THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. NEW 'TORE ADVERTISEMENTS. Prom VLSSCIIIIIL OWEN; CO, OOMIAL Xithgttnal An mtivra Moss. (Appictoy's Buliding) No .346 and 349 Broadway, NM 1111 . 47. . . . p...dry, Rolling_ land Iron Yarnßamo Work.. lIILIP TABU', Manufacturer of Riot P thwin g hly Ornonierntod s.n.l liwin IRON FURNITURE. Irownsillv,g nod Giotto,' of every ton. ORISat-irki Witzehoow, 51 Growne street, b‘liateect strand wod Broils.. New York. tisllt?.tode Imported Wines, Procerica, &c. I. 8 W. ()EERY, 2113 MILL , starre, Ault 719 11.0.T1T,NEW Tool. Eitabllshed 1804.1 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FIRST 1 Quality fatally On:curie% offer to the Trade, Hotels, Private Parnillea, and all Who are choice in their taste, and deal. &raids. article. • large variety of TEAL- 41resitt and Black, Boughong, Pow-bong. English fireakfatit. Oolong. Imperial, Onopowdri, Vonow Le.; In els.te awl half chents,..te COPPER—Mocha and Jona W1NE..4.-Madelnal, Sherri.., Ports. Rock., 0r,., Ivry old and IJgh crack.,to original packages, demijohn., neap 111.0114 bottle.. PARTON and QUESTIER'S CLARETS. CRAMPAIONB--Meet & Chmidon. Colt Intl V..r,ony Do Rrldxicka G. 11. Monna's in do do LIQUORS—Brand.. Rum. Whi.ket, li,. Amack, AL tho, 6e., In 0/ . 141.1 p - nekag...,..l...Voracoa, illarrewhino, Anisette, Noyooo MALT I.IOOIIS-441.1dotiltroxnStotn. h and English CIOARS—A. variety of choicv Wl:kWh ICRLICS--En rliah and French. fIAUCER—Par Fish, CUrrie, (lame. Meat, tte. CIIEEAP.--Silltan, Chedder, Royal. Vietoria, Prima Albert, W.Y.rt'.B.P.K. , Dutch mAI Aiumican. .PEQARS—Loaf.Cripheil, Pnlerrired. It. CIA., &r., In bar rel. and half barrel. AMS—.W..lphalia.2,l Amerl.m. OlLS—Olive, Sport. and Whale. IliirOnr Liquor... warranted nuadulterated and of nor net Importatiou. fedlt. =!!!! QTRINIPAY. & SONS, MAN IIPACTIMIMEIi 64 WILIkAT Went, New York. received the fallowing First Frire Meath In contpritlthrta with the best .nAlier. In Herla.n. New York, Philndelphis and ilaltiman, TWO PLILTE PRIZE MEDALS et the Metrapalltnn Weir, Waehluctart. March. A .JOLD MEDAL. at tln. Crystal Pelee, Now York. No even..., 181 Z, (toeing the anly Gold Medal given for Plows within the loot sir yeareq A (TOLD MEDAL et the 31arylend TILE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, errata] Palace, New York, November, ME Among the Judiow were the fleet nattalcal talent In the country,. melt es L. Maaon. Gott .chalk. Wallenhaupt and malty °Miura. St kS. P 11.80•1 I with and without the Iron Frame) are warrautoll for three year., and a written guar:run. given. Pim.. packed and atOppol without amp. Primo moderate. 11. KLEFIER & BRO., Side A.init• for Plltithurgli and Iregteria Penaylvnilla. de2?l7dr Druggists L. FAIL .N ESTOC K & Co., Into of the firm 11. A. Fahurno:lr. A Clo, and SIICCNINOnI to Fleming Bros. Wholesale. Drums. No. GO. corner Wood and Pmsrth Pt., Pittsburgh. Pa. A. FA lIN ESTOCK. & CO., WII( 11 .4.:- . sal and arulgis .., tm om s:3 4 l i ej . it x t i tifset . arers Flt burgh. meei J r- SCHOON3IA KEIL, MANUFACTURER • of Whits I sI. }tett Litilll/7, Pub ty utd wholesalo Weirs hi Paiute, Oils, Vanilla., Turpen tine. .Ix.. No. Wood At., Pittsburgh, Pa. oeklyd JOIIN RAFT, Jr. (succEssoß TO JAS. MOnitny.)Wholreale and Itetail DruggLit en.l Davinr lit Paints. Oils, Dyienutfs. te... corner Wood wet Sixth ettorts, Pittetrurgh. Amint far pr. Ford's 'eleilleina. sp2l TORN P. SCOTT, WIWI:A:SALE DEAL. er in Cum" Paints,Clits,Varnisltse met Dyestutfe, No. gag Liberty street, Pittsburgh. All 0nt0... will moire prompt &Maio. isir.tzta for Elthanclea Pnl mane Syrup. mar^-41plor E. SELLERS. WHOLESALE DEAL . er in Drug*, Paints, Dyr.tlrffA piles Varn ke_ to- No. S.i Wood 'newt, l'ittnbnrgli, Pa. tiootln Prim Ins.. BRAUN & REITER, WII&ESALE AND DnlcOgtm, corn, of Liberty nod R. Cl‘ir Pittstretrgh. TOSEPII F.I,,EIINC. (SUCCESSOR To L. k Ca.) ,, .ra, Market 44,4 and I/8.11. 4.4,1 M ramataittly on bawl a fall and,,tapl..te n....ortuoto Oraca. Matlicion, Medici:lo C1,'..l I...riutnery. awl all taming to Ina bmints, AFAPPhyastans surrfull) • ,ntis At used at all boars. hotly DR. ('.EQ.H. KEYSER, bRUGGIST, lb) Waal street, corn, of %V strvrt and irgiu Miry, Pittsburgh, Pa. /Ram Meatus CBEEBE WAREIIOUSE.—IIENRY 11. COLLINS. Forwarding and COMILiSFi. slirrbant.and Dealer in Cheewe, Butter, Lake Fhb and Produce generally 26 Wood at., above Water. Pittsburgh myl.l JB. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, • off ("..inrakilon and Forwarding Merchant, end Wholesale Dealer lu Western limierre Chess, putts, Pot nod PemTl A.b, and Western Produce genera/Iy. Front at., betwastiSmltbtlald and Wood. Pittsburgh. WBANE ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A. k A. &Milne." , Dealers In Flour, Oreln and Produces. Gamiest. end Fomenting 51erclmte, No. 1 Swab& etrecet, Pittsburtth, Pa. [Jen. I, .5731171 fall) D . VID C. HERBST.. FLOUR., PRO, uca.,Prolision awl Commleeion Merchant. N. 2 , 77 Liberty street, comet or [land. Pittel.nmh, Gls, hi, attem lima to the kale of Flour, Pork. Dileon. Lod. Cheese. Butter, brain, Dried Fruits. Seed, Sc. ac 1141 . "Cemsigntitents rtepeetfrilly selitated. auatly ALE_ _ _ . X. FoRSITIL (SUCCESSOR TO to Wo 1, llid . w Floor . Itn e : " Crsr and Loot Oil and Priun (ter .hunt, Ik emium generally, No. 75 Water et., POtelonah, Pa. ff.RLDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION Merchant and Defiler in Groceries and Pr.inre, 27 Filth steeill; Mlle/moth, Pa. Defer to E. Ittatassre, Pittsburch. Mansur', Cuotacra & Co., Pitteburgh. MI;iNUIMMMI r 9 I TC ,e S Batter. Lard. Dteon, Fish. liae l t N and ihatt I Aslnso, Saber/qua, Oils. Floor. Orain, Seed% Dried Frott.and Prod.., generally, Na. 9 Smithfield street, between First and Water. art 3 GARLES B. LEECH, FOItIVARI)ING nod Ournrdi.l. :Merchant. Dialer IM Flour, Drain, R. oat, Lard awl Mutter. ma all kinds of Drusince, No 8 Smith field .trees, between lint and Water. - - ROLE WARELIOUSE.-JAS. (MED - IIXER, lilltokank Dealer In MAIL Prusleionte and Pnalore gentrall . f. No. 6 Seventh street, la.t 'rem Liberty and Elndthtlaid. ttabargh, tiirTeronettah. TM. Y. IMAM— J.. 86.16 WM.• B. HOLMES BRO.. PORK AND )11ref Peckersatel Dealers le Crovisious, comer of Arket and ?rout streets, Pittaburgb, Pe_ dell littornms Beqjamln F. Blood, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER. FOR THE STATES OP Nei• Stirk.,. Ohio,l Kentucky, Shurvechnietta, 'tufts., I Missouri, Mal., Mkbittan,limn, Virzi... • Illinuto, I Wieronsin, Acknowledge...eta and Deleacition• taken, and Out. de. adiubilit.ed to be crowded . nved In any or the above meted Stet.. Onion opponito the Thratro, No. 45, FM stmet, Pit. bargil, Penn. Jellied.. - - .. ROBERT WK.NIOLIT, ATTORNEY AT solicitor or tho Hank or Pittsburgh, No. tlO Fourth etrort,Plttotourgit. dolB JOSEPH S. Sr. A. P. MORRISON, AT torney. Ottico • No. 98 Fourth at., near Wood, Pittuburgb, P. my2l HARTZIIORN g lIAZEN, ATTORNEYS au.. ow. to Odeon Brdlding, Fourth lamed, Pitubmial, Ps. • . Zarr Onto . _ . ItIIJItPIIY do BURCIIFIELD, DEALERS LU. In Saks and Leona' Dress Goods genstully, aoske, Talmo and Molds, gmbrohirries and Supt., Goods, for funny nse. An unusually extensive ussortment in nil the *Novo doporttnentsjustrecrivell and selling at the lowest prime. airNortiorast tor. Fourth and IlsrtAstuSlS MASON 00, 1111•01 a. L. AIR • MON. TOLL AA. MASON CO., WHOLESALE . sod Dea Vakocy mold Staple Dry Goods, 25 Fifth street, Pittsbugb. 1 A.. STIIOII It CO'S PREMIUM MAO- Duemonitto AND'IMP.RE&SION principle of writing without pens or Ink. First premium awarded to them by the. Ohio eit•te Fair. October. 100,1. It It a brsottrul article . with which to write • 1.140 nod obtain the copy at thee., time, without the nm of pens or Ink. rendering It loenlnuUM tecipersoun It will tube the, Correct ill!prewiloo.ittany hrf, picotur news, cot In ovally adapted for writing on paper. cloth, wood or clone, In the copying of, picot., licelcni, Mak. Itc., witimOt the nee ofjlen• • I , .eile or will inem TrY It. For c V,. F. II AV KY, ash /11nrkrt and e.eci.rol streets SUNDREES--3361.gA. piime Rio Ootlee; 20 litchi It hhis stanilard 10 bble Pondered " Gulden hyrop; bismisbir 70 bah 0. mitt Tobacco; :In d twig Tobaeric 25 cialtc.lh•hirti ro of I , bin Srela nalionto• - . . 