x. ..p.LLSOt.~~i3IDL' S. RIDDLE & EDITORS d PROPRIETORS _Dz.= 8331714. Gi3a BATIINDAY MORNING, NOV. 7, 1867 auDING lams on KAM ?JQI of in pArza. Tue TIMMS AXD re listesearess—There has been less complaint of and greater pressure from the hard times upon the newspaper than upon any other business in the community. Mer chants, when therm, hard up, suspend and go on until they are able to resume : lawyers with pen behind ear and inkhorn on the mahogany, grow superfluously fat alt the woful leanness of other humane daring such acommercial embargo and financial imbroglio as the present: doctors tee fees and get them from those whose anxiety of mind produces disquietudeof body: even the clergy, raised above the storms of time, have more attentive hearers and more heful con verts from the ranks of those who le an in such times how unstable are all the things of Hie world : that all here is shadow, and that all beyond is substance. Manufacturers curtail their expenses, shut down their mills or work halftime ; in short nearly all the veriousranke and conditions of life are able to trim their sails to the storm and by reduci4 expenses eke out their income. How is it with a newspaper? Are its expenses lessened? It is possible to reduce them perhaps five per cent.. by stintingtheir pages and reaping aharrest of complaints fromliose who think that type- letting costs nothing, but one may safely say that the expenses of a newspaper cannot N., be reduced to any considercrable extent, • let what may occur in the money-market.— But, advertisers! the first untoward blast scatters them like chaff. To your tents, oh, Israel, is ,the cry; the advertising is the very first thing they eschew! they demand; how ever, faithful accounts of all that is passing in all parts of the country; must knew who has failed, what's op and what's down; the price of corn in London, the latest news from Delhi, the result of the races, and the returns of elections. Indeed, every public commotion, be it far or near, demands its record; the record costs the newspaper the cash; the public will read it, but -- the great source of supply—the advertisements —is dried. up. In fact, it really costs a news paper more in one respect to keep fully rip with the times, when, as at present, its receipts are less, far less, thanin times of general prosperity. The paper having the best advertising patron • age, costa the least sum of money to its proprie tors, and the times that yield - them least, de mands the most of them, in the way of pecuniary disbursement. This is hard. When we reflect for a moment, how necessary to the community newspapers have become, how they are the me dium of almost every matter of interest and are recognized by the people as such, we feel as if they had superior claims to support and coun tenance. Let us imagine for one moment the conditiott - of this country, provided that every newspaper In it should shut down its press for a whole week I What would all classes of citi zens do I how could they bey or sell intelligently unless indeed they procured private dispatches in some way from the leading markets. A week's supply 'of news in that way would cost more than is given for a daily paper in a year. Tet we supply them all the markets, through thick and thin, in good as well as in bad times, bear ing all the while at second hand the burdens of a thousand patrons who are "too poor" to ad vertise at the very moment when they most desire to sell. The subject: enlarges upon us so rapidly that we cannot treat it further at pre sent, and rest here content with these few general hints aPthe hardships of newspsperdom in these hard, hard times. TEM PANDEITLVA3T/A ROAD AND THY COMMlS sioNzas.—The Pennsylvania Road, if we rightly understand the purport of a published note from the President, has demanded from the Commissiours of this county $BO,OOO, to pay the semi-annnal interest on the bonds of the county issued that road, being the demand on the ground that the road has paid that amount Into the county treasury over and above what it agreed to pay. In other words, it originally agreed to pay 6 .per cent. per annum on its stock, but has, daring a year and a half past, paid dividends at the rate of B per cent., the county's altars. of the dividend, within that time, otter deducting the interest on the county bonds, .being $30,000; and this sum he calls upon the county to return. Why should this demand be made? It has not been made upon the other stockholders, and why one stockholder should be called upon to refund $30,000 of dividends previouslyreceived, while all the other stockholders are allowed to retain theirs, does not seem clear to us. It strikes us as a rather cool proceeding upon the part of the road. and one difficult of explanation upon any ordinary built of reasoning. The Commissioners, we notice, by a commu nication in yesterday's Chronicle, decline to comply with the request made by the road, and offer to transfer the stock of the county to the bondholders upon a surrender of the bonds. If the bondholders are wise they will accept the offer. A CLEARING Hocsa.—The seeendseetion of the Relief Law, imposes upon all our banks the duty of publishing weekly reports after Jan. let. It reads as follows : "That, in addition to all statements and re turns now required by law, each and every bank in the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Allegheny, shall, on the first discount day In January next, and weekly thereafter, and every other bank in this Commonwealth, on the same day, and monthly hereafter, make up a statement., to be verified by the oath or affirma tion of the President or Cashier thereof, showing —first, the ampmt)f its loans and discounts; second, the amour — l, of specie in the possession of and owned by such bank, in distinct items ; third, the amount of its notes outstanding ; fourth, the amount of deposits, including indi vidual deposits and balances due to other banks, Which statement shall be published in the next succeeding issue of a newspaper of the county in which the bank is located, or if there be no newspaper in such county, then in a newspaper of some neighboring county." In connection with weekly Bank statements grows up, as we think, the necessity of a Clear ing House. The Pennsylvanian urges the estab lishment of one in Philadelphia, and we cannot do better, in urging the same thing upon our banks, than copy what it says : "This plan has been tested in New York, and found to work moat advantageously in all re spects. The settlement of balances, the meet ing together of Bank officers, the interchange of opinions, and the control which this Clearing House system exercises over all the institutions which are brought under its influence, all act in • healthy manner upon the Individual Banks, and make their directors careful not to overstep Lbw bounds which aro prescribed alike by law, and, mercantile prudence and foresight." Onto.—The official vote of Ohio, which we publish on our lint pegs, shows that Gov. Chase has polled 18,934 more votes than he got two years ago; when he was first elected, notwith standing the aggregate vote is so light. Be is the only man who hos been elected Governor of Ohio twice in succession, within the last twenty- AVO years, and be has received more votes at this election than was ever before cast for a Governor in that State. Tna Monongahela Republican alleges that the Fillmore men go over to the locotooos in prefer ence to the Republicans, because the Republi cans have abused them so much. But it happens that the looofeeos have abused them more than the Republicans have, and there is therefore no force in that allegation. Tail suspended °pantry' banks of Pennsylvania hare all, as farnsweeanlmarn, accepted the terms of the Relief Law. Those of Phihulelphia and Pittsburgh haring done the same,• the law is now in fell operation. Iswi the genteriditynt kings and conquerors, Frederick the (crest - had ■ most philosphic in dlffwence to death—ln others. In one of his battles a battalion - of 'veterans baying taken to their heels, he galloped after them, bawling ou t , "Wh y do you run away, you old black guards? Do you want to lirefOreeer?" ItILLILF &thiliTT OF ii.T.LEOLIBIig--Tile =peva I "Lottrrs. =Kiel meeting of -ladies' Relief Society was Bier vonsne•• or V. enknese of witty kind. held in Excelsior Hall on Tuesday evening the ' If any of onr male, Art trOUllitA or 8 d; HOF. Dr. McLaren in the chair. I Weskit... of ass land. 11,4.7 ohooltl procure a of The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. mutts% rs Wit-LAND IttrrEm. Wo Lave tried It. Dr. Pittner, after which the Reports were read slat rrn r..omteraa ""nfid"!' ,- ° gang al • nu....tiostantaneoun nterprf,. by Mr. H. E. Davis, and. adopted. sireots,,t pmr bottle, or din tl-o for 15, by Ito pro. Rev". Dr. Jacobus then made a very interest-1 teieters.llEN.l. PAC1R..1... CO.. nanotarlorlng Mama. in g address, followed by some remarks by Drs. , Mt i cstesold Pro , :=l McLaren and Plumer. The subscription book ' Was opened and $332 50 were subscribed. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Preston. The following list of managers were ; elected for the ensuing year : Pruidatt—Nßs. Bowsaw. Vice Preridini—Mar. Da. TREVOR. . Rigretary-,-MRS. DA. 111CLARLN. TreasureT—MNA. R. B. HATS. Mrs. Ilussey, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Breading, Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. John Irwin, Miss Anderson, Mrs. F. R. Brunet, Miss Wotring, Mrs. Kramer, Miss Tassey, Mrs. McCogue, Miss Warner, Mrs. Dawson, Miss Herron, Mrs. Eichbaum, Miss Morrison, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Dr. Dale. ANNUAL REPORT. Another year of life, with its varied scenes of good and ill, has gone into the past; and we are again called upon to look back and review our exertions for the relief of human suffering, since our last annual meeting. The association has successfully prosecuted its work, and we are enabled to review the past with some consciousness of having done our duty according to the means at our disposal. Sympathy—practical sympathy—with our fellow creatures who suffer, and aro poor, is prompted by that better nature within us which is not of lour fashioning. 'Me who the lily cloth. in simple glory, Ile who cloth hen the ravens cry kr fowl, Math on our hearts, with hand luvughie, In signs mysterious, written what alone Our h.rta may read." And it is a happiness to respond to this silent, tender voice of our kind teachers. to confirma tion of the fact that this feeling pervades all hearts, the Managers acknowledge with grati tude the promptness and energy of the gentle men who have collected fonds during the winter. The treasury has been constantly replenished, and the relief from anxiety in regard to finan cial embarrassment has much lightened our labors. We have thus been enabled to make up, by partial supplies, what the patient toil of the in -dustrious and deserving laborer could not ac complish; and in many cases, where sickness not only incapacitated for labor, but added largely to the expenses of families, they have been sustained, till returning health rendered them once more independent of our aid. The want of fuel, food and clothing appeals directly to the senses, and it is a pleasure to be able to supply such necessities and bring temporal com forts into the homes of the destitute. But there is a more startling necessity and a deeper pov erty, which in many ti sad instance we cannot reach, and from which we have' to turn away with hopeless sorrow. We have entered homes where lqette. -Wrath and hate, and drunkenness, and Cruel hat, leagued their base bands, t. trout Out life and truth. and scatter WOO Where Heaven would Tale have pLvdted joy;' where the fruits of crime resting like an incubus on parents, have become the inheritance of their unfortunate children. Lost to virtue and happi. ROSS themselves, such parents have no right to claim obedience from their children. Home in stead of being a sanctutry and a resting place, becomes a den of pollutibn. Through the exer tions of some members of this society, quite a number have been rescued from impending ruin, and placed in the House of Refuge, where we hope by the judicious training they there receive, they may yet become a blessing to themselves and to society. In comparing the disbursements of this with the previous year, we find the amount of seal less, of food nearly the same, while of clothing and shoes we have given more. This is as we would have it. We prefer to give the means of appearing decently and thus maintaining self respect. A well dressed person can more readily obtain employment, and we may safely judge those who are totally indifferent to personal appearance to be either indolent or vicious. The following is an account of the distribu tion of articles during the past winter 6020 bushels of coal, 3381 lbs of flour, 44} bushelsof corn meal, 27} gallons of molasses; 45.1 Ms of sugar, 48 lbs of coffee, 25 lbs candles, 77 Its of soap, 60 Ms of rice, 68 qts. beans, 101 lbs of tea, 16f pecks of potatoes, 8 bbls crackers, 56 lbs cotton, 1 bbl oatmeal, 1 peck dried apples, 1 broom, 2 tbs thread, 1 gross buttons, 510 yards muslin; 108} yds. red flannel, 3151. yds. canton flannel,lolf yds. casinett, 10641 yds. calico, 162 pairs of shoes. $9,45 were given to mana gers to purchase sundries. A resolution was passed to give some assist ance to the Industrial School from the Society's funds ; accordingly they received $lO in money, 70} yds. calico, 411 yds. muslin, 10 yds. canton flannel, 3 papers needles, 1 gross buttons, 2 doz. spools thread . ' A number of other articles were donated to the Society and distributed, and some of t' , ls Managers have handed in a list of their own private contributions. There were 177 gar ments—mostly new-7 shawls, 82 pairs stock ings, 9 sheets, 5 comforts, 7 blankets, 3 quilts, 16 bonnets, 73 yds. grey flannel, 48 yds. red flannel, 581. yds. calico, 41 yds. casinett, 15 bbls flour, 2 lbs coffee, 3 bedsteads, 2 tubs,2 smoothing irons; 3 sauce-pans, 6 chairs. 1 table sod $76,45 in money. The operations of the past year have been productive of manifest benefit, and we are en couraged to prosecute our labors with renewed activity and diligence. God's spirit has directed the hand of benevo lence to furnish 'us with means, and his provi dence has indicated objects demanding relief and assistance. The sudden and severe embarrassment which has come upon the country may render practical charity more deficient, but it renders it also more necessary; since the cause that brings inconvenience to many, brings privation and suffering to more. The experience of this Society three years ago, when sufferings from scarcity and consequent high prices of provisions, occasioned an increase of our means three-fold over previous years, en courages the hope that liberal contributions will flow into our treasury, which, from present ap pearances, is likely to need them. With prayer to the merciful Giver of all good, without whose blessing we cannot hope to prosper, we enter on a new year's toils for the good of the poor, hoping that we may diffuse some gladness into sorrowful hearts, and by la bors of love bring some tribute of praise to the txvieur who went about doing good, leaving us an example that we should follow. TREASURER'S REPORT. Maxi .1. Mrs, in account with the Ladle Anneiation for the Relief of the PO, of Allegheny. Oct 7. MO. To Collection at tho Annual Steethot• -8 6t6 Oct. 83857. To .obxriptloneao the Gentlemen... book to dote To Renerat .bacriptioos to dote. To Yin. 50pt.17,'57 To proceeds of o Poir of a Juverdle Sewing Society of Alleihruy .... . Ck 4 8,1856. By Expenses of Annual Blasting $ 225 006.8,1857. By Cash paid for Cool to data 356 52 By Cosh paid for Dry °sods to dots... nl 40 By Cosh paid for Grocerits ... 199 09 By Caah paid for Shoes't 147 71 By Cosh paid out by the 3Lan0g0r5...... 14 11 By Cash donsl.l to Industrial School.. 10 00 By Cosh paid Bonton a 00 Balance on deposit. 45 39 MARRIED.