The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 03, 1857, Image 2

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    Vittshrg 6a,)ttit.
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k - PITT 1333171.413::
8.1.117117>AY..-31011.NING, OCT. 8, 1857
. .
TEE 13TH. • • ' "
alloticedn to
' 4 , 1 will be seen that the Merchants
1 11 10 Otylrill hold a limiting .rehttiee to tlos
Oriole at 2 o'dook, this ettertwon.,
ser Do not neglect-to read the able article
hal this day's paper from the SL Louis Democrat,
ett "Elections controlled by Federal. bayonets."
l ELZCTION to Kansas.—On Monday next, Oc
tober sth, the Kansas election will occur. So
luineft has been said and written about it, and so
great interests are involved in it, that the irbola
country is looking forward to it with much In
terest. The Kansas correspondent of the New
bark nines, who writes in the interest of Walker,
and desires to lull the Free State men into false
security says, under date of September 20, that
the Free State party will be successful beyond a
vil or a doubt. As everybody knows, Gov.
Walker has issued a long Proclamation relative
to the coming election, although Very few have
rise]. iL Those who have, know that it is a
series of ratireraionsof the infamies of Locofooo
rule in that distracted and down-trodden Terri
tiny. As the intelligent Washington correspon
dent of the Courier 4. INruirer remarks, he
Makes a clean breast. of it. He confesses that
the law reepecting the apportionments for ; the
next Legislature was fraudulently . oonoealed
from him, until it wia • tee late for him to act.
He admits ihst fifteen counties were disfran-
Ohised in the.apportionment thatwas made, after_
he had failed by reason' of the fraudulent con-
Oealtnent of the law to do his duty to the people
of the Territory. He admits that the people of
Owes same counties were defrauded of their
rights of representation in the oonrentiOn then
sitting for this formation of a Constitution. Ho
.aOOB notlday that the infamous agents of this
-- focal tyranny imposed on the people by violence
ind.fmndi end are seeking: to affixa condition
to the g . v. ge which will exclude the
I Maas of cinema from the polls. And while be
Makes ewe. promises of protection against
!further fraud ;and violence, by means of United
Elites troops, he virtually admits that he can do
- .'nothing to defeat the purposes of those to whom
;them crimes against the rights of the people
• 'are , justly _ chargeable. What is the duty of
every pairio,t and every freeman ender such oh-
I numetannes?, Is it to sit quietly by and, folding
hisnrms, to say, this is no business of mine° or
Ito declare by his vote lds want of confidence,
nay more,_ hie Utter hostility to any man or set
of men who have the power and upon whom the
-constitutiOsi devolves the duty of protecting the
people of Kansas as of all other States or Ter
' risories in their indefeasible rights,- and yet
willfully' refuses to exercise the one or discharge
the other? I Upon the people of Pennsylvania,
in a special manner, the duty devolved of
speaking through the ballot-box on this Taa
-1 tion, &sad throwing their whole weight against
Oust “Detznieratic" party. which has proved so
I false to the people, and se utterly oblivious of
I all the protases through which it has stolen into
power. :IWmember this on the second Tuesday
in October:
86Mitentay a Railroad Man t
Mr. M'llltenny, - the Repudiation candidate
for County Commissioner, was a delegate to tho
Railroad Col:fitly Convcntion of 1848, and in that
body voted in favor of a resolution which recom
mended a county subscription to the Connell'-
. vine Road When the question of locating that
' road was agitated; he urged the selection of the
-recite south of the Monongahela river, which
would fecarriad the . road through or near his
plaice; and in - 1 communication which he pub
lished in the •Dispatch, on the 17th of January,
1855, (only a little more than two years since,).
' speaking of 03. i Connelistille Railroad Company,
he said:
If it "hid expended the city and county's mo
ney, where a prominent part of the citizen, of
the county wanted it and =DID it, and where
Nature designed it should be, there would have
been a great saving of taxes to both town and
county, and all parties concerned mould. Aare
felt that they had received a benefit by the location."
This shows - that. in Mb Mr. Wllhenny was
favor of the city and county subscription to
that road, !Yu could be expended on his Bide of the
1. ricer; he aid not think such subscriptiods ille
gel and unconstitutional, then, but thought the
road was "wanted" and "needed." But failing
.to aooomplish that purpose, he - nom declaims
against all railroads as nuisances, and wants the
people to elect him as the great bulwark of their
' . eorustitutiodil rights I It is sickening to see such
fellows set.p ii thtt embodiment of "principle!"
and the protectors of the public rights ! If he
1. could havo got the Connelhrrille road . into the
neighborhood of his farm, he wouldn't have
7cared one straw for the sacrifice of the rights of
'Tory martin the county.
Thillrlailkt .w. Hawkins. _
_ -
~ .
. . In 184831 r. Hawkins, in' endorsing thqeading
, .. .
Railroad imbscription of the county, said:
.. . .
- ... -] 1 :',- "Bat suppose an extreme case—suppose that
I , the road, when finished.-should pay no dividend
":, v I at all—suppose the county should have to pay '
'" the entire amount of interest on the bonds—say
ROO,OOO yearly—will ere not be amply compen
sated I •Whellecreased value of Agricultural and
~,.. ?}-%ettifizrzciziets, consequent upon the opening of
..r., .4,.4.ilihket.lend speedy communication to the sea
: ' '' , '''' . -bcard, aVailable at all seasons of the year?"
, '',., lialetter published just afterle - was nomi
- noted for County Treasurer, tbis - year, he thus
. :,. . spoke of tie locotoco-platform : . ' „
~'. - "If I understand the grand scope and design
-:. . of these resolutions, it is to place the county in
. . . such an iittiludilhal there may be a full, fair. aad
- .- tiorough,investigation of her railroad liabilities.—
A convention consisting of. as pore_ and , good
men secould be collected on It similar occasion,
. collected iegether and upon their own responsi
!. _ ..; Vaities as men and as citizens, demand an in
,, t.
~ v estigation into abuses '
and corruptions in 1.1313
r ~.., ! /`-',4:`_,..uniziegement of our railroad liabilities, and be
•-ii.;', L' , ' - /lame they do so they and their candidates are
::-*.;;'.;.' ouneed as repudiators. As one of the ean
...-, ;..'irtandes I spurn the charge with indignation, and
,7,.. ..r4iiii .. ..r ; " ' - • 3 .
4 i tir
': , ., ::E ....— ir :,-.7,.
,-,. , i • • -- Alt letter, the came WILLIAM G. HAWETITS
~, .1 -- pledged himself -. in writing in favor of out-and-
W ~. ..-, „oat Iteindiatten I 'He first spurned . the idea
... . . .
~. _ ,... ::"with indignation and seem," then mellowed
,!r,hfri "indignation and acorn". as well as all his
prof esmons. le he a man to treat the
--•,:,tri41,4.Z---ACitintiTreasury with
Coeisan —The Doylestown (Pa.)
llniefT(setscer, speaking of the favoritism exhibi
-; thelooofoconcs.nagers of our State works,
speaks ; thin; of the Delaware Diviiion:
"Henry S. -Mott. is the senior member and
chairman of, .the Canal Board, under whose an-
Uervisloii tits pane works are placed. Thomas
I•g•Wilion I. Secretary of the Board. -William
Overfield; Superintendent cif the Delaware Canal,
is a nephew of • Henry- S. Mott. - John Mott, the
principal ountractoe to execute the -slum repairs
now going forward, is a son of, 71 S. Mott.
Mr. Wilson, one of the charge, is a
eon of Thomas L. Wilson, mentioned above; and
Mr. G a y. another' engineer,. is a SOU of Edward
F. Gay. State engineer. In this cosy little fam
ily ciroleithe contracts let out by the State are
easily pions& • Bids for the work to be'done
are advertised for by the Canal Commnal" antes,
and of course come into possession of the Bea-
reta4 as they are *died: There: - being a per- ,
'feet understanding among the privileged few,
infOrmationef the *Mona of .the bids received
-LS quiet l 7 oonveYed to the faverites, who there
' upon present their estimates, graded a few Iron
dreddolls* less than tbose of their onnitetitors.
