.....-.,......-. .'"'")( --- . __ ~.....„.. ____ _._ . it Al r :. , 3 :, ' , '5 ;V: -.,; . ESTABLISHED IN 1786. 1q YORIZ ADVEMSEMIIIM., From vmgcrusit,Otrle; R OD., Gmau. ID irumtm Mots, (Appleton'. liaplLor,„) No.346and 349 asoeferoy. No. Tore. Powsdry, Ralk!4z .. n k 2 Iron Farnitare PiIILIF TABB, Manufacturer of Rich 11nouv.-Cut, Highly Ornameoted nod Mom IRON FURNITURE, Iron Reblng end Casting+ of every dexerip tioei. UMeo and Worrlorove, 51 Onvos etreet, beoreeo Creel! end Broome, Nee, 'fork, .01/;2mar Imported Winne, Groceries, dto. I. & W. GEERY, 208 man roam, awe 719 ISILOWRAT, wow tax. [Established 1801] .I.I:%IPORIERS AND DEALERS IN FIRST Quality FaMily I/meeting offer to the Trade, Motels, Pr rate Families, and all who are choice in their taste, end deer* stmnanse article, • lam mallutY of TEAL—Omen and Black, Flatboat, Pouchong, English Breaking; Quinn, Ilyann, Onnomnier, Young Hymn, ie., In chats and half chrata, dr. COMB—Mocha and Java. IClNES...3lLnielran, Sherrie, Part.. Rork, dr, r.Lry ald mull MO grah ohd.l , In original parkageo, clonaphna, tong. alms aa BARTON nod OUESTIER'S CLARETS. CIIAMPAIGNS—Meet d Chandon's (Wit imp 9 Terzenay. Do MeAdaelck,o. IL Momoe. do do do LIQUOILS--Bradisa, Banta, Whiskey, .in. Arrack, clothe, Mewl, An, do., In original parkam, eheueurnualue Attaching ',Manta, Noyeau ninon, At MALT Lit/WASLad. BrovreaFtont, Srotrh and English Alec CIOAIL4—A varlet,- of choice brands. PICKLES—English and French. SAUCIIS—Far Fish, (Alio, ORM., Meat, kg CII ERSE—Stilton, M.N.; nnyol. Victoria, Prince Albert, Parmeson, Gruyere. Amman; Dutch and and American. MI ARA—Leaf, *natal, Pulrerite.l, Ft. Crrao, dc„ In bar rels and halt barrel. II A MS--Wrottal . la and American. OILS--011r nod Abide, dirOor Lninors are snaranted unadottorafed and of our own ImportatidB. • f&tdify • Gold Bindle!, Pianos. " QTEIXTWAY &SONS, t, Welker stree New ork red the following First Prix in competition with the best makers In Mown, New York, Philabelphhismil Baltimore. TWO FIRST PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair . ; Wrighinitton. March. BS& A GOLD MEDAL, at the Cmtal Palace, Neer York, No enal:pm., 165.5, (being the Indy Gold Medal given tor Moos • within the /est six yews.) • • A BOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Tor:Unto, Baltimore, 1758. • SUE ID= PRIZE MEDAL at the' Pali; Crystal Palace, New York, Norember,llls6. Among the.ludgea were the first ranaPad talent In the country, nett us L. Mason, Gott schalk, Wellentompt and many others. Et. tS. Ilan. (with and witbont the Iron Frame) aro warranted for three year., and a written guarani. given. Pianos packed and hipped without chain. Prices moderate. 11. RLBORR t BRO., Sots Agents for Pittsburgh sitlWesteru Pennsylvania. &Chip& Druggists. BL. FSTINESTOOK. & Co., htte of the firm • B. A. Velum...A R GI, and uoccoasors to Firming Bro.. Wholrsulo Druggtrt No. 03, corner Wood and Fourth titteburuh. RR A. FAIINESTOCK & Cp., VirIIPLE . Halo tirttgariata and Manntacturer• of 'White Lead, Levl and - Lftharge, earner Wood and Front amen, Pitt. burgh. ' T SCHOONALAKER, MANUFACTURER . of White Lead, neat Lead. Zinc. Paint. 'Aherne, rot `—ty and Wholesale Dealer to Palate, Oils, Varniehe. Torpen - tlne, he., No. Wood el, Pittsburgh, P. TOIIN lIAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOICTIiJTS. 