50 b..4o;diPalerataue. • alert.... Rim • LO br chests T 11 Tes.; rohfchcara Block Tea:' 00 .411. said - %a) rats Rag Wrapping Paper, 100 bat asa'alairaallilaaao 400 bah Straw dos Com Brooms— 1 600 kexabeat brands Nallt so box. Clay Plpra; 1 ranks Bleae'd Wbal• On; bblaN C Tar. ' 10 bag. Orain Tepper. 6 bags Alltploa; 100 bb la large No 3 Stackarel; 250 aidas Sala Loather; • 50 Ltd.' med to demand tor salt by . WATT A WILSON, sell No. 280 Liberty .1. q — UNDRIES-- '7OO WO Prima Bk. 04iter. 100 &rata Y. 11. and Black Tear 76 Imes maortall bran& Dam) ToraNW; 5 kep fix tarno Tobacar 'Z. blab Porto like PNR.r. GO 10,1 a Banned Bazar: LS LLB Yana , * Banned Amer. CO Mrs Golden Byrum .30 LLB Encelaior Byrom CO BNB N. O. Malasann - 35 0,0 111 C.% Scalar 61)1,111 Sala nalaratna, 300 Glls aa....rtod alata Suva Wrapping P.O'; IG tlerrea 300 Bides bole Lothar; 2.1 pur. FM VD; - .S 6 BUB Itoalnol. - " 23 lamas seamed 'Window Olorg 160 down aneorLed Branns:'. YOO kagearaortell Nail.. In onto at d C.r male by ia7 • • JOHN FLOYD l 00. QTOV. E SI STOVES!! sTovEs!!!—The A 7 Tropic Cook, the Lett Improved. as well IRA the heath., of the nine now Wade: tbi Parlor nod Chant., Stove: TI. •Ids,'" which le winced/xi hynll who ill.° seen It to to th nowt I; andeonwand ornanseutol Stove here or elwnhere. - Call nod nee them at the Lou City Rote, Cup et and To Wu - shown of • ' ' ' T.. J. OnAlti k Oa, nett . , No. Int Wood et. I BAIR C. Yaflow Baltimore re. 11.4 Innate tad for sate by DAVID 0.111=91. . . NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, F.. ALBERT O. ILICILAILDSON'S ADTOrtlarig LSI/ CO. acrormura OMR, 380 Broadway, Nero /I+,l'. 01114 1 „ nnk n ' r 'S ; iEI4). r i ) 'SO' / IT IS NOT A DYE. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN'S AVORLD'S .14. A. I R R E STORER. Gray haired, Bald, or periaiun with &sow+x of hair, id scalp, ras.l tho Billowing and Judge of the articloa. MRS. s. A. A L LEN'S Z 1" LOLIALSA:iII I 3I, " r Rurld a Ga.for l trio with the Goa.. r. and the hint Galt lirottlint old o or young ea hoing idlonatticarlons I h moos of hair falling. &c_ with out the ItAstun , r. • • . }LEV. 11. V. DEOAN, Editor hallo to ['alums. "Wecta IMifl' n+ 11..9 Ac. PRESIDE!4T J. 11. EATON, LL. D, blarfroreburo' Tent, ..NaorlUsetandlng Irrrgular one, do falllog oil M lanir rmsewl, and Roy Km , locks rodored to oriel:R/1 oolor," REV. S. R. MORLEY, Attleburti, Ilinalachtsett, It Its. changed the Crown id - Mary; belonging to old men. to the original hue of ,Forth," de. REV. M. MAURER, (M) yam" of age,) Chenango county. NI, Yolk. "sly hair ia now reistormli it In nothing. like a dyi..,"do. ItEV. It. T. WOob. Middletown, Now York. `.11) own hair, and that of anothor of ni) family. Ilan gniatly thirlsotiod, whom ninu,t kohl," kr. REV. JASI ES WEER, New Cork City, Roconimonda It, Am. ILEV. W. I . OItTEUS. Slam/doh. Conn. "It low mot toy twat ',',Koine ex p.rLrtioan, Ac. REV. J. E. ORIIIWIILD, Wallington. N. 11. -It I. ',wily 1411mm:inns in nwtoring the liair,“ REV. °. M. SPIIATT, loiwirhorgh, Pennsylvania. can and do rite/wittily rommonend It," dr. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Chat leatowti, Carolism. WhiLe hair haa beci.m.. obviated." Or. REY. AMOy 111..0:CHARD. Meriden. N. U. W. think very highly your preparation." dn. lINV. B.C. Prattsbnrgh. N. Y. gurprile.l to find my hair turn a. when I was young: . Ac. RI:I%C. H. CLINIC. Lerr(ston,llmusylvaula. "It has stop. ged at) Lair falling...l causo.l n new growth." REN .A. PRINK,, New York. "1 urn sat- lolled and recommend It." REV. D. MORRIS, River, New York. "It Is the best prrparstion extant." • BEN . WILLIAM COTTER Editor llothor's slnpultte, N. York, •iltniainmende It." 110.. We might ...ell thintl+t, but lima conaintril i TRY IT. We axiiart thepreparation. to Europe even, and they are envoy - waling all ether, there as well un in the tinned Staten. /I doe. nor pal or st..tin. Sala by an the principal st hole aale and rriall merchant, In OW antral State. Cnba or Can- DEPOT, 355 BROOME STREET, N. T I=l th"...ttetus deniers to to ordi articise instead ..f this, on which they make more prvflt. Writs to Deps4 for chestier, teems, and. infornattion. °shuttle is signed, Mrs. S. A. Alen, written in ink. Beanie , of counterfeits. seksisseamar Highly Important to ltemtners, Liquor Merchants and Wholesale Grocers. FEUCIITIYANGER'S, Moorings. la Produced/11 Iforount's Nadu Every Dtsier4 lIE UNDLIISIu,'LD lIAS LATELY T roadegrest Improvements In this branch of bovines. The flavorings are put op In packages 015.10 out 10 Callous, and requires but the addition of Pure Spirit, *dater Ist or Ith iirmil. and Liquors such as (s,pins. either ,task or pale, 140111411t1 &MI Ellfiglelb tan. Jamaica .4 St. Croix Kim, 3.10. nongaliela. Itourtvin. Irish and Scotch Whisky, A VYi , . Tench, Cherry and Itimptivrry Brandy. Port and slaileira Win,., will N. instantly prtalticod. It requinvi no skill. 1.01 00 addition of a good splnt, say tat gall°ns to each gallon of the ri.- spectiva Flavoring. The last Cognac Oil, Krt.oll. yellow and white. warranted . low as any other importer in the United States Emence of every Liquor. Extract of Ckiguas, lib of aid. pnvlumet :NV gallons of Cognac. Raw Whisky °toy, by Ur. F.'s age and body preparation be mule smooth with but o stifling expense. The pries of Flavorings axe extremely moderate, and di. sections in full supplied by UIL LEWIS FEUCIITW ANGER., mitt and importer or Prop, Essentia/ W. and !brat, Dagnsvxstyr :and Phanicrerphic Chemical, No 11.3 t.‘ll/01 Loon, New Tottx. 11.—Sols Agent forlimlfrey's "..I..brited Cordial Bitters and Gin. 0127,4swituiTsi !!=TIMMI Carriages. JOSEPH WIIITF.•S C•rriege Repository. JSEPII WIII'VENO‘V - inu nn baeiness In hi. aioum promise. Itom lately onlarorld between l'ittebargh and L.teroure rilht umr the. Too Run. ro.poefittlly .'tee the publie to inspect hi. 4tork of CA/WI/WES, BUGGIES, At And ho partumlarly inform. gentlemen parrhaters, that otte price atilti.Todd,. F1.1.•,11 yearn' or - pot - knee in the buil t..., enable. Mtn to plaoo before his patron. the sanwrh..l.-c Ca/ria, which mauY cot. d been him partiouldr department to ..keel from the rations and moat talented Fo.torn 3lnnufacturera. Thu to of his now system oomph., the economy of hi. arrance moots will supply the best and ino.t rdtnufaztn. rem at moderate price.. Unencumbered by thou. hoary expenesot. stitch the amnia for decorating Llotmu of Ituaineer, ha. homed upon the prim of tio,A., me tug to Int., mato.) White will 001 nu ready mnn, ooh, much 1,.A.4 than the ti.ual profit,. N. 11.-43arriagee rcplr.J lu the twat manner, vith dit Gatkanolo Coach and Carriage Factory. JOHNSON.. BROTHER 6 CO., (bra, of Berman/ alga Rebecca Strata, A I.LlaillENT CITT. WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN form their (devote. an v 1 the pnblle gene rally, that thry are manufactnxlng Van - lava, Baronchra. 'tot - tawny, Slelahm and Chariot, In all their vari ovia style.. of linlab anJ proportions. All ~ r viera will Ivo earroutod with env let regard to din-ability awl !wanly 14 nolvvli. Itepalra will al,. attrnvled to on the noost roavvonalile lona .. Vying iv, 'di Choir wort the loot Ealtorn Shaft" Polon and Wbool staff, they feol contl• dont that all vivo favor thorn with their patronage will he perfertly vvatigllud on trial of their wort Pnrchavvera aro rvntlevvivv.l I, gtv v. them a rail before pnr. chiming v•lwevalvvvro,,, noNlyvl igommtsmon, ...... JOHN L. ULM !OIL LEL.. JOB. Et. LEECH & CO., No.. 141 tr. 21-4 Liberty •t., Pittsburgh, Ps. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Itlßß, IN FLOUR AND BACON, Tin Pluto :9-.1 'Pinner's. Stock. AND 'PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES DdcALPEN & CO. (Late of J. S. Luxh, )IcAlpin A Co., Dittatuugh ) GENERAL COMMISSION AND • FORNVAI-LIDING- 3YLEI3.CH_A_N"rB. Levee and Waehinflon Avenue, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY •nowilli S. I,,ech • Co., ats!l Pittabargfi blerctuate pent ally. JyllalAvrlyr TIHOBIAA & GALLAGHER, C OMMISSION AND FORWARDING ANTS, ,Vo. 