—On Thursday Nov. 6th, by Rev. Wm. Preston Mr. J. It. VANHANT, of Pittsburgh, to Mies ELIZA, Asugh• ter of 0. W. Johnson, Esq., of Allegheny City. DIED—On the afternoon of Thursday, woo. oth, at four o'clock, JAMES DUFF, mad nyeara The Mends of the family are incited to attend at 10 o'clock me (Friday)mouniva, Dina the neeldonce of hie eon- In-6w, R. 11. ILlng,on Witehlngton etreet, Allegheny City. • Tun Pru. Tnees—Who Could dream of the mag nitude such an undertaking as the manufacture of a Purgative Pill assumes when it comes into gener al use. And how painfully do the following num bers speak of the amount of human sickness and suffering, that little morcol of a remedy goes forth to combat and subdue. Dr. J. C. Arun, of Lowell, manufactures in his laboratory forty gross per diem of his Cathartic Pill., through nil the year.. This is eight boxes a minute or one dose a second. We thus find over 43,000 persons swallow this pill every day, or 1,290,000 a month I Physicians, think of that 43,000 patients a day who seek relief from the medi cal skill of one man. Surely that man should be, as he is in this ease, 000 of the first intelligence and of the highes character. His occupation entails upon him a fearful responsibility for the weal or woe of his fellow rout.—Painsville Courier. A? CRAM. IL &MIMI DRUG STORE, Tott ein get gown orery variety of PERFUMERY, Tor BANK or ENOLISD.—"The old lady of Threadneedle street" has put up the rata of dbesount to 7 par cent., we learn by the Baltic. Speaking of Threadneedle street, naturally suggests clothing, and clothing, in tuns, puts one in mind of the seasonable fact that one of the finest stocks in the world of gar ments for gentlemen and youths, is to be found at the Brown Stone Clothing flail of ltockbill & Wil son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestiut Wrest, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Tea Custom Department of, Carnagban'a Tailoring Fateblisbment, Allegheny; 'has been rendered at tractive to the follower' of fiuldon by the peculiar style and taste with which the cutting. is executed. Added to this &stare of interest ix a full variety of mat piece goods for men and boy? wear as exhibit ed at once the newest styles of the mason. Cub buyers will And the price' faverr.blo ~ ~_ For Dear Persoust.....V.r.rric -Wan - tn.—These aaway 'invented leatrnmenta that enable the deaf to hoar In apite of deaf:tee, are In advance of anything yet known, or likely to become of any real eerrlee to deaf permons. an. ofan artificial dram, the power of hearing la affected, and all the cltcurnstances that attend trumpata and tubes, are entirely dlepensed with. They pan worn by bide, so as not to be perceptible to other", and arc hardly fult when worn. Apply to uot).dork' Dr, O. U. HEYBRIL 140 Wood t- Candor compels no, sett. n ronstilering the wants Of tho afflicted, to recommend that .which Is beet known and tried, and to recommend Dr. J. llostetter's Colebrated Stomach Bitters, would only be adding to what has already bean heralded far and wide, not only by a few Isolated ter tifluttes, but by the people of the land, endorsed by the phy sician. and the press, that Hostetter'. Bitters hove no equal in restoring and Imparting health to enfeebled men. and children find this medicine invaluable in many of their ills of debility, to which they are so art, rop.cinliy Bering the .rettner season: In such elan it ehould bo token inn:tali quantities before meal.. For aide by Draggles and dealers maternity everywhere, and ITOSTEITER it :0111'11, :ID Penn et rellalswT A retired Clergyman, restored to health in a tow day., after any pn - lot - great nem me nntTering. I. aux tom to make known the means or cure. {VIII mewl (free) tho proseriptlnnilne.l. Direct tho Roo. JOGS DAGNALL No. ISO Fulton Groot, Brooklyn N. V. oc.kamooda3turrl. STYLE M'CORD & CO., No. 131 Wood St,'nnt. 1101: ANT cratlrn rnr F HAIR, TOOTH, FAIL BRUSHES, &0., ate., to To Nervous Sufferers GENTS' II E?:A II A GENTS' ?(AFT BOYS• FANCY CAI'9. FATCY lIATA. LADIES' lIAT. me.l.ltf VANDEVER & FRIEND, A T 0 RN SI S AT L. A W VCD SOLICITORS IN CHANCERV, S.. 5, Mini, 131,k, Pednoep, EMM=SIIM Wilt attend to the purchase told SJIIO Rral E.tate,, tabling Money on Bonds nn.l Morttratto. v•lfc W. crizEfo - .v..: MA.I , 7T.TFACTIZTIZERS, cbrn, Pa, and ' , ono" AVred, fl kA Ward, PITTS It 1 . it u, A . Manufacture awl oak tic, ut the Ilona of NAIL KEUA, wt. h they ...II at th, latoca market ;wire,. 414-Contrarta arc reapactfully ageing. All work wan ranted of the best quality. H. C. lILNIAN & CO. N 0.75 Fourth St root, Pittsboralt, GENERAL INSURANCE. AGENTS AND Insurance Brokers. 001011.0 COITAL lITAIALONITT .tap.o.oo. Llfo, Flrt, Varim and Lire :tork Risk. , 4 .11 ,lencrlp. tio , n+ taken nt enrmnt nit... In thy In wt rt. 1, 1 ,10 and prompt pnyinc rompaniewo in the • -- Pittsburgh Variety Works SONF.S. CO., (Someasoro. In Warwick, A lterbory A C,.) Mannfzetnrorsof ILlght. and WI Ilmnl Door L. IC k., Spring, Drop and' Thumb Latrhea. Platform and l'onnt , r t•ralra, Corte, Corn and Paint Mtn.. and Dmon,ll , flar.Dram mm.r. ally. cla-ner Wnt, and t:rant ,tr. ta, PittAngh, Pa. Ja22,lydfc A. A CARRIER & BRO., PittAurgh, General Insurance Agency, No. (13 Fourth Street, PITTSBCRGII. PENNA. C.ravanio , 11101 , ..t 4.atvlittg Chant red by Peria.yl7allu awl orb, Ftr., )tara,. and Lif,, it mks tAkerr of all dr , serlptiont A A CARRIER, Jyl.klvtllc S. A. CARRIER. 1.3 A Wh3 CZ. L 7 Y. Ilan•e,lllgri wort Orniunentst Paltit•re, AND CRAINERS, 'White I ...Nod and Zi no l'aintri. Also, iiII kiii,ll of Pllnlt4,l l th, Vat niSbel. Itru.h,, 144 11%.4 Street, tv;.• inammul £L'y. un.Mlydfc Pittsburgh Steel Works. JONrt.S. ROY Sr CO.. Nfiumfacturrn. of 'CAST STEEL: al.o. SPIII NO. PLOW and A IL STEEL, SPILT NOS el.nd ALES, (Liner rr.u.lnd Ts7f retem - rg'i, r 4. title .11A1:1 ... .... nB. ROJU.S. I). 13. 13.0G1Eti.S & CO, DIVICFACTVIIEAI Or Roger.' Improved Patent Steel Cnltivntor'reeth, Oven. Eon and First ..`?tre.e.t.i, fittiburet, Jut2lldit• . . MERCHANT TAILOR. (Dr. ItlAki• !(:,•ur 11•111 , 11.4.) JOIIN COCI-LIZA_N e‘r. ittls, Iron haling, Iron Vault. Or , Vault Doors, Window Shnitera, Window.loartis, ;Vas, PI Sennvi .Strret and , 5 T/nrd inet , reen IVout and )I.rk• PA., 11,. L.. 1,0.1 a 'variety 'of !Irv, I'artruu, fancy and plaln, Ijr all parram ular attend. 0 pal,' to ea. among Gras, Lo/a. Joiddng don, at abort n”llre. JOHN THOMPSON. ltb LIBERTY STREET Enropoan and Intelligence Office, Knops alwar. anln Draft. nu turove Pr any annwast. .1d atennier aunt Packnt Ticket, ntnl fi , sm 1.1•Yrpool lt, New York. . • . Girls for rooks At guneral b.:we-m.4k furnisht..l 1.. hoo.ltet..pers on short con,. Wright's Indt. CeachsLic Pills Rod Fy rup always ..hh.sntl. Passengers brrrrght front Novr York an.l Phtladripille on rallroo.l to Pittsburgh. NAT: .51. - RINICI.I.A.ICE, 11, , ,VTICTIERS AND ...RS IN All kind■ of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, More recently taken the building No 129 Wood street . , In addition to their Manufacturing tdstablithmont. So. 43Trtrin slyer, where they rdl 1. ploaseJ u, reacire their (muds, ap27.lydfc - . - PAYNE, BISSELL & CO., DAWDrACTDDLILD or Cooking. Parlor alai Heating STOVES, Grates, Fronts, Fenders, etc., And M an 0 [groin, rrg of the e I sated CAPTPA.L. COUIiING ItANGF7., NO. 03.5 LIDE.RTY STREET. r.i. J. 1%1. I.,1"1. - FI,117. MERCHANT 'TAILOR, N. 54 St. Choir Strent, (ler.l6.ll'n Nes Building.) Pen:ILIUM/11, PA. en.10:13,10. 111oLtATIGIII .IN, atamorsistass OF Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil, dallidlyie Nos 108 and ITO Senind.A7rret. GICORGF. w .1c NI - A. 2.7, • Manufartnrer and Dealer In all kind, or TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, A ND LEAF TTDIFS.A..CCO, nerner ef Alnithfir/d Strret and Stamm! Alley, oc..llyre PITTSBURGH, PA. 5. D. WOOD 5. WOODIIIL/D 0 I. 11 . CLIANt WOOD, MOORHEAD & CO., IDADDIACTIMM 07 41i_raerioan Galvanized Sheet Iron, And Sok Agenk for Sot SIG of W. Dram Wpm'. Patent Imitation nutlet& Sheet Iron. ALSO, Galvanised Corrugated Iron, for /FO-IVarabouse—/Ve. 131 Peon! Street, Teltuburph. JaalelydAvrfeY Erscrmir H. COLLINS. Forwarding and Commission Merchant, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, And Produce Generally, d&wF No. 2.5 Mod Stmt., PithrbvrgA. AIRI-Cansvolmito's Won Dn.