3 u sttinfley,)Whidraale and Detail Drucent and Dealer In Mae, Oits Dycrtnees,leiieornet Wood and Six!hatreeta, riiritecular Agent Inr Dr. Ford'. Medicine. nal JOLIN P. SCOTTWIIOLESALE DEAL rt. in Dragx, Palate, 011s.„YarnIstken and Dymntsift, :,at lawny atmt, Plttstmtgb. , MI ordot. rtvrivetitorept attmtkon. Al7-Mttatt for fflmtlek's iNtlmuitle Syrup. mar24lyrlst• . E. SELLERS, WIIOLESALE DEA.L -erltt Drug, Polotw,Drestoffs. Oak ito.. N 0.75 Arowl groet..Pittatotrgh, Pi floods ono - ranted. Prices low. 1111.11.11.1C1C or.a. AWNS WT.. BRAUN £ REITER, WHOLESALE AND • Retail Droggirts,eorner or Liberty 'awl Si. Clair aL T pit tobtullh, JOSE r IFTLENIING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. DittnTond. f k eep. Dreg.., li m ii i tri , itr. o a:u t liel .e ite ,, Choeite, Perfumery, and ell article.. per t, aa.l'h)'tlclan. tnwiptona caefully comrnded at all boorn paly !.1 11R. OEO. IL K}YSER, DRUGGIST, 4 11 140 Wend Weed, corner of Wool stycet and Virgin t- Alley. Ppteburgh, Pa. Vrobucc riraltts CEESE A.REHOUSE.-lIENRY H. M IV COLLINS, Forwarding and Comm Won Ylerchant,and Deader in Cheese, Ilutter,Lake FISh and Produce generally, 26 WonZet, more Water. rlttaburgh. eny2l B. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, 011,Who Id.,o7 l n , :f;ion nod roman._ l rr.ag 111=t; an trot hed Pearl Ashould Western Produce generally.' Small et., Smithfield and Wood, PitteburgiL VIPBANE k 'ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A. 't A. 111cOstir,1 &eters In Flow., Grainond IV Products Cototatodon nod Porerarittig Llerehahts, No. 124 &rood et,eet, Pittohniitti, Po. 1, nitelly),O,l2 DAvb , C. lIEItBST, FLOUR, PRO dam, Provision nod Omombellon Iterclood, No. 27 — Liberty etreot. corner of Mind, Pltteburgh, Orr, hie att.,. 4.---tion to the ealo of Floor, Pork, Atom, Lord, Cher. l, totter, •S Grillo, Dried Prof.. Suede, ke— &c. illirOonsignoteuto roepetifolly eolicited. sally A LOX. FORSYTII, (SUCCE — S.743R TO Poreytb Scott.) Forwarding and Oommleidoo Mem chaos, Dealer In Wool, 141e.,,Flotir,ttotoo, Lord and Idal Oil and Produce petiorAlly,No. 75 Wider et., Pittebargh, Pi. 17 . TT RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION I I Mereliaitt and IteelOr in aroadini sod Produce, 27 Fifth etroet. Pittsburgh, Ps. a Refer to L. fltertrod, Pittehorg/;. . rlaoLlsr, OmeotArn & io Pittaborgb. Oil-Ootaidgoolotibt eolicited anditstbfeetory return, var. ntitrad. • deltklydirrT VI °BEAT lIIITCIIINSON, COMMISSION Merthout, for the tile of Western Steserre Cheese, Better. Lord. Moon. FLA, Pot and Pearl Ashok Salsoatus, iNls, Floor, Grain. Seeds, Dried Fralt,and Plains* poorally, No. S &MMUS street, between Moot eo , l Water. spa OLIARLES B. LEECH', FORWARDING ti oral Comm Won Morrhant, Doator In Floor, Grain, B ron, Lard cad Dotter, and all kinds of Prodnea, No 8 Saab- M===M= EAGLE WAREHOUSE.-Z - AS. GARD INER,,,WhoIanIe Dealer in Flour, Pneeielone arnl Pend.. Pmervalr , :in. 0 Seventh street, between Liberty mud S mithneld, Pit tebargh, Pa. iffirTerms =eh. welly -TM MURAL • • • W\l. N 31. B. IJOLMES k BRO., PORK AD Derr Packer. ..d Nal,* In Praddom, corner of Market and Front shoe% Pf tabargh, P.. dee attorneys. Benjamin P. Blood, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW A zap COMMISSIONER FOR THE STATES OF . - - --- - Now Farb, Oblo, Kentnek7, E Maeurinwette, /Miami 1 Nieweni, r i ai r x, 1 ...... Michigan. Illinois, lows, Wiseonotin. Act.