'AI 0 IN, Street, 1.9.* M. WET.. TO ?mu, Haar." 600., & Lo&urrx, STLITtler Zoo & Will order. ,Ilemp,B 00. Crain, at. Prompt att•ntion givvo to any [0•1101, of forwardin S a• Je:tyd• LEWES D. N. CV41111.T041. Sr. EDLIERTON, (Successors to D. 1..,4 T. Morgan!, Co.) Wholomalo 13rucers, Porwandlnig Cailinbtalan Sltrchants, awl dealer" In Iron, 0001, Culton Tortug,Glem at. No. 107 Wood .10,t, PM...- burgh, Pa. Wafply ER lIARBAUGII, COMMISSION 51nrchunt, DPAIPT In Wool, Provision., aryl Proanco .rally. No. Zia 11,i1A•rty ottr.,t, PlttsbUngh. • l ENItY S. KING, (LATE OF THE • tlrni of Ring & Moorhead,) Commission Merchant, mid Dealer in Pig Metal and Riutros, No- 7G Watlr aimed. bo. low Market, Pittsburgh, I'. aplit AA. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO HAR . AOl.l tarlir.ditlK Mer chant, Agent of the Sloillson tyro! Indianapolis Railroad, cor ner Emit nod Merry ata„ Pittsburgh. Po.. Jisißtlyti E _ WARD T. hIEGRAW, GENERAL D Connuiseloti Merchant, rind Whooltao/e Dottier In Mann. fartnred Tobacco, Imported and'Domeatie it 2nolf, kc., ke, No. 241 Liberty street, opptalte the lowl of Wood, Pitts. burgh, Ps. miil2,ly T O n l m N , H iD M mo E od LO y R A od N Fourth l tr W et O , So D le S ge T t for CIDOKRRING *BONK (Baton) PIANO FORTES, MA SON A ILAMLIN'S MODEL MELODEONSand OMAN II A RMONTUME, and Dealer In 'Antic and Musical Oat4s. . - - KLRBER & BRO., No: 53 FIFTII • 91.- Sign anis Ckdden Harp, Sole Akeal k GLARE'S (Nese York) andrallerl Orand and &mark PIANOS. and CA/MAST k NEEDHAM'S gorosho MELO DEONS .oid OHO AN II A RMIIN I MIS. Dealers In Moak and Ihredcal Inktrnmems. CII Ali E ISLIJMj , MANUFACTUR HIt and le Mum Porter, and Imprirtr of hilatdc awl hhoilmil Inwrimeinet. Dole Agent for the lIAIIIBURGI PI AKIO, for II A LLET, DAVIS it OM'S Breton Pianos, with soil wit! ~,,, t .V.ohinn Attachment.. LIS Wood street. my 3 Wheat, Rye and Corn Wantea, AT TOE £47PRIM ALLNGEIE .A. NV. - THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the above estohliahmant, .nd •.15 prenar Spar ed to Lily Me Highest Mark. , Pry., in flub Per 25,010 Hubris of Wheat. 10,000 Bushel,. of A N , 10,000 Bushels elec., It le the int entlon of the prtmrietore to offer Diem Priv.. for any choice Imo of White or Reel Wheel. They intend to make very superior Fondly Flour, and aro willing M pay premium to the Armee, to the ober. 4 .0 extra price, ireinceldm to raises choke quolity or wheal, and to bring It to market In good order lylSMind R. T. Ea:IV:MDT A BKO. JOHN CAMPBELL, MANUFACTUREROF BOOTS 11.0". nod SHOTS of every description, No. Al Smith old atceet. gittobargh. Po. noalolyd BANKING HOUSE OF JOHN WOODS, N. , 07 FOUDTII STREET, 116TITSEN WOOD AND MARKET STS.—g4O,OOOGOLD AND SILVER -minted, for which Om highest premium will be paid. onatioltf PER CENT. SAVED in oiling all kinds cm./ of Machinery by mdeg Nom' Patent OR Cone— HOSE'S P. NATON,ed Pittelornh, has the exclusive right to bell In Peutosyleastio, nod refers to ilttoborgh Mannfoc ttirers. Engineers. Madill:del:a nod Mechanics general. sell 1 PRIME CUBA SUAR; IV , biels.Syroplifolaaree, receiving mid for gale by .11 JAS. GARDINER. CALCINED MAtiNESIA--5 0 boxes in More nod for sale by R.L. FA it A CO. . _ „BUTTER -3 bbls. S. P. Butter for eat° by DAMICI.L O. CORN AND COB RER—loy Star Mill. tor sale b (r.e.l{) HENR Y 11. 001.1.1148. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1857 NEW YORK ADVERTIBENENTS From H. S. SCHELL'S Ailvextuing How, No 335 Rms.! way. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR.— La For Streugtheniug, IL,tortug. Darkening. ..I per. petuating ti.. I,atity ti,. hair. por Doi Lie. It ,•radiesite, wail and tlaudratt, inatairt• sit.mllty to tier r.oi• ol tb.. 1.-11111 Ipigor and .lu4tre to th, dark..o.theni if t.a, growing itray fantena them if alrrady innix,•• the hair •ott. y nu,i was s 11, ryir..ry it 1. ii,d1•1,11.166 11.1 It 1111.11113 of harialg , head. -Ch ofildren, 411.1 I..ying the looratation ot a ...roue growth 01 11., h.lll/ by 1.110111041.11114411 Wale'," in Pane) Wholooolo Depot. 56 Doy Area. Now Yolk. an.3o-2mdvi C'lLARg'B ENAMELED lloy:viaL1911 3% . DRY STREiiIT, CM= Matches, 10,000 Gran. M A TCHES, CIGAR LIGHTS AID WAX JAL TAPERS, warranted to xtand eiery climate, put uo tin boaes onimealy tor ehtliplim nod jobbilc.— Florid .in the moat liberal term., by CII A A lattllX)F.. LMMM=M School Furniture. PATON, 'Manufacturer of New cud Tin• yV • provrol xtyied l SCIIOOL FURNITURE. 111.trmt.g1eutalogo,...ut 011 a ppitnt m to It. PATON, tirove, New York. MANUFACTURED und fin. gale by N. JOHNSON, N 0.490 ihobam 'great, New Voile. A large , eupply Lope ronataldly on hared. Giro Oar. loverani ed on lepplinetiou n. 10,01,.. )1,6111,itfl - • MANUFACTUItERS of the l'ateht Arch lYtt.4 l'lwk Piano Port., .1,01, tulh purity, and et pvtAilLar pial‘t, .4 their tsd, t tutu the 111,1t...t 1n... t1...v at,t tutp4,:d cutEld tn r) Etir. %11,c11 xlth Itt.dris• meta*, hay.. .4,.113,..1 1 , 1,0 ,,, 4 Th . ' A 1 ,14 hl ' iln.l 1 . 1.11 k. Mll/I It .r.. 1 .4.1, 1., its, .1:tn4.3.e. It, lot." 1..1.;,..r than .41., in. .trons,ta. w 1111.• 11,4 11111.1.4 , 4 1. 1ki. 4 1 .1.111111.1u..dl Imirls er this could t .‘011.....5.t proot Owl.. .operior A 111...rul 11......1.11 h. Clergynwn. mud tht• trad, 1111 AG A LEY, COSO AV E c CO., Windon.dc thwerx, N,L. IS and .;tmet. burgh. • - ow C REIS REROER• 1) EIS 8 BERGER, GROCERS AN I) .11g La,d, Floor, e 11,..., , eluitlEtleld and 5...c0n,1 Vitt, burgh. .. I A LEX ANliElt li I Nil, WHOLESALE firoeer ul.l Importer of Soda A.L. No . 27:1 laborty .trevt. Vittolonrgit. 11. npl-lyA• TONES & COOLEY, W HOUMA LE GRO fJ oath and Boat romialten. ra to Pl - I.a MI% ItMi PittAburgh Manittnetturs, N 141 Water air...L - 3.n" Cherry JO. rt. ,, rnO.I,II.ALLD /WTI, .. ..1110..14111 rurn. JOIN FIA)1) CO., 11110LESALE (Inver. Nletrltettitx, No 173 Wnaml awl ==2l2= 3041 1. IT • JOH% 411,04. WATT lW I I.So N. W LES ALE ti Ito- CNiLS C 4144 4 4444 Men:llan:A and Dodler, In l`r, duce and Pittnburgle Hann Noun-, N. =..SK 1.i6,1) street. Itirt.burgh jull6 Atm, Src Modern Style of Sehoc;foitrultu;re, LIGHTE, NEWTON & BRADBURV 14, 421 Brume ..S t. M. rork. 4blroctro Wk. 311 TC 11 II I.T KEE, JR.,B RO. W holeash• tin% 4,4, lioctll,lllg mrl.l WII/ 13=M=tI=t=M1=1 . . Q HAI VEH Dimown], W HOLESA LE Orzunric No. 1:91 na d 132 Secoml .tort. ( Wood mud Smithfield, httAburgh _ AUL II E TSON, WHOLESALE Or.vrnal Slrrrhatit., Dent, to l'rmlun. and l'lttn!wrgh Mnmfmrittroil Artic,. I I.11.ort) IMltstmrgh. SMAII DICKEY CO., WHOLESALE 0r0r,.. C.onno,slon Myrrh:mt., an.l 11,1•1 , , , In Fr. , . No , n 1 Water +trw , t. and Front •tr,.l.l.ttrnbumh .1 Ihr 616 k Llt 61 , 6 l'•• LITTLE T. kco., w lOLESA LE 0R0(7E11.4. (7E11.4. Prndurr IMnl, o l'it.loorgh (3.lllllfartrir.... So 112 y.. 11.1 Pl.l.levli 3 13 IVNI. Z.CI - I'Cli EON Co.. WII‘)LE T .CALM. IT n.n.r, IY.tora and Cornmo... , n Mo.u.bant a. Piasborrlo Manutartnred WG y corn, ••I Irmo. Iltb‘bargla. n.,3 A • /WIN I. 1, A TI 1 VELL, LEE co., W L:S.\LELE Otnerrt. 04101.110t0n 11.,1...1.. nut.l I)..nlety In Pit taLui, ',tr.., No • W •.1 t. Ims• en.t 1,04..01 nl In ROBISON CO., 'WHOLESALE R. Groot,. l'onanivatal Merchant, is. 41 alt 14tonatona. 14.4., anti Ilttabukals llattulacturra, No. INS Libot ty •trnt. 14LL.Z uryL. )41,1,1 . • R OBERT 11. KING, WHOLESALE. GRO CER. rotimali.i.. Merchant. nn.l lk,ler in I , ..ilhri, FL 0.. Flout. sta..' all kitids of 0n31.1i1 1 . ,-lii,e, N" 211 IA .1) inert. tu.sulli ,pf St•tli. Pittilir,ll, l'a lA, Tod .1 rap,. nm , ••t1 ~i...cilni,stn. pi 1).1 ROBERT I)ACu., NV 111,1. E. S A I.i" lA•rx r clleut4 nl.l 14,1.-r , Pr..111,1n , 1 tnrr• tio 241 1.1k,n, Pittal•orgh. Fti. my 2 tiootsrllers, 6:r c Cot`IIIIANE. (tit l'l'E.". , lll{. TO 17.1. S S4.ller,jl{lLolo.olo 0...1 •. Stationory no.l l'efror Hang"... r0.t...41 S K. of Stfrket Symor.. Alte4fo,,. JOUS S. DA V !SON. BoONSELLER AN 11 Stationer. to 11 A A gitrrr. 1.2 Marke.t F..uult. IMtaLur¢lt 11 AY & CO., BOOKSKI.I.ERS .INU STA TI,I\EICS. S, arrv, toxt t. ax etr Third. I . llt.burglk. 1-.1. tl) ou luktni JL. READ, BOOKSELLER .AND STA JFourti, .1. 4.41.. 