"THE .DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 1 1 8 I e MIMI PM lIIEN • I AN •MI 01 I • imorm - mor • NEW TOES. ADVERTISEMENTS. Prom yissCriErt,owEN t co., GLl2lll.inum rang. ( AI O O4IOTAI lITA.IInt,) N 0.346 and 348 Iheadevay, Turk. - - Po.lll3ldrr, Rlll/111a Wald Iron Forpllnre • Work.. D lIIL I P TAUB, Manufacturer of Rich ft AVIIV 0114 Ilfghly °:,PT:.."Xn",,,":,';'..T,',ll.lTirN • 01Tio. and 5.'15mb...A 51 Oro.ne ntort, Ono.] and Ilroomot !kr, York. ' Imported ' W ine,, Orneer•e*. 6e. I. & W. GEERY, 00001. snier, AND 719 nitOADINAT, WOW TOOK. fEaratoßelted ISOl.l' I :IIPORTERS AM) DEALERS IN FIRST quality Family °nicerlea, DST to the Trade, Betels, Private and all who are choice In their taste, and grnarne arricb., large g.,‘ r, sarietiol _.sreon and Black, Sonehotig Poutliong, English ' Itreakfan,„.4k,bmg, Imperial, °pion, fillordwder, Young ColF'Fkc., In °suits and half chest., Ai:. EE-3loglia and Jo, a. WINES--lialeiral, Sherries, P , ,el-4. 'locks. ke., Tory old and high Arabes, In original pagkagoa, demijohns, mag net. aad LnSea. ft .8 N and GUESTII:R'S CLAIIETS. SSA 11 P. 4 IONS-31vot a Chandmilt Cob't Imp' - eda . taT Ito Llebbralck, G. 11. Moretti's do do '4' do LlQUOllAL—Errimiles Run., Whsker. Arra,*. Alh I .'thy, Kirsch, Aradic., in ori4iiial packag., le Cur:tern, Nlitstschlno. Aubtet le, Nopaii Bitter, A". MALT I.IQUiPES--I..lelea Brown Stout, Scotch and English CIS A verily of rho! , brands. PICIALES—Englialt and French. F.ACCES—For Pith, Currie, hell., Meat, Ac. CIIEESII--Stilton, Chedder ‘ lloyal, Victoria, Prince Albert, Parno,a, Saturitma Dutch and and American. SP,i Alt.—Loaf, triolind, Puled - lard, St. Craig, ha., In lurn. rel. and half barrols. R and Anteriranl 011 , ..--Olite. Slim. and What.. SD - thir Liumirs are warranted unadulterated and of our own Impertemot Ic&dtfe Gold - QTEIISIVAY & SONS, MAN- St Walker ids..., N 1... ,•• Yok, F receiv foll e,' the dwin.l Pind Prize JPoraft In compktilien with the bied makes. in flo-ms., New --York. Philadelphia nnd Thlrimore TITO F111:11 PRIZE 11011.81-S It the M.dropolltaii Fair, Washington. Mari), 1..'..1. .1 it. il.f/ MEDAL. "I the Cry-tai Pal If, New York. •ether, I tn, ,be onl. III.) 31..al given for Planoa wuldo the la. AIR mint A I OLD M 111/11. at the Maryland Institnte, Baltimore, 17,1 ME FIRST PRIZE SIF.DAL at the Pal, , Crystal Palace, hew Tork. Norenthrr, 1a55. Among the Judges were the first intedcal tarant In the country, such as 1.. Meson, (loot schalk. Wallenh.pt and many others. St. AS. ,Phase,. (with nod without (ha Iron Frame) are warranted for three years, and a written guarantee given. Pianos packed and shit-Tod without clutr,n. PriceA,m , Klerate , 1:1,E111:11 A BRO.. 0,131. Plll.l.orgh and IVert-re disrt lydr LI nignisto . _ .. . B L. F,\ UNESTOCK & Co.. late of the firm. . C. A. Paltnnno..A A v.,. ...I ....x......nrA to Fleming '',...- Whole...tin progm, N.. GO, corner Wood nod Fourth ~.t., Pitttlsrcli. P.... . 113 lINESTOCK At CO., W11.(.4E -1.). r Nlannfartnr.... nr Whlto lend, 1.., I nt..l Front ntrect.., Pitt/. !Enda J . SCII.OO S 3I . II i - EaR.II.tNUFACTUREIt •.t wt... 1,t1.11, ha t y 0.14, V 31111.411., Trpon t ac.. l'it6l..treb. T N AFT,-.lr. (SUCCESSOR TO .JAS. ty Whol.ale nn,l E. kr-W..1 and Fixll..trert.i, rhd-IL .Ic- , lit for 11.."For1'r • T ullN I'. SCOTT, wtioLF:sALE DEAL f Paints. Ills. Varni.lies not Dyestuffs, No. g elLu. rte Ntset-tePstb,burgh. --.. All r, wru reeeire prompt 11(.11IIMI .at b.r Slelonelt's Puleacllerrup. rountly.tear 114 E. SELLERS, IVIIOLEahE DEAL er in Drugs. Points. Dyestuffs, Oils, Varnishes. At., A au.-t. Pittsburgh, P. 'tio.s.ls warranted. turneb, nate, 1) R I X XS REITER, WHOLESALE AND Jj li.rw Druggist. corn, •4* Liberty and Sr. Clair ers Pit,.buegts rlisErji [NG' (SUtTESSOR TO L. Nlnrkrt .r,•l and Platnnntl.l....ps ot, 1,,,).1 1/ntaA. nrl;rl , .. ran folly rom!..unded nt,at hour, Paly D". 1 :EO. 11. KEYSE:II. DRUGGIST, 114 Wood Ptr.et, corm, of ond Virgi n Alley, Pit Nbts,ll. Vrobuce CE ESE WA R ELIO SE. -II E Nit Y IL CoIJ,INS, Forwarding and Collmthpinn Mereiraiddand Ival, in (31 ,,, ,.11tittrr, Fr,l, and Pro , lure grnendly, . above Water, Pittrburgh. m 21 R. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN J• OHIO, Gummi...den mini Merr i lintit, 11 Wholevin Dealer in 'Western Reser v e Che,e, Drifter, Pot snit Pearl Ash , nn,l Western Proinee generally. Front et., between Smithfield erel Weal, Pittsburgh. M713.1NE ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A . k A. M. Bane.) U.al.n In floor. Grain wld Conuni.fon - and Forwanling Murchatttn, N 0.12.1 P...•cond l'lttAborgh, Pa. 1,'47,11y Jal2 D.k D C. II Elt B ST, IF LOtilt, PRO fdna., Pri.V.l"ti awl Commis.ion Merchant. No. 2(17 Lamely stn., rorn, of Hand. l'lttgleurgh, kir., hi. att.n. I inn to th..... 1.• of Flour. l'ork. Itarntt, Lard. 0w...g0, LtnttAr, Grata. Dri...l Y: /cc. _ illir•C , in9fzuronts ro•ipectf oily rol jetted. Holly A LEX. FuRSIfII, (SUCCESSOR TO Sott.) Forwarding and Connia4ion Mer chant, Wool. lIIJ,w, Floor. Baron, Lsrd and Lard Oil ant Pr.. 1..•• r 411 y No. 75 Water et. Pittsburgh, PT. RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION H, hootand Dealer In Orme-de, and Pradnre. 27 Filth •troet. Pit t 'burgh. Pn. lt , ler to 11. II onrtm., Pittsl7 7 h, Ate. CLET, CA.NRAr. Ire•Cotoifoinont., folicil.9l andl,satlsfactory retnrn9 guru , anteed t deliklydavrT D UTCIIINS6N, CO3IIIISSION for the sale of I•ieit,:rn ILeserre Cbt,e, Rutter. Lori. [Loco. Flab, Pot nrolflNatrl Ashes, Salairatue, Fl , inr, Grain. F.rdt Dried p f nit.and Produce generally, No. 9 Sinitittlei,l street, tietsryn Pied and Water. ap3 CIIIIIILES IL LEECII, FORWARDING ,J and Commi-lon Merchant, Dealer in Ft.oor, Grain, Da. ion, Lard and Dotter. and all lands of Prridnee, No 8 lirnith- Pell street, lotero•ti First and Water. • ap3 ••Vk I,FI I tffl 0 CST: -J A S t;ARD-.. iNmt, Inolt•9•tle Pont. r lu flour, Prorlsions and prulo, generally, NO. 6 Serentli street, between Liberty awl Smithfield. Pit riburgli, la_ 447 - Tertas ct.h. inekly WT)I. B. 110LMES 8: BRO., PORK AND Iteef Packer...A Dealer. in Prot - Wen.; corner of if tla, het Anil Iron, etroets, Pittsburgh, Po. del attornro ' Benjamin r. Blood, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CO.XI3IIsSIONEr. FOR TIIE STATES OF :tn.. York. I obbaKenthcky, Ma•sseltasett., 1 Intßah% I Mikaacri. M.D. , . 1 Michigan, 1 Town, yirginla, I ['lino!, I Woornain. .: Acknoieb•hinm. nt• and Deso•ition• taken. and Oaths Ae. adnainbiti,,,l to I.: rceoricd or a.. 1 In any of tba above, tanine.l State, -0010 e oppoolto 1110 Theatre, No. 45. Fifth etroet, Pitts preh, Penna. JelfedGm OBERT IWKNIGIIT, ATTORNEY AT learr.atal Pollen, of the Bank of Pittehnrgb, :to. 110 .leonrth ettool. telnlegh. deltl TOSEPH S. k A. I'. MORRISON, AT- V trintsys st Lw. thrice No. 93 Pistilli st., near Wood, Pittsburgh. Pa T_TARTZIIORN & lIAZEN, ATTORNEYS .e law. Oalca in Odeon Building., Fourth , tr , t. rittploagla, Eirp Goobo • • ,-• .I)lll . lT ik l . l[Y i d: ,.. ll ,l,.. ll . ll D Clll ee G 'IEL , D r:,,, D m E ir AL c rlS , Taletae and Shawls, Entbretlerile alai Staple floods, for family nee. An - wontedly ext..n.ilre entortment Jr ell the ebete elatrteteute,beitteeeittal and ailing at the lowest AWN.. timmet car. Fourth stn4 Markei irts."Val nW at t ans • cu.. an - amn C.L tmnn Nr• 110.. s. TOT= AA. MASON & CO., WHOLESAI,E and Itetatil Prate. In Fancy awl Staple Dry °vac IS Filth atruet. Pittabugla. (1 A. S'fßOH.t. CO'S PItENIIILNI NIA°. J. IC DUFLICATINO AND 131PIIRdittoN pAp E , A writing without pone or ink. First premium a It Ili -in by the Ohio Stale Fair, October, lit.ll. It le a licAritiful artielo wilit which to write a letter and obtain the ropy ut theannie time, witheitt the nie of pens or Ink, muilering it lurainable to macaws trurelling. It will take the correct linprostion ninny matt, plant or !lower, and I. equally ailatite..l fir writing ori paper. cloth, nowt or 140110, In the copying: of pl.te, dtuignti :nitric, &n., without the wee of perm or ink, with a hone or common clink. Try It. For We by W. H. lIA FEN, YI . Market and Rewonit etreet• prime Rio Coffee; kJ 20 !Ade r It Sogar; 301•14, erry•lard Croe'd SSI{On lu bblirrovrdertal 15 " Cabe 60 . ()olden Syrup. 