The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 21, 1857, Image 2

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IL. a • 1 .. i 5^........ i , -'s EAT9II3 .—The Istest intelligence from this i
4 - ; 1 / 1 11 7 4 q ti..,ti.l?ttiit • territory, leaves no doubt of the fact that the
' -
ConasonilLys-A remelt,
Federal anal 'Fe • • I alrea d y . .u.T h as a ll:lllP. ""'t
mtortal officers iave tN CS HOLI.IND BITTERS sellout he too
tem w. harm- little or
11l C. "="Nri-Mildrorto...ilinnotzL.seegg.....,. dOrntnenced the game a throwing oat returns es h i. l l lll .„ l3 ,, test i.r oront ,rt.i e u Tl y ed ..... T r o . t i hz t. hat t.,
r vlt , aß comnpoe carts newt-
illegal, on all manner a frivolous pretexts: and no ...‘in,ini. constantle exposed, aod subject to iim .rt..,,.
-- 13 - : RID D — 'R- - it - C o-. , - . cc I of. change of climate tout water. they require wme pleas. ,
It now seems probable that they intend to for .rat medicine of this kind to regulate the !towels
EDITORS an d PROPRIB,TOR S. another .Democrstie ' majority by cheating in , airsotd Iv si p.O bottle, or us bottles for ta, by the 3.n>
= 1 prfetora, HE.NJ PAGE. JR, & Olt. Manufacturing Pharos. '
the official canvass, having failed to do so by outdonand Chernista Pit:Rl:arch, Pr, and Druggisn gen
wally. 8.....3"rd..i5tit. oel7,lkirt
the most flagitious cheating in the popular vote. I
Candor Compel. us son n 1100lidt ring the wants
The Lecomplon correspondent of the S. V. •
1 of the of to reconintenjthat whk.l is beet known and
rr,,,,,,,, writes : i toted, and to recommend Dr .1 llostettees Celebrated
1 Stomach Ritter., wield only I. .dam, to what has dread, I
i•The bulk of the Franklin County vote has enno heralded for and wide, rot only by a few Isolated car
thus been rejected. It is a current report here I tillctea, butt,' the people of the Land, endorsed by thenhy.
ant the vote of Anderson County, ih which there 1 t th :'..":.l,lLT o ri th ' a /I ,7ll: l ,7: • Zt e a i ttf ° C. 4 ;ll
were only two Pro-Slavery votes thrown, will and children Sal din medicine invaluable in many of their
also be rejected: that the vote at Emporia and a I ills of &Witty, to which they are molest, especially during ,
host of other Free-State precincts in the valley i the T a m „ W . II•d "'" •fl II Ib"LI be takes i•'°•11
of the Neosho, will also he rejected. In fact, t 4'
;or snle by Druggists and dealers eenemtly everywhere,
there has ceased to be any certainty as to what .1 and nosTrrnat A SMITH. Di: Penn st oli.dawr
Will or will not be received and counted. The I To Nervous Sufferers.
battle is to be fought over again, bl . fraud and A retired Clergyman, restored to health in a
chicanery, but this time the game is all In the I f e w da y. a lte r a r e a 1.„,,„„„,„„.,,,,,,,,,, ~
hand, of the enemy. Perhaps a suspicion that • m- " -- -
lon to make known the means of cure. Will mend (free)
the Free-State men will not tolerate too free en I
shop so t reac ,,
F r . ip i [Moused ;
D Dlmc ki t the ,„ Hs i ! JODN , .11 .d. DA 3 ff , A T I:L
exercise of this juggling art may prevent such I. tartr... r.c. 3n N. OCJ,, 111
an extensive exercise of it as will be room red
It had been confidently hoped by the bogus De-
mocrney that the frauds practiced by them in
the election would be sufficient to insure them a
majority in both branches of the Legislature.
Failing in this, they have begun a desperate
game of doctoring returns, and, while there is
no doubt ns to the actual result of the election,
there is serious doubt as to the action of Secre
tary Stanton." •
r a....x717.3.33 It CI-
FOILEIGN Fisvcc..—ln the whirl and excite
ment of hoine it:limits; iid in ibi distress which
imspenzions,and,,failures are causing in our
—midst, there faro many who do not pause to turn
their eyes abroad. and examine there the signs of
the times end count up what is to come of them.
The ruin of credit. in. this country must recoil
upon Ragbutel. in France, even if the influence
of the saute cause be not direct, the tendency
of our troubles will be at least to awaken even
1 ..
...n .. nto a realizing sense of the fact., that
'..": there something rotten In the foundation of
the mi ty commercial fabric which his risen
like. exhalation within the last few years,
and w tab in this country to-day, lies a mass of
- rub)) . . 'ru France, the Credit Mobilier has
wrought almost a complete revolution in trade,
and from its natural channels has drawn it into
new and heretofore untried ones. An intelligent
• correspondent of Hunt's Magazine, writing from
Vienna, says of Austria, that the Credit Mabilier
there also as in France has demoralized and un
hinged the healthy working of trade and inflated
the prices of land and of all kinds of property.
The population is as speculative mad as in
France, and when the hot bubble of inflated
credit bursts, thousands upon thousands will be
wrecked hopelessly. With the great drain of
specie from the Bank of England to her distant
Colonies and dependencies in China and India,
the terrible losses which will fall upon her by
the depreciation of securities in, and the cessa
tion of shipments of specie from this country—
with these and the things looked for in France
and in Austria when the bladder is once punc-
tared, let no onebe surprised if the picture the
commercial community of the United States
presents to-day, be re produced in England and
on the Continent within the next two months.
"Tar Bourn is is Rarosf."—When the first i
blow of the revulsion fell upon the North, the
southern papers plumed 'themselves upon their
— safety, drew inviduous distinctions bete een
their impregnable strength and our weakness,
and attributed it all to the inherent evils of free
society, as eontruted with the blessings beStow
ed by Slavery. Even the New York Journal of
Commerie could not forego the chalice of et
crow, and solemnly announced that, while the
North ins tossing in a fever of excitement,
••the South. is in repose ! " But the boast was
premature. The repose of the South was short.
Thelever has overtaken it, too. Cotton
has declined from ltt to 10 cents a pound, and
stagnation has fallen upon all its busy marts.
The tenoning is an extract of a letter from one
of the first drug houses in Mobile:
"It is impossible to sell first-rate business
notes at any price, sad if 1000 balescotton were
offered at five cents per potted, cash. it could
not be,tlisposed of."
'The Philadelphia Ledger a paper with southern
proclivities says:
"We fear the worst consequences for those
of our merchants who have been doing a far off
business, and especially those merchants in the
Atlantic cities who have failed, because there is
always less disposition to pay to a dead than to
a living house. The South is utterly without
' money, and a number of instances have reached
us of very petty pretexts as excuses for non
With regard to the effects of this revulsion
upon the South, the following speculations by a
Washington dorrespondent of the N. Y__7'ribone
are worthy of attention:
• "I am ono of. those who believe that. theef
facts of the present crisis will be felt for a very
long time, and will work important political and
social changes both North and South. I can
discern no hope of recovery for those vast rail
road efirporations which hate suspended. This
blow will fall chiefly upon-the North. But the
South will experiences more striking and per
manent change. Thu price of cotton has already
gone down-from sixteen to ten cents per pound,
that of negroes from twelve hundred to eight
hundred doll•irs per head. The business of
rearing colored tioxan merchandise for sale has
been suspended by the panic. It will not be
. • speletlily resumed. The price+ of all staple
..Southern prodoets have equally declined. To
'bate° and sugar aro in the current with cotton.
If, as a.distinguislued Southern politician told
:-.",..7t.",tne a : fivr days sisce, the loss ou thin year's
::.....,..o"CottonCrop is sixty million dollars, as compared
ezt'f'.., , •4o-"isith last; theie will he no sale for a large per
:ilitnaor the crop. and of course no demand for
- . "1" . names. Then the struggle for the extension
of slavery' lute non-planting regions will he
withotit an incentive. Then the fierce fanatic
ism of self-interest. which set,all the patriots of
Virginia to howling for disunion last year, from
the fearthat.Frentout's election would cut off the
sale of their chief crop, will be converted into a
very mild indifference, and possibly give way to
a sentiment of Christian respect for the rights
of their -defendants. The like causes would
' produce an inetanr change of pnblic feeling in
Maryland. Kentucky and Missouri. Nothing
could prevent thein from turning traitors to the
South. Snob a change of front would make a
revolution in our politics."
Mew Oer nr Won - K.—The Philadelphia Lrdy,
gives a list of factories in that city with the
number. of .operatives now employed and the
number lately discharged Out of 8857 Tien
lately,:, employed in them, 3938 have been dis•
uharfAlutd every day adds to thu number Of
the latter. In New York, necording to careful
estimates, not less than twenty-five thousand,
- .
seven hundred men and women have been
thrown' 9nt of employment by the hard times,
with no hope of getting work during the coming
four or MT months. Of these eight thousand
are laborers; four thousand segar makers, twon
ty-nino, hundred workmen in iron foundries,
wixteen eloakmakers, one thousand
olerks,nnd en bit through the list of ecellpations.
The Philadelphia North Amerierm in giving this
Hit, says:
very branch or business contributes to the
melancholy array, and we regret to find no less
than fire hundred printers among the number.
The book .and job printing yttieeS are obliged to
reduce their force. As the journeymen nutted
their wages to meet the cost of living in prospe
rous 'times it is asked by some of the papers
whether they ill. now consider the desperate
condition of thl employers by reducing their
rates. it is complained, however, generally
thit. provisions have not fallen in price appre
ciably, and ,we aro sorry to say that the fact is
so. The farmers, hucksters, and butchers ap
pear to be unconscious of-the condition of the
public, or at ;east determined not to recognize
'it. It is outrageous thst buitershould be selling
at thirty cents a pound with such enormous hay
crops as we hose had this season."
