaner,
bones) Weed said Shoop Paltia
=RD cuTX-ZircuZ- " ii. 71 . -" Crur. " 6 . d
=AO limp; P.M and, Pork, mated
(looms or iriewska,)Tobeiceo,lammirebotor-
Clews or Cut) ko,k4-
and Pork On awl, or Aram. Daftward,)
Lard &tabard %%ails, Soda Aell,9tr;
man Clay, Tar, P Eosin;
ITLOIM.—SI,OO per b until loather ware.
CediEJ—le ear load* 450 par 100Iba. farther notice
GOTTOS.:42 peytele not exceeding 500 It weight, untß .
inxohipping, Goal Scora icy point east OM :Model
tat tecedor to 'oxktitlitllge4,'"ria. - •.ftnruytronfo'
" All Clasta ed to thalnects of this hew!
at Philadelphia or Pittsburg will 'be tawarded without
Rliculidoccri - C). IL be Kirbystreet, Bahr) J.
Ctrko. lin Bator liosescandh63 - Willistel stood,
JohaitcDaaddetick e.littterf Place, - Rim 'Yor rk - rc*
• 00. untsou%.o4 SpriamL , ll =
a t i
Closinanti, itildnuc, 1r ,4- wone
Zell; Oa, and „ratter 1).; Winratt; Lordititle,Sy.; P. 13. 0';
lino &Coe blnuorrim,lo,l4 H. r; Eall6EL:Louls,l%4
ria,WoralleC bietopleis, Tenn; tooth :Da :Chicago,
014. J.P. re. wmzeinia.; Sceoder. Zia , : Mt-
Craw 4 40mena, Limorw_v. Montt, Plttclatrots.
Rat. 3.IOIUSTON; atta Jrnitcla Agcpt, :
Ha. LOMIIIMT, Aluctuts.To: jardr
eistsburguind-cisiPielsylWllo#, 4 4•.-.
- onnelletille Railroad ti 'n
ta"tbe ttatWow fh opottatbia 'or plump= and Ittlat Lo -
mat= !Inl6onielltilittneeß ate. atton cottneetfpgrh-the
Penna. Ce." -
t Aro ntral =
tumlitllo been made with the rearm.
Oentrel ,by which throne' tkelnht to Pidla6tlnlat
0 6 Baltimore erM jap canted tram ts mi Mb.
ipargh and Conaelaallie Railroad ,by ea id., ontamable
theut= of Tatran—llt:aiulifteir,ldoniay, 6th faat-;
Paisinger aittbeTtre-deS7,-ezeept Pandays, se
hw= -
Mali Train..l4lllam the PaasangerStatfter_of tbe Penna.
*firm& at Plttaburgb,l3.3oeaock, anlent at
nalletale t 11.16) A. Id. _
Ittproai Paiongit•Pralt sittleare l'lttnnfin 10 10 o'oh
P. At, and mina* Cour lleTine at WO P.
Irsmanim—trPrese Thin wtn Imre Cktenellsrfile at 6
6'cicnk, A. IL, connecflag with Rhe ITtatnrytne Accost=
dation Vain °lithe Panne: flamed Irldcb surPnia at Pitts.
fea4 Ponlie‘6 l e . ai 1,4 '0 . 6 .1 81-; and 6)1;7
wets with the Winton Aceonneodetion WWI on the Nana
paltrowl, labia arena at Pittnbarth at. 6.10 P. 11.
Freight to and than_PlttatmiW and thitleni mints Pittat•
Patna and Oronele Balltnad, ba reached end Si.
U at the oaten Depot or thaPftna. Pall And Pozapinp.'
ih m neg onithee-ft aft.-PlesisatilhiSontena,
!Frostburg andllomberlead !mini Omnellatille regularly on
the arrival of the ; -
![OE Train tonneetteho al West Newton' with Melia;
6r the
n k toad with alount,Plenont, I.Sonterae4 ,
tate had taut. the pia - et- Agent at the Penna.