— Within a nut shell oil tbo merit. Ile, Of CrModern's never eqnalled Dyo: Red It makes black, to brown traneforme n grey, And keep. the fibres always from decay. TM, mate,blesartaitallzlng flair Dye roll bolds Its poet Goo as the twat hart:Gem and eMmtione Hair Dye In the world. Sold wholesale and retell by DR. ueontlK 11. KEYSER, N 0.140 Wood Wow; .45 Ellstn of the Golden !tartar. DR. KEYSER'S &GELDER BRACES--FYOM Pittsburgh Dispatch, dprli 10th, 1850,—For snore than 8 years past we have constantly worn the Washington Pas ponder Dram, mantaliktured by Dr. Om. 11. Keyser, of No 140 Wood street, in this city, and would heartily mons mend It to all who are compelled to follow aaedontaey accts. pation. As we tune before remarked,' in enOlog attention to Its mertta, It answers for a brace cad suspenders, the weight of the paritaloons being.° placed as to continually tend to bring the shoulders to their natural position and er nand they hest, Women, huudredsof whom ere annually injured by the weight of "skirts," should also procure these brume. De particular ha procuring the kind mentioned, as many of the braces sold are humbug. Sold at Dr. GEO. lIRYSEIVS, Wholesale Dreggist. 140 Woad rest.. .lan of the Golden Morn, atalkona Ahr-Tacans rot rue Ccne or llama oa Roma., at prim varying bur two to thirty &liar. Abdominal St:Ppm - ten of every. kind. Spinal Prop for ennuture of the spine. Shoulder Brace. of ever kind. Buspeneory Bandage., improved varieties. Pile Props, for the rapport and cure of Pike. Syringes, male and female, all elm.. Breast Pumps, an extensive amortment. Naming Dottie, and Artillcial Niigdee, lataet Improve Mat.. New Cupping Apparatus, a great Improvement ores the miming gleam.. Magnetic Machines, snootier kind,lo • neat box. DR. KElfgETt la also agent for KNYSEIII3 Marsh's Radical Care Sold at Truss, which tumally eons cams of RDaN. pture in Ida menthe. Wholesale Drag Store and Trim Depot, ae23 140 Waal street. sign of the °Olden Mortar. Ir you value your teeth and a °pure breath, toalthy mown, end comfable tbooth, to KHYBER'S, 00 Wood hod loots Pown•troot,cs 11. d boy • twttl• of Wllll Tod= Wide • Toorn.totts. is instantly cured by ofew drops of Ttr.licyser'• Tooth Atha homody. Itropuod and fold o dre je otoro ICZYWKII, 140 Wool .4 . Sian of the Goidee Hotter. MEIEZNaIMI=IMMEI 9p c~a Aottrett. LEA sc -PEELRINS' Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce, PRONOUNCED u RXTRACT W 01 , A LETTER FROM ONLY flOon ,Aver, 0 bs To his Brother-at And applicable to 14 WORCESTER, May, 1.41. EVERY sl "Tell LEA k PERRINS that "I their Saner I. highly esteem. VARIIIITT tri ed in i t n on i tVet Ipara't w te mp te OF DIME. well as the most wholesome . the that Is rowle." The only Medal awarded by the Joe of the New York Exhibitionist. Foreign Swam, wakohtnined by LEA di PER RINS for Mr WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. the world wide tame o f which haring led to ronnemia imitations, pm , chasers arw earnestly regtimted to 11,0 that the name. of "LEA k PERRIER" are Impressed upon the Dottie and Stopper, and printed open the Lobel.. Sole Wholesale Agents for the United States, JOON DUNCAN k SONS, -10.5 Broadway, New York. A stock ilwaye In store. Al.o, order. received for direct shipment from England. my2lyrlfes LEWIS & EDGERTON, (fiCTITISTODS TO D. T. TIODDAN s C 0..) IVIIOLESALE DK ALEItS IN ( aßclxamptims, prtoptrom AND PITTSBURGH ANUFACT UR ES, No. 101 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. noMmelte SEIWITS4a D.I.A.OI3INMS I FOR FARtLIES AND lIANFFAOTURERS. WHEELER & WILSON 31AtiltIP.ACTITRINtl CMIT'ANIt, Bridgeport, Conn.. Pittsburgh,OS Fifth Street. This Machine Stitches the Finest or Coarsest Fabric, At tho pleasen,oftho Operator, tasking with case Oe Thous and beastVtil and duralds Stitchts per Minute. altnnat notele t...lV, and era beenmlng Inilispensablo tar family ass. hifurniktiou nay be elan' Iby tuicirecsing James Etting.or ALEX. It. Agent. No. O.Y Fifth street, Pittsburgh. bialCnailTa SEWING raIACEIMEB, The great antnrtiority of SINIII-111'S At'll IN ES Over all ewers for the Clothing an Shne Manufacturers, Harnesii Makers, Carriagn Trimmers and 4 Conch Makers, Stn. long been known and reellrally fa-know ledgerl. The nndersigned having an extenille 'witty t.l them Nlncldnee 01 hand, adapted toery kind of revving and Stitching, Inkitce ththroeintorexted to ve call and exandoo them. KTR.A.w. Agent l'o Allegheny Cmtrity Pinner of Xftoad and Market Prrefs, anlOrlyd PITTSIIIIROII, PA. TllEtiE,uaut OF A.MEItICAN WOMEN —Tor maneyeain 1 horn n troubled with general IntlC/UtINIAI2II languor, lath mental and physt,l; eapriee. Iletleague., dun hentlerhe, pain In the he.' and templet, t.iii•lness and tendency to etiffnow. pulpltat lan et tine heart. Very really fluttered or excited, appetite r.lable. stomach and bowel. deranged, with pain. An, anoint or physical exertion WWI sure to bring on all the tymptoms, amt I had in tJdtitbu, fell.f.ng of the womb, and groat lain In that re. akin. One phyakten after another exhausted hie skill and gnat toe tip. nA patient and pi.reerarlng u. of NIA lI SIIALL'S UTERINE CATIIOI.i..:ON fortunately cured me end I bar.. no words sufllclent to expre. my thankfulness yin JULIA ANNE JOIINSf)N. I ran truly say that I have been a niffcrer for many years with who. and deranged metistruation. Ante a while I had other troubles, such as pale Gage, Indigestion, wanting away, general languor and debility, pain in the smell of the Luck, *nut of aching and dragging sensation, pain between the shoulder bLadie extending down the opine, toes of appe tite, trouble to the stomach and hovel, with cold hang and feet end dreadful nervousness. The least excitement would make me feel as 111 should fly away. I fried doctor, and drugs, and everything, one after another, withont the benefit.' One bottle of MARSHALL'S L'TERINE CATIIOIe ICON changed tome of my symptomsjor the better, and am now I entirely and radically cured. I wish that every woman amid know what it will du. LARISSA 011 EM. MAIUMIALL'a CTEIIINE CATIIOLICAN h. Pawed my life,. I verily believe. I tried donor, and medicine until It weniell useless' to try longer, when Lrant with a lady who recommended the Cathollirtra sostrougly that I doctor,' it my duty to try It. I was mostly troubled with dorringral men struatio. My gyruptuttl• were principally tains in the back end abdomen, treating down pain at the time of the lam.. bloating, colic, nausea cronetipatidn, feeling as if rho back and Ibutis wore brulwd or broken, eructations..l toMiting uaatety (life seemed to be a harden,) disturbed sleep, faint ...shuddering., fatlgineon walking In the morning, len, constipation, preasuro of blood in the head, ititzinen, eriprwlally wbmi stooping. great Irritability of tempw,almiat constant inclination to page water, greet restlerrone. and de. sirs to were or feel unhappy. I was trot only entirely cured myself of all these symptom., which I hare '&4,1 or an war perlect account of toy wdletings, but I hare known so Amoy others mired In our town that I feel brand to lot you know, that others whoa,. similarly situated may rioto find relief. EMMA VOSBUltilil. For • long time I had Uterine complaints with the follow. log oymptoens I was nervous. emaciated and Imitable: I seemed to *hound in compliant,. n , mo of which I will try to glee you: paln to the lower organs, nod o fooling as ifromo. thing was going to fall Cott Inability to walk much On ac count of • feeling of folios.; aching and dragging-, and shooting pato/ In the bock. loin, and nttending down the lege. the Jolting pnxitsvd by riding canned arr. pok spuoiodicatovotlng. nod pan:sin the ante, rionsech and tem. et heielecibe,tedth ringing to the cans every fiber of the body sseconal war; greet irritabillty; intense nervoiotness. I could oat hitr the lewd excitement without being proeuidad for • day; I comihl ecnrcely more about the houve, sod did not take pleavcre lu anything. I had given up bola, hoeing vied eresyttileg. as I nipper:A to rain. teat • friend railed my attention to SIMISILALL'S UTERINII CATIIoLICON. I to.nk it, bri.ing against hope. Most fortunately tt cured roe, sod there 0 note healthier or wore grateful woman to the country. I trnet all will nee It. It ly truly Um woman', blond in noed. Ilse. FLORENCE LESLIE. MARSHALL'S ['TER INN CA TLIOLICO X .rW crrtain• is, core Main of Mr Wong.. Whiter. Ruppressed, Irregular or Two/of Mrnstrelation, filoestsng, inflammation. and DU- Mlle. of Me A - 141nm or Urinary Organ., Retention or /wan • nnenre o f I Ir...ft.', 0141,1 W, Nrrraurrirr, Amt. mot. Patintal.ons. tramps. Ihsturbe4 Sleep.ond all trembles annuli< or wompalhear, eon nrcfrcl with the Vcrine orvans. The price of MARSII ALL'S UTERINE OATIIOI,7CON isme L.,Uor and a fluffy, tingle hustle. On the rempt fns doVars fire bottle. ,hall he sent ly rr. prem./me of chary, to the end of theexprecs lee particular to write the past mgt. cuLlrus, town, manly and Mote. lialguirraerre24 at Medicine. tol7/ 6e tent nn prat grate money. Addreas la. 0E1). IL KEY:IEIC. Wuatlstroel., ..c;NItrEE Flo of the Golden Mortar. W ANTED 1313IEDIATEL Y.