Oittsburgk (Dnette. •IPZWT-133317.1.tar1*: ; 7 :5t.:44 - EHai " :IIOII.NING, DEC. alp omuz. CTZZIM Sews of the Clty ana riateambooa Salomattaaa . og Fmunay. - -.ln yesterday uttrialier Onette wi • referred to the fact that "Nowak Porter IWId made an affidavit touching H e ertain Matteis - rs - pertaining to the Jones' trial. wilt Carom' Pivissonon, se. Before me, the subscriber, en Alderman in and foralid eity,per4onally appeared Frederick Porter; who; halms been duly sworn, did de pose and nay, about the middle of-April of the r i t present year, and a 013 t, one ZWOEIf after Wm. Campbell was.. ki , James Coop went to the house of Ellis Bro , in the Seventh Ward, in thLs cit p . and sent. . my house for me, to come there, that he . .vtiali to see me; I weal to Eliza Brewia's end found James Coo there; he asked uttif 'Meted Tames Jont4 wife; I replied yes: "he then said lie wanted me to be a witness in the case or Jones, and said the State's- Attorney thought . they were going to plead drunkenness as the Cause for shooting Campbell, bat they were going to, put in a plea of accident not in tending to ~this conversation took place on the MU; cacti had asked me to go with him on thi: hill so often, that no one conid hear our convemidlon ;, he said he - wanted mo if/ become a witness for James Jones, and wished' me to say I met Campbell on the Fourth street road near High street, andthat .Campbell wanted to buy a . pistol of so& but I 11113 to say, Quit I had told him I had laft. off dealing in them; thank was to . 'say, Campbell said to me, I know where I can get one; I. can borrow one of Jim Jones; I was to nay toCathpbelldon'tborrow Jim Jones' pistol, it-i.e not safe; , I beau seen it, it might go off; then I was to say Campbell said, come and talcs a drink; .I was to make answer, I do' not cave anything about a drink, I was not dry, and then parted after my _saying to him, I was going down to the Brownsville boat to meet my boy; - this- was all the instructions I received nt that time. . • . At. the time. of the Juno Court of the Quarter Seardons was sitting,Jas. Coop came to my house for ma muliald, I am going to take you away, I won't tell you where, so that you can't tell your Wife-4hat he was going to take me away so that 'James . Jones' trial could be put off; told tone to meet Lim down at his house the next morn ing; "he told DID he had $lO for me, and gave Me $6 ta (tire - to my wife, and. said I was to have so,a day while I was away; this was to'pay me for the leaf of the use of My - horse and wagon whilit I : was. away. The next morning I went to Coop's place; Coop rind myself:then went to ' gether to the Pennsylvania Depot. Coop told ma to scita...thelutek. • side of the cars, on that we should not be seen together, and so that Fox should..not take notice of us; Coop went and bought the tickets, and gave me one; Coop did not sit near MO; he sat on the other aide of the Car; this was an arrangement he had made so that - weshonid not be seen tegether; . we went' on. to Greensburg; went to a stone tavern on the 'top of a hill on the left hand side of the road, about a half a mile beyond Greensburg; there waVithhtelltimith shop °tithe right hand aide of the read; Coop junked with me there one week, and • paid-!ss tot- our boardingi we were away from home eight days, including the day we left end the day we_ came homer there was a young lawyer boarding at this tavern the same time We.ware there;irhen we returned he (Coop) gavame.s6lnthe cars, and.eaked,tnelialearttat East tiherty; uMIII. - .,nox. get off, there, as the cars went too fast; I left.in Bayardstown, just by t he glass house. ,I- did this. because Coop did not want US to be seen-together; at the tav ern beyond 'Greensbarg, ` Coop told me that Jouie.tutdher had opened his heart and purse both, and that we would make a good thing one of .it... * The night of our return from Greensburg, Coop came up to my house, took me to the again, and told me to give him the $5 bill back, and he would give me $10; I gafe him the $5 bill backend he gave me the $10; we then part ed. • Coop frequently called at my hoime after this, and asked me if I could not raise some messes to swear against Harriet Strow=.thit she Rao „titc_only, that was against him; that he would give $lO to the witness as soon as heiswore; this Witness was to wear that he heard Harriet SitOW call Jim Jones a-- and she zooid eee him hung. He asked me It I knew a of the name of Philip Mott, and said If he could - get : NIP, he would swear anything.- About a week after !Ids I saw Philip Meth who is a Dutelunan, and toolk, him up to Coop; Coop asked Mott where: Zion - Campbell was shot; --Akltk-tolksytc b .. not-in the city:', Coop. then fold him . could . .bis prated 'balms out et cu r . .-. 3l!)dhit - GooP;iind''My ca te were a„•' . 11 .1 tavern beyoad Greensburg,. Coop went to the 1...".!,,.171: 1 1 atuitl edetfittiloe- every 14 morning: I think 1,01, 01 n Sunday .morning ETD ADD Eau.-Dr. L Smith, or Baltimore, Daring the. laltt.dertn of the Court, iiiiileSCOOVOlLliSt and Atuist, has again returned to Pittsburgh riskWicte'il • knew Jack Nelson; I told him I aad . esay con s ulted at the St. Charles note l en did; lid asked me . hat. s ort of a man Mit du., ‘ „,:oPetonat to 1 4 eye Ind ear. described him to Coop; he said that was the lawn, Nola', say! he, you mast say-1 saw Nelson with Campbell;when I , met Campbell on the 4th street road;, and that I was to have asked Camp bell who thatvVas, and that Campbell asidit was Jack Nelion;.- and , that when I left Campbell I saw Campbell Mad:' Nelson go together toward* . Jottes' house; this was to have taken place on the day of the murder; I was to corroborate Nel son's evidence., , - • - During the defence of Jones, CooP cattle to my . holm for me every morning and took me to the Court ffousof diffing- Jones' trial James Coop would take Nelson•andffinith, (the stranger,) be hind the pillars and; converse with them, but never bad an converslttion with them in. My . presence ;''Jack Nelson told me ho ought to be well paid for staying and losing his trip, that such a job as this was a dangerousease to be in, ' that he would leave as soon as he gave his evi dence-4m would not wait to hear the verdict; he also sell 'AndriWNoari told him that he would tie Letter paid :than he could make in' a . trip ; replied that he did not want any pity; but told rye lie was promised a cabin passage to St. Louis, or whereveehe wanted to go; Jellies Coop paid Me in. all. $22 daring the time of Jones' trial. I told James Coop that I did not want anything Lotto irltliglving testimony otiat I would n6l *wear false—that if 1- was sworn I would tell the truth ; Coop laughed at me said I was a Daring one of our coniena• thus on the 41111, James , Geop said; ' , Yon may tell adtaltd DIU anythlnv and if you tell a man him anytwithhingthatal he't y canoware afraid of a ft erwards, make ' -* Deponent further. aaith, That. I was not ' in! company.with . ll:t. :On the "day of hie 1 murderi that. I did tiot'eee John Nelson on that day;; that no conversation : of any: kind_ took pike- between Win::TClitipbell and myself; that th6: uald-laiUeuTCour , ilid nhte . on me to commit wilful and corrupperjury ; as hereintotore set forth; and that the'said James Coop did take me ,to thepdice of Attornerßwartraelder ; that the add Co4flrtid_ presloy - Idatricted roe what t o . say to tha t which'was ' what' Coop bad previously Instructed me -*hat 'to • 'testify : to ; I: asked hir. Swartzwelder if it !as - necessary for me to keep "out of the mil - mileages; he uid , be did um know% was out : of the may: Coup' told me that is could Wei mansworn clear or sworn guilty, roltiip our; and tubed dote BO- i 1 i - 1/ '..`FREDERICK PORTER.`.,. Simi sad autierlbeii this ltlitisty of Dieitai-, Ler.. A. D. 1857. /Mrs Mason, Alderman. coop was yesterday arrested tual held,to ball to $lOOO to answer the charge* brought anim a. him at' the next term at Court. „ • Tan. Stananantse RAILROAD Osszs.—W e al tutted brintliyesterday to the decision' 'or the - Supreme Court in the muse of the Pittsburgh & Steubenville Railroad:Company TB. Clarke & Thaw, of this city, which was argued at the last session of the Court in this city, by.J. S. Craft and Geo. P. Hamilton for plaintiffs in errorituad the Hon. A. W. Loinnia for defendants in error. The opinion has appeared at large in Philadel. phis papers, and we condense for our readers the main points Olt. ' - • :The-Court do not decide the general question .whether a transfer of stock will relieve an origl 7. nil,sttheeriber .from his express. ; engagement to, pay the instalments when required by the' Di rectore,,,hdt 'poi to the construction of the - 7th section f the act ef 17th February,.lB49.;, The Courtesy that that section' very plainiy declares' that - a stockholder who: is , - "indebted”, to the Company.,shall not. emu:infer his stock without the consent of the Board of Direetors, 'and that such transfer , even with the Coaseni of tlie *Board, shall- not:discharge any "liabilities" therefore, Incurred by , the owner thereof. The - engage mut of a stockholder, to pay for his stock's a ie:ie present debt payable at a future - day The defendants Id error, at - th e thee of the alleged transfer of their stook, were "indebt-' ell" to the Company to an amount nearly equal to the whole of their subscription, and they had theryfore no right to transfer their stock without * the consent of the Board The . tranifer to ldr. -gt,zston was therefore a nullity. If the resolu tion to allow the transfer had been passed ;by the Board, the loss or destruction of the . car,. , might be floPPUed by Parc' Proof,but In no other 4u., can pato evidence be received to dew that ea assignee has been adnittted tui a member of corporation in the place of the s oo t the ! rota subscription to stock creat e d Defeat. - —4 8 transfer even with tAr assent pf she 't Wive tht elrect, by the time et 13 001 4 in such olinbility. • the ad; ot and venire de novo awarded: Judgutentreveracw.