OFFICE OF . Sthattingallit— wollraltiildeigeditrViC— hrners, Oct. 10,4 = • i br a prov dni. ;116 Fol4l6dNqiGocrps are ill MOM MG, ogled for, sad be eel& at Auction to pay Ceaconaßstre Stree,N4l.ll,44Yoh Rs ni on the IFIRRT DAY OY DECEMBER coat, stoMm IVEA4FNIIR telitypaith wFI aftl d. JACOS,PORSTIOL:r., Agent. Firs. aleli_reg7 , J Imam epporstos ch = l. 7l ll 7,, WI 1 whale Cgs g Plebrett, Geo, Or beialog sod listable IItoMIDOC _saga*April Priest. Dtrellitek Morfaitole. aksYlittos, TlP!ar n a I 1 Aspinwall. mut Ibex .1! • it 73. , .• ..• g Abt% Talnti;ellmes, PomPa, Osugesellitiers mu. 1 " Aombletosh.oo. Flom mule to order. . . I arse Desolate Co, Pittsbugh. Car Scow Ott I _,,tiog lischleme ars ogling norm, ogr g s m,, s urs Agriculturst, " awn Pi 4 wto acalmg" Oa wadi. owe odor bo. J D Abranto, Apoll Pe...0l Pa eo:a* Invention. PredericktO,A, Orden idldted atelrl. of the Osualspi p o etuge W Belem, Ilirlialligh.4 Pew., promptly setimaloe te. Jelltlydr M Boyd, Pittsburgh, •a I la a . a, Bancroft I Woodcock, ‘msell=e „ 1 J Braden, I 1 " COAL I 1• tleorea Suchamm, 11 _ Bleriaos, 1 D Broom, " D Bons% 1 " Kre .7 Traitor, 1 " A / J Noy Booty & 1 " Z. Li Bard 1 " RH Batley, 1 Dank T Broom, 10 box LY Bush. 1 trunk Mr fascias., 1 V- Ilsmoset, 1 bX Benny., " Brown 1 " CI A alluga, 1 M Burclateld, I " t A Iknd, L .l mato; J 8 Meat, Itoe James Unuto. " D ft Illutmo. 1 s Moe. I J n Backbone, 2 pg tomb J Black, 1 bbl 1 bet E IleseaMoso. 1 pseheir• = l . 1 W I " Rev .7 Coed, 1 " Thm.° Crlity, I J Cleshem, Weehlugtou, Ps, Campbell, Leesburg, " 1 ben. Omaha. Cherry, Pittsburgh, 1 pease Campbell Bye, Weer °teammate, Ps, 1 "Polito*, Pittsburgh, 1 " Mrs M. Colman, care J Butler, 1 NM Crane ' 1 • V Couldock, 1 W Chapman, ' .1 A Csughe), Pitt.b Cowie, A Clark, 42 t~li~Y'S~ t+ 03tor m -vioss. IUII f BRACliliti 17 varieties mrag .ta bWirts amtlfuMPrO7 Iltiabstet mad oAbasil IfetruNa pe r ran Punms: . 3800 DWela QUART, years* 11 st..urcts and Arens 25 mkt". 20,000 Pack, .0 valeta. copaa Nvorgrear, of Sue hardy mane. Amu mull to M9/th e tem et a& of Apple, lerm---emiuluril ma dwarf— ftolumare carletloggurraile, I term rarletle. Grape Vim. Shrubbery. Orem Woo} Meet. Smeil.A. • Thom, valet's . .. acme article of choice carletles might eflog It to their Interest to exesoluit tgErAceir. bdereorderlag elearber. ailligemilT,4, IMNOAPPSDOCIL, Jr. Pllttalbunk Hadlatidipirm Biarii•ry. SITUATED WMKINS AVENUE,II, about OP goatee of mille froo. th e woad Toll maim Set. ea the Paroar9 ead Matsui& nick Roal,esertre elon of Fourth street, sod about thim mai. mouter from attaboith. . • WM. A JAMES YORDOCK, .9 9 maid ,99 . July lidt9 _ ititabelAtaltbberttscmcnts. BPK Y-A,LO- ROBE 81. 3000 NOW . ON RAND, And for ids by lA* Bak or olto Bob., by 1:1WW WORRIER, No. 41.6 ARCHSTRENT, Abort FooNA, Oslo of No. R 9 N. - Fourth itriat,l PIIELADELPIRA. N. B.—Abo, • lano of LADIEStIbEa' FANCY FURS. andro - ALLSA di ASEDLEIII, N0.2:1 Shatii Marna and 85 Rada Water Street, PIIILADELPHIA, WIBIOLEBALE; DEALERS .IN - ,OILS, TT 0.41e5, Starch, Le. 'A fun seilitakilat on hand to alikh the attention.' dealers is reepeettally asked ...64ly ti alt inune 211bcttiomptps. . , -&111: aloes - & CO, A GENTS FOR THE SALE OF VIRGINIA MANIIirkOTUILD ',TOBACCO, Co. a ExhangeFWC, ikatinanr. &I.Allways o. hap& • largestock, whkk. goy dloctilmt• ioimt =rick prima. sp2CtlyFle c J.J A S TED VE - RIVIYUGE LIVER PILLS. Two of the beet rye portaloss Of the Age They •are' not recom mended as Universa Cure-ails, but simply for what their name pur ports. The VERMIFUGE, for expelling. Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory g. results to,v ous animals subject to onn . s. The LIVER Plus, for the cure of LIVER COM- PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE RANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ACHE, &C. Purchasers will please be. parxionlar, to ask, for Dr. C. McLane's Cele brated VERMIFUGE and LIVER PILLS, prepared by ~ ~.„;,.. y3 _ a ... 4 P SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur portingto be Verge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLAmes, are worthless. The GENUINE McLane's Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all, respectable Drug Stores. PLEIMINGI. WOOD' ST. Sole Proprietors. DOILY NOT, • To who Oosoldere lbw Head Of Nolo NATURE'S GREATEST ORNAMENT, bat welt le too lete ono SANDER'S BOOLP TONIC, wnich remotes the healthy. coodlckat of the woo, MON hair to grov ou the bald, amiebeoks say teadeatey towob Its ldtlag ont, and becoming Min. SirPom El ade at tbe peincipud Draggiete, awl by the Po, rTIISTI=„two doors - Wow Smithfield et. toyl6 • glossa Worlatte JAPER, owiai•, CORNER nrwa)..krza mix= STUCCO AND` SIABTIC WORKP.R, !Otis particular attesttiou to all ordars for Wort La tdi uoa OENTRES and ORNAMIMIII of all Ida& forathed o abort natio. apEklyd , r - racTl. , • IT ca soamz...Er..P.Ros.Eß, . rxiam., *-00 z , v N4801V70 SILL . MTH srairsr. O'FFERT 10 THE PURIM, AL,. TU delkades of !be moos, eared .p al ths shoilmat no trot 6 data iri to. I.9.gps to 19dtlotk .t 4fht• Bodnar men and others sill do well to calliu sum amt. Me our Bill of Tare .t sni time to suit thalruppetite. Haring arrangements made to reed. din rms WI:WM to * ow Ilse, from UslUtuom, EhUstklabla and Noefqt, um can otter a fri l t z l i r m ot 0 • • • HALIBUT, LAKE HERRING. And Cram ilia West, V si ths rarkerlee of PRAIA'S BAWL sUMs es PRAIRIE CIIICHENB; • • lUD 81RD9,-Ao., width mo can tong& to tumble or others, at Wholesale or Retail, althea . at Om owner 4411 AND AND MN OTB., or at WALNUT HitiL, !Mb street,' 10,30 USTERI AND 24:1'"1'8LOW-10 I Wt. Great Apple; Also. 30 Ws. Cut mut Mr Tobitton 2.sltekt 6 twist . 1 % 20 bbl.. IL I. Elogv. ' lAMB t ITDOIRTON,IOT Wood it ame. • A. 0. IIeGRZW. TEAMBOAT AND GENERAL AMT. Water Street ace doer abor• Malta. . *MAI O U SE FURNISHING -HARDWARE STOBJL—lloasamOrgi ardelor 4" 120 Oltlstj, iayamed and hoed Tteely wakir 30101.1LICILINO, mai No:4l,llificsi i4.4 4, :t..e of Third. 1 . 0-,, 4 -ca TOOK; SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS & OD, AT THE blii/DILANTIV =CHANG& MST I • MOW- IVEndil -*Wan, Insinawa and Corr . fibwkolleart sad and Lode wad pada Ale itrariN Looias a OD: N' etc -Draft oaa c.a Bag OD you ' na wide Worral by alddLliii LOOMS & Sark & Sow Brawn 112 Fourth* OW,AU et—LEAVING, Blom TA mien r ritWiwallb. by tbs MADUICCII• aIgUifiONIUN Lou f ale of lbw Warded PRAM VfAlleit(whichi s,nolul g r r la rltrLlZ . Li this inarkat)w. sourt.l. _ aumadwalreWanagei .118 TIM 01 . 0031110 E R• '=n boyd. artidb,bo ea abloWnwpi coic 10 10 . 4 . 0.02 . and which will ba Itapifts4 to the Mold. OPL-400° MOT . .tbr 1-1110-10. Laudon. Pestra7l...* lU:kom .41wrry, Po, PlUslncrgh, 11"'I taabo ljnil ailhh i. ?Mahwah, Birmingham, Pa, Lamm% Ferry, Pa, PithdmlTh. Good latest, Ps, Pittburgh, Masontown, Pa, Constnayrrille, Pe P ittaburgla, Ginger 11111, PIMA Tempersill. P. Pittsburgh. 1 b.l. J W Carr, 1 box A V Cantwell 1 - JBD C, • " 2 psektee I W Carr. 1 box F J Cooper, Allegheny, Perm'. 1 " 1 J Cumrulogs, Butler. 1 " J Drew, Pittsburgh. 1 " Miss 8 Doug's., 1. " Dilmork 41 Badman, I.package J M L Deriny, gbakeysvill. 1 " .1 Drinlevr Pittsburgh. 1 " 13 M Donerh, .. 1 " AT DoutheU, 1 , Mrs C Davenport, 1 " .1 Douglas. 1 trunk M 0 Dtinri. 1 Pei A M Omani, 1 " C Damrell, 4 " M B Maga, 1 . 0 box II Dorman. 'li bore. 1.11.1 Davis, " Mrs F. DandriA 1 box 0 Durant, 1 chest 11 Dauell, 1 r k n 47, 1 t . 1 11rbeZ, 2 p'g B ald Ellie Carlton, 1 ll II Ensign, 1 box Ream A Co, I I %;.14 ID= 2 Doug M F Eaton, 1 package .1 A Fugaii, 1 J Forst., . t P 1 " 0 A rrT. =ft. 1 " 8 Findley Findlay Ili Pa. .1 " .1 Family:. Pieter, CIL, Ta 1 - Jl, Frisby, Painesville. Fahortock I' Pittsburgh, o u Fremont IleadQumrm I box T Faucell. Birmingham, 2 C bosom A Freese, Ptttsburgh. 1 box A Freund, 2 . .1 Al Fultn. - Birmingham 2 pkgs. Wring,. Pittsburgh. 1 - cam'gre Bunke. 1 " J 8 Salla, tlla h urg " l; 0 M. .I Fisher. Butler, Pa. Owka, P. =fib Pittsburgh. Past tetitleham, P Pittabargh. • • packAoge 11 (We., 1 arildtb 1 " C Gams. 1 Oa oar, 1 : r. O lin., 1" cases IC Givens, 1 box X Gray, 1 " Cll Gordon, 1 " I Gordoev, 1 keg Gazette, " . 