...01.i.e.t re .. - - - ii, ; - e;5-0 , 1.' , .. 4 0,„1. - A% ,,, • - .. - 1 - .„,..:.k . -'- - ,,:,Rtz , b. i .- ... 4. .., af. i n ., i'"' , - ipt' . -` 4 • 4 •if-k , ,r..."'-' , ; - . P' ,- --... • • '"',..-- , '., ,•''' - ,, ;., , ...-t ,--,,,, :, ,, :'.. - V.,..7...., _ ~-,..--,,,,,,,-7-4-,Fenpr,'.7g-113JA7,.4 iM 17::: ,.,- - '. , - -, 'o_ , -.. -,,, ,...,,, ~. •,- ...--•-...,......_________ - ,„:1--, - •.- - ~ .. .., '-- - - -7,-- „ ~- ..- -::. _- -•-• •- -, -7, --,, ~ , , T 5 - . -,- 9„- - ,, , _ _ , ~.., _ „„ .. ~ _ , ,„ ,„,,,, „ ... • - • • `f . -L - - -- .? _ - - -_ - - • -,' - ' - Iff.- . , _ .. - , . c --- -118,1ABLISRED. 1786. ——_ _ 1 NEW ,TORS ADVERTMEMENTS. NEW YORE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW YORE ADVERTISEMENTS 1 oft„ . from visacumowEN A 00., emus, NsIMPMWA AD. Prom ALBERT O. atICILIRDSCCPS AnrcaTtatsti Min Om Prom 11. B. IDEEELL'S Advertising Homo, No. 556 Ems& I - ---"------"---" .1 Disildhath) SLOW wni 343 matalEntio Omer, 360 Proadway. New Pork. way. __Br. ll . , =/ S ur A L Pktau - - ......— i. . hoei ,-.. i, -, 1.. .. , .. , .. : - ....-- - CLAS-TLIVP. P...4 , 4s Eallltag i and Iron Nharaltuire ~ ...--- s itl i---, TO PAMN, Manufantmer of Now and ini pit P' TAB% a kanufactimer Of 'Rich '4, - ." -‘ Gilt, theily Ornamented and Plain IRON .es Imported Wanes, Groc eeeee , &e. --,- 45-_,...- _ IlluttrattalCalnlognes mit on ig,plieation to ' 4 ENAMELED w -1-11/ .. e . P pp .il ea sti a lm oor. of SCHOOL BORNIT:R/1 9.0.4. THREAD, —isstema.i, R. PATON, 24 Grove street, New Pork. ' emus smia, Min 219 saOlafrais, tont TOM IT IS NOT A DYE. : LIODLTEI e IIEWTON a. MILADIIIIRTII, r.. t ., n bt thibi1ae t ....... . 1 4 4. 3 : .., 42 Droome Bind, New rark, FUR R Iron Balling and Castings of erery desselp- Lion., - a m warehonse, 61 Greene street, between V -44.4 1aw STREET, jaL tio jou der N is soN ftyl o S: ir ti ms, o Boo n l At i:1 1 7 11 ::::: A • "4, 1 ll and Broome, New York. solTamdt \ '',..77 . 1„,-, 3A DRY b MANUFACTURED and for " sale by N. - v s.cu.sz. gswer.g largo supply kept constantly on hand. Circulars forward. 1 ..& W. GEERY, ~,,.,„, MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S l I MPORTEm.. AND D EALERS so . ; inns womays irrAin nicsi , onmrt. MANUFACT ERS of the Patent Arch Li. Questitiabfally Gratifies, offer to the Trade JIMM'S G Bald . Wrest Plank a Fortes, etiebmted her depth, full. - Wen.. with met nth/Ir, or ...OP' n rlchnem, ourigy d a water Moen. valley antler , ft "" 111 = 1 " - " rai .I ""Lr° d ' i '''' i' their taste ''''' rs 7 lafr4 th d ''' r and r the grudog. '''' 4 the ' ices the br.b.,..i.., I &elm a pentane article, a largo variety of Ivitel o tiiiinssog ... ge. , tan; for which y re rase a stoat nal celebrities of the conatry; and In TEAL-Onwn and Mak, Swaehonit. Danebeelf• Edlebh ik i rßs. S.A. ATJMN'SZYLOBALSAMIIII tram the m oft. in - th'oti I Ara Broaktost, Oolong, Imperial, Llywom Octopus...ter, Toeing / erery air, when brou tin co ton on ler n - Ilyeat h -Mc., In thesta and half &cats, * o. JAL or Worldk Rale Dossing, is essential to ma with the ...ty, have obtolnod the hi s beet premium. The Patent 0017FRE-Slocha and Java. Restorer and ls the beet Nair Dressing for old ee Young •e. Arch Wrest Pl.k which Is owned and used only by as, musgs__Th.s. steg ,,, gi,,,,,4,,, 1 ,... Hock , itc; ". 014 ot ten t t ti tc r.t. 4 oftert .. efileacions locum of hair falling, de, w Itio g manoteesthek standing in tune longer thanDly othor VI- I , tremor whits, their ou p ressl demand in all parts of .4 high ..." 1.4 In Original r'irie d.mil°b. o . 4,- ARV. U. V.DEGAN, Editor Guide to-Tineak .ITunin the t is irstalpeeler their maim excellence. high mdb, - won IT a en BARTON andOVESTIEWS CLARETS. tastEras it. Mots." Oa A li beral discount to CI ~ &heals awl the [nude PRESIDENT J. IL EATON, LL. D., M rfreashorro Tenn. J03,17d5 OWAEPAWINS--Dest a Chondon's Cab's. LisiPlTts....To uNotwithetamiling nw., otemlog off of hair Po lbalsekk, 0.11. Humor ' s do do do UR oessed, and Emmy restored hooey's' color,"Ae. - a.. 8 8 -Erti.n.r /...is intite CI. , Jilt*, Ake nay. an. mama& AttletenW, NaseMbneeln. "It h. eirtOtta. da iamb, &c, l Akinorigidal aaticadedAlio Cm... changed the S2nArn of Glory: Won •g hi old men, to —„ ... the original boo ~,mo t osmtb,"&e. , -.--. It AGALEY, COSGRAVE & CO., lIMINIES-Lcalon litont,Bcotctandinglish Rim. IL iro6-- y ... oi . 4,) r teht . r, a .. _LP Wltoleubi aroCKI, Not. IS aod 20 Wood street, Pies CROARS-.0 Wanda. county, Reef York, ohly hair I. nor rwitored; 1t to b urg h. nothing like adyao &c. _ ~.„„ ~,,. PICK-US - "a frond. • o EXP. D. T. GOD , Middletown, Now York. elly own view, --- as e. .---- A. 8.1111.0113. RADOM-Tor Chin* 1:14 01 %101A,Ae.. CIIIIEBR-Gullm k , mod., vga ,.. k o rh . A p ed; lind whi r .a.s i orlder ad yt io rn! OindlY,ltes EMUS thleßened, le EIS & B ER, GROCERS AND .1.1,1 Dealers in . Lard. flour, Cheese, Brooms, to, su i r"" AGG lamest, .:" a" A'"ric".' ILIEJAME3XeRZE,New York ory it,L,,,Lotoorais It, au south-Wow corner ithtield and &mond Streets, Ilite- PIehoMINIMEAB.2 my W POEBTUS, Iltanerlah,Ommi. tOtZ met my mot burgh. ooLlyd rods and. . lIAMS-Westphalla and Americas. . HET. J. P. ORLlMlth*tos, tf- ol tis really I tLEXAND KING, WHOLsq ALE OILS-OttoALdporm and Whale. ......... ofiloacions In the hair," de. I Elmer and Imposter or Soda Ash, Na 213 Liberty 43 " Chil• '" . . °1 "" . ' l ' l7 ' 4 ' 4 ‘..bi1t.../ $. l - s'.. REV. O. ILSPRATT,Lew burgh. Pennsylvania "Worse mmet,Pltteloorgh, Pa 14/14d* 'II M. MITOHELTREE, Ja., & BRO., 1 ... .. to l d Masi g g ph is ..., Itza.d. taidtf* sad ; TUSTIN, Charlestown, See. , roll.. le Wholesale G ro cers, Recttlytng %Wilms, and Itlna S i gINIV&Y SONS. MAN" REV7 h /rIIS ri elLtirTTAA limiskm, °44 ' . ilVe think and Idgoor Merchants, No. la Wanly street, Pittsburgh. 