25 " 9:xecisior Syrup; 71 lom Se raarsd Tube, om :ro tarbt T••lormac 23 casks 19 Car; &AA; :IS ULM@ Soda lialerartuN 60 ham Sala Salerattm; 161 tierce. Woe' 150 kr cheem I llTes; 111" chests ni..k Teo 00 caddies mer'd •• 230 rm. Sag Wrapping Paper, 100 lice acid slam Dims 340 Idle Straw ISO dos Cam Drumm 59/ kegs beet brood. Mahe 60 boxes Clay !Item 0 maks Illeac'd Whole 011; 76 blala N C Tar; le bags Otll3ll Pepper; 6 bag, Allyn:9; 10) 011. large - No 6 Mackerel; 2.000id00 Sole Loather; 60 hhts med In Wore atutZrr oak by WATT WILSON, 1914 Sp. 201 Liberty at 9, UNDRIES-- 210 chests Rio Onfreet 100 tY. DI aud Blank TeSE :5 boxes assorted brands Lump Tobacco; 25 kegs Pia Twist Tuba= 25 hbds Porto P.k. Pagan toa bbla Itelluni Pow; • 55 IQ. Tallow helloed Sugar; 00 bids Golden Syrup 30 bbis Eauslslar Syrup; 50 lads N. 0. , 35 kegs RI Cub SON' 00 boxes Sada Salaratroe 300 bdls rees lik usortad sixes Straw %Trapping paper, . 15 th SOO M Leather, Solo Leather; 20 Obis pure Fish 04 bbis DosinOlD - 2 5 bases manned Window alma 150 dozen awned Droolor . 200 kegs assorted Nails. Ira store 1114 for sale by JOILN FLOYD a 00, set STOVE S! STOVES!! STOVES!!!—Th e Tropic Cook, the bed improved, as well as the -heaviest of the afro non made; the Parlor and Chamber ylooe The •ide,” which is concellcd by all trholutre wen it to be the most h =lifetime and ornamental Store here or eboaberr.— Call and ate them at the Iron City Stone. Copper and Tin Warehouse or T. J. CRAW k self. No. 134 Wood at. SUGAR -25 Bble C. Yallow Baltimore re mx4,..tort,,,adibriikey DAVID 0. UEan r. - - I NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS From ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S Aormtrismo •No Om From R. S SCHELL'S Advert...Dm 11,W 1t.P.D1710 Ormcz,GOO Broadway, em Ti.ar' any . , 4%My e e , e 4 N% 1; t.orn, AT IS NOT A . DYE. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S Gray halm], Bahl. or persons milli ili.r.ason or 1.11, or m*. read the following and judge of the MI irks. MRS. S.A. A LLE'N'S ZT LOBALSA NUM!, or Worltrs flair DreetiuG,lgee.entlul tot., with the Itesto.er, +tt is the best Heir Itreerinc for young ex tun% hen, often of in cases of hair falling, kr., with. out the Itc.turer. ItEV. If. V. DEGAI.I, Elitor Guide to Rohner& ton testify to its effects." dc. PRESIDENT J. 1.1. EATON, LL. D., Murfreesboro' Tenn. " row Notwithstanding irregvlar u.,. the falling o ff of h a i r cd, and my allay lock. reator, .1 to original rotor," de, REV. S. D. SIOILLEY, Attleboro, IttaAtachnoitta. "It hot changed the 'Crown of Glory,' belonging to oil int•rt, to the original hue of youth," Ae. REV. M. TIIACIIEII, (CO yeare of itgr,) Pitcher. flienango county, New York. My hair le now restored, It 11 nothing like a dye," Ac. REV. D. T. IVOOD,:Mbitiletown, New York. ..Me own hair, and that of another of my fatally, htni greatly thickened, where almott bold," Ac. ILEV. JAMES McKEE, New York City, Recanuitrods it, de. ILEV. W. POILTKUS, Stanwleh, Conn. 'lt ha, not my moat sanguine expectations, Ac. REV. J. Y. GRISWOLD, Washington. N. 11. "It Is really CinenCiooll in I,l2oring the hair,. ate. REV. G.M. SPILATT, laiwieburgh. Pennaylranin "We can and do cheerful!) ocommend REV. J. P. rUsriN, Charfr a t o w n , Font!, Carolina. tThe whits hair has heron. , obviated.' REV. AMOS BLANCHARD M•widen, N. II iitTe think very highly of your preparation, - An. ItEr. H. r. SMITH. Prateduirgh. N. Y. ..1 wat surprlstd to End my hair turn as.when I was young," Ae. REV. C. M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It bat sate pe.l my halt fallingand caused a new growth." RE A. A. PRINK, Chntanque county, New York. Mn sat knell and recommend It." REV. D. MORRIS, Cruets Rietr, New York. "It Is t h e 1.44 preparation extant." REX . CUTTER. Editor Mother's Magwrine. Now York, ileconamenda It." iiirlj..Wc might will limb hut If not TRY IT. iTe trreirt thew. prepatallons to Europe teen, and they err supers...line nil ethers thori• troll Is. in the United States. Il /LW, n, or stain. Cdd 1.3 all the An. ipnl Rah. and tet,/ tertchente 1,1 thernitt•ti I. ada. DEPOT, :155 RROO:IIE STREET, N. V. WI. or aditri.ss all letters Anil 1 nil ttli di-alers try to sell articles Inatead of tlii.a. arliidi Do, make mina. profit. Writ. , to Depot t.r term., and informrtlon. tirnnineis siymed. Mr/. writton in Int. lleavarc ortounterfcita. sot:Jaw:mar Carnagos JOSEPH WIIPP.ES C•rrlage Reposrlory. JOSEPH IVIIITE I NOW CA4IIY- cacag., Ing btteinoes In hi+ eracione , Latoly onldr,L boto eon httehttrgh and Ll , l ate Bill, :war t Two %UN Hun. lln. 0 111111i) .11111,4 th e lloLiff LI Ineler-1 In. elook CAI:ItIALi llUtit,:lEr:„t. And hr I ,, rtioularly info: nie ae.ntl: mon that przy.: °tar I• mad , . row tot yonr, orporo illlll 1., holore hl• pot rot,- tho collo:dd. of Llwriad,e, v:1•1,1: todny yow. :t LlYil ht. partienlar dorwttnont to .4,1 from the V 3 1 .111.1 and most talented Eastorn Mannfact , :rere The stu'rem of Ids eyetem le comploto, )ho mononq ..f hio rand,- mvnta .apply the hoed and nar.et faehP , nal•lo rdatiniNtn. tare at melon:to prier, enencomteorrd by Ow henry exp.:Loa, which the manta for dot:oral:4g lL,axa of duelno, ha. honpo,l ofe. , n price at Gouda, lowing to lar, tent,: J ,, -ph Whin. hill :101l on toady rnonoy only, at much he,. than the nenal rn.ll N. IL—Ott - ring,. M71,111,fi In 111. brut mnnner. with dio pitch. lelo3nolo Conch and C•rrlage Factory. JOHNSON, BROTHER & CO., Cll-irr of Belermt a.: Rote,. 5t,..”, ALLEGIIRNY CITY. WOULD lIESPECTFULLY IN form their friend., and the public mole rally. that they am manufacturing Ilinarer. Itateil/01‘10, Ihrkawaya. Sleighs and eliariolr, in all their rani. um. atyloa of flto.ll and proportion.. All order. will I t. executed with strict regard to durability aninlwanty of finial, Repair. will al lie attended to on the Moat remonable Wm. Using In all their work the beiit liartern Clain., Pole,. and Ulux.l stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor—them with their patronage will IM perfect], aat/rfld on trial of their work. Parch...era are, requestrxl to it„ them a call before per chlutillii-elsew here. unC,lyd Commission, &T 9LCOLY 1.99a1 -IOW! L. LEL. 101 9 Lrif JOB. S. LEECH & CO., N 05,242 & 244 Liberty sl.,Pittsburgh, P. WHOLESALE GROCERS) AND COMMISSION DEA LEES I N FLOUR AND BACON, Tin Plate and Tinner's Stock, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES jyll.dly McALPLIq & CO (Lat.. of ). S. 31c.klpin k C.... httaturati ) GENERAL COMMISSION _- AND FO R.C: A.N - .PS. Levee and Atiashington Avenue, WYAND...TTE CITY, KANSAS TEREITURY, REFERENCES: Joseph S. Le.ech k Co.. and Pnteburgl, Nlnnrhant• g+•ner. any. Jyll,llwlyT TIIOIdAS & GALLAGHER, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING mEIICIIANTS, Xv. 20 Pine Street, [t. Louie., Mo. • ll.rx 01 .1 Co ;MT. TO ~ Juxr.9 . . I. , tarrZ.3TritAP.T t Co.. a n Rill purchwie to orer. lAni,ltrtnp. Baron, N n.in. to. Prompt att.nition gi,n to any malign or forwar.ling. fn,lyd tort+ It. LZWIs . IC .I.TON JAEWIS & EDGERTON, (Stteceo.,rs to 1). T. Morgan k Co.) Wholevale Grocer, Forwarding & Communion Merchants, and dealers In Iron. Nail, Cast. Ire Cotton raram,Glass kc. No. 107 Wood etre. t. Pitt. burgh, in. QPRINGER HARBAUGICCO3IMISSION kJ Merchant, Deaier In Wool, Prorlsions nod Produce gen. redly, No 2.5 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. ITENRY S. KIN.II, (LATE Ot"I'llE firm of King k Moorhead.) Communion Men Eont, and Dealer in Pig Metal and likonfol. No. 76 Water street. la, low Market- Pittsburgh. apli) A A. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO ISAR d.r.Joomm k Co..)Cotamisalon and Forwarding Mer. chant; Agent of the Madieon and I teltatiapoi is noitrom, tor ner First and Corry sta., Pitt*burgii. t o . Jalnlyd ri)W AR]) T. Si GRAN, 'GENERAL altinntg.ion Merchant, and Whol , eale Dealer in Mame future.' Toleseco. Imported and 1111 l .etir Cigars, Snug, kr, kc. No. 241 Lil.ert . , •tr,L Mad.' the head of Wor.l. Pitt. burgh, Po. rubll4l, Alustr, . TWIN 11. 3IELLOR, No. hl WOOD ST., t" between Mayan:o Allay and Fonob rdragt,Sle Agent for CHICK MUNI: to SONS' tr/loon) PIANO FORTES. MA SON k. lIA3ILIN'S MODEL MSLOMONS and GROAN 11-11INIONICIMS. and Dealer In Muala and Miwimal Oaodr. KLEBER & BRO., 5A FIFTH Pt. sirn corn). Cioldmt Harp, Sol.. Agent for SCNNS k CLARK'S (S., York) nnriaalled Grand and I . 4,narr PIANOS, and h NEEI , IIANI'4 g•nattne 141E1AD. DEONS and ORGAN fri..r. 31,1,and Musical lustrurnonla. CIIARLOTTE BLU3IE, 3126 H/ FACTUR ki Ell and Realer in Plana Fort,,md tmp.rtcrnf 3lnair and Nfulical Instr.:menu. Pilo Acent for 111.11A5111Ulal PIANOSnIra for II ALLET, k CNYS lk.a.ran Planar, with and withmxt h:olf-an Altullmant. 114 Wool etref:t. m 73 Id OM.. • INALICIVIV.IIII VT. /I. MACKINT.I.I CUIDGE. WADSWOI2TFZ L Co. CRIDOE ef. IVADSIVOR TII IN:PRO - VIM PATE:N - 1' OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES 1177SHURCII. PENNA. AFTER a - thorough practical beet for over three years the success of our Engine warrants us In onering them to ate publican being unequaled for neonomy of ful, simplicity and cheapness of construction, reinpact less and dumb/11[lti combining all the ad,vniftg.v. lag working steam expansively) of the doable slide Oahu guano, ad at the ammo Unto dispensing with nil van% cani,reds, ruck-shafts, crossheads, sildievalvis, tr., saving their nest of construction and necessary wale of power in rimang. We have • large number la daily operation In this say and virinitn also, in the States of lowa, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and in the city of Mearo, all giving the greatest imtlaac lion. The Patent Bight tor Groat Britain, cod choru s ghts in all psrle of the United Rama, for MAIO nn mammot terms. trr ineito all persons interesh4 to call and I.:union 001 Engines and their reputation. We are prepatud to fill onion for all sites from font to oneliondred or more horst, power. seltislaulmY RICRAUD ilAltD, Elides, Leather, Oil and Shoe Findings, 1175. 215 Liberty Abut}, PTITIE- JOS. F. HAMILTON & Co., EINGIZTIZE:FIS Itc ALA.CULNISTS, C 0,,,, /Ira and Liberty Ste., Pittsburgd, Pl 3. FIRST CLASS UPRIGHT AND "[CHI- A: ZONTAL S(EA)T ENGLYES made to ardor. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated MACHINISTS' TOOLS, Stich as Turning Lathes. Iron Planers, IMing and Machineto Alan, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Drilling Pulleys and Lim ner. forlla.Shops, de seMlydalyl, - • - - JT BUROUP, Esq., of Duquesne Borough . Alieg beny Co. mono! uses Thom.' Patent Millais. Mates Machines in Ito ctnre of his popular Ilnun Hatches and clears nearly 100 per cent. nights and Ma es chin for alio by .21 31 P. EATON. MEW PATTERNS WALL PAPEBdo Pine I.lniedium and C h ; Paper Hangings, Itirrdoro and Window Shades at Paper liof.m of ocil 31 C. COCUltAKE,Allegheny. n PER CENT. SAVED in oiling — hll kind, of Machinery by tirin g Euro' Putout Oil NOS,: MOSES F. EATON, of liltrabor g h, liar the exclurive right lo sell In rr and refoto Pittubur g li Eilantihis ru mr , E. g i nu u r ri, Macbinirta and Mechanics prior' O~IHP.S.PRIMEOQBA SUO - Alt; zo LIMN. Syrup rectiving and for sale by belf JAS. ()ARUN.' CALCINED MAGNESIA-0 bozea in stAra abil for male by O. L. FA/MY-STOCK *CO. BUTTER --3 bble. S. P. Butter for gale by oel R. DeIiELL it WI .fflanufacturrrs. WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., . - Matches, 10.000 Gross. 80 Fourth Street, Pittaburgh, Pa., INUFACTO6I.I OT AT ATCHES, CIGAR LIGHTS AND WAX WHIPS, THONGS AND SWiTCIIES. _LY_L TA PERrt, wAr-rhht,,t to .tatht ,ery clitnath, put hp V Order. aohrtted Irrtn the trwh., mad mrnptly ship. Ilz WotAl ILnd tin tw.sen rAprr.h.t, tn . -h, l paw, awl jolthlng. ' ro , A ha pet instrction, • SOl.l hh the rth..l 1,71, klt LES PA RTIII Dri TERII4-113 n..,nt h., or 5 ih^r cont. dkvoant for math. 1.2 A n Inns, N re York. Au 7 :4,14 4. , 23,1rdAws RSchoen Furnit ue. D r PATON. Manufacturer of New and Inv I fro , ‘4.oyl , ', FA11.101., FIALNITU lit. I.llustria , !Catllogn,l nrpl vnt ion to R. PATON, 24 Oro, str,rt. Neu Y,Ark. M=L3:3 ENAMEL DIEM 1101'ES AND TWINE, (I.rn., of (4„n and Walnut sfrevls. PdttintrO, pa. NAV E ALWAYS ON BEND A FULL ontionly of Coil and Halter Itoktm, 11,1Corda. Snail and M!Modern Style of School Furniture. C r ,.,,,. cook : 1e,..1, Broom Cotton and Id &i n t p,,,,, r. ANI.. FACT URED It 114 11 . sale he N.. whit.....iciseres•rwas, o..iia ttaei, Staging and MaAon'a . Lin, a42l,lvol&sr,t .111_ JOHNSON. N 0.490 Ilnd.on it,...1. No.w 1".-rl: A "'... - • . . __• ' latar ettild kept ron.tnntly t.n hat.. I C:r. all, 1.. r, and , wlt t.t a t aNIIII.I !MED', lIGLIII on appliration n. hoy... pa!, .... 1..4 ' WILLIAM BAILNIIILI. & CO., cIGITTEI,iILW TON sii lift ,cinii'tivs, 131 Penn st., below Marliurv, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' SI TFI4I 31 BOILER M A KIIRS .IiND SIIEET MANUFACTURERS ~1 the hitent A rill Iron worlo•ro. Nlanotticturrn of Harnltlll'm Patent 15 . .1_ Wry-4 Plal/k 1 . / hl.• V. 1 .1.... . - ..1.1.,..1. 41.4' ,I 10,h. fnII. Pod. r. Loc.otn..tlve. F100..1 and ,Cylitr Hoollo•rs. Chimney, tie, richne., pa e.t y. ~n,l a 1.... , .',., ,qn:tn,,..innl it y of their /1rr1..11..n. i are 11...1. t.t..nns l'ila , o t o toalenr Salt hina, ton, for wha li th..y h.".. r.....,,..d th., 1,,,...., . t ...UM/. , t , o,.nr 1,u,.. 10. Yawl., 1.110 Bat, etc. Mao, Itlarltmntitlia. from the g0..a...t inn,- 0....1..1.r.... of OW i'..IIINIFY. and .n , Work. 1111.1,, nod V/.t./...t Iron, dorm) at the rhortont no. every fAir, a-lwa 1.,-.. 0 ..,h t a , ... t• nth,' It ith otlo.r I.tt n. I ti. , .. All orders (lota adi promptly attended M. mws, lia , ” oolot-Ain...l tlo. Inwat pr , nl.llll Th.• l'ato-nt .1. , .! Arch Wrt.t Plank, a . lm-11 1 0at0. , 1 en-1 tr.... 1 onl, l, oi. i Penn Cotton .11111 s, Plifeburgh. Fuarante., their hlanthu.:. in tato. I .ng, Ilia, Any ot hrt iti• ', 1 , ~., ~D y , (nu Ll , s s„ co 11 t , ct , F ic atm no•nt, u Ink th..lr kinpro , e.l..nt,l .i..m.i.n.1 in all p. 13 t• of i"' , . the country i. n .I:Talent pro..t of thrir aui.,...1 et.. , 11.•n. to. I s, Tuft Ens of— A liberal dlN, , nnt t.o Cl , t, ni..n, .00,1,!, , . i /,. ten,,,. ' I , on A No. 1 loarry .1-I Sheeting,: Jetr.ly,ll4 Carpet Chain of all rotor, and .Itrul., C•otton 'None; I " ltvd Cord., ° Plough Lino, and Sa.h Cord: Rope , oral nid,ex and de.criptionN Ltatl lug. Alrg - or , ,r. left nt the Ilardwan, Stow, of Logan, Wagon A C... 131 W,..1 et ret.t. will have attention. Jr2L.l • • ) 14 AG.t 1, El, COS 1; RAVE: &CU., .t,•1 , 1 Lurch. 1, EIS BERGER., G ROrf;RS ANB _Et I),..th•rx in Ilat,o. Lard. {l,, liroonts, kr., South-West corn, 6mithliehl burgh. oc1:1),1 - • - ALEXANDER KING, AVIIoI,ESALE Grocer nu,i fintA.tter nr.s I AOl. Pitt 4hurgli. W3l. MITCIIELTREE, :IR., •V 11110., noel Zu5.:11..r.. nn.l Wine .11 Liquor .Nlercl,a.Lio. N.. I. Pt. JAC.; _ . ls. JONES at COO LE V, WIIOI,EL.\ GRO er.Rs un,l I..+t Fat n...h..14. Ln Nll,l Pitt,l.urch Mannfart Yr,. N.. 111 W.,t• r .tr....t no.tr Chk.rty Mb . ), PittAborch. tl kI•L I. Yll.l . Q II Itl V Eli & lit I,WORTfi, Onver.. 1:10 awl n . .• 1 Smithli. 1.1. 1'itt.1 , ,,11 A ('UL B E 11,1'S () N Ili ii,EsA t 11.11.. “1:111(..loli NI, 1,11. t, 1. r I . tlwer xtol 1 . 111. 1 / 1 ,,11 Nl.m./14 .1 , , 1 1 ihery Pit tohnigh. _TWIN FLOYD l'4 IV lIOLESA LE Mr:. I. tuta, 1::i 2 . 1 S Lit,,rty I'~~t•lwrvh WATT & I 1.,50N, IV 111 )I.Esi LE G no_ IA 111 h..