- . " Nzuorho it'PalPckta ofasa din "gli3eitybas been Mullis': 4idsteforibellird C f eangigster Church In .ftir ig t. .. lt f Be :Psist4 y. Dr 7; of-Chicago, late I;ol4Fri-0011,0 EMI Tan following ales of Stooks were made . last eveningat-NO: 541.1ftlttreet,'WP:11V"Daili; auctioneer: • .. 9 shares Bank of flitabiligh, nt $55 25 50 do do ," do, 55.'00 10 do Mechankitis Bank, 50 00 25 do Allegitsai Bank, • 24'00 5 do Western (=trance Co., : 32 75 25 do do do 46, 32 50 25 do do do dok B2 25 30 do Eureka Insurance C0. , . ' 2 g 25 20 do CO do do Monongahela romance Co., 14 751 . 25 do Pittsburgh Life, do Fire L: Marine 14 50 Insurance Co., 1) '24 Lanonsr Frei:K.—A young girl was .brought before Alderman Dail, yesterday, charged with larceny, having commenced a course of petty thieving which was unprofitable tolter neigh bor!. She will Le sent to the Rouse of Refuge. John E. Ilackeswelder was committed for trial by Alderman Steel, on a charge of stealingnome shoes from the store of James Robb. Henry, Mangle PM committed forfeirther hear ing on a. charge of burglary. A s procesi from Court was also lodged. against him on an old. charge of larceny, for stealing some jewelry from the Lousier Mr. McKnight. . Enoch Howell was finally committed for trial for robbing RECord'a.isigre: - loy , ,crus Mr Ater Will be interested 144.hti od. vertisement of Sig. Vito Viti & gon.s, under the head of auction sales, which describes his mag nificent collection, to be sold on Thursday. The room is now open to visitors, and affords op. portunity for .in e.fi specting some of the pieces of stationary, and other worlreof art in marble, ever brought in one collection to our city. DEATH or SASIITEL CHUELCH.—WO regrat to learn of the death, in New York, on the 6th, of :MHTZI.. CHURCH, late otthis city.' Ckurcit was a mdmber of the.old firm of Tease" sr.Chureh, and of several other firms that were formed after thatexpired. He was well known and mach .eateemed , in this city.. His remains were to ar rive here by railroad last night, and we learn that he will be buried here. For the Pittsburgh U►utte. News. Editors : The statement inthapirpalch of this morning satisfies me that the money was found in Wolfe loft, and that I was incorrect In my inference.s 'which . were; gathered from the Bret publications. lINVEsr.—An inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Alexander on the body of an infant child of a girl named' Nancy Nolan, which died under somewhat suspicßius circumstances at the Red Lion Hotel. Nothingsvas found, however,. on examination, to confirm the suspicions enter, /slued; and a verdict of died by natural cameo was rendered. • 'BEBE/rt.—Harry Landon, the actor who came among no , stranger list fall, but who; by his quiet and correct deportment and excellent ability In Ida profession, hue won the regards of all who know hlm; will take a benefit to-night at . Foster's Ciaietiii; trust he may have a first rate house. DROWNED. —A mati l irnniid...Daniel 'Tracy, a resident, of Pipetown, was dreirnedat noon yes terday, while crossing the Moncingahidailetlireen the ferry and the darn, in a email akWirlitrli was overturned by coming in contact with a rope. We did not learn whether the body bad been recovered. • COMM) SHANE, whose imprisonment for al leged inability to pay a tax of $1,13 we noticed yesterday morning, has been discharged from custody, by his employer' paying the said tax. Tun Tatar un.—We Observe that the new - Pro prietors of the Theatre are putting it to rights and getting it ready for the - opening, which will take place on Saturday. • $lO,OOO wonra of well-made Clothing for men and boys, at pricM to snit the times liavintriow on hands about the share amount of fine first-elms clothing, a choice assortment of fine piece goods-for custom work, and a fell stock of gents' and - boys' Furnishing Goods; I will commence to-day a general clearing *at sale of the whole. The stock will be found thtt very best of .its kind, carefully selected, well male, and much of it bought at prices•bighly favorable. It will be tMtlOrlatoo4l that this is not the oft-repeated "selling off belOw cost," or its kindred trick, "selling out to quit basiness,l'but a seasonable sale of fashionable goods and at prioei much below the regular rates. Terms, ns usual, strictly cash. J. L, CIII2i*OHAN. OIXCERTNI . ; iiLYCERLSE, GLYCERINE, Highly perfametL Rura cure and praretatafiva o Chapped nand!, Fara and Lim for oalo at.' SUPER'S DRUG STORE, r.a-ner Pain and St. Clair Streets. . ' which other chseercs ate"engeradenal, irony be persea taently, canal 111 a few (aye by the proper use of Cando Spawith dfiatere, which o nowaselsowlelg, ea to:be the only true remedy for each ottlletiono, R aou.as,. Sack and Frock Overcoats, for Men, Youth'and n a. `l/11. Dress wad %slam Coats neatly cat aud.aanda Fine Phu& and HU Vests and a tarp variety of g,:tit and cowmen Pant,vow on hand aa „Bias at 100 'lrates by Carnaghan, Allegheny City. Special attentt.la to invited to the fell. stock of contingt, Pant .etaffs end Vestings,hept er: a n n i an b, for aw n = w ork . , which, with a choice Vitristy Glove,,iloalary;-. Shawls, hiatus, Ties, des, wat be dispo sed of at ferdrible prices. Taws Strictly aash, hence - the low 11048. . . DAZPTIAT . -0, YOB Waono.,The rather sta.,' prising laielllgence of the dafeatoi Alayor.lWooil, in Yaw York, reached tha airy' this "morning. The lbon.Pernaando takes dos matter aert•may to Inuit, and he gars, the only consolation he cut hare nada tho eiretrotanees, will be to come on to Philailelphla widget hiroself a snit of erothes at the Brown Stone Clothing - Ila a of Itoekhill & Wilson,' No. COI Knit -6113 Chestnut • street, above nth. Tux FILL T, lams—Who could dream of the tongl. nitude such an . mulertaldng is,, the manufacture of a Purgative Pal 'assumes whinit 'comes Into gener al use. And ho er.painfully do the following num bers speak of the • amount of human siclmms and; suffering, that lird a snored of a remedy goes forth to combat and, sal la: Di. J. C. ATER," of Lowell, manufactures In his 'laboratery forty grass par diem of his Cathartic Pills? .thmugh all the year. This Li eight boxes a minute 'or °nodose& wand. Wethus led ores 43,000 Persoits swallow this pill every day. or 1,298,000 a month 1 ;Physicians, think of that, 43,000 patients a day whe • seek relict from the medi cal skill of ono num. Burt 47 that Mitt should he..as he is he this ease, one of th. 3 first inieingenee and of the hignes th i vider,„: "„iccupation . entalls upon him & fearful respottalbWty ts.,l' the weal or-Woe oft& fellow man.—Pontsciffe atttri4 7. t Medical Terifttiony Cart 'not be Contrp. verterLeefte ct.thwatat. ALMA if bmYrtted Dr. MoLane's tretrolfuta by Dr. - Joh o Bader, of lltantledl Co. Ohio. - cam wan theft ea.Ma; hay who had been very itch VIT: mat Taus, Sod _ amtratted* telpher of phytichai, who bad treated .It u am of Peaky atta literL Dr. Butler was then rodlid la, sad; for • Moab. Jterod allb hL predeoramer• that Urea) • tette IProlaa, tie - vas, howtrver: scan 'forced to that mita= that Mr patleattraa saftering from worm; mat after rota yams atom pre - v*ll64m bale take two 4apie of Dr. bleLaarre Ter adfass, prepared by Readtat av, of Pittsburgh. Thla makiltrihadttlAllanat - af Mooting - from - bar • -ersardlree camber of the largeat'aire. ' - After As - paned 'theta 'het health tramedistely..ratoroid. Slit la 'gate 'mauled, sad - trattbstur to - ealoy malign CEl ckulri Itr ea G refu tli' D YLVIIM /MOS. of Pirtrevaaa. - Pa. ar c = itt'aostpar.: Lorry irorthlesa BrLearfa Vertalfroor, &ea trterl. baited Liter now be - bad at all rwraectable Wares:, Koargaluitte teaboat Thomt ylettare of , :4,1311.11.011: . ." • -1,hr.11410.111443. ~.mi~iutcnts, MUL9TREI. 3(19.9 EI MB E RYV-:”..7.--LA"" A$ 3160""3- I!rar mopeq for a 101 l .440111 ,erltii a brae, anl DRAMATIC OM,P .. , _ 6 N4T6i6A* EVE P:0 *3 ' l. ' ll P LI64 . , 1131a - 10 - d ' Aavinifitoieata ou Box 01/Ica open„iietni.e if. ,(4 : 10 ' • 10 0 8 TER ' 8 • CrAT r.TIES:43tASON- 1 1C / 1 41.4.