^^ l,4 lMUM, and Deposidene taken, anti Cello kn. adruinistered to be recorded or need in tak en of the above named Star.. OMee opposite the Tbristni, No. 40, depth sneer Pitus b orgh, Penna. jellidlim ROBERT. DPKNIGIIT, ATTORNEY AT tilw, and BoUcitos of the Deok of Plttoburgb, No. 110 Fourth street.Plttotrunch. ' don TOSEPLI z 8.• & A. P. MORRI IN, AT u foram st Lass. Office No. OS ➢ninth et., mar Wood, Pittsburgh, Ps. my2l UFARTZHORN 41. RAZEN, ATTORNEYS 11, at Kam. Ottkr fn Odeon Ilailding, Vowel street. Pittsburgh, N. erg Geobis. WIRPrIY - A. BURCHFIELD, DEALERS 1~l In Sake awl Ledlleir 'Drs. 'Goals genisally, Clowlts, names awl Shawls, Embroldwries end Staplo ()ow* fgt. t family ass— An lansuroally extead se assortment In all the above deputes...Maj.:lst steely*" and wilier et the lowest .1 prlosw wr{}.ftateor. fourth and MUiCet..ts,-;jai: o[3 . rtrrtmeo G ROST a as, R ORE .. -4. a " ''''''' ' . A. MA SON -- CCO '" WHOLESILI , ..A. ROE Retail Dealt' In FREEj " .OO Staple Dry Gonda ' , • V• VIM argot, Pittabugh. '. • . k CI A. STROlik. CO'S - PREXIIITM .)lAG: %,...0 . IC DOPLICATISCI ANDII4TAESSION 1•A16:3-8: principle of writing without &sit or ink. Cot pannStan i awarded to them by the Ohio Rabe Fah . ; October,l9sl. p. It Is a beautiful article with rid& to arrito a letter and obtain the copy at theaartle floor', al ghoul - the nee of pram or 6 Ink, rendering It Invalnakdo to' , ,porsotts Unrolling. It will g take the correct impasialon onto] Icor, plant or flower, and 17,2 : 1 4 711474,71:11,===re:5r I 1 11 ' 1 „t two of peas or Ink. with. bout, or untonen stick. Try It. lidr . lale by W. B. LEAVEN, srarkot and Second streets s: 5 CTJ.iII - 511E:.,—' Di. . ./ I.gs. prime Rio Cotiec; al hlnls P a Saxar; • . IS Why e...nthod cinoi 87; 4 to bbla Pottered .IS " Coll.. .50 " 410, 4rIft1T 4 tr. 25 " Marololor iyrayr, t z . 75 has 5," add Tobaceot .1040 6 twist Tobauxr, . ' 25 casks Ili Garb Bodo; -25 Of bbla Yoga Maratha; • 80 boo 8010 *demur, 'O3 Ilorm Ma: . •. hr d,,,,,py n Tea; _ . 30 Id ehost• Meek Ts% 60 caddies wed WMPIag Pa Pot: 100 has amid abiniGhiri; '4OO hdla Straw " .. tut &a Corn Brooms .. 500 key 161st brands Haile: 3 st . .s?,t i r s e i Nzlpw, ~- , I ,: t.w arks o llle acrrin id WhalaOit 4"''"6 beg. I.llspkg ... ~., .100 Ws lam No 3 Darlonel; Alo sided Sole le:slier; ~.-6111,bhe mad . 4 store and for aalo by ~ ..:•. - 1 WATT A WILSON. Al Dela • ' ' • No. 2614 Liberty et. ki--- - ---.-------:„-__ ttSUN_DRIES-- -, - WO two Maw Mo Coaer< • , • ' 100 areal'. II:e d Black Awn f , ,!.i :6 Iwuweeeneted ' brande Wolk YAWkorr. 0 25 kepi 111‘Twlet Tolaccw. I? •. 66 , 4P0rt0 Moo Bowan A-: 60 Ws lioloed Bawl . - - r Ft 00 bbla Yellow Relined Sager; 60 IA leVeklea 13yrotc • 30 bbl. Eitelakw Syrow, 6 60 taw N.O. ateleweer,, 0. , keg+ .111 Cub Bode; ' • .:-. 00 bons Soda WM/swag, . ~..1, 300 bills meoetettelteeStnor VP - nippin g Paper ...4 10 tlemehttn r- ,._.' 300 Mem Bo!o' Tattpen 40 bbls pare nth 011; Loses winded Wlodow.Gleer. i— Irk domes eawarted.llroolww. . 2:* k kl - ...' 4 ', 41 .. / . i Nifr , -„/It;tlore or 41 Fo vs' k 1 , - -- - • , JOHN PLOYD A.. DO. IZTOVE St STOVES:L.STOVESM— !Ilto Tmyle Cook, tb° I :" l th. k6 s="l l . 