1/111i.illl, nuNT & MINER, ill NIK SELLER •1.1 Anton,. Nlne..nir u.u. rini. ntrt,t t3hpstrians. DR. R. T. 1 1 0111) i...t511 otaitirop,4 hi. 6pW VIOil.:TA111.1{ I.II.ACTIt'K. Ilt. oft., 11.. at Noel 1.0 'lrmo* Avt•ouo, t F.. 01111 Mrorl Woo!, 1 , :oot •0! o 100n,0n4 Voloborrls. Is, 1114 0u11r0110..1•L0re...-ot ill .1r uto mrl Chronic Itvonows 1 . 1%11 Lk. 01ua1. , 110 all) • t tlt , no•lo - Al In. to.. of tlo. prowo torl,Ort.twlyr D0111:1EN CAN BE CONSULTED at br Fulttls;,< Fah nold 0r...t.. wn guN DA Y:LIN NUN E.+ DA VS anal eATUILLA fT..ns Into 1 and llv o'clort Sirlimult , nrr dn tb. Brown.rlll.. Rawl 14.22:1 yvt•_ //04. 1,...,11. Y. ..... ..,(144rw DOCTORS GAzzA & LEM I NO. umce No l'ittmlstirzh. Pa 1,11,:enul• neat Eustate agrnto Ir_II.AKELY. & RICIIEY. REAL ESTATE Itntkers, cnrurr rtv , entl. Pit.loorgh, Pa. Yam.. llott.a, b.oght wt.! Ann 0.n.0....i0n. Laxs.2 larnust, 11111+. Bolin. end Not.n u.‘,411.4.1. glvo. io .I.4lrldirkg learmn dui.wing a 11..'. T..r.n. WILLIAM WAnn, nEALER IN l'lt(M ISSOItY NOTES !liart,kgr, A1..1 w.-nritn, Persons Cali pratmro Inant thrnnlth n. 7 A a. ntdo term.. Thom , wi.hlryt In In777rt their 'annoy to g... 4 advaunno• alwsrt And not .4 secota , l clam pane: alt! Al, 77.1.% All rommuldeAti..7.7 ittf4 Int , T , loymotrielly ennlkkothd. offire GRANT PTRERT,...givocin. St. aslll.4rid. pl:der ' EORGE W. BUNN, REAL EsTATi. x3r end Intotrenrn Agent, ettenolo to huyin, getele , pf rvery deocrlption, end to Agrnry lon•onom generally Alm, t. Irrrnrlng proprrty Ira" ••r •Innlott by lir, for gani, 1.1114 , 4•1p1ate Coto g./11”. Cheek, r.,monnble. /16)—(11/1c, west no.jor Ft.lerel etre! t.. 10, Mattll of tile. North Common, All,rl.nny City AA,I. 1.001119 A USTIN U./01111S & CO., ItKAI.EIIS IN Promio.ry Rood, sh,rtglat.,B and all l4rn, i• the for Mon•y. Money loaord on '71...r - lc+ at short alarm, wlth collaterl •Aeuritim NOTES AND TOIAPTS BOUGHT ANA • SOI.D. Person. thmlricig citn arrommodatr.l !trot, and capitallote nn fornioh.4l with rotritiopratite Pair Al., •Orto . th& µ 4 l, D..oting and Len•log of 10.1 Kottate. alfsTOlSro No. u 2 Fourth rare., above Wood Wood LOOMIS, NOWY Dohh, ton - _ MeLAIN & SON, Real Estate Agents B • and Dill Drok•ra. Nu. Z. , 1% Fourth nt... THOM ASAVOODII, Real Estate Agent., NO. TS Fourth alrort. Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works JN O. U. NLITI'I - TII%WE 4 . Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter, TonniNG eCTLF.It, GRINDER. &u.— AY halve & Bciaanra and Kat., linoute.L A . Sod, 1:latl. lll.rtted. Table Knlrn• Itrpatml. .Ibsitft at trralvd lo: LOCKSMITH ASP BELLIIA MISR, No. 1313 Smithfield Street, Si. nil PITTSIWIIGII, PA. Arerlart above Arm le prepared_lo nuke anything In the ettepe oran edge heel. or dn any kind or emir): work whet ever. MI Obort nark. FUR THE TEETH-- WARD'S FLUID AND POWDERED DENTIFRICES, Prepared and rold by ll' A. WARD. Profirt, 2.78 PENN STREET, Throed r. above Hand. wl42md T. W. LOUGHALET, W•ton and Cloak li•kalr, IMPURTKR FrNE W ATCRESAND JEWELRY, No. Y. Wood sod Markel, Pitt. burgh, l's. it4p•l'arttcolnr Altontßo pad 1.11., myth-Ingot Walther, tout Jswoloy. NR , -All work warns,loa • • • MACKEREL -29 half bbl. tio. I Mackartl. 33 Qr. du No. I do; 00 Kith. No. I do, 21., do No. I Moo Ihrkerel; SITRIDE No. 95 W.l.°, Shoot. In stun, and fur anis by le2Ldtf Painters. LONG 41r. LANE, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, N". 7; (Old Post WeeO ulld Inn )Th led et reel. Ind wren Wood nod 3lstrket vitt-tug, All orttnre tomordly Alleteled to. eranSlgtoonnentrol ninperior style. mll27tlyd 111DRATT'SPATENTSAFETYL701PANG vt4NDEit. The mart e: It nobler-nu be wed to lamp nrltlo pelloct manly, At It Munot be made to oxplode from rmy known moire. For ortlo by JOIILN.YI,I4SIIINO octO No. 47 Market and Cor :Al Stn. _ . FINE SETTS, Fire Irone, (;,,iii Vimetke. Norsk. by odu Jotµv Fl.Vall NO. . . Cii.F.EStr . - 15 U b as. prime W K. Cheene Just reed sod forges by EL DA.L:LEU A CO. illanufarturers. • WELLS, RIDDLE,. & co., 80 Fourth Street, Pitt.Aurgh, atortrracatratata or WIIIPS, THONGS AND SWITCHES. Orders esAlcitod Oran the traLs,aoil promptly slap p ,, f as per Warta - atom. 1.14 , -0 'math& or 5 per cent. diecona I for MA lyla S J. & 11. GERWIG. . MAXMCIVILEGS Or ROPES AND TWIN (lamer of Pimp and Walnut sererts, Paistot re, iv HlsuA vE ALWAYS ON lIAND A FULL pply of Coil and llalter Ropes. 6,4ll:lards, Gene n o w, W,s o l. Br... Cotton and Flax &Sae: Paper, Snits and Ooloned Twine: Out Lbws. Staging and Mason's aunllydkwS - • • A. 1.1.10 Froitc=it, r PI, e t ( Miter Str,l.ind Middle Wiry. Allegheny City, p■. Sfl ET T It & 'STAUB, Manufacturer,. of I mpruved Tritclo a n al Pstrut tiarslvu Irtlacloplithlug Its genrml. hc., done to or& r. All pylrr+ promptly eitlentledloi WILLIAM nk.lllll. WILLIAM UAELFHILL k CO., GI st.,low Alitrltry, Pittslturgli, E.lll BOILER NIAKgItS AND SILEET Iron Wurleern, 51.14f...tuna , or ILuntmr. Patent lanainiutive, Flutni nut Beek ben, ,In. Red. Steam pij.rn, Ceatipt,ra, Milt Pag, Sueor I•an.t. Iran Yawin. ate. illtwatanltlint Britt, and Viakinet 'triton, done at the nitarteal two. All order.. from a iii.tance promptly alteintoil lea linniiotton Allll., rate.bu,rgh " - • " •• • KENNEDy. CIII LDS CO., MAN Tuimits of Vrnit A No.. I !wary 4-4 Sbreting, ebain of rill color. mut ',hotter, 1 Cott. I L u •• A Conk Plough lam, and Stmh Curd. Itopt• of all Ain... o.luldtolcriptit.aS 4/-0r...r..1,41 at !h Ilardwaro Store of Log.. Wilowti A C0.,131 Wow! 4trvvt, will hw, attesitiuti. j0.25:13 , -• JAMES M A U F ACTU It Elt 11F SMTH(' RIC ETHER; Sulphuric Acid g„... wt svtritnof Nam; Nitric Adds Rottman. Aoodylo, Moriatic Acid; AIIIM.Ii. FFF; Nitrous do 1 ,, 0 ler'. SolutlON ITIEEM PERRIN & JORNNON, NI ANV FM - PI:KERS AND DEALERS IN WE. CIII LDS & CO'S PATENT ELAS • - rt . VIRE AND 1P ATERPROOP CENI ENT It' a , VI NG. 1.18 F•Tgati, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocarlaltl IL M.WAItfEN & co., NI A NUFALTUR MIS AND DEALERS IN I WARRF:N'S IMPROVED . ' FIRE AND ator 1.21„f Pumpo.ilani RtnAn and Roofing Ma tsriala. DANIEL DENNEiT, MANUFAcTU ItER OF FANCY COLOR- El) ironstone Warn, I:ts:lthighatn and Yellow Wars. kr. .411 c, nt the Mantsrartorv, ram , or Washington and Franklin st rrets. Birmingham. opp.m. PO.l.nch. mrligally• MM=t)MCO232II MAXI, MORELS OF OSC/ L LA,TI NU STEAM F.NO INES, 122121TEM12=M Salem, ColllMbitillitt County, 0. IVIIITM AN ,rItEED'S PATENT WWII.- 11 Engito.rof .uporlor ororknottoidin. om ototatly on hand and omit. to order. .1111 fivorina. Sbantrig, . for Flout,* owl Saw Hill.. nod other porpuovo of Jrolorri't Olebrated ra, A,.,131. f..r Mete 'ol3.•lttniAte . T•• , 16. Including Turukt,, end ktorinK Lath, taf every .jr- Consoosn Sli.lo lEnzino• mule to Order. 1110111• 4 111,11.3 _JOHN PISBRON WM WrIVTIStIX Union Foundry, MITCUSI.L, ULERRON & CO. THE BUSINF:ss OF .4. . ,: Lt r t., 4 1 :! .t.,i TE. MiTvil FAA. 6 0.. 'flu, %nil tnannta , ture, a. °a oat. a lam.. an.l ga , n..ral tu. ..rt tn. nt •,1 ViS.,4.lttintswg Cook Ili St.., es, Rattgo. and Slide Ovem4, krVICE I' I r: .170 I'ES. MANTLE K Fri'llEN (MATES, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes. Dog [tons, SAD 110. NS 1l AITILI.i. 1 . 1.45 W S A 1 . L.4 . 111 1.4 tINTS. V ill azol Casiinmi And GAS 4.1 WAtElt I'll'KS .1 all 11. LSO. /RP .V A .vp A , LA , Pr BET" 1 1 1: A VPS. • 'Shovels, Eiplides, Picks, &a., A 11.4 %bleb win tot 4tl ma ntueratr, ri pnt u. 11,): WiI.IIIAWTATII, I)IILUNiBER AND 1.1.15 FITTER, No. 10 n• 1r La.., 47 - 21.,nn Parr... next Al., to ALlvrcuall and Federal twaz I. A11,11..10 /1,1 • ..r) dow rip". Filtmo f, Water, in. and ?tram mlal Mff==Ml ==l A LIMED ENGL.% ND, Sole Apra. LiltDAI THE GtHill N Al. PATENTEES, A: M..... aunt. n I Ca.. L.,t.....4•l_,Miguti. 1 N.. Ptlt•burgh t All In • .t rI. I. Pl., Dr.ings ttul at No. 2 kuutth 41,4. raw Lal. insurance agents. I t LNI AN S CO., (ionenti Innurtmce • a,,,ents arvl Iwnna.. So 75 4..arth Pittabargta, Pa.. rr ITE A. ell A Ft' Agerttn Neptune lour. nnce met. we..e nmet. I_,) FINNEY, .k gent Eureka Innuracne ea., At. S.. If Mater. tr., A. 12 AR It I E . SECRETARY a IN-aylvsnis !mull - mug- (7.4 u par.) Pltt.lmrgh.' nu V.... - Sllll EL L. Al A ItSl I ELL, Seeretary r eit i /..1 1 , I ,urarirr. C.,tursany..4 Water rm.,. L ., M. ut)RLKA. Seerentry Western I nour .ll. • ancer..rugun,, Water *lre. 4.; Iti II NEkt COFFIN, Agent for Frank e) lu.ur Nortitealt.rsa - uct Wksni .a.l 11) A. MA ttEl ICA, Agent for Delaware teat., 'rill )S. t; It A MANI „t gent Ilea - ant In an... '..taitanv sn,l Pittabargls Life I uvurstul.o.utpan). cot a., K. t aud Staskel strr...ta. rr lit/S. .1. HUNTER, Agent Farmers' anti I owurau.