The lOweit !bidder- mostly: geta the. job, unless
upon some : specious pretext an award MOO
to a favorite 'GC a , rate tarteltreiceiding - other
. - offerrittethe same Worle'
Parttantrecici:lnzuww.—A oorinspcudent of
the Boston Post, noticing the ocntectplatteicloit
ing of the facades At Lowell, Illses.,lsys that
during the Wit norantorsi*ban erten }mania
of the Mel: poitistiOnilleve-sibidlitletosn
tic". 141 Vlit'iO4'l, " .114 4 0 111 1 l io vt d ,
end impiowiel etoisr - of • egrattliversi intersealn
the lintereld - '
:,.•-•-: .-,_.4.„..- . . : . ...., -• •,.. .•
tiffj4:4 l o. -. .. 1- •
. :4-4.o6;igGitil,S*44'.'n'7,l
.!: - .l..igtatiete7.igna• • '
On the 19th nrgeptembee laet meeting was
Lela inlithettenlownthig`at - Mil& En. Cum-
Bm.r..dellseetwi hi:telt-a the speeckha hta got
committed tolemory, abusing everything and
everybody who don't go with him on the Tax
-question..:.Thaprintedproceedings of this meet
ing were sent to us, and we published them as
furnished, on the morning of the 28d. From
these proceedings it appeared that Themes KlD
ioo, Sao., one of the Republicalicandidates for
Assembly, was one of the committee that re
ported the resolutions, and that the issointions
adopted were as fotlowa : •
&soloed,. That the citizens of Snowden town
ship, without distinction of party, are opposed
to taxation for the purpose of paying interest
on railroad bon*. sad - they will tote for no
mun who will, either as a • legislator or county
officer, aide in enforcing the collection of any
such tax.. •
Resolved, That we have voted for party long
enough, and we will hereafter tote for our pro•
The publication of these proceedings aroused
strong feeling against Mr. KIDDOO, inasmuch
as the resolutions placed him in a position of
antagonism to his colleagues.
Mr. KIDDOO called upon us yesterday to ex
amine the published resolutions, which he had
not before had the opportunity of alining, and he
assured us, after examining them, that he was
not d party in any way to their adoption. His
statement of facts is to this effect: that he went
to the meeting with no intention of taking part
in it, but yielded to the solicitation of his friends
to serve on the committee on resolutions. When
the committee retired it was late, and there was
no light, in the room by which the resolutitins
could be examined. A democrat on the com
mittee stated to him and the other members the
purport of the resolution he proposed to sub
mit, and it was in substance, if not in words, as
follows :
Resolved, That the ciMens of Snowden town
ship, without distinction of party, are opposed
to taxation for the purpose of paying interest
on railroad bonds, until a thorough nunutigation
Into the issue of each bonds has been had.
This was the only resolution he has any
knowledge of, and, in this shape, be agreed to it.
He did not go back to the meeting afterwards,
and does not know in what shape the resolution
was reported and adopted ; but he does know
that he never agreed to the resolutions that were
published, never heard of them in that shape,
1 1 and- had no hand whatever in framing or adopt
ing them. He avers upon his honor as a gentle
man, that the clause in the published resolution
—"and they will vote for no man who will,
either as a legislator or oounty officer, aid in
enforcing the collection of any Such tax"—was
not in the resolution as submitted to the com
mittee, and that if it had been he never would
have agreed to it.
Mr. Kiddoo is an honest and honorable man,
and we have no reason to question the facts as
stated by him.• They show conclusively that he
has been made the victim of a gross fraud, the
paternity of which it would. not be hard td
He also assures as that in answering the in
terrogatories of the Tax Committee affirmative
ly, he did it under the impression that his an
swer pledged him merely to oppose the railroad
tax until investigation had demonstrated its
Mr. ETDDOO desires 118 to say that he stands
fairly and squarely upon the Republioan platform
and none other; that he will vote and sustain
the entire Republican ticket, as it stands; and
that whether ekcted or defeated he will vindi
cate his Republican prinoiples by adhering to
the party of his choice, through good and
through ern. report.
Bs ABISZSBED tv Imes.—Every citizen whOde-
vises to vote at the October eleotion should see
that his name is on the Assessor's list of the
ward, townehip or borough in which be lives.
It must be attended to to-day. Republicans,
see that you are assessed in time ; and if you
know any of your Republican friends who have
not qualified themselves to vote, take them with
you to the Assessor and-have their names en
tered upon his list with your own. Don't risk
the leu of your, votes by neglect of this plain
Lamm or - flow. DAVID Wumor.—We ask
attention to the letter of Hon. DAVID Wilmer,
which we publish to-day, on the subject of the
Tariff. it is a frank and candid averment of
his views, and his declarations entitle him to
the support of every 'friend of Protection in the
State. We pity the poor puppets who are de
prived by it, of the opportunity of longer squeak
ing " Free Trade " against our candidate.
Fieueenetel leitelligenee by Neil.
The Sprinfield Bank, a Stock bank, locatedat
Springfield, Ohio, failed to day.—Cin. Gar,
The Bank of Berkely; at Martinsburgh, Va.,
has suspended.
We understand a meeting of a large number
of leading creditors of the Trust Company will
be held to-morrow (Thursday) for the purpose
of organizing with reference to concert of action
in bringing suit against 'the Directers on the
ground that because of their mismanagement
they have lost the money entrusted to them,and
are therefore bound to answer to the extent of
their means. - Competent legal advice has been
taken and the indications are that the claim will
be prosecuted to the end„ at all hazards. The
meeting will be held in the rooms in the build
ing, northwest corner of Third and Main streets
recently occupied by Douglass & Co.'s Mercan
tile Agency.
Private advioesfrom New Orleans report the
Money Market: exceedingly stringent, and ster
ling exchange down to the extraordinary lon
rates of 2c.(o2lprem: this Is equivalent to 7 per
cent. discount—CM. Com.
There was some relief experienced and more,
confidently anticipated in the Money market
yesterday, on account of the action of the
Banks in this city and Boston, promising an
expansion of discounts to the amount of three
millions in each city within a week. Several
of our larger Banks did their pro rata in this
way at their respective Boards this morning.
,Three of the Savings Banks have resolved to
accept the offer of the Secretary of the Tressu-
Tyler the United State Stocks which they hold,
and no leas than two millions of dollars are
beitg sent to Vfaahington, in exchange for
specie paidout of the Sab•Teeaaary here. The
Governmect balance at this point was reduced
three and shelf millions in September, (chiefly
in Outlast fortnight,) and will probably be
farther reduced a million more in the next
three day'. Poseign Exchange was a 'little
more saelable yesterday evening at 1020.106
per cent. The sale of business paper is still
much restricted: the rates on the few sales
made are 2®b per cent. a month.—N. y.
The failures of the Efamilton Exchange Bank
of this State, and the Pawcattick Bank of Con
necticut,are announced to-day.—N. .l% Express.
.Botrros, Sept. 20.—The extensive iron and
hardware establishment of Messrs. Butler,
Keith &. Hill, suspended payment this after
The failure is also announced of Benjamin
Howard, commission merchant, and Richardson,
Kendall & Co., large dealers in woolen goods.
We regret to heaf.of the temporary suspension
-of the extensive wool .house of Herrington &
Warren, in Troy. They ask an extension Of six
months, which, it is presumed, will be granted,
the assets of tho firm being upwards of ono hun
dred thousand dollaiv.
Wars WILL. mus_l'aonvoz Carr Fosswriso ?
Thoughtful men are asking this question. It is
a significant one. There is at tho beat but two
months of Cum! Navigation left, and the vast
crop of the boundless West is not moving! The
Atlantic cities are but, scantily supplied with
breadstuff's, and yet not it barrel of tour is seen
open the whole line of the Erie Canal 1 In for
mer seasons, the Lakes, the Canals and the
River have, by rho first of October, been taxed
to > their fiat capacity, in transporting flour,
wheat, and the conger grains. Now these great
arteries of trade are almost rimless. The
Basks * heretofore crowded with boats and teem
ing with produce, is now comparatively ,_ a '.
solitude ! •
Country Banks,
instead of turnisblogih•
facilities for the purchase of prodnee,:
making daily servie*" to ke_ p up their credit
l s
in New York: And-in New York, the Banks,-
shat they may be strongly testified, rifest, that
"material aid" to inerciante without which
comperes and credit wish. Without prompt ,
relief there Must be, In the coming month, a
I ciommercialccaski • And without money to bring
keliatit Pr l 4lloo. there wilt-he a demand, in th•
'wird*? montirs„ - .. from unemployed morkmenlor
4114. d em and in language only.
employed by men with starling *dams
and children.— 18.gos.,Joike.—
Ti Palm AT Tnor.—lt iawell known the) . ;
Troy, (N.; Y.,) is a large reantifeettridir
All such places feel the present -aside V severely;
but the betorreetabllehnutnta at Troyitre'ery
legy weather the gals. To effect thi, they
have resolved to pay A 6 wage* to their opera
tives except quarterly; and that the nut pay:
day shill be on. the 10th Cif .-Diencalter. As the 1
Wrinkliest and their familia cannot live on' the
Wind in the -meantime, the factory agents an
nomme that advance in goods will be made to
them at the stores connected with the works.—
By this arrangement the operatives can only
live at such prices as the factory owners charge
them. The object of this movement is to save
the Troy banks from a suspension, as the oper
atives received their pay in paper currency,
which was at once presented at the bank counters
for redemption in specie. The remedy seems
worse than the suspension.