-10,000 Dien t” engage In the sale of the moat popular a•lltng Nooks In Amulca Inrolida, Meelismica, farmers tmd Toado ors st Oiling to trar,•l, will And !Ids to be a very profitable and plemant 4,uttimena anabling tiom to ace the country, and make moony at the mime than. Agonta now intim her t• clearing from $OO4 to $1,500 per year. For full particulars and a ilst of Book, addrema 11. M. DULISON, Qnrwn City Publishing Done., 111 Main .tenet, Cineinnati, Ohl, or. If living Foot, D. RULISON, Philadelplits. intlMl,ydrerftT Partner Wanted. WANTED--A-Pnrtner in die hlnntifactur log ut DIII;(101STrTOL.0801CAltE ID 1110 COOOIiO.Y. To a person who ran command 83,000 cash, to pito the pinto 01 envoi' the partners retiring, this offers a chance eel dion nod with. .its it Is the only Factory in the Prierinces, and haring a protection of 15 per . rotit, on all Glass coming Into Conailao It has n perfect MONOPOLY. The cost of prostyle ion either Flint or Green Mast here is cheaper by 10 tar cent. than In any port of the States, font tieing ht ahmeianco at .Sl,tni per cord, and Saud Stone of the hest finality at 40r per ten. liteworks ore now in toll opt ration,naming on eh't,t,, pot furnace. Farther Int/in:nation will ha rldierfullygireii by ietilrees -114, post yell, T. 11. DICIISON, Ottawa OW. Works, sitar 51outeeni, not:llrd Canada East. HK S E.S 11 OEK IVAN TE D—A - ioud nor,. -21.... r, to go to t h.. rountry, ran obtain moody outploymont and good mg., 1.. applying at THIS OFFICF: Immodintply. WANTED—A first Miller to go to Nail 4111, Tenn. to whom liberal wage will be paid. Nona need apply who onnnol be Well rreommondocl. .17 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. • AVAl , i'r.El)--$7,000 in Pittsburgh and A lirgbray Warrants. Also, Busincsas or Accommod: Lion Paper to amount of $17,000, Rltt edge,. can be illsenan el at vary reduced rates. null B. SP . LAIN k SON. A Beautiful Head of Rich Glossy Hair COMPLETELY rarstßvED TO THE armArrnsa. nap. • • 4t- ND WHO THAT IS GREY WOULD not havwit restored to former coloror bald, hut would vo the growth restored, or tronbled with dandruff and itching _but would bare It removed, or troubled with acrofe hndckh=othe, ( r no * enfZe, b t u tro7llrbe b° ce " re7. l ll will mho remove all pimples from the fuse and etch.. Prof. Wood's Unit Restorative will do all this. See circular and the following. Ann duos, November 5, MISS. Pont,. 0. J.—Destr Sin I have heard 'much said' of the wonderful effects of your flair Rational:ire, bet having born so ofh.ti cheated by quackery and quack nostrum., heir dyes, he., I Wee disposed to piece your Rettorative in the qu ack ategory with the thousand and one loudly trumpet.' qu remedies, until I met you In Lawrence county some months semen, when you gave mo mob &Maine. as induced tie trial of your Restorative v er y family—ant by my good wife, whose heir bad become very thin and entirety white, and before erthausting OM of your Was ball., her hair was restored nearly to Its original beautiful brown colas; and had thickened and beoomo beautiful and glory epee, and entirely over the lamb she wnitinut. lc. .1.. It, not simply bead. of its beautifying effects upon the hair, hitt because of it. healthihl influence npon the bead and mind. 'Others army family sod friends are using poor Re. otoratlve, with the happlestaffects, therelbre, my skeptiebun and doubts fit reform:me to ire chassetes and Talon are en tirely removed: and Imo and do most cordially end cos& dentially rscommead Its uso by all who would have their hair restored from white or grey (by reason of Wanes. or NM) to ghtist valid and beady, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautiful and Altsr!y. Very truly and gratefully Tara; 80031011 AidiaL puns Wow It was a lonic Lig oi'ft.r i .7 7.... t Bliaw Odd before I got a bottle of Restorative for watch you gars me art order up= your agent in Detroit., and when I got It we concluded to try It On 3lrs. Mann's hair, as the eurost test Dills power. It Ines dotted' that you mound me it would des and others or m y family and friends, having witnessed Ihs effects; artnowtsingssid reco=memdlng lunge to other. as entitled td the highest conakltmdkut 'madam for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yams, SOLOMON MANN. !)aura, L.L. ; Jane Di;WU. I have 1 / 3 .1 Prof. Wad's than Daearrative, and he ro ad. mired lta won4terynt e m. c tasuss becoming, as I th4etsht, prelnatntely grey; but 1.1 the nee of bis Enter. Um it has renamed its original color. and have no doubt permanently., .•BUM. ez...Senater, U. S. 0. J. WOOD a CO., ProprieWc., 313 g".. 1 "71 r irj g r• at N. Y. win Rant. Establishment) and lid EDO, t street, EL Lon* Moe: aad aoid good ...01Ydsorier 111 BBL. WRITE • WHEAT SHARON ••• kf DALE FLOM . • 200 a Deno, /00 " Franildla ramily, Manlier MO extra Harrison ttml Proem., Anhipg nikd tee we b y (ix,t) JAMES GARDLtiEII BUCK ' HEAT BAGS, 50, 25, and 12i lb bleached mnalin ado neatly Tainted In Mere an =Mete order by • —DAVI,D O. 11E8118T, • ~ • 'Cit.Ldiati , aid IlandSta..; ELL6W SUGAR.-20 bbla Balt. Jim rreeirrd and for intle at theredueed prieal sr DAVID C. 0c23 Corner Wady and Mind rte. - 1110 t ALANC E SHEET OF THE MEIt citANTA AND 31ANUCACTL:It2:116" BANE, on the morning of November 2d. and nv nnbmitted to the Stork- 1 -holders, November 3d, LIABILITIF:9 TO sTocknounas Capital ntock Continent Fund. I'robt• nix moral,. I=l Lou ...... UM:ULU:tut! Dirith ud Lf S77'l.= Anron A. Lippincott, Wm. B. Thom., Carle* Wise, LIABILITIES TO 1)TIIE129. Wm. A. Rhodos , William Neal, • - .Alfred Weeks, Duo other Dunks t 311,RM 41 .1. Rinaldo Sauk, Chas. J.Vield, Jain P.l3lmosia Duo Depositor* 100°14 03 James P. Seitylh. Due Ciammonuamlitt , 11,1306 = ILETVIENCI. ' • • . Notes lii Circulation ...... .......... 236,490 00 Ju,lge Heath, E. D. Jobes,24.3.,ttesh. Clt. Ilk. t 40 . 17 i 30 James Blillinger, Esq., 3lmairs. Roblatou it CO-' - ' James Howard, gag., . T. Kennedy; Jr, & Co., n'1,177.400 31 , C. ii. p a wa r ia, E aq , - Walt Itampton A Cu, J. S. Lee. Esq., '' Co n aughanut. 00. I , I t tilmrgh (.1111ce,Tio. 0.3 Waters. .1 W. 11..t17.T1 , It Agent. mr2,fc W. IV. WIL- , Agent, Dubuque. . _ Merchants' Insurance Va. of Phiatntia. icm. V. PETIIT, Pre5t.........D. J. Sfee.tt:ll, Secretary. Atom:int:a Capital Stock paid to and Investecl.-.1 . 200,000 00 Surplini 63,42 313 MEANS OR ASSETA Ililin and Notes Discounted Bonds nod Mot - tones itglAing Dolma and Bud Due by good Banks and Bankers_ .. otay. or Coin In Vault . Over-draft of O'Connor, Bro. k Co., (or ahich we hold Promivsory Soto,. Bonds, Stocks and Real Estate, no value, $.215,018) Protested Checks, which tor ...... Scorns , ' Acc0unt... ......._ $1,177,40n 31 Thin Wink made o dividend of Five per cent. in NW, and Three per cent. In November, keide. adding $10.134 Si. to the Contingent Fund. I nertity that thn foregoing ntateinent of the condition of the !Unruh:tato and Mona factureri Bank of l'ittghnrgh I• Just and true, to the bent of my knowledge and Pittsburgh, Nov. a, 1a.17.