111111111,1 ' lIPACITIIRE/U3, At Walker street, Ns vary hi Mrs= prepsuuticays so! ' di= - York, recered the following Pine Prise REV.IIO. MTN, Dattaborgh, N. T, nl. aa surprised 3 ,,,,,, jun _ Ma°l° i° ww7wWll°.° wi th W.° Ww° w•kw° to Bodes, ow b• a ' a r afr tall " la " I " . "" 14 " tr- . JONES ceaili,i;. • WiliEßLALE GRO- York. Plallwk phla end Baltimore. 13 W FIB" ?Biz' , mr , mm •t• ms Irstrorlam Wry . 31{V psd -CIL L1N 1 C 11 1 " 1bt " 4 ,.. G ....i Pm " 9. .1,"'""...,,,,,,,,,"h n 0 ta ""' miss and. ant Yonalshers, a,,,i,,,, In Produce and . Washlneton. March, 1856. =Y. A.PR.=.oliMmansectranty, New York. Inn am ad. Pittsburgh Iffmnsfacturea, No. HI Water street, near Cherry A GOLD MEDAL,. the Crystal Palms, New 'fork, No. i „ A a ,i ~..a iv Alloy, Pittebarr,h, Pe. my2l somber, 1855, (bead the MY Gold DOW g.cli kw M.* =T.D. moams,cl=a Elver Now York. “It te tha Wet wet m imaresa-.-,.....,.....-,,,, -eenn a ./...i A GOLD MEDAL at • ligesilusi Dattute,RaNbaore, ....V= A lltrg",, , ni ,.. ) ,,,,4,. mv .,,,, , ,.. SIMMER sk, DILWOHIII, WHOLESALE Grams, No. LE and 132 Second street, (between Wood Pakr,.lteassonende IV' A ‘MinA 3 •l4,PithbOrgh. , TUE MOT PRIZE MERL Maw ) ar, COMM Palate , I re might ewoll Walla, but Boot rimed, TRT IT- &&- Nair York, Ihmenbor,l&l4. Anton tlieJ were the % I V. ~,,,,, G .. p ato men, mod they A CULBER T SO N , WHOLESALE ' l ' d ° "'"" 1 " 1 "' b the . 4Mr, e .. i t . k a."' G .l- We etlPowedind all e re thcro es we ht Ow Unilni ..a.,, GroceramlCommisuou M rcaust,Desicrlo Produce - • - - *chalk, Wallenbaupt end ' unsay othats. Wel S. lianas p uh ,.. • U Mahar& Nannfaclnred Artatee,l23 LibcrtY Mesas .." ,„,,,, at ~,,,,,„t. Oath end withalat the l ons hose ) as wwrent. Dr ... 11 dors not sea or stain. Bold by all th e principal whole. hth ,„ h Allroill- - - ____ / on., end ...Ulm treerentwe aim. Plum P•r-Red and Nie and retail merchants In Mellott.' 8 a:s,,s or. as- iit rg . alumna' wahout charge. Prima modandm ads. " . ... r. 1 Winn 5t0rn....... .atomeneuro--.......51itt1an 71.0114 ' ~ ..i.o Polo Agents tor Pittsburgh 401......P..71.'6-° DEPOT, 355,...........NE STEWART, E. T. _T-011 DI FLOYD & CO., WHOLESAI,E PP Oruceriand Odrimiolon Merchusts, No 1.3 Wood and , Where . 14 r.ka lellermd trWol'i... .P Liberty atreet, Pittabor k h, , fold .. tiel.Some dealers try to' mil artklqa hulloed of this, og ...WSW *Moll. Ocuiststs. which tberrnako more prat. Write to Dmmt for clendsr, "" " 1 -• tattoo.' informal.. Gennkle la elyed,Nrs..l.A.Alien, W ATT & WILSOIsI, WHOLESALE OHO- ~, - ----- ----- written se wok. Bowers ot counterfeits. salsissabrinif CELS, COD= - 1.11 Merchants sod Dealer* to Pro , , -. I L. FLI.INESTOCH &Co., late of the firm .. dare and Ettalsurgh lanolisctortallo. ES Idberty street, La ~ B. A. Fahricesszt A Co, and trocomors to . Ja2.2- nroe,WholoalaDroggiss-120.110,conseirWootandl= _ • '...._ABarnagesi. - - awl menu .. . aoaaaTmaotr Sea, kiteehurga Ps. •••••••- " - (7 —•- "osih —•- stind •—• "'Clarriag •— • P - ol" - t - o • ' — ry. TEMAII DICKEY & CO, WHOLESALE Ortmers, Oeuntssmonliterchents,and Dealers in realism, - BA. FA ILNESTOOR & CO., W„11.(no- J 0 la lit BO Br, En OTREIL & C 0., N . ~,,,,,,,,,,,.,, , ,,,,r , „,,,,,,,.,„t , pift , ,, b , A. • rnin Denkede and IlertnEndtwere of Whin. Lo. cl, Owner of aths.gt snit Rebecca Stref f 0, -- 4...1 and Lithargo, corner Ward and trout stms. POW ?WARS UM; AA...-. roe Ai 1 tong, Jl. . burgh. meld ALLIS:2IE4T Car. asto ct the 11, A 1.1.....1att1e keo.) . 1 WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN- LITTLE &l O. WHOLESA L E GErl T SOROONMA.KER, MANUFACTURER form their friends, and the public gene. T• OEMS, Produce and Cowed:don Merchants, and It) .of White lewd, Red Losit,'Zitto, Paint, lales Dit- rally, Oust they are manufsenorin't Care... Barouchen, g,,.. 1 ,,,,i,, pi t i g h arg h Mlnufarturcs N 0.117 Pawed street, ty and Wholesolo Dealer in wiste, Om, vaunts., rwres- Bockaways, Haggish Sleighs and Chariots, in all then. mit p ah . hurgh . '- ill Py.5.3" tine, An. No. WOOd et, Pittsburgh, Pa- outlP2 mu rile' of finish and proportion.. JOAN IciFt, Jr, (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. ...,A ll ,.."'"Vr i Lll'."'" . wva t. , r ".at 1 11 0 1",, , ,, :r ,, , a , , ,,, 02rb ed ,T ,, ? '''' — " r- c`rv 4-63 : --- ---- ------------------------;----- "'" ' LT ' VITAL MoCUTCHEON & CO, WHOLE cs Iraoal..) wsou.s.s4 neutr1a5i*.....,..nm 1) . 4 „.„..1 the most ressousblo terms. Bring In all their wart tbr It' gALE a,, r m i.„,,,,,d ogniabuleirSterchattl 1 1 1,', 14 ,,,= .1N D) "" b ' a '''''' n ' er •'...-" --------' bat C.a. , Mats, Pars =I Wheel .ssr, no,' fed it wad Dealers in Pittsburgh Mannfsetured nekton, • Not SI , dent that all the favor them with thole patronage will be Lib e rty stnnt , o , ro , rof 1,4-14,.Pit.burgli . INA anya za^.lt; n vd... A ann. tor Dr. Poore Medicine. ay& g...0,11r .thil.d , ~,I o f ~,,, wank, „.,. , VAIN fc SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL- Pn.haens as recanted to Pm a......n p er 5044 Arra.l.