' -';11.1111.A.CUPONII, &Wt.'
Okla. Weatersi Mai novae.,
CAW tlnkar Marmot
far praesmt; Gabnonsod Atonlantntroar 1212CTIBAL
:DEPOT, foot of LAKE llTlLlXTerantsctrog as .Doxilalth
!with rtoarFens far Bt. Ibul anitahnagerriatlypL
1131T0.11' AND 'IOWA Marra—Tor `Dbcon,lrulton, and
,Central /ma- Ptomain , Abr lona, Manna and stem.
Inn OM *nee aunt- erpodnion■ fontgtt bet an Air
Line W* Ithanrdpbband abmirc by fifty wan than any
Mbar Una, connintlog at Fulton alb the Great lovi
On; [rein painto In lowa and the West.
BELOIT ANDIIADIEBON I.lloC—lor ralolt,:laatarftle,
efa rox EMIL VALIADI .LlNFr—Bbr Ciya r bal
Ilarrydlicfnnnd. and potato North.
:TIM Wm daily, Sunday ramrod, for all of ilis sbna
panta, daklnionoas oannactiona with tba Embus lima,
and with !adults at no IlbstaniA =its lindanath. -
T. A. Saliaganifornlnbgall JOHN B. TEMIlin. wait
00M138-11orki," loafs Enb Ma 'slo arid
natio Etna Dnesinic Oomtr,lrm ficte Tcoth Comb".
4o< combo tau Prck.c Liar . Wohat to Migl
OCIV Omier Iltariet wt. and ths DiAmozni;
3 Lblt
. a Leaur': •
NA • ./Aina Xii6kiltOelbi.Wo:44lt..;:
yDn hand and far ad. by , • , T,LCrlial Zo h
A ' Panuad -And. •
- Ft ofjammrsli-linaLpizie,R(4llßl2l . iir;
ed andfor Web./ T. LIME k CO.,
• All etcoulitsiss
p eninT svonma
W saatin.:
rawWER ARRANetg ur aim
I-OmA atter Itcrr.
Ito 211241Trabaleanst
ivivt 8 4t . a.l it alf1.10 fg t. ocit i.4 „ ,
ext . „it
Tag NI6IIT EXT 113113 3. km* PG 43l Affitli 2 r
The ant
adeu* Accommodation tralig leni_lillilstrugh
daily, except Sunday, at A. 30 Gana, P.ll,llMdcilk.„_,___ o4 311
cations, and mining as far
11ilierfVol• Writ Nc.t0n31.4 it
Vey t11104. 1 411F:tho
kittalurgh and G 0331441,1 1. Beamed.. Tin 4110,4 3 1:003
=dation Trata for Turtil,Creek Bridie.,leaver 40 =MP&
unday, at MIS m. Th. Second attoa
Turtle Crook leaves daily, Sunday 440
The Third Accoomuldathin Train for Turtle CteeQ daily, except Sunday, t Ge3l P. . . _ .
.8.413.1-ItingTrainsarrivro loPittabargh 33111 Me
LISP. mg knit, zu.; Fact . 9 3 Im il armA,
modatkrtioilidi:kmmilscille,9 A mg lint TUrth, Break
Armounociation.,ll3oarmg Bloond Accommodidion t 1233 N
mg Third
Arco - I:0_1
gad Ounnelinilla Ac
commodation. . •
The trareltegrablic iilll AndirghAlly to theft ,
.. l t,
In going East or Went, To travel by dm Pmbsyleltda
road, as rho accommodations
.now LOMA cannot di ainydn*.
ell on nuy orb, route. An the road is tnillatgod with 11.•
and to otillrely free from 'dolt, we can promistmitoty,
and comfort to all 'who may Lam thin roadiilthtbeir
. .