—n07,1wd • NEW BOOKS AT E. C. COCIIitANES, 6 Federal Pt., Alleghony,—Life end llls,llAtry of Rey. C. 11. Spurgeon; The Oreyson Isatcrs, edited by Henry Roger., new supply; Keelson and Faith, Eclipme of Faith, Roger.. The Knowledge of God, objectively considered, Breckenridge; L'ght from the Cross, Tholuck; Lindh 31111er's Works; The Divine Life, Kennelly, Rome, Christian nod Papal; Song. In the Night, or Hymns for the Stek and Suffering: The Smit ten Faltionalta Amusement.; Memoirs of Chin helm, Some Alltmne; Weitbrecht Travels in Chaldca., Loh tn.; tilnal and Palestane,Stouley; Researches in South Lnar k+, end Asiatic Russia, noibeit; l'reeteett's Worke; theleo. to Lamartitte . .lmUnern, of England, Scotland, Spain; Walker', Menlo Exerelem The liorw. and his rider; Thn standard Wtnvo, Innobrl.na and Vol. s, in fine Celt, Stabile. and Library Elltietyr; Longfel. nme 1.10414,e0 Pt tn nu/ nth, rr. In 120 and Ton cola, I.lne and gold. I..wely 0pen,..1 a fordh supply of standard and new public:dine, In tie varlnno departments of Literature: Joys/tile Kook, 1., great variety, now Itnwnrd Carden Views of Nonni Plnnt r, with d,...crlptinns A fine. e. mortment of Bible., Psalm and Hymn 11.W.k.; Episcopal Prayer end I..ensin. in extra, antique and flexible binding.. New varietie. of Writing. loiter and Note Statlnno. ry ac. Portfolio., Al b um, Writing Desk., l'ortfnonsles, Wallets, Gold Pen., Pencil., dc, dc. The American R. S. Union, Tract Society, Pre.byte thin lined end Evangelienl Society Publication.. et enter.. vino.. nni _ TOTS C. 1111,9, I.6TTER MEADS, And every deltrription of Job hinting, plain or ornament. al, executed neatly, promptly rind at reinonnble rates by %VAL O. JOIINSTON A CO., Printoni. Binder. end Stationers, 57 Wood Ft. I. O. S. M. ogGntrnl Di - Norembe ISTI. There he a /dental meeting of the SONS OP MAL TA. this. dtattaday,) ovening et half past six. Punctual attendance la I ,, ltlewteii. rett,t. of Committee. will be acted on. Sly order the nothltelic O R.AND CONI3I AS DE R. BEANS -22 tails. extra small White Beans reed and for ade by Slllll VER I DILWORTH. no 7 130 And 132 Second 311 SACKS RAGS. 1 bbl. Flaxseed: lOU Flour Barrels, Received and for =On by SOAP -4 bbls. Country Soap for sale by as; " HENRY II MISNS. L.ARD—In kegs sale In no 7 HENRY IL COLLIN& Oysters! Oysters!! Oysters!!! TIM subseribeN are rvceiving _IL daily by gam., from Ql4, Irv , ROWE, MAHONEY k CO., itactnroal, \-) FRESH OYSTERS, in Cans, Ilalf Clam and Qinsrier (ter the bard titues,i which they offer to the public on as fair ternu as auy house in thecity, and warrant the Call or mud to the tla-nrr of Fifth and llbeed great, Pitt, burgh, or Cheraw of Tbderof and Leacoa Strats, Allegheny. N. D.—Dealers vuppited on liberal tenni., and Oysters de livered to any part of either city. nofealtdaltwE DYEIt & GLYCERINE CREAM—A never•failing o, for chopped hantle and Ito. You can procorro It fresh aotl pore at JUS FLEMING'S, uoa C.ttor Market st. and the bigmouth ONES-BEAN TOBACCO—The ne:Trius .I_l. ultra la that ltux, to be had at Lo. , Jos. FLE3IINO'S, FLOUR SULPHUR-25 bbbi. for rale by D. A. YAW:I.:STOCK t CO, nt6enravr %Coal and Pint sta. A,TENETIAN RED-7 bbls. English for urol D. A. FA lINESTOCK &CO._ E-200 Ulm. this day reed and for sale not) 11. COLLINB. T. Y .theii-300 lux,. Rochester Pearl Starch Tor ask. by nrrn HENRY It. COLLINS. UTTER-2 bills fresh roll fur sale by nob HENRY 11. COLI:INS. TMItENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES— i. Belot Ifaililar Prints 9c worth 12e Extra Heavy Plaid Linsey. lac do Mc F tho all wool Flannelsic do 29, New styli. DoLaittiot 12c do 2Zoi In Cashmeres 124 .10 tito ramble width Cashmeres. IF:t4; do 34 Rich all wool tichainew.... ....... . ....31c do 7:.e And an elegant line of Slack tot Fattcy Silks at a reduction of onixthlni from regular prima, at taxi A. A. 31ASON A C0'5.,2.5 Fifth CI. MURPHY & BURCHFIELD I=l3 Manto And sin now otrortng thorn at low priers, no FOR SALE at Public Sale at the Merchants Exchango, on THURSDAY EVENING, Nov. 12thr thaws of North American Mining Qr. of /introit, for felted for non-ricimmTment of mistoommot, ROLL BUTTER-400 fresh Ro ll But teringt reed and form!. ley GRE EN APPLES-300 bbLs. choice s..leet .l Orem Apple. in stare and for sale tai nas T. LITTLE A CO., No. 112 Second et. P OTATOES --100 bus. prime Red Potatoes In atom and for WOO by T. LITTLE k CO. CHEESE -200 bxa. Lest quality w. E. Cheese; 75 to do D. do, In along and for aide by nos T. LITTLE A CO. - V LOUR-100 bbls. best Extra Family Flour In more and for sale by T. LITTLE & CO. 13,tb3 abbrrttstmenti EIE 916414;9 3i . 6.Z 11l- 177,349 43 ,‘) EMME== CI RCM. A ltll.l. LADINO, INiTERS, I'A I . IILETS, LABELS, By AUSTIN WO3llB CO., Stock ,k Nato Brokers, No. tr 2 north St. B. W. Lem+, Atzerr. 005 I==l FLOUR BBL. 1100PS-60,000 Astilour Barrel Mani In storo and for nide by nos T. LITTLE & CO., No. 1111 Ek.cond SUNDRIES.- / NM) Ikestrax, I " Ginseng, .2 blds, and 1 box do, 10 wake feather, nun . landing from steamer Hibernia and for min LT nod ISAIAH DICKEI k CO 1 5 BBLS. GREEN APPLES; ram Button • 2 %% lam Bonn% 1 rook rotatin 4 ancht Timothy &oil; a. bozo. Chet..., !toed and for mloliy • 811111TER & DILWORTiIi nal 130 mid 1= Second street. Ak TKINS' CELEBRATED 30 DAT OLOCIRR for Counting Room and Parlor. An assortment in itosewowl lowa Olegmit patterns lust remind and for .do by J. R. REMY k CO., leSPdlf Jewelers, law 68 Fifth street. S NDRIES--10 Mule. prime N. 0. Sugar 25 bids. emitted da 15 D. Coffee do 15 a Pulverised do 10 " Orimulated do 10 " Baltimore Syrup; a) Intl We. do do , SO kegs do do bags prime Rio Coffee; 50 bokes Fancy Soap; 85 " Rada do 25 " Olive do 30 " Clothe. 11.4 Surolo Corn Starch, In store and or nolo by REIS .4 BEARER, -soli • comer Smithfield and fleamd streets.; BUTTER. -3 bxi. Prime Roll Butter ust reedetal for sale by [JERRY H COLLINS. POTATOES-50 sacks Red and White for ludo by nob HENRY H. COLLINS. STARCII-20 Bbls, Pearl Starch too Bor. Formal. by (00'2) J. P. CANFIELD. HOMAS' PATENT IERICAN DOOR SPRINIT.—TerrImry and Springs for mato by sc2.l 31. 1. EATON. 100 BBLS, Hydraulic Cement, far sale by octo .7. IL OANFIMLD. QYRUP.-10bide. Galt. Golden reoeived'and 1,7 !or war low by DAVID C. MULCT. 0r.12 Corner Liberty and Hand. at PEANUTS -15 sacks just rec'd and for sale by H. HUTCHINSON, 0c.30 No. 8 Smithfield rtreet. CHEESE -300 but. prime W. R. Cutting CheresoJwit melved mid for Die by «V_ 11. lIDTCIJRVBOY . ho. 8 timltlrCielci ea I' LI 0 L-30 bbls.W6ste4i just roc and fur al4o !,y R. lITITCIIINEION, oc3o No. 8 Smithfield ar,t. - - DEARL A.SII3OCa - slia for Palo bp i • a 12.1. IL CAIELD 1318-200 Bhls, White Louisville Lime for We by (.112) J. B. CANFIELD. TROTT'S PATENT OIL GLOBES, or Cups, foram= Engine., for —'- by M. P. BATON. OIL -10 Bbls, Extia bleached Whale ; Oil ••Llasegod 011 For lila by • (oc12) J. D. cA.NnEux S AI.,RATUS-10 Bble, a pure artiele, to _Duxes . loc112) 11.0/011rpil DEED AND CASH BOXES _WITH AND without Tray. for We by JOHN FLEILLNO` • 0,10 - : Market St. Cr. TOILET SOAPS—A largo aasortmont, of Ana Boom Brown Windsor, Boner, Almond , Froogi pawl, Old Palm Soap, tor oh at JOS. ZIMEILNO'S. frnttrartre The Manufatturers' lasi:trance Compaty Ocio No. 10 Mere Aarots'EstAaispc, PIIILADELPIZIA, Charter Perpetual—Capital $500,000. WHIL 'INSURE AGAINST ALL KLNDS OP Fire, Marine and Inland" Riskin AARON S. Lrrnscarr, Preetidern, W3l. A. RHODES, Vico Pros Mont, ALFRED WEEKS, Secret:ol7i V 0 '4l 91 7.169 00 33.995 4) 99.131 9 . "09 09 32 212 52 V. 313,4210 banes. Cargo it We. on the Ohio and Slinerisslppl Rivers and tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, sing optinKt the perils of tho Bea, and Inland No% lotion nod Tinusportallon. . . Wm. V. Pont, John C. Moutgomory,John M. Pnmroy, D. J. Aliainu, E. V. Witmer, Keno Gn bog'. L-Wool.ton, John A. 3lnrsha C11:111C, B.Wrigist, John J. Patterson, FAR - co - 0 T. Puory. :i., WIS. V. PF;TllT,Tiresidetit, E. F. IFFINER, VicerProsideut. J Dwtour J. slcilistr, Secretory. i • ItSFIZICZP. Sal t er,uer, Lamb & Co„ Pliiiiiiiiiipitia. .. Buck, IJorgati & Eti,lfol,„ do. Truitt, Bro. k Co., do. l'uoiruy. Calilwril k Co., Jo A. T. Lotto° ik Co, do. Stuirmitz.Jnetico k Co., .10., l'lTTNlttiliiill OFFICE, No. 9; WATER STREET sußdtr 11, W. POINOEXTEII, About. to Great Western Fire and karma Ins. Co., OP PIPILADEthiIA. No. 331 Walnut Street Cll/1117C6 MUTUAL _ CAPITAL *AO' ,000 FIRE LYSURANCE--I'emturd or limited, =do In 0.11 or ronntry. on every rleyrrlption or property. - r 37. AND INSUR.I.VOE, no Goods by Cantkl, Lakeetllri Land C....srtirme, to nll part. of the rninn. /11. V/.! 