-,',,, At Water street. J()situ A ItttalNSON, Agent Continental In.mis.t.ce . Plrth otn,t. w. l'OINI)5:XT ER, Agent Great Went , or. I agora:sr., . Front at rivt. liptolstrryi PaperWallW araheaa, wALTEit I'.MARSHALL & CO., tin yll 1...,ru.e • awl f/••••1•r., S 7 Wood 5t,e1.11....,wmn y ou , t y ,0 and Dinnt..i.ol A MI, where may be 6111 0.47.1. tewnt of ev.ry a...clip:lms of Palwr 11.1•uy+45‘. far Mwr 1.. r., 11:41, Dining 14..m0. and Chnmbr. Aka, Wmilow Sh.b... it. grual mrkt y 10W..{ rainl.l44 y dealers. W ALTER .IWWIALL A CO. It ItDWI:SWAP% W ILATLIVIW E1)31 N ',SON & CO., 1%; 04. 96 and 9ti j'A. Third 01,11., near Wood, Ilan ofartorars awl Drat... in IV ALI. PAPISTI, CURTA IN OILS AM ENT!, ntiNams. • AND CORDS, COSI POUTS, IitCDP, PATENT ,PIR AI. FP.RINII ATTRE,OVE.a, Ar , W.aild rim attention of porrhavarn to their to rar and rarioal apWAtmd SP:lllEler, i'mncTstAz. PIIOLSTKRER, J. No. 100 TAird Streff, Pilfshortet, Matiotacturor and dealer to CURTAINti, coitNicE, A NDS, FII A OF-a and !WINDS, M ATTRA.a.9 FORTS, PIISIIIONS, Le. Particular ottpution Pall to I.tramtwatt work. CWT... 011.1 and labl to ord... tnrltklyd Surniture T. 11. TOVIVO 6 CO., FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. F WTOR Prtlrrui .4i, brtwernU Ad und Phmet. Arenvo %technic—No. 28 h 40 Smithfield St., QTEAMBOAT CA.RIN FURNITUR.E—We 1.3 rr faundnntly roanufactming STRAMIOIAT CABIN FURNITURE and CIIA IRS, and invite tlo attnution of Onn.• Inlvrnaled Iu fornkliina la , da T. B. COI NO At 00. _• C. P. KLOPFER & CO., ussnstrronnt or VITTLNIMITRF: AND crrAins. IN EVERT VARIETY AND NTYLR. ' and Swomiewto Mentshwl ot short notice Oct.-moon, corner Penn and Wity-on ots., Pitt/Morph. detcd&wlytt . _ .1" A_MICS W. WOOD WELL. CABINET FUR.VITURF MANUFACTURER Nos. 97 t 99 Third St., Pittsburgh. JW. W. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS . his frionds ondcturtoment,thot be tmoinst completed bbl stock of Introit - or...which la decidedly tbslargrot mid boot at, olferod for ludo in MI/telly. As ho ic determined to op hold itit.towk, with seasoned materials. host workmanship and newest Ω and from the extent 01 1.1. orders and facility in manufacturing, ho is enable-1110 twodnro warrant ed ITURNITURE act the lowest prices. Ito keeps always on hand the greatest rarloty of every description of fornituro, from the chrsprot and plainrot, to the most elegant and testily, that4s, house, or any port °foss, may ho furathed from hie stootoor martufarturod expressly to order. mr'2o SAZITLIT.I, tlnym O. gt Clair Street Bridged Allegheny City, Penna., 111,CUTACTUILV.6 OF BRADLEY'S overt WOOLEN KNITTING YARN, Of Color awl Number. S PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON 1 silo , notlre for every the or number of Vanua line. nK •xie of the origlred mandecterere of the celebre ed -Bradley Weolen Yarre.,"in connectinn with my brother, Wm. Bradley, of Whoulleg,l would respectfully solidi a Outre of the eerier. for Varrtv, SA above. paid for Sheep :Skies and Wool. Je27:lyil J .1 WOODS' l'E ABL STA.BeII confitant.- haud vud fur sale by fu r undersigned. Pawl. nary umalreil aust *ls supe starch grill be found 61111111 to any of the morn eapemdve• forms of Corn Starch in tun, tor ninklnu delicate Bison Slangs, Purbliugs, or Cake. lb particular to t•trinire for "Woods' Pearl Starch. • A. A. 11ARDY, volt corner 'int.(' Perry street*. 131.1.21 A IN [lidos, Leather, Oil and Shoe Findings, No 211. Libertyri=uno__ PA. tlitisblttgb 05ilifttet PUBLISITED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY S. RID Dia El iSs C 0 _ , noon noun. .uort IQ' Mt:DA IL Y O.IXETTEis the old. a etoimperin the. West and hammy an rrfen inrenvvl tannpst:the inatness mom and reach rag an .lasses, it offers r. futeaantts wirer. risers.l.4l the trfit through llohirh f • reach the paid... 00-7711: WEEK/. r GAiRrrA: is j, awd every Dredne, dery and Alltunby, on a largo danker h es, and contains to addin”n fete ke,k. aea ally prepared E"Ili reliable report al the Afar 4-41. corm., o! and monetary alt fairs. and art rule Bank Note Liu mrreelnt wee/ ty for Mix pater—neat in; if Mt tad Guam, Newspaper In the West EMI= =CI IV' cent.. per nook. li:qui& to the WEEKLY—Two Ir., loor nnount Club. aro forni.lted un 11, lothooritt on - ropier ono you 010.1 . me to the person getting 0 I.3ymente are ntrictly 111 le. ertit att. I OW 111, ti Itate• of Advert Slow., a 10 how, I lion• • trl Lai erthaa - aarulttill.l to tale xq ttttt g al la la, 1111011ln t-E-Advo i.enatla r Ith Vutalrable prkr. Coals rade. Bridges. Railroads. &c. Me,r, Rdifors: It is an unquestionable fact that the ity of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Coun ty are largely interested in the prosperity of the coal trade. The annual 2-hipment of :!..",,liist,tato bushels of coal, not including the immense horse consumption, is an item of rio second-role im portance in our substantial prosperity as a Cool munity. myl orx J 111 . The magnitude of the trade can only be com prehended by a careful survey of the entire cir , de of the industrial pursuits embraced within the territorial limits indicated above. Thous ands of men are employed on the Allegheny river and its tributaries in constructing boats, ••getting out!' stems, plank, boards, &c., re quired in the shipment of coal. Hundreds of artisans In Pittsburgh and its vicinity are con stantly engaged in building and furnishing steam tugs, of enormous power and solid work manship, fur the purpose of supplying the tow ing trade. ldultitteles are employed in manu facturing iron for the coal-ways, spikes, nails, fitting up boats and building barges. Add to this the oakum, cables, S.c., &c., used by the wholesale in the various depa trade, the tens of thousands o ed in mining the coal, manni floating the immense arks to market. The mechanics re. l . houses, cars, wagons. railway these coal works. liPsitles ilors, black .n utw, .tore-ke her branch°, ur in inuirial r, • dependent opna t hi• moon n cial enterprise, :tatti you Inc intmetitte importance of I hie g increasing protperity If the al. , ,ce be trite, 100 Ili written. it scents 1 , 111 Illy dirk prudent policy-, that a trade of interwtt vhould revolve the niti agement of the %hole retain sl Id lie hut one feeling. oat protection that while we win look after 111 her interests, we eripple 11114 zu-1,-.1 the one bringing n c•ilth and happinea , nr very idit , . that we place on harmers the way of this great /me. end energetic ry, which. alinotit unnot iced, has grown up in our milder to the vigor of manhood, with...? ever asking or receiving one dollar of the public funds. or imipardiLing credit of eii V or o turn Nati nit, tuding t he importance vs.t rade. a+ indivated above. it is, as is well ttude, toad by all acquainted with its details, one ft' •etreme 11,11,1 and peculiar hard,hip, atem lutely demanding groat practical skill and .'lase attention, and we :.rc t... 13 to atlirm that n, other branch of ardtv-try in commerce or matkumetur ing ha- es er been superintended by the same Canall11111,31.• the trade. The tax policy claaractertit ie of the railrold system would I,nry the whole trade -10 '1....1. 111 ). 'II ' li.. I. ,f. I ,I r ,..,, r r.., ',sun null never find .1 lllsi II 11. lickill lon to the hazards and losses of 4 ltiTlll9, ice, low aster, flotelz , , bars, islands, untostihgeable ern rents, Sc. ~,r• .