--...........A. .1. un— ......Aau1a... A: rlv ELL LEE & CO, WHOLESA_LD RI ,••• is Dram Paiute. Jib. Tandebes and Dremulith, No. ......... I '..- .'" s , ~. ~,,,,,,,,,,, .., c „ , ~...,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,.,,...,,,,,,, Z.N Liberty ',wort, Plush's:Bk. neskre TlTTlaalo rah Wanufactures,Yo 8 Wool stn.. t, be. All .ndere trill mewl. pra.pt.u...d. Commission, &C. ....n Warr 4.1 i. o d .1, Pittsburgh apiS il - a- t I n.. for &henries Palmonic Syrup. wisentlydser e E. l Il .6140 X _._.> E. SELLERS, WHOLESALE DEAL- 'WC . " tHen------ 1 ." I-L. 7, UL .-----M , 1 TIVI'. "..' '''''''''' .4.. Ijl ROBISON' . At .- CO., WHOLESAI4LE it.. 001 n Umbra, Pants, Arsenals, Oil, Varnishes, go, .roa. S. LE ECH Jt co, At,. Orocorar CoMteinfkli Neremoota mod Doak. la a/1 fre. Na 75 Wood atom, Pituborgh, PA thimb 1.... d. td0a.243 & 244 Libor I y at., Pit t abaritti, Pa. can, or Provabms, Producer end ritt.b.mnaz....e.t.., Pritta low. So. :Ls Melly street. Pittsburgh. pdalyd WHOLESALE GROCERS - 11 RA e tlaa UN ERE( Et.it - , WtiOLLSALE ANTI AND ROBERT ll_ KING,. WIIWYC ALE GEO- CEP., Cl4lamlsio Merch.t. and Dealer lo Pet., IJ/ Retail D-z- A ists, corner of Liberty . and St car st.., COBTROSSION RITRIZCIPP.A.P.PTH, ~,,,, mm . , . 0 , ~,, ki . d , of C,,,,,,, prod° ~,, 1 i,,,, gu g. 111/1414ligh. DEALERS IN T OSEP II FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. 11.01 IR /IND BACON, erty street , month of Sixth, Pittsburgh, Pa. L1 1.5 b0n,1 1311 71. 44144410urr.k on ocoulgousomi. — - &-, W&e.& & tr.. 11 ...... i.1p.i. Tin Pinto and Tinner's Stock.- 10 .&""&r&-- ---- '''''''''''''''''''' JAXIUI IL 41114131. Ne. .104n4111.1, oat, atoll arid monplate assortment otROBERT DAI zr LL & CO. WHOLE- Welicties, Medicine Chests, Perhunnry, aml all intake per- . AND SALE Omens. Conomberion and lkisbrdilleg Iger tsionrc la Ws Intslnem ‘ PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. &mu, and Dealer. In Prodomand Pitt.tairgh 5a,,,..0,,,t0r., sarrbokson,prtscriptions caretally compounded at PAIT "- ell ,_,,,13, N 0.331 Morey area, Pitteburith. la my 2. r i R. GEO. IL KEYSER, DRUGGIST, 110 Wood Weed, corner or Wood sheet med 'Wren Alley. Pittshorch,Ps. • ' - frobuct- ataletsil. 0 [NESE WARBEIOUSE.-lIENRY, IL 001IL4S, Folsomling sad Cosualssksi Vereliankassl Dealer ha Cheese, Butter. 1W Mb sad Prod.. poesslly, ,26 Woe! at.. shorts Water, Pittsburgh. • • ssyll .11. CANFIELD, LAit OF WARREN; re" ClLlTO,ComtulAdm sad Iforgrkwilsig Mordant, and Nrbuleade lkolcrta Wooten Beam amok goiter, AA .and Pearl As, amt WelamProdoo. geomilly. hog et, ,betrroen Smithfield aml Wood, Plttsbaset. MiIRANE & • ANJER,. (SUCCESSORS to- A. k A. Itertana.) Dealers la /km,. Grafi ion& 1.7:901fir0. Ooramieskra and Porwrardina Merchant% Na. 124 " re; Piltaintegb, Pa. lian.Viguityllal2 s ,_ D (,) C. ILERBST, FLOURi• and Cosandadoa Iderehaat. No. WI "roar of 11{0.1, PittgrUrgb. ghlthlf WM* I.aar i york, LAN, Marie, Dater, Urdu, Dried Fmk., .. ."*". " frirAidaalailewara tasty (SUCCESSOR - TO Fonji h k and Coormloofoor Yar coooti - Doiler In Wool, WA" P.'"a4 LM '1"1 00 Ltd .90 r0A9.179.017,10,.1....` Pitt :Y+ He7RllitiLE,-EETI.U. 'LA lON L.L. -verdant abGIDIAIO/ OM NrAd trn a MA street, Pilialtar*, Pt. Rarer td. JA. illUtTOX,Pittfdmrah, • Conoisi;Cosaarri It Co., fittabsoffic ; • - 4A-fkolo4toxtenfo oolicitall and mitlrliartdri retartit par. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, COILWISSION 11.,..b.34, for the 'ale of Western lkoorvo Chow, Bono. Lord, ,7tsii. Pot =I Poorl /ohm, lig...ft; 011, rldnr, Gran. Dried.Fralkand Proton avaerally, No 8 &Winfield street. First and Water. • ilium Fs B. LEACEL-FORWARD . .°rt CoonitionlimoMw, _Dolan is Mar, trolo, - Ba. 11,1:1 trolt, m" bo i t cotte r. alof t Water.r"46*‘ "'at'''. ffPfl ---- ,AGLE7OAREIIOI:IBE.-JAS. • GARD . 24 O'ER, :Wholeada Dealer In hoar Praddoaa and Pradnce onendly, No. 6 damn, greet, n Marti awl Pmlthtlell.ti 13.1.tugh, P. itjerorms cash. awns. , B. .11001E13 1t..8110., PORE AND Ileef Pesters sad Dealers In Provhdorsy COMM of 'Market and. Frost streets, Pittebergb, Pa.. • die attonte2o. --...-- - - . . ' ' Benjamin F. Mood, .. - 00IINARLLOB AND ATTORNEY AT LAW • 2 • • AND CDS/51ISSIONED. MOH TUB STATES CF ii.er York, • '. 1 Ohio, Kedisicky, nas..etwous, . indiansi. Mialomi. ;Anine, • ' lLklaNgol, lon, VirgitiNy - . - - Ilthiaks,- _-. _WilloNNls. _ AdarOwledgmoota sad Depoltloo• taken, ottd as aatninigtered to he recorded or mod i...y.tth. Above ratot..l Btstott. • • , °Moo oppottto the 'NT" No. 45, Filth street, Pita- A TTOlaNirlr-'#.T LAW, OFFICE: turn mos. =mow. ' Corner Wyliennd33lll,ll NEAR COURT 1101331, • aolf.rd.r•T PITTSBURGH, °BERT WKNIGIIT, , ATTORNEY AT Liw, *a& Solicitor of }hi Bank of P1144411NNe..1 10, Itreet, l'lttsbUrgh• Cl6----IP. MORRISON, AT clam roanb!eg,ttonnWLnl, mazucausl & lIAZEN, ATTORNEYS Lii .. .r.7turtectp ckte.p- nungacivillb.TgYvA, Eng Goqbs. U ltr 111211.01 FIELD, - DEALFAS lis dilks and Ladles' Draw Gonda generally, ekwhk &awl; Entbrolderles and Ilietge (loads, ter thmily ow. Annonanaly attendee aseurtment In all the Mem, devartnaentajustreeelred and wiling at the lowest • priees. rib andidarkedateVit or a. a: - nom. Bt,4.D mutocr A. ?IASON ',CM, WHOLESALE Aand Natoli tkoteri In lanal /I_ .