-lassea mat StarotrorrJelErita ktD.ItEDI Akeuivin4 Stiorliliostar, W.YOUNO. : • Auswilito.3-Parquitts, 60c.; 1 rli.r zie . Larrurass attraction for theCta3r ON DADDY IVHDNESDAV EV.EiDSO. Disolhotsri:llll4l.l4s7, toe:Abram,. twill. Ara time In 151 say.. thsDsurtut lour Acts, of the 8/1041.1.AHER OD IVOLIDISSDJacb Odst,tbs Shostraker, Ur:Hwy Laugdou: Ds Trousi r. • S. C. Dube* AdelaLto, Jolla 11. Cooke; Iturgsrst, 'Popular /4 " - ^•••••-•-• 14^•:•-) 116 Enl ll 7 Wsldertrrarri, Drakes Athtriurs the - AmprfrAy4-4,. To conebia...;iith 'l4 faiilliagihamtaf OiSPARADO TUC L 00 . 1 r 11 :10, .oc Blolier,-.8 lolier,-. nun we= OstsriniolulLSll.; Maks. , . :r. . ifir4" c • lzvs: stirrosTEivs amEngs.. ires t rastiCiftiltir lathilip ;A,* gut . . . • -air iris ,17111 hilts playa ow FRIDAY. EV'etflpu, 'Ditticinberitth, 184 T, when will la pmattid ti Draera'4P interim. ihilirest. mGtkd . Tii*ll.o.lD '• Una . .. . ',au, which the peGu CotoNj uf. , . : : .• , . . TOM: Nooira 4h - W.lroatir. . To Othelridti pith the Comic Pflutontluatipt, •- • Lk ETATITE , • • N. p;., tivißp!i ee thari fot ibe ceifiltednack Atpis superb ITNNY WW,STEt &TAU vron'to4. 1 .6 dat l4 = iod byAbeantilmea.- Ail c . s.e . itiodisi4 saos ems to:th• Tremarerandizrl2 crelockor IWay, at; Um . ale* of 04 Dxas union , cortmea and 8r0i11 . ,044 Orrotly ..._. . IST OF STOCKS.,' , .-Foreale at public nue uonat-thtie.ntipton m ' y,y , mot. ...„ Mb. at.Tsfildick.. a. -r,„, Or* llf astarsarsoaric•Stocit,. - , -..‘ • . -' ,f • • :20 ;' , -_-.. juw autmomilaat a.. .. - Br - .Ow- ..:1_..._ . imam zooms a ea, - ..' ' • ' itack inidltata XraeriA bath fi4 ~. „ . • Congenial:am. Wzsanverox, Dec. 13.—Hone.—A spirited debate on the =proceedings of the caucus for.Pablie Printer I was had in the Home to-day. Mr. Clemens obtained permission to make a per ' sorrel explanation. Re read `letter from his col. league, 31r. Faulkner, asking him to state the facts upon which he, in the Democratic cancas, based his ! conchulons with referenee to the statements impeach ! lag Mr. Wendell* character. Mr. Clemens in reply agreed to Mr. Faulkner's tiuggestion to submit to Mr. Wendell In order to give him an opportunity for vin. dication a written statement 'of which be read a ! duplicate embracing the circumstances under which ! be was on ind Saturday approached by a person who said be was Interested in procuring the office of printer for Mr. Wendell, and that a pecuniary con sideration eotdd,bereceived for Mr. Clemens' mother in one of the two contingencies, viz: let, that be ehonld, cast his vote for Wendell,' and secondly to abstain from vothigatall. Mr. Clemens; In reply to this, pointed the man to the act of Congress providing pains and penalties for such corrupt approaches; ha told him that he had mistaken his man,. Mr. Wendell, In his reply, sol emnly protested against - such charges based on a nameless author, and says if the charges were prop erly preferred he would promptly refute them. lie had never directly or indirectly embloyed any per son or agent to procure votes for him. Mr. Clemens having finished reading the correspondence, add be had never seen Mr. Wendell to his personal knowl edge, and had no purpose to accomplish other than the faithfol discharge of puldie dirty. Ile was con strained from exposing the name of the scoundrel who appropehed bins on account of the man's family who should' not be confounded with his guilt. lie accepted the statement of Wendell so far as the dental of all complicity or knowledge of such propositions was concerned. - Mr. Smith . ; of Virginia, offered a resolution provi ding for the appointment of n committee to examine into the subject of the public printing, the election of printer to ho postponed until their report shall be made. He said It was believed that an enormous corruption was connected with this subject, and hence the necessity of an investigation. The profits accruing were probably $OOO,OOO, and the printer who might be elected to-day could get a quarter of a million of dollars for his contract. 'Mr. Clemens moved to elect a printer first, and then afterwards to Investigate.. Thedebate was.here interrupted by the reception of the President's Message. After the reading of thq dotitment„ Mr. Boceek appealed to the House to complete its organization of the Noose by the elec tion of a piddle printer. After thls had boon done he would willingly Jffin. with other members in ter rain oat the extravagance and corruption which is charged to exist In this department. Mr. Grow advised the Rouse to commence the re form In the government's printing department by curtailing the enormous expenditures which had created our pectin:neat into a rival with all the book establishments In the country. Books were sent out by Congressional authority which were really not worth the paper on which they were printed. Without concluding the subject the Horne ad journed. SCSATZ.—The message was received and.read. Mr. Douglas ananithed an:teflon for the printing of the usual number of copies of-the message and docu ments and 15,000 cordon thereof for the CM of the Senate. He remarked that be concurred cordially and heartily In the views of the_Prestdant thereinex pressed, with the exerption of that portion in relation to - Kansas and the action of the Lecompten Convert. I Lion. At an early day he would express. Ma views , and give the reasons why he believed the people of Kansas had not been left as the organic let declared, perfectly free to form and regulate theiriusthutiona in their own way.- Mr. Stuart, of Michigan, concurred in hir. - boug- lett." views respecting the L ecomptoa movement. At =a feta* 'day he would speak on the subject and in. slit to the extent of his ability that the people of Kam ahonld be treated tile all others and &teethe 'fullest opportunity to regulate'sneh institutions as I they wish to live under. Mr. Davis coucurred iews of the President concerning the Kansasques t i on ,, uo and atiould await the promised remarks of Mr. Douglas before he ex pressed his.own since. Mr. Bigler gave notice that he should defend- the position assumed by the President to tea beat of -his ability arid respond to Mr. Minglan. Ur. Mlle spoke In opposition to the Constitution formed by the Leeempton Convention, arguing that it would perpetuate slavery In Kansas, no matter whether the people either accepted or rejected the slavery clause. Mr. Seward should be glad to hear the supporters of the President explain his position, for It seemed to him that the „message was very lame and impo tent in its argements on Kansas, and that something mere would be necessary to satisfy the pablic:mind -than was contained in the document Itself. He trusted that the debate on this point would not be delayed long,-for' before we are aware or it, there. might ho civil war in Kansas. After reviewing other , parts of the message, he said he hoped it would be understood that on Utah affairs Congress eras. sub. 'Metallic unanimous that the world would be assured that the government of the United States would not suffer its fame to 6 ..lm:tithed, its power insulted and thilives of its citizens' destroyed by an enemy en ;trenched though it be in the Rocky Mountains and under :the forms of the Constitution Of the .I.rnited, States. . Mr. Mason wan free to declare that all the inform. alien for the last six months relative to genies af fairs had come from questionable sources. rile un &unto.' the President'sultion, and he thirught that ho did, the President's position was Impregnable. • u,...w....ereen thet.the.Legialatere o Kan sas bed laslthoVity Ca laltialre ohe re according to a sperelionee delivered by Mr.. Buchan-. ahlihaself in the Senate an Usurpation. Congress had, reperitedly-retesed. to satee the people of genus to town a State Conettunitin. Mach had been said about popular sovereignty, but this now merely amounts, according to the great expositor of the party, to giving the free white people of Kansas the right .to determine the condition of a few negroes while they an precluded from regulating their own institutions in their own way. Mr: Brown said there seemed to be great anxiety. to eater into discussion, and especially to find fault. They had heard the meruge imperfectly read by tho Clerk, and therefore could not properly understand. it. He asked Senattris pause and Sleep an the documents before intalging in debate which would forth to the Country over telegraphic wires, pane: 044 even to Kansas, and giving tone to public opinion on premises not yet perfectli understood.-- He asked.the Senators to reflect before taking their positions and uttering sentiments tinder the canna 'stucco to which he had referred.- On his motinn the Senatendionmed. Sr. Lome, Dee. S.--The.exprem passed through yesterday. to Washington, with dispatches' from Col. Johnson, The Republican received lettere this morn. ingtoNov, 3d. The Mormons rein off six hundred cattle In sight of Col.Alexauder'S camp, near Ilam's Fork, on Green river. At the date of the letter, it was s'uppo'sed Cal. Johnson bad concentrated his forces with Col. Alexander. It was expected that Col. Cook's command would nightly be with them. They expected:to winter on Reury'slork, Green river. There was a good deal of saffesingfrom want of provisions and clothing, and the horses were giv ing out fronithe want of forage. - Gov. Cumming and other olllcers determined to Set into. Lake City If possible. The Mormons deter rained on resistance to their entry either as military or civil akin& A . skirmish -between Alexander's" troops and the Mormons resulted in the capture of throe or four. of the latter. Sr. Loris, Dec.