The Providence J urea/ says that no better i
description of the market in that city can be
given than is conveyed in the fact that the M
ond week has passed without the sale of a single
piece of printed cloth. Money is at "unmiti
gated" prices. There is a very small stook of
cotton on hand and the manufacturers are work
ing down - with no disposition to renew their
business while the present panic lasts.
A Hartford paper says that the large glass
works, in Wilmington have stopped work, in
consequence of the financial pressure. The
Pacific Company's knitting mill at Manchester
is running on short time, with a prospect of
shorter. The Morrow Company at Mansfield,
knitting works, contemplate a stoppage of work 1
next week, "unless the screws of the money
market are loosened." One or two paper mills
in Tolland'pounty have stopped huffiness. The
woolen mills at Hinsdale, Berkshire county, are
on two-thirds time, and most of the other mills
in the county will follow suit. The Woonsocket
cotton and woolen mills, B. 1., are nearly all on
reduced time. In the Social and Harrison mills
wages are red gggpgg ced 10 per cent. No fewer than
thirteen mills in Burrillville have been put on
short time. hese woolen manufacturers run
forty-six seta of machinery, and employ near
',500 bands.
NEW YORK, Oct. I.—There is- a continuance
to-day of the confident feeling of yesterday, -
and no talk of suspension by the Banks. If
the great day, the 4th of October, can be got
over safely, all will be right.
The Sub-Treasury, to-day, paid out $600,000
in gold, which will have a good effect. This
added to the reduction of last month, makes a
total disburament of over $4,160,000 since
Sept- Ist, and leaves the balance to-day only a
little over eight millions.
There is nothing doing in Sterling Exchange.
Charleston Hank bills on Liverpool were dull at
DIED—On Thursday evening, October Ist, ISM', JAILEB
MORRISON, in the nth year of his NM
The Wends and solualtitances of the family ars nniest.
fully invited to Masud his funeral ems (lielsrdeY)
at 10 o'clock, from Samuel Morrison's residence, Penn street
she se St. Clair.
pectal gioticeo
fleadaehe-.Prom an Eminent Clergyman
•Rrreecwn, July 903,355.
Meseta. Hem. Pass, Ja., & Co.—Gentlemem I take great
pleasare lu allying to you that 1 made use of Brerhare'a Hol
land Bitten, which I obtained at your store and found epee
lal rolled a severe headache. from which I had long sutler,
ed, and I believe they were of mrrhw to main relieving my
'Very spectrully, lc
111.5.nacer Prirurr. —Mr. Sib.. J. Liecomb. of Bir
mingham. says: "I hare found in Boerhavii. Uolland Bit
ter. • remedy for Ileribtebe arid Debility. ' , if° ham al
used it with the /marmot benefit
agpSold atsl per bottle, or .to bottle. for $5 by the p •
prleims, BEN D . PAGE, Ja., it CO., Manufacturing Sharma
reutiata and Chemists, Pithiburgb. P... nod DMiGibilr you
orally. See Wm-Gement.
Candor tempo!. us wh•ri contd.*/ the wants
of dm afflicted, to recommen d which is beet known and
tried, soli to recommend Dr. J. ilonetter's Celebrated
Stomach Bitters, would only be addle ir tcrwhat has already
nonheralded far and wide, not only by a few isolated cer
tificates, hot by the people of the land, endareed by the phy
anions cod the preen that iloatetter's Bitten have no equal
to cortorlng and Imparting health to enfeebled men. Lnliee
and children end this medlchie Invaluable In many of their
ills of debility, to which they are Wiled, especially during
the summer season; in such cases It should be takenln
quantities twine meals.
for sale by Druggists and dealers generally everywhere,
andIIOSTETTED. g SMITH, VS7 Penn et selkdasT
Pitteburgh Dispatch, April lord, 11356,—F0r more thin E
Tears pest we hare constantly worn the Waahington Bus
pander gram, manufactured by Dr. Om. IL Home, of No
130 Wood street, In this city, and would heartily mann.
mend ft to ell who are compelled to follow a eedentery oome
petlon. As we barn before rerouted, to calling attention
to PP ressita, It answers fora brace sad suspenders, the
weight of the penteloons being eci placed as to continnally
tend to bring the ebinaldare to thole maws' position end ea.
pand the chat, Women, hundreds of whom •re .nuelly
Injured by the weight of erionnoos eskirte, ^ !should also
proems them beam. Be particular in procuring the kind
meritiontdom many of the broom mid are humbug. Bold
et Dr. GEO. H. !IMES'S. Wholesale Draggle; 140 Wood
reet, sd. of the Gold. Honer. . JeEfiailhritE
sirTs mats reu rill Crux or EignstA on EtTrons, at
prlms varying from too to thirty dollars.
Abdominal Supporters of mry kind.
Spinal Prop. for carratnre of Lb* eptue.
Shoulder Rooms of oeoo7 Lind.
Suspeneary Bandages, tamrscool 'gristles
Pfle Prope,for the imprint and can of Pile*.
Syrinseo, nude and famed% ell elms.
Breast Pumps, an entenale• amortment.
Nursing Battles and Ardlletal Nipples. !Hoot looproe•
Now Copping Apparatos, • groat ttoptorentsot one Ora
copping &nen
Magnetic Itaeldnea, • aparlor kind, In • pat box.
DR KUSER alao agraot for Karate. Radical Con
'haw which usually cane caw of Rcpt.:x*ln di month.
Nirholeasla Drag Mon and Trim Dopoi.
•e.Z 1110 Wood atm& siva of alni6oWon 3fottar.
380 pages, 30 engravings, explanatory of the
treatment by whirl, be runs aasswagAree, Asthma, Di.
mess 91 6 4 Man, Mud, Stomar.l.Eireedr, asses, Sulam,
emef SUN, .Flarrle Cbmplerfmr. Graver, des, mat by tnall,
and pestap prepaid, far 40 cent. Aly to
. S. & mon. •
no *lbw °Alm *ether at Crolmoro.VuErsto
Plitsburgb,or •Lombem Da Is soma sheen from Na.
Torkosul no pbyebrba *bombers Is asthortsrod to me tots
illf-Caortotasuol Elsa Dm—
Wlthla • not shell all the merit. lie,
Criettskrrde never equalled Dyes
Red It usage black. to brown transforms • grey,
And keeps the fllaesalwaye from decay.
matehleserseihtllzlng Uslr Drs Nll boW IM Pod
don es the matt hartolase and below flair Dye In the
world. Sold wholesale and retail by
No.llo Wood street,
ae2b of the Golden Mena,
“Ilest Pill. in 0a..”
Frazer's Headache Pills.
They will cure the moat violent headache.
They will cure motive bowie.
lbw we • tonic se well se purgative.
If your bead pains you, one dew will cure you.
If you haw tudlgeotlou they will help you.
If you ere sick they will make you well.
They are the tat pill to owe billow..
fey ate • Oath pill and a good pill.
No totter pill nut be oompounded.
They cat only 23 wow • bout.
Bent by wall to all parte of the United &•t.
Direct your letters to Da. KETBEIt, No. lab Wood Mai,
Plttabandt, Pa.. the Wheleeale Agent. wyloubettl?
Ma groat superiority of 81X0Elt'8 31ACIILNES -
Oro: all other. for the of,. of
Clothing and Shoe Manufacturers; Harness
Makers, Carriage Trimmers and
Coach Makers,
Thu long Assn known sod practically acknowledipod.
Tbo multrolgrtod having no oatenolvo-reulety of than
ISsehines on band, adopted to ovary kind of wring and
Wistaria., tacit.. those lotorostarl to call and examine thorn.
Agent tbr Allegheny County,
awns,. of Second and AfarLW Streets,
- -
Br and Continental Exchange.
On the Union Bank, London,
In &Ws of Ll and Upwards.
Those Draft. are available at all the principal tonne of
Lnabwa geollend and Ireland and the Continent.
We also dray, Sight Dills on 3t. A. GRUNEBAU3I A RAI,
WI, Frankfort • Main, which serve as a Remittance to all
parte of Oen:lacy Swittealand and llolland.
Persona intending to travel abroad may proem. throe
as Letter+ of Credit, on which 31oney can be obtalaed, gh
needed, to any part of Eorop..
Collections of Bit., Notes and other securities to inrope,
eritt receive prompt attention.
lett23 coma Wood and Itlrd street..
=Ea. 21.241.2 4, 4 C1E1R8,
Closter qf Pas and Mechanics Wert, FVtA
Manufacture Pine and Oak Kap of the various deocrip.
dons of NAIL EGOS, ertikh they will tall at the knout
tracts are month:illy solicited. All twat war-
ranted of the best quality. dettlyelfb
13. C. tiL.MAN & CO,
N 0.75 Fourth Street. pittaburah. Ps..
Insurance Brokers.
Corannto ...........
Life, Pin, Matin s * and Lire !tea Risks of U duerlp.