1 box P W Gould, lOm ma's F Gladden; Herrlotrrllle, Pa. 1 package J Hoffman 9larenoo.Pa -1 box J Hen.. Pittsburgh. 1 package V 5 Hall, 'Parental:a, Pa. 1 " Holmes A Colllns. Pittsburgh. 1 " PC Huber, 1 " J II Ilniant, I 1 - Q 5. Hull, 1 " Huey a am, 1 " II D Umber, 1 " M. Henderson 1 " J Hancock, 1 " M N Hooter, 1 " J Hankaatla 1 " J Haffman, 1 " J EOM ' 1 " C Maim, 1 " M Ilackt, 1 1 .." t, tu U srl4l,7* Bum, 1 t... *Hew... Fladielsllla. P. 1 " Umbelbera Rotlth, Pittsburgh. 1 " a Hinglos, Washington Pa. 1 ". J i il 1111:1, Fpmr. - Plaburgh. . 1 1 ctia U Hallman. 1 package YYIF II Jones, 1 " P legarsol, Pittsburgh. Hannan. i 11... 1 " D Jandlos, Pittabarith. ... 1 " .1 W Johnsan. 1 bas WEI Jooes, .. 1 " W B Jculyon, .. 1 giniatg• W H.Johumn , - IL, box - Johnson* Moorhead , ties Castle 1 package J Knapp, Pittsburgh 1 A Haley, ' .• " 11 Kirknor, 1 - Jll Kirchner, 1 .. Klrk 1 Allan, 1 " J D Herr, 1 " ' G Hein.% 1 box W Mewlt., t gockane J M Kelt. 1 _ T King, . -1 - 1 . sautoom, 1 " A &earl', 1 trout W Knotes, 1 ges mars 3 1 box J Keifer. 1 Range J H Lose. 1 " , Mr Lacey, " L Lanlmer. box, J Lamm, package o.MoJag box • Kirk Leona, box D Lynch, ..! J Long. • J /.44261, r.lox t.g.,, kg,J Littl , Long k Hiller, e, Jr, D Lynch, g , 1 ,pmels'egE B Logan, P:'ISeS A R J ' l i r "' .1 Matthens.Jr o D Mumma, " J Moore,' " Dr .1 *Adoore, " Mrs* • May. P Hartle, " W Mater, hInF Mau., - J,el Mohler, " Dr Mimeo, barrel R Mort* li box 8 D Mylee, 3 boxes 1 Mills, box J Mumit, . " A /11.1nre, pack" W McCalland, age Z G M.'Clymonds. J R M'Cllatork, .. J WlLlaney, .. Um W krCormkk, " A MUD.. " W WArmautr. " /I WLean, balm EMc Artally. box J WCanclimb packsigeJ 11Pfarland, roll AD IrCormick, • boxes JLi 111Cmh bole C Welnekey, box D Mid tl orry, " A Mora, roll A M llCormlck, , J 'Culknigh, box. W M'Caulay, F M'llvalu, “flu AA W T McClean, pactzge W B Neeper. pare Coortrlk Larely,i : t=llotel ilututuirgh. Pc Pittsburgh Nrlisesprt, Ps. Toledo_ Pittsburgh. Mme. P... Pitteburish 1.,' 9t.. ii I k., Olin Aei t wimp ILI 1,4, Paxton, 1 0 2210 II Pemberton. _ _ . 2.. _ (bate Dom nveaPaabci rutirbta. P a l i U . L i p.xe fteld .h..B C0., r .. : . . I .r, Burpi..... i . s pua, padburo. tt 1 . J Paen., BUTlptta.lll. 1 . W Perini, Beet Meat), Ps 1 " ihit A Parkinaon. Itakribmaiii pit. To. Pk 1 . • 11 Pike. 1 u J • Pearlman. " 1 2 • u J A les. rtic Dix, .11 rig% r., A Co, „. e k.,,. j 0 Drys. & Cb. i chest 7 Pllifilips, box •Paamigtc, • wagon iv - Plikkertoo, paw./ B Reed. . vox IIN !Wain. package P Reiclimati, Cby i H•dd* O T Dolga., P* I`Be 1 . . etete, ” U II i4016Y• u I, J Richman, • Bev 9 B heed, • D r . J Beteliman. • li Wady • D Wager, . box J Ballston. b., Reami p i onige T iteraaid. ,em ~...b D Bow box W Reed, bal. Jli Bead. . A- • tux- - ,IID R i". gbelbsea Itsabibi Math P. 8134 ". ' . 4 .lllltimintr, r• ie=alaki • 91 II Berdern, u P bawler, a 0 g Screnlo.. e Yr IlturlmlL box Woman aavailiemi • , 91 BliallonbeeD pl , c i t r ii =tettlalii . 1 4.„ , .I=3agtimi . : c i g lar a tt tk .1 P Boyden mob 0 A 8 "" b • b.', 9 A Basal, peckee .1 LEZ:nork. Wle 1,,,,,, R ll.lllLer. paw 0 FLlbnebneen, R ''' Va l J l Thom 0...!.,.. i‘ C ir .7 , ... ,1. B C Thi mble,. —• A Thocapaciu, 21 :115 0. J II Ll Telllnghart, luesse, D LI remedy, " Lter.J. Tarlatan, " L F Tarbetl, bale 0 Thom, . bea J 0 n. 1 ;many bl lil Tbid Walker 1 ' box J 411 , 11kimean. .lip ting l itirldic, l, Weetorrel k P Li op • -~wt~7 m arc _ P'~x~, .1 A William, 1. Waal. P A Weaver, J T Wright, g J box I' Wats. cheat II WWII, box Ira Walker, L " .1 A Wood, Slaty Wheeler, tr box .1 Wildo, box J P Wood, package earth &bed.. 11 Nuabl, • * 11 Yolory, T Taxborn, box C Vox Barn, paf top 11n* Ilv; John Palley, w.hinau. Po ' GOO Arlhim, g P atoah, oelgo Vittshurgl2 ONtite. -------.....--„-- THE NORTH AHRIMAN RCMP AND COTTON PLANT.—We noticed the fact. some time since, in 1 the ..11crrAants' Magazine, of the discovery of this singular production, by a Mrs. Beaumont, grow ing wild in the southwest part of Wisconsin.— The discoverer, as we learn, has since cultivat ed it with great success, having now some fif teen or sixteen acres of it growing on her farm. A correspondent of Life Illustrated has furnished that journal with an interesting description of the plant:. and the editors have seen specimens of the produce, and express their surprise at the value of the discovery. Mrs. Beaumont thus describes it:— . From a single root that I transplanted there sprung up about twenty stalks, measuring fif teen to seventeen feet each in height, having upwards of three hundred pods containing the cotton, with about fifty to sixty seeds in each pod. It can be planted in the spring, and may be cut in the fall ; It bleaches itself almost white as it stands in the field, and yields from three to . four tone of good hemp or flax to the acre. The hemp or flax is the produce of the stalk, and the cotton is the head or bulb of the plant.. It re quires but little labor to cultivate it, for when once planted it will remain in the ground for several years, throwing out freah shoots and stalks every year. The hemp (when stripped from the stalk) requires to be dressed, of course, and the flax should be heckled in the usual way; the cotton, too, should be dressed with a cotton gin, the same ae they dress cotton grown in the South. I believe that this plant may be culti- Sated in any part of the world, and I think it will grow and thrive on almost any soil, (if it is not too atilt,) hut rich black loam suits it the best_ The discovery of this valuable plant proves at once that cotton can he grown at the North as well as at the South, and it may produce a great re volution in the cotton trade. The specimens of the plant that we have seen are as follows: No. 1. A specimen of the coarse hemp, before it is dressed. 2. Specimen of the hemp or flax, dressed, but not bleached. 2. Specimen of the bleached flax, ready for combing and carding. 4. Specimen of the bleached flax, combed and carded. 6. Specimen of the bleached Mx, carded with a little wool. G. Specithen of the bleached flax, spun into coarse and fine thread. 7. Specimen of the knitting-work from the coarse and fine thread. 8. Specimen of the raw cotton, fine quality and middling. S. Specimen of half cotton and half wool, carded together.— Hunt's Magazine. .. move the temporary ditliculty, do so, •e_ Cramps, Sickness at Stomach, and Weakness. end after the effects of tinwn tourgativav are over, the bowels an, left mes tine and the eyebolt debilitated. Medway . . Itegulaturs will instantly relieve the pain anti distress, remove the difficulty sad restore a regular action to the liver, *Mauch, bowels and other organs—they 'wither irritate, inflame, sicken or weaken the patient, end the evacuations are natural, with. out prostnating the system or cramping the Imwel. These remedies ate the only ones that have reduced the hygienic principle to llie billy of a runthematimil demote etration--invarlable ili al cases, nod proceeding on n settled routine. They, and they alone, have imparted to the in" congruommperietice and reptormut practice of the m call. al "respilm faculty," the precision arid invariability which are essential to the requirements of • science. Taking the human body sa the problem, and health as In normal cote diner, they posseed by filed rules to eliminate all extrantr ous and deleterious 'munch., sod thus restore the constitu tion to In integrity, by the Zs puision of those local or organ ic irregulartiea which vitiate the mundlasisof the whole. naaricaOlbs ntelaratn. In Cholera, Yellow Fever, Ship hover, Dysentery, Dim rites, Typhm and Typhoid Fevers. and all malignant and miwilitiotixf..our., iladwayNi Ready Itelief and Regulators ere nut only 'mince curatives, but certain preventives. Not ouly in the milder latitudesof the North have these melodies mind the 'unions of thew ,*this maladies, Gut under the burning gen. 01 the trepics, where, in the wildest end Moo siolent degrees, they emerged the people os a tam Clem.. Wito three remedia you neml not tear expo:tura to any contagious disease or IlifoCtionS Malady. CONVITTIrtIinfAL DISI•111.. All diem.' that have become established in the system, called chronic or coustitutiolud, lisdway's liswerlveut, aided by the Relief anti ilsgulatore, wUI remove. Scrofula, Brom Otitis, Ulcer., Sores, /ever Sores, Rumor., ilumonh. Salt Rheum, and DI thin din.. will quickly yield to this all powerful remedy. The use of the Resolvent will, In • few weeks, entirely change the whole condition of We body, we care not from how many generation. you have derived your title to We diseases established in your bodies, fladwts)'• fh.olt'ent will, remove it, and give to you what your forefathe were unto, hie to--.