-,.tt .m.. 1, are tit Le s ireradded, it rt quires no prophet to foretell tl e 1..., the whol e system will inevitably sink in ler the disastrous weight of multiplied losses It will be remem bered th, the coal dealers, ling their inter ests seriously endangered, I - 1: incipient steps last fall in reference to the proposed construc tion of several ' , ter hraye,,,ei• the Monourthea tnd Ohio rtvert. e•perially the Birmingham 'ridge and the :WOWilletS St the Steuhenrille Railroad, the oar located at Pitt,lturgh and the ttiter nt Sic!!boorille The roorols of eon] ll=l I hem During the 5 innulor tnunth4 and not un frequent ly the spring months, a very large num: her of 10.1.1 cruel orrutoulste in l'ool So I of the M llnkoVelnelil. tig the only place of moorage, waiting a suitable stage of water to arry t hens so the point of glens inns inn such numbers have so accumulated. rind the waters cnitnence-to rise, the boats adjacent to the locks commence passing through in order to give those in the rear an opportunity of ge: ting th,ough in time to pm. off before the subsiding of 'the enters. Entire nights fretjuently are thus I'lllooy ”d, the boats passing through the locks. landing immediately below said locks and above the :Monongahela bridge, delaying for day-light to pass the piers of the bridge and steer safely through the numerous shoals, dross currents and islands, encountered in the &et. twenty-four hour's run. If this policy were not adopted. not one-half of the coal loaded during a ••dry spell" would ••get out. - Now if the short and confined space between Lock No. I and the present bridge 1.4 to Ito filled up with stone piers, as it will be by the construction of two additional bridges; then touch there in it current in the Monongahela river all ••locking boats" at night and ••coming trough before t here is sufficiency of water to go on will be at an end, the few hours of day-light, when the river is at navigable height., will he alone employed, leaving the great bulk of loaded coal behind as dead capital, subjected to addi tional expense for pumping, our "crews - dis appointed, end our hands at the "works - thrown outs ploy, for if we do go on to load we are only increasing the stack on hands beyond the fortis o, /4* outlet. An additional consideration', of great weight. is found in the fact that the firm boats in sonny me out of Lock No. I, before they can be ad just.' and brought into .a manageable condition, will, In all probability, come in contact with the piers of the Birmingham bridge and sink, thus additionally blocking up the confined and dan gerous (bonnet : se that it is no impossible thing, nay alteget her probable, that an entire 'Tun" of ens' wilt be detained, leaving the whole sleek at home, with all the attending disaster and disap pointment of non-employment. Labor will not endure such irregularities and disappointments: capital will not stand such delays and losses: our customers will not submit to such uncertain ties, and hence will be driven to seek supplies elsewhere. And then, added to all this, if the Fall run of coal is detained„ the danger is that the boats crowded around the no of the locks, with no outlet below, will lie "cut down" with tee, and thus destroy the Slack Water Im provement. The piers of the viaduct of the S R. II , at Steubenville, unfortunately for us, are located in the worst place possible on the whole river; all experienced pilots unhesitatingly aver that pre cisely at that point, owing to the curve of the river, the position of a large bar, in connection with the counter currents, that it is impossible to tell where largo heavily laden crafts will float; arriving there at night, or in fog, as is generally the mite, escape will be the merest chance in the world, and not the result of skill or good man agement. Thus, these fancied improvements are subjecting us to the certainty of largely in creased losses; increased expenditures, in the additional number of hands required to avoid these dangerous obstructions, if possible. Coal-dealers are well aware that we have to contend with poin,rful competition from coal mines far below all these dangers. Immense coal-fields are being discovered every ear; new mines are being opened at points so uch nearer market, and below so many of the serious obstructions that we have to contend gainst, that nothing but the superiority of our coal enables us to. compete with them for a single year. But it is manifestly evident that if we are subjected to increased expenditure, delay and loss, we must demand such an increase in price for our article as to result in an entire abandonment of the markets toUthers more favorably located ; for if the difference in quality is overbalanced by the difference in cost, the scale balances against us, and vie cease to be competitors; because no busi ness can be long carried on unless the receipts exceed the expenditures. But the disastrous effects will not be confined to the coal-traders, and the thousands allied with them in intimate business relations. Property-holders all along the Monongahela and Youghiogheny valleys; vilbiges, now basking in the sunshine of pros perity; saw-mills, foundries, car-shops, Sic.; togeth r with the entire line of slackwater prove. ent, are all vitally interested. Lands • now v. lued at $l,OOO to $2OO per acre, will not frimcincKEßmo SOBS'ffir be too sio, if the rivers are to be filled with stone piles .i to sink our boats or blockade the p , 1,, FOR. , i , 321 s necessary outlet; for it is absolutely impossible 1. 2 (11FOOTOIUTO er TM, 1 for the coal trade to continue with these fatal ; Cli.iekerinkk Ak Sons. Boston obstructions. If the coal trade is destroyed, ; uersosixo or .1 then the demand for coal lands ceases, and so : with other property now dependent upon that ! Granb anti - ,„,;•," quart "Piano _fort trade for its present market value. , And their lately inventeJ In the face of such plain and unexaggerated . PARLOR GRAND PI-A-NO, facto, will nut the legal authorities interpose in., KM UMW,. n our behalf 7 Will not the Cotninistioners of Allegly JOHN H. MELLOR, county interpose in behalf of one of the most II Wool Street, between Diamond Alley and Fowl/fattest. important interests of the county: What ad ti-OIIN H. MELLOR, the exclusive and vantage will ever accrue to the city or county MILT ACIT.N7 /Olt Prrreumaca. be, fur the de ot MlCE from the Pl. IL It., that it should lie allowed w 1 nett A PONS' Mashie PIANO FORTES...begs to return till the channels of our navigable rivers with huge his most -hirer., thanks to the citizens of PikastltAll. stone tiles, to the serious detriment of a vast t h L n i v h ..4 l . '"jitl o ttu t g . ll =l, t7M: 1 ., h " trade, vitally iutportant to our generally pros- : 'so ittiesli l" otL " lathe new and eplendid PASO Fon. ?dam perity -. it is a just matter Lil complaint, that I olactory Oeretitly erected at •n expense Of OW WC art compelled to pay our hard oartied taxes, 1 Two Hundred Thousand Dol!ars, to ens de a chartered company, to erect serious I arni einployed by Chickering k Sous exclusively hr the and fatal obstructions to the business in which ....j." 5 `...',""h1r 0w.1:P11...r.rfr.• they., 'VI l ',l we have invested lair all. If these railroad 1',1:::`,V. ( , r ,"'„,.,‘,X:'„",,,%.;,:iT,, ° T r 5 Zn.'" ',..j;:=4,=i companies wish to cross the great thorougfare timed, Parke Linnet told square Piano Forte, to thi plain awl low priced Piano Fortes. allot which will be eal,l In. of trade, which nature has furnish.' us, with , , variably OUI ally cite ~ ...mi.,/ h , ,,,tv, below° has puiceu at their disposal the unole of accomplishing it . (without interfering with the rights and inter ests of 0tt.,4) the 01 r unS of doing so. 