Won taken st =lint Ws. In Oa moot rdlible and prompt
paying ampullae la the iltibto. hilet/Tit
Pittsburgh :Variety V7orks
..Tortms. wArtaxEccurartx) ac
i llocarrora t. Warrick, Attach :to , C 0..)
14. coancfßlght and Let Mad Dort Locko, Spring,
limp and 'bomb lambs, Plstforto sad Counter Imlay
Wallae.Com ant Paint End Damettle Hardwaro
alt i o corm of Wog& and Gnat strarts, Pittotro,
Pittebnrgb, General Inauranee Agency,
*o. 43 'mirth Strout,
• onipsnk• roproseireed of lalstkat standing. Cbsztorsa
4YPlPm7lnugs sod otha Maim.
ppm Mew old lib Malts taken of all Micriptta.
fiwurrzu Arno mm—r. T. Venitimi
zetdsmeon pint battuotice ls Imlllafrd
draw sasd better thask sky plbofy ankle smallest! to th
yobbo fbr the rive d Coto, 064 Sprains, Unrsairs,
kWh*, ha ZrOp *WU* a* Ott" it till " I 'd 'NW
ralfab• harm Neu pm= War rflord I: Taro
Dept, Oostlodt AM; Ow Tait.
bid by Dr. IMUI• ISO Weld ~NI
• • - . 4
' 2. -
-~ -
Spccua — *effects.
- Celebrated licrorceterablre Sauce,
raosouNcED ar _ ExTRAcr
I, To his Brother at
And applicable to p, WORCESTER, Stay,lB3l.
d . "T
their Sauce le highly esteem-
ell LEA& PERRINS that
al in India, and b, n , T
'opinion the most palatable us
well as the moot wholoaomo
Bence that le made
The only Modal awarded by the Jury of the Now York
Exhibition for Foreign Sauce, wee obtained by_LEA & PER
HMIS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, the world
wide &me of which haring led to =sere= itnitarlooe,
ebm'n are requested to tee that the name of
"LEA A PERRINS" are impreweed open the Dottie and
Stopper. and printed upon the Isbeba
Sole Vfholaeale Agent. for the United Stan.,
HD way, New
A stook situp In skim. Absiq ß ordarroads reoslnsdYork.
for direct
stilprocat from Ingland. Inyßlydrer
Exchange Bank at Nebraska,
GEO. NniCLAM, 11. ['GEM, arsh'r.
general Land Agents k Dealer in Land Warrants,
Florence, N.
WW glee their personal attention to Buying and MOM R".I
name, araerin Land; Loaning Money and Palin TRIM
In Nebraska, lowa and Hamm
EzEkaano Dank, Pittsburgh, Va.
C. O. Niamey COD,
R. Patrick & Co, liaakersPtttsburgb,
Atwell, Lee & Co.. Nerchanta, "
Bals7, Ga , ,, - ker, Philadelphia
Winalow, LarneZo•Da. New lark.
Luau & Bisnongs. Bankers, St ITO.
Bellew & Co, archants,
Bank of Commatie,CleVand, Ohio.
].O. Haaasy,
L=Zu:aLsz;a=c.2- 1
Forwarding and Commiaidon Merchant,
CM:Leese, Butter, Seeds, Flub,
And Produce O•oe*QV,
awl' No. 25 Med Strew!, Ptl46urph•
American Galvanized Sheet Iron,
And Ms Agents fir eh. Sale rf
W.Drirea WOOD'S
Patent ImitationFLussi a Sheet Iron.
Moo, Gabenlzed Oorrnted lee, rut Recite&
SiirWerabowe—No. 134 JYeel Sind, Pirtsbunk.
Nelson I Azahrotypes.
Gallery, comer Third and Market
We ere now preparedto offer to the public our well known
!dyke of Amhtotypes at tbe low prke of ONE DOLt.tR and
UPWARDS. Those wanting Mew.. taken In the beet
style of the art, will find It grtat/y to their Intend to give
ewtabllehment • cell. A large auertmeut of Pled. and
Fancy Caen always Orl hind. ep2l:l7fe
moo JOHN I- W=lllollo.
Ptttabnrgh Steel Works
Manufacturers of CAST STEEL; also, SHUN°, PLOW and
Cbrner Ross and First Strut, Pittatnvh,
D D. R.
D. B. FLOGIGhtS do CO..
csauneuxus Of
Ropre' Improved Patent Stsatt
Cultivator Thoth.
Owner Ross anti Pro &reds, Pittsburgh, As..
GE 0 R •••3- : WRYbIA •
Manufacturer and Dealer In ,41 Pinch of
A t D
Cbrn, of SailVdd .9reef and Diamond Alky.
_ _
MI Vir S.l" (51. MA OIESI
Ptttetnirith, 6S Fifth Street.
Tbra MetSe foltettes rho
Pla•ot or Co ratitto,
At the prat. alb. Operator, reeking with axe Otr Thori.
amt brarylfei awl damtbre Stitclur per MintErr..alreoet noise-
IWO, Mid aro becantog trrilereatable for family ner.
nal Werstation mks b obtain...l by reblreleteg Immo
Zwing. rot ALEX. a. RZED,&vat,
Na GI Fifth meet, Preteft.rgb.
• ATITEL 13/138IILL At CO,
KalV/AITLW• 07
Cooking. Parlor apd Pleatkoz
Orictoir, Fronts, Fenders,
♦nd X.e nt nrnnf itA OelebrAte4
1138 I.lnEtlalt STREET.
European and Intel li gence Offico,
Keens Only Wt ado Dram on Europe for any amount.
and men. and Pack.* Tickets to and from Ilmrpool to
Nan Yotk.
. • .
Girls Mr cook. sod general horme,rork foraldhod to
bornobtirrm idrort
Wright • Indian l'esorable 1711.nad Syrup allnkm ,mkond.
Pamengsre brought from Now Turk and Vbnadllelphin oh
rsgrouf to inte.b.nrh.
714 Braimii, N.. sort.
FELL erry - L.E. HATS.
&mom) & Co.,
1iT0.131 Wood Street.
IP A. L L B T 'V"
LADIES mostoi.,:o HATA
w. ac D. kurnralAFur,
All kinds of Tobseee, !Muff sad Cigars,
Ha. recently taken the braiding Na 129 Wood .treat, 1
addition to Weir Msnafeeturing &Wain:not, No. 131nri
street, *bare they will be pleased to rend re their friends,
War r. •
Maanlseturer at EVILIt2.O,I OIL end LIMPS, No. 82
hurtle Meet, between Wood and Market, Pittebongle, Pa..
The talarelgneel Is prepared to furnish Dwilers with
Ethereal Oil and Burning Yields of a oupertur quality.of hle
own mtnntactore. Also, aleobol.OntsPbene end Pit. Oils,
med every doecriptlon of Slde and Centre Table Lampe, Oir.
andokwiCandelabru of the tetra patterns end Mint apprem
ed ark.:
Cbandellirts,Clitandoles and Lampe repaired and regMd•
ed. ,
Th. 4....011. supplied nisub.l7 sock a dembeedeve
mins one wagons. win:lyre P. ILAYDICN..
Ir you valueyour teeth and a pure breath,
boalthrgomprfoutd costtsble mouth. so to KiSitElilt,
140 Wood otroot,and buy• bottle of Wass's Toms IV/so
and Toots Posvat 7r2o3lktrEF
to engage to tha hale of the Dual popular . t ning
Woks ID Americo. Inrallda,Mechanlca.fartiers and Teach
ers vriehlog to travel, Eli find thla to be a very profitable
and plemot buolneta, enabling theta to *oath. molar'',
awl make money at the mate time. Agent,' any, in the bur.
Itren are clearing from 1500 to 51,500 per year. For full
partliulary and a list ofDorks. address it. M. RULISON.
iitneen City Publtahlng Mow at
. 111 Main reet, Cincinnati,
• Ohicr. If Ilying rout, Ix itop.,soN, Philadelphia.
WANTED.—Wanted to borrow eight to
Iditteen thousand &Ilan on thevery best of Real
Mato security. for one to three years, on which a handsome
pre wil
tnie l be era, and Ohki and Illinois mousy taken,
if pp ation ho nab was. Attl i a ly k maim
set cortisiOarenth and Ernitlifteld streets.
WANTED:4IO,OO of first crass Bonds
and Mortgages. Apply to
.41 . Corner &mail and Smahlield Streets.
WANTED. -5,000 of first„clase Dußinese
Popov !mins ed dap Lt.or told slx month. to ran.
Conn Eovontti and Smlthfitld otrogdo.
ViTANTEINA situation as Carriage Driver
V hy youog men well acathsinted with the business
nod can Wind good reeommutdation hum Ms former cm.
ployer.. Apply to Ci. W. MINN, Strut side of radars! st,
2d door Smith of the North Gnomon, Allegheny City. ord.
