The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 09, 1857, Image 2

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    Srsvessios or bl. Most.zr.—We learn from
Vittshurgt Qsaittte , the Dubuque papers received last night that the
4 well-knownhankerridle has sPetided•
- ; 11,=, • ,• YP
tnttiart Tut Civt EOA t xrxa ' As is generally known,:
nn ordinance td Orilae nod make rules fortinete
-officer hi' ournitysiffairs to'benalled City Engl.;
neer, and to perform the duties now discharged
=, by the'ciTregnlator together - with otheeduties
,:;prescribed in the ordinance aforesaid, has been
wEDNEEDAy 310Efilso. DEC iggf ....-iliefore our city councils.: On the night when it
4ifirst came up for consideration in Select Council.,
R e p tt ucan City c onvi ratio,m — • Mr: Gee d of the fird -ward moved an amend- ;
meat to the first section (which provided for the
Tan eitt of Pittsburgh , election of this officer in - the conicilts)that the ;
.sr* revalue tamed. mikeirrogroqtereth.--d . choice be referred to the people. Mr. Wade of
• pleas for baltog raleenteZteetteso‘ ou TILE
l e n p i s Dfc baggaosaong y a, :c t, b y bans eve the Lth ward from the committee which drew up -;
ei noaserces wich ward to mows ta su , stestion , reported this ordinance stated tluit they "
to beheld at the Cant Roam, oa WEDS Dar Dec. , ha d held that 'Matterunder l
et lo o'clock A . Id, far the purpose of oesolostiol emai. specie considers -
do. car oar em, ro yvyt,4 et the trStlanc, 0100. ; non in the committee and were not certain that
xtwaseuteiiusesdi.mssAu °omit 3 • 0304 ; the councila had the power to create an office ot
I,l„nd ataYJ.P../; the kind and Cali" upon the people to vote to fill,
t,417' —7 l .Aweresad Council. et the tune ' ;it without an act of the Legislature empowering
Wee, ustessothersdo eon bleb° Ww o3 Oxmlio"e . them to do it. In this state of the case on the
Dy order or the 04 /="caU"'C""gitte• "Oth b ultimo, •
2. P. DA2m2022421,.2;,=,n. o ovem er, time, the question was on
_ ; motion /referred IA the City Solicitor with a re
\ . quest that he report upon thelluestioa raised..
Mr. Foster made the subjoined report on Mon-
' day evening hist; ' •
Pittsburgh, Dec. "1,1857. f
To Janice .31' Aulty, &q., President 'of Select
Counedi—Sni: At your suggestion that my
opinion was desired by thii•Select Council, in',
regard to sundry questions which were under
discussion at the last meeting of that body, I
have mode those questIOILS the subject of exam
'nation. and now hand you the following an the
The Councils of the 'city' of Pittsburgh possess'
no power which has riot been conferred by law. ;
They live and move and have their being within
the limits of the. several =blot assembly, which
are styled, collectively, the city charter—and
any power -dr authority claimed is not found
therein, either in plain words or by necessary
implication,' it may safely be pronounced. to
have no existence.
The fifth section of the act of March; 1816;
entitled "An ...Cat to incorporate the city of
Pittsburgh" vests the power of thesaid
ration in the Select and Common Cotuthils, con
fers upon them feu power to make laws for its
government, and authorizes them to enforce the
same by proper officers to Zr by them appointed.
Neither Mb act of assembly, nor any of its sup
plements, so far as I can And, either by plain
'words or by necessary implication, confers upon
Councils any authority to provide by ordinance ,
for the election of any officer .by the.popnlar,
Tote. * * 41,
It is objected that Councila cannot elect fora
period beyond their own term. This Idea arises . ,
from th e impression thst Councils change every
Year. Thiele a mistake. The Select and Com
mon Councils of Pittsburgh began to exist on
the day those first elected therefor were sworn
into office, and have continued to exist ever
since; although new members may be elected
annually. ' Very Respectfull W.
A. . FOSTER. ,
r. Trauxu--nr..usoi.. P—i.
S. R1DDL13'"&,,,V0.,:46:
ann'oss and raorairroks:
i i try
Ren „,,,;,,;blsisg of tun.Const i,Venv 1 entlon. ' quest
- ,
the de-kV-esti) the lite'.c tinty: Bepubliotui ,
Cannella:o6ll iesasemble ' the Court Boom
an Witonzinxithitttiof Son 1858, to put
r iii noioinetton a mandate for Aes‘tahli, tti nil ,-
plithe To.cialtei. ocessiotte by the death of J,
.. By order - 1
the Ex. Co. Com.
- -
• . .
• We:pur= Taorntx.—The *egret& sent
us de:tau:end 'Or the straggle in the locofoco
canons at yonhington on the -thole° of a printer.
to the House, but did - not vonelsafe to us the
begiunillg of , the story. ;We aro consequently
coropelled drmr npon the -eolumns of our
mortifortunsber.astern exchanges. The corms,
pendent of the N. Y. almea !toys:.
"Ai the Soath Ites`-get ihiSpeikti'and Door
keeper, it. wee co • . ruselered' that, Banks '- chances
for Printer ..'were",tuied. up; brit ; his friedds de•
alined to cryMthiPped-' • KelIF Dominated Well
deafer so-election. - Banks and Steadman were
also nominated. •
Jones, of Tennessee, the Chairmen, declared
thata he.would under no circumstances vote for
Wendell if noinintited, and that if his nomin*
tionwerriprented he would-leave the caucus be
fore the vote wee taken,- as he could not be
bound by its 'action in this respect.
"Thett ensued a scene.. Wendell's friends de
manded apecifte allegations. Clemens, -of Fir
, ginia, a new member, expresied himself freely
against-Wendell. The comitry was NI et char
ges of fraud • and, corruption In'connettion with
the public printiog. ' If Wendell was not cor
rupt, lamas veep norm:innate in his friends,
one of whom had apprasched hi# with Improper
proposition: '•- -, -
"This created great confusion, with loud cries
of 'Name the man!' .What• did he proposer
'Out with it !' and so-forth.
"Clemens proceeded: Wendell's connections,
were such that he could;vote for him under no
circareatanees If nominated. - 'I say it with cau
tion, with circurospectlon and• discretion, and
, • hold myself personally responsible . for what- I
say, that sooner than vote for him I would let
toyrig-ht arm wither -
"Soonafter, without responding to the de
mend for specific allegations, Clemens left the
"Davidson, of Louisiana, and some others,
said they had come to the cations Intending not,
to vote for. Wendell, but now, unless these char
ges _Were sustained, they would support him as
a matter of justice.
"Smith, of Virginia, moved- resolutions post
! potting the nomination until the charges of fraud
wereinvestigated. _ •
"Floreace• oppeled this, urging that frauds
were impossible, 03 the Printer was paid under
a law which fixed theprices, and that Congress,
and n ot ?
et theOtte. were responsible for the
enormous amount of printing done.
"Th'e resolutions were them ruled out,
"Stephens, of Georgia, said he intended to
vote for Wendell, ! but could not until he hail
time to ascertain the grounds of the charges of
fraud. Ho moved to postpone the nomination
until hiondey_night.
"Taileri4gew York, earnestly opposed this
go'dia not consider it fair to ask
• .wendell'is friends to elect other officers before
the Printer was' nominated. The motion, how
ever was carried." " - •
The:correspondent of the Tribune Bays:
"The NeW York-Democracy are exercised at
losing everything so far. and- claim the Printer
or d division of the !Toils."
Theresult of the 'second caucus is known.•—!
Wendell was beaten. • and Steadman, a Douglas
Nenets Sscamtzr.s.—The greatest shriekers
for freigsma;ss, nevrt-dayis, aria the democratic
paperst4i rettmecterfolleiw'ile lead of the ad
ministration. - Witness the reply to the follOw
ter -Waiiington Union:
Denicicratte, eot!.
Isulhag and becouse that
was not done, they.denonnce the convention, as
vialitoriof Vie' principle of Katmai law. Win
any. one of ear . objecting totemporaries Pretend that
whet; the: Messes hilt was pending, it never was
• 'eontailPed by 'Anybody that thepoputar eorereign
ty clause had reference to' any other subject than
that of erarery2 . Surely not... Then it is a mere
s!stitkinglrl the bark" to say that the conven
tion has failed to carry out thigr is at'objeit
the true spirit of the Kansas
To this the Chicaio 'A - ma, the organ of Pour
The 'share citiestion can easily be answered I
by 'asking another-,yissi 'Will the Washington
Union pretend that Congress; in;pasaing the
Slaps Nebraska act, designed'eringbhe peo
ple of Kansas the right of regulating slavery in
that State and denied them all 'right to deter
mine any other,' questionlin:,their domestic con
cerns T . Did Cenigreas intend to confine the
right of ' , self-government" to the single issue of
slavery?' 'lf so,' vas not the Kansas Nebraska act
a grass Iniirterledid it not deprive the people of
the right to. regulate all other domestic institu
Poon JELAILINS.-11 - is but a few . #sys since we
aide a 'potation from the elieich:of this able
"Democratic champion " and leadir. It will be
remembered that the invincible Oxford Democ
• racy claimed Jenkins as their great gun in the
late Leconipton Convention. Alas the orator is,
more. On the 19th of November he died at
Lecompton, the scene r e his glory:of delirium
lumens. A correspondent 'writes Jenkins' obit•
uary from-the Territory of Kansas ina seye in it
all the good of him that circumstances will per
mit and at little evils is consistent with truth.
The whole may be summed up in a few lines:
altiilt3 born and reared in South Carolina, and
4robably never realized the blessed bood of
human liberty, or that We " government of the
peopl,", ma . ga,. more than their right to,have
He.was a fair specimen of his glass. lie'
ohleated to have anything more about religion.
than the iniye' ... r,in,thnzaortiing,"and of the aril: .
cle dispzinted NicSloe that was:proiia.
bly enough, and of ; ; such such are the""".!..:ational
CuawroOw =iilt Sr OrrroN—Tke * funeral of
this, celebrated ;Man ocOnrred •in New York on'
Saturday . :liaskiiiiiption on his coffin MU as
. _
Trionse erwirmus." Dornin New Yeilr.,Marele
22, 1813.1 Died in'tondon, October 14,
'Luse ninihitef the persenal friends of the
decelsed,j . and hundreds . who, though not per :
sonellinoivainted ,With the men, admire his
genlint, attended' hint to hie kit resting place.