'sol be hod, by reducing the salaries of their officers, told doing busine”. in general, on a less "high falutin. style. If we must be taxed to support railroads, in I he name of justice and consistency, .to not ask its to assist itt destroying our bti.i ness whereby we obtain the means to pay our taxes. If the comity and city must have taxes don't destroy the value of that upon which, you assess taxes. Ennil Trio-104 i. in the blb free. red. 1111 1.4 - aY"'l/ I.lg. For the li3p•ltc• It is distinctly remembered by many, the ID tere,t taken by the citizen of Pittsburgh and Allegheny county: - and, if we are not mistaken, their legal agents, to prevent the construct ion of the Wheeling bridge, irithoot am, and now when bridges, at our very door. are in the pro ve, of erection, involving infinitely - .. more than Mono , y , . - tamely we do not appeal in vain for help to arrest this evil. We tre , t the County Cornmiesioncrs and City Councils, heretofore so deeply interested in building up the commercial prosp city of our community, will come to the resell. of an interest that has never asked the aid of a single county or city bond. N•e were advised - laid fall, w hen ire first more In Ibis matter, not to he booty in our nc• lion. hat doubtless -onto measures would be devised whereby our interests would be protect ed, the suggestion was , heeded, but not to our advantage: the piers of the viaduct. nt Steuben ville, tire re•arly completed, and t he- 'very first run of coal tirousands of dollars worth of prop erty will be tort by them. The Birmingham Bridge Company are now placing piers in the most dangerous position to •Ihe certain destruc tion of properly, and great delay by a necessary inerensed runt inn in coating nut of Lock No. I. Ititer obstructions will speedily tallow. Now is the time for action. Let the farmers, boat builders. carpem ors, blacksmiths. miners, pilots, coal traders. all. all move in this matter and move wit4l becoming energy ere it be too late. Scl.t. :2:td. I ZsFi7. mentor this vast laborbm employ the FiPtVll tugs, L a e N e w "rhinos fired in building s, for the oso of he shoe-makers, per,. and vari,.ns mill, immediate lery of rome'idrn of the at intereFl In tie NCI'. IN s.—:\ \Vn.hington cor rellotoletti alluding 111 the faet, that many of the working•vlag.e.: burr Ihr..wp not of employment in the them to repair to Ne1.r..41, 3 . i. said tole r00meft.1. 1 ..y.,01 enotwlt for ti 10112,111,1, individuals 'I lir dim:lie good • fixoellent olitnirivfl at .1 Inlhnr and quarter •ir.. for ,f.r1.114; if \a .wreyiel.l tvv.miv ..f r hut. I/1111 113 S not been e of ti sound and ouch wide spread Port and eneour nity. t hat there itopolin. that of ly and tiili vent ly I, careful not to 110 W ,Itoct.,,ltilly .•Front prr, ott-er‘4ll.lll during the la-C Cr week, .1111111 1, "11111 . 'l l / 1 1 i, well a , from rtteatt,l 1..1,1 1 ,31 1 01, 111111 I trmeN, Ire Ito ..att,ftetl ilott there it more winter w - hent sown the pre4ent %ffintnn than tbtrior any prrvinlN year in Iho Liston' of the We-t In °m.( instaneeo however. we have (Loin.' that the ..eed drill ht, lteenti-tetd and great eare taken in iowin.,; and I,llinv hog the line of the t_lhtrago, Alton and Hoek klatnl li3tlroatk, we ute , ersed t,t;nte large held , prett) well t‘draneed In 10,1 We' 10- Ilrge i.e entitle in the ground F.".•I• the i • Sti ,5 V.,11,11,4, --The prd.pect et' h., I I noes ter ; he coming Will., I as largelyincreased the number of passenger: go ing le England 1-.‘ ery ship going Irmo New liirk to Ids et peel has. it is stated. all the pas sengers she ran tarry sin trlllititonies apply for opporturwir, work,heir way across the At lantic It i• sui posed IlUtt 0, ,Joil a. the lico3 of tio• fmorb..i:d ovaclie , The oth;, side :Ina.• will lie a decided eloadi to emigration from the eld world A (' , OlFf )11TAItl.r, TIVI) 71.11 xb.oy 'mt. Its. %. I ri.,a+hrd ran, r /A 1.. 1L..1 1.4,,u, A 11. KIN. 21 , 1. .t. Junk.. It .I—.l-.04 k'llosmedr.• , t, p . ) . n .„, l; . EN:r Al-,.. an innet...o ion, Mt ,troot.,M's.l Clo , rry allo lima SIL per annum Ilion 11"otobS, in Voorth A. 'l'o LET —The Hall I;,norly oectirit,l I , v .. ji_ it, ~..• ! Totopentneo..m do, cornor of 1%•..mi and Third rMoo•in. },toion nor .101 IN M iiILL .t t.N, VERY VALUABLE WESTERN LANDS F. . 4 A 1-out i lb. nr,r. 1-lo ..1t• n...“. the above 1.1.. nen , of TI, , 1.., , ,krn.in4 I I. 1,11, 111 VIII CO, wn. Ln utt.1.14 th,o, f.., mstl atered. 320 p•Tir% .I..Airtthlr law!. within r.l Aswki, rt flour t.oorit at Use 11t.• >!t. /WM fl•• 5114 41.'111 . 2,11111,, ft,lll tilt.. 11 . 1 r , l. 11, t 1 , 1111. Its Trcmp Clan. nwl - • Wi,alll4ll. 1A1,4144v0ry Kr 4 4041. Iteri3 4 ll i.. 41 1 4 ., 4, 11 4 .4 [411,1 4 4. 444444 , 401.1 in COMI I tkp nllll 011111..., . . •••r. raltsal,le minena rontaininc vain, 1.(1 , m1 mad iron ,a Iv in: 11,11 r I Irn Nlotilk• tain ILIII/..1. in laaa. Oat, ip .1 1•a,1 r. 1..11 lac,to-41 atter ~.rotial •Aca , rratiaa yotar thr, t•• Ilrr rent, .lore . ) am lair !la lines at rerun)prtuclica Norrerti \\Allen alorwriptions • • ...1.31-11, cad. tract. W.• m, alien( It,, 111... 1114 N ill tl•ra no trart • ralt Ilnyrr , . Apply to T cor. tli and Sinitlita-ld - DE A V ER COI , I,ANI'S FOlt SAI.E.- AI We ha, 11.1 art,. of 'irk clays fanning lAnd. entiialvAl hn Mr/. r WI. and near lin: En,' ,tatlon. tin, I'. F. 1% U. It. It TI;.. nod t an. thn nigh the oci ,learod. I odane, ini Hitt li 11 not env a Item. lion, 111 1,4. and kildn•zi ad joining. I ann. I.a :LI In lee I. rpt stir and opriug tOOll Or( Inn Ul . ll V. nod undo, all with rontwi coal Will ....Id :it .s,ri•ot lot r,oi pif op pl ior noon at lII.A 1:1.1' AII ICI I KY'S, n Itrolwrs. - At SALE. -- I. Ilundr rlun. Nay. ViOo marl, All..gbeny 1140. I y A I'STIN n.) • 1 II I'ltrOl'EltlV IN A 1.1,E V cut:NV CITY We off, f. 4 nnle t Itn vnlual•le Inn tn,' ,n 11.1.114 1., 1n...1. II I.lnnth frinallnv......en “ lt nn thenunt Hie Diamond and ext..n.l - 1..1: 00 feet to I. In f.,ot I I The in.•.". is....menlvntl) n lilt 4,0.414,1444.4. n Nrkt:tll..llll.y. Innbli roll.I he on clinnnv.l 11. In mak.• n ntan.l. 11111 Ite ..01.1 I,nr ni.l I.•nnn very envy. A 1.1,13 I.r lb 11. McLAIN anD Itral 1:4n1.41111,. F.on - Ilt 4. A FINE 1161: sE „ 1 „1 in •r•o ol hi n In• .n.rnir. 4 ••, Con , •.1. 11., ' , lnn ...mall. 1.. ;nye, •L rai. cakin,l n I. 3 , 1.. on or Irninln • .1 nultl ABE A UTI FI) FEM O A WWI' toeventy acre+ nlthin A mil. n,! n INIII Or Wool,. In tut, PA., M ing 11011 . 1.1 k the Nat t•mal Komi nn.l the lop r).111 11. it. A tnqr Intun• Innt.. n1,4.411..1 1111111 . 11,411011, hill, 1...,, mad.. upon It. It In the _14.4 .InAllty Lltnr.. sty. Laud, no.! lion tft•cn utnl.4 A high vtAW of colllvathln It mutatue übont li. acne.. Tinibor, and there In rottining welfrr In I,r, Hold. For further Infortnntloo engnira nt thin alb, innl7ll VALLI ABLE" CITY PROPERTY FOR T YALE.—The itildemigaietlonera tor , ette on favorable terms, a loran number of hull lltaz lota In tnallth 0 of the city. I'he lot 4 loot on Pentoy Ivaroa anne, Wataon, Locuo, i arl. leroy and 111101 etrreb,, are but a few minutes walk ftann the Voin't Ilona , and will be ...Id ver Po y cheap. thuml dealrons a 1 neetaiint a convenient and bealthy I. - cutup fora bonne, or wlaltlng to ptmhare for npeculat Intl, In a, part of the city or !dell mug continua atradlly to Improve sill tlnd It to their .laatilngs. faball npon ttw .I..cribve. MAI/ER, Att'y at Law, No. UM Fifth Wert FARMS FUR SA LE.— 113 acres of Impel-I,w Farm ..1 lon the l'itt.burgls, FLlVetynt. &MI Chicup• 112 Acres of Excellent lewd tool Carmel Cool, tear Dar lington. 1113 Acre,. of !And on 1111. Railroad, 21 toll. 1e low the city. 1111 .term o 1 Lilo& well iutprove.l, 11l th• town of ft- 2L Acres or 141..1, three Mil.. pont!t of the city. ' Atm.., Country Gt..., 1111111 fAttt. 11111, Yuman., described :in n prinh..l Itegh.h.r, whirh 1. rivet. to all who wish to p0r4100.0. hthyotre of THOMAS WOODS, Roll Extato Broken', COAL LAN I) FOR SALE —The undersign= ofl HONORED and FIFTY ACii of - COAL LAND. altnnte.l un the Orel poel.oue .4 the locntiou. on the Tlie attention bf lrou men, fled men. and multaliwte i. direetedta tblsurupertyote it I. believed the oppertunity for pnolituble men t is moth .ht it put often pre:tented. The termm are emiy. Full letrtleillArt. Inn). ..I..lned by lOU, or of heru by enquiring of VOLUME LXXI---NUMBER 54. ,For i-alr or tirnt -• 11:.. 31 N... 4! .I \S LAVA:IIIAS. Itriek I hvelllll. , , ot% L. \... Ight N Land For Sole. M==2 111= AT BOSTON PRICES 111.nsrs. Chigkoring d SOW. hare been awarded et Mu all , Ini•vut Flvlsibitionn utd Si,. Fairs In 11.ntoti, New York.stid other pincen. Nlntro aohl 311.1n15, Sevuntorn Medal.. • Dr.iize Medals, and the Prig. Mod& at the World'. Inir hi London, 11351. Fur the vliarnctor of the ahoy. Inntruments r the irubncrlt er lin. pleenurr of referring t. about. 