A TED-A first i or to go to
• .10NTE3a.ohom gtordirsgst bo
Now and apply alto moot be atoll rocortuaandal.
oil 7 • MOM , 010117 A 00.
4 A Nh W . TE I With a cub cap-
W to $3OOO, ft, owe In o well mita
ants non Blanuteeturing Witham, limited cal
D 7 sink of evils). •
p br oi ll,rber, by Utter or In person, Chinn
!"! "
r ANTE ,OOO n Pittsburgh and Ai
ls's/may llrsmitts: -Al Duolnemee or Aixommotti.
OM • eper to mouttt .1'117.000, gilt edgy, we be discount
.o.lo •
very reduced Tete& 1.14 11:1MAIN • 80:t.
. .
it.tagi.h..,,i 4 the ad Pirm f noedie•unt•
JAMS RICE, norms:o4 mpectfua
17hrenowee that he haw named the old
T rk i man t„, mtut, In It nleted Were the none 51
• °l:M*4h Wan ID air Ilerde prone, thee al
ti the adrenispe are i, better
far the mew dees o r hotels
• . sad oeorearneee of the bane an
runeeneeedome teepenteenste end Misname
Ihr the - inee%e . er en/ latenothing to be &eked.
supat ramni Soul by bass Id,
s amid, •,Iditloosl TO nods, sad the vsn.
smili rsootstisl. It TO h. SP= ibr th• TsesPtion of Ito
am Am 171111111 DAY, Ist of October Itaxt.,—.
lbsy ?tlll iloojo fiad thcbcdsl M. stsl- bonsai 'won
InssMsg tbra on lba antra of tbe tem and stamtasta. '
Sot .11D41rasto.s.; - • . :. ~. , . ..9 1 4 15 • 1 " °MAL
16 ,conramx. ,, Aarz,
, 17 (Old Postalblidiallaniathirdstriel,behreso
arripriket Orate. adore preesptly leteadal te.
steeatel Ite emeetat New zawas
Itrmeilit.4 me, zarA4
(Dr. Irisleg Now Building.)
6LTER.c.3 , Penn 4:14 Pt. Ctatt SU.
(Sootomor to W. n. Rams*,)
situ altitttistutento
litannaNn'an 31.m:ram - one Ban, t
rltte urgb.,June 7.Sth,IEZ. f
Fl -. .1.1c conformity with the 25th section of the
Constitntion oft toti ouirnontrraltb of renosyltantr,
notice is hereby Oran that application will Lc nude to the
Levhdatttna at the next aseekto, tor the Bonee , tl or Eaten
sten of the Charter of the Z•reltants' an d lecorfacturer.. ,
Bank of ritiaborßh, faille tarot of flftema years. By ord.,
of the Roan] of Dircetor.. •
Joakemil W. 11. DENNY' Oteltier.
FE - Tor. ONLY °Frit:Es where Tickets can be
procured ea Cleveland for Chicano and the North.
WcYt, or via lath& and Columbna to Cincinnati mud the
Bonth.Rett, remora Wayne and Liberty at oadYomG
Monongahela Howe, 4 door* below the corner.
• Y. KNOWLAND, General Agent.
w 183( C. O. B. IC, M. C. It. IL, C. k T.& M. 8. N.ll.
AN ORDINANCE Changing the p ace t
1101111E0h. General ar.i Pty Medium In the Thol
Ward, City 01 Pittsburgh.
Sec. 1. That from and ail, the puerto of tide Oottrou'e.
the place far holding the Omani and City Election° in the
Third Want, shall be et the honer of John Duffy, on the
corner of Grant and Webster streets.
Sic. 2. That ea much of any Ordinance, to any way c
flicting herewith be the same is hereby repealed.
Ordained lad enacted Into a law In CanncilS this mooed
day of October, A. D., MT.
Prat!dent of select Connei!.
Must, Joey T. Wanrsa,
Clock of Select °moll.
President of Common annuli
ArreeL• Woe Me. Mum..
Clerk of Common Connell
The Ilisnader has the honor to .130MICO that these cele
brated drentstlc artiste will mete their nett tom Anus.
exalt, this city, since theirlete return to the United States
after a most trinmpluut career In England.
Streeml engagements In this city 'bare always been of the
meet flattering character, and have elicited eticeminms from
the critics and leveraofhigh art.
Ras held the palm In Loodou for wale Um* past, and her
Intellectual and powerful performances hare gained for her
a niche Meths Templer?, Fbms where elm aro' enrolled the
The GustVA of London thus pronounces:
"The acting of 31m. Wallach is not the mere mouthing of
Roes learned by rote,accordlug to some old musty tradition
but in beartlnesa and reality appears no though It were the
embodiment of ideas whirl: lot found words of their own.
Nut having bad the good fore!ne to tw playgoers in the days '
of the Slddons, we never sass a Lady Mecheth give on their
remotest idea of what Shaltspeare intended till we new Dire.
Wallark in the part."
J. C. Foster therefore feels great pleasure In offering this
To the public, who have hitherto responded to any atdsstvor
that maypromote the interests of the drama in its highest
and most in tellectual asprvt.
FN giro cis farewell performances prior to their departure
for Cal ifornLii, commencing Monday. October St
1096.801 L BOOK NOW OPEN. on3i2bl
Mo Ancient British Easnyists, 38 volume,
The Modern "
Addison'. 114cOlaneout Works„s
Goldsmith'. " 4 "
Lamb's “ 6
Leigh ^
NOCkull Atabrosiaos,
Ireing's Works,
Do do, now seriGe,
Groper's Complete Works.' 33
The Manly Norris, Parkeeed "`
Do do do, Tiektoor's Household ed .
For sale by oe. KAY 6 CO, G 5 Wald street.
B _
Poems or William Cull. Ilryout, coVoted and
arranged, 1,) the author, a new edition, rrybood tbrrolAlk
out, la two volume.. - Ehno. EAT k. CO., 55 Wood acre t.
RAPRY.—fed American, edited by tho Rev.
Dr, 1 handsaw vol. Royal STO, with over 000
yoga, lu full nr half calf binding,
00 3 KAY etroot.
COILIPPED LOGWOOD--75 bills. just roe'
; and t I.SIO by b. L. S TOLE FAIIN d
pod enctetoor g Bro..
RITISH LUSTRE-100 gross in store aud
for male bt oc3 0. L. FAIINF-STOCII k CO.
I CARB SODA-100 kegB reed ana
SAND PAPER-1W reams on hand and
for sigh , by oc3 B. L. FAIINMOCK & CO.
mire and for isle by B. L. FAILNESTOCR 1 CO.
B 1 CHROMATE POTASH-1500 lbs. on
band and for sale by B. L. YAW:MOCK &
oc3 Corner of Wood and Fourth etroeta.
HOGS -60 fat corn fee: Hogs for !ale b
ed Ro-
STARCH -300 ba.. of tho celebratSTAßCH-300 cheater Pearl iitarch for sale IA
oc3 tIENST 11. COLLINL''.
LINSEED OIL-40 bbls pure just rec'd
and for sale ny .3 Er.. HUICITINSTS.
CHEESE. -150 bx prime Cutting({ Cheese
la store end for We by or 3 R. 1.11.,"C _tION.
Watch alid Clock Maker,
12 Igo 251 , 11 th creel, between Weal and Itarkel, Pitts
burgh. P.
aairPertkiidar attention pald to the repairing ot Watches
and Jewelry.
lir Ail work warnntted
appointed A4eut for Pittsburgh, by the MADISA:ON
ARCH 00517.51. T, fur der aa/a of their celebrated MARL
STAECILOshish la warrant...l equal in quality to .1 known
In this market ) are to* , prepared to supply Wholesale Deal.
yrs at mattufactitrars . vices. Wt. tnette the atwotloo of tb•
Trade in ale article, to an euaroloottur, of our present stock,
and which will b. kept equal to the demand.
et 6 No. 6 Wood stets
Ir 4. WIRD, Dentirt,
Three door. above Hand
ALLY.—ThIa morning !commence to reecho daily
direct how Baltimore, frith and Salt Shell Oysters of the
largest and brat quality. Alm in ram ind half ram whirl
I warrant equal to any brought to thls city, and will U.
wid wbolcado and Mall at /in 37 Lth /Moat. omit/Ito Ma
son t Co. ort9 0. KIMBLE, Agt
boatec“ with the 'mall capital of
For partkalara, ItvLw stamp to
aeldterd 'IL W. GOODALL, Dangor, Maine. •
:13 DAY CLOCKS, 4 42)
for Cannting Room land Parlor.
Ansuortment In R0n0vi....1 csolicelegant patterns
Put recaived and for We by J. R. ItEn "E
iedikaltf J ewelers, Noy. Ad Fifth street
TODACCO.-40 kegs Six Twist Tobacco in
wore awl kr/ We by ROBERT DALZELL k CO
triNCifiTY SEED.-12 sacks to arriveand
fnr We by ad/ MUTER d DILWORTH.