• pure mad healthy Why—rtedy—free front die r. ns.. 0011/10a buss'. All diseases prevalent at thin mason of the yeas causal; ofderangement of the orgarot of the system, Aden , chan' of the weather, heal and cold, disturbed circulation of the! blood—Rhouniatianu Neuralgia, Tic Delete., Rowel Com plaints, Fryer and Ague, llowiteadis, Toothache, Ail. and Pains et ell kinds, Bruise., limns, Elmlde, Fall., inilinsmse tory Diseases, Ormgestive Dittemass, Rumors in the system— Impure BMA, Roils, INMule Pimples. Blotch., Lc. Liver; Complaintse-Dyspettsia, Kldnny Complaints, and all di.s.s . whether mute, intionamitory. malsaious, nervous: chroulc,, or constirutional, Ilaslerim e s Remedies will most positively exterminate and motors' the intim and enfeebled system to! I Math and strength. on ersta—TO vol nrtrirl. Penn Institute ; Ve who have friends now upon the blink of the gram, on - HANCOCK STREET, NEAR ' PENN. trill' Y I ll"i l l Ali Imiev a I'vvo'l At ,. b'et --- '." b. , . Icel. gins',, LA. reopen on Monday the Slat inst. A limited number I „ . ”!:_' . . , i :' 0 7 . r. . n . t 0 ' 1 4 . le i -1 , . y o n u e r o l' o Z ..1 . ' - ''''' . ' „,i '''',•,',.: o l ; .": " h ' t r ; 1 0,, ,,, „,, ,, ,,, „ :. .k A ''' of pupil. may obtain admission. Terms sr.! p.... sesston ed ""I' tnal of [her Remedies cannot do any ijure, and may re twenty-two weeks. l aulinltf ;IN. d 311T11, Prinetted. , li- Sewickley Academy. st,n , lo life and health, rTril though no his's. are entertain k ed by your physician. (jeer a thousand each hotances have CLASSICAL AND . COMMERCIAL 1 "'"' l" our k '''''''''' '..d we th e ."'", het c ' .... r i tilled . in reimsting the trial .. Surly, after the physician BOARDING SCHOOL fur Boy., on We P. FL or A C. ; ways tar cm me no mom, tits preyed. , to yo using a rem. B. cud Ohio River, 12 miles from Pittsburgh. . dy that most do m. 4.1; le criminal. RIP. 3. S. TIIAVELLI, A. M, Principal. ; An 011.• teat ale 1nf11...1710.• We hare alludes o in the above The Thirty.nrst 'Motion will commence on NON PAY. No- . article. refeethe public to the caw "Totted to tut by vemlar xi. 1,a4. . Ittchal Ortflitii, En, well known in Oneida We'd En, m a mac For I.Nrciller” and other partkniars, enquire of Messrs. . of high integrity, and well approved of ley Ws marutrymen JOllli IItSVIN .0 SONS, ST Water street, Sims.. N EVIN, , for hi. high °Mend cape...llion MACKEOWN A W., 10l Liberty' street, or ot the Princitml, limmissarrn. forte Co_ C NV, 1 Sewiritieyville P. U, Allegheny motet), l'ii. sieSgibm I rus F , June 21th, 15.57. J. 31,i.7 ; Chti.j„ F... 1., g,,,,spary, in October. InGle. my wife giving birth to s child, lea her Deal tot early and cramht A severe cola, which Promised I" THE NEXT TER:kI of this Institutindi kill ~,,,,,i.„,..1,.., ijf,.. The 1,,,,, , ; ; ; ,„„, ;„ ,h, ..„;;;;„„. mon 'RONDA Y, August alvt. • hood amt Kingston were in attendants' on her—but all of tike Pupils will be charged 11,60 per tern, eel will owl, the avid -tee dodoes hod given her up to Mc. hbr poen oar. studies they wish to pursue fneui the following Inn o.oolite med." I eat at her bedside, inotnentardy watching, Atl[lcill Ilintory, Zoology. ,to a.• her bn.tter her lout. l I.pim.ned to see n copy of Euunciation, Modern se Astronomy,l ~',r point called e fa. Moving 1/./.1. - and Ones read of Pronuncianou, Map Doming. Net Plenum lay, ; your medicines. I revels's' to teat Omit m a last resort I Spelling, /rodent Geography, rhyniology, . g-oe her the /imoieene wills the Itegnlnturs—oriel }tidier — . Writing, Modern - o.r.ling lu .11rmlionn, and in three elays obrerrei a r.sder• Orsini:Aar, arithmetic, . fat ingreorearr./. Front this she daily reowervd, slut,! now, Collkpuoilinn, Physical b Algebra 1' thank Gat, better than ever she •m in her life. Rhetoric, Chemistry, Algebra The, 1,11.1, When tier. months old, caught a laid cold. mad Logic, T unny, slevernetry. dtomdird umay tea uvr ,, nothing but isetie etal thin TfligaLlaciietry. ' tile err peareided,frow his head; As v they would drop old; For Greek, Latin, Italia', 5t...1.1i, Franvll, lir•rllal., I the physicist. all 141111,d lit im)1114 libt.ll.• Yr. no u cat' ai. Swedish and AngkeSamm, an additional charge et Al will b• to to ms him h. cu. no-. Milt/Mr. as la .out 1 , . pang and must die. But I thought difftmoit. Your Item. tends. mdsePismo, pm e t u t rm of twenty lemons 55 ' albs gave We ta my v. ifo, while the dexter. gave her up to Um of per term-- ..... . ....... .. .. .•• ... . 2 dmili. I asmiu had nem.w to them. 1 gam him the Re- Drawing, per mouse of tarot; 4 w•lrent internally and ow. It aa s rasedh esdprnally ta lilt Oil Pah:atoll .. n . e y..—he ir trow a Isitirhin, beam. bruit/org child. eon... A German lady, an esmilcut pianist. re-iikbA to the tataili, its, ,lee lest el health Ye. ines , .'term awl cr ehatti and well give lemons cni the Plyno and In limo'. bud. re:h. wir alit. Itit'llAltD iiitIFIEVII. Araw pupil. will , M , accuromelmed in the family -.I the The .rhere. reader, is hut oile ,stein thou...was or .mane Principal. Board. with fuel mut lialet, excite. se of a...10ng. , emse m tie, world , wheo, had ate minis,. tat the yin vicsant la per week. to celled upors without further tried. 4..0rr would hare All payment. are to be made In irdvaince. , ereir.ol ita rich. , 110 b. 11,..r..1,.5...,.. - .. up root iri,h.l. on lisitimbodly JOSHUA K ENDA LL, A. 11, Prinelpal. ; the- mere report of your physioans who my they cw, de to, ifroomm a Luc. A Lis es.mix ART ; "'" Wl ''''' , 17:LV':: ':,.',.,77l' i f r ti l ,TJ. ,a:::.::!IZ. V. , Media, Delaware County. Penna. , for sale by lIUNT A MINIM. Museum 11.01, Pito , Iffiss hlaxia L. Dustman. PlincipaL . bnrlth ril I 1 IS SEMINARY, SITUATED IN T 1 IE 1.,.7,;,, 1 ,1,. R ,,.." i p ,, ' " ~„R "'""b" ore „ " n " 14 1 I'S D' ""t ' ,„ t' I . ~.1"117 inn , A, delightful and Georgina village of litedia, thirteen I I mil. from Philadelphia by Railroad, offer. to p . eon: isle the motel perfect romblmtion of advantage. for the gat:sie mens of %thorough and accomplished edocation. Thelirge and commovilons building lately erected. con tabling all the maims' conveniences of Mitts, gm, 00 . Is, with Mr eatenilen grimed., a model In al that pertains to the health, c. hart' relit:muesli end Improvement ot the pupil. The Beeping rooms me high, well ventilated, and furnished with comfort and elegance, and but two points occupy the same apartment. The number of pupils Is 'Mated to forty, for where seven teachers me employed.— She moat faithful inetruction In gimn in all the branch. Wight, while mend and religion. principles are constantly Denslinted by theory andpractke. The Canna of twill - nal. totopitile. a period of Asa I pen, sad a diploma is awarded to all who pan through it I eatlenockinil. Tb. Bight Inv. A. Potter, D. D., L. L. D., Bbihop of Peuurytvaula, aye, I . Mies B. 1.. GAM., who proposes to apes s Toting ladles' Seminary la Media, Delaware county. Psemeylvaula, in September neat, has hot s known to the .base for several years past. Re boa • very high of bee moony, efficiency nod derotedima as an =or. th us had • large and summed. e o The burninich DM be erect. will runts. c u rrysr. commadation. The Malaga and surroundin rouotry are dinluguished lin healthfulneas and heontr, and the nob scrib. ham confidence that parents who entrust their daughter. to Iliss Eastroutt will haTe lin mu. to regret it.. The french language Is taogl.t by a PariNinli lady reeld , lug in thefaudly. .Tho Latlthaertuan. Spanish, and 'Milan langitsp., re calm due .the ton, The Salami Scieuees are taught withal. abi a n large and expansive Stn. • The Mudd meet I. under the rharga of • lady mainently Goalie for the Atuathat, and all who prefer to Iss taught m the piano or singing by • genii...on, have • Melting tanner from Phi ladelphia. Drawing and Painting are under the direction of a lady mcompllshed in the mt. The Pall Term comment. September Oth. Miaa Eastman Lm the liberty to refer tun, f,db,sloir een tlmucto Right Bev. A Potter,linhop of Peoneylestila Goa Fnuakliu Pierce, .