-A. STROH & cos.' PREMIUM . Id N.../ • lc DUPLICATINO.AND IMPRESSIOSPAPIM—A priumple of trettos 'withou pen. or ink. Flirt premium tereniel ki them II the Ohio Atate Yak, October, ISM. lain I lepetitni utleto with whick tomtit° A letter and obtain the copy at the moue time; uithout the we dpene or Ina, rutbirrius it luviaindito to porno. trovallkor. It will • toko the 0, Irma' itoprootkio of sorbed, plant or awar, and i. eletilly adapted for writikk on popre,loth,ineni at idol" . I o tne mtpying of .plaufroteele inktreNkitte,irithout the . ts. of iv. or ink, trills atone or common Ina: Try it. ' •"!'",: i ". `7 . - 77 7: — ' -W--t2.44"*, bge. prime Rio Coffee; • 46,2151 s 10 P R Supt; 30 bbts itaadird emi'd Beyr . :'daabd •1 4 - " 14 lor PO. - ..r A gymyr, " Itte,ll train of - kgs Mot Tobace% ^ ;..•00 . 41 • •- ‘ ,444 abbls Sods Bahntingo b.. • "eirb b 20 llama Ri‘oo "'" . bfol.osta Mack Tea 53 bxo'B6.lo sl ‘.' - „„ a Nag Wrapplay P 4 r., 00.001dk• acid b ." - 100 aged alvas °Luc .000100,-. swap.- era.: . albums Clay 140 0 F. ub44111 yr7/4"1;- . 7 510,00 N 0 To: ; lo p t o .. ..„.= AS !QV' - 50 WA:. .2104b0 Sole I.lbor. 1% Mont &M.-Comb by 014 • , , . suNDniEs-- oifs P.!'. • 103 dolts I-11.0nd Met VanC . • •• • G 3 %IN lrollow bblil 0100 Hirer, ' : sgeorteit aizes ftraw:grapplnfdrapt; . • aoo awes SOO awn opsoorsbi/ 441 " illorialOTDBOX liblstOrallo w IJOesdinswroastOrral•b DAMCLEgarr+. •:,-, . i" - .-..,- • , . . ' ••• _. , ',.:_;.: . :," - •-..-i ,: ::•.,•:" . ..'-'..:; -- '._•• -.-,, '• - ••• • • . - 'i . ! , .:- --- •••• - •,:•.• L: i ~.-•:,..., `----•- • • ' •••-•••• •-•--- ,_ ....,............ . . r . . ,• , • .., , --. .., . _ . . . . , ... . • - .. ~ ... . . .. . • I ~ , .. ._ . . . • - '' • ' 'A. ..- - ' ......:. . • - , PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY . SORNItid - •±NOVEMBER . 24, - :1857.:: • '•-, _T .- - :. ' ideALPt& & CO., (Lide of LB. Leah, 11cAlpin Oa, littstragh.) GENERAL: COMMISSION , .IPORNV.A_RDING , AMRCIMANVE3, Levee and Washington Avenue• WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY, REPERENCR.4: . 2 • Joirph S. Labels Cu], ma . Pitubn rgtt . !Xenia:lts Amer- Jyll.ll2irlyT THOMAS 6 OALLAGHSII• COMMISSION AND . FORWARDING MIMCRANTS, Ne. It 0 Fine Street, ct. Lea* Ma limes, Manua t Coa Jena k Lem. LOZZATS.B2IV.I . Co., Z 1764 PAIXIMR WU Farther , to order, L. ttaeoot Omits, te. Prompt atteo lion siton to ally amour aro-wanting: jettlyd• `QPRINGER lIARBAUGII, COMMISSION Merrhaat,Drakr to Wad, Proligtous ma Predate iter N 0.24 Liberty tarta4, Pittsburgh, Pa. IaiIrENRY S. KIEG, (LATE OF TIIE an" Lb% Oaaratadon. Merchant, and Dealer Iv Pig metal sad Blooms, Xo. Wstrr area, be low Market, Plttstargb, lilt it, (gi ••::To • aOA • • dy,lmentecy Comolad= sad lonrarding Bier EDPT. BIEGRAW,. GENERAL bletsbetut, sad Wl otesale Dealer la Stains butured Tobseco; Imported sad Domestic etbsrs. Bust; bus be, No. 2 , 41 Ltberty street, uppsslts the heed of Wosd . Pitt. burgh, Pa ratably. ffiluoic, --- Jll. MELI,OR, MT. 81 WOOD ST., u • between Diamond Alley wad north etreet, Sole Agent cylicusar.lo SONS' (Daum) PIANO FORTES, MA IM & tu11a. 1 3."13 MODEL 111ELODFAXS and ORGAN LIARAIoNIENS, sn,iDealer in Mode and Alrudeal Gouda. Jain _ & HUBER & BRO., No. 53 FIFTU • EL. 13.1gn alike OuldenHarp, Sok Agent forNONNS • S (Neu York) unrivalled amid and Square PLANOSoutd CAHILL= xr.r.ounrs rieriefne. MEW. DZONS and °ROAN LIALLMONIIII II S, Dealer. In Moak and lizedeal Instruments. • CHARLOTTE BLUME, MANUFACTU NJ and Dealer In Fa... vort.,..na loooruia Musicß and Yodel Instruments. Sole Agent tor the HAMM= P1AN03,1,110 for NALLET, DAVIS* CO.'S Boston Pious, :Rh and tritbont diolean Attachment. 115 Word atreet. mr3 X .CIIIINCIX*J. X.CIXXXOS CIUDGE. wAroswomrri Si co: r..ao►urc).rra o► ORIDOR S WADSWORTH'S • IMPROITEID P.A.r.r - FMT OSCILLATING. STEAM ENGINES, .• • PITTIBORGIT. PALMA. A ITER a -thorough radical test for over three yearithaatial aniToigineiiiiirants os to ogertngthena to Mie hatless being unequalled for economy of fael, dmptleity end chropoom of emietraction, compaetl seas and dm obility; combining oil the odsontogew (Maud . log working stems expansively) of the donbler slide salmi ind at the mom time illigsmilhg with 01 'l =l, rickwhofts creiewbeads elids-seles; easing their castor constroellon mid necessary woes of power In ramilog.' We hare a Urge number in doily operation In :hie city sod sleinity; also, in the Elates of lowa, Indians - ip•Oc, Virginia, New Tort, Peunsyttantitalorth Carolina. .1 Is We city of *salmi, sit greatest mashie The rateit Right los Great Orltairs awl Shop Rights in sll pmts.! the United Scales, for wile on rssanemble terms . We invite SU persons interested m Mil MO OSIMILMI Engines sod the reputation. We are propirfn to MI orders for all intro from free to onobundred or bons power. orlrs.ls•UnE JOS. F. 11.111111 ls Tu. m .IGNGr'EN MRS IST'S, Comer Firit and L;Loety Si..,' Pitts&argh, Pa. FiRsT.. VIeASS UP.RIOIIT AND 1.10111- - Zonal , Pietism TNOI i l9 moo. to order. They also continue tbe manotscture of their Uslebratsol SIA•OIIIIbiISTS' Boa so Ideals who. • . inn flters, Alsa;TY'ristight Iron Eamfibir, wi th Pnl . laya And Itangani ger Mills glospodle : • ••• • - • .-.231/dslYir nicumuni "maw, Mau, LeatilOr. Wand Simi Maine,! X . 