The pall4merere weinllon. pas. Sumner,
Tuckeiroldtn.;,...G.4l9. Professors Greene
and Lieber, and Ilessre: Hicks; Kennett and Ros
alter, the artiste: hirs. - Craifordilridow of the
del:eased, was present,. with his sister, Mrs.
Campbell; and her, hnsbend. The Animal Ser
vice was conducted bylter.Dr. Berriaryisitisted
by Be,. )i) . ks:•l3iT, Weston rind Toting. ;
emen:y wan that ofihe Spiscopal Church for'the
andekof, tho. Dead „'l ttir. Dr. .Wesson, with the
relatives and pall.bearers, accompanied the body
to Greentio4 Cemetery,; where , . it.w24 /laced in
a pri6.l,i, . tomb. monument will be erected
over thispot in the cOurierotthe'eniating Spring:
Eviaueno3 To
. -blissomu.-7She Cleveland
Ifeiald says 'that aisles' Missouri has shown an
;na1:440 Isiror free labor, mach attention
has beim pAyen to her !tomtit:ea ant advantages
_„ . ,
. ,
by thise'seelting western homes.. It - saye
"iiirtherst Ohio ,is transferring some of its
best, citizens to Blissouri„ men of character and
enterprise. .Among - thern.aro - those who were
pioneers in the settletnent - ef the Reserve-=men
Who broke up ‘ the 'dense forest. 'and-who now_
lease ttui pleasant Donee reutd through years
of untiring:industry, for humble cab ins and
broader sores 'ln'the Attest portns ands
washed bythe mighty Rivers. The children
stretch forth their hands toward the setting sun,
And the - pan , ats go with them as , their fathers
journefrqui3iew England to the wilderness
, s ofNew-EenntitlitAlts" - ,; :r . :
Lae SOS' isen
Senator Simmer •
TITS of waPro
- sSitorld. Ho to still
' to
lniterulels sad , labor and dis
Is 140 t PFoPl?"°_mitbe Will .„-
For ens Gaunt.
LOCUST RIDGE, Dec. 8,185 i.
%was. EDITORS :—/ sec by
. the Occette of
HOT. 28 that my friend and neighbor, Joseph
Miller, Esq., of Snowden Tp., "exhibited three
ears of corn, having 24116 -grains, averaging 822
grains to each ear." He exhibited them to the
Board of Managers of the County Agricultural
Sadety. •
i I send you - three ears having 3082 grains, and
1 averaging 1027 grains to each elm—getting very
considerably ahead of the 'Squire; but In justice
to him I must say that I obtained my seed corn
I- from him last-Spring, aud.can say dual consid
er his corn good—profitable for the farmer to
raise. My crop is the best I ever raised—the
ground was plowed in March, being a timothy
sward, and was welt prepared by harrowing be
fore planting; then planted early in May; used
Cultivator in working it; the result will be 100
i bushels of ears per acre. Yours, &a.,
Malan firs=
FROM Leis SePtetlOß.—'rhe Detroit Trib
of Thursday evening says that the propel] .r
Mineral Rock, Capt. Fraser, arrived at Detroit
from Ontonagon at 1.0.1 o'clock, Thursday morn
ing, haring left that port last Friday. She found
the ice extending in a solid body hem Copper
Harbor to a point twenty miles above Eagle
River, stretching five miles into the'lake, and is
from two to six inches thick. The snow vas
from two and a half to three feet deep, and the
cold at times was most intense. At the; Bruce
Mines, one day last week, the mercury marked
V.l° below zero; at the iron Mountain 15°, and
in Marquette' 10°.
The most important item of news by this ar
rival is the Way of the Seaman, which it had
been feared was lost with all on bo ard. She was
see:toff- Eagle. Elver on -Friday evening, as the
Mineral Itock'was..lwring that pert. She had
I no doubt becn.dilientiff towiediathenorthshora
by ofcalit -lerfifrlirls* 1,140191Wei...01rer
the' daring the period at which she
all. The boat is s total wreck, being hroki In
z two in the 'centre, her bottom all Mere in, and
, her upper works gone. Her machinery is also
greatly injured, her shafts being bent up, the
bed-plates, broken, and the boilers somewhat
damaged.. Her cylinders, however, have ens
tained no injury.
The Mineral 'Rock could have obtained a car
go of copper at leek, River, but it was impossi
ble to get - Won board, owing to the Ice.
Tire Wheeling..lniefflgenter of Monday says
that on Friday night two more persona were ar
rested on Fish Creek, charged with the murder
of the old man George Moore, on Sunday night
last. Mr. Henry Baker, to_whom, it will be re
collected, the hatchet with which the deed was
committed,' belonged, has been apprehended
upon Beale traapicion.of of. in the affair.
The man, Powell, was. in Baker's employ at the
time of the murder. Ori the Saturday night
preceding the . mardu a negro man called Black
Charley Crip,..wes in Powell's company, and
' their actions at that time are. now looked upon
with suspicion. Charley was also arrested, lea
bOth he and Mr. Baker were taken before Jas.
doe. Biddell for an examination. "We *idatot
learn the result.
'hit Roo Busnseas.—The Cincinnati Oautee
of Tuesday says: .
..The largest profortlitn of business so far,
has been done on account of country operators,
and in this respect there does net promise to be
any immediate change unless prices give way
very materially. As matters now sand, alarge
decline would be established, if the usual sup
' plies were to be thrown upon the market for two
or three days, in *meanie!), Few hop, emu ,
paratirely, have as yet been., received from Ohlo
or Indiana. and receipts from Kentucky are di.
minishing. The receipts by river and railway
Tor the lastweek, up to noon on Saturday were
43,765.- •
Yesterday, the receipts were large, „probably
eight thotteand head. The total number killed
and in the pens, up to last elating; we estimate
at: about 115,000 beak' being, .at least - 35,000
• head short of cutting -,to the corresponding
baled last. yen. The deficiency at all other
leading packing points. In: the West. is mint
greater, in proportion, than at this place.. It is
Rife, we , think,• to estimate ,the _deficit in the
%et, up to'tbis time; at fifty per cent. Pe:Cheri
are everywhere holding off, and drovers and far
mer!' are , doing the_ sante. Corn is plentfind
pheap, and feeders regard prices as too ':low,
;which puha' consider too high; and they are.
feeding late; intending to have their hogs pack
aid at len, on-their own aceenut, if they
Vriug buyeasup 'to their-vial:
• •
Ma. Pesnonr.—The embarrassment of Mr.
Peabody's house was not finally determined
final a late "hour on Friday, 20th November.
The terms, and extent of relief by thi-Bank of
England had been arranged by the Court of 'Di
rectors the day before, but the final actemahnee
of the Security by the Bank_ was made depen
dent upon 'the guarantee of - Mr. Peabody's
friends and other parties, hicluding two of the
Joint-Stock' Dinka " interested in his goicig
through. The amount ashed for was,
and we learn throughseveral channels that the
guaranty was obtained.•,—.N. Timm. . .
~ L. .
~ MR. Coon has decided to mak_ pf Congress
power-to wake an is s ue of TreaeurY Notes.
The reduced suncinut in the National' Treace:ry;
about $7,000,000, makes this or some
' other step enable the Secretary to carry on
thes'arar. Treasury Notes will probably be the
cheapest and most confer:dent method of bridg
ing over the deficiency the Treaeury vial the
retire' of business increases the receipts from
, the Customs. They will probably bear a nom
, inar interest, be receivable for-all.dues to the
doTernmeat, and will furnish merchants and
others with a convenient facility for' Exchange.
. ,
,Tire report of the Court-Martial" which tried
Colonel Sumner on the charge against. him;
, preferred by Major Dean, has been. transmitted
.'.'te,the Preeident. : The; Court fade him ' ,, Not
obilty" on every charge, affecting, his pertonal
i reputation, and' "Guilty '., en ;the , minor points
rehtting . to . discipline or etiquette. •He 1 s
sentenced to rour months' suspensfen . from cow
mend. i believe his sentence has not yet. been
approved by the President. A personal ditricul
ty, arising out of the matter, ispendingbetween
Colobel Sumner and General Harney,. the Presi
dent of the ConrL—lV. Y. lime,:
Tun ntunber of polieereen to Perla is 7,600.
gives„ on, a population of 1,100,000, one
policemen to every 146 dtizetos. The same ratio
-would give New York, admitted. olitiopulation
of 650,000, 4,460 pollee - west . But In - New -York
they hate butl,2oo policemen which would give
but one to every 641 aitleet rotkit notable
dbility between the two cities: 1 to 146,
, .
prmay ilatirrs. „Special &latices. gob) abbortiatmontn. -___ insurance.
_ - - --- -
_. _ _ ___..„_.. .. .. __ _
-- --- ---------- -- -
Another InstancentilYieraltessey of Bars-. . - DEL.-F/TCH-US ,PITTEiIiniGH. ~- A N.-00.1NCE Esrablishin,.-and Raga,- The--Mannfacturen'--inauranoti Company' , ._ . mrstram.
haa•'• Halla zal : lll•9a99 31 *- 7.99-,Ak ;ON and aitii • iViDN - r.. T -311:00 ; -ING; Pee - '2 l -CI- ki.4 the Night Police oldie City ot riktenrsh, - , .-. 0 fet- - 211, 10 ALkirJ,oofe EschimP ,
t n i c ,„ n,pt.b.ontih3/0431. ~.. - , __ • .estax . 1.. Be Itordained and enacted, k 0,,• Thal there LS V, ~_ , Plonong7/7 Ins=ii Company.
• • goe t e unite muebdog ,m. urady,,yeqw.-eith p g_,... w g ., ~, ,, , , ,.,.I , t h. „ on ,. 0 , imummq and jANDARY. j: ' and
O estaidiehed ame mu., for tho CltY ot , - ~;., • 0.:B. r_zAnz•Ll'alA. .-- • , mrlanw,ca p rnk b, B r.
;moutons at the stanada, BM ef aPPetits, am...m Du . _4:l,4,:tiv-rs- lg. ITTcyy. - piusbiagh, which tibial courant of one Captain of Point, . oh a ner . p er p e tuak-mapiral $500,000. . =Nu U. ATWOOD. it' o ' 4 .7-
irtroni amptoms of flppirAt,l Wu Waned to 1:17 Pin four Lientenextsandforsy bight Policemen echo shall. Act sc .