-President of V .., non. S. P. Chase, Governor of Ohio. , Sim, Pottering, Pa, hemp Al. RhlerWo. Let.. Phllsdelphia. William }legality, Pei, Pittsburgh. Bylvsmus Lathrop, Feat., Allegheny City. Y 11538 Yl. L. EASTMAN, Medls. Delaware county, Pa. Allegheny, P. Remo. Pa. Pittsburgh. • Manhester, P. Pllppery Rock. Polestar. P. Wareen...Ps. Yrs.,llle. Pittsimugla ;tawny Pallor. P. Pittsburgh Pstursburg. w. TJTOIIO. Ragouts , Pittsburgts Porters.lll.4 N. Wilkins e 0. enub,og6. tit= ~~. ~~« "ICILNR7'OO I3 . A PRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, AT NEW Mali RTON, BHA VSR COUNT Y, PA. lisv..HYS. P. TAYLON., A. M, Store. The Simmer Term trill bestri on MONDAY. NO, 2d. Boy. admitted at arty Oise aid treat date of entrance. Pm Ctrcedara, address the Rector, at hie malacca, New Th Brightoargka e city plum!u of thls &hoot, to whom reference may b. made,are Mon. Thee. M. Buena I Hon. Sint. 1/..lohoston, Rev. T. it. Lyman, 3. R. lihoemborger, Mtg. Cled S. Belden, A. A. K. Lek. Esq.. W. IL n , EN., Rae. Dr. Van Dotc.n. Luc M. Pennock. Rao.. , aided ye 1111A_LL OF ST. J AMES THE LESS, PH II I, ADELPIIIAit. !OM FAMLY BO r A EDI ND WHOM, FOR .—Rer. B. ER I Rcrtt , The Amaral &Won sill login on TUESDAY, reptember wathunto., ettutnisb, Amt. The Course of Studycornprlses Ancient and Iforlorn Oagea, Mathematics, Natural Science, Drivehm; Ac. Vocal Made taughticratls. For Circulafs, Arr., address the nectar, Rm. B. 11. SMYSER, (P. 0.) Palls of 'chat R 000•111•111.• 11CLIPalli MILL . PAT TED 41.11010 T I. 1011.-Tb• 4.1.r0en nu. erten this 11113 4 WWI. 111..if:::‘ .. Ifte be robot and aseal+7 Oda MU es well re pl.- tso.o tac 'On so Jo =- Way /4,14. wily I I i , .. to 11•• 140. Tw • tall 4.- • .1 letiplip. lea. eni.trkra. A Wine Os lasanAciana. 1 .1.....- a. oocassi s co.. - • ...- _ 44 1/solltri 01.. 0. w. Ur lillio Mail Mn WM On = o of 611 Ma. Mei di onli Isinr gamma.' 7•6•61111.0 aad dualogs ha br••• Win. MI Dal 4 AN balklLSlgh• lOU Irmo rid Orrig of rory Os, MD OW. as. AU allaisge vernolel ft ilve= 011ib11i.."7 1/. 000831411 i CO- O. issitdamtial. Warbingten, Pr Pittsburgh. Stratum l'. PlUsbutgh. Sasoatarg Pa. Pittabargb, Franaborg Pa PltVobottill PAILIABABIK . S PLATPOIIEDI BUALES. 'riff. undersigned having been t ippointed ex thui. /oots for the de of theeeelebreber.SCALES , Obteufeetbred by the orightal ',motors, T. YAM ItAtitift ou, reepertfolly Invite the attention of the lam inae Community to the topotlorit) of thew Ronk, over ell abarpnburg, Pa. Cana PO, " fittobures. BirsublOsm. ether. Them gni. have been .Idected in the sin . EngsT VMS mall the principal Hstiros& In fh, Unlred Stares and lingtand, and In unl every branch ,d business throughout the 'mid, and their foam accuracy and great durability • Ince *Weed thr them the rutation of APPEAL- TIIP STAND AND non WHICH TIERCE 0 AN 1111 NO *PC/SAL. We are 110 CU orders for Counter, Portable, Dor. loge, Roillni MW, Hay, Oted, Railroad and Carnal Scales, AT MADWACIVIIne TIMMY it WELLS, LAIIIVTICOTing, • fito.ll:l3 Liberty Street, Ootemerdel Row, Pit:tabling:Pt, eel7Cyd Pittsburgh. Pegg. N. O. Nu, SIINDRIES--1250 hhda. prime bbls. Crumbed lb 11.1.10ffea 15 " Pulterltoo 10 " Orauttleled 10 " B a mmormilynir; halt bL13..10 30 k4P J. du 10010 p plit.o , lllo 10 Loin Puler OoM 25 " Rosin do 25 " Oliva do 30 " lotLm Mau[ 30 " March: =qt. 4 Harriaborg, PL Tarantaw, Pitubaro. . - Washington, P. Pittsbfgh. BUUWD,UI. Ailegheay Ptusbargb. 22 . " Carnitinl 1 / 2 In awn AAA of ale by MU A BOWER, oil ocAlur Bm2bliell bud !Woad stmts. Pu.BApaiarTroltiAc,ttoopailnAlli.iiitiiTbVyerY Rifr. 42 JOHNerabi A Cu, 2AA12202, Mt. ST Wood Bt. Ulla Pa. Plltiblagb Coakstalr niMPOL Ps. t , 3 •• • lagbigat. - _ , •-•••- ---lastitai. , liallteabo. __ _ R. R. R. ' AYER'S CATHARTIC PIL LS RA IL ROAD NOT IC O. AUGUST 3d, 1837. A FAL S E THEORY EXPOSED.— SUGAR COATED.) ril HE PI TTSBIJ KG I L Fl'. TllB 1711;81C . IENCY: REVUALED. Atte MAUS et, . ji WATIM CIUDAGO KAI ji e:: ~, cI , sei NNATI S1101:7 Ala wi lS nA /MTh hag been enttnlpbed in „jargneva e s r, CLEANSE VIE DIAIOD AND CURE THE SICK, - ROAD COMPANY, wit Its ample ;tolling Stock sod equip. LISS: It A [Lib to D sm. sraittatt Ma. gads tit myeterlee et nwhattse, and of derislug a truthful Invalids , offset , Msfka •4 , PkYrktatcr P s,loo Prialardv , ...Lb MP' r"l'' . '"'"l'l I'''''''' ' ''''M Frel6l‘l from Thirty . Nile; of Pat./ ;Ira—Through to Cy:walrus wither adintlon of inpnwer vier dleesee, 4.1 its proper nee In tbe Mood Mar 21.5fergs,audyedpe of their 11e... Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to Chlcago,St. Looks, Indianan intatmentortbaskk. Per the cure of Ilealeehe,Slie,k 11,eadsc.....beien„..,LmEit:13. IS,trainj,gs.h, opLioaihdits,c_ria,,,,net.ll,,ag..ndi.alrli,pylaces.„ , R .‘n t i, lll:lBo‘ltltwvvt , a alb a ' h"n). ''/Chl.—r, c , ^d , ..ti in daylight. Ideilieme, as wain:Air/ tbe regular facalty,te a delasien . 00 nod niter MONDAY. Aug. 3.1, 1157, Two Paws:saga -4 h 4441491. 110Preletbilltkw and untertairwayi. The r e I. Dr J. C. Arme—Sir - . I have Wen repeatedly mired of thn The fact that Otis 'read Gams the mint direct end only Thu , . vls Ono runty knee the Federal Stem., Ath.ghaa, wAthl..wlt Is ll•hootatei con attieb the physians.. r e ly as worst harsdacheany body eau have I.y a done or two of your connolldated hue between Pittetrare„haud Chicago, lq a suf. ' ' ..•°•°o• E the reanlteolabtlned ham It o prescriptions Pills. II t ee to arise from a foul stomach, which they &tent guarantee that its Trams caw maks Latter nate and t rortarl kAteasse !Mee Allegheny at I are tknOttful. and In moat eAses Unsatisfactory. t ea at once. If they will onto others aq they do ute De k i' llt.i. i'd' T Ityll...'l'luN'--..,d9l"a''. "I"'d.''' 'MM."' mote turn...orations With Train4.4l of tem goad, than can N. L1v01.w.. 0 ,,11e Junction 7.00, (breakfast at cadta It is • ...Raul svaletutllog fact, thatthnte.tonettasof those the fort ls ...111 kaa wia g . law. with g """ n''''''' , ho 'l'd' lit 'nY 'U." l'"''. inflation at b A.l+ .) loluntbus at tide and arriree at On : esttio here departed this life" dial vign not ifi ilieraw. 1 F.D. D'. PREDLE, (Irak of SL.nroer Clarion. rabOSNOSit ',Obi travg ciu.ti at &SU e. u. This train stops only at Cadiz Jot • but to the to e scor ts of throw m utle and water. Bilious Dicordersund Liner Complaints. 1131(.1- ;Phil. 1 Pittelargh. 1 Cr...aline Ft. Wayne. non, Oohs, New )larket, Uhriellartlit, Coshocton. Devcien too , iary, prartievet by the regular faculty. Derilitlegat Or on 711111stulh I lot Espies.. I.ooe.tvi 3 511 .. a.i10.2 , 2 oaI,IId r ti and Newark on the Stentrensille s ad 1(010. itailectod. W beta proved On. utter fallacy of tlie regales practice Was D.C., Veb. 7,1656. I .51.1 -11110 e. w. 2.15 C. U. Ile at r. u. i 5.15 Aa. SE(XiNDI7LAIN—Ntatt7 Paoermalt lone. Alleglooky of ...thou, and the great undeniable Inithfultalls of the Sin I bare lined your, NIP , in my getaral ant 10.0.1 Mail Trali, 103te/ Philadelphia at II 1 Pittsburgh at 3.00 P M.. Stenbroville intiellou 0,101, al l 2.4 u A. Ilt., RA IL li. ovpr and oVer agatti. for, to a thoc,asateases, when, practice eser since you male them, filial connut hesitate to g.ha t. e art -1,10 4 10 C1•1•4100' it 6 /.., 0 0. :tad arrives at Chairman at 7,591 4. a, oto,log „ t ~if ... t i IRe.ions , n S A 1. is R. regain: phyaleam Rt,e given op their patlautsw incur. sat they ore the lwair .w l ha (B we ( a l Play. Their n•F1114‘• linen L''''' ' '''.