215 liberty ernsaution. P 4.1 BUROUP, Esq., of Dtiquacie:Bor ib lit Allashelroo., Pa ; oss Twist Patent. b lbubince in the manufacture of biasral-1044 N llatsbes and cleats curly 100 par scut. hts Waco sale by • ' . SATOH.: G ROCERIES -ISO bags prima. reen Pao 100 halt 01,its.lrearcllyee Thee. 25 ° • " atuttelw‘ lo, do: 45 0 0. .paper ed Led loose Black Teat; p 100 b. calm Tattoos standard baud. Tubooto; 35 We. Osteste serr.YOASY.P. 23 0 Ineeetees • = Ike 30 SW% New Yetk, 100 " .41r, 30 - ° 11 Mite3 -Isr Bleached Whale Mit Wllll as liitartil.ll4 3.4l ? abet real (Wow k DILWORTII, —en , Nt0..1 - 30ezel 133 Becood st. R .U. TALKER, No.-105 Market ti.us .LAri. Dolor in lionnete, MIA. A maw Trimming., 26 inn! 'Ws. Goals generally. .1. NT A. T by * atm , PATTERNS-WdLL IAP 11— . o II We= sod Mop piper flanging, Boz:LIbro and Windov Ihadee aquipe!Room - of oel4 00(11IRAM Allmbmy. g. ----T ""ft PER CENT. BANE dß_ 4RJ %let Iliabibal by. =tug Ecood Pat . 011 , 001.. masa skroNottituburgb.us 4A. , ± 1 c_1 , 14.= Mg% 11±. cum. SUGAR lA/ 0/1:16. OM *with m ednig andrub, or rsy. mit PATISTOIL 0 Mer Cups, Aforsumsoutuor mos• RallEutterkUst reed JUlgad far ab b • - • Is a ceLv-R Bb p -10 " noimpam. • Astinerkt r pa LVF uO ,l oi - ofitliast s lam , _opts,sorni imam; 453.14mmiva., nap elip,ibroge '.L'..=' ..'. Vootsciltro, 6:.c. WM. G. JOIINSTON & CO., ,Stationers Blank Book Maantactaters and Job Prlnien, 37 %Coal .roet, .30 E. -0. 0000 . E, (SUCCESSOR TO •d > Meg) Wholesale sad Retell Dealer In •Doee, Stationery lu] Paper Hazen" Federal etraer, &gall. IL or Market Sim., Allegheny, P. TOIIN.S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AM) Stattowr, nucemar te Davison k gnaw, No. &I .Thaket •tn.s. yea: Fourth. PJ:tduntg, Pa- Tr AY d. CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STA -11 No. 63 Wood street, wit door to th• con two or Third, Pittsburgh, P.&hoot and Lay Books sop. sistotly on hstruL L. READ, BOOKAELLEII. AND S . TIONZA, No. T !fourth et. Apollo Italldlegs. lUNT & MINER, BOOKSELLER and Statloner,llaanale lLll, Fifth atrnat. D'FORD still continues Lie new VEGETAELY PRACTICE. Ills oface,' West end Pennsylvania Arcane, (Yowllk Street Itadu East end o Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ills untireited etaver In Acute and Chovole Dilelllllol uu not be equaled la arty of the medical meth. of the prima day. PU. (YBRIEN CAN BE CONSULTED at Ds. essidesotornsr TM and ladtatiold Meets. on DATO; WZDNISDAVIS sad BATURDAIIS, from 10 to 1.0,11 to 3 *lock. itrited&moe on the Brownsville East. TIOCTORS GZAM FLEMING. 1.,1 omen Zs Six thea, Pittsburgh, P. felS.llmo scat listatt Ogcnts. LAKELY• it, RICUEY, HEAL ESTATE _Brokers, corner of &month and Smithfield atmets, Ptebeab. P. Farms, thenore, Lots, Ws. Famous, &c ~ bought • ar.d adl on sommladon.. Land Warrants, BUN Bonds and Nan argatiatol. Especial attention Oran It sub,ttr Wing Farms mad dlspoahm of them Tomos reasons so We dsuS • WILLIAR WARD, ILEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, 'km6,1100010 4 sod mmuitks gur mossy. .c.a towns looms through my Agency,ou ressow able tams. • nem grist:dog to Insult theli mousy to good ograntsgs„ ma always god Cyst sod 110.134 cis. popes . at my office, fu[ We. All communlcattolo and Ititerviow stTictly tronfldentis Office ORAN? smear, opposite Bt. Nall, Cathedra. 111JSTIA LOOMIS roue. D. 1.001114 AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., DEALERS IN Promlaaory Notes, Donde; Ilortgagat and all Docuri- U,llr Money. lloncy loaned on %teas et abort dated, with collateral aocuritioa. VOWS AND DRAFTS 'MOM AND BOLD. Parsons desiring loans can be accommodated en renewable tons,and cvitallate can be furniahed with good anertritles It reunnorativo prksa. Abaco, attend to the Kale, Denting and Leming of Reel Fatate. gOr-Office No. 92 Fourth drool, above Wood. ZirAUSTIN LOOMIS, Notary Public. rur2 BMeLAIN & SON, Real Estate Agents . and Dill Broken, No. SS% Fourth atrest. li~ 1/0111..A8 WOOL'S, Will Estate Agent, No. IL 75 Fourth street • Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works . JNO. D. IVIA.'I7I'FIIM 7I3 . stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter, "FOBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, &e. Kdrour, lirioGors awl Douro Onmod, AC.; Mao Dbuloa Inserted: Table liiihra 8,18881, and Onorrol Jobbing: at. tended to: LOCKSMITH AND DELL-11ANDED. No. 138 Snalthileld Street, near Sixth, PITTS)II , I7GII, PA. /111,188Al.ore firorlopr.parra tookooo3llllng tho 4, t' of art ',lgo tool, or do any kind of smith ,orstlitl oror, on oliort notion. r/1 FOR THE TEETH- {SAUD'S 11.111 D AND - POWDERED DENTIFRICES, Prepared and scdd by W. A. WARD, DeWitt* - ThTeidoors ahem, Ilsnd • T. W. LOIICIIIRST, _Watch. irad Clock 14Aker,tii IMPOSTIR OP' • - FINE WATCHESANDJEWELEY , No.79l7llthstreotiboUnco.Vicod sad Market,- Mi. ra.. Porticolor cdtontlonpad to the making of Waddles end Jewelr y, awa it 00. earrmited. AirACKYLREL -= 9/I mreksmet j". ' • ta do tio:i do; '93: do 'Nailleao In Aim) d for sale - WARIDE CO, • 022.difan • N 0.96 Waist area. Paisters• LONG&LANN, IiOUSE AND SION; PAINTERS, No.IT (thd Part OPlcePtirldlng)Thlrd lama, between ma &lariat area. • All imlen promptly Attended to • AirAilensiarental In ea:palm mbri:lPV Cl-.OOLDI3PATENT.SPEING BED -Da*. NA. Ing.pureheaed the exclusiveright to otanoGsetitio,and nelliloold'is Patent going _Bed: , In doe conott lea 0, leo Inv Dow prepared to Wel& Mee' ftdruisl chose • leno priced, cheap mid:trate Spring Bed. Oaf mildew Ibsen stank Worobooler, They can ho Ottadidi to any bedettod an dreenoted theretrenn ot plesenee . ; Wing. .beesee, betele, kr, Intedebed with this bed at a very law pries. ..oen ,T.A YOUNG A CO., 34 Boditdleld et; 1 5 .88L5. GREEHAP,V,§; 6 w . Roll nutter; - - 6 - • - White• I auk Isatiol4. ..ea. Timothy Beet - • • YAW dpy SIRIT HR I DILWOR TH, IDWI o _ LWgad=Seconde NDIA-RUBER HORSE COV E RS —lhiTte eleizimssecna - - LuM-50 übbx, for gabby a..as a. A. samfornmea to, ALf3Ald COP.ItiVA-4 00 lbs. for sae by noill ‘" • A. PAILINESSOOK ACO. pLADDERS WANTEA—Hog, Cdf 'and Netlnsider. 