Oriro.—We aro rejoiced at the privilege of re
the re-election of Oov. Chase, of Ohio.
The most determined onset was made upon him
by the locefocos, and in order to concentrate
against him the greatest ',meant of strength
they nominated for . his opponent the President
of a leading railroad in the State, who was rich
and supposed toteable totally votes outside of
his partyall along.'the line of his road. In ad
dition to 'this they coquetted - with - the Know
Nothings, many thousands of whom throughout
the State voted for Payne to defeat Chase. The
union of Catholics mid Know Nothings has, how
ever, proved futile. The great statesman of
Ohio comes ant of the fire unscathed, and-his
triumphant re-election is a burning rebuke to
the unprincipled tricksters who combined all
Borth of factions to defeat him. .Had ourfriends
in the• Reserve counties given less attention to
their local quarrels over the spoils and more to
the safety.Of their candidate . for Governor, his
majority trona have been nt.least ten thousand.
They must not be caught in that fix spin.
Scams van Itsmoosos.—The New York pa
pers give a not of 15 railroad companies which
Within the hot ` thirty'; days, aro reported as
eitherldriing gone' to protest on their floating
deht,suspeuded,or made an assignment of their
Tbair ;liabilities, in gross, are esti
mated at, SIBVOO,OOO.
VACANCY FIL LED.-411 emotion for t•ongress
man to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death
of Mr. Mantgonteri,:dem.,- took ; place ; in .114
12t1Cdistriot of Tenneylranis, composel .of 'Co
lumbia, Montour, Luserne.and Wyoming conn
ties, on Tuesday but. Paul Leidy, democrat,
is elected by a very large majoritywrer Smith B.
Thompson, opposition.
The correspondent of the Times writes to the
same effeett
'The late returns are somewhat more Pro•
Slavery . than those just given us, and the Le.
comptonites are chinking a majority in both
Houses from the figures. Brown, Somalia,
Atchison and Douiphan counties they feel sure
of, and we grant them all but the last, which I
may yet he doubtful.. In Franklin county they I
had no County Commissioners whose duty it is !
to appoint voting precincts, besides the county
seat. Therefore the people in convention de-
cided to vote at several other places. Now it
proves that all the votes Mat in the county ex
cept those polled at Centropolis, the county seat,
will he thrown out. here was a county of over
a thousand voters, with only one precinct grant
ed them, while Johnson county on the border,
where we cannot have over from two's)) four
hundred legal voters, has seven or eight legally
appointed precincts, for the special accommoda
tion of Missouri. These are some of the beau
ties of the arrafigement provided us, by that
party who claim to be the incarnation of Squat
ter Sovereignty.
"Some of the returning outlanders passed
through here yesterday on their way back to
Missouri with negroes even in attendance. A
train from New Mexico also came through our
town, and some of the families sold this was the
first town they had seen for seven years.
"One of our most reliable public men to Kan
sas. is just in from Kickapoo, who says he was
there on the day of election, and saw the elephant.
Gov. Walker was there in person with a com
pany of dragoons. Now mark the sequel. It'
was apparent to all that a large force of import
ed voters was there front Missouri, anti Walker
! was applied to, and asked to interfere to pre
! vent it. What followed? A majority of 500
pro-slavery votes were cast in a town of about
20 0 legal voters, and instead of Walker's giving
us protection, as a high-minded and honorable
dispenser of an important public trust, he per
mitted the invaders to indulge their most un
, 'scrupulous propensities for voting, and worse
still, he told :At ...Ho, to rut, .rad they ltd rent,
lin rividtlo/3 vi a tam of rallyreA,. This is a 111051
! unparalleled outrage. Now let us see who will
I attempt an apology for it.
I "P. S.—A messenger just in from Lecompton
states that several gentlemen have arrived there
from Johnson county. with official returns. and
1 they chino to have carried the county by 1,800
majority. If true, it gives them all the mem
-1 hers in both Mouses for this district - . Ido not
vouch for its correctness, but it is probably
I true."
The Leavenworth Ares hints at the same
fraud :
•'We understv.l that the returns which have
already been sent to Lecompton slow a smaller
vote than was polled by the free state men. How
much the minions of the slave power may tam
per with the returns, and what may be the re
sult of their viltiany is beyond conjecture."
With theag, facts in view, it seems idle to
crow, yet, over a Free State victory in Kansas.
Oar friends, there, have shown that they are
immensely in the majority: but the locofocos
are ia power, and what is to hinder them from
cheating to the full top of their bent 7 Let us
wait awhile, and see.
PEXALE ' • llet.p" WANTED IN lIIE 14 1 5 T. --The
Evansville (lad) Journal desires to call atten
tion to the great want of female help that exist.
throughout that section of the country. It bays:
•'We are assured that fifty or one hundred
females could find goual homes and liberal wages
in families' in this city nt the present time
Within a week we have published advertisements
for female help by persons who offer good homes
for girls and $1,60 to $2,50.-
What is true of Evansville is doubtless
true of every other western city. Female who
are above the false pride of being ashamed to
do scrvice in respectable familim, may hod
homes for the winter in any western city and in
many a farmer's family. There will be no jus
tification for those who refuse to avail themselves
of such an opportunity.
In the name and by the authoray f th• ibmmon
trea4Aoi Penniyh:ania, JAMES POLLOCK,
Governor of the mod Commonmealth
FELLOW CITIZEIa.—To render to Almighty
Owl. who controls the destinies of nations and
men, the homage of devout gratitude and praise
for his goodness and mercy, is the appropriate
mid solemn duty of a free nod highly favored
people. As the Giver of every good and pertect
gift we should ever retpgnize His hand in our
mercies, and acknowledge our dependence upon
- Ills providence; and although adversity may
throw its dark shadows across our pathway, yet
we should be assured of this that •the Judge of
all the earth will do right."
During the past year the bounties of a kind
Providence have not been withheld front our
Commonwealth. Our free institutions have been
preserved, and our rights and privileges, civil
and religious, enjoyed and maintained. The
arts and sciences, and the great interests of ed
ucation, morality and religion, have claimed the
attention and received the encouragement of an
intelligent and liberal people. Honorable in
dustry in its various departments has Iva re
'wanted; and although recent and severe financial
revulsion bastilled with gloom, sorrow and dis
tress, the hearts and homes of many of our
citizens, yet no fear of famine, no dread of
impending public or social calatnity, mingles
with our emotions of gratitude for past blessings,
or weakens our trust for the fuiure, in the prov-
Banco of lihn Who wounds bu: heal, and
"whose mercy endureth forever. - A plenteous
harvest has crowned the labor of the husband
man—peace with its gentle and reforming influ
ences, and unwonted health with its benefits and
mercies, have been vouchsafed to us.
Tn naknowledment of these manifold blame
into. we should offer unto God thanksgiving, and
pay our vows unto the most High, and call upon
that "in the day of trouble; Ile will deliver thee
and thou ehult glorify Him."
Under the solemn consiertou of the propriety
of this duty, and in conformity with estahlished
custom and the wishes of many good citizens, I,
JAMES POLLOCK, Governor of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, do hereby recommend TRIMS
PAY, run TIVEN7T-SiXTO DAY OF Foreseen
Nag; as a day of general thanksgiving and
praise throughout this State, and earnestly re
quest the people that, 'abstaining front their
usual avocations and all worldly pursuits, they
assemble on that day according to their religious
customs, and unite In offering thanks to Al
mighty God' for his past goodness and mercies;
and while humbly acknowledging our transgren-
Rion, and imploring ills forgiveness, beseech
Hits, with sincere and earnest desire, to return
and TielL us again with His loving kindness,
make us worthy of His bounties, and continue
to us the rich blessings of His providence and
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the
State at Harrisburg, this nineteenth
L day of October, in the year of our Lord
f one thousand tight hundred and-fifty
seven, and of the. Commonwealth the
By the Governor. JO/IN M. SuhLtviot,
Deputy Secretary of th'e Commonwealth.
—Governor RyLond, of Vermont, in his recent
message, recommends the passage of a law to
enable bondholders to form themselves into a
corporation for the management of the railroads
'which lapse into- the hands of their trustees.
Such n law, it will be recollected, was passed by
our Legislature last winter, and is of the first
importance, in order to give to bondholders,
Without expensive litigation, the management of
property in which-they have t he eqults hie interest
and real ownership.—Bostnn Jour.
A VALes= Caor.—Two brother! named
Smith, proprietors of a splendid peach orchard
near Sacramento, CsMelds, nre said to have
reallied between 5.60,000 and 570,000 this year
frdm the sale of peaches.
Alovsnenre OF GOLD.—The Fulten,for Europe,
took out SM,OOO in gold. The Asia, from En
rope, brought $22,000. These movements are
doubtless merely the adjustment of exchangesin
.gold, bills of exchange being difficult to get.
2.pectat giotites
lairrittltlirl TOR rot ern. or Fleas" on Putett... st
prices rary/ng from two to thirty dolls. .
Ahdomisiel Supporters of every kind.
Spinal Props for sanctum of the spine
Shoulder Bowes of ,eery
Stopoinsory Bandages, improved inanities
Pile Props. for the support and sure of Pa..
Syringes, meta and female, all sires
Drool Primps, au extensive amortnient.
Nursing thistles out Artifirial Nipples, latest Ina prose
• • - .
New Cupping Apparatua, S great Improver:taut over ibo
cupping gliumes.
Magnetic. Slat - 111nm, a autwrtur ktud, Itt • neat bor.
DN. KEYSER is also agent for Mundt'. Itatheal Cure
Tram which usually cured cows of Rupture in six month-.
Sold at DR. REYSKR'S
Wholesale Drug Store and Truss Depot,
aedS 140 Wood strut. sign of the Golden Mortar.
No. 131 Wend Street,
HAT, /C. , ' IarkIVED
F A L L S T 'Y'
.2,lcf re &
ITANDI3I7I3II & F911731'41).