- M , 11.10.1. I • S•k All b'ICKE 1.11 I \ll ll .'. ALE I .2:1111/.•••• r , L u I 1 -6, 1..1..1:1 No I T. 1.1rF1,1.: (1)., m 4 l, •I 1,0 • N1 ,1 111'11E( IN A c t 1,. NI; t;r.loro rm.l l- -mtnl- t:Aw, and I , ..nkr. l'itr•l•ttr,q Ar, 1 •.. 21, Llborty f 1 r krwELL LEE d CO.. WIIiILESALE tweim Wat,t no I Fr .t N.4[l•••t. I, I - 11) ()BERT it. (;1:1). CEIL U, mtti Ai• ivn•l. • , -1 I 1..1 n z.z [LI lop ()BERT LZELI, CO IS I I F ' _ I_l, SALE 0rr ,,,, r.t +I. ritk tr r that. anal Dvnler•st, 1 . ,• trt I l'itt•,,r4lt •or, r 1:51 I•t 1,1-2 W.N 1i 1 . .1 k 1 i,.. ,1 , 1 , 71N , 5T , 17N k.... 1 C1 .i .. , , , • . !:k . t . i. , r.or , . L7lTnod pi ret. P11,1,J,1.. Po. tr l': ( .. 1 .. 111t..AN1.1. (SI"(FUF:soit To L:j. s s.olor.,‘Vl, .2 , ••1.. Oul I l:, - ,.,,I 11.,J.1 1,. IL. 1.... .94tIonar3 0n , 11,1..r ii.lll{,t,. i' ,, , , .1 , r ,,, .. th .J ••I' S. N. of %NO, t S'l.: I, ...111. ,I, t.,. I' t ~., jai FN S. DA V - 1:14.1N, 1:001, q:1,1,E it AND 5,,„;,„,fr,"......„...,, , i , ,,,,,, s .L-:....r \.• ... ~ trk, stmt., n..Ar t.nri!,. 1,,,,,,,,. ,•, . I. R'', INII S 1 , A. KATi'., , ,..).` - ': . .. 1 ",,"11 9 '...; - 17:!:.-„,......,:„ ~-..r. .4 TI .PL 1, 1 ,,,. Pla , li- , 1 , n, I L. It .4.•• ... 1 ntantly nu t,,1. -.. _ . T L. it1.:.‘1 , . Bout:SI:I.I.ER. AND ..CA it) ~ TI4 INER. 3:. , . l'• Fnurlt, .1. A p-II.• 1it5..1,,,,. fI: N T A. Ml\ F: 11, 111 II I h ;•• 1.:1,1,ER nn I SI - tii n, r. 11. E n.' II kII. Fsl9. Mr.,. TA R. R. T. roiti) still his nca 11:.V TITS:IV... lt , nsmyirmo. D.M1111 , 4),1 Pst Jr. A.'s., n,1 , •!.1.1a rA EE coNsTLTEII I_, at Dr ;( , h r,,1 , :n.t1t1.. , 14 •e, 31,,ND1. ESL) k 1 aN I SA1:111 , Ir .m In 4 I nn.114c.. DP PLC.; OCTORS 41AZZAM A.. F LEMING. No 25 I.O•tugh, • lira! Estate agents. BLAK El, & ltliA I El', I'itdbnrch. It.. JLP Broker, rt,rn, F.oh ri.nd St , t, 0,11.1.1 Fartzt, II hunght ...II (.11 r ,, na.01..,,,11 Bond. ntvl rt , ,r131,1 P.. 1., 1.1 t. to t.. 0 tt F.trm. att.! t1, , :t2 WILLIAM {VA II 1/, I)E.kI.EII I N l'ltl NUTES, .1)r- till', •• I,lsma• I. ho. !•,• nt ••;• • All riontrtmli. no• n I • ••, tl, • ~n.i.nt u d. 1,4 .!rt • . (2}:illt“}". IV. 1:1•N N. I:1..11, ENT.ITE k_ftml Irr , alry , ...ttr. ”.I. 1.e 3 r. Real FAixt....f • I .ry I.• A., Ln gporrally t•. V fr•on ..r by nr , 1 1.),F.1 I “1114.1111• (1..,(1111)11.. sarinit, rr. t. t Shoo b th , North C...nr0.,t., City. AOPT, A rsTIN I.()o.Nlis cn .. DE\ LEits T N Ppuniow.ry nr,•l 1111 31,111.). M ^ n . Y oh .1-1 .Lit , ., krgl .11'0,31 N 1 a1:5 1 All 3 1313.1 FT: 4 1`1 3 31 , ; ITT Nl3 . 113 1.1) P. 3ntet ,333. 3133-31,313 3 : 13.3333. 3.3333 33,33333333 - 13333331 3333 33 .3 , 33..131 34/331 rap! ,i 1.33. .0 I. F 333,33,1,4 3,13 -•1 43 .•33P 33,333,33 rnt 1,33 ,33 I. 3.-3. A 1..3, 3331,34 1, 3 ON :33 31... 1t33333333• an3l 1.3331+1313., 3.3( 113,1 1.:3313.333. 411 , n 5.3.(.2 Po 33 . 313A1 3 3,33 W. 3.331 • 40-AU:STIN V10N11. 4 . N..tar, r7r2 AL•I,AIN h SON, Real Kstato A gon tw .niul 11111 L,”4 rwrirth t TI 11. AS heal E,tnto AgeBt, No. 7 Fourth otrent. Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works .7 NO. 1) AI A i - rri Stamp, Stoned and Brand not.•c, JIBBING crri.Eit, (WINDER, liator+ . }Cwt.. Imtert. , l: Tulle Knivrs :Irl.l o , mq-a tenolvi IAS;IiSSEII'II AND Bi:1.1.-11.1 NUM!, No. 135 Smlthllelgil Street, near Sixth, PITTSIII - 1,:11. 1%1 n1n0..: firm I.l.repnr , 4l 1.. MAO' any Ibmc sm tool, or nny ..f Km, tl, w , :rk what rvem, on altorl F OR THE TEETH— WARD'S FLUID AND POWDERED DENTIFRICE,. MEM= T. W. LOUGHItRY. Watch and Cloak Maker. IMPORTER OF - FINE WATCHESAND JEWELRY, No. T 9 Fin], .trevt, betw,en Wool owl - Mark !, burgh, Pa. 6d-Partlenler nWtill. Nth] to the I ,, palrh?yr or {Sn icker. and Jewelry. =:=1,121 M ACKEREL-- store And for sale I.y Painters. . I. ON Ca & I. A N E, HOUSE AND SIGN P.,kINTERS, N 0.77 (Old Pcsot °Mee Bultding)Thlrd street, between Wood and 51,41 kot streutn. All orders promptly attended to. ireSiama nxectiteil in a anperlor style. OU LD'S I'ATENT SPRING BEI) li nv . G Jog purrlinaeti the exclusive right to matinfacturo and "Gould'. Spring 1. the mumy of Allrghn y, we art now prepared to furnish Otto° ilesirlug to pot. ChILIIC • low ourcheap anddurabir..C)lrhi I4J. Util and erwmtno them at iTnreluntas- Thor en ,, attneltud to any bedstead nod removed therefrom at Pi... 1111, Stoat. ' a mt., hotels, he, Inntighool with 11,1. tw,l at a very tow price. asl4 T. 11. TOUNII h CO.. 3b Smlrblirld .e2l RATPS PATENT SAFETY I . .AMP AND Pk:EDER. The most rwpiarivoilnitis eari Isom with perfort matey, as it cannot Ito " 7 1 i fp thb Dom any E 001 1 . 1 . 1 0, E ~ .* .1•• JOHN F1.1:1111 " 7id oclo 710. 47 Nlarkat and Cot FINE SETTS, Fire Iroun, Coal Vases &e. For solo by orb JOHN FLEMING. CILEESE-150 bxs. prima W. 8.. Cheese Jae reed and Weide by IL DALZELL A 00. GI rocrrs tiookgrllrrs, lAustrtans. Pple•tr,..l ..1.1 2:4 PENN FTREEI' jA.NLES W. WOODIVICLI, cAiliNEr run,vlrunt: mANl:P.lcrunr.n Nov. 97 & 99 Thiel St., Pittsburgh. j IV. IV. RESPECTITLLY INFOIDIS • his friend. andeostomers, that he hs) net cmopleted his sick of Furniture,srlorh I. decidedly the Ingmar tinti best ever offered for. it thi.city. A. he hid... Anna to up hold his gook, with wormed material.. beet workmanship and nmvest dellitteo and from the e xtrte of tit odor. and facility in nmtituring. ho I. /nabbed t'Pr'd"" FURNITURE nt the l o west priees. Ile limp. ithrnye nn bond tho greatest variety of every Irscriptlon of film:atom from the chottpost and plainest, to the most elegant nnd thee,n bonne, or any part ofone, may furnt.hell from hi. 'doctor mane fnetured expressly to order. mr.4o 1.1.1. No. I Ma' 4..r01; I o No 1 .1., .11/ RIO. No. I 4.4 2.5 do N.. I lllarkorol, k CO., No. IBS Vl'nter Strnrkt. BRADLEY'S WOOLEN KNITTING YARN, Of every Color and Number. TS PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON short notice for every color or number of Yarns. Hor -Ibeen one of the original manufacturer. of the celebra .ltratiley Woolen Yarns," in connection with In.alrother, Wm. Bradley, of Wheeling, I would reapectfully Solicit a abort. of atie order's for I art" ns aI"ITL - Cash Paid for Sheep Sltlusand Wool. Je.27lyd ' WOODS' I'EAILL W+ll 1.0 oared tort tole onparior rtorfh ail! ho r ormd i equal to :soy of Ilia more experodve fowls of Corn starch to USG, fur Inok:ng &hullo Blanc 3lan . ge, Puddings, or Cake- Be partleolsr to eciluits for -Woods Pearl 6tarch. A.310M1 LE FLOWERS.--iOO lbs. for sale ‘,/ by 0c.21 D. A. FARNESTOCK A 00., J. & 11. GIItiIIIWIG, IM.,[I,RU6EIts nY • JAMES IRWIN, -- SN A\ I.' I' A(2I1: It I. :II 0 F ULPHU Ric ETHER: Sulphuric Acid; w,...t. Spirll, of Nltr, Nitric Arid: 11..11rtmll'o A r,..1r11, 31,triallr Arid.: A ~ , 3 Am num in. FFF. Nil,. tit, P.,11..e. S,•lutl,•lt; nOl ... C. lv/INSUN PEItRLN 4. JOIINISON, N IANI • FACTI'IIEits Ami DEALERS T II LDS & CO'S PA AS.TENT EL Alr E. CI FIRE AND WATER-PUPA' emmyr ll.OpiNi;, TMnn l'lttrborg.h.l.l4. orl4llt, 11. M. WA11.M.E31.2t II \ UPAcruitEits AND DEALERS IN 11 ,131,1',1,t0VE,1,) FIRE i.6 A N i l) •-24 Ft 11). 04-• , 111 DA NIEL lIENNETT'IC, Ap x :\ t : (.;:f FANCY nd A.• :tt thp M.tourart“ry eerie- of Wzoltigt"n and Fr,,klut •Irt"tn. 0pp.114 Pillsbnrgh, ”Rrcr TABER, POPE & STREET, •, 11 , ,VA1LF.4 OP OSCILLATIN(; STEAM ENGINES. Mil/ ERA ,txp NIL/. IVORA.c, C..lumbiania County, 0. izF:ED . s PATEVr oscir, , I. lISt: sni. (A nr kiAls.b 41 rsAA .4,11 s •it 1,11..1a Asler. swa lh b \i vino- Sls.tftstag. 4 I .Arusz trAl Sass 1.11. trr AI., is snLA tug,. sh/dA.A's (.Ir,bru, pArr sl . /Aes,A., 11.I1AsniA Hs. I. A NIA4 lornstr 115111 . .1, Ih.t.A, I, st ..1 s el.- tnrll.lll Cnln Fa nnelry. 31ITC11 ELL, 11E.11.1LON & CO. 'V BUS/ N 1.. N.. nz W. 11.1. .11.11-11. I. 1.724 ~1,1 ,neral 'n ..I ca , ri \n d'...•klnz st. and Slido Oven.. o 'l' .1 VP P.II(LPH NI .1 :\ I [CHEN 6111TES, ‘Varr, Wagon Hoses, Doe Irons, rt.l hl.Trid,.l•l,ll, t•unw n INTS )f;11 ar).l MaPhlno•rr d;enernliv, •, I 11 .311.1. I•II . E.SL • .1 V,; N . I't • • nr,r ShPreis. Spades, Picks, &c., , ;I , zuArolfa• vrtr.