ronage.z . . _ • ,
For further particular* con . bandbilla thediilorea3 111131••
log rgAata. Pm-longer* Gam { Fret trill'lnd this the
alsornet and most expolillocurouto to Ildlitlelydila,
more Neer York or Breton. . - •
Fare to New Y0rk........__.__......._.._.413 00
" Phi1ade1phia............ ......-.- ... . . 30 00
' " IlArriabserg
" Baltimore
N. IL—The Es [clear Omnibus Lino - line — b;ren
to convoy raIIECOMS and Baggtgo to and Amu the Depot,'
at a chuge not to exceed 23 Mat& ICar .Ch passenger .apd
baggage. ,
J. STEVAT.T, Ay., ,.. Passener:Lines,Pittabnigh:
THOS. MOOT Z, igen ,Passetar Meg,
J 5.51.0
OCTOBER •44), 1.1i37.•
LIN"E BAILROAD, riaStrraMalx-
Throgh f (I,l2=o..vivithoot awe of Czn-21,
nazi i, dayhgAt. -
Onand after MONDAY, OeL3oth, les7, Two Pessaren •
Turfs ski We route tram the Tenn Strod, Tittaturgly
Repot, datly,(Sozeloysexcepted.) •.• - '
in= T.R.A.Exaccum =arse lease fleteleurgh at
3.30 A. a; Etenhencille Junction 640. (breakfast s I.`aelin
Jrnietion a 7,304. IM;) Coltitabm at ?AO rod arches at
ulna' at ILZO•
/3ECOND TRACC--NranT rammed= Isa Tee Iltteburgb • •
le.:Eteebenville Jute-Eton up, Cottonton 1,00 A. xi •
elliTee et Cincinnati et stopping at all Ow.
Unman S.k. L. R. n.
this route. Nsongcre Italia hi :short, &alibi
sad direct lino from Pittsburgh .tO.CoMmbirly.:, LMai
cinnsti and the anwthorn and moth sisurtaria cfUpy and lad.
appotattacnta and maringvinent, rots by 107:era '
Mass rwM in ths Unto..
Trains rennet at Yrtrark with ilia FsmtrAy. Mansfield
& Nererk g. ItAr Mt. Tem.], Sanduety, Toledo and
At COLMIIITS with Colrabna, Piqua ond Imp=
for Pig... trt , tee Trop; Ilicilcrootalnejlorest: •
ALXEN.IiI-wlth the Dayten, Sahli& Wire end Inchintal-
Central 11.11. for Springreld,,Daston, Shchniond, - IndhinagAJ
olia - Lcailaritle, Central Indiana, Central pup" Lainyeltie, •
Torrelnitte, St.-Loede, '
At MORBAWeeith the Clocinnati,Mbahlgten end rEnt* ,
Tina R. it. for Washington,Cirelertile and lannantiri - •- • •
All/3 - CP.LAND with rade for Itillaboro,ThundenendPorta
AT ClNClNlildil with thou Ohio If JRarinipir brad '
Gage It..llfor Madison, Loniaville, New Albany,: rtypjl!
eine, Tinton:met, CalrO, Ceara Illinois, EL Louis, Jeffasottz
city,Reneas: Nebraskruand ell points on the.litinoEs, ,111*.
RAJIV AS LOW &SIM ANY .0111:10t TEOLITE-llAil(4011 '
, .
CIIECEED Tll Eoll4'll.
far threngh &luta try thli mto U. the Fb.d.W Nam=
ere Sorrntex Crum, plee:se anly Atthe- Gm:: inettpe
Meet Oiltet,tilrettlrea tho ' corner nt the ?ffihteatthel
Muse, l'itteh area:. er et Stria, ralftbetye
411-11511 For: Verna Man.—
Jtoettone, together altheao gh freight rates and contract*
vlll be fru-ntehed on application to T. RCM-MIT/Alt..
Agent, Federal Street Station, Alleglter
Rennstraet, l'lttttntrgh. IRA
General Titter Agent, Cahanhas,l*lor
R. W. 13ART.ET, Supt., Columbus, 0_ _ • • . •
LtrArrrra DzsinTtf, StenbritOA,
. .