-8.-The river has risen about inches within the last 24 boars and about IS. inches since Saturday. -- 'The'lllinois has about 3 feet of, water in the channel and to falling. The Mis souri a about stionary with 30 inches water on the worst bars; there is about 4 feet in depth on the • bar at Dubuque and rising slowly; 31 inches on the lower rapid& The river is open to Rock Island, but there Is considerable ke Tuning in consequence of the gorge giving away at Fulton City. The weather is cloudy, mild and. 'temp.—Business is brisk on the levee. Plenty of ffourthern frieghts are offering. CINCUNATI, Dec. Sunday afternoon, Frank S. MeCluroarimt into the store of Beattie•& Ander son, for the purpose of talking on somebuslness mat ters with Beattie. About an hour afterwards, Mc- Clure was seen to fall from the door to the sidewalk. When picked up, his skull was found to be fractured, and he died on Monday night. Beattie, before the Coroner's jury, testified that after parting with Mc- Clure, in the store,bo returned to the counting-room, and heard a noise at the door, and on going there he found McClure lying on the sideiralk. It Is the up. posttionebat, - on passing but of the door, the deceas ed's foot caught on•aomething that threw him on the aidowalk, causing the injuries. . Battle was arrested lut evening, on atildarlt of Samuel Mitchell , tutu. Otg him ns the murderer of McClure, by striking him on .be head with , an iron bar.' Be was held In $4,000 bail. ,The, parties were well-known and highly re. epectab.b. • EASTON, Po., Dec. B.—An old German named Matthias, kclowis as owner of the Seven Mile lions, near Wilkesbarre ow the Easton Turnpike, wu found dead in a well attached to his property with a large Stone chained to his body and marks of violence on his head. The 'lmposed murderer, who has bun living With tho deceased for lambert time' past is now In jail. • . • Bowen; Dec. B.—The Committee' appointed to investigate the Zaire of the Bay State hill!e in eon.. emotion with ,the (allure of Lawrence Stono ,t Co., itate that the amount embealed will reach half a. million of dollars.. • New Tont, tree 8,--President Buchanan' a audited Mr. M'Keln the U. 8. Attorney for thus district on amount of opposition to the regular Dem cantle nomintotionv " - . . , , CIXTAILTD, D11126.8.—E. T. Nichols was sentenced today to sit years In the Penitentiary for forging P. T. Barnum 'a name in 1850. . ' Zaxesremir., De e. B.—The thane on the Central Road commenced muting as .Ul4lO to-day, the men haring been paid yesterday. " ' .'. • • • Ntdrlfosr., Dee. lb—COttotiokeed with a •ileellonag .tend. nun It deellasel y,'e, Uplands qttotlng at Ile. Floor Is DIWK 10,000 WS sold. . What Is deellnlngslsl,2ool,ll for Dad. Cons Is Bear Pig U 3. lard salsa al declined SOM mist at 63e5dc.. VG per too. -Laid Mathew ' Tallow 10c. Dies 34,e better. Stocks Ilea Islasid:74; Illinois Central 11l Lo ad= ilVerankis 13X; N. 1 1 :Centra174 , 4 Plmna Cal tile 17; 1111watutle k 31tInildpbia2N; 31Loduri du s 704 .PdataDarata Dec. EL—Flour cagy mu yam dull, , sad stalpplag Lamb we al:Wed Ihpaa.Bs fp bal. without tad at SJ . W h at; from $1,1501,111 for Bet/b 131,2:91,D1 fbr Walla; :AZ. bath choloalatalsome add et $1,20. lly.Ja wnot.d at 78. Corn It dull and declined; Was of MOO barb at Udribe for old yellow, and 115057 e for new.- Oats nil lbw's , at 33c. Co. or Is In lather better d a red; but Coffee and a l es of 4. l o.ixed. , Prartolotta re'droopig: unnll' sales of Mee Park ItYlcido d1d715: In salt, at fk, and Shoolot ere at WAS. Lend Is Waned at 10Ric. Malay la ot n&d . Cl37tact, 'Dec tb--Flour loud dolt at $4 ander th ew, from Now Yorkand tbeife Is bus Mt% demand- Whi: I‘ll6l 0at5;34 7 ,04 tat bar dull. Wheaa7amsa for prima red 'la IC sa donna &M MaxO undamped to , fl erp minim; 'at - fold, which nal ba ailed tha rata prodeo,ne Mess Pat $13,Z01.154 amen Ida& dull; 33: Mee 45 end Haunt A. The tresther wann.• The rine has rlsen 111 Indus eforeWnon wlth I 8 het waist In the ehmuseL Rartrtiat. Dec. t.-4amatta qualltla of What eta daft bat ;Oman lattan . aalts of Rat at $101,04. His vat mow N 113,06401 A, _taboo! arm 1}6% What Cara at 4250.10; W:a 14.22301.3 Commercial P ITTSBUB. 9I : I FRFAILKETS. Riported Speciatly for Lie Padatmg Cazotte.) PtrraoOgolt.sl.ol:Dir;Dth 32ge yogyy . FLOUR—the market was rather drug Itme e of Ira bby, super on wharf at $ 1 ,12 and 25 do extra &via wagon at I $1 , 25 . From store, 50 bblo extra and family do at 0,75'4 ; 23 bblo extra 100 do do at s462Ands; 150 do do at 54,75 and 5,12: at and Wand 93 do extra family at g 5,12 ORALV—edeady; soleeat depot of i.OO bmh Oats at ?; from store, 150 Doak at 313.,,y and 100 Loat 23. Rye, GO btu !nun Brat hands at GO. GROCERIES—a tale of 10 Idols uhad Eagra at 8. • ILLY--sales at seal.. of 13 toads at $19410 '* too. RUCKIFILEAT FLOUR—Wes from rum of ne sY.. at :ME i! 417 MO R. at v.:3...i? / 00 0 W; 2300 Re at r.o; and 7000 at Sr.'sg , '"xl WlUSlClC—tales of 20 bblo rectified at Z. I.lo69—ealm to packet. 01154 haul, Ilre, heavy corn.fed at 4 Vl MSS MO do do at ame, to trrlr and to do to ar rive at t 1,93 Fron. BUTTER—a de of 300 Ets prime roll at 10. HOMINY—des of 5 bble It se,so? DRA.NE—sales of 20 book At $l. MONETARY ANDI OMBILERCIAZ. We are glad to be reformed that the Penmyt eee t e R e fl. mad Company la now In acomparstively euy pooltfoe. Its nutting Liabilities are toomptly mat u they mantra The Company, we understand, offer creditors the choice of par meet In currency, bonds, or repaanda fur four or ale mouths at nine per rent. Io menylustancee, It is arid , the renewal is theeee es the myeetand beast eatlalkstory Investment on th e market. Theta is a largettmonnt of numnl fio oyed cap. Hal ready to tome,ita the marker, as eau. that the Wirral round him ,been toothed, ead cen vewe d, lagly low rates may tat miticipated. -- (Phila. Led& from the interior we learn that the Battiera doing hot little, end an not , disposed to operate while they ere In danger of having their circulation roe home upon thorn by Ansortlng llouseeJor redemption.. As matter, ore now conducted, Ohio, Indlena sod Kentucky peper II retorted to from tive totwenty daya. The country bunk. end th e m erclmuts hero Ittin 'their power to tailgate thle matter, and if they chnore riot to exercise% we do not ewe that they have a right to roniplitlia.—{pr,. Om: The 4mporta of eits gar the week .01 thie port chow • conalderable decline on Liu fame week hut yeas, and the aggfegate Is hot a Little larger Man the aggtegato of 1350 to the same time, The figure! are as annexed For the Week 1155. Dry Feeds -41194"34:1 • $1,449,Cfd g. 3.11.500 Uesteral Ma - chatalise.- 891,490 1,931,4= 1,179,176 Total far the week....41,791,0= $3,590,791 $1,724,= Total fur II nenitha-141 l -4 9 , 9r3,936 1X9,201,403 Share J, aumuy 1....5113,370.982 Imports by alwww. MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION CO.--t, bp mall, 31 Lgepotatoes, 112 dooats, ;mum 10 140 L Boor, George A co; 94 bipe awn, 42 bge wheat, owner, Sr. LOMB per CarobrlJge-1 0 1 1- I.dilißoar e 4 . so4. wheal, 9 do vase awed, 217 bides, Clark A 0, 5• 2 : 1- 4, mhos*, Kenn feather; 100 Ws Boar, Mimes A cec 21 MIA, bp gleueog. 2 do feather; 1 002 beeswax. Ilea; 1 On books,Reed; 4 coll. Hoe, Jone• Cooley; ICI Pp wheal. Malone A Agjetl OW. apples, owner. WUP&LINO per Rocket-100 bids apples, Ley. & Ed. gerton; mko R tumn.r, 11 illlnpr; 4 bbls bans, le bids hop., 100 bash oats, C D Lack 14 cliaiiniP. Swindler, 01 Wm =m3l bli bay, Hagan; 44 Itp lard, MY & col /0 bias apples, Myer 100 do &nu, _Browning; 4 bbls dye wood, Pahnestock; 132 IT . Larley, Made &I'm/sr:43 bbls :rct,"l76lllrappir by sis,lll7llmse PA d fder: bblis applu, Kh git do, owner; 2 1561 a apply ,2 empty ale tarrs/s, 85 bits pa per, 60 aka cats, 32 bids apples, 60 ska baby, owners. CLNCINNATI per Lab Igh—eW,o by wheat, 32 bbl. 011, 17 rolls loather, 1414 bbls flour, 22 by peach., 44 Mids. bacon, 57 toy do, 102 bbl, piirk, 10 do' lampblack, 3 by book., Clark it cotwhisky,lllsck & Wood; 50 do, Can' 4 q by 6 i4dlnirs. Picky &cq lbk Yoko, East; 2 do nigllsh; 10 bbls dour.W Holmes &crl 1 0 do Whimsy 3 bels sugar, 13asleton: 163:I bas wheat; 'Kennedy a bro; 4 bb. oil, Undiay; 100 do floor, 10 do boiary, Lisa; 10 do, Roth'ssoi; bbl. whisky, Lamy& 50 do. 31cLienryi • , 4d by Leathers, 4 do ginseng, & do wool, Powell A Moody. Imports by Banrcoad. P, Pr.