-Firoe ''''Pr'" at 'i ‘ti ' n ' ''..."' ' eh...n.11..1 in nano, C....lleTerl •••t the Itlne Le only l a few It* notion on the hirer is quick and decided, consequently Pr.. at 1 • 00 r • • 0 ll ' ' I ry t its rent, thirty m es. trwe are eared. it be. siwat ba ‘ w, It their tlrttros luel m fir, thetnar Real 1.101 are an admirable namely for d e m e :mneate o ythet o r. Iter Tdr.ooiii --From Pal tqbaralr. l• irst Evi..- , in 19 ing the orat. l o at tow hair. 10ttaboivii to Oulaeihoo as._ Relict. Itegula..., ft,,ay e nh an th e ...... ma, ba: Ivy., .0. 10 dred. I hate add.' Funnel 0 a .... 01 lia.tau Derr., boors anti Pt minutest Second EXI,I - ‘ , ..1 an '22 hour, SD 115 tannati siel ila al.: , 'Pun end .ta tilt wmfern eines, vny l a , has reatoml Che t i) la, pawn,. no „,,,„ ba, a „,l b oo m,. eo,olpstlnate that it did net reality yield to them. minutes. Fn. Philadelphia: First Expreoa In ai hours anyointinint• owl tune t , turiertelsecd hy any tree •In the tr....xtuan of UMW sack by the E. lii, IL remediet Fraternally touts, ALONZO BALL, Ff D., and 25 miontag :acne(' I:x4,re-I,lu:A Roan, • Class oef in the Luton. , . Mere le nothing left lo chance or uncertint r tl o r „..... CONNEMONS fel:Doh. aro Ci preimred no to pusses Stool and petit:recur. D.v. , P . hrlan ... Lth ) ; . 3lartne Hospital, bond a t y ttil ., T ,, m , 1in...pfrr,0.,,r0. , I.' • n l d iiladelphla is overtaken et Pitty , by that Train may Trains connect at Nnac,rl.. with the BJtuinsky, Manz; :Id 10110 powers, founded on principles m Immutable In their I Post Orrick, ILotaLtan,Liv. Co, Mich., Nov. Id, .55. go fora - ant by First Erma. from Pittsburgh 0 Newark II ft for Oft Vernon,, Toledo and Power over &a . m., m the Ina. of goArAt.A . A ., (I, tin. AY= Your Pills are the perfeetimormedicine. They The 9.15 tsh Toil,, from Pittsburgh befog, aTram forlo , n l Chicitio: . , 01.1 "‘ t , thrwernee, impossible for these remedies m full have done my who morn gocel than I can tell yoo. ph. i.e.) boAino, a aertaken at Crestltne by Second Eaprits. • Al C01A ,111113 with Colombo% Pigna and Indian-1 1 LE. In removing from the human system thedifilculty for which been cob end pining away for months, Went off to tardi, All Tmins make clove connections at Ctn. tn. for Col., far Piqua. Urbana, Troy, lidliefoutaine Forest As. h they niaY La given, anal of reotor the ,ode r 0,,..„, Iyo . used et great expense, but rail . latter She then em. bus. Cinrinnatl, Indianapolis and St. Loult alai. at Fort At XENIA will! the Daytaa X01:111%Delp. and fndlans • tent to Ito normal condition of hoOth. menced taking your Plitt:, mince boon moo' her, try ev..11. Wayne with Train. on Wehigib and Woqtern Pailnaut for Control It. R. for Springteld. Dayton, Richmond, Indideutp. rlate 8 nattily seen la the miraculero efficacy of DAD- Inn lot quautitire of worm( ( A ssn ;; from her body. They Lafayette , Control Dined. nod St Lou.. an, It Forest with Terra% Conical tan +, Central Illinois, Lstay stirs WAY'S ItEADY RELIEF—for the mornont thin is afterwards rural her and OM two children of 1.1...1y alt. Trains on the 111 It kI.ItIt IL llaite.. St. Louis. As. ppiled to the parlor par., ,I, Ay. AL ly ',rt.,' w,l, ~.i, trout. One of mu might...). b.ollt hol, mol to, Mr. , 011 0.1 ant-Ital.:O. At NI•111DOW with the CincinnatL Wilmington amt 7 owe on crippled with itigenutiee. AI pain and uoamintas mance, him o Nth two lore of your Pills, oldie others amulet as From Chicago. lEt Warded Caen'. IA rr I , ill ft alto If. R. for Washington,Curlegille and Lancaster wad the crippled, bone and AVI.I” limb 1.... iV/I- paid f ono tis., ,„ twenty d o wn" &eine.' bills, and hat nitwit lot Ex prey., 7too it ....yr 0 t.. ~..... IIkI,A. U. At IPA EIAND a ith mails fur Ilillsbaro,llitnideriand Ports I stod with teneWell sto.ogth. *Seta . with tho Resolvent.— time, without hong mired entirely men then. Slich a nool :51 ^ ball CII I I . ZA AII III: ;AI rsi , ~...k) PU. month. The moot remilsige th,ete,h3h,„ te t th e meet e t, Icier an your, eloch In 11C1.11.11Y .7..1 lIIId hOnP.t, AI - 111 be 74 , 1 I Train I, et ... Ct i... 1 IMP at 410 A AI . Irro - Ing In Pitt. AT (INCIVNATI with the Odin air Mississippi Dread a stunt. 01 chronic p ile.. quickly become extinct after ato ite'l lv,". 111.X.1. J. OItIYFIN, Piedmaater. burgh at I .41 P. Ikl Gnaw . IL IL for Yladmon, 1.011.011, New Albany, Fraue fevrdcwes iv taken. Irolirstion and hapardy of the Blood. Thee., Train. nista tidy ionnectlons with Trains for Philo- vine. Vincennes, Clint, Carnal Monde, Pt . Lonis-Jetlerson hi c 00. of Dyntietedit, Constipation of t o 11.c01c,10.. From Rev. J'V Ilimm Pant. of Advent Chart', Melon: 40 1 ,e, nalthnor.. and New Tort. city. Kanew, Nebraska, and all peinto nu the Illititdo. Mie. rangemeid of th e Li roh c 5 „,,,,, 5 ,„ 0 , p o lop o si o o o r do , Dn. Anzio I lota. we your Pills wil l, extraordinary., Trail. roan St ;units, I iull.UtAlo.lo, Ono:mutat and (Nam.. Howl limsti , pi river.. Itcart. I on ge h etiohne, In the form a Pills, con b e eves to my fiunily and among 0. 0. I wit calla! to ttsit in bus make eh...proinertial. at Creolllll.l with All returning FARE AS LOW AS 11l ANT OTUER ROUTE-1110J %OR relied upon to a fewitive rind air.. corrector and reols. atter.. To regulate the organsof digestion awl purify the Traiti. At Ft ITeyne, Trains from St. !Jon., Ceotrel lilt - CIVECEEI/ TIIROCRIII. toed 00..0 di In culge of tengumay Constipation blood they an. thy tray best remedy 1 bare ever k3IOWIS, and man. lA I O oD a , and intermediate pls., eon.. with e b,,,s o p. , d"rg...muthifie•;ech, e r„.g.ouri.dboroLel:,,lty,l..t7Ca.t.e.,.ll.-rpt;hty:rja, .. , ,, , d ..i. le. couliAmitly recommend them to lily friend. n 1 7 . i n. At Vorect.eoutiectlona are utut.aith Tra., t o n ,„l ~...,F , ,,0 r thr•ogh tickebi bY 6 this route to the Priticjial W . ;::t b nan ,r. Yung., JV. 1111183 from Cincitiooti, Springhold and Dayton Sot tat. COIL", p otoo :apply at the (greet . Tidal :Orr, direct's on the mown of tin Yloomo diets IV UMW, Wyoming Co- Nl, Oct. VA, 1855. ACCOMMODATIO7( T./L/7.-I,AI° Net, I:tighten La Alb- ~ q, • „ ~ fir ~, ~.., ~,,. 0 , ~,,,,-'• • i d . , • - - •-artte Pills a n my ptactiee, 1 sheet nth . 690 A. >l.l 00 r .it, mid gain r u lee‘Ve A i1egh,..19 "''''''• • 111 • •• • ••°° ‘ • `• o ' ` a •• ' •, 1 . • r ._ .. .. . - ' . .dray. ... _ Nttebargt, Fnmva‘. E. . rittobarg6 Prrusbarg Pe PlUd=ro tbucattonat , • The Medical Dimeovery, OP T/I P .4':P . MR. KENNEDY, OF ItONBUILY. HAS dite . orererl In one or our rommon pvtture w,e.le. a remedy tt-tt 13.1. k,nd ol Doman Irtan Ltd , %met eta to a rosernott Ile lute h iota kt over eleven handled capies, and nerer f.dlolexcept ttrot.,awe tooth dolma. r hcinor lie 1.% now In him ladaewton over two hundred certificate. of it. rah, all within twenty wilt. of Itroton. Two bat dd are warrant.] to cure • nuralne war mouth. e One to threw bottle. ' , talcum du. worm knal tankidre of the ram. Two to three bottles will kwour the ayatem or bode. . Two Lottlea are warranted In cure the aorta ranker In the 90P/hand stomach. Three to fire hula. are warranted to rum the wrwat we of erysiprtko. Out to two bottles are wyrauted to cure all bunion of the ayes TwoLutilmare warratitel to core rouning of the ears and blotches asuaig the hair. Your tat Us battles are warranted 10 rare corrupt atol row. ;dog ulcers Our pooh. wlll core scaly rent of the skin. Two to three wartantod to core he must despe rate nues ol et...tient Two to thereto-Andean , warranted to core the worst cases of ringworm. Three to four trot rist ore warrauted h, cure malt Thelll7l. Fire trt eight bottle. will ewe the worst rano of scrofula A be Is alsray s experienced front the Owl bottle...lA a pet feet corn Is warranted whets the above oilman, le tar ken. Nothing . leaks at improltahle to three who have in 0•10 noel all the wonderful medicines df a leay, then cone mon weed grow tog In the pasture", awl ow old sta. walls should core every hum. la 01 5701,101 yet it is now ot dand fact. If yon have oi humor n ha" to start. There on. rat ifs our ands, hums or We ebout the suiting some awn dud not yours. 1 petaled over • thousand battles of It In thevicini ty of Roston., I know it effects in every. ease. It has al, wady done someof the greatest cores ever done In Inas.. chosen'. I gave it to children aver • paw old: Wald people of sixty. 