!knead Bitten* nod I nein botnn art of Jetsam to the la- - Mee be awsnlted el his Ramat. id and be known ess Night Police. WILL L'ISDRE AGAD:ST ALL HINDS OP °..-a, No. Pi Warn Mort,
tic* se wells, for the good of those who may be affected ,'..; 0. 191 ST . CLAIR STFCE.I7I - , firm= 2. The Mayor shall at the firm regular ineetlng
slnt, dosognoesd dela tainach. to state. that the use ...- 0 ,,,,„, u ,„ c 0.,,,,,,,,„.,„ 7 ..... ..,,,,,,,,. , Fire. Marine and . Inland Risks. , 'hi+ /...., Ar.i.a at ii•taarre.gass i,Jur, ' eßL ' ld
done single tattles f thtemedirttie proved of lualcolable •Al`Sra, NO
DB= ISM - . .
c. as II
, rectlea r bit, nomilmte to said cononsttee ore parcel for A ARON O . LIPPLNCOTT, Presided,
bonefir,harlng tbsed the stomach from all tense of deprii. ST. CLAIR 1110TELr PITTSBURGH., PA.,
maws, mar penal. farldleutansotx end fall Pets.= for WI A. p,uOI)E.S, Vice President _ stool Dm Rills. payableon dtartaulieCurto bY
.100, sod nralnd san7 symptom a aPr a D as • I " mta ' chorlaDA Y . , vimps'mr,ittnyEEDAT and FRIDAY Night Policemen, win:retail be vadat te contlrmadon or ALFRED WEEKS, 50cr.. 1 .101- 1.0 4 , 0 1 ° . .d.......- -.... ..... -4- ........ ..SI4O,OCA is>
also remark, that two other members of my family. who ofd an seas but except In mayor emergency no calls will relation by a malmity of said committee, and in the event
iettli IffliCtini ins alinDarmanner wlthroyaf, were culla: ,
~,... _ ,- _ ......, .. , , i , lof ~,sy dzildyerem beingtrierted.the Num dont= i• - stinteirOis. i Cub ....... -..-. ... ... .-....._ ---_,.....___ 11,01911
ly relined by the ma da single batle cacti.' be rad ,di ‘IONTAV Ind Ss:ATl:Runt . eac w , ~. ~,, , o ut 0 ,,,, rr ,,,,,,,, brr i,,,, caw.
s I,lPria,a. Wm. B. Thoa'n , L . L. 1 .„..." . ,, , 70 Mares Mechlin.' Bank vi - ca - .
........ , 1= pg
AiiIPSNS ai Sl pg
yer letne..or a• ban. for 8. 5 ? bi U. p r ' el.. ~ ..a a hi. ~o ;-rr.roca.amiudoha no ""Y wr" - 1 ''sonr a.. au Nfkial- trriiitimin andliclent cause tiring Wm. A. Ithixlol, Wffilim . J lOl, .-' .1 1,1 0b n"... 1 1 , 11 , ,, .....:... ,
olk.PremlisFatuLtese.. -. ..-_.. _ --: AliCt 60
Dabamir="traD. J B -i* °C I ; 91 •• •9alurla g /lam " ,og rendermg it tin pct.( eel DR. FITCII shonld hate shown, suspend or dismbes any member of the Night Police; I. Rinehlo S.ik, Ruin J• Pahl.
ndistelndiChralei, Pittsburgh,. Pa .- and Druggist* seal . . and nHlntanclaeocaning by dirinlmal,religultion or nth. James P. Smyth DNA decennia -.- ... .... .....'. OO /3
wally. Bo adtmtnemant. deiddret ow. O.Y. t. W.. 14 teithotit interntidido- , _ atra, Mall la filled by persons selected by the Mayor. tra- Innilreci.
-- - DR. WITCEI would earneady reMled an. wh o m• Y `'''' tll the meeting of the Polio Co mmittee, shed saki P.m" Judge Beath, K. D, Jona. Eso , Cash. Cie Ilk vis,oie 02
AdV anted years oaten came oe to feel the necenity
~,„1 War under In-iptat mated ird6ones o f the Th roat or y yl i b e nr .,,,,,,, d, ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. njw . d.
'. inns. Malleger, tut., Messrs. Robiraion kijo.. , - _ ,
er • a •ad •• some 1914 " maL••, bY shis h t° rall y ' mg
' P. °'
th rm yd re . ti m ely amen. Stenos 4. Every person appointed tOtbsofficeofCaplatia, . y.,.. tr os n, y,a l ., - T. Kennedy, Jr., A Doi tosiCiGLI:
Strength andbeing to our Impaired Lac. Liangeof the Importance of giving Lieutenant or Policetara,eltall te a citizen of mho Donal ‘C. FL Panama, kq. " Wedo FRIOPM Co:, ' Wm. B. Wont.* m. A, Wave],
oltien,w lemortaffectoallydoue by the we of Unit , i do., an It fa only when taken In remora hie rime that these ata..0.0 . th . ti.,,
or hi .. maint .,..„Ailua ,„ t ,,,i. : J. s. ~.,,,, ~,,,, • COntllnginiiin ACo ' Robt Delved, %Mn Miller, •
al% One wine John McDevitt,
7E3eOUl ' l4l --.1 In ' 11Miu .0.....tr0 c3 114n Ph ber e Dottie, - or In r dame. ant,. 0 ,,,,,,,,1 .., t h ~,, Jost hope or ...." sod ', In the city, and parione to eaereieitig Gay &arenas d ht. put:dough Oren, lie SO Water ern* i . , Win. Rea,
office shall, before the Mayor, take and subscribe an oath or • J. IV .SI !MIES AgenL Pros P Clarks, Geo. A. Berry,
W" qunedfit . A Pe o tionen r • '..--- in nr '3 osrin - lvd - y, 1411 eceed""leee calle r
thodeday of a few weeks will not coherently render hope
1 afirMation, that he will faithfully end Impartially diatoalle italic W. W. WILSON', Agent, Dubuque. James A. otobleon
lust cranked of Its reetoraine drain. to which lions 1..07 late , ~,, ~, k, ,,..,,,,..,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,.
rids aua testify who coedit for yean, saunter no circus. , the dates of his off" according t the beat of hie knead „ r - -, -- ,—,-----.... 1.....-vvldate -nwl HENRY If• AYWOOD. 3 oe._ ';
r DR. FTICTI would ale, mid that as be is a., i.toinei to ' e dge and ability; nod shall glee We ' d, with eautity. to be se raran ts' to su tau e e Co. of r A Opp*.
"gl'hieref,meminddireetlitnable bautildrirerutlting jadifeout"atecosiotrt.. lung rankly with hts Patients, none need ePPIV
Erd re d "d d b o Y llana th. grlti2:a C'L lat P 2ln 'l lh l e ' sti th m ' oron m eTho ll at "d
Pot salo try DingoOs and denim geoollo4 mr1 1 . 11 . 1 .0 , to learn their true condition, the actual . meta ' o -L ;tl:t e r
wmnIOSTMT TER a 931: ". ' at ' 9 • •••• 9•199•97 i and their probable/ chances of recovery. dollars each. and each Night Policia= hi the mm of
, W 'i v i
a pt e.7l7o; litotlpr"Li.ia luDatajd.mM:CestedAN..s.. 15,..017'41"1
neCdmilawT hundred dollars ; which bonds for the soma in =dime& , dospina . . ... . . .-..... ... .. .. 03,81 i Id
stall be wain keeping to satisfy my damage. °mining' !
- - from mbecondnet in office.
, deOlloo IL The Night Policemen selected ore [well west 1 I
CO2III 1 ed with all thepowers and right. of the DayTollos, ea defined
ONOIL l by the Act ineorparating the City of Pittsburgh, and the 1
I supplemmts thereto.• It shol likewise be their duty te re-
PC4OP. ( port tbemselvesto the Captain. at Out Wadi 11 ••••• •• 9
o'clock P. PL. from the let day of pd til, to the met day of
To bet October, and amain on duty until half put four o'clock A.
M., and at 8 o'clock P. u from the la day of October to
GOOD die bit day of April, and remain on duty until six o'clock i
A. 11., at which designated hours they alien assemble et the
`°l,applical Watch House, and 0000 any prisoners Mende confined to I
thallayor's dies to Ire dealt with according tots. I
EVERY Rayon 6. The Captain shall keep a correct account of
and make return to the Gee Company of the boon et light-
Mg We publiclimys, and the °neater of bona the gas may
bo burned, and dish keep a. register of the namber of Rights
or parts of nights actually sea..' on regular:duty by ach Po
Haman as aforesaid, and. Omit certify gab time seined to
the Controller, who shall authorise the ltoyor to draw hie
warrant or irorrant3 On the City Treasurer for the amounts
doe, according to the ales dud by the Select 1.,•1 coma ,
Kryszes Saonnts Bitaccs—Elrom
Pittolotroh Dispatch, April 10th, 1656,—V0r more then 3
years past we hare constantly worn the Wad:dug - tan Sas .
gender Erase, manufatured by Dr. Geo. U. Keyser, of No
140 Wood street, In this city, Lod would .heardly rectum'
mend it to all who ire Compelled to follow a sedentary mate
potion. As we timabefore remooked, to coning *Million
to Namely", It saran. for a brace and mependors, the
weight of the pontabxma beingao placed ns to contlimally
111011 to bring the ohoalden to their =twat position and oz•
pond the cheat, Women, lonndreda of whom ors manually
Injured by the weight m onormans *Marts," should alto
procure then brace'. Be particular In procuring the kind
meatioomionmanyof Umbrian' wild are humimg. Sold
atDr. GEO. U. EflEll.l3,lliholenloDruicabt, 140 Wood
met, sigh of the Gold= Mortar.
• Tawenty Years Blindness Cured by th
alUillilsia-ta Era Tana.-31.m. Charity Carnohm, of
lemperancantle, woo entirely blind In °nears for mare than
twenty remand could scarcely see with the other. She le
elmast eallrely cured by one bottle of "Gracjinterg Lys
Lotion:ilia ballroom that another bottle will entirely re
store he r eye'. Sold at Dr. GEO. U. KEYSER'S, No. 140
Weal street, alga of the Golden Mann. Price.2s cents.
soar . De larraosse--------e-vetrocarto Acmetbrealtese.-.