4 i t ' : fr t Whkh roorekrl hy'rtU who Am sera It to he th:: '4tht Am:Orme nod ortumeota4 elate here or rimed rere.— )411 end ore them Cl the froa.{llty 5b3.40.11..m d Tin . 4 rarrhouer or T.. 1. alt 13. CO, tag 13.1.W0. _,dot. UGAIt.-25 Bble C. Nallcnr Batimo re re doe!" tostore sad imloslik tor ~ ownrs a lila MST. NEW YORK envawnsimerems, Pram ALBERT 0. lIICHARDSONT ADVIZTVSIIn .1,1 Con. itaarOXIMCO Broadway. New Fork. CIL.A.R.E'S 7 - t...4, LK - 4j , .A.. 7 ----.S._\ E N A M E I. E .p . /if ' ( 14 474 \ THREAD. -r" • CkElf, r : , , • , - ,0 5 -0. I . 1 . $l , / I 32 DEV STREET, 7 . NKIV YORK. .012.1mdavrTut IT IS NOT A DYE. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S I-lAIR REsTortam.. Uri hlrrd, Bald, or perpona with diwwww of hair, or srain, read the following and Bilk. nf the artlelen. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAMI or World). Ilnir Pronging. 'anew - natal to nw: with tbo Ittntorer, and la the best flair Drawing for ohi or Yn.m...v Wit, bring often eflienctuns in rules of lonlrfaillog, , it le nut the Restorer. . . REV. 11. V. DEOAN, Editor Gnide M Illidiness. "Wee.: testify to its effect:." An. PRESIDENT J. 11. EATON, IL D., Idurfrogeboro• Tenn. -Notwithstanding trreLinhir nee, the failing off of hair censeil. nod my gray locks restored thoriginal co/or," An. SAL HURLEY, Attleboro', Massachwietts. "It has changed the 'Crown of Glory,. belonging to old nem, to the original boo of youth," do. REV.M. TILACIIER, (6(1 yeart of ego,) Pitcher, Cheuango minty, New York. -My hair is now restoreth It ts nothing like a dye," de. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, New York. "My own hair, nod that of another of my family, boo greatly thickened, whore almost bald," Ac. REV. JAMES WERE, New Thar City, Roconimends It , Ac. REV. W. PORTEIIB, Stanwich, Own. "It has met my root • E t !' . " O=L u t7," efilcockm• in toring the han, -' ac N .. it. "II to 'a'. REY. 0.31. SPRAT.", lewbburgh, Penney:Dwain. "We can and do cheerfully recommend it," tic P. TUSTIN, CLarlintown, South Carolina. 'The white bale ha* too obviated." /kr. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD; Meriden, N. 11. "We think eery holly of your preparation," Au. REV. 13.C.ElliTH, Prattslowgh, N. Y. "I was suryrlme4 to Ind toy hair turn as when I was yom,g," dn. REV. aM. CLINK, LewistoryPountylVattla. "It has stop. pod my hale falllngand caused • now growth." REV. A. FRLNK, Chatangue aunty, New York. "I am wal let:led and mommend IL" REV. D. MORRIS, CrVel River, Now York. "It to the beat preparation eadarit." REV. WILLIAM currEn, Editor Marsala, Now York, 'Recommends IL" /MN° aught swell this list, but if not correinct/d. TRY IT. WW o export cheer prepatatiotot to Europe oxen, wet they are superseding all others there an well as In the Uuitcd States. ft dart net sot/ or stab. Sold by all the prinelpid Whole sale and retail merchants in the United States, Cuba or Cen ada. DEPOT, 355 BROOME STREET, N. T Where addrem ell lettere and Imintric. 