7.TSf'I7.4N('E. - nn Cargo sod Prelgb . t, ombria, hut Traolluprualon. O. C. I.ATIIR(IP, President. W. DA ItLINO, Vire President To.erth J. Rickel, Preretary and Trrasnrsr. IL li. Richardson, Argistsut Prrretnry. OfFACTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 4.17 Walnut street. lion. Ilenry 3Le0re,513 Walnut atreei. Alexander Whillilen, alerchant, 14 North Front John C. Gunter. firm of 'Wright, Gunter &Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Baker. John It. afeCurdy, firm of Jones, White k 31 , Ceirgly. S. S. Ilkhop, firm of Illehop, SIOIMOO• it CO. JOB. B. Smith, firm of Jae. H. Smith & Co Th.. L. 011leeplo, firm of Gillespie & Isaac Ifaxletirst, attorney and Cuinuellor. Theo. W. Raker, Ooldandth's tin t. Stillwell S. Bishop, firm oflllshop, Simons & Co., William Darling, (late of Reading,) J. , hn Rico, 90 South Front stoma. E. Harper Jeffroys, firm of Wrn. it. Brown k Co. It. W. POINDEXTER, Agent, apl6m.—ap7 97 Water street, Plttnbnrgh Farmers' and Mechanics' Incarnate Company Northwest (ben, Second and ITidnid Strada, Tbo (dinning statementothlbita tho busineoe and egad • don of the Company to Nov.l, 18618 Preminana received no Marino and Inland Rinks to NOTA, 1840 4211,684 Pint Pito:Mow 170,796 Internet on lamas- ............ ............ 8,704 47 Total receipts.. Pahl Marino Loattr Fire eni.•mees mrl I land COliartilisiong. BeAnsuranee. Isamu Premiums and =ll2= Balance remaining with Comiey $17111.057 07 The meets of the Company are as follows: Chß. City and Comity Bonds $ 16,549 16 Bailment Bonds 11,000 00 }Coot Price Tint Mortgage 11001 Mitate 113,500 00 Storks, Collateral, on etill 32,400 00 Girard and Consolidation Batik Ptoek Cs= 00 Co.,zw Sarkwilhherman, Donmn k Defened Payment 00 Stock nit yet due 91700 PD Heim for Marine Premiums 108,050 50 Due from Agents liecured by bonda. 35,370 18 Premium, on Policies recently It stied, and &hie due the Co. Balance In Banks.— smon 00 The Mani of Director% have till% day declared a DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN PER CENT, Papillae em demand on the twines% of the Company the let hutant. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Prraident Erman Ifsawrioan, Secretary. TILOS. J. UUNTElL,Agent,Pittaburgh, No. 90 Water aura MEE= Franklin Fire Dean PurieD. Adolph B. Dale, Samuel (hunt, Darid S. Drown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. CIIMILFJ BANCKEIL, Prraident. Coons. 0. DOIOIVOI4. Secretary. This COVlratly to Mae JOSIIIIWCOII, permanent or limited, on every docription of property In town and country at rates ex low to are corodetent with earinity. co un t C um pany bora ritarred s large contingent fond, which, with their Capital sod Premiums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the •Il4lllTd. Tbo Aloode of the Compiny, on January tot, IRA, oe frib -1141..1 agreeably to the Act of Asoembly, were as fol Mortgagee.-- ...... Brat Estate ..... Temt . orary Loan. each, So_. Charles W. Bandar, George W. Ric'lonia, Thorns. Mart, Mordecai D. Leeds, Tobias Wagner, $1,212.709 44 Since their Incorporation, a period rt twenty-ono years, thoy iISITO rad upwards of One Million, Your Hundred thousand Dollars Loss. by fire, thereby alTordflag evidence, of the adrantagrs of Insurance, as well its Glair ability and disposition to meet with promptnesa all liabilities. • J. GARDNER COFFIN, APIII4 &plO Mao Southeast cur. Wood and Third 4.- Continental Insurance Company. Ixcorporated 1,3 , the Leffislahme 1-4.tyrrenits, RTIII PERPETUAL A utborized Capital, One Million Dollaro,-..-.—.51,903,000 &rural arid AcumnbstrelCapitaL...-.....- • 031,54:* • HOME OFFICE. Bro. 61 Minot Sreet, oboes &coact, Phaudelphist. Biro Insurance ou Buildings, runalture, Merchandise, Be. geneally.• Marine Insurance ou Cargoes and Freights, to all partrlif the world. Inland ILISIIIIMOGO on Goods, de., by Luton, ulcer., Osman and Land Carriagiu, to nll parts of the Union, on the Omit favorublo terms, consistent with necurity. GEORGE W. COLLADAT, formerly Recardet of Deeds, he., WM. DOWERS, formerly Register of Wills, JOIIN N. COLEMAN, firm of Coleman k Rh, Im Mardi...aro and Cutlery Merchants, No. 21 North Tbtrd ../OSiPT(7)l ° T7trui m' o r f k rge l einnt k San, Coppersmiths, No. 12 Quarry stnak.PhilA EDWARD V. MACIIh'TTE. firm of Machette k Rotoad, Importing Hardware Merchants, No. 121 North TOW street, above Rem, MIA HOWARD IHNOHM AN, Arm of fAvhststert Oe., Prodoes and Cemmissloo Morcbsots, No. 7:78 Market lib, above Rigbtb, OF,OROS W. COLLADAY, Prrs!dent. Witso,r,Secretary. JOSHUA ROBINSON, Agent. No. 24 FIRS stroet4op stain) Lilo Insutance. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AV, TROST COMPANY. andheast Cbrner of lildnut and /bar/ 2. Moved, PIIILADELPHIA Incorporated April 9th, 1850. CaPitalitOelc $500,000. 0771C1018. ALEXANDER MILDER Prceident, • • MARSHALL ILENZEP, Vim President, JOILN C. RIMS, Secretary .ulActoary, JOUR B. WILSON, Tremont. nOAILD OF !ROM= Alexander Whildin Louis A. Ooday, Marshall Heaney, T. Esmond° Unmet., William P. Bolton, Ellsha Tracey, Hon. Joseph Alliaon, Thomas 8. Smith, John O. Sims, George ILlintham i „ Jonas Roseman, Ellwood Matlack, John P. Blmona. WM. . P. IRWIN, IL D., Medical. Examtner. This Corn =Mee Insurance on UM, OU mast reasona ble terra. It has been saMeniftyllY ,managed foraesami years by an experfented betted of °Moen 'sea treeteen'and trances, boo always Paid promptly Its losses, and Is every tray deserting of confidence and patronage. i It. W, POINDEXTER,. .b po', myittlGra 97 Wafer s tree t , Piturgh• Reliance' Mutual Insurance_ Company of PIiILATELPIIIA. Office No. 70 Walnut Street cAprmuyorny..-awrecs 11229,974 45—Szcznirt lansTro. Firs Ineuranca on Buildings, Marchand's% Furniture, &e. In town or country. The mutual principle combined with the security of • Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to share In the profits of the Company, without liability for losses. • no Snips Certificates of Ws Company, for profits are conrortibia at par, into tho Capital Stock of MS COTII*4I CLX.II TINGLEY; Prvaldant. D. DT. lllNCll3lAN,Becretary. Clem Tingley, Wm. It. Thornton% Samuel 'lltsphara; O. W. Carpenter, Robert. Steen,' C. ars S. hall MI Woad. M, Jacob T. Bunting, llonear, *pique, sarance ColiFpanyo, 07 PIIILADEtrIiV4; Franklin 'Buildings, • 414 Walnut etiect.'' cagssi.ss under the General Irssaran6l Law, with •• cash Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged Iplncreaaa to $500,000. Insured swam: lea or damage by Fire, Dfinit., Initind Navigation and Transportation. °mdse. . • 11. 0. LAUOIILIN, President. • ' ILICIGUID SHIELDS, Tice Preiddent. • OZOI/08.80DTT, decrotary. ! : 1 NUMBS. t , A 1 Na i nVo74 . , George Scott, * . •' • . O.' O. ißutLeg. • ! .• , i ! t a ( CH n AS toMceo e ta, anll,o acod at r! 11. 0. Lao&lin, VV. C. BtateMM7. D. Bherswood, R. M. OarlUts WADI= Ogbortm. .1.1y:lo Onlee, Lafayette Phi/adelphia Piro and .Taiib' iNaIIItANCE'COMPA , Nr,: ,7 No. 149 Chwaut Street, • ~' . OAPOSIT& THE eugTaulreirSli. al make all kinds of losuraace, dal& .P.P*. _., _Ma Ce nod, on Oary.deactiption of kffinalli a , X. 0 ....,a, z reasonable rates of womlaza. '• —_. - ' - -' '. 1 I ROBIR.T. p. KENO, Pradaest... • .., i P II W. D LDIVLY Vico President vngcro V.& Cal*'- , -, 0...g.V. Hama; E. Wilor. I, $l.l. Phalle. P. Ilaya, Znekb, P. B.,Savay. F. Buconnung,P.ret.e7 iOttranct - - . '"Entik - a Intiraneo Company, OF PEOBSTLVANLS, - - OlAws TV.' 90 Water Pittsbwrgh. —• . unto, MOT. 185;: SW* Due Bills, mak. oil • derOoFtd, wd by two Arwood W/17,800 00 and .eeco- - Ouh Pltuburgh ..... 14 Ileaktom 61, 1 / 4 490 111111 ........ 0,007 10 . • . V. 0,000:0 0 / 22 ... et,no co 300 iroo CDS Bsok. Stack— r iminni toki 7AOO 00 5)0 mw. klicStwo7 Bank Stock— do ;000, DO 87 stoves Ittnhanics' Dank Stock—Coot.