Indy Invented tostrumente that amble the door to hear
spite of dealbeg,ara to advance of anything yet koopo, or
likely to become of any real service to dad perecteu.
maims oft= artlAciel dram, the power of hearing le affected,
I and all the circurastlottee that attend trompeta and tubes.
are tothely dispensed ulth. They are worn by Isidee Eau
Dot be perceptible to otbers, and arAltirdly fait 1
ROM. Apply to
Dr, O. IL'ICRYBERIOI7ocor at
, An Infallible Cosign Iterned7...l had been
rick three montbs e not able to do wattldng, with a cal&
EA steed condition of the wind•pipe; I triad weird of the
best physicians - 1w this city without receiving any benefit,
Al of than sold my longs Item affeeted. I wed confined to
my bol &Mug tbs. greeter putt otlbis time,.l top...rated
a great deal Ormaner from my langs., The Cyst two drew
of year Pectoral Syrup that Itook, I could DO% take without
laying down In my bed, but before the.' taken two bottles
was antlreli cored. I bare been well ever since. My etch,.
use commenced about the tint of March, of this year. I
am now, and was at the tins at 1:14 sickness, living at
Thomas lititallOte., to Dal. sue., tow the Diamond.
Pittslairgb, Oct 'A Munn Marcy.
Prepared and .1d by Dr. (EO,ll. HEUER, Ito. 140
itoodstrest, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by Draggle te everywhere.
^eTirdawr-12 • .
Lice Bova 3 I. 111LD110 1 7 0 ..
Low! Strukbehean 441 atd sth Sfrodt,
HOUSES, LOTS and LANDS for Weer tour, Plata Comr
'y and City Taxes paid on Real Watt; choke retentions of
lands entered under the OnsdnotionLaor, at 12)4 cent. por
acre, comprising pia, Miners) andApriculturallanda
Has Land Warrants bornstd, told and locataL City Wel
ewes glren. deT:nrrok
a - lwrry 8. COLT.INS.
Ferviarding rind Connahsaion Merchant,
Chow*, Butter, Seeds, Finkle
And Produce Generally,
demi 8a 5 Wood Mail. Mawr&
viornivEit.& numitt,
A 'l' •rortNE s AT I, A. IV
No. 6, Eines Mock, Subtype, beat.
ihre,Uoctloaa promptly enado in any pert of Northern
DIM as Ratan Wineonal.
Will &meat. Done e a aa. or Roil
tilattaMonoy on end Mortgagee. entlydro
CPICOA3PIG we - 4:Sen.l3llGr
3S6.9.I4II.V.ACT UREatS,
Cbrrter of Plz and JkcAahOrs Erred PIM
hianefeetore Pine and Oak Sep of the 'whore draraP•
•tione of SAIL KEGS, which they will eel! at the Toterzt
ulnas are reepectfally eoliclted. All work wan
ranted of the best quality.del.2lydfc
European dud IMOligence Office,
Hoops always for sale Diatto on E1:11 9p• for any amoant,
and steams*" and bloket Mitts to aadfrom pm - pool. to
Aida for...took* and coastal bousvocan turntsbal t 0
ponsskaorri oo abort {IOWAN aakoo2l.
"hrsie,taladlsaTocotabloralsaany am p alan7n
patagnprnlanacbt tom "NereYotit and - Philadelphia ea
IIIIE64)I; UST .ad
7 • STONE 311HTEN,
great variety sad prce.
111.001:3) • CO., 151 Wood large.
To Tr ammo Boffereto.
• A retired Clergyman, restored to health inn
few dam after =ay ranol great lamas suffering. Ls meg
013.11 to mak. known the means of ear. %VIII mud (floe)
the praereitatoaasoL Direct the Item JOHN at.DAGN ALL
N 0.186 Fedton arrest. Brooklyn N. Y. oetrisoaodaaamT.
•' • .- B. F.. 8H OP
Biarac33iii 4 rr TAILOR,. •
108 Third Street., Pittsburgh, 'Pssiuu.
Arno Intent Paters. of guth shuts tu tusid,' and
suds to Orfitli on the mot reasanatola twat% turd AU
wait warranted. o_
•- - -
J. ma.marri2l.E.
No. ',14 St. Clair Street,
(Dr. Irlsh'alloar
Jokix cocirkaAri az Janos.,
Iran ItalUns ✓ lran Vaults, Vault Doora,
Wladow Shutters, Vindow Guards, be.,
Xs. 91 becon4 arid and Cr Thing Mott,
134veln Wool awl Matte* " PITLIWITROII, P.a.,
Run. cu./Arial a Misty
. 01 twat Patterns, taucy m 114604
taaable 1 all purposes. Plank al+, &natal. 144,1 to ere
closing Orate Lam Jobbing duos at abort rustle. tali/
PAYNE!. Hm&LL & co.,
141X1771(701.1$ 01
COratitlg. Parlor
Grates, Fronts, Fenders, aro,
AndalsztateturersathseeleLret 4 A
O. 233 LIBERTY wriurET.
U•AC ....... .. ... .70 son w Wen:men.
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
llahatacturersof CAST YTEEL; also, Beanta, FLOW had
A. B. MET; SPRING 9 and AXLES, •
nornsy Radand Fiat .Strada Pittsburgh, Pa. •
. . ..
turc JOU& ........ ...... ..... .... ....... ....... ........ At li. 1L.111,11.
'i.). Xi. ROGE..tra ar. CO.,
111111:17ACT1111.1313 Cl
Rogers , Improved Patent Steel
Cultivator Ireet.ii,
Men Ron and First Sired; Pittthurgh, As-
J 134.1.7616.
no grad et pm:Writ,' of aiNGER'S IttACyt&F.3
010011 othitrs rot =a nos of
Clothing and Shoo Blannacturora, Haman
• :31Okeri;"C . 4Triake TriminqrA an" ,
" .. 00 0 1 .
dan long bean MM. ono practicialLocknostadval. „
Iba anacraignea an coding= Midi of thaw.
Usatines on hand, adaphd to aver, kind Al' orbs sod
ditching, Intl ids Ulm Inicrestid toad' ana =mina thaw.
Agent fbr 11.1113¢hony Conntr.
Omni,. of Seim, and iirVet
LEW:I43: ;sk, - ElneitlATo2l.
Occasion DOlD.D.scouisk. co-4.
etßoonzar.s, PRorrcrom.
So. 1,01 wood S Pittobnigh.
13 XI NV IsT Cat M.A. C FAIN 81
3aNtrrADTURI.NO 03111.4141 t ., ,
Mridireport, Conn., ..
Pittelmrsti.,6B . Flilth Street,
Tbb blzabluto tbo " .
Finest or Coarsest Fabric.
.Apbs pail:Your the Oyurstor,ulakkiviblg ease Om Vous
buOutiika auddwrabli Stads;.l per •Vriie, almost natle
artobeouilug use. • "
Tull information may bt oued by addruelug James
priug.or • . • put, •
• No. 68 NLfthatreet, r/tiaeoro,
a. calla
A. , A. CA.RRIERate . BRO.,
• Pittsburgh, General - Insurance Agency
No. 03'1 0 011rib Strait,
Compnanmpresented or blzbest Moulding. eliarterod
Nunninals and atm Siam.
rm. )firlize 40 Wry.Blota . takeaor all daatirao.
Oafyou vahmonreelth an
b ii turetreath,
Ind buy • ale of t iVilet , W 1 2 4
01 .Toontscuz .m.. is th in4mntl xtpm . yen7l 4 *b sfew a lzr a
t t* =
got I • ! Sip pf lIFUL
LEDA. ar,
Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce,
h To his Ili - other at
And-applicable to io WORCESTER, May,lBsl.
.4 "Toll LEA A PERRINS that
"1 their More le highly esteem
-0 .0101RTY pinion
in I odlo, andsoy
as I
will . opinion the most palatable
es the mat wholizome
Satire that Is mule."
The only Medal awarded by the Jury of the New York
Vshiloitlon for Foreign BSI" was obtained by LEA & PER
RDIS for their WiTEEESMISIIIRE SAUCE, the world
wide DOA of which having led to numerous Imitations, pur
e/users are earnestly requested to eve that the names of
`TEA A PERRLNS" are tropeemed nr on Oho U."' and
Stopprr. sod printed upon the Labels
Sole Wholesale agents for the Crawl States
Browlway, New York.
A stock alwaye In otore.-; Also, orders received for direct
shipment from England. my2,lydfct
WOOD-- ,kl. Y. soonarAn..... ....... a. V. =Vining
-American (3alvanized heet Iron.
And Sde Apent. fur ihf : S We Of
W. Latin! Woc,s'S
Pat t ellat haltstionfillsele Sheol iron.
niAotaelvenineioornetated hoe, for Itaineg
-431-Warehmtee.—Na. 1.31 bent Stint, flateurin.
• .1142
. ar, 7J. RINILILA-U'I s p
All kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars,
Ussereandly takem dna I nUlln Na 129 Wood street, In
!addition to their ManufaCturing tablishment, No.43lrerin
street, where they xlll la plemed Es
to ratclve their Wanda,
H. C. =Meal. & CO., •
•No G .75 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, a,
Insurance Brokers.
Ws, Flip, idoxis• and LIT. S too.l 'MA. of .11 tleurip.
tkiai taw> at cumpt isles In the wok Pill alb and prompt
paying companies In the State. , fy3o:lyte
Pittsburgh Variety Works.
JONES, WA.Tt.ING-1,011:13 &CM;
(Suemuora to Warwick, Attartmry C 0.,)
Afamatacturersof Right mad Lett liana Door Locks, Spam
Drop and Thumb Islam Platform and Colmar Smiles,
oak., Corn and Paint Int* and Domntln tl ar dwara g""'
. 11 7. aurrmr of ater and Grant street., PI ltallftrgh, Pa.
Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and ?noel Oil,
15;d1yth Nes. 10 eteld 170 Seam! Street._
DAUB .sc
House, Sign and Ornamental Painters,
White Lead and Zino Paintes.
