r. 1 4 - - .......,,,,•.....„ ....„. ~ . F. ~ ,,, ~ y ~.1~.r, 3,..1' ~:rl 'NEM ADlThrEaMabillarrß. ' hum mannot, OWE( a OK Nitirnalsa Ate Maim (Avsluon'e Rolidini4) Nb. 111,11 mai ad , &ad Tram learatture VP TABS t • hianufacturet of - Rich , Out. Illably Ornamented sad Plain IRON RA, Iron Railing fib Oaring. of emery deserip. eon. Chlfue and Wareboume, I Greene street, beMmen Grand and Broome, Now T. k sel7f2ridv Chodtrerres Caleb tied Cordtal Sit terra as QX:411711L0 1,40 Lee anatomic, ITIV 5 1 AND PALATABLE puma bfilty;Tiye=Lom of Ay potits,;l47W disorders of Diitesttre The lnvestor and • •. of Oaffiry's CHelmsted Cer. dial B.Wws la • , them uas unrivalled tonic and tatigorant., issaatalned the best medical oatistalits of Europe sad ASORICS,IIII 141 by the taultinulea who ham tested them. As • •• toretive they stand alone.— Thomas& rho or. now plishing might snake' to new clammy by this penverfal ..1431, The dyspeptic • 1 11111 newels to Godfrey'. Cord Ratters, finds benefits perms nest Up= the vital o e, they Wards, a direct await. rjrinfinance, and yrt the r • Is as mild as salutary.— Poo renual detllly, einkl at the stomach, iota of VP.• lib, sick headsoh, or men t depression. hypochondriasts, broken sleep, flatulenoa • , alter esereisa atone, cootiresom, and all borders of She norms. %lonize, their benefits en lama= • le. Roemer* are =Coned . • all Impositions. Central Depot, 1 Senth W/11k1:13 Woo. N. C. JeWedittrif OEO. 01.1D/11.ET. Proprietor. endf'rera Celebrated Cordial Gin ITatals, POT Una XOT =Myr:. ' rp S.-lINEQUA! LED - BEVitRAGE por..m.'ios tawlltta4:l pr .pertleoef the htkh.t order.— It to menufectrrre4 err oelslly for tot hr the Proprietor and Potent...of the beet' tustortels,.4 hoe the merits with. our the deleterloris effects of may other 046* eit , fer to areas Prltstn, Holland or 'this , (h/DPItEVS CIiLL- ItrtATP.J.7OIII.IIAL OM has been adopted Op eminent yhyeicisne to the puma:wad Meet efßoselouS dl T. Ise eke. abet and diuretic which ormoufetrurieg skill hoe se' deep the world. - It lecuilrely oierept from Oonee :rink+ beget e thlr. fdr.41.1 7 ":..t , okY motet Orsiurptlyllll/k1 'try the frog - 1.14;m, - • OFI. 00UF1:7•X• , Tm;~cinr of Prit , ll4. OW. • New York. Lai p Led • VEltal lee, an. •• 1 I. te. 1V ~ otp.RY, A 3 cuts, gurf,'iso Tlf(szottorAß, ere to= 31I9IITERS. Arrp.p.E,g,EXtS IN FIRST :ttudity: to, du 'hide. Rotes. raCee Penslllos, and all who are nhoise thar.tage, and &ern? swags ereiok,nlesTe .4 1 4 , 4 • ' . Mink. Bohcbcog, Ratlß Brod:Rat, Oolong, Linvniel, HyPt, Clunpowda, Young Tbs.. Re, Ittchotiand clastnote. co ra—voehk md Jays. • • Rbarrits, , Por Itoeksy 1 .7 old ..0.1 high grad* in original lutsss,, amijobssousg. wool 104 bottles. BAR se.l SUESTTER'S CLARETS. • CIIAREAIGNot-A . Chandoe* (Wt. ImplYsreensy. Do rrekt.ku, G. R. Momtrt's do to do L1Q11 , 111.3-11randlto, /Imre. %%Woßig., 4 "..k. kb mutiny Kim*, no-, do., in original imams., al, • :moos, Morualloo, Anisette, Noyssu Mews, to. SUIT LIQUORS7Loudon firiwatbut, &etch and Inellan Alts. CIGARR—A 'mkt). - of th ole* hinds. efutmeß—Enstlth and reste.R. SAUCES.Ese Fish, Canto, thane Meat, e. CIIESSR—StIIton, Clndder, &yid, none* es .