;err. rlttdVg
Lttrerpoeli Anti New York
• Serest, Sitimasnablp Csisnika_o_o_ryi - • -
laordng the abstre will all than Neir
And each alternate Thursday.
From Liretwol °Terry alternate Wednesday. , •
Fore fromlf lin•York,Mln fiS, Thlrpiesd s3it, '
Llrerpoot, sssvou
,ant San s4b
Retina Ticket* available r etc 11:0111101 by any shame.
Cobb,n VHS Third — • f2ais,
These Steamships.° nith improved Watrrtlic„
conspartntents, and eariy expeetenord atirgIIOIIIL
Perseus latent proceeding to Europe, or wishing Seale- 3 -
W their friends loom the old caosttry, .1111 pardtess Wadi :
and obtain all Warranties', by applyllagg
_to J a 1
Bradtny, N.:T., Sable Se Cartes;l77llrendteny, H. Y.; tre
• Joint manesallotlil Llhertynt., I=o'
Kir image certificates by Ant chum ,8411,WE 'Raw'
tlrttriNweltsrk Drafte acrid pthe deed'
: oilet.atg4
. : Onthur- Mialaira , Dealt.
/M. 61 Send; Wane - Etoora, , Aid' New
OPEN DAILY PR0K_9 . .201.- 0 .-_,
aozanntmlar tird I.l ; ,, thr e. frotn n... 7e...:,Unk ck.k.. .
• Deponta racaired at all mama' nat. tem than MMDlllint,"
WC dtrldland of than pratlla daclarall.t.olcm I %mints
Yana and December. Intamat nag. datlanni at She ride te -
IVlL""ter.isTcr.ll am ":
Intermt, if not drawn out, b placed totha etedlt.
Z to c r c le Fincliallor,dr. tha nunaintareat km= tbitind
out tecalllng me "‘ the depoiltLr Lain
11 =14 1 412.
paan Wok. Al this Ma, war &ate - -attain
sun, mating In the aggregate mmnt mons 114 .11/ CPR
BOOkS Collbalni the, CilXter, • Itrialni, nen lila
latimmfunilahcal pattyon ippliallannt the OH,*
James Ehidle,
Jamas W. Hallman,
AlEamdar Mall*,
JoLa 0. Dacketa,
Dergeria, •
Albert oalbeetano,
7obn B. Caixtlehl,
J. Geplatillailltl,
Alemo A-Oarriar,
Darld Cettipbell,
Cluerlm A.colewe,
Freselte Felix;'.. •
George F. Gilmore.
James Meg,
Wins= 8. nalrEll,
Seeretaryered •
erO.OF:F..-,nlo -
dh) per 100 ID
" entrant a stn
nd thtuarentittlety,Senext and Eold.
Stock, bmgld and @aid tn commtadon-._,: • . '"
Muth= Nur; Ruh lad NotttnttNOO•optddi -
Itatlroad - Dazdelptithtsed and updated. • _
Colludena trupdyttdended to. " •
udg Oftcaro.D Yuma, great- ,
CU per 100 IDs.
B ANKING HOUSES-OP - .101.1N .1" , •
D - ............simaosi co - . .• ~. ,
SOMMOOM-...--......--...I3OMERSTTC, - ... .
816WN5T1LL11:3,......--... - ' 4
MMIANA..-...,.. ... -.—•-DIDIANAr a: ,-': : - ,": - ...; - !•E
Deroale - recOleed;Dlecounta Sprat. tante. !MC. .
and collected; Boillo 'Neter and le bought and. Add. ...,_
13tottn,, Note" and of . Ott and %old on tom . '.'-
t, Con'etTondennt and colledlonssollelted. ::.-4 . ,-• l'
Oft per 100 Ds.