Also. oil Clods of Pents,ole, Mud.. 0 14 4 ,,
Putty, Itradma, dr,
144 HiOd St red, Imo dam atone Piceened dllry.
:ijt:Nlen_°ntec.Ea:tnreGrE'endA f r et:ar i l ... a ' t .. 171 kt i ds il o . f N i =,
z.r...a:17..T0n.z5-CCO ,
Corner of Rroilhjild ~..rett and Diamond A/14,
.1. —f or MIDI Sou' I have/Nam troubled with general
wetutness and Ingoor, bothilaimud and poles% ceprice.
listlewmple, doll lteadachg pan in the bead sad temples,
coldness sad tendency to stillneee. palpitation et the heart.
very easily fluttered or excited., appetite. MUM.. . 1 . 3 . 6
MI bowel. deranged, with pain. Any meutel 'or phyeicsl
'nerd= wee sum to bring on all Um: symptom, and I Led
lo addition, ralllnxtf the womb, end great vain In, tbat to.
gkah One physic:Ma after another exhausted G a s skill eta
gees me up. &patient • and persoviriug u of MAR.
'EIIALL,I/lETI/NECATtIOLIZON fortunately cured me
mid I hews no words wallictent to enlaces my thankfulness
. : , ,•., ,Irts....II4I.4..ANWLJOIINROV. '...
I can truly y IthetlitC,. cu tr Imlay yw , wi
with....+Aura...•=l , A
..zt i t -
4.6. t, • sum afielalt sintselsotCpsin tildwira '
the shorditer blades ng. dui tililimeme it/ oPPii"
,tlte tumble tithe stomich sod Uwe:4 *I 6:411 heads
sted het emit dreadfal isismodeilm. The lewd excltapent
would MA. me feel esti I &mad Cy away: I tried docton
end drugs, and wrorythlng.ons ertar smother, without the
beasilt. One bottle oiILeitEILALL.S OTKRINN CATUOL.
ICON chengad eonsiof my erupts:Ms for the better, and
now I•m et:tinily mad radically cared. I ,wish thet., every
=OM could know wins It will do. IV LARISSA OEEII.
_ _
_, .. .
life, as I werlly bellarel: tad dart.. sad medicine nail
It seemed nAlemlin try toner,
recommended the Catholic:ft aostrookly that I deemed limp
duty to try IL ..I , was toothy) padded with damaged autcy
strimtkre. My iyaintalnewlre'prinelpally paha I. the hack;
and abdomen, hearing dmerin*a at thotime of the illodea,
cotiatipation, feeling as If the back
sad limba Ron broised or broken amanita= and romlting
arartary to be a burilen,) disturbed sleep, falat.
intahmiderinp, felltpleon walklog in tba manilas, astw
aWl,ccaffalfalloo. plawfure arbloool la lb* brawl, asthma.
imPidlill7•Piwklikl.gthatircitaldllty of tetoper,altiort.
cos:shoat toclitodlon topan water,' great reatleanomiami de'
site tavern or feel naWpy: I wailoorunly entirely tuned
awa( ut all these et/myna:lA whichf hare girth aa an the
perfect accalmt of my anforrings, bat I hare known ao awl
Oben cared In ma towirthati fmttwtod to letTetl know,
that tiara who are allallarty Altus* may alsollodraikt•
Pot a look lintel bad Citartnacompletata with the follow.'
lug tyrophorow I wee terthos, -Inuadatsfl weal' Irritable; I
eftmed to abquullii camplandy muse of widcli 1,111 47
glee yon: path In the tower organ.; ands feeling m ifisome.
thing wew going to fall one, Mainly to walla 'mach ow an
count of a feelingwhin and ell - egging, sad
ehbottlnApahm la the back, lob., and aalehillag dL
lap ea Jolting produced by.rldlag caaa.a gruff pain:
c abootlati and pia, la as sa.lioftafwach and laaw..
=da l he, with thagog rotallOh. eery, fiber of the
poll toad ekrea gnat Irritability; lottlitlio nerTOUIWIMS,
coold not Le :the lout arciternent without being prostrated
foe a dim I could many MONO .about:lho house, mad dull
out take pleasure, is arathing. I,had gleentiphope„havlng
*kid areryttdr,g, at I aupposed la tom, bate . friend call 4
my attention to MANSIIALL'S.MiIifiSr CATIRILICON.
1 took It, hoping agates hope. :SlotL lottanatety It cured
• am, out thereto nor • healthier. tam. grateful *roman 141
the country. / bark ell will we It. It le tall
ftltnd .
Imasratr: s vrzßr.v.t cdirreizio
ly Cure FolUng tithe Mask leader: lkon'essed, lirtgotat
or ririnfol Mentfrawitra, Maalieg, foffortmettant and Ma.
sour tifthe K4litiy, W Urinary Organs, Stelexifivn or Neon ,
tinina of friar, Ontrtharee,
gag; Pa/yoyntiord, crow, eSisfurbe.t Steep, end an (realer
orratnieer oyarpothetkr:otemeSedeoale the Ukrin,ormens.
Th• Ptio of.VANSIT.ALL'SZTERIn GA2llOl.jetLY
it Use lk4l,tsmtd a tinZter eat!. • . •
On the retlit of tie toff b 'Watt shalt, ern(
pleat free of eAdrge, the era et the 4:4lTrs.t,rotils.
panic:dm - Ir. to. darett , hctr,el7; ray
and Rafe.
mai puorordee the/
l Ar rifetkin, ntfli tent recdpf
Of pa marry: Aff.lews
N 0.1.15 Woo.astrsat, Plttabargb,
affga of MO 001‘11111
431;1€ 'l' T
OU N •A T , 'LAS T!
any !fair Villa otittiaaLcoforta , luxurlautly the
0 heed; =OM all tlitoleute r , sa4 mfti*
- scaldhead and all empidoer, tested lr wrt, healthy.
andeoloy; preattle•lt , t&-any Imaitlaableage,
retneeee, as If by mae4 blote. tromps face, sad
cote all nrurekta4,l4 nireoue M. See elfeeter and
• Nom; N. 11.,T0b.'-';1857. ,--
rsor.o. WM) ii.cqe,49ontir lgrittan • few d v 7 3 "-
burs renetred no many u*ri end collator Prot. 0.3. oars
1118 Restorative, than last arearotsysltal to mod to
Banton tbra quantity, (the 0 amen. yeti Btavaided atl being
Ina: so
Us In. Welt order
,q4kality trout. yon. Zrory'
We hare lifmesia lo hate prultimilWe or font nen
rt, and the spprobatbrU• andintronsgo ft natives
.from the roost ratertantisa and worthy citizens of our Nein.
BY. WV ornatke to led N./4448L/ PRE
Sod us as nom an may he one inail or $1 OM and one
dozen s2idle: anti believe us yours nal reggral.r.
(SlZned) DANINL.Inn OP a- co.
,: .rTrTspoPan; PA
mccoarowrt, st: Charles Cn.; Noe NY./
Pau. 0.3. Ween—%er Mr Bomb time' tad Imea mar ao
teal Induced tame mane of your Bair itettorattfe, and Its
earn* wereed wonderful; we kat It' oar/duty td ya% and
tbe to report tt. • • • , ." ik • ;
" °width. sores lased for IMMe almi. Lad heath -perfeeZ
covered ailth /Oros, end rote Milled Weald heed. %The
lane* le:direly came of In anmeepumeedlthead diyad, se
log tderafferiep, advised pa to nee y0140.611411111T11. ere did
mad* Mtle ' nd repeat gnomes, Imalli.'ear =Mita, and that
of aU our Mee, a my law application. remand the &a'
entfrelY ;ont,ezat and smelt and
that ourberiant crop
of of hair bea sttbyoon
mfearrnatreay oy, as
a scalp, and as Inrertent a cropof halo se any o th er child-
We ma therefore, and do here mia
enl:tend near Restore.
ttn, as a perfect remedy for ds &Mears of the ocf.l sad
bah'. We are, Joan, reepectfully,
_ Otoottra,lloine,Tone MS.
P.M O J. WAxo) -lan owd-hroDottlee
Pro. Wood's Mk Dostcastire„ sad.= triqy ny it Is the
Cr! zeronsTerderits." for
man defend; lOU
boo odor I p. l hoer iel ; You cediewroptead It
to the world wittioti Our tout. Dar, to nue au one of
the wontllt , ' Yc r r i M t V lY Nirith L -f
R .
WOOD t 00 Prvrieldrs,lll9. Itrnedirsi; N.Y.,
Oet Irma N.Y. Wire Its Maabildnand) sod 114
ulot 10 . 0 r1D.L090.110, sod told VictV,4l%.,
CIAPITALISTScan at all times secute a safe
aajogitatas umitment for their alum,*kaP. Qf
Il e l4 . 3 1° ,1 04 14 p tali, Madam or Po= Lawry Note', by
ekt , 11. MeLAIN it SON.
lssgs quantilynnWnd and air ale by •
tome pfliourth isidWOod sta.-
OSS—,2S bbls. , white for tale by,
H. A. raanagrogir. a ar.
Cooorl o.
litc MST. The Night Policemen anther., embowered itod
required toapprehend oilassaslia,robbers, sniper d night
walh.ers,mahsfutora,vagabondaroguee and ellsonlerly per
soewitumtheymny find upon the publiestroctsorharres.d
lan n dings, lanes or alleys, or whom they nay and gathered to.
amber at the coroots of the streets, ore the eld• walks, et,
trout of publlr ideas, rod tu bring all sect person. as oar
be apprehended to the Mayor to be examined and Salt with
awarding to law.
SiC2lO3 B. That each sods above .sharrihol pers., as
shall be convicted. upon examination beton, the Mayor of
disorderly o.d.t calculated to disturb the peace, or Mond
gathered together it the arum of the streets, or on the
eldo Walks, or In front of public Owes shall upon coheir.
don be lined not lees than three dollars nor more th:m
twentylVe dollars for each offence.
Erclion 9. WhrAver !Mail resist any policeman In the die.
charge of hie ant), or shall In any say Interfere with or
hinder or prevent him from discharging his doll as such
officer, or stall offer or .davor so to do, and whoever shal l
in toy =met ambit any person to custody to ampour-
tempt to escape, or shall macutrer at to reacne
person eo Its cruttody, shall be final not tempt
less than tire nor
more than twenty4lve dollars.
01C1101 , 10. Any per who shall falsely represent any of
the members of the night yoltra or who dual maliciously
or witle Intent to deceive, me or Imitate any of the ohms,
signals,derkee, or micolothe cry of the hour, adopted and
nudity the department, shall be feed ant lace than are nor
1:00111 than twentylive dollars
020T105 11. The Piglet Police are hereby authorized and
enjoined to enforce the peace they sea It broken;
.4 1,11.0 necessary, to arrest for any I nfreolion of the city
ordintmcem to apprehend and tate before the Mayor any
drunter. idle or disorderly person whom they may 0.00
and to sit In every respect as Day Police.