‘lter4; 7 aloes" Ora liapaairs Dutch and and Mum,. a SIMARS—Lta, Pinestitod, St. Croix, to., Is bar. rots stet baltbarrsts. • 11A11/3.—Ksittphslts and Anterken. OILS —01a..1177 and 'Whale 4131.p0r norm ass warn, nalsdnltstatod sod of oar . own lm foldtfy • Gaol • Illelat Pianos. QTEINItA.Y.A SIN?, MAN IDIAGICIGGIS, Se II shoat, New York, reoehid the hilknortnit Pint , Moist. la tompetitient With G.. 1 !, 4 MAT PRIZE MEDALS Go Klattls4llt.n Par, Washington. Mush, 1141,:. A GILD MEDAL, et the Crystal Pah" New tint, Me, somber. MS, (being the only Ooldrltoial ,siwna fur, Oros within the last dAyesni) I • A GOLD MEDAL at. the Itaritand Instant% Iteltoore, 1750. TIM FIRST PRIZE. =DAL at the lair, Crystal Pat.. New York, No lent Among they lir. Gott. Ant Eluded talent to the cowstry, with ea L. Gott. what, Wallenhkupt and limy ahem St- S. • a (with and without the Iron Frame) an warranted for three years, end a written Boatmen given. Pianos pecked and shipped without okargo. Plato moderate. H. Kum Aimo.. Sole Agent. for Pittatiorej and Weetern Penneylwinia. delthlydv BL. VASEINESTOOK & 'Co., late of the firm op B. A. Fahnestoek A cm, and SUCCOMIM W Florohor roc, Mbolooolo 60, corner 151)olS,Ira Fourth Fittoburch. A. SAILNESTOCK lc_ CO., wneix noiesetur., of White Land. I.o.and Uthargo,corner Wood and Front streeta, Pitt. burith- rnehT SCUDONMAKER, MANUFACTURER ,dinwhite teed. Bed Lind, Oil. Lltindprrrill; ty aholesal Dealer In Paintnishes, One, 4., No. Wood at, Pittsburgh . Pa. oe..3yd --- JOIIN HAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. Al'Ontlry,) Wbolmale and Retail DI-mid and Deal. In Paints, Ms, Warn e% tr., corner Wood and Rah rtnestn Plinstrornb. _ _ lergegrdsr Apar De Dr. Tord'a Medicine. TOIIN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL u er in Drage, Paints, Qtla; Varnishes sad Dyasturrs, No. DS Liberty streetj All mann will melee prompt attention. • illirAcent ror Schenck's Palmonle ByrErp. martklydre P E. SELLERS,' WHOLESALE DEAL iv. oriel Drugs, Patats.Pyeauffo , ON. h.. Le., N 0.711 Wood street, Pittaburet, Pa. ()nolo Iran-Anted. Priem low. - - ♦imecum earn- RAIMI REITIE., 'WHOLESALE AND Udall Druggiati,cornerof Liberty end R. Oleir Et...- Pittsburgh, JOSEPH FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. Wilcox k C . p.)cortier,3Larket Art-timid Diamond, keept .mnehotly oirhaad frill and complete m eat of Drop. Ifedielues, .Nl,llclim Chest 9, Perfumery, and all article. per taining to Ida breams. RZ•Pliyakiaris prescriptions ft:atoll7 ccimpomi.Sed at all boalra. • Ja2tly TAR, GEO. H. KEYSER, DRU4G — IST, 140 Wood street, cornet of Wood street and strain Alley. Pittsburgh. Pa. _ _ C[LEESE WAREHOUSE.