----- g . C23 63 Book .I.ooourat_ 1071 Moo Ptiroitnrc • , • 00012 J. H. Elb.nbazger, W IL Simkk, John A. Cnonher, C. W.l3ntobelor. Jam. I. Comet*, Manufacturers' Insurance, Company., , Fire. Marino and Inland- Vn—No. 10 it,ixrAn rite ,Excliermye. • ranianani, July 1,1807% Notice is hereby given, that the Agency of this Company, in the city of Pittsbnrigl,„ will, until Ruther notice, be conducted by J. W. IiLARTIY.N. olhaoolonexpe-, rlento in underwriting end connection witb this Moe in Philadelpbbn, well qualities him ear car ducting ant business In • mariner that will iginegeneral satidictioa la is cot. Ugly recommended to all our yarrow, Revell se them, de. siring insurance. • A. WEEKS,• Secretary. , The Nosiness ot the *bore Company will be conducted at N 0.96 WATER Street, l'ltteloutit. anl9.dtt.c elaware Mutual Safely lusurasee Company, Inamporaird by tit fegislaturc of Pennlyira 1135. Office, S. E. Corner Third and Walnut sta., NADINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Ougo, and Pretsbl to all part. of the world. INLAND INSTRAN,AS an Orssly, by nivers,Tatuila, Lakes and Land Qatar t, to all parts or the Utdon. _ . . • FIRE LNSUR.A.YeIiS on Merrhondlto gene Ill.—On Stores, Dwelling Ilon.eo, &r. • Avets .1( the Cbmpany, NOV. 3d,1666. Sonde, Nortme9, and Beal 26tate .4101;306.94 Phllndelphls City, and other ....... 10492616 Stock In Make, Itallzond nod IneuronaCos---- 15,240 93 ....... —...-. ..... 2,59 6 INA on ..... . . —.. 21 tn , Ilabern26.l. hnpds of igents, Premium. on Ma doe Policies mently. Issued, and other debts dna the'llompany 121,956 10 Sabocrlption NOW; 100,000 00 sLulla, Joseph 11. 2.1, Edmantl A. Souder, Johu C. Darts, John B. Penrose, George 9. Lelper, Edward Darltagron, Dr. 11. tt. Ilarton, William C. Ludwig, Haab Craig, Speocer Malaga, Charles Kelley, R. Jona" Brooke, .I..o.Johnsoo, THOS. Maar LnistriN, Secretary. Pittsburgh Life, Fire and Marine 1 Office, Corner Market and Water : PITTSBURGH, PA. . ILOBT. rbe GALWAY, President. P. A. , •Ts enc Agnewßum, D, Rosen dug Pie Thla Oonspany make. every Insurance eppo to connected with LIME RISKS. 'Also, against INN and Cargo Mob, on the 'Ohio and hilealuippi fivers and, tributaries, and illaritioNbk _gist And agalnat Lass or Damage And against the Perils of the Pea and Inland Navigation and i nod at the lowed rate. consistent with safety .: all Parties. $.100,18 .. SOX= 09 .. 45,489 00 Robert Galway, Samuel !deal:Mon, Joseph P. Guam, M. D., John Soot; James 11a:shall, David Richey, Junes W. Ilallrnan, Chas. Arbuthnot. fel6—my2rely 27,474 68 --$177,12 Citizens' Ininranee Comp'y of Pitt:Mires W3l. ILIOALEY, Preaident„. SAMUEL L &MOM/ Ty Secretary. A Office 94 Meer Sirad, batmen Mule, and lifted 103.1tentres Hull and Cargo Maks on the Cido and AU: elnalppl Riven, and Tlibutarte. itirlmoarea against lose or damage by Mr.rd Wan the mile of the Sea and d Navigation and Won. • Samuel' e Rea,y, m Robert Dunlap, Jr., S. Ilarbaugh, Isaac-IL Pennock, Walter Bryant, J. M. Cooper, John Alonongahelm Immaraneo Company's , a Orem, No. 98 Warm Myer, TWU /more Ad Jut WI Bads of Rae awe ASODIe Omeals—JA E 8 HUTCHISON, Preddent. HE ICY If. ATWOOD, Secretary. mummy Wm. B. Rolm M. nob • • /oho Atwell, Insoo Wm. es. Jobe McDevitt, Thos. S. CDarke, Oeo. A. Ben - y,, Jaw A.' utehlam leasfiessFiS• ranee Company of .ELPIIIA. • sndern Inanyanoe Company OP PITTB.IIIT,R,O.M. GEORG& DAME, President, P. M. GORDON. Beeretory. WM Insure aiddrod .11 kinds of fire and Minim Rls C. W. Mamba!, • O. W. Zeekeen, .I i thoseeMedoley,, George Derek, Nathemlel J. Lippineott, wimam S kmittt. _ *AA thrmainstitaton by Directors ....II kiwil ha this mm and who vrallibuilly **Let a:Apron*. ly pay all LOOM at the OFFICS.No. 92 Water streetAßOA Ca'e Warchonse,) aP eastlrs,Pltt.. ' • isls4 R. Miller, Jr., J. W. Muller, Andrew Ackley', h.oasen, Thomas Scott, A. Niiatek _.---$1118,128 69 8.1,377 78 871,908 17 ...... 61,889 00 Momlotion of CO.Partnetsalt i THE FIRM OF .JONES SCULL isibla day dbeolved by mutual comet. ;The budnets of the leterfirm will be ebttled itt, the old steal by Wts.4Yll,6esillr - • • J.' IL 701a11:' • 1111 0:11. MUM.' CEU3II3 s tr s-- co (Somas& tojcmes k BeulliJ i' 01 7 ,1111 - 11 g, Coinirniuloß. and SPRtiga • isEißciiiivws, s _ ;'? No. 61 Water and 61 First Streets, as :dim PITTSBURGH; Pk. CARD.—In consequence of the financial de, oro. omotrioiad the very general polo Malan of imminent arleing therefrom, entirely unltieltlit !Or at the time of the recent sale of W. R. Ilfurphylo Burehlleld, In the firm of Murphy & the aitl36 bee been annbllKT, .fla the bustneereeffrhe coutilltritellt formerly, under the title of tRIAPHY t lafteliFlELD. W. R. MURPHY, J. sr: B BCfIYELD. - _Pittsburgh, 0ct..24.11157.-lom3 : AR i)ISSQLUTION—;•The Co-Pietuershi It i m- totornexieting under the name slid style W 1 I' A k CO. I. this day dieeolred by limitation. ;The bus• lords of the dm will la eloeed at the old sterol, St: Vila* Arcot, near the old Allegheny .Itridge, by W-,11-. PRIMP /1i who is duly authorized to me the name of the Mill In the settlemiot of Its satire. • • ' , ''' ' Pittaburgh, Rept. lat. 1337. . CO-PARTNERSIIIPNOTIOE—Theunder signed have tlds day entered into a copartmaiittlp t in• dor the n.= and style of , PULPS; PARKZ a CO.; foOt =af mamba axing Wagagn,Quu,,Despo, tz ranches, having taken the cdd astablialed " of Kamm Pheipa, Carr I.oa, and having erected.yothe • neW and autotantial briildimp, and pracomd the Ilaint,lmprot; mantis in km, topthm with • Impend .!I lected etack of ma , they are prepared toe:mute with prompanom and - al.3ordern entreated totbetotAU work wartantod to of the bert ltmlitil T= . machkta* , ner having had 13 yeam eipmiance in Moe _• .1 hope by itrict attention to malt • continuant* of the pat. ravage so liberally be•towed on the laite arm • 1111?..We employ NUN DOT KUM -VERY REST WORK Ugh. . . ... . ~~~7. `'' ARZLLEGHENY TALLEY . ICAILBOAD.—RESIOTAL OF .. IGHT DEPOT TO COIL'PER Op DO R AHD CARBON FIZREDIA NIEtII WARD, 4ND A Or EAT BE DUCTION 07 T Rill lASZEI.On Mal an 3 .J; T Stots, 2W Delstit with neolvai as abon, et the • • ran. TIC. Pr' • Toßradi s i , i & ad Af 81(E, Otorfioo 800-reTs and iindirfinr: ,M To ..• Floux,-70, barrels and oven To To B+d To grades Boa =7 . _ JAW R. B. uroWchTumaTictitAtig.,, RAPID. BUSINESS WRITINO,7 TAUSITE INIS BEST EXCESS IN SUS, 0,14 Stroud, John IL Worrell, rtIC Tingley, othnon, 11. L. Canon, Robert Toterid, C. Stevenson, Mae. Leland, 11.SeraplaalttsVg. J. 0..00k71N, Agent or Th ird and Wbod etreets ' 11 111111x 4"" nai.a a., triple the number V Ak•dfrik 10.ilm . BY ALEX. COWLEY oneof:theu t fi n i s h. od andoceorbe4 t and ?niter. of thong*. Ai an lndltpatabl irtmlen*Of thin, he hat n been awarded of First PAW fru AI - Best nrhip r hts work bating WWI: butti iXreptOd with Am and Ink, not E.irm.d 2a.bt: of Uh Terms for # atlan, • rat Onita, tame, thme at. Por partkulars, ereehnen., Witte it, mad aittair areaW.l=llll42, oc3l Pfltebttrkb. Penner. . W. OAJELPICIrIik AT THE FOURTH' STREET STORE. 11. lee AIL tr..tva -JUS ;RECEPirEDa 5 , 444 ;AA. Urge awartioset of CARPETS, 011. 1 .3.prii_4_ , :tad the Wale stykii for lan Trade, =whin: • .:TTLVICT AND. _ . - .TATESTRY AHD TM= 11:4;• LOW FRIGID IM'r 'Sea& tht, Ifell and soft olai,g_ Rus,,,-u,,eccosidattim 4`44.#61-61,11•44-1* i2=aliehielot'alDraieride field ow 01, - 4:5 = ANdlirwrilodr Oil'ath, Ache =with alltiotifiejtmi. foweduffi.euver I % eeth. th PP V3. /a 11. 3 /GOMM. J. G. COPPIN, Apat. goner Ildrd ad Wood us 11 100 ; PSIMMILS 1 O. W. Du% L M. Pmckock. R. W. Mart hi, It. T. Leech, .D., D. McCethdlopt, ". 0r0.13. F..l4en, J. . StlOENDElteltit, Prege MUM= 13=1 rff James 0. - Uand, - TboophllaaPanlhlt. Jame* Truitt&lr, William Eyre, Jr., Jahn& L. rriCC Jame'. Terment: &nand F.. Stokes, I .l r are "r e Y s H 1 .11% , ar1 Thomas C..ttano, Robert Dorton, 3 John &Semple, D. T. Morgan, Al l l .l. C. HAND, Vice jr e. A. MADEIRA, AI IA Water Wee; Alezaraler Bradley. Joseph 8. Leech, John Fullerton, .• Blemßeld B. Brown, ' David IL Member., Wllllam Carr, . Hobert IL Hartley. ' John Mill, . . apt. Stark fits I B. IL Eier , Wm. llletgiskra, John S. Dibrart • Frsscls Sellars, J. Sthoockmake. Wm. B. Thus, IL °two .1011311. , PdiRKIL4 F. L. LOVE.. 54*d .11 -r- .3 4 1.1