Mum' 12. They shall cull the hour of night end state
Gill's weather at each times and In each manner as may
from time to thou be dictated: Provided. That he
Meyo e
.d Police Committee , at their iliscratiou, may direct th
eperairn and rmureption of the practice of crying
m the
hoar. They shell light the public La mm ps... keep them
I Santos 13. The Captain, Lieutenants, and mob and every
at the Night Police shall ho subordinate and nobject to the
direction end control of the Mayor .41 times.
Santos 11. The Captain rf the Police shall receive the
monthly per of thirty-Lie dollar., the Lieutenants each
thirty-three dulleri..d ea& Plata Pollan= one
one.. c.i.f. night, payable monthly.
Stenos 1.5. Thetas much of any ordinance or parts of
ordinances as are altered or eopplied with UM ordisanre,he
.sted the tame Is hasty repealed.
Ordaloed and enacted Into a law In Councils, this 7th
day of Deremher, A. It., tam.
Pt«,ldent or Ye left Cuunri
Attest; JAAA T. STAMM,
Cleric of SOlen ComteA.
itueszu MUTT,
President of Commou Ouunc
Aunt:Alt:au MellAsrrak
Clerk of Common Coake
AN ORDINANCE E9tablishing a Pol.
the City of Pittsburgh:
Sacrum I. fie It ordelned stud ',started, de., that the.
hail be, and is honk)ostabilthed • Pollee Department fa
the City of Pittsburgh, which bull consist of PUS Chief ok
the Police, and not more than ulna Polio:Constable&
ECCTION I. The Chief of Police and the Policemen shall be
appointed by the Ma o[, a Glatt after his loaegeration
practicable, and shell net, snit bo known an Pollee Officers
tinction 5. The several Polimmen, so appointed as above,
shall be In sulmelioation to, nod :leder the control and the
direction of the Chief of the Pollee. It shall be the duty of
the Chief of tll9 Police to cause the public peace to
De pre:
marred and me the:. all the laws .std ordinances of the city
are enformal, and whenever any violation thereof sball come
to his knowleige,he eball :mum the requisite complaint to to
' made to the Mayor, and that the aside= proeured
for the 1113Cfenhil pramaition of the Ateuder or offender.—
lie du:di-obey, aod cause these Pollsemen under /dm to
obey the patio:rules mut rerl,:::lattotte which may be preentib ,
d by the Mayor, sod to cue of tumult, riot or threaten-log
thereof, .to take charge, to pereon, of the Policemen, and
direct them in the &wham.: of their tawa.tive duties Ile
• @hall be responsible for the efficleney and general goat core
duet of the department, and shall report In mitiog to 'the
Mayor all oonplatnte made to hint aselost any member
Stenos 1. The Mayor .ball have power, in carrot ma.
voce, to appoint ae many special Police Atone as may be
ntorsator • - benerer, Ld• opkaos, : Polly make
.g o b
mil expedient, end when so celled tato anise, theg
MoTor enellmekto MOW atom Moto hill
nrcrice 5. Whoever la dm di}, 'than egotist:any Police
ahall:offer, ereudamorao to do, andwhomerthall,
any manner mast any pane In eoeeody of any police om•
ow or member of the Pollee Demannstit, to tempo or at
tempt to escape Dom male custody. or WWI rescue or at.
tempt to rescue my person Ito to moody, chill forfeit • pen
alty nos leas than dm nor mote than thmetrilve dollars.
tiscrum 4. Us [men. cabmen anadbus driven. draymen,
porters, =nem and other petiond, when at or about any
railroad depot or station, or steamboat or other erred LAW
leg, or other publk - place in the city, than obey di lawful
commends and nizertions of the Polka oPoses who may ho
stationed or doing &Ilya or aboat meth &me for the pure
pose of prperring order and enfortingthelawsandordinance
es Whoever than refuse to obey the carman& or allies
Cans of Mid Aker or dhows in prmarving order aud
famine the laws and ordinances es afooomid atoll forfeit
• penalty of nut exceeding twenty dams.,
bralfe , I. Any Pollee °Meet or Policeman, who Will
tyreor rause to perform any duty required of him by
ordirouuee of litecity, or the Police tales seldeti may be
made, ar shall beguilty of any freed. egtortion, -opprendom
or, wilful wrong, or Inpultios, than torten a malty not :eel
rending twenty dollars for each offense
Persist t. If any Polio: Aker shall be connoted hods.
,th• Mayor of receiving any Bribe or Inept fee or reward,
either for performing or neeecting to pat= his legal dm
ties. be shail be flood, not er.ceading twentfim dollen, and
stall forthwith bestlecharged from the eerviceof thee:Up
PlCutor 9. The Chief of Pollak, and' each and Mary of the
Policeman the' be otboollnalaao4 subject to. the dtrectiois
and control QUM Mayor at all limes and the Mayor ball:
:hobs power to ennead the Chief of Police, or any PoIIetELLIE
LAM °MC% for come and, such prima so =paged, shall
not mortise any function or perform any duty of tit olike,
and doll not be entitled to anyzaj &ming' nob inteptdision.
ICt Thaenief of Puller end Police offleenshal
bold their Alm during thsideturore al the Mayor, and toe
fore entering opal their dotiee shall giro- bond. lot the ettlit
of; one thous:A dollars each conditioned for the faithful
- performance of the &Cant theatrics •.• • .
liento 11. The Me of Police aball receive an ammo'
Salary on Ilundrid soil Fifty Ddlemilmfeble
'and om Yoltee °dicer shall receive the monthly pay of,
fbfrtleflvedoUare, primula Mike end of each month and In
cam of the employ:mot of oath:taut Polke for operiil duty,
they shall to paid the same rate as Police Coostables,
Matta 12. That any ordinance or puts of ordlumme ...-
diction herewith to =I the nine are hereby repealed
Ordalned and enacted Into a- law In Commits, tht; 7tb
day at December, A. D - 1557: - ' •
1AM11:53 !datum
IMAM:a of MilectCourall.
Atta.t: Jowl T. Weinti,t, .
! Clcit a P...16n Collodi.
PrdatiantorCemago toonc.ll
Aunt: men 14cMASittl,
Clerk of 02mmoo Council
Free Lecture fcr the People.
.4%LECTURE will , be- delivered before the
- froecity Lltar7 inriltia;m next VETDAT EVE
, 12;Deealth,st i. o'clock, at 'COLLEGE. BALL. ..'...
her. Fifth Yrdltb,fie .1 it., by 0. L. EATON,' E.q.
Ellts I. the Arst et ik terlei'of tisetul Loom is, wbkh it In.
b... 0,4 ,or eltlyerui bill boon:eau by a tbanitendaney,
i de.:ta J. W. nawriusaEn, 1 14.4tUre,,F°.'..•
111 Atilt MR SA LE:—About .60 acrega
tij Laud. I ucludlog a houke, barn and other Improca4l3.
Moats, tltnata In Franklin loin:skip, about 11 talk* Dorn
pitkLurtb, Wit be cal citenp_for cash,. on application to
bio,lo4 , Firth alma, Pittablilib• •
fint ratiarettriptionlet, and well acquanta4 with the
earrts and d, of tridklnesi has Int 4 CUM PlertsPert..
runrin great Britain end thin ocontr7, Vlnnrimi .
on 40niunry IA whim,. situation In or.. near
The mart ratiattetory re:m=o glum Address:tar=
ym. kArisslir,ctiu*ani for 1,14.
Steel Arelrons, • • •
Silver Plated Silta, • '
reostom,Bpdons; rorki, Ladino,
toitinula 3Leild Tes Sala, abd Single Pisces,
I'Mulabed Tinware, In set s or single Pieces,
Pratt's Patent Batoty Lampleod FeOder, '
Dot Mats, Japanned, Premed and . Plated Thome. A
great assortment of Ilooselmopiny Wend%
'Yoe solo at low prices by - JOHN FUMPIe,
' N 0.47, comer Market and Third At.
.1. 2,3, and 4 ply Oka, from 1 t 033 babes illiridtb rlr oda
at the Indio Rubber Depot =nod ZI St.
dep. ' J.& IL Milan..
;INDIA RUBBER -110SE.-,3500 ft. from
lg to 10 Intim In cabre e and 4 yly thick, oult 4 bio for
litydrant,Staarnbonts, The and LocomoUrs
for las by . • ~. JAY IL IS=7:"'
WI! Ito. Plain end WU od, flrom h.• to 1 Inch in thkknool,
Coo steam flutes, and Rope of all Ens for sale 05
;doge • ' • •J. lll . -PM,LIPS.
RYSICIAN'S Visitidg ListiforlBsB; drid
P.tsisios Memoranchtma emsr j ebrentri-ti:. for tale
by - Ivg. a.. . Lama AI CO- ,
LI3LANK ,800K§ 7 74).
n.`:44 11 d,. or niad4 to
order (o ilot4tl.t'strotavortft,
did; think Boat Vtaretwas 47 ifoo4 St:
IUNDEIES.—Tenn. - Flour, 183' earls vari•
one brtad do do 18 MAIL Arcoderayßat= 73
begs Grease 3 OWLon tietmer'Fatoky faro to Orrin and
fordo by " • "- 19•1111MCICZY &CO.
W. R. CIIRRSE.-B . calikcjustreceiced in
T store sn42far sale by 'SALM cicagy co.
A LUM.-3000 lbs. just received and for sale
A. by deg 11. L. I'AONEESIOCX &CO.
(11.14NADION ISARK.-400 lbs. for sole by
eko > a. 'L. VAT NESTOCR.d CO.
AZIIIMICKS.-72c.ett =cc.
T C RY .-
T INSEED OLL.-r2O bbk for rale I)) . •
.11.4 deg • A;L. - PAIIIIESTOCa. a CO.
7 . .111T1N0r-30 bbla. forealeby
dog •
"try deil
g.V.d,t2S EI. !
Intim, targo Rieke ou U.. Ohio and hliseiralppl Were and
tritaltertee. !more* age= has or Wrist/ IrT
alto agkinet the perile of the Su, and alma
Navigation and rhampottation.