JAKIRT 818.-140,00000LD AND SILVER watitad, fnr
which the highest prrmium will ta , paid. ewal:dtt
MOM of holm made and modern Rlanketa. at
Nortkoratt coruor of Fourth and Mutat sts.
it..Tlttalrargh moray taken at pow for Ronda 001
BLANKETS—A full assortment Country
and Falter', Diankete to be bed at
nct .Nortb.eaet corner Fourth tad
pIiEESE-150 bxe. prime W. R. Cheese
Jut reed sod tor sale by R. DALZELI. A CO.
BUTTER -3 bblo. S. P. Butter for ride by
ocl B. DALZEI.Lti CO.
rliAlt=s - 0 - 6131e. tni - f;r silo by
ncl It. 0.41.7. ELL & CO.
IME-200 bbls. fresh Lhnejust rec'd and
r0r.,...n, b. -'b HENRY U. COLLINS.
p ur ---
UTTER-9 bblg. primo Butter pist ree
and for sale by rtabr RENRS 11. OWNS.
rrirtIOTHY SEED-16 bbln just ree'd and
(or ertle by seSi ILV.?aty U. COLLENS.
SUGAR. - 2a,
tot by
n , 50 '
ds Cuba for sale low to close
Corner Liberty nnd 'land sts.
BOSTON SYRUP.-2S bbli choice Gulden
etnra and for rule. to don" lot by
SPERM. 011.-5 bblein store and for sale
1.50 Qvaor Liberty arid naiades.
WIIALE OIL.-20 bbl extra
Winter Olt, in store for ale by
yoso D. C. llERllST,ebr.Llborty and
stock on ha n 4 ...15 J. A 11.
Co. haveirecalved • ftirther eopply of the.
Rnd &mashie goats.
SUNDRIES -10 hhds. prime N. 0. Sugar
24 KO. Cradled 40
la “ Y. Colo* do
" Pulverized do
10 " Gramtisted do
• 10 " Baltimore ByruS •
20 hall bblt. do do
30 Sege do do
• 100 begs prime Rio Coffee:
50 bode. Fancy Soar
- 25 " Reels .10 • -
36 " Olive do
SO " Clotbm Plan
r 30 " Starehl
20 " Corn Stareb.
Is atom and or sale by ItEISBERGE%
all comer Smithfield mad Semed stmts.
LOO/9 Xl.V.—Highly enriched Decorations
adds Mile for mho by 'W.P.SIARSILALL &CO.
11 rugs, emoted Whim for two week.. Leave word tide
yat this. dace or at VELIS, RIDDLE k CO.'S,
melt• No. SO Fourth Street
Corner Fire and Liberty Ste., PitteburgA, Pa.
TOTAL STEAM =MEW made to order.
They oho continuo the toonuLeture of their Cklebestal
Our* as Turning Lathes. •
• • Dortmund Drilling Macthus, Le,
Also, Wrough Itron Shafting, with Pulleys wed Thuggery
far 11 ills, Shops, : iloWeltplalyr
CABRIAGE OILOLOTH—A large stock of
name Wand - T6ala 116166 ml widths on head at 26
sad 26 St. Mir stmt. son , 11, POULIN.
W kinds at On Ollclotli 17atettotaa; %ad VI St. Clalr
stmt. $4l ..7,L PHILLIPS.
MT HOLLAND, for Window Shades- 4 -
Tatiety at' vials, aa Load at alms as et. casr sc.
T ARTARI,C, A CID-400 IN: powdered for
• • I• • • :-4fppers for 'Gaiter}
iosa cuibra twe=“ser Ike uams—ma. rif Eeat
7nuebOillain sod Mao t Leather, tonstantla laud mud
for nab eta *ICSD. HUD.
itt . _
by gilt ilOsection of
!'the Act of die Geierel Amiably 1 Numb-anis
rut - 61.1U1y 14, leSii,entitled "An Actrehetligto the Mee,
time of this Commonwealth:9i is onjoitost sm the Sheriff
of *eery county toglro nont'e of each: ,dectione to be held,
and eronnerate to each notice it
ofEsis benlected.
rtuensure hereof, I, ROOT PATTERS ON, Sheriff of the
county of Allegheny, do their - shire make knoen, and pre
this public nonce to the elect ore of and county of Allegbe
sq. that a GENSILiL ELECTION will Ice held in oddment.
NEXT, at the reseral Election Districts therein.
And as dir.cted by mid 13th sectioctof the Act of July,
ISRA I hereby glee tattoo, that every lemon (*.opting
Jostle. of the Peace) stip shall bold any alike or appoint
mmit of prof', t or trust, under the Gorernment of Guilt/tilted
State, or of this State, orof any city, or incorporeted district,
whether a commis/Jolted officer or otherwise tabard/nate'.
ofacer or agent. who Is or shall he employed under the leg
islathe, ezecutlre or judiciary department of this I=r ,
of the United Statee, or of any city or lororporatad
and also that every member of Congn,, and ot•the State
Legislature, and of the Select or oommon Council Of any city,
or tocurelasionere of any inceoporated aorta, hitoj law lo
capablerof lioldlng or exercising et the same time; then/See
or appointment of dodge, Inepector or Clerk, of anyalgotion.
of this Coormonweeltta and that no 'lnspector; Judp or
other officer of any such electlon shall bei eligible to any
office to be then voted far
' And further, that by the 4ttOstotien of the AM of April
leth, MD, It LpttMMid,that the aforesaid 13th 'melon of
the Act of July 2d. 1330, shall not te 1b iceitmid alto pre
vent say militia o cer or borough cam Bum serving as
edge, impeder or clerk, at any gannet or special election
, InthlsCommnweelth.
The electors of the First Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to
meat at the home formerly occupied by Mrs. Jane Little, at
the corner of Fourth and ferry streets, in said Ward.
The electors of rho Second Ward of the !ally of Pittsburgh
to meetat the Public School Housela meld Ward.
The electors of the Third Ward of the city of PittsbMgh
to meet at the Court House.
The electors otthe Fourth Ward of the city of
to meeta od t o t Dir e Schhe w ard House In said Ward.
of the city of Pitteburgh to
: meet at the Penn:militants House.oocaphd by Gotlelb Seidel
I late Alexander Steward, In said Ward.
The electors of the Sixth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to
meet at the Pablic School House In mid Ward.
The electors often Ekrrenth Ward of the tiny of Pittsburgh
to meet at the Public School House In said Ward.
The electors of the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsbargh
to meet at the Pablo School Home to said Ward.
The electors of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh
to meet al the Public School Ilcase in said Ward.
The electors of the First Ward ofthe city of Allegheny to
meet at the house of J.Wmlhouse. In Robinson street.
The electors of the Second Ward of fhe city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of widow Thompson, northweet corner
ofdand the publivate.
lectors of the Third Ward of the city of Allegheny to
meet at the Public School House ki said Want •
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the house of T. Smith, at the corner of lbabinsca
and Anderson streete.
The electors of the borough of Birmingliam,lnd precinct,
to meet at -; rescondpreclnct -. eald borough-
The electors of the borough of East _Birmingham to meet
at the Rantoul Office of Oliver 11. Ormsby, In said
The electors of Dueineene borough to meet at he
School Reuse In said borough.
The electors of the borough of Lawrenceville to oust at
the Public School House In said borough.
The electors of the borough of Shoreham to meet at the
house of Shorn In mid borough.
The electors of the bemarigh of 31clieesport to moot at the '
Town Hall in mid borough. •
The electors of the borough
of South Pittsburgh to meet
at the house formerly occupied by E. 51eAnnich, at the end
of the Monongahela Bridge, In mild borough.
The electors of the be runes of West Pittsburgh to meet at
the School House in said borough.
The electors of the hamlet of West Elisabeth to meet at
the Public School Home in add borough.
The electors of the borough of Taman= to meet at the
Public &heal House in said borough.
The electors of the bbrough of Mancloster t.r meet at the
Public School House.
The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the
Loose of -- Graham, formerly 'accepts; by,lehn Walker,
to said borough. • •
The elector. of Election Dietrict .I;lrePeebles town
ship, to meet at the Oleo Rotel la add tosmship.
The electors of Pitt township to meet at, the she of Hrs..
Mourets Tavern In said township exceptthe qualified voters
residing in ...Ilona Noe. 4,7 And IL of the city district, who
shalfroto at all mound elections in the Ninth Ward of,„the
qty of Pittsburgh.
The electors of Election Venice Nee.. of Peebles town.
ado to meet at the house of John Reithr, In the village of
EPA Liberty.
The electors of the borough orSewickley will meet at the
Public W.hool BOWS In said borough.
The elector. of Collins towneldp to meet at the liaise of .
Wm. KIWI. Jr., In the Tillage of Esse Liberty.