1 Lore seen puoy, wormy looking. chddren whose (lath was soft and flabby, restored to • perthet state of lualth by one bottle. To these whoaro subject toe sick bottle will always cure It. It glue" great relief to catarrh and dint ... Pomo wit...have been costive for ))ogra hero taken and been regulated by It. Where the body le sound It works quite easy, but where there Is any derangement of the font-- nuns of nature, II will now very nodular feelings, but you must not be nionorel—they always dimple.. In how hour days ton week. There is wen [thud molt from It. On the controry, slow that feeding louver you will feel yoursen like • flew person. I heard some.' the most extravagant rt., ohms uf' It that new ever 110(050.1 to. No change of diet orer necessary, eat the best you can got. I have likos Ise hurl, which, slaw showered in sweet ail, til.nlve" +end. others swelling of the neck and under the ears. Price f r o coots. Dr. , of the kledicel Discovery $.l per bottle. 10111.0CTION8 1 , 011. (RD. Atlnit. one table spoonful per day. Childreo over right years, dessert %remit/It children from five to eight yea, tea etwoubil. As no direction can la , mod, applical or to all constitutions, take enough to operate on thg bowels to ice a day. . KENNEDY gives pereonal attendance in bad casee srofola. Sold Wholewle .4'l.d:di at Int. EDVSY.R . D. 140 Wool street, corner of Virgin Alley, and J. I'. YLKMINO, ghetty. slob 0 rold/7;l3.dawV READt ILEADU 11./CADITI IT WILL TAME YOU BUT A PNW hIINUTP.I4, AND MAT SA re ro UMANT rRA RS OF SUFFERING! CASTER'S SPANISH MISTIME, The Great Purifier of,the The ILA Alimalinleocr yet Xeconered/ Physlciatat prescribe It. and eyery uue who uses It is • walk. Ina %slyer...mut No :Medicine ever yet otterml to Ms American publk has gained suet popularity in so short a Bute as CARTER'S SPA:VISIT MIXTURE! I' WILL CURE ANY CASE OF SCROF L it will rum .y raw of Illseutnatkm. I will cure auy CIISO oi Unit Blom. It will runt any cum of lieurakiw It will cure auy earn of a n nnd Ague.. Or .y Diseitsra etristne from an Impure slats of the Blood POIUWI/LOUS REAM:IIJ It acrd the ut lion. Jobn Litter Botts, member of Vou cress. from Virgird. of scrufula, after too skill of the loot physician, nobly iliew Turk and PLllatlelplda,liad brew 'tied In min; wad It will cure you, retnier, if you mu oo affeetyd, RIINUMATIC DEADER: _lt coral D. Uurritt, rag, of Cincinnati, of Mem:Allem of four yours' standing, after all other routs/dies had feilial.— Wo have hundreds of ouch certificates. Coil on Mc agent Ruilgoi a Rook ovulated., and road for yourvolf, the many reniostable and mituniahlug cures it bus The celebrated Dr. Dutchor write. to no that he had two of the nowt moven tad lons .taadlog ears of a divoto that woulii yield to MOM of lb. OROOI rentedial, but he cured one .warn six, and the other with nine battle. of Carter'. Spanish Mixture. We love kimicti It toed In over n thou.. and caws" Rnd have yet to bear of s failure In auy raw. Y.R IiRAWINCITIIUDBANDRUEADI ADUR AND VEVIDI-0 1 / not take Quinine, Mowery, or any each noxious Drug., buttry al once this grist Alterative mid Purifier of the Biota; Cottrell gpanieh lithium will core sny and evcrymnie of Ape and Favor. We hovo never yet known it to RJR. And fur all Atomise. arising from an Impure , date of the nu medicine boa ever yot lawn food to Lava m good I. "'hi". Tot aro Nick, try it al ow: do not delay'. War • I. Koolau., In! health the goatoid of All without which all doe in valuol*. WM. 13. DEng C, Proprl4urs, • Itichtitond, F 44 unto by D. A. FAIINESTOCK k CO., and JCSIIIPM VLKIIINO t ritteburgth sad Diugkietv mid Comitr7 Me , clouts io all port. of Ma United State. and Co/Radom delldkulyV W. D.. 4, n. lIIIVALLIDEI, TIEA.LER IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 1-1 , AIATTINOR, 4c. Ni'. VI Fourth dreol new Wood FISH -50 Bids No. 3Targe Mackerel Ice ittr, 100 - White fhb 76 'BIM Trout . 30 " Nahum 50 ~ ~ Baltimore Ilerriaz DU (04 7.B.CZLD. M Mar fire I am using your Cathartic PR ey prat.. and feel them an excellent tiorgativeio cleanse the syetem and purify the fountains oft blood. JOHN 0. IIEACII.ANI, M. D. Ergripelos, Scrofula, Ring's Red, niter, Termora, an Salt Rheum. From a forwarding ) "Moroleant of St. Look, Illders Da. Arm Your Nisen, the paragon e' NIL that is great tee medicine. They have cored my little imaghter of ulcer. out sores lewn,her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years Iles mother has loon long grievously afflicted with blotch. and phonies on her skin and In her hair. After our child woe mired, and she al. tried poor Pills, and they have cored her. ASA 31011011'0G E. Rhea-moils, ,V, ',digit] and Goer. From the Rev. Dr. Iliiekivoif the Methodist R. Chm•clii Ilutarai Sivssivanytin, Jon. ii, h o , llosami Sea: I 'ebonite he ongrateful for the relief your skill o bronght me if I did not report my ca. to you. A cold nettled itt my limbs and brought on excruciating nen Male lining, which ended inclendelcrheumatism. Notwit hi standing I. had the Ledo, physicians, the disease grow worse end worse, until, by the advice of your excellent agent in {initiator, Dr. lilackonsie, I tried your Pills. Their loameflerta warn slow, but sure. By ',trim-ming in the usoof them now entirely welt. • . Cninnsit, Baron Rolm., Let, Dec. 5, ISM. Da. Arm I ;owe tern entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic oout—a 'undue dismal that lead VINCENT afflicted me for SLIDELL For Dropsy, Plethora, or kleolrod Complaints, mpliring an active purge, they are. 1111 excellent remedy. Fur Coitiveness or Coinstimitiou, and we a Dinner Pill,they are agreeable mid effectual. Flts,Soppnission Paralysts,lntlammatlon and even Deaf miss. and Partial soon, have been cured by the altera tive action of these Pills. Most of the pills in market contain 'Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy he skillful hands, le dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conseivenose that frequently follow its Incautious one. Those contain no Mettler,. or mineral substance whateres. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, rent rot ate. coax or aught, aids, Iliverreneas, /allures; Bronchitis, li'lionping (Mph, Croup, Asthma. Incipient tienrumpfion, and for the relief of eutotemptive patient* in inlvanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to the public of Ito virtues. Through out every town, and almost ever, hamlet of tho American States. its wonderful cures of pulmonary complaints hare made it already known. Nay, few are the families in any ciiilited country on this continent without some personal perienee of its effects, and fewer yet the communities any where which have not among them wino living trophy of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the throat died lungs While it Is the most powerful antidote yet known to neon for the formidableanil dangerous diseases of the pulmonary °rpm, it Is also the pleasantest and euf eat remedy that mu be eniployed for infants and young persons. Parents should havett Mature against Ilse itisidi nos enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grimed. to believe the Cherry Poctoral tamp more liver 1., the eurcuout , tiona it 'garcon. than those it cures.— Keep it by )ort, and core your colds while they are concede, nor ...glare Mein until uu human skill can mister the Inex orable canker that, futemol on the vitals, eels poor life nwny. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disonlers, and to they know too the 'trines of this comedy, we need not do more than to iusiure Ilona it esstill male the best it ran toe. Vie 'Tare, 110 non:n „ toil to enNltttle It tin. moot twrlect possible, and thus atfonl Rime yen rely on It the best agent which our skill CAI/ tunn el. for their retro. Prepartel by Da. J. C. AYP.R., Practical end Analytical Cheiniit,Lowell, Slam. Iy Prion lth cent. per tree Five box. for $l. Sold by It. A. FAG!: ESTOCK Cs , , Wholeitalf, Agents Pittsbargh, and by all Dniggitts and Medicine Dealers. soloiterGnie - - • Health ono Follow Strength Mas Uwe t inevitably Its . Bcerhave's Ht,lhanal THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REM• my for Pyritelora, Disease - of the Kidneys. tivut Com plaint., Weakness of any kind, peter 14.1.1 Aim, and the sa- Ilea. :ohs:twos constsfueut upon a disordered Stomach or Liver. Such as I soli,,estion..tireitty of the Stornacb.Oullcky Paint. Ilearthnin. Ism, of Appetite. Despondency, Coetive nes., Mind nod illeedlng files. In all N.rvotts, Rhonntatic att.! Neuralgic Affections, It luau In ountorims instances muted highly le.nettcsal, and In others aff, a decibel cur, Nature antis no new enemy tri cumber, with title delights tut tonic In the a)stem. 