—nr.yin. H. ot.t.i.v_Nte,Etrosrdttly sod rostoussion oc...st.totad T. Cheese, Batter, Inky Fish sod Itrodnee avo •mr.!. • , wo...,•psthh-,rgh inyta • T, CA:NFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, Q • .1711i0,0mmi..b. wad For...rdieg Mertlwa, atm Wsted. Duke to Western Reserve Chons, Ratter, l'ot esti re.u: sad Wages% Pr adoee keteistly. Not at, twat• Rtn Rl:Meld and Wood, Pittsforrgß. Ida • 11 141 E • & (SUCOESSORS 1.. A. A A. Niellaaa,) 'Dealers to Flour, Canto ar..l Oxonstodoo and itetso&R_ SRatdonds, &woad screen, ktatebaradt., Pt. Ei5a..1.11.7411 DTriFEEIr. =LEST, FLOUR, PRr , dam Ppirwon o.ualsatos Merchant, No. Sri ;....Liberty sweet; comer of Mend, kittabosh,ipee his te.. • ion In the eels of Flour, Pork . Bar.; Iwtti, Ohm*, MtWo• • Ong, Driai Pilitht,'Neede. Aflra.katehmatesta twpoatWy aolladtee. aWkly A -LF,X.. FuRSYTII, (SUCCESSOR TO 80144 PemAing wad C,toutir-ian Mar. chum in Wed. tnam Plotu. nuoia, • eid Oland Pro4aco generally, No. TO Water at. entsaurgh, Pe. ..A;RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION' •' end Dealer Creamier mad Proems, IT iftla etreet.,_Plttatlergh, P. Refes ta E.'llastmeg, Pittsburgh, Btauar, Co muss £ Co., Plttsbarsb sailLited'arei ratlerselert nee:, eeeer delklysmer'S -- OIIEUTRUTCIIINSON, COMMISSION *" 'ILIV*Ider adietuunaor tbs eels .Wastara Smarm Chem% DOW. Flab, PotMhos, Balarat thala,,..Berds,Drea and Pearl l redo to, _ r. asst, beteres First asad Rster.. : • aPS 1110. LEECH FOR ARDIN commisuu aoretuutrr in Flour, Oren, ietrMn m Lard awl Butteserul_ LH .... of Protium, No Pa_ip• A idTt -s/AB*AD -4a mu:. Irta.t. Nan. •In nova, Pro f.rilona and Aube* poersty,ffo. tl Beneath street, Ortireca Meaty stet IStottlallstd,Pitsbersti, Ps. JlGlrTsratio cash. . retat. B. HTSLM.B . § . daIRO., PORK AND Beef Sekas end Dealers PrOvidowhior aat awl 'hoot .teat.. Pittabarety Ps. . . 00IINSELLOIl AND ATTOWNLY AT LAW AND OOMMISSIONER FOR THE STATES OP 5 ... uri ,. ~: : , t ow.; •, • • 1 ummty, ummtb.mies, • thasuo, ' titstostri, Warr ' • WieWS.L lotrt, Vintolit.• . , 102064 1 Wiscoagn, uticori =anions taro, sod Oaths dc. adolaistered to be, or word to any ca' tha Own -Office opposite the .210,0., No. 43. Ilith street, • Pitts jelfelfer 1 110 BS M'KNI Li ATTU the meth striot, PM Bonk uf Pittsburgh, No, 110 WU&of dde TOSE fii°MIIS°N;AT IIUP tom) . * as Low. ONloo No. ed Youth st., POW Wood, Pidtsliwils, PI,. •say74 ~as HO •• . . , ATTO • S it Liw: *lke 04caz Surlding. Irdcera! dm% ittaMOL 146_ Avg V 00110: • • 1_ .. ... : -: .... i"'.;'..utrak.Plir.i.i•iltSUßD,....ol--"-11:1ELD.17,""'—DEALByc.k.,R,S silt sad .6beetts, Kb cr ies sad Stevie °ea% fat esetlyttee. Am uounielly OIt