'nutted it. the Tutnao, Baud _al &gar "a =llFrk, rfir. --fprso Family Flour; -643,741 r atearihie ;t.544 ..1"411P°3 Anufactuttus. WELLS, lIIDDLEA CO.. 80 Fourtb Street, PittsbUrgh, Pa., MANO/ACTIIISIS OP Irlfps, THONGS 4NI) SWITCHES. orderOolicited frcid thero promPtly ship ped as per funnel:lmM Tzute-6 scoatbe, or 6 per cent. d Ilseoriet for eub. seZtlythbel . J. 64 U. °MANTIC+, IIASTRACTI7I.O 3 ' ROPES AND 'TWINE, Clymer of A.m. and Wallm: ttreafitainv/i; AVE ALWAYS. ON ND A' POLL H jo ugy 4 ATti g d o na c t lt r 41tri.,evralA andf hlte ma Cole o r:4TvrineTtio Ulan •nd ' ' 1 . 1211 ria,S ' ..ralke x.nlittsli / WILLIAM DAMNIIILL fr. CO, 61 Penn et., below Ittarbury,litteburgh, Pn. QTEAR BOILER. MAKERS AND SMET 1..) Iran Workers, IltanuActareno of Bertddllis Patent Boiler, Locomotive, Woad and Cylinder Boners, Mimeo Brelehen, eke 'Bed, Steam Pipes, Condensers, Belt Pa Boger Pane, Iron Yowle; Life Boots, eta.. Also, Blaclorml Work, Bridge and Yis.lnet Irons, done at the shortest is tke. All orders from a &dance promptly attended to. . Pena Cotten.lllllls. PlltsbargL. 12rDNNIWY, CHILDS sceco., MANUFAC ja. OMAHA of— Penn A No.l heavy 44 Sheettning . ! - Carpet Chelnot all colors and oblides, °M on Tertne; . , . , a Bed Oen* • ', ' . , a.. Plough Ida,.and Sash Gird; ' 0 Bone of MIN.. and drictlptioint latting. • ifrOrders left at the llardiriwe' Blare of Logan, Wilson ! A 00..131 Wood street, will have Mtsatton. , psltSay . . , JAMES .111LIVIIII. X•NUIPACTUILEII .OP . Q,IILPIIOIIIO ETHER; Sulph uric Acid; . A, 'Ehraet Sphlts ot Nltrei NI Acbk Holiman's .11.1mlynn . M u le Add Aqua Anunords, PPP; NUNN.' de .., IbrleesSolutlo% rEBRIN & JOIINSON. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN IV E. CHILDS & CO'S PATENT Elul& TIC FIRE AND. WATIMPROOP CEMENT noorma, laalsou, Snzrr, PIDAbothrPR • • *Matti e. at. wmuuras & co., MANINACTURRIM AND DEALIES 141 WARREN'S IMPROVED FIRE AND TV WaterTroof Onaposltion Ikea wid Rowan lets. DANIEL DENNETE. A ffANUFACTURER OF FANCY COLOR :um ND Ironstone Wan; /selkaglutu and IMIOW:Waro, ho,°Wee at lika Nantifaettalr . , ror=" a/Washington and Prradin attrata, DinWnE a, 4 , p:eta Dtlabutats, mrlikdly• • • a. ao. V1601—..".....1111011 TABER, POPE AD STREET, Saunnertrono aY ' OSCILLVING. STE/aI.:ENGINES, 110a1.12.4 JINTY ZILL , MORKR, Salem, Cambial:tin :Coputy, 0, WIIITMAN & REED'S PATENT ()Sett; LATINO En g in.* of superior . Intkaisauddic 'cuov stands aci braid and made to orkr, Lith illmrtoU;Erhating *c. for Flooring sad Saw !ills, Ind otbFrre. Moo, Monntacturers of • Adam's fra JP:snuff_ Vohs. and A s sn. for WIMLIK Mat ,Co:llLorhilltuee, Toots, Includin g Turnin g and Ufflng LOtbou Oluscry deu ocriptiol Cul - n Nide Englnis rondo to cads. o.unisos - - - Onion , MITCHELL. MEURON & CO. AITILIa CONTINUE THE E _ I v . the. Union Poondryoit tbi, old . tut rxmNoca, )11Tel MIA. &OD., No. PH Liberty rbevekil atioutociiire, no usual, n largo and viers! u rottifielitide CASTINGS, ooioloisioli ' COOkiiig Stoves. Ranges end Slide Orenß, • °FP:M.4ND PARLOR STOVES, MANTLE & inTELLEN (;RATES, Hollow Ware, Wagon Hazes, Dog Irons, BAD IRONS, TEA BETTLIB, PIOWS't PLOW POINTS, Milt end Machineiv Castings Generally, And OAS and W A PIPED or ell slier: YRON A ND NAILS nll. ROST BRANDY, - Shovels, Spades, Picks, &c., All of which will be sold 44Culamat.turtre prices. my7fly WILLIADI TATE. P • LIMBER AND OAS FITTER, No. 10 Fourth street, orar Meru, and 172 Penn street, next &uric! Alderman Parkins.). Oa* no Federal at., tlem Luna Allegheny. WY - very description of Fittings fur Water, Cs. and Rem. my 31.111 For Churches I4Ds, Ganarsalorlos,VeattlAtles and Elora. • ALYRED ENGLAND, Solo Agent. VIIO3I TUE ORIGINAL PATENTEES, :llama d cwo t , Lona 11...r.Millar Oates, New York, Tor Pittatargh and tlxt. West • All wort asscute4l in* =petite : 47/C Flans, DastiAl and Specimens ran be seen at Na. 2 Fourth street, wear LID SAT. (a 22 -ntrlSAyll JAMES WILISO3, Manufacturer and Dealer In ATS AND• CAPS, • •, HN..o. MOOD efitISIM PlibbtlN sad VIZ Iltra4. A 11:Leheee , .. epelt JOUX 0 ANIIPDELL AIANUFACTUREROF DOTS. Rae SHOES of every deariptica, 0.3& Dad A street,rntelnueh, Pa . adltlyd _ _ 1 f 1 N . :', _ , inoutaiut agtntsi . a uLmAN kCO.Oenm Af: i t . s.‘l,l Insurance broken', N, t %WE CILAFFEE Agent, Ne ......03,1...brat0 nal, Wood lancet. RD - FrNsrEY:AzTlit 'nrei:fiactrucne 11.9 Wator street. • A A. CARRIER, \ SECRETARY XL. re d main:dm Insuraoce Color o 7 of Pittabargh, Jame Dollltio,Yourthotroot.. - 10 A3IEEL L. MARSIIELL, ;t O,l, retary sew' Tatursace Company, 94 Wen • • M. GORDON, Secretary Vestern Incur F . Onisporty, 93 Water dnet. JGARDINER COFFIN, A. r, Iln Eire InArarance Comparl, Non wd Third in-recta. A. MADEIRA,.Agent or. Delaware marrow w ••. THwe OS. OBAELAW Agent Ileward Inenr .2. a Company arid Pittsburgh Wu [mama, Company, comer Water wed illarket streets. MHOS. J:WITEX Agent Farmer? and Maltaaks' Imossoco Co.; OClllritontloi,t. OSIIUA itCBINSON, Agent Continental Imaxasce Co, 24 Ma stmt. pl., RW. POIKIDEXTER, Agent Great West, e ern tizerrstwaoa,lo7 froot-drert. worn P. iPAIUMALL. 