• t TATE; NI131.:1; .IND 4: k. I'll7Ell. Nn. 14) F. 1.011 r.. ar gni 172 Penn erreet,next .n.m • • 4 . 1., a... 1 Federal A , LI • • k A. i env 0• / 1 .I • .t , f Fitting% fn w.f., 0.. And nt,2l.rf gukc•ltatle Tile. A — W.:W. 1:131, hr.. II ••nnnni,. And inures. ALIA:ED Agrnt. - 1 -1 1:4.01 TUE t MIGINA P.VTENTEES. j: NI, C. . 1..1,1•41 •n•I Mrsrrr. Mffiar 0/. fr ar. I qt /11 .rl. • 1•••••••/'r rt braaing. and rnn F • nrilnt,t n-tra erty. al3 JA2IIEM WILSON, Pinnufsielnrer •ntl Dealer In UATS AND CAI'S, I_l_ N., IV. rrt nErT, 1 , 11,nr,b, an/ r.rtnal I.' .! • r - - JOAN NT AN' I' A •Tl' 11 E OF TIOOTS tr, • f •• ry mOt, orallyd fnsurancr Agnits IT N i;ehend in•urancf, 1 • '‘,..t• 4,1 11r..4.., :• T E F I'II.kFFEE Septum! in•iur ii I . ISNEI' ,AosontEur..ka In•mra•neC,,., . . A. CARRIE It., SIA'RET.IIIA A. Itql/P. rlfll3 I.lt.burgh, Q.l3ll'Et, L. MA10 4 11E1.1,, Secregary 41e. otr...t. M I.( Si,er..tary WeStM) 1114tir y (;.11(1 , INEittlaTIN, Ag..nt f“r Frank () It.. 1.1, I rwrratie. N.414,-.ot an!, n. • I 13 MADEII2.I. tur fh•luware • Mqlttal Isw.rnne,,,.. 42 Watm Tll1 -/S, .lgent 11...a,ard Itomr rnrrntt,, Wmf, an,l rriio.: .1. Aaent Farmer.' and I to..mm, I t.) .1,,•t OSIIL A ROBINSON, Agent Galt:mental Cr_ Inolran.. Et b R..\,.. 1i . p. ; )is,i,}:x. r . c Eli, , A gPitt Great West- Z!lpholEitroj •• Wall P W ai,er arehaa•e. • ILTtIt 1. ,,,;. A1 A ItSI lAI . L . CO. t 1711 fl.nn. ml may tont.l an ~ 1 , , r1 11,. Parn, I•ar -1101, P.., earl Chamber, A 1,., eha.l• • it, lovte.t poi( • to ..untry dualera .16 II',II,TEIL 1 1110;11,1U A CO, 41'11., N... 96 nml9B J. 114,.1 ITAnistyttirer• xrul I.tkr• it. 1A .11.1. irrt tN ..;:s F:' TASSEL:I A %I/CORD:I. . F011T5.1.13/:+, I . I :'I•1 ; 4 / . /: I V/ II W•ml.l.e.li It 11, xi leardia-e..14 4r the k. ACTIC J• he.l Tirt ,rerl. a.. 1 .le,d , r lit CURTAIN, C./RN/CI:, IIA~Ir:, all ‘ ,„I flu NI/S. SI ATTIZAIISE2i.Ce ill IN /lITS, cr./m.O:F. A , . Carttrr.larp.tid te , Ste.aml..at aurk Itticl It,, to c.clvr. gunitturr • TIIOO. O. TOOO.I T. H. YOUNG ,11: CO., FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of E‘ery 4.T.)llY—Paltrat St..l;tworrt Wylie and Penna. Armue. Warehonse---Nos. SS & 40 Smithfield St., TEA)IBOAT CABIN FITIINITUItE—We „„,„„f,„ .4TP:A !I' CAJUN FURNITI:Itt: awl 1'11.111. 4 /111,1 hi, the attention el atom. Intetoott n, rot nitltlng beat.. ae.la 4.1 a :1 T II TOUNiI a CO. I'. KtoPFkirei. ero., .I.4.m..rAcnrx.rn OF 1.1: ILN ANL) I ItS IN EVERY TARIM' AND STYLE. 004101P14 and Ntrnmlnatto furtilehed nt ahurt notice.— Wurerooma cortier Punn Bud %Tapia Rim, Pittsburgh. .b.ruclAwlyS S.AVAITJF:L, BRADLF:y. BANE (Below flo St. Clair Street Britt") Allegheny City, Penna., lhoogeru-rttnn or . . A. A. LLARDY, corner Finland Furry nreetr Q3sqitte. Sot sate or lint, lILLSITED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY 8- E.TEDLE 8r 00-, rirrn 41 .- Tlit: DAIL I'U.IZETTE:s the otdest Nelespajor sn the Wig, and hanna an ...rfratiercircuhainn amongst lA' buoinom nt.n. nnd ' , oohing all stases. offers indnromonts to adver &ter, a, the. Fart modsuon through whirh In reads the public. aiy-ruE WEEK/. /' LTTE it IRRlted revry Lry and Anturda g. on a large blantet sheet. and contains in addition In Me pm, nI lA. mask. n oaosfully pr..par,d and rehalte spark of (he .Varl,s, roninermini and monetary af. Aar, and an dernrak Bank Note Lit, corresfrol merlin for 'this paps—making if the best o,m morriat Nraturay, in MS WM!. TERMS DAUS—Six u. nL,ra persuinin, alvitik-o, or 12..1 (VMS per week., pOTatdn tiiwn Carriers. I4llll . filil—Vien Dollarsp ,111/111111, payalile In nal - mire. Clubs are fornish er eil on the following lona, 1 , nit eel., iine yeAr ri Ml 10 00 U CO ATV] 0111 l In the gr.llin lipkV club fro, ri.iporivi, awl on pa pOO u 111 b.. ',II 011,1 Ili. time it op to which it paid. s,vm,,,llinniii,tsctr Advertising - . Arly advertise, are toone equare.C}lllßT, aide nt plexiuro, per nnnorn fii - Advvrt ihrrn..fit mlt It Cut. treble price From Iho Atlantic M. , tlthly Letter I)ny U'h••n I.‘, I •hit..rn th , - W he, hanky tCI hrrri , —trh•.rtl.•. and . ;,..iv higg, , t ,, ertz,rEft 1111 - .01 th., Wle,te lee that .11ei le lieAi, eer laud Shw; 14,1. In r...(06 dos' iu riglel•-. %Vlere ) hellerreln•leerm pheeeme. thr Aetattel IVII,e+.• It endow le. Ilse: lernadro Whom preirchr,. vT.. all 11.ey think And party Ira.l..re 401 tl,y - Wh.qt what wr pay for. that Sr.. 11rIlkM. ~ rnpe and IV hen Irtecyv o. 1111. t Anil , l,tnre. owe it hat t h..y w4 , 111c1 I.rn city GO laet • 1.0 Ns Den, !lath n Dora. for ~0„ tilt.4ll Kr.. 4 t• Mord 1.• the .. Without It., Thnl 1...1.1. Ili. 1r...1 nth. i, , Th, powr, or tiu, lb. rl,-r, 11r.1 rho, tr.rtyl• Irrrrlr.rr tr.rr Stir!! rircrrirlerr AVi,ll 1,1•1 ur 151,ts i,1•140, r. u . 1. , 11, l•( pn, f vb., .1..1, 0 .. ii• 11, 111, •• li.hu• I • rintllz.• au A rpl r . ...M1.. , , h 1.1, t l .. u lutt re. tit., Tin 51*1 , 11r..... V. 41 ‘if: or till TII •VT St, cm.- Th e /0.1,-peto t c- o t 1101 ohinintal a copy of the tlreati, An the Duty of Masters,' which was alrca-ly In print at the Tract House, when the new policy -11 whidi it woo to he the 'first fruit . will unanimously rr ttolre I npott tit the late annivert.ary of the. S nr:ety.and a hick has flair unanimous rote Of the Exert/rt.. e . ..throat The I rernarlsa! , :e ml istot ton i /14 10110 W, • S. 1..11 rut. lit twos or -.Compri sing n Pn.toral :Idyl reps of the RI Rev IVilliam Mead,. U. It Vtrinitt. a ~o rtuall of Rev. John I ••uu_, I It .of li rmtnrla and Brief Seleetw.mt nom j .-31 .11.•1 . 1.',14 of the 'tor I), Jolla It I.lgor, t:i W. , der. T :I notice from Rev lir Thottin. Smyth iNniertean Tr ict So. clay. I Nas.--na .1: err, New York The bolcit -, .-/-mt gir, t-yn.r, of 11:”•V,• I namednr , 1et..., the l a.ttt.rtil loiter Ai Meatle.atol a copy ot !Lc tool, the notice from Dr. Stn)ili, and wonders I.llw it is pospiblo that any 'evangelical cttrinttan in the .dare-holding States can ol9ect to the rinhlication and distrib ution hook made up of such articles. Rut the fact that the book contains nothing to which .lardot!.ler.. Can rya:tonally object is not sutliricrd W hat they Eirtnantl of the . 1 . 1,..•( So ciety ts, nit ruerely that slavery shall not he co ndemned:but that it Omit tot I e dt.ten., o l fit allin its rottlientiono Am! it Is to this 3rro w‘n t denim-al that the I . :c.o.:nit, Contnintee hot, me:tooted REV AIM ‘1 , 1.. I SCCc.t 111 , 11,11,1. --The her. Mr. Scudder. of India. in n truer to the ehrwoian I nteliigencer. gi ccn The following in mance of hernoii. calle.l forth by the Indian inn "Let Ain,wicane net• r he a/shamed that En li.bruen ate their forefathers. England is an , ble countr lier ours tire heroes and h daughters are heroines. Thi ,, rebellion ha brought-out seek that deserve to be associate, with those talorow4 arts one which we, with threb , tong pules, read in history In otie place a lade and' her Lowland !led their carriage Ile et ooh upright. .She took the reins. She lashed the horses through is band of mutineers, while he, with co , l alai, shot dead one who seired the horses' heads, anti another who climbed upon the carriage behind to cut him down. On they tied, till again they found t hettiselves among loos and a rope stretch.' across the road, made fur ther progress appelr impossible. Tree to her self, she dashed the htlr,g -it rndt speed against the rope, and a, th ,, y, bearing it &own, stumbled, she, by rein arid Whip, raised them, while her liusband'e weapons again freed them from those who succeeded in leaping npon them. Ile was wounded, but both escaped with their hoes. In another place a rolling la , ly, the doughter of MI nilieer, shot to: en ralllinner , before they killed her. A. contain. pressed by inns SepOyS, with his good sword slew twenty sin el then, liebro rr.cw.c: II ere -- .1 groat number of nlinil . oo , are turning oil their ken, fit., and as a 0 ,1-4.