- r (1 F 2 lc' FE 9 AT LAW
So. I, Shames B. [Winged.. /ow.
1%-flolluctions promptly made, 10 00 part of Northern
loos, ur Westero'Wlunonslts
MB attend to thu porchuuo nod Sol. of Kral rAu.O, , , ob
Mini., Money nu Bonds awl Mortis's," 10'1 sac
Va - ner of Pike and ellerAan a 5r...:, Filth Wird,
Mannfirtnro Pine and Oak Keg* of the varlet. &sari
Om. of NAIL KEU9, whfeh [hey will sell at tho /oxwit
arS , f
tar-watracts art raTectfully solicit...l. All work war.
matador tho la wt Quality. Inl2-lytlfc
7. 4 Fourth Street, Pi t to burgh, Pa..
Insurance Brokers.
tiltlul C til7•l. itE,T.CII,II.I.
Igo. Fir Mario. and Li a Stuck Malik all iliac
ti ant titli,n at minim rat., ni roll.tile and vriinipt
inn in the State .173"Yre
Pittablirgh Variety Works
JON ES. IN - A.1.1.1NC: Form ..‘c•n to Ws:sick, Attertmr, k CO.)
a13.1L*1111..1 Sprme.
Ihup Thutt.t. Latch., Platform ao.l Omuta.:
Wart. Corn and Paint \/111.. so.l lAnnnLc 11. , 1vras , :vv.-
ally. corner of Water atnl tins. 11,3,4t0, Pittglmrgb, Pa.
.y. 24174110
Pat-hurv,ll. General Itumraner Agen,y,
tio. 03 Fourth R
r.lremetAte..l •? hlgheet elantter.o
In I,l.llll!itmuia *.itti other tqat,m
I:r.•, Nttrum Ara Inlet nll
jylerlydre CARRIER.
House. Slam •nd Ornamental Pa'niers,
NV - bite .I.ertclit.nd Zinc Print rt.
Als, sil klu.l. nr tilt, Varnish., Wlndare GLLt.
Bulty. Brnth.,
144 IK- , / tte.../nur, than:AA Afky. •
• o •1.140 • S. 110,01/41.4. .......
American Gralvinsiztal Sheet Iron
Ad .5.4. Agents fin. U.. .c&. 0.1
NV !Worms '.l'Vr,t'•
Paten. Imitation lin•sla Sheet Iron.
A ,110, Li al ram, se4 Con-task...2rd Irv.. IAO 14.11ng
11a-Warkionale—No. 134 Pr.., or..r, Pat.!, r, , S.
J•42.lrd.t. fc P
Nelson s Amknotypes.
Gallery, corner Third and Martel
We or< now prepared to offer to the potpie .11 well Llama
trite of Arnarott pea at the low price to rlv R Ortlft-kh and
ei'll'Altate. Thew venter Ifkaterwe taker to rho Led
stria of the OIL, total and It gently t titre totem to glee
the etabilatment • rata. A large ow-tement Pleat and
Feet - (...tet alwaye on hand op:ft - Irk'
_ - - -
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
Mannfactnrere al CAST STEEL; ertallo, ru,4T azi , l
Own, Rner 4114 Ara Sfr , tr. P.,,Lurph.
Roger.' Improved Patent Steel
Cultivator Tooth,
Omer Rot toad /Not arwele, Plattpuro6, At.
M.E.F1.013.A..1 , 1"T TAZLO Ft,
(Dr. IttwhW New DuiWiwi.)
JOHN COCHRAN ac .Bllll£4,
Iran Roiling, Iron Vonle V•alt Doors,
Window tihntiern, Window Guards, he.,
E „Second Srreet and BC Third .4reel,
IYtwcen Wood and Market.) PiTrgill:Rall, PA ,
- hood • varlet) , of n.O Pstttartts, fancy am, pin.u,
tanle for nil purrxm. PeotkoLo attnottv• to no
clu.lng 0 navr Jobt,ing at %bort twtirr.
110 trni:nrr STRFF.T
European end Intelligence Office,
R,.,s elwAy• f,r 11r.aft , on Euro,pe qr, pow.nt,
nuamer awl Plarko,t Tit kris to awl t,“
New link.
. .
Inds for rook* and Keneral hove , a ,a'a fro . nl+ll4,l to
tbovekrecer n short entire.
Wright Vonetable Pllls end tivrat , eJ WO • MI !MLA.
Plll...o2llgera brought &.to Ymk antt Plolrolelphia
ralltood to l'itteburglr jetraly
W. Si iTfiTei ft' F.
All kinds of Tobacco, Antifraud elgsirs,
slave r.<entl77 tAkere the holl.ling S.. l'2o W..rl o.reet, is
ad.ittion 1.• thole Nlstrioractaring Rahthlkhrnont. rn. C.lnritl
street, where tier, will I, pie... 1110 ri,eerr I h.•ir fa ionAn,
Forwarding and Commission Merchant,
CheeriF., P.ttor, S. pdn , Ni .h
And Pmin.
Coulcing, Pitl . lo3` anti 11.v.t i
Grates, Fronts, Fenders, etc.,
Nfunofor. I lam! of roO.I
Jrlfdplfc I'ITTPIII.3tO 11, PA.
No. 54 St. Clair Street,
( Dr. bigWe New Dnitiling,)
. Dittattorgh Dispatch, April 10th, I hirt.—For more than 8
year• put we have rustantly worn the WARiliflat. Um
under Brno, manufactured by fir. a/no. 11. Heuer. of No
140 Wood street, lu this city, and wtaild heartily mamma
MOW! it to oil who are tiltnpriirit to foliow a sedentary mete
;whrl. A 4 we hare itsfurn retnasked, to ailing attenHou
to lie merit, It uween• fora bract and surpendohh the
weight of the pentadoons being on plural ea to continually
tend ita bring the shoulder. to their netted tuition and as
pool the cheat, Women, hnucherleof whom ere annually
injured by the weight of enormous taaihrtr,” einetiti .algo
procure these Inure. B. Forthwith . In Pow.. MX the kind
m o ot... Lam nomy of Lim braces .old nu humbug. Vold
at lir. 0140. 11. la RESEll'd, Wholualo 0, oggialt 140 Wood
tot, sign of the Holden Mortar.
ticCeorrononto's 11ar1 Dye
Ithlo out 0..11 ell the n,. II• tiu,
• of Crlstodorde tteser euttelleti
Ilea It makes Work, to brown troopforms o
And keep. the fibres sheep. Irmo dewy.
11,10 nsetchless tertian:lug liter Dye .0111 both, It. veil
Ilan es the most hermlem .ml efeturicio flair Dye 0, the
world. Pohl Isbolesela end Melt by
I'll. tlpplttl& 11. KAYSIIIt,
Or. 141 Wu.' street,
seltb. SIMI of the Golden Kortar
Toallnsits ATTENTION.—De. Tutoitut' Venetian
noter...oltueot,lu plot bottles, price6U Moth is recreated
cheep and bettor then any other article oim offered to 11.
public We tits cure of Cole, Ddb, ePrtlll/h
heatiug. lc. Keep • bottle In the etablt,lL hem and men
• ee:table horse. Dem genuine wee. signed 13. I. Tobto.
Dritot, Curtbsodt street, New York.
.B,4! . Kby Dr, Ft 0081t11. 140 Wood et.
Its yuu value your teeth and a pure breath,
henitbx gunksort, awl, go KEYSEICS,
140 Wooi ittvet, awl buy n Wide or WLISII ?QOM WAIN
. iJakdAiri7; ‘.
TOOTHACIIi ie inetaxith - cured by a few drops
of Dr 'Keynes loath Ach.s Itritotty. Prepared And Bold •
the Ong i
store "-grapradrazt:tr.
jeltt:d Ire F
-11 -
Celebrited V7orcesterehtre Sauce
CONMO Etillti ,--; OF A LETTER ruosi
ONLY 0 00
G :i p°, lil cable to l'11::: P
WOR T C 'A ES Th T M E BA R r°I) , :L 3 bA I7:: t IBSI. 1 '
EL RT ,i ,3 'Tell LEA & PERRINS that
their Saws lo hlijily ease.. '
VA It ET Y med to Ihilla, mid I. to toy 1
... opinion the most palatable e
well as the moot wboloaome
Sauce that le made!'
The°MY Medal awarded by the Jura of the New York
Exhibition for Foreign Sauce, was obtained by LEA & PER
wide fume et Willa hoeing led to glamorous itultsagaim pun
clatisero are earnestly requested to see that the name. of
"LEA A PERIVENSii vie linpriesod upon tho Ilottle and
SIODDOLUtoI printed upon the labels.
Sole illiole.ale Agents for the United States
JOHN DUNCAN a .16::54,
400 Dna/trey, Now York.
A dock alway• In More. Also, orders melred for direct
shipment from England. niAlyilfer
13 3EI - 77 I"N GF MCC .A. C I - IsT £ SI
Bridgeport . Conn.,
tt•batrgh, 68 Fifth 8
Tide Machin. Stitches the
Finest or Coarsest Fabric,
At the plistsure of the Operator. making with ease One TAou.t.
owl beautiful and durable Siiichesper Minulr. almost note
toasty, ttli Kee becoming trolLsperunble fur family rise.
Full in ormatlon may hr btained by addrosaing Jam
ALEN. R. RRED, Agent,
No. OS Firth etreot, Pittsburgh.
The groat superiority of SINGER'S mAcinion
Ovur all other, tor the tow o r
Clothing and Shoe Manufacturers, Harness
Makere, Carriage Trinuners and
Coach Makers,
'lles long been known rind practically acknowhlgoil.
The undersigned having an extensive vatiety ot these
Machines on adapted to end 7 kind of sewing and
SIIIChII4, Iti Vitt, Intorevteil to call and errand's , them
rb. Sa'RA.W.