3091711 P. 110411141 Wall Paper 'Warehouse. WALTER P. ItLA.ItSILAIL ,t CO., Im p:rt.-a and balm, ST Wood street, between Yourth street and Dimmest Alley,vbcro toss be hued so extensive isscrtment of owl , drecrlidlou ot Not' ilenloge , tor Per. Iwo, nails, Dining Moms and Chambers. 'Alto. ll'lndsle Roden, In great rarkdy al lowest plow to country dealers. fele • WALT= P. StAlltlhAl .1 , CO. CLIKONTSSON EEDNIU NDSON, Pc CO., N ;98 and 98 a Third street, war Wissl,lantacter rs rad Dealers In WALL PATIN'. CURTAIN GOODS, . ORNAMILNIP,: PritNORS, TASSELS AND CXIMPORTS,BEDS, PATENS SPIRAL. SPRING MAPPRP,B.9O, vibcad wudt. G o altwatou of INltrlo7to Dole ItrUi varied stock. apV6ixid SEIBERT, I'RAcrwei, UrtIOI,STIRER, J No. 100 Third Strut, rfittbargh, • ' Mann Wilmer and dealer In CURTAINS, (=NICK DANiKimAnEsnha MAIMS, HATTRASSRS,COMVORTS, CUSIIIONS,4c. Particular attention paid to Steamboat work. Carpets fitted and Ida to ont, tarrklyd iou - 5............................. T. B. 'YOUNG .4 CO./ 111.1.114TACT1M23 FURNITURE AND CO Of Every Deseripti.. PACTOELY-:.Thierat StAdwet" WYgi 4 Warekome—Nos. 3B & 40 Bmi • BIN FUR STRAMB li at t 'tT °Aim W TWINITIMS AVM and g ll thaw Intaroded la turoliatlag busts. ao3CalawB .278 P 8.421 aTitEKT .10.3nsa . • irtrrt. rao Arras • •IN sviartvenirrf AND airliotris sad Stearabotits 'turn hbed WArerooms, iFka Wayne 04 deb:dimly/I .7.9.111:E8 W. 'WOOD' CABINS.? BURNITIIIi.B MA 2V Nos. 97 egg Third St., Pit W. W. RESPECTFULI: • hLo Wend! eintcsatoutets , that he 11 his =eh ot Furnitom which Lx &ellen,' 0 ever Owed ferule In tided* , ,Its he i.ll bola bia moo/width oaloosoa =taw.. 1 a.p. r . end newest dedgeg end front the extent Wilily In manntechniout. be le enabled t o ad FURNITURE nt the Wrest orlosa Ito keep. Rims oo bsotl Ow [mini variety of oral doothelidDen of Furniture, Rom the and platted, to the Runt elegant led mar, ilarA two% og soy Part dos% may Le feret•hed from Ido lotoat,or menufseturod almost, sAlatrox. BRADLEY. _ But Lutz, MAO. Mt St Char Bred prltisea Allegholl7 City. panna., BRADLug. WOOLVI KNITTING TIVI;' I.PREPA 'TO PLLL ORDERS ON ibort noon for colas or imam of Tore. am' 1 . 1 critt'igstir.=tol edam. W. 844, wuzllug,l trnaht nexpeclftarlad!elt n. share alba omen drlans. az eon. - • straw. prld for HMO Skint =I Jtaftlyd - J. WOODS' PEARL STMlollconatant- - 1 *tr on bad sad tor asla .tbs aartorolgoed. 7am4 hod osay b mama WO Ohl aoporlot atareh etslha fogad oval to oar of the =OM ham of Cant Starch la ab, for =Wait &Moats Maw Maw. sp . or Cabs. partbalar to aok* br "Woods'. Peal - 1111OLL BUTTER.--5 nkrei; me 11411-Butter ~.L.V.t4 *atm% 1 1 11 sV.- it 4 t) . ME= As ,I left Vienna lids Morning; and sailed down the Danube, I felt for the first time that my face was turned towards the lands d , the East - ~I had met .the Turk and the Arab, in their peculiar costumes, in the beau tiful and crovided 'Capital of - the Austrian empire. The long beard, - Bas nn, - theiobeilind the almost inseparable pipe,. shown Burt already twint on the bordered- a siren land; but not until the city had vanished from view rfid I fully realize - that my,long i f journey had comet need. . Scarcely, however, bad I turned from gazing the Spina ofttie. Tyrolese Alps, which were rapidly reeeding . beirind the "chi; when the vast plain - upon the' mirth of the Danube , recalled .his.. toric memories of the past. - From the top of St. Ste-. ] phen's church tower I hadlotiked out over the fields of Wagrarn, and „Ealing,' and „Espern,where .Napoleon had met the artnieriir)f Austria—l. had passed.. airing the border or the toodyhattlefieldd Wagram as I hurried from Die Fitted talirlennalnat now, as more slowly the steamer nailed upon the bosom: f, Europe's grandest river,l Burl time to recall the various conflicts of) the past. The old Romans were' in Vienna, nod near it they cocoa tered the barbarian hordes of the forth. The Turk eucamped around the city- - ; burned its: suburb. and, mended over these plains—' sc hero the grentba asfought - hetween - the House or Ilapityurg, and t a Bohemian king, *Noma, which gave strength and deur to theArritrirm dominions —and here, too, the name of NapolCon is connected with almost every - . ri er and ineuntain- On the island tt.i4 of Lobes, Napoleon's , forces were almost. besieged, until by a skillful neumeterre he deceived the Arch duke tlliatiore-rpassed hi t S;antry of 180,000 men in a single night over - the river, and gained asignal victory over his. enemiea.. ',Nig - Cr - did I ab fully estimate the grandeur of the genius and the magnitude of the labors of the French Euiperor is.sincet:have rambled over Europe. Other warriors tunnel& of glory,-bit they. were -limited. Napoleon has left his impress almost every where; and there is not a house where he todgedra maintain he climbed, a city he visited, or an article of raiment ithich he wore, tluit has not to-day a charm on that account, in the ,mtimation of thei ma.wes of tie people. • - . . - In some; respects the Danube resembles the hif.