11M—Borne deders try In sell articles instead of this, on which the, tuakemore profit. Write to Depot for eireuLsr, terrusoutd informrtton. Genuine is eignesi,..Yrs..S..A. written in :wk. Beware of counterfeits. sokdass3muF earnages JOSEPH WHITE'S Carriage Espo•ltory OSEPH WHITE NOW CARRY ingg on bendmws in his spacious prom (mew lately enlarged.) between Pitted:ante and Lawrence ville, near the Two Milo Run, ',cis...tinily invitee the public to inspect his stock of CAILRIAGEd, BUOGIES, de. And he particularly Informs gentlemen purchasers, tint one price only is made. Fourtesm years' experience In the busi nes, enables. him to plane before his patrons the name choice collection of CerlbMee, which so many years past it tuts been his particular department to select from the various and most talenheel Eastern Uthollyturers. The oneness of his new system I. complytet the econotity of hie arrange mcnts will supply the best and most fashionable raanufactn rem at moderate prices. Unencumbered be those hemry expense, which the martin for denorating Masse of Beininesel, has hcopel upon rho prim of Goods, (owing to large r00t,,) Joseph Ulxite p elf on ready money only, at much less than the usual profits. N. 11.--,Carriagea remind In the befit manner. with Us patchfell:steal° Coach and Carriage Factory JOhNSON, BROTIIER (brae" Etriainnt and Eel.," Mr.4s, ALLtniIENY WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN form their friend a. and the mtblic geoe-klaW rally. that they are mantiLactaring aNrilages, Sanwa's... Reditonrs.• U.PrinaSleighr and Chaziota. in ell theirloi- OM styli. of fhabh amt proportions. All anion trill be exeented with strict repel to •lurabilny and beauty of [ankh. Repaint will ale° be attended to Oil the moat Irmaniable terms. Using in all their work' the beet EalltdrTt Shafta, Poles mad Meet mal they fiat cond. thmt that all who favor them with Clair pwrotrasw will be perfeetly isitlatital on trial of their stork. . • Porch..t? nre twitt.t.x to /Or• throt a call I..frt por cloting el.wit•te. eommtsstan, JOS. S. LEECH a CO. Nee. 242 & 244 Liberty •t., Pittsburgh, Pa. WHOLESALE GROCERS AM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS jr.; .FLOUR AND BACON, 'rim Pita., :arid Tinner•a Stook AND PITTSBURGII MANUFACTURi:S 17llailf MOALPIN & CO. (Leto of J. 8. Loth, llcAlpin 2 Co. Pittoborgh.) GENERAL COMMISSION ANT) FORWARDING NLFURCI-LANT'S. Levee and Washington Avenue, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS ISILETTORY, EM=inlEMi!ial THOMAS 6 GALLAGHER, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MMICHANTS, X. :SO Pile. &red, St. mot., 6.1611 t &MGM, [lmam. k t7i.l Jost. A . LACTII. Loarm,SISWASIT A: Co I 7.in k Pkirre. Will purchase to order, Lead, Clamp, Bacon, Grain, to. — Prompt attention given to any manner of L,ravailing. Jetklyd• IntIZI/1101 L • •• • • EWIS ,Ir, EDGERTON, (Succem to rs D. T. Slorgoo d Co.) Wholoode Toro's:ding Costolodon Nfrrchante, nod daders to iron, Noll*, !dot ing., Cotton Tarts,Olan Ac. No. NW Wood aloe.. Pit.- burgh, Wept.; SPRINGER lIARBAUGII, COMMISSION Merchant, Dealer In Wool, Pro, Wow and Produce gen .nib. So.