• HOLMES &SON; DEAraRg von'•
ZION ine Dome.ticsmi olSrehavWV.ertnlara
oL Depcadb, Bark NotesankEtarta, ICartili num atm%
Plßalargh...AlEirOollectkauitoodesn aliß:te,wtlr.t.olstd6ll
tk•"6gh.u"h"v/,od •
• phneteii
M. 333
: • PITTBDIIItOrt.'PX. , ;% ,:- .
.. retATTEnm-ramwszt'
214. 0 TIOAL 11 , A11.13 V. 12 -111 - A 130
TT farm his &lat.:lrma tbs Pandltettatally,.tht•to
basloand the &bora preadoes,kr;the mannOwtty•i . . 044 .
of may . vadati of 3LarlelVock,mh as •
Monument; Tataba Tablbta and Gearestunea
- • • ,of eteiy nrittrind to= '7;s'•
u ntU nem,
Centip Table, '
and Wu
• - • - Pried Tett, .
Marl ha "orizink a. low Li any otherimit West
of thamonntains:ills 'stork !a =gray nes,anikkae been •
tdested h7hlttelt. sanpronly. ler 110 mutat.,-Itstialarr.
to build Burial Vont., enclose DarlatilwitlrMAt!':
o. ' rtna, and to execute any other work In ths.. re*, Ix:.
arty of theca:arteries ailjointegPltnintrgh. • ' =
Bar. B.hyman, . Itobert Galway.
Thu. Wre'-'ll7lklas, Jelin Chlatell, Eat, , •
Jae. IL Sboenberger,' W. •
Charles Brewer. haq.,
Thomas etoth Eact., . A. B. Carling. Tag., , , •
The Trade to with all kP. Doom,Fa~t
in. et Tor-Hp and Diana
tto Marble, tither. thAthell .or In the roco, at. Walked*
Ile haitalso 646 arrantamenta With
of the bud branda foie corestnnt immly: Ilicirinllate--
aunt, Water arid Loartille Ilate,arrk Pub, bib
At Land and &neon Wort, all of whirl. .he .rmi tit
Destladder ridli
- - Sztri Heavy PlAdd 'do ac :,.
3- Iles do":
6r0.1710-D0141aed....—...—,......120 do •Xrd.,
. .
~Riak an io9lDolatneo.."—... -
Ana an de ca nt or Dlsck sad Faun eas al liksoduCtba
or ono-el Crap rqrafrPric*SAS r- "Zrifib
zwos - A. A. naL
. .1 -- IARDWARE ,-
Psi Capylida I , :cenas tandara fin - do.
1 nm mia
Dot W.lota- . •
Pea Bxcks, Agra; varsity, ' • • .:'•
Eqpt' Ertales,'irfa ar. and oval loaded,
Pocket Knives, Elan . - -
Jost received Frd fa ma. by • _ AY, i?L'ut.
ceso • Martel ad area
point.l th' PI ttaburgh: the
WAall COMPANY, Gn the stle admix ct4i,brited MUG
EtZAßANl o (wilicb is war:sated wnel in vallty
In mellut) ar• now pniparidtosavpiy "Wbolmjiatisl ,
ars M waixEdwiweete Ire.lll , lt.tbewi ,__tepticw of gh•
To& intbisartickyto tiandratitro of Oar
sad tales tW kept ecwll.l to theft:an&
FLOOR .CLOT/IS of .otrfatti:And
st canontictars. widtti. sided an One*
roottui qt• hallo,ot the Oilcloth Worarooroo, No. 45 =asses
Volgisr4o. xalt, MUM.
Leitch, - Nor. ' '
31'ylle, Nor.
Jaren De..e.: „MX
Leitch Dee. 2111.
. .
It:Grattan 11.481111 y,
Tbcobald thostattler. ,
William 3:Andersen' ,4
Junes Tionins
Janne D. H all e
7orin c y p .l B- .N g 1 4b.1 4U1 ' ,2
_Wilson Mks, ••
A.M.. Pothook, M.
tinny . .
Abu •• • r
Ora nkoderkos.. &Woo..
r'findlo. ' •
zuars:t Mild"? ,