*36-' sippi. it is not's° large, it is true, but for many miles it has low banks, which only:by rnia'd levers protect the country from overflow, and it is changing its chan nel tom year to- year. The soil through which it flews is a light-colored sand or gravel, in which gold is round, and in kestrel places -to-day I noticed men at work_washing out Ithe precious grains. When I in quired of a Germ as to-the richness of the Mines, ho replied that mac geld . was thund; .brit, giving his ahoulderin pecan , shrug, said that it di went to the Emperor. Occurs' redly the hills 4proach . close to the river, and re d one-of some of the most beauti ful spots on the 'near on the Hudson. The latter, -in its pleteresq highlands, only needs the ruins of old castles,and turreted walls, and the grandeur of historic associati ro, to rival the prondert of European river scenery. ere the mind is carried back tiro thousand Years. On that elevated bank on the meth is Petrone% sup osed to been the site of Comer tam testroyed , y the fierce Attila. Then under the shrub ()Rho overhanging height are the warm springs which Ithe Romans - called Aqua Pormoniece, and in the waters of which they bathed; and at a little &dm* arerrunp built by Roman hands, and en w ich the Turks d'Aistilana . had .blorody combat& ', at the glory of alto li pastovenduidows the present. Ages of warfare, violence and distraction turned the hide of theireople from the development of the reso roes of the country, and the eitablishmeator the v ous in ill stitntiona of civilization. How strange isscene coitirmted with , . America. Here is a. river. almost rivaling our °wry - Mississippi-7W napalming e Ohio tl; —known to the world for two thousand years-41e scene of, some Of th e grandest events in histone record =and yet its ;iaters roll on almost ft ',rough a waste land. Apart from - the old castles riow in rains, and apart from the vicinity of a few large cities, there is more appearance or improvement between Dubuque and St. Paul than between Vienna, with H 8400,000 inhahltents,,terd . Pestk with . .its surroundings of 160 - ,.: i • 'There are now belie:diens of awakening life. Near- ly thirty • years ago two Englishmen placed on the Diumbir the first steamers. But such were the diffi- ditties attending - the enterprise that it was about to be nbaedoned. A company was, however,- formed _at Vienne by the exertion .of .two, ,nobleixten, and an ex,, 'elusive charter obtained , from the Austrian govern ment, greeting to them the sole right of steamnaviga tion for some - twenty . sestra 'yet .to come._ This com pany has built a large fleet of steamertnere than 100 vessels--and is at once aiding in developing the resources of-the country -and_ enriching themselves. The, price of passage from Vienna to Galata—about as far as from Pittsbunih:to Evansville- 7 4s fifty dol lars. A number of beats of peculiar contraction are also seen 'upon the river,;disigned for carrying grain, wood, &e. These float down the current, - but - up streent - are - drawn - by horses, - as our canal boats I have seen: number with ropes which appeared from a fdrrth to a halt'of motile long, drawn by from 20 to 30 horses, drivennleng the . bank. : i ~. 'The first place at which 'oar steamer , tooched was Hai burg,—and. here was furnished anciample of A ,'n legielatien. The town is a vast tobacco man ' a:dory, having,.out of a population of 5000,. i a Some twebre or fifteen hundred Imndsemployed by the government No eitizeni.or...kustria is allowed to grow tobacco, except. iu Hungary. It is purehased, manufaeturedua . sold by the government, and on all the little tobacco shop in Jiro Austrian cities you will -ace the royal arms and the sign 4•11.8.. - Tdialt7Fabrfir," or "imperial Royal Tobacco manufaCbary.'.' ~The town shows considerable; activity, and at its wharf a. number of boats were tjtilg... It is further interesting as the birthplice of the celehrated Haydn, the beauty and grandeur or•ithose Streinenrperial monopoly . . could appropriate. In-the vielni I also noticed OW of those, conical earth mounds whose origin is lost: in mystery. I had aeon - -them on the Ohio, and then we knew theY were:connected with. Sepulchral pdpotee; I had -.examined them 9u the Upper .Idiashmippl, hut no Indic* legend could say when they werebnilt; I found 'the* hi Norwayr7curd:bows, flint darts and I axes like. those in Amerlea were found theref I had Climbed over, them . in - , largo,one is in the Irehmtl--rs tai vicinity of . frugh .Neil t lion attributes ir their rigin'tothe Danes , yet anti 'miens think they . stalked Jong beforei, sad here I fowl them on the Datiube,and, as in i all _other pltrees„ histery is silent as to their origin; 'and the - interrogated citizen, to 'ell inquiries, simply replies, "Ich weiss tricht:' .- . , • Tinning from this town or Tobacco ; the bold rock 'whichrisesfrom - the river at the month of the March totems:el the -approach 'of Hungary. !The ensile of Theban, WhieltMlltiltift 0:9 Ole ftrtlMP 51*Pgilt: 1 Insurance .7S fourth et, , tuns Insur, 1 - tipbolisterg. Surntture hfield St. lITURE--Wo %MAT CABIN [the attention of 4001Q0 'a 00. P 6ILASRS. .bore notice. Pittsbargb. 11:77.1 cr 071 ER isburgh. INE'OEMS icinst comptstwi imbuireet, andbed Menalued to apr =lll , l if FJ~, warrika.l- .. ...... I).itit..:E)-ii.....0:_,...:..0_#,2',et.t.e._ im. tlL MUM:ED D Y AND WEEKLY Int 8_ • 24x 3a. I. 1 3 AV C? CD- , • rata . AD 611V101213.. - 4WWIITEDAILYWAZ TTBirthcoldntlirearipar , in at Wes; and hatinf em =le re cirradatirm intomapabastarus own, end reschwg all dams, is. offers inducements lo carer. tin+, as the t, e a sluaami through which to reach Nepali. , JILW-TIES WEEKLY GAZETTE is issued every Wanes. &Wend Eattr , do; on a large blanket egret, and contains fa sualiams to thi now of tbuweck, a. carr