ISM. V. Petit, John C. Montgomery, John lil.P.ssarofp.J.
Rice..., S. F. Witmer, Item Guinan, Decd. L. Woolagur.
John A. Marshal, Marin H. Wright, John J. Paterson,
Eisend T. Posey.
WII. V. PETTIT, FrArldent,
E. P. WIThIER, VI.. Prasideut.
. Denote J. hicCeSs, Secretary.
\ tArEssie.
Pager, Lamb A Co., Philadelphia .
Beek, Margin* SWIM; do.
Trolly Bro. a Co., do.
Pommy, Caldwell A Co., du.
I A. T. Lane k Co., do. •
Elamite, Justine k Co., do.
aurldtt R. W. POINDEXTER, Agent.
e great Western Fire and Marine ins. CO.,
No. 331 Walnut Street.
INSURANCE------itiolZ7llll6,l,ituul t u turn
oFINWIIVRANcrgao&MaI, Lknand
to all psrts data IInion• Load
ALA='!NATIRANCE, Vmd•, Cargo d r
""""lug a'n'rC.O. LATHROP, Pruld•nt
W. DARLING, VI. Prostdaut
Joseph J. Huck. I, P•cr•tar7 sad Trurur•r.
R. H. Rlrh• N wu, Aooßtant Socrotary.
Castles C. Lathrop, 07 Well= stmt.
Bun.llenry_D. Moore, GO Wawa. street-
Alexander Maiden, nhirebstd,l4.Nortft Front et
Joho C. Uunter, Amof Wright, Hunter & Co.
E. Tracy, firm of Tracyßator.
John R. McCortly, Arm of Jou; White gleCisedy.
S. B. Bishop, firm of Illahop, Slim:none A Co.
Ja. B. Smith, firmaas. B. Smith & Co
Thos. L. Oillespie, of Gillespie & Zeller.
Lau lialeburet, Jimmy .nd Counsellor.
Theo. W. Baker, o°lNa:dal's nail.
841.1erell 8. DishoD, Arm of BillhOp, Sit6olllllC, ,
WUhoor Darling, Gate of Reading)
John REIN 90 PonthFrout street.
E. Harper Jeffriya, Arm of Wm.ll.lßrown & Co.
Water Wo, Pittsburgh
farm ' d•II --- an e 1 IL 1 T ----—C ers an et s ntaranee ompany
. .
Northwest (Moser &md and Woof Strets,
The following statatneatuhltgts the business and cool •
to of the Company to Nov. to.sse .
Premium. receleeil on Marius and Walla itl.ks
to Not. ous sant..i,
fl Premium. 176,7.0 ..,..
Interest on Loans 16,704 67 ,
PAU Marlins ....... ......... 04
" Ere .29,737 69
litrpettses 84144 es and Cdx5un14414. 4 4-... 15.440 00
14esarance. Laturn . Proastams and
Agency 4,144:grs ..... ....... Z,4:4 Ws
Salim. remaining with Coren'.l—,•• ....... -9 3,3, u 0
n O7.
e.....uur. the Company area. feßewo
Mira City and County Bawls .. 16,SW 19
Railroad Bmds ILOOO 0014304 Prkr,
Arid idortpkge Real Ceuta. 143,500 00
Btocks, Collstersis on call .52,400 00
Girard and Ctmarlidation Bank
Stack 1,172.5
Iced 40th Shatmao, 1)u"""* 50,09 0 60
Ear 'cried Paymantrart memo not yet •
P 97,700 CO
Note for Marine rominna
108,080 50
I Due from Agents secured by bolo. 55,870 Is
Pr.mtrws, ou Pelletal recently ho
nied, and debts doe the E 0,470 00
Balanceim Banks. 10,450 74
7529,057 00
The Board of Directors have this day doclued a
Parable on demand on the Mildness of the Company the
let natant. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President
Etiratro Ilstwoora, Secretary.
TIIOS. J. HUNTER, Agora, Pittsburgh,
90. 90 Water store
Franklin Fire linouranco Company of
ZorLes i nau S. Banticer.
.Cloorge W. Rktiarda, • ammo °rant,
44ordentID. Us% .Iteob
Toblas Wisner, Minis
N. Pattenion.
:11ANCENR, Proldoit.
Can= Q. HASPED, Setratarr.
nit Coistrany tiontionet to mkt imroMo.4.yexitunoslat
°!t bat° 4*. °JP= tn_d_
Ans.., their Ciplial.cri&Preirdrinit, •Ixoteanti•
spot protection tat hentiroraL
i.DmThe A.. CAUSZOIAVINEIT, 311 Z UM bi• 12, /
sr...Up to the
_net at alsientay, tetra as Pamir*
61,340 01
g 1,112,703
sllate Mar laroareratisti, a period of Middy-One yantsi
they Imo yield nytnuds of Mtn, Your Elnn
tbotownd Dollars Loewe by dra, thereby atlordlug asthma,
of, the advantages of Insarancs, as wall as their ability and
Opposition to nowt: with tootantneme all llabUltles.
J. 01116D311:11. 00711116gaa.t, .
419 Oahe Southeast oar. Wood sad Third ate.
Coil Uncial lasaralleeSomPanY.
botorponotodl by Me Zasidature of .fynnryistertur.,
1 PER? SI T D i n II ARTE 11.
A=atiza GOA Ona• =llan Doilan,,-..-..51,000,000
lead Accumi:ilge4MM;WW:.'- - -".:..--•;:-- AO)
N.. irk !um! Stratabos &c d, Phatc42llTia.
Ira loancinca on zWidinp.rart!itur..M.Tchu",kc -
genially. • ' •
Kuinabasuranosoncalisa +IMO* to au parts , of
ID _
IntoranearoiuOda, to, PI Lake; Minn, Cane
. 04 Una Cf.l4.e. to.B parts of the Union, on lin•
flitaoLlaternas,cnnnlsnint withesenritT. •-• •
Ginn -W. DOTAADAYO S3 : 22OI 7 of DeadA,At-,
WAL BOWERS, Lbroserly Dogiftss of wr., •
HardWareatid Cuter, IdenNAAter , NO :wirg
;open oxrAina of JUalph Oat 'a sm,Coppariallths, No.
_ _ 12 Quasi street ,
gDWASD V. alatintra, &al of Varlet. A Ulna,
Napo:tug lindros No. Du Natal MANI
I tom
11 °V 1 _,„AKOV"...M.U.N, Dna of LlNAiwton Prodnof
Agri= AtfrAtAttf, NO. :3 Alart,4 st, almv•
L 1 110 1. !.A, PhD.
OM= W. COLLADAY, Yiefldiat.
Um= Woiox,Seccstary., . •
rairM:4lol7 ' ' tio.B4lllllbotriotAuDlitialla
11re( . Insurance.
41401RIcAN 4.IPZ I'IVITUR A Nelr
Svaiwt Cbrogr 41 Wahmt ow Aura aroM,
150,5rporaml 04011 W, 11550. CapttelBtoslslso,loo3.
11111.3LIALL ILLTZET,Vioe Presldeal.
.101 IN C. MEI, &altar, aud Actuary,.
JOHN e. wason, Treasurer.
fi x is it ar o der wnndia Lords A. Godes.
Ilenam, T. Eanoade Mewl F.
Willisin P. Sokol; Ellsba Trilby,
Wm. Jonah Allison, Thome 3. neon , .
J V . 03. 31me, Reale 11. Mahal ~
md, P. rawmu I, I. D.,Msdlcal Esablast .
TAW Compaa9 makes lomaramos on Umm, on matt: masons
bis terra. It Ise Won 'ffurcialhlly manasid rot runt
. meat by aamtperisnoed board of decal sad tnali et; and
tnuitmr. tru alwayspald promptly in lows,: and la over,
ersyldrminfog or cOn Monts and_patrammA .
. 11.19. MINIM= S R , Uwe.
97 Water 'toroth pilAdejbi_.,..
Reliance Mutual Insurance (liusn, of
.. : 1, antLADELauc A.
. I Often No. 70 Walnut Street •
Duna. $177.223,1121ms 974 49-17A:canT iFICIFIZZO.
Fite Innuane• ea EercbstrAlso, Runde se, Ad.
la torn or amatry. . ,
nu maw mitudele comaumm = m ane warm, of g
Stock Osaltal, entitles th en:rued to t t , tn. IT. en of
No Careposy. without wmaityfortorista..
Tuo aces caraway of Ism Candesel, for p .m. at .
convertible at mir. tato be cu S 3Asck of the CCCISIVILO7
, i pLEE TING PrOsidant.
bronTl4o.l. I Gall Strand,
Wm. R.M=Pm. I :Tolat IL Worrell,
and rdeldrultr • Rent.W. Tingley,
. Earpetiter. z . L ott .,
D 4 b ,41 Edmit, . Lt. L.Cabo;
. C. B. Wood. Taxed,
WSW' EMI, Etnasath
MAU= Miner, Ma M &mg% Pittalfg.
J. G. 0091 M, AIN 9I
- , emer TAW sad Wood streets_
Norainii insurance ,Complay,
lianktin Buildings, .414 Wabuit Street.
OrpartsdnadatbsOsbetallmtartne•La. 4n w. with • cub
C t ""4411% t toLV. 1
4 4imato t
° by
• inbad
- 8. O.I4I7OHIJN_,
_Prublont. •
' 11.16¢110) ElBlELDS,Vkerreoldat.'
ntamrcta:(MOßON 130OTT,Sike.vstary.
C. Liagtua, umt
etotipbuy, Blelsard
jaydo putoismouu,(earaneees=t)
="nrirn phia : - and Jr.dtb
' No. 149 - Chesnut Street, .. .