The electote of Wilkins township to meet at the house of
John Shaffer, on the Greensburg Turnpike Road, in sad
The electorsuf Plum township to Meet at the house of
John Sommerville in eshl•township.
The electors of Patton township to inset at the house of
Abraham Taylor, ,n the Northern Turnpike, tosaid town
'b T tj' he °lecture of Tenn township to meet at the house of
Robert fkmaldson on tire Leechburg Road, In said town.
id for I
ad ' PP
electors of Versatile. tomalp to meet at the P.M
School tram°, on the term of David Shea, mar the White
House, formerly mcupied by Themes tod, now by William
A. Shaw.
The electors of Elizabeth township to meet at Beim= of
0 come Webster. forminly occupied by John Walker, le
Elisabeth borough.
The elecons of Jefferson tomehip to meet at the house of
Micheal Sum, formerly occupied byJohn King,inadd tow.-
The electors of Mifflin township to meet at the home of
Gamest Wilson, formerly occupied by Jll3llllll H. Neel, in mid
The electors of Upper St. Clair township to meet et the
norm of James Conner, in mid township.
The electors of Lower St. Clair townellp to meet at the
home lthely kept by F. Hello, at the j auction of the Bin
minshans and Cool Hill reeds, In said tounahip.
The electors of Chardon township to meet at this home
of Mlle= Obey, on the Pittsburgh end Stenbeserifie Turn
The *lactase of Robinson townehip to meet at the bones
of Sarah M'Farland, formerly Andley ITEarland, la mid
The electors of Findley township to meet at the bad of
WClellasid A. Armor, formerly 000mpled by 3. Cherld, Ito
the dine of Clinto n, to eta towp.
The Natters of Moon township totem at School Ham
No. 4, in said township.
The electors of Ohio toenoblp to meet at the hone of
Henry V. Monne= In said township.
The electms of Franklin township to meet at the Muse
occupied by Jomph Holman, Mold township.
Tire electors of Remove township to meet at the School
Hems No. 3, In said township.
The electors! of 1141411111 township to =et at the be= of
JobeCowen, In maid townehip.
The electors of Orwarden tolerably to =stet the hones of
Peter Boyer, In add township.
The 'locum of Smith Payette township to meet at the
boom of 11. Heys, on the Arm of O.T. Coulter, In mid town.
'Me electors of North 'Fayette =metals to meet et the
Mum lemony cecapied by Trends Jemmon, rt Rodsea
Mill, in mid township. ,
The electors of Roes torttahlp to meet at the house of
Mich Dolma, on the Franklin 'Road, In mid tomialdp.
The =cram of Pine townohlp to meet at the ranee of
Huh Crummy, to said township.
The elector. of s.l•Cardlem township to meet at the home
of Dodd Stoop, to saki townthip.
The dectoreof Wed Deer township to meet at the house
of Nathan Conley. In said township.
The electors of East Deer township to meet at the Public
School ileum in the borough of Tarented
The electors of Neville township to meet at School Home
No 1 thereafter to be oiled Chaplin.)
The electors of Sewickley township to meet at the home
of Samuel Ritchie. In and township.
The electors eilmilana township to meet at the hoses for
merly occupied by Alen Turner, to said township.
The electors of Staler nowentira to meet at John Shaw's
31111, in mid township.
The electors of Crement township to meet at the &hoot
•Ilouse in Shometown.
The gratified voters of that part of Indiana tranahly, in
Allegheny comity, redraw( within the following dumlbrd
boooamoo, to wito—lleffirating It a Mat op,the Allellbee3
river, at the upper line on the term of John Cable, and
runninge motherly moms, between the foram of mid
(labia and John Boyd, to the north met comer of Cabla
farm—thence straning • werterly some to the Oahe"
township line, In such a manner as to cameo all farms or
lots =rated In Cunningham's district, said known as the
River tracts, within said boundaries, shall hereafter vote
at the general election in the borough of Sharpaborg, at
the election poll of said borough.
At which time end places the gmlified elector. as =re.
raid will by ballot vote Ike
Five persons for member% of the Ho= of Repreeentatiree
of Permsylveulo.
One person for Canal Commiceloner.
One pens. for County Catemisiateer.
Ono perms. for County Auditor.
Ono pen= for Associate Judge of the Grua of Common
The electors of the several boroughs and township., at
thedemand plasm =resold, slodi elect by ballot:
One person for for of Penneylvania.
'Two persons for Judges of the Supreme Court of Penn.
Om person for Clerk of the Orphans' Coed, COM% of Qum.
ter Sodom, and Oyer sad Terminer.
One per= for the Recorder of Allegheny Cooney.
tine person for Resister of Ac., WAllegheny
One person for Treartmer of 'Allegheny County;
One parson fur Director of the Pour, for three /dm
And le obedience to an Act of Afimmbly paged on the
t2oh of Mei, 11157, and a writ of election A , nd by the Clove
senor of. Pennsylvania to me directed; I else ems Lathe
that en election 101 be held In each of the ,Wards, Town
ships mid Districts. in thee:Om:W.4A Alkstreny, on the 24
Tuesdayof October, In Cory= of our. Lord' one thoused
eight tauodred mod Liftyomen,foi the pup= of
upon the =pt.= or rejeCtiem eartift propcsed=
menu to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, moved
upon say majority of the Wernher* ideated to each lICRIJO of
theleghdature at two stexemire seteions of the mom the
Bret seetion commencing on the Inn T ee of Jimmy,
A. D. 1656, and the stand deft commencing en the Ant
Tuesday, A. D. 11367, by which ad amts provided tat sold elec.
thin shall be held at the planes. end opened and closed at
the time, at and within which the generith election, of this
Commonwealth are bold, opened and closed:end it de ll be
the duty of thededges,inepertort and clerks of each of mid
townships,ratt *, and districts to receive at said election,
tickets either written or prlnted,or redly written or pertly
ptiatol. fronaillsons duly qualified to veto for menden or
the general dermbly, end to depadt.thent In a bat or
boxes to be fur that peewee provided ts 7 the Pioneer 0210=.
which tickets shall be respectfully labelled on, the anteide,
" , Ant amendment? "second amendment," athird emend
meta," end 'Hearth amendment,. and them ;rho ILLVATO/S
-ble to add amendments, , or any of them, may,ezprese their
rialto by voting each as many separate written or printed,
or partly written onvieted ballots or ticked coddling on
the beide thereof, (he words for the amendment,^ end
those who ere opposed to entsh eimeuiterndre.te, or say of
them, nay espies. their opposition by voting tech es min,
meliorate written or printed ballots or tickets ouitedng oa
the inside thereof tho words, 'lsraratthe "amendments."
Sacrum 2. Tbet the election. the said proposed amen+
mate dell In all respects bra conducted m the poem! else
dower tide Commonwealth ere now conducted: end ft stall
be the duty of the return ledges of the respective countin
and districts thereof, tool haring earoftilly ascertained the I
number of voter given for or *grand mob of mid amend.
meets le the manner aforenaM. to snake oat duplicate re.
tore, thereof, expressed in words at length and not to Cgs
arm only, one of which returns so made shall be lodged In
the Prothouotary's office of the Court'o( Common Pfau of
the Praia rarathl. - end the othermeled and directed to the
Seen.= rltArr i rse ealtbouitl y a erne of Waled*
d' gven enter mined ends bled at Pi n tlrrgb; this Sth
day of September,A. D. 1857, and of the bidependence of
the United Odin the eighty-meted
Preparsd and sold by
wrru OR iiTraoor
. nr ri T., : ;1 1 !kri'l ,
II jot rroalvod aid forT 10 ,1!::, - ;' , 2 11 . 1 CMIn.
angiaeutten' punkt* Company.
Fires,Al alldi .
..x=b - e, Ao,.*xtAaae Baohop.
Notice is hereby. giyeas, that. the Ag.eney.d—
-,00.0..J, b. the dig . ofiti;9.7l/1, UnM fq , th e`r.'
•aotke, be conducfed by J.W. 3LAILTIVI: uivao long tape.
time fa aseerareillag Awe coaneetheaarith Wifelike
aull qualifies him fee tardaetteg ballade, -
lo *marker thet e , at rp. [ mast ssihS W 00. Th k ,i, cm ,
dlaay reoeunotadal to all our palm., a. .as th00. , • 14 .
girlatia"".• A. WEElf.kl. Secretary.
. The buslne. duo above Cote 7 rem be 01)&10E4 at
"Na 96 WATER/Area; Pit
salforltf .
lolawaro Mutual Safety Insurance Company,
lonrporaki by w ityrndontot n/Pronsyloonithleas.
- Offii* S. E. Corner Third anti Walard sts., - •
- :/161/19/9 INSURANCE:I on Vowels, Corp, and Froistrt
thl4.l_Mto of the world,
/2M17.8411 Oa on Goods, by !down Coto*
lakes and Land Con*" to all porta of Ole Wm.