= Libezty greet, Pittsburgh. P. HFDTBY S. KING, (LATE OF THE Bro.of ffhlg kMoorhead,) 'Cramlesion Merchant, and Dealer to Pig Metal and Blooms 1i0.78 triter street, he kelt Market, Pltlabargth aplO A A. LIARDY, (SUCUESSOR TO lIAR dJ,Jot .k Co.,)Csamutalon mad Yorwarding Mer chant. Agent of the !Indiana and Indianapolis Railroad, cor ner Mast and N. 1.7 Ma, Pittsburgh, Pa. jaZhlrd EDWARD T. MEURAW, aNERA.L J 1.2 Ckimmisaion Merchant, and Wholesale Dnder In Mann. factored Tobeoco, Imparted and Dowell: Cigars. Snuff he. 211 Liberty dreet, °manta the heed of Woad. PIM, burgh, Pa. mhl2ly Amur, 6zr JoIIN u. IWELLOR, No. Al WOOD ST., between' Diamond Alley and Fourth street, Sole Agent SsrCIPICKARLNO k SONS (Roston) PIANO PONTES, MA SON A NAMLIN'S MOSHE, WXODNONS and ORGAN UAIIIIONIUMP,and Onassis. Moak and linsleal Goods. Jsl3 KLEBER it BRO., No. 53 ffitil I LL. RWe i g on tirratW i ll4=7 "B NAXOS, and uLITUART NEEDHAM% genuine BMA. 01:0513 and ORGAN MARSIONThiS, Dender• In Mode Musical Instrument. fed CIIARLOTTII BLUME, MANUFACTUR ER awl Dealer in Mao Tarter, gad Importer of )fade and Ironical Inetruments. bole Agent for tho HAMBURG PIAIIO . S, also for BALLET, DAVIS t 00.14 Barton Fleece, 'with and without /Cole. Attothment. 118 lioariitreet. mm ■ O.llKlf. CRLD OTC. W.AMECNATOR:I"Er. Ar. CO- ILUIVIWPOLLIOt OP CRIDGE tf.• WADS.IVORTIPS ESEPROVIE 7 O OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES, PI7TSDON6II. . PEN NA. A FTER a thorough practical teat for over three year. WO MX.gt of mu Enylnee werranta m in iiticneg them to the public.* being ninny:tithed for scottega bf feel, simplicity 111.11° Chnaptiellil Or °titian:glint, Eollll.c (- DM. awl °arability: combining all the advantages (includ ing working almrn expansively) of the gentile Midi. valve Engine, and at the amen time dispensing with all cams. m•rWa rectabsfla, crowalteeds, alWa•valres, &e., awing their coin of romatrection and necestary waste of poorer in running. We have a large muultar in daily °pandits , In UM city Ott .IcisltE air,, in the State. of lowa, Ingham, Ohlo,Virginia.. New look, Pvoutylranit, North Carrigan, and in the 'City of 2/lezire, all tiring the pagan° antirfacc thin. Th. Pahnit Right arr Oat Britain, and Shop Right in all tparbs of tho Irnitod Stat.% fia aalo on tonaonahlo tortno. din invite all Intantauot to exll and axasnloo nor Knead' and their mPo 12 a • • . • • • we we 'prepared to 011 order. tor ell nl//n from Gorr to 90M/imbed or =SOn hone power. sole:dew:oer MIIMVM • Elides, Leather. Oil and Shoe Findings, Ns. 215 Lib find. Plllll9Ollllll. P 4. JON. S. HAMILTON & CO., ENGINEERS Sc MACHINISTS, Corner First and Liberty Sm., Piitsbur2A, Pa. FIRST. CLASS UPRIGHT AND HORL ZONMILL nadlkt ENGINES made to enter. • rhi , $l.. =dew the mnonfeetore ortbeir Celetestod . 11.40.11INjATS: TOOLB, ?each as Turning Who.. • Iron-Planem ' Boring and Milling Machine., !a ANU., Wrought Iron Modling, Pcilleye and R angers fre Mille. Shore. As seellydaly/ BOUP, Esq., of Duquesne Borough _tir lJU I.LeG• Allegheny CO, T.. IMMO TIOOMIa Patent Matehles Illoolnew In the manufacture el lds popular Boon Matches sal clears nearly I. percent. Rights and Ma chines for wile by Sea M F. EATON. VLW.PATTEOS WALL PAPER—Fine waium vYI omp Paper Banging* Borders and Window nada at t*r, , noo. (p ew • . • 1.11 COOUILABB, Allegheny. PEIt..CENT. AVER in oilingill.kinds sUof Width...try by Walk EnOle Patent Oil Cans.— BOHM P. BATOlii,o(ritteburg, i n the exclusive light SO yell In Peuuttyltilaigaiond riders to Pittsburg!, Mannko.. general... ion lir lIIID&PREKE CUBA SUSAB;_ Irobble:Byrunidelaio*Nromitlaria Mr ml n CALiNNED MAGINEt3IA2-450 boxes in "1."4 1»/AW.BIBMIC 00. BU' ER-3 bbls. S. P. Butter for sale by 4 . 0 "' 4 • n:DALSOILL • PITTSBURGH, THUR. NEW YORE ADVERTISEMENTS From 11. 