- !quenee. not a few females at present find them molten without pima,. We hear of a great ninny wending their war to the country, and apply ing, for places at the roadside --, ' o ,. L.,,,, lle beg of those who find a curtailment of family expenses ne-ecocary, to well weigh the gm-stint, where eeonomy in that respect should begin A hard winter is doer upon us, and who, we tusk; are entitled to consideration if not the faithful — Litehen gicl.•' It is a serious matter, now, to deprivO one of these Or it Ironic. Many hare no relative, in this land, and their home, are where they tied employment. Let it not li e laid anyone door, hind render. that an honest, faithful girl is driven out upon the cold charity of the a.orld, or may he to a wore fate. .Ire there riot a ',, , ,t0 ”r luxuries, in families who have I OM aLl ' o to i 1aplo; 41 011105711,5, nnien Can he , r 14 1001,e , / with brforo the cruel 111.40,,i1y of dismissing du+ "girl' neell be resorted to- Can charity Ice hotter dispensed than by retain ing faithful domestics! And if it is a burden to feed them, make it a pall of that ion-den which every gond fancily expects to bear during the coming winter toward the noncly.—t '/ore nrr,thl, Tun Vitt r.tnr. Front tier man colony of Hermann, in .Missouri, we learn that the vintage has hero in progress for several weeks, and is almost ended. The yield-is un precedentedly large—the vintners are reaping a larger erop than they had provided for, and in consequence there it n n.rareity of barrels and eellar.ronnt. The St. Lonia 11'.olliche Poet anvil the grapes tire utitumally large and juicy, and if ordinary rare is taken in the vintage the yield of wine will be better an well no largertlinn ever before, as (lie 111. G contains a greater perrent• ago of sugar than has been the case in nay year since ISIP. The wino this year grown in mann and vicinity will amount In about 100,000 gallons. HARE TIMES LEMIIIIIISIEN.—The Chica go Trilan, says there is suffering and prospect ive famine among the lumbermen of the Wiscon sin lumber region. Adv ices from there have been received tip to the I tith inst., at which time about all the lumber-mills from Oreen Bay to Menominee had stopped, and hundreds of the poor men had been discharged without a nio menis warning, and some with neither a cent in the pocket or scarcely any food iu the house. There will be much distress among ,these poor people the coming winter. They have nothing, and no means of getting anything. It is also feared that there will he much suffering among the lumbermen of the Saginaw. Tue St. Paul Adrerti-,, says at the present time there is not less than $OOO,OOO of overdue and protested paper deposited by Eastern credi tors in the banks of that city; and that the in debtedness in St. Paul to banks alone, due or to become due in the next six months, is $750,000 more; while the Eastern indebtedness of the KEGS NU. 1 LARD; merchants sad others to mature in the same pe- a bid,. fresh Holt ROMA. need and far rale by riti.l $1,200,000. That is, the city owes $2,- '''' ' '' 2 aIfIIIWNIt A DILWORTII. 500,000, of which $1,600,000 is duo to the East. v Olt TILE TIMES—WaII Paper nt all Other towns to the Territory are similarly in .C.V., _L' prices ri,,si so upward., A into l nloney ran wake a volt/ed. clean bow, tv i• AIAILSUALL a oela N 0.57 Weald street. THE HARVEST 0511 VINTA.E IN FILANCII.—A 'AT EW STOCK. WRITING PAPERS, School late Paris letter says the vintage is the finest for, 111 Hooka, a nd Hooka, Copying, Japan and Writing nearly half acentury, while the harvest, in quan- Ink, Manilla and is apin g Papers. City and quality, is so bountifnt that imports- ocl4 C. C. COCJIRANE. Allegheny. lions of foreign grain will this year be co:impart- CIREEN APPLES - -50 bids. choice in store Lively few, as we gather from intelligence from l_A nod for sot.' hy T. LITTLE A CO, the Danube, which is lamenting the paucity of '''''"' No. 112 &woad atm., foreign vessels that have this year resorted thith- - pLOOII UIL CLOTHS of our own and er in search of corn—not a thousand in all— es,,tem ateeeNeta., au widths, endear u. at alums. 1.2 room. or hall., at tho Oilcloth Warrrooms, No. 25 =Pt there are only half a score of French. MUG' strovr re= .7. k IL 11, To COMFORTABLELet. TWO STORY;;ADwellin g. eittote on Washington street, gheny city, cm:Mining live rooms and finished garret. klel- 111w4i, can be had immoliately. Enquire of Jytal R. 11. EINO, No. 210, Liberty st. T O LEl'.—Th e three story tire-proof Erg WAREHOUSE, No. n 2 Third stmt. Possession= given immediately Apply to W. it. LESLIE, notidltd No. 4 , 1 Diamond street. DWELLING LIOUSE TO RENT.—That 1 .7 41111241101 us and well finished Dwelling House, No YS Pike street. none OCCUried by the subscriber. The house is In fine order, and has all the modern conrenknces, water, gas, dr., to make it desirable for a family. Possession C 321 be had any time niter the first of May. Apply at N 0.42 O'Hara street, to np2 dtf _JAS. LAUGIILIN. FUR, RENT.—TWO Brick Dwellings on Third street Goa, Bath N 0.1.55 Na t lid tong., flack Building, Goa, Bath-rooms, do. No led Ina,s eight Rooms, loss, Water, dn. Also. agifillce or, rguith street, near Cherry alley. Rent $4O per analog THOS. WOODS, 75 Fourth rt. r 0 'Lill formerly occupied by the Son s of Tem oeranee, nn the corner of Woxl and Third street, Enotuneof JOLIN 31'01LL $ SON, mil if N 0.277 Liberty greet. Ohio Land for Salo. riIHE subscriber offers fbr sale section ten, 1. township 12, ran,. 10 , Stark county, Ohio, commonly known no a llowman'e Section." containing 610 Itett, it le uateu three miles ar,eat of Massillon, on the, State Road leadina to IVieister, and within about taro mile, of the Piths burgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. The south, east and nortlevaet aru partly cleared and Improved-- the remainder covered with euperior timber—and the whole is well watered by springs and running streams.— Title neetion cone/tiered t h e finest body of land in the county. It will he eel , / undivided nr in quarters to suit purehaaers. 'fu thew who droll . ° to invest in rood estate a I ell, opportunity it rarely offered. J. 13. SWEITZEIt, N. 101 4311 Artvt, 13133nburgli =ZEN BEAVER COUNTY LANDS FOR SALE.— h. Wo hale 106 ne n.. of find dans fanning land. situated above count. and nar thtation, on the P. F. W C. It. 11. Th . , , old Cleevelande Enuu sMge S road rm. through the premise.: tr. near. ch.ar.4l, balance good timber land.— Buildings an, n frau, bona., 21 by 34 feet, and kitchen ad. Joining: frame barn. 121 by 1h; feet; spring and 4pring hon..; laid it email Orchard. The whole place watarerl and under with canuel coal. Win laa sold nt 11 great Inrgain if rip. Plied for a 4Pit at ras A RICHEY'S, so - 28.4* T Real Entate Brokers, ' ITEM' VA LUA BLE WESTERN LANDS V F.ilt SALF-160 neren lir , tannin, land in Alamak,e you sty, lowa, Only our mile from the 2114:444ippi neer. 449 acre,. of very choice farming bind, near in.. 014,0.- 1.1,4 arras of the beat form log land, lying in Bremer Co., lowa, int!, imd4t of 11,1 r i.hing loan,, well liUth.P.r , kl nod uttered. rtho acre/. daairnble laud, within 4 mile: of Anuka, a gane f-lot, n•wu id the junetont of the Miadsaippi and Rum riv and about' 11 ,all.. from the city of oil. Paul, Minnesota. B , 4,aeres 13 iug la Tretnin loan, Km Clare and Chippewa countl.a. iti , •414141 These Link on, very go4l, haring here ..lectad for w•11.,1 purposeo, they will he 4u1.1 in amall trlcis ta.suit th• Railroad. in MolonnA.. some very alusible mineral lands. containing vain., ble A 1... aumf I/ ..11 era, thing inn. - the Iron Mon. T, n nia,re lands 'the principal part n 1 .1411141 were irwated after 000 , nal ol , erration euno• thr, to fire year since:l 31e 13,0 I aracrer 41 ..f the prineipal Wenl Itall• rund. It rith 11 ,, Ipti-nle to - company each tract, We sta !al at tent io t.. al—vo rhoi,.e land, and will aell 4.4,...,4 tams amt bun`, .tppln to 'ILAN A. 11161E1% - wT ear 011. :not Sinithdchl sta. Pitt4bargli. _ _ • STOIIE FOR SALE.