'lts effects arc almost maglcal, yet the cure penummut- It coninumkatee no violent shock to 1 the system. but by arousing int vital enemy th normal at lion, roubles It 1.. throw off the rause, and us thoroughly eradicates the disease. When Its medicinal 'trines are wi universally acknowl. ehred, and particularly hers, where It has become so mal -1 tar family mellow , . that It 1...L.1 by many of the gro cers, as well m t,y all the drug.tista It would teem meatless to further sistence, yet as there art Modal...A soma who hare tt est innoy ulvertised 1,111.,11.... and still sutler fr... 11 Ityspepsim I. ono or more of itsdretutful forum, we sub- Join Me follow out certilicates, the authenticity of whirl, cannot coming tut they do from persons no well k WHAT N WING FOR TILE PICN. Wm Schoch.%ls, F.. ,t 1“, wrll kw,. Lith.ffmiMer,say4 .1./frmitsently mied Netlll.'4 vAriabl) 40141 0 , " Hey ••I 11.111 /11..M1 relief from tsv• f. , r • v.v.., ItesulmE .., Ad. MAI I .f lore& ' J W00d0 , 41, Fad., says 'd bass used o,erhare's Het Gard Bittern myself. mild rec, 1111 l neml It to others, knowlog it 4.1..104 revelo,ntvd.” Al.l. Jouatious of•Lowrr St. Clair, says. .1 hare de. ristsl great brurfit from its ore for keane. of the stomach Gaol indigestion J... M. Murphy, .aye "After severed ph3airiaas had failed Binrhave's Ilulland Bitter, mondial the pain from toy heart and side. arising from indigestion." The editor of the If ittatiolng Free Frees, say. "After our of the test physicians to title place hod fallod, Marls:arc's liollsod hitters cured niu of they. .1 form uf Dyspapsm." Fr torts Fells, only mottufacmrer of the ortatual.llstroct of Cotton," rye .1 koor that your 11014.1 Bitters is nue of the beat mediators lo the world fora disordered stomach 0 . Ludwig,editor of the Fackel, Baltimore, pronounce* 0 --a niedicine deserving the confidence of the public." Dr. Ederhart, the leading German physician of Penna. h. reecrilml it (eminently doting the past therms p , are: with ucombed micros in debilitated 90%1040f the digeatlTO organs, or of the system generally. The manager of Balton'. Vinegar F.tory, says "I used it myself. and woo therefore induced to try its effect open my wife. I. troubitel With the great debility *Amnon to all of consumptire habit./ and really it is dung boo more good than anything she has ever taken." NifflCE.—Wlmeer expects to Mel in this it beverage will be disappointed; hut In the sick, weak and low spirited, It will prom a gratefUl monistic uonlitd,possmsed of singu lar remedial properties. CAUTION l—the great Dupuis/it, of this delightful Aro ma, Ims induced many imitstktos, which the 'pnblic ebotild guard against pnrchacing. Be loPtpereitaded to boy my. thing else until yen hove given tice hrave's Holland illitere a Lir trial. Oue bottle will convince yen how Intlithely supe rior it is to all thew; imitattom. /Fir Sold M $l.OO per bottle. or air hottlm kr $3.00 by the sale Proprintant BENJAMIN PAOli, JA, CO., corner Smithfield and Third sta., Pittsburgh. Otadi LORSITS. Philadelphia, T. W. Dyott a Sons, No. 132 North Second street; New York, Barnett Perk, 904 Broadway, mmter Duane; ileitisno.,Cusbare Brothers, Gay Arced; end Penn sylviulla Avenue; Cincinnati, John D. Park; Chicago, Bar clay Built:mm:l3 South Water street; St. lout., Barnard Adams A Coo New Orion., J.. Wright t Co. reLlydkw/ A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY 11 WHICH HAS BEEN THE STUDY AND research of the teat medical mon that ever lived to find a remedy that would radically cure the Dyspepsia, which has beta recently blond out by D IL IL T. FORD, P I'6NN A, Ills laborious search and research In the Vegsstable King stoat for eight or ten years, has brought to light a wonderful Molleine which will radically core the DYSPEPSIA, which Is the not muse of all moral Bram which the human wil t,. Is suldeet to. Keeps the Boterrolr[Stomach] clean and healthy. We must all hare good health and cannot be a odder, of any general disease. Dr. It. T. FORD ho been • subject of this awful illscase [Dyspepglal for eight to ten years, and has tried hundreds of experiments on himself, but nil in rain, until his present discovery, which Ism nollcally cured him and many others in nix, eight to twelro days, without poloiao sickness, or any tinplottant fee/ings in the fiTntem, but ou the coutrary, it invigorates the system and giver a healthy notion to every part. It will act gently or coplonaly OU the bowels, and giro a healthy action to oho stomach and liver. You can eat and drink your usual dieting, which will not hiterfere---tho medicine n/ ways doing its dot) called Olt. R. T. FORD'S DYSPEPSIA COIIDIAL. What kind of Illsecom will Dyspepsia produce! 1 answer It is the drat cause 44.4 general dissmow. Liver Affection, Lung Atteettou, or Pulmorotry biome, Bronchitis. Sick flundaeho, Hallam Dianiura, Billions and Typhoid Pere., Power and Ague, Nervons Parer, Neuralgia Ilerttia.l l q l ..l Coelh, Boodle, 'kills, Husky or Gummy Skin, Colds, Rhea, matim of all kinds. Apoplexy, Inanity Weakness. of the system. Falso Conception of the Mind, ll ' eatiburn, Swine.. of the Stuntaclb Throwing up of your Food, nod also Wind. All of Ole aborts feelings may or will Ins prodoeml from a Ity.peptic Woolard/7 From that organ all general diseases will las protocol. [lf this statsment Is tole, which no sane 0,111 , 1 will deny.] because all who hare been mirk know this statement to ho trod from eipOrietWe, It slob or dera.vd stomach is first.. llow important 111 s to • poor patient who Ism limo sub fcriug for nom , years, to point him to a remedy that he sou rely on, nod r.itenlly minors. the muse that boo tun& him sick. It's like • Mariner tossed upon 1110 ocean, at the Ora gllngms of a light house, his heart bounds with Joy. MOCK TRITER DOLLAILS PER BOTTLE. Ladd by tba Proprietor, Dr. R. T. FORD, West end dt Feeney Omuta Avdoun, (Fourth trot Itizal,) and amt JOHN nArt, Jr.. N 0.116 Wood etreet.ooruer of Sixth; oleo, NE VIN. WREOWAN & CO., Liberty mined, below St. Clair, Eittaleirgli. AIM., Mr. W. A. REED, formerly the Attu o f Jwllea S. Sample A C. Nortioaiwt corner of Fedora street and the Dloznood. Alleabouy City. Arid alto, Dr. Ford'. Anil-Balloon and Liver PM& also, MA Insuhrable lodhot Veaetehlelierra Llulrnont. 'Fb, above rowlleluell olanl no commend/111ot, for thou. ,end In one city and comity will testify to their lorainable ptalltlus. Their equal le not to be Found. mrlfeilAwlyF ALI: PAINS CURED LIKE MAGIC.— Price twenty-flre cents pox bottle. Palo Is the forerunner of disease. Coro the pato and you cbeck thidisese.. PROP. RRIOYS &URN WIC OIL Is truly the wonder of the api It con. pain to toes Uwe than It requires to get a physiclard It curve Toothache In a minute. Corte (,ampa, or Polo to the etemach stud Bowels. Cures Stiff Neck and Swelled Face from n Coht. Cures Rhenondiem and Neuralgia. Cure. Sprains, Brillace, Scalds and BUM. Cores Core and any Palo In the Feel l i Ours, Agnew and Utensils the Dread Instantly. Cures Marimba Ina for minutes. Cures Pain In the Slam, Limbs or Back . - Cures Ague end Chill 110t1 Fever. This is no humbug medicine, sad no family should be without • bottle In case of accident or sudden Meitner. It le need external)y, always giving immidhte relief. If the WGINDERFUL OIL could speak, it woeld .While meet phyekiens take whole mouths to elite, I make my curve it, half a rummees day.. Ten years rmidotem with the Bed Sklna to the form to• gether with enliseguent scientific t ravels on the continent of Europe, amociating daily with the very elite of the Medical prefeasten, has enabled Prof. REED to prteent to the amid the WONIIBBSUL lIAGNETIO OIL For obi by all templembla MO:Ws, end at Pte. Rests Nix Tit Titbit amt IL A. IVANNISTOOI.. I 00, Ma emIL SWIM Wholemils Arab. ocIIMATIO for New Itrisloon at to 0. ;a, anti 5.00 r n. Baggage checked th et...4h, ant i 1111 charge (dr handling. For tickets anti notion . itifitr DIM it. apply to A. T. Jt STON, Agent, nt the Orent Wester n E.ol road entre. directly on the corner of the Monougalteln P . /U.11.111'01. Or to OEOROE PARKIN, Federal street station, Allegheny WT. W F. PATRICK, No. 30 Urvuhuru strrvtt, opposite Trenton, Mane, Chicago, or to the Agents at tht tin Hue. To commence on MONDAY, nth lost., nod noontime until farther notice. J. .1. HOUSTON, Gen. Pasn'r and Pet Ag't. D. NV. ROSS. Furor Agent. Chicago. D. NV. HOMO ITON, Agent, Philadelphia- J MOORE, Sold,. urgTO-oc2 _ _ . h.,:.. . -FALL ARR ANO t:hl ........ Cleveland and Pltlishnrglo Rall nand. IWUTETOCINCINNATI LAJUIS STEUBEN VILLE ott iitILLEA lit NuW OPEN.—The A l l of thu rot flow run dhectly to and Titan Pittsburgh and gheuypepols 0101 Cleveland. Steuben ville, Wheeling and . Bellealr without Change of Baggage Two Daily Train. to Steubenville, Wheeling and Belle. Two Dully Trade.. to Cleveland. Foe. Daily Trellis from Cleveland to &tom,. OM and after 3loudny, October 5, 1157, tie- trains of this Company will run daily, tBnnilays exuptedi,) m Ihlluwc Leave Pitkburgh told Allegheny. D. pat. of AAM) A M.. and 3 P. M. Arrive in Steubenville et 11.14 P. to.. 0.33 P. M. Do Itellealr, 12.1'd P. 11., and 7.53. P.M. DO Cie.-eland 3.00 r. r, and 0,55 0. 0. Peueenge. taking the 11.00 0. M. train go through to _Cleveland, making clue. connection'. with Eaprese Train. for Toledo, Chicago and all prominent towna in the north welt. This train also gowa through to Steubenville and Belleale, Cleveland cbatoging cars at Wellsville. At Cleveland, this train alno nuke. close connections with the Cleveland and Erie Railroad for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo an Niagara Falls. Tbie nude via Steubenville to Cincinnati la TiiIRTY MILES SIIMETER than vin illreatilne. The 3.00 C. r. train make* connections for Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo Detroit and Chicago. at Steubenville Junc tion 0.06 for Coßtimbun and Cincinnati..arriving at Newark 12.48 e. It.. Columbus 2.2.5 A. 11. and Cincinnati 7.44 A. M.; at Ittellealr at 7.50 e. at a connecting with the night Endo on Ore ContralOhiu Exile:Kul for Cambridge, Zanesville, New ark, Columbus and, Cincinnati. Tho 11.00 A. to. and 3P.M. trails both run through to Clear land and nuke clam connections at that point for • Chicago and other points in the Nltrth-Went, vtaCleveland end Toledo Railroad. The 3e. to. train, connect. with the Michigan Central Railroad Boat. for Detroit, thetac to Chicago by Tail. Plumose. kering Allegkaly on the A.OO A. n th trAill for Chicago Ma Cleveland and Toledo, will arrive at t point men hours fa odeance of those who leave at the name loom and go via Fort Warne. l'a.mumers for 17.-11.1111 e, Steubenville, Wheeling nii.l without on the river line by them treins go through detention many hour. In advance of the stenteboate on the river. ebecktal tuna*. to Steubenville, Bellealr,Colum bits,Lint tout St. houla,Clerelo.llll, CbilAsgO &IA other points on the hoe. Pas.engers 7 , r New Philadelphia and' Stations on the Tumarawas Branch mast take the bold A. M. Train from Allegheny City. Tickets arc sold to Mr.-teed, Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago, Milwankle, St. Lore, Quincy, Burlington, Fulton, flock 1.1.1111. 'IOWA City. thlnlieth, ('main, La Salk, Freeport, Erie, Dunkirk, 'Niagara Fall.. !innate, Steubenville, Wheettng, Colnustata, ludianatedia,Clocinnall, Inuiavflle,St- Lola. nod to all way mations the road. Ticket to all plots are mid at the Ticket Wilco in A th-gle an d City. assenger'. eau ma any information a. horning thi, at the emus of tho Company. tiosiote , ill• la flouse,) Pitt burgh. It. P. LASS, Tic A . ekt A n . I. Penn at. Dort. CAlai lIEV, Agio Atutionanhcla .11.111.0, Pittsburgh peril -11C14 ParflallYlraid& Railroad. rfiliE GREAT CENTRAL ronnerting tho Anent' cities with Western, Iliwth•Weatern, and booth-Weeclem Staten by a continumis H....). direct. This toad alms cow meta at Pitt.sliorgb with daily line of Sue:mere to all porta on the Western Rivers-and of Cleveland and Sandusky with Stout:tern to all ports on the North-Western Laken; making the, moot dired, rite... and reliable route by whiett FREIGHT ton he forward , ' to and from the Great (l West. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA k PITTSBURGH. FIRST CLASS-14.ts, Shoes, Hato ands Cam, Ratko, Dry Goods, flu h.. latim feathers trunk.%) Drugs, (In lease and [mho)) Feathers , Furs. de SECOND CLASS.—Dornesue Sheeting, Shirting had Ticking. (Its ovigiwol babeo Drum tin meits.l Hardman, (In rolls or lea..)Wool and Sheep Pelts, Eastward THIRD CLASS.--Anvils, Steel, Chaim (In casks.) Hemp. Bacon nod Pork. imbed (lieme or to easko,) Tolowen.nianufactur- ed, (except Cigars or Coto dc., kr FOURTH CLASS.--CilSos, &red Pork (In maks nr boxes. Eastu Lent mud Lard Od. Nails Soda Ash, Ger a:B.l,May, Tar, Pitch, Rtolta kr FLOUR.-75J per bid. until further n.a GRAIN—:Lao per IWlbab untilfurthermane. COT' ON —f': bole 0. exceoding bilti MR weight, until further untie, • *stein ohipping goals from any point east of Philadel phia be particular to mark parka: "nn, Fatinsyleetnin Ihrarood.” All Dewaletronsignisl to the Agents of thx. Root at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will bn forwenhal without detention. Farm. Aortma—C. E. Evona,lBl street. . 1 . F. Clarke, No. tl astor and No. I ant John McDonald. No.B Battery Pboce, New York: Pierre & Co., Zanesville, 04 C ainlr & .d Spring.. It Wotan. 0.1..1, 0.; IL Mla.. Maillson, Indclllll.l.ll, Bell & Co., and Matter k' Jewett, Louisville, Kycl P. G. W alley Co., Evansville, Ind.; R. Y. San, 81.4 Har rie, Wormley & Co.. Memphis. Tenn.: lewx . h & Chkago 1114 J. Omahas Ft. Way.. int; Pb J. entsaler, )lo grow & Koans, Baltimore:l)- A. Stewart, Eirldoireb. H. I. HOUSTON. Dealt Freight AgSnt, Philo 11. J. LOMBAERT,Supto Alliadia, I'.. jaMly • Air Line Route FROI.I CHICAGO TO ST. i liagipm3 LOUIS via. St. Louie, Alton and Chicago Railroad. all the way by Rainy:wt. carrying the Great American Myren; and Uuited Staten Halle. The only &rent and reliable route to the South end Sonthvreat. Seventy miles anoter than anyother Route. Trains leave the MICIIRIAN SOUTIIFALN and emenuo A ROCK ISLAND It, IL, Corner of. Van and Sberman streets. 81. Louis Day Expram, II:30 A. M., daily, (Sunday ex. erptedl—anive at East AL Louis at I:30 P.ll. St. Louis Night Express, 11:15 daily. (KaturdaY• . 8 cepted,)--arrito at Itaat SL Louie atL3O P. Al. TRAINS LEAVE EAST ST. LOUIS. Day Kaunas, 8:15 A. M., daily, (Sunday earepted,) arrive "IZlN.s.ptret,ssPP H. daily,(Sunday except.Bl,) arrive at Chicago at 7:4A A. M. From Chicago to St. Louis, 13 Hours. IMPORTANT LOCAL CONNECTIONS. AT JOLlET—with the Rock Island Railroad for Otto., IS alio, Rock Island edi:lontral low.. AT BLOOMINGTON—with Illinois Ctmtral Railroad for Clinton, Waynemille„ and Decatur, and with Stages for Prods, at Peoria Junction with Peoria and °quake IL R. for Walnut Grove, Washington, Nods, Pekin, Brimfield, Elmund, Kaorvflle, Galesburg, Monmouth and [haling ton. AT SPRINGFIELD—with Great Wrote. Railroad for Jacksonville, Napl. and Illinois River. AT ALTON—with Doily Lion of Packets for ilanulbal, tininey mai Kmkuln the moot expeditious and reliable mute to all portions of North Eigttern tlisrouri. AT ST. LOUlS—with Doily Fire Clam Steamboat. for New Orleans and Intermediate Paints on the Lower Mimi. isolppi, and with Regular Line. of Packets for Roca., St. Joseph, and all points on the Illimouri, Tennemee, Cumber land and Arkanetaltivern. • Passengentdesttuedfor Bloomington, Springfield, Decatur, Jacksonville, Nopleisad all points on the biLesicalppi, Albs marl, Esnme,tumberland and Tatman. rivers, by Wang the above route, will be lore of making COMI