Agent for A.lloghonv C.•oonts-
.7" A.S. 14110.L.A.11 Gri-ILA
Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil,
161101.7 . 1 c Nos. 169 and 170 brood Stre4.
lc ()Ram w EY NIAN
Nlanufluturer and Dealer In all Mods of
llnter of Snrztklidd Mred and Diamond All
—For ninny year.; I have boon trvritlileil with general
Irwin.. and languor, both mental-4nd physical; caprice•
listleestarea. dull headache, pain to the head and temples,
and tendency te Atilt.... palpitation of the heart,
very msily fluttered or excited. appetite variable, stomarb
and boirels denutead, with pafti Any mental ur physical
exertion was ante to bring on all Ilia symptoms, an.t f
n addition. failing of the aqua, nod great Ivan in that to
iiiuti,:trnu physician after anrither exhaled:el skill and
gave 1110 lip. A patient and : ., irreivering nee of
SLIAI.L I: N NJN fortunately oru , el me.
and I lie. lie vemile sufftrient to 4.1.111, • my thankinimita.
Itr. JCL! 1 A\\#: JOIINF-ONI
I .3 truly say that I hats been a .tifterer for many years
with at.* and deranged In.str.t.on. After a u bile I
h. other fronhlta..inch a. fade indigueth , n. Irsating
avray, getwral isn,uor and debility.: pain in the small , 4 the
bar k. s earl of aching awl Jr.gin,r,rreneltzon, pant helot..
the shtuiricr hlacles extending down ilia eno. loss apps.
the. I ilonbir-in the atoruath 'with c.,14 loatuls
.4 Seel and dreadful n The tenet eacitatoont
would sake me tnel as a dy away I Idea lloctora
sod drug, and eyerythin:, one after awther. althlut the
twaneet ate bottle of II aItYIIALL'S LTF.ItI\Y. CATI(OL.
ICON clanny.ed Kane of lay aynaleloins for the lathe, and
n ,, u I nn entirely .1 r a4wallj I rub tint: weer!
•I oast 0.14 know w het It ail) do CLARISSA 011E11
r'TKIL! tlt VAT/TOUCAN Mu sawed my
aa I verily Wier. I trhal d.rn.n and medicine until
It ...anted noeleas tt. tt t looms r when I tu, with a who
ree...turnetaed the Otthohan ...strongly tlia I deetne.l a my
dolt to try st I was mostly temabled with dormag.,l tOrll
strnation .Mymptome aore In 11, I.
and abdomen. Nearing down pain at the t Imo of Ito. i'.l nevy
bloatltsa,olic. .ountipathm, feeling a. a th.. fork
lag lintlas mere t.ruh.e.l Or brnken.eructationaand v,.n.stsng
.slaty weemeal to hex lasnien.: dirturte..l sleep, hint. latigueon walking In the th.:ruing. flatly
arav, minalipation. preanure , 'film! in Cho 5.10. tltxtinem.s
ryorully when ...ming. great lerttalvlltr .0 temper. •Innett
comatant Ina.linatios. to paw. • nter, an-at reel bonnie. sod
urr to vr,v or feel onhappr 1 area oat only ontlrrl) :sired
su)aelf all throe aymptorto. which I Lae.. yn ten an au Int.
portert ..o.llrit of my ottrirriugs. but I hare Ittavana• mauls'
.alavra cured in ',tar Drell that I fere! temral a tat you lota*,
that other. wlw are similarly ottnated May alma. Ond
TO$111:11 1 iII. '
Yaw • long limo I h... 1 Il.rirmr...ruptalut. with the
tag s,rnpt,rn.: I wan nerwnu, enurtited sant trtit•hh. I
wa-mmt . nbonts4 In ernpldnta..4l2o of shu-h I ' , tit try to
rote pain In ti." lower , tr‘wt.s. and • feeling as If aut.,
thiuli ass oda,: tn.htlits walk mud, .•.
c .,snut . fee.a of fulluwartart;ing stool draws... and
'h.-ult., pa." is 11.. hack. kArt, .4.1 eat...diug .into,. th.
Irk.- the pd.'. pnalatert .11ng eau...a!! wee,. pain
"ho,ltykl . nn4 yd.". the atria sunata-13 and h.."
et, beerlaebn with rrtn,lng In the earl, nutty lint ..1 th.
warna.4 }OM great Irrltablltt, intxnee nereocnotwas, I
...old not hear the lea.t esett,ment • ithoo.t 1,100 prostrated
Art a day: I could surrely more about Om hou.e, and dad
art take plew•nte ht anythinz. I had eve. np hops. havink
Hod "Irrythtng, as 1 sttpy.sed In twin, hots frernd rand
my attention to NI Akftli.ALL'S lITERINY CATUOLICUN.
took It, hoplak agaturt hope. Wan fortunately It ruled
Ina, Rod therein not a healilner or toot, pat4.l W 1.412 In
the entlntry. Ltrnst all will an , . It It la Unit the v.notan's
Iriettd 'med. xr.. moo:NCE LEFLIK.
MA R.WIALL'S ITERLN'E t'..4 MOE. rrox 'rill ,erfain
iy run Pui:mg of the Wyatt, Ithittt. hlsffiern.snd• D - rn1. ,,,,
nr Pa, nfut Mrnstrvatton, Mlcatt.ol, lofialetnatuats and D 4/.
eases n/ the Kodstlis or rronary Organ, Reb-ntion or Aron
ttantw, of rm....Mcrae... asitemnrs, Nirsaattotar, ?hint.
n 1
man, tnripttotvons. Cramp.. Disturbed SI , and ail &aut.:.
mina.. nr esonpathetie, nnunirtid sedh the tleinne organs.
711 e pan f MARSHALL'S z - rs t um - : CAITIWZIV.V.I"
v. Om Doltrt;..l.l a Mal( pr.. ample boefla
th, the ',req.( of rt., donors fiv. Nall, •
grey frn of tlEaryte, to tht end nY tlk cry
at gattieutnr to aril , the !rat jinn add
and nTnie
IT. .7.1 yunntnln Mal Ge Mairtne
ni tke money Addreu
No. IV) Wood et
lilga of th
to engage In Use ante of the mwt
Rod. In &merle.. lavadm, Meehan!te.
. . -
crip V•IxInK to I, *IIU 111.04 0.4 to q rely profitable
0,.1 plea.ent boeinetto, enabling them eaa IW tAnt.‘alo'S,
and make money at the unto ttme. Age la now in tho
1..11 are clearing from pOO to 111,500 per OBI F . Plll
patticular. and 4 lan of (Luke. addreee %I. 111.1.1141,4.
Queen PP, Pnblialiltm !tun. 141 .Slain iitreet, Cinctemail,
011ie: or. it Ettat.,`ll. 111:11Af0X, ritthed.ll o l l o.
NVANTED—A tint oilier titgn -- t - o
'in, Tenn., to whom liberal welpot ttlll
erl. l s Wl...Pans:tot to eel] mcontuten
.017 lAAIAII UICII lii h. (0.
WANTED—:§ - 7,61_ 1 0 in Pittsburgh and Al
loghony Al',.,
lion Paper to antonnt al 0.7.001 gilt edge, ran tilt.encnt
e.l at very reduccA rates. 4014 U. )PLAIN 8 tii).N.
Gl - :JULR . D . HOUSE, P
1. neerwillineo with the
amt alit] e greiafal appreciative
tl.l !ram tba travel!
pririora of the .111tAILDTIOC:11:0
tPe tint is I%ll.lophi ' , to trfla.
renelint.tri. I 111 sua aller
lb( ir prirr rf bnitrd - will be rertnord ,
AMERICAN .1105111,
Iherfriblitlonent of ihr rJrl
ly nunoun,“ that he hns
of lonnagetnrnt, an It Inds:r.t. J.
Trial of thn nj•ten4 n
thoosh thn sAlsentagen pre rr
adnins4 fot the rifirr slats o.
essconmunlntlonn and to
nnsurposnesl, told the, tempt lm
fut tho comfort or violas, Isnso •
Ur AVE had blanufak ured ho thu special
Li Order, utd harp nure tan rad, e•lr• "gm. find.
Boras elp and Calcium sole W titer !Mote,
Bora' and youth,' Winter .Idlnca w aml 4 " ••••nLiiinnt pf
every Mail of chililrawe. pegged on earreilAbnica. Theme goo4l.
aro triede to has exarolnatlch an wear, end will prole no
parlor to the home made work; •
fientleniana . French . Calf two soled, Water Proof Boots
Lad. , Snore shwa., a new article, MI the r vowed or pawed,
•ael Peri." 000 darer) kind of rraronablo to all
paid fur In CASH, dud We offered for wane for CASH, or ap
proved paper.
ruAi 1; MUT, PA
rpitE BOARD OF MANAGERS of the Alle-
Rarity County Agricultural &witty announce to Doi
public that the ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH will take
piano on TIIURSDAY, of October, lost un
Comt.tition for the Nona.. of the Soddy I Invited.
roa ♦nn4lTl. I 1011110,111 , 1 , 1 1 1 10 Mat,.
?Inn pen, for bent plon'r...o.l2,pirntprdta fur bent 111011*..02
Nrcourt.. . ..... ....... ...... 11 5.00201 11
C 1 Fourth
.......... ......
JOON :YOUNG, Js., Prnadent.
i.llll , llrs. Jr., O,orvlary.
tiIt(ICF,RIES-150 bugs mime GreerT.lEO
tr.' Moo.
lob boll chests Young Up. W.;
JL " " papered mud Wow - Work Lew
1,14) bsgat,( lbo sarluas standard btuude
nbla those.' Nour York IhruPl
• Lossrlug's
Eagle, Now York, dot
" N. C. Tsr,
Wlnterßlasichi.d Who). Oil:
SO " Tarawa Oil,
Will an assorunonl of all Mbar goods in our I iuo.
odd tios.l3oaud 132/3esoll
lall Itnnnt:t
Etqlrolokred Curtnpl Mus
Alla a complete and elegant dock of Gloves, Iluf ler" and .