& C. 2.14-124 bukets roarkatint 73 bush corn 10 bbls apples, owners: 1 bbl butter; 23 dos guekets;ll Dal. co ado, .1 prstbrechk 36 Ms paper.' Shia 4 Per kins; 14 pkg. win etc, R Triornarnd lk on 13 bp lour, J Wiest' 21 eke corn, 113 do oats, 12 bbls chlar,l7.ldo applor, Peterson: 58 do, &lumen 25 dos Warns, 2 bbls apples, Robison 4 co; 4 bble dder,loo bosh giro, 6 bbls elder, 2 pkgs butter, 2 IsWe applee, Paolo, Ougnre 4 Oa; 25 bp oats, 1 Id Phillip; 09 bosh ostso7 • Onzler; 21 Nutbos, 7do oats. Bnealbern bk. Candles,l do amp: d. Mem; 13Slre rats, 4114 Ido - beans, Muller; 2 core coal, Tenney: 210 As oats, Slmpimu Nelaran 21 corn, owner 6 bbls flour, IJeClust.W lt ern 21 eke barley, =, 15 do flaxsee 40 bble P Patensua; 22 tog : It: L :0n, Shearer, 300 do, 11 bble apples', Hunk; Ds, , lAD apples, 7 do butter, 6 care ho2a. 13 bbls elder, owners; 80 bbla spit ,n,, D C bu t; 17 do btter, IA do , eggs,in =ski. d fruit, 10 Ibis ' butter, ICS des whisky, do pooh. 86 do lard, 24d do door. ZiO bush whist, 9 'Ads, becoo, IC Ins do, 63 tee do, 260 htde, , Clark d co. P, C. a. C. R. turs wool; 3 Itnul4y; 7 CM bop, ownens 5 Mule %woo, bbls pork, 22 do beer, lads whisky. 214 bbls dour, Clark I co. .UVEZt The risen came oat yeeterdayrmonslag with is elm. -The Monongahela, muddy es a slough nod towed 'with drift wood. bed Loam' up with • leap to IS feet daring the night and the long line of boats Loomed almost arm, as to the le bolls, with the sheets on the bank. The °note of prepare. time' was heard oil along the lams as the newly arrived boat. discharged their cargos .std others made reedy to de part_ A huge fleet of coal date jammed In just helot, the bridge, to the cumber of twenty, mixed In with - canal boats and Lugs. The Reshot, Jut lu from Wheeling, Was turning oat • tinge loadof all warts of Enerchandint upon the wharf, and the Cambridge with a huge toed of door and wheat, Isla oleo In from St. Lords. All this might, base been seen yesterday It a person only - went down to the le- see. At may distance thlogs in Wils city mold not be men yesterday. The whole town was] burled la a dense cloud dismay—a regular London beg. Om lights were necessary Winer °lnce ell day and at 3 o'clock we ere writing by gas „_... The Armin Cispt Dulaney Is now getting ready fur New Orleank Pre said Copt Robinson yesterday morning because we rod th e Alma in mind when we ware wri, of which Capt Robinson Ls mister. and which is also opfar New Orleans. The R. P. Sus, wham arrival and alga were noticed yetterday,Lis the first boat that has arrived bare this season from New Orion... She le in-nrst rate condi don and she la aslvertimd for the mme port. The tine steamer St. Lawrence had, Uwe thought, laid , up,but we wen/ mistaken. Pb. La undergolng repairs ht bee mthhin ' .7 end will, as sou as they are caddied, be bortght ant ',.171111.711.771.7...bt = 1 : 61 :; 4 0.W.121,41111ZZ,V1a ' Aurora s Eese, Arctic,Jamee tearer and rue, upfor N. .Orteem. . As mon as ata rush tearer the tia.Lawleano and conseJo r o e her plats In lb. tuba The iromne.ta Ran Igatkm Company have got • Mionwarwharchnat, The eh/ had in vrhiril they have bithertotranacted their businem laths both at the bottom and at the top. kin JAL Pringle, of Brunturrille, Las built • large well arranged ban, lit feet In length and CO feet wide. /ler upper works an in the shape of • edam, with very convenient and comfort.nide colniting room In rine •1141 and [La remainder well cakulated far a amnions stare tame. &.ed doaregin ins proach ham thin lasi to that freight may be rolled in from the steamer encloot on the walk to the shore. A broad walk UDR all growth the guards of the hat - Upon the whole the will bo a great improvement to the old boat. The Jacob Poe, Capt Stewart, is advertis.l to leave for Louisville le-day. Three going that way will bear this In mind. She w' glean without fall, and Capt Stewart end clerk Mr. J. Brown, are all !baton beaked In the way of adamant and ability. ' We clip the &nosing Rom our Cincinnati exchanges "At New Orleansoth the Zlbs • di:Realty occurred be- man the captain and cahoot the simmer Sunflower, and': the result was that the mato fired • pistols Cut Carrie, W. Dales passing through the am ortha latter, Jut Oval the elbow. The name of the mate we. John Weimer.- He 4.4 arrested. Ile was drunk and very Insulting to the captah; who had given him • heating. There has beta • [Wilda° !deli on the Omaha river between the steamers Judah Tooro sad Sitter Sloan. "The Lam of the fleet of tow-boats that tell Pittaburgth with heavy lows of real • few days since, arrived. daring the day, having been detained by fog. The Prinima Donna arrived from New Orkeens early yesterday morning with a avast cargo of nue and molsau. The Panay Perth from Nashville, and Key West, from Wabash /liver, were doe and hourly expected last night. "The Prima Donna, Capt blush Ford, came in from New Orievineyseterday rtiorning,vith • irplend id trip of mole. ee wager, ate, fur this port, and about 150 eons for Pitts. ht;rgh, which will be re-shipped today.. The Prima Donne will return tack today. • 11"Tbm. was more freight offering far Pi Deborah, Parker.. bargh, Nashville Anil St. Louis yesterday, with fair host. nets for New Orleans. We quote whisky at CO eta, to the hater point, but we understand shipment. wore mad* on ant boat at SO caper bbl. 'The Laclede arrived at St. Louts, Satnniay direct from Dallas, whereat° was frozen In the ice. The bleinotte at , raed at St. LOWS from Pittsburgh, on Saturday, and Sir Wm Wallace and Lacuna deputed fur Pittsburgh.” Steamboat Register. ARRlVED—Jefferson, Browne.Me; Laserne, de; Colone Bawd, Slitabeth; Lehigh, Cincinnati; Cambridge, St Linde Rocket, Wheeling. - DEPARTED—Jefferson, Brownsville; Lamm, do;Colons &van!, Silleatath; Rocket, Wheeling; Fauna Graham Zanarrllle; Hibernia, 'Laub,'lle; Empire Clty,.Cincionati River It feet, an a stud. Suction P. I%X. DAVIS. Auctioneer. -.••• BOOM; No. 64 Flub IDreo4. RAND SAIE OF MARBLE STATUA ET:: An—Sig. VITO WTI A 130W8Orand ale of Car. rare Marble Parlor and Monumental Statomy, Elaborate Classical Alotestor Marble Tturs,ke., the prodticts of TUE STUDIOS OP .ITALY, wilt lake place on Thursday, thslOth Inn.. at 2 *lock, r. a- and 7 la the evening, on the second Soar Of the Commercial Salem Roman No. LI Fifth street. The room 411 be open to Melton; on the day and evening proceeding the sale. Comfortable orbs chairs mill be pro vided. for all in attendance. The collection mill contain one enperb Camara Marble Msdona, by Pistols; figurre of the Penitent, the An of Peace, Innocence, and ware suitable for parlone alentinriof, 'lope, Remembrance, end ethers, suitable for monumentm one miniature copy, carved in marble, of POWER'S GREEK SLAVE,by the mai known Pleanni. This is the only cars. ed miniature copy of the Slave ever Imported or attempted. -Om boantifirl group, the Deming Brans. after Canova; sta mp Pool.. tiv, melen of Troy, Minns and Brer.dia end mbar sub ace. ALAI:UST/IR MARBLE VASSAML—Large JlBmien Urns, with Relievos, Or parlors or Aa/lrricit AgoteTacent e Tour, beautiful Traforatl GrecianVaser ancient Krata Brum . Amphorae, for'centre tobleg IfebeCralts: Pons* i Vaecen and a great utter, ofclamical styles, well *misted se complete the reined appearance of porton, halls and Bleeping apartments. Also, new style Medallions, in marb le (=ma richllohembor Cilma artkies salted. for the np• proaching holidays. For further particulars, please see ciroulers. The alien. Bon °foil lovers of the Fine Arts le reepectively called to the &bon, m the assortment, upon examination; will be fotind to be of highly meritorious character. den . P. M. DAVIS, Aust. DEREISIPTORY SALE OF BUILDING LOTS AND COIINTEY SEALS—On Thursday after. =Os, Dee. 10th, at 2 o'clock, on the premiers, WU be mold, the whole or part of 0 perm of gronud which bare been di vided Inko lanutsome building _loto and small °pantry' atetai. twisting on Peen. Amu', rotbee,Thatln azd Daddy.* Oa, adjoining property °LANs. kfillar.Dsq.naar the Elgath :Ward, and well known as a part of the Tann eatate, being esay or access, and atkaillu a One view of the 3Linoninha. balm. scenery. Plans may be seen at the SWIM MOW, 1154 lathe buds of Dr. Robert Wrah'gnardlan of the minor children of the late ReebeiTrutln, deed. residue in Oneyear, With Interest. del P. IL DAVIS, Anet. Di d ALLY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST -a! At the new Commercial fialse Amnon, He. 64 nig street, met, week day, ars bel2 publk sales of goals in all Talk/. • mined for the trade sad emmunumw from a Imp • stock wbkh is emotion/ midenithod maga , . tosota,that must betad Forthwith. . At In o'rlodr, A. hi, Dry: Goods and fancy articles, corn. pr nearly swerfthing nsidad In the !furor personal and bitin o'cltabis . cintlery:, ware, clothing, boats and At 2 ock ' , P. ht., c ions;loold and kitchen &mita* tuns and second Imuuk.twds and Waltz atrysts, gn = lros stone China wow, starts,nooklng utensils, A c . • At T o ' c l oc k , p . m" fond &Miaow, watches, clocks,. Jimiel , ry, maiml lustrumeots, Nnr, dolt inir, drr. SOW; boots And 4 30 4 books; stationery, An P. 31. DAM& AneVr. OLD DODWOOD.01:1T8D,110 • CORNER HAND Mai LIBERTY -MERU' RECEIVED DIILTI cza AND 151174 T. OY-STIGES. eau. ai,d'siaidern Fish. Be. rf HINESE SYRUP -1,b14.- Syrup Moist %.•o us from ea Chinese Cow reed sad fur Ws Is Mali quality, at Ho. 21 Filth dd IL . IILDDIAL yENISON.