—The sub .lll4•ll.ling to remove to the country, of. 1•1 - 4 f./1 - Kale los 1.1 r,.. awl 0 , 11 *elected /fork of Dru g .. 3 1 ,4- F ti ro, , . kr. T.. n ' , non ficairing n. 1.0 1/l/71, tICo the la•mel4. Lb, ..ncr att.d,ls a oppon unity •.f • 4 1 „ noon, n great giren rha.• It oat noon, ••f ~•31YSEit. corner “I" Market and Third +tree,. poi; SALE.__ 5 n0.,1, lion. Nat. Co, .1,200 121 Share. Allt•gl..•ny atrik Stock, Ly 4r5 ArtrriN LOnIIIS k CO 1 ILN MN } .11. 1 0121.A1LS _ pun::... ta a .soar Mirk Warelnapo, t• o Pll , l • ,1... et atal_liark..t. hat Inv front ..r?) , t,. odin, 71. fe4l 10 melte% Ap Illy t • IILAK ELT 11.11.11 ET, 1 , ..t tic I:token.. - _ 600 - - - - • AI,L.IIS 1 . 1:()ITICI'V IN A LI.E V n r!. r ha 1,1..:.1,1.• 11.414...v..11.4 11. .4 , 110. 4 I.y Pr. .1 II (1,1,h0v 4U I. ”1" 111.1i11.40/ eton.l- il,;l.nrk 10 ,1, all,. 1 1,. 4,4/141,411.1...14 ttLl/ 11,, n tho I•nil lir, ...n111..r1.at,-.1 n. I.• mat. o nue 1ut..n..1 will avol Ai.ply to 11. 31cL.t.IN A SON'," u 2 11,11 Est:a, 4.111,e F „ nrtli et. - ... ____. ...._ _ _ ._ A FINE IIOU:-E• t.ti c,rner ~t 3larket tuld r.•... 1. r •a:v. I, . , Filt.,l b. t., nri r•isl a allloial,, ,4 . C.h. 4t t ~r r , nt. trlrr, t..br 1, - r0r..1 .rt ,t,ort, or nth,t lippror.,l Recerst., Al., l`rs, rty nu the Mondttph..ld river. p•oti, alt o • 4•11 ...11.ttul • .1 - k ii.•• tutags. itrod on m. k. Imitr city yr, , ,ty. AIdLAIN Jr SON. Lwnd For Snie. ABEAUTIFUL FAM OF ABOUT ettyraty adrt., titthi t a n.ln and a LW of Kash. 1%11, 1,V1.-n nn , ! ILVIltp fit-hi It It. A 10.4. fra-ltd tree• R tm.l oth, otrt.ni.nt, lot, niad. nr , . It. t I. tho ttital:ty of Linie .t•no Land, no.l tu.l, a high 'tint...! ridttration. It :woo., alndtt 1.. a. fel ..0 TIII4I. thr., 14 running .t. r .v.r to. tot_ bull° r e11.,111, nt TH. ‘411,e f.ittl7kr UA.R LE (ITV PROPf:ItTY • FOR VSIL.Y. —The nudrnire.,l offer. on favorable tem.. a Inrxr,ntunl., htsilding lot, In the bib Ward at the ctly. Th.. lot. front ou Pet. It atna A tem., Watz...nn, tot, My:a, au.l Plug ‘tr...eta, are bet a minut... walk .ent th.. t'. art House a:1.1 w.ll he sold kr a rkpurt.hi..nt and healthy I. et' a P t..i.or. ki.,ulallott, tn n rim th.. ray' It ht. h umkt• urn." , el. tehlly to Improve will lied it t.. th-tr art • au., n rall Montt the. , Lilmeribrr. C Att'y ruy2, :f 1 , 11 Pi flit otreet. RMS uerenefeuperior tend. rk!l Ott. httelturgh. Ft. Wayne and rhk.a, 112 Arrv..4 . kr Len.l and I c-.QT, near Dar. 11.1.4-ttm. 1 , 4 .t,tra ~ fl :..JrutL 1,1 tuth, b. 1.. v the t , t). 1 , 0 .1,4, at L.th.l. tell tw..tr the b.enn , J to. diana. 1 :X , :at L • f the city. Furup.. C. , uutr, Sat, 11...••• Las. Furtture, r, i• cr•en 14.11 vuh prtrvh..... TII•tA1.1.• wit., E•tatu nuoker, No Fourth .treul. iOA. I, 1..% NI) 1 - ( , 1?. SA undersign e,l,4l..r• h r ~0.• ONE IIVNIph:.;1•.“.! FIFTY ACRES Con, u. 11,1 , 14 the flr•I of th.. nu. d...lrulde locutions or, the Moult... Abets tit, The utteurt.m ~f Iron met. Coal nteu., nn,l cupftall•to It direct...! to t • .l 1.14 A ter. the ~p portnntry for t• h usu. hot "lien pre•eute.! The term. roe 1..11 par ta . ul.l. tri.9 h• • ohlailied 1 , .t ler ..th•ru et,turit, ot A h , Fil N Llfi 1%1 Iu a CO and Note Ilmkers, ap.l ' No. tr.! Fourth Strnt. S . lk) . C I\ AT A . 1 .r .; :, 5 . 1 ,. ..1 ‘ N c . I , l , ... ) ,. . : Ni v i v S ,R ok y T11L•1,...11' ENlNti.—l. Ituutratur, nod Copper utul Re./ Eetalo ,o/.1 puhlic sale et the Ilerrhantl . Et-hunce 1.4 LOOMIS 6 CO Ann andl A trnl 1,..tnt0 O tio,,thsted on I.y AUSTIN LOMIS & Stock 6 No, Brokrmin Fostall Portable Mills, Engines, Boiler., MIII stones. &o. Donn BLE cORN AND FLOUR MILLS, rerti. P ,I I(TAIII.ES IV MILL?, kalrlotiv Paton. Tilo, xlil 11 1.'14; ttuilm.r I.2 l ahurt...thl gtro goteral ant.13(4.- tt.tt• sTrk xr.. Ion; an I Altort r„x , ., nnl in ilk Inn I.ltegt a-nrr... n t o d nqua any mad.. A 1..0. IV ALLAC 11l 111 F:\IIIN E?. pat. nted Aug nod t inwrovt.inent on all th6ll.itor• r., 10l hid tkr, 11101.1 31141 t.• Ord,. ,trA 11 lln I LF:ItS,.r- N.. I aa,da Ir,n , a a d n . n .hunt not :co MILL ttl...ttltt math. to •.rilor. and calnloolrg ur vt hoe Cut mill nu 00,1 MII.I. STOVE,. CLOI'IIS AND MILL lIION T M 1I 111\ ltlllll‘..ti t., oirr , mti+rnetl.tn. 1111,1 .11,153 , 11 01 10t. IV IV. IV .0 I. LACK. clt ., :ciOit I E.: -z--111 Ithdo. Cuba Sugur: Aj , 20 I Idr Crn•ls,.l ttot .1.. Holden Syrup n.. Ev , ...1n10r lit, OW 1 10 11011 Butte, fi I'mckod I. • nn.l rule IT oal WATT t WILSON. 14 1 1 NE wIALF : so\E BUGGY WHIPS of our ow et inttnufw turn, warranted in every pills 01 nniklt. for kat. i.e WELLS, 111001,E 10 .t„ 5 , 2(1 Fount, fIOPYINO ITESSES —And all the mat,.. , k_../elal. 0+...1 In copying [ellen, including the newly ItAwtntt.tl 1'1.1,1,1 Itt tYVINO Inellf,y Ittr nnlo WM 11 JOHNSTON Co, Statiwto•r• and h01ed...11 n lit 0,19 Ntt.ti7 W...td St. • • b a h r h' l4 i l l .l. '" l!T ra a nd c, l l l'r . _ . VMI LLION—P2 f/ AmericAn waale by lI.A. II:II:STOCK A CO. rltill— . 3 Large Mackerel no thin , • White Fhb Trout Salmon cola by lnq well! Herr J. 11. OA NFIRLD IMPRESSION on IitfPLICATINO I'AI'ER —so], nine, block and Urren fur Rob, by W. S. HAVEN. OLL Burl:Eß-2 bbls. prime Roll Butter dav 000 out ft: nal, by ATWELL. LEE & Cut. %V. D. & H. 11I'C ALL UM, EATER IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 3IATTINGS, Or. S 7 F , 6trth street near Wood. OILCLOTII COVERS, for tables, glands end burenns, nasorted .lure nod styles, fur win by uc2.3 -J. A H. PHILLIPB. RAN.SPARENT GREEN OILCLOTII, of T all widths, for nal, wholesale and retail by 002.5 J. & 11. PIIILLTPFY. TNDIA RUBBER GOODS—A general as j_ twrtment on bond at the Indio Rubber Depot, 26 owl la St. Clair erect. J. & 11. PILILLIPS. illusital _ 86 sops'Ml PSA . N O FORT 376, rcen ..DD Hi Chiokering 5 0n. ... Los CONitillii) AP Grant' anb iz'quare Dtano art es, And their latrly iurvnted PA.R.1.012. GR,A.NEO PIAN O TOR SALE OTtr 6T JOHN H. MELLOR, Ed Wood Street, between Diamond Alley and Fonrill Street JOHN H. MELLOR, the exclusive and 07.0.7 Aegis, ton Pitswurgart,&c., for the sale of MICH MONO .k SONS' Iti.wtoo PIANO FORTES, begs to returu his most sincere thanks to the citizens el Pittsborgh, gheoy and TkillitT, for their liberal patronage, and ho has now the pleasure of informing them that, by the increased facilities afforded lathe new and splendid Piano Forte Man ufactory; vocally erected at an expense of over wo Hundred Thousand Dollars, and employed by Chickeriog & Sons exclusively for the menufactere of their own Plano Fortes, they will be enabled te isep a fell supply at their agency in Pittsburgh, of all the ranches manufactured by them, from the malt splendid Parlorti rand and Situarc Piano Fortes, to the plain and law priced Piano all of which stilt} , old In rariably T BOSTON PR 3lessm. Chickeringwear at th di/. (trent Exhibitions and State Fairs In Boston New York, and other placm. Eleven (told Medals, Seventeen Silver Medals, Three Bronze 3ledals and the Price Medd at the World'. Fait In London,lSsl. For the character of the 0110 Te Instruments, the rabscrile er 1134 the pleasure of referring to about Fire Hundred Fami lies in Pitlshungh and vicinity, who hare porch/seed and have to use rhino Porto, front the above manufactory, and also to the follow ing Principals of Seminaries who have Chlckering & Sons' Piano Forman, me, and hare given their augnalifiad testi mony of their sniwriority over all others: Rev. Chas. C. Beatty, Principal of Stenbetsville Female Seminary. Mrs. F. R. Hanna, Prinelpa/ of Washington Female Semi nary. 11. R. 