Note' Forniitking Good.. at F.
alb A. A.SkASON a C0'5..2.5 Fifth .t.
HORSE POWER-1 single Horse Power
11 Thresbieg Maebinfitc liabanor H.
littoNlA:rts . ANL Mascracruakaa' Soot, f The Manu ( arturere ins sense Company Manufacturers' Insurance Compete).
ritt.1,,h,.10.,,..1.t.1a5T. i
Mf-c No 10 Iferchon Kmtun9,.. 1 , 1 r op, ISt ovine anal,. I al.
ni , .lli conformity with the 25th section of the -
. I'llll., DELPHI A , 'qtr.—No. 10 Alerchan.h . Exchang,
Nr. - - , Colortitutiou Of theCorumonsrealth of Penns, imaia, Ptutaat2tria. July 1, tart.
notice I. ion ybv khan that application a 11l by made to the Charter Perpetnal—Cat ital ;500,000. .
Legielatam aithe neat MasimE for the Betymal or Eaton Notice is hereby given, that the Agency of
sloe of the Clatter of the Sterchenta' and 11.mufacturere WILL INSOIIF. AGAINST LI. RINDS OE lids Company, in the city of Pittsburgh. will, until Anther .
Itsuk of Pittsburgh, baths, torus of Ilfteest pars. Ily ordet
of the Boer.' oflArectori Marine and Inland lii,ks.
tie In underwriting and connection with thin Mitre in
tan. Owl W. 11. DEN NY,Ctothier. • AARON S, LIPPINCOTT, President, ' Philadelphia, well qualthea him for for ( eting On . husioesa
0 WM. A. RHODES, Vice Phabiontt I. • manner that win give general saideaction. He is cos ,
CTit EON LY OFFICES where .Ticket 4 Gobi loe , ALFRED WEEKS, Sects.tary. ' ditally recommeaded to all one patrons. em well *those de
" procured via Cleveland for
to and the North. siring insurance. A. WEEKS, Streator,
West, or via Inilair
Columba. to Cincinnati and the DIKKIVA.S. The
o S aes , above Company will ho conduct...l at
Sontlt-Weet, conic, of Wayne and Liberty *teats, and
Aaron 0, Lippincott, Wnt. 11. Thomas, Choi. Mlles, 1 k10.p6 WATER eet Pitbsburtih.
I= Mottongoltela Iluuse, 4 doors below the corner. Wm. A. Rhodes, Willi.. N.I. Alfred Weeks, , anl9.ltf A J. W. NIAITTEN, Agent.
F. KNOWLANTE General Apat. ' J. It
Ei t mk. Chas. J. FPId , 401 M T'.5 18 .1. 0 .. ', ---."-
seiSaf C. O. R. IL, M. C. R. R e C.& T. BM.S. R It. J• 020111 P. Smyth. ..., Delaware Mutual Safety la .carver Company,
Am...anvil Bast. . 86TERCACI,
Allegheny City, Oct. 13th, 18417. Imlay Ile th, E. D. Jun0..1 . --.4. e Cash. Cat-Rk. ?" * ""i' r ` ri ' d b Y M ' L ' .l ; 444l"'lllP"""34 ' sk `t l ''''''.
1,-_,-..A GENERAL NiEETIND fA . the Stoekho ders iqm • -• , q , tiqz,''',..,r. q- m.......t i t . .. , t . ...,.......,4, ,.. - ic '
..., , Offh.`C, S. E. CoritOT Third and IValnutsh.„
--...- of this Itmolk will held at lle Bank - WigILI L .nt -• ...' lb' '" '''''
C. 11. Paulson. E.g., - 11 ~ i.• liantplon A. Co., 1 MA R INF INSER.INEZT. , T 1., er•0r0..341 Erylghl
TURSDIY. the 3d olay o So,mber, at 10 A
' en.. in g. t... 1. 0 " . ' to all parts of the world.
.Also, an Election for T leteen Dlrectok to oterve f r tho J. S. L"'. E.I
onenina year. will be hel at the Banking Rouse, on .101- INLAND 1.1 - SUR,INcL.T on a 1, by Elvers. Canal,
Pittsburgh otlicy, N 0.96 Water street.
I 11 . MARTI EN Agetr , Lakes. and Lend Carrlsgeo, to all pa aof the Union.
DAV, tho Itch day of November,l3s7, between the hoe, or
V o'clock A. M. And 2 0%1.k C. AL me:3G. 14'. W. WILSON, Agent, Dubuque. FIRE INSeRANCAR an Meer adise generally --tin
oclndtnolil ——l ' ', .-- • Storrs, Doe Houle., Ac,
~,, - j _ '" .- ! °°l '' C4h - ''' ': iferetalls' Insurance Co. •of Philaumpura. I ~,,,t,,,, th , 0 ,,, p ,,, y.. ” .3 ,, , ,,,,,,
Oro. PL.,. T 3.1 ANIA imantascr. L'o., or rroutcr.on I t 9101,3:0 94
0,,,,,h er 5 0, , teh ... ' i o WM. N'. PETTIT, Prcsk ...... _II 3. 111c0ANS, Score . 1 Bolt Hof l B B 4rob, 13 . 1 Rest Estate i
W i Phil olphia City, and other Loans
L'i?TlIE STOCKHOLDERS 4.f Chia Chlupntly are !...;"''",°'"c"Pit." Sn ' a P." In and i ' v ' t ' d— n: l l'4. i t i,o Stock ha Banks, Railroad end InsuriceCos. 18,Z0 93
'''" hereby n , trilit.l that the annual •
Elet for Dim.. o ' " n l'''"" " '''''''''' """ ''''''''' ' '''' " - ' ' . Bills Receivable MILLS 89
too s for the taming year, will be held at the office, No Cl , . Conk ou hand 1173.1 113
Fourth strum, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. sc. mid I o ,_ ,
_, .
__, ,V S „,"" 4' „Z., - i Bahmco. In hands of Avant, Premlunts on Nfa•
o'clock va, on 110.NDAY, the 2.1.1ay of November. IA, - ... , •"..."`-...10' W 0.... Om 0h... , 11,44 ..P1" ''' . . r ---. 11130 Policiee recently lass.', And other debts
. . ~.....e.... - tributary , . lona. akealu.t loos or ,'. omega
_hi For , o L„ e t h e t.e.„... 121.W.8 10
oc7:dtd A. A. CAIIIIIEIt .ecrerar,
PL.NIt RoAn ELECTION.—An Election
far officers of the 'Sorr.lllll Valley I'. or Plank Road
Cu." moll balteld on MONDAY, filo 'LI day of November,l467
at the office of W. A It. IVA LKldlt, city of Alla
gheoy.hetorceu Oro hours of El . M. and 5 o'clock 1..11. of that
day add officenthaing Prealderth lI . Monst ere, Treasurer
and such other officers as may d , aerc•Anry.
ocleolld JAMES WATAON, Pr...ardent.
51 ten otirv' 11 P11T51113.1.1,
Pittvburol, itet.l3lh, 1X..: f
E. :77 -NOTICE ia hereby given that an Election
for Third en !Af00t..., of 110. 11,161010 m. to v . .
for the enettiog ye,. will be heid nt am flanking, Ilona v , on
MONDAY, the 10th day of November next, between th..
howl of II o'clock A. L. and 3r. n. Ily order of the Board
of Dirocturs. IIEO. D. 311dIREW,
According to tho Act of At.embly a general mooting of
the Stockholdora will be bold on TUESDAY. tht. :Id day of
Novenibor. at the Ranking Haute, at n o'clock A. to. oolltd
Pittehurte, octob, 11. th 1 . 5!,7.
'TUTS BANK will redeem it.: eirrulation
nod pny its depositors. If they pr..niptiy. nt
it. count., to tAterks upon t.l, Weß Bonk., in the
note. c , l other Desk, end in intur, hold by
the Wad, re..etvin, only h. It. • ItAtik thuoi.4l thu node
of pkynu•nt By ord, of thr Board,
OCIAIWd W. It. DEV,r. Cashier
M....STY/OD Nts.grsernatay' Bang. I
Pittsburgh. October 16th. 1647.
k:t.tcriwq for Thirteen Directors of
thiy Rank. to serve for the ensuing year, will beheld
at the Baulking }louse, on 310NDAY. the 1616 Nowtn
bgr,t.tween the hours of 9 A. 0. and 3 P. 0.
A general nn.eting ot tint sc. - 11:41er* will be bell at the
Ranking House at 13 o'clock 1. u the sumo day
nel6,ltud W. 11. DENNY Cashier .
14.10t1, lath. lhf.T. 5 •
);:, - .TrAN Et.rurmx for Thirteen flireetnrß of
uUtt t hi. Ibittk. to Rem, 144 one year, .111 ha held Itt the r
Battling H. 4111444. nu SIONDA V, Novon,ber 18311,1h3:,
Iv eat the hot. 0110 a. at, and 2 r. mi.
The Annual Mi.eitug of the Stockholder* Wlll 1.4 held en
TekS DAY. Not ember Sl. nt In A. M.
. , .
Ito, err. llaOA, Pittaburgit, tart. Illth,
NoTICE s illieeby given that an Eleetion
for flirt r 11l ~n of this Institution, to *erre for
the mooing year• will be hell at the Ilanllug ott
NIONDAY, the 1 th der of November oral, between tire
Loan of In a. Y. 4nd 3 a.
And In arr. et. With 11414 Art of Ar,enthly. a general
aleeting of the S kholdrre will he held on Tutwday, thu 3,1
dot of Nnventber not. at th.L Banking at 9 o'clock
4. IC By order tire Board of Director,
re7l7altd unt:i ItAtIOFFIN,
Clove and Medical College.
to Wu luetitutiou commenor mr WEDNESDAY,4th Norroilrer, unarm...mot° weeks.