—Fresh Venison, Wild:Game and Ram, c.f.!' lads roe'd dilly at No. 21 Ptah d. 1, Alm.wi_axrams,itax. B. L. PAHNESTOCK & CO • LKs orthe timi KS A. fahnsitcr...k t Co , and mreason to naming Bras. MT3ErOL:ESA.L.E DRUGGISTS. No. 80, corner Wood and Fourth fi PITISBUROff, THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST RE howtur frau the Eastern chits ertth an eremite. Etat erhlthli °demi to the trade. cotudetlog of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, TURPENTINE, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., Erc. Mich, together with their already large cock, comprises one of the mat annals,' and Beat Ansortmente in the-Country. Their arrangements for amplylng WHITE LEAD ANDEINO PAINT Of any quality ere such as to enable them to all VERY CILEAP. ililt•Conntry and City Herr/ants and the Trade generally are Invited to an examination dour stocks.' prices before purr/ma/mg elambere. . itm.ramr D. L TALDIESTOCIC CO GO, mu. Wood and. Fourth Rh:Zs. liegular Steamers oniaagahala River 11. B. Mall Packet,. STEAMER TELEGRAPH, I STEAMER JEFFERSON, Alt Jgrfaalt • CM. J. C. WOODTLID. CM. 0/6311.31 Clank. THE ABOVE NEW STEAMERS ARE •now running regularly. Morning Boat. hare Pitt. burgh at 8 o'clock A. and Doming Boot. at 8 o'clock P. IL for IPlLeceport, Mama town, hionong. Lela City, Bellerenton, Fayette City, Greenfield, °lnfields and Brownsville, there connecting with Ilseks and Coddle. for Uniontown, Fayette Spring., Iforgantown,Waynesbunt, Cannichaeltown and Minoan. Paiwelwant Geketed through CM PittSbllrgh tO Unlot. town for 82, male and star...room on boats Inc returning from Drawl:Anil° loan at 8 o'cbwk LII the morning and 51n the errening. For further informatton as quire at the Mace, Wharf boat, at Cul foot of Grant atreot. aos G. W. SWINDLER, UMW?. 0 h CINOINNATI.-REGU TVESDAY PACKET.—The ale gantatearner EMPIRE CITY, Capt. Janus M. an rail leave (or the above port on TUESDAY lIORNLN , at 10 o'clock. Per hal& or pamavapply on Lewd. N., del REGULAR TUESDAY PACK ET POE EILVEST/LLl3.—Tba brat aaw ataaroar E3 I MA GRAMM, Capt. Mums AA OA for the &bora and intermediate porta %VEST TIIUDAY, at 4 o'clock P. N. Tar Prided or LAW° MI T CO = board, ' ocl9 PLACE; BARS 00, A 4. REC (MAR PACKET FOR CIN MINNATL—The Weald Passenger packet EUNIOO. - Capt. Rota. flouter, WI toatakft for Clocionatt EVERT WEDNE&DAY, 8110 o'clock 8. M.— For freight or plumage apply= hoard or to dea • PLUM, BARNES Jr 00, Agto. FOR .ISIARLETTA AND ZANES . v...E_Tba new and beantlfal ataamar4 l. LLTZIE MARTIN, Capt. Rama; wlll IL&T• fOr e a , and all lotermediatepotts, EVERY. SATURDAY, at 3 P.M. For freight or ps.asage app! on board or to • odd FLACK, BARNES s 00, Asti. D E G UL A R TRI•WEEHLy 41i1VIIMELING RICKET.—Tha flmo nanotoeteamer CIIEVOIT, Ospta/n J. Sfarnty, eave for the above and 411 Interstadtate port' on Mondays, Wedneadaya and Fridays.. Par freight or paeans, apply on board, or to one OR WHEELING.—The steamer It OCHIt T , Gpt. Wm" will laniakitt e , the above and all intortnedinto landing. on 30. Ibroadaya and..9aturdsya,al.l.o o'clock A. 31. for Night or passage apply no board or to W. IL WHEELER, Agent, Na &Wood K. FLACK, BAILNES A CO • Airta. N. 87 Waur St REGULAR MEMPHIS PACK ET—Tbn splendid new steamer, COIL 1101.10 RE MIRY, C. t. Perry Brown, will ears or s Oar.) and all Intennedlate porta, on BATURDAY, IMII let. For freight or pasage apply_ontasnlot to— win A. O.IIeGAW, Agt, 86 Water et. Cincinnati, Stc;' FOR CINCINNATI—The splen- 1. did daunt lIMEEVA, Capt.. Gordon, ----. will leave lb? the &bora and all Intannadiate pone, t DAY,/ 10th Ina, at 4.!e. M. For freight ar panne apply on board or to FLACK, MOINES & Agta, deg N 0.67 Water street. VOR CINCINNATL—The fine leanter QIJAKE/t CITY, COIA. 31,11)on &W. will hove for the above and Cl_ Intertnedlata porta, on SATURDAY, 511 k hut., at 4 r. IL 'For freight or paantga apply on board or to diet FLACK. BARNIS &Co, Agfa. FOR CINCINNATL—The fine um steamer WARY COOKE, Capt. Cara ball, will leave for du above and all emu, porta on T 111.4 DAY, Da,. Bth For Crated or apply .ou board or to oc3o FLACK.DAILYCr). Agorae. ouisbillc, FOR LOUISVILLE—The elegant steamer JACOB POE. Cift. &attar; w 111.04 team for the at.", and all Intermediate ports apply on Ward or to nth Imo. For freight tuatm h deg FOR LOUlSVlLLE.—Theeplen itata ttgarc,..pack e . t ;EZl32 - ,?Stlißat on 117friSZIZY littJa fast, .t 10 °amir A. M. for roman or thlett apply on board or to ' . DLACII BARNES 00., Stastbille, $c FOIL NASIJIVILLE.—The fine staaistar CLIFTON, Capt. Thomas Poo, RI ILILT. for tha .tore And An totormadloLopoitet DAY, Mb ton- at 10 A. M. For freed or postage afr ply on board or to da3 FLACK &BARNES,' -AgL9. FOR NASIIVILLE.—The fine neer atramer CILIMFOO/L J. Robinson, trill feat* to the above;ad all mem at. ports, no BUNDAY, the 13th hut- For tr, , lght or pas. age apply oo board or to tIo3 FLACK, BARNES A CO, Agtt. /Louis, • VOR CINCINNATI & 1.:01:1M le-: L VILLE—The neuter FORTUNE, Cain: till.elft=24,4ll.lto . tiiiturtilspleß .r t 10th. 4 4P. N. "off relLM . prptttweappy on baud or to 4t4 , : Aeo/114W,1143 Water st. _ _ rOR, ST. :LOUla:•:—Tbe splendid. A..- earner GREAT WlST,Ciptil Callao& arlll lama tor Vl* above nod an intermidlati 00 bon 1:1104-41,4•Pali fleAltromialy _444", pOR ST. 1,0171 S AND KEOKUK —ne elegant .learner fiAItHILIDGE, Capt. 8. Dem, will Irmo fir tbo Moro Md ADorti l Wour. porta oh.IIIOIISDAY, the NIL lust.. Frit freight or passage apply on baud or to. . I BUCK. BARNES Agonts. - , - - ••• • FOR ST. LOUIS.-The e g t i l i pndid Brick=l7lleare friths 210 aboe 011 4 into on HATUEDAY 1 10ft at 10 ro o'clo tul ck P. 01. Fo r r pm:0o or frei g ht apply on board or to ' del FLAME. BARNES WO., Are. AT BOSTON pa /Imre. Chlakering A Bow have been ewer at the dlt• Sword Esillatione and State Fairs to Boston, Yea vark,anti other places. Eleven Bold Medal; • Seventeen Silver Aredale. • Three _Bronze hisdalAand the Prize Medal at the World' Urfa Lando; for the character of the above instrument; the ente lf crit. 4l. or ha the pleasure of teeming to about Ave itoadrai Famine. in Pittsburgh rued vicinity, who ham pure/owed , and have In me Plano Arta from tinieboveto.tannictory.and also to the - follow lag Principals of Milltazia• Vito WV Cbleketing & Sone Plano Fortuitous., and haft given . their unqualified teed.' morky. of their enputiorlty over all others: Row Char. C. Beatty, - Principal of Steubenville Female Serelnary. Arra S.S. R. Ilsoni,Prlzelpal of Waatilngton Female Send. u gic. WBwn M. D., Principal of the Edgeworth Eimale, Sentlrtart Sewleklg, _Pa. ErG 8.,:Bla m 1 rsvilleeDiert Principal of Blalmille Female Seminsn 7, FOB ST. LOUIS AND KEOKUK. ROT. inepltß.Terytor, Priuclpal of Ban Bey.' Acad. nw Wit. The newszul Domani steimor ABIZONIA, „_ oorilluary t liftntipftwu, The p Ilerdreart. will kora for the &bare and r ....YroremAß Wi ports, on TUIS DAY, the Sth hut, at P. at. For Unlimillet KT. rt% freight or plunge appliOn board or to - Bibs Sarah Thompson, Principal of Female Seminary at 002.4 PLACE, BARNES 2 00., Agent.. L":", C. FOR ST. LOUIS.—The 'eAegant . steamer METROPOLIS, Capt. It. .ate. VIII traveler theabore and all Intermediate portso - e, DAY Me Mb tut, at 4r. sr. For &dem or pomace apply 00 board or to del PLACE, BARNES t 01, Age. OR ST. LOUIS—The splendid 1.-7 • • steamer tha ab AR v L a YE da ll e In pt. e r D m r e a d v i o te prs, •: i I k DAY. Bth Inst. stot e. Y. For freight or pang, apply oa board or to del. FLACK. BAILYESA CO, Agents. FOR ST. LOUIS—The fine necs , igna, ; : , steamer ST. LOUIS, Capt. JERSLE,DEAS will leave for the above lied el ortitedla,. 11119 DAY,BIIi lost., ►t 4P. W. For freight or passage op. ply on board or to del FLACK, CARNES A CO., Agts. Ot : !rano, Zia _ 0 R NEW ORLEANS.—The willtewa 7. BABB, Capt. Wm T. Ban.lane foritno dame and all Intermediate ta TB ÜBBDAY the hut., at 4r. at. ►or !night or plissano apsy , oribcard or _ 'FLACK, BAILNSB h CO., Agu. .IPR ISIEMPILIS : AND NEW JA M ? ORLEAIIB.—The splandld now wafter AUCTIC,Dtpt. NTinney.-Wlll loam tar tho o an Intermediate txrrni 3 On - TUB DAY, Doc: Stla, War fralett or pump apply an board or to , ; Do3o FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agent,. ). KOR MEMPHIS AND NEW OR LEANS.—The ophadbt Enloe? JAMIZ ODS, Copt. Robloorn, will tom for thoabodgt ternoollsta port on TIM DAY, 6KI lust., at 4P. N. For frottbtor paw apply co board or to n 025 FLACK, BARNES & CO.. Aga. VCR MEMPHIS, VICKSBURG AND NEW ORLEANS,—Ty new had ••••:•,•,-.'-'•'+' beautiful Emmet ° AURORA" Cot-a. L. •• •• will •T. for the above and all interthedlatororts on TENS DAY the eth lust. Pot freight or pfttgo apply ea boarder to nol7 • FLACE., - DARNES 01, Agents. *lt MEMPHIS AND NEW • ORLEANS—The fine eamer IWA, L Moors, will lame Er the st above en d all e - porta on THIS DAY, gth but., at 4 P. u. For freight or 'mega appis on beard or to nold PLACE, BARNES A CO, Alta. THE GREATEST MATCH MACHINE EN THE WORLD! A FORTUNE MADE WITH A SMALL INVIEM2NT. THOMAS' PAMIR` MATCH WACKIER canislgarittillethecisti and Mb lia rtto af_ a fl ak s:ll r l Th lc e st c t: tens of tbs manufacturer fa • short time, Whets . good wood fa to be that readily It martially reduce the &et. EipeSeretsl rowdy or Morblite . privileges ars °Erred for pl. at • thaterate For pa:tholes; call at GAZETTE COUNTEM ROOM, FlRtistmet. - - BOOTS AND SHOES, C AP POE cAs rx. JAMES ROBB. NEAR TUE MARNE!, sa MARKET STREET, -put receiral bit lug. Mina qtr Reek Of LADIES', and CLULDRID:B' BOOTS and actors: I.II:NS' CALF, KIP AND 00ARSE • • • t• 80019;$110ES,OXVORISTIES/ • -OMEN, OPBBA9, lc. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' MIS, SHOES, Ai. ' 'VOWS" BOBBER SHOTS,' A try suporlor article and try seat,- • ' • Intact from the . llanntertmort, irluelk- be will sell by lbe rent or tteteatst try reduced prime tor ant, This stock anvil/el one of the largest ateartznenti to be round in any dryomitable for city and catintrysalet, and oett_twenty years trporience iti.bnying he trusta That be on nos =DIU task& lli torperfolly invites .n ig.ut toe muftis them thst they mu; b•Pliand; OYSTERS --In daily receipt of J. V. Pratt's 'Ls allstersted No.I NOME °otos, enamor in by ths bbl, or boo, whatnots and MAIL MU "Loa= than ual, Whet m ortar, tO shy Oro!o . brssisitt to this Nam eq asDIDDIA: • --- E WHOLESALE DEALER Li : - TOBACCO AND . CIGARS ,. .vo. 241 LIBERTY srarEr, lII4AD OF WOOD, OFFERS prz-r szro - R.Gaz.„ P/C.N - NA.. • FFERS TO THE TRADE A LARGE FRESH AND WELL from rt ASORTED STOOK, par dladaditnPoars antiMatleMters .hlch are the following. favorite b S raadc' W. IL Grant's A. No.lsiTobaieo, • Baize, Robin:my& Co'a.Tobacco, . Eugene Froward's Tobacco, Grant's Found,Lusap Cavendish, ;Huard and Railroad Brands, 200 OIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGAR !!! S Caddy Bona R aif Palma Lamp. OMB TaXILLIOIST .ELISSOB:I7EITZ r m All of which we offer to the hula at prim which cannot fail to please. at.A.wms. atadedAwtf F FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. -, Worth of Peaches and Tomatoes should be Immediately Sealed up in . AR TILER'S NEW SELF - SEALINGi'.. . . rti.i.ow FIRE-MOP AND ANNEALED GLASS FRUIT JARS TO BE DAD ki TIIE , . CHINA AND lIITEENSWARE STORE OP MT IS IsT .I.i. "k" MC XO. 13. 'V' , . . • . No. 122 Wood Street. Pittelaniub, Penna., , ' WHERE also the attenjion of private fiunilies, lotel keepers lirul country merchants-is ri: epectfully invited to the examination of hi, norlyAmported story of WON, campri.lnglThlte Groans Tea. Oa ths and Toilet Wars, White Vitritle,L Iroo-Stone Table Warn, expready for durability in bottle; orery description aril:do and Gold Band Preach and English CIE NA to setts or eeparate pie... Also a choice selection of , 16 Cato - hand Tell Walters rode and Spoon. plated on German sitr.r; Tumblers Goblets, Ale Gleams of superior quality, an sr icrw pieta aelie3md The Theory of Cooking by Gas Ia now firmly. established, and we can reibr for the truth. of the above to many ofthe most sterling and reliable Ladles and ..- Gentlemen in Pittsburgh. MUSGRAVE'S GAS COOKING STOVE ..• Ts NOW FALRLY BEFORE TILE PUBLIC, and gives entire satisfaction in EVERT INSTANCE. J. To the Druteriur, the Chezattf, the Ilirsber, to an Owter Saloon; Restourontr, rattno.Tottter,.Taaor and Ea Xmas, as welt as Private .Ramtlier It Le found indlepeneible when.. triad. Its cost Ls trifling, It recitteet but Uttle room. a n d Era Is ready in • moment. The fnel ti not expend.. It produces no awoke, no soot, no dirt, and wall cook quickly and perfectly. All these things we vii guarantee. /tMusy be tubrd on any table, stand or shelf in any room or story, god will he flindebed in any amount ,from KOS, he price of a Singleßurner Stand, to sis,oo, tor an Extra doe S Mahgany Stlmd with toves complete, which will be loathe gant ornament to any gentleman's dining room. o P l call and Investigate, at LAFAYETTE lIALL, second door, WOOD STREET, or 149 TIMIDSTREET Wu. TITS, Secretary. sol4Kily GAB COOKING .STOVE COMPANY.. • W. E. CHILD S '&'C - 0-!•.S\ PATE.Ari ELASTIC FIRE AND WATER-P13002,' ' .., CEMENT ROO.F.I.NG. • .v.E.B.m-.r diZ TOTELIVED:IINT„ Proprietors, ARE NOW PREPARED TO CONTRACT AND PUT ON AT TRE SHORTEST NOTICE the above Elastic Pins end Water - ProolOcuent Roofing, it being The only article yet I urented hut will suers =hilly nubs the action of the atmosphere In every climate. IT IS PERFECTLY FIRE AND WATER-PROOF, : -•. . r ' And In point of durability, we believe Millennial, Dna imperils, to any Metallic Roofing.' We can Of it on orer Old fin Tar, Iron or Mingle Roofs, it mating no differeoce how flat or steep the roof may be. Thla Roofintirier z warirLd 2 l:p p live as abovezp ( resenmi r :l ir lfe will petit on tor_. • A EN SQUARE) We will apply it upon Tin and Iron Roots for TW:Ii S OVMS P/R EQOARIe, being ®account of he arability th cheapest paint thatcan bonsai 113. We invite allwrho aro building, and deo thoao who wish their Rooth Repaired ' s° call at tiss ofaco, 133 TAini ShWhi , and ezandni mid utisfy theufeelree In regent to the dorabally and mact.iclity of thla Roofing. J. O. P P.U.HHI JONSON S. A. JOHNSON , } , • i Nn. MI Third street, behreen Wood and Sogibleli . WM. JOHNSON, • Pittsbnrgh, cram. I have made . chemical examination creme epecimem of W. E. CII lips A CO'S ROOFING, left at my °Mee, the re sult. of which areas follow.: . . let. The material'. ccunpounded sou to remain pliable fors greatlength elfin', 2d. Tho condatancy l. not readay truhunced by the tempemtunn consequentl y it would out be ihaie .t 9 outitaea roe off front • roof in Scanner. crr crack in Muter, I. a extremes of natural heat and cold wmild not Ware it 9d. The comparitlonle eta acid but allghtly alkaline. It would not destroy the =rasa hut on ' th e contrary protect It from the action of the weather. 4th. It Is Water Proof, and to • Largo extent Plre-Proof ; that is, .jeark. and fin brands failing upon It could not in flame it. In my opinion ouch a roof wittiest for year. Hoot. on carefully and receiving prompt attention. • Respectfully. JOSEPH AL LOOSE, Chemist, • .... Laboratory N 0.129 Walnut area, Cincinnati, Ohio. - Cormrsian Aoi2rcr Rois& Co., Feb. eth, 1857. I have =misled CUSLoa Csia Elwin Tiro ma WatenProof Cement Roofing, andis foras I can Judge, consider .t a Food tomato% madam willing to Imams balidlags the' protect.] opal the woe terms as I imam those covered with Metal. apltlydowP ilitgoed) 8. L 51.14, Av. Royal 1i55..90., Loudon mad Liverpool. Flexible - , Fire and Water -Proof Roofing. • 11.2:141,7F. da 4 3 - .RALIVI".• Prolirietors, : se e No. 57 , Water Street, Pittsburgh, and P. Peterson's, Allegheny; THIS IS ANARTIOLE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE MARKET. It is used .1. tratensivelylis New York and Philadelphia, mid is well approved. It Is applicable to costrlng Foundries, Dwellings, Warehouses, Bridges. Steamboatsand Railroad Cars. It trill last longer than Aletallio Roofing or Shingle., and resists the VlLli o oll.cluagas at climste—seitheit affected by told, heat or damp. Itsprinopal Ingredient le of an aztraordhary spathe nature, and it never loose. this elasticity. It not, b 0 readily applied to all i•.d• of roots, hot or 'steep, old or nen, on iron, nn or Troo4. It win not molt in ray= wrath et , or mach to cold, and it I. not Injured by being tramped span. It is Both _Fire ',lntl Water-Pr oof. sketaur further i nformation, apply to the proprietors. -- - -- 1857. TRANSPORTATION., , , 1857. CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED TONS. DAILY. OMB LLOYD & CO., IMRE [SUCCESRORR TO LLOYD m LEVON. 4 HA VI N 0 MADE EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS THIS WINTER, are now prepared to do • heavy business by - F.Ezrzilfrrriv-Asrza. CANAL AND zr...a.zzatcp.A.D.. Through to and from the Eaatarn Cities. We can mare oar friends and all those disTosoil an tr the Penni. Cand Railroad. that tto pot will be spared to render general astlstution to SIMPERS OE E to ASpaTEorßNdia AND IS - a , T2lty al FREIGHT. , The Avoidance of the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Pottage Railroad apt • Increased despatch to the transmission of freight. Oa. Pena Street, et Gut Canal Bella Wiliwiaya, • LLOYD A CO. 1857. CANAL NAVIGATION. , ' • 1857. ......_. , =EWE; PORTABLE SORT Ma - WM, ',---- Via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad. Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month EaolkWay. nUR FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION RAVE BEEN LARGELY 'NORRIS- N." .1 during the mat Winter and we can now offer to EILLPPERN the superior advantage of .., DOUBLE) DAILY LINE to ead from Plttatairgh, rtawkiphla sad Baltlmora Our Brie being composed =Wifely of PORTABLE BOATN but ous trnieshlpment Is milted. Aferchants sendlug Weight to oui Line can rely upon its being put through WIZ , on 'llo- , Obi speed and doimatch. WAREIICUSE. CANAL BASIN, corner of 1.01.11 q toad Irceyoeslreodo, POW h, AL fe2filyd inns a- priprktorn. • ffliluoical & SONS' MW .122.A.W0 POZLTXIS, Chickering dc Sons. Boston, C0N...0 07 Grant' anti *quart %Jiang Sorten, And their lately targeted PARLOR GRAND PIANO, tot uut onT Dr JOIIN 11. MELLOR, St Wood Street, betxten Diamond Alley and Fourth Stmt. JTWIN IL MELLOR , ! the excluaire oat Ague a Pirmusaa, Lc, for the ads orCITICE ERIN° SONS' Boerne PIANO FORM, be h return his most sincere th anks to tho citizens of Pit t All egheny end vicinity, for their liberal patronage, he has non the pleurae oflatormlng them that, by the Increased racilltles afforded in the new and splendid Piano Forte Mate utintory,mmently erected at an expense of over Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, and • employed .by °ticketing 2 Sons exclusively to the mantifecture of their own Pamorortw, thud win be ortab/ed ksep• nepply at their agency to Pitteburgb, of ill the varieties manuActurW by thern;frcrm the mom eplendid Grand, ParlorOrand and Square Plano Fortes, to the plain and low priced Piano Yortmoddor, xrdtich aid In variably -ItlPinoli Menlo exchange .t their MI vales In PATiiint MELODEONS, ORGAN lIARMONMIIIS. ALL ANO MUM AND 31USIOAL INSTRUMENTS OP RINDS—WUOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOILLI LL MELLOR, Bole mg far Chklatring - • Bons, Pittsburgh and Wen. emrenneylnede, II Wood at, between Diamond Alley' AO fourth et. madawl/ CHEAP PIANOS TO CLOSE A CONSION3MiT.•;-A auperb Rose. wail' octave Reno. With fall Iron From; carved Atrisle Doak and Motildingm the manafacturetz p In Now York:wing 1,400, will be sold to close • consignment Also, a flohd lag oeta‘re, !round comet% and sliding desk; a very eleput Plano: the Newliork factory price ta,m, will be sold 44 eve at $265. The ahoy* an, the net cash Deices, In par money, sod will bo baud fur ehipping Oro of change. • good second band Plano, with iron frame,6 octave, in 0w1.% Coalkflirrent fundd,sloo. A Afahogany 0 octme, modern Mlle Plano, an excellent Instrument. Oath, =rent hinds, VA, A elx octave wand-band Baltimore P1an0,11.50. Ado do do- do Phfladelphla do St A 634d0 Piano, very handsome and nearly new, on and 6 mouth. credit, $.2/5. For ode. together with • splendid stock of new Pianos of all etyles from the manufectory of ChM/lowing t Bons, Ba ton, 1 y nod JOHN H. MELLOR. 61 Wood at. STEINWAY & SONS • TUS T RECEIVED AN ey Tall of STEINWAY & SOW eeleb ted NEW YORK PIANOS. • Among others a Wens:Lid FULL GRAND PIANO of wariyallad tone aid Twollunallildp. Steinway & Sane Grand Pianos are could • mortar to say glade In elm onmtry. The kite to the above hits rootlet& the Ara ChM Gold Medal for minority overall others, at the Maryland lA. atltote. In Wilmot., last week. Do* notice will be Oren of Ile arrini. IL ELI:REP. & BRO., Solo Agents kr Nampa Clark; soil Alfo, Steinway *sots, NA IS Ilithehteek Q,,ECOND-RAND h. 7 One elegant o aloe Itourrood Plano Parte, laperthet order, worth $275, will be cold Owth 6 r -ei .. . 71 Oneo a v do d d :'Br 75 One Mahogany Plano ... . 70 PIANO FOR RENT —One iteleatet . • Wl re efed boa] prime Dually. CHAIELOTIW ode! No.llB Wood 4,247d00r *bore Wood et. NNW MUBl l o.—thLumorrz- Bunn," No.. in Wood Bt. ha Jost rewind poi Exproic -' • One amain Word, Bllad by J. IL Thomas, fir; Flame and blind; B a d,.Bby E.C. =mt.* • Noctonto. L. bLOonbeholktaft,.. _•• _ • Yams Positque. Ibridro pawls Moo, uotorasot,:de,... Thaw ate ClottuebolVo two bus coospailtlotiW • i ll=flrbyt Ifoxvili th r vattatlorav by Ybalbeigi IMMO), I. P-Mbowds, 28.1 • • • . War ottr= i;o tbo I Ifflinudd'a 'Sony bori by Mal (Tho Watch brighlinsb; IWW,ll.2d.rwou., lithehi.fLoZbig of the ristarzobeo• Wag Star of tbo bentlAll tong ind charos.'Ar S or.botito,toominin. . . dbio,albripioolketke of . . Gator eons bad Paw* 1,1 4 1 0 and Tlola and flub Idastodtudr.oefted. : • . • •.• 'l3. l tadaziallsd free d cd 244"'Mla:!Cl'"Ii A DJOIIRNKDORPHANS'COURT L SALE: za,_ By virMe of an order of the Orphaue.Court of Ana. gbeny county, the nudenigned, administrator of the estate 'of John Chabobers, deceased, willaell at poblic sale. on .N MONDAY. Dee.., A. D, 1 &x. 01 10 o'clock, .4- ti., at the ' COURTIIOUSB. la thicityof Pittsburgh the followin- portions of real estar, - of delkieh PIO ! , 11 . 14 ;01111 Chambersdled seized, air: , A certain lot of ground intle.lllll ward of Pittsburgh. marked to the plan of James Adana, Part of- which nes formerly known as the Northern Libertlee, No M, bounded northwardly by Pen ' street, eutteMdly kV intNo =tiouth• • annaL., :warily by Spring all , and westwardly by lot No 2J, con. tel to hresdll Y feet, and to length one hundred f.c , nil lt the ITO being being theme. which George A. Bayard and wife, by their deed, dezed No, 29 .pv:3.- .- costal In vol. s6,page 413 ,.coareyedUnto cold John Charm . . bers. There la erected on Meniscus - boating on Penristreet. ' a throe dory brick dwelling boom, and a double frame dwelling home, and on the rear of said lot are three double .frame two dory damning house, .' ''' .. Al5O—A certain Int of ground siteddod In the mid Fifth want of Pittsburgh, park of lot No = in plan - aforesaid : bounded northwardly to - Pein street, eminently by lot No. 83, southwurdly by Sorbet- alley:and westwardly by the pert of said lot No Antwrowned by ilsdnew. Chambers, contala. , bag in breadth twenty-llva feet, morn or lees, and to depth one betodred feet, or lees; being part of the Sarno Willa Lbn mid George A. Bumf, by :L4 deed; dated 1L15.13, ILA re corded in book vol. 41, eams 45,oanveyed unto the stedd John Chambers mod Alexander Chambers, on which berated a two erto*' fratmadwelling hense, fronting Penn street...dal a two clay flame dwelling house fronting Sprbig alley: And also, two lots of ground iii: the said Fifth ward, pica Oland 67,1 n Jeseph * Patterames plan, recortheibt. book. 21, , pep 02, bounded and described as follows. ,• -,, " • P 9 c - northwardly aide of Lamed street at the •• • 0.. . 0 „,„ 0 ,... , _, . _ , *_, , ,'„ . . , :e_ ' 'died feet from the corner of O'Mara lane,: thence al " .,4 ''''-' ., ':' . :-.t CO3l street towardsPean street, forty feet- thenc e _w oo l' L b, Ilne oflot No fd,'lstxty p. t, tot* line of property ,let t Manner Demty; - rheum along the mum ' towards O'ltan' treat forty feet, and tbeata Wong the fine ate: No a Mgt' feet, to the pled, of beghumig.-on Ix - Mali erected tw o tw o story brick dwelling hockfes, tie ing the tame which Zlboon god m e wife, by their deed, dated November 14. MS,: recorded Byvel-9lk-Page44,-MitiveYed'unto the said John Chambera: The above property Is all 4.1.141,k, rents at VIA 'rates end toed termoie, old beruains can be had,•as the same will le, sold. Tams or Sor—Ono-thb-d on the conflrmseio n of wad sale; onnthird in rno year from day of sale, with' Interest from that data, Mho mound by bond and mo on tb • premises, and ona-thl r df.eamJ4 cgi: the sold ere cured by bond end mortgage', doting the lifetime of Jan. Chnmbers,vidoar of sablYohn Chambers. docensed: the In terest therOof to be payable to tho uld dna° Chambers no rmally from the day of mkt, doling bor natural life, and after ter death the principal, payable to the helot and Isgsl representatirm of the mid Job, Chambers. • • • • CEIIifiIIBRFLELD ROBB, , ado,gr , nfJ o hn Chambers, dec'd. 4otlrmlawter SAMUEL PAIINESTC/CIE—. No. 74 Wood Strut, Pirtsibuyyh, H . AEIONMAND A LARGE STOCK OP ILARDIVARE, which foetal sell Tors lot for CASIL In addition to hie Locks, - I.thrges, Knives and Torts, Owns: and large assortment of Carpenters. Tool; be has received a largo =apply of SAUSAGE' OWETERS AND /MUMS.% SHOVELS_ TONGS AND POKERS, SLEIG If BELLS AND ENAUELIMPRESERVING KETTLES. .ocZattf H. Meigs, Jr., & Smith, 73 ANKERB AND Ft 01C...11fZ0 No. 39 Wllllann Street.; New Yorke Offer their services in the collection and logottOlon of paper, tho purellese and sale of stocky and bonds, as well as In all the other branebee ofn parste honking buelnese inf. They Rea. ty permission - METROPOLITAN DANK,. DANK, MOSES TAYLOR, ......... MESSRS. P. ILAILMONI^S NEPILEITS A CO.. J. C WILD. ESQ., Outlier Roston Rank:— PIIILADELPEU DANE,...... C. MOUE, ESQ-, Cai&der toloo Bank of Eel Llama, Sid.; Cashier 0111ce Noithem Ilk of Ey. Louisville, Zy. MESSRS. EINITLT, ESPY t co— chadmati, ohk. T. P. MANDY, ESQ, • ProldostOmmiar eOlitrusebrk,Clerelsod,Oldo2- • J. YOIING SCANNON, Val.- &radiant • rPq.&4 J. IL, LIICAS &CO, . . Sr Lon* No NES.9ll.9:iX,Oraucau,t 'moss, BurilActo., ocfillllol.3ll3t SON .... .... Iltkibtrgh, .....- Boston, Slue. Phil.dePhin, pa. azrEnca-z.A..zrz 52 BT. MAW STZZET • • _ Dr. Istah'• New Gni/dbiii4 iiiojUSt returned Trona the eastern aides lila and is now receiving a chaka assortment of growls maim& for the present mason, to which ho tho attention of hismaanmers widths public generally. Gentlemen wishing to replenish Moir wardrobes with wawa Garments will Grid It to their advantage to gin him jiTMELBU 44-1500 lbs.plitos Comb Teblo Batter; /0 libla rsterS. i . largo N FrN orfolk Galt Oysters, /teed and for sale,wholcoala udestaii,at No:LT ilfthit. ClALegoalo. Ika sale by ' ',B. del , comb Wcod sad Pbrst sti4 ,Mtsrzuvi nc. E.ED--,8 whit:era Eale ,01. by , • ;US B. A. PAEINnyom CO."; ('(.: ~~.9E.~900 boles foreale_fip v `~ -_Br.HRYtG~COL~2:CB. I D ER. - s:bbls. Street er for see by II:MIT /I COLLW4: INDOw 43. —..voboxesforßabb :dolty -I,'; C.- • - BI2O:trit. 7. OOLMILI..: WMbox fiochesterPfutrlBudth UCK WILEA , LOUR. "0 oadatin store 0.030 Ar (ed) * * gem a, enualv; IMEZIEE!