'Wilson, M. 8., Principal of the Edgeworth Female Seminary Sewickley, Samuel 11. Shepley, Principal of Blairsville Female Seminary, Po. Rev. Joseph P. Taylor, Principal of Kanvowal Boys' Acad emy, New Brighton. St. Xavier Fentele Seminar, Yonnusttoven, Pa Pisa. SAL William s , Louisville Awalsony for Young Ladles, Luisville, Ky. X en 31,sa ia, O. saran Montrose, Prltaci 1, .51 Female Serainat7 at /30•01.1 Pianos taken In exchange at theft - full name In Payment. MELODEONS, ORGAN ir.kr.moNrcms. GUITARS, PI ANO SIESIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALI, RINDS—WIRILESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN 11. SIELLOR, Solo Agent for Clackerlng & Sons, Pittsbnrgh and West ern nusyl rani, 31 Wood at, between Diamond Alloy and Four.. et. seSahorP N CNNS S: CLARK PIANOS. 1171 2 11 FALL STOCK. 11. KLEBER & BRO. Hare just rereire.i tin tm.st complete assortment of NUNN? A eLSIIES NEW YORK PIANOS, ever brought L: the West. They am the mtak durable and prejecl holm tn.anywhere and are warranted for FIVE YEAR. They M ld poeltirely at New York Factory prime. KLEBER. k BRO., No 1,3 Fifth street, sign of the Golden Harp. NOTIIII We beer Piatow of all the best makers of this rentry, sa that porrheder”an crtmport and Judge of their lative merits. eel N E W FALL STOCK OFiii PIA NO FORTES. The ode., ils.r is now receirnm his new Intl stuck of Pianos Inon the celebrated ruanufactfory of Chlrket ing thei r, ct.tistitig of nearly ono hun dred hot rurn-nts of their new sable and new sotto oU furniture. Pnrchasent are respectfully ins tel to call and thtamine thetn. Alm large .j o ck elarant Piano Stool and Piano f' , .r..re r sale by .10IIN 11. MELLOW. ag..nt for Chi leering A Son for Pittsburgh. Western Penn...3l,mi, and Eastern Older No. hi Wood Street, Pittsburgh eel A .1.41 PIANO.—A si x 0, ix_ taro Plano Forte, made by ona of the le, makers. and in perfect order. (lir One Hundred Lollar, ea,b, for kde cc-2? .fr'liN II M Emor.. 55 Wood street. AT 12 C Tit KC' E I 1 - ED.—Charlotte ntuo. , I I W.... 1 ; r 1,. .11 , •t th, following pfq Alk lor tIo• nr,l n..rtlx by Martin F. ./. It. 'rbuttka , ..2:.... 11.. me nn.l I,y. - a is.,r pnr OnstAre Sart, 111.1 Ilurplr-1: with lorilflatt varintiou4 by 11. It. NOV., hoc. L0 , ,..11a par Ja..111.1 111 Is men th :A . The A g 1,1,,, Ilrnr) The , Little Fl..wvr 2 City." Srottkeh...!Lr., NMI= Wilt YrLev my then vr Neer; with nevr ertrintioren 50e. Th , wordi and cnnsle by Alice Ilnwt 11 41 ,11 P 2:s4`. Tyrolienn...: J. A. her, els 1.11, nt r.k. , the ll•srit in matte of God uith variation', 40c. .The World 1. hdl ..f Itssinty *hen the heart is foil of Love I a Imantsful song. tak. Jtott publi.bed r.dillious for the ." in acts arranged in an easy and fanaliar manner. and Yip., given in their appropridtt. IL - wet, tool to arranged a" to On easily tattlerstood—id.de of each set Also' tar, coil rtion of Sonar and Oktes, Past received tit tho 'Ol.l I d stald,altell Nano depot" of eIIAHLOTTE et:l2 115 Wood 2nd door above stht. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY Devoted to Liter at ore, Art and Pol iiiii N,. I, 1 , 4 Norrrubvt. non- Roady. NlltiLA:36 JERRoLD: Permal'llemisivnres: FI) , RENTINE M•ISAICS, SA.NT FIi.,OM.ES SALLY PARSONS' DUTY. TILE NIANCIIESTER THE ROSIMAN Y I.; THE CITA llTl.srs 13IPLAINT, • tTS.• BRAHMA: THE. AFTOCRAT TII F. BREAKFAST TABLE. Every NAB 1,14 can lks.well• \ THE MET i.r TRITENICS: TILE 3 1 011[KAN41 FELL lIENPLAII: A Modvra Refarrn, LIBITUM INDIA: AKIN BY MARRIAGE. TILE UItIC.TN OF DIDACTIC PoETRT; TILE FINANCIAL FLURRY. soNN ED • THE ROUND TABLE: LITERARY NUTICES, MUSIC. Lm.Place Isrt-nt-y-lie cont. a Llamas, Eor.ale It r..\--r d NUN H'holeeelo Agents, Alasunle • }y Rh atr,t. Al' DAYIeoN'A Ul ihrksf terra. Sirlptup.Chara.lst, hy R. S. Candlish L. U. • II tls•ni- . I. U. 31. Itallantyne 'author of . 'Snow Flakes and Sunbeaml or tho Young For Tradars.' Platorlal. Rohn Metnolrea rt tho Poke of bully, Rohn. London. Ntannalrrs at Phillip Pa Coln nine, Tim Ran. for RION, by Ilay. W. grunt. aneLor of LW/ frr.ll 11 stven for Lift' ,a; Earth. Sorrowing yet Itejating. Ly Ron. Ur Mill. author of - Christ our Life." Loollualls of Flowers. Lraufifully ralored. I i.tttlon Flosram W.Tuder., of In.ltUlO, Views In Asia Minor and the Islands of the Lerauts—riews of Ethrlesla Lakes —views in Jerusalatu --acenea In )luny Land,— Eastern Manner, owl Ctndorns —From/Irks and LA: , L o mond—Furlrons of Edlnburalf — En of Jr. rusalant —Thu Lakes of lidlarny &a. The above ViCWs in landing or band...lndy pot up lop:Ark:lgen with a lot ter passtlra dss.criPtion Isr and mop arrompanyll h r rarh. 4th supply. yson ltsrs. by Henry llogrrs. nol! BLANK BOOKS LcDoRTIS. JOU IIS 7 , .11' BOOKS, INVOICE CISII ROOKS., tohnil aeoinint Book", nn.l Court Record', nand, in atiperidr ky {T.M. fi. JOHNSTON S. Co. octO lilnnk Rook 31annfortarer4 Nn. 67 Way! !it ITJ BOOKS NEW BOoha: Thn Greyeen Lettere, by Henry Rogere anchor of Lnilpnn of Faith. SeriptareChaeorters by some Candlish. D. D. The Mace for Riches, and of the pits into which dm rminers fall, by fur. W. A rout. Slimming yet fitioking. by Ray. Alex. !Leith. Iluds.su Bay:or orry day Ilk among the ft lids of North Atnerim. tiny Livingstone, or Therotigh. Therts Yvan on the Nortnw,•et Tho Nntiowl Mitgatur for N”vornher, or:,) J. L REAP. 74 4th street. lifirilirg'.`3 COLLECTION LAIVS::file ..L.lPC , llrelion I.(ia, of the several States and Co District ut Columbia, comprising. in a conden,oll Porn,. thr laws ry lanag to Imprisonment for dcbt, attarlitorro.Dulament rind a:rent:on; jurisdiction of Jost ices of oho Peace. exemption. thi, stilton, of limitations, rights of married women. interest and usury. Itch, designed as a test look for merchants, and business men generally; and a manual for' inert:hors of the legal profrasion, by James L. Brown. In I aol. Sr, iscil.2. KAY .k. lat.. rJ, Wood atreet. NEW BOOKS—Mabel Vaughan, by .ao thor of Lamp Liahter; F.hionable Amusements, &re view of N. Ilf 11.,us Lectern on the Theatre, by Ker. D. It. 'Thompson: 1.10,1 from the Cross, Sernions be N. A. Tl...luck: The Diviuo Life, Bev—lola Ketmedv; The itatelard Parts, t\_ . 27 001a.,101.1ne and gold; Bertha a 1 her Baptism; The Pil. grins Papere, Breckenridge'n new Ili k, Knowl.lgeof God, fresh supply. MornPublPatlolia an Dealt supply of Boobs in the dirrUrelat depalitll.l9 of Litt turn. Late terra, a t A. Pt. Si. Union, Troct and Hymn Boehm. New rat - alien 01 Stationery opening at Bookstore of ocil B.C. COCIIR ANY., li Federal at.. Allegheny. HAItPEIt'S INIAOAZINE for October, ix oat and for sale by W. A. (lII.DKNFENNY, se . J4Fifth at.. opposite the Theatre JUST RECEIVED --- 1 7 iti f PS.— Barth's Travels and Ailventnree In Central Africa. 3 voLs., aro. The tint volume is ont and ready for delivery. Shoal Adv 'W en Bay. ture, on Om North Weal Count, or Three bear. at ater Life of King Philip of Mount !lope, by Abbott Gay Llvltigatota. For nate by sell . J. I..7a:AD, Is Fourth st. City and County of Phi l adelphia, se. Tax ComioNwrArra or Prx:tl-O.V.L.VLI, T O JAMNS NICIIOLSON, Administrator de toms non of the cdtato of John Nicholson, deemed. greciinm We eummand yon. im before, that laying arid° ell Laud:iced and excesses 'oh:am:over. yoU he and appear, it your Proper per.oth before the ilonorable, the Judges of uor Or phans' Court, eta Cnurt to be held on Friday, the 10th dny of October. A. D,. 047, at 10 o'clock, of the forenoon, to Mote come why arcurity nhould not beieuteretl In innb numoantas the Curt may direct for the faithful performance of your dutim en Administrator aforesaid, and lurthnr to abide the ord t , of the Court to the picadnen. AC, nud horOof fail not, moJar penalty of one hundred pon eds. Wltnem OSIVALD TIIO3IP.r.ON, Enquire, at Philadelphia, We 28th day or September, In the p'zir of our Lord, one thonacind eight buttered and fifty mite. ne3Oreed3nd W. JACKSON Dep. Clerk, 0. C. SOAPSET rri(nl -----A large assortment of Ana Oaate, Drawn 'Windsor, Homy, Mama], yru a l pun', Old Paha doap, fa ado at JOS. YUMMY&