FIRE INSTIRANCES on Morchandlss morally
Ands of the anyany,lroc. 940.
ad Rea bitars.,---......4101 ,3 0 "
1 1=altd a Tiry and other Loann.--.----;.—.143,976
Stock In Bomb, Raillatd and IrtouranotOs...:..... 18,110 Bi -
,M 2,119 SR
SAM= la heads itt Agents, Premium. cm Mu ,
rine Polides nueutly Waled, exid Wan debts
doe the Company
WW ilattly
Jamb IL Beal,
Edmund A. Bonder,
John C. Davis,
John E. Naxos%
George O. Lelper,
Edward Dwilughzia
Ler. R. M. Hollow
William C. Ludwig,
Hugh Craig,
kinder Hollsalu,
Charles Halley,
H.Jonee Brooks,
J: C. Johnson,
Pittsburgh Life, Fire. and Marine in. to.
Offidii Varnerldarket and Witer,
BOUT. GALWAY, Pro&lent. P. A. Ermaas, Feel'.
Aintssw Maim, It. D., Ex ml Physician.
• This Company make. every 12(1111111C0 apperndnlustto
commend with LIFE HIBBS.
Also, ,apace. Hall and Carlo Maks, on th• Ohio- cod
MWidpp titers and tributaries, and Marina Bdak gin
And t=u t h• P
t t or etinTa b lcl i ftl;d Inland Natigalion
Pottdea rr
o:r tithe towed rake oornistent with safety to
Robert Daltrey,
Samuel Web:when,
dmph P. D D G. 11. D
James Marshal 3,
David Matey,
Jamie W. Belizean,
Ches. Arbuthnot,
Eureka Insurance Company,
OW N 0.9 Wskr Pittsburgh.
astern, LT In. HSI: •
Stock Du. 8011, payable on demand, and Aecor•
ed by,twdapproved name..._ ...... " ..... -..-...5110,430 00
Cashl¢Plthborgh Tract 49.39096 ,x ; ,
122 dares ErrluingoTALTiiio;i:::6o. - 11.........:.. 4
4,960 03 .
If 4000 00
4,366 40'
J. ff. Shoenberger,
W K. Ntadr.k,
B. D. Cochran,
John A. Caughey,
0. W. Batchelor,
hone. 1.. Bennett,
Citizens' Insurance Comp) , of Pittsburgh 7,
Office IA Wider Sired; between Ilarkei and 1if4.4 grafi.
saJzonares Hall sod Cargo Woke . the Ohio *Da lb&
thuippi Ravers, mod Tibutaris.
ifiii - Insareaageinst {moor &mega by Pim ilno,.tgathot
the peril. of the S. and Tolond btoebratlon lead Treamporte
Samuel Rea,
Rob,r rb Dunlap, Jr.,
Isaac, POIMOCk,
Walter Bryant,
Jul. '
Monongahela Ipsurancoo Com •
Omor, No. DS WAosi Oruro,
war. Ann Aga:Out as kinds of-Mrs and
Omons-4A3IES A. HTITODISON, Pooddsat.l
linitlf N. ATWOOD, Becroter7.
Wm. B. golmo,.
Wm. Rea. •
Thos. & Clarke,
.reis. A.
Western Insurance onixiany.
WM Imre spine all Ithittle Of 3lre and Kariba •• •
R. killer, Jr., G. W. Ittoketeen,
J. W.Batier. O: W. Jackeoa,(
Andre. Ackley, • Jewett MeAnley
O . Mame%
There Scott,
A. kihnick, J. Lippinoott, •
William &nth:
Ik3„.11 Homalintitation managed by Itireetaninti
in thin community, and alio min llberally solingsudprowpit.
ly pay all Lowe at the 0771U.,,103. 92 Water aliteritt
00. a Wankel:lAA) up staks,Pßlesborgh. . yaW •
THE undersigned have entered into T 43 --
parteerehlp, uter the styk of 1011. O. JOHNSTON
ritteburgb, September 13,1867.
"KrM. G. JOHN TON & 00.,
N 0.57 WOOd bat. Third and ourtb,
1.301wd PT11850154N, PA:
giOTICE.—Tho partnership of the ruider,';-..1
gybed. doing bushes. under the title of 1311111.2/111At,
CIIPIELD, well tensible, by tanked coiarne ee,e
All pereone haring sueettleg amounts with tbiterge;ral
atelier oblige by calling berm flat date mg Seat*
element. •
The baelnoss will be continued at the same loandim, N.L .
canter of fourth end Market .rtreetr, by BIIRM
PM. eeLdtf
pISSOLUTION—The Co-Partnerthi
tattoo existing under th e Orono and etyle Pa.
ABB 4/. 00.11 Ible day dissolved by theltatioa. The beta
teen of the Bun be elated at the old anuld, et. Cloth
greet, war the old Allegheny Bridge, by.W. IL PHILM
who la duly antborired to me the name of the Atm to the
eettlement of Its strafe. . ,
skpied here this day entered into a copartnerahtibansl : „. --,
der the name and style of YILELPB, P . 1 1 1 T1Ilk CO., for thar,
purpose of manottacturingWagons,Certe,Drayloteti
all its branclues, basingtakan the old established rickey 01",
Moak Phelps, Lure al Co. and hiving erected sant. wee
and substantisi buildings, and proctual the Waft haprovia7:!—
meats in - runehluery,Ac4toketturs with. lane sadesellees.".;..'
jested atock of rootertal, they are papered to execute
plesuptuess and '
spatcb, allordera entrusted to them. All •
work warranted to be of the to.. quality. ThaseakePer... :.:
rier bast:m . lold to year' ezperience in- the bedew* •
hereby strict WNW= t• merit a continuance et .the pato,.
romp so liberally bestowed on thetas Atm..• to .
3 0. We -employ NONE Bin , 131111 •
AH.PILLEGfIo • VAloLgaram
.DUCTION OP TARIFF RATER.-On .ad after ICILY 111sig, •
MT; freight wlll be repglectsis_,lxne at thsfollogriftrapila_
ro_ 5 a . 13.4
To Pradvo ***
0ar,04:j(7....ban:;1s col underAfti..
To 31abotibic • .;..414. pebuTet. ,- ;;• - •
. ban* andaver:- •••
To Dlak
To Orari Eddy
To Btadys
Eili:Ticlair - fierZrd 'mixt
• • ••
.',4.11: . ' f ro'-i.,--'7,•i:7S;?-
Y MAT.TIEY Ligni2t.
F 00,694 if
Jan Tho l o s i s a C ii = ng,
Jamas Trsqva
Wfillant Eyna,
Joshua L. Pilo*,
J 11.1124 Tennont,
Samuel B. &ohm,
Hen fa
James ri
11.Zarland, '
Thomas C. Dusl,
Robert Barton, Jr.,
John D. Sample, PittsVir,
D. T. Woman,
• 3. T. Logan, a
C. HAND, Tim Prosidept..
Air:ander Bradley,
Joavph S. bomb,
John Fullerton,
.11asulleld B. Brow.
David 11.Cluttabon
William Carr,
Hobart /3.. Hartley,
1.11. Rumorlr,
11. T Leech. Jr,
D. Idc•Cluldlas
• Geo. EL Elalden,
• J. 1. SHOENDERREE, Piste
WM. BAGALEY, President;
SAMUEL L. 3L&RSITALL, Beenitisty
o.o.3lsrit fitli4
John Dllo mfL,
Rand. Sam,
J. Seboxamater, , -
Wthon=Ur •
/dm McDeilk
• Geo. A. 8027
AL.LOVE. - Nalgloul
Pers to thr ow stook of, this Bank - sill jphomi taw
notice that their handbasntkepin the isms irEl lidoe:ast •
Fourthlnstidmont, of $lO pm phobia dzi4ier! - :
the 16th of August asst. • - .
fifth and laic, of 1110 per OcrS or beflan9lo: -
lat of Bootember -nat. •
. . , .
AT '%I'rI3ZMT7I•G•
2lrlutrotteall* -14,2rdelsor.
LARGEST and :noel-complete' Conunerciat.:
poor* tb. Unfold Bt Oro.. A thoroVilmorpou
- , veraucrimy arvizr
Dook , 3=Eooptos,Coashordat, riled -
Emboss W a nd wl other ortbioote rrearrary me
'thorough or. przetkol bathes. man. - :
arro.o,PuntoL Bod04•0141880216#*_,
4 01/Llff, Prof. of Poilasollgti. prilaigale ,
afshoros all COOPOUtOrS, for 'boor rrsirfoif,
PR3.11/CrM TrAft/Iff7
;7,4..ia oj...immure it aline ßoraskid pmq ;Mis;
endues Mated Brow Tafr or. KYir
.te.. l lPricooroo,,rorriolfidred. sabre It
IflLk= UPS lipordoboot '
• t •