JOIE": DELANIATEII, NI. 0 heft:agar of Midoitery and
11/.1448.44,14 of Women mid Children.
JARED P. KIRTLAND. M U., Proteanor of the Prinmples
and Practice of Medicine.
J. LAM) CAS, , KLS, M. D.. Prole.. of Chemistry and
JAWB .1. DELiMATEIL NI D.. Prob... of NIA.. is Med.
Ica, Therapeutic. end Merle:al Jurirpnelence.
arTitit THATEIe, li 11, Profess.. el Anatomy nod
GLATA . VE I: K. WEBER, NI D. Prate...n(llw Prturapler
and Position of Surgt.y.
11. K. CUSNII Mb Y. D., Adrenal Prete.. of Midwifery sod
lilies.. of Women met Children.
.1 , 1113 A. KNONTLItiN. NI D.. Demouttrator of Anatomy.
IFee for the eutlre rot.. kn. e .rented Promt , e"
ry note. payable In 12 1:11.4n111.4, tar ro.
Matriculation. p, tineleation, rzz Nit.° Anaturni.ia
tbeel board. with rcuuta.llaht and fuel, (2 to Vile. week
Fir further prattettlantecer.pnitg nod Summer Carolers,
I wheel, hove loon Ille,rally circulated.
~e2l JN..) DELA SIATER. Dean.
S the Court of Common Pleas of A 1411131
!ugh.. ty County lb the nattier ot the appll
t ea.., tor Charter of lurrapeetion for "The Wilkmaeurg
A,auto my." N._ Dererulen Teen.. IFS:.
Atet now, to wit tart. 17. The enthiu petition and
I natrunient to eating Bayne: taw'. Pr`a.tibit to and eanno
111,1 1 , 7 the Court and the object and condttintri thereof al.
reeving to be lairrul and not Injurlotta to the community.
•I 1 t. t•rd..rnl that the awe. be tiled to the eltko of [beer.'"
themdery of tau Cowl of Cemmen Pleas, and that notico
of end application be given n. moire.' by law In the Pitts.
hone t IVearkiy ciarette by cling tueertions tit the name.—
By the Court. A true copy qf the order of Cnugt.
,e3l,3terY A ttest• JttllN tlI KStINGIfAA, I . roch'y
pLO,TE I' itouts----Juelt receised our an"
- oval Itnpo LAI.. of Dutch Bolbons Rwts, rtz... Lila
&Ow', Tulips,.ils, Crocus. Snowdrops. 2c.. h. grout VOA
et, oil adapt for fedl planting lkweriptire ntakcnn
tw plantingat hp Apo. St..rp, V Fifth Strert.
....:1 414 6 JA MKS WARDSOP
tfl I% Parke,,l do, for see by
purry -s I Ws., in bladders, for sale by
,a , _l c...d - o.rlTdod Fin. eta.
L I) A —iOI en. 910. English for sale by
A MON I L L P P LOWERS —SO lbs. for sole Ly
PiXitla - tkii;ti4l - V ' bßr 6001 1 S,—J.
Burchliald 111 Darn ti la day otlrr las emirs stock of
gad. at atratla\ . radn.,al pan., rot Cash North ' , kat
- r 4th and alarkr. street. astlcsvaput i Murphy ßmm htlaid. ; ort.:u
QTEEI. D AN! A LA . ..A Al PENS—Fine,
rotra Flaw, rood and Smooth Poluta fur .1. be
corner of Market nod grand ewe..
A —Rd, War, 111nek and Oran far latlabr
- _
20 C Hint Sugar, arrived and for sole by •
J.131E:4 OA-RDNER.
003111 S— horn, India Ruhbee. Buffalo and
ki Turtle shell Drueslug combo: Ivory Flue TouthViarbe;
Pucker Comb" and 1 1 .1eitet nor Itru.hre 1n large variety
.1,101 JOS. FLE3I
uel9 lcurner Markel at. and the Diamad.
I t h•qlhe 1-v rx.
.ets rota,
be rbl reer , pl
1 !den Mbrear.
10,000 Mtn
I menu:id
xpirit et the tiu et,
111. - 0 patron 4.,
community, 1 . r.,
On the prictlrge Iwing
to Mr univentll dotl.nd
ONDAY. 1 , .(11 ()viol; r .
it° TO-2,1'.
'Jan W leu.agen.ent
me; r. , 0 - eetful-l:
• sued the old plan
e the rocs et altvrOnan -
is Wei. prot.s. tholt nl
ni nceit or Ihn twos° stro
in moo aml allentloon
141:.µ. to deldr#4l.
Seto aU bcrttormrntn
WOODLAND CREANl—Woodland Cream
for letetttlfying the MIL void et
101 L SI) A PSA -large aat‘ortinent ..f
Ittorrn Winnleor, Moe . ", Atu,oiul. ErsAtti
pstini.lll.l Plana .akin p. for rule 111 Iw.LEMINIVS.
12 — Ilk THE, TIM ES --W all Paper at all
pm, e O n , Ar upwards A little ointiey run noßte
clean hone, IV V MARS.IIALA. 00.,
1369 No. ei Woodall-vet.
all the mate
-11111,4 I.oli lu ropyitur letters. Ineludlng Ibta newly
patentr,l Vlr 0,101'1N./ It f,,r sale By
WM. tl JOHNSTON k 00,
Stnt,, , neo. and Blank 11,,0k Manufacturers
No. NI Weal St.
()IL -111 Übira Extra bleached Whale Oil
Lluesol 01l
Forsals J 13 CANTTELD.
Scl:kli.6 . lKk. - - IitTIS, pure ariiele,
la Boxes
For saln by (00121 N
Of ovary *wrist, Mlti penmen.
tad all c , that ar‘e usually foulsd in a first elms manu
factory, for ask 111,11,0 lowest rates, by
010. W. ROBLEY.
Sigu Me Rod Coffey P. 44,
rethaxl street, Allenthemi
Louis x lV.—llighly enrchecl Decorations
and. 1000 tor We hy tr. P. MAILSIIALL &CO.
DurrY BLADDERs—sOOO — n,$. on
y bona awl for Welly 11. L FAD:‘&OO.O.IS &
0013 0000.001.0 In Flulnk, new
B -
CARD SODA-10,000 lbs. on hand
..LP ond for• - PAIINKSTOCK- k
&F.°. lisod 003 rtv PfliO by
n. L. VAICikiTOCK /I CO.
PAINTS INOlLS—Assonrin Coons-311
rosins on hand nail rot solo ly
11. & Cal
DEAR L ASH—W Camicit for sale 11
.K 1... J. 11. C.4.NYI ELD
LE-200 Bbls, White Louisville Lime for
tt, sale by (wl2) .1 B. CANFTELD.
GLASS -100 Ilexes Bzlo Muse received
albl fur mile by (Dell) ILICNRY 11. Ci)LILIN
T"l"rs pATENTOIL GLOBES, or Cups,
her storm Eliglnes..turtaalo by M. F. BATON.
.I.lBook P
Enka, Blank Mot., Copying. Japan and Wrlllng
Ink. 'Manilla and W raping Pala; rt. s s
ANE, Allephetty.
hledlura awl Cheap ,Pnper Ikaders
ffh,oiem at Paper Room of •
ocl4 C. CCICEIRANY. Allegheny.
kj BRIDGE thIMPANY.—In accordance with a resoltukm
el the Ward n Managgre of "tho Company for emtlng a
Bodge or, t e Allegheny river, oppceito Pittsburgh In
the County of Allrgetty'• ;coxed the 1611, Inst., there will ,
be offered far We on TIMJILODAT, the MI of October next;
at 7 o'clock r.g., at the Morehante Exchange. In the city
!ROCK OP TICE COMPANY, in lots not exceeding Ore shares
at a time; upon crotch au lustalme nt of $5 per share, together
with the premium It may command, will be reoalnal to be
paid at the Omen( sale, ilia ha/ancs, to be ant/Jett to the call
of the Board of Managent, alter at lost BOthow notice of the
payment of eaoh hottalmentshall hare twouglvenom author.
lcal by an Ast of Assembly of Pennsylvania approved May
7th, VIM. " WM. ItOSEDURO,
'aeliwragloce.77swlShorl7P '
without Tray. for kale Isy JOHN FLEMING
oclo N 0.47 Market Et. Cor.
jo IL PALMER, No. 103 Market Street,
o or,aer In Tionnnts. Mits. dims, Trimmings, and
Straw lioaLminnerally. •
GREEN APPLES-3U bbls Llreen Apples
thl tloy retched and for eale by
oar own naantifactarr ' wornantoil in ercry stylo of
ninth, for tale by WELLS, 11.117iDL6 t Ott,
- No. roarth Stroll
- the and ini by
awl T.:tn.-tr.:Alt..
dm• the Ctaturan3
Sulterripthtn Note.
Wm. T. Petit. John C 1%1.0.g-ornery, Jctl,n M. Prnroy, D. J.
McCann, E. F. WitmerAtenn Gulllon. Beni. 1.. Woolstott.
John A. Mtirtitnll. Until. 11. Wright, John J. ritterSoll.
I.lwooti T. Pitney
kotalr. tb•
NVNI. V. PKTTIT, Prellarnt.
R. P. Vt..° Pre.ttlent
Dwrari, .1 NlreA37, Wq.rrtary.
Parr - I.etc
I , elgt.r. lamb A Co,
Buck, Morgan A Sclal, do.
ltro.A d.,
Ihourov. Coldoll & Co., do
A. T. L w
Lawn it Co.. do.
Steloodt,Jugle,.. A. Co.. do
Rt 01,11.! N.. W. .NI , W. Apot.
i i Ye Great Western Fire and &antic Ins. Co.,
Ne. 331 Walnut Street
FIP F. JASERANCE—PrrutuaI or Ilrnitorl, made In tour
or onahrry, ,, ,, ~very .t,,tripilon of pr.,i , [ty.