WEI make all Las at howance, ettbsr Papua] or
Lazdtad, on *lvry draiptlce of Prrpnty or blessamoEst
strououbla rata of
ILOBERMIO Prodded. ,
U. W. EALDWAT, ifloo IteddinE '
% rO4l tkia 11 :
I cues or •
F. IL OORDZIN, :. cc r.dary.
OFFICE., No 92 Water stra,lBpaaj, A C.,'. IVA,. ......),
sip melts, Pittsburgh: . 3
IFO7 Inr.m against att linds or Arc and ifsriat Fibs ',
Haut hut:tut:6n rtanagrd rectors. mho rt tat
known <
in the community, andCy Dio
am determ ined,h by
pramphles, and libtralay, temaintatn the clovacter whs.*
they Aar, anamed. at oprinao... bit proterftmt to those trite
desire t, to in ztra ,
• Att , SETE, OCTOBER. .71, I'M. - icccuras sl'ff,.s3a 03 •
SlortMe 4,ltd C:
Bat. )kteCt4valile_.....- 2,10 Oil
Oaks INtilatare- ....... ........- ......NB On
' Open Accounts.-- ......... ...... .....--:. 9,05 tit,
Cash ... 1041 44
1 Premium Notee
BIM Utecontacd 5,1X13 72 -
Wantern Inactrance Company.
or.drun PATINE, PreslSaus
l7.en as
Win AlcEniglit,
Nalianiol liotwo.
-- J. Lippincott.
William 11. It
I C. W. Plcnotoont
R. Miller Jr.,
J. W. Su ter,
G. W. date.,
James McAuley,
Alexander Speer
Andre.. Ackley,
1111111t0 COMPRIIy
Wsdattampip. •
J. ti. Ages,
John "SEW'. "
Jen,e. ti. Ltopkins,
Pennsylvania las
Office No. 63
Junk Painter,
tiro. W. tivaltb,
D. E. Park,
.t. 3. Jones,
TWO , Pattszson.
3. P. T•ramt,
1. Grier Ppruul.
W. IL 'Mcßride,
Um, Jr. ,
C. A. Cotton,
DrYlre and Marina Maki,
taken 0101 descrlptlons.
- .
President—A. A.
Vin President—Ran?
Sant.? and •
—L Qum Snow.. mobil
Notice to Steamboat Captains as •
Oaniera.; . '
THE undersigned, representatives of Inuit;.
ante Companies =at•l'ewitinEon trails of Steamboats, desire ..
to all We attention of parties Interestacl, to Abe fact that
Policies of Insurance are vitiated by the tenors of the sea
ter of boats to have at all tlmrLa iratubman on linty, eta
wall In port as under way, by nigitt as welt as by day,
Wl[. P. JONES, - ' ' • ' '
Agent InsurinceCoony of Narita America.
. r . -•
F. A. - .
Secretezy Pittsbargh Life, Plre and Ihrins InimeOwe C.,. ,
P. IL GOEDCLS ' , " ' .' • `-,.'
Secretary Weetern 'ammo Onwpany: • .", • t..', ../
Secretary Clttzetor Itomranoe Company
Presidsit Monongahela Insurance Company.
&ureter', EnrekalnarnunrnCornpanry.. -
1 Agent Delaware Mutual Paßty"LonvanneCeMPW.
1 J. AV ; 61.0. T ON . -
Agent sfenutetturkre Ineunace Company.
Agent Great Western and UertbantS Inentaacirpne.,.
Agents Etat., Pita and Matins Insurance Company; Co
monweOth Insurance Compeer Qoaker City Insuran ~,
Company. • • . . .
President Pennsylvania Insurance Cnpany.,
Agent Pumas' and 310"%eul"s' Inantazuw =L i : z ,
November 6th, JEW,. ~ •-.. t.'
Eureka . !nuance company, • .
01? •
otke N. 99 litter Br., A1t.r57,085. ,
=at; Nov. 2a 1852: • - ?:.Y
-truck Das Bills, payable on dema nd; and save.: • ;
ed by two approval 1,97,18rj Oa •
Cash la Pittstrargh 410,7)54 In
Premium notca— • ... . .. 51,255 04
Bars Becalsabla—.—.. . 0,007 IV'
Martmtn. —4.. ..... 0,460 CO,
iiiignitairl6loll-10314747:e:22-.... .... 0,930 or:
300 shares Iron City Dank Btock—Atnatart pa ll 7,500 93
WO shwas .811stbsay Bank Mach— do 4,000-00
87 auras Biochialat Bank Stock —Ctat ..... 4,'
......... ......... .... ............. cosyi
' L.D.L. Rens
W, V7.1113.r1R4
. R. T. Laub, Jr.,
. OM. 3. &Mac
. „
J.ll. thou,lmager,
W K. finniek,
.lohn JLawitt9,
C. W. Dianne
James L Bennett,
W.-J. Anderson.
pgfec-10la 11erAcmfe 'Est
; - enainitrriaAn.l7l,l,Wri
. •
Notice is b' eribt &rail. that the ;AitlearYi'L l .
thliCarepaay, In the eity aswit= 2 =ati prom
..isaa.e.aadrorted be .1. la"Pe"
news to aaalwritlut had comactlita Ws . ffica La I
Pathaislialk mei qUUftell , Writ forcortlactin tbolgutt*t
to • manna tbarwill et* gaiferol soli:dhoti= gik
dtally recozossoadod to olio=potrodotro Om
_The bottom or& above Company. mill b• ccfadaetat
"No. DaWATEIt Sheet; rltteburtlb. • •
&nigO-M _ J. MillTalti6titait:
. .
.141ftware Mutual . Baftlyinsuratro Coinpanr,
. .
limiliaralid NI na 10,04itzme V.Pcitzte 11* ;:.
OEM", 8. E.. Corner Mir&
MARINE ZNYVRANCPS* an v“Al h aini,azarpl j *,i
to allpar~ of the corn. -
I.SISDRANIAS az; Soots, tly -81Tott. r attle;
Latta and to all port. or tno Volon,
JUNE .-Th , - 4 - , on Itittt stneraly,to.,
glithe Ctuiplui,J*;.** ' -•-•• ;. • .1 .F
B Byres, Dalallln6llooaea, its -.--
r al tatreg
.. .P., .. R- 1 1 0 ..eststo,---,.. :.,s 101,150.14 a
t „...„. e'V . 2.: l ',er uxa.-...--....... igurreib:
--- - wad and intoCW.-.- - ISAR 93-:
WI. Itocottatt.' ' „...„--,,..-....a. 44,611115 E:
,111th oblate '-"-•-•" 7 - -....-, • . :117,141 - 11,
te.. itt= '.tioota, I ttur aon Air -,- t
,o Pontes plesdkr taftd.sact ct.t.., &au : - 1,- :-.:--Z,2
- duo the CottrYt- ^-...-.." 4 '...^•^.-:*-= 4; .-;
labectigtm .1.. ------- 7 ...77.7 :..: 7. r:' 7 - ,;.:::
.Jomei C. ILIA - ' - ''-'!",
, Thoowlatotrytialaitii-7i.-*-
JO." TOVAI r ,
William Eyre St., ---- , -',-
Jeohnit L. M'o i• TI
*annul E.,l3totet, -,. • , i_ ~.,,,,
Unity tbtoonc:
-Jana iloYotti - - - - -
- llamas C. Mod,-
- Robert Barton, Jr.,
John B. amyl.. Pltt.t4„
J.T.V2 , - u.. _
.C.11&.4 Vico Pruldiat:_ - ' `.
~.. BLIDECU, Attar - .. '
%Mast strut, l'ittsbari* -:'',
Blartla, • -
Joseph IL floal,
Edisioad A..9oudec, _
John ILDavli; • ,
John IL Nana* :
George IL L•lper; •
' • •
Dr. IL Id. litainn,
31111/Xcle. Lau lt, -
Liu& Craig,
Opinc.rblcilvairk, .
I , •rlirs Kelley •
Jonea DrorA
J.ll. Johnson,
Rcutntvt,E - eas Tß tari; °3 l
Pillsburgh Lifeflire.and Ilartat Inl.'Co.i
OffiCe, Corner !dirket analVatei Sfs,;4;;;.,
:noier.aa.vriy, President F. Ertei.
- Alms Ftms¢,Bl:lia Essecdeass Pbyelebst , ; - . -
ibis Company =skim *ea bersizesreyperSi;nbeg
aseinst , Hull and Oessa Preks,99 0100411elti: ,
SPretselppi .rivere sad tributesie s, sad ,Sterbas,llist
..And spinet Loa or Dame by Fin ' •
'And spinet. tbe Neils of gem and rebind tr4 ll 'Yet,ls _
212n=dastistiet with lasty
11 ,! 1 ." * " e ' -
. ,
/mob 13.1meb, - -
Jobzi Ittllatoo,
Bisaigaid B. Broer. en, , '-
,David IL aim:ob
Wallas Carr,'
Juhn 31.911!..
.itobert , •
!Simnel 31cClurken. -
Joseph P. Cluzam.
Jabs Emit, - ••-.
JattiorW. -
Clan *rim:amp;
Citizens' Insurave Comp'y (It Pitt:bunk
wm,IiAGALE O r,
Orta Di Water - Strut, iihmrs -Markt! awl -Truci
illglaroura Mill 1114=Vib the Ohto
lermusvitortlais 01AP
thoperfla of the *a Ikea Ulla " 114 *
Wm. Bitty, I CaQi.ark &min ?'
, Robot Thuasp, Jr WIA
Waite r Bryant, k J. arbocennakar.
Dlssolnelon of Co•Partnerablp.
j. day Albotrod by tactual totiszt, %to booboos or *hi= '
Imo Arta will to settled at the. old itatut by Wm. WI. &toly tar
191 oif SCOLLI" • •","
9 0 0 - - at CO
iSorootoor to Joan A Betaly,) ,
IC arding, Commilaian arid fitnige-
No. 01 I.Vaserand 01 ,Pbritt 'Strew., ' -
In column . = of the financial 111;:r
asp:mem aws the 7 pp...4m0, L
pimp ........ triers ibarato esal y mlopkidi e , :
ibe tau at, the recunt w• m!inkby to- I; If
B.rehcc ,trttD. lam or llarpai a Eprenuid,in. inn i,
tufa emisnuaraeLmad th. hadura Val be amttrateass •
" itty ttba k- loolthi 1117RPUT BURCIMELD. r.
' 7. . u. R. B bi tagmm intpuy.
..-10bb1aBalc Golden ?mired mut,.
low by , Dk . vmo. . itrum
- -
Um and Canine Bmp, Fri/41mnd and Aliassl
soap, Porcine and Itsslnn zSp, for side
C„iliimaged Leat Totowa Joat eredoed_onof
trout Idoirdllsi and Them. b7”W. aD: •
.-N0.17.9 Wood S. -,'
SPELM3.—Tenitory and Spriap 14W%
THERE-10 Baas .....
ifestimiJurt vied and fargaliteiii -
VG4,CC4 o._