8. SCLIELL'S Athertiwing Ilmvu, Way. Matches, 10.000 Gross. VIATCIIES, CIG A R LIMITS AND WAX TAPER°, wurruntscl to stand erery.rlituat, put up In woad and tin ts•xes expressly for shippin: and Jobbing.-- Sold op ths twat lilwral terms, by e11A111.1 , ,i 125 M - sioleu au7,11.44 Schuos Furniture • • PATON, Manufacturer of New and lm pnn . o.lo) 1,11 of Pellool, KILN [TURK . Intogrotod Condon-no. 14.nt on opplicntlon to R. PAWN, JeAlknits In firma ittrent, New York. • Modern Style of School Furniture. MANUFACTURED and for sale JOIINSON„No. 490 Hudson stout, Nen York. A largt supply kept muntalitly on bond. Circulars Inrwaril. application As alive. LIGHTE; NEWTON & BILADISURNS, MEZZICA=IM MAN FA rru R its .4. the Patent. A reh Wnoit Plank Piano Vortow rtslohnitell for 41..011, full parity, amt a 10011 r e,iuglug quwilty of their tune, for whlwk /1:1% . ” 11 , 1,111,1 the highewt eewniunis from the grtwotevt trovical celehrttleo of the coma ryt and it very fair, when hr. aOll In competition with other motto, harp obtained the higlowt premium. Th. Patent Arch Wrewt Plank, which it ow noti arol noml only by no, guarantee, theirrtanding In Intro lager than any oils, in ailment: while their impreceaentml aleniatal in all parta of the country hi a oath:tent prwol of their superior onvollenre. A liberal dlamatit to Clergymen, Scloolt and the I role Je:4lyd:ll Grocers BA(Ia.LEY, COS RI E & CO., Wholoctie ilrocers, N. IS awl . 20 WOOli .trm , l. burgh. CIO. C. CMS O. OLBOLIL REIS & BERGER, GROCERS AND Deidors in Bacon, Lord, Flour, Cheese, Brooms, dr., Sooth-West corner Smithfield and Second Streets, Pitts. burgh. ALEXANDER KIND, WHOLESALE Grecer and Importer of Bodo Ash, No. 273 Liberty etrect, Pittsburgh, Ps.' std.:Lyda MITCIIELTREE, Jo., BRO., Wholesale Ororers, Rectifying 1001.iikt,11041 Wfoo And Liquor Merchants, No. llofi Litsirt3,trcct. Pittsburgh. L. MOUT. TONES & COOLEY, WHOLELALE ORO CNRS and Oda rdrulAbers, dealers Id Produce and Pittsburgh Waottfaetsweit, No.lll Water street, mar Cherry Alley,Pittsburicts, Pa. r0)26 amet. r. PIRRIVOI JOHN F. PILIVOITIT. lIRIYER & DILWORTIL WHOLESALE 1,) Gemore, N 0.130 wad 132 Severn! dreet, (betweon Wrexl Smithfield.Plttelmrgh. A CULBERI7 'SON, WHOLESALE OrneeritmlOommlosion Merchant. Et•eilerin Produce and Pittsburgh Meritifartgred Articles, 195 Liberty 'street, Pittsburgh. /OWN FLOYD-- MlciliFlD WILLIAM nun. TOIIN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE Onxersitrui CcummlmMon SltTchAntA, N 0.173 W•wel nuti 25 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jel6 Joint wArr JOUR vrltanS. WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE ORO MRS. Commission Merchants and Dealer+ in Pro duce and Pittsburgh Mannfrsetures, Lite.rty ster,t, Pittsburgh. in2s MAUR lontrWr Imecrr. SAIAH ' DICKEY ',4c CO., WHOLESALE I C.atuinisstion Nierchantsorel Denier. in l`neloce, No. 66 Water street, and Frent street. Pittsburgh. urns, n Tno.s moron(Late of the firm Robison. Little k Co.) LITTLE .I CO.. WHOLESA L E GEO .! ORItS, Protlnce and (1 - .annataion Merchant., and )Raley In Pittalocrgh ‘lanaracturea, No. 112 Ar...•otitt atrwt, Pittabarab. ja19.1:53 Rat. u'curcrixo, xottro,t. M. McGLITCITEON• & CO.. W HOLE sm.): Groom, l`nalm.