1..V1 N Caaal, 'Aker and
Land Om 1. , all I.lrti
.11.11[1.\'6 I.VSC H ..n r•nr,,,, and Prulght.
nmbrarin,r Tml,m.rtation.
C. C. LATIIIICIP, Cresl4,nt.
V DA Vi, Pr.,ldent
Jcoteph fluckel. Secrvtary and Troarar• r.
H. FL Itichardsou. Asehtant Secmtnry.
Clacks O. I.s.throp, 437 Walnut street.
Hon. Henry D. !loom, 58 Walnut f.
Almonder {Shindig, 11 North Stunt st.
John C hunter, firm of Wright, (tumor & Co.
E. Tnicy, firm of Trnry-1 Roger.
John It. NlrCurily, firm of Junes. {Thin, to Slc.C'ordy.
Ii S. Bishop, firm of Bishop, 5i12.01013. &
Jas. 11. Swill, /Inn of J,r. R. Smith & Co.
Th.. L. tiillemle. firm of Oillespie L
LA= Ussiohurst, Attorney slid Counsillr.
'Theo. W. Baker. GOldlmitli. 11.0.
Stillwell S. Bishop, firm of litshop,finions L
Will ism Darling, tints of iteitiling,)
John Rion, 90 South Front streeL
E. !torpor Jeffreys. firm of WM. li. Brown d Co.
41:6m—sp7 97 listor street, Pittsburgh
Farmers' and Mechanics'insiirance Company
Northwest (tower &wind and Iftdittd Streets,
The following slntentent exhibit. the bust nevi and coed •
Lion of the Cempany so Nur. I, 1.50:
Prentinnie received nn Marine and Inland Wok.
Fire Prentiunis 110.716
Intereet I ea. n. 704 47
• Total rreelpte..
PRId )terin• lAws.
Expenews S-slar • 1.1 Commt•mlons
FL,-I.llrAnce. hvtin to Vrominin. itod
Acvory .
rr.tnnining itti .........V29,057 07
Th. ••••••t• thr g'ompnny are an follow-
Phil. C. , y Inkt County Bonds $ 111.841 10
ttAllr.m.; 11.1. 11,0n0 00}Coort Price
Pint F.gato. ....... 00
04.1st , rnk on roll 02,400 W •
Otrurd and CooAikbalon Bank
• 5;225 oil with Sherman, putenal - 1 - -
, New York. 20 OM 00
Deferre..l Payment on Siork not yet
d. 07,71X1 u 0
Notes for Slzritto Premiums .... 148.040 50
Due from Agoutssocurod by bonds.. 5L,3711 IS
Prrosinms on recently
sued, and debts due tb. Co 2exn 00
Babstice in Reeks.. 10,450 TI
• .
$52.3,a7 OC
The Boned of Directors have thi, day Jed xrall
Pepuble nu demand ou the butanes. of the Company the
let tuatara. THOMAS H. Preeldeot
Ent ton Itecueme, Secretary .
TILOS. .1. IJUNTER.Agont, Pittsburgh,
orlZLerrol:fo No. 9U Water etrer
Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Charlre W. Rancher, Adolph E. Borio,
name W. Richard", I Kramel linnet,
Thomas Herr. Darla S. Brown,
order.' I). Eenhs, ; Sawy hi. Smith,
Tobias )Veneer, I Monisl'utmnen. •
CITARL N. DANCIi RR, Prmldent.
Camino U. &mgr.. Secretary.
'Ettle Company continues to make Ingurances, permanent
oUtrolted. ma every description of property In tor, even
country, at rata us low as are rumkteat with menrity.
The Company here reeerrei• a tart, contingent thud.
artaehorltti their Capital and Prtntlmus, earely hart:Med,
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Aaaeta of tha Company, onJwattary lot, 1361, as pot.
lished eqrernbly to the Act of Aseembly, were as fllow.
31 - orttragaa .............. . ...... 1318,L28 03
Reel Estate 34,377 78
Temporary Loans. 33,006 17
Florio ...... ...... ........ .... 01,090 00
............... . 0.1.346 131
.41.212.708 44
Pine their inotorpoiatior • period of twenty-one year,
they have paid optraniv of One Milton, Four ilundrevi
(bona:end Dollars Lou. by fire, thereby offording evidence
ttf the advAn.,:et of 1..000000, as .011 a+ their abLLltf nO,l
4tertietition t.• meet with prottiptne. Nl thebilitimi.
aIFYLN. A¢ • nt.
Often our. IVoottnaiti Third •t.
Continental insurance Company.
Tnr~•ryoretat &yr tn. Levislattere qf filmsy/amm,
WM •
rithorire4Ctipital. Ono NIIIII. DaNI,.
Pocarol and Amoninlated
No 61 161theut Rb.rG afore AJE7atl.ll,ll6:l
Fire I ittnri-ionr n Bulltilnee,Fitenitme,llerchenitiro,
Merino I nanranoo nn enrentie en.lFrofirbre, to 411 parts of
the world.
Ininad Ingttnatco on i)oal:t. Lskr., ConstlA
amt LatvlCsrriage,t, to all ports of the Union, ott the ott,t
thy °ruble terttut.ttotwUttot. with Pototrity.
FORGE W CtI.T.ATA Y. formarly Paced -r Paola ka ,
WM. BOWERS: Finnerty Regfdar of Kph,.
.1011 N N. OOLEeIAS, firm of Cailentan At Smith, importing
If arilwara awl Clattery. Merchants. No .21 North, mini
trotr, above Markel, P ilia.
JOSEPIt OAT. firm of .loaripli Gat &Son, Capporsmititii, , N o.
12 Guam' strait. Phila.
ERIKA lID MACLIETTF, Erin of Machette k Rai
importing Ilardwarn 3lerahaata, Nn. 121 North Thini
Istrs, , LnYove Unag
UOIVAIIIEIIINCILMAN. firm of Living-non k. Co.. Prolate
awl ContmhoLion 31ert-Lants. No.. 8 klal-kot a, above-
ar:orta I: W. COLLS.PAY, President.
Gists Witsos,Seerettir,y.
mr^3nll7re N 0.14 Fifth strest„pp dears )
Life Insurance.
S.thrall arrneT qr fißlnut and Fbure. Shvdt,
urorporurd A pril 9th. ' 16:59: Capital Yt:tck Vh91.960.
linnsuaLi lIENZEY, Tier Erraltiont,.
JAHN C. SIMS, Seerdtuy and Actuary,
JOHN N. WILSON, Troasurrr.
Alexander Whlldin ' LEIRIIi• A, Oodry,
Marthall Llenanty, IT. Esmond* Ilarper„
William P. Moho., Elloha Tracey,
Won. dOarph Allison, Thome.* S. Smith;
John C. Sim% tleorge R. tinhorn,
Rom Darman, Ellwood Slallark u
John E. Simone.
WM. E. EMT-T. M. D., Stedlcal Examiner.
This Calumny makes ltruiranta on lite% on itoot learona;
lie terms. It lean been managed for selernl
years by an raper/tared board of Olken awl •truttorix and
truiitorX hasaltrity• paid promptly Ito lotorly and our)
*kr deserting of confidence and patrunausi.
lb. W. POTSDEXTER, Agent,
iinyTullem VT Water'stivet, Pittsburgh.
iretneni I auraneo Company of
I Tutua
Office No. 70 Woinut Street
• cAriu , sin.ne_A.3l7. 47d1,074,46—ssantax MVidtt[ll.
Fire %sureness en Unlidings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac.
In Wwn or country.
The . nOel priticlplo combined 'with the security of
Stock Capital, entitles the Insured, to share la the profit. M
the Company, without lisibilltv for tome..
The &Opt Certifiestcs of this Company, for profits are
nutrcetible et per, Writhe Ospital Stock of tits Comp.
CLEM TINGLEY, President.
B. M. lIINCIIMAN,Secrotery.
I 43.A1 Strand,
John A. Worrell,
Bet d. Tingley,
- Z. Lothrop,
L: : Caree,
Robert Tidand,
C. Stevenson,
Chas. !reined,
Win. M. Semple, Fillet's.
J. 0. COFFIN. Agent
corner Third and Wood streets
Clem Tingley, -
Wm. R. Thomson,
Minuet Illspbom,
U. W. Carpenter.,
Robert Steen,
- C. 8...W00d,
J. T. Bunting.
Neptune Insurance Company,
Franklin Buildings, 414 Walnut Street.
Organ!red andel. the General insurance Law, with a cub
Capital or $lOO,OOO, prieiterti to increase to F 500,000.
Insures %salami lon of damage by Fire, Marine. I nisnd
Navigation and Thansparation.
0111023. •
H. , O. LtWOHLIN, President.
RICO ARO SHIELDS, 'Free Prosident. '
it FORGE SCOTT. Secretary.
.D. 31ontgomery,
owm.S Vet,
T. P. Showell.
. 0. C. Butler.
Tin A.CIIAYPET, Aeents,
,Jelria .Ocoee, Lafayette Hall, (el:armee on Wood et
'Philadelphia Fire and Lille ,
'I NsvnANcl: CO.AI PANr,
No. 149 nut Street, • •
Ooro,siTg TII 11 . 0 TON WU FE..
Will make RAO. Itmoreem, Other r." - oetwo.r .
Li00t...4 ma every deserlplion of PtopertY or • Neal! , uellre,
et remaimible rates of premium. . • . :
W. T. P. NINO, Prvelrleot.
M. BALDWIN, Vice Paublaul. .
R. R. Cope,
R. Viler.
11. C. LAtreldln,
W. C. Btu{rebury,
A. libarlcruod,
IL 11. CarCie,
WiIII.m Osborne,.
Marled P. Irayts.
V. 8.1441104
IP. IL Safer/
Eibermax ' "
Megar ' ge , ,
V. BLAMER:An, EK.4-Mt3rt
COITEN, Aget.t.