1.7, 111101 red rile/burgh and v Windy, elei horn purehneed MIA Imve, in nen Piano linren finin the above contiofartory, wedeln.. tai the follow ing Principals a ne . oniliarles who have Chlekering S Swum' I'iaSlll Firms in nye, and have given their unqiiallfiod testi. inouy id thidi ninieriority 0000 all other.: line. Chan. C linattsL, Inincliell of nteuborivillo Female , Sinn M i nary r, n It 11.inna,l . rizirilial of Wanhington FemaloPleme nary. IL Wilson, 31. D., Principal of tiro Edgeworth Female Seminary Sewickley, Pa. n• Principal of Blairsville Female. :Seminary. illairarilie, Pa. Ron. Joseph P.Taylor, Principal of Kerma., Ibis' Aim& only, Near Brighton. Si. Xavier Female Seminary, Youngstown, PR Prof. S. IL W Ihnmo, Lonissille Academy for Young Ladle', Lith, 3104 riaral, Tbiniion. Principal of ' Female Seminary at Xenia. 0. 4*-01.11'ima,...1,1,,n iu ~..Lange •t their MU clam ILI pnytnezil. .11ELoDF:ONS, ORGAN lIAR3DJNIU3IS. GUITARS, PI ANO 3IUSIC AND '3IUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL h I NDS—‘VROLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN IL MELLOR, Sole .4g..1 for Chickerimq k Sons, Pltthburgh .d eru ..ylruula, el WilOd et, between Diamond Alley and Four .031.0rP N UNNS S CLARK PIANOS. .:y FALL ST9CIN. 11. KLEBER & BRO. Nave jn.t reeeived the [no,t complete aasnrtment of MINNS A CLARK'S NEW YORK PIANOS, over brought to the • Thy, ere the mat durable and perfect {nerm mew+ tondo anrwhero. and aro at for I'IYR VC: It? Iht.3 ,01.1 siti,vly at New York Factory t el e , U. IiLEBER k SRO, Firth street, plan of that/olden Ilarp. NOTICE.—Wuh“, Pl.:ue of all the toot maketo of this ouotry, s, hat putchas , er4 ran COMpare Swijudwe of Mar na , ritp. sob FALL STOCK. 01 0 1 PIANO FORTES. Tlr thleo.rther is now reenking hln now 11 I D rig fnllbtork of Pnnion from tho celebratod manufaettory of Chakertha oondetind of nearly one linn ,lnol nodromentn of thnir 111,V Kanto and new cello of furniture. Potelethere• foe sennentfolly invited to call and, 1.,1111i11.. Own. Ala. 31, Meek if I .11-nitt Plano Stool, 10.1 Co.ef• I r ode 1.7 50IIN R. MELLOR, ne•nt I..rilt,rkertng k Scr , for l'ittxtetrgh, Western I'•, I elm. 31),1 013.. No. SI Wood Street, ses t•si(' .11 . S1' EC EIVE D.—Charlotte IT" I:1 m. lIN IN aal St. has jti+l received the A/lowing' 1M4=2115111111M a w roniputiltimt par Closbov Salter 60c. .4.1 11;1,1.1,4: lyilL Irtlllix,tl valiation% I) CI. H TIC•. A tilzola urc her, How) Turkey, •c. TI,. Liltln Flower -Forget-me-NO," 25e. MEM BEIMMIiiMMNI IV.II tne 1 hen will, uow ntriatimpt, fsoc 11, . and to l.y lake T,r..liron, .1. 41111.1. ~p ttn. Harp In of Und with ',nation...loc. The Worhl 101 l Qf Ileauty %bon the Heart 11 full of baantlful •tong. nnt . . . -Patin for the Violin." In seta srrannori in an oney ond ruin liar manner, and Figaree given in their appropriate raa,o, arrougai as to be many iiiiiersternt—ivice of onnti FA lac. Al. a large collection of Songs and Piece., Rat received -ins Established Piton Depot . ' of CHARLOTTE 8LE14115, oe US Wood Er. god door above sth St. N DELLIBLE INI Every Family should has FoR MARKING LINEN AV A Ft H ANTFID NI T 1 . 0 BOIL UR WASU OUT All t h late Iteet... Neat!,motra, Magazines, Lc, se J. B. D. CLARK'S, A MOS'I"IIIRILLING NUMBER- FRANK Lr.smrs" ILLUsTRATED NnISPAPER, NO. FOR OCTOBER 17th. I vont:llnm complete l lln.tnt 1 narrel iVOY of the f:,00 tb. (earl el .44pwreck .411 n. Central Amerlm, with wm 11..ntlr Portrailn end Sceno.. I—, all rurrnot fleas of . thr flay. Foreign item., Pram. ko. M=MM= 'LUNT A 311NER, Wholesale Agents, Masonic Hall. Fifth suet THE most elegant volume even-produced in ' Anaerton World.uotod Women: or Tn... of NV. manly A ttrilont, of all Landm and AgiNi, by Mal" Cowden Clork. illustrated wit 4 oeventeen noel plate Ilbodratiotol, demi; ood toy CAb oL received end for wale by JOHN B. DAVISON, GI Market St TILEGANT HALF CALF EDITIONS OF „LA Hugh Miller, Mrs. Browning. Lamb, Spooner, Howl, Rhea Cook; Jeremy Taylor. Motley's Dutch Hepatic, , Bare croft. Pro,cott, Addison, Spectator, Cooper, Roborteitt, Queens of England; Deguincey, Bootee Antbroclause. Hold. smith, P.r. Hallam. Bur.oUlblwu , Rlacanlay, Coleridge, Plato. the Poeto, limo and Sro. Modern Ihittsh Eesayiete, eyelotoollo of A rnericanlLltensture. Br. Johneon,Shaapeare. in I .ands tot., limo and Soo., Iroing's Washington Thlere, eurror Bell. Madame do Stool, Harman Moore °dismal/1, Vatrl, Pyo Smith, Humboldt:Machiavelli, Jae %oaten. Fran,. Burney, Ann Radcliffe. O. W, Curti. Allis... Blade's Popular Antiquities, dte.., to. Alen, Apple totes now Hooke, World. Roust Moan, new Llvesof Queelle of lingland, Mrs. JamesorPs Poetry of Sacred and Legendary Art. .tenant English ml. Ar., de, recd and for tale by tend) JOHN S. DAVISON, GI Markel et., nem' ith. VA LITABLE SCIENTIFIC WVOrS— fardner'. Leetorr.on Science and Art, 2 volts Dictionary of Art, Matinfacturoe and Minos, 2 volt; Hump*. Chem tool Sochnoloa; Taylor, Statistics of Cool: Slarmal or lilementary Goal tau 1., Iteche'n Geological Obat it,rtottn oh the tilattufact - uteof lrotr, - . • It) rm.'s Pr &client Mental Workers' Asistant; frAublmeon's Itytroulics, I, Bennett; • }Co . totott's Itycirsulies and 3lostotoies !Cornett's Ihll oihy lochattistr, thogory'l Prortioal 3lnthomation. Por .1. I, ne . 2l) KAY A CO. f,5 Wood stro.t. ECOND VOLUME BARTH'S TRAVELS LI AND DII , CIIVEILIES to Kurth tool Central Americo O: tnlu•r rob, of On Waverly Novollo Household edition.-- Jon% r00.h.1 DAVISON'S, 61 Market et. . _ I\T BIV BOERS--Alabel • V auglian, b au thor of Lamp Lighter; Fashionable Annusementa,a cu r • of N.llollousi Lecture on the Theatre, by Bor. D.lO. ni,llll/.11; Light front the Cross, Sermons by N. A.Tholnclr The Divine Life, for. John Kennedy: The Standard Ports. 27 VA,. In bite and gold; Bertha and her Baptism; The PH cr irn Pape, Ibeckenc sdge' loor Book. Knowledgeof Cod, hoed] -upply ruhlicatlonsund froth anpply of Books io the different department. of Literature. Late Ispnes rr S v. Union, Tract and Hymn Books. New varieties of Not liter, opening of itaakstore of or I o'llllo NI7, 0 Pedeml et., Allegheny. HA it l'li It'S MAGAZINE for October, is out .11 for .:de by TV.. A. OILDIINFENNV, Pin et...opts/situ the Theatre JUST It EC El VED BY EXPRESS.—, Itorth's Travels and Adventures In Central Atria.. 3 101.., Sy". The Ord volume Is out and madyfor delivery. Adventures on the North Drat Coast, or Three Vmrs at. Flom' %Water Bay. loh. of Bing Philip n 1 floral IFopa, by Abbott Orly LI VI hrlton. For sale toy Her: J. L.READ,III Fourth N. 11,E SUBSCRIBER ISMAN T n IURTAIII.F.I FLOORING HILLS, 0I 4 QUALM • - - SUPERIOR FoR SIMPLICITY AMP DIIRABILM; to any other now In two. They eau be dtiren by rteam, water, or hone imrirer, and you pro.. so amnia:Mott to Iron Masters, Mick Pathan and Lumbermen. Many penal. throes/out the counlry who line enrplua power, or power employed onlyjs part of the time on other honor., by lotroducleg one or more-of thee. Mills Into their establishment,. may-greatly benefit thetwelna. One of three Mills, (29 Inches in dlamator,)grinding over 12 barbels feed per boor, cm he neon daily In operen at the Oil Bad feed Mill of Messrs. 11111nad • CO, Rebecca 'tree, Al l=re tiled with dispatch. W. W. WALLACE, ap2alt f 919 Liberty drool, FlttalmOOL FR • mrirr • T. C0.u.5.111/ ou PL.PITITAIVIA, 910 .l AMBS NICHOLSON, Administrator el, bouts none( thneutz. of John NichOtoon, deceased. greeting: We roan:nand you, ...herons, that laying to all 1111/1i31,1 and owns.. arbanuierar,yost ba and appear, lo yonr yaw., Court,; before the honorable, the Jodgas of our Or phans' Court, nt a Court to be bald crn ' Frills,: the 16th day 0(0r-toter, A. D. lOshiock, of the forenoon, toaster Atm. by security should' not be entorod in sorb amounts. thee:lin may direet for the faithful preihrmanee 01 your .loth. ou Athainittrator aionsald, and tardier to abide the • .r.ler of the Court in the Fermi... de., and hereof fall not, owlet penalty of one hundred pounds. Witne. OSWALD Tllo3lleliON,mke, at Philasirdpkia, the to of September, in thee per of utie Lord, coo, tioniethd eight bombed and fifty i.e.. se:M.42s. yAggsodi, MT. clerk, Co 13. 1 BBLS, Hydraulic Cement, 'for sale by OW eon J.B.CANYULLI:h