• and Coruna...ion hanta, aml floaters in Pittalntr.l. Nhannfactured A made, No 119 Liberty street..,rner Irwin. Pittabarah. Pa. A'CELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE Ormem. Prtaince anal Commi...n Ilerrhlnt.. and to A'., In Pittabargl, Mnanfarture, 80. s Wo.•I Water and Front at.. Pitt.barch. . _ _ ROBISON CO., WIIOLF.S.I.LE . 4111 1,10.1 Nl,ctlytty ..n4l Dealt., In all 1•n •. l'o•lo, anl P1tt.1.,1,1% Nn. TaS I.ll,rty htl.l.nrgl, ROIIF:RT 11. KIN 4;, ViIIOLES.‘I.E (;110_ CEll.ComniMion Skrrhant. Itnd ihAier F..3ther. nat.. }l.llr, ant all of 1 ., 111111, I•nulnce. N.. 211 1.11. erty ettert. main .r 1 lt•tntth• 1 . 1,4 " ,, 1 , . 1 - r...0w, co-vie... row , ,nvn..t.va. Ja:+ iii =MUM lop OBEItT to.. IV lit 11,E gAIJ: and F.,,,nr.lin, Mrr -I.alersin Prottn. e and ritt..crgh ‘l.4giulacbst.. N. Z 1 L.lberty street. Pittxtrurgt, la - my2_ tiookorllrts, &r M. G. JOIINSTON & CO., Stationer 4, Blank Busk Mutufactureits w• 1 Job Priutt.r.. Su. ',7 Wtsttl titrt,t, Pittsbur g h, Ps.rMyt E.. _. . ._ . C. COC li RA Is: li, (SUCI..,ESSOII 'l'o . A Azoller., it holmtle and llotail Denkr in 11.4.4. Seldi.o•a7 anal I...prr flanging, Federal gate...R. oth door S. E. or Market S4lo.arn' A ll ogit•ny, Pn. - - Joll\ S. fi A~'!SOS. BOOKSELLERAND etial:nnr...intn,....r to Ivaty.rn S AAtwoo, So O.': Mart•l aro, pow- Poorth. KAY Co.. iftk)K.SELLEItS' I) sTA TIONEI4{, Nn. 1.5 W0..3 to nnr. of Tf.fnL Pill.losrgh. eatv..l and I.ao 110 r L. REA Iw. BOOKSELLERAS:II) sTA TIONI4II. Nn Fnurth n.,Avnlln uLIN T & 3! IN PAL ffooT:RELLEit and SuLtinner. llnnon In MIL Fifth %%m et. 13412strtans DR. R. T. FORD stiff continues his new VEGETABLE PRACTICE. Hi. oflar.o. Vimt end I,tanAylrzsa Av..zae Fourth &rt, Rut o 1at..1 Pitaorzls. Pz -• Ilia m11'11114...1 in A. nul Chronic 1n..., can n“t onnalrd In suy c,ftho rtb./Ical prartln...f Ih. pr. K. O'BRIEN CAN BE CONSULTED Jur .t Dr. Smith's. c.rnrr Fifth and .m 11101.44 0.3 IDUNDAYH, WEDNI2 , DAVI , awl RATP RDA TS, from to to 1 and I In 3dd/wk. ==!= DOCTORS GAZZAM & FL}MING. Ofg.r.e No. 25 Sixth stmt. PittAbough, Pa. re...,,titvi• Neal 'Estate agents B - - - - LAK_ELY & RICIIEY, REAL ESTATE Wok.r., cororr of mud fintithilleht str,th, Pittsburgh, Farms. Ilootook Lob.,lbs, Formers, dc bought ct.r.d poltt—ent—comtohnltm. Land Wltrranbt, 0111., BOO& MIA Note+ tr, , utintogi. attuotion given to trubdiritliog Yarn. nod th•po , dng of them T.rut. ne•rona; •,..-Vtdtort‘ M=lrZ= DEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES Bawls, Mot'lwagin and AI eecuritle+ for snot.ey Thome 011'0110g 10 invent I.llclr !non.: to e.. 1 advantag, nut always and that and ' , mond class vapor at my oilier, t..,r • • All [Utlnnonlrallong nnd lonTrtr.r. ertrtly ronllderaLmt OM , . GRANT STILELT. alypool. St. Paul'. Cat , Inal. jolAti GEORGE W. BUNS, REAL ESTATE and Insurance Agent, attends to baying, and wiling lied Estate every description, and to dgeneY business generally. Also, to Inswing property from low or dannW , by tins, for good, reliable Philadelphia Controtnle, Chargra reasonable. . . 417 . 011 e Wort side of Ff.drrsl street, ground tkonr South of the North COMMON., Athuhroy City. ow.p9 . . AUSTIN & CO., DEALERS IN I.rostilasory Nola, Denali Malinger awl all Sane. Ilea for :Moony. Mnoey loaned on 'Menke at abort Antra, evith nollaleral seralt.lea. NOTES AND DRAFTS ROUOIIT AND SOLD. Persons cleaning Intro