Mks :tad sod W.ood
• Jame'. 0. Hand,
Theophilus Pastan.,
William Eyre. dr.,
Jovial. L. Price,
Junue Temient,
Samuel P. Stoke',
Henry Sloon,
Jioneg It. )leYariwn 1.
Thom,. Bond,
Robert Burton, Jr.
John D. Semple,
L. T. llorgan, '•
J. T. Ur.,
ITNI. ARM:. President.
THOS. C. HARR, Tim Precident.
IiCKUT eetretary.
apllyd Rh,
William 31artin,
Jmeph U.
Edwrind A. Homier,
John R. l'onrtme,
Ororge a. 1,1 p,.
Eds,rd DArllgtoo.
Dr. I: 'I. llngtbn.
AV il :UM C. 1..1
• Ilugh Craig.
Sponc ,, r
CkarlP% KfHpy,
H J.4,t lit
J. 0 .101 kn.,..
Pittsburgh Life, Fire and Marine ins. r.o.
Office; Corner Market and Water Sta.,
BORT. GALWAY, Prtaident. F. A. BMUS; Seep.
Axtrzor Ftxmxri. M. D.. Examining Phyakian.
Thi. Company antes OVERT Insurance appertaining to
connected with LIVE RISKS.
Alto,agoirot hull end Cargo Risk s on the Ohio and
Miledrotppl riven and tributaries. lad Marino Rick re
Add anninat Lnn or Darnsge try Ph,
And Inctlnst the Prrila pf the Pca and Toland lc, 'cation
and Transtc , rtation.
Politics hailed ql the. I.cast rat. consistent s.llll,c , ty to
all parties.
Robort Galway,
Simnel MoClorken,
Joseph P. llerrum, M. D.,
John Scott,
Jams, Marshall,
Darla Mary,
James W. Hallman,
Chas. Arbuthnot,
Eureka Insurance Company ;
Office No. 0 Water St, Pirtsborph.
asserts, tar Ist, 18571
Stock Dno Bias, pay-able on demand, and scour
ed by two approved names-- ..... .................$11.,1;430 00
dash in Pittsburgh Trust Company 4,390 35
Premium notes- 4:.564 49
122 shares Esehango Bonk Stork—COM. n,950 00
ttriCgativabln 4640 00
:.364 40
Book Antonym, 1,729 95
.1 11. Shoenhorq.•,
W K. Nimkk,
It. U Corhrau,
j. 44.427 04
311.737 hl,O
Jolla A. Caaglk
C. W. iAceLeluq
Jame. I. Bennot,
'itizens' Insurance Comp'y of Pittsburgh
W3l. BAOALEV, Pretideat,
Office 94 Water Street, beltrern Market and Wood Stmts.
its_liouree lull autlCartni Risks on the Ohio end MI.
stanipid Rivers, and Tributaries.
riisiel EMI reit wind loss or damage by Fire. A 1.., ',phut
the perils of the Swelled Inland Navigstkin nod
Wm. Begniey,
Runnel Rat,
Robort Dunlop, Jr.,
8. Phabangh,
'lsaac M. Pennock,
Wolror Bryant,
Jas. M. Cooper,
DI osiongshela Insurance Oolnpany.
onlor, No. 98 WAWA Sys:l7,
T 1 71 Insure Agnio4 all kinds of fits and Marine Rl,k.
0 rricess—JA MES A. BDTCHBON. President.
it I M. ATVDOD, Secretary.
lAlex. King,
Willton Miller,
John McDevitt,
.13r0. A. Berry,
athletes Je4.'dfdaridl,
Wm. B. 111 Ame.,
Wm. It..
Western nen
Will Ina. aglninAt *3l kin
K. Millar, Jr.,
J. W. Butler,
Andrew Ackley
C . thwack
Themes Scott,
A. Nlmlck,
G. W. Atacama.,
G. W. Jackson,
James McAuley,
George Dare* ••• .
allowial !Johnny
J .
ITOMO ILU Mutton managed lry Director. oral, knows
In this community, and %rho ilberall i t,Musteculpronipt,
Ws ;Le b nr.l%; l =pitb 9 : o *u. `
NOTICE.—The co-partnurAip existing be
tomrn the umfortained, tovier tho Ifrm of FLEXING
BIOS.. (Dr0g.21,,,) too disoolood on the Nth of August,
D, 1857, by (fl to refit:moot of Lomool ItGoox. Jr., from the
IVOTICE.—The partnershii) of the under-
I , & lug buelneee ureter the tiller of MORPUT
IsURCIIPIF.II , , will terminate by mutual convent en Sep:
C 11.
AU pampas hating unsettled_ accounts with tbe Clem trill •
grtatly oblige by ,-.111n; burin that 'date and making set.
tomtit. W. E. MERPlItti
d. 31. IIUIICH.M.D.
The tinalnao will ba continuo) at thetnine location, N. E.
conter Foto!, and Muket streets, by J. 31. BENCE "
FELD. . veldt!
DT I ON-9.'lie eo-Pirtridish ißkere
_if total,: .31. rin g -wider the mote ilia able of PRELPU,
CAltlt A CO. In Oil, day iiLetioletut by litnihttlon. ILe tmin
[nee. pr the firm hilt he elaind'ilt "th4 — utd - etatil, - Et. Clair
ttttett,ll,3l. Allegheny Bridge, by W. 11. EIIELPB,
who I. duly authdri,ed to toe the none Ot 'the firm in the
settlement ail., ditaire.
ritt,borglt. 1et.1507,":
signed bate this day entered into a ctspertnereldpoane z.
der the mane and style of PLIELPS—PARKX E CO, for the .
purls.. of naeuntwokring Wagone,Carte,lltars,. Ft, a., to,
Ii branehss; ing taken the old eetablishesl Factorro f.
Aleetrs. Pbelps, u,rr 1 qu . atul herlog erect-sal entire neer t .
and procmcd the latest improves
menu, in suarl,,,,,sy. Ae., together with t 1 terra and .
Paled sleek et manila!, they aro prepared to execute, ..
quemptueas awl eiliorden entnasted to thems•‘.:3!
qa,rk werrantsd to be of the beat quality, The senior pars -
_ate having had In years eXpetlooco'in doibtitiotok -*MO
hope by strict of Itotlon to merit a ccoatinsanse of the pet
romage so liberally bestowed 00 the late firm.. , • -'- -' •
Septetoloot hi,
A ing
'MOTION OF TARIFF KATT..9.00 ind filter JULY Zorn,
A 857, freight u ill I, received PM .borer tbeGAtowlog rater.
ToMahoult,r, * ..... ......:....._«.i.::-at Mr.: pop.loolipodr.: i
To Ora
To Rod Bank
To'o— 31e. a ; : ,
F'Poo---Ororlitre barrels anaund<r)Vbf, .
TO tor ........... ..... Alc. par barrel.
To Only'.
To H.,1 DMA
TA) BrulT'el Prod
• Ftanr—lNfty barn* 'a/adobe:l.
To Gray'. . a ,
o Itradv',,, ..... 0,
)3"Alf i..6o — llißille.Tleket Agent.
Iron City College Normal
the Dolt City College, on MONDAY Ensip,
October 12th. tube eutideetwi by 3Ir.A. D11RTF.P.1.4P 4 . 1-
the FlRh Wit,Cl Public Mimic It will meet oo MONDAY
°t each lisetruetleo will be aireo-lo OribogroPVYL
Arlllanetic, Foglia], Uremmar„ Algebra, awl 4. 0 .. 4 or
Ttams--Tbreu Dollan per enwrap of two =WM..: For d t
further particular. royal,. of A. DITIFIF, It F. "liv, FEN. -
KINO. Principal of Iron Iringe. -
iCNV . A - 16.11 %
iv II & H. Net 111'LP - a
• •
large m puroveno of CARPETS, OIL CLOMP, an_ of
a a t a t ylos for roll Trade, ownpriring
LOW PRACED nrolcuars.
h, Ifc Imp, List, Rag. MB and Stair Carpets;
Rug.. 01010 a c ,, we Sintnlr. Sin , ' Both, it.,
Alan • choir...lnt of brom m m f rom orm'io lour yards wide:
lean Wed patterns Fluor 011 Cloth, fro& 2 to .24 feet. wide,
a-ab all awn. 110040 penally found in first clan Cane.
Stores, all of which we two prepared to 0811 at rho very low.
o.t titan for rash. gob W I). A. IL nfeCALLUIP.
2DBES Roll iltifier,' 2do Egg&
„. •
by sininta al - faLicoRTEI:- •
?.a.6 . . • /401•10 and I.l:lBaaaad 810 ,
Q'r.All.Cll--2,0 Bide; Pearl Starch ' •' '•
109 talk " "
Yarsale Ly • (..att) Y. It. OANFIZLA,
BULIT.E , 7I.O . ,E;ega, - for sale bb ~.zr
CBXBSE-500 Boxes Primo W; B. and
cream C6e.. Waal* by *At 1. 1114141JUIU.
.- 100,+ .0 00
$7OO f.l a
.d. MADEIRA, Agout.
95 Water street, Pittabur4h
Alexander Bradley.
Joseph tl. Leech,
John Fullerton,
Ularudleld B. BArn.
gravid 1.1. Chambers.
William tom,
Itoto(rt Q. Bartley
John SVOM,
(.•r 430 19
O. W. eaßa.
1. M. Peremck,
W. W. Martin.,
R. T. Leeds. Jr,
D. 31eCenDese,
Geo. 9. Eeldeu '
J. 11. 9110ENREDGF.R, prea.
I GFt. M k Eiterllug.
Wm. Bingham.
John S. Dilworth,
Franc!. Sellers,
Wm. H. flap,
nee,,, company ,
lin •
SD.. Previllaut.
', Secretary.
of Fire mul Mari.
F. AL LOTH-, [ • d